aarunresearcher · 8 months
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canisalbus · 1 year
Ok ok hear me out: it could end in tragedy,, AND have a happy ending. The attempt(s) on Machete’s life force him to flee, he doesn’t even have the chance to find Vasco. Cue gay longing for at least a few years while Machete despairs over the loss of his love, his life, his status. He and Vasco only reunite (again) in their later years. Their relationship is forever flavored with loss and loneliness, but that only means they savor every moment that much more
I also I would like to see them as old men. Vasco would be so droopy :)
You gave me such old dog brainworms.
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It's the little things that hurts.
The way people don't get you can't do the things they do, at least without costing you so much.
The way the doors of shops or buildings used to fly open at the slightest touch and now they seems to weight a hundred tons.
The way my mother in law asked me if I wanted orange juice and when I said yes she put two oranges and a old manual juicer. I was too ashamed to admit how much it would cost me to do it this way. So I did it, fighting the tears and then couldn't use my arm for a week.
The way I can't get out of my apartment sometimes because even if there is a lift, there's also stairs between my apartment door and the lift and between the lift and the building door. Why make a lift at all if it's not even accessible because of the stairs? (I can't move out. I have neither the money nor the spoons.)
The way the new building the local bookshop moved into makes things so much harder for me than the old one. There was so much unused stairs that I could sit and rest for as long as I needed. Now in the new building the stairs are so narrow you can't think of sitting on them, you'll just block the way. And there's no chair or bench anywhere in this 4 stories building. You just can't sit and rest there.
The way the city is getting rid of public benches and putting in their stead blocks of concrete with metal spikes on them to dissuade homeless people to sleep on them, which is wrong on its own, but also impacts disabled people. There's less and less places where to sit and rest during a walk through the city.
It's people laughing when I can't open a bottle of soda.
It's people gossiping behind my back, saying "oh they are a junky" because I takes so many meds, including the ones for the pain, but not only for that.
It's me being too ashamed to be disabled at a relatively young age and having an invisible disability. It's me being too ashamed to ask for accommodations. It's me being too ashamed to ask for a seat in the bus when all of them are already taken. It's the society making me ashamed of myself.
It's life itself, mocking me, and the world joining in the good laugh at my expense.
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rainystressed247 · 5 months
Does egg dream like Luxrays?
"You mean the game you guys have been playing during your free time? I think it is neat, but I personally have to say that the alternative coloured version suited our aesthetic better."
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noxious-fennec · 2 years
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For someone who vibrates if he thinks about the guy for too long, I don't draw ctommy nearly as much as I should
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hostilecityshowdown · 4 months
see edge manages his autoimmune disease (vampirism) via enbrel autoinjectors and oral leflunomide for sake of ease, but christian's bougie ass goes to fancy infusion centres for his slow simponi drip and supplements with a wellbutrin, methotrexate, and hydroxychloroquine sulfate cocktail when he's feeling punchy because he's a bad patient. is this anything
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Hi, I loved your autistic Jervis hcs sm! It’s so hard to find stuff like that so it was a really nice read.
If it ain’t too much trouble would you be up for writing a BTAS Jonathan Crane or Harley with an s/o who’s got a chronic condition like arthritis?
I totally understand if not! Hope you’re well ❤️
Hello, Crash! ^^
Thank you so much for your appreciation of my work, it really makes me so happy to know people like the topics I choose write about! ^^
And it really is hard to find fanfics with Gotham rogues about such topics, so I just try to provide the content I crave in case someone out there is like me and needs this sort of stuff. ^^ <3
And of course, thank you for your request! The arthritis topic hits close to home since my mum suffers from it, so the moment I saw your request, I already had ideas on what to include, though I can't say I'm an expert on the condition. ^^"
And honestly, I'm really happy about your request because I've been dealing with massive understimulation thanks to having no ideas for what to write! But I'm feeling better now, thank you!
Hope you're well too, and I hope you'll enjoy reading these! <3 <3 ^3^
{BTAS: Jonathan Crane, Harley Quinn having a s/o suffering from rheumatism}
Settings: Romantic focused,
Genre: Fluff with a bit of Hurt/Comfort feel,
!TRIGGER WARNING!: Talks about a loved one having chronic illness, mentions of feeling hopeless, a bit sad feels here and there, and I made one suggestive comment in Harley's part, Harley's part is a bit more emotional with harder hurt aspects, that should be all though ^^,
Sidenote: I am no expert on rheumatism, so this is mostly a mix of everything that came to mind, and the topic of rheumatism isn't addressed to detail,
That should be all,
Sidenote: Gender of reader is not specified, but if reader description might be leaning a little more into a feminine sense, then it's purely unintentional, and I genuinely apologize!
Feel free to read, muffincakes <3
~Jonathan Crane~
~Jonathan is a sadist to some extent,
~However he's not a complete asshole,
~so, finding enjoyment in a chronic illness (especially a physical one) is a hard no,
~especially if the one suffering is his loved one,
~He normally doesn't have much empathy for people,
~but since it's you- his lover- he really does sympathize with you,
~and he can't bring himself to be his grumpy self with you,
~Soft Jonny hours, <3
~Jonathan really wishes he could take away your pain, make the illness stop,
~but he can't do that, so he has to settle for making your state more endurable,
~And he really tries,
~If your arthritis is bad to the point you can't work,
~Jonny really tries to secure both of you financially,
~if we're talking about Jonny that still works at the university,
~then he thinks of how to get more income, mostly considering one on one tutoring,
~as well as asking for a raise or doing some scientific research on the side,
~If we're talking about post Scarecrow Jonathan, then he's finding different ways of getting the needed money or medication,
~mostly robberies and raiding hospitals for the medical treatment you require,
~And if you really can't work and you depend on other people,
~then Jon's really trying his best to balance out work and assisting you,
~again, if we're talking about Jonathan who still works for Gotham university,
~then he'd try to hire you an assistant if you really find it hard to work on your own,
~he's really worried about leaving you alone,
~and his mind constantly replays scenarios of what could possibly happen if you were to remain alone,
~However, if we're talking about Jonathan as a Scarecrow,
~then he's most likely assigning his men to be at your beck and call,
~and they better obey and assist well, otherwise heads are gonna roll,
~Still though, Jonathan tries to be home with you as much as possible to assist you,
~He doesn't really push you to do housechores either,
~So, if you're having a flare up one day, and you can't bring yourself to do any chores,
~Jonny is not angry,
~he's understanding, and considerate,
~And if you feel bad about being unable to work around your shared apartment, Jonny comforts you,
~he may be a bit rusty in the comfort department, but he does his best,
~Jonathan is also really supportive, trying his best to accommodate to your needs,
~but also be your hype man, and keep you happy,
~So, he fully supports you seeing a physiotherapist to ease up your pain,
~he even accompanies you to all appointments to know what specific exercises can help you,
~and he makes sure to help you proceed with them,
~But if you don't want to go to physiotherapy,
~then Jonathan is content on helping you find exercises or some easy sports that can help you with your rheumatism,
~And while Jonathan isn't that much of a sports guy, he'll gladly accompany you during said sports,
~Also, if you're having a flare up, an especially bad day,
~Jonny tries his best to help the pain be more tolerable,
~which means lots of massages,
~Jonathan buys some relieving creams and oils,
~and he gives you long massages,
~But if your flare up is really bad and you can't even stand being touched from how in much pain your joints are,
~then Jonathan runs you a warm bath in hopes of easing up your pain,
~and he also always makes sure you've got enough of medication and painkillers supplies,
~Also, if your pain gets so bad to the point you can't sleep at night,
~Jonathan stays up with you,
~and that goes even for when Jonny is a professor/psychologist,
~he stays up with you even if he's got work the next day,
~Jonny also gets the most frustrated at these times,
~because he can't really help you,
~and all he can do is sit in the living room with you, drink some coffee/tea, watch tv and hold you,
~he really just can keep you company and let you know you're not on your own in this,
~At times Jonny even thinks of creating some pain-relieving toxin,
~something to drug you a little and make you forget the pain,
~but he knows that'd be a bit too risky,
~and he doesn't want to risk your well-being, especially not when you're already suffering,
~And so, he sticks with the traditional ways of helping and supporting you,
~Also, if you have to use injections as means of treatment, and you don't have the guts to do it on your own,
~then you can definitely count on Jonathan giving you the shots,
~and he's really careful and gentle,
~not even once did you get bruises after the injections with Jonny,
~And he always caresses the skin after the shots, <3
~And I'm not sure if I should say it but...
~if you're afraid of needles, Jonathan does kind of like how you tense up and your heart races when it's time for the injection...
~but he does shush you eventually, after getting his fill of fear,
~he then eases your mind, and he makes sure you're not as tense since getting shots is more painful if you're all tense,
~Also, a thing Jonathan started doing is kissing your aching parts,
~especially wrists and fingers,
~and those kisses happen especially when you're having a good day,
~For example your pain isn't as severe one day, so you make dinner for you and Jonathan?
~He comes home and is ecstatic!
~And he gently takes your dominant hand, and he kisses your fingers, knuckles and wrist,
~and he praises you so much,
~he praises you for how well you've handled that day, and how strong you are, and how happy you make him, <3
~He's really gentle with you, he doesn't have the heart to be grumpy with you,
~you're really bring so much light into his life, he's so soft for you, <3
~Harley Quinn~
~Now, Harley is a sensitive girl,
~and seeing her lover in never ending cycle of pain,
~that is the greatest torture imaginable for her,
~While she's a great supporter, sweet, positive and upbeat,
~your flare ups really are soul crushing for Harley,
~because she knows she can't really make the pain stop, not now, not ever,
~But! That makes her twice as set on bringing joy into your life!
~If you can't really work because of your rheumatism, no worries,
~Harley isn't really tight on money,
~I mean, she doesn't really need to spend money on medication and stuff cuz...
~she is a criminal... she... she can steal all that is needed,
~And since Harley isn't all that busy with work after abandoning her position as a psychiatrist,
~she's basically free to accommodate to your needs anytime!
~Though yes, Joker needs her here and there,
~but he no longer requires Harley as his 24/7 sidekick after Harley made it clear who's her main priority,
~and yes, Joker isn't too happy about it cuz he used to have Harley wrapped around his finger before she started dating you,
~but they still share a strong connection, and Joker is capable of understanding that you need Harley's assistance more than he does,
~Joker even sometimes sends his best regards when Harley's returning home to you,
~Also, whenever Harley is free to be home with you and is able to care for you,
~she takes her responsibilities very seriously and she goes all out,
~And I mean it,
~she's even gotten herself a nurse costume for whenever she's caring for you,
~and she kind of roleplays as a nurse from time to time,
~she wants to entertain you and make you smile, <3
~and if you're in the mood, you might get a bit spicier nurse treatment (⁠.⁠ ~ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)
~And if you require to regularly take medication,
~Harley always makes sure you do take it,
~because on your better days you might feel like you don't need the meds,
~but Harley never lets you skip them,
~not unless the doctors do say that you're getting better and you might not need as much of said medication,
~Also, if you have to get shots as a mean of treatment but you can't do them on your own,
~Harley will gladly do those for you!
~She's really careful, and oh so sweet about it,
~she makes sure you're relaxed, she talks you through the whole process,
~and she praises you once the whole thing is over,
~and she also kisses the spot she injected, <3
~Also, Harley will gladly help you with physiotherapy,
~while still wearing her nurse costume, yes,
~she can't really accompany you to appointments,
~but she does make her research on what exercises are good for your arthritis,
~and her favourite exercises are those that require assistance,
~she likes feeling helpful and needed! :<
~Oh, and if you feel like it, Harley's up to trying changing your diet,
~Raw or lightly cooked vegetables, spices, including turmeric and ginger, fruit, yogurt,
~she'll get you or prepare you meals including these,
~and Harley's a really good cook!
~And speaking of cooking,
~if you're having a bad flare up and can't really cook or do any chores around the house,
~you don't have to worry, because Harley will gladly do those,
~she'll take care of everything if you need,
~But she won't hold you back if you really want to do something around the house,
~then she'll be your cheerleader, she'll hype you up and support you through the whole thing,
~she'll cheer for you, tell you how strong and amazing you are,
~she'll squeeze you in a hug, she'll shower your face in kisses while praising you,
~but she'll also remind you to take breaks to not overdo it,
~And even if you do the bare minimum during a bad day,
~Harley will celebrate your accomplishments with great joy,
~she wants you to know that you're not any less just because you can't do much because of your pain,
~and she really likes to assure you that you are enough and you're doing enough,
~just lots and lots of words of affirmation,
~especially when frustration eats away at you,
~Those moments really break Harley's heart,
~those moments when you feel bad not only physically but also emotionally,
~Harley really hates that she can't just kiss it all better...
~And the hardest it is during bad flare ups,
~Harley often feels like crying when seeing just in how much pain you are,
~especially when your flare ups are so bad you can't even sleep at night,
~but she tries her best to keep her head high up and be there for you,
~after all, her tears wouldn't help anything,
~During those nights when your pain is so bad to the point you can't sleep,
~Harley usually sits down on the couch in the living room, and has you lay your head in her lap while she plays with your hair,
~and she often just talks about anything that comes to mind,
~or if you don't feel like talking,
~then Harley lets you pick a show to watch,
~and you watch it together until you fall asleep or until morning comes,
~But if that's not enough, Harley also gladly gets into a warm bath with you,
~and she lets your body soak in the warmth while she massages your aching joints,
~Also about Harley wanting to keep you happy,
~she constantly comes up with silly ideas to get you to smile,
~especially during flare ups,
~and during your flare ups, Harley really is up for your every beck and call,
~you don't have to move an aching finger,
~she'll even spoon feed you if you so needed,
~and she'll always make sure you never run out of painkillers,
~She really just wants to make your condition more endurable,
~she really tries her best because she really adores you, <3
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jinxed-ninjago · 8 months
do you think jay panics to zane if he gets strep throat because he knows about the potential for rheumatic fever if he doesn't take care of it as soon as he possibly can
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fatal-heresy · 1 year
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I have no idea how to draw pretty anime twinks Im so sorry I'm just starting to learn </3
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ricisidro · 6 months
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#SARSCoV2 is a very weird virus 🦠
#COVID19 may lead to #AutoimmuneInflammatoryRheumaticDiseases (#AIRDs) like #RheumatoidArthritis, #lupus, and #vasculitis, study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine.
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crippleprophet · 2 years
the long-awaited (by me) info sheet on ankylosing spondylitis symptoms, research, and myth debunking is now available! send it to your friends, your enemies, your chronic illness groupchats, print it out and staple it to your local telephone polls - and please let me know if this is helpful, if you have questions, and if there’s anything you think should be added!
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pythonofficial · 1 month
"you're too young to have chronic pain!"
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As of today I am a cane owner. Now I need to figure out how to become a cane user...
How to use it the most effective way without harming myself.
How not to feel like a fraud or a faker while using it.
How to handle ableist people outside or the comments from family.
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dolljoints555 · 4 months
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Requested an appt from my GP almost a week ago, they hadn't gotten back. I called them td to see if I could get an appt booked, they said there was nothing for AT LEAST 2 WEEKS. Called 111 who gave me a phone consultation with my GP which they attended an hour and a half late, only for it to not be my GP but a receptionist. I've now been put on a pharmacy call waiting list. All I wanted was prescription pain medication (and maybe an ME/CFS diagnosis and physio referral) because my baseline has been worse and flare ups more frequent.
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vintagepromotions · 1 year
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Travel poster for the Helwan Spa in Egypt, promoting the spa for rheumatism sufferers (c. 1910). Artwork by Herbert Leslie Greener.
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solarianvoidthearoace · 6 months
Got a new (second) cane
An ergonomic-ish handle, I would call it
My initial cane is an offset one
I mainly got this new one because my offset-cane can only be folded once. I couldn’t find any offset canes in Germany which are foldable twice
I’m an ambulatory cane user and never know when my knees will be bad enough I need it, so I specifically got this new cane to easily keep it on/ in my everyday backpack
I struggled a good 40-50 minutes taking the original tip off the new cane and replacing it with the type of cane-tip I am used to from my beloved offset.
I worry my wrists might complain tomorrow because of the pulling/ gripping/ force needed to get the original tip off the new cane. I even had to heat it up using my hairdryer before it budged.
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I might put reflective stickers into this cane as well, stars probably (the leopard stickers are the same type reflectors you can put in your bike’s spokes)
And I decided I will get some grip-tape (you know, tennis rackets) in a funky color :3
I also got star-shaped carabiners I’ll put on both, so I can clip them to my backpack more easily
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