#Rhiannon Herkimer
jennablackmorebooks · 5 months
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More character keychains with my art.
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skogenraev · 2 years
Moon correspondences
Zodiac: Cancer  Day: Monday  Runes: Isa, Laguz Celebrations: Beltane, Imbolc, Lughnasadh, Samhain Element: Water Colors: Blue, Gray, Green, Orange, Silver, White Numbers: 2,3, 9, 13 Tarot: Chariot, High Priestess, Moon Trees: Birch, Olive, Palm, Rowan, Wllow Herbs: Bergamot, Blackberry, Gardenia, Grape, Iris, Jasmine, Lemon Balm, Lily, Poppy, Rosemary Metal: Silver Gemstones & Minerals: Agate, Angelite, Aquamarine, Beryl, Calcite, Herkimer Diamond, Moonstone, Morganite, Opal, Quartz, Sapphire, Selenite, Turquoise Sea Minerals: White Coral, Moon Snail, Mother of Pearl, Pearl Goddesses: Aine, Aphrodite, Ariadne, Arianrhod, Artemis, Cerridwen, Diana, Freyja, Hecate, Ishtar, Isis, Juno, Luna, Nanna, Persephone, Rhiannon, Sedna, Selena, Spider Woman Gods: aegir, hermes, horus, janus, jupiter, khensu, shiva, thoth Magical: fairies, mermaids Angel: gabriel Animals: bear, cat, cattle, dogs, elephant, fox, goat, hare, leopard, otter, pig, rabbit, tiger Birds: crane, crow, cuckoo, ceron, ibis, nightingale, peacock, turtle, moth Mythical: dragon Intentions: action, agriculture, animals, balance, beginnings, change, creativity, cycle, darkness, death, divination, dream work, emotions, endings, family, fertility, growth, guidance, healing, imagination, inspiration, loneliness, love, magic, manifestation, negativity, power, protection, rebirth, secrets, selfwork, sorrow, spirits, wisdom, witches
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phynxrizng · 5 years
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#GoddessEveryDay Rhiannon is riding into our day on Her amazingly fast horse. This Welsh Queen of the Underworld and Horse Goddess brings challenging lessons, but also brings solutions that cause us to reach into our deepest selves and reveal hidden issues.She likes to communicate in dreams and frequently uses horse and bird symbols to make you aware of Her presence. Keep your dream journal close this week and perhaps some good dreaming crystals near your bed to invite Rhiannon to your dreamtime. Crystals that are good for dreaming are: Amethyst, Lapis Lazuli, Herkimer Diamonds, Kyanite, and Moonstone. xo Kimberly
Reposted from, Mother House of the Goddess
Goddess Every Day
Posted here by, PHYNXRIZNG
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I drew Rhiannon Herkimer from The Curse Of Rhiannon again tonight :3c because I've been thinking about her again
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jennablackmorebooks · 3 months
Turns out Avdotya and Rhiannon were both redesigned over a month before I thought they were. I thought they were January and February 2018 respectively, but I just found some old pre-The Curse Of Rhiannon digital documents that have them that are both dated to mid-December 2017.
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jennablackmorebooks · 6 months
I could have created character birthday art for Rhiannon Herkimer, since it is April 7th, but I do not think I will have time to before the day ends.
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jennablackmorebooks · 7 months
I sometimes wish I had been more preservation-focused when I created many of my characters, and wrote down important dates, like I did when I wrote a few projects.
I didn't have a date for when I created Rhiannon Herkimer. I had her redesign date, and the date I started writing The Curse Of Rhiannon, but not a creation date. I was thinking 2011 or 2012, but I wasn't sure.
It was only for a few of my sibling's dated drawings from around the very same time that we had a month to work with (July 2012), and from there, I had to look at the margins of Rhiannon's first story (back when she was named Diamond) to see if any of the doodles had any clues.
I found a quote I found odd, and I'm glad I looked it up, because it led me to a particular contestant's quote on one episode of a bizarre Canadian pseudo-medieval gimmick game show I used to watch, and forgot about for years.
It reran a fair bit, but with a month, and the help of television station broadcast logs preserved on the Internet Archive, I was able to find the airing instance. From there, since I couldn't see dates on the logs besides the month, just a continuous list of programs, idents, and commercials, I looked at the other shows that aired that day, and fortunately, I recognised the Saturday programming block well, and found the date through finding which episode of a show I liked was listed for earlier that day, and checking its broadcast date on the station.
With the number of days it would have taken to write up to the point of the story I found the quote in the margins of, the date I was looking for, Rhiannon's creation date, had to be 18 July 2012, with the doodle done on the 21st.
I was quite tired when I did all of this, and searched well into the morning. I hope not to have to do this again for another character. The last time I traced a character creation date back, I used metadata from my old drawings and numerical clues I hid in the story to find Adrienne Passer's creation date of 3 March 2014. Rhiannon's was a lot harder, because I had to crawl through television broadcast lists.
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jennablackmorebooks · 2 years
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Behold! The new paperback edition cover for The Curse of Rhiannon. I've been planning on redesigning it for quite some time now, and here is the result.
Rhiannon Herkimer has spent years of her life trapped by a powerful curse in Cordelimere, and she wants out.
When she tries to flood the town with a weather altering music box, a strange spirit gives her a break from the spell and a chance at breaking the curse for good. Rhiannon must then travel with her lover Aurora to Glaceiville to find the object in the music box maker's shop that is tied to her curse.
Finally, she has a chance to see the world outside her town, which she has dreamed of for years. However, Rhiannon doesn't have much time, and between the spirit Avdotya's shifting motives and the eyes of Avdotya's rivals watching them closely, Rhiannon can only hope that she'll make it to Glaceiville on time.
Will she break the curse and find her path to freedom, or will she be forced to return to Cordelimere, never to leave again?
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jennablackmorebooks · 5 years
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~ t h e   c u r s e   o f   r h i a n n o n ~
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jennablackmorebooks · 5 years
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"How long do I have to stay in here?"
- Rhiannon Herkimer (from The Curse Of Rhiannon)
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jennablackmorebooks · 6 years
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So here’s art of a character I made back in 2011. Her name was Diamond Coal Distra. (Remember I was like a literal child when I made her, so uh, she’s not as refined as some of my characters from nowadays). She created an ocean from a pool of water once, and that kind of inspired the water and wind manipulation used by Rhiannon Herkimer in The Curse Of Rhiannon. Actually, bits of Rhiannon’s story were heavily based off of some of the plots I used with Diamond, including the whole importance of the music box thing and being trapped in a large box of glass. I figured I’d try drawing her again today, because not gonna lie, I find my old characters rather intriguing. So yeah. I guess parts of The Curse Of Rhiannon have been floating around in my head and in old stories since 2011. 
I used to have a lot of crystal-based characters back in the day. I know that’s like a Big Thing™ nowadays, but I had no idea back then. I didn’t have internet lol. I didn’t have the Cool Cartoon Channels on TV either to find out. No, most of the inspiration for crystal based characters came from looking at pretty jewelry in the Avon books and Sears catalogs when they’d come out. 
Anyway I just thought this would be something cool to share since it’s been in my mind for a while. I’d like to share the stories that Diamond appeared in which inspired details in The Curse Of Rhiannon, but god, those are the worst stories I have read in my entire life. 
At least I can revive ideas from those stories and look back on the progress I’ve made.
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jennablackmorebooks · 5 years
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Unsurprisingly, the song that inspired the book, in a sense. ♥ The first time I heard "Rhiannon" by Fleetwood Mac, it was a live performance by someone I admire greatly. It struck me as a particular coincidence that I had started learning "Landslide" on the guitar the night before. So the song kind of stuck in my mind, but for two years, I forgot to search out the song to listen to it again. 
And then around early 2018, I needed a name for the character who would eventually become the protagonist of my fourth novel. I already had the surname Herkimer chosen, but I needed a name, and that's when I remembered the name Rhiannon from that song I had heard two years before. I listened to "Rhiannon" so much back then while writing The Curse Of Rhiannon, as I still do now. As you see in the picture, I have the 7" single now, an original Canadian pressing from 1976. It appears in the image beside The Curse Of Rhiannon, a picture of the novel's protagonist, and a few herkimer diamond quartz stones. 
I figured I'd share this inspiration, since it's something that many people who have seen the book automatically pick up on (This, of course, was not my first experience naming characters after names that appear in songs, but it is however the one that resonates with people the most). I think there's something charming about hearing a name somewhere, in some other piece of art maybe, and being inspired by it. I've always felt a little afraid to share what inspires my writing; it kind of gives me a feeling of concern. But so many people have understood the inspiration that this song has given me without me even needing to tell them, so I suppose that's permission to spend a while talking about this ♥
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jennablackmorebooks · 5 years
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Rhiannon Herkimer from The Curse Of Rhiannon for Sci-Fi on the Rock 13 ♥ #sfotr13 
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jennablackmorebooks · 6 years
Yes, I’ve decided. Rhiannon’s favourite font is Times New Roman, Aurora’s is Courier New, Avdotya’s is Lucinda Script, Blasa’s is Montserrat, Lorentz’s is Comic Sans (he likes how fun and whimsical it is), Freidae’s would be Helvetica, and Gin’s would be Garamond.
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jennablackmorebooks · 2 years
Rhiannon Herkimer from The Curse of Rhiannon would be turning 22 today, were she real, and later this month she would finally start her journey to break the curse on her. It's strange to think that four years ago, April 2022 was a semi-fictional point relevant to the story I was writing, but now it's actually April 2022.
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jennablackmorebooks · 6 years
me upon seeing a name i like in various media:
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me upon realising that i don’t exist in a vacuum and content creators may read my books and see right through whatever the hell i’ve done this time:
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