#Riot has a questionable taste in movies
explosionshark · 1 year
Hi hi! I was wondering, how do you choose what to read next? I know you get recs from friends and I assume you read stuff from authors you already know you like, but beyond that, how do you hear about new books? Goodreads? Sometimes I have a million books I want to read but other times nothing at the library is of interest to me and I tend to get stuck there mentally while waiting for my books on hold to be available 😂
Also, do you have any recs for horror books about ghosts? I want to read a good ghost book :) bonus points if there are sapphic ghost books!! 👻
there are a bunch of places i check in on to keep up on new titles or find out about interesting backlist stuff
first, for new releases, there are different columns/websites that exist just to catalogue the new stuff coming out (mostly from major publishers, if you're looking for indie or selfpub these probably won't help much)
io9 has their Bookshelf Injection column of new SFF (and some horror) that gets published every month
Jumpscares has a similar list for horror titles
for a more "literary fiction" bent you can always check out Bookmarks' Best Reviewed Books of the Week posts
If you're looking for a little more editorializing/reviewing I'd start looking around on sites like Book Riot (example lists include: Best Werewolves in books, 9 Books with Disabled Main Characters etc) or Electric Lit (Example: 10 Must Read Books set in Cairo, 7 Books About Grotesque Bodies).
Additionally, there are places to get recommendations that feel a little more tailored and personal. There are podcasts I enjoy for this (mostly for horror) like Talking Scared or Books in the Freezer. And there's always booktube (though finding a reviewer you like can be tricky) I like TheShadesofOrange, Petrick Leo, and Jess Owens.
There's also reddit (r/fantasy, r/horrolit, r/lgbtbooks, r/printsf are the main places I go to). Goodreads does have its uses, though admittedly I use it more to track my own reading and to follow friends, authors I like, and a handful of reviewers whose opinions I trust. Overall, I think the GR community as a whole is a total clown show and I don't put much stock into the rating system there.
If you have some favorite authors and they are on goodreads or social media, I'd say it's usually pretty worthwhile checking out the books they're hyping up.
finding new or interesting books is pretty easy, but choosing what to read from my own, admittedly ridiculously huge library? that's trickier. tbh, i mostly go on vibes.
alright for the second part of your question.
i love a good haunted house story!
anyone you ask with any taste at all is probably going to give you the answer i'm about to, but if you haven't read it yet, the #1 haunted house book I can recommend to you is Shirley Jackson's The Haunting of Hill House. It's a classic for a reason. If it sweetens the pot for you - the character of Theo is a lesbian. There's great subtext between Theo and the book's main character, Nell. A scholar recruits people who've had experiences with the supernatural to stay with him in a purportedly haunted house to see if they can come up with proof that ghosts are real. Shit gets whacky. One of the finest american novels ever written, regardless of genre.
If you want more sapphics and less house it might be worth checking out Plain Bad Heroines by Emily M Danforth (yes, the Cameron Post author). I had some issues with this one. I wouldn't say I didn't like it, but I know a lot of people liked it more than I did. It's very queer, has an interesting dual timeline - one plot set in the past tells the story of a mysterious tragedy befalling an early 1900s girls boarding school, the other plot is about a movie being made about those events in the present day.
The Red Tree by Caitlin R Kiernan - okay this one IS also about lesbians but it's probably the darkest book on this list. A struggling middle aged writer moves into a creepy old house after the death of her girlfriend by suicide. In the house, she discovers a lost manuscript of a previous resident who had been researching local folklore and documenting sinister events seemingly linked to the gnarled, tree on the house's property. Things do not go well. Very well written (have some issues with Kiernan but they're an incredible talent and, worth mentioning, they're the only genderfluid writer in the genre that I know of)
Another book I always recommend on this topic is Echoes edited by Ellen Datlow. It's a HUGE anthology of short ghost stories. Some of my favorite horror short fiction ever written is in this collection. It's a great way to be introduced to some of the best horror writers around right now - Datlow is a legendary editor. I recommend anyone interested in horror check out her collections. The stories in Echoes are varied in theme and from a variety of different voices.
Other ghost books that whip ass
Come With Me by Ronald Malfi - after his wife is killed in a mass shooting, a man gripped with grief discovers a secret she'd been hiding from him for their entire marriage. He picks up an investigation she had been secretly pursuing that sets him on a collision course with an apparent serial killer. A story of grief and the secrets we keep from the people we love.
The Good House by Tananarive Due - a woman has to return to her childhood home, still awash in the grief of losing her teenage son there two years ago. While staying there and with the help of an old friend, she begins to unravel the strange tangle of tragedies that have surrounded the house since her grandmother's time, and to uncover the truth of what really happened to her son. A story about generational trauma and breaking cycles.
The Last Days of Jack Sparks by Jason Arnopp - this one's great on audio. This book is told in the style of a posthumously published book from a VICE style douchebag journalist who was attempting to write a book that would once and for all disprove the existence of the supernatural. Extremely unlikable main character, but that added to the experience for me - I was very stoked to get to the part where bad things would begin to happen to Jack Sparks. This one's got a lot of dark humor and some genuinely scary scenes. Love it. Wish more people would read it.
Hope you find something in there you like! Good luck!
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info-gorillaz · 1 year
Gorillaz Questionnaire, Crossbeat, February 2001 (Summary and Main Points)
Interview #2
Interview Main Points:
-Murdoc mentions the first Gorillaz gig was at Camden Brown House which turned into a riot. After that gig Gorillaz got signed to EMI at London Zoo
-Murdoc says since 2D went through the windshield of his Vauxhall Astra he knew they were gonna make it big
-When 2D says “I love you Murdoc” in response to a question, Murdoc reminds him that 2D owes his soul to him after Murdoc saved his life
-When asked what he did before Gorillaz, Murdoc compares himself to Michael Canes, saying he has more experience musically and sexually than Micheal
-Murdoc asks 2D to explain his gold thong and glitter he has under his clothes. 
-Murdoc mentions they formed as a band in 1998, it took awhile for them to ‘gel together’
-Murdoc says ‘Sigue Sigue Sputnik’ is a constant inspiration to them
-Murdoc says to stay away from ‘The Perverts’ a band, he says they're their arch enemies
-The target of Gorillaz is to wean the kids off crap
-Gorillaz defines their genre they’re pursuing as Dark Pop, Zombie Hip Hop and Lo Fi-Thriller
-Murdoc says they knew Damon Albarn from a long time ago, they were enemies but are now close. They found Damon walking around Leicester Square, he seem confused so they invited him in for a coffee and a donut
-Murdoc says they invited Ibrahim over and gave him some J-B
-Murdoc wants to remind people what they’ve been missing out on with Gorillaz
-Murdoc says he's been listening to Dinosaur Junior, Freak Scene on Bug , Buckcherry, Lit Up, and Raging Speedhorn
-Murdoc says beach buggies, Chuck Jones, sweets, and dead arm competitions are holding the band together
-Murdoc likes Saki, Soprano Beer and likes an issue of Studio Voice Magazine from February 1996, when asked about his favorite items made in Japan
-The next Gorillaz gig is in the Scala Club in Kings Cross
-Murdoc wants to be as big as Mighty Joe Young
-When asked about how they knew what direction to take the band 2D says they’ve got their mixing desk, and Todd, their tech guy
-When asked what 2D sees charming in Murdoc, he says “i love you Murdoc” 
-When mentioned 2D looks like Damon Albarn from Blur the interviewer adds “or is it our imagination?” 2D misinterpreted the question asking if Damon has anything to do with the band Imagination as he doesnt like the band.
-2D responds to Murdoc’s comment about a gold thong and glitter saying “my pants and socks aren't gold Murdoc they're cotton”
-2D agrees with Russel that an ideal band need to care about the music
-2D talks about how he came up with ‘Sound Check (Gravity)’, he was in Jamaica on the roof of the studio singing and looking up to the stars, a giant vulture, called ‘Johnny’ by the locals swooped down, took 2D into the mountains. He was left with a Rastafarian medicine man, 2D stayed there for a week and was fed a vegan diet and was educated on the ways of Jah
-2Ds been watching Rockers,  Augusts Pablo’s King; Tubby Meet Rockers Uptown, and Tom Tom Club and Simian; Watch it Glow
-When talking about what holds the band together 2D agrees with Murdoc and adds watching George Romeo’s Zombie Movies together to the list
-2D says when he makes a sandwich he only makes it using ingredients he likes, that's the same with making music
-When asked about the source of Gorillaz, 2D misinterpreted this question, he talks about how he likes tomato sauce and Noodle gave him wasabi, he said it made his chips taste interesting
-2D likes his Suzuki OmniChord when asked about his favorite items made in Japan
-2D got sent an email with a picture of Leonardo Di Caprio with no pants on
-When asked what Russel sees charming in Murdoc, he mentions he believes Murdoc is a troubled man and he is in Gorillaz to keep Murdoc from imploding
-Russel’s ideal idea of a band is that they just need to care about the music
-When asked about dark themes in the album, Russel says the music doesn't brainwash people, but rather is an expression
-Russel says he met Dan on the Million Man Left Hand March they found out they both love hip hop and are both left-handed, Del keeps playing the album on repeat in his head
-Russel says he cant stop listening to Deltron 3030 and Gang Starr Full Clip
-Russel talks about how Noodle doesn't lose her cool in situations and is always able to handle every situation
-Russel loves everything made by Beat Takashi, The Playstation and comic books from Katsuhiro Otomo, when asked about his favorite items made in Japan
-Noodle says she met Miho in a dream, she was waiting for a bullet train to take her to Jamaica and Miho was there for the same trip
-When asked about how they see the British music scene, Noodle says ‘ we are .com not .co.uk’
-Noodle’s been listening to Cornelius and Graham Coxon; The Big D,
-Shes in love with Graham and Takashi Murakami
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twst-discourse-bot · 2 years
I wonder if they know that liking a character =/= condoning their actions
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They made another post on this same issue that I will show in a bit in the answer to another ask, but it's just...I'm so perplexed. First of all, people have been simping for Frollo himself since the og movie came out, no one cared about who he was as a character because they were all adults with braincells who could understand that "oooh crusty gilf with a side of religious trauma who sings Hellfire" and "that man is a violent racist and predator" were not two things meant to be tied together when discussing him. I'm not judging, my tastes can get questionable at times to.
Second, the whole point of TWST is making people LOOK at the og characters through the lens of a new generation falling into the same or similar pitfalls that their predecessors/idols did, while also having the chance to be forgiven because they were misguided, not because they actually wanted to, say, rule over people with an iron fist (Riddle) or straight up kill their rival to ensure their success (Vil). It's meant to make people think that these villains were all people (not human per say but "people") who were not given that second chance, were not stopped before it was too late, and were not guided to the right path.
People are so quick to dismiss "evil" as something only being done by monsters, that human beings are not capable of it, but that's so wrong.
And that's where I hope the new event takes us. This new guy, Rollo or whatever his name is, is clearly meant to be the antagonist of the story. But TWST has yet to give us someone who is completely unredeemable, and I doubt they're going to waste a good character design and Live 2D model for that. We just have to wait and see what happens, because if his introduction was any indication, he clearly has it out for Malleus (and potentially fae as a whole) for some reason.
But how is that any different than Sebek? Who we have been shown countless times talking down to humans (events and main story), including his own father, and having to be corrected and reined in by Lilia, Silver, or Malleus. His internalized racism is a huge talking point in the fandom. We don't know what this new guy is planning on doing, but I think ethnic cleansing is a bit out of TWST's pay grade and I highly doubt it would go over well in any board room if they suggested it. Just look at the (justified) reaction to the microagressions from the JP Fairy Gala event, even from the JP audience. The event was just released, let's give it some time before starting the riots (again).
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licncourt · 2 years
So I've got a couple of questions and since you have read the books, i hope you might illuminate me.
In the second episode Lestat tells Louis not to drink the blood of a dead man because it "will drag you into death with him". Does it mean it tastes bad to vampires? Does it not nourish them properly? Or does it poison them? So it seems that vampires need fresh blood to feed. Does it have to be fresh off an alive person? If so, how come Louis can drink human blood from medical pouches and not have the same issues as with the blood of a dead man.
My other question is about Lestat. I've been skimming the tags and saw some posts about how Lestat only kills evil-doers, that it's something Louis doesn't know about in iwtv but finds out from Lestat's memoir and is one of the factors that compel him to go back to Lestat. And that Lestat actually appreciates human life and not just the life of artists and musicians. I must confess I'm confused because we don't really see that on the screen. Lestat is so far removed from humanity he doesn't even acknowledge there's a race riot out his window that might affect Louis, and he seems to kill indiscriminately. He even laughed at the idea of killing evil people that Louis proposed. At first I thought it was because present Louis is telling the story and he doesn't know, but this last episode also confirmed this portrail is different than the book and more favorable to Lestat. So what's the deal with this?
Thank you for your time!
Alright, the dead blood thing is a big gray area. In the first book, Lestat tells Louis that if he keeps drinking when his victim's heart stops, it will kill him (that quote is from the book), though he doesn't say why or elaborate. As far as I remember, "dead blood" as a concept doesn't really come up again. In the 1994 movie, dead blood is presented as a much bigger deal, something that can kill a vampire if they try to feed from a corpse. Drinking blood from bags also isn't mentioned in the books, so I have no idea what the rules are for that. I suppose because it came from a living person and is kept viable, it's okay by show standards?
Lestat is very interesting in the show because the context for the creation of his character is different. When IWTV was written, Anne Rice intended it as a stand-alone book. Lestat was the villain and wasn't given a ton of depth outside of being charming and charismatic at times. He has a couple sympathetic moments, but nothing like we see in the show. His character changes a LOT in the second book. It's AR's attempt at redeeming him and making him a proper antihero. He's much softer, much more sympathetic and likable.
The show creators had the benefit of the full book canon and of what Lestat would become when they wrote him for AMC. AMC Lestat falls somewhere between his characterization in IWTV and in TVL (the second book), a mix of both. I honestly don't know why they decided to give Louis the idea of eating evildoers in the show because it's a big part of Lestat's defense of himself later (when AR realized she had to find a way to justify his actions). Lestat's relationship with humanity is very complicated in the books and it fluctuates over time, everything from a total disregard for human life to a destructive desire to be one of them again and everything in between.
I think the show is going more for what Louis THOUGHT Lestat's view of humanity was, or using that concept as a baseline. In the books, Louis objects to feeding on any human for any reason right from the beginning (he never suggests what he does in the show) while Lestat doesn't have any issue with it. The unreliable narrator aspect comes in here as well because Lestat's actions in IWTV are still sometimes in conflict with his claims about killing evildoers (although that might be AR struggling to justify the things she had him do).
Ultimately, the books end up with Lestat thinking it's best to kill evildoers and Louis thinking it's more ethical to kill at random rather than play judge and executioner. It's a really interesting moral conflict that they have and I hope that makes it into the show regardless.
I hope that helps! AR lore is very complicated unfortunately.
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blogtaculous · 4 months
Love how mad dudes get seeing Javier Bardem refuse to answer misogynistic and bad taste questions. Some guy comments “bet he’s a riot at parties”
… Yes. I bet Javier fucking Bardem, who speaks multiple languages and has been an absolute force in multiple big movies, is a fucking blast at a party.
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adventuregirl2023 · 8 months
Fashion Police Alert: Barbie's Most Wanted Mugshots Revealed
In the glamorous and ever-evolving world of fashion, Barbie has been an iconic trendsetter for decades. However, even the most stylish doll in the world has had her share of controversial fashion moments. This article unveils Barbie movie mugshots, capturing the audacious and avant-garde choices that left the fashion police on high alert.
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I. The Neon Extravaganza: A Shock of Color
Barbie's mugshot lineup kicks off with the Neon Extravaganza, where the doll embraced a riot of fluorescent colors that left onlookers both amazed and bewildered. From electric pinks and greens to blinding yellows, Barbie's audacious choice of neon hues pushed the boundaries of fashion norms. While some hailed it as a bold statement, others deemed it a fashion crime that demanded immediate attention from the fashion police.
II. The Sequin Catastrophe: Blinding Brilliance
Barbie's run-in with the fashion police continued with the Sequin Catastrophe, an episode where the doll decided to drench herself in blinding brilliance. Decked out in head-to-toe sequins that reflected light with an intensity that could rival the sun, Barbie's choice was met with mixed reviews. Some applauded the boldness of her sequin experiment, while others deemed it a case of fashion overkill that warranted a stern intervention from the fashion authorities.
III. The Mismatch Mayhem: A Clash of Patterns
Barbie's penchant for mixing patterns took a chaotic turn in the Mismatch Mayhem mugshot. Stripes, polka dots, and florals clashed in a cacophony of mismatched prints, creating a visual spectacle that left fashion enthusiasts scratching their heads. While Barbie might have aimed for eclectic charm, the fashion police deemed it a pattern pandemonium that required immediate fashion rehabilitation.
IV. The Platform Fiasco: Walking on Air
Elevating her stature both literally and figuratively, Barbie ventured into the Platform Fiasco, donning towering platform shoes that defied the laws of gravity. While some admired the doll's commitment to making a statement, the fashion police raised concerns about the impracticality and potential hazards of walking in such sky-high footwear. Barbie's platform experiment became a cautionary tale in the annals of fashion history.
V. The Extravagant Hat Affair: A Head-Turning Dilemma
In a bid to outdo her own fashion exploits, Barbie entered the Extravagant Hat Affair, showcasing headwear that defied logic and gravity. From oversized floral arrangements to sculpturesque headpieces, Barbie's choice of extravagant hats turned heads for all the wrong reasons. The fashion police, concerned about public safety and obstructed views, swiftly intervened to address the hat-related crisis.
VI. The Denim Overload: When Less Became More
Denim, a timeless wardrobe staple, took a detour into the realm of excess in Barbie's Denim Overload mugshot. From denim jackets to denim skirts, jeans, and even denim accessories, Barbie embraced an all-denim ensemble that left fashion experts questioning the boundaries of good taste. The fashion police, armed with a denim intervention squad, confronted Barbie about the perils of denim overload in the pursuit of denim excellence.
Barbie's most wanted mugshots reveal a side of the iconic doll that goes beyond the realms of conventional fashion. Each mugshot captures a moment when Barbie, in her pursuit of style innovation, pushed the boundaries and tested the limits of the fashion landscape. While some fashion enthusiasts celebrated her audacity, the fashion police remained vigilant, ready to intervene when fashion experiments veered into the territory of sartorial chaos.
As we reflect on Barbie's most wanted mugshots, it's essential to recognize the doll's role as a fashion trailblazer. Her bold choices, though sometimes controversial, contribute to the ongoing conversation about creativity, individuality, and self-expression in the world of fashion. Barbie's fashion escapades serve as a reminder that fashion is not just about following the rules; it's also about breaking them and pushing the boundaries to create new narratives and redefine the standards of style.
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maggielindemanns · 2 years
🎶 last christmas, i gave you my heart… but the very next day, i forgot to check tumblr anons again 🎶
dyamond dearest, hello! ✨ i hope this week has been a little nicer to you than the last one was, and that you’ve found a little time for leisure amongst the busier bits. this season is always more go go go than ho ho ho, i find. i have so much shopping to do and so little time to entertain it, so know that i feel your pain & am cheering you on from the sidelines. 🥲🫶 i have been mulling over my answers to this week’s questions for the past few hours and i am still not 100% settled on what i’d ask each of the boys… but since you were lovely enough to ask for my responses, i shall do my very best to come up with ~ something ~! 🤍
1. asking for harry’s hand in platonic crime is a super smart way to go, for sure! kinda like asking a genie for more wishes… except with the promise of nights spent leisurely watching movies together and gossiping about everything and nothing 😌 as somebody who compares their entire life to incredibly niche lyrics, i think i’d ask both the boys “if your life was a movie, what three songs would make up the soundtrack to it so far?” and see how their answers compared. there’s something so charming about hearing artists gush about other artists, you know? it’s a reminder that they’re just as dorky as we are. harry’s music taste is so eclectic that i imagine his would be wild dhfgf!
2. i can totally understand why you’d find your home show a more soothing experience than msg – though i’m equally glad you got to live through a moment in spitstory (i groaned at that, too 😌🫶). i actually saw harry for the first (and eighth 🥲) time this summer! i was supposed to see him during his first solo tour but my circumstances got a bit messy and i couldn’t make it. so, this time around i had a bit of a silly spending spree and took myself on a tour of the uk, amsterdam and paris! i also found some of my smaller shows to be my favourites. wembley was immense, but dublin stands out as one of the most magical. i have a really distinct memory of blubbering to sott from the stalls and enjoying all of the lights. it was nice to experience it from further afield for a change, to see everybody dancing and the sun setting. seeing louis in may sounds like a dream come true! i look forward to checking in and seeing your reactions! he’s great live, you’ll have a BLAST. 🕺🎶
3. well, it seems we are very similar! 😌 i studied english literature at university, so reading is one of my greatest hobbies too. bunny has been on my tbr for yonks, though i’m yet to pick it up! did you enjoy it? i just picked up persephone station by stina leicht which was a shameless cover buy… but book riot’s review says “feminist and full of dynamic characters you’ll love” and there’s a badass looking android on the front of it, so i have high hopes! 📖 some other hobbies of mine include: writing poetry, reading copious amounts of fanfic, frequenting the cinema & starting but not finishing more projects than i can count dgdgff. ✨
i must admit that it has taken everything (e v e r y t h i n g) in me not to cheat the system and ask google for help answering your riddle dhdgf. 🥲 i am stumped and need the answer pronto! my initial thought was that it may be a play on words, but iiiiii am no closer to solving it! i’m going to kick myself, aren’t i?
this week’s questions are simply follow up ones from today’s chit chat, if you’d like to answer them! if not, feel free to just ramble to me about your day. there’s never any obligation for an answer as long and laborious as the asks i’ve been sending dhdgf. 🥲
1. if your life was a movie, what song/s would be on the soundtrack?
2. what was your favourite harry fit of love on tour ‘22?
3. is there a louis song that you’re particularly excited to hear live for the first time? (barring holding on to heartache, because i know that’s one of your favourites of all time 😌)
– until next time, your festive friend. 🎄🤍
HELLOOOOOO holiday bestie!!!
this week has definitely been so much nicer, leisure is another story but i am feeling much better than last time. also — i have to do some last minute gifts today after work so i am sooooo stressed about it but honestly it’s my own fault agsjdhsj. i’m cheering for you as well! always <3
literally thats the main goal of hanging out w harry, i just literally wanna be his best friend and that’s all :’) i just know they both would have the best answers and they’d be so fitting for each of them 🥹
EIGHT TIMESSSS SO JELLY but that sounds so amazing omg!!! i always wanted to go to a european show, and all those places sound so lovely! sott w all the lights I AM JEALOUSSSS that sounds like magic. i am so excited to see louis i just know it’ll be LIFE CHANGINGGG
bunny was interesting! it was …. complicated, but very interesting agsjdhsj i feel like that’s not selling it very well 😭. that book sounds bangin tho !! FELT THAT ABOUT STARTING SO MANY PROJECTS SGSJDHSJ I AM SUCH A MESS ABOUT IT. i havent read fanfic in EONS i need some good recs
the answer was — a ton! it is kinda a play on words, at least i think? hope you’re not kicking yourself agsjdhsjs
now to answer your questions!
1. I HAVE THOUGHT ABOUT THIS SO MUCH. well kinda. since i was/am an avid lover of skam, i used to think about what songs would be on my skam season, and i’ll give 5 to narrow it down. have you found what you’re looking for? by ashton irwin, just like you by annika rose, buzzkill by baby queen, unlovable by delacey, and pretty lips by winehouse! hard to narrow it but hey sgskdhd i tried
2. OOOOOOO EXCELLENT QUESTION. also so very hard tbh, anything w the hiddies™️ out is a fave afsjdhdjs BUT. i will say mex city night 2, austin 10/3, and manchester night two, super honorable mentions to new york night 6 and 7 (seven was mine so it’s gotta get chosen!), toronto night one, and london night one. what are yourssss !!
3. CHICAGOOOOOO. it just gives me a vision of everyone having their lights up and singing along i hope there are fan projects or somethin bc i can just . i have a vision for it
hmmm i should ask you some questions, like an uno reverse kind of move.
1. what is a show/movie you wish you could experience for the first time again?
2. what is, in your opinion, one of the best albums of all time?
3. if you were an animal, what animal would you want to be?
until next time indeed! 🤍 missing you already
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ask-symbros · 3 years
hey carlton, how do you and riot get along (if you do)?
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true-blue-megamind · 3 years
FAN THEORY THURSDAY: Who is the Real Megamind? Part One
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Even though our favorite blue alien threatens to return to supervillainy just so that he can fry me with a giant laser every time I say it: SPOILER WARNING!
Yes, that’s right! After weeks of a seemingly endless busy schedule, I am finally back! Did you miss me? (Just lie and say “yes.” LOL.) One thing has not changed in my absence: I’m not any better at uploading these on time. This post is still a bit late, going up well after midnight, but, as the sun's not quite up, I am still calling this Thursday.
Also, just to confuse everyone, this is going to be a two-part post because, upon realizing how long the first section was growing to be, I decided to be merciful. You’re welcome.
Today’s blog article will look at Megamind’s actual personality type, while next week’s will delve into his persona, his tastes, etc. So you can look forward to more of over-thought insanity to come. Enjoy!
Megamind is an undeniably interesting character, as the mere fact that he still has so many fans, more than a decade later, proves. Part of the reason for this is that he presents an unusually deep and complex personality for an animated film protagonist. This, however, raises the question of exactly how intricate his character really is. What is Megamind’s true personality? Behind the cloak and the spikes, who is he really? Let’s explore that question.
Megamind May Have an ENFP Personality
The DreamWorks team clearly spent considerable effort on developing Megamind’s character, so much so that he can actually be psychologically analyzed. In fact, fans have put a surprising amount of thought into exactly what Megamind’s personality type is. On the FunkyMBTIfiction Tumblr page, MysteryLover123’s submission suggests that the Blue Defender is an ENFP on the Myers Briggs Type Indicator. Certainly, many of the alien’s actions and traits seem to support this. According to Very Well Mind, ENFP stands for Extroverted Intuitive Feeling Perceptive, and people with this personality are enthusiastic, creative, inventive, charming, independent, emotional yet logical, and highly energetic. (If that doesn’t sound like our favorite villain-turned-hero, I don’t know what does!) It doesn’t stop there, however, and looking deeper we can see several more ENFP traits in Megamind’s character.
Future Focused and Goal Oriented
This particular personality type is known to be focused on the future, and, in the beginning of the movie, Megamind is obviously dedicated to his goal of one day defeating Metroman and ruling the city. When he achieves his aim, however, the blue man quickly becomes unhappy, and that, too, is an ENFP trait. People with this personality are adaptable, as well as fond of change and challenges, but they harbor a great dislike for dull routines, and tend to become bored and unhappy when they feel stuck in a rut. Relating back to the earlier point, because of their tendency to focus on what’s ahead, they can often fall into this feeling of “melon-coloy” stasis when there is no clear goal.
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A Brilliant Mess
Thanks to the combination of inventiveness, creativity, perception, intuition, and adaptability, ENFPs often excel at thinking outside the proverbial box, generating plans and ideas, problem solving, and making new things. (Does that remind you of any animated characters we all know?) However, they also tend to be disorganized and need to feel enthusiastic about something before they can get it done. When they are excited about a task, (which usually means it relates to their future goals,) they may procrastinate a little, but will then throw themselves headlong into it and work almost obsessively to finish it on time. If they decide whatever they’re doing is boring and uninspiring, however, they will procrastinate a lot, be easily distracted, and may simply wander away and never come back to it.
Quite a few of these traits are evident in Megamind’s life and the state of his Lair. The former supervillain’s home is a riot of machines, parts, hanging idea clouds, tools, and seemingly random sundry. (I mean, he used an altered Karate Kid poster mounted in a gilt frame to represent his planned New Hero Training Process rather than simply hanging a note card reading “train new hero” because, apparently, that made more sense to him.) In fact, his creative process is so chaotic that the clearly clean and organized Roxanne had to recreate his hanging idea cloud to have any hope of deciphering his plan.
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Furthermore, in both the movie and the comics, Minion is the one who appears to do all the cooking, grocery shopping, and cleaning, while the brainbots are responsible for organizing tools and other items. All of this indicates that Megamind probably has a great distaste for the monotony of repetitive chores. Finally, we can also deduce from both the prequel comic The Reign of Megamind and from Roxanne Ritchi’s comments about his plans always failing that, while the blue man’s designs appear to be brilliant, the execution may be rushed, leading to regular mechanical failures. This could very well be due to a tendency to procrastinate along with an equally likely penchant for working long hours and burning the midnight oil while his enthusiasm lasts.
Caring but Criminal
There are a few more ENFP traits that fit Megamind perfectly, but I’ll focus on just a couple of them. Specifically, ENFPs tend to exhibit “a strong desire to be true to themselves and their values,” as well as a wish to ideally make the world around them match those values. However, they also feel deeply and sincerely care about other people. Perhaps because of this, combined with some of the aforementioned traits, they have a tendency to step into leadership roles. (In fact, they can sometimes be very dominant. That plus all the black leather has led fans’ minds to some rather adult suppositions. I’m just saying.) Indeed, these qualities may be part of why ENFPs have a distinct tendency to disregard rules and butt heads with authority.
Again, all of this might as well be describing our favorite blue alien. Many fans suggest that the mistreatment Megamind endured as a child could have prompted him to decide his local society needed to change and he needed to be the one who changed it. That may be the original reason why he wanted to take over the city, thus putting himself in a leadership role.
In fact, as I mentioned in a previous post, The Not-So-Evil Overlord, a popular fan theory holds that Megamind ruled Metro City’s criminal underworld as a supervillain (and perhaps continues to do so as a hero) in large part because it allowed him to curb violet crime and set certain limits for the good of the city as a whole.
That may seem odd at first, but consider this: in the same aforementioned post, I detailed evidence that Megamind usually set his plots in unpopulated areas, where bystanders would be unlikely to be hurt, as well as refusing to engage in anything worse than vandalism and theft once he had the city at his mercy. Furthermore, when Metro City was truly in danger, Megamind sought Roxanne’s help to save it despite the facts that his choice put his life at risk and that he could have easily fled. So, clearly, he not only legitimately cares about other people but also possessed a drive to lead and, to some extent, protect even when he identified himself as a supervillain. But, of course, however good his intentions may have been, it can’t be denied that he also was clearly comfortable ignoring laws when it suited him.
Then Again, Megamind May NOT Have an ENFP Personality
There are, of course, some fans that disagree with the theory that Megamind is an ENFP. A few suggest that he may actually be an ENTP, as he exhibits several of those traits as well. Because of this there is some discussion among the fandom about which one the blue alien actually is. (That’s hardly surprising since, as you might guess, ENTP and ENFP personalities have several things in common.) To explore this, let’s look at Very Well Mind again. Like their ENFP counterparts, ENTPs are inventive, creative, and independent. They also both share the same dislike for routines and schedules. Unlike ENFPs, ENTPs like a good argument or debate, which could possibly be extended to include Megamind’s apparent enjoyment of banter. Beyond that, as the names suggests, while both are Extroverted, Intuitive, and Perceptive, ENTPs are Thinking rather than Feeling. With an intellect like his, thinking is certainly something the former-villain is known for.
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Indeed, ENTPs highly value knowledge, and this definitely seems to fit the Blue Defender’s personality. In fact, it is itself cause for some discussion. A few fans point toward Megamind’s attraction to Roxanne Ritchi’s intelligence as stemming from the value he places on intellect while a larger number suggest that this attraction is actually cultural or biological.
Personally, I think it’s the latter. Among a species clearly adapted for enormous intellects who likely place cultural significance on mental prowess, it would be only natural for high intelligence to be deemed a desirable quality in a mate. In fact, there are related fan theories, supported to an extent by details of the film and other sources, that suggest that Megamind’s high collars—which draw attention to his large head—and drive to show off his brilliant inventions in front of Roxanne may all be a sort of “peacocking” courtship behavior. (For more on that, please read the post entitled Why Kidnap Roxanne.) If this is true, then the appeal of Roxanne’s mental acumen to Megamind’s desires is almost certainly cultural and/or instinctive, not an individual personality trait.
Another aspect of ENTP personalities many fans point to is the fact that ENTPs tend to be less empathetic. Because the emotional aspects of their personal characters are less developed, they can have a harder time remembering to show compassion to others. Well-developed, psychologically healthy, and socialized ENTPs can overcome this enough to be charming and charismatic, but otherwise they often seem unkind and aloof.
Some fans suggest that Megamind’s treatment of Minion is evidence of this trait, but others argue that it might not be. After all, during the film, the former-villain calls Minion his “fantastic fish” and his “best friend.” Despite ordering the henchman around, Megamind can also be seen showing him affection as a child, having destructive fun with him after taking over the city, and displaying great concern for him after his injury near the end. This hardly seems like the actions of someone who is “aloof.” Furthermore, there seems to be a difference between the way Megamind treats Minion when they are alone and the way he treats him when others are around, leading many to suggest that the super-genius’ unfeeling boss act is just that: an act. It is part of his supervillain persona. (We’ll get into that more next week.)
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Beyond that, there is another ENTP characteristic which more directly contradicts Megamind’s actions in the movie. People with this particular personality tend to be, if anything, even more focused on the future, so much so that it often excludes serious consideration of the past. Our favorite blue hero, however, specifically says near the end of the movie that “there’s a benefit to losing: you get to learn from your mistakes.” This clearly indicates that he obviously thinks about his past and uses it to inform his present.
So, it appears unlikely that Megamind actually is an ENTP. However, people are not robots installed with particular standard programming, and many possess a large number of one personality’s trait along with a few aspects of another. This may very well be the case with the alien supergenius.
Finally, there are some fans who question whether Megamind actually has either of these personalities. This supposition is based on one particular thing: Megamind’s extroversion is debatable. Those holding this stance argue that the blue alien lives alone with Minion and seems to have no desire for other companionship with the exception of Roxanne Ritchi. In fact, he displays a great distrust for people in general. Could he be an extreme introvert? Again, while others are free to discuss and make up their own minds, personally I have to say no. Megamind’s lack of social interaction stems not from a lack of desire, but from defense mechanisms born out of years of ostracization and bullying, not to mention surviving a childhood in prison.
What makes me so sure? It’s simple. Far from wanting to remain in the background, the blue man clearly enjoys being the center of attention. In fact, he absolutely loves putting on a good show. I mean, he stomps around in giant death machines accompanied by laser light shows and blaring Heavy Metal music. And, just in case someone somehow managed to miss his presence, he broadcasts it all live. You don’t really get much more extroverted than that. That remains true at the end of the film as well. When he becomes a hero, he is perfectly comfortable in front of a large crowd, cracking jokes and dancing on stage.
Considering this, I would argue that his distancing techniques are born of nurture, not nature, and may even be evidence of an anxiety disorder that occasionally rears its ugly head. That would hardly be surprising, given all that he endured during his formative years, and it might explain why he would be so fond of attention while simultaneously distrusting most others.
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So, as far as the evidence available from examining Megamind’s character can reveal, it appears that our favorite blue alien is likely an ENFP, possibly with a few ENTP characteristics and an anxiety disorder. Of course, I don’t claim to be a psychiatrist, so this conclusion is certainly open to rebuttal. Whatever his personality may be, however, the mere fact that this animated protagonist can be analyzed this way is more proof of just how much time and effort the DreamWorks team put into developing his character. If anyone ever deserved a sequel, Megamind definitely does!
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yami-writes · 4 years
if your asks are open & my request isn't too much. could you write a secret relationship one shot with mina & a skater fem! reader? so like the bakusquad wants to have a movie night, but like mina declines since girly had a date with her cute skatergirl planned on that day already & like she snitches out to the date & like both of them snitch into minas room later & cuddle & kiss, reader on her lap clinging like a fucking koala on her & how her classmates would find out, react. please my bisexual ass needs more girlxgirl content here, espacially with the mha girls 😔✊
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(✨) paring(s) — Ashido x fem!skater!reader  (⚠️) warning(s) — none! (🔖) word count — 2.3k (💌) yami's note — yuhh fr tho 🤧 we need more mha girls but dw i gotchu 😌✨ 
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“What? Why?” Kirishima questioned, poking his head out from behind Bakugo, “We’ve been planning this for weeks! You can't just flunk on us like this!!” Kaminari exclaimed, causing Mina to rethink the amount of time that went into tonight's now somewhat ruined plans “Aha~ yeah... sorry about that guys. Maybe another time.” she scratched the back of her head. 
Mina was about to leave before being stopped by a hard grip on her wrist “Oi, raccoon eyes. You better have a good excuse for this.” Bakugo glared, his crimson eyes almost seemed as if they could pierce holes in her soul. ‘Why does Bakugo of all people care!?’ She fumbled on her words, trying to find a reasonable excuse that would reward her the get-out-of-jail-free card without spilling the beans on anything private. “Uh- well- I uhm…” 
“Bakugo, leave her alone. Forcing yourself into her business isn’t very manly of you.” Kirishima chimed, ‘Right before I was about to get blown to bits! Thanks, Kirishima!’ Mina sighed in her head, before checking the time. 2:54pm. She promised to meet her date at 3pm.
Before anyone knew it, Mina was dashing down to the common room and out the door, almost appearing as a pink blur to everyone around her.
“Wha-what was that??” “I think that was Mina~” “Where is she going that fast!?” “I don't know,,”  “Mina’s fast but I didn't think she would be able to pull off those kinds of speeds.” the class-A girls conversed, wondering in concern what's got Mina in such a rush.
“Shit! I'm gonna be late! This isn't even the first time!!” Mina panicked, still racing over to the park the two of you had planned to meet at. 
Mina recalled the time she came almost 20 minutes late to a date because she didn't know what to wear, digging through her closet to find something she thought you would like. Dresses, skirts, sweaters, shorts, jeans, you name it, she probably tried it. 
To say the least, Mina was nervous. 
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Mina continued to race towards the park she had agreed to meet at. Her pace began to slow as her stamina got closer to reaching its limit. “Hey, Mina!!” she heard a familiar voice call out. “Y/n!! Hi!” huffed out as she came to a stop. Mina took a moment to gather her breath, her hands on her knees as she pants. “Did you seriously run all the way here from your dorm?” y/n questioned after a minute of silence.
“Of course I did! I didn’t want to be late,,, again.” 
“You’re a riot.” 
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
The weather outside was nice and the view the park offered was wonderful. Flowers of all sorts bloomed on the flowerbeds. Mina could see daffodils, tulips, alliums, sunflowers, all of different colours. The clouds created gorgeous patterns in the sky, larger ones blocking out the sun and giving the area a slightly darker atmosphere, nobody seemed to mind though. Trees shaded parts of the park, most of the adults seemed to linger around there, watching the children play together. 
Mina and y/n took a seat at one of the benches that was shaded by a tall and broad tree, the smell of nature flowing around it, their hands intertwined. Mina wasn’t the best in some compartments, but one thing she is good at is conversation. It's hard to find a dull moment with her, maybe that’s why people like being around her so much. y/n definitely wasn’t at her level when it came to social skills but the conversations between them flowed so effortlessly, the two of them just seemed to click in the best way possible. Two puzzle pieces that were meant to be together, created to be together. 
“Hey! Mina, look!!” y/n pointed to an ice cream parlor across the park, a small line of children with their parent’s 5 dollar bills in their hands  “Let’s get popsicles!” 
“Sure! Last one there has to pay!!” Mina ran off towards the parler.
“Hey-! No fair!!” y/n ran after her, taking an extra moment to pick up her skateboard, the thought of riding it to pass Mina not crossing her mind. Mina was a fast runner, most of the men in her class not able to compete without their quirks, same thing goes for y/n. It was possible her skateboard wouldn’t even be able to put up a rewarding fight. 
Mina waited by the parler, almost mockingly stretching her arms as she waited for her date to catch up. “Took you long enough~!” Mina giggled
“Yeah yeah, whatever,” y/n got out a $15 bill from her pocket before immediately having it taken from her hands. “I was joking! Let me pay instead!” Mina pleaded “I wanna make it up to you for coming late,”
“Babes, you were a minute late..” 
“I made you wait an extra minute!! And what about all those other times I-” Mina was cut off by the Parler man clearing his throat to get their attention. She shoved her money onto the counter before ordering y/n’s favourite flavor and a strawberry popsicle for herself. The Parler man took the money before opening  his parler and handing them the requested flavoured popsicles. 
“Thanks, sir!” Mina chirps before taking y/n’s hand, bringing her back to the bench the two of them were sitting at before. The two of them unwrapped their cold treats, enjoying and sharing them with each other. 
Conversation continued to flow between the two, time quickly passing by. Parents began taking their children home, young adults began walking home from their jobs, the city seemed alive. 
Wind blew on the three branches of the park, a chill starting to coat the air. 
“It’s probably gonna get cold soon, maybe we should get inside.” y/n proposed
“Yeah... Hey! You should come to the dorms!” Mina was quick to suggest, she’s always wanted to bring y/n to her room. The idea of having y/n close to her body, sharing snacks and watching funny videos on instagram always brought warmth to her heart. The idea of getting caught never really crossed her mind. 
“Are you sure? Your classmates are definitely gonna find out.” 
“No they won’t, I promise!”
“Mina, they’re heroes-in-training…” 
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When mina was set on a decision, it was hard to get her to settle for something else, that’s something y/n’s learned many times. Mina dragged her partner to the UA dorm buildings, planning out loud what they could do together. Face masks, tiktoks, nails, and dancing are only a few of the activities that came into question. 
“I like the sound of face masks, I've been needing one for a while, my acne’s been acting up.” y/n groaned. “Dancing also sounds pretty fun, do you have any new playlists?” 
“I always have new playlists! Plus, Jirou recommended me some new songs the other day, her music taste actually isn’t that bad,” Mina giggled, “For a goth, that is.” y/n laughed at her comment. 
Mina talked about her classmates often, sometimes even gossiping about them. She never said anything hurtful, though, it was usually just a few mentions after finding something that reminded her of them. She once found a icyhot packet in the store and went on about this hot and talented guy in her class, a frog jumping around near a pond caused her to ramble on about her friend Tsu, and the taste of a tea served to her at a cafe reminded her of the tea her friend Momo would serve at the tutor sessions she hosted. 
Soon enough, the couple was standing in front of Heights Alliance, preparing a plan to get inside without being noticed. “Everyone’s usually elsewhere at this time, probably in their rooms or off training or something~” Mina opens the door to the building, “We should be good.” 
Mina peeps her head inside, making sure no one was in the common room before she proceeded. She motioned for y/n to come inside, before walking further inside the building. “C’mon, my room is this way!” Mina took y/n’s hand, passing by the common room and to the elevator. y/n couldn’t help but look around, she had never been in the Dormitories until this point, it was much nicer, and bigger, than she expected. The elevator ride was quiet, the fear of having classmates hear them while they continued their loud conversation through the halls on their minds. 
The elevator stopped at the selected floor, Mina took y/n’s hand again before leading her to their destination just around the corner. “Here is it! Come on in!” Mina smiled before unlocking and opening her room door. 
“Oh wow, so… pink.” y/n gasped “Yeah!! Do you like it?” 
“Of course I do! Your whole room just reminds me of you, I love it!” y/n wrapped her hands around her date “And I love you too!”
“I love you more!!” Mina giggled, returning the hug. Her embrace was warm, warmer than one might expect, that might be the result of such a pure heart. 
“Whatcha wanna do? I have a bunch of stuff here,” Mina pulls out a box from under her bed and begins to dig through it, “I have face masks and beauty supplies here, snacks and candy hidden around my room, we could also watch some movies or find a show to binge!” 
“Face masks are a good idea, and I’m down to watch a movie while we wait for them to dry.” y/n gets down beside her on the ground, watching her sift through her box of stuff.
“Awesome! What movie should we watch? I have a bunch of DVD’s on my shelf but we could always find something on Netflix. Oh and pick your favourite face mask!” Mina presented about 12 different face masks for y/n to choose from. 
“Oh~ I like that one! It’s my favourite colour, and it has a nice scent.” y/n picked up the f/c bottle, reading the labels on the back and admiring the smell emitting from it. “Nice choice! I’ll go with this one!” Mina holds up a pink, sparkly bottle with grapefruits and strawberries on the front. “This one’s my favourite, I use it all the time!” 
“I can see why,” y/n laughs, Mina joining in. 
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
The two of them sat comfortably on Mina’s bed, y/n on her lap and arms wrapped around her. A movie the couple had agreed on plays in front of them on Mina’s laptop as they wait for their face masks to dry, sharing candy she had hid around her room. Mina occasionally placed soft kisses on y/n’s cheeks, jaw and neck, it was her favourite thing to do in this position. While Mina enjoyed receiving affection, she seemed to love giving affection even more.
Soon enough, the movie ended and credits began to roll, giving y/n and Mina a moment to stretch after sitting in one position for over an hour. “That was a good movie.” y/n said between stretches. “Yeah, I’m gonna recommend it to Hagakure, she’s been looking for good movies to watch lately.” Mina got out her phone to check the time, “We still have a few hours, wanna watch another one while we wait for our nails to dry?”
“We’re gonna do nails too?”
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Uhm i’m not sure how to continue and end this so i’ll do HCs for this part LMAOO
I gotta get better at writing smh 
Anyways, after Mina took you to her dorm for the first time you started coming over more often
The two of you always have a shitton of fun when you do
Not like you ever not have fun with Mina 
Although this one time was different~ 
Your skateboard had dirt and mud on it from riding after a storm, so you had left it by the door to avoid tracking any of it in Mina’s room 
But it so happened Denki was walking by and found it in the hallway floor 
And seeing it was outside Mina’s door he decided to not knock and ask if it was hers
He caught yall cuddling while binging your favourite anime 
“Yo, Mina, is this skateboard you-”
He went 👁️👄👁️
After an eternity a few seconds of pure silence Denki’s like BHJNBHJVHJ WHO’S THAT???? AND WHY ARE YOU SO CLOSE TO THEM-??/?????
Mina sighs and explains the whole thing about how yall have been dating in secret and going on dates and stuff
The look on the boy’s face was literally surprised pikachu 
Mina asked him to keep a secret but c'mon now we all know Mr. Kaminari cannot keep a secret for the life of him👩🏾‍🦯 big mouth headass
He told everyone. 
the look on Mina’s face when Sero brought up her secret girlfriend the next day was priceless
“Denki told me.” 
Denki: *choke* 
He knows he’s ‘bouta get his ass beat.
As for reactions, they’re mainly looking pretty positive ✨
Denki, kirishima, bakugou and sero are the first people to find out, and probably one of the only people Mina talks about you to besides the other class a girls
They’re happy for her (although bakuhoe wouldn’t admit it- he pretends he don’t care but c'mon we know better than that), and definitely wanna meet you sometime soon 
All the class A girls and basically screaming 
Cuz like- wHAT
How could Mina keep such a big secret grrrrr >:((
She ends up bringing you and the rest of the girls to her room to meet you
Expect expect like 30 questions from each of them about various different topics that may or may not matter
Remember the boys who didn't care about seeing the girl’s rooms in that one episode? Yea this squad is still on their shit🧘🏾‍♀️
Okay well they do care, just not as much dnjskbjdkn
Sato would bake you a yummy cupcake! 
You ain’t neva eating something that delicious ever again just sayin~ 
Everyone else would silently wish to meet you one day 
Tenya is probably the only person you should look out for
if you don’t have Aizawa’s permission to be on campus he probably won’t let you inside🖐🏾
aizawa don’t care tho so getting permission isn’t a problem 
Overall, 1-A’s reaction to Mina’s girlfriend is pretty positive! 😗✌🏾
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Roommates au for Kiribaku
It ended up being longer than I assumed but I hope you’ll like it! 
It's 5:48 AM on a Tuesday, and Kirishima is waving with an energetic grin at his doorstep, with a big red suitcase right next to him.
"What the fuck?" Bakugou reacts expectedly, glaring daggers into his best friends face while the offending redhead does not deter at all, walking past him into his house.
"What the fuck?" Bakugou repeats again, with less venom but more shock, as he watches the other drag his suitcase into the middle of his living room and yawn. The door closes itself.
Kirishima Eijirou, Red Riot, a hero who sits number 7 at the Hero Charts. Surprisingly the only hero in the charts who works in Kansai, even though he's not from there. 
"Why the fuck are you here?" Despite his angry appearance, Bakugou doesn't have any actual power behind his words, already surrendered to whatever Kirishima had decided before showing up here. 
Kirishima explains that he's in Tokyo for a long term job, one that they needed his defensive skills. He adds a bit shyly that he doesn't think he can be that much help, and if they wanted defence, there are other heroes who could do just as much if not more. 
Bakugou grunts. Number 7, and yet he still laughs as he speaks such non-fucking-sense. "That doesn't answer my question." He decides to say instead - he'll beat it into Kirishima's head later that he's one of the best out there. "Why are you /here/?" He asks again instead. 
Kirishima laughs embarrassedly. Bakugou feels his chest tighten. He had forgotten how bright Kirishima was.
"I don't have another place to go so I thought I'd crash at yours. It's fine, right?"
Of-fucking-course it's fine, even if Bakugou initially seemed against the idea, it's not like he didn't miss Kirishima. It's been two years since the other moved to Osaka after the Osaka-Incident, an appearance of a villain gang that the Kansai heroes had a tough time restraining. Red Riot volunteered himself to help, as "There are already many top heroes in Tokyo. I want to be where I'm needed." 
It actually inspired more heroes to work in smaller cities, at the same time, villain activity increased in those places. Something about balance, Bakugou guessed. Still, he hated that it took away his best friend from him, not that he ever said anything about it.
And now, said best friend stood not that far away from him, stretching his back and already making himself at home. "So, where's my room? I'm beat." 
Just like that, they begin to live together, already used to each other's routines from their dorm days. 
Bakugou wakes up at 7 am, has the bathroom to himself until 8 am while Kirishima is still asleep enjoying his dreamland. He wakes up around the same time the door bangs close. 
9 AM Kirishima wakes up with the sound of Bakugou leaving home,  in the kitchen, there's already breakfast waiting for him.  
They begin to send more texts to each other. "What time will you be home?" "I'll eat out tonight." "I'm shopping, need anything?" 
Kirishima comes home early and takes over the cleaning duties. He can't cook well, so the first few attempts of him taking over the dinner are met with a highly unimpressed gaze. 
Kirishima blushes and mutters "We can order pizza or something." Bakugou bites into his tasteless katsu-curry (how do you make curry with no taste). "It's fine, let's eat."
Bakugou, on the other hand, makes food like a 5-star restaurant. Kirishima always asks for seconds and looks like he's in heaven. 
More often than not, Bakugou finds himself staring at Kirishima those times. He has a soft smile on his lips, his eyes curved gently and a low appreciating hum that makes Bakugou's heart beat faster. He won't ever admit it, but he wants to see that expression more often. 
Happiness looks good on Kirishima.
There are times where one of them come home with injuries. 
A secret understanding between them helps create a new routine that mends them physically and mentally, a silent agreement for what the other needs.
Kirishima needs validation. That he did his best. That he'll be fine. He needs Bakugou to be softer around the edges, so that's what he does. "I saw on the news. They're fucking lucky you were there." Bakugou says nonchalantly, but Kirishima knows the feeling behind those words and feels warmth embrace his broken heart and begin to heal slowly. 
Bakugou, on the other hand, needs confirmation. He needs to know everything is fine, that he managed to protect and save. He needs to see that nothing changed. Kirishima welcomes him home and becomes his anchor with eased practice. Puts on a movie and lets Bakugou stare at him the whole time, so the other can make sure Kirishima is safe. 
They both dance around the fact that they need each other the most. 
Bakugou goes to bed early, even on nights where Kirishima asks him to join when they go out with the "Bakusquad". For good old times, he says, and Bakugou rejects. 
He thinks with him there, the 'old friends' won't be as comfortable. After all, all he does is yell and get angry and insult. His only redeeming quality lately is that he's a fucking good hero. One of the best, even if he's only number two. 
So Kirishima calls them over instead. Texts Bakugou: "I called the squad over so make sure we have enough food for 6, thanks!"
It's a text so Bakugou's curse words as a reply aren't as effective.
Still, when they arrive, there's enough food for 6 and a dejected-looking explosive murder god. 
Despite all his worries, the others are just as friendly as they were in high-school, teasing him for his grumpiness. Kaminari scolds Bakugou for never calling him. "Don't make us miss you, man. At least answer my calls from time to time."
They all know Bakugou yells when he's embarrassed so his expected "Shut up idiot face!" doesn't faze anyone. Kirishima looks at Bakugou warmly.
Bakugou catches his gaze and feels his heart skip a beat.
Why he looked at him so softly, like he's seeing through him (he probably is), like he appreciates him (he probably does). Bakugou doesn't think he deserves Kirishima, but he'll take it selfishly anyway. 
The others brought alcohol, because what's better than drinking and reminiscing on a weekend with old friends- especially now that Kirishima is back with them.
That's smart, getting drunk. 
The previous sentence was sarcasm, because the more Bakugou drinks, the more he finds he can't control his gaze away from the red-haired menace.
Who by the way looked brighter and brighter the more he looked at him, with an attractive blush on his cheeks. His eyes had a certain spark in them that Bakugou knew which meant Kirishima was having fun. His smile and laughter loud. 
The alcohol made it much harder to chain down the route his thoughts inclined to go. His heart acted individually, opposed to all the self rules he's inflicted on himself. 
'Ah,' Bakugou thought. 'I want to kiss him.' 
Their eyes met. In the background, Sero is arguing with Kaminari while Jirou is filming their pseudo fight about which retro hero would be number one if they were working at their best now. 
Ashido is loud, but Bakugou can't make out what she's yelling about. Something about 'Deku can win against them anyway!'. It's probably a good thing he's not paying any attention.
Kirishima looks surprised for a second but then flashes him /that/ smile. Which makes Bakugou sick to his stomach, because that's his best friend.
If he knew what Bakugou was thinking, he'd probably want to move out immediately, wouldn't he? 
And so Bakugou learns to keep his feelings secret, while it grows within his walls of self-protection. Kirishima, oblivious to Bakugou's inner turmoil, continues to be himself, supportive and kind.
"What the fuck are you doing, shitty hair?" "Oh! I think I found a good apartment near the agency."
There's good news and bad news. Good news is that Kirishima decides to move back to Tokyo. The villain gang in Osaka is already defeated. There is actually a hero team rising in the charts that he can depend on to take care of Kansai instead. He will go back if necessary but after these few months in Tokyo, he's assigned a much more important role, and the issue doesn't seem like it will go away soon.
The bad news is that because he's thinking of permanently moving back, "I don't want to impose any longer! I'm sure you want your old lifestyle back!"
The idiot couldn't be more wrong, but it's not like Bakugou can confess to it. 
Still, it doesn't stop him from angrily leaving the house by exclaiming he has work to do. "Do whatever the fuck you want."
The week Kirishima is house hunting, he's also facing many backlashes from Bakugou, and he can't figure out why the hell his best friend is so angry. 
And he should, right? He's his best friend. Even if they weren't near each other for these past two years, they managed to pick up from where they left, see through each other's lies and pain. Kirishima couldn't ask anyone for any advice because he should know Bakugou the best. He should be able to understand why Bakugou is suddenly so angry with him to the point that he hardly speaks at dinner anymore.
Then strange things begin to happen. Every house he manages to somewhat find, calls him back to say they received a better offer, or they changed their mind. Suddenly he can't find a place to move into. 
Kaminari has a friend who's renting out his apartment, so he offers to help Kirishima out. "That'll be great, thanks!"
That night he talks to Bakugou, "I think I finally found a place." He laughs. Bakugou frowns deeper. 
Ah, this is bad. He can't hold it back anymore.
"Do you want to leave that much?" He asks angrily as if he's blaming Kirishima, and perhaps he is. It's definitely his fault that his heart aches in ways that he's never felt pain. 
"Katsuki... Do you... not want me to leave?" Kirishima finally sees through the mask of indifference. Bakugou hates the expression on his face, can tell his friend is already understanding more than Bakugou was willing to let him know.
"Took you long enough to figure it out, you fucking idiot," he yells instead, voice just as explosive as his quirk. 
And there's the question waiting to be asked, at the tip of Kirishima's tongue. Because he'd want to know, wouldn't he? Why wouldn't Bakugou want Kirishima out, even if they were best friends, he'd want his freedom back, wouldn't he? Shouldn't he? 
There's silence and neither of them wants to break it. Bakugou because he knows he'll say too much if he opens his mouth. Kirishima because he knows Bakugou will close up if he's the first one to speak. And out of the two of them, one had much less patience than the other. 
So he breaks.
"Because I fucking need you here."
"Because I'm fucking lonely when you're not here." 
"Because even if it's impossible for you to feel the same way, I..."
He, what?
Bakugou is red with fury, embarrassment and something deeper that Kirishima can't put a finger on. His heartbeat is loud in his ears that every other noise other than Bakugou's is irrelevant. 
"Feel what way?" Kirishima asks, demanding, his hands shaking. There's that light in his eyes again, hopeful and determined. Bakugou can't take his eyes away. 
The silence stretches. Bakugou's anger slowly dies out the longer he meets Kirishima's gaze. Finally, they are honest with each other.
"I'm not going to fucking confess."
"You can kiss me though, right?"
Another grunt and Bakugou pulls Kirishima in, the spark in his hand meeting the instinctively hardening skin on his neck. Another type of explosion that Bakugou never knew takes over the fluttering in his chest, taking over his heart as their lips meet. Forceful, demanding, daring. 
"You're not fucking going anywhere."
It's not like the living room didn't already have figurines of Crimson Riot, a punching bag, the bathroom already dominated by both their presence. The guest room already decorated by all Kirishima's furniture. It was already 'their' house, in every small place Kirishima left his impact on.
"In that case, I'll leave the rent to you." Kirishima jokes breathlessly after their kiss - as manly as kisses go, he had to give the first prize to Bakugou- the blonde knew how to kiss. Then again he was biased.
"No fucking way, in fact, you're paying half the bills from now on." 
With a smirk, he waves to Kirishima, turning his back on him to go to the kitchen to clean the dishes or something.
"Eeeeehhhhhh." Kirishima whines, but there's a soft smile on his face.
After all, he's always known he loved Bakugou. And if it took them more than 7 years to come here, 2 of which they were separated... He'd just have to make up for all the lost years where Bakugou had to get in contact with his own feelings.
It will be worth the wait. 
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I Taste Honey but I Haven’t Seen the Hive - Chapter Nine (finale!!)
Ao3,  Masterpost,   C.1   C.2   C.3   C.4   C.5   C.6   C.7   C.8
Relationships: queer-platonic intruality, background platonic dlampr
I did it!!! I fucking did it!!! It’s been done!!! The end!!
Warnings: cursing, food mention, (brief) alcohol mention, kissing, relationship negotiations, cuddling, So Much Sap.
Word count: 4,147
Everything in the Mindpalace was going well.
Patton repeated that sentence to himself like a mantra, a water-filled mason jar clutched between his hands as he leaned against the kitchen bar.
Everything in the Mindpalace was going well.
Months and months went by without anyone having any sort of falling out, aside from petty arguments and occasional disagreements. Patton was attending each meeting, Remus right beside him. Life went on without a hitch. 
Patton tried not to give Remus all the credit for everything good that had been happening. Logan, he knew, was working very hard to better himself and be more open. Janus was acclimating to his new surroundings more every day, and tentatively building new relationships while fixing up the old ones. Roman had been trying so hard, okay, and everyone could see the ways he hesitated less and less each time he went to speak. That’s not to speak of Virgil, who’d managed to slot his past and his present together into one big future, and not without considerable effort.
Patton could laud them all for that, for the peace that fell over the Mindpalace, but�� 
Part of him knew he never would’ve noticed that peace if he was still locked in turmoil with himself. And all of him knew exactly who it was that pulled him out of that hole. 
Which isn’t to say it wasn’t an equal thing. He learned that a while in, that he was picking up Remus’ slack as much as Remus was picking up his. They functioned together, complimentary. 
Everything in the Mindpalace was going well. The aching etched across Patton’s skin had faded, the ice solidified over his skeleton had thawed, and he couldn’t remember ever feeling so content.
Everything in Patton’s Mindpalace was going well.
Morality grinned against the edge of his drink, fighting the urge to laugh. He wasn’t even drinking anything, and still there was this giddiness. But that was how he always got at parties, and why he preferred to not drink alcohol anyway- he didn’t need to get any more jelly-brained! 
Even if ‘party’ was a generous word for the gathering: It was just a family meeting gone awry, to be honest. No one had been in a working mood, not even Logan, and it was late in the evening already and the food was already there and. Well. Things morphed from there.
Remus was almost entirely glued to Patton’s side, despite how obviously he buzzed with energy. The simple fact that there was music, and food, and everyone enjoying themselves seemed to turn him up to 100- or, 110, since he usually operated with a staggering amount of energy either way.
But it was nice, hearing him talk, watching him flicker around excitedly. Patton, as was the case more and more these days, could hardly keep his eyes off him.
It wasn’t exactly like that was a problem. He doubted that a single side wasn’t aware of how completely and utterly entangled the both of them were with each other by that point, even if some of them still found it strange. They were… surprisingly supportive, of whatever kind of relationship the two of them had formed.
Friends, Patton reminded himself sternly, what else would it be? Patton had never wanted to date anyone, after all, and this wasn’t exactly an exception. It was just… 
Strange. It was strange, but so was Remus- and honestly, so was Patton- so maybe it made more sense that way. 
But just the same, things were smooth, and for once Patton wasn’t feeling too neurotic about it. He was half-sitting on the bar comfortably, swinging his leg, not chatting too much out of calmness more than anything. Remus was cross-legged on the counter as well, pressed up against him, buzzing and fidgeting but otherwise relaxed. Virgil leaned against the bookshelf crosswise, talking quietly with Remus. He only looked a little overwhelmed, and that was really unavoidable in any situation (Patton knew that if things were actually too much for him, Logan would already be taking care of it- it was like he had a sixth sense for that sort of thing). 
“-and anyway,” Virgil was saying, “It’s not like I haven’t seen it before, but I’m not about to tell Roman that, because-”
“You have to see his reaction!” Remus interrupted, grinning mischievously. 
“Right, duh- you can’t just, like, pass up an opportunity to show somebody that.”
“Misery loves company!”
“And that movie is miserable,” Virgil nodded to himself, and okay, Patton had no idea what they were talking about. 
He smiled at them anyway, though, because it was probably something to do with horror. Remus and Virgil could talk about horror for hours; it was a wonder there was ever a time they didn’t get along, honestly. 
But Patton knew that his brain was rolling around everywhere except for the present- and he always got all reminiscent and unfocused when he was this happy- so he shook himself, standing up. 
“I’m gonna check the oven, the food’s probably done by now!” and then, just to Remus: “I’ll be just a second, Mess.”
Remus smiled at him, let him go, and barely took a breath before he was talking again. (“So what’d he think? Did he scream at the end? That ending, I mean…”)
Patton slipped into the kitchen- which was barely another room, considering that wide open wall- but it was just a little quieter and a lot more pizza-roll-smelling than the living room. 
Which Patton did actually have to take out of the oven, but it just so happened that getting up and moving around also got his head out of the clouds. That, and the mindless actions of snack-prep let him tune in better to what was going on around him. (“That’s the thing, he went dead quiet as soon as the scene started. For a second I thought I broke him-” and then Remus was laughing, and Virgil was shushing him while also snickering.)
Patton slipped on an oven mitt, grabbed the tray, set it on top of the stove. More noise erupted behind him, (Logan and Roman arguing about something that obviously didn’t matter, getting about as heated as they usually did.) and he shook his head, pouring the snacks steadily into a dish. Patton then grabbed the bag and spread some uncooked rolls out on the now-unoccupied pan, and slipped it back into the oven for another batch. (Janus heckling the argument. Virgil joining in, needling them.)
Patton rolled his eyes fondly, going through the motions of getting some tea ready. Might as well try to calm the dizzy exuberance in his chest while he was up, if he could, and some nice chamomile wouldn’t hurt.
  (Remus wasn’t audibly teasing his brother with his snark-fueled companions, which was unlike him; to just sit there quietly.)
Patton rifled through the cabinets. Every mug was cracked or chipped or held together with glue and hope, and they sure had plenty of mugs. They kept conjuring new ones, but Patton wondered if that was doing them any good: all the mugs ended up in disarray eventually, so it was easier to just deal with the fissures as long as the cup was still, you know, vaguely functional. 
Patton grabbed his favorite- easily the most beaten and battered out of them all, with a thick line splitting up the little cat face painted into it, a large chip in one part of the rim that had been sculpted to look like a cat ear. Whatever he poured into it always tasted a little like the super-glue holding it together, but it was just too darn cute to get rid of!
Patton smiled to himself, and thankfully had set the fragile thing down before two lanky arms twined around his waist and scared him half to death. 
“Remus!” It didn’t sound scolding at all; Patton was laughing too much. 
Remus spun him around, looking immensely proud for startling him, and raised himself up to drape his arms over Patton’s shoulders.
“What’cha smiling about?” He asked, grinning wider than Patton was even capable of. Patton laughed again, softly this time, and leaned back against the countertop. 
“Mmm, you first.”
“Okay,” Remus squirmed, like he’d been hoping someone would ask- which was silly, considering that he was always smiling ear-to-ear. “You.”
Patton rolled his eyes, “Nuh-uh, I already asked-”
“No, you,” Remus poked him in the ribs, “You’re why.”
“Oh,” Patton melted, just a little. “Ohhh,” he pulled Remus into a proper hug, burying his face in the side’s hair, and the giddy feeling he’d been stuck with certainly wasn’t going away any time soon after that, “Aww, Mess!”
“Jesus, you’re so mushy. That line wasn’t even any good,” Remus cackled, like he had any right to be aloof when he was coiled all around Patton like he couldn’t help himself.
“You’re the one who said it, you big sap!” Patton playfully argued.
“Yeah, and you never answered my question!” 
Patton pulled back- although that stretched the term; he’d pushed himself up onto the counter, with Remus between his knees, essentially still touching. 
“I’m just in a good mood, that’s all. It’s a good night!” And it was, but Patton had to admit- “Maybe it has something to do with you, also.”
Remus smirked at him, leaning forward and planting his hands on either side of Patton’s legs. 
“It better. I’m a riot at parties!”
This is barely a party, Patton thought, you’re always a riot, but he didn’t say either thing. Just hummed, tapping his fingers on the laminate countertop, staring into the middle distance pleasantly. 
The rest of the sides were sprawled around the couch in the living room- which was mostly visible from the kitchen- and their argument was swiftly getting louder. Not a single one of them wasn’t laughing as much as he was shouting, though, so Patton decided to let them be. They were caught up having fun, and so was he, to be honest.
Remus was watching the others, too, but only in glances. He tossed a look over his shoulder every now and then, eyes darting around the room wildly, which was almost normal for him. Except that he looked so focused about it, scanning over them and then back to Patton with purpose, almost like he was… waiting for something. 
His claws were tapping on the counters, too, but it was a feverish beat. Patton covered Remus’ hand with his own, twining their fingers together and squeezing them comfortingly- and Remus’ eyes locked immediately back onto his. 
“Hi,” Patton said.
“Hey,” Remus said, “I love you.”
Patton went still. He blinked rapidly, and took a minute to remember how to think. The admission couldn’t have been surprising, of course they loved each other, but- it felt like it was the first time it had been said. It also didn’t feel like that was possible, because after all their time together how could they have skipped saying it, it was so obvious? They were so close, so blunt, Patton was pretty sure neither of them knew the meaning of the word ‘unspoken’. 
Oh, but either way, he should probably- “I love you, too!” 
Yeah, weird or not that they hadn’t done this before, that part was still pretty important.
But Remus hardly reacted at all, just a twitch in the corner of his lips- maybe-almost a smile, hypothetically. If anything, he was jittering even worse than before the reciprocation; Patton took his other hand just so he’d stop trembling, like a paranoid chihuahua, clutching that one the same as the first. 
“Hey, what’s wrong, Buddy?” Patton implored. Remus stared at him, through him, and his eyes were visibly sharpening like little red camera lenses. 
“Patton, Patton, Patton,” a wild mantra, “I must have the restraint of a saint, waiting this long to- to, I mean- Can I-” he took a breath, a set in his jaw showing just how much effort it took to pull his thoughts together. “I wanna do something. With you.”
Patton paused, and thought very carefully about that statement and everything that it could mean. There were… many possibilities. 
“Is it gonna hurt?” Was the question he eventually settled on, squeezing Remus’ hands. 
“Uhh, Probably not? If it does, then I’m definitely doing it wrong.”
“Okay, well-” Patton took a breath, met his friend’s eyes, and how was that as enticing as it was troubling? “Why don’t you?”
“...Can I?”
Remus looked about ready to shake out of his skin, so if whatever it was made him calm down, then Patton didn’t have any objections. Plus, hey, he was dense, but he wasn’t that dense. 
“Has that question ever stopped you before?” 
Something steeled in Remus’ expression, and he grinned. Patton grinned back, and that was when he knew without a doubt what was about to happen. 
Remus jolted forwards and kissed him, square on the lips. 
It was over as soon as it started, with Remus wrenching backwards and looking even more wild-eyed, before Patton had the time to really process it. If it was even actually a nice kiss, for example, was something that he could not honestly answer- only that it had happened, and now, here they were. But gosh, had it happened… 
Remus watched him closely, tensed up like a string. He looked unaccountably silly like that, or maybe it was just the giddiness, but Patton giggled either way, smiled, and ducked his head. He felt a flush in his face, and like his heart had filled up with something- warm and wild and not like anything he knew how to name.
And gradually, Remus relaxed from tension into confusion, a hesitant laugh escaping him. He tossed out a dozen sentence fragments, which Patton deciphered with ease.
“We’re-” aromantic, “We don’t-” do that, “I’ve never-” wanted to before.
“Doesn’t matter,” Patton said decisively, “I don’t care.”
Remus searched his expression for a moment, before breaking down into hazy laughter again. He looked gone.
“Fuck it- if you don’t care, I don’t care! Let’s- Let’s just-!”
His eyes were darting around again, looking back through the open wall- and the argument was still raging, no one was paying any attention to the kitchen. Patton pulled one of his hands out of Remus’ and did something very impulsive.
He grabbed Remus’ jaw, dragging the trait’s gaze back to him. 
“Don’t look at them,” he said, “Look at me.”
If it weren’t for the hush in his voice, the gentle-saccharine softness of it, the unmistakable Patton-ness of it, it would’ve sounded downright narcissistic. He could feel bad about that later, though, because as it stood the words made Remus send him a lovely little look, which made it very hard to be sorry about anything. 
“No complaints here,” Remus grabbed Patton’s wrist, making it very obvious that he wanted his hand to stay right where it was. “But that’s the only time you get to boss me around, so don’t get cozy telling me what to do.”
“Oh yeah?” Remus’ voice had been light, nothing like the way he used to talk about Patton’s bossiness. There was that obvious hint of sarcasm, like a little in-joke between them. Patton already knew what the punchline would be. “I bet I can prove you wrong.”
Remus’ eyes glinted excitedly, “Doubt it!”
“Kiss me again.”
Patton got the sense Remus couldn’t have cared less about being wrong, with how fast he launched into it. 
 It took three tries to turn the doorknob, and again, not a single alcoholic beverage had been had by either of them that night. It was just that they refused to stop holding hands or cracking up laughing long enough to get the stupid thing open. 
Patton shoved his way through first, kicking the door shut behind them and all but dragging Remus along. They were giggling senselessly, tripping all over each other and grinning at nothing and everything, before promptly collapsing onto the bed together. 
That was the moment when Patton registered the room as Remus’, which only made him grin wider, because it was so alive in there. The shadows in the wallpaper all coalesced and reached out to Patton, and the floor purred under his feet, rippling like the skin of some giant animal. It was all so creepy the first few times he’d slept there, but now it was just adorable; every part of Remus, down to his room, was so ecstatic to have him there that it tried to pull him in and hold him.
But he couldn’t very well cuddle a wall, so Patton turned his attention back to the side himself, giggling and pleasantly delirious. 
Remus was staring at him. Their hands were still clasped between them. 
“Hey,” he started.
“Hiii,” Patton answered.
And then, in unison:
  “What are we?” “C’mere and hold me.”
Patton blinked at him, and Remus laughed. 
“Compromise: I hold you while you tell me what this-” he held up their hands, “-makes us.” 
Yeah, that seemed fair.
Patton shuffled over, fitting his arms around Remus’ shoulders and weaving his fingers through the Duke’s hair, scratching at his scalp. Remus curled all around him in a way that had become perfectly familiar, resting his chin on Patton’s chest and staring up at him expectantly. 
(and Patton answering questions in a way that made sense was unlikely in most situations, but with this one? Oh boy).
“So, um, I love you,” he settled on eventually, working out a particularly dense knot of hair with his fingers. 
Remus snorted. “Yeah, you mentioned,” he tapped his claws against Patton’s sternum, seeming to turn things over in his head. “We’re friends?”
Patton thought about it. He frowned.
“We are, but… that doesn’t feel special enough. I wouldn’t-” he felt himself flush, “I know I’m touchy, but I wouldn’t do all this with just anybody. I wouldn’t do it with anybody but you.”
“Okay. Me neither. So, uh- boyfriendssss?” 
They winced in unison, Remus dragging the word out in a hiss.
“No,” Patton said.
“Yeah, that ain’t the one.”
“I mean, we don’t, um-”
“We aren’t exactly gonna fuck, you mean.”
Patton squeaked, inadvertently tugging too hard on a knot of hair. “I- first of all, you can date without- that, but second of all- mhm, that’s a definite no.” 
Remus scrunched up his nose, scratching where his scalp had been pulled.
“I know you can, but I meant, like…” 
He groaned, squeezing his eyes shut childishly. Patton patted him on the back sympathetically, equally as frustrated with Words and their lack of General Correctness at that moment as Remus clearly was. 
“Why’s everything so fucking complicated?” The trait whined, “I mean, feelings are your job, you’re smart! What’s- what’s-” Remus sat up suddenly, straddling Patton’s legs, grabbing one of the side’s hands and pressing it against his chest. The fabric of his sash was rough against Patton’s fingers, and beneath that, an irregular pattern of heartbeats, and beneath that, there were… there were definitely some feelings. “What is that, Pat?” His voice dipped low, that strained whispery sound that Patton just loved. “It’s gotta be something.”
Patton tried to focus, however hard that proved, and reached down inside to find a name for the sensation. The sensation that matched his own so well, and that gave him an odd little feedback loop of emotion that made everything sort of dizzy- trying to figure out other people’s emotions through his side ability always made him dizzy, despite the fact that he was apparently very good at it. 
“It sure is something,” Patton muttered, flushing brighter. It was so much, and if Patton was anybody else but himself, it would’ve been too much. But he wasn’t, and it wasn’t; he couldn’t get enough.
“I didn’t know you cared about this,” Patton let his hand fall, smiling bemusedly up at Remus, “A label, I mean. I always thought you’d be the one saying they were stupid. Not that there’s, you know, anything wrong with it either way.”
Remus rolled off of Patton, flopping down beside him again. He pressed up against Patton’s shoulder, chewing his lip in concentration. 
“I care about stuff. Stuff like you, and this is about you, so. Don’t blame me for worrying about it now, you’re the one who infected me with feelings in the first place.”
“I don’t blame you,” Patton said, and he was absolutely grinning at that. Remus narrowed his eyes. Patton stifled a laugh.
“What? What is it?”
“It’s just- You sounded exactly like Virgil,” Patton giggled, shaking his head fondly, “‘Infected with feelings’, gosh, that’s so silly.”
Remus blinked at him, before his face split with a smile. “Yeah, I thought you’d like that one.”
Patton hummed. And then, he leaned over just enough to kiss Remus’ forehead, just because he could. 
Remus caught him by the jaw and pulled him in for a proper kiss, which he happily reciprocated. That kicked off a nice five minute break from the conversation at hand, as Patton took the time to appreciate the feeling, noting the reverent gentleness that Remus always touched him with was just as present as ever- and yes, for the record, it wasn’t a great olfactory experience, but softness of him more than made up for it. 
“So,” Patton started, once they’d finally parted. “I think I know what we can do.”
Remus stared at him, looking distinctly dazed. “What? Make out some more?”
Patton smacked him (lightly) on the arm, smiling despite himself. 
“No- well, maybe- but I meant about us.”
“Right, right.” 
Patton sat up straighter (haha), leaning back against the headboard and bringing Remus up with him. He tipped his head to one side in thought, then to the other (which was mirrored, adorably, by the Duke).
“We can make it simple if we just, y’know, cut out the middleman,” Patton took Remus’ hand again, tangling their fingers together. “So, I don’t have to be your friend, or your boyfriend… What if I’m just yours?”
Remus always had a very intense stare to him, but Patton had never felt quite as pinned to the spot by those laser-sharp reds than he did in that moment. 
“Oh,” purred Remus, “Ooh, I like that.”
Patton smiled sheepishly at him, running his thumb along the Duke’s knuckles. “So- yes?”
“Yes, absolutely,” Remus leaned over him, fixing his free arm around Patton’s neck possessively. “You’ll be mine, and I’ll be yours. Sounds like a plan to me.” 
Patton laughed, almost overfull with giddiness at just how eager Remus managed to sound about that. It- it felt good, to be something that someone got so excited over. To be wanted. 
To want, too, wasn’t as foreign a concept to Patton. But he was wanting now, and it was worlds different than before. Because he was actually getting the source of that yearning, this time, and of course that only made the feelings stronger, and-
Thinking about it made him tired. Deliriously happy, of course, but absolutely exhausted. For once, he was almost completely devoid of the urge to psychoanalyze himself; he was happy, in love, and loved. Patton could count on one hand the number of times he’d had all three of those things in his life at once, and he didn’t want to waste this one. 
He tugged Remus into his lap. Remus was incapable of sitting still at all, but he hardly minded. Remus squirmed around, drummed his fingers against Patton’s back, buried his face in Patton’s shoulder (and, completely shamelessly, smelled him). It was so him, to not be settled at all even in such a contented moment. Endearing in every way.
And he started chattering, at some point, because of course he did. At first he was talking about them, but that topic didn’t stick around for long before he was jumping around all over the place with his words. 
Remus ranted for two reasons: one, he was frustrated, needy for attention. Two, he was too excited not to talk, and there was so much going on that he couldn’t shut up for a second to even breathe. Patton was intimately familiar with telling the difference between the two, and, sorting that occasion into the later category, he wrapped Remus up in his arms and waited patiently for the trait to tire himself out. He didn’t mind that either. 
Eventually, though, Remus did. 
Eventually, it wasn’t night so much as it was morning, and Patton was tired and warm and half-asleep already, and Remus was laying contentedly on his chest while the rambling steadily became faint mumbling.
Eventually, they were sleeping, just like any other night together. 
And the last thing Patton had in mind, as he flitted in and out of awakeness, was the dim realization that he’d forgotten how it felt to be cold. 
the end <3
Taglist: @donnieluvsthings @shrimp-crockpot @glitter-skeleton-uwu @intruxiety @thefivecalls @gayformlessblob @did-he-just-hiss-at-me
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bijoharvelle · 4 years
Would u uh- write a shortesty of short thing about cas looking like that or-- uh oh god why did you bring this misha gifset on my dash I can't find my water bottle 🥵😭
hope you don’t mind that this lives in the soft summer series that i’ve been writing!! [the that hanna’s talking about is this gifset 🥵]
By 2 PM, Jo is completely tuckered out. The day with her uncles ran from working in the garden, darting from her playhouse to the swing set over and over, a brief pause for lunch, and then a trip to the local pool club. After swimming her heart out, the four-year-old is asleep, wet head curled against Cas’s chest as he balances her on his hip. 
Dean grins as Cas shuffles for the spare room to set Jo down, watching the absolute riot of his hair from behind. He’s been due for a haircut so the tousles are all over, not helped by the chlorine drying in it. Pulling himself away from the sight, Dean moves to the fridge. It’s late enough in the day and it’s summer, so Dean fishes two beers out and flops onto the couch. Colt is there, mostly asleep under the coffee table, but her ears perk up a little at the sight of Dean. He’s leaning over to pet her soft head when Cas pads in. Bent over as he is, Dean has to look up a little to get sight of him and that... is something.
Because Cas is wearing a truly ancient Black Flag tee shirt (long since faded to gray,the screen-printed logo peeling off in chunks, small holes at the hem and near the collar) with the sleeves torn off, and his hair is a mess and there’s a patch of dampness under his neck and across his sides, either from holding a still-wet Jo or just from his own sweat, or the pool water on his body. The tops of his cheeks and the bridge of his nose are pink from the sun, casting contrast and making his eyes looking even more incredibly blue than usual. Not to mention the fact that he’s still in swim trunks that are...really nice for his thighs and then his bare arms are strong and tan and his hands and --
“Are you all right?” Cas asks, stopping a foot away from Dean to cock his head a little. 
“Fuck,” is all Dean says. He reaches out and gets a handful of the thin tee shirt, tugs Cas into him so that his balance upsets and he topples into Dean’s lap. Reaching up, Dean dug both of his hands deep into Cas’s hair. “I love you in that shirt.”
“The band Black Flag began performing in mid-1970s,” Cas says between biting kisses and, look, it’s not that Dean is turned on by facts about post-hardcore punk bands but it’s also not like he’s not turned on by that. “Which means that it’s possible this shirt is older than you.”
Dean tilts his head to seal his lips solidly against Cas’s neck. He tastes like salt and chlorine and fresh grass. “Really? We should get rid of it then.” In the next second, he has his hands under the shirt in question, whipping it over Cas’s head and onto the floor.
They kiss, then, deep and long and slow and Dean’s breathing is hitching and just as he pulls away for a breath, he hears a plaintive, “Uncle Cas?”
There’s a lot of scrambling, but by the time Jo’s little footsteps make it out to the living room, both of them are sitting properly, fully-clothed, and with pillows in their laps. Dean is flaunting a red flush from his ears, to his nose, to his neck, but he doesn’t think Jo notices that.
“What’s up, little dove?” Cas asks.
Jo fiddles with one wing of her stuffed penguin before darting to them and climbing onto the couch. She tucks herself in between her uncles and pops her first two fingers in her mouth. “Can you put on Brave, please?”
Dean laughs a little, breathless, and resigns himself to the fact that he and Cas will just have to make-out later. As if reading his mind, Cas looks over their niece’s head as the movie’s opening plays. “Later,” he mouths, a look of intent in his eyes. Dean grins and nods and settles in.
@prayedtoyou • @folklorecastiel • @good-things-do-happen-dean • @cas-you-assbutt-dean-needs-you • @nesnej • @bianca29753 • @spaceshipkat • @nickelkit • @dizzypinwheel • @epple-benene • @kayrosebee • @feraladoration • @queenvee08 • @destielangst • @destiel-is--real • @brazencas • @destielle • @flowersforcas • @50shadesofsubtext • @multifandomagic • @fluffiestlou • @gmotheemo • @geo-val • @menjiiii • @top13zepptraxx • @valleydean • @lanaserra • @eccentriccas • @trasherasswood • @angelresort • @starlightcastiel • @starclaire
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Kiri.. the lad... the shark man... the rock... reacting to a fem reader who has WAY more kinks than he thought. Like, they're just friends with benefits and she reveals she has both a daddy and feeding kink. OBLIVIOUSLY this means she likes him, right?! Clearly, this is her trusting him enough to let him take her away from everyone else to be with just him. Kiri knows exactly what to do :) and your kink just makes it easier! (You dont have to do those kinks if they're a squick, I just love them)
Ngl I headcanon that both Yandere!Kirishima and Yandere!Bakugo would have feeding kinks. Kirishima gets off on being a big strong manly provider. Bakugo gets off on seeing you eat food that he cooks, and seeing you wrap your lips around his creation. The weirdo.
Anywayyy before I get carried away
 Tag list:
@shorkbrian​ come get ur man
It had been several months since you had started sleeping with the hero Red Riot, and at first everything had seemed like a dream. Not only was he eager and open to exploring any kinks you brought to the table, and often got even more into them than you. The sex had been great, and the random drop ins with take out clutched in his arms had been cute, but it had quickly gotten old. 
You had enjoyed the state of your current relationship, the two of you were compatible as hell in bed, but it didn’t go past that. There were no ties between the two of you, no feelings beyond the occasional wet dreams or dirty thoughts you had about him at work. 
At first when he would drop in occasionally without notice, shove his way into your apartment, ignoring your protests or complaints you had just rolled your eyes, taken whatever food or gift he shoved in your arms and accepted it. But then it kept happening. Nearly everyday he showed up at your home even when you told him not to, ignoring you when you told him to leave, getting angry when you told him you had other plans with other people. You had shrugged off the warning signs and started not answering the door at all and no longer texted him for hookups. Any crying emojis or pleas for at least a booty pic were left on read, ignored. 
And then he had started showing up at your work, still clad in his hero uniform, bringing as much attention to himself as possible as he held an obnoxiously big bouquet of roses or a teddy bear, or whatever cliché little sappy present he chose for that day. He would hover by the only exit, his face lighting up whenever he saw you, a bright grin crossing his face as he practically bounded over to you, shoving his latest gift in your arms and lavishing you in so many compliments and sweet words that you had no choice but to force a smile and let him lead you out to his car, his hand a little too tight around your shoulders. It always ended with you cornered in his apartment, being offered drinks, food, movies, sex-endless amounts of things that you couldn’t even begin to turn down until it was too late for the hero to feel “comfortable” letting you leave. It always led to you staying the night and having to deal with hours of cuddling and endless kisses. 
Every morning started with him trying to smoothly imply that he could take care of you, something you always ignored as you shrugged off his hugs and kisses, practically darting out of his apartment, feeling exhausted and overwhelmed. 
He clearly wasn’t taking any hints, maybe it was time to break it off cleanly before things got any worse. 
“Hey, baby! It’s about time you called me over again! Ignoring me wasn’t very manly of you, but that’s okay, i’ll always forgive you~” 
Before you could open your mouth the redhead was swooping down, kissing you hard and roughly nipping your lower lip before practically shoving you out of his way, forcing his way into your apartment as he immediately headed towards your kitchen table. 
“I bought sushi from that place downtown you like! It was a bit of a detour, but anything for my baby~!”
You frowned, shutting the door behind you before following him into the kitchen, watching as he immediately started spreading the food out across the table-way more than the two of you could ever eat. Your stomach rolled at the thought, memories of Kirishima stuffing food in your mouth and then rubbing your swollen stomach as you whined and cried, too sick to fight him and he cuddled and doted on you, often fingering or eating you out while rubbing your stomach, ignoring you as you whined and cried.
You were ashamed of how much you liked him stuffing you full, even when he didn’t seem to understand and always took it too far, like he always did. 
“Look! I even stopped by that sweet shop you like and got your favorite~ Maybe we can eat it while watching a movie later!” 
“I don’t really have time tonight, im going-”
“Look! I got us a nice wine, Fatgum said something about it having really nice acidity and legs and blah blah, I don’t really understand it all! I just know if it tastes good, I drink!”
He laughed heartily as he eagerly pushed you into your seat, taking up the seat across from you as he started dishing out the sushi between the two of you rambling the whole way. Every time he took a pause to take a breath or shove some food in his mouth you tried to speak, just to be immediately talked over by the redhead as he suddenly remembered some urgent stupid thing he had to tell you. 
“Look, Kirishima-”
“Don’t be like that, baby! What have I said about that, call me Eijiro! Or Daddy!” 
A sly grin covered his face as he purred out the last word, making your stomach roll as you resisted the urge to go across the table and smack him. 
“Whatever, what I was trying to say was-”
Just as you thought you had finally caught his attention his eyes drifted down to your untouched plate, an annoyed look flickering across his face, disappearing so quickly you wondered if you imagined it. Not that you had much time to question him or think about it since in a split second his face had changed back into that perverted grin as he snatched one of the pieces off your place with his chopsticks, holding it up as his eyes darkened with lust. 
“Come on, baby...Open up for your daddy and maybe you’ll get to eat something else as a reward~” 
His voice was a low rumble, nearly a growl, something that made you freeze up in your seat in fear for a moment. No. You weren’t letting this go on another second!
“Kirishima! Enough!”
Freezing from where he had been leaning all the way across the table, pushing the piece of sushi to your lips, the redhead stared at you with wide confused eyes. A weaker soul would have hesitated at the innocent hurt eyes that were aimed at you, but you didn’t waver staring back at him, face twisted into an annoyed scowl.
“B-baby? What’s wrong? Did they mess up the sushi, I'll go back and get you some more if you’d-”
You growled in frustration, tangling your hands in your hair when he ignored you yet again, immediately making up his own excuse and assuming your feelings, never taking a second to just let you talk. 
“I can’t do this anymore! I thought you would take a hint when I stopped inviting you over, or when I stopped sleeping with you, but you just don’t get it!!”
Frozen in his seat, wide confused eyes stared up at you as his eyebrows knitted together in concern, a scarred hand reaching out for you, flinching back when you immediately leaned away from his touch with another frustrated growl. 
“It’s over, Kirishima! I don’t want to sleep with you anymore!! And I'm sick of you coming around here all the time and acting like we’re something we’re not! I don’t want to date you! I don’t want anything to do with you!!”
The innocent confused look on his face just infuriated you further, all the frustration and anger from all these months finally bubbling over as you screamed at him. Your eyes burned as you desperately pushed back the frustrated tears that threatened to spill over as he slowly stood up, reaching for you again, frowning when you stepped back to avoid his touch. 
“W-what do you mean? Have I done something? What are you talking about? Wh-what, baby-”
He flinched back as you immediately glared sharply at him, running a frustrated hand through your hair as you resisted the urge to stomp your foot in frustration. This is exactly why you didn’t do relationships, you hated this part, hated those hurt eyes staring at you, hated the attachment that always ended poorly...
“Stop calling me that, I'm not your baby! We just fucked, Kirishima! It doesn’t mean anything! You’re the one that started showing up at my house, at my work. ‘Have I done something?’ are you kidding me?!”
The redhead stood back as you yelled at him, watching you with hurt splashed across his expression, one hand clutching his other arms bicep as he flinched away from your harsh words. 
���I-I just wanted to spend time with you...”
You fell silent watching him with a soft frown, your anger melting away as his voice softened, sounding near on the edge of tears. 
“But I don’t want to spend time with you.”
The words seemed to cut like a knife, sharp and harsh in the air, the hero standing across from you physically flinching back as if in pain as they were spoken.
“Look...I think it’s time for you to go. I can pay you back for the sushi...-”
You turned your back to him, stepping towards the kitchen to grab your purse and lead the heart broken hero to the door when something hit the back of your head, your body crumpling to the floor with the impact. 
Everything was spinning, yet the only thing you could focus on was the throbbing pain in your skull. Vaguely you could feel wetness on your face, but your vision was too dark to see what it was. Everything felt so far away...
Right as you blacked out, falling limp against the kitchen tile, the hero finally came to his senses. Horror filled him as he looked down at your limp body, his fist still clutching the neck of the wine bottle he had smashed over your head. 
“Oh my god...”
Dropping it, letting the glass shatter along with the rest of the bottle that was floating in the wine spilled on the floor, he immediately reached out, gathering you up in his arms princess style as he lifted you off of the floor.  
“It’s okay, It’s okay...Shh, shh shh, baby. It’s okay, I'm gonna take care of this...”
He mumbled frantically to your unconscious form as he stepped away from the mess he had made, his hands shaking as he stared down at your unresponsive face. What did he do? What should he do now?!
What else was he supposed to do? You had tried to leave him! Tried to make him leave! You were his reason to live, his sunrise, his sunset, every waking moment had been about you! He...he needed you. He couldn’t let you get away!
Clearly...Clearly if his feelings were this strong you had to feel the same, right?! You were just...were just...scared! Scared you weren’t enough for him! Anyone would be scared to meet their soulmate, right?! It would all be okay once he...once he explained to you that he loved you!
He understood now, all of this, your entire relationship was just you trying to tell him that you were ready! That you wanted him to take you and take care of you, but he had been stupid and hadn’t noticed what you were saying! You had just gotten anxious, afraid that he wouldn’t still love you if you relied on him so much!
You didn’t need to worry, silly! He’ll take good care of you, just like a daddy should after all! He made some mistakes but the two of you had all the time in the world to work past it! He would make it up to you, he was sure. All you needed was time and this silly little misunderstanding would be in the past and the two of you could move on!...Right?
He clutched your limp body closer to his chest as he carefully opened the front door, stepping out of your apartment and rushing down to his car. Luckily none of your neighbors were out to spot him, not that anyone would ever question such a high ranking hero like Red Riot! Still, he didn’t want anyone but himself to look at his baby...
No one would ever look at you ever again.
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fragilevixenfic · 4 years
Please do 46 on the second list "Your lips are so kissable!"
Lets see how this one goes! It gave me a real battle!
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Title: I’d rather be oblivious
Category: Humor/Angst/UST/RST/Canon-Divergent/Post Dreamland II
Summary: Scully indulged in a little too much wine and chased her final drink with a shot of whiskey during dinner with her mother—but her mind was on anything but the meal, or the alcohol, as she shows up to Apartment 42.
Prompt: 46. “Your lips are so kissable!”
  I just pretend that I'm in the dark I don't regret 'cause my heart can't take a loss I'd rather be so oblivious I'd rather be with you
-Abel Tesfaye/Ahmad Balshe/Max Martin/Oscar Thomas Holter (The Weeknd)
 11:00 PM
2630 Hegal Place
Alexandria, VA
                 “Shouldn’t have worn the heels,” Scully muttered after running both hands through her hair, smoothing it away from her flushed face as she groped for the right button inside of the elevator. “Shouldn’t have had that shot, either but here I am…talking to myself in the elevator.”
               Tipsy might’ve been a bit of a reach but she was certainly feeling the alcohol and appreciated the cool breeze against her skin after getting out of the cab. Leaving her mother’s company had been awkward as Scully slid into the back of a cab instead of riding back to the apartment with her. Scully knew that she shouldn’t have indulged beyond the first glass but there was something compelling in it as she nodded at the offering over and over until she was listening to her mother’s weak attempt at naming at least five different eligible bachelors that she wanted to introduce her to. Scully had an entirely different man running through her mind, though, and the wine did little to assist in hiding it.
               “Why am I here?” Scully was face-to-face with his apartment door, the metal finish of the numbers staring at her as she fidgeted in her unusually uncomfortable heels, wincing. “Really shouldn’t have worn the heels.”
               Scully bit down on her lip and knocked, the echo filling the hall as she attracted the attention of the nosey neighbor across the hall. She glanced over in their direction only to catch an up-and-down stare, judging the length of her skirt as though it were that far off from anything else she’d ever worn before. Scully’s weak smile was met with an icy stare before they retreated into their own premises with the slamming of their front door. Scully sighed silently as she heard the string of profanities from inside of Mulder’s place as he maneuvered around after a resounding thud. Her eyes widened as she heard him cuss about a waterbed before flinging the door open as though he had been expecting anyone but her.
               “Oh, hey Scully, I thought you’d be at home watching a movie after having dinner with your mother?” Mulder’s questioning tone matched the wandering eye as he couldn’t help but dip his field of vision to the blush-kissed cleavage peeking out from the top of a tight, teal blouse. “Everything okay?”
               “That depends on your definition of the word okay,” Scully moved past him and inhaled a considerable whiff of his body wash as she saw the little droplets still collecting on his neck from wet hair. “Am I interrupting your night? I’m interrupting your night, aren’t I?”
               “Scully, how glasses of wine did you drink tonight?” Mulder recognized that intoxicated gaze as one he had caught in his own mirror a time or three as he watched her lean against the counter.
               “I had a couple,” Scully furrowed her brows and watched his hand as he pushed the door back into place, listening to the pronounced click of the pin as it gripped before meeting his gaze. “It was the shot of whiskey that might’ve been a bit…much.”
               “At least you didn’t say tequila, because, that’s my MO,” Mulder smirked and went to the cupboard, retrieving a glass to fill with water as he watched her lashes flutter just a little bit while she licked her lips. “Am I in trouble or—”
               “Did you think I wouldn’t find out about Kersh’s secretary?” Scully cut him off, brazenly squaring him up as she found the gumption to ask him for the first time.
               “That was right out of left field,” Mulder’s eyebrows elevated as he took a step back while her gaze narrowed into a glare, the intent building with every breath. “I don’t know what you’re referring to, Scully, and I don’t know what Kersh’s secretary has to do with anything. That woman is a gossip and irritates the ever-loving hell out of me.”
               “I’m sure she’s irritating, Mulder, but not enough to persuade you to keep your tongue out of her mouth, right?” Scully lit him up and pushed another button as she narrowed the gap between them, seething with frustration as she pushed a finger to his chest. “Did you hope that I wouldn’t find out or was that something you wanted?”
The glass met the countertop and left Mulder’s grip as he raised a single brow while scrutinizing Scully. Her actions couldn’t have been more perplexing. Her face couldn’t have been more alluring and it was driving him a little crazy as he listened to the interrogation as it poured from her mouth. Scully truly had become an enigma and Mulder had spent far too many nights trying to unfurl the mysteries of her heart without saying a single word or even glancing at her once. It was as though fate had given him a swift slap as the impromptu confrontation was a little more than he’d anticipated at this hour.
               “Scully, you can’t be serious with this,” Mulder rolled his eyes, caught somewhere between confusion and irritation at the idea of that particular creature telling people she had been intimate with him in any way, shape, or form. “Why would I do that? Answer me that.”
               “I don’t think like you so I couldn’t wager a guess but I do know that it’s absolutely mortifying hearing that your lips are so kissable from a group of women that didn’t realize I was walking through the room,” Scully pressed her lips together and held back the urge to slap him as her comment only earned the rubbing of the bridge of his nose while he chuckled into his palm. “It isn’t funny.”
               “I really am in the Twilight Zone and this shit just keeps getting weirder,” Mulder rubbed his eyes and looked at her as she backed up to lean against the archway upright between the dining area and the living room. “Scully, I would hope I’d remember playing tonsil hockey with a blonde if I did something like that but I really don’t. What I’m wondering is why this upset you so much?”
               “I’m not upset, Mulder. I just don’t want to be the last one to know that you’re acting like a complete moron with a co-worker who might decide to run around bragging about her exploits,” Scully knew she was lying through her teeth as she stared at the floor, refusing to look at him as he approached. “I don’t want to be known as the partner of the sloppy moron.”
               “You’re a lot of things, but a liar isn’t one of them,” Mulder tilted her chin up with his index and heard her inhale sharply as he made eye contact with her. “You can’t just show up here smelling like your mother’s choice in wine and really cheap whiskey and expect me to believe that you’re not upset with the idea that a woman was bragging about me.”
               “Mulder, don’t,” Scully swallowed hard and pushed his hand away from her face, lingering a little too long against his wrist as a final wave of intoxication surged through her veins. “It was a mistake coming here.”
               Mulder was, undeniably, deflated as his shoulders slumped and his gaze wavered, moving to the spot just above her head on the wall as the air left his lungs. “You put forth all of this energy to come here, read me the riot act about something that I didn’t even do, and now you won’t even say, or do, what you actually want. Cards on the table, Scully.”
               “What do you want me to say to you?” Scully’s eyes could’ve pierced a hole through the soul that had already been to hell and back as she studied his face, fixating on those hazel eyes. “That it should’ve been me that could have ample water cooler material over whether or not your bottom lip quivers when you kiss? Or if you’re a little handsier than the average male? Or that the shucking of sunflower seeds with your teeth and tongue definitely paid off?”
               Mulder could’ve let her go on but the way her mouth moved and her bottom swelled was driving him mad as he leaned in close and drew a breath from hers as his teeth slid along the center of her bottom lip. The unintended moan that left her lips was sublime and well-earned as heat met an alcohol-laced tongue that was already yearning for him. Mulder guided her to her toes and slipped his hands around her waist as friction met fluidity, haze met clarity, and passion met electricity. He’d memorized the shape of her mouth and imagined his own perched perfectly against it; exploring the curvature until the breaths between them were synchronized and matched. It was everything that he’d ever dreamed of, right down to the feel of her fingers across the back of his neck and into his hair.
               “Your lips really are so kissable,” Scully’s breathy utterance invited a grin across his face as his fingers played against the small of her back.
               “I was really thinking the combination of wine and whiskey was going to be a turn-off but…I could go for that again,” Mulder licked his lips, tasting her kiss as a laugh reluctantly reverberated from her belly.
               “I could say the same for you,” Scully leaned her head back, the tip of her tongue perched between her teeth. “Tequila breath.”
               “Guilty as charged.”
Tagging @suitablyaggrieved @thejimmyjabs @rationalcashew @frangipanidownunder @monikafilefan @msrheadcanon @kyouryokusenshi @wtfmulder for the loves
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blazewatergem · 4 years
I think I officially hit “Crack” levels with this MHA fic idea(which is once again me wanting to make more found family AU and redeem villains who maybe shouldn’t be because I like them!) because so far these are my morally grey hero’s/villains depending on context.
We got: (read more in case you don’t want to see 😊 no worries!)
Pirate Super who is very rambunctious and overeager to party. She exclusively sings sea shanties and dances on tables, refuses to use her power(which is called Final Stand, a support power that boosts others in her group), will only fight with a sword made out of some unbreakable metal, and is very much in love with her wife who ironically is the Siren Super of the team. Commonly heard screaming “THATS MY WIFE” across the battlefield before punching someone.
Siren Super as previously mentioned. She’s a bit of a bookworm, covered in tattoos and piercings, and is currently banned from coffee due to not wanting to sleep. Her power let’s her control others through song, but depends on said song(examples include love song = obsessed with her, lullaby = everybody sleep, and angry song = everyone going f*cking feral on each other). Once a week needs to sleep in a tank, and also once a week needs to encourage the rest of the team to kidnap her wife because “Sleeping on the floor isn’t good for your back, my sailor, please stop trying to sleep by the tank.”
Pirate is still trying.
Potion Super who, in truth, has zero powers! Just a big cookbook of different potions meant to help the team. Is basically the “team mom”, tallest and strongest of the group physically, and when in combat will use bare fists or metal spear. For some reason, I “hear” her as having a thick Russian accent, like almost stereotypically one. I’m not even sure why, just everything I picture her in a scenario she has one.
Then there’s Discord, who is a old character of mine. She is, in fact, a Symbiote like Venom or Riot. Light silver color, has chaotic tendencies and is still trying to understand things. You know that meme “What do you have?” A knife!” “No!” Yeah Discord gave the kid the knife pretty much. While she’s lethal on the battlefield, her main goal is to help this next Super out with control issues.
I call her the Demon Super, or Darkest Super. I’ve been playing around with names for this one, trying to find a name related to more dangerous stuff — again demons or shadows or something. She’s the “leader” but is pretty relaxed, simple, and friendly. Protective of those under Her care, defensive of anyone she wants to be defensive of, and untrusting towards the masses but won’t show it often in trying to be polite. She can become...violent and threatening when provoked, and will lose control after massive provoking. Has varied tastes towards stuff, and is basically a surprise each day.
The big worry is Demon Super’s powers — nightmares. She can summon beasts from nightmares, control shadows, and the longer she uses her powers the more unstable she gets. Things start to grow more and more dangerous, to the point where her body either shuts down or she starts to change into something other than human. It’s why Discord bonded with her, they help each other to stay above water.
These ladies have a “hideout” that’s basically a bought out warehouse. I haven’t really come up with an inside yet but I got this so far;
The line “looks like a neon nightmare” because neon signs n stuff EVERYWHERE.
Old stuff too. Record boxes stuffed with classics and new ones by a legit jukebox, a big ol’ fish tank off to the side(guess who), a library with books on anything but very unorganized(some is breaking and yellow pages), vintage furniture some fixed up some not, and a couple of carousel animals hanging from the ceiling.
Nobody gets the carousel animals hanging from the ceiling.
There’s a dedicated quite corner in the main room. It is Warehouse Law that any big stuffed animals won must be put in said corner, unless really needed by their winner.
There’s bedrooms. Decorated by their owners, unsure of how or why a warehouse has rooms period. No one really questions it anymore.
Someone has hooked up a movie area. There’s a projector to plug stuff into and a popcorn machine on hand.
There’s a bar. Like not even a whole set up just a random bar counter. Someone saw the Pirate drag it in one day and just...nobody asked. Don’t know where, and don’t care to find out.
Stuffs getting added all the time. It’s a chaotic hell storm but beautiful too, in the way a really weird ass painting can have pretty colors n stuff but you have zero idea what it is.
Here’s my big “twist” though: Nobody has Quirks. Not in the usual way. The Pirate’s ability is literally just a booster effect by giving a good speech(working on it), Siren is that — a siren!, Potion is just a girl with strength she’s trained years to get, and good food, Discord is a legitimate alien, and finally Demon is...well...I got two backstories for her. One is being used by a c*lt to try and summon the creature they worshipped, backfired and now she has all the powers. Second is her just being cursed/overactive magic. Not sure which to use yet, or if I should mix the two together.
...aaaand that’s it. I don’t even have a title yet. Just like, adoption papers for Midoriya and five Super characters who took one look and went “Yeah we’re big sisters now.” and Shenangians Ensure. That’s my plot. Oh and some MHA villains get adopted(read; kidnapped and niceified, which might actually be terrifying considering this group can be ✨ scary ✨) so also redeemed. But yeah that’s all I got so far.
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