#Roadside Sister
gravematron · 1 year
◤.☥ 𝕯𝖎𝖗𝖊𝖈𝖙𝖔𝖗𝖞 ☥.◥
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.☥ 𝕲𝖊𝖓𝖊𝖗𝖆𝖑 ☥.
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.☥ 𝕿𝖍𝖊𝖒𝖊𝖘 ☥.
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.☥ 𝕮𝖔𝖓𝖓𝖊𝖈𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖘 ☥.
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➻❥ #Morbid Matron - Mama
➻❥ #Roadside Sister - Verona ( @mamas-monsters )
➻❥ #Weird Ward - Monsters of The Manor
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nostalgicfun · 9 months
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Raggedy Dog enjoys the sunshine ☀️
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sherlokiness · 2 years
Sometimes, I really wonder if Sansa is going to be the girl in grey. Then I remember if Jon and Sansa were ever to meet again that it would, in fact, be "so sweet". How sweet? Enough to fill the air with it? Jon's sweet sister(not little sister) might just do the job.
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opens-up-4-nobody · 6 months
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monkeymeghan · 2 years
So today was a day. My migraine is finally gone, thank god. Six days of that nonsense was long enough! Last night I ordered some groceries and went to pick them up at 1:30 today. Drama and waiting for almost a half hour and then I finally got my groceries. I go to start my car to leave, and….. it won’t start. Click click click. Are you effing kidding me?! Turn key, click click click. My car won’t start. I have frozen food. I called my sister and was able to get a ride home with no problem. I put the groceries away. Then I take a shower (I had been in my pajamas up until this point). After getting dressed, I went back to ShopRite. It’s across the highway from my neighborhood, so I just walked there. Once I got to my car I requested roadside assistance from AAA. My battery was shot and needed to be replaced. $197.25, and that is the discounted AAA price. Oh well, I needed to get it, so I did. Thank goodness I had one of my credit cards in my wallet (the others are in the safe so I won’t use them as I pay them down). Granted, the card is now maxed out again, but I have a new battery. So I’ve been home again for a while, and finally over my mood. My well-deserved mood, thank you very much. Lol. Now I’m just tired, it’s been a long afternoon.
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petnews2day · 2 years
Puppy disposed with brother or sisters in cage at the roadside ends up being cops sniffer dog
New Post has been published on https://petnews2day.com/pet-industry-news/pet-charities/puppy-disposed-with-brother-or-sisters-in-cage-at-the-roadside-ends-up-being-cops-sniffer-dog/?utm_source=TR&utm_medium=Tumblr+%230&utm_campaign=social
Puppy disposed with brother or sisters in cage at the roadside ends up being cops sniffer dog
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‘ He was constantly predestined to be a sniffer dog’ (Photo: RSPCA) Meet Chester, the smart cocker spaniel who went from a deserted puppy left at the side of a roadway to signing up with the police. Chester was among 6 young puppies– 4 cocker spaniels and 2 terrier crossbreeds– discovered disposed in a cage […]
See full article at https://petnews2day.com/pet-industry-news/pet-charities/puppy-disposed-with-brother-or-sisters-in-cage-at-the-roadside-ends-up-being-cops-sniffer-dog/?utm_source=TR&utm_medium=Tumblr+%230&utm_campaign=social #PetCharitiesNews
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triangleguy · 28 days
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im on roadside attraction and my sister said "there should be an episode where they have fun and go camping or something and bill just doesnt bother them" so i drew this
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Happy Birthday, Yae Miko!
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"This one still hasn't submitted his manuscript..."
"Oh? What's his excuse this time?"
"Apparently, it was soaked and ruined when he fell into a roadside pond on his way to attend the funeral of the grandfather of his wife's sister-in-law..."
"Oh? Haha... What an intriguing explanation! I trust you know what needs to be done?"
"Yes, I've asked him to come stay in the room we've prepared for him until he's finished."
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selineram3421 · 1 month
⯅ or 🔼 or ⚠️
You're Off-key
Part 2
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Part 1
Reader X Gravity Falls
Warnings ⚠
⚠ some book of bill spoils, swearing, blood, mentions of dead body, everyone is aged up, haha boy bands, mention of board games ⚠
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Ohmyglobohmyglobohmyglobohmyglob! You thought as the golf cart got closer to the roadside attraction.
Then you saw a familiar goat eating a tin can, and then it turns to look at you.
Very on brand Gompers. You thought before going back to panicking again. OK BUT WHAT DO I DO NOW!?
As you continued to think of answers to multiple questions they might ask, the golf cart stopped and the two brown haired twins hopped out and stood next to you to help you out.
"Careful, we don't want you passing out again.", Dipper says and picks up your backpack, then holds a hand out for you.
"Pshh! Move over!", Mabel pushes her brother to the side. "I'm helping them! I wanna know more about our new mysterious friend!"
"Mabel! They are hurt, we have to help them down carefully!"
"Well, we need to get them into the shack quickly to bandage their still bleeding head! Have you seen the golf cart seat!? The top is all bloody!"
"Wait, what?", you say as the two continue arguing and turn around to see the top of the seat that was behind your head.
Sure enough, there is blood.
"Oh, ew.", you say and get off the cart yourself. "Hey, it's fine. I can walk on my own."
After you take a step, you immediately almost fall and the two react fast, holding you up by your arm, one on each.
"Ok, maybe I'm not as fine as I thought.", you laugh.
"What do you mean? We thought-", Mabel began.
"HEY MABEL! Didn't you have some juice in the freezer? If you don't get it out now you'll have to wait for it to unfreeze!", Dipper says quickly.
"OH MY GOSH YOU'RE RIGHT!", his sister says and pushes your weight onto her brother before rushing inside. "I'M COMING MABEL JUICE!"
Ow, my ears...
"Sorry about that.", he apologizes and walks you into the shack. "Mabel can say some random things and I didn't want her talking your ear off haha."
You are led into the kitchen and are seated on one of the yellow chairs near the table. After he walks off, you take in the cool air conditioning inside the house and sigh.
Maybe this isn't as bad as I thought? You leaned forward and rest your arms on the table before resting your head on your arms.
Did you really look that bad?
"They aren't dead Grunkle Stan!", the twin says back to the older generation twin.
"Do I have blood on my face?", you mumble to yourself.
Dipper turns back to you with gauze. "Uh, yeah? It's not that bad though.", he says smiling nervously.
I look like a dead body for sure. You sigh but don't call him out on his bluff.
"Ok Dipper.", you smile back.
As he starts to clean off some blood, Mabel then comes back from...you don't know where with an empty pitcher that has left over glitter and plastic dinosaurs in the bottom.
"I forgot to offer.", she says.
"That's fine. I still have water in my backpack.", you say.
Gauze is now starting to be wrapped around your head, then you hear someone else walk into the kitchen.
"Ok dudes, who bled on the golf cart? Cuz the cops are outside wondering if it's hot sauce.", the man, the legend, Soos asks wearing the Mr. Mystery suit.
"Soos!", Mabel says and goes over to the man after putting the pitcher in the sink. "We picked up a bleeding person that we found in the woods! AND LOOK!", she then gestures to you as Dipper finishes tying the bandage off. "They are wearing a cool sweater!"
A sweater? You look down and indeed find yourself in a zip up sweater. Ugh..no wonder it was so damn hot outside. Taking off your sweater to tie around your waist, you keep an ear perked to hear their conversation.
"Whoa, are they like a magical person?", Soos asks.
"MmMhm.", Mabel shrugs her shoulders. "We could always find out."
Nope! You stand up and then wobbly sit back down. Maybe I shouldn't get up yet.
"You ok?", Dipper asks.
"Yeah, I just wanted to get my water bottle from my backpack.", you come up with quickly.
"Oh, let me.", he says and picks up your pack and sets it on the table.
"So...", Mabel says sliding over. "Do you like boy bands?"
"Not the time-"
"Actually I do.", you respond. "I like the Front-road Guys."
"Well, do I have a story to tell!", she smiles widely.
"Oh boy..", her twin sighs.
You don't know what you started.
"Sometimes we'll still see them scampering around the woods and eating out our trash.", Mabel says as she finishes telling you about the boy band clone story.
"Wow, ok.", you say, shocked because she told you more details than what the show revealed. "That's crazy."
"Yeah, that was fun.", she smiles.
You've been introduced to Soos, and then you were given a small tour after the twins made sure you wouldn't wobble like a baby deer anymore. Now you were walking to meet the Grunkle.
I was sure the older twins were on a boat. Did they come back for the summer? That's nice. You thought and found Stan sitting in front of the t.v. wearing his house clothes.
Which is just an undershirt, boxers, and slippers.
The old man turns after Mabel says. "HI GRUNKLE STAN!"
"Who's the mummy?", he points at you and drinks from the pitt-cola can in his hand.
"The one who you thought was a dead body.", you say before the twins next to you can speak.
"Ha! Good to see you're not dead.", Stan says before turning back to watch a rerun episode of Ducktective.
Then they have you wait for something..
You're not quite sure and they sit you down at the table where the card games and some family meetings were held from what you saw in the episodes, still in the living room.
The back of your head still hurt, not bleeding from the recent check ups Mabel has been giving you but it still felt like your head was stuffed with cotton and your hearing was kinda going to shit too. You don't know how many times you've asked either twin to repeat themselves.
Maybe a nap would be good.
"And we brought them back here!", you hear Mabel say, probably going to introduce you to some other character person.
"Exactly where in the woods did you find them?", a familiar voice says.
Oh shit! It's Ford! FUCK!
You do your best to keep a straight face as you see them enter the room.
Shit. Fuck. Shit shit FUCK!
Then the author of the journals is standing in front of you with a small flashlight.
"Hello, I'm Ford. My niece and nephew probably already told you about me.", he says and kneels slightly to get to your eye level. "I'm going to run a series of tests to see how severe your concussion is."
"Oh, ok.", you reply as calmly as you could.
"Follow this flashlight with your eyes.", he says and moves it left to right.
You do so, this scenario reminding you of doctor tests that you've done once after getting hit in the head with a soccer ball during P.E.
Then the six fingered man turns the flashlight on to see how your pupils react.
Woop! Woooo.. Woop! Woooo...
You make sound effects in your head as you dilate and constrict your pupils.
Maybe I do need to take that nap...
"Sorry.", you blink and look at Ford. "I think I'm just super tired."
"Hmm..", the old twin hums and puts the flashlight away. "It's too late to go to the clinic now, why don't you stay in a spare room?", he says as he stands up.
"Oh my gosh!", Mabel smiles wide and places her hands on her cheeks. "It's a sleepover!!"
"It's not a sleepover Mabel, they are just staying here until the clinic opens.", Dipper sighs.
"Please no loud music that'll burst eardrums. I don't think it would help.", Ford says and begins to walk away towards the gift shop door.
"WAIT!", you stand up quickly and lean on the table with your hand for support. "Why let me stay?", you ask, specifically to Ford.
The man looks over his shoulder, glasses glinting from a light coming from the t.v.
"I'm a random person they-", you gesture to the younger twins. "found in the woods and know nothing about me! Frankly, if it were me, I would watch that random person like a hawk!"
You're honestly afraid. You don't know how things will turn out. Ford will do anything to protect the twins, same with Stan.
"If you were dangerous, you wouldn't be able to get too far with that head injury.", Ford replies. "You'll need to change your bandages in the morning.", he finishes and leaves the room.
He..has a point.
All you do is slowly sit back down and sigh.
I'm so tired.
"Sooo...", Mabel says as she walks over to you. "Wanna play board games?"
Well, at least the family doesn't find me as a threat. Which is good.
"Got anything stress inducing?", you smile.
You're pretty sure they still have that board game that's like Jumanji.
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~Seline, the person.
Part 3
@diffidentphantom @sleep-7372 @boredwithlifeatthispoint @mspurpl3 @gxstiess @lynkolnevans @fries11 @+?
GF List🏞️ | YO-🎹
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notjustjavierpena · 8 months
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Main Masterpost | Support a disabled creator
A/N: My first darkfic and based on that one picture of Pedro in Freaky Tales. READ THE TAGS!!!!
Summary: You get more than you paid for during your visit to a roadside diner.
Pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader/you (no y/n)
Tags: +18 smut, DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT, non-con, degrading language, condescending language, blood and violence, threats of violence, forced masturbation, forced orgasm, forced creampie, reader does NOT enjoy this! 
Word count: 3.3k
Link to this work on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52941784
Something about roadside diners makes you feel like you are in an alternate universe. It starts the second that you step out of your car and onto the asphalt, a weird sensation of not being in the real world overtaking you as you listen to the cars drive by at a dizzying speed. There are a few cars here already, but you suspect that most of them belong to the people staying at the motel just next to the small and informal restaurant instead of people eating dinner. It is late after all, so late that you can see you are just in time for a coffee before they close. 
You’ve been driving home in the summer heat for your sister’s wedding, crossing state lines for days now to make it in time, and it means quick dinners, cheap coffee, and sleeping in your car. At this point, you’ve actually come to like the greasy fried food and the coffee that almost resembles tar with how strong it is. It helps you regulate your body temperature in the car, forcing you to cool down because it’s scalding hot in your stomach. 
A tiny bell rings as you walk through the door. The checkered tile floor seems slightly sticky as you move through the place with the taste of stale coffee already present on your tongue as if the setting has triggered a memory. You notice the single customer sitting in a booth along the window, all broad shoulders and sleeves rolled up as he eats two slices of toast with eggs and bacon, but you don’t think much of the man as much as you think about eating breakfast foods at night. It’s always oddly satisfying, weirdly rebellious. 
You squeeze in between two chairs from the line along the counter. You brush away a few granules of sugar from it, smiling slightly as you are approached by what you assume is the only staff at this time. 
“Just coffee?” The lady behind the counter asks as she notices you not looking at the menu and not checking out the pie underneath a glass dome to your left. 
“That’d be great,” you reply.
“And no milk or nothin’?” She continues. 
You shake your head no and look around at nothing of importance the second she walks away to start up the coffee machine. It gurgles a few moments later. 
Behind you, the man has finished his meal. He gets out of the booth to use the restroom, leaving you to sip your coffee alone with the waitress who makes no effort to start up a conversation with you (then again, you don’t start chatting with her either). 
Time passes. The song playing from the radio in the background ends. The stranger reemerges and shakes his hands dry on his way to his table again. He doesn’t sit but instead carries his plate to the counter. 
“Thanks, Doris, great like always,” he smiles, turning to you briefly to acknowledge your presence. He nods in greeting. 
“Anytime, Joel,” Doris blinks at him, batting her lashes. She is clearly infatuated, and you can understand why; the two of them seem to be about the same age. Joel is tall with broad shoulders in an open flannel with a t-shirt underneath, his hands look rough and used to hard labor, and his hair is slicked back by what you don’t know whether is gel or sweat but it looks like he has run his fingers through it several times today.
“Well, I’m off, see ya tomorrow,” he turns to go gather his things at the table where he has been eating. You think nothing more of it.
“Anything else, honey?” Doris asks and you shake your head.
“No thanks,” you say politely, “I’m all good.”
“I’ll have my smoke break then,” she states, untying her apron and hanging it on the wall only to proceed to dig out a package of cigarettes from the pocket on the front, “You can just leave the money on the counter when you leave.”
And then it’s just you and Joel and an eerie feeling settles in your stomach at being alone with a man you don’t know, especially in between cities and even moreso at night. 
You glance over your shoulder to watch him carefully but he is just picking through his wallet to leave a tip on the table. You look straight ahead again and shake your head at how ridiculous you feel about your anxiety, rolling your eyes at how you could think such things about someone who is having eggs at midnight. 
Still, something feels wrong. You steal another glance over your shoulder and see the table with the empty plate, and the crumbled bill beside it. What you don’t see is Joel, which is weird because you haven’t heard the bell from the door being opened and clo-
A rough hand settles on the back of your neck. It grips you hard until it hurts, causing you to crane your neck and gasp loudly into the room. Joel’s voice makes your skin crawl, “Fuck, you are pretty.” 
You hear a deep inhale through the nose followed by a satisfied sigh, “Smell pretty too. Been driving all day alone?”
“What are you doing?” You are frozen to the spot. He has trapped you between the counter, two barstool chairs, and himself. The hand holding you in place is uncomfortable but mostly, its iron grip has started to make you lightheaded due to his thumb and index finger pressing into your carotid artery. It makes you not want to move in case he grabs harder. 
“I just realized that I haven’t had dessert in a while ‘n’ pie just doesn’t seem to cut it,” he replies, breathing labored already from how he has control over what your body can or cannot do. The words make you squirm but you still, for some reason, haven’t thought about screaming for help.
“No,” your voice quivers and bravely you try to decline the offer, “I don’t want that. Please.”
“Afraid you’ll like it too much?” You can feel he has moved his head closer, can feel the smirk in his voice. You feel sick like you might actually puke if you weren’t working on an empty stomach.
“Doris’ll come back,” you reason. 
“She’s closing up in ten,” he laughs as if it’s the most ridiculous thing he has ever heard, “She’ll use every second of those ten minutes to have what she considers fresh air but I don’t think we need much longer, do you?”
You whimper, and then suddenly you’re on the move but it’s not by yourself. No. Joel is hauling you backward, moving you around like you weigh nothing, and causing your feet to stumble several times. However, he doesn’t seem bothered by your clumsiness caused by terror, just uses a bit more force until he can shove you down onto an empty table. 
That’s when you feel panic starting to rise in your body. You start thrashing, grabbing at whatever you can reach on the table to throw it down onto the floor and make a racket. You cry too, shock setting in and causing tears to flow desperately as emotions become too much. This is it, you think, this is what prey must feel when they’re trying to escape.
Joel growls in anger, holding you roughly in place so your efforts are to no avail, “Shut the fuck up. Stop crying.”
You absolutely don’t. That is until your forehead and nose connect with the surface of the table. Joel has pushed you on the back of your head so harshly that your face has been violently knocked down onto the table, and it hurts, prickling in your nostrils and nausea settling more in your stomach. The impact makes you feel dizzy enough to not continue fighting him. 
A sudden taste of iron fills your mouth. You are bleeding from your nose, you realize, and it replaces the salty taste of your tears and drips onto the surface of the table. Pathetically, you try grabbing at anything in front of you and you end up smearing the bloodstains across the white. It’s not the sight that makes you gag but the fact that Joel seems aroused by it. 
“Relax,” he responds to your whine, “‘tis just a bit of blood.”
But that’s not what causes your noise. It’s the position you are in; it makes your ass stick out and Joel’s crotch rests against it whilst he reaches out for your hair, bunching it up in his strong hand and creating a makeshift ponytail to tug on. You try to make sense of what is happening but all you can focus on is how big he seems in his jeans, rock hard against you as he yanks your head up by the hair. It may be your foggy mind’s way of protecting yourself from realizing what this is, particularly because you had a brief thought earlier about how nice his hands would feel if they touched you. They feel horrible.
When he straightens behind you, his free hand starts tugging on your pants. He is rough in his movements but careful enough to make sure that nothing rips, knowing he shouldn’t leave evidence of your ravish behind. 
“Please,” you slur with desperation.
“No begging now,” he purposely misunderstands, “I’ll give you what you need real soon, sweetheart.”
When your pants sit around your knees, he lets the hand go down between your legs. Your mind is suddenly very clear. 
“Are you a virgin?” He asks with a dark smile evident in his voice. His hand skims along the inside of your thigh, and you feel your feet trying to move away. His fingertips are so close to where you don’t want them. He kicks your ankles hard enough to make you unable to breathe, unable to balance on your feet so you can’t even try to flee.
You whimper in reply. 
The satisfied growl he lets out sends a shiver down your spine, cold sweat making you feel lightheaded. 
“No,” you finally manage to stutter out, trying to convince yourself that replying is going to make the heartbeat in your chest less intense as you’ve made yourself less interesting to him. Instead, you realize that you have only disappointed him.
“Just when I got my hopes up,” he tuts, suddenly palming your cunt through your underwear. You want to scream and cry but somehow, you simply cannot and it dawns on you that your body is too scared of making him furious to do your most instinctive act of fighting back, “Can’t say I’m happy, but I am surprised at having a whore on my hands. Wait till I tell the guys back home ‘bout you, they’ll be so envious.”
His fingers curl around the fabric of your panties. He tugs them down your thighs and the fabric snaps at the violent yanks that he does. It was only the pants, you think, it was only those that needed to be saved for keeping up appearances. 
The way the skin of his hand touches your bare thighs feels like fire, and you don’t know whether to feel relief that nothing has happened yet or become hysterical when your underwear sits around your knees too; you know the rest, know what he is about to do and now, you just have to wait for it to be over. 
And then briefly, it’s gone but you don’t dare think that he might have changed his mind but when you lift your head, you can see him in the reflection of the window, sucking on his own fingers to wet them until they’re shiny with saliva. 
“Stay still,” he commands, and the hand on the back of your neck slides down so he can rest his forearm on the small of your back to still hold you down. His wetted fingers go right between your legs to search for your clit, and he presses down on it until you let out a whimper from a sudden state of arousal slowly taking over your body. 
He rubs you off for a few minutes where you fight every single nerve in your body to not enjoy it but suddenly you let out your first involuntary moan, pussy starting to wet against your will and shame setting in. You rest your cheek against the table, tears sliding down over your nose as you occasionally moan helplessly. Your poor treacherous body burns deep below your navel, and the tingling in your core makes you think that maybe, just maybe, it won’t be so bad. 
“That’s it,” he says in a gentle voice, a tone that makes you hold back a gag, “Knew you wanted it, just needed a little encouragement.”
“Please,” you sob, “I can pay you.”
“I don’t want cash,” he replies simply, sliding his digits through your slick, “I want you, sweetheart, and it seems this pussy wants me too.”
Joel’s fingers leave you and you hear him suck his fingers clean with a hum. The air feels cool against your swollen cunt which is so wet by now that you start to believe, albeit barely, that a part of you wants this. How can you say you don’t when you are close to dripping?
“I’m gonna let go of you now but if you try anything, I’ll cut your fucking tits off with a steak knife, got it?” Joel’s threat doesn’t seem empty.
You nod, paralyzed, and he stretches. You shiver at the sound of his belt unbuckling and his zipper being pulled down. There’s a bit of shuffling and then you feel the blunt head of his dick poking into your ass. 
He doesn’t waste his time it seems, because he rubs the tip through your wetness and starts to breach you. Color drains from your face at the realization of his size. 
“No, no no no,” you pant as he pushes into you. He teases you open but only at first; you let out a sharp cry as he enters you fully and with no warning. The head had been a warning of how big he was going to be but now that he is sheathed inside of you to the brim, you feel like nothing could have ever prepared you for his size even if you had wanted him. He kisses your cervix, splits you open, and your cunt clenches in an attempt to push him out and pull him in.
“Fuck,” he moans and draws out the word, “Tight heaven.”
He fucks you like a ravenous animal and you turn into a helplessly moaning mess, held down to the point where your hips are hurting against the table because Joel uses all of his weight to pleasure himself with you. 
His fingers dig into your hips enough to bruise and his zipper gnaws into the back of your thigh. You have never taken anyone as big as him before, and it’s almost an out-of-body experience to be stretched out again and again by him. He swears above you, rhythm faltering, every time you accidentally find a shred of pleasure in his thrusts.
You feel fucked out of your mind but you are stuck there, having to take each bruising thrust that sends pain shooting through your body each time Joel’s cock bumps the back of your cunt (which is every other crash of his hips due to his size). 
“Ah,” you whimper shamefully when he nudges against your g-spot. It takes some of the pain away, and soon, you let out a breathless gasp. Would you actually enjoy him if circumstances had been different? If he’d chatted you up and booked a room at the motel next door? 
You close your eyes, squeezing them shut. It leaves you to focus on the way that your cunt squelches from your wetness, how Joel grunts behind you as he continues driving into you. 
“Listen to that, you really think your whore-pussy would sound like that if you didn’t want this?” He taunts.
“No, Joel,” you say without any tone to your voice.
“You wanna come, sweetheart? Touch yourself,” he pulls you back by your hips a little until you are able to move your hand to your crotch. His thrusts relent and bring you relief from your throbbing and pained muscles. You don’t move, and he grows impatient and cruel. You almost want to laugh at the contrast of his next line but you find yourself too scared of the unknown, “You think you get a choice here, you little bitch? Do it now.”
Reluctantly, your hand slides down between your legs but you still feel relief as you start touching yourself. In the moment, you try to remind yourself of what you like to do when it’s just you alone and you find that your cunt stirs with interest. It’s followed by a string of ahs as you begin to actually enjoy it, circling your clit with determination to finish.
“That’s it, wanna feel you milk me,” his breath is more ragged now. He is close you realize, and he is not going to pull out. 
It feels shameful when you make yourself come, cunt setting off into spasms that should feel beautiful but just makes you hate yourself for enjoying the way they make you feel. You moan louder than intended, completely at the mercy of the pleasure that has been built up deep inside of you and is now coursing through your nervous system.
Joel seems to understand your conflict, radiating claustrophobic warmth as he speeds up his hips as if he is using your body to masturbate with you. His voice is breathy as he talks, he sounds nearly on the edge of coming, “Shh… It’s supposed to feel good. It should feel good.”
He finishes inside of you a moment later, warm and sticky with a looming threat of what could happen from this act. The groan he lets out is one you don’t think you will forget. He gives you his final thrusts, fucking you through each spurt of his cock, “Take it, oh fuck. Thaaat’s it.”
Time stands still after that. You don’t move despite him removing himself from you. Instead, you listen to him tugging himself back into his jeans, the rustling of the denim, and then the noise of his zipper and him buckling his belt. 
After a moment more, his hands pull up off your shredded underwear and then he tugs your jeans up over your hips again. He hauls you up and holds your arms tightly so you don’t fall over once more. You don’t look at him and it seems to infuriate him. With a strong grip around your jaw, he forces your head towards him, “Hey, look at me.”
When you still don’t, he shakes your head a little, “Eyes here.”
You eventually follow through, vision blurry from how much you have cried. He scans your face, “You don’t tell anyone about this or I swear. I don’t usually hunt down pretty girls like you but I will. You go into your car and you drive away. I’ll watch you from here. Got it?”
Your body aches as you nod but your expression is blank, even when Joel pushes you out of his grip so you stumble and even when you see him stuff your panties into his pocket. 
“Go,” he snaps when you’re still immovable. 
You don’t know how but suddenly, you’re walking out the door, barely noticing where your feet hit the ground, and doing exactly what he has said. You probably shouldn’t even be driving let alone on the highway but you do until you feel nothing at all except his come dripping from your aching cunt.
If you would like to follow my writing then go follow @notjustjavierpena-fics and turn on notifications 💖❤️
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whorekneecentral · 11 months
Snow Storm
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Pato O'Ward x Fem!Reader
Warnings: pato doesn't listen, snow storms, getting stranded, car troubles, reader's mad at him and will lowkey let him freeze, teasing, it's giving dom!pato for like 0.2 seconds, oral (f!receiving), lowkey blackmail, penetrative sex (P in V), creampie.
Word Count: 1,729
Author's Note: this is for the six pato fans out there, I hope y'all like this one :)
merry smutmas series
Your boyfriend insists the roads are fine to drive despite the massive incoming snow storm; as someone who grew up in cold weather, you knew better. yet, there you were stuck on the side of the road with him in the snow. 
"Do you seriously have to go right now?" You asked him, leaning over from your spot on the bed.
Your boyfriend nods, "yes, because if I leave it back - I won't finish wrapping it. Plus, it's a week before Christmas, the wrapping paper might be sold out."
Rolling your eyes, you sit up properly. "Pato, don't be ridiculous. They're not gonna run out of wrapping paper."
"You never know!" He huffed, arms flung in the air like a child.
You and Pato had returned to your home town to spend Christmas with your family before heading up to Mexico to join his family for New Year. It had been snowing on and off since you got home a few days ago but it really came down last night. Most of the roads were a disaster but Pato was insistent on getting this stupid wrapping paper.
"The roads are going to be a mess, babe. Can we not just go tomorrow?" You asked him but the man was already getting up, grabbing his hoodie off the end of your bed.
"Please," he shrugs you off, "I drive race cars, a little snow ain't nothing to a driver like me."
You can't help but laugh at his dramatics; you grew up in the snow, you know how brutal it can be to get stuck out there and yet, you stupidly follow him down the staircase and to the car.
Pato takes the side street the two of you had taken many times before. See, you lived in a small town in the middle of basically nowhere. When it snowed, people tended to stay indoors but they did plow the roads, but only the main ones took priority. This meant that the road you were on was one of the last to be plowed yesterday and had yet to be plowed today.
With the snow coming down on top of what had already fallen that morning, the mountain of snow piled up along the sides of the road. Pato's focused on the road but as he turns to go over the hill before getting into town, the wheel stops moving. He can hear the grinding, the wheels spinning but it's stuck in something.
You look over at the man, "are you kidding me right now?"
"Wha-" he sighs, "I'll go check." He tells you, pulling the hood over his head as he steps out of the car.
When he opens the door, you shiver. You had not only followed him out of the house but you were wearing sweats and a hoodie, that was nowhere close to enough to keep you warm.
"So," he says as he gets back into the car, looking over at you with a tight lipped smile. "We're stuck."
"Yeah, no shit Sherlock." You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose.
"Okay, so I can push the car out-" he says but you stop him, waving him off. "There's no point, you won't make it over the hill and there's too much snow to make it back to the house right now."
His brows furrow, looking over at you. "So what? We're just stuck here?"
"Yeah, for now at least." You pick up your phone and text your sister, letting her know you two are stuck and if she could please call the roadside assistance. Pato sat quietly, not wanting to annoy you further; after all, you did suggest to wait until tomorrow.
"We're here for at least another 3 hours," you tell him, "she says they're gonna clear the roads and then come this way."
The man nods, staring out the window as you unbuckled, shifting in your seat to climb into the back. He looks at you, confused and you pat the spot next to you. "If we're gonna be stuck for 3 hours, we can at least be warm. Come cuddle."
He climbs over the seat, clinging to you the moment he gets into the backseat. While you were cold, you were used to this weather so it wasn't so bad but for Pato, it was as if you had shipped him off to Antarctica. He's shivering, trying to get as close to you as possible; he wonders if you'd let him get into your sweater with you.
You can't help but laugh at the sight of your boyfriend. He huffs, looking up at you. "What?"
"I told you not to come out today." You laughed and he rolled his eyes. "How rude? Don't roll your eyes at me."
"Or what?"
"Or I'll move and let you freeze to death." You tell him and Pato smiles, sitting up a bit. "You won't."
It's your turn to roll your eyes now, moving away from your boyfriend towards the door. Pato ignores your theatrics and moves closer to you again, cuddling into your side. You don't move nor do you react, you simply ignore the man.
Pato holds back the urge to roll his eyes, his lips pressed to your jaw and moves down to your neck, leaving a trail of kisses behind. "C'mon mi amor, I'm sorry."
You ignore the man, not answering him. You'd move away again but if you move another further, you'd end up outside of the car.
He huffs, "fine, if you won't help me warm up, I'll warm myself up." His hand moves from your thigh to the hem of your sweats, shoving his hand down the front.
"Pato!" You laughed, grabbing his wrist. He smiles, "oh so that got your attention?"
"You mean you shoving your freezing hand down my pants? Yeah," you laughed but the man doesn't move his hand- at least not in the way you meant. His fingers rubbed over your panties, he can feel how warm you are, how wet you were.
"Something's got you worked up?" He asks and you ignore him question, your bottom lip pulled between your teeth as you try not to moan.
Pato's fingers worked slowly, pulling your panties to the side to rub on your clit and you let out a little whimper - by accident of course.
He figured there had to be a fast way to get you to forgive him. He moves his hand away and you give him a look, one he knows too well - why'd you do that. "I know," he tells you, "I'm sorry babe, one second." He pulls you by your hips to lay on the bed seat, your Uggs on the floor as he reaches for your sweats, pulling them off.
"How is this gonna make me warm?" You grumbled, an arm over your face.
"Shut up, will you?" He glances up to you, repositioning himself between your legs.
His hands rub over your thighs and despite his hands being freezing, it felt like every nerve in your body was on fire. Eventually, his hand ends up right where it previously was - exactly where you wanted it.
You let out a breath when you feel his lips on your thigh, soft kisses being peppered across the surface of your inner thigh. Your head falls back against the seat when you feel his tongue on you, he’s yet to move your panties and you're already a mess.
He finally does, smiling to himself “Fuck-” you breathe, fingers tangled in his hair.
Pato glances up at you, his nose brushes against your clit and he doesn't miss the sound coming out of your mouth or the way your hips jut towards him.
"Pato," you whined, pulling on his hair when he stopped for a moment. He chuckles, "do you forgive me?" He asked, a hand running up the side of your thigh.
You propped yourself up on your elbows, looking at the man. "What?"
"Say you forgive me and I'll give you whatever you want, corazón."
"Fine," you huffed, "I forgive you." You tell him quickly, pulling him back to you. Pato laughs, his face buried between your legs once again.
Your thighs squeeze around his face; he'd die a happy man right there.
You can't wait any longer, you need him in every sense of the word. Pulling your boyfriend up, he kisses you when he meets your face and you can taste yourself on him, the two of you shuffling around a bit. Pato's sitting now, his own pants pulled down half over his thighs and you're on top of him, straddling him.
He lets you sink down onto his cock. Both of you letting out a satisfied sigh, your hands gripping on his shoulders as you set the pace.
He lets out a groan when you clench around him, his hands squeezing your bare thighs, red finger prints on your skin. Pato's face buried in the crook of your neck.
Your hand tangles in his hair, pulling his head back so you can kiss him. You kiss all over his face, Pato cheeks red from the blush forming on his cheeks.
He loves when you love on him like that.  
“You’re so good for me,” you mumble against his cheek, rocking your hips back and forth. “Mmm there,” you breathe, chest pressed to his. His lips find the base of your neck, he bites down softly before kissing up to your jaw.
Pato's arms wrapped around you, holding you close as you bounced on his lap. The two of you are tangled together, not sure where one of you ends and the other starts. The windows are steamy, you're no longer freezing but instead, you were sweating.
"C'mon, just like that pretty girl," he edges you on, lifting his hips to meet you halfway.
“My pretty girl, so good for me.” He whispers into the silence.
You pull him down onto you, his chest pressed to yours and your hand rests on his cheek. Your boyfriend kissing you and with a few sloppy thrusts, you feel yourself being pushed over the edge.
He groans, feeling you clench around him and he follows behind you, now coming down from his own high.
The two of you clinging onto each other, his hands slip under the back of your sweater and you giggle, bucking forward on his lap which makes him groan.
"Don't do that," he tells you and you roll your eyes, "then don't tickle me!"
Pato laughs, pulling you in for a kiss. "Warm now?"
"Sweating," you huffed, smiling against his lips.
taglist: @nosugarallspice @evieepepi08 @mimithepooh @koufaxx @dannyramirezwife-simpaccount @topguncultleader @molliemoo3 @aisharmi @mamako23 @ac3may @lewislcver @miahgonzalez16 @books-and-netflix-pls @wibi96 @bwddermilch @pedrisgatorade @clarasenchant @sainzluvrr // @forza55 @norrisleclercf1 @allalngthewtchtower @therealcap @burningcupcakefire @stargirl36 @brettlorenzi3 @guiseppetsunoda @magnummagnussen @flippingmyshit @savrose129 @lovelytsunoda @irda12-blog @dhhdhsiavdhaj @slytheringirlthatkillpeople @f1lovers22 @toomuchdelusion @eviethetheatrefreak @faye2029 @lillians-world-is-f1 @chalando1604 @lenaxwbr  @im-obsessed @potashiuhm @lcxlerc16 @enjoythebutterflies3 @lillyfootballsworld @micksmidnights @mashtonbunny @chrlsleclerc @logischeroktopus
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cybermanoloart · 5 months
The last video of the plant month serie! Exactly one week late but oh well 😅
We're two sisters collaborating on this video serie
@cybermanolol is in charge of the art and the editing 🎨 📽️ and @_chalulu_ is the one doing all the plant research and she's also the voice 📝🗣️
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@_chalulu_ my sources are:
- Le régal végétal by François Couplan
- Cueillette buissonnière dans le bocage, usage populaire des plantes sauvages en Thiérache - Pays de Chimay. Edition 2020.
@cybermanoloart I've seen lots of paintings of dandelions, so I searched for a way to make one that was truly mine and original. @_chalulu_ is a little disappointed that it doesn't feature the plant more predominantly, but I wanted to showcase the dandelion's ability to grow into the most hostile of environments. What do you think about it? Agree with my sister, or do you like this Idea?
Choose your harvesting location well:
Do not enter private property and never harvest in a protected area. Also avoid roadsides or polluted sites.
Be sure to correctly identify everything you pick so as not to damage a rare species or poison yourself.
When in doubt, abstain or call someone with the relevant competence.
Harvest plants sparingly, only where they are abundant and never collect too much.
Take only as needed and do not pull out the entire crops.
Wash before eating.
Carefully sort and wash the crop. Be careful, only cooking can prevent certain diseases or parasites such as echinococcosis or liver fluke.
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wheredidhiseyebrowsgo · 3 months
Any fics where Stiles and Lydia are siblings? I've tried finding some but it's only vaguely mentioned and never talked about after that so I was wondering if you had or could find any fics where it focuses on that more
Hi anon! @kevaaronday made this list for you.
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back again (for the first time) but hot_damn_louis (6/6 | 73,083 | Teen | Sterek) “There was a—” Stiles shook his head, unable to believe it himself, “— a ghost.”
It had been years since Stiles had seen a ghost with his own two eyes, and not through a fancy camera or on pictures. He saw it, the column of light, at the end of his bed. If he wasn’t frozen, scared to even move, he might have been able to stretch his leg out and kick it. He was that close to it. 
aka Stiles is house sitting with his sister Lydia for the summer on a farm in the middle of a ranch in Texas. And even though he's a retired ghost hunter, the rumors of the Mad Monk ghost on the Hale ranch are too enticing to stay away from.
The Last Chills of Winter by LeeHan (1/1 | 42,525 | Explicit | Sterek) “He didn’t magically charm me,” Derek shot back in his defense.
“Oh, so he just regular charmed you?” Laura said with a smirk.
“What? No,” Derek growled.
“Was he hot?”
“No! He just—“ He just had a laugh like a sun shower. Fuck.
Better Fortunes by SmallBirds (1/1 | 39,618 | Not Rated | Sterek) When a group of sinister men attempt to kidnap Stiles Stilinski from the Brooklyn apartment he shares with his stepsister, Lydia, Stiles is forced to activate a spell that translocates him to where he'll be safest.
Derek Hale isn't sure what to do about the soaking wet young man he finds wandering down a Beacon County roadside during the middle of a thunderstorm, but he feels compelled to help him. There's something about Stiles that Derek finds fascinating, and before long the two become embroiled in each other's lives.
Despite the threat to his life and the sudden upheaval of everything he's ever known, Stiles is having a hard time feeling too upset about that.
Studying the Blade by never_love_a_wild_thing (10/10 | 16,420 | Teen | Sterek) Figure Skater Derek Hale is going to the Olympics for the last time. Age and an old injury are finally starting to get the better of him, but a number of fresh faces on Team USA, or maybe one face in particular are enough to keep him going.
Stiles Stilinski and his sister Lydia are going to the Olympics for the first time. Between nerves and drama, he's worried that they may be in over their heads, but a veteran skater reluctantly takes them under his wing.
In other words: leave it to Sterek to fall in love in the middle of the Olympic Games.
Memories by idratherwrite (1/1 | 15,739 | Teen | Sterek & Lydia/Jackson) AKA, Lifestyles of the Rich and Oblivious
Rich cousins Derek and Jackson are ready to spend a summer sailing across the Mediterranean. Rich step-siblings Stiles and Lydia are planning to have a great summer traveling Europe on their yacht. Nothing goes as planned, but it gives Lydia and Jackson (and Theo, and Meredith) the perfect excuse to play some matchmaking.
I Need A Hero by sapphireginger (1/1 | 9,501 | Explicit | Steo) Stiles Stilinski and Theo Raeken have been together for almost four years. They're mates but something happens that causes everything to implode. They're no longer together. Why?
Political Animals by FiccinDylan (1/1 | 8,109 | Teen | Sterek) It's the worst day in Stiles' life and the last thing he wants is to deal with Derek Hale's bullshit.
Derek feels pretty much the same.
Red by ZainClaw (1/1 | 4,371 | Mature | Sterek) They’re close now, only a few feet between them, and Stiles can already feel the heat coming off the werewolf’s body. He smells like the forest, a layer of the wilderness forever etched into his skin. Stiles is drawn to him like a moth to a flame, the sound of his pumping heart maddening in his ears as he moves even closer. Desperate to close the final distance between them.
“If you try anything,” the alpha warns him, “I’ll rip your throat out. With my teeth.”
Stiles laughs drily, tilting his head to the side.
Man of Honor by Inell (1/1 | 3,454 | Teen | Stiles/Derek/Kira) When Stiles attends Lydia’s wedding, he doesn’t expect to meet two people who are perfect for him. He definitely doesn’t expect them to suggest an unorthodox solution to the dilemma, either.
the odds are in your favor by elisela (1/1 | 1,739 | Teen | Lydia/Parrish) “He was jogging,” she says morosely a week later, kicking her heels off at the door and sinking into the couch after depositing the bag of takeout on the table. “Shirtless. There was sweat.”
“Shoulda licked it,” Stiles says. There’s a movie on the television, something she doesn’t know or care about, and he shoots her a dirty look when she grabs the remote and changes the channel. “Christ, not this again.”
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rainbowsky · 2 months
GG Vacation Vlog Parts 8, 9 and 10 (Final Chapter)
Listen to the sound passing by your ears, and grasp the warmth jumping on your fingertips. Pursue the breath of all things, and feel the pulse of mountains and rivers. Watch the beauty appear in the mountains and then disappear in the sea of ​​clouds. What you see, hear, feel, and wish for, write down the answer in your heart______
Closing credits:
Final chapter
Produced by Xiao Zhan Studio
Note: The video content was shot under safety guidance without any bad guidance. Please do not imitate it easily.
Special thanks
Xiao Zhan
Xiao Zhan (facial features version)
Xiao Zhan (Contestant No. 1005 version)
Happy Speed ​​Bump 😊
Very bumpy slide
Mountain spring water on the roadside
The "little peach heart" who can save another life
Stone pier like a stage
Water bottle acting as a microphone
Swan (Xiaobai)
Brown bear
Tourists on boat
Loving passer-by couple
Sailor boy
Audience at music festival
Girls drinking coke
Uncle riding a bicycle
Children's buddies/children's sisters
Little bee
Wonderful world and
Everyone who is watching
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randombush3 · 1 year
roadside romance
leila ouahabi x reader
summary: when leila’s car breaks down, you come to the rescue
words: 2037
notes: this is an ode to british weather and hot mechanics. i know nothing about cars but i learnt something while writing this!!!!
this was requested btw 🫡
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It’s just fucking inconvenient. A closure on the motorway means that they have to take a detour down winding, country roads. And Leila has a sneaking suspicion that her car is going to stop functioning at any given minute now that the blinking, red light has become a permanent fixture on her dashboard.
Leila had looked at her friends apprehensively the minute the light had appeared, but Ona didn’t care and Laia was too wrapped up in posting their day trip to Blackpool on her Instagram to offer any worthwhile advice.
So, lacking expertise and a good enough grasp of English geography to find a nearby mechanic, Leila had carried on with their journey. It was only another hour to Manchester after all.
Which leads them to now, stranded on the side of the road. Laia and Leila stood outside of the car, while Ona spreads out as she naps in the backseat, none the wiser to the situation they have landed themselves in.
“Can’t you just fix it?” Laia asks her friend as they stare at the bonnet helplessly. “You seem like you know how to fix cars.”
Leila places an uncertain hand on the shiny metal, wondering if she even knows how to get the bonnet open. “That’s Mapi, not me. I have no idea what to do.”
They try to call someone, but there is no service and no pavement to walk down the road to see if elsewhere has a few more bars.
Frankly, it’s so unlucky that this has happened that Laia and Leila both have to hold in their laughter, not wanting the other to think they don’t understand how bad the situation actually is. Because, being stuck in a foreign country with no service and no knowledge about the inner-workings of a car is quite comical. It would be a great scene of a movie.
It’s Ona, when she returns to the land of the living, who comes up with a solution.
The defender gets out of the car, joining her friends as they sit on the grass verge adjacent to the road. “We’ve just got to wait here and look like three damsels in distress until someone drives past and helps us.” Though Leila knows she could probably think of something better if she really put her mind to it, she agrees to Ona’s plan, too lazy to do anything other than wallow in her misery. Now she’s going to have to take her car to the mechanic, and she hates doing things like that here because she has to drag Hempo with her to translate strong Mancunian accents into normal, more understandable English.
“Yeah, I’m coming. The motorway’s just chock-a-block and so I’ve taken a back route,” you tell your impatient sister, who is annoyed that you are late to her daughter’s birthday party. “Don’t be angry with me, be angry with the M6.” She chides you for your tardiness anyway, and you internally curse her for moving to Blackpool. It’s not like she’s a ballroom dancing fan or anything.
The countryside looks miserable when it’s just your car zipping down the empty roads, and it doesn’t help that the grey sky above makes you think it’s going to rain. While you have lived in Manchester your whole life and strive to not get bummed out by the weather, it makes you a little annoyed that the country can’t get its act together. You wish you had the power to teleport to Spain or something.
You pity anyone who is stuck outside as it begins to drizzle.
“Can we get in the car now?” Ona whines, completely going back on her plan after feeling the droplets of rain hit the top of her head. “I don’t want to get wet.”
“Please, Leila,” Laia adds. She hopes to sway her friend's adamance to stay where they can be seen, in case a helicopter flies over and lands in a nearby field to offer their aid (which seems more likely than someone driving past at this point).
“No, it’s only a bit of rain,” she tells her friends. A low rumble of thunder echoes in the fields. Ona and Laia raise their eyebrows. “Fine. You two be pathetic. I’ll stay here, doing the saving.”
“Our hero,” Laia replies sarcastically, chasing after Ona as she sprints to the car. “Have fun getting wet!”
It begins to chuck it down.
When a black Ford pulls up, a bit further up the road, coming from the direction they were heading in, and you get out, Leila finds that getting soaked has become worth it.
“Are you alright?” you shout to her, crossing the road and walking along the grass verge to get a better look at what is happening.
“My car is not working!” Leila shouts back.
You frown, approaching the brunette with concern. She has had to sit in the rain so that someone notices her. You’re a sympathetic person.
“Hi,” Leila says shyly as you help her up, wiping the water from her eyes so that she can see you properly.
“Hi.” You give her a once-over (solely for the purpose of checking she’s okay), and then turn to her car. “What’s wrong with it?” She squints at the sound of your strong accent, and you flush red, embarrassed. “What is wrong with your car?” you repeat with more clarity.
“I don’t know.”
“Was there a red light on the dash?” Leila’s vindication comes out in a muttered Spanish swear, before she nods and follows you down the verge to the road. “Can you pop the bonnet? I’ll give it a look.”
And, while you are doing that, Leila is giving you a look. Along with Ona and Laia.
“Es guapa,” an enviably dry Ona comments to her friends as Leila settles in the driver’s seat. You have instructed her to stay put for a moment while you puzzle at the state of her engine, wanting to know what is wrong before you explain it to the pretty woman you have found on the side of the road.
“Y lesbiana,” Laia points out as you tie your sopping hair up into a bun. Your t-shirt is so soaked that it is no longer of any use, so you pull it up over your head, getting to work in just your bra after wringing out enough water to fill a swimming pool. On your wrist is a bracelet from a Pride event you were dragged to by your friend the other day. You are secretly hoping Leila notices it. “Lei, dile tu nombre. Coquetea con ella.”
“Sí, pregúntale cuál es el problema.”
Leila scoffs, unimpressed with herself at how easily they have picked up on her attraction to you.
“Va. Es de Manchester, también.”
“Guapa, local, y lesbiana. Es perfecta.”
“No sé…” Leila starts, undecided as to whether she should let them convince her she has a chance or not.
Just when Laia and Ona are about to list more of your enticing physical qualities, you appear by the door, knocking on the window to tell her to open it.
“Good to see you’ve dried off a bit,” you joke, feeling as though you are so drenched that you will never be dry again. Leila blushes, but you are unsure whether it's because your joke is terrible or because her friends in the backseat have squashed together in the middle so that they can see what’s happening. You clear your throat. “So it’s a coolant leak. Took me a minute to realise half the water on the ground was actually your coolant and not the rain, but I figured it out eventually! The radiator’s hose clamps were damaged and, obviously, they’ve failed…”
But Leila isn’t listening to you telling her what is wrong with her car, because her friends are whispering in Spanish about how good you look topless. And she is inclined to agree with them.
It is only when you stop talking and the white noise of your ramble is no longer present that she realises what has happened, and she snaps out of staring at you. “Perdón, please could you repeat that?” It’s a phrase she has become very accustomed to, after all.
You laugh, and Leila likes the sound of it very much. “There was a leak, but I can fix it for you. If you’d like?”
“Yes!” Ona answers for her, making Leila practically jump out of her skin.
At Leila’s apparent hesitance, you remember you never introduced yourself to the three women in need of a car mechanic. It’s handy that that is exactly what you do for a living. “Fuck, sorry. I’m Y/n.” You hold out your hand for her to shake, and ignore the tingles where your skin meets hers. “I’ll need, like, an hour to do it, but I can. I’m a mechanic.”
“Es tan perfecta,” Laia giggles, poking Leila to remind her to tell you her name too.
“My name is Leila. I am not a mechanic, but can you… teach me?”
It’s an excuse to watch you fix her car.
You both know it.
“Yeah, sure. I have an umbrella in my car, and I’ll need to get my toolkit and stuff. I’ll bring it over, and then you won’t get wet.”
“I already am.”
You blush, though you know it’s probably not what she meant. All three of them speak with strong Spanish accents, reminding you of your grandmother.
It takes slightly longer than expected to sort out the clamps, but you don’t mind having an excuse to not go to a little kid’s birthday party. You love your niece, but the thought of thirty hyper five-year-olds running around and begging you to play with them makes you gulp. You’d rather arrive when the guests have left and your niece has crashed from her inevitable sugar-high.
Leila stands beside you as you work, holding the umbrella above both of your heads. You are too focused on your task to see her check you out every so often, but she has left the car door open so you can hear the eager encouragement from her friends. Ona even takes a picture because the scene is so hilarious.
“What does this do?” Leila quizzes as you finish up, pointing at the engine and enjoying the way you answer so effortlessly. “And this? And that?”
You wipe the sweat (and rain) from your brow, sighing as you step back to observe your work. For an impromptu fix-up on the side of the road, it’s not bad. She may need to bring her car into the garage to get it properly sorted once she gets to her destination.
“Could I borrow your phone?” you ask after catching her staring. It gives you a surge of confidence.
Confused, Leila nods, handing it over to you.
“Mi madre es de España.” All three Spanish women feel their mouths open in shock. And horror. And the realisation that you definitely heard everything they have been saying about you.
Leila feels like jogging to the nearest motorway and diving in front of a truck.
“I’ll give you my number and you can update me on the car? You’ll need to get someone to look over it more thoroughly.”
“Sí,” Leila breathes, hoping that you are signing yourself up for that job.
“I’m based in Manchester, so if that’s convenient, you could always bring it into my garage.”
“We live in Manchester too,” Laia helpfully shouts from inside the car. “And she will do that!”
“And… I could also text you a restaurant where you can ask me even more questions about car engines over dinner?” You grin at her, and she grins back.
“Sí, por favor.”
“It was nice to meet you, Leila,” you say slowly, pleased with yourself but dignified to hold in your cheering until your return to your own car.
“Igualmente,” Leila replies, handing you your t-shirt that you had previously discarded onto the floor. She’s still embarrassed that you understood what her friends said about you, but at least that means she now has a date.
Or two.
Or three.
It depends on how many more problems she can find with her car.
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accio-victuuri · 2 months
cackling at the special thanks written by the end of the vlog. they are such gremlins! if you watched all the parts you would know what they refer to. 😂
Special thanks: Xiao Zhan, Xiao Zhan (facial features version), Xiao Zhan (Contestant No. 1005 version), Happy Speed Bump, Very bumpy slide, Mountain spring water on the roadside, The "little peach heart" that can save another life, Stone pier like a stage, Water bottle acting as a microphone, Swan (Xiaobai), brown bear, tourists on boat, Loving passer-by couple, sailor boy, Audience at music festival, Girls spilling coke, Uncle riding a bicycle, Children's buddies/children's sisters,Dogs, ducks, birds, Cows, little bee, "wind,” wonderful world as well as everyone who is watching
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