#Rock & Music To The World
dirjoh-blog · 1 month
August 16, a sad day for the Blues and Rock N Roll.
Two truly legendary musicians are connected by the date of August 16. Robert Johnson died on August 16,1938. Elvis Presley died on August 19 1977. Both men had a lasting impact on music. Robert Johnson: The Myth, the Man, and the Music Robert Johnson, often hailed as the “King of the Delta Blues,” is a figure whose life and legacy have become the stuff of legend. Despite his brief career and…
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theindyreview · 1 year
Interview: Andy Frasco
#Interview: @AndyFrasco Frasco discusses his new album, his #podcast, touring, the music industry, #mentalhealth and the influence of @kobebryant @MusicSoundly #newmusic #touring #AndyFrasco #rock #alternative
I first became aware of Andy Frasco & The U.N. back in 2021, hearing their unbelievably catchy “Dancin’ Around My Grave.” I dove further into his catalogue, and when I saw he was playing at The Lodge Room, I went to check them out. As you might have read, I was blown away by the show. Along with being an incredible touring musician, Frasco is also the host of Andy Frasco’s World Saving Podcast,…
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rockrevoltmagazine · 1 year
MY LIFE WITH THE THRILL KILL KULT Official, NSFW Music Video for "Wrath Of Satan" Off of 'SINISTER WHIISPERZ IV: The Bedroom Tapes (1987-1988)'!!
Catch MY LIFE WITH THE THRILL KILL KULT LIVE on 2023 EVIL EYE TOUR with Special Guests ADULT. & KANGA!  MY LIFE WITH THE THRILL KILL KULT has released the official music video for “Wrath of Satan”! Originally premiered on music tastemaking site mxdwn, the NSFW, age restricted music video for ” Wrath of Satan is off of the band’s newly released Sinister Whisperz IV: The Bedroom Tapes…
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fullaccessdetroit · 1 year
MY LIFE WITH THE THRILL KILL KULT Official, NSFW Music Video for "Wrath Of Satan" Off of 'SINISTER WHIISPERZ IV: The Bedroom Tapes (1987-1988)'!!
Sinister Wisperz IV: The Bedroom Tapes (1987-1988) Out NOW via SLEAZEBOX RECORDS! Catch MY LIFE WITH THE THRILL KILL KULT LIVE on 2023 EVIL EYE TOUR with Special Guests ADULT. & KANGA! MY LIFE WITH THE THRILL KILL KULT has released the official music video for “Wrath of Satan”! Originally premiered on music tastemaking site mxdwn, the NSFW, age restricted music video for ” Wrath of Satan is off…
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alessandro113 · 2 years
Girls & Boys
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petpenname · 5 months
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pairing: Ellie Williams [brother's best friend] x fem reader c.w. : smoking summary: you have had your eyes on your brother's best friend and band member forever, but you'd never think she would actually talk to you? a/n: this was a submission + I'll make more parts if it gets a good response!
The air in your room hangs heavy with humidity. A slight breeze from your open window blows through, fluttering your various posters and decor hanging on your walls. And over you, sprawled across your bed, flipping through social media, you were honestly bored out of your mind. Three weeks into summer and your closest friend was away for vacation, leaving you alone… and bored.
Cycling through your socials again you get fed up with the lack of entertainment and toss your phone on the floor with an exacerbated sigh. You lay on your bed, wondering what you should do to fill the void of dopamine when the sound of music begins to fill the house. A mixture of rock, indie, and midwest emo songs rang out from your garage, conveniently positioned directly under your room. 
Your brother's band got around to practicing, you assumed. You didn’t even realize your brother was home, he had gone out earlier this morning after your parents left for work. The music got louder and you suddenly had an idea of what you wanted to do, and it wasn't staying here and listening to your brother's shitty garage band. You gather your sketchbook, some pens, headphones, and a few other things into a bag, throw on a hoodie and a pair of shoes and head downstairs. You were headed to a river spot in the woods near your house. It was a commonly frequented spot by you, and your friends but not known to many. Perfect for a little seclusion and wading in cool water. 
You walk down stairs and almost instantly are hit with the strong earthy smell of smoke. You linger for a second and decide that your trip would be improved with a joint, hoping your brother would front you something, you enter the loud garage. 
Your brother and his band mates, all two of them, were unaware of your entrance. They were playing as loud as possible (maybe not as well as possible) but they were producing sound! Your brother slamming away on the drums while the guitarist, and bassist/singer were in their own worlds. 
“Hey!” you yell over the trio.
“HEY KAI!” You shout once more at your brother. Who, without skipping a beat or stopping, yells back.
This got the attention of the other two band members who did stop upon seeing you standing there, amps silencing to white noise feedback. 
“Can I get a joint?” you ask.
“You got money for a joint?” Kai laughs.
“Can you just front me one?” you reply back flatly
“Why should I?” 
“If you give me one I wont tell mom you were smoking in the house again.” You counter. 
“It’s the garage so technically not the house and whatever you know they wont do anything”
“She can have one of mine?” a voice sparks up behind Kai, drawing your attention to the guitarist. A girl named Ellie. She and Kai had been longtime friends and bandmates. You barely knew anything about her other than she was in Kai’s grade, one above yours, but you knew her. You knew her eye color, her favorite flannel she wore a little too often. You knew she got a new guitar last year, and a fresh tattoo this year that shined under the garage light as she held up a joint in your direction.  
You also knew that this was one of the only times she had ever spoken to you. Not like you were around each other often but you almost felt like she would try to avoid you when she was over. Shocked, but with adrenaline pumping you took your chance, walking over to Ellie. She still had her guitar hanging around her, flannel sleeves rolled up, her hair was a bit disheveled from playing, strands falling out of her half up hair do.
She hands you the joint with a sideways smile, and her eyes glint a bit.
“Thanks, you’re so much nicer than my brother” you scoff, giving her a smile back. You turn to leave, flipping off Kai as you bound out the door, leaving the band members commotion in the garage. Not seeing Kai chuck a drumstick at Ellie who dodges it with a laugh. 
The success of getting a joint over shined the butterflies fluttering in your stomach from that look she gave you. The sun hit your face as you got outside and you were only looking forward to your solo date in the forest.
The sun was setting slowly, but from where you were in the woods shade had taken over your spot. You had smoked, worked on your art, and walked along the water looking for rocks. Hanging out in the forest for a few hours always rejuvenated you in a way you couldn’t explain. But you started to get cold and decided now was a good time to head home. While packing up you realized you had pretty bad cotton mouth from the joint, so you planned to stop by the corner store. 
It wasn’t a long walk but by the time you got to the corner store it was dusk. Street lights started sparking up like stars in the night sky. You opened the glass door and walked in, perusing the aisles for any snack or drink that could satiate your munchies. You were contemplating between an iced tea or a soda when the doorbell rang as someone walked in the store. You barely noticed the bell, or the girl walking up behind you until she spoke.
“Did you enjoy your smoke?” 
You jump, previously lost in your thoughts, you turn around to see Ellie standing there. She was wearing a hoodie now, her guitar in its case strapped to her back.
“Oh my god you scared me!” you say, almost dropping the bottles in your hands.
“Sorry! Didn't mean to!” Ellie laughs, moving around you to open the fridge door next to you and grab a coke. “Funny running into you here” she says, a little awkward you note.
“I mean my house is only a few blocks away,” you laugh. 
“Mm ya i guess so, you getting both of those?” Ellie looks down at the bottles in your hand.
“Oh um, I'm getting this one.” you hold up the iced tea & go to put back the soda. Before you could think Ellie takes the iced tea from your hand and starts walking towards the front of the store.
“Hey wait!” you look at her confused.
“Oh do you want something else princess?” Ellie turns back to look at you with a smirk.
Sparks ignite in your stomach, confused but now flustered, your mind swirling. You finally get a word out, “no, just that” and Ellie turns back to walk towards the cash register. 
You follow her, not really knowing what to do or how to act. Ellie and you had barely spoken to each other before this. And now she's acting so casually around you, and what did she call you? Everything happened so fast you barely caught it but reflecting back now, did she call you princess?
Ellie pays for the two drinks and you walk out together, taking your ice tea from her once outside. 
“Thank you, you didn't have to do that” you say, unscrewing the top and taking a refreshing sip.
“Don't mention it” Ellie says, “So are you going back home now?”
“Mhm yeah, what about you?”
“Yeah I was, but it's getting dark now, i’ll walk you back home first” Ellie says with a smile. 
“Who said chivalry was dead” you joke, it was a nice gesture, as much as you were confused by Ellie’s sudden intentions you couldn’t help but feel a type of way when she looked at you. Her green eyes danced over your face like she was memorizing your features. You wondered if she always looked at you this way?
She had. Ellie for the past few years had been keeping such a distance from you because when you were around she felt her whole body tense up. She felt like she was on fire if you looked in her direction. And god help her if she tried to speak around you, she ended up tripping over her words and losing her train of thought. Truthfully, she didn't know what magical queer fairy blessed her with the confidence to talk to you today. But she had taken in a chance earlier in the garage, and when she saw you in the store she knew it wasn't a coincidence. 
The walk back to your house was short, only a few blocks. You and Ellie joke together and talk about summer plans in the meantime. Both of you slightly high still, making your balance shifty, occasionally you would brush shoulders, sending sparks down each other's spines. 
When you get to your house you stop at the walk way, a little awkwardly since you knew Ellie had been in your house before. 
“Thanks for walking me home! And buying me this, um and the joint '' you say, taking in all of Ellie’s courtesy today, a little unsure what to do with yourself.
“Any time!” Ellie says with a smile, she fidgets where she stands for a second before reaching her hand up to your face. She tucks a small strand of hair behind your ear, without breaking eye contact.
“Have a good night y/n” and with that she turns around and walks away, putting up her hood. 
She left you solidified on the sidewalk, body unmoving but nerves on fire with a simple touch. You float for the next hour or so, barely registering going into your house and up to your room. Trying to make sense of what had just happened, and why now? And why so suddenly?
Later that night you receive a notification on Instagram
* @www.ellie followed you *
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pokopippitypop · 1 year
I've literally never read any of this segment Gerard Way wrote (?) for Rolling Stone about Queen before?? lowkey got jump scared by his name while reading this article /pos
My dad was a mechanic. He worked on a lot of bottom-of-the-rung cars that didn't have cassette decks. But they had 8-tracks. Somebody left an 8-track tape of Queen's Greatest Hits in a car — the one where they're wearing leather jackets on the cover, and Freddie's got the mustache. I loved it immediately, and I came to emulate Freddie both as a child and as an adult.
"Bohemian Rhapsody" is arguably the greatest song ever written. I'm sure people told them it was too long or had too many movements. But then it came out and just took hold of the world. When you're in a band and you find something that breaks every rule, it gives you creative hope. And Queen were always trying something new; none of their hit songs were paint-by-numbers.
When My Chemical Romance were making The Black Parade, we watched tons of documentary footage about A Night at the Opera, Queen's best album. We used Brian May amps and wrote songs with different movements. But we didn't try to make another "Bohemian Rhapsody." Whenever someone tries to do that, they fail.
I love the way Freddie performed. He would strike amazing poses; maybe he practiced them in front of a mirror, but he wasn't pretending to be somebody else. That was him telling the world, "This is who I am." I remember when the surviving members of Queen were looking for a singer a few years ago, I was like, "I would love to try it." Freddie's songs are just so much fun to sing, and he had such stamina. I would definitely have to quit smoking to be able to do what he did.
Queen fell in and out of being cool, maybe because they were so sincere. Rock music is all about being phony sometimes. And they weren't. They were obviously so psyched to be doing what they were doing.
They had a polarizing quality. I heard a story — maybe apocryphal — that Queen played a festival and got booed off the stage. Freddie vowed they would return as the biggest band in the world. And they did. When we played the Reading and Leeds festivals, we had to follow Slayer, and got bottles of piss thrown at us. I thought, "If we ever come back here, we're gonna headline it." I've always held on to the same dreams as Freddie.
Best Musicians, Artists of All Time According to Rolling Stone – Rolling Stone
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xanticore · 3 months
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Genre: fluff
Note: this is my first metallica fic so pleaseee keep that in mind. I hope whoever reads this enjoys.
Setting: late 90s ~ early 2000s..ish
Summary: Kirk is on tour and he decides to stop by the local guitar store. He ends up staying longer than expected when he overhears a riff that sounded impressive. Assuming it was a guy, but was taken aback when it was a girl...a girl who doesn't seem to know who he is.
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It was the weekend and I was starting my weekend off, our next show being on Thursday and Friday of next week. This gave me time to myself to find local comic stores and guitar shops. I was honestly in my own little world as time passed by quickly; I didn't mind at all because I was going to do the whole process again on Sunday. I left the comic book store with a new manga and some new released volumes. All Junji Ito works, no surprise there.
The next stop of the day was the guitar shop. The air was cool and the store was just so fucking huge, It was heaven to me. The store had a variety of items. Vinlys, cassettes, cds, and even some band posters...but my main focus was the guitar wall. All different types of styles and colors, different collaborations of pop culture, anything you could think of-this store probably had it.
A guitar that has been newly stock was the black and red Les Paul. It looked so gothic and vampiric. Younger me was just screaming at me to get it...which It was my plan. I asked a worker to take it off the shelf so I could practice some riffs on it. Just as I imagine; it was a smooth and crisp sound. A sound I was looking feel and I probably would make this guitar debut when I head to Japan.
It was already 5 pm and James was just blowing up my phone. I forgot all about our band dinner. I sighed packing up my things and unhooked the guitar from the amp. On my way towards the front to ring up my guitar, I overheard a riff coming from a room that was being occupied. It looked like it was a guitar lesson in session.
I continued to listen and soon heard a solo. It was definitely in the metal genre. Whoever that dude was; shredding that guitar like it was the last thing on earth. It intimidated me how good it sounded. Almost making me jealous of how I didn't think to use this type of style in a song.
I heard them stop and minor shuffling going on in the room. I quickly walked away and acted like I was looking at the vinyls. I glanced over at the door and saw a tall beautiful girl. She nearly took my breath away. The way she played really matched her style of clothing. She was a goth but it was familiar style I've seen in Japan. Her hair was dyed a dark red and her make up was flawless.
I needed to compliment her and asked her about that solo of hers. I was stupidly stuck in my place but managed to get to her with a sudden boost of confidence. "H-Hey, nice guitar. I heard you playing in that room. You sounded amazing." I complimented her with a smile in admiration.
She smiled back and looked somewhat excited. Did she recognize me? Did she not expect a guitarist from the most known metal band of all time-
"Thank you so much! Are you also a fan of Malice Mizer? I was playing one of their songs."
"Malice Mizer? never heard of them.."
The girl frowned but soon lit up when she started to explain the band to me. "It's a rock band from Japan. Visual Kei style of music over there. I'm really into bands like X Japan and Dir En Grey."
I've never heard any X Japan songs but I definitely seen posters of them in Shibuya. I know they are well loved and idolized in the era of rock music over there.
"There's actually a Malice Mizer cassette next to you of their new album. You should buy it and give them a listen? They won't disappoint." She giggled. I eyed her movements when she moved closer to me, only to pick up the packaged cassette tape. The cover had a silver cross and the band's name in black in the middle. But enough about them, her little giggle was just so cute. If only I could hear that from her more often.
"I'm Kirk."
A beautiful name as well. I didn't want to add anymore details of my name because I knew it wouldn't matter and honestly...i'm really enjoying that. It felt more natural to speak with a non fan. Nothing was forced and she genuinely seemed to enjoy just talking about her favorite music; unlike some girls i'd meet at clubs.
"Well Kirk, I hope to see you around?"
I didn't say a word but I just nodded. I tried to stay positive but it was a pain I wasn't gonna see her again. I bought my guitar and cassette watching the cashier put it in a case. I left the store happy and somewhat sad, but, seeing that girl smile just brighten up my mood...
I hope to see her again.
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a/n: so what we thinking?? yay or nay?
gif from: @ba11ltongue
dividers: cr to owners
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fettuccin-e · 2 years
The Encore Performance
hello gang,, i wrote this so fucking long ago,, and it is not my greatest work but every time i open up my google docs this piece stares at me judgementally, yelling and screaming to be released to the world (it was written during peak eddie munson era in a fit of horniness, so maybe july 2022) pls enjoy the pwp
Tags: Eddie Munson x Reader, oral sex (f!recieving), fem!reader, exhibitionism, eddie is kind of a perv in this sorry
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Eddie’s eyes have been on you all night, fingers moving absentmindedly across the frets of his guitar. It’s like you want to drive him completely insane, your tits bouncing in your tiny little dress as you bang your head to the music, your glistening body bathed in the purple light of the club. 
The air feels electric, charged and volatile; so different from the dingy yellow lighting of the Hideout. A new venue, a new crowd, and they’re fucking loving it. Eddie should be pandering to these new fans, trying to keep the band’s spot and maybe make these gigs a regular thing. Instead, his eyes are trained unwaveringly on you, his pretty, pretty girlfriend, supporting him and dancing to his music.
He has to spend the entire set rock hard under his jeans, grateful for the presence of his guitar over the obvious bulge of his cock.
The crowd still goes nuts after their last song, pleading for another encore, but Eddie’s frantic in trying to discreetly adjust himself before helping the guys put the stage equipment away. He knows how he must look, face sweaty and flushed, hair frazzled around his face. He hopes he can blame it on the adrenaline from the show and not how fucking horny he is.
He turns from placing an amp in Gareth’s truck to see you; giggling as you talk to one of the bartenders, your skin straining against the tight fabric of your dress. And though Eddie knows that you probably aren’t flirting, and that you’d definitely never cheat on him, he also sees how the bartender’s eyes are staring much lower on your body than where your eyes are, wiping off a glass slowly and deliberately. Eddie knows that you’d lay this guy out before he could try anything, but he also can’t help how his vision goes red as he stalks over.
“Eddie!” You smile when he finally gets to you, snuggling into his side while he puts a strong arm around your waist. “Jake,” you say, looking back at the bartender, “this is Eddie, my boyfriend. Eddie,” you look up at him with those big eyes he loves so much, “this is Jake.”
Eddie smiles at Jake, or tries to smile, it may come out more like a grimace, but doesn’t offer any kind of reply.  Jake’s eyes widen minutely at the sight of him, and Eddie loves how he takes a small step back. Perks of being the Hawkins "devil worshipper" he guesses.
Jake’s eyes are suddenly anywhere but you, and Eddie struggles against the urge to snarl at him. He glances down at you to see your eyes furrow slightly in confusion, picking up on the fact that there’s definitely something wrong with your boyfriend.
“Baby,” Eddie says, squeezing the fat of your hip, “I gotta talk to you real quick, ‘s that alright?”
“Yeah, of course, Eds,” you say, and turn back to Jake. “Look, it was really nice meeting you, Jake. You have a good night, okay?” Jake mutters a quiet, "yeah, you too,” before turning away to wipe at a glass a little too harshly to be normal. But Eddie’s already dragging you away with the arm he has around your waist, bypassing the back door of the club to pull you down a long hallway.
“Eddie, what’s going o-” you try to say, but are swiftly cut off by Eddie’s lips on yours, his long body pressing you into the wall. You gasp into his mouth as his big hands slide from your hips down to the backs of your thighs, lifting them up to wrap around his waist.
“Jesus Christ, baby, you tryin’ to drive me insane out there?” he mutters into your mouth, pressing the obscene bulge in his jeans against the heat of your pussy through your thin panties. “Wearing this tight little dress, looking like a fucking whore, got everyone out there looking at you. But you’re mine, aren’t you baby? All fucking mine.”
All you can do is whimper softly in response, barely having the presence of mind to remember that there are people barely twenty feet away, people who could easily walk down this hallway and see what Eddie has reduced you to. Eddie pulls back from your plush lips to look at you, and then smirks like the bastard he is. 
“You think you could stay quiet for me, pretty girl?” Eddie whispers, and doesn’t wait for a response before he’s gripping your thighs again while he drops to his knees, eye-level with your clothed cunt. He sets one of your feet on the ground to keep you standing while he hooks your other thigh over his shoulder, leaving you open and exposed, just for him.
“Eddie, I don’t-” you cut yourself off with a gasp when Eddie pulls your panties to the side and licks a long stripe up your dripping pussy. You clap a hand over your mouth as your eyes clench shut and your thighs tremble.
Eddie smiles up at you, his pretty girl, already wrecked from just the touch of his mouth. He keeps his fingers hooked into your panties, and finally allows himself to dive in, just like he’s been imagining since you walked out in your little dress.
You can’t hold back the whines echoing in the back of your throat as Eddie plunges his tongue deep into your pussy, the hardness of his nose pressing into your clit. Stay quiet stay quiet stay quiet. You’re trying to repeat the command in your head, but it’s so fucking difficult when Eddie shakes his head from side to side, starving for it. The movement makes his nose rub back and forth across your clit, and your hips jerk hard against his face, your free hand winding into Eddie’s thick hair.
“Eddie, Eddie, someone’s gonna hear baby, they’re gonna see, oh god,” you whisper softly, and you can feel the vibrations of Eddie’s quiet groans into your cunt. 
You whimper softly when he pulls away from you to whisper, “then you better make yourself cum, pretty girl. The faster you cum, the faster I can take you home and fuck you properly.”
He dives in once again, this time wrapping his lips around your throbbing clit and sucking. You whine like a fucking animal, hips bucking and swiveling, trying to get away, trying to get closer. Eddie’s hands come up to grip tight onto your hips, his rings digging sharply into your flesh, and you relish in the idea of seeing harsh bruises in the shape of his fingertips tomorrow morning.
You can feel the knot in your stomach getting tighter and tighter, almost painful with the need to cum. Your head snaps to the end of the hallway, and you see all of the people walking through the club, dancing and drinking. People who have no idea that Eddie’s eating your pussy with your dress hitched up and your panties pulled to the side. People who have no idea that you’re always so desperate for Eddie, that you’d let him fuck you any time, any place. They have no idea that you’re going to cum all over his face, and he’s going to walk out there with his messy hair and pretty eyes and your juices still on his lips, oh god-
You desperately suck air into your lungs to stave off your scream as you cum, pussy clenching and dripping all over Eddie’s face, your hips shaking uncontrollably.
“Eddie, Eddie, oh my god, Eddie, I can’t, I can’t, ‘s too much,” you whisper into the quiet of the hallway, the obscene sounds of Eddie licking at your cunt thundering in your ears. You can tell Eddie doesn’t want to stop, he never does, but you think you’ll start crying if he keeps going. You tug his hair roughly, wrenching him away from your cunt.
“Please, please kiss me, baby,” you whine, and Eddie can only nod at you, his face flushed and his lips puffy and shiny. Your thigh falls off his shoulder as he stands up to capture your lips in a filthy kiss. He tastes like cigarettes, beer and your pussy.
Eddie keeps holding onto your hips as they twitch with the aftershocks of your orgasm. Your eyes feel heavy, your brain mushy and weak.
“My beautiful girl, shit, all mine, y’look so pretty like this baby,” Eddie’s whispering, sneaking little kisses onto your lips in between words. “You wanna get out of here baby? C’mon, let’s get home, yeah?” You nod blearily, going to step forward, but your knees stay locked.
“Eddie,” you whisper, your foggy eyes going wide. “I don’t think I can move my legs.”
You watch Eddie’s brows furrow, and his lips perk up. He stares at your face, all flushed and flustered, and a snort escapes his nose. Soon enough, little giggles are escaping his lips, delirious and endlessly smug.
“Don’t laugh!” You whine, nuzzling your red face into his chest.
Eddie runs a comforting hand down your back as he tamps down his giggles. “Sorry baby, I’m sorry. It’s just, y’know, not many guys can say they’ve literally made their girl cum so hard they couldn’t walk.” You whine again, but Eddie shushes you gently. “Don’t worry, I’m gonna get you home, sweet pea.”
You don’t have time to wonder what he means by that before Eddie reaches down to cup one hand under your knees, the other staying under your back, and lifts you into his arms with a soft grunt. 
“Eddie!” You squeak, but your boyfriend is already walking out towards the club again, paying no mind to the throngs of people still moving around you both. You tuck your burning face into his neck, giggling nearly hysterically, as Eddie whisks you away. You think you’d let him take you anywhere.
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laiqualaurelote · 3 months
Oooh! Charles/Edwin, musicians/band/orchestra AU for the ask game? :D
thank you for the prompt! (from this AU ask game - it turned out more a Crystal POV but I think the fandom could use more of that)
“Edwin,” says Crystal, “if you take the fucking theorbo onstage I will kill you myself.”
Edwin folds his arms mutinously around the theorbo, which when stood upright on the ground is nearly as tall as he is. “But we need it for the sound!”
“You literally have a billion other instruments! Play those instead.”
“I do not literally have a billion instruments,” says Edwin. “I literally have three. Are we to have lugged the theorbo all the way to the club for nothing?”
“You did not lug the theorbo here,” Crystal points out. “Charles lugged the theorbo here, because he carries all your shit for you.”
“‘Course I do,” says Charles brightly. “Don’t bother me one bit.”
“Charles, you had to push his harpsichord all the way across Hoxton!”
“And the people of Hoxton loved it,” says Charles nostalgically.
Crystal sighs. “Either that theorbo is going onstage or I am, because there isn’t enough space on there for both of us. Literally.”
“I could stand on an amp,” ventures Niko, “and then there would be more room?”
“Niko, honey, you’re not standing on an amp.”
The door bangs open and Jenny sticks her head into the dressing room. “Why are you guys not ready?”
“Crystal and Edwin haven’t decided if we’re bringing out the theorbo yet,” says Niko. “Also, I’m still doing Edwin’s nails, and he can’t play until they’ve dried.”
Jenny throws her hands up in despair. “Why does Edwin have to have his nails done?”
“I think lilac really is his colour,” murmurs Niko, crouched over Edwin’s left ring finger. “Don’t you agree?”
Edwin, who is sitting primly on a flight case in the three-piece suit he insists on wearing to every show, gives Jenny a regal nod of assent.
“For fuck’s sake,” mutters Jenny. “I should never have agreed to manage you idiots. I could have had all my Friday nights in bed with a crime drama.” She inhales. “Anyway, we have a problem. David’s here. He’s in the front row.”
The world narrows. Crystal hates how just the sound of his name can do that to her, for all that it’s been months since she got out from under his thumb. “How’d he know—”
“I did put it all over Instagram,” says Niko anxiously. “Crystal, do you want to cancel, or—”
“No,” hisses Crystal. “No. I can do this. It’s fine. I’m fine.”
“Crystal,” says Edwin, “with all due respect, you are not fine. You are shaking.”
Crystal puts her head in her hands. “It’ll pass.”
She feels Niko’s arms go around her. Overhead, she hears Charles say: “Maybe I should just go out there now and knock his lights out.”
“Or I could stab him,” offers Jenny. “I’ve got the boning knife in the van.”
“We are not knifing my ex right before a show!” yells Crystal.
“Thomas could sort it out,” suggests Edwin. “It is his club, after all. I shall go speak with him.”
“Like hell you will,” Charles protests. “That arsehole won’t lift a finger to help.”
“He will if it’s me asking,” says Edwin. “Now come on. Do you want to play tonight or not?”
Edwin Payne is the last person you’d expect to start a rock band. Piano virtuoso, played his debut concerto at the age of eight, won the Liszt at twelve and BBC Young Musician at thirteen. Had it all lined up: scholarship to the Royal College of Music, orchestras queuing round the block to fling gigs at him. Then: unspecified breakdown. Vanished from public view for three years. As a former child pop star herself, Crystal gets it. Okay, so maybe whatever happened with Edwin wasn’t as extreme as drunk-driving your way into a fender-bender so dire that even your platinum award-winning parents couldn’t buy enough spin to keep you out of the tabloids. Anyhoo. The past is the past. Crystal’s living for the present now. 
Of course, she was aware of none of this when she auditioned. As far as she knew, this band had one cute guy and one dickhead snob who clearly didn’t think any decent music had been composed since the 19th century, and who dismissed her CV with a snide “We’re not exactly looking for Hannah Montana here” — whereupon Crystal looked him dead in the eye and sang, pitch-perfect, the first verse of Caro Mio Ben. Edwin pursed his lips like his mouth was a vinegar distillery and said: “Hardly Bartoli, but I suppose she’ll do.” 
Charles punched him in the shoulder. “Oi, mate, be nice.” To Crystal: “You’re loads better than Hannah Montana. Honestly I’m surprised he even knows who Hannah Montana is.”
Crystal could have walked then. She almost did. She was getting her life back together, out of her parents’ shadows and on her own terms; she didn’t need this shitty little band with its one-half shitty leadership. To this day she doesn’t know why she stayed. Maybe it was the open warmth of Charles’ grin, maybe it was the glint of challenge in Edwin’s eye — a heady combo of affection and spite bubbling up in her chest. 
“So what’s the name of this band?”
“It’s aces, you’ll love it,” said Charles. “Spooky Action At A Distance.”
“That,” said Crystal, “is the stupidest fucking band name I’ve ever heard.”
“It is a quantum science concept,” said Edwin frostily, “not that I expect you to understand.”
“It’s sad,” Crystal went on. “Literally, its acronym is SAAAD.”
“I am beginning to regret this,” said Edwin in a too-loud aside to Charles. “Must we have someone on vocals?”
“Look, will you two just jam together one time? It’ll be aces, I promise.”
“So what does Little Lord Fauntleroy play then?” Crystal snapped. “Does he tinkle on the pianoforte after supper?”
Charles chuckled. Edwin arched an eyebrow at Crystal and held out his hand to Charles, who reached down behind them and pulled out a goddamn Fender Strat.
Edwin played a few experimental chords, tuning up, and then his fingers slid and it was Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata, but not like Crystal had ever heard it, wild lightning runs of arpeggios where every note was somehow picked out with the clarity of blown glass. Crystal knew her jaw had dropped, which she seemed unable to do anything about at the moment. The guitar sang in Edwin’s hands, and he never once broke a sweat or eye contact with her.
“Holy shit,” she said when it was over.
“I quite agree.” Edwin flexed his fingers, then stuck out his hand for her to shake. “Allow me to formally welcome you to our little band.”
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virgilphobic · 2 months
do edwin and charles have rooms in the office? could they have them? if they do, will we ever see them? do they maybe exist? am i tweaking? the world will never know
if edwin and charles had their own rooms- i would assume them to be directly next to each other, if not right across the hall from each other. or if you think they would share a room, think that. but for the sake of this query of mine, i’m choosing split-rooms for the boys.
for charles’ room, i would expect rock posters all around the walls, plastered across every surface he could get them on. I think he would have a window right across from the door, and it would be in the middle of his wall. his bed would be to the right of the window, with a desk and a bookshelf to the left. the shelves are full of old music and old media and artifacts. that’s his memory shelf, in a way. he has all kinds of trinkets from cases with edwin on it. as well as things from his time.
the desk has notes from cases and some random things on it; a note-pad, a magnifying glass, pins of different interests, and some books he had borrowed from edwin to read. next to the desk, closer to the door, charles had a mirror, and then closest to the door a chest to keep random clothes and items in that he didn’t need constant access to.
across from all of this, charles had a guitar leaned against the wall and an amp next to it. the guitar was a deep purple color and the amp a deep charcoal. sometimes he played when he couldn’t get himself to sleep.
overall his room is pretty clean- though charles does sometimes let it get rather messy. he’s been getting better at cleaning it though.
in edwin’s room, he also has a window. his bedroom mirrors charles’. he has a window in the same spot charles does, but if the room was flipped. his bed is instead situated against the back wall, with the feet end of the bed almost underneath the window. by the foot of the bed there was a chest full of his clothes. on the right side of the room there is a desk that is piled multiple layers high with books and papers. there are sheets of paper scattered all around the room and the desk. straight across from the desk on the left side, there is an extra wide bookshelf, full of rather thick, leather-bound volumes. One shelf is strictly artifacts, in which some emit light and some a dull, quiet sound. some just sit in a jar.
on the floor, edwin had a dark blue rug, atop which sat a small table on the left side of the room. a phonograph sat atop the wooden table. even on this table sat papers and different volumes of information. edwin’s room was constantly the more cluttered one, and he plainly refused to let crystal see it until they were back home for almost two months.
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snowfinches · 2 years
thinking about sagau with musician!reader…
super self indulgent cause i’m a musician and also the lantern rite got me thinking.
maybe the acolytes have heard you play music before — you pause the game for a moment to fiddle with a guitar or tinkle with a piano. maybe you’re playing some of the in game music!
they can’t help but admire your music. the had no idea the creator was so talented in musical arts, and they would kill to hear you perform in their world.
xinyan, venti, yunjin, zhongli, nilou would probably be the ones who admire you the most. xinyan wants to perform with you — imagine how fun a rock and roll show would be! venti would love to sing along to your playing, crafting compositions for you to play. yunjin and nilou would love to use your music in their own respective perfomances — with nilou combing her dancing with your tunes — no matter the genre, she’ll find a way to enjoy the creator’s music! zhongli would probably admire your music as well — it reminds him if a distant friend that is long gone, who was passionate about it.
now imagine getting transported into the world …
everyone is fascinated. they want to hear you play, of course! instruments are a must for the creator, so all of teyvat rush to give you the best instruments you can.
xinyan with her guitar has me thinking as well. do you think they’d have guitar amps in genshin? given how … lacking in technology (like phones and computers and stuff) they are, would they have amps? imagine the confusion on xinyan’s face— before she finally gets it and really wants an amp. she wants everyone to hear her rock’n’roll tunes !!!!
i think venti would have a blast with any sort of woodwind instrument. the wind… could play this! flutes, clarinets, bassoons all that good stuff. he’s ecstatic!
in general i think it’d be interesting to see how all the characters react to specific genres. especially if the creator focuses on one genre.
rock. metal. jazz. classical. rap. hip hop. funk. i just love the idea of them wrapping their heads around genres, and enjoying distinctive ones.
agh i just love music. and i’d love to see more musician!reader in general. anyway brainrotting over heh
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theindyreview · 1 year
New Music Friday: March 31, 2023
#NewMusicFriday w/albums by @xboygeniusx @SamiamBand @baabamaal @cityandcolour @andrewmcmahon @theholdsteady @TheNewPornos @dmasmusic @michiganderband & songs by @jasonIsbell @JennyLewis @thebeths @byopband @Midtown @TheWatsonTwins @damoyee @DoloTonight
It feels like everyone and their mother decided the final day of March would be a great day to drop a new album. I normally do my best to keep our NMF playlists at a manageable length, but there was simply too much great new music out today to ignore. Here’s the new albums out you need to hear: boygenius – The Record Samiam – Stowaway (read our review of it here) City and Colour – The Love…
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mypimpademia · 1 year
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— Rock Angel
Bakugo x Rock Angel! Sasha-coded! Fem! Black! Reader
Synopsis: What it’s like to date Bakugo as a Bratz Rock Angel
TW: Swearing
Note: Click/Tap here for the full collab!
⇶ He’s your biggest fan, honestly
⇶ He’s a huge fan of the whole band, of course
⇶ But he’s your biggest fan
⇶ Katsuki loves to come to your shows, always backstage with you, helping you prep, amping you up, and of course, acting like your personal security
⇶ Doesn’t even let people get the chance to get near you whenever you’re walking into the venue, pushing people away from you and shouting for people to “get the hell out of the way!”
⇶ Absolutely no Twevils will be crashing your show on his watch! And if they get it, it’s by buying a ticket and supporting y’all!
⇶ Your actual security thinks it’s a bit much, but you’d be a liar if you said you didn’t like seeing your man go so hard for you!
⇶ When you’re in your dressing room, he’s always there with you
⇶ Helps you into your outfit if you need help, pick out accessories, pick makeup, etc
⇶ Never even lets you go out with a hair on your head that’s out of place
⇶ He’ll fix the ends of your braids/twists, make sure your wig is in place, fix your Afro shape, be sure that your retwist still looks fresh, ensure that your slick back is slick, and that your edges are laid. You will not be looking a mess as long as this man is around!
⇶ And obviously he’s gotta hype his girl up for the show!
“You’re gonna do fuckin’ awesome out there.”
“Obviously! I’ve been waiting all month to preform this song, and I produced it, so you know it’s gonna be rockin’!” You cheered.
Katsuki loved seeing you get excited before shows, your energy and enthusiasm was always on ten, but you clearly got a different type of rush from preforming.
“Obviously. Who’s the biggest fuckin’ rockstar in the world?” Katsuki grinned.
“Me!” You exclaimed, posing to punctuate your word.
“That’s my baby.”
⇶ When you get stressed out before a really big show and need some alone time, he still doesn’t leave you alone
⇶ It’s not to stress you out more, it’s just because he knows it’s not good for you to sit in your own anxieties just before a set
⇶ Getting mad at him is no use either, he just thinks you’re cute
“Katsuki, get out of my changing room, I am not playin’ with you!”
“And if I don’t?” He challenged, smirking at you.
Kissing your teeth, you picked up a magazine and chucked it in his direction. He dodged it with ease, and simply laughed in response.
“You’re cute when you’re mad, Bunny,” Katsuki teased.
“Boy, you better find you somethin’ safe to do–”
⇶ Usually sends Cloe or Yasmin in if he really can’t get through to you (which is a rare occurrence)
⇶ Once you get on stage, he sits on the sidelines just enjoying the music and looking at you the whole time
⇶ Between sets, he always tells all of you that you did good, and checks on you to make sure you’re not too tired and drinking water
⇶ He trusts Cloe, Jade, Yasmin, and Roxxi to do the same for you, of course, since they’re your closest friends, but he likes to do it himself most of the time
⇶ Always gives you a good luck kiss before you go back on
⇶ Katsuki is always helping you with producing, so much so that he’s sometimes listed as a producer on the bands songs
⇶ And if he’s not listed as a producer, you’ll likely find him credited as the drummer
⇶ Learns a little bass guitar to help even more
⇶ Lovesss that he’s always one of the first- if not the first- people out side of the band to hear your songs
⇶ Always provides a little bit of feedback, but other than that he thinks everything you do is perfect, and you can’t help but agree
⇶ Katsuki loves how confident and determined you are about yourself and everything you do. Seeing you be optimistic and outspoken all the time always makes him want to do better for himself
⇶ Even though you’re a bit more energetic and adventurous, you match his energy in terms of knowing who you are and ambition, and you complement each other well
⇶ You’re too good to him sometimes, honestly. Always giving him pick me ups whenever he’s upset or stressed, letting him vent. And you’re very protective of him when the tabloids or the Twevils get a bit passive aggressive towards him
⇶ You and Katsuki are THEE couple. Period.
⇶ You’re always seen out on cute dates or just wherever being cute
⇶ People always point out the lovesick looks you two give each other when you’re in one another’s presence
⇶ Fashion icons.
⇶ There’s not a single picture out there where either of you look bad
⇶ ESPECIALLY not one where you’re together
⇶ If you’re not matching, you’re color coordinated at least and wearing the same textures and fabrics
⇶ Katsuki is more than happy to fund your shopping addiction. He knows you’ll wear whatever it is that you’re eyeing in the store, and he knows you’ll wear it well
⇶ Though, it does baffle him a bit how someone can even spend so much money on clothes all the time
⇶ And don’t even get him started on when you go shopping with Cloe or Jade. You’ve all got shopping addictions, but they’re certified shopaholics, and you’ll buy more clothes than you’ll ever need after just a few hours at the mall with them
“Oh my gosh! Angel, Kool Kat, look at this Juicy Couture bag!”
“Gorg!” They gasped in unison.
“It’s so you Bunny Boo! Like, it was literally made for you, you have to get it!” Cloe urged.
Katsuki took the bag from you, digging around for a price tag before finding it in an inner pocket.
“Fuckin’ hell…” He cursed.
“You don’t have to pay for it if you don’t want to, Katsu. I can-” Just as you went to reach for your card, he stopped you mid sentence and grabbed your hand.
“Nah, I’ve got it.”
⇶ Naturally, you return the favor by smothering him with your irreplaceable love, kissing all over his face, leaving stains of brown lip liner and gloss while calling him your handsome man
⇶ Wears every mark like a badge of honor, and implores you to leave them right before you go out somewhere just so everyone knows he’s yours
⇶ Katsuki just loves his little Rock Angel 🫶🏾
Taglist: @megurulvr @miirene @planetlunaa @pnkweb @szaplsdropthealbum @dreampurpledreams @goldenglow149 @gender-queery @roaringlion @chocolateochaco @tatiquichi @kxtsxkii
Thank you for reading, comments and reblogs are appreciated! Follow for more!
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louisupdates · 8 months
From One Direction to Own Direction: Louis Tomlinson showcases confidence and musical growth in Melbourne
Alex Valentovich, 📸 Olivia Burns | February 4, 2024
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British singer-songwriter and former One Direction member, Louis Tomlinson bought his Faith in the Future World Tour down-under and Melbourne was the lucky first on his Australia run to get a taste of what the artist had in store for them at the Sidney Myer Bowl on January 28.
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Eager fans were lining up for miles down the road in the hot sun and as the announcement came out that the gates were now open, it saw everyone inching their way forward as fast as they could to get in. People were frantically prioritising either getting their hands on merch or to claim their spot for the rest of the night.
An hour went by from gates opening, people were still finding their way in as Melbourne’s own Velvet Club started off the evening. An indie rock band, who made you feel like all you were missing was the beach or a car with the windows down while blasting their music loudly. Was such a nice way to start off the night with good vibes and the sun shining, a very rare occurrence here, we were here to soak it all in.
Sea Girls hailing all the way from London were up next, giving some energy into the venue as people were still flooding in, filling up the open spaces. Familiar with these guys as I had already seen them live, I knew they would do a great job in amping everyone up for the evening ahead. Playing a few oldies but goodies and some tracks off of their newer album, they gave everyone a little taste of what they were about and surely gained some new fans at the same time.
Now it was just a half hour wait between the fans and getting to see their favourite artist. The excitement exuded from everyone along the barrier, counting down the minutes. But as soon as the intro video started playing on the big screen and over the loudspeakers, the crowd erupted into screaming. The band members swiftly got on stage and started playing the intro music. After getting the crowd all riled up, Louis walked out, hands raised above his head acknowledging the crowd, where the sea of people’s screams became even louder, if that were possible. He made his way to centre stage to a lone microphone where they seamlessly transitioned into ‘The Greatest,’ a ballad of a song to start off the night. Playing through mostly songs off his Faith in the Future album, with some earlier tracks, such as ‘Walls’ and ‘Kill My Mind’. He also added in a great cover of Arctic Monkeys’ song ‘505’ and playing a throwback of One Direction days with ‘Drag Me Down’. He had everyone in the palm of hands, as he moved to each side of the stage, often giving waves into the crowd’s direction which were met with screams of admiration and people singing back the words to him as loud as they could.
It felt as though the night came to an end as he abruptly walked off stage after singing ‘Out of My System’, a crowd favourite and single off his latest record. It felt like an eternity waiting for him to reappear, while the crowd started up many chants to try win him over and get him back on stage from yelling ‘Encore’ and ‘Louis’ to singing a few different songs, he finally gave in and he walked back out. The band started playing, and he broke out the first line of Saturdays. I thought, too chill of a song to end the night on, little did I know he had two extra songs planned, to that he sang another One Direction song ‘Where Do Broken Hearts Go’, he then announced his final song, ‘Silver Tongues’. During this, he took an opportunity to jump off stage and ran across the front of the barrier, giving high fives and stopping to sing some of the song in the middle where fans were clambering to get just one acknowledging hand hold. Before we knew it, he was then back up on stage to finish off the song, before thanking the crowd, waving final goodbyes, and then disappeared, leaving the crowd in a bittersweet, whirlwind of emotion.
Other than a nod to his days in the band, by singing a couple of the group’s tracks, which I’m sure gave everyone a sense of nostalgia, myself included, if you were attending the concert, expecting a One Direction performance, you may have come away a little disappointed. While he may not be bouncing around the stage singing ‘What Makes You Beautiful’ with the others, he commanded the stage entirely on his own. His performance perfectly showcased so much growth and confidence within himself which was so amazing to witness. Going from being able to have other people to lean on, on stage for so many years, you have to hand it to him to take on all of this by himself. Louis was here to make his mark as a solo artist and I believe he did just that.
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alessandro113 · 2 years
Lips Like Sugar
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