#Ron is trans the other way
(this is based on the headcannon I've seen around about Desiree and Matt being siblings. It's set between 2-4 and 3-2. Trigger warnings are in the tags.)
“You've got a letter,” I say, handing it to her.
“Who still writes letters?”
“I don't know, I didn't read it. I wouldn't read your things.”
“No, I know. It's okay.”
She opens it. I catch a glimpse of the handwriting filling most of a single sheet of paper, but I can't see what it says. Her eyes quickly flick to the bottom of the page and her expression shifts.
“What's wrong?” I ask.
She puts the paper down. “It's from Matt.”
“Your brother?”
“What does he want? And why now? I haven't spoken to him in years.”
“You won't know unless you read it.”
She hesitates. “I don't know if I want to. It might be bad news.”
“It might not be.”
She says nothing.
“Do you want me to read it?”
“I want to throw it away, in all honesty.”
She doesn't. She reads the whole thing. I try to watch her expression, but it pretty much stays the same the whole time. When she's finished, she lays it down again with a sigh.
“He's in jail.”
“That's what he says. He won't say why, only that he messed up. And he wants me to visit him.”
“Are you okay?”
“I don't know.”
I reach out and take her hand. She holds on tight.
“I don't know what he's done. I don't think I want to know. I know my brother isn't evil, but…he never thinks of anyone but himself. I should've known he'd end up in trouble.”
“Are you going to see him?”
“Really? I mean, it's your choice, but I think you should at least… No, maybe it's not a good idea… I don't know…”
“Look at this.” She spins the paper around and pushes it towards me. “Does he mention either of us anywhere in this? Does he ask how we're doing?”
I scan it. The whole thing is kind of vague, it just outlines the fact that a whole court ganged up on him and put him away and now everyone he knows is mad at him.
“No, he doesn't.”
“He never cared about me. When I left home, he never made any attempt to stay in contact. So I don't need him.”
She crumples the paper and puts it in the trash.
I don't know why I'm here. I guess I thought that Desiree would change her mind, but she doesn't. She moves on like nothing has happened. It's been three days since the letter arrived, and I can't take my curiosity anymore.
I'm shaking. I've met Matt before, only once, but I don't know if I should expect anything different now. He was just a typical bratty younger brother. That was how Desiree described him, and I saw what she meant. He didn't really ask me about myself or seem interested at all.
I reach his cell and he's slumped in the corner.
He doesn't hear me.
“Hello? Matt?”
He finally looks up and frowns in confusion.
“Like, what do you want?”
“Um…I got your letter. I mean…Dessie got your letter. She didn't want to come. But I'm here.”
Recognition clicks in his mind and he laughs.
“Oh, it's you. Desiree's boyfriend.”
“Husband. Yes.”
“So she didn't feel like dropping by on her poor brother?”
“Then why are you here?”
“Uh, I don’t know. Curiosity I think? I mean, I know we haven't seen each other in a long time, so I just thought…”
“You don’t feel sorry for me?”
“Uh, kind of? I don’t really know what happened, your letter didn't say what you did.”
“Oh I get it. She sent you out to get the scope on me.”
“To see if I’m really worth her time.”
“Or maybe she needs a big strong man to protect her from me. Is that what you are?”
“I don’t…know.”
“What’s wrong?” he gets really close to the glass and I catch a glimpse of scars hidden under his fringe. “Scared I’ll bite?”
I don’t say anything, and he backs away again, laughing at me.
“You’re exactly Desiree’s type. A pushover.”
“Am I? I-I mean, no. She doesn’t know I’m here.”
“Oh. Well don’t blame me if this breaks you up. I can’t control where you go. I can’t even control where I go.”
“What did you do, Matt? Why…are you here?”
“Do you really want to know?”
Anxiety spikes within me and I change my mind quickly.
“No. You don’t want to know about my life. All you want to know is what I want with you and your precious wife. But it’s got nothing to do with you, dude. This is family stuff. And if she doesn’t want to come, then I guess I’m just gonna have to die here alone.”
The door busts open. It’s Desiree.
“I knew you’d be here.”
“I’m sorry,” I jump out of my seat. “I’m sorry, Dessie. I should’ve told you, but I was worried you’d talk me out of it. I hope I didn't make you stress out or anything. I’m sorry, I won’t do it again.”
“It’s okay, it’s okay, hun. I was just worried about what he was saying to you.”
“Finally she shows up,” Matt says.
“I didn't come here for you,” she snaps back. “Are you okay, Ronnie?”
I nod. “I think so.”
“I should’ve warned you. Matt has…a way of getting into people’s heads. Just don’t listen to him.”
“Oh sure, just ignore me like you have for the last few years.”
“You were the one ignoring me,” she says. “I just realised that it wasn't worth fighting for your time anymore. So I focussed on the people who really care about me.”
He scoffs.
“He won't tell me anything,” I say. “He said it's family stuff.”
“That's not my problem. Whatever you've done, Matt, you can take it up with someone else. I don't care anymore.”
“Seriously? You're seriously gonna leave me here? You don't even want to know-”
“No. I don't.” She takes my hand. “We're leaving, honey.”
“Fine,” Matt spits. “Leave me here on my own to rot.”
Desiree ignores him.
“And I hope you're happy being a fake woman with your fake husband.”
I'm not sure what happens next. I think something snaps in me. Because the next thing I know is my knuckles are hurting. Matt yelps and backs away from me.
“What the hell is wrong with you?”
“I…I'm sorry.” Tears start running down my face and I don't know why. “I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I'm sorry.”
Desiree takes my hand gently into hers and inspects my knuckles. “Are you okay? You didn't break anything did you?”
“I don't think so. Dessie, I…”
“It's okay, sweetie, it's alright.” She kisses my forehead. “I'm not mad. And I won't let you get in any trouble, okay?”
I nod, wiping my eyes with my free hand.
Desiree holds my non-injured hand as we walk home mostly in silence. I try not to think that she's mad at me. She must be going through a lot. But who I was back there really scared me, I've never had something come over me so strongly like that. I can still feel my knuckles throbbing.
Eventually, I break the silence.
“Does he really think you're a fake woman?”
“He was just trying to hurt me. Matt never cared either way when I came out.”
“He only cares about himself. Me becoming a woman doesn't affect him, especially since we barely talk.” She looks at me. “I'm sorry if he hurt your feelings, hun.”
“It's okay, I'm kind of used to it. But I don't like when people insult you. It makes me mad.”
“I know. You're a real sweetheart.” She stops walking to kiss my cheek. “But I can handle myself, don't worry. And I don't want you hurting yourself.”
“I'm sorry.”
“It's okay. I know you mean well.”
“He called me a pushover. I told him that I wasn't there on your behalf but I don't think he believed me.”
“Don't listen to him, hun.”
“He made out like I only ever do what you say.” I hesitate. “Can…you say something I disagree with? Just so I can prove that I don't go along with everything you say?”
“Babe, you don't have to prove anything to me.”
“I know. I wanna prove it to myself.”
She thinks for a second.
“Maybe our marriage won't work out.”
“Because you think I'm ugly.”
“No! No, you're the most beautiful woman in the world and I love you.”
Her face breaks into a grin and I realise that she was messing with me.
“I love you too,” she says. “Can we get Chinese food tonight?”
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reasonsforhope · 2 months
"Georgia Republicans bundled over a dozen measures that targeted the state’s transgender residents into omnibus packages in a desperate attempt to get them passed. In a stunning defeat for the GOP, every single one of them failed.
Legislators gutted bills that had passed through committee and instead stuffed them full of their anti-LGBTQ+ wishlist items.
Bills that would ban transgender students from playing on teams aligned with their gender identity, ban transgender students from bathrooms aligned with their gender identity, opt parents into notification for every book a student checks out of the library, bar sex education before sixth grade, make all sex-ed classes opt-in and expand obscenity laws to make it easier to ban books with LGBTQ+ content all failed.
“MAGA politicians in Georgia tried it all in service to their anti-LGBTQ+ agenda,” said Human Rights Campaign Georgia State Director Bentley Hudgins, “including silencing debate and gutting unrelated, popular bills that had bipartisan support to ram through policies that would have put young LGBTQ+ Georgians in harm’s way. They failed.”
“It’s undeniable that the tides are shifting, both here in Georgia and across the nation,” Georgia Equality executive director Jeff Graham added. “Anti-LGBTQ actors are losing their political power, and more and more Georgians who know and love LGBTQ people are standing up against their baseless fear-mongering.”
In Florida recently, nearly two dozen anti-LGBTQ+ bills were defeated in the wake of Gov. Ron DeSantis‘s (R) presidential campaign implosion, dozens of measures in Virginia were tabled [Note: In the US, "tabled" means "shelved" or "taken out of consideration - the opposite of its meaning in the UK and other places], and Ohio’s governor backed off his attempt to restrict gender-affirming care access for transgender adults and minors. 
Meanwhile, in D.C., Democrats successfully excised 50 anti-LGBTQ+ provisions in the two budget bills passed and signed by President Joe Biden to fund the federal government.
Even Fox News has been forced to acknowledge transgender issues are among the lowest-priority concerns among voters."
-via LGBTQ Nation, April 1, 2024
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autistpride · 21 days
Teacher AU from April's prompts by @wolfstarmicrofic
Wordcount: 998
Remus had been waiting for this day for years. Nearly a decade, but the waitlist was seven years long and he was low on the priority list because he wasn’t in a mental health crisis and had a somewhat stable home and job situation, but after nine years, he finally got the calls.
Remus first began to suspect he might be autistic when he began teaching. Remus taught at the primary level, year one, and all of the students in his class were autistic. He related to his students and seemed to understand them on a level most of the other teachers could not. He spent his own money changing his room up, buying sensory tools and various items. In the end his students thrived and Remus was so proud of them.
As the years passed, Remus gained a reputation for being quirky, odd, and a bit too into the fandom for the book series he was into. But despite being a bit of a “loner” and not developing much of a relationship with his coworkers, Remus was beloved by his students and as a result, their families.
Remus set up his assessments during the half term, or tried too, but his final meeting was during a school day and that was unfortunately unable to be rescheduled due to the psychologists busy schedule. 
Remus explained to his students the day before his appointment that he would not be at the classroom Friday morning. He would be at a doctor’s appointment and they would have a substitute teacher until lunch time. Naturally they had questions, as all curious children do.
“Mr. Lupin, are you sick?”
“No, Hermione, I’m not sick. Just a meeting.” 
“Do you promise you’ll be back at lunch time to get us from the playground?”
“Yes, Harry, I promise. I will be standing at the side ready to collect you from the playground at the end of your break.”
“Do you have a baby in you?”
This one caused Remus to snort. “No Ron, I don’t have a baby in my belly. I know you have a little sister coming soon though huh?” Remus asked the boy who beamed and nodded. 
“Are you going to die?”
“No I am absolutely not dying, Draco. You don’t have to worry. You are going to be stuck with me all year!” Remus said in a low tone crouched down and wiggling his fingers like a monster.
This caused a bout of giggles from the young children and Remus chuckled before helping them pack up for the day.
Friday morning he rose early, packed everything he needed for the day, and rode the bus the hour to the city. He sat and listened as the psychologist explained he did in fact meet the criteria for autism and after years of waiting, he was officially diagnosed. The psychologist explained that it wasn’t uncommon for trans males to go undiagnosed their whole lives because many doctors were biassed against females as well as people of colour. They kept asking if Remus was okay, if he was upset or needed any support because they knew that hearing this information was a lot. 
But Remus just felt relief and peace. He finally felt like it all made since, his whole life
The bus ride back to the village Remus teared up as he texted his best friend Lily that he got it and she replied instantly with many hugs and heart emojis and then a message saying that she knew he would and that she was proud of him.
Remus walked from the bus stop to the school and buzzed in through the staff entrance in the back with his badge. He placed all his stuff in his locker in the staff lounge, made sure his badge was the right way on his lanyard, and made his way to the enclosed play area where his students would be.
Slowly, one at a time, his students noticed his arrival and ran around finding the other classmates to tell them that he was there. Then without warning they screamed and ran over to him, tackling him with hugs, causing Remus to laugh as he hugged them back.
Soon the students were all lining up to go back into the classrooms, but Remus was confused, the substitute wasn’t there. He asked where Mr. Black was and Luna said that he stayed behind because he had something he had to do in the classroom since Mr. Lupin would be there to get them. Remus was confused and puzzled because he had prepared all the materials for the day’s lessons and there was nothing that needed to be prepared during the lunch period. 
They made their way back to the classroom in a line, Remus walking backwards like a professional at this point, directing his students in their songs for things like planets, continents and oceans, and skip counting as they walked. They entered the classroom one at a time ahead of him and when he turned to walk through the doorway he froze.
His entire classroom was decorated for a party, his students sitting on the reading rug holding onto little drawings. In the back, Sirius held up a small cake. “Congratulations!” written on the whiteboard in Sirius’ beautiful loopy cursive. 
Remus’ hands quickly covered his mouth in surprise as he looked around and took it all in. “Oh,” he whispered.
“Class what do we say to Mr. Lupin?” Sirius asked with a cheeky grin.
The entire class erupted into screams of “ONE OF US! ONE OF US!” 
Remus threw his head back and laughed despite the happy tears that welled in his eyes. 
Remus had never felt confident before in his life. Never felt like he actually fit someplace before until now. 
And if he bit his lip to try to hide his smirk and raised his eyebrows at Sirius when he had Sirius’ number in his phone after years of pining, well who could blame him. 
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duckies27 · 1 month
Some pre-season 2 headcannons for Dndads
Spoilers for both seasons ahead!
Read at your own risk!
- Ron retwists Terry Jr's hair while in the forgotten realms to the best of his abilities. Afterwards, Samantha would teach him how to do it better and it becomes a bonding experience for the two
- Lark and Sparrow would notice one day randomly they have pointy ears. Henry would have to explain to them that they always had pointy ears, they just thought it was normal because Henry had pointy ears. They're actually, y'know, half elves.
- Nicky would call Glenn "Dad" half the time on accident. Pisses Jodie off but Glenn would just shake his head and be like "just cuz I'm cooler doesn't mean I'm your dad, ayeeeeee". Makes him a little sad in the beginning but it becomes a running joke between them
- Terry Jr and Grant 100% had a short dating stint in the forgotten realms but both of them said "Nahhhh" after
- Darryl realized he's bisexual post forgotten realms. He goes to pride parades with Grant wearing little pins but he keeps it in the down low.
- Lark is on the aspec spectrum, Sparrow is pan like his father. They wear shirts that way "All or Nothing" with both flags as a joke.
- Ron takes up fishing with Terry Jr but half the time they just would go feed the ducks instead of catching any fish. They use popcorn instead of bread
- Henry, Darryl, and Ron have a weekly get together where they hang out and sometimes talk about what happened in the Forgotten Realms. It's a lot of trauma on them all so they confide in each other
- All the dads were at Sparrow's wedding and definitely cried more times than anyone could count. Henry and Darryl danced like idiots while Carol and Mercedes talked over a glass of wine
- All the wives have book club every week, which often turns into just them talking together and enjoying each other's company
- Ron has nightmares a lot of the time about Willy. Henry has nightmares about Barry. Both often spend time post nightmare together, with the other dads as back- up if needed
- Henry has a giant fear of throwing up post doodler, to the point he only throws up if his body forces him to. Otherwise he swallows it down.
- Grant met Marco on Fortnight
- Lark and Sparrow got their tattoos updated when they were 18 to fix them. Because, y'know, child making the tattoo wouldn't last long. Sparrow adds Normal and Hero's names to his other arm after both of them are born.
- Normal and Hero used to play with Lincoln during the summer. Hero and Lincoln play one on one while Normal would cheer them on!
- Taylor would be the one guy in summer wearing a full jacket and long pants and boots because he's constantly freezing
- Hero has round ears, Normal has pointy ears post church of the doodler
- Hermie had a crush on Normal pre-joker story but he had to drop it for the ✨ character✨ of it all
- Normal is trans (duh), and most of his binders were handmade by Lark
- Taylor has a ton of different arm crutches, mainly decorated, but he only has one sword cane.
- Grant is in therapy and on antidepressants but his true antidepressant is his family (he says this and it is not true, he's just cheesey)
Hope you enjoy
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genderqueerpositivity · 8 months
We have presidential candidates calling for federal abortion bans and gender affirming care bans on the national stage now. After Roe, both of these are fully achievable goals for the Republican party. If not during this election cycle, perhaps the next one; Roe was the law of the land for 50 years--they know how to be patient.
I was thinking about the 2008 election the other day, and how much brighter back then things felt about the future of LGBTQ rights.
Were things absolutely great then? Hell no. But I still believed that "love wins". I could still picture a better future for the LGBTQ community in this country; at a minimum I could imagine a future where queer people are just simply left alone.
These days? I catch myself daydreaming about a future where the institution of American Christianity has been dismantled in much the same way as we call for the abolition of prisons and police. And I find myself wondering if perhaps the United States shouldn't be united anymore, and what our everyday lives would look like in that future.
And I wish we could just skip forward to a time where the threat of fascism has passed. Because I really don't want to see the death and suffering that it brings.
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fluffthecloud · 1 year
Their Soulmate
Weasley Twins x Male Reader
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Summary: Reader has one big soulmate mark on his back instead of a small one on his arm like most people in Hogwarts. He didn't know why but didn't really took mind to it. Now he got put in Hufflepuff, but somehow became friends with the mischievous twin gingers, mainly because they rode on the train together.
Request: ❌
Warnings: N/A
Notes: This is based off a story on AO3 that had the reader as trans post top surgery. This is a Soulmate AU and at this time people didn't really know what polyamory was so everyone thought you had one soulmate.
Tags: @jasperthechaosgremlin pt. 2 pt.3
Y/N got his letter at any normal age Wizards gets theirs. Though his parents weren't too happy, they were envious. Y/N's parents always wanted to go to Hogwarts but they never gotten a letter, so like any other person that never gotten a letter, they went to another magic school that thought the same things just at a lower level.
Y/N had everything he needed nothing more nothing less, so with a few clothes for weekends and things to do in his free time he didn't have much, plus some money for snacks on the train and if he were to buy anything while at Hogwarts.
He was left at the train station by his parents after they told him where to go, he was a bit confused by this and their behavior after he got the letter. Y/N follows their directions to platform 9¾, and he was a bit confused as he was met with a pillar, a brick pillar. "Oh hello there young man!" A sweet voice said behind him, making him turn around, that's when he saw the gingers.
"Hi." He replied back smiling "am I in your way?" He asked moving slightly just in case he was.
"Oh no you are fine, but are you lost?" The lady asked, "oh where are my manners, I'm Molly Weasley, and these are my children, Charlie, Percy, Fred, George, Ron, and Ginny." She pointed at each one. (It took me too long to do simple math to see if Ron and Ginny would be kids or babies around this time)
"I'm Y/N L/N, by any chance do you know how to get to platform 9¾?" He asked hoping to not look like a dumbass and that he kids also got a letter.
"Yeah! You just run through the pillar, and then poff your there at the platform!" One of the twins said, Y/N being unsure which one.
"We got our letter a few weeks ago this is our first year!" The other one said, they really need name tags it would be so helpful.
"It's also my first year." Y/N said cheerfully, "so you just run into the pillar?" He asked looking back at Molly.
"Oh right, you'll miss the train, hurry hurry." One by one the red heads ran through, with you following right behind after saying thanks to Molly.
After getting on the train, you find a cabinet to sit in it was completely empty, so you put you bags in the over hang before taking a seat to silently stare out the window. Not long after you hear some commotion just before the cabinet door slides open to reveal none other than Percy, Fred and George. "L/N so nice to see you again!" Percy chimes, "hope you don't mind us joining you."
"Not at all, come sit." You say with a small smile before looking out the window again. But you soon look back to see the twins fighting for the spot next to you, only for Percy to take it, "if you can't share then neither of you can get it." He said as the two sat across from you.
The train ride was very chatty, mainly the twins trying to strike up conversation with you which worked, you really enjoyed their company. Time seemed to fly by fast because before you knew it you were at you stop, so you got your things and followed the Weasley's off the train.
After the boat ride everyone was now in the dinning hall. Everyone was called up one by one, then it was finally your turn "L/N Y/N!" McGonagall called, which in return you walked right up. You took your seat in the chair that was everyone's attention at that point, which made you feel a bit nervous, which made you forget that you were getting sorted into a house, "HUFFLEPUFF!" The hat yelled, and thanks to being out of it for a minute you jumped and the Hufflepuff table cheered.
As the last of the people got sorted into their houses you made some small talk with the other people at your table. That was over very quickly though because after dinner you were told to follow some person called prefect, apparently they are in charge of us getting to the dorm by lights out. Everyone was lead to their dorms and then it was lights out.
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Finally cleaned this up so here’s my DnDads ultimate ship opinions list. I was waiting until after s2 ended to clean this up in case I had any final opinion changes with the last few episodes. Please don’t bash me for any of these. The DnDads fandom is generally very nice but shipping discourse is something that can get heated no matter the fandom.
Henry Darryl: very neutral. I understand the ship I just never fully got on the boat
Henry Glenn: absolutely fucking feral about them do not get me started on Glennry
Darryl Glenn: feral in a different way that I don’t know how to describe other than toxic yaoi in the way that they’re damaged but refuse to talk about it so they kiss about it instead
Loveeeeeeee polydads but only as Henry/Glenn/Darryl. Not really a Ron shipper I love him and Samantha too much. Ron and Glenn’s friendship is very important to me though
In terms of Jodie, I don’t really ship him with any of the main dads, ESPECIALLY not Glenn. Even if Jimmy didn’t play Jodie I’d still never ship them. Wish Scamster was real and not completely a scam because they’re literally a crackship become real except it was never a crackship before canon. It’s surprising to me that they weren’t really shipped beforehand
Henry Mercedes: THE T4T OF ALL TIME BABEYYYYY. Absolutely iconic couple, fate was in their favor with how they met they were destined for each other
Darryl Carol: After hearing how Darryl talked about his family in Heaven, I was actually really happy they ended up not getting divorced. They clearly had a rough patch as seen in s1, but they genuinely love each other and I love how devoted to her Darryl is. The little finger puppet he made of her in the time out zone… :,)
Glenn Morgan: GLORGAN!!!!!!!!! Oh my god these two tear me apart. I am feral for Glorgan angst there’s too much to work with. More people need to start calling them Glorgan instead of Morglenn please please please please pretty please indulge me in my silly ship name
Ron Samantha: sobbing. They’re so sweet. The distinction that Samantha is also a little silly is very important to me. They love each other so fucking much
Nicky Sparrow: didn’t realize how much I love them for a good while but when I did oh god I love them so so much. T4T it’s so real to me that they’re both trans
Nicky Lark: used to like it but yall mischaracterize Nicky so much in fics. If yall want toxic yaoi just ship Grant and Lark I’m so serious
Nicky Terry: sobs. They were best friends. I don’t personally ship them but the fact that Terry said he was his best friend… that line rattles around in my brain so often
Nicky Grant: recently learned this might get shipped and has THE coolest ship name. Crossfire I love you but for the ship name alone
Sparrow Terry: I think I’ve seen this shipped a few times but only in the context of Terry/Nicky/Sparrow. Not my personal cup of tea though
Sparrow Grant: I don’t see this shipped too often but they have the worst ship name ever /aff. Wtf is a spant lol. Also I’m too much team transfem Sparrow to feel comfortable shipping this
Lark Terry: do not know the appeal of Gun Control but their ship name is fun
Lark Grant: toxic yaoi central. They both need intense therapy but them both being so fucked up is what makes them interesting not that that’s healthy though
Terry Grant: I see them more in a qpr place than anything romantic. I have one fic of them that’s bookmarked on Safari because I think about a part from it from time to time
Don’t have any poly ships for them
In terms of s2 spouses I so desperately wished we could’ve seen more of them. We barely get to see them
Nicky Cassandra: Telling Taylor his dad was a good man and that she misses him every day makes me think they parted on good terms. But then Nicky disappeared because of FBI shit. In another life maybe they could’ve worked.
Sparrow Rebecca: more ugly sobbing. I’m unsure on my sparroace thoughts if they’d end up getting divorced post-finale but I know they’re not fully separating or breaking up. They really are in love but it’s unconventional and messy.
Terry Veronica: I think the reveal that Terry is infertile is a nice touch to their relationship. It sounds weird to say and I feel like I might word this all weirdly. Him being unable to have bio kids but finding love in someone who wants to raise a kid with him anyways. Veronica finding new love again after a supposedly abusive relationship. Both of those combined is something I really love.
Grant Marco: Canon gays ftw. The Titanic episode was so generous in letting us get to see their dynamic. Obviously Grant still has a long way to go in finding self love but I’m so happy he found someone who can support him and loves him back like this.
Normal Scary: ugly sobbing over them I love them so much. Cradling my madomagi and tma aus with them as madohomu and jmart
Normal Taylor: yearning for the early s2 days like when they went to Sonic and made some devious plan off screen I wish they had more silly interactions together. Was truly fed with the kareoke intro and them bonding over costume making for a minute. Tayloak could be so interesting if there was more material to work with
Normal Link: Childhood BFFs to Lovers; I wish they could’ve hung out more as kids but all that happened
Normal Hermie: I get the hype but I have personal reasons for feeling neutral on them that I wish I could get over. Good soup though /ref
Scary Taylor: see them too much as a sibling dynamic to ever ship them
Scary Link: respect to all y’all shippers but I do not gothcleats and will leave it at that forever. I can only accept the finale with my transfem Link hc
Scary Hermie: I love Scene Partners. These stupid kids and reflecting each other /aff
Taylor Link: one that I can’t believe I didn’t ship sooner they’re so silly
Link Hermie: I think this one is very funny (/pos) but not my personal vibe
Love love LOVEEEEEEEE Marloakworthy AUGH. A giant triangle of everyone paralleling each other
Polywagon I love you; cannot believe you’re real and genuinely canon. This is just Homestuck again when Hussie said all ships are canon (DnDads never beating the Homestuck allegations from me)
Scary Erica: wish there were more interactions I love Erica so much but alas she’s a guest NPC. “You awaken a lightness in me” sapphic ass Scary I know what you are
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1.) Transformers has had a troubled history with female transformers as a whole. They didn't really even exist until Season 2. And while they've all gotten the short end of the stick until recently, Arcee, who kinda ended up The Main Girl (sorry Elita) has gotten the brunt of this mistreatment. Mostly talking G1 here.
Toys kept getting cancelled over and over even though she's a main, important character of Season 3. She didn't get a decent widely available toy that actually resembled her G1 version (first one was a Botcon exclusive Blackarachnia redeco which I disqualify because convention-exclusive spider is not what I was looking for, and Binaltech is just kinda a pink and white robot who looks nothing like her, just with her name slapped on) until 2014. I wish I could use bold here, because there's no such thing as uppercase numbers. Before that, you just kinda had to look at the toys from other canons and squint because Hasbro doesn't think the pink girl toy will sell well.
And misogyny present in the fiction? A lot can be summed up in a couple words, namely, "Furman, why?" While most people go with his excuses of not believing in Cybertronian gender, it really comes across as him seeing men as the default, neutral state of being, and women as something that must be explained. Poorly. Explained very poorly. Not to explain things in Tv Tropes terms, but I have to, it reeks of the 'Men Are Generic, Women Are Special' https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MenAreGenericWomenAreSpecial trope.
Let's get us started with Prime's Rib. Oh my goodness, Prime's Rib. So, Furman doesn't believe in Cybertronian gender (and male is seen as default), and this has reflected in his writing. He's going along perfectly fine writing his dudes in the US run of the Marvel comics, Arcee entirely ignored… but what's this? The connected UK comic has her. He can't just ignore her. So, well. He needs an explanation. Explaining a plot hole isn't bad. It's how he did it. Arcee was created in response to a feminist mob who was mad Cybertronians were all guys. I don't think I need to explain this one.
I'm too tired to explain her treatment in IDW now. Something something unnatural attempt to introduce gender into a genderless species, something something, really weird uncomfortable treatment, it's a long story and I'm not an IDW expert, read the TFWiki page for Spotlight: Arcee.
I'm sure there's more in other media, but I've blathered on way too long and I'm starting to get frustrated and tired and AGH FURMAN WHY. He's gotten better, too, definitely not judging his present self over comics that are from many years ago, but asdfghjkl
Ok fine, one more thing. This isn't G1 but Michael Bay stated in interviews that he gleefully killed her movieverse version off specifically because he didn't like her. It's not NECESSARILY misogyny motivated. I wouldn't deem it misogyny coming from a different director with a different film series. Transformers writers have had personal beef with random characters which they wished to unceremoniously kill off before--Animated Beachcomber comes to mind, even if the writers never got the chance. But it's also Michael Bay's Transformers we're talking about here. Can you blame me for thinking that?
Arcee has gotten better treatment in recent years. Furman's clumsy attempts to explain Arcee's gender in tbe IDW run were slowly retconned into some pretty decent trans rep by other authors, she's really just come into her own as a character. But it was a long and rocky road to get there, and I believe we all need to acknowledge that.
2.) Was initially introduced in the 80's transformers movie only after being strong armed by Ron Friedman, being the first female presenting robot to be seen in the show. bright pink, cause, ya know, female. has the most romantic involvement of any transformer ever across all transformations media, cause, ya know, female, and god forbid she be her own person when hasbro can stick to her to Some Guy. she was made trans in the 2005 continuity and was immediately made berserk as a result. marvel made her a freak science experiment to shame feminists. why does the robot have curves when no one else does istg
i love her too much to stand by idly while she's treated this way
3.) hasbro keeps trying to convince people that her and elita-one (another pink fem character) are actually the same. "who cares same lore different names. what do you mean they're different characters?" and constantly flips their lore, designs, and names around with every single FUCKING continuity ie transformers rise of the beasts where they use arcee's design but call her elita-one SMASHES MY HEAD INTO THE WALL bro there's a whole group of autobots called the "female transformers". i don't. there's so little female representation in this series that hasbro decided the best way to fix it would be… segregation, ig. arcee is apart of it obviously. elita-one leads it. reminds me that i should (and maybe sick a couple friends on this poll) make a submission for elita because JESUS CHRIST hasbro fucked her up also apparently in some continuities arcee is trans. upon getting bottom surgery it fucking. idk how turns her berserk?? it's so weird. mind controlled/sleeper agent in like half of the fucking continuities for some reason. in every single one of these continuities she either gets with Springer or Hot Rod and ends up betraying them. every single time why does the robot have boobs
1.) I know everyone is gonna submit Misa but honestly she had it worse.
She gets introduced as this competent lady who's gonna help find Kira but then she just, decides to show some teenager her real ID as a show of trust and whoops that's Kira.
Also part of her introduction was her fiance going "You don't need to worry about this tracking down the killer nonsense, you're gonna be my wife, you should just be worried about raising kids in the future :)" or some shit. And it's barely addressed, because she just fucking dies.
2.) She was the only woman in the series to show any level of competence. She figured out more about how the death note works from some small context clues than L did in considerably less time. She was apparently so competent that the author decided to kill her off despite initially planning to make her a main character, fearing she would distract from the L and Light rivalry.
3.) the victim of “writer doesn’t understand women and also hates them” disease. Like, seriously, the author of Death Note could only imagine a female FBI agent as the fiancée of another, more senior FBI agent. The main character Light kills her fiancé Raye Penber (in honestly a really tightly written and cool episode) and so she tries to figure out who killed her husband. Unlike Raye who only figured out that Light was Kira as he was dying because Light basically told him, Naomi figures it out a lot sooner so oops guess she’s gotta die because she’s too good at her job.
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cherry-pop-elf · 2 months
Every Perfect Curve
George Weasley x Chubby Reader
You had given birth to your sweet little Freddy a while ago. While finally having a moment to yourself, you can’t help but feel self conscious that you haven’t ’bounced back’ like so many others have. George is there to remind you that you are just stunning. Even if you never ‘bounce back’ as they say
Warnings: 16+, Body Dysphoria, Trans Masc coded but over all discussion of weight gain, flirting, sexual content ((no sex)) nursing, postpartum, After The Deathly Hallows Content, Pregnancy
Writing Coms Open
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“This used to fit-!” You sniffled, as you were fighting with your body. Trying so hard to get your pants on. You haven’t worn pants since your second trimester. You wanted to wear pants again, but it doesn’t seem like that will happen. You couldn’t even get them past your thighs. It was so frustrating, how much weight you had gained.
“Jellybean, you just had a baby. You think Mum is built like a string bean like the kids she popped out?” George tried to explain, as he was undoing his suit jacket. So happy to have the work day done with, and finally spend some time with his family. You, little Freddy, and Bill with his own pregnant wife.
Since after the war, Bill figured to return back to Gringotts. Stable job, close to George, well paying, and those goblins actually gave him medically paid vacation leave for every time the week of the full moon was coming. It was perfect. Also, he won’t lie, was nice to have a part time job at WWW. Everything was perfect, besides well….The hormones.
“But she had seven kids! I just had one-!” You sniffled. Luckily, George was a fourth kid of seven. He knows a thing or two about someone with hormones. Especially ones with postpartum. Molly had caught some after Ron, funny enough. He knew not to poke the bear, too much.
Before he could stop you, you were already crying. “I’m so fat-! Look at my chest! Look at my thighs! I’m covered in stretch marks, and I can’t wear clothes right anymore! I’m bigger than a inflatus charm! How can you even stand the sight of me?!” You sobbed, as those hormones were just destroying your head space. He let you scream it out, having long since casted a silencing charm on your shared bedroom. Just letting you scream it out. Better out than in.
“Jellybean-“ He cooed, as he would leave himself in his dress shirt now. He would sneak behind you, and wrapped his arms around your stomach. Happily tracing over your stretch marks, and resting his head on yours. Just looking into the mirror, and seeing you struggle. Wet tears and all. He didn’t see what you saw. He saw someone he loved. Every inch of you was devine. Every stretch mark, roll, and sag. That was you.
“Jeans are uncomfortable anyway.” He tried to joke with you, as he scratched his finger on the rough denim. Going to make a disgusted face at the texture. Despite your tears, you couldn’t stop your smile. Damn him. He always found a way. You hated how he made you smile, as you now over thought. Were you crying for attention now? Were you making a big deal out of nothing? Luckily, your husband was quick to distract you from such scary thoughts.
“Come on. You like my pants anyway.” He added. Given how tall he was, the fabric was able to stretch around you easier. You didn’t even have a chance to argue, before he found a pair of his old pajama pants. You figured not to fight him, and soon sat on the edge of the bed. He pulled the jeans off, and helped you into the old soft fabric. Just pampering you. Kissing those newly soft features, and admiring you. Kissing that belly, that took care of your shared little boy. Admired those thighs, and appreciated those stretch marks from that hard working body.
“Much better?” He asked, as they were able to properly fit. Given the height, there was plenty of fabric over your stomach. Enough to even pull the plaid high enough to not drag on the ground. He even worked on making sure you had some nice warm socks, so you didn’t get chilly. Making sure you were as cared for as you deserved.
“Shut up.” You huffed, but he knew you were just frustrated with your body. He knew what that was like. Losing an ear sure makes life hell. If anyone can relate to hating your own body, it’s him. He would let you be frustrated, as he tried to make sure you were comfortable. Seems your top wouldn’t be next, as you two heard noises from the living room.
“ACK-! FLEUR HELP-!” Bill shouted, followed by the devious giggles of your son. Next were the sweet giggles of the Half Veela, as she was most likely working on saving her partial werewolf groom. The giggles of your son gave you a brief smile, but your eyes were on your body again.
“Hey, look at me-“ George would soon cup your face, so to make sure you stopped looking at yourself. “You have a body of a mother, a parent. All this squish was used to make sure our little boy was born happy and healthy.” He tried to reassure you, with a kiss to your lips. With his face with yours, he reached to his dress shirt. He took it off, and soon slipped it on you. He left it unbuttoned, so your sore breasts didn’t get more irritated. Yet still feel somewhat covered.
“And these-“ He gently touched said breasts, making sure to not irritated your sore nipples. “These are big because someone here eats like a Weasley. Playing with them more than me! That little bugger-“ And you laughed. He got you to laugh, and he was grinning with pride.
Speaking of hungry, a shrill cry was soon from the living room. “He eats like a Weasley alright-“ You sighed, but felt a bit more confident now. He was right. You were big because Freddy needed a lot of nutrients. Your breasts were large because he needed to eat a lot. Your body was built for your son to thrive. Being squishy wasn’t so bad. Right?
The both of you were quick to come to your living room, and soon seen Bill trying his best to distract Freddy from his hungry belly. Tickling him, and making little animal sounds. That seemed to entertain the little ginger, as he cooed. Fleur was even doing the same, as she sat with him. The wolf, and the harpy. Chirps and barks.
“His first words are going to be growls, knock it off-!” George would, playfully, say. That made them look over. Bill was quick to cover his eye, given the other one was blind, as to give you privacy. Despite the fact he had seen you nurse before. You still appreciated the gesture, regardless.
“Oh hush-“ Fleur tsked, before she would hoist herself up. Using the side of the couch for support, as so to make sure you had all the space on the couch to feed your son on. You wanted to tell her she didn’t have to, but she was in that Tri Wizard Tournament for a reason. She knows how to be strong.
“Come here, sweetie-“ You shushed, as Bill handed you your son. Those big eyes of his just glowing, and his chubby little fingers reaching for you. Your eyes, and George’s hair. Such a sweet thing. Seeing those chubby hands made you think about your chubby figure. Much like he will, you’ll out grow yours one day. If not? Well, least you know you’ll use it to make sure your son is taken care of. Because that soft body was soothing his upset stomach already. Just snuggled into your warm breasts.
“When will I get a turn?” George asked, as you smacked his shoulder. “Hey-!” He whined, as you rolled your eyes. You would soon be on the couch, and brought your legs up. Left to rest in your husbands lap, as Bill got you some pillows for your back. Your husband rubbing your feet, as you let Freddy nurse. Gentle with his fluffy ginger hair, and admiring him.
“Oh he is so handsome-“ Fleur cooed, as she watched. She was due any time now, as well. Having her watch you nurse was very useful for her. That also made you feel better. If you didn’t get so chubby, Fleur wouldn’t get to see what would happen with her. To see how much it helps with her soon to be child. Maybe being larger wasn’t as ugly as you thought. There was so much beauty in it. Beauty in using what you had to help others.
“Hungry thing.” Bill snorted, as his wife gently smacked his own arm. “If not for the hair, that appetite says Weasley all over it.” George echoed. You rolled your eyes, as your son kept nursing away. Needing to stuff his belly full. Was ages, but he finally was satisfied. With a cloth over your shoulder, you would gently burp him.
“He’s picking up signlaguge so quickly. Swear he will be better at it than me before he’s even two-!” George scoffed, but those eyes were sparkling. He was proud of his smart baby boy. “And soon French-“ Fleur echoed. “Arabic ain’t that bad-“ Bill tagged in. “And of course Romanian.” You vouched for Charlie. “Smart ass baby.” George snorted, before you kicked his thigh.
This moment was soothing. All just parents, together, with your children. Gentle learning for Fleur, and comfort. George was right. Your body was built for something. It was built to take care of your baby boy, and help Fleur learn how to treat her own baby. Being chubby wasn’t a sin. Just as much as being skinny and muscular had its benefits, so did being soft and squishy.
“There we go-“ You smiled, as he gave his little burp. “Much better, hm?” You smiled, as you would bring him to lay on your chest. Just like that, he was knocked out. Sleeping soundly, on your soft breasts. Listening to your heart beat, and able to take a well deserved nap.
“He got that from Fred. That was the only way we could tell you two apart. Whenever Fred was done feeding, he knocked right out. You? You got more energy, and got so excited you ended up throwing up.” Bill chuckled, as that seemed to comfort George. He missed his Fred, but knowing a part of him was still around made him smile. His hand ever so gentle on his son’s back, as he gently rubbed your own stomach. Admiring your stretch marks.
“This might be soon, but do you think-?” George questioned, as he kept tracing the indents in your skin. Another kid, already? You couldn’t blame him, though. He was a magical identical twin. The idea of growing up an only child sounded horrifying. Bro to mention big families is all he knew. Maybe…..
You looked to your sleeping son, and your own body. A smile crossed your lips, as you soon help George’s hand. “Plenty of nutrients for a round two, huh?” You joked. You were able to joke about your own body, and that cleared any worry George had. The two of you were financially fine, and had plenty of support.
He kissed your lips, before kissing your son’s head. A tiny little smile crossed those chubby little cheeks, and you had to wonder why you ever thought chubby cheeks could be so horrible. Your son had the prettiest cheeks around, and you hoped your next kid could have them all the same. Pretty, chubby, features.
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I have some kind of mixed feelings about part 2 but some things I appreciate under the cut (messy and non-linear):
I love that we’re getting more content from the other team leads this season and also that we’re seeing interactions between them that we haven’t seen before? Like Glenn and Myc bonding over looking different in the first episode? Brett and Andre defending Gigi in that episode? Brett and Andre friendship in Rontagion?
This kind of falls into the top one but Reagan and Gigi becoming gal pals and Reagan having her first ever female friend? I love it
Also the Reagan and Brett dynamic is top tier this season. Brett is so supportive of Reagan and I also love that they’re allowed to be so affectionate but still platonic friends (no offence to Breagan shippers, it’s just not my cup of tea and I just love Reagan and Brett and platonic besties).
Myc being a nerd who ran away from the other mushrooms because they were mean to him is a great backstory. Tropey? Sure, but I love it.
I also love that Ron actually says he would’ve liked Reagan to confess to him in the broom closet (like she originally planned) - they really are good for each other
Andre fucking his own clone is great. Honestly he was just an icon this season
I thought it was actually nice to get some actual development of Reagan and Tamiko’s relationship this season. It’s nice that their relationship is considered salvageable (not so keen on how they handled the thing with Rand but I did like that Reagan still put her foot down and sent him to Shadow Prison X)
The dynamic between Rand and JR this whole season is great and I love their college flashback as well.
JR definitely lost the games on purpose every year so he could be humiliated by kissing the ring in front of everyone (you’re telling me this man doesn’t have a humiliation kink?)
Also the dynamic between Rand and the head of the Illuminati was great and the second we had the reveal of Ron also controlling the head of the Illuminati I just knew what was coming but I still loved when it happened anyway (the kiss)
I don’t know if I should admit to this one but I definitely found it hot how Rand was being humiliated in front of everyone at the games
Brett having a secret passion for puppets is adorable and I love it
Also the Hand family ranking their children every year is hilarious and extremely in character. Made me feel so bad for Brett, I love it, 10/10
I like that we’re getting recurring appearances from minor characters like Mothman, Grassy Noel, Kate (and RepliKate, what a great name)
The fact that Myc’s dream timeline was one where he was pregnant is fucking adorable
You’d better believe I cried when Reagan forced Brett to his own dream timeline and when he returned because he made notes on his poster
Also at the reveal that Reagan saw the only way for Ron to be happy was for them to break up and chose his happiness over their relationship. Also I know some people weren’t fans of Ron because they felt like he was unnecessary/rushed but honestly having a gender-swap of the typical ‘female love interest is just used as character progression for the male protagonist’ felt pretty progressive. I also liked how he was shown to be similar to Reagan and actually had his flaws presented similarly to hers (e.g. not getting on well with people) even though female characters are often hated for the same flaws that are excused or even enjoyed in male characters
I have to admit that the end scene with the robes ‘how could she? After all, she’s only human’ was fucking cool
I loved everything about Alpha-Beta this season
And finally, thank fucking Christ that Ron wasn’t revealed to secretly be Reagan’s brother or something because as an RnM fan I can’t take much more incest at this point
Side note to that last one: fun little theory that Ron is actually a clone of Reagan (one of them can be trans, as a treat) and it was revealed and that’s what actually lead to the clone fucking discussion at the start of that one episode but they erased their own minds and everyone else’s and let Andre take the fall (either it was intentional and they set that up as a distraction or it was unintentional and Andre just happened to be fucking his own clone anyway, take your pick)
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callsigndragon · 2 years
The Christmas Date | Chapter 4: Santa Tell Me
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Pairing: Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x Fem!Kerner!Reader
(Ron Kerner is Slider, Iceman’s backseater)
Wordcount: 2.8k
Summary: Y/n “Athena” Kerner and Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw hate each other. Everybody knows. What happens when they have to fake date for a whole week to avoid Iceman and Slider’s matchmaking plans?
(there won't be smut in this series)
Warnings: OKAY SO. If there is any transphobic person reading this, i’m sorry but it’s time to LEAVE. Iceman’s grandSON is trans, Rooster/Thena being supportive godparents, Rooster’s ex-gf still being a bitch, body dismorphia, mentions of alcohol, CAR ACCIDENT (everyone's okay don't worry), driving under the influence, mentions of death, mentions of Carole's death... you know the deal.
A/N: Yeah, I know. I should be taking some time to rest. I got bad news today, my heart is getting worse again and I have to go through surgery BUT writing is my coping mechanism so expect more works soon.
Tag list:@ducks118 @milestellerwife @craftymoonchaos @littlebadariell @xoxabs88xox @alexxavicry @tayrae515 @shrimping-for-all @mak-32 @my-soulmate-is-mycroft @harper1666 @purplevortexx @abaker74 @ssprayberrythings @melllinaa @loveless-simp @k-k0129
(If you want to be tagged comment or sent an ask <3)
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The room is amazing. If you hadn’t seen it before, you could never tell that it had been filled to the core with princess things. You can’t wait to see your nephew and Rebecca, talk to both, and learn more about this new part of your lives that has just begun. 
“You went all extra with the Christmas tree.” says Nick looking at the 7 ft tree that Rooster bought. 
“Christmas this year is special. Let’s make it a one to remember” Bradley admits, looking at you. “Can I talk to you?” 
“Oh, am, sure!” 
You two move to the kitchen, Rooster seems to be a bit agitated. “What’s wrong?” 
“I don’t think we should lie to Jes- well, to him” 
You sigh, knowing that he’s right. How can you lie to that poor kid? You clearly haven’t thought about all the aspects of this ruse. 
“Rooster, I know what you mean but… If we tell him, everyone will know. And my father will bring that girl over for you to meet her” 
“Yeah, I know. I don’t think we have a choice” 
Then, as if that little kid knew you were talking about him, you hear a car park “That’s not Iceman’s car” you adduce, going to open the front door. They shouldn’t be here yet.  
Parked in front of the garage is Rebecca’s car. She is opening the door to your five-year-old nephew. Rebecca has a worried expression, and the kid climbs out of the vehicle, a black beanie on his head, and pulls the hoodie up to hide his face from the world. 
Rooster, who is beside you, gets closer to the kid, opening his arms to give the younger one a hug. “Hey, buddy! Long time no see” 
However, the kid enters the house, ignoring both of you, and runs upstairs. 
“He’s been like this all the way back home. I’m sorry, guys. He was excited about his new name but well… He wants it all and he wants it now. I'm happy to see you” Rebecca says, giving each a quick hug. 
“Is he okay?” 
“He’s been begging me to cut off his hair” Rebecca confesses, making the two of you nod. “I told him to wait to get home, so we could look up for some haircuts and see which one he likes best but…” 
“He’s still a five-year-old, Becca. It’s not gonna be easy” you tell her. 
Nick joins you outside to hug his sister. “Your son has gone straight to the bathroom. He didn’t even say hi” 
You look at Rooster before running all the way to the bathroom with him behind you. Everyone knows that Sarah’s special scissors for cutting Iceman’s hair are in the second drawer. And he knows too. You try to open the door, but it is closed. “Hey buddy, it’s Uncle Roos. Can you open for me?” 
“No!” yells a muffled, hurt voice from the other side of the door. 
“Y/n, he can hurt himself” Rooster mutters, as if you haven’t thought about it. 
“I know, shut up” you knock on the door softly. “Hey bud, can you tell me your name? Mom says you got a new one.”
There’s a silence that prolongs itself for a few seconds. You hold your breath trying to hear what is happening on the other side of the door but all you can hear is the quick, pounding sound of your own heart. 
“Jesse, huh? That’s such a cool name” you sit on the floor, legs crossed, waiting for this to be a long conversation. 
“Thank you. I chose it myself” 
“You did? Woah, Jesse. That’s amazing. Much cooler than mine” 
“I’m not going to open the door” Jesse’s voice is calmer now, but still full of sadness. It breaks your heart. 
“It’s okay, pal. I just wanna talk. It’s been so long since we saw each other, I think you are a lot different now” 
“I’m different. But mom doesn’t want me to be different” 
You look at Becca over your shoulder. She’s biting her nails off. You need Jesse to open the door. And fast.
“You sure? 'Cause your mom called us this morning and told us to change your room. She wants you to be yourself, sweetheart.” 
“It’s that true?” you can hear him pout and it’s so painful to see him like that. 
“We got rid of all the princesses and now your room has a lot of Paw Patrol things. And we even found Marshall’s fire truck!” 
“Mom, did you do that?” the door is still closed, but he seems to be closer to it now. It's working. 
“Uncle Roos and Aunt Thena helped me, but yes. I told them to do it” 
“Hey, Jesse” Rooster speaks for the first time in a while. “I know what it is to hate what you see in the mirror. If you open this door, Aunt Thena and I will take you to the hairdresser, so they can get you a good haircut” 
“Promise?” Jesse asks, opening the door for you to see him. 
“I promise, buddy” 
Jesse hugs you and Rooster and then goes to his mom. “I’m sorry, mom… I just wanted to be like the rest” 
“I know, baby, I know. But you have to understand that you can’t get everything at the moment. Mom’s not a hairdresser. How was I supposed to cut your hair?” 
“I’m sorry… Can I see my room?” 
You all laugh at the sudden change in his tone. From being sorrowful to excited. Jesse can be a lot different now, but he’s still a kid, and he will do what a five-year-old does. Be loud, happy, get angry when he doesn’t get what he wants… Normal things for a kid. 
“Let’s go see it!” 
Nick, Rebecca, and Jesse go to see the room, and you stay sitting on the floor with Roos. It’s been a tiring day. And it’s not even noon. 
“I’ll go get the car ready” you say, getting up from the floor and leaving Rooster alone. 
I know what it is to hate what you see in the mirror
His words echo in your head, and several questions on the tip of your tongue are trying to make you turn around and find out the meaning behind his words. 
You have to remind yourself for a second that you hate him, that he took everything away from you, and that if he has a problem, he has a lot of people he can talk to. He doesn’t need you.
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Rooster and Jesse stay at the beauty saloon, and you decide to go to a tactical gear shop nearby, hoping to find the perfect Christmas gift for your nephew. You, luckily, haven’t bought anything yet. And you hope to find a leather flight jacket for Jesse and maybe even get him his own name tag. You thought ‘Marshall’ would be cute as a call sign. 
You’re going out of the shop, gift secured in your bag, when your phone begins to ring. You pull it out of your jacket, smiling at the name appearing on the screen. 
“Natasha Trace, I love when you call me” 
“Are you dating Rooster and you didn’t tell me?! I’M YOUR BEST FRIEND” she yells angrily in your ear. You move the phone away from your ear, but even like that you can hear her. 
“Hello to you too, Nat” you roll your eyes. 
“Don’t roll your eyes, you little bitch” she says, as if she could see you. 
"We're not dating" 
"What? Hold on, let me FaceTime you" 
She hangs up and calls you again, this time you can see her face frown in a confused expression. "Spill" 
"Iceman and my dad were playing matchmakers, and we didn’t want random people at our table on Christmas Eve so… we lied,” you confess, sitting on a bench outside the beauty saloon. Rooster and Jesse are still waiting. 
“And here I thought you were finally getting laid” 
“Natasha!” you whine, covering your face with your free hand. 
“What? Facts only” 
“Oh wait, you know who we met this morning?” you say, trying to change the subject.  “Mandy” 
“Mandy as in Mandy the whore?” she questions. 
“That one. She was with Solo. They’re dating” you reveal to your friend. Her eyes are widening more by the second. 
“WHAT?! Oh my God do you think that’s why-” 
“Y/N? We see each other again!” 
You raise your head from the phone and see Mandy in the flesh. Gosh, you hate that stupid face she has. 
“Mandy! Nat, wait a second, don’t hang up” you say while getting up “Two times in the same day, what a coincidence!” 
She gives you the fakest smile ever, one that seems to be the result of years of practicing. “Yeah, it is a coincidence. Hey, Solo said that the four of us should go out one day, talk about the old times and all” 
“Oh, I’d love to, but we have only this week to be with the family, and then we have to go back to the base for months and-” 
“What about tomorrow?” she interrupts you, not being interested in anything you have to say. “There’s this pub in the center-” 
“O’Malley’s, yeah. I know where it is. Owner’s a friend” 
“See you tomorrow at 6, okay?” she insists, and you don’t have any other choice than accepting. 
Jesse comes running out of the establishment and grabs your hand. “C’mon auntie, it's my turn!”
“Oh, what a beautiful baby girl! What’s your name, princess?”  Mandy says, kneeling down to Jesse’s height. 
“I’m not a girl, you old bat” he says, pushing her and running away. You see how Mandy falls and slap your hand against your mouth to not laugh. From any other person, it would seem like you're embarrassed by your nephew’s actions. Those who know you well enough, however… They know you're enjoying every second of this. 
“I’m sorry, Mandy. My nephew Jesse is a bit… hot-headed. I’m gonna go with him and give him an earful. We’ll see you tomorrow, okay? Bye!” you move from her quickly, almost running, and when you’re far away, Natasha laughs hysterically. 
“Jesus, I love your niece” she says. 
“Nephew. It’s Jesse now. I’ll tell you later, okay? Gotta go” 
“Take care, Thena” 
You hang up and go with the two boys. “Jesse, what you did…” 
“Auntie, I know it’s wrong. I just don’t like her” 
“What did you do, young man?” Rooster says, walking with him to one of the chairs. 
“This old woman who was talking to Aunt Thena called me a ‘girl’. So I pushed her” 
“It was Mandy” you clarify. 
Rooster looks at you, then at Jesse, and then at you again. He opens his hand and high-fives the five-year-old. “Don’t tell your Mom” 
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“What are you going to wear for the party?” Sarah asks you during dinner, hours later, with a happy short-haired Jesse sitting beside you. 
“What party?” you look at Rooster, but he shrugs, not having any idea what she is talking about. 
“The Christmas Party! Didn’t your father tell you about it?” 
You look at your father, who is very interested in the food on his plate. "He didn't tell me anything, as usual." 
"Well, the town is holding a Christmas party on the 25th. A formal party. You have to wear a dress." She points at you with her fork. "You're not wearing your uniform, only a dress. Is that clear?" 
"Yes ma'am. And what about Bradley?" 
"I'll wear a suit, obviously. Have to match with you," he smiles and then leans to whisper something in your ear. "Please, don't choose the dress yourself. You have horrible fashion sense," 
"Says the one that is always wearing Hawaiian shirts" 
"They're cool" Bradley defends himself. 
"No, they're not" you laugh, and he kicks your leg under the table. "Ouch!" 
"Sarah, darling, we need to do the Secret Santa sorting" Tom remembers his wife, helping her clean the table. 
"Oh I have it all prepared!" She goes to the living room and comes back with a red Santa Claus hat. "All the names are in here, just pull one. Y/n, dear, you first!" 
You smile at her, grabbing a paper from inside the bag and reading it. 'Rooster'. 
Is this a joke or what?
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You're getting ready to sleep, Rooster refusing for the second night in a row to sleep in the same bed with you, when you remember that you're supposed to meet Mandy tomorrow. 
"No, I'm not sleeping on the bed. If you want to be that close to me, you're gonna need to beg a little more" he says. 
"You wish. Anyway, Mandy said to meet tomorrow. She wasn't accepting a no for an answer." 
He sits and looks at you. "Are you kidding me?" 
“I don’t like the idea either, you know.” you let out. 
“Is Solo coming too?” you nod, and he sighs. “You know how to say ‘no’ or do I have to teach you? It’s not that hard, look: ‘something has come up, and I can’t’, ‘We already have plans’. Oh, and this is the simplest one: ‘No.’” 
“I know how to say no, Bradshaw” 
He laughs dryly. “If you knew how, I wouldn't have to be in the same room with my ex and her new boyfriend. Again” 
He turns off the lights and lies down. He tosses around, trying to find the most comfortable position to sleep on the hard floor. 
“I’m sorry” you whisper. But you know he can hear you. 
“Don’t worry, Thena. Go to sleep” 
A few minutes pass, and you can’t sleep. There’s something you need to find out. Something that you can’t stop thinking about, and you know that it will keep you up all night. 
“Jesus, Thena, go to sleep” he complains, but after a few seconds, he gives in with a sigh of defeat. “What?” 
“What you said to Jesse… about hating what you see in the mirror… Is that how you feel?” 
“Like you care” 
“I don’t. I’m just curious. You’re usually proud of that stupid face of yours. So… it doesn’t make sense” 
He sits on the floor, his back against the bed, and his head pressed against the mattress. “It’s the scars” 
“Really?” you move closer to him, your hand a few inches away from his hair. 
“Yeah… It’s a constant reminder of how I almost killed us” he admits, his sorrowful voice almost a whisper. 
Your hand moves automatically to your belly, your fingers finding the scarred skin. You had your own scars, too. And you wish you could tell him that it wasn’t his fault but… it doesn’t matter how many times you’ve tried. He still blames himself. 
“If it makes you feel better, lots of girls at base are obsessed with those scars. And even some boys.” 
“Why are you trying to make me feel better?” he questions, and you also want to know why. 
“Because I don’t want to see you broody all day. That wouldn’t make me look like a good girlfriend” you scoff. 
“Aw, it’s little Y/n worried about me?” he mocks, lying down again. 
“Good night, Bradshaw” you say,  pulling the blankets over your head. 
You dream about the accident. You dream about a young Rooster parking at the front of your house, ringing your doorbell repeatedly and yelling for you to open the door. It’s been years but it feels like yesterday. 
Bradley’s coping mechanism when Carole died was alcohol. That same night, he got really drunk and drove to your house. It was late. When you opened the door, the emptiness in his eyes was the only explanation you needed. She was gone. And Bradley didn’t know how to live in a world without her. 
You managed to get Rooster into his car, snatching the keys away from him and driving him to his home. You knew Maverick would be very worried about him. 
But, you never made it to Rooster’s house. A truck driver fell asleep and swatched lanes, forcing you to swerve. The car crashed against a tree. You don’t remember a thing, just waking up with a big stomach wound and a body full of scratches. 
Rooster took the worst part. People thought he wouldn’t make it, that he didn’t want to make it. He was giving up. 
He opened his eyes again three days after the accident. 
It wasn’t your fault. Or his. Well, he shouldn’t have driven to your house under the influence. He knows that and you, too. But nobody could have expected the truck. And he wasn’t driving when you crashed. You were driving. If someone was to take fault here, it should be you. 
But it didn’t matter how much you tried to make Rooster understand that he wasn’t the one to blame. He never listened. And you know he never will.
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hptransfest · 1 year
HP Trans Fest 2023: Reveals!
2023 Reveals Masterlist
31 March
Fic:  Like a Promise • Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley • 1.4k • Rated T By: letsdothepanic
Fic:  Coming Out (With A New Style) • Luna Lovegood & Harry Potter • 1.9k • Rated G By: daydreamerdisease
3 April
Fic: the mortifying ordeal of being • Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter • 33.3k • Rated M By: Piarelei
4 April
Art:  Pride [Art] •   Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter   • Rated G By: Melcarrianna
5 April
Art:  Just For You • Remus Lupin/Severus Snape • Rated T  By: SafePlaceSnupin
Fic:  Edges • Sirius Black & Remus Lupin & Peter Pettigrew & James Potter • 0.6k • Rated T  By: lightinthehallway
Art: S.T.R.A.P. • Hermione Granger • Rated G  By: Tpants
Fic:  when who you once were sheds its skin (for the new you) • Harry Potter • 5.7k • Rated G  By: BitterArm
6 April
Fic:  Zeitgeist • Lucius Malfoy/Narcissa Black Malfoy, Lily Evans Potter/Severus Snape • 54k • Rated E By: hsvh
7 April
Fic:  only half of what I think I can be • Scorpius Malfoy/Hugo Weasley • 7.4k • Rated G By: Lalalaartje, MoonlitMarauder
Fic: Rat Skulls and Turkey Tails • Harry Potter/Severus Snape • 15.4k • Rated E By: GulJeri, GulJerry
Fic: Love is a dress that you wear • Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter/Severus Snape, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter • 16.9k • Rated E By: deliciousblizzardshark
10 April
Fic: a foundation on which to build • Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter • 19.6k • Rated T By: beyondtheclose
Art:  i lay flowers at the altar of you/ metamorphosis [ART] • Luna Lovegood/Pansy Parkinson • Rated G By: honeybeet
11 April
Fic:  Dappled Light • Lily Evans Potter & Severus Snape, Severus Snape/Other(s) • 4.6k • Rated M  By: zephyrP
Fic:  Percy Weasley and the Chamber of Secrets • Penelope Clearwater & Percy Weasley • 16.9k • Rated T By: AverageFish
Fic:  a dragon mum • Charlie Weasley • 2.3k • Rated G By: artsyspikedhair 
Fic:  Midnight and Royal Blue • Sirius Black/Remus Lupin • 10k • Rated G By: SebbiGrey
12 April
Fic: The Difference • Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy • 23k • Rated E By: DontStopHerNow
Art:  [ART] Their special announcement • Luna Lovegood/Ginny Weasley • Rated G  By: digthewriter
13 April
Fic:  Bound Together • Lucius Malfoy/Narcissa Black Malfoy, Narcissa Black Malfoy/Severus Snape, Lucius Malfoy/Severus Snape, Lucius Malfoy/Narcissa Black Malfoy/Severus Snape • 5.1k • Rated E By: DrWhoIsGinnyHolmes
Fic:  hot cocoa, warm hugs • Sirius Black & Remus Lupin & Harry Potter, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin • 3.8k • Rated T By: teddy_writes_not_ted_talks 
14 April
Fic:  The Life and Death of Regina Black • Regulus Black • 6.2k • Rated M By: Sniper_Jade
Fic:  I call for your name (is that right?) • Regulus Black/Remus Lupin • 8k • Rated T    By: remolupini
Fic:  Perfect Little Life • Regulus Black/James Potter • 6.5k • Rated E By:  CRAmber
17 April
Fic: (They) Keep Me Warm • Hermione Granger/Harry Potter/Ron Weasley • 5.8k • Rated E By: Basicallyahedgehog
18 April
Fic:  eat your young • Regulus Black/James Potter • 1.5k • Rated E By: rosechaser
20 April
Fic: you will seem more like being • Nymphadora Tonks • 6.9k • Rated T By: elskan_ellis
Fic: Salvation Is Inside Me •  Remus Lupin • 0.6k • Rated M By: daydreamerdisease   
21 April
Podfic: [Podfic] the way you make me glow • Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter •   Podfic length: 1:14:14   • Rated M By: roseszain
24 April
Fic:  Love-Woven • Draco Malfoy/Ron Weasley • 4.4k • Rated T By: vitaminpops
26 April
Fic:  Burlesque (With a Twist) • Harry Potter/Tom Riddle • 14.4k • Rated M By: apocalypseWallflower
Fic: Into the Fire • Draco Malfoy/Charlie Weasley • 4.3k • Rated M By: Aneiria
28 April
Fic: romantic vivisection • Lily Evans Potter & Severus Snape • 1.7k • Rated M By: reveriesque
29 April
Fic:  Cinderella’s not Dead, just wearing different shoes • Lucius Malfoy/Narcissa Black Malfoy, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter • 1.1k • Rated T By: BerserkerRose
Art: charitable explorations • Sirius Black & James Potter, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin • Rated G By: oh_gilderoy
108 notes · View notes
inkyarcturus · 3 days
For my contribution for pride month I’d like to share my personal head canons for Harry Potter characters!!!
Harry Potter: I’m gonna be honest I project on this man far too unhealthily to NOT be biased (I’ve been going by the name Harry in IRLfor 3 and a half years now I think? Bc of this man /srs) but that man’s bi with a capital B 💕💜💙 personally I enjoy seeing trans man Harry as well but unfortunately I don’t see as many fanfics of him as such :,) shoutout to all the fanfic creators I see making Harry a trans woman tho!!! I’d also love to see a genderfluid/nonbinary Harry or two!!!
Hermione Granger: trans woman!!! 🏳️‍⚧️ *crowd cheers* as for sexuality wise? I’ve seen her depicted as straight, bisexual and lesbian- and honestly I think I can see her fitting all of these!!!
Ronald Weasley: I always struggle to pinpoint what I headcanon Ron to be. I have seen a couple of people headcannoning him as a trans man 🏳️‍⚧️- referencing Molly continuing to have children until she had a girl creates perfect levels of angst for this- but I wouldn’t say it’s a permanent aspect of him inside my head. Now that I think about him a little more- I think I might headcanon him as unlabeled more than anything sexuality wise. I think he’s into women but he wouldn’t be opposed or too surprised if he developed a crush on a guy.
Luna Lovegood: She’s a lesbian 🏳️‍🌈💕 (I will occasionally accept fanfics where she is pan and is with Neville but her being a lesbian is the main headcanon) also a little gender queer in whichever way you choose 🏳️‍⚧️ sometimes I see her as genderfluid, bigender and just generally nonbinary
Ginny Weasley: bi- so so bi 💕💜💙
Draco Malfoy: Gayest motherfucker in town I’m sorry- Mr. Tells his father literally everything about Harry 💚🤍💙
Remus Lupin: bi 💕💜💙 there’s no question about that in my mind, I think he has a small preference for men but that’s it!!!
Sirius Black: He switches between using the labels queer and gay but you know that man kisses other men!!! 💚🤍💙 I know a lot of people tend to headcanon him as genderfluid which I enjoy seeing but it’s never been a main stay headcanon for me :,)
Tonks: (She/they) Lesbian and Intersex 🏳️‍🌈💕💛🟣. I’m sorry but the age gap between Remus and her in the original books make me uncomfortable- as for being intersex, I think most ppl believe being a metamorphmagus means she is automatically genderfluid, while I like seeing genderfluid representation, I think ppl often fail to acknowledge the difference between sex and gender. As a metamorphmagus, she transforms her body, her gender doesn’t seem to change w it in the books. While I like the headcanons of them being genderfluid I wish more people explored that specific idea.
Severus Snape: queer? Queer. In every sense of the word. I think most people view him as bi 💕🟣💙 which I agree with (Lily and Mulciber, also absolutely headcanon him having a crush on both Lucius AND Narcissa) but also I think he’s a little bit gender funky- I mean just look at him- no one who stands like that isn’t just cis /ref. Sev absolutely painted his nails and did eyeliner, he absolutely wore a floor length black skirt and absolutely had days where mister hit wrong in all the right places and everyone in her group helped by doing tiny things like braiding her hair and putting bat clips in it for fun 🏳️‍⚧️
Anyways speed run round 🏃
💕🟣💙: Cedric Diggory, Cho Chang (has the fandom chosen a new name for her yet?) Bill Weasley
🧡💛🤍🩵💙: Charlie Weasley, Neville? (Didn’t think of this until just now but it’s growing on me?-)
🏳️‍🌈💚🤍💙: Dean thomas, Seamus Finnegan, Dumbledore (I may not like him that much but he is gay)
🏳️‍🌈💕: Minerva Mcgonagall, Poppy Pomfrey
If I missed anyone I’m sorry :,)
Anyways!!! Join if you’d like with your own headcanons!!!
@pottistic @marriso1 (If you guys don’t wanna join w ur own headcanons that’s okay! I thought this would just be fun :P)
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dykeyote · 6 months
ok my dndads queer hc post randomly gets notes but i disagree w many of the takes now so im updating it . spoiler warning theres a WHOLE lot of lezzies . just doing the dads kiddads and teens HOWEVER i will say that mark likely is for sure a lezzer
darryl: bisexual and probably the most cisgender one here but he's actually SO cis that it becomes almost gnc . he/him
ron: transhet guy but he thinks his transition is like very unique to him and everyone else is doing it the exact same as each other so he doesnt really get that hes Transgender bc he thinks everyone else is doing it in a really different way than him all together . not in an angsty way hes perfectly okay w that . he/him
henry: trans bi guy we know this to be true . he/him but if you called him they/them prns he would be like well yknow ive never thought about that before but you know what go right ahead (: he doesnt exactly enjoy it but he appreciates just how gosh-darn nonbinary positive you are that he'd still encourage it
glenn: bisexual and like .... hes cis he doesnt really care abt gender much but when nick came out as trans he definitely said something about like . "dude if i was trans? id totally use they/them pronouns thats sick as fuck" and then moved on and this sort of haunted nick for a while . he/him but again he doesnt really care
jodie: cis and bisexual but in such a boring way that he might as well be straight
sparrow: tgirl lesbian who was out at one point but is not now for Normalcy Reasons . she/her in theory
lark: transneu nonbinary and aroace . not out about either of these things but not really as a like Actively Closeted thing they just dont really think abt it . they/he in theory
terry jr: tgirl lesbian also but this time out AND butch . she/he
grant: gay of course . and like .... he is cis and this wont change but he'd be a good deal happier if he was more gnc i think
nick: tguy butch lesbian . he mostly but he doesnt really care that much
link: kinda-stealth tboy (not really intentionally or anything he just doesnt really see it as relevant that often so most people dk) and gay . he/him but he doesnt really care that much
taylor: honestly idk what i think is going on w his gender but i DO know hes aro and bi . give me some time to think on that ok
scary: out nonbinary tfem lesbian!!!!! we know this!!!!!! she/it and when she writes her pronouns down she always writes the it in VERY BIG AGGRESSIVE HANDWRITING to make it clear that its SUBVERSIVE AND WEIRD
normal: bisexual tgirl . currently in a like . Questioning Phase in s2 i feel like ..... her turmoil abt being a Normal Son is tied to that . any pronouns but she primarily
hermie: bigender (girl + boy) gaybian :3 was an open bisexual tguy originally but around the poison ivy era had some Gender Complexity . he/she but certain Method Personas have diff pronoun leans whereas normal herm is pretty 50/50
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librarycards · 1 year
As the editors of Trap Door: Trans Cultural Production and the Politics of Visibility noted in 2017, visibility is neither the goal of liberatory political projects nor especially helpful toward achieving them. If daytime TV and commercial pornography count, trans people enjoyed plenty of representation before Time put Laverne Cox on its cover in 2014. Nor, given the popularity of trans memoir and the gender novel, did we lack for sympathetic renditions of challenging lives. Rather, what was missing was conceptual room for thinking about transition as a process that could touch on anybody’s life, rather than something that affected only some tragic, select individual. These books lacked ways of talking about the complicated, ambivalent, sometimes shitty, and constantly shifting patterns of thought and behavior that people take on when they live how we do. And they lacked the capacity to see trans people as authors of our lives and co-authors of our conditions.
In the past decade, the cultural front has shifted dramatically. The liberal hegemony that trans cultural creators challenged so forcefully has also crumbled on its right flank, as right-wing liberals in legacy publications raise doubts about whether young people should be able to access transition and far-right political actors in, for instance, the Greg Abbott and Ron DeSantis administrations criminalize trans care and work to eliminate social protections within their jurisdictions. Conditions have deteriorated, even as activists have become more adept at figuring out what to do about it. Realism does something; in the case of Nevada, whose first edition sold nearly ten thousand copies and by their own admission prompted people to transition, the work that realism does may wildly exceed simply representing the world in an inventive way. If that’s true, then who writes and what do they make possible to grasp are equally urgent questions. Displacing sentimental genres, the trans realism we’ve collectively developed—as readers, writers, and people who animate each other’s sense of the world in how we live our fuckup lives—transforms a whole way of seeing, at a moment when all kinds of people are trying to peer in.
Kay Gabriel, Whose Trans Realism? [emphasis added]
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thatdamnmutt-exe · 2 years
All Mine
Summary: Daryl and Carl get jealous of Remington spending all his time with Ron. Then one thing leads to the next where they end up walking in on Ron on top of a frightened Remington. Paring: Carl x Reader x Daryl Word Count: 2789 Setting: Takes place in Alexandria  Warnings: NSFW Content, Hard Kinks, Sexual Assult, Attempted Rape, Poly Relationship, Gay Relationship, & Aftercare/Fluff Extra: Carl and Remington are 19 along with Ron. Daryl is 39. Remington is also a trans male without bottom surgery. 
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      “ All, it's all mine, it's all mine.
I gotta live by this, 
can't trust what these men do ”
the group had only been in alexandria for about 2 weeks now and everyone’s been running around and getting to know people. remington was no exception. he made friends with a few other teenagers in the town one he grew the closest with was ron. ron and him could understand each other’s pain as both grew up with abusive parents. 
remington enjoyed having someone his age understand the pain that he was still going through. that pain of being abused the people that were supposed to love you never really goes away. sure one of his partners, daryl, was abused as a kid as well but daryl never really liked to talk about it. rem understood why but sometimes he just wished he could express his experiences with someone who understood.
as for daryl and rem’s other partner, carl, those two tried to distract themselves from rem’s constant disappearances to go see ron. they would go on runs or try to help around to ignore the jealous feelings they both had. 
remington and carl started dating when they were both 17 back at the very beginning of the prison. as for how daryl joined the relationship, it happened when remington escaped the prison with daryl and beth. the two became close until they both couldn’t deny the mutal feelings towards each other. 
it was a bit of strange dynamic and never planned but remington couldn’t deny his crush on the archer that had built up after being out there alone together. then when daryl and rem came back in contact with carl, rick, and michonne, remington told carl the truth.
carl always knew that remington was open to poly relationship of some form as remington told him back at the farm when they were still friends. he was rightfully upset at first, but after a few days he told remington that he’d be open to the idea. ever since the three of them got along just fine and felt content in the relationship. 
anyways so that’s how that came to be. the others didn’t really know about this as the three felt that the rest of the group find it gross or be weirded out by it. 
remington followed behind ron as the taller boy led the two to a private little area by the pond. the two sat together with at least 2 feet between them. as much as remington felt content with ron, ron was still a stranger. and he didn’t want to admit to himself but ron had be acting a bit more... sexual towards him the past few days. 
“so how is sex with carl?” ron asked randomly. remington was ataken a back and rightfully uncomfortable. sure remington could be a sexual person who makes sexual jokes and ever shares some detail of his sexual life but that was only with well trusted people. ron was practically a stranger.
“fine.” rem’s voice was sharp and rough. 
ron turned to face the boy, “only fine? not ‘wonderful’, ‘amazing’, or ‘mindblowing’?” he leaned on his hand as he got closer to rem. 
remington backed up a bit, now feeling extremely uncomfortable and afraid. “i-i don’t really discuss that side of my relationship with strangers.” 
“come on now, i’m not a stranger. i’ve told you more about myself than i ever had with anyone. plus, i bet i could fuck you way better.” ron’s face was now right by rem’s ear as he whispered the last part. 
rem gulped hard and tried to move back more but the log that was behind him stopped him in his tracks. ron took this opportunity to latch his lips onto rem’s neck while moving his hand down to his pants. 
“that’s it baby, i’ll fuck you nice and good.” ron’s voice was venomous as he moved his free hand to cover rem’s mouth. 
rem froze, unable to react as flashbacks hit him like a freight train. tears filled his eyes as his brain began to disconnect itself from reality.
ron’s tongue moved up rem’s neck, it was warm and wet and slimey. rem hated it so much and wanted it to end. he felt the tongue moving up to his cheek and he closed his eyes tightly, hoping it would end soon. 
the slimey feeling went away and grunts were heard. rem opened his eyes to see carl slamming ron onto the ground. “the fuck are you doing to him!” carl’s voice was deep and dangerous. posion dripped from every word. 
when rem’s brain fully came back to regsiter what was happening he felt strong arms wrap around his small frame. he tried to fight at first until he heard a familiar, soothing southern accent. “calm down, hun, it’s just me.” the husky voice made rem shiver. 
“d-daryl?” rem’s voice was soft and shaky as he turned to look up at him. daryl nodded as he pulled him in to hug him once more. 
rem sobbed softly, “i’m sorry, i swear i didn’t want it. i didn’t know he’d do this, i’m so sor-” he was cut off from daryl’s rough lips on his own.
“calm down sweetheart, i know you didn’t wanna.” daryl whispers softly while rocking them until rem’s breathing slows down. the only thing that can be heard is punches and kicks as carl continues to beat up ron.
“carl, that’s enough. help me take remi back to the house.” daryl’s voice was stern as he stood up with rem clinging onto his neck like a koala. 
carl didn’t stop. all he saw was red as he continued to kick ron who was now coughing up blood. daryl approached him carefully and put an arm on his shoulder which resulted in a push from carl.
“don’t touch me!” carl yelled without thinking. rem flinched slightly, carl noticed it as he turned to look at the two. his anger vanished as he put a hand on rem’s back. 
“sorry, i didn’t mean to startle you. let’s go back to the house.” carl kissed rem’s head before following daryl back to the house. not caring about the stares they were getting. 
upon reaching their home, daryl set rem down on the bed and covered him up. he pulled away, knowing he’d have to deal with the aftermath with carl’s fight. 
rem didn’t let go, “please, please don’t leave.” daryl looked to carl who only nodded and moved to take his place next to rem. 
“i’ll be back darling, i have to deal with that one’s mess.” daryl motioned towards carl. rem pulled daryl in for a soft kiss before letting him go. he turned to shove his face into carl’s chest. 
“has he been doing that often?” carl asked after a couple minutes of silence. 
rem shook his head, “he never tried anything on me before. he only started asking sexual questions recently.”
carl sighed in relief, he would’ve honestly left to kill ron once remington fell asleep. 
- Time Skip -
the two woke up from a nap to see it was now dark outside and that daryl still wasn’t back.
remington remembered the events from earlier and suddenly felt icky as he remembered the feeling of ron’s hands and tongue on him. he hated it so much and wanted it gone. 
“are you okay, baby?” carl asked softly. 
remington only looked at him before pulling him in for a rough kiss. carl was ataken back by the sudden force of the kiss and pulled away. 
“hey, slow down, what’s going on?” his voice was now full of concern.
“please, carl, i want the feeling of him gone. replace the feeling of his hands with yours.” rem looked up at him desperate. carl was conflicted, he didn’t like the idea of being sexual with his partner who literally almost got raped. on the other hand, he felt a jealousy flow through him at the mention of ron’s hands on his boyfriend’ s body. 
“are you sure you want this right now?” rem nodded frantically, all his bad emotions washing away and turning into a hunger for carl. he pulled on carl’s shirt as he looked into his eyes and licked his lips. 
the sight made carl forget everything in that moment and was on top of rem in an instant. their lips and teeth clashing from passion as carl dips a hand down to rem’s shirt and travels up his bare skin. 
rem shivered and moaned in the kiss as carl’s hand met with his nipple, rubbing it between his fingers. remington arched his back and whimpered at the feeling. he needed more. “carl, please.” 
carl kissed down from his lips to his neck and started leaving hickeys along it. he pulled back to pull off rem’s shirt before he dove to his free nipple and sucked on it harshly. remington’s moans grew louder and more needy as carl’s hand ran down his slightly chubby stomach and to the hem of his pants.
“carl please, touch me.” rem said breathlessly as he picked his head back up. he ended up making eye contact with daryl who looked starstruck in the doorway. he noticed the bulge growing in daryl’s pants and smirked slightly. 
carl removed rem’s pants and underwear before moving his head between his thighs. his tongue grazed over rem’s click while his fingers teased his hole. rem’s hand moved to grasp carl’s hair and attempted to push his tongue against him more. “please, don’t tease me.” 
remington’s voice was a whimper now, he needed more. his body craved carl’s touch and now daryl’s stare. “how about you? you wanna come join?” 
carl stopped what he was doing to turn towards the doorway and was met with daryl’s now lust filled stare. “how about it, daryl? any special requests?” carl smirked before shoving three fingers into rem suddenly and thrusting roughly. 
rem’s breath cut off and a loud moan was replaced. “fuck! carl!” his hips bucked up to meet with his thrusts. daryl moved his way over to the two and sat on the edge of the bed. he sat remington up against his chest before leaning in to start sucking on rem’s neck while playing with his nipples. 
“just keep going, carl. once they cum from this, i want you to fuck them nice and good before i do it myself. we’re going to replace any and all traces of that fucker from our boy’s body.” daryl’s hands were like a gift from god as they continued to stimulate remington’s nipples as he spoke. 
“i like you’re thinking. how about it pretty boy? you think you can make it through all that?” carl’s fingers never stopped his pace, he enjoyed the twisted look of pleasure on rem’s face. 
remington couldn’t form words so he only nodded. this earned him a hand around his throat from daryl, “words, darling.” his voice was sharp and demanding. it was something that remington never heard before. 
“y-yes sir, i can.” daryl released his grip and went back to work on his nipples and neck. carl was content with the answer as well and added his thumb to rem’s click, rubbing it harshly. remington’s body started to convulse slightly as pleasure overtook him. 
rem’s eyes rolled back as he came all over carl’s fingers, a loud moan echoing through the room. carl removed his fingers and looked up at daryl with a satified look. 
“that’s a good boy. one down, two more to go pretty boy.” daryl said as he kissed rem’s cheek softly. 
“alright, carl, i want you to fuck remi from behind while i have my way with him from the front.” daryl instructed. he enjoyed the control and power he had. he loved seeing remington being used this way. it made him feel something he hasn’t felt ever before. 
remington got up from daryl’s arm and moved to relax against carl’s chest. carl moved to remove his pants quickly before wrapping an arm around rem’s waist. he lined himself up with remington’s enterance before slipping in fully. they both gasped as rem’s walls squeezed around his boyfriend’s length. “fuck you feel amazing remi.” 
“please carl, move.” remington begged as his grasp on carl’s arm. he made eye contact with daryl who looked like he wanted to eat him alive. it caused a shiver to run through him. carl started to move a bit before going full speed. rem’s body jerked forward. 
“that’s it, fuck ‘em like the good cock slut he is.” daryl moved his hands down rem’s chest and down to his clit. remington’s legs began to shake from pleasure. he was already close to his second orgasm. 
“come on darling, i know you’re already close but you gotta hold on.” daryl grunted as his fingers worked wonders on his boyfriend’s clit. “hold on until carl says it’s okay.” 
“yes sir.” remington breathed out as he held back until he felt carl becoming close. 
these movements continued for awhile until carl was close to reaching his end. “fuck pretty boy, i’m so close. when you cum i want you to moan out my name.” 
remington nodded and waited until he felt carl release inside of him before he moaned out loudly, “fuck! carl!” he came hard again all over carl’s cock. 
carl kept remington steady has he pulled out of him. the two caught their breaths before daryl pulled remington over to him. “alright, one last time pretty boy and then we’ll take care of you.” carl leaned in to kiss remington softly before turning his attention to daryl for the next request. 
“okay, this time i’m going to be the one that’s fuckin’ your tight pussy while you suck carl’s dick. think you can do that darlin?” daryl kisses remington’s forehead. 
remington was overstimulated and breathing heavily but he was too far gone into his own submissive mindset to stop now. he wanted to please his boyfriends and do as they say. he was just their good little cock slut and he loved every second of it. “i can.” 
“good boy. now on all fours darlin.” daryl commanded and remington obeyed. he got on his knees and elbows, ass up for daryl while his face was inches from carl’s cock. 
“mhm, so pretty. you look so good like this, pretty boy. now come on, suck me off like the good mutt you are.” carl praised. remington reached his hand out to grasp carl’s lenght and started pumping it until he got fully hard again in his hand. 
daryl waited until remington put carl in his mouth before he pushed in roughly causing a gag and a moan from remington. carl moaned as he gripped remington’s hair tightly in his hand. 
daryl moved rough and quickly in and out of the smaller boy while remington struggled to keep his pace on carl’s dick. carl noticed and started to guide his boyfriend to get into a good rhythm. carl was now basically face fucking him. remington loved every second of it. 
remington was losing his ability to hold back. his body was hurting now from overstimulation and all he wanted to do was cum and then go to bed with his boyfriends. he pushed his way through as he forced himself to continue sucking off carl until his warm liquid hit the back of his throat. 
remington swallowed it all before pulling himself off carl’s cock. he looked up at carl with a sleepy smile. he was about to speak until he was cut off by his third orgasm that ripped through his body. he came heavily once more on daryl’s cock, squeezing around it. that threw daryl over the edge as he came deep inside remington with a grunt. 
“fuck darlin’, you really do feel amazing.” daryl and carl helped rem sit up. they layed him down carefully before getting up and grabbing a towel to help clean him and themselves up. they decided to wait until the morning to take a shower. 
“do you want to stay with him this time while i sleep on the couch downstairs?” carl asked daryl once they were finished. 
“nah, i will to-” daryl was cut off by a grumpy, sleepy remington speaking, “both. both of you sleep with me. one behind me and one in front of me.” he grumbled. 
“hurry up, i’m tired.” the two chuckled at their needy boy before moving to lay on either side of him. 
“okay pretty boy, you have us both.” carl smiled and kissed remington’s lips softly. remington was against his chest while daryl was pressed up against him from behind. daryl kissed remington’s cheek before getting fully comfortable.
“i love you guys.” remington said almost too quietly for them to hear. 
“we love you too.” they both said at the same time before falling asleep quickly. 
                  “He shoulda' never trusted you                you had me touchin' on your body.”
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