#Roronoa zoro fic
kaiijo · 10 months
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roronoa zoro + i take this magnetic force of a man to be my lover content: gn! reader
request a character and prompt for my spotify wrapped event here!
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dinners between pirate crews don’t usually occur since your alliances are fragile and you’re all prepared to fight at a moment’s notice. but given the collaboration between the strawhats pirates, the heart pirates, and the kid pirates, it’s safe to say that you’re all a bit more reassured that no one’s about to slice someone’s head off.
you accept another glass of wine from robin as usopp rambles on about how he took out at least thirty marines in your latest high-sea tussle. across the table, zoro snorts and gives you a dead-eyed stare that has you giggling behind your cup. 
you and zoro have been dating for quite some time, having begun only a few weeks after you joined luffy’s crew. neither of you have been inclined to tell the rest of your friends in order to avoid merciless teasing as well as mitigating the damage should your relationship go south. if it does, only the two of you will know about it and stew over it — the least amount of risk, you both agreed.
franky glugs down another stein of beer, laughing jovially, “alright, alright, i’ve got an idea!”
“oh? and what’s that?” robin asks, resting a hand on her chin. 
“let’s play a game. gotta spice things up!”
“hey!” usopp protests. “my stories are super spicy!”
“yeah, right,” kid snickers, “they’re also lies.”
usopp glares and is about to retort but franky beats him to the punch, saying, “truth or dare!”
“really?” deadpans law. “isn’t that for kids?”
“aww, you need to loosen up, cap!” shachi says, nudging law. “i’m down.”
franky says, “i’m sure everyone knows the rules. only thing is if you refuse to answer a truth or do a dare, you drink!”
luffy perks up. “yeah, alright! that sounds like fun! zoro! zoro! truth or dare?”
your boyfriend smirks. “dare. do your worst.” 
“i dare you to eat one of your swords.”
zoro’s eyes nearly pop out of his head. “no way!”
“gotta drink then,” you say to him. 
“not a problem.” zoro lifts his stein to his mouth and you watch with appreciation as his bicep flexes and bulges under the tight t-shirt he’s wearing. he easily chugs down his beer, wiping his lips with the back of his hand. 
zoro dares sanji to throw out his collection of dirty magazines that he found under sanji’s bed; sanji asks nami who she would date if she could date any crew member (“ew, none of you.”); nami gets bepo to perform one of uta’s songs and bepo asks franky what’s the best kept secret he’s held from you all. 
franky smirks at law and says, “alright, law, truth or dare.”
“if you could hook up with anyone on the deck, who would it be?”
law frowns at the question and you’re sure he’s going to drink instead but when he says your name, the ship erupts into chaos. nami and ikkaku elbow you, their grins suggestive and encouraging; sanji glares at law; shachi, penguin, and bepo gape; and kid and luffy howl with laughter. you sit there in stunned silence, your face on fire, and you can’t look at law.
you chance a peek at zoro and find that, in all the ensuing chaos, he’s nowhere to be found. you catch the door to the belly of the thousand sunny swinging closed and you immediately stand, heading downstairs. you ignore everyone’s questioning shouts in favor of searching for your boyfriend. 
“zoro?” you call. “zoro!”
you wander the halls for a few minutes, checking the kitchen, the men’s quarter, the gym. you find him quickly, though, inside the energy room. he’s sitting on a crate, expression sour, and you plop down next to him. “you okay?” you ask.
“i’m fine.” 
you study him — his profile, the slope of his nose and the sharpness of his jaw, the way the low light of the room makes his tan skin look golden. you sit quietly with him for a few moments, listening to the engine of the ship run. zoro holds himself rigidly, unnervingly still, but you can feel the irritation rolling off of him, can still see the tension in his body. 
you reach over, brushing your hand against his brow to smooth out the furrow. he looks over at you, still scowling but a little less intensely now. you say, “i’m guessing what law said bothered you.”
he shrugs. you sigh, “it’s just a game, zoro. i’m sure he didn’t even mean it, probably said the first name he thought of.”
zoro grunts derisively, “he definitely meant it. look at you.”
you can’t help the pleased feeling the rushes through you but you don’t let it show as you let your hand fall to his shoulder. “it’s just a game. doesn’t mean anything.”
“yeah,” zoro says. there’s a beat and then he says, “i hate hidin’ this.”
“really?” you can’t hide your surprise. zoro’s the one who initially brought up keeping this from everyone.
“i’m sick of it,” he says. “sick of the fuckin’ love cook always saying shit to you. i hate when guys flirt with you and i can’t fuckin’ do anything because the rest of the damn crew is there and luffy’s makin’ me watch his scarf down twenty plates of roast beef.”
you snicker at the memory, which pulls a small smile at of zoro. you rest your head against his shoulder and he mutters, “hate that the fuckin’ doctor said you.”
“we could tell them, you know. i think it’s okay now.”
“yeah,” you say. “i’m, like, super in love with you so you’re stuck with me.”
zoro snorts, “yeah, yeah. love you too.”
“are you ready to endure all the teasing from franky, robin, and nami?”
“for you, yeah.”
you tilt your head up and kiss his jaw. zoro grins, leaning down to catch your mouth with his. 
When you break apart, you ask him, “I would’ve placed money on you going to the gym. Why’d you come here?”
“Oh. I got lost.”
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“You two okay?” asks robin as you and zoro resurface. the game seems to have finished and everyone’s back to drinking and chatting, though they all turn to you when they hear robin.
“yeah, we’re good,” you tell her. “we actually have something to tell you.”
“what is it?” nami asks.
“we’re together,” zoro says. “have been for a while.” and then, unexpectedly, zoro’s arm wraps around your hip and pulls you close.
the ship erupts into the chaos again with you and zoro in the middle. somewhere among all the yelling and gasping, law taps your shoulder and apologizes, which you wave off with an easy smile and zoro gives a firm nod.
nami shakes her head. “i can’t believe you two kept this from us!” and then, she turns to you. “zoro? really? you could do so much better.”
you wind yours arms around zoro’s waist, crushing him in a sideways hug. “nope, i don’t think so. he’s all mine!” 
nami gags and robin smiles calmly. “i’ve always known.”
you and zoro stare at her. “what?”
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make-me-imagine · 6 months
Something Better
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Plot: When you return to an island you used to call home, you run into an old flame. Zoro takes matters into his own hands to get some long-awaited retribution for you.
Requested By: Anonymous
Pairing: Roronoa Zoro x Gn!Reader
Warnings: Allusions to cheating and toxic relationships. Mentions of violence (past-tense). Brief description of injuries.
Words: 2,375
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As the once familiar shore grew closer, you felt a pit in your stomach deepening. The island approaching had been a home for you for some years, but by the time you left, you had been certain you would never want to return. All of those fond memories of a new adventure on a once unknown island, were tainted by the same person who had brought you there in the first place.
Feeling eyes on you from the crew you let out a soft sigh.
"I thought you used to live here, why do you look so miserable? I thought you would be glad to be back."
You glanced at Nami as she spoke before you shook your head softly, "I left for a reason."
"What reason?"
You looked over at Zoro as he spoke, your heart palpitating. How would he react if you told the story? Would he care at all?
He studied your eyes and you remained silent, as you debated if you should tell the story now, later, or never.
"Did you get in trouble?" Sanji asked with curiosity.
"Did you get kicked out?" Usopp asked with a mouth full of popcorn.
Before you could answer Luffy stood up and smelled the air, "Do you smell that?"
You finally looked away from the others before you nodded, "Seafood gumbo, the islands most famous dish."
Stepping away from the railing you left the previous asked questions unanswered as you prepared to dock the ship. You reminded yourself you were only stopping for supplies, you'd only be here for a day or two. You might not even see the reason you left the island in the first place.
Or so you hoped. Surely fate wouldn't be so cruel, right?
The familiar sights and smells engulfed you as you walked through the market with Zoro. The others had wandered off looking for various supplies. Why Zoro stuck by your side, you weren't sure, not that you were complaining. You and the broody swordsman had grown close recently.
A few people even recognized you as you passed stalls. It felt good in a weird way, if it weren't for the lingering pit in your stomach.
"Well, you aren't hiding, and people aren't exactly trying to chase you off or arrest you. So I would assume you didn't leave the island because you did something bad."
"Good observation skills." You said with a hint of sarcasm, earning a soft smile from Zoro.
You knew he was asking what happened, without actually asking what happened. You let out a soft breath.
"I moved here with someone. We were young and wanted an adventure. I thought he was my future, but to him, I was just one option of many. He cheated on me, lied to me, used me and embarrassed me, so I left. "
Zoro's hand softly twisted around the hilt of his sword. "Sounds like a catch."
You scoffed before stopping at a stall with the islands local fruit. You gently held one in your palm, reminiscing of the flavor you once loved. Zoro watched you closely, wondering if the pain you felt here still lingered, or if it was strictly resentment.
Hearing your name called from nearby, you and Zoro turned to see a tall man headed towards you, surprise in his eyes and a smirk on his lips. Zoro eyed him as your stomach twisted.
"Speak of the Devil." You muttered, just loud enough for Zoro to hear, causing his grip to tighten around his sword.
"Well, well, well, look who came back." The man grinned as he stopped just in front of you. His eyes raked over you and Zoro felt his jaw clench in anger.
"Well, well, well, look who never left." You countered, in a similar condescending tone.
He continued to smile, but you saw a small twinge of the eye you knew as a familiar sign of annoyance.
"To what do we owe the honor of your return?"
"You don't need to know." Zoro broke in, causing your ex to finally look over at the swordsman.
He looked Zoro up and down with a soft smirk. "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't notice your bodyguard here."
Zoro took a small step closer, his eyes piercing. "Well now you do."
You saw your ex swallow hard, as he tried to keep his composure, not used to anyone not backing down from him. You couldn't help the smile that graced your face as you saw Zoro's actions.
Reaching out, you gently grabbed Zoro's arm before giving your ex a hard look.
"Like he said, you don't need to know why I'm here."
Leaving the fruit stall behind, you walked away, Zoro kept an eye on your ex before moving to follow you.
After a few moments you side-eyed Zoro, "So, you're my bodyguard now?"
Zoro's lip curled slightly, "I guess I am."
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Zoro sighed with contentment as he set down his half empty glass. The people in the bar chattered and laughed around him.
His mind kept wandering to you and the story you felt you couldn't share. The thought of how your ex had treated you caused his gut to twist. He couldn't help but wish he had known you before, he could have saved you the pain of being with someone like your ex. And instead, been with someone like him. Whisked you off on a better adventure and all that. He couldn't help but wonder if you would have gone with him.
Hearing an obnoxious laugh come from across the bar, he did a double take as he spotted your ex.
"Speak of the devil." He muttered, repeating your words from earlier.
As if your ex felt Zoro's eyes burning into him, he noticed Zoro and smirked. Zoro smiled softly to himself as he tapped his fingers on the table, watching your ex saunter across the bar towards him, clearly having had more than one drink beforehand.
"Well, well, well, if it isn't Y/n's body guard."
Zoro rolled his eyes as your ex sat down across from him. "So where are they?"
"Where's who?" Zoro asked, voice low, as if daring him to say your name.
He smirked, taking the challenge. "Y/n. I'd love to see them again. We have a lot we could reminisce about. Hell, maybe we'd even strike up that old flame again."
Zoro clenched his jaw as he leaned forward, palm wrapping around his sword, "Not gonna happen."
As Zoro stood up, your ex scoffed, "What, not even over your dead body?"
Zoro quickly finished off his drink and slammed the glass down before he looked at him, dead-panned, "No. But maybe over yours."
As your ex froze for a moment, Zoro began to walk away, but his chest burned with the need for more gratification. But how would you react?
"Sure you don't want to know all of Y/n's dirty little secrets?" Your ex said with a sing song voice as he stood up as well.
Zoro stopped in his tracks before turning back to your ex and smirking softly.
The cold sea breeze blew over you as you sat on the edge of the ship, staring out at the island. A weird sense of nostalgia sat over you as you both wished to stay longer, and to leave immedietely.
Hearing footsteps, you glanced back to see Zoro boarding the ship. His eyes were already on you and your heart fluttered momentarily. You looked back out at the city, hearing Zoro approach you before climbing over the bannister and sitting beside you.
"The bar still as lively as ever?"
He nodded, "Seemed like half the island was there."
You nodded with a soft smile your eyes moving to Zoro's hand as he held out something in front of you. Your heart jolted as you saw the familiar fruit you had been looking at earlier in the day.
You took it from him and smiled.
"It seemed like you wanted to get one earlier." He said softly.
You looked over at him but he avoided your eyes, staring straight off to the city. You smiled as you began peeling the fruit, before your eyes caught on fresh scrapes on the back of Zoro's hands.
"...Did you...steal this from someone?"
You motioned towards his hand and he scoffed, "Would that make you feel better or worse about the fruit?"
You eyed him closely before shrugging as you continued to peel the fruit. "I'm grateful either way"
He smiled at this, but took in a deep breath, knowing you would press for more.
"So, what really happened?"
He looked down at his knuckles with a smile before clearing his throat. "There was a situation, but I handled it."
"Hmm. You tend to find yourself in a lot of situations."
He chuckled, "It's kind of my thing."
You nodded, "Can't find the trail of breadcrumbs you left behind, but you can always find a fight."
"What does that even mean?"
"It means you have a terrible sense of direction"
"I do not."
You pursed your lips with a soft glare and he sighed, before shaking his head, fighting a smile.
After a moment of silence, you hand him a piece of the fruit. He took it slowly before eating it, enjoying the sweet yet fresh taste. He nodded, showing that he enjoyed it and you smiled.
"This is one of the only things I missed about this island."
"One of?"
You hummed, "I admit, I had some good memories here."
"How many of them were with him?"
You could sense the hint of venom in his tone and you repressed a smile. "None that come to mind." You said softly, noticing the way Zoro's jaw seemed to relax, yet his hands clenched.
He slowly looked over at you and almost froze at the soft look on your face.
"What happened to your hand?"
He swallowed, "I hit it on something."
"On what?"
"Your exes face."
There was a moment of still silence before you pressed your lips together, biting them, as you clearly repressed a laugh.
Zoro felt relief and amusement wash over him as you let out the soft giggle that you could no longer repress.
"Your not mad then?"
You thought for a moment before you shrugged, "I am mad but not because you hit him."
He frowned, "Then why?"
You looked over at him with a straight face. "I'm mad because you didn't hit him while I was there to see it."
Zoro stared at you for a second before both of you broke into grins. He chuckled as you giggled before letting out a sigh.
Zoro shrugged his head. "I mean...I could go pick him up off the bar floor and bring him over here if you want. "
You laughed again and Zoro grinned, relishing in the sounds as they made his heart pound proudly.
Handing him a slice of the fruit you grinned, "Tempting."
He smiled softly as he ate it, "You know it doesn't matter what you left behind here right?"
You tilted your head slightly in question. "Why not?"
He cleared his throat briefly, "Because what you have now is more important. It's better."
Your eyes locked and you could feel the tension growing.
You smiled softly as you nodded. "Yeah, it is."
He gazed at you softly, his mind running wild with a thousand things he wanted to say. His thoughts were silenced when Sanji came sauntering from the kitchen to announce that dinner was ready.
Looking back to see the others quickly heading in, you began to rise. But before you did you quickly pressed a kiss to Zoro's cheek, causing him to freeze.
"Thank you."
Your whispered voice echoed in his mind as his cheeks burned from the brief kiss. His heart was pounding as he looked behind him seeing your back disappear into the ship.
Getting a hold of himself, he rose and headed inside. Not so subtly kicking Usopp out of his seat beside you. Sharing a brief yet knowing look with you as he did.
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As Zoro and Sanji loaded on a few more boxes of supplies you took one more look at the island in front of you. You were glad you were leaving, but at the same time, you wondered when you would be back next.
Your eyes caught onto a figure walking towards you and you let out a sigh, just loud enough for Zoro to glance over at you. He spotted the same thing and rose with a huff of air.
As Zoro appeared beside you, his arm pressing against yours, you felt your tense shoulders relax as your ex sneered at the two of you.
His lip was busted, and he had to matching bruises under each eye.
"New look? It suits you."
"I was thinking the same thing." Zoro mused.
Your ex looked between you and Zoro before his eyes paused on you. You shook your head softly.
"Nothing you could say is a good idea, trust me."
He hesitated a few times before giving in with a huff of air and a roll of his eyes as he turned and sauntered back down the dock.
"Who was that guy?" Usopp asked.
"No one important." You said softly.
Feeling Zoro's eyes on you, you glanced over at him. "Still regret coming here?"
You hummed softly as you looked back at the village seeing your exes head disappear into the crowd.
"No, not really. Besides, I got a good memory to leave with."
"Just one?"
You smiled softy as your eyes locked, "A couple."
He smirked as he scanned your face, "We'll make a lot more."
"We?" You mused your heart fluttering.
"Yeah. We."
Feeling someone sling their arms over your shoulders, you looked back to see Luffy's grinning face. "Yes we will!"
You paused for a second as you locked eyes with Zoro before letting out a laugh, and Zoro chuckled before shaking his head.
As Luffy began talking animatedly about the next stop, you felt Zoro's hand brush yours at your side, before he gently squeezed it.
No matter where you came from or left some heartbreak behind. Your next adventure would make it all worth it.
xx End xx
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @imaginesfire, @rexit-mo, @onuen, @witchygagirl, @alexxavicry
OPLA Taglist: @fangirlextraordinaire
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gingernut1314 · 4 months
Demons and Claws
Roronoa Zoro x GN!Reader
Warnings: Fluffffffffffffffffff, reader having nightmares about demons, zombies, death of family, hurt/comfort, protector
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✔️ = Competed
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Demons and Claws: ✔️
Part 1
Nightmares have been plaguing your dreams night after night. You can't sleep. Not in the silence. Not in the dark. You can only think of one person in your fear who can put you at ease and you go running for him. {1.7K}
Part 2 (request)
Request: I just want to say I love your blog!! Not sure if you do requests but I loved the one about the hammock and Zoro. Can you do a part 2 where the crew wakes up and teases Zoro about it (and obvi sanji gets jealous) Summary: You are pulled from your now peaceful sleep by your rowdy crewmates. {1.3K}
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morrigan-writings · 10 months
Blade Songs
Roronoa Zoro x GN!Reader
Warnings: no use of y/n, bar brawl, mentions of drinking, harmless sword fight/training
Summary: Wandering the seas as a sword-for-hire, you run into Monkey D. Luffy who promptly encourages you to join the Straw Hat crew. After weeks onboard, Zoro is the last remaining member for you to befriend, but he's avoiding you. After cornering him about and seemingly solving your differences, Zoro makes a complete 180.
A/N: hi there! haven't updated anything in a while simply because I haven't been able to write for a while. However, after watching the live action One Piece show, i got sudden inspiration, so *gestures vaguely at this fic* Small Disclaimer, I have yet to watch the original anime, so this is based solely on the live action. Also this was meant to be a single part oneshot, but once I started writing I realized my original idea needed better exposition to make sense, so part one is just that, part two is the actual plan I had. Enjoy!
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The journey of being recruited to the Straw Hats to then becoming actual friends and crewmates with them was a whirlwind adventure in itself, happening in seemingly the blink of an eye.
Luffy had approached you about joining his crew after seeing your skills in combat when you lended aid against bounty hunters that came after the crew during your mutual stay on a more populated pirate island. You had been a wandering sell sword for a few years now, making money where you could, traveling nearly every day. Busy using up some recently earned Berry at the local tavern, you had recognized Luffy when the eclectic group had wandered in, taking up the only empty seats left in place by you at the bar itself. The orange-haired girl ended up next to you, but once you made a comment complimenting her weapon, Luffy took notice and struck up a conversation, telling you all about the crew, how talented they were, and how he planned to become King of the Pirates.
It was during this that the swordsman you recognized as the famous Demon, Roronoa Zoro, finally glanced over in your direction, immediately zeroing in on the two short sabre swords on each hip, and the row of throwing knives stashed along your belt. Not overly flashy, but still clearly finely made blades, clearly used. You dismissed the look, due to already doing the same to the other customers in the vicinity yourself, it was second nature. During this time of chatting with Luffy and a couple others, you took note out of the corner of your eye when a more menacing presence strolled into the tavern, until they rolled right up behind Luffy himself, breathing down his neck until the boy finally turned around.
“Hi there!” a happy grin stretching wide.
The pirate just stared him down, his handful of crew behind him, waiting, until a more sinister grin crawled across his own face. “I take it you’re Luffy.” It wasn’t a question.
“Sure am! And this is my crew!” You carefully watched as Luffy cheerfully answered the man, clocking how Zoro and the blonde did the same, tensing like you all knew where this was going. Your hand slowly started to reach for one of the knives in your belt. Despite having just met, you had taken quite a liking to the kid.
“So here’s the deal, Rubber Boy…. this bounty of your’s is mighty enticing-“ the pirate trailed off, his intent clearly implied as he held up a wanted poster, Luffy’s face grinning back at him wildly.
The captain had just rested his free hand on the hilt of his sword as his crewmates did the same, about to draw, when suddenly a knife imbedded itself right at his feet with a loud thud.
He had barely jumped back a few inches in shock when both crews whipped their attentions over to you, where you had gone back to your drink. The silence was deafening.
Without looking at him, you took another sip. “Now see, I don’t appreciate you threatening my new friend,” you paused, downed the rest of your drink, then finally turned in your seat to face him, “especially when I’m in the middle of enjoying my drink.”
You missed the miniscule smirk Zoro gave, his own hand now resting on his sword hilt, at the ready.
Looking back on it, you can’t recall how exactly it started, who threw the first punch, swung the first sword, but next thing you knew, you all were in a jumbled bar fight, fists flying and blades singing. You remember being briefly shocked when seeing Luffy’s Gum Gum ability in person for the first time, but quickly recovered when more attacks came in. At one point you ended up on top of a table to dodge an attack and got a brief view of the rest of the crew. The blonde man throwing kick after skilled kick, the sharpshooter either hiding or hitting a mark, the girl, Nami, expertly spinning her staff, Luffy throwing hits and dodging hits comically, and finally Zoro with his single katana slicing through the air. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t briefly in awe for a moment before flying back into the fray with your own two blades.
The fight itself didn’t last too long, but it was after that did Luffy approach you, complimenting your skill and thanking you, and then dropping a bomb in the form of offering you to join his crew.
You remember how you glanced at the others, all of them looking like they’ve seen this act before with each other, and unbothered with Luffy’s proposition. Looking back at the young captain, you had contemplated for a moment, explaining to him your profession as a sword-for-hire, a mercenary. Unbothered, he merely shrugged and commented how you must be very good at it, and reminded you that that was what Zoro used to be, and how they could always use another swordsman and protector on the crew, and how you seemed like a great fit.
“What’s your dream?” He peered at you curiously. You almost laughed before realizing he was completely genuine.
You hesitated. “… I don’t know. Never really had the time for any, I guess I’m still figuring it out.”
You had answered as honestly as you could, and luckily Luffy had merely smiled softly and nodded like he completely understood.
“Well, maybe if you traveled with us, we could help you find what it is.”
You gave it another minute before you reached over to shake his hand with a smile.
Time seemed to fly by, days into weeks, until it had been about a month of you being on the crew, with more minor skirmishes and weird adventures here and there. And you had to admit, this was probably the best decision you had made yet, especially after having been on your own for so long.
You had become quick friends with Nami and Usopp after Luffy. You’d entertain Usopp’s wild tales while in turn telling him the (more true) tales of your own adventures, you’d laugh at Luffy’s antics and talk to him about his origins, and you’d visit with Nami while she worked on her maps and navigated.
Sanji was interesting in the fact his flattery and way with words would always get a laugh from you, maybe a snappy comeback thrown back at him in return, until it became less about him flirting with you and more just banter between friends whenever you visited him in the kitchen.
Zoro was a little more difficult. Nami already warned you that he was a more quietly-inclined person, it wasn’t anything personal, he just wasn’t naturally talkative. But you noticed he seemed to be moreso whenever you were around. If he saw you seated for dinner before him, he’d sit in a different corner. If he spotted you on deck, either relaxing or training, he’d casually stroll off again in another direction. Then he just wouldn’t talk to you in general to begin with, unless absolutely necessary.
You’d finally had enough one night, more confused about what you could’ve possibly done to offend him than be offended yourself. So you silently waited, hidden in the rigging, for when you knew his night watch was.
Sure enough, you see him finally wander out of the cabin and begin his walk around the deck. Quietly as you knew how, you carefully slipped down the rigging and ropes, barefoot, until you crept up to within five feet of Zoro-
“What are you doing.”
You started, not too surprised he noticed your presence, but you waited until he actually turned around and looked at you, his usual deadpan expression painted on his face, wrist casually draped off the end of his sword.
You blinked. “Well mostly I had a question for you, and honestly this seemed the only way to make it happen,” you deadpanned back to him, hands loosely in your pockets.
A muscle ticked in his jaw, but that was it. “What’s the question.” His own words sounding more like statements than inquiries.
Shifting on your feet, suddenly a bit nervous, your gaze slipped to the deck beneath you.
“Did I do something to offend you?”
Now it’s Zoro’s turn to blink, surprised. “No. Why would you think that?” His arms cross, you notice his words sound forced.
You look up with a furrowed brow, a confused half smile growing. “You’re joking right? You’ve done nothing but blatantly avoid me since I stepped foot on the Going Merry. Why is that?”
You watched as Zoro remained seemingly unchanged from hearing the accusation, still as a statue. If you had befriended him by now, you’d be able to tell he was actually inwardly scrambling to come up with an excuse to avoid admitting the real answer out loud. Instead you waited, and when he continued his silence, you scoffed lightly, shifting back a couple steps as you started to circle him.
“Alright fine, how ‘bout this?” And you pull your blades from their sheaths, the scrape of metal ringing through the still night air as Zoro watches you, unmoved, from the corner of his eye and you continue circling.
“I’ve seen you fight, and you’ve seen me fight. If you win, I go back inside, no questions asked, and you finish your watch in peace. But if I win, you have to answer my question.” You finally came to a stop off to his right, in easy view of his sword, your feet casually shifting into a ready stance.
You watched as he contemplated it for a few seconds, before turning to you and carefully drawing the katana, the polished blade gleaming silver in the moonlight.
“Sounds fair.”
There was nothing but the sound of the faint breeze sweeping past and the creak of the deck and rigging as you both waited at the ready for who would start off the dance.
You shot forward, feet silent as your two blades met his in a loud ringing clang through the still night. Neither of you said a word as he pushed you off and continued the dance, both of you spinning and blocking, swaying and striking, the rings of metal on metal wavering like music. Where Zoro was like a force of wind in the flow of his movements, you were water, twisting and turning to either avoid or meet his single blade, only to strike with your own right after.
A brief reprieve when you broke apart momentarily had you glancing at your two blades. Looking back to Zoro you pointedly glanced at his one blade, before purposefully storing away one of your own, to match him more evenly. He merely cocked his head, watching, until this time he was the one to shoot forward to restart once again.
Despite having been at it for several minutes, you both seemed to gain a second wind for round two. The two of you now utilized your surroundings more, dodging between barrels, leaping over abandoned equipment, blade meeting blade without pause.
The fight seemed it might have to end in a stalemate with how evenly matched you were, until you saw an opportunity arise.
Spotting a loose piece of rope on the deck, you kicked it into Zoro’s feet, causing him to stumble just briefly enough for you to run at the barrel next to him, jump and leap off it, over Zoro himself, and rolling to a stop right behind him, before you quickly stayed in your crouch and spun your leg out hard into his, knocking him flat on his back.
By the time those couple seconds had passed and Zoro caught back up to the plot, he found the tip of your sabre at his throat, a soft smile on your face.
“Answer my question, please.”
The Demon was stunned enough by you beating him that he immediately answered without overthinking it.
“I was worried you’d want to replace me.”
Zoro watched as your smile immediately faded, briefly realizing he missed it for some reason, and saw your expression turn into bafflement, and then concern as you immediately lowered your blade and stumbled back a step, processing an answer you never expected.
As he pulled himself to his feet, sheathing his katana, you stared into space into the horizon, trying to rationalize why he of all people would have that fear, why he would fear you, until it clicked and you glanced back over to him, the same concern still evident on your features.
“Because we’re both swordsmen?” You voice ghosted over the air between you, still in disbelief.
Zoro looked uncomfortable again, his arms crossing as he avoided your glance.
You watched him carefully for another moment before you sheathed your blade and cautiously approached him until you were a few feet away, still giving him space as you watched him continue to avoid your gaze.
Hesitantly, you finally spoke. “Zoro… you’re one of the best swordsmen out there. A pirate hunter so feared, they named you The Demon. Spared by Dracule Mihawk. And now you’re first mate to Luffy the Devil Fruit Eater,” you smile as you take one step forward. “I understand your concern, but I promise you it’s unfounded. I have no intention of replacing you on the crew. I’m good, but it’s not my dream to become the greatest. That’s your’s. I just want to be part of the crew, maybe also figure out my own fate.”
At that, Zoro finally looks back at you, something in his shoulders finally relaxing as he sees the honesty in your eyes and words as you wait for his reaction.
“And I’d much prefer us to be friends on this journey, rather than just opposite shadows who never speak,” you add into the silence.
You watch as he finally cracks the smallest smile at this, hope blooming in your chest as he now takes a step forward to close the gap more. He looks at you another moment before extending a hand between you both, an olive branch.
“Let’s start over then. I’m Roronoa Zoro.”
You grin back at him brightly as you recite your own name and take his hand in return.
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itjazzbicch · 1 year
Unraveling Truths
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Pairing: Roronoa Zoro x Fem Reader
Summary:A request from my Wattpad: (Also for the sake of this fic, Kuina is alive)
The reader and Zoro are inseparable BFFs, but when Zoro suddenly isn’t around, the reader learns that he ran into his old friend, Kuina. Zoro starts ignoring the reader because of Kuina, who sees how close he is to the reader, creating a huge turmoil that finally opens Zoro’s eyes and makes him realize his true feelings for the reader
Warnings: Kuina is toxic (as per request) Soft Zoro! Sword duel that leads to injury (read is stabbed but she all good lol) Reader is mentioned to have incredible abilities. SMUT! (18+ ONLY! MINORS & AGELESS BLOGS DNI! YOU WILL BE BLOCKED!) (Fingering, oral F receiving, first “I love yous”)
Word Count: 4.1k
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It was a normal routine to explore and at least attempt to relax while the log post reset.
Thankfully we landed at a island where they weren’t so frightened by pirates. So we could just enjoy the towns, shop, do whatever we needed to.
I woke up, ready to tackle the day, the first thing I planned to do, train with Zoro like always.
He was my best friend, the one person who truly lit up my world and for some reason, I couldn’t find him anywhere.
He probably just got lost again, but after searching for what felt like forever, I found Nami at a store, going to ask if she had seen Zoro till I heard his laugh and a woman’s too.
We were right across from a swordsmith where Zoro was laughing with a girl with short black hair.
I didn’t recognize her, but it looked like they knew each other well.
“Hey Zoro!” I called, heading over, ready to introduce myself, but they started walking away, “Hey, Zoro! I’m talking to you-“
Following them around a corner, they were suddenly gone. It was weird as if they disappeared. My voice was loud enough, so he had to of heard me.
I tried not to stress myself out about it, going back to the Sunny and doing whatever to distract myself.
Before I knew it, dinner time came around, Sanji serving the fresh food as we heard:
“Hey everybody. I brought a guest.”
“Oh yeah? Who?!” Luffy jumped up excitedly, all of us watching that girl from earlier walking in:
“Remember my friend Kuina I told you guys about? She’s in this village. What a coincidence, right?”
The way he smiled at her made me feel sad, a bit jealous even. All of them welcoming her and I was so zoned out, watching as everyone introduced themselves, Luffy tapping me:
“And this is Y/N!”
Trying to smile, nothing but anxiety came out, the silence so awkward as Kuina just stared at me.
“Y/N is a swordsman too. Well, swordswoman,” Zoro sat next to me, and Kuina followed, looking me up and down as she passed:
“Mhm, interesting.”
I was so anxious that I could barely eat, Zoro managed to make some small talk with me. Saying that he got caught up with the swords smith where he ran into Kuina.
Zoro sounded genuine, so I smiled at him:
“Can’t blame you there. They did have some nice swords. We should go back tomorrow. I have the money.”
“Looks like you need a real sword instead of that pocket knife you have,” Kuina mumbled, not thinking I heard.
If anxiousness wasn’t enough, that pissed me off. I had one of the rarest katanas on this whole planet. I tried to ignore it and eat, but my stomach was in knots, having to put my fork down, covering my mouth.
“Hey, you ok’y?” Zoro said with his mouth stuff, patting my shoulder, looking at him, I saw Kuina’s eyes darting at me and I said quietly:
“I think I need some fresh air is all. Excuse me, please.”
Leaving the dining room and going up deck, staring at the moon with deep breaths, it helped my nausea, but I couldn’t build the courage to go back in there.
Maybe I could just train with Zoro tomorrow morning. Not bothering to go back to the dining room, I just went to bed, curled up in my pillows, hoping tomorrow would be a better day.
“Rise and shine, Zoro,” I said sweetly, going to his room and peaking my head in the door and no one was there.
“What are you doing?”
Turning around, I found Kuina, arms crossed with a scowl on her face.
“I was just looking for Zoro. We train every morning. It’s practically a ritual,” I explained, trying to be as kind as possible.
“You know, calling yourself a swordswoman is pathetic. I can just tell that all you are is a giant weight strapped to his leg, holding him down.”
“You’ve never even seen me wield a sword!” I scoffed, baffled by her assumptions.
“I’m sure I’d want to gouge my eyes out if did. You stay away from-“
“Kuina! Y/N! You ready to train?!”
I just stood there, puzzled by how quickly her manner changed, looking at zoro with a smile as she nodded:
“Always ready! Y/N was just hear showing me her katana. I’m ready to see what she’s capable of!”
That made my jaw drop, Zoro so oblivious as he laughed at me:
“I bet that’s nice to hear from Kuina, right?”
“Just a bond, between swordswomen,” She giggled, glaring at me as Zoro had his eyes closed, still laugh, wrapping an arm around him and practically flirting with him, “How about you and I do our traditional warm up first though. You haven’t taught her, huh?”
“No, that’s just for us,” He smiled at her, falling right for it, saying to me, “It won’t take us long though-“
“That’s okay. You two just practice,” I whispered, walking away while fighting tears, “I’m nauseous again. Probably from that squid Sanji made.”
“Wouldn’t surprise me,” He chuckled, changing moods so quickly as he took Kuina, “Time to train, Kuina!”
“Im always ready!” She smiled back, but glaring at me as I stopped and watch them walk away.
For the entire day, I sat out by some rocks that where by the shore and I could see the two of them training, walking into town together.
Zoro and I were practically inseparable and now that Kuina was here, it was like I didn’t exist. If I was even the tiniest bit quiet towards Zoro, he’d be asking what’s wrong. Now nothing.
Heading back to the Sunny as I was starving, I found Nami reading, sitting at the counter with her.
“Hey you, haven’t seen you at all today. You alright?”
“Is it okay if I ask for your opinion, Nami?” I asked, taking a deep breath as she nodded:
“Of course.”
“So, ever since Zoro ran in Kuina, he’s being treating me so differently.”
“Define differently,” Nami tilted her head at me as she was intrigued.
“Like I don’t exist,” I said while fighting tears again, “He ignores me and only pays attention to her. He won’t even train with me. And that Kuina, she keeps saying smart things under her breath. She even threatened me this morning! But the second Zoro comes around she acts like some Angel. I’m not overreacting am I?”
“What? She threatened you?!” Nami’s response made me feel somewhat at ease, clearly agreeing with me, “I could punch Zoro for that. It’s completely unfair to you.”
“Thank goodness, I thought I was going crazy,” I sighed, Nami being the great friend she was as she rubbed my back.
“You’re not crazy, Y/N. You know what actually? Skip Zoro! Let’s go have a girls day or something. What do you say?”
“I’d like that a lot,” I smiled softly, holding her hand as she dragged me along calling out:
“Oh Sanji! Y/N and I would like to go town! Would you be so kind to escort us?!”
I realized then what she was doing, laughing as Sanji was so far away his voice echoed, but he zipped right over:
Putting down the ramp so we could exit the Sunny, he held both hands out for us
“Shall we go, my dear princesses?”
“We shall,” I giggled with Nami, taking his hand and heading for the town.
“First things first!” Nami pointed at a boutique, smiling at it and Sanji running to get the door.
“Buy whatever you want, my loves. My treat.”
“Say less!” I laughed, heading in and this was exactly what I needed.
Trying on so many clothes, we left with handfuls of bags, trotting along with Nami and Sanji, but darting an eye as I heard:
“What the hell are you doing shopping at a boutique?”
Zoro. It made me remember when he ignored me at the sword smith’s yesterday. So, I did what he did to me. Ignored him and kept walking.
“Y/N?” Turning at the wrong corner, we finally lost trail of him.
I hoped that I would be the last I saw of him till we all went back to the Sunny. Sanji treated us for dinner and while sipping an excellent glass of wine, Nami and I glared as Kuina approached the table with Zoro.
“We can join you, of course right?”
“Why of course!” Sanji’s lovesickness was a pain, but I acted as if she wasn’t there. Only talking to Nami.
“So, uh-, you see that swordsmith today?” Zoro leaned towards me, staring with a cocked eyebrow as I only shrugged.
For a change, he sounded nervous, trying to talk more:
“You really should. I saw a katana I think you’d like.”
“Tomorrow,” I huffed, looking and focusing on the food being served.
Zoro wouldn’t stop staring at me, not knowing why I would only talk to Nami and Sanji.
Sanji did keep his promise of paying, going to leave and I was last next to Zoro.
“You going to finally tell me what’s wrong?” Zoro pulled me aside where no one could see, growing angry at my response:
“Nothings wrong.”
I went to walk away, but he pulled me back, claiming:
“You’re lying. Now tell me what’s wrong, damn it.”
No words this time, I snatched my hand away, going to leave to, of course, find Kuina who was waiting.
“Taking my advice huh? Good girl.”
Referencing what she told me in the morning, I only stared at her, stopped dead in my tracks, ready to lose it on her.
“Not getting lost again, are you Zoro?” There went her good girl act again, and it made me clench a fist, “I’ll make sure you don’t get lost.”
“Leave me alone,” He groaned, rolling his eyes at her, “I have you two to guide me.”
Rolling my eyes at him, I shook my head and headed for the Sunny.
Luffy apparently found a bunch of things he liked and wasted his allowance again, but it was nice seeing the whole crew practically on the main deck, dancing and laughing, Sanji serving drinks.
I decided to stick with Sanji, who was tending to me as if I really were a princess. I wasn’t so blue or angry, but I shouldn’t have given my hopes up.
“Want another glass, my love?” Sanji offered and I smiled at him:
“You’ve been treating me all day, dear. You stay put and enjoy yourself. I got it.
Heading to get more wine, I stopped as a request caught my attention:
“Mind bringing me a refill too? Since you wanna be so sweet?”
Zoro was sitting against the wall, holding up and empty bottle. I was conflicted but my soft spot for him softened some more, going to take it but it was snatched away.
“Don’t worry, Zoro. I know what you like.”
“I thought you haven’t seen each other since you were kids. Unless Zoro has been drinking since he was a child, I don’t know about that.”
Finally, something in me snapped, not tolerating Kuina’s fake attitude anymore.
For a change, she was speechless. Zoro looking at us confused, Kuina starting to show her true colors as she was breaking too:
“What did I tell you earlier?”
“Guy, hold up,” Zoro quickly rose to his feet, but I ignored him again, raising my voice:
“Why don’t you tell me again? Tell everyone for that matter! Especially Zoro, who’s eating up all you’re fake bullshit!”
“Y/N!” Zoro tried pulling me back, but I swatted him away, silence falling with all eyes on Kuina and I.
“I’ve had enough,” Kuina was bold, pulling out and wielding her sword, “Y/N, I challenge you to a duel.”
“Nothing Id love more,” I smirked, circling around the deck while wielding my katana, “You’re going to regret this, Kuina.”
“Y/N! KUINA! STOP THIS NOW!” Zoro was pissed, but shocked by the anger he’s never seen from me:
“For once, she’s right,” Kuina agreed, taking her stance, “I won’t bother to lie. I’ve never liked you and I will finish you.”
Everyone was in pure shock and I was done talking, only motioning her with a finger and as she charged me, one swing of my sword, striking hers, sent her flying into the wall.
Needing to pick herself up, there was fire of anger in her eyes meanwhile, I stayed composed, not even a hitch in my breath.
Blinded by anger and charging me again, we exchanged one clash before I knocked her to the ground, sword falling out of her hand.
She was quick enough to grab it. Rolling back just to get met with a strong hit from me that nearly knocked her down.
Able to regain balance, she went to strike me, but the moment she rose her katana, I sliced it in two, breaking it and sending it flying into the wall. 
“I’m done wasting my time with you,” I growled, putting my katana away as she kneeled before me, “You’re no match for me.” 
“Holy shit,” I heard Zoro whisper, that making me chuckle, ready to return to my wine, but freezing as everyone gasped. 
There was this sharp, pierecing burn in my stomach, shaking as I looked down, blood oozing out of me as Kuina pretended to stand but rammed her ragged blade through my stomach, close to my belly button. 
“Y/N!” Everyone yelled, Kuina hiding the space between us to twist while pulling out her broken blade, making me fall to my knees instantly, Zoro screaming:
“Oh my god,” She tried playing little miss angel again, even putting on fake shaking, “It was an a-accident.”
“Accident my ass!” Luffy screamed, running to my side along with Chopper and Zoro, Zoro making it to me first. 
“Don’t worry, I have you.”
Before he could touch me, I slapped his hand away, holding my wound with pressure and snapping:
“Don’t you touch me!” 
Managing to make it to my feet, it was hard to ignore chopper who was only trying to help:
“That’s a deep wound! Please let me-“
“I’m fine,” I groaned, staring at Kuina, “I’ve been through far worse.” 
Blocking Kuina from my sight, Zoro had his back turned but I could tell how pissed he was, screaming at Kuina:
“What Luffy said! Accident my ass! You were trying to kill her! You were taught better than that. I can’t believe you! Get out of here! Leave!” 
“Right now!” Luffy added, Zoro’s last words making me tear up:
“I don’t want to see your face ever again.” 
I didn’t imagine him saying something like to her, but the last thing I needed was more drama, biting my lip as the pain started to kick in and Chopper was right, this was deep and bleeding more than expected. 
While everyone was distracted by Zoro’s yelling, I limped to my room, tossing my shirt and getting my first aid kit. 
I was able to stop the bleeding and just as I expected, I needed stitches. Nothing to numb it either. 
Putting a towel between in my mouth, I got a needle ready, starting to stitch but hearing the door open:
“The least you can do is let one of us help you, Y/N.” 
Shutting the door and seeing that I had stitching started, he rushed over: 
“I got it. Bite the towel if you have-“ 
“I don’t need your help,” I muffled, watching as I stitched carefully, biting the towel as the pain increased some. 
“You just don’t want it, and why?” He barked at me and I had enough, spitting the towel out and yelling:
“Because! For days now, you’ve been an complete dick head, ignored me, and all for that stupid Kuina, who just tried to MURDER ME!” 
Standing there silent, I didn’t stop there:
“I get it! You haven’t seen her since her since you were a kid but how LONG have we been friends, huh? All we’ve done together! DOES THAT MEAN NOTHING TO YOU?!” 
There were tears streaming down my face, but rage still all over it, straining my voice:
“She’s threatened and bullied the hell out of me from the second we met and you didn’t notice a got damn thing! Some friend you are, huh?
I was an emotional wreck, crying more as I admitted, “and to think I actually love your dumbass.” 
As I was crying, I felt blood on my stomach, looking down and seeing that I made my wound bleed some again, patting it away then stitching it as Zoro stood there looking stupid. 
“Will you just leave?” I sighed as I finished, “I need to shower and clean this up.”
“No,” He breathed in, squatting to me, “I messed up and I feel like shit, seeing that this is what it took to realize what was going on.”
“Serves you right,” I murmured, trying to stand but sitting back down from the pain, Zoro fixing me back on the bed softly, sitting next to me.
“You know that I love you too, right?” He whispered, my eyes about popping out of my head as he confessed, “I’m sorry and I don’t know how I could ever make this up to you. I was stuck in the past when I reunited with her and it blinded me and my judgement. You can be mad at me, I understand. Know that you’re right. We’ve spent a lot of time together and I cherish those moments more than you know.”
Zoro wasn’t the type to talk like this unless he was serious, his every word making tears stream down my face more. 
I knew he wasn’t lying, I could see it in his eyes. All of these emotions, the pain from my wound, it was all too much, needing one thing and getting that as I wrapped my arms around his neck, Zoro hugging me back delicately. 
“I love you,” He whispered, brushing his nose against mine and kissing me. 
I had to press my lips hard to believe this was real, and it surely was, melting as his lips parted a bit and came right back, soft and full of passion. 
“I love you too, Zoro,” I whispered back, needing to breath, but feeling at ease as he gave one more kiss, sitting up:
“Now, you stay here and trying to ease up. I’ll clean you up.”
The massive weight that I felt was on my shoulders finally started to ease away into nothing. Zoro did as he said, helping me clean up, then even stayed in bed with me as I surely needed the sleep. 
In the morning, as I expected, Chopper came in to check on me along with Nami. 
“Wow, you stitched this well,” Chopper complimented, leaving some medicine and herbal tea, “These should help you heal quickly.” 
“I don’t doubt it,” I smiled, patting his head, “I’m feeling better already.” 
“I don’t understand how you guys have superhuman bodies. You got stabbed, you know?” Nami was only concerned, but that made me laugh, shrugging:
“I don’t get it either, but I’m grateful. Thanks again guys.” 
“Yeah, I got her,” Zoro came in, holding something behind his back, “Now that I’m back.” 
I must’ve slept well. I didn’t even realize that he left, looking to try and see what he was hiding. 
“Mhm,” Nami side eyed at him, leaving with Chopper and once they were gone, I asked:
“Whatcha got there?” 
He was fighting a smile as he sat next to me, showing me a sheath.
“It’s the katana that I thought you’d like at the swordsmith’s. I spent what I had left just so you could have it.” 
“Zoro-“ I cooed, touched by his gift, in awe as I slowly pulled out the katana, seeing that the blade was red. It was beautiful, “You sure know my taste. I’m in love with this.” 
“I knew you’d love it,” He smirked, teasing, “Better start training with it as soon as you can.” 
“Hell, I will right now. I feel fine!” I was actually excited, ready to get up, but Zoro took my hand, putting the katana away:
“Maybe later.” 
“What? You have other plans?” I wondered, oblivious till he made his next move and kissed me. 
“You’re gonna be my girl?” He whispered between kisses, nodding slowly as I kissed back, carefully laying me back on the bed, throwing his shirt off in the process, “You sure you feel just fine?” 
“Oh, I’m sure,” I murmured while admiring his massive chest and toned abs, already helping with my hands on my shorts. 
“Good,” He hummed, taking my shorts for me, burying his head between my thighs the second my panties were gone. 
“O-Ooh,” I moaned shakily, biting my lip as his lips closed around my clit, hands holding me carefully, but tongue working into me with his beastly instincts. 
 After so much of his tongue fucking me, I was whining and shaking, a higher pitch in my voice making him pick his head up. 
“Don’t stop,” I said quickly, panting softly as my high was starting to drift away, “I was so close.”
“Oh,” He snickered, head dipping back down, “Let me make it up to you, then.” 
“Pleaseee-“ I whined, thighs trapping his head this time as his tongue went after my clit again, making the high I was feeling before come right back, “Yeah, that’s it, Zoro!” 
He watched my every move as my hands went above my head, gripping onto the pillow, breathless as my orgasm flowed over, his humming while eating it right up making me shake. 
Sitting up, he rubbed the shake in my thighs away, hand slipping between my legs, slowly adding a finger, then a second, pumping softly. 
“Gonna let me love you some more, hm?” He whispered, looking down to meet my eyes as they opened, moaning softly at his fingers, but responding:
“What are you waiting for?” 
It was a lot to process that this was happening, but wanting it, wanting him more than anything like I always have, chest heaving at the sight of him naked. 
Not sure if it was a hex or if I was just madly in love with him, but I felt like I was in a different world, his eye staring deep into mine while coming to me, noses nuzzling with he positioned himself, pushing in.
“F-Fuc-“ I hissed through my teeth, the friction so strong already, that hiss melting into moans as he worked his cock into me with few inches at a time. 
“You can take it, baby,” He cooed, kissing at my neck, promising, “I’ll keep taking it easy.” 
Looking up as I shook my head, even he was a bit astonished by how my wound wasn’t affecting me in the slightest, telling him:
“I want all of it.”
Up straight and watching carefully, he fed every inch of his cock with a slow thrust, barely pulling back as he started rolling his hips at a steadier pace, smirking as I fell into deeper thoughts, spreading my legs wider and throwing out:
“Faster, Zoro.” 
“Faster, huh?” He huffed, creating a shake in the bed as he did so, having my head nodding frantically, just a small series of those thrusts making another orgasm run after me. 
“Uh huh!” The burn I was feeling was the best I ever felt, walls clenching him hard and my hands shooting out to grab him. 
Wrapping my arms around his head, he gave me the contact that I needed so badly, knowing I was close again, sneaking his arm up to hold my chin: 
“Look at me.” 
Doing as so, I never felt such a deep connection between us before, eyes swelling with tears as he panted out with some soft groans:
“I love you.” 
“I love you too, Zor-,” I meant that whole heartedly, but words being broken up by the moans signally my orgasm, “Zoro-oh! Oh!” 
With his lips smacking against mine, I held his shoulders so tight my nails dug into him a little, air stuck in my chest, gasping hard against his lips as my walls pulsated then let my slick smother his cock, dropping limp from how hard it hit me. 
“Damn, Y/N,” He huffed, buried deep inside of me with his head rested against mine.
“I just got an idea,” I whispered, making us both laugh as he looked for an answer, “This should be our new training.” 
“I’m just that good huh?” He laughed, kissing me and I nodded with a smile as I kissed back:
“You are and I love it.” 
2023 © itjazzbicch — do not repost or translate my work. Likes, reblogs, and comments are always welcome
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dirt-and-scrivles · 1 month
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Zosan fics be like (part 2)
Elaborated thoughts and fic names under the cut
Cat fic - stay by itsmylifekay
Probably just my favorite cat zoro fic I’ve read, very cute, and as all cat fics do, gives me a heart attack by letting the catified person drink alcohol(never give cats alcohol it is incredibly toxic)
Wado fic - precious thing by hllfire
I love this fic it’s a really cool take on how bonding with the swords works and also how sanji bonding with wado would effect things, I also just love wado being able to communicate and kinda pushing them along
King/god zoro fic
This one isn’t a specific one sadly but I’ve read like 3 of these and can probably track them down again if any of y’all want
Soulmates fic - learning to listen by three_days_late
I’m usually pretty neutral on soulmate fics but I like this one because zoro pretty much immediately fucks himself over with it and they have to pull back from that
Unprompted proposal fic - firestarters by adietxt
This one is short but sweet, zoro starts saying what’s on his mind not realizing he’s literally just proposing out of nowhere
Little sanji fic - to you, formerly me by Trixtree
This one isn’t a zosan fic but I’m including it because I adore it. I see a lot of zosan fics where sanji gets reverted to baby sanji and gets attatched to zoro(which are fine but not my favorite) but never any where adult sanji gets to stay and interact with baby sanji which they go into with this one,, they do some really cool stuff with seeing how it effects both Sanji’s and the crew by extension
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huanghying · 1 year
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That one time I got so obsessed with @hazel-athena ‘s Facade that I blacked out for 2 weeks and woke up to a mountain of sketches
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dragonbonez · 9 months
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He adopted him after that.
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jei-rifni · 3 months
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Picnic hike
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kaiijo · 4 months
Hello! I really like your fics and I saw your spotify event! I love Taylor Swift and Phoebe Bridges too so, since you've already wrote Lover (really sweet and cute), I'll ask for "Went looking for a creation myth" (I Know The End is my FAVORITE song) with Zoro. Thank you very much! 😊
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roronoa zoro + went looking for a creation myth content: fem! reader, fluff, part of the spotify wrapped event notes: i’m so sorry this is so late! i hope you like it <3
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as a pirate, there are few days you get to just relax and explore places you visit, especially given the particularly high bounty of yours and the rest of the strawhats. you struck gold when you docked in a small town that was amenable to pirate-visitors and very opposed to marine presence. 
you, nami, and robin are lounging on some beach chairs the locals lent you. while robin’s deep in her newest book, one that’s bigger and thicker than her last one, you and nami watch as usopp, luffy, and zoro wrestle at the shoreline. usopp manages to get an upper hand on zoro, springing onto his back and covering his eyes. “now, luffy!” usopp yells and luffy’s launching himself towards the two. they all collapse, usopp and luffy laughing raucously and zoro grumbling and cursing beneath them. 
“hello to the most beautiful women in the world,” sanji says as he approaches, balancing a tray of iced drinks. “care for refreshers? hibiscus and honey iced tea.” the drinks are a rich fuschia with a lemon at the rim and the sight makes your mouth water.
“thanks, sanji.” you take a drink and pass another to nami while sanji circles your cluster of chairs to get to robin, who doesn’t even look up as she flips a page and takes a glass. 
“oi, lovecook, do we get anything?” zoro saunters up the dune, followed by luffy and usopp. 
zoro scowls before turning to you. “let me have a sip.”
“no!” you say, drawing your glass close to your chest. you can feel the condensation gathering at your fingertips. “get your own!”
“curly brows won’t give me one,” zoro says. “what’s the big deal, just let me have some of yours?”
“no, you always say you’ll only have a little and then glug down half!”
“isn’t a perk of a being in a relationship sharing things with your partner?’
you snort, “please, you’re the biggest hog of us all.” zoro glowers and you sigh, “fine, you big baby.” you hold out your drink and he goes to take it when you jerk your arm back. 
“what now?” he asks.
“one condition.”
you grin brightly, tapping your cheek. “a sip for a kiss.”
“you’re impossible,” he says, cheeks flushing but he leans down anyway and pecks your cheek. your own cheeks are warm and you’re not sure it’s from the sun. 
you let him take a few sips of your drink before you say, “that’s enough, babe.”
“what? it was barely a drop! just a little more.”
“that wasn’t meant for you, mosshead!” sanji says, snatching the glass from him. he looks into the nearly empty cup and scowls at zoro before turning to you apologetically. “don’t worry, i’ll go whip up another, pretty.”
“thanks, sanji.”
“don’t call my girlfriend ‘pretty.’”
“don’t tell me what to do!”
“i’ll say whatever i want to you!”
you’re not surprised as you watch sanji aim a kick at zoro, your boyfriend immediately parrying. as they start kicking up sand, nami shouts, “ugh, can you guys do this somewhere else?” to their credit, they move their fight elsewhere (before nami has the chance to throw her discarded sandal at them).
she leans back in her chair and groans, “i don’t know how you put up with him sometimes.”
“patience,” you reply and she snorts. 
“i don’t even remember how you two got together,” she says. “it was just like one day you were both single and then the next day, you told us you were dating. 
you smile a little. you’re fond of the memory — the look of shock on the rest of the crew’s face was priceless, and predictably, sanji and zoro got into an argument about you and how zoro is the last person qualified to date you. 
“how’d it happen, anyways?”
“you and zoro?”
you try to think back on how it happened. it wasn’t like some sparks-fly moment like you’ve read in some of robin’s books nor some burning confession that was just bubbling up inside you. you remember the day he asked you on a date very well, though. 
you were sailing on a calm part of the ocean, and it was a sunny day with a gentle breeze. luffy, chopper, and usopp were playing some card game that was rapidly devolving into a cheating match. nami was tending to her tangerine tree while franky and robin were deep in some conversation. 
you and zoro had finished training in the gym and were lounging on deck. you basked in the warmth of the sun, on the verge of sleep, and you rolled over. you bumped into zoro and went to apologize but he just shrugged and pulled you in, letting you rest your head against his chest. “this comfortable?” he asked.
“yeah, you’re a good pillow,” you sighed, closing your eyes. 
there was a brief pause before zoro said, “i heard nami and curly brows talking about the island we’re going to. said there was a nice restaurant there. want to go?”
“sure, that sounds nice. are you going to be able to play nice with sanji there?”
“i was thinking it would just be use. you and me.”
you crack opened a eye and glance over at him. he wasn’t looking at you but you could see some red creeping up on his ears. you cuddle into him. “yeah, that sounds nice.”
you turn back to nami and say, “i don’t know. it just felt right. natural.”
she seems content with your answer as she nods and leans back in her chair. you do too, closing your eyes, listening to the sounds of the waves crashing against the shore and your boyfriend’s distant yells. 
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joker-ace · 4 months
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Loosely inspired by the lawlu/lulaw fic “Broken Heart Syndrome” by Callunar on ao3! Law knee deep in denial about being friends with Luffy and the others, opposed by Luffy’s clear interest in him, is one of the funniest depictions of them tbh. Bonus points bc Zoro is a menace in this one for the good, good cause of teasing his friends. 😂😂😂
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snarkyship · 5 months
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Why they couldn't bring Zoro to Whole Cake Island. He would end up rescuing the wrong Sanji.
Zosan version
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thekaiserroll · 5 months
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AU where Sanji ate the clear clear fruit.
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mintypsii · 7 months
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what is this guy's issue 😭
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dirt-and-scrivles · 2 months
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Zosan fics be like
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letting my friends join the Aggie
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camembri · 8 months
you wanted zoro to be on whole cake island to fulfil your weird desire to see zoro punish sanji. I wanted zoro on whole cake island because I think he's stupid enough to right place wrong time the plan and accidentally marry Sanji in full view of the whole wedding party in what becomes the most elaborately constructed comedy of errors ever written. we are NOT the same.
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