#RuPaul's Drag Race Down Under season 1
qnewslgbtiqa · 3 months
Drag Race stars rally to support Tia Kofi after hateful abuse
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Drag Race stars rally to support Tia Kofi after hateful abuse
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Tia Kofi’s drag sisters have rallied to support the Drag Race UK vs the World winner after she copped vile abuse following the finale.
UK queen Tia won RuPaul’s Drag Race UK vs The World season two over the weekend.
The finale was a real nail-biter, with Tia and Aussie Hannah Conda ending up in the final lip sync together.
The pair earlier beat La Grande Dame and Marina Summers in the series of lip sync eliminations.
But online in the Drag Race fandom, things took a dark turn after the result was announced.
The usual “my pick was robbed” discourse escalated into some very nasty – and racist – abuse against Tia.
Tia herself responded to one post on Twitter X that was so disgusting the account holder was suspended for it.
“Let’s not. For real though, let’s absolutely not do this. At all. Ever again,” Tia wrote.
“Drag is meant to fun, enjoyable and entertaining. Do not behave like this.”
RuPaul’s Drag Race queens call out the hate
Finalist Marina Summers, from the Philippines, also rallied her fans to support Tia.
“I am so proud of each of my sisters for putting out an amazing season for everyone to enjoy,” Marina wrote on X.
“I would appreciate if everyone show the same amount of love and respect I have for these amazing queens.
“@TiaKofi is an amazing person with the kindest heart who doesn’t deserve any form of hate. And that goes to ALL of my UKVTW 2 Sisters.
“This should be a time to celebrate. This is drag. We should ENJOY it!”
Season two sisters Scarlet Envy, Arantxa Congenial-La Mancha and Choriza May also hit out at the “disgraceful” comments in fiery posts.
Hello loves! It’s been a wild 24 or so hours since the Finale of @dragraceukbbc I am so proud of each of my sisters for putting out an amazing season for everyone to enjoy. And I would appreciate if everyone show the same amount of love and respect I have for these amazing queens… pic.twitter.com/LNi6Bjnu7I
— Marina Summers (@marinaxsummers) March 31, 2024
Couldn’t fit all this into one tweet. Please be kind!!! Sending love to our new QUEEN of the MotherTucking World @TiaKofi ❤️❤️❤️ pic.twitter.com/MlbBIR4bNO
— Scarlet Envy (@ScarletEnvyNYC) April 1, 2024
I don’t care if ur a fan. If I see one nasty disgusting racist comment you will be dealt with, baby. 🫶 this Miss Congeniality comes with extra trans violence and will defend her friends no matter what.
— Arantxa Congenial-La Mancha (@arantxaclm) April 1, 2024
If u are sharing hate because of last night’s result, u have no space in the world of love & fun we’ve created through Drag. Some comments we’ve seen are DISGRACEFUL, u should be ashamed. Have a favourite & send them ❤️ without bringing other’s spirit down. Karma will get u.
— Choriza May (@chorizamay) March 30, 2024
Tia Kofi reacts to Drag Race win
After the Drag Race UK vs the World win, Tia said, “It means the world to me to win, it’s the perfect culmination of years of dedicating myself to drag and working hard at myself inside and outside.
“The one thing that watching the show taught me about myself was that even in hard times, I can still put a brave face on it.
“Aside from that, I feel like being the first winner of colour in the UK is game-changing. To give people who look like me that representation, it’s really special, and something that I take extremely seriously.
“I want to be that beacon that shows we can all, no matter where we come from or what we look like, achieve our dreams.”
Lots more on Drag Race:
Watch Hannah Conda and Tia Kofi’s live reaction to UK vs the World crowning
Michelle Visage is the new host of Drag Race Down Under
Ru-vealed: Ten queens on Drag Race Down Under season 4
Down Under star tipped to return for new Global All Stars
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georgierre · 1 year
drop the review babes
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how would george russell fare on drag race? - a review by ame ruszhou
firstly this is a joke. george, by virtue of being a, presumably, cishet white f1 driver, is 100% going to be horrible on drag race. although if he knew how to paint (put makeup on) his face would be perfect for drag race. have you SEEN those eyelashes?
secondly, drag race is composed of many aspects outside of runways and lipsyncs. for those who don't watch drag race, drag race has a maxi challenge (main challenge), sometimes a mini challenge (it does not add to your final judgment that episode), and a runway. in the american drag race, they tend to focus on how you did in the maxi challenge, with runways as a padded bonus. if you did bad on the runway but good in the challenge, they tend to just Forget the fact your runway was bad. in some instances though, the runway helped people get out of the bottom positions, or, unfortunately, has barred people from winning an episode.
(the rest under the cut!)
lipsyncs, on the other hand, mostly happen when you are on the bottom two. other instances, although saved for special episodes and finales, are for lipsyncing for a win/the crown. as much as this comprises drag race's popularity, MANY drag race winners have never lipsynced for their lives (ie. both sashas, bianca, violet, aquaria & willow), or have only done it one or twice (bar the special episodes, of course). so, just because you're a good lipsyncer doesn't mean you're the best in drag race. arguably, many "lipsync assassins" lost drag race, because that means they've been on the bottom multiple times.
so, how do you know if you're good in drag race?
it kind of fizzles down to two things: 1.) track record, meaning how much you win or you've been on a high placement, and 2.) storyline and likeability. the second point seems redundant, but many drag race winners, despite having the worst track record of the season, has won due to this criterion.
before we get into the nitty gritty of the challenges, a funny criteria rupaul also likes to judge the contestants by is by CUNT— charisma, uniqueness, nerve, and talent. it's not actually serious, but we can judge george by this, just because we can.
charisma - 7/10
i feel like george can be charismatic when he wants to be. if the competition asks for it, he can do anything. at the least, george wouldn't be a contestant who fades into the background. many people on drag race who don't have much of a presence usually gets eliminated early on unless something begins to change (lady camden comes to mind). i think george wouldn't have that fate, at least, by his extraversion alone.
uniqueness - 3/10
maybe even lower. quite frankly, george is. the whitest man i've ever seen. his fashion sense, music interests, etc. are very basic, and while it's okay to be basic, drag race always pushes queens to have more variety. show the same look thrice and michelle (a judge) would call you out for it. moreover, videos from the f1 channel or williams has shown george has pretty mediocre design choices in artistic challenges so, there's that.
nerve - 9/10
despite being good at pr, george is also the same person, at 12, who threatened another driver he'd drive into them in the next lap, so yeah! i think george is very honest with what he feels, to mercedes and as a gpda director, so i don't think he'd be coming to this shy. he has terrified checo perez enough to not have that "nerve" aspect. in this case, george could be very good at untucked— the additional show to drag race showing the cast behind the scenes before the lipsync. if i could compare him to other queens, i'd imagine someone like tatianna on s2, alaska on as2, awhora on uks2, or jasmine on s14.
talent - ???/10
in a drag race sense, i don't know what george is good at tbh? obviously this comes from the fact that he is. an f1 driver. but who knows. drag race tends to push a lot out of their contestants and i won't be surprised if george comes out as a dancer or a designer. i don't even know what he'd do on the talent show besides, i don't know, race? play football?
okay, now that's out of the way, we can get to the challenges. to me, i feel like george has the personality and competitive drive needed for drag race, and if you challenge him to do something, he'd do it Well. so while he may not have any experience in sewing or dancing or whatever, if he was casted on drag race for some odd reason, he'd 100% prepare before he gets there.
anyway, challenge time! there are multiple challenges on drag race outside of lipsycning and runways. if i don't put all of them then that's not my fault. there is a lot of challenges LOL.
talent show - 2/10
in the recent seasons, these are usually the first challenges to introduce the contestants properly. i'll be frank, again, i do not know what george is gonna show. i am inclined to believe he gets eliminated in this episode. ALTHOUGH, talent shows doesn't always mean you gotta do something extravagant— contestants like willow, jimbo, and tatianna have shown that, sometimes you just gotta do something entertaining. by principle of george's competitiveness, he could possibly find a way, but i have low hopes.
design challenge - 4/10
these are challenges where you're asked to create outfits out of fabrics or unconventional materials, usually the latter. i'm less worried about the production since hot glue does its magic, but again, george has. poor artistic inclinations.
another kind of design challenge, usually called the makeover challenge, is when you are tasked with making someone over. i genuinely want some f1 drivers to be on the show one day as those being made over, but if we're talking about george making someone over? i can… see it. somewhat. same sentiments as the previous paragraph, but if george knew how to put on makeup, he'd KILL. he genuinely has the perfect sculpted face for drag. i have had this picture since last year and i feel like you should look at this:
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acting challenges - 3/10
have you. have you seen him act for skits and commercials. even for comedic ones he cannot act normal. again, george's competitiveness blah blah blah, but i genuinely fear for his life in acting challenges. although, if the acting challenge were improv, then i think george has a better chance of winning? i think george is generally very humorous, and if he was asked to improv rather than act, it would be much butter— although, not perfect, of course.
snatch game - 4/10
i don't even think he'd do well in snatch game either. if you don't know snatch game, it's a parody of match game, and the contestants have to pretend to be celebrities and provide answers to questions rupaul gives. the challenge is less of perfect impersonation, and more of a comedy challenge. i feel like george has no frame of reference of what he can possibly do, but i feel like, again, he'd be better with improv. moreover, snatch game is something you expect and prepare for per season, so i think george can pull something together if asked.
musical challenge - 6/10
it depends which type. if he is asked to sing it, we are doomed. if it's just a lipsync, i can see it work! he gives me marcia energy from s15, maybe a bit of jan from s12 or courtney from s6. i think george would be more expressive when it comes to lipsyncs because there's more preparation, and he doesn't have to speak.
roasts - 10/10
GEORGE WOULD KILL. GEORGE WOULD KILLLLLL. if you don't know what roasts are, like the name suggests, roasts ask you to just. insult someone comedically. have you SEEN his comments towards the fia? because yeah, he would kill. he would 100% win this challenge. hell, he'd tour on the hater's roast after drag race.
girl group challenge - 5/10
i have. no clue how this would go. on one hand he is not creative, on the other hand, if he can roast well, i feel like he can make a detox-like verse. put him on read u wrote u. i will lean more towards, he probably can. i know george isn't a dancer and is literally a white man, but i feel like, if he genuinely tried, he could? maybe it's the athleticism of it. he reminds me of someone like brooke from s11 or lemon from cans1.
lipsync/choreo challenge - 6/10
again, athleticism— by virtue of athleticism, i can see george be able to pull out some stunts. i'm telling you, george's stubbornness will get him places. i feel like he'd also emote better when lipsyncing, because he doesn't have to focus on making his voice sound believable.
okay that's it. tldr; george will do bad in most challenges bar roasts, but by virtue of george's stubbornness and competitiveness, if he were actually cast on drag race, he'd do REALLY well. don't underestimate what competitiveness does to a person, especially since george is very determined/goal-oriented.
edit: i forgot storyline! besides the challenges, storyline helps audiences enjoy contestants despite not being good at drag race. if george comes in drag race cocky and overprepared, i can see him as someone like ginger from s7 or loosey from s15 where, while somewhat good at drag race, got audiences hating them for being Too Good. these people tend to lose drag race aince they're just Untouchable and Unrelatable, but a way i can see george be well-liked is when he has an arc like trinity from s9, where she starts of pageant-like, then realizes she likes acting dumb and being more relaxed. personalities like george's, though, usually end up being the "safe girl", cursed to be eliminated before the finale with barely or nary a win. and if they get to the finale, they're usually not the favorite. but, he could be someone like jaida from s12 who's pageant-like and silly, while also win!
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bloompompom · 6 months
ok so the reimar sex tape is like an 80s workout video/porno like the (head) hair is outrageous, the sheets are silk and also leopard print, it’s probably on a waterbed as for the full theatrics. it’s not very adventurous it’s very vanilla and the transitions on this baby are INSANE. left wipe for the first couple of position changes, mixing in fades and curtains to spice it up. also it’s set to land down under by men at work
this is absolutely fantastic and i would not expect anything else
i imagine it with the filter they used on season 1 of rupauls drag race you know what i mean?? like
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tvrundownusa · 11 months
tvrundown USA 2023.07.28
Friday, July 28th:
(exclusive): "Steamboat Silly" (dsn+, animated special), Good Omens (amazon, season 2 available, all 6 eps), Novela / Soap Opera (amazon, Portuguese fantasy, all 8 eps), LOL: Last One Laughing - Naija/Nigeria (amazon, spinoff, all 6 eps), Captain Fall (netflix, adult animated series premiere, all 10 eps), A Perfect Story (netflix, Spanish rom-com limited series, all 5 eps), D.P. (netflix, Korean military drama, season 2 available, all 6 eps), The Tailor (netflix, Turkish drama, season 2 available, all 8 eps), "How to Become a Cult Leader" (netflix, tongue-in-cheek docuseries, all 6 parts), This Fool (hulu, Chris Estrada comedy, season 2 available, all 10 eps), UFO Cowboys (Roku, paranormal "reality" series premiere, all 8 eps), RuPaul's Drag Race Down Under (WOW Presents+, season 3 opener)
(movies): "The Beanie Bubble" (apple+, Beanie Babies fad docu-dramedy), Tomorrow X Together: "Our Lost Summer" (dsn+, K-pop world tour), "No Filter" (TUBI, original thriller), "Five-Star Murder" (TUBI, original thriller), "Big Nunu's Little Heist" (netflix, South African crime comedy), "Hidden Strike" (netflix, 2021 Jackie Chan action-comedy), "Miraculous: Ladybug & Cat Noir" (netflix, animated origin story)
(streaming weekly): The Crowded Room (apple+, limited series finale), Foundation (apple+), Swagger (apple+), The Summer I Turned Pretty (amazon), Too Hot to Handle (netflix, next 3 eps, season 5 finale)
(earlier - hour 0): Jeopardy! (synd., season 39 finale), Death in Paradise (OVAtion, season 9 marathon begins)
(hour 1): Family Law (theCW), Outlander (Starz), The Villains of Valley View (disney) / . / Pretty Freekin Scary (disney, 60mins), Tough as Nails (CBS), V.C. Andrews' "Dawn" (LIFE, part 3, enhanced reair, 2hrs+)
(hour 2): Moonshine (theCW), Minx (Starz), Pretty Freekin Scary (disney, contd), CMT Summer Sessions (CMT) / . / CMT Stages (CMT, "Scotty McCreery")
(hour 3): Praise Petey (Freeform, 60mins), Heels (Starz, season 2 opener, new night)
(hour 4 - latenight): How To with John Wilson (HBO, season 3 opener, new time), Death in Paradise (OVAtion, marathon contd)
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thegaytraveler · 1 year
Pride is a year-round observance in Vegas
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National Pride Month is celebrated every June, honoring the LGBTQ+ community and its contributions and culture. Las Vegas observes Pride year-round -- including its own official Pride celebration each October -- as the destination is an ideal place for members of the LGBTQ+ community to celebrate their true selves regardless of the occasion. Here are some Las Vegas Pride Month highlights, annual events and LGBTQ+ nightspots that keep the party going all year long.
Caesars Entertainment will celebrate Pride Month by lighting up the High Roller observation wheel at The LINQ Promenade and the Eiffel Tower at Paris Las Vegas in rainbow colors on Thursday, June 1 and Wednesday, June 28.
The Venetian Resort Las Vegas kicks off Pride Month on Thursday, June 1 by displaying the colors of the Pride flag on the resort’s exterior tower signs.
In recognition and celebration of LGBTQ+ voices and culture, The Neon Museum has created a self-guided tour using the stanchion toppers which will be dotted around the Neon Boneyard to tell some of the LGBTQ+ stories of Las Vegas. Throughout the month, tour guides will place a greater emphasis on these stories, including facts from Las Vegas historian and queer advocate Dennis McBride. Highlights include stories about Liberace, Kenny Kerr and Christine Jorgensen.
Held every Saturday throughout June (and the summer season), the Las Vegas PRIDE Elevate Pool Party promises splash-tastic action at Retro Pool Lounge at SAHARA Las Vegas.
Cheapshot, a showroom and discotheque in downtown Las Vegas, presents an Elton John-themed piano bar experience every Saturday in June.
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Celebrating 13 seasons, the long-running Temptation Sundays pool party at Luxor Hotel & Casino offers fun under the sun every Sunday in June—and the rest of the summer. The hotel’s resident production show, Fantasy, celebrates Pride Month with an additional number added to the production’s shows from Friday, June 16 to Sunday, June 18. The revue’s headliner will mesmerize the audience with a rendition “Born This Way” by Lady Gaga to recognize and show support for the LGBTQ+ community.
Visitors can lace up a pair of roller skates to show some pride, as Las Vegas PRIDE Family Skate Night presented by CRUSH is taking place on Monday, June 5 at Crystal Palace Rancho.
Visitors can participate in friendly competition at Las Vegas PRIDE Family Bingo at The Portal at AREA15 on Wednesday, June 7.
For adventure seekers, Las Vegas PRIDE OUTside Hike offers a trek along Mount Charleston’s Mary Jane Falls trail, taking place Sunday, June 11. The organization also plans monthly hikes throughout the year.
The Mexican hideaway of La Mona Rosa will present a Pride Brunch on Sunday, June 11 and Sunday, June 25. The event will feature a drag show at noon, as well as an exclusive pride cocktail and signature brunch items.
Las Vegas female impersonator Frank Marino will bring a crew of pop-culture favorites to Frankie’s Uptown at Downtown Summerlin for Frank Marino’s Divas Drag Brunch. Taking place on Sunday, June 11, the event features performers giving their very best impersonations of stars such as Taylor Swift, P!nk, Beyonce, Rihanna, Tina Turner and more.
Visitors looking for some laughs with a side of plasticware can enjoy the Tupperware Party with Dixie Longate at 24 Oxford at Virgin Hotels Las Vegas on Sunday, June 11, with proceeds benefitting Aid for AIDS Nevada (AFAN). The resort also presents a Pride Month House Party on Wednesday, June 14 at Kassi Beach House, which features LGBTQ+-friendly DJs, a face and body painter and more. Additionally, RuPaul’s Drag Race favorite Monét X Change performs at the hotel’s 24 Oxford lounge on Friday, June 16. The property’s monthlong celebration also includes a production from another RuPaul’s Drag Race alum, as Gia Gunn brings the gossip and drama on Sunday, June 18 to The Shag Room. The special installment of the venue’s Upside Down Tea Party, Spilling the Tea with Gia Gunn, will also feature live performances by Elise Victoria and benefit Aid for AIDS Nevada (AFAN).
GLAM returns to Ghostbar at Palms Casino Resort on Sunday, June 11, hosted by American Idol alumni Mikalah Gordon and featuring DJ Lisa Pittman.
Sports fans can take in a game featuring the World Champion Las Vegas Aces on Thursday, June 15, as Las Vegas Aces PRIDE Night takes place at Michelob ULTRA Arena at Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino.
The 6th Annual PRIDE Bar Crawl takes place Saturday, June 17, when LGBTQ+ bars and mainstream venues invite revelers to hop around the destination. Registration begins at Therapy in the Fremont Street Entertainment District, with the event ending in a drag show and after-party at FreeZone Nightclub & Bar in Las Vegas’ beloved Fruit Loop.
Longtime Las Vegas female impersonator Frank Marino puts on Love Out Loud, a drag brunch at Level Up inside MGM Grand Hotel & Casino on Sunday, June 18. The event will feature performances by Marino and his Divas and include a buffet style brunch and two hours of bottomless champagne or sparkling wine.
Frank Marino continues his Love Out Loud experience with Guyote Sunday at Coyote Ugly at New York-New York Hotel & Casino on Sunday, June 18. The event includes a special performance by Thunder From Down Under and a one-hour meet-and-greet session with the cast. The event also offers a special opportunity for male guests to be allowed to dance on the bars with the Coyote Ugly dancers.
The Liberace: Real and Beyond exhibit opens at the Nevada State Museum, Las Vegas opens on Saturday, June 24. The display chronicles the LGBTQ+ icon’s life and features many personal items, including costumes, pianos, automobiles and more.
Gold Spike in downtown Las Vegas has announced the return of its Drag Queen Bingo night. Being held in the venue’s Backyard space, the Pride Month installment takes place on Thursday, June 29, featuring bingo games, live performances, giveaways and drink specials. An additional installment will take place on Thursday, Aug. 31.
Wynn Las Vegas will host two well-known LGBTQ+ comedians in July, as Tom Dillon plays the Encore Theater on Saturday, July 22, with Mateo Lane following in the same space on Saturday, July 29.
Singer, choreographer and internet sensation Todrick Hall will take the Vegas stage on Tuesday, Sept. 19, as he presents Todrick Hall: Velvet Rage at House of Blues Las Vegas at Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino.
Las Vegas PRIDE celebrates 40 years with the Ruby Anniversary, aptly named Red and Wild. The annual Las Vegas PRIDE Parade—one of the only nighttime gay pride parades in the United States—kicks off the celebration on Friday, Oct. 6 in downtown Las Vegas. The procession, taking place down Fourth Street, features fabulous floats, glamorous drag queens, community organizations and more.
The parade is only the beginning of a weekend-long celebration of LGBTQ+ unity, as the Las Vegas PRIDE Festival takes place on Saturday, Oct. 7. Held at the Craig Ranch Regional Park, the event features entertainment, food and beverage, family-friendly activities and more.
Las Vegas PRIDE also sponsors additional parties throughout PRIDE weekend and several non-sanctioned parties at the LGBTQ+ venues in the destination also host celebratory events.
The Aid for AIDS of Nevada’s AIDS Walk Las Vegas occurs annually in May, most recently taking place at Sunset Park. Now in its 33rd year, the event features entertainment from community and Strip performers, including Chippendales, Vegas! The Show, the Las Vegas Men’s Chorus and more. The Nevada Gay Rodeo Association’s most anticipated event of the year, the BigHorn Rodeo, takes place from Friday, Sept. 15 to Sunday, Sept. 17 at Horseman’s Park. The annual event features rough stock, roping, speed, and camp events. The organization also puts on several gatherings throughout the year, including Cowboy Bingo Night at Quadz Video Bar. Attendees can participate in the classic game with the chance to win fabulous raffle prizes from sponsors and supporters.
Also held in May, the Henderson Pride Festival features a series of events focused on celebrating diversity, self-awareness and promoting health and wellness. The event traditionally features live entertainment, food trucks, a family fun zone, vendors and more.
The Imperial Royal Sovereign Court of the Desert Empire, Inc. hosts its Las Vegas Coronation event each December, which attracts International Imperial Royal Court System dignitaries from across the United States to the destination.
Held each January, the Sin City Classic is a multi-day LGBTQ+ sports festival. Started in 2008, the event has grown to become the largest annual LGBTQ+ sporting event in the world. Nearly 8,000 LGBTQ+ athletes and another 2,000 fans and allies will attend the event, which provides an open atmosphere for LGBTQ+ athletes to connect and compete over the course of four days of competition and social activities.
Caesars Entertainment offers several nuptial options for same-sex and gender non-binary couples at its resorts throughout the destination, with options to say “I do” on The LINQ Hotel + Experience’s High Roller observation wheel, on the Eiffel Tower deck at Paris Las Vegas, and at Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino, where celebrity-style wedding packages come complete with paparazzi and a red-carpet host.
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Famed for theatrical themed weddings, the Viva Las Vegas Wedding Chapel offers two new wedding packages: “ShElvis” and “Queens of Vegas.” The two packages performed by icons of drag launches during National Pride Month but will be offered year-round. The ShElvis package includes a drag queen Elvis serving as the officiant, who also will perform two songs; while the Queens of Vegas package features a choice of a drag queen Madonna or Cher impersonator. Both packages include florals, photos, limousine transportation and more.
LGBTQ+ ENTERTAINMENT AND NIGHTLIFE   Part of a chain of western-themed gay bars, Charlie’s Las Vegas is a short ride from the Strip on the west side of Las Vegas. The space features a full dance floor and a vibrant entertainment calendar including drag shows, karaoke, and bingo.    FreeZone Nightclub and Bar pairs a casual atmosphere with upbeat music and nightly events like karaoke and drag shows. Guests can also grab a bite from their bar menu or play a round of pool.    Just off the Strip, Fun Hog Ranch is a casual hangout offering several beers on tap, cocktails and more. The welcoming space routinely partners with community organizations for fun, themed events.    The Garage, located a few miles off the Strip, is a hot spot for locals and visitors alike. Modeled after an auto-body shop, the bar features pool tables, shuffleboard and darts, in addition to drink specials and mouth-watering bar bites.    The Garden Las Vegas is an intimate and chic lounge bar located in the Downtown Las Vegas Arts District, featuring craft cocktails, light bites, and extravagant ambiance. Visitors can join some of the most talented drag queens every Saturday and Sunday at the Bottomless Drag Brunch for endless cocktails, delicious food and fun that slays.  Serving up unforgettable parties seven nights a week, Piranha Nightclub is the ultimate late-night location for LGBTQ+ revelers. From international DJs to world famous drag queens, the entertainment is top-notch and draws a lively, diverse crowd. Depending on the occasion, guests can enjoy a cocktail or dance the night away on Piranha’s state-of-the-art dance floors among go-go dancers.    Just a short walk from Piranha and FreeZone is Quadz. In addition to pool tables and darts, the bar also features regular special events, including bingo and themed parties.
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From the creative team behind the Emmy Award-winning series RuPaul’s Drag Race, RuPaul’s Drag Race Live! at Flamingo Las Vegas is an extravaganza featuring cast favorites including Derrick Barry, Jaida Essence Hall, Jorgeous and more.
Drag Brunch at Señor Frog’s at Treasure Island Hotel & Casino offers an unlimited supply of mimosas, a bottomless Southwestern-inspired buffet, and entertainment from queens—or royalty—from RuPaul’s Drag Race, including Shannel and Kahanna Montrese.
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emrobinson03 · 1 year
My Book - CANT Ban US!
CANT Ban US! Is the idea I came up with because I did a drag story time at 3 Auckland libraries for children. I got lots of backlash emails spammed from haters both uni and personal emails, Messenger, Facebook, Instagram etc and now they are investigating into all the hate and backlash n might cancel all the events in future years. I also got the idea because drag in many states in the US are passing bills to ban all drag queen performers. They also are passing bills to ban transgender people.
(Finn Gerring, Miss Carprise)
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this image was taken as a joke before I performed. My friends were being annoying so I took a photo oh my make up. This make up was done in 30 minutes when my make up takes a long time to do originally. I didnt think I would use this image but Emil liked it and I had a look at it and I started to like it a lot.
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I talked about this image in my last post but I just wanted to say That I also think the colours and the background comes together in the photo. I really like my make up.
(fields, cody coochie)
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the image of fields after their shower with their hair up in a shirt dancing the first photo to start off all the other drag performers. I took the photo in the moment and it was a slay photo.
I took a photo of fields in the shower in their drag. The image was over exposed but I edited it on photoshop. Its not my favourite photo of them but it was the best one out of all that I got on my camera. If I had time i would have shot it again and done better lighting and thought of positions and areas for photos
Reign Bowman
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Reign Bowman is on of my favourites I love their shirt in this photo its really good going with the title of the book. I also would reshoot this photo as its not in a good place as where I would want it. The black background. I also would change the lighting and position of them in my second photo
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Aura envy is a drag super star used to be known as Feta their drag has changed a lot over the years with make up skills dancing creative ideas etc I wanted to capture them in thwir performance because they are a non binary drag performer which I am too. They are really photogenic normally on stage but I don't think I got the right angles for them on stage because I dont like the photos as much as I do of others I did a big shoot with them on the 3 sd cards I lost but thats okay I still got to put them in my book which I wanted. I would definitely reshoot these photos if I could. I love the reaction and pure happiness on kitas face.
Lady Armilade
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Lady Armilade is a really cool person and performer and I got to capture there ultimate crazy energy they bring to the stage at first I didnt think I would be able to get any good photos because they had too much energy on stage and was running arounf basically but I got a few really goood ones. I like how bright their wig is in the photos and the colour pop from the outfits just fit together so well.
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Twinkubus is an amazing performer I met them twice recently and got to photograph them at our most recent show we were apart of at ding dong. Their make up was soo cool and so was their costume I just couldnt not photograph it I saw them on the pole dancing and I just asked them for photos I was going to use the photos of thsm on the pole but It just didnt look right in the book so I decided to do the one where hes posing on the ground and the close up of thwir face and hands holding the pole. I really like the way the background is really dark compared to their make up and clothes
Kita Mean/Anita Wiglit
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I photographed Kita mean and Anita wiglit talking to eachother and looking at one another its a really cute photo of how strong their bond really is. Both kita and anita were on Rupauls Drag Race Down under Kita Mean is the true winner of season 1 they both hosted a tv show 2 seasons of house of drag basically Auckland vs Wellington queens and kings it was great. I really like the single photo of kita mean they like it too. They ended up posting it to all social media accounts they have and tagged me in all it was just fabulous I gained so many followers and supporters of my photography n art. I wanted to choose a single of Anita too but there wasnt one in focus which really sucked. This would have to be the best people I shot in this whole photoshoot. They appreciated all the photos and helped me grow as an artist
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Florr is a amazing Latina Drag Queen that I love so much Ive seen her grow her drag over the years and she gives me so much love and confidence. I liked photographing them but the lighting wasnt what I hoped it was too bright and their wasnt much led lights where I photographed at Vesbar. I would like to definitely shoot them again in better lighting. I really like their concept of make up wig costume etc in these series of images but in front of Leds it would have looked so much cooler because the wig was glow in the dark and her green eyelinger was UV reacting.
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Kourtney is amazing their drag has improved so much because they are so confident in drag its crazy. I have known them for a few years now because they are my drag mums sister so my drag aunty and they've seen me go through the worst and the best make up of my drag journey. I loved capturing kourtney in the middle of talking to harry it was just so real becausr they werent posing and they didnt notice me taking rhe photos and they ended up loving them. I liked how I took the image of thwir wig and not their face its just something different which I loved. I also didnt have the best lighting there not much leds but it worked and i got some images. I also really liked how their dress sparkled in the image.
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Trinity is a transwoman and a drag queen. Trinity has been arounf the auckland scene for so many years and has been an inspiration to many other transwomen and drag performers. I dont know trinity that well but she is really kind but she can be very sassy. I wish I could have gotten some more photos of them in much better lighting but it just didnt happen. Trinitys outfit also glowed in the dark same as her wig so it would have been cool to get some photos outside when it was dark but I didnt think of that or had the idea at the time which I wish I did because they could have been really cool ideas.
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fununtitled · 1 year
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RPDR DU S1 Ep.08 - Kiwi is a WINNER Baby! - FunUntitled Reaction
Aloha Drag Racers! Let's get straight into it -SPOILERS-👑RuPaul's Drag Race Down Under crowned a KIWI as their Season 1 Winner! Could anyone else really be the winner? Was this Finale really worth the 7 episode build-up? Come here our thoughts in this week's episode!
You can use our Linktree to listen to this old Podcast episode on your favorite site such as Spotify and YouTube!
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crappyvelociraptor · 2 years
New Short Story Series Draft
An Original Short Story
Episode 1: The Pilot
We open to a scene of a girl with unsettling pale skin alone. She seems to be thinking deeply, as if grasping for understanding yet still coming up clueless. She was familiar with this feeling, considering how she wound up in this treacherous temple prison. But this isn’t as interesting and action-packed as the 12 hours leading up to her boring imprisonment. Let’s rewind a bit…
No less than 12 hours earlier
We find Lydia taking the fattest rip of some antique glass piece that she once heard referred to as a “bong” amongst many other odd names. She was curled up watching the latest episode of RuPaul's Intergalactic Drag Race season 134.
“Slay Ru, she doesn't look a day over 120. I bet it’s all that imported space clay that keeps her skin ageless”, she said once she got her coughing under control, there were a couple of tears welling up in her eyes. “Damn”. A raspy mewling rose from the pile of blankets she was nestled in as if in response.
Mr. Pitter Patter Ph.D. (Pat for short) emerged from his den of fabric. Lydia promptly picked him up like a large malleable infant and cradled him in her lap. She pressed her nose onto the scraggly fur on the back of his neck; her favorite thing in the whole Celestrial Triad was how he smelled post-nap. The scent was somewhere in between crisp autumn leave and cigarette smoke.
A distinct pinging emits from Lydia’s communication cell, and without looking she knew what was displayed on the screen.
Galactic Grocery Job
Planet Meiborg
(0.5 lightyears away)
She read, then reread the notification as she bit her lip.
“Just around the corner and I'm running low on Zeerios”, she muttered. Space Cash had been tight lately, and it was only partially her fault this time. Lately, Pat was spiraling down one of his addiction rabbit holes. Currently, he was smoking 2 packs of retro Space Melbournes and receiving daily packages from Glam-a-sun. She really needed to make some quick cash.
“Pat grab your new goggles, new space jacket, and your lucky space socks, we just picked up a job”
He responded with a stony glare.
A white Prius Jet, well one that was white and now had faded into a faint grey, zips past some minor stars and galaxies. 
They were absolutely bumping to the classics of Sir Elton John on their route to the grocery store. One of Lydia’s bucket list items was to see him in a live hologram concert someday, even though she would never be able to pay for that.
Between songs, she lowers the volume low enough that they could barely hear the elegant melodies floating through the speakers. Lydia had been meaning to talk to Pat about his many addictions that came and went like the 7 seasons of her home planet, and now seemed like the right time for such a conversation. He had just woken from a heavy 6-hour nap and was cheerfully purring as he sprawled across his heated seat of the Prius. 
“I’ve been thinking lately that we should try to cut down on how much money we spend for certain things, things that we don’t especially need…”
Pat's black slivered irises slid to land on her, skeptical but allowing her to continue.
“... Like I gave up getting coffee every day because I couldn't afford to support that addiction.”
At this, Pat sprung to his fluffy paws, and his yellow eyes seemed to burn from behind. Lydia knew she had fucked up. Why would she choose a small confined space to agitate this tiny demon, one who only had two modes lately: drowsy fur ball or tornado of fluff and claws. It was obvious that she had flipped the switch. In an instant, she had her arms covering her face and head, somewhat grateful for her long sleeves. Pat whirred around the enclosed cab, scratching the ceiling and running across the dash. I need to invest in a sturdy leash for him, mused Lydia to herself amidst the chaos. 
Before she could reflect on the situation she had gotten herself into, the world around her lurched, then began to glitch as if she was switching between satellites on her TV. And her vision began to cloud.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
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lipsyncforyourlife · 2 years
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tempest07 · 3 years
"RuPaul's Drag Race Down Under" (RuPaul's Drag Race Australia/New Zealand) Season 1 Episode 5 - Reaction and Review -  "Yeast Spread"
The Queens work on promotional ads. We also see the Scarlet Adams controversy being addressed.
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we-eternal-rp · 2 years
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☼  𝟭𝟵.𝟭𝟯𝟴𝟱° 𝗦,  𝟭𝟰𝟲.𝟴𝟯𝟯𝟵° 𝗘   →   𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐈𝐈𝐈.                                      𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐁𝐀𝐋𝐋 !
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in celebration of pride month, we’re throwing a very special drag night at 𝐎𝐋𝐘𝐌𝐏𝐔𝐒 𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐂𝐋𝐔𝐁 !     featuring local & international drag queens, with meet & greet tickets available, and also performances from olympus nightclub & club bacchae dancers.  you can purchase meet and greet tickets for a VIP experience, or just come for the shows — door entry on the night is $30...  but if you come in glitter, rhinestones, sequins or sparkles, it’s half-price !
     make sure you stop by to celebrate yourself, or your friends, or family — but, be warned, you may continue to find glitter in your hair weeks after this event is over !!                   𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐘 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐇  🏳️‍🌈
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— 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐓𝐍𝐄𝐘 𝐀𝐂𝐓 ( 𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐄𝐌𝐂𝐄𝐄 ), australian genderfluid drag singer and tv personality ! 
live finalist of the first season of australian idol, the first openly LGBTI+ reality tv star in australia, top three of rupauls drag race season 6, and the first australian competitor in the franchise, winner of celebrity big brother and runner up in the 16th season of australia’s dancing with the stars.          performance 🎭 : here
— 𝐊𝐈𝐓𝐀 𝐌𝐄𝐀𝐍, a new zealand-born drag performer, club owner and tv personality !
a judge on the new zealand reality show house of drag, co-host of the podcast kita and anita's happy hour, winner of the first season of rupauls drag race down under !!           performance 🎭 : here
— 𝐁𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐊𝐄 𝐋𝐘𝐍𝐍 𝐇𝐘𝐓𝐄𝐒,  a canadian drag queen, ballet dancer, singer, performer, and television personality !
the first canadian competitor of rupauls drag race: coming second on season 11, a main judge and host on canada's drag race, 2014 winner of the miss continental pageant, winner of the 2019 people's choice award for "most hypeworthy canadian".          performance 🎭 : here
— 𝐁𝐎𝐁 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐆 𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐄𝐍, an american non-binary drag queen, comedian, actor, activist, musician, songwriter, and reality television personality !
winner of rupauls drag race season 8, ranked as new york magazine’s eighth most powerful drag queens in america, co-host of HBO’s we’re here, co-founder of black queer town hall.         performance 🎭 : here
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this event will start at 1 PM EST / 6 pm GMT on FRIDAY, june 10th
this event will end on 4 pm EST / 9 pm GMT on WEDNESDAY, 15th.
event starters may be posted within this time under the hashtag #eternal! eventstarter and all event threads should be tagged with #eternal! glitterball
we will post a reminder in the starter blog when event starters are allowed to be posted, and another again on wednesday, when event starters will not be allowed anymore. 
you may continue with your event threads as long as you’d like !
have fun and make sure you plot for the event !
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qnewslgbtiqa · 3 months
Drag Race Down Under star redesigns entire set and it slays
New Post has been published on https://qnews.com.au/ashley-madison-redesigns-drag-race-down-under-set/
Drag Race Down Under star redesigns entire set and it slays
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Drag Race Down Under queen Ashley Madison has completely overhauled the show’s set and posted her amazing designs online.
Ashley, who is from Melbourne, competed in Drag Race Down Under‘s third season last year.
The show’s fourth season just recently finished filming, with another batch of ten queens competing in Auckland.
Early this week, the show’s worst-kept secret was finally confirmed: RuPaul is out and Michelle Visage is taking over hosting duties for season four.
Drag Race fans are hoping for more change on the show. Recently, Ashley Madison has been flexing her Photoshop skills on social media because the Down Under set is “in need of a makeover”.
In her series of three videos, Ashley shares her complete overhaul of Down Under’s werk room, the main stage and the judging panel. The results are gorgeous.
“Drag Race Down Under season four has finished filming, and they’re doing things differently this season,” Ashley explains.
“I want to show you the changes I’d make to the Down Under werk room. It’s notoriously the least-liked werk room of all the franchises, so let’s make some changes.
“I’ve made it significantly bigger because that’s what the Down Under queens deserve.”
Ashley Madison adds Lee Lin Chin to Down Under set
Ashley’s redesign completely overhauls the werk room’s look, changing the entrance to the shape of the Opera House and incorporating both First Nations and Maori artwork.
On the wall, Ashley replaces outgoing host RuPaul’s portraits with “fabulous Down Under women” instead, including Olympian Cathy Freeman and SBS’ Lee Lin Chin.
“How is it she’s not been a guest judge yet?” Ashley asks.
On the main stage, Ashley pays tribute to the show’s Australian and New Zealand heritage with a Harbour Bridge and silver fern design.
For the judging panel, Ashley also overhauls the confusing colour scheme and introduces us to her dream judging lineup.
Somebody please give this queen the gig!
The newly-retitled Drag Race Down Under‘s season four will stream in Australia on Stan later in the year.
See Ashley Madison’s designs in all three of her videos below:
@ashleyxmadisonRedesigning the RuPaul’s Drag Race Down Under Werk Room! Let’s be real, it’s in need of a makeover, and it sounds like Season 4 might be the change we’ve been waiting for! What changes would you make? Artwork 1: Leah Cummins Artwork 2: Albert Percy Godber #rupaulsdragrace #dragqueen #dragracedownunder
♬ original sound – Ashley Madison
@ashleyxmadison Redesigning the Drag Race Down Under Mainstage! So much more room for BMX bikes #dragracedownunder #rupaulsdragrace #dragqueen ♬ original sound – Ashley Madison
@ashleyxmadison Redesigning the Drag Race Down Under judging panel! Who would you want as a judge? #dragracedownunder #dragqueen #photoshop ♬ original sound – Ashley Madison
Read more on Drag Race Down Under:
Ru-vealed: Ten queens tipped for Drag Race Down Under season 4
A US Drag Race winner has flown to NZ to film Down Under
Frustrated NZ queens are very unhappy with Drag Race Down Under
Down Under star tipped to return for new Global All Stars
For the latest LGBTIQA+ Sister Girl and Brother Boy news, entertainment, community stories in Australia, visit qnews.com.au. Check out our latest magazines or find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
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silentfcknhill · 4 years
Well, we’re back for another installment of this tagged meme, this time for TV shows! I also stole this from/was indirectly tagged by @jcmorrigan. My taste in shows also differs a bit from my taste in movies, as I tend to like a lot of comedy shows with not as many horror ones. I’m not into shows as much as movies overall, but there are some that I am very passionate about so I picked twenty again. So, here we go for part 2, in order:
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1. Avatar: The Last Airbender/The Legend Of Korra (2005-2014)
I'm including these as one show since they take place in the same universe and tell a continuation of the same overall plot. Altogether this is probably the best piece of media to ever exist, including movies. It has so many great characters and villains especially and some of the most epic sequences, charming humor and heartwarming moments ever. I've never met a person who didn't like these shows, even people who normally don't like cartoons. My dad, who is biased against animation? He loved it. My mother? She loved it, watched it with her multiple times. My grandmother? Loved it. My ex-boyfriend? Loved it. My best friend? Loved it. I dare anyone not to, and I'm so glad it's making a resurgence since it's on Netflix for a new generation to enjoy.
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2. Black Butler (2008-2014)
I never was big into anime growing up and only really started watching anime when I was like 16 and above, but this is one of the exceptions because holy shit is it ever dark and epic. I'm not sure I'd really recommend it for kids, it's more of a teens and young adults kind of anime and that's probably why it's so good, because it isn't afraid to explore dark and mature topics and do it with all of the intensity and gravitas required to do said topics justice. It has lots of great characters, and the story of demons who make deals with children who have a dark side is fun to watch play out.
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3. Seinfeld (1989-1998)
My dad was a huge fan of this show so I watched it growing up since I was a toddler and it became a classic for me. I've watched thw hole show through at least 8 times, and I'll never stop because it never gets old or boring. It's also my only comfort show when I'm having a panic attack because of one time a few years ago when I was having a drug-induced psychosis episode and watching it calmed me down, so now it's like the opposite of a trigger and whenever I'm having an episode or something I watch it to bring me back to reality. For that reason it's more than a show to me, it's a medical treatment and I'm forever grateful to it.
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4. The Good Place (2016-2020)
The big four shows made my Michael Schur all made it on this post (The Good Place, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, The Office and Parks And Recreation), either in the main list of the honorable mentions, but this is my personal favorite of the four. It's so funny, quirky, relatable and basically tailor-made to suit my interests. Not only is it an entertaining and wholesome show, but I think watching it helped me come to terms with a lot of things like mortality, ethics, philosophy, religion and my relationships with other people. It gets  alot of different viewpoints across and if you're a very analytical and philosophical person like me you'll probably enjoy seeing it all play out. Not to mention, every single character is 'favorite character' material. It's rare you find a show with no filler characters in the main cast, but I genuinely can't choose who is best.
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5. Brooklyn Nine-Nine (2013-?)
Another of Michael Schur's shows, this one is just barely under The Good Place and to be honest it was tough to pick my favorite between the two because they're both equally funny. I know it's kind of controversial right now because of the whole law enforcement thing, but I actually think they do a good job of handling social issues in the show and remaining respectful of real-life systemic problems. As for the characters, this is another one of those shows where every single character is gold and I think that tends to be a trend among Schur's shows in general. He produces damn good comedy, and damn good characters. I can't wait to see what they bring next.
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6. Rick And Morty (2013-?)
This is unfortunately one of those cases of 'great show, horrible fandom' and for that reason I don't get involved in the fandom even though I love the show. It's a shame because it really is a great show, so funny and, again, such good characters. I think it's a lot more accessible than the fandom likes to claim, so I'm hoping more people will give it a chance and not get put off by the intellectual elitism of the fandom because it does have some of the most entertaining and batshit crazy episodes ever, poking fun of some of the staples of science fiction in media while also poking fun of itself the whole time. Unlike the fandom, the show doesn't take itself seriously and that's enjoyable nowadays.
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7. Orange Is The New Black (2013-2019)
While this show is a comedy, it is also a lot of other things and it's probably made me ugly-cry just as many times as it's made me laugh. Well, maybe not as often, but those few scenes (if you've watched the show then you know the ones I'm talking about) made me hysterically sob hard enough to be worth like fifty minor sads. But I didn't even mind because the show is just that good, and it makes you /feel/ something in a real way. Probably because of just how real it gets in terms of telling stories that happen all the time in the real world, sometimes with inevitably tragic endings. But these things do happen every day, and it's important to shine a light on that. It's not just representation for LGBTQ+ but also for POC, the neurodiverse, the poor, and many more. Give it a watch to broaden your perspective!
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8. Big Mouth (2017-?)
This is probably the grossest show I've ever seen but by god is it ever funny. Maybe it's because I have an immature sense of humor or something, but I love this show. It definitely won't be everyone's cup of tea and I don't recommend you watch this show with anyone else around because it will get awkward. I think part of its appeal to me is that everyone I talk to who likes it considers it so relatable to their lives growing up but for someone like me who grew up on the autism and asexual spectrum and who was physically an early-bloomer by years, nothing about this show is relatable to me in any way so it makes it all the more crazy and bizarre watching how the people around me must have experienced things. Did y'all really have these experiences with puberty in middle school???
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9. Dexter (2006-2013)
I recently heard that this show is coming back for a reboot soon and I'm so excited because this is my absolute favorite drama/thriller show, as evidenced by the fact that it's the highest one on the list so far that isn't a comedy. I love the idea of having a protagonist who is sort of a villain (or at least morally dubious), and the idea of a serial killer who only kills bad people is particularly satisfying for some reason. Maybe because he's the vigilante we all deserve and want in this unjust and evil world of modern times? Idk but the very premise of this show set it up for big things and aside from the ending I think it delivered consistently.
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10. Once Upon A Time (2011-2018)
This show took us on some journeys, and you can't deny that. Sure, maybe it didn't always finish what it started and didn't always end in the most satisfying way, but part of its charm is that you didn't care because the experience was just so much fun. They took characters and stories that have been told to death and somehow managed to put a unique and unexpected twist on them, and that alone is admirable. Good twists, good villains, and pretty much every cliffhanger known to man will keep you hooked on binge-watching every episode.
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11. RuPaul's Drag Race (2009-?)
A bit different than the other entries on my list in that it's not fiction but a reality competition show, but I couldn't leave Drag Race out because it's just so fucking iconic and perfect. Even when you disagree with the judges or can't stand a certain contestant you'll still be having a good time. It's got the personalities you love to love, the ones you love to hate, and the comedy that's completely meme-able. I mean just how much has this show contributed to pop culture and the internet? More than most of us, henny. I've watched every single season, even the international ones and all of the spinoffs. This show will probably be on for another thirty years when Ru is throwing shade from a hospital bed and I'll still be watching.
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12. House (2004-2012)
Some people hate on this show, and I don't get it. I love House. Yes, he's an ass. That's the point. He's supposed to be unlikeable, and that's why I like him. Maybe because I always love the rude, sarcastic, misanthropic jerkass-genius characters for some reason. And I also love procedural shows, so it's a win-win. I also work in the healthcare field so it appeals to me for that reason too, because obviously the whole premise is outlandish which is what makes it funny. Of course it's not realistic for a hospital, so just enjoy the absurdity and don't get too hung up on the details of medical accuracy and professional ethics and you'll be fine.
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13. The Office (2005-2013)
The third of Michael Schur's show and the last one that made the main list (sorry Parks And Rec, I love you too but there was just so many good shows to choose from and I saw you last so the nostalgia isn't as strong!) I don't think I need to hype this show up any, it's already a classic and you can't even turn around online without getting hit in the face by a dozen Office memes. You'll have to pry this show and it's relatable characters (especially Michael Scott) from my cold, dead hands.
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14. All Hail King Julien/The Penguins Of Madagascar (2008-2017)
Like Avatar/Korra, I also consider this as one show for the sake of this list because it also takes place in the same universe (Madagascar, specifically) and I just couldn't choose one over the other because they're both so perfect. They're funny and I love all the characters (it cut out the weaker links of the Madagascar film series and just focuses on expanding the standout side-characters like King Julien and the penguins). It also delved into some lore, particularly the first show, and even though I didn't also agree with the directions it took (you may have seen me get salty about the ending because I cared too much), I can't deny how much I love it.
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15. Bones (2005-2017)
One of the other scarce non-comedy shows on this list, it still has it's funny moments. It's also, like House, another procedural show that involves some medical stuff, but this time on a more scientific and forensic level which is even more interesting. It's nice to see a lead female with Asperger's, too. There's a lot of cop/law enforcement shows where they try to solve crimes, but this one is the best, and I'm saying that as a fan of CSI as well. Don't fight me on this, I'm right. Oh yes, it's corny, it's campy, it's cheesy, but I love every minute of it. Don't watch if you have a weak stomach though.
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16. The Simpsons (1989-?)
We all grew up with this show, don't lie. It's been around longer than most people on tumblr have even been alive. Should it have ended seasons ago? Hell yes. But that doesn't take away what the first like 20 or so seasons gave us (there's a lot of argument about when the show jumped the shark, for me it wasn't until much later than the popular consensus). The characters are amazing, but the secret to the show's longevity is that they always return to status quo and there's comfort and nostalgia in that. Bart will still be in 4th grade when you're out there pushing 90. This show is persistent. This show is eternal. This show will outlive us all.
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17. Ash Vs. Evil Dead (2015-2018)
Sorely underrated. This show is hilarious, gruesome and campy as hell and I love it. I don't think you necessarily have to watch the Evil Dead movies beforehand in order to get the plot of the show, although it would probably help. In my opinion this show ended way too soon and I'm hoping someday we'll get a comeback because Ash is the reluctant, self-absorbed hero we all need and it's 2020 so at this point there really might actually be a demon-zombie apocalypse and who's gonna save us then if not for the impulsive womanizer with a chainsaw for a hand?
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18. Malcolm In The Middle (2000-2006)
Another show I grew up with, I don't think it gets as much credit as it deserves. It has some damn funny episodes and great characters, and it did a lot of the popular sitcom tropes before they were 'cool'. Some other great sitcoms, The Middle in particular, took a lot of influence from this show and it helped pave the way for the future of sitcoms at a time when they were about to make a comeback. If you want a good show about the real experiences of growing up, this is a much more accurate representation of the highs and lows of being an awkward tween from a dysfunctional home.
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19. A Series Of Unfortunate Events (2017-2019)
Unlike most people I actually liked the movie version from the early 2000's, and I read the books growing up so I was excited when I saw there was a live action television adaptation of it on Netflix because I felt like they cancelled the movie franchise too soon. I was interested to see how new actors would handle the roles, and I was not disappointed. I wouldn't say I liked either portrayal of the characters better or worse, they both added their own twist to it and this show is a great and loyal adaptation to the books, probably because the author was so heavily involved. He knew just when to stick to the books and when to improve upon what he had done with the benefit of hindsight. This show is basically the books, but remastered.
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20. Winx Club (2004-?)
Sort of an odd one out on this list, but I really love this show even as an adult and it may surprise you to learn it is still going on and the most recent season came out last year. They take big breaks sometimes in between seasons, but it's still going strong and in multiple countries. The only thing I don't like about watching this show is all the different and inconsistent dubs since the original show is Italian and each dub only goes for a couple seasons so by the time you get used to one set of voices/names for the characters oyu have to abruptly switch to another, but it's still worth it for the beautiful animation and cool characters (especially the villains!)
Honorable Mentions: 
13 Reasons Why, America's Next Top Model, American Horror Story, Arrested Development, Bates Motel, Battlestar Galactica, Black Mirror, Care Bears, Chernobyl, Courage The Cowardly Dog, Criminal, CSI, Duck Dodgers, Goosebumps, Kenny Vs. Spenny, Kim Possible, Kingdom Hospital, Lazytown, Lost, Making A Murderer, Mayday, Mindhunter, Modern Family, Monster High, Obsession: Dark Desires, Parks And Recreation, Prison Break, Project Runway, Queer As Folk, Queer Eye, Salem, Schitt's Creek, SCTV, Spongebob Squarepants, The Emperor's New School, The Good Doctor, The Haunting Of Hill House/Bly Manor, The Middle, The Pretender, The Walking Dead, The X-Files, Through The Wormhole, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, Unsolved Mysteries, Yugioh
Tagging: @bullet-farmer​ and anyone else who wants to!
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spongki · 2 years
I feel like I often speak of how much music runs my life but I rarely get into specifics of what I actually enjoy listening to, so here are some of my January 2022 current favorites and new discoveries!
What do I call it... Spongkify? I dunno.
1. ALIAS - Shygirl (EP)
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Very unfortunate that Shygirl blessed us with an EP packed with party bangers only for it to be enjoyed during the pandemic. I'm a freak, yeah I know. But how am I supposed to throw it down again under these conditions?
2. Butt Trumpet (band)
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A '90s punk band from Los Angeles. I discovered them through Sharon Needles—the winner of RuPaul's Drag Race Season 4—who also happens to share a name with the band's bassist. Sharon Needles (the drag queen) is known for her "punk", alternative image and dark humor which makes total sense for her to be a fan of this group... but she ironically is not. And has never even spoken of this band before.
3. Chick Habit - April March (song)
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Loved this song ever since I heard it on But I'm A Cheerleader (1999). 12-year-old me was living for that very-subtly-homosexual opening sequence and I still think about it to this day, especially while listening to this song. I recently found out this was also part of Tarantino's Death Proof (2007) soundtrack so I might go see that film as well.
4. Chihiro - Soft Blue Shimmer (song)
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Forgot the source but I remember seeing somewhere that the song title takes after the main character of Spirited Away (2001), Chihiro. I thought that was really cute. Much like Studio Ghibli films (and their band name itself), this song exudes warm and nostalgic vibes. Very modern shoegaze à la Fazerdaze. (Support them on Bandcamp: https://softblueshimmer.bandcamp.com)
5. Not In Love - Crystal Castles, Robert Smith (song)
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Crystal Castles and Robert Smith made this beautiful baby together and I wasn't aware of its existence 'til now. 2011?! Really? Fer fack's sake, I would've gone crazy about this during my 2014 soft grunge-ish phase. Oh well, I'm kind of in my second emo resurgence... I guess it's appropriate.
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studentmyself · 3 years
2021 Drag Race Franchise Crown Winners
(so far).
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RuPaul’s Drag Race UK Series 2-Lawrence
RuPaul Drag Race Season 13- Symone
Drag Race Down Under Season 1- Kita Mean
Drag Race España Season 1- Carmen Farala
RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars 6- Kylie Sonique love
Drag Race Holland Season 2-TBA
Drag Race UK Series 3-TBA
Canada’s Drag Race Season 2-TBA
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smoochkooks · 4 years
—make it right 1 (m.)
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⟶ pairing: jung hoseok/reader
⟶ genre: smut (coming in second part!), angst, fluff
⟶ word count: 19k+ (this part)
⟶ tags/warnings for part one: hip hop dancer!hoseok/drummer!hoseok, ballerina!reader, enemies to friends to lovers, idiots to lovers, slowburn, mutual pinning, sexual tension, course language, drinking, hoseok’s hot bandmates, oc rolling her eyes at hoseok every five seconds, some banter and sarcasm, etc.
⟶ summary: he was a punk, she did ballet, avril lavigne sings, but truth to be told, there’s so much more than meets the eye about jung hoseok besides his drums, killer dancing skills and unexplained hatred for tattoos and piercings. because, under the layers of leather jackets and washed out joy division shirts, he’s still just a boy who tries to find his place in this big world.
or, alternatively: ballerina meets certain hip hop dancer slash musician who’s on a mission to win her heart with coffee dates and drumming lessons.
⟶ read second (and final) part here
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The first time you met Jung Hoseok, it was raining.
September had just begun, welcoming the citizens of Seoul with copious amounts of not-so-summer-like weather. And at this point, after three days of non-stopping rainfalls, you were convienced that mother nature was trying to drown the whole city.
It was Saturday afternoon, last remains of August were still in the air, hidden underneath greish clouds covering the whole sky. That didn’t seem to be any problem for the tourists though, emerging from every single corner with smartphones glued to their hands.  
You were running late for your ballet dance teaching class with an umbrella in one hand and your gym bag in another, maneuvering between puddles in white trainers, praying to whatever gods that existed not to soak them through and cursing yourself for constant bad outfit choices when it came to weather. Scorching hot afternoon with friends? Let's wear something black, your brain would suggest. Rainstorm? White converse highs is a great idea!
Your mother would choke you with bare hands probably if she saw you right now.
On your way to the studio, you bumped into some old lady carrying bags of groceries. You threw quick apologies, ignoring the screams of “watch out!’’ along with deathly glares that other people were sending in your direction you, until you finally reached your destination. Exactly five minutes before the time.
Just Dance dance school, located approximately twenty-five minutes long underground ride from your flat (which as a broke college student you highly appreciated), appeared in front of your eyes.
It was a modern building, situated in a part of the city that smelled like soy sauce and burnt meat, but during four months you had been working there you got used to it. There was a nail salon on the first floor and tailor on the second, but the whole third floor belonged to the school.
You started working there on Fridays and Saturdays a while ago, after completely coincidentally stumbling upon an offer found online. The school was looking for someone who could teach kids ballet on weekends. A young, energetic person with experience and, obviously, great patience and sympathy for children.
The only thing you were lacking of was background in teaching. But the manager, Choi Jisoo, did not mind that at all. A row of gold medals and trophies sitting on your shelves was enough to convince her you’re worth giving a chance on a probationary period. After few weeks of proving your skills as the best ballet teacher miss Choi would ever think of, you had got in.
And that was how you dumped your part time job at the petrol station to teach kids at Just Dance twice a week. Friday evenings and Saturday afternoons for a decent amount of money for a college student struggling with real life shit called university fees and rent, that even scholarship couldn’t entirely underwrite.
Now, climbing up the stairs with the speed of light, you knew you couldn’t bring yourself to lose this job because of your silly daytime nap that made you run late for classes.
You bursted into the locker rooms quickly, practically undressing in a hurry. After short examination in front of the mirror and fixing your usual mess of a bun, you spared a quick glance one last time at the clock. Four minutes of delay.
“Fuck!” you muttered to yourself, jogging to the practice room.
The halls, usually quite, now were filled with child-like chatter and bubbling. You frowned. That's strange, you thought to yourself. Your astonishment grew even bigger when you reached your destination, spotting a group of kids, your kids, in front of the practice room, bickering with each other.
“Hey!’’ you shouted, silencing them effectively. “Why aren't you already warming up and stretching inside?” 
One of the kids, a little girl named Jiyho, stepped forward. “The room is occupied by some other group, miss. They were here when we came.” she said.
You raised your eyebrows. Did you perhaps messed up schedules and forgot there were some changes? No, that couldn’t be it. “What do you mean ‘occupied’?” you asked. “That's impossible, we've been having this classes every week here, in this room, for three months. I would know if there were any changes.”  
Kids looked at you helplessly, shrugging their shoulders.  
You sighed heavily. “I’m sorry, of course it's not your fault. I had a really crappy day and now this,’’ you drawled, pointing your hand at the door to the practice room. “Wait here. I’m gonna try to explain this quickly.’’ you added, smiling reassuringly at them.
When you opened the door, loud music filled your ears; some newest Drake's track you couldn’t remember the name of was playing from the speakers. Inside there was a group of kids, slightly older than the ones you were teaching, practing some hip-hop choreography.  
Their teacher's back was facing you so you couldn’t distinguish if it was someone you knew from the school's crew. His dark hair with blonde highlights weren't familiar to you though. He was swaying to the rhythm of the music, counting the moves.  
You cleared your throat loudly and there was no response. Of course no one could have heard you, not over the loud bass blasting through the speakers. You spotted the cause of your problem, a mobile phone charging in the corner of the room, so you went there and turned off the music entirely just before Drake could sing the chorus.
You cleared your throat again and this time everyone, including the dance teacher, heard you without a doubt.
Kids stopped dancing immediately and turned around, wide-eyed with heaving chests. Their teacher looked in your direction too, and now you were sure he had to be a new employee.
He was not much older than you, probably around your age. There was a thin layer of sweat on his forehead he wiped out with the back of his hand, his white t-shirt with the name of some punk rock band you didn't recognize was slightly sticking to his toned chest. He was good looking, you couldn’t deny that, and there was something devilish in the way he eyed your figure up and down with a smirk plastered on his lips.
You almost blushed under his gaze.
“Is there any problem, miss primaballerina?’’ he asked first, not even hiding his mocking tone.  
You straightened up, ignoring his choice of words. “A problem?” you scoffed. “You and your group took the room where I have my classes every Friday and Saturday, so yeah, there is a problem.”
“The room was empty when I came here, so I just took it, it's not a big deal.” he answered, shrugging his shoulders.  
“It is a big deal. Are you blind? This room is made directly for ballet dances. See this thing beside the wall?” You pointed behind him. “It's called barre. We used that for stretching in ballet. Of course you don't know that, how an ignorant hip-hop choreographer wanna be like you would know.” you snorted, chuckling to yourself.  
In the corner of your eye you saw your kids peeking through the door, clearly interested in this unusual situation.
He narrowed his eyes. “I know what this is used for, princess,” he countered. You rolled your eyes at the pet name he used for you. First primaballerina and now this? Touché. “But I still don't see the point of your outburst.”
You were slowly losing your patience. The amusement in the eyes of his dancing group started to get on your nerves. It was a battle for the life and death and you weren’t used to backing away and losing. You had kids to take care of, rent to pay and new season of RuPaul's Drag Race to watch.
So you picked up a new strategy.
“Are you perhaps new here?” you asked, startling him.
“I am, why are you asking?”
“Because if you weren't new, you would know that there is only one practice room with barres in our school. This one, which also happens to be the room where I have my ballet classes every week.” you said triumphantly with a glint of not-so subtle satisfaction in your voice. “So, can you kindly take your kids and go somewhere else?”
That's it, you praised yourself in your thoughts. You got him, he doesn’t have anything up his sleeve.
The guy, however, seemed very much unaffected by your words. If anything, he was even more pleased, making your stony facade broke in seconds as you were losing your former confidence.
“No.’’ he said simply.
You gaped at him. “What?”  
“I said no, princess. I need ten more minutes to finish this practice and I’m done.’’ he replied, reaching for the water bottle standing beside the wall. “Ten minutes, and you will have your bars or barrels all to yourself.”
You ignored an urge to correct him, taking a few tentative steps until you were right in front of him. He outstanded your height for a few solid centimeters, making you feel even smaller than you already were.
In addition, you hated him even more for looking this good even up close.
“Ten more minutes?! I should have started my lesson fifteen minutes ago! My kids are waiting!” You outstretched your arms in the direction where your group was watching the situation cautiously. They looked like tennis match spectators, turning their heads left and right as the argument progressed.
“So are mine,” he snapped back in calm tone, his lips twitching in an amused smile. Your nostrils flared.
“Miss? We could use another room today. We don't mind.” one of the girls from your group, Jihyo as you assumed, proposed shyly.
“But I do mind! I’m not gonna leave it like that!’’ you said firmly, still looking straight into your new rival's eyes.
“Geez, loosen up your primaballerina skirt a little maybe.”
“It’s called tutu, you ignorant assh–!”
“What on Earth is going on here?” the manager, Choi Jisoo asked, entering the room. She was a middle-aged woman, once a contemporary dancer, now leading the school on behalf of her husband. Her red high heels were clicking loudly on the polished parquet surface as she was coming up in your direction. “I heard shouting, so I came to check. Can someone explain me why aren't you having your classes now?”
You immediately rushed to the manager, taking her hands in yours. “Miss Choi, I will explain everything. This man right here,” You pointed at the cause of your anger with distaste written all over your face and he simply rolled his eyes. “took my practice room and I have no place to have my classes.”
Miss Choi turned to look at the choreographer as well. “Is that true, Hoseok?’’ she asked.
The guy, Hoseok, nodded. “This room was empty, so I just took it. I didn’t know someone was supposed to teach here later.”
You scoffed. “There's a graphic hanging on the wall when you enter the building, you should've just–”
“Silence!” miss Choi said loudly and you stopped speaking, face flushed from the embarrassment of being scolded like that by your boss. “Jung Hoseok is indeed new here, so I will let that situation pass. And you, Y/N, will take another room for today’s practice.”
“There's no buts. I’m sure Hoseok will know from now on in which room he should have his dance lessons. Go back to your groups, you are dismissed.” she added and left the room, leaving you to stare at her disappearing figure with wide eyes.
You clenched your fists by your sides, breathing deeply to calm your nerves. “Kids, go to the room 23.” you uttered, eyes focused on Hoseok.  
He smirked, crossing his arms over his broad chest. “See you around, princess.” he half-whispered and winked.
Beginnings are always tough, and that was why after your first encounter with Jung Hoseok, you were certain you absolutely, undeniably hated his guts.
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The second time you bumped into Jung Hoseok, it was Friday evening two weeks since ‘the accident' and you were walking out of locker rooms after your practice.  
When you opened the door and heard strangled cry of “Ah, fuck!” you rushed to blurt out quick apologies to your victim. “Oh my God, I’m so–” you started but immadietly shut your mouth when you saw the person who you just hit.  
Jung Hoseok, in his full glory of another The Clash t-shirt (you googled their music your first encounter with him and the only nice think you could say about them was that Jonathan played their song in Stranger Things first season) and yes, grey sweatpants (did he even own other clothes?) was standing before you, grinning in the most annoying way you could ever think of.
You wished you could wipe his smug expression off his face with sand paper.
“Fancy seeing you here too, princess,” he trailed off, leaning against the door and making you roll your eyes like every time you saw him on the halls of Just Dance. Even though you were avoiding him like a plague, he seemed to appear wherever you were. A true pain in the ass.
Maybe you were too stubborn, maybe it was your shitty coping mechanism, but decent conversation with someone like Jung Hoseok wasn’t your favourite part of the day, not after the way you were humiliated in front of your boss and underaged students.  
Last week you walked past Hoseok's group and some of them giggled. You could swear they were already making jokes and memes about you behind your back.
And, the worst of it all, an absolute peak of your devastation, was the fact that even your own kids, those who were looking up to you, started to be more reserved around you. Jihyo baked some muffins because she had birthday the other day and didn’t treat you. Jihyo, the girl who once had told you she wanted to be like you in the future.
But none of this anymore.
You turned on your heels and started to walk away but Hoseok followed your footsteps. “Hey, it's rude not to apologize. My right hand hurts now, you know? I need you to kiss it better, princess.” he called, again in the same mocking tone he had used before.
And that was the moment you decided that if choking people to death had been legal, Jung Hoseok would have been already lying dead on the floor.
You ignored his words the best you could, acting like he was invisible. Avoiding the problem wasn’t the best idea you could ever think of, your mum would say but she wasn’t there, so you concluded it was better to act like Hoseok and the situation with practice rooms two weeks ago had never happened.
Hoseok, on the other hand, had very much different outlook on this. “Are you still mad about this thing with practice rooms?’’ he asked, looking at your right profile. You clamped your mouth shut, staring forward. He chuckled. “Christ, I didn't know you're that picky. Are all primaballerinas like this? Right, you are giving me silent treatment, I forgot. But can you please stop and listen what I have to say for a moment?”
After hearing his last words you actually stopped in your tracks, causing Hoseok to do the same.  
You sighed heavily. Maybe he was right after all. You were a bitch sometimes, you couldn’t handle the defeats well and above all, you had probably the worst coping mechanism ever.
That was not the end of the world, somebody would say. Don't worry, be happy, Bob Marley would sing if he hadn’t died. Sparing one minute for Jung Hoseok wouldn’t make the ground to open in half underneath you.
“Go on, I’m listening,” you said, choosing casual tone of absolute unbotherness.
Hoseok took a deep breath, before he started speaking. “Listen, I’m sorry about what happened two weeks ago. It wasn’t intentional, I swear. As you know, I’m new here and you can argue or not but people sometimes deserve second chances,” he remarked, observing your reaction. You should stop rolling your eyes at everything that came off his mouth. “So, I thought we can go for, uhm, a coffee maybe? Tomorrow, after our classes.”
You raised your eyebrows, gawking at him.
“It's all on me. As an apology.” Hoseok added sheepishly.
A coffee? With Jung Hoseok? A hip-hop dancer who didn’t know what barre was? You opened your mouth to snap “am I joke to you?” but you stopped eventually.
To be fair, you had nothing to lose. He wanted to apologize after all, he was the first one to approach you and maybe that was how adults should act.
You looked at him once again, more intensely this time, trying to find any sort of fake politeness in his expression. But in his eyes there was nothing but genuineness. Maybe Jung Hoseok really just wanted to treat you in lieu of apology.
Finally, after a minute that seemed to last forever, you softened. “Fine.”
Hoseok's eyes widened. “Really?”
“Yeah, really. Stop staring at me like that or I will change my mind.” you grumbled and he grinned at you boyishly, in the way he probably made people fall for him. Because with that kind of aura he emitted, it was hard not to. Thank God you could easily resist his charms.
“That's settled then. Wait for me after your practice in front of the locker rooms.” he said, while walking away backwards. “See you tomorrow, princess!”  
When he disappeared behind the corner, you muttered to yourself, “See you too, asshole.”, adjusting the straps of your gym bag.  
It was a good while after that day when you realised that some people really did deserve second chances.  
And Jung Hoseok was one of those kind.
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Your third meeting with Jung Hoseok was a date. Actually, it wasn’t a date at all. You called it ‘coffee for the peace’. United we stand, divided we fall, they said.
Or to paraphrase Fergie: little coffee never killed nobody.
You found yourself standing in front of the mirror in the locker rooms, eyeing yourself with contorted look. Your hair was a mess, which you blamed the weather for. Even though mother nature stopped bombarding the city with rainfalls, the humidity was still there, lurking around the corners and waiting for the right moment to attack. You didn’t even know why you cared so much about your appearance. It was just a coffee, nothing more, nothing less, for God's sake.
With a sigh, you bent over to tie your shoes, and then you heard a voice coming from behind you. The same low, teasing tone that could only belong to–
“Didn't know you've been hiding this under your ballerina skirt all time,” Hoseok mused. “What a waste.”
You twirled around with a speed of light, facing him with slightly pinkish cheeks. It wasn't everyday that someone non-explicitly talked about your ass, especially someone like him. It wasn’t even on full display because you had your leggings on and you knew he was joking but still, your face felt hotter.
“What are doing here? You aren't supposed to be here, it's ladies locker room!” you hissed.  
Hoseok shrugged his shoulders. “You’ve been here forever, so I decided to check if you didn't slip on your point shoes and died.”
You raised your left eyebrow. “Very funny. Now give me a minute and we can go wherever you want.”
“Watch your words, princess, beacuse I might take your offer seriously.”
He couldn't see you but you rolled your eyes hearing him say this regardless. You took your bag from the porch and turned around to face him with a bored expression written all over your features.  
“Don't act like you're doing this as a punishment. You won’t regret, I promise,” After climbing off the stairs, Hoseok opened the door and you embarked on a street. “This place isn't far away from here, just a ten minutes walk.” he explained, choosing a direction you didn’t know.
To distract yourself a little, you started to observe the neighborhood. It was less crowded here, the usual smell from cheap restaurants was less palpable now. You were walking down the street you weren’t familiar with, you hadn’t had a chance to explore it like that yet.  
It was dead quiet between you despite the hustle of the city. You weren’t used to this kind of silence and even though you certainly weren’t a master of small-talks, at least you had to try loosen up the heavy atmosphere a little.
“So,” you trailed off, “You seem to know this part of the city pretty well.”  
Hoseok hummed, taking another turn that seemed to be some kind of a cutoff. “My old dance school I used to go is here, in this area,” he said. “I moved to the boarding school in Seoul from Gwangju when I was sixteen beacuse I wanted to pursue dancing. My parents weren’t very fond of it, but I told them that high school I chose had a very promising programme for kids who wanted to be business majors in the future as they wanted me to be.”
“And did you do something with that? Business, I mean,” you asked.  
He scrunched his nose. “Nah, not really.” He looked like he didn't want to elaborate on that more, so you didn’t press him further. “Enough storytime for now. We're here.”
There you stood in front of a simple coffee shop like many others. Blue Side, signboard said in swirly fonts and English spelling. There was nothing distinctive about it, just an ordinary place you could find in neighborhoods like this in every single city, but you knew places like this one sometimes had living souls inside, telling their own stories.  
Blue Side indoors looked exactly like the name was saying: azure walls, paired with modern white chairs and tables, grayish cloths adoring them. Classy, tasteful decor, someone would say, but one thing seemed completely out of place: big, framed pictures of sunflowers, your favourite plants, hanging on the walls like on a blue sky.  
There was something bizarre about it, they didn’t match the rest of the decoration at all but at the same time they seemed to fit perfectly. They were bringing strange kind of calmness and halcyon aura to the place, marked with cold tones but broken through the yellow warmth.
Hoseok lead you to the table by the window. There wasn’t a lot of people beside you here, so a young looking waitress with dyed pink hair approached you pretty quickly, handing menus. She grinned broadly at Hoseok, too courteous for your liking, and for a moment you wondered just how many coffees the waitress served him before. Probably a good amount, judging by the way he returned the smile.
You looked through the positions briefly, before deciding on a simple espresso. Hoseok didn’t even open his. Regular customer, you thought to yourself, flesh and bones.
Awkward silence fell between you again and this time Hoseok was the one to break it.
“It's weird seeing you without your ballerina outfit,” he said, startling you. “And your hair isn’t in a bun today,” He pointed at the top of his head, tracing invisible circles in the air.
“Is that a bad thing?’’
Hoseok’s smile was smug when he spoke. “Not at all. You look good like this. Not so dramatic.”
You huffed. “I'm not dramatic.”
“Says the person who almost kicked me and my kids out of the practice room, and called me hip-hop choreographer wanna be.”
You opened your mouth to snap a witty response at him but the pink-haired waitress came to collect the orders. Maybe you were losing your mind but you could swear her lips weren't tainted in fuschia before.
“Just an espresso for me,” you said, sending the waitress a forced smile.
“Caramel frappuccino with–” Hoseok started, but the waitress interrupted him.
“With extra cream, got it.” she finished his sentence, clearly proud of herself.
You bit your bottom lip, trying to suppress an urge to chuckle. Hoseok sent a polite smile to the girl and averted his gaze to you. The points of his ears were slightly flushed in red.
“So yeah,” he uttered, scartching the back of his neck. “Where were we?”
For a moment you thought about teasing him a little more, but eventually you resigned. He looked enough flustered right now and you’re not that devil as you had thought.
“We were talking about me looking dramatic with a bun and tutu on,” you prompted instead.
“You know that's not what I meant.”
You ignored him. “Anyway, you too don't look today like a hip-hop choreographer wanna be.”
That was true, he didn’t remind you of the sweaty Hoseok in grey sweatpants you were seeing every Friday and Saturday on the halls of Just Dance after blasting Spotify Global Top 50 for a whole hour.
This Hoseok who was sitting in front of you was wearing ripped jeans and leather jacket paired with ankle boots you wouldn’t mind buying for yourself in a smaller size. Daredevil, that was a good word to describe him. Dangerous, daring, and maybe d–yeah, dumbass, your brain suggested.  
Yet, one thing was still the same about him.
“What's with you and those t-shirts?’’ you blurted out before you could stop yourself.  
Hoseok snorted at that. ‘’I like the band, so I wear t-shirts with their name on. It's as simple as that, princess. But I don't expect you to understand since you probably don't know who Joy Division is.”
You placed your palm on your chest, more offended by his words that you would like to admit. ‘’Of course I know who Joy Division is. I'm ballerina, not stupid,” you scoffed. ‘’Love will tear us apart is their song, isn’t it? I’ve been through this edgy phase on Tumblr in 2015. I know what I’m taking about.”
Hoseok looked at you with raised eyebrows and there was something in his eyes you couldn’t put your finger on. Was it amusement? Curiosity?  
You didn’t have a lot of time to think about it though, because the waitress was back with your orders. Again starstrucked by Hoseok. Again smiling sweetly like kpop female idols on music shows.  
While she finally put your coffees on the table (she spent definitely too much time doing it) and walked away, you spoke once more.
“I don’t get it,” you said and Hoseok muttered “what?”, taking a sip of his coffee. “I’ve never seen someone doing a choreography to Drake's song and be dressed like cliché rock band member the next day.”
Hoseok placed his cup down and looked at you with a smirk. “I have many faces you don't know about yet, princess.” he warned. Dangerous, daring, dumb–
“And when am I going to find out?” you countered.  
“If you keep going for a coffee with me after our practices, I might reveal more of myself to you. As long as you are going to do the same in return.”
At that, you raised your eyebrows. Hoseok's eyes were challenging, asking you to pick up the dare and get to know him more and more, slice him layer after layer. Your subconscious was telling you there was so much more than meets the eye about Jung Hoseok than his annoying retorts and edgy t-shirts. And you were there to witness all of it.
“Fine,” you finally agreed, eyes narrowed. “We can hang out after classes. Sometimes.”
Hoseok grinned. “Great. Now, let's start getting to know each other!”
You're eyes widened comically. “Woah, slow down, boy. You know my name, know that I teach ballet and that I like espresso. What else should I tell you on our first dat–meeting?” you corrected yourself quickly. Date was a sacred word. Definitely not reserved for a man like Jung Hoseok.
“Oh, please. I also know it's better not to get on your nerves,” he pointed out. Smartass. “Tell me about how all of this happened. How did you become a ballerina.” he suggested.
You took a big sip of your coffee.  “That's a quite long story,” you said languidly.
“I don't mind. We have time.”  
You stared at him for a moment. He looked slightly out of picture, sitting in a quiet coffee shop, drinking a cup of the sweetest drink you could ever think of, while wearing clothes that made him look like he belonged to shady bars, where he could be surrounded by sleazy people sipping on their scotch whiskeys. There should have been a cigarette caught between his lips and fumes of smoke swirling around his features, but there was solace and the smell of caramel. Jung Hoseok, with a picture of sunflowers behind his back looked like no one you had ever met before.
And this kind of enigma that was this boy inflamed a strange curiosity in you.
So you picked up a dare.  
“Well,” you began, “It all started when I was in kindergarten. You know how it is, when you are five years old and your parents want to divert their unfulfilled ambitions into you. You could say I was this type of kid, kinda. My mum was a ballerina when she was young, so was her mother, but when she got pregnant with me in very early stage of her relationship with dad, she had to stop her career and took care of me. Dad was constantly working, travelling here and there to gain as much money as he could for us,” you explained.
“Mum always told me that my grandparents weren’t quite fond of their relationship. Especially my mum's. You know, dad used to be some kind of a bad boy back then,” you chuckled, remembering the pictures mum showed you. Leather jackets, motorbikes and self made cigarettes. “Grandma constantly blamed him for ruining mum's dreams, for debauching her and then, I happened,” you paused to gulp a sip of your coffee and continued. “So yeah, my grandma never forgave dad. However, after years she had grown to tolerate him to the point she didn’t throttle him during Christmas.”
You smiled, thinking how your dad and grandma avoided any unnecessary conversations between them. It was all civil, good mornings and goodbyes spoke in casual tone, but the tension was so thick that any sudden impulse, like dad talking about old times after a few glasses of wine, could break everything they had built through years.
“It was actually my dad who took me to the ballet classes first. My mum never wanted me to follow her footsteps but dad somehow tried to, I don't know, redeem himself? He felt responsible for a long time and when I think about this now, he just wanted to make his daughter a next little ballerina so my grandma could be pleased.”
Suddenly Hoseok interrupted you. “But don't you think it's unfair your parents did that to you because your mum couldn’t, you know, continue her career anymore?” he asked and you were pleasantly surprised to see him intrigued by your little story.
You hummed, contemplating this for a second before you answered. “You’re right, maybe it is slightly unfair but I actually grown to love ballet while the years passed. And seeing my mum happily watching my performances is enough for me.” you said. Ballet was your whole life, it always had been, there was no point of denying it.
“What about your grandma then?”  
“She died a few years ago. But I think she was proud of me. She never told me that verbally though. She was pretty bad at expressing feelings, but I know she was proud. I saw it in her eyes after my first big étude.”
It was in middle school, back when you were living in your hometown. Your group was performing Tchaikovsky's The Nutcracker and you got one of the leading roles. You never forgot the look in your grandma's eyes when she approached you after the performance.  
“And what now?” Hoseok asked and you looked up at him. “What are your plans for the next, few years?”
“Now, I still have a couple of years to double major from ballet dances and psychology. And what would come after, we will see. I have a big performance in January that will determine something really important for me. And as for the future-future, teaching kids ballet seems really nice.” You smiled lightly.
You didn’t like to talk about your big performance aloud, since you weren't quite sure of what future was going to bring. It determined if you would get into four-months-long international scholarship in Russia or not. Only one person could win this. And you were strong-willed to at least try. You dreamt about it your entire life. To finally dance on the stage of Bolszoy Theatre, maybe go on a whole tour around the world with their crew. But that was for now a matter of your own luck and abilities.
“Wow,” Hoseok mused. “You have this all planned out, princess.”
You rolled your eyes. “That's just a goal, not actual plans,” you grumbled sheepishly. “What about you? Are you really a hip-hop choreographer wanna be?’’ You giggled but stopped abruptly when you saw his expression seemed to have changed. Gone was cocky, grinning boy he was just minutes ago. Now in Hoseok's eyes was some kind of sadness and melancholy that wasn’t there before. It didn’t suit him. He was smiling, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes.  
“No plans. I’m just living the moment.” he said matter-of-factly, like he was trying to play it the most casually he could. It was strange behavior.  
Maybe Hoseok was right. He did have a lot more hidden underneath the layers he put on everyday. He just didn’t want to show it. Not yet.
The atmosphere condensed between you. It was thick and heavy with strange tension. You tried to loosen up it a little. It was probably your personality trait your friend would directly connect with your zodiac sign. “So,” you chimed in, “for how long this waitress has been giving you heart eyes?”
Asking that was completely unplanned but you had to think about something quickly, offhand. Hoseok’s features brightened a little and you didn’t know if it was because the question was about the girl or because you were the one asking him it.  
Ironically, you hoped for the latter.
“Chaeyoung, you mean?”  
Oh, he knew her name. Interesting.  
You tightened your grip around the cup unconsciously. “Is there any other waitress here who has a crush on you?”
Hoseok smirked after hearing your snarky remark but chose not to answer that. “Actually I’ve never had more explicit conversation with her, unless it was about the coffee. Maybe I should try, what do you think? She seems nice.” His eyes wandered for a moment to the place where the waitress stood, talking to a customer.
You smiled but there was no true politeness in this. Why though, that was something to think about on another occasion. “Yeah, you should. Totally.” you gritted through clenched teeth.
“Yeah, totally.” Hoseok agreed, nodding.  
For a minute it was mute but then he glanced at your empty cups and a small smirk appeared on his face. “So, where are you taking me next?” he asked out of the blue.
You blinked. “What?”
“I treated you this week, your turn is next.”
‘’I’m not gonna buy you food, the fuck. You treated me as an apology! I don't-” You stopped your outburst when you saw him snickering at you. “Why the hell are you laughing?’’ you snapped. There was probably a blush on your cheeks and you cupped them briefly with your hands to cover it.  
“Because I was kidding. You don't have to buy me anything, I can pay for myself. Relax, princess.” Hoseok grinned. He didn’t seem to be as uneasy as before, so you scoffed at him. “But honestly, where are we going next weekend?” he asked, entirely serious.
“What makes you think I want to go anywhere with you?” you challenged.
He just sent you his signature, cocky grin. “Am I that bad company?” he teased.
“Decent. You’re decent company, Hoseok.”
“I’m flattered.”
“Don't be. That's just me trying to be civil.” you warned, pointing your index finger at him.
“Great, I’ll text you about it soon then, princess,” Hoseok announced simply, ignoring your surprised expression. He reached for the menu still lying on the table and opened it. “They serve good lemon tarts here, want some?” he proposed, going through the other positions briefly.
You furrowed your eyebrows, still processing what he had said earlier. “You don't have my phone number.”  
“I do, actually,” Hoseok mumbled and his lips twitched.
Your eyes narrowed into slits. ��How did you get my number?”
“Soyeon. I asked her and she gave me.” Hoseok answered simply, shrugging his shoulders.  
A shocked gasp left your lips. “Soyeon, the receptionist? You swooned her over to get my number? She's married!” you exclaimed, staring at him in disbelief.  
Now it was Hoseok's turn to roll his eyes. “Not my fault she couldn't resist my smile and sweet words.”
You sighed heavily. He was really testing your patience.  
“Well, what about those lemon tarts?”  
You tossed your head back, groaning in frustration that was probably heard by every single person passing by the coffee shop on this September afternoon.  
However, you missed the way Hoseok's lips stretched out in a warm, sincere smile.  
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You did end up having those lemon tarts that day.  
You couldn’t explain why or how, but in some way coffee meetings after dance lessons on Saturdays were no more just them. They turned into late dinners on Fridays and random text messages when you were bored during your lectures, which most times were eventually escalalting to Hoseok sending you tiktoks and memes you had saw million times before yet you laughed at them anyway.  
It was a start of promising friendship, someone could say. Unexpected, with not so smooth beginning but blossoming into something much more than simple hanging out in your free time. But none of you seemed to notice it, not yet.
Before you could even blink, summer was officially over and fall started to make her way into the weather. Warm cups of coffee started to feel more and more reasonable with each passing day and one time you found yourself holding one while visiting Hoseok at his work.
It was Wednesday, you didn’t have any classes at uni that day and he texted you if you could come to the address he had sent. And you did, ignoring the cold wind and forgetting about the warmth between your sheets you had to leave. Which had been surprising even for you; a sacrifice for someone like Jung Hoseok, but again, you weren’t categorizing it like that yet.
That’s how you found out about Hoseok's other job. He worked at the Suga's Record Shop, where, as he had described it: you could buy legendary pieces of music while listening to another million dollar hits. He’d said he took the position at Just Dance because the actual interest in buying vinyls unfortunately wasn't increasing, so the guy who owned the shop, Min Yoongi was his name, had decided to reduce Hoseok's salary.
The shop looked like pulled out straight from 80s movies, with tons of records of probably every single artist you could think of. There wasn’t anyone beside you inside, so Hoseok walked you around, picking up different albums,  classics, as he had said and showing them to you. He kept talking about them with true admiration written on his features, babbling about how Joey Ramone and his band invented punk rock and you found yourself watching him with amusement glittering in your eyes.
Days, weeks passed and it was already October approaching, turning green parks into wide range of colors that could only be described as autumnal.  
You kept discovering more and more similarities between you and Hoseok than you would like to admit. One of them being your laicsm when it came to manga and anime. The solidarity was made one Friday after practices, when you both agreed on not understanding the hype after seeing some poster hanging out randomly on the street.
Music taste however, was another cup of tea. It was something Hoseok took his pride in, that was why he kept sending you various tracks encouraging you to listen to some good stuff until one day, with raised eyebrows, he learnt how wrong his previous assumptions about you had been.
“Oh my God, my song!’’ you exclaimed, when The Neighbourhood’s Softcore started playing while you were sitting at the Blue Side. It looked like the pink-haired waitress was absent, so were the latest k-pop tracks she constantly played in the coffee shop.
“You know them?’’ Hoseok asked, looking at you with bewilderment in his eyes.
You snorted at him. “Told you I had that edgy vibe in 2015 when everyone listened to Sweather Weather. The t-shirts are long gone but my love for Jesse Rutherford stays untouched.”
You started mouthing the lyrics but Hoseok interrupted you. “I thought you would be into some k-pop type of shit.”  
He received a roll of your eyes in return. “Hey, don't disrespect k-pop like that! There are nice songs out there, people just choose the worse ones usually and complain how trashy they are.” you said, pointing your index finger accusingly at him.  
Hoseok lifted his arms in defending pose. “Fine, fine, don’t cancel me. What about classical music then. Since you are dancing ballet and all,” he drawled.
“Do you want to know a secret?’’ You leaned over the table and whispered, earning a nod from Hoseok. “Most ballerinas know nothing about classical music unless they are pieces we use for our routines. Ask them about their favourite and the answers would probably be Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake. I'm most ballerinas.”
There was a moment of silence before you both erupted into laughter.
For people looking at you from the distance, laughing together until tears formed in your eyes, teasing and throwing playful snorts, you might have looked like you had known each other for years.
Something was ending, leaves were falling off the trees and sun hid behind the greish clouds but in the warm embrace of a small coffee shop two people found themselves in a hold of affection they couldn’t escape, no matter how hard they tried.
Because love sometimes comes into people’s lifes unannounced, tearing apart their souls and making them vulnerable for others’ healing touch.
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It was late evening on Friday, when you were sitting at your favourite ramen place, bonding over food like it was the most natural thing to do, talk between next chews, bites and occasional slurps of Hoseok's mouth.  
Miss Lee's ramen was cheap, not fatty and what was the most important – not popular among other residents of your neighborhood, so not many people decided to show up that evening as well. That became the reason why you had suggested meeting there with Hoseok after your lessons.
You were in the middle of playing 100 questions game, a new found way of getting to know each other better. It was completely Hoseok's idea because he seemed to be the most eager man to learn more about you that you had ever met in your entire history of dating which, sadly, wasn't impressive.  
Last time someone asked you so many questions, you were doing personality tests on Buzzfeed.
Now it was your turn to ask something and after discovering that Hoseok poured milk before the cereal, liked green the most from all colors and was scared of needles (that's probably why he didn’t have any piercings, you thought to yourself) you decided you were really bad at this game.
But then, you recalled the interview you had recently watched with some k-pop group and after swallowing a generous amount of pasta, you aimed the target.
“What's your most prized possession?’’  
Hoseok, however, answered without a second thought. “My drums.”
Your eyebrows furrowed and you looked at him in confusion. “Drums? Like the instrument?”
“No, like the cannisters.” he snorted sarcastically.  
“So you can play?” you continued, ignoring his witty retort.
“Yes, I do. I started learning when I was a kid. My dad owned a music shop. He was renovating old instruments from time to time and that's how I was gifted drums on my 10th birthday. The same ones I have till this day.”
You hummed. “So you’re hip-hop dancer slash drummer? And what, you play in a rock band too?” you laughed but stopped right away when you saw his serious expression. You gasped. “Oh my God. You do play in a band! And you didn’t tell me sooner?!” you exclaimed loudly. Young couple sitting few seats from you sent you deathly glares. You mouthed “Sorry!” and directed your attention to Hoseok again.
He simply shrugged his shoulders. “There wasn’t an opportunity before,” You shook your head in disbelief at that. “Told you I’ve got a lot more to reveal.” He smirked and fuck, you hoped the blush that covered your cheeks right now was from the spice noodles you had eaten.
So Jung Hoseok and his love for leather jackets and old bands wasn't unreasonable. You hated yourself for wanting to see him play, sweat covering his forehead and lips bitten in concentration. What a sight it could be. Truly mesmerizing.  
You had to stop your brain from wandering through such dangerous territories.
“So,” you started after clearing your thoughts, “Are there any other hot musicians in your band?” you asked, regretting your choice of words as soon as they left your lips. You wanted to slap yourself mentally.
“Did you just call me hot?”  
“In your dreams. Now tell me about your rock band,” you blurted out quickly and let out a shaky breath afterwards. That was very much close to a catastrophe.
Yet you didn’t miss the way Hoseok's lips lifted up in amusement, trying to hide the laughter blossoming in his throat. “We are actually a punk rock band. There’s four of us. Namjoon, electric guitarist and the leader who sticks us all together since 2016. Jimin, in charge of vocals and bass guitar, and the youngest member, Jungkook, vocalist and bass guitar player as well.”  
“How did you all meet then?’’  
You weren’t even hiding your curiosity at this point. You justified yourself by thinking it was your only chance to be as close to the real (punk) rock band member you would ever be.
“You probably won’t believe me, but we all met at the university. I was studying business for a year before I dropped out of it and that's how I met Namjoon, who’s been my roommate ever since,” Hoseok said. “I met Jungkook and Jimin through Namjoon. He introduced them to me saying they all took part in some underground concerts for amateurs and after that they started hanging out together. You might say it was a coincidence we all met like that but I don't believe it. I think we were meant to come across each other eventually, you know, to save punk rock together.” He laughed to himself after finishing his little story.
You smiled at him genuinely and there was no mockness in this, it was true sympathy and probably something else, not so easy to describe.  
You imagined four boys, with head full of dreams and hearts filled with raw passion, doing something the world didn’t believe in, but they had enough faith in themselves to prove everyone wrong.  
“So how’s the band called?” you asked.
“Punk’s Not Dead.” Hoseok responded, cheeks bright red with mortification.  
“Punk’s Not Dead,” you mused to yourself. “Sounds nice. Clever, I would say.”
“It's actually a name of the movie. It was Namjoon who made it up. He's the smartest from our group. After all he isn’t studying law without a reason.”
Your eyebrows lifted in interest. “A future lawyer playing in a punk rock band? I thought nothing is gonna surprise me after hearing you, hip-hop choreographer wanna be, are also a drummer. What about the others? Doctors? Stripteasers?”
Hoseok chukled lightly. “No, none of that. Jungkook and Jimin both work together as mechanics,” he answered, reaching for his now empty ramen bowl. You gaped as his calloused fingers adored with rings curled around the item, moving it to the side. Hoseok had pretty hands, you noticed. Hands of musician.
Sudden idea popped up in your head. “So when am I gonna hear you playing live?” you asked, smirking at him.
“Soon actually.”
“Yeah, soon. We are having a gig next Saturday at Namjoon's brother bar. You should come.” Hoseok suggested.  
What kind of hollywood movie plot it was, you didn’t know, but you found yourself enjoying the main female protagonist's role probably too much.
“Next Saturday,” you mumbled to yourself, counting days in your head. Right, it was the day your best friend was coming back from Los Angeles and you had to pick her up from the airport.
You bit your lip. Ah, fuck it.  
“Fine. I’ll come,” you said. ‘’But can I bring my friend as a company?” you added and Hoseok smiled broadly.
“The more people, the better.”
It was a while after the concert when you learnt it wasn’t entirely a good idea but right now, with Jung Hoseok and his cocky grin he was flashing you, nothing else mattered.
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Incheon International Airport was a place utterly unfamiliar to you.  
Last time you had visted it, was when you had been in ripe age of ten, welcoming back your aunt Jia from her ‘life journey’ to Tibet.  
Aunt Jia was an extraordinary lady, she had proved it announcing the whole family her departure to Tibet for a six months long ‘detox’, nearly giving your mother heart attack when she had talked about bonding through the nature and finding her inner peace in a temple among Tibetan monks.
But it was years ago, now aunt Jia was older and her interest in buddhism was way more sustainable, limited to buying different Buddha figurines in art decor shops.  
So today, you were at the Incheon International Airport for the second time in your life, again welcoming, this time your best friend Hana from her almost two years long stay in United States.
You met three years ago, both freshly graduated from your high schools and starting a new, adult life in Seoul as roommates. You had become close friends pretty easily, sticking together through ups and downs of dealing with real life shit, as you used to call it.
Ballerina and soon to be actress, both too dramatic for this world but getting along just fine through a whole year, until one day Hana had announced over a bowl of cereal she had received an opportunity to go on an international scholarship in USA she had always dreamt about. A lifetime chance, one in a million, as she'd said. Learning acting from American professionalists, walking down the never ending sunshine streets of California. Something only outstanding people can experience.
That was how Hana had ended up in Los Angeles, the City of Stars and the world's factory of make-believe. Thousands of kilometers away from home. Today, she was going to step on her country's ground for the first time in two years since she had been gone and you were more than thrilled to see her again in person.
She hadn’t exactly told you why she was back, neither she had explained for how long or, what was the most important and disturbing: why this was happening all of a sudden. And something was telling you it was all too suspicious, a perfectly wrapped half-lie.  
Hana said someone from her old friends from acting school had told her that the National Theater was preparing to do Victor Hugo's Les Misérables and suggested she should try her luck with castings, since she had played the main role while being abroad. It sounded convincing though, how wouldn’t, she was a good actress after all.  
That was Hana’s version of events. How really was, you didn't know, not yet. But you were sure something about this whole situation was too strange to be true. And you were determined to find out exactly what.
It was late morning in Seoul, foggy and with definitely too much humidity in the air. You were standing in the arrivals hall holding a self-made sign, produced out of boredom and your true love for DIY Pinterest ideas. Besides your friend’s name, you had painted palm trees on it and added glitter that was still stuck to some parts of your bedroom floor. You probably looked ridiculous holding it in your hands but you didn’t care, shifting from left foot to right. Waiting.
When you were about to check the time, you saw people coming up in your direction with suitcases in their hands. And then, among a crowd of nameless passengers, you saw a familiar blonde pony-tail and black polka-dot suitcase that could only belong to one person.
You could feel the roll of your best friend's eyes before you actually saw it, Hana shaking her head and chuckling to herself because of the absurd sign you were holding.  
When Hana was approximately ten meters from you, you cleared your throat and half-yelled in flat english, “There she is! My California girl!”  
People around looked in your direction with both distaste and amusement but Hana only sighed, until breath was knocked out of her lungs from the sheer force of your hug.  
“Oh my God, I missed you so much!” you mumbled into the material of her grey coat.  
“We talked and face timed each other practically everyday,” Hana grumbled but deep down, even if she didn’t say it, she missed you too.
“That's not the same!” you protested. “Lemme look at you properly,” You pulled away from the hug, putting your hands on Hana's shoulders and eyeing her carefully. She looked skinnier than three years ago when you had met but that was a question for another occasion. Her skin, gingerly touched by Californian sun, made her look like she had just come back from holidays abroad. “You're definitely too tanned for October,” you pointed out, earning a chuckle from her.  
“Come on,” Hana said, tiredness clearly apparent in her voice. “Let's get away from here.”
Back in the Uber that was driving you to your place, the atmosphere seemed to shift. Unspoken questions were lying at the tip of your tongue and you wanted to let them out instantly but you knew better. No rush, one information at the time. So you started from the simplest one, or you just thought it was.  
“Did you tell your parents you're back?” you asked and Hana visibly grimaced after hearing it. Of course she didn’t, there was no point of lying.
“Not yet.”
“When are you going to tell them then?”  
There was a pause on the other side of the seat and followed by a heavy sigh, Hana responded. “They still think I’m in California because my scholarship physically ends in two months. I will visit them home as soon as I’ll settle down in Seoul again.”
Settle down? You furrowed your eyebrows. She was going to stay for good here?  
“So what are your next plans?’’ you wondered aloud.
“Go to that try-out in the theatre next week, see if my stay in America was actually worth something,” Hana chuckled dryly, almost bitterly. “I was also thinking about finding some part time job so I could afford a place on my own once I get back to acting regularly in theatre. I don’t want to overuse your kindness.”
“You're not using–” you started to protest but Hana cut you off.
“I am practically throwing myself at you because I don't have a place to live. But don't worry, that's not for a long time.” She smiled lightly and you reciprocated the gesture. Hana then turned her head to the window, looking out of it for a while as you passed the streets. She murmured something about the weather that you didn’t hear well because your thoughts were somewhere else.
You tried to digest all the revelations your friend had just told you. It looked like Hana wasn’t planning on coming back to Los Angeles any time soon or she wasn't going to do it at all, but that wasn’t the most puzzling issue about the whole situation. It was strange because she’d never said anything about staying abroad for longer, not even once, until she met him. That happened to be some kind of an anchor for her, a reason why she had started questioning openly her further life choices. Had something happened that she changed her mind completely?  
You caught in the corner of your eye the sight of Hana absentmindedly playing with the ring on her finger and you decided it was now or never, you had to ask her or you will never be able to muster up the courage.
“What about Taehyung?” It seemed out of the blue, vocalized so suddenly but deep down it wasn’t. And Hana knew that. Her fingers ever so slightly tightened around the ring and then pulled away. “Does he know you’re staying?”  
She didn't visibly flinched, didn’t scrunch her eyebrows or purse her lips, didn’t protest. Maybe it was because she had been taught how not to show any emotions, maybe it was because she didn’t want to show any emotions at all. Her face was blank when she spoke, eyes distant and thoughts probably far away from the small space of the car.
“Taehyung recently got a role in some new Netflix series. One of the main roles actually, so it's going to take him some time to finish recording.” she said, not answering the question and she was well aware of it. It was right there on the tip of her tongue but she hesitated. Maybe the realization was too much to handle for her.
“So he seems to enjoy his stay in America,” you trailed off, watching as Hana smiled lightly but it didn’t quite reach her eyes.
“Yeah," she nodded. “He is.”
And that was enough of an answer for you.
You had been watching Hana falling for Taehyung for solid two years since she had left grey streets of Seoul to drown in Californian paradise. They met in acting school and got the scholarship together. The most divine, the most talented students the school had. Somehow over the thousands of kilometers of homesickness they started dating. And you were happy, you couldn’t be more glad seeing your beat friend chasing her dreams with a person who cared about her by her side. But the news about engagement few months ago had come as a shock to you, although you had not said anything. Hana's smile when she had showed you the ring had been enough to convince you of her happiness.
Right now, sitting by her side and listening to her talking about it so emotionless, so blankly, you were sure that in every single Hollywood fantasy there was a crack.  
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“So, here we are.”
After opening the doors to your apartment there was a slight pause, before you spoke again. “I know it's nothing special but for that price and in location so close to my uni I couldn’t find anything better. It's small but–”
“Can you please stop rumbling for a second?” Hana interrupted you abruptly. She was literally standing in the door with the suitcase still in her hand because you didn't let her in any further. “I told you it's okay. You allowed me to stay here even though there's barely enough space here for one person.”
“But still, the bathroom is like the smallest I have ever seen... Oh, and there's a soy sauce stain on the wall in kitchen because I still haven’t figure out how to remove it and–”  
The door banged loudly and you jumped from the sudden noise. 
“What the fuck! You know how easily I get scared!” you exclaimed, placing a hand on your chest, calming your rapidly beating heart.
Hana shrugged her shoulders. “I’ve had enough of your stupid complaining. Now, show me where will I sleep beacuse I feel like passing out any second now.” She placed her suitcase on the floor, taking off her coat and kicking off her boots.  
When you were living together as roommates, Hana was the one who organized the chores and yelled at you after making a mess and not cleaning up. She had been doing it as a matter of habit even during her absence.
“Sleep, yeah,” you muttered to yourself, shrugging off your coat as well. “Technically there’s no second bed here but you’re going to sleep here,” you explained, pointing out at the small sofa that was standing in a place you called ‘living room' just because it was connected directly to the kitchen. Beside the sofa, it consisted of the lamp and a tiny glass table where usually was a mess of your belongings but right now it was all cleaned and polished.  
Hana slumped down on the sofa, closing her eyes. “God, I missed that. There was some yelling kid on the plane and their parents couldn’t shut them up,” She sighed tiredly. “Now I can nap for the rest of the day. And night.”  
You bit your lip, looking at her slumped body. Today was Saturday, the day of Hoseok's band concert you had been invited to and you still didn't prepare your outfit or, what was the most important, for the whole week you hadn’t messaged Hana about the fact that she was, in fact, invited too. You felt guilty asking your freshly out of twelve hours long flight friend to come with you but you had no choice.  
“Hana,” you started and it already sounded pleading, not casual. She cracked one eye open. She knew when you had some buisness to her and it seemed like that now. “I know you’re tired, jet lagged and all but what would you say to a power six hours nap and going to a punk rock concert tonight with me?” you blurted out quickly.
Hana opened her eyes completely and now was looking at you dumbfounded expression on her face. “What?” she stammered out.
You moved to sit next to her on a sofa and took a deep breath. “So here's the thing. You know I work at the dance school now right?” you began and Hana nodded slowly. “I met a guy there. He teaches kids hip-hop. His name is Hoseok and he actually isn't only a dancer, he's also a drummer. And it might sound stupid but he plays in a band too,” you explained, avoiding her burning gaze you could feel on your skin. However, if you looked in her direction, you would see the soft smile adoring Hana's features. “We kinda started hanging out about a month ago and recently he invited me to his band's concert. And I really want to go but I thought you could accompany me cause I don't wanna be there alone all the time so, yeah.” you trailed off sheepishly.
There was a bit of silence and you were waiting for Hana to scold you but instead you received reaction you weren’t expecting at all.
“You’re dating some guy and you didn’t tell me?!” Hana bursted out. She had a mixture of disbelief and probably a little bit of betrayal written across her face.
You held your arms up in defending pose. “We aren’t dating!” you protested, scandalized someone could ever put words dating and Hoseok's name next to yours. “It's just some casual hanging out after work, just friends. Friends.” you repeated.
Hana rolled her eyes at that. She knew you better than you would like to admit but she decided not to tease you about it any further. “So, is he hot? He must be, he's a drummer after all and they are hot in theory,” She wiggled her eyebrows, nudging you with her elbow while you groaned in frustration.
“If that will make you happy, yes, he is good looking,” you sighed. There was a tiny bit of blush covering your cheeks. “But as I said, we’re just friends!” you emphasized the word again, looking at Hana intensely like you were trying to embed it in her brain so she wouldn't think something else.
“Will you go with me then? Please? I need emotional support.” you pouted. “Besides you owe me for letting you stay here.” you added and it might have been a little unfair move to maake but you didn’t care about that.
Hana sighed heavily, like she was really contemplating the decision even though she had made it a while ago, just to keep you in suspense for a little longer. She fought and urge to ask about said emotional support while Hoseok was only a friend and instead she nodded her head.  
“Fine, I’ll go,” she said, lifting her index finger before you could crash her body in a hug. “But I need to take this nap first.”
You grinned at her. “Thank you, thank you,” you kept mumbling, cuddling her body tightly against her protests.
“Now lemme wash and sleep.” Hana grumbled in annoyed tone but you knew she wasn’t mad at you at all. Deep down, even after layers of well trained, measured actions she had a good heart.  
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“Punk’s not dead? What kind of name for a band is this?”  
You were standing before the door to the bar, side by side, watching as different people, mainly young, were passing you and coming inside. Hana eyed the pink poster that said ‘Free entrance!’ with her arms crossed over chest.
“That's the name for the punk rock band.” you said with a glint of annoyance in your voice, not even sure why somehow affected by your friend's words. You liked the name, it wasn’t obvious and sounded catchy. For you at least.  
Hana snorted. “I hope they are worth my jet lagged self that I’m sacrificing here for you.” she sighed, averting her gaze from the poster hanging on the window and pushing the door inside.
The bar, Dionysus, was Namjoon's brother’s property, as Hoseok had explained to you. They played their mini concerts here since they had met, actually gaining money from this because the owner was letting them take some part of the earnings from alcohol buying. Also, there was always a small box on the bar counter where people could throw their money inside if they wanted to support the group directly.  
Inside, there was a respectable amount of people already standing before the stage where everything seemed to be set up, except for the actual band members that weren't present, apparently hiding at the ‘backstage’ until their main entrance. You spotted drums standing at the back of the stage and you suddenly felt not so sure of yourself.
“There's a whole stage here? Geez, they didn't come to play,” Hana wheezed to herself, taking in the surroundings. “Do you want to drink something first?” she whispered into your ear.
You glanced at your phone to check time before answering. “I don’t know. I kind of want to be by the stage when they start playing.”  
Hana nudged your side. “Relax, I will push my way through those girls in leather skirts for you. Come on, let's warm up a little.”  
You looked in the direction of the stage once again but eventually gave up, letting her drag you to the bar. Maybe the drink wasn’t a bad idea. You didn't quite know if you could survive the evening completely sober.
The tall, handsome looking bartender smiled at you cheekily when you sat with Hana by the bar.  
“What can I get for the lovely ladies?” he asked, eyeing you both misheviously.
“What do you recommend?” Hana leaned her head on the hand, smiling at the man as well.
“I could make you my absolute speciality: Aphrodite’s nectar.” the bartender suggested.
“Go on, surprise us.” Hana said, earning a confident smirk from the man before he turned around to make your drinks. She rolled her eyes, pulling a few bills from her purse and throwing them to the self made money box with ‘Thank you for the support – Punk's not dead’ caption.  
“I could pay for myself, you know,” you muttered under your breath but loud enough for Hana to hear.
“Shh, don't say anything and let me support your friend with a generous tip before the actual show. Hope they’re worth it.” Upon her words, the bartender handed you your drinks with “Here you go.” followed by the cocky grin.  
Hana frowned when she saw pinkish liqueur poured to the vodka-size glass. “Seriously? This is his speciality? Pink coloured vodka? Isn’t that supposed to be called sex on the beach?” she scoffed and drank the substance in one go, flinching after she swallowed. “I've had better.” she commented dryly.
You followed her actions, drinking up the alcohol as well. You coughed a few times before you asked, “Can we go now?” It sounded like a childlike pleading but you didn’t care.  
Hana nodded after exhaling loudly and you both made your way to the stage, like she had said earlier – pushing through the crowd of other people. There were shouts of swears and insults thrown at you from every side but Hana didn’t give a fuck, practically dragging you by your hand while you were muttering quick apologies to every single girl in leather skirt.
When you reached very front of the stage, Hana grinned at you. “See? Told you we’ll be in first row. God, I haven’t been to punk concert for a very long time.”
You furrowed your eyebrows. “You've been to a punk concert before?” you asked, confused with her words. Hana seemed to be taken aback by this question, like she just realised she had said something she hadn't indent to.
“Yeah. In high school. Like I said, long time ago.”  
“Why didn’t you–” you started but immadietly stopped, when the lights went out followed by the oooh! from gathered people. “Oh my God it's happening,” you half-whispered, clutching Hana's hand.
“Youjust referred to The Office without watching it.”
“Shut up!” you muttered, ignoring Hana's giggle.  
Next thing you knew, sharp lights shimmered and few, firsts accords of electric guitar resonated through the bar. You absentmindedly squeezed Hana's hand tighter. Then, more lights flashed, along with the thumbing sound of drums and the whole stage illuminated with bright, silver colors.  
You didn't even realise you were holding your breath the entire time. You eventually got back to your senses when one of the boys started singing an unknown to you song, probably self-written by them. His hair was pink and you recognized him as Jimin, remembering the photo Hoseok had sent you where he had captioned everyone. Jimin was leaning towards the micstand lazily, like he was purposely doing it this way. His guitar was dropped on his back nonchalantly.
Next was Jungkook, the youngest in the group. His mop of black hair was nodding along to the rhythm of the music, his eyes and attention solemnly focused on his guitar. He didn’t wear any jacket and his muscles on ink-covered arms flexed with his every move.
On the other side of the stage stood Namjoon, the one who Hoseok lived with and referred as the leader of the group. He also had some tattoos on his forearms but not as many as Jungkook. He smiled lightly at the crowd when someone shouted his name, showing the tiniest of dimples on his cheeks.
And there it was the last member. Hoseok.  
Your breath hitched in your throat. You had seen him dancing a few times before in Just Dance, ever so passionate but this was different kind of passion. He was fierce, completely devoted to what he was playing, hitting the notes like his life depended on it. He didn’t had any tattoos adoring his skin and his ears weren’t pierced like his friends' but he had an exeptional energy in him, power that he emphasized with every move, every tap of his drumsticks. For you, he was the most divine of them all, the brightest spot on the stage. A born performer, flesh and bones.
The song was catchy, something quite similar to the ones Hoseok had sent you after many ‘pretty pleases' from you. Jimin and Jungkook's voices were blending together just fine and you found yourself bopping to the rhythm of the music until you felt Hana's hand on your shoulder. You turned around in her direction with a smile that quickly disappeared when you saw her expression. She looked like she had just seen a ghost. Even in the dimmed lighting you could distingiush she was paler than before.  
She leaned towards your ear and half-yelled, trying to outshot the crowd, “I need to get some fresh. I don't feel well.”
You looked at her with worriedly. “I'll go with you,” you declared but Hana stopped you.  
“No, stay here,” she protested firmly. “Enjoy the show. I'll wait for you outside until it's over.”
“You sure?” you asked, earning a nodd from her along with a light smile that didn’t look much convincing but before you could say anything else, Hana was making her way through sweaty, bouncing bodies again. You watched anxiously as her blonde hair disappeared between the mass of nameless people and then, the song was over. You released a long breath and glanced at the stage.
Namjoon took the mic and tapped on it a few times. “Ehm, hi. We're Punk's not dead, as you know probably,” he chuckled lightly, making you smile, despite the uneasy feeling in your chest about Hana. “I'm Namjoon and I’m the leader of the group. I thought it could be nice if I introduce everyone before we start so... here we go. On the left, there's Jimin,” He pointed at the pink-haired man and audience, mainly female attendants, cheered loudly. Jimin smirked lopsidedly.  
Namjoon continued, “Next there's Jungkook,” The youngest lifted his head and smiled boyishly in bunny-like manner, scrunching his nose in process. He looked familiar, you thought to yourself. Strange.  
“And, our amazing drummer: Hoseok!” Namjoon presented and you screamed upon hearing Hoseok's name before you could realise what on Earth you were doing. Hoseok stood up from his seat and grinned broadly, waving to the crowd. Then, miraculously, his eyes landed on you and if that was even possible, his smile visible widened. You thanked whatever gods that existed he couldn’t see the way your cheeks flushed.
“Thank you for coming here today. I hope you'll have a great time,” Namjoon said. “And now, we are going to play our new song called Cigarettes after sex*, written and self-composed by Jimin. Enjoy.” he finished, nodding to his friends.  
The song was beautiful, it carried the lash of melancholy and sadness behind every single word that Jimin sang and he visibly felt it too, making it seem even more real by the sheer emotions of heartache written on his beautiful features.
They played a few more songs after that one, some of them were covers of the bands you were familiar with thanks to Hoseok and his signature t-shirts. Before you could blink an eye, it was over and Namjoon was thanking everyone one more time for coming and then they disappeared behind the black curtains after receiving a loud applause for their performance.
You stayed like that for a while, still basking in aftermath of everything that had just happened, humming to yourself some melody from one of the songs you had heard tonight. You turned your back to the stage, watching other people leaving the bar. Lost in your own world, you definitely didn’t hear footsteps behind you.
“Did you enjoy your time, princess?”  
You jumped in your place, twirling to the direction of the voice you knew so damn well. Hoseok was smirking at you while crouching down on the stage. His friends were also there, behind him, packing their stuff.  
When you calmed down your breathing enough, you shouted, “What the fuck, Hoseok?! I told you to not do things like that to me!”
He only chuckled in response, smiling cockily at the furious flush on your cheeks. “I asked you a question,” he reminded.
What was it? Ah, right, he asked about the concert. You pursued lips, crossing your arms over chest. You wanted to say it was showstopping, spectacular and all those adjectives Lady Gaga had used in that famous meme video of hers but you didn’t.  
“It was decent.”  
A smirk appeared on Hoseok's face. “Decent, huh? Wouldn't say so, after seeing you cheering so loudly in first row,” he teased. ‘’I'm flattered. I’ve never had such devoted fan of myself.”
He thought that pink blush which colored your cheeks was cute. Fuck, you were cute, trying to cover your embarrassment with an unamused expression.  
“I cheered for your friends, you know? Not you.” you mocked but it was pointless, he was already standing up from his position, knowing what was the truth.
“Come on, let's go to the backstage,” He made quotation mark on the word backstage while saying it. You grimaced. “There’s nice after party setting up there,” he tried again, this time pouting slightly and you eventually gave up. You had promised you would come, after all. Hoseok grinned when you followed his footsteps, walking to the supply base at the back of the bar.
“Jungkookie!" Hoseok shouted before he twisted the knob, whirling around for a quick moment. Jungkook lifted his head up in Hoseok's direction. “Don't forget to close the door when you finish packing!”  
The youngest member nodded, going back to his previous work.
Beside you and Hoseok's bandmates, inside the ‘backstage’ was the same handsome bartender from earlier, Namjoon's brother as you assumed, and a woman with dark, shoulder-length hair that stood next to Namjoon, leaning into his body. He had his arms wrapped around her, talking to his brother about something. She introduced herself as Minhee, Namjoon's girlfriend, extending her hand to you in friendly gesture when you approached them with Hoseok.
“Oh, we met before, by the bar. I’m Seokjin, the owner of this lovely place.” Namjoon's brother, Seokiin, said, shaking your hand.
“Hyung, you can't give it a miss, can you,” Namjoon grumbled behind his back but Seokjin ignored him. That wasn’t probably the first time he flexed about owning a bar, you thought to yourself.
“How did you like the concert, darling?” Seokjin asked you suddenly.
You rushed to reply. “Oh, it was really nice! I’ve never been to anything like that before but I enjoyed it very much.” you responded. Hoseok muttered something about you being a liar under his breath but you acted like you didn’t hear him. “I really liked the second song, the slow one.” you added, averting your gaze to Jimin who was sitting with his head bowed down in front of the vodka bottle.
Seokjin patted him on the shoulder. “Yah, did you hear that Jimin-ah? You’ve got a fan of your sad songs here!” he said, breaking into laughter but Namjoon stopped him by sending his brother a warning look. Jimin though barely even acknowledged his or your words, lifting his head up for a brief moment and eyeing your figure without any emotion on his face. Then he got back to the glass of alcohol again, pouring the substance into his mouth in one go.
“He broke up with his girlfriend like six months ago or something and still hasn’t quite move on,” Hoseok whispered into your ear. You let out an “Oh,”, sending one last apologetic smile to Jimin, even though he wasn’t looking at you at all.
Hoseok motioned you to sit by the table with others and you positioned yourself between Namjoon's girlfriend and Hoseok. The only absent person seemed to be Jungkook who was probably still fumbling with packing their stuff.
The conversation was oscillating around the concert. Hoseok mentioned that the audience had been much bigger than the last time and Namjoon kept babbling about some technical issue with his guitar that you couldn’t understand.
“Don't worry. I've been with him for three years and I still know shit about what he's talking about too," Minhee  said to you, probably after seeing your clueless expression. You both bursted out into laughter.  
You were supposed to ask her how had she and Namjoon had met but Seokjin interrupted you, walking in with a bottle of champagne.
“Where the hell is this kid Jungkook?” he grumbled. Hoseok quickly explained he was packing their stuff on stage when he last had seen him. Seokjin hummed and placed the bottle on the table. “And what about your blonde friend, darling?” he directed next question to you.
You froze in place.
Holy shit. You completely forgot about Hana.
You didn’t respond to Seokjin, so he assumed you hadn’t heard him and went back to opening the champagne bottle.
You pulled out your phone from the pursue and cried out in mortification after seeing the messages.  
[22:11pm] Hana: I was at mcdonalds across the street lol im heading to the bar now
[22:11pm] Hana: come up for me please  
[22:15pm] Hana: ???
10 minutes ago.
“Fuck!” you muttered under your breath, frantically typing a response.  
“Is everything ok?” Hoseok asked, his voice laced with concern.
You shook your head. “I forgot to come up for my friend after the concert. She wasn’t feeling well so she left and stayed outside.” you hastily explained, already standing up from your seat, clutching your phone in hand. Hoseok followed after you.
You pushed the door open, although the sight you saw behind them wasn’t anything you could ever expected. The surprised words escaped Hoseok's and your mouth simultaneously.
They stood facing each other, looking like they were interrupted by you mid conversation, probably in too close proximity for people supposed to be strangers. Hana's astonished face leaned out from behind Jungkook's tall body in the direction of the voices. Slowly, like she didn’t expect to be caught this way. And that was weird, beacuse she looked like she didn’t want to be seen in Jungkook's presence by the others, like their close proximity was something that shouldn't have been acknowledged.  
Jungkook turned around as well, however ever so recultanty. And then, when you saw his face clearly now, jet-black hair and inked arms, it all crashed you like a wave. That was why he seemed to look so familiar. You knew him, maybe not personally, but you knew who he was. The boy from Hana's photograph she had pinned to her cork board when you had been living together. A beach with crystal blue sea behid their backs, the same boy yet with less tattoos than now, carrying your friend on his back, both grinning to the camera like it had been the happiest moment of their lives. Until one day Hana was gone and so was the photograph.  
You felt like you were interrupting something too intimate for you to step in with your shoes like that. You opened your mouth to say something, anything, but Hoseok helped you out instead. And you thanked him for that mentally because you weren’t sure of your mouth anymore.
“Looks like your friend is safe and sound.”
Hana snapped out of her previous shocked haze upon hearing his words and automatically composured herself. She took a few meassured steps away from Jungkook. Gone was the slight shock on her face, she was back to her calmed persona. “Yeah, I'm all good. I was about to text you I’m going home.” she said, her words directed to you. She then exchanged quick glances with Jungkook, glances that could look the simplest from other people’s perspective but not for you.  
Hoseok though, fortunately, didn’t seem to feel something was apparently off here. It was for the better he thought like that. “So you won't stay to celebrate with us?” he asked Hana.  
Jungkook’s jaw clenched ever so slightly. He was still standing there, unsure of what to do
Hana shook her head. “No, I’m sorry. I’m still tired and jet-lagged from my flight so I will just wish you great time and go.”
“You sure? I can go with you too, if you want,” you suggested after containing yourself enough to finally vocalize some thoughts. But Hana only smiled at you. Forcefully, which didn’t miss your attention.  
“It's okay. I want you to have fun. I already called a cab for myself anyway” she reassured.
Hoseok protested. “Someone could drive you home. I’m sure Jungkook wouldn't mind–”
“It's fine, really.” Hana said firmly and you knew by the clench of her fists she was slowly losing her patience. At the same time, Jungkook's eyes flickered ever so slightly after hearing his hyung's words and then went back to his previous unreadable stare.  
Seeing Hoseok opened his mouth to protest, you took his wrist, hoping he would take the hint and not add anything more.  
“I must really go now. Take care of Y/N and have fun.” Hana smiled politely, looking at Hoseok and he reciprocated the gesture. She didn’t really acknowledge Jungkook at all, even though he had somehow his gaze fixated on her the whole time. But Hana did that all pursposelly, so Hoseok couldn’t suspect anything. She wasn’t stupid after all. Well crafted actress knew how to act.
She came up to you, hugging you briefly. “We'll talk tomorrow.” she whispered into your ear because she knew that you couldn’t be fooled so easily, that you felt something was not right from the very beginning since she had announced her comeback from the States.
Hana waved one last time to you, exiting the bar. You could swear Jungkook's eyes lingered on her figure a little too long to be considered unbothered, until he turned around and went back to the stage. You prayed Hoseok wasn’t going to ask him what had he been talking about with Hana or why did he even decide to approach her like that.
“Come on. Let's go back. Jungkookie will close the door.” Hoseok said instead.  
You listened, letting him take your wrist and walk to the supply base for the second time tonight. You wondered for a moment if Jungkook was going to chase after Hana, but you shook your mind from those thoughts. It wasn’t your life to make decisions and judge them.
A little while after you sat on your seat again, Jungkook came back as well and you somehow felt the rush of relief swimming through your whole body. He slumped down next to Jimin on the couch and said something to him you couldn't make out exactly, but pink-haired man laughed bitterly at that, filling his best friend's glass to the brim.
Next two hours you spent there passed like a blurr. You kept talking with Namjoon's girlfriend practically the whole time. You found out Minhee was studying medicine and she had met Namjoon through some discussion club she had joined in her freshman year. It had been attraction from the first disagreement, as she described it cheekily.
When Namjoon called for Minhee to talk about something on the side, you averted your attention to Hoseok who was sitting in front of his empty glass and scrolling through the phone, clearly  discontent with you intentionally avoiding his attempts to tease you about something you had said, or avoiding him in general.
“Aren't you drinking anything?” you asked him with raised eyebrows.
Hoseok snorted. “Someone has to drive you home, princess.”
“Bullshit. I can take the cab.”
“Well then, I don’t feel like drinking anyway.”
You eyed him carefully and then it hit you. “Oh my God,” you blurted out, trying to stifle the giggles blubbering in your throat. “You are not drinking because you are a lightweight!” you accused, not even hiding your amusement now.  
“That's not true,” Hoseok grumbled but his red ears gave him away. He was a bad liar.  
You pushed his chest with your index finger. “Admit it!”  
Hoseok looked at the ceiling and sighed heavily. “Fine, I am. And what about it?” 
You giggled. It was probably some champagne mixed with wine you had drank with Minhee speaking through you but you didn’t falter when you said, “Nothing at all. That's cute.”
Hoseok frowned. “Cute?”  
“Yeah, cute. You're cute when you're flustered.”
Hoseok parted his lips in both disbelief and annoyance because relatively speaking, you took it out from his mouth. It was his remark, for God's sake, he was the one supposed to say things like that to you. He hadn't drunk even a drop except one, symbolic glass of champagne yet he wanted to argue with you about it like five years old child. Because if anything, you were prettier and yes, cuter than him, and he had a sudden urge to spell it out for you.  
Yet he faltered for a moment after hearing abrupt glass crashing from the other corner of the room. You looked in that direction too, seeing half-conscious Jimin slumped down on the couch, Jungkook sitting next to him and saying things to him you didn’t hear. You could make out only “hyung” and “please, calm down” falling from younger's mouth.  
Jimin seemed like he had no idea about what was going on around him. When he opened his eyes for a moment they were bloodshot and glassy, probably from too much alcohol he had drank before, or maybe even from something else entirely. Then he murmured something to Jungkook and black-haired boy sighed, standing up from his position and approaching Namjoon and Minhee furiously talking about something in the far corner of the room.  
“Here we go again,” Hoseok breathed next to you and you scrunched your eyebrows, focusing your attention on the scene in front of you.
“Hyung, please–”
“No, Jungkook. We can't do that again.”  
“Please, I swear it's the last time. He won't let me take him home unless it's with her,” Jungkook pleaded. “It'll worsen anytime soon. I don't want to see him like this."
Namjoon pinched the bridge of his nose. “Do you think I don't know that Jungkook?! Last time was supposed to be last. And now it's happening again. We can’t continue it like this,” he said, looking in Jimin's direction where Seokjin was trying now to convince him to let go of the half empty vodka bottle Jimin was clutching tightly to his chest.  
“Stop arguing. I already texted her like 20 minutes ago when I heard he started talking about her again. She's on her way,” Minhee interrupted. “But this has to end. He–they can’t live like that.” she said and Jungkook breathed out heavily with relief, thanking her over and over.
Hoseok hummed next to you, making you jump slightly on your seat from the sudden sound so close in your proximity. “What's happening?” you asked him and he let out a long sigh.
“I don't think you want to see that. I should take you home.”
But before you could answer, someone banged loudly on the back door. Seokjin moved from his seat and opened them, letting inside a girl around your age, dressed in all black. Her hair was dyed in red and she didn’t have any make up on, assuming by the ungodly hour she might have been woken up or she hadn't gone to bed at all.  
“Who’s that?” you whispered to Hoseok’s ear.
“That's Nari,” he answered simply, like her name was carrying all the needed information without giving into other details. “Jimin's ex girlfriend and probably the only source of light in his life.”
Nari moved automatically, like it definitely wasn’t the first time she was in similar situation. She crunched down on the floor in front of Jimin's slumped body and touched his thigh lightly, murmuring his name. Jimin's eyes snapped open at that and he blinked a few times, focusing on the sight before him, like he couldn't actually believe she was there, with him, like his head was messing with him and betraying the bloodshot eyes.
“Nari,” he muttered and it sounded unsure, pained. “You're here. You came.”
“Yes, I’m here.” she replied with a soft smile, standing up to sit next to him on the couch.  
Jimin's hands reached for her, cupping her face in his shaky palms, thumbs stroking rosy cheeks, checking if she was really here, flesh and blood. “You dyed your hair,” he said softly with croaked voice, putting a strand behind her ear. “You look beautiful.”  
It all felt too intimate for you, like you were stepping into a scene you weren’t suppose to be in. You quickly averted your gaze somewhere else. In the corner of your eye you spotted Jungkook looking at what was happening in front of him with blank expression. He had seen it probably many times before, after all. Suddenly, strangled sobs echoed through the room and everyone involuntarily snapped their heads into direction of it.  
Nari was hugging Jimin's shaking body, rocking him back and forth as he cried out words into the material of her jacket.  
“Please, don't leave me.”  
“I won't. I’m here. It's okay,” she kept murmuring to his ear until his breath slowed down enough so she could say, “Let's go home.”
She motioned for Jungkook and he obliged, helping her lift Jimin's limp body from the couch like he weighted nothing. They left without a word, just like that, and heavy silence fell in the room. No one was in right mood to continue celebrating, not after everything that they had just witnessed.
Namjoon was the first one to break the silence. “We will be going. It's been a long day.” he said, placing his hand on Minhee's waist.  
“Indeed.” Seokjin agreed. “I’m gonna go upstairs to my place too. I’ll clean up in the morning.”
Hoseok also stood up from his seat, putting his palm on your shoulder. “Come on. It's time for us too.”  
You nodded, rushing to bid everyone goodbyes.
Outside, in the middle of the night, where all the demons had left humans bodies making them vulnerable for the bracketing world, you took Hoseok's hand in yours. It was warm, despite the coldness of the air.  
“What would you say if we took a walk by the river? I need to clear my mind.”
The puffs of air around your face when you spoke were telling you it was a bad idea, but Hoseok smiled in response.
“I’ll lead the way.”  
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Long walks by the river were meant for warm summer nights when sun set lately and rose in the very morning before you could blink an eye open. They were meant for the steamy nights, when people didn’t have to worry about the coldness, when they could wander under the starry sky with bare shoulders and heavy eyelids.
October absolutely wasn’t reasonable time for the walks in the middle of the night but this time he weather was kind, merciful. There was no sight of the frost and even though it wasn’t the most pleasant aura, even though hands had to be tucked deep in pockets of the jackets, everything could be bearable.  
Maybe somehow, when you reached that point in your life, circumstances stopped being the most crucial, as long as you were with the right person.
Boulevards by the Han River were common spot for the citizens and tourists but not in this time of the year, not when fall was threatening everyone as a trailer of the winter. Colorful lights illuminating themselves on the surface of the water were always the same, no matter which part of the year it was; always mesmerizing, always spectacular even for the people seeing them every single day.  
This night however, they seemed to shine not as bright as the stars.
“I feel bad for Jimin and this girl,” you said, breathing out the puffs of air in the process. It had been silent between you and Hoseok since you had left the disaster of a party until this very moment, when you finally gathered up enough courage and inhaled cold air to clear your mind and vocalize your thoughts. “Do you know why did they break up?” you asked Hoseok.  
“I don't know the details, just overall,” he answered, keeping his gaze ahead of him. “The only person who knows the truth is probably Jungkook but he had never told us anything.”  
You hummed, digging your fists into the pocket of your jacket deeper.  
Hoseok continued after a while. “I didn’t lie when I said she was the only source of light for Jimin. Beside her and music, he has nothing to cling onto in his life. There's no Jimin without music. Always has been.”
The images from the previous hours shimmered behind your eyelids. Jimin onstage, feeling himself, singing like he wanted to burn his throat dry, playing the guitar like he wished his fingers grated on the strings. A fierce passion in his eyes, as if he wasn't doing it out of the habit; losing himself in the drumming rhythm because that was his only ability. Then you saw the energy slowly draining away from his body, you saw a broken man, vulnerable to the world he had never had any intention to care about, now caring about him.
You wondered about the others. Was music their one true love and burden?
“What about your friends then? Is music really that important for them too?”  
Hoseok thought about an answer for a little while until he decided to respond. “Jungkook grew up with Jimin in the same hometown. Childhood friends, always sticking together through ups and downs, younger doing exactly the same after the older. Jimin always took care of Jungkook and now Jungkook is watching by Jimin.”  
You let your mind wander for a moment to Hana. How did she meet Jungkook? There was no doubt they knew each other before she had become your roommate. Did she know Jimin too, if they were raised in the same town? Another couple of questions you were yet to ask but this could wait for now.  
“The band and music it's their whole life. They aren't like Namjoon, level-headed with actual plans after he finishes his law studies. Music is just a hobby he's going to put off once he's out of uni.” Hoseok added and there was some sadness about the way he did it, like they were another words at the tip of his tongue he wouldn't dare to say aloud because when unspoken, they hurt less.
“And you?”  
Hoseok raised his eyebrows. “Me?”  
“Yeah, you. Who am I talking to?” you sassed lightly. “How do you see yourself in three years from now?” you asked and Hoseok chuckled the same way he did when you questioned him about it a month ago in Blue Side. Bitterly.
You motioned for him to sit on one of the benches standing by the boulevards.
“Do you have everything planned for the next three years?” Hoseok countered instead of actually answering you. He waited for you to roll your eyes but you did the exact opposite.
“Well, my mum always tells me that it's good to set up your goals. Even though sometimes you might disappoint yourself when they turn out all wrong.”  
Hoseok chuckled. “There's a ballerina speaking through you, princess. And motivational speaker, too.”  
“Maybe, but that's not my point,” you fired back, twirling around on the bench so you could sit cross-legged in front of him. “So, Jung Hoseok, hip-hop choreographer wanna be and passionate drummer, will you tell me what are your plans for the future?” you asked again. When you saw him hesitate, you added, ‘”Come on, pretend it's like our 100 questions game. I asked you a question and you shall answer.”
Hoseok sighed heavily. “I think I told you once that I just live the moment,”  
“But everyone has some dreams,” you complained. Go on, tell me something boy, are you happy in this modern world,” you sing-songed, breaking into loud laughter in the process that made him chuckle shortly.
Hoseok stared for a few seconds blankly into the calm surface of the river before him, watching as colorful lights changed from blue to green. Sadness blending into hope. He took a deep breath before he spoke.  
“Remember when I told you I had moved to Seoul to attend dance school there?” You nodded. “And how I told my parents I was going to study business really hard so they could allow me to learn dancing?” Another nod. “Well, my parents were never quite fond of my passions. First it was drums but they knew from the beginning I treated it more like a hobby than a future career, so they let me do it. Then dancing came. I found something I really wanted to pursue in my life and they, how to put this, never quite accepted my choice.” he said, looking at his hands folded on his lap.  
You had never seen him more uneasy, the smiling Hoseok who teased you and and spoke about music with glint in his eyes was long gone and you didn't like this version of him at all.  
“You know, I’ve got an older sister. She was-is the apple of my parents eyes. The better child, the best daughter they could ever imagine. She studied abroad, speaks English and Japanese, has a well paid job that makes her afford a nice apartment in Seoul on her own. They wanted me to be like her too, but I guess I never came up to their expectations.” The words he never willed to tell, slipped from his mouth just like that, leaving a bitter taste on his tongue.
There was a sadness coming from his voice and you found yourself wishing you could swipe it off his face because it didn’t suit him, because gone was Hoseok that made you laugh and played his drums like his life depended on it. Hoseok who conveyed his fierce passion for dancing to the kids he was teaching. All the layers he was putting on every day were slowly slipping off him.
And in that moment you thought how unfair this world was. Your parents gave you wings to fly, to make your dreams come true but his parents were trying to cut them off his whole life.
“I went to the university so I could finally please them, so they would say: ‘Hoseok-ah, we’re so proud of you!’ but I eventually realised it's not for me. That I can't live like this. I met Namjoon, then the rest of the boys. We made a team and I've never felt more free,” Hoseok confessed and for the first time this night, he looked you in the eyes honestly, deeply. “So if you asked me, what's my dream, I would say I just want to be happy. I’ve never wanted to be the best. I just wish I was doing what I love the most, dancing and music.”
You opened your mouth to say something but he raised his hand, stopping you. “If you want to pity me, don’t. I don’t need this.” he said, but it was your turn to shake your head.  
“No, I want to say something,” you firmly protested. You lifted your index finger up, pointing at the blackboard sky. There was determination in your voice, a need to convince this boy he was worth much more than he thought. “See those stars? There are literally millions of them on the sky, looking exactly the same from our perspective yet we all admire them. And I’ll tell you more. Every single one is different, special on its own terms,” you said, all the time beating the air with your hands. You ignored the way Hoseok stared at you with raised eyebrows and continued, “Now think about the sun. Yes, it is the biggest star, giant thing and the centre of our solar system but it’ll burn your eyes if you look at it for too long. Those significant stars won't do it and we all wish our dreams to come true while looking at them falling, not at the sun.”
A small smile appeared on Hoseok's face and you reciprocated that, sighing softly. “What I’m trying to say is that you don't have to be the greatest to be admired and respected. You are your own star.” you trailed off, almost whispering the last words like you were afraid of vocalizing them.
You were staring into each other eyes for a whole minute, before you got insecure and looked away with flushed cheeks. “I'm sorry. That was my probably still a little drunk self speaking, don’t mind me. Hana would say it is also my zodiac sign's personality trait.” You put your hands on your cheeks, finding them warm from embarrassment despite the coldness of the night.
If you glanced in Hoseok's direction, you would see him grinning broadly. Who was this girl, he had no idea. He just felt she was going to be someone special for him. His own green flashlight illuminating on the clear surface of the water.  
“No, it's okay. I really appreciate that. Thank you.” he said, making you hesitantly turned to face him with raised eyebrows.  
“You're welcome. I guess.”
“So,” Hoseok drawled, pointing his chin at you and then on the sky. “How do stars align tonight for Aquariuses?” he asked out of the blue. You thanked it was the middle of the night, so he couldn’t witness the way you furiously blushed.  
“Why don't you look for yourself?” you whispered, staring up at the dark, starry sky.
But why would he look at the stars, if for him all of them hid in your eyes?  
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At some point, next weeks turned into a blurr while gloomy November was approaching, blending everything into grey reality. Life seemed to move on its own and it could be thought that things went back to normal again but deep down, behind set up facades, there was so much more left unspoken than revealed, lying bare and exposed on the table.  
You balanced your life between classes at the university, ballet rehearsals after hours and doing your part time job on weekends. With the midterm exams getting closer and closer, you somehow still managed to find time to hang out with Hoseok.  
It was weird for you, to spend so much of your free time drinking coffees at Blue Side, eating ramen after practices on Fridays or just listening to him babbling about some other hilarious story involving him and his friends as you walked together to the underground station, with your hand in his under the umbrella, referencing to Rihanna's song probably too many times than necessary.  
And normally, looking at you from afar and up close, seeing the intimacy you shared in your stares and muffled laughters, someone could swear you were already dating, that this hanging out carried so much more meaning than you would like to admit. But for some reason, neither Hoseok nor you wanted to speak about this aloud, to give your relationship a label much more bigger than simple friendship.  
People around you noticed, obviously, it was hard not to. Some of them teased, others decided not to bring up the subject for the sake of not starting a storm in a teacup.  
And life went on like that, day by day, as fall was cleaning the world from the last remains of summer, behind blurry windows a new spring was blossoming for two people.  
In the middle of November Hana moved out from your appartment after composing her life enough to afford a place on her own. She got a role in a theater, doing rehearsals every weekend and keeping her mind busy with work during weekdays, because she indeed had a lot to handle since she had come back. And certain raven-haired boy being present again in her life wasn't helping in this situation at all. If anything, his position in the equation made everything much more twisted and complicated.  
While your friend was burried deep in her scripts and old blurrs of memories, you were equally engulfed with paper work for your exams. You would have been probably still staring at the same pages for the whole night, if you hadn’t received a message from no one other than Jung Hoseok himself.
[18:56pm] hip hop choreographer wanna be: get your ass up from the couch and go out with me today
[18:56pm] hip hop choreographer wanna be: theres some punk rock concert today organized on the campus of YOUR uni  
[18:58pm] hip hop choreographer wanna be: namjoon gave me his tickets since he cant go with his gf
[18:59pm] hip hop choreographer wanna be: actually im surprised you didn’t tell me anything about this concert. shame on you princess  
There was a string of emojis after the last text and you rolled your eyes, ignoring the way your heart fluttered in your chest when you read go out with me, but you eventually composed yourself. Because after all this time, you thought it meant nothing. Simple hanging out, nothing more, nothing less.
[18:59pm] me: fyi i need to study  
[18:59pm] hip hop choreographer wanna be: come on one free night wont make a big difference  
When you weren’t responding for a while, leaving him on read, he typed:
[19:03pm] hip hop choreographer wanna be: pretty pleaseee
But he didn’t know you were already in the bathroom, notes long forgotten on the couch.
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“They were sooo bad!”
“Hey, don’t be mean. At least they tried!”
“Oh please, I’m not punk rock expert but I know this Paradise City cover sucked.”
You were walking out of the small campus venue for the concerts, laughing until your lungs burned and cheeks hurt from smiling. The concert didn’t last long, just a few covers and one self composed song, more was actually happening right when you decided to go, leaving the ongoing party behind your backs.
“But they organized free beer. I think I might forgive them,” you added, slurring your words a little and occasionally bumping into Hoseok in the process of trying to stay steady on your feet.
Drinking wasn’t probably the smartest idea you could think of after considering two facts. One: Hoseok hadn't drunk even a sip beacuse he was driving. Two: you had an awful habit of becoming too honest under the influence. And combining those two things was like sitting on a bomb and waiting for it to explode any minute.  
You sat in Hoseok’s car with heavy exhale of relief. “Remind me to never drink that much again when I have to study the next day.” you mumbled, closing your eyes and leaning your head on the window.  
“Noted.” Hoseok sat down as well, smirking to himself. He reached for the keys but your next words stopped him.
“Can we like, stay here for a while? In your car I mean.” you asked with hesitation in your voice and Hoseok's eyebrows rose high.
“Because it feels nice here. And maybe I don't wanna go back just yet.” The words slipped out from your mouth so casually that you didn’t even noticed the change in the atmosphere. To hell with consequences and aftermaths, to hell with becoming vulnerable when alcohol was swimming in your veins.
Hoseok smiled, even though you couldn’t see him. “Fine. But puke in here and I swear to God–”
“Geez, I hadn’t drink that much,” you snapped, opening your eyes. “Turn on some music, mister drummer. Hit me with that punk rock hits.”
Maybe you had drunk that much after all.  
Hoseok chuckled to himself, opening his Spotify and connecting it to the car's radio. “What do you have in mind?”  
“Do I look like an expert?” you retorted for the second time this night and Hoseok rolled his eyes. “Just put it on shuffle and I’ll tell you what I like.”  
He did as he was told and soon the heavy beats of something that said Stairway to Heaven lighted up on the screen in front of you. You scrunched your eyebrows. “Stairway to Heaven, Highway to Hell, what’s next? Freeway to Purgatory?”  
There was a moment of silence before you erupted into laughter. “Fuck, that was funny. Admit it.” you said, wiping the tears that had gathered in the corners of your eyes.  
“I'm pretty sure someone had come up with this joke before.”
“God, you’re no fun. Only intellectuals can understand this type of humor and unfortunately, you aren’t one.”  
Hoseok ignored your words, changing the song and this one you recognized more than well. “Leave it!” you blurted, causing him to smirk.  
“Ah, right. I forgot you’re that original,” he said in mocking tone.
Your lips turned into a scoff. “Hey, don’t disrespect Arctic Monkeys’ AM album this way. That's a masterpiece of modern discography, better than your ‘classics’ sang by old dudes. Alex Turner is hot at least.” You pointed your index finger at him accusingly. When he was about to disagree, you added,  “Besides, you have this on your playlist, so don't try to bullshit me right now. You like it as well.”
Hoseok sighed in defeat. “Okay. I wanna be yours it's a nice song. I admit it.”
“Yeah. It is,” you breathed, closing your eyes for a second, basking in the moment. “I always wanted someone to fuck me to Arctic Monkeys.”
Before you could stop yourself, the words escaped your mouth and your heartbeat immediately quickened in panic. Fuck, had you really said that out loud? The look of pure surprise mixed with amusement on Hoseok's face were telling you that you indeed revealed that you wanted to get dicked down while Arctic Monkeys played in the background. And of all people you knew, you had to do it in his presence.  
Screw your drank thoughts and fantasies, screw stupid string of fate that always played games with you, even now.
You tried to compose yourself a little, acting completely nonchalant about what had just happened. You wore a disguise of unbotherness as best you could (which was pointless, your flushed cheeks and uneasy way you squirmed on your seat said it all for you).
You wished Hoseok didn’t react, that he somehow had misheard your drunken rumbling but it was all foolish hopes.
“Careful what you wish for, princess, because you might just get it.” he whispered and you could swear his voice was lower now, it carried husskiness that weren’t there before. It wasn’t a warning.
 It was a threat.
You gulped, your face heating up instantly even more, if that was possible. Suddenly it was hard to breathe in a limited space of his car and you wanted to get out, to run away from him as fast as you could muster and hide, not standing face to face with him ever again.
But at the same time you couldn’t shake off the thought how good and right would it feel if you pressed your lips against his now, run your tongue through the seam of his mouth just to hear him groan in response, just to feel his teeth nipping the skin on your neck while his fingers were digging marks on your hips. 
You wanted him, oh, God how much you did, but you had to stop yourself before you made a big mistake.
The atmosphere was thick and heavy with unresolved tension, ready to snap in a minute if only someone made a wrong move. His words rang in your head and you wished you had never left your house that night in first place. Was he for real? Or had he said that only to make fun of you after?  
You were too scared to look in his eyes but if you did, you would see in them the raw desire swimming in his dark orbs. And if you did, you would know just how sure of his words he actually was.
But you didn’t.
Instead, you regained your composure as best as you could and muttered, “I don't feel well. Can you drive me home now?” Your tone wasn’t probably much convincing, if anything it sounded weak and strangled, so you added to lighten up the mood, “You don't want me to puke in here, do you?” and forced out a chuckle.  
Hoseok only nodded in response, reaching for the keys and turning on the engine. If he was disappointed, he hid it pretty well. After a few minutes of ride back to your home, there was mute between you, except for the music still playing from the radio. His words not even for a second left your head and you replayed them again and again just to make you more and more confused with each time you tried to understand the hidden motive behind them.
Hoseok was hard to read, you realised that since he had became strangely silent after you asked him about his plans for the future on your first coffee meeting at Blue Side. Now you knew why. He’d said he had a lot to reveal about himself yet, after all.
When you bid him short goodbye and finally reached the doors of your apartment, you crunched down on the ground after closing them and shut your eyes tightly. Somehow, tears started to ran down your face and you found yourself clutching your phone and dialing the only number you could think about in this moment.  
“Why are you calling me in the middle of the night?” Hana's voice was hoarse, she had been woken up from her slumber without a doubt. “You know I go to sleep earlier than you,” There was a sniffle on the other line and she changed her tone immediately. “What's wrong, bub? Why are you crying?”  
“I’m not crying,” you tried to protest shakily but there was no point in denying when you sounded like that.  
“What happened?” You heard Hana asking softly.
Another wave of tears jolted your body, smearing mascara all down your cheeks and when you calmed down enough to speak clearly, you mumbled, “I told Hoseok that I always wanted someone to fuck me to Arctic Monkeys.”
“Okay…? And how did he react?”
Another sob. “He said I should be careful what I wish for.”
There was a bit of silence before Hana sighed on the other side of the line. “That's not the end of the world. You’ve done worse things in your life.”
“But that's different this time.” you cried out hysterically.  
Hana smiled to herself even though you couldn’t see her now. She knew why it was different. She was aware for a while now, but she needed you to say this out loud.  
A loud cry echoed through the quiet apartment before you finally said what had been lying on the tip of your tongue for a while now.
“It's different because I think I really like him.”
And fresh fall of tears streamed down your cheeks.  
a/n: aaaah! it’s finally here! i was supposed to post this by the end of february but my laptop got broken and i got a new one yesterday so im sorry for the delay:( i hope you like it! 
ps. second part is coming in two or weeks! love you, julia. xx
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