#Rude and polite
sarnai4 · 2 months
Politely Rude
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Dagur is someone I would consider politely rude, as the title indicates. This probably sounds strange and I'd concur, but I still think it's true.
Dagur has traditional manners. He even tells Shattermaster to show good manners after he's fed rocks. He says please and thank you both as a good guy and a villain. (Examples being when he thanked Hiccup for agreeing to help him train a dragon and asked Ryker to please just listen to his ideas for the Hunters.)
The chief dislikes poor table manners like smacking. We've even seen him eat in "Gone, Gustav, Gone" where he did so with a fork and knife.
Yet, Dagur will also do the rudest things😂. He's called the Outcasts a band of rejects, snuck onto the Edge and rummaged through Hiccup's things, etc. In this very gif, he'll ask Hiccup to be his best man and then proceed to almost force him to agree.
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This one too. There's someone else in this scene: Savage. The reason you can't see him is because he fell after Dagur half-choked/half-tossed him. He's also why Dagur goes upwards randomly. He steps on him🤣. Just no respect.
I feel like Dagur knows how to be polite and does definitely try to be more when he's good, but there's a combination of not caring about certain rude moments and not knowing that he's being impolite. For instance, in the same episode when he wanted Shattermaster to be a grateful dragon, he compared Hiccup to tiny and "wimpy" Hunter. He did something similar when they were kids too, stopping himself before he got through the entire insult because Hiccup "know(s) what (he is)." So, sometimes, he's definitely trying to get under someone's skin. Other times, I really believe that he just says stuff and has no clue it could be interpreted as offensive (or he realizes it after it's already come out his mouth).
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ilovery · 2 years
Odeio ser gentil e educada, odeio isso. Fingir algo que não sou, eu não sou. Existe algo dentro de mim que me força a ser quando me sinto envergonhada, tímida. Não deveria. Preciso ser mais rude nos momentos precisos. Eu deveria mostrar a eles. Eu deveria só mostrar a eles. Mostre a eles quem eu realmente sou. Provar a eles porque eu sou assim.
I hate being gentle and polite, I hate it. Pretending something that I'm not, I'm not. There is something inside me that forces me to be when I'm ashamed, shy. I shouldn't. I need to be more rude when it is needed. I should show them. I should just show them. Show them who I really am. Prove them why I'm like this.
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brown-spider · 27 days
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hellenhighwater · 1 year
you said you had a script for negotiating for secondhand things. What is it?
For me, for these kinds of small person-to-person sales, the goal is to get a good deal but also leave the seller feeling like they didn't get hosed, like they talked me into a deal. So there's strategic reasons for this script, but it's also honest. I'm not going to lie to the seller, and I'm not going to be rude.
I mostly use this on Marketplace. If someone lists something as a firm price, I'm not going to ask them to reduce it; if it's been listed for a long time I may ask if they're still firm on price, and if the answer is yes, I respect that. If it's something awesome and it's a good price, I don't bother with this. Otherwise, here's how it usually goes.
Availability: Still for sale?
Inquiry: I have a question about _____. (Size, color, function, etc. Not a question already answered in the description.)
Gratitude: Thank you for answering the question, that makes things clearer for me. This, and the inquiry, are about building rapport and investment in the conversation. They've put a little time into talking and they don't want it to be wasted.
Reservation: I have a concern about why this may not work for me. (Indicating you're on the fence on the sale, and they should move their price point to hook you.) This can be concerns about matching with other things you have, functionality, whatever.
Opening Offer: Your ideal, too-good-to-be-true price. For me this is often about a third below the listed price.
Answer: The seller either counters with another number, agrees to your opening offer, or says they're firm on the listed price.
Counter or Close: If they're firm on price, take it or leave it. If they countered, you can make another offer (typically somewhere around the halfway point between your two numbers) or accept the number they gave. You can continue making offers as long as you want but for most people it'll be offer-counter-final offer.
Say thank you. Arrange payment and pickup.
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benisasoftboi · 2 years
It’s been a real ‘future Horrible Histories episode’ day in UK politics, folks
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undercoverossifrage · 3 months
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I love the little group of misfits we got to see at the beginning of book ten!
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waitineedaname · 1 year
ritsu is so funny to me. he says shit like "I'm a completely normal middle schooler, I'm the utmost case of plain and simple" which is clearly something normal people say. he keeps a spoon in his pencil cup. and in his pocket. he got up in the middle of the night and did weird poses around the sink to try to make water float. he's a rude and judgy bitch but only in his head. when asked if he has friends, he responded with "I talk about the weather with pretty much anyone, so don't worry about me." he canonically doesn't listen to music. his brother thinks of him as his calm and collected little brother who always knows what to do, when in reality he's the most neurotic kid on the planet. he saw teru wearing a giant wig and thought "wow his brain must be so big." when he and shou first met, they beat the shit out of each other until he was knocked unconscious, and then when they met the second time, it was when shou came to his house unannounced and was like "hey do you want to help me kill my dad" and ritsu was like "okay. btw I think we have similar family trauma." he tried to zap a bug with psychic powers and then screamed for his brother's help when he couldn't get it. he used to cry as a child about spoons. his first instinct when seeing a spirit for the first time was to slam it repeatedly into his knee. he is the thirteen year old of all time.
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coquelicoq · 9 months
what i like especially about the pronouns in the goblin emperor is that this language doesn't just have the T-V distinction (aka informal vs. formal second-person pronouns, in this case 'thou' vs. 'you'), it also has informal and formal first-person pronouns. having BOTH of these distinctions in the same language lets you fine-tune your tone by mixing and matching. with only one axis of formality, when you use informal pronouns, are you being familiar in an intimate way, or in an insolent or dismissive way? when you use formal pronouns, are you being polite or standoffish? you can't tell just from the pronouns; there's ambiguity. but a language where you can use a formal first-person pronoun in the same sentence as an informal second-person pronoun allows you to distance yourself (via the formal first) while also being familiar (via the informal second), thereby achieving the conversational tenor known to linguists as Fuck Thee Specifically.
#just kidding i don't know what linguists call that tenor. or any tenors. i'm not totally positive what a tenor even is#but i can't let that stop me from writing a jokey post on tumblr dot com#register is a very interesting area of linguistics that i know very little about#so i'm probably revealing the depths of my vast ignorance here to all the sociolinguists who surely hang on my every word#but i've always thought of the formal/informal pronoun thing as being about two things: intimacy-distance & rudeness-politeness#and of course you can usually tell from context whether a formal pronoun is meant to indicate distance or politeness#(plus distance and politeness are related to each other (to various degrees depending on culture))#but it seems like it would be cool to have a built-in alignment chart of sorts just for pronoun combos#instead of prep jock nerd goth...why not try intimate self-effacing polite superior?#the goblin emperor#pronouns#register#sociolinguistics#my posts#f#anyway i know i said i wasn't going to reread the goblin emperor...but guess what. lol#and i edited my tags on that earlier post but fyi the language DOES distinguish between plural and formal singular pronouns#i had said i thought it used the same pronouns for plural and formal but i just wasn't paying close enough attention#so anyway i just reread the part where maia is talking to setheris in formal first and informal second#and you can see setheris going ohhh shit. oh shit oh shit oh shit#i'm in biiiiiig trouble#you sure are dude. that's the Time to Grovel signal#it's interesting because at the very beginning of the book when i first saw the formal first used i just thought it was the royal we#because i knew the main character was supposed to be royalty#but then EVERYONE was doing it. so it's not the royal we it's just the formal we#however. this does make me realize that the way the royal we would function in a language that retains the t-v distinction#is the same way i'm describing here. it's just reserving that particular tone (i'm better than you and am displeased with you)#for royalty only. which makes sense given royalty's whole deal
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karliahs · 2 years
i often see people say they can't go to the library because they lost/never returned/dropped some library books in a bath or something, and now view themselves as heinous library criminals who would be yelled at and/or hit with a huge bill if they ever went back
and obvs i can't make promises unless you came into my specific library and were served by me but here are 10 reasons i think if you went in and politely explained the situation to a member of staff it'd probably be fine:
consider this from the library's perspective. those books are probably never coming back regardless. that value (having the books back), which is probably the reason the library has a fines system to begin with, is not gonna happen. the value of retaining you as a customer though is right there in front of them
if you explain that a fine is too high for you to pay and that that is keeping you from coming back to the library, what you've basically said is that there is an impediment to your library access. part of the job of anyone who works in a library is to remove that impediment
library computer systems will vary hugely and if it's been a long time there is a significant chance there isn't even a record of your lost books anymore
the pandemic affected library access significantly and a lot of libraries will have had amnesties once they reopened to get people over the hump of oh god oh god i've had these books FOREVER i can never show my face again. even if that amnesty is officially over, the fact that there was one helps the person in front of you justify waiving the fee (which, if they're like me and you aren't being cruel, they are probably looking for a reason to do!)
a lot of libraries have reduced or no fines for children, so if you lost books as a kid there's even more of a chance there won't be a fine
the person you speak to at the front desk at a library is probably not an accredited Librarian TM but a nice underpaid person who has to deal with a lot of difficult customers going off on them for no reason (also accredited librarian tms are also pretty nice usually). i would take 100 people politely explaining that they've lost books and are very embarrassed over one person whose purpose that day is to belittle me, a captive audience who has to be nice no matter what. library assistant jobs are often not that different from customer service jobs! a lot of library assistant jobs now explicitly are customer service jobs! it is so so likely that that person wants nothing less than to have an adversarial conversation with you
if you haven't been to a library since you were a lot younger, it is almost certainly no longer what you're picturing. most modern libraries are actively trying to move away from the image of severe quiet building where you will be shhhhed and sternly told to look after your books or else. we're trying to be vibrant community hubs full of friendly people who will do their best to help you
library employees, bizarrely enough, probably don't think of each individual book as being that valuable compared to other readers. if you own a book and keep it forever and read it maybe twice, barring any crazy accidents it'll probably last decades. if a book is on the shelves of a public library and is regularly borrowed, it'll last...3-5 years, maybe. a busy library will discard large volumes of stock every year because that's just how it works. you lose that sense of the sanctity of every copy of every book pretty fast in these kinds of jobs
libraries need people to use them! a huge huge part of getting library funding is demonstrating how many people use and value your service. you and the library staff are on the same side: they also want you to be able to use the library again
a public library has witnessed behaviours the likes of which you cannot imagine. people have shoved books down our toilets. people have looked at porn on library computers in full view of everyone around them. people have thrown chairs out of the window. losing books happens all the time and is so unlikely to phase staff who are probs a little bit dead inside
tldr: come back to the library, we need you visiting and using the service more than we need the books you accidentally lost, also if the person you talk to is anything like me they're probably just glad you aren't yelling at them
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faustandfurious · 2 years
The Next Level Tumblr Experience is when you start blocking people for having terrible opinions on Goncharov
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baejax-the-great · 1 month
Very weird to see people retconning Zagreus into a rude little gremlin when he is pretty much the most polite boy in existence
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theminecraftbee · 8 months
more seriously: hey guys, remember backseat gaming is rude. i know the line while watching people play vault hunters is going to be blurrier (like, even joe has directly admitted he'll need chat's help for a lot of things, since he hasn't played modded in like seven years), but unless your streamer asks directly, it's generally considered rude to bring up what you think they're doing wrong/unoptimally. just... let them make mistakes and do things in ways you wouldn't. if it's really important, iskall is there, as are other veteran players like false, stress, xisuma, and wels to a lesser extent. they can help guide as needed. so while you're watching, just stick around for the ride!
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scorpioaqua · 1 year
people act like northern independence was just a random card that sansa decided to play because she didn’t like the Dragon Lady, instead of a recurring political goal for the northern lords and one that they repeatedly expressed interest in pursuing before sansa had even the faintest inkling that she’d end up queen in the north
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"I hate how they're writing Damian in Batman #146, he can't be that dumb, he's so ooc."
I mean, they're writing him almost as if he were a literal child who wants, no, needs to believe that his father's ideals aren't as fucked up as his mother's, who blindly believes in the man whom he learnt to trust despite being raised with widely different beliefs and ideals for the majority of his so-far short life.
Almost as if Damian were a pre-teen, or young teen at most (because how old can he be here, 13? 14?) who desperately clings onto the belief, onto the hope that his father hasn't really abandoned him, because his father is Batman, and Batman always has a plan, doesn't he? Obscure, complex, but a plan nonetheless, and it (almost) always turns out fine, so Damian needs to trust him, he knows he can, he knows that Batman is safe.
Logically, everyone else is older; I think the one whose age he's closest to might be Tim here, who's about 18 as usual, I guess. But Damian is a child, he's a child who's overall relatively new to Batman's antics, and he's a child who (unfortunately) rarely saw the difference between Batman and Bruce Wayne, a child who rarely got to meet Bruce Wayne at all, if you think of it.
You (you readers, not the characters in the story - because it makes sense for them to be so lost in the plot of their world that they lose sight of things) cannot blame a child for being delusional for believing with his whole heart that his father is not an evil bastard who's attacking everyone, allies included, family included. Because again, Damian doesn't really have a clear idea of how Batman and Bruce Wayne differ, he rarely got the priviledge to be with his father, Bruce Wayne, and not with his work partner, Batman.
You (readers) cannot really tell me that you're putting the blame on a child for 'snapping out of it' so late.
Of course, everyone is free to have their opinions, and if you think that this version of Damian is ooc or whatever, it's a valid, let's agree to disagree. But from a narrative pov, you can't possibly deny that it makes sense for Damian to be acting like this. He's a child, a literal child.
Expecting him to regulate his emotions as well as his sibs do is messed up. Which, by the way, they don't. Dick is a mess but keeping it together - except for the whole "punching your father senseless" thing, but good for him, I'd have done the same there. Jason is a mess and doesn't try to hide it, Steph is baffled and Babs is exhausted. The others are nowhere to be seen (and I'd have done the same pt2). Tim's the only one with a plan that's actually somewhat good - hope he makes Bruce snap out of his fear-induced little gateaway once and for all.
I know not many are fans of this run, but honestly? I'm digging it, it's possibly one of my faves. I love the drama, love the angst, love the plot-twists, like Damian snapping out of it just for Zur to silence him? Backup Robin who grins suspiciously like Jason? Tim ditching his phone - which is ossibly the most shocking thing? I'm hyped as hell.
All of this endless yapping to say that, okay, feel free to hate this or whatever, but please be humble enough to admit that Damian is being written exactly like he should be. I get it, DCAU gave us "Damian who talks like an old man, who never smiles and doesn't understand his peers" and it's cool. He's a bit like that in the comics too. But newer comics have a (very welcome, imho) tendency to write him as 'awkward' while simultaneously keeping in mind that he's a teen. And it's the best thing ever.
I, for one, needed reassurance at Damian's age. I needed an anchor and that anchor were my parents - growing up, the dynamics shifted but it's not the point. At 13, 14, or whatever Damian's age is, you're just a child who needs reassurance, because you're changing, the world around you is changing, and you're disoriented as if lost at sea. Writing Damian like that makes sense, it's not even up for debate.
He's not ooc, and he's not dumb either.
He's just a child.
Feel free to dislike how they're writing him, feel free to dislike literally every single detail about everything, this is a free world. But please don't tell me that needing a parental figure to be there for you, and that siding with said parental figure no matter what because they're essentially all you got left (rip batfam I guess?) - is ooc for a child. Damian is a child, don't forget that.
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le-sluagh · 1 month
#7 Incorrect Batman: Vigilante (My AU)
Poison Ivy: We just ate. Why are you making pancakes?
Harley Quinn: For the hyenas.
Poison Ivy: Why are you making pancakes for the hyenas?
Harley Quinn: They don't know how.
Alfred: When's the last time you slept?
Batman: Uh... a few days ago, I think.
Alfred: A few- how many?!
Batman: Uh... *starts counting on fingers* I need more fingers...
Alfred: What you need is sleep!
Scarecrow: What’s up with you?
Bane: What do you mean?
Scarecrow: You’ve been nice with me all day. What’s your game?
Poison Ivy: Do you cook?
Harley Quinn: I made cake sometimes.
Harvey Dent: Yeah, it’s good.
Harley Quinn: Really?
Two Face: Don’t make him lie twice, Harley.
Riddler, pointing Joker and Harley dancing outside, with Scarecrow in the middle, on the top of a tree:  What are they doing?
Poison Ivy:  Scarecrow say that he could survive at a struck lightning, so Joker and Harley make the dance of the rain, to make it arrives faster.
Scarecrow, screaming: COME AT ME LIGHT!!!
Joker and Harley Quinn, cheering: YAY!!!
Mad Hatter: Hey, can we stay in your lair tonight?
Two Face: Why?
Mad Hatter: Scarecrow fiddled with an ouija board and cursed us.
Riddler: And Scarecrow doesn't know how to ‘banish spirits’, so he just throws salt at them and yell "DOES THIS LOOK LIKE A HOTEL TO YOU?!"
Joker: Are we fighting or flirting?
Batman: I'm pinning you against a wall with my hand around your neck-
Joker: Your point?
Riddler: There's nothing worse than people using big words they don't understand.
Scarecrow, grinning: I photosynthesize with this.
Two Face: Who the fuck-
Penguin: Language!
Harvey Dent: Whom the fuck-
Penguin: No.
*Playing whould you rather*
Two Face: Would you rather kill Riddler, or—
Mr.Freeze: Yes, kill him.
Two Face: I didn’t say the other thing—
Mr.Freeze: I don’t need to hear it.
Riddler: …I’m feeling a little unsafe.
Mad Hatter: You know, you were right.
Riddler: About what specifically? Because I’m right about a lot of things.
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exigencelost · 19 days
I do love a homoerotic pantheon of evil immortals but know that for me this show is about Daniel Molloy. I literally do not think I have ever seen this done. They’ve set up a complex array of ancient monsters who snatch deathless eternity from the dying breaths of the living who are physically powerful beyond human imagining and who tell themselves and each other and us endlessly refracting half-truths and embellished stories designed to produce themselves as deific icons and further their own obscure psychosexual power plays with each other and they have set all of this against a single character who stands in for the very concept of truth and of honest reckoning; of the maturity and self-awareness earned through mortality; of the kind of courage only true physical limitation and vulnerability can produce; a character who whose role is to show us exactly what it means, in the ontology of this show, to be human—the thing that none of these monsters are, despite their pretensions— and they have cast in that role a sick disabled dying old man. Who’s kind of a dick! “I hope you passed a comfortable night, Mr Molloy” “I never pass a comfortable night.” “I’d give it to you now. A still hand, a chance to watch your daughters marry” “And divorce. And die.” Genuinely the most politically interesting treatment of either vampires or immortality I think I have ever seen.
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