#Russian dissident
deborahdeshoftim5779 · 4 months
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By now, many will have heard the devastating, unbelievable news of Alexei Navalny's reported death in a Russian prison. Navalny's wife, Yulia Navalnaya, says that she awaits confirmation of these claims.
If this news is confirmed then several things are necessary:
1)- Vladimir Putin bears sole responsibility for Navalny's presumed death
2)- The presumed death of Alexei Navalny is premeditated murder, following on from the confirmed murder attempt in August 2020
3)- In response, Russia must never be welcomed back into the international circle until Putin is removed from power
4)- Putin's international arrest warrant must be extended to include systematic assassination of Russian dissidents
5)- All of the Russians involved in this presumed crime must be sanctioned and blocked from entering as many countries as possible
6)- The international community must launch a comprehensive investigation into the deaths of all Russian politicians and other dissidents going back to 1998 and present their findings to the International Criminal Court
7)- The international community must demand medical records to substantiate Russia's "investigation" into Navalny's presumed death
8)- The international community must continue to investigate and expose the domestic crimes of Putin's regime, including the domestic terror attack of August 2020, when Putin tried to murder Navalny with the banned chemical agent Novichok
9)- Putin must be designated as an international terrorist
If this news is confirmed, nobody can doubt that the Russian regime has a state program of assassination used against its own citizens. Each and every one of these murders is a crime against humanity. Putin must never be allowed to rest again. He must face maximum pressure from all quarters and renewed investigations into the previous murders of Russian dissidents.
I give sincere condolences to Navalny's wife, Yulia Navalnaya, his children, Daria and Zahar, his parents, friends, and his loyal supporters who have continued his work during his unjustified imprisonment.
It is Russians like Navalny who have spoken out against Russia's slide into tyranny, terrorism, and moral disgrace. Putin is the worst stain on Russian history since Stalin. He will get the punishment that is coming to him for this and for his many other crimes, including his ongoing crimes against Ukraine.
Please share this post in support and memory of Alexei Anatolyevich Navalny, the bravest Russian of the last decade.
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garudabluffs · 7 months
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Sofya Subbotina
Russian supermarket protestor sentenced to 7 years in prison
November 19, 2023
3-Minute Listen READ MORE https://www.npr.org/2023/11/19/1214042429/russian-supermarket-protestor-sentenced-to-7-years-in-prison
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odinsblog · 3 months
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“This brutal war is not only mass murder of people and destruction of the infrastructure, economy, and cultural sites of Ukraine, but also a severe blow to the future of Russia, a country that is now pushed back into totalitarianism, but this time into a fascist totalitarianism.
We are being punished for daring to criticize authority.” —Oleg Orlov
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"MAY NOT ESTABLISH DOMICILE IN CANADA," Kingston Whig-Standard. June 23, 1933. Page 1. ---- What Authoritative Sources Say With Regard to Verigin ---- WINNIPEG, June 23 - Temporal and spiritual lord of 16,000 Doukhobors in Canada, Peter Verigin probably will never establish domicile in Canada and become a Canadian citizen, usually authoritative sources close to the leader said here today. The source of his disability is to be found in a peculiar tenet of faith among members of the Sons of Freedom Sect of the Christian Community of Universal Brotherhood.
Following his release by Justice H. A. Robson here from custody of the Department of Immigration, which tried a second time to deport him as an alien, Verigin's complete disappearance has mystified even his followers, but it is believed he is remaining in the background until he shall have completed five years residence in Canada.
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cosmo-naute · 2 years
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russianreader · 22 days
New Trumped-Up Criminal Charges Against Soviet Dissident and Russian Opposition Activist Alexander Skobov
Alexander Skobov. Photo courtesy of V. Izotov/Deutsche Welle A new criminal case, on charges of “involvement in a terrorist community,” has been opened against former Soviet dissident and Russian political journalist Alexander Skobov, who has been detained for over a month on charges of “condoning terrorism.” This news was reported on Saturday, 18 May, on Skobov’s official Facebook account by…
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gwydionmisha · 4 months
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agentfascinateur · 4 months
Rename the Arctic's seas the "Navalny Sea"
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deborahdeshoftim5779 · 4 months
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Alexei Navalny's wife, Yulia Navalnaya, addressed the news of his presumed death today at an international conference in Münich. The pain for Navalny's family today is unbearable. Please keep Yulia, Daria, Zahar, Navalny's parents, and his brother Oleg Navalny in your thoughts and prayers. And our leaders must now hold Russia fully accountable for this endless list of despicable crimes.
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garudabluffs · 3 months
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Oleg Orlov, a leading human-rights activist, at the Human Rights Center Memorial in Moscow, Russia, on May 17, 2023.
‘We Are Being Punished for Daring to Criticize the Authority’
‘We Are Being Punished for Daring to Criticize the Authority’ (msn.com)
Opinion by Anne Applebaum
"On February 27, Orlov received a two-and-a-half-year prison sentence for “discrediting the Russian army.” Following in a long tradition of Soviet dissidents before him, Orlov made a courtroom speech, addressed to those in the room and beyond. Joseph Brodsky, who later won the Nobel Prize in Literature, sparred in 1964 with a Soviet judge who asked him by what right he dared state “poet” as his occupation: Who ranked you among poets?” Brodsky replied, “No one. Who ranked me as a member of the human race?” That exchange circulated throughout the Soviet Union in handwritten and retyped versions, teaching an earlier generation about bravery and civic courage.
Orlov’s speech will also be reprinted and reread, and someday it will have the same impact too. Here are excerpts, translated by one of his colleagues:
On the first day of my trial, terrible news shocked Russia and the entire world: Alexey Navalny was dead. I, too, was in shock. At first, I even wanted to give up on making a final statement. Who cares about words today, when we have not recovered from the shock of this news? But then I thought: These are all links in the same chain.  Alexey’s death or, rather, murder; the trials of other critics of the regime including myself; the suffocation of freedom in the country; the invasion of Ukraine by the Russian army. So I have decided to speak. I have not committed any crime. I am being tried for writing a newspaper article that described the political regime in Russia as totalitarian and fascist. I wrote this article over a year ago. Some of my acquaintances thought back then that I had exaggerated the gravity of the situation. Now, however, it is clear that I did not exaggerate. The government in our country not only controls all public, political, and economic life, but also aspires to exert control over culture and scientific thought … There isn’t a sphere of art where free artistic expression is possible, there are no free academic humanitarian sciences, and there is no more private life either.
[Read: How I lost the Russia that never was]
Orlov continued by reflecting on the absurdity of his case, of the legalistic rigamarole in Russia that conceals the regime’s lawlessness. In fact, the law is whatever Putin dictates. Everything else, the lawyers, prosecutors, and judges, are just there for show, to pretend that there is rule of law when there is not."
READ MORE ‘We Are Being Punished for Daring to Criticize the Authority’ (msn.com)
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filosofablogger · 1 year
What A Real 'Patriot' Looks Like
We’ve all heard Donald Trump praise Russian dictator Vladimir Putin.  Just last week, Trump said “how very smart” Putin was. Dictators seem to do well within the Republican Party of today. Dinesh D’Souza said, in a series of tweets, that he “respects Putin because he tenaciously defends his country’s interests and understands the use of power.” I guess that for some it’s easy to think living in…
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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”VERIGIN DECIDES TO LEAVE CANADA,” Kingston Whig-Standard. February 27, 1933. Page 10. ---- Will Not Say in Which Country He Intends to Settle ---- HALIFAX, Feb, 27 - "I am starting Just one month in Canada to finish up my affairs: then I am leaving." Peter Verigin said last night in an interview with the Canadian Press, the first he has been permitted to give since his release from prison a month ago. His English vocabulary limited to a few terse phrases, the spiritual leader of Canada's Doukhobor colonies spoke through an interpreter, S. F. Reiben, his personal secretary.
Verigin, free for the first time since he entered Prince Albert Prison more than nine months ago to serve a sentence for perjury, revealed his intended departure as he considered his next move following his discharge by Mr. Justice Humphrey Mellish in Supreme Court Saturday. He had been under a deportation order to Russia which was declared Invalid.
The Doukhobor monarch will not return to Canada. He possesses passports to Mexico, Costa Rica, Argentina and Uruguay. He was going, he said, to "look for land" for his people, but he would not say in which of these countries, if any, he proposed to settle. Nor would he state whether he would take his 16,000 followers with him. This information he held as a "secret between himself and God."
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cosmo-naute · 16 days
How did you become interested in Russian? Are you studying Russian literature? :o
I did study Russian literature and history!! 💖 I actually first fell in love with the Russian language and culture when I watched the Sochi Olympics opening ceremony on TV in 2014. There was this skit about the Cyrillic alphabet with references to aspects of Russian history and culture, and I was enthralled. Genuinely life-changing... I'm so proud to say that I recognize all of the references in that skit now, and have spent considerable time with these highlights of Russian culture throughout my university years.
I started studying Russian with a private teacher in 2016, after having gotten to a high enough level of French fluency that I felt ready to start another language. A few years later, when it came time for my first year of university, I tested into the advanced Russian class! As a Russian/East European Studies major, I discovered the Russian avant-garde and Mayakovsky's poetry, researched the reality and myths behind the "happy Soviet childhood," and fell in love with Soviet space history and cosmonauts.
I eventually wrote my honors thesis about the friendships between cosmonauts and astronauts that developed out of their first meeting in 1967 at the Paris Air Show. It was these initial interactions that helped pave the way for the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project – the first joint mission between Soviet cosmonauts and American astronauts. The astronauts and cosmonauts both pushed for greater collaboration, affecting Cold War space policy from the bottom up.
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Courrier international: L'empire russe doit mourir
Courrier international: L'empire russe doit mourir.
Un grand vent de liberté a soufflé sur toutes les Russies depuis la fin de l'union des soviets !
Ce que craint un certain occident, c'est la liberté !
Si l'empire russe meurt il sera remplacé par un autre empire, turco-mongol de la steppe d'Asie centrale jusqu'à la grande Sibérie. Est-cela que nous voulons ?
La Turquie, certes, appartient à l'OTAN, mais... Pour combien de temps ?!...
Je crains cet occident craintif gouverné par des apprentis-sorcier...
Du nerf que diable! Du nerf...
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russianreader · 2 years
Roman Holiday
A still from the motion picture Roman Holiday (1953). Courtesy of Republic The debate about whether Schengen visas should cease to be issued to Russian nationals has tilted in a completely wrongheaded direction. In fact, it should not focus on the right of Russian nationals to visit European countries, including as tourists, but on Europe’s right to protect itself and to take measures that…
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agentfascinateur · 4 months
Standing with her, Yulia Navalnaya 💜
It's 2024. People shouldn't have to die for their ideas or for caring about their fellow man, woman and/or child.
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