#Russian lang
sisi-learns-languages · 4 months
Soft Sign (ь) vs Hard Sign (ъ): Russian
If you’re anything like me (a beginner grasping at straws trying to learn Russian) then the soft vs hard sign concept is very foreign to you. The signs are not sounds of their own— they are clues telling you how to pronounce the consonant that precedes it. Here is a quick overview of soft vs hard signs:
Soft Sign (ь)
When ь is present after a consonant, this is your indication to palatalize the sound (aka soften). The middle of the tongue should rise toward the roof the the mouth.
Example: стиль - style, фильм - film
Hard Sign (ъ)
When ъ is present after a consonant, this indicates a slight break or pause in the word where the hard sign is located.
Example: объект - object
If anyone has any further resources for this, it would be greatly appreciated! I understand the concept of this, but not entirely grasping the pronunciation. Any YouTube videos or audio lessons would be very helpful! Also feel free to comment more tips for me on this topic!
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chek-apiece-died · 9 months
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Absolutely obsessed with this cryrillic map of America that I found strictly for the named of places In Maine(Мэн)
Things you can dink: oiter
Places you can go: oiterville
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unreasonablepastry · 2 months
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Russian scum villain book 2 is here \o/
Posting chibis here and full-page art in a reblog ^^
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skepticalcatfrog · 5 months
Okay, I need to know. Anyone else who has listened to the Secret Shanghai audiobooks (because that's how I'm reading them), does it bother you when the narrator doesn't do the accents that characters are supposed to have?
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alteregoauthentica · 2 years
BEST TIP Learning Languages ;
SIMPLICITY is KEY. Simplify the learning process.
Simple & understandable.
Avoid learning useless vocabulary. Do not learn the things that are truly of no use for you in your daily life. 
Think about it …. In reality,
if you NEVER use it ... simply don’t use it .. don’t learn it.
Learn what you will use, and nothing extra. 
For now - Just focus on what you use on a daily basis.
Here’s great exercise to follow this tip ;
Create a realistic list of vocabulary you use day to day - A LIST of only the things you say the most, on a DAILY BASIS.
Focus on learning this list in your target language.
Learn this list
Because you will be forced to learn how to say only relevant and useful sayings.
Try it ... and see how much this focus shift can make a worlds difference.
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nottsukkomia · 11 months
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(tr: - Soudo, I'm a little concerned about the stock market crash.
- but Diamond, we're cats.
- perfect.)
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today's doodles (ft. Violet and Arven)
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zvaigzdelasas · 8 months
[Kyivpost is Private Ukrainian Media]
[I]n Kyiv, officials are denying that Zaluzhny is about to be replaced.
3 Feb 24
[Strana is Private Ukrainian Media]
[Machine Translation]
“A reboot and a new beginning are needed.” Zelensky for the first time confirmed his intentions to fire Zaluzhny
Vladimir Zelensky for the first time confirmed his intentions to dismiss the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valery Zaluzhny.
The President of Ukraine stated this on the air of the Italian TV channel Rai1, adding that he is also considering the dismissal of not only Zaluzhny, but also other senior officials.
“Of course, a reboot and a new beginning are necessary. When we talk about this, I mean the replacement of a number of leading officials of the state, not only in the military sphere. I am thinking about this replacement (Zaluzhny - Ed. ), this is true. This issue concerns the entire management group that drives the country’s car,” Zelensky said, answering a question about disagreements with Zaluzhny.
"If we want to win, we all have to move in the same direction, convinced of victory, we can't get discouraged, we can't give up, we have to have the right positive energy... That's why I'm talking about restarting, replacing. I have something on my mind serious, we are not talking about one person, but about the direction of the country’s leadership,” he explained.
Today, US President Joe Biden's national security adviser Jake Sullivan made it clear that Bankova consulted with the Americans on the topic of Zaluzhny's dismissal .
Earlier, the NBC News website wrote that rumors about the resignation of the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine exposed a split in the leadership of Ukraine . The story could also undermine domestic trust as the conflict in Ukraine approaches its two-year mark and morale on the battlefield and among the population becomes increasingly strained, the publication's analysts say.
4 Feb 24
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s11berianbr3aks · 20 days
The Fable Cottage
Behold, a nifty resource for playing with foreign language - bilingually translated shorts stories with pretty pictures. Children's lit proponents and linguistic puzzle-solvers alike will rejoice!
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minaloywhore · 21 days
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---Who am I?----
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I'm Sasha! I'm 15, and in my sophmore year of high school! If you don't want to interact w minors, just block me :) I have ADHD and a host of other diagnoses, so my executive dysfunction is on point. I follow from @cosmosofcolouredvoices
What classes am I taking?
AP Language
AP Psychology
Personal Finance and Economics
What do I self study?
Classical liturature
18th and early 19th century american poetry and art movements
Russian (Language and Liturature) (Proficient, started learning at 8!)
Turkish (basic, just started)
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lisystrata · 1 year
"Das indische Grabmal" (1921)
Das indische Grabmal erster Teil — Die Sendung des Yoghi (part I)
Das indische Grabmal zweite Teil — Der Tiger von Eschnapur (part II)
russian subtitles
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sisi-learns-languages · 4 months
How To Identify Russian Verbs: Infinitive Verb Endings
While reading in Russian, I often find myself wondering how to know which words are verbs, nouns, etc. Through my studies of various other languages, I know that infinitive verbs almost always have the same ending (usually a variation of 1-3 different types). So, here is a quick (very generic) cheat sheet for identifying a verb in a Russian sentence (this is not a conjugation post— that will come soon!)
-ть → example verbs: говорить — to speak, читать — to read, работать —to work
-ти → example verbs: идти — to go, нести — to bring
-чь (not as common) → example verbs: беречь —to protect, лечь —to lie down
If you are familiar with any other general rules of how to identify verbs in a sentence, please feel free to add! Again, this is very generalized and is not a one-size-fits-all sort of deal-- it's just to help me identify different parts of the sentence as I build up my foundation.
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hersterical · 1 year
So, when are we getting a Marvel one shot of Kate pet sitting Fanny, Goose, Morris, Adam Warlock’s loth-cat looking thing, and Cosmo? (and Lucky obviously)
(Except Rocket doesn’t trust Kate with this responsibility and not so secretly whispers to Cosmo that she’s in charge.) (Kate and the telekinetic russian dog from the 60’s then have a fierce power struggle while Kate is wearing a t-shirt with that same dog on it)
Also, I forgot that Alligator Loki (Al) is also there. The only reason he is not also a part of the power struggle is because he’s trying to figure out the best way to eat Goose even though he only survived his first attempt due to Kate’s last minute intervention.
I just have this clear image in my mind of them walking down the street. Kate has Morris strapped to her front and Al strapped to her back while holding both Lucky and Goose’s leashes in her right hand and Cosmo’s leash in her left (who is only leashed out of pure pettiness) who is holding the loth-cat thing’s leash in her mouth. Fanny is tied to one of Kate’s belt loops but that’s more for show than anything. Fanny is the only one Kate trusts to be too smart to cause trouble on accident but not so smart to cause trouble on purpose.
Even for New York/LA this makes for a fairly strange sight. The moment Cassie sees a picture of this on social media she races over to drop off a dog-sized ant for Kate to look after.
At some point some random cat starts following them around and continues to show up at Kate’s house at sporadic times for literal years.
This is not what Kate thought Clint meant when he talked about the cost of being a hero.
(edit: added everything from alligator Loki on because I made the mistake of taking a shower right after posting this originally)
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familyabolisher · 1 year
hurricane lolita literally swept from florida to maine..................
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learnukrainian · 2 years
24 February 2023
A year ago, on the 24th February 2022, russia started a full-scale war against Ukraine (first military aggression and occupation of certain territories happened back in 2014).
The war is still not over, so I would like to ask you to show solidarity with Ukrainians in your city today.
You can find a link with information on events in 45 countries below. You can also google your city, since, sadly, the list isn't comprehensive.
The majority of rallies will take place today (24 Feb) in the evening but some will be held tomorrow (25 Feb), so it is still possible to join in for people from, say, Australia.
Click on your country to see the locations or external links to local info lists:
Extra info on German cities: https://t.me/demonstrierenforukraine
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Thank you ❤️
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mishkakagehishka · 1 year
Yes it is and also because I keep thinking about studying Italian since I may need another European language for a thing I want to do and I still have a bone to pick with french and I don't feel like studying German
Oh hell yeah come study italian with me it's so much fun i promise. I can teach you children's songs
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girlapologist · 2 years
theres something so exhilarating and terrifying about having real life conversations in your target languages
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