#SBI my beloved
dreemurr-skelememer · 5 months
whos error in dsmp!ut again. is it one of them b'i'ish -B☆
actually it's the only american in his little british friend group: technoblade
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rozugold · 2 years
good morning i had a dream and the only thing i remember is i ran into the entirety of c!sleepy bois inc and we ALL happened to be wearing our own comfort ghostbur sweaters and i was delighted
(also cwilbur sat us all down on the edge of a wall at one point to infodump to us about politics i think but that bit is very hazy) (we were still all wearing our sweaters tho)
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That sounds like a wonderful dream :’]
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infernaltheblaze · 1 year
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Scene from an sbi AU im working on (if you can guess what film it's based on you get a cookie <3)
+ close ups
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mysticalsoot · 1 year
i posted the dbh au on ao3 so uh
here y'all go
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that-sweet-jester · 1 year
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I've yet again fallen into the superhero AUs
For those interested in checking my AU👀 pt.1 pt.2
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nomsfaultau · 1 year
Emergency Meeting
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“It has come to my attention that Technoblade’s last…escapade ended poorly. So I have called this staff meeting to clarify my intent.”
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“Look at him. Amazing. The best kid I could ask for.”
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“Questions? …No? Excellent. As a reminder quarterly reviews are next month. Dismissed.”
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metrixnos · 2 years
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some photo studies + extra doodle :3
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morningcrews · 3 months
Throwing that out there since it's not my usual content but a SBI fanfic with Philza Technoblade Tommy and Chayanne would go so hard .
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nekole-doodles · 4 days
*ahem* There is something I would like to say:
Thank you for listening
(I can imagine past C! Tommy having a field day in a flower field collecting a variety of flowers and making flower crowns for SBI and Tubbo)
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cosmic-d1ce · 1 year
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"I see a lot of him in you." I will cry Phil stop it Phil stop it I'm still not over it stop
Anyway Tallulah and Chayanne are just Techno and Wilbur reincarnated!!
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veunho · 2 months
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This is what gets me every time man, Idk, it's just.... Them
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Tommy, to the Squad: I’d die for you. Techno: Then perish. Wilbur: You will. Ranboo: Please don’t. Philza: Cool. Tubbo: I’d die for you first.
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"The walk isn't even that long," Tommy complained. Phil muffled him by wrapping the scarf around him a bit tighter, effectively almost choking Tommy in the process.
"I don't care how long the walk is, you're going to complain to me if you freeze your arse off. And then you'll have pneumonia like a certain somebody."
"I can hear you!" Wilbur called from the couch in the other room, then broke out into an impressive coughing fit.
"And if you're even half as much of a drama queen about it as he is, you'll be making my life hell," Phil muttered.
Techno's shoulders shook with silent laughter. But when Phil stepped toward him he froze up.
"Don't think you're exempt from his either." Reaching up, Phil pulled a woolen hat down over Techno's unruly mop of hair. The curls were unmanageable at best, but the winter weather had made them completely unkempt. As usual, Techno himself seemed completely uninclined to do anything about it.
Next, Phil manhandled a poncho over Techno's shoulders. A task easier said than done considering he had to do it by fitting the fabric beneath the seal pelt that always hung there and Techno would never take off. Not after how long it took him to get it back.
And especially with how important it was to the selkie.
The poncho was one of Wilbur's, and Phil tied the chords at the front into a cute little ribbon. "There, all set. Now you two can brave the cold." Techno offered him a thumbs up.
Then he glared at Tommy, who was nearly doubled over laughing. "Sorry, sorry, you just look so silly in that."
"Pot, meet kettle," Phil said, flicking the pompom on Tommy's knit cap. The teenager batted his hand away.
"I look amazing in everything, Phil. We've established this."
"Sure. Don't stay out too long, straight to town and back to get the medicine. Don't let Techno get distracted."
"That's a pretty tall order, Phil." Tommy looked over at Techno, who was already completely preoccupied with the little straps on the coat Phil had made him wear. Human items still fascinated him.
"Just do your best. We don't want anything to happen."
Tommy turned around to open the door, using his other arm to wave Phil away. "Yeah, yeah, you're worried, we get it."
"You little shit-" Whatever other expletives Phil might have wanted to throw at him would remain a mystery as Tommy choose this moment to drag Techno outside and shut the door on him.
But maybe he couldn't help the vague smirk on his face.
Techno looked back to the door, then at Tommy. His lips parted slightly and for a moment, Tommy thought he was going to talk. It would be the first time he'd hear the man's voice. Techno was mute, always had been since they found him washed up on the beach two months ago.
But then Techno nodded instead, nodding at the house. He was smiling. He brought up both hands pinched his thumb and pointer together while leaving the other fingers outstretched, and moved both hands in a circular motion.
“Yeah,” Tommy said. “That’s why he’s worried about us.”
And if he was grinning too, that was his own fucking business wasn’t it?
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goshadie · 1 year
Spoiler for new chapter "So say good night, I'll close my eyes, And tie my time right by your side" :'333
Lady Death meets Thanatos and Theseus again!!! :'3
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Dream is here, which means it will be OK (no lol)
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Oh, Dream and Theseus is mad :'3
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That's all :'>
I love this comic, but don't love the chapter - but sincerely hope you enjoy it xD
You can read the new chapter here!!!
Tysm for attention!!
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This is Twinduo canon baby lore btw
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