#SC: 4X07
kmze · 4 months
'and in the end Caroline became the anchor in all the shows because the audience and the story loved her over Elena as the show went on' 
Oh kris are you psychic?Caroline not being used to serve stefan's manpain and/or to prop SE by the end of her run in the series became like a thorn for many.They hiped for Caroline to be another rebekah who was NOT a SE threat BUT CAROLINE FORBES-SALVATORE WAS AND STILL REMAINS A THREAT and so 10 years since SC became canon and 7 years since the show ended,they cannot get over their bitterness and hence the forced claims continue & so do the 'came out of nowhere & ruined the brotp' arguments as if desperate 'don't ruin steroline' tweets weren't sent out as early as s3-4( Yes we remember) & as if these same people didn't secretly wish for Caroline to die and were PISSED that Stefan saved her so pretended like they cared about Caroline's 'choice'.GTFO.And the height of all is that they go around seeking validation from the 'cast' even to this date.
* your tears are delicious*
HAHA YES! To this day she gives them nightmares it's so delicious. I wasn't on Tumblr at the time but I remember reading recaps on some sites that pointed out in S4 the romantic foreshadowing it was very obvious especially the prom scene and they were SHAKING! They wanted Caroline to be used to show Elena "what she threw away" with Stefan no matter how that could have embarrassed Caroline. People only like the "BrOTP" because that was when Caroline was a prop to Stefan, as soon as that changed in S6 they said it was "ruining the friendship" that Caroline demanded Stefan earn her forgiveness and work to repair their relationship.
The new thing now is to blame it all on Nina leaving which is still LOL because she came back! I mean they really believe the writers couldn't put SE back together with one episode when they showed time and time again they could when they wanted to. They had SE break-up in 4x06 and DE slept together in 4x07. Stefan and Caroline were broken up for 3 years each had a new relationship and it took a day for them to reunite and kiss with the voiceover saying "they worked out all their issues don't worry" hand-wave. Nope it's because Caroline was more important than that ship, she proclaimed it was a competition in the Pilot and SHE WON! She got everything they wanted! She got two REAL proposals, she got a wedding, she got the house and she got the I will love you forever.
At the end of the day all that matters is canon and that will never change and it makes them seethe :)
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userlaylivia · 2 years
Top 5 delena moments
<3333 these aren't my top 5 because that's extremely hard but these are 5 I went nuts over when they aired and still do lol
3x19 makeout
4x23 ily
3x10 kiss
4x07 dance/sex (without sc interrupting tyvm lol)
6x22 dance
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noahreids · 4 years
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2020 Schitt’s Creek GIF Advent Calendar ↳ Day 14 | A parent-child moment
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xroub · 5 years
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moira and david being happy to see their strapping man
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Patrick tries to explain to David about Rachel in ‘The Barbecue’ 
Season 4, Episode 7
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myolivebranch · 3 years
something I've been meaning to do for AGES is to draw up a spreadsheet of SC quotes that allude to the timeline (e.g. basic "4x07 is 4 months after 3x13" and all comments like Ted saying he's wanted to kiss Alexis for the last two years, David announcing his engagement and saying he "met someone" two years ago), with lines going between episodes like "from A to B is 8 months according to [character]"... which for most shows would be an activity with the end goal of being able to visualise the timeline better, but in this case would inevitably be an exercise in frustration, and yet I want so badly to do it anyway. so I can see which bits do/can make sense together, and which bits need to be discarded in any timeline calculations (like the bbq being mid-summer, etc)
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tht-lesbian-fangirl · 4 years
I usually don’t pay attention to what my whacked out straight brother says most of the time. But the other day he overheard me watching a supercorp video and it was during the 407 where he walked in and was like: you know what happens after a fight right? They either kill off lena or they have them fall in love / and I was like 😳 sg100 DID kill lena off and I do interpret Lena’s “I plead the 5th” as they were together. But aside from that, sc should be finally canon now
Exactly, Supercorp should be canon. Not just because we see it, but because it's literally woven into the show and has become SO blatant that straight people have finally started to notice. My sister (who shipped Winn/Kara and stopped watching when his character left, just to give you a sense of how heterosexual she is) watched the last few episodes of this season with me and noticed the gay tension. She was incredibly confused by the level of angst and heartbreak between Kara and Lena, and even more confused by the longing looks in the last episode. Then when I told her that William was Kara's new love interest...I have never seen her look more confused in her life.
My sister has often said to me "Why does Supergirl need to be gay? Aren't there enough gay people? Why don't you stick to Legends? Etc." All that annoying, subtle homophobic rhetoric. Yet after watching the last 3-4 episodes, a few clips from 4x07/8, and rewatching the 100th episode with me, even she's on board with Supercorp. Now saying, "They clearly love each other and are the friends to lovers that I wish happened with Winn. I guess you weren't making it up." The casual straight viewers (including our siblings) have finally realized that, no, we're not "delusional shippers" as social media homophobes like to say. In fact, we've been on the right track this whole time by just looking at what the writers, actresses, and even costume department has given us. Supercorp should indeed be canon now.
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narraboths · 5 years
You think the speeches on 5x01 and 5x07 were written by the same writer? Because both were *chef kiss* and it had all the things that needed to be said by both of them in that moment. One can only hope the same writer writers their reconciliation scene
the episodes were written by different people so no lol. both eps involved already established writers who have done previous big Lena/SC eps tho (Derek Simon and Nicki Holcomb co-wrote 4x15 as well as 5x01, 5x07 writer Katie Rose Rogers did 4x07, 4x17 and 4x20), so there’s def an awareness for their affinity for certain voices/dynamics.
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zalrb · 6 years
zal, i just saw your SC gifset, and it made me so sad. i stopped watching mid S4 and seeing those SC gifsets made me realize how much they sanded down stefan's character. he felt everything so passionately in S1-3, so seeing him be so blah with caroline, that's NOT stefan in love. but then we see what they did to elena so can't say im surprised. and i wanted to ask, do you think if stefan had even tried to win elena back, he would have? because despite humanity off, he was able to affect her.
Well the thing is, Stefan still does Stefan things for Caroline when they’re together, like when Cade takes the twins, he gives up his soul so they could be returned to Caroline
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it’s just that it’s almost like it’s not personal? It’s basically like, Stefan being Stefan, he would do this for anyone because it’s the right thing to do.
And there are moments where you’re supposed to see how he cares for her
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It’s just that it feels like he’s mad that his best friend is in the hospital, it’s still very much a platonic affection-y feel.
Because this was Stefan with Elena
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So like barring the narrative of SC for a moment, Stefan just can’t be Elena Stefan with Caroline, which is why I always go to 8x16 because it epitomizes the difference
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Not to mention that they’re actually incompatible on both sides:
Caroline and Stefan are never on the same page. Ever. In build-up, in the will-they-won’t-they, that worked, in an actual relationship it is a fundamental issue that they’re never truly communicating until it’s too late.
In season 7, Stefan deluded himself into thinking that Caroline wouldn’t want to be a part of the twins’ lives and Caroline didn’t want to tell Stefan that she actually wanted to be. Klaus and Damon had to tell Stefan he was being stupid. Stefan had to ask Lily for advice on how to handle the situation. In season 6 when he didn’t know what he was feeling, that’s fine, but when you’re in a relationship, you should know how to communicate with your girlfriend. Caroline relied on Alaric and Stefan relied on Valerie and then when Stefan left, Caroline got engaged and that didn’t need to happen. It’s the 21st Century, she did not need to get engaged to the father of her children, their situation is bizarre anyway, they have gemini twins who were sent to Caroline’s womb without her consent, she is a vampire, Alaric was a hunter turned original vampire turned human adventurer for the supernatural, so it’s not like they’re a conventional, traditionalist family.
And then in season 8, Caroline has to tell Stefan to rely on her when it comes to Damon, we never evolve past this point of Caroline telling Stefan to open himself up and then Caroline suspends their engagement while she looks for her kids. She doesn’t feel like she can rely on him and be a team with him when it comes to her children because their priorities are different and these are important priorities, which carries from season 7.They’re never really a family. There’s Stefan’s life and Caroline’s life running parallel to each other but never connecting, not really. Then when Stefan sells his soul for her children, she does the bare minimum to get him back. That isn’t an adult relationship, they don’t know how to work together, they don’t know how to be together, everything is a miscommunication, everything is an argument, they’re continuously trying to teach each other how to love one another and it never sticks for more than a moment and that moment is usually in the morning before life actually begins and that isn’t a problem with Stelena.
But to answer your question, yeah, if Stefan had actually decided to fight for Elena I think he would’ve won her back no problem. All she has to do in season 5 is spend one day with him not talking about Damon and this is them:
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and then in 5x18
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Not to mention the other stuff like this is how they look at each other in 4x07 when she’s supposed to be all hot for Damon
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This is the jealousy she has in 5x11
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This is Elena when the daylight ring is destroyed in season 6
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And all Stefan would have to do is explore these unspoken feelings.
But there’s also the fact that every time Stefan isn’t stoic, every time Stefan does sort of compel Elena to make a choice through his actions, she chooses him:
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so all my guy had to do was speak to her, honestly and that’s why they hardly had any scenes together in season 6 and if they did they were speaking about Damon. Like even in 8x16 when Katherine says that Elena would choose Stefan every time, the show doesn’t provide a scene where Katherine is proven wrong, Stefan chooses Damon for Elena.
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backtothestart02 · 7 years
Yep. CP loves Iris' wardrobe so much that she whispered to a fan, going "I take a lot of it". She wore Iris' Christmas dress to GB's wedding. She bought the sneakers Iris wore in 2x21. And I think she bought the "death jacket" (The one where Savitar kills Iris with her wearing it) as I like to call it, because she had a SC of her going somewhere else and she wore it.
Mhmm. I think she bought the pink top from 3x21 too.
*sigh* I miss Iris’ wardrobe from previous seasons. I mean, Candice makes anything look amazing & there have been some stand out ensembles this season (4x02, 4x07, & wedding dresses come to mind), but her fashionable form-fitting dresses I loved so dearly appear to have vanished. 😔 Understandably, given she’s not just sitting at a desk all day writing up articles, but still. Everything is so simple and solid-colored. I miss the more interesting stuff!! 😩
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missspecter · 7 years
It wouldn't surprise me if we got some kind of vow renewal or something at the end of the season because like you and others have pointed out, it isn't just hardcore WA fans who had a problem with how the second wedding went down, articles are literally being written about how disrespectful it was. I doubt anyone is pleased by the almost universal scorn that flop double wedding brought on and they're probably going to want to clean it up - or at least try to. 1/2
Also, I don’t remember which producer it was but when WA getting married this season was confirmed, one of them said it wasn’t a matter of them marrying, but whether they would *stay* married. We know they will, because duh. But between that and what Dawn said to Barry, I think there will be some kind of trouble (probably with the Thinker & the Mechanic) that they’ll get through because they’re the Gold Standard, but whatever happened will make them want to (or have to?) renew their vows. 2/2
The biggest clue for me is Dawn’s “Don’t forget to say “I do” “, which he did. Also the producers have always treated WA’s RL milestone well (the 2 proposals were gorgeous, them moving in together etc…). I want to believe they wouldn’t disrespect the biggest one of them all like this. 
And I agree the ~problem~ will probably be at the hand of The Thinker and The Mechanic. There’s NO WAY all the parallels between the 2 RLs in 4x07 was unintentional. It will def come into play at some point with both couples facing each other. (Also from Candice’s SC, it looks like she & Kim, the actress who plays The Mechanic filmed together during the Fraturday shoot last night).
Like you said, I have a feeling this will lead to them renewing their vows towards the end of the season, maybe even in the finale, with all their family and friends present (which is another thing that bothered me about that lakefront wedding :/)
I REFUSE to believe they’d give OF an entire wedding ceremony after rudely interrupting WA’s not once but TWICE  while we get NOTHING.
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noahreids · 5 years
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Countdown to Schitt's Creek Season 6 → [37/65]
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noahreids · 5 years
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Countdown to Schitt's Creek Season 6 → [11/65]
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David and Patrick scenes - Schitts Creek
Season 4, Episode 7  “The Barbecue”
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David and Patrick scenes - Schitts Creek
Season 4, Episode 7  “The Barbecue”
“David I’ve spent most of my life not knowing what right was supposed to feel like, and then I met you, and everything changed. YOU make me feel right, David” - Patrick
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zalrb · 7 years
Fav se scene in 320?
That’s a difficult one but I’m going with their dance.
The reason why I say that dancing is an SE thing moreso than a DE thing or an SC thing is because I find that DE and SC dances are superficial. Elena realizes how sexy Damon is during the Miss Mystic dance, it’s really about the attraction and every dance they have after that one, except for 2x18, is an echo of that one dance. In 4x07, Elena is reminded of 1x19 and says that she wanted to dance with Damon because of that so they dance. In 6x11 Damon brings up the Miss Mystic dance to jog her memory. In 6x22 the show wanted to go back to the Miss Mystic dance so they’re just repeating the same thing over and over and over. With Caroline and Stefan, he has fun when he dances with her, which is fine but I don’t find that particularly significant because unlike what the dialogue would have try to make us believe, Stefan did have fun outside of Caroline and in fact more fun outside of Caroline when they become a couple. 
With Stefan and Elena though, their dances provide different ways for Stefan and Elena to reconnect, for Stefan to sweep Elena off her feet (literally and figuratively), they always get emotionally closer to one another through dance. 3x20 is a prime example of this. 
When Stefan and Elena get into the gym, Stefan is reluctant to dance 
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But then he does for Elena and at this point things are pretty safe and casual because it’s a fast song, nothing intimate, they can just sort of be in this bubble of not making things complicated
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and then the music stops and transitions to a slow song and things are a little awkward because the situation is awkward. Stefan had his humanity off and has bitten Elena and has threatened to drive her off Wickery Bridge, Elena has kissed Damon once and then made out with him and has admitted to not knowing how she feels about him, the Originals are wreaking havoc on the town, it’s a weird time and they’re in a weird place so a slow dance is weird
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and yet when Elena takes Stefan’s hand and they just start to dance, that comfort starts coming back, you can see Elena be like … yes, I remember this…
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and Stefan is just happy
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And then Stefan is Stefan, he mentions Bonnie and how she seems happy and how he wants to apologize to her, which leads to Damon and Elena is ready for an ugly confrontation about what happened at the motel but instead, Stefan is mature and tells her that she can tell him if she wants if they end up back together, there’s no pressure, there’s no self-pity, there’s no sense of entitlement and you see Elena get even more comfortable, her head is rested on her shoulder now, they’re closer now, she’s smiling, she’s impressed and relieved and yet also not surprised
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and Stefan just verbalizes what I said, he’s simply grateful and happy to be with her this night and he has no right to demand anything for her, she’s already being exceptionally gracious by choosing to dance with him
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and then he dips her 
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and it’s legit like he took her breath away and it’s pure Dobsley chemistry, that gaze, that connection, like they don’t break eye contact
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and I remember watching this scene on YouTube after it just aired and being like … … I don’t get Delena guys, I just don’t get it, they would never have such a pull to each other, I just … someone explain it to me because I don’t get it. 
And it was this dance, this coming together, this connection, this sort of forging of space in between something familiar and something new since they’ve evolved from who and what they were in season 2 that allowed the complete display of vulnerability and intimacy in the gym later on in the episode.
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