lopsidedspecs · 1 month
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“No one else that I would go to hell for”
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curseddollfaye · 3 months
Imagine Gojo as a girl dad and his little twin comes home from school one day after a long day of preschool. Her white hair pulled up in two pig tails as she chatters your ear off when you pulled up home and unlock the front door. Your laugh muffled by your hand as you walk down the hall with your daughter skipping ahead of you.
“Papa! Guess what!” She yells as soon as she spots him in the kitchen, already preparing her favorite after school snack; Dino nuggets and ketchup
“Princess! Oh daddy missed you soooo much!” Your husband as dramatic as ever helps her remove her backpack and put her lunchbox to the side as he lifts her up and tosses her little body in the air. The kitchen echoing with the sounds of your daughter content with being in the safe arms of her father.
“What is it you want to tell me hmm?” He presses a big smack of a kiss to her forehead as he moves to fix her plate for her while she waits on the island counter. A cheeky smile on her face which scares you sometimes on how much it looks exactly like Gojo.
“Go ahead baby tell daddy what happened at school” You nonchalantly him fixing a pigtail.
Your daughters eyes sparkle as a plate of nuggets as ketchup is presented to her. Taking t-Rex shape and generously dipping it into her ketchup. “I’m getting married Papa” She says it so seriously it’s comical how Gojo’s brightened up face falls.
You swear you see the last of air escape his lungs, leaving the man breathless and stressed.
By a four year old.
“W-what? To who?!”
“Jack! He goes to my school Papa!” She laughs as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world.
Of course she wanted a wedding just like the pictures her mama showed her from their family picture album.
“Well you can’t get married” You snort a laugh as he sends you a glare. How can you laugh at times like these? Your little girl is fixated on getting married to some bastard 4 year old who probably says the same thing to all the other little girls! That just won’t do.
“Im going to need to have a talk with him”
“No papa you can’t until the wedding! Oh by the way, I needs some monies” Gojo’s twin mumbles.
The act the same too You think watching the gears in Gojo’s head turn.
“Well you can’t get married” He shrugs
“Why?” your daughter frowns.
“Ah man you havent heard? They just ran out of weddings baby girl. Who knows when they’ll restock”
“Oh” his sweet baby frowns, he swears he sees her almost tear up but he quickly intervenes.
The next best thing next to a wedding.
“But daddy will take you out for some ice cream and buy another toy you can pick out! You wanted that new bluey toy this morning right? The one from the tv?”
“Satoru she just got that massive Barbie dream house delivered the other day she doesn’t need-“
“Yay!” Your daughter squeals and tosses herself into her fathers arms.
Problem solved for now , weddings are discontinued in your house until further notice…
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007reid · 6 months
So, still in the au of “secrets: Spencer Reid”..
I wanna see the teams reactions to reader and how cute Spencer is with her and how protective she is of him. Maybe Spence gets a little drunk and reader has an arm locked around him with a possessive scowl on their face. Pleeaasee??
you ask and you shall receive! i’m glad you enjoyed secrets, anon<3 sorry this is so late :(
secrets p. 2. spencer reid
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spencer reid x fem!reader
part 1 | part 2 ♡ this can be read as a stand-alone though!
summary: everyone expected spencer’s plus one to be his grandma or a close friend visiting. to see him show up with you hanging off his arm, clad in a black dress and rubbing your blood red lips together, you become the talk of the night.
warnings: fluff fluff just straight fluff!! spencer introducing his gf to the fam, teasing, drinking, flirting , nothing out of da norm. r is tough and possessive and spencer is basically her girlfriend.
a/n: someone take pinterest away from me because i’m getting too good at scouring for mgg stills and staring at them for hours. tell me you didn’t stare at that picture too.
spencer texted morgan that night, telling him that he’s bringing a plus one. morgan responded with a curt “yea bring ur ma on over why not.”
it appears that morgan did not take spencer that seriously. so he texted garcia, and she responded with “which member of the family havent we met? ❤️” spencer was just midst of falling on to his knees.
the day rolls around and spencer dreads it, plots a plan to make you watch a star wars movie marathon so that you’d fall asleep by the time of the event. he’s not a social recluse, by any means (okay so sometimes he is) but he prefers an evening staying in over going out. and it’s sunday evening, too, and he just wants an early night and to kiss you lazily until he’s sleepy. he doesn’t want to start the car, doesn’t want to get dressed up and get tidy for the bar. doesn’t wanna go anywhere.
the marathon plan backfired on him. just as you’re halfway through the third movie, you start pushing the throw blanket off your bodies, nudging spencer’s arms off of you. spencer whines, and he tries to make himself look extra pathetic (which didn’t take much, considering how he’s already desperate to get out of meeting the team) so that you’d pity him.
you don’t fall for his act one bit, which is extremely humbling to spencer. his puppy eyes used to work on you, but he suppose you’ve grown an immunity to them. “lazy boy,” you chides. he hides his face in the crook of your neck and you laugh. “come on, we’ll be late.”
“fashionably late,” spencer quips. you laugh again, detangling your bodies and press a kiss on his cheek before leaving the living room. spencer sits on the couch for a while and contemplates.
he does end up dragging his ass off the couch and freshen himself up. you have decided to use the guest bathroom for some reason, and he gets ready by himself, shaving before throwing on a simple burgundy sweater with all kind of patterns on it and some black pants, smoothing his hair out a bit and tucking them neatly behind his ears.
he rubs at his chin, looking at himself in the mirror. he looks like a middle school civics teacher, but he couldn’t careless.
he grabs his phone and slides it in his back pocket, going to the closed guest bathroom door. he knocks softly, leaning in close to not miss your voice.
“almost there,” you respond through the door.
“can i come in?”
“uhh,” spencer frowns. it’s unusual you’re doing this. you guys have shared an apartment for five months now, and he’s basically learned to lived around your life, to always have you wherever. getting ready apart is definitely unusual, and you’re being hesitant about letting him in, even.
maybe you’re still mad about the lila thing. he should apologize the moment he gets the chance.
“sure honey,” you say finally. spencer cautiously opens the door, and you’re sitting on the bed, pulling up your black pantyhose. he melts and perks up simultaneously at the sight of you.
you’re wearing a shiny, black silk dress that goes halfway down your thighs, the material pooling on the white sheets as you adjusts the pantyhose, reaching for your matching black leather mary janes. spencer looks down at himself, feeling timidly underdressed. you look up and smile at him so easily as if you're not the most beautiful woman in the world.
spencer feels his throat clog up. he clears it but when he speaks his voice is still blurry. "hi."
"hi," you buckle up your mary janes, gold necklace hovering above your knee. spencer stands awkwardly at the door, too entranced to move. you look up when he doesn't answer immediately, and breathe out a laugh when you see the dumb, starstruck look on his face. "gonna stand there all night baby?"
"mhm," spencer says absentmindedly. he finally bounces off the door frame and carefully sits himself on the bed next to you, cautious with every move. he immediately gets a faceful of the scent of your perfume and you look like an angel, smell like one too. "new dress?"
"mhm, thrifted it the other night," you respond. you stand up from the bed and do a small twirl, the thin fabric forming the shape of a flower, flying. you remind him of a black cherry blossom, if those even existed. "you like it? found it for four dollars. can you believe that? deal of a lifetime. if i had gotten to the thrift later someone would've snatched it right up."
to be honest, spencer isn't listening to a single word you're saying. he stares at you, and your silver hoops and crinkling eyes and the silver necklace he gifted you for your birthday five months ago and gets dizzy with the thought of how lucky he is.
"crazy deal," he says. then blurts. "you look beautiful."
you smile playfully. "you're just saying that," you laugh, smoothing out your hair in the mirror installed in the wardrobe. spencer stares at your reflection. "looking dapper yourself, doctor."
"do you think i should change?" he asks. because right now, it looks like you're both dressing up for different events. him to a school-based textbook debate conference and you to a high class art museum. neither events are the actual event you are both going to.
"you look handsome, spence," you reassure him. "that sweater. it suits you."
"it doesn't suit the bar," spencer grumbles quietly, still upset that he has to show up. he's not a bar man. more of a picnic or joinery kind of guy.
"you weren't born to suit whenever you're going," you say and then grab his hand. "we're gonna be late."
spencer gets even more grumbly when you both enters the bar, but you know in his heart he's extremely happy. he practically lights up when he sees his team crowding at a booth, dragging you along by the arm. he says hi to everyone, immediately comfortable just from the presence of his team except his excitement isn't mutual. the team isn't looking at him, but at you.
goggling like an eagle, some might say. you elbow spencer in the ribs. spencer looks at you questioningly, as if he doesn't know what to do.
"introduce me," you urge, feeling more awkward by the second. a man staring at you with his jaw on the table, beer frozen halfway to his lips you assume is morgan has a terrified look on his face. everyone does, actually.
"oh yeah. sorry," spencer says, ears turning slightly red but his beam is still bright. "everyone, this is yn. she's my girlfriend!"
"sweet mary jesus," morgan finally says. he breaks the ice, and the entire booth corrupts in excitement.
"reid, what are you doing? sit the lady down," jj scowl, scooting over and making space, squishing emily against her. spencer lets you slide in first, next to jj and he sits down after you, hand gentle at your waist. "why didn't you tell us?"
"well i tried to--"
"i really thought we had nothing to hide from each other. you know you could've trusted me with it!" garcia quips, her thick neon red earrings moving back and forth.
"i didn't do anything deliberate to hide it!" spencer defends himself snarkily.
"i couldn't deduce you had a girlfriend. i just thought someone who made you really happy started crashing at your place," hotch says, thoughtfully.
"let the girl talk," rossi rolls his eyes. spencer definitely captures their personalities well when he tells you stories about the bau, you recognize everyone just from a sentence. the table quiets and you can feel the warmness of eyes all on you.
"hi everyone," you could feel your cheeks getting warm from the attention. you wanted to make an impression, but it's hard. you go for the standard, "i've heard a lot about everybody."
"we would've loved to hear about you," garcia chirps. "but spencer is a very private soul. how long have you been together?"
the evening dissolves into small talk and teasing, and out of everyone in the bau, perhaps the one who's most shocked and proud of spencer is morgan. he sits back, arm tossed around garcia, admiring spencer like a pleased older brother seeing his baby brother ask for his car keys to take his new girlfriend out on a date. hotch has the same expression on his face, one of a proud dad.
he knew that something had been keeping spencer extra upbeat than usual, the lack of eye bags and how he's always energized and better put together. hotch couldn't place a figure on what it was, but now he realizes it was you. spencer almost glows, basking in the shower of your presence and hotch knows that under the table you and spencer are probably doing something cringy like rubbing circle-eights into each other's knees or holding hands under the table. the same thing he did when he was hopelessly in honeymoon love.
the entire table are happy for the both of you, but there's probably isn't anyone in the club more happy than spencer. he is lovesick and you're so beautiful, he can't help it. he feels more comfortable than he ever had been in a club, and that encourage him to knock more drinks down, have a little more fun.
"i'll grab the next round," you say, noticing that the beers in everyone's hands are getting lukewarm. you press a hand against spencer's thigh as you get up. spencer looks up at you, eyes wide and sweet. "i'll be right back."
as soon as you absorb into the crowd, the entire table startles in cheers and whistles. spencer glows red, partly from the alcohol. mostly from the attention. "my man!" morgan praises, knocking a punch into spencer's shoulder.
"she's beautiful," jj says approvingly. "she knows how to dress."
"i'm sayin'!" despite how much he denies it, derek is a horrible lightweight. he slurs. "how the hell did you bag her? tell us your secrets."
spencer blushes like a newly courted bride, going magenta all over.
"okay stop bullying the kid," emily says, but she's grinning wide.
"he definitely likes it," garcia giggles, pressed flat against morgan.
when you return, beers in your hand, the entire booth are giggling like a bunch of schoolgirls and your boyfriend is rambling, on and on. "sorry i took a while," you say, and within a flash everyone's grabbed beers for themselves, knocking the caps over. it's reached that point of the night when everyone's breath smells of beer, and the music is extra loud and everyone's extra dizzy. spencer latches onto you immediately the moment you sit down, staring at you with fucking moons in his eyes.
"i was just talking about you," he says, pupils wide. you know your boy is beyond drunk.
"yeah?" spencer nods. "what about?"
spencer hiccups and forgets the question. "wanna dance?"
a small smile creep on your face. it's unusual for spencer to ask, usually he doesn't even want to witness the act of people dancing together at all. "you sure?" you lock an arm around him. no one pays attention to the two of you, lost in their own conservations. spencer nods again.
"can we dance? let's go," he makes to move, pouting his lips but you slither your arms all over him, trapping him into you. "y/nnn," he whines.
"stay put for a bit for me okay?” you murmur, trying to distract him from the dancefloor.
it’s not like you oppose to dancing. hell, you love dancing, but ever since you stood up to grab the table drinks, you notice unwanted eyes across the bar glued on your boy, women with sharp eyebrows and pointy chins and short dresses, and you can never help the awful feeling that coils in your stomach.
jealousy is an irritating feeling to feel, and it’s telling you to dig your teeth into his neck and mark him all over for everyone to see and look away. but you won’t do that, because you have a slightest drops of decency you have saved up, and the least you can do is pamper spencer with kisses and grab onto his hand so tight he’d think of you instead of the inviting dancefloor.
spencer falls for it immediately, returning your kisses and whining pathetically against your lips, the alcohol making his head spin. spencer ‘s never been a fan of pda but he couldn’t careless now, hanging on you like a cat, dancefloor forgotten. you smile against his lips.
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quodekash · 22 days
FUUUUUUUUUUUCKing hell theyre gonna kiss today????
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hes so grumpy already I love this so much
the silent conversations chain and toey are having with their eyes oml I cant
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pls this is so funny
theyre both deeply in love with someone else so it's jsut so unnatural to them
BUT ALSO id like to mention that the first thing chain did when he had to pretend to be hitting on toey was put his arm around his shoulders and rest his hand there. which is what he's literally ALWAYS doing with pun, no matter when it is, he's always standing next to pun with his hand resting on one of his shoulders
its like he associates his time with pun as being in a romantic relationship 👀
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theyre lost in their own little world 🥺
this is too funny, the cuts from "chain. chain what happened next." to ✨soulful dramatic guitar music✨
im sad they didnt actually kiss but also im not surprised
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half convinced theyre already dating, they just cant be bothered saying anything so theyre waiting for others to ask them about it
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if I ever have a romantic partner, this is what I want
I cant explain it, I just wanna run up to them with pure joy and excitement, and for them to hold me back by just pushing against my skull
it just seems perfect, idk why
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genuinely think I might be more invested in their friendship than all the romantic relationships in this show
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im fucking CRYING
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my king matt, this was so unnecessary and I love everything about it
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why does it suit him so well tho
they should kiss again I think
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I feel everything about this image on a spiritual level
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look its really funny but I do feel bad cos this day is not even a little bit fun for him
like q is having a complete shit time
poor chain doesn't love amusement parks but he has to go on the rides with toey to keep up the facade cos toey loves these rides 😭
and its even worse realising Q also seems to love amusement parks, so he would be having a fucking amazing time if he could just go on all the rides next to Q cos they both love it so much 😭😭
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fuckin FINALLY
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I mean to be fair it was REALLY obvious
im surprised no one noticed earlier but also its a bl so im not at all surprised to find out theyre all fuckin dumbasses
a lot of the time watching bls ill be like "I want that" but its usually as a joke
but THIS?? the fucking adhd bastard (me) who just wants to be near their partner and compliment and always stimming and just having a swell fucking time while the other one loves them but is mildly tired but also in adoration? FUCKIN GIMME
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also how the fuck has Q not realised, theyre all so fucking obvious
also also I cant explain it it just feels deeply as though pun and chain are for real dating they just havent told anyone yet
ill make a post about it all at some point maybe (I definitely wont)
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hear me out tho, this gets even funnier if he's actually already in a committed relationship that no one knows about yet
I dont think it's secret dating, it's just 'not super obvious dating to try and see JUST how oblivious all our friends are. its been three years at this point and still no one's said anything. we're starting to lose all hope.'
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I love tan so much, the little wave
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what the FUCK
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what the FUCK FUCK???
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[insert that gif of the crowd of people in the bar going insane]
holy fucking shit dude holy fucking shit
my legs are literally shaking idk if I can do this
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im gonna be here all day
I dont even need to watch the rest of the episode now
I can just go to bed if I want and watch the rest later or smth
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dude I cant wait for q to realise that toey is milk frappe guy
omg making out in a haunted house, what a dream
the workers watching on the security cameras probably had a blast that day
how funny would it be if there'd been a scare actor in the shadows in that room with them and they'd been about to scare them but they were too shocked with that tender kiss to remember they have a job
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he needs to lie on his bed and just stare at his roof and think about that for a while
tbh same
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look at him 🥺 he's so lost in that memory
welp on that note I think im done for now
I might finish the ep with my silly thoughts+screenshots later but for now tis the time for sleep
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aezuria · 2 months
hi!!! idk if im putting the request in right but could you do a leo x hermes!reader fic/hc? (whichever you prefer!) tyy and take ur time :))
*ੈ✎ thief! you stole my heart!
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content: leo valdez x hermes! reader
╰┈▸ back cover: percy DID NOT disappear and the seven are still tgt at chb bc i want them to be happy OKAY
╰┈▸ warnings: i said fuck one time
librarian’s annotations: lowk i like the idea of this fic but i feel like my writing was just SO BAD in this one so idk i kinda hate it tbh (maybe i just havent played monopoly in a while 🤔🤔)
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you’d heard of leo, obviously; you watched as he crashed into the lake and put a spectacular show of trying to get hephaestus’s sign off the top of his head
what an ABSOLUTE FOOL he looked like, flailing around
you wanted him already (who wouldn’t?)
so obviously you came up with a plan...
—to steal his heart!
a very well-thought out plan, might you add, it had a total of five steps
first, you would make eye contact with him at least once while nyssa was giving him a tour of the camp. easy, right?
step 2, wait for your siblings to befriend him
you say wait, because you can just tell that travis and connor will sneak up on him like hyenas and force him into their antics
(and from his ever mischievous grin, you think he wouldn't mind)
three, be in the same area most, if not every time they converse, cause then he'd start associating them with you
and then he'd be like "omg who is that fine babe"
isn't that how it works?
you think you saw that in a psychology book or something (or maybe you just made it up??)
then, once that happens, you'll force connor to put in a good word for you (or bribe him, whichever works better)
finally (for now) step five; this was the most crucial part
you’d heard of leo, obviously; you watched as he crashed into the lake and put a spectacular show of trying to get hephaestus’s sign off the top of his head
what an ABSOLUTE FOOL he looked like, flailing around
you wanted him already (who wouldn’t?)
so obviously you came up with a plan...
—to steal his heart!
a very well-thought out plan, might you add, it had a total of five steps
first, you would make eye contact with him at least once while nyssa was giving him a tour of the camp. easy, right?
step 2, wait for your siblings to befriend him
you say wait, because you can just tell that travis and connor will sneak up on him like hyenas and force him into their antics
(and from his ever mischievous grin, you think he wouldn't mind)
three, be in the same area most, if not every time they converse, cause then he'd start associating them with you
and then he'd be like "omg who is that fine babe"
isn't that how it works?
you think you saw that in a psychology book or something (or maybe you just made it up??)
then, once that happens, you'll force connor to put in a good word for you (or bribe him, whichever works better)
finally (for now) step five; this was the most crucial part
play against him at the weekly game night
you had to show off your amazing game skills (that did not involve stealing, like, what???)
once you win, that'll impress him enough to make him fall in love, right?
it was totally foolproof
last week it was the aphrodite cabin's turn to pick, so this time it's cabin 11's turn. and you knew which game you just had to play.
"guys," you said seriously, laying on your bunk with your hands folded under your chin. "we need to play monopoly tomorrow night."
you were met with groans of "why?" and "that's gonna take forever!"
rightly so, but still!
"shut up, most of you guys don't even have seniority!" you turned to travis and connor, the only two siblings able to boss you around.
"please! it's part of my ingenious plan okay!?" you put your hands together, bowing your head. "i'll do whatever dare you guys want!"
oh you were serious serious. no one in their right head would agree to that. but, they do say love makes you crazy.
gasps echo through the cabin.
"whatever dare, huh?" travis says with a smirk that would make you regret saying that, except for the fact that you were head over heels for leo.
you sucked in a breath and resigned to your fate. "yeah."
"alright then, monopoly it is."
game night started right after dinner, because there was no way you guys could finish monopoly before midnight if you didn't. and even then, it was still a stretch. luckily, chiron was lenient on campers following curfew every friday, knowing how rowdy game nights could get.
though it wasn't summer, there were still a lot of campers, way too much for one board game. so, you were split into groups of eight. and if you and leo were put in the same group? must be a coincidence. (send help, you were practically selling your soul to the stolls)
"y/n, you are not allowed to be the banker." percy declared with a pointed look.
you gaped. why did he have to make your plan harder!? "what!? why not?"
"because we know you're going to steal the money," annabeth sighed, neatly organizing the colored bills.
"wow, okay then." you pouted, though you knew it was true. putting the money on display like that was just tempting you even more.
"i can be the banker," leo piped up from beside you.
frank shot him a skeptical look. "are you sure you're not gonna be stealling?"
"i would never!" leo held up his hands in defense. "please annabeth? i like being banker!"
she placed the 500s in the last slot, relenting. "alright, here." she pushed the tray to his side, which leo took eagerly and passed out the money.
the game started, and you took your lucky hat as usual, sending a silent prayer to tyche for some extra luck.
it began easy enough; you used up some money for property, auctioned the ones you didn't want. as the game got more and more heated (or as heated as a game of monopoly could get), you used the distraction to slip yourself a couple of 100s. they practically threw themselves into your hands! who could blame you?
a full set of orange, with houses all on them. you had a few other property cards here and there, but not enough for another set.
"i don't have enough money.." hazel looked at her measly pile of 10s, 50s, and a single 100 bill. "auction?"
"four hundred." leo bid almost immediately.
"four hundred!?" your jaw dropped. why was he starting so high? you looked down at your pile. your hard-earned (stolen) money wasn't going to last if you bet any more.
"four hundred and one..?"
"four hundred and five!" annabeth bid before leo could.
"five hundred."
"fuck!" you grumbled. defeat was not something you liked tasting.
you swear, you must've fallen asleep while playing. because the next time you looked over at leo, (okay, maybe you lost sight of the goal), he was eating up the rest of the board. you could've sworn he only had park place and the brown cards! you didn't have a backup plan for this!
you watched him goad percy into giving him boardwalk, saying that the shade of blue clashed with his 'vibe.' "i'll trade you all three light blue cards for boardwalk. deal?"
"don't do it percy," annabeth warned, already seeing the gears turning in her boyfriend's head.
"deal." percy swapped with leo, dapping him up as they traded. "pleasure doing business with you."
you looked back to the board. all of the property owned by him was decked with houses, all full sets! was that even mathematically possible? not that you'd know about it.
frank was next to go bankrupt, hazel quitting a half hour ago. she slumped on his shoulder, forcing herself to stay awake so she didn't miss out.
percy threw his single dollar bill on the floor, claiming that it "wasn't fair!" and that he'd give his property to annabeth. which was not a lot, considering she had sweet-talked him into giving her most of it already.
jason was next, but only because he was already half asleep. probably because he was usually in bed by 8:30.
you were still in the game out of sheer will. maybe you didn't have as much brains as annabeth or leo, but you still had some! that, and the fact that you would never live this down if you lost.
"alright, i give in." annabeth put her property cards down with not as much disappointment as you'd expect. you could see a glimmer in her eyes that would most definitely not be there, seeing as how much she hated losing.
she curled up next to percy and watched the two of you play.
now it was just you and leo. did your love for him outweigh your love for winning? you weren't quite sure anymore.
"hah! you landed on my property, so pay up!" you grinned maniacally. (it wasn't that deep tbh)
leo groaned and begrudgingly handed you the rent.
"that's my property!" leo pointed out the next turn.
you looked to the bank, but leo's eyes were set on you. guess you couldn't steal your way out of this one. "are you serious? what if i'm a single mom who works two jobs, who loves my kids and never stops-"
"just say you don't have the money."
four hours of non-stop monopoly. you think you could pass out right then and there, except for the fact that you had to save face in front of your massive crush. your group of eight said sleepy goodbyes to each other, all heading to their respective cabins. leo lingered beside you, or maybe you lingered beside him.
"that the first time you lost?" he broke the silence, hands shoved in his pockets as he turned to face you.
"yeah.." you grumbled. you were usually a pro at monopoly. "how'd you even win?"
"oh, y'know." leo winked. "maybe i stole a few bills here and there."
"i knew it!" you poked him in the side.
"hey!" he swatted your hand away, laughing. "you can't be talking! did you think i couldn't see you stealing?"
"uh, no?" you were being very sneaky about it! most people never even knew when you'd steal something!
"well, i did." he smiled triumphantly.
you crossed your arms. "you had to have been looking real hard if you noticed."
leo matched your pose, dimples showing as he flashed his teeth. "maybe i was."
"you were? wait i was just-" was he flirting with you? this counted as flirting, right?
he cut you off with a hand in the air. "it's safe to say that you, dear y/n, have officially, stolen my heart." he winked cheekily.
"okay that was kinda cringy-"
"yeah, i know-"
plan failed successfully?
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shower-phantom-ideas · 10 months
You guys just don’t understand
You can’t even begin to grasp the amount of pranks Danny could pull on super heros (is that one words? Superheros?)
Added a read more because I hate long posts
Danny as a ghost is so powerful. Like our boy can walk through walls, disappear, and fly! Do you even grasp how much more unique he is than the others guys??
Jokes aside just imagine if you will. Danny could leave batburger cups next to Batman all the time (he comes back later to toss em out of Big ol B doesn’t)
Like hell we talk about Danny just showing up basically stalking the heros but ok hear me out. He didn’t mean to figure out Batmans identity ok but he was in the right place at the right time and over heard some stuff. Now he follows Bruce Wayne around instead. Always spitting out if a batburger cup. Maybe Bruce makes eye contact with him and one time Danny just leans his drink out to as one does to offer a sip xD the man is horrified.
For the ?Robins? The other bats maybe he leaves gifts of sorts. Stuff they would like made from his ice or something. He can understand becoming a hero young and most (if not all) of them did that. He plays favourites with the younger Heros for sure. But hes still making them have there “God?? Is that you” moments like everyone else.
Hell he could follow Superman around and always make his cape flow against the wind and the Hero wouldn’t know wtf is going on. Maybe Superman hears a very slight snickering maybe but the prank is harmless enough so why worry too much. I mean it’s probably bad someone can do this without getting detected till they give themselves away by laughing but nothing harmful yet. (Yet would emphasise Batman)
I don’t know anything about GreenArrow but I assume he uses a bow and arrow so I could imagine Danny grabbing his arrows and making them fly in crazy wild paths before hitting their mark.
Idk honestly how he would fuck with GreenLatern besides like using his ghost powers to try and one up his ring. Like Lantern makes a shield? Danny makes a better one next to it or in front of it. Tbh it’s actually helping Danny get better at his powers so he does this a lot rip Hal (I did not know he was played by Ryan Reynolds maybe ill watch the newer movie)
He refuses to mess with Wonder Woman because the Phandom has told me she is his fav thus he refuses to prank her. He respects her too much and is a huge enough fan that hes too nervous to even approach. Thus she thinks she is this pranksters least favourite since she is never bothered.
Aqua-man (thx for the correction siri) is pretty fun to prank because Danny can follow the man underwater. Idk anything about science of it but imagine Danny like making a space he can talk in with his ice powers (making a bubble of sorts) to make spooky noises at ?Arthur? (R we seriously going with Arthur in this one?) like I assume without actual fish related powers, or with them I havent seen any thing aquaman, you can’t talk underwater. But also if Danny figures out his real name hes 100% gonna be playing the Hey Arthur theme at this man all the time.
He just lowkey overshadows cyborg. Not in a controlling way but just along for the ride kinda way. He was gonna make remarks about his tech but ended up being stunned by how good it is. “Fam I aint gonna lie. I came here to follow you around and make comments like a streamer but your tech is crazy cool. I mean you could have saved a little room with a more compact cooling unit but I mean this is probably some of the best stuff I have seen outside my family!” Or something idk. Maybe he goes full on antman in coldwar
As for the Flash thats pretty simple. He doesn’t let the Flash run from him. I don’t think Danny could keep up with the Flash at all. Like man cants have everyones powers (can’t he tho) but he just hangs on and pretends to have followed. I mean hes invisible the whole time so not like anyone can see lmao though if (idk who the flash is? So ill use Barry cause thats why google say) if Barry goes too fast he might get Danny to give up the game cause boy is on the side vomiting. Barry is pretty smug about probably being the first to throw the prankster for a loop but Danny is just on the side like “how can you go that fast and not be sick dude”
Like tbh I was gonna just make a list of pranks he pulls on Batman but yall seem to enjoy the Justice League so here go off I guess.
Honestly I had to charge my phone so I forget a lot of the post rip this kne
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theosconfessions · 7 months
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if youd like to read the stephens from the beginning you can do so over here:)
if youd like to read the stephens continued click here :)
scarlett- oh god. look im not in the mood. dad already grounded me .so whatever youre going to say is like...it doesnt have to be a thing.
theo- i think it does have to be a thing,scarlett.
scarlett-seriously? i already got lectured by marlee of all people and now i have to listen to the same thing from you?
theo-first of all watch your fucking mouth
scarlett-im telling dad
theo- tell dad. i havent said shit yet. you know scarlett. when your mother told me she was pregnant.couldnt come at a worse time. i met this great dude.even if it was just fucking around . i still felt something there you know. like i knew this was someone i was going to end up with. forever end up with
scarlett- is this going somewhere?
theo- [scoffs] yeah its going somewhere. but you probably dont want to hear it if you cant get something from it right? you cant stream this shit so whatever right?
theo- like i was saying. your mom told me she was pregnant. i still went on the show. still begged dustin to sign up. never ever even told him one thing about you. not for awhile. hell i thought you were going to fuck everything up for me. so i hid it. for a long time. hid you for a long time. even after you were broni just wasnt there. because i felt like if i told dustin? hed immediately piss off . im just some new boyfriend . i wasnt shit. and if i was capable of hiding this from him at the beginning? what would i be capable of in the long run? uh uh dont say shit. just listen. i know there was going to be a bitchy comment out of your mouth just now.
scarlett- [smirks]
theo- anyways. he finds out only because he caught me fighting on the phone with your mom which was typical. and you know what? he couldve fucked right off. we were still new . but he insted that i be more presnet. he insisted his kids meet you. and back then scarlett? when i was younger? i was one hundred percent just focused on me. and what i wanted. i never wouldve given your mom a second thought back then . but dustin..dustin kinda made me slowly realize i was missing out on a lot of things. you being a big one. hell if dustin knew about you sooner? he wouldve been there hwen you were broon. the LEVEL of disrespect youve shown him is unreal. someone like that?
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arataka-reigen · 8 months
hello!! i saw the tags on your pinned post abt how shoujo wasn't just romance and it got me curious bc i've read some nice shoujo but really dislike romance-heavy plots. are there any shoujos you like that don't have much or any romance in them? ty and i hope you have a good day! 💛
Oh, there are lots of mangas that are classified as shoujo and don't have romance!!
I am just now beginning my journey through shoujo as well, so I don't have a lot of recommendations for stuff I actually read, but the ones I did read or watch so far are:
Natsume Yuujinchou and basically anything else by its author, Yuki Midorikawa. Sometimes, her works do include romance, but the focus is almost always in the interpersonal relationships and the difficulties her characters go through in life. NatsuYuu is about an orphan boy who can see yokai, and for that reason he acts in "weird" ways and his foster families dislike him, so he keeps going from family to family. The story is about how he finds a good family who accepts and loves him, makes friends, and learns to make friends even with yokais.
There are currently 6 anime seasons out, and a 7th season is on its way, so you can either read the manga or watch the anime.
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Akatsuki no Yona - i mean, this one does include romance, but i'll still put it on the list because as far as the anime went the focus is heavy on Yona's actual journey to gather the dragons of legend to be able to recover the kingdom that was stolen from her. It shows how Yona goes from a sheltered spoiled girl to a person befitting the title of dragon king.
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My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom - this one is the og villainess isekai and it truly deserves the hype. It is about a girl who wakes up in the child body of the villainess of her favorite otome game. She remembers that the villainess' fate in the game was always either death or exile, so she tries her hardest to change her fate. This one is classified as a reverse harem, but the main character is pretty oblivious and worries more about farming and eating sweets and generally being the best girl ever than actually worrying about romance. Aro ace queen tbh. And her harem is just happy to be with her and be dragged along for her stupid adventures. Plus, the female members of her harem are taken seriously as well, Mary is a raging lesbian and it is not subtext. I mean, it is a shoujo, so of course the female characters would be important lol.
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Usagi Drop - listen to me. You will absolutely not look for anything related to this manga. If you like the premise you can watch the anime. But, please, do not look for the manga. You will only be extremely disappointed by it. That being said, I recommend the anime. It is about a man who returns home for his grandfather's funeral and then finds out his grandfather had an illegitimate daughter who has now become an orphan. He ends up having to take care of her because the rest of the family considers her a shame to the family.
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Now, for the stuff I havent seen yet, I'll just write some that are on my "plan to read" list and put their genres next to their names so you can check it out if you think the genre's sound interesting:
7 Seeds (drama, horror, psychological, sci fi, survival)
Requiem of the Rose King (drama, historical, supernatural, gender identity)
Basara (drama, fantasy, adventure) (i think this one has romance, but from what i've heard, the main character's story is a lot deeper as she takes her brother's identity in order to fight against the king who killed her brother, it is pretty famous and considered a classic)
Ghost Hunt (horror, mystery, psychological, supernatural)
Helter Skelter (horror, psychological)
My Stepmother and Stepsisters aren't Wicked (comedy, historical, slice of life)
Ikoku Nikki (drama) (this one is the one i'm currently most interested on, i hear it's about a distant woman who's never had a good relationship with her sister and now has to take care of her teenage niece because her sister died)
Itsuwari no Freya (crossdressing, historical)
Limit (drama, psychological, school) (this one sounds incredible tbh, on a field trip their bus gets into an accident and only 5 girls remain, having to learn to survive and trying to assert themselves over one another because they hate each other.)
Machida-kun no sekai (school)
Mitarai-ke, Enjou suru (drama) (the main character wants to infiltrate the household of the family who blamed her mother for a fire, in order to prove her mother's innocence)
Smoking Behind the Supermarket with You (comedy)
Uramichi Oniisan (comedy, showbiz, workplace)
Usotoki Rhetoric (mystery, historical)
Don't Call It Mystery (mystery)
If anyone has more things to recommend I would also love to hear about it!!
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jacaerysgf · 1 year
Hello, I like your posts and they are very good :3
I came up with a scenario with aemond where they masturbate each other and whoever gets revenge first must take orders from who won. It can be Aemond or his/her/them
Whos first?
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warnings | nsfw, not proofread, havent written smut in awhile im probably rusty
a/n | thank you so much for the request and im glad you like my work !! i hope you enjoy this aswell !!
“you never know when to give up do you?” his head falls into your neck with a groan. “i never quit.” your words are quickly followed by a moan as his fingers quicken on your clit.
“fuck, cum.” “you first.”
This stupid idea had come up when you had jokingly told him you could make him cum before he made you cum and he seemed to take it a little too seriously.
“no you couldnt.” you laugh and slap his arm playfully, “of course i could.” you move away from his to pick up the book on the bedside table you had been reading earlier. You flop down on the bed and begin to open the door as he stands still giving you an unreadable look.
You dont even look up as you hear his footstep approaching you, he rips the book from your hands and you gasp as he pushes you down so you back is laying flat against the bed.
You can only watch in shock as he crawls on top of you and you can see a dark look in his eye.
“lets find out if youre right huh?” he cups your sex causing you to gasp again as he leans his head down to your ear, “then lets make a deal, whoever loses has to follow the others orders how about that hmm?” hes already begun to move his fingers in circular motions leaving you moaning. you know hes picked the punishment thinking he will win but you plan on showing him what you got.
you glare at him, “deal,” you quickly shove your hand down his pants and he shivers, “and youre a cheater.”
You can feel his hot breath brushing against your cheek and his groans filling your ears. This was getting really hard really quickly you needed to step it up.
You move your head and lick a long strip along his neck and your thumb swipes along his tip. he hisses as his freezes his movements for a second.
You know how much he loves it when you touch his tip whether it be with your tongue or with your thumb it always made him melt, like right now.
you pull your hand out and spit on it before sticking it back down his pants, “come on aemond wont you cum for me?” you ask him in a sickly sweet voice as he begins to move his hand once more.
his thights begin to shake and he looks back at you with a glare.
You smirk as you feel a hot liquid begin to hit your hand.
you push aemond to the side and climb on top of him.
“now what should i have you do now?”
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mins-fins · 5 months
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⌗ NOTE 𓈒 𓈒 𓈒 you literally do not get how exciting this all is to write for me like i am enjoying this so much 🙁 if you havent already watch superstore i took most of the inspiration for this fic from the whole show 🙏 dream my loves ugh 😖 (especially renjun my wife 💔)
⌗ WORD COUNT 𓈒 𓈒 𓈒 1.4k
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now, usually you consider yourself a surprisingly patient person. no matter the situation, you can always somehow find enough calmness left in your system to not snap and simply keep yourself tranquil enough that you don't go completely batshit crazy and proceed to take it out on everyone in the room that made you mad and lose your cool in the first place.
even then, that is a pretty rare occurrence, you've only ever really lost your cool one certain time—
but now it seems like everybody is out to get for some reason.
you had been left in charge by your ever so sweet boss, and it's now that your here you wish you genuinely tried to oversleep. your not sure why instead of asking the, i don't know, SEVEN OTHER PEOPLE that they see around the store in the same uniforms, customers resort to walking up to you, while they see your doing something with another customer, and still decide to ask you for directions.
the amount of times you've sworn in your mind today is immaculate.
and it's not even noon yet.
"excuse me? where do you guys keep the mugs?"
you stare at the shorter woman blankly, not even having to think about it. "aisle five, when you take a right they'll be right there".
"oh thank you!"
you just give her your signature customer service smile, hoping she doesn't notice the clear bags under your eyes. you glance down at your watch and for once, are suddenly full of relief.
 a break! finally a break!
and it may be a measly 30 minute one but it is a break and that's all you've been needing for the past four and a half hours. you feel like your about to fall asleep as you shuffle your way towards the staff room.
"you look like you've been through hell" jaemin comments as soon as you walk in, a look of playfulness crosses his face instead of the concern you hoped he would've shown you.
oh who are you kidding? jaemin would rather die before he showed any kind of seriousness at his workplace..
"i need to sleep" you don't even try to acknowledge the comment he just made, instead letting yourself fall into renjun's arms as you close your eyes.
"you need to eat".
"no, the only break we have in the whole work day is obviously for sleep" you mumble as you make yourself comforting in your roommates hold. renjun doesn't try to argue with you, just pats your back and lets you lay on him.
"can you even get a quality sleep in thirty minutes?"
"anything can happen in thirty minutes" you say as if it's one of those stupid movie quotes people put on pinterest. "now stop talking na jaemin you have a job to do".
"yeah yeah whatever boss".
jaemin doesn't escape the sharp glare you give him through your right eye before closing them once again. you hear the sarcastic laugh he lets out before he exits the room, making sure to slam the door behind him for extra effect.
"okay so how has it been? trying to find other jobs?"
now that it was just the two of you in the room, renjun decided that now was the best time to bring up what's been troubling you pretty much all week. you try your best to pretend that you don't hear him, and that's when renjun decides to pinch you.
"ow! really!?"
"you need to do something eventually! you're really not going to work here for the rest of the year are you?"
the question makes you frown, yeah you've had this job for what seems like forever and it's been a good year now, but working on this random retail place isn't going to work out forever, and obviously, it isn't going to pay all your expenses.
you've worked three jobs at the same time before, but working only one on the weekends is the only shot you have because your weekdays are full of essays (for some particular reason), and your at the college pretty much all day, so what free time do you even have anymore?
"of course i'm not, but you know how things are, people say their hiring when they're not actually hiring and even when you do apply they don't come back to you for like two weeks and when they do it's 'oh sorry this position is no longer available'!"
renjun has gotten used to listening to your frustrated rants, you really don't mean to suddenly just drop them on him, but he's always willing to listen to you, give you advice on stuff that you weren't really thinking about, but had been tucked away into the back of your mind.
he just knew you, he knew you better than anyone else.
"well there must be someone that wants to hire.."
"yeah but i'm not really sure how yoon would feel about me suddenly having to dedicate time to other jobs".
"you could always, quit this one".
the suggestion makes you look at renjun like he just cursed your bloodline. "if i quit then it's 'oh y/n what's wrong you can't be a responsible student?' and all types of ridicule from my family who refuse to help me pay off at least half my tuition even though they can and then continue to complain when i cut them off!"
okay so now your getting mad, you quickly take a deep breath and stop yourself from shouting, because you cannot lose your cool at a time like this. "i'll try, but i also don't wanna risk it, you know?"
renjun knows, unfortunately. compared to everyone else, you have the least amount of luck at finding other jobs if you end up quitting this one, despite the fact that you probably have the fullest resume, that seems to not matter to future employers (it does, but for some reason they enjoy passing the blind eye when it comes to you).
"yes i know" renjun hears that familiar weary sigh escape your lips, and he crosses his legs. "but, at some point, this job is gonna ruin you mentally, you have to know when enough is enough".
you pause, then slowly sit up and cross your arms. you open your mouth to respond to his statement, but then you pause, turning your head towards the door. "do you smell something burning?"
renjun blinks, then his eyes widen as he looks over at you. "yes?"
you immediately, once again, curse in your mind.
your just having the best day aren't you?
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you usually never curse at jisung, you have no idea why you seemed to like him extra compared to everyone else. maybe you love him more since he's the youngest of the team, or maybe he's just good at convincing you into things, your not exactly sure, but right now, you are pissed off, your not sure what's coming over you at this very moment, but your definitely not happy with jisung at the moment, that's for sure.
jisung opens his mouth to answer but closes it, and you narrow your eyes at him.
"fireworks inside? really!?"
"it wasn't on purpose!"
"what— what made you think that was a good idea!?" you don't mean to yell, but you are just so frustrated, because why would anybody think it was a good idea to do that!? it's at times like these that you wonder is this job is even worth all the trouble.
"i'm sorry! okay? i didn't mean for the situation to get out of hand!"
"maybe you should've been paying attention then!"
you look like your about to kill him with the way your glaring, but you take in a deep breath, and close your eyes. you are being just a little too hostile, and you probably look like an absolute crazy person right now.
good god you feel conflicted.
"i'm sorry" you whisper, crossing your arms. "i didn't mean to yell at you".
"i'm just.. i'm looking out for you, really".
jisung nods, he knows you just want the best for him, all the time he does stupid stuff and your always there to take the blame for him, especially when he first joined the job. you both know how yoon is, and you just don't want him to get in trouble and potentially another strike.
"i know" he mutters. "i'm sorry".
you sigh.
you wonder how long it'll take until you lose your sanity in this place.
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not-souleaterpost · 7 months
Ever wished that a trailer DOES lie?
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Didn't come up with some clever pun or whatever to express what I want so I'll put it bluntly: Does anyone agree that new Napoleon movie looks kinda lame from the trailers?
Like the first one was like the two types of cliche trailers one after the other - with all the "boom" sounds and mach cuts, while then doing the whole "eq-so-it-sounds-distant childlike song" thing. But what I found worse is turning Napoleon into Thanos (havent seen a Marvel movie after Iron Man 3, so I might be wrong) - but all the stoic cool guy one liners and weird self-agrandising cliche uterances - only to end with putting on the Crown on himself as if it was that stupid plastic gem-gauntlet... Should just have snapped and said "France Won" and go all the way while showing the Austo-Hungary disolve.
The second trailer seems to be more of the same, with even having the Black Sabbat song to make it artsy but not to artsy. Idk maybe I'm being to harsh and hypocritical, but aften then having the love interst say "look down at my crotch - I control you with it" - I just cant take it seriously - gives me flashbacks to being a kid and seeing my dad watch game of thrones and realises that half the charachters are screwing their sister and brothers cause thats the only way to make something "Mature"...
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But why am I writting a whinning post? Don't I try to make some contrived point in these? Yeah, at first I didint even want to post this, so I dont be one of these cynical movie guys, feel bad for these who now seemingly in nearly their fifties just whine about how bad hollywood is and how superheros suck while only reviewing them while their is a great new Scorsesse movie which they ignore- And instead of continuing this passive agressive attack on RLM, I better segway into my whole point: "The Killers of the Flower Moon" - A movie I recently saw and enjoyed quite a lot - surprisingly because I thought from the trailers "Yeah, Scorsee got old and is phoning it in" - cause from the trailers it just seemed like a generic by the numbers exploitation film, where victims kill their oppressors with the whole "happy ending" being both overly sweet and bitter - because how unrealistic yet saddistic it would be, even as a fantasy only leaving the reality of resentment and bloody revenge.
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But thankfully, it was nothing like that - so the trailer lied, and I was happy - or more happy that even when it lied I thought "well going to the cinema with friends is more important, and why not see a scorsse movie on the big screen, if he dies, or I, soon, I'll regret it, even if it was a piece of shit..."
So maybe that's the point I'm making - maybe a very weird and pointless one - but yeah, maybe Napoleon won't be as bad as I think? Even if it is a far-cry from the Napoleon Kubric would have made, Ridley Scott is still a director with a certain esteem, and who the hell didn't like Gladiator? Even still have an old VHS with a cutot of a tv-magazine of it that my father used to tape over to just pirate the movie old schoo way lol. Still, I'm not saying to mindlessly buy and watch everything - but to just think - maybe even a disapointing movie is worth the human connection one will make (cause who goes to the movies alone?) - so if somebody says "hey lets watch it, its like if the Joker was French" - why not, maybe even it will turn out to be:
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alollinglaughingcat · 30 days
i... accidentally discovered 100% Wolf and im absolutely going insane
something i like to do for fun is to watch kinda of shitty animated wolf/dog/animal movies like, yknow, like Pets United or Underdog, or, famously, the Alpha & Omega series, mostly cause i see some YT review about how bad/goofy they are and it's something to waste an hour or two
and i saw a 100% Wolf bad review and was like "ha another bad wolf furry movie! i'll watch that. oh it has a sequel movie coming out soon? cool. oh, it has a series? with two 20+ episode seasons? oof the series probably butchers the quality/integrity of the movie... i'll watch the movie but the series will probably be to bad to watch---"
granted im only up to like episode 14 or smthn before i HAD to take a break (literally i watched the movie this morning and i havent taken a break for ANYTHING) (except feeding my foster kittens)
BUT LIKE???? it's not GOOD quality necessarily, either in animation or plot or character development, like I'd say it's kind of like Miraculous Ladybug quality, but a little worse? but i just LOVE it. i LIKE the characters. i ENJOY the silly little plot. i LOVE that it just fucking??? does things??? and never gives you answers to them???
like hello??? Batty the 100% DOG gained the ability to go were-human and NOBODY QUESTIONED IT OR INVESTIGATED IT FURTHER??? (but i love Batty's character and i love how she got voted the pack leader instead of the main character or his rival even if it didn't stick and i love how she wanted to return to being a normal dog at first but then grew to love her werewolf pack and she doesn't wanna go back and the episode where she was like 'what is my future after the academy if i cant join the night patrol? what do i want from this new life?' was MUAH CHEF'S KISS even though that ALSO did not technically get an answer/resolve)
and what happened to Cherry????? is she on the good guys side now or is she still on the bad guys???? hello???? she was evil for like TWO episodes and then got redeemed and rejoined the good guys again except HELLO REMEMBER that she was probably in cahoots with the OTHER secretly-bad-guy-pretending-to-be-a-good-guy and said guy (Ric) just??? never confronts Cherry for abandoning the bad guys???? even though he SHOULD??? unless Cherry is secretly still on the bad guys side???? WHAT IS HAPPENING WITH CHERRY??? I NEED ANSWERS (and i hope there IS answers in the future but knowing this show its just gonna forgor about it XDD)
AND WHY IS RIC SO SIMULTANEOUSLY STUPID AND SMART??? one episode he's literally evil mastermind and it's so expertly written and i LOVED the foreshadowing for him being the secret evil guy except now that he's revealed to be the evil bad guy he's so stupid sometimes???? why'd they butcher you bro 😭😭😭
SPEAKING OF THE BAD GUYS JUST. FUCKING CHILLING ONCE THEYRE REVEALED TO BE EVIL. what's up with Hotspur??? he was literally the movie villain big baddie who like tried to literally MURDER all dogs and also imprisoned his brother and basically tried to murder his brother and his nephew (LITERALLY Scar-Mufasa-Simba style lmaoo they didnt even try to hide it and its so fuckin funny to me) and then we enter the series and he's just???? allowed to continue being a respected werewolf elder and also running his evil dog shelter??? i get that the series is almost sort of a 'separate/alternate canon' but technically at the end of the movie they also showed him just like?? doing community service?? i literally find it so fucking funny that when someone tries to commit an Evil (see: Cherry, Ric, Hotspur, etc.) the rest of the characters are all like "hey i know you tried to murder me but just do some community service and you can join the pack again kay? 🥰"
but despite the little plot holes the series still seems to run so smoothly and i just love how it knows the right amount of seriousness to take itself, and i love how all of the characters work together... like they could have just had Ivan be a stuuuupid bully forever but within the first few episodes they were already showing him being a better person and being a good member of the pack, all while still keeping his personality... like he even tried to protect Batty's secret!!! even though he was being dog racist you KNOW he would still protect Batty and Freddy with his life even though they're dogs because THEY'RE HIS PACK!!!
also i just love how Freddy LIKES being a dog! like obviously in the movie he reached the conclusion that dogs weren't bad/inferior and he was fine being a pink poodle instead of a big scary werewolf like the rest of his family, but i was afraid the series would revert him and make him all "oooo im just a stupid dog i want to be a powerful wolf!!! no one takes me serious!!" but nah, in the series he's literally like "being a dog is the fucking best and if you disagree you can fucking suck it 😎" AND in 200% Wolf the whole plot is going to be that he DOES get transformed into a wolf and he WANTS TO GO BACK TO BEING A POODLE!! i love that!!
i also love Batty, did i already mention that? i love that she is literally a dog. she is a DOG, who happened to end up being able to turn into a human because of unexplained magical shenanigans, and she still acts primarily like a dog even when human, and she's just so fucking awesome, and my only wish is that she actually got to be the pack leader instead of that being a one-off thing lol. i also love Scarlet too, and i really really really hope that as like the opposite to Batty, Scarlet ends up getting turned into a dog/werewolf lmao. let the wolf hunter become the wolf!!!! if it can magically happen to Batty, it can magically happen to Scarlet XD
also more Cherry please wtf is going on with her i love her
anyway i just needed to ramble because this is my new obsession and i am not going to be able to shut up about it 😭
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soluchi · 2 years
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SUMMARY: them reacting to your death but ur being a little whore
WORDS: 1.6k
WARNINGS: death, suicide (technically, the reader jus wants to die, part 7 spoilers, mostly platonic but can be read romantically
PARTS: 4-7
NOTES: none of this is in order i write as the ideas come 2 me (slay i sound so artistic), i havent written for some of these characters but it's not obvious cause all of it is actual dog shit, I DO NOT HATE GIORNO i just wrote his part first n thought everything else wld b kept shprt 🤡
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josuke higashikata
appears calm cause you won't stop fucking joking around
  please assure him tht it's ok for him to cry
will try to heal you but you're like "hey. quit it >:("
jesus hes literally a mess
"you can cry, i know losing such a hot and sexy person wld hurt extremely." "*tearing up* hot and sexy mean the same thing"
"this must be payback for that time i told a 6 year old he looked like a chewed up lego." you laughed. before josuke even moved, you gripped his wrist and stared at him like a dead fish. "if you fucking pull out crazy diamond, i'm going to bring you with me."
he looked away from you in guilt. "you're too young to die." you scoffed and squinted at him. "dude, i'm literally older than you." when you flopped on him, he almost fell over. "yea, by a year." you punched him lightly, as that was all you could manage. "jesus christ man, i'm dying. are you seriously going to be mean to me while i'm fuckin bleeding out?!"
after a semi comfortable silence with you staring at josukes eyes and josuke trying to look you in the eyes. he couldn't do it, he couldn't bear to watch the color drain from your eyes. it'd hurt too much. "your eyes are pretty." you smiled at him.
"are you trying to be nice now so do can go to heaven?" you scowled at your friend. "can i not be nice?" he wasn't staring at you directly but you could see his deadpan expression. "not in practice." you sneered at him. "but i just was." he rolled his eyes and a tear fell out from his eye. "barely."
"...hey, josuke. you know you can cry right? i'm sure losing such a stunning and breath taking person would hurt immensely." there were tears dropping on your face before you could even finish talking. "stunning and breath taking means the same thing." you pushed him slightly as a response.
he holds you as if you would turn to dust right in front of his eyes, and because all that he's seen, you're pretty sure he expects that to happen. "do you think the afterlife will be fun?" he considers what he should say, hearing the tiniest bit of worry in your voice. "probably not, but you'll make it fun."
your dimples show as you smile up at him, pretending not to hear the crack in his voice because i'd make you sad. "i didn't know you thought so highly of me." an impossible amount of tears escape his eyes as his voice quivers as he feels you starting to go limp. "you know i love you, right?"
"no shit."
giorno giovanna
he litch rillee does not know how to react
and it's not really his fault cause you keep on acting like a fuckin goofy goober
like damn bitch shut up !!! anyways.
bro can barely talk like aw :( mm :(( anyways !
another mf tht tries to heal you when you literally just want to die like damn 😕
"hey, giorno." you called for him but watched the sky, laying on your back. "now that this... mess is all over, are we finally going to get to vandalize the boboli gardens?" the blonde slightly flinched at your laughter. "ah, shit!" you groaned, half because of the way your ribs felt. "do you think i'll have enough time to try every biscotto della nonna? maybe prank a tourist one last time?"
his hands are shaking but they still find their way to the left side of your waist. "you're fine, you're fine. i can help. you'll be fine." he notices that you've stopped talking but he still brings his stand out. "giorno."
the way you say his name with a tone he thinks hes never heard you use. you sound so sweet and tender at this moment, despite what's actually going on. this makes it all the more unfair because there's still so much of you that you haven't shown to the world, or even him. 
"remember to visit the boboli gardens for me."
jolyne cujoh
she won cry cause her momma didn't raise a little bitch !!! (lie)
when u hit her w tht "stay gold, ponyboy" type shit she starts fuckinf bawling
yall know tht monologue johnny from the outsiders does in the hospital
"17 years ain't long enough!!!"
she starts bawling
like, damn, bro !!! was tht really necessary !?!?
at least she wasn't making a big deal about this, you smiled at your friend. "just one time, before i.. go, you've got to promise me that you'll eat microwaved cereal at least once." you laugh at your choice of words, and jolyne laughs too, but it sounds a little forced. "you know you can cry right? it's just us and i'm literally dying. who's gonna tell?" jolyne exhales from her nose, slightly turning her head to the left, so she wouldn't have to stare at the blood on your lips.
when you finally found what you were looking for, you took jolyne's hand. "jolyne, you know how i've been joking around and wishing that someone would just kill me? i mean, i guess it's still true but..." you squeeze her hand, and she can't keep her eyes off of your hand. you felt so cold. 
"i can't believe im gonna die in a fucking prison!" you lament. "god, my mother was right." the blue bunned girl wants to say something when she sees you crying, but she doesn't know what. "it's not enough. i didn't get enough time! there are so many things i could've been doing if i wasn't rotting here!"
jolyne stares at the floor which you lay on, contemplating her next words. "hermes and i are planning to escape. somehow, i can get someone to help you and-" you nod your head until your eyes light up. she savors the moment and burns the image into her brain. hopefully, it'll help her cope with another friend dying to protect her.
"this," you put something cold in her hands, but it wasn't necessarily cold like your hands. when she opened her hands and glanced at it, she looked back to you with furrowed eyebrows. "this is your..."
you sat up, at least to the point where you were able to hug her. "take it with you. i feel like if you take my most prized possession, i'll still be alive. diamonds and rust probably won't work anymore, but at least i'll still be out of here." 
"i'm gonna miss you." you say after closing your eyes. "hey, you haven't died yet. quit being dramatic." you laughed softly while deciding to ignore the way her voice cracked. "i'll come back to haunt you so i can tell you what the afterlife is like."
you opened your eyes for a few seconds to see her smile. you always loved how her eyes crinkled when she smiled, even when she was crying. jolyne wiped her eyes and held your hand to her face. "bring back a souvenir."
"i already gave you my necklace, greedy."
johnny joestar
"we was bout 2 make it out the hood bro what the fuck 😭😭😭"
you touched your chest when you saw the president sucked into the ground. when you made the contact, there was something liquid like on you. "oh." was the only thing you said when you raised your hand to your eyes. you must've been injured while the three of you were shooting at each other, you thought while staring at the crimson liquid.
johnny turned to you after hearing your reaction, to what he assumed was the death of funny valentine. you were eerily quiet for someone who jokes even in the worst situations. you took your attention away from your hand and on to johnny. when you opened your mouth, you coughed up blood while johnny watched you in dread. 
"johnny, you need to get to a doctor." the fact that you didn't say 'we' did not go over his head. "you..." you pursed your lips and looked to the ground. "this journey sure has been fun, huh?" you force out a laugh when you see him tearing up. "i told you already i knew i was going to die on the road. it's been fun being your friend."
"but we're so close, you- you can't-" you attempt a smile, but it only makes the situation worse. "you can finish for me, don't be a whore." the blood on your hand is drying and the texture makes you uncomfortable. "i'm so sorry." you finally look him in the eyes and you wish you didn't. "i truly hope you find happiness after this."
god, he really was a loud crier. or maybe it was the fact that he had no one else left. "i don't know if you're crying cause i'm going to hell or because i'm dying right now." after yelling a string of curses, he crawls over to you. you warned him about doing this because of his wounds. "fuck! you can't just... can't you use heart shaped box?" you shook your head. "if i could, i still wouldn't." he wanted to hug you but he was afraid that you'd be cold. he wasn't sure he'd be able to go on after this. 
"i'll kill the devil for you after i die. maybe i'll beat up god too." he couldn't even glare when you made that dumb joke. "are you seriously going to go out without having a single moment where you weren't joking around?" you grinned at him and closed your eyes.
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yall have no idea how many times ive reposted this shit trying to get it into tags 😭
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atlasofthestaars · 8 months
i love love love this timeline's raiden i want to hold him in my hands like 🤲 and the little moment reader and him have at the end of chapter 4 was so cute oh my word 😭😭😭 "Yes please!" DO YOU HEAR ME CRYING 😭😭😭😭 ++ a question if you dont mind!! which of the characters (either ones you have written already or havent yet) would you say was the hardest to get a grasp on, personality wise? i deeply admire your dedication to writing a series following the story mode!
Same! I've always been a fan of Raiden, but this variation of Raiden has a VERY special place in my heart. I'm glad you enjoyed that part! I wanted to end it on a cute and light note :D
Hopefully within the next few chapters I can continue to provide more of those cute moments!
Oh and for your question, you gave me an opportunity to rant on characters for my FAVORITE series, so I will take this opportunity.
Also! I finally figured out how to put the keep reading link, so hopefully now I can prevent my page from being such a scroll LMAO
I have a lot of different reasons and feelings why the characters I find "difficult" are difficult, so I'll be splitting them into tiers/groups so you can kinda get a grasp on my mindset, tiers are ordered from "easy hard" to "hardest"
Also I'm JUST talking about MK1 characters in this post.
On the BASE level I think the villains are actually pretty easy to write for. Aside from Shang Tsung and Rain who I am NOT including in this tier, I find that most of the villains are kindaaa one note. General Shao seeks power and seeks to elevate his position (actually, on second thought this isn't the BEST way to describe him, but I feel like I can write dialogue for him no issue), Bi-Han wants power and is kind of an asshole (sorry! but it's a good way to describe how he talks towards others) Quan-Chi, etc. etc. they all kinda fall under the "want one thing and are willing to do anything to get it with varying degrees of assholishness. And then there's Reiko who feels like the slight exception to that rule but his gimmick is General Shao and fighting. So why do I have a tier for them for hard to grasp personalities?
It's trying to figure out how to flesh out these characters without making them too far off from their original characters. It's not TOO hard, but I do think a lot on how to add depth in a believable way.
This tier is like, I understand them, but I feel like I ALWAYS need to double check with their intros to make sure that I am getting them right, and when I do I just find oh. Nevermind I'm right.
Scorpion - I do NOT know why I struggle with Kuai Liang in this timeline, but I do! I just think for some reason I write him weird or don't quite understand how to write him, but every time I double check I'm like, yeah no that works.
Johnny Cage - He confuses me for NO reason at all, and I think it's because of how in every game his attitude is SLIGHTLY different every time in storymode/intros. In MK9 he's full comedic relief. In MKX/11 they tone him down a bit, but in 11 his younger self is more akin to his 9 self. I would say 1 is a good balance of comedy and and seriousness, but I always want to make sure I'm striking that balance.
Kung Lao - I don't know WHY I doubt myself so much on him. He is legitimately my favorite character, and that's probably it. I trust that I know him, but I worry that I might flanderize him despite how much I adore him. I think this is just me putting a lot of pressure on myself to get him so right so I can show you all why I personally love him.
While I've finished the MK1 story and watched a lot of intros, I've not dedicated a lot of time to these characters and looking too much into them.
Tanya - I like her! I just haven't gotten around to looking too much into her. I get the basics of her character, but I don't quite get the nuance of her yet. She also mostly sticks around the princesses in story mode too so her personality doesn't get to shine too much there either.
Havik - I haven't looked too much on him, and it doesn't help that the story mode doesn't do much with him (probably due to the credits scene), so I don't really know much! I know about his whole archanist schtick for the freedom of his people, his self heal, etc. but I don't really know much about him outside of that.
Sindel - I like her as well, it's just that she keeps on changing in every iteration so this has me all jumbled up. I know she's a strong, firm leader who cares about her daughters and isn't afraid to do what she must for her people, but I don't really know why I don't feel confident. I feel like I don't quite understand all of her motivations as deeply as I should to call myself "confident", and I don't have a clear grasp on how she would treat those she isn't too familiar with but cordial with vs those she knows better, and even though that may not seem too important, it is to me since I don't know how to quite write a proper interaction between her and the reader yet.
Here I place the more complex villains.
Shang Tsung - He's sly, sneaky, cunning, etc. But he's a bit more than that I feel. He looks out mostly for himself and tries to gain power by putting others down, and I feel like despite me dabbling in villain characters, I'm a bit afraid that I won't know how to write the nuances that make his character more than just a simple snake and into an iconic character.
Rain - Okay. Lowkey I did NOT care for Rain before until this game. I didn't care for the descendant of Argus schtick before, so having him in this game as an ambitious mage with a character arc that goes from greeding for unlocking more of his power to a man who regrets those he hurts really interested me. I just wish that WHOLE arc was in the story mode and that most of that story wasn't locked behind his story. So the issue with him is that I feel like he never got much time in the story to show how he acts before he was revealed as a character, he was kinda just there. And we don't really get to know how he acts before because I feel like a good chunk of his intros talk about the aftermath of his crimes and how he feels afterwards. So basically, I know how to write him after the tragedy, but not clear on how to flesh his arc out since he was sidelined so much.
I just feel like these characters always make me question if I'm writing them right, both in actions and in dialogue
Kenshi - Everytime I think of him his MKX variation pops up instead. I know he's more of a serious character in 1, but I know there's definitely more there. I just feel like I always need to refer to all the material I can for Kenshi because I get SO worried that I'll butcher him badly and I do NOT want that because I think he's a cool character. He's a character I struggle to write for at the moment, and I hope to improve on that.
Reptile - I feel like most times people brush him off as just a "good man" but I feel like there's more to him than that? And I cannot describe him well. I know he's a good guy at heart but that's all I feel like I can describe him as despite watching a good chunk of his intros. I don't know, I feel like I'm just ALSO worried about butchering him.
THIS MAN. Okay, so I feel like he is the one I fear flanderizing the MOST. I feel like I already wrote him kinda off character in the two lines I wrote for him. I feel like a lot of people simply write him off as a golden retriever, which I personally disagree with. BUT, I can see why people misinterpret this. I only get that vibe when he's with Johnny Cage since he seems to really look up and almost idolize the dude due to his acting career. Aside from that, I think he's a more down to earth person who is really respectful. He's a bit more lighthearted and can be an optimist at times, and even has a more playful and I feel like people take this aspect way too far. I don't think it's helped by the fact that he is contrasted by more edgier and serious characters like Bi-Han and Kuai Liang. I could go on and on about Smoke, but yeah. I think I understand him and can put him into words, but I feel like putting all those concepts into paper is just...a struggle for me.
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baxndaid · 2 years
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characters ; XIAO, VENTI
prompt ; yandere/possessive mfs ;frown;
notes/warnings ; toxic, no established relationship, suggestive?? ish idk LMFAO also xiao ty for coming home u can stay with mommy raiden and babe venti
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i . xiao
xiao is already protective as it is, so this mf would kinda just,, liek,, creep around you for a while!! just for ur safety like tf u judging him for⁉⁉ he still wonders abt his karma and the dangers of being around him, which is the main reason why he stays away from you. but his karmic debt doesnt stop him from watching you
xiao saw you regularly with zhongli by your side. all you did was talk and nod your head as the old god recited his usual stories and life-lessons. he found it amusing, your tired and sleepy face as you lean on the palm of your hand and pretend to understand what the archon was saying half of the time, but he would never linger on it too long. the adeptus would ask about you sometimes, he did wonder why a normal, human, mortal like you, hung around with a retired deity. but, he did know that zhongli wished to live a mortal life, so it didnt surprise him when he told him that he simply enjoyed your lovely presence. he scoffed after leaving, wondering what was so incredible about your oh, so called "lovely presence." he didnt resent you, you havent done anything to him after all and he was a fair man. so, he simply observed you from the side lines. studying your antics, silently listening to your late-night rants, huffing at your small mistakes and stutters, looking around your booked hotel room at the inn, taking articles of your clothing, learning your daily routine, he truly became your shadow, following you everywhere you went. he convinced himself, hes doing this for you. its a dangerous world out there and he needs to be the one to keep you safe. who else would do it? he experienced his fair share of fights and was trained well in terms of combat, he was the perfect candidate to protect you. and that is exactly what he did.
you were walking back from completing a few extra commissions with lumine and paimon, arms looped together. it wasn't that you two were in a relationship or anything, but you both enjoyed to hold hands/arms while walking together for comfort. a kind, sweet gesture of friendship. sometimes he wished that he could just show up and magically be close to you like lumine was, so you would walk with him, hold hands with him, love him. but for now, he could live with just daydreaming. perhaps, he'd have to pay a little visit to lumine? just for pointers, of course :)
ii . venti
you mfs should know by now that i go feral when i write for venti bro idk just something awakens and i go nuts, like theres something SO ironic and cool abt a literal god of freedom going against his own beliefs and purpose,, in other words its hot ex dee LMFAOO SHOULD I MAKE A ACTUAL (CHAPER) STORY with a nun!reader (comment yes pls i want to so bafd)
venti always kept his eyes on you, as a nun, you were his loyal worshipper, and therefore, you should dedicate your life to him. in other words, you belong to him. this is what he said to himself, of course. to justify it, if you will. to justify his constant staring, the accidental bumps and touches and strokes on the streets of mondstat, harsh winds blowing your uniform upwards when hes around, and the convenient disappearances of those you talk to on a regular basis. but its all just a bit of fun! hes just messing around! its your fault you take it so seriously! he always laughs and giggles whenever you swat away his grubby hands from your body, he loves the annoyed look on your face whenever he pesters you and makes flirtatious remarks while you are on duty. you always hated it, but you didnt want to be rude and kick the poor man while he was down. to you, he was just the local bard, with a limited amount of mora and an alcohol addiction that he struggles with. to venti, he was a wolf in disguise, the superior, and it excited him. it excited him whenever you would pray to him daily with sweet and innocent intentions, and then soon later that day, scold him for making a perverted joke with disgust clearly imprinted onto your face while doing so. he laughs at your attempts to flee too, didnt you know that the wind will always follow?
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knwatchesmonkiekid · 2 months
S1E1 Bad Weather review
by urs truely <333
Okay... okayyy i see why so many ppl love this show!! It's soo funny XDDD
Alrighttt time for review time babyyyyy
sspoliers down below for S1E1 btw
first of... whoever thought of 10 min eps... THANK YOUUU SO MUCHHH!!! I honestly am so glad that this show has short eps bc its a lot more easier to watch short vids thank longer ones (especially bc i should be doing hw rn loll)
second... MK being invincible and Mei just being so peppy is HILAROUS!!! XDD their relationship is soo funny I cant with those two XDDD
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Alsoo the pig dude (Pigsy?? Piggy?) is slowly becoming my fav character loll!! He's such a dad!!! And him fretting over his two kids is hilarious XDDD
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i feel so sorry for him XXD
and ummm can we just take some time to appreciate the fact that.... WHATT!?!?!? THEY CAN CONTROL THE WEATHER!?!?!??! DUDE THATS EPIC!??!!!!!!!
also... bull demon dude is seriously stupid imo
his son failed him like 2 times already... and he's willing to give that fire-haired dude another chance?? well ig 3rd time is the charm... but still... if it was me being the villain i would most def ask the wind lady to get rid of MK
once again i'll let this one slide and put it under #kidshowsdonthavelogic category
also from my prev post i was wondering how old red son is... looks like i was right... he is a couple hundred years old
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anywyaas back2the show
also this dude-- mr. tang right?-- is giving me some S1Wu vibes from ninjago, lol this dude is like always eating while in S1 of ninjago Sensei Wu was always drinking tea XD
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aalso also alsoooo MK is absolutely hilarious lol like every scene u pause you get a funny pic of him XDDD
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He's such a ridiculous character and I'm loving him XDDD
last but not leastttt MONKEY KINGGG
this dude is soo laidback and he's absolutely hilarious I love him so far!!!
Just LOOK at this monkey!!
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anywwyas i most prob wont be making huge posts like this from now on... takes wayyy to much time loll
but ill try to make posts as i go lol
anywyas for those of yall who havent watched lmk GO WATCH IT RNNN!! ITS A-MEOW-ZING!!!!
anywyas byyeeeeeeeee
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