thatone-churro · 1 year
me: college is gonna be my hoeing around phase, fr.
me after being dragged to one fake orientation “party” and immediately being uncomfortable:
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0 notes
chelseeebe · 1 year
come pick me up.
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part one to do you think i have forgotten (about you)
summary: it had always been you and eddie. but one night and a whole lotta unexplored feelings leave you both reeling and you’re not sure if it ever really was you and eddie.
a/n: ermm this is so so long i’m so sorry already LOL i’ve had it in the drafts for so long but i reread it n rlly liked it so i wanna post hehe! side note: there are ZERO pictures of eddie not in that fuckin hellfire shirt D: i can’t have a grown man wearing that now …
loosely based off of the cook/freddie/effy storyline from skins uk if you’ve seen it you’ll know.,,, they’re like in their early twenties n it’s set sometime in the 90s ish tho it’s not rlly mentioned
no use of y/n! smut, 18+. this is more so stevexreader than eddie but they do have a relationship of sorts n it’s a lil’ complicated.
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the sound of a high pitched alarm screaming jolts you awake. still partially in last nights clothes, the grubby feel of makeup on your face. leg slung over eddie’s torso.
you groan, shoving his arm as he’s still very much asleep, ‘shut up,’ grimacing as the noise continues.
he mumbles something, wildly slapping his arm about to turn off the damn thing.
you run a hand over your face, remnants of your black eyeliner on your hand. that horrid taste in your mouth only found after a night of drinking. which seemed to be just about every night at the moment.
‘why’d you set an alarm, you freak?’ rolling over onto your stomach, perched on your elbows, watching as his eyes slowly open, obviously feeling as shit as you did.
‘i have- had class, you freak,’ he grumbles, looking up at you from the pillow, curly hair fanned out around him.
you scoff, ‘like you were gonna go,’ attempting to rub the rest of your mascara off, sure you looked similar to a wild raccoon.
he hums in response, shuffling under the covers to tangle his leg with your yours, ‘you gonna sort this out for me?’ referring to the obvious morning glory tenting the blanket.
‘you gonna ask nicely?’ you respond, snarling at his crudeness.
whatever he was about to say was interrupted with a knock at the door, ‘we’re coming in, you have five seconds to not be naked,’ robin’s voice echoes.
you look up as robin walks into the room, hand over her eyes until steve gives her a small nudge, indicating the coast is clear, ‘oh good-,’ she sniffs, ‘it smells like weed and sex in here, you’re fucking disgusting.’
‘thanks for reminding me,’ eddie leans over, retrieving the half-smoked spliff from last night and lighting the end.
steve’s eyes are firmly on yours, kinda sad and defeated. he had that same look on his face whenever you and eddie were together, which was often.
you’d sort of always had this.. thing with steve. encapsulated by his presence. there was always something unspoken between you and you were never sure if it was because he hated you or not. small glances and touches that seemed to linger just a bit too long.
you’d sorta taken his best friend from him at one point, coming between their friendship suddenly and with no warning.
steve was intrigued by you too. this mystical, unobtainable persona you presented to the world. something he couldn’t crack. just couldn’t quite understand it.
‘we’re getting breakfast, i was going to ask if you wanted to join but i assume that won’t be happening,’ she raises her eyebrows, noticing your severely hungover state.
they liked to party too, just clearly not as much as you and eddie. both of you had no understanding of when to call it a night, egging each other on til the point of no return.
‘i think we’ll give that a miss,’ eddie’s answers for the both of you. steve’s eyes immediately look down, suddenly interesting in the burn marks in eddie’s carpet.
you’d actually met steve first, on the first day of classes in freshmen year. you went over to a sheepish steve, who looked slightly scared, and obviously lost. offering him the directions to his room.
he’d smiled back, introducing himself to you on the way. appreciative of your kindness. you probably wouldn’t have helped if he didn’t look like that, but still, it was nice.
that’s when eddie had bounded over, all hair and denim. loudly taking over your conversation, introducing himself with a smirk, hand already creeping onto your lower back. that’s when steve had nodded towards him and informed you of their already established friendship.
you weren’t really sure when it became you and eddie. well, it wasn’t. not officially. god, you didn’t want official. he was fun to fuck and even better to party with. maybe the fact he dealt had been a factor in solidifying your strange relationship. maybe not.
robin rolls her eyes, ‘right, well you boring fucks can rot in bed all day, suit yourselves,’ ushering steve out of the door, slamming it behind her.
you blink, hating this awful, guilty feeling steve always left in your stomach. you’d tear a guy like him to shreds, maybe it was for the best.
whatever self-wallowing, steve-centric thoughts you had are interrupted when eddie’s arm snakes around your back, pulling you onto him.
‘i still need a little assistance here,’ he grins from beneath you, running his hand down your back, firmly grasping your exposed ass as you clamber on top properly.
you try your damn hardest to push the reflecting image of steve from your mind. though it doesn’t quite work until eddie’s calloused palm softly taps against your cheek, ‘anyone in there?’
you frown, returning the playful slap as you grind mindlessly against him, his fingers digging into the pliant skin of your ass.
‘you can do that again.’
eddie hadn’t shut up about his birthday for weeks. you’d all planned to go to the same bar you went to most weekends, except this time everyone had to go and he got to be centre of attention.
he’d been pissing you off all night. obviously far too drunk, jaw clenching from the copious amounts of shit he’d sniffed. hanging from your shoulder, speaking over you and splashing beer down your top as he slurred through his words.
‘i think we’re gonna head home,’ steve speaks up when you exit the bar, eddie already looking for the next place.
‘whaat? you’re fucking boring,’ he pokes a finger into steve’s chest, far too intoxicated, ‘you’re staying out, right?’ he looks over to jonathan, argyle and nancy who also shared an apartment not far from yours.
‘nah man.. it’s late, it’s been fun though,’ jonathan shrugs as nancy finds a taxi to take them home.
‘fuuuck you guys are really ditching me on my birthday? at least you won’t let me down,’ his arm hooks around your shoulder, yanking you into him.
you pull back, which wasn’t particularly hard in his state, ‘get off of me.. can i get a ride with you?’ looking over at steve, his hands cautiously poking out of his pockets.
he nods sheepishly as eddie practically erupts, ‘it’s my fucking birthday, and you fucking losers are going home?’ he’s screeching, throwing his arms around, making a royal scene in the middle of the street.
robin finds a cab willing to take the group of you home, calling you over to the yellow vehicle, ‘eddie let’s just go home, it’s late,’ attempting to coax him into going with you. you’d deal with his shit in the privacy of his bedroom.
he laughs, turning away from you and walking up the dimly lit street, ‘you.. you can get fucked,’ he slurs, disappearing into a nearby bar.
steve stands at the cab door, watching as you frown at eddie’s back. internally deciding whether to give in and follow him or to leave like you’d originally planned.
you let out an exasperated sigh, ‘he can go fuck himself,’ you spit as you slide into the back of the cab. steve follows, shutting the door behind him, flashing you a small cautious look as the cab pulls off.
you collapse onto the sofa the second you set foot in the apartment. completely at your wits end with eddie and his the way he spoke to you.
‘i’m going to bed,’ robin announces, slinking into her own room, leaving steve to awkwardly linger in the living room.
you didn’t want to worry about eddie. he was a grown man who could definitely handle his own. besides, why should you when he’d explicitly told you to fuck off?
steve clears his throat before taking the empty seat beside you, ‘he didn’t mean it.. it’s just drunk talking,’ he nods, attempting to reassure you.
it wasn’t as if you were really upset about it all. more so annoyed that you’d let him treat you that way. continually. over and over again.
whatever the fuck was going on between the two of you had started to wear thin. there were only so many times you could put up with his shit before it got tired.
eddie could be a horrible drunk. it wasn’t often but when that version of him came out you’d prefer to be far far from it. he was cruel with his words, venomous as they rolled off his tongue. then you’d get into a screaming match and then either end up hate-fucking or you’d just both never bring it up again.
‘no, he did,’ you sigh, kicking the shoes from your feet with a thud, ‘i don’t care.. really.’
‘right,’ he nods, not totally believing you, ‘y’wanna smoke?’
a small smile creeps onto your face as he reaches for the small black box eddie kept on the table, pulling out a small baggie of weed, something eddie definitely wouldn’t miss. he didn’t even need your reply, beginning to roll up.
perhaps you’d smoked a little too much, sputtering on the final toke of your second or third spliff before handing it back to steve. he sits on the other side, an awful lot closer than he’d been originally.
it was quiet, but comfortable. not awkward at all.
‘y’know..’ he speaks up, looking over at you, ‘actually.. nah,’ changing his mind almost immediately.
‘no.. what? what were you gonna say?’ you furrow your brows, vision hazy, the room full of grey smoke.
he sort of chuckles to himself, stubbing the end of the joint out in the glass ashtray before looking at you again, ‘it’s stupid,’ he warns.
‘even better.. tell me,’ you nod, encouraging him to go on.
he pauses for a moment, a tiny smile on his pink lips, ‘i always thought.. well, that you and me were gonna end up together, i thought you liked me for the longest time,’ shaking his head as he looks down.
your heart thuds. a mixture of your high and the unidentifiable emotion coursing through your veins. there was no questions to being with eddie. it was simple, sex and parties. no complicated feelings involved.
but within a second, steve had completely changed everything. a feeling you’d suppressed since your situationship with eddie had started. completely convinced that the odd relationship you had with steve was just because you were banging his best friend.
‘i didn’t.. i didn’t know you felt like that..’ you manage to get out quietly, watching as he slowly stands up, he doesn’t look at you once. too ashamed, embarrassed that he’d just admitted everything to you so easily.
‘well, now you know,’ he says quietly before disappearing into his room.
you linger on the couch for a moment. unsure of what to think of anything he’d just said. whether you should knock on his door and tell him you’d felt the same or just go off to your own room and wait for eddie to crawl in.
it wasn’t as if you felt nothing at all for eddie. you did, of course. but you didn’t love him. not the way you maybe should’ve. not the way you felt about steve, his gentle nature and soft caramel tinted eyes.
you stand from the couch, feet taking control as you walk to his door. a small slither of orange light peaking from underneath. raising your fist to knock but stopping, arguing with yourself. this couldn’t be a good idea.
before you can even convince yourself to knock, the door opens. steve stands on the other side, his own chest heaving as your eyes meet.
‘i-,’ he croaks, but you cut him off with your lips, pulling back just as quickly as you’d moved forwards.
you stare at him for a few moments, swallowing all the courage you’d just worked up.
‘..now you know,’ giving him a meek smile before walking back to your room. you lean back against the door, heart beating a million miles an hour.
a repetitive banging sound forces you awake in the morning. hissing as the sounds of an extremely dramatic moan get louder. high-pitched and obviously put on.
it takes a moment for you to realise just where the noise is coming from. eddie’s room backs onto yours. the headboard colliding with the wall at an alarming pace.
you stumble out of bed, throwing on an old dirty sweater and groggily making your way into the living room.
steve sits slumped over the table, looking particularly miserable this morning. despite what had happened last night. you wondered if he’d told robin who sat scowling at the door. steam practically coming out of her ears.
her eyes widen as you appear in the doorway, rubbing the residual sleep from your eyes, eyes flitting between your frame and the wooden door.
‘well shit, i was about to cuss you out,’ she remarks, astonished that you were stood in front of her.
steve’s whole face brightens when he realises you’re stood in front of him and not in the room making those god-awful, oscar worthy noises.
‘if that’s not you.. who the fuck is in there?’ robin gasps, now utterly bemused by the entire situation.
you shrug, choosing the seat opposite steve, making brief eye contact and flashing him a small smile. would he bring up last night? or was it never to be spoken about again?
relief is written all over his face. obviously under the impression that you’d made up with eddie at some point in the night. not once checking that you were in your room.
‘jesus christ i’m gonna kill him,’ robin fumes, sipping on a mug of coffee. her eyes are narrowed, attempting to set the room ablaze with her mind.
‘it won’t last long,’ you add, reaching over to steal a slice of steve’s buttered toast. he lets you, obviously. letting out a soft snort at your joke.
‘nothing is that good,’ robin shakes her head.
the noises quieten, a shrill giggle coming from the hallway as a scantily clad blonde appears in the doorway, closely followed by eddie, sporting a pair of boxers that hid absolutely nothing.
‘that way,’ he groans, guiding the smiling woman away towards the bathroom. his eyes momentarily meeting yours, total venom behind his glare.
robin jumps up, splashing coffee over the floor, ‘don’t you dare think about fucking in my bathroom,’ she warns, chasing after the odd couple.
you can hear an altercation as presumably eddie slams the bathroom door on robin, her fists pounding against the wood, hollering about her new bath mat.
steve glances at you, searching your face for any type of reaction. he doesn't find anything, instead you smile softly as robin re-enters the room, cursing at the bastard freak. she grabs her bag, slinging it onto her shoulder before stomping over to the door.
'i'm going out, let me know when he's done with his weird exhibitionist routine,' slamming the door as she exits, the poorly built walls shaking as she does.
there's a faint sound of running water, obviously coming from the bathroom, closely followed by a series of questionable grunts and groans. you choose to try and block it out, though engaging in conversation with steve at this very moment seemed almost too awkward.
'did you tell robin?' you pipe up, playing with your fingernails as you just about meet his gaze.
'uh.. yeah,' he grimaces slightly, 'i-i just thought.. well i thought that was you this morning, i was.. confused,' apologetic for his blunder.
you nod, 'i don't care.. i just wanna prepare for the inevitable grilling i'm gonna get,' chuckling in an attempt to ease the tension. it works as his lips curl into a small, playing with the discarded crusts on his plate.
the god-awful noises from the bathroom worsen and your eyes are pulled from steve, looking towards the cause. perhaps this was eddie's way of making you jealous. revenge for choosing to go home and not put up with his drunken assholery.
you’re sat tracing patterns into the velvet fabric of the sofa, practically shaking as you wait for steve to get back from campus.
he was your friend for fuck sake. why was this so nerve wracking? ask him to hang out, if he says no then so be it. you’ll deal with the awkwardness of your shared kiss alongside eddie’s misguided anger.
he’s later than you’d expected. becoming far too engrossed in the random soap opera on the tv when he does eventually get back. almost forgetting about what you’d got yourself so worked up over.
‘hey,’ waving his fingers as he comes in.
christ, he almost seemed more nervous than you were.
‘hey,’ not wanting to jump down his throat the second he walked in the door, turning the tv off and running your palms down the sofa.
‘spoken to eddie?’ he asks curiously, slinging his bag from his shoulder and slumping down next to you on the couch.
‘nah.. he went out this morning and hasn’t been back,’ you shrug, wishing that he wouldn’t have just bought that prick up.
he nods, looking down at his jeans, finding a loose thread to play with.
‘would yo-,’
‘d’ya wanna-,’
you both start at the same time, stopping to let him continue except he’d done the same thing. sitting in the silence for a brief moment.
you chuckle nervously, ‘sorry, what were you saying?’
‘i was just gonna ask if you wanted to.. maybe do something tonight? if- if you’re not busy,’ shrugging it off, trying his hardest to play it cool.
‘oh,’ laughing softly, the pair of you were like nervy teenagers, comical, ‘i was gonna ask you the same thing.. yeah i’d love to.’
steve grins, transported back to freshman year of high school, trying to find the gall to ask tammy thompson to the fucking movies. it all seemed so childish, innocent, the way you melted around each other.
‘okay.. i’ll get changed, give me five,’ he nods, leaping from the sofa and speeding off to his room.
you bite down onto your bottom lip, trying to contain your smile. kicking yourself for the adolescent excitement it gave you.
the bar was packed for a wednesday night, steve shouldering his way through the crowd with you following closely behind. not brave enough to cling onto his hand, wrapping your fingers around his forearm instead.
‘jesus christ,’ he exclaims when he finds a spot just about big enough for you both to stand. you were close. closer than you’d ever been. at least in public.
you hold onto the glass bottle he’d passed you from the bar, ‘d’ya wanna go somewhere else?’
‘what?’ he shouts, the music too loud to hear you properly.
you lean in closer, lips brushing against his ear, the feeling makes your heart pound, ‘you wanna go somewhere else?’
placing his hand on your arm so he could shout back, the mixture of his cologne and beer filling your nose. it was intoxicating, making your head giddy.
‘i’m good if you are,’ wisps of his hair sweeping against your cheek.
you nod, beaming up at him as you take a swig of the harsh beer. the crowd seemingly disappearing from around you as his eyes focus on you, his own smile overcoming his face.
okay, perhaps you’d had a little too much to drink. but a little dutch confidence never hurt anyone.
you’re definitely not complaining when you grab his hand on the way out of the bar, quickly intertwining your fingers as he weaves his way to the door. still as packed as when you’d got there.
you giggle as he trips over the step coming into the bar, sending you flying into his back as he regains his balance.
his hand is quick to steady you, resting on your waist. the street light illuminating the gleam of his eyes, slightly glossy from the multiple beers he’d sunk inside.
a drunk student roars past you, snapping you out of the moment, steve’s hand still lingering on your waist. something that would’ve never happened if he were sober.
‘shall we go home?’ you ask, not breaking from his gaze.
he nods, moving his hand to offer it out for you to grab. leading you over to an empty cab, leaning through the front window to talk to the driver.
the drive home is heavy with tension. sitting in silence as steve makes polite conversation with the driver, fingers still wrapped around yours. heart thumping as you near your street.
the apartment dark and silent when you get in, the only light coming from the old fairy lights robin had hung around the room. there’s no hesitation, your hands grabbing his cheeks, smashing your lips to his the second the front door closes.
it takes a moment for him to realise what was happening, hands quickly finding solace on the small of your back when it clicks properly. it’s greedy and desperate, tongue sliding into his mouth, wanting to touch every inch of him.
hands sliding down his chest, grabbing at the fabric, his leg slotting between yours, guiding you backwards. straight into the coffee table with a bang.
you spring apart, eyeing eddie’s room cautiously, saying a silent prayer and hoping he didn’t come out.
steve’s eager to resume, eyes hungry as they flit between eddie’s door and your face.
you pull back completely, taking your lip between your teeth and hooking your finger around his pinky, leading the way to his bedroom. it was the furthest away from eddie’s and made the most sense.
he shuts the door gently, flicking the small bedside lamp on, illuminating the obvious tent in his jeans. your mouth falling open at the sight of it, rubbing your thighs together to try and satiate the growing throbbing.
you’re quick to resume the kiss, moving on him swiftly, connecting your lips in a passionate kiss. he collapses backwards onto the bed, your body falling on top of his chest, hands caressing his cheeks.
the next moment you find yourself underneath steve, pressed into the mattress as he holds himself above you. eager hands finding the short hem of your skirt and sliding underneath on the soft skin of your thighs. you had never seen him move with such confidence before, normally a little shy in the way he carried himself.
his finger hooks into the waistband of your lacy panties, tugging them down to your thighs. his growing erection digging into your core with every movement. moaning into his mouth when his finger begins circling your sensitive clit. this had definitely killed any and all assumptions that he was a virgin.
it’s as if he had been waiting for this very moment for his entire life, sliding his fingers between your folds and into your already soaking hole, your mouth falling from his as your head rolls back onto the pillow.
‘oh my god,’ a breathy moan escaping from your lips as his fingers pump in and out, his other hand causing a dip in the pillow next to your head.
his fingers slip out of you and begin to unbuckle his belt, barely getting them down and around his legs before his cock springs up. bigger than you ever could’ve imagined, mouth hung open as your peer down between your bodies.
your shirt is pulled off over your head so quickly you weren’t sure if you had blinked, landing on the floor alongside his with a soft thunk.
you draw your eyes back up to meet his once more, ‘you’re sure?’ he reaffirms, pupils dilated, wetting his lips with his pink tongue.
‘so sure,’ nodding encouragingly underneath him, readjusting your legs to loosely wrap around his torso. you’d never been more sure of anything in your life.
he returns the nod, positioning himself at your sopping entrance and without breaking eye contact he slides in with a sharp intake of breath. you can’t contain the whimper that collects in your throat, the stretch of his cock taking you by surprise. the sting felt good, like he was always supposed to be there between your legs.
he’s still, waiting for your encouragement to move. you give it in the form of a squeeze on the back of his neck, clinging on to the skin as his hips move slowly. low, hungry grunts roll from his lips, the bed frame creaking in time with his thrusts.
‘fuck,’ you breathe out, taking your bottom lip between your teeth acutely aware that eddie was only a few doors away and could definitely hear the happenings in the room. even if you could manage to stifle yourself, the undeniable sounds of skin against skin would expose you.
‘is that- is that good?’ steve mumbles, moving slow but hitting deep, nudging against your soft spot, already hurtling you towards your orgasm.
‘jesus christ.. yes, yes,’ beginning to buck your hips back against him, feeling the familiar knot in your stomach. finger nails leaving crescent moon shapes in his skin as tears prick in your eyes.
steve groans as his heavy balls slap against the back of your thighs, pushing himself fully inside, ‘i’m not.. hmph.. not gonna last long,’ arm beginning to buckle with the weight of him.
you clench around him as your high topples over at his words, burying your face into the pillow next to you. unable to withhold the high pitched wail from leaving your mouth, barely managing to muffle the sound.
his rhythm falters, hips slamming into yours for the last few desperate pumps before he pulls himself out. thick ropes of cum spurting out and onto his hand. and the bed. and your thigh. crying out as his chest heaves above you.
‘holy shit,’ his arm gives way and he ends up next to you on the mattress, panting for air as he reaches for a dirty shirt on the floor, using the first thing he could find to clean off his hand.
you turn your head to face him, a lazy smile on your face as he offers the shirt out to you, mouthing a small sorry.
he throws it to the other side of the room, running a hand over his damp face, ‘i uh.. i last way longer normally,’ bashful and doubting his performance. it was only because it was you.
‘steve,’ you smile, grabbing his blanket to pull over your body, ‘don’t do that,’ seeing the shy boy from once before, you much preferred the steve from earlier.. confident and sure of himself.
‘yeah.. sorry,’ his lips curling into a soft smile, turning his body towards yours, arm snaking out to pull you closer, clammy palm resting on the small of your back.
you giggle quietly in response, settling in to your new position, sharing the blanket with him.
your eyes don’t leave each other’s as he begins to babble about something from the bar, clinging onto your skin as if you were somehow going to slip away.
you hadn’t even realised that you’d fallen asleep in steve’s room.
so when eddie comes in unannounced in the early morning, you thank your lucky stars that you’re facing the wall with steve’s body hiding yours. shoving your face into the pillow to hide yourself, hair sprawled around you, helping your case.
‘yo.. bro,’ he whispers, stepping into the room and over a pile of clothes, ‘good night?’ he cocks his eyebrow at steve as he turns around, glaring at the interruption.
‘uh.. yeah yeah,’ steve panics, realising what eddie had walked into and the chaos that’d ensue if he figured it out, his arm tightens around your waist, pulling you flush against his chest.
‘sounded like it,’ eddie chuckles, shaking his boot to rid it of the discarded shirt on the floor, ‘look, have you got ten bucks? i can give it back tomorrow,’ he bargains, smiling at steve.
‘yeah.. yeah, my wallet’s on the desk,’ steve nods towards the desk, adjusting himself to make sure he was covering you when eddie stomps over to the desk.
ten dollars was a worthy sacrifice to not have to deal with eddie’s temper tantrum in the morning. it wasn’t like he’d never find out. just not now.
‘thanks bro.. i’ll get it back to you tomorrow, hey,’ eddie rubs his stubbly face, ‘d’you know if dickhead’s in? i knocked but, uh.. no answer,’ quite obviously referring to you.
you have to resist the urge to sit up and cuss him out.
‘uhh.. no, no idea sorry,’ steve shakes his head apologetically, lying through his teeth.
‘alright well, have fun,’ wiggling his eyebrows as he exits, closing the door softly.
you exhale when the door clicks shut, though you stay in the same position, not entirely convinced he’s not stood outside the door listening.
‘don’t speak,’ you mouth to steve, who looks wearily at you until the front door closes and you fully turn to face him.
‘jesus christ,’ you breathe, ‘he doesn’t knock?’
‘usually he does.. i bet he wanted to see who was in here,’ his arm twitches, unsure of whether to keep clinging on to your waist or to remove it.
‘i mean,’ you shrug, ‘he’ll found out eventually, right?’ it was inevitable, especially as you were living together.
‘i s’pose.. you don’t care?’ taken aback by your nonchalance towards the situation.
‘not really.. i just don’t think he needs to know, not yet,’ you croak, he had literally just banged another chick practically right in front of you. any guilt you may have felt about the situation had disappeared.
‘yeah,’ he gives you a tired smile, nuzzling his head into the pillow, all soft and sweet.
‘i dunno about you but i’m going back to sleep, until at least lunch,’ your hand running along the curve of his bicep, mere inches away from each other.
he hums in response, his lingering arm pulling your waist closer, eyes drooping as sleep takes over.
you’re awoken again by the slam of the front door, robin leaving for work. letting steve know that everyone in the apartment could hear your late night activities.
steve grumbles, complaining about her heavy-handedness. you leer over at the alarm clock, wanting to get out of steve’s room before eddie gets back from work, making sure there were no possible chances of awkward questions this afternoon.
‘shit,’ you hiss, climbing over his still half-asleep body and grabbing whatever t-shirt you could find, pulling it on over your head, ‘eddie’s back in like five.. i’m gonna get out of here now, saves the aggro..,’ slipping into your discarded underwear.
‘right.. good idea,’ he mumbles, one arm folded underneath his pillow as he comes to fully.
you sprint out of there and into the kitchen, pouring a bowl of cereal when eddie strolls through the door, whistling some tune to himself. he glances at you before taking a seat at the cluttered dining table.
you don’t say a word, discarding your plan to sit at the table and instead tucking in to your cereal on the counter, pretending to read some flyer.
‘where were you last night?’ he asks, leaning back on the chair to get a full view of you, ‘i knocked on your door but..’ narrowing his eyes.
‘i was probably fuckin’ asleep,’ shoving another spoonful of cereal into your mouth, making brief eye contact with the man.
he squints, trying to figure out why that shirt was so fucking familiar. was it his? were you wearing his shirt in some weird goading way?
steve emerges from his room, shirtless and running a hand from his messy hair. eddie’s eyes flit between the shirt and steve. cogs slowly turning in his brain.
no. no the shirt wasn’t his.
it was the fucking shirt he’d kicked off of his foot when he’d stormed into steve’s room this morning. same boring design printed on the front.
on you.
from steve’s floor.
the night after steve had, very loudly, had a female friend over.
you’re oblivious, focussing on your bowl of soggy cornflakes as steve clatters around behind you. making his own bowl. neither of you looking at each other, making everything ten times more obvious.
‘you’re fuckin’ joking,’ he loudly proclaims, standing from the table, nearly sending the chair flying backwards.
your head shoots up, confused by what he had seemingly angered himself over now, ‘what?’ eyebrows knitted together as he storms over, mouth hung open in disbelief.
‘you fucked him?’ jabbing his finger at steve, ‘my best friend?’ arms flying around in anger.
you look to steve for some help, eddie positively fuming, his jaw clenched at your lack of an answer. in fact, your reaction, or lack thereof, had only solidified everything.
‘no,’ you eventually croak, ‘i- we-, that wasn’t me,’ stuttering for some excuse, though you know he didn’t buy a word of it.
eddie’s face twists up in a mix of anger and hurt, eyes glossing over as his lips tremble, ‘eddie-,’ steve begins, cut off as eddie storms out of the tiny kitchen, grabbing his wallet from the table and pausing when he opens the front door.
‘you deserve each other,’ he snarls before disappearing, shaking the walls with his violent slam of the door.
you stare at steve in silent disbelief, dropping the spoon into your discarded bowl. you’d predicted his reaction to go something along the lines of that, just not expecting it so soon. hoping to have prepared a solid speech in the meantime.
‘it’s okay.. h-he was gonna find out eventually.. he’ll calm down,’ steve tries to soothe you, well aware that eddie held onto his anger, let it simmered until it all bubbled over and some poor soul got the brunt of months of rage.
you want to feel bad, feel guilty but when steve’s hand sits on top of yours, giving it a reassuring squeeze, it vanishes. his chestnut eyes providing a sense of comfort you’d never felt before.
you were used to eddie being out. missing in action for days on end. but by the fourth day of him not coming back to the apartment, the pit in your stomach starts to worsen.
the guilt had caught up to you, as if you were the one who had shoved him out of the door. you had, in a metaphorical sense.
the first few days were, nice. though you felt worse for even feeling that. but, you’d been hanging out with steve more. it was different to before, getting to know his personal quirks, the things that made him tick. something you would’ve brushed off before.
you were friends, sure. you hadn’t really had the opportunity to get to know him like this before. it would’ve felt like some sort of betrayal to eddie. even though in some ways the way it had come about now was much worse.
on the fifth day, you’re sat on the couch with steve. picking the hangnail from your finger, wincing as it started to bleed.
‘d’you think he might’ve gone home?’ you ask, looking up at steve who was spaced out next to you.
they were from the same small town, had started out sharing classes in high school and had since been friends. admittedly growing apart when you’d come into the picture. you’d heard stories from the others about how close they used to be, never apart, according to jonathan.
‘i dunno.. he hates hawkins,’ steve shrugs, seeing the worry spread across your face, ‘but i could call his uncle? see if he’s there?’
you nod, thumb in your mouth trying to pull off more of the sore skin. he gets up to grab his phone, already dialling the number when he comes back into the room.
‘hey! wayne.. it’s steve- yeah yeah, i’m good man.. i was just wondering if eddie was there? oh no, uh- well.. we haven’t heard from him in a few days, y’know what he’s like… sure, thanks man,’ clicking the button and ending the call.
he looks over at you, a pitying look on his face as he shakes his head no.
‘i’m sure he’s alright.. he’s dramatic, you know that,’ he collapses onto the couch, this time closer than before, nudging your elbow with a weak smile.
you were well versed with eddie’s dramatic personality. having dealt with his temper tantrums and storm outs for years now. though, it had never seemed this bad before.
realistically, you knew he was probably crashing on a friend’s sofa. overstaying his welcome and partying too much. he was likely coming down from some insane party as you sat thinking about him.
‘i just.. feel bad,’ you whisper, leaning into steve’s side. his arm reaches around to your shoulder, rubbing softly against your arm.
‘i know..i do too,’ he admits, you and eddie hadn’t been a romantic thing. not even really a thing, if you were being honest. it was sex and partying, getting completely trashed and using each other in an attempt to fill the void inside of you both.
but steve and eddie had been friends for years now. they’d argued over the stupidest shit but never something like a girl. steve had had to genuinely weigh up whether his friendship with eddie was worth losing.
if eddie couldn’t get over it, would steve be able to repress his feelings for you? or would he be fine with losing eddie if it meant that you were together?
when robin gets back from work, she narrows her eyes at the two of you curled up against each other, ‘is this gonna be a regular thing?’
‘would you have a problem with it if it was?’ you ask, watching as she dumps her back and slumps on the empty seat.
‘oh no, i’m just thinking about how much peace and quiet i’ll get if you and eddie aren’t screaming at each other every day,’ kicking her doc martens from her feet and leaning into the cushions.
‘if he comes back,’ you remind her.
she hadn’t really seemed too fazed when he’d stormed out. thankful for no more early morning wake up calls from his wooden bed frame. but you can tell that even she was beginning to feel at least a tiny bit worried.
‘he still not called?’
you shake your head, ‘no one’s seen him, he’s not home.. i guess we’ve just gotta wait til he’s calmed down,’ shrugging, more so trying to convince yourself rather than her.
no matter what, eddie had a special place in your heart. even if it wasn’t love in the romantic sense, there was too much there to disregard that. he was your best friend at one point, how could you?
it’s another five days of fretting and concern before you hear a word from him. your phone rings in the middle of the night and you sit up, feeling along the nightstand for the buzzing plastic. an unrecognised number.
‘hello?’ you speak into the receiver.
steve stirs, waking up at the sound of your voice. admittedly, you’d been sleeping in his bed. sharing kisses and late-night chats about just about everything. it all felt very quick, but just right. like now that’d you’d both realised that you could have this, that anything other than this felt wrong.
‘hi,’ eddie’s voice rings out, recognisable even through the phone.
‘eddie? you’re okay? where are you?’ you babble, steve sits up at the mention of his name.
‘i’m uh- with my dad, i just, listen.. i need you to bring me some shit.. we’re going away and i’ve got nothing with me,’ his voice crackles and you can hear him shift around in the payphone box.
‘what? you’re going where? where are you?’ baffled, unsure if you were still asleep and not understanding him.
‘away, i’m staying in porter.. look, can you do it?’
‘eddie that’s-,’ but you stop yourself, ‘yeah, sure.. when?’
‘tomorrow, i just need some clothes, my watch and my savings.. they’re under my mattress.. tiny box, you’ll see it,’ he rushes, running out of minutes.
‘o-okay, where shall i meet you? i don’t know it well,’ you garble, nodding at steve when he mouths a confused porters?
‘little bar called sam’s.. i’ll be in there, i’ve gotta go, this thing’s running out,’ he sighs, muttering a small, ‘thank you,’ before the line goes dead.
‘he’s at the fucking beach.. wants me to drop some shit for him.. he said he’s with his dad? i-i thought his dad left..?’
‘he did,’ steve looks puzzled, taking the phone from your clutch and looking at the withheld number, trying to figure out if he could call it back, ‘he left years ago..’
eddie’s smile falters when he notices that you’d bought steve and robin along. steve dropping your hand the second his eyes meet eddie’s.
‘what the fuck are you doing here?’ the chair scraping the wooden floor as he stands abruptly.
the man you can only assume is his dad looks over, gripping onto the beer bottle, eyes flitting between his son and your trio.
‘eddie.. i asked them to, we wanted to know if you were okay,’ your voice shakes, frowning when he scowls at you. you’ve pissed him off, again.
‘i called you because i trusted you, not him,’ he spits, walking over to where you were stood by the door, ‘where’s my shit?’
‘it’s in the car,’ quickly coming up with a lie, trying to keep him talking for as long as possible, ‘i need to talk to you.. before you.. leave,’ you pout, trying to get him away from his dad.
‘about?’ he hits back harshly, still upset that you’d even dared to bring steve along.
‘about.. everything,’ you exhale shakily, ‘give me five minutes, please.’
he looks back at his dad who checks his watch before shrugging. he couldn’t give a less of a shit as long he got this promised money.
‘fine,’ he says through gritted teeth, storming past a gormless steve and robin and exiting the restaurant.
you glance at steve before following him out, not sure how much longer you could convince him you’d bought everything he’d asked for.
he’s already lighting up a cigarette when you reach the street, perched against the windowsill in days-old clothes. he looked a mess. even worse than his usual gritty self. eye-bags and a sunken face to match.
you breathe out, how do you even start a conversation like this? sorry i fucked your best friend but i actually really like him was probably not the best way to go about it.
‘i’m sorry,’ seemed like the best place to start, ‘it wasn’t fair to you.. what i- we did.. i can’t tell you how shit it makes me feel.. to know that i hurt you.’
he blows the smoke out of his mouth, expressionless, ‘okay.’
is that it? after his great big performance that was all he could say?
‘i said, okay.. what d’you expect me to do? start crying and begging you to love me?’ scoffing as he takes a long draw of the cigarette. his eyes cold, merciless as he glares at you.
‘you ran away.. made everyone worried sick about you.. and all you can say is okay?’
he shrugs, ‘i’m over it.. you’re welcome to each other,’ stubbing the cigarette out on the brick wall, stepping closer to you.
your mouth opens and shuts, flabbergasted by his stinking attitude, ‘shout at me, scream.. fuck- hit me if you want to.. stop pretending like you don’t care.. because i know you eddie munson and i know you do.’
his eyes narrow, intimidating as he towers above, ‘i don’t give a shit, you’re only upset because you want me to.. that’s too bad,’ his adam’s apple bobs, a tell-tale sign that he was lying.
your eyes search his for anything. a glimmer of weakness.
but his eyes are stern, emotionless as his brows thread together.
the door to the bar creaks open and his dad stomps out, muttering to himself, ‘c’mon son, let’s get the fuck out of here,’ replacing eddie’s spot on the windowless ledge and lighting his own cigarette.
he doesn’t break eye contact, ‘i’m gonna take a leak and then i want my shit,’ jaw tense as he barges through the door.
you squeeze your eyes shut, biting onto your bottom lip before cricking your neck. that hadn’t gone exactly to plan. now what the fuck were you gonna do when he realised you hadn’t brought the one thing he’d asked for.
‘i know what women like you do,’ his dad speaks up, taking a long drag on the cigarette, ‘you don’t get to fuck up his life and then happily move on.’
eyes springing open when you realise he’s talking to you, ‘what the fuck did you just say?’
he laughs, a deep belly-laugh, ‘you heard.’
you’d love to smash the smug look from his dirty face. knock his head into the brick wall and drag eddie kicking and screaming back to steve’s cat whether he liked it or not.
‘women like me? the only person who cares enough to drive all the way out to this shithole to save your son? is that what you meant?’ stepping up towards him, as if you were even capable of doing anything.
‘you came to rub it in.. flaunting in with pretty boy there,’ his lips snarl, ‘pathetic really, shouldn’t have bothered.’
eddie comes back out, robin and steve trailing behind, trying to converse with him but being completely blanked, ‘where’s my shit then?’
‘uh.. steve’s car,’ beckoning to where you’d parked somewhere in the distance.
steve flashes you a worried look knowing damn well there was nothing eddie could want in his car. luckily eddie doesn’t pick up on it and instead starts walking in the direction you’d motioned, expecting you all to follow.
‘why’re you in such a hurry?’ you call out from behind, trying desperately to bide time. he was certain to flip his shit the second you reached the car and he figured you’d lied to him.
‘because i want to get the fuck out of here,’ he snaps back, charging on ahead.
you walk in silence to steve’s car, nervously glancing over at steve as eddie and his disgusting pig of a father walk on ahead. steve reaches over and gives your hand a reassuring squeeze though it doesn’t really do much.
eddie’s spots the car first, striding over and peering into the windows, ‘where’s my shit then?’ turning to glare at you with a disgusted look on his face.
your mouth opens and closes, no viable excuse coming to mind, ‘eddie.. i didn’t bring anything-,’ swallowing as you gain some slight confidence, ‘i’m not letting you go with him.’
his dad completely flips, turning to his son, ‘you’re fucking useless, you know that? how the fuck d’you manage to mess this one up?’ practically foaming at the mouth.
‘dad i told her! this isn’t my fault.. we can still go.. i’ll find the cash somewhere,’ his eyes pleading with the estranged man, he had shrunk back into a scared little boy right before your eyes.
his father shoves him away, snarling at his son, ‘you think i actually want to go anywhere with you? my colossal fuck up of a son? you’re dreaming,’ positively fuming.
‘but.. dad,’ he’s almost begging now, regressing back to the night he watched his father walk out on his mom, feeling the heartache all over again.
steve steps up, getting closer to the pair, ‘you should go,’ placing his hand on the man’s arm.
he jerks his arm from steve’s grip, scoffing at you all, ‘don’t bother trying to find me again.. i don’t wanna know,’ poking his sausage finger into eddie’s chest before pulling himself away and trundling off back to the bar you’d met in.
your eyes immediately turn to eddie who was watching the man leave for the second time, tears pricking in his eyes. your chest pangs with hurt, you’d never meant for it to happen like this.
eddie speeds off in the opposite direction and you have to pull on steve’s arm to stop him from going after the boy, ‘he’ll come.. just.. give him a few minutes,’ nodding reassuringly.
steve sighs before turning to face you, ‘okay, you should go anyway.’
deciding that it had probably been enough time, you follow eddie’s path and eventually find him perched on a crumbling stoke wall, aggressively wiping his cheeks when he spots you walking over.
you sit in the empty spot next to him, staring down at the grey concrete. not wanting to break the silence and potentially piss him off more.
‘fuck,’ eddie finally breathes, sniffing and wiping his nose on his filthy sleeve. he clearly hadn’t showered in days and you wonder what on earth they could’ve possibly been doing.
‘i’m sorry,’ you croak. you weren’t just sorry for not allowing him to run off with that wretched man but for the fact that you and steve had quite obviously betrayed him.
you hear him swallow and then a rustling from his pocket. looking up to find him with a cigarette hanging onto his lip. he offers the box out to you, as he usually would.
delicately taking one from the pack and placing it in your mouth, waiting patiently for the lighter.
you sit smoking your cigarettes in the calming silence for a few minutes. gazing out at the horizon, the sky awash with all sorts of moody greys. fitting.
‘are you coming home?’ you ask quietly, standing from the wall with your hands shoved in your pockets.
eddie exhales, his eyes closing briefly before he stands, ‘yeah.. yeah let’s go,’ admitting defeat as he lets go of his dad forever, ready to put an end to his reckless escapade.
robin and steve are leaning against his car when you walk back. there had been a silent agreement to not mention it. just get in the car and go.
you sat in the back with eddie, watching as he stares out of the window, pressing his forehead against the cold glass. you move over into the middle seat, resting your head against his shoulder.
things would be alright.
things had been actually sorta alright. eddie had seemingly come to terms with you and steve becoming a thing. at least, if he hadn’t, he’d been keeping it to himself.
you tried to keep things respectable of course, jumping apart when he’d enter the room or going off to your own room and creeping into steve’s when eddie had gone to bed. but he wasn’t stupid. and you knew he wasn’t stupid. it just seemed better than rubbing it in his face.
things were completely different with steve and you’d felt a sense of pressure that hadn’t been present with eddie. steve was soft and kind but you couldn’t be so laidback about everything with him.
when you’d disappear at parties to split a bag with someone, he’d want to know. or when you were upset and stressed out, he’d want to know why, how he could help.
which was fair enough, obviously. it was just different. before, eddie would offer some generic advice and a spliff and be done with it. now, you were expected to actually address your issues head-on, not just bury them with sex and drink.
finals week had been harsh on all of you. the apartment in disarray as you were all working overtime to save your grade and not get kicked out of college.
you’d, perhaps a bit unfairly, taken your stress out on steve. arguing with him about menial shit that you didn’t really care about, just finding any excuse to shout and push him away.
he’d sit there and take it, offering sensible solutions and trying to resolve whatever bullshit you’d made up that day. a stark difference to eddie who would’ve screamed straight back at you.
come friday night, you’d all finished exams, sitting around the table when eddie swanned in, flapping some flyer for a party, going on about how you should all go.
‘we’re finished, free,’ he argued, pleading his case to the three of you.
robin flat-out refused, said she needed to sleep for a solid week and then she’d be ready to party. steve umm’d and ahh’d, settling on staying in but he was down to go out tomorrow.
‘i’ll go,’ you speak up, eyeing eddie from across the table, you hadn’t hung out alone yet. this would be a new feat.
‘alright,’ he shrugs, looking at steve for his permission or straight up denial of you two going alone.
steve just nods, ‘alright, call me if you need anything,’ glancing at you with an assured smile.
he wasn’t worried. not really. you’d shown him plenty of times that you loved him even despite your incessant attempts to push him away. even in the bad arguments, he’d kept his cool and waited for you to come to him, keeping everything on your terms.
you’re nervous though. you and eddie partying together had never been a good idea, egging each other on, getting utterly trashed just because he’d dare you to.
not tonight. you swore to yourself before leaving. pressing a tender kiss on steve’s lips, leaving traces of your sticky lipgloss behind.
eddie’s pov
it’s a little after midnight when steve gets a phone call from eddie, asking him to come and pick you up. still waking up as he walks across campus, passing countless drunk students as he finds the thumping party.
you’re incoherent on the couch, steve’s eyebrows raising expectedly as he walks into the room. eddie stood to the side watching as your arms instinctively wrap around steve’s neck. even in your drunken stupor you went straight to steve.
it fucking stings.
he looks on worriedly as steve hoists you from the couch, ‘hey man.. uh, she said some pretty weird things tonight, i dunno.. i don’t think she’s okay,’ recalling your earlier slurred words.
you hadn’t meant to, but you’d spilled everything to eddie. a tequila fuelled rant about how steve was so perfect and how bad you felt that you just weren’t. how you didn’t know how to stop pushing him away, even when you didn’t want to.
steve nods, it wasn’t like he didn’t already know you were on this self-destructive warpath. he just wasn’t sure how to tell you that you didn’t need to do this without sounding like a dick.
your arms lazily flop around his neck, laying your head against his chest as he carried you bridal style through the party and right across campus back to your apartment. eddie trailing behind in silence.
‘thanks.. for calling me,’ steve smiles as he nudges his bedroom door open just as eddie was about to disappear into his own room.
‘course,’ he nods, melancholy as he watches your fingers curl around steve’s jacket, pulling him down onto the bed with you, babbling a chorus of steve’s and love you’s as his door closes.
cursing himself for never being that soft with you. never providing that level of safety.
he lies awake for hours, staring at the ceiling. at some point he hears you tumble out of steve’s room, rushing to the bathroom and subsequently throwing up into the toilet. debating whether to hop out of his own bed and help.
but then the padding of steve’s feet make their way through the hallway, his soft voice helping you brush your teeth and get cleaned up. eddie’s assistance was unnecessary. damn, he wouldn’t have a clue what to even do.
on the occasions that you’d thrown up in the morning, eddie would’ve led in bed and laughed. called you a pussy and waited for you to crawl back to bed in a mood. he wasn’t gentle like steve. that shit came as a second nature to him but to eddie? not a touch of it.
he even hears the soft kiss he gives you on the way back to his room, your appreciative little murmur and the click of his door shutting again. 
and he wants to kick himself. scream and cry and throw a tantrum because in an ideal world, that would’ve been him.
but he can’t blame you, no matter how much he tried. it’s his fault he’s such a colossal fuck up. not yours. not steve’s. his.
he eventually gives up and moves to the couch, not getting much luck at sleeping in his bed. the suns rising when he hears snippets of your hushed conversation.
it didn’t sound angry. or even upset. just barely audible speaking’s about your feelings.
‘i know.. i don’t mean to,’ he can hear, a twinge of sadness in your tone.
‘you don’t need to.. not with me,’ steve mumbles and the blankets rustle, snapping him out of his trance.
he can hear small i love you’s and the sound of lips smacking. but then your muffled breathy moans start and the bile rises in his throat. undeniably he knew what was going on in there, everything being confirmed by the rhythmic creaking of the mattress.
and he knows what you look like. he can see it. feel it. hell, he lived for it at one point
pushes himself from the sofa and straight out of the door. not wanting to hear a second more.
you don’t feel as bad as expected in the morning, rough but not as bad as you should be feeling.
robin’s now ready to celebrate, steve agreeing and you almost want to hurl at the mention of going out. eddie sits in silence at the end of the table, he’d been pretty strange this morning and you’d wondered if you said something to upset him last night.
you could vaguely recall the self-pitying spiel you’d forced him to listen to. physically cringing at the fact you’d started crying and wailing about steve to him.
robin suggests having some people over, just a small thing with close friends. maybe if everyone was up for it you could all go out afterwards. that you could agree to.
she rounds the troops, calling the friend you all shared. who all agreed to get there at eight. something small and casual she repeats down the phone.
there’s a few tag-alongs, people you’d met briefly at parties or friends of friends who had been dragged along. so it wasn’t the small gathering you’d pictured with just the gang. but it was okay.
the speaker being turned to max and the living room full of people. everyone in high spirits because finals had finished and were relatively confident that they’d at least scraped a pass.
you edge through the crowd, waking over to steve who was splayed out on the couch, spliff hanging from his fingers. he grins when he sees you, opening his arms.
‘hey pretty girl,’ beckoning for you to climb onto his lap, arms snug around your waist as he passes the spliff to you, still giggling at his pet name.
eddie glowers from behind the couch, huffing before pushing himself up and storming into the kitchen. he hadn’t realised how much he’d already drank, liquor coursing through his veins.
‘watch it,’ someone exclaims when eddie barges into their arm, subsequently spilling his beer onto the boys shirt.
eddie sees red. turning to the boy and snarling as he shoves his chest, sending him to the floor.
‘what the fuck did you say?’ grabbing the boy by the collar before smashing his fist into the side of the poor boys face.
steve hears the commotion, leering over the sofa to see what the fuck was even going on. he shoves you off of his lap, running to go and grab eddie from on top of this boy.
you finally see what everyone had crowded around, watching as eddie’s fist pummels into his now bloody face. only easing when steve grabs onto his arms, gasping for breath as he’s thrown back into reality. realisation setting in about what he’d just down.
people rush to the unconscious boy, somebody screaming to call an ambulance. the music cuts out harshly, silence echoing around the room as you stare at eddie, wide-eyed. terrified.
you’d never seen him like this. so brutal, covered in someone else’s blood. his chest falls and rises, staring back at you with an equally as horrified expression. steve is saying something to him but it’s not registering. a ringing in his ears as the world crashed and burned around him.
the police turn up alongside the ambulance crew. taking statements from whoever hadn’t left and eventually cuffing eddie. muttering about crazy fucking kids and quite forcefully pulling him from the apartment.
his eyes lingering on yours as he’s guided out. steve’s arms wrap around your shoulders, pulling you into his chest, resting his chin on the top of your head. you’re still in disbelief, tears welling in your eyes as you remember how unforgiving and downright cruel he’d been.
‘you wanna go to bed?’ steve asks, chest vibrating with his low voice. fingers combing through your hair, in your own corner of the living room as robin and nancy attempt to clean the floor.
jonathan and argyle are picking up tiny shards of glass, not an ounce of conversation between them. all still reeling from eddie’s outburst. you were sure he was going to jail, there wasn’t any way he could possibly wriggle out of this one.
‘we should-,’ the words getting caught in your throat, ‘we need to help clean,’ pulling back to look at the state of the room, discarded cups and splatters of alcohol on the walls.
‘we’re nearly done.. you should go to bed,’ robin nods, wringing the cloth out into the sink.
even they had come to the conclusion that this was something to do with you. you and steve in particular. the way eddie’s eyes had locked onto you the second steve had pulled him off of the boy.
you knew it. he’d been frosty and unusual with you all morning. with everyone in fact.
eddie emerges from his room for the first time in days. looking worse for wear and feeling just as shit. the tag on his ankle restricting him from leaving the apartment freely.
he peers down at the blinking red light, mentally cursing the plastic as he drags his feet along the carpet. he can hear you and steve chatting quietly, not really able to make out what was being said.
not expecting you both to be sprawled out on the couch, your leg draped over his waist as your delicate fingers combed through his hair. the last few days had been so bleak, that he couldn’t really find it in himself to hate that you were sharing these moments with steve.
he sighs loudly, hoping to let you know he’d entered the room. not wanted to be involuntarily including in whatever may have happened next.
you sit up slightly, gazing at him stood behind the kitchen counter, ‘hey,’ it’s quiet, but he hears it. almost deciding to ignore until he remembers how much you’d doted on him and helped him recently.
‘hi,’ but he doesn’t look back, staring into the empty fridge, waiting for something to materialise. but it doesn’t.
‘when’s your court date?’
the words sear in his ear, an unwelcome subject.
‘next tuesday,’ deciding upon a swig of milk straight from the carton, not exactly the five-course meal he was hoping for.
‘okay well, we were.. we’re gonna come, y’know.. for support,’ your eyes are unrelenting, following him around the kitchen.
‘don’t bother, i’m pleading innocent,’ completely monotonous in his response.
he’d already argued with the state provided lawyer about this. a shoddy man who could not care less whether eddie went down or not, just wanting to cash his cheque at the end of it all.
the balding man had called him stupid, ‘there are multiple witnesses.. plead guilty and they’ll probably pity you n’ slap you with some community service or summit.. don’t be stupid son.’
you scoff, using steve’s chest as leverage as you sit up properly, ‘you’re joking? right?’
his eyes finally meet yours, thumping his fists on the marble counter, ‘i am innocent,’ no one could understand where he was coming from, not even the man who was being paid to at least pretend to care and understand.
‘you beat the shit out of him, eddie.. you broke his fucking jaw,’ your eyes are wide, looking at him like he’s an idiot- which he was, but not about this.
‘i was provoked, self defence,’ he says in all serious. he was frustrated, lashed out but at the end of it all, the guy had bashed him first.
‘wh- because he accidentally knocked into you? you really must be fucking stupid.. what are you thinking?’
eddie notices steve, or what he could see of him, tense up, obviously not wanting to anger the violent monster eddie had become in so many people’s eyes.
‘it’s my choice.. i was fucking provoked, saw some stupid shit.. that’s not my fault,’ relinquishing the blame to you.
in his eyes, if he hadn’t seen the disgusting display of affection, he probably wouldn’t have fucked up that boy. but he had, and that wasn’t his fault. so how was he guilty?
‘you’re ridiculous.. i actually can’t believe you,’ your eyes full of disappointment.
the way your face falls, eyes narrowed and sharp as knives makes his heart twist. genuine hurt flashed on your face. almost paralleling the horrified expression you’d held as he was cuffed and dragged away.
‘it’s my decision, i wouldn’t expect you to know a thing about what it’s like to be me,’ kicking the fridge door closed with a loud thump.
you disappear from his sight, flopping back down onto steve’s chest with an exasperated sigh. he rolls his eyes before stomping off into his bedroom. his mood probably wouldn’t be so terrible if he could just leave this godforsaken apartment.
actually, why shouldn’t he? if you were so certain that he was going to jail anyway, what harm was there in going out? fuck it.
so he gets dressed, pulling his denim jacket on and spritzing himself with aftershave. he’d worry about the tag later, surely one of his buddies would have something to hack it off with. hopefully with minimal damage to his leg.
you don’t even look up from steve’s eyes when he comes back out, having had enough of his idiotic attitude for the day.
‘woah, where are you go-,’ steve starts before being cut off with the front door shutting, he was gone, without so much of a look back.
jogging down the stairs and out of this suffocating hellhole.
it doesn’t take long for the police to show up, banging their fists on the door and red in the face with anger.
they grilled you and steve for what felt like hours. making sure you hadn’t helped in his escape. tearing his room apart for some sort of clue to where he’d gone.
‘we found the tag at a location not far from here.. could anyone be hiding him? he’s in serious trouble.. we need anything you’ve got,’ the officer pleads, frustrated with having to deal with this bullshit on a thursday night. you don’t blame him.
you shake your head, ‘no.. i-i mean, there’s a few bars down on main but our friends aren’t stupid enough to help him.’
any previous feelings of worry had disappeared, replaced with frustration. you weren’t prepared to spend your whole life trying to find eddie every time he decided to run away. he so obviously didn’t give a shit about what you thought, it was a waste of energy at this point.
the officer sighs, ‘right, well you let us know if he gets in contact or comes back here,’ rummaging in his pocket for a small bit of card, ‘that’s my personal number.. call me straight away.’
you nod, thumbing the glossy card and flopping back onto the couch. steve shows them out, closing the door softly after they leave. he gives you a look, full of pity. he doesn’t say a thing but you know what he’s thinking.
‘i’m done,’ holding your hands up, ‘he can get himself out of this one.. i don’t care anymore,’ surrendering completely.
he nods, looking as just as tired as you felt. sometimes you forget that this isn’t just between you and eddie, steve is right in the middle of it all too, staying quiet and holding back for eddie’s sake.
you’d tried to be courteous and thoughtful with eddie. pulling away from steve when he’d enter the room, trying not to be so overly affectionate in front of him. you felt like maybe you owed him that for how you’d gone about it, but why?
not once had he ever shown interest in being with you romantically, he was the one that’d explicitly said that you and him were friends with some added benefits. screw him.
‘you hungry? i wanna get out of here,’ pushing yourself from the couch and throwing your arms around steve’s waist, cheek squished against his chest.
‘i could eat,’ returning the hug, swaying slightly as his hands roam around your back.
eddie’s pov
eddie checks his phone for the umpteenth time.
no new notifications
he was anticipating at least something from you by now. hell, even a pathetic hi would’ve sufficed. the man wasn’t dumb, choosing to hole himself up in gareth’s basement with a six-pack rather than hitting the main spots.
he questions whether the dinghy, dark basement was any better than the confines of the room he’d escaped. supposing that you and steve weren’t next door, anything would be better.
he debates just calling you first. curious to know why you hadn’t called. maybe after the next beer. or maybe now. fuck it, it’s already dialling.
it rings and rings, becoming increasingly concerned with your well-being.
‘what?’ your voice rings out after the fifth or sixth ring.
he’s taken aback, ‘hello to you too,’ taking another swig of beer, his knees pulled up to his chest.
‘what d’you want?’
christ. you really weren’t falling for it this time.
‘nothin’.. just expected to hear from you by now, that’s all.’
he can hear the eye roll through the phone, your tiny almost inaudible little tut, ‘i’m not saving you this time.’
‘i didn’t ask you to.’
‘so why’d you call then? i’m busy.’
‘you with steve?’ he doesn’t even know why he asked, of course you were.
‘yeah, i am.. is that what you wanted to hear? or were you hoping i was out searching for you with the police?’
ouch. you’d called him out. figured out his silly game and threw it straight back in his face.
‘i didn’t- you just had to rub it in, didn’t you?’ anger rising in his throat, ‘you always do.’
‘you think i’m doing this to make you jealous? this isn’t about you anymore.. you need to get over yourself,’ you sigh, empathetic about the harsh words that’d just spilled out, ‘i love him, eddie.. you’re gonna have to deal with that.’
and with that the phone clicks. you’d hung up. you had hung up on him, no grovelling or pleading for him to come back home. that was it. the harsh truth and now he had to just sit with it.
his head falls back against the cold brick, staring up at the damp covered ceiling, weighing up his options. he knew he’d fucked up. best case scenario, he’d get a couple extra months on his sentence. worst case, they’d throw the book at him for wasting their time.. not to mention the already hefty sentence for the assault.
you had completely and utterly exhausted yourself trying to support him and even you had had enough. he only had himself to blame for that. maybe jail would be a good thing? he could get his head straight.. get over you, maybe even find some purpose in his life.
he pulls another beer from the pack, cracking it open and taking a long swig. exhaling as the bitter liquid seeps down his throat. there was only one way out of this fucked situation and he knew that.
eddie perks up when he hears your key in the door, sat on the couch for what seemed like hours waiting for you both to get back.
your face drops the instant you see him, gripping onto steve’s hand as you walk into the dimly lit living room.
eddie stands, holding up his hands, ‘i’m gonna hand myself in.. i just-,’ he exhales deeply, ‘i wanted to say goodbye,’ jaw tense as he looms between you and steve.
‘you are? do you want me to call the sheriff? i- he gave me his number..’
‘no, no.. i’m gonna go down there.. it’s easier,’ eddie motions towards the door, shaking his head.
you stand dumbfounded for a second before nodding slowly, chewing on the inside of your cheek, ‘it’s the right thing to do..’ the lump in your throat growing as you look back at the pathetic man in front of you.
steve gives him a weak smile, patting his hand on your arm. there’s a brief moment of silence. the three of you all staring back at one another in awe of the fucked up mess you’d wound up in.
‘c’mere,’ steve motions to eddie, walking over to the boy with arms outstretched. he pulls him into a bear hug, clapping his palm on eddie’s back.
from the look on eddie’s face squished against steve’s shoulder you can tell he needed it, ‘i’ll miss you man..’ he breathes into his best friend’s sweater.
‘we’ll come and visit.. you’re not getting rid of me that easy,’ his laugh is shaky as he pulls away, smiling proudly at his friend.
you stand slightly behind steve, watching on with tears brimming in your eyes. even though steve had tried to reassure you, you couldn’t help but feel so guilty that this had ultimately all happened because of you.
eddie walks over slowly, throwing his arms around your body, gripping his fingers into your arms knowing that this may very well be the last time he ever got to hold you like this.
your arms cling around his waist, cheek pressed against his chest, ‘i’m proud of you..’ was all you managed to croak out, tears wetting his dirty t-shirt.
he sniffs, swallowing the lump in his throat, ‘thank you.. for everything,’ because truly, you were the only person to never give up on him, even if he had made it incredibly difficult for you.
you lift your head off of his chest, staring up at him with sodden cheeks, bottom lip quivering as you let go of him. both physically and emotionally.
he puffs his cheeks out, wiping his face with the back of his hand before clearing his throat and nodding at the pair of you, ‘you take care of her..’ eyebrow raised.
‘aye aye captain,’ steve gives him a tight lipped smile and a half-assed salute, watching as the man he had grown up with walked out of the apartment, head held high and a newfound spring in his step.
the end of the beginning.
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elsweetheart · 2 years
havduaha hello hi i think i'm inlove with you- anw i reaaaaaaalllyyyy love your writing. got me giggling and kicking feet fr hdjashaj soooo i just want to request somethin or whatnot just... dealer!ellie... whatever you want to do just make my dreams come true so i can pass away in peace (just kidding... or not) just gonna leave it here, again i think i'm really inlove with you HAJDHWJSHA BYE MWA
hiiii omgomgomg thank u!! i’m so happy u like my writing + you’re so sweet of course i will write dealer!ellie she is so chefs kiss 💋
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beginners luck — dealer!ellie
tw// drug usage !! not smutty just flirty <3 more to come tho !!
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• you and ellie were always seeing eachother around campus, or at parties where she’d be doing business. so much so, that the two of you would often laugh to eachother and chat at social gathering about how often you bumped into eachother. things were definitely a little flirty from your perspective, but you didn’t wanna read into it too much. so she’s not a total stranger — you just wouldn’t consider her a friend, and you wouldn’t wanna be stuck in the friendzone anyway.
• she’s always wondered why you’ve never tried to buy from her and then simply put it down to you seeming too innocent to wanna smoke and honestly she thinks it’s cute.
• that is until you can’t sleep one night, mind super frazzled from staring at a computer all day that you decide fuck it, now is the perfect time to start.
• so you march over to ellie’s dorm, and everyone knows where ellie’s dorm is because everyone buys weed from ellie. you didn’t think to change out of the tank top that’s just a little too tight and your cute pj pants, and before it’s too late you’re knocking on her door.
• she opens up pretty fast, and she looks like she just got back — wearing a carhartt jacket over her hoodie, her sneakers still on. she lets you in and honestly she’s surprised and confused as you’re the last person she expected to come knocking at 1AM.
• “i want to… erm, i’d like to buy a…weed.” you try and sound confident but you shrink down when she chuckles, stepping aside and letting you into her room. “i got plenty of those.” she replies as she pulls out a metal box and you don’t quite catch that she’s slightly making fun of your naively worded request.
• she lets you fish through all the pungent baggies with labels you don’t understand on them before you’re looking up at her with doe eyes and a shrug. “i don’t really know what i’m looking for here.” you admit defeatedly.
• “you never smoked before? like not even at a party or anything?” she doesn’t sound judgemental, more curious and you feel more comfortable to be truthful.
• “no, never. just struggling to sleep and i think it might help me.” you respond earnestly and she thinks for a moment, seeming to analyse you before taking the metal box and closing it, storing it away.
• “i don’t usually sell to beginners. they don’t know what they’re doing and then they go away and smoke more than they can handle and then come freaking out at my door saying i laced them or some shit, which i obviously did not. but… i dunno, you’re always nice to me when i see you, and plus i know what it’s like to not be able to sleep. so, i’m gonna help you out.” she ranted, digging through another one of her drawers before she stood back up, holding a smaller tin.
• “thank you, ellie. you’re a lifesaver. what is that?” you ask shyly with your eyes on the tin. she pries it open and nods towards her bed. “sit down.” she offers in a softer voice and you do, watching as she gathers her equipment. “it’s my personal stash. the good stuff, you know. you don’t smoke pretty girls out with the cheap shit i sell.” she chuckled like it was obvious, continuing to set up her little rolling station at her desk, perching on her chair. you flushed all over at her calling you pretty and smiled.
• she talks you through how to roll and prepare the blunt, and you’re trying to listen — you really are. but you’re both finding it hard to concentrate when she’s that hot and explaining things to you, and you’re showing her how good of a listener you can be by responding with small dreamy “mhm”’s to her instructions. you swing your legs as you stare at her, her fingers continuing to do the last bit of rolling and twisting of the pink rolling paper she let you select.
• “now the boring parts out the way…” she smiled as she stood up, flopping down on the bed next to you and pulling her lighter out her pocket before setting them down on the bed between you and shuffling out of her jacket. you felt your body heat up and the close proximity and you kicked off your slippers, crossing your legs and facing her.
• she placed the joint carefully between your lips, eyes flicking from your mouth to your eyes as if for permission before lighting it. “now inhale and you’re gonna hold it for a few seconds, alright?” her voice was calm and quiet and it eased your nerves slightly as you did what she said.
• she let you take a few more hits commending you with a “see? you’re a natural.” before taking her turn, inhaling with more confidence as she relaxed back against the wall beside her bed.
• the two of you get talking as you smoked, and you clicked instantly, talking about her day and then talking about yours and laughing together. you almost forgot what you were doing, as after a while it became second nature.
• the fogginess started to hit you as she was talking and you began giggling, eyes now pink and watering as you observed how pretty she was as she spoke. she trailed off, taking a drag of the blunt and you moved closer to her on the bed.
• “your freckles look like little stars.” you tried to widen your eyes so you could see more and she chuckled, tilting her her slightly to catch your eye.
• “you good? it’s hitting you huh?” her voice was laced with amusement as you bit your lip and nodded with an innocent grin. “does it feel good?” she asked, in reference to the high but the question made your eyes flutter anyways. “mhm.”
• the good feeling lasted for what felt like forever, but when she made you laugh at a stupid joke a little too hard you found that your heartbeat sped up just a little bit too much. you tried to play it cool, taking a deep breath as you flattened your back against the wall, staring at her bedsheets.
• she moved her head slightly, trying to catch your eye. “you in there?” she cooed, placing a hand on your shoulder.
• “yeah. m’okay just... focusing on breathing.” you breathe out, a little whiny and trying not to panic. ellie barely reacts, reaching under her bed and pulling out a water bottle from a multipack, opening it for you and handing it to you lidless. “you’re alright, just smoked a little more than you can take for now. just relax, ‘kay?”
• she pulled her laptop up and put some kind of animated comedy on the screen to distract you, and somehow you ended up with your head resting in her lap as the two of you watched, ellie smoking another to herself. you relaxed yourself, and the high felt good again. you rolled over to look up at her, watching her smoke as her beautiful features were lit up by the glow of the screen. her eyes were pink and glossy now too and the room was smokey. you noticed the sock over the smoke alarm on the ceiling just past her head in your eyeline and giggled, attracting her attention.
• “what you looking at?” she smiled down at you and you shrugged it off, instead choosing to play with the drawstrings on her hoodie.
• “how much?” you asked sweetly. “before i forget.”
• “how much what?” she stroked your hair back.
• “how much do i owe you for this premium experience.” you giggled. “can see why so many people buy from you now. y’must be popular with the ladies.”
• she chuckled, but in a modest and almost nervous way as she leant back more against the wall— taking the moment to really look at you as you stared back. the weed induced haze gave you the confidence to hold her gaze without looking away.
• “i guess a beginner wouldn’t know that pretty girls smoke for free.” she smirked and you bit your lip in girlish excitement at her calling you pretty again. “especially pretty girls that are extra pretty when they’re all giggly and smoked out with big pretty pink eyes.” her voice was smooth and your heart fluttered again, but in a good way this time.
• “i suppose you should be paying me then.” you joked quietly and she laughed, nodding. you sat up slowly, eye contact not breaking once and your faces close.
• “so… do you let all your beginners lay in your lap and smoke with you?” your eyes danced between hers and her eyes were heavy lidded, lazily staring at your lips before blinking up at your eyes, stubbing out the last of the roach into the ashtray.
• “first time for everything. figured i’d try it out on the cute girl i see around campus that i was too much of a pussy to talk to.” her voice was quiet, almost lusty and you licked your lips.
• “me?” you breathed out sweetly and she smiled again.
• “clever girl.” she praised, pulling you in to meet her lips.
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i don’t rlly like this but hey ho i can’t be bothered to write it again :))))
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ad-astrah · 25 days
Finally Watched Cinderella's Castle Digital Ticket (Twice) and I Gotta Get My Feelings Out Somewhere, Somehow (Part I)
Feel free to light up my DMs to chat about it!
And now, for my personal highlights/live reactions:
immediately I'm drawn in by Nick Lang's silly narrator voice and the way he warns us of what's coming. Especially the "muRrrDder!"
Jeff Blim cut his hair. JEFF BLIM CUT HIS HAIR. Not that I didn't like the long locks, but something about his Aladdin Era short hair gets me, man.
Jeff Blim literally getting to own the stage like the man was born to
Jeff Blim's slutty bard getup with the artfully messy hair and the heavy guyliner. That sinful bastard.
"Let's go." I'll follow you anyway, slutty bard.
Okay 80s rock jam! Hell yes.
idk why but I just love the line "There are tales in those walls, are they true or are they tall?"
THIS SET, THO. 80s vibes. Muppets vibes. Princess Bride vibes. Spooky, ethereal fairytale vibes. I love it! Props to the team who designed and built it.
prance, slutty bard boy, prance around that stage.
Jesus Fuck, I've only seen Joey's puppet but I'm already SOLD. Nick and Matt Lang and whoever else had a hand in making these puppets fucking OUTDID themselves! Did they use the Black Book and resurrect Jim Henson?
Throughout the show, the muppet vibes just absolutely amaze and delight me. Makes me feel like a little kid, spellbound by this fairytale. Except it's much darker, more gruesome, way more explicit, and extremely horny.
Oh look, it's Joey's Jingle/Jangle (whichever elf he was) voice from Black Friday.
Love me some o' dat non-binary representation from Ragweed. Starkid once again screaming GAY RIGHTS bitches.
I'm getting some of Jeff's Aragog from AVPS in this Narrator. Anyone else?
Stupid STUPID butcher!
Jon Matteson's accent. *giggles madly*
Angela IMMEDIATELY having to pause for applause before she finishes her first freaking line. The queen deserves it all, though.
The foreshadowing of the Stepmother cutting off Ella's feet. O_O
"It's furryyyyy and fouuuuul and full o' maGOTTTSSaaaaaggghhhh!"
Angela doing the little spinny finger thing in a guy's face to fluster them just like Max did to her character in Nerdy Prudes. I love these physical running gags. My fave being the Smoke Club, though.
OIIIINK oinkoinkoinkoinkoinkoink
Sir Preston asking for help from the audience. His "ELLAaaaaa....nooooo....."
The lighting in this entire show is SO COOL.
Again, Jeff just louging like a whore about the set like its his bitch. I live for it.
James' COSTUME. He looks SO FUCKING GOOD. Props to the costume folks...and to James' rockin' genes.
"But nothing compares to the juice and the hairs..." Oh no. Ohhhhh no I see where this is going. Don't say it, James, don't-- omg he said it.
er ee er ee er ee *window rolling down*
I thought the Prince drawing bewbies on the frosty window was funny already, and then he goes WAH WAH WAH and pretends to pinch them and I fucking lost it.
The Prince checkin' out DAT AZZZZZZ XD
"I'd wager she's wetter now than when I first found her bobbing in the river." OH MY GOD. PRINCE. THAT'S HER NOT-MOM.
If his highness has had every STD and beaten it, that's so fucked up but also damn, that boy's immune system is killin' it. Literally.
"Poor mad EllaAH"
"This is one thirsty FUCKING house." For real, omg.
"The offer stands firm. Come calling if you are!" *screams*
Jeff miming being crew and pulling the ropes for the curtains.
*audience member sneezes* "Bless you."
Angela's diction is next fucking level. PUNY. PINK. KIND.
The epic troll reveal! The puppets are SO GOOD.
This bayou boogie song of Ella's is an absolute KILLER BOP. Holy shit. And it's SO perfect for Bryce's funky, sassy voice.
Speaking of which, BRYCE'S VOCALS. I'm gonna scream about them for forever and ever and ever. I love her voice SO FUCKING MUCH. I could listen to nothing else for the rest of my days and die a happy little gay.
"ohhhh woah woah waohhh" *flips the bird* She's such a queen for that.
"It needs oregano" WORK BITCH
Bryce's stage presence is fucking INSANE. I dunno how she's not on Broadway, but thank goodness we got her!
GOD I love this absolutely depraved, horny little bastard of a prince.
It's amazing Tadeus hasn't murdered the prince yet. The man deserves a medal for the literal shit he's put up with.
Bugette?! I thought you choked on shit died and were consumed by the Hive Queen?
Rancilda being a typical troll and loving lurking under bridges and telling riddles.
Schuyler Sister vibes from the song with Justine and Lucy. So cute.
Justine and Lucy are SUCH real ones for IMMEDIATELY believing Ella about her family being trolls and for saying "fuck the ball, we're leaving NOW."
Shake dat ass, Mariah!
Lauren's physical comedy as Rancilda is NEXT LEVEL. I'm wheezing over here!
iSNn'tT it A BiiIItTcH?!
I LOOK GOOD IN THIS. What an absolute fucking BANGER. This song is gonna play in my head on repeat for the next decade. What a next level villain song.
Also this gives me some strongass Joan Jett vibes. "I love wearin' the skin of dead girls rock 'n' roll!"
and I hEEeaARr yoU'Re RiiiCCHhH
Seriously, is this the next Top Chart breakup revenge song? It should be.
"I really LIKE that song!" XD Putrice. I love how much of an absolute BIMBO she is.
Rancilda singing the song again. "SHUT UP STUPID BITCH, THE SONG'S OVER." "Okaaaaiiii"
Matt Dahan's ability to riff off the main songs and create motifs is otherworldly.
General MacNamara? Is that you?! Oh wait, nope. Still my slutty, slutty bard.
I LOOOOOOOVE this badass electric guitar intro, holy shit.
Kim Whalen, the queen, getting the bitchin' entrance she deserves.
Starkid is so, so good at their sound design to help immerse you in a scene without blowing a big budget or doing anything elaborate.
...Kim. My girl. Your arms must be tired.
She's just standing there, but Kim's stage presence is still so strong.
I can't get over how Jon's Sir Hops-A-Lot's voice is just a small...ahem. Hop, skip, and a jump away from Wiggly's.
JOEY. THAT ACCENT. You ABSOLUTE genius idiot. I love you for this stupidass voice.
Joey's bowl cut makes me giggle like mad.
I love these two puppets SO much.
The call and response bit with Ella and the Goddess reminds me of Hamilton when Washington is dictating his Farewell Address. I know it's gotta be in other musicals, too, but that's the clearest comparison for this nerd at the moment.
Jeff sneaking in the "castle on a hill" song reference in this song.
Kim and Bryce dueting together is just Power incarnate. Holy cow. It's so good.
"You shall be as radiant and terrible as I." Ooooooh. Yes. Gimme.
The Narrator sneaking out from amidst the ensemble to finish off the song was really neat.
That fading spotlight before curtain for intermission with just Ella's face in view is so beautiful and haunting. What an epic close to Act I.
Also, it seems like this was also a strategic way to imply Ella's outfit being transformed there on stage during the song without actually having to do the tricky costume designing quick-change theater miracles of an ACTUAL outfit transformation. Which is really brilliant. Leave the audience to wonder until post-intermission about what Ella's starlight dress will look like.
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darkeralmond · 1 year
Do you write smut for conrad fisher? If you do can you do a jealous conrad x reader? thank you!!
i do now! thank you so much for requesting ILY anon ❤️❤️
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Conrad Fisher x fem! Reader
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summary: You and Conrad were at a party for Belly’s birthday hosted by Nicole. You were stranded by Conrad and notice a guy alone on the couch. You decide to be friendly and talk to him before dancing with him. Conrad and you get into an argument over this until you say the thing he’s been waiting to hear.
warnings: 18+, smut, angry Connie, car sex, penetration, she/her pronouns, arguing, vulgar language, Conrad calling you “good girl”, dirty talk
word count: 1.9k
a/n: connie is a popular guy in my request board 😭, not complaining tho i love him!! thank you again for the request!! P.S. I LOVE ARTIC MONKEYS AND PAXTON H-Y!!!
masterlist | request info
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The music was loud in your ears as you entered the crowded living room. Conrad had left you alone to go find out where Steven was, but all the people in one space triggered your claustrophobia.
You looked over and saw a guy sitting by himself on the couch with a look of defeat on his face. There were people dancing all around him while he chugged whatever substance he had in his red solo cup. Usually, you don’t feel sympathy for strangers, but something about this guy made your heart wrench.
You approached him. “You alright?” Sure, it’s weird when a stranger asks others how they’re feeling, but some people need to vent to someone they don’t know.
He looked up at you with red eyes, you couldn’t tell if he was high or if he had been crying. He sniffled, “Yeah, uh, I caught my girl cheating on me with my homeboy upstairs.”
Shit. “Oh,” you replied.
You sat down next to him while he explained, “It’s chill. She was a bitch anyway.” He brought his cart up to his lips and took a hit. He was high. “You wanna hit?” He offered it to you.
You shook your head, “I’m straight edge.”
He furrowed his eyebrows, “The fuck is straight edge?”
You laughed at his reaction. It was the same one every person had when you told them the same answer. “That means I chose to stay sober.” Your thought process was by staying sober, it helped you avoid all the drama that starts when you’re black out drunk. Drunk confessions, drunk fighting, the list goes on. “It just helps me stay out of trouble.”
He exhaled smoke from his lips and nose. “Ohhhh,” he laughed. “Respect.”
“Yeah,” you giggled. You then looked out at everyone dancing and having a good time. “Why don’t we dance?”
He smiled, “Sure.” The two of you got up from the couch and went to the middle of the living room. The Motto by Drake and Lil Wayne played over the speaker, the bass shaking the whole house. Due to all the people crammed in one room, you and the mystery guy danced fairly close to each other. “Hey, what’s your name?” he yelled over the music.
“Y/N!” you shouted back. “What’s yours?”
“Noah!” Noah yelled. You nodded your head while smiling. The two of you danced while screaming the lyrics to the song. “You’re really cool, Y/N! I think we’d make great friends!”
“What do you mean? You’re stuck with me now!” You and him laughed. That’s when you spotted someone familiar pushing through the crowd. It was your boyfriend finally coming back from his search. “Conrad, hey!” You waved. “Did you find Steven?”
He completely ignored your question, his eyes set on the guy who you were dancing with. “Get away from my girl.” He stepped in front of you.
“Woah, man. We weren’t doing anything.” Noah held up his hands defensively.
“Conrad, stop!” you laughed, trying to lighten the mood. “It’s fine! We’re just chilling.”
He scoffed in response, “I recommend staying away from Y/N. We’re going home.”
“We’re going home.” He cut in.
He sounded pissed, it made your guy twist as you looked back at Noah. “Sorry about him,” you said with a frown on your face.
“Don’t stress about it, maybe I’ll see you around.” He waved bye as you got dragged out of the house by Conrad.
“What the fuck is your problem?” you yelled as the two of you left the house. “Am I not allowed to make friends now? Why don’t you ever trust me?”
He rolled his eyes, “I trust you! I just don’t trust that guy!”
You yelled, “You don’t even know him!”
“Neither do you! You don’t know what his intentions were, Y/N!” His eyes were wide with anger as he looked into yours, the veins in his neck strained. “Get in the car.” The car beeped as he unlocked the doors.
You didn’t want to cause a scene in front of everyone, so you just did as he said and got in the passenger’s seat. You folded your arms over your chest and stared out the window. He got in the driver’s seat next to you and started the car before putting it into drive mode. “Just so you know, his girlfriend cheated on him and he was by himself,” you mumbled while pouting.
“Y/N,” he said. This gave you a glimpse of hope that he’d finally listen to you, but he then followed it up by, “I don’t fucking care.”
You rolled your eyes and frowned, shaking your head. “You’re a fucking child.” He didn’t say anything, he just kept driving.
The radio quietly played music, the air was tense as you refused to look at him. He stopped the car at a red light. “Y/N, I’m sorry,” he finally spoke up. “I get really insecure, babe, and I just want everyone to know that you’re mine.”
You looked over at him, your expression softened as you said, “Connie, I’m yours.” You placed your hand over his that draped over the shift stick.
He glanced over at you and saw your innocent expression. You knew something instantly changed in him as you noticed his demeanor swiftly change. “Say that again,” he breathed.
Now it clicked. It turned him on to know that you and your body was for him and him only. You batted your lashes and smiled deviously. “I’m all yours, Connie,” you teased.
He stared at you longer, his breath slightly hitched. “Fuck,” he muttered under his breath. When the light turned green, he took a turn that was the opposite way of both your guys’ homes.
“Conrad?” you said, concern present in your voice. “What are you doing?”
“I’m pulling the car over so we can fuck.” Butterflies swarmed in your stomach due to the assertiveness in his voice. He pulled the car over close to the beach where there were no lights except for the car’s headlights. “You fine with that?”
You nodded your head, “Y-Yeah.” You unbuckle your seatbelt and look up at him. Conrad’s hand reached up to the side of your neck and connected his lips with yours.
He was hungry for your kiss touch. He was desperate for his hands to be all over your delicate body. He pushed into you, his tongue slowly licking the seam of your mouth, which led to a more forceful kiss. He gripped the collar of your shirt, pulling you closer.
You broke away and smirked. The anger from the argument earlier melted into lust. He slightly leaned the seat back as you climbed over the center console. You rested on his lap, your legs straddling him. He moaned as you kissed along his jaw line, then his chin before leaning down to his neck and sucking on it.
His fingers dug into your hips and pulled you closer, making sure you could feel his hardening erection against your lower body. “My… job is to make you… mhm… feel good,” he said between moans.
You pulled away, “What? I’m not allowed to be in control?” This won a chuckle out of him. “I’m kidding, go ahead. I already said I’m yours.”
He ran his fingers through your hair while biting his bottom lip. “That’s my good girl,” he husked before locking his lips to your neck.
Your back arched off his lap as he sucked harshly on your pulse point, your breathing became heavy and erratic.
Your hands found their way onto his hair as he continued working his way down your neck. You couldn’t tell who was taking control anymore; the two of you were too busy focusing completely on each other. Your body began reacting.
One of his hands came up to your hip, gripping tightly as another hand traveled to your breast. Both of his hands were touching the fabric of your shirt and caressing the skin underneath. A gasp escaped your lips as your hand found its way to his crotch. Your fingers brushed against his sensitive member, eliciting a moan out of him.
‘You like that, huh?’ you thought to yourself.
He suddenly let go of your breasts and grabbed your face gently with his hands, pulling your lips forcefully to his own. He kissed fiercely, his tongue slipping inside your mouth. He bit your lip causing you to moan, his hands moving from your face down to your ass. He started grinding against you roughly, sending waves of pleasure coursing through your entire body.
A loud moan fell from your lips as you bit your bottom lip. “Connie, just fuck me already,” you pleaded. “Stop edging!”
He chuckled, “You’re still on the pill, right?” You nodded your head eagerly. “Good.” He reached down to his pants which caused you to back up slightly. He unzipped the zipper and pulled down his boxers slightly to reveal his erection. You got up on your knees so you could pull your panties, that were soaked, off. He helped lift your skirt up and slip your panties down your thighs. Once they were off, he threw them to the car floor on the passenger’s side.
Slowly, he inserted himself in you. A gasp escaped out from you while Conrad groaned from the feeling of your warm walls. His thrusting was slow at a steady pace, you felt yourself getting wetter and wetter by the second. He placed one hand on your thigh as his free hand gripped your ass. Your breathing grew shallow as the pressure building in your body increased.
“Oh god,” you whimpered.  “Please! Connie, I need you so bad!”
He continued to work his way into you until he slammed his pelvis against yours causing him to let out a loud grunt. He rasped, “You take me so well.”
As you continued to grind against him, he let out an animalistic growl. “God, Y/N, please,” he panted. You continued to grind against him, he was close, you knew it. You bit your lip, trying to suppress the sounds that were begging to fall from your throat.
His grip on your leg tightened, causing you to cry out as a wave of pleasure that rocked through your whole body. “Connie,” you whined. “Cum for me, baby, cum inside me!”
He pounded faster and harder. You felt your walls tighten around him, squeezing his erection. As he came, you let out the loudest scream anyone has ever heard from you. You clamped your eyes shut and squeezed your thighs around his waist even harder to keep him in you.
After a few seconds you managed to open your eyes. You looked down at him and could see his face twisted in ecstasy, sweat drenched over his forehead. You felt something hot pool in the pit of your stomach. You leaned down to kiss him again before getting off him. You reached for your panties and slid them back on. “You feel better now?”
He nodded his head as he caught his breath. Both your faces were flushed red from the heat of the orgasm. After recovering from his orgasm, he smiled softly. He grabbed your hand and brought you closer to him once more, placing his lips on yours. “We should head back. It’s almost midnight. And I wanna have some fun with you somewhere more comfortable”
You giggled and kissed his cheek.
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bunnypeew · 4 months
Delusions - Vox x Gn!reader
okay okay so I have found a cool prompt to write so I'm gonna write it for Vox cuz I've been in love with him recently and I also haven't written anything for Vox yet ahahha just so you know I'm sucker for doll Velvette so she is seen as one here
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They started this job at the Voxtek enterprise building a couple of months ago, they were really down on their luck but we were also really good with tech in general and, since it hadn't been that long since they got in hell, they were looking for everything that guaranteed them some sort of protections from the exorcists but from the hell citizens in general.
Now, it wasn't like them to make friends with their boss, hell not even in their life had they ever done that, they always had kinda creepy bosses all their life so it was easy not to befriend them. But with the Vees it was different, well at least with Vox and Velvette, they had always found Valentino a bit creepy with the kink stuff and everything but the other two had been somehow nice to them for the past few months, they both weren't the best at showing kindness, it was actually kind of a struggle but they somehow did it only with them.
Now they were really naive so they couldn't really tell that Vox was mostly being nice cuz he was starting to fall for them, he wouldn't admit it to himself or to anyone really but he was. Velvette had caught wind of that and started flirting on purpose with Y/n to the point where Vox would short-circuit often from how mad he was, today was one of those days.
''so Y/n, what are you planning to do tonight?,,
Velvette says, a smirk on her face while looking at Vox scolding one of his employees, now Y/n was a bit concentrated on their work so they weren’t really listening going “huh” like two times before catching what she said, this made them blush a bit
“oh, em, nothing really, working probably, why?,,
they say putting down their clipboard and looking at the doll like demon
“oh I don’t know maybe you’d want to hang out or something get away from work for a bit,,
they giggle at the offer she made but shakes their head and takes their clipboard and leaves.
as they leave they bump into someone walking towards them, that someone being Vox himself, he catches them last minute with a hand on their back, then looks them in the eyes before helping them back up.
“you gotta be more careful newbie,,
they fix their posture and looks at him while laughing
“can’t believe you still call me a newbie even tho i’ve been working here for months,,
he smirks and chuckles moving his hand to stroke the side of their cheek to some non-existent dust, they unconsciously lean into his touch and blush. This made Vox almost short-circuit again for the thousandth time but instead, he took a deep breath and looked them in the eyes for a rather long time
''em, mister Vox are you alright?,,
they say a little bit concerned, reaching for the side of his screen to see if he was over-heating or something, but as soon as he saw the hand come near him he backed away and coughed out loud
''do not worry dear I am fine, now get back to work please,,
they heeded and picked up their clipboard and ran to whatever their job was. Vox now that they were gone dropped his happy and calm facade for a more concerned and stressed look, he then goes and bumps into Velvette
''what the fuck Vox look where you're going and what is it with the face- ohhhh, I get it. Bumped into Y/n have you? mhhh?,,
she says mockingly, laughing and looking at him getting mad
''listen here you little shit, I am not in the mood for your bullshit,,
''wow come on, what happened now,,
he slaps his screen and sighs
''I happened, I'm such a shit flirter I SWEAR TO GOD- T-T-THIS IS SO STUPID-D-D-D,,
he was starting to short-circuit again.
''Vox chill out for fuck sake,,
a little bit of smoke was coming out off the top of his screen while he was glitching again, he did manage to calm down after a few seconds, took a deep breath and facepalmed himself whining
''you're in love aren't you,,
his head springs up and looks directly at Velvette with a hated filled stare
''I think you're delusional,,
''and I think you are in denial,,
she says with an all-knowing expression on her face, hands on her hips striking a pose
he just grunts and stomps the floor a couple of times before taking a deep breath, fixing his tie and walking away to find Y/n
they were doing some shipment paperwork for the carmine parts that were supposed to come, they stopped when they saw Vox come into the room
''oh hey sir, do you need something,,
they say smiling and putting the paperwork down. Vox comes closer and pushes them towards a wall to then pin them.
their face was completely red and they had a confused look on their face, their arms pressed to their chest, eyes looking directly in his.
''s-sir what are you-,,
''stop calling me sir okay? just call me Vox, understood?,,
They nod sheepishly and look sideways shyly only for Vox to pull up his hand and turn their head back to his. He then leans in and kisses them on the lips. this transmits electricity all throughout their body making their hair fizzle up a little. They kiss him back tho, putting a hand on the side of his screen and the other one on his chest
Electricity was literally in the air around them. They stop the kiss, a sparkle leaving both their lips before they look each other in the eyes again. They both hear a snap of a camera, making them turn around to see Velvette taking a picture of them while yelling yoink and running away
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tokkiwrites · 1 year
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ㅡㅡㅡ in which Javier Peña has a not so big strong man crush on the new intern.
TW: kind of fluff, age gap (not mentioned tho), pet names, use of Spanish , kind of forbidden love idk, javier is a slut ( barely mentioned in the story just wanted to put it out there) but also hes down BAD for reader, unprotected p in v sex (dont be silly, wrap your willy), afab reader, oh yeah use of y/n and reader is kind of thiiqueee idk what else so lmk if i missed anything!!!!
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Javier had been standing outside for a while now, his gaze focused on the dry, concrete pavement in front of the Embassy. He took a drag of his marlboro cigarette and exhaled after a few moments, silently watching as the cloud of smoke wafted away.
The DEA Agent took a glance up at the night sky and the flickering streetlamps that had been due for maintenance years ago. The sound of footsteps snapped him out of his daze, and he then turned his head.
"buenas noches, señor peña!"
it was y/n, the newly arrived intern: a bubbly girl that was way too excited when anyone mentioned criminals, with a smile that made even the sun want to take a closer look.
“buenas noches, querida.” The Texan rasped, his eyes taking note of her outfit. god, what a dress.
"long day, huh?" she asks before reaching her hand out and offering Javier a cup filled to the brim with warm coffee. "i know it's late, but coffee is always good." she smiles intently.
He smiled back, nodding his head in thanks, before accepting the coffee cup in his hands. "thank you, and yes, very long day indeed. this fucking heat isn't helping at all." Javier chuckles as he takes a long sip from the cup.
"i was gonna finish my coffee then head home, my feet are killing me..." she groans. "Also, this dress is horrible...forgot to wear some nylons under it, and now my thighs feel like you could fry something on them."
Javier raised an eyebrow, and looked down at her thighs, his curiosity piqued. smiling in the corner of his mouth, y/n's eyes met his. He then looked down once again for a moment, before chuckling ever so slightly.
"Does that matter when you look so good, hermosa?"
y/n lets out a soft giggle, cheeks turning a pale shade of red, before she slaps his shoulder playfully. "you say that to everyone, señor Peña"
Javier chuckled, his deep voice rumbling softly as he took another sip of the coffee. "Only to those who deserve it," he replied with a mischievous glint in his eyes. y/n's blush deepened, and she couldn't help but smile at his response. "Well, I'm flattered..."
As they stood there under the flickering streetlamp, sharing a moment of casual banter amidst the night's shadows, Javier couldn't deny that the unexpected company of the bubbly intern had lightened the weight of the long, tiring day.
He appreciated her energy and enthusiasm, which contrasted the often grim and serious nature of his work.
it's what made him more excited to come to work for the past few months. and buy new clothes...and cologne. Javier will never admit it was for her, though.
"Listen," Javier began, taking a more serious tone, "I know you're new here, and this job can be tougher than it looks. But I've got a good feeling about you, y/n. You've got that spark, and that's something we could use around here."
y/n's s eyes widened in surprise and gratitude. "Thank you, señor Peña. I really appreciate that. I promise to give it my all." she nods. " all though...a certain someone who i will not name told me to never ever trust your praises as they're just means to get into someone's pants.." y/n laughed.
"you're too smart for that, muñeca."
Javier smirked, amused by her response. "Well, I can't say I haven't heard those rumors about me before," he admitted, taking another thoughtful drag of his cigarette. "But, let me assure you, my compliments are genuine when they need to be."
y/n's smile was contagious, and she couldn't help but chuckle. "I'll take your word for it."
As they continued to chat and sip their coffee, the night air began to cool, providing some much-needed relief from the scorching heat. Their camaraderie, lighthearted yet sincere, made the hours they spent at the embassy more bearable.
it's been a while since Javier last felt this way with someone. He hated to admit it, but it was true.
Javier couldn't help but reflect on how long it had been since he'd experienced a genuine connection like this. The life of a DEA agent often led to solitude and secrecy, and trust was a rare and treasured commodity in his line of work.
With y/n, though, he sensed a different kind of trust budding. It wasn't just about the job; it was about the shared moments, the laughter.
Javier found himself appreciating the small, subtle details about y/n. The way her hair fell onto her shoulders, as if it were a cascade of silk, had a certain charm that was hard to ignore. He couldn't help but notice how her rosy cheeks seemed to light up every time he complimented her, and it warmed his heart to see her smile so genuinely.
And in that quiet corner of the world, under the watchful gaze of the night sky and the flickering streetlamps, Javier couldn't deny the fact that he enjoyed these stolen moments with y/n.
godㅡㅡ he doesn't know if he wants to fuck her or rip his heart out, cover it in glitter and give it to her, for fuck's sake.
his thoughts are stopped dead in their tracks as y/n's voice fills his ears again. "i should head home now... what about you? still got work or are you ready to head home? maybe we can walk together!"
"still have some work, querida, but..." he trails off "are you really in a hurry to get home?"
y/n hesitated for a moment, torn between her desire to spend more time with Javier and the exhaustion of a long day. "Well, I'd love to stay, but I have an early morning tomorrow, and I should get some rest."
Javier nodded in understanding, taking a final drag from his cigarette before extinguishing it on the pavement. "I understand, hermosa. You go ahead and get some rest. Don't want you falling asleep during those early meetings."
"so...you're not gonna walk me home?" she sounds kind of disappointed.
shit. she's so cute. someone slap this man. He's supposed to be an untouchable god that every woman wants. yet here he is, almost drooling over y/n.
Javier's expression softened at her disappointment, and he couldn't help but chuckle at her pouting. "Alright, alright, I suppose I can spare a few more minutes. It's not every day I get to walk a beautiful young lady home," he said with a wink.
y/n's face lit up, and she grinned. "You really know how to make a girl's night, señor."
walking together through the dimly lit streets, Javier couldn't deny the way he felt toward y/n. She was indeed beautiful, and her playful banter made him forget about the weight of his responsibilities, if only for a little while.
as they made their way to y/n's house, the wind hummed through the trees, soft creaks from some nearby swings in a park swirling alongside it. the night seemed to embrace them
it was beautiful. she was beautiful. fucking hell man, come on, get it together.
"we almost there, muñeca? you live pretty far away. how do you manage?"
"I've got things that motivate me to manage it."
"yeah...stuff, you know? like work...people."
She laughed, and they continued walking together, their conversation ranging from the challenges of their work to the mundane details of their lives. The more they talked, the more Javier found himself drawn to her spirit and charm ㅡㅡ if that possible.
As they finally reached her doorstep, y/n turned to face him, a hint of reluctance in her eyes. "Well...we're here." she reaches for the doorknob before hastily turning back to face Javier. "do you want to maybe...come inside and ㅡㅡ maybe talk?"
was he really asking him this? impossible. this is a dream. that's how all of his dreams start. and they end with her under him.
"Iㅡ" he hesitatingly tries to reply "it's fine if you dont wanna! don't even know why i asked you, it's weird, sorryㅡ"
"No, querida, wait. I do." he sighs "I do want to come inside. That's the problem."
y/n's eyes widened with surprise at his response, her cheeks flushing with a mix of nervousness and excitement. She stammered, "Oh, uh... can't believe it.. Well, come on in, then!" Her hand shook slightly as she opened the door and gestured for him to follow.
Javier couldn't believe his luck. This unexpected turn of events left him both exhilarated and cautiousㅡㅡ if his boss finds out about this they're both better off as dead. As they stepped into her cozy living room, the air seemed charged with a palpable tension, a delicate balance between temptation and anticipation.
They settled on her couch, sitting close but not too close. y/n nervously played with a strand of her hair, her gaze occasionally meeting his, their eyes locking in a silent, electric exchange.
"y/n, I need to be honest," Javier finally spoke, his voice lower and more intense. "I'm not used to this kind of situation. I'm usually a lot more careful. 's why I try to only get with people who, you know..." he trails off, motioning his hands in the air.
y/n nodded, understanding the weight of their profession and the risks involved when it comes to, well, being amorous. "I get it. It's just... I don't know. There's something about you that's... I feel so silly saying this, god."
Javier leaned in closer, his gaze unwavering. "Tell me, y/n"
Their faces drew nearer, the magnetic pull between them impossible to ignore. It was a gamble, a moment of vulnerability neither of them were used to, but they were both willing to see where this unexpected night would lead.
She swallowed hard, the tension between them growing. "I really like you, and i know you probably find me stupid and a klutz and also I'm young, so what do I knowㅡ"
"Woah, querida. Slow down."
Javier placed a finger gently on y/n's lips, silencing her thoughts. "First of all, you're not stupid or a klutz, and age has nothing to do with how you feel, hermosa. And, believe me, you're not alone in those feelings."
y/n's eyes searched his for a sign, a confirmation that he felt the same way. She couldn't help but feel her heart racing in anticipation.
With a soft, reassuring smile, Javier continued, "I've been doing this job for a long time, and I've met a lot of people. But there's something about you.." he looks down at her lips "can I?"
Their lips found each other in a passionate kiss, igniting a fire between them that felt deeper and more genuine than anything they had experienced before. Javier's hands roamed up y/n's body, pulling her closer to him as the kiss became increasingly intense.
When they finally pulled away, they were left panting, their eyes locked in an electrifying gaze. "fuck, querida," Javier whispered, his voice husky with desire. "do you know how long I've waited for this?"
y/n's breathless response came in a soft, sultry whisper, "not as long as I have.."
javier's lips crash onto y/n's neck, sucking small spots, the skin blooming red as they hastily start to undress each other.
"gonna let me take care of you, muñeca?"
fuck, she sounds so desperate.
"i know, hermosa. Mira, déjame cuidarte esta noche."
Javier's fingers dance onto her skin, trailing up to where her bra clasp was. in one swift motion he relieves y/n, letting her breasts fall down into one of his palms.
inching closer, he starts to trace kisses down her neck to her cleavage, nipping slightly at the sensitive skin between her chest. " so beautiful. "
his mustache lightly tickling her as he prepped small kisses all over her, javier pushes y/n onto her back and pulls her hips closer to his by her ankles, drawing a soft whine from the latter. "patience, muñeca. can you wait just a little more for me, huh?"
"good girl."
he finally pulls off her panties, tossing them to the side as he spreads y/n's cunt wide open with two of his fingers, analyzing the way it glistened in the dimly lit room. "so pretty. my pretty girl." y/n moans in response.
placing his palm behind her knee, he lift up her legs as to press light pecks onto her plush thighs, his thumb now tracing down to her pulsing clit. javier starts to slowly swirl his finger, still kissing y/n's thigh. "I'm gonna stretch out that pretty pussy, querida, it'll be all you think about."
tracing her entrace with his index, he plunges his finger deep into her, causing y/n to arch her back onto the mattress of the couch. this was it. he was where all of his fantasies led him to. now that he had her, he'll never let go.
cunningly, javier moved his finger into y/n's pussy, squelching sounds and her moans lapping off the walls and into his ears like melodies. "that's right. want you to come on my fingers, hermosa."
it didn't take long for y/n to finally give him what he asked for, coming just from javier's fingers, her body writhing as soft whines dripped from her lips.
"Do you want to continue, querida?" he asks, caressing ar her hips. "please, javier..." and when she pleaded his name in such a way, it sent a jolt up his spine, causing his cock to twitch into his boxers.
"i got you." he smiles, eyes tracing every curve of y/n's body. he takes off his briefs, letting his shaft spring free, small pearls of precum already gathered at the tip. y/n's eyes opened out more as she saw the sheer monster that was about to enter inside of her. "it's fine, querida. it won't bite, hm?" javier hums.
taking his length into his fist, javier pumps it a few times before he aligns it with y/n's entrance that trickled with slick. he teases her clit with the tip of it then goes in, making y/n to claw at his back.
"shh, muñeca. it's okay..." Javier starts to move slowly, gently holding y/n's waist as he lets her adjust to him. sla few strokes after he feels her wrap her legs around him, urging him deeper. "harder, please.." she pleads, the sweetest sounds escaping her plump and swollen lips.
"fuck.." Javier groans, almost coming right then with the way she stared up at him through her lashes wet with tears. "fuck, sweet girlㅡ" he starts to pump inside of her, harder and deeper, roughly hitting that one spot continously.
y/n moans, her head empty, vision blurry, and mouth agape. she was a mess, the prettiest mess he'd ever seen. all because... thanks to him.
the man moves back and forth harshly, feeling himself so close as y/n's valvet walls wrapped perfectly around his cock. "shitㅡ you were made for my cock, muñeca. my pretty, pretty girl." he moans, pressing his head between her breasts, nails digging bruises into y/n's hips.
a few moments later, y/n is completely blank, incoherent babbles skipping from her mouth as Javier fucks deep into her. "you gonna come, hermosa?" y/n nods rapidly "go aheadㅡ fuck! go ahead, come on this cock, show me how good you are to me."
that's all she needed.
she comes once again, nimbly wrapping around javier like a vine, her walls squeezing him so tight it makes his release warm, white ropes inside of her immediately.
they both pant, as they come down from their high. realization sets in as they meet each other's gaze.
"thank god you're only an intern, querida. I'm strictly forbidden to fuck employees." Javier chuckles. "oh, shut up, jerk." y/n huffs, smiling as she presses yet another kiss onto his lips.
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⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾‎  토끼's NOTE : surprise!!! i honestly dont know what this is.. wanted to try my hand at some kind of romance ig. im also in my javier era SO YEAH. Grammar errors probs, not proofread. this has 2.75k words. THANK U FOR ALL THE SUPPORT <3
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alexawynters · 9 months
Scarlet Whispers pt. 7
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Gif not mine
A/N: A first date. Ish. Also, I do not understand fashion, can't put together an outfit irl to save my life. I had to do much googling and running the descriptions by several people before I deemed it "acceptable". Again, edited while stoned. Lissen. Lissen. It helps with my seizures more than any medications ever have and now that I'm allowed to smoke again, I will be. I wrote this while in the hospital if I recall so hopefully the time I was able to dedicate to it shines through?? Eh.
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Female!Reader
Trigger warnings (let me know if I forgot to tag anything): Mentions of past child abuse, stalking, horror, dubcon, kidnapping, stockholm syndrome, gaslighting, angst, smut. There will be bits of fluff tho.
Rating: M. Minors DNI
Masterlist with parts 1-6 here
When Wanda told you that morning she had a surprise planned, you weren't quite sure what to expect. As a woman with the ability to bend reality, the possibilities were endless. You inquired about the dress code, hoping for some insight into where she might be taking you. However, she left you puzzled when she said you could wear whatever you were comfortable in. When you sought clarification, expressing concerns about being under or overdressed, she delighted in flustering you. “Detka, you could wear a paper bag, and you would still be the most beautiful person in the room.”
You resisted the urge to flee the room when you saw the hungry look she gave you. Stumbling over your words, unsure of what you had said, you simply nodded and went back to your room to get ready. Soft chuckles echoed down the hall as you left, and you were thankful she couldn't see the pink dusting your cheeks. It was clear that she knew the effect she had on you, and her laughter confirmed it. It seemed like flustering you was her favorite pastime, and she had stopped pretending otherwise. Unsure of what to do with this information, you searched your closets for something suitable for the day.
Uncertain about the plan, but wanting to strike a balance between casual and dressed up, you decided to wear a dove grey short-sleeved button-up shirt. This choice exuded a casual yet polished vibe. The short sleeves provided a relaxed and laid-back appearance, while the button-up style added a touch of sophistication. Rolling up the sleeves suggested a practical and comfortable approach, perfect for a less formal setting. If Wanda were to take you somewhere slightly fancier, you could always unroll the sleeves.
For the pants, you decided to go with black slim-fit chinos. They offer adaptability, comfort, and the ability to seamlessly transition between different dress codes and occasions. You paired them with a simple black leather belt with silver accents. As for the shoes, you selected black and white Bruno Marc Rivera Oxfords. These shoes strike a balance between the formality of dress shoes and the relaxed comfort fit of sneakers.
Once you had picked out your outfit, you headed to the bathroom to get ready. Unlike witchy, you didn't have magic to speed up the process. Wanda hadn't given you a specific time limit, but it was probably better to get ready sooner rather than later. After a quick shower, you applied a simple layer of tinted moisturizer to your face. Feeling more prepared, you got dressed and made your way to the main hall to meet Wanda.
You were wholly unprepared for the sight that greeted you.
Before you stood Wanda, dressed in a red and black half turtleneck striped knitted peek-a-boo sweatshirt. The collar doesn't reach Wanda's chin, giving a tantalizing view of her neck, and the shoulder cutouts accentuate her defined muscles. She has paired the sweatshirt with faux leather dress leggings and black high-heeled booties. Her fingers are adorned with several silver rings, and you try not to imagine how they would feel if she were to touch you. As you take in her entire appearance, you gulp. Finally, your eyes meet, and Wanda grins knowingly, making you blush bright pink, and you know she has likely heard your thoughts.
“You look great, Wands.” you complimented, shyly.
The witch preens at your praise and returns it in kind. “You look pretty handsome yourself, detka. Are you ready to go?”
“Well since you won’t tell me where we’re going, I suppose so.” you tease, hoping she will relent and tell you the surprise.
Wanda simply smirks at your attempt and opens a portal behind her. Gesturing "after you," she invites you to confidently step through ahead of her. There was a time when you would have been terrified to go through any magical portal without Wanda physically by your side. However, you had seen enough of her skill to know that nothing bad would happen to you. As soon as you step through the portal, you find yourself facing a fish tank that spans an entire wall. Your heart soars with joy as you realize that Wanda has brought you to an aquarium, one of your favorite animal exhibits.
A soft hand slipped into yours and you heard the warm timbre of Wanda’s voice next to your ear. You could tell she was smiling. "Surprise."
You turned to look at the witch, your gaze filled with awe and gratitude. The only time you had ever been to the aquarium was during a school field trip, which you had managed to afford with some money you had scrounged up over the course of a few weeks. No one had ever taken the initiative to treat you to the aquarium before.
Wanda smiled warmly at you. "I know you feel anxious in large groups of people, so I rented the place just for us. You can take your time exploring any of the displays without worrying about anyone getting in your way. We have the entire day, dorogoya, and I have another surprise planned for dinner." She gently squeezed your hand and gave you a quick wink.
A gentle warmth fluttered in your chest, as if a burden had been lifted. No one had ever shown such thoughtfulness and kindness towards you. The fact that Wanda had listened attentively when you shared your fondest childhood memory of visiting the aquarium, and went out of her way to recreate that experience for you just to see you happy, made your heart feel alive like never before.
Overflowing with appreciation and joy, you couldn't help but throw yourself into the witch's arms. With her reflexes honed during her time with the Avengers, she caught you in a gentle embrace. As she felt her sweatshirt becoming damp with your tears, Wanda was about to ask what was wrong, but before she could utter a word, you whispered a quivering "thank you" while holding onto her tightly.
For Wanda, this didn't feel like the anticipated victory. Instead, her focus was solely on how perfect it felt to have you in her arms, as if that was how it should always be. She had missed you so much. While being the big spoon every night technically meant she was still holding you, it was a completely different experience for you to actively seek out her touch. Now that you were, Wanda never wanted to let you go.
She whispered comforting words to you while holding you, with one hand gently playing with your hair as you calmed down. After what felt like both an eternity and not enough time, you released yourself from her embrace and wiped away some of your tears. You apologized, feeling embarrassed. In a gesture of comfort and intimacy, Wanda's thumb wiped away the remaining tears from your face.
“You never have to apologize for your feelings, Y/N. Not to me. I am glad you trust me enough to be so vulnerable.”
You watched, dazed, as Wanda brought her thumb, the same one that had just wiped away your tears, to her mouth. While maintaining direct eye contact with you, she slowly inserted her thumb into her mouth and used her tongue to clean your tears from it.
“Uh.. Yeah. S-sure.” Ever the quick wit from you…
Pillow-like lips curved playfully. "Come on, detka, let's see what this place has to offer?" The witch extended her hand to you, and in your daze, you accepted it. She simply had to guide you to the first exhibit before your initial shock gave way to excitement for the day. Soon, you were practically bouncing from one plexiglass panel to another, enthusiastically discussing the beautiful fish you encountered. Throughout the entire experience, you never released Wanda's hand, and she was thrilled to let you hold on.
Wanda was captivated by your innocent excitement. Her laughter tinkled melodically as you narrated the fish's experiences to her, even going so far as giving them names. Your enthusiasm for your special interest, your extensive knowledge about fish surpassing her own, and your ability to provide additional details not found on the descriptive plaques, left Wanda gazing at you with love and amusement in her eyes. Of course, you were too engrossed in the beautiful fish to notice, and she happily listened to your enthusiastic info dumping.
As you explored the aquarium, you couldn't help but wonder if this feeling of joy was what children often experienced. Being able to take in the exhibits at your own pace, with Wanda attentively listening to your ramblings, made you feel carefree and happier than ever before. Never diminishing your enthusiasm; Wanda remained engaged throughout, even asking follow-up questions to your explanations. It didn't occur to you, but you hadn't let go of each other's hands almost the entire time, and it seemed that neither of you had any intention of doing so anytime soon.
The highlight of the experience was when you and Wanda turned the corner and you found yourselves in an outdoor viewing area that led to an enclosure. As you approached, your excitement grew - it was an interactive penguin encounter! A person dressed in a wetsuit entered through a door at the back of the enclosure and made their way towards you, indicating that they were ready to let you in. After opening the gate, they introduced themselves and warmly welcomed both of you. You turned to Wanda in disbelief, unable to contain your excitement about the opportunity to play with real, live penguins!
Wanda smiled tenderly at your surprise and gently nudged you to follow the trainer into the enclosure. Your hands only now separated, and you almost, almost wanted to skip the adorable birds just so you could continue holding the witch's hand. Excitement prevailed in the end though because how often does one get the chance to pet penguins?
The trainer went to get a bucket of fish and brought it over to you, demonstrating how to entice the penguins to your side. Although the semi-frozen fish felt disgusting when touched, you were willing to endure any uncomfortable texture rather than miss out on this opportunity. With bait in hand, you beckoned to a nearby penguin, waving the fish to gain its attention. Success! The penguin waddled over to you, and you tried to not to lose your shit at how adorable the bird was.
The penguins were clearly accustomed to human interaction. They showed no hesitation in getting close to you to retrieve their dinner. You had anticipated having to throw a fish or two before the penguins would come close enough to touch, but to your surprise, one of the penguins allowed you to pet it while it enjoyed it's meal.
All the while, Wanda stayed in the background, capturing countless pictures, and several videos of you cooing and awing over the birds. By now you had a waddle of penguins surrounding you, and you were thrilled to interact with each and every one of them, not wanting any to feel left out. Eventually it was time to go, but you insisted the trainer take a picture of you and Wanda crouching with the penguins, Wanda feeling overjoyed that you wanted her to be included in this memento.
At first, she stood slightly to the side, positioned to be in the photo but not to draw the focus from you. However, you weren't having any of that, wrapping your arm around her waist and pulling her gently into your side. She laughed at your enthusiasm, grateful for the gesture. While the trainer took the photo, your smile shifted from the camera to Wanda, filled with adoration for arranging such an amazing day for you. Unaware of your change in focus, the witch was too absorbed in the pleasant feeling of being pulled close to your side while the picture was taken.
At last, it was time to go, and the aquarium employee led you guys to where you could wash your hands. Throughout you were waxing poetic about how this was the best experience of your life, and you were pretty sure you were going to go to sleep that night dreaming about penguins. You couldn’t wait to print out the last picture of the two of you and frame it. You thanked the witch profusely.
“I’m glad you enjoyed it, detka. I only wanted to provide you with a memorable experience.” Wanda smiled at you fondly.
“It certainly was that! I don’t think anything could ever top today!”
The witch grinned. “The day isn’t over just yet, dorogaya, we still have a little bit more.”
Your eyes widened. “More? What more could there possibly be?”
“Not much, but it is time for dinner, and why go elsewhere when the aquarium has it’s own restaurant?”
You weren’t going to lie, you had expected the restaurant to be cafeteria style, but you weren't disappointed by the idea. So, when you and Wanda walked in and saw the cozy, dimly lit restaurant, you were pleasantly surprised. In the center, there was a tube-shaped tank stretching from the floor to the ceiling, filled with some of the most vibrantly colored fish you had ever seen. The restaurant itself seemed to curve around this centerpiece as if it was made to showcase the tank. It probably had been.
There was limited seating available, with only one table already set up to host, situated right next to the tank. The table was adorned with a crisp navy linen tablecloth, plush chairs, and a small candle, creating an atmosphere of intimate seclusion. As the maître d’ guided both of you to the seating area, you couldn't help but marvel at the beautiful setting. Despite being a local attraction, this restaurant exuded a sense of luxury. Before the host could pull out your chair for you, Wanda intervened, gesturing for you to sit. Blushing, you followed her instructions, feeling pleasantly taken care of, as she carefully pushed your chair closer to the table and then took a seat herself.
The maître d’ introduced themselves and informed you that your waiter would be with you both shortly. Taking the time to get situated, Wanda asked you how you were enjoying your day so far. Naturally you launched into excited chatter about how wonderful it was, how happy you were to be here, and how thankful you were that Wanda had arranged this for you. You were practically gushing in your gratitude.
“Speaking of, witchy, how did you manage to pull this off anyway? Just out of curiosity. It can’t have been easy to get this done in such a short time frame.”
A wry grin spread across Wanda's face. "You'd be surprised what a little bit of magic and a black card can achieve." She winked, causing your stomach to flutter, and you gulped.
“Well consider me impressed. I think if I were to ever try the same thing, there would probably have a waitlist for a couple years.” You chuckled.
The pair of you settled into easy conversation, covering yours and Wanda’s favorite sights that day.
Of course, your favorite part was the penguins. How could it not be? Not only did you get to see them up close and personal, but you were also able to feed and pet them. You couldn't contain your excitement about printing out the picture, though intentionally not asking to see it on her phone because you didn't want to know what date would show, or if Wanda would even allow you to look. You didn't want to risk spoiling a perfectly good day by asking too many questions and potentially putting the witch in a bad mood.
Wanda's favorite was also the penguins, mainly because she found you incredibly adorable when you interacted with them. Witnessing your happiness, carefree nature and knowing that she had played a part in bringing that joy to you, made her immensely happy.
"I'm glad you're having a good time, detka. You know I would do anything for you," she said, her tone soft and inviting, as she took your hand in hers. Hearing the sincerity in her words, once again you felt upset with yourself for ever doubting her intentions. How could you even think she would betray you in any way? The touch of her hand on yours brought you back to the present moment, and a comforting feeling of warmth spread within you.
Just then, the waiter approached and introduced themselves, asking if you needed a moment or if you were ready to order. Anxiety immediately clouded your mind as you realized you hadn't even opened the menu yet. Before your panic could set in though, Wanda spoke up and ordered for both of you. It was interesting to you, because in past experiences you aggressively disliked when someone ordered for you without consulting you first. This time however you felt surprisingly comforted by it.
Perhaps it was because Wanda was a mind reader, or maybe she just knew you well enough to choose the perfect meal for you. Either way, you were more than content with the meal she had picked. Not to mention the warm feeling blooming in your chest at Wanda, having no doubt noticed your anxiety, had simply taken charge of the moment, so you didn't even have to think.
Once the food arrived, you realized that you were in fact ravenous. The embarrassingly loud growl from your stomach served as a reminder that neither you nor Wanda had eaten anything since breakfast. Sharing a knowing glance, you both burst into giggles. The food turned out to be even more delicious than anything you had ever expected, and you attributed it all to the witch standing before you. An immense sense of gratitude towards Wanda washed over you and you weren't sure if you could ever properly express it.
You glanced at the witch after taking your first bite and were surprised to see her thin hazel irises almost entirely eclipsed by blown pupils. Blinking, you replayed the last thirty seconds in your head to understand what had happened and realized that you might have accidentally moaned at the taste of the incredible food. Oops.
Meanwhile, Wanda's food remained on her fork, halfway to her mouth. The intensity of her gaze made you squirm, feeling as if she would prefer to devour you instead of the food currently on her fork. Your cheeks turned pink, and you coughed, feeling embarrassed.
You mumbled quietly, "The food is amazing."
Voice husky, thick with an emotion you weren’t sure you were ready to name, Wanda replied, “I’m glad you are enjoying it, lyubov moya. Eat as much as you want, if you want more, we can always order extra.” She finally took the bite which had been suspended, all the while never breaking eye contact with you. You subtly rubbed your thighs together to alleviate some of the pressure caused by the increased blood flow to your core.
You quickly redirected your attention to your dinner, trying not to wolf it down in an attempt to distract yourself from the tension. Although you weren't completely certain about the situation, it seemed a possibility that the witch was flirting with you. The atmosphere had suddenly become so tense, and you struggled to understand it. Lack of experience with romantic partners, coupled with your tendency to feel awkward when someone you liked showed even the slightest interest, made it difficult for you. It's no surprise that your social ineptitude often prevented many romantic connections from flourishing in the first place.
Sensing your unease, Wanda swiftly breezed onto another topic. There would be an opportunity to press later on, but it was important to find the right balance between pursuing you and scaring you off. Luckily, she had plenty of time to make it work. And being able to read minds certainly helped.
Grateful for the reprieve, you effortlessly transitioned to the new topic, and suddenly everything felt right again. The rest of dinner went by without any further incidents, and you could honestly say that this day was possibly the best moment of your life.
Wanda appeared to understand your desires, needs, and worries with practiced ease. You had very few friends before meeting her, but after today, you would consider her to be your favorite person. Sure, there had been a few hiccups along the way, and perhaps some concerning signs that you should probably investigate further, but overall, Wanda made you feel secure and content. That was more than enough for you to view things through some rose-tinted glasses as you found yourself yearning for more of her time and attention.
All good things must come to an end, and eventually, the waiter arrived with the check. True to her word, Wanda discreetly presented her black card for payment, aiming to do so in a subtle manner that was not ostentatious. As you both stood to leave, you subtly glanced at the bill, eyes widening at the price as well as the generous tip she left. She had not been kidding about her funds, and briefly, you wondered where the money came from. You hadn't known Wanda to have a job the entire time you had known her. Then again, perhaps the superhero gigs had paid well? You had half a mind to ask her about it later, but knowing you, it would probably be forgotten.
Once out of sight of the aquarium staff, the witch opened a portal back to your cottage. With her arm still around you, you both headed home.
Taglist: @dorabledewdroop
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inquisimer · 3 months
For a da4 prompt that doesn't involve rook: tabris and zevran in antiva meeting with lucanis (forcibly, or willingly) to discuss the future of the crows if he (dares) take over >:)
EHEHEHE thank you for this one blue, I had a lot of fun with the Pondering™️bioware give me more lucanis info STAT tho
for @dadrunkwriting | 1249 words, tabris/zevran, mild da4 spoilers
The bed was empty when she woke. Ariya rolled over, stretching in the residual heat Zevran’s body had left between the sheets. Curious, she slipped upright and pulled his shirt about her shoulders before padding out between the stained-glass doors he’d left ajar.
There was a messenger raven perched on the balcony rail. Zevran stroked its neck idly, considering the missive it’d brought.
“What does the Inquisition want now?”
He chuckled lowly, drawing her against his side. “Not the Inquisition, amore.” His breath ghosted over her ear as he pressed a kiss to her mussed up braid. “An old…well. Not an old friend, but an old something.”
She felt his smile against her temple. “Don’t worry. You’ll like him, I’m sure.”
The party was abuzz below, guests too deep in their cups to be bothered by the heavily perfumed smoke that the Prince was pumping in the place of air. Ariya detested the habit, personally, but there was no accounting for taste. She could still taste the barest hint of the false berry flavoring from her perch on the roof, legs swinging above the hazy murk.
“Took you long enough,” she said.
“Well, it’s not as though my presence could go unnoticed,” Zevran said.
“It could, if you wanted it to.” Ariya flipped over her back, eyeing the man her lover had brought with him curiously. He sized her up equally, with an expression as hard to read as her own.
Not that she’d expected anything less. She had plenty of experience with the Crows by now.
“May I present—“
“Don’t you start,” Ariya scowled, cutting him off. Zevran kept her titles in his hip pocket, like favors to be handed out. But there was no need for that here. She straightened her shoulders and nodded once. “Ariya Tabris. There’s a slew of things he could say, but simply know I’ll cut your throat if you step even slightly to the left of where we expect you to be.”
Zevran’s friend smirked. “I like her.”
“I told you you would,” Zevran chuckled. “Amore, meet Lucanis Dellamorte, heir to the First Talon and fugitive from his grandmother’s expectations.”
Ariya glanced Lucanis up and down, appraising in the context of rumor. “Pleasure, I’m sure,” she said.
“It always is,” he smirked. Ariya raised a brow in Zevran’s direction.
“Lucanis is in the unique position of both power and dissatisfaction,” Zevran purred. He closed the space between them and caught Ariya’s hand with his own, brushing a comforting kiss across her knuckles. She relaxed, if only because she knew he would not give his back to someone he did not trust to keep their daggers from it. “You know how I love to manipulate the circumstances.”
Ariya turned his line of thought over in her mind. “You said Caterina is the one we cannot touch.”
“I did.”
“You cannot take Caterina down as you have the others,” Lucanis said. He flicked dirt from his nails nonchalantly with a stiletto dagger. “But that does not mean she is beyond your reach. For instance, if she were to hand power over willingly—“
“To someone she openly trusts,” Zevran finished smoothly. He gave Ariya a pointed, knowing look. It was hardly a secret across Antiva: Lucanis would inherit the Crows. Oh, Illario would gripe about it, loudly, but there was no one Caterina trusted to take over the reins other than Lucanis.
“All of his recent contracts have been against the highest ranking Venatori,” Zevran offered quietly, “Even to the delay of Caterina’s summons. Sounds…familiar, no?”
Ariya looked sharply at Lucanis. He seemed bored, on the surface, but with years’ practice reading Zevran, Ariya saw the tension in his shoulders, the tightness at the flat corner of his mouth, the extra press of his fingers into the grip of his dagger.
Her own mouth went flat. Maker, what the Crows did to their children. But wasn’t that why they were taking them down?
“So, what? You take over the Crows and…let them fall into nothingness? Seems like Caterina is as likely to stop us then. She’ll hardly be without resources when she steps down.”
“The Crows understand hierarchy, and orders,” Lucanis said. “A few pointed orders and Caterina is vulnerable to his blades, or yours, in a way she will not be as long as she commands.”
“And then what?” Ariya repeated.
“We stop them,” Zevran said, holding up a palm against Lucanis’ impatience. “Hold, please. She does not know the Crows as we do. Amore,” he took Ariya’s hands between his own, soothingly, “whomever controls the First Talon controls the guild. That’s not to say there will not be danger, from the lesser Talons’ attempt to take over, but we can manage that.”
He slid his hands up to cup her face. “First Talon controls the contracts; if they say no recruitment via slave markets, the lesser Talons will comply. If they say we only take anti-Venatori contracts—“
“Racist, blood mage assholes,” Lucanis muttered.
“—the lesser Talons will listen.” Zevren swiped his thumbs along Ariya’s cheekbones. “This is a chance to bend the Crows to our purpose, amore, instead of burning them to the ground.”
Ariya pursed her lips. But she wanted to burn them to the ground; for what they’d done to Zevran, how they’d raised him, how they’d molded him and bent him to purposes that corrupted his heart—they deserved to fester into ashes of nothingness. And she could only imagine they’d treated Lucanis with as much kindness, if he was here, conspiring with them.
But—it wasn’t her axe to grind.
She covered Zevran’s hand with her palm. “They do not deserve your mercy.”
“It is not mercy I offer,” her lover countered. “I come for them as I always have. They will change, or they will die. That is no different.”
“Might save you a bit on the dry cleaning, though,” Lucanis offered. Ariya regarded him coolly around Zevran’s shoulder.
“And why would you agree to this?” she asked. She knew the rumors of his displeasure with the life, though they were a well kept secret, and she still had trouble believing it. It was one thing for Zevran, who had plenty a grievance with his former employers. Lucanis was a prince of the guild, raised in all the luxury that implied, despite the pain. She had trouble seeing his intentions as genuine.
“Power isn’t all it’s chalked up to be,” Lucanis shrugged.
“So, why not just disappear?”
“I loathe wasted potential.” Lucanis smirked. “I may not want Caterina’s power, but I would be a fool to cast it aside entirely, given…recent events.” He laughed bitterly. “It was she who taught me to manipulate a situation to my advantage, after all.”
“And what is your advantage in this arrangement?”
“I don’t have to lead the Crows,” Lucanis said bluntly. “As they are, anyway. And no one attempts to murder me for refusing my birthright.” He dragged a hand through his hair. “Even if I do nothing, they will come for me, either because they see plotting where I have none, or because they cannot abide one who turns his back on them. I must be proactive, or suffer a lifetime of looking over my shoulder.”
That she could understand. Satisfied, Ariya tightened her fingers where they tangled with Zevran’s and pulled herself taught against his chest. Thus comfortably settled, she regarded Lucanis over a jutted out chin.
“Well then. What’s the plan?”
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moonspirit · 20 days
Ever wondered if Armin or Annie would smoke and the react to the other after finding out they've been doing it for some time to ease themselves? I imagine Armin probably would, once in every while but that's just me!
Hello anon!
Hmmmm, you know, I was always that person who used to be like, "Eeewwww noooooo, Aruani are NEVER touching a cigarette in canonverse everrrrrrr" mostly cuz I'm so averse to smoking and so I found it extremely hard to imagine either of them doing it (talk about projecting ey? xD)
But only later did it strike me, after talking to some beloved people here, that the possibility of Aruani smoking is closer to reality than not, esp in canonverse! Given the time period (historically, smoking was extremely popular in the 30s and 40s, I think?) I think Armin would find himself needing to socialize and fraternize among members of the political ranks, and one way to do that might be accepting the offer to a smoke.
It's not just that tho. His life will be one of massive stress. In such situations, it's easy to fall into the habit of smoking and drinking (tho the latter, he really can't handle lmao). So he's anxious as fuck, and there he goes, reaching for the pack of cigs in his coat pocket.
I can't see Annie liking the smell of cigarette smoke, particularly hating it from Armin's mouth. But in a case where she too, picks up the habit, I think they'd both be equally surprised (or shocked?) at first xD Imo they wouldn't be too happy lmao, but... perhaps they share a smoke once in a while before properly brushing their teeth afterwards like a good boy and good girl, for kissing :3
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The Beef →← The flesh
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What if seeing as Storer is keen on planting breadcrumbs in plain sight, instead of pasta being code for sex on the show, the meat is actually what represents the flesh (and its pleasures)?
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Walk with me here:
Syd offered him Coca-Cola braised short ribs, which he "ate from her plate" yet didn't think were perfect. - Because he wasn't involved in the dish at that point the dish lacked acid. Carmy is the acid → bingo!
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Even before that, in 01X03, Carmy had offered her something with meat and rice too, that was "good" in S1, but she refused to eat it:
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Then Syd proposed beef smoked consommé and Carm liked the idea, even tho they didn't "eat" it.
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And then there's the Kasamagate where she went on her food tour by herself and then she ended up asking a butcher about short ribs.
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Then in Avec they changed the menu at the last minute to, yes, you guessed it:
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She should have been with Carmy but they couldn't eat the beef because ... anyway...
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FF to Bolognese 02x08 (pre-omelette), which is also the name of the Italian sauce with meat he made for dinner and for Claire when they slept together
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BUT as he was making it, Storer gave us this totally unhinged shot of Syd's bare back and ink:
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Carmy ate the beef that night, only he ate the meat with someone else:
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Bonus track: guess what he drew while he was with Claire (because they didn't have any heat)?
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Yes, the concord grapes with the beef consommé type of thing... (I think that to him, subconsciously speaking, the beef consommé represent himself and the black concord grapes represent Sydney).
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PS: I keep thinking that their star will come via their Pasta, but the sex has more to do with the meat and short ribs and beef and FLESH.
Update: I used to think that only short ribs or any type of beef were the kind of meat associated with this theory, but after watching S3 I broadened the spectrum to fish because of the Paupiette of hamachi with blood orange sauce.
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I still think that red meat is the strongest option here, not only for the obvious reasons:
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But also because RED is one of the Sydcarmy colors → check this out
Remember to follow my tag #Gingerpovs 💋
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rowretro · 9 months
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WARNINGS: Drugs, Gambling, Illegal racing (a bit of a shitty chapter, do tell me what needs improving)
Underground gamblers, laundromat owners, unfortunate girls, Bodyshop workers all were flooding the Rave. Y/n was simply smoking her weed in the back, downing large gulps of straight vodka, as she vibe with her dancing friends. It was all going pretty smoothly, when suddenly he walked in.
The boy from school, the new one. His name as pretty as his face. Nishimura Riki. He had got back from one of his illegal racing matches, winning as always. Their eyes met, purple lights flashing, speakers booming, Music blasting, but it all paused for a moment. Of all places he'd never expect the perfume girl to be at an illegal rave.
Leaving the wild party, y/n sat there in the moonlight, a joint in one hand, lollipop in her mouth. "So this is why you always come to school drenched in perfume?" Riki suddenly said as y/n frowned, turning to him. She was unsure as to why he was talking to her, but also she loved it. "Hmm yeah..." the girl trailed off, as Riki stared at the sky. "The sky looks so pretty... so glittery you know? that big circle diamond has all the spotlight tho-" the girl blurted, pointing at the moon.
"The moon?... yeah, so pretty, did you know the moon ha-" before he could go on with his moon fact, the girl placed her joint between his lips. "I'm too high to learn about space pretty boy-" she slurred, a little drunk, her tired eyes, meeting his slightly shocked ones. "Why are you talking to me anyway? we barely know each other new boy-" the girl added as Riki smirked.
Why was he there? simply because his friend Heeseung had a baby sister that needed to be dragged out of a rave. That baby sister was of course y/n. It's quite a shame she didn't actually recognise him, but also quite flattered by the way she had stars in her eyes, when she studied his face. Riki tilted his head, as he studied her features. Was she the most attractive girl? Not exactly but she was definitely pretty.
Her eyes may be slightly uneven, but it wasn't visible, both so pretty in their own ways, her nose, was one many people would want, though she hated it. her cute lips, so perfect and pretty, she had one hell of a jawline, it in fact looked like his. Glitter painting her eyelids, cheeks, some on her forehead, her long falsies looking oh so natural on her eyelids, her lipstick slightly fading.
Y/n took a long deep puff of her roll up, sucking on her lollipop shortly after. "You want me to drop you off?" Riki asked as the girl frowned "You a serial killer stranger?" y/n slurred as the male blinked "No- just offering you a ride..." Riki said as the girl took one last puff of her joint, slightly burning her lips as she did so. "What's the worst that can happen... ok-" She mumbled, as she stumbled up, Riki offered his hand as the girl smacked it away.
She silently followed him to his car. "You a racer or something?" y/n asked as she got into the car, obviously noticing that it was in fact a modelled car especially for racing, not failing to notice the designs painted on "Yeah, One of the bet ones in fact." the male added as he started driving her home. "I heard you used to race too hmm?" Riki asked as y/n nervously hugged her self, her nails scratching at her arm "Yeah used to... Now I prefer to just work at the Bodyshop" y/n simply answered. Riki glanced at her, noticing how uncomfortable she seemed, immediately changing the subject.
"Kay Cherry joints girl- you have arrived at your destination" Riki smiled as y/n frowned at the strange nickname, she mumbled a thanks, leaving him a cherry lollipop before leaving the car. She was immediately met with her brother, mad and worried, he dragged her in quickly, letting her rest in his room. "Lee y/n are you crazy?! dad's here today if he saw you you'd be dead you know?!!!" the male nagged, whisper yelling at her as she just whined. "You're lucky our neighbour's my best friend, had he not dragged you out any sooner, dad would have hacked off your legs!" Heeseung added.
Her goddamn neighbour?! the Nishimura Riki?!!! too bad she's way too high to process this heavy flow of information she is recieving...
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azlan-snow · 3 months
Broadcast Husbands
Chapter Thirteen: The King Of Hell
(Told from Lucifer’s POV)
As I head to the hotel, I begin to make a list of all that I need to apologize for to Charlie. I didn’t realize how much damage I’ve done to my poor girl. But, she’s all about redemption, right? Right? Facing Charlie is the hardest thing I need to do, so socializing will be a breeze, right?
I enter the hotel, greeting Charlie with a large smile.
“Hi Dad!” She hugs me, knocking my hat off my head in the process. I go to pick it up when it disappears.”
“There you are, your Majesty. Nice and visible.” 
I see the red demon from last night, holding my hat and placing it on my head, adjusting it accordingly.
“Who’re you?”
“Alastor, pleasure to be meeting you, quite a pleasure.”
“It’s a pleasure to be meeting you as well.”
“And this is Vox, Alastor’s husband!”
“Happily married, your Eminence. It’s a pleasure to be meeting the First Fallen and King of Hell.”
I wince at the last statement, hurt by what he said.
“I meant no disrespect, My King,” Vox says, kneeling on the floor. “It was truly a compliment!”
“It’s fine,” I say, trying not to feel hurt. “Who are the rest of your friends?”
“This is Angel, Husk, and Niffty.”
I instantly freeze at the last name. Ons I could never forget. I see the small girl run towards me and grin once she reaches my feet. But she doesn’t say anything. She just stares at me, her singular eye baring holes right into me.
“Don’t mind her, your Excellency. It just means she likes you,” Alastor says, a similar sadistic smile on his face. 
“Uh huh.”
“Dad. Guess what?”
“What, honey?”
“Al, Husk, and Vox are all Overlords!”
“What?! You befriended Overlords? Why?”
“Vox and Al liked my idea of redemption and Husk was willing to give it a shot!” 
I turn to look at the three, smiles sincere except for Husk, who looks exhausted.
“Nice ta’ meet’cha, Short King. The name’s Angel Dust.” The skinny fellow offers me his lower right hand, his gold tooth sticking out like a sore thumb. 
I notice his pink smoke chain before asking as I shook his hand, “Who owns your soul? I noticed your chain.” Angel seemed caught off guard by the question, releasing my hand and shivering.
“Valentino. That fuckin’ moth does.”
“Who’s he?”
“An overlord. Known for his adult films and prostitution, I’m afraid,” Al answers, disappointment on his fence.
“His sin’s lust, huh?"
“I believe so.”
I turn back to Angel, who’s look has saddened drastically. “Would you like to be free?”
He looked down at me, eyes filled with desperation, before filling with worry. “I don’t want anyone here to get hurt. He might think it was Charlie and come afta’ her.”
“I’ll handle that. Do you want to be freed?” 
He paused once more, giving it more thought, before answering “Yes. I do.”
“Okie Dokie!” I grasp Angel’s chain and squeeze it, shattering it to a million pieces. Angel looked at me, relieved and in tears, hugging me tightly, picking me up and squeezing, in tears. “Thank you,” he mumbled into my shoulder. “Thank you so much. How can I ever repay you?” he asks, putting me back on solid ground.
“No biggie! I’m just glad I can help!”
“Dad,” Charlie says, thankful for my help, “This is my girlfriend, Vaggie.”
“Girlfriend?” Charlie nods in agreement. “Put er’ the re, Maggie! It’s lovely to meet my daughter’s lover!” 
“It’s Vaggie, sir. And it’s lovely to meet you as well,” she says while shaking my hand. As soon as they meet, I could tell she was like me: Fallen. She could too. My smile softens at something I am able to relate to, and she grins knowingly. We release, and I turn back to the other residents. “Shall we get this tour started?”
As Charlie and Vox show me around, I begin to notice how much has changed since I gave Charlie the building. The way she looks at her friends, like family, how she connects to the other people so well, because she too, is imperfect. Because of me. All her hurt and pain that she’s masking, is because of me and Lilith. If we hadn’t done those things, we would still be closer. But I can’t  undo the past. I need to make up for it now.
“Yeah Dad?”
“I want to apologize.”
“ What for? You haven’t done anything.”
“That’s exactly what I need to apologize for. I haven’t done anything for you in the last couple of centuries. I shut myself away, hoping that your mother would come back, when I already knew that she wasn’t.”
“What are you tallking about, Dad?”
“ She left us because of me, not you. I want you to know that none of this is your fault. It’s mine.”
“Dad, none of this is your fault.”
“It’s not yours, either, Charlie.”
“I know, Dad.”
“I’m so sorry, Charlie.” I burst into tears, crashing to the floor in front of Charlie, begging for her forgiveness.. She knelt beside me, embracing me tightly.
“I forgive you, Dad. I know it wasn’t your fault. It’s going to be okay.” We sit there for a solid minute or two as I released the guilt that I had been holding onto but was never man enough to admit it. 
“I’m going to do better, Charlie. Maybe even stay here.”
“You would move in?!”
“Only if you want me to.”
“That would be amazing!”
“Okay then!” I turn to the TV man, who’s just been listening to us sob and cry for a solid 10 minutes.
“My good man, would you be so kind and accompany me to a room that I can claim?”
“Of course, sire.” He leads me down to a large suite, unlocks the door and displays the empty room. “My room is next door if you need me or Al, your Majesty.”
“Vox, hold on. I’m not done with you yet.”
“Oh? How may I be of assistance?”
“Charlie. And Angel. They are friends, correct?”
“Yes. Angel was the first resident and has stayed here for a year.”
“I just can’t figure out why Charlie didn’t free him herself.”
“She has the capability to do that?”
“Of course she does! She’s my daughter!”
“She might be unaware. She’s never dealt with a soul contract, from what I can tell.”
“Good. No one should even be able to wield her soul in the first place.”
“Why would that be an issue?”
“Charlie’s half angel, half human. She’s the only one of her kind and has the strength to cripple Heaven if she desired. But her soul is too pure to even achieve such a thing.”
“But this will stay between us, yes?”
“Of course, your Grace.”
“Thank you.”
“I shall leave you to your room then.” Vox leaves, shutting the door behind him gently. I begin to shape the room like my workshop in the palace, covered in rubber ducks, but organized. Charlie would have my head if it wasn’t. They lie on a shelf, each one in order of creation date. A bed large enough, even though I’m rather small. My wings take up most of the space. A table, filled with bits and pieces for making rubber ducks, and pictures of my beloved daughter. Once I finish, I lay on the bed, exhausted from the entire day. I hear small four knocks on the door. I open it to see Angel, standing tall above me. “Can I help you?”
“Your Majesty, I wanted to thank you. For freeing me. I made this for you.” He hands me a knitted portrait of Charlie and I, showcasing her beautiful smile, and our signature clown cheeks.
“Thank you, An-”
“Anthony. I am finally free from that name: Angel Dust. I can use my actual name now.”
“Then thank you, Anthony,” I exclaim, sincerity in my voice as I begin to cry once again. I know, I’m a mess. 
“I didn’t mean to-”
“It’s happy tears, Anthony. Tears of joy. This is the first gift I’ve had in a very very long time. And the most considerate, too.”
“Oh.Thanks, your Majesty.”
“Call me Lucifer. It’s the least I can do.”
“You’ve done so much. Charlie hasn’t stopped smiling since you said you would move in. She’s also gone a little stir crazy from the last few days.”
“That’s my girl. If you’re not crazy, you shouldn’t be down here.” Angel laughs wholeheartedly at my joke before speaking again.
“Also, Charlie wants me to tell you that it’s time to eat.”
“I’ll be right down.” Angel walks away, waving at me to hurry up as he continues. I rush to change, putting on a more casual outfit, and head downstairs. 
At the table was a whole different breed of crazy. Everyone was talking and eating. My seat next to Charlie was chill, thankfully. She only asked the occasional question of if I liked the food Alastor made. He’s an impressive cook, I’ll give him that. But I plan on making Charlie my signature pancakes. The only thing I can cook, and cook well. But today was a good day after all.
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alienoresimagines · 3 months
HI! Can I ask about “We Should Just Kiss Like Real People Do”? (I love Hozier hehe).
Also, every single one of your WIPs that you’ve talked about already I am now SO excited to read. They all sound incredible!! Your mind 🤯♥️
Hey 🤗 This song is one of my favorite of his so I had to include it in my Clegan obsession 😂
Here's the summary written in my drafts :
Nobody’d ever understand the horrors airmen faced when 20,000 feet in the air. Disconnected from the world, one with their crew and their flying fortress. The aftermath of a mission always left Buck reeling. It was such an eerie feeling, to know that dozens of men were gone, their bodies never to be found. Most of the airmen’s graves were empty, almost none held only the body of the man whose name was engraved. Thorpe Abbotts was more of a haunted base than anything. Ghosts wandered and mingled amongst them, disappearing whenever Buck turned to see Dickie’s scribbling in a corner or reached out to steady a victorious Curt, leaving him cold and alone in the midst of faces too young to be this haunted. 
They all had different ways to cope with the ghosts. Bucky numbed himself with whatever he could find. Smokes, alcohol, fighting sometimes. Buck worked himself to the bone, took care of the men around him hard enough that he could barely think about the men gone. 
In the midst of it all, they both come to an agreement to help each other feel alive.
Basically, it'll be a multi chapter fic not quite friends with benefits but Buck and Bucky decide that the best way to feel alive is to kiss each other (hence the title). No feelings tho cuz that'd be weird right?
Bucky has a crisis because he feels like he's taking advantage of kind Buck and it really isn't fair to Marge but now that he knows what Buck's lips feel like on his own, he just can't bring himself to stop since y'know he's been in love with Gale for what feels like forever
Buck has a crisis because how come it feels so right to kiss Bucky ? Why does it feel better than kissing Marge ? surely because he's forgotten what she felt like right ? It's just been too long but when he'll come back to Marge, it'll be like nothing's changed. Bucky and him are just buddies helping buddies
Except at some point he has to realize his own feelings for Bucky but by the time Gale goes past his own inner homophobia (everyone says thanks Gale's dad for that), they're in the Stalag and Bucky's too miserable to feel joy or act on it.
There'll be lots of angst, plenty of pining, a healthy dose of hurt/comfort (which by my standards means they'll both have absolute terrible time) and perhaps a bit of fluff. Also lots of kissing, with maybe a tad more feelings than Buck had in mind when he offered the deal to Bucky
Ahhh thank you!! Hearing that you're as excited for them as I makes me sooooo excited to write them! I hope my words will be good enough to do these stories justice 😊
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glittter-skeleton · 5 months
OUAT smoking hc from me and my friends
cuz we noticed nobody smokes in this darn show which is not how what would go
Emma: She smokes whatever’s the cheapest in the nearest grocery store. Blue camel blue-type bitter ugly stuff. She’s been smoking for a while she does not care anymore. Couldn’t really hide it from Henry on the drive over and didn’t care enough to, so he knows. But eventually she does start putting them out anytime he catches her. Henry’s not impressed.
Regina: Fancy rich lady menthol thins. A blessing of the modern world. She’s discreet about in and only ever does it outside but it’s a habit. Emma finds out eventually and they take smoke breaks together during planning sessions. Switch cigs once and both come away from it with distain.
Snow: Took a drag once. Fainted.
Charming: Took a drag once. Also fainted.
Rumple: Has been smoking the same cigar for the last five years as a lil treat
Belle: Lacey smoked so when she gained her memories she had to deal with a nicotine addiction. Wore patches and stuff and quit.
Neal: Same shit are Emma but quit in New York only to start up again in Neverland. (The bums tobacco of of Hook. Hook does it Very begrudgingly cuz his boy shouldn’t be smoking)
Hook: Carries a pipe around with his flask. His preferred sin is alcohol but he does whip it out if he has the time. It’s in mint condition cuz 1) it has to be if you’ve ever known a pipe smoker 2) it’s killian he’s Like That. Has tried harder stuff in his days, of course. Tried to quit when he was planning on parenting Neal. That didn’t pan out. The tobacco he keeps in the Jolly Roger was what saved Emma in Neverland cuz she only had like half a pack when they left and Regina refuses to magic in anything other than her darn menthol thins. She used up like a fifth of his savings to make her own bunch for the trip. After returning funds out smoking indoors is not a thing people do now so he switches to bumming cigs of Emma to keep up with the speed of her smoke breaks. Eventually just buys whatever Emma prefers (but just a tad pricier) to be able to offer her one at any time. Still indulges the pipe but like… as a treat now.
Graham: Blue Winston with a button for just a tiny kick on his miserable life.
Grumpy: The only person Emma can bum the “good stuff” off
Ruby: Cherry starter cigs, obviously. It’s chapman where I live but idk if that translates for u people. And weed, obviously
Robin: Only when he had the means to. Grew the wrong plant one time so now he’s more into rolling a joint when he has the time. He doesn’t know it’s what that is tho.
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not-alien-girl-v · 1 year
End Up Here (Ross Macdonald)
warning: SMUTTT SMUTT AHEAD i wrote this so quickly sorey if it’s bad
a/n: part two to kiss me kiss me
⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:*⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆
violet passed out after the third movie in the scream franchise. ross offered to carry her to bed but you had to argue with him to stop being so nice all the time.
so now you’re standing out on the fire escape with him, side by side, shoulder to shoulder. the stars aren’t bright but the moon is full and he’s smoking a cigarette he passes to you each time he takes a slow drag from it.
you’re to his left. with one hand, he smokes his cigarette, and as he passes it over, his other hand comes to you to rest over both your shoulders, tugging you into him a bit harshly. he can be rough sometimes, but especially when he pays no mind to it. sometimes you wonder if it’s his natural way of being, and he’s only ever gentle with you.
“what are you thinking about?” you ask him.
“thinkin about our conversation earlier. when we were talking about when we first met. how you thought it was so easy.”
“well, what about it, baby?”
“just can’t believe that’s how you viewed the story. guess that’s a good thing. on my end, at least, i was so focused on being the perfect boyfriend and i suppose i did my job right.”
“course you did,” you turn into him, wrapping both arms around his waist and settling your fingers into the slight dimples on his back. you tilt your head up to be near face to face with him, “you’re perfect to me. you know that?”
“i know that now,” his words are whispered onto your mouth, he’s close enough you can feel his breath. “i was freaked the fuck out at first tho, my love.”
⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:*⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆
2 years ago
“what’s with you, today?” george speaks loudly over the pumping music in his flat. a week ago, he moved into this apartment, alongside ross, matty, and adam, and today, the four host a housewarming party.
“me?” ross questions stupidly, there’s no one else in the room at the moment other than the two of them.
“you’re all… jumpy. squirrelly. i’ve seen you check your hair in the bathroom 4 times today.”
“my hair? what’s wrong with my hair? is it stupid?” ross is speed walking back to the bathroom again. george sighs and follows him in.
“nothing. but the fact that you care so much… is this about a certain someone?”
“i don’t know what you’re talking about,” ross mumbles but his fingers frantically digging into his hair tell a different story.
“is it that girl from backstage the other day?”
ross freezes.
“i’ll take that as a yes,” george leans casually against the doorframe. “she coming tonight?”
“yeah. but matty invited her. what if she comes, and i’m all ready to hangout with her but she’s got eyes for matty all night?”
“you hear yourself right now? you sound ridiculous.”
“am i, though? you know girls flock to him much more than they do me.”
“how about i make you a deal, okay? i’ll keep matty away from your little crush all night, if you promise to throw away the shorts.”
“what shorts?” ross plays dumb
“the 3 inch inseam shorts.”
he huffs, as if this is some huge burden he’s to bear, “fine.”
george is thrilled with the news, and leaves ross alone in the bathroom to continue fussing with his appearance. it’s not like george is going to stay and give him a pep talk telling him he’s a real lady killer and that he’s the sexiest guy around. that’s matty’s job.
⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚: *⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆
george has been very successful in distracting matty tonight. he started out by getting the man tastefully tipsy, then once he was comfortable in his level of intoxication, george introduced a fierce game of beer pong out on the back patio and insisted matty join, as if he would be able to say no to something like that.
she had almost, almost wandered outside to see what all the commotion was about out back but luckily, ross caught her by the arm right as her hand brushed the handle of the sliding glass door.
she whips around, hoping she hasn’t stumbled into trouble, but a warm grin spreads onto her face when she recognizes the man that the hand is attached to. it’s a welcome touch, as well.
“oh, hey bass boy. didn’t know you lived here too,” she steps out of the way of some people aiming to slip out the back door, and he absentmindedly leads her into the kitchen to have a more private moment with her.
“yeah, we all live here, the four of us. like a clown car, but a flat.”
she glances around, taking in the space fully. “i don’t know, i don’t think it’s that small. seems like plenty of space to me.” she almost gets too distracted watching people passing by, but focuses her attention back to him, and a sly smile appears, “you have your own room, handsome?”
ross’s eyes widen just a little bit, and if the lighting was a bit brighter, she’d be willing to bet money that a blush appears on his cheeks.
“um… yeah. i’ll uh… show you,” he mentally facepalms himself for sounding like such a creep about to lure her to her gruesome death. it’s just his bedroom, no promises made other than to show her his space.
through the dense crowd, she grabs onto his bicep without thinking and he does everything he can not to freak out. he keeps walking her, leading her down the hallway, eventually opening a door and motioning for her to go in first.
he closes the door behind himself when he enters after her, and immediately out of habit, shrugs his leather jacket off and tosses it to his unmade bed.
she looks at him, raising a curious eyebrow. “stripping already macdonald? at least pour me a drink, first,” she means it as a joke but continues on with her bit, removing her jean jacket as well, slipping off her shoes and looking ready to start undoing her belt.
“wait, wait, you don’t have to!”
she chuckles. “i know. i’m just fuckin’ with you. got a lighter?” she grabs a pre-rolled joint from her jacket pocket, waving it at him indicating her plans.
he’s frozen for a moment, speechless, then bursts into motion. “yeah, yeah.” he opens the drawer to his nightstand, feeling more than embarrassed when he has to dig through a pile of condoms to grasp his lighter. it’s small, white, and almost empty, but it will do the trick.
she takes it upon herself to sit down on his bed, laying back for a moment to test it out, then gleefully rolling around on top of it. “wow this thing is comfy as hell.”
he hums, watching her, a little concerned. “it’s new. the mattress, at least. bed frame, i’ve had it for years. damn thing squeaks like a mouse when…”
she sits up, a knowing look plastered on her, “when what?”
“when i sit with a beautiful girl and smoke a joint with her on it,” he tests it out like she may smack him across the face if she takes it the wrong way but he mostly means it as a joke, though his words speak the complete truth.
he comes to sit next to her, lighting the joint at his own lips.
“you think i’m beautiful?”
shit. he thought she had moved on from that already. feeling as though, he’s already dug his own grave, he just decides to lay in it, hoping she doesn’t get too uncomfortable by this whole situation and runs for the hills.
“i think you’re very beautiful.” he blows the smoke out the corner of his mouth and passes it over. this is nice, for however long it will last. it’s nice having her in his bedroom, alone, her full attention on him, giving him a good chance to stare at her long and hard.
she gets quiet as she takes a hit, like she’s dropping her confidence out the window for just a moment. “no one’s ever told me that before.”
“that’s a shame, cuz it’s true.”
he’s about to lean in and make his move on her but she swerves, unintentionally, to blow the smoke away from his face, knowing how close he is, it would be rude to blow it right at him. which gives her an idea.
“ever shotgunned before?”
he furrows his eyebrows, never understanding how she can change the subject so effortlessly fast. “don’t believe i have, no.”
“you wanna try?” she’s been sitting crisscrossed on his bed the whole time, him with both feet on the floor, but she is just itching to move closer, to enter his space more. but she needs his permission. needs to know he really does like her like she likes him, that he isn’t just being nice.
typically, this whole situation seems obvious that he’s showing major interest in her, but she’s been in nearly identical situations, only to get hit with a ‘we should do this again sometime, maybe my girlfriend can come too.’
she doesn’t want to repeat that tonight. not with him. never with him.
“yeah.” she sees a look in his eyes that speaks to her that he wants to be closer just as bad as she does, and with that, she makes her move.
she gets up onto her knees, placing one hand on his cheek to hold him steady. if she leaned her hips any further forward, they would be resting against him, but that’s too much. “when i exhale, you inhale. got it? and stay very still.”
dazed by the proximity and the prolonged eye contact, he can only nod and swallow hard.
“ok, get ready.” she takes a medium sized hit, not wanting to overdo it, and places it in his fingers resting on his lap so she can free up her hands to hold his face place properly.
she glances at his eyes, his lips, his eyes, then his lips again before she leans in, merely ghosting her lips onto his, exhaling into his open, waiting mouth. he takes it excellently, like he’s done it a million times. she hopes he didn’t lie just to encourage her to do it, but either way, she wouldn’t mind too much.
the smoke exits from his nose in a long sigh but she doesn’t find it in her to move back. in fact, she moves forward an inch to rest her forehead against his. a curious, patient hand finds it’s way to her waist, testing the waters as if she’s just going to leave right after this.
when she feels his hand and it’s gentle grasp at the bare skin between her tank top and her shorts, she reciprocates by boldly swinging her leg over both of his, resting her weight on him in a straddling position.
he reaches behind her to rest the joint in the ashtray conveniently placed right on his nightstand.
they’ve only been sitting in silence, feeling each others breaths on their faces, awaiting a move to be made. he looks at her needily, and he realizes how fortunate he is to have made it this far with a girl like her. it’s in this exact moment that he knows if he doesn’t make the move he’s been waiting for for ages, he’d regret it for as long as he’d live.
he crashes his lips into hers, urgent and desperate, but he hopes she feels the same, though it’s hard to tell when he’s only focusing on how long he’s waited for this.
she wraps her right arm around the back of his neck, hooking her elbow around it and reaching her hand to rest on his shoulder blade while her left digs into his brown hair.
meanwhile, he’s holding her firmly at the waist, still scared to go any further lest she get freaked out by him. it’s the last thing he wants to do, make her uncomfortable.
she leans in more, deepening the kiss, subtly grinding her hips down into his, and when he responds with a low groan into her mouth, one of the hottest things she’s ever experienced, she knows to continue.
she’s a little upset that he hasn’t taken to feeling her body more, hands still gentlemanly polite on her waist. she moves a hand to grip his jaw, and with the other, she removes one of his from her waist.
he worries for a moment that he’s gone too far, and that her peeling his hand off is an indication of it, so he breaks apart the kiss. a mere hum of a word escapes his mouth when she continues directing his hand, moving it to rest on her clothed breast.
he breathes out a shaky breath, not knowing how to cope with the interaction. knowing she’s going to have to continue the heavy lifting until he gets the memo, she gently massages her breast with his hand, humming out a small moan, and once he hears the hot sound come from her throat, he snaps back into motion, beginning to continue the movements she started with his hand.
she nods with a smile, leaning to kiss him hard again. she grinds her hips once more, harder this time, with more purpose, and it doesn’t go unnoticed. he breaks apart to take a breath, “fuck,” he mutters lowly.
she tugs at the bottom hem of his black tshirt, “can i take this off?” he’s already tugged it off of himself barely before she can finish her sentence. she responds with a giggle and he begins to kiss down her neck, her leaning her head to the side to give him plenty of room for his kisses, his light sucking that eventually turns harsher by the minute, leaving behind soon to be dark purple marks all over.
she moans louder this time to show her appreciation for his work and by the time he’s kissed down to the strap of her tank top, he’s looking back up at her. “can i- is this…okay? if i-“
“mm, please,” is all she says until he begins to slip it off her, fingers toying at the bottom of it, then making his way to carefully peel it off her body, over her head and off her arms. he throws it somewhere random in his room.
she gives him two firm kisses, one on the corner of his mouth and one square on the lips, then reaches behind herself to unhook her own bra. once the back is undone, he grabs it by both the straps and slowly drags it off her arms.
“god, darling, you-“ he’s interrupted by a rogue moan slipping from his lips when she grinds into him again. he decides to abandon his sentence, instead moving his mouth down to pay close attention to the display of skin she’s showing off before him.
he kisses down her sternum, gentle and sweet as he can be, then places one kiss onto he nipple of her left breast, his other hand coming up to lightly toy with the other. on the left, he places more kisses surrounding, some right on her nipple, and he licks around it, swirling his tongue over the bud.
she digs her hand into his hair and tugs on it, feeling him moan onto her skin at her movements, making a mental note to do that again sometime.
he continues to essentially make out with her tit, eventually switching to the other nipple to place wet kisses on it, giving them each equal attention.
after she’s had enough of this teasing, she places both hands on the sides of his head and pulls him up to be face to face.
“please, will you fuck me? please?” she sounds more than ready to burst with pent up arousal and she wants nothing more than to feel him fill her up perfectly like she imagined he would. he is a big man after all, that usually translates down nicely.
“mm, get on your back, he instructs her and taps her thigh twice to set her into motion.
without any hesitation, she detaches from him and crawls to the center of the bed, fussing with the belt and buttons of her shorts but he pushes her hands aside, now hovering over top of her.
“let me, baby.”
she lets him, feeling so utterly gone at the sight of his big hands unbuttoning her shorts and sliding them down her legs. once off, he throws them in the same direction her shirt and bra went.
he grabs her legs at the knees, spreading her thighs open and adjusting himself to be comfortably between them. he kisses down her stomach, enjoying the way she trembles under her touch, a mix of arousal and her being somewhat ticklish under his featherlight kisses.
he keeps going down, kissing down, and continues his way down until he can place one kiss directly onto her clit, through the barrier of her black panties. he moves to the side, kissing the very inside of her bare thighs, watching them twitch under the pressure of it. he kisses down to her knee, then reaches a hand to the waistband of her panties, looking back up at her face as a silent ask for consent.
she nods furiously, ready for him, ready for anything he’s so graciously willing to give to her at this very moment. “can you take your pants off?” it sounds silly when she says it but she knows it’s what she wants.
he takes off both, her panties first, then his own pants, returning to her bare naked body in only his boxing, raging erection on full display. he parts her thighs again, wondering why she felt the need to close them once more when he wasn’t paying active attention to her body.
he lowers his body down further on the bed, near his his head to the place she needs him most and she drips in arousal at the thought of what he’s going to do to her.
he goes in with one prodding finger first, starting at her hole then swiping a finger up, just missing her clit but making careful efforts to work around the area just around it. she feels so done with all this foreplay, she wishes he would just take her now, but she can tell he’s got a plan of his own and she’d be lying if she said she wasn’t excited to know where he was going with it.
with his thumb this time, he finally pressed into her clit, rubbing tight circles and figure eights onto it. she mewls and whimpers pathetically at the delicious pressure.
“please…” she begs.
“please what?”
she huffs a sigh, not used to this dominant, confident, and teasing version of him. “please, more, i want your mouth, please.” she speaks the word like it’s the only one she knows.
he grins madly that he has this effect on her, but ultimately follows her desperate instructions.
he leads with a harsh lick that lands right over her clit and she moans out, “ross,” and he wonders if it’s the first time he’s ever heard her speak his actual name.
then, like he’s lost all his gentlemanly manners, he grips her hips mean and moves in with his tongue. his lips wrap around her, flicking his tongue back and forth over her sensitive bud. he takes turns flicking his tongue, swirling it around her clit, and taking hard sucks at it.
meanwhile, she’s an absolute mess, desperately grasping at his hair and tugging if only to feel the vibrations of his moans onto her wet cunt.
“fuck, darling, just like that,” he’s slipping a finger into her now, pumping in and out slowly while he continues his harsh suction on her clit.
she moans out loudly, hoping it will encourage him to give her more, and it does, he begins to pump his middle and ring fingers in and out with great skill and speed, curling upwards at just the right spot to make her see stars.
his licking has gotten much messier at the addition of his fingers fucking into her, like he’s as desperate to find her release as she is. this would be the very first time he would make her cum and he wants it to be as memorable as possible.
he licks broadly over her clit, circling back to suck on it again, pulling back an inch to flick it back and forth with the very tip of his tongue, all while deliciously sliding in and out of her with his fingers.
she’s pulling harder at his locks, the feeling of his stubble burning her sensitive skin just a bit but she couldn’t care less at the moment, as she grinds her hips onto his face, chasing her release. he decides to allow her to do so, enjoying being used as a conduit for pleasure like some sex toy who’s only purpose is to get her off.
with enough weak gasps and whining moans, she finally finds her release, and he licks her through it, eating her up like it’s his last meal on this earth, and she continues grinding onto his face as she rides out the aftershocks of her mind-blowing orgasm.
as soon as she can’t take the unending pleasure any longer, drags him up by his jaw and connects their lips together once more. she doesn’t hate the way she tastes on his lips, and to be honest, it sends butterflies south on her body, she feels just about ready to go again.
“shit, please fuck me now, fuck.” she can barely whine out her words, just as he wanted.
“are you sure?” he asks her, breaking eye contact only to pull out a condom again, conveniently placed in his nightstand drawer where his lighter once was. the joint in the ashtray is pretty much forgotten by this point, burning to ash alone on the stand.
“please, i need it so bad, need you.”
he can’t contain the smile that plasters itself onto his face. how long he’s been waiting to hear her beg for his cock like this.
“as you wish, love,” he’s already slipped his boxers off at some point and she watches him roll the condom onto his length, which she’s finally getting a good look at now, and it almost seems like a challenge too much for her.
she pushes the thoughts aside, however, the moment he lines himself up with her weeping hole.
finally, he pushes into her, filling her up perfectly with just the slightest feeling of a searing stretch, not enough to cause a lot of pain, but enough to have her moaning at the feeling.
he groans loudly, a stark contrast from his previous moans, which were all low and contained.
he places both hands onto her waist, waiting for her permission to go any further, and when she gives her nod, he begins his motions.
he thrusts in and out of her, slowly, feeling like he might break her if he goes as hard and rough as he’d like to, so he stays gentle and sweet with it.
now, it’s him who is grunting and whining a bit as her tight pussy grips his cock so tightly.
she grabs him by the back of his neck to pull their lips together again, as well as to get his body just a little bit closer to hers, and she mutters in his ear while it’s lined up right by her mouth, “harder.”
he chuckles darkly and the noise goes straight to her pussy. he rocks his hips into hers with more purpose, nearing his ideal speed and roughness. she reaches down to flick her clit with a single finger but he almost immediately knocks it out of the way. “let me.”
he rubs it hard and mean, inconsiderate to the previous orgasm he just gave her and how it could be leaving her sensitive.
she clenches around him at the stimulation and he moans openly into her ear.
“fuck baby, you gotta stop or i’m gonna cum.”
“cum, i’m close.”
though he hadn’t even been inside of her for all too long, it only takes her weak command for his thrusts to begin to falter, losing traction and his grip on her hips.
he starts to work double time, eager to help her cum as fast as he is on track to. rocks his hips in and out of her at a perfect pace, spreading dripping arousal all over her clit and not giving controlled circles over it anymore, merely aimless swipes.
she reaches her climax so suddenly that neither see it coming, but her soft moans into his ear and the fluttering of her wet pussy and the wet noises it makes when he plunges into her is just enough for him to be spilling his release into the condom.
he rides her through her orgasm for the second time, milking her for everything she’s worth and finishes his peak with a shaky moan low in her ear.
he pulls out and collapses beside her, careful not to crush her under the weight of himself.
“fuck,” is all she says and it earns a laugh from beside her.
“go out with me.” he blurts it out so sudden she almost doesn’t understand his words.
“again, i mean. we’ve been on a few dates, i know. what i’m trying to say is that i like you. a lot. and i’m going to take a leap of faith to say that you like me to. so let’s be official. please?” he sounds so small when he speaks the last word of his confession, it nearly breaks her heart.
“of course, baby. i’d love to,” she rolls over to cuddle into his chest, and he gladly accepts the act of affection.
“so can i call you my girlfriend?” he feels like a giddy teenager but that’s just the effect she has on him.
“yup. we can be all gross in public and stuff, too, if you want.”
“i think i do.”
“i think i do too.”
⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚:*⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆
taglist: @itssimpleanditgoeslikethis @indierockgirrl @milkluvr8 @americanangel
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