#SIKE more hurt!
sonicsquid3000 · 2 months
Broken Wings: A Broken Mind
Heeeeeyyyyyyyyy, guess whhhhaaaattt. I just finished writing the first fanfic of the broken wings au after I just said it would take awhile lol. I was lost on what to do for the start of this au and had no idea how to set things in motion UNTIL i finished reading chapter 12. When I finished reading it I was like "MC sees a horrible murder and is spiraling in feelings of not only herself, her morals, but also her soon to be lover?! Oh yeah. It's all coming together." So, with inspiration and stuck with the feelings of how my MC (Belle) is going through, i grabbed my laptop and started binge writing all the way into one in the morning. So, naturally, it's gonna be really messy. But hopefully it's mostly messy where it needs to be messy. Same warnings as before, things can and will be inaccurate to the timeline so take it as a part of the au. This fanfic will be using my mc and fair warning. This fanfic does delve into some heavy mental health stuff so if you are sensitive about that kinda of stuff like mental breackdowns and such, do not read this fanfic. I also will be editting this periodically when I'm awake and not sleep deprived and can actual proof read my work so don't feel afraid to come back and read this. With that being said, Lets get into the fanfic.
There was so much going on. Belle couldn't make sense of the madness. Her mind was stained with the sight of blood, blinding her from what was going on around her. Her chest felt heavy. She could barely breath. She hear screaming and crying and........ Oh. It was her. She was the one screaming and crying. Her head hurt. Like someone was pulling her hair. Was she doing that? It got to much. She couldn't make sense of anything, she couldn't breath, she couldn't.... She collapsed, William catching her swiftly. He order Elbert to carry her back to the castle. She slept in his arms, though it was far from a peaceful sleep. In her sleep, she was piecing together what happened.
They went to kill the marquis who not only ran an illegal drug laboratory, but was also the one who reawakened the Golden Butterflies. It felt like it was all a trap but William had him right where he wanted him. He used his powers and froze everyone in the room, Belle included by accident. She watched as he taunted the marquis and called out all of his wicked deeds. She was furious at the marquis for all he had done, and she felt something she never thought she would feel. She wanted him dead. She wanted to see him wither and suffer for everything he had done. She even wanted to do it herself. She didn't want this and was screaming at herself in her mind, but it did silence the loud hatred. She was in shock when the deed was done. The voices were still screaming in her head. But when William mentioned the marquis's family was still in the mansion, she snapped and began screaming and crying. Conflicted by how she felt about herself, about William, about what happened, about what she believed, about everything. She was going mad.
She woke up the next morning, only feeling worse. She felt numb everywhere. Her mind, her body, her soul. The voices were still raging in her head but she couldn't listen to them. It hurt too much. She wouldn't get out of bed. She felt to weak and didn't want to talk to anyone. Whenever someone went to knock on the door and tried to talk to her through it, she remained quiet. She even refused to eat, even when they offered to take breakfast in her room. Everyone became worried about her. This wasn't like her.
"Is she even still alive?" Harrison asked. "I can still hear her breathing, so she's not dead" Roger confirmed. "Poor Belle, other than when she first came here, this is the first murder she truly witnessed." Liam sympathized though his tone sounded more like she just got rejected rather than she just saw some die. "Ugh. I swear she's being so dramatic. She already saw someone die and she knew what we were doing. I don't understand why she's so-" Before Jude could continue, William shot him a look that chilled even his spine. "N-never mind..." He muttered. They've never seen him this angry. Not even when he kills someone he despises. "Well, someone needs to go in there and talk to." Harrison said. "I agree." Ellis said. "I'd hate to see her so miserable." "Who would even go in there? She refuses to talk to any of us. Who would she-?" Elbert was interrupted. "I'll do it." volunteered William. "What?!" everyone exclaimed. Alfons interjected. "William, with all due respect, I don't think-." "Brilliant idea! William, you will go talk to Belle and make sure she's all right." Victor instructed. Everyone wanted to object, but they could how much William cared about her and how close they have gotten. And so they agreed.
Belle laid on her bed, under the covers, completely disheveled. She looked and felt like a complete mess. It felt like her mind was going to brake. Suddenly she heard a knock. "Belle, it's William." She froze. "May I come in?" he asked. She didn't know what to think. Her mind was running a thousand miles a second. She couldn't tell if she hated him, admired him, feared him or loved him. Her mind was so confused which worsened the madness she was in. She heard the door open as it was unlocked. When the footsteps grew closer, she looked up and saw him standing there with that gentle smile he always had. It was cruel. She tensed up, yet at the same time softened when she saw him. She didn't know what to think of him or any of this, but deep down she just wanted him by her side. She didn't want to be alone.
"My dear, tell me. What troubles you?" he asked. She looked away from him. She knew if she kept looking into his beautiful eyes she would fall apart. She remained silent. William gently cupped her face and directed her to face him. "Belle. I know you're in shock of last night. I'm sure there are a thousand things running through your mind. I thought we got rid of that little habit of hiding how you feel. It's not healthy for you to be trapped with all of these thoughts in your mind. Please Belle, say what you're thinking. I want to hear my little robins beautiful voice." he comforted. ".....I-I..........I........" Belle tried to say something. Anything. But any words there were to say were stuck. she felt a well of emotions fill from her inside and all she could do was cry. She began to cry so hard it felt like a plea. She instinctively threw herself onto him. He gladly held her tight and let her cry into his shoulder. He soothed and caressed her back as she began to cry harder.
"And here I thought you might finally hate-" "DON'T! Just...... don't say.... anything like that. Not right now." she whispered her plea to him. He smiled. "There's my robins lovely voice. Oh how sad is the that song you sing. It breaks my heart." William cooed. Belle sniffled, her breath hitched as she tried so hard to get air in her lungs from all of her crying. "I... I don't know where to begin. What to think anymore." She cried. "Oh Belle-" "I wanted him dead." William stopped. "I wanted him dead so bad. I wanted to kill him! I.... I felt horrible. I was horrible!" She sobbed. "Belle, don't" "And then his family! His poor family! They lost a father and a husband! How could I wish the death of someone with a family! I'm a monster! I-" "BELLE!" William shouted.
She became silent. "Belle, don't ever call yourself a monster. Don't even put yourself on the same level as me. You are not a monster and you never will be. Just because you wanted him dead does not make you a monster. You were angry and caught up in the moment. You're too good to call yourself a monster. I know you would never want to hurt anyone. It's not in your nature." He reassured her. Tears began to well up in her eye's as she began to sob again. There were still so many things running through her mind but she right now, she just needed to feel his warmth. Before William could start soothing her, she lunged at him and started kissing him madly. He kissed her back. He tried to kiss slowly and gently, but her kisses were too vigorous. She didn't care if she was a mess or that her kisses were sloppy. She needed him. She was chasing after something, anything to fill the void in her. And he was it. he was always there for her, he always made her feel special and gave her a voice. He was even here in her lowest moment. she needed this.
"mmhh....... mmmhhh....... Belle" He sighed. "I love you." she said desperately. William froze and quickly broke off from the kiss. "What did you say?" he asked. "I love you. I'm so, madly in love with you. I need you." she said. William stayed quiet for a bit, looking at her sadly. "Belle, you're not thinking clearly." "I am! I mean it with every fiber in my body I love you. I've wanted you for so long. I can't stop thinking about you and I know you know it. You know everything about me. You're everything, you're the very air I breath! I've never felt like this for anyone ever. You're my world." she said desperately, like her life was on the line. " Belle, please. I know you don't mean that." "But I do! I mean every word of it. Victor told me you would try to deflect it or push me away from you but you don't have to worry. I know why you do it. You're afraid of hurting me but I'm not. I know you would never hurt me. And I know you feel the same way. I can feel it! and I know you can too." Belle seemed like she was going a hundred mile an hour. William stuttered. "Belle.... I..... I don't" she froze. "......What........... What do you mean you don't. You don't what" "I..... I don't love you."
With those four words something snapped in her. Her face went blank. "I only ever did those things because it was what you wanted. I knew you wanted to kiss and explore me and I wasn't going to stop you. I knew it made you happy. I knew you would-" he was interrupted. "So you don't love me." she said blankly. "I......" "You did all of those things with me yet you didn't love me?" she said. "I..........." "SAY IT!" Belle screamed. "....... no.............." The room was quiet. It felt so tense. The silence was broken by a soft chuckle from Belle. It began to turn into a soft laugh, and then it grew louder. And louder. And louder. Until the room was filled with her unhinged, maniacal laughter. Tear began to roll down her cheeks and she laughed uncontrollably. "Belle..." William reached out for her. The wind was knocked out of him as she tackled him and began to strangle him.
"WHY WOULD YOU DO IT THEN!" she screamed, never tightening her grip but still held it steady. "I gave you all of me! I gave you my love, my body, my soul, and what?! it was just some game?! WAS I A JOKE TO YOU?! THE END OF THE PUNCH LINE?!" William tried to reach out to her "Belle..." "JUST SHUT UP!" She swiftly grabbed the knife he gave her from her holster on her thigh and held it against him. "Well, 'King of Villains', I won't let you hurt me or anyone else again!" She held her knife above her, ready to attack. "...Will this make you feel better?" he said. "What?" she questioned him. All he did was smile. "If this is the day you finally judge me for my sins, I won't stop you. I'll gladly accept my fate." he smiled. Warm as ever. She screamed "ENOUGH!" she lunged her knife into him. He groaned and winced at the pain coursing through his........ arm. He felt drops of water falling on his face. She was crying. "... I can't.... I can't do it. I can't kill you." She cried as she slumped, getting off from him. "Belle-" "I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT! I don't want to hear a single word that comes out from your mouth!" She yelled. "... I'm leaving. I don't care what Victor and anyone else has to say, I am leaving. and that's final." She said as she left the room, leaving William to bleed.
After some time of discussing things with Victor, he agreed to let Belle leave the Crown early than expected, free from harm. Harrison was even there to confirm the truth that she would not speak of the crown or they secrets with anyone. As she she finished packing up, William was by her door. He looked like he wanted to say something, but he felt as though it was better not to say anything to her. He was right. As she left the room, she gave him the coldest, cruelest, and most hateful gaze he had ever seen. It hurt him more than he thought. Especially to see it from his dearest robin. Who once wouldn't even dare to utter a bad word let alone look at someone with such hatred. A carriage was prepared at the front of the castle. As Belle was ready to step inside, she looked back and saw everyone. They all looked like they wanted to say something. To shout and wave "Goodbye! We'll miss you!" or give her they're own personal goodbye. But there was something disheartening in her eyes. Like all of the love and joy in her was drained. It was like she was a shell of her former self. And so they all remained silent. Belle stepped into carriage and road off into the distance. It was the last time they would ever see her again.
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goldensunset · 1 year
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aqua for @star-sworn! thanks for the request!
i think this is my first real attempt at a lineless/paint-like style and it was fun! love this queen so much she deserves the world
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stsgluver · 9 months
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synopsis. you’d always wait for satoru.
tags. JJK CHAP 236 SPOILERS, it’s like fluff and angst but neither at the same time yk
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"took you long enough."
satoru blinked twice, those icy lashes fluttering as his blurry gaze focused on the figure next to him. he hadn't heard that voice in so long that it barely felt real, a fragment in his memories.
"i thought you'd be at least a little bit happy to see me," your lips were tilted up in a grin that easily met your eyes. you're eighteen: white blouse tucked into a long skirt and your hair twisted up away from your face. there's a sliver of silver peeking up from below your collar and he didn't need to see the necklace fully to know that the characters on the bottom spelt his name.
you were gorgeous.
"i'm always happy to see you," it was unnatural for satoru's voice to be so quiet and gentle and your laugh created a symphony he'd long forgotten. it had been six excruciating years since he'd last been blessed with your joy.
the last time he had seen you you were twenty-two, a white cloth covering your body. a mission gone wrong. that was what shoko had told him and he just had to accept it, because what else could he do?
he was the strongest until it mattered.
"smile a little for me toru, i've missed you," you were bubbly but there was a tenderness in your tone. you were dead, and now so was he, it wasn't something someone could acknowledge lightly.
but he was here, with you, and so despite it all he did as you wished, the smile he reserved only for you. there was a brief moment, the two of you staring lovingly into the other's eyes as you adjusted to this new reality: one where curses didn't exist and gojo satoru was just gojo satoru.
"you waited for me?" satoru asked, his glasses dropping further down his nose as his blue eyes flicked to your lips - the lips that had once been so familiar to him.
"we all did," you nudged his shoulder lightly and pointed in the direction of a vending machine where haibara and geto were arguing whilst nanami watched in eternal disappointment.
satoru swallowed thickly, blinking quickly like that could stop the tears that wanted to spill down his cheeks.
the gentle touch of your hands against his face redirected his attention back to your pretty face. `'you're safe now, pretty boy. you've done all that you could for them, you can have peace now."
them. megumi, yuji, nobara, yuta, all of his students past and present. it hurt him to know that they were now facing kenjaku and sukuna without him, but death offered him a freedom he'd never had before. the peace you spoke of; not having to constantly be on alert for the next assignment or worry that he would be seeing his students in the morgue, it was a bliss he wanted more than he'd care to admit.
so he wouldn't admit it.
instead, he kissed you, his dead heart beating loudly in his ears as he remembered what it felt like to truly be alive.
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a/n. no one talk to me ever again unless you’re saying sike this was all a big practical joke your hubby is alive
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laylanatorseventeen · 2 years
not to blow my own horn but if only half of the people on this site had the self restraint I just every exerted to keep myself from making a fool of myself on someone else's St/ep/hen Ki//ng opinion book rankings
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ciy0 · 5 months
☆*:.。. MY ANGEL .。.:*☆
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Summary- Mingyu’s heart always had and always will belong to one girl. No matter how much she pushed and kicked him away he would always come back crawling on his knees gladly, because to him she was his everything.
Word count- 9.8k 💀💀 [say sike rn]
Content Warnings- 18+ Sexual Scenes and Vulgar Language, Angst!, Romance, Some Humor, Hurt and comfort, POV changes, Y/n is a ice queen/tsundere, Implied Foreigner, Mental health, Idol au!She is also apart of Le Sserfim, Nayeon & Mingyu date, other idols appear, Cheating mentioned, Insecurities, Breakups and Makeups, Verbally Abusive Parent, Mingyu begs on his knees, Head over heels inlove with Y/n, Cutting mentioned, Soulmate type beat, Y/n has it rough pls be nice to her, Pet names [PLS BE SAFE AND INCHARGE OF THE CONTENT YOU CONSUME]
A/n BRUH i WAS NOT EXPECTING THIS TO BE SO DAMN Long. I just wanted to write one scene i swear but then i had to make it make sense so then it jus kept getting longer and longer then i got invested oml. Anyways i used to write fics for anime’s but i retired that hat a while back, i’ve been inlove with Mingyu since forever so i felt compelled to write a fic about him bc he’s my comfort space :3
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☆*:.。. .。.:*☆
To many people being able to win the affections from Kim Mingyu was seen as a blessing from God and it was - atleast for Nayeon- but as her rose tinted shades slowly began to dissolve around month 3 in their fresh relationship she begrudgingly noticed many things in which she had not before (curse her attentiveness).
Finally getting to proudly proclaim Mingyu as hers within their idol friend circle was a dream come true. And to her he was nothing less than perfect, always attentive to her wants, needs, and desires and constantly showering her with boundless amounts of affection. But even she couldn’t fool herself as the new relationship smell began to waft away, and despite her desperate attempts to be as wonderful to him and he was to her one thing became painfully clear; Mingyu was not inlove with her.
Well obviously he didn’t hate her, nor did he make her feel less then. She’s sure that he had some sort of love for her since they were friends before becoming lovers but it wasn’t the kind that would lead to the house and the kids and the big white picket fence she so often dreamt about. It wasn’t the kind that she held for him.
In the beginning it was hard to tell, being so blinded by finally being able to be by his side. She had finally gained the courage to confess when he walked her home after an outing with mutual friends, ever the gentleman. Maybe it was the shots of soju at the time or maybe it was time of year where everyone wanted a lover for the winter holidays. She remembered faintly hearing a corny christmas song in the distance, probably from inside a nearby store, and the snow gently pattering on her face as they walked in a comfortable silence.
“I love you,” she whispered meekly seemingly out of nowhere. Her cheeks heated despite the cold weather as she stopped walking, eyes glued to the snowy ground. She worried maybe he didn’t hear or thought she meant as a friend but she heard a long exhale of breath from her left as his footsteps also came to their own halt a few paces ahead of her own. It was quiet for a bit, the only sounds being a distant holiday tune and the wind accompanied by snow. She squeezed her eyes shut preparing for the embarrassing rejection she foolishly set her own self up for. Mingyu always treated her well but never treated her more than a friend or different than anyone else and she knew that so why did she have to go and say something so dumb, so stupid! Was it because he offered to walk her home? Well he’s always like that it’s nothing special, ugh what if she ruined-
“… Then,” Large feet suddenly appeared right in front of hers jolting her out of her spiral of thoughts and a large warm hand rested on her cheek, gently urging her head up until her eyes met with his.
“…Are you busy tomorrow?” He grinned wolfishly with a small tilt of his head.
A few weeks of courting and cute dates led to him casually introducing Nayeon as his girlfriend at a friend’s dinner party, hands held together. It was so sudden but she couldn’t help but cheese goofily as he sat her down on his lap before smoothly joining into the rooms conversation. He’d softly caress her thigh and give her chaste kisses periodically throughout the night. She was happy, very happy in fact, happy and inlove. She finally had what she thought she always wanted and wished she could’ve lived in that bliss for forever but alas life was never that simple nor accommodating.
The first thing she noticed was the zoning out. The times when he’d be aimless staring at some spot in the room completely lost in a daze. It honestly didn’t happen too too often, a soft tap of the shoulder would instantly bring him back to her but she noticed it regardless. But one time it happened during a night of passion that often plagued her thoughts more than she’d like.
Nayeon buried her head further into the pillows as Mingyu rolled his hips languidly into hers. She gasped softly as she angled her head to gaze upon the adonis behind her only to see that far away look in his eyes again.
“ Fuuuuck,” He groaned throwing his head back,” Angel - ah sh-shit!” He shook his head as she squeezed him tightly from the endearing new petname [presumably meant for her] kicking him out of his stupor. He took a second to catch his breath, blinking in quick succession before laying his body on top of hers leaving a wet smooch on her shoulder.
“ That’s new” She moaned seductively before he drew his hips back to resume his pace from before. All he gave was a breathy laugh and more kisses as he focused on pleasuring her until she couldn’t think anymore.
She quite liked that nickname honestly, and the way he said it too “Angel”. He never called her so desperately before and quite frankly it turned her on so much— too bad she never heard it again though. Well not aimed at her.
The second thing she noticed was his chest. Well moreso his heart beat or lack there of? Whenever she was with him her chest would always be a mess of butterflies, hands shaking, breath short and yet when they’d cuddle on the couch, head pressed to his toned chest there was… nothing? Well aside from a very normal beating pattern which gave signs of life of course, he was as cool as a cucumber.
The involuntary signs of love weren’t there for him like they were for her despite kissing the ground he walked on. He never struggled to stare her deeply in her eyes, his palms never sweaty when holding hands, kisses- albeit plentiful and wonderful -never starved and desperate. She knew he’d been with many girls before her and that he was use to female attention so maybe those intense signs of love weren’t appearing because he had a lot of experience, or atleast that’s what she told herself to cope until she could no longer.
Nayeon hung out back stage as Twice just finished their performance followed by Seventeen at the MAMA awards. She giggled softly as her members poked fun at her pink cheeks watching Mingyu onstage from the TV in the break room.
Soon after they finished Super the thirteen membered group filed in the break room, mingling amongst the various groups, getting snacks and cooling down. After grabbing a bottle of water Mingyu made his way over greeting Twice along the way before wrapping his arms around Nayeon and snuggling into her.
“Ewww you’re so sweaty” She teased pretending to be grossed out when it was the quite the opposite, the sweat glistening off his caramel skin doing sinful things to her.
“Hehe hi baby,” He scrunched his nose as he kissed her cheek playfully.
They bantered back and forth amongst the low chatter in the room watching as the next group went up to perform. She wasn't quite sure when his side of the conversation had quieted down but when she looked to her side he was staring intently at the live broadcasting. She too aimed her attention towards the TV to see what had him so preocuppied.
"Ohhh Le Sserafim?" She nodded knowingly, " They're your label mates now right? They are so popular these days, I'm a big fan too haha my bias is Chaewon!" She danced a little in her seat as the point choreo of Antifragile came up in the performance, " Which one's your fav?"
She leaned her head on his chest, cheerful humming coming to a quaking halt when she felt the thundering pulse of his heart beat blaring against her eardrum.
"... Y\n" he murmured mindlessly, eyes never once leaving the Tv.
" Ohh um yeah!" she sputtered quickly trying to regain her cool, "She's a really popular member, her stage presence is really solid too for only being active for about 2 years i think its been... she's very beautiful, uh she's cool with Jihyo and Somi they hang out sometimes..."
Nayeon wanted to slap herself for the needless word vomit but she couldnt help it. She was pulling for straws, not expecting the reaction she's been trying to pull out of Mingyu to happen now of all times and apparently not because of her. Perhaps he was just tired from his performance still, maybe his was just a big fanboy - men will be men even Mingyu it seemed, perhaps she was reading all too much into it. She decided not to say anything more and just stayed cuddled up to him. He smoothly brought his left hand to her arm rubbing it gently pressing her into himself chuckling softly at her frazzled manner.
" You did well today babe, go ahead and rest for a bit" He whispered as he pressed a kiss to her hairline, " I'll be right here."
Maybe she did need a nap she thought to her self but even as she yawned sleepily she couldn't help but notice the thundering in his heart rested only when their performance finished.
But what really nailed it in the coffin was what Nayeon saw later that night at Somi’s after party, and moreso heard. It’s one thing to come to the conclusion that the man she loved didn’t love back in the same caliber as she did but atleast he chose to be with her right? Atleast he only looked at her and only cared about her. Right?? She could work with that at least even if it was one sided but there’s another level of pain when the reason his palms don’t get sweaty, the reason his eyes don’t glaze over in adoration, the reason he’s never said “i love you” back is because he’s so hopelessly inlove with another that he could hardly contain himself.
The venue was crowded with so many different faces, some known and unknown coming from various groups and companies. Owe it to Somi to know everyone. Nayeon and Mingyu were together as always, a few drinks in watching as Hoshi spoke animatedly making the group of friends laugh. It was a start to a great night after the adrenaline rush of their earlier performances.
“Oh wait! Y/n” Somi suddenly shot up running over to you as you jus entered the venue before dragging you into their circle , “Everyone say hi, Y/n say hi too!”
Nayeon watched as you smiled softly at Somi’s antics before bowing and greeting the people around you. You had a naturally alluring vibe to you that made it hard to not look away. She wasn’t a hater, you were stunning. And as she followed the harsh intake of air next to her she realized she wasn’t the only one who felt the same.
Nayeon gave it to Mingyu for trying but she wasn’t a fool. She had spent so long looking at him like he was the only person in the world that she quickly surmised he was only zoned in on one thing that night, that thing being you. You were a bit harder to read but woman to woman she could tell that you skillfully avoided eye contact in their general direction. And from the lovesick face he pathetically failed to conceal and longing gaze; this went above petty attraction.
Suddenly feeling lightheaded Nayeon excused herself to the bathroom, her mind bombarded with questions. Is he cheating one me? How do you know each other? Who is she to him? Do they have history? Is she… the reason he never looks at me like that?
She felt her eyes burn as she gazed in the bathroom mirror. She felt pathetic. It takes being in love to know what it looks like and Mingyu was looking at you like how she looked at him. Like you were his world. He was trying to hide it, desperately so, often cutting his eyes away from you if he caught himself staring for too long or boisterously jumping into the conversation to distract himself from you, giving Nayeon’s hand a squeeze every now and then but she saw through it all. And she loathed you for it.
By time she calmed herself down and made it back to the table her heart fell to her stomach seeing as the two people plaguing her thoughts were both suspiciously missing. Of course no one picked up on the disappearance act of the two but a quick check in with Somi directed her to the direction Mingyu excused himself too. With a quick thank you she followed swiftly, anxiousness pooling in her gut
Following down the hall the sounds of the party quieted until she heard a pair of new voices a little further down out on the balcony. The voices she had been looking for.
“You did amazing today, Angel”
That burning sensation returned to Nayeon’s eyes as she discreetly listened from inside. Angel. That was undeniably Mingyu’s voice.
“ Mingyu, i told you to stop calling me that” you corrected with a sigh, “ and thank you.”
“Fuck- I know i’m sorry, It’s still a bad habit,” he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly , “ I-I miss you, you know… I know we didn’t end on good terms but-“
“Is this what you followed me out here to say? If so i’m going back to the party-”
Nayeon heard your heels swiftly clack shocking her thinking she would’ve been found out but then they suddenly stopped. She dared to peek over to properly view you both.
Mingyu grasped your wrist firmly, brows furrowing in frustration, “ Why are you being so cold to me? Do you get a kick out of hurting me like this huh? Is that it? I know you- look at me y/n” he tugged you softly yet firmly to face him again, eyes gazing into yours desperately look for anything, “ i know you wanted to ended things with us but do you really have to treat me like a stranger, did you really forget everything, do you really feel nothing for me anymore? I still-“
“Sunbaenim,” you looked up at him icily yanking your arm from his grasp ,” This is hardly appropriate, you have a girlfriend. It’s been months, let it go. It would’ve never worked between us anyways, Nayeon is good to you don’t be reckless over a little fling”
“Fling?! H-how could you- a fling doesn’t last for over year, a fling doesn’t make love like we did, a fling doesn’t meet your family, a fling doesn’t talk about moving in and getting married in the future dammit y/n i was inlove with you!, “ his voice trembled, fists shaking by his side, “You just iced me out of no where, ignoring my messages, stopped answering my calls, and then suddenly breaking up over text?! You keep playing down our relationship as if all of it never happened. You never even gave me a proper reason, I’m supposed to hate you for casting me aside like nothing by and yet why can’t I huh? Even while you’re glaring at me like that with those big beautiful eyes all i wanna do is make them roll back.”
Nayeon couldn’t believe her eyes when she saw his knees hit the floor, You pulled at his shoulders with a curt “enough of this” but he shook you off in favor of furrowing his head into your stomach .
“ Youre so cruel Y/n, how can you show a man heaven then yank it away from his grasp like this. You’re going to drive me insane. You know I can’t live without you, you’re the one who ruined me like this and you can’t even take responsibility for it…”
Nayeon wasn’t able to see your conflicted expression as Mingyu grasped at your waist sniffling onto the fabric of your dress but she didn’t need to.
She moved to the exit as she couldn’t bare to hear anymore but she wasnt quick enough to escape the last words Mingyu whispered.
“Fuck-I…I love you so much, Angel”
Heartbreak doesn’t even begin to describe Nayeons current emotional state. She dashed home without a word, cried in the shower and then curled up on her bed in a pile of misery. Mingyu didn’t stop by to sleep over like normal that night and it drove her mad. All she got was a goodnight text saying he was gonna stay with wonwoo. But is that really where he was? Maybe he was with y/n, moaning angel [she mocked in her head] and giving her all of himself forgetting he had a whole girlfriend. So when ever he got that distant look in his eye was he thinking of her? When he moaned angel, was that what he’d moan in her ear? Was he wishing to be inside her instead? When he was backstage did his heart beat out of his chest just by the sight of her? The reason Nayeon feels like shit is all because of her.
It took her a while before she decided to respond to Mingyu. She ignored his texts and inquiries for about a week before she sent him the “we need to talk” message. She didn’t know what to expect or where to start but she was hoping that their previous friendship would be enough for him to not completely run over her feelings anymore than the whole situation had.
He came over the the next evening after his gym session sporting a grey sweatshirt and pants combo. She couldn’t tell if this was on purpose but she had to stay strong to find the answers she so desperately needed. He gave her a quick kiss to the cheek that still made her heart jump after everything that she’s heard before promptly sitting on the couch.
Nayeon sat down awkwardly across from him not sure where to start. “um do you want anything to drink? i think i have-“ she started looking anywhere but at him.
“Nayeon,” he called gently making her look up hesitantly, “ Ask me anything, I won’t lie to you.”
He looked her earnestly in the eyes and it took Nayeon a second to come to the conclusion that he knows that she knows. Before she could question how he answered for her.
“ Somi told me you were looking for me that night,” He started slowly, “ You suddenly going home, not answering your phone, and then saying we need to talk… i pretty much guessed what was up… so ask me anything and i’ll tell you everything, you deserve to know”
She felt her eyes well up in tears at his honest reply not being able to stop herself from the question she wanted to know the most.
“Did you sleep with her while we were together?!”
“ No, I hadn’t talked to or seen her for months before we got together. I don’t know how much you saw the night of the party but I didn’t sleep with her then either.”
“…Did you want to?”
“ Please just a-answer the question”
She felt the frog in her throat at that but kept the questions searing her heart coming.
“ How did you two meet?”
“ I heard her singing in the practice rooms at Hybe before her debut, but i first saw her physically shortly after her debut at Mnet”
“ H-how did your relationship start?”
“ I think i was drawn when i first heard her voice from way back then, when we officially met I-I wanted to get close to her and the more time we spent together the more harder it got to stay away”
“ We’ve been friends this whole time, how come i’ve never met her?”
“ She didn’t want anyone to know we were dating. So we never interacted in public only wonwoo really knew. Since we live together”
Nayeon tried to think back to around the time they were supposedly dating. She’d sometimes catch hints of hickies on his neck or him smiling at his phone but she just thought he was just fooling around and not committed to anyone. She remembered feeling severely envious though, because that was the happiest she had ever seen him. And if everything he says is true it matches the depressive episode he was in months before they got together, if that’s when she cut him off from what he said that night.
She wiped her tears feeling a bit more whole to look him in the eyes again, “ But why her? Don’t get me wrong she’s pretty and all but you’re not the type of guy who only cares about that. The way she talked to you at the party—she seems like a fucking bitch”
He actually laughed out loud at that, a soft look taking over his face, “Yeah i know, she’s hardheaded, mean, and rude but that’s just one aspect to her. She’s also creative, headstrong, caring, and sensitive… Nayeon I’m sorry,” he switched suddenly, “ I might’ve not physically cheated on you but i still disrespected this relationship and our friendship. I enjoyed our time together and i really wanted it to be you, I wanted to forget about Y/n and live a nice easy love with you b-but seeing her at the party reminded jus how far gone i am. One look and i’m back where I started” He lowered his head in his hands, “You don’t have to forgive me but please know nothing is wrong with you, you are amazing I just- I’m-“
“In love with Y/n right?,” Nayeon finished tears flowing freely at some point. She wish she could yell and scream and call him names but even now she felt his apology from the bottom of his heart. It was never her, it was never gonna truly be her.
She felt the couch next to her dip and the warmth of his embrace. She couldn’t help but fall into it, her cries tumbling into hiccups, mourning of her love lost. “S-So are we done? You’re breaking up with m-me? Are you going to her now?”
He patted her back softly, “ I don’t want to hurt you anymore, knowing i can’t give you what you want and deserve… and even though i love Y/n as i’m sure you heard she’s adamant on pushing me away. We haven’t even talked since that night… plus i’m pretty sure y/n still has my number blocked lol”
“I d-didn’t know you liked emotional unavailable girls Mingyu,” she tried to joke between her gasps, “i would’ve changed my tactics” she wailed into his sweatshirt.
She felt his chest rumble in suppressed laughter before whispered apologies into her hair. It hurt so bad but she could never hate Mingyu. You on the other hand is a different story but she knew albeit not anytime soon she’d eventually have to come to terms with this and hopefully one day her and Mingyu could get back to how they were before, as friends.
☆*:.。. .。.:*☆
Mingyu left Nayeon apartment guiltily feeling lighter despite breaking his friends heart. In times like these he cursed you so much for causing all this chaos in his life and at the same time he imagines you in his embrace, whispering sweet everythings into your ear.
He threw his keys in his dish tray once reaching his apartment before grabbing a beer and joining wonwoo in the living room.
“…Well you don’t have any scratches on your face,” Wonwoo analyzed, “ So i’m guessing things went well i hope?”
Mingyu scoffed sarcastically while cracking open his can, “Hyung what the hell am i doing, something must be wrong with my head…” he pouts before taking a big gulp.
“Yeah they say love is one hell of a drug,” Wonwoo offers, “But honestly are you really okay with ending things with Nayeon, it’s safe and certain unlike Y/n”
Mingyu takes a deep breath before answering, “ As long as Y/n exists I don’t think i can truly be happy with another. I don’t know what she slipped into my food when i wasn’t looking but nothing compares. Nayeon is everything right on paper but why…. i jus can’t- It’s ugh,” he gives up and ops for his drink again.
Wonwoo ponders for a moment, “ You are a bit of a masochist,”
“ So when are you gonna talk to Y/n? Makes no sense breaking up with Nayeon because of her if not to work things out right?”
“ But hyung, that’s what i tried to do at the party, literally begged on my knees and she still left me there,” he laid back in the couch as if he were in a therapy session, “ I jus don’t get it, we were doing so well. As long as we were together everything was gonna be alright, the power could be out and she’d find flashlights and build a pillow fort. She’d find the coolest art pieces and trinkets and gift them to me, she’d always be my second hand in the kitchen even if it’s jus stirring and taste testing. Everyday felt like a dream, there was never a dull time. We could literally have the time of our lives trapped in a cardboard box. We’d spend nights just drinking wine and talking about our hopes and aspirations and everything under the sun, i’d do anything to make her dreams come true and she had the nerve to say it was a fucking fling??”
Upon reminiscing he couldn’t help the tightness in his chest and on top of that the resurfacing of anger because how can all of that happen and you act as if it didn’t. No matter what you tried to paint it out as he knew it was real for both of you.
Wonwoo patted his shoulder reassuringly feeling him getting worked up again. “ Didnt everything change after she came back from visiting her family after the Le Sserafim mini tour? I remember didn’t all her members go visit her family too?”
“Yeah why?” Mingyu questioned not understanding what he was getting at.
“Try asking them, maybe they know something you don’t. I’m not judging but I always thought it was weird how she never talks about her family. Whenever you’d ask to meet them she’d change the subject. Maybe it’s got something to do with that,” Wonwoo was really wracking his brain overtime trying to find some sort of lead. He’d seen Mingyu and Y/n before all this mess and he was convinced they were soulmates then so maybe they just needed some guidance now.
Mingyu drunk in silence as he thought over Wonwoo’s words more. He remembered how scared you were when you first met his family despite his adamant affirmations that they already loved you. You were so jittery and out of your element telling him later that night you’ve never seen a family so loving. He considered his family pretty average though. He remembered the fear in your eyes when he asked to meet your family only for you to pull him in for a hot kiss purposefully rendering his brain off course. He didn’t think much of it at the time but now he’s starting to see Wonwoo’s train of thought
“I’ll try contacting Yunjin”
After asking around in a couple of friend groups he finally was linked to Yunjin’s Kakao. Despite being head over heels in love with a member in her group she had little inkling about the severity of his and Y/n’s relationship until the end that is. Normally Y/n would sneak out to his place which was why Wonwoo knew her pretty well, but her members only found out when Mingyu barged into their dorms demanding to talk to Y/n after her casual “let’s break up” text those many months ago. He had no idea how the explaining went after that but Yunjin didn’t seem too surprised at his, “Hey yunjin, this is Mingyu… do you think we could meet up and talk soon. I’m sure i don’t have to tell you to keep this between us.”
A couple hours later he received his reply.
“Sunbaenim! Ofc we should be back in Korea in a week. Cafe by hybe sound good?”
A week came sooner than one would think, his mind giddy because maybe he could finally get some progress in understanding why you left him. He waited patiently at the back of the cafe with a baseball cap tapping away at his phone. He opted to swipe through his secret gallery of pics he saved of you even after the break up, thumb running softly along the pixels of your cheek.
Mingyu jumped at the sudden appearance of fiery hair as Yunjin sat down. He greeted her before calling the barista over to get her drink settled along with his.
“ How were the concerts in Paris?” He made small talk.
“ It was our first time going, it’s so beautiful there and God the food was amazing,” she spoke animatedly before squinting her eyes knowingly,” but i know that’s not what you messaged me for.”
He held his hand ups in defeat with a sheepish smile, “How is she?”
“ Honestly… Y/n-ah is normally the one who brings us all together and the glue to our group but she’s been so quiet lately which is so unlike her, “ Yunjin eyes glossed a bit, “I worry about her a lot because only few know how much she cares and how much she hurts. She never lets us in and that’s why i was so shocked that she was seeing someone but i was glad because she was so happy. Her smile really reached her eyes you know, even though at the time i didn’t know who it was and i only found out cause she left her phone in the living room and i saw the name “Nose Picker🩵” and you messaging you loved her and for her to get some rest.” She giggled softly at the memory.
Mingyu’s heart squeezed at the stupid nickname he asked her to change a million times. “ D-did she tell you anything after i stormed into your dorms, sorry about that by the way,”
Yunjin looked hesitant not sure how to phrase what wasn’t in her place to say. “Um- after you left she just got so quiet b-but that night i heard her crying and so i went over to her and held her. But she jus kept saying so many negative things about herself and repeating the things her mom-“ Yunjin clasped her mouth feeling wrong for exposing your problems like this without your consent. You explicitly told her to never talk about that night but Mingyu staring at her with desperation in his eyes was breaking her resolve.
“Yunjin what is it?! Please tell me, more than anyone i want her happiness Yunjin please,” he grasped her hands tears threatening to drop,” Please”
Orbs shaking Yunjin sighed in defeat before continuing in a meek voice ,” The other members didn’t really understand because her family speaks english but I understood…. I understood e-everything…”
Yunjin followed as you led the girls into your childhood home. That morning you were on edge but since the last touring city ended up in your home town everyone insisted on meeting your family and sleeping over that night. Yunjin was excited to see a part of you you don’t normally share in hopes of getting closer to you and bragging about you to your family.
Your family were relatively normal looking and kind enough to them as everyone gathered around the dinner table. The spread of food was vast for such short notice, not having to worry about diets since you all were on break after this was a nice bonus as well. Everyone fell into a lull of conversation but something felt strange to Yunjin. You were so quiet, just poking at your food aimlessly. To liven up your spirits she was about to compliment your parents home until your mother finally directed her attention towards you.
“What why aren’t you eating, i cooked all this food for you and your little friends the least you can do is eat it.” Your mom stated quite abrasively.
With out lifting your head or taking a moment to breathe your responded, “ I’m not hungry”
Your mom laughed condescendingly at that, “You? Not hungry, ahh come on you use to be so big when you were younger you’d eat up everything. You afraid to blow up like that again? Actually maybe you shouldn’t eat, you don’t want to look like that again right. Oh my i remember I used to be so embarrassed taking you anywhere with me. All your cousins were so small and here you were taking up so much space. It’s good you finally stopped eating so much, you’re so pretty now too! You really take after me now ya know-“
Yunjin watched in complete horror as your mother rambled on stabbing knife after knife into your esteem with no care in the world as you just sat there taking the public embarrassment. You always stood up for the girls against the strict dietary guidelines and always reassured them how beautiful they were and yet here you were, eyes listless as you absorbed everything your mother spewed like a sponge.
“-You know i was so worried about you, especially when you use to cut yourself in highschool. I mean who does that do you know how bad that made me look and you missed so many days of school doing Lord knows what. You almost got me in trouble it was so humiliating when your teacher had to visit our home, you know everyone in the neighborhood saw that. And then you randomly wanted to go to korea to become a performer, Haha that one gave me a good laugh for the longest time but hey who knew there was actually something you were good at, i’ve been spending your monthly checks at the new med spa that opened down town-“
Yunjin felt her own tears welling up in her eyes, she wish you’d say something, she wish she could say something but she was in such shock. She grew up in a loving family, albeit they had their problems but she’s never witnessed a catastrophe of a dinner like this. She glanced back at you and reached for your hand under the table but you didn’t react at all. Until the next batch of words your mother had for you.
“ And why didn’t you tell me you were dating! I was worried you’d end up alone you know, you never brought a boy home, i mean i know you were a bit chubby but atleast one boy had to have liked you,”
“…How did you know i’m dating someone?,” You finally spoke breath caught in your throat.
“It was about a week or so ago, i ran out of the money you usually send so i was calling for more which after all i’ve done for you raising and keeping a roof over your head i don’t know why you have me on such a small stipend but anyways a man picked up. His english was a little choppy but he introduced himself as your boyfriend ha! can you believe that. I was curious how he looked so i googled his name and I have to hand it to you, i don’t know what he sees in you but make sure you keep that one, he’s one hell of a catch. I bet you havent told him about your little stunt in highschool or how huge you used to be, makes sure he never finds out or else he’s not gonna want you anymore, okay honey, men like that like their women with no baggage and i want grand babies before i die, all the nurses at the hospital are always bragging and showing pictures and i have nothing to show” your mother finally finished
You were shaking. Yunjin was holding your hand so tightly. Chaewon picked up on the unpleasant vibe but knew better than to say anything. Dinner concluded, you all thanked your parents for dinner and cleaned the table before all the members packed up in your childhood bedroom for the night. When she was sure everyone was asleep Yunjin turned to you.
“Y/n-ah I’m so s-sorry,” she weeped into your side. But you didn’t say anything, you jus hummed before turning over and going to sleep.
The next morning you all packed up to head for the airport. Yunjin overheard your mom asking for more money before giving you a hug after you wired it. She told you she loved you but you didn’t reply.
“A few weeks a-after that, “Yunjin hiccuped,” is when you barged in the dorm. A-and that night Y/n-ah finally cried and she-“ Yunjin was full on bawling , “ She was saying s-so many bad things about herself a-and i didn’t know what to s-say. I’ve never seen h-her like that.
She buried her face in her hands recollecting that night. And Mingyu… he was furious. Furious for entertaining that witch on the phone, furious for not seeing sooner how far your insecurities went, his face red in anger but also guilt for being so blind. So much made sense about you. You would never fully finish your meals, you always wore such baggy and covering clothes when not on stage, you hated when he took pictures of you and you hated smiling critiquing how your cheeks spread, you always were one to listen to others venting but never partook in your own, you always talked about dreams of the future cryptically as if you’d never be around to reach them, when he tried to be affectionate with you in public you’d always slink away from him and last and not least you pushed him away in fear of revealing the bits you so desperately wanted to hide; afraid it’d affect his perception of you.
But you were so so wrong. He needed you to understand, he saw you, his angel. Maybe it wasn’t as clear in the past but he saw you now and it changed nothing. He loved you with all his being and God he really fucking needed to see you-
“-Where is she?” He demanded determinedly already packing his cup and phone getting ready to go.
“I-I don’t know,” Yunjin answered honestly,” When we aren’t on schedule she leaves her phone at the dorm and just l-leaves-“
“ What! Do you know how dangerous that is, why hasn’t anyone stopped her!” He could feel himself falling apart, he needed to see you very badly, he needed to make sure you were okay with his own eyes, and if you weren’t he needed to make you okay somehow.
“ She always leaves at the most random times, she normally gets back in the e-evening?” Yunjin wiped her red eyes for the umpteenth time.
He didn’t know what to do, he wanted to run around Seoul like a chicken with its head cut off but he had no clue where to look. He felt like he was going to hyperventilate at this rate, he felt like such an idiot, he should’ve fought harder if only he had known how deep the hurt went. He couldn’t help but curse out loud.
“W-Wait Sunbae,” Yunjin spoke up with a revelation, “I’m checking our group chat, I-I think she might’ve taken her Apple Watch, look”
Yunjin turned her phone around showing your supposed location. He looked at the map on her phone, the glowing dot was resting in a building in Myeongdong. He quickly took a screenshot of your location, thanking Yunjin before sprinting to the company car he brought with him that afternoon. He was pretty sure he spilled some of his drink and stepped on some toes on the way to the vehicle but he couldn’t be bothered to even look back.
☆*:.。. .。.:*☆
To say you were surprised to receive an invitation from Nayeon of all people would be a complete understatement. You never gave her your number so it was probably received from Somi. But here you sat at a fancy restaurant awkwardly staring at each other in silence. You normally just wandered around till it got dark when there wasnt any schedules but you decided to bring your watch just in case your body goes missing. You are aware her and Mingyu broke up and you are pretty sure this invitation out wasn’t to begin a beautiful friendship with the way she was glaring at you.
“ So-“
“ I-“
You both tried talking at the same time. Cringing inwardly you bowed your head for her to take the lead.
“ You know i don’t like you right.”
Oof straight for the throat but you didn’t have much to say to that, cause you didn’t like you either.
“Yeah i figured as much,” you sipped your water, “ so why the invitation?”
“ I wanted to see for myself what’s got Mingyu so wound up,” She tilted her head scrutinizing you, “ So far i’m unimpressed.”
“ Listen if you just invited me here to take jabs at me-“
“ You’re pathetic.”
Okay that one made you roll your eyes. You gathered your purse ready to get up and leave until she continued.
“ You have an amazing man so completely enamored with your very being and yet you are stomping all over his heart. At first i thought you were just a bitch-“
You put your purse back down, uncomfortably shifting as she stared you right in your eyes.
“ I’ve been watching you ya know, you walk around like a pile of self loathing on a stick, it’s so hard to watch. I don’t know your story but I can assure you right now nothing will change how that man thinks of you. And as his friend you hurting him is a me issue now. That fool is so hard headed i’m pretty sure if i told him you murdered puppies he’d still love you” she scoffed, rolling her eyes as the waiter finally came with your appetizers.
You weren’t good at conversations like this. Well was this even a conversation moreso you were being aggressively spoken at. “Stalking is a crime you know,” you mumbled stabbing a fork into your salad.
“Is that really all you have to say? Don’t play with me, we are not friends. Do you even love Kim Mingyu?” she frankly asked with a chicken wing pointed straight at you.
“Loving him has nothing to do with-“
“ I didn’t want to have to do this but you are being so difficult,” with her clean hand she opened her phone pulling up a compromising picture of Mingyu asleep in bed with Nayeon snuggled to his side. It was clear what they finished doing before it was captured “Answer my question or i’ll keep swiping”
Your nose flared at the photo, jealousy swirled in your stomach even though you had no right. You pushed him away so you had no right to be envious but nevertheless you were. You remembered how that use to be you, losing track of what time you had to sneak back to the dorms because he was so warm and safe and so- Mingyu. Your eyes darkened as she swiped to the next photo, him sucking a hickey onto her inner thigh, looking up at her with those beautiful brown eyes. Your self esteem might’ve been in the gutter but you knew how to be shameless too.
“ Delete all of those pictures right now and I’ll answer,” you challenged staring her right back down.
She picked at some stuck chicken in her teeth with her pinky acrylic, “ Wah you’re so easy, fine fine i’m deleting them. Wasn’t that many anyways- he didn’t like me taking pics,” she mumbled the last part as she clacked away on her phone.
Once you were positive they were all gone your expression finally softened, lips parting, “I love him so much that i’m scared. I’m scared because i can take when others hurt and abandon me… but if Mingyu does… if he ever gets tired of me or casts me aside i really won’t be able to survive it. That’s the one thing i won’t be able to bounce back from. When i’m with him my heart is no longer my own and that terrifies me. Trust isn’t something that comes easy but i have no control over myself because of him. I’m used to everything blowing up in my face, always being the butt of the joke, nothing ever working out in my favor so why should i believe for once that the good that is Mingyu isn’t going to turn on me one day as well?”
“ Because it’s fucking Mingyu,” she stated matter of factly , “ Gods apology to man if you will.”
You huffed at that, finding it hard to disagree with that childish logic. After that you both jus ate in silence, probably both thinking of Mingyu to some compacity. By time the entré came out Nayeon was ready to talk again.
“ I knew he never loved me,” she sighed,” but even then he tried his hardest to. Gosh i wanna jus cry, the sex was so bomb too — i hate you so much” she pouted as she cut into her steak rather aggressively.
This time you actually laughed. A real one that touched you eyes. You held your stomach finding it hard to stop, lost in your mirth. In that moment Nayeon felt like she caught a glimpse of the Y/n he described a week ago.
You both payed for your separate meals, Nayeon left with a “I would offer you a ride but i still don’t like you” so you made your way down the street, no destination in mind, shaking your head softly at the fiasco that dinner was. You didn’t make it far before a pair of large arms wrapped around you from behind. You should’ve screamed for help if it was anyone else but you knew this embrace.
“Angel,” he whispered against your neck out of breath
“Mingyu what are you doing,”. You tugged on his arms to avail, “I was about to call the police on you, you can’t just grab people like that in- hey are you listening to me”
No he wasn’t in fact. To busy burrowing his head further in the crevice of your neck, humming softly as he pulled you flush against him. You tried to atleast to turn around in his hold but was met with a stubborn whine.
“ Mingyu, people are looking.. s-stop before someone recognizes us,” You try to shrink away from the onlookers.
He intakes your scent with a deep breathe before finding the willpower to release his limbs before dragging you to what seemed to be a parking lot. You don’t fuss much at that point letting him tug you along until you were seated and buckled safety in to his passenger seat of his car. You kept your eyes forward as he ran to his side and slid in himself. Before he moved to pull off you felt him staring shamelessly at the side of your face. Your own face starting to warm at the intensity of his gaze.
“ What is up with everyone today,” you rolled your eyes before turning in your seat to face him square on, “Care to explain to me how you knew exactly where I was? Are you stalking me too??”
His eyes were still darting around every inch of you with that silly expression on his face, “You look so nice today, did you go out to eat? Are you still hungry? What do you mean too, is someone bothering you? Also I know this nice spot by-“
You move to unbuckle your seatbelt but his hands beat you there, grabbing both your wrists in one hand. “Mingyu let me-“
“What?!” you huffed failing miserable against his hold , “ This is not the time to act cute, I’ll scream I swear I-“
This time he yanked you forward by your wrists and slot his lips against yours in a searing kiss. Instantly your body like muscle memory became liquid in his grasp no longer caring to escape him. With his free hand he held your chin between his thumb and pointer finger angling you side ways so he could eagerly push his tongue past your soft lips. He didn’t mean for things to happen in that order honestly. He wanted to make sure you were safe and okay but seeing you always scrambled his thoughts and now he’s sucking on your tongue in the parking lot getting high off your breathy moans. Lost in the nasty wet tongue kiss he subconsciously loosened the grip he had on your wrists in favor holding both sides of your face as he swirled his tongue around yours.
You cursed yourself in your head for clutching onto his tshirt pathetically as you let him defile your mouth. At the rate he was going you were gonna pass out from the lack of air and intimacy of it all. You dragged your fingertips up to the juncture of his jaw line and neck before giving a firm enough pinch. Understanding you immediately he pulled back just to give you a couple more passionate smooches, eyes low as you both watched the string of saliva slowly give way between you. It’s landed on your chin which he brazenly licked off before sucking your bottom lip into his mouth. Finally done with the impromptu makeout you both gazed at each other out of breathe, periodically looking back down at each others lips.
He caressed your cheeks with his thumb softly, something he’d been dreaming of doing again for months , “Hi” Those charming canines of his flashing at you.
You didn’t have it in you to play aloof with him in that moment, not after you jus swallowed an embarrassing amount of his spit. “Gyu how’d you find me?”
“Yunjin,” He answered quick leaning back in ready for round two, tongue already sticking out but you pushed him back by his forehead.
“ …Gyu you’ve been wanting to talk to me about the breakup since it happened right?,” you closed your eyes in defeat, some of Nayeons words urging to on, “I’m giving you the chance now, so are we gonna talk and i can’t guarantee if there will be later. I know you didn’t come all the way here just to make out. ”
“Shit fuck that’s-“ he rubbed the back of his neck in shame, “I’m sorry I just got so carried away, yes we need to talk please. Can i take you back to my place?”
You sighed but nodded turning your head to focus on the road. He quickly started up the car not wanting to ruin this chance but not before pressing a chaste kiss to the side of your forehead, hopefully you’d let that one slide just for him. You made no comment on it as he sped back to his place in silence.
Always the gentleman he kept your door on child lock so you wouldn’t get out without him opening the door for you once you reached. You couldn’t help the small smile at his childish mannerisms. Such a big baby. You allowed him to hold your hand as you both made your way to his place. Once inside you were hit with the nostalgia of his apartment, his heady scent was everywhere already making your heart race.
He locked the door behind you before getting you something to drink, “Wonwoo is out on a brand trip,” He offered once he’d heard you sit down on their couch.
You hmed at the information too busy looking all around the apartment you use to frequent. It brought back a lot of memories of the past from the chaotic cooking dates, snuggling on the living room floor staring up at the cheap star projector, to fucking like teenagers in your epic pillow fort till all the sheets collapsed around you both.
The sound of your cup of apple juice being placed down on the table took you out of your reverie as Mingyu sat down next to you. Ever the offender of having no sense of personal space, he situated him self directly against you despite the plentiful seats in the living area. You felt like you should’ve told him to move but you found yourself being honest for once; you didn’t want him to.
“So um,” he decided to break the tension, “C-can i hold your hand again while we talk?”
You relinquished your hand to him, both of you angling you bodies inwards to each other before you looked up at him waiting for him to ask his questions.
His heart compressed painfully at the sight of your big eyes but he forced himself to stay focused.
“ As i’m sure you know me and Nayeon broke up.” He waited for your acknowledgment before continuing, ” I won’t lie and say our meeting at the Somi’s party wasn’t the catalyst for alot of things but it made it clear especially despite trying to move on I physically can’t. I can’t move on from you and I don’t want to move on from you.” His thumb brushed your over knuckles, “When you broke up with me like that I wanted to be done with you, you hurt me Y/n… so so bad.”
Your eyes reflected the same glistened look as his as the guilt of carelessly casting Mingyu aside finally was catching up to you after all those months of dodging feelings. You bit your lip waiting for him to proceed.
“I just wanted to mean something to you, and when i finally was getting back to myself one look from you and back to begging on my knees like i was months ago.”
“G-gyu” you sniffled and went to cup his face in your palms. He probably didn’t even realize the single tear you were currently thumbing away at. “I- no amount of apologies will ever equate to how i treated you. But regardless I’m sorry for taking out my insecurities out on you. God knows you’ve been nothing but amazing and i still desperately tried to sabotage that all. I still think you deserve a better girl, don’t settle for me Gyu you deserve the world.”
He held onto your hands to keep your touch on him. “ I don’t care what you think i deserve, I want you. Even after everything I forgive you whether you want to be forgiven or not a-and Yunjin told me about seeing your parents-“
You sharply sucked in a breath before trying to yank your hands back to your lap but he held them firmly bringing them to his chest, “Don’t do that Y/n, don’t try to close up on me like that please. Not again, Don’t- shit angel don’t cry”
His heart broke at your vulnerable expression, lip quivering as you tried to lean away from but he wasn’t having it. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled your securely into his chest, caressing your spine while cooing into your crown.
You hiccuped uncontrollably into his chest, “ Sh-she promised she wouldn’t saying anything, she promised!”
“Please don’t blame Yunjin, I didn’t really give her choice, I just needed to know why you came back to me so closed off. Im sorry for picking up your mother’s call back then, I had no right to but Y/n don’t feel ashamed please. You are so strong, so beautiful, so worthy of everything despite what she says. My mom loves you ya know, you can share her if you’d like,” he peppered kisses across your face, “you’ll just have to marry me of course…”
You choked on a laugh between the ugly cries that wracked through you. Maybe it was the tears but your mind felt a bit lighter, “Gyu… I-I love you but i’m terrified. “ You admitted “after years of constantly being ridiculed and belittled as if im nothing i can’t help but believe it. I’m so embarrassed about having a mother like her and i’m ashamed with myself. But wh-whenever im with you i feel alive but she always finds a way to say the exact words to knock me all the way back down. For my own mother to think so lowly of me how am i s-supposed to stand proudly by your side. You are so blinding, so kind, so talented, so honest, so good; everything i’m not.”
“But to me you’re all those things and more. I’m only my best self when i’m with you, because of you. You really have no idea the power you hold not just on me but the people around you. Your mother doesn’t deserve you and she doesn’t define you. How someone can treat such a wonderful daughter like you like that still blows my mind. You deserve to be valued and praised just for existing simply because you are you. ”
By this point your foreheads were pressed together, your hiccups finally simmering down. He kissed your nose softly before wiping away your tears. “I know years of hurt can’t be done away in one night but can you promise me something Angel”
You sniffled cutely before looking up at him again , “Mmhm”
“Let me see the ugly, it’s okay if you cry, scream, yell but do it to me. Let me share your burdens, you don’t have to do it all alone. Please rely on me, it’s what i’m here for”
You wrapped your arms around him sighing into his chest. You felt so drained and lightheaded so tired but still you couldn’t deny the immense relief you felt off your heavy heart, “… You love me?” you whispered timidly.
“More than you’ll ever know,” He kissed your brow sweetly.
“Okay then… I’ll be in your care from now on” you unhurriedly pressed a kiss to his jaw before yawning,” I know there’s still so much more we have to talk about but can we talk more in the morning?”
He smiled fondly as you rubbed your eyes sleepily, nose still stuffy from your tears. He leaned down to press a proper kiss on your plush lips, “Of course my Angel,” You both gazed longing at each other a bit longer neither making the move to get up. He took the bait again and gave you a languid open mouthed kiss before whispering dreamily against your lips, “I love you.”
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lxvvie · 6 months
On today's episode of Pranks R Us: It's that time of the year when we're inundated with Christmas carols and movies. All. Damn. Day. Hallmark. Here's a scenario for you: How would your faves react to you purposely, horrendously serenading them with Christmas songs that... they don't like? 😊
Capt. John Price - He's nursing his cuppa because he knows for a fact that the boys put you up to this. He feels it in his bone marrow for Christ's sake. Price likes to think he's smiling behind the mug but his cheeks are hurting a bit too much for it to be genuine which really means he's gonna give the rest of 141 hell when he sees them the next time.
Gaz - Went from raising a brow to his cheeks being puffed the hell out because he's trying his best not to laugh in your face. When you're done, you have the biggest shit-eating grin... which devolves into laughter from both you and him. Tears are rolling down your eyes and he's clutching his stomach. God, he loves you, darling.
Soap - Soap is currently the Soapurrito™ with Whiskey (referencing this post) when you decide to randomly serenade them both. Not only do you have Soap looking confused but the dog keeps tilting his head as well, too. Then you hit that one note and they tilted their head at the same damn time and you just fell out laughing.
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Ghost - (Referencing this post) Ghost was having a smoke and knit session and then you barged in and began singing. Not only did you sing the absolute worst fucking Christmas song to ever exist to him but you decided to channel your inner Luciano Pavarotti and make it classical for him. You thought you ate that shit but Ghost was staring at you in Say Sike, Mate the entire time while still knitting. You winked and blew him a kiss and if 'Why are we here? Just to suffer?' was a person.
Roach - He, like Price, was smiling a bit too brightly which means that he's crying on the inside. The one who gets up and gives you that reassuring squeeze because you got the spirit. Not everyone is meant to be a singer but he thanks you and revels in the holiday cheer! ❤️
Alex Keller - Was watching TV and not really paying attention to it and then BAM, you popped up! The more you sing, the more you realize his thighs are slowly but surely closing together and LIKE HELL YOU'LL CLOSE SHUT THE JAWS OF SWEET KELLER LOVIN', ALEX.
Alejandro - Alejandro looked up from his work, leaned back in his chair, and just stared at you with a furrowed brow. Rudy and the others are in earshot and are quietly, collectively laughing their asses off. You actually do a couple songs (per the bet) and Alejandro... has a stiff drink in the meantime lmao.
Rudy - Actually does laugh in your face, even though it's Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. Apologizes while laughing in your face. Because laughter is contagious, however, you, too, start laughing.
König - König gets incredibly excited because Schatz, he didn't know you liked to sing horribly! And when you're done, he, too, chooses to serenade you, and holy shit, König actually can sing!
Horangi - Horangi has the most deadpan expression on his face. He's the one that promises you you can sit on his face all day long if you'll promise him to never sing again stop singing.
Graves - Graves was on a conference call with the boys when you busted in and started singing. The entire time, he's rocking the Zoolander grimace and when you're done, you hear someone give their best Simon Cowell impersonation and then it turns into Shadow Company's Got Talent and you're being judged. 'A' for Ass effort, darlin'.
Valeria - The one who rolls her eyes and massages her temple. May or may not put your ass on the couch tonight for this. Or, better yet, you wanna sing? Put your mouth to good use and sing on her pu—
Keegan - Is the epitome of lost as hell. Keegan is the one grimacing with every high note you, er, try to hit. He can't even bring himself to smile but his eyes are somewhat comically wide, made more so after you kiss his cheek, take the piss out of him, and ask him how you did.
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atarathegreat · 10 months
Tokyo Revengers Sibling Headcanons Part 1
Ran & Rindou Haitani
They come home from fights and try to act like they didn't do anything
You love them so obviously you help them with their injuries
Rindou is sweeter and more accepting of the affection you give while patching him up
Ran rolls his eyes, but doesn't exactly try to stop you
As babies they'd cling to you, not ever wanting your parents
Grown up, after joining Bonten and becoming successful, they make sure that you live comfortably without worry. You raised them after all, and they always swore to pay you back
Nahoya & Souya Kawata
Constantly on your heels
Souya will get sleepy and lay across your lap, causing Nahoya to get jealous and then there's a dogpile
You're the youngest of the triplets, but you act like the most mature, even if Nahoya protects you all
They refuse to let you go anywhere alone
Learn to multitask because they always want your attention, you WILL go cross eyed
At the end of the day you three usually share a bed because they're scared that another gang will break in and hurt you
Mitsuya Takashi
Coddles you
Has and will put you on top of the fridge so you can't eat the cookie dough he's using
Takes you, Luna, and Mana to the parks to play during the day, making dinner at night
Sometimes lets you help him feed Mana
Taps his toes angrily when you fight with Luna
Sleeps in your tiny bed with you when you have nightmares, gets buried under you and Luna
Has taken you more than once to visit Kenny because you like the bright colors the girls wear at the Brothel
Chifuyu Matsuno
Super excited when you come back from college
Spends the first couple days with you until Toman business pulls him away
You, being super cool, have your own bike and give him a ride to the meeting
Baji is siked to see you, making a huge deal out of you being back and making Chifuyu groan
The others crowd around you, welcoming you home like you're their family member
Chifuyu definitely was grumpy after that, only hanging out with you behind closed doors
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lovelyo · 16 days
Season 3 part 2 will be Ass. Let me Tell You Why.
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Cause in the end, Penelope, Lady Whistledown, the one who has left devastation in people’s lives will get all what she wants. The man that she wants, the attention that she wants, the family she always wanted to be(so envious of them she talked shit about them ), will get her best friend back, might have the heir for that dumbass Featherington plot line, might get the Queen’s pardon and above all else, will most likely not give up LW cause they made LW such an integral part of the show.(so in that case, she’ll be even more filthy rich)
And if we go by leaked spoilers, it is said that Colin will be mad at Penelope for like 1 episode until Kanthony talks some “sense” into him. So that just tells me Kanthony will be OOC because there’s no damn way Anthony would let that beast comment about his wife slide.
There are no stakes when it comes to this season cause we all know how it’s finna go down. If Penelope gets any type of consequences, then her very undeserved HEA is doomed so everything is going to have to go her way for the already idiotic plot to make some form of sense. It’s like the love triangle in part 1, what the hell was the point of Lord Debling when everyone and their ancestors knew Colin and Penelope were end game? So we can see Colin’s cringe angst? If we already know the answer to the love triangle, there’s no point. The “find you a husband” plot line was stupid as shit anyway, but it’s whatever now.
Ugh, then we have to sit through more awkward love scenes between asshat 1 and 2
Eloise threatening Penelope with her LW identity is going to amount to nothing cause we know Penelope isn’t gonna receive any comeuppance. Matter of fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if they made Eloise apologize to Penelope for…🤷🏾‍♂️🤷(let’s apologize to the toxic friend for not dealing with their toxicity)
For Penelope to have a happy ending, she has to get away scot free and that’s what boils my blood. I hate in media and literature when a character goes around, creates chaos and receives nothing for it or just a slap on a wrist. I’ve noticed an increase in it lately too. Also, I’m tired of writers not severing their bias from their writing. I’ve been encountering many series lately where the writer(s) have favoritism towards a specific character and gives them the easy route, bends the world for them and pull punches just because they like them so much. It’s really aggravating cause you see everyone else getting put through the wringer and then you see the favored character walking through Candyland. It hurts the story, the character, and frankly makes you hate the character.
Everyone around Penelope is gonna act brain dead in order for Penelope to get what she wants and I’m not here for it. Even the general audience ain’t for it. The only people cheering this madness are the asylum patients called Polin fans with delusions that Penelope deserves the world.
I’m not even looking forward to Francesca and John’s story cause of the Poolin fecal matter I’ll have to swim through to get there. At this point, I’m might just watch spoilers of part 2 cause it’s not worth it.
P.S. Watch Cressida get the short end of the stick cause she’s the “bully” of the show and Penelope is the “victim”. Watch them break Creloise because of the “I don’t want you hanging around Eloise” subplot which will ultimately fuel Eloise and Penelope becoming friends again. Also, Penelope and Cressida competed for Lord Debling just for Penelope to go “sike” and marry Colin so she wasted Debling’s time and made Cressida feel like shit because she wasn’t chosen. P.S.S- Polins are huge ass hypocrites cause they ragged on Eloise being privileged and having “everything” but are silent about Penelope being privileged. By the end of this season, Penelope will basically have everything, even more so than Eloise, but sure, Penelope is definitely not privileged 😑. Penelope is privileged inside the world and outside by production, why are we denying this?
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ghouljams · 6 months
So fun fact I’m a dog groomer and one of the few highlights of being a dog groomer is picking up the big dogs.
I cannot begin to tell you the sudden shock of a German shepherd when it gets picked up at its full grown size. Funniest shit ever especially when I heave ho their ass into a kennel. OH and I absolutely love picking up the goldendoodles! It’s like picking up a big teddy bear. The best thing about it is that most of the time the big dogs eat that shit up when I pick them up. Like their tails start wagging more and they start slobbering on my face.
So that’s to come around to this…. I really wanna pick up the boys. Like I just wanna wrap my arms around Price and make him think it’s a hug and then SIKE. Even if I only pick him up for a minute I wanna pick him up. And I’d even work out to pick him up too.
So if you are able to and are willing, may I please ask for a lil snippet of one of the Darlings trying and maybe succeeding in picking up their boys?
Genuinely Goose can pick Ghost up, not for long but she can bear hug him and get him off the ground. He doesn't want to talk about it...
BUT ALSO Hush can and does pick Soap up. Soap very much wants to talk about it, he's a little miffed about it, but also deeply does not want to talk about it.
You snap your silence around Soap for a third time in as many minutes, checking around the corner you're hiding behind. The man behind you gives another soft grunt as he tightens the makeshift bandage around his leg. It's nothing severe but it sounds like it hurts. Not mentioning the sprained ankle, it's not going to be a quiet exfil. He's lucky you haven't forced him to radio medical. More lucky you didn't break out the tourniquet. You'll have to thank someone for that later.
"You tied up?" You ask him over your shoulder. Another grunt, annoyed but affirmative. You swirl a few shadows, letting them pump a soft wave through the area, bouncing positions back to you as you walk closer to your upset summoner.
Soap holds his hand up to you. You clasp your hand around his forearm and pull him to his feet. He winces when he puts weight on his injured leg, and you make the executive decision that he isn't walking out of here. You keep your grip on his arm and crouch tug him over your shoulder.
Another snap of silence when Soap yelps and struggles against the fireman's carry you pick him up into. You wrap your arm around his uninjured leg and roll your shoulders to get him in a comfortable position. He's heavier than you thought he'd be, but nothing you can't handle. You probably should have expected as much. Soap's a well built guy, and muscle isn't light. It doesn't help that he's trying to break your grip and get off your shoulders.
"Steamin' hell put me doon, ahm fine walkin'." He spits at you. You ignore him. "Hush, tha's an order," He tries.
"I outrank you sergeant," You tell him, as if that matters in your position, "and I'm not sure what you're plannin' on walkin' on 'cause it's not this." You touch his ankle gently and he flinches away from the touch. Big baby. You roll your eyes, all this blubbering over being carried. Plenty of folks would love to get carried around like this, you can name at least two off the top of your head.
Soap settles over your shoulders to pout, you assume he's pouting because he's gone quiet. Fine by you, your focus is on finding the best path to the helo and getting the hell out of here. Your radar bounces off a hostile soldier and you strike out with your shadows, spearing them to a wall as you haul Soap's sorry ass down the alley. His fingers are tight in your shirt, holding onto the edge of your tac gear as he takes shallow breaths. You toss another barrage of shadow towards another ping on your internal radar and you feel it.
Christ. Is he hard?
"So, Johnny," you drawl, letting the implications speak for themselves.
"Not a word ya smug bastard," He grits out. Proof enough for you. As if you can't feel his hard cock pressing against your shoulder, if there was more blood getting to his brain you'd hope Soap could explain it as a spare switch or something. Or a flashlight, christ what the hell is this guy packing? If you knew it was this easy to get a rise out of him you would've picked him up ages ago.
"Is it the carrying or-"
"Awa' an bile yer heid," He curses at you. You shut your mouth but can't stop the smile that breaks across your lips. You're going to be riding this high for a while.
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in1-nutshell · 1 month
Could you please do the old Predacon buddy meeting the Lost light more specifically ultra Magnus and the co-captains =]
Steel Mauler's going on a trip to the Lost Light!
Hope you enjoy!
Steel Mauler meeting Rodimus Prime, Megatron and Ultra Magnus
SFW, Platonic, Cybertronain reader
Steel Mauler looking at Rodimus.
“… Hi—”—Steel Mauler
“Calm down I’m not going to hurt you! OH MY PRIMUS YOU’RE ON FIRE!”—Steel Mauler
Rodimus refuses to admit that he screamed at Steel Mauler.
Steel Mauler is reminded a lot of Bumblebee and Smokescreen when seeing this young mech.
They are surprised to see that he is one of the Co-captains of this extremely large starship.
They haven’t seen one of those in eons.
Rodimus is one of the bots who give them the tour around the Lost Light.
He is a bit confused on why they seem a bit sentimental about some of the bots on board but understands when they say that in their universe, the war is still going on.
Steel Mauler nearly has a spark attack hearing that he was a Prime and is frantically asking what happened to Optimus.
They are floored to find out that the matrix thing works differently in this universe.
“Your Matrix really doesn’t work the same?”--Rodimus
“No, and truthfully, I am not entirely sure how my Matrix works.”—Steel Mauler
“I mean at least yours is still active.”--Rodimus
“Ha, you say it like yours is broken.”—Steel Mauler
“…Rodimus… this is the part where you say ‘sike’.”—Steel Mauler
“…Say sike right now.”—Steel Mauler
Steel Mauler is not afraid to put Rodimus in his place with some rash decisions he makes along the way.
Yes, he’s the captain but someone needs to be the voice of reason when Magnus is trying to correct his grammar to distract him.
And who is not going to listen to a giant Predacon.
“And this is Megatron—”--Rodimus
Steel Mauler pounces at the grey mech.
Steel Mauler looks at Rodimus puzzled.
“Who thought that was a good idea?”—Steel Mauler
“May you please get off—”--Megatron
Steel Mauler puts one of their wings on his face.
“You hush. Rodimus, explain.”—Steel Mauler
They are glad to see another good Megatron, at least  this one’s going through redemption.
After that brief misunderstanding and explanation of Megatron’s case they find themselves stuck close to the mech.
Megatron thinks that they don’t trust him.
That’s not the case.
Steel Mauler wants to protect this older version of their friend.
“Protect me? Why would you want to do that? You don’t even know me.”--Megatron
Steel Mauler looks at him sadly.
“I knew a version of you. He was a good friend to me”—Steel Mauler
“That still doesn’t explain why?”--Megatron
“…Call it what you will Megatron. Maybe sympathy, or me wanting to fix something that can’t be fixed in my world. But I know what happens to highly classified Cons when they defect. Takes one to know one.”—Steel Mauler
Steel Mauler walks away leaving a stunned Megatron in their wake.
One of the few bots on board that is not afraid to call him a hypocrite when it comes to certain subject relating to organic life.
So many bots thought they were going to see Megatron go up against a Predacon that day.
Steel Mauler has been alive longer than all of their friends, they don’t give a rats aft.
Megatron unknowingly gets attached to the older Predacon the longer they stay on the ship.
Ultra Magnus
“And this is—”--Rodimus
“Ultra Magnus! It is an honor to meet you, well this version of you.”—Steel Mauler
Magnus looks at the Predacon in front of him.
Steel Mauler is just glad to see a familiar face.
“Rodimus why is there a Predacon on board?”--Magnus
“… why am I not surprised…”--Magnus
“Who’s Brainstorm?”—Steel Mauler
Magnus wants to put Brainstorm in the brig so badly but now he has to deal with a Predacon.
… An incredible well behaved and mannered Predacon.
New friend gained!
They even got Rodimus to turn in some of the paperwork on time!
Steel Mauler does tell him of his alternative back on earth and is glad to see him here too.
He’s not crying.
But the older Predacon does get sent to the med bay after they saw a hollow Magnus all grey.
Steel Mauler groggily wakes up in the med bay.
A green minibot is by their side.
“Umm, hello there.”—Steel Mauler
“Primus Steel Mauler, you gave us quite a fright when you fell on top of--.”--Minimus
“Why do you sound like Magnus?”—Steel Mauler
Time skip to load bearer explanation…
“Does that make any sense?”--Minimus
“Yes, in a way. But earlier you said I fell on someone, who did I fall on?”—Steel Mauler
Minimus points to one of the nearby med slabs.
Ratchet is scolding a very dented Drift for thinking he could single handedly catch a giant Predacon.
Now Steel Mauler is wondering if their Magnus is also a load bearer…
They are not afraid to call Magnus on being too up tight with the rules around the ship.
Magnus does take in what Steel Mauler says and does reflect on it.
He trusts the Predacon’s judgment and lets loose some of the more harsher rules. Not completely though, he wasn’t mad.
Magnus saw Rodimus sneaking a Rodimus star to them for being the ‘Magnus Whisperer’.
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petrssecrethideout · 1 month
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"Alright everyone we are back! And y'know what, instead of trying to do more of an intro, I'm just gonna leave it to you Dale."
"What? Why?"
"...you're kidding right? It's December second there's no way you're not gonna spend the whole podcast talking about cu-"
"OHHHHH YEAH! I almost forgot. Thanks for reminding me. Well folks, the cum drum challenge is finally over, and I... well I have some bad news. I didn't fill a whole barrel."
"Yeah dude I'm really bummed about it, I feel like i let a whole bunch of people down and--SIKE! I ACTUALLY FILLED TWO!"
"Oh my god, you--"
"Hahaaaaah, I got you there didn't I? You were so worried!, but don't worry y'all, when Dale says he's going to deliver, he fucking DELIVERS!"
"So how the fuck did you manage that?"
"Ok so you know how i said I had to cum 10 times a day to make my goal, well 10 quickly turned into 14, then 23, then 34, and after that I lost count because I got this machine from a friend that jerked me off while I was sleeping, so even after I was cumming 34 times a day there was more after that."
"Jesus Christ dude, that's crazy."
"I know, I was in this constant horny haze, it felt so good, like outside of the podcast all I was doing was lifting, eating and jerkin it! Kind of felt like a vacation honestly."
"How did it affect your gains?"
"Get this: I gained 20 pounds of muscle in a month."
"i KNOW RIGHT! And like, I'm fucking huge so every pound at this point is an uphill battle, so, like 20!? its crazy."
"Fuck, man."
"And I'm not the only one either, I got some dms about guys who also took the challenge, and dude holy shit look at this."
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"Who is that!?"
"That is.. well I'm not gonna give out full names but Douglas from North Carolina, who was a former bodybuilder, kinda got out of it, tried out the challenge, and gained.... you're not ready for this: 134 pounds in one month."
"That--there's no way that isn't possible."
"I'm telling you dude, I thought it was fake, but he's been posting on Instagram every day and its not only real, but its SO fucking hot. He said something about competing again and, dude PLEASE. I would love to flex on stage with you."
"Ok stop trying to flirt with the fans."
"Hey, we just proved that cumming as much as possible makes me get fucking huge, I think we should let me be as horny as I want now."
"Okay, fine I guess I can't argue with that anymore, but how are you feeling now?"
"My balls hurt."
"Yeah, I think its like the lack of stimulation. Honestly I might have to up my rates a bit. Oh, also that reminds me I have a business idea for you. You know how those people did the bathwater thing? Well I was thinking we could maybe sel--"
"No. Absolutely not. That's probably illegal."
"Ok but if it isn't can we do it? I know I'd be able to keep up with demand, and once I add a jerking off schedule to your workout plan you'd definitely be able to help"
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bagerfluff · 4 months
But Your Beautiful
Leo Valdez x Non-Binary Half-Blood Reader
Prompt - Accidental Confession
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You were sitting next to Leo as he worked on something.
You had no idea what he was working on but you didn’t really notice anyway. You were too busy looking at his face. His curly hair was messier than usual, Leo forgot to take care of himself when he got really busy.
His goggles were sitting right above his forehead, slipping down every once and a while so Leo had to push them back up. Making his hair look even more messy. Leo was covered in soot, making it look like he was a cow.
His tongue also stuck out of the corner of his mouth, something that happened whenever he was really focused. Leo looked incredibly cute like this.
But something confused you.
In all of the time that you knew Leo he never had a partner. He was never in a romantic relationship for all you knew. And Leo told you just about everything. You were one of the only people that would listen.
You wondered if Leo had never got asked to be in one or if he turned every request down. You knew Leo flirted with everyone, he even flirted with you sometimes. But Leo never said he was in a relationship.
So you wanted to ask him.
Leo knew whenever you had a crush or started a relationship, and you wanted to know when Leo had a crush or started a relationship. If Leo didn’t want to tell you that was fine too, but you still wanted to ask. You would never know if you didn’t try.
You also wanted to know something else. You hadn’t been in a relationship in a couple months because you had a crush on Leo. You hoped that asking Leo why he had never been in a relationship might make him confess that he liked you
You knew that probably wasn’t going to happen but it was worth a try. So that's why you found Leo and have been sitting next to him for the last ten minutes, trying to sike yourself up to ask Leo this question.
After a few more minutes of staring at Leo and trying to sike yourself up you decided to bite the bullet. “Hey Leo?” You asked, Leo moved his head up and down, showing you that he heard you and was listening. “Have you ever had a partner?”
You asked with furrowed brows. Leo stopped what he was doing and tensed. You were afraid that you had hit a nerve. But Leo quickly relaxed and went back to his project
Leo shook his head, telling that he did not. Your eyes widened. You were shocked and that fact was evident in your voice when you asked Leo how. Leo shrugged and looked over to you “I don’t know. No one ever asked me” Leo looked at you for a moment before looking back down at his hands.
He didn’t start to work again, he just stared at his hands.
You were still shocked.
Shocked that Leo had never had a partner and shocked about how sad he looked. Leo never looked sad, He always had a smile on his face and had a joke ready. But he just looked defeated.
You wondered if this is how he felt most days, but just covered it up with a smile. “But you’re beautiful,” you whispered. Staring at Leo with a sad smile on your face. Leo suddenly looked up and stared at you.
Leo asked and you realized that he had heard you. Leo looked shocked. Like he had just seen a dead person move. You were worried. Leo wasn’t supposed to hear that. But it was too late now. Maybe you should confess.
But what if Leo didn’t like you back, what if this ruined your friendship. Leo was one of your closest friends. No you couldn’t think about that.
This wouldn’t change anything.
Plus you had to know if Leo liked you back. It hurt when you saw Leo flirt with other people. More than any sword to the chest could. “I said”, you scooted closer to Leo and grabbed his chin to make him look you in the eye, “You are beautiful”
You smiled at the blush that came over Leo’s face. “Now. Do you think I could have the honor of being your first partner?” You asked. Leo smiled and nodded. “Of course but I think you should be honored to have me as a boyfriend,” Leo smiled. You shook your head and let go of Leo’s face. Leo smiled at you before going back to his project.
While you stared at him, happy to have the answers to both of your questions. 
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yuly · 1 year
Hey, hope you're doing good today 🤠 Angsty requests 🤔 how about Dom!Hotch and BAU!reader having a fight before getting to work, they get a case and she defies anything Hotch says or tells her to do and they end up starting another fight on the jet home, so they go to the little kitchen for some privacy and Hotch grabs her cheeks in his hand as she's talking and pins her to the wall and anything else you wanna write. Thanks for considering this 🥹
→ hi lovely!! I loved writing this, but I can’t lie this one is pretty mean, I feel bad… sike! Hope you enjoy xo
cw: 18+ only, suggestive content (no smut), coarse language
Aaron Hotchner x gender neutral reader 
That’s Hotchner to You, Agent
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It was one of those days when nothing seems to go your way. In all honesty, the argument itself was worse than what you and Aaron had disagreed on. Something about his tone and that glare set you off, and now you could barely stand to look in his direction. Unfortunately for you, the team jet provided some pretty close quarters, and Hotch was constantly directing questions your way, egging you on for any type of interaction. You wish he would just leave you be for the rest of the day. So you decide to excuse yourself and take a breather in the kitchenette. You barely got a minute to yourself when he joined you. 
You turn around, rolling your eyes, “I need some spa-”
He grabs your cheeks and corners you into the wall. His eyes flash with lust, his breathing is ragged.
Oh. Oh, he's turned on …
He studies your features before shutting his eyes and going in for a kiss. You use the momentary vulnerability to grab him by the wrist and shove him off. His eyes fly open, “what's wrong?”
“Just for once can you not think with your dick? Put your horniness and fetishes to the side for a second, fuck!”, you whisper-yell at him, scowling.  
He quickly removes his hands from your face, embarrassed by your blunt rejection.
“I’m serious, Aaron. We are having an argument and your first instinct is to fuck? At work? Just be normal for once.” You cast him a judgemental glare before storming out of the kitchenette, leaving him standing alone and humiliated.
Oh. Oh, that hurt….
Aaron doesn’t speak to you for the rest of the day. Sitting on his bed later that night, his mind is spiralling. He is deeply affected by your words, repeatedly going over them in his mind. Your relationship is one of the few safe spaces in his life, and the prospect of losing that is numbing. He has never felt more open with anyone before you. The two of you explored your sexuality and interests, and Aaron was upfront about his reservations regarding sex and romance. You reassured him, encouraged him and made him feel safe. So to have everything thrown back in his face in a moment of anger hurt deeply. He feels like a failure and an embarrassment; he misread the situation. He doesn’t get a wink of sleep that night and by sunrise, the walls around his heart are up and there to stay. His demeanour is cold, he’s short-tempered and snappy.
After three days, you grow tired of him giving you the cold shoulder. You feel bad for being so harsh with him, but you’re confident this is something that you two will work out.
“May I come in?” you ask softly, peeking your head into his office. It's nearly 10:30 at night, and everyone else has gone home already. 
“What is it, agent?” he asks sharply, not looking up from his papers.
Oh. Oh, it's agent now?
You enter the room and begin to shut the door behind you when he stops you, “don’t bother. I’m sure this will be quick.”
You look up at him with a weary expression, “Aaron, I came to apologize about what I said. I was upset, I didn’t mean it, and I want to make it up to you.” You take a seat and look up at him with doe eyes, reaching for his hand. He firmly moves his hand out of your reach, his face remains stoic.
“That won’t be necessary. You are only responsible for answering to me on the job. Anything outside of that, you may report to agent Rossi. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Chief Strauss.”
Oh. Oh, that hurt… 
Your eyes widen, lips trembling, “You don’t mean that, Aaron.” 
He shoots you an irritated look, “that’s Hotchner to you, agent. Have a good evening.”
Your stomach drops at the wrath of Hotch as he stares you down. You walk out of his office defeated, your head spinning. You’ve now traded spots with him, the two of you drowning in pools of anger and hurt, the eclipse of your relationship casting a dark shadow over the love that once was.
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dropthedemiurge · 2 months
Some language comments for Gray Shelter [Episode 5], just like I promised!
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"Do whatever/however you want to. (literally: 'Do it the way your heart desires') You do things how you want to anyway."
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"I'm sorry" - the translation is correct, it's just it's funny how Yoondae's level of apology to his friend he just lashed out at last time + he wants to ask him for HELP, and all he says is: 미안 (mian). The most informal and short way of apologizing possible. He's so teenager-minded still.
Even when he asks "Can I leave my stuff in your dad's warehouse?" it comes out grammatically more of a demand, like 'Let me do that'. Yoondae is talking like someone who has a lot of walls and doesn't reach out to people, he doesn't talk kindly but he's honest and straightforward and he cries easily but he's very angry about it.
I especially love his facial expression, even when he's at his most miserable, he'll make it everyone else's problem, as if being pitiful is the worst thing that could happen to him. "I have no one else I could ask for help but you >:(("
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Fun fact about Korean's sentence structure, when you quote someone or express your thoughts, you put your sentence this way: "quoted phrase" and then + "that's what they said/what i thought/etc". So oftentimes, I see Kdramas use that trick when characters say a phrase... and then take it back with "that's someone else's thoughts" or "that's what you thought I'd say, right? LMAO". It's funny how the translators' way of transferring this was using the word "Sike!" xD
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"It wasn't a mistake to me." "If it wasn't a mistake, then [what]? Since you started talking [about it], let me ask you. So what if it wasn't a mistake? What do you want to achieve with me?" "Can I do anything about it? In the past or now, you're the one who runs away and avoids me. I asked you, can I make a decision (do I have any choices)?" "You made the move but you want me to decide? Fine, then. Let sleep together once and end it once and for all. Go wash up first. I don't have time, I only left office for a short time."
The way they both care about each other but their dialogues and words are very sharp and bitter almost all the time, especially here, aaaah. That's the contrast that hooked me for all these 5 episodes. Soohyuk doesn't swear but he's talking to Yoondae very harshly and emotionless here, and for Yoondae harsh talk is the default, it's like Soohyuk is lowering his manners to talk on his level, to provoke him (or maybe that's also how he distances himself from the discovery that Yoondae has feelings for him).
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And Yoondae is holding back his frustration and tears, but he understands the way such words were aimed to hurt him, so instead of lashing out back at Soohyuk, as he probably wants him to, he swallows and unusually calmly, almost softly says: "Let's talk when you can be honest. Because I will shut up and wait for you."
And it makes Soohyuk stand there in shock and contemplate.
I'll add next scenes in READ MORE since this post is getting long!
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Here's the moment when the boss asks their youngest employee to write something more 'trendy' for their marketing text xD It's very true that trends in Korea come and go very quickly, they also love to invent new terms and phrases all the time. Like "MZ slang", there are many phrases, and the one trendy phrase the boss uses as the example is 킹받네 (king-pad-nae) which literally written as 'receive the king' but means "I got angry" - but with a teasing/playful subtext, like friends could say each other 'ah you're so cute, it makes me angry'.
If I'm not wrong, this phrase was widely used like 1-2 years ago and not really in its trendy peak as well right now but kudos to boss to even learning it xD And it's funny how translator chose to (I assume) use "[living in my head] rent-free" phrase as a substitute. Another fun fact, they ended up using some trendy lingo in their ad that translator gave us as "no cap!" but that part of phone msg was so blurry, I couldn't see which exact Korean phrase they ended up using x)
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"Hyung, if you have any ask for help, say so. For you, 2 million... No, I'll try to give you until 3 million won in any way."
Can I just say that we had this character for one moment and I'm so not ready to let him go, I want Jeongwan to have his own storyline and everything and he's too sweet and also caring for strangers/his colleagues, and so he stole the spotlight for me xD
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Yoondae said there's no food at home. But also, as you can see, there is: beer, water, rice that you can cook in the microwave, kimchi for a side dish and some other microwaved food. According to my Korean friends, typical Korean person (poor like student) can survive if they have rice, kimchi and also ramyeon. That's their the most basic food. Just a fun fact. xD
Also he was on his third can of beer, and he already made a drunken longing call on the verge of tears to Soohyuk, lying about being hurt and bringing trouble just so he'd return home. "Is that okay with you?" - just shoot me, please. :')
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"I called [the cleaning service/you] to tell you to stop it [sleeping outside of home]" "Let's have that dinner [that I promised you] today. Wait for me."
After days, Yoondae was ready to give up, he "tricked" Soohyuk to return home just so he could tell him he'll move out and stop pushing any talk. And then, Soohyuk brought up the dinner (the feelings) that he kept avoiding. No wonder Yoondae looked so struck and confused. It just gave him his hopes back (and viewers too, but we probably should've known better with this kind of series haha)
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Interesting cultural context: they are getting samgyeopsal - grilled meat, chosen by Soohyuk because Yoongdae said there wasn't anything he wanted to eat. And usually, the youngest one has to set the cutlery and grill meat, out of respect for the seniors. And here we see that Soohyuk is the one choosing the place, menu and even grilling the meat and pouring soju for Yoondae.
Once again, it shows that despite Yoondae's emotions and pleads, he is not mature enough, he is not ready to focus on other people. We know he can't plan his own future, he doesn't know what to do, and we see where their relationship stands now - Yoondae is still more of a burden than an equal partner to Soohyuk, and Soohyuk is more of a parent.
Even when they drink soju (in Korean drinking etiquette usually you don't drink alone, you toast together and drink together), notice how they don't even clink their glasses together, then Soohyuk is the only one drinking and Yoondae wants to follow him but puts the glass back. He's taking a shot later, when Soohyuk grills the meat again. They are totally unsynchronized at this point of their lives, and it's painful to watch.
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"I said he [my father] was dead because that's the truth/reality for me. There was no other [hidden] meaning. I didn't plan to lie to you."
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"I moved out completely. If I don't organize my life starting from doing this, then I don't think I'll be able to live like all the other [normal] people."
The fact that Yoondae started thinking about improving his life (the word 'organizing'), immediately made Soohyuk stop in surprise. So he started asking what does the normal life like others mean to him, hopeful to find that equal adult footing from Yoondae... but Yoondae's thoughts stopped there. And Soohyuk offered his own goal and life meaning: "to have a place to go back to, that's enough for me".
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Here's when Yoondae thoughtfully agreed with him: "It's important to have a home", and took the meat tongs from Soohyuk, saying how high-maintenance he is. Yoondae embraced that realization, he took the responsibility (even a small cultural gesture) and even though Yoondae nagged him, Soohyuk smirked. Because it wasn't a completely hopeless situation. And Yoondae proved it, by saying how eating like this and going home together is his normal life as well. (and yet they were still unsynchronized until the very end! we can't have happy ending yet)
AND HERE IS WHERE I HAVE TO MAKE A SECOND POST! Because tumblr only allows 30 images in one, and I can't stop screenshotting the last conversation so I'm going to make another post that you can find in 'gray shelter comments' or 'dropthemeta' tags (upd. or here's the link to the post!)^^
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itsyagurlchip · 2 months
٠ ˚ ※ ๋࣭  ᯓ⚝ ⋆ .˚✰Video Game Lover 💜٠ ˚ ※ ๋࣭  ᯓ⚝ ⋆ .˚✰
✰⋆⁺warnings: cussing(!) slight existential crisis(!)
✰⋆⁺Sorry this took so long to come out- I had a hard time figuring out what kind of game I wanted this to be. I also changed the pov to 2nd person bc 1st person is starting to make me a bit uncomfy- Much trial and error. Enjoy this chapter!!
✰⋆⁺ Chapter 1: Welcome to the Underground! Sike-
(Prologue) | (chapter 2)
YES NO (ok then)
{ enjoy your experience dear player :] } (WAIT! )
You couldn't tell where you were, and you could swear you could hear dying by omfg playing somewhere in the back of your head. Or was that all around you? All thoughts were interrupted by that trashy music.
Speaking of, your head really hurts.
And so you took a moment to gather yourself before you looked around your environment. and oh dear
Everything was either bright or pastel (you're pretty sure you wouldn't be able to see once you got out of here) and the build of the place reminded you of something from mario's 3D world.
Your Utah Aunt's baby shower could never.
You were in the forest, and in the near distance, you could see blocky-like hills. The grass underneath you was a sea green, and then you saw your feet underneath your knees.
you were pixelated... Which you found odd, the environment around you was round and 3D, but whatever.
You were in a royal attire, which made you question your lack of shoes.
Reaching for your hair you felt a metal through your tufts. A crown? You took it from its place and inspected it. huh, it was increased with a heart shaped gem. Underneath it, it was encrested with the words 'Our Majesty' Which made you do a double take.
where you a royal? Alright then. About time! You deserved this for a long time damn it!
Placing your status jewelry back on your head, you turned back to the world around you...how were you gonna get back? If this was really a video game, how many lives did you have? Were you...ever going to leave?...
What would happen if you ran out of lives?
A lot of it was cutesy in a way, something that you would've decided to play with your cousin- but knowing that your life could potentially be on the line...
Well now isn't the time to start that pissy crying now! If you're in a game, the only way to progress is to keep moving forward. In this world, time would wait you for, making your leave unnecessarily prolonged. You had to keep on moving.
You were currently in front of a rushing river, speeding as one would do when you're in a court case involving your kids. It didn't look safe to cross, so you didn't.
You looked around once more, seeing a long tree trunk conveniently placed between two branches. It also looked more like a plank now that you looked at it.
Either this game was trash, someone granted you a gift, or this was a coincidence. Either which way, you weren't gonna slow this journey. Rolling up your ridiculously puffy sleeves, you stretched and began to prepare yourself before you gripped onto the plank.
Oddly enough (what wasn't odd about this place?), the item wasn't heavy at all, but it held against the currents of the water.
You thanked the stars as you walked across your makeshift bridge to find out it was very much stable.
You marched deeper into the other side of the woods, hearing a ping above your head. You looked up to see a...?
A white check mark? Welp, you did something right in life, even if it was virtual.
You press onto it, the sign stretching out into a screen. Like a small laptop. It lowered down in front of your torso, with the screen black, and the words in purple pixelated text. There was 3 pages, each labeled stats, traits, and inventory.
Lives: 1
Death Count: 0
Health: 30/30
Attack 2/20
Perserverance: 5/20
Kindness: 0/20
Charizzma: 0/20
Intelligence: 5/20
Shadow Phase: 20/20
Inventory (1/5)
Extremely sharp knife
That sucks, you could only hold 5 things! And you weren't even gonna acknowledge the traits. And you were wrong...The wingdings didn't read 'One shit', the game is called 'One Shot'.
Which means anything with more atk damage would easily kill you, even if it took some time.
Underneath the stats read a note. It would be crazy if this was written by some gnome.
Welcome my Liege, this is Nigel the Gnome, your previous caretaker, and now lost friend! If you are reading this, I am dead.
'Well damn'
I warn you: Someone of non-royal status is going to dethrone you! Maybe even going as far to assassinate you. I am unsure. All I know is, you have to be careful on this journey. Ever since you left for the expedition, this forceful tyrant has only started his progression.
'i just got here bro-'
He's taken control of the capital, placing a bounty on your name.
'you just had to think something didn't you'
I yearn for this to be another life, but this isn't the case. Your Majesty, there is something about you no one has ever known of. Your legal guardians have entrusted me with this royal government secret, and now is the time to bestow the same upon to you.
You, my dear child, have the power to manipulate and phase into shadows. Apologies for not explaining this sooner, but here is some information you may want to get familiar with:
You can change the shape of shadows, you can travel through them as well as see through them, and you are able to make shadows, as well as your own, physical enough to defend and offend someone.
Bad news is, the only drawbacks you get is your body phasing in and out of the shadow realm, and tiredness. The best part is that only happens when you make the shadows physical.
I am running out of paper, so I have one last thing to say.
You only have one shot.
With the love, determination, and care I can give to you,
-Nigel Gnomaly
the world zoomed in around you, giving you tunnel vision. 'oh dear stars-' The world around you turned black.
{ Keep on going, the journey hasn't even begun :] }
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(๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و tags: @kittykittyanon @radicallxser @oleander-nin @towomatos @thealphagirl @ziipzeepzop-eez @amorvincitomnia-14 @spongejuice @valen-yamyam16. if you would like to be added, check my blog.
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redguns · 10 months
Armored Core 6 main cast thoughts. spoilers for all endings
btw. categorizing endings by number rather than if they're "good" or bad" because i think thats stupid. if you categorize them like that you're a fool! Coral take you!
Starting off with Handler Walter. Went into the game not trusting him at all. Whenever he said anything I always thought "Yeah, okay, whatever Walter. in that kind of mocking tone but that changed quicker than i thought once i realized there was a genuine care in his voice and started putting the pieces together for his end-goal. The second ending is genuinely heartbreaking. He really meant every word he said to you. And I adore him for it. View him like a father now
Moving on, Ayre. My beautiful coral anomaly wife.. her kinder and more supportive demeanor immediately sold me, of course, but it was her efforts to actually get me to care about Rubicon as a planet and it's people that really hit. It's special. It's tasteful. It feels great. And it hurts all the more in the first ending when I have to discard all of that. It sucked so much. I was on the verge of tears throughout the whole final boss of the first ending. Worst break-up of my life. Girl I love you so much
Up next, speaking of love, is "Cinder" Carla, who I fell in love with like, 2 lines in? Very attractive voice and then an incredible personality to go with it. Probably the most fun character in the game by design and it goes a long way. She's like a role model to me. I want to be her and I want to date her at the same time. She's just like me Fr. I want to kiss her
transitioning from that to V.IV- SIKE IT'S "CHATTY" STICK TIME Phenomenal. Absolutely incredible performance. Absolutely sells the no emotion AI aspect without being too overbearing. Armored core as a series has always had a high standard for AI characters, and chatty is absolutely at the top of the pile for me along with Chief from V... I love him so much... The strongest little soldier...
Up next, for real now, is V.IV Rusty. What a strong first impression. It was always his line that stuck with me from the trailer. Ready to climb over the wall? They nailed the "rival pilot who's just like you but in another faction" to a degree I haven't seen in decades. A genuine brother in arms. My best buddy in the world. Every time he showed up in the game he just did the coolest fucking thing in the world. Slides right under the door as its opening. Crackshot sniper nailing insane headshots. And then he gets the coolest fights in the game against you. BOTH OF THEM!! HE'S SO COOL!!! HE'S HIM!!!!!! I WAS SO HAPPY IN THE SECOND ENDING ROUTE TO FIGHT ALONGSIDE HIM!!!! THATS MY BROTHER!!!!!! THATS MY BUDDY!!!!!!!!!
..Ahem, moving on then. V.II Snail. Yes. Another motherfucker they nailed perfectly. From the first SECOND you hear his voice you hate him. The fact his head's up his own ass. The fact you keep learning over and over throughout the game that he's SUCH a piece of shit. The fact there is nothing he wouldn't do to stay on top. Despicable little man. Absolutely brilliant antagonist.
And now, finally, the last main character to talk about is G5 Iguazu. Where to begin with this guy... Right from the get go you understand the kind of character he is. All bark, no bite. Every now and then you run into him, you kick his ass, he whines and seemingly gets away. It's interesting, then, that in the second playthrough, already, he shows up more. He sends an assassin after you. And that's that. Nothing until route 3, where it all finally comes together. How he keeps coming back. The ringing in his ears. His hatred and envy of you so strong he gives up his entire body just for a chance to beat you. He's fascinating to me. For whatever reason, his final words stick to me like glue. How he sees you, despite everything. A relic, yes, but one who's free. He wanted those wings, too. I've really come to love him, and what an annoying brat he is. That's his entire charm. He is welcome to the pantheon of Real Haters
there. that covers all the main players. that ended up being longer than i expected. thank you if you humored reading through all of that! i dont usually do these kinds of posts cause i go on for too long!
but this shit mean something to me man
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