wellhalesbells · 5 years
Rules: answer these questions and tag five other fic writers to do the same.
Tagged by @yodas-yo-yo!  Thanks, pumpernickel!!!
Author Name: calrissian18/wellhalesbells (only for tumblr fics)
Fandoms You Write For: About 99% Teen Wolf, though I do occasionally pop back over to my introductory fandom: Harry Potter.  (I’ve also written for Breaking Bad, Star Trek, Mr. Robot, Hannibal and X-Men.  I have literally no idea what happened there.)
Most Popular One-Shot: My jock/nerd Sterek AU.  Option C) Some Bad Guys are Werewolves but Not All Werewolves are Bad Guys (9k+, Sterek).
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story: This will never not be There’s Monsters at Home (6 chapters, 83k+, Sterek, AU), as it freaking should be.  I still love that fic so damn much and it is a definite testament that I should never not be writing my own wish-fulfillment junky goodness.
Favourite Story You Wrote: Umm, I think today I’m leaning towards Apathy, Apathy, You’ll be the Death of Me (11k+, Sterek, Sciles BrOTP).  It was just so easy and so exactly what I wanted.
Story You Were Nervous to Post: Sevens and Eights (10k+, Sterek, AU), really personal and people can be shiiiiiitty so.
How Do You Pick Your Titles: Umm, definitely my preferred method is to find the theme of the fic and then try to sum it up in a few (or more [coughs]) words.  Though I definitely sometimes give in to using lyrics from the song I was listening to while I was writing when I can’t think of anything!  I am SO FREAKING BAD at titles though, no joke.
Do You Outline: Most of the time, no.  I usually try to outrace my own forgetfulness?  It’s incentive to finish quickly for oneshots.  If I think it’s going to be 20k+ though, then I’ll often outline since I can’t usually do that fast enough that I won’t lose details or plot points.  If it’s multi-chapter then YES, almost always.  Though Subway Sleeper/Hibernation Station..... I never had any sort of plan.  At any time.  Ever.  I just... winged it??  That was pretty much the whole point of it, heh.
How Many Of Your Stories Are Complete: 148
In-Progress: I have three of those, ack.  Prostitute vs. Werewolf, 13k as of right now.  I really would like to get at least two more parts added on to this before the year is out - my hope is it will be six in total.  Getting to four would be UH-MAZING.  When Did History Get So Goddamn Athletic?  Aaargh, I have the next chapter written but I do not want to post it until all three of them are done and I’ve just been so lame about that.  At the Edge of the Known Universe.  It should only be three parts and I need to just freaking write them already.  The latter two have really detailed outlines so at least I won’t get lost when I finally do buckle down!!
Coming Soon: i am trying to do Sterek Week this year (yes, I’ve tried every year, yes, I’ve failed every year but shhhhh).  So hopefully seven more fics???  (I have ideas for every prompt and two fics have more than 10k on them right now, not that that means a lot but still.... it’s something??)
Do You Accept Prompts: Hrm, sooooometimes, yes.  It really depends on how much it speaks to me/how much in my wheelhouse I feel it is.
Upcoming Story You’re the Most Excited For: I’m focused on writing a Reaper!AU now which is combining a lot of my favorite things: tattoos, magic, mythos, alive Laura and a grumpster of a Derek, who is bad at life and trust and smiles.  If I can translate the poetry of brain onto paper it’ll be a BANGER.  [crosses fingers]
tagging: @tryslora, @callunavulgari, @stileshale, @grimmypuff and @kellifer-k!!
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cobaltfluff · 3 years
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I would do anything for you
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maenimalist · 2 years
When Will My Life Begin? (ft. Kenshi Okada's ig stories)
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and so I'll read a book // or maybe 2 or 3
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I'll add a few new paintings to my gallery
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I'll play guitar and knit, and cook and basically
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Just wonder when will my life begin?
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hello anna!! i hope you’ve been having a good day~ i’m so glad you read my tags! i’m sorry if my comment was weird though; i didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable :( what i meant to say was, i find it so cool and admirable that you have that much knowledge on paul mccartney! tbh i wish i was as knowledgeable as you are since i like and appreciate him a lot as well! it’s so cool to have someone on here who’s both as knowledgeable as you are and willing help others with your knowledge! (i’ve used that word a lot sorry ^^*) i feel like i’ve found more interesting stuff about him after following you than i have elsewhere! plus you’re just so friendly and approachable so it feels like i could ask you about anything and get a nice, thoughtful response in return! (have i mentioned how much i love your long posts about paul? they’re like staples in my day :’3) anyways i’m glad i followed you and i hope you know how loved and appreciated you are as well :’)) keep on being your cool, smart, lovable self!!! <3
Hey "anon"!!!
First of all: don't worry, I wasn't uncomfortable but speechless.
Like this:
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😯 vibes here.
I'm not very used to receiving compliments and when I do, I'm too shy to respond. Your compliment was one of the best I've ever received, really!
I get so shy knowing that someone admires me that much.
Well, I think I know the basics and something else about Paul but what little I do know, I make a point of sharing.
I believe that if you know something and there's someone who doesn't know it yet, you have a duty to tell them, there's nothing better than you knowing everything about your idol!
I'm really happy to know that in a way people learn something interesting on my blog, you know, I'm fascinated to learn new things about Paul, he's more interesting than I thought, not only him but George, Ringo and John.
Anyway, I'm so happy to know that my long posts are good! I always end up thinking that I exaggerate the words. I just start talking about Paul and forget that the post is getting too long.
My advice: If it's up to me, you'll learn a lot from him, not just you but my other mutuals.
If you want to know something, any questions (many people @ me when they want to know what year is some picture and I love to answer, by the way keep doing it, please) you can ask me and I'll be happy to answer!
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We're here to help each other out in this fandom (at least that's what I think). And remember:
"We all stand together....."
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Ok bye.
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starkeeper-art · 4 years
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Gotta catch that kitty cat /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\
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Yuri: Bah! This tea is nothing but hot leaf juice!
Sayori: Yuri, that’s what all tea is.
Yuri: How could a fellow member of the literature club say something so horrible?
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yutadori · 4 years
i want to talk about ari and dante again but also i CANT remember a lot of it even though i read it less than a month ago??? (never read books in short sittings....) but anyway i really didn’t think i was going to relate to ari so much?? like when he talked about his loneliness and how he was scared that if people truly got to know him, he was worried that they wouldn’t like him like ((((: 
#AT LEAST THATS WHAT I REMEM... SORRY IF I MISREMEMBERED gfdsgdfgdsfgfd#like . i was thinking about that recdently and i resonate with that so hard and i've actually been struggling with that lately#it's kindaaa hard for me to get close to people sometimes#like it's weird . i'm both very open and also quite closed off????#like i can be really talktative and talk abt a lot of things and some of my problems but like#my really serious problems and some of my actual thoughts (idk how to explain this rn but it sounds like i have evil thoughts or something#gfdhskjfh and thats not what i mean gjfgf i guess some truer parts of myself?)#i'm scared to let people know because it's like . okay you genuinely say you like me and cherish me right now which i do believe but#what if you learn x thing about me? will you still like me? or will you be like :/ oh goodbye now i guess !#gjdfklgjdfgkfd#like sometimes when i sense that im getting really close to someone i get kinda scared bc im like ah (: what if eventually . this is like .#over bc of something stupid i said or bc you dont want to deal w me or my problems#like now that i'm out of therapy sadly i . don't know where to put my problems#it's like i suddenly don't know how to talk to people about my problems anymore because i haven't done it in a while (besides from my#therapist) like i KNOW my friends are like 'talk to us anytime!! <3' but i'm just like... what if it's too srs of a problem... or what if#it's too lame.... or what if you get tired of hearing the same problem over and over . and you get annoyed of me bc of that??? and you dont#want to say that youre tired of hearing of this even though i'd understand if you were tired but i also understand why you wouldnt say anyth#ing. like an incident scarred me where i wasn't . involved kinda but it happened like 2 or 3 yrs ago where friend a had a lot of problems w#her family and she'd talk to my gc abt it and it was the same problem (which was ok and understnadable) and she couldnt stand up to her#family member which i understood and related to. though friend b was irritated at hearing the same problem and was mad that my frriend didnt#take their advice and individually msged them saying to stop talking to the gc abt her problems if it's going to be the same + shes not goin#g to listen to her advice. and i was HORRIFIED that she'd done that bc ?!?!? if someone is looking for support... you dont... SAY THAT?????#and i feel SO BAD for not saying anything to my friend abt that i cant believe i just let her say that like i . felt scared to stand up to#her bc she's kinda scary ngl ('''': but yeah... THAT scared me like im scared any of my friends will think that abt me.... bc some of my#problems are the same and sorta out of my control at this point in time and i just... idk...... scary..... bc it's like you're being#vulnerable. giving away parts of yourself that are vulnerable to people and you sorta of aren't fully sure of how people are going to handle#them like are they going to judge or be reassuring or will you just not . know . gfdsgdfgdfgdfgf#idk#hhhhhh#anywy . ari and dante gFDGSFG
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itssoinevitable · 6 years
sometimes I worry I’ll never love another love as much as Carson and Mrs Hughes.
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watchmegetobsessed · 2 years
A/N: i've been dying to post this fic for so long! i wrote this first so it's been sitting in my drafts for over a month, if not two haha! it's a good old fake dating trope with personal assistant reader, one of my fav things! happy holidays to you all, hope you are having a loving time!🎁
PAIRING: Harry Styles X PA!Reader
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This fic is part of ❄️ FANFICmas 2021 ❄️ Read more about fanficmas here!
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“What do you mean you can’t come?! You promised me a month ago, Jonathan!”
Holding the phone to your ear you have a finger in your other to hear whatever he is saying on the other end of the line. The concert is still on and it’s almost impossible to find a spot backstage where you can actually hear something, not when Harry is blowing the place up, just as usual.
“I know! I’m sorry, but you know my brother is the only one in the family with a driver’s license other than me and he broke his fucking ankle, now I have to be the chauffeur for all my aunts during the holidays!” he growls in frustration.
“Then get a real chauffeur! Or can’t you drive them around after you’ve spent the night at mine?”
“Just tell your mom something came up for me, okay? And that I’m really sorry, I wish I could be there blah blah blah. I’m sorry, Y/N, okay? I really wanted to help you, but I can’t.”
Closing your eyes you take a deep breath, trying your best to hold your tears back.
You should have known this whole plan was the worst idea you’ve ever had, but when you’re desperate there’s nothing that sounds too ridiculous. The plan was to bring Jonathan home for Christmas so he can pretend to be your boyfriend and your family would stop bugging you about being single now that your sister is engaged. When Leila called you with the news a month ago you were extremely happy but you also knew you would never hear the end of it that your sister, who is three years younger than you is engaged and you don’t even have a boyfriend.
“I have a busy schedule and I’m focusing on my career,”you tell them every time, but they think it’s just a lame excuse. Well, it is an excuse, but you wouldn’t say it’s lame. It’s the truth, you don’t have much time left next to the tasks you carry with being a superstar’s personal assistant and tour manager at the same time. It’s a killer combo, but you love the challenges and you love the job. Your mother however thinks you’ll never find a husband if you keep working in this pace and she is already praying for your soul even though you’re only twenty-seven, you have plenty of time.
And besides… you’re not quite interested in dating. Not when the man of your dreams is right in front of you and he also happens to be your boss.
“It’s fine,” you mumble into the phone.
“I’ll make it up to you, okay?”
“Sure. I gotta go,” you sigh when you hear the last song starting.
You end the call with a bitter goodbye and take a moment to yourself to think about the trouble you brought on yourself. When your mom kept bringing up your nonexistent dating life over the phone you couldn’t take it anymore and opened your big mouth, telling her that you’d be bringing someone home for Christmas. Not anyone, your boyfriend. Which you obviously don’t have. Jonathan is your only straight male friend who you’d trust with the situation and it took some time to convince him to do it, but at last he agreed to be your fake boyfriend, however his brother’s accident screwed it all up and you’re supposed to fly home in a few days with him but… it’s gone to shit and you’re gonna have to explain to your family why you’re alone again.
It seems like a frown is etched onto your face, because as Harry runs off the stage, sweaty and high on adrenaline he freezes as he sees you, a quizzed look in his eyes.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” you grumble. “Go and get ready to leave,” you tell him, sending out a few texts, avoiding to look at him. When he doesn’t move for several moments your eyes snap up at him. “Would you not be a pain in the ass and do what I asked?”
“Woah, what’s gotten your panties twisted?” he asks with a frown, but heads to his dressing room finally and you walk along him, busying yourself with your phone.
“I said nothing. I’m gonna go and talk to head of security. Meet me at the car in thirty.”
Harry wants to question your sudden change of act, but he has no chance as you run off to do your work.
Running your usual rounds in the venue you make sure everything is going smooth, the arena is slowly emptying out and the stage crew starts to take the stage apart and load everything into the trucks. For a little bit you forget about having to face your family, but as soon as you head out to the car to meet Harry it comes back clashing down on you.
“You’re starting to worry me, Y/N. You look like the world is about to end,” Harry comments on your act once again as the two of you climb into the car and head back to the hotel.
“If the world ended today I would be the happiest,” you mumble barely audible, but he still catches your words.
“You sound like an emo teen, would you just tell me what got you so upset?”
“I’m upset because I’m stupid!” you groan, folding your arms on your chest. The driver starts the car and you roll out of the parking lot, passing by hoards of fans, but neither of you care about them now. Harry is watching you intently as you load your problems out on him. “Jonathan was supposed to come home with me for Christmas, but his brother broke his fucking ankle so he can’t come and I have to go home alone!”
“Okay, I feel like I’m missing something,” Harry comments, eyes narrowed at you. “Why was he supposed to go home with you?”
Pursing your lips you think about telling him a lie. You don’t necessarily want him to know that you’re so desperate you told your mother you have a boyfriend when you’re as single as you can get. This is something only crazy people do who think that their life is a movie.
“I, uhh… I might or might have not told my mother that I have a boyfriend who I’m bringing home for Christmas. And that boyfriend was supposed to be Jonathan.”
“Wait, what?” he grimaces. “You’re dating Jonathan?”
“I’m not!” you growl rolling your eyes. “I just wanted him to pretend like we’re dating.”
“But… why exactly?”
Sighing sadly, you turn to stare out the window, the flickering lights of the city passing by you in a blur. You’ve never told anyone in details about what it was like to grow up with your sister. She was just always better than you. Prettier, more popular, she nailed everything in life. She was a cheerleader in high school and of course, prom queen, she’s been dating her boyfriend since the eleventh grade, she got into Columbia with scholarship and now she is working a perfect job, lives in a perfect house with the perfect man who’ll marry her soon.
You never blamed her. You couldn’t hold it against her that she had everything she wanted. It’s the way your family always treated the situation. You weren’t popular, didn’t get to be prom queen, hell you almost didn’t even go to prom because no one asked you out. You dropped out of college and started as an assistant in a law firm before you ventured over to celebrities. Two years ago you landed this spot next to Harry and you’re proud of what you accomplished, however your parents don’t feel quite the same. You never hear the end of it that you didn’t finish school, but Leila did, that your job is not the type they generally consider serious, but Leila’s is, or that you haven’t had a serious relationship in five years, unlike Leila… Nothing you do is good enough or just simply… enough.
You just wanted one Christmas when you’re not the disgrace of the family. Apparently, you wished for way too much.
“Doesn’t matter, Harry,” you mumble, shaking your head softly.
He remains silent and you’re convinced the topic is dropped, but when you reach the hotel and the two of you are heading up in the elevator, he breaks the silence and almost makes you faint.
“I could go home with you and pretend to be your boyfriend.” You turn to him with wide eyes, fully convinced that he is just pulling your leg, but he seems serious.
“Excuse me?”
“I could do it. Only if you haven’t told your parents that it’s Jonathan, because then we would have some problems with the change…” he muses.
“I-I didn’t tell them, but… Harry, you can’t.”
“Why not?”
“Because you can’t.”
The elevator arrives and you’re quick to storm out heading to your room, but Harry catches up with you in a heartbeat.
“I totally can and I’m willing to do it, Y/N.”
“You can’t! They know you’re my boss!” you shush him, but he just rolls his eyes.
“So what? That doesn’t mean we can’t be a couple.” You ignore the way your heart skips a beat as Harry talks about the two of you as a couple. This is not exactly the setting you imagined it come up.
“Harry,” you sigh stopping in the middle of the hallway. “This is just… ridiculous, okay? The whole thing was a bad idea. I shouldn’t have even come up with it. I’ll just tell them the truth.”
“Well… if you change your mind, you know where to find me,” he shrugs, shoving his hands into his pockets.
“Of course I know, I’m the one who puts your schedule together,” you scoff and he just grins at you before walking up to his room and disappearing inside.
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Not even twenty-four hours later you’re sipping on your afternoon coffee in a different city, laptop in front of you on the small table of the hotel bar, going through loads of emails, making calls to all parts of the globe. You’ll head to the venue soon to check out how the stage building is going, it’s been your usual for months now, life on the road.
Your fingers are typing away fast on the keyboard when you spot the familiar figure approaching you from the corner of your eyes. You don’t have to look up to know it’s Harry, wearing a black hoodie and grey sweatpants, a coffee in his hands as he lazily walks up to your table and takes a seat, inviting himself into your company.
“Have you thought about it?” he hums, stirring the black liquid as he stares out the window.
“I think about a million things a day, you have to be more specific,” you answer in a flat tone, eyes still glued to the screen.
It’s been the dynamic you built up. You like to be sarcastic, a bit rude to him but he always knows it’s just a game. It helps you keep a very fragile wall between the two of you so you don’t fall for him even more and at least you can do your job. Though Harry likes the bickering, even fuels it as much as he can, enjoying the little remarks and teasing.
“The Christmas thing,” he adds, taking a sip from the coffee, sliding lower in his chair.
“I have not,” you mumble, but it’s a total lie. It’s all you’ve been thinking about since he offered to be your fake boyfriend. You haven’t been able to wrap your mind around the absurdity of it: your boss, who you’re in love with, coming home with you for Christmas to pretend to be your fake boyfriend. This straight up sounds like the plot of a Netflix movie.
“Okay, then think now. Because I’ve thought and I came up with a few things that would convince you.”
“Harry, I’m working. My job doesn’t end when you run off the stage, alright?” you sigh, leaning back in your seat, pinching the bridge of your nose.
“You’re just answering Jeff’s million emails, that can wait,” he says and simply shuts the laptop down, your eyes widening.
“Are you fucking crazy?!”
“I am, but what’s new?” he smirks at you, crossing one leg over the other. “So. I’m the perfect candidate to be your fake boyfriend, because I know everything about you. We’ve been practically living together, I know the way a boyfriend would know you.”
“Harry, can you just—“
“Second, I’ve met your mother and I totally charmed her, she would love me!”
“You’re giving yourself way too much credit, H,” you roll your eyes.
“Come on, don’t tell me I wouldn’t make her swoon as your boyfriend!”
It’s hard to admit, but he is right. Your parents might not like your career choice, but they love Harry. They think he is the greatest person in the celebrity world and your mother even said that you should quit your job and just date him. As if that was so easy…
“Alright, third. I assume we would have to sleep in the same room so we would have to share a bed and we’ve done that before. Wouldn’t be a problem this time either.”
“Harry, how long did you spend thinking about these stuff?” you huff, your head rolling back as you let out a frustrated groan.
“Enough to make the perfect plan,” he smirks proudly. “Come on, it’s gonna be fun!”
“No, it’s not,” you shake your head right away. “You don’t know the shitshow that goes down on Christmas in our family.”
“It’s a shitshow everywhere, I can manage,” he shrugs.
“And how do you plan to explain to your mother that you won’t be home for Christmas on time?”
“Mum’s in quarantine, one of her girlfriends tested positive so now she is locked up as well. It ends after Christmas so we’re celebrating later.”
“I can’t believe you have an answer to everything,” you scoff in disbelief. “Why are you so desperate to do this?”
“Because I wanna help you! I can tell it’s something important to you and you do so much for me, I could finally do something for you! Just let me help!” he begs, running a hand through his hair and god, he looks way too good for your league. No one will believe you scored Harry Styles…
“I don’t…”
“Come on!” he groans in frustration. “It’s gonna be fun, we can spend some time together without any work loading on us. When was the last time we did that?”
“You took me out to dinner on my birthday,” you answer without a second thought, because you’re definitely keeping tabs on the times you spent alone with Harry.
“That’s right, but that’s been so long,” he whines. “I’ll be your best fake boyfriend, your family will fall in love with me and they are gonna finally get out of your hair about being single.”
“I never told you this is why I’m doing it,” you narrow your eyes at him.
“Y/N, I know you,” he smiles at you softly. “You’ve complained to me several times how your parents just keep bugging you to get a boyfriend and your sister just got engaged. You don’t want to go home alone and listen to them dragging you down because Leila is getting married and you’re not.”
You never thought he paid attention, not this much at least. But it seems like Harry remembered everything you told him and it’s making your chest ache. It would be easier to keep your emotions out of the equation if only he wasn’t the greatest man alive, always so caring and thoughtful. You’re afraid that if you’ll pretend to be dating Harry your heart will get broken, even more than it already is. That’s why you’re so adamant about not accepting his offer.
“You’ll have someone to complain to all Christmas, I think that’s a great deal, Y/N,” he smirks at you, slurping up the rest of his black coffee.
Just as you’re about to answer him, your phone starts to ring and the words die on your tongue as you reach for the device.
“I have to take this,” you mumble. Harry nods and standing up he grabs his empty cup.
“Think about it some more,” he softly tells you, giving your shoulder a squeeze before walking away. You pay one last glance after him before turning back towards your phone and answering the call.
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It’s the last show before everyone is heading home for the holidays. The tour dragged longer than it was planned at the beginning, more and more shows were added, because Harry just wants to give the people what they want. That’s how you ended up with the last show being so close to Christmas.
Harry is on stage now, talking to a fan whose sign just asked for dating advice, he is wearing a magenta suit, of course, no shirt underneath. His smile is beaming as he is talking about how they should never trust a man who forgets their birthday and you’ve always found it funny how wise he can get when he is definitely no expert in dating. After all, he is just about to pretend to be your boyfriend for the holidays, what kind of sane man agrees to do that?
Fixing your mask you step out to the arena to the secluded area where crew members can get a glimpse of the show. You stay close to the wall, watching him parade on the stage, another rainbow flag glued to his hands, just like about every night. There’s no doubt this is his element, the place where he is himself the most and you’ve always admired how open he can get with thousands of people around him.
It’s not a surprise you fell for him, how could you not? You hit it off instantly when you started working for him at the beginning, an odd but deep friendship forming between the two of you quite fast. Being vulnerable with Harry feels like second nature, he is a great listener and has a magic power to get you to trust him right away. One month into knowing him it felt like you’ve known him all your life.
And loved him all your life.
While you shared almost every detail of your life with him, he has seen you at your best and worst, bought you tampons in the middle of the night and held your hair as you threw up from food poisoning, there was one thing you could never tell him: how badly you fell in love with him.
You know you’ll never get to have him the way you want. It just wasn’t meant to be, no matter how painful it is to accept it. But as you watch him sing his heart out on stage, the ache to get closer to him just grows and you’re desperate to get just a tiny slice of him.
That’s when you make up your mind that you’ll let him go home with you and pretend to be your boyfriend. Because if that’s the only way you can have him… you’re gonna take it.
It’s an emotional moment as Harry leaves the stage for the last time, he is throwing kisses everywhere, bowing and waving around before he runs behind the curtains where you’re already waiting for him.
“Great job,” you pat him on the back, the two of you heading to his dressing room.
“Thanks. Gonna miss this a lot,” he sighs, chest still heaving as he is trying to catch his breath. “When are you leaving tomorrow?” he asks, pushing the door to his dressing room open and you follow him inside, closing it behind so it’s just the two of you. He gets rid of the mask as he starts unbuttoning his shirt, his suspenders already hanging from his waist.
“You mean… when are we leaving?” you ask, biting into your bottom lip. He freezes and then his head snaps around to look at you, a cheesy grin already growing on his lips. “I thought about what you said and… if you’re still up for it, I would appreciate it if you came home with me to… pretend to be my boyfriend. God, this sounds so stupid,” you groan shaking your head.
“Oh, you won’t regret it, Y/N,” he chuckles and walking closer he yanks you into his arms, hugging you tight, almost knocking the air out of your lungs. “This is gonna be so much fun!”
“Yeah,” you mumble against his shoulder. “I really hope so.”
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“Would you relax? You definitely don’t look like you’re happy to bring your boyfriend home.”
Harry places a hand over your bouncing knee as he pulls up to your parents’ house, your anxiety rising high when it comes into your vision. It’s decorated exactly the same as every year, your mother never buys new decorations, not even when they start to look rusty and worn down.
You shoot Harry an awfully fake smile, but he just chuckles as he places his hand back at the wheel.
“I will not take the blame for any emotional or mental trauma you might suffer from while you’re here, alright?” you remind him again.
“Yup, you want me to sign a contract?” he teases you smirking and you just smack his chest playfully.
He pulls up to the driveway and you see the curtains move in the window so it’s just a matter of seconds for your mother to burst out the front door and attack the two of you. You still haven’t told them who your alleged boyfriend is and she’ll probably flip when she realizes that it’s Harry.
“Get ready, babe,” Harry smirks as the two of you get out of the car and the front door flies open just as you expected.
“Finally!” your mom runs out, hands in the air as she approaches the two of you. You walk around the car, joining Harry by the driver’s side, his arm coming to curl around your shoulders to pull you to his side and you swallow hard, plastering a smile on your face, watching your mother finally realize who you’ve just brought home. She stops, mouth hangs open, covering it with her hands as she stares and you and Harry with wide eyes, while the man on your side is just smiling at her sweetly, always the charmer.
“Oh my God! Y/N, why didn’t you tell me?!” she screeches before taking the rest of the way to you, pulling you into a hug.
“Don’t freak out, okay? I wanted it to be a surprise,” you grit through your teeth as you hug her back before she turns to Harry, arms wrapping around him as well.
“I surely am surprised! Oh my, I was not expecting you, son!” she cheers, patting Harry’s dimply cheeks.
“It’s so nice to see you again Mrs. Y/L/N.”
“Don’t be ridiculous, just call me Martha!”
“Alright,” Harry chuckles, his hand coming to rest on your back. “Hope you don’t mind Y/N didn’t tell you about me, but we’ve been keeping it low.”
“Oh, I understand, though I’m a bit hurt you thought I wouldn’t keep my mouth about it!” she jokes. “But let’s forget about it, come on in! Don’t freeze out here. I’ve just made hot chocolate. Leila and Stanley will be here in a bit too, they are on their way already.”
Unloading your stuff from the car you head inside, your dad coming from the kitchen with a steaming mug in his hand when he spots the two of you, his eyebrows shooting up upon seeing Harry with you.
“You’re dating your boss?” he asks right away, no filter on him at all.
“Dad!” you roll your eyes at him, Harry just grinning next to you.
“What? Is he not your boss?”
“He is, but… it’s not like that, alright? We don’t work in an office or something like that.”
“That I know,” he mumbles and you bite your tongue not to comment on his words. “Well, welcome back, Harry.”
He extends his hands for your boyfriend and he takes it with a soft smile.
“Nice to see you again. And I know this might be a bit weird, but I assure you that we do everything we can to keep our relationship separated from work. It’s been going well.”
“I’m not one to judge,” your dad shrugs. “Worked with your mother when we got together,” he smirks, patting Harry’s shoulder and you let out a long breath. This could have gone better, but it’s not as disastrous as you’ve imagined it. Nice start.
The two of you bring your bags up to your old room, having a few moments to yourself as you close the door saying you’ll unpack.
“This went well, right?” Harry hum, sitting down to the edge of your bed and you try to ignore how weird it is to see him in your old room, the one you grew up in.
“It was fine. But I think Leila will be more skeptical than them, so we gotta convince her.”
“No problem,” he smirks confidently.
Not too much later you hear the front door open and close downstairs, your sister’s voice hitting your ear as she and her fiancé are welcoming your parents. You take a deep breath, mentally bracing yourself for the meeting.
“Okay, come on. Let’s say hi to them,” you say Harry, who’s been lying across the bed flipping through your high school yearbook until now. Shutting the book closed he jumps to his feet and follows you out of the room.
You spot Leila at the bottom of the stairs, Stanley right behind her and they look just the same as you remembered them.
“Hey! There you are!” she greets you with a bright smile when she sees you walking down the stairs, Harry trailing behind you. “And Harry! Hi!”
She doesn’t seem surprised to see Harry and the way they hug got you suspicious. Leila doesn’t seem fazed at all that Harry is the one she is seeing by your side.
“So, um… I know I didn’t tell you about it, but Harry is… the one I’m dating.” you explain, the words feel strange and unfamiliar on your tongue.
“That’s great!” she beams, but no trace of surprise is seen on her face still. Something is off. “Oh, let me put the tiramisu into the fridge,” she rushes off, Stanley following her behind with their bags as you turn to face Harry.
“What the fuck is going on?”
“What do you mean?” he asks with an innocent look.
“Leila doesn’t seem surprised to see you, you know anything about that?”
“That’s because I told her,” he answers as if it was the most usual thing ever, but you don’t share his opinion.
“What do you mean you told her?”
“I talked to her and told her that I’m the one you’re dating and you’re bringing me home for Christmas.”
“What the fuck?! When did that happen? And why are you talking to my sister?!”
It seems like you’re the only one who is shocked by the information, Harry doesn’t seem too shaken up by any of it. If anything, he is looking at you like you’re crazy.
“Talked to her on the phone yesterday. Why is that so shocking to you?”
“Because I didn’t know you were just casually making calls to my sister!”
“You talk to my sister all the time.”
“But that’s different! I’m your assistant, I need to keep in touch with the people around you.”
“I don’t think gossiping with my sister is your job,” Harry smirks at you. “I’ve kept in touch with your sister since I met her last year. Thought I would let her know that you’re bringing me.”
“And do you think she believed that we’re dating?” you nervously ask, glancing towards the kitchen where you can see Leila already arguing about something with your mom. When you look back at Harry he seems a little hesitant, but it disappears from his eyes pretty quickly.
“Don’t worry, she didn’t even question it. Come on, let’s mingle a little.” He puts a hand to your back, guiding you after the rest of your family, though you’re not quite in the mood to put up an act for now. However you don’t have much of a choice.
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Somehow, you manage to survive the first day at home. Harry was right, he charmed the shit out of your mother and by the time dinner was over you were sure she was more in love with him than you. Your dad seemed a little skeptical at first, but it didn’t take long for Harry to warm him up and they sat down for dinner like old pals. Everyone seems to love Harry and the fact that you’re dating him.
It’s a shame it’s all just one big lie.
Wrapping yourself up in a thick blanket you grab your tea from the kitchen counter and head out to the sunroom to join Leila, Stanley and Harry for a late night chat. Your parents are already out, your mom is gonna be up by six probably in the morning to start everything for the big family gathering tomorrow, so it’s just the four of you.
It’s too cold to sit on the porch, that’s why you decided to take the evening to the sunroom where your mom keeps most of her precious plants. Arriving you see that you’re the only one drinking tea, an open bottle of wine sits on the table, Everyone nursing a glass of the red liquid as you hold your steaming mug in your hands, sitting down next to Harry. He’s been drinking a bit throughout the evening, though he is not drunk, and you know how touchy he can get with some alcohol in his system, but you still get surprised when he curls an arm around your shoulders and tugs you to his side.
“Apple and cinnamon?” he asks with a lazy smile, sniffing the air that smells from your tea.
“Yeah. You want to try?” you ask, voice barely more than just a whisper. You haven’t been able to get used to the little touches and looks you’ve been getting from Harry. You keep telling yourself not to fall too comfortable into this role, because it’s all fake, but it’s hard to draw the lines.
“No, I’m good, but thank you,” he smiles at you, taking a sip from his own drink.
“Oh my God, you two are the cutest,” Leila sighs and you look at her, meeting her dreamy eyes as she sits cuddled up to Stan’s side. “You haven’t told us how it happened, I wanna hear the story!”
You purse your lips, looking up at Harry you share a glance and he is the one speaking up first.
“It just… kinda happened. I slowly grew some balls and asked her out one day.”
“So you were always into her?” Stan asks.
“Since day one,” he answers, but his eyes are locked on yours and the damn butterflies in your stomach are going crazy. It’s really hard to remind yourself that it’s all just an act, especially when his fingers are delicately dancing on your arm and shoulder.
“And how did you ask her out? Did you just blurt it out or did you plan it?” Leila asks in excitement.
Harry’s eyes shift to his drink as he runs his tongue across his lips, probably coming up with a story he can feed them and you wonder what he’ll say.
“It was at the beginning of tour, just a few shows into it, in Dallas to be precise. She was in my room before the night of the show, going over my schedule for the next few weeks and I was trying to decide if I wanted to shave or not. We had some wine, just chilling and taking it slow,” he starts and you realize that this evening actually happened, you still remember it.
“She was lying on my bed on her stomach, typing so fast on her phone, I wondered how her thumbs haven’t fallen off,” he chuckles and you can’t push down a smile either. “Maybe it was the alcohol or I just finally came around and figured out what I want in life, but I sat down, took her phone and she whined, but I just stared at her smiling and… asked her to have dinner with me in the next city. Then she asked if I wanted her to reserve a table and if anyone else was coming, but I told her that it was just gonna be the two of us, because it’s gonna be our first date.”
Your lips part and your chest aches as your eyes are glued to his. He described that evening perfectly, everything happened like that except he never asked you out. When he grabbed your phone from you, he just stared at you as you whined and asked for it back and he cocked his head to the side before handing it back to you at last, walking back into the bathroom.
“That sounds just like Y/N, thinking that it’s a group thing,” Leila chuckles, snapping you back from your thoughts, you definitely got lost in the memory and the way Harry is staring at you right now.
“Uh, yeah,” you chuckle nervously, bringing your mug to your lips to busy yourself with something, but you were too fast with that and the hot drink burns your tongue.
“I kind of always knew you two would end up together,” Leila muses and you can feel your cheeks heating up.
“Sure you did,” you mumble to yourself, religiously avoiding to look at Harry for the rest of the evening.
You head up to your rooms about an hour later when the wine has run out and you’ve been yawning for a while. Leila and Stanley take her old room while you retreat into yours, Harry following behind and for a hot minute you forgot that you have to sleep in the same bed, but reality comes crashing down on you when he closes the door and it’s just the two of you after being surrounded by your family all day.
You use the bathroom first while Harry lies in bed, scrolling on his phone before it’s his turn. You’ve never been more anxious to sleep next to him, this whole day just turned your world upside down and now you have to share a bed with him, even though it’s not the first time. He has crashed in your hotel room several times not just on this tour but on several trips you’ve taken around the globe since you’ve started working for him.
Placing your rings to the nightstand you cocoon on your side of the bed, pulling the covers up to your ears as you lie on your side, facing the wall. The bathroom door opens and you listen to Harry fumbling around in the room until the mattress dips behind you and he makes himself comfortable on his side. Just when you think he’s gonna go to sleep without a word he speaks up.
“Are you mad at me?”
Turning around you give him a puzzled look.
“Why would I be?” you ask, your heart beating like crazy.
“Because you’ve been so quiet since Leila asked how we got together. Did I say something wrong?”
The two of you are lying now facing each other, your hands tucked under your head as you take just a split second to adorn his handsome face squished into your pillow. You wonder why everyone believed so easily that you’re a couple when he is clearly way out of your league.
“I’ve been just tired. My mother can be a bit too much all at once,” you say, forcing out a tiny smile.
“Are you sure that’s all?”
“Of course.”
“Okay,” he hums nodding into the pillow. “Tomorrow is the big day? Your whole family is coming over?”
“Yeah. Grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins, the whole fam,” you chuckle softly, a smile tugging on his lips too.
“Alright, I’ll switch into full boyfriend mode.”
“Was it not that today?” you tease, making him chuckle.
“Kinda, but I can put some extra into it.”
“No need, you already charmed everyone.”
“Everyone? You included?” he asks teasingly, no clue how on spot that question was.
“Don’t get too cocky,” you warn him, trying to mask your real emotions.
“Okay, I’ll take it as a yes,” he grins, clearly pleased with himself. “Good night, Y/N.”
“Night, Harry,” you sigh, turning back around, your heart pounding in your chest and you can only hope he can’t hear it in the silence.
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The house is packed and it’s not even nine am. You didn’t joke when you told Harry that it’s gonna be a shitshow. Your mom has three sisters, each of them at least two kids, but Aunt Carol spent her twenties popping babies out one after the other, gifting you with five cousins alone, so your home would be full if only they came over, but that’s not an option. You’re trying to fetch yourself a coffee, but your cousin Annabelle’s twin daughters have been running in circles in the kitchen, making you trip over them almost three times in the past thirty seconds. Today is going to be way too long and tiring.
If it wasn’t enough, the morning was kind of awkward.
Your bed is not the same size as the ones you’ve shared in hotels before, so you and Harry ended up tangled in each other sometime in the night and when you opened your eyes you were met with his chest, his arms draped over your figure as you were hugging his waist under the covers. You were so shocked, for a minute you didn’t even know what to do, then he woke up too, hugged you even tighter for a second before he realized the position you were in.
It was a bunch of sorry and no worries and awkward fumbling and mumbling before you jumped out of the bed and locked yourself up in the bathroom. You never plan to talk about it again, but it’ll be stuck in your head probably forever.
“Good morning!” Harry greets everyone walking into the kitchen, dressed in a pair of light washed jeans and a simple red sweater. He looks so cozy, you almost want to bury your face in his chest, but you just stare back at him, stirring your coffee, not even realizing that you should introduce him to the people he hasn’t met. Luckily, your mother takes the situation into her own hands.
“Isn’t it great that Y/N finally has a boyfriend?” your mom enthuses to your aunts and you just roll your eyes, sipping on your coffee. “I was starting to get worried that she’ll be alone forever!”
“Mom, I’m only twenty-six. It’s not like I was behind or something,” you scoff at her.
“You haven’t had a boyfriend in so long, we all thought you’d just given up to even look!” she laughs as if she just told the joke of the year, but you’re not laughing at all.
“I’ve been busy, I’ve been working a lot to get here in my career. I’m holding two positions on a sold out tour, that doesn’t leave much time to look.”
“One of those positions is an assistant, honey. Those are never too hard, I assume,” she smiles innocently and you’re quite close to throw the mug at the wall screaming. But before you could react, Harry steps over to you, pulling you in front of him, his arms snaking around your waist from behind as he keeps you tight to his chest.
“Well, it’s not,” he speaks up calmly. “I usually work on at least three projects at the same time and Y/N is the person who keeps it all together. If it wasn’t for her, my career would be literally over. And beside all that, she is tour manager, she stays in contact with about a hundred people on the daily basis and she makes sure everything goes as smooth as possible. I can assure you that Y/N works harder than anyone and I’m so grateful for her, every day.”
Everyone in the room is stunned from Harry’s little speech and you have to blink a few times before you can even move. Harry just smiles around before his eyes fall on you and he simply kisses your cheek before his arms fall from around your waist and he moves to pour himself some coffee.
Your mom just mumbles something that resembles a sorry before she is called away, your aunts leaving as well so it’s just you and Harry left in the kitchen for a few minutes.
“Hey,” you softly say, standing next to him as he is sitting at the kitchen island. “Thanks for… standing up for me.”
“Just told them the truth,” he smiles at you, his hand finding yours on the counter, squeezing it gently. “I hope you do know that you’re amazing at what you do, keeping everything together. I’m sorry your mom doesn’t see how huge it is.”
“Nothing is serious to her other than being a lawyer or a doctor,” you scoff rolling your eyes.
“She has pretty high standards,” he chuckles softly. “But if that makes a change… I’m really proud of you, Y/N.”
“Thanks,” you breathe out. If only he knew how much that means to you…
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Somehow you survive the first part of the day without breaking down fully and it has a lot to do with Harry on your side. Every time one of your aunts or your mom or one of your nosy cousins comments on something about you, he swoops right in and not only stands up for you, but he always makes sure to keep you grounded and calm, touching you in any way he could. A hand on your arm or back, sweet and tiny glances and smiles, an arm curled around your shoulders or waist, he’s been really good at this pretending and if you didn’t know better you’d think that he is doing all of this for real.
Sometime after lunch you get caught up in a raging game of Scrabble and you lose track of Harry. When Uncle Thomas wins the third round, using words you all think are made up but he proves over and over again that they aren’t, you leave the table to look for Harry and make sure your family hasn’t wrecked him.
Walking upstairs you hear his voice coming from your room and as you get closer you realize that he is not alone, Leila is in there with him. As you appear at the door their conversation comes to an abrupt stop and Harry jumps to his feet as if he was just caught doing something he shouldn’t have been doing.
“Hey, everything alright in here?” you ask, eyes switching between the two of them.
“Of course, we just had a little talk,” Leila smiles at you sweetly, standing up from the edge of the bed. You catch them share a look and your stomach drops, something is going on, but you have no idea what it is and it seems like they are keen to keep it away from you. In the matter of just a few seconds, your anxiety and darkest thoughts take over your mind and you come to the worst possible conclusion.
What if Harry is into your sister? He kept in touch with her all this time and now they are sneaking away from the rest of the family, this looks awfully upsetting, but you can’t let your mask fall.
“Hey, do you maybe want to take a walk?” Harry asks stepping closer to you, but this one time you want to keep some distance between the two of you.
“Um, I’m not feeling too good.”
“Oh, what’s wrong?”
“Just… I think I’m gonna take a quick nap, if that’s alright,” you mumble.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Leila asks, worry lacing through her voice and you just nod, forcing out a smile.
“Yeah. I’ll be fine.”
She leaves so you can have some peace and you get to bed, pulling the covers over yourself, realizing that Harry is still in the room. He comes to sit on the edge of the bed next to you, brushing your hair out of your hair with a soft touch and it churns your stomach.
“Do you need anything?”
“No, I’ll just rest a bit. I promise I’ll be fine,” you smile at him and he doesn’t seem convinced, but nods anyway and leaves, closing the door behind him.
You’ve done this before, got yourself over the fact that you’ll never have a chance at Harry. But this time it hurts even more, because you got a glimpse of what it would be like if he was yours and now your heart is breaking more than ever.
An hour later when you wake up you feel a tad bit better or at least good enough to get back to pretending. While you were out, Harry befriended the younger ones in the house and as you get downstairs you find him in the living room, focused on a coloring book, all the other kids doing the same thing around the coffee table. When he spots you, he abandons his work and he is quick to get to his feet and rush over to you.
“Hey, how are you feeling? Any better?” His hand moves to check your forehead in case you have a fever, but physically you’re alright.
“Yeah, I’m better,” you smile at him and he pulls you into a hug, pressing a kiss to the side of your head.
For some reason, Harry doesn’t leave your side from that moment. He is just always around you, watching you like a hawk.
Dinner finally comes and you all gather around the table, naturally, you sit next to Harry and he keeps putting an arm onto the back of your chair as you both try to keep up with the conversation at the table.
“So when are you guys getting married?” You hear your cousin, Penelope ask and you don’t even look up, assuming the question was addressed to your sister, but the silence grabs your attention and when you raise your gaze you realize that she asked you.
“I’m sorry, what?” you chuckle nervously. “We’ve been dating for just a few months, P. Don’t be ridiculous.”
“Come on, I’m sure you want to tie this dude down as fast as possible!” she jokes, more people joining in on the laughing while you just grit your teeth. Harry’s hand moves to your knee under the table and he gives it a gentle squeeze before handling the situation.
“We’re not in a rush. Got all the time in the world, right, love?”
The way he called you love has turned you into jelly and you can barely manage to hum an answer as he smiles at you warmly. God, you’re so gone for the man, it’s ridiculous.
“Y/N, would you please bring in the tiramisu from the fridge?” your mother asks and you nod, standing from the table, but Harry moves with you at the same time.
“Let me help.”
You don’t protest, just let him follow you into the kitchen, grabbing the two massive boxes filled with the dessert before heading back, but right as you cross the archway of the kitchen your grandma speaks up.
“Hold on! Stop right there!”
You freeze, Harry right beside you as you stare back at your grandma with a puzzled look, but she just smirks back at you and it’s giving you a sinister feeling.
“Look up, darling!” she tells you and you do just that, finding a mistletoe hanging right above you, your stomach dropping instantly.
“Grandma, come on!” you groan, anxiety rising in your gut.
“I’m not the one making the rules!” she chuckles sweetly and it’s infuriating that you still can’t be mad at her, when she is forcing you into your most awkward situation ever. You dare to glance at Harry just for a second, seeing him with a blank expression, nothing can be read from his face.
“It’s just a silly thing, we’re not gonna…”
“If it’s just a silly thing, then get over with it and you can come back to the table!” she pushes and you have to bite into your bottom lip to stop yourself from a remark.
This is it. This is the moment where you’ll just die from embarrassment, because you’re sure Harry will not go through with it, that would be way over the lines and also, it would be stupid of you to think he would ever be okay with it. So you start thinking about a way to get out of this, but you don’t get far.
Because the next second, Harry’s hand cups your face, he turns your head, angling your head for him before his lips press onto yours.
A round of gasps and exciting murmuring washes over the room, but you shut it all out, only focusing on how Harry’s lips are gently sucking on your bottom lip, kissing you for the first time ever. It doesn’t end in just a few seconds, because when his lips let go of yours he goes right back again, kissing you a little more confidently and this time you return it as well, deepening it just a tiny bit. Your free hand moves up his chest to the base of his neck as you try to wrap your head around what’s truly happening, though it surely feels like a dream. One you’ve already had several times, but none of them were as good as this one.
“Get a room!” one of your cousins laughs, her voice bringing you back to reality, so you pull back, shock plastered all over your face and Harry seems to be mirroring the expression as he stares back at you. But a moment later you force a smile on your face, not wanting to draw any attention.
The two of you walk back to the table, place the tiramisu to the two ends and take your previous seats as the conversation carries on while you sit there in total disbelief that you just kissed Harry under a damn mistletoe.
Well, technically he kissed you and that just makes you even more anxious, not knowing what went down in his head before he made the decision. You have absolutely no idea how you’re gonna move on from this.
Later, when most of your family has left, only those are still around who are spending the night, some of you move to the sunroom again with some wine and leftover for the hungry men. It’s Leila, Stan, Harry and you, two of your cousins, one of your uncles and his wife occupying the beat-up couches your mom has moved to the room a few years ago. This time you’re having some of that wine as well, the conversation is going well and since there’s not that much space, you’re pushed up against Harry’s side while he has an arm curled around your shoulders. Ever since that kiss under the mistletoe something has changed, you can feel it in not just him but yourself too, but you don’t know yet what it really is and you’re a bit scared to face him alone in bed tonight. But for now, you’re just enjoying having him close to you.
Excusing yourself you take a quick trip to the bathroom, fixing your smudged mascara in the mirror before heading back. Just as you near the room you stop, seeing Harry and Leila in a seemingly confidential conversation in there, they are leant closer, pulling themselves a bit away from the rest of the group and your throat closes up at the sight of them. After the kiss you were way too busy to think about what you suspected before about Harry and Leila, but now it hits you like a train.
You should have expected it, Leila was always better than you in every possible way, you were always just a shadow of what she was. When you were a senior and she was a freshman in high school, you remember some of the boys in your class coming up to you, asking if you could introduce them to her. She was always the first one men noticed, the stunning and the pretty sister out of the two of you, why would it have been different with Harry?
With trembling lips you turn around and decide to take a few more minutes alone before returning. Making your way into the empty living room you sit down in the dark to the couch, the only light source is the Christmas tree in the corner, painting the room in a red and yellow hue. You pull your knees up to your chest and try your best not to let the tears spill out of your eyes, but it’s hard to control your emotions after everything that happened in the past two days.
You get sucked into your own dark thoughts and doubts so much that you don’t even hear someone else coming in.
“Y/N?” Your head snaps up at the sound of Harry’s voice and you spot him slowly approaching you on the couch with a worried look on his face. “What are you doing here alone?” he softly asks, sitting down next to you.
“Yeah, I just… I needed a minute. Why did you come inside?”
“Because you’ve been gone for like fifteen minutes, I was worried about you. Is everything alright?” Reaching out his hand falls on your knee and he gives it a gentle squeeze, as if he is saying that he is here and listening.
“Sure. I’ll be out in a second. You just… go back and enjoy the evening, don’t worry about me.”
“Y/N, I always worry about you and you seemed a little shaken up all day.”
“Nothing is wrong, Harry. Just go back, Leila must be looking for you.”
You couldn’t help the petty, bitter comment and you can tell that it took him by surprise as well. But it’s been bottling up inside you all day and it slipped your mouth.
“Why would she?”
“Harry, I’m not blind,” you chuckle bitterly. “It’s not a surprise you like her, but I hope you know she is a risky business since she is engaged.”
“Excuse me?” he huffs in disbelief. “Are you implying that I’m into your sister?”
“It’s pretty obvious,” you mumble under your breath. “You kept in touch with her, talked to her on the phone even before we came here… And when I found the two of you in my room earlier? That seemed pretty intimate.” Your cheeks are burning, but hopefully the dim lighting is hiding your embarrassment that you even have to talk about it.
“That’s… You got the whole thing wrong, Y/N, let me explain.”
“You don’t need to explain your feelings for her, I get it, I’m used to it, it’s totally fine.”
“Would you shut up for a minute and let me talk?” he laughs amused and you finally close your mouth, giving him the chance to talk. “I did keep in touch with Leila but not to the extent you think and most of the time she was just asking if you were doing alright because you haven’t answered her texts. I called her before coming here because it felt odd to come here without telling here, that’s all. Sure, I like her, she is a nice girl but… I assure you that I have no feelings for her or whatsoever. When you caught us in your room…”
He takes a deep breath, like he is getting ready for some kind of announcement and you’re holding your breath, staring back at him intently.
“She figured out that we are not dating.”
“What?” you ask, all blood rushing out of your face.
“Yeah, she saw right through us. But she also saw through me,” he admits clearing his throat. “She wanted to talk to me because… okay, I’ll just say it. She asked if I’m into you, because it seems like that and I told her that I am.”
Your stomach drops, eyes widen and your lips part at his words and it feels like you’ve just entered a parallel universe, because there’s no way Harry just admitted that he is into you.
“I told her that I’ve been in love with you for probably as long as I’ve known you and she urged me to tell you, because she thinks you feel the same way. Then you came up and I suggested to go on a walk because I wanted to tell you, but you didn’t feel good, so I just… dropped it.”
He rubs his face in his hands, letting out a long sigh as he leans back and stares in front of him for a moment before he continues.
“Then that kiss happened at dinner…” A tiny smile tugs on his lips and your heart is fluttering in your chest. “That wasn’t how I imagined our first kiss happening, forced by your grandma in front of your whole family, but… It didn’t matter, I was seeing stars, Y/N. Fucking stars and it was just a kiss!” He lets out an amused chuckle and you can’t help but smile as you listen to him intently, a feeling in the back of your mind still bugging you that it’s just a fever dream. “Leila has been bugging me to tell you all day, but I just couldn’t find the right moment and this is not that either I’m pretty sure about that, but…” He turns to you and reaching out he tugs a loose strand of hair behind your ear. “I don’t care anymore.”
There’s a few seconds of silence of the two of you just staring at each other, letting everything sink in and you have no idea what to do or say next.
“I literally just admitted to you that I’m in love with you and you haven’t said a word, Y/N. I’m starting to worry,” Harry speaks up chuckling and you can’t help the grin plastering across your face.
“I think that my jealousy scene was pretty obvious,” you mumble back and Harry reaches out, cupping your face in his palm, making you melt into his touch.
“I can’t believe you thought I was into your sister who is engaged!” he chuckles and you shoot him a narrow-eyed look.
“Hey! You acted suspicious! And you can’t blame me, my sister always came before me in everything.”
“Not for me,” he hums and you could cry from his words as he scoots closer, his hands grabbing a hold of your legs as he pulls them across his lap, his palms resting on your thighs. “You’ve always been my number one.”
“Always?” you ask in a whisper, your faces getting closer with each passing second and your hands find their way to the base of his neck, your noses bumping against each other.
“From day one, I told you,” he smirks at you cheekily. “Are you gonna say something to my confession or you’ll leave me hanging?”
“Your ego could use some humbling,” you tease him, though your heart is about to jump out of your ribcage.
“Not the time for that, baby,” he warns you playfully before he finally leans in, closing the distance between your lips, kissing you for the second time today.
It’s similar to the one you shared during dinner, but somehow different. There’s no anxiety and guessing about what it means or how the other is perceiving it, because it’s clearer than daylight.
Your hands cup his cheeks and he grasps your waist, pulling and positioning you until you’re straddling his lap and you can’t help the moan that slips through your lips, right into his mouth when your chest presses up against his. His kisses are slow but demanding and deep, he is taking his time savoring the moment, doing everything he couldn’t when your family was watching you with curious eyes earlier.
His lips move softly against yours, sucking and tugging on yours, tongues and teeth clashing, it’s a bit messy, but you don’t mind it. It’s perfect.
“Where did they—Oh!” Leila’s voice breaks the moment as she walks in, quickly stopping when she sees the two of you tangled up on the couch. You pull back, trying to pretend like you weren’t just making out on the couch like teenagers.
“Hi Leila,” Harry smirks as you hide your face in the crook of his neck, still sitting on his lap.
“Didn’t mean to disturb the lovebirds,” she grins widely, knowing exactly what she just walked into. “I wasn’t even here!” she calls out, going back to the sunroom.
“I think we got busted,” Harry murmurs, his fingers carding through your hair.
“We did. And she’ll tease me about it forever!” you groan, lifting your head. “We’ll never live this down, getting together after pretending to be dating.”
“Don’t care, would do it all over again,” he smirks pleased, eyes wandering down to your lips over and over again.
“This feels like a shitty Netflix Christmas movie,” you chuckle and leaning closer you wrap your arms around his neck, pecking his lips shortly.
“Shitty?” he gasps dramatically. “You’re talking about our relationship!”
“We have one?” you tease him.
“Of course,” he grins back. “Your last one.”
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Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed it!
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femininefutbol · 2 years
pink beanie girl
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transferred/modified from my wattpad
prompt: you are secretly dating patri guijarro and her teammates try to set you up with her
word count: 2.8k
"Do you guys think pink beanie girl is going to be at the game again?" Mapi questions as the Barcelona squad get ready for their game against Atletico Madrid.
"She has been to every game this season, it would be more shocking if she wasn't here" Leila replies, a few others agree around the room.
"What are you guys talking about?" Patri asks as she makes her way into the locker room.
"Pink beanie girl who comes to all our games, you think she's gonna be here today?" Mapi repeats the question.
"Ohhh (Y/N), yeah she probably will be, she's a pretty dedicated supporter" Patri answers, a small smile forming on her face at the mention of you, her girlfriend.
"Oooo how well do you know pink beanie girl, first name basis seems a bit serious" Mariona teases Patri.
"I've spoken to her after a few games is all" Patri informs the team defensively.
"Everyone leave Patri alone, if she secretly wants to hook up with pink beanie girl that is her business not ours" Alexia joins in the teasing.
"Guys I'm not hooking up with her, I barely know her, I seriously just talk to her sometimes after games" Patri nervously lies to the team.
"We're just joking Patri, we know she's way out of your league anyway" Mapi laughs at her own joke happily while walking away to begin lining up.
"Hey! She is not out of my league!" Patri calls back offended.
"You did incredible babe" you smile brightly at your girlfriend.
"Baby, I played for 25 minutes and barely had any touches on the ball" Patri explains to you as you really don’t know a thing about football.
"Well my eyes were stuck on number 12 all night and I think you did amazing so who cares what anyone else says" you reply with a sweet tone, you are being completely honest too, you don't particularly care for football so you definitely did spend the entire night eyeing off your girlfriend.
"I kind of need to care what others say so I can improve but I guess none of that is as important as your analysis of the game hey?" Patri asks jokingly.
"Nope you should only listen to me from now on, I'll be the best coach you've ever had" you giggle wildly at your own joke, making Patri smile lovingly at the beautiful sound that is your laugh. 
"I'm not too sure of that, what do you even know about football?" Patri challenges.
"Well I walk around the house repeating that tik tok sound that's like 'Messi, Messi, Messi, goal goal goal!' So I would say I'm an expert" you stick your tongue out at her acting like you made a real point.
"Oh of course, so sorry, let's add you to the coaching hall of fame immediately" Patri bows.
"Yes really" Patri replies.
"No I meant are you really that lame" you finish your insult.
"Wow, I offer you a spot in the hall of fame and this is how you treat me" Patri acts offended.
"Oi Patri we have to go" Alexia calls, making patri realise she's probably spent way too much time after the game talking with you and that it's most likely going to lead to more teasing in the locker room.
"I'll see you at home baby" Patri whispers as she pulls you into a tight hug, waving at you while she walks away.
"Everyone gather around I have important news" Alexia calls around the locker room, standing up on a chair to ensure that everyone is listening to her.
"Get on with it already!" Mapi calls, wanting to leave to go home for the night.
"I'd be nicer to me if I were you Mapi, you are going to love what I have to say" Alexia replies, purposely delaying telling the team her news.
"Fine, I'm sorry, please just tell us" Mapi lazily apologises, hoping it will hurry Alexia up.
"Apology accepted" Alexia smiles, "sooo I just caught our young Patri flirting with pink beanie girl!" Alexia yells towards the end of her sentence as an excited buzz is heard around the locker room.
"That is not true, I was not flirting with her" Patri argues back.
"Oh I absolutely think you were, while it was terrible flirting it was still flirting nonetheless" Alexia speaks sassily, embarrassing the young player more and more.
"Aww young Patri, you have so much to learn, don't worry I'll give you some flirting tips so you can get the girl" Mapi wraps her arm around Patri's shoulder.
"I do not want your help because I wasn't flirting" Patri mumbles, removing Mapi's arm from her shoulder and attempting to walk away.
"Yeah no don't trust Mapi's help, I will help you" Jenni butts in.
"I don't need anyone's help because I was not trying to flirt with her" Patri speaks loudly, picking up her bag, "bye everyone" she calls as she leaves the room making her way out of the stadium.
"So we are going to set her up with pink beanie girl right?" Mapi asks excitedly once she is sure patri is gone.
"Of course we are, it'll take a lot of work though, Patri's flirting was absolutely horrible, I'm surprised that girl still talks to her" Alexia answers.
"Well I guess when you are a fan it doesn't really matter how bad the flirting is you know" Jenni speaks, assuming that you were just excited to be able to speak to someone on the team.
"Baby" Patri calls as she walks into your shared apartment.
"Hey, I missed you" you reply as you run to Patri, barreling her into a hug.
"You saw me like an hour ago at the stadium" Patri laughs.
"I know but it was so long ago and I didn't see you all day soooo" you speak into Patri's chest as you continue to hug her
"Well aren't you cute" Patri replies, kissing the top of your head seeing as your face is still hiding, "also my teammates have started to notice and talk about you"
"Wait really, why?" you question.
"They have just noticed you in the crowd every game and then we're trying to predict today whether you'd be here or not, they asked me and I mentioned your name and they went crazy asking if i have a crush on you" Patri informs you.
"Well, do you?" you ask, looking up at your much taller girlfriend.
"Do i what?"
"Do you have a crush on me?" you ask in a 'duh' tone.
"Yeah I really do" Patri grins, "do you have a crush on me?"
"Hmm maybe, haven't decided yet" you reply in a serious tone.
"Hey!" Patri states offendedly.
"Kidding babe, I have a massive crush on you"
"Good" Patri cuddles you back into her chest.
"Hey! Pink beanie girl!" Mapi yells as she makes her way over to you after the Champions League game against HB Køge.
"Hi" you smile politely, not particularly expecting anyone to come speak to you besides Patri.
"You must be a pretty huge fan, coming all the way to Denmark just to see us play" Mapi smirks lightly.
"Yeah absolutely, it's always good to see you guys play" you avoid mentioning that the only reason you are here is to see your girlfriend.
“(Y/N), hey how are you doing?" Patri greets you in a rather friendly way so she doesn't raise the suspicions of her teammate.
"Patri! You played amazing congratulations" you respond, hugging Patri lightly but quickly letting go.
"I played for a whole half, so I'd say it's an improvement" both Patri and you laugh at the comment, leaving Mapi confused as it wasn't even funny.
"So when's my induction to the hall of fame happening?" you joke back.
"I'll set something up for the next home game"
"Sounds good Patri, I expect that you will be the one giving me the award" you giggle.
"Absolutely, as your number one success story I think it makes the most sense" Patri replies also giggling.
"Okay fun" Mapi interrupts the conversation, "Patri I think one of the coaches wants to talk to you so you should go do that" Mapi basically pushes Patri away so she can talk to you alone.
"Ahhh okay?" she replies confused, she hugs you once more, "bye (Y/N/N), see you next time" Patri says as she walks away.
"Soooo what's going on with you and patri?" Mapi asks instantly.
"What? Nothing is going on" you state defensively knowing you need to not raise any suspicions with your girlfriend's teammate.
"Well you greeted her and I completely differently, you guys are all giggly with inside jokes and she called you (Y/N/N) which means she knows you well enough that you have a nickname, so it must be something, do you have a crush on her?" Mapi asks excitedly, as she does, Alexia joins you, only hearing the end of the question.
"Aww pink beanie girl, do you have a crush on Patri?" Alexia asks, just as excited as Mapi is.
"No, I don't have a crush on her and does everyone at Barça know me as ‘pink beanie girl’?" you ask, changing the topic.
"Yeah none of us knew your name and you wear the same fluorescent pink beanie to every game, so we started calling you that. then Patri knew your name when we asked about you one time, so we definitely think she's into you if you change your mind about the crush thing, we can work something out" Alexia smiles brightly at you.
"I'm good, thank you, though it's a nice gesture. Anyway great game, lovely win, I'll see you guys at the next one" you reply, slowly backing away from the two players so you are no longer stuck in the conversation with them.
"Bad news Patri she is not into you" Mapi yells as she walks into the locker room from talking with you.
"That is not bad news seeing as I'm not into her either" Patri replies, "also the coaches thought I was crazy for asking them what they wanted to talk about so thanks"
"I needed to talk to pink beanie girl without you annoying us, not sorry" Mapi laughs, ruffling Patri's hair as she walks by her.
"Her name is (Y/N), why do you all insist on calling her pink beanie girl?" Patri defends you, probably a bit suspiciously.
"Calm down you, no need to get mad at us because (Y/N/N) doesn't like you" Mapi mocks, putting an emphasis on calling you your nickname.
"Did she say you could call her that?" Patri asks quickly, knowing that you only allow herself and family to call you by that nickname.
"No, but it's better than pink beanie girl right?" Mapi questions.
"No" Patri mumbles.
"Oh my god" Mapi quietly states as she hits Alexia's arm repeatedly.
"What?" Alexia asks, annoyed, swatting Mapi's hands away.
"Look at Patri" Mapi whispers.
"Oh my god"
“That's what I said!" Mapi whisper yells excitedly.
"Hello Patri" Alexia states suspiciously, as both her and Mapi make their way over to the young player.
"Hello Alexia, Mapi, why are you two being so weird?" Patri asks, confused.
"What do you have on your head?" Mapi dramatically questions.
"Umm" Patri feels the top of her head not knowing what the two are on about, she feels woollen material and realises that she grabbed your pink beanie this morning as she was cold. "A beanie" she replies in a chill tone, hoping it will get the two off her back.
"Not just any beanie, a fluorescent pink beanie" Mapi explains like it is obvious.
"Well I'm glad your eyes are working this morning Mapi, can I go now?" Patri asks, attempting to avoid the questioning of her teammates.
"No you can not" Alexia begins, "so you either know this (Y/N) girl in some way or you are a weirdo who bought the same beanie as her, which is it?"
"Okay okay... I know (Y/N)" Mapi and Alexia cheer at the response of their young teammate, "she is my friend" she finishes.
"Booo!" Mapi yells.
"Not true" Alexia counters, "you wouldn't be hiding her from us if you were just friends" she explains logically.
"Ughhh okay, she is my girlfriend" Patri gives in, finally giving the girls the information they want.
"Yessss!" Mapi cheers, happy that another of her teammates is gay, "you're a killer, she is so hot"
"Okay calm down Mapi" Patri chuckles lightly at how excited Mapi is.
"When can we meet her, properly, and not in a weird 'we want to set you up with our teammate even though you two are already together' way" Alexia asks.
"Umm I guess after our next game?" Patri replies, but it is more of a question than anything.
"Perfect I can't wait to embarrass you like you embarrassed us" Alexia happily responds.
"Also I have some questions" Mapi states, extremely seriously.
"Go ahead" Patri sighs.
"Firstly, why does she always wear that beanie to our games?"
"She started doing it so I could spot her easily in the crowd even though I'd be able to spot her without it" Patri answers honestly, happy that she can talk freely about the girl she is so in love with.
"Aww, that's so cute" Alexia states.
"Yeah yeah, next question, does she know anything about football?"
"No, she only comes to our games to support me" Patri answers.
"Aww, that's even cuter" Alexia buts in again.
"Hmm no wonder she didn't congratulate me on my incredible playing against HB Køge but she congratulated you, it makes sense now" Mapi speaks, obviously still caught up on the lack of praise given to her by the girl, "last one, how did you get someone like her to agree to date you?" Mapi laughs as Alexia hits her arm.
"She actually asked me out" Patri smiles, remembering the day, "I was at the beach and she accidentally hit me with a football. She was playing with her little brother, then I asked if I could join. We played together all day and she asked for my number, later she texted me annoyed that her younger brother had to inform her later that I was a professional player from there we went on a few dates and now we've been dating each other for a year and a half and have been living together for six months" Patri gives the girls a synopsis of your relationship.
"Aww that's the cutest" Alexia states.
"Okay well I'm excited to meet her" Mapi smiles, finally allowing Patri to leave and get ready for the training session.
"Should I be worried?" you ask as you and Patri make your way to the Barcelona locker room after their game against Huelva.
"Please don't be, Mapi and Alexia may be a bit overbearing but everyone is super nice so you have no reason to worry" Patri states lovingly, grabbing your hand and squeezing it lightly. 
"Hello you" Mapi states right as the two of you walk through the door.
"Hi again" you reply nervously.
"I have a bone to pick with you" Mapi points a finger in your face as she talks.
"That's enough of you" Patri swipes Mapi's hand away, pulling you further into the room with her.
"But she doesn't even care about football" Mapi whines, wanting to complain to you about how you congratulate Patri after games but not her.
"Sorry about her"
"No it's okay, I feel like if I was a football player I'd be disappointed about others not liking football either" you inform your girlfriend.
"It's never too late to try" Patri hints that she wants a practice partner and that you could be that.
"Remember what happened last time" you laugh thinking about the bruise that was left on Patri's head for weeks after the day they met at the beach.
"yeah i'll stick to playing with Romeo" Patri laughs back.
"Hey! come on my younger brother is not better than me" you pout.
"I'm sorry to tell you this love but he is" Patri sits down at her spot pulling you onto her lap.
"A five year old is better at football than me?" you ask sadly.
"Yeah, but it's okay because you are pretty" Patri kisses your cheek.
"Aww so so cute" Alexia squeals at the two of you.
"Thanks?" you turn to Patri confused.
"She's like that you'll get used to it" Patri informs you.
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thesiltverses · 2 years
(if you'd be willing to share them, i would love to hear your thoughts on disco elysium 👀)
Nothing hugely smart or original, given that there's been a ton of essays written and recorded about it that say a great deal more!
I guess one aspect that I fixate on a lot, and which I haven't seen discussed so much, is how Disco Elysium fits into (and through its medium, invigorates) the tradition of what I think of as abject - or undignified - action.
For me, all of the most memorable action sequences from the past 20 years are based around watching our protagonists clumsily scramble about, just barely dodging disaster at every turn. They’re not hopelessly foolish, but they’re deeply vulnerable and completely out of control of the situation.
I’m thinking of:
Pretty much every scene that features Theo losing his shoes in Children of Men
Max capering about, pratfalling and being thrown off the War Rig in Fury Road
Barry in...Barry, scrapping frantically in the aisle of a pharmacy or through the rooms of a suburban home
These sequences aren't slapstick, exactly. But they understand the slapstick tradition and how it humanises the hero while enlivening the action. They know how to undercut the hero's efforts in a way that strengthens our sympathy with them and our fear for them without ever undermining the stakes of the scene. The humour flows in and out of the tension, and the two elements strengthen each other.
(In other words, they're very much the opposite of, say, Thor making a pompous speech about he's going to save the day, and then he gets punched by a big monster, goes flying into a cliff and makes a '...or maybe not' quip. That's a moment of tone-shattering bathos that, while it may demonstrate our hero's fallibility, actually serves to remind us that none of this matters and Thor will be just fine by the end. I don't think there is a specific Thor scene like this, it's just an illustration. Sorry, Thor.)
But these sequences are also the exact opposite of the slick superhumanity that action cinema has spent a good few decades fixating on as the ideal. The endgame of much of the most popular Western 80s and 90s action cinema is the lame, sterile vanity of Vin Diesel or the Rock in 2022, squabbling offscreen about making sure that they get to land all the perfect punches on camera, perform all the coolest stunts and never once lose their dignity.
I see undignified action in modern cinema as a very pointed response to that, and deeply humanistic in its intent. It's absolutely crucial to Fury Road that Max, Furiosa and the Wives embody heroism by running frantically about trying to to save each other, and that villainy is embodied by deluded kids calmly and boastfully carrying out macho acts of violence that must display a certain level of skill or be dismissed as 'mediocre'. (Nux symbolically swaps sides from the baddies to the goodies by...pratfalling.)
It's a principle I've tried to stick to in both of our shows so far, where heroism is generally divorced from skill, and is better represented by even fumbling or clumsy efforts to help the people around us. (And where completely unchallenged success, in fact, usually generates thoughtless confidence that results in damaging consequences later on.)
Disco Elysium goes one further by putting us in control of the character who's never in control of the situation, whose skills are comically lacking in most aspects, and who always has the option of making the worst possible choice.
I think that the story-driven computer game has undergone its own comparable crisis of humanity to action movies over the past couple of decades, due to a similar drive towards slick action, ‘complex’ ethical dilemmas, and over-earnest melodrama.
You have great games like Fallout: New Vegas - which I love - which work so hard to create a reactive world based on choices, but which to me always end up feeling like something is missing at its heart. Because the ultimate result of a bad decision or a dialogue failure is that everyone in the room starts shooting at you and you get to feel like a badass as you mow them all down.
Sometimes the enemies are really tough and you might have to reload, sure, but you never truly lack control or competency within the game itself. You can be a superhuman talker, or you can be an embarrassing buffoon in conversation who conveniently and nonsensically turns out to be a superhuman killing machine. 
That genuine in-character vulnerability, that real possibility of personal failure within the narrative, is always largely absent.
There's also been this obsession over the years with 'complex' ethical dilemmas as a pillar of storytelling - where there’s a ton of contrivance employed to ensure that every choice is merely kind-of bad and which actively undermines any sense of heroism. (Will you side with the faction that's apparently good but maybe not-that-good, or the faction that's apparently bad but maybe not-that-bad? God, who cares?)
Which is all very ironic, because some of the most memorable choices in older video games that people talk about decades later are generally far less meaningful in gameplay terms and far less ethically 'complex'.
In Planescape: Torment, it doesn't really affect much in the game if you say something devastatingly cruel or wonderfully kind to one of your companions, and there's no attempt whatsoever to justify the former as an option. But you fully understand the narrative stakes as a participant in the drama and you feel the impact of making that decision.
A lot of story-driven games since PS:T have aimed for that same kind of character-focused emotional resonance, where making the wrong choice or disappointing a fictional character is meant to be a punch to the player's gut. In my experience, they still almost all fail at what they’re attempting - either because the characters aren't compelling enough or because, again, the melodrama is massively over-earnest, flimsily 'complex' and contrived. 
In these games, the consequences of failure generally feel hollow because they feel like they’ve been worked up artificially to try and make us feel bad. (Oh, no, I rescued the prisoners and Companion 1 has lost 15 influence with me because one of the prisoners had murdered their mum so they wanted me to kill the prisoners instead!)
And just like in my fictional Thor movie, these are also works that also tend to only understand comedy as a periodic aside that undermines the wider narrative - let's cut to a quip every so often from Comic Relief Companion as they comment on the action, etc.
I'd argue that all of these flaws are connected in their own way, and Disco Elysium leaps over them - thanks to better writing, certainly, but also thanks to its deployment of an abject, debased protagonist who keeps fucking up at every turn, and for its far smarter use of comedy as an integrated part of the narrative to help us understand the consequences of failure.
The first meaningful choice we make in the game, after all, is one where we're highly encouraged to say something taboo, awful, funny and ridiculous, just to see what happens ("I want to make fuck with you").
I made that choice, laughed incredibly hard as Harry embarrassed himself - and then was horrified a few hours later as he almost screwed up an interrogation thanks to his own internal panic about the decision I’d made.
It's just a fantastic trick all around - by goading us initially towards dialogue choices that lead to slapstick and social embarrassment, the game ends up making the later decisions feel far more grounded. We've caused Harry to say the wrong thing and cause hurt, confusion and anger in a dozen different characters, which is the only reason why we care so deeply about the stakes of saying the wrong thing in front of the woman who's lost her husband.
By opening up possibilities of limitless failure, the occasional display of keeping-it-together feels like an absolute triumph for humanity. (The humour bleeds into the tension, and both strengthen each other.)
And that's why the best action sequence (and possibly the best narrative sequence) in video games over the past twenty years isn't out of any action game.
It's an incompetent, eccentric middle-aged drunk and his long-suffering partner standing up to a pack of heavily-armed, well-trained and murderous mercenaries who are on the verge of committing a horrific massacre.
It's the player sweating as they click through a simple dialogue sequence in preparation for a fight to the death, in the full knowledge that two in-game days previously, they tried to run away from a motel bill and tripped on an old lady's wheelchair. 
The possibility of failure and slapstick is ever-present, it feels like the most likely outcome for Harry (no matter what the percentages onscreen tell us), and that possibility has turned horrific.
There are no real attempts at intricate moral choices in the scene (imagine how many games would have given you the option to win over the mercenaries or side with them), no actual combat, a limited amount of empowerment for Harry even at his most effective, and aside from Kim's presence or absence afterwards, no huge gameplay consequences.
But you hold your breath as you experience it. It's just utterly fantastic work in its medium.
Heroism isn't competence, power or dignity. It's running frantically about, trying to to save each other.
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dayquil-nyquil · 3 years
MHA facetime headcanons
(pt. 2) (pt. 3) (pt. 4)
feat. deku squad + tokoyami
izuku midoriya, shoto todoroki, tenya iida, + fumikage tokoyami
fluff, hcs
//LMAO YOU CAN TELL WHICH MOD WROTE FOR WHICH CHARACTER BASED ON THE CAPITALIZATION ((mod nyquil writes in all lower case while mod dayquil capitalizes like a nerd))
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"hi angel!!! :D" so excited to talk to you
baby baby boy
he likes to facetime you late at night because that's when he gets back from extra training and he's usually so busy during the day that he doesn't get to spend enough time with you as he would like
so solution: facetime when he does homework at 2 am
poor baby is always so tired but he tries so hard to talk to you and make you laugh
you've caught him nodding off a few times which is so cute until he accidentally scares himself when he jolts back up. his eyes get all wide and he looks around the room frantically until he hears you calling his name and he goes so soft for a moment with a dopey grin on his face because he loves you so much. but then he remembers what happened and his face goes red and he sputters out that he thought he heard someone at his window (which is a lame excuse but he can't think of anything else in the moment) (plot twist aoyama was out there leaving more cheese for him)
he constantly refuses that he's getting sleepy because he wants to keep being with you
feels like he's keeping you up some nights and he feels so bad about it
if you fall asleep during the call, he'll stop working to admire you and doodle you a little bit ((maybe take a few screenshots of your pretty sleeping face but he'll never admit it))
will bring your favorite coffee the next morning with little doodles of you and him all over the cup
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Him? Facetiming You?
Sorry, if you want to talk to him it's mostly you facetiming him.
He doesn't want to be a bother no matter how many times you tell him he wouldn’t be
Plus that seeing his gorgeous face is always a bonus.
He’d always flush red and mutter something about you being a tease.
When he gets more comfortable he calls you in the early mornings, he wants to make sure you get up on time!
You’ll never get tired of hearing the gruff, quiet, “good morning love.” That spills from his lips like a prayer every morning.
You could never get tired of your Shoto alarm clock.
He takes you with him as he gets ready for the day.
Will stop for everyone in his family who wants to say hi to you except his father.
It’s like a tradition
Fuyumi is always first making breakfast when she greets you, then Natsuo who gives you a wink and a hey, and then Rei if she's around.
Shoto loves that you’re patient with them and greet them with an enthusiastic "good morning!!"
When breakfast is ready that’s when he has to go. Breakfast and meals are labeled ‘family time’ by Fuyumi
He says goodbye and you promise to call him when you get off of work
You do so without fail every night and he loves you for it.
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likes to facetime you when he's on his morning run!!
tenya pls just wait until you come home no one wants to hear you breathing heavy into the mic
figures he can do two things he loves at once, running and talking with you!!! ;-; aww
he recognizes that holding up his phone to show his face while he runs isn't the safest but it's all worth it to look over and see your face
he gets up at the butt crack of dawn to start running and he knows you're still a little sleepy but seeing you all wrapped up in the blankets and rubbin the sleep out of your eyes is just too cute
"do you want anything while I'm out?"
will stop at local bakeries and grab breakfast for you even if you say you aren't hungry
he just wants you to have a good breakfast and a good morning :)
wants to hear all about your plans for the day!!!!
also has almost gotten into a few accidents from being distracted by the facetime
has been chased by a goose too...
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"I'm sorry for disturbing you but I've been working on a new song, would you like to hear it?"
facetimes you to serenade you with his guitar
usually closes his eyes when he's concentrating but will peep at you to make sure you're watching or at least listening along
and he'll do a cute little smirky smile when he sees you watching the mesmerizing motions of his hands strumming the guitar
gets his mood lighting all set up and will lean back on his bed yknow with one arm behind his head and the other holding the special leatherbound book he keeps for his most sacred writing pieces and reads what he wrote down in the most gentle, warm voice
he should read for audiobooks like deadass audible please give him a deal
also likes to just kinda sit and do work or journal or write music while being on the call
can you tell his love language is quality time
likes to show you the treasures he finds when he goes out
"I saw this rock and it made me think of you" "babe it's a rock"
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bingoboingobongo · 2 years
hi, could do fezco x male reader. 110. please
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Pairing: Fezco (Euphoria) x Male!Reader
Type: Fluff
Summary: Fezco's never been the "relationship type", but for him, he'll make an exception.
Word Count: 1k
Warnings: masculine pronouns used (he/him), brief mention of drugs
A/N: hiii, ik i'm sorry this took so long for me to write anon i've been busy with school but i'm gonna try and be more regular with my writing/posting now. as always likes/reblogs and constructive criticism are always appreciated :)
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Fezco was not the “relationship type”. Frankly, he had other things that were more pressing to worry about, and relationships had just never been in his top priorities. He honestly wasn’t sure if he could even see himself settling down with someone, he already had to take care of Ash, his grandma, and himself, and adding someone else to the mix just felt like too much — but then he met him.
Fezco first met him when he had visited his convenience store for the first time. The new customer was obviously tired and in desperate need of something to drink and a snack. At the time, Fezco didn’t know his name, who he was, or if he would even be interested in Fezco, but he knew that he wanted to get to know him.
Soon, he began showing up at Fezco’s store more and more frequently, always buying the same combination of a drink and a snack, occasionally accompanied by some candy or chocolate. It had gotten to a point where Fezco had memorized his order, and would take special care to ensure that his store always had them in stock.
Fezco had been able to talk to him a few times; it was never anything extraordinary, just small talk about arbitrary topics like the weather or current events. Fezco longed for more though, he wanted to finally get past the pleasantries and the formalities, and get to know the familiar stranger that frequented his store.
It wasn’t until a few months later that they had finally crossed that boundary. Fezco was at some party, he didn’t know who was hosting, and he barely knew anyone else there. That was fine with him; he wasn’t there to make a connection, he was there for business and nothing else.
But then he saw him, and maybe business could wait.
Fezco was sitting on a couch with a blunt in his hands; there was a girl passed out beside him and a couple making out to his left, which he tried his best to ignore. The party was undeniably lame, there was barely anyone dancing and the majority of people had left. But the stranger from his store was busy pilfering through the drinks table, inspecting the pitiful assortment of refreshments laid out before him. Fezco watched as he poured himself a drink, before looking up and making eye contact with Fezco.
His demeanor noticeably changed, his head perked up and Fezco swore he saw his eyes sparkle as he made his way over to Fezco — or perhaps that was just his idyllic mind speaking.
“Hey you!” he teased as he made his way to Fezco. “I know you, what are you doing here?” he asked, gently moving the sleeping girl and taking a seat on the couch.
“I- Uh- I’m just doing business.”
“What are you selling? Maybe I can be one of your customers,” he joked.
“Mostly weed, I got some harder stuff if you want it though,” Fezco explained, taking a hit from his joint.
He hummed thoughtfully, “Well, Fezco was it? Unfortunately I don’t have that much money for you so I can’t buy anything, but I can grace you with my amazing presence,” he said, gesturing to himself in a grand manner.
Fezco chuckled, but they ended up spending most of that night together. He properly introduced himself to Fezco, and they talked about anything and everything, relationships, movies, music — Fezco couldn’t remember the last time he had had so much fun at a party.
After that, he visited Fezco’s store even more frequently, and when he did they often spent a little too much time talking to each other. They grew close quickly, and Fezco often wondered if the entire experience was even real, or if he was still standing in his store after the first time they met, daydreaming about possibilities.
Ironically, it was him that constantly reminded Fezco of his reality. Everytime Fezco heard him talk, or he grabbed Fezco’s shoulder in a bout of laughter, Fezco knew it was real — because Fezco’s imagination couldn’t conjure something as surreal as that.
But despite it all, despite the plethora of parties they spent together, despite all the hours they spent talking, Fezco wasn’t sure how he felt about him.
Fezco liked him, and he could see himself spending a majority, if not the rest of his life with him, but Fezco wasn’t sure if he liked him romantically. Perhaps he did give Fezco butterflies whenever they made eye contact, and perhaps Fezco did daydream about them getting married, but a relationship requires commitment, it requires honesty, it requires love — and Fezco didn’t know how he felt about that.
Fezco figured out how he felt sooner than he thought he would. He had been sitting on the counter daydreaming about him again, when a familiar jingle grabbed his attention. Fezco turned his head to the door, where he was entering, a beaming smile on his face.
“Hey Fezco!” he exclaimed, making his way over to the counter, “how is my favorite convenience store worker?”
Fezco smiled, “I’m doing pretty good man, you?”
“Better now that you’re here,” he teased. “Hey Fezco, I shop here so often, don’t you think I deserve a discount?” he asked, jokingly raising his eyebrows and sticking out his bottom lip in a pout.
“I don’t know, maybe. How much were you thinking?”
“Mmm,” he hummed thoughtfully, “what about… 90% off? You’re a small business so I’ll have some mercy on you.”
“You’re an idiot,” Fezco declared, unable to hide the grin on his face, “if I gave all my regulars a 90% discount I’d be out of business by the end of the week.”
“Yeah, but you love me,” he teased, “and you don’t have to give everyone else a discount, just me, because I’m your favorite customer.”
Fezco rolled his eyes, but he couldn’t ignore his comment. It was like the little seed of doubt in his body had suddenly bloomed into a tree of potential. Suddenly, the idea of liking him, of loving him, didn’t seem so daunting to Fezco. It was definitely an accurate description of what Fezco felt towards him, and the idea of spending the rest of his life with him seemed heavenly.
Fezco wasn’t much of a relationship kind of guy, but for him — for him, Fezco could make an exception.
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thebisexualdogdad · 2 years
Wally West with a bf who is like a huge nerd? Like obsessed with comic books has posters of his favorite characters every where around his room probably has Batman bedsheets or sum 😭 Like one day at like the beginning of their relationship they go into readers room to do homework or sum and Wally just sees how big of a nerd reader is? 😭 Also love your writing You can ignore this obviously but thanks for reading my request gracias por tu tiempo 🙏🏽
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You and Wally had only been dating for a few weeks when you invited him over to watch a movie. 
The communal areas of your apartment that you shared with your roommates were normal enough but it was when Wally stepped into your bedroom he discovered how much of a nerd you really were. 
He knew you liked superheroes because the first time you met you were wearing a green lantern shirt but a lot of people did just to show support for the people who kept thier cities safe but now hes seeing the boxes of comics in one corner of your bedroom and a display of action figures in another. 
Then there's the various posters you have hung up all over the walls and the batman sheets on your bed. 
"Oh wow," Wally says surprised.
"Sorry guess I should have warned you… You don't think its lame do you?" You say nervously. 
"No way, who's your favorite member of the justice league?" He asks.
"That's easy, the flash, his powers are the coolest, who wouldnt want super speed," you say and Wally cracks the biggest smile wanting to tell you so badly he's the kid flash.
"What's with that grin Wally," you chuckle. 
He knows Dick would be so mad if he spilled his secret identity so instead he simply says, "flash is my favorite too." 
He goes over to your comic collection and picks up a nightwing issue sitting on the top of the pile. 
"He's gotta use padding in that suit," you joke looking at the cover that flaunts the vigilantes butt. 
"It's 100 percent real," Wally laughs and you look at him confused, "I mean… I saw him in person once when I was visiting some family in gotham." 
"Okay," you chuckle, waving it off, "so about the movie what do you want to watch? I have planet of the apes?"
Wally makes a sour face remembering his recent fight with Gorilla Grodd.
"Back to the future?" You then suggest. 
After what happened with Barry and the Flashpoint Wally would rather not watch anything with time travel and messing up the present, "how about jurassic Park I've never fought dinosaurs before." 
"Huh?" You say once again confused. 
"Joking," he laughs awkwardly. 
"Yeah well you're in luck I have those movies too," you say pulling the first one off of your movie shelf. 
Wally smiles his goofy smile and flops down onto your bed, "so what kind of snacks you got?"
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milkytheholy1 · 2 years
Moth Man
Hi hope you’ve been having a good week and had a good valentines day yesterday, I’ve been binge reading your rottmnt fics and I would like to request rottmnt Donnie X male reader where the reader is also a mutant but the reader is a moth mutant so he’s got fluff all over his body (cause moths have fluffy bodies), and Donnie can’t help but have some curiosity about how soft the readers fluff is. anyway thats it you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to! hope you have a great day! ^^ 
A/N: Just want to say sorry this took so long and sorry the actual story isn't very long. I've had/got a very busy week and right now as of writing this, I'm very tired and I have 11 more asks to get through. But I hope you enjoy! _______________________________________________
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Donnie had always been fascinated by you, your mutant abilities being the main thing. However, he couldn't help but wonder about other things, more...trivial things.
Did you hate the light as much as your smaller brethren? Did you bite holes into everything you could sink your teeth into?
But the thing that Donnie would lay awake at night thinking about was the fur that covered your chest. With your condition, if you could even call it that, it was rather hard for you to hide the generous amount of fluff that resided on your chest. The natural elements of a moth weren't wasted on you once you mutated.
It wasn't like he antagonised over it, no, rather it was just an odd thought he had one night that never left his brain. He has stayed up copious amounts of nights researching all there was about moths, different species, different abilities, different colours, the list goes on.
But what pained him more was how little information there was on the fur, nothing saying if it was soft, why it was there, what purpose it served other than to look like a rich women's scarf.
Donnie took this on the bright side, not something he'd usually do, it just meant he could strap on his scientific boots, metaphorically, and do some research of his own.
This started with inviting you over to the lair every other day, he didn't want to make it obvious after all. You'd hang out together, play some games, even eat pizza and each time Donnie would give you some lame excuse to touch your fur.
It never worked though, there was always something either way too suspicious that happened or the moment felt off. "Are you cold, here, allow me to drape this blanket over your person, it would be an honour."
"Well, would you look at that huge, oddly lit, light just hanging in the middle of the lair. I wonder as to why it's there in the first place, it's so hypnotising, you just want to touch it, right?"
"Oh, I believe I have spotted something on your shirt with my extraordinary vision. Let me take care of that for you-"
"Donnie, are you ok?" it was on one of these days when you finally questioned his actions, of course, there had been the strange glances and the occasional raised brow, but nothing verbal. Somehow, through this experience, Donnie had forgotten you could even speak.
Not in a bad way, of course. Donnie just tends to get too obsessed with his work, it's something Raph calls him out on.
"Me? You're asking me if I'm ok?" he asked, taken back, palm laying flat against his chest. You shook your head 'yes' like it wasn't obvious, "H-has no one ever asked you that before?"
"Pfft, of course, someone's asked me if I'm ok. I'm not that anti-social, only the right amount," he smirked, that felt like something Leo would say, but hey, it got a laugh from you. The air felt like it had gone stale with the amount of silence in the room, though to be fair, you were in a sewer; the air was never going to be fresh.
Donnie sat down next to you, the recliner squeaking under his weight, rather rude if you asked him. He huffed out a loud sigh, definitly not deliberate by no means, no sir, not deliberate at all..
"Okay, you want to talk!" he heard you yell out, "Why however did you guess, dear sir?" he smiled back. You put the comic you held in your hands to the side of your lap, giving Donatello your full attention, the small tuffs of fur rubbing against the worn leather of the recliner.
"What is it, oh mighty Donatello?" he could see the amusement in your eyes, he played along as he had nothing else to do that afternoon. Dramatically sighing away, he slowly slipped away from the recliner and grovelled across the floor onto the beanbag; his final resting place.
"Wherefore might not but life beest so cruel, i can't standeth t any longeth'r, not while i misseth the thing i crave the most. With yond, i kicketh the bucket!" Donnie pleaded in Shakespearian English, arm outstretched before he collapsed onto the beanbags.
You rushed to his side, hands braced against his, fake tears in your eyes "Oh no, he's on his death bed, whatever shall I do. I am just a simple man, I cannot resurrect life nor can I save his!"
Donnie's dwindling finger prodded at the air, his voice wavey "You must provide-" he faked a cough for added effect "Provide me with what I most desire-" he then pretended to die again, tongue out and all.
With what he desired the most? Now what could that be?
Well, ever since you had met the brother's they had all been interested with your mutation. You remember Mikey being very eager to see how soft the fluff on your body was, in fact, all the turtles had at some point tried it out; all except Donnie.
Was that the reason for all those weird occurances? No it can't be, Donnie isn't the type of turtle to conduct an experiment on his friend because he's too socially awkward to just ask...No, wait, that totally sounds like him.
Well, there was only one way to find out.
"Alas, dear Donald, I know how to save thee." you tried to match his Shakespearen dialect but failed miserably. You grabbed one of his hands and brought it to the fluff along your arm, gently stroking it. His fingers instinctively flexed with the new texture, his eyes shooting open as he watched you go about your business.
You were so fixated on Donnie's fingers along your arm you barely registered the turtle gobsmacked in front of you. Finally looking up, you met his gaze, a teasing smile on your lips.
"Aha! It has seemed that I have saved you, dear Donald!"
"I-it s-seems you h-have." he stuttered out, completely out of his field. He rushed to apologise but you stopped him with a hug, his limbs went slack, he could feel the fur from all over your body rub against his skin. It was a weird sensation, but one he could get very used to.
"Promise you won't conduct weird social experiments on me? Twas not cool bro." you mused, your head perched on his shoulder. You could slowly feel Donnie nod back, "Wait, but what if it's the good kind of social experiment?"
"Does that even exist?"
"You shouldn't reply to a question with another question!"
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dreamlessinparis · 2 years
Icy Lockdown
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Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x F!Reader, Jake Jensen x F!Reader
Summary: Your boyfriend Ransom's jealousy of lumberjacks triggers a impromptu vacation to a ski resort. Everything goes well until Ransom's cockiness ends up with them stranded on the side of the road. Not to worry, Jake to the rescue.
Word Count: 5247
Warning: 18+, smut, praise, slight dirty talk, facesitting, threesome, choking, tied up by Christmas lights, Ransom being a douche, double penetration, creampie, cuckholding.
A/N: This is my submission for the Happy Hoeliday Challenge hosted by @navybrat817 @drabblewithfrannybarnes & @stargazingfangirl18 . Sorry that this is slightly late and I hope you ladies enjoy it. Beta'd by @whisperlullaby, thank you lovely❤ but all my mistakes are still my own. I've never written Jake before so everyone be nice to me hehe 🤣
if you’re a minor, please DNI!
Please do not repost, publish or translate my work. Reblogs and comments are appreciated! Thank you for reading :)
Divider credit goes to the lovely @firefly-graphics
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You sat on the plush chair with your legs dangling off the arm, reading the newest trashy novel you’d picked up. You bit your lip as the lumberjack bent the main character over the porch railing, and dropped to his knees to eat her out from behind. The image was tantalizing and you wished you had a rugged lumberjack of your own to act out your fantasies with. Ransom was a great boyfriend and you loved him but he was never much into the roleplay side of things.
A quiet groan fell from your lips as you continued reading when suddenly your book was pulled from your grip. You let out a sound of protest, reaching out after the novel. Ransom loomed over you, book in hand, reading over the page.
He clicked his tongue in distaste, “I’m offended, Kitten. Came over here to find out what has you squirming in your seat like a dog in heat and I find out it’s over some lame lumberjack,” He scolded, “Is this what you want, baby? Am I not doing it for you anymore?”
His voice was teasing but his face was cold, eyes filled with jealousy. He was clearly bothered by this situation and you wanted to quip about all the women he ogled in front of you on a near regular basis. Frankly, you didn’t care if he did, he never did anything about it and sometimes you enjoyed joining in on the ogling but it was the only leverage you had at the moment. 
You scoffed sitting up to try and grab the book, but Ransom held it out of your reach. You shifted onto your knees, and grabbed his sweater, pulling him down to your level.
“Ran, it’s called having fantasies. No different from the Sports Illustrated magazines in your desk drawers,” you whispered, lips hovering over his. He leaned in closer, and while he was distracted, you grabbed your book and you plopped back down. “Now lemme read about my book boyfriend.”
Ransom growled and dropped down on his knees in front of the chair. He grabbed your legs, spreading them, and pushed your sleep shorts aside as he smirked, “If that’s the case then let’s see which one of us makes you cum faster.”
And then he dove in, devouring you like his favorite meal.
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“Ransom, will you please tell me where we’re going? You basically told me to pack warm, blindfolded me the whole way to the airport, got me on a private jet, and now we’re driving up a mountain to god knows where,” you complained, crossing your arms. The hand resting on your knee squeezed comfortingly.
“Calm down, Kitten. I’m just trying to make all your wilderness fantasies come true,” He said reassuringly as he turned up a long drive leading to a gorgeous resort.
“Wilderness fantasies? Ransom I’m not looking to fuck in the snow or anything. You could have just grown out your beard again, put on that outrageously expensive flannel shirt you own and my fantasies would have been fulfilled,” You protested. He pulled up under the awning and got out, rushing around to open your door. He held your hand tight, helping you step on the snow packed ground.
“There’s more to being a lumberjack than just that stuff, my pretty bunny. It takes a real man.” He explained, kissing your cheek and guiding you into the lobby. Leaving the bellhops to unload the car.
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The view from the room was spectacular and you stood in front of the window bundled up with a warm blanket around your naked frame, watching the snow fall slowly. It was a magical sight to see. The white blanket coating everything was glimmering in the early morning sunlight, so powdery that it looked like soft cotton.
There was a slight ache between your legs from the times Ransom woke you up and ravaged you during the night. Strong arms wrapped around your waist, Ransom’s head coming to rest on your shoulder. You snuggled back into him, intertwining your fingers with his.
“See I know what you like, baby.” Ransom’s husky voice in your ear made you feel all tingly again. He truly underestimated the effect he had on you sometimes. You hummed contently.
“I never said you didn’t, handsome. That’s all in your own head.” You turned your head and kissed him, “How long are we here for? I saw some great spa services I want to try out.”
“A couple of weeks. But no spa stuff, Kitten. We have lots of outdoorsy stuff planned.”
“We do?”
“Yes Kitten, we do.”
Ransom gave you another kiss and pulled away, making you whine from the loss of his extra heat. “Come on, we gotta get dressed. We have a tour of a lumber yard. Gonna split some wood with an ax and stuff,” he said, flippantly.
You stood for a moment watching his naked self as he walked into the bedroom. Those deep dimples, the taut muscles of his back, covered in your scratches, his perfect, take a bite out of me, ass. Everything about him was perfect and all the teasing and lumberjack fantasies could never compare to him. You just hoped he truly knew that.
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Your body was so sore from the day of skiing that Ransom thought was a good idea. He seemed to forget that despite him being a good skier, you had never done it before. Ending up with you going down a Black Diamond trail, fearing for your life the entire way down.
Needless to say, you made Ransom promise that all other activities would be on solid ground. He agreed, wanting you to remain happy. One day, about halfway through the vacation, Ransom let you sleep in, massaging your aching bones and lulling you to sleep every time you woke up.
Mid afternoon Ransom finally let you get up, after ordering some great room service, he told you to dress warmly. Something about maple trees and syrup. You tugged on a pair of warm leggings, a warm button-down flannel, and the warmest boots you had brought. Ransom wore his cream colored sweater and a pair of pants. Tucking you into his side, the two of you left the hotel room and headed downstairs.
Everything was always so beautiful and crystalline outside, you never knew where to look. The air was crisp but not too cold. You couldn’t believe Ransom had brought you somewhere so pretty. It wasn’t a rare ordeal but sometimes you had to stop to appreciate all the things Ransom actually did for you. Whenever he wasn’t being an ass.
“I don’t care what you think. I would like my car now!” Ransom said. He was seething and the poor valet was watching with fearful eyes. You quickly went over, wrapping yourself around Ransom’s arm, smiling at the man.
“Ran, everything okay?”
“Yes,” he responded through gritted teeth, “Thomas here was just going to get the car, isn’t that right?”
Thomas nodded rapidly, before rushing into the booth to get the key.
“We’re taking the beemer?”
“Yes, what else would we take?”
“I don’t know. I just thought the resort would provide transportation again.”
“I wouldn’t trust them with this one, Kitten. I’d rather drive myself.”
You nodded, snuggling into his warmth. You didn’t necessarily agree. The beemer was not exactly equipped for this weather but you didn’t want to start an argument this early in the day.
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You were pissed. More than pissed, you were furious. You told Ransom to just follow the road that was outlined on the map, yet he had to be all manly and say his male instincts were telling him to go this way. It would be quick, a shortcut. Fucking idiot.
Now here you were, lost on the side of the road with a popped tire. The temperature was cold and steadily dropping. The snow had begun rapidly picking up, and it was getting darker by the minute. Ransom was cursing outside, as he attempted to change the tire.
Turned out he didn’t know how to change a tire. That’s when you snapped, yelling about how you two should have never taken the beemer and why did he think it was a good idea to take the fucking shortcut. So now he was outside freezing, pretending he was figuring out how to fix things. You could hear him clanging the tire iron against the rim of the wheel, maybe he was actually unscrewing something but you weren’t too hopeful.
You shivered, bundling your coat closer to your body. The cold had never been your friend and now sitting in it for a prolonged period of time you knew that you absolutely hated it. You could see your breath as you let out an angry huff, crossing your arms.
Nearly an hour later, Ransom threw himself back in the car, completely shivering. You almost felt bad for him but anger still nipped at the edge of your mind.
“I’m sorry, Kitten. I wasn’t trying to mess up like this.” Ransom admitted, blowing into his trembling hands.
“This is not what I meant when I said we should plan a romantic holiday outing, Ransom! Heck maybe next time you should include me in things, instead of trying to surprise me like this,” you exclaimed, throwing your hands up in exasperation. He nodded agreeing with you.
“I know. I fucked up. But I’m going to make it up to you when we get back to the resort. I promise we’ll get those massages you wanted. Spend the rest of our time in the room. I’ll stop trying to prove I’m more than I am.”
You felt bad at his last words, knowing how hard he had been trying. Not that he really had anything to prove but it was always a thing with him to prove he was more than what he was. He was never enough for himself. You reached out and squeezed his knee, giving him a small smile. You loved him, flaws and all and you weren’t going to let him think otherwise.
“Fine. You owe me, Ran. Now get us out of here, please.” you pleaded. He pulled out his phone to make a call, holding it up in the air as if he was looking for a signal, “Oh no Ransom, don’t tell me we have no signal.”
He made a disgruntled sound and you slumped back into your seat with a groan. You couldn’t believe this. What a nightmare.
You were about to start yelling when you saw a pair of headlights in the distance.
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Ransom managed to flag down the vehicle and out stepped out a large, built man with a huge megawatt smile. Despite his size, he was so sweet and extremely funny. Much to Ransom’s dismay.
“How did you two end up out here?” He asked after he introduced himself. Jake Jensen. Lucky for both of you, he lived just off the road you were currently stranded on.
“My boyfriend here thought it was a good idea to take a shortcut down this road to get to the maple tree farm.” You explained, patting Ransom’s shoulder kind of roughly.
“Oof man, bad idea,” Jake huffed, leaning down to examine the car tires, “This road is always terrible with snow build up. This puny car would have never made it up this road on the best of days. Where did you even get this thing?”
Ransom bristled next to you, as he did anytime someone insulted his pride and joy vehicle. You giggled, hiding your face behind gloved hands.
“It’s an antique,” Ransom huffed, “It’s been good on all kinds of other roads, I didn’t see why it wouldn’t be good here.”
Jake gave him a look, shaking his head but seemed to keep his thoughts to himself.
“Well, it’s going to have to stay here for the night. I don’t think I can do anything to fix it in the dark. We can come back in the morning, once the snow settles down.”
You heard Ransom mumbling something rude, so you whacked him in the stomach and thanked Jake before shoving Ransom towards the SUV.
Jake Jensen was a godsend. His large SUV was the perfect thing to get you both off the snowbank you had been sinking into. Ransom was still reluctant about it but after you whispered in his ear that you wouldn’t fuck him if for a whole week if he didn’t shut up, he calmed down. Or at least managed to keep his thoughts to himself.
You couldn’t stop staring at Jake. He looked like he had walked right out a lumberjack fantasy, all muscles, and brawn. His flannel barely masked any of his strength. You sat in the back, eyes on him the whole time. Imagining all the things he could do to you, given the chance. You would never cheat on Ransom but a girl could fantasize, right?
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The inside of his cabin was so warm and you couldn’t help but rush straight to the fireplace to thaw out. It was such a homey place; spacious and minimally decorated. The plush couches made you want to sink into them with a blanket and not leave until the snow was all gone.
Ransom joined you in front of the fire, wrapping himself around you. Despite your annoyance, you let him, needing the extra warmth.
“I don’t think the snow’s going to let up anytime soon. You two might have to stay the night,” You heard Jake say. Leaning around Ransom you saw Jake’s wide frame standing in front of the window, rubbing his hair as he surveyed the storm outside.
“Sorry baby,” Ransom whispered in your ear, before turning to Jake, “That’s fine. Thanks, man.”
You shrugged off Ransom’s grip and walked over to the big couch, dragging the blanket off the back and burying yourself in it. Ransom sighed when he turned to see you glaring at him.
“Of course,” Jake said, clearly unaware of the tension between you and Ransom, “Is there anything I can get you both?”
“Alcohol,” both you and Ransom practically shouted at the same time.
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A couple of hours and a bottle of tequila later, the three of you were tipsy, lounging on the couches. Jake’s face was bright red, the alcohol making him flush and more talkative than he was before. More towards Ransom than you but still it was entertaining.
Come to find out that the two men were in the same fraternity. Jake delving into all the shitty things Ransom had done; Ransom spilling about all the women Jake struck out against. Your head rested back on the couch, taking another shot of tequila. The liquid burned going down your throat, warming your body up even further. The blanket was long tossed on the ground.
With your legs tucked beneath you, you pushed up on your knees and turned to Jake. He was seated on your other side, closer than he probably should have been but the haze of the alcohol made that fact less important. His thigh was pressed against your knees, his woodsy masculine scent permeating your nostrils making you want to lean in closer.
“So what made you move out here?” You asked, slapping your hands down on his thigh. Your eyes shot down to your hands, reveling in how hard the muscles were, squeezing them for good measure. Jake let out a soft groan from your touch and you felt powerful for affecting such a large man with your hands.
Collecting himself, he glanced over at you, then at a spot over your head before answering, “I work for a lumber company nearby but I enjoy my privacy and hunting so I chose to live this far out.”
He returned your gaze for a moment before lifting off the couch to go stand by the fire, stroking the flames. Ransom chuckled and you looked over your shoulder at him, “What’s so funny Ran?”
“Looks like you’re losing your touch, Kitten. Chasing men away so easily.”
“I wasn’t chasing anyone Ransom, I was asking a question, is all.” you defended. You shifted to face him and saw that his teasing has a dark edge to it. He was jealous and the fact that his old dorky frat brother had become this hunk of a lumberjack type was the icing on the cake for him. Something told you that he was feeling rather inadequate about now. Which was ridiculous but Ransom’s insecurities stemmed from places so deep, you were still working to find the roots of them.
“I mean you wanted to be with someone manly, well now's your chance,” Ransom smirked and stood up, grabbing your hand and pulling you up with him.
You were sure that you were hearing things. There was no way your possessive 'don't even fantasize about other men’ boyfriend had just offered for you to fuck the kind, handsome lumberjack. No fucking way. Yet he was walking you over to where Jake stood, also looking a bit shell shocked.
“Come on kitten. Let's repay my good friend Jake for his help,” Ransom chided, “Lord knows I owe him for all the classes he helped me pass in college!”
“Uh what?" you asked. You turned to Ransom, your eyes wide and silently questioning him. You were stunned, sure, yet extremely turned on. The alcohol was definitely to blame or so you kept telling yourself. There was no way to deny the muscles on the handsome, sweet man, your white knight if you will, were insanely attractive. The way he was staring at you like you were the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. He had been incredibly kind to you since he rescued the two of you from the side of the road. Seemed sort of nervous.
“You heard me. You wanted a lumberjack. We’ve stumbled across one. Go ahead, let’s see if he can fuck you better than I can," Ransom said smugly.
“Ransom.” you hissed. Your boyfriend had to be smoking something. Or he drank more when you weren’t looking. Jake reached out, and touched your arm lightly, trying to ease you. You jumped from the sudden contact but then relaxed into his warm touch.
The surface area his hand covered was so vast you were in awe at how large his hand was. How large he was in general. You fought to keep your jaw from dropping as you truly took in his frame. Your eyes trailed up his body, noticing his bulging muscles. Sculpted like he was hand carved to perfection. Your mouth watered at the thought of him wrapping a bicep around your throat. You knew your ogling was probably making Ransom even more smug and annoyed.
"Hi," Jake said, his deep voice hesitant.
"Hi Jake," you smiled up at him.
Ransom snorted, clearly impatient.
You heard him leave the room but you couldn't tear your eyes from Jake's clear blue eyes.
Despite his large frame, he had a very kind demeanor. Your hand came to rest on his wide chest, the coiled muscles bouncing beneath your fingers. Jake watched your hand with such awe, his breath catching as you came to cup his face.
He leaned into your touch and his eyes slid shut for a moment as your thumb caressed his cheek.
His hands slid down and slowly began to unbutton the flannel shirt you were wearing. His eyes checking your face with each button he undid. Not seeing anything alarming he continued until he reached the bottom, pushing it off your shoulders. Next were your leggings and soon you were completely naked in front of him.
“Aw aren’t you two cute?” Ransom cooed in a taunting tone. He was always a prick when he drank and even more so when he was jealous. You didn’t even know why he was doing this but hell if you were going to turn any of it down. It was his fault for offering the free pass. He came to stand next to Jake and placed a hand on his shoulder, glancing at him.
Ransom held up his hand and you finally saw what he was holding. A long string of Christmas lights. You raised an eyebrow but Ransom wasn’t looking at you.
“She’s a bit kinky, Jensen. Definitely out of your league but I think if you tie her up with these lights, she’ll be easier for you to handle.”
“Easier to handle?” You asked at the same time, Jake asked, “Are you sure?”
“Come on, kitten, you know you’re quite a handful. Plus you’ve always liked being restrained,” Ransom teased. You give him a sharp look but he’s already stepping towards you, one end of the lights in his hand, “Hold her hands behind her back, would you?” He directed the statement towards Jake, who glanced at you.
It was sweet that he was checking in with you. A small smile gave him the permission he craved and he gathered your wrists, holding them together with one hand. The fact that he could do that was doing wonders to your body. You squeezed your thighs together, avoiding both men’s gazes, not wanting to give yourself away.
Ransom’s hands worked to wrap strings of lights around your wrists, and then your waist securing your hands to your lower back before leaning in close, “You can tell me to stop whenever you want, baby. You know I will.” He whispered, his warm breath caressing the shell of your ear. You gave a small nod, still keeping your gaze forward. He finished, before bringing part of the lights up between your breasts to wrap around your throat. Not tight enough to hurt you, but enough to drive you nuts. Holding the other end like a leash, he yanked you close and kissed you hard.
Leaving you breathless, he turned to Jake, “No kissing. Everything else is fair game.”
“Don’t worry man, those aren’t the lips I’m after,” Jake smirked and you had to giggle at his sudden brazenness. As soon as he said it, his cheeks reddened and you knew he wasn’t used to getting positive reactions to his words.
Ransom rolled his eyes and handed your leash to Jake. He traced the remaining long string to the end and plugged in the lights in the plug by the fireplace, causing you to light up like a Christmas tree. Ransom looked you over like you were a magnificent prize before plopping back down on the couch to watch. Jake pulled you closer, and it was hard to not kiss him. Those plush lips were so inviting, despite the awful facial hair. On him though, it somehow worked with the blonde tips. The whole look he had was working for you and you yearned to pull that tight white shirt off of him so you could run your hands over the bare muscles.
He wrapped the string around his wrist. Jake licked his lips as he looked you over and you felt your body heating up. His gaze was so intense, that you could feel arousal pooling between your legs. Dropping the lights momentarily he tore his shirt off, making quick haste of his pants.
You were sure you gasped when he took off his boxers and his cock slapped up against his abs. Ransom was large and long and delicious, but somehow Jake was bigger, maybe the same in length but definitely wider. Your fingers twitched with the need to touch him. Your eyes went back up to Jake’s face and he looked bashful under your scrutiny.
“Jake, come here please,” You said and he complied. You ducked down, kissing over the smooth muscles of his chest, licking and nipping your way down his abs. Starting to drop down on your knees, you were quickly stopped by a tug on your leash.
“Ah, ah, no pretty girl, I want to taste you first.” Jake disagreed. You grumbled unhappily, disappointed that you didn’t get to taste him. That disappointment quickly evaporated, as Jake got down on his knees. He was such a pretty sight on his knees, looking up at you like you were a messiah.
He lounged back on the large cushions by the fire, pulling on the lights to bring you closer. His hands glided up your legs, pulling you down. He wanted you to sit on this face, so carefully you straddled his head. Before you were fully seated, his palms wrapped around your thighs and yanked you close, his tongue diving into your cunt.
Your head fell back, a loud moan escaping your parted lips. His hold on you was so tight, you could barely roll your hips and with the way he was feasting on you, there wasn’t much need to. Heck, you could barely think straight right now. Your head lolled to the side and your eyes locked on Ransom’s. His eyes were dark, and predatory, watching you like the big bad wolf.
Jake’s tongue speared into you, lapping at your juices like he couldn’t let a drop escape, his nose nudging your clit with each motion. And before you even saw it coming, your orgasm hit you, making you spasm above him. He wasn’t done with you though, wrapping his lips around your throbbing clit, prolonging your climax, and launching you swiftly into your second one.
Your hips tried to lift up, trying to escape his talented mouth but he was holding you firmly in place.
“Jake, too much,” you whimpered, your mind fuzzy with the possibility of your third orgasm impending in the close distance.
“Oh Kitten, tapping out already?” Ransom asked, smirking. You shook your head rapidly, even though it was truly becoming too much. Your vision was littered with stars and your body was shaking intensely. With a hard suck on your hard pearl, you unraveled for the third time. Jake quickly licked up your release before loosening his grip on you, allowing you to lift up. Your thighs were trembling so badly, you couldn’t stay up in the air for too long, so you sat back on his chest, trying to catch your breath.
“Mm, you taste so fucking good, sweetheart. I could drown in you all damn day,” Jake mused, licking the rest of your spend from his lips. Praises were always your downfall and you mewled in response.
His hands grabbed your hips, gliding you down his torso, all the bumps and ridges making you jolt as they nudged your clit, until you were resting atop of his hard cock. Your hips rolled, coating his cock with your slick making you both groan. Lifting you up, he lined himself up and sat you slowly down on his shaft. You felt yourself stretching around him, a low pitch keen filling the room. It felt so good having him inside you and you needed more. Needed him to move or let you move.
His hand wrapped around the string of lights, pulling it slightly taut, making you lean forward, “Go ahead angel, ride me.”
You didn’t need much incentive, immediately starting to roll your hips before finding a steady rhythm. Every time you sank down, it almost felt like the breath was being punched out of you but you didn’t care. It felt too fucking good to stop. The string of lights was tugged on again, making you fall forward until you were resting your forehead to his. His pants fanning your face with every stroke of his cock. He was letting you have full control, his bright eyes boring into yours.
“Shit Jake, feels so good. Ugh,” you groaned, picking up pace as the coil began to tighten. Your hips rocking as you took him in and out, the veins dragging along your sensitive walls.
Jake hummed, bucking his hips to match your rhythm. The two of you were so caught up in each other that you didn’t realize that Ransom had moved from his spot. He grabbed your bound wrists, yanking you into a seating position again. His hand beneath your chin, craning your head back so he could claim your mouth. His tongue tasted every inch of you, as Jake fucked up into you.
“What’s wrong Ran? Too hard to watch,” you teased breathlessly. He growled, dropping your head forward and grabbing the back of your neck instead pushing you forward again. He straddled Jake’s legs, using his other hand to unbuckle his pants. You felt the blunt head of his cock run over your puckered hole and you moaned, wanting nothing more than for him to push in. To completely ruin you.
His grip on your neck tightened, causing the light bulbs to dig into your skin but you didn’t care. His hand met your ass with an echoing smack, once, twice, three times before he grabbed a handful of flesh, kneading it roughly.
“I know you were so good this year sweetheart but by the time we’re done with you, you’re definitely going to be put on the naughty list,” Ransom grunted as he passed through the tight ring of your ass. You let out a choked sound, the hold on your neck the only thing keeping you from falling.
Jake stayed still until Ransom was fully seated, and the real destruction began. The two men found the perfect rhythm, one pulling out as the other punched in. You couldn’t do much other than let them use you. The waves of pleasures crashing over your body had you making all kinds of noises, none of them coherent.
Soon they had you careening over the edge and you let out an inhuman scream.
“Fuck baby, gripping me so tight, it’s almost like you want me to stay here forever,” Ransom groaned, “How’s she feel, Jake?”
“I can feel her fluttering around me, man. Milking me dry.” Jake moaned, “Can I come in you, angel?”
“Yes. Fuck, please. Fill me up,” You begged, clenching around them both needily.
“That’s my good girl,” Ransom grunted. His body shuddered as he came, shooting into you with each faltering thrust. Jake wasn’t far behind, filling you up with his hot cum. You felt so full, basking in the feeling. Ransom slowly pulled out of you and groaned at the sight of his cum dribbling out of you, “Such a naughty slut. You like being so full don’t you, Kitten?”
He pushed the cum back in with his fingers, drawing a whimper out of you. All your senses were heightened and everything felt so much more intense.
Jake’s hands tugged at the light, yanking the plug from the wall and undid the collar around your neck, rubbing at the harsh marks the strings and the bulbs had left behind. You smiled sleepily at him and he returned the smile, lighting up his whole face.
Ransom did the same thing to your hands, before lifting you slowly off of Jake. You clenched your thighs, keeping his spend in you, not wanting to drip on the floor. Ransom scooped you up into his arms, and you automatically wrapped your arms around his neck, snuggling into his chest. Bastard still had his sweater on, but damn it was warm and soft.
You heard the two men talking but you were too far gone to make out what they were saying. The next thing you knew, you were nestled between two warm bodies, before lulling off to sleep.
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