#SORRY THIS IS SO LATE. ive been fucking busy tonight
supercantaloupe · 2 years
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Curly and Jud + text post meme (6/?)
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ghuleh-witch · 6 months
Make You Sing
Fandom: Ghost Rating: Explict Warnings: NSFW, 18+, unprotected sex, p in v sex, exhibitionism (kinda), confessional sex Relationships: Papa Emeritus IV/Copia x Female!Reader Characters: Papa Emeritus IV, Female!Reader, unnamed Sibling of Sin Additional Tags: no use of y/n, soft!dom Copia Words: 1121 Summary: Between your busy schedules, you and Copia make time to see each other, but that time is interrupted when a Sibling of Sin steps into the confessional.
Your nails were digging into the wooden back of the chair as your head was pulled back, making your back arch. “Fuck,” you moaned loudly as Copia held a fistful of your hair. “Papa.”
“As much as I love those sweet noises, you need to keep it down, dolcezza,” Copia replied as he pounded into you. The hand that wasn’t pulling your hair was gripping your hip, pulling your hips back onto his cock. “Don’t want anyone to hear us, si?”
You and Copia hadn’t had a lot of time to spend together lately. Between his duties as Papa and preparing for a tour and your own work in the ministry, your time together was stretched thin forcing you to find little moments of free time throughout the day to spend together. Tonight Copia was holding confession, and as soon as the last person in line left, you came out of your hiding spot in the shadows and stepped into his side of the booth. It was late and Copia’s window for confession would be ending soon. No one else would be stopping in to confess their sins. 
When his hand came around to touch your clit, you all but whimpered in need. “Let them hear,” you breathed, your mouth falling open in a silent moan as his fingers teased your clit. His hand let go of your hair and pulled you closer to him. “I–aaaaah—want them to know you’re ruining me.”
“Ragazza birichina,” he purred in your ear. He pressed a kiss to your neck as his thrusts slowed to a torturous speed. 
“So close,” you panted softly as his lips peppered your neck with kisses and gentle nips. You teetered on the edge of your climax and were just about to shatter when the sound of heels could be heard approaching the confessional. 
You both froze upon hearing the door to the other side of the booth open and close and someone sitting down in the chair on the other side of the wall. The mesh between the booths was thick enough that the sibling couldn’t see either of you and you couldn’t see the sibling.
“Bless me, Papa, for I have sinned. It has been fourteen days since my last confession,” came the voice of one of one of your fellow siblings. “I have lusted, I was greedy, and I was envious.” 
One of Copia’s gloved hands came up to your mouth and covered it as he slowly pushed into you, careful to not make the chair you were balanced on creak. You felt his lips quirk upward into a smirk and knew he was turning this into a game. 
“For these sins, I am not sorry,” the sibling finished. 
Copia wasted no time stepping back into his role as Papa despite his cock buried deep inside of you. “Did you feel guilt while you were experiencing these sins?” Copia asked, keeping his voice level and neutral as he usually did in confession. A hand came and rested on your hip, keeping you still on his cock. He knew it would make you squirm. 
“A little,” the sibling confessed. “When I was lusting after my married friend…I want her so badly, but she’s happily married. I can’t help it though. I’m so jealous that her partner gets to have her every day and night and I just want her all to myself. I know they’re both polyamorous, but I still feel wrong for trying to come between them. I just…I don’t know…I don’t want to feel guilt for having the feelings I do and I don’t know what to do about this whole situation.”
“All those feelings you have a valid,” Copia said as he thrust deep into you again. You wanted to whimper into his hand but fought to keep silent. “There is nothing wrong with feeling guilt either. You are human and being human is complex and confusing.”
There was a sigh from the other side of the dark mesh screen. “What should I do, Papa?”
“Have you talked to your friend? Communication is key, after all.  It does not do to bottle up all these feelings.” Copia said, as the hand that wasn’t covering your mouth moved from your hip to your front and then between your legs. He dragged a single finger up your slit before stopping at your clit. You couldn’t help but tremble as you fought back any noise that was threatening to escape. 
“I’m afraid that if I tell her I’ll ruin my friendship,” the sibling said. “Even though I have a feeling maybe she feels the same for me too…”
“Perhaps it would be best to bring up your feelings to your friend and talk it through with her. You will never know if she feels the same or not if it’s never discussed. Don’t live with the regret of never knowing,” Copia responded as his fingers teased your clit.
“You’re right,” the sibling said. “I should talk to her. The worst that can happen is that my feelings aren’t returned and she’s not interested, right?”
“Right. And if she is truly your friend, your friendship won’t be ruined. Sure things might be, eh, awkward for a bit but you two will work through it.” He thrust into you slowly again and this time, the feeling was too intense. A muffled moan sounded against the leather of his glove and Copia quickly started to fake cough to cover up the sound.
“Are you okay, Papa?” The sibling asked.
“Mi dispiace. I seem to be coming down with a cold,” Copia lied, his fingers putting pressure on your clit as though in punishment. “Speak to your friend and discuss how you feel. Life is too short to be left wanting and wondering.”
“Thank you, Papa,” the sibling replied, their chair scrapping on the floor as they stood.
“Go and sin freely,” Copia said, making the sign of the inverted cross to the mesh-covered window.
The door on the other side of the confessional opened and you could hear the sibling walking away. When all was silent again, Copia released his hand from your mouth and pressed his lips to the side of your neck.
“Couldn’t help yourself, could you?” He questioned, his teeth grazing your skin.
“Sorry,” you panted. “It just came out.” 
He hummed in response before the slow, agonizing pace of his thrusts turned punishing. “You’re lucky confession is over and you can be as loud as you want now,” he growled into your ear. “And I’m going to make you sing, cara.” 
And he did make you sing—your voice echoing off the rafters of the chapel as he brought you to orgasm.
Translations dolcezza-sweetness Ragazza birichina-naughty girl Mi dispiace-I'm sorry cara-dear/darling
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w2soneshots · 4 months
Cheat -W2S
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Words: 0.5k+
Warnings: angst with no happy ending, break up.
In which you bump into the man who broke your heart.
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Me and Harry broke up almost a month ago, when I caught him cheating on me with his ex. I left that night and didn't look back, I was heart broken. We had been fighting a lot and I had been really busy with my job, so had he, but instead of just talking to me he went and slept with someone else, let alone his ex girlfriend.
Tonight I'm going to dinner with my best friend Emma, Ive been in my apartment a lot lately so she wanted to take me out to cheer me up. I got ready putting effort into my makeup and outfit since I haven't got dressed up in ages. Just as I got into my taxi I got a text from Emma "Im gonna be a little late!!" ugh.
Once I arrived at the restaurant I payed and thanked the driver, then I text Emma "Im outside, what table did you book again?" "15, I'll be another 20 minutes" she replied quickly, I sighed and walked through the door. The waitress took me towards the table, but I stopped as I saw who was sat on the table opposite mine. I clenched my teeth, "Is there any way I could swap tables?" I asked her quietly, "Im sorry they're all reserved" she said. I sighed "It doesn't matter" I said politely she nodded and walked away. I looked back at the table one more time, I caught Harry's eyes, stared for a second but then broke the contact by sitting down.
"Finally" I said standing up and pulling Emma into a hug. "Im so sorry, my boss gave me a bunch of last minute work I had to get done." "did you see who's here?" I said quietly leaning into her ear. "I know, I had to hold myself back from punching him in the gut!" she said annoyed. I laughed and shook my head.
We ate and finished our food, Harry obviously had just arrived when I got here because he's still here. Me and Emma said goodbye and she walked back to her apartment, which is a 10 minute walk from the restaurant. I stood outside hugging myself, as it's freezing, while I waited for my cab. I felt a tap on my shoulder... Harry. "what do you want?" I asked turning my head back to the road. "I wanted to explain myself" he said calmly. "Explain what? That you cheated on me with your ex?" "I-" "just shut the fuck up, and leave me alone!" I said walking towards the edge of the pavement. "I didn't cheat on you." he said from behind me, I didn't say anything. "She turned up to our apartment, I almost did but then I realised what a mistake I was making and stopped it." he now stood next to me. A tear rolled down my cheek "Im sorry y/n." he said, another tear. My taxi pulled up. "You really hurt me Harry. goodbye." I said getting in the car.
That night I cried myself to sleep, but I now have the closure I needed and can move on with my life and from him.
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thecollectionsof · 1 year
four words! camgeria; roommates; confession; KISS !! >:3
i’ve finally got the prompt for you !! sorry it took forever but i got a sudden burst of inspiration for this the other day so here it is <3
“Move in with me,” Camden says one day as she lounges on her couch with Angie’s hand carding through her hair. She’s been thinking about it for a while, especially since Angie’s been complaining about how loud her roommates were being recently.
All of the reasons and explanations she had built up get stuck in her throat, leaving her slack-jawed.
“Yeah. Of course, Cam.” Angie’s smile leaves her even more breathless, even more confused—she barely registered making the offer and now Angie accepts it with hardly a thought. As if she’d been thinking about it too. She tries to rearrange her face into a more normal expression, but she’s saved from trying and failing as hard as she was when Angie turns to look back at the screen. “Of course.”
It took more time than that, naturally, between logistics and working out what furniture each of them had, but come May the apartment that Camden had lived in alone for the past year suddenly had Angie in it.
It was easier than she thought, to adjust to Angie’s presence, but it was probably because Angie was over so much before the move anyway. Her shoes found the same places on the shelf, she’d throw her coat over the same chair, and she’d still leave the cupboard door open when she got a glass of water. But Camden was used to that. That’s how hanging out with Angie was, but it was also how living with Angie was.
Living with Angie was also late nights watching movies and hoping that Angie doesn’t hear the way her heart beats faster when she cuddles up against her on the couch. It was sleepy smile and making each other laugh so hard their cheeks hurt from smiling.
Like now, like tonight. They were trying to watch a movie, originally, but they can hardly focus on their nth rewatch of The Princess Bride, too busy doing bad impersonations of each other.
Emphasis on bad.
“God, Angie, alright,” Camden says after Angie finishes pretending to do ballet, describing everything in a shoddy accent. She’s holding her stomach as she sits up, still laughing a bit, and Angie looks proud, a bright grin on her face as she laughs along at her own antics. It’s times like this, times where they’re just completely ignoring a movie and spending time together and making each other laugh. These are the times that make her wish she could pull her in for a quick kiss, or tackle her into the sofa and tickle her and maybe also kiss her, and…
And ever since they started living together a few months ago, it’s been almost every night.
“You want popcorn?” Angie stretches her arms above her head as she stands up, and Camden can’t quite help but peek at the sliver of tan skin that shows as her shirt rides up.
She also can’t quite help the words that fall from her lips.
“Angie, would you…” she hesitates and Angie pauses, probably sensing her sudden panic at the half-formed question.
Well, she got herself into this mess. She sucks in a breath, and finishes the thought.
“Um. Would you want to, maybe, go out together? Sometime?”
Angie stops for real, one of her arms not fully down by her side yet.
“You… huh?”
Camden squeezes her eyes shut, covering her face with her hands. Fuck. Shit.
“Nevermind, sorry, I—“
“Like a date?” Angie’s voice gives nothing away, so she slowly nods, not yet brave enough to open her eyes.
There’s a moment of silence. God, she fucked it up, didn’t she? They were roommates, now, too. Fuck. What would she do? What could she do?
“A date with little ol’ me?”
She sounds…
Camden opens her eyes, peeking through her fingers. Angie is beaming back at her, looking delighted.
“Yes?” It’s timid, even to her own ears, but she gains a bit of confidence at the sheer excitement she can see on Angie’s face.
“My dearest Lady Camden, do you have a crush on me?”
Camden swats at her, still hiding her horribly red face behind one hand. “Shut up, Angeria,” she says, not meaning it. Angie’s teasing means that maybe…
Angie plops back down next to her, still looking mischievous. “So you don’t mind if I do this?” she asks, and then she starts leaning in. Camden matches her, leaning in too. Her hearts beating, her stomach feels like it’s filled with butterflies. She can’t quite believe it—is she really about to kiss Angie? All because she couldn’t keep her mouth shut?
Angie’s a hair’s breadth away before she pulls away again, looking proud. “How about that?”
“Come on,” she whines, pouting. Angie smiles, before leaning in again.
And then they’re kissing.
And then they’re kissing.
It’s gentle and light and easy but not lacking in feeling, which she feels sums the two of them up pretty well. They kiss again, and then again, and then again, and they only stop when they were smiling too hard to keep going.
“So… popcorn?” Angie says quietly, trying to look mischievous but just looking soft.
“You’re stupid,” Camden replies, snorting, and rests her forehead in the crook of Angie’s neck, “but that would be nice.”
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softly-potter · 2 years
Summary: Draco's having a hard time coping with the world post-war, and he uses sex and alcohol to get by. It never occurred to him that Hermione might be coping in a similar fashion. 
Pairing: Draco X Hermione
Word Count: 17,065
Warning: smut, language
A/N: Find the rest of the chapters here; Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V | Part VI | Part VII | Part VIII | Part IX | Part X | Part XI | Part XII | Part XIII | Part XIV
Part I
September 19th, 2000
My love,
It is with great regret that I am writing to you. Please know I do not wish for this, but your father is the final word in decisions like this. He's aware I am unhappy with choice, but when has your father ever heeded my words?
We can no longer support you. With the constant drinking and nights out, I'm afraid your father has decided to halt your access to the family account until you either marry or sort yourself out. I do so hope you do that, my love. You are my brightest joy, but your actions these past few months with the Malfoy money has angered your father. I am so sorry, Draco. Please write back soon.
"Absolute bitch and arsehole," Draco scoffs, crumbling his mothers parchment in his hand and holding his other hand above his head. Pansy is snoring loudly atop of him, her naked frame pressing into his side that he finds sharp and annoying.
It was nearly ten in the morning and Draco knows he's late for work, but the fire whiskey hangover is pounding behind his eyes and he has just been informed that he no longer will have a steady flow of income. His job at Flourish & Blotts has merely been something to occupy himself with, a pastime, and in no way can it keep up with his lavish lifestyle. With an exasperated sigh, he shoves Pansy off of his chest and stands up, looking around the room for his clothing.
"Draco, what the hell?!" she gasps, nearly falling off the other side of the bed from the force, glaring at him and pulling the covers around her bare chest.
"Don't be modest now," he sneers, finding his trousers and putting them on. "You were all overjoyed to bare yourself last night."
Eyes wide, Pansy stands quickly, swearing, "Fuck you."
"You already did that."
"I'm leaving."
"Good. I never asked you to stay."
He begins to brush his teeth when he hears her slam the door and he rolls his eyes, knowing she'll be calling him later tonight while saying whatever she needs to in order to stay in his good graces so he'll fuck her again.
Exiting the bathroom, he swears under his breath as he feels a sharp pain on his foot. He lifts his leg to find one of her earrings on his floor. Rearing his arm back, he throws it against the wall. He hopes she doesn't call.
By the time he enters the bookstore, he's almost certain he's lost the job, the third one this year. He scans the store, his eyes flitting over a group of elderly witches quickly before he lands on his bushy-haired coworker, silently rearranging a stack of books.
"Busy morning, Granger?" he asks, leaning against the bookshelf as he watches Hermione Granger push a book into its rightful place.
"No thanks to you," she huffs, giving him a glare before she walks away, her back to him. He shoves his hands in his pockets as he follows her, eyes glued to her backside.
It isn't that he fancies Granger. No, it's more that she...puzzles him. She's quite bland, not changing much since their days at Hogwarts, her hair still wild and bushy and she still carries herself in the "I'm-smarter-than-you" fashion. But she has certainly matured, filling out in all the right places that sometimes when he was alone, he pictures her lips parting in an 'o' of pleasure.
"We actually weren't terribly busy," she says, pulling him out of his daydream. "So I told Mayjoy you went on a delivery. You're lucky our boss likes me, because I'm not sure if he entirely believed it."
Draco pauses, staring at her. She had covered for him?
He folds his arms defensively, cocking his head to the side. "I don't need you covering my tracks, Granger," he hisses, contempt filling his voice. It's so like her to do that, sticking her freckled nose in other people's issues. "I'm not your pet project."
"Pardon me for being nice," she quips, not looking at him, and placing another book onto its shelf. Draco can feel his self-control coming to an end. "I didn't realize you were capable of taking care of yourself since, you know, Mummy and Daddy clean up after you."
In three steps he's behind her and he places his hand on either side of her frame as she turns to face him, her eyes suddenly wide in...what, fear? No, that isn't it.
"You'd be wise to watch your mouth when addressing me, Granger," he sneers, his face inches from hers, so close he can play connect the dots with her freckles.
"Or what? You'll do what, exactly?" she shoots back, to which he raises an eyebrow at her bravery. "I always pick up your slack around here, minding the register, and cleaning when you're late or hungover or both, so no, I won't watch my tone. I will do so when you deserve it."
Her words strike a cord in him and she dips below his arm and moves away before he can react, leaving him leaning against the bookcase in bewilderment.
"Fuck you, Granger!" he hollers, but she's already out of eye view, and he swears under his breath, brushing his fingers through his hair in frustration.
Where does she get on in talking to him that way, and why does it make him hard?
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nialltlynch · 1 year
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whooooo okay uhhh here's what i have for these. (and TECHNICALLY that should be ashley one and ashley two since ive already posted three but wahhhhhhhtever)
my wip fridge: the post
niall mor greenmantle piper cheating au - sorry !!!! i don't really have a snippet but basic vibes are very much some reality tv show full of the most annoying people you can think of except they meet up at a magical black market. i also have it in my head that mor, niall, and greenmantle are all vaguely the sameish age but piper is a good decade younger. (she has a vibrant social circle outside of them.) theyre not a polycule because theyre rancid and niall and mor keep saying theyre catholic and piper wouldn't want to be associated with the rest of them outside of the fairy market !!!! uhhhhm basically niall is the physical embodiment of "boobs in my mouth boobs in my mouth boobs in my mouth youre NOTHING", mor is constantly suicide baiting him (often while theyre fucking), greenmantle wants so desperately to be liked but unfortunately hes from BALTIMORE, and piper is a wannabe influencer who could totally blow the cover of the whole magical black market thing if anyone took her seriously. (she's been shadowbanned for having a dildo shaped thing in the background of one many of her photos (absolutely a dildo but that's beside the point)).
jordan blue thing (may have posted some of this before idr)
Jordan had seen Blue Sargent naked before she'd even learned her name.  
They met in a figure drawing class which did wonders for Jordan's wandering late night imagination.  Little forays that paid off during the day when Jordan came to paint.  She had pictured the arch of Blue's back and the fullness of her thighs pressed together.  There were hours where Jordan spent trying to mentally capture light falling on Blue's breasts.  
Always with an academic mind, of course.  Definitely.  When she thought of running her hands along her skin it was purely for the way Blue would react.  What color were her cheeks when she's flushed?  Was her skin soft?  Giving?  And those lips.  What did they taste of?  Mint?  Cherries?
Jordan sighed as the class came to an end.  Before the piece had been a collection of lines and shadows, her gaze too close and critical, but now, with the bell ringing, she takes a step back.She looked at her drawing: eyes downcast, shoulder shrugged in coy invitation, the curve of the back slightly exaggerated.  She couldn't quite get the hair right.  Not spiky enough, her mind supplied unhelpfully.  Jordan compared the drawing to the subject: dark brown eyes that couldn't be properly captured in charcoal and -
She was looking straight at Jordan.
Blue had shrugged on the tatty old robe and tied it loosely.  Jordan smiled and put away her supplies.
"You're the best one in class," Blue said it loud enough for other students to hear.  She didn't even bother with side eye.  Just a full on defiant what are you going to do about it look.  When the students left she turned back to Jordan and gestured to one of the easels and leaned in conspiratorially.  "There's no way I'm that toned.  A shame?  Maybe.  But it's the truth."
Jordan felt a laugh bubble up in her throat.  She made a study of Blue, not bothering to hide the way she was clearly checking her out.  "Call it artistic liberties."
"When you draw me," Blue said as she came around behind Jordan to look at her work.  "You get it.  There are things about me worth the attention and sometimes it seems like you're the only one who notices."
They turned their attention to Jordan's unfinished drawing.  Jordan wondered if Blue could tell how Jordan lingered on the lips.  The neck.  The eyes.
"I'll finish you off someday," Jordan said.  When she looked at Blue she noticed how her robe had fallen just slightly off her shoulder.  A stupid thing to notice.  A little break of skin.  Jordan had an eyeful of naked Blue on display only moments ago.  She swalllowed.
"You busy tonight?" Blue asked, turning suddenly.  "We always do this thing Wednesday nights, you want in?  Just a couple drinks.  No pressure."
Jordan thought about her apartment and the unfinished paintings drying on the walls.  Most nights were spent lost among these things, half inside her own head and half arguing with Hennessy about nothing and everything.  She couldn't remember the last time she had let herself chill or hang or whatever people called it these days.
Blue scribbled her number on an extra piece of scrap paper - this one was splattered with oils and paints that stained Blue's fingers when she pulled away.
adam and mr gray
"It's rather late for questions, Mr. Parrish," Mr. Gray says.  
Without saying anything, Adam presses the collection of papers and clippings and evidence into Mr Gray's hands.  Presented without comment. 
Mr. Gray is an interesting specimen.  The very first thing Adam had noticed about the man was his insistence on consistency.  Unflappable in a way that Adam originally had attributed to a career languishing in professorship but Mr. Gray dismissed that immediately.  His hair was gray (prematurely Adam decided after tracing the line of his jaw with his eyes for the entire first class session), he had broad shoulders and a slight limp on his left side that he was usually very good at hiding unless he had been standing in one spot for more than five or so minutes.  Which he was careful never to do.  Adam had found himself fascinated from the first.  Mr. Gray was smart and easy going but there had been something else in there as well.
Adam watches him now flip through the various bits of evidence Adam had collected over the ten days of panic over Ronan.  The tiny scuff on the surface, perfectly concealed except to an eye that was looking. Mr. Gray keeps his face mostly clear of any indication of anything at all (Adam watches his jaw closely for he knows that's where Mr. Gray keeps most of his emotions) until he reaches the very end.  Adam swallows.  He hopes it's enough.
"What do you want?" Mr. Gray finally asks, looking up.
"Resources," Adam says. 
Mr. Gray fully opens the door and allows Adam inside.  Adam's never been inside his office, never had much use for it.  It's deceptively sparse except for a grand bookcase stocked tastefully with books exactly like one would expect.  It's the trinkets that line the top shelf that catch Adam's eye.  To any one else, student or colleague, they would seem to be the collection of a somewhat quirky professor.  GIfts, maybe.  Things bought on a whim with a story gladly told but closer inspection shows Adam waht they really are.
Expensive things taken from hits to serve as a reminder of what life might have been.  Used to be.  Life outside of the office?
ashley 2 (actually 1)
"Okay, on three, ready? One, two - I'm gay."
Declan does not abide the rules. He looks at her with the same inconcievable confusion he always wears, his salad all skewered and dressed on his tiny fork and halfway up to his gaping mouth.
"You were supposed to tell me you're gay, too! Twinsies!"
"I am not gay," Declan says lowly, looking furtively around them.
"The warehouse," Ashley prompts. "Mr. What Do You Know About Welsh Kings? If every man in the world were built like that then maybe I wouldn't have strayed the straight and narrow but come on. Are you really not out yet? Not even to yourself? Baby, listen, you're gay."
He gently sets his fork down and crumples the fabric napkin in his fists.
"Can you just break up with me like a normal person?" he takes her hand and clasps it around her water glass. "Get it out of your system. Throw it at me and be done with it."
Ashley does not abide the rules. She tugs her hand from his, splashing a bit of water on his hands, and drinks all the sparkling water in one go.
"This was a great idea," she says. "I do love lobster."
ashley 3 (actually 2)
When pressed, Ashley might say that the happiest high of her relationship with Declan Lynch had not been the extravagent peacocking in the form of expensive dinners and pretty trinkets for her wrists and nceck.  The happiest high is a specific slice of a moment, golden hour or burgeoning dawn she can't remember, with Declan's arm draped casually along her back, hand tucked in a possessive laziness at her waist.  Ashley, when pressed, can't recall much more detail than that.  Nothing about what they might have been wearing or why or even really where they were.  There had been a snapshot of a moment where she remembered being at his side and getting a glimpse of something more than had been previously promised.
The problem with this high is that is likely had never happened.   The details too fuzzy, the things coming to light too on point.  It could have been a fabrication of a story of a memory of an old ad seen once in passing along the winding highway leading toward a city.  Ashley's never followed any of the highways into the glitz and glamor for fear of where they might lead but she did exactly once and it led her here.
Ashley can't believe what she's seeing so she calls him.  He says her name neutrally when he answers.  Short and perfunctory like a bad stage read.
"You've canceled on my every night this week.  You know what?  No.  No, I don't want to hear anymore of your excuses."
Declan is silent on the other end.  Stewing, no doubt.  Jaw tight and the muscles along it clenching down until he can't speak or move.  It's a look she's seen on him before, one very common in the Declan facial expression lexicon, one she can hear without sight.  The line dies and so the image of Declan with it.  Ashley gathers herself for another night spent much the same as the others.  All around her are the boxes organized prettily stacked against the walls, waiting for something that won't ever come.  Ashley can relate to that.
In some ways, the city hasn't been anything like her expectations at all.  In others, she feels like she should've known so much better.  It would be a very simple thing to to resent the place and yet Ashley can't quite muster up the courage.
She had taken all of her savings to follow Declan out here, a choice that at the time had seemed lifted from one of those romantic movies he dutifully watched with her some nights.  Maybe it came from the same place in her mind as her happiest moments with him.  That same script of lies.  Ashley wishes she could go back and grab her younger self, dig her fingers into her pliable shoulders, and shake and shake and shake.  She could imagine it, going back and trying to talk sense into her.  She knows she would never listen.
Declan is barely worth it.  There's a certain thread of surprsie at how easily Ashley is able to find the conclusion and hold it as her own but the more she repeats it in her head - barely worth it Declan is barely worth it Declan is barely worth it Declan is Declan is Declan Declan Declan - the easier it is to come to terms with.
Ashley wakes up the next morning to a blurb of a text.  The preview reads everything she needs to know.  
Ashley - it has been a pleasure knowing you but I'm afraid it's over.  Kindly
She isn't sure if this is the world's most droll suicide note or if she should be expecting a severence package in three to five business days.  Her minds wander the dark places where this is in fact a suicide letter.  The notifications.  The funeral.  The explanations she would have to give to his family.  Oh, we broke up, actually.  I was going to propose.  It wasn't serious.  He was my everything.  Are you his mother?  I don't think we've ever met.
It takes Ashley until the end of the evening to finally read the message in its entirety.  In the time between seeing it and reading the whole thing she managed to unpack her entire apartment, find her way to a cheap take out place only a couple blocks away, and fight with the porter about losing her key.  She entertains scenarios about what the text could be. The truth is, as is often the case, a disappointment.
Ashley - it has been a pleasure knowing you but I'm afraid it's over.  Kindly remove me from your contacts and refrain from contacting me again.  Warm regards - Declan L.
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elytrafemme · 2 years
MARE. OH MY GOSH. HIIII ok i'm sorry if i'm interrupting anything but i have really hardly interacted with my lovely tumblr friends for SO long now and i WANT to change that because i miss you guys so much and i miss talking to you in particular a lot :'D so HI!!!!! how have you been doing lately what's up :] if you have anything at all to share i would love to hear it very much...
hi hi hi okay uhhh fun life updates yes yes okay! well I'm multitasking playing Spider Solitaire, rewatching the Try Guys update video, writing cough syrup, and watching DougDoug play Peggle which are just about the four things that sum up my life at this point! today's been interesting but let me try to think of some nice things to update you on
okay okay so last Wednesday i think my school did this thing called senior sunrise where all the seniors went outside about an hour before school started and just. watched the sunrise together. and my friends baked a ton of stuff and someone in the school set up a speaker with a really nice playlist. i wore my ex's beanie for basically the entire time which was really meaningful to me and it was super fun. we couldn't really see the sunrise (and i went to colorado last month and let me tell you sunrises in my state are fucking ruined after seeing the beauty that is colorado ones). that was one of the more fun school things to happen though so i just wanted to share that
tomorrow my parents and i are going to another city in our area to look at a house! my brother is moving out but he's uh busy i think so we're going to do the house inspection thing on his behalf which i guess works? and then on wednesday i go on a one day trip to college tour somewhere ive NEVER been before so that's kind of exciting. and then day after i'm fingers crossed getting boba with friends. and then rest of this week is a lot of college applications and CS writing but i'm hoping i can hang out with my ex at some point or at least stop by where she works (she's still one of my close friends im just calling her my ex for continuity's sake)
i have no idea if you were online when i found out this stuff but i'm part of a system lol uhmm. listening to a lot of good music which is mostly adam lambert who is out of your genre range but like im obsessed with him also menlik zergabachew and a couple others. i want to paint my nails a kind of plum shade bc those are all the colors we have so i might do that later :DDD probably shouldn't tonight since i'm working but it might also be a positive trigger so not sure anyway that might happen
okay i feel like ive rambled a lot which is weird bc these past few days have been. SO unexciting. but its SO GOOD SEEING YOU!!!! I HOPE YOU ARE DOING WELL <333 i hope the math hw went well and the death metal is treating you good and that the cat 5 sleepy girl catastrophes are moving down to cat 3. and that you are happy :]
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acedomkarl · 11 months
knucklehead asked: dt3am getting tense bc they’d originally planned to meet w k4rl in paris but now he can’t make it. it’s been too long since he’s been w them, and they’re already running out of the brain power it takes to keep their dynamics running in a functional way. kinda like your last lifestyle bdsm fic, grg is struggling to maintain his dynamic w dn because it’s more difficult to get direction from k4rl, he’s not been able to bottom for a while since k4rl hasn’t been there. drm hasn’t been getting his spanks and doing his chores isn’t as effective since k4rl isn’t there to implement it and grg doesn’t really get it so he doesn’t care enough to follow up on if he’s done it. s4p is struggling w/o his emotional support, it’s not the same going to d/nf for his cuddles etc, grg plays around too much with pretending he hates it so he gets too far in his own head and decides to leave him alone as soon as grg starts trying to push him off, drm is always tense with wanting to keep working and missing k4rl so even when they cuddle he feels like drm would rather be doing smth else. and the sex is just as off balance. k4rl announcing he isn’t going to be in paris is like a tipping point. grg feels like he’s losing his grip as a dom and can’t bring himself to do punishments and stay in charge so he becomes more and more agitated. he keeps doing things hoping that dn will report back to k4rl so that he can be punished, even though it’d have to be over the phone, at least it’s something, so he teases the other two more, starting snippy little arguments in public w s4p knowing the other can’t do anything about it, and gets touchier with drm whenever he’s busy and can’t follow up on what he’s starting. drm gets snappy because his brain feels like it’s all over the place and the other two struggling with their own problems keeps adding to the constant static in his head. everything’s confusing, he’s on the move all day with the convention and doesn’t get a minute to calm down, and when he does his boyfriends are making it difficult to relax and now he’s lashing out. s4p is withdrawing gradually, he’s not getting comfort as often, especially not the way k4rl does it so he eventually stops chasing it and sticks to keeping himself busy with meeting fans and then once everythings done he goes to his room and doesnt leave until he has to. i had an idea for how k4rl would fix the issue with a late surprise visit to paris without telling his boyfriends he’s going, but i ran out of brain power for it and forgot what i’d originally thought but ive also already typed all that so have my usual not even half baked brainrot IDK WHAT THIS IS IGNORE IT IF YOU WANT ITS LITERALLY NOTHING LMAOO -🐙
no no no no no this is so good FUCK i have to go to work but if this was a fic id make them go to nc before back to florida and stay in k4rls house for a week or two while he works just being in his space waiting for him to come home and handle all of them and k4rl isnt really as strung out as he usually is because he got a kind of vacation from not going to paris so he's like. in a good headspace and is caught up on his obligations so first of all he gets dr34mn4p cuddled up in his bed and then takes g30rg3 into the living room and fucks his mouth with his fingers while he sits in his lap. g30rg3 just shuts his eyes and grips k4rls wrist holding the fingers in his mouth and tasting the silver of the rings and k4rl's skin and he just sits like that moving his tongue and nibbling for a while as k4rl mumbles in his ear that he did so well while they were apart and he's gonna fuck him really nice and hard tonight after he talks to s4pn4p and gives dr34m some spanks and g30rg3 is just bobbing his head totally gone from the second he saw k4rl. its like he saw his dom and his brain went 'safe' and turned off, so he gets care first. sorry if this is scattered i literally need to be out the door BUT I LOVE THIS SO FEEL FREE TO KEEP GOING AND ILL EITHER ANSWER LATER OR JUST SPAM WITH TY ANON
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ghoulxh · 1 year
Take A Break
— — —
Papa Emeritus IV x wife!Reader (2nd Person POV)
Your husband, Papa Emeritus IV, has been coming home from work very late. He wishes more than anything to spend more time with you. After a long and stressful work day, he finally allows you to care for him.
I guess I was inspired by 'Take A Break' from Hamilton.
Word Count: 1,548
Not proofread.(none of my shit ever is) If you'd prefer to read this on Ao3
A/N-I went to see Hamilton a few days ago, and I just could not get the image of Papa IV working away while his wife just tries to get him to take a fucking break. PLEASE COPIA TAKE A BREAK AND GET AWAY! Anyways, thank you for taking time out of your day/night to read this. <3
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You loved him dearly. He was the best husband you could ever ask for. He somehow managed to make your shittiest days much better. However, when his Papacy began, it seemed like he had less and less time for you.
“Maybe we could schedule something for this weekend. We haven’t had a date night in a while,” You offered as you walked beside Copia. You were heading to different places, but you just happened to encounter each other in the hallway. He was walking very quickly. He was most likely in a rush since taking a break made him feel like he was falling behind on his work.
“I don’t know. I have a lot of work to get done before the weekend.”
“Oh… right. Then some other time,” you said and stopped in your tracks, and you felt your heart shatter. You weren’t even sure Copia had heard you. “Another time,” you repeated to yourself.
That happened every time. You barely got two sentences in before Copia decided he was too busy. 
He didn’t even have time to be intimate with you anymore. Anytime you felt like this was the day, those feelings were quickly gone when Copia arrived home, exhausted and overworked.
— — —
“Maybe you shouldn’t go in today. Take a break,” you said as you watched Copia get ready for another day of sitting in his office and working his ass off from the comfort of your shared bed.
“I can not do that, mia cara. There is a lot of work to do,” he said.
“Well… maybe I can help you out. I used to help Papa Secondo way back when.”
“No, no. You rest, cara,” he said as he came over to kiss your forehead. You closed your eyes and hummed in delight when he did so.
“When do you get to rest, my dear?” he was stumped by your question, so he chose to ignore it.
“I will see you when I get back?” 
“I will be right here.” 
He was about to leave when you stopped him once again.
“When will you be back?” you asked. You watched as Copia halted in his tracks and glanced at you over his shoulder. 
“Che cosa?”
“When will you be back tonight?” He fully turned his body towards you. 
“I am not sure.” You looked down at your hands, where you were fidgeting with the hem of the shirt you’d worn to sleep the night before. “You are upset?” 
“I’m not upset. I am just disappointed.”
“That is worse.” you chuckled and smiled. “I will try to be back as soon as possible.” you could only nod at this. 
“I’ll be waiting.” 
— — —
You expected him to be home by five, maybe six, since he did say he’d be back as soon as possible.
You didn’t see or hear from Copia until 9 pm when he finally got home.
You were in bed already. You had just put down the book you were reading when the door bedroom door opened. You watched as Copia walked into the bedroom and softly shut the door behind him.
“Amore mio, mi dispiace.” was the first thing he said as soon as he locked eyes with you. You held your hand up to tell him to stop.
“It’s alright, my love.” at your words, a small wave of relief washed over his body even though he knew deep down it was not alright.
“Sei sicuro?” He asked for good measure. You nodded. He sighed. He walked towards you and sat on the edge of the bed, facing away from you. “It is all too much. I should not let my work keep me away from you like this. I have been neglecting you as a husband, amore mio. I am very sorry.” You opened your mouth to speak, but he interrupted you before you could get a word out. “No, no. Do not say it is alright. It is not,” he said, shaking his head in disapproval.
“Copia… I understand. It’s not easy being Papa. I know that you get more work on top of the work you already have. I told you before I used to help your brother back in the day. If you ever need any help, please let me know. I am your wife. I want to be there for you whenever you need me, just like you are there for me. This marriage is not a one-way relationship.” 
You got out from under the covers and crawled to the edge of the bed to sit beside him. You took one of his hands in both of yours and removed his glove, pressing a soft kiss to the back of his hand. 
“Oh, cara.” you looked up at him and noticed his eyes glossing over with tears. 
“None of that, my darling,” you said and stood up. You gently cupped his face, tilting his head up so his eyes met yours. “Ti amo, Copia.” You speaking to him in Italian always made him weak. A tear rolled down his cheek, and he smiled up at you. One of his hands came up to rest on one of your ones on his face.
“Anch'io ti amo.” his arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you into him, his head against your stomach as he hugged you. Your fingers raked through his hair, and you smiled. You silently thanked Satan. You knew this would put an end to Copia’s coming home late. 
When Copia finally pulled away from you, you noticed the now smudged paint on his face. Some spots on his face were now a slight shade of gray. 
“Would you allow your wife to care for you before we go to bed tonight?” you asked him with a smile. 
“I would love nothing more.” 
And he did let you. He stripped off his clothes and threw on his white robe before meeting you in the bathroom to let you do his nightly skincare routine. You had watched him enough times to know how he did everything by now. 
First, you used a makeup remover on his face (the man probably uses more of that in one week than you do in a year) as you rubbed it in carefully with your hands, the black and white paint mixed into a gray color.
“I should let you do this every night,” he said, almost whispered, so he didn’t interrupt you.
“You know I wouldn’t mind doing this for you,” you stated. You pulled your hands away from Copia’s face and rinsed your hands off. You grabbed a washcloth from a cabinet under the sink and ran it under the warm water making sure the rag was only damp before using it on his face. You wiped all over his face removing all of the paint. “Perfect,” you said and leaned back to admire your work. Copia opened his eyes, and you booped his nose with your index finger. His face jerked backward with the sudden movement, and you laughed.
“Amore mio, this is no time to joke around this is my face we are talking about,” he said, motioning with his hands to his face. You laughed once again and played along with him.
“Oh my, pardon me. How dare I laugh during such a serious moment.” 
“Yes, well… continue.” You chuckled and grabbed the next thing from his little (pink) skincare basket. 
Next up was the cleanser. You were once again careful around the eyes and mouth with the product. You noticed Copia flinched when your hand came in contact with his face. 
“Cold?” you asked.
“Solo un po,” Copia murmured. Once more, when you finished rubbing in the cleanser and were sure you got every spot on his face, you removed it with a damp washcloth. 
“How am I doing so far?” you asked as you reached over for the last thing, toner.
“Perfect. I would let you do it again.” 
“We have not finished yet, do not get ahead of yourself.” he chuckled and allowed you to continue. 
You used a small cotton pad to wipe the toner all over his face and neck. 
“Done,” you finished as you tossed the cotton pad into the trash bin. 
Copia turned to look at himself in the mirror then he turned back to you.
“You did great.” you smiled and waved him off.
“Alright, Papa. I think it’s bedtime now.” 
“SÌ, I agree.” 
Once you were back in the bedroom, you changed your (Copia’s) shirt, which had been slightly stained earlier by Copia’s paint when he hugged you. Of course, instead of one of your own, you went for another one of Copia’s shirts.
He was already in bed by the time you finished deciding which of his shirt you wanted to wear to bed. 
“They will all look beautiful on you, cara.”
“Oh, I’m sure they will.” you chuckled. 
Once you finally picked one out and put it on, you crawled into bed next to Copia. Your head, lying on his chest, your limbs all tangled together. You could not think of anyone better to be cuddled up next to in that moment and every other you shared.
“Ti amo mia cara.”
“Anch'io ti amo, more than words can express.”
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Thank you so much for reading this if you made it all the way to the end!
Please consider reblogging! It’s free, and it would really support my work! 🤍
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choerrypuffs · 2 years
-ccsa anon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so . my y/n moment is nonexistant 🤗 BROOOOO every guy in my grade either is fugly or likes someone else LOOOL anw thats good ig bc i need to focus
anw nct 127 is comi g to indonesia im bkuta go broke buying those tickets
istg um not dying without seeing haechan irl ISTGGGGG
hmm what else has hapoened while i was gone uhhhh well i had 1 crush, he got close wjth my sister so i stopped liking him, ummmmm im aceing chemistry uhhhhh fuck math errrmmmmm IDK BUT I AM DOING OK 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
-ccsa anon!!!!!
DFJKSAJA ripppp omg not the fugly men 🤧 smh that's right you gotta focus on your studies bc you're too good for those guys anyways 😤
anyways how have your classes and life in general been???? i'm sorry i'm not as active but i'm always looking forward to your updates 🥰
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chvnnie · 2 years
Ok I’ve been thinking about the changbin hips part in maniac and how he puts his non mic hand behind him so that theres no obstruction from the pelvis and how the move right after makes the whole thing look like hes fucking you from behind and then slaps your ass
Thats it ive just been dealing with that visual since the release and im a mess because daddy dom changbin has been wearing on me for a while
hi!!! so sorry this took so long - i’ve been extra busy lately but this honestly has eaten me ALIVE since you sent it and i’m SO GLAD I FINALLY GOT TO FINISH IT. I REALLY HOPE YOU ENJOY
seo changbin x reader
word count: 2k
genre: fluff, smut - MINORS DNI
warnings: daddy dom!changbin, sub!reader, changbin’s thoughts are absolutely filthy, mentions of oral, teasing, dirty talk, unprotected sex (come on. just don’t), tears, they both fuck each other dumb, breeding kink, god they’re so in love. if i missed anything, PLEASE LET ME KNOW
a/n: my breeding kink has been through the roof lately and i’m making it everybody’s problem.
this is a work of fiction. this fic in no way represents seo changbin as a person or stray kids as a whole. you are responsible for the media you consume. please read responsibly.
It all started with a dress.
That stupid fucking dress.
It wasn’t like this dress was special, or even new. There was no reason for it to invoke such a reaction in Changbin, but it did.
When he saw you coming down the stairs in that white dress, the one with the puff sleeves and square neckline with a tie in the front, his heartbeat suddenly became very prominent in between his thighs. Changbin always thought you looked so pretty in it, but something about it tonight made his mind blank, unable to do anything but stare at you with a gaping mouth.
He didn’t have much time, nor the brain power, to consider why something you wore often had him feeling so primal, before you sat next to him on the couch. A hand resting on his knee, you leaned in and pressed a small kiss on the corner of his lip, lipgloss leaving a stain. On instinct, Changbin licked his lips to remove the gloss, and had to swallow the groan that threatened to release.
Strawberry. Fucking strawberry lipgloss that was shining under the cool light of the sitting room and made your lips look so delicious. His mind began to run with thoughts of how smooth they would feel against his, or how pretty they would look wrapped around his cock. The way the sticky texture of it would rub off on his shaft, feeling the skin tug as you bobbed your head up and down. Or the way it would look smeared across your face, mixed with drool and his cum after he finished all over your face.
Fuck, what were you doing to him?
You looked at your boyfriend, blinking with concern. “Everything alright, Binnie?”
Oh there you go again. Binnie. The way it rolled off your tongue would never not drive him insane. It just always sounded so good, especially when-
“Fine.” He responded, clearing his throat so you wouldn’t hear his voice waver. “You look stunning, honey.” Changbin leaned in, placing a small kiss on your hairline.
Add your scent to the list of things that were overwhelming him tonight. Clean linen mixed with the soft smell of roses and something that was purely you. God, it was incredible, the way you could do absolutely nothing and have Changbin slobbering all over you.
A smile graced your face, other hand reaching up to wipe the excess lipgloss off his lips. “You looked lost in your thoughts. Just wanted to make sure you were still here with me.”
He wasn’t. No, his mind was far, far away at the moment, imagining all the ways he wanted to take you tonight. Changbin gripped your wrist, keeping your hand on his face as he pressed a butterfly kiss to your thumb. You blushed at the action, letting your hand linger before slipping away.
The rest of the evening wasn’t any better. When he invited you on his family vacation, he didn’t think he’d be spending it chugging water at a nice restaurant to try and calm his body.
It was everything you did. The way you twisted the cloth napkin around your fingers during conversation, how you broke your bread off into tiny pieces before you took the bites, the way your skin would flush any time his parents spoke to you as if you two hadn’t been together for years at this point. Everything you did made resisting the urge to pick you up and throw you on the table harder.
Changbin didn’t know if he could contain himself much longer. Apparently, luck was on his side tonight. When the check came, his mother brought up their plans to grab ice cream and walk on the beach during sunset, extending the invitation to you and Changbin.
“I would love to, but I actually have a bit of a headache.” You answered before Changbin could even think of an excuse. “I’m so sorry, but I’ll have to pass.” You turned to your boyfriend, hand searching for his under the table. Finding it, you gave it a tight squeeze. “Don’t feel like you have to stay in because of me, Bin.”
Like he would even consider passing up an evening alone with you.
Upon entering the vacation home, it took Changbin forty five seconds to have you in your shared bedroom with the door locked, on all fours with your ass arched up, panties pulled down just enough to show off your dripping core.
Changbin kneeled behind you on the bed, fingers opening the lips of your pussy up to see more of you. He leaned in, licking a slow stripe down the center of your silt. Your thighs shook as he took his time, tasting every inch of you.
“So sweet, baby girl.” He blew on your core, the cool air making your skin goosebump. “I love the way you taste.”
You whined, pushing your hips back to feel more of his mouth on you.
Typically, he’d entertain your bratty actions, smiling as he put you back in your place. Tonight, however, after the way you riled him up, Changbin was having none of it.
The sound of his hand colliding with your right cheek echoed in the room. He spanked you again, this time with enough force to jolt you forward.
“Stay still or I won’t fuck you at all tonight.” Changbin growled, knowing it was a lie. Every second outside of your cunt was pure agony. “You don’t get to be needy tonight. You’ll take whatever I give you, and fucking thank me for it. Do you understand?”
His hand cupped your cheek, readying himself to spank you yet again if your response wasn’t to his satisfaction.
Instead, you turned your head, wide puppy eyes meeting his lust blown ones. “Yes, daddy. Thank you daddy.”
Changbin smirked, hand rubbing the handprint he left on you while the other was busy caressing your clit. “Always such a good girl for me, aren’t you, baby?”
A gasp fell from your lips, whimpers close behind it. “Yes, daddy.”
He hummed as he continued to slowly toy with your clit, enjoying the way you were already squirming from his touch. His thumb began to rub your entrance, teasing gently before shoving just the tip of it inside you. Your elbows gave out, now resting your cheek on your mattress as Changbin teased you.
“Daddy, please.” Your whines were so pathetic, but so pretty. Just like you. “Want your cock in me.”
“You do?” His coos were condescending, thumb fucking you at a snail’s pace. He wanted to continue on with his teasing, he truly did, but then he heard the way you sniffled when you whined, and Changbin decided that you, and his cock, had had enough. “You know daddy can never say no to you.”
A cry of relief left your mouth as Changbin moved away. Cock aligned with your heat, he pushed in slowly, the feeling of your tight walls squeezing him going straight to his head. Once he was completely in you, only then did he pull out, hips moving in circles as he fucked you slowly.
Your hands gripped the comforter, moaning as he continued the circular movements. Something about the way he moved was making you melt, dissolving into nothing below him.
But it wasn’t enough. The movement of his hips was wonderful, letting you feel every inch of him and the way he stretched you out was divine. If only he would fuck you a little bit faster, a little bit harder-
You looked behind you. Changbin had both hands on your ass, spreading you open to watch. His was in a trance, eyes fixed on where the two of you met, teeth tugging his bottom lip in. He was gone, brain completely focused on how much he loved being buried inside you.
The best thing about Changbin is when he fucks you, he fucks you both dumb.
“Daddy?” You meekly whispered, making puppy eyes at him. He looked at you, taking in your expression and the tremble of your lip, little whines slipping through.
You didn’t need to say anything else.
He smiled wickedly, one hand moving off of your ass as the other held you steady. “Of course, I forgot.” The rotation of his hips stayed the same, but the pace changed suddenly, speeding up and ramming into you. “Baby needs daddy to fuck her like a whore.”
You threw your head back, moans turning into screams as Changbin fucked you harder. His thrusts, while fast and rough, were calm and thorough. He wanted you to feel every inch of him, wanted you to feel just as good as he did.
“You’re so-“ hard thrust “-fucking-“ even harder “-filthy, baby.” He accentuated the last bit with a firm smack on your behind, the hit making your body vibrate. “Just having my cock is never enough, huh? Always need more and more of me.” The next sentence fell from his lips without much thought, but after Changbin said it, he felt his entire body shiver, goosebumps covering every bit of exposed skin.
“Just won’t stop until daddy fucks a baby into you, will you? Fine then, fucking take it.”
Changbin pulled out of you, and before you could protest, he flipped you over, throwing your legs over his shoulders and slammed his cock inside you. His thrusts were harder this time, nails digging into your hips as he held you still. Your hands grabbed his hair, pulling him down for a kiss.
He didn’t stop. He wouldn’t fucking stop until he was sure you were so full of him that you were leaking. Never have your kisses tasted so good, never have you squeezed him so tight, never have you made Changbin so fucking dumb, he was surprised he had any brain function left.
A particularly hard thrust made you break the kiss, head thrown back as you cried out for him.
“Bin-bin. I-“ you could barely speak, the sensations overwhelming you. “Ba-Baby been good? Baby cum?”
Changbin stared at you, and found himself lost. Your smeared lipgloss. Your mascara stained cheeks. Your wide, empty eyes that were staring into his. The scent of roses and taste of strawberries warming him up and make him melt.
He was never really sure love existed, not to this extent at least, until he met you. Until he fell for you. Maybe that’s why a simple dress made Changbin so insane - because it was you who wore it, and there was no one he would rather be with, no one he would rather spend his life with or do everything with other than you.
It’s always been you. It will always be you.
Changbin slowed down slightly, hand coming up to cup your face. He stroked your cheek with his thumb, the softest smile painting his face. “Baby’s been so good for daddy.” He whispered, voice shaking with his impending orgasm and the tears filling his eyes. The kiss he pressed on your nose was so sweet, so gentle that it made you cry. You were as broken as Changbin was. “Please look at me. Look at me while we cum together. I want to remember how pretty you look when I give you my babies.”
You did look at him. Neither of you even dared to blink as you both reached your climax, Changbin pumping into you well after he emptied out. Just to be sure. Just to be safe.
He pulled his softening cock out, you wincing at the sudden emptiness. Exhaustion took over and Changbin fell on top of you, resting his head on your collar bones. The two of you laid there in silence, listening to the sounds of each other’s breaths and heartbeats.
Your legs wrapped around his hips, pulling him closer until his body was completely pressed against yours. “I love you, Changbin.” You whispered so soft, so gently that the words threatened to evaporate in the air.
It was then that Changbin began to cry. Body shaking, hot tears pooling on the shoulder of your dress, he sobbed into you.
A love this pure shouldn’t exist. It was too innocent for this world, for anyone to feel, let alone him. But you chose him; you loved him like that, even if he didn’t deserve it. Your love for him was so untainted, so spotless and perfect. He wasn’t worthy of it, and never thought he would be, but he would spend all of eternity trying to be a man worthy of your love.
taglist: @lix-ables
©: chvnnie 2022
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xiao-isms · 3 years
Hello I just recently found your Sub Xiao things and oh my god thank you for the food 😍😍 If ur taking requests, Reader with a strap on with a dildo that can vibrate, and Xiao taking it ? 👀 Multiple orgasms would be fun, but anything you write is excellent so I don’t mind where you take this 😳
— dirty.
character. xiao
content warnings. multiple orgasms, semi dirty talk, verbal humiliation, cum eating, a little bit of cross-dressing. note that reader does have a strap-on but i tried to make it as gn as possible !
word count: 1.7k words
voicemail. agshs thank u sm anon! i really liked writing this one so i hope you enjoy <3 ps sorry if the ending is rushed, i recently started uni so ive been superrr busy lately
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you slid a hand up xiao’s milky thigh and underneath his blush pink pleated skirt with a mischievous grin on your lips. halting for a moment, you took the opportunity to squeeze that soft, meaty flesh that you loved so dearly, pressing wet kisses and angry red hickies across his skin. once satisfied with your work, you pull away and lift your head to look the mighty yaksha right in his now watery eyes and archons, you doubted even the lord of geo himself would believe you if you told him how pathetic his war-hardened adeptus looked at this very moment, all from a few simple touches. the sight was laughable, really; his hard cock protruded from his pretty little skirt, precum already beginning to stain the garment, accompanied by a face so flushed you swore you could see steam emerging from the top of the other's head. you grabbed the man by his chin and yanked him forward. "you're fucking disgusting." the words came out a bit harsher than intended but xiao, oh xiao, he loved it. he loved it when you made him feel absolutely deplorable; when you broke him until he felt like he couldn't be fixed. he didn't respond, just looked at you with hunger, like he was silently begging you to fuck his brains out.
you could feel a primal need rumbling from deep inside your chest. “does that turn you on?” you asked with a cheeky grin that only seemed to be getting larger by the second. the petite man whimpered in your tight hold, nodding ever so slightly but much too embarrassed to give a direct response. “how naughty of you, xiao. so shy, and yet so, so dirty.” you interlocked your lips with his, sliding your tongue in his small mouth as soon as you got the chance. it was messy and sloppy and it felt like xiao hadn’t kissed anyone a day in his life, saliva running down the sides of his pointed chin while his mouth hung open, completely pliant, but it was so hot. you were the first to pull away which only made the adeptus whine in a desperate, high-pitched voice.
“so needy,” you whispered in the shell of his ear, rubbing his sensitive sides. “you want it? you want my cock in you, pretty boy?” he makes a sound of affirmation, one that you can’t quite make out, but one nonetheless. xiao shouldn’t be acting like this, he knows he shouldn’t—he’s a yaksha, a seasoned demon slayer, and yet, whenever he’s with you like this, he just can’t seem to control himself. he thrusted his little hips into thin air with vigor in what seemed to be an attempt to get some kind of friction, something—anything—to soothe his aching, leaking dick. “ah, ah,” you hummed, gripping his waist so tightly you were both positive there would be bruises there the next morning. “the only way you’re going to cum tonight is with my cock plowing into your tiny hole.”
the way his face contorted slightly and his brows furrowed while fresh, blood-hot tears ran down his flushed cheeks only spurred you on further. you spread his legs as far as possible, yanking both his cute panties and tight skirt off, throwing it behind you without care. you haphazardly coated your fingers in saliva before inserting them inside your boy with newfound fervor, eager to fuck him until he couldn’t think straight and was unable to scream anything other than your name. he moaned and cried and whimpered as you pumped your wet digits in and out of his hole. the adeptus whined, he was so close, so close, but he desperately wanted to be good for you-- and there's hardly anything that he wouldn't do to achieve that, even if it meant holding back his own orgasm. you scissored your middle and index finger, adding a third once you were sure xiao was stretched well enough. soon, you were able to thrust your digits in back and forth freely while the other's body continuously spasmed and shook with close to unbearable pleasure.
too impatient to keep waiting to enter the small man, you pulled your fingers out entirely, the act ripping a loud wail from your lover. "wh...w-why'd you stop?" the words were slurred and almost incomprehensible—it sounded something akin to what someone drunken on sex would say, certainly not a powerful immortal such as himself. the question truly makes you wonder if he'd actually been paying attention to your previous statement or if he really was that incoherent already. how cute, you hadn't even started and here he was, a drooling, stupid mess. you didn't respond, instead opting to press your lips against his, thrusting your tongue deep into his mouth once again. whether or not he understood you before didn't matter, the night would end the same way: with xiao becoming an inchoate husk of a being, only able to give as much pleasure as he received.
quickly, you fastened the harness onto your waist, clicking the straps in place. the plastic toy connected to the o-ring of the strap-on was useful in more ways than one; you knew the both of you’d love it as soon as you saw it. slowly—or, as slowly as you could, patience thrown to the wind long ago—you slid inside of your boy with ease, his breath hitching in the most adorable ways. you smirked and wrapped your fingers around the small device that activated the dildo. “are you ready?” before the man under you had a chance to answer, you clicked the 'on' button, the sex toy whirling to life. for a second, you thought you could see hearts in xiao’s teary, amber eyes. he looked so, so beautiful like this; spreading his legs and moaning for you like a cheap hooker. nimble fingers landed on his waist once again, allowing your hips to slam against the meat of his thighs. his mouth hung agape in shock at the sudden movement, whimpers and whines spilling from those pretty, swollen lips. "a-ah! mmph, p-please go s—oh!—" the words seemed to have fallen dead on his tongue due to a particularly well aimed thrust, hurling him forward. every little movement felt so good, like he was on cloud nine, and oh god, don't even get him started on the way the pseudo cock vibrated in him, making his head go blank with overwhelming lust. he could feel that familiar heat stirring in his abdomen, his eyes rolling to the back of his head.
"mm, 'm gonna cum, ooh, g-gonna cum, p-please!"
with one more rough, domineering push of your hips, he came over the newly washed bed sheets. you slowly came to a stop and slipped your fingers over the head of his now softening sex, swiping away a hefty amount of your lover's seed and putting it towards his face. "open.” you demanded, inserting your moist digits in his mouth. his red, puffy lips wrapped around them, lazily licking you clean. "good boy," you praised as you pulled your fingers from him. "do you like that? you like eating your own cum like a filthy whore, hm?" he didn’t respond, apparently much too fucked out to even nod. you pulled the man’s cheeks together, leaning down and pressing the tip of your nose to his own.
“i asked you a question.”
his mouth opened slightly at the deep, commanding tone of your voice; he was trying to answer you, he was trying to be good, but his mind was so fuzzy he could hardly breathe. with much struggle, he moves his head up and back down. the action was hardly noticeable with how subtle it was, but you took pity on the poor yaksha, placing a kiss that he felt was almost too gentle considering the current situation. you heard a whimper erupt from xiao and a small, close to inaudible humming sound could be heard within the quiet room.
you had forgotten about that.
the adeptus trembled underneath your form with overstimulation. he feared he was going to cum again, untouched; he could feel it in the way his dick was beginning to harden again, the way the muscles in his stomach churned and tightened in the most delightful ways, ways that made him feel lightheaded and painfully aroused. you were silent, watching your lover’s face scrunch up with a glint of pure lust clear in your half-lidded eyes. you begin to rock your hips back and forth again, only moving a centimeter an inch this time. xiao couldn’t stop thinking about how good you felt inside him, how his slick walls clenched and unclenched around your barely moving cock, making the smallest squelching noises.
it was all so filthy.
with that thought, the warm coil in his lower body burst and he was positive that he was seeing stars from how hard he’d just orgasmed. it was ego-boosting, really, knowing that only you could touch him like this, look at him like this. you hummed, increasing the pace of your thrusts until xiao was crying and incoherent, garbled whines falling from his mouth. “s-sen—o-oh fuck!” tears clouded his vision as you abused his prostate, taking advantage of that sensitive spot inside him. with heavy breaths, you leaned down to look at him directly, the smell of sweat and sex prominent on both of your bodies. “you’re such a good boy, xiao,” you commended between grunts and quiet moans. you brushed his messy hair back so you could see the pleasure on his flushed face, planting kisses on each of his cheeks. he keened at the attention, throwing his arm over his face to hide from the embarrassment.
“you take my cock so well, such a brave boy.” you knew he loved to be showered in praise more than anything, even more than he loved to be pinned down and degraded. he felt as if he’d cum at any second, the way the silicone toy felt inside him was more than exhilarating and your occasionally words only added to that addicing feeling. nimble fingers wrapped around the base of his dick, hard and dripping precum, preparing itself for its third orgasm. you finished him off with just a few strokes, his small form twitching with overstimulation. you slowly came to a stop and cupped his red face with your hands.
“what am i ever going to do with you, baby?”
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shegatsby · 2 years
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Hi love! I was just wondering if you could write a mob au T. H where you two are working together as his assistant for a couple of years and ive had a crush on him but he didn't and then you make the rest up?? Thank you @marions-wither88
Warnings; Guns, violence
A/N; Hi, thank you for this request, sorry for any typos I'm not a native english speaker. Enjoy!!!
When you woke up with the alarm you groaned deeply, you have been working for your boss for more than 3 years but lately it was hard for you to wake up and go to your job. The main reason was that you had a huge crush on your boss (yeah unprofessional and unethical all at once, believe me I know) and you knew that he showed no interest. You were a beautiful person and a lot of people hit on you a lot but you only had eyes for one. You got the coffee your boss drinks every morning and walked inside the building. You admired your work place because your boss, Thomas W. Hiddleston had a perfect taste in art, the walls held art pieces from all around the world and every 6 months he ordered new pieces and donated the last ones to charities. You knew all about this because you were his assistant. As you marched the marble grey floors in your slim high heels you liked the stares you got. As I’ve mentioned before you were beautiful. Your position in the work place was admired and envied by other colleagues. You were Tom’s eyes, hands and all of the above, you knocked one time and opened the grey door. He was on his black chair as usual, when he saw you he nodded and you closed the door behind you. He hang up the phone when you placed the coffee on his glass table, ‘’Morning Y/N, thank you.’’ He took a sip from the coffee and closed his ocean eyes, ‘’That’s good.’’ He noticed you didn’t get yourself a coffee, his eye brows lifted, ‘’I’m trying to cut down the caffeine.’’ You shortly replied, before you lost yourself on his deep eyes you opened the folder you were holding, you were busy with papers so you didn’t notice his roaming eyes on your black pencil skirt and claret red blouse, you hair looked silky smooth, you bent slightly to put the papers on his glass table and he almost forgot to breath properly, ‘’Is something wrong?’’ you asked, confused. He swallowed the lump and coughed, ‘’No, I’m fine. Are these the papers you were talking about yesterday?’’ he casually asked to change the subject, ‘’Yes, see here, you have to sign these, Sir.’’ Every time you called him sir it did things to him.
You waited for him to read the papers and sign, ‘’Are you going to Greg’s birthday party tonight?’’ he asked, eyes never leaving his desk, Greg was the accountant, ‘’I don’t know, maybe.’’ You said, hoping he would ask you to go with him but deep down you knew it was impossible, your boss was famous among models, business women and actresses, all of his exes were high class celebrities and you felt like nothing next to them. ‘’You should bring your date, it would be fun for you.’’ His accent normally sent shivers to your body but not right now, not like this, ‘’I don’t have a date to bring.’’ You corrected him, you were single as fuck. Tom wasn’t just chitchatting, he wanted to know if you were single or not, ‘’Good to know.’’ He murmured more to himself than to you, ‘’I’m sorry?’’ you though you heard him wrong, unfortunately he was quick to change the subject, ‘’All set. Take these to Greg. Thank you.’’
Rest of the day went quickly, you couldn’t focus on your work properly because you were confused, ‘’Good to know.’’ Why would he say something like that unless? You exhaled the breath you were holding, ‘’Hey Y/N,’’ your work bestie came to your office, ‘’Hey, what’s up?’’ you said not looking away from your laptop, ‘’You wanna go to Greg’s party? It could be fun.’’ You needed a distraction anyways, ‘’Yeah sure, I’ll see you there.’’
When you finished up in your office you locked your door and noticed everyone left, you had lot on your plate today but glad to finish everything, as you locked your office door you heard your boss’s door being locked too and you turned to see those blue eyes, he smiled kindly, ‘’It’s never fun to be workaholic Y/N.’’ he joked friendly, ‘’You are one to talk.’’ You snapped back and noticed how bold you were in that moment, before you could apologies you heard your boss laugh for the first time. A warm smile on his face, his eyes lit up, you joined his laughter, together you walked to the elevator and he pressed the button. ‘’I’ve decided to go to Greg’s party.’’ You announced, making him remember your conversation. ‘’Oh? What changed your mind?’’ he asked and the doors opened, you both walked in and faced the metal doors. ‘’I need to drink and have fun. Maybe meet someone new.’’ Tom’s head turned to you sharply and didn’t go unnoticed, ‘’Oh?’’
‘’Yes, like you said, it’s never fun to be workaholic.’’ Tom didn’t like the answer he got, you could see his reflection and it intimidated you, you thought you said something wrong. The doors opened with a ding, ‘’Good night Mr. Hiddleston.’’ You left before giving him a chance to speak. Enough was enough, you needed a new crush.
You dolled up to go to Greg’s party, your satin dress hugged your curves perfectly
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and your high heels gave you confidence, you called an Uber because you knew you would be drinking tonight. You left your apartment to wait outside, it was dark and little cold but you didn’t mind. You opened your purse to look at your phone but it happened so fast you had no chance to fight. Someone covered your mouth with a piece of cloth which stank like booze and you blacked out in a second.
Tom smashed his phone into the pastel wall when he finished the phone call. How could they know, he was careful?! Y/N was kidnapped by a small gang who wanted his attention and money, from outside he looked like a successful business man but deep down he was a mob boss, his job was to smuggle guns and drugs, he was so damn good at it and took the city under his control, this was the first time he lost his control and it would be the last because no matter what he was going to get his girl and not leave without a fight. Tom had a slight crush on Y/N when they first met, that’s one of the reasons why he hired her, over time that crush grew more and more but he never acted on his feelings due to his career. He didn’t want to drag Y/N into his dark world but it seemed he had no choice now, cat was out of the bag. He called his wingman, his friend Benedict and Benedict gathered the guns and men.
The place you were kept was an abandoned house outskirts of the city, ‘’Make sure no one walks out alive.’’ Tom said before they marched inside. You were kept upstairs, a man was sitting close to you, ‘’Wake up honey.’’ He said with his raspy voice, your head felt heavy you opened your eyes and looked at the man, he was tall and handsome, he had long dark hair and high cheeks bones, ‘’Why, why am I here?’’
Your throat felt dry, ‘’Here.’’ He helped you drink water, ‘’You are just a too so that I can reach to Hiddleston. Sit back and relax princess.’’ You were confused, what could this guy possibly want from your boss? If you weren’t ductaped to the chair you would have jumped when you heard the gun shots, something was happening downstairs, the gun shots grew more and more, you were so scared that you were in shock, couldn’t cry or move, you were just looking at the dusty old door, waiting for a bad guy to open it and kill you. When the gun shots stopped you took a deep breath, ‘’Let me go you prick!’’ you screamed when you felt that guy’s hand on your shoulder, ‘’Shh,’’ he said and nudged your bare shoulder with his cold gun, you closed her eyes and prayed to God. The door burst opened and you opened your eyes to see your boss and his friend that you’ve met before. They were both covered in blood but they seemed fine, ‘’Let her go.’’ Was the first sentence came out of Tom’s mouth, ‘’I see you killed all my men. How about we come to an arrangement, gentlemen?’’ Tom’s eyes first gave you reassurance that everything was going to be all right, you felt warmth spread in your chest. ‘’What arrangement?’’ Benedict asked coldly, ‘’I am the leader of the Crow clan. We want to work with you, since we couldn’t attract your attention Mr.Hiddleston I’ve decided I can try something else.’’ His gun nudged your shoulder again, ‘’I don’t work with scumbags you hurt women.’’ And he shot the man right between the eyes, you screamed and felt your body go numb. ‘’Tom! Are you mad? What if-‘’ Tom didn’t listen to his friend, he marched towards you and helped you get out of the ductape, ‘’Are you all right? Did they hurt you?’’ his hands were shaking, ‘’I’m fine.’’ You said, voice shaking. Tom held your head between his palms, ‘’Don’t look down, hold my hand.’’ Before crossing the threshold of the room you saw the dead man on the floor and you fainted again.
This time you woke up on a comfortable surface, you rubbed your eyes and jumped with the realization, dead man, kidnapping, guns, Tom… you were in a luxurious bedroom in a penthouse. ‘’Wha- what happened?’’ Tom was there to hold you, he brought you to his home, laid you to his king sized bed and sat on the edge, waiting for you to wake up. He held your shoulders, ‘’Y/N, it’s me. Calm down, you are safe.’’ Your eyes met his worried ones, he was worried for you indeed. Once you were relaxed with his hands on your shoulder he asked you again, ‘’Are you hurt? Did he touch you?’’ you could hear the anger in his voice, ‘’No, no- I was outside my apartment, waiting for the Uber and- and someone came, I woke up in that house.’’ You finished, tears prickling in your soft eyes, Tom hated himself more.
He hugged you, your head was on his chest, hearing his heart beat, he played with your hair, ‘’I’m sorry, this was all my fault.’’
‘’How come?’’ You asked curious, he knew he had to tell you everything and he did. You were his assistant and needed to know his actual work, where the money comes from. You were left in shock, ‘’Let me close that for you.’’ He closed your mouth, ‘’But, why would they kidnap me?’’
He exhaled deeply and pulled you in to kiss you. You eagerly replied to the kiss, your hands went to his thick hair, he pulled you to his lap, your legs were either side of his and you could feel his growing need for you. He pulled back, catching his breath, ‘’That’s why.’’ He said, ‘’I’ve been in love with you ever since I met you Y/N. Please be mine and end my misery. If you will have me I’m yours.’’
Thank you for reading. :) Make sure to like and leave a comment sis
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in-ky · 3 years
Hi! I’d love a story about Negan being a serial killer who only kills “bad people” (like in Dexter) and maybe he saves the reader from her ex who’s about to kill her and Negan can save her and takes her in because she’s a mess but she’s actually a killer herself (who kills rapists etc/ only the bad ones) and Negan and the reader start fighting and then get caught up in steamy hot sex 🥵 thank you!
Savior - Negan Killer AU
Warnings: Warnings: GORE + violence, smut, domestic abuse, swearing, dirty talk ig? idk how to tag this lol
A/N: hey! i struggled over this one for a while lol. ive only seen like. 3? episodes of dexter so. i really hope this meets your expectations! also forgive any mistakes its late, im tired, and i wanna get this up lol. also, is negan batman? maybe. 3.7k words
"Will, stop you're hurting me!" I hissed, grabbing at his wrist. He tugged me out of the bustling restaurant and into the dark street.
"I don't really give a shit," He snarled, throwing me into a secluded alleyway a few buildings down from the restaurant. Will had taken me out to a business dinner with his boss in hopes of showing me off and making a good impression. But things didn't quite go according to plan. "You embarrassed me in front of everyone!" He pushed me against the brick wall of the closed department store.
"What was I supposed to do?" I sneered, trying to wiggle away from him "He kept commenting on my body, saying how he wished he could take me home at the end of the night and do all kinds of 'unspeakable things to me'."
"You were just supposed to shut up and take it!" Will said, voice filled with rage "But no, you and your untamable fucking complex just couldn't handle a compliment. You threw your drink in his face! You're lucky he didn't fire me right then and there. You made me look like some pussy who can't control his whore."
"You're an asshole." I shouted, tears welling at the edges of my eyes. Will's face contorted further into a look of pure, unadulterated hatred.
"What the fuck did you just call me?" He seethed, clasping his hand tightly around my throat and constricting his fingers around my airway.
"I said you're an asshole who cares more about his dead-end career than his fucking girlfriend." I croaked. I hated him. I hated him so much. My vision clouded with the combination of disgust, loathing, and lack of oxygen, so I hit him where I knew it hurt. "There's a reason you needed me for arm candy tonight. It's 'cause you're a boring, piece-of-shit, lowlife who has no skill whatsoever. How does it feel knowing you need me to make something of yourself?" With that, he threw me to the ground by my throat. He wasted no time and pinned me to the cold concrete. His knees dug into my shoulders and his hand flew to his back pocket, whipping out the switchblade he carried as a precaution against mugging. My eyes widened as they caught a glint of the moonlight off the sharp knife. He brought the blade up to my throat and slapped me over the cheek harshly with his free hand.
"You better take back those words, bitch," He hissed, pressing the blade into the soft skin of my jugular "or they might just be your last." A dribble of blood ran down my neck with the pressure. Realization flashed through my mind. I could die right then. That could have been my last moment. Was I scared? No. Why wasn't I scared? Maybe it had to do with the shadowy figure that was slowly approaching us from the ally entrance.
There was plenty of time for me to warn Will that someone was coming. But I didn't. Instead, I stayed quiet and watched as the shadow figure pulled Will from my body with ease and tossed him to the side. Everything was kind of a blur. I was still oxygen starved and filled with a whirl-wind of emotion. I heard Will cry out in surprise and indignance. The shadow figure said nothing. It saw the switchblade with a steady line of my blood. It kicked Will in the chest, knocking him to the ground. Then it lifted up a baseball bat over its head and cracked it down over Will's skull. He continued to beat Will until he stopped squirming. The shadow figure paused and swung the bat over his shoulder. I had regained my breath and pushed myself to my elbows. The shadow noticed me moving and took a few heavy steps in my direction. I squirmed away slightly, instincts telling me to get away from the thing that had just pulverized my boyfriend. The shadow entered a stream of moonlight. It was a man. He had peppered hair and a blood-speckled face. He had dark brown eyes and a small smile perched on his lips.
"You okay, sweetheart?" He said. His voice was deep. I was partially surprised. He wasn't a bulky man. He was tall and had a broad frame, but his limbs were long and his body was lithe. He wore a leather jacket and his boots were slick with what I could only assume were Will's brains. I didn't want to look at his bat.
"W-Why did you do that?" I whispered. It was all I could muster.
"He was going to kill you." The man sounded confused, like I was supposed to know who he was and why he saved me.
"You don't know that." My voice was quiet. My eyes were glued to a spot behind the man, unblinking. He let out a throaty chuckle and dropped to a squat, leveling with me.
"Doll, he had a knife pressed to your throat," His words were gentle "Looked like he was gonna fuckin' kill you." He hesitantly reached out two fingers in the direction of my face. I didn't move. He was wearing leather gloves. The ridged fabric ran along my injuries. "Seems like he did some damage before I could step in. Damn. Sorry about that. Listen, I live a few streets down. If you want, I can get you cleaned up."
"Okay," I said softly. I let him help me up to my feet. He guided me along with one arm while holding his bat with the other. As we walked out of the alley I couldn't help but look down at Will, or what remained of him at least. His forehead was split in half, a pool of chunky blood bubbling on the ground. I clenched my jaw and forced myself to swallow the bile that had risen in my throat. And yet, I didn't feel sad. I didn't mourn him. Maybe it was shock, maybe it wasn't. "Thank you?" I murmured, though it was more of a question. The man and I stepped out onto the street and I was grateful there was no one around to see us leaving the scene of a very heinous-looking crime.
"No problem, doll," The man hummed, setting a brisk pace down the sidewalk. "The name's Negan, by the way." Cool. Negan: my Savior.
"So you're like Batman?" I asked Negan as he dabbed the blood away from my neck. He gave a short chuckle and tore away the sticky part of the band-aid.
"I guess you can say that," he mused, splaying the bandage over the cut the knife had left "but I specifically go for people that I know have hurt others. The baddies, if you will."
"Is that legal?" I tilted my head, crossing my ankles as they dangled over the bathroom counter. My palms were flat on the surface of Negan's marble sink top, fiddling with the wrappers of the medical supplies he had used to clean and bandage my small cuts and bruises.
"I haven't been caught," Negan shrugged "besides, it's less work for the police. They don't have to do any interrogation bullshit or anything. I usually catch people in the act, like tonight. Then I do my thing."
"Do you kill everyone?"
"Only the bad people," He reminded, tossing away a bloody tissue "only people who have hurt others. But, yes, usually the offender ends up on the business end of Lucille over there." He pointed out the door into the living room, where the still-bloody bat rested against a chair. I furrowed my brow.
"Well, doesn't that make you a bad guy?" I pressed. He tapped my knee and I dropped down to the tile floor, tucking my hair behind my ear and gathering some of the scraps.
"What do you mean?"
"Well, you still kill people, right? Even if they're bad? So doesn't that still make you a killer?" Negan was quiet for a minute. "Let's put it this way," I continued "What would you do if you came across someone who was like you; someone who hurt the bad people. Would you still kill them. They're hurting people." Negan took a deep breath and let it out with a contemplative sigh, itching his bearded chin.
"I'm not sure," He mused "I've never really thought about it before. See, I don't consider myself a bad person per say. Yea, what I'm doing might be considered fucked up. But I'm doing it for the right reason. I'm protecting people by attacking their attackers. In the end, someone's saved." He brushed off his hands and led me out of the bathroom, flicking the light off. "Would you rather me not have saved you tonight?"
"No," I said immediately "thank you. Really, thank you. You saved my life. Will is...was...always a dick, but I never thought he'd actually hurt me. I guess that proves people can have a whole bunch of layers." Negan nodded and moved to the kitchen. He raised a bottle of whiskey as an offering. I shook my head but he poured himself a glass.
"I was just doing my job," Negan grinned sympathetically "I'm sorry your boyfriend was an asshole who tried to murder you." I shrugged, amusement in my eyes.
"Eh, it happens to everyone." I smiled as he let out another laugh. I felt as if I shouldn't be laughing, but at the same time, everyone has their own responses to almost getting stabbed to death in an alley. So I let myself have this moment. Besides, Negan was a good guy to be around. He made me feel safe, comfortable, secure. Everything I needed right now. "So, Negan, what do you do? Surely vigilante-ing can't pay well, and this apartment is really nice."
"I'm a retired baseball player," Negan said, sipping his whiskey and settling into one of the armchairs in the living room "Hence the bat."
"Were you any good?" I asked. He let out a loud scoff.
"Was I any good?" He mocked "Sweetheart, I have a whole damn trophy room. I was fucking amazing. I just got old."
"So you're rich with no real job, you kill bad guys, and you have a massive ego," I listed "You really are like Batman, aren't you?"
Negan let me stay on his couch that night. It was leather, like everything else that man seemed to own, but it was comfortable. I woke up to the smell of bacon filling the air. I groaned and rubbed my fists against my eyes, clearing them of sleep. I stretched my arms above my head in a yawn and rolled off the couch, stumbling into the kitchen. Negan was hunched over the bubbling pan, dodging pellets of grease as they shot up at him.
"Smells good!" I purred, closing my eyes and taking a deep inhale.
"Good," He grumbled "You better fucking enjoy it because I've gotten burned at least three times." I laughed and walked up to him examining the small red patches that dotted his arms.
"You didn't have to make me breakfast you know."
"Yea, but I wanted to make sure you were comfortable," He sighed, turning off the stove and scooping the cooked bacon onto a paper towel. "Besides, I was craving some bacon when I woke up. I haven't had someone to share a meal with in a while."
"Well, if you want, you can come by my house for dinner." I offered, crunching down on a piece of bacon "I've been meaning to whip out the family alfredo recipe for a while, maybe a hot date would give me that incentive." I gave him a playful wink and he chuckled.
"Sure thing, doll," He hummed, putting the pan in the sink "I love me some fucking spaghetti. I'll see you around seven?"
"Sounds good."
I ran down the sidewalk, chest heaving. There was enough darkness to cover me, but I still kept my head down to prevent recognition. I held my hands close to my stomach, praying that the blood on my fingers wouldn't drip on the pavement and leave a trail. I had been on my way home from the store when I heard some commotion coming from an alley. My first instinct was to run, but then I heard the girl crying for help. Negan came to mind, what he did, how he helped people. I couldn't turn away. I marched down the alley and saw a greasy man pinning a woman to the wall of a building. Flashbacks of the night before hit me like a train. I looked on top of the alley dumpster  and saw a crowbar perched on one of the lids. I grabbed it and stormed up to the man, whacking him upside the head with the weapon. I kicked him to the side and brought the crowbar over my head before swinging it down. It connected with his face in a sickening 'thwack.' I thought of Will. I thought of what might of happened if Negan had never stopped him. I thought of all the times that bastard had gotten drunk and told me I was nothing. I let the rage bubble up and fuel my beating. By the time I was pulled back into the moment, my muscles were screaming, the woman was gone, and the man's face was unrecognizable. I tossed the crowbar into the dumpster and ran back home.
Dried blood is extremely hard to wash off. It sticks to your skin in flakes, creating a pattern of red veins crawling over your hands. Fuck. I scrubbed as hard as I could under the rushing water of the sink, pumping more and more soap into my hand. It was under my fingernails. It was stuck in my palm prints. Shit, did I leave fingerprints at the scene? Would they be coming for me? With a hiss, I rubbed even harder at my skin, small flecks of blood turning the sink water red.
Suddenly, my door opened.
"I'm ready for my s'getties!" Negan boomed with a wide smile. My head whipped around, looking at him with wide eyes. His grin faded and he crossed the room in record time, grabbing my wrists and turning the sink off. "Is this fucking blood?" He snarled, bringing my hands up to my face. I clenched my jaw and dropped my eyes to my feet. "Jesus, who's is it? Answer me!"
"I-I heard someone screaming on the way home," I said quietly, eyes still downcast "I thought I would help..." His jaw went slack and he let go of my hands, running his fingers through his hair.
"Jesus fuck, you can't just go around killing people!"
"Why not?" I snapped, eyes meeting his "You do it all the time? What's the difference? Why can't I help people?"
"Because it...Because you just can't!" Negan growled, shaking his head.
"Why are you so special?" I hissed back, drying my hands off on a towel before tossing it at him "It's not like you can get a permit for fucking murder. Why do you do it, anyways? Is it some perverted thing? Do you get off on saving people from attackers?"
"Watch yourself." Negan warned, eyes darkening.
"Pfft, or what?" I laughed, tossing my head back "What are you gonna do, kill me? I'm not afraid of you, Negan." As soon as the words left my mouth, he charged me. His hand flew to my throat, squeezing my airway lightly. His hips pressed me against the counter. I let out a small gasp when he shoved his face next to mine.
"Oh, but doll, you really fucking should be." He spat, curling his lip "I could snap your neck right here, right now." He gave a small squeeze to emphasize his words. I let out a strangled moan. We both froze. "Are you turned on right now?" He muttered, furrowing his brow. I licked my lips and squirmed in his grip, pressing my thighs together slightly in an effort to alleviate the warm pressure growing in my belly.
"No," I lied, voice weak. A sinister grin curled over the bottom half of his face and he licked his tongue over his teeth.
"And I'm the perv, huh?" He sucked on my earlobe and peppered kisses down my jawline "Sweetheart, tell me, do you want me to fuck that pretty little pussy of yours? Do you want me to make you cum harder than you ever have?" I whimpered at his dirty mouth. "Use your words, doll, or I'll leave right fucking now."
"Y-Yes!" I breathed as Negan's lips sucked on the sweet spot right beneath my ear.
"Yes, what, princess?"
"Yes, I want you to fuck me, please!" I groaned, clawing at his shirt. He let out a short chuckle, muttering something about how needy I was, but I didn't care. Right now, the only thought running through my head was that I needed Negan. I needed all of him. And damn me if I wasn't going to get it.
We clawed at each other's clothes like rabid animals. Once we were completely bare, Negan moved his kisses down my body. His large, calloused hands kneaded my breasts, twisting my nipples between his thumbs. My arms flew around his neck and I dragged my fingernails up his back. He shivered against my touch and slid his hands further down my body. They settled firmly on my hips as he captured my lips in a fervent kiss.
"Fuck, sweetheart," he grunted, pulling back for air. I looked at him. His tawny eyes were now black, pupils far beyond dilated with lust. Both of our lips were swollen and red from the intensity of our kisses. Negan's chest inflated and deflated quickly as his eyes roamed over my body. "You're so damn perfect." I smiled sheepishly and pulled my bottom lip between my teeth, looking up at him through lidded eyes.
"You're not so bad yourself," I reached out my hand and used my pointer finger to draw a line from his collar bone down the center of his chest and through his navel, finally ending right over his pulsing cock. He sucked in a breath as my fingers closed around him. My thumb swept over the hot tip, gathering precum on the pad of my finger and rubbing it around.
"Shit," He hissed as I slowly pumped him "I'm not gonna fucking last if you keep doing that." He gently pried my hand away and took a step closer to me. I could feel his hardened length resting against the inside of my thigh. The thought of him being so close made a burst of heat rush down between my thighs. Negan took a long finger and ran it through my folds, collecting my wetness. I moaned as he teasingly dipped the first knuckle into me. He pulled back and let out a low whistle. "Damn, girl," he chuckled, raising his finger to my face "You're fucking dripping. Who's that for?" His slick-coated fingers glistened in the light of my apartment. I let out a deep groan as he slid them between his lips and sucked.
"You, Negan!" I whimpered, wrapping my legs around his waist "It's all for you." A wolfish grin spread over his features as he tugged me off him and pulled me down off the counter. He spun me around and pressed gently between my shoulder blades until my chest was flat against the cold surface.
"Then if you don't mind," Negan cooed, lining himself up with my entrance "I'm going to take what belongs to me." With that, he slowly pushed into me. I gasped at the stretch, balling my hands into fists as he continued to split me open.
"Fucking shit," he groaned once he bottomed out "you're tight as hell. I bet you've never had a dick as big as mine." He pulled out slightly and I let out a moan at the growing emptiness inside. The moan soon turned to a yelp when he brought down his hand against my ass. The smack was loud and he rubbed the red spot tenderly. "Have you?"
"N-No!" I gasped when he thrusted into me for the first time "Never. Fuck, you feel so good." Negan's thrusts sped up, his hips snapping against my ass in an obscene rhythm. Grunts and moans of pleasure slipped from both of our lips as he plowed unapologetically into me. I could feel every inch of him. He was hitting every spot, dragging against my walls in a sinfully perfect way.
"You're doing so good," He purred, kissing and biting my shoulder "So good for me. You're so perfect." I tossed my head back and he grabbed my chin, tilting my face towards him so he could give me another bruising kiss. I could only keep up for so long, though, and the white bliss of pleasure he was giving me soon became overwhelming. My jaw went slack and my head dropped against the cool tile of the counter in an attempt to ground myself in the moment. "I want you to cum, doll, cum around me. Wanna feel those walls squeeze me." His thrusts were starting to become sloppy and I could tell he was getting to his end. One of his fingers danced down my spine and found its way to my clit. He circled it with just enough pressure to get me to the edge that I was so willing to jump off. "Now." Negan growled. I obeyed, feeling the band in my lower abdomen snapping violently. We reached our releases simultaneously. My walls clenched around him, milking him of every drop. I screwed my eyes shut and screamed his name, holding in a large breath as the world around me spun. Negan eventually pulled himself out and collapsed on top of me. We both were breathing heavily, sweaty bodies entangled as well as we could over a counter. I swallowed, my throat dry from panting through my orgasm. When my eyes fluttered open, I could see Negan's thumb tracing circles over the love bites that were starting to darken on my shoulders.
"Are you going to kill me?" I rasped, running a hand through my wild hair "I guess I'm a bad person now." Negan chuckled, still out of breath.
"I think I'll make an exception," He mused, pressing a sweet kiss to the shell of my ear "I don't think I'm ready to let you go just yet."
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sanzuslover · 3 years
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daddy tonight
shigaraki tomura x all mights daughter reader
warnings: yandere behavior, stalking, death threats, misogyny?, kidnapping, non-con, domestic abuse, daddy kink, ect.
you were all might’s daughter, everyone fancied you, you shined bright like the stars. shigaraki hated you so much, you were 2 years younger than him, 18, yet you were still a popular and successful hero.
you were ridiculously hot, but that wasn’t all…you were literally his most hated hero daughter, shigaraki had been stalking you ever since you were 14, he was young too so he didn’t see anything wrong with it.
it was a miracle how he didn’t decay you, he could if he wanted to, maybe when you were younger but definitely not now, now you were a hero a real hero and not one in training.
he had smelled your panties and stolen your belongings in various occasions but you never seemed to notice— of course someone like you wouldn’t.
shigaraki wrote everything down about you, he studied and observed you a lot, but lately he can’t since you turned 18 and there’s a lot of other men dying to marry you, who wouldn’t wanna marry all might’s daughter?
ever since you turned 18, you’ve been acting like those dumb whores he hated, shigaraki is a man who is always busy so he still is a virgin, it made him mad how there’s a small possibility that you aren’t one.
it would be unfair he thought to himself, he waited all these years for you yet all you did was go on live tv and show the whole world your very tight hero suit and that cute innocent little face.
you always blushed when being interviewed, he thought it was cute but only him should see you like that, you always looked so needy, like a whore.
he could tell you were a daddy’s girl, always whining and crying when things didn’t go the way you wanted them to— he thought you and him both had that in common.
its 6:38 pm as shigaraki plays with his cock, he keeps on stroking his manhood till he cums all over your face, well the poster in his room that has your face on it.
“i actually am dating someone!” you say
shigaraki almost broke his scarred neck and he looked over to the tv screen and saw you and a man…what? what could you be doing with him? shigarki couldn’t understand.
you smile and blush at the camera and the man puts his hands around your waist, he brings his handsome face close to yours and kisses you, you of course kiss him back, the lady interviewing you cheer you both on.
shigaraki hands fly to his neck and he starts scratching and crying at what he’s seeing right now, how dare you? how dare you (name)? he still can’t understand why.
“…this brat…i need to go now!” shigaraki yells.
he grabs his coat and leaves the new lov hideout, he doesn’t know why but he feels he has been a little too nice to you, you’re taking him for granted.
shigaraki arrives and waits for you, its early and he knows for a fact that you’ll be here late so he just waits in your house, he decayed your front door.
you were a bit drunk and your boyfriend senju had left you, you get in your car and drive back to your house, your dress was so tight it made you mad so you took it off.
you prayed and begged nobody saw you like this, what would people say if they say all might’s daughter with only a bra and panties, they were sexy too.
it was late at night so you could barely see and so it made you calm down a bit since you were almost naked, you went in your bag searching for your keys but almost died as you say your door…it was gone?
“hah what the hell” you whisper to yourself and walked in
you wish you didn’t since now someone was chaining you with some anti-quirk chains, you screamed at the person but they only laughed, the lights were turned off so you couldn’t see them.
the person— man now laughs and your stomach now hurts from it, he was a villain, you could tell with that laugh of his, he came close to your ear, his hot breath hit your ear.
“of course i know who you are (name)” he said slowly
you screamed and started moving trying to fight against him but it didn’t work, he only laughed at how pathetic you looked trying to push him off.
“come here, i won’t hurt you” he whispered in your ear and you just cried and closed your eyes
he grabbed you and pulled you up the stairs where your room was at, he laid you down on your bed and locked the door, he then turned on the light.
you instantly cried when you saw him, he was the villain who invaded ua— the school your dad worked with. he started laughing like a psychopath.
“…that face, ive waited years to see you like that” he said and sized you up and down
you shook your head and cried even more.
“i can’t believe you became such a slut, wearing that really? are you trying to provoke me?” he said as he walked closer to you, he touched your hair with 3 of his fingers
“…(name) do you know who i am?” he asked
“…y-yes” you told him
“no, do you know who i REALLY am?” he asked and looked you in the eyes
you only shook your head and he smiled at that, he started taking his shirt and pants off, you looked at him confused, he was getting naked.
“s-stop!” you told him
you started to move around but shigaraki quickly sat on top of you, he looked at you and you cringed, you shook your head ‘no’ and he laughed.
he grabbed your face with 4 fingers and looked you in the eyes, your eyes looked so innocent and pleading to him, he creepily smiled when you started gagging.
“hahahahah hahahah, so…you smelled me right? i haven’t showered in weeks!” he told you in a mean manner
you gagged and looked at him as if he was the ugliest creature ever to exist.
“plwease ewa you’re so smelly! and ugly! get off me!” you screamed and cried but shigaraki had enough of you
he slapped you and pulled down your panties, he started pumping his 2 bony fingers into you in a unpleasant and fast manner, you cried even more.
“S-STOWPP!” you yelled
“hah, don’t you EVER treat me like that bitch or i’ll kill you!” he yelled back at you
you gasped and looked at him with a scared face, he was threatening to kill you…he wouldn’t do it right? he could end your life with all 5 of his fingers, it terrified you.
“n-no s-sorry…” you whispered and shook your head trying to convince him
“im going to hurt you real bad if you act all naughty now” he warned you
you started to cry and moan when he kept on scissoring you with his fingers, he did it so rough and to his surprise you were really tight, he smiled at this.
he started kissing your cunt and he pulled his fingers out of you, you felt empty and he chuckled when he saw your disappointed face.
he kept on kissing and tongue fucking your pussy so hard and good that you couldn’t stop crying and moaning, this was like heaven to him.
“you like it don’t ya” he asked you
you moaned and cried out to him but this made him mad, what did you do wrong? you should be the one mad, not him.
“when i ask a question you answer me…got that!” he slightly yelled at you
“mhm!” you screamed and cried when he slapped your pussy, it hurts so much.
“s-sir shigaraki” you said and he slapped your pussy again, causing you to moan and cry
“it’s tenko” he said
“h-huh?” you asked, he looked at you and told you
“i said call me tenko” he said and then started rubbing his fingers up and down your cunt.
“ah~uh” you moaned
“imagine what all might must think if he saw you like this…getting fingered by a villain…” he evilly stated
you started crying and screaming at the thought of that, you were a hero…getting fingered by a villain, a villain who hates your dad, how disappointing.
shigaraki turned you around and pushed his dick all the way up your pussy, he then grabbed your hair and whispered in your ear
“your daddy must be proud don’t ya think?” he whispered
you shook your head ‘no’
“doesn’t matter cause from now on im your daddy” he laughed and pulled your hair even more
“w-what do you want ah~” you moaned
“y-you” shigaraki was slightly out of breath, your body looked so perfect like this, all for him.
“w-what do you mean?” you nervously questioned
“you know w-what i mean ah” he moaned as he started slamming faster into you, your ass bounced on his belly and he smiled at this.
“so good~” he whispered
“ah AH t-there!” you moaned and whined, shigaraki groaned.
“so fucking good for me ngh” he moaned, yet all you could think about was your father, it was killing you.
you were getting off to a villain fucking you, how disgusting. you should be ashamed of yourself, what if he came in you?
“hey pay attention bitch!” shigaraki snapped his fingers at you “can’t believe you’re ignoring me”
“s-sowy” you cried and shigaraki pulled out and flipped you over, his hair hitting your face, he was sweating and so were you.
you’re cheeks and lips were red, his cheeks were red too. he then started to put his very long veiny dick in your pussy, he groaned.
“ah~ yes… a woman like you deserves to be treated like a slut…not a hero” he told you as he looked you directly in the eyes, his look was so intimidating.
you whined when he said that, you knew, well more like you believed that if you were a boy all might and everyone else would be way more proud of you.
“i-its hurts s-sir tenko” you whined for him and he started aggressively slamming his hips into you “AHHH~ T-TENKO!”
“mhm i knew you would like this, you’re such a dirty girl, call me daddy” he groaned out, he watched as your tits moved up and down, so hot.
you thought about it, he’s literally fucking you without your permission! he came and disintegrated your door, it was expensive! how will your dad react to thi-
“AGH NGHH D-DADDY, TENKO S-STAWP” you moaned with tears in your eyes and shigaraki drooled all over your tits and stomach, it was so nasty.
“mhm, my good girl, i see you’re learning your place…” he said and a feeling inside your stomach started growing, it felt so hot and you knew what was gonna happen.
“im g-gonna i-ima cum!” you moan out and cum on his dick, your pussy clenched around his dick in a filthy way, how file of you.
“uh-uh what a bad girl…and here i thought you were behaving good” shigaraki told you with a dry laugh, your eyes widened in fear as his hand came to grab your neck.
with tears in your eyes you looked up to him, his bloody eyes were staring into your soul, you started shaking and gasping for air, you thought he was going to kill you.
“i could kill you right now if i wanted to…” he told you and looked down to your red glossy lips “but i won’t…never”.
he forcefully kissed you and you allowed him to since you were scared he was going to disintegrate you, it was a horrifying thought.
he moaned into the kiss, he was waiting for this, to feel your lips on his, even if it was by force…he doesn’t regret anything at all, he loves it all.
with his free hand, he started playing with your right breast, he pinched your nipples and you opened your mouth to protest but shigaraki just inserted his tongue into your mouth.
you arched your back and started kissing him back, the feeling was good but it was bad, this felt like a sin, a very dirty and taunting sin.
he then let go off your neck, and allowed you to finally breathe, it felt good but then he started pulling it in, again, you both moaned.
he started moving, it hurt, he was going a little too fast and the look in his face scared you, he looked as if he going to kill you, what did you do wrong?
tomura had remembered why he even came here…because of that damn tall handsome male, he was jealous and he lost control, something in him was telling him to punish you— that you deserved this.
“you know, i was mad at you…no…i AM mad at you! how dare you go with that brat…he doesn’t deserve you, no one does!” he screamed at you with angry eyes, he then started pulling out of you.
“w-wha-“ you tried to talk but he shushed you and sat on the right side of the bed, he grabbed a fist full of your hair and looked at you in the eyes while talking.
“i spent almost my whole life loving you! and this…this is how you repay me! how embarrassing of me to fall in love with the daughter of the person i most hate in the world! i hate everything and everyone!”
you shook at his words, your tears were falling down your face like a lake, your lashes were wet and scalp was in pain, he was gripping your hair a bit too tight.
“i’ll kill him, everyone! him, your dad, all of them!” he screamed and then started crying.
“don’t you understand…? these heroes, your dad, they don’t love you! i did and do everything for you! yet all you is be ungrateful, i’ll make you learn!”
he pulled you by the hair and off the bed, he pushed you on your knees and forced your mouth opened, you started crying even more and trying to stand up but couldn’t when he pushed his dick all the way in your mouth, down to your throat.
“a-ah yes…now you’re being useful! you need to understand that im the only person who loves you” he said and you looked up to him through your thick lashes and rosy cheeks.
you looked so cute, like always, he thought he could take a picture of you and so he let go of your hair and grabbed his phone that was on the bed, you started shaking and asking questions but he just shut you up with his dick, again.
“i love you but you gotta learn” he said and started pushing your head up and down…faster and faster until he came, it felt so good and he pulled out to let some of his cum fall on your face.
“aww don’t look at me like that, smile, all heroes smile right!?” he said and slapped you when you didn’t smile, you cried and obeyed him this time.
“good good…” he said as he took a picture of you with a sad smile, you looked so hot, all for him, oh and your dad.
“i wonder what all might would say if he saw this…” shigaraki tormented you, you cried and begged him not to show anyone the picture.
“t-tenko p-pwease n-no…” you cried and crawled to him, he looked down on you and kissed you, you kissed back, scared.
he picked you up and sat you on the bed, he told you to go to sleep, but you shook your head ‘no’.
“(name), i said go to sleep” he said as he walked over to you, he got a blanket and covered you with it, he didn’t take off the chains on your wrists.
“…i w-won’t tell anyone about this…just please…don’t show my dad that picture, tenko” you looked at him with sad eyes.
“…okay” he whispered
shigaraki wanted to laugh in your face but, he decided to be nice and so he turned off the lights, and waited for you to go to sleep, and so when you did, he turned on his phone.
everything was going to be so good now, he’ll finally have you, he’s going to cum in you and breed you, he knows you’ll be a great mom.
he laughed at the thought of how all might and everyone would react to this, what expression would all might do if he saw your belly growing, his grandchildren will be the children of a villain, the one who hates him the most.
shigaraki looked at your beautiful sleeping face and smiled, he planted a kissed on your forehead and looked for all might’s number on his phone, he had it since he stalked you.
he clicked on it and send it to him, shigaraki laughed at this, would you get in trouble? doesn’t matter cause tonight he’s your daddy.
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jungxk · 3 years
just one (viii)
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summary: the only guy on campus who’s track record trumped that of your best friend’s - park jimin - was jeon jungkook. not that that was a problem…until he set his sights on you.
notes: first of all i wanna thank the people who supported me and encouraged me through one of the worst writers blocks of my life. all the messages and comments are the reason why i finally managed to post this. special thanks to @whippedforkook for helping me with the monstrous tagging process as well as giving me so much praise. and also @lonelyending for cheering me on for a literal YEAR bc thats how long i cried over this fic! this story is so special to me. we’re in the home stretch now x
warnings: mentions of illegal drug use and distribution, swearing, brief smut.
genre: drama, romance, humour, college!au
wordcount: 8k
tagging: @cutechim @benz-biarritz @gyukult @bangulin @eatersanonymous @alyssa1926 @skivv1es @a-sucker-for-them-sappy-shit @moonights @jeymuffins @juuneaux @catsukiii @andreaisaac @whatheydontunderstand @sreveles @noruls619 @henryharios @just-a-fuxked-up-kid @befriendswithj @btsbesharam @poemsandpunani @taelha @misosoup-forthesoul @jikooksmut @heart-eyedmf @the-piano-woman @angrysunshine @chaoticpaperfanhoagie @jsungshine @ci-yen @faby-montana @shinypeanutsportshero @jooniestrivia @alucards-s @cynamyngirl @jiminie-angel @myskoova @jkshoneybuns @smokintae @remmykinsff @majinbuwu @jangx2manboongx2 @potatodogs @seul-queen @alpharyth @blenxxxg @plsky @th-singularity @bapbaptothetop @hermiones-enchantment @stomachfilledwithbutterflies @euphorora @supachloe94 @jiminxjimout @ggukkieland @just-another-fic-recs-blog @jalexad​
part i // part ii // part iii // part iv // part v // part vi // part vii // part viii // part ix // part x
4 years ago
jimin hated yugyeom.
well, maybe hate was a strong word. he just didn't like talking to him, being around him, hearing his name or interacting with him on any level, social or otherwise. he really tried though, since he was one of jungkook's closest friends and still respectfully referred to him as hyung above all else. and if anything, jimin would always have a soft spot for jungkook, the kid he used to coddle when his own brother wasn't around. but having said that, there wasn't really much basis for not liking yugyeom. it was just a gut feeling jimin couldn't explain, a very subtle callousness about him only jimin could pick up on. for the most part he was just like very other mild mannered boy by day and party animal by night, but jimin still ducks when he sees him enter the library.
"fuck," he hisses under his breath, scooping up his laptop to stride behind a book shelf for good measure. because sometimes, contrary to popular belief, jimin wanted to be alone. he didn't want to make small talk or listen to someone tell him about how well they scored on their last paper or complain about their annoying girlfriend. sometimes jimin wanted to have no thoughts and listen to fleetwood mac as per his human rights. which is why he shoves into the first private study room he sees.
and not an empty one at that. there's a girl inside, sitting cross-legged in her chair at a desk with an array of dried up paint tubes and brushes surrounding open sketchbooks. you don't look annoyed or even that phased, just amused as you give him a once over before going back to painting. "on the run from solji?"
jimin blinks, back still pressed against the door. "huh?" he regards you properly. "i'm sorry, have we met before?"
"not really," you admit with a sheepish smile, which is when jimin suddenly realises that you're...attractive. "solji is in my stats class. you hooked up with her last week at some party and she told me about it."
"oh," jimin takes in your plethora of art supplies. "you don't look like a stem student."
there's a glimmer of something in your eyes, and though you hide it well jimin knows he's struck a nerve. "yeah, i get that a lot."
"it's not solji by the way," jimin clarifies. for some reason. "that i'm hiding from. just a bellend i don't have the energy for right now."
you smile. "it's fine. you don't owe me your life story."
"i do when i'm about to impose on your...study time," jimin peers through the window in the door, wincing when yugyeom enters the hallway. "what would it take for you to let me stay in here for a while?"
you pause for a second. "honestly? just be quiet and leave me alone. is that okay?"
jimin perks up, a weight leaving his chest. "perfect, actually."
[jungkook 11:42pm]: why does it say wings on it
[jungkook 11:42pm] where is it flying
[you: 11:43pm] ffs kook
[you: 11:44pm] im still on the toilet can u just hurry up
[you 11:44pm] grab some tampons too pls
[jungkook 11:46pm] fine what size pussy do u wear
[you 11:46pm] i hate u
[jungkook 11:53pm] ???? ? ? well? ????
[you 11:54pm] REGULAR 
jungkook giggles at his phone, already having left the women's sanitary aisle to grab some chocolate. months later and teasing you was still bundles of fun. he knew for a fact that you were sat there with that angry pout on your face, nose crinkled. he had never bought anything like this before, but jungkook had enough brain cells to know that chocolate was another necessity for that time of the month. after grabbing a large hazelnut bar, he pauses beside the oreos before grabbing a packet of those too. just for good measure. he strides to the self checkout - because even he wasn't man enough for the cashier yet - nearly dropping his array of sanitary products and confectionary when somebody calls out his name from behind the queue.
"kook!" the voice is unmistakably yugyeom's, confirmed by the hand that clamps jungkook over the shoulder and swivels him round before he could think about hiding his socially compromising shopping items. it takes a second for yugyeom to notice, doing a double take at the pads atop his small tower of goods. he holds back a laugh, balancing a bottle of gin in one hand while he waves back at some friends to continue. they were clearly making their pit stop before a night out, probably pre's if they still start as late as jungkook remembers. with his hair styled and expensive cologne lingering, jungkook almost forgets he probably looks unrecognisable in his sweats and cotton-fresh hoodie. friday nights weren't for cuddling. still, yugyeom's smile is welcoming and familiar. "got the munchies? and maybe also a uterus?"
"shut up," jungkook grumbles, averting his eyes. he shifts to his other foot uncomfortably. "my friend just needed a favour, that's all."
"uh huh," yugyeom gives him a teasing look. "is this friend the reason why i barely saw you at jin's the other week?"
jungkook blinks back at him. "wait, you were at that party? i had no idea!" a boyish smile breaks over his face. "why didn't you call me? i haven't seen you since-"
"minseok-hyung's new years eve party," yugyeom throws his head back with a laugh. "remember how we ended up on a boat after the ball dropped and-"
"spent all of new years day detained by the coast guard!" jungkook finishes with a mischievous cackle of his own, nearly dropping the tampons in the process. "fuck, that was so much fun! we need to meet up again, i haven't been out with the guys in so long."
"well no wonder," he quips a brow at jungkook's shopping again. "word got out you're a family man but i didn't believe it. until now, that is."
jungkook's smile falls. "what do you mean?"
yugyeom looks at him for a second, confused by jungkook's surprise. yugyeom was never quite as diplomatic as namjoon or yoongi, to put it lightly. and definitely nowhere near as accomodating as jimin. which is why his next words make jungkook's back stiffen. "bro, look at yourself. you got dairy milk in one hand and tampax in the other. on a friday night. the next time i see you i wouldn't be shocked if you had a baby buggy and a mortgage." still, yugyeom throws him an apologetic look. like a mouse caught in a trap. "face it, kook. you're old news."
"what? that's not true," his brows furrow unhappily. "i don't know what you're talking about. it's not like she's my..."
he can't say the word, but it hangs between them like a dead weight.
"yeah, right," the condescending look on yugyeom's face was starting to agitate him. "you totally blanked us at jin's after she showed up. not even just jin's..." he thinks twice about holding his tongue, but as always, decides against it. "i don't know you, jungkook. whoever this new jungkook is. it's been months. you used to hit us up and be independent and spontaneous and wild and now you're just...someone's boyfriend.
"stop fucking saying that," jungkook snaps, all visible signs of friendliness gone.
"why?" a beat. "do you even use a wrap with her anymore?"
jungkook splutters, heat rushing to his ears and hands in a stinging combination of anger and embarrassment. "how is that any of your business? the fuck are you asking me something like that, as if you-"
"thought so," yugyeom looks away from him with a sigh. if anything, yugyeom knew never to overstay his welcome but that clearly backfired tonight. "whatever, jungkook," he looks over his shoulder at him. "guess you're the last one to find out you're officially married."
"you're ridiculous," jungkook scoffs. "all this over condoms? grow up, yugyeom."
"only couples do it raw," yugyeom turns away from him, alcohol in tow as he waves a hand over his shoulder to join his friends like jungkook was nothing but a lost cause. "you would remember that if you still had game."
jungkook stands there, dumbfounded while the group of boys exit the store noisily but he can't hear a thing. the siren that had been itching the back of his mind all this time was suddenly there at full force, right between his eyes. the glaring truth that yugyeom might be right makes his knees buckle. all those rules jungkook once had, all those measures he kept in place to protect his liberty, to prevent this very occurence - where were they? what happened to them? as the sweet and accommodating counterpart to jimin, why had you never complied? though, the blame wasn't on your hands alone. he got complacent, comfortable. lenient. and now without even realising he was here, a scene from a romcom in the middle of the night, with nothing to say for himself but fuck. the realisations wouldn't stop racing, one after another on the conveyer belt of his anxiety.
the photos on his phone; mostly you. time spent, usually with you. the portfolio for his latest photography module also had some resemblance to your interests. charcoal pencils, night drives, orchids. like the ones you always drew on any scrap of paper lying around. now that he thinks about it, he's seen nothing but your orchids for months. and not just that - you wore his clothes sometimes too. his bathroom had your toothbrush, contraceptive pills and coconut shampoo. his closest friends, his hyungs...not one of them was devoid of affection for you. he wasn't even confident that if the choice was presented, they would still pick him over you.
by the time jungkook finishes paying and practically sprints to his truck in a daze, he can hardly keep himself from shaking. he palms the wheel compulsively, he could feel the sweat in his sideburns, hoodie suddenly suffocating him. it smelled of you.
and then, like a final curtain call: was he just your latest fixer-upper project? some good girl wet dream to play out in the wake of your emotionally traumatic past? a slap in the face to seokjin, maybe, and nothing more? when you were done, when he was out of your system, when you knew his taste by heart and had nothing new left to try - would you stay? did you even know how to?
did he?
jungkook starts the engine. he drives to your door, drops your bag of snacks and pads on the porch, and texts you before leaving. he does not go inside.
"you sure you'll be okay with just the boys?"
you scoff at seulgi when she pins you with a worrying look, taking some of her clothes out of her bag to re-fold them just so you had something to do with your hands. jisoo had already left for the long weekend with her family, so there was no one there to fill up the empty space between your awakward reply. you didn't know how to tell the girls that jungkook hadn't contacted you in nearly a month. and even though he was a notable flight risk from the beginning, you couldn't help but feel like there was hostility there. every now and again he'd at least send a nude or have a quick phone call when he was drunk or high at three in the morning, but you hadn't heard a peep from him. you couldn't stand the idea of someone you cared about harbouring comtempt for you, but the fear of reaching out and somehow making the situation worse outweighed it tenfold. 
you look up to see seulgi still staring at you with concern. "of course i'll be fine! they're boys, not piranhas."
"at least piranhas contribute our ecosystem. boys just cause problems for the hell of it," seulgi lays a hand on the crown of your head like a berating big sister, swivelling you to look at her in your fit of giggles. the urge to nestle you under blankets like a baby bird made her chest heave, and you could tell. "i'm serious. if jimin tries anything, call me immediately okay?"
"jimin?" you snort. "out of a room full of delinquents, my ex, and taehyung, you're worried about jimin of all people?"
seulgi wrinkles her nose. "god, when you say it like that its like i'm throwing you to the dogs." she pauses. "something's up with jimin. i don't know what it is, but he's...off."
you tilt your head innocently, remembering the brief interaction you had with hobi at seokjin's party. you had been so caught up in jungkook - or lack thereof - you hadn't thought to press him about it afterwards. in truth, jimin remained as...jimin as ever. if he was acting differently you certainly couldn't tell. "you think so?"
"mmm," she leans on the lip of the open suitcase thoughtfully. "but maybe with jungkook there, he'll behave himself."
you gulp, fiddling with his watch on your wrist anxiously. "maybe."
you nearly yelp when you feel a big hand swivel around your waist, bucking into the kitchen counter reflexively. jungkook always did this before rubbing his boner against your ass, but the light scent of citrus and short squeeze lets you know immediately that its taehyung. hoseok, jimin, namjoon and yoongi were still in the living room playing video games, giving taehyung the perfect opening to intercept you. namjoon and yoongi had insisted that you come over to their place after finding out you'd be alone for the weekend, and you had completely refused before taehyung's coaxing. and of course, jimin's persuasive nudging. even though you felt safe and relaxed here, it felt wrong to be in jungkook's friends' place without him. almost like a breaching of an unspoken boundary.
and clearly, taehyung picked up on your discomfort by the way he stared at you so softly. his back was to the sink, his sillhouette particularly long and lean this evening. "you need to lighten up, princess. you keep looking over your shoulder so much it's making me nervous!"
your visibly droop with a sigh. "i'm sorry tae. i've had a lot on my mind lately, and..."
he claps his hands on your shoulders, teeth peeking through his grin. "you're not doing anything illegal by being here without jungkook."
you wince at his name. "have you always been able to read my mind like this?"
"absolutely," taehyung's brown eyes look so rich up close. "you're allowed to have friends that are also his friends, because - and try to stick with me on this - relationships between people are allowed to be independant from the primary circles they met in. mind boggling concept, i know."
you wack him on the chest until he laughs. "stop making fun of my anxious thought processes! its called mental illness, sherlock! i can't help it!"
his nose scrunches cutely, enjoying your first fiery outburst of the day. "whatever. i call it not getting laid for a month and losing critical thinking abilities from it."
you gape at him indignantly while taehyung roars with laughter. "you're such a dickhead," you hiss through gritted teeth, yanking his hair and jabbing your fingers in his sides the way you would with jimin during a tickle fight. "whores have feelings too, taehyung! whores have feelings too!"
you both fall about with laughter, knocking over half the snacks on the counter in the process which only makes the pair of you laugh even more. it's such childish chaos trying to clean up the mess on the tiny kitchen floor that neither of you notice the front door open, or the gust of metaphorical and literal wind that follows. watching taehyung trying to salvage a bag of broken crisps is just so funny that the presence of an another voice in the living room goes unregistered, as do the footsteps leading up the hallway to the kitchen, so you have no time to brace yourself or properly pull yourself together with you see-
yours and taehyung's heads snap to the doorway. jungkook stands there with almost complete lack of emotion on his face to the pair of you kneeling in crumbs and napkins. there's a brief pause where the tension in your eye contact alone was so strong that it felt wrong to breathe. but it is shortlived. jungkook tiptoes over you like spilled milk, reaching for a glass of water. you and taehyung lock eyes while the tap runs in the awkward silence. "hey. you okay?"
"um," you're not sure whether to stand up, hug him, look at him, or even face him. "yeah! yeah, i'm fine."
he nods politely. "hyung?"
even taehyung looks visibly uncomfortable. "i'm good."
"cool. see you later," he says, downing the glass impressively fast before leaving the room just as fast as he entered it.
you and taehyung stare at each other again, not understanding why you both feel like kids caught eating cake before dinner. you could feel the sweat pricking at your back from the realisation. jungkook had no idea you'd be here, and given that interaction he'd probably want to leave now. there was always the inkling woven between his radio silence that he was done with you, but you never let yourself take it seriously out of logic. because how could months of passion and tenderness and honesty be undone so irrevocably like that? it didn't make sense. you hadn't changed. you were the same girl he hit on relentlessly and chased against all odds. so what was different now?
"____," taehyung calls your name gently, and it's only then you realise you're already up and trailing after jungkook into the living room. when you walk in he's already putting his shoes on to leave again, barely making eye contact with you while he chats absently to his hyungs so he can look busy. the four boys on the large sofa can only reply wearily, eyes darting between the pair of you like a firework was about to blow to soon. and it was.
you could feel it in your throat, under your breast bone, bubbling up your stomach. "wait, jungkook. um...h-how have you been? i haven't heard from you in-"
"i've been good," he keeps tying and re-tying his laces without looking up. "super busy. you know how it is."
his curtness makes you flinch. this same time last month jungkook used to kiss you senseless before he had both feet in the door. he'd ring the doorbell incessantly like a child and greet you with the biggest, toothiest grin you had ever seen. he'd make fun of your bed head and squeeze your cheeks until you'd snap at him. and now when he looked at you he hated every second of it. your mother had the same look. your eyes start to burn involuntarily. "yeah, i do. how is uni? your final project is due soon, right? what theme did you pick in the end?"
"the one i told you about," he stands up abruptly. "sorry, noona. something came up. i'll see you arou-"
"something came up?" you step closer to him. "something came up the second you saw my face? or did you really just trek all the way to your hyungs' place for a glass of water, jungkook?"
jungkook stiffens, but is determined not to lose face. and it's difficult to do under your big, accusatory eyes and jimin's death stare at his back. the whole room was waiting for his response, so he just shoves his hands in his pockets resolutely. "i needed to see yoongi hyung, but i can come another time."
you fold your arms. "well it's clearly important, and you're here now. so don't let me stop you."
"but you will stop me," jungkook snaps. "that's the problem."
"kook-ah," yoongi warns quietly, but he took one look at your face and knew the damage was done. jimin was already standing up, circling around the back of the sofa towards you. the red lights were all there; your watery eyes, your trembling hands. every breath you took looked difficult for you to complete and only jimin noticed.
"what are you talking about?" you squint. it takes you a second to understand; yoongi's guilty expression, jungkook's indifference. "oh, you're fucking kidding me." your resolve breaks for a second turning away only to glare back at jungkook with so much fire you can hardly stand it. "you're selling again? are you insane, jungkook?"
"see," jungkook's eyes are stony. "i knew you'd get this way."
"what other way am i supposed to get?" his lack of response only infuriates you more. it felt disrespectful. "jungkook, you're not a kid anymore. if you get caught with drugs the consequences are serious! forget the potential jail time, you could get kicked out of university, it would go on your record forever and-"
"stop talking to me like i'm a kid!"
"then stop acting like one!" you hate raising your voice, but it keeps climbing without your approval. "did you think about this for even five minutes? this isn't like just going to juvie like before and being done with it jungkook. your hyungs can't bail you out of everything."
"this is a lot of talk for someone who lapped up those fancy paints without a second thought," jungkook says darkly. his eyes aren't like you remember, his face solemn and near unrecognisable. "or did you think that getting that kind of money overnight is only something that's possible through daddy's credit card?"
dread blooms like a garden inside you. "that's...that's how you bought the paint set?"
"welcome to the real world," he quips. "as if selling overpriced weed to a bunch of pick-me-freshmans is considered a crime against humanity to anyone but you."
"you think that's why i'm yelling at you right now?" your voice was growing hoarse, desperate. "you think that's the problem i have with you being literal drug dealer, jungkook?"
he hates it. the sweltering silence, the judgmental eyes digging into his back, the slow realisation that the tears in your eyes were not at him but for him. jungkook's ears ring enough to make him sway on the spot if his feet weren't planted so firmly on the dingy carpet, this metaphorical ground. he couldn't shake the feeling that his lifestyle was only an issue now because of you, how he never felt a shred of guilt about any of this shit until he met you. and if there was anything that jungkook never responded well to, it was pity. and he could feel it from every person in the room, all people that that once cherished and coddled him until you came along. he swallows, throat dry from the way he couldn't look at you knowing what he was going to say next.
"you're embarrassing yourself, noona. you're not my girlfriend and you never were, so stop acting like it."
cotton. it's very faint, under the layers of conflicting cologne and beer and smoke, but jungkook still smelled of cotton while he spat acid. nobody could speak, even though jungkook never raised his voice let alone a hand to you, it still hit like a slap in the face. it sunk into the walls, your clothes, suddenly every hair on your body felt heavy with it. dirty. the shame came first, the humiliation next. and then the sorrow, the dread, and finally the defeat. you knew the stages well by now, and they were cycling through you like clockwork. how foolish you were, to make the same mistake again. nobody dared to move, everyone but jungkook staring at you in denial and horror. they couldn't believe their eyes when you nod steadily, bowing your head to the floor.
jimin is already slotting himself between you, his jaw tight. "that's enough, kook. just leave already."
"no," you stop him, unnervingly resigned. that single word cuts through all six men with ease. "he's right." you step around jimin, closing the space between you and jungkook. for a brief moment he wonders if you'll actually hit him, but somehow watching you unclasp his watch from your wrist and drop it on the coffee table in front of him is far worse. the sound seems to ring like church bells, definitive and umistakable. "you're right, i'm not your girlfriend. you win jungkook."
they all watch you leave in dismay, listen to the door closing softly behind you. within a second jimin sprints after you, calling your name, leaving everyone else dumbfounded. jungkook's stare could bore a hole into the abandoned watch on the table, still ticking away like nothing changed. like his eyes weren't burning, lightheaded at the realisation that he would never wear a watch again let alone the one he put on you.
to an outsider, you looked like you were coping well considering you just got dumped in front of all your friends. but jimin knew that face. your stony eyes, lips pulled thin as if to seal inside the collapse of a monument. you took the tea he offered, and then his arms, your face finding his chest with ease. muscle memory. his torso was a tad shorter than jungkook's, his heart closer to your mouth as if the steady thumps were asking for a kiss of acknowledgement. every time you close your eyes you could see jungkooks face, hard and unforgiving and nothing like the man you trusted all this time. but it wasn't a new expression; you parents looked at you similarly the last time you saw them. it was the look of someone who had no regrets cutting all ties. and now, jungkook was behind them in a lost list of people who chose to be strangers over loving you.
jimin sighs when you cry into his chest, brushing the back of your head gently. he had been ready for this for months, but he still hated to see you this way. again. it made his bones itch, his skin crawl uncomfortably every time you weeped. the only time he considered violence was when you were crying. but he knew what to do, laying down across the sofa so you could curl up into a ball next him, head on his bicep and face smushed into the crook of his shoulder. you used to cry like this for hours and hours, his arm familiar with the prickle of pins and needles. but it was the only place you felt safe. tucked into jimin's side is where you would always belong, and that truth was more glaringly obvious than ever now.
"lets get something to eat," he offers eventually, hand craddling the crown of your head like a child. jimin's other hand on your hip is warm and heavy when he pats you soothingly. in your episodes, you responded well to touch. "what about thai food?"
"not hungry," you grumble against him.
"we could make something together?" he peers down at your lack of response. "come on, babe. you gotta eat something. you didn't even have breakfast-"
"why am i so stupid?" you whisper, a fresh bout of tears welling up.
jimin rubs your thigh. "it's not your fault."
"yes it is. jungkook gave me plenty of red flags, and i ignored all of them-"
"oh, i meant you being stupid."
you scoff. "cheers."
"what?" jimin cocks a brow when you lift your head to look up at him. he wets his lips and you follow the swipe of his tongue thoughtlessly, distracted enough by his touch and proximity that you take a second to digest his words. "it's not like any of this exactly came as a surprise. you ignored me, remember? wanted to flex your big girl pants."
you pull away from him and sit up, forcibly shutting out the daze that jimin routinely puts you under. "what's wrong with you? can't you be polite and wait for a couple hours before laying into me like a normal person? jesus, jimin."
"so let me get this straight," jimin sits up, watching your back as you sit away from him. "you're mad because i'm not telling you what you want to hear?"
"no," you say, head shaking. "i'm not mad. i'm upset because i came here to be comforted by my friend and you're just making me feel worse."
"what do you want me to say, ____? that i had high hopes from the start?" jimin pushes his hair back, brows now at a sharp incline from frustration. "i told you starting something with jungkook was trouble but you didn't listen. why should i feed your victim complex when all i've done is try to help you?"
"victim complex?" you repeat, standing up slowly. the sudden steadiness of your voice causes jimin to panic.
"not like that. don't take it like that, it's just," he's suddenly before you, his warm hands palming up your arms warmly. "i didn't wanna see you get like this and it happened anyway, is all i'm saying." he sighs when your scowl doesn't let up. "if hobi hyung hadn't have given up so easy, then maybe…maybe this would never have happened. maybe if i had been harsher with him then you would have-"
"what are you talking about?" you ask quietly, searching jimin's face. "give up so easy? what's that supposed to mean?"
he looks away, hands slipping off you. "it's nothing."
he struggles to look at you, tongue in cheek. his lips purse for a moment, pink like roses. he's wearing that navy jumper you like. "look, it's not a big deal. he wasn't supposed to fuck you or anything, just take you out for a while. get your mind off kookie, show you a nice time."
your blood runs cold. "what?"
jimin's expression softens. "it's not as bad as it sounds-"
"really?" your voice is sharp, sharper than he's ever heard it. you recoil as if you had been struck for the second time today. "because it sounds like you asked some guy to keep me occupied like i'm a fucking dog. all because you can't stand the idea of me being within a meter of jungkook-"
he steps in, but you step back. "you know that's not true, _."
"don't i?" you scoff, covering your face in disbelief. "jimin, you've been hellbent against me even looking at the guy since day fucking one."
"because i didn't want you to get hurt!" jimin counters, eyes downcast. "i know, okay? i know how much of a dick it makes me sound, but its not like it hurt you when you had no idea! hoseok broke it off before you even knew about it so why-"
"because it's worse," you turn away from him. "you tried to control me. choose what's best for me because you think you know better than i do. sound familiar?"
his jaw sets, and it's like you can hear the twine snap in his head, the percussion of his heartbeat above yours even though he doesn't close the space between you. jimin stares at you for a long minute before drawing in a thin breath. "fine," he steps in, and you can't look away. "you want me to say it? fine. i'll say it."
suddenly the air is lace thin around you as you stare at him, waiting. jimin looks off somewhere else, somewhere you can't reach. "don't tell me you haven't thought about it, because i know you have. if i have you must have too. and lately its all i can think about - being with you, holding you, being the one who gets to touch you. and yeah, maybe it took having to see you with jungkook for me to realise how much i want all that, i put my hands up. but you have no idea what's it like to watch the person you love most get toyed around with by a time bomb like that. i've seen jungkook go through girls like underwear and i love him, god i love him, but even the idea of you being one of those wasted girls sitting outside a party crying over his sorry ass makes my fucking ears ring."
"j-jimin…" you whisper, but you have nothing to say. your hands shake.
"you deserve more than that, ____. you deserve more than waiting around for booty calls or living up to what the next guy wants. from jungkook, hoseok, anyone. you deserve someone's devotion and yeah, maybe all this time i've been too much of a pussy to give it. maybe all this time i was tiptoeing around my feelings for you because i knew if i admitted to myself that i loved you - if i admitted i was just like every other guy - i'd actually set the bar for something other than disappointment. id actually have to step up, and i didn't know if i could do it. i still don't. but if it has to be someone…it should be me."
suddenly he's holding your hands, calming the tremble that rattles them. his words bunch up together in your ears, the meaning lost amidst your awe. "jimin….jimin what are you saying? where is all this coming from, i don't...i don't understand wh-"
"i'm saying," he cups your face. "choose me." he pulls you in. so, so close. "choose me, not jungkook. not anyone else. me."
and there's a part of you that has already caved. that's already kissing him, melting into his arms like you've wanted to for so, so long. you're falling back onto the couch with him in a fit of giggles, curling back into his chest to hide your watery eyes, asking him why the fuck he took so long. you chat together between teasing kisses, pour your hearts out, maybe cry a little. later you would make tea and order pad thai and watch the office all night and fall asleep together in the living room well past dawn and then-
you close your eyes. "i can't."
"you can," jimin says, so passionately you shudder. his brown eyes are teaming with too much determination and ardour for his own good, and you both know it. its difficult to grapple with how huge a risk he's taking, because jimin never takes risks. it made the whole situation seem dire. "you know you can, ____. it's us. there's no one like us."
you don't know how you're not crying yet. you only have jimin to hold onto, hands balled in his shirt without knowing if you're about to push him away or pull him in forever. "maybe back then. maybe if you'd have said all this before," you feel empty, the beat of your pulse suddenly strong in your fingertips. "but it doesn't matter anymore."
he shakes his head in denial, his determination palpable. "of course it does-"
"i'm in love with him," you say. to jimin. to yourself. to the world, finally. "i'm in love with jungkook." holding jimin's stare isn't as difficult as you thought it'd be. "you know if you'd have done all this a few months ago…if you'd have just...i was always yours without question, jimin. and you knew it." it's his turn to bristle under the strain of your voice. "jungkook isn't perfect. i'll be the first one to admit that. he's made me cry, he fucks up, he makes mistakes. but he's never lied to me. he never made decisions for me. he never passed judgement on what i should or shouldn't do with my life. something that i never thought i wouldn't able to say about you, too."
there's a brief moment where everything stops. neither of you can believe what you just said. jimin watches you, frozen in his place as you take your bag, eyes glittering with tears when he calls for you. suddenly he's the time bomb he feared becoming, the panic in his eyes lighting them up like fire crackers. for the first time in his life, he stumbles over his words, and then his feet when you reach for the door, all composure lost. he was unravelling like a tapestry in front of you, never to be repaired, and he could feel it. "____. ____, please," jimin chokes, his cheeks blotchy. "i wanted to protect you, i was just trying to help. don't go. please don't go. i was trying to help you."
"no. you were trying to have me." you say, closing the door behind you.
you have no idea what time it is when you hear the bell ring incessantly.
it had been hours since you'd returned home from jimin's, but there was no way for you to keep track when your only priority was just keeping yourself afloat. you turned your phone off, drew the curtains, and resolved to alternate between sitting in seulgi and jisoo's rooms until they came back. you didn't know what else to do. when you weren't crying you were hyperventilating, and when that stopped the absence of emotion was so powerful you could barely keep your eyes open. you were exhausted but could not sleep. starving but could not eat. it was a miracle you even made it down the stairs, using what little strength you had to yank it open without even thinking about who could be on the other side in the middle of the fucking night. but at this point, you would gladly take a serial killer over jimin or jungkook.
"taehyung," you breathe when you take in his face, relieved. you must look like absolute shit because he scans your face and winces. 
"jimin told me," he says, the apology in his voice and expression was almost painful to register. "he told me everything. ____, i'm so sorry. i should have told you about the hoseok thing, i just thought it would be worse coming from me, and then i tried to force jimin into confessing but then he didn't because he's jimin, and now-"
"you're only allowed to come inside if you stop apologising," you say weakly, voice haggered from the hours of crying.
taehyung's pouty expression almost makes you smile with how cute he looks, gingerly stepping over the threshhold. "i really am sorry though."
"for what," you say monotonously, closing the door behind him while he takes off his shoes. "my inexplicably terrible taste in men? my uncanny ability to get manipulated by literally anyone who shows me a scrap of affection? or my absolutey shredded-to-shit attachment style thats barely intact let alone functioning healthily? after hoppping between the first two for a few hours i'd personally go for the latter. but whatever."
"please shut up," taehyung sighs, bringing you into his arms before you could have a second thought about it. "you need to amp up the misandry in this context. a lot of this had nothing to do with you and everything to do jimin and jungkook."
you're too tired to open your eyes, snuggling into the softness of taehyung's chest. you’re too exhausted to argue. "where did you learn the word misandry? have you been reading?"
"yeah," you can hear his big, pleased grin. "i know you and the girls have been calling me a himbo behind my back."
"affectionately," you add, peering up at him. he wipes the wetness off your cheeks, moving upstairs to your room with your hand in his. he fetches you a glass of water before putting you into bed like he's paid to do it. taehyung was the cuddliest person you had ever met, but you had rarely seen him dote on anyone. "girls love himbos. it's a compliment."
"not all girls," he mutters when he returns from the bathroom with a glass of water. "drink this, would you? you look so dry it's making me itchy."
you do as he says with a roll of your eyes. "what do you mean?" you finish your water with a big gulp. "jisoo loves dumb guys, what are you talking about?"
taehyung looks away from you, bottom lip rolling up under his teeth so fast you barely catch it. he pulls up your desk chair next to your bed, thinking long and hard before meeting your eyes again. "i don't mean jisoo."
you don't understand at first, but after staring at his face for a long minute your stomach drops. "don't. don't you fucking dare," another beat of silence. you rip the covers off you to scamble to your knees, grab your pillow and hurl it at taehyung's head. "taehyung, please don't tell me that the one remaining, healthy relationship i have with a man has also been shot to shit because i swear to god i'm gonna-"
"it's not a big deal," he says firmly, and he really does mean it. taehyung catches your wrists when you lunge at him, effectively ending your outburst before it can begin. he keeps hold of them while he stares into your eyes, watching the way they fill up with a fresh bout of tears. "i've had a crush on you for a while, so what? it's not anyone's business but mine so don't worry about it."
you try not to scream at him. "how long?"
"...since the start." he shrugs. "it's not like i could have done anything anyway. with jimin around. he’d never have it."
"but...! but..." you splutter, the highlight reel of your friendship suddenly marred before your eyes. "but you let me talk to you about boys! you gave me advice with hobi and jimin and jungkook and...! you encouraged jimin to confess to me. and the whole thing with jisoo?"
he wets his lips guiltily. "jisoo is a nice girl. i like her, but...not like you. i've always liked you."
you shake your head in horror, your face crumpling. bile rose in your throat. "so all of that...playing with my friend like that. was just to get to me?"
"listen to me," taehyung says firmly, gripping your wrists to make you look at him again. he's so close you can feel the warmth of his breath on yours, and you never realised how large taehyung's torso was compared to yours before. he could have smothered you, but he didn't. in all senses. "the way jimin and jungkook handled their feelings is on them, just like how this is on me. it doesn't matter if i'm fucking you or not, you're my friend and i'll always want people to do right by you. and that includes me."
there was nothing else to say, so taehyung wordlessly wipes your face again and fetches you more water before retreating to sleep on the couch downstairs. all the while you sat there in your bed, confused and bewildered and thoughtful. the same bed jungkook fucked you on. the same bed jimin held you in. out of all the men in your life, taehyung was the only one who treated his feelings for you with reverence. there wasn't one interaction you could think of where he made his feelings clear, where he even hinted towards wanting something more. if he hadn't have said anything tonight, in the wake of one of the most emotionally tumultuous days of your life, you would still be in the dark about it all. and that was the scariest part. you didn't know anyone else who hadn't let their feelings for you effect how they treated you. so ultimately, it was possible.
and jimin and jungkook chose not to do that. but taehyung did.
taehyung did.
when you finally pad downstairs after hours of ruminating, jisoo's bedroom door is wide open. and that's who you should be thinking about now - your friend and sister jisoo - as the sky begins to lighten with the signs of morning. you hadn't slept for over twenty four hours, you were hungry and thirsty, delirious from the whirlwind of losing the two most important men in your life in one day. but still, you are drawn to taehyung. taehyung, who never asked anything of you. taehyung, who was as silent as he was selfless this whole time. taehyung who routinely put what he wanted aside in favour of what was best for you. taehyung, who protected you without needing credit or recognition for it. taehyung, taehyung, taehyung, taehyung, taehyung-
"taehyung," you whisper scraping your nails through his hair. his eyes fluttered open, twisting his head to face you as you hovered above him. he could barely see you in the darkness. "taehyung, wake up."
"what is it?" he croaks, sitting up with half-lidded eyes and a yawn. he doesn't know how to read the expression on your face. he swings his legs off the sofa in a sitting position, wearing nothing but his boxers and tee, visibly alarmed. "what happened? are you okay?"
you take his face in your hands and kiss him. 
taehyung stiffens against you, breath drawn thin. you pull away to gauge his expression, desperately searching his eyes in the darkness. for discomfort, disapproval, anything negative at all. the absolute ardour you find instead could knock you down if taehyung didn't reach for your neck, kissing you again. you whine at the feel of his tongue, having no idea where such sudden and intense arousal was coming from. when you pull away with shaky limbs, you climb onto his thick thighs so he can feel your wetness through his boxers. taehyung grunts at the sensation, and again when you kiss him passionately and without abandon. the sweet girl every guy he knew was agonising over, suddenly in his lap. he's barely had his tongue down your throat for ten minutes and you're already rocking into him, his erection betraying his resolve.
it's better than he dreamed. 
"taehyung," you gasp, palming him now. he groans when he pulls away to look at your mouth, glistening with his saliva when you take his hand and guide it down to your arousal. "please."
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