#Sakura meets up with the akatsuki
hellcifrogs · 1 month
Students' students AU Part 1
Part 2
Hear me out... Anko taking Sasuke under her wing right after the chunin exams!
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It's very simple, Kakashi asks for her help with sealing the cursed mark and instead she takes it one step further - She starts teaching Sasuke. That way they can keep an eye on him, the last Uchiha and the one Orochimaru is after, and she can work some of her own issues and traumas and basically become an actual developed character
Anko could also keep him safe from Itachi (by not letting them meet) and kick the Sound four's asses (by finally unlocking her cursed mark's second stage) when they show up to take Sasuke. So Sasuke doesn't leave Konoha and killing Orochimaru becomes their new goal. (They team up against him and Kabuto in the future) And it can be a big and dramatic moment of freedom for both of them.
And of course I have some ideas for Naruto, Sakura and Sai as well, but for now we start with Sasuke!
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I like to think Anko is a bit more of a rebel against Konoha so she wouldn't keep as many secrets from Sasuke, she would actually encourage him breaking rules and increasingly evade the system, and help guide him towards Itachi and the truth about the Uchiha massacre - she can also investigate a little on her own.
And on the topic of Itachi, he can be an actual spy! Working for the village and actually reporting back about the Akatsuki - and doing this mostly to keep Sasuke safe, since Danzou's still out there and Sasuke was his one slip up in the massacre.
I don't know if I want Itachi to survive or die in the end, but he and Sasuke will make peace before that. Also before that (and before they kill Orochimaru) Danzou's gonna put Sai on team 7 to watch Sasuke - and of course they're all gonna become bffs and join forces (maybe even with Itachi) to end Danzou <3.
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mochiajclayne · 6 months
I will never stop talking about Five Kage Summit arc. It's my favorite because everything is happening simultaneously and Naruto doesn't catch a single break.
Starting off, everyone at Konoha treats him like a hero after saving the village from Pain and he deals with the conflicting feelings brought upon by the shift of treatment that he received. He finally got the acknowledgement he aspired for but he couldn't revel in it.
Next, the news of Sasuke being involved with Akatsuki and the Raikage pretty much deciding to get rid of him. What is Naruto's course of action? Meeting up with the Raikage and begging to spare his friend.
Then, hearing the truth about the Uchiha massacre after Obito paid them a little visit at the inn. Adding more cherries on top is Sakura confessing that she loves him as a way to let go of the promise made three years prior (Naruto retorts that saving Sasuke is a personal choice and he'd do it regardless of the promise) and Gaara told him about what transpired in the summit, that Sasuke can no longer be saved, and to think about what he can do for his friend. The last straw is definitely Sai snitching and informing everyone that Sakura plans to kill Sasuke.
Naruto going through a panic attack, too overwhelmed with the realization that everyone wants his precious person dead and they don't even try to understand him (but let's be real, only Naruto can understand Sasuke) and that's not even the most dramatic part.
Enter Sasuke: batshit blind, going off the rails unhinged, driven mad by hatred, still processing the truth and grieving about Itachi. Abandoned his personal policy of not killing aimlessly, not even willing to hear out Sakura or Kakashi but he listened to Naruto. They talked in their gay mind plane and Naruto went ahead and really said with his full chest that every single action that Sasuke did is valid, he knew the truth, and he'd carry Sasuke's burden and they'd die together. Also made a promise on the freaking spot that he'd handle all of his hatred and to not kill anyone in Konoha, then Sasuke kept that promise. He is unstoppable at that point, mind focusing on getting revenge but after that conversation with Naruto, his priority changed from destroying Konoha to fighting Naruto.
An unpopular discussion about Sasuke in this arc is the emptiness that he felt after achieving his goal. Dealing and processing grief. It left an impact to the point that he awakened his Mangekyou, coming on terms with the confusion about his feelings regarding Itachi after witnessing his death. Obito definitely used it to his advantage to manipulate Sasuke. I might explore the parallels shared with Naruto in a separate post.
I couldn't get enough of this arc and I think we wouldn't go through tough times if Naruto just said I love you. Lmao.
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stu-dyingstudent · 2 months
kid/academy/pre-genin Sakura Haruno fic recs
To be honest, there aren't many kid or academy Sakura fics out there, at least that I can find, and most of which are actually time travel AUs. Now, the tricky thing with it is that most of those tend to start where Sakura is quite young, but by the end of the story she is a genin. So, it gives me the difficult decision of whether of not I should include those on this list (I haven't decided).
Anyway, the other difficult aspect of fanfiction about a young Sakura is the writing itself. There has to be a good balance of childishness and eloquence to ensure that the writing is not just truthful to the character, but that it also flows with the story. These are some of the ones I like!
Started: 2024.07.25
Last Updated: 2024.09.13
note: feel free to check out my master list which has a bunch of Sakura Haruno fic recs (all organized)!
Satori (Between the Lines) - Jaylene || ffn || gen || T || academy AU || complete
While attending the Academy, Sakura's field experience assignment with the Konohagakure Intelligence Division ends up being more valuable than she'd ever guess.
Sakura lands herself working in Torture & Intelligence??? From the very beginning Sakura has been pegged as a "paper ninja" where she is constantly praised for her intelligence, so Satori (Between the Lines) is academy Sakura putting these skills to use. Super good read and includes characters we don't normally get to see in fics!
Time Flies Like An Arrow - Katlou303 || ao3 || gen || K || time travel AU || complete
Sakura traveled back in time with the intent of changing everything, but something went wrong, and now she's four years old having nightmares about impossible monsters and losing friends she has yet to meet.
Time Flies Like An Arrow is probably the most interesting take on a time travel AU I have ever read. Sakura ends up going back in time to when she is 4 years old and not even in the academy. The only thing is, she has no clue that this is the second time she's living this life and her mind is still one of a child.
Two Minds (are better than one) - Lesemaus16 || ao3 || gen || Tobirama as inner AU || complete
Tobirama doesn't generally object to being reborn. He does object to being stuck in the mind of a little girl, though.Sakura grows up with a grumpy voice in her head, telling her to train more.Tobirama's influence on Sakura might very well change the story. Or maybe not, who knows.
note: I think this might actually take place during the genin days, but I have to check since I can't remember.
Tobirama is such a great character (so refreshing) and his interactions with Sakura in this are gold! I hope one day Kishimoto will release some side stories about him and other characters from his time as we really don't know that much about them tbh.
New Day Dawning - IncompleteSentanc (Erava) || ao3 || narusaku || T || canon divergence || complete
One day, while visiting the grave of Nohara Rin, Obito stumbles across a young girl terrifyingly like her. He decides to ensure she doesn’t meet the same fate.As for Sakura? Sakura had no idea what she was awakening the day she went to visit her parents graves - but she never looked back. One way or another.(Feat. Sakura raised by Obito and the Akatsuki, and her eventual return to Konoha and all those she left behind)
Sakura is brainwashed and manipulated, but loved by notorious killers nonetheless. Incredibly well written and I won't lie when I say that the ending took me a bit by surprise. Also, I should warn you that this does take place over a long time and thus Sakura does not remain a child for the whole thing, but I just really wanted to put New Day Dawning on this list (just read it).
In Another World - eleventheeggo || ao3 || gen || T || orphan Sakura AU || ongoing
What if Sakura was an orphan instead of Naruto and Sasuke? A story about a socially stunted girl who has a thirst for knowledge and is surrounded by softies who love her all the same.
Orphan!Sakura is not something I knew I needed in my life! She is so precious and it's great to watch all of these characters come together for her sake. In Another World also discusses ROOT a bit, which you know I love, so I can't wait for the story to get there.
Your Move, Instigator (draw your weapon and hold your tongue) - Laysan_albatross || ao3|| third war extended AU || complete
“We are still under wartime policy,” the recruiter had told her parents. He had an envelope in his hand. He sounded sorry. “She has two parents who are successful ninjas. We would be remiss to overlook her potential based upon that alone.” The Third Shinobi War never ended. Konoha needs more soldiers, grabbing anyone who can fight, especially those who can't say no.
I feel like one of Your Move Instigator's biggest strengths is that it truly gets across the innocence (or loss) of these characters. They themselves don't fully understand what they are doing or why. They are just children following the orders given to them by adults, even if that means taking the life of another. In the beginning, Sakura even recalls times of her spelling and grammar being corrected in her reports along with other childish things. Konoha has shown themselves of not being above dispatching young children to fight, but this story just brings that devastation to new light.
cut the head off the snake - itsthechocopuff || ao3 || T || time travel AU || complete
when eighteen-year-old, post-war Sakura is thrown back into her tiny, pre-Academy body, she makes a decision. she'd had a childhood once already, and this time, she's more interested in Not Dying when the inevitable shit hits the proverbial fan. so she will work harder, care less, kill more, and smile when she's done. and hey, if she ends up reviving an extinct nature transformation to attract the most corrupt, power-hungry man from her timeline, all the better for her, right?
Probably one of the best time travel AUs out there!! Also, we get to see ROOT!Sakura in here, which I love in addition to Sai (my baby). I know I said it's incomplete, but it's only missing one chapter so you still get plenty of story. Anyway, definitely check out cut the head off the snake!!
Not so imaginary - FangirlJo || ao3 || gen || T || ghost Tobirama AU || incomplete
Haruno Sakura was 5 when she realises her imaginary friend was not so imaginary at all and resembles the Second Hokage by a lot. Like a lot a lot. In which Senju Tobirama is Sakura's Ghost Sensei. Things change, chaos ensues and Tobirama is once more reminded with the reason he doesn't have kids.
Damn, I just really love Tobirama as a character. This guy rocks and deserves more story time (justice for Tobirama!!).
Ground Zero - TheIzzatron || ao3 || gen || T || third war extended AU || incomplete
Desperate times call for desperate measures. If this means forcing weapons into the hands of children, then so be it.
A young Sakura is taken advantage of in her parents’ absence at war and is enrolled into the academy's "accelerated" program. The complete unfairness of the situation is skillfully conveyed throughout the story. Sakura is left to wonder why she too isn't learning about flowers and history like Ino? Why Ino isn't learning the fastest way to kill her enemies? The characters and their emotions are so well done that you truly feel just how cheated they are. They aren't heartless, they are children. Highly recommend.
Inherited Will of Fire - jokergirl2001 || ffn || T || gen || sakura can see ghosts AU || incomplete
She always knew she was a natural at genjutsu but what she didn't know was that being a natural meant she had some immense talent when it comes to spiritual energy. Well at least that's what the cheerful raven haired boy who apparently drowned himself on purpose said.
I only just started reading this now, but Inherited Will of Fire is super cute! Academy Sakura finds she is able to see ghosts after stumbling upon Shisui shortly after the Uchiha massacre.
One Change in the Story - Aingeal98 || ffn || T || gen || time travel AU || incomplete
It wasn't supposed to be like this. She was only supposed to go back five minutes in time. Instead, Sakura wakes up in a dark room surrounded by people wearing black cloaks with red clouds on them. The worst part? She doesn't have a clue who she is.
Praying for One Change in the Story to be completed!! Sakura lands herself back in time with the mind and body of her four year old self. With Pein being the first one to find her, Sakura's new life purpose is to be the Akatsuki's weapon. Similar to New Day Dawning, Sakura doesn't stay a child for the entirety of this fic, but I still think it is a notable mention. Sakura slowly loses herself to her new roll and in a sense becomes the embodiment of a ROOT agent. It was interesting to see Itachi's internal battle with the situation and Konan's guilt. However, even with Sakura bound to Ame, there are children back in Konoha who have an itch that a pink-haired girl named Sakura is someone important.
Y'all, please send me some good kid/academy Sakura fics!!!! Or write one...
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cursingtoji · 1 year
I hope it's okay to send another one of the cliches in! (I absolutely ADORED the Toji one you did! Perfection, pure perfection) I saw you wanted some Itachi and I feel like 23 is just so perfect for him. Maybe adding prompt 12 with it too? (Feel free to ignore if we can only send in one ask though!
𝑰𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒓𝒖𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝑲𝒊𝒔𝒔
⊱ plus touching foreheads; The Clichés ™ event
note: bless you darling for giving me the chance to write for my beloved itachi
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A warm night embraces you as you walk amongst the villagers with a basket of ingredients for your dinner. A million thoughts go by your head and you aren't quite aware of your surroundings until you focus on your path ahead and notice a familiar figure walking towards you.
You gasp once you notice who it is, dropping your basket.
"Itachi?" panic threats to take over you, he can't be seen here, yet no one else seems to have noticed the most wanted ninja standing in the middle of the busy street.
"Hello, angel."
"Am I in a genjutsu?"
"No," he leans, taking your basket from the ground and handing it back to you, "But everyone else is."
"Isn't it too risky?" your eyes wander through his pretty features, realizing that it has been a few months since the last time he sneaked in the village to see you. Tonight he doesn't have his usual cloak, instead he wore a gray shirt and no bandana, you reached for his hair, brushing it away from his face.
Itachi takes your hand delicately, kissing your fingers, "You're worth it."
You take one step closer, touching his forehead with yours and breathing in his scent.
"I missed you" you confess, it's a weird feeling being so intimate to him in public, you can hear people talking around you, buying and selling goods, kids running, playing ninja, but you thrust his skills.
"I'm afraid I can't stay much longer, angel" he holds your hand tightly, his face is the same as the boy you knew years ago, yet his dark circles look deeper every time you see him.
"Let me take care of you, 'tachi" you beg, wanting nothing more than to take him home with you, have a bath, wash each other's hair, make tea and kiss every inch of him in a fresh bed, loving and being loved by him till morning eventually comes.
"There's nothing I want more" he confesses and you know it's true, but his tone indicates that will not be possible tonight.
"Promise me you will be back soon" you know it's hard for him to catch a break to come here, besides all the risk he takes getting into the village he still has to mislead his fellow akatsuki members so they won't find out about his Konoha love, making a potential target out of you in case things go south.
"I'll try my best" he brings both his hands to your face and takes his time admiring your face until his eyes eventually fall onto your lips, he misses your kisses more than anything else he had in konoha.
Your eyes close but right before he can kiss you he feels a disturbance, like someone is beginning to notice the genjutsu.
"Sorry, angel, I must go now" he lets go of you and you sigh, "I love you" you watch him walk backwards until he fades like smoke.
"Sensei!" you hear a yell and look over your shoulder seeing Naruto and the rest of team seven coming towards you, Kakashi looks around suspiciously.
"Naruto, hi" you greet and the boy begins to tell you about the mission they just came back from. You try to dismiss the look Kakashi has on you.
"Were you shopping?" Naruto notices your basket.
"Yeah, just some stuff for dinner" you open your basket to show him, but you're surprised by a bouquet of flowers lingering on the inside.
"Wow, is it a romantic dinner?" Sakura inquires.
"Now, now, kids, you gotta wake up early tomorrow for training” Kakashi claps once, making the kids whine. You look at Sasuke, noticing the similar features with the man that was there just a few seconds ago.
Sasuke meets your gaze, you dismiss the nostalgic feeling by ruffling his hair.
“Good luck, guys.”
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see also: “what if someone see us?” + Jiraiya
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flower1622 · 2 months
Fanfic: It's a story created by fans for fun. It didn't happen in our universe. It's not canon.
Canon: It's the real or original story created by the author.
So, it's okay for someone to write stories with Perclarisse and Perachel with mature versions of the characters. It's okay for someone to read stories where Ben and Evie end up together. It's okay for other fans to write a mature version of percico. It's okay to want to read a story where Hinata joins the Akatsuki and Naruto joins her. It's okay to want to read dark versions of your favourite ships and characters. It's okay to write your own points of views of a character...like Annabeth. Someone judged me for giving "a bad personality" for Annabeth. I'm sorry if it offended other people, but it's just a fanfic. But, according to some fans or antis...she really doesn't have a good personality in Rick's version.
With High School Musical is the same thing. I never shipped Troy and Sharpay before. But after whatching Sharpay's movie, i saw she could mature. After i grew up, i saw that Gabriella and Troy were a little boring. So, i remembered that Troy already has a good relationship with Ryan. So, in the future Sharpay and Troy could meet each other and get close, you know? I think they would have more history together because of their childhood and an interesting chemistry as adults. Sharpay being more enthusiastic and Troy being a little more shy.
A fanfic is not totally real. It represents other people's versions of the characters. Anyone can write and have yours. You guys have the canon stuffs... at least let others with different points of views from you have something too.
We all know Percabeth and Bal (Ben + Mal from Descendants) are endgame, but there are other people who have diffent ships. We all know Hinata is a good person, but there are people who would like to see a different side of her...since she had many reasons to become a villain. Not only that, but a character or person won't be 100% good, alright? Everyone has a dark side. Naruto had his. Sasuke has his. Sakura had hers. Kakashi, Obito...and many others. So, why does Hinata need to be different? She is not a saint.
The same with Star Wars. If someome would like to read a story where the Skywalker family was evil, what is the problem? (Maybe if they were, the rebels wouldn't have a chance. So, it's kinda another version of the story)
I like to read dark romances too. I don't have shame to say this. If people judge me and others for liking dark versions of something, just block us, please!
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okay but the Naruto universe is so fucking weird yet funny if you explain it and question it.
first, you have this lil orphan broke kid ninja boy named after a fishroll. then, you have an emo kid who acts like he got parents and a good way in life despite the fact he’s equally as much of an orphan as Mr. Broke-Blonde-Bitch. THEN you have this normal chick with pink hair who signed up for absolutely none of this nonsense yet got dragged into it. tell me why it’s these three against the world yet none of them can function together? it’s like watching ferrets hyped up on PCP fight over raw spaghetti noodles. dont even get me started when they were in school together, i can bet every person here 6 cents that at some point Sakura aka Ms. Fuckall got tired of Naruto and Sasuke’s bullshit and just tried to abandon them at an animal shelter.
speaking of school and general tomfoolery, why was the dude in charge of these three young squishy brained freaks the most depressed 20 something year old creature on the planet? i will admit, Kakashi is attractive and a great dude. he is so iconic, he misses his old team, and it’s clear he wanted best for his Group of Weird Children but he also reads porn all day and his mask probs smells like cheap aftershave.
if i was a 13 year old ninja child and i saw my sensai (who’s name sounds like cashew) doing all that i’d assume im either about to learn a sick ass skill (how to not cope with emotional trauma properly) or im about to get my ass handed to me. or im about to dropout.
back on track. so you’ve got orphan #1, orphan #2, Ms. Get-Me-Out-Of-Here, and Emotionally Repressed Man in one team. what do the kids do? beef for like 3048384 episodes. what does Kakashi do? try to teach them the power of friendship the entire damn series. oh, and let’s not forget that Naruto apparently has a demon fox inside him because of course he does.
anyways, once the team gets good at teaming they haul off to take their lil ninja exams. who do they meet? some kid named Gaara with smudged eyeliner and shaved brows. he’s a red-head, that’s cute. oh and he can control sand and tries to kill every child in the exams because his dad is a piece of shit hipster. who else do they meet? a kid named Rock Lee who can kick really hard, a girl named Tenten who wishes for all of us to stfu, and poor Neji who can’t keep doing this. there’s also some guy named Guy. yeah, the chunin exams nearly flop because Gaara doesn’t know how to act right.
all this is happening but the pivotal of it all? Sasuke decides to be extra emo and FUCKS OFF TO KILL HIS HALF BLIND SICKLY OLDER TWINK BROTHER.
then, Naruto decides he wants to harness his powers and FUCKS OFF WITH AN OLD ASS BUSHY HAIRED MAN WHO WRITES PORN. Jiraiya needs to be studied on a microscopic spiritual level. he is why SCP’s exist.
who let these kids out? i told you all not to feed the animals and look what happened. now theres beef between a group of kids and the akatsuki.
oh and the akatsuki?? don’t get me started. wtf is that. why is this group of fucked up people with weird powers who are being led by a ginger hive mind of corpses just wandering around? and why is Weasel, aka Itachi, in the middle of it with his goofy explosive hypnotic eyeballs? i want them all put down.
so you’ve got the evil eldirch horrors in the streets. thats fine. Naruto gets put into a new gang cuz Kakashi has to hospitalized. cool, whatever. Naruto decides to start hutning down his rogue boyfriend alongside Sakura, who became a sickass ninja doctor, along with his new sensei Yamato. wonderful… THEN SOME BITCH NAMED SAI SHOWS UP.
what is that? why is it emo? why is its tongue tattooed? put it back outside bro i stg. i love him so much.
everything is just everywhere in this anime bro I can’t. Sasuke is no where to be seen, Naruto is doing fuckall across the world with his groupie, Kakashi is lowkey sad again cuz his kids are gone, and Sakura can barely breathe without issues occurring.
not just that but the twink brother named Weasel is being stupid and enables his own murder. yeah he basically wants Sasuke to come for his ass. meanwhile, Naruto comes home bigger, better, older but still broke and full of fox demon. still, not a single soul except his friends and teachers like him. shit gets even more wild, it becomes knock-off Cheetah Girls vs. The World.
girl i gotta go before i hurt someone. see yall in part 2.
(all of this is heavily unedited, apologies for mistakes)
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fireflylitsky · 5 months
Here, have a pinned post
Hello and welcome to, uh, yeah whatever this hot mess is *gestures loosely to entire blog*.
I’m a novice writer, artist, and most importantly, far too lazy to have a bunch of organized sideblogs for separating out my own art/writing, reblogs, and shitposts, so welcome to my personalized serotonin dumpster—the gang’s all here. If you care to sift through its contents, this stuff below might help.
A lot of my posting is Naruto related—the akatsuki specifically—but you’ll find a mishmosh of Stuff n’ Things™ as I tend to hyper-fixate on whatever's clever for me at any given moment (but always return home to Naruto—idk what that says about me tbh, but I’ve accepted it and you should too).
I always tag characters and ships and sometimes add semi-intelligible thoughts that no one needs. Otherwise, here are some recurring tags:
#firefly art - My art
#firefly writing - My writing or talking about writing
#firefly snippets - Drabbles/small one-shots for prompt fills
#art for a fic - Art I’ve either drawn, been gifted, or commissioned specifically for a posted fic
#art commission - Art I’ve commissioned
#OC: Izumi - Art of my main Naruto OC, Izumi
#GIVE SAKURA KUBIKIRIBOCHO or #Sakura with a big sword - Art of Sakura with the executioner’s blade, Kubikiribocho. Why yes, it is my fetish, thank you for noticing.
Fic Masterlist:
I have some fics of varying length, completeness, and quality; with rare exception, you can count on them being Akatsuki-centric. In no particular order...
Chaptered Fics Naruto Fandom:
Oh Honey, There Goes Your Bastard (58/? chapters, 334k words) OC/Canon, OC/Itachi, OC/Hidan, Hidan/Itachi, OC/Hidan/Itachi / Canon Divergent AU / Explicit #Fic: oh honey there goes your bastard
Sweet Vertigo (6/? chapters, 29k words) KakuHida / Modern Omegaverse AU / Explicit #Fic: sweet vertigo
Please Mr. Postman (7/12 chapters, 25k words) KakuHida / Modern Masks as Dogs AU / Slice of Life Drama with Dark Themes / Mature #Fic: please mr postman
Yokai Sunset (7/? chapters, 40k words) KisaSaku / Canon Divergent Timeskip Post-apocalyptic Yokai AU / Horror/ Romance / Mature #Fic: yokai sunset
Come As You Are (1/3 chapters, 4.7k words) HidaObi / Modern Omegaverse Meet Ugly Modern AU / Mature/Explicit #Fic: come as you are
Issue Paper (6/12 chapters, 42.8k words) ObiKonan / Modern ETL Coffee Shop Holiday AU / Mature/Explicit #Fic: issue paper
One Shots Naruto:
Don’t You Cry, Don’t You Cry (4.8k words) KakuHida (T4T) / Canon compliant AU / Mature #Fic: don’t you cry don’t you cry
Alive With The Glory of Love (2.2k words) KakuHida (T4T) / Canon compliant AU / Explicit #Fic: alive with the glory of love
The Great Pumpkinshark (1.2k words) KakuHida & Fuu & cool Uncle Kisame / Modern AU / Mature #Fic: the great pumpkinshark
I Promise This Won’t Happen Again (1.5k words) KakuHida / Canon Divergent Kakuzu as a Reaper AU / Teen and Up #Fic: I promise this won’t happen again
Lost and Hopefully Not Found (2.6k words) KakuHida & Fuu / Canon Divergent AU / Teen and Up #Fic: lost and hopefully not found
Flawless Teamwork (1.3k words) KakuHida / Modern AU / Teen and Up #Fic: flawless teamwork
Yokai Sunset: One-shot (11.5k words) KisaSaku / Canon Divergent Timeskip AU / Explicit / Dubcon
One Shots Undead Unluck:
Middle of The Night (10.2k words) Anfuu / Canon compliant AU / Explicit#Fic: middle of the night
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allyium-inserts · 1 year
If Only... Part 2
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Based on Naruto Shippuden. Has canon-level violence and death. Mentions of pregnancy. Very fluffy and angsty. I try to follow the Shippuden storyline as best as I can. There will probably be grammar mistakes. Sorry, it took so long, I’m a senior in college so I’m just trying to graduate right now!
Find Part one here!
At this point no one knows of your relationship with Itachi except for the Akatsuki, only Jiraiya knows that’s because he was gaining intel on the Akatsuki and found out that way. But I know for a fact Tsunade has Anbu watch over your cottage. And that Anbu is Tenzo/ Yamato and you both have a deal to not tell your mother who visits and only steps in when you are in danger (even though you can handle yourself)
The only reason the Akatsuki knows about your relationship is because of Kisame’s slip up and that one-time Hidan tried to get in your pants and when you brought it up to Itachi. Itachi was not happy, and it is safe to say that Hidan will never mess with you or Itachi again. At least not in Itachi’s presence
Although you two are not officially married, he has slipped up and called you his wife when talking to Kisame about you. And Kisame never lets him live that down. And you have slipped up by saying my husband when talking to Sakura or Shizune. And they are so confused because they don’t even know you are seeing someone. I mean Sakura totally thinks you are from that one time, but she couldn't confirm it. 
When Jiraiya and Naruto leave to train, you totally leave with them to travel again cuz you’ve missed traveling around the land and being able to help other people. When Jiraiya almost gets killed by Naruto, you are the one who saves his life. He is very much in debt to you at this point. One Senju almost killed him, while another practically saved him.
But you three diverge and you continue to do your own thing. And while traveling you meet Hidan and Kakazu a lot considering how much Kakazu tries to kill Hidan. Hidan likes to call you his little nurse, but only when Itachi isn’t around because the last time he did. He wished he wasn’t immortal. 
While traveling, Itachi visits and you bring up starting a family because you know for a fact that Itachi to you is like Dan was to Tsunade. Plus, it doesn’t help that both you and Itachi have a feeling that Sasuke will come after him soon. You both go into this long discussion about having children and even though you are both extremely young. You are ready and fully prepared to raise a child on your own.
Itachi would love to have a child with you, and nothing would make him happier than starting a family with someone. Especially after being alone for so long and thinking that he did not deserve love at all. He doesn’t even think he deserves to have the privilege of being a father let own being with you.
You understand his stance and wouldn’t push any further, but he wouldn’t mind trying and if you were to get pregnant then you do and if not, you don’t.
“My Love, after everything I did. You would want to give me that honor?” 
“Of course, Itachi, no matter what happened in the past, you deserve to have a family.”
That absolutely melts him, and he does not understand how he is constantly falling deeper and deeper in love with you because each time he falls and doesn't think he can fall deeper. After this conversation, you both would continue to talk about baby names. And decided that if you were to have a daughter, name her Mikoto after Itachi’s mother. For a boy, you would name him after your late uncle Nawaki. 
During your travels you hear about the civil war in the Land of Rain, so you head that way to provide medical aid to injured civilians and ninja if need be. Getting into the Land of Rain is extremely difficult to begin with, but because you are an “asset” to the Akatsuki, you can get in easily. Although when you tell Pain that you are going to provide for both sides, he was not happy, but killing you would cause him more issues than he needed now, especially since they are preparing their move. 
The people in their Hidden Village often called you The Priestess, which was a name you haven’t heard since you met Itachi all those years ago. During the Civil War, Hanzo had put a few attempts on your life, which did not work. Except there was a very close call where an injured ninja had arrived at your tent. The injuries were serious, so you used a lot of chakras and by the time you were done you were exhausted. In your state of exhaustion, you didn’t realize the ninja had gotten up and threw a kunai through your stomach. When you looked back, he was already dead, and Itachi was standing over his body. You pull the kunai out of your stomach before you start to cough up a lot of blood.
At this point you were bleeding out and your chakra was almost completely depleted. Although your mother had taught you about the Seal of 100 hundreds healing and how to accumulate the chakra. You never truly unlocked it, and you have been accumulating chakra since you were 15. 
Suddenly you feel the wound disappearing and your chakra regenerating quicker than normal.  By the time Itachi moves to you, your stomach wound is practically closed and just blood covers that portion of your shirt. His heart literally dropped when he saw the kunai in your stomach. He literally could not lose you, the only person in his life that showed him what it was like to love again. In his mind, he will always be the one to die first, after all Sasuke is getting stronger.
“Please don’t leave me yet.”
After your near-death experience, you leave the land of rain and begin to head back to Konoha. During your travels, you run into Jiraiya and Naruto. The first thing you do is check on Jiraiya’s wound and ask how the training is going. 
You finally arrive in Konoha and the first thing you do is head back to your cottage near the Nara Forest. To your own surprise, Tsunade, Shizune, Sakura, and Tenzo have kept your home clean and neat. 
On your walk to the village, the first person to recognize you is Sakura, who was picking medical herbs right outside the village. The first thing she noticed was your forehead seal. Her eyes literally lit up and asked about the seal. You answered any questions she had while you both walked into the village straight to the hokage’s office to talk to your mother.
When you arrive at the office, Tsunade is doing paperwork with Shizune. She stops her paperwork to give you a large hug, much like when you initially arrived in Konoha. You talk and discuss your travels as well as how you unlocked your Seal of 100 Healings.
During this time, you have started to help at the Hidden Leaf Hospital. You also grow close to the Nara family, cuz after all you are one of the few people allowed in the forest. You rarely see Itachi at all until about a week before Naruto arrives. 
You are hanging out in your home, cleaning up and getting ready to leave into the forest to collect medical herbs to use. A knock at your door causes you to stop what you are doing and at the door is Itachi. You smile widely because you haven’t seen him in a while and let him in. 
During his visit, he tells you that the Akatsuki are starting their plan and probably will not see him very much or at all until the plan is complete. You nod your head and ask how long he will be staying. And ofc it’s not long but he promised to make the most of it. Because after all you both have a feeling that you wouldn’t see each other again. 
So, his entire visit you guys do nothing but whisper sweet nothings and make love to each other, because after all of this is the last time, you might see Itachi. 
Before he leaves you to try to heal his eyesight, but he denies you and that makes that gut feeling even worse. 
“Please come back to me.”
“I can’t promise that my love.”
The next week, Naruto returns to the village with Jiraiya after training for so long. Once Jiraiya hands Naruto off to Kakashi, he asks you to meet for tea. You meet up with him and discuss his intel on the Akatsuki and want it to mean for you as an “honorary” member of Akatsuki. You refuse to break the confidentiality between Itachi and yourself, so you only listen and don’t tell anything specific other than their plan is starting soon, but don’t know when. With that, you leave some Ryo and leave.  
You don’t hear from any of the Akatsuki until you are talking to a Nara member in the village and a gray piece of paper lands in your hand as a message from Konan. You politely dismiss yourself from the Nara member and head straight to your cottage to prepare a first aid bag. As you leave the cottage, you are met with Tobi, which teleports you to the hideout.
Once you arrive at the hideout, you are met with an extremely injured Deidara, a dead Sasori, and fellow Akatsuki members. You instantly go to work on Deidara and heal him as best as you can. You practically exhaust yourself healing Deidara and nearly pass out from chakra depletion. After like 6 hours of healing, you have healed Deidara the best you could. 
You continue with your life until one day you go to Sakura because you were feeling under the weather. It had been about three weeks since you saw Itachi. As a healing ninja, you had an idea about what was causing the illness. When she confirmed your suspicions, you told her to not tell anyone, not even your mother. 
You heard talk around the village about Akatsuki in the area. You ignore the information and go to the closest collection office to collect some blood and resources. Although technically working with Konoha is a way. While being a mercenary any blood or organs you needed you would go to the collection offices and buy them. Just as you arrived you ran into Shikamaru and his crew. When he asked what you were doing here you brought up how when you were traveling you often used collection offices to get blood and organs. What you weren’t expecting was that Hidan was sitting on the stoop of the office. 
As soon as you walked past, Hidan perked up and was like “Are you to heal me, my little nurse” with that smirk on his face. You simply replied with, “don’t let you know who hear that” and his face paled slightly until he looked behind you. You just walked in and started talking to Kakazu and the Head person about the recent arrivals and cost and stuff. 
Cue the fight scene where Asuma is dying. 
You felt bad about Asuma and how Ino was trying to help him, she looked at you pleadingly as a cue to help her.
“Why are you just standing there? HELP US!”
“He’s already dead Ino.” 
The shock in her eyes as you said that and the anger behind them was something you haven’t seen since the Civil War in the Hidden Rain Village. You felt guilty but she will learn when to stop trying like you did.
“How long have you been working with Akatsuki?”
You didn’t answer at all. You didn’t have to tell Shikamaru how you met them randomly and then fell in love with Kin slayer and is pregnant with his child. You didn’t have to explain how we were practically a mercenary, so it wasn’t uncommon to run into ting. Everyone looked at you in shock and betrayal. 
You simply returned to your cottage and prepared for a transplant that you needed to complete to help a traveling merchant. 
You had been requested by your mother to report to the Hokage’s office, regarding the issue. You wanted to ignore it, but her mother’s ignorance of the situation has gone on too long and now we both needed to answer it. 
As soon as you arrived you heard the screaming from Shikamaru, Ino, and Choji about the situation. They wanted answers and you didn’t blame them. As soon as you walked into the office you and your mother exchanged a look and you sighed. 
“You want answers, here are the answer.”
You explained to them about how you were a traveling healer and that you had run into Itachi and Kisame by chance. And how it wasn’t uncommon to see rogue ninja on the road, and since you weren’t one for affiliations, you healed whoever regardless how terrible they were. You told them everything except your relationship with Itachi and that you were pregnant. After that whole debacle, they were of course still angry for letting Asuma die and the whole situation. You chose to not go to the funeral. 
Cue the Itachi pursuit mission and here’s where it gets angsty…
At this point you are like 2 months pregnant, and slightly showing.
So, when you hear about the mission you of course decide to join regardless of what your mother says, and the people involved are confused until your mother explains to them my connection to Akatsuki and your close relation to Itachi. She didn’t go into detail about our relationship but said it would be helpful. 
Jiraiya and I made eye contact, and you really had a bad feeling about this, and you knew that you had to go regardless of the protest. Tenzo would back you up in going but Sakura was nervous for your child.
During the mission you are stuck with Sakura and the two ninja dogs. Until there was a bright explosion, that captivated us. You instantly start running that way cuz you knew you had to, there was a feeling. After that investigation, you continued with the group until Tobi popped up, you knew why he was there and why there was this pit in your stomach. 
“Tobi, let me through!”
“Tobi only will let Ms. (Y/N) because she gives Tobi candy.”
With that you pushed through unconcerned with the yelling behind and the confusion. Tenzo knew why you had to move forward.  I ran until I caught up with Kisame and Sasuke's crew. You were already crying knowing the outcome today will have, but you just needed to see him. 
“Kisame please… you know I need to see him.”
“You of all people should know why I can’t let you through.”
I’m the last part of the fight. You pushed through Kisame and ran Itachi, the dehydration didn’t matter, the cold numbing your body didn’t matter, and the rawness in your eyes did not matter. All that mattered was Itachi and seeing him alive and telling him about your child. So, he can die knowing about the miracle you two have talked about.
As soon as you arrived at the scene, a scream ripped from your lips, and you stumbled down the rocky surface to meet Itachi. You ignored the stunned boy and instantly fell to the ground, grasping Itachi in your hands. You started healing him in desperation to see his eyes again, to see the love they carry. 
 “Please don’t leave me, please! I can’t live without you, Itachi. I can’t… I can’t raise her by myself!” You sobbed loudly as Tobi, Kisame, and Zenstu appear in front of you. You continued to try and heal him as the sob racked from your body, vision blurry with tears unable to comprehend anything around you. “I know I said I was ready to do this by myself, but I c-can’t, please. Please wake up!” Hoping it was genjustu who continued to try and free yourself. You even used your 100 healing seals just so you could see his brown eyes again. You didn’t care that you might be hurting your child, but you just wanted to hear his voice one more time, see his smile one more time. It was too soon for him to go, he still needed to meet his child, he had to meet his child. “We have to take him,” someone said but you couldn’t figure out who, and next thing you know all you are holding his headband to your chest as another loud scream is ripped from your mouth into the air as the Konoha ninja finally reach you. Ignoring their presence, you continue to sob, not caring who sees or hears because, after all the love of your life, the father of your child had just been ripped away from you. Your throat was raw as you finally feel someone put their cloak over you to try and cover your drenched form. The world was a cruel place, and you can think everything is perfect until it all falls apart. All you say, your throat raw from screaming, turning back to them is,
“He’s gone” 
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lavender-long-stories · 6 months
✿ Monday Sneak Peaks ✿
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Office Mishap 2 One Shot Part 2 ItaHina ✿ New
“Oh, did you find your charger?” Ino knew she was looking for it. Hinata had asked if she had borrowed it. “Itachi-sama had it,” Hinata explained. “Apparently, he accidentally took it after a meeting.” “Uh-huh,” Ino said skeptically, giving her a sly side-eye. “I am sure that’s what happened.”
A Kiss Between Strangers Chapter 3 GaaHina ✿ Ongoing
“Hey, you okay?” Kiba nudged her. “This is Temari’s little brother, Gaara. We actually met him this summer, if you remember.” Hinata's mouth came open to say something, but nothing came out. Her chair came back in a hurry, making a screeching sound that alerted the table. “Excuse me.”
Guarding Affections Chapter 28 KisaHina ✿ Ongoing
Hinata tilted her chin up. “Would you prefer, boyfriend?” Kisame’s face heated up. “No, partner is fine. I think I am a little too old to be called someone's boyfriend.” Hinata giggled at him. “At what point does someone become too old for ‘boyfriend’?”
The Best Revenge Chapter 11 ShikaHina ✿ Ongoing
“She moved in with me,” Shikamaru answered. That was mostly true, though he made it seem like that was where she was the whole time.  “Oh, is that temporary?” Sakura asked, reaching for any charitable explanation. “I hope not.” Shikamaru got lightly elbowed for that. His jokes were not going to help.
Riding Hearts Chapter 6 Akatsuki x Hinata ✿ Ongoing
“That is adorable.” Hinata gushed.  “Adorable?” Hidan ducked his head down next to her. “It’s still the ugliest fucking cat I have ever seen.” Samehada gave him a warning growl, and when he didn’t back up, he hissed and swatted.
Red Memories Chapter 26 SasuHina ✿ Ongoing
“Then who is here?” Hinata wondered more to herself as she got to the door. She opened it, and her mouth fell open. She didn’t know what to say. “... Hanabi-san? What brings you here?” Hanabi puffed up her chest, clearly upset or frustrated. She waved her hand in to ask if she was going to be invited in. Hinata stepped out of the way, and Hanabi walked out of her shoes in the main room and turned to cross her arms. “I heard you were sick. That you collapsed and had to be taken to the hospital.”
Why Is It Always You? Chapter 21 SasuHina ✿ Ongoing
Hinata's head leaned down into his view, her hair falling off her shoulders as she did, back in the oversized pastel hoodie that suited her much more than her school uniform. “Sorry. Did I keep you waiting long?”  Cute. Sasuke cleared his throat as they both straightened up. “No.”
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Sorry, I am late >.<
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hellcifrogs · 11 months
Naruto but Backwards
I tried to keep it in short topics, but this still got long enogh for me to need its own post
A war just broke out in the ninja world, 12 year old Naruto has a huge target on his back and doesn't even know why. His father dies protecting him and telling him about the beast sealed inside him. (Other important plot points happen, that I don't feel like really thinking and elaborating now).
The conflict dies out for a while, many casualities and a new villain claiming to have the power of all the bijuus but two, Tobi/Madara/whatever Obito calls himself here, challenges the five nations to hand over Naruto and B. Naruto is sent to a secret island to train and be safe. There he meets his mother who teaches him to use his powers. He and B are rescued by Iruka's team when the big villain's new organization shows up to get them (Kisame from the Akatsuki)
The five kages meet and a little terrorist (Sasuke) shows up by Tobi's orders to disrupt their attempt to reunite forces, the Hokage Danzo takes the responsability for the boy from his village - when in reality he hopes to get another easy sharingan. Sasuke manages to kill him with the Akatsuki's help.
The leaf village is in shambles after the death of their hokage and Tsunade is appointed as the new one (not counting their titles, Minato could've been hokage or not so Tsunade could be 5th or 6th). Her first challenge is an attack from the Akatsuki after Naruto. Again lots of people get hurt, but the boy convinces Nagato to turn against Tobi and in exchange Nagato introduces Naruto to his old master.
After failing his first mission for the Akatsuki, Sasuke has to fight his brother to prove himself (sasuke is 13) nearly dies, but wins (Itachi lets him - doesn't die). And Sasuke is given his own little team (taka) to work. Their first job? Capture the 8 tails - clearly Tobi doesn't value them and is just sending them to their death, they defect, Deidara is sent to stop them and fights with Sasuke. (Bonus- A tracker team from the leaf is after Sasuke)
Team taka, now running from the Akatsuki seeks shelter with Orochimaru and becomes team hebi. Naruto is training with Jiraya, learns the shadow clones because Minato taught him rasengan already.
Kakuzu and Hidan are sent to capture Naruto and he is saved last minute by team Ino-Shika-Cho. Asuma dies in the first confront, but gives Naruto a hint to improve his rasengan. His students avenge his death with the help of Kakashi and his own team - Sakura and Sai. Naruto asks to be trained by Kakashi and joins his team, so he can have more experiences.
Naruto's first mission with team Kakashi is to investigate one of Orochimaru's hideouts, because there are rumors (thanks to team 8 ;)) that he is working against the Akatsuki and if that's the case they could become allies (he is, but he won't lol). They meet Sasuke!! They knew him from the stories, from his attack to the kages, but they meet in person for the first time.
Back to the leaf village, the sand sends an unexpected request for their help - they have a jinchuuriki and they need to hide/protect him. Turns out Tobi lied about having all the bijuu! Team Kakashi goes (though Sai could be busy this time), they save Gaara from Deidara, who had already kidnapped him and was almost at the hideout. Team Gai shows up to save the day! Naruto makes a new friend like him.
New measures are taken to protect the jinchuurikis, Naruto leaves to travel with his master Jiraya, though he is now officially a member of team Kakashi. He learns sage mode in the two years he's away. And returns to the village once there's apparently no risk of the war breaking into active conflict again. Tobi is quiet.
Sasuke discovers that Orichimaru had been helping Tobi and planned to hand him back to him. He kills him and escapes on his own. He's desperate to find a way to protect himself, if Kabuto or the other members of Hebi find him they'll kill him, if Tobi finds him he'll kill him, if the kages find him... He finds Naruto instead.
Naruto and Sasuke fight in the Valley of the End. Sasuke wants to capture Naruto and hand him to whoever offers him protection. Naruto just wants to reach Sasuke and, by the end of their fight, he does. Sasuke returns with him to the village. They become team 7 with the hokage's student - Sakura (Sai is team Kakashi, but has his own job).
A team from the Sound comes after Sasuke and almost take him back, but a group from the Leaf (and help from the Sand, who owe them for their help) save him, proving to him that he's safe now, Naruto and his friends will keep Sasuke safe.
Kabuto convinces Tsunade to use her powers to bring Orochinaru back to life. Probably blackmailing her. Jiraya comes rescue her with Naruto and Sasuke. She gives Naruto the necklace as a thank you, and tells the boys about the founders!
Naruto and Sasuke learn to fight together, joining forces and when, Itachi and Kisame (the first two akatsukis who the boys ever had to face) show up in the village to take them, they are ready. They defeat the Akatsuki and prepare to fight Tobi himself when the time comes. But first they need to officially become chunin lol
Soon after there's a large scale attack against the Leaf village (pretend is Pein level of destruction here). The Sound and Sand seemed to have joined forces, konoha 13 have to work togethee to save everyone (they're all 16/17 now, Naruto with his sage mode, Sasuke with his summons and sharingans, Tsunade is trapped but Sakura has the byakugo and lady Katsuyu). Orochimaru is back, he actually killed the kazekage and manipulated the Sand, as a thank you he doesn't kill Tsunade - she didn't bring him back, but Kabuto still found a way to do it based on her abilities. (Konoha crush)
After all that Orochimaru wants revenge for what Sasuke did, he is not sick anymore and almost does get him, but team 7 saves him and together they finally kill Orochimaru! (forest of death) -> Gaara becomes the new kazekage -> konoha 13 are all promoted to new positions (chunin exams equivalent, but make them jonin and even anbu). -> At this point I almost forgot about Obito, but...
Team 7 is sent to the mist for a mission, to go after the other jinchuuriki they found out about, one that had been actually helping Obito. They pretend to be on a escorting mission and there they meet a pair of mercenaries :) the waves arc goes pretty similar, but with the addition of rescuing Yagura from Obito's manipulation. Finally defeating him since they slowly had been cutting off all of his supports - Kakashi finds out he *is* Obito and they have their dramatic fight. (Them fighting around the three tails ouch)
Haku and Zabuza actually turn to their side last minute and die teaching Naruto the same lesson that becomes his motivation to become hokage.
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tora-the-cat · 8 months
one of the funniest things about Itachi and Sasuke is that they are BOTH so 'I love it when people play mind games with me. I will kill us both <3' coded likkkke!!
His FATHER spent Itachi's whole life grooming him to lead a coup and become the first Uchiha Hokage, and Itachi spent every second he could undermining that and then eventually has no choice but to kill him! Danzo (and Hiruzen) backed Itachi into a corner and made him do the unthinkable, so Itachi made a 10 year plan for his own death and fully intended to murder Danzo if he ever tried to pull some shit with Sauske village be damned, and THEN Sasuke finding out about the whole situaiton IS what killed Danzo in the end, and it WASN'T EVEN PART OF ITACHI'S PLAN!! Obito got so angry at this 6 year old for being an optimist and a pacifist that he killed his teammates and then actively assisted the kid in an ethnic cleansing to break Itachi's spirit and make him an ideal pawn for the Akatsuki, and Itachi just! Got super depressed (again, 10 year death plan) and hated his guts and starts dissociating whenever Obito talks!! He delays the Akatsuki's plans by years because Obito is now nervous to directly attack Konoha while Itachi's still breathing! and he's STILL spying for Konoha and Obito is either willfully ignorant because he thinks Itachi is a lame party pooper or too scared to do anything about it!!
And Sasuke???? SASUKE!!! Spends his ENTIRE LIFE under the thumb of people who think they know him and how to manipulate him and are wrong EVERY TIME! Orochimaru thinks his thirst for power is so all consuming that he doesn't care about himself or anything else outside of killing Itachi and is thus incapable of independant scheming or betrayal, and he gets KILLED FOR IT! Obito makes the SAME damn mistake he made with Itachi and underestimates Sasuke because he thinks that he's so broken by his brother's fate that he's suseptible to any and all suggestion, and Sasuke doesn't give a FUCK about ANYTHING besides his own plans anymore, and is absolutely just going to do whatever he thinks is right until it inevitably kills him, and honestly I wouldn't be surprised it Obito was on his hitlist- and, at the end of the day, Obito DOES end up dead!! Gaara tries to empathize but is still learning empathy so instead Sasuke just feels like his LITERAL GENOCIDE is being trivialized, and ALMOST dies for it! Danzo assumes he's just another corrupted wayward Uchiha, and gets KILLED FOR IT! Kakashi thinks that Sasuke is Just Like Him For Real and thus he knows that Sasuke is beyond saving and must die, and gets ALMOST killed for it and then proven WRONG!! Literally ALL of the fucking HOKAGE try to plea for Konoha's legitimacy and lie like DOGS using all of their politician plays of why Sasuke should Stop, and he calls bullshit on all of it anyway! Sasuke spent his entire young life getting passed around like a hot potatoe between men projecting their own trauma onto him and convincing themselves that they know his every move because they once were him, but NO ONE has EVER been doing it like Sasuke and none of them accounted for the fact that he's so scared of everything and full of love and never wrong and not afraid of death or any of them and they've been dead since Sasuke decided they were annoying!!
Naruto and Sakura were only able to get through to him at ALL because Naruto lacks the decorum to be manipulative and thus Sasuke can engage with his bullheaded arguments without feeling actively hunted (like he HAS BEEN his WHOLE LIFE) and Sakura actually DOES understand him and his motivations and his soul in it's entirety because she spent their adolescence studying him like a bug, so she can meet him EXACTLY where he's at. The only person in the world who ever successfully manipulated Sasuke was Itachi, which makes sense considering he mastered the art of it FIRST!!
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writer168 · 6 months
I've read your "the lemonade stand" and i'm really curious how the events that happened in "Hoshigaki" and "Eight" trasfer to it, so if you had perhaps an outline of it and don't mind sharing, please share, i'm wracking my brain for how it could work.
Have a wonderful whatever-time-is-it-where-you-are!
so the barebones ideas i have for team eight's lore in the lemonade stand goes something like this:
the akatsuki have based themselves in north america, but kisame leaves sakura in tokyo with an old relative on his wife's side and doesn't keep in contact, hoping for the best and living with the guilt the second he drops her off. unbeknownst to him, that relative passes a few weeks later and sakura is promptly shuttled into an orphanage
the years sakura spends there helps her grow into the calm, smart, calculating version we all know and love in the original hoshigaki-verse. naruto is a part of the same orphanage but they don't really interact. she sees him cause trouble, get chastised by the works, watches the cycle spin over and over. but it's none of her business and he's never really talked to her, so she keeps her head down and spends her free time finishing homework that's too easy for her and sticking her nose in library books until curfew hits
she meets kiba sometime in the middle of elementary school and her free time splits to spend some time at the circuit of shelters and veterinary clinics the inuzuka family owns
by junior high, sakura and kiba are thick as thieves. the first day of their first year, they meet shino and immediately get him in trouble with them. they spend that day's detention under kurenai yuuhi, their homeroom teacher. from that day on, shino's sucked into their group and they gain a reputation for themselves by racking up more absences than attendances and most teachers couldn't care less about what they do with their time. they still turn in their assignments, still keep up their grades, and if they keep their 'delinquent tendencies' out of their sight, it's not their problem
kurenai disagrees. they're good kids, she knows it, and she'll try to help steer them on the right path no matter how many detentions she has to host for them. now if only they could take it seriously and stop bringing her cheap snacks to bribe her into letting them leave early
it's also in junior high that naruto starts hanging around sakura and her friends. they both had growing up in the orphanage in common, and both had that troublemaking gene, and it was both of them that went out of the orphanage together to make a deal with a landlord who didn't mind renting out some rooms to a couple punk kids who were tired of the group home. the kids were scrappy and clever and knew their way around the streets so he offered them this: a unit for each of them if they ran odd jobs for him whenever he needed them to. when they made deliveries, they'd never look into a package. when he sent them to check up on people, they wouldn't get caught - if they did, he wasn't doing anything to get them out of it
anything beat going back to the orphanage. so they agreed
back at school the other teachers keep telling kurenai it isn't worth the effort, especially when police officer tenzo keeps hauling them back to the school if he can catch them out during school hours. but what they don't care to notice is how police sergeant tenzo is half trying to keep himself from laughing along with these kids and half trying not to worry himself gray when he find that they've thrown themselves into another fight with another group at another school. it doesn't matter if they keep winning, and it's certainly not funny when kiba's cheek is so swollen that it makes him talk weird for a week
but what tenzo's really worried about isn't the fights or the truancy or how scary smart these kids can really be. it's that because they're scary smart that they'll get in trouble with the worst sort of people one day, and him and kurenai won't be enough to save them
his fears are realized in the kids' second year of junior high when one day, they disappear
kurenai is distraught. her and tenzo are the only ones outside of the inuzuka and aburame families that actually care that the kids are gone, and along with it comes some gutting realizations. her the kids never stirred up any real trouble, per se, but they never made many friends at school or got in any other teacher's good graces or care enough to actually address the reputations they've built up for themselves
for a year and a half, she mourns them. she watches inuzuka tsume demand the police to find her son and why the hell aren't you doing anything he's out there and he's thirteen and if you don't do something he'll be dead. she watches aburame shibi, the quiet and polite managing partner of the renowned Aburame Law Offices, blame his son's friends for turning him into another bad kid when he has such a bright future ahead of him. she watches as tenzo tries his best to keep their case open because he's so sure they're still out there despite it growing cold around the edges; he'll never give up on them, he says, even when everyone up to the superintendent general of the tokyo metropolitan police department - second in rank only to the chief of japan's national police agency - thinks he's chasing shadows. she watches as naruto never loses hope of sakura and kiba and shino coming home and... and that one has a particular sting to it. especially when it's only recently that an explosive altercation between him and his best rival landed naruto a couple month's stay in the hospital and had sasuke whisked off somewhere out of japan without leaving so much as a phone number behind
kurenai never loses hope, and it's that same hope that kills her a little bit every day
everything changes when naruto starts his first year of senior high school. because three kids stroll onto the same school grounds like they hadn't ever gone missing in the first place. sakura, taller and stronger and indifferent and with a shock of pink hair. kiba, louder and angrier and sharper and a hearing aid in one ear. shino, more brazen and colder and more blunt and never taking off the dark sunglasses he's taken to wearing on his face
they're back, and it's like the warmth has found its way back into kurenai's blood
(it's later when the kids and kurenai and tenzo flee to north america for a charge of a murder they didn't commit that the latter two find out what really happened. one day when the kids were skipping school like usual, they see police officers dumping the body of a missing child. back then they hadn't been quick enough or strong enough or wise enough to react accordingly and get sucked into a dark conspiracy that they never wanted to be a part of in the first place. superintendent general shimura danzo is kidnapping kids, he had once sold some of them to disgraced scientist orochimaru to supplement illegal experimentation, and prime minister sarutobi hiruzen was covering it all up.)
((then, superintendent shimura finds out there are witnesses. he figures them out, packs up three teenagers into a shipping crate and loads them up on a ship, and sends them off to their deaths. when their bodies are inevitably found, it won't be hard to spin it: "three juvenile deliquents up to no good. something like this was bound to happen. what a shame, what a tragedy. may their souls end up in a better place than their bodies did."))
the conspiracies end up coming to light by the time the kids are sixteen, exposing a rotten and corrupt system that the new prime minister, senju tsunade, is quickly and aggressively working to root (ha) out. but even as names clear and charges drop and japan is ready to welcome three misjudged teenagers back with open arms, they decide to stay in north america.
kiba's intrigued with the goings-on in technology department at RAIN Securities and would probably go to college for something in the field. he's a whizz with tech anyway, and he knows they're probably going to pay for his degree in exchange for his employment
shino knows he's going to put himself on track for medical school. kiba and sakura are always getting hurt and he wants nothing more than to devote himself to the little family they've made for themselves. keeping them safe and healthy will always be in his top priorities, and he's already had exposure helping the medical team at catatumbo sanctuary in south africa. sure it was all veterinary medicine, but at least he knows he's interested in that sort of science
and sakura, well, isn't sure what to do with herself. she's content with floating through high school and taking general courses in college until she finds something worth doing. maybe she'll find something in physics; the subject makes kiba gag, and that's as good a reason as any to study it
it's not like the north american high schools are much different than the ones in japan when it comes down to what matters, anyway. she doesn't make any other friends in the school, she doesn't endear herself to the staff, she submits her assignments and takes her tests and thinks that they school should be lucky they don't have to deal with her and the boys' truancy habits this time around. the days go by and she spends her time after school in a rotation of places: her dad's gym, konan's company, sasori's tattoo shop, kakuzu's car customs shop. it's more of a variety than japan, but it's still routine. she doesn't expect any change
then one fateful day, she gets a project partner in the form of the the football team's pretty boy. and the timeline of the lemonade stand begins :)
this... really got away from me lmao. the outline turned out to be both way more information than i thought i'd get down and not enough detail to fully explain how the world is molded by the events of the hoshigaki-verse, but i hope it's a good structure to give you some idea of how things went down! i could definitely make a prequel fic to elaborate on the world, but we all know i'm already struggling to update my current fics lmaooooo
but if you have any specific questions, i'd be happy to answer them! thank you for your wonderful ask! <3
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tozettastone · 3 months
GUYS, guys, guys! Look what I found! This is the start of a fic I was writing in 2016 (more than eight years, oh my god), a sequel to To Teach You (Nothing Like A Zombie Apocalypse), a fic in which modern AU Deidara guides Hidan through a zombie infested city.
It starts like this:
It takes only a couple of days for somebody to respond to Deidara’s forum post, and, really, nobody expected that to work. Hidan certainly hadn’t. The forums used to be pretty active, but slowly and surely their use dropped off at roughly the same rate as people dropped off. Either that or they didn’t have access—no generators, maybe.
But apparently it’s not just Deidara and Sasori chatting up the ghost in the machine out there: there’s at least one person, a strange pink-haired girl all on her own in the middle of nowhere forest.
Ten minutes ago, Hidan would have called bullshit, but he's seen her now. Her odd little figure is still walking on the satellite image Sasori captured, glowing harshly out of the old CRT monitor on the desk.
She posted a geocode, which seems like a big risk for one girl all alone. It's probably not where she's actually living. She's got a motorbike, too.
“We’re going to head out and meet her,” Deidara announces with way too much excitement. “Her email says she’s with a couple of other people. She didn't specify how many exactly —"
“Which would have been stupid,” Sasori interjects calmly, spearing a piece of fish and looking at it like it might contain the answers to all the questions of the universe. (It doesn’t. Only Jashin does. Hidan’s told him, honestly.)
"— right,” Deidara agrees, “but we picked a spot near that bend in the river –"
And that's all I've got. Evidently I was planning on a funky little akatsuki-and-sakura-brave-the-zombie-apocalypse modern au fic (I have no memory of this place), but I did not get very far lol.
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sea-owl · 1 year
on the sand cousins au, thoughts on sakura being in line for kazekage (it was hereditary, right? I can't imagine they'd elect gaara.)
also sand siblings with an intense ass grudge against sasuke lol
ur meeting ur gfs fam and u tried to kill her cousins, they've tried to kill you, and ur gf could've been kazekage, if she wasn't born in konoha.
You know I don't know. Was the kazekage position hereditary? Wouldn't surprise me if it was.
I don't think Sakura would be in line for it, though. In my head, it was always Mebuki and Karura, the sand siblings' mother, who were related. How closely related is up to you guys.
But lmao them having a grudge against Sasuke. Maybe that's how they ended up on the retrieval arch (seriously they had to he close for them to come to the rescue like that. Sand and Leaf are canonically three days journey from one another) The sand siblings were coming to visit and oh hell no. This dude made their cousin cry. Where's he at? Don't worry Sakura we'll go help Naruto drag him back to the village. Years later Temari sends a message to Kankuro and Gaara to hurry their asses up to visit Konoha. Not only do they got Shikadai to visit but Sakura came home with Uchiha and they have a baby. Gaara and Kankuro both curse because now there's no way of getting rid of Uchiha. Sakura why? Bad enough Temari procreated with that lazy ass Nara. They could have found you a nice guy in the Sand village.
Sakura is also pissed off when the Akatsuki took Gaara and poisoned Kankuro. You poisoned her cousin and then KIDNAPPED HER FAVORITE ONE?! Oh, someone was definitely gonna die. Her taking out a missing sand nin was just a bonus to her cousins' village.
Sakura didn't leave Gaara's side for three days after he got back to the village. She claimed it was to make everything was okay medically since he came back to life an all but really she was kinda scared to leave her family member alone.
Now fair warning I do actually like Matsuri and do ship her with Gaara. I think it's cute. I know some of you get weird about it. So stop here if you don't want to see GaarMatsu. You get weird about it I will use the block button.
At some point during Sasuke and Sakura's journey they make a stop in Sand where almost the whole time they're there Sakura is teaming up with Kankuro to match make Gaara and Matsuri.
Gaara will never admit it but Sasuke kinda helped in this area. Both Gaara and Sasuke are more reserved in their emotions. During one drunken night Gaara asks Sasuke how he was able to let go and show his love to Sakura. Gaara doesnt say it but he wants to be able to do that too with Matsuri. To he able to show her he loves her. Sasuke admits he is still learning but it's a process he's working on together with Sakura.
The next day during one of Kankaruo and Sakura's schemes that involve poor oblivious Matsuri Gaara listens to Sasuke's advice and takes the first step in showing his love to Matsuri.
Sakura is ecstatic, Sasuke is happy Sakura is happy.
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To celebrate the NaruHinaWedding event, I wrote a drabble about a conversation between Boruto, Himawari and Hinata. They are asking about Hinata's love life. The anime displayed a scene of Hinata reminiscing about her love life. From a crush to someone qualified enough to support Naruto. In this drabble, I want to elaborate more into details about her feelings and the lessons she learned in pursuit of happiness.
"I'm home!" Boruto shouted as he ran his way to the living room.
"Mum, I'm hungry! What's for dinner?" He asks.
"Sit down. Wash your hands first or you won't have dinner. I've roasted chicken mixed with black pepper and corn soup."
"Yay! Where is Hima?" Boruto enquires, as he washes his hand at the sink.
"I'm here! I've just finished my mission with Yuina and Ehou!" Himawari helps her mother to put the dishes into some bowls as soon as she arrives.
"Eh... new mission, huh? What did you do Hima? I bet it's a mission about finding missing cat, cleaning the chickens' coops or guiding a VIP's safety..." Boruto displays his bored face while belittling his sister's mission. He used to complain the missions he got and this laid back personality of his also led to him in trouble.
"Nope. None of those. It's a mission to find rare herbs; Matucoldi. It is actually a mission requested by aunt Sakura and she chose our team because of our ability. Well, to be honest I didn't know why she chose me as a temporary team leader at first. I know Yuina is a knowledgeable student. She studied a lot about herbs and animals. Her resourcefulness helped us a lot. Ehou, on the other hand acted without thinking sometimes but he is great in combat. As for me... I cannot really control my Byakugan yet and my taijutsu isn't as great as Ehou. During the mission, I realised that one of my redeeming qualities is my quick thinking which coincides with the situation and the spirit to never give up. We managed to retrieve the herbs successfully in the end. Of course, we needed to involve ourselves in a fight but with teamwork, we did it!"
"Wow.. Hima, looks like you're going to be a cool shinobi just like me!" Boruto laughs, after listening to Himawari's detailed explanation regarding her mission.
"Hey! I don't want to be like you, onii-chan. You always made other people worry and you never communicate your inner feelings. I'm going to be someone honest in the future and that includes taking care of you!"
"Hey! I'm the big one here. I was born first. I am supposed to be the one who protects you!" Boruto rebutts Himawari's statements.
"Hush.. hush! Okay, stop it. Stop the fight or you both won't be having dinner." Hinata puts down a big bowl of corn soup on the table and look at her children with a scary expression.
"Ok.. okay.." Botg Himawari and Boruto reply in unison.
Hinata laughs and sit next to Himawari.
"You know what, mum.. sometimes I wonder how dad is able to marry you. I mean.. you could've find better men out there. You cooked all these delicious dishes only for him to rush back to the Hokage's office again," Boruto conplained.
"But, he did... came home right? He tried his best to be a great father for both of you. He always tried his best, despite working for the village. Without him, we won't be living peacefully now. He even tried to be an inspiring figure for Kawaki. Speaking of him.. where is he?"
"Well, he said he had something to deal with. I don't know. For me, dinner is more important. I'll find out sooner or later anyway," Boruto responds.
"Mama! We want to listen your story before you meet papa! You refused to tell us before!" Himawari looks at her mother with an eager expression.
"Er, well.. I've told you before about how clumsy and rash he was before, right? Your father is still the same old him even after having 2 children. I always liked him in secrecy. Once, I tried to release the chakra draining rods from him even after beaten up by Pain. Pain is one of the akatsuki members, by the way. You learned that in your school right?"
"Akat.. akatsuki? The same Pain who destroyed Konoha? I've learned it before during class.. and we had that particular moment described in our text book. There's a girl mentioned in the text book. The one who tried to save the Hokage.. but I didn't know it was you, mum! Wow! Why didn't you let your name known in the text book? I could've boasted about it!" Boruto proudly shows his enthusiasm about the new fact he acknowledged.
Hinata chuckles. "No. I prefer a quiet life. I don't really care about fame and being a legend. To me, being happy is enough. Taking care of my kids is enough. Supporting my husband is enough. I don't need more in life. Your father nearly gave up his ninja way when we were in the middle of war. However, I managed to gain his strength. Even when my beloved cousin who's like a brother to me, Neji passed away at that time, I tried to calm myself down. As a shinobi, you can never express your emotions willingly. Yes, it's hard but that's the reason why it is important to be strong not just by physical but also by heart. After the war, we visited each other's house. He would ask for my help because he needed to study more if he wants to become a Hokage. Sometimes, I brought food. Did you know that he was once an avid hater of vegetables? Well, it takes an impressive cooking skill to mesh the vegetables well with meats so that the taste will become delectable."
Boruto and Himawari look at their mother's loving facade. She has a soft expression whenever she reminisces about her past life. She looks like a maiden in love, not someone who was married and gave birth to 2 kids.
Hinata continues to describe her love life. " I learned so much from your father. He taught me to grow in my own pace and be brave, despite what the circumstances are. We became closer without even noticing it. Sometimes, we trained together. There were rumours circulating that we were in a relationship but we ignored it. Your father was too dense about love and at that time, I'm sure he thought of me as a friend. Not more. I was still a bit timid even after war because the idea of being in a relationship with your crush is too good to be true. So in the end, we just led a life without even acknowledging our feelings.
Then, years passed by and we're finally 18. A lot of things changed. Your aunt, Hanabi was kidnapped by a descendant of Hamura Otsusuki. He needed the byakugan to acquire the Tenseigan created from his ancestors' sealed eyes. He proposed me so I had to accept it in order to save Hanabi. Your father was utterly heart-broken upon knowing it and I did try to explain just for a while but my I believed he could manage himself. He's a strong shinobi who used to lead the war. My goal at that time was to save your aunt. She's still a child. Long story short, we managed to defeat Toneri. Your father was super romantic when he finally understood his feelings for me. With one hand, he released a big rasengan and flew under the moon's silhouette. Well, after that.. I couldn't tell you."
"What? You kissed don't you? Papa kissed mama!" Himawari teased her mother.
"Woah really? I didn't know dad can be so romantic! He's a fool for not being able to know his true feelings." Boruto laughs.
"It's not his fault. He was alone for so many years. He worked hard to gain acknowledgement from other villagers. He didn't have anyone to talk to him about this matter. As for me, I'm happy if he's happy. I did get jealous once, when he was popular with the girls due to his popularity. I thought the scarf given to him was from one of the girls so I hid the scarf I've knitted for him. It turns out that it was actually from his mother. In a way, I was in the wrong too. We both are. Being in a relationship means that both of us stand in an equal footing. We vowed to cherish each other through thick and thin. To support each other and to communicate our inner feelings. No more skirting lies while leaving the truths half-told."
"Aww.. I want to have a beautiful love story like mama too, when I grow up later.. but so far I don't like anyone in class..." Himawari gushes her mother's love tale while gazing at her mother's embarrassed face.
"Heh.. I don't know if I will ever get married.. I want to enjoy my single life to eternity.. but having someone who can understand you for who you are is rare..." Boruto's eyes narrow with such focus, as if thinking about someone who could match his description.
"I'm home!" Naruto's voice can be heard at the door.
Boruto and Himawari run and hug him instantly.
"Okay.. what happen?" Naruto is confused.
"Dad.. you're a cool guy huh?" Boruto teased him.
"Daddy! You are so sweet!" Himawari joins her brother.
"What? What's going on? Hinata, what's going on? Did something peculiar happen?" Naruto tries to ask for explanation but Hinata refuses to look him in the eye.
"No... Nothing happened! Any.. anyway, why did you get home so soon?" Hinata helps her husband to untie the Hokage robe.
Naruto is puzzled. "I thought you like it when I'm home?"
Hinata is speechless. Usually, she won't be flustered as she was used to her role as a wife but somehow, the prior engagement with her children makes her embarrassed. She regrets expressing her love towards her husband in front of her children. Pretty sure they're going to tease her further.
"Well, anyway... do you know that there's a new record for ramen eating competition? I did it! I managed to defeat your past record!"
Shocked, Hinata scrutinizes her eyes. "What? How? You never managed to defeat me before! Did you cheat?"
"Hey, I didn't cheat okay? Well, it won't make me a real man if you always win. Did you still remember your promise if I win?"
"Hima.. is this really our "cool" father? Why is he being childish all the time." Boruto asks, with an incredulous look on his face.
"I'm pretty sure it's just papa being papa. He never shows this side of him in front of other villagers. He usually brings out his inner child when he's with mama."
"I.. of course I remember. I promised to accompany you on a date to an expensive restaurant. That was ages ago! You're a rich man now." Hinata laughs, as she remembers her promise to Naruto.
"It'll just be the 2 of us. No kids allowed."
"Okay. Okay. Gosh, you're so funny, Naruto-kun."
"I'm curious though. What were you talking about just now?" Naruto asks.
Hinata tries to suppress her embarrassment by controlling her face expression. "Huh.. nothing okay? I was just talking about how cool you were when you brought me to the moon. There, happy now?"
It was Naruto's turn to be embarrassed. "What kind of conversation was that? You shouldn't tell the about that. It's not fair!"
"Well, I did say that I was so in love with you. It's fair." Hinata fights back.
"I'm home..."
All of them look at the owner's voice. Turns out, it's Kawaki. Kawaki is confused at the weird atmosphere as he walks into the dining room.
"Dinner is served and you guys aren't eating? The food is going to get cold. What happen? Why do you have that ugly and strange grin on your face Boruto?"
"Ugly you say? You're the ugly one! Wanna fight?" Boruto stands up.
"Hush! Okay, okay. Let's eat now. Kawaki, wash your hands first. Honey, as a punishment you must massage my shoulders tonight."
Naruto almost faint when he heard that Hinata called him "honey". She only said that when both of them are not in front of their kids. Looks like he can never win the war with his own wife.
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fictionblossom · 1 year
My Eyes On You
“So that’s the kind of expression she puts on your face” [Itasaku][Non Massacre AU]
Short drabble in which Itachi recalls the time Shisui pointed out his behaviour that one morning (I was also inspired by a scene in Akatsuki no Yona. I wish there were more eps! :S)
Itachi stares at the hot steaming bowl of rice in front of him. He sees a feminine delicate fingers coming to and from his line of vision as Sakura takes the chopsticks in her hand and passes small bits of fish and vegetables into his bowl. His eyes dart towards her face, to her hand and to the food she lays for him. He hears her muttering words on the fish, telling him that the multiple nutrition today’s lunch is. The words don’t seem to register in his mind as he observes the sparkle in her eyes as she speaks. 
He catches sight of her finger tapping at her chin, whilst the chopsticks are in her hands as she thinks of what other food that she could make for him when he goes to her home after a gruesome mission or the Hokage tower or his clan’s meeting. He takes in the fact that her mind is a whole library of its own, even bigger that the infamous Uchiha library, that Itachi hasn’t been able to fully discover even as they have been speaking almost every day now.  They are not lovers of any kind at this point, but he would very much want to shower (more like, drowning) his feelings, his explosive, enormous, ardent, I-can’t-contain-it-any-longer feelings that he has been harboring for her. 
His stress lines fade slightly into his face as he gives her a small smile of his own. 
He nods at her occasionally, assuring her that he is listening to her, acknowledging her presence and all the sunshine she carries everywhere. He could not grasp how this kunoichi could express so much of her emotions on her sleeve yet she’s one of the most accomplished medic nin Konoha has ever seen. His peeks at her byakugou, her years of grit, hard work and resilience in harnessing not just physical skills expected of a Konoha shinobi, but also one of the many jutsu that seemed like only she could pull off for the entire village. 
“You’re staring! Lunch wouldn’t be good if it’s cold!” she grins at him. In the privacy of their presence, he chuckles and returns her grin. “Itadakimasu,” he whispers. He picks up the chopsticks laid by her, and gathers a negligible rice onto and captures in his mouth. Something so simple yet so much skills poured into a small lunch. So very Sakura.   
His lips curved and he savors the taste of the rice he picked up earlier.  
“So that’s the kind of expression she puts on your face” he recalls his meet up with Shisui earlier that morning as his cousin points out that he seemed different, less agitated, less brooding, after telling Shisui that he had plans with Sakura that afternoon. 
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