#Sasha (I'll Call You/ She Who Wins)
mydarllinglover · 10 months
Alone || Garbage Trucks And Trash People
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It turned out that the Saviours had come for Dr Carson, Maggie's doctor, and Gregory had just let them take him.
In other news, Rosita and Sasha had also disappeared.
Natalia was heavily pissed at the both of them.
She was even more angry at the fact they had kept it from her, not letting her help, cause of course she knew what they were up to.
Rick and the others had come by the Hilltop, to pick up Daryl, Natalia, Jesus and Enid.
Tara had shared with Rick about a community she had found, Oceanside, full of only women, they also had a whole bunch of guns, it had turned out that the Saviours murdered all their men, all boys over the age of ten, they weren't keen on strangers.
The plan was that Tara was going to politely ask Oceanside for their part in helping take down Negan, and if not that, then just to borrow their armoury, if she failed, Rick would take over.
Michonne and Natalia were to sit in tall trees, act as lookouts, snipers, considering Natalia was a great shot, and Michonne had been improving.
She also speculated it was because her husband wanted her away from gunfire as much as possible, she found it cute that he still worried about her getting hurt, even after the amount of risky things she had done, and how many times she had saved his ass.
Daryl helped her up the tree as Rick helped Michonne, she had noticed the pair had grown even closer with one another since she'd been away.
"You gonna be alright?" Daryl asked her, hoisting her small frame up.
"Baby, I'm gonna be in a tree, you're the one who I should be worried about." Natalia smiled. "But I don't need to be, we got this, we always do. Gonna be watching you like a hawk." She winked.
"You focus on the mission." He slapped her ass, gesturing for her to climb as well.
"Hey, watch it!" She threatened, "Remember when I got shot, and you had to save my life, with Rick and Merle?"
"One of the worst days of my life, you mean?" He asked.
"The one time you actually recused me, not the other way round." She teased, obviously lying.
"Climb the damn tree, woman."
"Alright, watch this, I used to win the tree climbing competitions as a kid." She kissed him briefly, before going up the tree, reaching the high branches so she could sit in them.
"That cause you were the size of a squirrel?" He asked, watching her go up.
Natalia broke off a small branch, throwing it at him.
"Guess what you just lost privileges to, I'll give you a hint, it's got three letters."
"That's more of a punishment for you than me." He scoffed, before walking away to set the dynamite wire with Jesus. "Love ya!"
Natalia caught the stare of her friend, who was also sat in a tree not so far away from her.
"Happy in paradise?" Michonne called out.
"Just grand." She rolled her eyes. "What about you?"
"Amazing." Michonne had that toothy smile that Natalia loved seeing on her.
"Go us!" She threw her fist in the air, before catching herself from plummeting to the ground, Michonne stifled a laugh at the scene.
Tara had gone in, it seemed like her chat wasn't working out well, considering time had ran out and one of the explosives went off.
The women of Oceanside vacated the area, running for the woods and for safety.
Natalia and Michonne started shooting at the two women, who ran to the Armoury's, feet, a trick they picked up from Terminus.
"On the ground. Now" Daryl stepped out, aiming his crossbow at them as Jesus, Eric and Aaron followed. "Those hands, put them on your head."
"Please." Jesus told them.
Eric and Aaron restrained the two women as Daryl waved his bandana in the air, signalling that it was okay, and to not shoot.
More explosives went off as the people were rallied by the others.
The two snipers switched around in the trees, facing the group as Daryl and Jesus led the two women with the rest, Rick following.
"Now, we made a lot of noise. We want to wrap this up quick so you can send people to redirect anything coming this way." Rick started. "Tara said your forests are relatively clear, so we won't take any chances. No one needs to get hurt. This is just about what you have, what we need."
"Nobody's taking anything." A woman appeared, she was leading Tara towards them, a gun held to the back of her head, Natalia set her sights on the woman with her gun, she assumed Michonne would do the same.
Natalia didn't approve of killing women without a reason, they weren't necessarily the enemy, but if she did anything to Tara, she wouldn't hesitate to shoot the bitch in front of the kids, not her problem if they're scarred for life.
"You need to let everyone go and leave right now." She said. "Just walk away or this one dies."
"Yeah, we'll leave you alone." Rick agreed. "But we're taking your weapons with us. That's not gonna change. It's Natania, right?"
Natalia scoffed at her name.
"Like mine." She mouthed to herself.
"Put the gun down, and let's talk about what we can change."
"No. Leave right now." Natania pushed.
"Natalia! Don't!" Tara shouted at the more trigger happy one of the two. "You either, Michonne."
She just blew their cover, so much for element of surprise.
"We just wanna be left alone." Natania pushed.
"Yeah, we'll leave you alone." Rick repeated. "Just let go of her. Now. Or we'll kill you. None of us want that."
Natalia got a better grip on her gun, as she checked the area, keeping the gun still in case she had to take the shot.
"They want us to fight The Saviours." The young woman beside Natania said, she looked a few years older than Carl and Enid.
"We tried that. We lost. Too much." Natania said. "We're not gonna lose anymore. Not our guns, not our safety, not after everything we've done to get here."
"We're gonna win" Tara spoke up. "With your guns, with or without your help."
"Natania, put the gun down." Rick said.
"You kill me, and you die. And my people take the guns and nothing changes."
"Maybe we should try." The woman Daryl had led, said.
"Its not over!" Natania shouted when the girl had tried talking to her. "They've forgotten. You've all forgotten. Some of you actually want to fight them? After everything? We can lose our guns, but us leaving this place to fight? After everything? I have to remind you. Yes. I am gonna do this, and then I'm gonna die. But it's that important."
Natalia looked through the scope again, at her threat, ready to take the shot.
"This is your life, all of you." Natania continued. "Remember what it looked like. Remember what they did to us!"
Natalia looked around the woods again, seeing a lone walker, she took her shot.
Then another appeared, and then more, it seemed that Michonne had caught this too.
"Rick! Walkers!" She cried.
The girl punched the old lady, knocking her out cold, taking the gun.
A herd of walkers appeared between the trees, coming for the people.
"Everybody up!" Rick ordered. "Get the children behind us! They're coming."
Oceanside and Alexandria, as well as Jesus, did as he said.
"First shift, join them on the line." The woman who had spoke up about fighting, said, as Rick cut her ties. "Knives out. Dead only. Dead only!"
"Everyone, shots within 10 feet of the line. That's it." Rick instructed as they got ready.
Natalia watched the herd, keeping her eye for any sneaks or ones that got messy, taking them out before they could take out hers.
On Ricks order, the two groups fought in harmony.
She had watched as a young girl was able to take down a walker, killing it, she thought about Evie, how she'd been debating with herself about training the girl, Natalia didn't even like the thought of her being anywhere near them, but she knew the time was approaching, she was only gonna get older.
The girl had shot the last one, helping Tara.
When Natania woke up, she had still decided Oceanside would not take part, but had given her blessing for them to take the guns, she didn't really have a choice.
"Alright, just come down, I got ya." Daryl clapped his hands together, gesturing for Natalia to let go and he'd catch her, whilst the oceanside people watched, the others were loading up the guns.
"No way, you're gonna drop me." She shook her head.
"I ain't gonna drop ya!" He claimed. "It ain't even that high."
"No, get someone else to help, in case you don't catch me." She pointed at Aaron or Rick.
"I'm gonna catch you! Trust me!"
"I do trust you, I just don't really wanna cost any broken bones over it, alright, fine. You drop me, I want a divorce." She let out a deep breath, before letting go of the branch she was clinging onto, falling through the sky.
Daryl reached forward, catching her in his arms, nearly knocking himself on his ass as she fell.
The few oceanside women and kids clapped for him, as their friends watched, amused.
"Told ya I wouldn't let you fall." He grumbled. "Aint getting rid of me that easily."
"My hero." She put the back of her hand to her forehead, leaning her head back in his hold.
"Shut up." He snorted, setting her down on the ground.
Tara was talking to Cyndie as they joined their people, Michonne, who had gotten down earlier, was talking to Rick, before walking over to the couple.
"That reminds me, you have no idea what we had to go through to get this signed." Michonne handed Natalia a very familiar bit of paper. "Congratulations, its official in the name of Father Gabriel, the priest."
Natalia unfolded it, seeing his signature.
"Still a bunch of bullshit." Daryl stated, but he looked over her shoulder at it anyway, sliding a hand across her back, settling it on her waist.
"Merle told Daryl that weddings and religion is just capitalism and doesn't actually mean anything." Natalia told Michonne.
"Merle told you that?" Michonne looked at him, seeming unimpressed.
"Yeah." He nodded, as his wife folded the paper back up, placing it in her pocket. "He's right."
Michonne and Natalia shared a look, before shaking their heads, letting the subject drop.
"You're not leaving us any?" The girl who had fought the walker, asked as they headed back to their vehicles.
"Nope! See ya later, Rachel!" Tara replied, flipping the young girl off.
"I was thinking, we should train Evie" Natalia looked up at Daryl, walking side by side.
"Hm?" He looked at her, his brows raising.
"Walkers, I think we should start training her to fight them, she's only getting older, and It'd be better to start her off young, then when she gets older and y'know, I gave a brief when they were in Alexandria and obviously she carries her knife everywhere, just, that girl, she was real good about it, just got me thinking."
"What d'you mean we" He put into quotation marks.
"Me and you, you and I, us." She explained. "The both of us can teach her, after all, we're the best partners this group has." She grinned, putting her hand out for him to high five, which he did. "Besides, she looks up to you a lot, y'know, I found notes from when you've let her help with your bike, kid loves to learn, writes everything down you say, too bad she doesn't like learning with people her own age."
"Alright, after all this, after we win, we'll teach her." He nodded. "Turn her into the next best walker fighter Alexandria has seen."
"Hell yeah, a mini us" Her smile grew at the hopefulness for the future, she was also excited to be going back to Alexandria, to see Evie.
"Hey, you wanna ride back with me?" He asked her, offering for her to go back to Alexandria on the back of his bike.
"Sure, baby, I can't wait to get home, to sleep in our bed."
When they had got to the gates, Rosita was the one to open it, setting alarm bells off for everyone.
"Hey, are you okay?" Enid asked her.
"Where's Sasha?" Jesus pried.
"There's someone here." She replied.
Rosita had led; Rick, Jesus, Michonne, Tara, Daryl and Natalia to the cell, opening the gate and letting them see inside.
Natalia's jaw dropped as she saw who it was.
No one was quick enough to stop her as she lunged forward, throwing her fist into the blond mans nose.
He fell flat on his back as she got on top of him, throwing another hit at his burnt side, purposely picking that side.
"You asshole, I'm gonna kill you!" Natalia shouted, Michonne grabbed at her waist, trying to pull the small woman off of him, Rosita helping, as Jesus and Rick attempted to restrain Daryl, who was just as livid at the sight of him.
She scratched at Dwight as Michonne carried her away, Rosita standing in front of him.
"Woah, woah, woah, Nat! Get away from him, Daryl, stop!" Rick shouted, pushing Daryl out of the cell, as Michonne dragged Natalia to the corner, trying to calm her down.
"I'm gonna kill you, you're gonna rot in hell, prick!"
"Stop!" Michonne pointed her finger in her friends face. "Knock it off!"
"He says he wants to help us." Rosita said.
"That true?" Rick turned to him, still holding Daryl back, as he got up from the ground, his nose was bleeding. "You want to help?"
"I do." Dwight answered, even the sound of his slimy voice grated against her ears.
Rick let go of Daryl, stepping towards the man.
"Okay." He then pulled his gun out, cocking it as he aimed it at the Saviours head. "Get on your knees."
He did as he was told, wiping at the blood that was seeping into his moustache.
He glanced at Daryl, then at Natalia, Michonne still had an arm around her, but trusted her to not attack him again.
Natalia wanted to carve his eyeballs out and force them down his throat.
"Look at me." Rick told him. "Why?"
"'Cause I want it stopped." He answered. "I want Negan dead."
"So why don't you kill him?" Rick asked.
"Can't just be me. They're all Negan."
Tara stepped forward.
"That girl you murdered." She bent down to look at him in the eye. "She had a name. Her name was Denise, and she was a doctor. And she helped people."
"I wasn't aiming for her." He whispered, glancing at Natalia.
Daryl pushed through Rick and Tara, grabbing Dwight by the collar and throwing him at the wall, his knife in line with the mans eye.
"Look at her again, I'll kill ya." Daryl rasped.
"Do it." Tara told him. "Do it."
"You wanna end it this way... you go ahead." Dwight told him. "I'm sorry. I am. I know you want to."
"He could just be here to see if the two of you were here." Rick said.
"We can't trust him." Michonne agreed, letting go of Natalia.
"He owned me." Dwight spoke up.
"Bullshit!" Natalia called. "Seemed pretty smitten when you were treating my husband like an animal!"
"He did. He owned me" Dwight repeated. "But not anymore. What I did, I was doing it for someone else. She just got away. So now I'm here. So are you because of her, and so is Natalia."
"Don't say her name." Daryl growled, the knife still in his hand, not moving from Dwight's face.
"Do it!" Tara repeated.
"There's another choice."
"Daryl." Tara was pleading with him. "Daryl, you knew her, she loved Evie, Evie adored her, he took that away."
"Negan trusts me." Dwight continued. "We work together, we can stop him. You knew me then, and you know me now. You know I'm not lying. I'm not."
"Do it." Tara continued. "Do it!"
Daryl pulled the knife away, loosening his grip on the mans throat.
"They have Sasha, if she's even alive." Rosita revealed.
"Why didn't you say something?" Jesus asked. "He could be our only chance to get her back."
"Because I don't trust him." She said. "But I trust Daryl."
"Negan's coming soon." Dwight told Rick. "Tomorrow. Three trucks probably. 20 Saviours and him. I can slow them down, bring some trees down in the road, buy a little time for you guys to get ready."
Rick looked at Daryl.
"If you can take them out, that's where we start. You kill them, I'll radio back to the Sanctuary."
"The Sanctuary?"
"That's the place they held us." Natalia scowled. "As prisoners."
"Where Negan lives." Dwight added. "That's what they call it. I can radio back to them and say everything's okay. You drive the trucks back, and I can lead you right inside, and, with the right plan, we can wipe out the rest. Check to see if your friend's still alive. Then, we get the workers on our side, build our numbers up, and go from outpost to outpost and end this."
"Keep talking." Rick said.
When they had gotten all the information he was willing to share, Dwight set off to head back to the Sanctuary.
"We just started it, the whole thing." Rick said, him, Daryl, Natalia, Jesus and Michonne were watching Rosita let him out.
"If he's lyin', I'm gonna kill him real slow." Daryl shared. "When this is done, I don't give a damn if he's sorry. I will kill that son of a bitch."
"If he's lying, this is already over." Rick replied, walking towards his house.
"Come on." Daryl grabbed Natalia's hand. "Let's get Evie and go home, get you bandaged up." He kissed her bruised and grazed knuckles, Natalia didn't care about her punching technique, as long as it caused the other person pain.
It was a tearful reunion with the seven year old.
Carl had woken her up, from where she had temporarily been sleeping in Judith's room, then Daryl carried her back to their house, as she wiped her eyes, fighting sleep.
"I missed you, so, so, so, so, so much!" She declared to the pair, when he set her on the floor.
"Missed you, too, a million times more, sweet girl." Natalia told her, kissing her head as she stroked her blonde locks.
"You're wearing your necklace." Daryl pointed out, crouching down to face her, looking at the purple flower that was resting against her pyjama top.
"Michonne gave it to me, on my birthday." She said, her smile slipping. "You guys weren't there."
"I know, Eves, I'm so sorry." She crouched down as well, taking a hold of her hand. "Gonna make It up to you, okay? That necklace, Daryl found that, we were gonna wrap it up and give it to you for your birthday, I'm sorry."
"It's okay, I know why, Carl told me you guys were coming back, that I just had to wait, and be good, to stay out of trouble."
"You're perfect, okay, and we're home now, you're so strong, alright." Natalia stroked her cheek with her thumb.
Daryl had set his sights on the keychain attached to her belt, with her fathers knife, in the flowery fabric he had found so they could make her sheath, the one Denise had on her when Dwight killed her.
"Is it over, are the bad guys gone, can you stay?"
"Nearly, it's almost over baby." Natalia nodded. "We're gonna stay here, we're gonna fight."
"And you're gonna kill Negan?" Natalia was surprised a sentence like that had even come out of her mouth.
She looked at Daryl, who had raised his brows at her statement.
"Yeah, yes, we're gonna, okay, because there are people that you need to kill, so that you can be alive, bad people, though, the bad people don't get to live."
"I know. He's a really, really bad person, he took you guys." She wrapped her arms around the both again, Daryl enveloped the two girls into a hug, he felt like he had a family, his own little family, after so long, never thinking he'd ever have this, he hadn't even known he'd wanted it, until recently.
His mind wandered back to that conversation on the porch, the first night Natalia had dinner with Milo and Evie, he'd been waiting for her, wanting to know if anything had happened, if the son of a bitch had tried anything with her, Carol had told him he was jealous, but he pushed it off to just being wary for his friend, looking back, he was aggressively jealous of the man, just didn't want to admit it.
"I'm glad Aaron found you both, I got a second chance at having a mom and dad." Evie said through a yawn.
Daryl's eyes had widened, Natalia lifted her head so she could look at him, with the same expression.
"What did you just say?" Natalia asked.
"I said I got my second chance at having a mom and dad?" She repeated. "You guys."
"What, Daryl?" She pointed at him, being sure of what she just said.
"Was I not supposed to say that?" She covered her mouth, scared she just said the equivalent to a bad word. "I'm sorry."
"Nah, kid, what about yer dad?" Daryl asked.
"I'm going to love my daddy for ever, but he's not here anymore, and you're like... my backup, other dad, like Natty's my other mom, I love you."
"Sure kid, what ever you want." He hugged her, as she layed her head on his shoulder, letting out a yawn.
"Alright, time for bed, got a big day tomorrow." Natalia clapped her hands together.
"I got it." Daryl said, lifting the girl in his arms as they made their way upstairs.
Natalia scooted past him, so she could open Evie's door, pulling the covers back to her bed, they hadn't seemed to touch anything in her room, it looked like.
On her beside table, sat Sully's bejewelled collar.
"Rosita and Michonne helped me bury him." Evie confessed. "He's with the others now."
Natalia nodded, a weepy smile on her face.
Daryl layed her down as Natalia put the covers back over, tucking her in.
"Night, sweet girl." She said, brushing her blonde locks back, kissing her head. "I love you."
"I love you, too. I'm so happy you're both home, but I'm really sleepy so it doesn't look like it, but I am." Evie admitted, causing the pair to chuckle.
"We get it, kid. Go to sleep." Daryl told her, waving good night, she waved back tiredly, her hand flopping as she closed her eyes. "Love you." He muttered as they walked out the room, closing the door.
Daryl and Natalia walked towards their room, opening the door for the first time since they had left the day Daryl left to hunt down Dwight, and she had left to hunt down him.
As predicted, their mattress was gone, most of Natalia's clothes were missing, including her underwear, perverts, a bunch of their belongings that remained, were broken or on the floor.
"Assholes." Natalia cursed, looking around at the mess.
"Son's of bitches." Daryl grumbled.
The next day, Alexandria had gone on full lock down mode, preparing for the upcoming fight, Jesus had taken Evie to Hilltop with him, to keep her safe, Judith had been there since Rick had come for their help with Oceanside.
Daryl, Natalia, Rosita and Aaron were in the back of a "moving" van, setting up a bomb whilst Rick and Michonne greeted the people they had met when Daryl and Natalia were in Hilltop, the Scavengers, they called themselves.
It turned out, that when Michonne said they had no idea what she had to go through to get their "Marriage Certificate" signed, it meant that the Scavengers had kidnapped Gabriel, as well as all their food, holding the man hostage, and in order to get him back, Rick had to fight some Viking armour spike walker, with his bare hands, one of which had gone straight through one of the spikes.
Rick had explained their mission, and Jadis, their leader, had agreed to help, her and her people had turned up to Alexandria on bikes and in garbage trucks, they were trash people, as in they literally lived in trash at the dump.
"Nat, one of those trash collectors get shot down, we got ourselves a bike." Daryl said, as the four of them fiddled with the bomb, setting it up perfectly.
"Yay." Natalia answered, sarcastically.
"Why do you need a bicycle?" Rosita asked.
"So I can learn how to ride one." She replied.
"You don't know how to ride a bike." Aaron laughed.
"Something funny about that?" She looked at him accusingly, wrapping the cord around a stick of dynamite.
"No, no, not at all." He cleared his throat.
"My dad, he, uh, he always told my mom that he wanted to teach me stuff like that, he always wanted a little girl, but he died when I was real young." She confessed. "When, me, Daryl and Beth, Maggie's sister, when it was just us, out there, when we got split up, the same time you found Glenn, Tara, Maggie, Sasha and Bob." She looked at Rosita "We played this drinking game, never have I ever."
"Yeah, I know that one." Rosita nodded.
"Yeah, hers was that she never shot a crossbow, so Daryl taught her how." She smiled up at him, he looked down at his boots, thinking about that day. "Daryl's was that he never left Georgia, here we are. Mine was that I never rode a bike, like, by myself, so Daryl said he'd teach me whenever we got a hold of one."
"That's sweet." Aaron smiled.
"Yeah." She said, wistfully.
When the time had come, everyone was waiting.
Rick stood on the perch, looking out for the Saviours.
One of the Scavengers blew a green tube, it sounded like a turkey.
It was time.
"Rosita." Rick called to the woman beside Natalia, Daryl and Tara were also stood with them, as well as six Scavengers, all with guns in their hands. "Get into position. I'll signal you. And the wall's gonna hold?"
"It'll hold." Rosita confirmed.
"You got this." Natalia told her. "Piece of cake."
"All points are covered." The voice of Eugene came from a megaphone, from outside the walls. "Every contingency is already met. I come armed with two barrels of the truth."
Rosita and Natalia moved closer to the gate, seeing the man dressed in all black, on the top of a blue cab truck.
"What the fuck?" Natalia whispered.
"A test is upon you, and I'm giving out cheat sheets." He continued.
The truck stopped, Eugene was stood in front of a box that had a yellow blanket draped over it, he looked up to Rick, talking to him as the leader of Alexandria.
"H-Hello. I come salved with the hope that it is my dropped knowledge that you heed. Options are zero to none. Compliance and fealty are your only escape. Bottom-lining it, you may thrive, or you may die. I sincerely wish for the former for everyone's sake. The jig is up and in full effect. Will you comply, Rick?"
Everyone looked to him, to see what he'd do.
"Where's Negan?" He asked.
"I'm Negan." He announced.
Natalia felt a wave of anger over her.
She always knew Eugene was a coward, hell, he was the reason they had ended up in Virginia, but after he saved Tara, becoming a fighter, she really thought he was becoming an valued member of their family, he was smart and resourceful, too.
Natalia glanced at Rosita, her thumb hovered over the button, its like she had chose in that moment that his life was no longer valuable to them, she watched Rick, waiting for his signal.
After accepting the betrayal, he nodded.
Rosita pressed the button and everyone at the walls ducked for cover, waiting for the explosion, but it never came.
She looked shocked and defeated.
Rick went to grab his gun, but then the Scavengers turned on the Alexandrians, aiming their weapons at them.
Jadis held a gun to Rick's head.
The others had done the same.
One of the Scavengers walked forward, opening the gate so that the Saviours could enter.
They had double-crossed them.
Negan jumped out of one of the trucks, Dwight by his side.
"You ever hear the one about the stupid little prick named Rick who thought he knew shit but didn't know shit and got everyone that he gave a shit about killed?" Negan pointed at Rick. "Its about you. You're all gonna wanna put your guns down now."
"No one drops anything." Rick spoke up, turning to talk to Jadis.
"You push me, and you push me. And you push me, Rick. You just tried to blow us up, right? I mean, I get me, my people. But Eugene? He's one of yours. And after what he did... He stepped up. You people are animals. Universe gives you a sign, and you just shove your finger right up its ass."
He laughed, though everyone else remained silent.
"Dwight, Simon, chop-chop."
The two men walked towards the big box, unlinking it from the truck bed, revealing that it was a coffin.
Why the hell would they have a coffin?
Negan got up, standing beside the coffin.
"So you don't like Eugene anymore. You guys gotta like Sasha. I do, too."
He hit the metal box with Lucille.
"Got her right here packaged for your convenience, alive and well."
Natalia stared frozen, not believing what was actually going on, Rosita had told them that Sasha had left Rosita, to go on her own to kill Negan, then she turns up in a coffin?
"Now, I brought her so I wouldn't have to kill all of you, and not killing all of you... could get complicated. See, I know there's a lot of firepower left in there, Rick. So I'm gonna make this simple. I want all the guns you've managed to scrape up. Yep, I know about those, too. I want every last grain of lemonade you got left. I want a person of your own choosing... For Lucille." Negan stated. "Natalia, where you been, baby, had me searching all around for ya, had me worried sick, no fear, I've come to take you home." He grinned at her. "Daryl, ooh, I gotta get me my Daryl back." He pointed at the both of them, then to his eyes. "I see you. And the pool table and all the pool cues and chalk. And I want it now or Sasha dies, and then all of you. Probably. C'mon, Rick. Just because I brought her in a casket doesn't mean she has to leave in it."
Rick had continued to stare at him.
Negan sighed, wiping his brow.
"You know what? You suck ass, Rick. You really do. I don't want to have to kill her but that's exactly what you're gonna make me do."
Rick took a step forward.
"Let me see her." He requested.
"All right. Just give me a second. I might have to get her up to speed. You can't hear shit inside this thing."
He knocked Lucille against the coffin, causing a clanging sound.
"Sash. You're not gonna believe this crap." Negan opened the coffin.
Sasha had come jumping out at him, except, she was dead, Sasha was a walker, trying to eat Negan.
"Holy goddamn!" He yelled, falling backwards as she jumped on him, onto the ground.
Carl took this distraction, turning around and shooting the Scavengers, the others followed suit.
Natalia lifted her gun, shooting at anyone that wasn't Rosita, Daryl or Tara.
Then aimed ahead at the Saviours, wanting to get the bitch that killed her dog.
Gunfire rained, until, Rosita yelped in pain, getting shot in the chest.
Natalia reached for her, helping to keep her up.
"I got you." She told the woman. "You're gonna be alright."
"I'll get her to the infirmary." Tara ran over.
"You sure, you need help?" Natalia asked her, keeping an eye out for anyone looking their way.
"No, I got it, you got this." Tara assured, taking over supporting Rosita.
"Alright, go" Natalia waved her off, going back to shooting at the Saviours.
She heard an gunshot from above, then Ricks body falling from the perch.
Jadis had shot then kicked him down.
Natalia ran to his aid, putting pressure on the wound as it started spouting blood, she hoped this was a good enough reason to explain to Michonne and Daryl, why she was gripping his waist.
"Uh uh" Jadis approached them, shaking her head. "He's mine." She aimed her gun at her head.
"Crazy bitch, what the fuck is wrong with you?" Natalia asked looking up at her.
"Move." She raised a brow.
"Do it, Nat." Rick shook his head.
She growled as she stood up, stepping away from her friend.
Jadis helped Rick up, leading him through the crossfire, her arm in the air.
"Come on, little birdie" She looked at her. "You're coming with us." She had no choice but to follow the pair, in case Jadis shot her or Rick.
Bodies of Alexandrians were splayed out on the road, as well as a pool of blood with each body.
Carl was knelt on the grass, the Saviours and Scavengers surrounded him, including Simon and Dwight.
Rick had froze at the sight.
Jadis hit his gunshot wound.
"Move." She ordered, pushing him forward, grabbing a hold of Natalia as so that she couldn't sneak away or anything.
"I'm gonna kill you." Natalia said.
"I doubt that very much."
Negan walked on to the scene, a smirk on his face, Sasha hadn't got the chance to devour him.
"Hello again."
He took his bat out of Dwight's hand, Natalia couldn't even feel giddy about the bruises and scratches that dotted around his face.
Jadis dragged Rick to stand beside Carl.
Negan snapped his fingers, a gun was trained on Natalia.
"Hey, gorgeous, d'ya miss me?" He asked, waving at her.
"Go to Hell." She told him.
"Got a way with words, don't she."
Jadis had pushed Rick to the ground.
"Well, shit, Rick." Negan turned to the man. "You just couldn't stick with us, huh? You had to go with these filthy garbage people?"
Jadis looked at him in offensive.
"No offense." He told her.
"Deal is for 12, yes?" She asked him.
"Ten. People are a resource." He bargained.
"12" Jadis whispered.
He didn't answer her.
"Ten." She settled.
"You dumb bitch, really gotta hand it to you." Natalia scoffed, clapping her hands together. "Can't even be mad, the double crosser got double crossed, well isn't that something."
Jadis glared at her as she walked away.
Negan chuckled.
"See, Ms Moore does have a sense of humour, that was for you, darling."
Natalia's face changed stoic, as she looked away, scratching her brow with her left hand.
"Oh, you little shit." He looked at her. "I am mistaken, Ms not any Moore. You've crushed my heart, now I'm gonna take it out on these two, you back stabber, I mean, seriously, after everything I've done for you."
He turned to Rick and Carl.
"Rick." He sighed. "This is gonna make you as sad as me right now. Broken. You're gonna wish you were dead." He walked around the Grimes. "I like having fun. I do. But maybe you think that the guy that did what he did to your friends wasn't me, like that was some sort of a put-on, like I'm not the guy with the bat. I'm just the guy that makes your kid spaghetti, your kids." He looked back at Natalia, who seemed to be confused about this information, when the hell was he with Evie. "Oh, shit, I'll catch you up after I ruin your friends life. I guess I gotta start all over again. I gotta tell you, Rick, if I had a kid, I'd want him to be just like your kid, which makes this so much harder."
"You're not gonna win." Carl told him.
"Carl. It is over. Why don't you point your one ball up the street there and take it all in?" Negan suggested.
A woman's voice screamed out, coming from the place Michonne was supposed to be.
Natalia's stomach lurched.
Not Michonne, she was so much stronger than anyone, it couldn't be.
"Ohh." Negan laughed, looking at their expressions. "Oh. Wow. You just lost somebody important to you right now, like, just now. Jesus. That is timing. Well, Rick... you chose this. I truly don't know what more I could've done to warn you. And this isn't a warning. This is punishment. I'm gonna kill Carl now. I'm gonna make it one nice, hard swing, try to do it in one because I like him. I just want you to put that in your brain and roll it around for a minute. I'm gonna kill Carl, and then Lucille here, she's gonna take your hands."
Natalia teared up, her lip quivering, first Sasha, then Michonne, now Carl.
All hope gets you, is killed.
"You can do it right in front of me. You can take my hands." Rick told him. "I told you already, I'm gonna kill you. All of you. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow... but nothing is gonna change that. Nothing."
He then whispered something to him, that no one else could hear.
Negan stared at him, before he began to chuckle.
"Damn. Wow, Rick. Okay." He then stood up from the ground, taking Carls hat off. "You said I could do it."
Natalia watched as Shiva had seemingly came out of nowhere, pouncing on one of the Saviours, taking him down as everyone scattered at the sight of a tiger ripping a man apart.
Natalia spun around, shooting at the people who looked away, their guns no longer aimed at her, taking them down
The people of the kingdom followed, riding horses and shooting guns.
Natalia had even spotted Carol, as well as Jerry, who had a large axe strapped to his back.
"End these Saviours and their accomplices!" King Ezekiel's voice rang. "Alexandria will not fall, not on this day!"
"Come on, lets get out of here!" Natalia told the two Grimes, grabbing their shirts and dragging them out of the line of fire. "Holy shit, I knew I had a valid reason to be shit scared of tigers."
They looked over, spotting the people of Hilltop coming to their aid as well, being led by Maggie Rhee.
"Phalanx out, third group, now!" She told her people.
Natalia felt a wave of relief when she saw Daryl running ahead with them
She got to her senses, shooting at the enemies, along with the rest.
The remaining Saviours ran for cover, attempting to leave as they were shot at, ran out of Alexandria.
Thick fog started to set around, the Scavengers had set off bombs as they made their escape.
"They're falling back." Rick told the people as they gathered behind the RV.
"Eduardo, Bertie, between the houses. Cover the gate!" Maggie instructed two members of Hilltop.
"Now, we finish this!" Ezekiel rallied his people.
Natalia split off, running with Maggie, looking for any stragglers.
She watched in confusion but also worry as her husband climbed on top of one of the garbage trucks, what the hell is he doing?
When Alexandria had been fully combed through, and no more bastard Saviours or Scavengers were left, she looked for Daryl who had got down from the truck.
She ran to him, jumping in his arms as he squeezed her tight, spinning them around.
"We did it!" She squealed. "We're gonna win! We're gonna win this"
"I know, baby. We're gonna win." He rasped, brushing her hair down.
She pulled away, cupping his face, kissing him hard, not really giving a flying fuck if it were out in the open, surrounded by strangers.
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...Lily definitely got into a fight when someone called any of her mothers a MILF
On that note who is the one who says "did you win?" When called for a fight?
I wanna say Sasha but her character development might negate that
It's less asking if she won the fight and more "who did they say was hotter?" "what?" "who was hotter?" "um...I think you were the top choice" "Where are those kids?! I'll kill them for not thinking my wives are hotter!!"
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smartycvnt · 2 years
are you gonna be my girl?
pairing: bayley x reader
summary: bayley starts doubting whether or not it's her you really want
To Bayley, you were truly something else. She hadn't planned on letting anybody in after Sasha, but then you came stumbling into her life. You had wormed your way into her heart with warm smiles, a refreshing honesty, and unconditional support as Bayley worked towards her return. Even whenever Bayley made it clear she'd never be like The Hugger again, that her return to WWE would come with a challenge to every woman on the roster to be better, you had backed her 100% You had shown Bayley a kind of love that she hadn't felt in years, and Bayley finally realized how much she missed it.
"Y/n!" Bianca called out excitedly. Immediately, your face lit up as you got up to greet her with a hug. Bayley's face fell as she watched you get off of her lap to do so. Jealousy wasn't something that Bayley thought she'd ever have to worry about, especially when she saw everyday how much you loved her.
"Hey B, good luck tonight," you told her. Bianca looked a little surprised by you wishing her good luck, but still accepted it anyways. She was fighting against Bayley for the Raw Women's Championship. You loved Bayley and knew that she had worked hard to come back and be champion, but you also knew how good of a locker room leader Bianca was turning into. You hadn't worked in the same locker room as Bayley in years, so you weren't sure what kind of attitude she'd bring.
"Thanks, something tells me that I'm gonna need it," Bianca laughed. You placed your hand on her arm, a completely innocent gesture that left Bayley seething in her seat. You let Bianca go to get ready, giving her a quick hug and kiss on the cheek before she left.
"I didn't know you two were friends," Bayley said as you sat back down on her lap again. You weren't facing her, so you couldn't see the small scowl on her face. "When did that happen?"
"We've always been friendly, but after she beat Becky at WrestleMania, we started hanging out a little more. No better way to learn how to be a champion than from the champ," you said. Everything that you said was true, you and Bianca had always smiled and waved when passing each other in the hallways before, but when she became champion she had taken you under her wing a little bit. You'd been wrestling for longer, but you had never been seen as championship material before. Now, you felt a little bit more like you'd get some sort of shot, even if it meant you had to go to Smackdown for a little while.
"Well, it's very nice of her to help you. I didn't realize you'd been training with her," Bayley said. You could hear something off in her voice, but you couldn't place what it was. You turned around and pressed a kiss to Bayley's lips. "I'd be happy to help you out after I win the title if you'd like."
"We've tried training together, and if I remember correctly, if there's not at least two other people supervising, you never focus." It was a gentle rejection, but still a rejection. Bayley's face hardened a little as she dropped her arms from around your waist. You were about to tell Bayley that it wasn't personal, but then your phone vibrated with a text from Becky asking where you were. "I gotta go real quick. Are you still gonna be here in a couple minutes?"
"Becky?" Bayley asked, receiving a nod in response. "I'll just go with you."
"Great," you said. It was genuine, which did help to relax Bayley a little bit. The two of you walked around backstage until you found Seth and Becky's dressing room. Bayley knocked on the door for you, standing with her arm wrapped around your shoulders. You leaned back against her, glad to be in the partial embrace.
It felt nice, but you were out of Bayley's arms the moment that Becky opened up the door. You were pulled inside excitedly by Becky, who was all over you in a way that Bayley hated. You were affectionate, and Becky could also be a bit affectionate with those that she loved. The two of you sat down on the little couch tucked away together chatting. Bayley's glaring at your proximity went unnoticed by the two of you, but managed to get an amused chuckle out of Seth.
"If I didn't know better, I'd think your girlfriend was trying to steal my wife," Seth said. Bayley looked over at the man, who was standing over a little portable crib, splitting his attention between his daughter and Bayley.
"She could if she wanted to. Y/n could have anybody," Bayley said. It was something that had been bringing her down lately, the thought that you could easily find a replacement for Bayley if you wanted to. She didn't completely believe that you wanted her like she had come to want and need you. "Sometimes, I don't get why she's with me."
"Because she loves you. Just like Becky loves me," Seth said. Bayley couldn't argue with him there, but she still looked sadly at you and Becky cuddled up on the couch laughing at some video on Twitter. "If you're really as torn up about this as you seem, maybe you should talk to Y/n. I doubt she means to make you feel like this."
"I don't know if I can handle hearing that she doesn't want me," Bayley admitted. Seth patted her on the back, a knowing look on his face. There was only so much of being in that room Bayley could take, so she quickly excused herself. She hadn't been sure what to expect, but it wasn't you chasing her down 15 minutes later looking slightly panicked.
"You disappeared on me," you said, a sad look in your eyes. Bayley had been left to stew with her thoughts a little too long. She avoided looking at you, which you definitely noticed. "Are you okay? Did Seth say something?"
"He says a lot of things, but it's not him that has be upset. Why don't you stop worrying about me and go back to Becky or Bianca? I'm sure that even Rhea would be happy to take you off my hands," Bayley said. If you had looked sad before, Bayley's words had completely broken your heart. She had been short with you before, but not like this. "Surely you've had enough of me by now. I can't help you be a champion. I'm all better, so you don't have to act like a saint nursing me back to health."
"You're getting mean," you said as you knelt down in front of Bayley. If she was going to keep her head ducked down, then you would lower yourself to force her to look at you. "I don't like it when you get like this. Come on, just talk to me."
"Sometimes, I see how you are with other people and I just think that you'd be happier with someone else," Bayley said. You grabbed the sides of her face gently and held them so that she was looking at you as you stood up.
"Listen to me, read my lips, do whatever you need to understand what I am telling you. There is not a single person in this universe that I would rather be with than you. I've watched you go through a lot, even if most of it was from afar Bayley, but what I saw up close just told me what I should have tried to fight for you earlier than I did. Even when I thought there was no chance I'd ever get to be with you, I wanted to," you told her. Bayley huffed as she looked away from you. You could see the pink tint to her cheeks, not having expected this conversation to end this way. "If you want, for the rest of the night, it'll be just you and me."
"As much as I'd like that, you shouldn't change who you are to make me more comfortable." Bayley leaned forward a little pressed a kiss to your lips. You started to kiss her back, but made sure to not let things go too far. Bayley being jealous usually didn't end with the sort of heartfelt conversation you had just had. She usually liked to show everybody in the immediate vicinity just how much you'd let her touch you before putting a stop to it.
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historyhermann · 1 year
Reviewing Queer Animated Characters With Trauma
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Amity fights Hunter in a season 2 episode of The Owl House
Recently, there has been a growing number of queer fictional animated characters with trauma. I decided to examine this trend and offer my thoughts.
Reprinted from The Geekiary, my History Hermann WordPress blog (it will be published there on Dec. 24) and Wayback Machine. This was the forty-first article I wrote for The Geekiary. This post was originally published on June 13, 2022.
Trauma is a common theme in fiction. This makes sense especially for conflict-prone series, either in live-action or animation. Recent years have made this even more pronounced as animation holds an "exceptional potential" to portray trauma, an emotional response to a distressing experience of some kind, unlike other mediums.
I'll examine over 20 characters, who are either confirmed as part of the LGBTQ community or implied as such. The characters described in this article are only a small sample of a larger list of characters. I've only chosen characters in Western animated shows that I have watched to date, as a similar post on anime characters would be as long as this one.
This post contains spoilers for the series that I'm writing about. With that, let me get started!
The Owl House
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Luz and Amity dance together as their magic causes the grom monster to explode behind them
This fantasy and horror comedy animated series has trauma at its core. It emphasizes the importance of chosen family and discovering who you are as a person.
The show's protagonist, Luz Noceda (Sarah Nicole-Robles) ends up into a magical world called the Boiling Isles. It is far away from her home and she soon has no way of returning. While she makes friends along the way, what happens to her is, at times, traumatic. In fact, one reviewer even stated that nearly every resident of the Owl House, including Eda Clawthorne (Wendie Malick), King (Alex Hirsch), and Luz, have post-traumatic stress disorder, commonly known as PTSD.
By the second season of the series, Luz has begun a romantic relationship with Amity Blight (Mae Whitman). Luz is confirmed as bisexual by the show's creator, Dana Terrace, while Amity is a lesbian. Her voice actor is pansexual. Additionally, Eda is queer as she was in a relationship with Raine Whispers, a non-binary head witch of the Bard Covern. The voice actor of Raine, Avi Roque, is non-binary as well.
There's also Eda's sister, Lilith, who was recently implied as being asexual by her voice actor, Cissy Jones, the dads of Willow Park (Tati Gabrielle), Gilbert and Harvey, and the mysterious god-like creature named The Collector. The show's creator may have implied the character is non-binary in a recent tweet. Lilith was later confirmed as an aromantic asexual character.
All these characters, and every other character in the series, have trauma on some level. Even the series villain, Emperor Belos (Matthew Rhys), has a mind filled with decades of "triumph, trauma, and loss."
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Anne (left) and Sasha (right) fight in the season two finale
This recently-concluded series may seem harmless at first, but there is more below the surface. The three protagonists, Anne Boonchuy (Brenda Song), Marcy Wu (Haley Tju), and Sasha Waybright (Anna Akana) open a magic box. They end up in a wild tropical land known as Amphibia. Their friendship faces strains and hardships, including betrayals, pain, and death.
One of these characters is prominently part of the LGBTQ community: Sasha. Voiced by Akana, a talented voice actress, the show’s creator, Matt Braly confirmed her as bisexual after the show’s finale. This built upon a bisexual sticker on her car's mirror in a final sequence. As it turns out, during an acceptance speech for the Streamy Awards she came out as bisexual, even though she was drunk when she made the speech since she didn’t expect to win the award.
Her character begins the series as a jerk, bully, and almost a villain of sorts. Sasha even fights the show’s protagonist, Anne, her high school friend, and butts heads with Marcy. She later works to make amends and fights King Andrias who has evil plans to take over the world.
Sasha joins other recurring LGBTQ characters, mostly in the show's last season. This includes Frodrick Toadstool and Toadie who have a gay romance, confirmed by the show's creator. Also, Yunan and Lady Olivia become a romantic lesbian couple, while Ally and Jess who run an Internet video channel together. It's also implied that Mr. X, voiced by RuPaul, is gay.
All these characters have some level of trauma in one way or another. At the same time, the series serves as a "form of solace" and can ameliorate trauma often associated with media like The Owl House.
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Bean fights with Gretel, a cannibalistic serial killer, in the season one episode "Faster, Princess! Kill! Kill!"
Although her father, Zog, works through his trauma in the most recent part of this mature animated series, Bean suffers from trauma as well. This is because events which involve a "serious threat to life...and feel beyond a person’s control" fill her life. Examples include loss of a parent, physical violence, sexual assault, military combat, or death of a loved one.
Through her role as princess, and then queen, these events include her father's live burial, an elevator chopping off the head of her friend, and kidnapping of her friend Elfo. She isn't alone with trauma, as her friends also have it as well, as do many other characters within this series. It shows that series is not afraid to tackle mental health as a theme.
In the most recent episodes of this series, she kisses a mermaid named Mora (Meredith Hagner). This romance and others with male characters, including Elfo, indicated she is bisexual or pansexual. She was directly confirmed as bisexual by an official Netflix account. Furthermore, Bean's voice actress, Abbi Jacobson, is also bisexual.
There are other LGBTQ characters in this series, like Odval and Sorcerio. They are a gay couple who live in the Dreamland castle. It is further implied that Big Jo and Porky may have been in a toxic relationship with one another.
All of them experience physical violence, loss, and serious threats to their lives in more ways than one.
High Guardian Spice
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Olive and Rose fight in the 9th episode of this series
This series has major themes such as acceptance, togetherness, and discovering one's identity. Rosemary (Briana Leon), has a recurring nightmare where her mother disappeared and left a magical sword behind. Unsurprisingly, she gets nervous when her locket, which has an important family memory, gets lost.
Rosemary isn't alone. Sage (Lauren White) gets nervous when everything doesn't go according to plan. She ends up questioning if she should be at the magic academy and what "right things" she should say to people. The latter is emblematic of her social awkwardness.
Both are implied as being in love with each other, in what some shippers call Sagemary. Since Rosemary shows an attraction to a male student in one episode, she could be bisexual. One of the show's writers and voice actor of Amaryllis, Katie McVay, seemed to imply some the show's characters are bisexual. Parsley (Amber Romero) and Thyme (Michelle Deco) might be lesbian characters. The latter has a crush on a mermaid named Coral in one episode.
Anise and Aloe are a lesbian couple. Haviland Stillwell, a lesbian actress, voices Anise. Then there's Professor Caraway who reveals to Rosemary he is a trans man. The show's creator, Raye Rodriguez, who is a Cuban trans man, voices him. Finally, the snarky student Snapdragon appears to be on the road to transitioning toward a trans woman. Julia Kaye, a comics writer and trans woman, voices her.
Traumatic events shape all these characters and many others. This includes queer-coded characters like the catgirl Olive (Stephanie Sheh), Slime Boy (Julian Koster), and professor Wyverna Dretch (Stillwell).
Legend of Korra
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Korra at a low place at beginning of the show's fourth season
Trauma fills this classic, but divisive, anime-inspired series. Trauma affects two of the protagonists, Korra and Asami Sato.
Throughout the series, Korra becomes poisoned, physically traumatized, and emotionally scarred. This manifests itself in her losing her bending abilities and having her friends captured or maimed. Through it all she has to continue fighting as the Avatar, with a duty to keep the peace. One reviewer said that her PTSD storyline is sad, but also "so good", as she survives through her drama which continues to inspire.
This contrasts with Asami. She loses almost everything in the series, from her imprisoned backstabbing father and almost losing her family company. One person argued that Asami's trauma inspires her to "save others from feeling how she felt." This includes Korra, who confides in Asami as she works through her trauma.
In the show's final episode, and subsequently confirmed by show's creators, Korra and Asami become a romantic couple. This was further shown in the graphic novel The Legend of Korra: Turf Wars. The same novel confirmed that Kya, daughter of Katara, is a lesbian. The novel also explores Kyoshi's bisexual romantic feelings.
During the series, Korra and Asami date Mako, a male character, and are good friends with one another. With Korrisami confirmed, both are canonically bisexual.
Final Space
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Ash, imbued with the power of Invictus, prepares to strike Little Cato in the show's final episode
One of the protagonists of this cancelled mature animated series manifests trauma more than any other character. Ash Graven (Ashly Burch) is a complex character with a troubled past. Like other protagonists, the destruction of the Earth by the Lord Commander, and near-death experiences, traumatizes her.
Invictus, the show's primary villain, exploits her trauma triggers to great effect. Similar to how triggers for people with PTSD manifest themselves, she lashes out, blames others unfairly, retreats, and her emotions flair.
Before this happens, she bonds with a genderless lifeform trapped in Final Space, named Evra (Jasmin Savoy Brown). Their growing relationship makes clear Ash's romantic orientation as a lesbian. Since the show was not renewed, her relationship with Evra did not progress beyond one episode sequence.
Trauma and tragedy scar the memories and lives of every character in this series. This includes a recurring character named Clarence, confirmed by show creator Olan Rogers as bisexual, and Tribore Menendez, who may be genderfluid.
Just as literature can be a "valid resource" to learn about complex issues like trauma and mental health, with books even playing a role in recovering from mental illness, animated series can tackle the same topics. Final Space is one of those series.
Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts
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Fight between Jamack (left) and Wolf (right) in the first episode of this series
This young adult animated series is set in a post-apocalyptic wasteland known as Las Vistas, set in what is now Los Angeles. Animals have morphed into anthropomorphic characters and humans fled underground to burrows. The show's protagonist, Kipo (Karen Fukuhara) is the series' narrative center and a foil for the "world’s trauma and alienation."
Kipo was never confirmed as part of the LGBTQ community. She is traumatized as much as any other character and with her troubled past. Some have headcanoned her as queer, but that is pure speculation.
The show's creator, Radford "Rad" Sechrist said he never thought of Kipo as LGBTQ. She was recently confirmed as a Blasian character. It wasn't directly stated in the series due to a worry by Sehcrist of "whitewashing and lightening black characters". This led to a bit of a hullabaloo online after his clunky response.
She is not the only character who afflicted by trauma. For instance, there's Benson Mekler (Coy Stewart) and Troy Sandoval (Giullian Yao Gioiello). Both later begin a romantic relationship. Sechrist hinted Troy as pansexual at one point. There's additionally Asher Berdacs who is non-binary and voiced by River Butcher, a non-binary actor. Each of them has their own childhood traumas, as does Kipo's friend, Wolf (Sydney Mikayla) and many other characters.
Even a mandrill named Scarlemagne (Dan Stevens), who wants to subjugate humanity, has deep-seated trauma. Any of his cruel acts are not justified by this, but they serve as a reason for what he did. While some object with his redemption of sorts, another villain is his abuser: Dr. Emilia (Amy Landecker), a manipulative and power-hungry scientist. Others have stated that her role as an abuser emphasizes the "potency of early trauma."
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Cass, using her moonstone powers, stands in front of her throne and speaks to Raps
Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure, called Tangled: The Series in the show's first season, focuses on trauma. The 2010 animated film Tangled, which preceded the series, also explores trauma, toxic parentage, and emotional abuse. Others even employed the terrible tower where Rapunzel "Raps" lives, by force, as a metaphor for stages of abuse.
The series introduces Cassandra "Cass" (by Eden Espinosa), a complex character with trauma and PTSD. She sings about it, declaring she has nothing left to lose as she goes down a "path paved in black." As acknowledged by storyboarder Amber Vanich, lesbian vibes were imbued in her drawings of Cass.
She has a troubled past like Raps. She has the same "mother", causing the show to declare they were "sisters". This couldn't be further from the truth. Gothel, the birth mother of Cass, was Raps' kidnapper, leading to irreparable trauma.
The evil Zhan Tri manipulates her, exploiting her trauma and plays on her triggers. As a result, she lashes out, blames Raps, and her emotions flair, especially when using moonstone powers to fight Raps, with sundrop powers. Often, Cass processes her thoughts and feelings about Raps, sometimes feeling that Raps is holding her back.
In the series finale, she helps Raps to defeat Zhan Tri and both reconcile. While Raps marries Eugene, her boyfriend since the series' beginning, Cass and Raps declare their love for one other. This is presumably platonic as Disney wouldn't allow it otherwise.
There is potential for a series spinoff of Cass, who departs on a journey at the series end, possibly to come to terms with her trauma and atone for her past misdeeds. Some fans have theorized a romantic ending for both characters, shipped as "Cassunzel," say Raps is pansexual or bisexual, or otherwise embrace this ship.
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
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Adora and Catra clashing with one another in the season five opening
Trauma interlaces this now iconic series, a reboot of the 1980s Filmation animated series She-Ra: Princess of Power.
The series centers on Adora and Catra, voiced by Aimee Carrero and AJ Michalka. They begin as friends but continue to have complicated feelings as they are on different sides of the conflict. At the series' end, their romantic relationship begins. They kiss and it saves the world from destruction, canonizing what fans dub "Catradora."
Adora has a specific type of trauma. One reviewer described it as eco-trauma, saying that Adora suffers from treating ecological harm as a form of trauma, something which someone tries to repress to avoid its "painful effects." This repression for Adora is external, as the First Ones impose it on her and attempt to turn the entire planet into a Death Star-like weapon.
Even so, it is through this planet she can access the memories of her predecessor. Light Hope (Morla Gorrondona), Adora's AI guide of sorts, imposed a memory wipe to forget the previous She-Ra, Mara (Zehra Fazal). In the end, Adora doesn't sacrifice her life, but Catra saves her, with both confessing their love for one another.
Trauma continues to follow Adora throughout the series, as she feels unworthy of doing "anything good." In contrast, Catra appears self-assured on the surface, but she becomes plagued by her own doubt and guilt. This causes her to become controlling and aggressive, almost destroying the entire world at one point. More to the point, she spends a majority of the show as a broken and battered woman "defined by her trauma." She makes decisions dictated by her experience with loss rather than from a place of love.
Adventure Time
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Marcy in monster form, and Bonnie, fighting together in the episode "Varmints"
Marceline "Marcy" Abadeer is a fan-favorite vampire queen in this animated series. Marcy is more than a wacky character voiced by Olivia Olson. Instead she is a bisexual badass. Her character informed how then-storyboarder Rebecca Sugar told LGBTQ storylines in the future.
Marcy has a long and painful life, with her past trauma defining her. In fact, she becomes a vampire, or more exactly a half-demon, half-vampire multiracial woman in a traumatic way, becoming a source of her misery. She becomes stunted as an 18-year-old and never grows beyond that. Even so, she goes through an emotional journey of sorts, feeling like a monster.
This doesn't happen on her own. She begins a romantic relationship with Princess Bonnibel "Bonnie" Bubblegum (Hynden Walch) in the series finale. The Adventure Time: Distant Lands episode "Obsidian" explores the relationship further. The episode was all the rage in fall 2020. Queer fans who love Bubbline (Bonnie and Marcy) were glad to see more of a focus on their relationship.
In that episode, Marcy grapples with her outer and inner demons, singing to Bonnie that she "always felt like a monster". Bonnie comforts her while she has her own insecurities. They work through her struggles together while Bonnie has her own traumas born from her position as ruler of the Candy Kingdom.
This is not unique to her. Protagonists Finn and Jake, voiced by Jeremy Shada and John DiMaggio, are often thrown into conflict, either with the Lich, or other enemies. Even BMO (Niki Yang), who is a computer/video game console unit, who has no definite gender, becomes traumatized through the series. The Ice King (Tom Kenny), Huntress Wizard (Maria Bumford), Flame Princess (Jessica DiCicco), and many others have trauma, too.
Star Trek: Lower Decks
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Mariner fights with her digital self in the episode "Crisis Point"
Beckett Mariner (Tawny Newsome) is a character in this mature sci-fi comedy series. She is a human and an ensign aboard a ship known as the USS Cerritos who likes to buck rules. This is in part because she is the daughter of the ship's captain, Carol Freeman (Dawnn Lewis), even though she is very good at "all things Starfleet."
Although some have argued that her trauma is sometimes played for laughs, the series still explains her motivations. Others have argued that the whole Starfleet crew needs therapy and better mental health care for everything they have gone through. One character, Shaxs (Fred Tatasciore), even dies at the end of one season to save Sam Rutherford (Eugene Cordero).
Mariner breaks protocol as a character, with the most recent season indicating she is bisexual or pansexual. At one point, the show's creator, Mike McMahan, stated that Mariner's former lover was Captain Amina Ramsey. He added that that "every Starfleet officer is probably at the baseline bisexual" in a sense.
She was also shown to have dated a man named Steve Levy. In one Season 2 episode she even declared that she had dated "bad boys, bad girls, bad gender non-binary babes, [and] ruthless alien masterminds" in the past. McMahan confirmed that Mariner will be dating a woman named Jennifer Sh'reyan (Lauren Lapkus) in the show's next season.
Mariner is not the only character with traumatic experiences. The same is the case for the ship's chief engineer, Andy Billups. He may be asexual, as he has no interest in having sex with male or female guards. Other characters are in thrown into conflict-prone situations as well, which are the breeding ground for trauma.
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Cait and Vi look in horror at Jinx's missile heading toward the Piltover council
Trauma and tragedy fill this mature series. This is balanced with a tone not "too dour" and a plot that doesn't drag the story down. This is a series with themes of class oppression taking place in a world with "no sexism, racism, or homophobia." Human experimentation, acceptance, struggle, and family separation are important themes. There's also depiction of attempted suicide, death, and kidnapping.
The adopted brother of Jinx (Ella Purnell), first known as Powder, taunts her, undermining her self-confidence. This combines with her fear of abandonment and guilt after some of her adopted family dies, causing her to become traumatized. She is still haunted by what happened in the past. Silco taps into these feelings, raising Jinx as her own. He doesn't fault her for lashing when when triggered, even when it threatens his own operations.
She isn't the only one affected by trauma. For Violet "Vi" (Hailee Steinfeld), this comes from her rough childhood living in the undercity, and separation from her sister, Jinx. For Caitlyn "Cait" Kiramman (Katie Leung), she has to deal with the pressure of working as an enforcer for the upper city of Piltover and new pressures of the undercity. This includes tense, stressful, and violent situations, especially with Vi.
Although some criticized its depiction, there is no doubt that in this series, Cait and Vi have romantic feelings for one another. It is what fans call "CaitVi," "Violyn" or the official moniker, "Piltover's Finest", with over 10,000 subscribers to subreddits for the pairing. In the aftermath of the end of the last season, Vi and Cait will likely have to pick up the pieces after Jinx assassinated the council members of Piltover.
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Fight between Madrani (left) and "Sinclair" (right)
Like Arcane, this sci-fi mecha action series is mature and filled with sorrow. Due to a generally negative audience response and a subreddit which has turned against the show, renewal is unlikely. HBO Max and Rooster Teeth threw the show to the wolves. For all its faults, the series depicts trauma unlike any other, so it deserves a mention in this article.
Val/entina 'Val' Romanyszyn, who is a genderfluid and pansexual woman voiced by Asia Kate Dillon, goes through a lot in the series. The man she loves, Kazu Iida (Kōichi Yamadera), dies in front of her, and she watches countless others get injured or killed.
She is not alone in this. A demon named Nemesis, in the head of the show’s protagonist, Julian Chase (Michael B. Jordan) torments him throughout the series. It turns out that he is only a copy of his original self and the "demon" is another copy. Even so, he comes to terms with Nemesis and sees it as another part of himself.
Trauma and the subconscious are major themes in this series. Other members of Chase’s team, Cameron 'Cammie' MacCloud (Maisie Williams) and Yasamin 'Yaz' Madrani (Golshifteh Farahani) are also traumatized. Fighting the purportedly "evil" Union deeply affects Cammie, Yaz, Kazu, and Val, as does stresses from their lives before the war. The same is the case for Robert Sinclair, a fighter for the Polity and later a guerrilla. The show's second season reveals that he has a boyfriend.
Some reviewers have stated that the series has "mental illness, trauma recovery, technological intimacy and identity" at its center. Others said that the series has characters with distinct personalities who have to tackle their own trauma.
Closing thoughts
There are many other examples of characters with trauma who are part of the LGBTQ community, such as Daisy in Magical Girl Friendship Squad, and Fry and Hamburg in Kid Cosmic to give two examples.
There are other characters who struggle with trauma, although it is harder to pin them into the LGBTQ community apart from headcanons. Take, for example, Beck in Tron:Uprising, Reagan Ridley in Inside Job, and Ron Stoppable in Kim Possible.
I would be remiss to not mention Steven Universe in the series of the same name. Due to his fighting against corrupted Gems and Gem warriors, he develops trauma. This is further explored in the limited 2019-2020 series, Steven Universe Future, which brings trauma to the forefront. He attempts to come to terms with and address the traumatic incidents which plague his mind.
In the end, more series with mature themes and LGBTQ characters suggests that characters racked with trauma are in the cards.
© 2022-2023 Burkely Hermann. All rights reserved.
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rosenallies · 1 year
A little cute prompt for drag racer au pls ❤️ They all have a routine for when Anetra has a race and it’s so sweet and fluffy 🥺 kisses for good luck
Ty for sending this <33
"Netra?" Marcia called quietly, peering their head around the corner of the bathroom where Anetra got ready.
Anetra turned around, leaning back on the counter. "What's up?"
Marcia smiled sheepishly, stepping all the way into the room, their hair supplies in tow. "Can I do your hair?"
Flashing her famous half smile, Anetra chuckled. "I'll have a helmet on, no one will be able to see your hard work."
Running their fingers through Anetra's silky black, Marcia flushed. "It's not for anyone else, just for you."
"I'd love for you to do my hair then," Anetra replied, sitting in her vanity chair to give Marcia room to work.
Gentle fingers parted her hair, working their way through any knots before plaiting it in two thick braids down Anetra's back. Just as she finished, Sasha popped her head in.
"Are you guys ready? We don't wanna be late."
Anetra stood up, brushing off her suit. "Yeah, I'm ready. Marc?"
"Ready!" Marcia chirped.
"Good, let's go," Sasha said, a tender smile on her face.
One by one, they followed each other out to the car. Anetra stood by the driver's side, hands up and waiting for Sasha to toss her the keys.
"Absolutely not," Sasha chuckled, pushing past her, "you'll be doing enough driving later."
"You never let me drive," Anetra huffed, climbing over the center to the passenger seat.
"Because we wanna live," Marcia chimed in, plopping themself in the back.
“I’ve been racing for years and have never gotten so much as a concussion,” Anetra retorted.
“Yeah but could you imagine Marcia with a concussion? They’re already needy enough.”
“Hey!” Marcia pouted, crossing their arms over their chest.
Anetra giggled, breifly remembering the time they twisted their ankle during rehearsal and then proceeded to make Anetra and Sasha carry them around for two days despite it feeling completely fine with some advil and ice. “She’s not wrong.”
“You two are mean!”
“Oh we don’t mean it, baby, we love you, right, Netra?”
“Of course,” Anetra craned her neck to wink back at Marcia, “more than anything.”
“I guess I love you both too,” Marcia scoffed, rolling their eyes affectionately.
The rest of the drive was mostly quiet save for a Marcia singing to the radio under their breath. Sasha and Anetra were content listening to their soft voice sing along to Ariana Grande and Taylor Swift, if anything, it helped Anetra calm her nerves. She’d been racing for years but everytime she got that familiar tingle of anxiety under her skin before she was due to report to the track.
Sasha must know her like the back of her hand because as she pulled the car into the lot, she tenderly squeezed Anetra’s hand and winked at her, silently telling her that she’s got this.
“We’ll see you after you win, yeah?”
Cracking a smile, Anetra nodded. “Yeah.”
“Good luck kiss!” Marcia called from the back, clamoring to the front, squeezing themself in between Sasha and Anetra.
They puckered their lips to kiss Anetra, who eagerly kissed them back, careful not to get carried away. “Be safe, okay? And win. But mostly don’t die. Please.”
“I won’t, promise,” Anetra replied, ruffling their hair.
“Do I get to give you a good luck kiss too?”
“Of course.”
Leaning over Marcia, Sasha kissed Anetra softly, using her thumb to fix Anetra’s lipstick once they pulled apart.
“Good luck. We’ll be cheering you on, okay?”
Anetra winked as she got out of the car. “I’m counting on it.”
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stuckonjbbarnes · 1 year
MMU: The OCs
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A/N: This is the culmination of My Marvel Universe (MMU) original female characters. They are near and dear to me.
She Who Wins
I'll Call You
Her Favorite Christmas Story
Like the Flower
My Love Bug
Season of the Witch
Beyond the Yellow Brick Road (prequel)
Puppy Love
So Happy
At Least, Not Alone
Mischief & Marigolds
2. Can also read: Pulled the Rug & Shot me Down for context.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Which one are you?
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cynicalfairytale4 · 8 months
"And loving is hard. It don't always work. You just try your best not to get hurt. I used to be mad but now I know, sometimes it's better to let someone go." -Older by Sasha Alex Sloan.
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"These images they sell, Maybe none of it is real and I could love the way I feel." -Pretty's on the inside by Chloe Adams.
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"Do you ever get a little bit tired of life? Like you're not really happy, but you don't wanna die. Like a numb little bug that's gotta survive. That's gotta survive." -Numb little bug by Em Beihold.
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"Nothing's forever. Nothing's as good as it seems." -Hope ur ok by Olivia Rodrigo.
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"All the numbers in my mind are set out to ruin my life, I don't wanna let them win but they just might. And I know this is a problem that I'm improperly solving." -Math by Sara Kays.
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"I guess I could say I've learned to live this way. But it's still hard to find- reasons to stay alive. Accepting I'm pointless isn't the hardest when it's so completely obvious. My questions are countless looking for answers , so far I'm clueless. Go back to sleep. I reach for me but I'm not there. It's so lonely but who cares? It's fine it's okay. I'll die anyway." -I'll die anyway by girl in red.
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" Kids are still depressed when you dress them up. " -Sippy Cup by Melanie Martinez.
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" Now she's terrified of growing older losing what's left of her youth. She'd reminisce about the sound of bliss before she knew the truth." - Ms. Protagonist by J. Maya.
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" If I'm pretty, will you like me? They say beauty makes boys happy. I've been starving myself , carving skin until my bones are showing. Teach me how to be okay. I don't wanna downplay my emotions. They say beauty is vain, you'll only be happy if you look a certain way. " -Prom Queen by Beach Bunny.
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"The prom queen looks real pretty but inside she hates her life. And the boy that starts on Varsity's dad doesn't treat him right. The quite girl that's in the corner has so much more to say, if only their minds weren't so damn opaque. She's the life of every party but she sits alone at lunch. Her reflection shows her ribcage but she thinks she weights too much.And they call each other best friends when it's a forbidden crush, one that their parents would never approve of. Isn't it sad the way it works that we think we're the only ones who hurt? So just breathe for a second. I know you're feeling so damn helpless. But before you do something reckless REMEMBER- magazines have editors and makeup does the devil's work. Don't cry cuz you're not her. She's staying up all night scars to cover.And everything seems fine when it's not yours but darling magazine have editors and everyone's a little hurt. " -Devil's Work by Andi.
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mcjeanalds · 2 years
~ parties have never been my thing ~
levi x fem!reader
warnings: swearing, underage drinking, drug usage (marijuana), smut, daddy kink, cream pie
who are you?: a girl in 12th grade who goes to school with her best friend sasha and longtime crush levi.
synopsis: (modern high school au) you were never into high school parties with drinking and kids you didn't care about. however, when sasha brings up that your five year long crush will be there, that's when things take a turn for both you and him.
- age of consent where i am is 16. however, i know that may be weird for some so i made everyone a senior in high school in which the average age is 18. (also known as 12th grade, or year 13 in the uk. i'm from the us).
- I AM STILL IN HIGH SCHOOL MYSELF. i'm not some 27 year old writing smut about kids still in school. that's fucking weird.
- i am NOT encouraging anything that goes on in this story. please please please be responsible under all circumstances, no matter what. everyone in this story is supposed to be an irresponsible high schooler, so do not get influenced by any of this. also... these people aren't real LMAO don't let animated characters influence your decisions.
ngl this story is long asf but enjoy nonetheless!
buzz. buzz.
buzz. buzz.
you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket as someone called you. it was sasha, which you found weird since you were going to see her in a few seconds.
"it couldn't have waited thirty seconds?" you joke while answering the phone.
"okay, y/n, hear me out on this," she says excitedly. "y'know that kid- oh shit, you're right there!" she suddenly hangs up. you two walked into the classroom together, sasha standing closely beside you and talking quietly.
"y'know that kid connie?" she asks.
"isn't he literally your best friend?"
"aside from you, yeah. BUT! he's having a party this weekend. his birthday is coming up... yeah, i know, he's a taurus, get over it... and he said i can bring a plus-one! you wanna go?!"
you and sasha sat down in your desks towards the windows as you hesitated a response.
"i dunno, you know big parties like that have never been my thing," you say softly. "i'm not into drinking or hook-up cultu-"
"levi's going."
you stop your rambling and blush. you've liked this kid ever since he sat beside you in english in 7th grade. he would sneakily pass you sticky notes with jokes about the teacher or classmates. he didn't do it with anyone else, nor did he do it in any other classes. it was kind of you and levi's thing. but, once 8th grade rolled around, you two didn't have any classes together, which kind of caused your little bond to drift.
that didn't stop you from liking him, though.
years have gone by. you're a senior in high school now, and you're still not over a silly little middle school crush.
however, from what you could tell, you were lucky. not many, or even any, girls have shown interest in him, so there was no competition over him. he never seemed interested in anyone either, so it was kind of a win-win. you'd rather him have no interest in anyone than have interest in someone that isn't you.
a bit possessive, but it's reasonable.
"ha, that got you to shut up," sasha says with a smirk, playfully hitting your arm. "so, should i take that as a yes, y/n?"
you shrug and gently slam your hands on the desk. "fuck it, i'll go," you say with a smile. sasha pulls you into a side hug, almost yanking you out of your chair.
[time skip, like 45 mins later, idfk whenever the class ends]
"alright, i'll see you around, y/n," sasha says, turning around and walking away.
"wait, c'mere," you say, quickly walking towards her. "at the party, can you stay close to me? you know i'm still not comfortable with parties like this." you roll your eyes. "i sound so fucking lame, sorry sasha."
"hey, you know i don't like it when you shit-talk yourself," sasha says, flicking your forehead. "y/n, if you really think that's a problem, you're crazy. i totally get it. besides, it's not like i don't hang out with you everyday already."
you smile at sasha. she always made you feel reassured and safe because she never tolerated any bullshit from anyone.
you headed for the stairwell as sasha continued down the hall. as you turned you accidentally hit your shoulder against someone else's.
"shit, that's my fault- oh, y/n!" the kid says. it was connie. "i'm gonna assume you're coming with sasha this weekend, right?"
"yeah, i am, actually," you say shyly.
"can i tell you a secret?" connie says quietly. you nod cautiously. "sasha's the only one who can bring a friend since i knew she'd bring you. the only reason i didn't ask you directly is 'cause you don't know me that well."
you laugh, thinking that his secret was going to be much darker and weirder. "that's okay, i'm glad i can make it," you say with a smile. the second bell rings. you're late. "fuck, i gotta go, bye connie!" you call out, heading up the stairs.
"later, y/n," you hear him call back. you thought about connie's "secret" the whole time you headed to your next class. he has a point, you definitely wouldn't have even considered it if he asked you. but, sasha bribed you with levi.
that's the way to win you over.
"okay, i have two options for this weekend," you tell sasha through facetime. the week had gone by so fast, you hadn't even planned what you were wearing. you headed off camera to change as you heard sasha yell at her sister on the other side of the screen.
"kaya! are you heating up the leftover indian takeout? you know i called dibs on the tandoori chicken! ... well can you at least save me some butter chicken and naan? ... thanks kaya, love you! ... well fuck you too!"
you couldn't help but laugh at the bickering between the two sisters. sasha was very greedy when it came to food. her food is her food, and no one touches it.
you and sasha both just happened to walk back on camera at the same time, you showing off your outfit as sasha plops down on her bed.
you wore a black, strapless tube top that gave your boobs a small lift and denim mom jeans with a few rips scattered along them. you planned on adding jewelry and other things, but this was just the clothing aspect of it.
"you look fine as hell!" she yells with a smile. you laugh at her compliment. "let me see the other one now."
you head off screen for another minute or two to change into the second option. it was a nude-colored body suit that came off the shoulders and had long sleeves. you also wore a pair of fitted black shorts came up to your midriff and only went down far enough to just cover your ass.
"ooooh, i like this one too," sasha says, thinking. she throws her hands up in defeat. "i mean, if i were levi, i'd get hard either way-"
"BITCH!" you joked. your face was bright red as you looked down in embarrassment.
"okay fine, fine, go with the first one," sasha says, still laughing a bit.
"alright, thanks sasha," you say, heading off the screen once more to change back into the comfortable clothes you were wearing before. once you've changed, you grab your phone and plop onto your bed.
"can i tell you why i picked the first one?" sasha says, poorly attempting to hold back giggles.
you huff and roll your eyes. "why, sasha? why did you pick the first outfit?"
"... it'll be easier for levi to rip off. HA!" she hangs up, leaving you speechless. you had to admit, it was kind of funny... and true. you called her back again, and she answered with her hand covering her mouth while smiling.
"sorryyyy," she says, removing her hand from her mouth. "honestly y/n, as much as i tease you for liking the short guy, i really hope something happens at this party."
you felt your heart melt a little. sasha was so sweet and supportive of you. "me too sasha, me too," you say with a smile. all of a sudden, you hear sasha's mom call her name and footsteps. her mom opens the door, the slightest look of anger on her face.
"hey, mom, on the phone, can't really-"
"did you eat ALL of the tandoori chicken? that was like, five pieces in there!"
sasha sat there with her jaw on the ground, shocked at what she was hearing. "what- no! i let kaya have it as long as she saved me butter chicken!"
"that's not what kaya herself told me."
sasha looks at you with a stoic look on her face. she huffs. "y/n, we'll talk later, i gotta scream at kaya." and with that said, she hung up.
yep. her food is her food.
friday night was here! you had on your outfit, some gold jewelry, and some doc martens. connie only lived a few streets down from sasha, so you went to her place and walked over to connie's.
you arrived and... oh god. it was crazy in there already. you and sasha were only about 10 minutes late. you felt your stomach knot a bit, knowing that this really was not going to be the thing for you.
"ayo, sasha!" you hear a voice yell. it was jean, connie's best friend. he was sitting on the couch with a red cup in his hand, patting the spot next to him. "bring your friend, too!" sasha sat down next to jean, you on the other side of her.
"y'know, my friend has a name," sasha snaps. jean looks over at you, awkwardly sitting by sasha.
"oh shit, y/n! couldn't even tell it was you! you've always got on a hoodie or sweatshirt or something, this is new!"
"it's not new, you couldn't tell it was her because you're a lightweight who can handle his alcohol!" sasha says laughing, kicking his ankle. jean winces, and you can't help but laugh. you never had issues with jean, but he's always been just a bit of a douche, even from when you guys were young.
"sasha, y/n," connie says, standing in front of you two. he's holding two clear, plastic shot glasses with a clear liquid in them. sasha grabs one and drinks it all in one long sip.
"she doesn't drink baldie, i'll take hers," sasha tells connie, grabbing the other cup. connie shrugs and sits down next to you, just barely squeezing onto the couch that was not made for four people.
"yeah, i'm not too big on it either, i always end up being the one to take everyone home and hold sasha's hair when she vomits," connie says, laughing. you laugh a bit too at the sasha comment. "are you usually the same way?"
"actually..." you say shyly. "this is my first real party. i was never really into this kinda stuff, and i'm still not, but i decided to give it a try."
"'atta girl, y/n!" connie says, patting your shoulder and pulling you in a bit. you feel your body tense when his slightly alcoholic odor hits you. either he was surrounded by too many drinks or just lied to you. either way, you wanted to get away.
"connie, quick question," you ask, politely pulling away. "where's your bathroom?"
"down that hall on the left. you might have to wait though, i saw eren and mikasa go in there together not too long ago, so... be wary and maybe cover your ears."
"okay, thanks!" you said very quickly, standing up. you headed towards that door and, lo and behold, the sound of two voices. one boy. one girl. and it was definitely not a conversation.
you shake your head as you walk around the house a bit to see a screen door leading to a balcony. you go outside and lean against the balcony, taking in a deep breath of fresh air.
"y/n?" you hear a voice call softly. you turn your head to see levi and his friend mike leaning against the edge of the balcony. he hit mike's chest and pointed at the door. "hey, head back inside for a bit." mike nodded and went back into the party. levi started heading towards you, leaning on the balcony in the same position you were in.
you blushed at how good he looked. it wasn't anything unusual, he was just so... pretty. he wore a long white t shirt and black cargo pants with spotless-looking high top vans. he made even the most casual clothes look so exciting.
"long time no see, huh?" levi says, looking outwards. "what's it been? five years? shit, it can't be that long."
you look at him and nod. "yeah, i think it has been that long."
levi looks back at you, making eye contact with you for a second. you swore you saw pink spread across his face at the first glance.
"why'd we ever stop talking? you were fun," levi tells you, nudging you with his elbow.
you smile uncontrollably. you definitely looked like a fucking weirdo right now for just randomly smiling.
"not sure, i guess we just drifted since we didn't have class together, y'know?" you say with a shrug. "and hey, don't say i was the fun one. you were the one that said the teacher's ass looked like a croissant."
levi mustered a laugh, looking down and covering his eyes. you laugh along with him at the immature joke he once made.
"goddammit, i was so weird back then," levi says, looking back up.
"weren't we all? it was 7th grade."
"that's true, yeah. hey, how come you aren't inside?"
"it was all becoming a lot for me, even though it was barely 10 minutes. i probably sound like a total twat but i've never been to a party before this."
"well, i guess that makes me a twat, too. i only came because hange begged me to. miche and erwin were coming too, so i decided to just hang around them the whole time. next thing you know, hange disappears to smoke in the basement, so we all just kind of separated."
"same here. well, kind of. sasha just wanted me to come and i just said yes, and then connie started acting weird to me a few minutes ago, so now i'm here." you sighed. "the only reason i agreed to come with sasha is so i could-" you stopped mid sentence when you realized you were literally talking to levi.
"you came so you could..." levi says slowly, waiting for you to finish your sentence.
"no, no. it's not important. it was just so i could, y'know, get out my house and live a little."
"y/n, look at me." levi demanded. he placed a hand on your shoulder, making you tense up with a bit of excitement. "you are a terrible liar."
you huffed and threw your hands up defense. "fine, fine. you wanna know why i came to this fuckass party? i came because i knew you were gonna be here. ever since those little notes from 7th grade... i dunno, man. i just thought you were funny, and cute, and creative..." you place you hands flat on the rim of the balcony and lay your forehead down. "fuck."
"well, why do you think i gave those notes to you?" levi says. you quickly pick your head up, a confused look on your face. levi holds the bridge of his nose, looking down. "oh you're joking... don't tell me you thought i was just doing that to be funny."
you sat all the way up and bit your lip. you idiot, of course! levi doesn't talk to anyone except the people he already knows, why else would he spark conversation with you suddenly?
"... sorry," you say with a small laugh and shrug. levi looks back at you with a smirk. he wraps his arm around your shoulders, pulling you into him. you rest your head on his shoulder as he plays with your hair, both of you staring off into the nothingness that the balcony led to.
"all this time, you really didn't know, huh?" levi asks you, breaking the comfortable silence.
"not a clue."
"well, now you know. i probably would've admitted sooner, maybe even through one of those notes. there was, and still is, something about your smile. seeing you laugh at my bullshit jokes was the highlight of my day. why do you think i'd always look away after you read them?"
"i always assumed you didn't wanna get into any trouble."
"tch, like i care about that. but hey, now there's nothing to look away from, right y/n?"
you sat up off of his shoulder and locked eyes with him. "yeah levi, that's right."
you both slowly moved into each other, placing a soft kiss on each other's lips. neither of you wanted to pull away, so you didn't. you turned your bodies to properly face each other, his hands on your lower back and yours on his shoulders. he pushed you forward a bit just to get closer to him, making you let out the softest moan. you naturally felt your hands move inwards towards his neck, gently wrapping your fingers around it as he moves his hands down onto your ass.
with one tight grope of your ass, you accidentally let go of the kiss to let out a small whimper, letting levi place his tongue into your mouth. the moment was hot, and so were both of your bodies. you knew you needed each other after four years of hiding it all.
the two of you break the kiss to catch your breath, looking into each other's eyes.
"can i say something kind of weird?" levi says. you nod. "you've got such a nice ass. i just had to admit that."
you giggle and bit your lip, looking down a bit. "i bet there's something you have that would look real nice with it."
levi lets out a small gasp of shock and excitement, his face glowing red and his eyes widened a bit. he didn't expect that from you, and you didn't expect that from yourself either.
"WOOOOO HOO!" you hear a high-pitched voice yell behind the door. it was sasha, leaning against the nearest wall with a red cup in her hand. "YEAH, GO Y/N, WOO!" she claps with the cup in her hand, making the drink that was in it spill a bit. she walks towards the screen door and slides it open just enough to poke her head out. "heh, are you guys gonna fuck now or what?"
you and levi both look at her, embarrassed as hell. you both wanted to say yes, but not out loud and especially not to a wasted sasha.
"hey, sasha! come back! reiner brought that fuckin' hat with the straws!" connie yells, running towards sasha and dragging her to where reiner was. he had his shirt off for some reason.
"why was connie shirtless?" you ask levi while laughing.
"are you gonna question that kid or do what sasha wants us to do?" levi asks smugly. he places a kiss on your lips before hoisting you over his shoulder, your ass in his face. he kisses and bites the side of it while opening the sliding door, making you kick you leg a bit.
not to say that you've been waiting for this moment for years, but you've been waiting for this moment for years.
levi carried you up the stairs, still hanging over his shoulder. he closely listened to every door to make sure that the room wasn't... occupied. he got lucky on his first try and opened up the door to what seemed like a master bedroom.
he threw you down onto the bed, making you bounce a little. you sat there cutely as levi whipped his shirt off and threw it onto the nearby dresser. he leaned back against the wall, staring you down.
"what? you're gonna make me do all the work? take that shirt off for me," levi demands. he says it so softly yet so firmly, it was enticing. you take your shirt off, exposing you bare chest since you couldn't wear a bra with this shirt.
"fuck yeah," levi groans, walking over to you as he slowly tugs his pants down. he steps out of them before climbing on top of you and kissing you roughly for a moment. he places one hand on your breast and grabs it tightly, making you whimper. "shit, those pretty sounds of yours are really doin' something to me." he takes his hand off of your breast and pulls down his boxers. "see?"
you look and- woah. it was bigger than you thought, much bigger. he kept it shaved and clean, and it had a small vein on the side of it that really added to its intimidating look.
"shit..." you mutter to yourself.
levi's gaze suddenly softens. "you okay, y/n? is this too much, or-"
"levi," you mewl. "it's not too much at all. it's actually not enough." you unzip your jeans and slide them off along with your panties. "give it to me, levi. i need you."
levi's whole body heats up, his dick somehow getting even harder than it already was before. he smirks at you, placing a kiss on the side of your neck. you let out whimpers and moans of his name as he bites down on the pulse of your neck.
"is this enough for you now?" levi says softly in a low tone. you shake your head in response and he scoffs. "ass up babe, let me show you enough."
levi flips you over to your stomach and grabs your hips, pushing them up against him.
"fuck y/n," levi whispers. he leans down over your back directly next to your ear. "you've got such a cute ass, and you've been saving it for me all this time." he places a kiss just below your ear before sitting back up and smacking your ass.
"ah, levi!" you whimper. the pitch of your voice was a bit higher than usual. "d... do it again."
"that's my girl," levi says. he gives your ass another hard smack as you let out a cry from the painful pleasure.
that's when you felt his slightly dripping tip hit along your soaked entrance. he slowly worked his way into you, both of you letting out sounds of pleasure. he gently thrusted his hips forward, not wanting to hurt you.
"c'mon daddy, more!" you whine.
levi smacks your ass and slides his hand down your arched back, grabbing your hair. "you want more? daddy'll fuckin' give you more."
with that, he let go of your hair and placed his hand on your hip as he slammed into you, hitting the right spot every time so perfectly. you could hear levi gently groaning and panting, but the sound of your ass hitting his hips outweighed that.
"right there daddy, yeah! yes, levi!" you cried out loudly. you didn't care, the music was blasted and everyone was wasted. "levi, i'm so close. i'm so close daddy, take me there!"
"fuck yeah, y/n, i'll take you there." with a smack on your ass and a few more thrusts, you felt your release throughout your whole body. you exhaled a moan out of delight, feeling levi release himself onto your back shortly after.
"don't move," levi demands softly. he opens up a random door in the master bedroom, and to his luck, it was bathroom. he grabbed two towels to clean yourselves off with. he slowly wiped himself off of your back and cleaned himself off as well. once you were cleaned off you flipped over onto your back, breathing heavily. levi laid down besides you, pulling you gently into him.
"was that good? are you okay?" levi asks, pressing his forehead against yours.
you nod. "i'm so much more than okay, levi. i've wanted that for so long."
levi smirked and kissed your forehead. "then let's do it more often."
you and levi spent the rest of the night in the basement with hange and the other stoners, none of which you recognized other than moblit.
"y/n?! y/n!" you heard sasha calling. you stood up and headed to where she was calling you from. you finally found her, barely able to walk straight and her face as white as a ghost.
"sasha, you okay? what's up?" you say, wrapping her arm around you so you can hold her up.
"here, thi' is yours," sasha slurs, pulling your phone out of her pocket and handing it to you. "i saw it ou' onna balcony when i had to frow up."
you quickly put it in your pocket with a disgusted look. "did you touch this before or after throwing up?"
"shit man, ion know! all i r'ember was connie putting it inma pocket and telling me to give it ta you."
you let out a sigh of relief, knowing sasha wasn't the one who touched it. "thanks sasha, now go rest for a little bit, okay?" sasha nods as you walk her over to a couch and watch her fall onto it.
you open your phone to one notification from your mom saying hello, and she only sent it 2 minutes ago. you were in the clear. you quickly responded before heading back downstairs with levi and the others.
you quickly sat back down next to levi as he wrapped his hand around your waist and kissed the side of your head.
"is everything okay?" he asks.
"oh, yeah, everything's fine, sasha just had to give me my phone. oh! i need your opinion on something." you unlock your phone and find your camera roll. "so my cousin is having a- WHAT THE FUCK?" you screech. your scream scared everyone in the basement and even made the stoners come to their senses for a moment.
you open up your camera roll to about 40 pictures of dicks, and even some of sasha giving someone head. you close your camera roll and toss your phone to the side.
"i knew it!" you yell, tears starting to form in your eyes. "i knew it was fucking weird when sasha said connie was the one who had my phone!"
"y/n, i didn't get to see what it was, what did he do that was so bad?" levi asks, cupping your face.
you shake your head and begin to cry. "unless you wanna see a picture of sasha giving a connie blow job, then i'm not having you look."
levi kissed the tip of your nose and patted your face before heading upstairs. he was leaving you. when you were in distress, levi decided to leave you.
"levi, what the fuck? where are-"
"i have an idea. let me do what i need to do."
you sit in the basement, deleting the pictures as fast as you can. hange, who reeked of weed, came over to you and just talked about bullshit to attempt to clear your mind a bit. you had to admit, hearing hange ramble was helpful, since everything they said made you think.
"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?!" you hear connie yell upstairs. levi comes racing downstairs and pulls you up out of your seat. he holds your hand as the two of you sprint up the stairs and out of the house. the two of you stop in front of a black car, assuming to be levi's since he was pulling out car keys.
"get in," levi demands once the car is unlocked.
"what about sasha?! i can't-"
"just get in the car unless you wanna get the shit beat out of you by a drunk connie."
you get into the car and levi speeds off. about three blocks away, he turns onto a random street and stops. you sit there, confused.
"... is this your house?" you ask, pointing to the house he parked in front of.
"no, it's not."
"then what-"
"i had to get away. i did something bad." levi starts laughing a little bit. "but it was also really fucking good."
"what'd you do that you had to speed off like that?!"
"i went up and grabbed a drink, and filled it as full as i could. i then went over to connie and "accidentally" spilled it on his face. i said i'll grab a towel for him, so i went up to the room you and i used and-" levi starts laughing. "and i grabbed the towel i used to wipe my cum off of you and gave it to connie to use."
your jaw dropped. you never knew how sneaky levi was. but, that was a really good plan, and it was really funny too. you started laughing along with levi, shocked and proud of what he did.
"y'know what levi," you say through laughter. "this moment right here is what really made me realize that i fell for the right guy."
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sonofrose · 2 years
Commander Anne, not the girl for the job.
Ok, I said I was going to make a post about how Anne, while smart, definitely smart, is as the synopsis for "Commander Anne" says "not good at the job".
So lets begin.
First of all let me direct you to two posts of @borkthemork that talked briefly about how smart Anne actually is.
And look I agree, Anne is a smart girl, a lot more than some of the fandom and she herself realize.
The problem is that she doesn't have the type of intelligence needed for leading a rebellion.
Has anyone ever heard of the Peter Principle?
When people in a sufficiently large hierarchy are promoted because of their competence, the end result will tend to put everyone into a position for which they are not competent.
In other words, the cream will rise until it sours.
And you know where this principle is more likely to occur?
...education. A lot of good teachers get ascended to the principal position despite not having the needed skill set.
Also the military, there are a lot of stories of good leaders that turn incompetent when they're raised to a higher position.
That is what awaits Anne in Wartwood.
She is good, a brilliant leader really, but she is also headstrong, impulsive, short-sighted, and emotional. Anne's leadership skills shine more on a smaller scale than what the position of Rebellion Commander would ask of her.
Sasha, Marcy, and Andrias are strategists Anne is a tactician, and here's the thing:
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Anne thrives in small groups with small or short term objectives.
But look at all her long term objectives, by example the everpresent objective of returning home/Amphibia. Anne never made any true progress in them and tends to get sidetracked or put them in jeopardy.
By example on Earth she knew she and the Plantars needed to keep a low profile and she even gets angry at them when they call attention to themselves.
Come the christmas episode...
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I'll cut her some slack because of the whole child thing, but this is still a faux pas that affects her long term goal and a small hypocrisy.
Someone mentioned something about Anne and Darcy facing each other in a battle of wits... and I'm sorry, but no.
The idea is simply laughable.
Faced against someone who knows actual strategy Anne is outmatched.
Andrias by example, duped everyone, so did Marcy and Sasha literally conquered the kingdoms capital with no casualties on any side.
By comparison, and using Toad Tower as an example, Anne's escape plan...
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"True Colors" is an exception because she had extra muscle and inside knowledge of Newtopia thanks to Marcy, Olivia and Yunnan.
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While Sasha:
1) was like this
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And 2) well she had already won, the invasion was a success she had no reason to worry about anything else.
Let me reiterate that I'm not trying to dismiss Anne's accomplishements, but the fandom, and I believe Wartwood on the eventual episode, are confusing singular victories with overall leadership capacity.
Ann IS a commander, a field commander.
And all of this is not even getting into the thing that actually wins wars, logistics.
Does anyone seriously think Anne can take care of logistics on a big scale?
Weapons, armor, food, soldiers, medical care. Do any of you really think that won't overwhelm her?
And there's one last thing...
As @finalvortex put it in this little snippet.
There's a certain heartlessness needed to lead big campaigns.
Ans as Anne currently is, supped up on responsibility juice and emotionally exhausted.
...even if she had the skill, she would be in no condition to apply them.
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erensproudsimp · 3 years
Hange Zoe x fem! reader Oneshot
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⚠ Sexual Content Ahead ⚠
Summary : Hange and you have been dating each other for quite some time. One day due to rain, you went over to Hange's and hehe hot stuff happens.
I've used they/them pronouns for Hange due to them being non-binary, hope y'all don't mind. :)
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"HANGEEEE!" screaming down the hallway near the university laboratory, you entered said place joltily.
By this time all the science students were used you to coming by everyday while causing a ruckus to meet your significant other. You couldn't help yourself being always excited to see the only person who could make your day a million times better and today as usual you had something interesting to show them. Well, by interesting you meant something random you saw that day and just picked it up to give it to Hange. Never were they ever weird out by this as they were as eccentric as you.
"Look what I found today!" proudly bringing your hand close to their face to show them the red rock you saw in your yard.
"Heh, as usual my dear y/n, you never fail to fascinate me," they chuckled eyeing the objet closely.
"I shall add this wonderful rock to my series of collection of stuff you keep bringing to me everyday!" smilingly Hange took it.
This brought a faint blush on your cheeks as just the thought of Hange keeping the random stuff you bringing daily made you feel somewhat special.
" Sooo, what are you working on today?" you questioned them while looking at the equipment on the table.
"Ohohoho you don't know what I've just made!" they excitedly said dexterously arranging the mess to show you.
While they were enthusiastically explaining to you her recent invention, you couldn't help but stare at their jolliness. The way they made absolutely anything sound captivating just spellbound you. To describe it, it was like a meteor shower falling enlightening the night sky which you could gaze for hours, yeah, that's how Hange was.
"Hihi, that's awesome! I'm so proud of you!" you praised her happily.
"Hehe, I'm glad you appreciated my invention, after all I am your better half," haughtily they said which made you subconsciously smile.
Right at that moment a loud thunder was heard making you jump. Since morning it's been cloudy and you really hoped that it wouldn't rain in the evening as it would pose a problem for you to travel home by bus. The droplets were hitting hard against the window panes indicating it was a heavy shower. Disappointment filled your being.
"Noo, now how would I reach the bus stop on time with this weather," you complained utterly dejected and tensed.
"You know y/n, you can always ask me for a ride in my car right?" Hange said while pouring a clear liquid in a testing tube.
"I know but I don't wanna bother you."
"Oh come-on y/n, how can you ever bother me?" they reassured, "and if you really don't want to sound like a trouble then come over to my appartment. It's win-win situation, you reach home and I would get more time to spend with you."
"W-what, Hange please, ugh okay then I'll come with you," sighing you responded.
Waiting for Hange to finish up whatever they were doing but it wasn't as though you as a finance student would understand it to be able to help her out. Instead you were scrolling on Tiktok when they came up to you without warning making you jerk, "GOSH HANGE! YOU COULD HAVE CALLED FOR ME."
Chuckling, Hange grabbed your hand to make you stand up. Losing your footing, you fell in their arms which they gladly grabbed you. Giving you a brief forehead kiss, they proceeded to drag you to the parking lot. At first you didn't process the action making you scream but when you got the hang of it, you ran alongside with them hand in hand laughing.
Hange unlocked the car and you got into the front passenger seat. Both of you were laughing while still catching your breaths.
"Now off to my house we gooo!" Hange yelled as you were wearing your seatbelt.
Throughout the whole ride both of you conversed about each of your days and the daily news.
"Can you believe that Sasha and Nicollo are finally going out with each other? I always knew that they were a match made in heaven," you rambled as Hange listened to you intently while also focusing on the road.
"I mean I could see it happening seeing their compatibility and the way they complete each other, just like you complete me," Hange added.
Her last words made your face heat up which you hid by looking outside. Luckily for you, you finally reached your destination. It wasn't the first you came over to her appartement so you took her keys and ran inside. Normally her place would be messy like a dumpster because that human barely had time in her hands to take care of their house but for once it was spotless clean.
"Did Levi come over?" you asked them, hand on your hip.
"I-yeah. Yesterday he did. But I swear I'll try to be more responsible from now on!" Hange affirmed.
You took a deep breath and asked, "so what are we eating tonight?"
"I don't know y/n, you choose," they replied kicking their boots off to enter the residence.
"How about we order Pizza?"
"Sure thing love," grabbing her phone to order said food, Hange said.
"How about you go take a bath while I take out plates?" you suggested.
"I mean only if you're willing to join me," they smirked while leaning on the door.
Out of embarrassment you threw a pillow laying on the couch at her, "NO!"
"Sad, I was really hoping for some fun in there," they replied before running into the bathroom as you were about to hit them with another pillow.
While you waited for her to come out so that you in your turn could go freshen up, you arranged everything to be able to eat. Having such nights with Hange is always something you've dreamt of doing but you never had the courage to ask.
A few moments later, Hange came out with hair dripping wet which they were trying to dry with a towel. Damn they looked hot in that condition. Before you could start simp over them, you excused yourself to go bathe.
Feeling the warm water touch your skin evaporated all your stress from you as you relaxed. Coming out of the bathroom wearing Hange's clothes, you went to sit next to them on the couch. You noticed that the pizza had already arrived so you took a piece of it to eat. You two watched this popular series called 'Attack on titan' together until the pizza was finished.
Throwing the pizza cardboard in the bin, you went to see Hange already laying on the bed. Scooting to them, you placed your head on their shoulder as they held you tight with one arm and the other holding their phone. You were watching memes with her laughing when suddenly there was a video of two girls kissing came up which made your heart beat faster. You could tell Hange felt so as well as she swiped quickly to prevent awkwardness.
A little bit of tension remained in both of you yet no one made the first move. It kept growing as you felt their hot breath on your face because you were leaning on them.
Feeling bothered and assuming that Hange wasn't going to initiate it, you snatched their phone from their hand and kept it on the table next to the bed for you to straddle on them.
Shifting yourself to be more comfortable, you leaned down to smack your lips against theirs. Still processing whatever just happened, Hange went with the flow. For this moment at least. Hands on your ass, they squeezed them as you laid your body on theirs.
Lips still crashed against each others and tongues still fighting over control, Hange's minds began to fill with sexual fantasies that they could enact on you in this precise moment.
Pulling back from you, they settled your body on the bed to go search for something in the wardrobe. They came back with a blindfold facing you.
"Do you mind if I take your vision away for a while? I don't want to ruin the surprise of what I'm going to do to you."
Gulping hardly you took the black cloth and blinded yourself.
"Good girl," Hange praised giving you a headpat to continue their rummage.
With no warnings, you were pushed on the bed lightly. At first you didn't understand what was going on but that was before you felt a rope on your wrists which was being wrapped around them individually then pulled upwards signaling it was being tied down to the bed. The same thing was done for both of your legs.
Anticipation mounted in you as you felt hands running from your chest to your stomach.
"I hope that the ropes are not too tight, are they?" they concernedly asked.
You shaked your head to say no still having the blindfold on.
"No? Well, then I think you would love this being in your mouth," they said coming closer to you. You were expecting her to stuff her fingers in but it ended up being something you certainly didn't anticipate at all.
Holding your head up, they made you wear it. Initially it was uncomfortable but you managed to deal with it as it only turned you on more. It was a gag ball.
You laid your head on a pillow desperately craving Hange's touch but of course they were still searching for something.
"Don't worry y/n, I'll come to you as soon as I find that one thing I bought last week I wanted to test out," Hange spoke from the other side of the room.
Trying to keep your growing lust in control, you fidgeted with the device in your mouth.
" Ah-ha! found it, now wait for me y/n, I'll fuck you into oblivion soon," their voice coming out breathless.
Feelings the sides of the bed sink and a presence hoving above you, you became more excited to what Hange was going to do this time.
Their soft lips colliding again against yours as their hands ran down to unbutton your shirt leaving your bare chest naked as you weren't wearing any undergarments. For a few seconds Hange didn't do anything. As you were ripped from your eyesight, you couldn't see that Hange was in fact staring at the prefect roundness of your boobs displayed to them .
Unable to contain themselves, they ran their tongue on one of your breasts while the other was being fondled with their hands. Your breathing was quickening at their doings. Out of nowhere they bit your nipple softly making you bit the gagball stifling a moan.
Going lower on you they pulled down your pants while they kissed you on your bellybutton. Without warning again you felt a pain on your hip and teeth leaving your skin. Biting you again on the other side of your hip, Hange caressed your inner thighs. This time you couldn't contain the moan as it escaped your mouth through the gag ball.
Looking at your entrance, Hange saw that though they didn't yet completely lay hands on you, you were soaking wet. Then they assumed that it was probably from the long amount of time you had to wait for them.
You heard the opening of the cap of a tube. Your mind raced through all the possibilities of what it could be.
But of course it was the least thing you could expect as you felt something touching your cunt.
It was a lukewarm rubbery thing that was being ran through your swollen folds.
"Wanna guess what it is? Y/n," Hange said as you felt the object or whatever it was penetrate you. An 'hmm' came out of you as your back arched graciously making Hange widen their eyes.
"Ahaha, y/n you beautiful creature! You never cease to amaze me the more I explore you,"Hange complimented pushing the thing deeper into you.
" Lemme reward you for blessing me with his gorgeous sight and return you back your vision, "they continued.
Your insides felt empty as Hange had to remove the item to open the blindfold. You must say you had quite of the shocker to see them. Straddling you was a Hange that you didn't recognize.
They were wearing a black lingerie delicately complimented with black thigh highs and on their pelvis area was a strap-on-dildo.
"I wanted to experiment this on you," they gave you a light smirk before positioning themselves in front of your pussy. Taking the small bottle thrown on the bed nearby, Hange opened it. It was lube. Dropping quite some on the dildo, Hange jerked it to spread the lubricant.
Placing their hand on your hips for support, Hange inserted it again.
They couldn't describe how much they ravished to look at you in this state. As they were thrusting their hips in and out, the room became filled with your moans and Hange's name.
"Yes y/n scream my name louder. Make the neighbours hear how good I'm making you feel," Hange panted.
'Hmmm Hange I'm getting close, go faster please, "you begged them.
Taking your wishes into consideration, Hange did not double up the speed but rather trippled it. You were practically shaking on the bed as your screams got louder and louder.
Not late enough, you released yourself on them. The pleasure was so unbearable it almost hurted. Panting on the bed, you looked at the ceiling to regain control of yourself. Then looking back at Hange, only to see that they were already staring at you lovingly.
"Can you untie me now? I need to pee," you coughed.
"Ahaha, no piss on the bed," Hange declared as you were startled by their statement.
"Just kidding lemme help you refresh yourself," Hange joked making you feel relieved.
Thank you for reading this. :)
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rosy-cheekx · 3 years
Aesthetic prompt- song: "in hell i'll be in good company" by the dead south; vibe: steam off a warm drink, heavy rain on windows; color: cool gray, bronze, red :)
Took me long enough! This fic is months in the making, but I am so excited to finally be able to answer this prompt. This is chapter 1 of probably 3!
A Phoenix Razed
Chapter 1- Rebirth
3 days since Great Yarmouth
Tim’s hands encircled the paper cup in his lap. The cup was small, he noted; he could clasp his fingers together easily. Or maybe his hands were just big. The tea was dark, way over-steeped, and the herbal scent bloomed out in waves alongside the rising steam. There was no sugar, no milk, none of the usual accoutrement Tim used to take tea. Just harsh, bitter, black.
It’s what you deserve.
Tim rolled his eyes at his internal monologue, drama queen, and sipped the beverage. Agh, still hot? He sucked in air through his teeth, startling Martin, who he’d forgotten was beside him.
“Tim?” He snapped his eyes up from where they had been resting on the book, lips moving to form words Tim hadn’t been listening to. “You alright?”
“Hmm? Oh. Yeah, burnt my tongue.” Tim’s words sounded like a shrug, slumped and uninterested, now out of his reverie.
Silence stretched between him and Martin. Or, Tim wished it was silence. The only sound was the low static of the EEG, a rainbow of wires between the machine and Jonathan Sims’ scalp, shaved to accommodate the electrodes. What Tim wouldn’t give for any level of sound other than what they experienced right now. Any less, and there would be an answer to the question, “Will Jon ever wake up?”, and more would mean his heart was working, or lungs, or any other number of body parts to which machines were attached, waiting for any sign of response.
It’s your fault he’s like this.
It should have been you.
Tim exhaled and sipped the tea again, more careful this time. It was still hot—he was pretty sure the burn on his tongue made it feel even hotter—but he tempered his expectations and swallowed a sip of the bitter liquid, letting the raw flavor coat his throat.
“-there’s not much point to this, huh?” Martin asked, slipping a tattered bookmark between the pages of the book he had been reading—he was hoping to annoy Jon with poetry into waking up with Tennyson’s Ulysses—and letting it slip from his lap to the bed, green cover stark against the yellowish-white of the thin blanket.
“I don’t know, Marto, doctors said he might be able to hear us. Maybe dear Alfie will bore Jon back to life,” but Tim’s words lacked the bite and humor that was meant to be there.
“Don’t-” Martin warned softly, shaking his head and pushing his reading glasses through his fringe of curls. “He’s not…he’s still alive. He’s just lost.”
“You’re right,” Tim nodded, placing a hand on Martin’s shoulder lightly before pulling it away as he felt the round of Martin’s shoulder twinge under his touch. “You know what I mean.” He rubbed at the bandages that wound around his abdomen, letting himself indulge in the ache of raw skin and muscle and fat, the hiss of pain atonement for his sins.
Martin sighed, a slow, burdensome sound. “Yeah, I do.” At his words, Martin’s phone rang, and he looked at the caller ID before shoving the phone deep in his pocket, ignoring the call as he did so. “Listen, Tim, you know I’d stay longer if I could-”
“No, I get it, Martin.” Tim stood as Martin did, grabbing the IV bag by his chair for support. “Duty calls. I must away, my love.”
Martin scoffed, the pale sound muffled and diminished by the emptiness of the room. “I’ll be back tomorrow. Try to go on without me.” His voice dropped the light in it as he placed a hand on Tim’s. His hands were freezing, Jesus. “Seriously, Tim, if you need me…”
“I’ll call.” Tim waggled the phone in the pockets of the linen pants the hospital had provided. “Promise.”
“I hear the Great Grimaldi’s in town.”
“That’s not funny.”
“I know.”
He wished the moments after were fuzzy. He wished he could chalk his memories up to delirium or carbon monoxide poisoning. There was the detonator, small and squat in his hands. There was Grimaldi, or Nikola, or whatever that thing was. And there was Jon, kneeling, eyes piercing him in a way he had never experienced before. A moment of true lucidity amongst the madness of the Unknowing.
Tim had pressed the button, resigning this to be his final image, his final memory. The things in the world he hated most, all splayed out in front of him, with the promise of all the things he loved waiting for him. A win-win, really. Go out with a bang, leave a mark on the Stranger, cause some errant destruction, and finally see Danny again. The Stranger would never forget the Stoker brothers, that would have been for sure.
But the combustion and the flames had swept over him like a hot wind. He felt the flames lick the sides of his face, felt smoke choke his lungs, felt impossibly hot ash and air swirl around him in a tango. The building had crumbled around him and Tim had been unable to move, forced to witness every last nanosecond of the chaos he had caused.
And he reveled in it. He had won; he had beaten the Stranger. To know he had avenged the deaths of Danny and Sasha was prize enough.
None of it made any sense. He shouldn’t have survived.
How had he survived?
5 Days After Great Yarmouth
Basira was in Tim’s room, wheelchair parked in the corner and sitting in a visitor’s chair. Her body was tense and still, reminiscent of a panther in some documentary he had watched with Jon. Ready to strike? Or run?
“Basira.” Tim’s voice was careful. “Martin said you weren’t up for visitors today. Glad to see you’re okay.”
“Save it.” Basira’s hands were fisted in her robe, the white and yellow one matching Tim’s, declaring them both as patients under observation. Tim frowned, pulling his IV behind him to sit on his bed, wincing as he bent and adjusted himself. “Daisy’s gone, Jon is…whatever he is. I survived because I was smart.”
Her voice was low and sharp, accusing him of…something. Tim felt blood boiling under his skin, as he waffled somewhere between furious and confused. “Excuse me?” He said pointedly, voice measured, squeezing tight the paper cup of tea in his hand.
“Tim, how are you not dead?” Basira gestured with her hand. “Your burns were all superficial. You broke your arm in the collapse, but you managed to survive the fire.” She shook her head and smoothed the fabric that lay there with her hand. “You and I both know you shouldn’t be alive right now.”
Tim took a steadying breath, though it did little to conceal his frustration. “So what, you think I’m fucking magical or something?” He could feel the heat and pitch rise in his voice. “You think I’m like...like those freaks we read about in the statements? Like-like Jon or Elias or like fucking Nikola?”
Basira opened her mouth to speak but Tim cut her off. “You know why I was there, Basira. For Danny. For Sasha. You bloody well know none of this was supposed to happen.” He gestured in the general direction of where Jon lay, dead to the world. “The audacity to assume I-”
“Tim!” Basira cut in, interrupting his increasingly desperate tone. “Look!” She pointed down. Following her gaze, Tim saw the paper cup he was holding. The cup of tea was steaming. No, it was boiling. He could hear the roil of the water, see the bubbles blossoming on the surface. On instinct, he yelped, tossing the cup of bitter black tea across the room, hitting the sink on the far side of the wall squarely. He winced as the liquid splashed across the mirror, the cup rolling to a stop in the basin.
“What the fuck?” He wiped his hands on his robe. “How the hell did that happen?”
“Did it burn you?” Basira asked, eyes passing over him studiously.
“Ah…” Tim turned his right hand over, checking for any splash marks or blisters on his palm. “No.”
“Are you sure?” Basira asked, raising her eyebrow. At Tim’s irritated roll of his eyes, she folded her fingers together.
“You know that’s not normal, right?” It wasn’t a question.
Tim nodded, voice stolen from him as he processed her words. “Are you trying to say I’m fireproof or something?”
Basira shrugged. “I dunno. Sounds weird enough to be right. I’d say ask Jon about it, but obviously…that’s not happening quite yet.”
“This is so fucked,” Tim mumbled, scrubbing a hand down his face in exhaustion. “I hate this job.”
Tim was walking in a black room. Kind of. It wasn’t black, really, nor a room—just the concept of space, devoid of color or light.
Tim was somewhere and it was dark.
He picked a direction and walked. The space he was in was hot, a dry stale heat pressing in on him from all sides. It was like that prickling heat from being too close to a campfire, where the heat should singe your leg hairs. It should have been painful. He should have been sweating. But he felt…good. Great, even. He felt alive and awake and ready.
He walked for what felt like hours in this dreamscape, not knowing where he was going. He had realized he was dreaming around the point where he noticed he was more floating than walking, being guided like a character in a low-res video game. There was something in the back of his mind nudging him forward, coaxing him along some predetermined route.
Suddenly, he stopped. There was something in front of him, maybe four meters away. He couldn’t see it, but he could sense it. This spot in space was the source of all the heat in this room, the warmth surrounding him that was more accosting than comforting. The feeling surrounding him was all-consuming and it made him feel…all sorts of things. Righteousness, anger, betrayal, pain. They were all the emotions he had been feeling at Great Yarmouth, built up upon each other, each idolized in their own way. They were the feelings he had chosen to worship when Jon had stopped being his friend and started being his enemy, when Sasha had been discovered to have never been, when he had looked Nikola in its eyeless face and pressed the detonator. It all felt good to feel.
All of a sudden Tim was struck with a sudden knowledge. If he accepted this heat, this painful destruction, he would never need to worry about being hurt again. He could protect himself, the loved ones he had left (if he still had any), and burn the hearts out of anyone who dared hurt him or his ilk. No one would ever leave him again except on his terms. He understood what the Lightless Flame meant, what it promised, what it could give him in return. He would be able to live on the destruction of those he deemed unworthy of the love of the pyre, those who had so much to lose. Like he had had, once. Like Danny had had. Like Sasha. They had had the world before them, and it was stripped away. The Stranger had the potential to take over the world and he had destroyed every last bit of success it had. And it felt good. He could chase that feeling again and again and again with a family that knew what it was like to love and lose and destroy.
All he had to do was take it in.
7 Days After Great Yarmouth
Tim woke up gasping for air. He could feel an icy hand on the back of his neck, colder than anything he knew, dragging him back into reality. He opened his eyes, wincing at the harsh light of his hospital room and yes, he was in his hospital room, not a great expanse of nothing nothing nothing, searching for answers. He reached a hand to the back of his head and felt a frozen rag, dripping icy water down the back of his neck, down his spine.
A nurse was at his bedside, a thin woman with dark blonde hair, checking his vitals with a delicate hand. “Welcome back, Mr. Stoker. You gave us a scare, there.”
“Your monitor was beeping like mad last night. Said you had a fever of 42, but the machine was probably broken. Thermometer put you more at 40, but still, concerningly high. Gave you some fever reducers and a cool rag, kept an eye on you. Are you feeling any better?”
Tim rolled his neck, hearing his joints crack as he did so. “Uh-” He took stock of his faculties. He felt great, actually. No pain, no stiffness, just a tingling warmth spread throughout his body. Something about that felt...right. But he wasn’t sure why. “Yeah, fine.” He pulled the rag out from under his neck and noticed, for the first time, he was naked.
“Sorry,” she smiled apologetically at the flush that spread across his face and neck. “First rule of fevers: tight clothing comes off. It seemed to have done its job though. You were out for a whole day. According to our thermometers, your temperature’s gone back to normal, but we’d like to keep an eye on you a bit longer, especially with your injuries. They don't seem to be infected, so the fever might have been a latent trauma response to the explosion.” The woman shrugged, her smile light. “Our bodies do crazy things to keep us safe. Even when it hurts.”
“A-apparently so,” Tim nodded softly, squeezing his hands into fists, feeling the nails dig into his palms. At least this wasn’t a dream. He rested his head against the pillows propped behind him and sighed heavily.
The nurse left eventually, when there were no more monitors to check and Tim had promised eight ways to Sunday to press his call button if he needed anything. He settled back into his pillow, listening to the steady beep of his heart amplified on the monitor. The TV droned low in the background, newscasters revisiting today’s tragedies. Had they been on the news when it happened? Tim huffed and shook his head. Not if Elias had a say in it. Probably chalked it up to a gas main.
He grabbed the remote strapped to his bed, and flipped through the channels aimlessly, looking for something interesting…or at least to lull him back to sleep. Kids programming, soap operas, more news, interior design—wait. Tim flipped back to the news channel. Demolition of an old primary school. The reporter spoke to a heated young woman, round cheeks framed by wild curls, who spoke to the camera about the memories and traditions the school represented, how unfair it was to lose such an important monument to the history of her town.
“A shame, isn’t it?”
Tim started at the voice, whipping his head to the door, gripping the remote tight in his hand. The woman standing in the doorway of his room was short and wide, hair cropped close. She wore a grey tank top and black shorts, revealing tattoos of flames licking up the backs and sides of her calves. Something about her face was odd. A little too smooth? The grin on her face seemed wider than normal smiles were meant to be, drooping a little too low.
“Pardon?” Tim managed, grip on the call button tight, even if there was…something keeping him from pressing it.
“About the school.” She pointed to the television as she crossed the threshold, crossing her legs as she sat in the cushy visitor’s chair next to his bed. “So many childhood memories, so many job opportunities, so many opportunities for self-improvement-” She spat the word with malice. “Truly some of my favorite forms of destruction.”
Tim stared at her dumbly. “Do…am I supposed to know who you are?” Her returned chuckle burned him from the inside.
“Oh,” she crooned, more to herself than to Tim. “For keepers of the Eye, you are all so stupid. I am Jude Perry and I serve the Lightless Flame. And, if I’m right, you do too.”
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vampiricsheep · 2 years
🍳🍪🍽️ for all of your characters with animal qualities/features!
oh going for my throat with one huh lmfao; that IS my brand tho........ty <3 I'll skip the charr, werewolves, n khajiit, and anyone else whose animal qualities are typical to species since I feel that's slightly different and would also make this incredibly long! Since evander's traits are for the most part costuming rather than inherent I'll disqualify him too. Winter's less tief traits are inherited from a satyr parent, so they don't count either.
that'll be rrenne (wolf-adjacent), banni (rabbit), tueggi (bird of prey), stinnt (body modded goat legs + hawk wings), laamb (experimental genetic warping resulting in ovine features), skunk (similar to laamb, but skunk-like and self-inflicted), ram (sheep legs n horns and a weird alien tail), sasha (catlike eyes and shark teeth), matias (clawed feet, horns, and a general catlike vibe)...and I think that's everyone!
🍳 - How well can they cook?
If he can set it up over a fire or in the sun and just leave it for a few hours or days he's perfectly fine, but anything with complicated steps are difficult, since in his mind they'll flip around in order or be randomly omitted. Having a recipe written doesn't help much either. In fairness, he has to keep his wyvern from eating it while he isn't looking, which is harder if there's two bowls. And you really, really don't want a fire wyvern getting into a bowl of flour.
🍪 - How well can they bake?
Calling back to the first point, not very well on his own. If you walked him through it, he'd be fine.
🍽️ - What’s their favorite food?
this man ate fermented mycelia-riddled uncooked boar flesh. at this point, anything novel.
🍳 - How well can they cook?
so-so, but not horrible. much better with a recipe on hand. Needs the aid of a timer for some things, or to walk out of the kitchen with the spatula or mixing spoon to remember to come back.
🍪 - How well can they bake?
same as above! It's more complicated when you have to make vegan substitutes, though. no two recipes treat applesauce or bananas the same way, for example, and some recipes are really dry because there's an overlap between vegan food bloggers and food bloggers who think any oil, saturated or not, will advance your death date astronomically.
🍽️ - What’s their favorite food?
...kale chips, or a well baked sweetroll of one variety or another.
🍳 - How well can they cook?
She's had a lot of practice, and her kitchen is workable if a little small. She's got a big recipe book and takes it out every time she cooks; even though she probably knows some of them by heart, she refuses to trust memory when she has a reference immediately on hand.
🍪 - How well can they bake?
She's pretty good, but she'd never enter a competition.
🍽️ - What’s their favorite food?
Their name is escaping me right now, but those fried dough balls served in a spiced honey syrup. She's not very good at making them, so they're an especially nice treat.
🍳 - How well can they cook?
He won't win any awards, but it's edible and not unpleasant. He sticks to simple, reliable recipes and flexible things like stews.
🍪 - How well can they bake?
it's miserable and he hates it. If he touches flour it's for gravy, not pastry.
🍽️ - What’s their favorite food?
one time laamb made this really good root vegetable curry and he's ever since wished to have it again, but it used exclusively fresh-harvested herbs and vegetables in a region they haven't since returned to.
🍳 - How well can they cook?
She's pretty good! Even before The Incident she had a keen nose that gave her an advantage in spice mixing.
🍪 - How well can they bake?
It's difficult, but she can do it if she sets her mind to it. She's made some very nice brown breads in the past.
🍽️ - What’s their favorite food?
Honestly, fresh-from-the-oven bread served with a good hearty soup.
Soft Skunk (she needs a real name huh...to be fair that's probably all her colleagues call her now)
🍳 - How well can they cook?
we'll just say that she's not allowed to bring anything to a potluck. to be clear, it's not that she refuses, she's been banned from it.
🍪 - How well can they bake?
also pretty bad. She'll eat anything she makes but that's more of a talent than anything.
🍽️ - What’s their favorite food?
It's, fuck, it uses bloodstone in seimur's signature style. what is it under that? nobody wants to get close enough to find out.
🍳 - How well can they cook?
decently! he's good at improvising with what's on hand, but better with a given recipe and its intended ingredients.
🍪 - How well can they bake?
he doesn't work with anything too complicated like layered pastries, but LOVES baking bread!
🍽️ - What’s their favorite food?
warm, fresh, leavened bread with butter or herbed oil.
🍳 - How well can they cook?
Not super well, but passable.
🍪 - How well can they bake?
They just don't bother, which is for the best.
🍽️ - What’s their favorite food?
mangoes <3
🍳 - How well can they cook?
He'll make something, and you won't really know what it is, and neither will he, but it'll be pretty good, or at least ok, most of the time!
🍪 - How well can they bake?
same as his regular cooking tbh!
🍽️ - What’s their favorite food?
honestly, I'm not sure, but he is fond of a warm, honeyed coffee with soymilk specifically.
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kaylor-forever · 2 years
so umm I'm writing another one based on the same exact plot with most likely the same Injuries idk but ima actually try this time.
(AFTER WRITING) I have no idea what this is I'm so sorry this sucks 😭😭😭
100% memory wiped. The screen flashed and Darcy's eyes opened up. "Good job big guy! Now that, that's settled let's solve this rebellion issue we've been having." Darcy thumbs-up'd Andrias and motioned him to follow. Andrias sighed and obeyed.
In the war room Darcy, and Andrias were coming up with a plan. "We know their somewhere in wartwood so I suggest we send out troops to patrol the area." Andrias said, Darcy nodded her head. Darcy closed her eyes and thought of where they could be hiding. She had an idea. "You should go aswell." Darcy said, looking at Andrias. King Andrias was a little confused at that. "Why? Can the troops not handle it?" Andrias questioned. Darcy shook her head, "No, but I think we need brains going on this mission and I'm sure your smarter than the metal head troops we have. Check for tunnels, bunkers, hidden compartments, anything. Ruin the houses, I don't care just check it all." Darcy instructed. Andrias nodded, he didn't particularly want to go but he knew she was right. "We don't have all day. Leave as soon as possible. If you find anything, call for reinforcements." Andrias left the room, going to grab his gear.
Sasha, and Anne were debriefing their team. They were trying to plan a raid on a nearby Power plant. "Now if we attack here and here..." Sasha pointed at the layout of the area in certain sections. Outside enemy forces were destroying homes, trying to find an entrance. Andrias went into the planters home. He tore everything apart. He almost gave up when he heard a noise from underneath... He knew he was in the right place. "Darcy.. I believe we found their hideout." Andrias said.
Sasha's raid was about to exit, they were all geared up. Suddenly, there was a loud crashing sound of rocks being torn apart. Metal footsteps approached. "We're under attack! Everyone, battle positions!" Sasha yelled. She wasn't prepared for this, she rushed into her room and changed into her armor. Anne ran in. "Sasha, what's going on?" Sasha put on her helmet. "War."
The battle was a mess, frogs were being torn apart left and right. Only a few of the robots were even harmed. Nobody expected this. Suddenly they all stopped firing. Everybody was confused and glanced at each other. The robots moved out of the way and a darked robe figure approached. King Andrias followed. "Your beaten Anne, and Sasha. Give up." The dark robed figure said. It almost sounded like Marcy's voice.. "We'll never give up. Who are you?" Anne yelled. The figured giggled.. That giggle turned into a maniacal laugh. It all felt so familiar... The figure looked up and took off their robe. The eight orange eyes peered at Anne and Sasha. An almost insane smile sparked on their mouth. The figure.. was marcy. "No..." Sasha muttered. She couldn't believe her eyes. She almost cried. "Marcy? What are you doing..." Anne said. She was in shock. So was Sasha. "It's no longer Marcy. I erased her memories, we are now just the core. Call us Darcy." Darcy said. Anne shook her head. She couldn't handle this. Tears fell down her face.
The robots went back into formation. "If you won't stand down I'll make you. Robots attack." Darcy exclaimed. The robots advanced the rebels "Everyone! Fight the robots! Grime, planters take care of Andrias. Anne your with me." Sasha yelled, then ran after Darcy. Anne followed closely behind, making sure no robots followed them. Sasha turned a corner and there she was. She had a knife sash and a sword on both of her sides.
"Surrender and I might let your friends live." Darcy told them. Anne rolled her eyes. "You know us better than that, we won't let you win." Sasha smirked. "Marcy we don't want to hurt you." Anne calmly said. Suddenly an something was headed straight towards Anne. She barely noticed it and ducked. "Well, that didn't work. Sasha try not to hurt her." Anne remarked. "Heh.. I'll try. No promises!" Sasha said slyly. Anne and Sasha both ran forward. They pulled out their weapons, a sword and a tennis racket. Darcy laughed again, she pulled out her sword and waited for them to come. Sasha striked at Darcy's shoulder. Darcy retreated away and quickly, parried Sasha's sword away. It was almost too easy.. Anne approached and Sasha analyzed Darcy. Anne swung and Darcy, and she simply pivoted. Darcy slashed her sword across Anne's chest. Anne was defenseless and the tip of the blade went through her skin. It wasn't a big cut but it wasn't small either. She took a few steps back. Blood poured out of her chest and soaked her shirt as she desperately tried to get away, Darcy giggled and followed. Anne tripped and fell to the ground. Darcy loomed over her and lifted her sword. "Hey! How about you fight someone who can actually attack back." Sasha yelled from across the room. She had analyzed Darcy, she didn't fight like anything she saw Marcy do previously. Yet she had a weak point at her feet. She had a very low defense there.. One kick and she'd be done.
Darcy approached. "Your turn now I see..." The explosions from outside started to stop. The yells were replaced with cries of joy. "It's over Darcy we won. " Sasha exclaimed. Darcy tilted her head and frowned. "Is it?" She leapt out and lunged at Sasha. The edge hitting Sasha's sword as she deflected it. Sasha gripped her sword and striked at Darcy. Darcy blocked the attack effortlessly. Sasha took the opportunity and sweeped Darcy's legs of the ground. Darcy fell to the ground, her sword being flung to her side. Sasha held her sword up to Darcy. Her tip barely touching her throat. "It's over for good." Sasha said. Anne groaned in the background and started to regain consciousness. Sasha glanced at Anne, and Darcy took that opportunity. She quickly grabbed her knife and threw it at Sasha. Sasha was aghast. She fell onto her knees. Darcy ripped the knife out of Sasha's eyelid. "Now look what you've made me do." Sasha groaned, blood poured out of her eye like a fountain. It dripped into her mouth, and onto the floor. Sasha put her hand against her eye and looked at her hand as she brought it to her one good eye. Blood was everywhere. Darcy laughed and kicked Sasha. She fell hard. She gasped in pain. Darcy kicked her again even harder. Sasha groaned in pain, she couldn't do a thing, she tried to look at Darcy but she couldnt.. "I guess it is over." Darcy played with the knife and she crouched next to Sasha. "I wonder what I'll do next.." She began thinking of what to do. "Please Marcy..." Sasha begged, she couldn't take much more. Voices began to approach. Darcy took the knife and thrusted it into Sasha's chest. Sasha cried out. Tears streaming down her face, blood started to pour out of her mouth. Her vision went cloudy. "Looks like you have lost." Darcy twisted the knife in Sasha's chest and pulled it out. Blood went everywhere. Sasha put her hands against the wound trying to cover the damage.. She looked at her once childhood friend for the last time. She shouldve fought harder.. She thought. Sasha gasped for breath. It's like she couldn't breath. Anne was up at this point. She saw Sasha, and Sasha saw her. Anne was furious, her eyes turned blue and she attacked Darcy. It was all a blur, but Anne was beating Darcy. Anne went to punch Darcy again but this time Darcy caught her hand and twisted it. Anne screamed in pain. Darcy kicked Anne back and got her knife in hand. When Anne got up she rushed at Anne and put the tip of the blade against Anne's throat and slit her throat open.
Anne struggled for breath, she clawed at her throat trying to stop the bleeding but the cut was too deep. Blood was everywhere at this point, Anne was on the ground next to Sasha. She looked into her eyes and they had an understanding. Sasha blinked, but, her eyes never opened.
Anne struggled for breathe. Darcy tilted her head and loomed over Anne. "Isn't this a pity. I guess the rebellion is over." Darcy laughed and Anne couldn't take it anymore. The last thing she saw is Darcy committing suicide, next to Anne looking at her. Then, she was gone.
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imamajesticseahorse · 3 years
Jim Cornette Grills Sasha Banks & Bianca Belair WrestleMania Main Event Match
😑😒🙄 I probably shouldn't be posting this rant because I didn't watch the whole episode so of course things may have been taken out of context or omitted. But given his comments, I'd be hard pressed to see how they are any better in context.
First off, calling them "girls" comes across as demeaning. I'm really not the whole rah rah feminist type (don't consider myself one at all) and I think there are way too many times people will cry sexism just because, but repeatedly referring to two women who are in or near their 30's as girls just comes across as such a dick move.
Secondly, he simultaneously criticizes WWE for giving them the main event and then is like, "Well it doesn't really matter how they stack the card."
Third, the only comments I see pertain to it being women in the main event, nothing about the match itself. Again, maybe there is more in the video.
Fourth, I'll only agree with him about the advertising bit. But I don't mean it "advertising" as in commercials and hyping it on social media. WWE did drop the ball on building this feud. It was like they decided that giving it the main event slot was enough to make a story and build the match. And it really doesn't work that way. The feud has to be built to be main event worthy. The issue is that on SD Sasha (and Bayley) were really pulling their weight and being given the limelight and then when Roman came back, that went out the window. Even looking back to Sasha and Bayley's feud we were getting a really great slow burning build and then they pulled the trigger on it shortly after Roman came back, and since he got the main even slot, their feud suddenly felt cast to the side and a bit rushed. I mean one of the most long awaited feuds didn't get a match at one of the big 4 PPV's and concluded on a random episode of SD. Like, dude. Bayley had said she wanted it to go to WM, and it should have. But back to Bianca and Sasha...once Bianca won the Rumble, they put both of them on ice it seemed like. Having them tag was so weird. I personally would have preferred if they had them tag and have Sasha use it as a ruse to get Bianca to put her guard down so she can strike at an opportune moment. I don't know, the problem is that Sasha finally got a title reign longer than 27 days and they really did fuck all with it, and I don't think they did much to build Bianca. If you look at it purely in kayfabe, it doesn't feel like a big win necessarily because what did Bianca overcome? Her and Sasha spent most of their time tagging and not feuding.
Like I don't know, again it feels like a missed opportunity. WWE definitely had plenty to work off of for a feud. Sasha and Bianca definitely have similar gimmicks, they could have easily leaned into that. It was a good idea Sasha going the road of looking at Bianca like a rookie.
I don't know man, what I do know is that they need new writers. 😂😂😂
*also yes I am salty that Sasha is FUCKING 0-6 AT WM. Being a Sasha fan is just the goddamn worst. Like if it is a big match and something historical, don't expect Sasha to win.
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justanotherlifeff · 3 years
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Levi Ackerman × reader
Genre: Angst, Hurt/comfort, Fluff, matured themes, slowburn
Warning: There's mentions and descriptions of underage rape and suicidal themes and self harm and other triggering stuff.
No one's POV
Levi squad was on the move from the now destroyed Reiss chapel. An injured Hanji, Eren and Historia was on a wagon while Armin was driving it. Levi, (Y/N), Mikasa, Jean, Sasha and Connie were on horseback. Far from them, travelled an enormous titan, twice the size of the colossal titan. When Levi squad was stuck in the passage, Armin discovered an opening in the wall of the passage. They heard a huge crash and a blinding yellow light when Armin discovered the opening. Someone transformed into a titan. That opening led Armin and Hanji out of the chapel into the safety due to Hanji's injury while the others went to aid Eren.
It turned out that Rod Reiss transformed into an enormous titan, the one which was travelling alongside them. As they were following Rod Reiss, Erwin's search party was spotted in a distance. When (Y/N) saw Erwin's horse trotting towards them, she felt guilty for ignoring her superior and going behind her Uncle's back. "It had to be done" she reassured herself as Erwin reached them.
"I knew it was you who stole the horse. Why didn't you follow the orders? Do you know the consequences of ignoring a direct order from the commander? And, where did you get the 3DMG from?" Erwin asked (Y/N) firmly. "I know the consequences, but, it had to be done. Without my contribution, the mission would've failed as Levi Heichou was busy with Kenny. According to the survey corps rulebook, section 27, any direct orders from superiors can be ignored without punishment if the decision of the guilty is essential for a mission. I believe my action was necessary for the mission's success. As for the 3DMG, I stole it from the supply storage, Commander." (Y/N) answered with a calm but determined expression.
"Commander, (Y/N) is right. Mikasa couldn't handle all of the anti personale squad alone. There were about 40 people. We needed (Y/N)'s strength." Armin chimed in. To that, Erwin sighed and said, "You're right. (Y/N), you do know that because of your foolishness, I still have to deal with the law of section 42, that pregnant women aren't allowed to fight...". Before Erwin could finish, (Y/N) interjected and said, " Commander, you already denied my permission to join the search party. I acted on my own. I am supposed to get the punishment for that but section 27 already vouches for it. There will be some paperwork involved but no other long term problem.".
Erwin looked at (Y/N) for a while. He was proud of the woman she became. "How did you steal the 3DMG? I sent a cadet to mention the guards of the supply storage to specifically see that you're not let in." Erwin inquired. "I knew you would do that. I sent someone else to get it for me." (Y/N) answered casually. "I see. (Y/N), did you really think everything through before making this decision?" Erwin asked, clearly impressed by how far (Y/N) thought everything through. To that question, (Y/N) looked at Erwin with a slightly amused expression and answered, "Of course I thought it through. Unlike you, I don't gamble". The last sentence gave Erwin a flash of memory
9 years ago:
" (Y/N), you really should go home now. It's just a game. We already played five times.." Erwin sighed as the 10 year old girl insisted on playing another game of chess. It was one of her off days from training with him and she discovered a chess board in his office while searching for books. Thus, he ended up in this position, playing five games of chess with her. (Y/N) was a quick learner. She was way past the basics in the first game alone. Erwin didn't expect her to win against him as he was known to be one of the greatest tacticians of all time. He knew that the girl won't give up on trying till she won at least one game, so, he went easy on her this time. "Checkmate" Erwin sighed at the end of their 6th game.
He noticed (Y/N) smile and suddenly, he noticed that (Y/N) had her knight just in position to get rid of his queen. She took the queen down and told, "checkmate" to Erwin with a sly smile. The knight was now in position to get the king and Erwin had no chess piece to get rid of it. "Good one, (Y/N). Go home now. Your parents will be worried." Erwin sighed. "Uncle Erwin, you went easy on me. I want a fair game before going home." (Y/N) demanded. By now, Erwin knew that when (Y/N) got her head into something, she never gave up. "Fine. One last game. Promise?" Erwin told (Y/N). "Promise!" (Y/N) answered in an excited voice.
Surprisingly, Erwin lost that game. This time, Erwin wasn't easy on her. The one last game went on five more times, only now, it was Erwin who insisted to have one more game. At the end, he gave all his tactician abilities but failed to win against (Y/N). "Okay. How are you winning against me?" Erwin asked in the end after loosing the sixth game. "You see Uncle Erwin, you have a pattern in playing. It was hard to figure out but you tend to loose your pawns very easily. You keep the elite pieces for the end and use them to take the enemy down.
However, when you don't have the pawns to cover for the elites, you start loosing the elites to my pawns. That's how I won. Unlike you, I don't gamble. I should go home now. Dad will be mad if I'm late." (Y/N) explained with a proud face as she went for the door, leaving a dumbfounded Erwin sitting in front of the chessboard. She just predicted his moves in actual combat scenario too.
"I won't say what you did wasn't reckless but I'm proud of you." Erwin sighed. "Thanks" (Y/N) muttered with a smile. Erwin asked Levi if everyone was okay and Levi told him about Hanji. Erwin decided that the injury wasn't too serious and can be fixed easily. Levi then mentioned to Erwin that the titan is Rod Reiss and Erwin said that they didn't have any time to waste as Rod Reiss will be heading for Orvud district.
After Erwin left, Levi looked at (Y/N) and asked, "I forgot to ask you about this but, why did you memorise the Survey Corps rulebook? Cadets or second in commands aren't required to know these.". "Well, I read those before joining the trainee corps. I found a book with the Survey Corps rules in Uncle Erwin's office and I decided to read it." (Y/N) replied. "Why would anyone want to read a rulebook?" Levi asked, completely confused. (Y/N) looked back at him with a confused face and answered, "I read it because I like reading?". Levi scoffed at this and said, "And yet, you never read a biology book.".
To that, (Y/N) made a protesting face along with a slight blush creeping up her cheek as she said, "I did read biology books! It's not my fault that you're so goddamned overprotective!" "Woah... They are acting like an old married couple..." Connie whispered to Jean as Levi 'tch'd to (Y/N)'s accusation. "Connie, no one cares" Jean grumbled, clearly being jealous. There was an awkward silence between the squad before Hanji broke it by starting to talk about the founding titan.
On the way to the wall, the possibilities of getting rid of Rod Reiss was discussed, Eren tried to stop Rod Reiss with his titan powers, calling him a little old man thus earning a glare from Levi and Historia came to terms with the fact that her father will be killed. After reaching the wall, the squad went to the regiment branch in Orvud district and a cadet notified the squad about the meeting that's about to take place in the hall. "Historia, forgot to tell you, we need you to do something" Levi said approaching Historia. "Yes?" Historia asked.
"Erwin's orders. When this battle is over, since you're the true successor to the throne, become the queen." he finished. Connie and Jean tried to say that it was unfair to put Historia in such a position out of nowhere but Historia agreed to be the queen. However, she said, "But heichou, I have one condition." "Huh?" Levi questioned her as she replied, "Since my fate is my own, I want to lay it on the line." Historia was allowed her wish. As everyone went to the meeting, (Y/N) said to her, "When you're queen, make sure to give Sasha a buffet meal at your castle. I owe her one." "When you're queen, you can punch that runt in the face." Mikasa said to Historia. Historia's body tensed at that.
Uncle Erwin revealed the plan to us. Orvud district won't be evacuated because the damage would be far greater if Rod Reiss gets to the main wall. The plan was to blow up Rod Reiss's hands as he reached the wall and then Eren was supposed to throw explosives into his mouth. That is if the cannons don't work. As everything was being assembled, Levi came towards me and said with a monotone voice, "(Y/N), I need to talk to you in private. Come with me." I followed him to an empty hallway in the regiment branch.
When we reached, he said keeping his bored face, "(Y/N), I don't want you on front lines. I've told this to you before and you didn't listen but..." but I stopped him and said with a similar bored but determined expression, "Levi, for plan B, you need the best soldiers you've got. We both know that the nape and all the other pieces needs to be cut properly to finish Rod Reiss off for good. Our aim has to be perfect...". Levi stopped me this time. With an expression that clearly showed his annoyance because of my interjection, he said, "I know that (Y/N) but this is too dangerous. I need you and the baby to be safe..." I stopped him again and said looking down on the floor, "So you want me to act like an useless housewife? That's right, you said you hate that kind of women. Is this your way of preparing to leave me? ".
I hated it when he acted like I couldn't protect myself. "(Y/N), if I were to leave you, I wouldn't devise any bullshit plot like that. And, you're nothing near the useless housewife type. If you were anything like that, I'd not be wasting my time here. You are strong but... Well, I'll be honest with you, I could've never been ready for a family if I wasn't forced into it by circumstances. Now that I am facing circumstances like that, I don't want to loose the possibility of finding some peace. Every single person I ever cared about ended up being dead and I don't want to deal with that again.." Levi tried to explain clearly getting more frustrated before I stopped him. I understood his fears but I needed to do this.
"Levi, didn't you tell me that you're with me because I have a higher chance of survival? You have to trust me on this, Levi. I promise to stay away from the explosion but I need to be there to cut off the pieces of Rod Reiss. Just, have some faith in me. I won't die on you. Our kid won't die on you too. I'll make sure of that. I promise." I told him in a soothing voice. Levi stared at me for a moment and said, "Okay. In that case, don't die. Both of you. The others will be looking for us. Let's go." before starting to leave. I followed him.
"Levi, Jean, Sasha, Connie, see that side. (Y/N), you're helping Hanji with tying the explosives up." Uncle Erwin commanded as he was talking to Historia. We were watching how the cannons were working a while back. According to Levi, it was like insects pissing on the titan and I couldn't agree more. Eren and Armin were helping me weave the net while Mikasa was stacking up the gun powder. Eren got up suddenly and looked down from the wall.
Apparently some kids down there reminded him of himself. Armin agreed to it but said that circumstances were different now. Suddenly, Eren started punching himself and Mikasa had to stop him. "Eren! It's not time yet!" Armin shouted at him. As Eren started rambling about him beating up an useless runt, I interjected and said, "Eren, stop your bullshit. No one cares about how you feel about yourself. We don't have much time before Rod Reiss is upon us. Get your job done first." "Sorry (Y/N).." Eren muttered as like everyone, he still was scared of me to some point even if I was friendly to them.
The cannons failed at the end. Plan B was put into action. We drenched ourselves in water to minimize the heat emitted from Rod Reiss. Levi asked the garrison captain to retreat as it was time for the survey corps to take action. Eren had transformed into a titan and was already in his position as well as Armin and Sasha. Uncle Erwin held his hand up with a flare gun. He commanded to commence the mission by shooting the red smoke flare. Armin and Sasha used the manoeuvre gear attached explosives to aim at Rod Reiss's hands.
The explosions made him loose balance as planned. Uncle Erwin commanded Eren to go get the explosives in Rod Reiss's mouth. He did exactly as planned and Rod Reiss blew up. "All troops! Finish it off with your ODM gear!" He commanded as we all flew from the wall and started cutting the huge chunks of flesh out. It was planned that Historia would cut the nape. Levi and I dealt with most of the chunks before landing safely on the ground. Historia did her part as well. It was over.
Levi POV
Just as I landed, I went to check on (Y/N). I felt relieved to see that she landed safe too. "Oi (Y/N), we need to report to Erwin. Come on." I told her as I walked towards her. "Yeah.. Well, can you wait for a while? I feel like I'll puke.." (Y/N) muttered, clearly looking sick. "Okay, I'll tell Erwin that you're feeling sick. You don't have to report." I told her as she muttered a "thanks" before looking at Sasha, who was nearby and ordering her to take (Y/N) to the military quarters. I went to the scout regiment branch to Erwin's office there. He already was there when I arrived.
"Where's (Y/N)? Is she okay?" Erwin asked me with a concerned expression. "She's fine. She's getting morning sickness again. I sent her back to the quarters with Sasha." I notified him in my usual monotone voice. "Ah. I see. Before you report everything, I need you to go back to the Reiss Chapel. Take some men with you. We need to find out if anyone from the anti personale squad are alive. If they are, they could be a threat. Our job now is to officially announce Historia as the queen and eliminate all threats. The military police aren't much effective as they are all corrupted, so, we will have to take matters in our hand." Erwin explained. "Okay. I'll arrange a search party" I answered before leaving the room. I needed some tea before this new bullshit.
When I was done with my tea, I went to the canteen and chose some random survey Corp soldiers because I wasn't feeling like picking specific people and went towards the Reiss Chapel. I didn't take my own squad because they already had been through enough for the past few days and they deserved a break. We dug out all the remaining members of the anti personale squad from the ruins except Kenny. All were dead.
"Oi, search the perimeter. With those injuries, he can't go far" I commanded everyone as they went to look for him. A while later, one of them came back and informed me that he found Kenny. I followed him to the place. "Kenny" I called him out in a bored voice as I stood in front of him. "Oh gee. It's you?" he answered in an equally bored voice before coughing up some blood. "Your comrades we fought, they all ended up getting crushed. Are you the only survivor?" I asked, my voice void of any emotion. I personally was void of any emotion towards that man.
"Seems that way" he answered with a hint of remorse in his voice. I was taken slightly off guard by that. When did he start feeling remorse? "Report back. I'm fine here alone." I commanded the soldier with me. "Understood" he replied before leaving. "With those burns and that blood loss, there's no helping you now." I stated monotonously. "Yeah? I wonder.." he said with sarcasm dripping in his voice when I finally noticed the syringe beside him. The same type used to turn people into titans.
"I swiped this one right out of Rod's bag. I'm guessing, using one of these'll make me a titan. I'll be a stupid titan but it should keep me alive for a little longer... If I don't do it right, I'll probably turn out all messed up like him." he sighed weakly. "There's no way you'd sit around and wait to die. Don't you have a better excuse?" I asked. "Sure, I don't want to die and I want power. But... Oh, I think I just got it. Why he did that." he mumbled.
"Huh?" I replied, completely confused. Was he just rambling because he was dying or was it something relevant? "Every last person I've seen was the same way. Whether it was booze, women, or even God. Family, the king, dreams, children, power... They couldn't keep going unless they were drunk on something. They were all slaves to something, even him." he said before coughing up some more blood. "What are you? A hero? Stop shitting me.. Even you're drunk on something. It's that girl, (Y/N) right? She's a good one, I'll give you that. I expected better than 'she had morning sickness' though. Seems like you've grown up. Just like Kuchel.." he said with a tone of sarcasm in his voice as chuckled weakly.
"How did you know about her in the first place?" I asked him. I was curious about it for a long time. "It's not very hard to get information about you. That girl, Emilia or something, she talked. Seemed like she was ready to open her legs for any Ackerman" he chuckled. I saw the light slowly leaving his eyes. "Kenny! Tell me everything you know. Why doesn't the first king want humanity to survive?" I asked him with haste. I had to get all the information I can from him before he dies. "Like I'd know. But it's the reason we Ackermans opposed him." he replied weakly. "My last name seems to be Ackerman too. You.. What were you to my mother really?" I asked him finally. I didn't know if I wanted to know the answer. He chuckled weakly at that before saying, "You idiot, I was just her brother."
That night, when I was fucking (Y/N), my mind wasn't on her. Kenny's words were clouded in my mind. He was right, she was a huge driving factor for me. Now that she's pregnant, I had to make things official at some point. The retake of wall Maria will be planned after Historia's coronation. That means, this peace won't last for long. I also knew that (Y/N) and I couldn't possibly raise a kid in the scout regiment headquarters. I didn't bother to pull out while cumming.
I lay down beside her as she snuggled next to me. We were staying at the military quarters in Orvud district. "You were distracted the whole time." she stated. "Huh?" I asked taken slightly by surprise that she noticed. "What's wrong?" she asked as she looked up at me. "It's nothing. Don't worry about it." I answered calmly. She didn't drag the matter further. Instead, she asked, "How did searching the Reiss Chapel go?". "It was alright. Kenny was still alive when we found him. Apparently he was my uncle." I answered with a monotone voice. She didn't give me any reply for that.
I liked how she never dragged any matter that I didn't want to talk about or showed any pity towards me. I heard a soft snoring a while later. She was already asleep. She did help me with my paperwork though, so, I understood why she was tired. I looked at her calm and peaceful face and made a huge decision. I had to buy an engagement ring the next day. Even if it meant that I had to give up my guarding duties during Historia's coronation.
I woke up at dawn to find a drooling (Y/N) beside me. Tch... She drooled all over me... I got up, used a handkerchief to wipe the drool off her face, closed her mouth and went to take a shower. When I was back, I found her sitting up on the bed, yawning. "How late am I?" she grunted as she rubbed her eyes. "Not too much. If you go take a shower right now, you'll be 10 minutes late" I answered as I wore the survey corps coat.
"I guess I'll skip shower then..." she started but I interjected her to say, "You're not sleeping on my bed then.". She threw a glare at me before walking into the bathroom. I went to the canteen and found my squad there. I walked up to Mikasa and said, "Oi, you're Historia's body guard today. If Erwin asks where I went to, say him that I've got some work to do and I'll join the ceremony a bit late." " Yes heichou." she answered, clearly annoyed.
I drank my tea at a separate table before it was time to go to the capital Mitras. (Y/N) just arrived in the breakfast hall as we were leaving so she just got to take a steamed potato wrapped in a paper packet before leaving with us. Mikasa and I were in Historia's carriage. (Y/N) was with the other squad members. When we reached the capital, as we were going through the market, I told Mikasa, "I'll leave now. Don't mess this up." and got off the carriage as she was saying "Yes heichou.".
I've been to this market before to get suits for myself. I walked around the place before finding the jewellery store I was looking for. I came here with Hanji before as I usually attended military charity events with her. Hanji apparently got a great deal with some earrings or whatever and grabbed me with her to pick those up just before going to the event. I entered the store and this red headed woman sat inside. She welcomed me in a bored voice, at least until she noticed who I am. "A-are you Levi Ackerman? From the scouts?" she stammered as I walked towards her.
"Yes. That's me. Anyway, do you sell rings?" I answered in a monotone voice. Tch.. Another fan girl.. "Y-yes! Of course!" she stammered again before pulling up a box of men's rings. "The one with the grey stone will match your eye..." she said dreamily but I casually told her, "I'm sorry, I was looking for engagement rings. For women.". She looked like someone punctured her balloon full of fantasies.
"Who's the lucky woman?" she asked trying to sound interested even if her voice clearly showed disapproval. "Well, it's gonna be on newspapers soon anyway." I answered calmly. I didn't want to discuss my relationship with a random woman. She pulled out a different box, filled with women's rings. I chose a simple platinum ring with a single small diamond embedded into it. I knew it would be expensive but I wanted to do something nice for (Y/N). "That would be 500 gold coins." the woman answered. I took out my purse, and gave all the coins in it to her, she used a counting machine to count the amount of gold coins there and returned the rest of the coins. She packed the ring up into a ring box and I took it and left the shop in a hurry.
I got down from the carriage and walked towards Historia's carriage. We were inside the military police headquarters in Capital Mitras. I knew that Levi would be with Historia there however, I didn't expect him to take Mikasa with him. I saw Mikasa and Historia get down from the carriage. There was no sign of Levi. Uncle Erwin was also there, talking to Mikasa. "That's quiet irresponsible of him.. He never did anything like that before.." I overheard uncle Erwin as I approached them.
"Good that you're here (Y/N). Did Levi mention to you about any personal work that he had to go to?" Uncle Erwin asked me as I stood infront of them. "Uh, no he didn't mention anything." I answered. That must be the reason for his disappearance. What could this personal work be? "I see.. Well, I'm sure he'll be back soon." Uncle Erwin said confidently before taking Historia to meet the other commanders and the Supreme commander. Mikasa followed them as I went back to the rest of the squad. "Where's heichou?" Sasha asked me. She mostly liked me because I always gave her some of my food. She even ate half of my steamed potato this morning. "I don't know. Apparently he had some work." I muttered.
We gathered in front of the stage before the coronation started. Mikasa near the stage. Suddenly, I saw Levi walk towards her and say something to her before she walked back towards us. While Mikasa was cussing him for being late and making her do his job, I was wondering what work he went to get done. The coronation didn't take long. Erwin called Levi to talk to him about his indiscipline and the squad was in charge of being with Historia. After Historia talked to the press, we were on our way to the scout regiment branch in the capital Mitras.
"Everything happened so fast... I'll miss you guys all a lot.." Historia sighed in the carriage. Sasha started crying and talking about how Historia gave her a bread the first time they met and how she thinks Historia is a God, Connie and Jean made some awkward attempts to say that they will miss her too. Eren said that he's happy for her. Mikasa said nothing. "Oi, Historia, I have a far important duty for you than being queen." I told her amongst all the commotion. Everyone had shut their mouths after hearing the statement for obvious reasons. They probably thought I'll say something important. "Huh?" she asked, clearly confused.
"Take care of my kid when I'm out in expeditions. You could do that right?" I asked her with a straight face. "I... Of course!" she said with a surprised expression. She didn't expect me to trust her with my kid. However, knowing the type of childhood she had, I knew she would be perfect. "Oh, and don't forget about getting Sasha that buffet meal." I added. "Huhhhh?" Sasha exclaimed. "Well, you gave me that bread remember? That day when Kenny attacked us? It's just payback." I answered breaking her confusion. Yet again, Sasha started crying, and, calling me God this time while Connie muttered an "I told you that you won't regret it" to Sasha with a grin.
It took a while for Sasha to calm down. The rest of the trip was quiet. We started talking once again when we were walking in the corridor of the scout regiment branch. We could see Levi standing far from us in the same corridor. "I'll hit him today" Historia told us seriously. "Hold on, you're seriously doing it Historia?" Eren exclaimed. "Yeah I am." Historia answered trying to hide the fear in her voice. "Mikasa was just joking about it! Right, Mikasa?" Eren said with a concerned voice, clearly trying to save Historia from the possibility of getting herself killed. I was just enjoying the show just like Mikasa, who replied,
"After you smack him, tell him this.. 'I dare you to hit me back'" with a serious tone. "Try inserting some insults there too." I added to that with an equally serious tone. I really was enjoying this. "Damn you two..." Eren told us with a disapproving look before turning back to Historia and saying, "If it's not a real grudge, just forget it.". To that, Historia replied, "If I can't do this, how can I call myself queen?". Jean caught on with the amusing side of it pretty quickly and said, "Hell yeah, Historia. That's the spirit!" with an evil smile. Before we noticed it, we were already near Levi. Levi noticed us too and moved towards us.
There was a look of pure fear on Historia's face before she gave a battle cry and charged at Levi, giving him a weak punch on his biceps. Everyone except myself and Mikasa shouted out at surprise at this. Both Mikasa and I had a grin on our faces. “How’d you like that? I'm the queen! If you got a problem..." Historia's failing attempt at sounding brave was interrupted by Levi's sudden chuckle. Everyone including myself was surprised at that. Levi never smiled in front of anyone except myself. What's gotten into him? He looked at everyone and said, "Thank you... All of you." before looking at me and saying with a grin, "(Y/N), do me a favour and go to my office. There's a box with a ring on the table. Wear that and come find me at Erwin's office. We need to tell him that we are engaged.".
With that, he walked away leaving me dumbfounded. This time, everyone looked at me with surprised expressions. "Did he just propose you?" Historia asked me, clearly confused and surprised. An uncharacteristically huge smile formed on my face. "Yeah... I suppose he did..." I muttered before running off to Levi's office. "This must be the weirdest day in human history. Historia is queen, Levi heichou smiled in front of us, (Y/N) is looking like a love sick puppy..." I could hear Connie ramble in the distance.
[AUTHOR'S NOTE: I was confused about (Y/N)'s age until recently when I planned to get her pregnant. To be clear, (Y/N) is 19 years old, she will turn 20 soon and I'll write a chapter about her birthday. Levi is 30 years old, thus making an age gap of about 11 years, which is supposed to be quiet normal inside the walls because almost everything there is like medieval ages. (Y/N) joined the trainee corps at the age of 14, while wall Maria was infiltrated when she was 12. I'll write a spinoff chapter on how she spent the two years in-between.]
To be continued...
Taglist: @reality-is-often-disappointing, @kingtamakimurder
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haven-raven012591 · 5 years
Couples: Finn Balor X OC Raven and Seth Rollins X OC Dylan
Appearances by: Becky Lunch
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, cussing, mentions of sex.
Authors Note: the Gif's are not mine!
No one knew who she was. No one would know until he was ready for them to know. It was insane that they had been able to keep their life together a secret for the last four years. Of course his family knew, his most important friends and the higher ups at WWE. But the fans, the Balor club had no idea he'd been dating her, let alone doing it for four years. This wasn't their longest relationships but for her at least it was the best. He was the best person to ever happen to her. She was happier with him than she had ever been.
"So what are we gonna do when you win tonight?" Raven asked as she laid her head in his lap. "We're goin ta celebrate." Finn said. "As like a normal couple would or like we celebrate?" Raven teased. "Aren't we a normal couple?" Finn asked grinning. "No." Raven snorted out. Finn leaned back and laughed. "Yer right were not and ya'll see I've got big plans for tonight, win or lose." Finn said. "Oh?" Raven asked. She sat up and pecked his lips. "Tonight will be an amazin night in and out of the ring, I love ya lass." Finn said.
She blushed and kissed him softly. "Love you too." Raven said. He pulled her into his lap and she wrapped her arms around his neck. "Ya better love me, no one else will." Finn said. She kissed him long and slow gripping the hair at the base of his head. "You are without a doubt the best person to ever happen to me Finn Balor." Raven said. "Lass." Finn said. She looked at him and put her hand on his heart. "You're all I've ever wanted." Raven assured him. He took her hand and kissed her palm. "Finn you're never like this baby, what's wrong?" Raven asked.
He kissed her tenderly. "Just nervous." Finn said against her lips. "Don't be, I believe in you baby and I know you'll win." Raven said. He kissed her again and she held him close. "I have ta go." Finn said. "Ok baby I'll be there later." Raven said. He got up and dropped her on the bed. She laughed and he grabbed his jacket. "Wait, Finn I almost forgot." Raven said as she bounced off the bed. She gave him a box and he opened it. "What is it?" Finn asked. She put the bracelet on him and smiled. "It's a distance bracelet I have the matching one." Raven said.
She showed him the white one with the black bead. He put it on her and she smiled. "For when I go home and you're on the road." Raven said. "Move in wit me." Finn blurted out. "What?" Raven asked. "Please, we've been tageter for four years I'm tired of goin home and wantin ya ta be tere!" Finn said. She giggled and kissed him long and slow. "Yes." Raven whispered to his lips. He picked her up and kissed her passionately as he pressed her against the wall. "Sat it again lass." Finn growled as he kissed her neck.
"If you bite me." Raven breathed. He tilted her head back with his thumb and kissed her throat. "Finn." Raven moaned. He bit her hard as he laid her on the bed. Her body trembled under his and he growled against her neck. "Yes Finn, yes I'll marry you." Raven said. He pulled back and she blinked covering her mouth. She didn't know what he was gonna do and it scared her a little. His eyes were so blue as the dying sun light hit them. "Finn, I'm sorry." Raven panted. "I have ta go." Finn said and left.
She broke down and curled up. He made it to the lobby and went back up. Knocking on her door he could hear her crying. "Go away I don't wanna talk to anyone." Raven said. "Raven." Finn said. She ran to the door and opened it. "Baby I'm so sorry I do..." Raven was cut off by this searing kiss. "Don't lass, don't fuckin apologize." Finn said. He backed her up and shut the door. "B...but I meant to say I'll move in not I'll marry you, i mean I would gladly but you don't want that right now." Raven said. He kissed her again keeping her head in his hands.
"Don't say tat." Finn breathed. she looked at him and pulls his hands from her face. "Finn, do you?" Raven asked. "I want ya as mine I do." Finn admitted. "I am." Raven said. He hugged her and kissed her neck. Her brown black hair was so soft between his fingers. "I'll see ya later lass, I love you so much my Raven." Finn said. "I love you too my Finn." Raven whispered. She held onto him and wouldn't let go. "I'd love to move in with you Finn, I'm so excited to start this new part of our lives." Raven said. "Ya have ta let go first." Finn teased.
"Not ever." Raven breathed. He pulled back and kissed away the tears. "Shh beautiful." Finn soothed. "You scared me, Finn." Raven said. He kissed her passionately. She gripped his shoulders and he held her tightly. "I have ta go lass." Finn said. She nodded and caressed his cheek, looking deep into his eyes. "Don't ya dare." Finn said. "I have to." Raven said. He backed her into a wall. "No, i won't let ya apologize again." Finn growled. He walked to the door. "Ok baby." Raven said and smiled. Finn went to the door.
"Finn!" Seth called. Raven let him go and he left. She had no idea what was going on. Seth looked at him and smirked. "You ask her yet?" Seth asked. "No." Finn snapped. "What's wrong man?" Seth asked. "I...I froze Seth." Finn said as he looked at his friend. "You froze, so what did you ask her?" Seth asked. "If she'd move in with me." Finn said. "Ok not a bad start." Seth said. Seth's phone rang and he answered it and stopped walking. "No, stay right there I'm coming." Seth said. Finn looked at him.
"You get your ass to the arena before they decided to give your spot away." Seth said. "Ok, see ya tere." Finn said. Seth nodded and turned running back to Finn and Ravens room. She opened the door and he looked at her. "What's wrong, Raven?" Seth asked. "I don't know Seth, he's acting so weird and he asked me to move in, and then I said I'd marry him." Raven said as she sniffed. Seth hugged her tightly and kissed the top of her head. "Wear the new dress you bought for tonight and when you get to the arena get Dylan to fix your make up and hair." Seth said.
She grabbed her dress and things going into the bathroom. "Close your eyes." Raven called after a little bit. "They are." Seth called. She came out and fixed it over her curves. "O...ok Seth." Raven stumbled. Seth opened his eyes and he smiled as he thought about how lucky Finn was. "Holy shit." Seth said. "Too much, I mean the red matches his trunks." Raven babbled. The light burgundy color of the dress picked up the red in her cheeks as she blushed. "No not at all, he'll love the surprise." Seth said. They left and she played with her necklace Finn had given her at Christmas.
"Oh, Dylan's been wondering what that is." Seth said. "It's a Celtic shield knot." Raven said softly. "Hey it's ok, hes gonna love you being around the ring and backstage after his match." Seth said. "I don't know Seth." Raven said. He took her hand. "Relax." Seth said. Once they got there and she sat in Dylan's chair everything bubbled out. "Darlin he's gonna love you in this dress." Dylan said. "I'm kinda nervous about what's under it." Raven said. Dylan moved and looked at Raven in the eyes. "You two have right i mean in four years!" Dylan said.
"Heavy petting." Raven breathed. "What the fuck?" Dylan breathed. She sat down and looked at Raven taking her hands. "Why?" Dylan asked. "I have to go to my seat I'll see you later." Raven said. "Ra, hey answer me first." Dylan said. "He starts to then stops, like I'm not good enough or he doesn't like what he sees when I'm naked." Raven said. Dylan held her hand tighter. "Raven." Finn said. She turned and stood up. He looked her over and she blushed. "I need to go to my seat." Raven said and walked away.
Finn ran after her and she looked up at him. "Ya look amazin, lass." Finn said. "Why haven't you, why haven't we...it's done, were done." Raven said and ran away. He stood there dumbfounded. "Finn." Dylan said. He looked at her with tears in his eyes. "Oh Finn what happened?" Dylan asked. "She left me, she wanted to ask someting ten she said we were done." Finn said. Dylan covered her mouth and ran after her. "Ra stop!" Dylan said. She turned and looked at her best friend. "Talk to him just please talk to him." Dylan said.
"I can't feel my hands, Dylan." Raven sobbed. Finn ran up and Raven looked at him. He went to her and she looked at him. "Why haven't you taken me Finn, in four years we've come so close but you've never fucked me." Raven asked. He saw the sadness in her eyes and he kissed her heatedly. She shivered and he cupped her cheek. "Because I don't want ta fuck ya Raven, I want ya so bad sometimes but I don't tink, yer too pure for me." Finn babbled. She touched his heart and looked into his eyes. "Goodbye Finn." Raven breathed.
She walked to her seat and sat down. She watched Sasha and Bayley win and then Shane and the Miz lose. When Myriese said she was going to have another baby Raven started crying. She wanted a baby and god she wanted Finn but it was obvious she was the problem. His music hit and she stood up and watched him walk to the ring. He paused and looked at her then did his thing. When he took his jacket off he threw it to her. She looked at him and he smiled as he took the mic. He wasn't going to do this, it was so against his nature.
"As ya can see I trew my jacket ta a beautiful woman." Finn said. The crowd cheered and she held onto the jacket harder. "Come here, Raven please." Finn said. She went around and came up the steps. He sat on the second rope and she got into the ring. He lowered the mic and cupped her cheek. "Because I don't feel worthy of ya, Raven." Finn said softly. "You stupid boy you're all I've ever wanted of course you're worthy I want you to have that gift." Raven said softly. He pulled her close and kissed her passionately as his fingers ran into her hair.
She melted against him and the crowed cheered them. "Finn." Raven breathed. "Watch tis." Finn said and kissed her again. She laughed and he put the mic up. "Tis is Raven, and she's my beautiful, girlfriend." Finn said on a huge grin. Raven trembled and he pulled her closer. "I have ta do tis before I lose my nerve." Finn said and dropped the mic as he cupped her cheeks. "No Finn, not out here." Raven said. She kissed him passionately and he put her jacket over her shoulders. "Go ten and I'll see ya soon." Finn said.
"Thank you for doing that Finn, you have no idea what that means to me." Raven said. He kissed her long and slow. Lashley's music hit and she went to her seat. As soon as the match started she was up screaming. It wasn't a long match but as soon as the refs hand hit the mat for the third time she was in tears. He was the new Intercontinental Champion! She ran back to the back and into his arms. "I am so proud of you!" Raven said as she hugged him. "Tanks lass, I can't believe I did it!" Finn said.
She laughed and laid her forehead to his. "I can Champ, you're just that damn good." Raven said. He yanked her against him. He was sweety and his hair was a mess but she didn't care. "How about a kiss for yer new champion?" Finn teased. She caressed his cheek and kissed him long and slow. He pulled her into his arms and wrapped her legs around his waist. She ran her fingers into his hair and gripped at the short silky strands as he pinned her to a crate. He growled and pulled back.
"I want ya, I've always wanted ya Raven, yer just so pure and I feel unworty of ya." Finn said. She kissed his forehead softly and stroked his cheek. "I'm more in love with you than ever before Finn Balor, and would be honored to give you a gift I've been saving." Raven said. "I feel so honored Raven." Finn said. She kissed him slowly and smiled. "First your photo shoot champ, then we'll go celebrate with Dylan and Seth." Raven said. He kissed her long and slow. "First come wit me." Finn said excitedly. He put her down then took her hand.
They walked back to his dressing. He called Dylan and Seth over with Becky. "I want ta have a life wit ya, I want ta have ya move in wit me but also have ya as my wife." Finn said. "What?" Raven breathed. "I want ya ta be my wife!" Finn said. Raven started crying and shook her head. "Raven, my love." Finn said. "Yes!" Raven squealed and hugged him. He kissed her and she held onto him trembling. She smiled at him as he slid the ring on her finger. She looked at it and then showed everyone. "How things change in a few hours." Seth said.
"I know!" Raven cried. She held onto Finn and he stroked her hair. "Finn." Guy called. He looked at Raven. "I have ta go." Finn said. "I am so proud of you Finn, new Intercontinental Champion." Raven said. He kissed her long and slow. "I love you so much." Finn said. "I love you too." Raven said. They kissed again and he went to do his first photoshoot. "Yer a good match for him." Becky said. "I'm going to try to be." Raven said. "I know ya are." Becky said. "All I know right now is that I'm so very proud of him!" Raven said. They watched him doing his photo shoot and the feeling of pride seemed to grow with every photo taken.
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