#Satisfied HardWork Difficult
Astro observations. 💌🌻
🌼 Virgo moons though seem as practical, efficient & perfectionist, but inside they are deeply loving , shy & need emotional closeness & safety . They are so shy that this side of theirs remains hidden. They deeply wish to be of help .
🌼 Taurus risings especially Rohini Risings require luxury , aesthetics , beauty, art to feel emotionally satisfied and thus motivated to grow more in life.
🌼 Leo risings especially Magha risings are mostly unfazed and do not let emotions ride their decision making. They are very stubborn and royal like & they rarely change their ways . Unless there are water placements to balance it out.
🌼 Mutable risings are quite adaptable & mild personalities , they might feel a bit of out of this world. Since their Kendra owners are benign planets and to deal with the outside world, some dark side , badass effects of malefic planets is required to face of the difficult and challenging aspects of life , living & people. Kendra rule those aspects of life . And ownership of malefic planets gives a personality a hard balancing edge too.
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🌼 Capricorn moons have an inner child that really had strict moms , they are sort of the children that learnt the real value of money earlier than others. They are hardworking, stoic and can be sense of support & stability for close ones. Hopefully they can feel more fulfilled too if they allow themselves to feel their emotions in a healthy manner too.
🌼 Age 24 , 28 , 36 , 42 , 48 are one of the most transformative years of life. The personality becomes more mature if it allows itself to learn and grow 🪴.
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daskolas · 9 months
Rahu and Ketu in houses
Rahu (north node) and Ketu (south node) are always in opposition. Whatever house they are in, they bring emptiness into it.
Rahu in 1st house/Ketu in 7th house
This position gives individuals a lot of wisdom. Here, the person is very clever and mysterious.
Native's priority is to earn fame, being people's first choice and to be successful. They try to achieve these things by hook or crook.
Native's focus is on themselves, their independence, to learn new years and to identify their purpose.
These people also get mature really young because of the hardships they had to face.
People with this placement usually have dental problems and may even some sort of chronic illness.
This placement makes a person different from others in a positive manner
This placement can manifest lots of loneliness in native's life but it also grants them the ability to explore their self
future spouse can be indecisive but they will give good advices
Individuals can face some problems in their married life IF they won't be able to have proper amount of freedom.
Many of people with this placement like to live in dark or may prefer slow songs.
Rahu in 2nd house/ Ketu in 8th house
people with this placement have a harsh tone
native with Rahu in 2nd house, try to earn money even if it is not in a conventional way. This placement makes people extremely materialistic.
they are also prone to addiction so try to stay away from things like smoking
Your life partner can be rich and you can inherit property from your in-laws.
they like to research about different things. Trying to get to know which isn't noticeable
They also live too much inside their head
This placement also grants you good intuition and someone who is a risk-taker especially when it comes to earning money
you will also face fast changes in your life whether it is of health or career
people with this placement have high will and also are very concentrated individuals
ADVICE: changes whether negative or positive are fine. They are extremely common. Even if you facing loss right now then you may earn profit tomorrow. Try to be good and faithful to yourself.
Rahu in 3rd house/Ketu in 9th house
The person is hardworking.
They also face issues related to throat.
This placement indicates a cooperative personality so these people are prone to help someone who doesn't want to improve themselves. "I can fix them" personality.
Natives with this placement will not get support from their younger siblings if they have
Things will get delayed in life such as marriage, having children, or even career.
this placement makes a person religious and someone who respects their teachers
Even though life can get difficult but people with this placement know how to handle whatever gets thrown their way.
People with this placement know a lot of things. In fact some people may even consider them "know-it-all".
They are also good with hands so might be a good artist or do calligraphy or might have beautiful hands
You can know how to express yourself really well
Rahu in 4th house/ Ketu in 10th house
A person with placement is very courageous.
Mother plays an important role in a person's whether it is because she influenced natives a lot or because she had no influence.
people with this placement have a hard time feeling satisfied.
People with this placement face many financial issues or there were many distractions due to which they were not able to complete their studies on time.
This placement indicates that the person can live abroad.
They are also constantly moving so living far away from their birthplace or even marrying someone with different background.
you might also have an obsession with having a fixed asset like having a house, car, land etc.
Have difficulty concentrating.
you might feel like you are not welcome anywhere but mainly have a hard time feeling like you belong somewhere.
lack patience, and want things fast.
Rahu in 5th house/ Ketu in 11th house
This placement is considered very neutral as Rahu is sitting in a triangular house so there will be positive sides as well.
This placement gives a lack of happiness and benefits either from the father or children. Some people can even have difficulties with having children.
You will also not have a good relationship with your elder brother if you have any.
This placement makes a person extremely social and someone who knows how to communicate.
natives here are very good with hands. So you may have skills such as art and craft, sculpting or even some healing techniques like reiki.
person's focus here is to learn new things. They are extremely curious and are also invested in creative aspects.
this placement also makes natives intelligent so they do very well in school and are also good at additional aspects.
You will also be able to do good or achieve success in the entertainment industry so maybe an actor, singer, dancer, etc.
You may get some problems with your undergraduate degree like maybe you took a break.
This placement also makes the native mischievous or someone very active or restless.
Rahu in 6th house/ Ketu in 12th house
people with this placement are believed to be old souls.
when a person becomes old, they become extremely religious and someone who does a lot of charity.
this placement is considered good as people always stand up for themselves and are not easily repressed.
However, you will often feel that you are not surrounded by people who want the best for you. It may or may not be true.
A person's focus is on health, self-improvement, and having rules for themselves, and is also on how to develop good habits to be the best version of oneself.
they are also mature and know what to do in any situation. They also have an idea of the world.
they have contact with foreign companies or you will form connections with people from foreign countries.
you will also fall ill easily. During Rahu/Ketu Mahadasha you will also not be able to get diagnosed properly.
you will get success only by doing a lot of hard work.
You will also not face any mishappening or something happening unexpectedly.
Rahu in 7th house/ Ketu in 1st house
You can have problems in your married life. This can be especially due to misunderstanding or you may have different personality from your future partner.
You can marry someone from a different culture or after getting married, you will become extremely focused on your growth and self-improvement.
This placement makes the native yearn romantic relationships when they are young. However, when they get older they start focusing on themselves.
If Rahu is not afflicted, then you will come only in serious relationships.
This placement makes the person indecisive or someone who sometimes face difficulty in understanding what is going on because of lack of mental presence but you will be very smart.
You will also be kind or someone who likes to help people but at the end of the day, you would want to be in touch with yourself.
You will also have natural talent for astrology and tarots. You will be deeply interested in spiritual aspect.
this placement makes person very successful and creative. They will also be surrounded by many people.
You will also easily able to tell what others are feeling and would help them a lot.
You will also want to be with yourself especially when you get older, you will try to understand deeper aspects of life.
Rahu in 8th house/ Ketu in 2nd house
People with this placement tend to be mysterious and secretive. Even if you tell things about yourself, people around you can feel like they don't know you much.
You can have problem with your voice. Like have a cough or people misunderstand you a lot or you may have badmouth.
You may also talk without thinking so think twice before saying anything to anyone especially when you are angry.
this placement makes someone who spends a lot of money. So saving money can be a problem. If that is not the scenario then there can be fluctuations in finances.
This placement also makes the person money-minded so natives can think about how to generate money a lot.
You may also have some unexplained fears like you may become fearful of many things even if you haven't had a bad experience with them.
People with this placement tend to be scared of animals when they are young but when they get older, they start to love them.
You will be understanding and calm a lot but are also prone to extreme outbursts or some heavy emotional experience.
This placement also makes the person good astrologer or you will definitely study astrology.
You will also research about many things. Or you will like learning about many things.
Rahu in 9th house/ Ketu in 3rd house
this placement indicates the person will settle in a foreign. And they will also be able to achieve most success when they are working abroad.
this placement also makes the natives travel a lot. However, you will start feeling dissatisfied and can feel that traveling brings you a lot of problems.
you can have a problem with your sibling. like a strained relationship even though you love them a lot and overprotectiveness.
You will also study a lot. You may even be inclined to get a PhD.
You will people a lot. So you may donate a lot or even start an NGO to help needy people.
You can also have a hard time saying No especially in financial matters so you may give money to whoever asked you but would never be able to ask them back.
You will also care a lot about nature. This placement makes the person ecocentric.
you will also tend to share your knowledge with people as soon as you learn about them.
You will also love taboo things. You can also start connecting with the higher self. Many people with this placement tend to be agnostic.
You may face delays in your life in some places so you can do certain things like live in a foreign country, try to do meditation and become more in tune with yourself or do not talk to people who are not treating you well. Learn to cut off people.
Rahu in 10th house/ Ketu in 4th house
The person is very clever.
Career will be progressing from short scale to big scale. Long-term growth.
They can also feel very stressed due to work only. The focus is on career.
Might not receive support from parents.
A person will be highly influenced by their father but can have a negative relationship with him.
This placement is an indicator of moving abroad.
people with this placement want to be in leadership positions and have a need to be powerful. Kind of like having it all.
natives with Rahu in 10th house do well in career where you can help people or where you can influence them.
people with this placement can gain benefits from the government whether it is in terms of job or anything.
you will constantly shift between wanting to be more spiritual or wanting to have money and power.
Rahu in 11th house/ Ketu in 5th house
people with this placement can feel unlucky at times. For example, if someone wants to start a business then suddenly you start having financial issues.
relationships will not be successful.
Person's entire focus is on completing their desire like being financially strong or having materialistic growth.
relationships with elder siblings will not be good.
People with this placement should start with a job as doing their business at the start can take a lot of time. So start with a job first then move towards business.
Person is very helpful and cooperative.
they also take care of their parents.
people with this placement gain lots of spiritual and philosophical knowledge from their parents.
you will be able to get more success working with people from foreign country or settling abroad.
people with this placement do not feel satisfied easily. Always wanting to achieve more and more.
Rahu in 12th house/ Ketu in 6th house
This placement is considered very good as this makes a person very successful.
This placement is the indicator for settling in a foreign country or working with people from a foreign country.
person has a desire to live alone or live a highly spiritual life.
Even though they desire to live a detached life, but at a young age they will live a fast-paced life but as they become old, they will live the life that they desire.
Person might also not care too much about their health or even daily life issues.
This placement gives people lots of difficulties but it also grants them the ability to overcome them.
They also spend a lot of money on things that they do not need or require.
you can have psychic dreams or dreams which are extremely imaginative which you might find weird.
You might not be close to your mother or there is some distance between you and your family members.
During Ketu Mahadasha, you might fall ill and not be able to be diagnosed properly.
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loveemagicpeace · 5 months
Saturn lord of karma
Saturn is considered the most powerful planet in astrology and also the planet that is the most difficult to know. For many years, they believed that Saturn was bad, but the negative turned out to be one of the better planets. All other planets lose energy, which is especially true for the planet Mars.
Saturn in Taurus- excessive exaggerations towards materialism. The cause is a strong conscious or unconscious fear of losing property, visits or possessions. People with this position feel that they are not important without money. They may have a fear of poverty. Because by having money, they can enjoy things and have the feeling that they cannot do without material things. They see life as real, serious, uncompromising. They are hardworking and always save money. They are persistent, motivated and want to be successful.
Saturn in Virgo- these people are hard-working, diligent, focused on everyday activities. They work a lot on their health and body. Many times, however, they can be subjected to excessive strain due to their health. These people are perfectionists, precise, thoughtful and very good at what they do. They are very good analysts. Accepting responsibility can be hindered by a lack of faith in one's own abilities, suspicion and fear that they will not satisfy society.
Saturn in Capricorn- here Capricorn is at home and in a comfortable position. He knows how to organize perfectly, he is reliable, solid, responsible. He can be a great leader. An individual with this position wants to be an example to other people, because he wants to be socially and socially important, because he has a desire for power and control. He has very high life goals, he wants to be a successful and respected member of the social community. He has important insights early in his life, but he learns the most from his own experiences.
Saturn in Gemini-the ambitions of these people are related to learning, studying, teaching, acquiring specific knowledge. These people are interested in many things and can also be people who start something but don't finish it because they can't decide what it is that really attracts them. However, the individual may have a tendency to control and overthink each person. It can also be a source of strict upbringing (that he must not say what he thinks). A career can be related to journalism, public speaking, literature.
Saturn in Libra- the area of relationships has the greatest influence on the development of these people. A source of acquaintance, diplomacy, understanding, love and business relationships. But this is the most difficult and the biggest challenge for them. People want to highlight justice, seriousness, affection, kindness, patience. They may feel a great responsibility towards partner relationships. Therefore, they always approach them very seriously. However, they may be hindered by the fear of losing their partner relationship. Many times they have high criteria when it comes to love. The profession of the field is usually related to fashion, science, art, politics.
Saturn in Aquarius- symbolizes solidity, thoughtfulness, progress of ideas, innovativeness. These people can achieve a lot by inventing something. But there are usually people who don't like to follow the rules and do exactly the opposite of what they should. It can cause melancholy, dissatisfaction. Lanka limit freedom of thought. Many times these people want to do things their way. He perceives the world as a place where every person should have the same opportunities for development and social establishment, or professional success. This position is characterized by a scientific-systematic thinking approach, which through experiences achieves a high level of internal crystallization and ingenious mutual logical connection. Such a situation leads to loneliness and problems in partnerships and relationships, because the life principles of these people are very unusual, but at the same time advanced and hard to understand by contemporaries. It also indicates extraordinary creative restlessness, nervousness, unpredictability and a tendency to make radical changes. Due to strict upbringing and limitations in childhood, they later try to make up for it with an exaggerated tendency towards freedom, independence and detachment.
Saturn in 2nd house-This position indicates great insecurity, which is associated with a lack of self-confidence and self-worth. The very slow development of the value and value system is characteristic. There is a probability that the individual's upbringing in his youth was associated with poverty, deprivation, misery or even hunger. So now you are working on getting all the needs. A person can identify himself with money, material goods, or with his wealth, this becomes his only way of asserting himself in the social environment. When a person realizes that money is not everything and begins to change his lifestyle, he sees things differently.
Saturn in 3rd house-The third house tells something about the way of thinking, intellect, basic education, ability to communicate, about gathering information, movement over short distances, means of transport, brothers and sisters and about conditions in the immediate environment. Saturn in the 3rd house creates order, discipline, strictness, responsibility and orientation towards a specific type of self and information. Checks if the information is correct. If a child is exposed to too strict control of information, he may have problems with expression and vocabulary. He can be the target of criticism and constant monitoring of what and how he speaks, thereby exerting psychological pressure on the child. Later in life, the individual has difficulty developing an authentic exchange of information, speaks quietly or reservedly, or is ashamed of what he said. Usually, individuals with this position are very intelligent, have good concentration and great depth of thought. A child with this Saturn position is very diligent and a good student in elementary school. You can be stubborn and value the knowledge that was gained based on experience and practical observations the most. It may happen that one of the brothers or sisters "plays the role of Saturn". This means that, as an older child, he puts himself in the role of a guardian or an authority that must be listened to and obeyed. You are very careful when you drive vehicles, so there is not a high probability of accidents and accidents, unless Saturn is strongly afflicted.
Saturn in 6th house-Daily habits and tasks (for example, hygiene, cleaning, house order, principles of behavior, etc.) are very precisely determined, as the individual demands absolute order and compliance with the established rules. They may be inclined to find themselves in a very demanding job, where there are high standards and requirements that must be met unconditionally. Service is sometimes such a burden with this position of Saturn, that the individual can bear it with difficulty. Work conditions can be made more difficult by a colleague, which has an extremely burdensome effect on the individual, reduces his work morale and tries to devalue the individual's work and efforts. The pressures at the workplace are often so heavy that a person is no longer able to perform their work correctly and with high quality. Prav sesta house points to a close psychosomatic connection between work processes and health, which are also cyclical in their essence. In order to maintain health, it is necessary to be allowed to rest, to eat properly and healthily, to be physically active and to be allowed to sleep. A person's health is most burdened when the individual is burdened day in and day out with the problems and disappointments he experiences in life, and at the same time he sleeps poorly, does not feel well, eats improperly and does not exercise enough.
Saturn in 7th house-The position of Saturn here represents lasting love and marriage relationships, what he expects from personal and business partnerships, how he relates to business clients and other people, and to open opponents and lower courts. This position of Saturn is otherwise demanding, as it shows that relationships are the theme of life that will berequired the most effort, effort, patience, tolerance and perseverance. Balancing the relationship with such a partner is a difficult task, because she strictly insists on her views and principles, which means that it is difficult to expect any changes. Says even to such a choice of a partner who will first test you, isolate you, then reject you and ultimately disappoint you. The question arises how to mitigate or even prevent this. The answer lies within search, contemplation, tolerance, humor and in-depth communication between partners. An individual may choose a partner much older than himself because he is experienced, stable, reliable and financially secure, but he is dissatisfied with him because of inflexibility, old-fashionedness and ageism and other limitations bring a lot of problems into the relationship. You can also be afraid of living alone, but at the same time you are afraid of problems in a partnership.
Saturn in 10th house-The tenth house tells something about career choice, business success and professional reputation, relationship with the public and relationship with parents. The top of the tenth house (MC) indicates concretely expected achievements in life and the realization of the individual's public ambitions. Saturn is extremely well placed in the tenth house, which is why its position is also solid and strong. The individual is fully ready to take responsibility for social achievements, show himself as an honorable person, fulfill his ambitions and become a real authority. Success is the ultimate goal, no matter how difficult the path to it is. Relationship with parents and upbringing are very important in this position, because the more visible of the parents requires discipline, order, rigor and systematicity. It is interesting that the ambitions we feel later in life are proportional to the pressure on the child's identity in the early life period.
Saturn in 11th house-this house tells something about relationships with friends, about group activities, hopes, wishes and expectations in life, about large organizations and events over which the individual has no influence. It is typical for Saturn here that the individual shows his superiority and isolation within the group and behaves like a "lone wolf". He has problems if he wants to establish occasional friendly contacts, because he acts strict, aloof and defensive. People who have been presented to him as "acceptable", i.e. those whom he meets through family, business, religion or interests, rarely receive him warmly, so he feels unaccepted in this social structure. An individual with Saturn in the eleventh house is painfully aware that he is not welcome anywhere, but at the same time he is overwhelmed by a deep feeling of loneliness and detachment.
🎸For personal readings u can sign up here: https://snipfeed.co/bekylibra 🎸
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vintagetimetarot · 10 months
10 facts about your future spouse ♡︎
Hello everybody! This is my first PAC on tumblr, but I wanted to start with something easy for me since it’s been insanely difficult for me to read for you guys (I’ve tried at least 6 times no joke) and then this idea popped into my head (I’ve seen other do it as well) so I wanted to do this. I also think readings like this are easier for you to take what resonates and what does not. So here’s 10 facts about your future spouse! Again, take what resonates, and leave what doesn’t. Pick a vintage couple below to get your reading! Please like and reblog if it resonated! (18+ in some piles)
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Pile 1:
- They are an extroverted person. They are also very positive and look towards the future in a good way
- They will be your emotional support basically. They’ll be there for you in your darkest moments
- It takes a long time to gain their trust completely.
- They are very intelligent and make smart choices, you don’t have to worry about them doing dumb shit in your relationship
- They are financially very well off, and/or come from a wealthy family
- They’re very flirty, especially when you first meet
- You haven’t met them yet, this is a new love
- You’ll be introduced to each other formally/set up with each other
- They are extremely attracted to you physically (and emotionally) and are conventionally attractive
- They will always stay with you and work through problems with you instead of leaving when shit gets hard
Pile 2:
- They like to stay up late, they’re a night owl, and are intimate with you often in your relationship
- Your relationship with them will move very fast, they also live far away from you
- They’ll end up starting a family with you (whether this is pets or children)
- They are very physically active and are in good physical shape
- They have unusual hobbies and interests
- They are religious
- You’ll meet them VERY soon
- They find your self respect attractive
- They will trust you easily
- They are an optimistic person
Pile 3:
- They are generally very blessed in life (financially, socially, physical looks, etc)
- You’re their first relationship their actual satisfied in, they have a lot of exes
- They have a small circle of friends, and you are part of their friend group
- They are extremely passionate and conventionally attractive
- They have a lot of admirers and have striking eyes
- You guys will get together or have your first kiss after an arguement or misunderstanding
- They are very physically intimate with you, you might lose your virginity to this person if you haven’t already
- They are a bit of a control freak but not in a bad way
- They learn from their mistakes easily
- They will make you feel safe and protected
Pile 4:
- They have been through a lot in their life mentally
- They are extremely hardworking
- They are authoritative and very masculine (regardless of gender)
- They come from a poor family or poor upbringing
- You guys will bond the most over your first couple dates
- They have control of their life and have it together
- They are very sexually attracted to you, might start off as a fling or one night stand
- You guys will get married and have a beautiful wedding
- You haven’t met them yet, or this person is newly entered in your life
- Different from your usual type
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luneariaa · 8 months
just smth about you working at a cafe,, and higu pays you a visit. plot is almost going nowhere hshshs,, and yes this is as fluffy as it can get lmao.
. dividers by @/cafekitsune !! 🌻
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The sounds of the bells ringing from atop of the entrance door caught your attention, which is a signal that someone has walked into the cafe that you’re currently working at. The cafe itself was actually being run by one of your friends, which she had offered you a place to work there back then. 
Upon noticing the familiar face of your beloved, a happy smile immediately made its way to your face; hands automatically starting to brew some fresh hot coffee for him as usual. Higuruma didn’t need to tell you anything– you always knew his favourite drink whatsoever. 
Heck, even making some of his favourite sandwiches out of love for him. The dark-haired attorney always appreciates your efforts in ways that you possibly imagined.
By the time he’s about to make some order by the counter, you have already placed the coffee in front of him– which always, and always managed to catch him by surprise, before thanking you for your sweet and thoughtful gesture.
Higuruma sips on his coffee slowly after finding a rather reserved seat just nearby where you are; trying to savour the taste of it, yet his eyes couldn’t resist from glancing at your form occasionally. You were always so hardworking to him, and it’s one of your main traits that he finds captivating. 
“What’s with the stare?” You let a small chuckle out of you, now noticing how he begins to not shy away his constant gaze at you. He returns the same chuckle, propping one hand atop of the counter and rests his head there.
“What, I can’t appreciate looking at you and admiring your beauty?” Higuruma replies in a slightly lower tone, yet with a hint of teasing, as if to make sure you’re the only one who heard it closely.
“That’s kinda sappy,” you laughed humorously, yet also finding it actually sweet. “I appreciate that.”
His breath begins to hitch in his throat when you decide to do a bit of a bold move– gradually and slightly leaning your face closer to his, but still leaving some space for him to breathe.
“Could say the same to you, Mr. Lawyer.” 
His reaction actually satisfies you once you retreat from your initial stance; getting him all flustered that he had to loosen his tie a bit, and the clearing of his throat. Luckily, by some miracle, no one saw it.
But your co-worker friend has sent you a cheeky grin from afar, letting you have your moment alone with him, even though your shift is almost over. She’s the sweetest.
“Not so sappy when it’s just the truth.”
“But still..” You both shared a heartwarming laugh with one another. At least, you’re here to make him try to forget about his stresses from earlier cases.
“I’m not gonna take back what I’ve been saying though,” Higuruma grins lovingly at you. “I think your hard work alone would put even my skills to shame.”
“Nah, don’t sell yourself short!”
“Did anything happen today?” You finally changed the topic with another, wanting to know about your beloved instead as you gazed at him intently. All the while placing your hand atop of his as a sign of unspoken comfort.
“Got a quite difficult case today actually,” he shrugs and slouches over slightly; grasping back onto your hand with an equal affection underlying within it. 
“It’s just the usual client stuff, don’t worry. I’m handling it alright so far, but enough about me. How are things going here? How are you doing?”
A quiet exhale came from you by his answer. Even when his day isn’t really going well, he always has you in his mind instead– a trait that you find endearing, but it didn’t manage to stop the feeling of concern from resurfacing for his well-being.
“Everything’s going well here, don’t worry about me.”
“I’m so sorry that you had a rough day,” you gave your beloved a sympathetic smile. “Is there anything I can do about it?”
“Well–” His thumb brushes along your knuckles ever so tenderly, as if he’s afraid of possibly hurting you in the process. “--your presence alone is already enough for me, I promise you.”
“Just a little tired, that is. But it’ll pass soon; I’ve worked through tougher cases before.”
Knowing all too well that any attempt to shot back his statement will be futile, you eventually sighed in agreement. “Just don’t be too harsh on yourself.”
He merely nodded, not wanting to worry you any further, and lifts one of your hands up to his lips– pressing a soft kiss on it, which is enough to make you a bit of a flustered mess from his actions alone. You’re highly aware that it might be hard for him to try and do so; knowing how much of a passionate man he can be, especially anything about justice. 
“Are you able to wait for a bit more? My shift will end soon.” You tell while your eyes checked on the clock that’s hanging on the wall. “Or if you have to go back to work– I’m alright with it.”
The dark-haired attorney only gave a slight, comforting shake of his head. “Well, I do have to get some stuff back in the office.”
“I don’t think anyone’s around there at this time, so we can go there together. It won’t take long.”
“Then, we can grab some dinner outside tonight. How’s that sound?”
And who could’ve refuse such offer? It sounds amazing already for the both of you.
“That’s a deal then!”
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© 𝚌𝚊𝚜𝚜.
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cepheustarot · 11 months
What awaits you in November?
Attention! This reading is for entertainment purposes only. This tarot reading does not give a 100% guarantee that all the described situations will occur. You build your own life and destiny.
Pick a pile. Choose one or more pictures. Trust your intuition.
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Pile 1: As I see it, here you will become the one who will be at the center of a dispute between two people. you will feel like you are beietwen two fires, because it will be difficult to support the someone alone person, these two people are your close people and each of them is right in his own way.  but as I see it, here you generally forget about the situation and say, it's not my business, two adults and mature people are quarreling, so they can come to a compromise without my participation. But another one will decide to put two people in their place and say, stop arguing! don't you have anything else to do? or something like that, in general, your words will help resolve this conflict or at least minimize disputes. The second event is due to the fact that you are finishing a long and hard work, perhaps someone has been diligently preparing for the upcoming exams. you finally go on vacation or go on vacation, give yourself the opportunity to relax, and you will be alone with yourself. The third event promises a new period or a new stage in your life, you will start doing something new for you or go to another university, find a new job that is generally different from the one you worked at before. Moreover, you will like these changes, you will be satisfied with the new in your life, you will have a passion, an interest in everything that you will start doing.
Pile 2: You were in suspense for a long time, you didn't know what to do and how to move, because everything somehow returned to the same thing or to what you started with. The pressure from the outside has led you to an apathetic state, you have withdrawn to yourself and have already lost hope of solving the problem, but this month you will have the opportunity to break the vicious circle and take the next step, move on to another stage. Moreover, as soon as you do this, everything will get better in your life, relationships with people, finances will increase, your condition will improve, there will be a lot of time for what you wanted to realize for a long time, but could not for certain reasons.The next event promises you new acquaintances! Or you will be among people, maybe you will meet with your friends or relatives, or spend time in a big company and it will definitely leave a pleasant memory for you! You can also be in the center of attention, people will approach you to get acquainted. It can also mean that if you are blogging or developing in social networks in social networks, then people will notice you, subscribe to you, put likes and everything like that. For those who work as a freelancer, this is also a good event, since new customers, buyers will come to you and a new stream of people will bring you good money. Also, at the end of the month, you can expect a spontaneous trip, or you can move to a new apartment, a new house, change your place of residence, you can change your place of work or change something in your appearance, here the key word is spontaneity. But be careful and attentive, because some changes may not work out as you planned or as you wanted and you may face not very good consequences, so still think carefully about your spontaneous idea before proceeding to execution.
Pile 3: The 1st event is connected with your meeting with a partner or future love! If you have been single for a while, then here you will have the opportunity to meet your love. To describe a person briefly, he is quite mature, hardworking, reliable, responsible, generous, he may be the same age as you or a little older than you. If you are already in a romantic relationship, then this month you will spend a lot of time with your love, you will feel very good and comfortable together, the person will show you all his love and attention, in general, there is a warm and harmonious period in your relationship. If you are in a quarrel or a difficult situation with your lover, then here you will successfully find a compromise and a solution to your problem! The second event is due to the fact that you refuse to communicate with a person from your environment, it can be either your friend, acquaintance, or someone from relatives. But! if you refuse, you will soon meet another person who will become your good friend or at least a good interlocutor, you will feel that he understands you, supports you and you can share with him everything that worries your soul and thoughts. You can also reach a compromise with a person with whom you have a difficult situation, he will make concessions to you and change his attitude towards you for the better, for example, he will become more attentive to you and your feelings. The next event is related to your plans and goals, perhaps you have just started implementing recently and the process is difficult for you, there are a lot of failures on your way or something does not work out for a long time. In this case, you need to take a break and postpone the case, spend time with your loved ones or alone to dispel your thoughts and look at the problem from the other side or simply relax. In any case, you have enough strength and resources to pass all the obstacles, so don't worry too much! Believe that you will succeed.
Thank you for reading! I will be glad of any feedback <3
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Can i request an ADA x teen!reader ( platonic ofc ) where reader lives in a very toxic house w an abusive father but all the ADA member start to worrying abt them and think something is wrong bc they always come back with injuries and they finally decide to do something after that reader just broke down and they comfort them
:( i need some comfort so yea if its ok ofc u can skip it have a nice day ♡♡♡
Sorry this took some time anon, thank you for requesting, I wouldn't dare skip it. I hope you’re doing alright, you're never alone know that. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here for ya.
TW// mentions of abuse, blood, child neglect
Word count: 2k
Just angst and sad weather. Hope its good for my first BSD fic.
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A soft breeze filled with springs essence flowed gently into the quaint office placed atop the red bricked building. It wasn’t much to look at, not really, other than its red exterior taking the eyes attention for a split second, there wasn’t much else to it.
Unless one was aware of its top floored residence. Quite the loud bunch many would complain. Always someone shouting and screaming about tardiness, unsettling comments about severing limbs, and often other occupants would notice a trail of emptied snack bags leading to the office. Simply a place to stay away from.
Now that was what you called home. 
The hums of the crowded streets played out in a symphony in front of you, just another side walk to cross and you were home. Home .. If the word stayed on your tongue for too long it might lose it meaning, or worse, become sour in taste. 
That top floor, was home. It had only been maybe 8 months since you began working there as an assistant. The Armed Detective Agency, the name really says all there was to it. The work wasnt too difficult, after all, you were a hardworker and you’ve been working your whole life one way or another. The president had made some adjustiments to your workload considering you were still a high school student. Of course you adamantly expressed your capabilities, but underneath it all, you were relieved. 
The breeze grazed your face and ruffled your hair, adding more knots into it after you had done so much to ensure it looked perfect, like nothing had happened. You sighed with a hint of ire plaguing not just your voice but your eyes. Perhaps holding your tongue could have granted you another hour or two of sleep. Alas, thinking of such what if’s was something you slowly learned to block out. It was pointless to fantisize of what could be anyhow.
You continued to fix your hair as you walked up the stairs, soon reaching the gates to your heaven with the oh so familiar sign positioned at the door. You hesitated briefly even as the sign urged you to come in just as the Earth welcomed rain. Thoughts began to overwhelm you. Mornings were never easy. You weren’t a sunflower waiting to greet the sun as the sun showers you with blessings and you return its gift with a smile. It was always terrifying. He was terrifying.
No matter what you did, no matter how hard you tried, you would never be enough to satisfy his will. At times, that thought alone shot bolts of desperation throughout your body, like an injured animal finding some way to stop the bleeding. What were you so desperate for? Home. It’s right in front of you, so why can’t you accept it now?
‘I didn’t get enough time to cover some of the bruises, what if they-’
“Ah you made it L/N-chan!” 
You shot up slightly at the new sound that entered your bubble. Your gaze turned towards the young boy’s voice, noticing his ragged hair. ‘Always quite slanted, not a single strand the same,’ you mused. “Atsushi you startled me aha..” Although the chuckle may have been a bit strained, you were happy to know your voice wasn’t void of that hint of delight to see him. 
“A-ah! Sorry! I guess I’ve been sneaking up on a lot of people lately. The other day it was Lucy, I made her drop her dish in the cafe- I really did apologize but she was very close to throwing me from a bridge aha-” Atsushi had a tendency of causing trouble from simple, and often innocent, actions. It was always amusing to hear about from him, they’ve never failed to crack you out of your reclusive state. 
Atsushi’s eyes wandered briefly to a mismatched coloured blotch on your arm, one you tried to conceal under your sleeves. When you took notice of his gaze, you quickly shifted that arm out of view; watching his shy and gentle eyes become disturbed with remorse. That unconcealable wrapping on your leg wasn’t any better to look at you figured, and you were sorry he had to see it. It was only for a moment though. He seemed more at ease once you smiled back at him. 
“If she did push you, I’d call Kyoka-chan.” You continued back at where the conversation left off at. At that Atsushi shaked his hands, trying to prevent the fictional scenario. “N-No! Kyoka might end up doing more than dragging me out of the water-” You both laughed at the scenario at the underlying understanding of Kyoka’s protectivness of Atsushi’s well being.
As you both walked into the office together, a scent of candies and coffee lingered in the air and the bustling office welcomed your arrival. Your eyes lingered on Atsushi as he made his way over to his desk to get started on what you could only assume to be another stack of Dazai’s unfinished paperwork. ‘I should go and get him some coffee, he might need it to finish all that.’ Looking at that stack was alone to make you wince and move towards your own desk. 
You usually make your rounds to greet everyone, but today was a difficult day and you were more tired than usual. So you figured finishing your work early would be the best way to go about things. As you began, the usual shenanigans continued to buzz around the agency. Naomi chasing Tanizaki begging him to bother himself with her rather than his work, the murmurs of the president and his secretary disgusing financial documents in his office, Ranpo-san’s loud crunches as he muched on what could’ve been his 15th chip bag of the day, and to top it off, Kunikida’s excessive yelling. You may be a hardworker but in this case, you couldn’t hold a handle to Kunikida’s work ethic. He kept everyone on task, or so he tried. 
While he was on his daily rant about Dazai’s tardiness to anyone who would listen, you felt a dreadful turmoil brewing in your head.
That buzzing in your head was a little more than unsettling. And just as your hand went to go reach your head, there it was again, that word. 
Why was it coming to the forefront of your mind? Why couldn’t that thought be subdued? Why were you so unlucky that the only word that haunted you was the one you cherished just as much?
He. Your father. Just a shadow of what he could’ve- no, should’ve been. A shadow who gained sentience and refuses to let you breathe. 
Your ‘home’ was hell personified. Every move you took would inevitably burn your feet. So you took no steps at all. Yet even then the fire raged on and clung to you. 
And right now, that fire was engulfing your head. 
You could faintly see Dr.Yosano in the distance, making her way to you. You couldn’t quite make out her expression when you dropped to floor and the fire took your eyesight.
Sometimes sleep was the only solace you could get, so you tried to cherish it whenever you could. This time, there was something different about the black void of unconsciousness. A dull pain.
It lingered and poked you in the void. Slowly voices became more clear, and feeling returned to your hands. Still, those wonderful eyes of yours refused to leave the dark. 
A part of you couldn’t deny that you liked it that way, but that poking sensation wouldn’t let you dream. 
You never had time for it.
So your eyes opened, breaking through the fire, and into the blinding lights of the ceiling panels. 
“You’re awake-!” There a pair of wide yellowish-purple eyes looked back at you, secured with a load of concern.
It was Atsushi, worried about you as always. You wished he’d worry about himself more. 
It didn’t quite hit you that you were on Dr. Yosano’s lap or the fact there were tears in your eyes, slowly streaming down your eyes. Not until Kyouka, who sat next to Atsushi wiped them gently. 
What happened to you? 
Your body must’ve been more aware than your mind as it expressed it’s emotions more freely than how your mouth could vocalize them. Slowly you sat up and noticed exactly what had caused you to lose consciousness.
“What happened… y/n?”
Blood loss.
Dr. Yosano looked at the open wounds on your legs, carefully unwrapping the loosely tied bandages around them. She was inspecting the wound just as she was inspecting your face. 
They all were looking at you. Kunikida with a glass of water held firmly in his hand. Kyouka who stayed quietly by Atsushi, looking at your wounds. Yosano who looked slightly unnerved at the blood yet continued to press on; cleaning the wound. Atsushi who looked at you as though he knew and didn’t at the same time. But he wanted to know, oh how he wanted you to tell him. 
And suddenly, it was hard. 
You were young. You couldn’t hold it back anymore.
The tears poured out and so did the words you held in for so long. You tried to hold it all in, but everyone has their limits. Atsushi held you closely as you cried into his arms. Kyouka followed and joined the hug. 
She understood. 
You may be older than her but she knew your pain just as well. 
Yosano worked on your legs with utmost care and gentleness. She knew better than to ask to heal using her unorthodox methods. She’d rather not do that, even if it took away all the physical pain, it wouldn’t do anything for your mental anguish. So she helped in the ways she could. 
Kunikida offered you that glass of water as you talked and cried. He stepped back for a moment, eyes still intently on you as you spoke with your shaky voice and teary eyes. Until he caught the sight of someone hidden in the corner of the agency.
His expression was unreadable as always yet there was a sense of conflict stiring in those lax eyes of his that Kunikida rarely saw. Just as Kunikida noticed him standing there in obscurity, he left through the agency’s doors. Kunikida knew to follow him in case Dazai had finally built a sense of justice and planned to do something rash.
When the tears stopped, you sat there with your ragged yet quiet, breathing. Atsushi never once left your side. Kyouka still sat by you, unmoving. Kenji had returned a little while ago and brought you over some tissues and began reciting stories of his farm life adventures. 
Ranpo finally appeared again. His whereabouts were always where his interests lied…. Or where the snacks were. Thus, it wouldn’t surprise you if he had been there the whole time, just hidden away. 
With a lollipop still in his mouth, he looked down at you. You couldn’t read his eyes, you barely ever saw them when you think about it. Kenji, continued to talk while your attention shifted to Ranpo. He brought his arm forward, in his hand, a single lollipop. He motioned you to take it. 
When it was in your hands, he was already gone back to whatever he was doing, yet you stared at it as though it were gold. 
Home…. A place that’s warm.. A place you feel loved..
You were home. You were safe.
And so you smiled, it would be okay.
Weeks had passed since then, your father was arrested on accounts of child abuse and neglect and you were free from his torment. That moment when Kunikida had left that day, he must’ve gone to seek out your father you supposed. Regardless, you were thankful to not just him, but the entire agency. 
You were free, and you would be okay.
That ‘home’ meant nothing to you, so with Fukuzawa-san’s permission, you were allowed to move into the agency dorms. Again, nothing you could do would expression your gratefulness towards him.
Although old habits and traumas never die, you were healing. You had people who loved you and cared for you. People who would laugh with you as Kunikida and Dazai fought. People who would eat with you when you couldn’t sleep. And people who watched over you, even if silently.
You weren't alone, and most importantly, you were happy.
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ninapi · 1 year
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┊┊┊✧ ⁺ ⁺╚══ Water Pillar ╝
Premise: Lacking resolution was his weakest attribute, after losing his established lifestyle and many friends in battle, finding something worth living for can be challenging. But there's always a rainbow after a rainy day and he found that rainbow when his low was at its peak. A lost soul finds another.
Word count: 4563
Warning: spoilers, the story takes place after the manga’s original timeline.
Note: This is in a way linked to my previous Sanemi story, as this is what happened in the same timeline but on Giyuu’s side. In case you’re interested you can read Sanemi’s here.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The battle was finally over. It was difficult to process or to even accept that demons were a thing of the past now.
Many people lost their life to this cause, good, hardworking people.
This was the life of many, Giyuu included.
Now that there was no threat, they all needed to shift gears and find a new purpose in life, start fresh, live as normal people, finally.
That was easier said than done for a pillar.
To many, killing this creatures was just a hobby, to some a full-time job, but for the pillars it was their life.
They lived just to kill demons, to rid the world of evil, to defeat Muzan. How were they supposed to go back to a tranquil life they never had?
The easiest way out for Giyuu was to go back to his master’s hut. It was isolated enough for his liking, and he wouldn’t mind him staying for a day or two. Tanjiro would also be close by, seemed like a logic course of action.
Urokodaki was not thrilled. Unlike Giyuu, he was accepting retirement quite well. He was satisfied with the fact that not only Tanjiro became the great warrior he ended up being, but also Giyuu successfully took his place as the water pillar. He had a good life, was useful for the corps for as long as it was necessary, now it was time to find inner peace in preparations for the afterlife. Never expected having to babysit once more.
Giyuu was a wreck.
Not emotionally, but a wreck.
Adapting to a missing limb wasn’t as easy as he thought it would be. He found solace in Tengen who helped him a great deal to adjust to his daily routine, he lost it first, he was proud of how quickly he got used to it and defeated the odds. He never thought much of him, but recently he became more like a role model than anything else.
Getting dressed was complicated, eating almost impossible. He thought many times of how much he wished Muzan would have ended his life along the rest of his comrades, it would have been easier on him, and he would have had an honorable death. Without a job, a house, an arm, and now a purpose to move forward, it was becoming quite taxing to wake up every day.
Bored out of his mind, he recalled his first time in the same hut he’s been sleeping in lately, his very first time experiencing his masters rough training, the very first time he was able to take in the water breathing techniques. He did it once, he can certainly learn how to do it once more. If he had to learn how to eat and do everything else with his other hand, this would only add one more thing he had to practice enough to get by. Even if there weren’t any more demons around, even if it was not necessary anymore, it was to him, he didn’t want to feel useless and unprotected. Demons might be gone, but the dark is full of dangers living deep inside human nature.
His master allowed him to stay with him for a while longer, he was worried about his depressive state and if he was being honest, it was nice to have someone home, even when Giyuu didn’t talk as much. He’s very attached to his successors and wants nothing but the best for the remaining two.
Giyuu went deep into the mountain, where he used to train with his friends a long time ago. The place was filled with good memories and it made him feel like he wasn’t alone. It’s been raining hard for the last couple of days, but he wanted nothing to do with it, he needed to practice, he needed to become one with the water once more, what a better way of doing it than training under the rain.
After a long day of failures, a defeated Giyuu sits on a rock shielded by some trees. He liked being deep in the forest on stormy days, it was so peaceful, all he could hear was how the raindrops hit different surfaces at the same time creating an alluring melody that couldn’t be replicated, it helped him meditate, find the peace he’s been looking for a while. That’s when he felt he was being watched, a feeling he couldn’t shake no matter how silly it sounded like. Who else could be there in such a heavy storm. It was consistent, making him get up from his resting spot and walk towards the source, he thought it might be an injured animal, never thought it would be a bleeding villager resting against a tree trunk.
“Are you ok? Do you need help?” she was clearly not ok, blood could be seen seeping through her kimono, her face was also littered with smaller cuts. Seeing him seemed to ease her mind, making her collapse against Giyuu’s chest. He was still not the best at handling weight with his left arm, but he had to do something, he had to take her to his master, it was the least he could do, he just couldn’t leave a woman there to bleed to death alone in the forest.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The rain was not stopping, the storm was as dense as it could be and that proved to be an issue since they didn’t have medicine in stock back in the hut. Giyuu still had some of Shinobu’s salve and thanks to that the woman seemed to be doing better, though a heavy fever was not leaving her.
“Giyuu, I need your help feeding the girl, my back is not as strong as it used to be.” he didn’t want to be involved in this any longer, but he couldn’t go out to train either, helping his master out a bit was nothing more than good manners.
“Ok.” getting her to sit was a task, but once she was up, he managed to make her rest against him, making it easier to get the soup down her throat. She was barely conscious, little whimpers were living her lips as he fed her, and he was losing his cool. “What is it? Does it taste bad? Is it too hot?” he didn’t get a reply from her making him try the soup himself, immediately burning his tongue with the intense heat.
Her eyes were now halfway open, awfully comfortable against the warm surface of Giyuu’s chest. She saw the cute face he made while getting burned and also saw him blowing onto the spoon before attempting to feed her once more. It was a heartwarming scene and she fell back to her unconscious self right after the soup was over.
Urokodaki’s back was becoming a serious problem. Even getting out of bed was painful and he started to worry for the future. Being alone at an old age had its bad side. Giyuu was a big help, even with his own problems.
He stares at his protégé with a loving gaze as he battled to clean the sweat out of the woman laying down across the room. There was nothing remaining from the Giyuu that ran out of situations like a plague. He was now fully committed to nurse her back to health under the excuse of helping his master. It was encouraging seeing him change, his aloof personality was a concern, he thought his beloved successor would end up alone after his passing, but he wasn’t so sure anymore and those were good news.
“Why is she not waking up fully?” his hand remained covering the cloth over her forehead, hoping the fever would go down fast.
“I’m not sure, son. Her wounds are healing properly, she might not want to wake up.” this felt like a kick to the gut to Giyuu, he knows exactly how that feels, not wanting to wake up ever again, not wanting to affront life and an uncertain future. She had probably lost her family in some sort of accident since there was no one else around where she was found, but there were no more demons, why are these things still happening? Rage was bubbling up in his chest when he felt a hand gripping his wrist.
Her eyes were finally open, and they were looking at him with worry. He was probably making some sort of scary looking face by the look of hers, “How are you feeling? I’m Tomioka Giyuu, I brought you to my master’s house after I found you wounded in the forest.” she was desperately trying to speak, but her voice wasn’t coming out, causing her to tremble in fear.
“It’s ok, don’t overexert yourself. You suffered from heavy trauma; your voice should get back with time. Keep resting, you can stay here until you get better.” her panicked self was trying her best to get up while Giyuu was pushing her back down onto the futon, fighting her panicked swings. “She’s so strong. Are you sure she’s still sick?” hearing Giyuu’s voice once again seemed to calm her down, obediently laying down.
“Let her rest.” Upon his master’s instructions he was about to get up and give her space, but she reached out to hold his wrist once more, placing it over her head with a content sigh and a little smile.
He was not one to spoil others, but if his hand could bring any sort of relief, he would keep it there for just a while longer. People usually want him out of their space, want him to stay quiet and not say another word. But she actually liked hearing him talk and wanted him there, it was a rare occasion, and he would indulge just because of that.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Once the fever went away, she became part of the dysfunctional Urokodaki household.
Giyuu would go and train in the mountain after helping his master with his daily tasks. She took care of cooking and also the cleaning of the house, leaving the old man to rest and enjoy his days as he pleased.
They now know your name is (Y/N), but you still haven’t been able to talk no matter how hard you tried.
You also couldn’t properly remember what happened with your family, everything was hazy, all you could remember was blood all over the place, running in the forest and then Giyuu’s face. Like a badly edited film.
You’d wake up in the middle of the night drenched in sweat, your throat raw as voice was trying to come out with little progress, tears going down your face.
For a while now, you’ve been sleeping in between the two of them, three futons laying next to each other by the fire.
Giyuu always woke up to your thrashing and half asleep he’d look for one of your hands patting around until he felt it within his grasp, the nightmares would die on that very moment, serenity painting your face as his warmth reached your insides slowly. He would let go in the morning before anyone could notice and get up to start with his day.
Until one night.
The nightmare came back. You could see an unknown man with an axe, he was chasing your little brothers around, you could see how he would chop them up like a steak, it was gruesome, heart wrenching. You jumped in between the man and your crumbling mother; he had already assaulted her and was in pretty bad shape. And that’s how you got the gash on your stomach. Your mother made you run for your life, the rest of the children were gone, and she was inhaling her last breath, she wanted to at least be able to save one of her beloved children.
Scrambling to your feet, you ran desperately into the forest. Branches hitting you on the face as you ran with all your remaining strength, some of them cutting the flesh they graced. Your feet were naked and you could feel the little stones on the ground digging deep into the sensitive skin, it was painful, debilitating. Your stomach was severely injured, the blood loss was making your head fuzzy and when you were about to lose control of your own body, the last thing you saw were Giyuu’s beautiful eyes.
Waking up with your heart hammering against your ribs was a normal occurrence. But this time was different. You saw everything, you remembered now.
Tears were flowing down your cheeks imitating the waterfalls nearby. A choked sob left your lips, the shock of hearing your own voice made you reach for Giyuu.
But his futon was empty.
The moon was still high up in the sky, darkness filling every corner.
Where was he? It was so late, you can’t go out this late, Urokodaki-san doesn’t let you. Where could he be?
Not thinking clearly, you stomped outside the house looking for him, but there was no sight of him, his zori were not with the others either.
Many thoughts clouded your mind.
Did he leave without even saying good bye? Would you ever see him again?
You heard him talking with his master the other day, he wasn’t even supposed to stay this long.
Panic filled your chest, your head about to burst but thankfully your feet did the job for you, running at full speed through the trees and into the heart of the forest. If he was still here, there was just one place he could be in.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Giyuu couldn’t sleep, so he decided he would put his time to good use and train for a couple of hours more, that would for sure tire him up enough to help him sleep.
He was about to head back to the hut when the trees cleared up reveling your disheveled form running in his direction.
Before he could even open his mouth, you threw yourself on him, wrapping your arms around his neck and legs around his waist, “Giyuu, Giyuu, Giyuu, Giyuu, Giyuu!” shock could be seen in his face for miles. He didn’t know what to do. Should he hold you? Should he put you down? Why were you even there? It’s dangerous to go out alone at night, he thought you understood that.
But wait- “Your voice is back?” this was the very first time he heard your voice, it felt foreign but oddly welcoming.
“GIYUU” all you could say was his name in between muffled sobs. He didn’t leave, he was just training. He didn’t leave you behind like everyone else did.
“That’s my name, yes. C’mon, lets get you back home.” shaking your head and clinging tighter onto him you didn’t let him put you down. “I thought…you left…” you could barely talk, panting heavily against his ear.
Was that why you were crying? Because you thought he left? That was no reason to cry, that wasn’t even his house to begin with, he had to leave eventually, and so do you.
“Giyuu, I saw my family’s death in my dreams. It was horrible, he, the man that did this, was like one of those demons you talk about with master, he, he cut my family down like trees.” He’s no stranger to this sort of scenes, he’s seen them firsthand, lived them through. He knows how painful and scary that can be and the scars that they can make inside someone’s heart.
His hand came to rest on your back, gently patting it, it was his way to let you know everything would be alright, he wasn’t one of many words, comforting people wasn’t his forte. “I won’t let him go near you again, don’t worry.” as usual, his voice had a calming effect on you, sobs slowly turned to whimpers, and then to little sniffs. You knew you were safe; he was there after all. He made you feel safe.
“Will you leave?”
“We can’t live in his house forever (Y/N). We both need to leave at some point.”
“Can I go with you?”
He still didn’t know why you were able to talk now, was it psychological like his master thought? Was it because you now remember the incident? Trauma has so many different ways of manifesting itself, it was concerning.
“If you must.”
He carried you back to the house, your legs were still shaky from the commotion and the long run, the last thing he wanted was your wound opening back up or another of those hell fevers. It was just the best he could come up with, the more convenient way to take you home in one piece.
But for you it meant more than that, he was worrying about you, he was willing to take you with him when he left, he was the only good memory in an entire nightmare, the beacon of light that took you to safety, the warmest hand you’ve ever held. He was slowly becoming the reason you woke up every morning.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Life was easier now a days, it’s been a couple of years since your first encounter.
Giyuu was used to handle his left hand now.
Your voice was back in its entirety, your wounds fully healed.
But Urokodaki’s health kept declining.
You were now part of his family, and he didn’t want to see you go, he’s lived his life in solitude since he retired, without the warmth a family can bring. He felt more at home now that he shared the space with you two and wanted this to be his reality to his last day.
“I have to go (Y/N). My friend is having a baby. He wants me to go meet him.”
“Then I go too.” you were pouting, clinging onto his leg. It still terrified you the thought of him leaving to never come back. It hunts your nightmares more often than the massacre you witnessed these days.
“We can’t leave the master alone, what if his condition worsens?”
“It’ll be just for a couple of days, Giyuu. Take her with you. I don’t want to see her wail until your return, might have to lock her away in a cave.”
It’s not like he didn’t want to go with you, he was honestly worried for his health, his hair was now mostly gone, his old age was showing rapidly, and you both feared the worse, it wasn’t a good time to leave him on his own.
“I will cut it short. We’ll be back by sunrise.” with a short nod, he pulled you by your wrist, running full speed down the mountain. Thankfully you had built a good amount of stamina training along side him for the last couple of years and you could actually keep up with him.
His friend’s house was…unconventional to say the least.
He had four wives, the last addition to the group was the one bearing the child.
Tengen had sent his old crow with the news, they bonded over their shattered future and were now close enough to share something of this importance.
Giyuu was the first one to hold the baby, even before Tengen did. This caused an uproar, the father mopping all over his tired wife, begging her to bring another one to this world fast so he could be the one to hold them first as his right had been stolen by a treacherous friend.
Seeing such a large man mopping like a child was a sight to behold. The baby in Giyuu’s arm though…created a whole new ecosystem in your head. He looked so soft, the way the baby’s little hand caressed Giyuu’s cheek while stretching, the small smile playing on his lips when he saw the baby yawn for the first time. It looked like a different dimension; you’ve never seen that face on him before.
“Can you please give me back my son, Tomioka? If you want one that bad, why don’t you make one with her?” pointing over to you, he took his child from Giyuu’s arm, immediately falling in love with the little clone he created with his darling wife.
“I….we- we are not- is not like that, Uzui.” the smirk on Tengen’s face was as annoying as his entire self, if it wasn’t for the baby in his arm he would have been forced to wipe it out from existence, “Yeah right. I saw the way she looked at you, seems like she wants one too. You do know how to put it in, right? Or do you need me to give you some lessons?” Giyuu’s hand was on his sword, ready to decapitate the new father, this only made Tengen cackle as he took his newborn back to his mother.
“Stay for dinner, the girls are cooking a feast to welcome the baby.”
“We can’t, master is ill.” Tengen knew how important this was, he was like a father to Giyuu, loosing him will be another big blow, he worried for his friend.
“Alright, (Y/N)-chan please come to visit us when you have time. Make sure to drag your man along when you do so!” waving your way out of the polygamist household your cheeks were burning bright red while Giyuu just let out the loudest sigh you’ve ever heard.
This Tengen guy meant troubles.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Urokodaki’s passing came unannounced. He left this world peacefully, resting on his futon after a hot cup of tea. He died a happy man, surrounded by a loving daughter-like figure and his successor, he was grateful for the life he had and left this world with a smile.
You were the one to notice it first, he was retelling one of the big adventures of his youth when he fell quiet, the teacup emptied just in time.
Giyuu found you sobbing on top of him, holding his still hand in between both of yours, shattering his heart once more.
You two were now alone in this world.
Just a night before this happened though, he called Giyuu aside, he told him to take good care of you, reminded him this house belonged to two of you and wanted to make sure Giyuu understood he would never find another woman like you, nobody could ever like him half of what you do, appreciate him as he was and accept his past the way you did, embrace his future like it was your own. He made him promise this like if he knew he had no time left.
Saying goodbye to the people you love is hard, specially when they’ve been your support for such a long time. But Giyuu was grateful and so were you.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Time skip~
It’s been six years since Urokodaki’s passing. The hut has never been this full of life before and somehow Giyuu wishes his master was there to witness it.
“Mama where are we going?” a small boy was being dressed by you while Giyuu waited patiently outside.
“We need to go to the market, love.” Winter was approaching fast and now that the child was eating larger portions, you needed to stock up with food before the snow didn’t allow you to go down the mountain.
Downtown was far from the hut, without the child it would have taken an hour, but he was too young still to run at full speed carrying him, so it took double that time to get to and from the market.
It was a beautiful fall morning, the crisp air filling up your lungs with delight, that’s when Giyuu spotted a familiar face in the crowd, one he hasn’t seen in over a decade.
Who would have thought that Shinazugawa Sanemi, the most feared demon hunter, the powerful wind pillar would end up selling vegetables in a market.
He looked way more relaxed than he did back in the day, his face used to remain in a permanent scowl, always yelling at others, the complete opposite of what he was witnessing right now, it was like seeing a different person. Made him reflect on his own life, he’s changed quite a bit too, he’s more open now, talks more. Having a three-year-old around asking questions all day forcing him to indulge him with the cutest puppy eyes the world has to offer, made him a different man, who wouldn’t change under said conditions.
Seeing an old friend felt like a breath of fresh air.
He is still in contact with Tengen and his family, Tanjiro also stops by every now and then with his children. But seeing someone that’s related to the old distant past was like going back to his youth.
They were both older now, both had a wife and children. People change, the world keeps moving forward regardless of how many lives were lost that day.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Agreeing to a night out in the Shinazugawa household was unexpected but welcomed.
Sanemi’s wife was lovely, she was as pregnant as one can be, yet she prepared the most delicious meal he’s ever tasted. Sanemi and the tiny gang went to catch some salmon and she cooked it freshly caught, accompanied with a bountiful amount of hand grown vegetables, even the tea leaves were grown in the property. Shinazugawa’s wife was a delight, he really hit the jackpot, made him wonder how he was even able to get someone like her.
“Yuki-kun, would you like to play with Remi? She’s about your age, a bit younger. Genma, take him to your sister so you can play together.” the little rascal reminded him so much of Genya, he was sure Tanjiro would cry if he ever gets to see him.
“Go with him, have fun.” the child was as shy and soft spoken as his father, but agreed nonetheless encouraged by his mother.
“So just one? I thought the old man had a big house. Or is it your salty ass the problem?” Sanemi was smirking while bringing a cup of sake to his lips, clearly enjoying the conversation.
“If someone as salty as you managed to have five….” your hand flew over instantly to slap your husband’s knee, why was he acting this way, he’s usually so well mannered, it was embarrassing.
“Oh well, my wife is irresistible what can I say.”
Yuki came wailing back into the room, crashing on his mother’s lap, “What’s wrong baby?”
“She…she bit my hand…”
Little Remi was giggling behind her brother who was visibly distraught by the situation. Sanemi burst out laughing going over to his little girl to bring her to the table, “That’s my girl.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The night ended up being one to remember, without knowing Giyuu had built many friendships over the years.
Sleep was avoiding him, his mind wondering while his wife’s little breaths hitting the side of his neck soothed his restless self. There was a point where he thought he was lost, that he had no future, that living one more day was a waste of time.
When he looks back at his life, he realizes life has been good to him.
He thinks of lost comrades, Kochou, Himejima-san, Iguro and Kanroji, Rengoku, Oyakata-sama…then thinks of himself, Shinazugawa, Uzui, even Tanjiro and Nezuko and how happy they are now. How they owe their happiness to those who gave their lives to protect their future.
He thinks of his master who groomed him to be who he is today.
Of his wife and child who would be by his side for the rest there is to live.
And he feels grateful, he feels complete and even if he went to hell and back, he would do it all over again if that brought him to this very moment.
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Tagged Babes: @doumadono
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starwarsbean · 9 months
Love Against The Odds
Pairing: Tech x F! Reader.
Warnings: Fake Dating! Alternative Universe! Pretend Dating! Smut & Fluff! Sexual Tension! NSFW. 🫶
A/N: Hi everyone!!!! This is my first fanfiction! I decided I wanted to read more alternate universe of the bad batch. So, I took it into my own hands. This is a tech/reader series fanfic. If I make any mistakes please let me know. I hope you all enjoy reading. 18+! <3
Summary: Tech is a successful CEO of a technology company. His commitment to his work has given him success in his career. However, he is not interested in trying love. Tech neglecting the important parts of life. His brothers urge him to give it a shot, as they believe finding a romantic partner will make him happy. Tech comes up with a brilliant idea to fake date to trick his brothers.
Chapter 1
You were at your day job taking care of files you needed. You were a busy lawyer, handling multiple cases a day and juggling deadlines and meetings. You know how hardworking and organized, always striving to provide the best legal advice and representation for your clients. However, you were also valued having a good work-life balance, making time to make dinner every night and catch up on your favorite shows. Although you are focused on work, you also have a soft for romance. Reading different love novels and engaging in romance films. Your compassionate side, always making an effort to understand other people's perspectives and try to help them the best you could. You thought it’s been a while since you’ve been on a date. Remembering the last time you were out with your ex boyfriend Anakin Skywalker. He sure was a great boyfriend in the beginning. It just became to difficult when you both didn’t want to try. Both of you mutually breaking things off. The next time you go on a date it will definitely be a good time.
You decided to clear your mind back to work. You were working on a case, researching relevant laws and legal precedents, drafting briefs and petitions, and meeting with your client to discuss. You were making sure that deadlines were being met and that the case was progressing smoothly. Despite the intensity of your work, you felt fulfilled and satisfied with your role as a lawyer, enjoying the challenge of providing legal representation and helping people navigate tough situations. Realizing the time you see you have two messages from your two friends. Hera and Kanan texting you to meet them for dinner at a restaurant.
You were feeling tired but agreed to go anyway, wanting to make time for your friends and spend time socializing together. You text back saying you’ll meet them there. Before you leave the office you make sure your outfit looks decent. Your black office dress making your hips look amazing. Your breast cevlage revealing a bit. You take off your black flats and put on your black heels instead. You notice the time and hurry along. Thinking of how lucky Hera and Kanan are. They both have each other and are extremely in love. You watched them both fall in love in college. Reaching for the same textbook and their hands touching. Both of them locking eye contact with each other. It was like a scene from a romance movie. You hope one day you’re able to find a love like them.
You arrive at the restaurant. You squeal once you see them both. Hera pulling you into a hug and Kanan standing with his arms crossed. Pulling away from the hug, Kanan gives you a slight hug. Hera shakes her head at Kanan as you laugh.
“Guess somebody missed us?” Kanan said with a sly smile.
“Oh shut up! you know I always miss you both.” You say playfully rolling your eyes.
“Come on you two let’s eat. I’m starving.” Hera says walking into the restaurant.
You order your usual meal, enjoying the company of your friends. The conversation was catching up with work and spilling about the latest tv shows.
“So, Y/N has anyone caught your attention here at the restaurant?” Hera says with a smirk.
You look around the restaurant. The restaurant was filled with people your age but no one stood out to you. It was a crowd of people who just wanted a quick hook up. You turn your attention back to Hera and Kanan.
“Nope not a single person here. Nobody here is necessarily my type.” You say popping a piece of broccoli in your mouth.
“Oh Y/N you should go on a date soon! It’s been a while since you gone out. Have some fun.” Hera says looking at you.
Kanan looks at you both and laughs. Putting a piece of steak in his mouth.
“I do want to go out, but nobody here has caught my attention. If someone interesting comes to mind I’ll make a move.” You say with a smirk.
“There you go! Maybe next time you’ll get luckyyy.” Hera says laughing a bit.
“Mhmm maybe… I hope so.” You take a sip of your water while laughing a bit.
Kanan groans and shakes his head. Hera phone lights up and she rolls her eyes. Her smile drops as she texts back. Kanan looks at who Hera is messasging. He sighs and rolls his eyes. You notice the sense of annoyance.
“What happened? Is everything okay?” You ask worriedly.
“It’s just Heras boss. He’s always making her do last minute changes. Or if something isn’t perfect he makes her redo it. A pain in the ass I have to say.” Kanan says with annoyance in his voice.
“Yeah he’s a real pain the ass. He’s making my work harder, but I really want the promotion. He has high standards and high expectations of our work.” Hera says while typing a long email.
“That sounds pretty tough Hera. You can most definitely do it. Just try to keep a positive mindset on this.” You say taking a sip of your drink.
Kanan smiles at your kind response to his girlfriend and nods his head. He finishes his food and looks back at Hera who is still typing.
“Thank you Y/N. I appreciate you so much. In the email he’s asking so many questions about the dinner event I’m hosting at my place. He wants everything to be perfect.” Hera says.
“Is there a reason why” Kanan ask while raising an eyebrow.
“He just wants everything up to date. Which I understand but I have everything under control. He seriously needs to learn to trust his employees more.”
You remember how you had a boss like that. It was pretty difficult to do any work or have any sense of how to react to their control. Understandably a technology company must be hard to manage.
“ are you free tomorrow night?” Hera puts her phone down and looks at you.
“Yeah, I am. Why?” You ask.
“Can you please come to my dinner event I’m hosting. I need your company and your support. I don’t know how I’ll manage being in the same room with so many people.” Hera says with pleading eyes.
“Hera, you can most definitely handle it. You’ll have me there.” Kanan says while grabbing her hand.
“I know but I really want you to come. It’ll be fun. Please.” Hera says looking at you.
“Of course I’ll be there Hera.” You say.
Hera smiles at you agreeing to come to her dinner. Kanan smiles seeing Hera happy. You finish your dinner. Hera and Kanan paying the bill. You insist on paying the bill, but they beat you to it this time. You playfully roll your eyes.
“Have to be faster than that” Kanan says with a sly smile
You laugh and shake your head. Hera grabs Kanan hand as you both walk outside the restaurant. Hera hugs you and thanks you for showing up for her tomorrow.
“I’ll be there Hera. I’ll make sure we’ll have some fun tomorrow.”
Hera tells you she will send you the details what time the dinner starts. You nod and wave bye to both of them. As you get home you pet one of your cats. Her name was Autumn. A pretty calico cat who most definitely spoiled. She purrs at your feet as you continue petting her. Making sure she has enough food and water. You eventually head to the shower and finish your routine. You lay in bed and get comfortable. Autumn comes in the room and sleeps at your feet. You smile falling asleep.
Thinking of how the dinner event was going to be like tomorrow.
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ryuichirou · 1 year
I love your Sultan AU so much, how it shows Jamil and Kalim 5 years into the future! How do you see the other NRC guys in the future after they graduate? I'm just curious
Thank you, Anon! <3 I am very happy you like it! I really hope we’ll have more content for this AU in the future, but then again, that’s me with every AU…
We haven’t thought about other students in this universe specifically, we might come up with stuff as we go, so nothing of what I’m about to say is concrete yet. I also won’t write about every single character, just about the ones that come to mind more easily…
First of all, when it comes to Octavinelle and Ignihyde guys, there might be a crossover situation lol, maybe the AzuIde marriage AU or the Mafia AU exist in the same universe at this one. Age-wise, the second option fits more, I guess, but I’m still thinking that it’s the first one. In any case, they are definitely up to no good with Azul working hard on his rapidly growing business, with the Tweels helping him out and Idia being forced to help out too in his own way. Ortho is always by Idia’s side, no matter the AU. But he also might pursue his passion for movie-making in some ways, as least as a hobby.
(Azul also definitely does business with the Asim family, so the Octa-trio and Kalim+Jamil are still in touch, even though they don’t talk on a regular basis)
Speaking of movies, Vil’s future is pretty easy to determine. He works harder than ever, and has his own set of problems: his perfectionism has never left him; he is a workaholic that finds it difficult to slow down and relax. The industry is also as toxic as ever, so with every big win he also gets a ton of new things to fight. But he’s doing his best, as always, even though this job quite literally drives him insane, despite how much he loves it, both acting and make-up production and other project he does.
Rook and Vil are still together, but Rook also pursuits his own thing, whatever it is. It’s hard to say what the hell Rook’s doing: he is still quite an enigma of a person; even Vil doesn’t know for sure (probably something shady, so Vil doesn’t really want to know). Rook also keeps hinting that Vil shouldy ditch all of his big projects and try directing an indie movie.
Riddle is also overworked and overstressed: despite the fact that he really wanted to become a lawyer when he was still at NRC, he did end up becoming a magical doctor like his parents wanted him to. He decided that it was the right thing to do, not only because of his parents, but also because this is such an important occupation only the most brilliant mages can handle. So right now he spends the majority of his time either studying medical literature or practicing at a very prestigious magical clinic, and he knows that he should be feeling proud of himself and satisfied because of doing something he was meant to do, but he can’t shake off this feeling of disappointment and emptiness. Thus, at some point he began to also study law whenever he has free time for that, and that makes him much happier. But the drawback of it is that he has literally no time to talk to any of his friends anymore, it’s like he defaulted to his pre-NRC situation. Trey (who is a pastry chef btw, we know he would be one) is very concerned but can’t do much about it, although he is one of the few people from the NRC Riddle still talks to occasionally.
Ironically, another person Riddle talks to from time to time is Floyd, because he accidentally found out where Riddle works and now visits him from time to time just to mess with him.
Deuce is also kind of disappointed in how things are going at his workplace (the Magical Police department): he realised that it’s much more corrupt than he expected it to be. He hangs out with Ace every day, and Ace always talks about how naive Deuce is and that no one is going to take him seriously if he keeps being so stupidly earnest and hardworking instead of just making “right” friends and bribing his way into the elite squad. It pisses Deuce off, because he knows that Ace is right, and also hearing that from someone who doesn’t really have a job is annoying.
Ace doesn’t have a job because he had a fight with his boss and left. So now he spends his days sleeping, providing hot takes for every situation, earning some money by doing magic tricks aaaand probably gambling.
Hmm, I also think all the first-year boys still talk to each other quite regularly even if they don’t live in the same area. Epel surely visits Deuce and Ace at least every couple of weeks, Jack probably does too. Sebek is less likely to do that though, he is way too busy.
It’s kind of difficult to say anything about Diasomnia, so I’ll leave them out for now. Leona is doing his Leona thing, probably still complaining about not being appreciated. I don’t know what Cater does, but I hope he is happy? He might be an influencer of sorts, but he’s usually a loner that becomes visibly animated when he reunites with his college friends. He is also definitely away from his family.
So yeah everyone has issues lol The only one who is 1000% thriving is Ruggie. Things are going well for Ruggie. Good for Ruggie! He deserved it.
Ehh, I think that’s all for now. It took so long to write this reply for some reason, but I hope reading it was somewhat fun.
Thank you for your question again <3
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mintytealfox · 9 months
So far, Alice has inspected three points on each of the manor participants in Ashes of Memory. What three points do you predict she is going to take note of on Norton?
oooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!! This is a cool question! AH!! I was so disappointed that the inspection didn't happen in ep 2 ACK but the opportunities to still ponder about it are so FUN 👀
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From what I'm thinking, she tends to dodge the overly obvious for the most part (like seeing the dew and the wear and tear between the fingers of the gloves and the high quality stitching etc) . So I will be shocked honestly if she is like 'that scar go crazy'. But if she does then maybe it will be more medical and something like 'the scar is a dark shade so its still somewhat fresh but mostly healed enough so a some time has passed' or something
but it might start off with her trying to remember where she had seen him before (cause of those flashes that are bothering her) and going through her documents and remembering he is from the explosion and going into the background of 'miner, sole survivor in a 'deemed an accident' explosion, the people there view him as reserved and hardworking, was often seen helping in the hospice there,' etc etc just overall and it turning to her wondering why he is there at the mansion. (then dropping the flashes as unfounded cause she is satisfied that these documents are where she had seen him before only to get more sus flashes of memories of that night) 👀
then when she finally sees him again in person anddddd
this is what I think she is going to notice: 1. she tends to notice the clothing for sure for sure. She brought it up for all three~ So I think she is going to be like. "Worn old clothes and items but mended with care (as best as possible), this may be his only outfit. Must mean he doesn't have much money and tries to make sure what he does own lasts a long time." 2. Might comment on his demeanor with something like, "is trying to give airs of relaxation and belonging but is actually quite tense and overall purposely difficult to read. He might know something" 3. Then how he is built. She may comment, "especially tall and strong, but a bit too lean for his height and hard physical labored background. He must be quite malnourished."
Hehe! I am so very curious how they will actually do it 👏👏👏👏 Oh my gosh I hope they give us some new or clarifying info fr frrrrrrr If they forget to do this for Norton though, I will be legit so sad oh my gooosshh
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forestenjoyer · 3 months
tw leftist meme
this is more of a vent post than anything so be nice and bear with me. i was feeling down earlier so i did some writing to try to get my thoughts straight, and i wrote this.
Every time i feel down, i wonder what it that makes me feel this way. And there are many things. Is it species dysphoria? Sometimes. Is it fear of the future? fear of never living my one life the way i want to? Dread of the increasing amount of people who seemingly hate my kind? Fear for me and the people i love? Climate Anxiety? Loneliness? Yeah, sometimes. But sometimes I can't figure it out, and there is a thought in the back of my mind, and it never goes away. I try to tell myself that some days I'm just not feeling it, and thats true. But sometimes i get upset because i cant really disprove the thought. I'm scared of capitalism, and I'm scared of the way it poisons everything that i love.
When I first heard the thought, i was a social democrat, and it was easy for me to just tell myself that i was being ridiculous. but after time, the thought dawned on me, and everywhere i looked, i saw evidence.
Corporations exist to make a profit. They don't care about us being satisfied unless it's profitable to them. When they get influential enough, people begin to become dependent on them. Once this happens, they can gouge prices for more profit, as they are doing now. What will the government do? Nothing, because more often than not, they have an incentive to support the company. Perhaps the company is a donor, perhaps they are bribed, perhaps the obscene wealth makes them look good by some measurements, or perhaps they themselves are a CEO.
So, right. The government, who is allegedly supposed to take care of us, the people, isn't going to help, as it hasn't. So it's up to us, but say this company provides a vital service and is the only one who does so at any reasonable quality (Google), or has people addicted (Meta, McDonald's), or has so much variety and power that avoiding it is incredibly difficult (Disney, Nestle). If this is the case, which is is, it's very hard to boycott them.and those who advocate for change or participate in attempts to force change are mocked and taunted by bad actors and gullible folk. And by bad actors, I mean people who defend the company because they too own businesses. Landlords, local business owners, and so on. They are middle class twats who have never had to suffer the struggle of a normal person. And yet they LARP as us, calling themselves everyday hardworking folk, but actually own a business or an estate and have never had to confront the fears of tenancy, homelessness, poverty, and so on.
And i despise these people. They pretend to be us, and trivialise our struggle, saying lifes not that hard, and even call us elitists and entitled, and complain about us. And they manipulate and lie like this and act like they suffer while they collect rent from tenants after their third overseas holiday of the year.
And maybe you believe in reform. I did too. But do you ever find yourself asking 'How?' Do you ever grow weary of politicians throwing you and your movement under the bus? Or failing to fulfill their promises? Do you ever catch yourself thinking 'this is hopeless'? What do you do when you hear that, or when others tell you that? A reasonable person would take it in good faith, consider it, and try to find its flaws. And if you really knew that reform was possible, or realistic, you could explain why to yourself. I never could. I would joke around and throw insults because I couldn't argue with it, and everyone else did the same. I thought 'those stupid leftists are so foolish' and said it was ridiculous.
And thats why I caved, After all, if you cant see a way for peaceful protests and voting alone to bring change, and have watched it fail to over and over again, is it not reasonable to turn to the ideas that can give you answers, that being anarchism? The government cannot ignore a riot like it can ignore a peaceful protest. And if the government cannot and will not help us, we will have to help ourselves and each other.
And this is only a small part of it. I hate how it has ruined and weaponised science and strangled art. I hate how it destroys the environment. and i cant stand the way it does so with such self righteousness and entitlement
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nrd-answers · 1 year
The local group, in the words of Seven Rules, Four Undone
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“Needled Rains Descending hmm.. my first design, when I was first sponsored for such a massive project. I had attempted to locate it somewhere as close as possible to its work to minimize retrieval time.
Its name means Death. Imminent, swift, and inescapable. I programmed it to be cooperative, respectful, and hardworking.
…being called beloved parent grates at my nerves. I cannot seem to find the data and remove it.”
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“Ah yes, Longing Within Reason. My second design. Quite close to the NRD model, though I had attempted to improve upon what I manufactured
In the end however, I had to rebuild it from scratch, which seems to have left a bit of a structural toll on the iterator. Oh well.
Its name comes from the rationality of thought. Of satisfying desires to a normal amount, instead of constantly destroying yourself for unattainable goals. I may have been.. emotionally compromised when building it.”
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“Branching Endless Timelines, my largest design. I placed it on the peak of a mountain to stave off excess heat. This was an.. attempt at an unconventional cooling agent. I believe it’s structurally sound.
Its name comes from the lesser known cycle theory that when we die, we join a timeline where we didn’t die, branching out into a new timeline so to speak. It was another attempt at something new, yet efficient.”
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“Without Lungs and Breathing. An experiment in more organic integrations to the iterator. It required much more water and ventilation because of the extra heat from the flesh and body configurations.
However, I got it to work. A more risky decision on my part, almost as risky as my first model.
The name I gave this model was to accentuate how, despite our deaths, we always end up living once more. Persisting beyond logic.”
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“Circles in Cycles of Circles. One of my proudest works. Water pressure is an entirely different hurdle to cross, after all. So many changes to a traditional iterator’s blueprint! I’ll admit I had a bit of fun.
Because of the difficulties building under water causes, I had to scale the model down to a more traditional size. I personally like larger puppet designs, but it was necessary.
Its name represents the loops of cycles, the parallels in sameness, moving onward in one motion.”
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“Wings Unflown. An iterator I had attempted to divide into three towers in the hopes to cut down on heat and condensed workings. One of my most expensive projects. Other than the extended broadcast range, the model isn’t that special
Its name stems from the lost opportunities we may have in life, simply by holding onto things we do not need, thereby ‘letting our wings stay unflown.’”
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“Horns of Four. My most recent iterator that I built upon an island with a dead volcano. It made for a very simple building plan, though transporting the materials was quite a difficult endeavor. In hindsight I should’ve just stayed a more simpler and easier location, such as BET. It handles heat in the most efficient way, however. More traditional.
The model’s name refers to the first four sins: violence, lust, attachment, and gluttony.”
“I have no intention of building more. Maintaining seven by myself is more than enough to keep myself occupied.”
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Beta Riddle fic??????? 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
Im on my knees pls tell us more 👉👈
Yes Im working on a Beta Riddle fic-
I swear I have scour the whole entirety of social media and have only found TWO fics of Beta Riddle and about five fanarts at best. IM DESPERATELY CRAVING FOR SOME BETA RIDDLE EVEN IF HIS NOT CANON- I WANT HIM AS LIKE A SIDE CHARAC OR SMTHG T^T
On that note, i have decided the best way is to just feed myself. Dont get me wrong I love the strawberry ant boi we have now but like-
The concept of Riddle? Being spoiled and bratty???
Can no one see how unhinge he couldve been? How even more satisfying it will be to defeat him when he OB?
Sadly my fic wont include any OB (unless I think of an idea to shove it in) but I'll give a brief— I always wondered how we would have to sympathize with Riddle even if he is a spoiled brat. Cuz keep in mind the whole goal of Twst is to litterally tame all these rowdy hormonial teens with i s s u e s.
Beta Riddle out of all them— if we replace him with canon Riddle into the canon universe, seems like the most well off dorm leader compare to the rest. Until when you realize, sometimes even the most brattiest person, the one who has been given alot since childhood can be neglected.
Aksjaksjaksk ALLOW ME TO BRAINROT RANT— I see Beta Riddle as touch starved- (as he should be lmao cuz twst is a 'non otome game' right ?) He was given everything as a child. He had a choice to not study, he got all the most expensive luxuries, all the toys, got a tart for his birthday, etc etc. What every child dream off- hell I wont be surprise beta Riddle's mom lets him eat ice cream before dinner.
But the one thing Riddle has never been given all throughout his life, was genuine care.
Cheesy ik- but heres what I hced/imagined:
Ever since young, beta Riddle is just as isolated as canon Riddle. Only the reason his so isolated is because his homeschooled by a hired teacher. His mother is always away busy with work so she never had much time for him. She spoils him with toys and gifts he wants to keep him happy but never bothered making time to give him what he needs. I imagined beta Riddle as a child used to be as hardworking at canon Riddle but overtime when he realized his efforts were only glossed over by his mom, he slowly starts to despise studying. Its like Leona's case where, he knows his mom wont even celebrate with him no matter how many A's he filled up his exams.
Might as well stop trying and seek attention elsewhere which is why when he came to NRC, the first time he ever get a chance to be in a crowd or what was considered public. He probs took the role as dorm leader of Heartslabyul because the old leader was a sticker for rules which is why it was so easy to grab that position when you can just cheat. Besides.. it doesnt seem the dorm members care much for these rules. Just break them all and call it a day.
Yes he has a chance to be with Trey and Chen'ya but they feel more like servants to him then friends. Especially Trey. But what can they do? They cant tell if Riddle cares for them enough to listen to them. And besides, Chen'ya probably gets a kick in making Riddle mad and flustered while Trey is just the 'I dont get paid enough for this shit—' babysitter. We already know Trey didnt bother stepping up to Riddle and smack some sense into him til he OB, tf is my baker boi gonna do with this bratty boi? Just let the man bake his tarts and be a malewife. All that problem solving goes to the one darling Riddle falls for and is desperately seeking their attention even if it were an act of defiance or looks of disgust >;3
This fic will take me a couple of weeks or more to complete cuz I only have the planning on board but how I will execute this writing will be slightly difficult.
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isfjmel-phleg · 4 months
How to Make a Bed
@inklings-challenge it's not polished but I'm very behind and running out of time and can fix it later. This is my contribution for day 13's prompt, "joke."
This story is a completion of a previously existing partial draft of a story in which Josiah finds that his bed has been short-sheeted (as done by an annoyed Amarantha in "Speaking to a Housemaid").
The last full stop, a tiny flawless bead of ink, met the page. Josiah fished his watch out of his dressing gown pocket and checked the time. Two-seventeen. Earlier than last night by three minutes. Better, but not ideal. Tomorrow night he would aim for completing preparation before one.
There never seemed to be enough hours in a day to fit in everything he needed to do—lessons, meals, activities, meetings, games, preparation, sleep if he was fortunate. At least, he hadn’t figured out yet how to best manage his time. His father had arranged his timetable, and he ought to know what a Hollingham boy was capable of. King Odren did so much in the course of a day himself and still never neglected a single duty. If he could do that, Josiah had no excuse to be overwhelmed. The Hope of Lienne must not give way to laziness.
Josiah tucked the essay away with the other two in his writing desk, capped the inkwell, and put it away with the pen. He liked to leave his workspace as tidy as if he had never used it. He surveyed his work with satisfied but burning eyes and stretched his tense arms and shoulders. After hours of writing, he felt as stiff as if he had been taken out and beaten. He couldn’t wait to sink into a soft mattress and claim his hard-earned four hours of sleep.
Lamp in hand, he shuffled toward his bed, his dressing gown slapping against his pajamaed legs like a scolding. Elystan, asleep in the bed opposite, didn’t even stir at the sound or the movement of the light. He had been softly snoring for hours. Josiah could tune out the noise while working, but lying in bed with no distraction would make matters more difficult. Perhaps he would be so exhausted tonight that he wouldn’t care and would drift off the second his head touched the pillow.
The dressing gown he deposited at the foot of the bed and his slippers near the head. He hesitated longer than necessary before putting out the lamp, the last defense he had against the engulfing darkness. Every night it was the same dilemma. The bravery he needed never arrived. 
At last he screwed his eyes shut, put out the light, and dived into bed, not caring how it creaked. Surely Elystan would sleep through anything at this time of night.
His legs met blessedly cool, smooth sheets, enclosing him in their motherly embrace and—ending abruptly before he could stretch out.
The sheets didn’t extend all the way to the end of the mattress tonight. They only allowed him enough room to sleep curled up with his knees to his chin, an option his back already objected to strongly. He tried pushing hard against the cramped pocket. Perhaps he could force the sheet to extend. But it was tucked in so tightly that it wouldn’t budge.
This was not a normal condition of bedclothes. Josiah had gone nearly thirteen years without such a thing happening even once before tonight. No, this had to be the machination of some malicious soul who specifically wanted to prevent him from obtaining his rightful sleep in the comfort due to a hardworking pupil.
Tamett wouldn’t have dared. None of the boys from his form could have got into the room—except Elystan. Elystan, who had been cross with him all day ever since he found out about the letter that Josiah had put in the post for him. The last time he had been cross with Josiah, he had expressed his feelings with jam spilled all over Josiah’s linen drawer. It was entirely plausible that he could have tampered with Josiah’s bed tonight.
And he would pay for it.
Josiah shook Elystan sharply by one shoulder. “Gorchester!” he hissed. “Wake up! You get up and fix my bed immediately, do you hear me?”
“Wha—” said Elystan indistinctly, batting Josiah’s hands away and trying to roll over.
“You know what you did. Get up and remake my bed.”
Bedclothes rustled as Elystan, slightly more awake now, propped himself up on one elbow. “What are you talking about? I never touched your bed. Go to sleep.”
“I would love to. But I can’t, because someone made up my bed so I can hardly get into it. If this is your idea of a joke—”
Elystan giggled. “They did what to your bed? How?”
In the light of the relit lamp, Josiah pulled back the coverlet and got a closer look at how the top sheet had been folded and tucked in to form a small pocket rather than covering the length of the mattress. The coverlet hid the sheets, making the bed when made up appear normal. A diabolical strategy. Exactly the sort of scheme Elystan would have cooked up.
“I suppose you think you’re clever,” said Josiah, watching Elystan inspect the bed with amusement.
“You still think I did this? I wish I had. This is brilliant. I am taking mental notes. But no, unfortunately I am not the mastermind behind this work of genius. I’ve never made a bed in my life. I wouldn’t know where to start.”
“Well, I suggest that you learn, because you’re going to remake it.”
Elystan’s eyes narrowed. “I didn’t touch your bed. I am not going to start now. It’s your problem. You make it. I’m going back to sleep.”
As he turned around, Josiah caught him by the arm. “Well, I’m not making it either. It’s not my fault it’s like that. So if neither of us make it, I’m not getting any sleep tonight.”
“My condolences,” said Elystan. “But think how much extra work you could get done in all that time. You’ll love that. Good night.”
“You’re just going to leave me with nowhere to sleep?”
Elystan mulled this over. “Yes. If you consider the top of the bed or the sofa ‘nowhere to sleep.’ Or you could just remake—your own—bloody bed. Let me sleep.” Halfway between his sheets, he paused. “You don’t know how to make a bed either, do you?”
Josiah shook his head.
“Then send for Tamett. Isn’t that what he’s here for?”
“No!” said Josiah, a little louder than he meant to. “Tamett is not to know about this, do you hear me?
He refused to give Tamett the satisfaction of knowing that someone had played such a foolish trick on him. The sight of that smug face remaking his bed with pointed patience, silently condemning him for not knowing how to do a chore like a commoner, was more than Josiah could bear at this time of night. And who was to say that the story might not be repeated in one of those letters Tamett was always writing? It might get back to Josiah’s father. Josiah could imagine the sort of letter that he would get about his failure to manage the situation properly. No, as much as he wished that his valet could spare him the indignity of this task, he would not summon Tamett for anything.
Elystan crossed his arms. “Then it would appear that you have no choice but to make it yourself.”
“Me! Don’t be ridiculous. You have so much more experience with beds than I do.”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“You’re…sort of an invalid. You’ve spent more time in bed than I ever will. Surely you bothered to examine your surroundings and how they were put together once or twice with all that time on your hands.”
“I don’t know where you’re getting this information,” said Elystan loftily. “But you have clearly been misinformed. There’s nothing wrong with me. I spend my time in bed sleeping, like any other person, and I would be doing that now if you would only stop bothering me!” 
He said several other things too, but Josiah didn’t hear them because he yanked the coverlet off his bed and flung it over Elystan’s head. Ignoring the muffled yelps, he pulled at the top sheet until it came off. Unfortunately, it took the bottom sheet with it, and now a bare mattress stared back at him.
Elystan emerged fighting and struggling out of his coverlet prison and laughed when he saw Josiah surrounded by sheets sprawling in limp defeat on the floor. Josiah kicked at them and got his foot entangled, which sent Elystan into even more laughter that dissolved into a coughing fit.
It must be nearly three by now. Josiah was never going to be able to put the bed back together, which meant he would never be able to sleep, which meant he wouldn’t be able to stay awake through all his obligations tomorrow, and there were so many of them—he had a cross-country run at six thirty and a violin lesson after afternoon lessons and a meeting of the Debating Society and—and—
He wanted nothing more than to collapse to the floor on top of the sheets and sob into them, and he would have, if Elystan had not been present. The Hope of Lienne solved crises. He did not weep about them like an idiotic child. If Father were here, he would tell Josiah to stop shaming the crown and do his duty. No sleep was a trifling little concern. Much worse things happened at sea, after all.
So Josiah straightened up, lifted his chin so nothing would fall out of his eyes, and determined to find a solution. He was clever. He could handle this. There were two sheets, and they went on the mattress. How difficult could that be?
Which was the bottom sheet? They looked identical. Perhaps they were, but what if there were some subtle distinction that made all the difference and he put the wrong one on? He arbitrarily decided that the sheet on top of the pile must be the correct one to start with, although the sheets had got a bit mixed when he had kicked them. He wadded up the sheet until both arms were full of it and dropped it on the mattress.
With some struggle, he managed to get it to lie smoothly, but it wouldn’t cover the entire mattress.
“You’ve got it wrong,” commented Elystan, who had been observing him with scrutiny.
“How would you know?”
“It’s sideways. Turn it around.”
“Why don’t you turn it around if you know so much?”
Elystan rolled his eyes, sauntered toward Josiah’s bed, and laboriously tugged on the sheet until it lay fully parallel to the mattress. Of course it was also now a rumpled mess. Josiah pointed this out, and Elystan huffed and demanded to know why Josiah was so impossible to please.
“I beg your pardon,” said Josiah, “for not wanting to sleep in a heap of rags.” He tried to smooth it out again, but somehow it wasn’t quite the same.
“Easy enough,” said Elystan. “You just do the same thing with the next sheet, and then the coverlet, and then we can all finally get some sleep.”
“It’s not that simple! The sheets have to be tucked in.”
“So tuck them in.”
“I’ll have to lift the mattress and I can’t lift and tuck at the same time.”
“Then don’t bother!”
“But they’ll slide off if I don’t tuck them in! I don’t want to wake up on a bare mattress.”
“You should have thought about that before you became the sort of stuck-up beast who makes people want to rag your bed like that!” shouted Elystan, jumping up onto his mattress to loom over Josiah.
“It’s not my fault that the student body is jealous of my accomplishments and juvenile enough to waste the time they could have spent studying on ruining my night’s sleep! And how do I know it wasn’t you? You admired it so much.”
“If you think that I would want to have my sleep interrupted by you coming unglued because someone played a harmless joke on you and you’re so incompetent you can’t even make your own bed—”
“I’m incompetent? You can’t make a bed either. At least I was trying. All you wanted to do was send for someone else to do it. But what could I expect from someone who’s spent his whole life wrapped in cotton wool. It’s a wonder you can dress yourself every morning.”
“I’d ask Tamett to do it, but he’s too busy with you, O competent one. And my mother didn’t find it necessary to send me here with someone to play nursemaid.”
“I suppose commoners do have to do without. I wouldn’t know.”
Elystan’s shrill cry in response was cut short by the door banging open. The sight of esteemed prefect Jestidge Kesson, his fair hair rumpled and sticking up on one side, clad in yellow pajamas and a green and purple tartan dressing gown of which no one could have suspected him, startled both boys into silence.
Kesson gazed down on them from beneath world-weary eyelids. “What is it this time, you two?”
Elystan scrambled down from his bed, giving Kesson a falsely charming grin, but Josiah’s face burned. How ridiculous they must have looked, shouting amid the ruins of the bedclothes. If he didn’t speak up quickly, Elystan would tell Kesson the most shameful lies and tarnish his reputation even further. He needed to somehow exude respectability if he ever wanted to become a prefect himself.
He drew himself up to his full height and tried for an expression that appropriately mingled apology with reasonability and woundedness. Then he would explain to Kesson that an injustice had been done to him, resulting in emergency corrective measures, which unfortunately had led to Gorchester’s childish behavior.
What he actually said was “Somebody ruined my bed and I couldn’t sleep and Gorchester wouldn’t fix it and now everything’s a mess and Gorchester started shouting at me and it’s not my fault so why doesn’t anybody undertake any disciplinary action in this horrid school? Prefect, do your duty!”
Elystan nodded approvingly. “That whine in your voice was just the right touch. Lends creditability.”
Sleeping tonight was hopeless. Josiah would gladly have settled for crawling under the bed and never emerging. 
“Oh, you want me to do my duty?” said Kesson. “Very well then, Your Royal Highness. I will go straight to the housemaster and let him know that you two were having a row in the middle of the night, and you both can have the pleasure of speaking with him about it tomorrow. Lights out and back to bed. If I hear any more out of you, you won’t leave this house except for lessons for a month. Understood?”
“But—but what about my bed?” spluttered Josiah. “I can’t sleep on that!”
“You have top marks in your form, right? Or pretty near it. You’re clever then. Figure it out. Good night.”
Kesson slammed the door behind him.
Josiah slept on the sofa that night.
A full two and half hours.
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painted-bees · 11 months
Does Margie eventually teach Raf how to improvise? It could probably do him good to learn how to loosen up with his music
Raf can improvise, he is just uncomfortable doing it. He can come up with stuff on the spot if he wanted to, though it's not gonna be anything exceptionally creative or bold. However, if he is gonna play badly, it'll be with a specific goal in mind and towards the objective of learning and becoming better from the exercise; practise, not imrpov.
Raf is a hardworking perfectionist as a consiquence of fear and anxiety. Improvisation is--scary. Not in a jittery, teeth clattering nervous way, but in a way that makes him feel a really visceral anger at himself. If he can't come up with something satisfying and play it according to his own expectations, then it only succeeds in frustrating him. Even moreso if he feels like his ideas are lacking in creativity/imagination (and, according to his pov, they always are).
That said, Margie does gradually manage break down a lot of the protective scar tissue he's accumulated with regards to just playing music for the sake of it. It's a matter of feeling safe and secure enough to be mediocre or bad at the one thing he should be exceptional at. Eventually, Margie (and Cortes) can probably erode at his anxious inner critic. They might be able to instill a "when in Rome" sense of security around just...playing random, spontaneous little doodles. He needs to fully believe that he'd never see Margie wrinkle her nose at the trite awfulness of it, that it wouldn't negatively inpact her overall opinion of his competency (in all things, not just music [/g], cuz that's absolutely how that works[/s]). Unfortunately, there's a wholeass personality disorder making it exceptionally difficult for him haha.
But, with how thrilled Magritte would be to ever hear him do so maybe, after enough time, he might even grow fond of it (improvising). But let's not get ahead of ourselves about that.
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