posthumanwanderings · 9 months
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TIL the GameCube demo disc kiosk theme circa 2003 was from 1080° Avalanche composed by Lawrence Schwedler & James Phillipsen (Wave Race: Blue Storm, Metroid Prime: Hunters and other 00's era Nintendo games). love these breaks meets punk type sound these guys are keen on.
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thevellaunderground · 2 months
The Musical Magic of Mario vs. Donkey Kong (2024)
1. The Remastered Soundtrack: A Nostalgic Journey The 2024 version of Mario vs. Donkey Kong features a remastered soundtrack that pays homage to the original NES theme songs. Dive into the melodic world of springy jazz, Latin percussion, and adrenaline-pumping boss-battle themes. Discuss how the music enhances the gaming experience and evokes nostalgia for long-time fans. 2. Composers Behind…
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mioritic · 1 year
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Hunting bag (Schwedler) embroidered by Hans Erich Friese
Dresden, Germany, 1609
Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden (via historicembroidery)
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lvdbbooks · 8 months
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Various Artists Newspaper, Primary Information, 2023
416 pages. 9.75 x 13.38 Inches. Paperback. Edition of 4500.
『Newspaper』は、1969年に創刊されたアンディ・ウォーホルの『Interview』や、レス・レヴィンの『Culture Hero』に先駆けるアーティストが発行するタブロイド誌のひとつですが、他のタブロイド紙とは対照的に、『Newspaper』はイメージに特化していました。
Published by Steve Lawrence and edited with Peter Hujar and Andrew Ullrick, Newspaper was published in New York City between 1968 and 1971.
Newspaper was a wordless, picture-only periodical thatran for fourteen issues and featured the disparate practices of over forty artists. With an editorial focus on placing appropriated material alongside new works, the periodical sought to codify a visual language of high and low culture that represented contemporary society in the late 1960s. While largely overlooked in art-historical discourse, Newspaper showcased many of the most revered artists working in the United States at the time, as well as an emerging coterie of queer artists.
The mid to late sixties was a flourishing period for artists experimenting with new media formats such as books, records, and magazines to create or distribute their work. Newspaper was one of the first artist-published tabloids of its era, preceding Andy Warhol’s Interview and Les Levine’s Culture Hero, both of which debuted in 1969. However, in contrast to other tabloids, Newspaper focused strictly on images.
At a time when photography was not being exhibited regularly in galleries, Newspaper provided an alternative exhibition space for the medium and some of the era’s greatest photographers. The publication’s large size and unbound format encouraged readers to take it apart and hang its pages, which was how Newspaper was installed at the Museum of Modern Art’s influential Information show in 1970.
This is not to say that Newspaper only existed within the narrow confines of the art world, far from it. It lived within (and shared contributors with) a robust network of underground and queer periodicals like The New York Review of Sex, Rags, and Gay Power, among others. Yet, unlike many of these tabloids, Newspaper has largely disappeared from the discourse around underground magazines, queer publishing, and artists’ periodicals.
All fourteen issues of Newspaper are compiled in this volume for the first time.
Featured artists include: Diane Arbus, Art Workers Coalition, Richard Avedon, Clyde Baines, Sheyla Baykal, Peter Beard, Brigid Berlin, Richard Bernstein, Ann Douglas, Paul Fisher, Maurice Hogenboom, Peter Hujar, Scott Hyde, Christo and Jeanne-Claude Javacheff, Ray Johnson, Edwin Klein, Yayoi Kusama, Gerald Laing, Dorothea Lange, Steve Lawrence, Jeff Lew, Roy Lichtenstein, Frank Mercado, Duane Michals, Jack Mitchell, Forrest “Frosty” Myers, Billy Name, Stephen Paley, Warner Pearson, Jurgen Warner Piepke, Charles Pratt, Joseph Raffael, Mel Ramos, Lilo Raymond, Ruspoli-Rodriguez, Lucas Samaras, Alan Saret, Bill Schwedler, Leni Sinclair, Norman Snyder, Elizabeth Staal, Stanley Stellar, Terry Stevenson, Paul Thek, Andrew Ullrick, Andy Warhol, William T. Wiley, and May Wilson.
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deerest-me · 8 months
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laopiniononline · 2 months
Primer operativo otorrino permitirá a afectados por incendio recuperar sus audífonos.
Nueva publicación en https://ct2.cl/f8
Primer operativo otorrino permitirá a afectados por incendio recuperar sus audífonos.
Gracias a una alianza entre el Servicio de Salud Viña del Mar Quillota Petorca, el Hospital Dr. Gustavo Fricke, la Clínica Alemana, Desafío Levantemos Chile y la empresa Auditron.
Una docena de pacientes llegaron muy temprano este sábado al Consultorio Adosado de Especialidades del Hospital Dr. Gustavo Fricke para acceder al primero de varios operativos orientados a diagnosticar y gestionar sus audífonos a quienes los perdieron en medio del incendio.
Así llegó María Gloria Pérez, acompañando a su mamá, Eva Rosa, de 92 años, a reponer estos valiosos equipos para recuperar su calidad de vida y reconectarse con su entorno: “Me parece muy bien, porque deberíamos tener esta oportunidad siempre. Muchas gracias.  Ahora van a hacerse el examen para saber cómo está su problema de audición”.
La señora Eva, como los restantes pacientes, accedió a todo lo que requiere, en una sola visita. Tal como lo explica la Dra. Dafne Secul, Subdirectora Médica del Servicio de Salud Viña del Mar Quillota Petorca, “este operativo hoy atenderá a personas que perdieron sus audífonos, personas con hipoacusia, y por lo tanto van a ser vistos hoy día por otorrino, por tecnólogo médico e incluso por el laboratorio que le va a entregar el audífono. De modo que en una atención va a quedar solucionado su problema de audición. Así que estamos muy contentos, con una tremenda generosidad han venido médicos, otorrinolaringólogos, tecnólogos a ponerse a disposición de estos pacientes”.
Todo ello, gracias a la alianza entre el Servicio de Salud Viña del Mar Quillota Petorca, el Hospital Dr. Gustavo Fricke, la Clínica Alemana, Desafío Levantemos Chile y la empresa Auditron. La Dra. Tatiana Aldunate, Subdirectora Médica, afirma que “estamos felices de formar parte de esta cadena solidaria, después de esta tremenda tragedia, y ser anfitriones de un equipo tan destacado como otorrinos de la Clínica Alemana, que han puesto su corazón solidario a disposición de los más afectados. Así que felices de poder acogerlos y entregar la infraestructura y el equipo humano nuestro para este desafío”.
Socios en la solidaridad
Tras diversos operativos en diferentes partes del país, la Clínica Alemana se hizo presente a través de sus especialistas. Karen von Schwedler, encargada de Comunidad de la Clínica Alemana, comenta que en el marco de una antigua alianza con Desafío Levantemos Chile, se pusieron a disposición de las necesidades de los damnificados: “Imaginamos lo difícil que es estar en una situación de damnificados, tener que estar en un albergue o en la casa de un familiar y además no escuchar nada porque perdiste tu ayuda técnica, que es súper importante. Entonces, de verdad, por eso además va a ser toda la atención en el mismo día y en siete días los van a llamar para entregar el audífono. Es súper importante poder ayudarlos lo que más se puede ahora”.
Por su parte María Francisca Hierro, coordinadora del Área de Salud para la Clínica Alemana de Desafío Levantemos Chile señaló que “es una alianza virtuosa donde cada una de las partes pone su granito de arena para que en conjunto, entre todos, podamos entregar esta ayuda. Sin la colaboración y el apoyo del Servicio de Salud, del hospital, obviamente nada sería posible. Entonces cuando se trabaja mancomunadamente de manera tan linda, tan unida en pro de los demás, sin duda para nosotros es fundamental. Nada lo podríamos hacer solos, todo es un trabajo en conjunto y lo agradecemos de todo corazón”.
Parte de la atención de los damnificados estuvo a cargo de los especialistas en otología, como el Dr. Jorge Preisler, que ya ha participado en otros operativos para diagnosticar hipoacusia: “Para nosotros también es importante y yo creo que para nosotros es un privilegio. Nosotros vivimos y trabajamos en una clínica que es distinta y la gente más necesitada está acá. Por lo tanto, tenemos que estar acá, si es posible, como no, encantadísimo”. Así también lo sintió Cristian Martínez, tecnólogo médico: “Cuando ocurrió esta tragedia, lo primero que pensé fue qué lástima no poder ayudar con mi profesión porque es muy específica. Yo me dedico a la audiología y cuando me llamaron de la clínica para hacer este operativo yo dije inmediatamente que sí. Y cuando me preguntaron, yo pregunté ¿y qué fin de semana es? Me dijeron el 2 de marzo. El único, entre comillas, inconveniente, que no lo era, es que estoy de cumpleaños. Aun así, aquí estoy. Y vine con mi hijo y todo a participar de esto porque no, no me puedo restar de ninguna manera. Es un agrado estar acá, haciendo esta gestión”.
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Mystic Forest 1 | Mario vs. Donkey Kong | Lawrence Schwedler
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bancho-zx · 8 months
【Game Boy Advance】 Mario vs. Donkey Kong ~Intro / Title / Attract demo
// Music: Lawrence Schwedler
// GBA Reflective TFT LCD screen
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copblaster · 1 year
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LAPD Officer James B. Schwedler https://copblaster.com/blast/54782/lapd-officer-james-b-schwedler?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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rpnewspaperblog · 1 year
The Everyday Politics of Authoritarian Rule in Jordan
This is a review of Jillian Schwedler, Protesting Jordan: Geographies of Power and Dissent (Stanford University Press, 2022), José Ciro Martínez, States of Subsistence: The Politics of Bread in Contemporary Jordan (Stanford University Press, 2022) and Jessica Watkins, Creating Consent in an Illiberal Order: Policing Disputes in Jordan (Cambridge University Press, 2022).   For Western…
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posthumanwanderings · 9 months
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tonytomeo · 1 year
Norwegian Wood
Well, I tried to use them as understock for Schwedler maple, but they did not take. They regenerated with better than original form, but still need a home where they will not naturalize.
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bspolink1348 · 2 years
Les nouveautés de la semaine (24/10/2022)
À la une : Introduction à la sociologie économique : analyse critique des organisations et des marchés / Matthieu de Nanteuil et Thierry Amougou
Cote de rangement : HM 548 A 265532 / Domaine : Sociologie
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"À l’ère de l’Anthropocène, ce manuel propose de réfléchir aux bases relationnelles des phénomène économiques, c’est-à-dire à l’ensemble des relations qui sous-tendent le fonctionnement concret des organisations et des marchés.
Son originalité tient en quatre points :
• Les auteurs développent une analyse socio-économique des organisations et des marchés et dépassent, de ce fait, la spécialisation disciplinaire.
• Ils en proposent une lecture plurielle, à travers les quatre paradigmes suivants : utilitarisme et critique sociale, systèmes et structures, régulations et conventions, savoirs et identités.
• Ils évaluent la capacité de chaque paradigme à fournir des arguments critiques et nourrir des propositions d’action.
• S’inscrivant dans une perspective postcoloniale, ils alimentent leur propos de nombreux exemples issus de l’Afrique subsaharienne.
Ce manuel est un support indispensable, non seulement pour les étudiants en sciences économiques et de gestion, en sciences sociales et en sciences du travail, mais aussi pour toute personne qui veut comprendre la réalité économique et agir de façon concrète en vue d’un monde plus juste et plus soutenable." - Quatrième de couverture
La civilité urbaine : les formes élémentaires de la coexistence démocratique / Carole Gayet-Viaud
Cote de rangement : HT 151 G 265514
La fabrique de la ville en transition / Michael Fenker, Isabelle Grudet et Jodelle Zetlaoui-Léger, coord.
Cote de rangement : HT 241 F 265526
Les enfants et la guerre / Hélène Romano
Cote de rangement : HQ 784 .W3 R 265511
Social problems and social control in criminal justice / Stacy Burns and Mark Peyrot
Cote de rangement : HV 7419 B 265529
Éducation et sociologie / Émile Durkheim
Cote de rangement : LC 191 D 265522
La norme gynécologique : ce que la médecine fait au corps des femmes / Aurore Koechlin
Cote de rangement : RA 564 .85 K 265531
Petit manuel critique des théories économiques / Liêm Hoang-Ngoc
Cote de rangement : HB 173 H 265523
L'accélération technocapitaliste du temps : essai sur les fondements d'une économie des communs / Renaud Vignes
Cote de rangement : HB 501 V 265521
Un revenu d'existence pour toute la vie : l'égalité avant toute chose / Guillaume Mathelier
Cote de rangement : HC 79 .I5 M 265513
L'économie est une science réflexive : chômage, convention et capacité dans l'œuvre de Robert Salais / Christian Bessy, Claude Didry (dir.)
Cote de rangement : HD 5775 E 265530
Sciences politiques
La fabrique de l'émancipation : repenser la critique du capitalisme à partir des expériences démocratiques, écologiques et solidaires / Bruno Frère, Jean-Louis Laville
Cote de rangement : JC 421 F 265527
Péripéties européennes : mélanges offerts à Marie-Thérèse Bitsch à l’occasion de son quatre-vingtième anniversaire / Sylvain Schirmann et Martial Libera (dir.)
Cote de rangement : JN 30 P 265524
The political science of the Middle East : theory and research since the Arab uprisings / edited by Marc Lynch, Jillian Schwedler, and Sean Yom
Cote de rangement : JQ 1758 .A58 P 265528
Diplomate, pour quoi faire ? / Jérôme Bonnafont
Cote de rangement : JZ 1405 B 265517
La Belgique, l'OTAN et la Guerre froide : le témoignage d'André de Staercke / Estelle Hoorickx
Cote de rangement : UA 646 .3 H 265510
L'appel à témoignages : une méthode pour les sciences humaines et sociales / ranck Cochoy, Cédric Calvignac et Gérald Gaglio
Cote de rangement : H 61 .29 C 265525
Le système et le chaos : critique du développement exponentiel / Bernard Charbonneau
Cote de rangement : HD 83 C 265520
Médiation commerciale : méthode, stratégies, outils / Catherine Peulvé, Patrick Van Leynseele, Pierre Jung
Cote de rangement : HD 5481 P 265519
Nous sommes les réseaux sociaux / Serge Abiteboul et Jean Cattan
Cote de rangement : HM 742 A 265518
Darknet, le voyage qui fait peur / Pierre Penalba, Abigaelle Penalba
Cote de rangement : HV 6773 P 265512
Faits divers & vies déviantes : XIXe-XXIe siècle / Roy Pinker
Cote de rangement : PN 5184 .C74 P 265509
Vivre dans les nouveaux mondes virtuels : concilier empathie et numérique / Serge Tisseron
Cote de rangement : QA 76 .9.H85 T 265516
À l'est des rêves : réponses even aux crises systémiques / Nastassja Martin
Cote de rangement : DK 759 .E8 M 265515
Tous ces ouvrages sont exposés sur le présentoir des nouveautés de la BSPO. Ceux-ci pourront être empruntés à domicile à partir du 7 novembre 2022.
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agile-world · 2 years
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Agile Transformation in Konzernen mit Christian Schwedler In unserer neuen Podcast-Episode sprechen Ellen Duwe und Miriam Sasse mit Christian Schwedler über Agilität im Konzern. Er ist seit vielen Jahren interner Berater für Transformationsprojekte eines Großkonzerns und weiß: Es bedarf einer gewissen Ambidextrie. Diesen Weg gehen nicht alle gleichzeitig und nicht alle im selben Tempo. Begleitet uns zum 'Speed-Dating mit der Arbeit von morgen'! (Das gleichnamige Buch dazu von Christian findet ihr überall, wo es Bücher gibt.) #ambidextrie #transformation #arbeit Kontakt zu Christian https://www.linkedin.com/in/christian-schwedler/ Der Trailer zu Christians Buch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ImK7kbf8DUE Agile World Deutsch YouTube Agile World Deutsch Vimeo #Agile_World #AgileWorld #AgileWorldDeutsch www.agile-world.news #AgileWorld #AgileTalkShow #Agile https://agile-world.news/agile-transformation-in-konzernen-mit-christian-schwedler/?utm_source=tumblr&utm_medium=Agile+World&utm_campaign=Agile+World
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berlinverkehr · 3 years
S-Bahn: Großsiedlung in Berlin-Spandau Mit der S-Bahn ins Falkenhagener Feld? aus Der Tagesspiegel
S-Bahn: Großsiedlung in Berlin-Spandau Mit der S-Bahn ins Falkenhagener Feld? aus Der Tagesspiegel
https://www.tagesspiegel.de/berlin/bezirke/grosssiedlung-in-berlin-spandau-mit-der-s-bahn-ins-falkenhagener-feld/26884248.html Mit der #S-Bahn ins #Falkenhagener Feld. In den 60er Jahren entstand die #Großsiedlung im Falkenhagener Feld. Nicht so dicht bebaut wie die #Gropiusstadt, aber so spärlich erschlossen wie das #Märkische Viertel. Hier ein tolles Foto von 1964. Zuständig für Bauen und…
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girlactionfigure · 3 years
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The incredible story of the Navy Seal who was shot 27 times. 
ST4 Sr. Chief Mike Day entered a room in a raid and was shot 27 times by four Al-Qaeda gunmen 10 feet away and hit again by grenade shrapnel. He killed the militants and walked under his own power to a medevac helicopter!
Picture of Gary Sinese visiting Navy Seal Mike Day at Bethesda Hospital, April 2007. 
On April 6, 2007, Mike Day was the lead man on a raid against an al Qaeda cell that had been attacking US troops in Iraq’s Anbar province. As Day breached the door, a barrage of gunfire hit his rifle, knocking it out of his hands. He immediately transitioned to his pistol and killed one insurgent as he fell to the ground next to the dead terrorist.
Day’s No. 2 man, an Iraqi scout, had been shot in the chest, sending him back out into the hallway. The third man in, also an Iraqi scout, had been shot in the chest and died in the doorway. The trauma Day endured as a child had prepared his survival instincts for just this type of scenario.
As a second insurgent pulled the pin on a grenade and ran toward the troops in the hallway outside the room, Day shot him. The insurgent dropped dead. The grenade the insurgent was carrying exploded not far from Day, rendering him unconscious and peppering him with shrapnel. None of Day’s fellow US Navy SEALs had seen him enter the room, and he was unable to answer their radio requests. 
Joseph “Clark” Schwedler, another SEAL on the mission, had been shot and killed two rooms over from where Day was knocked out. The SEALs and Iraqi scouts were moving off target while the two terrorists in the room where Day lay unconscious were firing on them. Day regained consciousness, saw what was happening, and engaged the terrorists with his pistol. 
After a rapid magazine change, he continued shooting. The terrorists returned fire from approximately 10 feet away with AK-47 rifles. One of the rounds hit the bottom of Day’s magazine well, blowing the grips off the pistol and causing a malfunction. He cleared the malfunction and reengaged the insurgents, killing them both. 
Day rounded up three Iraqi scouts who had been unable to get out of the target building. He directed one to cover the front door, a second to guard the women and children they had located in the room Clark was killed in, and utilized the third to guard two detainees in the back of the house. Day went to radio his team that had left the target but realized his radio was damaged during the gun fight. He grabbed Schwedler’s radio and got in touch with his team. 
His radio call came just in time to prevent a fire mission his team had called up to an AC-130 gunship that was on station. Day’s team returned and cleared the target building. He didn’t realize that he had been shot 27 times until his teammates came into the room.
“I didn’t even know how bad I was hurting until they came in and I saw the looks on their faces,” Day said. “We all know that look.”
Day had taken 16 gunshot wounds to his body — both legs, arms, abdomen, buttocks, and scrotum. He was shot 11 times in his body armor, which to him was more painful than the gunshots that entered flesh. He had also taken a lot of shrapnel from the grenade the terrorist set off in the room. His team called in a MEDEVAC helicopter right away. 
Day walked to the helicopter without any assistance. “I wasn’t being macho, but I was afraid if they picked me up, it would just hurt more,” he said.
He was then flown out to Baghdad where medical teams stabilized him overnight. The next morning, Day was flown to Landstuhl, Germany, for further treatment. He went into cardiac arrest three times during his flight out of Baghdad.
Day was in Landstuhl for a day before his flight back to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center (WRNMMC). He was there for 16 days, even though his initial estimate was three to four months. 
“I think I was such a pain in the butt, they were ready for me to go,” Day said, laughing.
Day said that the key motivation for him to survive, to persevere, was the need to see his children. He said that during the gun fight, time slowed down and he prayed to God that he would be able to see his girls again. His fear turned into pure anger, he said, which enabled him to overcome the gunshot wounds and fight for his survival. 
Surviving the deadly encounter with the al Qaeda cell is a testament to Day’s grit and will power. 
“Over my life, I’ve had a lot of trauma, and I have acquired the mindset that I don’t care what happens,” he said. “When it happens, I’ll just figure it out.”
Day grew up in a violent household and said he feels that more than prepared him for the SEAL teams. He said that the way the Teams train until failure is what enables them to function under high stress, both physically and mentally. 
“A lot of people won’t understand or believe that even Navy SEALs have insecurities that we have to go through,” he said. “I did stuff every day that scared me, but I still did it.” 
After a 21-year career in the Navy, Day retired in 2010. He spent the next seven years working as a wounded warrior advocate for the US Special Operations Command (SOCOM) as a non-medical case manager. Day worked with more than 400 patients and their families, providing insight into recovery and connecting them with resources to further assist their needs. 
Day has a special connection with people who have endured traumatic events and prefers their company. He’s also currently in the preliminary stages of establishing a nonprofit organization to help at-risk youth.
“When you go through something together, or similar, it’s a bond, even if you didn’t do it together,” Day said. “The resiliency that’s built into people after they go through trauma is incredible.” 
The Giant Killer book & page honors these incredible war heroes making sure their stories of valor and sacrifice are never forgotten. God Bless our Vets!
 Available now on Amazon!
Story by Joshua Skovlund
The Giant Killer
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