#Search up one star and you'll find their song
cringeyvanillamilk · 2 years
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Oh La La La! We are homies~! 🎶
Shout out to the OG squad, Mizo Middle Five!
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poetessinthepit · 5 months
One thing I think that is so insidious about the Pro-Israel narrative is that they don't even want you donating to the Palestinian cause to provide things like food or medical care for children. There is a concerted hasbara campaign to associate any NGO that provides any aid to palestinians with terrorism.
For example, if you attempt to raise money for the Palestinian Children's Relief Fund, a charity rated 4 stars by Charity Navigator, you may be linked to a page on a website called NGO Monitor. At first glance, this appears to be a neutral charity rating website similar to Charity Navigator. It's not.
Try searching any charity with no connection to the Israel-Palestine conflict on NGO Monitor, and you'll get no result.
Do a little digging, and you'll find out that NGO Monitor was founded by Gerald Steinberg, a Likud party member and former Israeli Security Council consultant. It is essentially a right-wing Israeli front posing as a legitimate charity watchdog while spreading misinformation.
Or consider this racist parody song from Israel's version of SNL. It depicts a hjiab donning woman crying and begging for money in front of an image of shelled out buildings presumably in Gaza. It then cuts away to reveal it is all a set, and her crying is acting, alluding to the Pallywood conspiracy theory. This is followed by caricatures of Hamas members swimming in riches in a luxurious hotel room in Qatar chanting "dollar bills, dollar bills" as donations pile up. The implication is clear; if you give money to Palestine, you are giving money to Hamas. The fact that this video is in English tells you who the intended audience is. It was posted on instagram by Noa Tishby, a former Israeli spokesperson.
This all reflects the true cruelty of the Israeli regime. They don't just want to harm the Palestinians; they don't want you to help them.
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tarjapearce · 10 months
Omg omg could we get a story about how Miguel and wife/reader first meet? Like maybe they both meet from high school or reader was watching Miguel play soccer with his friends in college!
Had this one sitting for a while cause I didn't know what to do. UNTIL, hehehe >:D Carneadas. (Mexican style bbq)
Pt 2
If someone would have told you that you'd find your future husband in a friend's of a friend gathering you would've just laugh it off.
Jessica and you were fresh out of college, and to celebrate it, she decided to take you on one of her outings. A suburban area, nice houses loitering around in every corner your eyes turned, a lot of parked cars and of course, people that clumped in the decored entrance.
Lights and loud spanish music were just the spark to create ambience, the true star of the night was brewing in two enormous pots. The smell of food lingered in the air the more Jessica pulled you within the crowd.
"Remind me again, who are these people?
"Friends of friends. Never been in a carneada before?"
"My family does these once a month, just don't get why is there so much people."
"We'll, everyone's for the food, so... yeah. Just have fun."
You greeted the people as your feet took you to the drinks. Beers, sodas, more beers and pitchers of horchata, Jamaica, and some lemonades were placed on the coolers.
Reaching for the horchata, you grabbed a plastic vase and poured yourself some. To your surprise a man, the biggest one you have seen in your whole life, stood next to you, his eyes focused in the different brands of canned beers submerged in ice.
Your hand reached for a Modelo and popped the lid out with one of your rings. The man eyed you with amusement. He grabbed a Corona but frowned upon not finding the lid popper. He was going to take the lid to his mouth and you gasped
"Wait! No. Don't do that."
"I can open them, thanks" His voice deep.
"Mano, si que eres terco." (Man, you're stubborn)
He blinked at your voice and handed you the beer, you just popped the lid with the corner of the table.
"Don't mess up your teeth."
The man seized you, a lax smile on his lips.
"Too late for that" He smirked, revealing a longer than average canine. Your eyes went up in surprise.
The music changed and you took the drinks to then sit next to Jessica. You gave her the beer. Some people danced, others were lining up for the food.
"What were you doing?"
"Just met Dracula."
Jessica tilted her head in confusion and laughed.
"I'm not joking, the man had big ass fangs."
"Didn't know you were into that sort of things, but we don't kink shame."
"Jessica!" Her boyfriend had swooped off her feet and took her to dance. Great. You were ditched.
At first, you refused to dance, but as the music changed, your feet were itching to do so. Another man was brave enough to approach you and ask you for a dance, then another, you danced with Jess and clapped once the song was over.
You went to the drinks again to refresh yourself, this time you got a Corona and took a long swig of it.
"My, that was so fun."
Even though your evening had been fun, you needed a break from the party. The host, Peter, seemed like a very easygoing person. Jessica was his acquaintance.
You went to the kitchen in search for another glass of horchata, even though beers were tasty and reminded you a bit of home, the horchata was simply delicious. There was no glasses, but spotted a pack of plastic cups ontop. Problem, was that the fridge was a bit too high for your likings.
You pulled up a chair, ready to climb ontop when the same large hand reached over and pulled a couple of cups down.
"Who said it was for you?"
The man from before teased, you rolled your eyes and climbed ontop of the chair to reach for a cup yourself.
"No te vayas a caer, Pitufina." (You'll fall down, Smurfette)
"Cállate, Drácula." (Shut up)
He shook his head with a chuckle.
What a douche
"No, I can do it."
"Te vas a caer con esos tacones." (You'll fall down with those heels)
"It's not a big deal!"
"-Ta madre, lo que tienes de bonita lo tienes de terca. Bájate" (Your stubbornness only matches your beauty. Get down.)
Your lips pouted, a mild flush sweeping your face. You took his hand and he helped you to get down the chair. Even in your heels, you still looked small.
"You are supposed to say thanks."
"For doing something myself?"
His smile went a bit wider.
"Food's done. Let's go"
"Wait." You poured another glass of horchata
"Didn't know my recipe would have a fan."
"Meh, my mom's better"
Your smile smug as he deadpanned.
"Just bit more of sugar. And blend the rice well. There are some little pieces of it in the bottom."
He was about to protest when a man, similar to him spoke. His brother you supposed.
"Miguel?" He looked between him and you, "Ya está la carne, hay que servir" (Meats done, we gotta serve up)
He then left
"Wanna go critique my food as well?"
"Ohh, I'd love to yeah."
He'd serve the food along his younger brother, you were one of the last ones in getting your portion. He prepped your plate with a little more care, the Birria's consomé (broth) in a side, another little container for the sauces and of course two big loaded quesabirrias and a bunch of different roasted meats.
"Hope it's from your likings, chaparrita"
"We'll see about that, Dracula" You smirked and took the dish, fingers brushing for a moment.
"Provecho" (Bon Appetite)
"How was it?" He sat across you once more upon seeing you alone. Jessica had ditched you again. Oh she so owed you this one.
You shrugged with a smile.
"Good? Bad?"
"I'm teasing. It was great. Specially the broth. Thanks for cooking."
He took a swig of his beer.
"De nada." (You're welcome)
"Miguel! Hay que limpiar" (We gotta clean up)
Gabriel's voice boomed behind him.
"Need help with it?"
His eyes stared at you for a moment and pursed his lips, trying to hide a smile.
"Si quieres" (If you want to.)
You had waved your goodbyes and hopped in with Jessica in her car and left. He just then realized that he never asked your name.
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valentine-writes · 9 months
their "i love you"s and other drabbles...
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「 tws + notes: no tws, HEAVILY unedited, a little angst in sum partz but f it we ball (THERE'S SUMN WRONG W/ ME I NEVER DO THIS MUCH?), fluff, tried to add a lil bit of everyone, little thoughtz abt the characters,,, 」
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↳ ft. ben reilly/scarlet spider, gwen stacy, hobie brown/spider-punk, jessica drew, lyla, margo kess, miles morales (1610 and 42), miguel o'hara/spider-man 2099, pavitr prabhakar, peter b parker, spider-man noir, and the spot/johnathan ohnn
「 gn!reader, romantic relationships <3 」
author's note: not my usual content but thought it wud b fun to whip up a few drabbles,, (´。_。`) diff format than usual too! all separate and stuff, w/ the characterz at the bottom being the ones the drabble applies to the most (ALL CAPZ MEANS I THOUGHT IT FIT THEM SUPER WELL!!!!) thought it wud b fun,,, altered lyrics are italicized, itz jus a pronoun change 2 make it gender neutral (❁´◡`❁) edit: my tags. do not fit. so i had to redo them. reblogz r super appreciated ^_^ i jus wanna make sure all fans of these characterz are being fed content <33
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[ please don't forget about me - pompey ]
"and if you see me everyday / will I lose my shine?"
↳ always terrified of not being exciting and new to you– like one day, their appeal will fade. not like they understand what drew you to them in the first place, but they never asked. maybe you're just hanging around for the hell of it. maybe one day, they'll watch you leave and they'll have nothing to convince you to stay
"how many bad jokes will it take? / or awkward quiet times?"
↳ they wonder if they're already losing you slowly. everytime they speak to you, it's like they're trying to compensate for something. begging you to look at them– but not too close,,, just in case you notice how brutally flawed they are, beyond just the quirks you find endearing. maybe one day you'll look too deep into their eyes and you won't like what you see
▸ JOHNATHAN OHNN/THE SPOT, peter b parker
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[ soft sounds from another planet - japanese breakfast ]
"i'll show you the way to hurt me"
↳ loving again is the biggest risk anyone who's been hurt like them could take. you make it worth the danger– the possibility of the pain they've grown all too familiar with. maybe for today, caution can be set aside. when it comes to you, they wouldn't mind letting their guard down.
"in search of a soft sound from another planet / in search of a quiet place to lay this to rest."
↳ they have to admit their past has burdened them in ways they can't even begin to communicate. they know you can't fix everything that has been broken in their lives. still, the comfort you provide is never taken for granted. you are their safe space– the soft sound from another planet. their quiet place to finally lay it all to rest. and suddenly, the aching in their chest doesn't eat them up inside as much as it used to.
you make it easy to love again.
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[ our lullabye - miracle musical ]
"i was made for you / you were made for me"
↳ it's hard to believe that you're more than just a distant fantasy sometimes. they can't deny how much they've yearned for a love like the one you two share. something so sweet, so real. it's nothing like the movies or the fairytales, but is anything ever? even when things are messy and complicated, it's undeniable how perfect it all feels. how everything about the two of you just fits. they're inclined to thank every shooting star they've ever wished on, every birthday candle they've ever held their deepest desires in as they blew the flame out for the day you two met. by any manner of higher power or forces unseen to the human eye, they're certain fate was on their side to give them such a blessing.
"i'll love you 'till you're gone / our song goes on and on"
↳ they're determined to hold on as long as possible. all good things cannot last– but they try not to dwell on that thought. they hold onto the hope that you're the one thing that will stay. your love feels divine. radiant, in the way it overtakes them fully. they almost feel undeserving. so, no matter how small or how grand the action, they try to remind you every day, "i love you"s woven into their every being whenever you're around.
▸ lyla, SPIDER-MAN NOIR, johnathan ohnn/the spot
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[ i will - mitski ]
"everything you feel is good / if you would only let you"
↳ sometimes they feel you holding back. they can't help but notice the tension in the room as you suppress the things you want to say, silence the thoughts in your head. they know it's not easy to be earnest all the time. but they love you– they care for you. and all they've ever wanted is for you to be authentic. if it's pure, how could it ever be wrong? maybe in your own time, you'll be able to unravel in front of them. they're by your side every step of the way. to finally have you open up to them– to be real, to be honest– it would mean the world to them. they want to show you they love every single part of you. they love you when you're upset, when you're crying, when you're angry– because it's you.
"so stay with me / hold my hand / there's no need / to be brave"
↳ they offer every reassurance they can give you. you no longer have to fend for yourself. those days of being alone are over. you can crumble apart if you need– there's no need for constant bravery anymore. you did such a good job picking yourself up, time and time again. now, they outstretch a hand to you, a silent way of saying, "let me help you this time."
▸ ben reilly/scarlet spider, gwen stacy, HOBIE BROWN/SPIDER-PUNK, JESSICA DREW, lyla, MILES MORALES (1610), PAVITR PRABHAKAR, PETER B PARKER tbh all of them but shhh
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[ right side of my neck - faye webster ]
"you looked back at me once / but i looked back two times"
↳ absolutely smitten with you. it doesn't matter how hard you fell. they. fell. harder. and maybe it's not obvious to you. but they've never had someone who made them care so much. some part of them feels immature for feeling so in love,, like a school kid with a puppy crush. they find it ridiculous, how absolutely lovesick and enamoured they are with everything about you. whatever you feel and express towards them, they feel towards you three times as much. they try everyday to show it.
"the right side of my neck / still smells like you"
↳ you just seem to leave a part of you with them always. they can't ignore it– can't seem to escape your presence, even when you're not physically there. it felt like spiralling to insanity at first. but they've learned to appreciate it– find comfort in it, even. the way the smell of your shampoo lingers on the pillow they leant you when you stayed over, the way that the mug of tea (made just the way you like it) is still on the kitchen table from the morning after– you left your t-shirt once and you had to ask them directly for it back. they like keeping pieces of you near. it reminds them of how loved they are.
▸ BEN REILLY/SCARLET SPIDER, gwen stacy, HOBIE BROWN/SPIDER-PUNK, MARGO KESS, miles morales (1610 and 42), pavitr prabhakar, the spot/johnathan ohnn
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[ you love me - kimya dawson ]
"but when i met you, right away, i knew / you would never, ever, ever hurt me"
↳ you're used to pulling away. leave before they can leave you, before they even try to make you miss them– but the second you met them? they were insistent on proving that they were harmless. they could never dream of hurting you. and they see as you pull away, scared to get too close– and yet, every single time, they open their arms back to you.
"and the road's still long but you come along / and you hold my hand, and you understand"
↳ "when you're ready" has become second place in their favourite three word sentences. they remind you of these words constantly.
"when you're ready" means they don't mind that it's not now. ""when you're ready" means it doesn't matter how long they have to wait for you, they will. when you're ready" is another form of "i love you"
▸ MARGO KESS, MILES MORALES (1610), pavitr prabhakar, PETER B PARKER, spider-man noir
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[ (you) on my arm - leith ross ]
"i wanna buy you pretty little things / and never ever lie to you"
↳ wants something simple with you. craves a form of sweet, normalcy. the mundane tasks and events of life seem far more appealing to them when you're in the picture. no, they never really imagined ever having a quiet life, yet the hope for one with you lingered. to buy you little gifts, to be the best they could possibly be to you, to drive around with you for the hell of it. they're certain anything could be heaven if you were there to accompany them.
a quiet life sounds nice.
"i'd be better armed if you agreed to take it"
↳ having you on their arm just makes them feel secure. keeping you close while showing you off to the world– showing you've got each other. they're a bit sappy for little things like this. everywhere you go, they never fail to extend an arm out to you. something about you makes them feel safer than ever.
▸ jessica drew, miles morales (1610), MILES MORALES (42), peter b parker, SPIDER-MAN NOIR
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[ peach scone - hobo johnson ]
"so I fall to ground, collect myself and get ready to take over your heart / or at least your spare time"
↳ they try so incredibly hard to be the one for you. no matter what they try, they just seem to fumble and mess it up. they stumble over their words when they try to compliment you, they get weak in the knees when they try to make a move, and no matter how much they spend deliberating, and deliberating– they've got no clue how to win you over. hopefully you find their clumsy attempts endearing. they're making a fool of themself. and maybe, they haven't really said anything yet– but they're happy to at least hang around you in the meantime
▸ BEN REILLY/SCARLET SPIDER, gwen stacy, MILES MORALES (1610), spider-man noir, the spot/johnathan ohnn
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[ dan the dancer - mitski ]
" he liked them more than life itself / i'm sure "
↳ he was quiet in the way he expressed his adoration. still, he did everything he could to ensure you would never go unloved. the way he looks into your eyes, taking you in like you are the loveliest thing on earth... it's only fitting. you're his world. maybe in the silent moments, when his fingers gently brush your cheek, admiring you– you'd begin to understand this.
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[ lover // over the moon - alice phoebe lou ]
"i'm a lover / i feel it now / i'm a lover / just never knew how"
↳ they don't even try to hide how much they enjoy your company. you're special to them– why would they try to hide that? at this point, whenever you feel arms wrap around you from behind, you've learned to see their grinning face when you glance over your shoulder. maybe they've never been particularly shy about most things,, but now they're just twice as loud. it's inexplicable, the things you do to them. they hadn't anticipated being so utterly soft,,, not like they're complaining
▸ hobie brown/spider-punk, PAVITR PRABHAKAR
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otakuworks · 1 year
❛ 𝐒𝐄𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑. reborn au
feat. Zhongli x Reincarnated!GN!Reader | PART II | wc. 5.4K
Based on 'See You In My 19th Life' webtoon | overview. This Webtoon follows the story of a woman who somehow can remember all her past lives.
sum. You were running too fast in life, so fast that no one could catch up, not even Morax who left you to fend off with your curse. Just when you thought you'll slip and fall, a certain consultant came behind and caught you.
cw. mentions of extreme emotion breakdown. cttro 双niarss on Twitter for the art below.
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main m.list genshin m.mlist
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THEME SONG; Slump by Stray Kids (English Version)
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There are five stages of grief; Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance. All in order.
In your case, it was the other way around. You have long accepted Morax will lay on his deathbed one day, every living thing will eventually cease to exist, mortal and immortal alike
You, out of all people know the in-depth concept of death.
And yet, no amount of tutelage or experience can prepare you for the real thing.
Now you understood what Morax felt when you died.
Your chest feels raw like there's a sudden gash wound that has manifested in your heart. It was painful, too painful that you wouldn't wish it upon anyone, even on your worst enemy.
Scratch that. It's not just pain. It feels something more destructive, demanding and insatiable, crueler than sorrow. Not even death can appease this feeling.
It was agony.
Impale your abdomen with a spear hundred times. Sever your limbs every lifetime. Suffer for all eternity hiding behind Morax and watch him love with someone else over and over again— you'd take them all and say thank you.
You'd be grateful and endure each of them just to trade whatever horrible feeling that's tearing you apart.
Confusion, terror and fright blanketed your mind as you slumped on the floorboards, desperately gasping for breath.
The acrid smell of snarling lightning crackles in the stale midnight air, sharp enough to singe every nerve of your body, rendering you cowering in overwhelming emotions— agony, pain and grief.
Inazuma was bustling with the news of the Geo Archon passing away recently. You could only imagine how Liyue is digesting the cruel twists of events.
The news spreads fast enough for foreign people to sympathize to Liyue citizens, some even offered prayers to the Raiden Shogun, some pay their respects by wishing the late Archon to rest in peace, some never bothered to care.
But none of them mourned in the confinements of their four walls as you did, the Celestia above knows the quiet sobs that wrecked the very core of your existence. The horrors of every shitty lives you went through cannot be compared to this day.
Rex Lapis, who is— was widely known for many names, mostly as the Geo Archon, God of War, God of Contracts, Former Prime Adepti, the Stonebreaker, God of History is now reduced by dust with his people carrying the legacy he has passed on.
To you, all this time, he's still... Morax the petulant child who leans on you for comfort, who politely demands you to sing a lullaby as kids. You're already sold to the idea no one would ever believe you if you told them what embodiment of mischief he was in the ancient times, the exact opposite of the Archon they knew about.
Nostalgia hits you in particular days you can't find traces of the young Morax, but Pride would caress your heart every achievement he succeeds as you watch the people love him.
Similar to a lone planet, you desperately search for a star to orbit around, to give you a source of energy and strength. Once you find one, it'll be difficult to rearrange your position after you have settled down, you're attached until the star loses its amber glow.
And now the star is gone. Gone with the cosmos after a supernova.
Destroying the neighboring planets, including you.
You were the closest in its orbit, you're the one who had to endure the scorching flames morphing you into ashes until you're reduced into cosmos particles for no one to remember.
Morax left you to fend off with your curse and face adversities alone.
Mortals would succumb to these adversities and would choose to sever their connection to the living to escape from everything. You've seen a handful of them and can't ever get enough of it.
If there's anything you long to have other than having Morax beside you is a swift escape.
Every mortal is capable of such thing, you are too, but it's pointless if the pain will cling to you in your next life. It's fruitless to cry when you know every affliction won't be forgotten even if you tried.
Just why?! Why do I have this perpetual curse of reincarnation? I abhor you, Celestia! Not only you cursed me, you even took away Morax from this land!
You shake your head as the anger surge took over your sanity. You thought you can just go live your merry life, unbeknownst how dependent you were to Morax.
Your will to live is solely operated by the fact you have someone you want to protect. But now he's gone? What's the back up plan? Clearly you can't just follow him in his death knowing you can die, but your memories will remain with you.
Was it out of selfishness to protect him to have someone accompany your lonely soul? Because he's the only one who actually remembers the real you?
Rain began to pour from the desolute atmosphere as you heard disembodied voices theorizing Morax's death. The muffled thundering of the storm only growing louder, reminding you of today's unsavory news. How convenient, the sky is sympathizing.
No, make it stop! I don't want fo hear any of it! Morax is dead, that's how nature works. I'm griefing because it hurts, not because I have nothing to live for.
You lived in that illusion for minutes until. . .
*drip* *drip*
. . . the dam broke.
Hot tears streamed down your face, and you squeezed your eyelids shut in the hope the pain would stop, just numbing it would be fine too. Your choppy breathing and watery eyes remained for quite some time, and sat there unmoving.
There's no see you later's anymore, for Morax has left you. Today has marked your first Goodbye to him.
For an indiscernible amount of time, there was only a black void and it could have been as if you didn’t exist and you had never existed.
And then you felt each of your cells that had been ripped apart within seconds be sewed back together just as quickly, and your eyes met nothing but a blinding white light.
Have I reborn again? You're not aware which is which anymore. You lift your numb hand and reality crashed over your head, you haven't died out of grief, yet.
Your mind is in havoc, you don't know what you want, not that you have any choice.
Dying won't help you escape, forgetting is not an option, loving. . . can't heal an open wound.
No words can equate the absolute devastation you feel.
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❖ ── ✦ ── 『 6000 YRS AGO 』 ── ✦ ── ❖
This is stupid. Utterly ridiculous!
What kind of mortal would go in the mines in the middle of the night where monsters lurk in the shadows to hunt for preys? Yeah, that's a question he would like for you to answer!
He flies twice the speed he usually exerts, his mind running rampant of all worst possible scenarios.
He doesn't know what compelled you to do such ridiculous act, but all he knows is he has get to you before any monsters do.
Landing unceremoniously, he gulps at the sight before him. He was never a fan of darkness, it never fails to instill fear in him, the fear of the unknown.
The only time he feels comfortable in the night is whenever you're around him. You don't fear the night, and it somehow influenced him in a way that there's nothing that should be afraid of as long as you're with him— as his human shield.
Young Morax finds himself slowly withdrawing, the fear overpowering his will to come and save you.
"Morax? What are you doing out here?" Saved by the gracious voice of yours, young Morax nearly broke his neck with how fast he looked at your direction.
Your face is contorted out of concern for him, he's sweating profusely and his breathing is ragged.
Just seeing you all in one piece with no signs of injuries made hin slumped on the ground, sighing in relief.
You were at his side seconds later, subconsciously caressing his cheeks. Celestia above! He's shaking like a leaf!
"It's alright, let's get you out of here." Your soothing voice appeased his troubled mind as you helped him get back on his feet. He clutches the fabric of your shirt and wordlessly launches himself on you, arms and tiny tail entrapping you in an embrace.
You waste no second reciprocating the gesture, you've known him for months to be comfortable with physical sentiments. Though you can't say the same to him as he would always flinch away when you initiate it, but has no problem when he does it.
And it seems like he needs your comfort to even give a damn.
"Whatever it is, it can't hurt you now okay?"
From that angle, he peered from below you as if confirming the validity of your words, amber eyes looking like someone has kicked an innocent puppy, it's no wonder you have a soft spot for him.
Both of you strayed away from the caves leading to mines, "I-I thought you l-left me." He meekly mumbled, almost incoherent.
That baffles you as he continues, "I overheard f-from your village that m-monsters are increasing in the area and you're probably..."
"Shh... I'm here now, aren't I? I'm sorry you have to hear that, I can assure you I haven't encountered any marauding monsters during my little excursion." You sighed, guilt pooling your conscience.
He sniffled, "So, you're not going to leave me?"
"Can I even go anywhere when you have a sharp sense of smell?"
"I'm a dragon, not a wolf." He whined, though you could still see the glint of dubious in his eyes, "Can I trust your word?"
Words never served him better than actions, you ought to show him you honor your word by affirming it through gestures.
Smiling, you offered your hand to him.
"How about you hold my hand on our way home? Will that help?" He stares at you and literally contemplated before he relented.
It's warm, much similar to your hug, but like a form of hug that has been reduced to a smaller fraction. It's still a paragon of comfort.
Surely enough, it did help his mind to be at ease. If you ever feel like he's cutting off your circulation, he is cutting your circulation by intertwining your fingers as if trying to tangle it so it won't loose.
"I'm sorry, you must think I'm stupid for cowering away just because of some stupid dark cave." He lowered his head in shame.
He's a Dragon who has greater strength than most beings, and yet he lets his fear consume him as if they can hurt him like how—
"Nonsense! Don't ever think like that or I will personally be the reason why you should fear humans." As stern as you sound, your eyes tell a different story.
Young Morax deduced this as concern, which resulted a flustered and heartwarming reaction from the boy. You were worried for him.
It shouldn't be something he's supposed to feel happy about, but your fretful intentions warranted warmth and security in his mind.
"I didn't know how oddly. . . pleasant it is to hold hands." He mused, and you responded with an amused giggle, "Here I thought only couples do this stuff, but it's really reassuring."
"It does, doesn't it? Sometimes the solution to your conflicts is in a form of validation."
Too wise for a kid, he inwardly complained, ". . .Meaning?"
You hold his other hand and stood to face him with a sequined smile, "No matter how minuscule or massive your fears are, you'll still find comfort when someone validates your feelings; to let you know that they care. It may not be the solution in some cases, but it's better than being alone in times of your vulnerability."
You leaned slightly closer, "Can I ask you a favor?" Your gaze pierced right through his soul and he can only nod absently which resulted for you to grin.
"If you see someone, friend and stranger even enemies, looking so vulnerable that they actually might cry. . ." You lifted your intertwined hands with his, ". . .Make them feel significant."
A cold midnight wind whisked past the both of you, your eyes shone brighter than jewels and stars alike as you spoke those words that made a huge impact in his life.
". . .Even if my enemies are about to cry because I'm about to end their miserable lives?"
What a way to ruin the moment.
"You know what I mean, Mora." You deadpan, preparing to let go of his hand, but his grip is much stronger and it only tightens once he feels you're trying to detach.
"I'm afraid you have to elaborate further, Y/N. And please, I only have two syllables in my name. What's so hard in including the X?" In contrast to his words, he quite enjoys hearing his nickname.
"The X is not even a syllable, Mora."
That time, young Morax found peace.
He's always on the hunt for something new, something glimmering, something incredible, something undiscovered and something bedazzling. That's how his childlike brain thinks and he seizes anything outwardly beautiful.
But he never knew how amazing it was to see something— or rather, to see someone's beauty on the inside.
Perhaps that's what draws him to you, because of your voice, patience and understanding. He would never admit it though
To him, you're beautiful inside and out, almost perfect, even your flaws are easy to love.
He can't deny he wasted a few immortal years just mourning your death, you'd probably scold him.
Within those years, he's only reliving the memories and wise words you have with him. He wanted to come out as a better person after your death, take it as an honour of your passing.
You made him for what he is.
If he hadn't met you he'd still be the intolerable, impatient and disrespectful person as he grows up.
He'd still fear the unknown, never having the courage to take risks and accept whatever outcomes.
Everything he does always brings him back to you, his actions always correlates to something that's relevant about you. It had always been you.
He prays the Celestia to let you know you will always be apart of his person. Yes, you died, but every lingering piece of you still remains intact in the deep recesses of his mind.
He has moved on, but you remain the person he loved the most. Not even the sands of time has the capability to change that.
"How disastrous. People can be really simple-minded." Morax rubbed both of his temples once he heard the speculation of him and Guizhong plausible relationship.
"I apologize on their behalf, it never crossed my mind they'll be quick to make assumptions." The fair Goddess bowed in shame.
"You have done nothing wrong to spark such rumors, Guizhong. If anything, it is I who should seek forgiveness for I have tied you down with such unpleasant gossips."
She meekly chuckles, "If we're going to paint ourselves as the culprit then we might as well work together to quell the rumors."
His perfectly lined eyebrows knitted, which didn't go unnoticed by Guizhong, "What seems to be troubling your mind?"
A few seconds ticked by before he let out a whisper that only Barbatos can only hear thanks to his wind. For Guizhong who has keen sense of hearing, "If Y/N was here I'll gear up for another war just to extinguish this spreading rumors." She stifled a laugh.
Oh, she knows alright. She knows you. She knows the person who captivated Morax's heart, it's all about he talks to her in their leisure time and you're not a secret between their comrades.
Most people would find it dull to listen about someone's life unless it held any merit to pass onto the other mouth, she would too. But Morax describes you like a protagonist of a fairy tale, like some mythical being, caught between two worlds, a miracle of existence that racked his existence— which makes you an interesting person
She was so eager to meet you, it was rather unfortunate that you've already passed on uncountable years ago.
"Where are you going?" She inquired as the Geo Archon whisk passed her, "Out to visit an old friend. I won't be returning until tomorrow dawn."
She sighed, a corresponding smile soon follows as she took over his job for the meantime.
Morax walked through the barren areas in Mt. Tianheng, it became part of his leisure activities during the day when his mind needs to detach itself from reality and let himself be swayed by the memories he tucked in the deep recesses of his mind.
Memories of his late comrades who perished in the horrors of war and the most painful but nostalgic one; Y/N.
He ruefully sighed at the thought of you. Even in death, you have full grasp of his heart and shroud his head with your image.
Filtered beams of light accented the spaces between the ancient trees that twisted like spires from the undergrowth. Golden leaves littered the forest floor as Morax appraised the trail of mycelium path, one leading to a particular tree.
His expression remains unchanging, at least that's what he thought, any stranger sees him they'll stop to ponder what made this godly man smile so fondly.
A single maple leaf flow with the breeze, swaying in inconsistent direction until it falls in his gloved hand. The rich color of autumn and texture brings him back in his youthful days.
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"Ah! All I do is reminisce to pass time." He muttered to himself as he let the leaf get carried away by the zither winds once again.
"It certainly has been awhile, Y/N. I was but a petulant child since I've visited you. I now stand here as the Geo Archon." It has been a habit to come back to this specific tree and treats it as his home.
It's a sacred place he's closely attached to, he can perfectly picture his young self failing to spy on you. He grimaced at the memory when he was caught in the act.
"I still have no idea why you let me trail your shadows, you weren't least afraid that I'm a dragon. You told me you're fascinated, but. . . was that the only reason?"
Only the breeze answered for him with nothing, "If you hadn't allowed me to do so I do not know what kind of person I would be as of today." He steps closer and pulled off his hood.
He let the silence hang for minutes, maybe even hours. Just standing there as he appreciates what nature has to offer in the place where his story began with you.
"Are you proud of me? My comrades claimed they were more than proud to stand alongside with me, but I doubt the veracity of their words when I led them to their demise. Is it that prideful to have me as a friend when I bring nothing but misfortune?"
He finally sat down between the roots of the tree, relishing the blissful comfort as the sunlight accentuates his godly features.
"I met a boy who was being manipulated by an evil god who only desires power and selfish gains." He began.
"He was a fierce warrior, strong and capable, the manipulation only fuels him to be at his strongest form. I was thinking of eradicating him, but his eyes already looked so dead. It reminded me of. . ."
He holds his tongue and shuts his eyes as he's in pain, "It would be one of my greatest regrets if I had impaled my spear into him."
"I thought of you that time. Hadn't it been to my promise to you, I wouldn't have gained a new ally. Xiao is his name."
The wind blew stronger, ". . . I forgot you can summon him just by calling out his name." He chuckles to himself.
Green statics cracked into the air and quickly revealed a masked man with his polearm readied for any danger.
"Settle down now. I apologize, your name slipped in my mouth." The young Yaksha visibly looked confused even under the layers of his mask.
"I was narrating a story to my old friend Y/N."
Guizhong couldn't have been more right.
By the end of the day, Xiao now knows every detail there is to know about the person called Y/N. It's what Morax ever talk to him.
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"Mr. Zhongli is in a very elated mood ever since you told him Archon knows what, Traveler." Hu Tao, the Director of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor finds the situation quite absurd to look at, but never impossible. His mood just feels out of place.
Who looks at mournful families with an eccentric smile on their face as they consult them about their loved one's death?
"Why does Paimon feel like you're pointing finger at the traveler?" She puts her tiny hands on tiny her hips like a mother hen.
The Traveler let out a nervous laugh, "I wonder what exactly brought him in such high spirit with my words."
"Ooh... Paimon thinks it's about Y/N. Isn't it obvious by now?" Hu Tao furrowed her eyebrows, "Y/N? You mean the Adventurer?" Both heads snapped at her direction, "You know them?"
She reluctantly shrugged, "Only at acquaintance level. They showed interest in business and I taught them a few things." She smiled at the epilogue of her statement.
"If they ever come back, my hunch tells me you'd find them in Wangshu Inn, they frequented there before." She added before turning her attention to a new customer.
Zhongli, who's been eavesdropping, perked up at the claims. Perhaps he should visit Xiao tonight and totally won't inquire if he ever met you before.
Midnight falls and Zhongli bid his farewell to the traveler before heading towards the Wangshu Inn.
For some unknown reason, Zhongli could sense the foreboding feeling that's nagging his instincts as he gets closer to his desired destination, yet he doesn't stop. What's worse is that he doesn't know if it's for the good or bad.
All of a sudden, a harsh breeze blew past his face as if the winds attempting to convey a message that's only for his intuition to decipher, for him to meander.
Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw his statue glowing bright blue, but that wasn't what caught his attention. A hand reached out to touch the stone statue.
A mop of [H/C] facing him backward bowed down in respect of the late Rex Lapis, but Zhongli could feel a much more intense feeling.
Something stirs inside him, he remembers this situation— when he watched Y/N with such fascination from above the tree, not knowing what they look like, yet they never fail to express their feelings through threaded words he finds so wondrous to hear.
In contrary to that, the person appears to be. . . forlorn. He stepped closer until he's only less than five meters away from them.
All of a sudden, he feels skittish around the person. It's as if he doesn't want to leave a bad first impression, he's suddenly self-conscious of his looks, and Zhongli never cared about his outer appearance.
Then they spoke, in a solemn voice.
"See you later, Mora. I hope you found your eternal peace."
There are times when you wish you'd forget Morax, some that you don't. But still, in the birth of new beings, you will find Morax in his next life. The prospect of being alone is a phobia you can't ever overcome unless you have Morax.
What a joke. It should've been a farewell. Your final goodbye to your old friend. Not a hopeless see you later.
It took you months to come with that mindset, only to end up saying what's the exact opposite.
It was difficult to come back in Liyue, every step adds a new pile of memory that drags you further into the depths of agony. Every where you look reminds you of the late Geo Archon. Each encouraging word in your mind gets trampled on by his image.
You consider it as an achievement to stand tall in front of his statue after his death, and a failure that you didn't get to bid your final words to him before you depart from Liyue.
You're still clinging to a nonexistent hope that you'll actually get to see him even after your death. Old habits die hard they say. It couldn't have been more relatable than now.
Sighing in disappointment, you retracted your hand from the statue and briskly turn around when you felt the disturbance behind you.
A gloved hand suspended in the air seems to be trying to reach out to you. As you raise your eyes to meet the oh-so-familiar glowing amber eyes that you grew to love. . .
You offered the stranger a faux smile, seemingly naive to the person standing in front of you with an aghast expression.
You failed to realize Morax as Zhongli just as Morax failed to realize you in your different lives.
"Hello. How may I help you?"
Oh, how the tables have turned.
Time has stopped, both hands of the clock moved counterclockwise, bringing him back to the time he first laid his eyes on you— so unsuspecting from what's about to unravel after a sweet hello.
His broadened eyes are solely fixated on you, it ingnited a feeling he couldn’t immediately identify, a sense of a certain and long-forgotten familiarity fogged his memory.
From the color of your eyes, skin and hair. The subtle furrow of your eyebrows and the upturn of your lips. The gentle facade that compelled him to indulge his curiosity towards you.
Y/N. . . Are you the Y/N the traveler was talking about?
But you bare no resemblance to the Y/N he knew, yet he can tell how it is your soul residing in the mortal's body. It is you. Your eyes aren't the ones that welcomed him as new friend. It feels different.
You're smiling while your eyes are grieving.
Your eyes failed to conceal your weeping soul and could only hope the last bits of its strength will keep it standing until someone reach a hand to put back the shattered pieces.
Behind that gleeful stare was a mountain of pain and extracting it would bring instability to the person who would dare to climb. Yet come what may, you're always worth any risk.
He lowered his hand to shake yours, his lips upturned into an enigmatic smile.
Your heart went erratic and the usually dormant butterflies imploded in your stomach. You haven't felt like a teenager since. . .
You felt your breath hitch in your throat when suddenly, with a mere handful of strides, the beautiful man was standing right in front of you, his amber eyes searching your face intently, trying to find whatever it was he was seeking.
"My name is Zhongli, I'm a consultant in Wangsheng Funeral Parlor." Your [E/C] eyes blinked surreptitiously before accepting it. What a beautiful name, you thought almost immediately.
Under normal circumstances you would've strictly reprimanded the man with his incongruous advances, but you felt something else, something so powerful it overshadowed your senses.
It was a need, an unyielding need to be close to him.
Rather than pushing him away, something inside you stirs awake and begin to implore to coalesce with his existence.
"I'm Y/N L/N, an adventurer."
So it is really you.
He briefly looks down to their intwined hands.
For countless nights, the image of your bloodied hand reaching out to him as you take your last breath plagued his every dream. The tender, soft hands that will no longer bring him comfort. The hand of the person whom he loved so dearly, whom he failed to protect against the wicked ways of the world.
The intense urge to hide you away from the prying eyes that shared similarities to his kept his mind in shambles.
Which what led him to mumble to you what his thoughts are repeating like a mantra.
When he spoke the promise he'll show you what's up at the highest altitude his wings could go, he was mostly speaking out of his selfish desire to hold onto your hand and fly you away to the farthest place no living creatures have ever stumbled upon.
He had to learn it the hard way; that the greater you wish for something, the crueler fate can be. Maybe if he hadn't been so greedy you could've live your mortal life.
Now that you are standing in front of him, shaking your hand, he can amend his mistake by straying far away from you before he repeats history itself, before he could inflict pain on you again.
And yet, looking at you attempting to shoulder the boulders of life is what all it takes for all the wisdom he garnered for centuries to be thrown out the window.
He can't imagine himself distancing from you when you're suffering and have no one comfortable enough to share your burdens with, no one to validate your feelings, no one to embrace you in your vulnerable times.
You taught him to be compassionate, to not disregard emotions, and he's about to set that in motion. You were there when he needed you the most, offered your shoulder to vent out his feelings, it's about time to let him do what you always did for him.
It became abundantly clear he's not willing to let you go through anything alone just like he had gone through without you.
"You claim you're a consultant. Did you perhaps think I'm a potential customer?"
He let go of your hand as much as he loathes being away from your warmth for even just a second, he's still convinced you can be taken away from him at any given moment.
"Indeed, I couldn't stand idle and watch you grieve alone." He watches how you averted your eyes as if hiding the pain would appease your mind.
"I appreciate the thought. . . though, I highly doubt it'll be effective."
He mentally chuckled at the irony. He, too, was once amazed of what simple gestures can bring to a downhearted person.
"Hmm. An old friend once showed me how to console a person. Allow me to share their insights."
Your eye brows perched in curiosity, this man speaks like he's in his 50s or something, ". . .If you insist. I could use a company for now."
Morax experienced eons of desires to attain what he wishes to, though he refrains from being blinded by those greedy thoughts as he had witnessed how cruel fate can be when he once desired to have you. Will history repeat itself?
Zhongli chortles in response, but his expression soon turned nostalgic, "I may not know what adversities you're facing nor do I know who you are, but know that you're never alone."
His smile never left his face as he takes off his glove and held the palm face forward to you, he watches how your eyes glisten with unshed tears, "W-What is that supposed to convey?"
You didn't even notice how much gap he closed just to increase the proximity between the both of you. Archons! You can smell the lingering scent of Osmanthus Wine mingling with his breath!
Is he a drunkard like Venti?
Perhaps this man is drunk to comprehend his actions, perhaps he won't remember this the never next day, perhaps he has mistaken you for someone else, perhaps—
"Wherever you wish to go, I'll keep you company. I dare ask if I may hold your hand along the way, Y/N?"
Perhaps there's hope you can cling onto until your aching heart is at ease.
Your hand found its way to his, almost too desperate to not let this moment of comfort vanish. Just this once, you thought to yourself as the man smiled with absolute glee that it puts the sun in shame.
Out of reflex, your fingers laced with his, wanting nothing more than to relieve in the warmth of his hand. His expression soon turned into a priceless one as if he's in disbelief that you actually just did that, and that alone made the realization struck you harder than Raiden's lightning and fried your nerves with embarrassment.
"I-I'm so-sorry! I didn't mean to get too comfortable!"
You're a stranger to him, and you acted as if you've been a longtime friends. He must have been feeling uncomfortable, you nervously thought as you quickly tried reel back your hand in an attempt to salvage whatever budding acquaintanceship you have.
Keyword; tried.
Your action prompts him to retaliate by locking his fingers in place, keeping your hand sealed with his and shot you a reassuring smile.
"Do not fret. I'm delighted to know I somehow earned a little fraction of your trust. It's only fair to mirror the trust you gave me."
As if to spell out his point, he held up your intertwined hands just below your chin. His eyes blazed with a newfound emotion you couldn't decipher. He almost looks eager. He was gripping your hand, not too tight, but firm enough give emphasize of something.
His action wasn't fruitless as it gained a reaction from you. Your eyebrows twitched, there's something too familiar about it, but your memory refuses to give you that answer.
Instead, you could only mutter weak responses, "I-I understand, but if you feel uncomfortable in any way then don't hesitate to point out what I'm doing wrong."
Whether it was a satisfying answer he wants to hear, his emotions betrayed to even give you a brief answer and his face only lit up as he turns away from you, "You could never do anything wrong in my eyes."
Did he just say something? "What was that?"
"Nothing. Are you new in Liyue? I could give you a tour if you'd like to make you familiarize with the environment."
Your lips turned into a genuine smile, it didn't reach your ears but something tells you this man will lengthen it until you're the happiest person alive, "I'd love to, Zhongli."
As the wind blows to the East, a new chapter has began with a new retelling of their unfinished story. Until the last maple leaf falls and the oldest standing tree drought, two souls will always find their way to rekindle what has been lost.
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─ 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒. @itsyourgirlria @shizunxie @elsoleil @cherlynono @slzarr @katsuissus @tartarsaucechi1de @spyanya @tikitsune @shoujishu @useless-potatho @chimsblogg @xiamuyi @lemonlimesocks @belletifeshyl @alexon-mars @multifandomvoyage @malt-rants-and-stuff @jameineliebe @angelkazusstuff @orginiallyann @eissaaaa @beezgobuzzbuzz @towos @kamukayakmonyet @atsukawolfcat @sunflowers1970 @yamtwt @avery-needs-more-fics @angstylittleb1tch @bigcandlesmolbrain @lxmine @imk1ra @fauxizs @islxisl @chihawari @bishishbored @yuuki4646 @sunsethw4 @princeabomination @alexiris @chocolateneapolitan @ayra2452008 @akaritenchi @sophiee-bush @ittosoneandoniwife @alatus2716 @almighty-raiden-shogunate
(it's my first time doing tags so pls inform me if it's not working, idk why the others are white, did I do something wrong??)
PS. if you want to get tagged for the next part or be removed then simply comment it TAGLIST is for the readers who want to be updated for my future genshin works.
─ 𝐀/𝐍. Can you all smell that? *sniff sniff* I smell a Xiao ver. of this 👀👀 Fr, I didn't expect the fic will be loved that much as I initially thought, I received many appreciative comments and messages which is what motivated me to write part 2, and possibly part 3 (just for the fluff) since this was supposed to be a series but I crossed that idea out until everyone broke my expectation. Thank you💜💙 and merry christmas everyone ❤💚
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2K notes · View notes
Summary: Lucy promises Cooper that she can handle being by herself for a while and proves it to him while he's away.
Pairings: The Ghoul | Cooper Howard x Lucy Maclean
Warnings: violence and death. Blood and canon typical actions. Fluffy things and Cooper being worried but proud of his little killer.
I've seen a lot of Worried!Cooper Howard things on Tumblr lately and I wanted to try my hand at it. Hope you enjoy!
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"You are sure you'll be alright without me?" Cooper questions his little vaultie for the third time. They are down on caps, and he had volunteered to go find a bounty to cash out on. Lucy had grimaced and asked him if she could stay here, in the sturdy little house they'd been using for shelter the past couple of days. He had ground his teeth in protest, but Lucy had given him such a pitiful look that he'd broken before he could argue with her.
"Yup. I've been up here long enough to handle myself. I handled you, right?" Lucy pointed out, and Cooper sighs. Not to toot his own horn, but he was one of the more dangerous players in the wasteland, and his smoothskin wasn't wrong. He just didn't like the thought of her leaving his sight.
"Alright, alright," Cooper tosses his hands up in surrender, though a frown still lingers on his lips. Lucy hops forward and threads her fingers with his own, tip toeing to kiss her ghoulish companion. Cooper immediately kisses her back, tugging her close by the hands so that she stumbles into his chest.
"You run for town if anyone tries anythin', you hear me?" Cooper demands when Lucy drops back to her booted feet. He untangles a hand to grasp her by the chin, locking eyes with her own.
Lucy's expression turns soft, and she can't help the teasing tilt to her voice, "Awe, is the big bad, bounty hunter worried about me?"
Cooper rolls his eyes and scoffs, lips pursed to the side, "You make it hard not to, little killer. Trouble finds you worse than a magnet does a fridge."
She can't help but grin, Cooper wasn't technically wrong there. Lucy turns her face and presses a kiss to his wrist, "I promise I'll come running if there's trouble."
The ghoul nods, appeased at the promise. Coop tugs her in for another hug, and then let's go, loping to the front door. Dogmeat waits patiently, ready to go with him. He looks back at Lucy one last time before he and Dogmeat slip out the door, and he locks it behind him.
Lucy slumps when Cooper disappears. It feels weird being completely alone, but she uses the time to clean her weapons and stitch the holes in her vault suit. Her pip-boy radio is turned on, and she listens to Helen Forrest sing about being mad about the boy she loves.
She quirks her lips and turns the song up, thinking it funny how relatable she finds the song. The vault dweller loses herself in the back and forth of sewing up her suit, and as the hours pass, Lucy doesn't realize how late it has grown, nor how loudly her music echos out of the quaint little house.
Three men, one ghoul and two humans, creep up to the side of the house. They had heard the music and followed it to the humble adonde, grinning to one another when they spot Lucy inside. The vault dweller isn't paying attention, too absorbed in the old world magazine she is reading to hear the back windows slide open.
Lucy chokes back a scream when a hand slams across her mouth. She doesn't hesitate to throw her head back, her skull meeting the nose of the man who holds her. He shouts when her head connects and breaks his nose, sending blood splattering down his face and into her hair.
"Fuckin' bitch! Get her!" He shouts, and the ghoul and other man appear out of nowhere. Lucy kicks and fights back, landing a lucky hit to one of the men's balls and sending him to the floor. It gives her enough time to scramble to the far end of the room and search for her side arm.
She grunts when the ghoul tackles her, sending them both to the floor. Her head bounces once, and she sees stars for half a second before her vision rights itself. The ghoul tries to wrap his hands around her neck, but Lucy is stronger than her small frame seems.
The vault dweller swings an elbow up and into his face, knocking his head to the side and sending a tooth flying from his mouth. She bucks her hips and dislodged the ghoul enough that she can wiggle free. Lucy stands up and grabs the first thing her hand finds.
Lucy holds the iron fire poker tightly, brandishing the sharp end at the three men that surround her. The original one lunges, tries to feint to the left, and gets stuck in the ribs for his troubles. Bones crack, and the man wheezes as he spins and clutches his side. The second human, now recovered from the kick to the balls, is faster and gets into Lucy's space quick enough to snatch the poker mid swing.
"Gonna pay for what you did little cunt," He spits nasty, but Lucy wasn't about to let him close again. She rears back and kicks him, and he's too focused on the weapon to see her booted foot come flying in to strike him in the stomach.
He grunts and stumbles backward, taking the fire poker with him as he goes. Lucy turns and runs, putting distance between the men and eyes frantically searching for her bag. She finds it kicked halfway under the couch and makes a dive for it, hands snagging the strap and taking the bag with her as she runs for the front door.
The ghoul grabs her again, shoving her against the door and making her bite her bottom lip. Pain laces up her face and blood pools in her mouth. She rears back, thrashing in his hold and forcing the ghoul to let her go. Lucy unlocks the door and runs outside, digging her hand into her bag to finally grab her sidearm as she runs through the dead forest.
The men follow her, the one with the broken ribs lagging behind but still in hot pursuit. The man with the iron poker rushes forward, tacking Lucy to the ground and sending her 10mm skidding away from her. She shouts, the air in her lungs expelling in a rush from the hit. Rocks and twigs dig into her front, but that doesn't stop her from throwing her weight against the man, fingers scrambling in the dirt to find her gun.
Lucy gets socked in the rib for her troubles, making her grunt and glare at the gravel below her. She does it again, wiggling back and forth and scooting herself forward until the tips of her fingers brush against the metal of her weapon. The vault dweller lunges forward and finally wraps her fingers around the grip.
The young woman rolls, wacking the man in the face with her 10mm and shooting blindly. A cry of pain goes up in the air, and the ghoul falls, shot in the stomach by the lucky shot. She squeezes the trigger again, missing this time, but the gun going off right beside the man who still holds her is enough for him to release her legs.
Lucy scrambles up, and so does the man. He throws himself forward, and the gun goes off, a bullet punching through his gut, and his weight knocks the smoothskin to the ground. Blood soaks her front, and the man weakly pushes himself up, coughing in Lucy's face and sending blood splattering her cheeks.
The vault dweller shoves his body off her, rolling to her feet and snarling in rage at the only man left standing. Before she can fire her weapon, the familiar sound of a dog barking hits her ears and Dogmeat comes flying out of no where, her teeth locking around the man's wrist and bringing him down to the ground before she let's go to snap and bite for his throat, canines sinking into his flesh and ripping his jugular out.
Lucy sucks in sharp intakes of air, eyes casting around until she spots the silhouette of her ghoul come jogging into the clearing. Anger paints his face, underlined by a current of worry that makes her heart beat a little harder in her chest. She spits to the side, grimacing at the taste of iron, and smiles at Cooper.
The ghoul looks her over with his eyes and then closes the distance to yank Lucy in for a kiss. His vaultie is soaked in the blood of the men who attacked her, but she's never looked so beautiful standing there in the setting sun.
He pulls away after a moment and tugs Lucy in for a hug, "Hi to you too, shithead. Thought you said you'd run?"
Lucy shrugged at him, hands clutching at his sides as she rested her brow along his collar bone, "I tried, but it didn't really work out."
Cooper huffed and shook his head. This is what he gets for leaving her by herself, but he is proud that she'd been able to hold her own without him there. He kissed the top of her head again.
"Good job, lil killer. We'll make a wastelander outta you yet."
83 notes · View notes
annymation · 5 months
🎶Wish Away- the villains song
Magnifico and Amaya's villain duet for my Wish rewrite
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So... I was in a silly goofy mood, searching for inspiration to make the Magnifico and Amaya's villain duet for my rewrite.
And what do you know, I came across a deleted song from EQUESTRIA GIRLS 3, YEAH, EQUESTRIA GIRLS, and that inspired me the most... Like, I found exactly what I was looking for, and adapted the song to fit my vision.
The song that inspired me was "Free the Magic (Demo)" and it has the exact kind of tempo and style I think are fitting for two manipulative monarchs, very sophisticated and classy but also hiding a lot of malice.
I may or may not change the lyrics as time goes on, but so far here's what I got:
So first things first, here’s the deleted Equestria Girls song that inspired me. Give it a listen first or while you read the lyrics so you can get a feel for the rhythm and feel of the song. Although in my version the very last verse would play differently, sounding a lot more intense.
If this was a Disney song tho it would obviously have more instruments than just a piano, which could really elevate it, I imagine there could be different kinds of instruments depending on who's singing.
Also, so you can better picture the scenery. Magnifico and Amaya are trying to convince Asha to give away her wish instead of just working hard to get it by herself.
They take her to that room we saw during “This Is The Thanks I Get” in the movie, with the miniature model of the kingdom and the lil dolls.
The dolls will serve as the backup singers, as Magnifico uses his magic to give them life.
The rooms is mostly dark, and the king and queen start out very gentle with Asha but their demeanor becomes more aggressive as the song progresses.
Lyrics in green- King Magnifico 🫧
Lyrics in blue- Queen Amaya 👑
Lyrics in bold white- little puppets from Magnifico’s model 🎎
Lyrics in purple- Asha ✨
Wish Away
You've been an outcast in this land
For far too long
It's time you show to them
That Rosa's where you belong
There's a wish in you
That just cannot wait to soar
So tell us, Asha
What do you wish for?
But before you answer
Look around and just see where you're from
From a kingdom with no sadness, no pain nor dismay 
And it's all because they
Wished away
(aah-ah, aah-ah, aah-ah)
I give a suggestion?
What you lack might be just 
Some self reflection
You don't know who you are
So how could you ever go as far
To know what's your purpose in life?
(aah-ah, aah-ah, aah-ah)
Strife and hard work is fine, dear
But it's oh, so much easier
If you give me that wish of yours
Think just how far you'll go
Once that wish is mine-
I mean ours! I mean yours
And what about your future?
Will it be just some doodles, my dear?
There's much more you can achieve (thanks to me)
So forget with no-
Forget with no regret
I don't know what I want, I've never knew
Too many pains to count, so much I've been through
But I know a wish will be for me to grant
So thanks for offering, but, I need no enchant
Little one, I don't think you comprehend
(Your wish will be the king’s command)
With my magic I can make all that pain
(You can be one of us)
If you let us help you
Just wait and see
(You should be pleased)
I have a hunch this wish 
Shall set you free
(free, free, free)
Is this really the hill I'll die on?
(Wish a-way, wish a-way)
There's no hope for you
No stars to wish upon
(Wish a-way, wish a-way)
Should I give up on my integrity?
(Give it all away, You cannot get away)
I'm the ONLY ONE
Who'll end your MISERY
… Okay?
… okay … I have a wish …
Thank You For Reading!
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aphroditesmoon · 10 months
fem reader attending one of gwen stacys band shows and just being distracted by how gorgeous she is 🤞🤞?
see how it shines
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gwen stacy x fem!reader
warnings: none, fluff, lyrics from the song; risk by mega mango.
a/n: I hope you enjoyed this lovely <3
THE SHOW has already started. You were about 15 minutes late due to the absolute horrid traffic. The scene wasn't one you'd see yourself to ever be in if you were honest.
You enjoyed music much more in a less crowded company. The sweating and the yelling could get tiring after a full 20 minutes. But once you've slid into the front rows of the crowd, you feel as if the whole world had gone quiet.
They were still there and they are still singing and yelling, buf it all felt like a background noise then. The kind you'd put on using the television or a radio while you actually focus on whatever it is that's consuming you. And when your eyes had met the sight of the infamous drummer, Gwen Stacy.
You'd realized then that she was the focus in this situation. You supposed you should thank her for the front row tickets.
The two of you had met in a record shop,  you were looking for a good ole Amy Winehouse when as she lets her eyes search the section, left arm alredy hanging onto an Indigo De Souza vinyl. She'd introduced you to new music that evening, with a ticket to one of her shows near your area.
The lead singer had a mesmerizing voice, but you found yourself zeroing on the beats of her drum, and the way it matches the tune so easily. As the music gets louder, the lyrics became clearer too as you try your best to sing along with the rest of the crowd.
"I know I'm not alone or far from home...but I'm freezin.." It sounded like the type of music she'd make. Just the vibe she gave off. Though you almost expected her to be a rock kind of girl. Her eyes were stuck to her instruments, she was there but she wasn't. And when she opened her eyes and risked a glance to the crowd, your arms instinctively goes up to wave. Her eyes meet yours, and your anxious heart relaxes when she smiles at you. "...I've been up all night..." 
You were embarrassed of yourself for raising your hand. But her notice rid you of your humiliation. Besides, you were sure no one else besides her even saw it in the first place.
She had a leather jacket on, with bright coloured pins on them. You wondered when was the last time you saw someone who looked this good in a leather jacket on real life, someone in a band too.
The dimly purple coloured lights gave her a glow that convinced you she must be an angel at the moment. The absolute passion in the way her hands moved made her stand out to you the same way rainbows do in hazy skies after a heavy rain. Like it just made sense. You ignore the slight nausea you were suddenly feeling. Stop getting overexcited. You scolded your nerves. You heart was weak, and what with this full of fire of a being in front of you, you'd let her consume your whole being if she wanted to, with the way her eyes are twinkling slightly like faded stars, and she's smirking at you like she knows you'll do anything if she'd just ask.
The rest of the one and a half hour show, you felt drunk of the lively atmosphere. The smell of sweat ceased to bug you every time Gwen acknowledged your presence with a look. You had waited for her once the show ended. Doubts risen of whether you should've just left as everyone currently was, but the drummer herself was quick to find you before you could change your mind.
She beckoned you to the corner of the stage. The air felt less stuffier as people moved to the exit, and yet your chest was piunding like you lacked it with every step you took. A silly grin was plastered on your face, and how happy you felt to see her sharing the same expression.
The spotlights was being shut off when you reached her. You failed to hold yourself back from a hug, arms wrapping themselves around her as if they're used to doing it. The sudden jerk of her body told you she wasn't expecting it, hut she returned it as easily. "I didn't think you'd come." She teases.
You pulled away from her, againts your own want. "Well I did." You replied awkwardly, hands feeling empty as they leave her body. "You did." She repeated.
"And I'm glad you did. Did you like our songs?" You nodded. "I liked seeing you play, you seem passionate about drumming-" Her fingers finds your own before she pulls you with her to the backstage. "-like you're lost in your own world when you start playing." She lets out an awkward laugh at that.
The rest of her bandmates barely glance at her as she brings you into a room with her name by the door. The lead singer was the only one who looked your way, winking at her before he went back to talking with another girl. "I feel like I'm in a different world when I play." She states before closing her door.
You took a seat on the single couch in the cramped room, watching as she finishes off a bottle of water on her desk. "That's nice. " you replied genuinely. "I've never really had any particular thing I liked to doing, or am good at." You explained. If she looked like she wasn't listening before, she completely turned herself towards you as she sits on the spinning chair opposite you, completely paying attention. "Oh there must be something you like to do." You chuckle at that and shook your head slightly. "I mean, I like reading, and sometimes I play video games or something. But nothing I'd say that I'm particular sure I'm passionate about."
She gives an understanding  'ah', nodding her head at your words.
"Maybe you just haven't found it yet, I mean- I know everyone says that a lot...but sometimes your passion could just be out there, waiting in a...random concert you've been coereced to go, or maybe its in the form of a cooking book recipe? You know what I mean?" You nodded. You did know.
"You never know until you actually try the things you never have before. Maybe, drumming could be your passion, who knows?" You laughed in a suprised manner at her teasing. The blonde girl grinned warmly at you, raising a brow. "What? I'm serious! I could give you a few lessons." You hummed and smiled brightly at her.
"Oh I'm very sure music isn't it, I can't even read music notes." You confessed, earning an audible gasp from her. "What?"
"Mmhm." You confirmed, scrunching your nose at her. "All the more reasons to teach you." She decided, earning another laugh from you. "You are relentless!" You noted. She shrugged and moved her chair closer to you. "The things you'd do to spend more time with another person." She whispers loud enough for your ears. You feel your cheek warming at her obvious flirting attempts. But with the pressure to come up with something smart to say back, you ended up saying nothing instead, mouth open, yet speechless.
"Sorry." She apologies when she sensed your quietness. "I have a tendency to move too fast-" You stand up abruptly, cutting off her trail of words. "Oh no- not at all!" She days nothing, waiting for you to continue. "I just, well I just didn't think you'd like me like that."
She frowns when you're done. Standing up herself, so she'd be in an eye level as you. "I've been trying to get your number since we first met at the record shop." Oh. she did. You hadn't given her because you were sure that she was just joking. "And I would love to have your number still, If you're fine with that." You were sure you're looking like an idiot with how big your smile was.
"For drumming lessons?" You joked. The corners of her eyes crinkles adorably as she dissolves into a giggle. "And other lessons you could be interested in."
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namichanth · 1 year
Everything stays (Twins AU)
Summary: There was a song that only Damian and Danyal know.
Note : This is my first one short write in English. There will be incorrect words.
Damian is looking for his brother.
It's dark now, which is their bedtime.
After a few minutes of searching, he found his brother sitting and relaxing on the grass under the tree.
He was humming.
Let's go in the garden
You'll find something waiting
“What are you doing?” Damian walked up to him.
"I'm making a song"
“For what?”
“For us”
"I want a song that only we know." Danyal raised an eyebrow at his twin.
“Do you want to listen?”
“tt, don't disappoint me.” He sat down next to Danyal and shut his eyes to listen him humming.
Right there where you left it
lying upside down
In front of him, Danyal was lying in a pool of his own blood.
The League of Assassins came under attack. While they were fighting, Damian didn't notice that someone came behind him. He was about to be stabbed by the sword, but Danyal used himself as a shield for him. Causing him to be seriously injured.
And he didn't even have time to go check his twin's body. Because his mother took him in order to escape first.
He could only yell his twin's name. As Danyal's body gradually moved away from him.
When you finally find it,
you'll see how it's faded
It has now been two years since he moved in with his father.
He still missed Danyal.
He would softly hum a song from memory when he was alone or drawing.
Damian will sometimes be found humming and looking up at the stars from the rooftop when he patrols with one of the Batfam.
They were very surprised to see Damian doing something like this. But no one questioned him.
And tonight was another night they went on patrol.
According to the report, a meta has appeared in town. So they're going to check.
Damian now saw the figure of a boy who was supposed to be the meta they were looking for.
From behind, he had white hair and was wearing a black helmet suit.
The underside is lighter
when you turn it around
When he turned his head to him, Damian was stunned when he met Lazarus' eyes.
He has the same face as Damian.
It must be Danyal. But why did he become like this? What happened to him?
Damian was about to call the boy's name, but he ran away before he could finish.
Everything stays
right where you left it
Since that night, he has been looking for him every day.
He was pretty sure that was Danyal. When he called the boy's name, he made a shocked expression when he saw him.
But Damian didn't want to hope. because he doesn't want to be disappointed.
What if that wasn't Danyal? What will he do next?
Track down that boy and bring him here for questioning? Was he a clone of him or not?
No, there is another way to verify.
Everything stays
But it still changes
Tonight is a full moon.
He sneaked out of the manor in his Robin suit.
He kept running through the rooftops. Until he again sees the boy. He hid behind a wall and watched the boy as he sat enjoying the stars.
The boy then opened his mouth and began to sing a song that only he and his twin knew.
It's really Danyal.
He came out of hiding and walked behind the boy.
Ever so slightly, daily and nightly
In little ways, when everything stays
The boy stopped singing before standing up. Then turn around and smile softly at him.
They stood silent for a while. before Danyal moved closer to him and gave him a light hug.
"I'm back"
He raised his hand and hugged back. He hugged Danyal tightly to make sure he wasn't dreaming.
"Welcome back"
He finally got his other half back.
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Hey shippers! It's been a while but we, @moonlight-dragon and @gryffindorkxdraws, are bringing back 𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐮𝐧𝐳𝐞𝐥 𝐅𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 for 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒! We discussed on what to do for the next JFS event, and finally we were able to come up with a conclusion. Ready to hear what we got? 2024's theme is... 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐬! ❄ ⋆ .·:·* That's right, we're going with 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐜 for this event! Exciting isn't it? We carefully selected what to use for this event —we tried for each week to have a 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐞 (the verses alongside the song really hint towards it), but we also want for you guys to tell whichever story the music sings to you, so all the lyrics are the limit.
Without further ado, here are the prompts!
𝟏𝐬𝐭 𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐤 (𝐅𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝟏-𝟒)  · 𝐄𝐏𝐈𝐂: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥
𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐀 𝐌𝐚𝐧 But when does a comet become a meteor? / When does a candlе become a blaze? / Whеn does a man become a monster?
𝐖𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐈𝐧 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐌𝐞 𝐀𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧 Would you fall in love with me again / If you knew all I've done? / The things I cannot change / Would you love me all the same?
𝟐𝐧𝐝 𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐤 (𝐅𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝟓-𝟏𝟏) · 𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐚
𝐈𝐧 𝐚 𝐂𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬 With the sun in my eyes she was gone / But if I were still ten/ In that crowd of thousands / I’d find her again
𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐬 𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐤𝐞𝐲 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 Yes, Princess, I've found you / At last / No more pretend / You'll be gone, / That's the end…
𝟑𝐫𝐝 𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐤 (𝐅𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝟏𝟐-𝟏𝟖) · 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐰𝐦𝐚𝐧
𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐈𝐬 𝐌𝐞 “Run away," they say / “No one'll love you as you are" […] / And I know that I deserve your love / There's nothin' I'm not worthy of
𝐑𝐞𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 It's up to you and it's up to me / No one can say what we get to be / So why don't we rewrite the stars? / Maybe the world could be ours tonight
𝟒𝐭𝐡 𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐤 (𝐅𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝟏𝟗-𝟐𝟓) · 𝐇𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐰𝐧
𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐈’𝐯𝐞 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐊𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐧 All I’ve ever known is how to hold my own / But now I wanna hold you, too [...] / I don't know how or why / Or who am I that I should get to hold you / But when I saw you all alone against the sky / It's like I’d known you all along
𝐄𝐩𝐢𝐜 𝐈𝐈𝐈 (”𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐝…”) They took each other's hands / And brother, you know what they did?/ They danced
𝐁𝐎𝐍𝐔𝐒 𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐊 (𝐅𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝟐𝟔-𝟐𝟗)
This is your chance to use any 𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 (inspo list) we didn't include in the prompts. Choose whichever you want to work with for the ship! Or you can go back and do the prompts you weren’t able to do but wanted to and/or pick another song from the prompt musicals. The choice is yours!
Have fun with the prompts and event because, boy, are we excited to see what you come up with, but do keep the rules in mind!
Use the tag #JackunzelFS24 as one of the first five tags in your post, because Tumblr won’t include it in the search if you don’t. Also, feel free to tags us @jackunzelfebruaryspecial in your post!
Feel free to submit any kind of Jackunzel work such as writing, digital and traditional art, a video edit, or graphics. Anything really, so long as it focuses on the ship and it works with the theme.
Crossovers with other characters/fandoms are allowed, so long as Jackunzel is the main subject and that there is no hate on other ships or characters. Always keep in mind to be respectful.
There is no limit in submitting! You can submit one work per prompt, or you can submit more than one if you want to. You have the option to post as many as you want!
Have fun and spread the love!
𝐖𝐞 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐰𝐞 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭, 𝐬𝐨 𝐰𝐞'𝐫𝐞 𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐬𝐮𝐛𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 —𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫— 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞. 𝐈𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐮𝐩 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐤 𝟏'𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐧 𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐤 𝟐 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐮𝐜𝐡, 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭'𝐬 𝐨𝐤𝐚𝐲!
We are also hosting this event in instagram! So if you want to post your works there too, feel free to tag our ig handles @gryffindorkx and @kris_moon14 in your submissions! Here is the instagram link to the official post:
❄ ⋆ .·:·*
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iguana-eyanna · 1 year
When I'm Not Quite Myself
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Pairing: Steven Grant x reader, Marc Spector x reader, Jake Lockley x reader
Summary: On your wedding day, each of you share something special to the other
a/n: a film that makes me ugly sob is "A Star is Born" and I was inspired to write something. My fav song from the soundtrack was Is That Alright?
Tonight was the night of your wedding to the men you fell in love with: Steven Grant, Jake Lockley, and Marc Spector. It was small as you didn't want to have a big celebration. All you wanted was each other, and that's what mattered.
You were in the car with Jake as he drove you two back home. You were still in your wedding dress as your hands were intertwined in the middle. He smiles at you, thinking how lucky he was to have you in his life.
You look back at the road, noticing that you passed your shared apartment.
"Tesoro, we just passed the apartment." You said, thinking he was distracted.
Jake just smirks as he takes your hand up and kisses it.
"Don't worry, Mi Cielito, we wanna show you something."
You didn't understand what he was telling until you two drove out of the city. Then, you finally understood.
You were now in a quaint neighborhood, as you saw families at each house and old couples walking by the sidewalks, waiving to you two. Jake pulled over to a house that didn't look occupied.
Your eyes widen as you twirl around to him, your hand placed on your beating heart.
"Is this what I think it is?" You ask, your voice hitched.
Jake smiles and takes your free hand, kissing it.
"Si, it's our home."
The boys and you always talked about moving out of the dungy apartment as you all wanted to find a bigger space. You were expecting to go house hunting in the following year, but you had no idea that they were already looking. You started to tear up and hugged him tightly, already flying to the door handle.
"Aye, no wife of mine will be opening doors." Marc called out. You roll your eyes as he got out and opened your door, offering a hand. You took it as he unexpectedly took you off your feet as he scooped you up.
"Marc!" You yelled.
"Hey, let me do this for you. Please." Marc begged with his soft, brown eyes.
"Okay, baby, take me home." You said.
Marc broke out of a grin and carried you to the doorstep. He dug into his pocket and found the key and unlocked it. He walked in with you, giving you a loving gaze.
"Welcome home."
He helped you to your feet as you walked along the house. Marc decided to explain.
"The boys and I knew that we wanted to give you a real home after we proposed. Steven did most of the searching and found this place through a catalog, Jake did the payments, and I repaired some things around the place."
There was an empty hallway where you were envisioning picture frames along the walls. By the living room, you saw the fireplace where you knew you'd be cuddling with the boys. The kitchen was the perfect size for you to cook and bake. Often times it will all go in disarray as everyone would be throwing flour, but you had fun doing the small things.
"It's perfect," You said, looking out of the glass door to see a backyard, already envisioning children running around as their dads chase them.
"There's actually um, one place I'd like to show you." Steven stuttered out. You turned around and see how nervous he was, shifting his feet up and down.
You walk up to him, wrapping your arms around his neck.
"Steven, darling, it's just us. No need to get nervous around your wife." You said.
Steven holds you by your waist.
"I'll forever be nervous. You make my heart beat faster every time you walk into the room."
You start blushing as you give him a sweet kiss as you tuck in a strand that was out of place. He smiles at you as he kisses the back of your hand.
"Come, I think you'll like this surprise." He said guiding you in the house. you turn into another hallway as he leads you to a closed door. He turns the knob and opens it, motioning you to go in first.
Once you see what's inside, you gasped as you cover your mouth.
The room was small with white walls. In the corner, you saw a guitar on a stand and a desk. But what you reacted most was the black piano that you had your eye on for some time.
You were a musician, and you were singing covers at a local cafe where you first met Steven who was there to buy some pastries. Once he heard your voice and saw how beautiful you were, he knew he was a goner.
On your dates, each boy loved at how you were passionate about performing and that you wanted to write your own music. Renting a studio was pricey, so you were often found in the cramped kitchen table trying to write.
And now, your husbands made you your own studio.
"Do you like it? Oh no, you're crying. See, I knew that we should've stuck with the white piano, but no, Marc wanted black because it's 'classic'- "
"Steven... it's wonderful. Thank you." You said, running towards him as you held onto him tightly.
He was shocked, but he held onto you tightly as he closed his eyes, leaning in your shoulder.
"We wanted you to be happy." He whispered.
When you started off, it was hard to book gigs or have meetings with record labels. The boys were your number one supporter, as they went to every gig you performed.
You break apart as you give a tearful smile.
"What do you mean? I'm always happy when I'm with you three." You said.
Now it was Marc who was staring at you, as he tried to not to cry.
"Me and the boys just want you to continue what you love."
You look back at the piano and an idea popped in your mind. You grab Marc's hand as you two sat on the bench. You played a few keys, hearing that it's in tune.
You turn back to them, feeling the same nerves Steven was talking about.
"I've been trying to find the right words to say when we got married. I wrote my vows and restarted every time. Nothing sounded right. This is me, giving my vow to you. I hope it's okay if I love you forever."
You played a few chords as Marc, Steven, and Jake listened to the words you've been wanting to say.
Life is so simple A little boy, a little girl Laughing and loving Trying to figure out the world It felt like summer When I kissed you in the rain And I know your story But tell me again
Nothing you say wouldn't interest me All of your words are like poems to me I would be honored if you would take me as I am
I want you to look right in my eyes To tell me you love me, to be by my side I want you at the end of my life I wanna see your face, when I fall with grace At the moment I die Is that alright? Is that alright?
Marc was speechless. He was never a perfect man. But in your eyes, he was everything you needed and more. You picked up the broken pieces he had and made him whole.
I hope you're still with me when I'm not quite myself And I pray that you'll lift me when you know I need help It's a warm celebration of all of our years I dream of our story, of our fairy tale
Family dinners and family trees Teaching the kids to say thank you and please Knowing if we stay together that things will be right
Steven couldn't help but smile brightly at you as his eyes brimmed with tears. He always wanted that fairytale life: to fall in love with a beautiful woman and ride away to the sunset. He doesn't know how he got to have such a breathtaking person in his life.
I want you to look right in my eyes To tell me you love me, to be by my side I want you at the end of my life I wanna see your face, when I fall with grace At the moment I die Is that alright? Is that alright? Is that alright?
You look over and see Jake now, whose eyes were bloodshot red.
"Tesoro? What's wrong, Jake?" You ask, already wiping his tears.
He stops you as he holds your hand softly and gives you a look that you couldn't describe.
"I thought I was... destined to be alone. All I knew was how to kill, but you've changed our lives. The reason why I call you Mi Cielito is because... You are my little heaven."
You started tearing up, and soon, your lips smashed against his. You hold onto the back of his head as you deepen the kiss. You connect your foreheads together, as both of you were overwhelmed with emotion.
"I love all three of you." you whispered.
Jake smiles as he peppers kisses around your face.
"We love you most."
"That's not possible, I love you all to infinity." You replied.
There was an infectious chuckle that came from Marc.
"There's only one way to settle this." He said, grinning.
You were about to say something until Marc scooped you from your seat and carried you out again.
"Where you taking me now?" You ask, squealing as he carried you upstairs.
"What every bride and groom do on the day of their wedding night." Steven hinted, making your cheeks flush.
You had three men who loved you with every ounce of their body, and swore to protect you as the knights of shining armor they were.
You were always flustered at how the boys treated you so well like a goddamn queen. You found your happily ever after with your knights in shining armor.
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slutforsnow · 3 months
DJ & His Jackalope
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I wrote this on Discord yesterday because I was thinking of angst for Hazbin OCs lmfao. The OC, Firah, however, DOES NOT BELONG TO ME. She has been created by @salem_crossing! Salem can be found on TikTok & Twitter 🫶🏼
The battle was over. The remaining exorcists were fleeing with their now one armed leader, Lute, leaving behind a deceased Adam and other exorcist angels. The staff of the hotel were catching their breaths, impressed that most of them live but something felt wrong. Robin felt like something was missing, and once the adrenaline started slowing down, they realized something was wrong. Vex wasn't anywhere in sight. Feeling her worry rise, she immediately ran through the scene, Robin weaved her way through rubble and dead bodies, sniffing them to find Vex.
'He couldn't be dead, could he? No, no, not my Vex. We've survived a decade's worth of exterminations, he's fine,' She thought, feeling her hooves slam against some sharp rubble. The pain stung, but they kept going, having picked up on Vexs scent at last. Being a jackalope demon, as well as a cannibal, definitely had its perks because she could tell he wasn't dead. Severely injured, but not dead.
They saw his hand under a piece of rubble and came to a screeching halt. Digging her way to him, she was grateful jackalopes could dig well. Hearing him groan, as he could feel the pressure of the rubble decreasing, Robin dug faster, and eventually, he could pull himself out. With her help, he freed himself, and Robin's gaze was immediately pulled to a gaping hole where his liver should've been.
"Oh my stars, Vex, we have to get you to Charlie or Lucifer," Robin yelled out, trying to pull him up.
"Robin," the 16-year-old grunted out, holding his injury as best as he could as Robin tried to lift him. She ignored him, trying to focus on getting him at least up.
"Robin," Vex uttered again, lifting his head to rest on her shoulder. "I'll be okay, I promise."
"No, no, no, I said you're staying with me until all 9 rings of Hell get wiped out fully. You're not leaving me. We just have to get up and get you to the Morningstars. You'll be okay. Y-you can even sing the song you made for me afterward!" She said, trying her hardest to lift him up, but to no avail. The highest she got was almost halfway up before the two tumbled down. Vex was lying on the ground, and Robin was on her knees, holding his hand and trying to stop the bleeding crying and begging for him to keep his eye open.
Her forehead was gently laid upon his as Vexs breathing started to slow. All hope would've been lost had Alastor not found his & Firahs child crying and holding Vex begging for something to happen... and something did. Alastor worked a little magic, and his shadow had gotten to work, sewing up the surgically enhanced teenage sinner.
Robin finally lifted her head up when Vexs breathing resumed its steady pace and seeing the stitches, she looked up, smiling weakly at her dad as Firah, who had been searching a different area for Robin until Alastor had slipped into the shadows and brought her to where he was, knelt down to Robin, pulling her into her arms.
"He's going to be okay, darling," Firah reassured, pulling a piece of rubble from Robin's hair. "He'll be good as new."
Robin met both her parent's gazes before looking down at Vex as Alastors shadow disappeared. "I hope so... I don't wanna let him go..."
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swayziiwriter · 10 months
Sunrise | Trent-Alexander Arnold
summary: remnants of last night’s activities still remained, lingering over your lustful bodies but Trent was determined to continue before the sun even rises.
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WARNING: 18+, sexual content
NOTE: Rihanna songs and Trent just screams sex, everything about Trent has me going feral. Petition to bring back the dreads!!
Still sleeping, your legs somewhat spread despite everything free and flexible from yesterday. Even though there isn't much light in the room, Trent can still see you. He adores you best like this as well, relaxed and easy, with a pretty pussy.
You went through the previous evening under him and assuming the thoroughly search in his eyes is anything to go by, you'll go through toward the beginning of today much the equivalent. In any case, you invite it, him with such ease when he slips once more into you. First, just give him a little tip at your entrance, where he's already warm. You practically proposition to draw him off, get him there with your mouth. Even though you don't say anything, he still enjoys cumming on your thighs. Rather you permit yourself to unwind further into the bed and afterward he sneaks in, gradually, allowing you to feel each and every inch.
He has a good amount of weight in you. The kind that promises stars and euphoria will burst out of your eyes, and then he puts his chest on your back, knees under you, and makes your toes curl. He's not even as far as possible in however it's enough as of now. He whispers, "Baby," and his lips press the letters against your cheek. You hum, but you don't say a single word. It's as if everything has fallen into place when his big hand touches yours. Fuck, no one has ever even come close to giving you that feeling.
He backs up, letting you feel every inch buried in him, and then he comes back in at the same slow pace as before. It's amazing and blissful. Toe curlingly great. His thrusts are almost carefree, as though he is aware that a steady glide could get you there if he really wanted you to. That it's enough for you to be covered underneath his weight, with his cock as far as possible in your pussy. The stretch is flawless.
You find yourself praising him, moaning pleasurably “you're so good at this." Under the heaviness that was squeezing them shut, your eyes flittered. You need to view at him as you say it. Look up at him through your gorgeous eyelashes. He rears back, pulls away all the way until he slips out, dick warm and wet against your thigh, and then he turns you around, on your side. The slow glide is maddening, perfect, enough, and not enough at the same time. As he kneels behind you, he makes you clench your legs in one place.
His hands are on your ribs and afterward your tits and afterward his dick is once again at your entry, simply resting, floating between smooth folds prior to driving back home and the following groan sneaks off and into a murmur. He appears even deeper in this way, as if the firm heat of your pussy is drawing him in even more deeply than before. You love it. Him. how he is treating you.
As you clench your legs together, your eyes flutter back shut and you start to smile. He makes a low, filthy swearing sound above you before wrapping one of his wide palms around your throat. resting as he continues to fuck you in brief bursts. When he suddenly stops, you fist the sheets in one hand. You open your eyes hoping to see him grin at you in that way after the sound of skin slapping against skin stops. That way that lets you know that he's simply prodding and will go right back to fucking you in a second.
You muster a moan of Trent’s name with a whiny voice typical of when he gets as close to you as he can. After slipping his free hand between your closed legs and thumbing against your clit, he doesn't even give you a quick peck to the cheek to acknowledge your gaze. You shiver underneath his touch and afterward lift one of your legs. I wish I could get him to touch you more frequently. Harder. He might end you with his flawless fingers. Before he spreads your legs and fucks you to the end, he rubs your clit for so long that you shiver away from his hands. numerous times.
It's not the first time, but he never does anything like that. Rather he sluggishly draws his thumb over your clit, grins a little at the moistness spreading around. You're wet and so in love that you know it won't take long for him to cum, but he doesn't give you it. You try again,"Please Trent" your voice so shallow. When you sound like that, he loves it. When you take your pleasure into your own hands, he loves you even more on his cock, and suddenly it's simple for him to rock back on his cock with his hand still on your throat.
You see him underneath brought down eyelashes and afterward move. Keep in mind that the wet slide around his cock and your mouth around his thumb are enough to send him wild, just as they did yesterday night. A little retribution never hurts.
At the point when he slips over your sweet spot you can't resist the urge to groan. Loud. Boisterous contrasted with anything more in that room at any rate and afterward you rehash it, drive your butt once more into his groin, just until he pushes that spot again and again. You return to your side totally, just his fingers around your neck holding you up and afterward abruptly he's squeezed close from shoulders to hips once more and you're covered underneath his flawlessly warm mass.
His thrusts and the way he places his knees to either side of your ass to really fuck you are backed by power, and your hips arch. You get used to the feeling and start to move back as he comes in. In the middle, meet him. That's what it's ideal like. For your both. You aspire to see it. Him. The manner in which his forsake flexes with each hard pushed and how his cock vanishes in you again and again. Fuck. Just the thought makes your toes curl, and then he puts his other hand on your throat and beside your head again, as if you were just meant to get fucked. to lie there and take it until you shake to pieces under his weight.
His cock continues to vanish in you even once you begin reciting his name humble. Even after you begin to squeeze him, as the deep tangle of pleasure unravels and the stars begin to appear in your vision. You repeat your loud moan one more time before sinking back into the sheets. Ass in the air, exactly as he enjoys it. As he follows you back into the sheets, he gasps, "You're so hot.”
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nouies · 10 months
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hello and welcome to this month’s fic rec featuring my favourite works from what i’ve read during the past weeks. as always, please check tags before reading. if you liked the fics please reblog their posts, leave kudos and write a nice comment. happy reading! 🔒 = only for ao3 users rec tag | more rec lists
— harry/louis —  
໑ Bitter Ends Turn Sweet (series) by @allwaswell16 𓂅 Yours and Mine (T, 1.5k, established relationship, sequel) 𓂅 In Time (M, 2.6k, established relationship, prequel)
໑ you made my heart stop by dragmedown / @itsnothesameasitwas (G, 6.1k, heartstopper au) Don’t you ever feel like your life has been perfectly composed until one day it wasn’t, that everything seemed more than fine but it was not, because sometimes as simple as it might sound or look, it could change your life?
໑ On That Note by @allwaswell16 (E, 6.2k, coworkers, a/b/o au) Louis’ office job on an omega only floor would be absolutely fine, if not for the alphas he and his friends have to deal with in the building. But although they’ve never met face to face, the friendly notes sent between him and Harry in Purchasing help him get through the day. ໑ your right now, your forever, your last call, your whatever by localopa / @waterloux (M, 6.2k, friends to lovers, a/b/o au) “we should kiss.” so they kiss.
໑ Faded From This Touch by @allwaswell16 (E, 7k, strangers to lovers, famous/not famous au) Pop star Louis Tomlinson is about to make his long awaited return to music. Unfortunately, his label and manager feel his long hair isn't in tune with his pop star image. When Louis goes to get a hair cut at a posh London salon, he unexpectedly finds a very handsome reason to keep returning.
໑ One Day You'll Say These Words by @allwaswell16 (M, 11.6k, friends to lovers, aristocracy au) Growing up together in Yorkshire has led to a lifelong friendship between Louis Tomlinson, the future Marquess of Rotherham, and Harry Styles, the heir to a viscount. When Harry suddenly inherits his uncle’s title and estate much earlier than expected, Louis must watch his friend struggle under the weight of these new responsibilities, including searching for a wife with a dowry large enough to save his estate. However, sitting idly by as Harry looks for a bride brings some unexpected feelings to the surface.
໑ Dive (series) by @allwaswell16 (E, 21k, strangers to lovers, famous/famous au) Newly retired football star, Louis Tomlinson has left Manchester for Malibu. Along the way, he finds music, friendship, and love in the form of his pop star neighbour and the very fit movie star hiding out next door. 𓂅 I Could Fall or I Could Fly 𓂅 Hanging On the Words You Say 𓂅 Before I Dive Right Into You 𓂅 Let Me Know the Truth 𓂅 Jumping in Harder Than Ten Thousand Rocks on the Lake
໑ When We Were Young (series) by @allwaswell16 (E, 24k, former classmates reuniting, summer au) The one where Harry helps out at a farmer’s market and gives Louis free vegetables. 𓂅 Sound Like a Song 𓂅 Look Like a Movie (prequel)
໑ 🔒 'cause I want you (for the worse and for the better) by nonsensedarling / @absoloutenonsense (NR, 26.3k, friends to lovers, fake/pretend relationship a/b/o au) When Louis gets invited along to Anne's wedding, Harry is prepared to let people think whatever they want about their relationship. That's what Louis said -- let people think whatever they want. That changes when Louis sees his ex, who turns out to be Anne's future husband's son. Now, Louis wants to prove that he's an omega that an alpha could want, and Harry wants to get through this weekend without letting his best friend figure out he's in love with him.
໑ follow rivers (series) by @outropeace (E, 85k, exes to lovers) 𓂅 deep sea, baby (E, 28k, break up/getting together, au within the au, sort of prequel)
໑ Epiphany by Jennifer_Kaid / @poetsreprieve (E, 30k, enemies to lovers, 1980s au, italy) It was the summer of 1984 when Harry inherited his grandfather's estate and wealth. San Gimignano was a Tuscan village in Italy where he decided to move for final. That was it, that was where he would love, marry and live. His professor from college had retired in the village and lived with his family, so it was only natural that he bought a house next to his.
Never in the world had he imagined that his professor would have fathered the most beautiful boy; a nineteen year old lad with the knowledge of everything. The boy never failed to get on his nerves with his snarky comments and sun-kissed skin. It was impossible to resist his growing affection.
໑ Men of Steel, Men of Power by Stria / @nooradeservedbetter (E, 59k, coworkers, politics, hiding identity, a/b/o au) Louis has one goal: survive this year unscathed to complete his grand plan, for which he has sacrificed his family, his friends. His identity. he's not expecting Alpha Harry, who manages to get under his skin and inside his heart. He suddenly has a lot more to lose, and a lot less control.
໑ Such Good Luck by @casuallyhl (E, 66k, secret established relationship, 1910s au, mpreg louis) An Edwardian AU where Harry is a young aristocratic lord and Louis is a working class dairy farmer. Secrets are a necessary part of their relationship, but Louis has one that could topple their whole world.
໑ king of my heart by wildestdreams / @thelavendrhaze (E, 83k, friends to lovers, royalty au, secret relationship) A Red, White, and Royal Blue AU where Hollywood elite, Louis Tomlinson, finds himself falling for the closeted Prince of England.
໑ so tenderly by frenchkiss (E, 135k, strangers to lovers, famous/not famous, a/b/o au) A soulmate AU where two lovers find each other entirly by accident, featuring photoshoots, Gucci suits, too many takeaways, having sex and feeling sad, an alpha who feels lost, and the omega that finds him. It shouldn't be this easy, but it is. 𓂅 Call Out My Name 𓂅 Slipping Through Our Fingers (sequel)
— rare pairs —  
໑ Do You Smile To Tempt a Lover by @allwaswell16 (louis/nick grimshaw, E, 18k, coworkers, british museum, coffee shop au) Nick Grimshaw is entranced by Louis, his very beautiful, very cheeky new coworker at The National Portrait Gallery. He watches him day after day, wondering what he’s furiously typing on his laptop over lunch. With a little help from the very bored barista in the gallery cafe, Nick finds himself growing closer to Louis than he ever dreamed possible.
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Character: Akutagawa x reader (gn)
Warnings: Angst, final goodbyes, mentions of killing and general port mafia violence
Based off of/around this song..bolded/italics = song lyrics
“Angel, oh oh oh
Knew you were special from the moment I saw you”
Akutagawa coughed into his fist, taking a moment to regain his breath as he shifted the collar of his coat to shield the lower half of his face from the bitter winter wind, gray eyes taking in the view of the setting sun from atop the Port Mafia Headquarters building.
You weren’t lying when you said the sunsets of Yokohama were something else- the vibrant orange and violet hues almost brought him a sense of peace.
Letting you go wasn’t the hardest thing he had ever done, and it couldn’t have possibly been the most painful.
Yet who could’ve known the Black-fanged-hellhound of the Port Mafia would be so affected by your absence.
“'Cause all I see are wings
I can see your wings
But I know what I am and the life I live “
Akutagawa remembers how puzzled he had been when you came to him that afternoon- fidgety and nervous as you asked him to accompany you somewhere private to talk.
Though he was far from perfect the 20 year old him shudders now, cringing as he remembers his 16 year old self’s brash tone and condescending questioning of what you could possibly have to ask him that required privacy. 
It was a miracle you went through with your confession after that, and an even greater miracle you put up with him for almost 3 years. 
Three years…had it really been that long you had remained by his side?
Some part of him- the selfish part of him, hadn’t wanted to let you go at all. 
Desperate to keep the one person who had truly seen him for him. Who had seen his deepest darkest flaws and loved him anyway. Given him a chance to be the human that had been buried long ago by human cruelty.
You had been the light of his life, a true gift from above.
But you didn’t belong here- in the mafia, committing acts that haunted you in your dreams and grasped at your soul when you closed your eyes, grappling and pulling you down into despair as the grip your anger had held on your conscious slowly but surely fell. The event that had pushed you into the mafia no longer held you there, and after a fateful encounter with a member of the armed detective agency, you defected.
He had wanted to hate you, tried to hate you even, but his previous despair at your constant unhappiness far outweighed his own feelings on the matter.
He was a devil, the mafia was his home.
It was no place for an angel such as yourself.
“You'll probably never take me back and I know this,”
After you defected he had looked for you.
Not due to the bosses orders to have you brought back and dealt with, nor to try and convince you to come back on your own accord. In fact he never had any intention of speaking to you at all though he wanted nothing more.
He would search when he was meant to be sleeping, spend just a little too long on missions close to the agency for the chance to catch a glimpse of you- anything to be sure you were safe, you were cared for and most importantly,
That you were happy.
He had never been a star boyfriend, and he was nothing short of clumsy when it came to anything related to feelings or romance- but he had truly tried to be the partner you deserved, loved you with all his soul even if his ways of showing it weren’t considered normal or even desirable to most.
He didn’t quite know how to show affection, he wasn’t good at accepting compliments or favors and he certainly lacked in the comfort department- but he had loved you truly and with his entire being.
He still did, and maybe the feelings would fade with time, but he knows his heart will always be yours.
Even if that meant your heart was no longer his.
“I hope you find somebody”
After almost a year  he had finally found you.
He had been careful to remain unseen when he stumbled upon you, chatting and laughing with a member of the agency as you walked back to the office after what he presumed was your lunch break.
Your steps seemed lighter, your eyes were brighter and you seemed at peace.
The two of you had been a strange pair for sure- his terrifying and intimidating presence softened by your presence and his anger and hatred calmed by your gentle words and affections. 
He had snapped when Chuuya had mentioned just how tightly he was wrapped around your finger- though he supposes he proved his senior’s point when his glare shifted into a pout at your laughter, grumbling and trying to save his pride as if he’d ever do anything to cease your laughter.
He sighs as he turns to return to headquarters, heart aching but content at seeing you safe and seeing you happy- 
And then he sees it.
Hanging around your neck was the necklace he bought you all those years ago for your 17th birthday.
It hadn’t been sold, or thrown away.
It wasn’t sitting at the back of a drawer or strewn into a random box to be thrown away later.
It was sitting as snugly on your neck as it had the day he had given it to you, glimmering in the sun just as you had glimmered a hint of normalcy into his otherwise dark existence.
He turned away and headed hastily back towards headquarters.
As he walked he wondered if you thought he hated you.
He deeply hoped you knew otherwise.
“'Cause all I see are wings
I can see your wings
But I know what I am and the life I live”
When you defected you had left him with a letter, detailing the reasons for your departure from the mafia world.
Included in your letter had been an apology, a declaration of the love you held and would always hold for him, but your deep sorrow that the two of you had chosen different paths and after the last mission you had been given, you were left with no choice but to follow that different path.
He tried hating you.
He had tried getting Rashoumon to rip it to shreds, though he had quickly abandoned that approach and shoved the letter into his desk drawer, storming out of his room before he lost control and destroyed it.
Months later he had reclaimed the letter from his drawer, hands shaking as his anger had subsided and the reality of your departure had set in.
You were gone, and he held no hatred towards you for leaving.
In fact, as time went by, he felt relief.
“I hope you find somebody”
He brushed his hair out of his face before he returned his hand to his pocket, gray eyes continuing to take in the Yokohama skyline as his thoughts drifted back to this afternoon.
The eventual confrontation between you had been inevitable, fighting on opposite sides was bound to reunite you sooner or later, though not under the conditions either of you had hoped.
You had drops of blood running from the cut on your forehead, your right arm clutched your left as you had seemingly dislocated it- you were nowhere near up for a fight.
Your eyes shown with surprise, eyes widening as the reality of the situation sets in.
You tried to get into a fighting stance, but your injuries made that impossible. You knew of his power better than anyone else, killing you would hardly be an arduous task and you were sure he despised you for what you had done to him.
His coughing brought you back into the moment, you took a deep breath as he walked towards you, eyes closing softly as you accepted your fate. At the end of the day your reasoning didn’t matter, you had betrayed him, you had betrayed the mafia, taking your life would simply be following orders.
Yet as his footsteps stopped in front of you no new pains plagued your body, nor were you being ripped to shreds by the fibers of his cloak.
Instead you felt his cool hand gently hold your cheek, thumb lightly sweeping across your cheekbone. Your eyes snapped open, tears brimming your eyes as the unsaid and repressed emotions you shared threatened to burst from your chest.
“...Are you happy?”
You blinked before your hand came up to hold his against your cheek, relishing in the touch of the man you had never once stopped thinking of.
You took in a deep breath, using your limited strength to keep the sobs that threatened to wreak havoc on your weakened body at bay. You nodded, biting your tongue as you sighed.
“...and you are doing well? You have people who care for you, yes?”
You nodded your head again, smiling through the tears that spilled past your lashes and down your cheeks, heart cracking as he softly wiped them with the handkerchief you had gifted to him all those years ago.
“Good…I’m glad..” 
He paused before gently pulling your head towards his, gently touching your forehead with his as you closed your eyes once again, relishing in the feeling of having the man you loved more than anything be so close to you.
He had always been clumsy with affection, but gently touching your heads together made him feel as if he could pass along all the love and feelings he held for you and would never be able to share, he knew that’s not how it worked but it always seemed to get his point across when you were together.
He pulled away, hand gently taking yours before he gave you one last look. 
“Live well, Y/n”
Though he may not have smiled, his eyes were soft with care as he turned and left, using his ability to leave quickly before his heart overpowered his logic and you found the strength to get him to stay.
“I hope you find somebody”
You sucked in a breath as you realized your hand was no longer empty, but clutching the handkerchief he had slipped gently into your hand.
His handkerchief.
His last and final goodbye.
Slumping to your knees you cried as you held it close, the small pendant of the necklace he gave you shimmering in the afternoon sun as you felt an immense weight drop off of your shoulders.
He didn’t hate you. In fact his eyes held the same affection they held for you all those years ago, when you were just two lost kids who found someone to be a little less lost with.
“I hope you find somebody to love”
He hoped he hadn’t caused you too much pain.
The sun was almost completely set, the orange and violet hues he had watched appear had melted into the deep blues and indigos that now paint the sky dark. The moon had begun to rise as the sun was nearly invisible.
He sighed as he closed his eyes, tilting his head back as the chilled evening breeze swept across his face. Being in this weather wasn’t ideal for his lungs but at this moment he didn’t care, Gin could scold him for it later.
Right now he needed to pretend he was okay with his decision to let you go for good, like after seeing you again and touching you again he didn’t still need you like he needed the air in his lungs.
Letting you go was not the hardest or most painful thing he had ever done, and will ever do for that matter.
The hardest and most painful thing he ever did was letting you stay gone, having you slip between his fingers and having to fight himself back from reaching out to grab you, to pull you back into his arms and never let go.
Letting you go a second time knowing there will be no third.
That this was the final goodbye..
Though Akutagawa knew he never would, he wanted you to move on. To find someone who loves you and who you want to love, find someone who could love you better than he ever could.
“Angel, oh oh oh
Knew you were special from the moment I saw you”
Yes there will be a pt.2, you can all thank qui for her threats💕💕
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madwomansapologist · 1 year
Hiiii 💛💛💛 here's an idea, Mary's Song by taylor swift (an underrated masterpiece!) + your favorite member of the Fellowship of the ring (LOTR) 💖💖💖
Taylor Swift Writing Challenge: Mary's Song (Oh My My My)
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Masterlist | Rules | Taglist | Library | More Aragorn | #taylor swift writing challenge | AO3
synopsis: Elrond wanted you to remain in Rivendell, but you needed to represent the Vale Elves in the Fellowship of the Ring. And you needed to make sure Aragorn was okay.
warnings: DO IT FOR FRODO. Boromir lives
note: just the best song from debut. let's be honest, it was wrote about Aragorn and Arwen. thank you for your request, you're a big inspiration for me :)
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Boromir tried to light the fire, but Pippin and Merry insisted for him to teach them more about combat. Boromir complained and continued to work on the fire, but you could see his smile at the constant requests. In your opinion, the only being capable of being truly irritated with the two hobbits is Gandalf.
Frodo sat beside you at the beginning of the cave and imitated you, observing the trail. You both could see Aragorn's back, who was taking advantage of the moonlight in search of fresh meat. "How did you both meet?" Frodo asked, now glaring at you.
"It's a long story." You always found intriguing how his eyes seen to contain sparks.
Frodo opened his mouth, but you already knew what he would say. "We have time for that."
"We do, mister Frodo." You looked for Aragorn, just to make sure he was safe and sound, and turned your body towards the hobbit. Gimli was out there with him, they will be fine. "I was seven. He was nine."
Elrond welcomed him into the Valley with open arms. Men were few among the Elves, but Aragorn was never a strange presence. He was just a kid who needed a home. And there is no shortage of houses in the Valley.
You remember the house in the backyard tree. Sometimes you want to get back. Not only to that house, but to that time. You remember how you both would scream at one another, enraged by the pranks that the other made. Aragorn always said he'd beat you up, and he was bigger than you. He never did. Never.
It was easier. Life was easier. You remember the stars shining, how the sky was somehow bigger than it's now. That moment when the world was a valley wide. When Sauron, power rings and a war were just bedtime tales.
You told Frodo about how you dared him to kiss you and you were ten. Ashamed, you ran when Aragorn tried. That night you slept well.
Just two kids. Aragorn and you.
Suddenly you wasn't just a little girl and Aragorn weren't a little boy anymore. When you're sixteen, something changed. Elrond jokes with other elves stopped being just jokes.
It was about the time you both started fighting. Slamming of doors instead of hugging goodnight. You remember all the times you both fight and you ran to your room, just to find out on the next morning that he stayed outside waiting for you.
"A few years had gone and come around", you told Frodo. "We were sitting at our favorite spot in Rivendell. Right in front of the river. And Aragorn looked at me, got down on one knee."
"And what did you say?" Pippin asked. Now everyone was paying attention. "Don't stop at the best part!"
"I've said I do." You proudly stated, showing the silver ring on your hand. Gandalf smiled to himself, remembering you walking down the aisle.
"It was beautiful", said Legolas. "You were beautiful."
For today, that was the end of your story. But you know that one day it will take longer to tell it. Because one you'll talk about rocking your baby on that very front porch Aragorn asked you to be his.
You'll be eighty-seven, Aragorn will be eighty-nine. You'll still look at him like the stars that shine, telling that story for your child's child. It would be a great song. Yes, it would.
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GENERAL TAGLIST: @suakemi @notanalienindisguiseblink
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