#Searching for a Reflection Beneath the Waters Event
animeweeb115 · 7 months
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“Let's come up with a way to search for them together.”
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Secret Sorrows || Bodyguard AU
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Summary: Former special ops, Bucky, seeks solace in a cold refuge to escape his past. However, his haunted history catches up, unraveling mysteries that persist relentlessly.
Words Count: 2,253
Warning: Death character.
Series Masterlist
A/N: This is my first attempt at writing within the mystery theme. I hope you enjoy it.
Thank you to anyone who gave a like, reblog, and left a comment. It motivated me to write more. 
Main Masterlist || support: Ko-fi
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In Antarctica's vast, frozen expanse, where researchers braved the harshest conditions, Bucky, a former military man seeking solitude in the icy isolation, served as the stern yet vigilant security presence.
One frosty day, Bucky diligently checked the storage temperatures, surrounded by the frigid air that mirrored the chill in his own heart. 
As he focused on his task, he was approached by Chef Jack, who had recently returned from the mainland to visit his grandchildren.
Bundled in layers against the biting cold, Chef Jack grinned at Bucky. "You're a charming man, Bucky. Why are you still single? The female scientists who work here have been flirting with you.”
Bucky, his breath visible in the freezing air, chuckled softly. "I just haven't found the one."
Chef Jack, his eyes reflecting the wisdom of age, patted Bucky on the shoulder. "I see. Still can't forget the former? I understand."
Bucky's gaze dropped to the snowy ground and fell into a heavy silence. He nodded subtly, not wanting to delve into the painful memories beneath the icy surface of his stoic demeanor.
In a sudden turn of events, Bucky received an emergency alert: "We need backup."
Without hesitation, he swiftly responded over the radio, "On my way," and rushed towards his waiting car.
Emergencies were a rare occurrence in this remote location, and deaths resulting from foul play were even more uncommon. 
Upon arrival at the scene, Bucky was met with a chilling sight – two in orange swimming suits, eerily floating in the icy waters. 
Drowning was the cause, an unusual and unsettling occurrence in this frozen realm. The onlooking tourists, shaken and fearful, murmured amongst themselves.
The atmosphere was tense as one tourist anxiously mentioned, "They have a kid, right? Where is their son?"
Bucky, now profoundly concerned, hadn't even seen the faces of the victims yet. His focus shifted to the potential tragedy of a child being left alone in such extreme conditions. 
Ignoring the bitter cold, he resolved to search for any sign of the missing child, determined to navigate through the frigid wilderness in a race against time.
Bucky, determined to find the missing child, declared, "I'm going to find their kid."
Meanwhile, young Ethan, feeling out of place in the freezing Antarctic surroundings, had been running away from the group. He voiced his displeasure about being on the tour, unable to comprehend why his parents insisted on such a cold adventure.
"Why did Mom and Dad want to come here? And who was that scary man looking at me?”
As Ethan blew on his cold hands, a sudden shadow engulfed him, casting a momentary relief from the harsh Antarctic winds. 
Looking up, he found himself face to face with a tall man, his piercing blue eyes reflecting genuine concern.
"Hey buddy. My name is Bucky. I'm here to get you safe," Bucky reassured him.
Still shivering from the cold and the frightful encounter, Ethan stammered, "Sa-save me."
Sensing the depth of the child's fear, Bucky draped a warm blanket over him and gently scooped him into his protective arms. Ethan, seeking comfort, curled up against Bucky, his small frame shivering against the chill.
"I want my grandma," Ethan mumbled, his voice barely audible over the Antarctic wind.
With a reassuring tone, Bucky responded, "You will, buddy," holding the frightened child close.
Bucky, carrying the shivering Ethan to his car, couldn't escape the grim reality as he passed the body bag containing the deceased. 
In an impulse, he took a brief, painful glance before it closed – a glimpse that nearly brought him to his knees. The face inside, now concealed, triggered a rush of memories from his past, a haunting connection he hadn't expected.
Iris Aston. His first love. 
The weight of the revelation hit Bucky hard, but he refocused on the scared child in his arms. The realization struck him – Ethan was Iris's son. 
As he gently placed the child on the office couch, Bucky's mind raced, processing the unexpected intersection of his past and the present.
Bucky tried to steady himself by pouring a cup of hot chocolate for Ethan. "What's your name, buddy?" he asked, his voice revealing the underlying shock.
"Ethan Van Alen," came the soft reply, intensifying Bucky's internal turmoil. After separating from Iris, he had heard about her marrying into an old-money family – the Van Alens.
Bucky, grappling with the revelation, inquired about Ethan's aunt, hoping for some grounding in this unexpected twist. "Is your grandma here too?"
Ethan shook his head, his eyes reflecting fear and uncertainty. "No, she's not.”
"I'm sure she will come here as soon as possible," he assured.
As Bucky received a call from his concerned colleagues requesting assistance, Ethan, overcome with fear, clung desperately to Bucky's leg. "No. Don't leave me," he pleaded, his small frame trembling with anxiety.
Bucky's colleagues, now understanding the gravity of the situation, exchanged somber glances. The shocking reality dawned on Bucky as he realized that the couple who had tragically perished was none other than Ethan's parents.
Sensitive to the child's distress, Bucky, without hesitation, scooped Ethan into his arms, providing the solace the orphaned boy desperately sought. Now cradled in the safety of Bucky's strong arms, Ethan felt a sense of reassurance that had eluded him before.
Bucky entered the empty storage room where Iris's lifeless body was being kept. As he gazed upon her, memories flooded back – of a time when they were inseparable, studying together at the military academy. 
Their connection ran deep, but Iris had abruptly left, and her icy rejection had marked the last encounter.
He could still hear her words, cutting through him like a bitter wind, "Who do you think you are? Don't touch me!" A painful reminder of the social gap between them, a gap that fate had widened.
Looking down at Iris now, her once bright smile extinguished, Bucky couldn't shake the heartbreak that lingered from their past.
His colleagues reported no visible signs of trauma on Iris's body, adding a layer of mystery to her sudden demise. Seeking answers, Bucky turned to the only witness – young Ethan.
Ethan joined the conversation, his voice shaky but determined. "After my dad and mom drank something, they walked funny and fell into the water. And... and..."
Bucky, offering a reassuring presence, prompted, "What happened next, Ethan?”
The boy hesitated before continuing, "A scary man looked at me and walked towards me. That's why I ran." 
Bucky's colleagues updated him, saying, "The tour guide has called the family. They already sent someone."
Still in Bucky's comforting presence, Ethan inquired with hope, “Grandma is coming?"
Bucky gently patted the kid on the back, assuring him, "Yes."
Finding solace in the knowledge that his grandma was on the way, Ethan felt a wave of relief wash over him. 
Bucky thought, never underestimate the power of money, expecting the relatives to arrive by ship. However, a large plane unexpectedly landed. Bucky, still carrying Ethan, and others anxiously awaited the arrival of the guests.
As the plane's door opened, Bucky, from a distance, couldn't discern who was stepping out. Restlessness overcame Ethan, and he wanted to get down. "Grandma," he exclaimed when he saw a familiar figure.
But Ethan abruptly halted in his tracks. The unexpected figure approaching him wasn't his grandma but his aunt. A surge of fear gripped him. He had always been scared of her.
Bucky, equally taken aback, felt a shockwave of disbelief. He had witnessed her lifeless form in the cold storage room, and now she stood before him – alive, breathing. 
How come Iris came back to live?
Is he seeing a ghost? Or a zombie?
Unable to conceal his astonishment, he stammered, "Iris?”
Ethan suddenly chimed in, "That's my mother's name. This person is my aunt. Her name is Y/N.”
Y/N's reply was devoid of emotion as she spoke in a cold, matter-of-fact tone, "I'm her twin sister." 
Twin sister? Iris has a twin sister? She never mentioned this to him. Bucky was shocked by this revelation
Y/N's demeanor showed no signs of sadness or grief. "I'm here to collect their bodies and bring Ethan back home."
Offering his condolences, Bucky expressed, "My name is Bucky. I'm sorry for what happened to your sister. It sounds crazy, but I knew your sister from the military academy."
Y/N's response was detached, "I see. Could you show my assistant which documents to sign so we could leave?" 
Her request held no trace of emotion, contrasting sharply with the heartfelt sentiments Bucky had just conveyed.
Taken aback by the stark difference between Y/N and Iris, Bucky found himself grappling with the realization that, despite their identical faces, their personalities were worlds apart. 
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As the simple yet somber process unfolded, the body bags were carefully loaded onto the plane. Before departing, Ethan looked at Bucky, a silent exchange containing layers of unspoken emotions. 
Ethan glanced at Bucky, hope flickering in his eyes; he asked, "Can brother come with us?"
Y/N, who was busy with her phone, responded, "If he wants too."
Struggling to fully comprehend the stark differences between Y/N and Iris, Bucky leaned down to Ethan and softly said, "I hope we meet again someday." 
The words hung in the air, a wistful expression of the unexpected bond formed amidst the cold Antarctic challenges.
Absorbing the sentiment, Ethan offered a slow nod, the weight of recent events etched across his young face. 
Y/N didn't spare Bucky a glance as she entered the plane, her demeanor as cold as the Antarctic winds. 
Today, Bucky encountering his first love only to find her lifeless, meeting her son, and discovering the existence of her twin sister.
Despite Y/N's demeanor, icy as the landscape around them, Bucky couldn't shake the feeling of familiarity. It wasn't just the shared face with Iris; there was an unspoken connection, an elusive something more that lingered in the air. 
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Bucky had a bunch of questions swirling in his head. He couldn't determine why Iris never told him about her twin sister. Even though he wanted answers, he hesitated to ask.
He wished he could talk more to Y/N.
The Van Alen and Aston household seemed full of secrets. The news about the company heir's death hit the headlines, and it got crazier when someone tried to kidnap Ethan, the heir's son.
Something felt off to Bucky. First, Iris died, and now there's a danger to Ethan. Y/N, who looked like Iris, came to mind. He worried someone might go after Y/N, too.
Not willing to let harm come to them, Bucky packed up and left Antarctica, arriving in a warm New York. He headed to the Van Alen residence, seeing many cars and guests offering condolences.
Thinking he couldn't get in, Bucky was surprised there was no security. But then he learned that Ethan had gone missing – a kidnap attempt had just happened. Ethan is missing from his room.
As Bucky approached the Van Alen residence, he noticed the branch of a nearby tree shaking. Looking up, he sighed, realizing it was Ethan.
"Ethan?" Bucky called out.
"Bro? Bucky? Is that you?" Ethan responded from the tree.
"What are you doing?" Bucky inquired.
Ethan explained, frustration in his voice, "I hate everyone. No one talks to me!"
Feeling a pang of sympathy for the grieving child, Bucky opened his arms, saying, "Come down. Everyone is worried about you."
Reluctantly, Ethan descended from the tree, landing in Bucky's protective embrace. As they stood together, security personnel, witnessing the scene, moved forward, intending to detain Bucky.
Before they could intervene, Ethan intervened, proclaiming, "No. He's my bodyguard." The unexpected declaration left the security team momentarily puzzled, but Ethan's insistence shielded Bucky from further scrutiny. 
"You've created unnecessary chaos," Y/N stated, appearing with five people behind her, resembling assistants and bodyguards. 
Bucky couldn't help but think that Y/N, Ethan's aunt, was too cold. She didn't even make an effort to coax her own nephew.
In a burst of emotion, Ethan exclaimed, "Nobody cares for me. Everyone wishes I was gone so Aunt has everything!"
Bucky, taken aback by Ethan's outburst, never expected him to yell like this. Y/N remained silent, eventually sighing, "Be grateful you're still breathing."
Ethan flinched and cried in Bucky's arms, expressing, "Huuu, nobody in this house loves me.”
Bucky tried to comfort the distressed child, saying, "I will talk to your aunt." 
Bucky followed Y/N, expressing concern that Ethan was grieving and suggesting she should be with her nephew during this challenging time.
Y/N's bodyguard attempted to push Bucky away, but she raised her left hand, signaling him to stop.
At that moment, Bucky noticed a small tattoo on Y/N's left fourth finger. His eyes widened as he recognized the same tattoo he and Iris had gotten together back in the day. 
How was it possible that Y/N also had the same tattoo?
Y/N calmly remarked, "Seeing you so eager to protect Ethan, I'll hire you as his bodyguard. He's the reason you're here, right?"
Bucky didn't argue, though his motive extended beyond protecting Ethan; he was also there to find Iris's killer and the person behind the attempt to kidnap Ethan.
Y/N continued, "I'll take that as a yes. My assistant will draw up the contract."
Surprised by her trust, Bucky questioned, "You trust me?"
Y/N replied, "Your effort in coming here to protect Ethan is enough to judge that you're sincere." Bucky was taken aback by her astute judgment. Y/N was not as ignorant as he had initially thought.
Before Bucky could delve further, Y/N declared, "That's good. I need a trusted person to protect Ethan because that kid's life is more important than mine." Bucky sensed a hint of self-pity in her words. 
Before leaving, Y/N added, "Back then, Iris trusted you. I hope I can feel the same. Don't disappoint me, Barnes." Her words hint at a sense of expectation and reliance on Bucky's capabilities.
As he pondered asking her about it, Y/N departed with her entourage, leaving Bucky with lingering questions and a newfound role as Ethan's protector.
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Author Note :
Hey friends,
If you've been enjoying the content, I've set up a Ko-fi account. Your support through tips would mean the world and help me keep creating. Only if you feel like it!
Here's the link: Ko-fi
Thanks a bunch for being fabulous followers!
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Author Note: Hey everyone! 🌟 Your input means the world to me.
If you've got any cool ideas or prompts, whether for this series or any other series, feel free to share them with me!
Just drop them in my ASK/SEND REQUEST box.
Can't wait to hear your awesome suggestions! 🚀💬
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project-sekai-facts · 7 months
World Link Events - what we know so far
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I'm going to try to explain the new World Link event type as simply as possible before the Searching for a Reflection Beneath the Waters event starts tomorrow (the 8th) at 8PM JST / 11AM UTC. This covers all information that has been released, but lacks any in-game demonstration because obviously I can't do that yet. All information comes from this news post as well as the in-game event announcement. Despite trying to keep it simple, there's still a lot of information, so it's under the cut.
What is a World Link event?
World Link events are a new event type that is largely story and lore focused. They will tell the stories of how the focus unit's member's feelings have changed, and at the end of the story, the SEKAI might change too...
The event will be formatted in parts, referred to as "chapters". Each chapter will be centered around one member from the focus unit, and will have its own "chapter story". Each chapter is 2 episodes long, and there is also an intro and epilogue episode, making for a total of 10 episodes. Each chapter will also have its own ranking and exchange.
To boost your event bonus, you will be able to create an extra "support team" for this event type. Each character will have their own support unit, meaning you can make 4 support units in total.
Event ranking and exchange
There will be two rankings for this event type: chapter and overall. Chapter rankings only count the event points earnt during a chapter, and overall totals your points throughout the whole event. For example, you could get T500 on Mafuyu's chapter, but T100K on the other chapters, which would probably put you in a low position on the overall ranking despite the high ranking in one chapter. New specially-designed titles have been added for those who T100 in chapters (overall ranking will retain regular event titles).
You will earn tokens like normal by playing this event, and they can be used in the Chapter Exchange for whichever chapter is running at the time they were earned. So Mafuyu chapter tokens can only be used in the Mafuyu chapter exchange, etc. There will also be a general exchange, which can be used by converting chapter tokens into general tokens.
There is also a new item in the exchange, called Bottle of Feelings. At the end of a World Link event, you can get these from the exchange. It will give Character Rank XP, presumably to the character whose exchange you bought it from.
Event bonus and support unit
Support units will be available for each chapter of the event. They can be made from up to 12 cards, however these must be cards for characters in the event unit. For example, in the upcoming event, you cannot have VBS cards in your support team. You cannot put cards that are already in your main team in your support team.
Note that support units exclusively affect event bonus and will not have any effect on actual rhythm gameplay (i.e: skills will not activate and your team's total power will not change).
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Your total event bonus will be calculated based on main unit bonus + support unit bonus. The types of bonus differ between units. Refer to the charts above (translated by @/pjsekai_eng on twitter)
Event cards
As with every other event, World Link events will feature a gacha with new cards. World Link event cards are officially known as "unit event limited members", meaning they will only appear in unit event gachas in future (e.g: the new N25 cards will be in all future N25 event gachas, but only in N25 event gachas. No mixed events and no other unit gachas. It's a similar concept to fes cards).
However, these lims are a bit different to normal lims. Instead of unlocking hairstyles at Mastery Rank 2, these unlock something called "3DMV Another Cut". This is what it says on the tin: it's an alternate cut of an existing 3DMV that will focus on the character whose card is at MR2. The alternate cut is a short piece of solo choreography that takes place in a unique stage. The normal 3DMV will cut away to this scene for a few seconds before playing the rest of the MV as normal. Here is a video I found with all the another cuts.
The Another Cut only applies to a specific MV that the card is tied to. For the 6 upcoming World Link events, their cards at MR2 will unlock Another Cuts for the relevant unit's song from the 3rd anniversary image song campaign (Twilight Light for N25, I'm Mine for Virtual Singer, the rest TBA). You can view the Another Cut by putting the card in your team and watching the affected 3DMV.
Additional notes & info about the N25 event
All four members of a unit will be featured 4*s in World Link events. Presumably when the Virutal Singer one rolls around, all six of them will be 4* cards.
There is no 3* available from the exchange in World Link events. There is a 2* available though.
There is no specific event attribute that increases bonus for this event type. All the gacha cards have a different attribute.
World Link events do not have newly commissioned songs, since they do not count as part of the "main rotation" of events. All the image songs will have been added by the 3rd World Link event
Emergency maintenance may be carried out during the upcoming event to fix any problems that occur, due to the short length of each chapter. If the game is not working properly for more than 24 hours during a chapter, the chapter will be rerun after the event (it is unknown how this will affect the WxS event scheduled to run after this one)
This event does not start at the regular time of 6AM UTC, instead starting at 11AM UTC (the usual end time for an event). Each chapter will run for 72 hours and there will only be roughly a minute gap in-between one chapter ending and another starting. Refer to the image below for the start and end times of each chapter (JST = UTC+9)
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If you hadn't worked it out from the image at the top of the post and the one just above this, the order of chapters is Mafuyu->Mizuki->Ena->Kanade
The next WLE is scheduled to be Vivid BAD SQUAD in the first event in 2024. WxS is scheduled for the first event in March, MMJ for the first event in May, L/n for the first event in July, and VSinger for the first event in August.
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heavens-moonlight · 3 months
Author’s Note: I took a longer break writing my thesis than I initially thought but hope that this chapter more than makes up for it! Until next time! ♡
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With a faraway buzzing resounding in your ears, you gradually become aware of your surroundings. As you tentatively open your eyes, a wave of disorientation sweeps over, leaving you feeling as though you're drowning on air. The distant memories from the previous night hazily blend together like blood diluted in water and your subconscious' defense imprisons the events in obscurity. Panic clutches at your chest as you struggle to piece together the fragments of your current reality.
Your fingers search blindly for your phone and find it lying haphazardly next to you. With unsteady fingers, you bring the device to your lap, your face hovering over the screen. Even in the blackened reflection, you observe the mirror image of yourself, startled by the disheveled appearance staring back: tousled hair, bleary eyes, and a pallid complexion to only amplify your unease. As you attempt to regain your broken senses, a deep-seated yearning for clarity burns within you, setting aflame the naivety and innocence of yesterday when you existed in ignorant bliss.
Body heavy and sluggish, your limbs are anything but in your control. Everything seemed foreign: the room, the suffocating silence, and even your own self.
What could you trust when there was not a single thing to ground you to the present?
You reflexively flinch as a hand caresses the side of your face, fingers running down your cheek and following the curve of your neck, and you automatically swivel your head to the right, finally exhaling on a shaky breath as you register it as Jun-Hee's touch. Instinctively, you lean into the warmth, his gaze tethering you and his presence, a safe haven.
"You're still here with me," you whisper out.
"I'll always be here," he replies, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear. "For as long as you need me."
"Then, can I ask for forever?"
Jun-Hee's eyes soften, imperceptibly sad at the uncertainty of being able to keep his word. He nods anyway, determination in his eyes to see it through to the end. "Just say the word. I'll come running to you." His hand cradles the back of your head as he pulls you gently toward him, arms circling around you to draw you into a comforting hug, holding tightly as if he's afraid to let go. "It's a promise I intend on keeping. Forever."
Over his shoulder, you see the rest of your classmates scattered on the floor, lying in unnatural positions. One by one, everyone begins to wake up, the action of their movements suspended in slow motion.
You sit up properly beside Jun-Hee, back pressed against the solid wall keeping you upright as the cold of the plaster seeps through your clothes to your skin underneath like ice has hardened in your veins. Wanting to find even an ounce of comfort, you hug your knees tightly to your chest but your fingers tremble all the same and you resort to balling your hands rigidly, fisting the fabric of your skirt until your nails dig crescents into the palms of your hands.
The action doesn't go unnoticed by Jun-Hee who slides his hand over and uncurls your fingers to replace them with his own, entwining the digits. When you look up, he gives your hand a squeeze and the faintest of smiles he can muster in reassurance.
You two sit side by side without saying another word as the others continue to come to, pressed so close against one another that you can feel the rise and fall of each other's respirations.
"What happened?" Jung-Won murmurs.
"I don't know..." Yoon-Seo gets up into a sitting position and wraps her arms around herself, eyes glossed over beneath sweat-soaked brows.
"Yool..." Eun-Ha cries from the opposite side of the room before she can even get his full name out.
The previous night's events come reeling back in full force and you feel bile rise in your throat as you bite your lips to keep it from quivering, the gravity of the situation settling upon the group.
You watch Yoon-Seo sway on her feet as she makes a dash toward the hole in the broken window, looking down at the ground. As her breath audibly catches in her throat, you squeeze your eyes tight, shutting it against the onslaught of a vivid array of images your mind conjures up of a lifeless body, twisted and mangled beyond recognition. The imagery of it alone is so gruesome, so chillingly permanent, that you can feel the lingering touch of death permeating around in the air, fingertips reaching out for the nape of your neck, and it sends an icy tendril down your spine. Feeling goosebumps crawl its way onto your skin, your eyes open again with a shuddering breath just in time to see Yoon-Seo staggering back to her original position as far away from the sight as possible, mortified beyond consolation.
In the midst of everything, the announcement ceases to quiet.
[ ʜᴇᴏ ʏᴏᴏʟ ᴡᴀs ᴀ ᴄɪᴠɪʟɪᴀɴ.
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Woo-Ram abruptly springs to his feet and points to the ceiling, crazed. "This fucking broadcast. Who's in charge of it? Why is it even on?!" he shrieks in anger mixed with trepidation.
As calm as one can be in such a situation, Hyun-Ho gathers a small group to explore and find clues in the turn of strange events. "The studio's on the second floor. Let's go see if we can figure this out."
At the sound of a scream coming from the bathroom, you and Yoon-Seo meet one another's eyes and run in its direction without a second thought. Jun-Hee is forced to let go of your hand but he rushes after you in haste.
Upon entering, Da-Bum is retreating in stunned silence from the stalls, attempting to crawl under the sinks. Kyung-Jun throws his leg out and kicks at Da-Bum like a stray dog, a look of utter disgust on his face. It seemed like no matter what the latter did, it would always be wrong.
Empathizing with him, you go over and angle a hand down. You two weren't particularly close, but Jun-Hee and Yoon-Seo were always there to help in his time of need and you felt bad for him regardless. Da-Bum can't hide his surprise as he gingerly accepts your hand and gets up, though he still stays as plastered to the sink counter as he can without becoming one with it.
"Are you alright?"
"Yeah, I—I'm fine," he stutters. "Thanks." His attempt at a smile comes out more like a grimace, but it's genuine. You return a slight nod, curious as to what kind of fault Kyung-Jun keeps finding to use as leverage and lord it over Da-Bum that it has reduced him to nothing but pure meekness. 
Your lips draw into a thin line when you turn around to see Kyung-Jun pester Jun-Hee, shoving him forward so hard he stumbles. "Banjang." The formality of the title comes out with more spite than respect. "You open the door."
Seeing Jun-Hee hesitate, you reach for his hand without a word and hold his gaze, not in view of anyone. "I'll do it." You don't wait for his objection before stepping forward and swinging the stall door open with no hesitation.
"What the fuck..." Kyung-Jun curses. "How are you not even the least bit scared?"
"My parents were surgeons. I've seen enough blood flowing to fill oceans."
"Yeah...let's not mess with her..." You hear Jin-Ha mumble in the background before a thwack follows, most likely Kyung-Jun having slapped him behind the head as he usually does.
As the stall divider creaks inward on its hinges, out drafts a thick musty stench, causing those congregated closest to you to gag and recoil in horror. The soft ceiling lights suddenly flicker overhead, briefly casting eerie shadows across the bloodstained tiles, and in that fleeting moment before bright white washes out crimson red, you spot a figure hunched over with their back facing towards you in the farthest corner of the stall.
The rest jump away in terror as the body slumps forward, revealing a mutilated head attached to a face frozen in a hauntingly peaceful expression of sleep, never to awaken again. Hiccupped and punctuated gasps give way to deafening silence as you and your classmates realize that this discovery only confirms the unleashing of something far more sinister than you could have ever imagined.
Yoon-Seo goes to kneel down beside you and the two of you inspect Ju-Won's lifeless body propped carelessly in the far corner. Everyone protests vehemently as you decide to touch Ju-Won but you go ahead with it anyway, first putting a finger beneath his nose to see if he's still breathing and then proceeding to check his carotid artery, knowing you'd find it pulseless. "He's dead..." you confirm monotonously, pulling your fingers away from Ju-Won's stiff, cold neck, completely detached and feeling more miserable by the second.
"It's the mafia game," Da-Bum voices, everyone's attention turning to him. "A real game of murderers versus survivors." Silence falls upon the group at the possibility of a playground game escalating to this extent. "What if we all wind up dead too?" he ends his revelation, much quieter this time.
Kyung-Jun yanks him by the collar of his uniform, threatening him to say another word. "Shut your mouth before I shut it for you, idiot. Who says we're going to die, huh?!"
"Cut it out!" Jun-Hee shoves Kyung-Jun backward, berating. "Do you think now is the appropriate time to pick a fight?"
Yoon-Seo's arm comes into the corner of your vision and before you can stop her, she's already swiped at the still wet blood on the floor.
"You don't even have gloves. We could've used a paper towel to soak it up," you say in surprise.
"It's alright. I don't mind." Yoon-Seo even goes as far as smearing the blood back and forth between the pads of her fingers, the liquid tracking over the lines etched in her skin.
"Birds of a feather sure do flock together," So-Mi says condescendingly, scoffing under her breath.
"We could say the same about you and your lackeys," Jung-Won rebukes.
"This b—"
"The blood has yet to dry," Yoon-Seo cuts in, ignoring So-Mi entirely.
"He hasn't been dead for long then," you conclude, Yoon-Seo nodding in agreement.
"What now?" Kyung-Jun asks, eyeing in revulsion as Yoon-Seo doubles over and begins to dry heave, turning away from the corpse and the stall altogether. You pat her on the back consolingly, knowing the average person without prior exposure to cadavers can't stomach the sight.
"First, we need to find a way out of here. Tell the others that we're leaving and we're not coming back." Jung-Won helps Yoon-Seo up as Jun-Hee turns around to grab your hand and hoists you to your feet after voicing his decision, everyone beelining for the building's front.
The entrance doors open against harsh midday sunlight, air humid and warm with the sunbeams just as dazzlingly bright as they were on your way here and you can't help but lament the loss of its splendor. Where once you observed it slanting across Jun-Hee's face resting in peaceful slumber, devastatingly beautiful, now it only spotlights the fear on his face, eyes dull even in the onslaught of sunlight, tragically devastated.
You stare blankly across to the dense woods in front, its darkness a stark contrast to your side of the curb and find fear gnawing at your insides, terror clawing at your mind. The once peaceful surrounding you stepped foot into now brings with it a sense of premonition of a malevolent presence watching your group's every move with ill-intent.
Shaking yourself out of the stupor and spiraling negative thoughts, you zone in on Jun-Hee's voice as he addresses everyone, pointing down the road to the left. "I saw a gas station over that way yesterday. We can try walking there."
You and Jun-Hee step forward slowly, hand-in-hand, falling in matching steps in order to survey the surroundings. The same couldn't be said of the others, desperate and frenzied in their exit. He makes sure to always be on your outer side, no matter which direction you guys were facing, making it his priority to protect you.
The group barely makes it halfway past the courtyard before an alarm blears, ear-aching and soul-crushing.
[ ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴀᴍᴇ ᴍᴜsᴛ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ᴘʟᴀᴄᴇ ᴡɪᴛʜɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴏᴜɴᴅᴀʀɪᴇs. ᴘʟᴇᴀsᴇ sᴛᴀʏ ɪɴsɪᴅᴇ ᴛʜᴇ ᴠɪᴄɪɴɪᴛʏ. ]
"We're not allowed to leave," you say nearly inaudibly, despondently, raising a shaky figure towards white lines drawn in chalk. "These lines..."
Not for the first time since the morning, the air is thick with futility and it lies heavy on your chest, your attempted escape seemingly thwarted at every turn by an unseen force. As everyone frantically searches for a way out, the group's dejectedness grows with each precious passing moment at the realization of being trapped in the grip of something far beyond human understanding. Shadows lurk menacingly in the spaces between the leaves on the trees and you feel as though the wind brushing past them bring whispers of dread echoing through the currents of air. You all knew with a sinking feeling that if you didn't find a way to break free soon, you may never make it out alive.
Jun-Hee immediately informs the group of your dreadful discovery, trying to remain composed. "Everyone, listen up. Don't move any further and wait here for a moment."
"What for?!" Lee Sang-Hwan argues.
"We've been warned!" Jun-Hee yells back with the same amount of frustration he receives.
"I could care less! This is all bullshit anyway!" Sang-Hwan throws his hands up in the air, peeved. "What nonsense are we believing in? If we stay, we're certain to die. I'd rather take my chances of being alive and choose to leave, then."
As Sang-Hwan strides by, you tug on his arm as hard as you can and he momentarily stops. "If you go, you're not choosing to live. You're choosing to die, Sang-Hwan," you beg, tears already beginning to well in your eyes.
He considers you for a minute before avoiding your eyes to wave you off and it's clear the conversation is over. It leaves you consumed by regret as he yanks his arm free, sending you stumbling. Jun-Hee steadies you, watching in dismay as Sang-Hwan jumps down the curb and lands with both feet outside the white lines.
"You fucking idiot!" Kyung-Jun berates in the background, opposed to the less than reasonable choice even with his history of rash behavior.
"This can't be happening," you whisper to yourself in disbelief, on the verge of collapse as Kim Hyun-Seok follows suit, neither of the two taking heed of the game's warning.
[ ғᴏʀ ʙʀᴇᴀᴋɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴜʟᴇs, ʟᴇᴇ sᴀɴɢ-ʜᴡᴀɴ ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴇxᴇᴄᴜᴛᴇᴅ. ғᴏʀ ʙʀᴇᴀᴋɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴜʟᴇs, ᴋɪᴍ ʜʏᴜɴ-sᴇᴏᴋ ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴇxᴇᴄᴜᴛᴇᴅ. ]
"I should've tried harder to stop them..." Jun-Hee squeezes your hand so firmly you start to lose feeling in your fingers, but it ceases to matter. Feeling numb is a thousand, a million, times better than the sight you're forced to witness in the moment.
Helplessly, everyone can only stare at the gruesome scene playing out a few feet away in the desolate street.
Just as Yool had shown last night, both Sang-Hwan's and Hyun-Seok's eyes roll to the back of their heads until only the whites are visible.
The two, running forward seemingly possessed, suddenly stop only momentarily to turn back around to stand facing one another, the murky white depths of their eyes filled with hidden madness. Their figures riddled with malice abruptly charge full speed at one another with no intent to stop and all intent to collide.
In a macabre ritual, they begin to speed up in unison, their footsteps growing louder in fervor as they build up momentum, soles stomping against the ground. With a sickening thud, their skulls crash with a bone-crushing force, the sound reverberating in your ears, unceasing.
The gut-wrenching sound of flesh separating from bone continues on as no one dares to stop them for fear of the same gruesome fate, yet not having the heart to dare to watch. In their nightmarish embrace unable to control their own bodies from being compelled by some unseen influence, the brutal force exponentially growing with each repeated hit, every sickening impact sending blood spattering to the ground in patterns you would soon not forget.
Neither of the two were ever the wiser to seek to break free from the twisted and morbid dance of agony and death, a chamber of nightmares of horrific proportions succumbing to unknown urges driving them towards mutual self-destruction, a descent into darkness and despair that knew no bounds.
As you fall to the ground, you take Jun-Hee down with you, your hands still locked tight. You hit the scorching hot pavement below you with a thump, the sound paralleling the two boys' heads coming into contact with one another, blood immediately spilling upon impact and staining their once pristine white shirts.
You can't drown out the gasps, the cries, and the screams piercing straight to your heart, fully aware that you all had unwittingly become part of this deathly game, no more than human sacrifices.
At long last, Sang-Hwan falls listlessly backward, the first to have trespassed and disobeyed the rules, and now the first one to go.
Just when you think it's over, an unsatisfied Hyun-Seok in a possessed manner wields the largest and sharpest rock nearby above his head only to slam it down against his own skull until brain matter rains down onto the ground around him.
You close your eyes tight, unable to bear witness to the final harshest blow delivered. As the last drop of your tears fall to the ground, droplets soaked in blood, swimming in the sight of the event ingrained behind your eyes, so too does Hyun-Seok.
How could the suffering of death be salvation for the living?
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The aftermath is painful, silence enveloping the remaining students like thick fog in the early morning, no end in sight.
You're staring straight forward absentmindedly, head devoid of thoughts.
"AISH!" Startled by Seung-Bin's outburst, you flinch as he slams his phone onto the ground, cursing at it in every way.
Why Da-Bun has to grovel and pick up the phone to return it to the bully, you'll never understand. Especially even more so when Seung-Bin merely snatches it back aggressively, no word of thanks.
Mi-Na is the first to speak up. "What do we do now? Will we all die if we stay here?"
"Our teacher will be back soon. Let's wait a little more." Jun-Hee's expression is entirely blank, his words coming out like a tape recorder, the lines memorized and playing back in an endless loop. You're not sure whether it reassures the others, but it doesn't seem like Jun-Hee has strong hopes for that possibility either.
"No one's coming!" Ji-Soo gets out between tears. "How much longer must we be around dead bodies?" She stamps her feet angrily against the floor, hiccupping at every word due to her crying. "I can't stand it."
Stepping up, Eun-Ha retorts back exasperatedly, "Can you not call them bodies? They were people we knew...our very own classmates."
"Were—" Ji-Soo emphasizes heartlessly. "They were people we knew, but are dead now. What else am I to call them?"
You close your eyes and lean against the stair railing, a headache coming on. Fighting isn't the solution to getting out but the others seem to believe it is. Even Kyung-Jun hasn't said a word, unusually quiet and not confrontational for once.
"Jun-Hee, will you do something? We need to go home!" Ji-Soo continues, throwing all responsibility onto his already heavy shoulders, slumped over with burden.
"Will you shut up and stop running your mouth?" Eun-Chan spits out through gritted teeth. "How can you say that after seeing what happened to those earlier when trying to leave?" He looks her dead in the eyes, taunting. "Go on your own, then. See what happens. Just know no one will save you from the consequences you bring upon yourself."
Yu-Jun has to physically restrain his girlfriend before she makes a bigger scene than she's already doing. "So-Mi," he begins tiredly. "Don't you know when the teacher will be back?"
In the faintest voice you've ever heard from her, she replies while chewing on her nails. "How can I when I don't know how to contact him?"
With all at a loss for what to say or ask, Yoon-Seo suddenly staggers upstairs, tripping in the process as she hurries away. Immediately, you, Jung-Won, and Jun-Hee follow after her without question.
Climbing the emergency exit stairs takes you all to the roof overlooking the entirety of the building and surrounding foliage.
"Yoon-Seo, what are you doing?" You watch as she holds her phone up to the air as high as her arm can reach.
"Testing it, just in case." Finding service a lost cause after a few minutes, she turns back. "What did the broadcast say? That we must stay within the boundary?"
"The game must take place within the boundaries..." Jung-Won repeats swiftly, akin to a rehearsed line she's familiarized herself with.
"What if that boundary—" Yoon-Seo points directly down in front of her, leaning over the roof's barrier, "—is indicated by that line? The announcement came on when we tried to cross it earlier."
"We're not allowed to step foot past it as that counts against us and is the equivalent of our whole body being out of the game," you state.
"Then how far and wide does this line go?" Yoon-Seo makes way to the opposite end, facing the back of the building this time.
"It doesn't look very wide since it was drawn in chalk," Jun-Hee adds.
Jung-Won studies the basketball court and allocated sports area. "Which is the actual line here, though? Can't we leave if there's a line break?"
"We won't know until we try," Yoon-Seo settles, the four of you making it your mission to figure out some sort of solution and loophole in the game.
After multiple near missteps and walking the fine line between safety and danger in testing the limits of the borders, your small group manages to come up with a loose plan and present it to the others who haven't yet budged an inch away from the lobby since you've been gone.
Jun-Hee leads the explanation, pointing at a map stuck to a random whiteboard you found earlier. "There's a mountain at the end of the trail and a village. We just have to find people and ask for help."
Jin-Ha brings up a point everyone else is either too scared to ask about or too scared of the answer. "That sounds too simple. What if we try and end up dead too? What then?"
Joo-Young crosses her arms, visibly uncomfortable. "He's right. Isn't it too dangerous?"
"It's annoying to just wait. It won't hurt to give it a shot." You would've given Kyung-Jun the benefit of the doubt as to why he was being so accepting of your group's ideas all of a sudden, but of course, he would never sacrifice himself for anybody's sake. "But do we all have to go? That's so inefficient." It's not hard to read between the lines at what he's implying.
"Yeah, we can't all go," Jun-Hee agrees calmly. "I'll go on my own."
You whip your head toward him. This wasn't what you discussed earlier. "I'm volunteering, then."
You shoot Jun-Hee a look that leaves no room for argument, near impossible for him to change your mind. "I'm not letting you shoulder all the responsibility."
"I'll come with," So-Mi interjects. Any other situation you would've scorned her for inviting herself when no one wants her there, but you reluctantly allow her presence this time and this time only.
"Me too," Yoon-Seo says with conviction, turning to you.
"No, stay here." You pat her on the arm. "I don't think the mountain trail will be good for you."
"It's a rough hike," Jun-Hee concurs. "I also think you should sit this one out."
"They're both right, Yoon-Seo," Jung-Won reasons. "You'll become a liability if you end up lagging behind. Let's stay here together."
"I can't develop the plan and then make my best friends do the hard work for me." Yoon-Seo as always, is too kind and selfless.
So-Mi on the other hand, drags Woo-Ram into the center of the circle on a whim amidst ongoing discussion.
"Why me?!"
"You're not volunteering. You're volun-told." So-Mi doesn't give him a chance to decline. "Na-Hee, Ji-Soo, and Yu-Jun, you'll all come with, right?"
"No," Ji-Su says resolutely, the only one of So-Mi's friends with a backbone.
Yu-Jun looks more relieved than apologetic with his girlfriend's choice. "I won't either if she's not."
"Where's your sense of loyalty?" So-Mi glares at both of them in turn.
"Don't ask for what you don't have either," Jung-Won chimes in, raising an eyebrow at So-Mi.
Eye twitching but not replying, So-Mi turns to Na-Hee beside her, wanting to coerce her into participation. "You won't come, then?" Na-Hee's silence is as good of an answer as any.
Hyun-Ho parts the crowd as him and Dong-Hyun flank either side of you and Jun-Hee. "This is an interesting mix. Barely brains and no muscles. You lot are too weak to hike a mountain. We'll go too." You roll your eyes fondly at his over-confidence, but deep down you know he's only coming because you can't stay still, a penchant for getting into danger.
Na-Hee belatedly steps forward, tucking her hair behind her ear and dragging her foot on the ground. Everyone looks at her oddly, surprised by her sudden joining and abrupt change in decision. "I'll go as well."
You belatedly wonder if everyone has pure intentions for going or merely with ulterior motives to tag along because of someone they harbored feelings for.
Despite Yeon-Woo and Eun-Chan trying to prevent Eun-Ha from leaving, she brushes them off, allowing them to stay in her stead. She's the last to round out the rag-tag group, sending you a meek smile that you return in full.
Everyone else waits anxiously as the hiking group disperses to prepare supplies. Jung-Won and Yoon-Seo trail you like twin shadows, their nervousness skyrocketing the closer it is to dispatch time.
To Hyun-Ho's and Dong-Hyun's annoyance, you pester them to help you carry the hiking gear you saw the first night in the gym when Yool was digging through the storage room, surmising it would prove useful should a situation arise for it.
When it comes time to depart, Yoon-Seo hugs you tight before she does the same to Jun-Hee. "Safe trip guys. Please all come back to us."
You smile reassuringly at her. "I promise."
Yoon-Seo nods, and with that, her and Jung-Won send you off with light waves, your small group splitting for the very first time in a long time.
The hike itself is a lot rougher and steeper than you had previously imagined, especially when it's high noon out. Jun-Hee is in charge of leading the way, the paper booklet Yoon-Seo had kept in her possession now in his hands. He looks exhausted, simultaneously trying to upkeep the group's morale, sanity, and safety. Even if you weren't biased, you didn't think anyone else in the class was better suited to be the leader.
Everyone stops at the foot of a particularly tall dirt hill, rocks protruding out randomly in various spots.
"This looks like it'd be easy to slip on." You look around for the area that seems sturdiest.
"Be careful," Hyun-Ho reminds, pointing a little to your right where there's a divot in the soil. How it got there, you have no idea. It didn't seem like anyone tried navigating this area before. "I think you should climb the middle of the slope. Even if it's the highest, the sides are holding it together."
You nod, digging the toe of your heel into the dirt and are wary not to lean with too much force forward or backward so that you don't lose your balance.
Most of the others have scaled the slope already, but both Hyun-Ho and Dong-Hyun decidedly stay behind in case anyone falls or trips. The two of them watch you carefully, eyes focused on your feet.
To your left, So-Mi is also starting to climb while Na-Hee stands further in the back, observing.
Jun-Hee sticks a hand down and it stops in between you and So-Mi.
"Thank—" So-Mi begins, mistakenly thinking he was going to help her.
He moves it slightly to the right, his palm having faced you the whole time. You look up and meet his earnest eyes, head nodding at you. When your hand finally rests in his, he grips it strongly but tenderly as Hyun-Ho and Dong-Hyun give your feet a little boost from below, pushing you over and onto the slope with ease. Even though you could manage just fine on your own, the actions of the three boys warm your heart.
A permanent scowl rests upon So-Mi's visage as she sends you a glare, seemingly wanting nothing more than to throw rocks at you but in a show of effort to save face, she reaches out to Woo-Ran instead who has no choice but to come to her aid.
Dong-Hyun climbs up soon after, Na-Hee trailing his steps with Hyun-Ho watching below. As soon as you peer over to watch, she slips with a yelp.
"Are you alright?!" Hyun-Ho scurries over and looks at the state of her ankle, already turning red at the site. He gazes upward at you, his worry etched into the crease of his brows. "I think she sprained it."
"Can you try bending it slightly to check whether she'll be able to continue?" you suggest, sliding back down the slope, Jun-Hee following close behind.
Hyun-Ho has only encircled Na-Hee's ankle and yet she makes a sound of great pain, wincing at his touch. "Na-Hee can't walk like this." He turns to you, eyes clouded over with unease.
"Luckily a first aid kit was packed last minute." Jun-Hee turns around so you can unzip his backpack and grab the supplies. "We should put a splint on her ankle."
Hyun-Ho agrees and helps you dig through the container for anything that can be used as a makeshift bind.
"She should've been careful," So-Mi voices the obvious, not in the least bit supportive. "Na-Hee, will you be okay?" she asks, more out of obligation than care.
Na-Hee makes an ambiguous noise of agreement but doesn't turn around to look at So-Mi.
"We don't have the right materials for a splint, but let's try wrapping her ankle as tight as we can so there's better support when she moves and it won't hurt as much."
You work in taping up her ankle with Hyun-Ho holding it steady for you, Jun-Hee looking on proudly and fondly at you, smiling to himself.
Hyun-Ho sighs as Na-Hee still isn't able to bear much weight on her injured leg. "Maybe we should just head back."
"No," So-Mi hurriedly contests, standing akimbo above. "Let's keep up a bit more. It's a waste to come all the way here and then head back without achieving anything."
Dong-Hyun adds in, much nicer than So-Mi. "We should keep going only if her pain is bearable."
"The walk back will be just as tiring," you say to Na-Hee as you pack up the first aid kit and return it to Jun-Hee for safekeeping. "It's your call whether you think the rest of the distance is doable."
She peers over at Hyun-Ho then to you, looking indecisive. On one hand, it would be a waste of effort and all the help she received to turn the excursion useless. On the other, she would only slow the group down, prolonging the expedition.
Before she has time to decide, So-Mi chimes in, her tone taking on more of an annoyed lilt. "If you're okay then let's keep going just a little more. Tell us when you can't push any further."
Na-Hee doesn't bother responding to her this time around.
"I can rest here with you and then we can continue on if you need a break. Are you well enough to go with the rest? I don't mind either option," Hyun-Ho says kindly. You watch their interaction and can easily see how much he cares for her.
"Na-Hee's fine," So-Mi resolves all on her own, brushing her hands against one another to get the dirt and grime off before fixing her hair. "Try to keep up," she orders. "Hyun-Ho, you're in charge of her." After giving her command, she turns and leaves without a backwards glance, continuing on the trail with Woo-Ram and Eun-Ha in tow. Only Dong-Hyun stays back with you and the rest.
"Are you sure?" You pat her shoulder. "You know you don't have to follow everything So-Mi says if you don't think it's right," you voice out sincerely.
Na-Hee's eyes flit back and forth between your own, wide and understanding the double meaning. "I'm choosing to go along because I want to this time." She pulls your hand down from her shoulder and holds it between her own. "Thank you, Seol-Hwa."
"Then we should catch up with the others," Jun-Hee concludes as Hyun-Ho supports Na-Hee along, you bringing up the rear.
The walk resolutely refuses to ease up, but once you finally reach signposts, Dong-Hyun regains his energy and drags you by the wrist, suddenly excited at the prospect of perchance leaving this hell.
Hyun-Ho and Na-Hee remain trailing behind at their own leisurely pace, slowly but surely making progress while Jun-Hee has split off with the main group at Woo-Ram's call.
Dong-Hyun draws you back every time you so much as make eye contact with a white line, and you can't help but shake your head, equal parts exasperated and endeared. "Dong-Hyun, there's more than a two-foot radius between my shoes and the borders."
"Better safe than sorry." He grabs your hand this time around as the trail becomes more curved and the lines less apparent. "If you lose so much as a fingernail, I'll lose my eyes to Hyun-Ho and Jun-Hee."
You tilt your chin down and fix him with a look of disbelief. "Be serious. They wouldn't really do that to you."
He clucks his tongue. "You don't know the half of it. They both really care about you. In different ways of course, but they're crazily protective."
"And you're not?" You elbow him in the side.
"Of course, I am. Hyun-Ho considers you like a sister, and since he's my best friend, you're automatically also my sister. We'd do anything for you."
"That's very sweet and I feel the same way about you all," you say sincerely, giving his hand a squeeze as the two of you look around and inspect the topmost wooden sign.
"Dammit!" Dong-Hyun curses angrily, kicking the pike. "It's blocked."
Eyes trailing to where he's pointing, sure enough, you've met a dead end.
Somehow, So-Mi has branched off and followed after you and Dong-Hyun, noticing the group's newfound predicament. He's nice enough to hand over his trekking pole to her, seeing the sorry state of her appearance, worn and haggard. "Over there—" she juts her head to the left, "—looks more open than here. Maybe there's a path?"
Dong-Hyun swivels to you. "Let's try." He leads you by the hand to explore the area So-Mi alluded to as she tails closely behind.
The spot turns out to be by the edge of a cliff, ominously overlooking rocky waters.
You grip his hand tighter and with your other, stab your trekking pole deeper into the ground for stability, the slope here a straight descent off the cliffside.
"It's hard to discern if there's a line here or not..." Dong-Hyun crouches down, inspecting the markings.
"Take a closer look," So-Mi instigates, but doesn't step another foot forward.
"I can't tell for sure but it looks like there is," you tell Dong-Hyun, trying to pull him back from going further. You tap his shoulder and he turns around, eyeing the trekking pole you hand to him.
"No, you keep it." He tries to push it back toward you but you take his hand and wrap it securely around the pole.
"Take a look in front." You turn his head directly downhill toward the threatening oddly shaped tree trunk, a singular sharp branch protruding from it. "If you so much as slip an inch, it'll be the end. Better to be safe than sorry, right?" Repeating his words from earlier back to him does the trick and he shoots you a crooked smile, finally accepting the pole due to your insistence. You decide to sit directly onto the dirt path shortly after, giving you more balance and a better center of gravity than if you were standing. Beside you is a chopped tree stump, small enough that you can wrap an arm around to hold you steady.
"I don't think there's a line," So-Mi pipes in, standing directly behind you.
When did she come so close?
"Really?" Dong-Hyun questions naively, using a twig to dig around the marks. "Then I think we can go."
"No, wait!" you shout, trying to reach out for him at the same time that So-Mi pretends to slip and bumps into him.
"AHH!" Dong-Hyun screams, having slid within a centimeter of the white line.
[ ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴀᴍᴇ ᴍᴜsᴛ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ᴘʟᴀᴄᴇ ᴡɪᴛʜɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴏᴜɴᴅᴀʀɪᴇs. ]
"Dong-Hyun!" Your heart is in your throat as you watch him hang haphazardly onto the pole you gave him mere moments ago, staked deeply into the ground.
So-Mi turns to you instead, attempting to ascent uphill to escape the grave and unforgivable sin she had deliberately committed.
You hear a loud gasp above, seeing Eun-Ha watching the scene unfold in its entirety in front of her, not believing her own eyes at So-Mi's vile actions.
Keeping your right arm around the base of the trunk you were holding onto since earlier, you scoot further down the hill and extend your left hand toward Dong-Hyun, nearly sitting in a split position facing the tree stump. "Grab my hand!"
"I can't!" Dong-Hyun resists. "I'll pull you down with me!" His head and neck are red, straining with effort. You know with the hill's slope and both of your downward positions that gravity isn't in your favor.
"I don't care!" you shout. "I have to at least try." Tears come to your eyes but you force them back, a lump already forming in your throat. "I'm not letting you go like this, Dong-Hyun!" He looks at you helplessly. "We don't have time!" you plead, begging for him to reconsider as more and more dirt scatter down from your foot digging into the ground.
"That's your bad knee. I can't let you do this, Seol-Hwa!"
You gaze down momentarily at your left leg, the scar from your past gymnastics injury long since faded but not truly gone. Determined, you reach out your hand for the last time and manage to grab Dong-Hyun's fingers, clinging on for dear life to a rock embedded in the dirt. Your knee is protesting and so is the rest of your body, but you weren't going to let any of your friends die on your watch if you could help it. "Grab on!" You tighten your hold and Dong-Hyun finally gets to his senses, using all his might to climb back up without jeopardizing you.
The two of you manage to scoot a few inches up before So-Mi starts peddling her feet beside you, sending you further downhill with every scuffle of her heel.
Your heart pounds in your ears as your arm slowly loosens around the tree trunk, hold slackening immensely. You feel your strength nearly giving in, the pins and needles sensation not leaving your fingertips. Dong-Hyun groans below from the exertion of keeping his leg from going outside the barely there line while simultaneously not compromising your position.
In the wake of hanging on by a thread, the notification vibrates unremittingly in your pocket and you can so clearly imagine the blaring of the alarms.
It sounds a lot like a death toll.
"Seol-Hwa, just let me go and save yourself," Dong-Hyun says with finality, beginning to withdraw his fingers away from yours.
"I won't!" you cry out, scrabbling for him as he starts to drift away from you like sand sifting through an outstretched palm.
You close your eyes as your arm eventually gives out and you can no longer feel Dong-Hyun's touch, preparing yourself for the announcement of execution.
But it doesn't come.
You have half a mind to see through a haze of tears Hyun-Ho's form crawling headfirst with his stomach plastered against the hill in order to pull Dong-Hyun back up with the others holding his legs steady.
Only then do you register fingers girdling your wrist tightly, Jun-Hee's strong grip around your forearm as Eun-Ha hangs onto him from atop the slope, both with steadfast looks on their faces.
Jun-Hee grits his teeth and with one last tug, he takes you up to stand on even ground, Hyun-Ho plopping Dong-Hyun down beside you, body limp and passed out due to shock.
Your legs give out, immediately reducing you to a disturbed heap on the ground, eyes unfocused with your hand placed against your chest, pounding, finding it hard to breathe, your heart seemingly existing outside your body.
The silence that settles upon the group is mournful, as if there was truly something to grieve after all.
In a half crouch, Jun-Hee settles before you, reaching out tentatively to cup your face, afraid of your reaction in the aftereffects of having been at death's door. He lowers his head to peer into your bloodshot eyes, and it isn't until then that you realizing the extent of his trembling fingers, lips quivering and breathing ragged. The look of unmistakable utter concern is etched deeply onto his face as he regards you, not daring to speak a word. This time, his eyes can't hide the anger, confusion, and downright fear.
"Seol-Hwa…" he utters, low and soft, torn to see your appearance. He's holding back tears, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down as his eyes flick over your face, the set of his jaw tense unlike you've ever seen before.
Hearing your name tumbling from Jun-Hee's lips brings you back to the reality you zoned out from and the teardrops you suspended all this time on the rims of your eyes sting from the effort, blurring your vision and gradually distorting the image of him in front of you. When the first tear falls, the subsequent ones follow, and you're unable to stop it.
In one motion, you throw your arms around Jun-Hee, and cling onto him tightly, crying uncontrollably into the crook of his neck, defenses dropped.
He presses his cheek against the side of your face, one hand holding the back of your head tenderly and the other arm wrapped tightly around your waist. Pulling you ever closer to him, Jun-Hee inhales deeply as you're back in his arms again, safe and sound. He dips his head into the line of your shoulder, tucking your head underneath his chin and sits quietly, consoling you with his presence and finds his own comfort in yours.
"I'm sorry I came so late but I'm here now. I'll always be here to save you."
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© 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭 𝐠𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐨𝐟’ 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐇𝐚𝐬 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐞. 𝐈 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐝𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨, 𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞, 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐳𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧, 𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫-𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐭. 𝐀𝐥𝐬𝐨, 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐳𝐞, 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞, 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐛𝐮𝐭𝐞, 𝐨𝐫 𝐮𝐩𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐞𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦 𝐢𝐭 𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐚 𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞.
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I Never Told You (natasha trace imagine)
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PAIRING: Natasha 'Phoenix' Trace x Female!Reader
REQUESTED FROM ANON: Purple 4. "I've never met anyone like you." With Phoenix please, greatly appreciated. 😊
The sunshine washed over the horizon, seeping onto the beach as waves softly lap at the gritty sands. Mud squishes beneath your toes while you walk along the surface of the bubbling water, taking in the peaceful and cool morning of the Island. Stopping for a moment, you rolled up my khaki linen pant legs and enjoyed the graze of a breeze against my bare ankles. 
A dizzy spell rolls over you, slamming through your skull and rattling your brain. It sends you sinking to the ground. Spits of sand splash out from underneath your bum while your fingers through absentmindedly as your mind wanders to last night’s haze events. There had been a welcome home party for your aviator friends, returning from a war ridden country. 
They were tired, clearly. Bob and Mickey were slouched at a high top table and Jake’s typically perfect blonde coifs were deflated. Instead of his usual attire at the Hard Deck of a blaring Hawaiian shirt and slouchy jeans, Bradley hadn’t even bothered to change from his khaki uniform. 
And then there was Nat. You had stood on the steel structure of the stool from your spot at the bar beside Penny, stretching as much as possible to see your favorite aviator. You searched each and every set of dark circles under your eyes to no avail.  When everyone seemingly had crowded into the bustling crowd, you deflated slightly. Where was she? Where was the rising Phoenix with her quick wit and sharp pool skills?
You stepped off the stool, ankles wobbling in my prettiest wedges as you stumble toward Bob to find out what’s going on. “Bob,” you call out, noting the way his spine straightens and his face turns to search yours. He seems relieved when you finally fit yourself into his side and give him a big hug. His hands are warm along your back, heat seeping through the material of the new dress you’d bought for the occasion.
“Hey there,” his already gentle voice is softer than it had been three months back. “I’ve missed you Y/N.”
“I missed you too,” you whisper, holding his waist tightly, afraid that the fragile look in Bob’s eyes would drip into his bones and shatter him entirely. “I missed all of you so much…” Bob must see the look in your eyes, must see the questions on your glossy lips.
“She’s okay,” he answers, immediately relaxing the kink in your shoulders as you catch your breath. The tightness, the pain in your chest disappears as you nod rapidly, tears welling up in your eyes. Alive is what Bob wants to say but okay feels more publicly acceptable, less harsh in the reality of what had occurred on their mission. 
“She’s outside getting some fresh air,” he nods to the double doors leading out to the parking lot. The sun had begun to set through the windows in the back of the bar, painting the pool table in oranges and pinks in reflection of the sky. “It was a rough couple of months.”
You nod again, taking in his words. You try incredibly hard not to think about the possibility of what could’ve happened out there across oceans and mountainscapes. It feels a bit hard to swallow as you detach from Bob, zipping around the crowd of aviators and naval officers to get to the front door. Pushing it open, you note Nat’s form easily in the sparkling colored lights strung up above the porch and against the railings.
Her hair is snuggled twisted into her classic bun, her face covered beneath her fingertips and her freshly manicured nails. Small whimpers find their way through the air as you move closer and try to approach her without frightening her too much. “Nat?” your voice is cautious and small as you continue to approach, hands writing together as you take in her stiff nature. 
She sniffles a bit and it breaks your heart as you move closer, placing a hand delicately onto her back as you smooth it flat against her. Rubbing up and down, you start to coo as her whimpers become louder as she covers her mouth. “It’s okay, you’re okay.” I jump slightly as she suddenly moves, wrapping her arms snuggly around your waist.
Nat nuzzles her nose and presses her lips into the column of your neck, wet slicking along the skin. Her tears stream beneath the sweetheart neckline of your vibrant green dress as she sobs. Her grasp is strong on your hip bones, grabbing at your soft flesh. You try your best to ground her, whispering sweet nothings into her perfectly sculpted bun and against the shell of her ear as your lips pepper kisses against the crown of her head.
“You are safe,” you whisper, rocking her back and forth.
“I was so scared.”
“You’re safe,” you repeat, humming as you squeeze her tighter. 
“You don’t understand,” her voice cracks against your chest, rising up to stare deeply into your eyes. Her vibrant green orbs are lined still with tears collecting on your lashes, brows knitted as she wipes her face harshly. “I’ve never met anyone like you.” Her words cause your heart to skip, eyes widening at her intense gaze.
“Nat,” your face starts to warm up, heating up as she clutches your hands before one soft palm comes up to cup your jaw. 
“I can’t give you many details about what happened while we were gone, but we came close to burning in. I lost control of my plane during one of our missions and the first thing that I saw was your face. Your laughter while we kick Bradshaw and Hangman’s ass during pool or your wide grin when we go to breakfast on Sundays,” she takes a shaky breath, leaning her forehead to touch yours.
“Nat, you’re making me blush,” you murmur. Her thumb smoothes over the silk of your cheek, dragging along your bottom lip.
“I couldn’t burn out without telling you how in love with you I am,” her words blossom in your chest, radiating out in all directions as light sprouts from inside. Your heart swells and your hands get shaky at her confession. Leaning in, you capture her soft lips in a heated kiss. Tugging her hips toward you with purpose, your mouths move against each other. 
You breathe her in, hands sliding along the seams of her uniform until they are just below the curve of her breasts. She pulls your face close to yours as her tongue dances along the pout of your bottom lip. Nat moans slightly when you pull away. “I love you so much,” you press another wet kiss to her mouth, fingers sliding around and down her spine. They dance at the small of her back before grazing the roundness of her ass. “Let me take you home,” you search her eyes for any concern, any displeasure. 
You find none. “Let me help you forget.”
Want to send in a request? Click here!
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lynxriderwrites · 3 months
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Rating: E
Link froze, instinct prickling at the back of his neck and making his damp hair stand on end. At first, he couldn't determine what had caught his attention, listening intently for the sounds of scuffling feet, the hiss of wings, or a malicious cry in the absence of sight. But there was nothing but the burbling of dark water and the persistent thrum heavy on the air.
Link blinked and realized abruptly what he had been missing when two faint glowing pinpricks, nearly hidden beneath the flickering reflection of the master sword against the black water, blinked back.
“Sidon?” Link stuttered in disbelief as it surfaced. Had the prince somehow fallen down here with him? Had he been a part of a search party?
But before Link could relax, a massive clawed hand latched upon the shore, close enough for him to realize that its skin was far from the familiar red and it was rising, rising, rising above him, stealing his breath with a fresh wash of alarm. That. Was not Sidon.
Or: Link stumbles into the Depths before the events of Tears of the Kingdom and finds a shiny new fishman.
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prskfancams · 7 months
[Renders/ Transparent PNGs, trained]
Please like and/or reblog if use! Credits appreciated!
Gacha: Heart in Water
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Event: Searching for a Reflection Beneath the Waters
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Project Sekai Renders/ Transparent PNGs!
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sheloves-toomuch · 2 months
The Spawn and the Siren
Chapter 4: The Devil you don't remember.
Astarion does some self-reflection as he lays out his plans, the siren meets her butler... and the party becomes acquainted with a cunning devil that seems to already know Zenosyne...
This is my first attempt at a multi chapter fanfiction in a very long time.
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Some weeks had passed following the events at Ethel’s cottage, and Zenosyne found herself heartbroken at what she had seen of who she was. Still, she longed to learn so much more about herself. The revelations imparted to her left more questions in her mind than they had answered. Who was Raphael? Who was the pale, otherworldly woman she had called sister? Why was her mind burdened with the overwhelming allure of blood and death?
Like so many times before, she found herself in her siren form, laying in the river as it ran over her like a baptism washing away whatever sins of the day that she had committed. Her skin was cold, and the icy waters made her feel alive and grounded when her mind would pull her to dark places. Lazily her tail swayed back and forth as it pulled the water along in its wake. Her arms were crossed out in front of her as she laid on her stomach. Her head rested firmly in her forearms as the little parasite wiggled in her mind with power.
There was still the matter of her bloodlust. She pondered over the guilt that gnawed in her mind over what she had been wont to do over the past few weeks. When her secrets began to unravel before herself and the members of the party, and she realized that silent powers were hidden in her siren form, she used them as a shield against her fears. Unsuspecting goblins and other enemies would find themselves entranced up until the moment she would strike- each time she became more and more creative with her deadly fury, savoring the chase. Her blade tasted blood at every chance she could find. And while the others did what they had to in order to survive, she lay there in the water trying to quiet the loud voice in her head that berated her and demeaned her. She found no comfort in who she was finding herself to be. Neither did the others that she traveled with.
Then, there was still the matter of Astarion to reckon with. Following her near-demise Astarion had carried her back to the camp until she found the strength within her to walk again. The others had seen as much as she had in her dreams as they looked into the hag’s mirror, and their trust in her wavered. Very few sirens still existed, and what few did still live remained in hiding beneath the dark oceans. They remained ever loyal to Umberlee and to themselves alone, finding no allies on the surface. Astarion had teased her at first about it.
“Such a rare catch you are, little fish!” He had said in that melodic, seductive tone of his that pulled at Zenosyne’s mind even in her sleep. “Aren’t we lucky to have found you. Now, you know my secret, and I know your’s!”
He was of course referring to what had been revealed the day that Gandrel had announced he was searching for the vampire spawn Astarion. The way that Zenosyne had, without missing a beat, nodded and played along with the ruse had shocked him. She’d unquestioningly protected his identity- and then protected his life that day. It was the first moment in his life, he recalled, that he felt as though someone other than himself was watching his back. That was the moment he realized he did not want to have to go without that ever again. If the siren was willing to stick her neck out for him, he would play that card for as long as he could. It had been a knee-jerk reaction from years of survival at the hands of Cazador. Yet, the longer he thought about it- the more he felt like her demonstration of care had meant even more to him that he wanted to acknowledge.
I’m not a details person, Astarion thought to himself, …But I can enjoy this, can’t I? I don’t see why I can’t enjoy it. I deserve it, after all. I’m owed something for myself after all these years of misery and hells.
“You seem to be the only one making light of this discovery.” She replied, unable to hold back the quiet sigh that danced on the edge of being a laugh.
“Darling, I don’t care what you are, or where you came from, when you’ve proven to be such a formidable adversary to our foes.” He had remained on the word darling for a moment- he knew that she had taken notice of his suggestive pet names- small hints at his master plan. She was falling hard.
“And what’s more” he went on, “It’s always a pleasure to see a siren ensnare her prey so close- at a distance most mortals could only dream of and live to tell the tale.” One of his pale, dexterous hands reaching up to grasp at the air in front of him- just close enough to her face to keep her eyes busy as she absorbed his words like a sponge.
“Some people would call me a monster.” She said plainly, her eyes betrayed her reticence to accept his praise.
“Some people would call me a monster.” He echoed.
His simple statement left Zenosyne open mouthed- ready for her rebuttal. She found none. He was right. He was, by definition, like her. Monstrous.
“That gives me an unreasonable feeling of...?” She struggled to find the words that might describe the feeling that made her shoulders relax, and her breath release from their tight grip within her lungs. At her genuine shift in demeanor, she thought she saw a hint of something change in his eyes- as if he were faltering. His sure and arrogant smirk cracked for a split second, but whatever she saw- or thought that she saw disappeared just as soon as it had come.
“I feel like…”
“Feeling… understood?” He asked. His voice was a little lower this time. There were less theatrics behind his stance now. His arms fell slightly under an invisible weight. The truth was, he was very good at what he did. He could lead someone on and seduce them into doing whatever he wanted. It took a little poise and tweaks here and there to appease the individual in question, but the game remained largely the same. However, it would work often enough and quickly- so that all of it was over by morning, and he could move on to the next one. There were few facades he had to maintain for this amount of time. He tried desperately not to get to know the people that he…
No, no stop it now. Astarion thought to himself.
“I think so.” She said, even quieter. She reached out to him instinctively, as if to find some kind of comfort. She didn’t expect him to flinch at her advancement- and when she saw it, she let her arms fall quickly, her hands grasping each other in front of her.
“Thank you.” She said quickly, turning away from him. “That means more to me than I can say, truly.”
Her mind snapped back into the present, and the cold water suddenly felt a little warmer. Her face lifted from it’s daydream to meet the eyes of a terrifying, quite ugly creature.
“Your excellence!” it said.
She screamed. It was the small butler she had seen in the dream she had while under the hag’s spell. His tall hat smelled of the hells- like he had just come from the inside of a hot, raging volcano.
“No, no, your unholiness, please! Don’t be alarmed! I bring you gifts!” He bowed low, his voice excited. “A small piece of your most wonderful inheritance.”
“Inheritance? Are you the…”
“Sceleritas Vel, my lady. Your butler, humbly at your service as I have always been, and always will be!”
A red cloak appeared suddenly in his outstretched hands, his face still downturned in reverence at her shocked expression.
“Tell me who I am!” She demanded. She wasted no time in getting to the point. She wanted answers.
“No, no, my lady I’m afraid I cannot do that. That is not for me to reveal, not for me to say!” A hint of nervousness was in his voice now. He feared what she might do.
“But know, my lady, that your actions have not gone unnoticed by your father. He is most pleased with the fearsome initiative you have taken of late!” The excitement in Sceleritas Vel’s voice began to rise up again.
“Initiative? I wouldn’t call it initiative. I’ve been unable to… stop myself.” She said, her brows raising together in concern.
“Because you cannot hide from who you are destined to be- who you have always been destined to become!” He said, his encouragement would have been very motivational, if it were used for the right purpose. As it was- his words were bittersweet to Zenosyne and twisted with evil she could not ignore.
“What CAN you tell me?!” She shouted, grabbing at his jacket collar. She shook him with fury in her eyes and bared her teeth. She felt her gums in her mouth give way a little- and it almost felt like a relief when the long, needle like teeth pushed their way through. Her grimace widened to an unnatural size- what was once a pair of rosy cheeks was now all sharp and curved fangs, overlapping and horrifyingly sharp. Her lips were something in between a wicked smile and a forceful display of rage- and where her nose had been, a scaly nose-like feature flared with sharp breaths.
“I… No! No, My lady please, do not unleash your anger at me! I have and always will live to-”
Startled by her own growls, Zenosyne let go of Sceleritas. With a gasp her face quickly eased back into the one she had come to know up until that point. She had never become a monster like that before. Not insofar as she just had. She had literally changed her form again- into a creature worse than she’d seen in her own twisted nightmares.
She stood up, her tail turning into legs. Slipping her beaded skirt back on with shaking hands she hastily strode in the direction of the campsite. She watched as her companions went about their own business.
Shadowheart was gently and absently petting scratch as she read a book. Gale was reading as well, but much more intently. His eyes scanned old pages that crinkled loudly under his touch. Wyll rested with eyes that slowly blinked away sleep- trying to remain awake at the fireside while Karlach put up her tent.
Just as Zenosyne entered the clearing where the others sat around restlessly, the sound of flames burst from the ground- a place where she’d not ever seen them come from before. She jumped and let out a shriek that caught the attention of the others. Wyll had already drawn a blade from his side- Astarion remaining low in his instinctive prowl. Karlach bolted upright and made no hesitation in picking up her greataxe. Lae’zel was even quicker to assume an offensive stance.
“A devil!” Karlach shouted, knowing right away what was coming.
Yet instead of the flaming, fearsome creature they were all anticipating rising out of the fires and smoke, a tall and proud figure of a man stood before them. His navy doublet pristinely kept and his hair neatly combed to rest with careful control at his shoulders. His expression was one of amusement.
“Well, well, well” He said, very slowly. “…What’s better than the devil you don’t know….?”
Painfully, Zenosyne waited for him to do something. Her heart pounded and she looked to the others, who seemed just as confused as she.
“The devil you do.” He finished.
Before any more could be said, Karlach cut the tension in the air with resolution in her voice- “He’s not some friendly face, despite what he’s making you think” Karlach said, “Don’t trust him. They’re all like that. Devious fuckers.”
“… And what about the devil I can’t quite… remember? Are you another infernal butler?” She asked.
“Hah! Don’t flatter yourself, little mermaid!” He laughed heartily. “Allow me to introduce myself to you once again, sweet Zenosyne.”
The well-kept human looking devil bowed his head and shoulders ever so slightly, as if to show respect but not inferiority.
“Lord Raphael. Son of Mephistopheles.”
“Oh, hells!” Karlach shouted in rage.
“Precisely!” Raphael said with a smile. “But you, Lady Zenosyne, have always had better taste for where you rest than can be afforded out here in the wilds. Allow me to bring us to a more… comfortable place to discuss the matters at hand.”
Just as he had appeared before them, so did they all suddenly appear in a beautifully decorated dining hall. The hall was rounded, columns all around them leading the way in three directions from the large, circular marble dining table that stood prominently in the center of the room. A fire flickered atop an immensely large painting of Raphael himself that was framed in the finest gold money- or, souls- could buy.
“The House of Hope. A most luxurious place in which you formerly loved to spend time.” He said, hands extended to urge Zenosyne to turn around. There was an endless feast of the finest, most beautiful foods she had seen until now.
She chuckled. One thing that she knew about herself- if anything, was that she had an insatiable sweet tooth. Before he could invite her to indulge herself in the exquisite options laid out before them she reached out to one of the little towers that held the small, rich chocolate cakes and popped it in her mouth.
“Don’t restrain yourself on my behalf, please, help yourself.” Raphael teased.
She reached for another, and with her other hand began to sort through the decadent desserts assorted on a silver tray nearby as well.
“We’re in the hells.” Karlach said, a bit of relief in her voice from the eased pain in her chest. Her engine felt a little less hot here.
“I’d know the stench anywhere.” Wyll confirmed, “And the… company.” He sneered. Judgement on his face as he watched Zenosyne dig into the delicious food without hesitation.
“And, ah… how exactly do you know our companion here, if she doesn’t know you?” Astarion spoke up, inserting himself into the conversation.
Raphael turned slowly to the now concerned looking vampire spawn. Zenosyne looked at Astarion out of the corner of her eye as she chewed the overly sweet cake. Astarion’s eyes were wider than she’d seen them before, almost a look of vulnerability. He looked almost childlike when the devil scoffed at him. Then, he recollected himself and sneered back.
“You have a bit of a problem, don’t you, little mermaid?” Raphael asked pointedly, “Yet another resident within your mind. One uninvited guest that won’t leave your brain.”
“You know it?” She asked, her mouth still full of the sticky icing.
He chuckled, “I do. If you… wanted help… you know, you used to come to me for help…” Raphael started.
“Don’t” Karlach interrupted, and Wyll looked at Karlach in silent agreement. His nod said all that he was thinking. There was no trust for this devil among her companions.
Raphael looked at Zenosyne, the dark green locs that fell in soft waves down to her waist swayed with her alluring siren’s magic. To be certain, Raphael mused, she would not have been some extraordinary beauty if she were just another woman. What made her beautiful was a combination of her magic, her easy and soft voice, and the way she knew just how to look into one’s eyes as if the world started and stopped in their gaze. It was enough to make mortals feel something between being needed and wanted. This was the draw of a siren.
Raphael was lost for a moment, thinking about how she had looked at him with those eyes not so long ago in the soft glow of the caverns of the hells. She had come to him, using every charm she had to convince him to help her to escape the temple of Bhaal she called her prison. He heard her pleading voice in his mind again, her small, soft hands resting on his chest as she pleaded. She rested her head there, nestling into him.
“I cannot stay here, with him. I need to go up there. I need to see Faerun for myself.” She cried gently into Raphael’s arms, salty tears falling from her black lashes. “My father would have me live and die down here. What if I don’t want it?” She went on.
“You poor, sweet thing.” He had said, finally pulling her from his chest. “My precious little siren. I would deny you nothing in this world.”
Raphael blinked away the memory.
“I… don’t know If I am willing to take a deal with a devil.” Zenosyne said.
It was a far cry from the pleading girl he once knew. She had no idea.
“I will be here, Zenosyne. Just as I always have been. And when you realize you need me, you will return.” He said.
And suddenly, they were back in their camp.
“My cake!” She cried out, her hands now empty. “Well, shit.”
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prskcostumes · 3 months
Card Costume Directory (Year Four, First Half)
All event cards are placed under their own tag to be grouped together properly, but this list is to help people find the exact costume they might be looking for. The list is in order of release. This post goes from after the 3rd anniversay event (BURN MY SOUL) until the 3.5 anniversary event (Rise as ONE!).
Stick to your faith - Resound Sky - Beyond Cloud - Warm Sunshine
The Warmth That Guides Us - Melancholic Modern Girl - Nostalgia Modern Girl - Sentimental Modern Girl
Searching for a Reflection Beneath the Waters - Twilight Embrace - Twilight Seek - Twilight Draw - Twilight Reflect
A Story Where You Are The Star - The Phantasmagoria - Transition Gentleman - Spiral Lady
The Best Picture Wrap! - Hardworking☆Patissier - Fighting Chef - Dreaming Pastry Chef
Sanrio Collab - Apple Picnic Coordination - Relaxing Coordination - Lots of Ribbons & Strawberries Dress - Strolling Cardigan Style - Soft & Fluffy Maid Dress - Stylish Girly Dress
Over Here! Over There! Zookeeper Experience! - Fluffy Police - Fuzzy Police - Striped Police
The Tone Played on That Day - Sailor of Yearning - Sailor of Deep Sorrow - Sailor of Incitement
Colorful Festival - Dreams in Bloom Knitted Style - The Garden's Beautiful Pale-Colored Flowers Style
Next to the Unchanging Warmth - Japanese Style Lolita Fashion - Japanese Style Rock Fashion - Japanese Style Elegant Fashion
BREAK DOWN THE WALL - Lit vivid - Smashing vivid - Fleek vivid - Awesome vivid
Backlight Lens Flare - Intruder:R - Hacker:N - Observer:R
Take the Best Shot! - Devilish Sweet Chocolate - Pure & Elegant Milk Chocolate - Mature & Chic Dark Chocolate
The Courage to Lead, the Kindness in My Heart - General Commander - Aid Uniform - Colonel Uniform
The Scars Left Behind, With Time - SUNNY magician - RAINY magician - CLOUDY magician
Relax Teatime - Fleeting Light Knight Attire - Illuminated Courtyard Knight Attire - Abyss Knight Attire
Keep It Steady, Let's Aim for the Star! - King of Spades - Queen of Diamonds - Queen of Hearts - King of Clubs
The first concerto - Color the past - Cherish regret - Love suffering
Colorful Festival - Come to Life - Kind Brother - Pretty Lady
Rise as ONE! - Naughty Dog - Soothing Dog - Gentle Dog
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cakeractuallyarts · 7 months
I’m having Feelings about the latest niigo event, so I drew some things (spoilers for Mizuki’s chapter of Searching for a Reflection Beneath the Waters)
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zaramonzel · 2 months
Out of Battery
Nolan Ridley was the embodiment of Hollywood stardom. With his chiselled good looks, magnetic screen presence, and easygoing charm, he had captivated audiences for over a decade, making him one of the most celebrated actors of his time. Wherever he went, he was greeted by the familiar flashing cameras and deafening screams of his loyal fans. 
The energy was buzzing as Nolan stepped out onto the red carpet. Cameras flashed one after another as photographers rushed to get the perfect shot of the renowned leading man. Nolan flashed his signature smile, basking in the adoration of the crowd. He moved with practised ease, graciously signing autographs and posing for selfies with fans who had lined up desperate for a glimpse of their idol up close.
Nolan thrived on this, the endless validation of his stardom fuelling his sense of purpose. He knew that every moment in the spotlight was a testament to the effort and dedication he had poured into his work, his skills perfected throughout the years until he could effortlessly draw attention on the screen. The cheers, the reviews, the awards - they were all proof that he reached the very peak of success.
But lately, Nolan had been feeling an increasing drain on his energy and focus. The relentless demands of fame had taken a huge toll on him. Cracks in his carefully built public image started to show.
Nolan stared at his reflection, searching for any trace of the confident, charismatic movie star he once was. But all he saw staring back was a tired, hollowed-out shell. The veneer of stardom was slowly draining away. He splashed cold water on his face, trying to shake the sense of unease that had been gnawing at him for weeks. The insomnia was getting worse, robbing him of the rest he desperately needed to keep up his flawless public image. And then there were the panic attacks - sudden, overwhelming surges of anxiety that left him trembling and disoriented.
But keeping up that act was wearing him down more and more. Nolan could feel the energy powering his charisma slowly running out, no matter how hard he tried to recharge. Even simple tasks, like smiling for the cameras or charming interviewers, had become exhausting chores.
He thought back to the unflattering paparazzi photos that had surfaced recently - pictures that revealed the fatigue in his face, the subtle cracks in his public persona. And then there was that disastrous interview he gave where his growing instability and dark moods slipped out, much to the horror of his manager.
Nolan shuddered, the memory of that exchange still fresh in his mind. The reporter had probed too deep, touching a nerve that Nolan had tried to hide. In a moment of raw emotion, his composure shattered like glass. The fallout had been swift and harsh, with the interview going viral and sparking a firestorm of speculation about his mental state.
And the whispers only got louder. Disturbing accounts of his erratic behaviour on set, of meltdowns and outbursts that didn’t match the calm, confident image he showed the world. Nolan felt exposed, helplessly watching his well-built reputation crumble before his eyes.
The pressure only intensified as his next big film neared its release. The studio spared no expense on the premiere, pulling out all the stops to make it the biggest event of the year. He would have to be at the top of his game, fulfilling the image of a perfect star that the world knew. But he found himself growing short-tempered, lashing out at those around him and indulging in reckless behaviour that threatened to further erode his image. The façade was crumbling fast.
He looked in the mirror and all he saw was weariness creeping into his expression, dulling the trademark sparkle in his eyes. The public may have only seen his million-watt smile and natural poise, but he was painfully aware of the hollowness beneath. No amount of praise, box office wins, or love from his fans could fill the void he felt consuming him.
Nolan gripped the edge of the sink, his knuckles turning white as he forced himself to take a deep breath. He couldn't afford to lose his composure, not tonight. He had to hold it together, just for a little while longer. Once he stepped out onto the red carpet, all eyes would be on him, scrutinising his every move, his every gesture. The glare of the spotlights and the cheering roar of the crowd a constant reminder of the insatiable demands of fame.
As he straightened his tuxedo and smoothed a hand through his perfectly styled hair, Nolan couldn't shake the nagging feeling that the battery powering his stardom was draining fast. The world expected perfection, and he feared the consequences if he were to fall short.
Nolan steeled himself, mentally rehearsing the act he’d practised a thousand times - the dazzling smile, natural appeal, illusion of boundless energy. It was a performance he’d mastered over the years, one that earned him devoted fans and sealed his status as a true Hollywood icon.
But tonight, Nolan couldn't help but wonder if he had the strength left to pull it off. The weight of his stardom had never felt heavier. With yet another deep, steadying breath, he turned and made his way towards the waiting chaos, praying that he could summon the power to keep the lights from going dark.
Cameras bombarded Nolan as he strode forward, his practised smile firmly in place. All around him, the roar of the crowd was booming, thousands of fans reaching to meet him. It was a scene he’d lived countless times before, but tonight Nolan found himself overwhelmed by the intensity of it all.
Each step felt like work, the constant calls for his attention and affection were slowly consuming his energy bit by bit. Nolan's eyes darted from one side of the carpet to the other, betraying a growing unease that threatened to shatter his act.
As he paused to sign autographs and pose for photos, Nolan felt strain creeping into his expression. His smile now seemed stiff and artificial, the muscles in his face growing taut with the effort to maintain it.
The questions from overeager journalists only added to his distress. Nolan found himself snapping at reporters, his responses growing short and irritated as he struggled to keep his composure. Gone was his charming, witty persona; in its place, a raw, primal edge that hinted at the inner turmoil raging beneath.
Behind the scenes, Nolan's inner circle watched with growing concern. His agent, his publicist, and even his closest co-stars tried in vain to keep him steady, to steer him back towards the polished, captivating figure he was. But their attempts were met with resistance, as Nolan snapped at their good intentions with a volatility that stunned even his most seasoned handlers.
The time for the premiere screening drew near and Nolan paced backstage, his hands trembling as he tried to regain focus. The crowd noise, the blinding lights, the constant scrutiny - it was all too much.
He was rapidly depleting as if some unseen force was systematically snatching away the very essence of what made him a Hollywood icon. He was convinced that a conspiracy was at play, that his rivals or even his own team were working to undermine and expose him. Nolan's co-stars glanced at him with worry, their whispered conversations only fuelling his growing paranoia. Even his agent and publicist, once trusted allies, now seemed to be part of the plot in Nolan's mind.
The house lights dimmed and the audience settled into their seats as Nolan took his place, his heart pounding erratically. He could feel the weight of their expectations bearing down on him. The pressing need to deliver a flawless performance drains his will with each passing moment.
Nolan tried to focus on the task at hand, to immerse himself in the role he had come to embody so effortlessly before. But as the opening scenes unfolded, his concentration wavered. His gaze blurred, movements stiff and unnatural. Panic took over as he realised control was slipping. He was losing grip of not just his performance, but the meticulously constructed persona that had defined his career, his existence. The drain was relentless, a constant pull that threatened to strip him of everything he had worked so hard for.
Nolan felt the eyes of the crowd, their love morphing to confusion and then, perhaps, something much worse - a dawning realisation that the man they had idolised was not who he appeared to be. The lights, the cameras, the applause. All of it felt like a cruel illusion.
How long could he hold on before the lights were out?
As they reached the climactic scene, Nolan felt a sudden, overwhelming panic. The carefully rehearsed lines and movements that had once come to him so naturally now felt foreign and disconnected.
His eyes searched around the theatre, searching for any sign of the conspiracy he was convinced about. The other actors on screen, his co-stars standing beside him - they all seemed to be part of the plot, working together to undermine and expose him.
Nolan's heart raced, his palms growing clammy as the battery powering his legendary charm and charisma began to falter. His usual remarkable smile twisted into a feral snarl, his eyes burning with a primal rage that threatened to consume him.
Suddenly, his gaze fixed on his co-star, a young up-and-coming actor who shared the screen with him throughout the film. In that moment, Nolan was convinced that this man was the mastermind of the grand conspiracy, the one who had been orchestrating the draining of his star power.
With a bestial roar, Nolan lunged across the stage, his hands closing around the startled actor's throat. The young man's eyes widened in terror as Nolan's grip tightened, his thumbs pressing into the delicate flesh as he throttled him mercilessly.
The audience erupted into stunned silence, frozen in horror as they witnessed the unravelling of their beloved idol. Photographers impatiently captured the shocking spectacle as Nolan descended into a burst of violence, his co-star's desperate struggles only fuelling his manic rage.
Nolan's publicist and security team rushed to intervene, but the crazed actor snapped at them, his movements wild and unpredictable. He tore at his hair, screaming incoherently as he destroyed the nearest prop, shards of glass and twisted metal flying everywhere.
The aftermath was chaos. Nolan's career and reputation were left in ruins as the raw extent of his instability was laid bare for the world to see. In the days that followed, the media descended upon Nolan, their endless thirst for the details of his scandal fuelling a frenzy of speculation and condemnation. The once-revered actor was now viewed through a lens of suspicion and pity, his very humanity called into question as the public grappled with the exposé of his troubles.
Nolan stared down at his phone, its screen blinking the 'low battery' warning. He let out a heavy sigh, tossing the device aside and glancing around his lavish hotel suite. The opulent surroundings now felt like a prison, a gilded cage that only served to amplify his emptiness and solitude.
Nolan's mind raced as he paced the room, replaying the events of the disastrous premiere over and over again. The terror in his co-star's eyes, the shocked gasps, the flashing cameras - it was all seared into his memory, a torment refusing to fade.
His once-doting fans had turned on him, their admiration replaced by a mixture of shock, disgust, and pity. Nolan could already see the headlines, lurid details of his meltdown splashed across the covers of every tabloid and magazine.
He ran his fingers through his dishevelled hair, his eyes drained of life and looked erratic. The battery that had once fuelled his stardom was now completely out, leaving him stripped of the charisma, charm, and confidence that had made him a household name. In its place, a deeply troubled, unstable individual.
In the harsh light of day, Nolan was forced to confront the grim reality that there was no conspiracy. His downfall was of his own making, the result of his own unravelling mind and years-built persona crashing down.
Nolan stumbled towards the mini-bar, his fingers fumbling with the cap of a half-empty bottle of whiskey. He brought the glass to his lips, the amber liquid burning his throat as he drank with a desperate, frantic rhythm. But instead of the familiar burn that always offered solace, he felt a strange sensation. A very physical, almost tangible, drain that seemed to seep into his bones.
Nolan's eyes watched in horror as he watched the glass slip from his grasp, shattering on the floor in a spray of glittering shards. He staggered back, gaze locked on the fallen glass, and that's when he saw it - a faint, flickering glow emanating from the shattered pieces.
With trembling hands, Nolan reached down, carefully picking up a shard and holding it up to the light. His mind struggled to comprehend what he was witnessing. Was his drain caused by this? The never-ending depletion he had felt, the overwhelming sense of helplessness and isolation. Could it be this mysterious force had been slowly robbing him of his power?
With panic, he frantically searched the suite, tearing through drawers and upending furniture in attempt to find more of this newfound phenomenon in the glass. More charged glass appeared, each one pulsing with that same eerie glow, and with growing terror, he realised that they were scattered throughout the room, embedded in the walls, the furniture, even the plush carpeting. The shards of glass seemed to move on their own, shifting and rearranging in a way that defied the laws of physics.
Nolan let out a guttural, animalistic scream, the sound echoing through the empty suite as he fell to his knees, his hands clawing at the floor. The energy had stripped him of everything - his fame, his fortune, his sense of self - him to confront the grim reality of his own psychological and physical fragility.
In a final bid, Nolan stumbled towards the bathroom, his vision blurring as he hastily searched through the drawers, searching for anything that could restore his battery. But as he gazed into the mirror, he knew that it was too late - the lights had gone out, and Nolan Ridley was nothing more than a husk, a mere shell of the man he had once been.
Nolan reached for a shard of the charged glass, the jagged edges glinting in the dimly lit suite. He stared at his distorted reflection, a far cry from the dazzling image he projected on the red carpet, dark circles rimmed his eyes, lines of worry etched into his forehead. He was drained. Depleted. 
A twisted smile pulled at his lips. In that moment, his battery was finally and irrevocably out. Instead, he felt this primal, uncontrollable force that welling up from deep within his psyche, guiding him in inexplicable ways. The shard shook in Nolan's hand as he raised it towards his own throat, a strange, almost euphoric sense washed over him. In the deafening silence that followed, the only sound was the faint, ominous hum of the charged glass shards.
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animeweeb115 · 7 months
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“I still need to think about it.”
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celesticlnstcrs-aa · 4 months
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@gemkun asked: stars. dh for jy ( our muses lay beneath the stars together, where they can try to catch a glimpse of shooting star or point out the constellations. )
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                     WHEN HE HEARD about the meteor shower that the LUOFU would have the fortune of viewing due to the course taken by ship, JING YUAN knew he had to share this rare event with someone. On one hand, he can count how many he has had the chance to view himself. During his younger days, he saw his first with the HIGH CLOUD QUINTET. For the latter two, he never truly had the time to spare to view it outside of glancing through the wide windows of the Seat of Divine Foresight. This time, he wished for it to be different. YANQING was young and full of life, so it's no surprise that he went off on his own to find people to enjoy the view with him. The GENERAL had an inkling that the boy was perhaps too embarrassed to spend time with him outside of the office. Like a teen with their father. That left the elder to his own search. Realistically, he knew who he wanted to ask, and after some debate, he sent a meager text. He was pleasantly surprised by the acceptance of his invitation. 
                     IT BROUGHT HIM to the present day, where DAN HENG was sitting next to him on top of a blanket. The clearest view of the shower would most definitely be from SCALEGORGE WATERSCAPE. With the water reflecting the sky, it would certainly be a sight to behold. They didn't have to wait long since it was mere seconds later that falling 'stars' graced the sky above them, lighting up the night with their shine. JING YUAN couldn't help but look over to his guest to take in his reaction and what he saw there...well who would blame him if he said his heart skipped a beat at the sight? The VIDYADHARA looked beautiful, with the lights reflecting in his eyes. To him, saying he was beautiful didn't even encompass how he looked. Golden eyes moved back to the show before scooting an inch closer to the other. With a raised hand, he points to a line of stars behind the meteor shower. 
" If you look here, then you'll see a clear view of the   Qīnglóng constellation. For a normal planet to see   it, I'm sure you knew it was a signal that spring had    arrived. "
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🌙 * ― 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐈𝐒 𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐈𝐑 ;; accepting
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project-sekai-facts · 7 months
hold on in what story was it where niigo was compared to animals? where mafuyu like kin assigns an animal to each member and kanade's a dog ena's a hedgehog and mizuki's a cat where does that come from was it like a side story
It’s in the recent Niigo WL event (Searching For A Reflection Beneath the Water). In chapter 2 of Mizuki’s section, they find Miku and Rin reading a children’s book about a group of animals, and it has the exact same story as the N25 story.
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brutalscaled · 1 year
Grainy low-rez camera footage takes up the screen. Murky water ripples under the meager beams of two flashlights, casting wavering reflections on the arched ceiling of the long brickwork tunnel. Low chatter echoes off the walls before it's suddenly silenced with a sharp "shh!" The camera snaps around to a low flooded corridor, where it zooms in on twin spots of brilliant red eyeshine that linger only a second before vanishing underwater.
"... Guys? Uhhh, that looked really big, we should probably–"
The too-late advice cut off with a startled scream as something indeed big surges onto the narrow walkway. Whoever holds the camera stumbles back and falls into the water, where it catches a shot of a large scaled tail sliding out of the water before cutting to black.
“In other news, we are getting reports that an urban exploration group has gone missing. The "Illinois Monster Hunters” have been three days overdue for their return from Gotham City, and family and many fans of their online show have expressed concern. The GCPD is looking into the disappearance of the three men and women, who were last seen at the south entrance to the old Gotham waterways in Burnley.“
"So far the only evidence recovered is a video camera and a jacket that was confirmed as belonging to one of the investigators. Though the video itself is blurry, the GCPD believes the creature briefly seen in the footage to be Waylon Jones, aka "Killer Croc”, who has managed to evade authorities since his escape from Arkham Asylum three months ago. Despite an ongoing search of the area, no other trace of the suspect has yet been found.“
"In light of this event, Commissioner Gordon would like to remind the public and potential thrill seekers to obey posted no trespassing signs, and that the waterways and the passageways beneath it, abandoned or not, require a permit for entry. Violators will be arrested on sight regardless of their intentions.”
“We will be in touch with the investigation team, and report updates as they come to light.”
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spacecadetspe · 2 days
A snippet from last year...
Jun. 12, 2023
I've been making the rounds again, and I suppose it's a good thing to get back to a little more normality.
I got word from my mom that my grandmother is ailing; she probably has a few weeks left, at best.  I went ahead and told W, because I don't believe in withholding things like this from him, and we've been coping with it in about the same way; avoiding the feeling until we crash.
I took Saturday to treat myself like I enjoyed possessing my body; two long walks with my dog, some backyard foraging (I found ripe blackberries and wild blueberry bushes on the hillside), dyeing my hair, repotting and watering my plants, and cooking dinner.  By evening I was pleasantly sore and tired, but a part of me wanted to keep going, keep doing.
Fortitude quickly put a stop to that, though.  He insisted that I needed a sort of rest that I'd been avoiding, and he was right (of course).  I'd been fighting so hard to keep from feeling those things because letting things go is just part of moving forward, and that's what I do.  And I'd settled so firmly into that ideology that I believed that letting myself feel frustration or sadness was a bit beneath me.  I reflected that frustration indicates a level of fear at not being able to control events to one's liking, and sadness meant I wasn't prepared to change.  But that's not quite true, is it?
Morpheus and I have been playing the "oldest game," which if you do it right is a great way to get to know someone.  A good (if slightly over-dramatized) version of this is in the Netflix production of "The Sandman," if you haven't seen it.  One player identifies themselves as an object or idea, and the next player tries to find an idea or object that trumps the one before.  It goes in rounds, or back and forth, until one player admits defeat.  Our game lasted three days.  I won, though I didn't really intend to.  It's my first time playing, and I had nothing to lose.
Both Morpheus and Fortitude agree that I'm missing the forest for the trees, a bit.  That I need to step back and see things... and myself... for what we are.  That frustration means I need to stop doing things aimlessly and take time for myself, and that sadness is a necessary consequence of the changing of eras.  It doesn't mean I must cling to the people and places that pass me by, but it is a chance to truly process the depth of love I have and had for them over the years.
I let myself grieve with Morpheus and Fortitude.  I let myself feel.
But for W, he projected this grief onto his grandfather, X's father.  He wanted to keep playing with him, and was frantic when the day came to a close and he began to feel time running out.  To my surprise, he invoked Thanatos!
And he came, as if summoned.  The god of death gently teased out the reasons for W's tears, patted him on the head, and gave him solid advice for living.  He also promised W that he would bring the soul of my mom's recently deceased pup to help comfort him when Grandmother passes.  He really had no obligation to do that, so it really was a sweet gesture.
I love that W is growing up without fear of death, or of Thanatos.  He understands that he's not scared of death or dying; he just doesn't want to be left behind.  We cuddled for a good while, and sat with Death while we grieved.  It was a lovely experience.
And after that, I went back to the rounds.  I processed what I think were the souls in Thanatos' wings, and gave them (and him) a bit more peace.  The night before, I joined a girl in a wheelchair in her search for a kindred soul.  Love is about connection, and the culmination of love is grief.  Grief is the shift between gears that allows us to move ever forward.  It is the process of disconnecting and reconnecting with life.
And just like that, I suddenly understand why Thanatos wept when he learned Hypnos died.  Not because he was alone, or because Hypnos had gone somewhere without him, but because for the first time in his existence, he was forced to endure the same clutch and release that mortals have done for eons.  He was forced to change.
And I find myself in grief, too... I am Hope.  I move ever forward.  The love and grief of change comes with me.  It should be no surprise that I am here, too, and must undergo it, myself.
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