#Secure Packing
idealmovingservices · 11 months
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What Are the Top Reasons You Should Hire a Local Moving Company?
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kkexpress · 1 year
Steps Involved In International Courier Service
Steps Involved In International Courier Service
The international freight forwarding service is the circulation of shipment/goods between two destinations.
Secure Packing 
Customs Clearance 
Competitive Price
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ghosting-fox · 1 year
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if you think Moon is smoother than Sun, think again
Moon: Falling in love? Cringe 😤
Also Moon: *maladaptive daydreaming about marrying Y/N*
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redacted-vibes · 3 months
Okay so,, 🤌 Concept.........
Shaw pack meeting.
Everyone hushed,
listening to David
He's giving run down of whats been going on, what their plans are this week/month etc etc. Angel slowly creaks into the back of the room, no one really turns around but Angel is carrying a box of.. Something.
They make their way to their seat, fairly close to the front, near David but not directly in the spot light/podium watever tf he is. Everyone is still listening and concentrating on David with due diligence... But...
You can hear a smol constant kerfuffle coming from Angel and this box.
Slowly people begin to look over, check they're ok yknow surely something is happening.
Turns out Angel found a litter of kitten outside the Shaw Security office and didnt have the heart to just leave them there in the cold. So they boxed em up and brought them inside to distribute to pack members AFTER the meeting. At least they planned to. They did NOT think through the fact that all of these lil shits would be climbing out and wreaking havoc in a very quite meeting room, lead by the Very Serious David.
The meeting lasted as long as it could with this distraction (a whole 5mins). David ended it early because thats as long as he could hold to the packs attention thanks to his mate. OK THE END 😘
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yardsards · 1 year
i've always been team "taakitz adopts angus" and listening to imbalance did not change that (angus would be in his early 20s by then, it makes perfect sense that he's not home right now + empty nest syndrome fits in very well with taako's whole dissatisfaction deal)
what it did do, after seeing how kravitz interacts with taako's friends and family, is enlighten me to the fact that *kravitz* was actually the one to initially propose bringing out the adoption paperwork, rather than taako
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freaky-flawless · 6 days
Do you guys think we'll ever get another boy doll? Idk why, but it feels really unlikely to me.
At the start, Deuce got 3 dolls pretty much right off the bat, and then hasn't had another one since. (Honestly, I'm a little worried he might be getting the Ghoulia treatment, especially since neither got music videos and were exclusives)
And other than him, we just have a Clawd doll with a bad face, and Heath, who was apart of a budget line. He didn't even get a normal doll release with a phone, snacks, or even a pet.
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pixlokita · 2 years
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Page 21, I actually divided it into two pages I think I’ll just start making them shorter to be able to get to them more easily ^^ hopefully I’m not …. Getting too violent with children in my comics ><“
Previous - next- first
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moonbounds · 10 months
Milo Greer and Asher Talbot become one and then you have Nick Wilde
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idealmovingservices · 11 months
Professional Packing Services in London
Packing, a seemingly simple task, can quickly become a daunting challenge. Proper packing is essential if you're preparing for a move, shipping valuable items, or need to store your belongings. That's where professional packing services come into play.
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frog-0n-a-l0g · 18 days
At a football game and feeling kinda nauseous
…y’all don’t think-
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mythallia · 6 months
you got a 9-5 so i'll take the night shift
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stickidystickblog · 8 months
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Woah!!! Here come the Glamrocks :D !!!
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birchbow · 10 months
I’ve been thinking about drones and just the whole logistics of it all. They’ve got to pick up two contributions from every troll? One after another? So presumably the pails get filled ahead of time. Would a troll have enough time to help out more than one pitch/flush partner if there’s an odd number of trolls total? Or is someone just SOL if they’re on a ship with an odd number of trolls? Oh hell, on the dark carnival there’s sometimes prisoners - and jeez, what about them?? Ah this got kind of dark and now I’m second guessing sending it, but I’m curious about your thoughts, feel free to ignore if you like!
These ARE the questions lol. I've been hammering away and I'm putting together a theory I will call the Tax Fraud Drone Theory and I am figuring pieces of it out as I type this at two AM, lol. CW of course for drone-season/fuck-or-die related discussion because: terrible bug aliens from hellmurder planet.
tl;dr, drones are a basic system that expects to hit up trolls in tribal/village numbers and slowly, methodically iterate their way through. Their system isn't evolved for modern trollish community structures, and often won't have the storage capacity to hit every single troll or couple (especially in a whole city) before they head back to the Mother Grub--so you can gamble and get by with one quadrant. OR even dodge them completely, but the contagious effect of their pheromonal presence will make you real sorry if you do! Further extensive rambling under the cut.
SO: a concept.
The basic function of drones is to follow the pheromonal/scent trail of trolls to a population center and go down the line demanding donations. (Theoretically, hitting different areas of the planet in waves, always coming and going, so the whole population isn't incapacitated at once.)
in situations that would have been natural when trolls were first established as a species, drones would largely find you living in groups ranging from a small travelling clade to a manageably village-sized collection of hives, SO:
In those circumstances, the drones could simply progress logically from iteration to iteration, prioritizing people who haven't contributed and then starting over with the people who have had the longest break since their first contribution, until pitch and flush contributions have been collected from everybody and/or the people who can't keep up have been culled.
(Presumably people who were near the start of the chain and already checked both boxes sometimes find it in their heart/spades to flip pitch or flush with an unlucky straggler, although that's risky if you don't genuinely think you can summon up a compatible enough match to satisfy the drones)
This is part of the reason drone pheromones send trolls into such an altered state, because odds are good you'll have to be in the mood for a hot second while the drones work their way around your community, and also will have to fuck several times.
Plus, I could imagine it's not unheard-of on-planet for one drone to finish up and then another one to show up a day later, attracted by the increased number of trolls and their much "louder" pheromonal signature! If we assume the drones are a semi-sentient purpose-driven messenger evolved to serve the Mother Grub (which I do haha) it's not like they would have a database.
(Drone pheromones would also function as a sort of indirect, auxillary means of reinforcing their purpose--not having quadrants to bone down with when drones are around is harshly physically/ mentally taxing and even if you managed to evade them and/or lock yourself up alone, most trolls will be fucked up enough they'll end up culled shortly afterward anyway.)
While trolls can't produce drone pheromones themselves, they're triggered by it to involuntarily produce a similar substance, which is notably incredibly "contagious" to other trolls around them, so even one drone in an area can have far-reaching ripple effects of Horny Time
BUT: Even prior to the Rebellion of Beasts, in semi-modern Alternia, trolls often lived in much larger cities than the drones' basic biology and capabilities could iterate combinations for, and so they would just continue to fill buckets from the next "fresh" troll they caught a whiff of, preferentially alternating pitch and flush, until all the drones dispatched to the area had reached capacity.
THUS: while it's still crucial to have strong quadrants filled if you want to be relatively safe, not every troll will be necessarily be demanded to consummate both, but WATCH OUT
Basically in the same way that you COULD falsify your taxes, but you could get audited at any time and then you're fucked, you CAN go into drone season with just one quadrant (or even no quadrants at all if you're feeling incredibly lucky and live in a super crowded area). BUT if the drones happen to get to the end of a chain of quadrants and end up next door, and you're the nearest relatively "fresh" troll they sniff out, you're dead meat.
It's also possible to physically lock yourself away from the drones but it requires heavy fortifications--it's also wildly illegal and grounds for immediate culling, and fiercely policed by the community, since every troll that tries that shit makes it that much harder and more deadly for everybody else.
If you get caught by your neighbors building some kind of panic room or something you are IMMEDIATELY under intense scrutiny and you BETTER be seen out and about every single drone season. Or a neighbor is likely to take things into their own hands and take you out of the gene pool themself.
While usually the exponentially-increasing privilege of the hemospectrum makes higher bloods exempt from shit like that, the exponentially decreasing physical numbers of colder bloods means that a different kind of social pressure is leaning on highbloods, a more noblesse oblige expectation that you'll do your part to keep the ruling classes populated with fresh blood from powerful couplings.
That said, a rare few especially powerful or crucial members of the empire can be ruled exempt by the empress, which basically just means she says explicitly that you get to build a bunker and lock your door when the drones come around--along with one or two other trolls For Your Health.
The Grand Highblood, a handful of seadwellers from her court that don't tideally suck, and any especially competent imperial generals of the various divisions of her army tend to fall under exemption, although she'll revoke it off-handed if you fuck up, so there's a lot of impetus to stay on top of your game.
In modern Post-Rebellion Alternia, trolls out on the farthest warfronts have increasing amounts of time between drone seasons, because the drones have to fly out from Alternia, track down ships and then fly all the way back. This is one of the many ways the empire encourages people to get way the fuck out onto the frontlines.
But they could still show up at any time, including to ships actively on the war front, so like. you better watch out you better watch out YOU BETTER WATCH OUT YOU BETTER--
In cases like the Church Fleet as I've written it, where there are prisoners present on-ship, it's just kind of expected that their lives are going to hornily suck absolute shit for several days while the drones are on-board, but the fortifications to keep prisoners secure also do keep the drones out.
In pursuit of not having prisoners die prematurely of dehydration and exhaustion, which is a very real risk if you're just locked up by yourself alone during drone season, I'd guess a lot of ships with prisoners just kind of throw them in groups into cells with extra food/water supplies and come back to pick up the pieces after the drones are gone again.
In some ways, a better way to spend the drone season than most free trolls, because you're locked up and don't have to worry about the drones! But also: kind of a nightmare hahaaa @_@ And also you're still a troll prisoner so like. You're going to die eventually anyway.
It's not good! But like, what about the Alternian empire is tbh. Hell society of the murder-bugs.
Bonus concept I'm chewing on: pheromone trails are a workable sollution on-planet, but basically impossible to follow all the way out into space--the reason the drones can find you no matter how far away you run to set up a colony is that the Mother Grub and her drones actually folded the Glb'golyb into a symbiotic relationship early in Alternian history/troll evolution. Her psychic connection to every troll in the empire means that they can get general positioning data from her and then hone in by smell when they arrive within direct sensory range. The Mother Grub gets to fulfill her purpose, and Glb'golyb basically farms trolls and lusii for food, taking her tithe of flesh from the Mother Grub's worker bees trolls (the general population).
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leggywillow · 1 month
When someone vagueblogs about something you are 100% not doing, it CAN’T be about you, but you have anxiety and paranoia:
Me: oh nooooo, I can’t believe I’ve done this 😥
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lolo-l0ved · 11 months
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↳ Glamrock Chica & Monty matching pink icons
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moonbounds · 11 months
hey erik remember how david and angel/ ash and baabe are still just engaged??? MAKE THEM KITH I WANT TO SEE SOME MARRIAGE HAPPENING
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