gewichtskontrolleur · 2 years
Wer abnehmen will, stolpert mitunter über Modediäten, die schnellen Erfolg versprechen. Manche glauben auch, dass der Schlüssel zum Abnehmen im Hungern liegt. Der Wunsch so rasch wie möglich Ergebnisse zu erzielen, ist verständlich, doch es gibt einige Methoden, die definitiv zu meiden sind. Wir zeigen Ihnen hier, welche Abnehm-Tipps der Gesundheit schaden.
Nahrungsergänzungsmittel ohne Zulassung oder Medikamente ohne Rezept
Es gibt eine Vielzahl von Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln, die alle viel versprechen – aber nicht alle sind für die Gewichtsabnahme sicher oder wirksam. Wenn Sie Nahrungsergänzungsmittel zur Gewichtsabnahme ausprobieren möchten, sollten Sie einen Arzt konsultieren, da viele nicht zugelassene Nahrungsergänzungsmittel Inhaltsstoffe enthalten, die der Gesundheit schaden.
Ähnlich ist es mit verschreibungspflichtigen Medikamenten zum Abnehmen, die im Internet oft rezeptfrei angeboten werden. So meint zum Beispiel der prominente Unternehmer Elon Musk, dass man zum Abnehmen doch einfach das Diabetes-Medikament Ozempic kaufen könnte, das auch schon von Kim Kardashian empfohlen wurde. Das Produkt dieses Namens ist allerdings nicht für die Gewichtskontrolle zugelassen. Ärzte warnen davor, es auf eigene Faust zu verwenden. Bei vielen anderen Medikamenten, die von Promis empfohlen werden (darunter zum Beispiel auch völlig ungeeignete Diuretika), verhält es sich ähnlich.
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plusperfekt · 2 months
Fluch oder Segen? Was du über Abnehmspritzen wissen solltest
Ozempic-Face hier, Abnehmspritze da: Als mehrgewichtiger Mensch kommst du nicht um das Thema Abnehmspritzen herum. Ob Social Media, TV oder Magazine, fast überall liest, siehst oder hörst du von ihnen und das Continue reading Fluch oder Segen? Was du über Abnehmspritzen wissen solltest
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srdjl · 2 years
Ozempic i gojaznost
(objavljeno 26. februara 2023.)
Razmišljao sam šta bih vama na društvenim mrežama predstavio sa ove edukacije na Golniku na kojoj sam bio prethodna dva dana ali učestali komentari o tome kako je u Srbiji nestašica leka za dijabetes Ozempic zato što ga mnogi koriste kako bi smršali su skratili to razmišljanje.
Elem lek Ozempic (semaglutid) je jedan od novijih antidijabetika koji, između ostalog, dovodi i do redukcije telesne mase, što je važno i u samom lečenju dijabetesa tip 2. To je naravno dovelo do pitanja da li bi isti mogao da se koristi samo za lečenje gojaznosti bez dijabetesa?
Istraživanje je naravno napravljeno i dobijeni su odlični rezultati, ali... uvek ima neko ali. Prvo ali je da je korišćena doza koja je veća od doze koja se koristi za lečenje dijabetesa, koje još nema. Drugo ali je to da je efekat leka trajao samo dok su ga ispitanici uzimali.
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Svi ispitanici su ga dobijali 20 nedelja, posle su podeljeni u dve grupe. Grupa na placebu je napravila "rebound" efekat. Grupa koja je nastavila sa njim je nastavila da mršavi ali je i taj efekat vremenom dostigao neki plato i nije bilo daljeg gubitka telesne mase. 
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U prevodu, lek semaglutid je, kao uostalom i sve drugo što je učinkovito u mršavljenju, efikasan samo dok se primenjuje, ima odličan ali vremenski i procentualno ograničen učinak i kada se ukine dolazi do rebound efekta.
Cela studija: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2777886
Da zaključim, najverovatniji scenario svih koji ga bez kontrole uzimaju da bi smršali je: zaista će smršati određeni broj kilograma, u nekom momentu više neće biti efekta pa će prestati da ga uzimaju i onda će, jer nisu promenili svoje navike nastati rebound i opet će se ugojiti.
Ozempic još uvek nije registrovan za lečenje gojaznosti, još uvek ne postoji adekvatna doza za tu indikaciju, te se formalno ne može koristiti za to. Kao i svi lekovi ima i kontraindikacije, interakcije i neželjena dejstva i zaista nije pametno da ga uzimate na svoju ruku. Hvala.
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abspeckblog · 2 years
79,05kg und der vorgeblich entspannteste Tag der Woche
Heute arbeite ich nur fünf Stunden, danach schließt sich eine Pause und dann ein Bereitschaftsdienst an, den ich meist vor dem Fernseher verbringe. Die Aufgabe ist zwar wichtig, solange nichts passiert, aber auch sehr langweilig. Gestern Abend habe ich zu heftig in die Pistazien gegriffen und bin mit fast 1900kcal. aus dem Tag gegangen. Meine einzigen Aktivitätspunkte waren “Treppe hoch – Treppe…
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Why doesn't the media simply read Tumblr?
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senatortedcruz · 1 month
Posting on insta is so scary. Like here’s my life I guess. If I don’t lol pretty and skinny at all moments I’m gonna throw myself off a bridge
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not-terezi-pyrope · 3 months
As well intentioned and (for a certain audience/perspective) right as they are, I just can't follow the advice of those "let yourself be fat" type posts when I know that a large proportion of the people making/sharing them are attracted to me in proportion to how slim they perceive my fat distribution as being.
Like, nobody is obligated to be interested in my body, I do not expect them to, nor do I think that it's their fault if they are less attracted to me because I am fat. Culture is a bitch and brains learn it early.
But by that same token, it's not my fault when the reality of attractiveness standards make that advice impossible for me to follow. Regardless of how the world should be, I have to operate in the one that exists, and if being perceived as desirable as broadly as possible is something I value (it is, increasingly so these days), then I have no choice but to try to lose weight, or at least seek a stable minimum that I can sustain.
Like, there's not really another strategy there that doesn't require a dramatic overhaul of the learned cultural standards that are hard-cemented in the brains of most human beings, no matter how good their intentions.
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ivyshrinks · 3 months
semaglutide update: day 3
on tuesday, july 9, 2024, I took my first dose of compounded semaglutide! I had to go the compounded route because my insurance doesn't cover wegovy for weight loss, and I'm only pre-diabetic so I did not qualify for ozempic for diabetes. my compounded semaglutide costs $297/mo, which is expensive, but I'm willing to budget for it for the sake of my health.
I was nervous to give myself the injection since I don't like needles, but it was easy peasy - it didn't hurt at all as the needle went in!
since then, I haven't had any side effects, nor have I really felt any of the primary effects of the medication. I still have the "food noise" that people report losing on semaglutide, I still have an appetite, etc. I didn't necessarily expect the food noise or my appetite to disappear since it was only my first shot of the starting dose, and I won't be at the therapeutic dose for a couple of months; however, some people are "super responders" to the medication and report losing their appetite immediately, food noise disappearing immediately, etc., so part of me is a little disappointed that I didn't have that kind of immediate response to the medication.
I've been white-knuckling it for the past few days. I've been eating healthier, eating smaller portions, etc. - but like I said, I still have the food noise and a strong appetite, so it's been a little rough. I know this medication doesn't magically burn fat - I still have to put in the effort to lose weight through cico.
that being said, the morning I started semaglutide, I was 380.0 lbs. as of this morning, I was down to 375.2 lbs! nearly 5 lbs lost in three days! I'm going to keep working hard to lose this weight and keep taking this medication, and hopefully the effects of the medication will be noticeable soon!
today I have the day off work, and part of me would love to order doordash, but I want to lose a little bit more weight before I go to the doctors office for a weight check next tuesday, so I'm going to try to keep myself busy by cleaning the house.
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exitrowiron · 1 year
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I probably see 2-3 articles everyday talking about the tsunami of prescriptions being written for the new semaglutide drugs (ex Wegovy and Ozempic). In case you've been living under a rock, these drugs were originally developed for type II diabetics, but they also can enable significant weight loss by slowing digestion and lessening appetite. There's a price to be paid, however. The drug has to be injected once a week, it can cause nausea and GI issues, it costs $1,500 a month and if you stop taking it the weight comes back!
Apparently this is just the first wave of a new class of weight-loss drugs and I'm not proud to admit that when I first started seeing these articles I had a negative reaction. After all, we already have the most expensive health care system in the world (with the some of the worst health measures). Are we really going to add this huge additional expense just because we can't eat right and exercise?
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A recent trip to the hardware store changed my mind. As I was buying a can of spray paint, I noticed a well-stocked end-cap display with candy, chips, cookies, salty meats, etc. by the register. Let me repeat that... this was at a hardware store. The gas station convenience store is filled with more of the same. Fast food is on every corner. Processed food fills the grocery store. Everywhere we turn we are surrounded by delicious, salty, sweet, relatively inexpensive calories. These are foods that have been engineered to have great mouth feel. They come in attractive packages like mini presents. The smell good, look appetizing and taste great. And according to recent studies, eating these foods actually changes our brain to increase the likelihood of eating more (see the bottom).
This is no longer a fair fight. Our primate brains haven't evolved to resist 21st century food engineering. Semaglutide simply evens the odds.
I'm still wary of the cost of these drugs but I'm sure that relatively soon the price will go down, side-effects will be lessened and they will be available in a pill. Whether you want to lose 200 lbs. or 20 lbs. I don't think there's any shame in using these drugs. This isn't a fair fight.
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It would appear I've lost 13.1 pounds. Though my body fat percentage hasn't changed. Which means I'm likely losing muscle. I KNOW I need to either get back to the gym with free weights or take 30 minutes for a session of resistance bands training at home but for some reason I just cannot motivate myself to do so.
I still have to literally force myself to eat. There's no desire, no hunger pains (usually), no cravings. I've found that chicken now tastes like sawdust when I try to eat it. That's disappointing for a couple reasons - 1, I love chicken (or at least used to) and 2, chicken is a cheap protein and with me being unemployed we definitely need to tighten the budget.
My guys at the nutrition/supplement store I go to assure me that I can preserve my muscle mass and lower my body fat percentage just by increasing the protein. So I'll start there I guess. But I really REALLY need to get back on my strength training. I know I'll be happy once I just fucking DO IT. I always feel great after a workout, it's just getting the drive to do it that sucks for me.
I feel like some of my clothing fits differently. But I'm still not feeling any real sense of excitement considering I'm still 20 pounds heavier than I was when I was at my kickboxing gym and maintained a 6 days a week workout routine. I don't think I'm going to feel any excitement until I'm under 200.
I should probably make a few "smaller" goals so that I don't get too discouraged with how slow this is all going. Like I know my end goal weight is somewhere around 140. But that is SO far away that I need a shorter term goal - which is to get under 200. That's only 17 pounds away.
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annarexcouture · 5 months
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gewichtskontrolleur · 2 years
Rund jeder vierte Erwachsene in Deutschland ist übergewichtig – viele davon würden dies gerne ändern. Doch wer abnehmen will, muss seine Ernährung anpassen und regelmäßig Sport treiben. Oder: Es mit einem neuen Medikament probieren. Das zumindest verspricht eine aktuelle Studie aus England.
Semaglutid ist bereits seit Längerem auf dem Markt erhältlich- Allerdings wird der Wirkstoff bisher nur bei Diabetes eingesetzt. In der Diabetes-Therapie war allerdings aufgefallen, dass das Medikament nicht nur den Blutdruck senkt, sondern Patienten unter der Behandlung auch deutlich abnahmen. Zu viel wollen Mediziner ihren Patienten allerdings noch nicht versprechen. Die Entwicklung des Wirkstoffs scheint zwar ein erster Durchbruch in der Therapie von Adipositas, die Nebenwirkungen sind allerdings nicht unerheblich. Da das Medikament sich zudem noch in der Phase der Zulassung für die Therapie gegen Fettleibigkeit befindet, übernehmen die Krankenkassen die Kosten der Therapie erst mal nicht.
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selflovecentral · 2 months
CW: Wegovy, weight loss, appetite loss
For everyone who is newly on Wegovy/Ozempic/Semaglutide, something to be aware of when getting started is how drastic the change in appetite can be.
My doctor told me my appetite would be less, but I don't think I was really prepared for just how much of a reduction there would be.
I've been on Wegovy for about a week and a half now, and I am actually shocked about how much my appetite has lessened. It's currently 7:45 PM, I woke up at 9:00 AM, and all I've eaten today was a banana and an egg/avocado sandwich, and I am not hungry at all.
I lost exactly 6 pounds in my first week. That was also a shock. And while I'm very happy and excited about my results so far, I thought it would be a good idea to talk about this early experience where other people can see it and make use of it.
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julliett-warner · 5 months
Hi there, you were asking about Ozempic in the Ozempic tag and wanted to know if anyone had personal experience with it. I have and I'd be happy to share with you! I've been on it a few months now. I used to have an eating disorder. I'd be super restrictive with my calories for a couple of weeks at a time, trying to lose weight because I was obese, but then I'd give in and binge and be worse off than I was before. The best way I can describe Ozempic is that it's like food doesn't matter anymore. I used to think about it constantly. Whether that was in a dieting way, or a bingy "I want to eat a whole box of donuts now now now now" way. Like, I'd be at work, trying to negotiate with myself in my head about getting fried chicken on the way home. But from the very first shot of Ozempic it's like that little voice that always talks about food just went quiet. I no longer count calories, and I no longer binge, I just eat healthy food until I'm full, and I feel satisfied. I've lost weight, but the peace of mind was the best part. I've had a box of cookies next to my bed on my bedside table for 5 days and I have eaten one cookie from the box that whole time. I'll go to a fast food place and get a medium meal and be happy with it, I'll eat one chicken and salad wrap and feel full for lunch. I'm no longer starving myself to lose weight, nor binging. For the first time in my life, I forgot to eat lunch at work, it was like 4pm and I realized I hadn't taken my lunch break yet and I finally realized what people meant when they said "oh I forgot to eat". These skinnier people don't suffer for their weight, they feel like this, they feel more satiated when they eat. Feeling like this, eating a normal, healthy amount of food seems normal and doable. Not an impossible struggle. There are some side effects like queasiness and you have to make sure you eat lots of protein and stay hydrated, but if you have a problem with "food noise" and snacking it's wonderful for that. Slow, steady weight loss has had the bonus effect of making me feel better about my body. People keep talking about it like it's an eating disorder in a shot, but I feel differently. It feels like it got rid of mine. I hope this helps. If you are interested, 100% talk to your doctor, they might be willing to start you off on a very low dose so you can see if it's right for you.
Oh my god thankyouu so much. This is so helpful. I have binge ed and I know exactly what you’re talking about that little voice in my head always talking about food.
I have tried restricting and it always leads to burnout and binging after. I just want something to end this addiction for me.
I was worried about the nausea and bloating, but I think those things can be manageable. I will definitely bring it up with my doctor.
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abspeckblog · 2 years
80,65kg und das Kilo Raclette auf der Waage
80,65kg und das Kilo Raclette auf der Waage
Heute früh war ein Kilo weg. Wie kommt das zu Stande? Viele glauben, es wäre nur mit dem Magen-/und oder Darminhalt zu erklären. Da macht tatsächlich nur einen Teil aus. Viel entscheidender ist, wieviel Salz man gegessen hat. Da ich an Silvester die empfohlene Menge an Salz dank Speck und Käse um ein vielfaches überschritten hatte, reagiert mein Körper damit das überschüssige Salz in…
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666methods · 8 months
Has anyone thought about tying to order ozempic/semaglitide online? Even if you aren’t obese per doctor standards?
what if I just did the telehealth questions and…
Lied? 🤭
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