#Sersi and Makkari ask how Thena is
Thenamesh propsal AU
Thena needs her caffeine but in this house there is none. As a result she has terrible migraine!
"How is she?"
A loud groan sounded through the whole house in response. Gil winced as he walked in with a bag in hand.
He had completely forgotten that his mom didn't keep any caffeine or alcohol in the house. She wasn't one for it, Makkari simply didn't need any caffeine to be as brimming with energy as she was, and Sersi didn't drink unless it was socially. Kingo wasn't opposed to a coffee here or a beer there, but he considered visiting home like 'being on a cleanse', or whatever.
Thena needed caffeine.
She drank no less than four coffees a day in a regular work week. He was always telling her he was worried about her caffeine intake, but there was no arguing with the stubborn Goddess of War on that one.
It hadn't taken long for the lack of caffeine to cause an irreparable headache which shook her to her core.
Gil walked into the living room, where his very sweet family was being very useless at curing Thena's migraine. His friend - and fiance - was curled up in a ball on the couch, face pinched from the tension within her head. He whispered, "Thena?"
"Gil?" she whimpered back, not even moving at the sound of his voice.
Sersi handed him a cool cloth, freshly soaked and wrung dry, "none of the pain meds Mum has will help this. It's pure caffeine withdrawal."
"Did we try?" Gil couldn't help but ask, not that it didn't irk both his Doctor mother and his bio-chemist sister. He sighed, "sorry, just...I hate to see her like this."
Gil bypassed them, going right over to the ball of Thena and turning her over so he could put the cool cloth on her forehead. "Hey."
"Hey," she whispered back, just barely getting her eyes open to look at him. She looked even paler than normal. "You're back."
"I'm sorry," he whispered, lips pressed to her temple, unable to do much more for her. "I had to go out looking."
"It's okay," Thena turned over slightly with a smile, "Sersi and Makkari have taken wonderful care of me. And your poor mother is trying to find anything that will even simulate caffeine for me."
"Quiet!" Gil glared towards the door to the living room, where Kingo was striding in without a care in the world. His arms tightened around her, "she's not feeling well, man!"
"Sorry, sorry," he chuckled much too light heartedly for Gil's taste. He swirled his hand in the air, "I made chai!"
Gil glared at his cousin--basically his brother. Chai was a strong enough blend of tea, and it probably would have just a enough caffeine to alleviate some of Thena's symptoms. "You had this the whole time and let her-?!"
"Come on, Gil," Kingo pouted at him, Thena still wrapped protectively in his thick arms. "I forgot I had it, okay? And anyway, I had the seed pods whole--I had to do actual work to make them ready for brewing."
Gil sighed a little more roughly, all but ignoring his loud cousin next to him, "whatever."
"I thought it might help," Kingo leaned blithely into Gil's personal space to get a peek at Thena. "I also suggested yoga to help clear her head, but all she wanted to do was lie around and wait for you."
Gil was already pulling Thena closer so he could carry her to the kitchen, "y'know, dude, I'd appreciate if you didn't do shirtless yoga with my fiance when I'm not around?"
"Who said it was shirtless?"
"I've never seen you do it with a shirt on," Gil shot back without hesitation. Kingo just snickered at his obvious annoyance (dick). Gil stood with Thena in his embrace, "I have something better."
"Something to put me out of my misery?"
"Something like that," he chuckled, kissing Thena's temple again just because he could. She was really funny, even if she didn't think so. "You know this is why I'm always on you about how much coffee you drink."
"Yes, yes," she managed to roll her eyes at him, although even doing that much seemed to reawaken her pain. She grimaced, "how long have you been waiting to bring that up?"
"Until I also had something to help."
"Gil, I--oh."
Ajak made room for them at the kitchen island so Gil could set Thena down in one of the plush bar seats.
"It's okay, mom, I found some," he sighed as he made sure Thena was settled. "Had to go all the way to that organic store where you fill up your own jars."
Damned retiree town and its hipster stores.
Thena forced her eyes open again, "what did you find?"
Thena perked up like a dog offered a steak after being in the desert.
"I got the lightest roast they had," he held Thena's eyes, waving the jar of fresh grounds in his hand. She watched it, utterly entranced. "Just enough to keep the pain away, okay? This shit was still expensive, even as the cheapest stuff I could find."
Thena let out a faint laugh, in better spirits just at the promise of some relief. "Are you going to ween me off of it with this?"
Gil looked at her again as he set out the coffee grounds and french press he had to buy just to make coffee here. He could just tell her that he told her so and that this was probably for the best, to get her less dependant on caffeine to even function. But he sighed, "gently. I won't let you suffer if I can do anything to help."
Some colour returned to her cheeks, which was honestly more of a relief than anything.
"I'll make you just one cup to start, okay," he continued to speak softly, shaking out just enough grounds and then reaching for the kettle.
"Thank you, Gil."
He looked up, compelled by the gentle, almost musical tone in her voice. Some colour rose in his cheeks as well as he looked back down at his brewing, "anything."
Gil looked up once the grounds were starting to brew. Thena nodded him over to her, and he moved automatically, like a man possessed. Her knees made room for him and he had to stop himself from putting his hand on the other side of them reflexively.
Thena leaned forward, pressing a gentle kiss to the corner of his lips, just close enough to his cheek to be considered not actually 'kissing' him.
He blushed and his all his hair stood on end.
"You're a life saver," she said afterward, forcing a much lighter tone. She tucked some hair behind her ear and moved to watching the coffee brew. "Is it done yet?"
He had to laugh just a little. He gave above her knee - just at the hem of her skirt - a squeeze and moved away again, "will you just try having some patience?"
"You are not the one who has spent all morning with a jackhammer within your skull."
"If you took it even a little easy on the cold brew it probably wouldn't be so bad."
"I knew you were dying to tell me you told me so," Thena rolled her eyes.
Gil smiled; she didn't wince this time. He poured her cup, which really needed more time to brew than it had. Maybe he was just as impatient to cure her as she was. "Just put some shit in it to cover up the taste."
"Gladly," she sighed, although it was Gil who moved toward the fridge for said 'shit'.
They both completely forgot Ajak was still hovering at the edge of the kitchen.
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redheadspark · 1 year
i had a small idea yesterday for the prompt session! druig with #’s 3, 15, and 18. maybe with reader after the emergence. they’re both EXHAUSTED and even though druig’s hurt, he still wants to make sure his s/o is okay after fighting. you can change things around to your liking ofc!
A/N - YAS! I do like this a lot for Druig! Thanks for requesting this, dear friend!
Scars and All
Summary - Druig seeks you out after the Emergence
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Warnings - angst and fluff mixed together
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“How is she?”
“I’m more concerned about you since you took a beating from Ikaris on that beach,”
Druig huffed as Phastos was looking him over with some of his equipment, being ever patient but not willing to sit through a thorough exam.  He was sitting on what was left of Phastos’s work table, his armor stripped, and was only sporting his black pants and nasty bruises along his ivory skin.  Phastos and Thena were with him and taking the proper measures to check on him, Sersi was talking to a now-human Sprite in the Meeting Room, leaving Makkari to tend to you in your shared room with Druig.  Although Druig knew that Thena would hold him down in order for him to get checked over and be cleared, he would rather be with you.
You both took a beating on that beach in order to save the world.
Druig took on Ikaris’s beams head-on, thinking for a split moment that he wasn’t going to make it out alive.  It left him both physically and mentally bruised, not to mention the mental fatigue that he endured ignorer to take over the mind of a full Celestial.  Throughout the centuries that he has been on Earth, this was truly the first time he felt beyond tired.  
Not tired, exhausted.
“Your internal organs are still good,” Phastos hummed as he scanned Druig’s backside slowly and with determination, Druig’s leg bouncing on the workstation table as he was sitting Indian Style.  Even his fingers were fidgeting while he was staring dead ahead at the wall.  He was half listening, mostly thinking about you and how you were holding up.  Seeing you on the beach covered in scratch wounds and pale to the touch made his heart sink.  Saving the world didn’t matter to him anymore, nor did stopping Ikaris and stopping Tiamat.  All that mattered was you.
He needed to see you and make sure you were alright.
“The bruises are gonna last a bit,” Phastos explained as Druig was still sitting rather impatiently, Thena was watching like a hawk and not moving an inch while Phastos placed his instruments down and gave Druig a brotherly kind of stare, “I can have Makkiar get some herbs to make a paste and make the bruises shrink down a bit.”
“Not a fan of modern medicine I take it?” Druig asked with a hint of sarcasm, though Phastos cracked a grin.
“Modern medicine is too tame compared to what we endured in the glory days,” Phastos hummed, then pausing for a brief moment before he spoke again, “Plus, we need to be careful since we don’t have Ajak to help us,”
It made the mood more somber in the room, even when it was rue.  Ajak was always there to heal them, from the smallest scratches to the more massive wounds that they would get from Deviants.  The healing was more than the physical, her soothing tones and words of encouragement for every Eternal.  Even Druig, though they both clash plenty of times when it comes to the philosophy of Eternals, admired Ajak all the more and missed her terribly.  
“Thanks, Phastos,” Druig replied with a soft smile, hopping down from the workstation table.
“Get some rest,” Thena instructed him with a small tilt of her head to him.  Druig nodded back.
“Will do,” He replied walking past both Phastos and Thena to the hallways that lead to the living quarters.  He was glad that he was cleared from needing anymore assistance, and he was not thinking about himself at the current moment.  
“Couldn’t gone worse for him if it wasn’t for her,” Phastos said to Thena as Druig was walking away, his eyes going right down the hallway and nothing slowing him down.
“She saved his life, as she should since they were meant for each other,” Thena replied in an optimistic hum, which made Druig wish he could smile from hearing that from the warrior herself.  He might have been too tired to smile, or simply more concerned about you to smile from the comment.  But it still warmed his heart nonetheless, adoring Thena all the more.
Once he made it to your shared room, He carefully and softly opened the door to see nothing but darkness.  Your king-sized bed was against the wall, you were nestled amongst the satin sheets and already sleeping with Makkari sitting by your side and keeping a close eye on you.  
Makkari, still clad in her armor, saw Druig and immediately sped over to him, She’s okay.
“Thanks, ‘Kari,” He whispered to her as he gestured his head over to your sleeping form, “How bad is it?”
Her cuts are deep, but they’ll heal in a few days, She explained to him, I know how to make a paste for her wounds to make the healing go a bit faster.  I’ll make some for you too, I think you two need some rest,
“You might be right,” he agreed, seeing her crack a smile slightly before she leaned over to hug him gently.  He hugged her back, feeling her warmth in the embrace.  Once Makkari pulled away and slipped out of the room, Druig looked over at your sleeping form with both concerns and warmth.  
Warmth that you were alive and still with him in this life, and concern that you took a beating to protect him. 
He loved watching you sleep in the past, seeing how soft and content you were as you dreamed away with nothing haunting you.  There were even moments when he would watch you and be amazed at how peaceful you seemed to be in a chaotic and ever-grieving world around you.  He loved that about you and he wished he had that in himself sometimes.  
You had enough love and compassion to fill the both of you up instantly and overflow.  
Moving without him making a single sound, Druig lifted the sheet to finally see you.  The distinct slash marks along your skin, the deep bruises etched near your neck and hips. It was all too much for him to see.  You were never one to harm a fly or start trouble, it wasn’t in your nature.  Yet now, you looked so broken to Druig that it made his heart shatter. 
Immediately he moved, wrapped you close in his arms, and avoided some of the fresher wounds.  You stirred, your head against his neck now as he hummed to alert you.
“…Druig?” You said in a hoarse tone.
“I’m right here, darlin’.  Go back to sleep,” He mumbled to you since the last thing he wanted was for you to wake up and lose sleep.  You moved your arms, grimacing from the drained energy and the tender bruises along your arms.  
“You okay?” You asked him.  Of course, you would be worried for him and his health, not even worried about your own wounds and exhaustion.  Druig loved you for your selfless heart and need to care for others before yourself, both a blessing and a curse for him to witness as the love of your life.  He kissed your forehead, feeling his own energy draining within moments from being in a safe space with you and being in one piece.
“I’m alright now,” he reassured you soothingly, “We’re both alright now.  Let’s sleep, alright?  I got ya,”
As you both slept and healed together, all you both could dream of was your future together.  No matter that there was no village to go back to, losing some of your own to both the Deviants and Ikaris at the same time, none of that mattered compared to what you two wanted in your future together.  Somewhere quiet and away from chaos, maybe near the sea or deep in the forest.  Just you and Druig against the world, scars and all.
The End. 
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September Prompt Session
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zafirosreverie · 2 years
The M word (Ajak x F!Reader)
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This...I don’t even know what’s this. But enjoy!
(part 2)
"She's doing it again" Gilgamesh frowned "Thena! She's doing it again!"
"It's the fifth time this week" Phastos said, joining them in the stands.
Usually, he'd be in his workshop, grateful that the rest of the Eternals were finally quiet, but ever since you'd come into their lives, he had to admit that he'd been taking more and more breaks. He couldn't help it, the current situation was too funny for everyone.
Ajak, the leader, the prime eternal, was in love. She was totally and completely head over heels in love with you. None of them knew the full story, because the woman had strictly forbidden you to talk about how you met, but that didn't stop them from having fun.
It was inevitable, you were the best thing that had happened to them in...a long time. You were strong enough to fight Thena and Kingo, smart enough to follow Phastos' conversations, you loved talking to Druig about human morality, you didn't mind making a fool of yourself to play with Sprite and Sersi, and you were as kind and cool as Gilgamesh and Makkari. Even Ikaris had developed a soft spot for you, treating you like a sister.
And most importantly: you were immortal, despite not exactly being an eternal. So neither of them had to worry about you getting hurt in battle (not that Ajak paid attention to that detail, she was always nervous when you went to fight), or time closing in on you and you dying while they blinked.
You were the perfect match for Ajak, and everyone could see the love the woman had for you, one that was fully reflected in your eyes as well. Sprite and Kingo had teased a bit the first time they saw you kissing, but deep down they all knew that you were a permanent part of their lives now, they just needed to make it official.
Which would be easier if Ajak would stop blushing like a schoolgirl with her first crush every time she saw you and finally ask you the all-important question. They had all given her space, not wanting to pressure her, but it had been years since you had been with them and everyone was running out of patience.
"What are we watching?" Druig asked, appearing out of nowhere.
"Ajak is watching Makkari and Y/N train" Thena explained "We are watching Ajak being a nervous wreck while she watches Makkari and Y/N train"
"My favorite show" he replied, standing next to Phastos.
Ajak kept her gaze on you, pretending not to hear her friends behind her. She wasn't stupid, she knew that sooner or later they were going to come up with the same request as always, but the answer was still no. It's not that she didn't want to take that step, she loved you, but it made her nervous to think about the M word.
"Why don't you make her a camera, Phastos? It'll last her longer" Thena smiled as Ajak flinched.
"Oh, I'm sure it's not necessary" the man answered trying to contain a laugh "she already has Y/N’s image completely burned into her mind"
"I told you to let me into Y/N's mind" Druig intervened "this would have been over years ago"
The four Eternals jumped as the leader approached them with fire in her eyes and her face completely red. Maybe she was shorter than all of them, but an annoying Ajak always commanded respect, even from Thena.
"I will not tolerate this...taunting from you, is that clear?"
"We would stop doing it if you did what you have to do" Thena replied. (I said that she commanded respect, not fear)
"I don’t know what you're talking about"
"Ajak, you're daydreaming about kissing Y/N all the time" Druig said
"That's not true" the woman blushed
"She's daydreaming about fucking her all the time" the blonde smirked.
“You didn’t deny it”
"m-hmm, kisses and sex, that's what marriage is all about, you're dreaming of marrying her" Phastos smiled
"Enough! Get out of here, all of you"
"Did I hear Ajak, Y/N, and marriage in the same sentence?" Kingo asked, sticking his head through the arch of the door "Ohhhh, finally?! Excellent!! I already have everything planned, wait, I'm going to get my notebook, this will be the best wedding ever!!"
Ajak let out a mortified groan as the other four Eternals laughed around her. Was it really that hard to ask for a little privacy in this family?!
"Who's getting married?" you asked, appearing suddenly behind her
The prime eternal froze in her place and glanced sideways at Thena, who was failing miserably to hide her victorious smile. She was going to kill each and every one of them in their sleep.
"You and Ajak!" Kingo replied from inside "Don't worry, I'll send you the invitation tomorrow when I have your dress!"
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healingagoddess · 2 years
When no one listens
Request: Maybe something thenamesh?? I don't know something cute and fluffy and the other eternals are so done with them - by anon, thank you so so much 🖤
Warnings: English is not my first language.
Pairing: Thena/Gilgamesh
Words: 792
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It is not an everyday thing to find Gilgamesh and Thena so close resting against each other. So, it is hard to pay attention to Ajak’s instructions as two very tired warriors snuggle in the back.
“Stop.” Thena threatens Kingo from afar with her stare.
“I should say the same thing,” he replies back, body fully turning towards them. “What is this that’s going on?”
She looks away and back to Ajak, ignoring him.
At some point during Ajak’s speech Thena rests her head against Gil’s shoulder earning the attention of Druig and Phastos, who just stare at each other like they are in the office.
“You see it too, right?” Asked Kingo.
“Uh,” Phastos takes a moment to think, but is cut off by Ajak.
“Are you guys even listening?” She speaks directly to everyone in the left corner which consist of Kingo, Phastos, and Druig. “What was I talking about?” She asks at their silence.
Kingo and Druig look at each other waiting for the other to talk as Phastos stutters to form an answer to no veil.
“You are talking about the re-distribution of the teams to travel overseas in the search of deviants.” Thena replies from her place attached to Gil’s rib.
Makkari frowns at her with a discerting look, and Sersi just looks marveled.
“Thank you, Thena; but I was talking to the corner on the left.” She gives them a stern look.
It is enough to make them stop, but it has now gained the attention of Sprite. She uses an illusion of herself sitting at the front listening to Ajak, while she walks invisible in the direction of Gilgamesh and Thena. She takes note of how they are holding hands, and how Gil’s thumb is brushing against Thena’s. Just when she is about to prank Gil tickling him with an invisible feather she hears Ajak calling out her name.
“Sprite, I hope you are not using an illusion again to escape. This is a very important matter.” Ajak talks like a mother with a warning tone.
Sprite hurries back to her place. “Sorry, Ajak.” She knows Ajak can detect her better than anyone, a special ability of the prime eternal.
At some point Gil starts to snooze nodding his head not fully asleep, and Thena wraps her arms around him to support him against her own shoulder like a mother would hold a child close. This has now caused distress between the eternals, even Ikaris is looking at them every now and then. Even Ajak blinked a few times in their direction, like trying to see if she was seeing right or it was one of Sprite’s illusions to stop her speech.
Kingo is fully turned towards them, ignoring Ajak right in front of her salad. The salad being a very cozy Gilgamesh and Thena. Phastos’ jaw has almost dropped to the floor, he keeps looking back and forth between Ajak and them. Druig is seeking comfort with Makkari, trying to ignore the scene, but it doesn’t help when the speedster is also occasionally looking at them and trying to gossip with Phastos and Kingo from afar. Sprite joined the corner on the left trying to get a more discreet glimpse of the two strong eternals in the other corner. At this point Sersi is just completely distracted by Ikaris standing next to her at the right side of the hall.
“I’m going to do it.” Mumbles Druig.
“I-” Phastos stutters. “It would be better if-” He struggles to find the right words. “You know what? Do as you please.”
“Don’t mind control them in front of Ajak.” Sprite intervenes.
“Gil?” They all hear Thena’s whispers. “My feet are cold.”
Gil soon takes her feet into his hands and between them to warm them up.
“Okay!” Kingo declares loudly as everyone else starts to complain, disrupting Ajak’s speech. They all get up shaking their head as Ajak looks at them confused.
“And where do you all think you are going?” She asks as they start to leave.
“We don’t even get cold.” Complains Phastos on their way out.
“Nice talk, Ajak. I might throw up.” Druig says.
“This has been the weirdest experience ever.” Sprite says. “I hope it never repeats.”
“What is going on?” Sersi asks as she follows them out.
Ajak shakes her head as she takes a deep breath trying to keep her cool. Her eyes fall on two very exhausted eternals on the right corner that stare right back at her not even one bit of guilt in their faces.
“So, are we dismissed?” Asks Gil.
“Just go.” Ajak says so done for the day.
But she can’t help but smile as she sees them walk out together; hand in hand.
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lovelyfanatical · 1 year
I Get a Sugar Rush Whenever I'm With You - Chapter 10.1
Good evening fellow Drukkari stans, or whatever time it is for you! We've officially made it to the final week of the competition, aka the beginning of the end! And coincidentally, Bake Off is airing a new season! If you've missed any previous installments and need to catch up, you can find them all on my Table of Contents here. Last time, Makkari got Star Baker, and Druig was eliminated. What will he do next? Find out now, in the next mini-chapter of Drukkari in the Great British Bake Off!
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Sersi was already seated at a table when Druig arrived. She waved him over with a gentle smile on his face, and Druig plopped himself down on the seat across from her, mumbling his greetings. After exchanging pleasantries and putting in their drink orders, Sersi turned back to him and asked, "So, what's this all about, Druig?"
"I don't know what you mean," he lied, sipping his beer.
"Seriously? I nagged you about getting drinks for a week and you only now ask to meet up?" she asked. Her eyes narrowed as she continued. "Did Makkari send you to check up on me?"
"She did not. But while we're on the subject, how are you feeling about seeing your ex and your current boyfriend at the same party?"
"I actually feel fine. Ikaris and I are on decent terms, but it's none of his business who I'm seeing now. Besides, Dane and I are taking things slow," Sersi said nonchalantly. Druig must've looked surprised at this answer because she added, "Makkari already asked me. She really didn't put you up to this?"
"Nope," was all he said in reply.
Sersi gave him a long look, silently studying his face before she asked in a gentler tone, "Druig, are you and Makkari speaking again?"
"We are," he answered carefully.
"You resolved whatever happened that week?"
"We did."
"So, what's the problem?"
Druig averted his gaze as he thought about his answer. He didn't know why he had to think about it. He'd been thinking about it since Saturday. This was the very reason he'd reached out to Sersi in the first place. He needed to tell someone. Hunter had already put up with him for weeks and was unlikely to be helpful. Phastos had proved a good listener, but he was quite busy with his family during the week, and Druig didn't want to distract him ahead of the final. Of everyone else, he felt Sersi would be the most sympathetic. So, he took a deep breath, looked her in the eye, and let the words spill out.
"I'm in love with her, but I don't think I can ever tell her."
Sersi hadn't looked the slightest bit surprised by the first part of his statement, but her eyebrows rose and drew together in confusion at the second part. "Why ever not?"
With that, the flood gates were open. Druig told her everything that had happened, things he hadn't even told Phastos about. The investigations, the clandestine baking sessions, the accidental bed-sharing. Sersi mostly listened, only asking a few questions as they came up. When he finally finished, he was quite a few drinks in. Sersi had stopped at two drinks, but she was still wearing the same perplexed expression.
"What is it now?" he asked, feeling rather spent.
"I think I'm still missing something. Why can't you tell her how you feel?"
"Because I don't think she feels the same way. Also, she's my best friend, and I can't risk losing her again. The bed incident really did a number on us both."
In an instant, something seemed to click for Sersi. She reached across the table, putting a hand on his shoulder to steady him as she said, "Druig, the bed incident did a number on Makkari because she loves you too."
Now it was Druig's turn to draw his eyebrows together in confusion. "I don't think so."
"She absolutely does. And from what I can tell, I'm pretty sure everyone else knows by now."
"No, they all know that I'm in love with Makkari. Not the other way 'round."
"How do you know?"
"Because they all tell me whenever she's not there to join the conversation! Thena kind of told me to ask her out, then Ajak told me not to, Sprite just called us gross-"
"Sprite insults everyone. I think it's her way of being friendly."
"I wasn't finished. Phastos did think we were dating already, but when I explained it to him, he said I should respect her wishes but also talk to her-"
"And what do most of these interactions have in common?"
"I'm not sober or drunk enough for this much critical thinking, Sersi."
"C'mon, I know Makkari's not the only detective. Use your deductive reasoning, Watson!"
Druig sighed dramatically, but used what brain power he had left to replay those moments back in his head. His face relaxed as an idea began to form. After what felt like a lengthy silence, he gave his answer. "As time went on, the others pre-supposed that we were a couple?"
"Which means…"
"They think Makkari has feelings for me, too."
"There you go!" Sersi said excitedly. "Myself included, by the way."
"Wait, is that why you kept hounding us about drinks?"
A sheepish look came over Sersi's face as she admitted, "I may have had a very silly plan to set a date and time that worked for both of you and then not show up myself."
Druig merely raised an eyebrow at her confession, and Sersi scrunched up her nose in embarrassment.
"I know, it's completely childish, but I don't usually play matchmaker with my friends, and Makkari seemed to like the idea, so…"
All of a sudden, realization hit Druig like a bolt of lightning. "That was the surprise Makkari was talking about. Why you didn't want Kingo to join us."
Sersi was smiling proudly now. Druig felt an involuntary grin spreading across his face as well.
"Makkari does love me."
"Glad you finally got there," Sersi replied gleefully. "But if she asks, I didn't tell you. You figured it out on your own. Got it?"
"Got it."
"So, what will you do with that information?"
"Oh, I'll do something. But not until after the competition. I don't want to distract her from that," he explained.
"Very considerate. Let me know if I can help with anything," Sersi offered.
"I will." Druig held up his drink. "To Sunday?"
"To Sunday," Sersi answered. They clinked their bottles together and downed the rest.
Big sister Sersi is my favorite Sersi, tbh 😊
Part 35
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wipethetape · 2 years
maybe it wasn't bad after all
Ajak x Goddess!Reader
Request: Hi! I was wondering if you could do a one shot with reader and ajak? But it’s after the emergence stuf and she’s alive? Maybe it’s how the reader ( who’s some type of non—human creature), and ajak meet? And how ajak gets flustered easily around the reader? If you could that would be great! Thank you so much!
A/N: two things: established hela x thena relationship, hela x reader bestfriends bc they're goddesses AND IM SO SORRY THAT IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO POST IT
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Something shifted in Ajak's behavior after the whole stopping of the Emergence plan and Ikaris flying to the sun. She considered Ikaris as her closest companion, maybe not comparable to her relationship with Thena. 
She treated her as the favorite child out of everyone on their team. Ikaris leaving and choosing to protect Arishem's design left a void not only in her heart but in the purpose of her living as well. All she wanted was to stop the birth of the celestial and save the Earth even if it means disobeying Arishem, but it came with a price she cannot bear to accept: Ikaris. 
She blames herself for Ikaris' decisions. Maybe if she hadn't told him the truth and the purpose of their existence, he wouldn't have left Sersi. Maybe Sersi may have convinced Ikaris to join them in saving humanity and not go against his 'family' despite his unwavering loyalty to Arishem because his unwavering love for Sersi was more. Maybe he was still together with them, with her. 
The Eternals are not dumb to not notice how their Prime Eternal was still affected by all that happened to them. She was always level-headed, strong, and impartial as their leader. But this, with the whole Ikaris ordeal, no one exactly knows how to help her. Ajak was always there to help them deal with their issues, the mediator, their emotional and rational pillar, but who would be the pillar if she requires one?
That's why they collectively agreed to frequently visit Ajak's cabin, taking turns but always overlapping with one another. The most frequent visitors are Sersi and Sprite, who are now visiting together after their reconciliation. It is working, but it couldn't do much. It came to the point where Ajak tried to convince them to stop, but they didn't listen.
Tomorrow morning, she noticed Makkari and Kingo laughing in front of a monitor. Ajak silently walked towards them to see what they were doing. 
They were too immersed in the monitor that they didn't hear Ajak coming to them. 
"No, don't say that. It's a turn-off," Makkari signed. Kingo just smirked and sent the message he typed. 
Kingo sent the most terrible reply after what seemed to be a suggestive exchange of messages then unmatched with the person. 
"What were you doing?" Ajak asked. In a sudden moment, they exchanged glances in realization, which didn't go unnoticeable to Ajak. Is she in trouble? Yes. Was it a bad idea that she let her curiosity dominate? Without a doubt.
They made Ajak sit down, briefing her about how the internet works, then explaining what they were doing and how it works, mainly how you can find someone to talk to. Ajak is a fast learner, but they knew she wasn't interested enough to try this so they made her an account and forced her to make a match while they were there. 
Ting. Match successful.
Ajak sent "Hi" as her message. Kingo grunts and Makkari stoops down her shoulders. She's a starter, let's give her that, they think. 
You replied with a greeting, and thankfully you asked a lot of questions that kept the conversation going really interesting. The three Eternals were so invested in you.
At one point, you unknowingly asked her if she believes in God, and the two masterminds beside Ajak wanted to laugh their asses off with the question. With the way you asked, "Do you believe in God?", that's what religious emissaries spreading the word of God would say. 
I see why you said you don't believe in God.
You sent it, and it was an understatement to say Ajak was utterly confused. She's clueless about whether it's genuine, a joke, or sarcasm. She saw the typing icon, so she waited on what were you going to say. Kingo already understands the reason why you brought up this out-of-place topic. 
I don't think He could create someone as stunning as you.
Ajak felt her cheeks heating with what you said. Add that to the embarrassment she feels knowing that two of her team members were watching this whole exchange. Kingo was right, people on the internet can be really.. scary. How can you manage to be cocky in front of a monitor and say whatever you want to someone? 
Well lucky you, because that message would be the reason Ajak is always on her phone to talk to you for the whole day in the next months. 
When you finally dared to tell your best friend Hela about your chat buddy on a dating app, oh how she takes great pleasure in teasing you. It did not help that her wife Thena was in the game. 
You've been single for years now, and Hela (courtesy of her brothers Thor and Loki, but mainly the mischievous one) introduced you to a dating app. She says she wants you to get laid so you wouldn't bother the couple on holidays, again. The last time you asked to drink with them because you were lonely on holiday, they (Hela) almost kicked you out the moment you got sober after making them take care of you. 
The bad thing about divulging into this dating app was not only just letting Hela get into your mind about it, but you forgot how small Earth is. You never told the couple the identity of the person, and they didn't pry about it because they're just delighted you're finally entertaining someone. Until Thena invited you to join them on the family dinner slash reunion with the other Eternals.
You didn't want to be there, because as Thena mentioned, it's a family dinner. On holidays, where you can wander around the world or just talk 24/7 to Ajak at that time. However, thanks to those wives who have their own world and are scary when they join their forces together, you can say you just have to make bad choices sometimes. 
The dinner is hosted in Thena and Hela's house, and you were the one in charge of the decoration of the house and mostly helped in the preparation of the dinner itself. 
Everything is almost done except for the main course when someone knocks on the door. Thena fixed her apron and walked towards the door. Opening, she was greeted with smiles and hugs from every Eternal. One by one, as if by cue, they go inside after offering their greetings and small gifts to Thena. 
Something tells you to glance over the visitors, and you did. Only to see the Eternal Thena is currently hugging. 
You knew Ajak as the Prime Eternal whom Thena always seemed to cherish the most whenever she tells stories about her family. You never realized that the Ajak you were talking to online was the same Ajak that was almost killed by her favorite child and saved the Earth with the other Eternals from the emerging celestial. 
Idiot. It should have occurred to you when you thought it was too unique for a human to bear the name. 
Before removing herself from Thena's embrace, her eyes found yours. She saw you. She saw you. Not even in your best form. You're aware of how much of a mess you look having a few minutes to dress up and fix yourself. However, it was too late to retreat now. 
Makkari and Kingo noticed the subtle shock on their Prime Eternal's face. Following her vision, they finally saw the woman who was making Ajak's day filled with joy rather than sadness after the incident. 
You noticed the other pairs of eyes as well, chuckling at how the two were signing to each other about you and Ajak. You don't want to gossip, but you discovered that they refer to you as "the God". Ajak told you during one of your calls that she was forced by her friends to join the app and helped her through it, and you put the pieces together. 
The time has flown by fast. Everyone is currently enjoying their booze before retiring for the night, except for Sersi who went first to bed after tasting the alcohol from Asgard, with Sprite and Phastos following moments after. Only the three of you, Ajak and Thena, were not drinking—though Thena took some when she was trying to stop her wife from drinking more. Ajak, being the mother figure that she is, you assume, chooses to be sober to take care of the remaining Eternals. You? You feel drunk with her presence alone.
It was a challenge to maintain your interest to have a chat and listen to the other Eternals. You weren't rude enough to ignore their questions, but the only times you opened your mouth were to respond to their inquiries and feed yourself. You don't know what they're talking about because you were too occupied being mindful with the Prime Eternal by your side, not wanting to look more foolish in her presence.
Whenever she needed something, whether the condiments or to taste the food placed on the other side of the table, you were fast to move even before she spoke about it. You find charm in watching her being flustered and trying hard to hide her emotions by avoiding your eyes whenever your fingers graze on each other.
"Wrong. It is my Makkari." Druig glances at Makkari sweetly, to which she reciprocates and smiles. 
It seems that Druig and Hela were bantering about their partners. Hela is already conceited, which gets worse with a combination of a topic about her wife or her reign and journey as the queen, and liquor from Asgard.
"Morons. It is Thena, my beloved, who was worshipped as a goddess by the midgardians, befitting as her wife is the queen of Asgard." 
"I have to throw up," you seriously said, earning a glare from Hela. 
"Me too." Thena butted. 
Both of you stood up but went in different directions. Thena went straight to the kitchen, still pretending to throw up about Hela's comment which gained laughs from everyone, while you went outside the porch to breathe. 
You didn't know that Ajak plans to follow you shortly after. When she made her way to the porch, you noticed her and rubbed the chair beside you of dust knowing that it was clean. She sat on it while looking at how you seemingly shine so brightly, complementing the night sky. 
After a few minutes that seemed long to you, you heard her speak. 
"So do you always say those," she pauses, contemplating if she should continue, "things when you talk to other people?" She starts the conversation, ending her question with a tone stronger than she intended to. You were confused for a second about what she was referring to, then you realized it was your messages with her. You believe you simply misheard the jealousy and insecurity in her voice. 
You shook your head. "I learned from the Avengers. The phrases. Really a bunch. My first and last time using it. It just slipped my mind that humans like those phrases, and I tried." You explained while trying to check her reaction.
You don't want Ajak to think you are a flirt. Sure, being a goddess entails experience, but you were not an expert on it in contrast to your Goddess of Death friend. You innocently thought she was a human from your first interaction, so you tried to apply what you've learned from humans during your stay here. 
Silence enveloped the two of you. It is totally fine with you since you can admire the woman beside you whose eyes wander at the now appearing stars in peace. 
"Your voice is more enticing than in phone calls."
"Only my voice?" 
Ajak raises her eyebrows in shock and embarrassment. How she wants to melt in your gaze while she listens to your voice. 
"You're ravishing," she replies, her voice a bit wavering. 
The silence once again made its presence known around the porch. Both have no intention of wanting it to leave, yet they want to hear each other's voice even if the words don't make sense. 
"That Arishem should have a little credit for creating a beauty like you," you complimented. "Probably the best," you whisper. 
And that's where Ajak lost it. The composure she's been trying to maintain the moment she set foot in the house and saw you in the kitchen cooking. The moment your eyes met in shock and joy when both realized your unconventional first meeting. The glances you steal at each other at the table when one thought the other wasn't looking. 
She kept on looking everywhere except your eyes. The floor, the walls, and the whole night sky became her best friends. 
You simply smiled at how adorable her reaction is. You thought it would be the other way around, aware of your tendency to develop a whole personality to cover your nervousness. 
"Would you go with me, Miss Prime Eternal?" 
"To where?" 
"To get married." 
That gains her full attention to you. She heartily laughs. 
You add, "For a walk. And other things," pausing, "More like exploring each other's universe and be a part of it." 
She finally stared right into your eyes lovingly. 
"Haven't you already?" She inquires, a tiny smirk forming on her lips. 
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eternalowl · 2 years
Eternals incorrect quotes part five, but with a special appearance of Dane
Part one
Part two
Part three
Part four
Thena, at the slightest provocation: FIGHT ME YOU MOTHERFUCKING SON OF A BITCH-
Kingo: I am going to Cobra Kai this.
Ajak: How come that everywhere I go, the ducks come to me?
Ajak: Everywhere I go, there is a rubber duck or a real duck or both-
Sprite: I don’t know you and I don’t trust you, sO FUCK OFF-
Sprite, singing: Last Christmas, I gave you my heart~
Sprite, angrily screaming: AND THE VERY NEXT DAY, YOU RIPPED IT TO SHREDS-
Ikaris: *approaches Druig*
Druig: Shut up!
Ikaris, after ranting about how stubborn Thena is: Why do I hear boss music?
Thena, in the distance: I heard that you were talking shit and you didn’t think that I would hear it.
Ikaris: Why? Why me?
Druig, popping out of nowhere: bECAUSE OF ME-
Gilgamesh: We have ways for making you talk.
Gilgamesh: *cuts a slice of cake*
Druig: Can I have some?
Thena: Cake is for talkers.
Thena: Anyone who would even dare to hurt Gilgamesh is a person I’d murder on sight.
Ikaris: Well, I’m about to drown my sorrows in some wine. Thena, you want some?
Thena: Sure.
Ikaris: Get your own.
Thena, casually: Choke and die.
Kingo, whispering to Sersi: Siblings, am I right?
Druig: *is pouring syrup on some pancakes*
Druig: my fucking pANCA-
Ajak, hungover: Please tell me I'm imagining that I claimed I was queen of the ducks.
Sprite: I would, but then I would be lying to the Queen of All Ducks.
Phastos: That sounds like a terrible plan.
Makkari: Oh, we've had worse.
Ajak: Love makes people do stupid things.
Kingo: I love everything!
Ikaris: That explains a lot.
Druig: The universe is cold and unfeeling. The only constant is chaos.
Ajak: Did Gilgamesh catch you trying to steal his food before it was done again?
Ikaris: Real life should have a fuckin search function, or something.
Ikaris: I need my fuckin socks.
Ikaris: Can I have some water?
Druig: *starts chugging his water bottle*
Druig: *chokes from drinking too fast*
Druig: *spills water all over himself*
Druig, coughing: I don't have any water.
Thena, texting group chat: What flavour of ice cream do you guys want? I’m at the store so be quick!
Makkari: Moose Tracks is good!
Kingo: What the fuck is that!?
Makkari: How dare you insult moo-
Kingo: No. No no not that. What the hell. Why do you spell flavor like flavour. It’s like you have flavor but then this guy shows up and is like “Oui Oui Would you like chocolate flaVOUR or vanilla flaVOUR.
Thena and Makkari: what?
Kingo: I don’t get it why add the EXTRA u when it’s PERFECTLY FINE AS IT IS!?
Thena: Are you done now?
Kingo: Yeah ok.
Thena and Makkari: ...
Kingo: ...Can I have the Mint Chocolate chip flavour?
Thena: Don’t worry. I’ve got a few knives up my sleeve.
Dane: …Do you mean cards?
The other Eternals: She did not.
Thena, pulling several knives out of her sleeve: I did not.
Ajak: What’s up guys? I’m back.
Ikaris: What the- you can’t be here. You died. I literally saw you die.
Ajak: Death is a social construct created by the humans.
Sprite: Can we go out and get ice cream?
Sersi: Did you ask Ajak?
Sprite: She said no.
Sersi: Then why are you asking me?
Sprite: She’s not the boss of you.
Sersi, internally: It's a trap, it's a trap, it's a traP-
Druig: I’m so tired. I give up.
Ikaris: *carries Makkari and places her in front of Druig*
Makkari: *smiles*
Phastos: Everything will be ok. You can not stop it.
Phastos: Everything will be fine. You have no choice.
Druig: What the fuck kind of pep talk is that?
Phastos: The only one that will work when I have to deal with you idiots.
Ajak: Slash game mode creative.
Sersi: Ajak, this isn’t Minecra-
Ajak: *starts levitating*
Kingo: I feel like I have died and gone to heaven.
Thena: I have that dream, too, but you go in the other direction.
Makkari: I have no respect for Santa. Don’t sneak in through the chimney and undermine my authority by bringing my family presents. Walk in through the front door and fight me like a man.
Kingo: I once went on holiday and pretended to be twins. It was amazing and fun. I invented this mad, glamorous sibling and went around really annoying everybody. And d'you know, I could get away with anything when I was my crazy twin Kingo.
Ikaris: But you're Kingo.
Kingo: Kinda stuck. It’s a long story.
Phastos: I have the sharpest memory here - name one time I forgot something!
Druig: You left me and the others in a Walmart parking lot at 2am a day ago.
Phastos: I did that on purpose, try again.
*While the Eternals are in a battle*
Thena, trying to warn about the location of a Deviant: To the left!
Kingo: Take it back now y'all!
Sersi: Thought I was meowing back at my cat for the past hour, but it was just me and Kingo meowing at each other from different rooms in the house.
Kingo: It’s locked. Any of you got a lock pick?
Sprite: Yeah-
Thena: *kicks in the door*
Sersi: Why are you on fire?
Makkari: This is just how my day is going.
Thena: I’m a reverse necromancer.
Gilgamesh: Isn’t that just killing people?
Thena: Ah, technically.
Druig: Due to personal reasons, I will be fucking sinking to the bottom of the ocean in a large metal box.
Phastos: Did Makkari say 'I love you' and you said 'Thanks'?
Kingo: Guess what I'm about to get!
Thena: On my nerves.
Ajak: Don't joke about murder. I was murdered once and it offends me.
Makkari: Watcha doin?
Sersi: Stealing my neighbour’s cat.
Makkari: Scandalous.
Makkari: Can I help?
Sprite: I’m gonna mix a can of Red Bull with seventeen shots of espresso in a fishbowl and then chug it while Kids by MGMT plays in the background so I can perceive twenty-three spatial dimensions and fight my own soul.
Sprite, texting Kingo: Kingo there’s a giant moth on the outside of the bathroom door can you get rid of it?
Sprite: Pls hurry because I’m going to cry
Sprite: Kingo
Sprite: Kingo
Kingo: Kingo is dead. You’re next. Love, Moth.
Makkari: I tried to write ‘I'm a functional adult’ but my phone changed it to ‘fictional adult’ and I feel like that’s more accurate.
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alohastyles-x · 2 years
Faith In You- Four
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Faith In You | Sequel to Loyal To Me
Summary: How long can a grudge truly last? Your return to earth leaves you emotionally confused as you reconnect with your fellow Eternals. As the Emergence comes, you discover who you truly are, what your true purpose is in the universe. Can you handle it?| Druig x fem!eternals! reader
Notes: I apologize this took so long, but I hope the length makes up for it <3 | Word count: 3.3k
Warnings: Character death, brief mentions of suicide | Movie Inaccuracies cuz im low-key tired of going back and rewatching scenes 7 times to get it perfectly right :(
Druig Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Marvel Masterlist | Wattpad | Series Masterlist
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The air in the temple was tense as everyone eyed each other cautiously. The last time everyone in the room was together-- with the exception of Makkari and Ajak- they were discussing what to do with your body that laid limp on the marble slab next to Thena’s. Now you’re here, your heart beating, your blood racing through your veins. 
Everyone shifted uncomfortably, as you and Druig stared each other down. His gaze was still harsh, convinced you had left him in the dark on purpose. You just stared blankly, unsure how to feel. You were numb, yet angry. Angry at Druig for what he did to your people, angry at Druig for the way he wouldn’t even listen to you. 
“Druig…” Sersi finally said, just bareilly above a whisper. When Druig didn’t answer, she shifted uncomfortably in her seat. She didn’t want to say his name again, fearing she’d only fuel the fire that was raging silently in the room right now. 
“Well, what are ya waiting for,” Druig snapped, impatiently. 
“Ajak… she’s… she’s dead. The Deviants are back, only it's just one, and it's able to adapt to our powers. We think it took Ajak’s healing ability before killing her.”
A beat passed before Druig finally responded, tearing his gaze away from you. 
“You’ve given me a lot of bad news in one go, me lady. First, the once love of my life returns, alive, with the ones who betrayed her, and now this news about a Deviant able to evolutionize in seconds…” You grimaced at the word ‘once’. Was that really how he felt?
“Will you help us?” Sersi asked, her voice full of hope. Druig stood from where he was leaning on the table in the front, and began pacing around. 
“Do you remember this forest? It was the last place we were all together- dead or alive,” he looked at you, his words full of venom. “I have protected these people for 20 generations. From both, the outside world and from themselves.” He was now standing before Kingo and Karun, smirking as he stared down Karun. 
“Your kind will be responsible for your own destruction one day. Don’t ya think?” Druig asked, trying to bait him. 
“I think we must learn from our mistakes, so we can do better,” Karun answered, his voice echoing off the temple walls. He wasn’t scared. He should have been. This angered Druig. His eyes glowed that golden color of cosmic powers and in the next moment, Karun was throwing his camera against the wall. 
“Oh no you didn’t. Okay, new rule, no possessing people’s valets,” Kingo said, standing up and moving directly in front of Druig. 
“Where is your sense of humor, Kingo?”
“You are not a god, you know that right?” Kingo sneered, not backing down. 
“How ironic… Kingo, the movie sta-” 
“Druig! Enough,” you shouted, trying to stop this before it turned into a pissing contest between the two. The sound of your voice stopped him dead in his tracks, turning to face you again. He slowly moved until he was now in front of you, trying his best to be intimidating. You held your breath as his scent filled your nose.
“Don’t talk to me,” his voice was low, and cold. It brought tears to your eyes, which he noticed, but you straightened up. 
“This is serious, Druig.” Sersi said firmly. “ I was waiting until I had everyone together, but I have enough of you now I think I can just tell you…” she said. She told them of what happened when she discovered Ajak’s body. Of the things Arishem told her, the fact that they were never here to protect the humans, only to aid in the existence of the emergence. 
“So, Druig, please. All of you… we have to figure this out.” She finished, looking to everyone, but especially to Druig. He was the one that could make or break this mission- his power was especially useful. 
“I’ve just been told that I’ve been sent on a suicide mission for the last seven thousand years,” he paused and turned to you, “and that most of that existence has been a lie. So excuse me for not giving a fuck about your plan at the moment,” he finished, turning and heading out of the temple. 
“Druig fucking sucks,” Kingo said. You just looked at him, before turning to leave as well.
You went out of the temple in search of Druig- you had to sort this out. A building next to the temple caught your eye. In the window was a vase of dragonsnaps and another of Marigolds- the flowers that were etched into your headpiece. When you looked around, you didn’t notice a vase in any of the other windows, so you made your way up to the door. 
Slowly opening it, you halted at the threshold. It opened into a living room, adorned in all of your favorite colors and all the things the villagers had made you over the centuries. The entire hut was a temple dedicated to you. When you moved further in, you noticed a bedroom in the back corner. As you moved closer , you eyed something draped over the bed. It was the hand woven blanket that one of the village moms had made you. It brought a tear to your eye, knowing that Druig still had all of this to remember you. 
“What are you doing here?” Druig asked, making you jump. You hadn’t heard him come in. His voice was laced with venom still. 
“Druig, stop, please,” you whispered. “Stop the hostility. You haven’t even given me a chance to explain myself-” 
“Well go on then!” Druig interrupted, yelling at you. You closed your mouth, completely over the way he was treating you. 
“Stop yelling at me!” You responded back. “Gods, Druig, this is madness! Why are you so rude!”
“Why? Why am I rude? I don’t know, y/n, why do you think?! I watched you die, and here you are-”
“Yea! Here I am! You should be happy to see I’m alive, that I’m here!”
“Yea, only after a couple THOUSAND YEARS!” Druig scoffed. He was in your face now, absolutely livid that you couldn’t understand why he was upset. 
“Get. Out. Of. My. Face.” You sneered back. He wasn’t expecting your voice to be laced with as much venom as he had in his. It made him stumble back a few steps. You pushed past him and headed to the door. 
“Y/N- wait,” his voice was shaking. 
He was about to say more, but a familiar growl interrupted him. It rumbled through the woods, vibrating the windows next to you. 
“Oh no,” you whispered, flinging the door open, and booking it down to the middle of the grounds, where Sersi, Sprite, Kingo and Ikaris were standing. 
“Did you hear that?” You asked. They nodded, preparing to fight whatever was heading towards them. Druig was following behind you, taking his stance next to your side– just like before. You tried to act like you didn’t notice. Thena and Gilgamesh were missing, but otherwise, everyone was there… waiting. 
The trees ahead of you shook, and you knelt down to feel the vibrations running through the ground. 
“It’s getting closer. Druig, you need to get everyone out of here.” You said, motioning to the helpless humans aimlessly working, not noticing the sounds in the distance. 
“They can fight,” Druig responded. He lifted his arm, his eyes going golden. Suddenly, the villagers stopped what they were doing, and picked up the nearest shotgun to them. Druig had them line up, ready to attack. 
“Are you serious Druig?! Get them out of here!” You shouted. “This is unbelievable,” you whispered under your breath as he just shook his head. 
Suddenly, a screech echoed through the woods, and a Deviant with wings flew down, snatching Ikaris by the shoulders. Sersi yelled out, but you knew he could handle his own. You turned, anticipating where the next one would come. 
“I thought you said there was only one?” Druig asked.
“There was only one… until now,” you said. This changed Druigs tone tremendously. 
“Everyone! To the river, now!” He yelled to the villagers, who took their guns and ran. Druig snatched one from one of them, cocking it and aiming it towards the woods. 
A small Deviant came from the side, but with one blast of lightning, you cut it down. Druig was shocked, but not surprised. Clearly you had worked on your control. Another small Deviant came out from the left, and Druig claimed this one, shooting at it twice before running up its back and shooting it in the head. 
You hated to admit how hot it was to see him with a gun, his muscles flexed in the sleeveless sweater he wore. You couldn’t let yourself get distracted though. Kingo and Sprite took on two more Deviants that came out.  
There was an electrical charge in the air. You sensed it. Something bigger was coming, something stronger… the One from before. As you let the Eternals take on the smaller ones, you decided to muster all of the elements you could- something Loki taught you to do. 
Reaching your arms out to the east and west, you lifted your head to the north, and stood on your tiptoes for your toes to face the south. Muttering a chant under your breath, you began to levitate, the golden cosmic energy swirling around you. Druig was the first to notice, as he dropped a Deviant he just killed. 
“Woah,” he whispered. This caught everyone else’s attention. No one knew you could do this. 
In your head you pictured the elements rising. Rocks began to levitate off the ground, sticks and water droplets as well. They all rose to be level with you, before moving to point into an arrow directly in front of you. Flashes began to play in your head of the leader of the Deviants. You saw a name written out: Kro, and then you saw it. It  was just about to be at the edge of the woods. You manipulated the elements to form a long stick, sharp enough at the end to penetrate its skin, and then you waited. Just as it made its way to the clearing of the woods, you sent a gust of wind with it. It pierced it right in the chest, but it wasn’t enough. 
While you were still levitating, you summoned a lightning storm. Your eyes glowed golden as the golden cosmic energy flowed around you still. Lightning began to strike from the sky, setting the trees on fire next to it, causing them to fall on it. As that happened, Kingo blasted it with his energy bolts, and Ikaris returned, beaming it as well from higher up. 
Only this wasn’t enough either. The power wasn’t just penetrating Kro, it was flowing through him. He was adapting your powers. A vision flashed in your mind of lightning being sent your way and you ducked. It struck the workshop behind you. 
Kro cut its connection with you, and sent a large stone hurling your way. It struck you, and you fell to the ground with a scream. 
It was the same scream Druig heard every night in his dreams. Rushing to your side, he moved the stone off of you. 
“Y/n, oh god, no,” he whispered, seeing blood pool under your clothes on your chest. PTSD began to bubble up. It was in these same woods he lost you once, and now he was going to lose you again. Your chest was sunken in from the stone, and he could see the color drain from your face. 
“Elixir… pocket…” you breathed out. Druig reached into the pocket of your pants and pulled out a shiny, dark green vile. He popped it open, and held it to your lips. Within seconds your chest rose to its natural place, no longer dented from the large stone. 
“What… what was that?” Druig asked, as he helped you sit up.
“A healing elixir that Loki helped me make.” 
Druig pulled you tightly into a hug, the fear of almost losing you again was too much for him to continue holding his grudge. It no longer mattered to him why you weren’t here all these years. You were here now, and that’s what mattered more to him. Your heart was beating, and he could hear it. You were alive. 
“I’m so sorry,” he whispered. His voice broke; he was crying. You hugged him back tighter. 
“I hate to interrupt this moment- but we could really use your help here!” Kingo shouted, making the two of you pull away from each other. Druig was still in shock, he sat back watching the events unfold in front of him.  Sersi had just come to from being knocked out. Kingo and Sprite were shoved off into a building, and Ikaris was now being held down by the Deviants hand. Kro was gone. 
Sersi got up, and went after the Deviant holding Ikaris down. It got off of Ikaris, and went after Sersi, pushing her into the water of the walled pool that stood in the center. WIthin the next second, water droplets splashed up from the water and  a tree made from Deviant flesh stood in the middle, limbs sprouting in all different directions. The water then fell, drenching everyone.
“How did you do that?” Ikaris asked, but before Sersi could answer, their attention was drawn to you. You were levitating again, attempting to find Kro. He was further in the woods with Gilgamesh and Thena. 
“Gilgamesh. Woods. Now!” You shouted. Without questioning it, everyone took off to help Gilgamesh fight off Kro. 
The woods were dark as you moved through them. It was eerie familiar, and you had to push down the anxiety that was bubbling up inside. As if Druig could sense your discomfort with being in these woods again, he reached out and softly grabbed your hand. All felt right in the world again to have him by your side. 
But that all got tossed to the side when you heard a scream up ahead. It was Gilgamesh. The two of you broke out in a run, catching up to where the others were. You gasped at the sight before you. 
Kro had struck Gilgamesh down, and fled after realizing their true purpose on earth with the emergence. It turns out Arishem left everyone in the dark. 
Gilgamesh lay lifeless on the forest floor, gaping wounds glittering in the faint moon light. He had sacrificed himself to save the love of his life. 
“No…” Thena whispered, as she processed what she just saw. She kneeled next to Gilgamesh, resting her head on his chest. 
“Right when we lose Ajak too…” Ikaris whispered to Sersi. You shot him a glare, still suspicious of him. 
“Wait, y/n, what about the elixir?” Druig asked, a little too loudly. Everyone’s heads snapped to you. 
“I… I only had one on me. I could try and make it real fast, but I don’t know how long after… you know, death it works…” you trailed off, hurt that you didn’t think to snag 2. 
“No, it’s okay. Gilgamesh was a natural man, he wouldn’t have wanted to be brought back after death.” Thena responded callously, before breaking down into tears.  
An all too familiar feeling ran through Druig. These woods were cursed to him and, now, to Thena. The place she once took someone's life, she now lost her love. The parallel was gut-wrenchingly obvious to everyone in the circle they now made around Thena and Gilgamesh. No one said anything while Thena sobbed over him. 
The feelings of deja vu became too much for Druig, as he stood watching his fellow eternal mourn the one they loved dearly. He reached for your hand, but you pulled away. 
Not now, you mouthed. You didn’t want to rub in Thena’s face that you came back, when Gilgamesh never will. Druig tensed up. He needed your comfort right now. 
“We need to hold a funeral,” Thena spoke up suddenly. 
“Of course,” Sersi whispered. “Shall we do it at the lake again?” 
“That would be nice,” Thena answered. 
Everyone dispersed to grab materials for the pyre to build. Druig went to grab an accelerant, while Ikaris and Sprite went to cut some wood. Kingo and Sersi went to find some leaves to twine the wood together, before Druig pointed out that they had some rope in a warehouse. 
“We’re not that uncivilized,” Druig smirked. 
You decided to hang back with Thena. While the rift between the two of you wasn’t fixed, you couldn’t bring yourself to leave her side. You knelt next to her, and placed your hands on the dirt floor. 
“Do you know if he had a favorite flower… or plant?” You whispered. Thena gave you a confused look until she saw your hands. 
“Wolfsbane was a favorite of his, along with lilies,” she finally answered. She watched carefully as your hands began to glow. Patches of wolfsbane and lilies began to shoot up through the dirt. 
“Do you think that is enough, or should we make some more?” 
Thena’s face softened at your kindness. She appreciated the use of ‘we’ as if she was honestly helping you magically grow flowers from the ground. Especially with the tension between the two of you. 
“I think we should do some more,” you answered, and began to make more. But you were stopped by Thena’s hand on top of yours. 
“Thank you.” 
You didn’t know what to say. Anything you could think of seemed lacking given the grave circumstances. Instead, you offered her a warm smile. 
After everything was prepared, Ikaris, Druig and Kingo helped carry Gilgamesh down to the pyre, setting him on top before lighting it. The wooden planks were decorated with the flowers you grew, and the leaves Sersi and Kingo gathered before Druig showed them the rope. 
Nothing but the roar of the fire filled the night sky. Thena held her head up high. Even when sad and mourning, she still looked effortlessly graceful; you envied her for it. As Gilgamesh’s body burned, Ikaris and Kingo pushed the pyre into the water, watching respectfully as it floated down the river. 
You placed a comforting hand on Thena’s shoulder, before turning and heading back up the hill. You wanted to give her her space before his body disappeared around the curve. Everyone else seemed to have the same idea, besides Druig. He hung back with Thena, the memories too consuming to leave her alone. 
“How did you move on, after y/n’s death?” You heard Thena ask. You hung back behind a tree to listen for his answer. 
“I’m not sure. Clearly, I didn't do very well. I enslaved the people she loved to keep her memory alive. I don’t recommend that though,” Druig snickered, turning to face Thena. 
“I just didn’t let my love for her die. I kept it ignited all these years. It was hard, sure. Some days I thought about endin’ it all, in this river actually, to join her back home. But I couldn’t leave these people leader-less, so I stayed. Now I’m glad I did, but I know that this fortune won’t come to everyone.” Druig answered. Thena’s face softened as she took in his answer. 
“How do you think I could keep his love alive?” Thena asked, genuinely. She was lost on what to do.
“Just by being the Thena he loved.” His answer brought a tear to her eye. She nodded her head, and he swung an arm around her shoulder. 
“You’re gonna be alright, Thena. You’re gonna be just fine,” Druig comforted. She leaned her head on his shoulder and smiled. She was grateful for the kindness he was showing her. 
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Taglist is off, please follow @alohastyles-xlibrary for fic updates | After this, I won't be tagging people, please turn on post notifs or follow library blog, I'm only tagging people in this part bc it took me too long to write this one :')
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welldonebeca · 2 years
Apex Predator (V/Final)
Pairing: Ikaris x Thena x Makkari x Ajak x Sersi Warnings: Smut. Orgy/Gangbang. Oral sex. Dirty talking. Rough sex.
If you like my work, consider buying me a coffee or subscribing to my Patreon. It’s just $2 a month and helps a lot while I go through these hard times.
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Ikaris held onto Thena's thigh as she squirmed on top of his face, moaning as he devoured her.
"Ikaris," she tried to protest. "Too... much!"
He didn’t even take his lips off her cunt, licking her clit and making her cry out.
“I think you can take it,” Ajak decided, cooing her.
Thena trembled, moaning out, shaking over him, cumming again, and Ikaris decided to show her some mercy, pulling away.
“Thena,” Ajak pulled her hair back, standing over her, caressing her cheek. “Be nice. Thank our Alpha.”
“Thank you…” she grunted, crawling away, probably overwhelmed.
Ikaris smiled and was about to answer when Makkari grabbed his face instead, sitting on him to get her own ride, and Sersi’s lips wrapped around his cock, sucking him off.
His Omegas were insatiable and, as a good Alpha, it was up to him to give them whatever they wanted.
They’d all been so needy for him lately. Even Makkari, who had Druig, had been coming to him more an more lately.
“Alpha,” Ajak moaned, taking one of his hands and placing it between her legs.
He ran his fingers on her wet folds, always so sweet and welcoming to him
Of all four, she was the one most eager for him, always. Sersi was more affectionate and confident in their relationship and both Thena and Makkari had their side partners to spend time with - in Gilgamesh and Druig - and never really needed him as much as they wanted him.
But Ajak was always eager to take whatever he offered her, looking for his company and so wet to be fucked he knew only an exchange of looks could get her ready for him sometimes.
“Ikaris,” Sersi called him, lips leaving his cock, and he felt her fingers running on his thighs, hungry. “I want to ride your cock.”
He lifted Makkari from his lips, pushing his fingers into her cunt and playing with her clit just as Thena leant to kiss her, sweet and hungry, humming something he couldn’t quite hear, but might as well be one of her sweet praises.
“And that’s how you ask?” he teased her. “Not nicely, not politely?”
Sersi whined.
“Please, Ikaris,” she begged. “May I have your cock? Can I ride, please, please?”
Ikaris smiled.
How could he ever deny her anything?
“Come now before Ajak beats you to it,” he instructed.
Makkari apparently took his hint, and sat back on his face, and he grabbed her hips, eating her out again.
By Arishem, Ikaris had never found a flavour he had favoured over another but omega slick was by beating to be the best.
He was glad he had mastered multitasking as he focus on eating Makkari - his cheeky Omega rubbing her clit against his nose - as he now fucked their leader with four fingers and Sersi impaled herself on his cock, taking her pleasure from him.
Ikaris was now just their toy, someone they could use to get filled and pleased.
He could already feel his knot tingling, threatening to pop. Sersi's lovely mouth already did wonders and her cunt only served to send him off, he suddenly felt a tight grip on his shaft.
"Now, now, little boy," Thena cooed. "She isn't done yet. None of us are."
He throbbed.
Fucking hell. Those Omegas were going to kill him one day.
He grunted, wanting to growl at her but with his mouth preoccupied, but his attention was pulled back to Makkari when she cried out, rubbing herself harder against him, moaning as she neared her release.
It always pleased him so much to hear Makkari's voice. It was so rare that she even used it, and it was deep and soft anytime she did. Hearing it meant he was doing something very, very right.
She finally came, covering his face with slick, and fell by his side on the floor, panting in bliss.
Before he could even have a moment to himself, Ajak grabbed his face, kissing him deeply.
"You want a ride next?" he offered, using the heel of his palm to rub her clit.
"I want to see your face when you cum," she hummed, moaning as he curled his fingers to find her sweet spot.
"Sersi," he moaned, reaching his free hand to grab her thigh. "Such a fucking good Omega."
She moaned, bouncing on his cock.
"My Sersi," he growled. "So good for your Alpha."
She just moaned more, Ajak's cunt squeezed his fingers.
"Ikaris," she cried.
"Cum for me, my sun," he coaxed his bouncy Omega. "Let me breed you up."
Sersi cried out, cunt fluttering around his cock as she came, and was still shaking on top of him when Ajak came just as well, coating his hand in her wetness.
Ikaris followed right after, eyes connected with hers as he came, dumping his seed into Sersi's cunt and knotting her, as his other Omegas just settled on his big bed - something he had had done especially for them.
Sersi curled on top of his chest, cuddling him as Ajak took his right side and Makkari took his left, and Thena lied across the top of his head, pulling his to rest his head on her soft stomach as she petted his hair.
"Our Alpha," Ajak kissed his cheek.
"Such a good Alpha, little Ikaris," Thena caressed his jaw.
Something filled him deeply. Devotion for his girls, and deep pride, for his Omegas were sated for now, and he could feel their love for him, each in their own way.
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redheadspark · 3 months
Hawuu can I request 2. “take off your jacket, the hell? you’re making me hot just by looking at you.” with Druig
Thank u
A/N - HAWWU! I love this, especially since it involves his jacket! Thanks for the request, friend!
Summary - He always took your breath away, even in his leather jacket.
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Warnings - Just fuff
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“Kingo, I can’t believe you have a place like this,”
“It’s only my second summer home.  I basically only use this place as a party pad,”
“Please tell me I can sit on the couches,”
You looked just in time at Kingo launching one of his fancy throw pillows in Sprite’s direction, who dodged it and laughed as she then plopped on the couch with ease.  You had to snort from their antic, something you missed from the past 500 years, the rest of the group was mingled around the small villa where you were in the Maldives.  
It was Kingo’s idea: The Eternals coming back together at his vacation home as a way to reconnect with one another.  Since he avoided the Battle against Ikaris and the potential Emergence of Tiamut, he felt bad and wanted to make amends in his own way.  The rest of the Eternals, including yourself, didn’t mind it one bit since you all knew why he didn’t wish to be part of the fight. He was still part of your family, and he wanted to use his villa with the group for at least a week before you would all split off and find your way in the world.  The only one that did not come was Phastos since he wanted to be with his husband and son, but he’d call every day to check in with the group.
The weather itself was bright and warm, the sweltering heat was cooled down a bit thanks to the ocean and the constant breeze that would come into the open windowed home.  It was a good excuse to go swimming every day from dawn till dusk, something Makkari would do from the moment she would wake until Thena would have to drag her out of the water for dinner.   
Sersi and Sprite were reconnecting, so to speak, after all that happened with Ikaris and his betrayal of the family. You could see from afar how they both needed to heal, and the best way for them to do that was to rely on one another.  It was a good thing to see, opening up all the possibilities of a better relationship between the pair of them. You were even more pleased to hear Sersi, Sprite, and Kingo were going to go back to London after your week vacation, mentally making a note to visit them sometime in the future. 
You were still on the fence in what you were going to do after your vacation there in paradise, though you weren’t going to go back to the States where you were for a few decades.  Thena asked for you to join herself and Makkari on The Domo, wishing to perhaps find other Eternals out in the universe to tell them all that you went through.  It was tempting for you to do, finding nothing else to do there on Earth.  But then again, you grew to love the planet over the centuries and how humans evolved over time.  They were fragile but strong, naive but intelligent. 
Hateful but loving.
“Where’s Druig anyways?” Sprite asked as she was thumbing through one of the books that was on Kingo’s book shelf.
“Must be poking his head in the kitchen for the snacks,” Kingo replied with a chuckle as you turned your head in the direction of the kitchen to the right.  The door was slightly open, you could see barely into the propped open door and the backside of Druig’s leather jacket.  
You grinned, walking over to the kitchen without anyone else noticing. 
When you poked your head inside, you saw Druig leaning against the countertop and looking at the view of the ocean with a bag of chocolate-covered peanuts in his hands.  You smiled from ear to ear, watching him for a long moment or two with comfortable silence hanging in the air.  Seeing him there in that kitchen, dressed in black and munching away from snacks that could be far more expensive than the leather jacket he sported, you thought back to where you two were before this.
Happily married and in the jungle, with 500 years of marriage and bliss.
“You watchin’ me, luv?”
You snapped back to reality, seeing your husband and the love of your life watch you with a massive smile on his face and chocolate on his fingers.  You giggled, slipping all the way into the kitchen to close the door behind you.  With the noise of the living room where the others were now melting away, you walked over to Druig and leaned against the counter next to him, seeing him eye you with affection as you grabbed a chocolate-covered peanut to pop in your mouth.
“You would hide out on here,” You teased, Druig grinned and a small hint of blush was on his cheek as he shrugged.
“I needed to have some alone time, plus Sprite was annoyin’ me,” He reasoned, though you were wrapped an arm around him as he leaned against you, “Though havin’ you here is better,”
You eyed him with care, rubbing his back with your knuckles as he was keeping his gaze on you, “How are you feeling?”
He paused, thinking to himself for a moment or two while that question was having between the pair of you.  You could see he was thinking a bit hard, the small scar on his cheek was barely visible as well and the massive dent of a bruise was still on his chest thanks to Ikaris.  Seeing him be nearly killed in front of you nearly broke you, shattered you even. Almost seeing the love of your life taken from you, made you feel so much hate towards Ikaris.  
But Druig was there, alive and well, and he hugged you tightly in his arms when you were reunited.  500 years of marriage almost being snuffed within seconds, it was almost too much for the pair of you to endure.
“Better, I promise,” he reassured you, seeing your longing gaze on him as he smiled and nuzzled his nose against yours, “I wanted to ask ya if Thena’s offer was still on the table for ya,”
“It is, if you come along,” You hinted, seeing him chuckle as you pointed at him, “As you should since we’ve been married for 500 years,”
“Which reminds me, it’s our anniversary in two days,” He explained, his eyes drifting to your lips for a moment before looking right back at you, "I think we should sneak away tomorrow and have the day to ourselves.”
“I would like that,” You hummed in agreement, “I think some sun will do you some good,”
“Oh, ya do?” He asked in a teasing tone, his grin massive from ear to ear as his blue eyes were shining in the light.  You giggled, grabbing his leather jacket collar to tug him in and kiss him in the kitchen.  He always stole your breath from your lips when you would kiss, it was always a falling sensation that made you fall for him more.  
Your first kiss was the night he left the group in the Amazon, you chasing after him and bringing him comfort since he was in tears.  But in the end, he framed your face and kissed you soundly, you feeling his tears on his cheeks as he leaned into you and engraining his love in your heart from that moment on.
Soft kisses in the morning or passionate kisses late in the night, shoulder kisses during a meal together, or a kiss to the head from a moment of grief.  Druig loved kissing you, and if he could he would kiss you every moment.
You pulled away and smacked his leather jacket, “Take off your jacket, the hell?” You huffed as he laughed and ruffled his own hair, “You’re making me hot just by looking at you,”
“Or am I?  How about to help me take it off then,” he teased as you grabbed a hand towel to shuck at him.  He laughed, the sound alone ringing in the kitchen and floating out the window. Into the blue ocean.  
The End
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July Prompt Session
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supercap2319 · 2 years
Best Friend’s Brother
Ikaris x Male Reader
A/N: Song fic. I’ve never done a song fic before so. This is about the reader being in love with his best friend’s brother. Young Bucky and Ikaris. A Victorious song.
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I call you up when I know he's at home
I jump out of my skin when he picks up the phone
Y/N gripped his phone nervously as he dialed Bucky’s number. Why is he so nervous? He’s called Bucky plenty of times before. After all, they were best friends, but there was one person who made Y/N feel queasy to his stomach. The phone rang a couple of times as Y/N put it to his ear. When Bucky finally did pick up, Y/N was expecting to hear his voice, not the voice that made him shiver with excitement and nervousness.
“Hello? Bucky’s phone,” Ikaris’s smooth, deep Scottish sounding voice rang in Y/N’s ears. “Y/N, are you there?” The younger boy blushed hard as he hung up the phone.
Why can't I tell if he's looking at me?
Should I give him a smile?
Should I get up and leave?
Y/N tried not to think about the embarrassing phone conversation he had with Ikaris as he, Bucky, Steve, and Sam were chatting at the food court in the mall as Y/N glanced over at Ikaris and his table of friends. There were Sersi, Kingo, Thena, Sprite, Ajak, Phastos, Druig, Makkari, and Gilgamesh. Ikaris laughed at something Sersi said and gave her a winning smile as Y/N’s face burned with jealousy. Why wouldn't Ikaris look at him the way he looks at Sersi? Oh, that's right, Sersi was a girl and Ikaris was straight, unlike his twin brother, who was bisexual and in love with Steve Rogers.
As if sensing his thoughts, Ikaris turned to look at Y/N from across the room and smiled at him. It was a charming and teasing one. Y/N blushed hard. Should he smile back at him or should he just save himself the embarrassment and get up and leave?
I know it's strange
I don't know what I'm thinking
But is it wrong if I see him this weekend?
Was it strange for Y/N to invite Ikaris to the movies with him this weekend? He called him up and asked him if he’d like to go see the new (insert new movie of your choice) with him and Ikaris surprisingly agreed. Y/N couldn't believe his good luck, but was this wrong of him to do? It's not like they were going out on a date or anything, but the young Maximoff boy was still worried. Especially about one person in particular.
I really hope I can get him alone
I just don't, don't want him to know
Y/N really wanted to be alone with Ikaris. Just the two of them. But at the same time, he didn't want Bucky to find out about this. He didn't want his best friend to hate him for having a crush on his twin brother, so he prayed he didn't find out about them. Sersi too.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
My best friend's brother is the one for me
Y/N couldn't deny it anymore. He was completely smitten with his best friend's brother. Of all the guys Y/N had to fall for, it was Ikaris Madden Barnes. He was the one for Y/N. Damn it!
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
A punk rock drummer and he's six-foot-three
Ikaris wasn't six-foot-three. He was five-foot-ten with dancing blue eyes and soft dark brown hair with a gray streak in it. He was smoking hot and if that wasn’t enough. He was in a band with his friends. They called themselves: The Eternals. He was the punk rock drummer in the band, and he looked so amazing on stage when Bucky took Y/N to see them play. That’s probably when Y/N’s crush started. Seeing him on stage. Sweat glistening down his face underneath the hot lights as he had no sleeves on his shirt as they showed off his bare muscled arms.
I don't want to, but I want to
'Cause I just can't get him out of my mind, and
Y/N didn’t want to fall for Ikaris, but it was very hard not to. He was charming, handsome, funny, and kind. Yeah, Y/N had it bad for Ikaris. Every waking moment, he thought about Ikaris. He couldn't get him out of his mind, no matter how much he tried.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
My best friend's brother is the one for me
Why did Y/N have to fall for his best friend’s brother? Pietro and Wanda warned him to be careful, but Y/N couldn't help the feelings Ikaris stirred inside of him.
My best friend's brother
My best friend's brother
It echoed inside Y/N’s head like a pop song. Over and over again, nonstop, as his conscience reprimanded him for his impure thoughts about Ikaris. Ikaris was taken and Bucky’s brother. Y/N’s best friend!
I kinda think that I might be his type
'Cause when you're not around, he's not acting too shy
Y/N thinks he could be the type of guy Ikaris could fall for. They had similar interests and tastes, but they were almost very different as well. What did Sersi have that Y/N didn’t? When Ikaris and Bucky are in the same room together, Ikaris is calmer in an almost shy fashion, compared to when he's with Y/N alone. He’s like the most confident and cocky guy there is. Almost like Tony and Loki.
Sometimes I feel like he might make a move
Is this all in my head?
I don't know what to do
They were at the movies together watching the new film, as Ikaris clutched onto Y/N’s arm. Much to the younger boy’s embarrassment and excitement. After that they went for ice cream and just talked and laughed as Ikaris leaned forward towards Y/N as the shorter boy blushed. Was Ikaris making a move on him? Was he going to kiss him? Should Y/N kiss him back if he did? Was he just imagining all this in his head? He didn’t know what to do. Ikaris wiped the whipped cream off Y/N’s nose and giggled at the poor boy’s flustered state.
I know it's strange
I don't know what he's thinking
But is it wrong if I see him this weekend?
Apparently, Ikaris enjoyed their weekend together so much that he invited Y/N to his band play next weekend. Front row too. Y/N accepted immediately, but was a little bit confused. Why was Ikaris so eager to invite Y/N everywhere? What could he be thinking?
I really hope I can get him alone
I just don't, don't want him to know
Maybe this was Y/N’s chance to tell Ikaris how he really feels about him. To get him alone before or after the gig and confess that he’s had a crush on him for a while now. He just hopes Ikaris isn't disgusted by his confession and outs him to Bucky. It could ruin both his friendships with the Barnes twins, but Y/N has to risk it. These feelings are driving him insane.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
My best friend's brother is the one for me
Y/N smiled as Ikaris waved to him at school. He was leaning against his locker talking to Kingo and Gilgamesh when he caught Y/N’s eyes and flashed him a smile as he waved to him. Y/N waved back shyly as Wanda chuckled beside him and Pietro bumped his shoulders teasingly.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
A punk rock drummer and he's six-foot-three
Y/N was walking down the hallway when he heard the sound of music being played. He walked toward the sound of rock music as he stopped in the doorway of the music room and saw Ikaris with headphones in, playing his drums to the beat of the rock song. Following the song note for note. He looked amazing. Just like on stage. Y/N bit his bottom lip as he looked at Ikaris practicing as Steve came up behind Y/N and tapped him on the shoulders. “Who are you drooling over? Ikaris again?”
Y/N blushed. “Shut up, Rogers!”
Steve chuckled.
I don't want to, but I want to
'Cause I just can't get him out of my mind, and
Y/N laid in bed thinking about his decision. He didn't want to tell Ikaris that he had a crush on him and that he liked him, but at the same time, he did. Ikaris wouldn't stop plaguing his thoughts. So, he was going to do something about it and end this once and for all.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
My best friend's brother is the one for me
Y/N snuggled into his pillow with a smile as he imagined it was his best friend’s twin brother that he was holding and cuddling against. Ikaris was the one and only one that Y/N wanted. No one else. Not even Ikaris and Bucky’s hunky cousin, Eros.
My best friend's brother
My best friend's brother
Y/N smiled as he wrote Ikaris’s name in his journal as Bucky drove them to the concert. He and Steve were in the front of the car and Y/N and Peggy Carter were sitting in the back as Peggy glanced at Y/N’s drawing of Ikaris’s name circled with hearts all round as she chuckled.
My best friend's brother
My best friend's brother
“I’m in love with my best friend’s brother,” Y/N thought giddy as Bucky parked the car and they all got out as they headed towards the building where Ikaris and the other members of Eternals would be playing.
'Cause he's such a dream, yeah
And you'd know what I mean
If you weren't related
Ikaris was probably everyone’s dream, including Y/N’s. The way he looked onstage as he walked towards his drums to begin playing. He looks at Y/N in the crowd and winks at him as the people go crazy as the Eternals rock out and jam. If only Bucky understood how Y/N felt. It might make things easier for him if they weren’t related. If Ikaris and Bucky weren’t brothers, then Y/N might not be so nervous about doing this.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
My best friend's brother is the one for me
Y/N danced with Peggy as Steve and Bucky danced together to the beat of the music. Sersi and Thena were up front singing as Kingo played the guitar as Ikaris slammed on the drums as he glanced at Y/N, who looked so peaceful and happy as he and the others enjoyed their music. Y/N looked from Peggy to Ikaris and smiled as he winked at the older boy, who blushed.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
A punk rock drummer and he's six-foot-three
The crowd enjoyed every minute of their music as Y/N watched with amusement and amazement out how much joy the Eternals brought to different people. It was so cool.
I don't want to, but I want to
'Cause I just can't get him out of my mind, and
After the concert was over, Ikaris pulled Y/N to the side in private and smiled at him. His blue eyes were shining. “So, what did you think of the band, Y/N?” Y/N smiled back as he looked up at the taller male. “You guys were amazing. Absolutely, perfect.”
“You’re perfect, Duckling…” Ikaris cupped Y/N’s cheek and stroked it gently as the other male blushed hard at the new nickname.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
My best friend's brother is the one for me
Ikaris leaned close towards Y/N as he gave him the choice to close the gap between them or just leave things as they were. Y/N closed the space between them as he and Ikaris kissed. It was like fireworks went off as Ikaris grabbed the back of Y/N’s head to deepen their kisses as the younger boy whined against his lips as Ikaris smirked and kissed him sweet and slow.
My best friend's brother
My best friend's brother
They separated as Y/N looked up at Ikaris. “Ikaris, listen. I like you a lot and I’ve had a very big crush on you for a good while, but you're my best friend’s brother and I don’t want things to be weird between us because of that. Also, aren’t you with Sersi?”
Ikaris looked shocked for a moment before he smiled. He kissed Y/N again before pulling back and looking him in the eyes. “I really like you too, Y/N. I alway have, but I was just too scared to admit it. Sersi and I are just friends. Best friends. And I get that you don’t want to ruin your friendship with my brother, but he will understand if you want to do this with me. Be more than friends.”
My best friend's brother
My best friend's brother
Y/N looks at him. “Really? Bucky will be okay with this?” He gestures to both of them.
Y/N turns to see Bucky smiling at him. Steve, Peggy, and the others are behind him. They all look at Y/N and Ikaris with encouraging looks of endearment. “Bucky…. I… I…”
Bucky smiles gently. “I still love you, little shit. Even if you’re dating my ugly and gross twin brother. Nothing about you two liking each other will ever change our friendship. I promise.”
“Hey, I’m not ugly! You are.” Ikaris protests as Y/N chuckles. “Thanks, Buck. I really needed to hear you say that.”
“No problem. But my best friend is in love with my brother? Who would have guessed it?”
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themculibrary · 1 year
Gilgamesh/Thena Masterlist
25 Days of Thena and Gilgamesh (ao3) - Bright_Boisterous_Bananas M, 5k
Summary: A collection of Drabbles for Thena and Gilgamesh!
Countdown to Christmas with 25 little snippets of pure love, pure fluff, pure pining and more!
academy babylon (ao3) - wiigs N/R, 42k
Summary: welcome to academy babylon where everything is very alternate universe, but essentially ajak is headmaster, all the eternals are professors/teachers, and thena has ptsd but gilgamesh is there for her.
A Quiet Language, All Their Own (ao3) - Bright_Boisterous_Bananas T, 1k
Summary: Silence isn’t silent at all, not for Thena and Gilgamesh. They fill it with a special language, all their own; the language of flowers.
even when it all becomes too much (ao3) - funnefatale G, 7k
Summary: "Are you a Valkyrie?" the child – Thor, she recalls someone saying – asks. He doesn't wait for her response before he proudly informs her, "When I grow up I'm going to be a Valkyrie."
alternatively: Thena and Gilgamesh accidentally pseudo-adopt a little god child.
Five Times Everyone Assumed Thena and Gilgamesh Were a Couple (ao3) - INMH T, 2k
Summary: And one time they definitely were.
Home Is a Person (ao3) - Highclasstrash G, 1k
Summary: Australia, 1520 - 2023.
How to Build a House (ao3) - iamjustabird T, 19k
Summary: How Thena and Gil ended up in the outback and how their cozy little home for two came to be. It started with just the two of them under the stars after a long journey, and now they have to figure out who they are without the other Eternals, or Arishem, or their mission. Who do they get to be with just each other?
i remember . . . (ao3) - d0mesticbliss E, 4k
Summary: After the events of the Eternals, Thena spends some time to herself, taking in the consequences of their actions.
An unexpected visitor startles her.
Lay Your Hand Within My Hand (ao3) - Bright_Boisterous_Bananas E, 1k
“Thena. I need to talk with you.” She stiffens, feeling the meaning of his words. “Not now Gil.” “Yes now.” He corrects, firm but so soft. “I don’t have my memories, and I need to know.”
When the other Eternals arrive with the news of the Emergence, it spurs something in Gilgamesh to have a long awaited heart-to-heart with his best friend, the one he loves above all others.
Life in the Margins (ao3) - Jupiter77 druig/makkari, gilgamesh/thena, ikaris/sersi T, 98k
Summary: In one of the reviews of Eternals, the film critic commented that Makkari and Druig had a romance in the margins of the movie. This story explores the margins.
Not a burden (ao3) - TheShipper47 G, 1k
Summary: What happens after Thena hurts Gilgamesh during an episode of Mahd wy'ry?
on a wednesday, in a cafe (ao3) - TaraLy T, 111k
Summary: Thenamesh Coffee Shop AU. No angst, no plot, only love (and food).
peace and quiet (ao3) - agentromanoff06 G, 1k
Summary: In the kitchen, Thena reflects on her time spent with Gilgamesh. She is safe, she is loved.
reasons are for people you're meant to lose (ao3) - funnefatale G, 8k
Summary: or the one in which Thena tries to move on but can't.
shattered (ao3) - dramaticfangirl1881 G, 2k
Summary: “I’m sorry,” she whispers, the words thick in her throat.
“I hurt you.”
~in which thena and gilgamesh both feel guilty for hurting each other and they just have a lot of feelings about it
Teach Me To Love (ao3) - iamjustabird G, 49k
Summary: Thena has just moved next door to her old friend Phastos with her young son Druig in tow. She's worried about how he's going to adjust to the move and to his new school, but Phastos assures her that his friend and neighbour Gilgamesh is the best teacher a kid could ask for. She'll see about that.
the blues and then purple pink skies (ao3) - TaraLy G, 4k
Summary: It’s been a month since their first conversation on the bus, how are Thena and Gilgamesh doing?
the secret ingredient is love (ao3) - funnefatale T, 1k
Summary: "I have never been less attracted to you than when you wear that," she says, taking a seat at the kitchen table as he puts on his apron.
He laughs, loud and deep, and something inside of her warms. "My dear, considering the mess we made last night, that might not be such a bad thing."
4 notes · View notes
taran-chan · 2 years
on a Wednesday, in a cafe (chapter 27)
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Read on AO3
sunday lunchbox: croquettes, bingsu & fruit tarts
“I told you so,” Gil grins smugly.
“I didn’t think the rain would actually stop,” Thena admits.
“Ye of little faith,” he teases, rubbing his morning stubble against her cheek. Thena pays back by pinching his round cheeks, narrowing her eyes at the three sunny dolls swinging back and forth to the wind on his balcony.
“You dark wizard,” she mutters.
It rained heavily last night and didn’t let up long after they went to bed. Everyone thinks the Sports Event is tanked. In a last desperate effort, Gil tried to make a new sunny doll. Thena took interest in that so she put her book down and joined him. They made two dolls, and Gil brought his old one out as well and hung them all outside. When they wake up in the morning, it’s like the rain never happened.
“Do they only pray for sunny weather? Can they make it rain?”
“Sure, just hang them upside down. Why? You’re planning on praying for rain at some point?”
“Just asking,” she shrugs, locking her eyes with his, “Maybe I’ll use them when I want to share an umbrella with you.”
She bets her face is as red as his right now, but she couldn’t care less because this is the second time in three days that words escape him. It’s usually the other way around. She holds his face with both hands, rewarding herself by kissing him in a way that makes him moan and press her against the balcony, but his caring nature doesn’t forget to squeeze an arm between the railing and her lower back. When they pull back at the same time to catch their breaths, a silver string connects their lips.
After breakfast, Gil uses the shop’s kitchen to make their lunchboxes. Thena sits across from him at the kitchen counter and impatiently waits for her ride. She wants to lend Gil her car so he won’t have to take the crowded bus, and Ajak and Makkari have already gone with Sprite to school since early to support her, so naturally Thena will stick with Sersi, who’s nowhere to be seen.
15 minutes after their scheduled time, she hears a car horn from the backyard and spots Sersi waving at her over the fence.
“Wait, wait,” Gil calls out when she’s about to run outside, “Bring this with you. It’s hot out there.”
He gives her a bottle of iced pomegranate juice.
“When did you make this?” She asks in surprise. How does he find time to make a juice bottle between cooking breakfast AND lunch, she has no idea. He shrugs like it’s nothing.
“I always have time for you, Thena. Now go, I’ll be there before the relay race.”
“This is not fair, I was in the lead this morning,” she grumbles, shoving the bottle into her bag.
“Nothing,” she huffs, kissing his cheek goodbye.
“Sorry I’m late!” Sersi exclaims and gives Thena a big hug when she comes close enough, “My car is broken so we had to go back to Steven’s house to get his car.”
“Where’s Ikaris? And Kingo?”
“Ikaris went to Kingo’s to try some of his new games, apparently they played all night and now they’re beaten. Just me and Steven.”
From the driver seat, the curly-haired guy nods at Thena shyly.
“That’s fine, let’s get going,” she nods back, “Ajak is nagging in our groupchat.”
Sersi gets into the passenger seat and Thena slides into the back seat. The first thing she notices is a blue hippopotamus plushie sitting next to her. It wears something like a golden tiara. As if Steven sees the way she’s looking at it funny, he starts to explain.
“It’s a present from one of my students.”
Thena just raises an eyebrow, still her fingers subtly playing with the hippo’s ears.
“You’re going to the Sport Events as well?” She asks.
“More like I’m there for the play. Hadestown?”
“He loves everything about history and mythology,” Sersi says, “He’s a history teacher.”
“You would get along with Sprite,” Thena observes.
“Nah, I’ve met her a few times and she has that intimidating aura, I’m afraid I might get bullied by a sophomore student,” Steven’s answer makes the two women chuckle.
He pulls over at the school entrance and Sersi immediately leans out the window to wave at someone. A few seconds later, Makkari runs to their car. She nearly stomps her feet in annoyance as she madly signs at them.
The second half of the game has already started! Do you know what time it is?
“Car problems,” Thena replies while Sersi hugs Makkari to apologize like she did with Thena.
Anyways, glad you guys made it. Let’s go! The competition takes place in the gymnasiums so we’ve got to run.
“I’ll go and park my car, see you in there,” Steven says.
Do you know the way?
“Yeah, no worries,” he signs back, “But save me a seat!” He shouts after Sersi. She’s been dragged away like a kite by Makkari.
“Alright,” Thena replies on behalf of her friends and follows them.
Ajak is sitting on the nearest bench to the floor, anxiously checking her watch and looking over to Sprite, who’s discussing strategies with her teammates. She competes in singles with a senior student and has won the first round, but she’s terribly distracted in the second. She’s losing and Ajak can’t help but think that telling Makkari to wait for the others outside is a mistake. It’s likely that Sprite’s spirit is down because they haven’t shown up yet, so the woman exhales a big sigh in relief when Sersi got dragged into the room by Makkari, and Thena is right behind them. She gets Sprite’s attention and points at the doorway. Her eyes follow the direction of her finger and widen. She practically throws herself at them, thankfully Sersi opens her arms to catch her just in time.
“I thought you weren’t going to come.”
“That’s ridiculous,” Thena snorts, still the blonde woman hugs her hello and rubs her head affectionately, “Sersi’s car is broken and we had to ask Mr. Grant for a ride. And Gilgamesh will be here later for your relay race.”
How’s the game? Makkari asks.
“The senior team is ahead now, 14-10,” she grumbles.
“That doesn’t sound like you,” Thena states.
“Yeah, I wasn’t myself in the last 15 minutes, thanks to some people,” Sprite narrows her eyes at them, and puts her racket on her shoulder, “But keep your eyes open and watch me win.”
That’s our girl! Makkari signs, then gives the girl her fiercest thumbs up, But if you lose, we’re still very proud of you.
“Thanks, but if I lost this round, I’d have to go for a third round. And I’m not going to let that happen.”
“Break a leg,” Sersi high-fives with her, but hastily calls after her as she turns away and runs back to her teammates, “And I didn’t mean breaking bones literally!”
They slide across the bench to where Ajak is sitting. She has saved their seats by spreading Sprite’s stuff and Makkari’s tart basket on the bench. There aren’t that many people watching anyway, most of them are on the football field to see the obstacle race for the freshmen.
The game continues. They nervously observe Sprite swinging her racket time and time again. Ajak shouts her encouragement while Sersi and Makkari are raising a banner they borrowed from Sprite’s classmates. Thena records the game with her phone so she can show Gil later, however Steven comes forward and offers to take over if she wants to join and cheer for Sprite, which of course she does. This time, the girl is able to pull up her scores to a tie. But what decides the final result happens when she’s waiting for her component to serve, Sersi yells louder than everyone else, “Com on, Sprite! If you lose, there will be a third round!”
Right after that, her attack moves become more aggressive and she scores exactly 5 seconds before the timeout bell buzzes. Ajak is so happy she has tears in her eyes, and Steven forgets his recording mission, jumping up and down frantically, his arms (still holding Thena’s phone) waving around in the air.
Sprite is drowned in a group hug from her teammates. She notices Ajak and the others are approaching and detaches herself. Thena smiles when she catches her words, telling her friends, “My family is over there,” and runs towards them.
They have half an hour to rest and get Sprite ready for the relay race, and after that is the 100 meters race for the parents, also the final competition of the event. They move to the football field. There are many students on the field already, wearing sports uniforms and gathering in large groups. The cheerleaders are doing cartwheels on the grass, despite the heat.
Sprite leads them into a temporary tent, which is already occupied by some other parents. There’s a table with water bottles and plastic hand fans with the school’s mascot. She quickly falls into a selfie spree with Makkari at a corner of the tent, while Sersi convinces Steven to stick with the group and join them for lunch.
“Is it really no trouble?” He keeps asking, “Gilgamesh gave us so many coupons, and you guys have been great customers to our family’s restaurant.”
“It’s all a fair trade, Steven,” Ajak smiles softly, “Besides, Gil always cooks a look, if you don’t join us, there will be leftovers.”
Thena listens to their conversation, wondering what Gil is cooking for today’s lunch. Back at the shop, she saw him preparing pork and scallops, with a lot of potatoes but she forgot to ask. She looks over to the football field’s entrance, her eyes scan the crowd and her lips quirk after a few seconds, “Finally.”
Gil is carrying a large icebox on his shoulder, looking up and down the area. She steps out of the shade and raises her arm. She can see his smile when he spots her and speeds up. She’s so busy staring at him that she almost misses Druig, who’s walking behind the chef with a picnic basket similar to Makkari’s, on his back is a black backpack. Druig is frowning all the way under the sun but his scowl fades the moment he reaches the tent, just because Makkari is waving at him.
“Take off your jacket, Druig, you’ll boil yourself with that black leather,” Ajak reminds him but he ignores her. He pulls Makkari into a big, long hug then signs at her.
“How's my beautiful, beautiful Makkari?”
Thena rolls her eyes, turning her attention back to her partner instead. He puts the icebox down and wipes his forehead with the back of his hand. Sprite is sniffing the basket on the table, “This smells good. What’s in here? Some kind of fried food?”
Her hand is about to lift the lid but Gil quickly blocks it.
“Not so fast, you’ll earn it by winning first place,” he says sternly.
“Hey, don’t put pressure on my daughter!” Ajak scolds.
“It’s fine, I’ll show him,” Sprite says confidently, but then her eyes narrow, “By the way, I won first place in the badminton game. Medals and everything.”
“Then you can take a cup,” Gil grins proudly at the girl.
“A cup of what?”
He squats down to open the icebox, and they gasp excitedly. Among blocks of ice are a dozen colourful bingsu cups the size of a large drink. There are at least 3 different flavours. Sprite shoves her arm into the box and grabs a cup with strawberry sauce and big slices of bright red strawberries. Thena picks her beloved chocolate-flavour cup and Gil hands her a plastic spoon. She scoops up a spoon that has everything: shaved ice, chocolate sauce and chocolate chips. The smooth shaved ice turns out isn’t water, it’s iced milk, bringing a light creamy and sweet taste, so cold that several of them got brain freeze. Thick chocolate sauce enhances the sweetness, balancing with the bittersweet chocolate chips. In each of their cups, Gil has put a couple of pirouette cookies on top.
“You made all of this alone?” Thena asks. He’s holding a mango bingsu cup, it has both mango jam and fresh mango. He’s shaking his head, to answer her but also to chase away his brain freeze.
“I got a little help,” he says eventually, nodding at Druig. Makkari is teasing him by pretending to feed him bingsu from her cup, only to turn her spoon around and into her mouth at the last second, smiling smugly.
“What’s in here though?”
“Why? Are you hungry?”
She shrugs, “Just wondering if it’s what I think it is.”
“What are you thinking about?”
“If I remember correctly,” her forefinger draws circles on the back of his hand teasingly, “A few days ago I mentioned that I’d been craving for a fried dish, which you can make with potatoes, meat, and seafood.”
“Something that would make Kingo regret so, so much for not coming here today?” He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively.
“Exactly,” she laughs.
Just then, the president of the student council announces that the relay race is about to begin. Sprite pushes her half-eaten bingsu into Gil’s hand, “Hold this!” before dashing to her team’s gathering spot. She’s the fourth runner, also the last one.
“The mushroom is the finishing one?” Druig walks up to them, “That’s ought to be fun.”
Don’t underestimate her, she’s been practicing with me every morning, Makkari warns.
“Really? She didn’t work this hard last year,” Gil says, “It’s not that she needs to anyway.”
“She said she had to secure her victory, because Thena would be there to watch her,” Ajak smiles, touching Thena’s arm, “She really admires you.”
“It’s hard to imagine I’m someone’s role model,” she shakes her head, but a smile threatens to bloom on her lips as she looks at Sprite from across the football field. She can’t help it.
“Oh, I beg to differ,” Gil snorts, tucking a few strands behind her ear, “You’re one big important part of us.”
She returns his smile fully and he lowers his head to kiss her on the cheek as if to prove it further. Only seconds before the starting shot rings out and the field erupts in cheers, she catches Druig’s eyes. His expression is almost apologetic and at that moment, her heart sinks. She has a bad feeling about it.
Druig is waiting for her when she’s heading out of the restroom. The race is over and Sprite has preserved her championship. The parent’s race will take place at 2 pm, one hour from now, and the play will start at 5 pm. The rest of them are gathering on the ground behind the gymnasiums, where there are a lot of trees and shade to hide from the sun. They’re about to have lunch.
“Can I talk to you for a minute?” He asks. There it is. There’s that apologetic look again. Uneasy feelings plague her, but she nods nonetheless. They walk to a secluded corner of the equipment storage. Druig opens his backpack and takes out a folder. Its size looks like a bad omen, and he confirms that with his following words.
“I wish there was another way, but I really need your help.”
He passes the folder of the case to her and starts to explain. It takes a few moments before she can understand what he’s saying. The more she stares and those words, the harder it becomes for her to breathe. Same circumstances, same type of victims.
“No!” She almost screams when Druig mentions “consultant” and “go back to the city”.
“Thena, please consider it,” Druig raises his hands up in an effort to calm her, pleading, “You won’t have to stand on court, I’ll take care of that. All you have to do is research and work this case with me.”
“Why me?” She demands, her voice low because of her repressed anger.
“You’re the only one who’s qualified enough for this,” he says, and at her bitter scoff, he adds, “The only one that I trust. Plus, despite what happened after that, you won the last case.”
She feels her panic rise up to her throat, choking her. Goddess of War. Victory after victory. She was too confident, nearly arrogant, and it was her downfall.
“Yes, a pathetic win,” she grits her teeth, “You weren’t there. You don’t know how chaotic that day truly was.”
“That’s why I need you! We can learn from it and work together so that it won’t repeat.”
At her deathly silence, he sighs, rubbing his face and avoiding her eyes.
“You know, I’ve always wondered, what would have happened if I had reached out that time and asked my boss to let us work together on that one,” he confesses, “It could have been different if I had carried some of the burdens for you. I understand that you don’t want to have anything to do with it. But at least consider it for a few days before you answer, okay? As a favor for me?”
Thena closes her eyes, her shoulders slump.
“If you had asked to be my partner at the time, my damn pride would have refused. I don’t blame you, honest. If you did anything differently, I might never be able to come back here and meet him,” her voice softens as she tries to breathe deeply, imagining the sound of Gil’s breathing. What happened cannot be undone. But if she refused, would she regret it later? What if this time will be different?
“How long do you think this is going to take?”
“A few weeks, a few months at most,” Drugs says quickly. He doesn’t dare to hope but is still glad because Thena wants to know more.
“I still have my current job.”
“We’re going to get in touch with your superiors and make arrangements. When the case is over, you can come back and continue to work.”
He tries to reassure her that everything would be exactly the same when she returns, but deep down he knows that’s not the biggest obstacle to overcome. Not even close. He isn’t blind, of course he’s seen how Thena and Gilgamesh are inseparable in the time he knows them, from the day he first found her in his shop, to the day they officially…together, till now. Forcing Thena to part from Gil, maybe for months, feels like stepping over the line, and wrong. He pretends he didn’t see her wipe away a frustrated tear on her face. She’s probably thinking about it too.
“When is the deadline to respond?” She asks.
“The end of next week, at most,” he swallows, “We have some paperwork to deal with so the arraignment will take place in the second week of July.”
She balls her hands into fists. Too soon.
“Look, I’ll sleep on it and get back to you soon,” she puts on her steadiest voice, “I promise. But you can’t say anything to everyone else. Especially Gil. If I decided to go, at least let me tell him.”
Druig nods, “Alright. I won’t tell anyone until you make your decision.”
Thena gives back the folder and they go in search of the others.
“There they are!” Sersi exclaims. All of them, including Steven, is standing under a large tree.
Hurry up, you two! We’re starving! Makkari’s exaggerated gestures can be seen from far away.
“Sorry,” Druig calls out as they climb up the small slope, “The school is too big, I was lost and Thena found me.”
“Are you okay?” Gil asks worriedly, his eyes fixed on her, “ You look pale.”
“I’m fine,” she swallows the big lump in her throat, “It’s so hot, I got a bit dizzy.”
“Come here,” Gil steps closer, taking off his cap and putting it over her head, “I’ll get you a drink. Then we should eat the croquettes before they become soggy.”
“Good idea,” she clings to his arm. She doesn’t want to think about Druig’s offer just yet, at least not now.
Thena picks one in more than two dozen croquettes. From the outside, it’s impossible to see which ones have pork and potato filling and which ones are scallops and mushroom, like Gil said there are. All are shaped into thick oval pieces, with a crispy yellow breadcrumbs coat. Only one way to find out. She takes a bite. The potato layer cools down enough but the ground pork stir-fried with caramel onions inside releases steam when it’s revealed. It’s perfectly seasoned and tasty as is without any sauce, but Gil made his famous tartar sauce and brought a bottle of salsa so she can’t say no to them either. The scallop and mushroom croquettes are creamy and melt right on the tip of her tongue. For some reason, it keeps the heat inside better than potatoes, so their mouths are burning up from taking a bite too big. However, Gil has the coleslaw ready. Just shredded cabbages and carrots, with some sweet pickle and corn, all mixed with mayonnaise and some other seasonings, but when served on a hot summer day, it’s addicting.
They have Makkari’s colourful tarts and Gil’s last bingsu cups for dessert. While the others are fighting for berries tarts or mango tarts, Steven just adores the lemon tarts. He looks so happy eating them that everyone gives him all of the sweet-and-sour tarts.
When they’re cleaning up the trash, they hear the announcement of the school’s speaker that the 100 meters race for parents is about to begin in 10 minutes, and the contestants should move to the starting line.
You’re going to win! Makkari is giving Ajak a pep talk, You’ve been running every morning with me and Sprite.
“Come on, you can do this,” Sprite adds, “You even purchased a new pair of shoes for the occasion.”
Ajak still looks pretty nervous, until Gil steps in front of her, patting her shoulders and says, “Just keep calm, no pressure, third place is good enough.”
Ajak pokes a finger at his chest, “I'll shove that 3rd place of yours where the sun don't shine. Let’s go, Sprite, Makkari!”
She leads the group toward the football field, ignoring how Sersi is patting Thena’s back, who’s having a coughing fit because she’s choked on water at Ajak’s reply. Druig only stares at Gil, he looks almost impressed. The chef rubs his hands together, picking up the icebox and the picnic baskets, his shit-eating grin never leaves his face.
“Works like a charm.”
They regroup at the tent. Sprite is pleading with Ajak while the older woman is tying her shoelaces.
“Do me a favor. If you win first place, please don’t embarrass me?”
Ajak straightens and puts her arm around Sprite's shoulders, her daughter is almost taller than she is but she pulls her close and stands on her tiptoes to kiss the top of her head.
“My dear girl, I will definitely embarrass you,” she smiles her warmest smile before taking her position. And embarrass her she does, with a gold medal no less. Well, it’s not like Sprite is expecting something else.
After the race, they watch the ending performance by the cheerleaders, and the head of the student council announces which year won the most competitions, then they’re going to release balloons with that year’s colour to the sky. Freshman year has blue balloons, sophomore year: yellow and senior year is red. It’s obvious that Sprite’s medals help the sky above the football field filled with yellow balloons. The whole time, Thena’s like a sleepwalker. Everything around her seems unreal and blurry. It’s not until they all enter the packed hall, sending words of encouragement to Sprite before taking their seats, that she is able to ground herself and everything stills again. That’s when Gilgamesh laces their fingers together in the dark.
She also realizes that she’s been subconsciously reviewing what she has done the last time, and what could be changed. If she has to be honest with herself, she’s already known what her choice will be all along, since Druig gave her that offer; she just doesn’t want to accept the fact that she has to leave her home and go back to where she has picked up what’s left of her and ran away. She thinks about Ajak’s words, how Sprite admires her. That 16-year-old girl, who not only won two sports competitions today, but also standing nervously backstage when her family watches the musical that she directs, what would she think if she found out the person she admires so much refuses to help a friend of theirs because she’s afraid that she might fail?
She squeezes Gil’s hand and he puts his head on her shoulder. His breaths are even, she doesn’t have to look to know that he’s nodding off, despite the loud and upbeat music. His hand is so warm, fitting with hers like two perfect pieces of a puzzle. Something twists in her chest; This is what she has to leave behind? She drops a kiss on his hair, then leans her cheek against his head, feeling all the more broken when it occurs to her that he’s the only one in this room who would see that she’s not okay, even if he just woke up, even when they’re in the dark. How is she going to tell him?
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lovelyfanatical · 1 year
I Get a Sugar Rush Whenever I'm With You - Chapter 6.3
Good evening fellow Drukkari stans, or whatever time it is for you! I come bearing the next mini-chapter! If you missed any previous installments and need to catch up, you can find them on my handy dandy Table of Contents here. The competition is heating up as everyone grows closer. How will the others fit into the group dynamic? Find out now in the next mini-chapter of Drukkari in the Great British Bake Off!
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By the time dinner rolled around, Druig was pretty beat. Technicals were never fun, but this one had been particularly distressing: gluten free bread. Both he and Makkari were in the bottom half, which wouldn’t have been too terrible a few weeks ago, but now, it could spell disaster. Poor Phastos had come in last, leading him to retire early as usual rather than joining the rest of the group. Results had varied widely for the rest of them, leading to their current discussion.
“People think being vegan is hard, but going gluten free is the real challenge,” Sprite remarked.
“I concur,” Sersi added.
Says the one who came in first, Makkari interjected, a playful smirk on her lips.
“And it was very difficult!” she responded.
“Congrats, by the way!” Gil said, raising his bottle of water in a toast. The rest of them joined in, raising their assorted drinks to Sersi, which made her smile.
“Awww, thanks everyone,” she said as she clinked glasses with the group. While she seemed genuinely happy, Druig thought he spotted a hint of sadness in her eyes. It seemed Makkari had noticed, too.
Hey, you okay? she signed subtly, so as not to alert everyone, though most of them still noticed.
“Yeah, just thinking about our friends who’ve been sent home. Dane actually predicted I’d do well this week. I just wish he was still here to see it,” Sersi explained wistfully.
“You could just call him, right?” Sprite interrupted, sounding more like a statement than a question.
“I think she could, but it might be against the rules to give him too many details about the competition,” Ajak explained.
“And if I call him, I don’t know if I’d be able to hide it for long,” Sersi added.
“Ugh, couples are so gross,” Sprite lamented.
“Oh, we’re not together. Dane and I are just friends,” Sersi said a little too quickly, a blush starting to settle on her cheeks.
You mean he still hasn’t asked you out!? Makkari asked, eyes widening in shock and disbelief.
“What? He’s done no such thing!”
“Really? I asked Thena out the day she got eliminated,” Gil piped up.
Everyone seemed to turn in unison toward Gilgamesh, not exactly surprised at the idea but surprised to hear it confirmed out loud. After a split second of silence, their reactions came all at once.
I KNEW IT! Makkari exploded, nearly shaking with excitement, which made Druig chuckle.
“Well, at least I don’t have to watch you pining after each other anymore,” Sprite said, her voice sounding annoyed, but a small smile on her face.
“That’s great, Gil!” Ajak added.
“She said yes, right?” Druig asked teasingly.
“She did,” Gil confirmed with a grin.
“Oh my goodness, I’m so happy for you two!” Sersi said.
“Thanks, everybody,” Gil replied, a bit surprised but still appreciative of the warm response. “To get back to the point, though, I didn’t wait long. So what’s holding Dane up?”
“I told you already. We’re just friends,” Sersi insisted, her face getting redder by the minute.
“Sersi, he spent most of his time talking to you and the rest of it staring at you when you weren’t looking. I think he might want more than friendship,” Sprite declared.
“That’s not even counting your interactions during dinner,” Druig chimed in, prompting Sersi to shoot him a look.
Maybe he just needs a push in the right direction, Makkari suggested, like advice from someone who knows you both.
“Hey now, we shouldn’t get too involved,” Ajak interjected. “I’m sure Dane is quite capable of asking Sersi out on his own, if that’s what she wants.”
“I wouldn’t be too sure,” Gilgamesh said pensively. “Asking someone out is a lot of pressure. It’s easy to just keep making up excuses for why you shouldn’t do it.”
What was your excuse with Thena? Makkari asked.
“I don’t know how much she’s told you, but we sort of knew each other a long time ago,” he began. “In fact, we were supposed to get coffee together, but she ended up moving away before we got the chance. When we ran into each other again all these years later, I wasn’t sure she’d still want to go out with me.”
“But she did,” Sersi said, smiling gently.
“She did,” Gil confirmed, smiling back. “But I didn’t realize that until the day she got eliminated, and she asked me how much longer I was going to make her wait for that coffee.”
“It was pretty obvious to the rest of us,” Sprite muttered.
“It never seems obvious when it’s happening to you!” he asserted. “You’re still young, Sprite. You’ll see what I mean when it happens to you. Anyway, Makkari might be onto something. If you want Dane to ask you out, Sersi, he might need a push in the right direction.”
“I still think it’s better not to interfere,” Ajak interrupted. She gave a pointed look at Makkari, who feigned innocence at the gesture. Ajak then turned her stern gaze toward Druig, who didn’t need to pretend to be surprised.
“Why are you looking at me?” he asked.
“You know why.”
“I don’t think he does,” Gil said, chuckling.
“For fully grown adults, you’re all pretty clueless, huh?” Sprite teased, sparking a chorus of “Heys” from everyone else. After a moment, she added, “Except for Ajak.”
“Thank you, Sprite,” she replied smugly.
As they left Ajak’s room, Druig hung back from the group a bit. Right on cue, Makkari turned to look at him, noticed his growing distance from the rest of them, and accepted his silent invitation to talk. She let the group get a bit further away before asking him, What’s up?
What was Ajak trying to get at earlier?
I think she just knows you’re my usual partner in crime, she replied, a sly smile playing at her lips. And she doesn’t even know the half of it.
Druig couldn’t help but smile, remembering their clandestine baking session earlier that week.
Do you think she’s right, though? Makkari continued.
About what?
About not interfering.
Druig thought about it for a moment, then he turned to her and said, No. I think I’m with Gil on this one. Sometimes guys need a push. Makkari’s small smile turned into a full-blown grin. I’d ask Sersi first, though. Just in case.
I will, but I think she’ll accept my help, she said. You saw her at dinner. She really misses Dane!
Yeah, I don’t envy their situation, he added. Although, if I can’t turn things around tomorrow, that might be us next week.
Hey, she said, as she stopped and turned him to face her. Stay strong. We’re both going to get through this week. You know why?
Because I won’t allow you to give up, she insisted. There was a soft smile on her face, but a steadiness in her gaze that told Druig that she meant it. It stirred something in his chest.
Thank you. I needed that, he said.
Anytime. With that, she wrapped her arms around him. He hugged her back and noted, not for the first time, that they seemed to fit together perfectly.
Honestly, so many cute ships came out of this movie. Hope you enjoyed this installment!
Part 21
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jeonstellate · 1 year
chaos inferno — ember iii
himiko gives the benefit of the doubt and meets the rest of the eternals.
✶༄ platonic!eternals x nb!original character
✶༄ no warnings available for this ember
✶༄ paragraph format — 0.7K words
masterlist | chaos inferno masterlist
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[gif’s full credit belongs solely to its owner]
Miko knew fae had less chance of coming back alive once morally corrupt people take faer to a second location. Even if she didn’t think Sersi nor Ikaris were morally corrupted at the moment, she still didn’t trust them enough to not expect them to give up their ‘nice’ façade at any moment. Fae just couldn’t ignore the possibility of the world ending if she didn’t help, so fae ultimately decided to give them the benefit of the doubt.
Thankfully, Miko remembered to leave her teammates a note after fae went back up to change into a more appropriate attire.
Went out. If you don’t hear from me by tomorrow AND I don’t come back by the end of the week, consider me kidnapped. — Miko
Miko, truthfully, was curious about how Sersi and Ikaris could possibly prove that fae could trust them. Especially since they invited her to go somewhere with them just so they can earn faers trust.
On their way to their destination — wherever that may be, since neither Sersi and Ikaris shared that information with faer — they both tried starting conversations with her. However, since she was quite preoccupied by faers thoughts, her replies came out short and a little disinterested. The fact that faers guard was still up didn’t help, either.
"That’s the Domo," Sersi announced when the three of them finally arrived on site — and Miko finally laid faers eyes on the Eternals’ former home.
When Ikaris told faer that the Eternals used to live in a spaceship, Miko didn’t expect the Domo to look like how it did. Sure, fae had witnessed with faers own two eyes how spaceships could vary in sizes and shapes; but, somehow, the Domo just didn’t strike her as one at all. Given how she had enough of seeing spaceships during the war with Thanos, Miko thought it was actually better that the Domo didn’t seem like a spaceship to faer — or it might’ve triggered her fight or flight response otherwise.
"What is taking Ikaris and Sersi so long—" Miko heard someone say when they reached the doorway to a conference room of sorts inside the spacecraft. "How difficult is it to convince—"
Ikaris cleared his throat before the person could finish. "Hey! You’re finally back!" Another person greeted after following the sound, "Is Akosh with you?"
"Yes, but—" A wind passed by both Sersi and Ikaris before the former could even finish. Surprisingly, neither seemed surprised when they turned around and saw another woman standing in front of Miko. "Makkari," Sersi tried to turn her attention towards her, but Makkari wouldn’t budge.
Akosh, Makkari signed, her attention steely locked on Miko, do you remember me?
Miko’s eyes gave away faers panicked state. Not because Makkari just appeared out of nowhere and invaded her personal space, but because fae could understand what she just said — even if fae never formally learned sign language.
Makkari, Miko found herself signing back, as though it was almost second nature to her. How do I know you? How do I know sign language?
Makkari smiled widely, Because you’re Akosh.
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While Miko was preoccupied by Makkari, the rest of the Eternals took it upon themselves to gather closer to one another and watch the scene before them.
"What were you about to say back there, Sersi?" Gilgamesh asked, his eyes glued on Miko and Makkari conversing animatedly.
"Just that we got Akosh to come with, but we still have to convince faer to trust us."
"Well, Akosh seems to trust Makkari already," Sprite commented.
"I suppose that can’t be helped," Ikaris commented on Sprite’s observation. "Akosh was closer to Makkari and Druig, after all."
"Squirt!" They heard Druig greet Miko, then immediately saw him stop on his tracks. "Woah, you’ve grown."
"He’s right," Thena suddenly noticed the difference between the Akosh they knew and the one currently standing before them after Druig pointed it out, "Akosh has gotten older."
"She’s been a mortal for a decade and a half," Kingo reminded everyone, "of course fae has gotten older."
The Eternals went quiet after that, seemingly pondering the passage of time for the very first time. As immortal beings, they never really gave the passage of time more than a second of thought. Whether it moves or not doesn’t affect them personally, after all, because they don’t physically age. However, upon seeing how Akosh — one of their own, even if formerly — was evidently affected by the passage of time, the Eternals seemed to reach similar epiphanies.
Akosh is Miko, that much is true, but it’s understandably unclear whether the opposite is also true. After all, Fifteen years is a lot of time.
next ember >
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miss-crazy-rose · 3 years
My 14yo brother: “can you BELIEVE how many badass women we have in the MCU now? There is Sersi, when she turned off the Celestial??? WOW. There is Makkari, she’s sooo cool. Hey did you know she made people want to learn sign language? That’s amazing! There is Thena, remember when she cut the deviant at then end? Daaaaamn. And we also have Wanda, we have Shuri, we Valkyrie, we have Katy, we have Pepper, she can do Iron man stuff too now… OH we have Captain Marvel too! They’re all so badass ❤️”
Me: … 🥺 I raised you well you funky future himbo
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