#the kids all went out and found their own favourites to stock for their stay
Thenamesh propsal AU
Thena needs her caffeine but in this house there is none. As a result she has terrible migraine!
"How is she?"
A loud groan sounded through the whole house in response. Gil winced as he walked in with a bag in hand.
He had completely forgotten that his mom didn't keep any caffeine or alcohol in the house. She wasn't one for it, Makkari simply didn't need any caffeine to be as brimming with energy as she was, and Sersi didn't drink unless it was socially. Kingo wasn't opposed to a coffee here or a beer there, but he considered visiting home like 'being on a cleanse', or whatever.
Thena needed caffeine.
She drank no less than four coffees a day in a regular work week. He was always telling her he was worried about her caffeine intake, but there was no arguing with the stubborn Goddess of War on that one.
It hadn't taken long for the lack of caffeine to cause an irreparable headache which shook her to her core.
Gil walked into the living room, where his very sweet family was being very useless at curing Thena's migraine. His friend - and fiance - was curled up in a ball on the couch, face pinched from the tension within her head. He whispered, "Thena?"
"Gil?" she whimpered back, not even moving at the sound of his voice.
Sersi handed him a cool cloth, freshly soaked and wrung dry, "none of the pain meds Mum has will help this. It's pure caffeine withdrawal."
"Did we try?" Gil couldn't help but ask, not that it didn't irk both his Doctor mother and his bio-chemist sister. He sighed, "sorry, just...I hate to see her like this."
Gil bypassed them, going right over to the ball of Thena and turning her over so he could put the cool cloth on her forehead. "Hey."
"Hey," she whispered back, just barely getting her eyes open to look at him. She looked even paler than normal. "You're back."
"I'm sorry," he whispered, lips pressed to her temple, unable to do much more for her. "I had to go out looking."
"It's okay," Thena turned over slightly with a smile, "Sersi and Makkari have taken wonderful care of me. And your poor mother is trying to find anything that will even simulate caffeine for me."
"Quiet!" Gil glared towards the door to the living room, where Kingo was striding in without a care in the world. His arms tightened around her, "she's not feeling well, man!"
"Sorry, sorry," he chuckled much too light heartedly for Gil's taste. He swirled his hand in the air, "I made chai!"
Gil glared at his cousin--basically his brother. Chai was a strong enough blend of tea, and it probably would have just a enough caffeine to alleviate some of Thena's symptoms. "You had this the whole time and let her-?!"
"Come on, Gil," Kingo pouted at him, Thena still wrapped protectively in his thick arms. "I forgot I had it, okay? And anyway, I had the seed pods whole--I had to do actual work to make them ready for brewing."
Gil sighed a little more roughly, all but ignoring his loud cousin next to him, "whatever."
"I thought it might help," Kingo leaned blithely into Gil's personal space to get a peek at Thena. "I also suggested yoga to help clear her head, but all she wanted to do was lie around and wait for you."
Gil was already pulling Thena closer so he could carry her to the kitchen, "y'know, dude, I'd appreciate if you didn't do shirtless yoga with my fiance when I'm not around?"
"Who said it was shirtless?"
"I've never seen you do it with a shirt on," Gil shot back without hesitation. Kingo just snickered at his obvious annoyance (dick). Gil stood with Thena in his embrace, "I have something better."
"Something to put me out of my misery?"
"Something like that," he chuckled, kissing Thena's temple again just because he could. She was really funny, even if she didn't think so. "You know this is why I'm always on you about how much coffee you drink."
"Yes, yes," she managed to roll her eyes at him, although even doing that much seemed to reawaken her pain. She grimaced, "how long have you been waiting to bring that up?"
"Until I also had something to help."
"Gil, I--oh."
Ajak made room for them at the kitchen island so Gil could set Thena down in one of the plush bar seats.
"It's okay, mom, I found some," he sighed as he made sure Thena was settled. "Had to go all the way to that organic store where you fill up your own jars."
Damned retiree town and its hipster stores.
Thena forced her eyes open again, "what did you find?"
Thena perked up like a dog offered a steak after being in the desert.
"I got the lightest roast they had," he held Thena's eyes, waving the jar of fresh grounds in his hand. She watched it, utterly entranced. "Just enough to keep the pain away, okay? This shit was still expensive, even as the cheapest stuff I could find."
Thena let out a faint laugh, in better spirits just at the promise of some relief. "Are you going to ween me off of it with this?"
Gil looked at her again as he set out the coffee grounds and french press he had to buy just to make coffee here. He could just tell her that he told her so and that this was probably for the best, to get her less dependant on caffeine to even function. But he sighed, "gently. I won't let you suffer if I can do anything to help."
Some colour returned to her cheeks, which was honestly more of a relief than anything.
"I'll make you just one cup to start, okay," he continued to speak softly, shaking out just enough grounds and then reaching for the kettle.
"Thank you, Gil."
He looked up, compelled by the gentle, almost musical tone in her voice. Some colour rose in his cheeks as well as he looked back down at his brewing, "anything."
Gil looked up once the grounds were starting to brew. Thena nodded him over to her, and he moved automatically, like a man possessed. Her knees made room for him and he had to stop himself from putting his hand on the other side of them reflexively.
Thena leaned forward, pressing a gentle kiss to the corner of his lips, just close enough to his cheek to be considered not actually 'kissing' him.
He blushed and his all his hair stood on end.
"You're a life saver," she said afterward, forcing a much lighter tone. She tucked some hair behind her ear and moved to watching the coffee brew. "Is it done yet?"
He had to laugh just a little. He gave above her knee - just at the hem of her skirt - a squeeze and moved away again, "will you just try having some patience?"
"You are not the one who has spent all morning with a jackhammer within your skull."
"If you took it even a little easy on the cold brew it probably wouldn't be so bad."
"I knew you were dying to tell me you told me so," Thena rolled her eyes.
Gil smiled; she didn't wince this time. He poured her cup, which really needed more time to brew than it had. Maybe he was just as impatient to cure her as she was. "Just put some shit in it to cover up the taste."
"Gladly," she sighed, although it was Gil who moved toward the fridge for said 'shit'.
They both completely forgot Ajak was still hovering at the edge of the kitchen.
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nooripoori · 1 month
baby cele adventures
~babysitting snippets
Luca Marini
Luca loves kids with a passion and wants his own in the future aswell, so Cele is great practice for him. He mostly lets Cele do what he wants but draws the line on eating snacks, the rest of the academy feed Cele too much junk for his liking so he likes to feed Cele healthy stuff when he’s babysitting him. He made a veggie pasta for Cele once but it didn’t turn out too well so now he makes Cele eat carrots and potatoes and gives him jellies as a prize.
Cele likes being babysat by Luca cuz he’s the most calm and collected one and has everything under control. He also really likes the orange and white color merch Luca has, so Luca got honda merch specifically made for Cele. He likes watching cartoons with Luca and discussing them with him. Luca is very good at holding conversations in Cele’s opinion
Pecco Bagnaia
Whenever Pecco has to babysit Cele alone he is always stressed. He doesn’t know anything about babies so he spent hours watching multiple parenting videos on how to take care of a baby. He has also found a cheat code in how to take care of Cele, whenever Cele gets fussy, cries or is in a bad mode he just gives him a snack. He has tons of snacks stocked with him at all times. He also buys Cele any toy he wants no matter how exoensive it is.
Cele likes being babysat by Pecco but sometimes he wants something and Pecco doesn’t understand him so gets frustrated and mad but then Pecco gives him snacks so he’s happy to stay with him. He has also found a cheat code in how to get what he wants if Pecco says no, he starts frowning and the Pecco gives him whatever he wants.
Marco Bezzechi
If u want one word to describe how Bezz babysits Cele it chaotic. See Bezz has alot of energy and so does Cele, so whenever they are together there is not a moment of peace. Bezz loves having Cele stay with him. He even rode on his bike with Cele a few times(not too fast, he’s not that dumb), but was scolded by Luca to not do it again. He buys tons of fun clothes for Cele to wear and all in all just loves having him around.
Now don’t tell anyone but Bezz is by far Cele’s favourite person on the Earth. Bezz plays hide n seek with him, he runs after Cele to catch him, he throws him in the air, he lets him eat what he wants, he lets him watch anything he wants on the tv, he gives the best hugs which make Cele sleepy and best of all he kisses Cele’s boo-boos when he gets hurt. He’s like Cele’s very own giant teddy bear and Cele loves that.
Franky Morbidelli
Franky thinks Cele is the most well behaved kid he has ever met but the others say that that is not true. Cele always eats what Franky gives him and always listens when Franky tells him that it’s time to sleep. Franky also gave Cele a little hair trim cuz his hair was getting in his eyes.
Cele is kind of terrified of Franky, not that he has done anything but it’s just the vibes he gets from him. But Cele thinks he’s very nice aswell, he makes the best tasting food and is also very gentle with him. He even lets Cele play games on his phone when he is good.
Andrea Migno
Andrea loves kids. He loves having a little human who he can make play pranks on the rest of the academy. He makes Cele scare the others aswell, one time he made Cele scare Vale but Vale accidentally kicked Cele in the stomach so they put a stop to that. He likes messing around with Cele and making him mad by saying that the others don’t want him anymore which sometimes leads to Cele pulling his hair or sometimes leads to Cele crying.
Cele was intimidated by Migno’s energy at first but as time went by he got used to it, he likes hanging out with Migno but sometimes he pisses Cele off so he also doesn’t like hanging out with Migno. He took Cele to a zoo once so now he’s one of Cele’s favourites.
Valentino Rossi
Vale really rarely has to take care of Cele, one cuz he’s busy as well and two cuz Cele is with the kids most of the time, but when he does take care of Cele you best believe he is the most spoiled kid on the planet. He loves dressing Cele in vr46 merch and has somehow convinced him that piss neon is the best color to ever exist.
Cele LOVES being babysat by Vale, he’s like the cool aunt you only ever see once in a blue moon but they bring you tons of cool things. He was once watching a random video of the huge fish aquarium in the Dubai mall and Vale saw that and took him there the very next day on his private jet.
more baby cele
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invisibleraven · 9 months
Haunted Holidays
December 25: Family <-AO3 link!
Merry Christmas all!
Ray had one rule when the band made it big; they always came home for the holidays. No ifs, ands, or buts. No matter what else they were doing, or where in the world they were, Christmas time was family time. They had rolled their eyes but agreed, and had stuck to the agreement ever since.
At first it was just Julie, since the rest of them had their own families to spend time with, though they all migrated over to the Molina house at some point and didn’t really leave after that. But Ray didn’t mind, regardless of blood, they were all still his kids, and he’d rather have them here with him than out on the streets or getting into trouble.
Then Ray found out what Reggie was going home to and insisted he just stay with them from here on out. Went so far as to make himself a foster parent should Reggie ever need it, and by the next holiday season Reggie was emancipated and living with them full time.
The next year he found out about Luke running out on his parents, and squatting in their garage. He gave the boy a good talking to, but once he saw that Luke was determined to not go back, he urged him to at least let his parents know he was safe, and that he was always welcome. Things would always be tense with the Pattersons’, but they could at least rest easy knowing their son was somewhere safe, and loved.
By the next year, Julie, Luke, and Reggie were together as well, so Ray figured it was better for them to stay in the house where he could keep an eye on them rather than not. Plus it meant he didn’t have to look further into adult adoption and let the guys figure out a way to make themselves Molinas another way. He’d keep a hold of the family heirloom rings just in case.
Alex and Willie followed soon after-they usually stayed with Willie’s foster dad, but he often travelled for work, so any year they didn’t want to follow him, they were welcome to spend the holidays with the rest of the band. That became more and more frequent over the years, with both boys coming to become honourary sons to him, and he was as much of a dad to them as he could be.
Flynn and Carrie were the last to join. Flynn because she genuinely did have a good relationship with her family, and usually only came over for a gift exchange with Julie more than anything. Carrie had taken her time coming back into the fold, and it wasn’t until she and Flynn had worked themselves out that Ray really thought about her spending her holidays with her rockstar father up in that big mansion, or perhaps alone when Trevor was working or on some retreat. Ray would bet it was more so the latter rather than the former.
So that was how he found himself with a houseful of people for this year's celebration. Three couples, plus himself and Carlos, and he was sure Victoria would stop by at some point, probably with food. Which wouldn’t be unwelcome given the number of people.
Ray decided to get the house ready before they arrived; cleaning and getting the decorations up, but he left the tree for when Julie was home, since that was her favourite thing. He picked up groceries for the week, then went back for extras, and a few snacks to hide away for himself. Plus things he could stick in their stockings; candy, socks, guitar picks, pens, and hair stuff.
He already had presents sorted, even though all of them insisted he didn’t need to get them anything. But he couldn’t have nothing under the tree for them to open! So he got everyone their traditional matching pyjamas, those were non-negotiable, but he also got everyone a book, plus a nice photo in a frame for each of them to do with as they wished.
Ray hummed as he placed the last gift under the tree, hoping Julie would get here soon so they could put the ornaments on. Wondering if this time next year she’d be wearing a ring on her finger, the guys had been hinting about wanting to ask for some time now. Maybe a few years down the road, they would all come home with a bevy of kids. Ray would like that, having children around to celebrate the holidays with. To be an abuelo to them all, regardless of blood.
“Raymond! I’m here with the food!” Victoria called out.
“You know where everything goes!” he called back, then went to help because he’d catch hell if he didn’t.
Soon enough Carlos was home, and the three of them got to work cooking, doing any last minute wrapping, and playing phone tag with the crew flying in.
“Flynn says their flight is delayed, but she and Carrie will be here by supper time,” Victoria confirmed.
“Alex and Willie are driving down now, ETA two hours,” Carlos said, barely glancing up from his phone.
“Julie says they have a stop to make along the way, but they should be here soon,” Ray said. “And asked if we had room for two more.”
“Who did they adopt now?” Victoria asked, good naturedly.
“It’s probably Kayla and her new partner,” Carlos said. “Julie said they weren’t sure what they were doing for the holidays.”
“Well the more the merrier!” Ray declared. “Carlos, help me dig up some more chairs por favor.”
Soon enough, the doorbell rang, and Ray smiled. Everyone knew to just come in, but they delighted in letting him answer the door, welcoming them home for Christmas. And as soon as he opened the door, he got an armful of Julie, hugging him tight. “Feliz Navidad papi!”
“Feliz Navidad mija. Where are the boys?”
Julie gestured to where Reggie was getting the bags, and Luke ws helping someone from the back of the car. An older woman and man that Ray instantly recognized. “He reconnected with his parents?”
“They’re trying,” Julie whispered. “And he wanted to celebrate with his whole family. You don’t mind, do you?”
“As long as everyone is civil and respectful, of course not,” Ray assured her. “But if Luke goes missing out to the garage for a bit, I won’t question it.”
Julie hugged his side briefly before letting go to help Reggie with the bags, so Ray could get a Reggie hug in. He then greeted Emily and Mitch warmly, insisting they weren’t intruding and were more than welcome. He grabbed Luke into a side hug and whispered his pride into his ear afterwards though, and by the man’s smile, Ray knew Luke had needed to hear that.
The rest of the crew arrived shortly, with warm welcomes all around, and Willie said if he knew they were allowed to bring parents he would have dragged Caleb along. They all laughed at the thought of Caleb Covington coming here for the holidays, but Ray told Willie to try next year, they’d make a big thing of it.
They ate and caught up, had a round or two of carols, and some snacks-nothing fancy, but it was a lovely night. “Alright gang, presents are at nine sharp, be here in your jammies, or be square!” Ray declared as he went to head off to bed after they finished the tree. “Emily and Mitch, you are more than welcome to come back, even though I’m afraid I don’t have matching Molina family pajamas for you.”
“Maybe next year?” Emily suggested. “We’ll be by for dinner afterwards though, I’ll bring a pie.”
“Oooh, I do love your pie,” Luke said. “Come on Ma, I’ll drive you and Pop home.”
Maybe Ray waited up to ensure Luke got home safe that night-but the hug he got in thanks more than made up for the lost sleep. Plus the next morning was a lazy affair-no need to get dressed, just warm up the cinnamon buns, start the coffee, and wait for the kids to get up.
It wasn’t a grand Christmas, nothing over the top, but Ray felt warmed by the spirit of the season as he watched his family gather together, exchange gifts, laugh and love together. Plus he spied the diamond now sitting on Julie’s left hand, and the slim bands on both Luke and Reggie. He wasn’t going to say anything-he was sure they wanted to wait until everyone was here. He could be patient.
So Ray sat back, drinking out of one of his many World’s Best Dad mugs, content as anything, and happy to enjoy Christmas with his family.
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ichigoromi · 3 years
𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐞 | 𝐌𝐒𝐁𝐘 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 | 𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐲𝐮𝐮 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧
Chaotic vibes only!
Hope y'all enjoy reading!
Pairing (s): MSBY Four - Bokuto Koutarou, Miya Atsumu, Hinata Shoyo and Sakusa Kiyoomi x gn! reader
Genre: fluff!
Warning (s): None!
Bokuto Koutarou
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The grocery store is packed during the weekend, and the two of you are only free during the weekends to do your grocery shopping.
You knew that you would easily lose him during such busy days, so you insisted that he never let go of your hand.
Obviously, he is more than happy to hold your hand because he loves how big his hand is compared to yours.
You pushed the trolley around, filling it with fresh vegetables and fruits while he looks around the mart.
While you were busy choosing the watermelon, unknowingly, Bokuto decided to explore the supermarket on his own.
He just went to the snack aisle and got a few snacks and heads back to the fresh produce section, and you were not there.
Bokuto reached out to his pocket to find it empty.
His phone was with you, and you were nowhere to be found.
So, what does he do?
"The caretaker of Bokuto Koutarou, your child is currently at the customer service counter. Please come and pick him up." A loud announcement rang through the store, and you wanted to hide your face.
Everyone around you started whispering about the professional athlete Bokuto Koutarou really lost, or was it another child with the same name as him?
You asked a kind soul for you to help you look after your trolley while you went and go collect your lost child.
"Baby! You're here!" He ran up to you and threw his arms around, slightly lifting you up.
Your cheeks were flushed with embarrassment, and you apologised profusely to the receptionist at the counter while pulling your giant boyfriend away.
The young kid that was waiting with your trolley was excited when he saw Bokuto with you. He was a big fan of your boyfriend. You helped them take a picture, and he wraps his arms around you.
"That was so embarrassing...Kou, can you just hold onto my shirt and never let go?" He shook his head, and you tilt your head in confusion.
Did he want to get lost again?
"Nope, I'm going to hug you and never let you go!" He got behind you and wrapped his arms tightly around you.
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Miya Atsumu
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Normally, you did the grocery shopping alone since he is tired after training and doesn't drive.
So, the grocery shopping chore became yours.
He has a rest day and offered to pick up the groceries with you on this rare occasion.
It was a pleasant surprise, and you were glad to have a helping hand to help you.
You brought him to Costco, and it's going to be easy to lose him, a new-timer who has never been to Costco.
You warned him and told him to stay close to you and don't stray away from you.
He just nods his head and proceeds to ignore your warnings.
Atsumu was kind of upset that you were treating him like a child, but he overestimates himself.
Because within 15 minutes of entering the store, he has already lost you.
So, instead of calling you and asking where are you, he got another trolley and proceeded to do his own shopping.
Since you were busy with the shopping list, you didn't even notice your boyfriend was not following you anymore.
He was fascinated by the big store and got lots of stuff, ones that you two don't really need.
After a while, he realised that you have actually forgotten about him and literally went and did your own shopping.
When he was about to make a quick call to you, his phone died.
So, he went and paid for his stuff first and head to the customer service counter.
"Y/l/n Y/n, your child Miya Atsumu is currently at the customer service counter; please come and pick him up." Everyone heard it, so did you, but you continue your shopping.
This man, even after you warned him, still went and got separated from you.
So, you deliberately took your own sweet time and went a few rounds around a particular aisle.
You purposely lined up at the longest queue for your payment.
By the time you were done, he has been waiting with other lost kids for an hour or two.
"That was mean of ya! It was so embarrassing!" He buried his face in the crook of your neck; you awkwardly apologised to the cranky receptionist that was grumbling about how youngsters were so irresponsible.
Atsumu recounts his tale of how the lost kids there were laughing at an adult who got lost and has to be sent to the customer service, but he voluntary went himself.
"Serves you right. I told you to stick right next to me. Tsumu, why did you buy all of these? We have it at home..." You gaped at the amount of stuff that he bought.
"Really? I didn't see it. Oh well, it's just more stocks then." He grinned playfully, expecting you to laugh, but you let out a deep sigh.
"This is why I have a shopping list for a reason; it is so that we don't overbuy! Tsumu, you're such a hoarder!" He opened his mouth and tries to explain himself, but nothing came up.
You loop your arms around his neck and kisses his cheeks.
"It's fine; I can deliver some to Samu. Don't worry." You reassure him when you notice his crestfallen expression.
"Stop pouting. You did well today, but next time, just stick close to me?" He nods his head and you two head to your car.
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Hinata Shoyo
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It was all a small mistake that leads to you two in the current situation.
Hinata knows the danger of losing you in the grocery store because your purse has his phone and his wallet.
But he holds your hand tightly as you two entered the store.
At first, it was going well, there were not many people in the store, and you two were out on a date.
Until the sudden increase of patrons in the store.
Hinata was sure to hold your hand tightly, but you heard of some discount from the housewives nearby; you let go of him and head towards the frozen aisle.
Oh no, he is left alone, and there was nothing he could do.
His fans came up to him and asked for photos and autographs, so he stayed and interact with them, hoping that you would come back for him.
Yeah, you were definitely not going back to find him as you made friends with the housewives as they give you tips about discounts.
Even the butcher chatted with you for a while.
So, he went to the customer service counter and requested them to make an announcement.
"The guardian of Hinata Shoyo, please proceed to the customer service counter to pick up your child." That was when you realised that Hinata was no longer beside you.
You picked up the remaining items on the lists and head to the register to pay for the groceries. Gosh, you felt like an awful significant other, losing him and not realising earlier.
But, the new knowledge and tips that you've gotten might be worth it, just kidding.
You were going to make a delicious meal for him to make up for your mistake earlier.
He looked relieved when he saw you walking towards him.
"Sho-chan! I'm so sorry! I lost you and even forgot about you. Can you forgive me?" You apologised profusely, and he chuckles, seeing your guilty expression.
You buried your face into his chest, and he pats your head to tell you to not blame yourself. It was all good, but still, you felt awful.
"Let's go home. I have picked up some good cuts of beef; I'll cook a good meal for you!"
"Sure, let's go." He kisses the top of your head and you two head towards the parking lot.
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Sakusa Kiyoomi
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Alright, Sakusa would make the perfect housewife. He is good at household chores, cooking? He is the perfect husband in the making.
He does the grocery shopping, and you would stay at home.
But, you felt like accompanying him to the store, so he allowed you to follow him.
You were wearing one of his hoodies and a pair of black sweats, and he was wearing similar attire to you.
He made sure you held his hand since you were short and could easily blend into the crowd. (a/n - omi is just a giant.)
It's been a while since you came out shopping with him, and it was fun getting out once in a while.
You can't help but want to explore the supermarket on your own.
So, you went on your own; after all, you're a grown adult. Nothing bad would happen.
Oh ho ho, Sakusa turned around, and you were gone.
He starts to panic because you were not behind him, and he couldn't see you in the crowd.
Sakusa calls you and felt his left pocket buzzing.
It was your phone buzzing in his pocket.
He sighs and decided to finish his list before finding you.
Meanwhile, you had enough money for a popsicle, and you got your favourite flavour and head to the customer service counter.
"Excuse me, can you please make a lost child announcement?" The receptionist immediately sat up in her seat and apologised for not noticing you earlier.
"Where's the lost child?" You pointed at yourself. She nodded her head blankly.
"Yeah, Sakusa Kiyoomi is my guardian. Thank you." This whole situation was bizarre, but she made the announcement for you anyways.
"Sakusa Kiyoomi, your child is at the customer service counter; please come and pick up your lost child."
You were literally chatting with the receptionist when he rushed over to the customer service counter. He sighed, relieved that you were safe. He apologised for the inconvenience he caused.
"You got me worried. Just stay at home, okay?" He kisses your forehead. You shook your head.
"Nope! I'm coming with you from now on!"
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Oooh, my first headcanon where I did four characters at once! It was quite fun and I might write more of these in the future!
I hope y'all enjoy this!
Stay safe and healthy!
With love,
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arhvste · 4 years
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- summary - you knew your husband was a romantic but you didn’t know he was this much of one - fluff (x f reader)
a vent one, i didn’t like my previous statement but long story short, today i found out i’m unable to have kids which has caused my parents some upset so i’ll be a little less present this week as i try and help them let it sink in, thank you <3
being the wife to a pro volleyball player had it’s ups and downs. yes, you were incredibly proud of every single one of his achievements and you were ridiculously happy that he was living his dream but, the time you spent together was limited. with him travelling and training so much and you being restricted to stay at home a little longer due to the fact you and oikawa shared a 3 year old son together, you didn't get to see as much of him as you did when you first started dating in your third year of high school.
oikawa had suggested the name ‘kosuke’ which meant ‘rising sun’ as he was adamant about giving his first son a name which somehow related to his best friend and practically brother, haijime who’s name meant ‘beginning’. of course you agreed as haijime had been with you both through many experiences while you were together, and it was him you owed for keeping your husband in check all those years.
haijime cried the first time he met your child and his name was explained to him.
“shut up shittykawa.” the man sniffled as you handed your husband’s best friend and your child’s new uncle, your son to hold for the very first time.
since your child’s birth, haijime had made sure to spend time with your family and drop by even when oikawa was out of town so he could bond with his technical nephew.
today was one of those days. oikawa was training as the hours of the day dragged on and yourself and haijime were sat on the sofa basking in the warm sun that drifted into your living room through the clear windows. your son was left to his own devices babbling and grabbing at his own feet only to tumble over and attempt to keep grabbing them.
you sighed as haijime turned to you with a small smile.
you hummed and turned to the man.
“not particularly, just miss him.”
haijime let out a quick ‘ah’ and nodded as he turned to look at your son.
“i know he misses you too so don’t tell him i told you this but, he carries a few pictures of you and kosuke around and shows them off wherever he goes.”
you snorted as threw your head back slightly.
“mhm, keeps a few candid photos in his wallet and shows them off at any chance he gets. he thrives in attention and probably feeds off of the compliments your sons pictures receive.”
you smiled. that sounded like something he would do.
you and haijime spent a few more hours catching up to which your son spent majority of the time pulled up on his uncles lap as he grabbed and giggled whenever haijime spoke and smiled down at him.
eventually the sun began to set and haijime bid a farewell to you and your son and told him to say hi to his best friend for him and let him know that he’d drop by whenever he’d next be around. you nodded and waved at the man until he was out of your sight down the pretty and peaceful street.
turning to kosuke you offered the boy a warm smile to which he happily returned.
“oh you are so a mommy’s boy!” you laughed as you carried your son to the kitchen to prepare dinner.
kosuke was sat in his highchair as he mindlessly watched whatever was catching his attention on the tv that played in the background of you cooking. his laugh and incoherent noises faded into the background as you cut vegetables and admired the view from outside your back garden.
you were so focused elsewhere, you failed to hear the sounds of the door opening and footsteps approaching. kosuke’s babbling and excitement got even louder as the sounds of your husband grew closer but you ignored them and stayed in your own little world to which oikawa immediately pulled you out of when you felt a pair of strong arms wrap around your waist from behind.
“t-tooru! you idiot i have a knife!” you whined as your husband laughed and nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck.
“sorry sorry i couldn't help myself, but you’re so talented i knew you wouldn't harm yourself anyway.”
you frowned as you continued to cut vegetables as oikawa stayed wrapped around you.
“you’re so beautiful y/n, how’d i end up with you?”
“relentless flirting and clinging until i said yes.”
“mean y/n!”
you snickered as you put the knife down so you could turn to face your husband properly.
he smiled as he studied your pretty features as the golden sunlight enhanced your features only making you look even more unreal to oikawa who only sighed in happiness. 
pressing a soft kiss that held nothing but warmth and pure love, oikawa cupped one side of your cheek and let his other hand lean against the kitchen counter ultimately trapping you against him.
“aren’t you going to say hi to your own son?” you mused as oikawa pulled away.
“of course i am! just gotta save the best till last right?” he teased as you playfully slapped his chest.
approaching his son, oikawa had a giddy smile to which your son returned back. his strong arms pulled kosuke from out of the high chair as he gently threw him into his arms and pulled him close to his chest.
“how’s my handsome little boy been today? been good for mommy and uncle haijime today have you?”
you smiled as you watched your two favourite boys interact. 
“very good. he missed his daddy though.” you commented as you poured the vegetables into the ramen stock.
“daddy missed you too my little prince! and - ” oikawa carried his son over to where you were standing.
“daddy missed his princess too.” he smiled as he placed a kiss to your forehead.
“save it for the bedroom.” you groaned as oikawa laughed.
he pulled away as he looked at yourself and then his son.
“hey y/n, thank you.”
you quizzically raised an eyebrow.
“for what?”
“for this. for my son. for marrying me. for everything really.”
you blushed at his upfront words and put the lid on the boiling pot before facing your two boys.
“yeah? and thank you.”
this time oikawa blinked in surprise.
“me? for what?”
“for asking me to marry you, for bringing our son into the world with me, for letting yourself be happy and doing something you love, for showing off pictures of me and kosuke for every stranger you meet, for -”
“-huh? what was that?”
“for asking me to marry you?”
oikawa whined as he tugged at the hem of your sleeved.
“y/n! who told you i show off pictures, i bet it was the old lady down the street who always walks her dogs when I'm out for my run she-”
oikawa let out a dramatic gasp to which his son fell into a little fit of giggles at his fathers childish behaviour.
“i’ve been betrayed!”
you laughed as you pecked his cheek before walking past him to grab another kitchen utensil.
“i think it’s cute.”
oikawa pouted before carefully placing your son back into his highchair.
“...you wanna see them?”
he didn't even give you the chance to reply as he strode back to the hallway to dig through his bag to find his wallet before returning to you with a proud smile.
opening up, oikawa showed you the selection of photos he carried around with him all day.
“haijime only told me you carry a few! you have a whole albums worth of pictures in here tooru!”
“i do not! they’re all my favourite ones look!”
oikawa shuffled through the photos showing you the various ones he kept.
there was one of yourself and tooru at your wedding, one when you were giving birth to kosuke, one of you holding kosuke for the very first time, one of you and kosuke sat behind the birthday cake on his first birthday, one of you napping in your bed with kosuke cuddled up to you and a large array of just random shots of yourself and your son individually. 
“see, all my favourite ones.”
you took a photo off the small pile and smiled. your husband really was just a big romantic, that much hadn't changed. 
the photo fell out of your grip between your fingers and you went to pick it up off the floor. oikawa quickly said to “wait!” but you’d already seen it.
on the back of the photo, oikawa had written a small caption on the back.
“y/n pleaseeeee!” he whined as he tried to swipe it before you only to lose to you.
your eyes widened at the neat writing on the back.
‘my beautiful wife and our little star on his first time watching me play a match.’
you smiled widely as oikawa blushed in embarrassment.
“you weren't meant to see that.”
“well, i’m glad i did... do they all have little captions?”
oikawa sighed before nodding curtly handing you the small pile.
each photo had a little description of what was going on in the photo and it made your heart warm as oikawa watched you with a small look of adoration twinkling in his honey pooled eyes.
“tooru, you’re such a sap, but i really really do love you.” you laughed as oikawa mumbled in embarrassment that his wife had been exposed to an even sappier side to him.
“i like to be reminded of when and where these were taken, not that i need to but when i’m old and my memory begins to falter, i’ll have these little descriptions to help me remember the blessings you’ve given me and how lucky i am.”
if oikawa tooru wasn’t making your heart speed up before he certainly was now.
you placed the photos neatly in a pile on the counter before throwing your arms around your husband who happily pulled you into him.
“i love you so much y/n, and i love kosuke just as much. of course i want to carry these photos around all day, it’s like i have a little piece of you by my side when i can't be with you.”
you pulled your head into his chest listening to his heartbeat.
“i spoke to my coaches and well, i’ll be spending a little more time with you, that's why i was home so early today.”
“how comes?” you mumbled into the cotton of his shirt he'd changed into after a quick shower after his training.
“haijime told me you’d been missing me a little more so i spoke to the coaches and they'd noted that i’d been doing particularly well recently and granted me a more flexible schedule since we don't have any actual games coming up until two months time.”
you smiled and let out a little sigh in satisfaction.
“you didn't have to.”
“well y/n, i did. and you know why? i want to expand that little pile of photos i have and i can't do that when i’m not there to take any new ones.”
“you are such a sap!”
“your sap though.”
the two of you stood there in the dim rays of sunlight peaking through the window of your spacious kitchen listening to nothing but the sounds of the tv still going on in the background and your son’s noises of amusement watching his parents embrace right next to him.
“i’m still going to kick haijime for telling you though.”
“no you won't.”
“...no i won't.”
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cloudy-leonhart · 4 years
Marleyan Warriors with a Filipino S/O!!
[Author Note: this is literally a re-do of my headcanons bc tumblr’s being mean and deleting my drafts, anyways trying to rush another finished bc outta here 😭 also! Reminder that my requests are OPEN, don’t be afraid to send in any requests!!]
Summary: Marleyan Warriors with a Pinoy S/O!
Recommended Song: Titibo-Tibo by Moira Dela Torre
TW: Swearing.
Theme: Fluff, Modern AU.
Characters: Reiner, Bertholdt, Annie, Zeke, Pieck, Porco.
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Annie Leonhart
Annie knew, she actually met you at an event for those with cultures, and saw you dancing with your friends to traditional filipino folk music.
She was kinda hesitant to go when you asked her to accompany you to the Philippines, she didn’t like traveling.
She was kinda shocked on how welcoming your family was, your mom and dad hugged her out of nowhere and she just let out a squeak.
Your little sister forced her to go to SM mall with her omg- She literally came home with bags of candy.
Yes, Annie has a soft spot for your family, she probably almost spent all her money on them.
Buchi rivals her love for donuts. She looked like she discovered a new universe after eating one of them thangs.
God, help her when she’s watching filipino movies, your family encouraged her to watch movies with them, and by the end of it she was a mess, pretty sure she cried into your shoulder after watching Seven Sundays.
You see, Annie is a really fast learner, she was bound to learn to be able to speak some point in her stay.
You were shocked when she spoke back to you in tagalog, like ‘dropped my stuff out of shock’ kinda way. 
IT WAS A PAIN GETTING HER INTO A BARO’T SAYA. But bribing her with Buchis got her to keep it on for like 2 hours so like..good enough.
Her favourite filipino song is Porque.
Everybody acts like it’s a concert for every karaoke night because she’s there, like she’s just THAT good.
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Reiner Braun
This man was so awkward. He went on a trip with Bertholdt to the Philippines, and met you.
He didn’t think you would understand him, so he just stared at you while you talked with your friends, until you were creeped out enough and asked him if he had a problem.
When you and him started dating, you convinced him to travel all around the country. 
Firstly, you guys visited your family, your dad absolutely loved him, your mom was a little bit hesitant in letting him in the family, he was blonde, big and buff. Filipinos are bound to worry. Until Reiner cooked with her, then she started to warm up to him.
Okay but why did your family’s chickens like him so much??
He likes the feeling of being around your family, him not having a dad left an impact on him and he felt complete being with you and your family, he swore to himself that he’d marry you.
He almost fainted when he found you battling with one of the kids with your pet spider, mf was deathly afraid of your spider, it was like the size of your hand pls-
I think he’d be fairly good at speaking tagalog, he’s got an accent but people can understand him. 
He eats like a tito omg- You lost him at a party once and when you found him, he’s already eaten half of the barbecue. 
Everyone thought he was really old, because of his beard so everyone called him tito Reiner. 
He’s somewhat good with the village kids, you could see Reiner playing soccer with the kids or goofing off.
He says he doesn’t like watching Manny Pacquiao but it’s his guilty pressure.
He doesn’t really listen or watch anything filipino, but he will listen to old filipino bands if you play them in his car.
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Bertholdt Hoover
HAHA PLs- you got mad at him for eating your cake and started cursing in filipino. He was confused because he thought you were just blurting out nonsense.
One second you’re explaining what you were saying and the next second y’all are on the way to the Philippines.
He sweats like a waterfall, LITERALLY. Everyone would like move away because he sweated that much.
You had a private island..because y’all were RICH rich. he was kinda awestruck, you literally just said out of nowhere.
“oh yeah, we have a private island.” ‘YOU HAVE A FUCKING WHAT??”
Poor baby was kinda intimidated by your basket-ball player of a brother, he was taller than Bertholdt omg-
You’re always worrying him somehow, he’s be on the toilet and he’d just hear you scream and he comes running down with his boxers, just to see you watching a telenovela and you had to tell him that you were just gushing over the drama.
He has never felt so embarrassed.
Am I the only one who thinks he looks amazing in a Barong?? Like he’d rock that shit- 
He loves eating filipino food, he likes when you guys stay in the country and you go out to buy bread at the nearest bakery.
Like every filipino, he too, dips his bread in coffee.
He ended up learning guitar while he’s in the Philippines, the country’s filled with people who can sing amazingly, he’s bound to learn guitar.
His favourite filipino song to play is Tadhana, it’s also the only song that he knows to sing to, like he absolutely butchers pronunciation for words but this man covers it up with this song.
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Zeke Jaeger
He bumped into you and you cursed at him in tagalog, he basically just fell for you at that point.
I just know your family secretly hates this man, he slapped your ass once around your mom and your dad, it’s always tense when he’s around now.
You don’t have the heart to tell him your parents saw because one afternoon, he was gushing and praising your family, you didn’t want to ruin his happiness, his dad’s barely around and his mom passed away. he’d obviously be attached.
Yes you had to talk to your parents about it, a lot of filipinos are very kinds and forgiving, so your parents were very understanding, and made sure he felt loved around the family.
He actually almost cried when your dad told him to marry you already.
He calls your parents nanay and tatay.
You got him to buy a pet spider please- You would catch him fighting a kid’s spider to the death in a match, he’d feel bad though so he buys them new ones after.
Hey this man looks so hot in a Barong, please. You guys had to book a hotel for a night for some alone time yk.
Lord help this man, he tried to do the tinikling dance and he tripped, in front of everyone.
Every night, he comes to bed all shirtless, you could just hear the air conditioner buzzing as he tells you how fun it was playing with the village kids, or talking about he and your titos had a drink while watching a boxing match.
He more so listens to various artists, he doesn’t have a favourite.
but he will replay Joseph Vincent’s filipino covers.
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Pieck Finger
She was on a business trip in the Philippines, and you were coincidentally at the same bar they were celebrating at. You were by the karaoke section and she kinda just, fell in love with you. right there and then.
Honestly some people thought you guys were siblings, Pieck can be mistaken as a filipino easily so, you guys expect it from time to time.
She likes to ask from time to time to teach her guitar, your mom probably has a lot of pictures of you and Pieck.
She loves eating the food in the Philippines, she thinks the adobo is great and if you lose her in public she’s probably by a street vendor eating food.
You guys dance to old filipino songs, a replaying song for you guys is Mabagal by Daniel Padillia and Moira Dela Torre.
She learnt Moira’s Part while you had Daniel’s part. 
GUys she looks so beautiful in a Baro’t Saya. And she knows it, she flaunts it so well.
You guys probably have a vacation house in the Philippines after leaving with her to go back to her country.
She helps you with packing balikbayan boxes for your family, she makes handwritten letters, she’s both good at writing and saying anything in tagalog. 
Her favourite artist is definitely Moira Dela Torre, she just loves her airy voice.
Favourite Filipino Movie? Yes.
You cannot tell me she doesn’t have a shelf full of filipino movies you guys watch.
Her favourite street food is probably qwek-qwek. She likes the sauce she dips, and she probably bought almost twenty bucks worth of the fishballs.
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Porco Galliard
UGh honestly he’s a little cringey when it comes to the culture, for some reason I can see him accidentally disrespecting it somehow, I can’t help it.
Your family owned a sari-sari store, and he could not help for the love of him, he ended up being the one stocking it up while you chatted with the customers. 
Like Pieck, he and you dance when you’re alone, he probably learnt from Pieck too.
He listens to modern filipino artists, like Ex Battalion, Skusta Clee.
He tries hard to really be respectful, he butchers the way he says nanay and tatay but your parents appreciate the effort.
I can see him being able to secretly make amazing filipino desserts, his ube cake is bomb.
He watches Basketball with your dad, and they both drink during the match.
I can also see him being the type to scream out curses when he hurts himself, a ‘PUNYETA’ comes out of his mouth.
he doesn’t enjoy the hot weather in the Philippines, and due to that, he wears sandos all the time at home, and when he goes out, every girl always looks at him because he’s ripped, yes you’re jealous, but as you should, he’s your mans-
He also knows how use a barbecue grill? You can find him helping your family members while they’re selling barbecue.
he hates going to SM?? He just really hates going, because you genuinely just go for the food court. They sell hella good food.
One time he got chased by the village dogs, so he doesn’t go out without you or a family member.
He secretly loves watching telenovelas with you.
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Surprises of all kinds, found after a shopping trip goes wrong. Content warning for coarse language, sexuality, threats of violence, mentions of suicide and incest, and copious amounts of headcanons.
As always, there is more in my Twisted Wonderland Fanfiction tag, and send me a message if you liked it, I crave positive feedback.
TXT: where the fuck are you guys it's already quarter past
After a few minutes, you got a ding.
M: idia doenst want t leave something about a person see you aftr he needs freind
Oh goddammit, it's so fucking hard to get him out and about. At least Mal was with him.
You looked to Grim at your feet. "Looks like it's just us, buddy."
It was just you and Grim browsing through the dollar store, when a boy in a ratty shop apron came up to you. "Ma'am?"
You turned to him, and he coughed. "Uh, Miss. You're not supposed to have pets in the store."
Grim bristled at him. "I'm not a pet!"
Poor kid, he looked so startled. And you decided to make it worse, because yanno, why not. "How dare you refer to my son as a pet! Does he look like a pet to you?"
He looked between your face and Grim's, confusion growing. "Wh-"
"I know the resemblance isn't the strongest, but honestly! How could you say such mean things about him!"
Grim, bless him, actually caught on and decided to play along for the chaos of it. "Why are you being so mean to me? My mom works hard to keep me happy! She said I could pick out a toy today!"
The confusion had turned to anger. "That's not your kid! You're too young and he's an animal!"
Grim looked up at you, mock tears in his eyes. "I'm your kid, right? I'm not adopted like the boys at school say?" He started sniffling. "I'm not adopted, right?"
You clapped your hands over Grim's ears and glared at the now horrified shopboy. "Look what you've done! I hadn't told him yet!"
He just fled in horror, and it was all you could do to keep from laughing.
The village on the island wasn't the worst appointed. Being equidistant between two prestigious magic schools, it had a few places worth going, and after hitting up your personal favourite, you went to a small park, settled down on a bench, and started unwrapping your prizes.
You have a love for gashapon machines that bordered on a serious problem. In your biweekly trips to buy snacks and supplies to stock up your miserable, beautiful dorm, you easily fed 3000 madol (which you think was about thirty-five dollars or so at home, but couldn't be sure) into the long rows of machines in the drug store, coming out with tiny keychains, figures, and various useless but wonderful little totchkes that you kept lined up in rows in your bedroom. The joys of tiny presents! And the containers were useful too; for a creature who heavily insisted he wasn't a cat, Grim lost his shit like one every time your rolled a ball with a bell inside across the floor.
You were marveling over a tiny, perfectly realistic jellyfish on a phone strap as someone sat down heavily beside you. "Is that," they pointed to Grim poking his way around the cattails by an ornamental pond, "yours?"
"... Yes?" You turned to examine your seatmate. Charmingly strange looking, they sat impeccably robed in forest green velvet and squinted at you from behind perfectly round sunglasses. Flat-faced and thin-lipped, they reminded you of a toad, with their roundness and severe expression.
"Ah, then you are the one I am looking for. You're the pet of the prince."
"I'm a friend of his. Is that a problem?" You decided to keep opening your prizes, and pulled out a heavy ball from the bottom of your bag.
"His Highness does not have human friends."
"And yet, I am." This one, unwrapped, was the chase in the set: a tiny cauldron the size of a thimble that seemed to be actual cast iron. The chill of it was pleasant in your hand, and instead of returning it to your bag, you left it in your lap.
This presumptive stranger leaned in. "You're a diversion. A distraction from what he should be learning. Instead he plays with mortals and lets them forget their place."
"If it was so important that he didn't play with mortals, then why was he allowed to attend here?" You got a cheap set of rings on a goldtone chain in this one. Boo. You'd wanted the miniature necklace of the set for your doll. "He's very happy with the company of us all."
"Too happy. He forgets his place." The toady eyed the glittering paste gems before looking away. "Above you. Instead he crawls into your lap and serves you like a dog."
You froze. "Now, where did you get that idea?"
"We have sources." They leaned in further, smiling. A barely perceptible line of triangular teeth, sparsely placed and translucent in tone. "Foul things happen to the unwanted lovers of heirs, don't you know?"
"I am a wanted friend." 
"You're a parasite who should flee."
You realized something, and turned to face your strange benchmate. "Why are you threatened by me?"
They scoffed. "Why would we be threatened by you?"
"If you weren't," you said, dropping your voice as your leaned in, "then you wouldn't be here trying to put the fear into me." They leaned back, glasses slipping off their nose. The eyes in their face were exquisite, shining gold and black speckles with a ring of gold around an oval pupil. You could help but laugh. "Pretty eyes. You really are a toad. Who sent you? The Thorn Witch? Can't be, I'm not worth her time and if I was, she'd've sent a fucking letter."
"We're a concerned party, preventing our future king from making the mistake of dealing with filth." 
Well, that one pissed you off. You grabbed their wrist, feeling bumps and warts on their skin through the fabric, and pressed the tiny cauldron to the back on their hand as they started screeching.
"You," you looked them dead in their impossibly lovely eyes, "You go back where you came from, tell them I'm not a threat to whatever stupid bullshit they're worried about, and never bother us again. Or I will make you swallow this and you'll beg the precious prince you're so damned worried about to burn you alive to stop the pain."
You'd never seen anyone run so fast in your life when you let them go.
"Hey, Grim! We gotta go."
"I'm gonna kill that fucker."
"Killing them might start an international incident. If one hasn't happened already. You burnt them with iron, Yuu."
"I should have done worse! Whoever the fuck they were, that's two friends they've tried to threaten to stay away from you! That we know of!"
It turns out that the mystery toady had been the person to scare the piss out of Idia the night before. Not that they'd gotten far into their leave-the-prince-alone spiel, Idia had simply kicked them square in the stomach and fled, assuming another kidnapping attempt.
"It wouldn't have been my grandmother. In the last letter I got from her, she said it was very nice that I was making friends. She said to keep making them, even."
"She'd probably care if she knew you were sleeping with said friends." Idia was curled into the corner of his bed, and from the looks of it hadn't slept since his own encounter.
"No she wouldn't."
"You sure about that?"
You'd said that that was only going to happen once. Everyone agreed. But when all three of you settled in to play a game or watch a movie, hands moved and bodies flushed and you all seemed to find yourself tangled and gasping. And it didn't seem to require all three of you - you no longer had the strength to say no to Mal's obvious advances, and you'd walked in on your boys more than once. At least you were still friends? Really, really close friends?
"She wouldn't."
"Could they be worried about heirs?" That seemed logical. Even if no accidents were happening, they might not know that.
"That's not possible."
You raised an eyebrow. Everything worked right, and you all knew it.
Mal looked back at you. "Yuu, I hatched from an egg. I could have you both five times a day for a decade and all there would be to show for it is you couldn't walk. I cannot have children with either of you without magical intervention."
Idia made a truly impressive death rattle before mumbling something about the end of his bloodline, and you just nodded. "Makes sense."
"It's quite interesting, really, it requires numerous spells and potions, that if not kept up on, the babe will-" Malleus placed his hands together, back to back, and mimed the motion of tearing something open.
You flinched. "That's awful, goddamn."
"I have a direct ancestor who took a great deal of human women as breeding stock and simply let them be eaten from the inside out. That's what started one of the earlier human/faerie wars." 
"... Wow."
"I am not proud of her."
"Can we please talk about anything else?" Idia looked ready to be sick. "I don't want to think about any of this."
"Sure, let's grab one of your doujins."
"So you're already engaged?"
"As soon as it was clear I would survive to adulthood, yes. Idia, what is this series?"
"Nyan Neko Sugar Girls. It's not that great storywise, but it has great gags." He reached over and grabbed the next one in his pile. "It's not that unusual. My mother wanted Ortho to marry my cousin Alecto when they grew up, before..."
"Before he made a lifestyle change?" That seemed the politest way to put it.
"Before she went to the criminal ward."
You shut your book with a soft thump. "What?"
"I remember the trial." Mal sighed. "Strychnine in the sugar bowl at Sunday dinner. I made sure to get the newspapers sent to the palace."
"Mother was heartbroken over it, until she realized that the wealth of that entire Shroud branch defaulted back to us." Idia shrugged. "It's sad. She was just eleven. I still send her emails."
"Why the fuck would an eleven year old poison someone?"
"My uncle said she couldn't get a puppy until her grades went up."
"What the fuck." You'd lie down if you weren't already doing so.
"It's the curse." He sighed. "We thought she might've been from an affair? But that proved it."
"My dearest Shroud, you can't guarantee it was from the curse." Malleus turned a page. "It might have been trauma from her mother's death."
You could see more bad history incoming. "Oh no."
"Alecto was from Uncle Jo's first marriage, to my dad's cousin Alita. She had a sister, but when her mother drowned herself, she only took-"
"Is this normal for your family? Or is that just some exceptional bad luck?"
He leaned in, lamplight eyes flashing. "Out of all the Shrouds of my generation that are still capable of inheriting, I'm the most mentally sound."
Both you and Mal had to stop and really consider the implications of that.
"So, Mal. Yours isn't that closely related?"
"Fifth cousins at most when they're finally born."
You sat up. "What?"
"I'm supposed to marry the third grandchild of the Hollyoak Baron. They're a well-respected family, and of snake fae descent so little aid will be needed for conception. His eldest child is in..." He had to think about what words to use. " I believe the term is 'middle school'?"
"They really planned it that far ahead?"
Mal shrugged, the movement rolling down his whole body. "I cannot complain. It gives me a very long time to learn how to be a husband before I have to be one."
"But what if you don't like them?"
"Marriage is chiefly a contract to produce heirs. I'll learn to like them, and ideally love them."
"And if you don't?"
"I'll still treat them as kindly as I can."
"And I suppose you'd take a lover."
"Maybe. They can too, as long as all the children are mine. For legal reasons," he added.
Idia, snapping out of his thoughts, tapped Mal's shoulder. "Does the Hollyoak Baron have any friends who are toad faeries?"
It was Mal's turn to sit up. "That... He could be worried that if I have favourites at school, I'll resent my betrothed for not being either of you. Or that I would attempt to break it off entirely."
"That still doesn't tell us how he found out about..." You gestured around the room.
Idia rolled his eyes. "All that would have to happen is any one student from the Valley of Thorns writing a letter home."
"But -"
"Malleus, you're not shy in your affections. At all."
"Yes I am," he bristled.
"You have to put me down. I have class."
He made a slightly different mmph and shook his head.
You tried to pat his head, but your arms were securely pinned to your sides. "I know they're fantastic, but you have to stop."
He still refused to remove his face from your chest, making a noise that could have been purring if it cane from anyone who was a proper mammal.
"Mal, we're blocking traffic."
He still wasn't putting you down, instead swaying slightly in place.
A familiar long-fingered hand with dark nails reached from behind you and tugged at Mal's lapel. "Malleus, please stop, it's ten AM and everyone is staring."
Mal finally put you down - only to switch targets, wrapping his arms around Idia's waist and pulling him flush, fixing him with such a look of besotted fondness that you immediately felt like you were intruding.
"You look beautiful today."
Idia immediately burst into a ball of pink flame.
"... Perhaps I am a bit obvious."
Idia stared up at his ceiling. "You'd be at home in my otome games."
You chimed in. "What would be obvious, in your mind?"
"Very easy. I finish the paperwork declaring you Lord and Lady of the Bedchamber and have you officially ensconced as Court of Thorns royalty, ensuring you're both taken care of for the rest of your days."
"... Finish?"
"It seemed the easiest thing to do if either of you chose to visit my homeland."
You swatted his leg. "And you didn't think to ask us first?"
Mal was starting to clue in that he had once again overreached himself. "... Surprise?"
"I'm okay with it."
You glared over at Idia. "That's not the point."
"Look, if I ever get disinherited, I have a place to go. He won't make me go outside if I don't want to. I'll bring Ortho. It'll be great."
"They don't even have dial-up over there, Idia. Lilia told me he had to get all this stuff installed to play his MMOs."
Idia pointed at Mal, easy smile turned to outrage. "How dare you try and trap me!"
It honestly seemed like Mal and Idia had switched expressions, the look of worry on his face so strange. "It's a protective measure! If you're titled, people will get in trouble if they try and remove you!"
"That's still... wait." The gears were turning in your head. "If you finish that paperwork, whoever sent Mixter Toad is going to get in so much more trouble."
Everyone went silent as they considered this.
"... As soon as I get the official permission from my grandmother. She won't like it very much, but if I explain..."
Idia turned to Mal. "You were going to make your human fucktoys official members of the Court of Thorns without telling your grandmother, the queen. Who has a notable and often justified dislike of humans."
"I simply prepared ahead."
"I - "
"Malleus." You leaned over and kissed his cheek. "You're so goddamned stupid. Love you."
He didn't say it back with words, but you got the message loud and clear.
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Hello! I hope this doesn’t make you uncomfy but I was wondering if I could get a bit of advice? From your recent posts, you said you left your home from toxicity and just bad things in general.
I’m in a similar situation, but my dad will be taking me away from my mom. And I just know it’ll be a shit show. And I’m absolutely terrified when we tell her and what the backlash will be afterwards towards my brothers and me and dad in general
How did you do it? How did you take the leap? Do you possibly have any advice on how to deal ?
Hello, friend!! ☀️
Thank you so much for reaching out, it means a lot that you value my advice <3
Hmm, okay from what I can tell of your situation, that is indeed a tricky one, but nothing can’t be overcome!
It’s important to remember, though, I was 19 when I left (now 20), so the way I handled things is going to be a lot different than how a minor can handle things (legally at least, feel free to replicate my insane stunts lmao)
Advice below the cut! (family violence trigger warning, I suppose?)
My entire family was and is extremely volatile, and I don’t speak to any of them anymore except for my older brother, but I’ll be cutting him off in 3 weeks too when I move.
Fortunately, my dad and brother were both kicked out of the house years ago due to violence, which left me with my mother, who’s quite insidious herself (just watch any Conjuring movie and that’ll give a good idea of what it was like living in that house lol)
I get the same feeling watching this scene as when I was around her in that house. Granted she didn’t try to change my gender, but the hatred for my father getting taken out on me is pretty accurate lol, paired with the immediate “motherly love” afterwards (she never hit me though, pleased to say — she wasn’t physically violent, just emotionally, financially, mentally and verbally. She did try to run my dad over once though, so, there’s that too)
Yikes…yeahh the same eerie feeling for sure, still makes all my hairs stand upright in memory.
(For further context this clip reminds me of my father and this one of my brother)
In the clip about my father, he definitely reminds me of Frank Gallagher, except he despises my mother instead of revering her. He’s a workaholic instead of a drug addict, too. But the mannerisms are the same. I always handled him in the way Fiona does.
Regarding my brother, I think everything about our family hit him the hardest, despite being the oldest. He developed a very violent streak, and has very poor impulse control. I love him dearly but he’s a snake in the grass, and has thrown me under the bus multiple times to get ahead in life. I mostly just pity him, since I know what our life was like growing up. But still, I can’t defend him forever, especially not at the cost of myself. Literally yesterday I woke up to a text from him asking me to come pick him up because he got arrested for starting a fight at a bar and smashing their windows.
When things started getting pretty bad with my mother earlier this year, I started to realise in my heart that there was no way I could go forth in life with her in it. I focused on the future relationships I would have one day when far away from this town — romantic partner, children, friends etc
I sort of realised one day I’d care about them a lot more than I care about my mother, because those future people would care about me. That in turn got me realising that I do deserve love, despite how my mother made me feel, and that I don’t want her to deprive another second of that in my life.
Something very unique that triggered this too was going to go visit an old family psychic, who’s basically just the Gandalf to my Frodo (ily, Chris <3). He very accurately predicted my birth years ago after my mother was told she was infertile — he got the date, year and time right three years in advance, and even knew ahead of time what my personality would be like, which he was spot-on about.
Well, I went and visited him a few months ago because I was lost with my direction, and he ended up pausing and had a sudden feeling, which led to him telling me that he’d just found out I would be having twin boys one day.
Normally I don’t buy into that stuff, but this Gandalf dude…well I knew he was right.
Knowing I’d have sons of my own one day took me from a scared daughter mindset and into a maternal mother bear in an instant, and I knew I didn’t want any children of mine around my mother or the rest of my family, for their safety alone, which made me realise, “Well, if I wouldn’t allow my own children near them, why do I allow myself?”
I started grey-rocking her in the lead-up to me leaving, which of course frustrated her (she’s a malignant narcissist), but it was a necessary step to start emotionally detaching myself from her.
It all bottled over one night after a pretty distressing argument (I had locked myself in my room to avoid it, but she was still at my door carrying on).
My cat, who’s been my best friend for years, was sitting on the floor next to me, and sort of looked up and I swear he spoke with his eyes, saying, “You know we can’t keep doing this, right? You know this abuse has an expiry date?”
I agreed with my cat and knew right then and there that I’d be leaving that night after my mother fell asleep.
Well, when she was finally done (with threats that there’d be more in stock in the morning, mind you) I went to bed early and set my alarm to 3am (was a little inside joke with myself, since that’s biblically the “witching devil hour”)
I started quietly packing my quilt and cat up (I’d already been secretly packing the boot of my car up with all sentimental and important items weeks in advance, except she caught on and took all my baby albums and more to her boyfriend’s house, so I don’t have any baby photos or information on me when I was a baby anymore, like first words, size and just general things I’d have liked to compare to my own kids one day, rip)
Once that was all in my car, I quietly said goodbye to the old family dog and cat (they weren’t mine to take, not that I could’ve anyways, since it was troubling enough taking Buddy, who’s actually my pet and not the family one). That was pretty heartbreaking, as I knew that’d be the last time I’d see them (I grew up with them and was the only one who took care of them — mother neglects kids and pets alike lmao).
Once that was over, I looked around my house with my hand on the front door and was very melancholy, but knew Buddy was right: it had all reached its expiry date.
I left very quietly and drove to McDonalds for a coffee, as I had a long drive ahead (I had organised to be a nanny in this rich family’s house far away in the city — two hours drive). Luckily they were away on their country farm 4 hours away, so I had time to sneak Buddy in.
The nanny thing recently backfired horribly because they discovered Buddy, which led to more AM escapes with my car, but I’m staying with my older brother and his gf for 3 more weeks only. Something I’ve been working towards for months now is moving to a wilderness island to live in my country’s equivalent of Bag End — a beautiful country cottage, amazing job and fantastic study opportunities.
Best feature yet: it’s 60 hours away from my hometown by car, and then you’d have to take a boat for 10 more hours!! They shall never find me hahaha
One of my friends has also told me recently that my mother has started spreading horrible, defamatory rumours about me around town, but I don’t care anymore because I’m almost out.
So, although I can’t offer any practical advice (idk if you’re a minor or not, but regardless it’s great your dad is helping you!) this is the best advice I can offer:
Find a dream and hold onto it, one that doesn’t involve your immediate family. For me it’s moving to that island and enjoying all the fresh air. It’ll push you forwards and remind you of what you’re fighting for when at your lowest.
Remind yourself there will be other people in your life, whether a spouse, friends, children or even a dog! (I’m getting a golden retriever next year 🐾) And then remember that you deserve all of them and the unconditional love they offer you.
Remember that if you don’t want your mother/family screwing those people over by proxy of her/their relationship to you, then there’s no way in hell you alone should put up with it either, as I guarantee those future people only want good things for you ☀️
There is a good life after abuse, I’ve seen it, and I know you can achieve it, too!
Be prepared for tons of backlash and bullshit — it’s inescapable when dealing with people like this, but I recommend educating yourself on narcissistic parents and tactics to deal with them.
Finding a good therapist who deals in PTSD regarding childhood abuse is important, too. I found an amazing one in the town I’m moving to, who had nearly the same upbringing as me!
So while I’m still struggling with a lot of fear (scared my mother will find where I’m working and living one day) and guilt (I feel horrible about leaving the family dog and cat behind, especially when they need veterinary help, only to then go and get myself another puppy) I understand I’ve done the best I can in a very abnormal situation, and that I can only do better from here.
Also, this song has been a saving grace when going all angsty over wanting to leave your current situation:
It’s from my favourite Broadway Musical, “Newsies”, and lemme tell you — discovering this as a 17-year-old when I was just starting to realise the severity of my situation was pure divinity.
Jeremy Jordan, my beloved Broadway Bard <3
When I finally get my cottage, I’m getting a wooden plaque with the name “Santa Fe” engraved on it, and am hanging it on my front door.
I wish you much luck and love, my little anonymous friend! And please know my inbox is open any time you need anything — vent, advice, a laugh or something else, ANYTHING, it feels good to know my past can maybe help someone else’s present ☀️
Please update me, too! I’m following your story along ardently now! (Also, be sure to take your sentimental items and store them somewhere safe away from your mother — ie baby albums, birth certificates, other paraphernalia/memorabilia etc).
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I must hit the road. DESTINY AWAITS!
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dndsims · 3 years
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Guess who just spent days making younger versions of my sim's fiance, and his parents, then doing multiple photoshoots with them in order to properly stock a family photo wall at his mother's place?
This was way more tedious than I expected but at least I have something to post about over here, right? And yes, I know there's a blank spot, it's reserved for a shot from my sim's upcoming wedding.
Shoutout to @korvakisubodex for playing my favourite d&d boyfriend and creating this wonderful family in the first place. Because this blog isn't called dndsims for nothing, all of my sims are based on my d&d characters and occasionally other player's characters or npcs that are important to them. Also thanks for putting up with my incessant questions about them over the past few days.
Higher res versions of my favourite shots under the cut, plus details about the sims, for those interested.
For reference, my sim is Max. She has a younger sister she's looking after named Johanna. Her fiance's name is Korva, and his parents are Balama and Kethoth. Max & Johanna's parents aren't in the picture (literally and figuratively), for Reasons.
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This is Balama & Kethoth early in their relationship, pre marraige & kids. It's taken close to where they met. Bonus points to simmers who can figure out where that is off the background.
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Balama and Kethoth got married near the town she grew up in. It was a beautiful ceremony. I actually got a lot of nice pictures in this shoot, it was really hard to pick just one.
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A happy little family, now with toddler Korva. Hard to imagine anything bad happening to them... I think this was taken when they'd just moved into their first house, which needed a bit of work. Hence the paint on Balama's jumpsuit.
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What an adorable shot of kid Korva and Kethoth. Look how happy they are. Not long after this was taken, Kethoth went MIA during one of his many adventures into the depths of space. He is believed dead, despite no trace of his body or his shuttle being found to this day.
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Teen Korva was a precious nerd, but also deeply unhappy. He spent most of his school life "repressing his personality as a result of facing homophobia and general bullying" (my paraphrasing of his player's words). Not to mention losing his dad when he was around 12. Don't worry buddy, it gets better for you. Eventually.
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Korva & Max met in college and quickly became best friends. After graduation when Max decided that she needed to just take her much younger sister and flee their abusive parents, her Best Friend Korva was determined to come with them. "Wow, what a great friend who will obviously never return the intense romantic feelings I have for him" thought Max. Years of co-parenting toddler Johanna together later, they finally got a clue. If you look closely you can see the clue sneaking up on them in the background of this selfie.
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This was taken on Johanna's first visit to her Nanna Balama's farm in the countryside, where Balama moved not long after Korva went off to college. Less than a year after this photo was taken, Korva, Max & Johanna are preparing to move in with Balama while they look for their own place nearby. This is because Johanna has loved the countryside ever since her first visit and it will be handy to have Balama nearby to look after her while Max, and sometimes Korva, travel to various archeological digs for work. Not at all because Max recently ran into her birth mother while out at a bar with her friends and they need to lay low again for a while.
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Finally, to round it all out, here's Korva and his mum in the present day. Look at how much happier and more confident he looks. This was taken during a break from unpacking Korva, Max & Johanna's things. They'll probably stay living with Balama until Max accidentally gets pregnant, or Kethoth returns from space at long last, and the small farmhouse becomes too crowded. Whichever happens first.
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thepaperpanda · 4 years
Halloween one shots - Uncharted edition
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Summary: two very short stories written for upcoming Halloween.
Warnings: None
Words: 1635
Authors: Cass & Rouge
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You remembered how you said you wanted to just spend halloween at home with your boyfriend. Without others lurking around through a mansion you're living in. 
When Rafe was gone, you had the place entirely for yourself, which meant you could do whatever you wanted, as long as it didn't include devastating the property. 
Despite the fact in the house you couldn't find any proper materials, you decided that Rafe will be welcomed with cheerful and resourceful Halloween decorations, no matter how much effort it will cost.
Setting everything around the mansion took you almost a week, with a little help from servants. Soon, a spooky skeleton dressed in a suit with a hat on stood in Rafe's office, right next to his wooden desk. You also used twigs, moss and fake spiderwebs to decorate it, as well as the staircase.
Carved pumpkins also stood on the floors along the corridors, having little candles ignited in them.
Rafe saw plenty of Halloween decorations in storefronts on his way home.
He didn't pay much attention to them.
 Halloween was childish to him. All the silly, scary costumes, decorations and trick-or-treating. Stupid reason for kids to bother him every year. Stupid brats thought that if their parents bought them 300$ costumes that they are something special.
 Rafe was more than happy to return home. He missed you and his bed, not to mention a mix of both. He was a horny bastard after those two weeks without you.
 Adler returned home late. Really fucking late but he still had some minor stuff to take care of. After taking his coat off and leaving it in a hallway, Rafe went to his office.
 It was fucking dark. All he could see was a person-like shape standing right next to the window.
Raising an eyebrow, he switched on the light and looked at the fake skeleton.
"I hope it’s Drake's and not some cheap shit she had gotten on sellout,” he muttered unamused with the decoration.
 You were aware of his return, so you went downstairs to greet him. Frowning you found out that his coat was hung on a hanger, yet there was no Rafe in the sight. You tapped your nose, thinking. 
You decided to check within one room he was using frequently - his office.
 Rafe looked up as soon as he heard the door open. "I assume you are the one that put that crap into my office,” he muttered resting his chin on his hand.
 You nodded eagerly at first. “Yes! He does look cute, doesn’t he?!,” you clapped your hands and walked to the skeleton to improve its hat. “Oh, and by the way, hi,” you turned to Rafe and leand forward to place a brief kiss on his cheek. “I missed you and decided to decorate the mansion while you’re gone,” you claimed proudly.
 "First of all, why? And who the hell let you use my clothes?," Rafe asked with a frown.
 You shrugged a little while bending your butt against his desk. “I just thought you’ll be gone for a little longer, so I decided to make something like a substitute of your presence here, maybe just in a more funny way though,” you informed him while playing with the edge of your dress. “Just don’t get me wrong, I don’t think you’re fossilized nor something like that, no. I just thought I could merge this with upcoming Halloween. And I let myself use your clothes. Don’t be mad with me.” 
 "I am mad. You live here for three years now. Have you ever seen me celebrating this bullshit!?," He growled looking at you. "You better remove my expensive clothes off that shit and take it out from my office."
 “But, honey!,” you gasped, “Why? I spent hours preparing all this. I put my heart into preparing decorations, baking your favourite pumpkin muffins,” you counted. “Why are you expecting me to leave my little customs behind?”
 "I don't like pumpkin muffins," he said, crossing arms over his chest.  "Just as much as I hate this shitty holiday or whatever it's called. Get this outta my office or it will fly through the window."
 You lowered your head and let out a sigh. “Okay, as you wish, dear,” informing him, you walked to the skeleton you’d already named Valentino and picked him up with a loud gasp. 
 Rafe sighed deeply seeing your sadness. "Okay, he can stay. Just really, take this expensive suit off. Take my old trousers and t-shirt."
He couldn't bear the sight of your sadness, so maybe keeping that particular decoration and every other you prepared was a good idea. For your well-being at least.
 You stopped and turned your head slightly to look at your boyfriend. “You mean it? Like, really really?,” You asked, blinking.
 Rafe nodded. "As long as your bony friend isn't taking my expensive clothes, this let’s say installation can stay."
 You put Valentino back on his place and walked to Rafe, quickly taking place on his comfortable lap, wrapping arms around his neck. “You’re kind when you want to be,” you reminded him, nudging his shoulder a little. Your hands then cupped his face and held it in place when you leaned forward to kiss him passionately. “I’m glad you’re back and that I’ll have you by my side on the spooky, upcoming night! I hope you’ll be my protector.”
 Rafe hummed deeply. "I can protect you all night in our bed. Just you and me between your legs," he said and wrapped his arms around you before getting up with you.
 “Rafael Adler, you were cute but you had to destroy it with your ambiguity of course!,” You chuckled softly and kissed his temple. “I’ll think whether you deserve the prize or not.”
Sam frowned looking at the rubber mask of the werewolf. It wasn't something he was looking for but he got a good idea how to use it this one time.
 He hummed and looked through the shop alleys until he found you in the candy section. After all you both came here to stock up on candies for kids and for both of you.
You wearing a red dress only gave him more ideas.
Putting on the werewolf mask Sam sneaked behind you. He was good at this so why not to use that skill.
 Sam grabbed your hips pulling you tightly against his chest.
"Would you look at that! Big Bad Wolf got his little Red Riding Hood!"
 You let out a loud squeak, which caused few people to look in your direction. You instantly put your hand over your mouth and gasped. “Sorry! I didn’t expect this! Don’t scare me!”
You turned your head slightly and looked at Sam’s mask, which made you scream once more. “Drake, you old bastard!”
 "I am the Big Bad Wolf! And I will eat you!," He growled and picked you up. "Unless the wolf will get a kiss."
 You hummed and shook your head. “No, you won’t get a kiss. I don’t know whether you had your rabies vaccination,” you chuckled at your own words.
 "Oh don't be such a Snow Queen. I had my rabies vaccination, because there is a prince under that fur. So?," Sam hummed, smiling under the mask.
 You leaned forward to reach nis exposed neck where you placed a kiss. “Then I can agree. I want to have the prince only for myself. I demand it. But now, put me down, people are staring!”
 "And that's how the Little Red Riding Hood removed the curse from the prince," Sam said and removed the mask. "I don't know if I will put you down. Why should I?"
 “I’m a little girl that doesn’t like to be lifted up, not counting some particular situations of course,” you smiled. “Put me down, my prince. I need to buy some candies for our subjects for the upcoming fest.”
 Sam thought for a moment and nodded. "Okay. I will but you will do something for me and only then I will put you down."
 You wrapped arms around his neck to support yourself from falling. “What is this?”
 "We will buy those matching pirate couple costumes" Sam asked happily. He knew you hated that idea from the start but maybe this was the right moment to get them.
 You rolled your eyes but nodded in the end. “We will, pinky promise.”
 "Yes!" Sam said loudly, getting other people's attention again.  He kissed you quickly and put you down. "C'mon! They are in a different alley," Sam almost sang, pulling you behind.
 You followed him, gathering packs of candies you had prepared before. When you two got to the point, you checked the costumes out and hummed, thinking. “I need to admit that they look cool. Pity that lady costume covers less than it shows.”
 "Every captain needs his sexy lady," Sam said, wiggling his eyebrows at you. "Besides, we can always use them for some roleplay in the bedroom after halloween."
 As the blush crept onto your lips, you smirked wryly at him. “So, are you a captain, a bad wolf or a prince? Make up your mind, handsome.”
 "I am everything to you. Just as you are to me," Sam explained with a shrug.
 You reached out and stroked his bearded cheek. “I love you. But we gotta get to the checkout now as I’m having a lot of work at home yet, gotta make pumpkin pie, gotta prepare decorations and carve the pumpkins.”
Sam nodded. "Okay. I can't wait to get a slice of that pie." When he started walking toward the checkout, you slightly spanked his butt in fitted jeans. “If you’ll help me then I’ll consider getting you some,” you informed Sam. “Move up, move up, Mister Pirate.”
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trashmouthnerd · 4 years
Cactus Juice - Zukka
Fandom: Avatar, Zuko x Sokka
Part 1/1
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The heat was suffocating, every minute felt like an eternity. The group took a second, arms coming up to block the wave of sand the wind had sent pelting their way.
Zuko sighed, wiping away the beads of sweat from his forehead. It was becoming increasingly hard to breathe by the second. He knew blindly following these idiots around the world was a bad idea..
If it was this excruciating for him, he didn’t dare to think of how it felt for North Pole natives. Personally, he’d grew up surrounded by fire and heat and this detour was painful enough for him.
"Why are we doing this again?" Sokka groaned from beside him. Fists clenched at his side as he tried his best to keep from falling straight onto the heaps of sand that were devouring each step he took.
"Blame Appa! He's the one that landed here for no good reason!" Toph exclaimed, nobody hated the desert more than she did. She couldn't see a single thing here and the guilt she felt from the last time hadn't faded - even if she and everyone else knew there wasn't much else she could've possibly done.
"He was exhausted! We've been flying for days alright, he needs rest and so do we" Aang pitched in, explaining he'd find them shelter for the night and to keep walking north before flying off in to the distance.
"I'm so thirsty" Sokka complained moments later, hoping his remark would be enough to tug on his sisters heart strings but he’d be a fool to truly believe that.
"Sokka, no! If I keep giving you all the water we're going to run out" Katara stated firmly, shaking her head at her brothers annoying complaints.
"He can have my ration" Zuko said, offering Sokka a small smile. The smile was returned ten fold, a wide thankful grin plastered stupidly on Sokka’s face.
"You'd really do that for me?" Sokka stopped, his eyes dangerously flirtatious but Zuko knew this was just how he acted. Though god bless him for the period in time where he hadn’t quite understood Sokka and his playful nature. He’d never been closer to dying in his life and that’s saying something.
Katara shook her head. Zuko was an idiot to offer up his share, this journey was about to get unbearable if Aang didn't find shelter soon. They couldn't sleep in this heat and Appa needed rest if they ever planned on getting out of here.
Zuko nodded sternly, not understanding what the big deal was. Sokka was his friend, he'd helped him understand kindness in a way only his uncle had ever done so previously. He didn't mind returning the favour once in a while.
"I'm moved prince Zuko, but I must decline.. you're gonna need it trust me" Sokka started his sentence with a teasingly light tone but ended it with anguish. Oh how he longed for a drink.
"Alright, but the offers there" Zuko finishes, his mind having not being changed in the slightest. In truth he'd do the same for any of his friends. They'd all helped him grow in ways he'd never thought possible.
Momo chirped, jumping from Sokka’s shoulder before flying off to the west of the group.
"Momo, dearest momo.. wait where is he going?" Sokka pondered, wondering if perhaps he should follow. They all stopped momentarily, awaiting their friends return.
"Alright you two stay here, Toph and I are going to go to the top of that hill and see if we can find Aang" Katara said, Zuko nodded but Sokka wasn't paying much attention. He'd already fallen to the floor with his hands covering his face from the sweltering sun.
"You're gonna make me climb a hill? I can't see you know!" Toph exclaimed, hoping that for once this card might work on Katara.
It didn't. She just softy grabbed Toph’s arm, muttering something about how dumb it would be to leave Toph and Sokka unattended together. It really didn't have a good track record.
"This. Is. Hell." Sokka cried out. Zuko tried his best to block the sun from his friend but realised he couldn't do much else. Momo returned soon after with a strange looking cactus, flying a little lower and sloppier than usual. Zuko frowned, something was wrong with him.
"Oh momo! I knew there was a reason you were my favourite!" Sokka beamed.
"What is it?" Zuko asked, trying to examine the strangely juicy cactus in Sokka’s hand.
"This my friend, is drinkable and I'm going to drink it.. So what if maybe it didn't go so well last time I'm sure not every cactus here is as weird as that one" Sokka says, he looks as though he's talking himself into that. Looking at it hesitantly for a second before taking a sip from the top of it and offering it to Zuko.
Zuko went to take it, unsure as to weather or not he would drink it yet when it was suddenly knocked from Sokka’s hands.
"Sokka! You have got to be kidding me!" Katara screeched, standing on the cactus that had fallen to the ground.
"I'm sorry Katara, I'm just so thirsty" Sokka said before falling back to the floor, his pupils dilating as he giggled at nothing.
"What was that?" Zuko pondered, looking down at the crushed cactus he thought he'd be getting a taste of.
"Cactus juice, last time we were here those two idiots drank some of it and were out of it the rest of the day.. I guess you'll see" Katara sighed.
"Anyway, Aang is just up ahead and I think I see structure’s so let's keep moving" Katara instructed, taking Toph’s arm as the two took the lead. Zuko followed close behind, trying to keep an eye on Sokka who had become rather slow and distracted. He was jumping up and down like an idiot trying to catch Momo’s tail.
"What is he doing?" Zuko asked, completely bewildered by this entire day and how calm everyone was being about it.
"Oh just leave him, it's his own fault and he'll be fine by tomorrow, Momo too"
Zuko sighed, looks like it would be his responsibility to look after the idiot. Great. As if he didn't have bigger things to worry about than the cute boomerang lunatic.
Zuko went to grab Sokka’s arm to guide him in the right direction but stopped when Sokka reached straight past his offering hand and directly for his face.
Zuko felt his cheeks heat up considerably as his friend's fingers tugged at them.
"Hmm, scary fire prince guy" Sokka said and Zuko stepped back a little. Perhaps he'd forgotten the last few weeks in the state he was in. Or perhaps he’d messed up so much in the past that he’d always be known as that person to Sokka and many, many others.
"Always trying to catch us"
"Yes, I'm truly sorry for all of that" Zuko frowned, he'd thought everyone had forgiven him, he'd thought Sokka had forgiven him.
"Yup! Now pretty fire prince is on our side! Momo did you hear that? We've got the best looking fire bender on our team!" Momo chirped and Zuko hid in his hands. Katara laughed.
"Sorry, guess he's very lose lipped when he's drugged" She smiled. A gust of wind hit them suddenly, Zuko parted his hands slightly, peaking through his fingers he watched as Aang came into view.
"There's a group of earth benders not far from here, they said we could stay the night in their barn" He exclaimed. Flying happily on an air bubble.
"That's great Aang, I'm not sure Sokka could last much longer" Katara said, motioning over to her brother. Her bother who's arms were wrapped around Zuko’s neck as he smiled up at him.
"Oh.. okay then. Let's make our way there then" Aang laughed, he'd known about Sokkas feelings for a while now so this was far less of a surprise to him than it seemed to be for Zuko.
The group made their way straight towards the earth benders, following behind an excitable Aang.
Katara shared the last of her water around when they were about ten minutes away, figuring they could stock back up once they arrived. Sokka, on the other hand, continued making flirtatious comments to Zuko all while chasing Momo around and paying far much attention to every single thing.
"I found this rock, it's hard around the edges but look the inside is smooth!" Sokka beamed, handing the newly discovered rock to Zuko.
"It reminded me of you, pretty boy" Sokka winked and Zuko blushed, rubbing his finger over the rock before placing it in his pocket. He kept telling himself to ignore Sokka, he was high and he didn't really think any of this. But still, he couldn't force his heart to stop fluttering.
Soon after and they'd safely made it to the earth benders. A man dressed head to toe in beige clothing and bandages stepped forward. Slowly unwrapping his face protection as he smiled.
They were greeted warmly, given food and water and told they were free to stay as long as they'd like.
"We'd be honoured to house the Avatar" The man had said, bowing his head before showing them to their spare barn. It was nice enough. Piles of hay, a roof, lots of water for Appa and that's all they really needed. They just had to wait for Appa to sleep then they could get out of here and onto land where breathing wasn't as hard a task.
Though Zuko thought the desert air was fine to breathe through in comparison to Sokka’s remarks and sudden close proximity.
They all did their part in setting up the base, no fire was necessary for once but still, sitting on the floor was never comfortable.
Aang disappeared momentarily before returning with some blankets for everyone to sit on, smiling though a story as he placed each one down in a circle formation.
Sokka’s blanket had originally been placed between Aang and Toph, everyone thinking it a good idea to keep him as far from Zuko as possible. Zuko tried not to sulk, it was annoying Sokka had to be so far from him after being stuck to him for the last hour.. But it was definitely for the best.
Sokka on the other hand didn’t like this arrangement at all…
"No! I wanna sit with Zuko!"
"Sokka no! You're being weird you're going to make him uncomfortable!" Katara said, gulping down some water before using the rest to fill up her water bending pouch.
"Oh.. I don't want him to be uncomfortable.." Sokka frowned, looking down at his hands and Zuko felt a pang in his chest. He picked up his own blanket and placed it ridiculously close to Sokka’s. Who needed logic when your incredibly cute best friend was pining over you.
"Hey, I'm not uncomfortable" He smiled and Sokka beamed. His hands reaching for Zuko’s own and lacing them together.
"hmm good.. you're the best!" Zuko’s chest tightened, oh how he hoped Sokka actually meant this.
"But make sure you drink this alright? It'll make you feel better" Zuko said, placing a water bottle in Sokka’s free hand.
Aang smiled at how carefully Zuko was treating his friend and felt his heart warming at how much Zuko had become a member of the group. At how much he'd changed. There was a point where he'd wanted nothing more than to hunt them all down, now he was smitten with the boomerang guy.
"Uhhh no! I already feel great, you're here!"
"Gross! Why's he so soppy when he's high" Toph fake gagged. Sokka’s face was enveloped in a pout and Zuko frowned.
"Don't listen to her. Drink this and I'll stay here all night all right?"
"With me?!" Sokka bounced when Zuko nodded. Gulping down his water as though his life depended on it. Then he threw the water bottle, looking towards Zuko for his praise.
"Ow" Aang frowned. "I see, no regard for your other friends then!" He joked and Sokka glared at him.
"Hey! I love you all, but Zuko is hot! Ahh! Don't tell him I said that" Sokka shouted towards Aang. Whisper shouting the end part but it wasn't even close to being an actual whisper, and even if it was Zuko was still going to hear it, what with being right next to him and all.
"Oh! Fire prince! Didn't see you there... How ya doin'?" Sokka winked when he turned to face Zuko again.
"You think I'm hot?"
"Did Aang tell you! No loyalty I'm telling you!" Sokka shouted. Earning a small "heyy" from Aang.
Zuko smiled, newly found confidence seeping into him. He'd never felt like this before but Sokka’s sincerity made him feel safe and secure enough to do anything.
He pulled at the hand he was holding, Sokka’s face flying forward and he caught it with ease, his mouth grazing Sokkas ear as he whispered.
"Not so bad yourself" Sokka screeched, nearly taking out everyone’s ear drums on his way before wrapping his arms around Zuko’s neck, his legs overlapping Zuko’s own.
"Guys!! Hot stuff likes me back!" Sokka smiled.
“Um.. What exactly does he mean?”
“He means he’s been trying to get your attention for weeks and apparently it hasn’t been working” Katara says, shrugging.
“Now he thinks you do feel the same, which we all knew of course but he’s an idiot” She finished and Zuko quite literally felt as though he could explode.
“Will he even remember this?”
“Probably not”
“Oh” Zuko looked down, Sokka’s head was in his lap, fingers tracing along his jaw and Zuko caught them.
“Hey! Lemme touch youuu” Sokka whined and Zuko knew he couldn’t exactly say no to those eyes. He let go of his hand expecting it to go back to his jaw but instead it fell and hit Sokka straight in the face.
“Ouch” Everyone laughed at that, everyone except Zuko and sokka.
“I’m so sorry, I thought you’d-“
“Shh, you’ll get worry lines on your perfect face!”
“I’m sorry, I really did think my brother had a little more integrity than this.. A little but not a lot..”
Sokka huffed, his arms crossing on his chest.
“I think it’s brave. He’s very open, takes a lot of courage” Sokka smiled again, tugging on Zuko’s shirt and going up to kiss him.
“Okay no kissing me while drugged” Zuko stated, he definitely wanted it more than anything, but not when Sokka wouldn’t even remember it…
“I’m sure it doesn’t take any bravery when you’re that high” Toph scoffed, shoving some of the food they’d been given into her mouth.
“I’m super brave! Me and boomerang could rule the world!” Sokka yelled. His hand slamming into the air as he made a throwing motion.
“Aren’t I invited?” Zuko frowned down at the head on his lap, which gasped and sat up, just barley avoiding a collision on his skull Zuko readjusted.
“Of course! Zuko, sokka and boomerang! Dream team”
“Sure, dream team of doing nothing! It’s the three of us that have kept us alive this long..” Katara says scoffing.
“Ahh let him have it Katara, I haven’t seen him this happy in a long time” Zuko smiles at that comment. He doubts it has anything to do with his arrival but a guy can dream.
Hours had passed and Sokka still wasn't regaining any form of normality, he'd been attached to Zuko all night. Everyone had found it all very amusing, but Zuko hadn't felt this alive before. He'd never have thought that the water tribe boy would've liked him back, never mind this much.
Sokka hasn't gone ten minutes without calling Zuko pretty or beautiful in some sort of way, he felt a little guilty about it but Zuko really didn't want this to stop. He didn't want Sokka to wear off from the drug and say he didn't mean any of it, he was just high.
It hurt too much to think about that, so he shook his head. Besides if that really were the case then wouldn't it be best to make the most of tonight?
"Hey hot stuff? What ya thinking about? Is it me.. are you thinking about me?" Sokka smirked, resting his head on Zuko’s shoulder.
"It's a little hard not to when you're all over me" Zuko replied, earning only a "hmm" from Sokka - who had seemed to take this as a request for him to get even closer. He pushed Zuko down onto his blanket, then fell down onto it himself. They were face to face and Zuko swears he hadn't actually had any oxygen in an hour.
Sokka smiled, moving closer and burying his head in Zuko’s neck. The rest were all asleep now, luckily for sokka as they would likely tease him about this for weeks.
"Sleep with me" Sokka mumbled and Zuko jumped, pulling his head away.
"What?!" Zuko sat up, stunned. It had came out a little louder than expected but there were only a few stirs.
"I'm tired and you're warm.." Sokka smiled, pulling Zuko back to him and pushing a leg under Zuko’s - who had just been brought back down to earth in realising Sokka didn't mean what he thought he meant.
"Goodnight Sokka.." Zuko smiled, his hand holding Sokka’s head as his breaths got slower and deeper. Zuko didn't want to sleep, he wanted to cherish this moment incase he never got another like it.
Yet the warmth and the safety was more than he'd ever felt and soon enough sleep was overtaking him.
"What the -" Sokka screamed, jumping out of Zuko's grip, legs taking him as far away from the sleeping Firebender as they possibly could. He turned to look at his friends who were all staring at him with raised brows.
Then he whispered.
"Please tell me why I just woke up entangled with the fire prince!" He whisper shouted and Zuko stirred. He walked closer to his friends so as not to wake the very subject of his confusion.
"Because, you idiot, you decided to drink cactus juice again.. you know, because it worked out great last time" Katara scowled. Sokka shook his head, wanting an actual answer.
"Yeah, then you clung to fire fingers over there the entire night. It was gross, you kept calling him pretty" Toph turned up her face.
"It was cute, Zuko looked after you the whole time.. but you're gonna have a lot to talk about when he wakes up" Aang smiled warmly and Sokka felt his insides churning. He was mortified, no way had he fallen asleep in Zuko’s arms.. no way had he spent the whole night calling him pretty..
"Please someone just kill me now" Sokka whined. He was about to step outside for some air before remembering they were in a giant desert and decided against it. Clearly he didn't mix well with the desert.
"Morning sleepy head" Toph said when a eerily quiet Zuko came towards them. He was rubbing his eyes and his hair had fallen in front of his eyes.
"What are you staring at? Aren't you going to call me pretty today?" Zuko teased, unaware that the cactus juice had most definitely worn off.
He certainly caught on to this development when Sokka’s face was overcome with horror. Zuko’s own cheeks reddened and he let out a quick "oh" before returning to his blanket to wake up properly. Sokka looked between his friends and Zuko, each of them pointing with their heads to talk to him.
Sokka took a deep breath and ventured forward. Taking a seat beside Zuko, smiling cautiously when Zuko looked at him.
"Sorry, I thought you were still... You know" Zuko said, looking down at the water in his hands and taking a quick drink of it.
"Yeah about that.. the gang just told me what I did and I'm so sorry"
"No! I mean.. it wasn't bad.." Zuko said, trying with every fibre of his being to keep a straight face but get his point across properly. Sokka raised a brow, realisation dawning that perhaps Zuko felt the same. After all, he had let Sokka sleep with him..
"oh.. well in that case, you look adorable this morning" Sokka smiled, reaching over and pressing his lips to Zuko's cheek. Laughing fondly when he saw the heat rising to them.
"Yup, definitely adorable"
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
Unplanned Outcome ~ PJM & JHS [Request] [Part Two]
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↬↬↬  Part One [M]
↬↬↬Word Count: 6.1K
↬↬↬Genre: Angst, fluff?
↬↬↬Pairing: Jung Hoseok x Fem!Reader
↬↬↬A/n: This was written before anyone even saw part 2 so I hope you guys enjoy this
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This was just going to be a flying visit, that was what you kept repeating over in your head nothing was going to keep you there. In and out. No one would have to know you were even in town and it would be fine, everything would be fine and you had nothing to worry about. 
"Here darling, take this." You whispered to your daughter as she held out her hands for the fake keys you were holding out for her to take, she giggled at you and began chewing on the teething ring she was holding. It was her favourite teething set that you'd gotten her for her 2nd birthday a couple of months ago, 2 years. It had been that long - well 2 years and 8 months since you left Seoul and this was the first time you were driving back through. Coming back to the city you'd left for a good reason.  
"State your business here please," The man at the toll booth said as you handed him the money and waited for your ticket you knew this was his job but he could have at least smiled about it, 
"Family visit, leaving Sunday." You knew you had to be brief with them, they didn't care what you were doing they only cared if you were staying or leaving. His eyes lit up when he heard your daughter saying something in the back of your car,
"Cute kid," You smiled in the mirror at your daughter who was now falling asleep with her mouth wrapped around the fake keys. 
"She is," You whispered thanking him for the ticket and driving further down the motorway in the direction of a gas station, you were running low and wanted to stock up on fuel before you got to your mums' place - she was the one forcing you to come back after all. She'd gone on a huge rant that it wasn't fair about keeping you and your daughter out of Seoul without anyone getting to see her despite your counter-argument about how they could come to you anytime they wanted to they just didn't want to. 
Passing through the city everything began to seep back into your memories, everything you'd managed to push off and ignore for the last 2 years and 8 months of being out of there. Black and white images flashed through your head like a silent movie about the nights you'd spent lying to Hoseok and going to secret spots with Jimin, even all the memories you shared with Hoseok over the years. 
"You're going to love halmeoni's." You'd been trying to speak a little Korean around her since she was part Korean you wanted her to know about her heritage and language. She stared at you in the mirror trying to say the word but she was struggling with it and you smiled softly at her she was only young but you still talked to her as though she was going to speak back to you in coherent sentences. 
"She's got this huge sandpit in the back garden and she's convinced your aunties to bring their sons around, you'll love them I promise." She'd only ever been around other kids when she was in nursery and daycare and this was the first time she was ever going to meet anyone else that was family. No one had come to see you when you gave birth because they were all so busy with their own things to get out of Seoul and find you plus you'd told your mum not to come out, after the birth you didn't want anyone to come near you. It had been one of the worst moments in your daughter's life.
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Sooyoung was walking past the gas station when she could have sworn she saw your car pulling out of it and getting ready to move onto the main road in the direction into town, she stayed still on the path watching from afar wanting to see for sure that it was you - she didn't want to be the one to cry wolf if it wasn't really you inside of the car. But the number plate was the same and as soon as your car pulled onto the main road her mouth dropped open it was either you or someone that looked an awful lot like you.
Sooyoung: [10:45 AM ] I think I just saw Y/n...She's back in Seoul? Did she call you? 
Hitting send she waited patiently for Jaein to get back to her. All of them had been worried sick since the moment you left town, spending countless days trying to contact you. Hoseok went to your parents but they had no idea you'd even left Seoul. He spent months trying to track you down but it was clear you didn't want to be found, your number had been deactivated, your mother told Hoseok to stop looking and you'd deleted all forms of social media not wanting to be reached by a single person. It was clear you didn't want to be found so they all gave up - everyone except for Jimin and Hoseok. Jimin convinced everyone that he was going to keep helping his Hyung but Sooyoung knew there was something else keeping him going, no one was ever that motivated to find someone without there being something there but after a few months Jimin dropped everything. It was like he didn't even want to know who you were anymore, he even stopped speaking to Hoseok who never gave out hope on you coming back.
Jaein: [10:57 am] Hasn't contacted me? I'll go to my mums and keep an eye out, if she's back she'll go to her mum. Don't tell Hobi. He's only just getting through things. 
They both agreed to wait until there was concrete evidence that you were back in Seoul, Jaein had lived across the road from you like kids and was going to sit out in her window all day if that's what it took to find out if it was really you Sooyoung had seen. It had to have been though there was no one else it could have been - the same car, the same plates and you even looked like you, you'd hardly changed in the two years you'd been gone though. Your hair had gotten a little longer from what she could see through the car window but other than that there was nothing new about you. Sooyoung stared down at her phone debating calling Hoseok but he'd only just been able to move on from you running away from him. He'd been blaming himself the entire time, saying that he was the one that pushed you to run away as you did. Leaving nothing behind, not even a note to tell him why you were leaving and where you were going if you'd ever come back. It ripped him apart leaving everyone around him to pick up the debris that you'd left behind in your path of destruction. Sooyoung's blood boiled the more she thought about you packing up and living without a word, she hated you for what you did to Sooyoung and she was never going to hide that fact from you.
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"Mum, I'm outside, can you come and help us inside?" You asked over the phone as you unstrapped your daughter from her car seat, she was fast asleep which was going to make things easier for you. All you had to do was get her into the house without Jaein's mother seeing you both, she was one of the biggest gossipers on the street and as soon as she knew something everyone would know within hours. 
"You're here!" You heard your mother scream and you rolled your eyes she was being dramatic as ever about things so you held up your finger up to your mouth to signal that your daughter was sleeping and that you didn't want anyone to wake her up just yet. Naptime was very little in your household and you were going to let her nap as long as she needed.
"The bags are in the boot of the car, I'll take her inside." You whispered picking up your daughter and carrying her up the driveway and into the house where you were greeted by your aunties all wanting to get a peek of your daughter but you held her closer to you and walked in the direction of your old room. Your mum had already put up a small crib for her to sleep inside of while you stayed with her.
Jaein: [11:30 am] It's her but there's something you have to know, let me call you...
She'd watched the whole time, the moment your car pulled onto the driveway she was in the window watching. Your mum came out with her arms spread wide but stopped once she saw you do something, you were clutching something in your hands when you got out of the car and when you turned towards the house that's when Jaein saw the baby clutched in your arms, Jaein was too far away to be able to determine the age of the baby but as soon as she saw you and no one else in the car she knew the baby was yours. 
"Are you sure? It could have just been one of her cousins?" Sooyoung didn't want to assume that you'd run off to have a baby and not told anyone, it could have been any number of reasons, 
"No, her mum looked like she hadn't seen her in years and then they took bags into the house. I'm telling you it's her baby." Jaein was sitting in the window of her old bedroom still trying to see if anything else happened but you were staying inside of the house by the looks of it. It seemed to be a huge family reunion going on since she kept seeing your family pull up and head into the house. 
"Do we tell Hoseok?" Sooyoung questioned as she stared down a photograph she still had of you and her in her apartment, 
"We don't even know if the baby is his, she's been gone for so long she could have moved on by now, met someone new." Sooyoung hummed putting down the photograph, 
"I'll come around to yours and we'll crash the party." 
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Your mother had you and your daughter sitting in the living room while everyone questioned you on who the father was, something you'd never told anyone because how could you tell them when you didn't know. It was always the same story, it was none of their business and they weren't to tell anyone that you had a child. 
"I bet it's Hoseok's and that's why she ran away." You shot a look at your cousin who was sniggering to her husband, you knew they all locked down on you for walking away from the wedding and throwing your life away. 
"Why would she run away? I bet she cheated on him." You'd had enough of their snide comments about you and your daughter it was all that had been happening from the moment you'd brought her down for everyone to see. From the way she looked to the clothes you dressed her in, they just liked to nitpick on every small thing so you picked her up from the floor. 
"I'm going for a walk." You pushed past your cousins who were now laughing at you as you laid your daughter down in the small pram and began pushing her out of the house, your mother caught your arm before you got to the door. 
"You promise to come back this time, don't you?" Her voice was shaking and your heart sank as you realised just how much this had affected her, you'd never thought about it until now. How you'd locked almost everyone out of her life and never gave them a chance to be included on it, you hadn't even sent photographs to your mum. You were so scared she would show someone who would tell Hoseok or Jimin about your daughter,
"I promise. I'm just going to go and get her favourite apple sauce." You whispered leaning up and kissing her cheek before pushing the pram out of the house only to see Sooyoung and Jaein across the road on their way over. They were on their way to crash the party when they saw you coming out of the house.
"Y/n?" You were torn, going back into the house meant facing everyone laughing about you but going out onto the road meant facing them and asking their questions.
"Hi Sooyoung," You swallowed the lump in your throat as you pushed your sleeping daughter down the road and towards them, they were going to keep following you so you might as well get it over and done with to see what they would say. 
"Cute kid." You saw no use in lying to Jaein, they both knew when you lied they knew you too well. 
"She's mine," You whispered moving the top of the pram away from her face and looking down at her, her being there made you less anxious about this but you knew that this had only just started. 
"How old is she?" You glanced at Sooyoung who hadn't even looked at your child, she'd just stood with her hands on her hips staring at you. 
"2 years old back in April." You whispered looking away from her, you felt like you were being scolded by a teacher but she held her stare on you regardless that you were looking away from her. She wanted you to feel like this, you had questions to answer to.
"Where have you been? I've been so worried!" Jaein was always the sweeter and more forgiving one of your friends, your daughter began to stir in her sleep and then let out a cry.
"I'm here baby," You whispered bending down to pick her up in your arms and bounce her from side to side, as soon as her eyes opened Sooyoung's facial expression softened looking at the way she clung around your neck the way she did. 
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"You're good with kids," You laughed as Sooyoung bounced your daughter on her lap, you were sitting on a porch swing with Jaein and Sooyoung as they questioned you. It hadn't been as bad as you thought it would be, you'd thought they would integrate you but they were just asking small questions about what your life was like and what your daughter was like.
"Is she Hobi's?" Sooyoung's voice was stern and you knew that question was coming but you hadn't expected her to be so blunt about it. You had no idea if Jimin had told people what happened between you, you had no idea what any of them had been doing. As soon as you were out of Seoul you deactivated your phone so you couldn't be tempted to call them and fix things over. You didn't want to when you knew there was no going back on what you had done. 
"We need to get you back home to Grandma," You forced out a laugh taking your daughter in your hands and laying her down in the pram but Sooyoung wasn't done, you began walking across the road while she yelled at you. Jaein begging her to stop, that things were fine and she didn't need to do this but Sooyoung had no sympathy for you not after what you'd put everyone through.
"Why didn't you just tell him you were pregnant?! He would have loved to be a dad or are you just that heartless?!" The last part got you, you turned around to look at her eyes filled with tears as you finally admitted the one thing that had been holding you down for years.
"Cause there is a very big chance that he isn't her father!" You finally admitted it felt like a weight was automatically removed from your chest as you screamed the words out to her. Jaein stared at you with wide eyes but you pushed the pram back up into your mums' house and shut the door, tears streaming down your cheeks as you finally let out the secret after all these years. You locked the door and your mum came over to you, the house was silent as everyone turned to see you crying. 
"Y/n? What happened?" You shook your head at her looking at your cousins who were all intrigued to know what had happened out there to make you this upset.
"Mum-" You couldn't even get through the sentence, you just bent down to pick up your daughter and rushed up to your old bedroom, slamming the door and putting your daughter into her crib. 
"I'm sorry baby, here." You handed her the stuffed toys you'd brought along with you, as well as some blocks for her to play with. You sat in front of the crib watching her closely, you were sure she belonged to Hoseok but there was always that fact that she could possibly belong to Jimin and that was the one thing you didn't want. 
"I'm sorry your life is so messed up, it wasn't meant to be like this." You whimpered, her hand came through the small bar of the crib to wipe away your tears, 
"Mum sad?" You nodded at her and she frowned watching you, she was always so inquisitive about everything happening around her. 
"Yeah, darling, mum's sad." You whispered watching as she very cleverly made her way out of the crib before sitting between your legs and resting her head on your chest. 
"What's wrong?" You sighed looking down at her, you began playing with her hair as you shook your head telling her that it was nothing. 
"Mum's just sad, you're growing up so quickly." You lied putting her hair into two pigtails kissing the back of her head when there was a knock at the door. 
"I sent everyone home," You felt bad that your mum had to cancel things because of you,
"They started as soon as you walked away, I won't let anyone talk about my daughter like that but I saw Sooyoung and Jaein." She sat down beside you and laid your head on her shoulder wanting to care for you like you were your daughter. 
"You don't have to tell me what happened, you don't have to tell me why you left but just...just let me in. Let me help you." You whimpered hearing her say this to you, you'd locked her out for so long thinking she would think little of you for what happened but she was your mum. She wasn't there to judge you, 
"There's something you need to know about her." You whispered wiping your eyes on your sleeve and looking at your daughter. 
"Tell me." 
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The cup in your hand was starting to burn the palm of your hands but it was nothing compared to the scolding you were getting from your mum. You were sitting in the back garden watching your daughter playing on the small slid and the ball pit that was in there. Your mother had gone through the emotions with you, she was angry with you, then sad that you had to go through it alone and back to being angry because of what you'd done to your perfect relationship with Hoseok. 
"Does he know about Jimin?" You shook your head and sipped on the coffee, 
"Unless Jimin told him, I don't think so." She sighed at you watching as you drank the hot liquid, she took in a deep breath knowing that she was going to have to act like a mother again. 
"You have to tell them both-"
"I'm sure Sooyoung already went to tell him earlier." You muttered putting down the mug and going over to your daughter who was calling out for you to play with her in the pit. 
"You can't keep something like this from him forever, he has a right to." You knew she was right but it wasn't the right time but you knew it was never going to feel like the right time. Your mother watched as you ignored her and she knew she was going to have to step in and do something about it.
"When do you leave tomorrow?" 
"6 pm, why?" You questioned laughing as your daughter went down backwards on the slide, 
"I'll make us a family meal. Your favourite?" You nodded at her not looking over at her as you keep your eye on your daughter. 
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"She's back? For good?" Hoseok asked looking at Sooyoung as she stood at his front door, he hadn't let her inside because he didn't feel like having visitors until he heard you were in town. The moment he heard that he let his guard down and she made her way inside of the house, nothing had changed. There were photos of you all over the walls, he hadn't moved on from you at all and he was still holding out hope that you would come home to him one day that you just needed time to think things over and you would be back.
"There's something you need to know Hoseok, she's not alone." His heart began to beat fast as he thought you'd come home with another man but he could tell by the look on Sooyoung's face that it was something else, 
"She has a child." Her mouth ran dry as she debated about telling him how she didn't know it she was his or not. It wasn't her place to tell him any of this but she could already tell that you weren't going to do it any time soon and he had every right to know, especially if there was a chance that that little girl was his. 
"A child?" He sat down on the chair behind him shocked, his legs felt like jelly at the thought of him having a child to you. 
"Is the child mine?" Sooyoung stayed quiet and he could already tell that she didn't have an idea to the answer of the question, Hoseok's mind went back to all of the time you'd been spending with Jimin and how he thought you'd been cheating on him all those years ago.
"You should go Sooyoung, I- I need to think." She walked out of the house without another word while Hoseok sat there staring at a photo of you on the fireplace, you were smiling brightly in the photo and holding up the engagement ring to the camera, happy about your life future together but on closer inspection, Hoseok noticed something he hadn't noticed before, Jimin. He was standing in the back of the photo glaring at you both in the shot and that was all it took for Hoseok to grab his car keys.
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The next day had gone by in the blink of an eye but there was something off, your mother had barely spoken a word to you since you'd walked down the stairs but you put it down to the news you'd told her yesterday about your daughter and the identity of her father.
"Would it be selfish for me to ask you to stay?" Your mother asked as you laid the table, it was the first time she was going to have a full table for the first time in years and she didn't want to say goodbye to that feeling just yet. She'd only just gotten you back and now you were getting ready to up and leave her once again. 
"I'm sorry mum, we have a life back home now-"
"You had a life here!" She snapped slamming down a cup on the counter, you looked down at the floor swallowing the lump in your throat. 
"I'm going to go and put her in the swings." You whispered looking away from her as she tried to say sorry for her outburst but you left her to it.
"Swings!" You giggled excitedly to your daughter who had been colouring in the living room, 
"Swings?!" She screamed dropping the pencils and rushing to your side as fast as her tiny little legs would carry her, she bounced up into your arms and you blew on her stomach as you carried her in the direction of the backdoor. 
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"She's gorgeous." You heard the familiar voice say, you turned on your heel to see Hoseok standing on the back porch watching you closely. He'd been standing there for ten minutes just watching you both as you pushed your daughter on the swing set, you hadn't changed at all in the years that you'd been away except for the child. 
"Hobi." You breathed, as soon as your eyes locked with him it brought back all of the overwhelming emotions you'd left behind, the love, heartbreak and guilt you'd felt towards him all these years coming crashing back like waves to a beach. 
"How old is she?" He questioned coming closer to you and her as you stopped the swing from moving, your daughter went to protest until she realised you were no longer alone in the garden. 
"2 Years old." You answered blandly looking at him as he stared at your daughter, you knew what he was doing it was the same you had done. He was scanning her for any signs that she was his and not someone else's,
"Jimin knows. I assumed that's who you think the other father is." His tone was harsh and you didn't blame him, what you'd done to him was wrong and you weren't going to hold it against him if he wanted to be mean about everything. 
"Hoseok I never-"
"Meant to hurt me? Ruin my life? Runaway without an explanation? Show up two years with a daughter you don't know the father of." You picked your daughter out of the swing set, 
"Go to grandma and clean up for the food." You whispered to her tapping her on the head as she rushed past Hoseok, staring up at him as she did.
"How could you do that to her?" You frowned expecting this conversation to be about him and what you had done to him, 
"You took her away from her father, you know I would have raised her as my own don't you." You looked down at the floor as he began to stalk his way over to you, it felt like he was the lion and you were the deer he was hunting. 
"Hoseok please let me-"
"Explain? I'm waiting for something you can say to make any of this better because Jimin couldn't think of anything either." That was when you noticed his knuckles, they were all scabbed over, your eyes flicked up to his face and you took in his appearance properly. He'd lost weight since the last time you saw him and he had a bust lip, 
"You fought him?" You breathed looking at his face and wanting to rush over to him and look after him but he wasn't yours to look after anymore, he wasn't yours to worry about. 
"Why? Scared I hurt him?!" He snapped, 
"I'm scared you hurt yourself! You've never been good at fighting," You sighed at him and he felt his heart sink as he realised that you still cared for him. 
"It was never meant to happen like that-"
"You were supposed to break things off first?" You shook your head tearing up, he had every right to be this mad about it since it was his life you'd ruined by running out on him.
"No. I never wanted to hurt you! Jimin was just-" You let the tears rolled down your cheeks, you'd thought about how this would go a million times but you'd never put into practice what you were going to say to him because nothing would be able to tell him how truly sorry you were and why you had done it. 
"He already explained it to me and he's a-" He didn't finish his sentence but you noticed his hands clench up at the mention of him. 
"I went to see him and talk about all of this but he just claimed that he didn't care. That all of that was in the past and he was happy now, happy with someone who stuck around and that he'd only been with you for one reason." You blinked at him waiting for the reason, you already had suspicions about it all, after you left you began to piece things together. How Jimin only wanted you once you expressed how happy you and Hoseok were and how he never seemed to care about Hoseok's feelings, 
"He was just using you to tear us apart, he didn't want to see either of us happy together." You didn't feel your heartbreak like you thought you would, all you felt was anger towards the one who had used you to break down the man you did truly love.
"What happened between me and him it was just...It was excitement and passion that made me do it and..I was addicted to him but it's nothing now. I didn't love him I didn't feel anything towards him like I did- Do with you." You corrected yourself and he stared at you waiting for you to continue but there was nothing you could possibly say to make things smooth over and be like how they used to be. 
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"Your mum said she had no idea where you were when you left." You were both sitting on the porch steps talking about everything, you'd spoken about when you left and where you went to with your daughter. 
"I just left. I didn't tell anyone Hobi, I knew that the less people that knew the fewer would have to lie to you." You whispered playing with your fingers, he'd been so forgiving throughout all of it and it wasn't fair. You wanted him to scream at yell at you for all of the things you'd put him through but he wasn't like that at all.
"Was anyone with you when you gave birth?" You shook your head thinking about the moment you'd gone into labour with her, you thought it was the Universe getting back at you for what you'd done to Hoseok, 
"I think I had instant Karma. I had to give birth in an elevator," You laughed at yourself but Hoseok's eyes filled with concern the moment you mentioned it. No one knew this story, you told your mother you'd given birth in the hospital instead of an elevator in the smallest apartment building you could find. 
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"Dear god not now!" You screamed clutching the bottom of your bump as you felt your water break, you could have had hours until you had to push but the way the contractions were hitting you you knew it wouldn't be long and you were stuck inside the smallest elevator known to man.
"Fuck! Please!" You whimpered hitting the alarm button inside the elevator, a man's voice sounded through the system but he didn't sound bothered that you were screaming in agony. 
"Get me out of this fucking thing before I give birth on this fucking floor!" You screamed at him but he hung up the emergency call and you were left there alone with your bump. You sunk onto your bum holding onto your stomach as you begged her not to come out yet, to just hold on a little while longer so you could get somewhere safe for her to come into the world. 
You weren't ready at all but the man on the elevator alarm told you that there was nothing they could do, the fire department was on their way but the roads were packed thanks to a village-wide power cut.
"You couldn't just wait three more hours?!" You screamed at yourself as you felt the need to push creeping up on you, you spread your legs inside the elevator and laid the jacket you'd been wearing when you got inside. 
"P-please." You whimpered to no one imparticular, you just wanted this to go right so nothing would happen. 
"Okay...3...2...1." You cried out as you began pushing in the way you'd been told to in all the birthing classes, doing everything you could to remember what all of the teachers had said to you. Hold breath and push, breathe and push all over again.
"I-I can't do this." You whimpered to yourself, you couldn't see what was happening, you didn't know if she was going to come out okay or if she was even turned the right away around. 
"You can do this, it's just a couple of more pushes." The male voice was back through the alarm, he couldn't see into the elevator but he'd come back to hear you screaming out. 
"C-Can't." Your body felt so weak but you just kept picturing the way she would look in your arms, the male began to tell you how beautiful she would be, how she was going to be so brave like you were being right now. You didn't feel brave, you felt like a failure who couldn't even give birth to her daughter right,
"One more push okay? Just one more and she'll be right there in your arms." You whimpered hearing his words of encouragement, you just thought about how you didn't deserve them but you had to do this for your daughter. 
"FUCK!" You cried out pushing as hard as you could one last time until you finally felt her leave your body and start screaming loudly
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"You've been raising her alone?" You nodded as you looked through the small kitchen window, she was standing with your mum making cupcakes while you and Hoseok sat to catch up on everything. 
"Its a struggle but I manage." You whispered she was worth everything you'd gone through to get her to the place you were at now. You had a stable job, she had a stable school system and you were contempt with your life. You could have been happier if Hoseok had been there but you weren't going to mention that to him, he'd only just found out she even existed. 
"I want to help out in any way that I can,"
"Hobi we don't even know if she's-"
"She's mine. I can tell. The smile, the eyes, she's all me." He whispered looking from her to you, you could tell he was serious about this. About being there for her but you couldn't let him do that,
"Please. If you're not sure we can run tests but I assure you that she's mine and even if she wasn't I'd still raise her." His hand was over yours and you stared at them and thought about the way it made you feel. You still had the wave of butterflies throughout your stomach, the spark whenever he touched you and your eyes began to tear up. 
"No." You stood up from the steps and moved away from him crying heavily as he was just willing to forgive you like that like nothing has happened. 
"You can't- Hobi I broke the trust, I broke everything that happened between us and you're just going to take me back?" He stuttered over his words trying to find something to say, he knew you were right but being with you was what was meant to happen. He was meant to be with you he was so sure of it he was willing to bet everything on it, 
"I love you." You sobbed harder and he engulfed you in a hug kissing the top of your head as you cried to him about how he should hate you. 
"I did. For a while at least but then I just- Seeing you and her it just made me think about what our life would have been like together," You stared at him, you hated that he was this forgiving over something like this, 
"Life isn't a romance novel Hobi...We can't just make up on the spot and think our problems will be fixed." He nodded along to everything you were saying, he knew that but he wanted to put in the effort with you and try. 
"I want to try, I want us to be us again." He ran his hand over your cheek and you leant against it, it felt nice to have him like this again but you didn't want to make this a one-time thing. 
"W-We have a daughter to think about if we're serious about-"
"I am."
"Then we have to go slow, I can't just introduce you as her father and turn her whole world upside down, we take it slow and ease her into it." You warned him and he nodded along with you, willing to do whatever it took to be with you and his daughter. 
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@writingdreamsnottragedies @snowy-meowl @ariisd1 @jooniesdarlingdimples @lyoongx @lynnthevirgo @mitzwinchester @fan-ati--c @callingmyangel​ @rjsmochii​ @kneel-begyourpardon​ @taestannie​ @innersooya​
125 notes · View notes
might-be-a-zygon · 3 years
Flat 40b
Chapter Four
What Choice to Make?
The Doctor stood stock still, just watching as the all-too familiar figure leaned easily against his doorway, as though she hadn’t been dead for centuries. He just about registered the other blonde he’d been talking to making a beeline for the door, but he couldn’t quite bring himself to care, because that was Jenny, and she was here, and she was alive. He wasn’t entirely sure how it’d happened, but frankly, he didn’t care.
Maybe, just this once, the Universe had decided to be kind?
“Hi dad.” She gave him a knowing smile as she repeated the first words she’d ever said to him.
“I don’t know.” She admitted. “I woke back up. Guess I’m a bit more like you than we thought. I’ve been trying to find you but you’re not exactly easy to track down. I kept missing you.”
The Doctor’s grin turned sheepish for a minute, before returning to something between shock and awe. “I don’t like to stop running for too long.”
“I hadn’t noticed.” She replied, her voice full of mock-earnestness.
“Oh and you got cheeky!” Despite his words, the Doctor wasn’t a bit annoyed about that fact- he looked positively delighted. “Does that make you a teenager now?”
“Well, I was born as an adult and I’m not sure how aging works for Time Lords but-“
“Oh you’re definitely a teenager! What have you been doing all this time?”
“Looking for you, mostly. I went into the family business.” That one earned her a confused look from the Doctor, who made a vague gesture for her to sit down in the empty seat near his desk, though he didn’t sit down himself. How was he supposed to sit down when he was still fizzing with excitement? “And the family business is…?” “Running around. Saving people. Fighting the bad guys- all the stuff you’re best at. You know I-” The Doctor cut her off before she could finish that thought. “I should have waited.” He cut in quickly, needing to get the apology out there. He’d never been great with apologies (though judging by the notecards he’d found in his drawers he’d been trying to improve at some point), but this one felt too important to let slip past. He’d left her for dead and she’d been looking for him ever since. How was he supposed to ignore that and just pretend to have a normal conversation knowing how long she’d spent looking? “You didn’t know.” Jenny managed a smile, though there was enough of him in her that he could recognise the façade. “I knew you were like me. I knew how long it takes for a Time Lord to properly die. I should have stayed with you, made sure that they didn’t try to…” He cut himself off before he could get into anything too horrifying. Being buried prematurely was something Time Lord’s always had to consider when they weren’t with their own kind- it was something he’d narrowly avoided himself, when he’d worn his seventh face. In an attempt to lighten the mood, he smiled again, leaning against the edge of the desk. “So- how did you find me in the end?” “Well,” Jenny looked him over, “You attract attention. A mad professor who hasn’t aged in seventy years? it seemed like it was worth a shot.” “Mad professor?” He looked a little offended, but the expression was so comical it just made her laugh. “You’re not exactly teaching a standard curriculum in there are you?” “Curriculums are boring.” The Doctor dismissed. “I’ve gotta admit though- it’s not the face I was expecting. I was a little worried you wouldn’t recognise me yet, what with Martha not-“ The Doctor’s face suddenly fell, and he found himself leaning forwards across the desk slightly. “Martha?” “Yeah? She doesn’t know me yet, so I kind of assumed that this must have been where you met her, since-“ “She didn’t go here.” The Doctor cut her off again, too in his own head to worry about politeness. “The timing is off anyway, she’s been out of University for years! She- by now she’s married, they have a son. She definitely wouldn’t be here.” He turned to look at her, his expression grave. “You’re sure it’s her?” “I spent my first day alive trying to save her, remember?” Jenny raised an eyebrow. “It’s definitely her. She’s one of my flatmates. I don’t understand-” “And you live with Bill? Two of my friends and my daughter wind up in the same flat, and-“ He glanced at the photograph of River Song on his desk. “My wife is here to.” That girl from before had said that River Song had turned up at the flat to help her daughter move in. Her daughter. “How did you meet River?” He asked, not quite sure whether he wanted to hear the answer. As soon as she’d given it, he wished he hadn’t asked. “Who?” “Well that was-“ “Yeah.” Thea murmured, glancing back towards the office. Her and Bill had left pretty much as soon as Jenny had started talking, both unwilling to get stuck in the middle of the family reunion. There was a moment’s silence before the both of them burst out laughing. It wasn’t exactly what they’d been expecting to happen- though at the very least neither of the parties involved seemed particularly horrified by the fallout, so she supposed some solace could be taken in that. “So, plans for the rest of the day?” Bill asked once they’d both calmed down a bit. Thea just shrugged. “Might just go for a walk. I keep dreaming I’m walkin’ around campus so that’s probably my subconscious telling me to learn my way ‘round. She laughed a little at the concept, shaking her head. “How ‘bout you?” “Dunno, really. I was
supposed to have a meeting with the Doctor but it looks like that’s not happening now. Might just head back to the flat and-“ She paused mid-conversation, looking off behind Thea at someone she couldn’t see. “I wouldn’t go up there if I were you!” She called. Turning around, Thea nodded a bald man in a bright orange coat heading for the stairs up towards the faculty offices. “Why not? Is he being grumpy again?” The man began heading towards them when he spotted Bill. “Well-“ Bill laughed. “Yeah, when isn’t he?” “Fair point- Oh!” He seemed to have spotted Thea. “Who’s this?” “Oh! Nardole this is my flatmate Thea, Thea- Nardole he’s-“ “I babysit-“ he began cheerfully, before she cut him off again. “He works with the Doctor.” “Oh, uh. Nice to meet you?” Thea looked between the pair of them a little perplexed. They seemed pretty unlikely friends, but the man seemed friendly enough- she wasn’t about to be rude just because he’d come a little out of the blue. “Likewise.” He inclined his head slightly in her direction, drawing out his response just slightly longer than most people would have done. At that point he turned back to Bill. “How come I can’t go up there again?” “His daughter came to visit.” Thea explained, trying not to do so in too dramatic a fashion. From the look of surprise on Nardole’s face, that didn’t seem to have helped. “You didn’t know he had kids either, then?” Bill asked. “I knew he did but- I thought they were all-“ He glanced at Thea again, “I mean, I knew his wife but-“ “He had a wife?” Bill looked even more invested now. “He never mentioned he had a wife.” A noise which might have been a scoff left Nardole’s mouth. “Well he wouldn’t have, would he?” “Well you can’t just leave it at that!” “Well I can’t just tell you about his private business, you know I do value my life.” Sensing that things were about to devolve into a personal conversation, Thea began to back away, leaving the two of them to their bickering. “I’ll see you at the flat later!” She called to Bill, waving as she began to back away, walking a vaguely familiar path which cut across a grass bank and led her off in between two buildings. She must have picked up more of the geography of campus than she thought. She came up to a dead end, flanked by a rusty old door, some rubbish bags, and some discarded pallets. Maybe not. “Jack?” Yaz had dialled the number about as quickly as she could after shutting herself up in her room, any question of getting lunch long since forgotten. She needed to know what a young Jack Harkness was doing here- and whether it had something to do with whatever had been tracking them before they landed here. “Yasmin Khan! Well if it isn’t my favourite police officer.” She distinctly heard someone shout “Oi!” on the other side of the line, followed by the middled thump of a cushion hitting the phone, and laughing from Jack. “Okay- okay. Second favourite officer!” He said, his voice slightly distorted as he turned his head away from the phone, before coming back in clearer a moment or so later. “Sorry- she got there first. So. To what do I owe the pleasure?” “I just ran into you.” “You’re in Cardiff? Is the Doctor refuelling?” Jack asked, suddenly sounding a little more interested. “We’re in Bristol.” Yaz clarified, taking a seat at her desk, and grabbing the notepad she’d been using to scribble down all the unusual things that had been happening. With the Doctor out of action for the time being it was her job to investigate whatever had been chasing them. “I’m not in Bristol.” “Well I know you’re not now. I ran into a younger version.” That certainly seemed to peak Jack’s interest. “How much younger?” “I couldn’t tell, really.” Yaz shrugged, before trying to explain herself, not wanting to come off as apathetic. “The Doctor said you age slower so it’s not exactly easy to work out.” “I don’t remember ever going to Bristol- at least not in this time zone.” He admitted. “What was I doing there? Did you talk to me or just walk past me?” “You were looking for one of my flatmates-
temporary flatmates.” Yaz corrected herself, quickly. She didn’t plan on staying here without her Doctor for any longer than she needed to. “It’s a long story,” “Isn’t it always?” She could practically hear the smile in his tone. “Who’s your flat mate?” “Rose-“ She didn’t even get a chance to finish saying the name- something about it seemed to have flipped a switch for Jack, pushing the joking note right out of his voice, and leaving him sounding serious, and a little sad. “Rose Tyler?” He asked quickly. She could hear worried tones coming from whoever was in the room with him, but couldn’t quite make out what they were saying. “Yeah?” “Man, okay. You ran into a real young version of me.” There was a slight pause, before he asked, “Did the Doctor see Rose?” “Well.” Not really. Thea Smith had seen Rose- but was that the same, on some level? The Doctor had said that Thea was her, even though they weren’t exactly the same person- Thea was the human version of the Doctor, so did that count? “…Sort of?” She eventually settled on, sounding wholeheartedly confused about the whole thing. “Is she okay?” He asked, sounding surprisingly earnest. Yaz was reminded briefly of walking with him, talking about the Doctor. She realised, again, that deep down, Jack really did love the Doctor. Then again, she didn’t really see how anyone could meet the Doctor and not come away with half of their heart forever stuck in the bottomless pockets of that stupid coat. “Why wouldn’t she be okay?” Now it was Jack’s time to sound baffled. “Well. Rose? I mean, she lost her a really long time ago but-“ “She lost her?” Yaz glanced behind her, as though she could see straight through the wood and across into Rose Tyler’s room. “They used to be close. Did the Doctor not mention that when you saw her?” “She’s- Not really herself right now.” Yaz glanced out of the window, pushing her fingers through her hair. She should braid it to keep it out of her face, if she was going to be dealing with stress like this. “What do you mean?” He sounded worried, and she suddenly felt a little guilty for trying to be cryptic. It wasn’t as though she was the only one who cared about the Doctor. “She- Something was tracking her- she used a-“ Yaz tried to think of the name of the thing the Doctor had used, but she wasn’t sure she’d ever given it a real name. “A machine thing, in the TARDIS to make herself seem human. I’ve just gotta look after her and lie low until whoever was looking gives up. She said if they’re looking for an alien man, we’re pretty safe.” “She used the chameleon arch?” Something about the tone of Jack’s voice showed that that was serious. “Where in Bristol are you?” “St Luke’s University. The TARDIS set her up as a PHD student- she’s going to love that when she wakes up properly.” She laughed, more of a nervous tick than anything. The seriousness that he was treating the chameleon arch with made it all feel a lot more real to her. “Oh! I do remember that. We sent Rose in undercover because of the UFO and stuff- I guess that was probably you guys?” He asked. Laughing, Yaz nodded as though he could see her, before actually speaking. “Yeah, I think it probably was. The Doctor was out cold and I don’t exactly know how to land the TARDIS properly.” “Nice to finally have an answer on that one. I think the Doctor just gave up in the end. Unless…” He trailed off, calling out to the person on the other end of the line. Yaz heard a couple of muffled voices respond, but she still couldn’t understand the conversation. A minute or so later, he came back to the phone. “What year are you in?” “Uh-“ Yaz actually had to glance over at the university calendar she’d pinned up on her wall to check. Going back such a short jump was disconcerting to say the least- it wasn’t like jumping into the far past. She was living through the same time twice. “2017.” “ Oh, great- not a big jump. I don’t exactly have access to reliable time travel right now but…” He paused, clearly thinking. “I know a guy who can probably help me out. I’ll be there in the
morning.” Thea glanced at the dead end she’d steered herself into with a sigh. She’d been so sure there was something down here. Glancing at the door, she frowned slightly. There was something off about the heavy-looking ring of the handle. It was faintly worn, and much too clean, as though it saw a lot of use, but the patina on the door suggested it was rarely opened. What could even be behind it in a building like this? She was no architect but with the number of offices inside it couldn’t be much more than a cupboard. Impulsively, she reached forwards, mostly just intending to pick the ring pull up and let it fall again, though when she did so it proved oddly stiff, and she wound up pulling the whole thing forwards rather than lifting it. It clicked into place with an odd mechanical thunk, and then the whole door began to open without her needing to touch it. It was a pretty odd design for an automatic door- almost like someone had wanted to hide whatever was inside. Then again, if they were hiding it why wouldn’t there be a lock? She stepped inside cautiously, moving down the stairs and towards an odd blue glow at the end of the corridor. There had to be something down here, else the place wouldn’t be lit up- but it wasn’t on any of the maps. Maybe she was just trespassing in somebody’s office but- Well, Thea had always been a little too curious for her own good. “Hello?” She called. There was no response. The door at the end of the corridor was odd to say the least. Well, it was more doors than a door- two huge silvery things covered in a pattern that looked a little like a series of clocks. “Bit ornate for a Uni basement…” She muttered, pushing lightly on one. It didn’t budge- however when she touched one of the odd glowing panels at the side of it, a little hatch did spring open, asking for a password. She stared at it for a moment, somehow doubting that ‘Password123’ would work here. She didn’t know the password. There was no way she could know the password, and yet something was nagging at her to try it anyway. No harm in trying, right? Reaching out a hand, Thea began to press buttons mostly at random, the thirty-two digits which popped into her head first. The string didn’t mean much to her, but the door began to open with a satisfying whirring noise. Pulling her hand back as though she’d been burned, Thea watched as the double doors peeled back, revealing the room behind them. “Are you guys coming to the- what is it tonight?” Rose glanced up from her cooking to look back at the other two women still in the kitchen. “It’s the comedy club thing, right?” Amy was already eating, so it was Martha she got a response from first. “Yeah, not really my scene, sorry.” Rose looked a little dejected, picking at the purple band tied around her wrist. She was already beginning to regret buying it. “Amy?” “Hmm?” She glanced up from her lunch, “Oh, not tonight, sorry. My-“ She hesitated for a beat, before continuing, “My boyfriend is coming round.” “You’ve got a boyfriend?” Rose asked, suddenly a little distracted from the congealed pasta in her pot, and the thought that she might wind up walking to the campus chippy. “What? Oh, yeah. Rory. He’s a nurse.” Amy picked her plate up, moving to scrape what was left on it into the bin before dumping it into the sink to be a problem for later. “What about you? Got anyone back home?” Rose played with the wristband guiltily. Should she mention Mickey? Were they even really still together? She still cared about him, but it’d been months since she’d seen him, and after she’d disappeared for so long- well he had to have started moving on, right? And then there was the Doctor… “Sort of.” She eventually settled on, though that somehow earned her an eyebrow raise from the Scot that let her know she was about to be pressed for further information. She decided to volunteer it before she could be asked, “I’ve got a boyfriend back home, but we’re- I think we’re sort of on a break? I don’t think the long distance thing is gonna work for us.” Amy had hopped up to
sit on the side by the time she emerged from the kitchen with her unappetising pasta-blob, leaving the whole table free. She swung her legs slightly, her boots clicking against the dodgy cupboard door. “And it doesn’t have anything to do with the handsome fella who was round here looking for you earlier?” She asked, a teasing note at the end of each word. Rose scoffed, “What? Jack? No. He’s just a mate- good mate, but no.” “But there is someone else.” Martha hadn’t spoken in a minute or so, but now her voice held enough of a knowing tone that Rose couldn’t exactly argue. It wasn’t as though there wasn’t someone else she cared about- even if it couldn’t actually go anywhere. “There’s- a guy I’ve got a bit of a thing for,” She started off, before quickly adding, “but we haven’t done anything. It’s not like anything’s ever gonna happen- don’t think it could.” “Why not?” “He’s just not that sort of bloke.” Rose pulled a face. It was hard to imagine the Doctor ever settling down- not that she’d need him to, really. She’d have liked to have a real relationship with him but- well. He was more than worth settling for. “Is he gay?” Amy asked. “What? No. Well, I don’t think so.” She thought briefly to how he behaved with Jack, “Bi, maybe, But- he likes to run around showing off for girls, I just don’t think he’s the dating sort.” “I’m starting to think I’m the only single one in the flat.” Martha remarked, looking as though she’d rather be off the topic of unattainable lovers. “Nah- I think Bill’s single. Jenny, too. At least I haven’t heard her mention anyone. ” Amy remarked. “Ash mentioned having a girlfriend- not that I’ve spoken to her much.” “Yeah, I don’t think she stays here much.” Rose glanced towards the door to the main hallway, making sure nobody was listening. She didn’t want Ash to think they’d been gossiping about her. “I’ve never seen her in the kitchen or anything.” “What about the other two?” Martha asked. “Thea and Yaz? I don’t think they’re together,” she broke into a smile, leaning across the table towards Martha, “But I give it a month.” “A month?” Amy cut in. “No way. Two weeks, tops.” Rose gave her a challenging look, “You want to bet on that?” “Oh you know I do. Twenty quid says they’re together within two weeks.” “You’re on.” Martha looked between them, “Isn’t it a bit weird to bet on our flatmates?” She asked, earning herself two sets of raised eyebrows in return. “…I say three weeks.” Of all the things Thea had thought could hide behind doors like those, this wasn’t one of them. A woman sitting alone at a piano, in Edwardian dress, giving her the most disdainful look she could manage. “He’s sending his pets to look after me now? As if this couldn’t get any worse.” Thea blinked, glancing at the woman, and then the doors behind her, clearly apprehensive about stepping any closer. Somehow, this all felt very, very wrong. “Sorry? Is this your office or something? Nobody sent me here I just-“ “Nobody sent you?” The woman cut her off. Thea nodded, and that grim look on her face suddenly transformed into a wicked smirk. “Oh now that is interesting. How did you get through the doors?” “There- Are you stuck down here? Should I call someone?” Thea looked genuinely concerned, but the woman just laughed. “Oh no, poppet. It’s not like that.” She looked at Thea expectantly, and when she didn’t get an answer she spoke up again, clearly a little exasperated. “Well are you going to answer my question?” “There was a code. I just- guessed.” Thea knew it probably sounded suspicious, but- well, nobody could accuse her of lying. She wasn’t sure how she’d known the code, it was just a very (very, very, very) unlikely guess. Well, that or there was something wrong with the system. “You guessed the code?” The woman gave her a disbelieving look. “You’re not one of his pets he’s sent down here to test me?” “One of his- who’s he?” Thea gave her another blank look. Who on earth was this woman and what was she doing in this mostly barren room? “Oh- Doesn’t matter. Since you got down here all by
yourself, why don’t you and me sit and have a wee chat?” The woman gave her a smile that showed far too many teeth to be comforting. Thea resisted the urge to back away. “I don’t bite- much.” As much as she wanted to just leave- to come up with an excuse and go back home as though none of this had happened, Thea had always been a sucker for a mystery. What could be more mysterious than a sinister woman in a hidden vault under the University? She felt rather like she’d stepped into a ghost story. Moving with some caution, she took one of the two seats near the little platform the woman’s piano stood on, getting ready to ask a question, which the stranger beat her to. “Call me Missy- what’s your name? Can’t promise I’ll remember it, but I’m told it’s polite to ask.” There was a moment’s pause, before Thea spoke again. “Thea. Thea Smith.” Missy faltered for a moment or so. “Thea.” She said, her fingers tapping a strangely familiar beat out on the lid of the piano. “Pretty name. I had a friend with a name like that, a very long time ago.” “You’re going to have to spend the night there sometime, you know.” Clara half-heartedly chastised, setting a cup down in front of Me, who was once again using one of the diner tables to go through what they’d gathered. The sky outside the windows was already dark, and yet Me seemed to be in no hurry to return to the flat- honestly she didn’t know why they’d bothered basing her there. She could have just as easily claimed to be an off-campus student and snuck in during the day to examine the odd readings. “No I don’t.” She replied quickly, waiting for Clara to slide into the booth opposite, before pushing a little pamphlet across the table towards her. “I’ve worked it out.” “What?” “All the funny readings. I know what they’re coming from.” Clara seemed to perk up almost immediately, leaning across the table with both hands wrapping around her mug as though she was cold- not that she could ever really be cold anymore. “It’s a handbook for new students- it has a full faculty list in the back, and-“ Me flicked through a few pages of the book, before pointing to one face in particular. “The Doctor. Doctor.” Clara read, smiling a little at the description. Where every other facilty member had ‘Doctor of’ with whatever they studied following their name, and in most cases, a department, he’d somehow gotten them to forgo that. “Wonder how he managed that- probably just refused to give a real answer til they stopped asking, actually.” “The readings are consistent with repetitive TARDIS landings.” Me tried to explain, but Clara shook her head. “It’s way too much, though. He’d have to be taking off and landing it six times a day.” “We’re probably skewing the readings a bit.” “Not that much.” Clara took the pamphlet from her, smiling just a little at the black and white picture of the Doctor. It was clear from the look in her eyes just how much she missed him. Me leant across the table slightly, taking one of her hands with an uncharacteristic gentleness. “We can just go if seeing him is going to hurt too much?” Clara shook her head quickly. “No- I want to figure out what’s going on here. Maybe he’s in trouble or something.” “He can-“ Me began, but Clara gave her a look that quieted her. They so rarely agreed where the Doctor was concerned. As much as she’d gotten past it, Me had a mix of guilt and resentment and some degree of affection for the man Clara so adored, and it was one of the few things they’d never really be able to reconcile on. Deciding, for once, to concede, she nodded, “We’ll work it out.” Clara flicked through the pages of the book idly, before stopping at a particular one. “What’s wrong?” “I-“ She traced a finger over the page. “I know her.” “Well, this was pretty much your time, before Trap Street.” Me reasoned, “You could have known her from anywhere.” Clara paused, looking at the picture a little closer. “No but-“ She was trying to think. Everything about what had happened that day was hazy- something about being scattered across the Doctor’s
time stream had ravaged her memories. “I met her. She was-“ Me glanced over her shoulder at the picture. “She’s just a professor. Archaeology, I think she said. Her daughter’s in my flat.” “She’s his wife!” Clara eventually said, startling Me to the point she very nearly spilled her drink. “She’s the Doctor’s wife- I met her once.” “I’d heard stories about him being married- I didn’t really believe them. Still, I don’t see the big deal- he brought his wife with him when he came to teach. That seems normal enough.” “She’s dead. He told me she was dead. She died years ago.” Clara tore the page out of the booklet, adding it to the file she’d been using to map their progress. “In fairness-“ Me gave Clara a look, gesturing between the two of them, “I don’t think either of us can talk about staying dead.” “She has to have something to do with all this.” Clara insisted. “I- We have to talk to her.” She picked up one of the red whiteboard markers which should have been for writing out specials. “What was the name again?” “River Song.” Me read off the sheet, still sounding less-than-convinced, though the revelation that the Doctor was indeed married had gotten her a little more invested. Clara wrote it down. “She came in with her daughter to help her unpack. Do you think that means-“ “That the Doctor has a daughter?” Clara gave her a startled look. “I know he had children once. A long time ago.” One thing was for sure. They really had to meet this woman.
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The Crackship Sails To Molly’s-I’m Not A Nurse - Rheese - Connor Rhodes x Sarah Reese
written by: @anotheronechicagobog​
A/N: My second Halloween fic, and my first Rheese fic, hope you guys like it!
Warnings: swearing, mention of drugs, mention of how Halloween has been oversexualized, Protective!Ethan, seriously he threatens him and it’s a little intense
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Sarah used to love Halloween. Her favourite nanny, Katya, used to be a seamstress and so she would hand make Sarah’s costumes. Sarah had loved it so much that she’d actually gotten the older woman to teach her how to sew, something that came in handy later in life for suturing, and she had been making her own costumes since Katya left to pursue another career. But as she got older new problems arose. Starting at fourteen she was expected to dress in... Revealing costumes. And Sarah did not like that, first of all, it was disgusting to expect women to dress in ‘slutty’ costumes, and second, it was appalling that the expectation was pressured on them so young. So the magic of Halloween she’d loved as a kid shattered, she didn’t even dress up for the holiday anymore unless it was for a costume party where she knew it would be appreciated. That Halloween, she was working in the ED. Even worse, it was the night shift. That meant the usual hell of calling time of death and cranky nurses, while also dealing with drunk morons who use Halloween as an excuse to fuck shit up.
Most of the usual ED staff wasn’t scheduled that night, they were here during the day which had been bad enough, but Sarah, Ethan, Connor, and Ava were all working doubles. Ethan was still avoiding April after their breakup and Noah was helping move her stuff out of their apartment that night before heading to Molly’s, Connor had requested it for some unknown reason, and Ava stayed because she and her girlfriend had gotten into a bad fight but she was using a patient’s touch-and-go condition as an excuse. Sarah downed her sixth coffee before stepping back out into the pits of hell. Connor wasn’t in the ED, probably went back up to the cardiology wing to help with Ava’s patient. Their relationship had improved drastically when Ava figured out she’s gay. It wasn’t something that was accepted in South Africa so she repressed it, even in Chicago, until she met Emily Foster. Ethan was sitting behind a computer with nurses bustling behind him, glaring at his computer screen. Sarah suspected it had less to do with whatever he was reading and more to do with whatever Doris was gossiping about right behind him.
Doris was an excellent nurse. Intelligent, experienced, and sympathetic when necessary. Unfortunately her sympathy did not extend to the other staff at MED whenever they were going through something gossip-worthy, read: deeply personal and often heartbreaking. Sarah had a basic amount of respect for her, but it didn’t expand past more than that since she heard her call Natalie the ‘ice princess’. The woman lost her husband and then found out she was pregnant a month later, had to deal with her mother-in-law constantly, all while continuing her fellowship, and Doris couldn’t say anything nice about her? And while she was right behind her. Another flaw of Doris’, she rarely kept stock of where anyone was in the ED at any given time so she usually ended up supplying MED’s gossip mill right in front of whoever it was about. It was distasteful, really.
“Dr. Reese, incoming, you’re going to treatment three.” 
“What do we have?” Sarah’s eyes began wandering them patient’s body, taking mental notes, as she listened to the debrief from Sylvie Brett and Gianna Mackey. “Male, 24, laceration on the forehead, we stopped the bleeding, but he lost consciousness once at the scene and three times on th way over. He was in a bar fight.”
“Okay, transfer on my count, 1, 2, 3. Good, thanks guys, be careful tonight.”
“You too, Reese.” And with that, the two paramedics left leaving her with a drunk patient and a couple of nurses. Sarah went through her usual checklist of examinations based on the physical exam, questions answered by the patient, and information from the paramedics. “Can you tell me your name?”
“My name’s Brad, am I terr yous anytingting yous wans tas know.”
“Well Brad, my name is Dr. Reese, does anything hurt?”
“Non, non, nona, yous a nurse, ot a-”
“I assure you Brad, I am a doctor, now can you please tell me if you’re feeling any pain and where?”
“Nursh, yous nursh. Where you fish nets? Ans I wants yous boobies.”
“Okay, let’s get him to CT and run a tox screen, his bandage is good for now and the wound is clear, I’ll stitch him up after we run the tests.”
“... Are there any male nurses available?”
The rest of Reese’s night went like that, drunken fools, high morons, and an absolutely swamped ED. Brad shockingly did not have a concussion, and was refusing to let Sarah stitch him up and send him out. She would have just let him sign out AMA, but his tox screen came back with copious amounts of alcohol and ecstasy in his system, so she couldn’t under good conscience let him sign out and leave without the proper treatment in his state. So he was moaning and groaning about... Everything and kept demanding a ‘real’ doctor. “Hey Sarah.” She turned to face him, her shoulder relaxing as she signed in relief at the sound of his voice. A beaming smile graced his features that immediately made Sarah’s day and she really wished that they could just stay like that for the rest of shift. Or eternity, either would do.
“Hi Connor, how are things up in cardiology?”
“Good, good, they don’t really need me up there so I came back down here. Were you scheduled for just the ED tonight or neuro aswell?”
“Just the ED for tonight, I’ve been putting in more hours up there recently so Ms. Goodwin suggested a couple of doubles to catch up.”
“Ah, hey have you seen the movie ‘Knives Out’ yet?” Connor had tensed slightly, and was giving an odd amount of attention to an old coffee mug sitting on the nurse’s station, and a nervous look drained onto his face as he glanced between Sarah and literally anything else. Honestly it bummed Srah out a little, working with Connor was the only silver lining she had while working the graveyard shift, and she’d be lying if she said that her heart didn’t hurt a little everytime Connor looked less than ecstatic. She’d also be lying if she said she wasn’t head over heels in love with him.
“No, I just haven’t had the time! I have to keep running out of the room anytime my housemates talk about the movie so I don’t get any spoilers.”
“I still haven’t seen it either, maybe we could make a day of it, grab some dinner at that Thai place you like and then head over to that theatre by Navy Pier to watch it?”
“You know what Connor, that sounds like a great idea.” And just like that, Connor perked up, his smile was back and so was Sarah’s.
“Really? I mean-”
“Nursh! NURSH! NURSH REESH!” Connor cocked his eyebrow in annoyance un the direction of Brad’s room. Both at the interruption and at the language the man was using.“I keep telling him I’m not a nurse but he just won’t listen to me. And he’s in detox right now so we can’t discharge him yet.”
“Do you want some back up?”
“No, I’m good Connor, but thanks.” So Connor stayed in place as she drifted over to treatment three, his lips pursed together in worry. “Reese’ll be fine, man, she can take care of herself. And did I overhear incorrectly, or did you FINALLY ask Sarah Reese, third year ED and neuro resident, out on a date?”
“... Shut up, Choi.” All the other man could do was let out a boisterous laugh, while Connor didn’t really appreciate that all the attention was on them now, or that he was being mocked for finally addressing his feelings, Connor had to admit, he hadn’t seen Choi laugh in a while, let alone so sincerely. So he cracked an embarrassed smile and chuckled along with him. “I’m happy that I won’t have to see you looking after like a lost puppy, but in all seriousness, Reese is like a little sister to me. I you hurt her I’ll string you up by your toes and make you eat your own kidney.” Choi’s eyes had gone completely devoid of amusement, they were hollow and dead serious, at that moment Choi looked how he did whenever he had to think about his time overseas. A pang of fear fluttered through his chest. “I’ll- ahm- I’ll keep that in mind.” Connor forced himself to break eye contact and Choi nodded definitively. The tension still hadn’t dissipated by the time Sarah got back. “You know, I used to love Halloween. I used to handmake all of y costumes. Now? Hate. It. Women are expected to dress in ‘slutty’ costumes, and everytime I work the day of, before, or after Halloween I get idiots who will ask why I’m not in my ‘proper uniform’, and some more idiots who are far to handsy. I just can’t wait for this shift to be over.” 
“I take it Brad is being a little too friendly, then?”
“Yeah, I just have to keep thinking ‘only one more hour, only one more hour’.”
“And you used to make your own costumes? They must have been great!”
“They were! When I was twelve I was Medusa, fourteen I was one of the Beauxbatons from ‘Harry Potter’, Poison Ivy when I was sixteen, I had a lot of awesom costumes over the years but those were my top three. Oh! I saved pictures to my phone, hold on.”
“Well why don’t you still dress up? You clearly love it, and those costumes are amazing.”
“Other people have certain expectations for Halloween, as I mentioned before, and I started to get a lot of negative attention for it. So unless I’m going to a Halloween party that hasn’t been thrown by horny teenagers masquarading as adults, I just don’t dress up anymore.”
“I’m sorry Sarah. It’s a bit too late for this year, I think you’ve inspired me to throw a Halloween party next year.”
“Connor, you don’t have to do that just for me.”
“I know, which is why I’ll also be doing it for me. I used to like Halloween too, but like you said, it just gets so... Pervy when you grow up. I think it’d be really nice to have a Halloween where I can get excited about costumes again, it used to be my favourite part, too.”
“I’ll right, well I’ll keep my calendar open. For that one day, three hundred and sixty-four days from now.”
“That’s great. I loo forward to it.”
“And as for our ‘Knives Out’ date, would you be free for it tonight?”
“Uh...” Connor was taken aback, he had asked her out, yes, but he wasn’t sure if it actually came across as a date. And he was too nervous to ask himself because he really liked Sarah, she had become one of his best friends and she truly had carbed out her own spot in Connor’s heart, something he welcomed. “Unless... You didn’t aske me out and I just and I just made everything super awkward...” Connor could see Sarah start to internally chastise herself, so he gently grabbed her elbow before she could walk away, hope blooming inside of him. “I did ask you out on a date, and tonight sounds perfect.”
“Really?” Sarah smiled up at him and Connor couldn’t help but wonder what exactly he did to be lucky enough to have her in his life. “Yeah, really.”
“Well, I guess I’ll see you later tonight, Connor.”
“Yeah, you will.” And twenty minutes later, after both of their shifts had ended and they were free to go, they left smiling, excited for the future and not despising a mutually memorable holiday as much as they did going in.
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lelitachay · 4 years
Frozen fanfiction: Søsken
Summary: Even though Anna loved her sister-in-law, she couldn’t help but notice there was something peculiar about Elsa. Everything starts to make sense after an accident and a forced family reunion.
Modern AU. Kristanna - Frohana - Kristoff & Elsa BrOTP.
Chapters 1 to 10 - Here  
Chapters 11 to 20 - Here
What to do
It was already dark by the time Elsa and Marshall arrived at the mountaineer’s cottage. Early Spring was a beautiful time to enjoy the North mountain during the day, but the last vestiges of Winter made evenings too dark and cool to enjoy a walk in the woods — at least for Marshmallow who easily chilled to the bone.
As soon as Marshall entered his house, he started a small fire to warm the place, and asked Elsa if she wanted to join him in the kitchen. In no time, he had began cutting and preparing all the ingredients he needed for their dinner. 
Elsa was surprised to see him move with so much ease around the kitchen. He made the process look simpler than it probably was. And she couldn't help but compare her cooking skills with his. It didn’t matter how hard she tried, she always found the way to either burn her meals or undercook them. Both results being just as disappointing. 
Thinking it was a good opportunity to learn a thing or two, she got closer to him and said, "I didn't know you were a good cook."
"I'm not sure I’d consider myself good," he answered, as he put another log in the stove. "But I do enjoy it." 
"I wish I could say the same. I don't enjoy it. Probably because I burn everything I cook."
"What about cold meals?"
"They end up tasting awful."
He laughed at her downcast expression. "It's a matter of practice. Trial and error." 
“That’s what Kristoff tells me, I’m still waiting for the day I cook something edible.” 
What she wasn’t telling Marshall was that her powers usually interfered in her work. She always ended cooking with more heat than necessary to undermine the cold temperature of her hands. However, at some point in the process she always ended up controlling her powers unconsciously, and forgetting about the heat. Thus, resulting in her food burning. 
“Why don’t you help me? I could give you a few tips along the way,” he offered. “Why don't you stir the meat and onions for a few minutes? I need to do something.” 
“Sure.” At least that she could do. Curious to know what was missing for the recipe, since everything he had mentioned was on the counter already, she asked, “What do you need to do?”
“Drink some beer.” He raised the can he had just picked up from the fridge and laughed at her expression.
“You’ve got to be kidding me. That’s the important thing you have to do? You’re aware you’re compromising our dinner, right?”
He nodded and took a sip before saying, “You can’t possibly ruin our dinner that fast. But just to be sure…” standing close to her, he pretended to pay a look at what she was doing. “Do you want some? It's from that place you like in town. I went there yesterday.”
She shook her head. She rarely drink alcohol in front of people different than her brother. Even if her powers had never done anything under the effects of a few beers, she thought it was best not to find out in front of Marshall. “Did you spend the night in Trolheim?”
“I did. My mother was complaining I don't visit often, so I spent the day there. I came back this morning.”
At that moment, Elsa realised it was the first time since she had met him, he mentioned his mother. Or any family member for that matter. “You rarely talk about your family.”
“I rarely talk in general,” he answered with a shrug. 
“You know what I mean…”  
Noticing she was in fact wanting him to elaborate, he explained, “I guess there isn't much to say about my family.”
She tried to give the man some time to continue, but he stayed silent watching the pot in front of them. It was strange to think how her conversations with Marshall always forced her to be the talkative one. It was as if he couldn’t talk unless he was following a questionnaire. 
The idea of him reading a set of questions made her chuckle, instantly calling his attention.
“Nothing. Just a silly thought.” she said shaking her head. “Have you got a big family?”
“No. It's just me and my mother.”
“Just the two of you?” That was a peculiar thing. For some reason she had pictured Marshall as the guy who had several siblings. 
“We used to live with my grandfather in this house.” He chopped some onions and  added them to the pot, before continuing, “After my grandfather died, we moved to Trolheim.” 
“Did you live in Trolheim many years?” 
“Not really.” Silently asking for the spoon, he continued with the process. “I was sixteen or seventeen when we moved, and I came back once I finished studying.”
“So, five or six years?”
“More or less. I never got used to living in the city.”
She could relate to that. The city was too constricting in Elsa’s opinion. “It must have been nice growing up here.”
An big grin appeared on his face, as if the memories were good enough to put him in a good mood. “It was. I think that's why I returned." After asking Elsa to move to the side; he put one more log in the stove and offered Elsa the spoon once again. “You keep stirring while I add some stock and other ingredients.” 
“What are we cooking again?” 
“We?” he said in a mocking tone. “I thought you didn't cook.”
“I could stop helping and start drinking your beer, you know?” 
He laughed and offered her his can. “You can drink all you want, just keep helping me. It’s more fun.”
She took a sip, just to please him. “Fine. But tell me what it is we are cooking.”
“It's Hunter's stew.”
It was clear by her expression she had never heard about the dish before. And Marshall thought it was a good opportunity to teach her a few things about cooking, as well as his favourite dish. 
Elsa realised then, he clearly felt more comfortable talking about food and recipes rather than his family. And so, she dropped the subject, choosing to pay attention to his explanation. 
His eagerness to explain the recipe made her smile. It was one of those rare moments when he allowed himself to talk. Elsa knew she was going to forget half the things he was saying in a few hours; he was going too fast and not being really clear. Jumping from one step to the other without warning. But for some reason, she didn't feel like interrupting him. She enjoyed watching him cook and talk with so much enthusiasm.
Once their food was ready, Marshmallow set the small table in the living room for them. Elsa had argued the kitchen was as good as any other place, but he insisted on being more comfortable closer to the fireplace.
They were finally sitting and enjoying their dinner when the clatter of the spoons woke one of the Snowgies sleeping on the armchair across to where Elsa and Marshall were sitting. Wasting no time to make the best of the situation, the cat jumped off the chair and soon rubbed against its owner's leg to beg for some food.
"Someone needs attention," said Elsa as she covered her mouth with a napkin. 
"You already ate," huffed Marshmallow, annoyed by the fact he had just sat down to eat. Wishing to enjoy his food as soon as possible, he picked the cat from the floor and took it to the armchair where the other cats were still napping. "Be like your siblings and go to bed." 
He could hear Elsa's chuckle behind his back. "You're aware it's a cat, right?" 
"Well, I've gotten used to talking to them," he said as he sat down. "I've come to realise they understand more than they let you know."
She smiled, still amused, but soon nodded in agreement. "I know what you mean. At first I wasn't sure if Sven understood the things Kristoff told him. But after the first couple of months living with us, I realised he actually did."
"Don't you miss having your dog around?"
"I do miss him sometimes. I could use his company," she confessed. "But he's not really my dog. Kristoff was the one who adopted Sven. And he's the one who's always taken good care of him." 
"Have you thought about getting your own pet?"
"Actually, I have." She looked at the sleeping cats and smiled. "I could use a Snowgie of my own. The mountain is beautiful, but it can get lonely."
Marshall nodded, knowing exactly what she was talking about. He had kept the cats for the very same reason. Having lived most part of his life in the mountain, he knew long winter nights could get lonely. So much so, he sometimes wondered if it was healthy to live in isolation; but even if it wasn’t, he felt an indescribable urge to return to the mountain whenever he spent more than a few days in the city. 
However, Elsa's comment did make him wonder why a girl like her ended up living in the North mountain alone. The question had crossed his mind multiple times in the past, and he thought it was finally time he asked. "Elsa, I've been meaning to ask you… How did you end up living in the middle of nowhere?"
She glanced at him for a second and then picked the used napkin in front of her to give herself some time to think her answer. She couldn't tell him the real reason. She couldn't openly say it was the only place she could be herself without the constant fear of hurting those she loved. 
Opting to tell him a half truth, she said, "Kai was about to sell the cottage a few years ago. He was getting too old to take care of it. That's when I offered to live here and do it for him."
"Who's Kai, again?" 
"My father."
He nodded. But he still wasn’t sure who she was referring to. "When you say father, you mean…" 
"Adoptive father." 
They stayed in silence for a while finishing their food after that. Both of them lost in their own thoughts.
Marshall pondered if it was okay for him to ask about her family. He wasn’t sure it was something she was willing to talk about, since not once had she mentioned her biological family to him before. And he didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable.
Before Marshall could even make up his mind, Elsa said, "I recently found out who my birth parents are…" 
For a moment, he wondered if he had said anything at loud, or Elsa was capable of reading his mind. It was one of those odd coincidences he couldn't really explain. 
He focused his attention on Elsa's body language then. Something told him she hadn't said it as just another topic of conversation. She was looking a little downcast. Probably finding her birth parents hadn’t been what she had hoped for. "I guess they weren't the people you expected them to be."
"Not in the least." 
Not knowing if it was safe to ask why, he asked the next thing that came to mind, "were you looking for them?" 
"How did you find them?" 
"Do you remember Anna?" 
"Kristoff's girlfriend?" 
She nodded. “A couple of months ago her parents invited me to a family dinner. A simple way of thanking me for helping Anna that day in the slope. At some point, her father became interested in knowing more about my childhood. He kept asking questions… He wasn't making much sense."
Knowing he was probably jumping to ridiculous conclusions, he said, "He isn’t your father, is he?"
The incredulous tone in his voice made her think about the day the Arendelles had showed up with her birth certificate. She had tried to come up with any reason to believe they weren’t her parents that day. So, she wasn’t surprised to see a similar reaction in Marshall. "They are. They showed me my birth certificate.”
"Wait,” he said, trying to make sense of what he heard. “Doesn't that make Anna your sister?"
"Yes. As strange as it sounds, my sister-in-law is my biological sister." It felt odd for Elsa admit it. But she guessed she needed to get used to the idea.
"It doesn't make sense. Why would they abandon you if they were able to raise Anna perfectly fine a couple of years later?" 
It hurt to know he didn't see reason behind their actions either. It only proved Elsa was right, their only logical reason was not wanting to take care of an abnormal baby.
She shook her head and tried to get rid of those thoughts. The whole idea of opening up to Marshall was to hear his opinion. Not to open up old wounds.
It hurt. Of course it did. Part of her believed there was always going to be a subtle pain inside her chest. And it was best to accepted it already.
Not knowing what else to say, she answered, "I don't know." 
"Did they say why they left you in the orphanage?" 
"No," she said looking at her hands. "I didn't give them the chance."
"I don't understand. Don't you want to know?"
There it was, the question she had been asking herself since she found out the truth. Did she want to know? She wasn't sure. She wondered if the pain of meeting them, or reading Idunn's letters, was justified. She was pretty sure what the answer was. "I have an idea why they did it. I guess I’m just not ready to listen to them now." 
"Isn’t it worse?" 
"To live like this…" In Marshall’s opinion, it didn't matter how hard she tried to hide it. The pain and sadness in her face were crystal clear. "Avoiding the truth, I mean." 
"I'm not avoiding the truth. I'm just-" She sighed. She had no idea what she was doing.
"You're just…?" He tried to help her open up; but his bluntness had the opposite effect.
"I don't know." She blinked her tears away. "I don't know what I'm doing…” She felt stupid for thinking she could talk about her problems when she couldn’t even tell him the truth. "You know what? It doesn't matter. I'm sorry I brought this up."
She had felt that sharing more about her life with Marshmallow could help. Talking to someone who could give an unbiased opinion about her life had felt like the right thing to do. She had hoped his opinion could help her find some clarity. But after his questions, she wasn't so sure she was ready to talk about it. 
"Hey," he said, as he left his bowl on the table and turned to look at her. “I think it does matter. There’s a reason you brought it up. And I think you should talk about it.” Once again he scratched his beard trying to find the right words. “If not with me, with your family or Anna. They could help.” 
“Whatever I choose to do affects my whole family. I can't expect them to be impartial. That’s why I haven’t talked to them.”
“Then, try to talk to me.” He offered with a half smile. “I’m terrible at this, but maybe I could help."
Thinking about his initial reaction. Elsa wondered why it was so hard for him to believe she hadn’t given her parents a chance. "Would you give them a chance if you were me?" she asked. He didn't seem to understand her point of view. So, maybe hearing his could help her see things in a different way. 
"I can't say I understand exactly what you're going through… But, yes, I would."
"Even if the things they've got to say only caused you pain?"
"Yes," he answered with resolution.
He averted his eyes for a moment, trying to find the right words. He could talk about giving people second chances and all that jazz he was sure she had heard before. Or he could be honest and tell Elsa the real reason. “If my father showed up at my door, I’d like to hear him out."
"Your father?"
"I've never met the guy. He took off just before I was born. I guess he wasn't the family type," he said with a dry laugh. 
"I'm sorry." What else could she say. He too had had his share of pain. Just like Kristoff and herself. 
"Don't worry. I never needed him in my life." His mother had shouldered the responsibility on her own, making sure he had everything he needed. And even if he had resented his father as a young boy; as the years went by, he learnt to let go of that bitterness, accepting the two of them didn't really need him. However, there were still a few questions he wanted to ask the man if he ever had the chance. "But that doesn't mean I wouldn't like the chance to talk to him just once… I guess that’s why." 
He watched her nod her head just once, her mind lost in thought. As if his words made sense but they weren’t exactly what she was hoping to hear.
“You can do whatever you want, you know?” He moved his arm from the back of the couch where it had been resting during their conversation, and let it rest on her shoulder instead, giving Elsa a reassuring side hug. “Just because I would, doesn’t mean you should.”
“I don’t really know what to do,” she said, shrugging. “I can't make up my mind. My childhood was…" How was she supposed to explain in a few words the things she'd lived. "Hard. For lack of better words. I'm not sure I'd be able to forgive them."
“You could just listen to them, find the answers to your questions, and that’s it. You don’t have to forgive them.”
“But I can't just pretend they don't exist. They are Anna's parents. Kristoff’s in-laws…”
“Wouldn’t I be turning my back on Anna if I chose not to forgive them? Wouldn’t I be making things twice as hard for Kristoff than they already are?” She turned to look at him, hoping he had an answer that could help her move forward.
He saw so much worry behind those blue eyes of hers, Marshall wished he could say the right thing for once. “Sometimes you've got to be selfish, Elsa.” 
By the way she looked at him, he noticed that was not the right thing — not even close — and tried again, “I’m sure Anna will love you regardless. She really cares about you. And Kristoff's a tough guy. He won't let this bring him down. If they love each other they'll learn to compromise."
If she thought about it, he was right. Anna and Kristoff did love each other. Their relationship reminded her of what Kai and Gerda had, and a bond like that wouldn't falter so easily. And Anna had proved to her she cared enough to respect her wishes. Maybe she should try and do exactly what she felt.
"Sometimes, I think life could have dealt me a better hand," said Elsa trying to lighten the mood.
"The whole, your sister-in-law is your sister is not a good card. I'll give you that." He said, adding with a chuckle.
Maybe he struggled with words at times, and maybe the conversation had been ten times more awkward for him than he let on. But still, Elsa felt he had said what she needed to hear. She still had no idea what to do, that much was obvious. However, talking with Marshall had helped. And she couldn't be more thankful for his comforting presence and warm embrace. "Thanks for listening, Marshmallow." 
Tightening his arm around her, he answered, "I'm glad I can help."
Before Elsa could say something in return, he let go of her and walked to the TV stand, which was on the other side of the room. A dim blue light lit his features when he turned it on. And he then handed Elsa an old box full of videotapes. "Why don't we watch a film? They are quite old but I guess we can enjoy one nonetheless."
Elsa smiled feeling grateful for his company and the fact he hadn't let the gloomy atmosphere ruin their evening.
She searched in the box for something both of them could enjoy. She hadn't seen many films in her life, so she didn't have a problem finding something entertaining. But most of the VHS tapes were worn out, as if they had been watched multiple times before.
She had made a small pile with the best options, when an old video tape without a box or a label called her attention. "What's this one about?"
It only took one look for Marshall’s blood to rush to his face. "Nothin- It's nothing."
It was strange to see the usually stoic man turn beetroot red all of a sudden. For a moment she wondered if what she was holding was a blue film or something of the sort. It wouldn't be strange for him to own one. But his embarrassment was reason enough for her to tease him. "Oh, I see… Something indecent, perhaps?”
“What?! No. That's not it.”
She tried her best to stay serious but his embarrassment was funnier than she imagined. She laughed out loud at his expression and said, “It's fine, Marshmallow. I’m just messing up with you.” 
“All the same,” he said taking the tape from her hand. “It's a childhood video. Nothing to do with what you’re thinking.”
“No! Are you serious?” She stood up trying to retrieve the VHS. “A little Marshmallow? I have to see this.”
“No, no.” He was grateful for his height at that very moment. There was no way she could reach his arm. “We are not watching this.”
“You said I could pick anything from the box.”
“No, I didn’t.”
“Okay… Maybe you didn’t. But it was implied when you handed me the box.”
“It’s just me chopping some wood — or trying to,” he clarified. “Nothing interesting to see.”
“It’s interesting to me.” Taking advantage of their conversation, she stepped on the small table when he was distracted and grabbed the tape. She hurried to the VCR and put it in before he could stop her. “I can’t imagine there was a time you weren’t two metres tall.”
He laughed at that and accepted his defeat when she pressed play. “It’s the last time in my life I let you pick anything.”
Kristoff’s truck coming to a full stop in front of her house made Anna come out of her trance. She had been lost in her memories in the way back from Kristoff's apartment, so it came to a surprise they were already there.
On the way home, her mind had drifted to the simpler days. Days when Kristoff would take her home and come out of the car to enjoy a cup of coffee with her parents after dinner. She missed those days. Just as much as she missed her family's happiness.
Looking at Kristoff, she thought it wouldn’t hurt to try one last time. "Would you like to come inside?"
Adverting her eyes, he answered, "I'm sorry, Anna. I want for things to go back to normal as much as you do but-" 
"But you still want to punch my father in the face," she interrupted with downcast eyes. 
"I don't want to punch him." Not anymore, he clarified in his mind. "I want things to work out between both families. It's best if I talk to them after Elsa has figured out the way she feels about them."
"Right…" Anna didn't fully believe in his reasons. It was true he wanted the best for both families, but she wasn't sure he was waiting for Elsa. Kristoff's trust in her parents had broken the day he found out the truth, and she believed he was still trying to find the way to trust them once again.
She kissed him goodbye and stepped out of the vehicle. Once she was standing on the door, she waved her boyfriend goodbye and entered her house.
As she hung her jacket, she wondered if it was a good idea to talk to her parents about the Bjorgmans that night. She was certain the conversation was going to be awkward and set a strange mood in the house, and she wasn't sure she wanted that. After all, there was an ever-present gloomy atmosphere in the place of late; she didn't need to contribute to that. 
Her train of thought was interrupted by the voice of her father coming from the living room. He was on the phone and his voice sounded tired, almost defeated, something that instantly called Anna's attention. 
"I understand, Kai," he said. "I was actually going to call you and ask about that." There was a silence before he continued, "thank you for letting us know. And of course, I understand it’s best for her. I guess we’ll see each other when she agrees to it. Thanks again for giving us a chance." 
He was talking to Kai about a certain she. It didn't take a genius to guess they were talking about Elsa.
Anna couldn't say she knew what the conversation was about, but the fact they were still arranging things behind Elsa's back made her blood boil.
Not caring about anything else, Anna entered the living room ready to get some answers "Who was that?" 
"Anna." Surprised to see his daughter already home, Agdar tried to pretend it was just another boring call. "It was just business. Nothing important."
Another lie. And another and another. Fueled by anger she challenged her father. "You’re either lying to me or Elsa really means nothing to you."
"Don’t say she means nothing to me!" he countered. Realising his mistake a second too late, he sighed and tried to apologise for lying to her face. "I’m sorry." 
"Why didn’t you tell me you’ve been meeting with the Bjorgmans? I can't believe you'd meet behind our backs." Not giving her father enough time to answer, she continued, "And do you know what's worse? I’ve been telling you everything about her life. I'm pretty sure I've been betraying her trust just to let you into her life. And all because a stupid part of me still believes you deserve a second chance!" 
"What's going on here?" asked Idunn, surprised to see her daughter raising her voice at her father like that.
"Anna, please, calm down." Agdar tried in vain.
"I’ve been trying to make you part of her world. I even delivered letters for you. And yet, you still choose to lie and keep information from me? There's nothing I want more than for Elsa to give you a chance, but sometimes I wonder if she should!"
Even if Idunn knew Anna had a tendency to say things without thinking when she was upset, her daughter's words cut deep into the bone. "Anna, what happened?" 
"I found out you and dad have been meeting the Bjorgmans," she said looking at her mother. "I tried not to think too much of it. I wanted to understand and justify your reasons, but it's hard to do so when dad lies straight to my face."
“We didn’t want to worry you. Kai and Gerda weren’t really accepting of us at the beginning.” Agdar needed Anna to understand. “What were we supposed to tell you? 'Anna we are meeting your in-laws today. They'll probably close the door in our face.' How would that have helped?”
“But they didn't.” Even if Gerda and Kai had kicked them out of the house, she felt she had the right to know. They were Kristoff’s family. “Kai and Gerda gave you a chance. Kai was even willing to include you in his ridiculous idea of opening Elsa's case once again. You had more than enough time to mention it.”
Agdar opened his eyes in surprise. "You know about that?"
"Elsa found out a few days ago."
Idunn looked at her family confused. Anna and Agdar seemed to know exactly what was going on but she couldn’t follow their conversation. "What are you talking about?"
"Kai wrote a petition to open Elsa's case again. I told him he could count on me for anything he needed," confessed Agdar to his wife. 
Idunn couldn't believe what she was hearing. Gerda had insisted the idea was bad. Terrible. She was about to ask her husband what they had been thinking when they agreed to it, but Anna's remark stopped her. 
"Stupid idea if you ask me," she scoffed. "She had a mental breakdown just by reading it."
Not wanting to worry her mother further, she clarified, "she's okay now. Kristoff helped her talk to Kai about it."
Agdar nodded his head. "Kai just called. He decided not to reopen the case because of it." He took a deep breath and explained the other important thing he had informed him. "He also said they won’t be meeting us again. At least not until Elsa agrees to it." 
"They won't?" asked Idunn, still confused by everything that was going on around her. 
"Elsa's well-being is their main concern," he explained. "And… they don't want to lose her trust."
“Wise choice,” said Anna bitterly, and with that she left room. She hated seeing sadness in her mother's eyes, but she was getting tired of the lies.
She closed her bedroom door and lay in bed, hoping to fall asleep and forget about her worries for a couple of hours. She was tired. So very tired.
After Anna left the room, Idunn sat down on the couch, not really knowing what to say or do. She was still trying to comprehend everything that had happened in mere minutes.
Anna was losing her trust in them all over again, and everything because they had been stupid enough to think they could solve things on their own. And what was worse, everything they had done had only caused Elsa suffering. If they hadn’t visited the Bjorgmans, maybe Kai wouldn’t have written that petition.
It didn’t matter what they did, they kept ruining their girls' lives in the process.
"I guess that means we're back to square one.” She spoke in a monotone when Agdar sat down by her side. “But I can't blame Kai and Gerda. They are doing what’s best for their family." 
"I know." 
"Agdar… we can’t keep doing this." 
"Making things worse every time we try to do things right." Looking at her hands in shame she said, "maybe Anna's right, maybe we don't deserve a second chance." 
“Idunn, I’m sure there’s a way. There must be something we can do to make things right. We only need to-”
“No, Agdar.” She interrupted. “I'm sorry, but I'm sick of your business-like reasoning. Everything we do ends up hurting one of our daughters. We are going to lose them both if we don't what's right for once."
It didn’t matter how much he wanted to deny it. Deep down he knew she was right. They had failed over and over again throughout the years. And the sad truth was they always hurt their daughters in the process. "What do we do then?"
"Apologise to Anna and stop keeping information from her. That'd be good start. And maybe…" she knew her husband was not going to like her next suggestion. "Accept Elsa will probably never give us a chance." 
"Elsa's an adult. She knows where to find us if she changes her mind." It felt strange to be the one saying it. But they couldn't keep pushing Elsa to her limits. "We should be thankful the girls found each other, Agdar. Let's not ruin that for them..."
The smell of coffee was the first thing Elsa became aware of when she regained her senses. In her drowsiness, she wondered why her brother was making coffee early in the morning, since he usually preferred something to eat instead of the typical beverage. It wasn't until she became more aware of her surroundings that she realised Kristoff hadn't stayed the night.
She sat up in the bed. Only to find herself on a couch, in a house that wasn't her own. 
She was trying to make sense of where she was, when the voice of Marshmallow called her attention. 
"Good to see you're up."
She turned her head and found him standing near the kitchen door with a mug in his hand.
He smiled at her puzzled expression and disappeared inside the kitchen, only to return a few seconds later with a steaming mug for her, which she gladly accepted.
She had spent the night in Marshmallow's cottage, that much was obvious. She offered a sheepish smile and said, "I guess I fell asleep last night, didn't I?" 
She remembered watching Marshmallow's childhood video and a film the previous night. But she didn't remember staying. And, if she was honest, she didn't remember much about the plot of the movie either.
He chuckled and sat down on the coffee table in front of her. "We both did. I dare say the movie wasn't as interesting as I imagined."
"We slept together?" Realising how weird the question was, she clarified, "I mean… Did we sleep on the couch?" 
"I woke up in the middle of the night to the static sound of the TV and a stiff back," he said with a nod. "You were sleeping like a log. So, I thought it was best to help you lie down and give you a blanket. There was no point in waking you up." 
'That explains the warm blanket and pillow then,' she thought. She had slept so comfortably, it was strange to think she had spent half the night sleeping in a sitting position. 
She had been tired, practically exhausted the previous days. So it came to no surprise to find out she hadn't woken up during the night. But still, she couldn't believe she had let her guard down like that. She didn't think he was capable of doing anything to her, on the contrary. Instead, her concern came from the fact she wasn't sure she could trust her powers around him. He had no idea what she was capable of, and the mere thought of Marshall finding out terrified her.
Her sudden concerned face worried Marshall, who wondered if he had done the wrong thing by not waking her up. "Hey, I'm sorry I didn't wake you up last night. I honestly thought it was best to let you sleep. I went to my own bed right after, I swear."
"It's fine, Marshmallow. I trust you. I just feel bad for falling asleep like that," she lied. There was no way she could explain what really was in her mind. "I guess I was more tired than I thought."
"I guess you were. You didn't even stirr when my boss called me an hour or so ago."
"Wait. Your boss? What time is it? Should you be at work right now?"
"Calm down. It's only 8.30 am. And no, today is a national holiday, remember? Technically, I shouldn't go to work."
"Something broke down and he's too useless to fix it himself, and for some reason it can’t wait until my shift tomorrow. Idiot," he said, annoyed. "He wants me to be there in an hour."
"I can see he still respects your days off. I thought you said you'd talk to him about this." After they'd started spending more time together, Marshall had began sharing more about his work-related problems with her. And she couldn't help but notice he was failing his own promises. 
He loved being a ski instructor. But year after year his boss was taking more and more advantage of his good predisposition. He would call him at any time, for any kind of job, for the only reason Marshall was quite skillful. But the man rarely valued the things he did. Resulting in Marshall working more hours than average and still earning a dime. 
"I told him I didn't want to be the one repairing things at the resort anymore, but he still calls me. And for some reason, I'm stupid enough to say yes." 
"At least it's extra money, isn't it? 
"Yes and no." He massaged his neck, as he tried to find the best way to explain his problem. "He hasn't been really fair with the guys and me lately. We've been working our asses off for him and he still hasn't paid us what he owns us." 
"Don't look at me like that. I know I’m an idiot for even picking up the phone." 
"I don't think you're an idiot."
"Maybe you don't. But I'm sure he does,” he said, angered by the thought. “I would quit if it wasn't for the fact it's the only resort on the South face of the mountain."
There wasn’t much she could say to make him feel better. She knew better than anyone how hard it was to make a living as an independent instructor. Especially if you went against the big resorts. Marshall was playing safe by staying where he was, and she thought it was for the best. Even if he had to endure an insufferable boss.
"Anyway,” he said, calling her attention. “I was planning on walking you home on my way to work. What do you say?"
"Sounds good."
They walked the distance to her cottage at a slow pace. Elsa had tried to hurry so Marshall could get to work on time, but he kept slowing her down. Walking peacefully with hands in his pockets. Not paying attention to time nor his responsibilities. Even taking the time to walk her to her doorsteps. 
"Thank you for the company last night and dinner," Elsa said when they were close enough to her cottage. 
"And breakfast?" 
She smiled. "That too." 
"My pleasure." Hands inside his pockets, he stayed where he was, unmoving.
"You don't want to go to work, do you?" 
He cracked a smile. "Is it that obvious?"
"Yes. Now go," she answered, pushing him slightly. 
“Ugh. Fine."  He turned to leave, but stopped on his tracks after a few steps. "You owe me dinner."
“You owe me dinner,” he repeated over his shoulder. “I want to see how awful your cooking skills are.”
Elsa laughed and thought she deserve it. She had forced him to watch his childhood video, he was now forcing her to cook. It was only fair.
"Isn’t it a bit early to be hanging out with a friend?" Surprised to hear the familiar voice, Elsa turned around to see Anna walking towards her with a smirk on her face.
"Anna? What are you doing here?"
"Since today's a holiday I thought I could pay you a visit," she answered matter-of-factly. 
She had woken up early that morning and left her house soon after breakfast. Having no responsibilities nor plans. She had thought it was a good idea to visit Elsa. Spending the day in the mountain was more appealing than staying at home. For sure her sister could help her get her mind off her argument with her parents. 
"Now, seriously, isn’t it a little bit too early?” she insisted. 
“You're here too, aren’t you?” answered Elsa walking past her, towards the door. She was happy Anna decided to pay a visit, but she still considered it was too early for her mockery.
“Yeah, but I just got here.” It was rather strange the way Elsa was avoiding her gaze. “Marsh, on the other hand, was saying goodbye as if you guys-  Oh, boy!”
Elsa already knew she wasn’t going to like whatever idea had crossed her mind. “What?”
Anna put her hand on her shoulders and forced Elsa to look at her. “Did you spend the night together?” 
“Don’t be ridiculous.” She cursed the blush spreading across her cheeks. “He- He just stopped by on his way to work.” Elsa felt it was best avoid the fact she had indeed slept in his house, even if nothing had happened. It was a simple white lie that could spare her months of mockery.
Holding an eyebrow high, Anna studied Elsa’s face. There was something there. “Really?
“Of course.” 
Ignoring Anna, she turned to the door once again and tried to open it, but it wouldn't move. She turned the doorknob a few more times, wishing for it to open, but nothing happened. She desperately searched in her pocket but couldn’t find what she was looking for. 
“Everything okay, Elsa?” 
Cursing her bad luck, she hit her head against the wood of the door a few times, before admitting, “I forgot the keys in his house.”
It was the first and last time in her life, she chose to listen to Kai's advice.
First of all, I want to apologise for the long hiatus. I think it’s been over a month since the last time I updated. Life, work, that kind of things got in the middle. I can’t promise regular updates, but know that I try to update at least once a month.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this new chapter. It’s a little different than the rest, but I wanted to show the role the big guy plays in this story. As Elsa said, he’s the only true neutral person in all this mess, as well as a trusted friend. Please let me know what you think of it. Feedback always help me find the right path to take in future chapters.
As always, I can’t thank you enough for the support this story has gotten. I read every review and I try to answer to each of you when possible (for those of you who leave Guest reviews, know that I read all of them and I treasure them just as much).
Stay safe!
Tagging: @swimmingnewsie @melody-fox, @kristoffxannafanatic, @kristannafictionals, @neptrabbit, @skneez, @ellacarter13, @wondering-in-life, @who-i-am-8, @fanfictionrecommendations-com, @815-allisnotlost, @khartx, @joannevixxon, @betweenthedreams, @lilrann, @burbobah, @rileysfs, @zutonium, @earlvessalius, @blood-jewel, @disneydreamer8901, @the-sky-is-awake, @disneyfan103, @the-magic-one-is-you, @anamaria8garcia, @welovefrozenfanfiction, @bigfrozenfan-archive, @bigfrozenfan, @frozen-snips  @deisymendoza  @zackhaikal123 @cornstarch @roostercrowedatmidnight , @showurselfelsa @fuzzyelsalikeiduna @when-dawn-arrives​ @drafteedragon​ @snowycrocus​ @tare8chan​ @localarendellian​ @wabitham​ @roostercrowedatmidnight​ @aries1708 @tare8chan, @just-your-local-history-nerd, @dontrunintofirexoxo @daphmckinnon @poketin @bruni-is-love @luna-and-mars, @anotherpersondrawing @lovelucywilde
One last thing, please let me know if you want me to stop tagging you at some point. I usually copy&paste the previous tags.
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yoongihoseok97 · 4 years
Cookies and kisses💋Pt3
BTS Jungkook
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Summary- Jeon Jungkook is a broke college student who’s just trying to get his degree and find his place in the world but things aren’t always that easy. Especially when you’re only 21 years old and have a 4 year old daughter.
Warnings- Mentions of underage sex, brief mentions of past drug & alchol abuse. Mentions of past depression, self harm and suicidal thoughts. Quite a bit of swearing but nothing too harsh, don’t read if you’re sensitive to anything mentioned above.
Word count-2.7k
“Eunha baby please for the love of god can you just listen to me for once!” Jungkook cried out to his daughter who giggled loudly and ran away from her fathers grasp. He had been trying to get Eunha to have a bath for the past 10 minutes but the young girl was determined to get her own way. A quality she 100% got from her father.
“But daddy I had a shower the other day! I don’t need another one.” She exclaimed slightly out of breath from running up the stairs, her half naked frame was covered in a mixture of dried paint and dirt that she managed to pick up from nursery. Jungkook eventually managed to scoop her into his arms before she ran away again and locked herself in her room. A trouble he has had to face a few times when it came to bath time and he is only realising now that it would be easier to remove the lock. Luckily non of the boys were in to witness the young fathers struggle due to a ‘welcome back’ party half the campus was going to. Jungkook of course wanted to go and see everyone again after the summer break but the thought quickly disappeared when he realised he wasn’t a teenager anymore, he was a father and his daughter was his top priority, not some stupid house party that’ll probably be shut down by the police within the first few hours.
She squealed in delight when Jungkook playfully tickled her belly, an action that he knew would help win her over from past experiences. “Daddy has to shower everyday, some days when he’s really stinky he has two so you don’t get to complain misses.” He sat her down on the closed toilet seat and added the finishing touches to the bath, bubbles. Eunha hated baths more then anything but she wouldn’t even go near one of it didnt have bubbles in and so he makes sure to stock up on ‘unicorn mist bubble bath!’ Every week. After making sure that the water was just right he turned to his daughter and smiled “Bath time.”
It didn’t take long for Eunha to grow bored of the bath so Jungkook quickly dried her off, put her pyjamas on and ordered some food for them both whilst they relaxed in his bed. His long fingers made their way through her thick brown hair as she laid against her fathers chest. Jungkook couldn’t help but be reminded of the times when Eunha was first born and her mother was still around, cuddling into his side whist Eunha laid in his arms. Back to a time when Jungkook was vulnerable and believed her when she swore she’d never leave him. For a long while after she had left he wanted nothing more then to go back in time and and be with her where he felt loved and cared for. Now however he despised those memories. He wanted nothing more than for the images of her to be out of his head so he could finally move on. Eunha taught him what love is and he had finally learnt what she gave him was not it.
The father shook the thoughts out of his head and focused on the girl in front of him. Her glowing eyes were engaged with the tv. They were watching Beauty and The Beast, Eunhas favourite film. Even as a new born when Jungkook was 17 and had no fucking clue on how to take care of a child she always seemed to calm down and relax when it came on. Now himself and Eunha has watched it so many times together that they knew every word to every song and he’d be lying if he said he didn’t know the script inside out also. Even so Jungkook didn’t mind watching the film, deciding it was one of the better disney movies that actually taught kids the lesson of not to judge a book by its cover and that love comes in all different shapes a sizes.
Eunha lifted her head suddenly from her dads side and shifted to look around the bed, her tiny hands patted down onto the mattress clearly searching something. “What are you looking for baby?” He asksd curiously sitting up so he was beside her again. “Your phone daddy I want to know the time.” He chuckled and leaned across her small frame to grab his mobile from the bedside table.
“Why didn’t you just ask? And it’s 9:45 why do you want to know?” He picked her up and placed her on his lap so that she was facing him. She smiled brightly “Well earlier you told me to remind you about getting your clothes from the laundry place but I forgot so I’m telling you now.” Jungkook burrowed his eyebrows in confusion as he wondered what she was talking about before it dawned on him. He gasped and mumbled a small curse word under his breath and prayed that she didn’t hear him before removing her from his lap and began getting changed back into the clothes he was wearing before.
“God I completely forgot! I need those clothes for tomorrow so we’re gonna have to get them now sorry baby.” He apologized and kissed her forehead before taking her into her own room and grabbed a light jacket from the back of her wardrobe. It was a nice summer evening so she probably didn’t need it but her pyjama shorts and tank top were too little to be wearing outside at this time. The father sighed as he paced around the house, picking up his keys and turning off the television whilst Eunha waited patiently by the door.
“Are we going in the car daddy?” She asked as Jungkook picked her up and walked out of the shared apartment.
“No baby the place is only a couple minutes away so we’re gonna walk.” They strolled hand in hand down the street as the sun set in the distance. The warm evening breeze struck them with a pleasant burst over their bodies, a reminder of the summer that had just arrived in Seoul after a year of bitter coldness. The laundry shop wasn’t far from the house, just through the park and down the street so Jungkook didn’t have to worry about rushing to get there as it was a 24 hour service. Something the father was thankful for.
Despite the time there was still quite a few people sitting around, students having a beer before the sun went down and older people walking their dogs which Eunha was intraced by. She looked up towards her father and pointed out a particular dog that she always seemed to fondle over than any other. It was a golden retriever puppy that made the young girl giggle as he raced up to her and buried his face in her shoulder. “Look daddy!” She screamed in excitement and pet his golden fur whilst Jungkook laughed at the cute sight in front of him. He had always wanted to get a dog. A big silver husky that could help keep the house in check. The thought sounded stupid to some people but Jungkook weirdly felt like getting the dog was perfect to help keep Eunha safe but after discussing the plan with the rest of his housemates his idea was quickly shut down by Jin when he mentioned the price of such a dog.
The father snapped a quick photo of the pair and kneeled down to join his daughter with patting the overly energetic pet. “When can we get a dog daddy?” She said with a voice full of hope as she looked over at Jungkook, a wide smile wedged on her face. He chuckled and stood up, brushing himself off before holding his hand out to help his daughter up off of the floor. “Soon Eunnie, soon.” The young girl turned around once again and waved goodbye to the small dog. Her knees were muddy from the grass but she didn’t seem to mind as she skipped through the park, forcing her dad jog a bit to catch up with her.
“This needs to be done by 4:30 tomorrow latest, washed and dried. I have a very important party to go to.” The middle aged women smirked as she pulled a $50 out of her over priced Louis Vuitton purse and handed it to you from the other side of the counter. “And keep the change, you clearly need it.” The obvious fake smile on your face widened as you snatched the cash out of her perfectly manicured hand. “Of course ma’am I’ll see you tomorrow. Enjoy the rest of your day.” The smile stayed glued to your face until she was out of sight of the building. The last thing you needed was for her to catch you flipping her off and get you fired.
You inhaled deeply for a moment and regained your composure before putting the money into the till and taking out the tip in change. After months of searching you finally found a job that fit perfectly with your schedule and whilst working at a laundromat was not the most ideal job, it paid well and the amount of tips you got was surprising.
“God she’s a right bitch. Her names Karen Kennedy and she’s a regular, I don’t think she even owns a washing machine.” Your co worker said as she carried a large bag of clean laundry to the desk behind you. You chuckled quietly and shook your head. You’d only been working there a few weeks and you’ve already dealt with too many rich white people bossing you around and quite frankly, you were sick of it.
“Yeah well she tips good so I’m not saying anything.” You joked and turned to face the petite girl. Your co worker Mia was another reason as to why you hadn’t quit the job yet, she was slightly older then you and she was the type of girl that was pretty enough to be on a magazine cover so you had no idea why she was stuck working at a 24 hour laundromat. The two of you quickly clicked after working a 13 hour shift together and discovered that you both had a weird obsession with ‘NSYNC’. After that your friendship bloomed into snarky comments and late night trips to 7/11 after your shift.
“Anyway how’s rehearsals going?” Mia asked as she sat herself down in the space next to you, sorting through a bag of laundry that was dropped off earlier on in the day. You sighed “not the best, out choreographer broke his leg the other day so he can’t help anymore so we have to hold auditions for a new one”
“Shit that sucks, has Richards asked you too help?”
“Unfortunately, I mean it’s not like I mind helping her she’s done a lot for me it’s just I have no time at the minute”
“Oh well, why don’t you-” Mia was cut off by the sound of the bell Indicating a new customer has entered. Your eyes widened when you saw the beautiful man from the park with his daughter standing in front of you, smiles across on their faces. “Hello I’m Jungkook, I’ve come to pick up my dry cleaning.” He said as he picked up the little girl from beside him.
“Okay sir I’ll go grab them from the back, feel free to take a seat.” Mia said as she smiled at the two before raising her eyebrows at you and disappearing into the back.
He smiled at you before taking the young girl to go and sit down in the chairs closest to the counter. You looked away and pretended that you were busy so you didn’t embarrass yourself and do something stupid. You could hear the two talking quietly between themselves and you smiled as the giggles left the little girls mouth. It was just the two of them yet again, making you further wonder about the young girls mother. You turned your head away before he could catch you staring and pretended you were busy writing things down, his deep brown eyes and cute smile engraved in your mind. He was truly beautiful and the way he acted with his daughter was completely adorable, you wanted nothing more than to have the confidence to talk to him. Boys never usually made you feel like this. Why was he so different?
You were snapped out of your thoughts by Jungkooks voice “Eunha! Stop that please you’re gonna hurt yourself.” You turned to look at the two and found yourself amused when you saw the young girl twirling to the music that was playing through the building. You giggled at the sight, finding her dancing cute. He placed her on his hip and turned to look at you, a sheepish smile on his face when he heard your laughter. His tattoos were on full disply as he was wearing a short sleeved shirt and you admired the way the designs wrapped around his muscular arms.
“Sorry love, she gets excited when she hears this song it’s her favourite.” His deep voice sent shivers down your spine, a small blush covered your cheeks at the nickname he gave you. You smiled widely “Don’t worry about it, I loved it! You have some good moves.” You smiled at the brown haired girl as her eyes sparkled with delight. “I love dancing.” She stated proudly grinning widely.
“Love is an understatement, she dances all day and if she could she’d do it all night.” You laughed at the statement happy he was speaking to you. “I want to be just like daddy! He’s good at dancing too.” Excitement laced in her words as you raised your eyebrows in surprise. He was a dancer, no wonder why he was so buff, your mind filled with thoughts of how good he’d look all sweaty and panting for breath. Your cheeks flushed at the thought, Jesus this man was something else. “You’re a dancer? That’s so cool, I’m terrible at dancing it’s like I have two left feet.” You joked.
He laughed at your comment and the young girl giggled into her fathers neck. “I might have to teach you some time then.” He smiled as another blush spread across your cheeks. “Maybe” you said as Mia came out with his dry cleaning, a wide smile on her face as she handed Jungkook the bag.
“That’ll be 18.95 please sir.”
He nodded as set his daughter on the ground next to him, pulling out his wallet to give Mia 20 dollars. “You can keep the change, thanks a lot.” Jungkook smiled at Mia before turning to me, “I’ll see you around.” Giving me one last smile before mumbling a small ‘come on baby’ as the two walked out the shop. The young girl turned around and gave me a quick wave bye which I grinned at and returned.
Mia turned to me with a wide smirk wedge on her face, “He was so cute! He was so flirting with you!” She exclaimed clapping excitedly.
You turned to look at her after watching the pair walk down the street, “he was cute but he was not flirting with me, he was a daughter! Meaning he probably has a girlfriend.” You stated giving her a sad look before sitting down on the chair behind the counter. The thought of him going home to another women made you weirdly uncomfortable even though You had just met him.
“You don’t know that y/n, he could be a hot single father for all you know” she replied looking at me with another smile.
“Oh well, I doubt I’ll see him again.” You shrugged like you didn’t care when deep down you knew You were disappointed. He seemed like such a nice guy and for some weird reason he made your heart flutter whenever he spoke. You really wanted to see him again and talk more but you knew it was very unlikely.
She rolled her eyes at your words and got back to her work “whatever you say hun.”
Author’s note!- Hi everyone! It’s been awhile since I last updated this fanfic & it’s been awhile since we’ve been active on this account but we’ve just been so busy and we didn’t have time to update. I’m not gonna make any promises as to when chapter 4 is coming out because I have no idea but it won’t be as long a wait as this one was. Again I’m sorry it took so long but I hope you all enjoy!- love anon hobi Xxx
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