#Ajak returns to the living room
softquietsteadylove · 11 months
Thenamesh propsal AU
Thena needs her caffeine but in this house there is none. As a result she has terrible migraine!
"How is she?"
A loud groan sounded through the whole house in response. Gil winced as he walked in with a bag in hand.
He had completely forgotten that his mom didn't keep any caffeine or alcohol in the house. She wasn't one for it, Makkari simply didn't need any caffeine to be as brimming with energy as she was, and Sersi didn't drink unless it was socially. Kingo wasn't opposed to a coffee here or a beer there, but he considered visiting home like 'being on a cleanse', or whatever.
Thena needed caffeine.
She drank no less than four coffees a day in a regular work week. He was always telling her he was worried about her caffeine intake, but there was no arguing with the stubborn Goddess of War on that one.
It hadn't taken long for the lack of caffeine to cause an irreparable headache which shook her to her core.
Gil walked into the living room, where his very sweet family was being very useless at curing Thena's migraine. His friend - and fiance - was curled up in a ball on the couch, face pinched from the tension within her head. He whispered, "Thena?"
"Gil?" she whimpered back, not even moving at the sound of his voice.
Sersi handed him a cool cloth, freshly soaked and wrung dry, "none of the pain meds Mum has will help this. It's pure caffeine withdrawal."
"Did we try?" Gil couldn't help but ask, not that it didn't irk both his Doctor mother and his bio-chemist sister. He sighed, "sorry, just...I hate to see her like this."
Gil bypassed them, going right over to the ball of Thena and turning her over so he could put the cool cloth on her forehead. "Hey."
"Hey," she whispered back, just barely getting her eyes open to look at him. She looked even paler than normal. "You're back."
"I'm sorry," he whispered, lips pressed to her temple, unable to do much more for her. "I had to go out looking."
"It's okay," Thena turned over slightly with a smile, "Sersi and Makkari have taken wonderful care of me. And your poor mother is trying to find anything that will even simulate caffeine for me."
"Quiet!" Gil glared towards the door to the living room, where Kingo was striding in without a care in the world. His arms tightened around her, "she's not feeling well, man!"
"Sorry, sorry," he chuckled much too light heartedly for Gil's taste. He swirled his hand in the air, "I made chai!"
Gil glared at his cousin--basically his brother. Chai was a strong enough blend of tea, and it probably would have just a enough caffeine to alleviate some of Thena's symptoms. "You had this the whole time and let her-?!"
"Come on, Gil," Kingo pouted at him, Thena still wrapped protectively in his thick arms. "I forgot I had it, okay? And anyway, I had the seed pods whole--I had to do actual work to make them ready for brewing."
Gil sighed a little more roughly, all but ignoring his loud cousin next to him, "whatever."
"I thought it might help," Kingo leaned blithely into Gil's personal space to get a peek at Thena. "I also suggested yoga to help clear her head, but all she wanted to do was lie around and wait for you."
Gil was already pulling Thena closer so he could carry her to the kitchen, "y'know, dude, I'd appreciate if you didn't do shirtless yoga with my fiance when I'm not around?"
"Who said it was shirtless?"
"I've never seen you do it with a shirt on," Gil shot back without hesitation. Kingo just snickered at his obvious annoyance (dick). Gil stood with Thena in his embrace, "I have something better."
"Something to put me out of my misery?"
"Something like that," he chuckled, kissing Thena's temple again just because he could. She was really funny, even if she didn't think so. "You know this is why I'm always on you about how much coffee you drink."
"Yes, yes," she managed to roll her eyes at him, although even doing that much seemed to reawaken her pain. She grimaced, "how long have you been waiting to bring that up?"
"Until I also had something to help."
"Gil, I--oh."
Ajak made room for them at the kitchen island so Gil could set Thena down in one of the plush bar seats.
"It's okay, mom, I found some," he sighed as he made sure Thena was settled. "Had to go all the way to that organic store where you fill up your own jars."
Damned retiree town and its hipster stores.
Thena forced her eyes open again, "what did you find?"
Thena perked up like a dog offered a steak after being in the desert.
"I got the lightest roast they had," he held Thena's eyes, waving the jar of fresh grounds in his hand. She watched it, utterly entranced. "Just enough to keep the pain away, okay? This shit was still expensive, even as the cheapest stuff I could find."
Thena let out a faint laugh, in better spirits just at the promise of some relief. "Are you going to ween me off of it with this?"
Gil looked at her again as he set out the coffee grounds and french press he had to buy just to make coffee here. He could just tell her that he told her so and that this was probably for the best, to get her less dependant on caffeine to even function. But he sighed, "gently. I won't let you suffer if I can do anything to help."
Some colour returned to her cheeks, which was honestly more of a relief than anything.
"I'll make you just one cup to start, okay," he continued to speak softly, shaking out just enough grounds and then reaching for the kettle.
"Thank you, Gil."
He looked up, compelled by the gentle, almost musical tone in her voice. Some colour rose in his cheeks as well as he looked back down at his brewing, "anything."
Gil looked up once the grounds were starting to brew. Thena nodded him over to her, and he moved automatically, like a man possessed. Her knees made room for him and he had to stop himself from putting his hand on the other side of them reflexively.
Thena leaned forward, pressing a gentle kiss to the corner of his lips, just close enough to his cheek to be considered not actually 'kissing' him.
He blushed and his all his hair stood on end.
"You're a life saver," she said afterward, forcing a much lighter tone. She tucked some hair behind her ear and moved to watching the coffee brew. "Is it done yet?"
He had to laugh just a little. He gave above her knee - just at the hem of her skirt - a squeeze and moved away again, "will you just try having some patience?"
"You are not the one who has spent all morning with a jackhammer within your skull."
"If you took it even a little easy on the cold brew it probably wouldn't be so bad."
"I knew you were dying to tell me you told me so," Thena rolled her eyes.
Gil smiled; she didn't wince this time. He poured her cup, which really needed more time to brew than it had. Maybe he was just as impatient to cure her as she was. "Just put some shit in it to cover up the taste."
"Gladly," she sighed, although it was Gil who moved toward the fridge for said 'shit'.
They both completely forgot Ajak was still hovering at the edge of the kitchen.
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redheadspark · 2 months
Hello! Can you do Druig with 2 and 20?
Maybe include a way to make Ikaris an asshole in it? 🤭
A/N - Hooray for Druig! I love this, thanks for requesting this, friend!
Summary - You hate hearing negativity against your husband. It was your job to bring him joy again.
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Warnings - Angst and mostly fluff :)
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“I swear, the guys doesn’t know when it stop talking,”
“Well I choose to ignore those words,”
“And I don’t, not when it comes to my husband,” 
Druig poked his head up from his book, seeing you pace back and forth in front of him while he was occupying your shared bed on The Domo.  You were fuming, your mind was racing at just an alarming rate from what you were told minutes before on the ramp going into The Domo.  One minute you were returning from a patrol with Kingo around the city, wanting to kick up your feet and relax with Druig for the rest of the night. But you overheard what Ikaris was saying to Sersi and Ajak, about the small ambush of Deviants that were seen to the South.  
Druig was helping relocate the humans that were stuck in the ambush, he was better at corralling the humans and making sure they were safe and away from the chaos.  Ajak and Sersi were telling Ikaris of the hard work Druig was going and all the lives he saved, no human was killed.  But of course, Ikaris being Ikaris, he never saw the positive with your husband and best friend.
“A Simple Mind Control trick is nothing sort of a magic trick.  Anyone of us could have done that,”
One black eye and a scolding later from Ajak, Ikaris was ushered away to his room with Sersi looking after him.
“Something tells me he deserved it,” Druig almost teased as he thumbed another page through his book while you were still walking back and broth and attempting to calm down. You hated hearing that from Ikaris, he had no right to say such things from one of the kindest and selfless beings on the ship.  Although he was a strong Eternal, Ikaris would be lost as well, too driven and too invested in the goals in front of him compared to all that was happening around him.  He had blinders on, plain and simple.  Sometimes when he said something that was rude and almost uneasy with you, you wished to put him in your place.  But you also had respect for Ajak as your leader, never wishing to ruffle feathers or make waves.
All of those hesitance went out the window at the mention of your husband and his worth in the group.
“Of course, he deserved it!  He spoke about you like you were dirt below his own boots!” You huffed, Druig slammed his book closed and watching you as you were glaring at him with heat still under your skin and your fingers baling into fists, “He doesn’t know the true worth that you have and what you bring to the family, to the humans,”
Druig said nothing, which made you a bit cornered since Druig have good confidence in himself and what he could do.  You wanted the confidence that he had, though he would pour that back into you and make you feel your self worth when you were not yourself.  Yet there were times, very briefly but they were evident, that Druig felt low.  He was amazing at hiding it from the others, even from his best friend Makkari who could read him like a book.  Most of time it came from Ikaris, from his judgment in Druig’s performance and to how he was said undertones statements that seemed more hurtful than they were.
“Druig,” You said his name, being that he was still quiet.  It made you walk over to the side of the bed, taking the book out of his hands to lace your fingers together and stare at him gently in the eyes, “Don’t ever let Ikaris get you down with his words and what he says: You have so much talent.  Not only with your abilities, but how you can help the humans who need it, truly need it,”
Druig searched your eyes, squeezing your hands from the sweet words you were tell him as you smiled widely.  You loved pouring out your love for him, something Druig was not used to himself.  He would do it with you all the time and admit it was just as natural as breathing was.  He adored making you blush, bring you joy, and especially building your confidence and self worth.  
Now it was his turn to take in all of those praises and words.
“We are so lucky to have you,” You explained to him calmly, though you were feeling a bit emotional when you were talking to Druig, “I am lucky, honored, to have you in my life as my husband.  If Ikaris can’t see that about you, then he doesn’t deserve the breathe the same air as you.  Okay?”
Druig smiled from ear to ear, the glow that was now on his face and almost hovering about him made y9our heart soar as he leaned over to kiss you boldly on the couch.  You cupped his face in your hands, feeling the warmth of his cheeks along your palms.  You would tell him every time when anyone, even Ikaris would knock him down and bring him to his knees.
If that would ever happen again, you would take his hands and bring him back on his feet, to his strength again.
The End
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April Prompt Sessions
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a1most-perfec7 · 2 years
A Long Promise | Ikaris x Reader
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[Ikaris and his S/O reunite after millenia long long time. Very short and cute oneshot.]
Word count: 1k. No warnings that I can identify but I may be wrong?
Maybe it was the way the sunset didn’t quite feel the same, golden sun streaks enveloping your body to keep you warm before the night. Maybe it was the fire that rained from above, painting the inky night sky with embers from pained humans. Their conflict was their own and sometimes, most times, it was hard to watch from the sidelines.
You squeezed the hand enclosed in yours, refusing to turn your head and meet their gaze as Druig spoke, lost in his frustrations.
“Could our mission have been a mistake? Are we really helping these people build a better world?” He argues, turning away to watch over the war below. “We’re just like the soldiers down there. Pawns to their leaders, blinded by loyalty. It ends here.”
Suddenly, the humans halt their movements, weapons quickly being abandoned as they fall to the ground with damp metal clinks. It's not long till the warmth in your hand is ripped away, now throwing Druig to the wall.
“Let them go.” Druig dismisses the steely gaze of Ikaris along with his cooling demand. “Stop.” Druig’s gaze settles on Ajak as you come behind and peel Ikaris away. “If you want to stop me, you’re gonna have to make me. You’re gonna have to kill me.” An uneasy silence settled about the room as the people he once called family watched as Druig descended to the burning rubble below, becoming the first of the Eternals to leave.
Ikaris brings you to his side as Ajak confirms that your mission is done, that exploring the Earth to its many ends is now your wish if you so desire. And you did. You crane your head towards Ikaris, who looks down at you with a worrying look, squeezing your hip gently but seeing no change in your weak smile. The both of you leave them, seeking solace and sanctuary with one another.
“What’s the matter?” His voice soft and low as his chest brushes against yours when he gives you his full attention. You shake your head as his large, warm hand meets your cheek.
“I don’t know.” You lie, his thumb swiping a stray tear away. “Do you want to leave?” You nod, tears freely streaming down your cheeks. “It’s too much Ikaris, watching them fight and never learning from their mistakes.” You sigh, his hands holding your face to keep your gaze. “I want to be free of this guilt. Being as strong as I am and never allowed to help because it is supposed to be so.” He kisses you tenderly, leading your back to hit the stone wall behind. The kiss breaks and his arms circle your waist as he rests his head shoulder. “I want to live a life without a moment to think about what we had or hadn’t done.”
“You want to run away?” He accuse, pulling away at arm's length. :Its not running away, Ikaris. You heard Ajak. Our mission is over. We are free.” His blue iris’s keenly meet yours, his moment of denial and selfishness leaving him.
“I can’t force you to stay.” He whispers, voice on the verge of breaking. HIs forehead presses against yours for the last time. Now it's his turn to cry and yours to hold his cheek. “We will meet again... in our own time.” You eyes shut.
As you bring his face to yours, hands mapping out his features as you wipe him of his tears, Ikaris murmurs in his thick accent. “In another time.” He continues. You nod adamantly. “In another time soon, promise?.” You whisper on his lips before meeting them firmly. Ikaris eagerly accepts them and more. He holds you close, hands pressing every inch of you to his body, trying to make you one.
You reciprocate the feeling, squeezing his face gently before pulling his head closer, keeping his lips on yours. You barely register when Ikaris picks you up and wraps your legs around his waist. He holds you firmly against the wall as his kisses slip from your lips once or twice but always returns as his hands paw at your thighs and waist, solemnly squeezing your rear and hips in the process. A moan escapes you in the form of a sigh, softly lingering in the air between you two.
The last word leaving his lips before your legs squeeze his waist and pull him closer for the last time. “Promise.”
The salty air skims over your flushing flesh. The sounds of crystal waves crashing in the distance greeting you for the morning. The winter chill waning out and this first day of spring was already exceeding your delight in the change of season.
You’d lost count in how many mornings you’d awaken to the sight, only knowing it was much more than someone could count on their fingers, but not enough to forget the life and family you had known before. You feel your eyes well and your chest tightens, making you turn away from the sea.
As you turn over your shoulder, the light blinds you momentarily, prompting you to shield your eyes. In the sun's rays you see a tall figure invading the yellow halo and your breath hitches as you come to recognize the being in its totality.
Do you walk?
Or do you run?
You sprint.
Your bolting frame barely dents the figure, and when you finally take them in, it's only then is your intuition confirmed.
Ikaris, the same as you left him, welcomes you home in his arms, picking you up to hold you tight and securely to his person.
No words are spoken as you meet each other's lips for the first time in decades. Decades and more. Meeting his eyes when you part, he mimics the watery gaze you hold that breaks soon enough. 
Your arms around his neck and shoulders tighten before they plant themselves firmly on his face, much like the last time you saw him. His stark brow line, cool blue eyes, and severely sharp jawline. Not a single change from when you left him. He relishes in the sensation, so long without your touch making him sigh.
“I can’t believe you’re here, I can’t believe you’re here...” You murmur in a trace, prepared for the cruel joke that someone has played on you to come to light before you begin to cry. Ikaris chuckles as your feet meet the ground once again. You both silently rejoice, meeting peace for the first time in decades, holding each other close keeping connected.
The moment sorely wavers as you relieve yourself from the embrace. “We made a promise, didn’t we?”
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taran-chan · 2 years
on a Wednesday, in a cafe (chapter 24)
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Read on AO3
thursday lunchbox: shrimp pan-toasted sandwich
There's a knock on the door. Gil hurriedly puts the leftover sandwiches inside the microwave then rushes out of the kitchen. On the other side of the door is Sprite, who just returned after finishing her last day of the final exam.
“I heard Thena’s back early,” she beams, “Is she in there?”
Gil glances back at the living room, lowering his voice sadly, “Yeah, but she’s tired. She had a bad day. Do you still want to come in?”
Sprite’s smile wavers a bit, “It's alright, I’ll let her rest. I just came up to thank her for helping me with the exam. I did pretty good.”
“Good job!” Gil rubs her hair and she struggles to dodge his hand, “Thena was worried about you, you know. She’ll be very proud of you, and so is everybody.”
Sprite returns his smile, her cheeks pink, “Then please tell her the results for me. Also, this is the flyers for my school’s annual Sport Event,” she hands him the colourful papers that she’s been holding onto.
“Oh, it’s happening already? Are you competing this year?”
“Of course. I’ll play for my badminton club and participate in a relay race.”
“Two competitions?” Gil raises his eyebrows, looking impressed, “How about your theatre club?”
“As usual, we’ll perform in the afternoon. This year we’re doing the Hadestown musical,” She says proudly, “I’m the director.”
“As expected.”
“Ajak invited Makkari and I invited Sersi and Kingo. It’s not anything big but if you have time this year, I’d be glad if you can go, any time of the day is fine.”
“What are you talking about? Of course we’ll be there! Last year was a real blast, I’m sure Thena would want to come too.”
“But why do I remember that someone fell asleep half the time of our play last year?”
Gil scratches his head, “In my defense, I was tired at the time because I had to participate in that three-legged race for parents with Makkari. Remember? When Ajak had a sprained ankle?”
“Gotta admit, you played the role of my foster dad pretty well.”
“I can’t do that again this year though, I have Thena. But unless she wants me to,” he shrugs.
“Yeah, sure pal,” Sprite waves her hand dismissively, “We don’t have that this year anyway, instead we hold a 100 meters race for the parents.”
“So Ajak will run then?”
“Absolutely. She’s been waiting for her revenge because last year we only got third place. Not great.”
“That’s because Makkari and I weren’t familiar with each other's rhythm,” Gil pouts, “Ajak’s steps and mine are two very different things! Give us one week and we’ll snatch that first place without sweating.”
“Just messing with you,” Sprite giggles, “But don’t forget to come. If you don’t want to see me kick some seniors' and freshmen’s asses then just come to see Ajak run, it’d be worth it.”
“Won’t miss it for the world. I’ll cook something for lunch that day, we can have a picnic.”
“Alright, send my regards to Thena, will you? I hope she'll feel better soon.”
“I’ll take good care of her.”
“I know,” she nods, “My shift is starting. Are you staying with her for the rest of the day?”
“Yeah, it’s a slow evening but call me if you need. And I bought ice cream for you in the fridge.”
“Cool! Thanks, boss,” Sprite gives him a thumb up, then skips down the stairs.
“Oh shit, my sandwiches!” Gil mumbles to himself and dashes back into the kitchen. He takes the food out of the microwave, hissing because of the hot plate. He puts it on the table, covers it with a bigger plate before moving into the living room.
Thena barely touched her lunch today, even though she kept mentioning that shrimp pan-toasted sandwich ever since Sersi found the recipe on the internet and brought them some of those. Shrimp is covered with flour and deep fried, then mixed with a mixture of mayo-ketchup sauce. Then they are sandwiched between two pieces of bread that are buttered with mustard, along with a slice of cheddar cheese and some shredded cabbage. Finally, the sandwiches are fried on both sides to make the bread crispy. He made her three small ones, she left two and hasn’t eaten any of the tomato salad.
According to what she told him, there was a fight between the court attendees this morning when she was in the middle of her part. She wasn’t injured but the screams and loud noises triggered her. She didn’t have a panic attack either but it was a very damn close call. After the court adjourned, she locked herself in her office for the rest of the afternoon, avoiding everyone and eventually, she had to call Gil to come and pick her up early with a small and trembling voice, saying that she was having a massive headache. In the safe space of her car, she sobbed in his arms for a sole 10 minutes. Then he drove them back to his place. He absolutely doesn’t intend to leave her alone now and she doesn’t protest either.
She's lying in a fetal position on his couch. Her hair hides away her face so it’s hard to see if she’s sleeping or awake. But her breaths are not even and her shoulders are shaking slightly. Gil crouches down and touches her arm.
“How’s your headache?”
She just shakes her head but doesn’t flinch when he touches her forehead, which is a good sign. He parts her hair and feels like someone just pierced his heart with a knife. The woman he loves more than life itself opens her eyes to look at him, another wave of tears leaks out, rolling down her beautiful, already wet cheeks. Her lips tremble, she holds out her arms and he immediately scoops her up and into his arms like she was a little kitten. She draws her knees to her chest as she clings to him, burying her face into his neck.
“It’s okay, I’m here,” he holds her with one hand, the other stroking her hair, feeling her tears soak his shirt, “I’m right here. I’ve got you, it’s alright, baby.”
“I’m sorry,” she whimpers.
“What are you sorry for?”
“You put a lot of effort into my lunch but I couldn’t eat.”
“Thena…” Now it’s him who feels like crying, “All I care about is your well-being. I can make as many sandwiches as you want.”
“Still,” she sniffles, “I hate wasting your food.”
“You’re not wasting them,” he rubs her back, “They’re still edible so I put them into the microwave. But leave them to me, I’ll make you something else.”
“What are you going to make?”
“What else? Your comfort food, of course.”
“Who eats blueberry pies for dinner?” She says, but the thought of a scalding hot pie makes her stomach rumble. Surely Gil feels that because his palm is pressed to her belly. He just laughs, lifting that same hand to stroke along the bridge of her nose, wiping away the remaining tears on her cheeks.
“We do.”
“What about your shop?” She has asked this many, many times, not just today but nearly every time he puts his work aside to stay with her when she needs him. She knows what he’ll say, she just wants to hear it again. And Gil always indulges her. He’ll repeat it as many times as it takes for her to truly believe it.
“You’re my biggest priority,” he starts rocking her back and forth gently, his voice tender and soothing as a lullaby, “And Eternal doesn’t serve dinner so there isn’t much to do, really. I’ll just come down if there are so many customers that our friends can’t handle it. But I doubt that could happen.”
For the first time in the day, Thena manages a smile. She pulls herself up a bit to kiss both of his cheeks. He scoots them to the edge of the couch to reach for the glass of water on the coffee table and brings it to her lips. She takes a few sips, then asks.
“Did Sprite come up earlier?”
“Yeah, she passed by to tell us that she did great on her exam and to thank you for tutoring her.”
“I’m glad,” her smile grows wider and she’s playing with his fingers, “I’ll text her in a minute.”
“There’s a Sport Event at her school this Sunday, she’ll be competing in badminton and a relay race.”
“Two competitions? It’s great to be young,” she rubs her cheek on his shirt. She doesn’t have many memories from her high school years, all she can recall is that it was quite dull even though she went to the same school as Sprite. And she skipped the final year to attend Oxford.
“Hey, we’re still relatively young,” he snorts, pulling her out of her thoughts, “But she’s truly having the time of her life, even directing a musical play the same day.”
“Ajak must be very proud.”
“No shit. And the girl invited us there,” Gil hands her the flyers, “Wanna go together? Could be a nice trip back to school.”
“Certainly, it’s a must. I want to see a Hadestown high school version,” then she sighs, sagging against Gil, “But I still have to survive that stupid banquet tomorrow night.”
“So you decided to go?”
She shakes her head, “After what happened today, I want to stay home even more.”
“It’s just a party anyway. If you don’t want to go, you can stay home and we’ll have a big dinner then watch TV until we fall asleep,” he runs his fingers through her hair, giving her head a light massage as he drops a kiss on her temple, “And if you wanted to go, would I still be your plus one?”
She huffs a laugh, “My one and only.”
Gil tugs at their clasped hands, “C’mon, let’s get to work. I bought some cute cookie molds, you can use them to cut decorating crusts.”
“Which shapes do you have?”
“A rabbit, a cat, a moon, a star. I think you should use the star mold, because you’re my superstar.”
“I don’t feel like one right now,” she trails off. However, she lets him lead them into the kitchen.
“Don’t sell yourself short, you’re incredible!” He turns around to face her, “It’s just that you had a hard day, it can’t deny all of your improvement. You’ve come this far,” he squeezes her hand, “I can’t say how proud I am of you, but I’ll say that if you need some rest, please know that you deserve to rest.”
“Will you be there? When I’m not feeling like a superstar,” The vulnerable, silly question that she only asks when they are alone. She absolutely doesn’t allow anyone else to see this side of her.
Gil picks her up and puts her on the table, then steps in between her legs.
“Forevermore, and after,” he promises. Even though they’ve known each other less than a year, he's sure about that more than anything.
“For as long as you’ll have me.”
He did say that to her, not so long ago, on a very different day than today. But he’s always there, seeming to be the most solid thing that’s ever been hers, the one person that she trusts enough to hold on to, lean on, or hide in. She hopes that she would never take him for granted and forget to give back, to cherish him, to let him know that she loves him with every breath she takes. But all worries evade her when he palms her face in his large hands, brushing her hair out of her face so he can kiss her forehead, the tip of her nose, and her lips, then he says, “Let’s make our pie.”
Our pie - the word makes her smile. She likes the sound of it. She likes it a lot, a lot, a lot.
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writersblockedx · 3 years
My Empty Lover, Part three
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Pairing - Druig x Eteneral!Reader Summary - Sersi seeks out her fellow eternals to stop the emergence. In doing so, she finds you, the fortune teller who can no longer remember her own past Warnings - Suicide, implications of abuse, mentions of violence, Eternals spoilers! Words - 4.8k
A/n - I barely passed GCSE History and am writing this having had to rely on my memory of seeing he film so If I get any like technical points of the story incorrect sorryy. 
570 BC Babylon
It had felt strange, knowing that the last two deviants were being slaughtered as you sat by Druig. All of these years, your whole lives being centred around the destruction of these creatures and, just like that, it was going to be over. Hopefully, meaning you could return home. But you knew that it wasn't going to happen. Not yet anyway like the others were left to believe.
You were seated comfortably against a wall next to Druig, your knees close to your chest as a book of sorts rested against your thighs. Phastos worked in front of the two of you, swiping across the holograms of his constructed inventions. "Ajak's not going to like it, you know?" You spoke, not looking up from the peices of parchment in front of you.
It was well known across the Eternals that Ajak was consistent in making the humans develop on their own. No interjecting, no making things for them and no solving their issues for them. Yet, Phastos still worked on inventions way beyond the human mind. "It'd save the farmers hours of time and create more crops for the whole town." The man debated.
At that, you looked up at him. "Ajak won't like it." You repeated, prompting him to sigh as he glanced back at his hard work.
Druig let out a sniffle of a laugh from the side of you. "I wouldn't argue with her. She'll win." The boy paused as he glanced across at you, smirk written into his lips. "She always does."
Druig was right. There was no point in Phastos arguing over it, only you could know how it would end. And you did. You knew how everything was going to end. Well, to a certain extent obviously. As Phastos quietened, you glanced over to Druig, his eyes already settled on yourself. A grin pulling at your lips, almost stretching to your cheeks just in one glance. One glance and your body felt filled with admiration.
"Yeah well being a know-it-all isn't liked by many." Phastos quirked out of frustration that his newest invention wasn't even going to be put into play.
You tilted your head at the comment, "It's kind of my thing."
The boy next to you raised his hand, smirk more prominent than ever. "I happen to like it." He proclaimed. His eyes returning to you once more before continuing his point. "A lot, actually." Oh how your heart had melted at that. As you stared back into the blue eyes that faced you, you didn't believe you had ever felt so safe.
A huff comes from Phastos as he closes his hologram. "Jesus, I don't know why even try with the two of you." And with that, the man left the room to the two of you.
You'd barely acknowledge Phastos' exit, your head caught up in the mind controlling Eternal which comforted you. Neither of you said anything. It seemed as if you didn't have to. But, as for one moment you felt drowned in comfort and ease and safety, the next it was all wiped away. Your gaze pulled from Druig and your thoughts became focused on the gut feeling which screamed at you. The same thing over and over. Just as it always did.
"What is it?" Druig shot out the second he caught that expression written into your face. You looked to the floor, hands brushing against your stomach as you fought off the sharp pain which tormented you. The boy shuffled just slightly closer, pushing a stray hair bac behind your ear to catch your face again. "Y/n," He spoke, as clear as he was able to so his voice would shoot through the voices that were yelling through your head. "Y/n, what is it?"
The beloved warrior was sick. The only kind of sick that e Eternals were able to get. Her mind eating away at her memory, forcing her to turn against the ones closest to her. It was horrid and you could barely bring yourself to accept this Goddess - of which you looked up to - was slowly being broken down.
But with Thena, the Eternals broke down with her. That night was one of which you didn't dare to try and remember. Sides were taken, arguments were said and, in the end, everyone seemed to go their different ways.
You'd met Druig just as he was leaving the city, irritation seething through his body as he replayed the argument between him and Ikaris. An emotion of which seemed to fade to absolute nothingness as he felt a familiar arm slip around his own. The boy had looked across at you, brows furrowed as you walked together, arms linked tightly. "What are you doing?"
You had shrugged at that, glancing across the leftovers of war which you dragged your feet through. "I don't want to leave alone." You answered before cheekily glancing back up at Druig. "And you happened to be my favourite."
"Oh really?" Druig smirked back.
"Don't tell the others."
1645 England
You tossed and turned in your bed, the thoughts streaming into your dreams. Horrid thoughts that hadn't stopped haunting you for almost two years now. They were littered in war, prompted by violence and shed with blood. You knew it was a prediction. But you didn't need to be an Eternal to know people were going to die through this war.
The dreams, as they had more recently started doing, woke you from your sleep. A gasp shot from your lips as your eyes pulled open, relaxing once you felt the comfort of the bed covers over your body and the pillow which rested against your hair.
You were okay.
You were home.
Everything would be fine.
The other side of the bed sat empty. The sheets pushed aside suggested Druig had gathered himself from bed just as you were now doing. Your feet tapped against the hard wood as you walked towards the balcony adjacent to your bedroom. It was your first place to go in search for Druig when you'd wake up, nothing but stranded air next to you.
It wasn't just you getting effected now. The battles were becoming more frequent and more blood was being spilled. And whenever it became too much for Druig, he'd look across the town. The town of which he only which to protect but, under Ajak's orders, he was unable to. It was something he couldn't quite get over. No matter how hard he tried.
And there the boy stood: hands gripped over the railing as he stared down at the sleeping houses. You said nothing to alert him of your presence. He already knew you were there. Instead, you simply came up behind him, slipping your arms around his waist, following his gaze across the city.
"Things will calm down soon enough." You told him.
The boy sighed at that, his gripped loosening against the railing as he turned, now leaning against it to face you. "Is that a prediction or are you just trying to comfort me?"
You shrugged as he slipped his hands across your waist and your hands tangled around the back of his neck. "All things come to an end. At some point." You stated.
"Even us?"
There was a pause at that. Just the thought of loosing you, of the connection the two of you shared ending, sparked unwanted emotions in Druig. So, he pushed them aside, locked them emotions in a box and preyed they'd never have to come back again. He learnt over the past thousands of years, he couldn't loose you. He didn't think he could function without you.
"What if we stopped it?" The boy proposed, an idea he hadn't been able to get out of his head. "None of them would have to suffer anymore."
You'd shaken your head; you'd been over this before. "You know what Ajak said. We can't interfere." You reminded him, something of which you found yourself doing a lot lately.
"Ajak's not here anymore." The boy argued.
He cut you short before you could even make your point. "It doesn't have to be here. Let's just go somewhere. Create a community where we don't have to watch them suffer anymore." He paused, watching your expression carefully. "You don't have to go through them dreams anymore. Everything can be...calm."
Calm. A sense of which you were craving so badly stuck within a war. But you knew what this calm would entail and knew exactly how Ajak would react. Then again, Druig was right, Ajak's not here.
You returned your gaze back to Druig and sighed, giving in. "If it get's out of hand-"
"Of course, of course."
1703 The Amazon
It never got out of hand. Druig made sure of that. Everyone had peace, they had structure and they worked life like cycle. Doing as they needed with no interference. And you didn't believe you had ever seen Druig as happy as he was now. Even if there was war and violence, here, there was only calm.
Druig had been watching from you afar, the way you were helping the children of the community. You entertained them with your 'magic tricks' while their parents helped to plant the crops that were soon to flower. He couldn't help the grin that pulled greatly at his lips, his gaze never daring to leave. Look away, and he might not catch that glimpse of a glimmer in your pupils that he always craved to spot.
But, before that glimmer could show, you felt the eyes on you and couldn't help but return the gesture. You said your goodbyes to the young siblings and made your way towards Druig as he stood in the doorway of your home. "You looked like you were having fun." He remarked.
"Oh, of course." You responded. His hands cupped your cheeks and he leaned your lips into his for a moment he wished to have savoured as, once he pulled away, he met your disappointed expression. "Speaking off..." You started, sheepishly looking back up at Druig. The boy let out a huff, his hands falling from your cheeks. "Please, Druig. You know we can't just leave her there. It's worst for her than it is any of the others children in that village." You pleaded but the boy didn't seemed to be having any of it.
He had already turned away, talking away at the same excuses as you followed closely behind. "You know we can't. A girl from the outside won't fit in here." He explained to you as he had done hundreds of times already.
"Please, trust me." You begged but it was as if you were talking to a brick wall whenever you brought the topic forward.
The boy's head shot back to you at that, "I do trust you. More than I do anyone. But we can't be selfish with this. You told me not to let it get out of hand, that's what I'm doing."
His tone came off harsh and had this topic not been building and building, you might have left it for the sake of yours and Druig's relationship. But at this point, you couldn't help yourself anymore. "That's not what you're doing. You're picking and choosing, playing God." You argued. "No wonder Ajak stopped you from doing this."
That stung at Druig's chest. Judgement - from you of all people. "You agreed to do this." It was almost a reminder that you did this as well.
"I'm not the one whose going to let that girl die." With that, you left the conversation and left the community for the rest of the day.
You couldn't help but head towards the near village. The village of which kept Iris, the girl you had somewhat taken under your wing. Though, it wasn't much of a home. The village was slowly running out of food - something you'd tried to convince Druig to help with, he refused. Her family were cruel and selfish, prioritising Iris' younger brother over her. There came a day not long since, when you had seen enough. That's when you first asked Druig to let her enter the community for her own sake. He'd refused, and he hadn't changed his mind since.
The village was especially loud today, the children bombing around, splashing water towards one another while the adults continued with their jobs, now used to you coming in and out of their homes. Iris played closed by her brother's side, watching him as he stomped into one of the puddles, sweet giggles filling the air.
"Y/n!" The girl had yelled, a grin stretching across her face as her eyes shot open. She sprinted, a few of the other children following after as Iris attached herself to your lower leg as a sort of child-like hug.
Once she disconnected from your skin, you lowered, a circle of children waiting as to what goodies you had brought them today. You handed a few small loaves of bread out to them, watching as they dived their teeth in, their stomachs filling. You glanced to each of them, their smiles wider and their energy bouncing.
You knew it wouldn't last.
Your eyes shot open and Druig's blue pupils stared right back at you. You were back here, New Asgard. Home. Well second home. Or maybe third or fourth. It was different. Everything felt shifted. The boy in front of you was much more, meant the world to you now, in the matter of what felt like minutes. The group from before were no longer strangers who were in your home, but a family. And you were no longer the girl who didn't belong amongst her Asgardian friends, but an Eternal.
"Why'd you stop?"
He could barely bring himself to answer. "You don't need to see anymore." The boy had told you, his gaze jumping to the carpet in an attempt to avoid your eyes.
But, for what felt like the first time, you reached your hands up to Druig, your finger tips wrapping around his cheeks. "Please," You muttered, eyes lingering in desperation. If he kept going, you'd see what he'd wished for you to never see again. The memory which he made sure to erase over all the others. "These are my memories, Druig."
He shook his head as he retracted his skin from your touch. "You don't want to see it again." He said.
The room fell into a silence. You couldn't help but believe that Druig saw this as his choice. Your memorises kept in a box that only he could pick at. Not you. "You're doing it again." Your voice shot through the silence, the words having been thrown out from your throat. "Picking and choosing. Even now." Druig finally looked back at you, almost shocked at the girl who was sat in front of him. "These are my memorises. I want them back." The boy huffed, glancing down at his hands as yours slipped into his. "Please."
That had been the last straw for Druig. He would always fight for your happiness but when your soft, naive, tone settled into the air, he couldn't help himself. "Okay." He murmured before doing as he had done before, connecting your minds in a matter of moments.
His eyes fell closed.
As did your own.
1703 The Amazon
It was only a day later. Yet the sun seemed to be hiding behind the clouds, the laughter which had echoed around the village was nothing but distant cries. The crops which were usually known to bloom had died. Something was wrong. Your gut was screaming, pulling you further through the village, guiding you to the home of Iris and her family.
You knocked at first. But even your light fingers were enough force for the door to lean open. The home only really consisted of two rooms, messy blankets and wooden toys. The parents were shivering when you had walked in; their arms wrapped tightly around their son. No Iris in sight.
The family didn't say a word to you. They stood, dull eyed, starring into obis. And, if you looked close enough, the obis stared back at them.
Your gut pulled your around the second corner. Slow and careful. You didn't know what was waiting for you behind the wall.
All you saw was red.
Gushing, bleeding, red.
It was everywhere.
Iris laid across the wooden beams, arms out wide, a blunt kitchen knife only inches from her finger tips. Your feet didn't dare move anymore. They wished only to turn back around and pretend to not have seen the horrors which had become hidden in a family home. But your gut feeling had only pulled you closer.
You leaned down beside the body, hand pressing against her neck. Just in case. Though, you hadn't expected all this blood to have been lost while a heart was still beating. And, as you expected, you felt nothing. Just a cold, empty soul laying in front of you.
You'd never left the village in such a hurry. Tears staining your cheeks and your body fought to not collapse as you made your way back towards the community. You longed for nothing more than comfort. So you headed for Druig, passing the farmers without a glance.
The brunette had been helping one of them pull the weeds from the brushes. A seamless smile fluttering across his expression, calm engulfing his body. Then his eyes met your own, their blank, teary glare.  "Y/n?" He asked as he walked towards you, brows furrowed as he joined you in the midst of the community buildings.
You could barely meet his eyes again. "She-" Your words choked in your throat, caught between your vocal cords as you fought off the tears. It had only taken a glance back up at Druig for your body to collapse to the floor. Druig falling with you, his arms catching you with support in attempt to stop you from getting hurt. He held you tight, in the middle of the trees, shushing your cries as one might have done to a child. "She's dead."
You hadn't been able to move from your bed for months. It was haunting. The image. It flashed in your mind  every time you dared blink. The red streaming into your head and never leaving despite how hard you tried. Of course, you had gotten used to people dying. You had been watching wars happen over and over. But this hadn't been a war. This was just a girl, and she'd died through the consequences of humanity's darkest cruelty.
Druig checked on you every day. At least twice. The same thing every time.
"Is there anything you need?" The boy would ask, finger brushing away the stray hairs which covered your face.
"No." You'd tell him.
Then he'd kiss your forehead and return back to the community. He'd tried to encourage you to pull your body from the sheets, but each time it would end in an argument that stung at Druig's chest. So he left you be, longing for the day in which his caring lover returned to him. That day never seemed to come.
After the months that passed, there came a morning where you leaned up from the bed, your eyes starring blank as your thoughts strung together. A plan forming in your mind which your body followed. You headed out from your home, your feet hitting the grass bellow as you continued for the exit of the community.
You hadn't gotten close. You had barely made your first few steps. "Y/n?" Druig had called, almost in a question. He rushed from his place as he came to face you, analysing your body as his hands pressed against your forearms. A part of him seemed to grin at you being here, standing in front of him instead of dwelling in bed. "What are you doing?"
That grin was whipped from his expression as you shoved passed him, hitting his shoulder with your step. "The village."
Alarm bells rung for Druig as he rushed in front of you once again. A tighter grip holding you in your spot. "Y/n," He spoke, voice lathered in concern as he looked back in your ever so dull pupils. He knew then what you were planning. And he realised then the girl he'd fallen for and adored so seamlessly for years was gone and, in her place, stood a stranger. "You're going to kill them." The boy stated.
"They killed Iris." You had argued, a stupid argument if you looked back with a clear mind.
Druig shook his head, "No they didn't, Y/n."
"So you think she just picked up that knife for no reason at all?" You snapped back at him, your words forceful and tone strong.
Druig, however, soften his expression, made his touch a comfort rather than a grip. "No, but I don't see how you hurting her family is going to bring Iris back."
Your voice lowered as you leaned in just slightly, "There were bruises on her. What if-" You stopped yourself, practically swallowing the words in your throat. "What if I had stopped it? Stopped them?" You asked, more to yourself than the boy facing you.
He shrugged, "She may still have died. But stopping them now, killing them, isn't going to help you in anyway." Druig explained, waiting to watch as your shoulders relaxed and your body calmed. That never seemed to happened.
"I don't know that yet."
With that, you slipped from the boy's grip and headed towards the exit once more. Druig didn't follow after you. Instead, he stayed put and yelled, begged for you to return to his side. "Y/n! Come on!" You didn't stop. You didn't even hesitant. "Y/n!" There came a point where Druig realised, even if it was him asking, you weren't going to stop. No matter what he said or did, you would keep searching for ways of vengeance.
So, in a desperate attempt to keep you from yourself, the boy raised his hand, focused on his mind and guided his community towards the exit. They lined together like a wall in front of you. Some held spears, others stood with nothing but themselves. You dared to turn back around and face Druig once more, you didn't want to meet the expression which clouded him or the way you knew his eyes no longer looked at you the same. All you wanted was to leave.
You almost didn't look back at Druig. You weren't even going to try to push pass the barrier he had created. Instead, you turned on your feet and made your way back to your home, back inside, back where you could at least try and forgot about the image that taunted your mind.
Days had passed from that event. Days in which Druig found himself up all night, thinking all day, tossing around what to do. He couldn't leave you, he couldn't carry on watching your brain eat away at these images. He couldn't stand the everlasting anxiety that came with the thought that one day, he would return to the house, only to find you not there. You were barely able to take care of yourself anymore, so Druig found it his place to do so for you.
He sort out ways in which could help you return back to yourself. The boy flicked through millions of books, read about different arts and even thought about, if you'd let him, controlling your mind himself. Instead, he soon stumbled upon Asguardian magic. From there, he made contact and before Druig knew it, the women he'd read about was at the entrance of the community.
"Where is she?" The lady, Frigga, had questioned before even muttering a hello to him.
The boy gestured over to the house before leading her towards it. But, as he came to the door, he stopped. He hesitated more than he ever had done before. The door stared back at him and the boy swallowed. It was as if, all at once, the realisation of it all hit him. By doing this, Druig was going to loose you. He was no longer going to be the cause of that smile that pulled effortlessly at your lips, or be the one that lulled you into sleep. Then again, all that had been lost since the death or Iris.
Frigga stepped at the side of Druig, glancing over at his teary eyes which stained his collected demeanour. "There may come a time when she's ready to come back to you." She started. "But, from what you've told me, she needs this."
Them words seemed to be what was needed for Druig to urge his hand towards the door handle. Then he stopped once more. He huffed and looked back over at the women. "I can still see her right? Look over her?" His voice rushed, in a quick last minute panic.
"Of course." Frigga assured.
"And if anything happens to her, you'll let me know?"
"Of course."
With that, he opened the door and led Frigga towards the bedroom where you still laid. Your body aching and your mind a mess. Druig stood in the doorway, staring over your almost lifeless state.
This wasn't you, he kept having to remind himself of.
Druig glanced back over at Frigga, "Can I say goodbye?" To which, the lady nodded and the boy wondered over to your side of the bed.
He leaned down to reach your height, his hand brushing a stray hair out from your face as he had done millions of times before. He stared for a moment, waiting to see if you had anything to say. But, as was coming normal, you were silent in response to the boy. He pressed a tender kiss to your forehead, lingering inches from your face for a moment. "I love you."
And for the first time, you didn't say it back.
The boy pulled himself from the floor before his emotions overwhelmed him and something emerged that he couldn't undo. He nodded to Frigga and stood back in the doorway, watching from a far. The women was ever so elegant in what she did - even when she was taking away years worth of memorises. She leaned down just as Druig had done, pressing her thumb gently against your temple before you could question as to who she was or what she was doing. Within a matter of seconds, your eyes fell as heavy as they ever had done and your body became limp.
From there, everything moved as a blur for Druig. Two Asguaridan gaurds followed into the room. One of which dragged you from the bed, picking you up. The other standing at Frigga's side as he occupied her towards the exit. But, before she stepped from the house, the women stopped by Druig. "We'll take care of her, I promise you that." She spoke with a sweet smile.
Druig followed after them just enough, watching as they continued towards the gate of the community. All he could do was watch now. Watch as you came to grow in Asgard, as new people became the cause of your grin and as you settled in nothing but an empty bed.
Druig's eyes opened once more as his hand fell from your temple. He almost hadn't dared to open them once again. He could have just provided you with the memory to lose yourself all over again. But as your eyes opened as well, he searched for any sign of that same sadness seething into your pupils, but found none of it.
Your gut felt empty despite having had your mid fulfilled with memorises. And nothing but silence could engulf you and Druig as you stared back at one another. There were no words. Nothing that could replace this silence as you settled with the memory of which you had lost. In the midst of the nothingness, Druig spoke the only thing he could think of in that moment. "I'm sorry."
His tone fell flat and his eyes formed desperate as he wished for your reassurance. You cupped your palm at the boy's cheek, leaning your forehead against his own. "I love you too." You uttered back to him, the words seeming to cover the both of you in a blanket of comfort, a reminder of the safety you brought to another.
Taglist - @acciosiriusblack , @illicitghosts , @justifymyfeelings , @whiteasshijabi , @fairyth0rns , @darktsuki0 , @obnoxioussmiley , @parkershoco , @cpt-cevans , @theeblackbarbiesworld , @infectedcleo , @creepynativekid  , @agentreid2 , @marvelofwitch , @darkened-writer , @juniebugg , @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 , @notalxx , @luvhiddlespugh , @127sglow , @groovyfoxpeace , @janesofia7 , @onlygetaway , @avengersbtch , @makepastanotwar13 , @lupinpetersclearwaterodairparker  , @thatsnotverycashmoneyofyouu @ponyboys-sunsets , @avengersgirllorianna , @strawberrybitch3 , @makkarrii , @applesause-pouch-queen @cyanide-mustard​
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stranger-nightmare · 2 years
𝐅𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐌𝐲 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫
Pairing: Druig x (female) Eternal!Reader
Summary: based off this request from the lovely @rach-12 🖤🥰
Warnings: lil bit of fluff, angst, smut, oral (f receiving), masturbation, hand job (m receiving), fingering, penetrative sex (m+f), bit of praise kink, minors DNI. Minor Eternals spoilers. Also warning, this is a long one.
A/N: firstly I am so sorry this took so long!!🥺🖤 This is mostly from y/n’s perspective like normal but I did experiment a little by attempting to write from Druig’s perspective as well. This is my first time trying to write from anyone else' perspective so I hope I’ve managed to do okay! It was definitely a fun challenge and it was a pleasure to write this, thank you so much for the request! I hope you all like it🥰🖤✨ I have also changed the story slightly from the actual Eternals movie because I wanted everyone to be together at the end so basically I just ignored the character deaths from the movie👀
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This is for people 18+ only. Minors do not read on. If you click ‘keep reading’ you are hereby agreeing that you are 18 or older.
*Your Perspective*
You hadn’t known how to react when Ajak had told you and the other Eternals to go and live your lives. You had been living your life, fighting alongside your family. You and the other Eternals had been side by side for centuries, living together on the Domo, travelling the world, saving the people. You’d barely gone more than a few hours without at least having one other person there by your side.
Most of the time it was Druig that you would waste away your free time with. It was always you two that seemed to be the last ones remining together in the communal area of the Domo after everyone else had retreated to sleep. You and Druig would spend hours and hours together, sometimes talking, sometimes in silence, just enjoying each other’s company. You’d sit so closely together on the sofa, your thighs touching, your hand brushing over his leg when you’d laugh. Sometimes he’d chew on his lip as he talked to you, or cock his head to the side when he was listening, and for some reason it the most attractive thing you’d ever seen. There had been countless nights where you’d finally retreat to your room only to touch yourself with Druig’s name hanging silently on your lips.
There had also been countless times when you’d accidentally fallen asleep together on the sofa instead of returning to your own rooms. Waking up in the morning with your limbs tangled together. He’d always look at you first thing in the morning with the most peculiar look on his face, like he was in awe, but also in agony, something just on the tip of his tongue. But always he would remain silent, untangling himself from you before any of the other Eternals woke and saw you. You couldn’t ever deny the pain in your chest every time he’d quietly detach himself from you.
It was nothing compared to the pain that shot through you when the Eternal’s had split. You’d thought at the very least your relationship with Druig would mean he’d want to see you again. But no, he’d announced that he was retreating to the Amazon and made sure to emphasise the fact that he did not wish to be disturbed ever again. By anyone.
So now you’d spent your years feeling lost and lonely. You’d longed for Druig to stay with you, you’d wished for it. But you knew you couldn’t force him. Knew you had to respect his wish to be left alone by everyone. You just couldn’t believe that ‘everyone’ had actually included you. You’d thought your relationsip with him was different, special, that he’d at least want you see him. But he’d never reached out to find you. And you’d never reached out to find him.
And yet for centuries you thought about him almost every day. Some days the thoughts of him would leave you feeling sad. Some days the memeories would leave you feeling a kind of happy nostalgia. Other days the thoughts of him would have you writhing in your bed, your hand moving furiously between your legs as you moaned out his name. Sometimes you just couldn’t help it. He would invade your dreams, his hips moving against yours in your mind, his voice in your ear, telling you how much he loved you, how long he’s yearned to fuck you, only for you to wake up panting with a wet patch between your legs.
When the other Eternals had shown up at your door step saying they needed your help to save the world you were more than happy to oblige, beyond happy to see your family again. And yet you couldn’t deny the rollercoaster of emotions that soared through you at the idea of seeing Druig again. He was the next stop on your tour of gathering the remaining Eternals. You were excited. You were terrified.
Arriving at his compound and finally seeing him again had hit you like a tonne of bricks. You decided the safest tactic was to stay as far from him as you could whilst Sersi and Ikaris gave the briefing on the whole Tiamut situation. Still, from afar, your eyes couldn’t help but wonder over his form. You drank in the sight of him, still looking as good as ever even after all this years. You couldn’t help your mind wondering at the sight of his arms in that sleeveless shirt. Your mind flashed images of those arms wrapped around your body, around your neck...
“You okay y/n?” You hear Sersi’s gentle voice cut through your vision. You snap your head to where all the Eternals are looking at you.
“What?” You blink rapidly, trying to get the pictures of Druig out your head. “Yeah I’m good” you stammer quickly.
“Really?” Kingo narrows his eyes at you suspiciously. “You seem a little distracted” he muses.
“I’m fine” you snap. “Just the whole end of the world situation is a lot to take in you know?” You lie quickly. You think you can see Druig smirking in the corner of your eye and you panic that perhaps he’s seen your thoughts.
Thankfully Sersi just nods and continues with her speech, sparing you from any potential drama. Eventually a plan was devised on how best to deal with the deviants and Tiamut. But for now you guys would be spending the night at Druig’s compound. He said there were a few spare cabins dotted around where you each could rest. You barely even looked in Druig’s direction again before scampering off to hide in your cabin.
*Druig’s Perspective*
Seeing y/n again had been unlike any pain I’d known. I hadn’t realised just how much I missed her until just now. The way she was stood there, chewing on her lip, lost in a world of her own, it made my heart ache and my cock twitch. I almost wasn’t even paying attention to what Ikaris and Sersi were trying to tell me, my mind was preoccupied with thoughts of y/n. Thoughts of her arms around me. Thoughts of her lips on mine. Thoughts of my cock inside her...
Every fibre of my being just wanted to scoop her up in my arms and whisk her away to my cabin. Screw the other Eternals, screw the end of the world. All I cared about was her.
Now I walk past her cabin as I head towards my own for the night, new images springing into my mind as I imagine pinning her down on the bed in there, spreading her legs wide, worshipping every inch of her body with my tongue, not stopping until she was crying from how much pleasure I was giving her. I wanted to fuck her so hard she couldn’t walk the next day. I wanted to make sure she never left my side again. I feel my cock begin to harden again at the thought and quickly jog the remaining distance to own cabin.
*Your Perspective*
Your eyes lock with Druig’s as he saunters across the room to you.
“I’ve missed you” he whispers, a sultry edge to his voice. “I’ve been dreaming about our reunion for centuries."
He strides over to you, grabbing you roughly with his arms, pulling you flush against his body. He captures your lips with his own, biting until you open your mouth and he can shove his tongue against your own. You moan into the kiss as his hands roam over your body. His hands squeeze your ass as he moves to grip the hem of your short nightdress. He pulls it off you in one fluid motion, leaving you completely naked under his touch. A deep groan escapes him as he takes in the sight of your beautiful naked body in front of him. His groan reverberates through you, going straight to your aching pussy. Druig’s hands then move to grope at your breasts. He kneads them roughly as he walks you over to the bed, pushing you down on it.
He moves his lips to kiss along your jaw, down to your neck, across your chest, biting and sucking each of your breasts. You moan and throw your head back as he continues to kiss down your body, lower and lower. He hooks his arms under your thighs, spreading you open for him. You can feel your cunt dripping as he sucks more marks into your skin, just at the apex of your thighs. Then, without warning, his mouth latches on to your clit. You gasp at the pleasure, throwing your head back. The moans that escape you are absolutely sinful as he continues his assault on your clit, lapping at it like a starving man.
“Ah fuck, Druig! Just like that” You sigh, rolling your hips against his face. “Yes, yes..."
*Druig’s Perspective*
I awoke in the middle of the night. Something was pulling at me, I needed to be somewhere else. I shuffle out of my cabin, creeping quietly out into the night. I follow the strange pulling sensation as it leads me into another cabin a few doors down from mine. I can hear sounds, soft crying, as if someone were in pain. I walk further into the cabin, following the sounds until I reach the bedroom.
I didn’t even take note of whose cabin I was in until I heard her moan. A small panic sets in me as I see y/n thrashing around in her bed, panting and sweaty. I fear she’s having some terrible nightmare.
Until I hear her moan my name.
“Ah fuck, Druig” she sighs lustily. “Just like that. Yes. yes” she cries, rolling in her sleep until I could see her face. Her face is the perfect picture of pleasure, her eyebrows creased, her mouth hanging open in a silent O.
She was having a wet dream. And she was having it about me.
My cock hardens instantly at the thought.
Her hands are fisted in the sheets, twisting harshly as she bucks her hips up into the night air. Her movements have caused her short nightdress to ride up, leaving her perfect cunt exposed to me. A surge of arousal courses through me. I can’t help but shove my hand down my trousers, gripping my dick in my hand. I start moving my hand in time to the rhythm she’s rutting her hips. My name leaves her lips again and my fist involuntarily squeezes a little tighter around my length, a short groan escaping me. I look up quickly, fearful that I would wake her and be caught. But no, she just continues moaning and thrashing around the bed, her chest heaving and sweaty.
I feel the precum leak from the tip of my dick. I gather it up in my hand, using it help lubriacte as I quicken my pace as I pump myself. The sight of y/n a sweaty moaning mess with my name on her lips makes my groin tighten, a pleasure like I’d never known surging through my cock as I rut into my own hand. You can barely hear the sound of my hand slapping against my own skin over the sound y/n moaning. I can feel my balls tightening, my release so close.
But a sudden realisation dawns over me. I can’t do this here, I can’t make a mess, leave behind any evidence that I was here at all, let alone evidence that I was here getting off whilst she slept. It takes every once of my willpower to pull my hand free of my cock, breathing deeply as I attempt to calm down. It doesn’t help that y/n continues to roll around the bed, moaning furiously. I tuck myself back into my pants and head quietly back towards the door.
I’m only a few steps out of y/n’s cabin when I hear a sound come from somewhere in the dark...
*Your Perspective*
Druig’s tongue continues to lap at your clit as two of his fingers pump in and out of you. You push your hips up against face, desperate for release as you moan his name over and over.
Suddenly you hear a noise from outside, Druig’s mouth lifting off you as you both turn to look outside.
You blink your eyes open slowly, the image of Druig between your thighs fading away, replaced by the empty room that you were currently staying in. Your breath is heavy and you can feel the fine layer of sweat that’s covering your body. Most of all you can feel the ache between your thighs. You needed release and even your dream had denied you that pleasure. You sigh in frustration, holding your head in your hands.
You suddenly hear the noise again. The same one that had stirred you from your dream in the first place. The sound plays again, a low rumbling, like a growl. You feel the hair on the back of your neck stand on end. Deviants.
You strip off your nightdress and quickly replace it with the closest pair of leggings and jumper you can find, heading outside.
You step outside your cabin only to see Druig a few feet away.
“Uh Druig” you stammer, your cheeks flushing from the thoughts you were having about him not moments ago. “What are you doing here? How’d you get here so quickly?"
He keeps his back to you as he answers. “I heard the noise a little while ago, I thought it sounded like it was coming from over here” he shrugs. And with that the two of you spring into action.
*Your Perspective continued*
It had been nearly two weeks since that day. The deviants long gone, Tiamut’s birth put off indefinitely. You’d done it. You’d really done it. You and your fellow Eternals had saved the world from destruction.
Certainly you all deserved a vacation right? And so you did.
You and your fellow Eternals were all staying at a private resort out in Hawaii, completely hidden, with no one to disturb you, other than yourselves.
All the relationships you thought you’d lost had snapped so easily back into place, like your family had never split at all. Everyone had fallen back into their old behaviours and banters. Kingo and Sprite were back to teasing everyone in the few moments they weren’t teasing each other. Ikaris and Sersi had fallen back into pace together. Ajak was there, usually seen with Phastos, ever the mother hens of all of you. Gilgamesh and Thena stayed side by side, secretly making fun of Kingo and Sprite when they weren’t listening. You had reunited with your best friend Makkari, the two of you laughing like you hadn’t laughed in years. And then of course Druig. He was as sarcastic and dark as ever, never saying much, just chiming in every now and again with a snarky comment or two.
There had been a weird tension between you and Druig ever since you’d reunited. You’d both constantly look at each other like you want to say something, but ultimately you’d always fall into a palpable silence.
Today most of you were spending the evening around the pool. Ajak had already retired to bed for night. The sun had already set, the only light coming from the numerous fire pits and torches dotted around the pool. Sprite and Kingo were off by the mini bar, arguing with Phastos while he tried to defend his latest technological development. Sersi and Ikaris were in the jacuzzi together, talking softly. Gilgamesh was discussing a new pie recipe he’d thought of with Makkari whilst Thena watched on fondly. You were sat reading your book in a lounger next to one of the fire pits. The only one actually in the pool was Druig, he sat leaning against the edge, simply observing the entire scene from his corner in the pool.
You caught eyes with him from across the pool. He smirks at you, his face lit from the adjacent fire. The fire crackles in his eyes as they bore into yours. Suddenly you can feel a heat coursing through your body and you know it isn’t from the fire beside you.
Druig stands suddenly, the water only coming up to his waist. You feel your mouth fall open slightly as you take in the sight of him walking towards you. It’s like something out of those cheesy rom-com movies you’d seen a few times. It’s like he was walking in slow motion, water droplets rolling down his skin. His perfect chest and stomach moving with his slightly heavy breathing as he wadded through the water. He lifts an arm to push his wet hair back from his face and just that motion is enough to have your pussy throbbing. You unconsciously rub your thighs together desperate for any kind of friction. You can feel your own breathing start to get heavier as Druig climbs up the steps and out of the pool. His black swimming trunks are flush against his body, providing an outline of his cock. You chew your lip unconsciously, visions from your wet dreams flashing across your mind again.
Druig grabs his towel and then saunters over to you, his eyes glowing darkly.
“You alright there, princess?” He coos smugly, hanging the towel around the back of his neck. You gulp quietly.
“I’m good” you squeak, the water dripping from his torso sending your mind spinning.
“Hmm” he chuckles to himself darkly. He brushes his hand quickly across your bare thigh. You inhale sharply at the sudden contact. He looks up at you mischievously.
“There was a bug” he says cheekily. All you can do is nod once as he smirks again. And with that, he saunters off. It takes every ounce of willpower you have not follow him with your eyes as he walks off back towards the hotel.
Even minutes after he’d gone you couldn’t take your mind off him. The image of him emerging from the pool, shirtless and dripping, it had left you, well, also dripping. You looked around to make sure your fellow Eternals were all preoccupied before you snuck quietly away to your own room. You left the lights off, deciding to just light all the various candles that were dotted around the room. You could create a nice ambience even if it was just for yourself, right?
You then wasted no time in laying back on your bed, spreading your legs open. You let one hand slip under the band of your bikini bottoms, dipping into your already soaked folds. A sigh leaves your lips as your fingers graze over your clit. Your other hand moves to cup your breasts, kneading and pinching at the skin.
The image of Druig from the pool plays over and over in your mind as you begin to circle your clit.
“Druig...” his name leaves your lips in a soft moan.
“Yes princess?” You hear a smug voice come from one of the dark corners of the room. You gasp in shock, sitting upright, pulling both hands to your chest.
It’s then that you see Druig step from the shadows. He’s still shirtless but has replaced his swimming shorts with a pair of grey sweatpants which hung low and loose on his hips.
“Druig what the fuck?” You squeal, embarrassment causing your face to flush.
“There’s no need to be embarrassed little one” he muses. He steps slightly further forward, almost reaching the bed.
“I can’t say I haven’t touched myself thinking about you either” he whispers darkly. You feel your cheeks heat even more, a fresh wave of arousal shooting straight to your cunt at the thought of him moaning your name. All words leave your head, you just stare at him wide-eyed.
“Y/n I have to tell you something” he says with a serious note in his voice. He takes another step forward, sitting on the edge of the bed, only inches away from you.
“Y/n...” he trails off, his eyebrows knitting together. He looked unsure, as if he didn’t know how to say what he wanted to say. Druig, always so cocky, so smug, so witty, suddenly sat in front of you, speechless. You’d literally stopped a celestial being born from the Earth mere days ago and somehow it was this sight in front of you, Druig looking so vulnerable and unsure, that was the most unbelievable thing you’d ever seen.
“Y/n. I’ve been meaning to tell you this for last few centuries. I wish I’d done it sooner” he takes a deep breath. “I love you, y/n. I always have. I wanted to tell you but I was never sure you felt the same way. But clearly you do feel something for me at least...” his eyes trail down pointedly to the hand that had just second ago been between your legs.
Druig moves one of his hands, placing it on your ankle. He slowly, so slowly, trials his hand up your leg as he speaks again.
“I know you dream of me” he looks you in the eye as his touch sends shivers through your body. “I dream of you too” he whispers barely audible.
His hand reaches the apex of your thigh. You take a sharp inhale of breath as his hand moves over your clothed cunt. He pushes his two fingers forwards, pressing down on your clit. You squirm against his touch, desperate for more friction.
“Do you want me to stop?” He asks suddenly. You look at his face and see he’s still seeking your permission, making sure that this is okay. You’re still too shocked to speak so you just nod. He smirks, his eyes never leaving yours as he begins to move his fingers again, rubbing the fabric of your bikini pants over your aching clit. You sigh again from the contact. He rubs you slightly harder, grinding his fingers down into your clit. Druig groans as he sees your hips start to rock against his hand. He watches your face intently as you begin to lose yourself in the sensations. You grip the bedsheets underneath you as you start you feel your climax build, a pressure forming in your lower belly. You screw your eyes shut and focus on the feeling of Druig’s fingers pushing against your clit. A moan stops short in your throat when Druig suddenly pulls his hand away. A displeasured mewl leaves your throat when you open your eyes to see him just smirking down at you.
“Shhh little one. This is our first time together, I want us to take our time” he muses. You mewl again in response, desperate for his touch.
“Shh, be a good girl. I’ll take care of you” he eyes darken again as he shifts to push you back down against the mattress, lying you on your back. He crawls over you, dwarfing your small frame with his. He keeps his face just hovering above yours, his lips tantalisingly close to yours. But he doesn’t kiss you, not yet. Instead he grabs your bikini pants and rips them off you in one harsh movement. When you open you mouth to moan that’s when he crashes his lips down onto yours, wasting no time in shoving his tongue against yours.
As he kisses you deeply you feel his hips slot between your legs. The loose fabric of his sweatpants do nothing to contain the bulge of his hardened cock. You unconsciously grind up against him, feeling the outline of his clothed length. You buck upwards, feeling the shape of his dick slide between your wet folds. You moan at the contact but you grip Druig tighter, signalling that you wanted more. You need more. You can feel him smile against your mouth in response.
“Patience princess” he coos as his lips move from yours to trail down your jaw and to your neck. He places hot open-mouthed kisses all across your neck and down to your collar-bone, nipping and biting every so often. He travels down your chest, yanking off your bikini top as he goes. His mouth is quick to latch onto one of your exposed breasts. He bites gently at the skin, pulling your nipple between his teeth. You moan at the sensation, the slight pain mixed with pleasure. His hips still grind into yours lightly as he takes his time worshipping your tits.
After a while he lifts himself slightly off you, holding himself above you. He looks down at himself, a small wet patch apparent on the crotch of his sweatpants from where your dripping cunt had just been grinding against him. He grins cockily at the sight.
“See how wet you are for me, my love? Hmm such a good girl” he praises as he rolls his hips against you once more, another moan leaving your lips. “I think I need to taste you. See if you taste as good as you look.” He chuckles again at the sinful moan that leaves your lips at his words. He attaches his lips to your skin again, this time moving down your body even lower, until he’s kissing your hip bones. He shuffles himself lower on the bed until his head is between your open thighs. Your breath hitches as you take in the sight of his face between your legs, just like you had envisioned in your dream not so long ago. You were sure you were gonna cum just from the sight.
Druig keeps his eyes on you as he flicks his tongue against your clit at last. He flicks his tongue quickly, lapping at you. You throw your head back, your hand fisting in his hair. You feel his smug laugh reverberate on your clit and you moan loudly again. He switches tactics then, covering your clit with his mouth, sucking harshly. Your hips convulse involuntarily, bucking up into his mouth, but Druig holds you in place, pushing your hips down with his firm hands. You can’t contain the sounds that escape you as he continues to work his mouth on you.
“Druig” his name leaves your lips like a prayer. He groans in response, the vibrations moving through your clit.
“Mmm you do taste amazing” he murmurs against you. Just as his mouth reattaches to your clit you feel one of his fingers circle your entrance. He gathers some of your wetness before pushing his finger slowly inside of you. You both moan in sync as he pushes his finger in to the knuckle. He pumps you a few times, moving in time with his tongue. But before long he pulls his finger out, only to insert two inside of you. He stretches you with his fingers, scissoring them open inside you. He pushes them down to the knuckle again, plunging deep inside you, before he curls his fingers forwards, grazing your sweet spot.
“Ah fuck” you moan as you try to buck your hips again. Druig pumps his fingers in and out of you, keeping pace with his tongue as it laps against you. This was miles better than your dream. The sensations were potent, bordering on overwhelming. The hand that isn’t in Druig’s hair fists tightly in the sheets as you start to feel your orgasm build. Your body tightens just before the coil snaps, you convulse and clench around Druig’s fingers as he continues to pump and suck you, milking your orgasm to the last drop. You start to squirm as your clit becomes slightly sensitive.
“Shhh, there’s a good girl. You did so well” Druig murmurs into your skin, kissing your inner thighs gently. He crawls up your body again, attaching his lips to yours again, letting you taste yourself on his tongue. You both moan into the kiss as you roam your hands over his body, playing with the waistband of his sweatpants. He keeps his mouth on yours as he manoeuvres himself out of them, finally freeing his leaking member. You break the kiss to look down at his magnificent cock. You bite your lip as you reach forward and grab his dick in your one hand. You swipe your thumb over his tip, gathering his precum, using it to help slide your hand up and down his length. You felt a wave of power surge through you as Druig’s groans falter, his hips rutting into your hand.
“Wait” he grabs your wrist suddenly, stopping your movements. “As incredible as this is, little one, and believe me I’ve had dreams of this exact scenario. But I want to finish inside of you. I’ve waited centuries to find out what that pussy feels like” he pushes you back down onto the mattress, holding your legs open with his hands. He grabs his dick in one hand, lining himself up with your entrance.
You both moan as he finally enters you, sinking his cock into you, sheathing himself to the hilt in one slow movement. He stills for a moment, looking down at you, his eyes searching your face. You can see he’s checking you’re okay, again silently asking for your permission, to get the green light to finally move inside you. Instead of answering verbally you lean up and capture his lips with your own, kissing him intensely. You rut your hips gently, urging him to move. And so he does.
He pulls nearly all the way out before thrusting back in again. He grabs one of your thighs with his hand, cocking it upwards around his waist, allowing him get even deeper inside you with each thrust. Druig builds a steady but brutal rhythm. You cling onto his shoulders, your nails digging into his back. His one hand is digging into your thigh roughly, the other supporting his weight as he pounds into you.
“Yes that’s it princess. You’re taking my cock so well” he grunts into your ear. “Such a good girl. Fuck you feel amazing” You whine at his words, your back arching off the bed, pushing you even closer to him.
“You’re mine now hmm? My woman” he groans as he fucks into you.
“Yes Druig” you mewl, a tear slipping down your cheek from how hard he’s thrusting into you. He kisses you roughly as you start to feel another climax build, your walls beginning to tighten around Druig’s cock. You want to carry on kissing him but you can’t help but let your mouth hang open silently as the wave of pleasure crashes over you, your pussy clenching around Druig. Your moan is borderline pornographic as Druig continues to fuck himself right into your sweet spot even as you’re cumming. He groans into your neck as his pace suddenly becomes stuttered and sloppy. He thrusts into you a few more times before his hips still and you can feel his cock pulse inside you as he finds his release. His grip on your thigh is almost painful as your walls milk him dry. He takes a shuddering breath above you as he finally starts to come down from his high.
“Fuck little one, this perfect pussy of yours might just be the death of me” he smirks before kissing you once more.
He then pulls out of you, climbing off you to stand up. You whine at the sudden absence and then almost moan again when you feel his cum start to leak out of your pussy.
“Shhh don’t worry, my love. I’m not going anywhere. I’m just gonna get you cleaned up, okay?” He speaks softly, a gentleness in his tone. You nod as and he pads over to the bathroom, grabbing his sweatpants on the way. You hear the tap running and before long he’s walking back over to you, with his sweatpants back on and a damp towel in his hand. He wipes you clean gently, taking extra care when he brushes through your sensitive folds. He places a kiss on your inner knee when he’s done, getting up to toss the towel away. He searches through the drawers for a second, pulling out a clean pair of pants and one of your sleep-shirts. A small smile spreads across your face when you see the shirt he’s selected. Your favourite. One of his that you’d stolen a long time ago.
Druig is uncannily soft and gentle as he helps you into your fresh underwear and helps pull his shirt onto your body. He kisses your forehead before striding over to blow out most of the candles in the room, leaving you almost in complete darkness. You then feel Druig climb into the other side of the bed. You both lie down and he scoops you into his arms, holding you against him. Your back is to his chest as he envelopes you in his arms. Druig’s body easily wraps around your little one, your legs entwining themselves.
“My beautiful, beautiful y/n” he murmurs into your hair. You smile into the dark, kissing his hand where you held it in yours against your chest. Your eyes start to get heavy and you know sleep is coming for you both as you feel Druig’s breathing start to even out behind you.
“Druig?” You whisper into the darkness.
“Mmm?” he mumbles sleepily, placing a soft kiss to your back.
“I love you too.”
A/N: Sorry again it took so long, I don’t know why I had the biggest brain fog whilst trying to write this, especially seeing as I basically had all the material in front of me idk what was wrong with me🥺🖤✨ I hope you like it though🥺🥰🖤
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mothdruid · 2 years
silent night
pairing: modern!druig x female!reader
summary: druig’s family christmas party is always a blast. too bad you two also have to stay the night.
wc: 1.9k
warnings: 18+, smut, minors dni, slight drunk sex, pet names (love and babe), fingering, penetrative sex (male on female), oral sex (male and female), fingering (male on female)
a/n: i got this idea actually from my friend @ohnococo​ . this is a little messy and barely proofread. so i guess enjoy this late christmas fic for all you lovelies. 
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"All because it takes place over Christmas doesn't make it a Christmas movie." Phastos exasperated to the group in the living room. It was your boyfriend's annual family Christmas party. The topic that was being discussed had started when Kingo said that Die Hard was the best Christmas movie. 
"Exactly!" You agreed with Phastos happily. Druig smiled, kissing your shoulder as you stayed involved in the conversation. Ajak snickered at the conversation before heading into the kitchen to get another glass of wine. Sersi excused herself and followed Ajak, sporting her own empty wine glass. Makkari sat near Phastos signing in agreement that Die Hard wasn't a Christmas movie.
"But it literally takes place during a work Christmas party on Christmas eve!" Kingo argued back, Ikaris chuckling at his argument. "What? He is literally coming home for what? Christmas!" Kingo added. Sprite looked down at her phone shaking her head, trying to shrink out of the conversation. Druig's hand rubbed on the top of your thigh as he took another swig of wine, finishing off his third glass of the night. You smiled at him while swirling the remnants that remained in your own glass. His thumb rubbed circles on your thigh while his eyes met yours. The look he gave you was a familiar one, one that said we should get headed to bed. That was the only thing you didn't enjoy about Druig's family Christmas, everyone staying under the same roof. 
You tilted your glass back, drinking the rest of your own wine. Ajak and Sersi returned just in time before you and Druig retired for the night. "We should be headed to bed. We have to be up a bit early for our drive back home." Druig spoke with an assertive tone, making sure no one would question it. Ikaris nodded, picking his beer up as a goodnight while the rest of the group said goodnight. The two of dropped off your wine glasses into the kitchen before heading up the stairs to the second floor. As you two walked towards the bathroom Druig playfully grabbed at your ass. You whipped around giving him a scowl and pointing at him. 
"Watch yourself, I know you didn't have much to drink." Druig winked at you as you turned back around and headed to the bathroom. 
"I know I didn't. I'm just kind of horny now and you look good in your dress." Your cheeks heated up at his comment. You knew you looked good in this dress, it was the exact reason why you wore it. It's felt fabric hugged in all the right places, the neck line showed off your breasts perfectly, and the dark red color made your skin glow. You started to brush your teeth in the bathroom, gesturing for Druig to do the same. He slinked up behind you, caging you in front of the sink while he got his tooth brush ready ever so slowly. You felt him press his hips against your ass, feeling his already hard cock in his dress pants. 
"Your entire family is downstairs." The sound of toothpaste hitting this sink was too loud in your ears. Druig rested a hand on your hip as he scrubbed at his own teeth, spitting out the toothpaste shortly after you. 
"So?" Druig set his tooth brush back into the small cup the held everyone's toothbrush. You put yours back in the cup, turning around to face him. 
"So you want your family to hear us? Is that it?" Druig shrugged while one hand pulled up the hem of your dress and the other snaked around to settle on your ass. His weight pressed against you, pushing you back up against the counter of the bathroom sink. His clothed cock was heavy against the bare skin of your thigh. Nips peppered your neck, making a trail from your shoulder to the sensitive spot below your ear. Your hips rolled forward slightly as Druig's tongue teased the shell of your ear. 
"So what do you say love? Here or the bedroom?" His smirk could be heard in his voice, that accent having a controlling feeling behind it. He pulled back, gently placing his forehead to your own. He rutted into your thigh, letting out a breathy groan when you shifted into his motion. 
The two of you giggled from the wine in your systems while you clamored down the hallway. Druig pressed you into the door, closing it at the same time. A mess of lips and teeth ensued as your hips rutted against each others. Druig's hands slipped to the hem of your dress, pulling it up and revealing your lace panties. Fingers rubbed against the black lace, your legs instinctively opening for Druig to continue. Lips disappeared from your own, allowing you to breathe a deep cool breath. Druig dropped to his knees, fingers hooking into your panties pulling them down. The cool air hit your cunt making you moan out, fingers threading into Druig's brunette lock. "Shh. You have to stay quiet babe." 
He gripped on of your thighs, putting it over his shoulder so he could have a better angle. His tongue ran itself between your folds, stopping to flick and play with your clit for a moment. The back of your hand connected to your mouths, trying to muffle your moans. The last thing you wanted to happen tonight was for Druig's entire family to hear you moaning his name. Your fingers gripped his hair tightly as Druig sucked on your clit, your pussy clenching on itself. Fingers started to prod at your entrance, entering your cunt and stretching you open. His fingers pump in and out of you while licking and flicking at your clit. 
Your core tightened, hand tightening in brunette locks, riding your cunt against Druig's face. The rocking of your hips felt melodic and your teeth sunk into the back of your hand. Pleasure hit you quickly, making your legs shake and quiver as Druig kept up with his assault on your cunt. His hands snaked around you, keeping you balanced and up right. You watched him pull back from you, a small string of spit linking his tongue and your folds. "Bed, now." 
You quickly made your way to the bed, stripping on your way there and smiling as you watched him unbutton his dress shirt as he walked over. The outline of his cock was apparent through his dress pants, making you lick your lips. His hands continued as he watched your eyes turn hungry, moving to the button of his pants, freeing himself from the confines of his pants and underwear. One of his hands graced your cheek as he positioned himself in front of you. Your tongue darted out, licking at the head of his cock. His hand moved to your hair, petting it as you took him deeper into your mouth. "Fuck."
A creak was heard beyond the closed door followed by a voice. You paused with Druig's cock sitting heavy on your tongue. Druig's hand moved to the back of your head, pushing you further onto his cock. You shot him a look, slapping his thigh right before feeling him bottom out inside your throat. You watched as he held back groans of his own while he started to fuck your face. It was as gentle as a gentle face fucking could be. Tears began to gather in your eyes as he ever so slightly thrusted in and out of your mouth. During this time you were able to make out the voices, Sersi and Ikaris. 
Druig pulled you off of him, fisting your hair he pulled you up to smash his lips into yours. He pushed you onto the bed, making your ass barely hang off the edge. He leaned over and lined himself up with your entrance. You moaned loudly as he entered you, the stretch of his cock giving you ecstasy. A hand quickly covered your mouth, trying to silence you. "Quiet." His thrusts get faster while he kept his hand over your mouth. Your moans kept coming, only muffled noises came from Druig's hand. His own breath was getting heavier with every thrust, trying to contain his own noise. Creak. 
Druig paused, his wide eyes meeting your own and hand pulled back from your mouth. Sersi and Ikaris' voices had drifted, far enough away for the two of you not to hear them. You leaned into him, trying not to laugh at the situation. Druig silently laughed as he brought a hand to the back of your head, cradling it and petting your hair. He nuzzled into the spot where your neck and shoulder connected and started to thrust inside of you slowly. "Slow and steady wins the race."
You whimpered quietly at him whispering in your ear. He kept his strokes slow, trying not to make the bed creak again. The head of his cock brushed against the sensitive spot inside your cunt, making your back arch up. You brought your hand to your mouth, covering it to keep your own sounds silent. Druig pulled back to look down at you sprawled out underneath of him. One of your hands was wrapped over your mouth, the other gripping the blanket of your bed tightly. He watched your pussy slowly take in his cock with each thrust. "Your cunt is gonna ruin me." 
Druig's head fell back but his slow and deep thrusts never wavered. The familiar tightening of your abdomen returned as he brought a hand down to your core, thumb rubbing on your clit. Your back arched while your hand tightened over your mouth. The pace of his thrusts picked up slightly, but not enough for them to be considered fast. The even but slow pace continued as his thumb didn't stop rubbing circles on your clit. Druig let out a groan underneath his breath as he watched you writhed on his cock. The tightness in your core snapped as your legs started to shake, instinctively trying to close. His hands went to both of your legs, keeping them open as he kept thrusting inside of you. His thrusts started to falter and get heavier as he got closer to his own climax. 
Druig fell forward between your legs, covering your body with his own. His hand grabbed your wrist, pulling your hand from your mouth. He started thrusting a little bit faster, panting into your ear. Your whimpers and moans were free now, covering every wall of the room. Druig's orgasm crashed over him like a wave, his load filling you insides while he groaned in your ear. The two of you sat there for a moment, him laying on top of you while the both of you caught your breath. 
"Quiet till the last moment." You whispered as you ran your fingers through his hair. He snickered at your comment as he pulled out of you. He stood up and watched his seed slowly seep out of your pussy. 
"What? I can't help it." 
"Good morning." You waved at everyone as you walked into the kitchen in the morning. Ajak smiled as Kingo just stared at you. Sprite looked up from her phone, chuckling to herself. "What?" 
"You do realize that we weren't that drunk last night?" Kingo playfully teased. You shot him a confused look for a moment before it hit you, they heard you. Sprite laughed at your realization and Ajak brought her hand up to cover her own laugh. Druig strolled into the kitchen with his chest bare and just a pair of grey sweatpants on. 
"I knew we weren't quiet enough!" You exasperated at him. 
"I don't babe, you deserve to be heard." Druig slunk up behind you wrapping his arms around your waist. He pecked your cheek as the two of you laughed at Kingo and Sprites fake gagging sounds.
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Summary: You had always been insecure about how you seemed to be the weak Eternal. You, unlike the other Eternals, could get sick. You could get injured. You could be affected by things the humans were affected by, and you couldn’t help but wonder: are you defective? 
TW// insecurity, my shitty writing. 
Pairing: Drukkari x Reader
   You were tired, exhausted actually. It had been a long, long day, and all that you wanted was the go to the Domo and to sleep, but the other Eternals weren’t letting that happen. 
   They weren’t letting you skip out on the party, even though they knew you were more vulnerable than they were, and that you needed the sleep. You were, as Kingo would jokingly say, defective. Sure, you didn’t age, but you weren’t as durable as the other Eternals. You were able to get sick, you needed food and sleep and water, you craved love, you could easily get injured, you were fragile.
   Fragile is not something that an Eternal should be. An Eternal should be strong and powerful. Not only were you fragile, but your oh-so-great power was to see into the future. Your job on the team was literally something that hurt you, and it was ridiculous. 
   You were defective. Kingo was right. 
   And now, Sprite was sitting there telling the humans stories about you. She had just finished telling a story about Gilgamesh and Thena, the two most skilled fighters on the team, and now she was telling them about you. 
   A deep sigh left your body as you hung your head. All you wanted was to fucking sleep. 
   Ajak was standing further away from the crowd, and you had decided to make your way towards her in hopes she’d help you sneak out of the celebrations. “Ajak...I’m so tired, please, help me sneak out of here so I can go to bed.” 
   She nodded and helped you maneuver your way through the city and out to the Domo. You crawled into your bed and tugged the blanket over you, snuggling into the warmth and falling asleep. 
   When you awoke the next morning, you pulled on a new pair of clothes and stumbled out towards Phastos’s lab, hoping to find out what the plans were for the team today. There, you were met with everyone looking at you, and the silence of their stares was only broken as Druig loudly bit into an apple. 
   “Our human Eternal!” Kingo exclaimed, stabbing you with a joke about your issues not even five minutes after you’d awaken. After over a century of the teasing and the torment, and the horrible day that you had had yesterday, you snapped.
   “Gods, Kingo, just stop! I know! I know I’m fucked up! I know that I’m not like the rest of you and that I’m weaker! I know that you all find it fun to joke and jab about! I know that I’m practically a fucking human, so just shut up! Okay? Just shut up and let me live this horrible fucking life!” 
   Tears were forming in your eyes as warm droplets ran down your cheeks, embarrassment suddenly flooding through you. You turned around and walked out the door of the Domo, letting your feet carry you miles away until you were sat in the middle of some random forest, sobbing and screaming and letting yourself feel. 
   Back at the Domo, the team had just now recovered, all of them arguing with each other on the best way to find you and apologize. Druig and Makkari were especially worried because not only did they know how hurt you were, but they know that there are still Deviants near and you were in danger. 
   “Makkari will find her,” Druig says, his tone leaving no room for argument. Everyone mumbles agreements and gives nods as Druig gives Makkari a motion, telling her it’s okay to go. 
   “Ikaris,” Ajak addresses him. His head turns to her, a serious expression over taking his face. “You go look for (Y/N) as well, the more eyes looking, the better.” He nods, taking off to follow her orders.
   “Thena and Gilgamesh, you’ll look together. Sprite and Kingo, you two together. Phastos, see if you can find a way to track her from here. Sersi, you’ll come with me. Druig, stay here with Phastos to be ready for whoever returns with her first.” 
   Everyone split, doing as Ajak told them and filing out of the Domo. 
   It wasn’t long before the speedster found you, her heart crumbling at the sight of you crying surrounded by the trees. Makkari didn’t want to startle you, so she did the only thing she could think to do, she went back to the Domo to retrieve Druig. 
   “Druig, I found her.” Makkari had told him.
   She took him with her to where you were located, and he put on a stoic face as he tried his best not to let his heart break at your pain. 
   “(Y/N),” he calls to you. He watches the way that your head snaps up, all of your cries being supressed as you speak. 
   “What are you doing here? How did you find me?” 
   “’Kari found you, y’know how fast she is. We were worried.” 
   You snorted, “Worried. Ha! That’s a great joke, Druig, keep it up.” 
   He had to suppress the anger at the fact that you thought this of him, that you’d been broken down so slowly over the centuries you thought that he was joking. 
   Druig took soft steps towards your side and sat down next to you in the dirt, scooting as close to you as he could without making you uncomfortable. Makkari took a seat next to you next, her hand landing on top of your shaking leg, causing you to stop the action. 
   Druig, despite trying not to, could hear your thoughts plain and clear. Why am I like this? Why can’t I just be like the rest of you? Why am I defective? Why me? 
   Druig couldn’t let it go on any longer. “You’re perfect the way you are.” 
   You turned towards him, apprehension on your face. “Did you just... read my thoughts?”
   “I’m really trying not to, but you’re thinking so loud.” 
   You blushed, looking down towards your legs where Makkari’s hand was still resting. Your eyes turned to her. 
   She gave a small smile. “We all love you just the way you are, beautiful.” 
   “Why did Arishem send me here with you all? You’re all so powerful and I’m...” 
   Makkari gives a mock scowl, shaking her head at you. “You. Are. Perfect.” 
   Druig nods in agreement, soft contemplation on his face. “Come back to the Domo with us, it’s not safe out here.” 
   “I don’t want to go back, not while it all hurts so bad. I want to sleep, but I’m not even sure my thoughts would allow it.” 
   “I can help,” he offers.
   “You...you would do that for me?” 
   “I would do anything for you. So would Makkari.” 
   You look at her, her smile mirroring Druig’s, a sincere look in her eyes. “Anything. Anything you wanted.” 
   You let another tear slip from your eye as you hugged Makkari, letting yourself truly be free around any of your fellow Eternals since the first day that you found out you were the way you are. 
   “C’mon, let’s get you back home.” 
   “Okay,” you say softly, letting them help you stand. 
   It hurt, it did, being so vulnerable, but it would hurt a little less with them around. 
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lokis-army-77 · 3 years
Could you write something where the reader has a massive crush on Druig but is really shy and at Christmas they find themselves under mistletoe but she runs away rather than kissing him and he thinks maybe she doesn’t like him only for the other eternals to tell him he’s stupid and of course she does!?
Under the Mistletoe
Druig x Reader
Word Count: 2369
Druig and the reader both love one another, but what happens when the reader leaves Druig under the mistletoe.
This was written with a female in mind for possible future fics, but there is no specific gender mentioned. There is also no Y/N or name for the reader mentioned.
Warnings: Angst and fluff, that's it.
The annual Christmas party was in full swing as I walked up the front porch steps of Ajak’s ranch home. When I opened the front door, I was hit with a wall of warmth and the most delicious smell of gingerbread, vanilla, and pine. The hallway was empty but I knew everyone was here just by the constant noise streaming through the house. A brisk wind blew from behind me, making me shiver before I hauled myself and the bag of presents I was carrying into the small hallway. Once I had shut the door I was finally seen.
“You’re here!” A sharp squeal sounded from behind me before I was almost tackled to the ground.
“Hello to you too, Sprite.” I greeted as I struggled to turn around in her grip.
“We were waiting for you to get here so we could eat. So you need to hurry up because I’m starving.” She released her hold on me and bounded down the hall and into the kitchen. I shook my head and laughed to myself before placing the bag on the floor and heading in the direction Sprite went.
“Hey, guys.” I waved as I rounded the corner into the kitchen. I was greeted with a chorus of “Heys” and several hugs.
“My dear, it’s been too long,” Ajak spoke as she came to guide me to where the others were lining up for food. I smiled and patted her hand.
“It’s only been a year, that's a relatively short time Ajak.”
“Still, you could come to see the rest of us some more. You and Druig both keep to yourselves throughout the year.” She chided.
“I’m sorry, I just get so busy. I’ll try better this coming year.” I said as I tried to keep from blushing at the sound of his name.
“You better.” She laughed as she turned away and walked off.
The mention of Druig made me realize that he hadn’t been in the kitchen with everyone else when I walked in. I felt my heart sink for just a moment before I felt a small tap on my shoulder. I turned on my heel only to be met with the lopsided smile of my favorite mind controller.
“Druig!” I exclaimed as an uncontrollable smile grew on my face as I quickly set my plate down and wrapped my arms around his neck. He pulled me closer into the hug with his arms around my waist. “I’ve missed you.” I pulled away from the hug and pointed a finger accusingly at him, “Why weren't you here last year?”
He let out a short chuckle and rubbed one of his hands on his neck before shrugging. “Running a community is hard, time just passed me by without me realizing it.”
“Uh-huh, okay.” I grabbed my plate from the counter and started to walk to the living room where everyone was sitting, eating.
“I mean it. I was really busy.” He insisted, plopping down on one of the wooden chairs which were across from the sofa I decided to sit on.
“You’re always busy,” interjected Ikaris, putting emphasis on the word busy.
“Yeah, well at least I’ve come to more of these things than you have. Tell me, where were you those two hundred years?” Druig seethed back at him.
Just when Ikaris was about to snark back, Ajak let out a warning. “Both of you, that’s enough.”
I sent a smile in Druig’s direction, which he returned, before turning my attention to the conversation Makkari and Sersi were having.
After we all had finished eating, it was time for presents. I stood from my spot and announced that I had to grab my present bag from where I had dropped it by the front door. Unbeknownst to me, Druig stood to follow behind.
I walked back through the kitchen to get to the front hallway and grabbed the large bag from the floor. When I turned around, Druig was standing at the threshold of the kitchen.
“Hi,” I said as I walked closer to him.
“Hey.” He was looking down at his shoes, rather than me. “Listen, I have something I’ve been meaning to tell you.”
I stood next to him under the arch and gently sat the present bag down. “Okay then, I’m all ears.” I watched him closely as he scratched the back of his head before letting out a short, shaky breath.
“Well, you see, the thing is.” He stopped mid-sentence as he started to look up. I tilted my head back to see what he was staring at, mistletoe. “Fuck it,” he said before looking back down at me. My eyes went wide, knowing what was coming.
My heart started to beat faster, I could almost feel it crawling up my throat. Although I had wished for him to kiss me many times throughout the centuries, I never actually thought it would happen. I never thought we would be more than best friends. Time seemed to slow down as he started to lean forward, reaching his hand up to cup my face. In the mere seconds it took him to come just millimeters away from my lips, I freaked out and bolted straight for the door. I left him there in the hallway, confused and heartbroken.
I couldn't catch my breath as I stumbled down the front steps and around the side of the house. “God, I’m so stupid.” I said aloud, “Why did I just leave like that? I just embarrassed him, he’ll never look at me again.” I trudged my way to the small barn as I berated my own actions. Being around animals always helped to calm me down and as I walked through into the stable, I hoped the large black mare would be able to.
I stared after her as she practically ran out of the house. I couldn’t move from my spot, it was like my feet were bolted to the floor. An overwhelming feeling of heartache started to bubble up inside my chest and it was crippling. After centuries of wanting to tell her how I feel, she just runs away, not giving me any sort of chance. I should have known better, I should have known she didn’t like me like everyone else in this so-called family.
I was brought out of my thoughts when Makkari tapped me on the shoulder. “Where'd she go?” She signed, looking between me, the open door, and the presents on the floor. I just shrugged my shoulders in response. “What happened?” She kept signing.
“I don’t know,” I said, a little louder than I had meant to.
“You can tell me, you know that right?” Her hands were signing fast.
“I don’t want to talk about it, Makkari. Leave it be.” When I went to walk past her, the rest of the group had appeared in the kitchen and were watching us curiously.
“What’s going on?” Sersi asked hesitantly. I just glared at her and didn’t answer.
I tried to shove my way through them in order to gather up my things from the living room. I couldn’t stay here, not with them questioning me and the love of my life possibly hating me now since she obviously didn’t like me to begin with. But I was stopped by Kingo grabbing hold of my bicep as I passed him.
“Where’s -”
“I don’t know. Would everyone quit asking? I’m leaving, tell her I said I’m sorry.” I ripped my arm from his hold and took another step forward only to be stopped again by Ikaris.
“What the hell did you do?” His tone was threatening but I couldn’t have cared less. I looked up at him with a glare I wish could have killed. “What did you do?” he threatened again when I didn’t answer, enunciating each word.
“Fine, you wanna know what happened? She doesn't like me, in fact, she probably hates my guts right about now, just like the rest of you do. I don’t have to read your minds to know that. I’ve been in love with her for years and just when I’ve worked up the courage to actually do something about it, she runs away. I get the message, loud and clear, I'll be out of your hair in two minutes if you would just let me get my shit.” I huffed out, pushing Ikaris out of my way.
“Wait, you can’t be serious, can you?” Came Phastos’ voice from behind me.
“Yes I’m serious, why wouldn’t I be?” I whirled around.
“You must be some dense mind reader if you think she hates you,” he remarked.
“Of course she does, why else would she run off?”
“Literally all of us can see it but the two of you. You are both in love with one another. She was probably scared off by how you went about telling her.”
I stood there for a second in disbelief. “Don’t joke with me Phastos, I’m not in the mood.”
“We aren’t joking with you. Like Phastos said we can all see it. Go out there and find her, try again. You’ll regret it if you don’t.” Ajak spoke up.
“Fine, I’ll go.” I huffed out a breath as the whole group stared me down. Knowing that they wouldn’t let it go unless I did as they said I started to stomp to the front door and out into the yard.
Sitting on top of an empty feed bucket I heard my name being called over the squeal of the winter wind, but I didn’t acknowledge it. I just kept petting the horse, who had decided to lay down in front of me. My name continued to be called and I continued to ignore it until the barn door creaked open. I couldn’t see him from where I was and hoped Druig wouldn’t see me and just go on.
“I saw your footprints in the snow, I know you’re in here.” He said in a low voice like he was hesitant to speak.
“Go away Druig.” I spoke up. Instead of doing as I said, he walked forward into the barn and to the stall opening.
“I’m not going to do that.” He came into the stall, making his way closer to me before kneeling down in the hay on my right side. “Now are you gonna tell me why you’re hiding out here?” His hand came up slowly and wisped away the hairs which were hiding my face from him.
I glanced sideways at him. “I completely embarrassed myself. You probably hate me for running away.”
“How could I ever hate you?” His hand, which was resting on the back of my neck, squeezed gently, reassuringly.
“Because I ran away when you were about to-” I cut myself short.
He took his hand and turned my head to where I could look at him straight on. “If you know what I was about to do, then you should know why I was going to do that.” His eyes were fierce in a way I had never seen. “I love you so much. I have for centuries. I love you so much that it physically hurts when I see you and you aren’t next to me. To have you within arms reach and not be able to hold you. I have never wanted to be so near someone in my life, you make me feel like no one ever has before. I shouldn’t have waited so long to tell you my feelings and I shouldn’t have tried to kiss you so abruptly earlier.” His words came out in a long-winded, jumbled mess.
My heart was pounding, I was surprised I could hear what he was saying over the rushing of blood in my ears. I turned my body so I could face him easier then I reached for both of his hands and gently placed them with mine in my lap. “I love you too. I’m not sure when I realized it, but I know I have felt this way for such a long time. You don’t have to be sorry about earlier, I was just surprised is all. We could try again if you want.” My cheeks were on fire from how hard I was blushing.
“I would like that,” he whispered as he closed the distance between us. I closed my eyes before he even made contact, but it wasn’t my lips that he kissed first, it was my forehead. Then he moved on to the bridge of my nose, then my chin, and lastly when I thought he would kiss everywhere but the place I wanted him, he planted his lips firmly onto mine. I sighed deeply when he did and I felt him chuckle lightly in response. I kissed him back with all the force of the centuries of emotions I had ever felt for him. My hands rose from my lap, up to his chest, then around his neck, and into his hair. His were cupping my face as gently as ever, every-so-often his either of his thumbs would rub short circles into my skin. He caught my bottom lip between his teeth but let go as we pulled away to catch our breath. This time instead of his lips, his forehead met mine and we just looked into one another's eyes.
Our quiet moment was shortly ruined by the horse clomping to its feet. I backed away from Druig a little and laughed. “I guess that’s our cue to go back inside.”
“I guess so.” He took my hand in his and hauled me to my feet with him. Before walking out, I pet the mare one last time before taking Druig’s hand and walking back to the house.
For the rest of the night, we were inseparable, probably to the point where it started to annoy the others. At all times, at least one part of our person was in contact with the other and every time we passed under the mistletoe, Druig would stop dead in his tracks, pull me in close, and kiss me until we were both out of breath.
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Hi! I love all your work - it gives me life ~
I absolutely love how you’ve added so much detail (especially the small things) to these characters and the overall story!! It’s been fantastic to watch the little details grow and unfold over time.
I love your take on Thena and cold weather! If you have time or any ideas I was wondering if you could do something angsty that elaborates on that — maybe something like hypothermia? Thanks so much!!!
"Are you done yet?!"
"Easy, Gil," Phastos discouraged, although even the usually unbothered and unshaken Fabricator flinched at the harsh tone of it. His rings floated through the air as he examined their teammate--their poor, shivering sister. "She'll live."
"Of course she'll live!" Gil barked, standing from the edge of the greentank and out of the comforting chatter of Sersi and Ajak beside him. "I care about the fact that she's freezing!"
Thena curled up on Phastos' console/exam table, unable to stop her trembling as her body desperately tried to regulate itself. She wouldn't lose any limbs or anything, but even her body of Cosmic Energy was struggling to keep the blood in her veins flowing steadily. "G-G-G-Gi-Gil-"
"I'm here, Thena," he was quick to respond, all but shoving Phastos clear across the room as he moved to scoop her up into his arms again. Her trembling didn't exactly stop but certainly it was better than nothing. "I'm right here."
He had been there from the moment she was retrieved after falling through the ice and into the Baltic Sea.
They had been battling a pack of frighteningly large Deviants across the frigid landscape of the continent. Blizzards were constant and they had unwittingly tracked them right onto the ice.
"Ajak, please," he pleaded with their Prime, who one of the few Eternals who had not been on the receiving end of Gil's ire since returning. "Can't you do something?"
"I'm sorry," Ajak cooed, first at Thena, running her hand over her golden curls of hair. She looked up at Gil, pressing her palm to his cheek, "I can close wounds, mend bones, stop bleeding. But I can't make the heart pump faster."
There were a lot of intricacies to Ajak's powers, and Gil had tried to ask her about warming up Thena before to no avail.
"Just take her to bed," Ajak suggested, giving the Strongest Eternal her permission to be relieved of duty until Thena was in fighting condition again.
Gil pressed a kiss to Thena's temple as he walked out of the console room and towards his quarters. She always slept better in his bed than in hers, even when he was with her. "Don't worry, Thena. I'll get you warmed up."
She said nothing, her teeth chattering loudly in her jaw. She settled on pressing her cheek into him. "S-S-S-S-St-St-S-"
She couldn't muster a single word. Gil hurried into his room, immediately pulling the covers up over them as he wrapped his arms around her. He had seen Thena cold--she got cold pretty easily. But he had never seen her like this. He was scared.
Thena's hands clenched at him, trying to convey something. Either she didn't have the words or she wouldn't be able to verbalise them anyway. She tapped her fingers at his chest.
"Okay," he whispered, kissing her freezing cold forehead and taking her hands between his. Their armour dispersed from between them and he pulled her closer, pressing her skin to his.
Thena sighed.
Gil buried his nose in her hair, holding onto her as if the outside world were trying to rip her away from him. It this was what it took, he would hold her all night, not take his eyes off of her, hold her hands--anything.
Thena nestled and nuzzled closer to him continually, surrendering her pride to the need to feel his warmth. Eventually, her lips parted. "Gil."
"I've got you," he whispered, puffing hot breath against her cheek and then kissing it as if to seal it in.
"Got me," she repeated, finally showing some semblance of being Thena. She snuck her feet in between his, which he allowed wordlessly. Her hands flexed again, this time against the skin of his chest. "Better."
Better: better than the cold, better than she had been feeling before, better him than anyone else. Thena didn't need a plethora of words to communicate, least of all with him.
Gil meshed their legs together, his knees between hers and over top of her thigh. He moved his hands over the delicate sculpt of her hips, her ribs, her back. Everywhere her frigid skin yearned for his attention.
Thena continued to loosen as he held her, his hands so much warmer than any fire and so much more comforting than any blanket or pillow. And certainly, his presence was much more assuring than any power given by the Celestials.
Gil settled his arms around her waist and his hands on her back only when she was no longer trembling. She was all but purring when that satisfaction did eventually come. He moved his head on the pillow, so close to her that their lips and noses and eyelashes could brush with the slightest movement. His head bonked hers affectionately. "Warmer?"
"Much," she sighed against him, her face half buried under his and into his pillow.
"Good," he sufficed to say, not that he would be going anywhere any time soon. "You need rest. I'll be here."
"Good," she said in return, her hands leaving his hips and creeping their way up to his back as well.
He could tell that his warmth had really permeated her when her hands were no longer frigid but instead nice and warm on his back.
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alyswritings · 2 years
Request: Can you do one where druig has a sister but they just split up when he left. Until one day she is in danger and somehow manages to connect with him to beg for help.
Druig x sister!reader
Summary: Druig comes to his sister's aid when she calls.
Warnings: sexual assault, knives, stabbing, some angst and fluff
a/n: thank you for the request! hope you all enjoy!
(gif not mine)
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Y/N stands back watching as Druig snaps at Ajak. He turns to the battle down below, mind controlling the people, all of them turning to him.
Ikaris grabs Druig, shoving him against the wall. Y/N straightens up, watching Ikaris' movements carefully.
"Let them go." Ikaris demands the mind controller.
"You're gonna have to make me." Druig states.
"Stop." Ajak orders, walking over to the two. She gives Ikaris a look, the man backing away.
"If you wanna stop me... you're gonna have to kill me." Druig declares. He starts to walk down the stairs, Y/N quickly catching up to him.
"Wait, Druig." She grabs his arm, standing a few steps behind him. She pulls on his arm making him turn back to her. "Please stay. We-- we can figure something out."
"Sorry, Y/N. Nothing's going to change my mind." Druig tells her.
"You know how to get ahold of me." Druig says. He turns away from her, continuing his trek down the steps, his arm escaping Y/N's hold.
Y/N tearfully watches as Druig walks off, all of the humans blindly following him.
- - -
Y/N is on vacation in Peru with a few of her friends. Y/N was hesitant to come along originally, knowing she'd be in the same country of her brother that she hasn't spoken to in centuries.
After he left the team, Ajak ordered the group to all go off and live their own lives. Y/N tried to communicate with Druig telepathically after he left, but he never responded.
Y/N is currently at the bar, now alone after her friends all went off. One of her friends met a guy and they left for his hotel room. Her two other friends, who are dating, went back to their own hotel room.
Y/N sips on her drink, savoring the last of it before she returns to her own hotel room.
"Hello, pretty lady." Y/N turns to find two men both around their early or mid thirties. One man is leaning against the bar, an attempted flirtatious smirk on his face. However, all it does is make Y/N want to leave and never seem him again. The other man eyes Y/N up and down, practically undressing her with his eyes.
"Hello, lads." Y/N greets, attempting to be polite.
"Ooh. We got a Scot." The first guy chuckles.
"Irish." Y/N corrects.
"Well, what's a pretty girl like you doing all alone?" The second guy asks. He moves to her other side, leaning a hand on the bar, the two basically trapping Y/N in her seat.
"Enjoying my drink. Peacefully. I'm, uh, I'm really not interested." Y/N tells them.
"In what?" The first guy asks.
"You two." Y/N deadpans.
"Oh, come on. Not even a little?" The first guy asks.
"Not in a million years." Y/N says, flashing a fake smile.
"We could show you a good time." The second guy grabs her wrist.
"No." Y/N denies, trying to rip her wrist out of his grasp, but he only tightens her grip. Y/N tries to pull her wrist free again, but still fails. "Let go."
"No. Not until you agree." The guy seethes. The other guy puts his hands on Y/N's waist, the woman tensing up under his tight grip.
"Come on, pretty girl. We'll have fun." The first guy whispers in her ear.
Y/N throws her hand up, sending the man in front of her flying a few feet back, crashing into a table. She reels her arm back, elbowing the other guy in the nose making him fall back.
"Don't touch me." She growls.
Y/N quickly pays the bill before storming off, trying to get as far away as she can. After walking for about ten minutes, she hears shuffling a few yards back. She quickly turns, but finds nothing.
Y/N continues to walk, more cautious than before. She looks around, but the streets are empty which she guesses it is the middle of the week and late, so it does make sense. Y/N tries to enter different stores and restaurants, but they're all closed.
"Shit." she whispers to herself, knowing she's being followed. She quickens her pace, trying to get to her hotel quicker, wishing they didn't book one across town. She pulls her phone out, but finds it at one percent. Before she can try to call anybody, it dies. "Crap."
Y/N hears footsteps a few yards behind her and she speed walks, trying to look confident, and hopefully getting to her hotel safely. She's not sure what to do since there's nobody around when an idea strikes her.
Might as well try. She thinks to herself. Druig! Please, please help me. I'm not safe. I'm being followed. They're humans, but I don't know how bad it could go. Please, please, please. Druig!
Where are you?
Y/N freezes at the voice she hasn't heard in centuries. She remembers her predicament and quickly regains her walking speed. She honestly didn't expect him to answer. She quickly tells him where she is and he assures he'll be there as quickly as he can.
Y/N turns a corner, bumping into somebody.
"Oh, sorr--" Y/N stops when she looks up, finding it to be one of the men from the bar.
"Hi, sweetheart." He wickedly grins. He grabs both her wrists and drags her into an alleyway. The other man rushes towards them, Y/N realizing he was the one behind her. The guy shoves Y/N against the wall.
"What do you want?" She seethes.
"You." The man states. He starts to kiss her neck, Y/N squirming in protest.
"Just relax. Enjoy it." The other guy says.
Y/N brings her leg up, kneeing the guy in the stomach making her groan in pain and fall back. She throws her hand out, sending him into the other wall.
The second guy attacks her, Y/N holding him off. She tilts her head sideways, sending him to the ground.
"Oh, you psycho bitch!" The guy groans.
"What is she, a freaking wizard?" The other one asks.
Y/N continues to fight them off. As she knocks one of them down, she turns to fight the other one, finding him standing right there. Before she can react he slices her abdomen with a knife. Y/N lets out a small cry of pain, her hand flying to cover the wound.
The guy stabs her leg causing her to let out a yell of pain. Y/N falls onto the ground, one hand on her side and one on her leg. Her back falls against the wall, breathing heavily.
"Now... you gonna cooperate now?" The one guy asks, a smile on his face. Y/N glares at him until the other guy rushes up, tightly wrapping his hands around her throat. He cuts her air supply off, Y/N gasping for air, her hands abandoning her injuries to pry at his hands.
"Dude, come on. We didn't wanna kill her. Just mess around with her." The other guy says.
"You're the one who stabbed her!" The first one exclaims.
Suddenly, both men's eyes turn gold. Y/N thinks she's hallucinating, and the man holding her lets her go. Y/N coughs for air, breathing heavily as she regains oxygen.
She watches the two men walk off before her eyes fall on her brother.
"God, about time." Y/N pants.
"Well, you did move from your last location." Druig comments, rushing over. "Can you walk?"
"I... I think so." Y/N nods. Druig helps her stand up, keeping an arm around her waist for safety. "Just get me back to the hotel."
"Where is it?" Druig asks.
"About five minutes away." Y/N says.
- - -
Druig helped Y/N hobble back to the hotel as quickly as he could. He mind controlled everybody to make sure they didn't pay any mind to the man and the girl with a leg injury.
Now, in her hotel room, they got her leg patched up and Druig is working on her side now.
Y/N hisses in pain as Druig applies the disinfectant on the wound. Y/N lets a small whine of pain out.
"Stop squirming." Druig mutters, not looking up from what he's doing.
"Oh, I'm sorry. Not like I got cut with a knife or anything." Y/N rolls her eyes. Druig rolls his eyes as he continues to treat her wound.
"What are you doing in Peru anyway?" Druig asks.
"I'm on vacation with my friends." Y/N informs.
"Where are your friends?" Druig asks.
"All off enjoying private adult time." Y/N says and Druig nods understanding.
"Couldn't get a guy, huh?" Druig teases.
"I got two. They're just psychos." Y/N retorts.
"True." Druig mumbles. "There." He puts gauze over her cut. He starts to clean up, Y/N still sitting on the counter. "Are, uh... are you okay?"
Y/N gives him a look.
"Just answer the question." Druig says.
"Hmm. Well, I just got attacked by two twisted humans with a knife who couldn't take "no" for an answer. And shockingly big brother came to the rescue." Y/N says.
"Why so shocking?" Druig asks.
"I haven't talked to you, let alone seen you, in centuries. You left and you never replied to any of the times I reached out to you." Y/N says.
"I'm sorry about that. I did miss you." Druig says.
"Yeah, no, you really seem to give a shit." Y/N says, getting off the counter.
"I'm sorry. Who came all the way here because you were in danger? Cause you were begging for help?" Druig asks.
"It took me being in danger for you to talk to me! What's up with that?" Y/N argues.
"You know, you could've visited." Druig states, following her to the bed.
"You could've visited." Y/N counters, putting a jacket on. "You could've talked to me, at least. Mentally or in person."
"I'm sorry, Y/N. But I still care about you." Druig says making her scoff. "If I didn't care I wouldn't be here right now."
"Whatever. I'm fine. Thank you for the help. You can leave." Y/N says.
Druig doesn't say anything, simply standing by the end of the bed, watching Y/N clean up her clothes that she left scattered around the room.
"I did check on you." Druig says.
"What?" Y/N asks, turning to him.
"I... I would occasionally get into your head. See how you were doing." Druig informs.
"That is so wrong, Druig." Y/N says.
"I know. But you built a wall. Rather you knew it or not, you built a wall from me getting through to you while you were conscious. I was only ever able to do it when you were asleep." Druig says.
"How would you know when I was sleeping?" Y/N asks.
"I just tried until I was able to reach you." Druig says. "I only do it every few years or so. Sometimes once a decade."
"Why didn't you visit?" Y/N asks.
"Couldn't leave my village. Why didn't you visit?" Druig repeats the question.
"Didn't think you'd really be interested in seeing me. Or any of us." Y/N says.
"I would've. You could still come visit." Druig offers.
"Is that your crap apology?" Y/N asks.
"Maybe." Druig says making Y/N roll her eyes. He sits next to her on the bed. "Y/N, I... I'm very sorry. About leaving you. About not answering... or visiting. If you... want to try to rekindle the close bond... I'm not opposed to it."
"So you're still mind controlling an entire village?" Y/N asks. Druig silently nods. "Does it not get tiring? Or... or boring?"
"It's peaceful." Druig says.
"Guess that doesn't sound too terrible." Y/N mumbles.
"The visit offer stands. And if you like it enough, perhaps you could move there." Druig says.
"Do you get cell service?" Y/N asks. Druig simply shrugs, having no clue. "Guess I'll have to find out for myself then." She mutters.
"So..." Druig trails off, looking at her questioningly.
"I'm not opposed either." Y/N says, catching Druig's lips quirk up the tiniest of bit before he regains the 'don't care' composure. "Though I am still kind of mad about the centuries of radio silence."
"Understood." Druig says.
"But thank you for getting to me in time tonight." Y/N says.
"Well, I suppose you were always my favorite." Druig says making Y/N quietly laugh and he smiles a little.
Taglist: @glxwingrxse
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thomaslefteyebrow · 2 years
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take my hand, now and forever.
where i stand,
how can you live and let die?
young man, look in the mirror.
take my hand and don't you ever let go
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ajak was always very comforting to be around. her warm nature typically made you relax and feel safe in her presence. but right now, you're not sure anything could make you relax.
you're curled up on your bed currently, listening to the sound of ajak and ikaris quietly whispering in the kitchen as they try to determine what to do.
typically at this time in the morning, you would be in the kitchen as well and making yourself a cup of tea that ikaris would inevitably steal from. typically, you would be sending him a teasing glare as you giggle and make another cup. but you can't bare to leave your room because you don't think you would be able to handle seeing the damage you had caused within the home you share with ikaris.
last night had been a night like every other spent with your best friend. ikaris had made dinner and you did the dishes, peacefully staring out the window as the sun sinks below the horizon. your cottage in scotland is very peaceful for the most part and recently, a few families had begun to adventure closer. any other homes were still a ten minute horse ride down the dirt path towards the nearest town, but it was nice to see people every now and then.
the radio on the counter was playing a quiet, scratchy tune and you smiled at it. it's the 1920s and technology still had a long way to go, but any time there was a new invention, it made you think of phastos so ikaris would go out of his way to bring it into your home.
in the midst of the tune, though, there was a scratch of static that made you gasp. ikaris, returning from the restroom, chuckled at the noise and said something, but it was too late. you weren't present in your mind anymore.
he hasn't told you too many details of what happened, but you saw the flipped dining table and the knife embedded in the wall. before he could usher you into the bedroom, your eyes caught a glimpse of blood staining his shirt and you knew that you caused it.
when the door finally creaks open to reveal ikaris and ajak, you have already made up your mind on what needs to happen.
"y/n, my sweet child," ajak moves to sit on the bed, but you flinch back so she shares a look with ikaris before remaining standing.
"there is no good way to tell you what you already know. you've seen thena live a wonderful life with gilgamesh. the mahd wy'ry isn't as unbearable as we once thought it was."
shakily, you finally make eye contact with her. you see the sympathy in her eyes, but you know that the words she's feeding you are sweetened, cushioned with slight falsities to make you feel better. your eyes cut over to ikaris, his deflated shoulders and watery eyes tell you the truth.
ajak opens her mouth again, but you cut her off before she can change your mind, "i want arishem to erase my memories."
ikaris is staring at you intently, a pleading look in his eyes with a distraught expression taking over his face, but you avoid looking at him. your eyes are locked on ajak as she sighs deeply, having expected your answer. other than ikaris, she knew you best so your answer didn't come as a shock.
she pauses a moment to think over her words as she carefully informs you, "y/n, if arishem erases your memories, i am not sure what will happen. there is no guarantee that you will be the same person that you are now or that the mahd wy'ry won't return at some point."
nodding your head, you swallow thickly before confirming, "i know. i just refuse to hurt someone i love again."
ikaris steps forward, stopping beside the bed and kneeling to be eye level with you now. tears spring to your eyes at the sight of how lost he looks. his lip is trembling and his jaw is clenched tightly as he begs, "y/n, you didn't hurt me. ajak healed everything and i can fix everything out there. we can go to gilgamesh and he can teach me how to help you manage this. please, there's other ways that won't take you from me."
your chest is hurting and you want nothing more than to go back to sleep with the hope of waking up from this nightmare of a reality. your knuckles are white as you desperately hold onto the comforter below you and your voice cracks as you stare up at ajak, "please, ajak. i'm not as strong as thena to live with this."
she stares into your eyes, looking for any hesitation, before solemnly nodding. placing a comforting hand on ikaris's shoulder, she quietly excuses herself, "i'll give the two you a moment while i tell arishem what must be done."
with that, it's just ikaris and you. it's been this way ever since the eternals separated, but so much has changed in that time. you look at the man in front of you and in any other circumstance, you would happily welcome the swirl of butterflies in your stomach and the racing of your heart.
now, as you know your fate, you smile sadly at him and attempt a feeble joke.
"it's been a couple centuries since i've seen you so quiet."
he doesn't laugh.
he doesn't even bitterly smile like you had expected.
instead, tears finally break free and fall from his eyes as he chokes out, "why?"
you sigh and slowly release the comforter from your grip before holding your arms out to him. he crosses the space quickly and he's in your arms before you can blink. ikaris holds you to his chest tightly, as if maybe his grasp on you will keep you from fading from him.
you simply hold him in return, fighting back tears as his fall on your shoulder. your grip is much more delicate, terrified of breaking him.
"am i not enough of a reason for you to stay?"
had you not been holding him so closely, you wouldn't have heard his whisper. but you did. and it broke your heart.
a sob finally breaks free from your chest and you sink into his arms pitifully. your hands grip his shirt tightly and you shake it as you cry, "ikaris, that's the problem. you're every reason i have to do this."
you know it's unfair to wait for a time like this to finally say everything you've held onto, but it's also the only time you'll have.
pulling back to look into his teary blue eyes, you reach up to wipe his tears as you confess, "i have spent centuries falling deeper in love with you and i refuse to ruin everything we've built together by selfishly holding onto these memories."
he stares at you slack-jawed, his face displaying so many emotions at once. you can hear ajak rustling around in the kitchen and you know time is running out. briefly, you mentally curse arishem and the world and fate and the universe and every god that you've heard of for putting you in this situation.
ikaris licks his lips and begins, "but y/n, i lo-"
shaking your head, you quickly place a finger to his lips to cut him off. your vision is blurry from the tears in your eyes, but you rapidly blink them away as you attempt to burn this moment in your memories that will soon be gone.
smiling shakily, you sigh, "not now. we'll begin again after this. this isn't the end. tell me when i'll be able to remember it."
ikaris shakes his head and falls back on the bed beside you. leaning back beside him, you embrace the moment of brief silence. he nudges you before attempting to joke, "hey, at least i finally get this place to myself for a little while."
you laugh for his sake. turning to face him again, you pray that he won't hate you for this.
"i swear if you turn our house into a bachelor pad while i'm recovering, i'll find some way to remember to beat your ass."
ikaris joins you in laughing this time, but the laughter falls silent when ajak cracks the door open once more. this was it.
you sit up at the same time as ikaris. his arms are around you again before he ruffles your hair. pulling back, he gives you a smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes as he affirms, "you'll remember this. i'm sure of it."
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"ajak, are you sure you gotta leave?"
her dark hair is braided and it keeps hitting her in the face as she whips around frantically while packing her clothes into a bag.
it had been a regular night between you two last night. south carolina is beautiful at sunset at this time of year. with summer ending and the leaves changing colors, ajak joined you on horseback to join you as you watched the sunset.
from there, you returned home to help her prepare dinner. the television was a pleasant background noise and you smiled to yourself when ajak teased you about the bell-bottom jeans you were wearing.
you were setting the plates on the table and filling your cup with tea as ajak was talking about how odd the 1960s had been so far when the call came.
now, you're watching helplessly as she packs her bags in preparation for her flight to london. she doesn't directly answer any of your questions, but you catch her mumbling about thena and an accident.
the word accident sends chills down your spine and is enough to silence you.
you absent-mindedly touch the back of your head as you spiral in thoughts about your own accident. ajak never told you too much about it. just that about forty years ago, she got a call from one of your friends saying that there had been an accident involving you that caused you to injure your head badly. she arrived in time to save you, but the accident took your memories so you've stayed with her ever since to avoid being alone.
watching her double-check her closet and the clock on the wall, you hope that whoever this thena person is doesn't go through the same thing that you did. despite living eternally and having the opportunity to continually rebuild who you are, there's an ache in your chest any time you consider whatever life you lived before. it hurt to know that you may have left behind someone or something that was once important to you.
stepping forward to help her zip her bag, you finally build the courage to ask the question that's been haunting your thoughts since the call came.
"what am i going to do if i have the dream again and you're not here?"
this finally causes her to slow down and face you.
ajak sighs and takes hold of your hands. you attempt a smile, but you know that she sees right through it.
for the past few months, you've had a reoccurring dream haunt your sleep. each time feels realer than the last as you hold a mystery man who sobs on your shoulder. you wake each time with a racing heart, pit in your stomach, and pain throbbing in your head.
the headaches weren't that bad at first. you would creep down the hall and take a few painkillers with a glass of water before returning to sleep. but then, as the dreams progressed and the image of the man became more in focus, the headaches were unbearable.
you would wake in pain, screaming with tears falling freely until ajak would come rushing to your room. after some time, even her powers weren't enough to completely rid you of the pain. now, she heals you and then you spend the rest of the day locked away in your room with the curtains pulled shut and a cool rag over your eyes.
the thought of bearing that pain alone was terrifying and ajak knew it, but for some reason, she refused to bring you along on the trip. she gave you a vague response about the accident potentially triggering you when you asked.
she stares up at you and notice an uneasiness in her eyes as she quietly begins, "oh, dear, don't worry. i've done some thinking about the headaches and i have someone coming to stay with you while i'm gone. he should be able to help you. if not, he'll call me and i'll come right back."
you furrow your brows, questions filling your mind, but before you can speak, you're cut off by the sound of someone knocking on the front door.
ajak looks over your shoulders and smiles apologetically, "i should've told you sooner, but everything's really rushed right now. please forgive me."
with that, she leaves you standing in her bedroom as she rushes to answer the door.
you take the moment of peace to compose yourself. glancing around ajak's room for a moment, you notice the flowers you had picked for her earlier in the morning still resting on the nightstand. sighing to yourself, you pick them up with the intention of finding a vase to put them in, but you can't resist yourself from tucking one behind your ear.
climbing downstairs, you approach the kitchen, but the sound of quiet whispering catches your attention. the noise buzzes in the back of your brain until you give in to you curiosity and peak around the corner sheepishly.
ajak stands at the entryway with a tall man, but you can't quite see his face. furrowing your brow, you stay tucked behind the wall separating the kitchen from the entryway. his voice is deep and from what you can tell, he seems to have an accent. his posture is tense and he shifts on his feet.
at that moment, his eyes catch yours over the top of ajak's head. you gasp quietly and move to flinch away, but something in the way his blue eyes are locked on you, as if he is scared that you will vanish if he looks away.
ajak is still talking, not noticing his diverted attention as he nods along to whatever she is saying, as you slowly peek out further to get a better angle to observe him.
the man has broad shoulders and you can tell that he is physically strong, which would typically put you on edge despite your powers. but knowing that he had ajak's trust helped keep you at ease along with the softness in his eyes.
after a moment, you notice ajak turning to look up the stairs so you quickly turn and begin looking for the vase that you had originally set out to find. you open a cabinet before letting it shut a little louder than normal to give ajak an idea of where you are.
footsteps trail closer to the kitchen and you quickly adjust your hair before grabbing the vase that you had been looking for. you place the flowers in the vase just as you hear ajak gasp, "there you are, y/n!"
you turn slowly and find the stranger still lingering a bit further back than ajak as she begins introducing you to him. now that he's closer, the buzzing in the back of your mind feels like a low hum and you tilt your head at the thought of this man feeling familiar.
"and y/n, this is ikaris. he's going to be staying with you until i come back."
smiling politely at him, you extend your hand to him and you're pleasantly surprised by how gentle his grip is when he shakes hands with you. he smiles in return, but the smile doesn't quite meet his eyes as he mumbles, "nice to meet you."
furrowing your brow, you hesitantly voice your thoughts, "are you sure this is the first time we've met? you look awfully familiar."
his and ajak's eyes widen in tandem before they share a look that you can't decipher the meaning of. ikaris opens his mouth, but ajak quickly cuts him off, "i think you might be confusing for that kennedy guy that you like."
frowning, you flatly ask, "you mean the president?"
ajak smiles brightly and you don't quite believe it, but you don't want to cause a scene in front of this new person so you just sigh and nod slightly, "i guess i can see some similarities."
with that, ajak gives ikaris a few more instructions before rushing to grab her bags and then within twenty minutes, she's gone and you're left alone with him.
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the first few hours pass by unceremoniously with you mostly staying in your room to do some reading before you finally left the room to begin cooking lunch. you stop in your tracks when you're greeted by the sight of ikaris in the kitchen.
when you come closer, you stand on your tiptoes to sneak a glance over his shoulder to see what he's making. he jumps in shock when you gasp excitedly, "you're making muffins?"
he grabs his chest and chuckles at you, rubbing the back of his neck as he shrugs, "yeah, i figured it would be good since they're your favorite and it's been a crazy day."
you nod and laugh, "yeah, i really appreciate it. did ajak tell you about how much i like muffins or was it just a good guess?"
ikaris freezes for a split second before sheepishly laughing, "yeah, uh, ajak told me because she said you were nervous about her leaving. sorry."
shrugging, you pick up a muffin off of the plate and took a bite, humming in contentment at the taste. you nod your thanks at him before returning to your room, still unsure of how to exist near him.
when it comes time for you to watch the sunset again, you find ikaris sitting on the back porch. he stares at the hill where the sun is beginning to sink below the horizon.
the rays of the sun paint him in a golden light. his piercing blue eyes shine and you pause at the sight, the buzzing in your brain returning stronger than before. he hasn’t noticed your presence yet so you shut the door behind you loud enough to make him aware, but not to scare him.
his head swivels to face you and he smiles brightly at you for a moment, until his eyes become clouded with emotions you don’t understand. despite whatever thoughts are flooding his mind, he still greets you warmly, “hello, y/n. i figured you would be coming out here soon.”
you squint your eyes teasingly and arch a brow, “ajak told you about how much i love sunsets?”
he chuckles and winks, “you’re more observant than she’s ever given you credit for.”
something in his words makes you pause, but you feign normalcy as you come to sit beside him. typically, you would be saddling your horse and racing to the top of the hill to have the best view of the sunset. but as you sit on the creaky boards of the back porch with ikaris, the treetops in your line of view that allow slivers of the rays to shine through don’t bother you as much as it typically does.
silence washes over the two of you for a moment, but the buzzing in your brain is too loud so you finally speak.
“i knew you before the accident.”
it’s not a question, but you wait for confirmation. you need to hear reassurance that the fragments of your mind aren’t lying to you. you need to know that the thrumming of your heart and swirling in your stomach isn’t a symptom of whatever may have happened to you.
ikaris doesn’t meet your eyes. he stares at the trees in the distance and swallows harshly before speaking, “we knew each other before the accident.”
nodding your head, you bite back a smile as you take in that information. your thoughts feel clearer now as you sort through them. the cool wind blows through your hair and you can hear on the horses neighing in the distance.
“were we close?”
his voice is tight and his eyes are a stormy blue as he sighs, “y/n, i really shouldn’t be answering-“
“ikaris, please,” you plead with him, “i need to know.”
he still seems hesitant, so you shift to face him instead of the horizon as you compromise, “what if i don’t ask questions and you just tell me about before the accident? it can be anything. i just, i need to know what i’m missing, ikaris.”
this seems to win him over.
you give him time to think as you stare back out at the horizon. the sun has fallen past the treeline now and you know it's only a matter of time until night covers the land like a blanket. you almost ask him if ajak had told him an estimate of how long it will be until she returns, but he speaks before the words can fall from your lips.
"from what ajak tells me, you still like all of the same things and seeing the way you look at sunsets, i know that's true."
a smile crosses your face before you can stop it, but ikaris looks pleased to see it so you don't bother hiding it as you listen intently. the low hum of his voice soothes the buzzing in your head until it's almost silent.
his eyes flash down to your hand and notices the ring that you wear on your third finger. it's a simple silver ring with a small pearl set in the middle. the jewelry causes a smile to cross his face, but it doesn't fully meet his eyes as he mutters, "i can't believe you still wear that thing."
your eyebrows pull up in surprise and you sheepishly cover the ring with your other hand to protect it as you ask, "wait, you know where it came from?"
ikaris nods and shrugs, "i got it for you a couple years before the accident. you had seen it in the window of a small jewelry store and you would stop to stare at it every time we passed. i swear you spent months admiring it. so, for christmas, i got it for you and you were so excited when you opened it that you swore you would never take it off."
the idea of the memory causes your smile to grow bigger. it's reassuring to know that you managed to keep true to a promise that you didn't remember. ikaris chuckles again as he shakes his head to himself.
he tears his eyes away from your face and looks back at the horizon again, "i can also see that you're just as stubborn as before."
your jaw falls and you gently shove his shoulder in the blink of an eye as he chuckles at your reaction.
"it's not a bad thing at all. it was one of my favorite features of yours. how you would always hold true to your beliefs and opinions no matter who you were against. i was always jealous of that confidence."
snorting, you turn your head to hide the warmth in your cheeks as you sigh, "trust me, i'm not confident. that must've been just a before the accident kinda thing."
ikaris shakes his head and he looks firm in his belief as he stares at you, "no, love, i still see it their in your eyes. questioning and doubting yourself is temporary and normal. but your confidence in yourself is part of who you are. you've always known who you are, even if you don't remember it. you have always been love and everything you loved is part of you and that won't change."
silence returns as you let his words simmer in your thoughts. it's endearing to hear such high praises from someone who knows about parts of you that you don't even know.
your voice is soft and you pick at a loose thread on the hem of your shirt as you mutter, "thank you, ikaris."
shrugging a shoulder, he brushes off your gratitude easily, "you deserve to know some of your past."
with that, you both watch the sky fade from a vibrant orange-pink collage to a deep navy color. when the first stars begin to shine, you both return inside and eat a quick meal before heading off to sleep.
you stand in the hallway for a moment and watch as ikaris enters the guest room beside your bedroom. before you can hesitate, you quietly call out, "goodnight, ikaris."
the words catch him off-guard, but he smiles at you gently and nods, "goodnight, y/n."
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"you'll remember this. i'm sure of it."
lurching up in your bed, your throat feels sore and you vaguely hear yourself screaming. the world feels too bright and it's causing stabbing pain in your skull, despite the room being pitch black. you thrash around in your bed as you fight to find any form of comfort. the blankets are too warm as a layer of sweat coats your body.
the door bursts open and the noise hurts enough to convince you that you may pass out spontaneously.
suddenly, you feel cold hands holding your face gently and there's a voice quietly reassuring you, "y/n, breathe. please breathe, love. i know it hurts, but you gotta breathe."
you feel the tightness in your chest at the reminder and shakily suck in air before releasing it. the cool feeling of ikaris's hands and the quiet humming of his voice as he guides you through breathing helps alleviate some of the pain that the dream has left behind.
time passes and you have no clue how long it's been, but slowly, the pain submerges to a moderate ache that you can handle. your breathing is more consistent now and your heart is no longer racing in your chest. nodding your head at ikaris in thanks, he slowly releases your face.
he sits back slightly and that's when you noticed that he's been on his knees beside your bed this entire time. wordlessly, you pat the space beside you on the bed.
ikaris hesitates, but he can see the look you shoot him in the dim lighting that lets him know this is non-negotiable. the bed sinks beside you under his weight and causes you to lean towards him, but your aching body is too weak to pull away from him and he says nothing so you rest your head on his shoulder.
in the quiet of the room, you allow yourself to think over the dream. typically, the pain blinds your thoughts and the dream is too intangible and blurred for you to understand or remember. but now, your thoughts are scrambled with a few remnants of it, specifically the end of it.
clearing your throat, you croak out, "ajak told you about the dream?"
your voice is scratchy and you wince at the sound of it, but ikaris doesn't mention it as he nods. you're grateful that he's trying to be mindful of the headache that ajak had warned him about, but you don't need silence in this moment. you need answers.
"i think i remember some of the dream this time."
ikaris still doesn't speak, but you feel him stiffen beside you.
you swallow harshly and the action soothes your throat enough for to quietly whisper, "we were in love, weren't we?"
if you weren't so close to him at the moment, you would have missed the shaky intake of breath or the way you can hear his heart start racing. he sighs and it sounds like he's choking on his words as he simply mutters, "i think so."
nodding your head, the information helps to soothe some of your headache. it feels like some puzzle pieces of scattered memories have been put back together at the confirmation.
you hesitate, but you know you can't stop now so you continue, "you're still in love."
your words weren't a question, but you found yourself waiting with bated breath for his response.
it's silent for a moment before he shakily confesses, "yes, i am."
breathing a small sigh of relief, the ache in your skull feels like a distant memory. the dream plays a little smoother in your mind, albeit with a few pieces still missing. the ring on your finger catches the moonlight and shines a little bit up at you, causing a smile to pull at your lips.
"i think i can relearn to love you, ikaris."
in that moment, you can feel his body release the tension that it had been holding for the entire time he had been in your room. the gasp he let out spoke a thousand words in a language that you distantly recall. the words meant everything to him and you can tell that he had never expected the day that he would hear them would come.
but you're there, staring into his eyes and smiling at him. maybe the look in your eyes isn't what it once was, but you're there and you're telling him that maybe it can be one day. you're there and you know that that's enough for ikaris in this moment.
licking your lips nervously as the silence draws on, you sheepishly whisper, "i think i can give you all of my heart again. it was always yours to have anyway. like you said, everything i loved is part of me and that's never changed."
you can see it so clearly in your mind now. the flickers of the past are meshing with the present and the trembling of his lips is reminiscent of the day of the accident. you're still unsure of what happened, but that doesn't matter as you feel whole again. the look in his eyes tethers you to the earth and it's everything you've been looking for. and this time, you swear to yourself, you will never lose it again.
this time, you will hold onto his hand and never let go of it.
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moodboard masterlist
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bloodwrittenballad · 3 years
All Alone | Drukarri x Gn!Reader
Summary: You didn’t even a proper goodbye
Warning: ANGST, so much pain, mentions of canonical violence, not proofread or edited.
Sorry in advance yall
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You stood there, unbelieving of the terrors that unfolded before you. The war raging below, the billowing smoke that roared higher into the night, the screams of men as they ruthlessly slaughtered one another. It broke your heart to see. The people you fought to protect, the ones you watched grow… all dying for the cause of meaningless, unnecessary battle. You hated that there was nothing you could do to end it, to once again save the lives of those of who you were sent here to protect in the first place. You watched from the tower, the reflection of flames in your pained eyes, as the sound of Ajak’s command reverberated in your ears. It was like a broken record.“We don’t interfere.” She had ordered, as she spotted the helpless, broken, angered looks on all your faces.
Though you disagreed, you found you couldn’t disobey, as much as you wished you could. You were loyal to Ajak. So you listened, trying to swallow down the guilt you felt. You had no choice but to sit there, watching as everything you once worked so hard to obtain for the humans, crumbled to the ground in roaring flames and blood splatter caused by their own hands. You bowed your head to the ground, tears in your eyes as you willed yourself to ignore the sounds of screams and shouts. It felt like ages, you standing there, zoning out. You didn’t know how long it had really been, maybe seconds, maybe it was minuets, however it seemed that in your state of pure emotional exhaustion, the noises that rang out in the background ceased. Though only another bit of time passed by when you realized… the noise was gone for real, not just in your head. Meaning the battle that was raging on just mere minutes ago, was ceased. But… how? You were once and for all snapped out of your dazed state, your brain and body in sync again as you beheld what was going on around you. You saw Ikaris holding someone against the wall, anger clear as day on his face. It didn’t take long to register who it was or what had caused everything to stop.
There he was, Druig… Your Druig. His golden eyes, the power that radiated in them, returned to normal as he turned them away from the village and instead focused them on Ikaris. The two men began arguing, their words like venom, tearing each other down. You had no idea what to do, or was going on. Everything was just so confusing, so painful. The life you built up, not only with the humans, but with your fellow Eternals… it was all becoming something you never envisioned. Sure, amongst each other, you had your fair share of days where you didn’t get on well, but it was never like this. Ikaris all but threatened Druig, telling him to let the people go. Your lover refused, holding his ground. It was why you fell for him in the first place, along with your beloved Makkari. They were both so strong, so good… They brought out the best in you, and you never wanted to part from them. You prayed silently that this nightmare of a day would end, that you could all go back to how things normally were, before it got worse. However, it did not seem as if the universe was in your favor, as Ajak’s words cut through the room like a blade.
It left you feeling frozen, cold to the bone as you took in what she said. Suddenly the feeling of wanting to fall on your knees crying hit you once more, as what she said reverberated in your ears. “You’re all free to go.” A feeling of sickness landed in your stomach. Free to go? What did she mean by that? Free as in… to leave your family? To be on your own ways? What would that mean for you… would your lovers join you, if you accepted this offer and set off for new life? The answer to your last questions came at a rather unfortunately quick speed, as Druig’s silhouette began descending down the stairs, not even once last glance spared towards you or Makkari as he left. Left you behind. You almost couldn’t believe it, couldn’t stop the sob that broke through you as you prayed and prayed for this to just be some sick nightmare. How could he do that? Leave you and Makkari? You heart felt as if it was being ripped out of your chest, as your legs finally gave, the pain in your knees as they hit the stone was nowhere near to the pain you felt on the inside. The nightmare you prayed for to not be real earlier was in fact coming true, tears in your eyes while you watched the others depart one by one. Makkari was one of the last to go, her eyes filled with guilt and sadness as she signed, “I’ll find you again, one day. We both will.” You knew that by we, she meant Druig. Then, just like that, she too was gone. For the first time in a long time, you were all alone.
And you didn’t even get a proper goodbye…
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dragon-kazansky · 3 years
A shoulder to cry on | Ajak
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Gender neutral reader
Requested by @sitkafay
Warnings: Loss of family member.
When Ajak sees you waiting on her porch with tired and red eyes, she drops everything and gathers you in her arms. Something has happened and you need her.
Ajak ushers you into her home and closes the door. She helps you remove your coat and waits as you take off your shoes. She takes you into her living room and lights the log burner fire.
"Sit down. Make yourself comfortable."
You sit quietly on her sofa, grabbing a cushion and hugging it to your chest. Once the fire is lit, you watch as Ajak goes into the kitchen to make you a drink. She returns with a blanket too. It's draped around your shoulders, drink on the coffee table, and Ajak giving you her full attention.
"Tell me."
You try to keep your emotions under control, not wanting to have a full breakdown in front of someone so dear to you, but you can't help yourself. The tears fall and your broken heart is on full display.
Ajak pulls you into her arms again and holds you.
"Let it all out."
She presses her lips to your head softly, hoping to bring you a little bit of comfort. You cling to her, needing something stable to hold onto.
"My aunt... she... she passed away."
Ajak's heart breaks for you.
"I'm so sorry to hear that my dear one," she closes her eyes and holds you a little tighter. You squeeze her silently as a thank you.
You cry it out, the loss still too fresh to recover from. Ajak holds you for as long as you want her to.
Eventually, you wear yourself out. You soon fall asleep. Ajak adjusts your position to be more comfortable, making sure the blanket covers you. Ajak will look after you, she promises.
You sleep throughout the night. Ajak doesn't have the heart to wake you and offer you the spare room, so instead, she makes the sofa as comfortable for you as possible.
You're still sleeping when she comes down for breakfast. The sight of you looking so peaceful and without worry makes her smile. Her heart goes out to you and your loss, but she will stand by you for as long as you need her.
Ajak makes a start on breakfast, hoping to cheer you up a bit when you wake. She can't bring back your loved ones, but she can help to heal the wounds, physically and metaphorically.
You wake to a wonderful smell. Fresh, warm, tasty. Your stomach growls. You didn't eat an thing last night.
You remember.
Sadness come crashing over you, but like magic, it's lifted before it can harm you. Simply by the sight of Ajak. She stands in the doorway to the kitchen, smiling at you.
"Good morning," she greets you.
You offer a small smile, feeling calmer and less overwhelmed.
Ajak holds out a hand to you. You smile as you get up and take it. She takes you into the kitchen where a delicious looking breakfast awaits.
"I hope you're hungry."
You nod and take a seat.
Ajak takes the seat opposite you and pours you a drink. You look at your plate with a smile. She really wanted you to feel better. She made your favourite.
"Eat as much as you like."
You could cry, but this time out of happiness. Coming to Ajak was the best decision you had ever made. You feel welcome, safe, loved.
"Thank you, Ajak."
Ajak smiles fondly at you.
You know she means it. Ajak's door is always open to you, and this mourning period should be a bit easier with her help.
Ajak let's you stay as long as you like.
You've never been more grateful.
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asonofpeter · 3 years
Not My Father
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Paring: Ikaris x Daughter!Reader, Peter Parker x Reader
Summary: You see your father for the first time in a while and you're not willing to give him what he is asking for.
Word Count: 1219
A/N: Had to do this. Love me some Peter Parker x Reader with a father figure so this was fun. Also Reader's origin story is ambiguous, so she can be adopted or biologically related if you want. Enjoy! 💕💕💕💕
“Do you need me to drive you to MJ’s house?” Peter asked setting his fork down while glancing at you, a soft admiration filled his eyes.
“No, I don’t want to overstay,” you answered. “I’ll see if Betty can take me,” you pulled out your phone, but you felt a hand stop you.
“You’re more than welcome to stay the night, Y/N,” May said, squeezing your hand lightly as she picked your plate up.
“Thank you, May,” you smiled.
“It’s not a problem at all, you’re always welcome here,” she replied, sending you a warm smile. “Just make sure the door stays open,” she warned before she bid you two good night.
“We will,” Peter responded, reaching for your hand to lead you to the kitchen.
Soon you and Peter were done washing dishes and now you were getting ready for bed.
“So how are things with your dad? Have you heard anything?” your boyfriend asked when you settled under the covers.
“No, he returned to Earth a few days ago,” you said. “Sersi says it’s best he’s keeping his distance,” you shrugged, resting your head on top of his chest.
“Maybe he’s looking for forgiveness,” he rubbed a hand on your arm.
“If he is, then that’s the last thing he’ll be getting from me,” you stated before drifting to sleep.
“Guess what day it is today?” you heard the soothing voice of Ajak fill your ears as she crept over your bed.
“Dad is coming?!” you jumped up, already counting down the days since last week.
“You’re a smart girl, did you know that?” she grinned as she picked you up. “First we need to feed you so you have all the energy when your father gets here,” she seated you at your chair before she set a plate of food before you.
You ate excitingly, Ajak having to stop you from time to time. But your little five-year-old mind assumed the quicker you ate, the sooner your father would arrive.
And as fast as you did- he never showed up.
“I thought he was coming,” you began to tear up, staring at the night sky in hopes of catching a glimpse of him.
“Maybe he thought it was tomorrow,” she kneeled, pulling you into an embrace.
“No! He lied to me, he doesn’t love me,” you cried.
“Y/N, don’t say that, your father loves you very much,” she defended.
“If he loved me he would stay every time,” you sniffled. “Like you do,” you turned around in her arms, shoving your face into her shoulder. “You love me, you’re my dad,” you said firmly, your tiny hands gripping onto her.
“Oh sweetie, I love you with all my heart,” she sighed, tearing up as well.
You stared out of Peter’s bedroom window as you watched the streets of Queens. A pastime you liked to have seen as you lived in the middle of nowhere with Ajak most of your life.
“How’ve you been, Y/N? Last I heard you got a boyfriend,” you heard her smirk into the phone.
“Yeah, Peter is great, just been enjoying the summer before senior year starts,” you shrugged as you moved into the living room. “He and his aunt have been a lot of help,” you smiled as you peered out the window, catching another angle of the street.
“I’m glad to hear that, Y/N,” Sersi said into the phone. “Say, maybe I fly over to Queens and you can show me around, you can meet Dane as well,” she suggested
“I’d love that,” you hummed, genuinely smiling at the thought of that.
Your eyes squinted when you saw a flash of brown hair pass on the other side of the street the same moment a van drove by. You would’ve shrugged it off if it weren’t for the gray streak in their hair.
“I-I have to go, Sersi, but I’ll catch up later,” you said before hanging up, rushing out of the apartment.
“You’re going to live with a close friend of mine for a bit, okay?” Ajak smiled as she helped you pack a bag. “I need to find the others and I need you to be safe,” she said, folding a t-shirt in her lap.
“Why can’t I go with you?” you questioned.
“It isn’t your mission, sweetie, besides you’ll love New York, I haven’t been there in so long,” she smiled at her memories.
“Who am I staying with?” you asked.
“Her name is May and she has a nephew about your age, from pictures he’s your type,” she winked. “I’ll be back to get you okay?” she stood up, cupping your face before kissing the top of your head.
That was the last time you ever saw each other.
Staying behind the corner of the alleyway in front of Peter and May’s apartment, you waited as footsteps approached. You could hear they were in a hurry like they’d been caught and you just knew it was him.
“What are you doing here?” you made yourself known when you came face to face with the man you haven’t seen in a few months.
“Y/N,” his voice was soft as he spoke. “You’re so grown up,” he offered a small smile but you only glared at him.
He hasn’t changed, well obviously. But he was still the same backstabbing father.
“How long have you been following me?” you asked.
“I’m just making sure you’re safe,” he replied, dodging your question. “And to apologize,” he added.
You let out a scoff at the irony. Shutting your eyes in hopes that this was just a game your mind was playing. But when you opened them again, he was standing right there.
“Apology for what? Abandoning me? Killing Ajak? Or turning on your family?” you sneered, each question like a stab in his heart. “You were going to have me killed,” you gritted, shoving a finger in his chest.
“Y/N,” he grabbed your hand but you matched his strength.
“No, let me speak!” you yelled. “You left me when I was just a baby and Ajak was the only one to raise me,” you felt tears prick in your eyes. “You weren’t there when I needed you, you weren’t there,” you cried. “You turned your backs on us, on me, and you expect forgiveness?” you shook your head.
“You have to see where I’m coming from,” he tried again, tightening his hold on your hand.
“I don’t want to hear your stupid explanation,” you pushed away from him. “If you truly wanted to make things right, you wouldn’t have run,” you stared at him about to say something else.
“That was a mistake I made and I’m sorry,” he pleaded.
“I wasn’t done,” you spoke. “The moment you killed the person who loved me like a daughter, that was the moment you fucked up because if you really loved me you wouldn’t have done it,” you mustered out, cheeks stained with tears as you clenched your jaw.
He only stared at you with tears brimming in his eyes. You wanted to feel bad but all you felt was pride.
“You’re nothing but a coward and you’re no longer my father, Ikaris,” you spat, passing him one more look before you walked out of the alleyway.
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evilregal2002 · 2 years
Ajak x Human!Reader All Too Well Chapter 2
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Hey guys! I am so incredibly sorry it took me so long to post this. I have had extreme writers block, and then every time I had an idea to continue writing this I was too busy to do so. I have finally been able to carve out some time while visiting some friends and family in my home state who I don't see that often. I based chapter 2 on just one verse, where unlike the first chapter I based it on multiple verses. But, I wanted to post something because I was feeling really bad that it has taken me so long to post something. It was kinda written in haste so I am sure it has many errors so let me apologize in advice for that. I'm not super thrilled with this chapter but I hope it's better than nothing. If anyone has any critiques or want to see anything specific in the upcoming chapters just send me a message!
Warnings- none, just some fluff
Word count- 1,042
Chapter 2
Photo Album on the Counter, Your cheeks Turning Red
3 years ago
Looking around her friends’ house you notice how much stuff she has. Random objects cover almost every surface, including a bookshelf lined with photo albums. Staring at the bookshelf curious you don’t even notice the minute Ajaks friend asks you a question.
“I’m so sorry, what did you say?” You ask embarrassed as both Ajak and Sersi laugh. Blushing you look down trying to hide your red face.
“I just asked if I could take your coat?” Sersi repeats in a gentle tone, probably trying to make you feel better. Looking up from the ground you notice the kind glint in her eyes as she waits for your answer.
“Yeah, yeah that would be great thank you so much.” You quickly say as you take your coat off handing it to her. “You really have a beautiful home Sersi.” You comment looking around her apartment one more time.
Laughing wistfully she thanks you before heading towards the living room motioning for you and Ajak to follow her.
“I like to collect things from my travels, and sometimes I’ll see something that I feel like I can’t live without.”
Walking over towards the bookshelf you run your finger along the spines of the books. Stopping on an old leather-bound book you quickly look over your shoulder noticing Ajak and Sersi occupied in a conversation.
“If you don’t mind me asking what’s this?” You casually ask with your pointer finger lightly resting on the spine of the book.
Seeing Sersi’s face light up like a child on Christmas she gracefully walks over to you and picks up the book from the self. Looking over at Ajak you notice a light blushing covering her face. Now the curiosity is defiantly there if you weren’t curious before.
Walking over to the kitchen table the puts down the heavy leather bound book with a thud. Sitting down she motions for you to come over to the seat next to her, looking slightly reluctant Ajak takes the seat across from Sersi.
“This,” Sersi motions to the book, “is a photo album of a bunch of our friends from college.” She opens one of the pages where a bunch of people are standing dressed in what looks like traditional Indian wedding outfits. Looking more closely you notice Ajak with a piece of cloth in her hands and red eyes.
“When was this?” You question.
“That was taken at my wedding,” Sersi responds quietly looking at the picture with what looks like longing. Looking up at Ajak she simply shakes her head as if to tell you to not say anything more.
“Do you have any embarrassing pictures of Ajak,” you ask with a smirk looking at Ajak with mischief twinkling in your eyes.
Seeing a smile return to Sersi’s face slowly you know that you were able to lighten the move somewhat, something that Ajak says she loves about you. But, looking at her right now you don’t think she loves that quality at the moment.
“Actually I do!” Flipping through the pages you get glimpses of other people including the ones in the picture. Stopping on a picture of Ajak holding what looks like a baseball bat with a grimace on her face. Wearing a baseball hat and a pair of sunglasses she is looking off in the distance somewhere behind the camera.
“Wait, I didn’t know you played baseball!” You comment excitedly.
Looking almost shy a blush that was once only covering her face is now covering her chest as well. Hearing Sersi chuckle you look between the two waiting for an explanation.
“I don’t mi vida, that was a one time thing.” Ajak quickly clarifies with the same grimace seen in the picture.
“So what happened to cause the grimace on your face in the picture?” The question automatically causes Sersi’s quiet chuckles to turn into full fledge laughter.
“I may have hit the ball a little too hard and it ended up breaking someones car window…” She confesses shyly.
“Aww baby, please tell you you guys waited for the person whose car it was to show up and explain what happened?”
“We did, let’s just say they weren’t happy. We also had to pay for his passenger side window to get replaced.”
Unable to stop the laughter from bubbling up and coming out you see Ajak trying to suppress a smile until your and Sersi’s laughter causes her to laugh also.
After looking a some more pictures and eventually eating dinner you and Ajak say your goodbyes to Sersi. Walking out in the cold windy air you shiver causing Ajak to wrap her arm around you to help warm you. Smiling you look down before glancing over at her as you both walk to the car. Feeling your gaze on her face she looks over before kissing you softly and quickly so you both and keep walking to the car.
Stopping your trek to the car you grab her hand looking into her curious eyes before kissing her once again, abet this time making it slightly longer than the first one.
“I love you, you know that right?” You ask her shyly suddenly losing any confidence you had a few seconds ago.
“I love you too Y/N, forever and always. I wouldn’t let just anyone see the most embarrassing pictures of me.” She replies easily. Looking deeply into her eyes all you can find is love and adoration. Smiling you wrap your arms around her neck before pulling her into a hug and nuzzling your cold nose into her warm neck. Feeling her wrap her arms around your waist you tighten your hold feeling her do the same. Kissing you on your temple she pulls back slightly to give you a smile and a peck on the cheek
“As much as I love this, it is freezing out here mi corazon. Do you think maybe we can continue this at home?” She asks you gently wanting to make sure you were okay before letting her go.
Smiling brightly at her you nod before unlacing you hands from behind her neck and grabbing her hand leading her to the car.
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