#not with coffee but I used to drink green tea for literally any time I was thirsty
Thenamesh propsal AU
Thena needs her caffeine but in this house there is none. As a result she has terrible migraine!
"How is she?"
A loud groan sounded through the whole house in response. Gil winced as he walked in with a bag in hand.
He had completely forgotten that his mom didn't keep any caffeine or alcohol in the house. She wasn't one for it, Makkari simply didn't need any caffeine to be as brimming with energy as she was, and Sersi didn't drink unless it was socially. Kingo wasn't opposed to a coffee here or a beer there, but he considered visiting home like 'being on a cleanse', or whatever.
Thena needed caffeine.
She drank no less than four coffees a day in a regular work week. He was always telling her he was worried about her caffeine intake, but there was no arguing with the stubborn Goddess of War on that one.
It hadn't taken long for the lack of caffeine to cause an irreparable headache which shook her to her core.
Gil walked into the living room, where his very sweet family was being very useless at curing Thena's migraine. His friend - and fiance - was curled up in a ball on the couch, face pinched from the tension within her head. He whispered, "Thena?"
"Gil?" she whimpered back, not even moving at the sound of his voice.
Sersi handed him a cool cloth, freshly soaked and wrung dry, "none of the pain meds Mum has will help this. It's pure caffeine withdrawal."
"Did we try?" Gil couldn't help but ask, not that it didn't irk both his Doctor mother and his bio-chemist sister. He sighed, "sorry, just...I hate to see her like this."
Gil bypassed them, going right over to the ball of Thena and turning her over so he could put the cool cloth on her forehead. "Hey."
"Hey," she whispered back, just barely getting her eyes open to look at him. She looked even paler than normal. "You're back."
"I'm sorry," he whispered, lips pressed to her temple, unable to do much more for her. "I had to go out looking."
"It's okay," Thena turned over slightly with a smile, "Sersi and Makkari have taken wonderful care of me. And your poor mother is trying to find anything that will even simulate caffeine for me."
"Quiet!" Gil glared towards the door to the living room, where Kingo was striding in without a care in the world. His arms tightened around her, "she's not feeling well, man!"
"Sorry, sorry," he chuckled much too light heartedly for Gil's taste. He swirled his hand in the air, "I made chai!"
Gil glared at his cousin--basically his brother. Chai was a strong enough blend of tea, and it probably would have just a enough caffeine to alleviate some of Thena's symptoms. "You had this the whole time and let her-?!"
"Come on, Gil," Kingo pouted at him, Thena still wrapped protectively in his thick arms. "I forgot I had it, okay? And anyway, I had the seed pods whole--I had to do actual work to make them ready for brewing."
Gil sighed a little more roughly, all but ignoring his loud cousin next to him, "whatever."
"I thought it might help," Kingo leaned blithely into Gil's personal space to get a peek at Thena. "I also suggested yoga to help clear her head, but all she wanted to do was lie around and wait for you."
Gil was already pulling Thena closer so he could carry her to the kitchen, "y'know, dude, I'd appreciate if you didn't do shirtless yoga with my fiance when I'm not around?"
"Who said it was shirtless?"
"I've never seen you do it with a shirt on," Gil shot back without hesitation. Kingo just snickered at his obvious annoyance (dick). Gil stood with Thena in his embrace, "I have something better."
"Something to put me out of my misery?"
"Something like that," he chuckled, kissing Thena's temple again just because he could. She was really funny, even if she didn't think so. "You know this is why I'm always on you about how much coffee you drink."
"Yes, yes," she managed to roll her eyes at him, although even doing that much seemed to reawaken her pain. She grimaced, "how long have you been waiting to bring that up?"
"Until I also had something to help."
"Gil, I--oh."
Ajak made room for them at the kitchen island so Gil could set Thena down in one of the plush bar seats.
"It's okay, mom, I found some," he sighed as he made sure Thena was settled. "Had to go all the way to that organic store where you fill up your own jars."
Damned retiree town and its hipster stores.
Thena forced her eyes open again, "what did you find?"
Thena perked up like a dog offered a steak after being in the desert.
"I got the lightest roast they had," he held Thena's eyes, waving the jar of fresh grounds in his hand. She watched it, utterly entranced. "Just enough to keep the pain away, okay? This shit was still expensive, even as the cheapest stuff I could find."
Thena let out a faint laugh, in better spirits just at the promise of some relief. "Are you going to ween me off of it with this?"
Gil looked at her again as he set out the coffee grounds and french press he had to buy just to make coffee here. He could just tell her that he told her so and that this was probably for the best, to get her less dependant on caffeine to even function. But he sighed, "gently. I won't let you suffer if I can do anything to help."
Some colour returned to her cheeks, which was honestly more of a relief than anything.
"I'll make you just one cup to start, okay," he continued to speak softly, shaking out just enough grounds and then reaching for the kettle.
"Thank you, Gil."
He looked up, compelled by the gentle, almost musical tone in her voice. Some colour rose in his cheeks as well as he looked back down at his brewing, "anything."
Gil looked up once the grounds were starting to brew. Thena nodded him over to her, and he moved automatically, like a man possessed. Her knees made room for him and he had to stop himself from putting his hand on the other side of them reflexively.
Thena leaned forward, pressing a gentle kiss to the corner of his lips, just close enough to his cheek to be considered not actually 'kissing' him.
He blushed and his all his hair stood on end.
"You're a life saver," she said afterward, forcing a much lighter tone. She tucked some hair behind her ear and moved to watching the coffee brew. "Is it done yet?"
He had to laugh just a little. He gave above her knee - just at the hem of her skirt - a squeeze and moved away again, "will you just try having some patience?"
"You are not the one who has spent all morning with a jackhammer within your skull."
"If you took it even a little easy on the cold brew it probably wouldn't be so bad."
"I knew you were dying to tell me you told me so," Thena rolled her eyes.
Gil smiled; she didn't wince this time. He poured her cup, which really needed more time to brew than it had. Maybe he was just as impatient to cure her as she was. "Just put some shit in it to cover up the taste."
"Gladly," she sighed, although it was Gil who moved toward the fridge for said 'shit'.
They both completely forgot Ajak was still hovering at the edge of the kitchen.
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cosmic-ghost-hermit · 3 months
What is your hidden talent?
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Hey, everyone! It would be super helpful if yall donated to my CashApp. I want to do this kind of work full-time. I have been told by people I read for that I am meant to do tarot reading. I am inclined to believe them because fr it has been so fun for me to see how much it helps yall. Way more fun than any retail/food industry job I've had. I feel like I am actually doing something substantial with my time. If yall want me to be able to continue to do this daily it would be so awesome if yall donated. Thank you guys in advance!
Donate to my CashApp Here
The decks I am using today are The Tarot of the Divine, Believe in You Own Magic Oracle and The Healing Waters Oracle. Take everything that resonates and leave the rest behind but always be open to new experiences.
Astrology: Leo, Virgo, Scorpio
Song: I Set Fire To The Rain by Adele
Vibes: Teal, green, yellow/gold, shear white cloth, smelling smoke, burning house, swimming, mixed drinks, hot chocolate, braided hair, locked doors, house plants, deep skin tone, 888, shells, feathers, crayons, colored hair, ares
Cards: 2 of Wands, 9 of Cups, 5 of Wands, Mural, Gold, Cleansing, Into the Unknown
Welcome in, pile 1! You have two hidden talents. One that you use rather regularly but unknowingly and the other you have yet to unlock. The energy I am getting from the cards makes me think the two talents are intertwined. ALSO Trigger Warning for abuse in this reading. It is VERY HEAVY. Do not read if you do not think you are ready.
The first hidden talent is starting new from the ground up. I know to you it might not sound that interesting. You have no idea how hard it can be to start new things for others. Starting from the ground up is scary and intimidating. Organizing the chaos in your mind and project that chaos clearly into reality. I see you are probably an artist of some kind. You might paint, make clay sculptures, or hand-make intricate jewelry of some kind. I see you learned to hone this ability because of a karmic relationship. They made you feel adored and cherished until you were in their grasp. When you were trapped with them, they turned on you. It's giving love bombing. This person literally blew up on you over the smallest things. I see a shattered tea/coffee cup. You stayed with them for a long time even though you knew what they were doing was wrong. You had to completely shred the life you had with them. You had to start your life from scratch. Which is why you are so used to the idea of starting with nothing and building up. The pain that you felt from that past connection still hurts you to this day. You probably have PTSD from the situation you were in. I am so sorry you had to go through all that. You didn't deserve to be treated like that.
The second hidden talent is transmutation. I see that the reason you haven't unlocked it yet is because you fear change. What happened to you in that shitty relationship makes it way easier for you to start over than to change the situation. You are scared to see things to the end. I see that this fear reveals itself in your artwork. You probably have many unfinished projects because you view yourself as incapable of seeing them through. Which by the way isn't true you are so capable of anything you want to do. Heal the hurt part of you that thinks you are incapable. Your ex was the one who instilled that in you. Don't let that motherfucker get you down. Especially if they aren't in your life anymore. Don't let them have that power over you, love. You deserve to feel good. Face your fear of them being right. You and I both know they aren't. When you do unlock this ability you will be able to transmute all the pain that asshole put you through into beautiful art. You will be able to finish all of those unfinished projects. You will be able to find true love within yourself. You will find that you were never broken like that bitch said you were. You were always lovely, sweet, and accommodating. You were always creating love everywhere you went.
Astrology: Sagittarius, Gemini, Pisces
Song: I Love Rock n Roll by Joan Jett and the Blackhearts
Vibes: Navy Blue, white, peach, deer, horses, libraries, books, coffee, hot springs, scones, pillow forts, maxi-skirts, cowboys, mermaids, 333, wine, fine dining, tall trees, athena, artemis
Cards: The Hermit, 3 of Wands, Knight of Swords, Nostalgia, Stars, Water Codes, The Healing Lagoon
Hello, pile 2! You have one secret power but trust me it's a good one. You have the ability to pull information out of thin air. You are crazy smart. People might not think it when they look at you because you try not to flaunt it too wildly. You prefer to stay under the radar when it comes to intellect. This makes people underestimate you. I feel that some of yall reading like this for various reasons but others really fucking hate it. You have some insecurity around this skill. That's why you don't think it is a good skill tbh. You think a lot on the go even while in conversation which makes people see you as kind of ditzy. Even so, you absolutely obliterate at trivia night. Your friends come to you first when they need obscure information. You might have been a really lonely kid and spent a lot of your time reading away the time. For a big chunk of your childhood you found your companionship in novels. You may have been bullied for this. Don't let those people's words get you down. Honestly, they were just jealous of your intelligence. The friends you have now love to hear you infodump about your favorite books. They love to hear everything you know about sea creatures and astrology/astronomy. They ask questions not to mock you but because they genuinely are interested in what you have to say. You are magnificent. Your mind is unparalleled. How people perceive you has nothing to do with what is actually happening in your mind. It is just their projections of themselves onto you. Ignore them lmao. <3
Astrology: Cancer, Taurus, Libra
Song: Stay by Zedd
Vibes: All shades of blue, creeks, hanging flowers, 9999, faires, watermelon, paint-brush, rabbits, bird chips, car horn, pearls, lily pads, walking in the rain, lanterns, puppies, beaches, zues
Cards: Queen of Cups, Page of Cups, Ace of Wands, 9 of Pentacles, Raindrops, Stagnant Waters, Light House
My dear pile 3, welcome to your reading. You have a hidden ability that I feel is only hidden from you. Everyone else seems to know this about you. You have the power of hospitality and refuge. You are a safe place for everyone you know to come to if they need it. You are the type of person to tell everyone you know if they need a place to stay for any reason, all they gotta do is ask. You have a motherly energy about you, even if you aren't a woman. You always have emergency snacks for occasions like that. You host parties and everyone always leaves feeling 10 times better than when they arrived. You are the friend that lends a hand when needed. You the kind of person to have a shoulder ready for anyone to lean on, even if you don't know them well. The most beautiful thing about this is that these actions are never self-sacrificing. You have an abundance of all that you need so you can be generous constantly to those in need. I see you resting when necessary and listening to your body. I see you volunteering in your community. I think recently you helped clean up a beach or something. Maybe you organized it? Your energy is so soothing. You are just amazing, my friend. Absolutely the softest heart on earth. I also see you might foster animals! You take in rescue animals and nurse them back to health until they can find a forever home. ;n; You are the definition of an earth angel. Please see how amazing you are and how big your heart is. I wanna be your friend so bad from hearing all of this. Never stop being this beautiful of a soul, my dear. You are perfect.
Astrology: Aries, Capricorn, Aquarius
Song: Black Girl Magic by Londrelle
Vibes: Cyan, yellow, rusty red, iridescent, sake, 4c hair, magic, spell casting, curse breaking, singing, tea, pottery, steam-train, festivals, celebration, 963, small forests, mercury/hermes, lambs, Oshun
Cards: The Star, Ace of Cups, 2 of Cups, 6 of Swords, 7 of Wands, Tower, Spaceship, Thank You
PILE 4, WOW. Welcome. Your energy is just sooo woah. You are so indescribable. All that you have been through. Everything you have seen. All I can say is, wow. Your secret power is balance. It is a well-earned hidden ability. You have been through so much to gain the skills that I see in this reading. You have traveled so far. When I first looked at the reading I could not pin down exactly what skill you had because you are just so good at EVERYTHING. I legitimately out loud said, "Everything??? Everything." You know how to take care of yourself. You are an excellent lover. If you are a parent you are good at that too. You are chasing your dreams. I see you performing as a singer or a musician and your talent stuns everyone in the room. You are the best manifester in a 20 miles radius. You are a witch for sure. You have worked so hard on breaking karmic familial curses and you succeeded. You succeeded far past your soul's initial expectations. You are everything, my love. Like literally everything. Then it hit me. You are a tightrope walker. You are balancing everything perfectly. Have you ever heard of Rock Cairns? They are stacks of rocks that hikers add to as they pass by on park trails. You have turned your life into something like that. You have perfectly balanced every stone you passed in your life in a pile and you manage it all on your own. First off, I want to tell you what a good job you are doing. What a good job you have been doing since you were born. Second thing, PLEASE REST WHEN YOU NEED IT OHMYGODS. You don't need me to tell you that though. You are probably smoking a joint right fucking now while reading this or you just got done doing that. No notes, baby. You got this. I just think Spirit wanted to remind you of your magnificence.
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Headcanons for Jason Todd/Red Hood that are true cause I say so;
- every. Single. Time. He wakes up, he stretches out and the crack his entire skeletal structure makes could break the sound barrier
- he has tried to dye the white streak in his hair every single color, he has also tried chopping it off; it comes back every time, usually worse, so he stopped trying
- he uses super expensive no smudge, eye - black, the kind that won’t rub into ur eyes, (when his eyes burn it reminds him of his time in the Lazarus pit) the stuff does not move. so any smears you see in the makeup are done entirely on purpose with the intent to look cool and edgy. (The eye black is one of the only splurging purchases he allows himself)
- the long gloves he wears aren’t actually long gloves, it’s a pair of short gloves layered over boxing bandages (this is entirely personal preference, he claims this feels better, he absolutely could get better gloves if he truly wanted them)
- he thrifted his brown jacket from goodwill and he’s secretly so proud of that fact (he literally LOVES thrifting and pretends like he doesn’t absolutely go FERAL when he finds a good deal)
- he grew up in poverty and that gave him a lot of habits, but one of the most obvious ones is his choice of snacks. His snack requests are ridiculous, two slices of cheese, a handful of chocolate chips, a piece of ham rolled up in a tortilla. Alfred is appalled, but at this point unphased (“master Jason’s snacking habits are his own.”)
- he really likes the color green, but he feels absolutely conflicted about the fact that he really likes that color due to all of the trauma he has surrounding the color (what can he say? He likes the nature)
- he treats his weapons like people. He names every single one of his them and cleans them regularly. He absolutely subscribes to the belief that if you don’t treat your weapons right they won’t work for you. If u ask him about that tho, he’ll lie and say he just wants to make sure they work when he needs them too. (he’ll apologize to them later)
- he has a (sometimes annoying) habit of fidgeting with his weapons when he’s bored, knives will be flipped open and closed, safety gets flicked on and off, move his scope every 5 seconds. Anything that makes something click a lil he probably does, he claims it “helps him focus”
- he wears long socks with wacky patterns every single day, he owns like 25 pairs of them in every color imaginable (there is a Batman pair of them, yes he will lie about that)
- he will not drink coffee black, you would think he would hide that but no, he is INCREDIBLY vocal about the fact that black coffee is absolutely revolting. He doesn’t even really like coffee at all, he prefers to get his caffeine from soda. He doesn’t really like tea either (but if Alfred makes it for him then u better believe it’s the best cup of tea he’s ever had in his entire life)
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msfbgraves · 7 months
I know you mentioned somewhere that Terry doesn’t know where Daniel keeps his linens but…Is Mob!Terry really totally useless around the house lol? Like, can he help cook or clean? Does he know what curtains go with what bedspread, how to boil water for pasta if Daniel is under the weather? Can he bottle-feed a puppy, or make them lunch for school? Or is the whole sphere of domestic life completely foreign to him? Like, he would literally flop like a fish out of water if Daniel went on vacation for a week and left Terry to run the house? Is this a Terry thing, or is this an Alpha thing?
Daniel would go on vacation for a week and leave - sorry, what, haha?! ☺️😋 Both Daniel and Terry have bluescreened several times during that sentence alone. You'd have to forcibly remove Daniel to make that happen.
Terry can take care of the household stuff you can't buy easily even when you don't have servants. OK what does that mean? He can hang his clothes, polish his shoes, may remove a stain from his slacks. He can tidy, brew tea and what he thinks is coffee, can make sandwiches. He can wash out some socks and underwear and he can sweep things up. He had a housekeeper in his rooms when he was single, he left things presentable. But he can't do laundry, make beds, he has no idea what soap to use on what kind of floor, he can't iron, or polish and even if he could scrub he doesn't know how or what, he'd need a manual for any appliance, doesn't know plants. He can dress scrapes and cuts, but the sense of organisation you'd need to run a household smoothly, how to keep groceries fresh? When what is in season? He has no idea. Those little twirls and flourishes to make things not only practical but actually nice and welcoming? No. Clue. Many Alphas are so outside focused that if they live somewhere they wouldn't know why, when their living space has everything to functionally keep them alive, it doesn't nourish them... Because they don't own any plants or rugs, don't know what colour schemes they like, they don't have pets, they would never buy a blanket for in the living room, don't know how to place their photos... And an Alpha alone with pups, that is simply cataclysmic for them. Say an Alpha's beta mate dies in childbirth. The pups would of course miss their mother as a person like nothing else. But also, the home would lose all personality. Even if the Alpha, in despair, would hire a decorator or a nanny they would not know what little comfortable things their pups specifically need. I mean, juice is juice, right? They might even try to memorise which brand of juice but why their pup wants the brand (does it have pulp? Do they love the colour green? Is there a cartoon character on it?), they wouldn't even know how to ask. It's really distressing, because they love their pups and they want to care for them and they know their mother would know but they can't wrap their brains around it. It's part of the reason they would much rather die themself before they lose their mates. There's a reason why Daniel immediately called his mother to care for his elder pups while taking Gianni. Terry can make them breakfast and pour them drinks and play with them but no, he couldn't bottle feed Gianni, wouldn't know what to do with soiled diapers (that would make part of the house unlivable within two hours) he doesn't know where the special blankets are kept, it's all kinds of Not Good. Many Alphas meanwhile joke that they'll never see their married friends again.... not understanding the reason their now married friends hung out with them around the diners and pubs so much is that these places serve hot food! They don't consciously get that!
So Terry is not completely clueless and could keep an adult functioning but the first time an Alpha has a boyfriend or girlfriend over at theirs and they go out for an hour and suddenly there's coloured napkins on the table. And a little flower somewhere on the window sill. And they framed a picture of them together and wouldn't that look nice here? And they brought their snuggly blanket and would you like one too? They're thinking brown would be really nice, it would go with the dresser, they can buy them one? And a poster of their favourite sports team in that corner, wouldn't that be nice? They'll buy them a team scarf, it goes with their eyes - sweetheart? Why are you crying? Because something inside them would so physically relax at all that. O thank all the gods. But they still wouldn't exactly understand what it was that their lovers were bringing to their life, besides of course their presence.
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the-broken-truth · 1 year
Broken-Style Remix: Platonic Yandere Bruce Wayne + Bat-Family & Dakota Blake (Part 5)
SUMMARY: Damian Wayne decides to get rid of the Father Figures in his elder sister's life so that she will embrace Bruce Wayne as her one true father and him as her younger brother. One night, as Robin, he stalks Tobias Blake and intends to end his life when he is intercepted by the Mysterious Hunter of Artemis who claims that the Blake Family is under her protection.
[The Shop smells like fresh baked goods like muffins, cinnamon rolls, and other pastries, as well as coffee, tea, and other delicious drinks. Damian sits in his chair at a high table with his laptop before him as he types away - he looks like he is doing homework but he is taking notes on Rani Blake as she and her employees work in the shop; there has to be something he can use against them so that Dakota would come to them instead. It's been a month since Wild Berry Week and Damian still comes into the shop for a Blueberry Muffin along with a cup of coffee; he learned that Dakota made the recipe for the muffins while Rani bakes them, that's the only reason he comes to the bakery and enjoys his sister's creations before leaving his when his father calls for him. So far, the bakery is running smoothly but he occasionally sees Rani glaring at him to which he smirks at her; she knows that the Wayne Family is after Dakota and she wants nothing more than to kick him out but if she kicked out a member of the Wayne Family without reason, it would be bad for business and she didn't want any bad publicity in the papers about her bakery.]
[The door opened and Damian looked up from his laptop to see a familiar male walk into the bakery: Tobias Blake. He looked into him: A Military Man who served 2 tours and collected a great number of scars - physically and mentally - but he managed to get himself together and find a decent job along with a woman by the name of Tori Bishop - now going by the name Tori Blake after her marriage to Tobias. Damian looked the man up and down: He was tall and muscular with short rusty red hair and green eyes that went well with his tan skin; as much as he didn't want to admit it, he saw what Tori saw in him - a kind-hearted man with a will and body of steel.]
Tobias (Walks over to the counter and waves Rani over): Hey, Little Sister, I wanted to inform you that your new shipment of supplies and pans is here. I guess Wild Berry Week damaged your pans, huh? 
Rani (Exhales as she runs her hand through her long red hair): Yes, they did. I wish 'Kota would work with me here, then I could have more hands around to get more muffins out.
Tobias (Places his hands in his pockets): You know that Dakota loves where she is, Rani, plus I don't think her godmother would give up her number one barista without a fight. Literally.
Rani: I know. I know. You sure do know a lot about Dakota, Elder Brother, but that's to be expected from the man who raised her all those years ago. Remember when she called you 'Daddy' when she was first learning how to speak? You still have that recording, don't you?
Tobias (Blushed in embarrassment as he scratched the back of his head with a low but hearty laugh): Yeah... It was so embarrassing but at the same time, it made me realize that I wanted children of my own. Now, Tori is pregnant and she says that I raised a decent young lady in Dakota but do you have any idea how long it took her to call me her uncle after years of calling me her father?
Rani: Well, you did a lot of things that a father would do: Took her to the hospital when she was sick, drove her to school when she was running late, scolded her when she got a boyfriend.
[That made Damian almost choke on his muffin piece - a BOYFRIEND?! HIS SISTER HAD A BOYFRIEND?! Well, she was old enough to have one so to speak but she was still a Wayne and there was no man alive that was worthy of the Wayne Heiress! He needed to find out how this so-called boyfriend was and deal with him...but first, he need to have a word with Tobias - the man who robbed Dakota of her real father, their real father. Once he was done with his muffin and coffee, he closed his laptop and placed it inside the satchel across his shoulder before walking over to the adults talking before he cleared his throat, gaining their attention; both of the Blakes looked at him with disinterest in their eyes and scowls on their faces.]
Damian (Glares into Tobias' Green Eyes with his own): Tobias Blake, I need to have a word with you about Dakota Wayne.
Tobias (Turns to face Damian and narrows his eyes): Her name is Dakota Blake, I should know because I was the one who named her when she was born. It was my honor that was given to me by her mother - the one that raised her for the past 16 years. 
Damian (Narrows his eyes): The only reason that woman raised my sister was that she was too selfish to take to my father about his heir and you have been talking about raising her but don't you understand that you have taken away the right of raising a child away from her biological father? From my father?
Tobias: Listen, kid. I don't give a damn about your father or you for that matter. Both of you are making my niece's life harder than it has to be because you can't take no for an answer. Dakota has expressed numerous times that she wants nothing to do with your family and she refuses to claim the Wayne Name. Why? Because she's a Blake and it doesn't matter how much money your father tries to throw at her or Marissa, she will never be a Wayne.
Damian: You don't know what you are talking about. Dakota is a Wayne - it's only natural that an heir takes her father's name.
Tobias (Smirks): Funny you say that. She called me father but she only refers to your father as Bruce.
[Damian looked at the man with anger in his eyes but calmed down before turning on his heel and walking out of the shop. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialed a number before placing the phone to his ear - it rang 4 times before the other person picked up.]
Alfred: Yes, Master Damian?
Damian: Get some information on Tobias Blake - he's the one who took the right and privilege of raising Dakota away from my father and I want him to pay.
Alfred: What are you planning, Master Damian?
Damian: I'm going to remove him from the equation completely.
[3 Weeks Later]
[There was a chaotic peace about the nights of Gotham City - a deadly silence that drew out the darkest passions of man and beast; Damian guessed that's why so much villain activity happened at night, under this blanket of darkness and chaotic peace. However, he wasn't looking for a villain or going on patrol with his father and adoptive brothers - the Last Robin had a mission of his own and he was going to use this time to his advantage. Jumping from one rooftop to another, Robin ran alone in the night as his eyes narrowed while he was reaching his target - Rani Blake's Bakery. For the past 3 weeks, Damian has been looking into one Tobias Blake to understand his pattern and he found out that every Saturday, there was a family event and all of the Blake Family was invited; sometimes Dakota would attend but this weekend, she had something else to do and couldn't attend, this was perfect for Damian, she didn't need to be around for what was about to happen.]
[Landing upon the roof of the last building across from the back of the bakery, The Last Robin crouched behind a rooftop door and peered around the corner to look down at the door that led to the back parking lot of Rani's Bakery, his eyes were locked on the door when it opened and the tall man walked out with a smile on his face as he placed his hands in his pockets as he hummed a song. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his car keys as he walked over to the lone car in the parking lot. Damian reached into his Batarang Case and pulled out a League of Assassins Star and aimed it for the neck of the man.]
Damian (Thinking): 'You're not Dakota's Father - Tonight, it will break her and I will be there to put the pieces back together with her real father. Goodbye, Tobias Blake.'
[Just as he was about to throw the star, something flew past his ear and knocked the star out of his hand, causing him to retract his hand and hold it when the mysterious object also cut his fingers. He looked at the object - a lone arrow was embedded in the stone of the rooftop door - Damian looked in the direction of the arrow and his eyes narrowed as he laid them upon the one who shot the arrow.]
[A lone figure stood on the roof with him, dressed in black attire with a black wolf mask that covered the eyes and nose of the person and a golden crest on their shoulder with the name 'ARTEMIS' written in black writing. From what Damian could see, the person had tan skin, and short black hair but he couldn't see their eye color. The Hunter was armed with an arrow loaded in a bow, pointing it at Damian, and a short sword on their black - a katana. Damian rose to his feet and glared at the Hunter before pulling his sword out of its sheath.]
Damian (Points sword at the Hunter before him): What the hell are you doing? You're getting in my way.
Hunter (With a female voice - a woman): You were aiming for someone who is under my protection.
Damian (Raises an eyebrow): Your protection? Just who the hell are you?
Huntress: I am a Huntress of Artemis and that's all you need to know. Well, that's a lie. You need to understand that the Blake Family is under the protection of the Hunters of Artemis and if you go against them, we will come to protect them and put you in your place. Now, you have missed your mark, leave this place and never return.
Damian: Never. I won't stop until I accomplished my mission. I have too much at stake here to just give up because some 'Bat Family' Wannabe demands me to.
Huntress (Scoffs): You fail to realize that I have nothing to do with the Bat Family, nor do I wish to be like them. The Order of Artemis is much older than the Bat Family's Presence in Gotham and you are overstepping your bounds, boy. Leave the Blake Family alone or deal with us.
[Damian watched as Tobias drove away in his car before he charged at the Huntress of Artemis with his sword and roared in anger - his target got away and he was pissed off about it. He swung his sword at the female under the mask before she jumped away and pulled out her sword before placing her bow away. A fight was going to ensue. For the past twenty minutes, Damian swung his sword and used the skills his father and mother steeled inside of him but they were nothing compared to the Huntress of Artemis. The battle ended when the Huntress grabbed his wrist and lifted her knee to crash it into the side of his elbow, making it bend, and shattering it, making the boy scream in pain before roundhouse kicking him in the chest to make him slide against the roof until he came to a stop. Damian grunted as he picked himself off the ground, holding his broken arm as he growled at the girl before him.]
Damian: How? Who the hell are you?
Huntress (Places her sword back in her sheath and turned away from Robin): As I have said, I am a Huntress of Artemis and I am a protector. Leave the Blake Family alone...or I'll break more than your arm. (Runs and jumps to the next roof before disappearing in the darkness of the night)
[Damian released his arm and placed his hand over the intercom in his ear.]
Damian: Father... we have a problem.
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lethalrexie · 5 days
just saying if you can’t l0se we!ght and you’re complaining it’s just because you’re either not disciplined enough or don’t have enough self control. (unless your life circumstances literally don’t allow it) i’m l0sing about 1!b per day (give or take depending on water intake) due to pretty 8 much factors. SORRY I TALK SO MUCH 😦
1. keep your e@ting window as small as possible aka eat to live don’t live to eat (the r3xie motto 🤪). i’m f@sting minimum 16:8 and i try to extend that. but major thing is don’t beat yourself up if you can’t make it 16hrs and be happy the days you can make it longer!! esp if your just starting out.
2. stay low c@l. i’m trying my best to stay under 500 c@l/day. and consume that how it works for you. if five 100 c@l snacks over 8 hrs work best some days that’s ok. if OMAD works best, great! my mom is a dietitian and i promise, eating a little of each food group (dairy, carb ik scary, protein, veg & fruit) will help your metab which in the long run will help you l0se more weight.
3. don’t do long term fasts. i’d say up to a week with liquids is okay. but long term fasts can lower your metabolism, deplete electrolytes, and sodium, which long term is going to bloat you, keep weight on, and overall make you feel like shit (which could lead to hospitalization)
4. don’t eat refined sugar or refined foods. do literally AS MUCH AS YOU CAN to eat sugar free and whole foods. i have a major sweet tooth so i turn to sugar free jello/pudding, sf caramels, halo top ice cream if i REALLY need it. otherwise i do sweet fruit and veggie based substitutions for carbs. i use cauliflower rice, zucchini noodles, or there’s these great hearts of palm noodles.
5. eat tons of fiber!! i add unflavored benefiber to a lot of my drinks (the flavored ones have added sugar). i honestly could promise you that fiber will help with shedding !bs.
6. drink as much water as you possibly can. yes you can become over-hydrated so add electrolytes or legit just a lil salt to your water here n there. but your body is going to retain water (!bs), and bloat if you are dehydrated.
7. stay distracted! discipline and hunger may hurt now, regret and guilt are going to hurt 50x worse later. get some motivational phrases, tactics, distractions, that work for you and RELY ON THEM. water, i use mio in mine when i’m desperate, gum, diet soda, bubbly water, reading, tv, ANYTHING. i have other reblogs with some good motivational tactics. i also look at th!nspø as well as pics of my own body multiple times per day to keep me on track.
8. exercise if you are mentally & physically able to. i have some other limiting factors which make me unable to go to the gym or get as many steps in as id like. an avg day is 2k-5k steps for me rotting on the couch. i PROMISE like 100% money back guarantee (ik you’re not paying me but istg if there was a r3xie program 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEE) your diet is 1,000,000 more important than any exercise you’re going to get in. exercise will help with toning so i try to get some laying ones done on the couch but dude you burn calories just existing. so if you eat lower than that which is 1k-2k (you can look it up it’s your TDEE) you will lose weight. give it time.
essentially there’s many different tactics, routes, strategies whateva to l0sing weïght. do what works best for you and give it time. you will not lose 30!bs overnight. just make sure to take your supplement and stay safe <3 I’m currently taking one called “obvi. BURN” it has collagen in it + a bunch of stuff that’s speeds up metab. idk if it’s actually doing anything for my metab but the collagen is amazing.
***special mention: incorporate foods/drinks that speed up your metab. coffee, green tea, spicy foods (pepper, cayenne pepper), cinnamon, B12 there’s sooo many***
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jamesheathridge · 14 days
tag game!
tagged by @monstraduplicia, ty !! <3
Do you make your bed? not unless people are over tbh
What's your favorite number? 4 and 6. for ocd reasons
What is your job? im unemployed rn 🤐
If you could go back to school, would you? i'm in uni right now and am quite literally thinking about dropping out constantly
Can you parallel park? i dont even have a license.. i live in a city so i dont really see the point of it right now
A job you had that would surprise people? idk i've only ever worked freelance art stuff + theater jobs + at a movie theater and i don't really think any of them are. that surprising.
Do you think aliens are real? yes actually. i think the universe is wayyyy too big for us to be the only intelligent beings out there. yknow.
Can you drive a manual car? nope
What's your guilty pleasure? im trying to destroy the part of me that feels guilt or shame but alas im failing. media wise its OBX, otherwise i am constantly picking my own scabs
Tattoos? i have my fav childhood stuffed animal tattooed on my thigh! an elephant with a hoodie on
Favorite color? green probably
Favorite type of music? i looove goth rock and industrial rock
Do you like puzzles? depends on the kind i think. i get frustrated very easily lol
Any phobias? scorpions and fireworks
Favorite childhood sport? never been into sports. i played basketball for like 2 seconds
Do you talk to yourself? yes all the time. although it usually just transfers to me talking to my dog as a surrogate audience
What movies do you adore? BIG question. probably the holdovers, the thing, dinner in america, the passenger, i saw the tv glow, bones and all, mysterious skin, tcm 2, evil dead 2, sound of metal, the lost boys, the house of tomorrow, hedwig and the angry inch, a monster in paris, boy, brigsby bear, slc punk, probably more i cant think of rn
Coffee or tea? tea. i hate coffee. i rarely drink tea tho
First thing you wanted to be when you grew up? that i can remember? either an actor or a veterinarian
tagging @cassidycasablanca @th3finalboy @shithitsmynipples @eorzea @jdeanmorgan @birthofvcnus
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edosianorchids901 · 1 year
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It's a Dry Heat
@flashfictionfridayofficial prompt - "an eternal summer"
“You know,” Aziraphale said thoughtfully, “I always thought an eternal summer sounded lovely.”
It took a second for the words to register; Crowley had been desperately sucking down the remaining water in his canteen. When he got the few drops, he looked to Aziraphale. “Wot.”
“Eternal summer. You know, like in Shakespeare’s Sonnets?”
“I think that’s a metaphor, angel. Thy eternal summer. Youth. Not literal summer.”
“I know it’s a metaphor.” For a moment, Aziraphale just pouted at him. “But I still thought the real thing would be lovely. Such a nice change from the chill.”
Crowley held his canteen above his mouth and shook it, hard. No water left, though. “And now?”
“Well…” Expression still thoughtful, Aziraphale looked over the cracked, barren soil that stretched out lifelessly in every direction. “I don’t think that anymore.”
“Lucky for you this is only normal summer, then.” Snorting, Crowley shook his canteen again. But nope. Nothing. “I told you we shouldn’t leave the damn path and cut across the desert.”
“It’s all desert, dear boy.”
“The other desert areas had plants.” Which meant water. Here, not so much. There was nothing here.
Aziraphale heaved a dramatic sigh as they clambered over the next crumbling hill to be greeted by even more dry ground. “I told you we ought to have taken up those cattleboys on their offer.”
“Cowboys,” Crowley snapped.
“But no, you had no desire to ride horses…”
“Horses are wankers. And honestly, they’d probably be dying right about how. Horses need water more than we do.” Technically speaking, angels and demons didn’t need water at all. But he and Aziraphale were both used to drinking something regularly—tea, coffee, cocoa, alcohol—and the inability to do so made Crowley twitchy. “D’ya have any left?”
Aziraphale wiggled his canteen. “I’m afraid not. And we have absolutely no clue how far we are from greener lands. I fear we shall perish.”
“Fuck that. I’ve had enough of trudging across the desert.” Crowley drew a deep breath, gathering energy. And then, exhaling slowly, he manifested his wings.
Black feathers stretched to the sky, and he closed his eyes as the heat of the sun seeped through them. The sun felt terrible on his corporation, but wings were different. Closer to his true nature, that of the serpent, and the serpent liked basking in sunlight.
Aziraphale gave him a skeptical look. “You can’t possibly be serious.”
“Why not?” Crowley gave an experimental flap, and sand swirled around their feet.
“Well, someone might see us, for one thing.”
“Who’s gonna see us out here? We’re in the middle of nowhere.” Not leaving time for argument, Crowley blasted into the air.
He flew in one big loop above Aziraphale’s head before the angel’s white wings appeared, and another full loop before Aziraphale launched into the air and joined him. Crowley flashed a bright grin, and Aziraphale glared in response. “I-I still don’t think this is a good idea. I’m very out of practice.”
“Me too.” Crowley looped around him again, muscles aching as he flapped his wings, twisted, dove. But it was a good ache, and it felt damn good to stretch his wings after so long. “But it’s this or probably discorporate from heat stroke.”
“I don’t want to discorporate from heat stroke.”
The matter settled, Crowley launched himself forward. The desert zoomed past underneath, seeming almost like nothing now that they weren’t crossing it step by step. His mouth remained dry, lips cracked, and skin roasted by the sun. But in a way, this was almost enjoyable now.
He and Aziraphale had never gotten to do this before, to really fly together. Hadn’t known each other in Heaven, and even in the early days on Earth they hadn’t done much more than coast down from high places. But full out flight, riding air currents while turning to occasionally grin at each other, was way more fun than he could have guessed.
And then he spotted it, green up ahead, the glint of sunlight off water. “Down there!” he called to Aziraphale, veering towards it.
They rocketed over a ranch, and a couple faces turned up towards them. Whoops. Hopefully they’d just get to be the subjects of a cool legend or something. Crowley might start one himself when they got to a town.
Crowley’s legs buckled as soon as he hit the ground, fatigue slamming into him all at once. But he was right on the shore of a small lake, and he scrambled forward to it with relief. He plunged his hands into the water, splashed it across his face, and then scooped up more to drink.
The heat of the sun vanished a split second later, and he looked up to see a white wing stretched overhead. “Gosh. Thanks, angel.”
“Of course. This was an excellent idea, my dear. And in truth, I rather enjoyed our flight.” Aziraphale beamed at him, then knelt for his own drink.
The white wing remained outstretched, providing shade, and Crowley smiled. All in all, he and Aziraphale might argue their way through trouble. But even an eternal summer wouldn’t be so bad if he and Aziraphale could spend it together.
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Random Things Dr. Iceberg Has Said While Hunched Over His Desk Asleep
Dr. Julian Iceberg is many things. Touchy, sarcastic, a fan of bad ninja movies, a sucker for good pecan pie, and... kinda funny as a sleeptalker. Since he's really gotten up a lot of noses, and Dr. Gears likes me, it's our frosty sourpuss's turn to get teased. Big Boss spilled plenty of iced tea on the subject.
"Wait... since when do we have whoopee cushions as part of our kit?"
"Big banana boy." Repeated ten times, we have no banana anomalies of any kind, as far as I know.
"Silk hose? Really? This the modern age, or the pirate age?"
"I'm gonna keyhaul him right into a volcano."
"No, no, no. No. No. Nein, nyet, non, not happening. I do not get paid enough to paint 682's nails. Ask 053, he likes her. Oh? Why didn't you just ask to borrow my blue polish?"
"For 343's sake, Bright! Naked yoga is an in-quarters only activity! O5 told you this!"
"Dyo. Wash. Your. Bits. I'm getting blinded by your blinged-out dong."
"Why are they green?"
"You're gonna need a bigger gun, Alto." A pause. "Bigger. Like an AC 130 big. Well, don't ask me then. Sheesh."
"Since when did lasagna get on the menu?"
"You have a choice: put on clothes, or get the hose." Long pause. "Gender appropriate clothes. No one wants to see you in a miniskirt."
"Run. Faster. Go faster. Clowns are coming, must go faster."
"Choke on a Deagle, Insurgency bastard!"
"I WILL SHOVE YOUR HEAD SO FAR UP YOUR ASS YOU CAN WATCH ME BEAT THE CRAP OUT OF YOU! DON'T CALL ME 'JULIE'!" No idea where that came from, but that was at 3 am on a Monday. When Iceberg.exe crashes, he crashes hard. He was there for hours, I heard.
"Hey, 076? Settle a bet, please? You wear the loincloth because it's cooler than pants, right?"
"My feet are NOT happy."
"For the ninth and final time, PUT ON SOME PANTS! I want to see a dong, I'll call Dr. Bright."
"Huh. This a cupcake, or the stone 073 used to kill 076-2 the first time?"
"Pffft. So you got a jar of dirt. We have literal God and Foundation funding on our side, my good sir."
"Finally, something Mabel made that doesn't taste of Styrofoam." (aggressively chews file folders) "These hotcakes need some syrup."
"There is no Dr. Iceberg, only Zuul!"
"Dad! Bruce is sitting on me. Again."
"Jack. Get YOUR head out of MY ass."
"No... not the pink snowball suit! I'll be good, Boss, I promise! I don't want to be a snack cake!"
"You don't scare me. I've seen Dr. Gears angry."
"Do I look like I know what's going on?"
"No. Grape. Soda."
"Uh... didn't think Jello shots involved firearms, but your party, Alto."
"This is the weakest coffee I ever had. This isn't even coffee, it's the ghost of Java past. If I set this down and walk away, I bet $100 4999 pays it a visit."
"Eat this, you big ugly undead asshole."
"Leather pants? Hope you powdered yourself, otherwise... ouch."
"Duck. I mean... Duck!" A pause, then laughter. "And now you have literal egg on your face. I told you there was a duck."
"I'm allergic to peanuts. I'll skip "Peanut Butter Jelly Time", thanks."
"Uh... why is there A GIANT FREAKING BUTTHOLE in the Astrophysics Labs?"
"Bugger off, it's my panini."
"Leggo my Lego, Bright! That's my bloody X-Wing, I built it fair and square!"
"Touch my boots, I'll freeze your hands off."
"Coffee. Black. Never mind the mug, I'll drink it straight from the carafe."
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daydreamingyuta · 6 months
Get to know me!
Thanks for tagging me @justsomekpopstuff !!!
Do you make your bed: usually! It makes my whole room look a lot cleaner when I do!
What's your favourite number: 127 lol I genuinely get so excited every time I see it randomly
What is your job: I'm a student getting a marketing degree!
If you could go back to school would you: I'm still in school and honestly I love it more than I've ever enjoyed school before so I wouldn't totally mind getting a higher degree.
Can you parallel park: I did better on the parallel parking section of my drivers test than regular parking but I haven't done it since.
A job you had that would surprise people?: I was a daycare teacher for a little bit!
Do you think aliens are real: tbh not really but I also wouldn't be completely surprised if they did exist.
Can you drive a manual car: No but I feel like I could learn
What's your guilty pleasure: Reeses, spending too much money buying books and kpop albums, and the Magnolia Parks series?
Tattoos: No I'm wayyy too indecisive and also a little scared but I love tattoos sm! If I did ever get one I'd prob get a Studio Ghibli inspired one!
Favorite color: Green, Pink, and Grey!
Favorite type of music: I will listen to absolutely anything but I would say just pop in general! I love kpop so much specifically because it's just the most fun genre (not all the time of course but you know what I mean)
Do you like puzzles: I haven't done a puzzle in forever but I used to with my brother and I enjoyed it then!
Any phobias: Tsunamis (I wanted The Impossible when I was little and it terrified me) and snakes (but I do think they are very cute I just cannot!)
Favorite childhood sport: I didn't play any sports growing up :(
Do you talk to yourself: Literally always.
What movie(s) do you adore: Howl's Moving Castle, Paddington, Mamma Mia, Pride and Prejudice, The Princess Bride, and so many more!!
Coffee or tea: Love both but for different reasons. I drink coffee out of necessity (addiction) and I drink tea for a nice treat every once in a while!
First thing you wanted to be growing up: An actress!
I'll tag (No pressure at all!): @neocoffeecafe and @ar-pipa :)
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dexaroth · 2 months
tagged by @blyszczopies to answer questions and tag mutuals id like to get to know better :3 tag list is at the bottom!
⭐ Favorite color:
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i honestly have had some 'color opinions' sloshing through my head for a while.. its complicated but you can rarely go wrong with these ones 👆 these are the ones I like the most! specially when combined together!
for favorites.. it depends a lot on how you use the colors and if they're alone or accompanied! some things look bad if they're just completely sky blue and such..
(putting this under a read more bc its a Very long post)
for the purposes of having an ultimate favorite color.. man i honestly don't know. it's a completely even match between purple and blue, though only the non-100% saturated shades of blue bc true blue is quite unbearable. I think the ultimate champion in questions of how many things can work with it would be blue. sometimes too much purple can be unbearable, but too much blue not so much
red Can be beautiful in many cases, but orange is simply superior between pure yellow and pure red. pure yellow specifically is literally unbearable for me. i hate it so much. for me to like a yellow it HAS to be going towards orange or its nothin'. lime green is super beautiful but pure green is also too much, and so is cyan. though the specific range of teal/green-blue can be nice, but it does not come close to lime green, instead it accents it quite nicely.
we don't talk about pink. or magenta. or any of its hideous nicknames. perish the thought!
⭐ Last song played: erm. well. you see, most of the music i have downloaded came from youtube. and quite a bit of them from compilations of songs all in one usually 30+ minute video..
the one currently playing is by Lauren Bousfield. i've tried searching for the - actually paragraph cancelled. i thought it was one of the comps by the pavor nocturnus1 channel but it turned out to be from some random other channel. i was having trouble identifying which song it was because it's a single audio file but it turns out the song currently in that queue to be playing is the song Cascading Retail Spaces!
i've had this album compilation downloaded since.. 2017! damn! and other albums of hers too. I don't know anything else about her though, but her music slaps :3
⭐ Currently reading: ah.. i dont read at all sorry 😭 does looking at the drawings from the morpho books series grant me any pity points perchance..
⭐Currently craving: WAFFLES!!!! GOD PLEASE!! and cookies..
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^my cookie pile in project zomboid. can you tell?? (no waffles bc they're randomly found and not able to be baked like cookies..)
⭐Coffee or tea: neither soz.. i did try to enjoy coffee like 10 years ago but its just meh. tea as well, very boring. not counting the fact i have to load these suckers with sugar for them to even be worth drinking >.> but i suppose i'd choose tea over coffee simply due to variety and that some are naturally sweet :J
tagging: @moodycarcass @oxu @crazysodomite (maybe even u again timo if u wanna awnser my curious inquiries below.. muahaha)
additionally might i add my own questions... for funsies :33
favorite stone pattern:
favorite time of day:
favorite cloud pattern:
actually hm its quite hard to come up with somewhat potentially universal interesting questions. fuck. erm
FAVORITE ANIMAL!!! this question never disappoints. additionally favorite family of animals maybe?..
also from the makers of the best question ever above.. what's the silliest/weirdest animal off the top of your head?
last dumb mistake in a game?
last triumph in a game? (life cant all be losses afterall..!)
favorite clothing pattern?
worst + best texture(s) to feel?
and finally.. name one cool thing that happened this week. no matter how small. it is your duty now! commence!
actually i suppose it'd be weird to not awnser my own questions.. well here goes:
i like the one stone pattern that's a bunch of thin slabs slotted together. the ref image i have says its name is cliffstone/bluff stone! i also like the 'bavarian castle' one!
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time of day: DUSK!!! MY LOVELY DUSK!!! though dawn is veeery nice as well. i used to be fonder of the night but dusk is just sooo niceys. dawn loses points for giving way to the boring middays though. but every time of day has its charm
cloud pattern; i actually dont know their names besides cummulonimbus..? lemme search..
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according to this chart ive found on ddg. nimbus! i love gray skies and i love rain and i love fog. stratus and scuds are also nice
fav animal: erm.. got myself in my own question! i dont think i have a true favorite? i suppose ill go with jerboas.. as for the family. rodents of course. im the rodent mutual how could i not choose rodents! blasphemy!
silliest animal: off the top of my head? its a worm-like animal with a goofy face.. i thought it was legless lizards but that's not quite it.. i dont remember the name 😞
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though there is a guy that's named worm lizard apparently.. oh such a foofy goofus
last dumb mistake in a game: most recently i was trying to go back to my base in a car in project zomboid and ran straight into a insane zombie crowd. the car got stuck in the grass bc it was loaded to the brim and i tried to move it backwards and let zombies approach me with the hope i'd run away from them on time, but it was not moving and then i panicked and stepped outside the car near a zombie with the sprint key enabled, bumped into the zombie, fell on the ground and by the time the get up animation started the zombie was already eating my guy. i was so mad
last triumph in a game: not much of a triumph but i got to fitness and stregth to lvl 6 in pz which are grindy time consuming skills to lup. but i have a base and crops and my coogieeees
favorite clothing pattern: i also dont know!! id say checkers that arent too busy or its derivatives. but also star/celestial patterns of course
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^ from my fashion inspo folder
worst + best texture(s) to feel: i hate silk and those ones that are like a million little hairs that i dont know the name in english. best i suppose would be plush/cotton? i dont know their names either lol
and finally.. name one cool thing that happened this week: hmm. i suppose the nice sky i saw earlier today? though also one my af attacks has gotten a lot more notes than i expected. which is epic 💪🐁
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chaisshitposts · 1 year
Here is a little detox questions for you because you deserve it for the hard work 😔✨
1. OOOO your MBTI?
2. What's your favorite season? Like a season that makes you melt in bed 🏃🏃🏃 (only me?)
3. Favorite singer? And their favorite song?
5. If you had the ability to posses one power, what will it be? 😗🧐
6. Do fishes have thirst for water 🧍
(yes that last one was random and had me thinking nonstop like wtf do fishes drink water orrr-)
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aw :( ty 🍓 !!! you're v sweet, these are some fun lil' questions :D ya should tell me yer own answers if ya get the chance, I'm curious !!!
1- I honestly have no idea 😭 I took the test a couple times before bc I kept forgetting cause all those letters are hard to remember and I still don't remember!!! heh im sorry 👉👈
2- melt in bed... that sounds so funny 💀 I'm a fan of winter!!!!!! I love the chrimuth decorations and the cold weather bc I like to get all warm and toasty, plus I like to wear the sweaters I crochet/knit throughout the year
3- favorite singer... That's a hard one indeed 🤔 I listen to all types of music that makes my brain go brrr especially music with lots and lots of bass, I think my favorite type has to be hard metal screamo rap music simply because headbangin' is somethin' I do to stim when I'm overwhelmed with hefty emotions. 🧍 my favorite song that I'm currently hyperfixatin' on though is 'I love you hoe' by odetari & 9lives, I don't care for the lyrics but I really enjoy the 'spacey' feelin' I get when I listen to it... Kinda like that one song where people had this belief that it made people do their homework faster I think it was somethin' like... 'i can run faster with no wind resistance' or something, but the beat was so wiggly I have to find that song again... I JUST LOOKED IT UP-- the song is literally called 'no wind resistance' holy shit 😭
4- sigh... for some reason, I can't keep myself from laughin' when I hear someone pourin' liquid??? I used to have a thermos (I need to buy a new one) that I would fill with hot black/green tea and then whenever id pour the tea into the lil' cup I would giggle hysterically like some crazy person 😭 I think it's hereditary however, cause this morning I was drinkin' coffee near my mom and I have a tendency to 'slurp' from my mug and she kept gigglin' when I would slurp from it 😭 she also laughs when things are poured. the autism is strong in the family ngl. I even laughed RN at the memory of pourin' a cup of tea ._.
5- oh ya already know I'm gonna have my mailtda powers manifested soon 🧍 I'm talkin' telepathy, spell castin', teleportation, levitation, all that shit, but I do not want the ability to mind read bc that does not sound fun. hmm... pyrokinesis could be fun too
6- you'll have to ask 🐠 anon for that one 💀 bUt!!! I did learn a terrible fact today about dolphins! did y'know that dolphins terrorize pufferfish so that they can get high off the chemical that the pufferfish release in defense of predators? they throw the pufferfish around with the use of their teeth and stuff, tossin' them up and around, even above water, and then they like know when they need to stop gettin' high before the chemicals become lethal. there's enough poison in one pufferfish to kill 30 human adults but dolphins just love gettin' fuckin' HIGH!
im sorry for the ramblin' but if there's one thing to be told about me... I talk way too fuckin' much despite bein' an ambivert with a heavy lean towards bein' an introvert 🧍
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salted-caramel-tea · 3 months
OOHOHOHO VERY GOOD and since we have similar taste imma need u to give us all recs or simply share all ur faves! I really wanted to order some again so i might as well ask an expert
alright let’s cover what bases we can . highlighting names for ppl who don’t want to read
for fruit tea i love the peach raspberry rose i use this one for iced tea too but i tend to leave it brewing in the fridge overnight for better flavour . very berry crush is the store best seller however .
. oh girl this is going to be long .
no added flavouring-
ok for black tea really depends on your strength preference my personal favourite is scottish breakfast (on the website as assam tgfop1 2nd flush ) i love assam its full bodied and malty it’s a single origin and anice alternative to english breakfast blends . darjeeling is a nice delicate black tea if you’re not a fan of super malty teas . indian origin teas are my favourite . margaret’s hope first flush darjeeling should be coming in soon too that’s a very exclusive tea only harvested in one area of the darjeeling province one month if the year so it’s very limited stock and £24 . returns every summer .
there’s japanese green teas we have genmaicha, gyokuro and sencha asigiri, as well as our classic green tea blend . personally i like genmaicha .
speciality teas we also have formosa jade oolong and silver needle white tea but the STAR of the show is milk oolong. she’s so phenomenal she’s £19 but she’s a gorgeous high altitude oolong delicate and creamy texture with buttery caramel notes its one of the best taiwanese teas i’ve ever had
black tea? piccadilly blend - strawberry rose and lotus flower . lovely fruit and floral blend with a delicate black tea base . her sister is covent garden blend which is black tea with peach and apricot with safflower and marigold petals . blood orange crush is also so so so good and has dried blood orange chunks in it it’s fierce
green- CHERRY BLOSSOM !!! she’s so gorgeous she’s a large leaf green tea with sakura petals and the most delectable a cherry scent and flavour i literally make samples of this for anyone i can it’s so so so good . mango and bergamot is probably the best seller tho
other- peach oolong she’s fierce . it’s pretty sweet and it’s such a fragrant tea literally it’s so good . we recently got in coconut oolong too which is limited edition it’s been pretty popular
black - english rose is a classic . black tea with rose and slightly sweet too . orange blossom is good with the cute citrusy notes and fragrance
not many for green tbh but for other there’s a chelsea garden white tea which we recently just got in teabags which is white tea with rose (i like the rose teas)
black tea- chilli chai is one of my all time faves but be careful bc the chilli really does hit the back of your throat if you’re not expecting it but it’s so warm and comforting . rhe classic spiced chai is a good alternative it’s your standard masala black tea and it’s really good on cold and rainy days especially.
for no caffeine there’s a few herbal mainly on the w wall in the large loose leaf caddies but if you ask for cinnamon vanilla chai or turkish apple or vanilla honeybush and orange they’re some of my favourites . there’s some rooibos if ur into that but i think only rainforest rooibos and blueberry rooibos are available
i don’t drink coffee so we are skipping that .
hot chocolate
for milk chocolate i think salted caramel (tastes like a crunchy) and cookies and cream (tastes like oreos) are my fave . coconut is limited edition and the best seller rn
for white . sticky toffee pudding is the way to go . raspberry ripple if also fierce it tastes like melted raspberry ripple ice cream
for instant teas
we got a bunch of new ones in and they’re all really fierce. lychee and rose, sour cherry and cranberry raspberry. literally cannot go wrong with any of them . turkish apple is my fave from the regular line
i think that’s it
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adlamu · 1 year
here are some things that i have learned in the last ehhh 10yrs of living alone (more or less):
best before = it is at its best until a particular date but is still safe/edible for another 28 days after that date (ie: roughly a month).
use by = it is very unsafe and very, very unwise to eat/drink that thing after the date on the packaging. you will get sick. trust me.
three options for bread keeping: i. keep it in an air-tight container (such as a bread bin), ii. keep half out and the other half in the freezer (and defrost it later), or iii. keep the bread in the fridge at all times - if it's white spots on the crust only, cut the crust off and toast the bread, if it's Green spots, it's been out longer than 2 months and you should throw it away.
bottom shelf is where you'll find the cheapest stuff, usually (can be top, but is usually bottom because the BrandsTM have to be in direct eyeline - ie: the middle).
don't trust a can? sniff test. don't trust the milk? sniff test. if it smells bad in Any way, throw it out.
sugar is fine, it doesn't go off, only throw it out if it Somehow has bugs in it.
salt is the same as above (i've had the same salt pot since 2017, it's fine).
don't buy 8p potato salad - you will absolutely regret it.
if you aren't going to eat a whole thing of something, bung it in the freezer - depending on what it is, it can last anywhere from 6 weeks to 6 months (but once you defrost it, you Have to eat it immediately).
put green bananas in direct sunlight so they ripen and then put the yellow bananas in the fridge (this will slow down spottiness process & prevent fruit flies).
if, for some reason, you have noodle seasoning packets laying around, you can use them to enhance whatever vegetable/meat-based meal you are making (it's basically stock).
if you are hungry (and i mean you are in Pain from hunger) you will end up making a meal out of whatever the fuck you have and/or eat something directly out of its container - this is fine, you're eating something and that is more than enough but also: only eat custard, rice pudding, tuna, and stuff like spam out of the can, if it's like chicken or whatever don't do that, you will get sick.
if in doubt: washing up liquid is good for cleaning p much everything (not the bathroom... just use basic bleach for that if you don't have fancy schmancy stuff).
tap water is usually fine (in the case that it is not, buy a HUGE 3L bottle of water).
a bottle of cordial lasts longer than a carton of orange juice (it's not watertok bs, believe me. ribena? godsend. vimto? godsend.).
weetabix/weetbix/wheat bisks is your best bet for cheap cereal - you add a lil sugar for flavour, maybe some fruit, and you can eat it Both hot and cold.
backpacks are best for carrying heavy objects like bottles, save the totes & reusable bags for lighter stuff if you can.
an electric kettle is your best friend - you can use it for (instant) coffee, tea, hot chocolate, instant ramen/pot noodle, instant soup, anything that is 'instant', use the kettle and you will have Something to fill your belly up.
don't overthink stuff - meal prep if you want but don't overthink it, especially if you're living by yourself - you don't wanna plan a whole roast dinner when it's just you, so get enough stuff for 1 person.
yes the cheap stuff is literally the same as the brand stuff (i get it if you're nd and you can only have Certain foods but this is more for the nts), it's not a conspiracy (fuck you shane dawson and your classist fuckery), it's the same stuff because it's made in the same place, usually.
if you're worried about prices, use a calculator on your phone and then you can put back whatever is making your basket/trolley overbudget BEFORE you get to the checkout.
i don't care what tiktok moms or whatever the fuck are saying, you do not need that super expensive brand thing - it's usually got less portions and doesn't last anywhere near as long as you think it does. just because it tastes good doesn't mean it's gonna last you the week/month.
if you can buy it frozen, do so - it's usually cheaper and lasts far, far longer.
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fryingpan1234567 · 2 years
I have a new favorite ship in Empires and it’s just because of ONE POST by @this-tumbleweed-surecan-fish (yeah it’s that easy to give me a new OTP just ONE POST)
so here have some ship and normal character headcanons in my Empires college au because there is one piece of writing about them out there and it was a short post. literally fuck me
Pix, Joel, Lizzie, and fWhip. that’s the ship. I can’t believe this.
Joel is the tallest out of them and fWhip is the shortest
fWhip and Lizzie are really good at talking and Pix and Joel are really good at listening
They all have ADHD
When they’re in public they usually pretend to be two separate couples because the public isn’t exactly used to polyamory, and none of them are really ‘BE LOUD AND MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!’ people
Lizzie, Pix, and fWhip are all like parents to Hermes (that kid has literally five parental units what)
Speaking of Hermes!! The rest of them know of and are perfectly fine with Sausage, and he and Joel adopt Hermes one day because they find him on the streets and they couldn’t just leave him there, so. ✨child✨
fWhip and Pix are cave bros and love dark/ tight spaces, but Lizzie and Joel hate them
Pix does photography!!
And Joel does bouldering and climbing
As per Fish‘s post, they call each other gf/ bf/ wife/ husband even tho they don’t actually get married lol
Hermes made friends with one of the dodos in the orchard one day when Pix was watching him and now they’re besties; it’s like Disney Hercules and Pegasus
With that plus Lizzie’s zoology; fWhip’s cave creatures, and Sanctuary’s whole deal, he grows up to be a huge animal person
Anyways moving away from Hermes lmao
All of them flirt so aggressively help
If they’re out and someone asks Lizzie if she’s there with anyone, because the four of them are hanging out together, they’ll all just laugh until the guy gets freaked out and leaves
They all get their hair dyed at least a little bit- Lizzie (obviously) goes all pink, Joel has his green stripe, and then Pix gets a navy blue one and fWhip does full teal and green until the roots grow back in orange. The idea was started because Lizzie was getting hers redone and asked if they wanted to participate (her kitten eyes were like a fucking off switch on their strength of will)
Everyone thinks Pix is the responsible one. He’s not. He’s just as crazy as the other three
Lizzie has dubbed herself mayor of all the pets in their dorm building, Joel drinks sketchy protein shakes with all normal ingredients other than a splash of water from the fountain outside the Historical Mythology building, fWhip reads hanging off the couch upside down like a fucking bat. Pix seems normal enough on the surface, but my man single-handedly discovered a new species of fruit trees in 3 variants, a thought to be extinct species, and a machine that’s been around since the beginning of time, and he considers emerald ore to be worth more than his life. He’s pretty far from ‘normal’
Pix runs the campus news channel, and his partners find it adorable and also kind of worrying when they walk into the living room at two in the morning for water to see Pix sitting on the floor, surrounded by stacks of paper and two laptops, three cups of coffee and one of tea, and him in the middle wearing sweats and one of Joel’s shirts/ no top if he couldn’t find any, scrambling to get the next weekly episode out. Once he had to record the voiceover around Hermits, and they harassed him the whole time and threw pencils when he made a bad joke
Lizzie and Pix got American driver’s licenses, but Joel insisted that ‘he was loyally British and he liked being British and unless America changed their shtewpid driving habits, he’d have the rest of them drive him around the whole time’
Dishes never get done in their household I swear to god
Uno/ board games/ video games are a fucking nightmare because they’re all scarily competitive
They like sleeping in one bed, but sometimes it’s too hot for that so there is two beds
They actually do go on trips!! It’s like a thing for birthdays and stuff that they’re taken somewhere
For example, they took Lizzie to the San Diego zoo, fWhip to the Carlsbad Caverns, Pix to the Smithsonian, and Joel to the Parthenon
When one of them is sick, they have a whole lot of simping from the rest of them
fWhip and Lizzie have morning classes, Pix and Joel have late ones (that usually means the first two are making/ getting dinner while the other two are in class)
Anyways. Them <33
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tiffanydraco · 9 months
Hello skinny legends todays been a day. I literally just got home while leaving at 8:30am. Today technically I liquid fasted. But like not in a healthy way I have copious amounts of coffee. Enough to total 1000 cals.
Liquid cals don’t feel as bad as food cals cause idk, my girl math just makes it make sense to me. But I did get in my exercise and I did get in my 10k steps.
Someone had posted in another 3D page that mixing up cals helps with losing steady weight and not plateau. Once again girl math 🧮
Anywho I did say I would look up low cal foods and I did so here’s some that I picked up today.
Pineberries/ strawberries
** clearly the last one is too much calories for just one dipped so let’s pretend it’s not there 🥲
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So fruits and veggies raw in their natural state is really low in calories, like apples, bananas, carrots, celery etc.
I also picked up rice cakes
*I have a major sweet tooth and tend to binge on cookies
So I picked these up
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60 calories per serving
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I also got these 35 cals per serving
I also picked up coffee which if you drink it black is 2 cals per 8oz
But I use sugar packets and each is about 20 cals a piece
Drinking coffee keeps me feeling full like I ate a meal so I drink 2-3 cups a day
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I picked this up to try it out, probably mix it with some blended and season cottage cheese.
2 % Low fat cottage cheese is 90 calories, I would use half of a half and it would be 45. It’s only for me so I don’t need a lot of it to make a sauce.
I also got low fat cool whip that’s 20 cals per serving
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And sugar free pudding mix like the cheese cake flavor to mix it in and make a small snack.
And lastly I got some seafood, fish and shrimp are low in calorie and high in protein.
One thing I try my absolute hardest is not to eat any bread, rice, oatmeal or eat too many potatoes. I feel for me especially the carbs spike my sugar levels that then make me crave food all day. Since I’ve restricted them heavily I’m able to control my cravings better. I also drink a ton of water.
Another thing that I forgot to mention is that miso soup is also very low in calories and I I eat that often with some green tea.
If your lucky enough to have an Asian store nearby they a lot of time have low calorie snacks and even lower cal rice cakes than the standard ones in the store. I used to live in Massachusetts and I loved next to one and I got all my foods from there, most were very low cals and very filling. As always look at the nutrition labels and try to plan ahead accordingly. So you’re not struck in the moment on what to eat and end up binging.
Stay safe lovely’s and feel free to ask me for clarity on anything. 💖
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