#Seth Rollins fluff
damiansgoodgirll · 1 year
can you please write a really really sad story where you were dating seth rollins when he was still on shield but the. becky joins and he cheats on you with her please ❤️
i love becky so so so so so much, i’m feeling so guilty for making her the bad guy here :(
seth rollins x reader
tw : angst, cheating
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you knew something was off the moment your boyfriend started skipping your usual movie nights or your friday afternoon training together.
he claimed he was too tired or too busy but you knew he was hiding something, you just couldn’t picture what.
you and seth had been dating for almost a decade, you were there through his in and out of the shield, you were there when he turned his back on seth and roman, you were there when he shared his last hug with roman before he retired to treat his cancer and you were there when seth wasn’t fully understanding the reason his best friend dean ambrose left wwe.
you were there for him, always.
he was the first person you met when you joined wwe, only 18 at the time but with so much energy to learn and be better.
he started training you, teaching you new moves and new tricks and you couldn’t be more grateful. but something bloomed out from that friendship, something that was more than friendship.
he asked you on a date. and one date turned into a second date and a second date turned into movie nights together at his place, falling asleep on his couch, him making love to you, showing you how much he loved you and how grateful he was that you were in his life.
he made you feel safe and protected, and it’s been going on for almost ten years so you couldn’t understand why he was distancing himself from you.
you saw him getting closer to becky lynch, one of your best friend. you simply thought he was training her, the same way he did to you and the same way he did with so many other wrestlers but you saw him spending more and more time with her and completely avoiding you.
“seth…can we talk?” you asked him one night, while you were both laying in bed.
“sure” he turned his face to you.
“is everything okay?”
“of course, what you mean?” he asked. he knew what you meant. he knew you weren’t stupid and he knew you were going to find out.
“i mean…is everything okay? you know if there’s something that’s bothering you, you can always talk to me…i’ve seen you’ve been avoiding me more and more these past days and if i did something to make you mad i’m so sorry…” you apologised and seth felt his heart breaking a little more.
you were apologising for his cheating.
“i promise you love, you didn’t do anything to make you mad” it pained him to lie to you “i’m not mad at you, i promise you…i’ve just been training more these days and i’m always too tired” he laughed “i promise i’ll be more present from now on” he scooped you closer into his embrace and even if his words were supposed to comfort you, you felt something was off, you felt he was lying.
and you were right.
of course you were.
you weren’t supposed to hit the gym that day but the receptionist called you to tell you that a few days prior you forgot some of your clothes in the changing room and that she put them aside for you.
parking in your usual spot you noticed becky’s car was there and your boyfriend’s car was there too. you found it weird seeing seth car there as he told you that he was at finn’s home to help him train.
the moment you stepped into the gym you knew the receptionist didn’t call you only for your clothes, she wanted you to know the truth, she wanted you too see what was going on.
becky’s arms around seth chest as she was kissing his shoulders while he was lifting some weights. he couldn’t stop smiling and you felt so stupid for even believe everything was fine. he saw your reflection in the mirror and before he could say anything you were out of the gym, reaching for your car and driving way too fast for everyone’s liking.
you couldn’t stop the tears falling from your eyes and you knew you couldn’t face seth so instead of going straight home you booked a room in your favorite hotel in town.
he called you but you never answered. he texted you but you left him on read. you were so mad and disappointed you couldn’t even face him.
your friend rhea knew something was wrong the moment you didn’t show up at your girls night together. she tried to contact you but you wouldn’t reply, not even to her. liv called you, shayna texted you so many times your phone was probably going to explode.
seth knew where you were but he knew that if he came to see you it would only ended up with blood on his face so he preferred letting things calm down.
it was the morning after, when you stepped into the wwe headquarters that you saw him. you looked like shit, you were wearing the same clothes of the day before, your eyes all red and you looked tired, almost as if you didn’t sleep at all.
“can we please talk?” seth followed you when you were going into your own office but he stopped you before you could go in.
“i’m not really in the mood…”
“please…” he begged and you turned around “i’m so sorry…i should have told you and…”
“should have told me what? that you were cheating? that my boyfriend, the one i’ve been dating for the past years has been cheating with one of my best friends? that you aren’t even ashamed about it? i really don’t wanna hear it seth…” you said almost screaming, a few heads turning around but you didn’t care.
“i’m so sorry y/n…” he said again.
“i don’t care if you’re sorry! you should have told me! you should have told me that you weren’t in love anymore instead of cheating on me! i deserved to know, i deserved to know the truth…instead you preferred lying…” you kept saying, you didn’t care if you were crying.
“i know…i know i fucked up” he was hurting seeing you like that. you were a good person, you always stayed by his side, you were loyal and caring and you didn’t deserve this, he knew that, but at the same time he couldn’t stop what he was feeling for becky.
“you fucked up? fucking my best friend, cheating behind my back, lying and making me feel like it was my fault and all you have to say is that you fucked up? i want you out of my home seth, i want you out of my life…i want you and becky out of everything, i can’t even look at you without crying…why did you do it?” you asked him.
“i - i don’t have an excuse…i know, i shouldn’t have done it…i should have talked to you” he said wiping his tears away.
“i’ve asked you so many times, i’ve asked you so many times if everything was okay, if everything was good and you kept saying yes, that i shouldn’t worry…for how long?” you asked him, knowing that the actual answer might broke you.
“five months…” he said.
five months.
two months ago was your anniversary. he was already fucking her in the same moment he was fucking you. he was telling her how much he loved her the same moment he was telling it to you.
“oh god…” you whispered, thinking about everything that happened in the past five months. you even brought up the idea of starting a family with him, you were talking about getting married and he was fucking your best friend behind your back.
“i’m so sorry y/n…” he apologised.
“leave…please, leave, i don’t wanna see you ever again…i think i’ll take a break from wrestling, i can’t even stand in the same room as you and becky without wanting to rip your heads off…” you said before turning back and going into your office.
he stood there for a few minutes, watching the plain white door that was in front of him.
before leaving he was met with the angry look on rhea’s face.
“don’t say anything please…” he said.
“you and becky disgust me…” she said before checking up on you.
you let her in and, knowing she heard everything about your and seth’s conversation, you knew you couldn’t lie to her and you spilled everything and she let you cry over her shoulder, helping you calming you down and comforting you, because all you needed in that moment was to feel affection.
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imaginexwwe · 1 year
HIS GIRL - Roman Reigns
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"I should get going, Joe." Y|N giggled, trying to wiggle out of his grip causing the guy next to her to tighten his grip. "Joseph, let go."
"I don't want you to go."
And I don't want to leave.
Y|N sighed.
Her lips slowly turning upwards into a smile as she unknowingly sunk deeper into his muscular arms.
Just hearing Joe say he didn't want her to leave made her stomach do backflips.
But she knew she had to stop herself before she got too deep in her feelings.
Like who was she kidding?
Joseph's her bestfriend.
Has been her best friend since the day they met when she was the new girl in school.
The first day of seventh grade, to be exact.
It was only recently that they had decided to give in to the temptation that had began lingering over them since their junior year of high school, and had, had sex.
It was Y|N's first time.
Not so much Joe's.
Of course, the man's like every girl's fantasy at school.
But that's beside the point.
Y|N had swore up and down that night she had allowed Joe to take her virginity that she could handle her emotions, and not be one of those clingy girls that all of a sudden wanted more than no strings attached.
Those girls that would ultimately find themselves wanting a relationship.
Wanting said bestfriend to be theirs and only theirs.
When deep down she had quickly became that girl.
All because she wanted her bestfriend to make her feel the way he had made those other girls feel.
It just so happen, Y|N was good at hiding how she felt.
But then there would be times like now, when Joe would say things like 'I don't want you to go.'
Something so simple that would only make Y|N long for something more, even more.
Get yourself together, before you ruin everything.
With another sigh, Y|N began wiggling again. "It's the night before the first day of senior year, Joe. I have to go home and get some sleep."
"Sleep here." Joe quickly replied, with a chuckle as he leaned over to nip at the skin on my neck, almost immediately causing me to close my eyes, and bit down on my lips. "Please."
Y|N shook her head, trying to fight off the urge to moan, as Joe's hand began to slide further and further down her body. "I have no clothes." She quickly blurted out, trying to think of any excuse to be let go.
"Wear something of mines." Joe countered with a smirk as his hand stopped. "You love stealing my stuff all the other times."
"My dads will be pissed." Y|N gasped out, feeling Joe's finger come in contact with her folds. "I'm not about to show up on the first day of my senior year dressed like you. And I know if I stay I won't be getting much sleep."
"Are you serious?" Joe questioned, looking over at Y|N in disbelief. "You really want to go? Right now?" His grip now loosened from around Y|N waist.
"Well..." Y|N stuttered out, rolling over so that she could face Joe. "Maybe I can be a little late. But we have to be quick."
"No promises." She heard her bestfriend say, smirking, as he gripped Y|N's face, pulling her in for a kiss.
This boy will be the death of me.
"Looks like you and Joe had a good time." Trinity said, nudging Y|N with her elbow as she, Y|N and their other friend Liv walked down the hall at the end of school.
"Is it really noticeable..?" Y|N blushed, already knowing her friend was referring to the hickey Joe had marked her with last night when they were going for round two. "I was up at six this morning covering this thing up."
Thank goodness the other three are in a place they won't see, Y|N thought, giggling to herself.
Liv shrugged, playfully rolling her eyes at her friend. "Well, it looks like you need a touch up."
"I'll put more on in the ca-"
Before Y|N could finish what she was saying, a male voice was heard calling out to her.
"Who's he?" Liv was the first to ask, as the three girls turned their attention to the unrecognizable boy calling out to Y|N.
"Oh..." Y|N spoke with a smile. "The new guy, Colby. He just moved to Florida from Iowa."
Trinity laughed, eyeing her friend. "And how do you know all of this?" She asked, taking note of the instantaneous smile that formed on Y|N's face.
"He's in my first and second period."
And before either one of her friends could think of anything else to say or question her about, Y|N had walked off heading over to Colby.
"Is that Y|N?" Joe heard his cousin Jonathan ask as him and Jon's younger twin brother Joshua turned a corner in school, heading for the double doors to leave out the school building.
Joe stopped in his tracks, looking in the direction that his younger cousin was looking.
Seeing none other than Y|N.
And some guy he didn't know.
"Who's that guy she's talking to?"
"Oh, that's the new guy, Cory." Jon answered.
"It's Colby." Josh spoke up, correcting his brother. "He's the new kid from Iowa. He's in first period with me and Y|N."
Joe nodded, his eyes locked on his bestfriend as she was deep in conversation with Colby.
Even when Joe tried to tear his eyes away, he couldn't.
And for some reason, the longer he watched the more his blood began to boil.
Wait, why was his blood boiling?
Y|N's talked to guys other than him and his cousins before.
Hell she's even dated guys before.
She's even been out a few times with guys since they began fooling around.
And Joe's never had a problem before.
But then again, he's never had to watch Y|N talk to a guy other than him, his family and a few mutual guy friends.
People that went to school here knew Y|N was Joe's.
And because of that she was off limits.
So, he most definitely didn't want to start having to watch some clueless ass new guy step on his territory.
Now that he's got a good thing going on with her.
As if someone was controlling him, Joe had quickly made his way over to where Y|N stood, laughing with the new guy, Colby.
"Hey, beautiful." He greeted Y|N, leaning down giving Y|N a sloppy kiss, shoving his tongue into her mouth.
That's my girl, Joe thought smirking into the kiss as Y|N almost immediately kissed back.
Y|N slowly pulled away from the kiss, her hand on Joe's chest as she pushed him back.
Where did that come from?
She could feel heat rising to her face as she stood there for a second or two trying to catch her breath after Joe's spontaneous tongue filled kiss.
And 'hey beautiful?'
When did Joe start addressing her as beautiful?
Don't get it wrong, Joe has always been the main guy to call her beautiful or make her feel beautiful but that was maybe when Y|N was showing off a new outfit or you know, when they're having sex or whatever.
But addressing by saying beautiful?
That's new.
She wasn't even sure if he's ever even addressed her as babe, or even baby before.
So why now?
Y|N looked up at Joe for the first time since he came over to her and stuck his tongue down her throat seeing a new emotion that she's never seen before.
Joseph was jealous over something I was doing?
Could he be feeling the things I've been feeling for him lately, for me?
"I'm sorry about that, Colby." Y|N said embarrassingly as she tried to focus her attention on her new friend, while also taking notice of how close Joe was pulling her in to him. "This is Joe."
"Colby." The guy she's only met this morning during class said a smile on his face as he stretched out a balled up fist to Joe seemingly to give him a fist bump.
Joe nodded, ignoring Colby's gesture. "I heard Y|N." He mumbled turning to Y|N dropping his arm from around Y|N's waist. "I'm ready to go."
Y|N nodded taking note of his tone.
It wasn't something she liked considering it didn't seem like the Joseph she'd known since she was twelve.
But at the same time he was her ride home and because of her being unable to say no to a second round with Joe last night, she was on the verge of being grounded by her dads after coming home half an hour after her curfew.
"I'll see you tomorrow." She said to Colby, before turning and walking off with Joe.
Joe walked to his car, an slightly angry Y|N leading the way as she stomped ahead, her arms crossed over her chest.
This is gonna be a long ride.
Seeing Y|N had reached his car before him, Joe used his key fob to unlock the car giving her access.
About a minute later, Joe had finally gotten settled in the car and had thrown his backpack in the backseat next to Y|N's.
"What the hell was that?" He heard Y|N ask, her head snapping in his direction as he put his key in the ignition, starting his car engine. "And don't ask what like you don't know I'm talking about you shoving your damn tongue down my throat."
"I thought you loved my tongue." Joe fake gasped, pretending to be hurt bu Y|N insinuating she didn't enjoy their kiss.
Y|N blushed, rolling her eyes. "I do love your tongue Joe." She replied. "But that's not what I mean."
"Then I'm confused."
"You've never done something like that at school, Joe. That's what I'm trying to say." Y|N tried explaining, hoping Joe was catching on to what she was saying or trying to say.
"I've never had to." Joe replied, glancing over at his bestfriend. "I've never felt like someone was threatening me."
Y|N scoffed. "How was Colby threatening you? All he was doing was talking to me."
"I don't know." Joe mumbled. "It's just everybody at school knows you're mine but here comes some new kid and he's basically flirting with you." He added. "I just wanted him to know you're my girl."
"Really, Y|N." Joe quickly answered, unaware of the way Y|N thought he meant when he said she was his girl.
Joe did mean it when he said Y|N was his girl.
He won't even deny that he's got actual romantic feelings for her to anyone, other than Y|N herself.
But he didn't mean it as he plan to stop seeing his other flings.
After all him and Y|N had an understanding.
And him getting jealous didn't mean much right?
As long as Y|N kept her romances out of his sight and she stayed away from that new kid, this thing between him and his bestfriend was good.
Y|N smiled, while also side eying her bestfriend.
She wasn't stupid.
Which was why she knew Joe hadn't meant that she was his in a way she'd hoped he'd meant.
But that was fine.
Cause atleast now Y|N knew Joe had enough feelings for her that he would get jealous over her simply talking to a guy.
After all he wouldn't have gotten jealous over someone he just saw as a friend who he enjoyed having sex with from time to time...
One thing's for sure Y|N had more hope in this moment than she did last night when they were together.
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allmyn1ghts · 10 months
Shield's First Lady ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
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The Shield x Fem!Reader (platonically)
Synopsis: just a little hc about being the first and only lady of shield!!
Warnings: fluff and some angst
a/n: missing my boys and 2013-15 real bad yall!!
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you absolutely loved your boys
at first, you were really iffy about the idea Triple H presented
"I want you to be Shield's First Lady! I think you being with the guys would be a perfect fit."
you didn't really want to be in a group or associated with one. But you decided to go ahead with the idea
You barely talked to Roman before but Seth and Dean were foreign to you.
"It's so nice to meet you all, I'm sure this is gonna be super fun for all of us!" 
The three men were nothing but sweetheart to you. always polite, making sure you were good
from that moment, you knew you had made the right choice
your role was pretty simple, the fearless badass of the group 
you would stand ringside for almost every match whether it be singles, tag, or all three of them. sometimes distract the ref so they can pull an illegal move ;)
every backstage segment had all four of you in it chilling in your custom locker room, getting ready for a match, etc...
promos always had you on the mic
"Shield is taking over the WWE. We have the Tag Team titles, the United States Championship, the Divas championship, My boys and I are unstoppable"
the fans absolutely loved Shield (you were the fan favorite)
yall had become a little family!
the four of you always went out after shows, having a blast
when the boys would get into stupid little arguments, you were the mediator
"C'mon guys enough! We're family. act like it!" 
when you got loud, oh they listened for sure. They knew not to piss you off
don't be fooled though, they loved you more
What you did for them ringside, they did for you.
Every time you won, they would slide into the ring and hold you up on their shoulders.
they always made you laugh at their silly side convos 
Everything was good
until it wasn't
The day Seth betrayed you all, was the day your heart broke
"Seth what are you doing?! How could you do this to us?! We're family!"
You looked him in his eyes, slapping him across the face. He had nothing to say but a smirk on his face. 
Seth not only betrayed you but his brothers too, his family.
Shield was never the same for any of you after that day. 
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hope yall enjoyed this lil hc! comment and reblog pls and thank u <33
request - masterlist - about me - who I write for
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riptides-n-roses · 4 months
dirty secret - seth rollins (18+)
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⛧ pair - seth rollins (architect era) x reader
⛧ warnings: unprotected p in v, biting, hickeys, trying not to get caught, cre@mpie, consensual sex, little hint of fluff, hate sex. (Honestly idk if this contains angst but i'll go ahead and add this as a warning)
⛧ he's an absolute cutie and i feel that he should have some smut written about him too; i will say right now that this is taken place around 2015 authority era. so imagine rollins in his architect character with the championship. :)
⛧ after seth rollins costed you a win for the championship, you've started to hate his guts and he hated yours too. but what if the two of you were hiding something...
⛧word count: 1.7K
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You were one of the top babyfaces of WWE and heavily adored by the audience. The way you competed against female superstars always caught their attention. You were insanely talented with your move-sets and your finisher (which was a double arm grab curb stomp.) However, The Authority took notice of this, including the WWE world-heavyweight champion, Seth Rollins.
One night, you had a match against Nikki Bella for the Divas Championship. As soon as you were about to hit your iconic finisher, Rollins came out to the ring, leaving you confused and distracted, not realizing that Nikki was rolled under the ring, and her twin sister, Brie Bella, disguised as her. You shrugged and went back to your match. However, Brie quickly rolled you over for the cover.
It was over. Nikki Bella is still the Divas Champion. After Nikki and Brie leave the ring to celebrate her victory, you sat in the ring with disbelief. But also, pure anger. You turned your attention to Rollins who was still watching you from the titantron, with a shit-eating grin on his face, proud that he prevented you from reaching a milestone you worked hard for. The audience roared with excitement as you quickly left the ring and made your way to Rollins, delivering a slap across the face. He was stunned as you left the arena.
Backstage, you were stopped by the Authority to ask you something.
“Y/N, we’ve been taking notice of you and your moves and we’ve got to say. You are talented.” Stephanie spoke, looking you up and down with a smile.
“Um…Thanks?” Your tone was full of confusion. “But, No Offense at all, why are you speaking to me about that?”
“Well Y/N…” Triple H chimed “You see, The Authority always does what’s best for business. And we’ve agreed that the newest member…should be you.”
Your eyes widened. You? A member of The Authority? You wouldn’t. You couldn’t. You’re already a loveable superstar with the audience. Why change that now for absolute power?
“I…I don’t know. I’m already happy with where I am. The WWE Universe seems to agree too. I wouldn’t give that away with all due respect. Besides, I refuse to be in the same group as Seth Rollins who’s literally ruined my opportunity tonight to be a champion.” You wanted to puke mentioning that name.
“We understand your frustration.” Stephanie replied. “But, it wasn’t our decision for him to prevent that. That’s why we’re here to bring an offer.”
“And what would that be?”
“You. In The Authority. If you join us, you can have any opportunity you could ask for. We’ll even get you your deserved rematch for the Divas Championship with any qualifications that you desire. All it takes is for you to do what’s Best. For. Business.”
Stephanie’s words seemed to give you some interest, your thoughts hypnotized with visions of you under the faction. You raised your eyebrows with excitement but also anxiety. Were you willing to give away everything you achieved just because you’ve always dreamed to be champion? Were you going to fall trap to their words? Were you…going to turn heel?
Before you could speak, an angry Seth Rollins storms in to where you and the Authority were, demanding an answer from you.
“What the actual hell, Y/N?” he yelled. “Do you not understand who you’re dealing with? I’m Seth freakin’ Rollins!”
“AND?! You think I care?” you screamed back at him. “You cost me the match I’ve busted my ass for. And for what? That should’ve been ME with the championship! And I would’ve been champion right now if it wasn’t for you ruining it you son of a bitch!”
Your words echoed all through backstage, the audience cheering, chanting your name around the arena. The Authority were shocked with your recent change in behavior. You’ve never spoken like that before and it shocked many. You and Rollins began to stare each other down, both of you delivering cold stares to each other’s faces. You shook with absolute anger while staring him down. You hated him. He hated you. But the WWE Universe seemed to grab an interest with this heated moment between you two, hoping an intergender match would come to be to settle your new feud with the heavyweight champion.
Another episode of Monday Night Raw had arrived. Tonight, you had a match with Paige to gain momentum to have your rematch with Nikki Bella for the Divas Championship. Seth Rollins, on the other hand, had a match with Randy Orton, after he betrayed him last week during a handicap match with Roman Reigns. The question was…where were you? And where was Seth Rollins? No one knew your whereabouts neither his. Anytime there was a text or call, neither of you answered. When Monday Night Raw started, Stephanie came out to make an address to the WWE Universe.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Monday Night Raw! Tonight, there’s going to be matches with superstars you all love and new opportunities to be brought to the table. But, there is a huge problem. Y/N and your WWE World-heavyweight champion, Seth Rollins- “the WWE Universe booed to his name, making Stephanie laugh a bit. “They’re not here! We’ve been trying to get in contact with the two superstars and nothing has been done now. However, that doesn’t mean any changes. The Authority is confident that Rollins and Y/N WILL be here tonight. We’ll do everything we can to have them perform. With that said, ENJOY THE SHOW!”
The WWE Universe, including the staff and locker rooms, were confused as to why you and Seth were missing. You never missed any day away from Raw before. So why tonight?
The truth was you and Rollins were at the arena. However, what no one knew was that you and Seth were in his locker room, leaving hot breathy kisses all over each other as you bounced on his hard cock.
“F-fuck Seth…” you moaned, your breasts jiggling with each thrust. Seth had a tight grip on your ass while the other hand was around your hip. His groans making you even wetter.
“Good girl. Take every inch of my cock like the slut you are.” He muttered, his grip on your ass getting tighter, white knuckles forming. He was enjoying how you took his length, his tip always hitting your spot with each thrust.
“Y-you know…The Authority’s not going to like this.” You whined, not wanting him to stop fucking you like this. His thrusts were deep and slow, making sure your walls will remember his shape.
“Oh, shut up. They’re not going to do anything. Besides, this will be our little dirty secret.” He replied, his face going up to one of your breasts, roughly sucking on some skin. You gasped from how he sunk his teeth into your flesh, leaving bite marks and hickeys all over your breasts – you were lucky to have ring gear that didn’t show your breasts or cleavage.
“Fuck, baby…” He groaned “Why haven’t we been doing this before?” His hands now grab your ass as he thrusts a little faster. You threw your head back, covering your screams with one hand so neither of you would get caught.
“You…You know I still hate your guts, right?” you giggled, making Rollins deliver a hard slap across your ass, earning a whine from your lips.
“I hate you too…but why do I love this so damn much?” He asked with breathy moans, “You’re still a little brat. Don’t forget that.”
“I could care less…fuck right there…You’re still an asshole”
“I know, sweetheart. Now be quiet and take this dick like a good little bitch.”
As much as you both hated to admit it, you both drove each other crazy, sexually and in a weird sort of way romantically too. But that would’ve been way too soon. Besides what would the WWE Universe think if they found out about your hidden relationship? Seth Rollins, a total heel who’s also a huge asshole. You, an adored babyface who deserves to be champion. You two could never let them find out. Not now and not anytime soon.
You lost your thought when you felt another slap on your ass from Seth, his thrusts getting sloppy. You knew he was going to cum. You hope he came inside of you, to remind you about your secret. Only he could fuck you this good and make you never want to stop things with him. You’d do crazy shit for him if you wanted to.
“Baby…I’m getting close. I’m going to cum in you.” He growled as his thrusts get faster, earning high pitched moans from your lips. He fucks you way too good.
“M-Me too…” You were shaking, desperately to cum your stomach tightening for release.
“I know baby…Remember we got to be quiet. We don’t want no one finding this out do we?”
You shut him up by pressing your lips against his – muffled moans as he came in your pussy, you following him, his arms holding your hips down tightly as he rode out his orgasm. His warm cum leaking out of you made you beg for more. You stayed on top of him, his cock still inside of your cunt as you looked into his eyes, he gave you that same cocky smile like he did that night.
“Fuck, baby…You drained me like that. I don’t know if I’ll have enough energy for my match tonight.” He laughed, leaving another slap on your ass cheek. You giggled as you wiggled your ass, your cunt throbbing from how sensitive you were.
“Same here…How are we supposed to tell everyone where we were?” You asked, your breaths were hoarse.
“We don’t. And this stays between us. Understood?”
“Whatever you say, asshat.”
You and Seth looked into each other’s eyes, with a stare down, heavy breathing coming from the both of you. As you laid your head in the crook of his neck, he played with some strands of your hair, admiring you.
“You know…I been meaning to ask you. Are you still mad at me for costing you a title match?” he mocked.
“Hmm…maybe.” You chuckled, surprised that he recognized that he was wrong for that.
“How about…I take you out for dinner and eat your cunt as an apology?” he offered “Besides, we need to get ready for our matches.”
“Hm…Sounds like a plan” You replied.
You raised your head and smiled at him before giving him another kiss
“Even though we’re supposed to hate each other, I actually like you.”
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leahsflwer · 5 months
Dating Becky Lynch head-canons 🧡🐐
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❥ Warnings: Smut is included ⚠️‼️, argument topics, swearing, adult content really, fem! Oral, typical romance
❥ Becky Lynch x Fem!reader
Becky Lynch Masterlist || WWE masterlist || Requests
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: ̗̀➛ You two will be eating a lot of chocolate, specifically Cadbury chocolate (Her favourite) because Becky is obsessed with eating it
: ̗̀➛ Becky is definitely super clingy in a relationship. She'd also be super touchy, wanting to constantly be close and holding that person's hand or wanting to give them kisses.
: ̗̀➛ Plus, she would be so excited to show off her boyfriend, girlfriend, or significant other wherever she went. She'd be like "That's them! They're my someone!"
: ̗̀➛ Becky would love the classic date ideas, like going to the movies or out to dinner, but she'd also love more original and creative ideas that are also romantic, up to anything.
: ̗̀➛ Becky is also a very romantic flirt. She'll flirt by paying very close attention to those finer details. Like noticing small habits of yours, getting you things you once mentioned, remembering your orders, favourite colours.
: ̗̀➛ She would definitely keep her serious “the man” type of energy around the ring or on camera, but off camera and when you’re alone, she is very soft and gentle with you
: ̗̀➛ Becky would mention you in her book very often and rant about how much you helped her
: ̗̀➛ This woman loves to gently run her fingers along you, over tattoos if you have any, over your scars, over you sensitive skin, it doesn’t matter, she just loves to see you tense up from her sudden affection and touch.
: ̗̀➛ Prefers gifts she can keep (minus chocolate she loves that), but she prefers things that can hold memories like necklaces, bracelets, clothing, photos, things like that.
: ̗̀➛ With how much she likes to touch you, don’t be surprised if her hand slides up your thigh to touch you, she likes sliding her fingers into you pants or under your skirt to hear a gasp, it gives her the confidence she needs to take control
: ̗̀➛ She definitely had a dominant side, but also LOVES being submissive to you, having you on top and taking full advantage of her (with consent of course) and she will praise you for it
: ̗̀➛ She knows how turned on you get from her Irish accent, so she will purposely call you nicknames such as “darling, my love” or just simply whisper to you with her strong accent just to see if you will shiver or blush
: ̗̀➛ Always wants to tag team with you
: ̗̀➛ Now this woman is into giving you oral. Yes she likes receiving it, but not as much as she enjoys giving it to you. Eating you out or using her tongue to tease you as her fingers push deeper inside you, it makes her wet as the ocean
: ̗̀➛ One of her weaknesses is neck kisses or you kissing her inner thigh
: ̗̀➛ She does the jealous tongue thing anytime you’re very touchy or laughing with someone else, she likes you hanging with others but can’t help but get jealous and wish it was her you were doing that with
: ̗̀➛ Which genuinely ends up in make up sex or her pushing you to the edge but stopping every time you close, just to give you the most intense orgasm at the end
: ̗̀➛ Lets you play with her soft hair and even style it for the day or for work as she trusts you well, even if it looks like a mess, she’s the man, so she can pull anything off
: ̗̀➛ Will stand up for you and happily fight others for you, but you have to remind her to stay out of trouble so she doesn’t come home with more injuries each day
: ̗̀➛ Give her lots of back rubs, if you have long(ish)er nails, that’s even better for her. It helps her relax and even sleep after a stressful day at work. Cuddles are the best for her.
: ̗̀➛ She definitely likes to run off with you just so you can run off and make out, or simply get some alone time to rant about things
: ̗̀➛ Likes to keep a photo album of you both cause she loves to keep memories
: ̗̀➛ She is most likely into someone bigger then her, not exactly height, but the size of your body. She is a skinnier girly and would adore you being bigger even just a bit or heaps. Something about it makes her want to lay on you, and as she says “give me more to kiss”.
: ̗̀➛ Will always listen to your problems and instantly turn into a free therapist, as long as you give her a kiss or listen to her thoughts as well. Like this relationship would have perfect communication.
: ̗̀➛ You are both wearing each other’s clothing, even if it’s just random jackets, glasses, hats, anything, you guys are sharing all the time
: ̗̀➛ When you two argue it can get heated but she will usually come out of your shared room and sit down with you after ordering take out and you would just watch a movie while eating and end up forgetting all about it, maybe an apology and then you will both laugh it off and watch the film while stuffing your mouths
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smolwritingchick · 10 months
Forced To Believe Masterlist
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A Dean Ambrose x OC story! The Shield 4th member.
Summary: Taking place during the start of The Shield's debut in 2012, follow Morgan Lopez's career as she becomes a member of The Shield, revamps herself as The Outspoken Diva and makes a name for herself in WWE.
OC Profile of Morgan Lopez
Chapter 1- So, You Wanna Wrestle?
Chapter 2- My WWE Debut
Chapter 3- Fighting Back
Chapter 4- My First Wrestlemania
Chapter 5- Becoming Heel
Chapter 6- Total Divas Season 1 Episode 1
Chapter 7- The Shield's Girl
Chapter 8- Total Divas Season 1 Episode 2
Chapter 9- The Shield Isn't Unstoppable
Chapter 10- Total Divas Season 1 Episode 4
Chapter 11- Justice Continues Being Served
Chapter 12- The Underdog from Philly
Chapter 13- Catching Up Before MITB
Chapter 14- Money In The Bank 2013
Chapter 15- Total Slap!
Chapter 16- Frustration
Chapter 17- Total Divas Season 1 Episode 5
Chapter 18- I Know What I Have To Do
Chapter 19- Do You Know Who I Am!?
Chapter 20- Total Divas Season 1 Episode 6
Chapter 21- Army of One
Chapter 22- Wiping That Smirk Off Your Face
Chapter 23- You Look Like You've Seen A Ghost
Chapter 24- Total Divas Season 1 Episode 7
Chapter 25- Mommy Knows Best
Chapter 26- Revenge Is Sweet
Chapter 27- Total Divas Season 1 Episode 8
Chapter 28- Is That You Being Serious?
Chapter 29- In Due Time
Chapter 30- Trying To Gain Momentum
Chapter 31- The Slammy Awards
Chapter 32- That Was A Miracle
Chapter 33- The Answer Is No
Chapter 34- Tribute To The Troops
Chapter 35- Morgan's Answer
Chapter 36- Move Thief
Chapter 37- Meeting Hot Rod
Chapter 38- Respect
Chapter 39- I Hate Snakes
Chapter 40- If Only You Knew
Chapter 41- Making A Statement
Chapter 42- Yikes
Chapter 43- Sister Abigail
Chapter 44- I Lost Her
Chapter 45- She Belongs To Us Now
Chapter 46- I See What You Want
Chapter 47- Armageddon
Chapter 48- Armageddon Part 2
Chapter 49- That Supernatural Stuff Don't Work
Chapter 50- What Are You Doing!?
Chapter 51- Things Got Personal
Chapter 52- He Kept His Word
Chapter 53- Harley Mode Was Captivating
Chapter 54- Rosa's Mind Games
Chapter 55- Togetherness
Chapter 56- Public Displays of Affection
Chapter 57- The Shield Against The Authority
Chapter 58- Bad News Dinner
Chapter 59- Getting The Upper Hand
Chapter 60- Annihilated
Chapter 61- Catching Up With Old Friends
Chapter 62- Wrestling's Fun
Chapter 63- Get Back Here!
Chapter 64- War
Chapter 65- Trust Is Dead To Us Now
Chapter 66- Confronting The Sellout
Chapter 67- Going Our Separate Ways
Chapter 68- They Can't Control Me
Chapter 69- Clock Is Ticking Morgan
Chapter 70- Outsmarting The Architect
Chapter 71- Closing The Chapter
Chapter 72- I Win (All Hell Breaks Loose)
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v4mp-reads · 9 months
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Not my gif^
Hi I'm Ray. I write Multi-fandom fics. I also take request so please feel free to request.
I will write full storys along with oneshots
Here are some of the fandoms/subs I will write about
•Sam and Colby along with Jake Webber and Johnnie Gilbert
• criminal minds
• tlou
Please read the smut guidelines plz
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queencherryberry · 1 year
This is waaayyy over due. I know I said I was supposed to post this back in January when Riddles suspension was supposed to end but everyone kept giving him heat. So I waited till the smoke cleared. @randy-ortons-chair if you’re still on here, here’s part 2. And @alyyaanna thank you for giving me the courage to post this despite the Riddle hate that still goes around me.
Minors don’t interact. 18+. Warnings I can think of to give this: morning sex, anxiety attack, slight dirty talk, Seth being a jerk, some slight tooth rotting fluff.
Beautiful Mistakes pt.2
It has been a month since that night you and Matt hooked up. You guys thought it would have made your friendship awkward but honestly it made you guys closer and within a month you and Riddle had actually started acting like a couple. How Seth was talking it though, he still had no idea. You had already mentally detached yourself from the dead relationship between you and Seth. He was still oblivious to your sneaking around with Riddle. Seth only understood that you were really upset with him.
By now Seth just thinks that you fully moved in with your brother. Truth be told you actually moved in with Matt. You gave Matt his quality time with his kids whenever he had them or whenever they came over. Eventually Matt and his kids started inviting you to come out with them. You and Matt were never too heavy on the pda in public, but behind closed doors either on the road or when his kids had gone back to Lisa’s, you two couldn’t keep your hands to each other.
It was Monday night, the Raw after Extreme Rules, you were walking back towards the lounge area after grabbing a bite to eat from catering. You had been avoiding Seth the whole night as well as every Monday night. Tonight was no acception. You were pulled from your thoughts when someone in a white glitter like jacket pulled you into a dark empty hallway. “Sorry to get your attention like this babe, just wanted to see how you were doing. Seth giving you trouble yet or have you avoided him all night so far?” Matt asked as hand went from your arm to your waist. Matt was always cautious of your anxiety on Mondays because you were actively avoiding Seth.
“I haven’t seen him all night so I think I’m doing a good job avoiding him.” You replied. You wrapped your arms around Riddle’s torso into a hug, and he hugged back. You smiled up at him. “Have I ever told you, you look really hot in white?” You flirted looking up at him. He smiled his usual golden retriever smile and kissed your forehead. “You’re hot all the time babe. Especially when you….” You cut him off by pulling his face down to yours and kissing him. You figured that since it was an empty hallway you and Matt could get away with a quickie. You tugged on his jacket zipper. Part of his bare chest started to peak under the white glittery jacket he was wearing.
After what seemed like 20 minutes, your legs were shaking. They had been wrapped around Riddles’ waist while he had nailed you into the wall. You were mostly sure that this time there was bruising on your hips but it felt so good. Matt himself had just as much damage as he did to you. Deep nail indentations and scratches littered his back. Bite marks on his neck and shoulders visibly present from when you hid your screams from your orgasm. Don’t worry, your neck matched his too. Riddle tugged his trunks back up after he set you back down on one of the road carts. He readjusted himself and put his jacket back on. You put your panties and leggings back on as well.
Later on in the show Matt and Seth had to do a promo against each other. You sat back in the gorilla watching the monitor as both men were in the ring. Seth was clearly very heated, and that was putting it nicely. Everything was going well for the promo till Seth started getting personal. “Riddle, Riddle…..how about you remove your head from the clouds and from between my ex’s ***** and take your job seriously…” Seth said as you heard metaphorical shots fired. Good thing they bleeped out the second half of Seth’s comment. Your face was red with shock and embarrassment, Matt was also pissed by Seth’s words. He grinded his teeth. Seth continued, “while you're at it Riddle….just admit you slept with her to get back at me. HAHAHA. And let’s not forget to give her some air. Pull her off her knees. She must be getting sore.” Seth grinned.
Your jaw dropped and now your face was red with anger. It was Matt’s turn to speak. “Whoa, whoa. Not cool bro. At least I give her undivided attention. At least she’s happy with me, bro. I don’t have some big ass ego pushing her away.” Matt said getting in Seth’s face. Seth threw the first punch and the two of them started brawling before being separated by officials. You went and hid in the car you and Matt came in together. All you wanted to do now was go back to the hotel, maybe dissolve in the hot tub and then go to bed and forget the words Seth said. You rested your head on the headrest as light tears started down your face. 3 years together and that’s how Seth thinks of you? He basically called you a slut for moving on and finding happiness. You sniffed trying to hold the hurt in but then in a matter of seconds your face was covered in tears. You pulled your knees up to your chest and started bawling. Your phone vibrates and you try to calm yourself to answer your brother who was calling.
“H-hello? No… I’m fine. *sniffle* So what? Yeah Colby said a few hurtful words, it’s business. *sniffle* No, I haven't seen Matty since before their brawl started. Yes, he’s treating me a lot better than Colby did in 3 years. I just *sniffle* got tired of Colby’s ego. Matt’s a big sweetheart. How’s recovery? How’s the kids? Yeah. When do you think you’ll be back?” You talked to your brother for about an or 2 before you hung up and Matt found you in the car. By now your brother had calmed you down from your anxiety attack. “There you are babe. You okay? Someone said you ran out of the arena crying.” Matt asked you with concern. Your heart swelled. It was little things like this that drew you to Matt. Things like this is what Seth hasn’t done in a very long time.
Once at the hotel you and Matt checked in and went to settle your things in the room. You threw on your swimsuit. You layered it with an old pair of basketball shorts and a baggy tshirt. You went straight to the hot tub and relaxed. Matt followed not too far behind. He could tell something was still bothering you. Given Matt knew your brother, he wasn’t going to push you to open up if you didn’t feel comfortable. He’d wait till you were ready to talk. You scooted over to sit by Matt and put your head on his shoulder. He In return kissed your forehead. “You alright babe?” He asked and got a tired nod in return from you. “Just tired is all.” You yawned. You barely remembered getting out of the hot tub and drying off and heading back to the room for a long nights rest. The thing is, Matt was in for a long night, he knew he wouldn’t be getting much sleep. He’s seen you go through something like this before. He’d need to keep a close eye on you in case you woke up in a stress induced panic attack. He rubbed your back hoping that would help you remain calm while you slept. He did this for a few hours till he was sure it was good to fall asleep himself. He pulled you close and loosely wrapped his arms around you. Soon both of you were in dreamland.
You were the first one to wake up in the morning. You checked your phone and saw it was only 9am. You slipped out of bed carefully not to wake Matt. You went to the bathroom and changed out of your clothes from last night. You then crawled back into bed naked. You already knew Matt slept naked so it made your plan a lot easier. You reached carefully under the covers to confirm your thoughts. You smirked to yourself when they were indeed confirmed. Matt was still sleeping but had morning wood. You quickly put your hair in a ponytail and crawled between his legs under the covers. You tested just how asleep he was by licking the head of cock slowly. When he groaned in his sleep you went right to work and took him into your mouth. When you heard Matt moan, that's when you knew he was fully awake now. You bobbed your head up and down making Matt squirm and moan under you. It kinda took you by surprise when Matt grabbed the back of your head by your ponytail and started guiding you to the speed he wanted. “Good morning to you too babe.” Matt mumbled through moans. Soon his back was arched off the bed as you started deep throating him. You dug your nails into his inner thighs and went fast. Next thing you knew your face was in the pillows as Matt slammed into you from behind. “Matt! Fuck! Yes!” You whined. Matt grabbed a fist full of your hair and pulled causing your back to arch more and making him deeper. You kept screaming his name till you felt him grab one of your legs and put it over his shoulder. You were certain that at this angle, Matt was as balls deep as he’s ever been. “Daddy I’m gonna…..I’m……gonna…….” You tried to moan out the words without thinking about what you were saying. Matt knew what you were trying to say so he reached down and rubbed fast circles on your clit till he felt your walls clamp down on his cock. “Fuck babe. So tight…” he moaned into your ear from behind. “Come for me.” He harshly started sucking on your sensitive spot just below your ear. You didn’t have to be told twice. You came and a few short thrusts later Matt did too. You were a panting mess after Matt pulled out. You actually whined at the loss of contact. For a moment you were stuck in the all fours position with your face still going through the motions of your orgasm. Matt smiled at his work and went to go start a shower to clean up both of you for the day. Matt’s seed leaked down your inner thighs, once you caught your breath you checked your phone again. Damn, Matt lasted 3 hours, it was already noon. You heard the water running and plopped over on your side. You rubbed your thighs together feeling the stickiness between them. You felt full to the brim.
When you could feel your legs again you sat up on the edge of the bed and stretched. Matt walked over and offered help in case your legs were still wobbly. You let him pick you up and carry you to the shower. You both cleaned up, got ready for the day, packed up everything and checked out. Matt loaded both your guys bags and you guys left for the gym before hitting the road to the next town.
Later on at the show, you and Matt walked into the stadium and went your separate ways to your respective locker rooms. Once you got to your locker room you walked in to set your stuff down and get changed. Upon walking in you were greeted with a surprise: Your older brother was back from injury! You dropped everything and ran to hug him nearly in tears. “Randal!” You hugged your brother for what felt like forever.
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damiansgoodgirll · 6 months
hello, can you write about damian priest x reader where she just got into the main roster on RAW and she felt left out in the women's lockerroom (except becky and liv) and a impossible crush with the archer of infamy but he is the one who ask her out
love this request!
‼️a little angst and rhea’s a little mean, sorry
damian priest x reader
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my birdie
you were a shy person.
always been. but when it came to wrestling, you were an animal, everyone knew about your abilities and they loved you for it. that’s why you went from nxt to smackdown and from smackdown to raw in less than two years.
people wanted to see you doing big things and big things came when hunter placed you in a completely different roaster.
you made some friends in nxt, you’ve been there the most so your colleagues got to know you better. it’s not that you were rude, you didn’t like being on your own either but you were shy.
some of your colleagues got to know this side of you and tried to involve you in more activities together, others didn’t care as they all wanted to focus on themselves.
when you spent a few months on smackdown, everyone apart from bayley ignored you. she immediately understood what you were feeling. fear of being alone and starting in a roaster where you didn’t know anybody and the fact that you weren’t talkative at all was making it 100% harder.
you were grateful for bayley and for her patience with you, that’s why you cried to her when you were being shifted on raw.
you wanted to be on raw, you were just scared of how you were going to be treated. it wasn’t easy on smackdown but at least you made a friend.
the first two weeks were hard. bayley was constantly checking on you, making sure you were okay and doing good. she even said to the other girls that you were shy and needed a little time to open up but it felt like they didn’t care.
liv and becky were the only two people who never made you feel unwanted. they took times to introduce you to the rest of the raw squad.
basically, everyone was ignoring you.
shayna tried to get to know you, and in fact she liked your shy and calm persona but she was too focused on her goals to have time to get to know you better. still, you appreciated her efforts. she still spent time eating lunch with you and you were really grateful for that.
but, apart from the three girls, it was clear that you were unwanted. other girls saw you as a threat.
especially rhea. you would describe the meeting with the judgment day “the most scary day of your life”. liv introduced you to them and you felt like an animal in a cage when you felt all of their eyes on you.
dom and finn didn’t really care about you. rhea ignored you but kept watching you. damian, well, damian had the audacity to make some stupid jokes about your shy persona.
“what is a scared birdie like you doing in a place like this?” he joked making everyone but liv laugh “cat really got your tongue birdie? be safe out there, you’re a little bird in a room full of cats ready to eat you alive”
“and the one right here” dom said pointing at rhea “is the scariest cat you’ll ever meet” and with that they all left.
you remember crying that night.
you also knew that becky and liv had a conversation with them because they stopped poking at you. they just watched you from afar. especially damian. who you got a little crush on but could never tell him. you couldn’t really understand why he was constantly watching you. when you were training. when you were on live television. when you were basically doing nothing. he was watching you and his beautiful but firm eyes made you a little scared.
“what is she doing here?” you heard rhea saying to finn, one time you were all training together. she didn’t know you were listening but you were. and her words hurt you “she looks like a lost princess from disneyland” she said making finn laugh.
you excused yourself from training with becky and seth and they immediately knew something was wrong. they took you under their protective wing, training with you and teaching you new moves.
“jeez rhea, was that necessary?” becky said with an angry look on her face.
“what?” she said like nothing happened.
“why do you all hate her so much? what has she ever done to you?” seth said to finn and the rest of the judgment day.
they had no reason to hate her “like i thought” seth said.
“she’s in the wrong place” rhea said, not making eye contact with becky.
“wrong place? she kicked your ass last week” becky said laughing “just because she’s shy doesn’t mean she isn’t capable, she’s just as smart and strong as you rhea…she just has more difficulty to open up to people…you guys should help her instead of making fun of her, or at least, if you don’t feel that kind to get to know her, ignore her…for her own sake, stop making fun of her” becky said very annoyed before leaving with seth.
that night you kept thinking about rhea’s words. maybe you really were in the wrong place. maybe you didn’t belong with them. maybe you really should be doing something different. and those thoughts made you cry because wrestling was all you ever wanted to do in your entire life.
but before you could overthink again, a soft knock on your hotel room awaked you from your wandering mind.
you weren’t definitely expecting to see damian priest in front of you.
“hey…” he smiled at you.
“you should at least wait until tomorrow to make fun of me” you said, looking at the ground “again…”
damian felt guilty.
he saw how you quickly wiped your tears away. he also knew he fucked up.
he felt guilty because in reality he was in love with you. you caught his attention the moment liv introduced you to them. he was watching every move you made, making sure you were being safe but he didn’t want to let you know what he was feeling.
“i’m here to apologise…”
“sure” you still weren’t looking at him.
“i’m serious y/n…i’m so sorry for how i made you feel, for how me and my team made you feel…” he began apologising and you let him in the room before you could catch other’s attention “we thought it was funny at first but…we clearly weren’t thinking and for that i’m so sorry, we didn’t mean to hurt you” he said truthfully but still you weren’t looking at him.
his eyes had a different effect on you.
“can you please look at me?” he said moving closer to your body “are you scared of me birdie?”
“i’m not scared…” you said raising your eyes.
now you were both looking into each other’s eyes.
“i’m sorry…really, so so sorry for hurting you…” he apologised again.
“it’s okay damian…thank you for your apology, uhm…it’s okay now i guess” you shyly smiled at him.
“and if you’re okay…i would like to get to know you a little bit more…only if you’re okay with that” he said a little awkwardly.
“yes…it’s okay for me”
“perfect” he smiled “what about tomorrow? i’ll take you somewhere nice for lunch, if you’re free of course” he rambled.
“i’m free” you smiled, seeing how funny he was being.
“then i’ll see you tomorrow birdie” he smirked before leaving your room.
“would you ever stop calling me that?” you asked him.
“i don’t think so” he smiled at you closing your hotel door.
you looked at the door for about ten minutes before moving into your bed, smiling like a teen who just got asked out.
now, all you had to do was to get a nice sleep and waiting for tomorrow to come.
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imaginexwwe · 1 year
SPRING BREAK - Roman Reigns
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Just a little idea of mines 💡
"Y|N," I heard my name being called by my out of breath bestfriend as she came running back to where I was laid out on my beach towel. "Y|N." She repeated a second time after I had ignored her when she first called out to me.
I groaned silently, taking my shades off. "What, Tori?" I asked, propping myself up slightly on my elbows. "Why are you breathing so I hard?" I again asked, squinting my eyes, partly because of this bright ass Miami sun and partly because of Tori's huffing.
I mean she's breating so hard, you'd think she'd just ran a marathon or something.
Before answering me, Tori grabbed at her half drunked water bottle, taking a long sip, holding up a finger.
"Damn," She said once she had put the water bottle down. "I needed that. Like you don't even know." Tori added, a giggle escaping her lips. "It's hot."
"And you were just running like you stole something." I replied with a giggle of my own. "Or someone was after you."
Tori shook her head. "No, no one was after me," She began explaining, a smirk forming on her face. "But I did meet this guy at the bar and I invited him back to the house tonight."
Is she serious?
We've been in Miami for less than a day and she's already picking up guys at a bar and inviting him to the house.
Correction, my dad and step mom's beach house.
"Can't you just go back to his place or something?" I asked, with a sigh. "I really don't feel like spending my first day or any day of spring break listening to you moaning out some random dude's name. Plus my dad will kill me if they knew I had a guy in the house. You know how strict that man is."
Tori shrugged, looking around at nothing is particular. "Do you see your dad here?"
"Me either," Tori said, with a sigh of her own, the only difference between hers and mines, was that hers was more of a happy kind of sigh. "And you won't have to listen to me moaning out," She paused all of a sudden as if she was thinking. "Fuck, I forgot his name." She laughed as she leaned back on her towel. "But whatever, you won't be focused on me and the possibility of me moaning my guy's name because he promised to bring his friend so you'd have a guy who's name you could moan."
I shot a glare over at her. "I'm not fucking some random dude," I gasped out. "He could look like Pennywise for all I know."
"Okay, one," Tori replied, holding up a finger again. "I'm sure he's hot as fuck, cause the guy I invited back is hot as fuck and hot as fuck people tend to run in the same circles." She said making me almost choke on the coke I had just swallowed.
Did she have to say fuck so many times in one sentence?
"And two," Tori spoke up again, after giving me a moment ti calm down from my coughing fit. "If he did look like Pennywise, I won't let him in."
I nodded, leaning back down on my beach towel. "Better not." I playfully threatened, as I slid my shades back on.
"Oh and I'm not saying this will come up," I heard Tori once again speak up. "But if it does..." She did one of her dramatic pauses as her voice slowly trailed off. "Tell him you're twenty one."
The fuck?
"Why?" I gasped out, not getting an answer from Tori. "How old are these guys, Tori?" I immediately questioned again, still not getting an answer. "How old are they?"
"Bitch," Tori laughed, flicking a small amount of sand onto my leg. "Just do it."
I shook my head, brushing the sand off my leg.
I knew this wouldn't just be a relaxing girls week.
The thing I didn't know is how crazy our last week of spring break 2011 would be.
"Oh, god," Tori, exclaimed bursting in to my room, as I stood in the mirror. "I am so jealous of your guy."
I bit at the inside of my cheek, overlooking everything about my appearance from my make up, to the dress I was wearing. "Should I have gone with the tight fitted dress instead of the loose one I have on?" I mumbled, not having heard anything she'd just said.
Tori reached out and grabbed my arm, pulling me away from my mirror. "Y|N, you're gorgeous, tight dress or no tight dress." She responded, placing her hands on my shoulders giving me a slight shake. "But did you hear what I said about my guys friend?"
Tori squealed, bouncing slightly as she still had her grip on my shoulders. "The man's so sexy, he'd make you orgasm just by looking at you." She said, causing me to give her a look.
"So did you?"
Tori, furrowed her eyebrows at me, tilting her head. "Did he what?" She questioned.
I huffed. "Did he make you orgasm when he looked at you?" I asked, just barely able to hold my laughter in as I realized how extremely ridiculous Tori's words sounded coming from my mouth.
"Nope," She pouted. "He didn't look at me. But I know what I'm talking about." Tori added, once again grabbing my arm. "C'mon, before you find something else to over analyze."
I sighed, allowing my bestfriend to lead me downstairs and into the area of the house where the guys were at, which I guess you could call it the game room or whatever.
I mean it has a pool table in the center so...
"Guys, this is Y|N," Tori said loudly, getting the two guys attention. "The person who owns this house, so if you fuck something up she'll fuck you up and I'll help." She spoke again, causing me to bite down on my lip in attempt to keep from laughing.
There was no way in hell, my five foot, three inches ass, and Tori's five foot four inches ass was beating these muscular men.
But I guess we'll have to try since Tori's put it out there.
"Y|N," Tori's voice rang in my ears, snapping me from my thoughts. "This is Chaz," She said, continuing her introductions, and even though she said Chaz, her eyes and his reaction seemed to say that she had gotten his name wrong. "And this is Joseph." She added, nudging me, I guess to let me know that was the friend who's here for me.
Damn, I thought.
Tori was not wrong about him.
"You could just call me Joe." Joseph, I mean, Joe said taking a few steps closer to Tori and I, his hand outstretched to me.
"Excuse me," Tori giggled, a bit sarcastically. "He's just Joe."
I nodded, ignoring Tori as I reached out to take Joe's hand. "Y|N." I replied, mentally cursing at myself for saying my name again, after Tori had just announced it literally thirty seconds ago.
"Nice to meet you, Y|N." Joe responded, flashing a bright smile to me.
If his gaze wasn't enough to make a pool down there, his smile definitely would get the job done.
"And I'm Chad." Tori's guy from the bar cleared his throat as I continued to have this weird moment with Joe, my hand still in his. "Not Chaz."
I slowly pulled my hand away from Joe's, about to respond to Chad only to be interrupted by Tori as she turned on some music from her phone.
"Enough with the names." Tori groaned, turning the music up even more than it already was. "Let's do shots!" She shouted bringing over a bottle of Hennessy, placing it down on the pool table to go over and search for shot glasses.
The fuck did that come from?
"Tori," I gasped, the second she came back to the group with the shot glasses and a bottle of coke, I'm guessing to chase the liquor with. "Where did you get this?" I asked, glaring at her as she gave me a look.
"From the bar downstairs." She said through clenched teeth, before forcing out a quick laugh. "Forgot you had it?" She asked, playing off my question with one of her own.
I guess not to bring suspicion to the guys or our age.
She did say to tell them we were twenty one if the question came up.
I forced out a laugh of my own. "Right..." I trailed off. "I guess I forgot I had that considering I'm more of a wine drinker than a Hennessy drinker."
Tori mumbled a barely audible, "mhm..." as she began pouring the brown liquid into the miniature glasses, handing them out to the four of us. "To spring break twenty eleven and to new friends."
Ugh, my dad's gonna kill me whenever he does come back here, and sees his liquor's missing.
But maybe he won't notice.
"To spring break twenty fifteen and new friends." I repeated after Tori, Joe, and Chad, throwing my head back and downing my shot in one gulp.
Fuck that burns, I thought to myself as the brown liquor quickly made it's way down my throat, then almost instantly threatened to come back up.
"Take a sip of this." I heard Joe say, as he reached out to me, passing me a plastic red cup. "It'll help it stay down." He added, a smirk now replacing his smile.
And even though he was smirking, it wasn't a sneaky smirk where I felt worried.
It was more of a proud smirk, I that makes since.
I took the red plastic cup, feeling the coldness from the coke soothing the burn that the Hennessy left behind. "How did you know I needed this?" I asked, just knowing my cheeks were red from embarrassment.
"The look you made was similar to the one I made when I had my first taste of Hennessy." He explained, with a chuckle. "Then I discovered it was easier with a chaser."
I nodded, biting at the inside of my cheek. "But I didn't see you chasing it." I replied, noticing Joe had only poured me a bit of coke, and none for himself. "And you definitely don't look like someone who's fighting to keep it down."
Joe again chuckled. "I'm used to it."
"Oh, well," I said, bringing my hand up to twirl a piece of hair that fell in my face. "Like I said, this isn't my go to."
"I know," Joe replied, coming a little closer, reaching out to tuck the piece of hair I was just twirling behind my ear. "You're more of a wine person."
"Exactly." I whispered, suddenly unable to tear my eyes from his.
It was now a little while into the party, the music from Tori's phone was blasting even louder and she had taken Chad up to the room she was staying in while we were here.
I was a couple more shots of Hennessy in and had finally built up enough liquid courage, as they say, to lean in for a kiss from Joe while he stood between my legs as I sat on top of the pool table.
After a few seconds of sloppily making out, I slowly pulled away, breathlessly, giggling at the smeared lipstick I left on him. "I got lipstick on you." I said, running my thumb along his lips trying to wipe as much off as I could.
"I don't care." Joe quickly replied, sticking his tongue out just enough for it to brush against my thumb, before bringing his face down to the my neck, almost immediately finding my sweet spot.
A soft moan escaped from my mouth as I bit down on my lips. "Mmm..." I mumbled, enjoying the feeling of Joe's lips on my neck. "Wanna move over to the couch?" I finally was able to ask, before letting out yet another moan.
Joe pulled away from my neck, lifting me up from my spot on the pool table, and over to the couch and the second he made contact with the leather couch, I pushed him back, allowing myself to be on top.
I leaned down, reconnecting my lips with his, my hair falling around us while our tongues fought for dominance.
His hands slowly traveled up into my dress, stopping at my butt, as he pushed me even closer into him.
It was like my body now had a mind of its own as my hips began to rotate on top of the buldge that was now poking through his jeans.
The feeling of him pressing up against me giving me a sensation I don't think I've ever felt with any of the other guys I've been with in the past.
What is it about this man?
But as fast as the feeling had started, it stopped when I heard my bestfriend's voice getting closer and closer.
"I promise I wasn't squinting at your dick, Chaz," I heard her say, as I glanced down at the man underneath me. "It was something in my eye, that's all." Tori spoke again, her voice and footsteps now sounding like they were right outside the room Joe and I were I'm.
A loud scoff was heard, followed by Joe's friend's voice. "Oh, something just so happened to irritate your eyes the second I took my boxers off, Tori?"
Feeling a laugh coming, I immediately clasped my hand over my mouth.
"It was a coincidence." Tori replied.
"Joe..?" Chad could be heard calling out, seemingly ignoring Tori's previous statement. "Joe?" I heard him call again, before eventually coming into the room where Joe and I were. Tori following closely behind. "Ready to go?"
Joe shook his head, a frown forming on his face as he looked from his friend to me. "Do I look ready to go?" He sarcastically asked, motioning to me as I sat comfortably on his lap.
"But dude, you drove." Chad mumbled, awkwardly standing in the doorway, eventually letting out a sigh when he realized Joe had zero intention in leaving right now. "Fine, I'll just walk." He said, turning around, almost bumping into Tori as she made her way into the room. "And for the last time, my name's Chad not Chaz." He told her before disappearing out the room, and eventually out the beach house.
"Whatever," Tori said smirking as she walked over to the couch me and Joe was currently occupying. "Looks like it's just the three of us." She added, squeezing in the narrow space that was left on the couch.
I pouted, leaning my head down to reat on Joe's chest for a second before bringing it back up, glaring at my bestfriend. "Seriously Tori?"
"What?" She asked back, pretending to be clueless as to why I was quickly becoming frustrated with her.
I rolled my eyes, looking down at Joe.
Lust was very much evident in his eyes, as I'm sure it was in mines.
Was I really gonna let her ruin the mood between me and him?
Fuck no, I mentally answered myself before I quickly stood up, extending a hand to Joe as he looked slightly confused.
"Let's go upstairs to my room." I said, quickly pecking his lips.
The taller and much bigger man nodded silently as he held onto my hand and allowed me to lead him upstairs.
I don't know what had gotten into me.
Maybe it was the few shots of Hennessy.
Maybe it was the sexy stranger I'd come to know as Joe.
Or maybe both.
But whatever it was, I knew I wasn't ready for the night to end.
Not yet, anyway.
"Don't forget to use a condom!" Tori yelled put as we made our way up the stairs.
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racerchix21 · 2 years
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Christmases With You
Word Count: 1518
A/N: A couple days late I know but it’s sweet and fluffy.
Summary: Christmases with the Shield boys are always an adventure but for once they get a nice little break from work and the chaotic mess that WWE is. Seth's got something special planned this year and well maybe his boys have some surprises of their own.
Tagging: @niknakbucks92 @queenslayer1985 @queencherryberry @sunnyfleur23 @tatsueigo @wickedsunfire @youngloveleroy @wildwolfxstrangledwolf
Work Text:
If anyone had told Seth Rollins last Christmas that he’d be waking up with a sleepy armful of Dean Ambrose, he’d have punched them in the face. Especially after everything he’d done to Dean and to Roman breaking their hearts over and over. Speaking of Big Dog, Seth reaches behind himself to find the other man and comes up with cold sheets.
Leaning down and pressing a quick kiss to Dean’s forehead, Seth murmurs ���I’m gonna go find Rome and get us coffee, baby boy. I’ll see if I can’t convince Big Dog to let us open our presents a little early cuz I got a little surprise for you.”
Seth laughs when he sees how his boyfriends eyes light up at the word surprise and suddenly he’s laying in bed by himself. As he gets out of bed himself he can hear Dean stumbling down the stairs and a grunt as Roman eats an Ambrose elbow if Seth guesses correctly.
“Dammit, Dean slow down before you break something. If you break yourself, Seth and I aren’t gonna be able to love on you the way you wanna be,” Roman growls and from where he is on the stairs Seth can see the way Dean shivers at Roman’s words.
“But Ro, Sethie said he got us a surprise and I wanna see what it is. Don’t you wanna see what he got us? I bet it’s cheesy but classically Seth. Maybe it’s a puppy or mayb-,” Dean rambles, getting cut off by Roman and Seth sandwiching him between them.
“Yeah baby boy I did say a surprise but Romie’s right you do need to calm down for a minute. Let’s go eat breakfast then we’ll see about opening up presents, okay? I promise it’ll be worth the wait,” Seth murmurs against his neck glancing up at Roman and recognizes the look of interest in his eyes and the split lip he got courtesy of Dean’s elbow. “You okay there Big Dog? Let’s go get that cleaned up before we eat breakfast.”
“It’s fine Seth. Let’s go eat real quick so someone can get his surprise or we’re gonna have a grumpy, pouting Ambrose to contend with and we both know what that’s like.”
“Come on! Sethie, Rome please please please can we go open up presents? It’s not fair how long you guys are making me wait to open up presents,” Dean practically begs knowing exactly how to get his boys to do whatever he wants. He knows that a combination of begging real pretty and puppy eyes 99.9% get to Seth and if Seth falls for it Ro isn’t far behind.
“Fine, but I get to pick what movie we watch tonight. No buts Ambrose,” Seth consents before looking once again at, “so Ro are you ready to go see what I got the 2 of you?”
“Yeah sweetheart but not Die Hard. I’m not watching that movie again for the billionth time. I hope you guys like what I got you, I didn’t have a ton of time to get you anything too special since they’re working me harder this year than normal.”
“We’ll love it regardless, Ro. You don’t have to get us anything at all if you don’t want to. All I need is you guys and my life is perfect,” Dean says leading Seth into the living room immediately diving for the presents under the tree as Roman walks in with coffee.
“So what kinda thing am I looking for Rollins? I want my I wanna know what you got me!”
“I’ll go get your surprises here in a few minutes. First I wanna give y’all a little something because otherwise I’m gonna chicken out of it. Look up in the branches right above your head and grab those 2 little bags hanging there then come over here.”
Grabbing the bags, Dean makes himself comfortable curled up against Roman’s side handing him his own little gift. “So can we open them or do we need to wait?”
“Open them,” Seth says nervously slipping off the couch to perch on the coffee table right in front of his men. He’s been waiting for the perfect moment to give these gifts to Roman and Dean both and Christmas seemed a good a time as any.
“You got us dog tags?,” Dean says sounding disappointed. “That’s all that’s in here. I thought you said it was a surprise and I figured it’d be something good,” he pouts then corrects himself when he sees the look on Seth’s face. “Seth, I’m sorry baby.”
“No, no you’re not entirely wrong, Dean, but do me a favor and flip it over?
Ambrose + Reigns + Rollins = FOREVER
I know it’s kinda goofy but I wanna have you guys here with me for the rest of forever and since we aren’t allowed to be open about our relationship at work. I thought this way we’d always have each other without anyone else having to know about it. I guess what I’m trying to ask is will you guys be my forever and a day? Be my lovers for a lifetime? Buy a cute house, adopt a bunch of puppies with me?”
Launching themselves at their boyfriend, Dean and Roman attack Seth with kisses. “So is that a yes, then?”
“Hell yes! Yes!!,” Roman and Dean yell over each other laughing.
“Well, Deano, Ro I got you guys one more thing and I got a feeling you’ll love them as much now as you did when we saw them a few weeks ago. I had Cesaro and Sheamus bring the 2 of them over this morning,” Seth says getting up and walking out into the garage to grab his boys last surprises.
Carrying in a little bulldog puppy and a tiny golden retriever pup, Seth watches with a soft smile when their eyes light up as the puppies run off to attack them with kisses and then when they turn their attention to Kevin. “I saw the way your eyes lit up D, when we were at the shelter donating some of Kev’s old toys so I worked it out with Shannon the volunteer that showed us around for me to pick him up closer to Christmas. She called a few days ago and said that they had gotten in a sweet little golden retriever puppy that had been found on the side of the road that needed a good home and I remembered you saying something about always wanting one, Ro so I adopted him too!”
“But I thought you said we couldn’t get a dog. You guys said we didn’t have time for another animal that Kev and Darrell were already not getting enough attention,” Dean softly says.
“Well baby boy, I know that you’ve been wanting a dog of your own and the shelter said that when we left that little guy was heartbroken because he didn’t get to come home with us. Once I heard that I couldn’t think of a reason why he shouldn’t have a home with lots of toys and treats and an owner that’ll love him to death. Besides you said something about feeling a connection with him and apparently you aren’t the only one who’s had a bad start at life.”
“They’re perfect, Uce. Thank you, sweetheart for remembering me too,” Roman says pulling Seth in for another sweet coffee flavored kiss. Hearing Dean grumbling beside them, they take turns peppering his face with kisses and at one point licking his cheek just to hear him sputter some more at the indignity of it.
“Well I know these aren’t anything too special and they’re definitely not puppies but I hope y’all like these,” Roman says quietly handing Seth and Dean hastily wrapped gifts. Watching his boys open them he can see the minute it sinks in to Dean that he’s holding a box full of old wrestling tapes and the vintage shirts he’d been looking at the last time they’d been in Vegas. Seth has a similar look seeing the multiple coffee pods from a couple dozen countries and the printed confirmation sheet for tickets to go to a big concert he’d been talking about since the tour was announced.
“I got you guys a surprise too but it’s too big to bring in here so you’ll have to follow me,” Dean informs them walking down the hall to the spare room they’d been using for storage. Opening the door and stepping aside, Seth and Roman peer in to see that Dean turned it into a giant home theater with a full stocked snack bar. “So whatcha think? I figured we could all use a nice little place to kick back and relax when we’re home. I also had some help turning the basement into a home gym that we all use and yes Sethie you can do CrossFit down there. Don’t worry Rome there’s a big couch down there we can sit on to admire our man working out,” Dean says in a stage whisper just to watch Seth’s cheeks turn red.
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leahsflwer · 5 months
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༘♡ · Dating Headcanons (fluff/smut)
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༘♡ · [More to come]
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smolwritingchick · 10 months
Hi! Starting over again!
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Idk how many people may remember this blog but hi! I'm Val aka Smolwritingchick.
I used to post The Bangtan Gal here on Tumblr. A BTS Jungkook love story about an 8th member of BTS, Jennie Walker.
I'm starting over. I have two stories I want to post on here that I deleted. A wrestling story called Forced To Believe which is about a female member of The Shield from WWE (I posted that on fanfiction.net many years ago) and my BTS story, Bangtan Gal. Currently editing chapters and will post them soon.
I took a long break from writing due to my mental health and just lack of motivation to write as I focused more on work and had other passions. But I miss it and would love to repost my work. I'm not a big fan of the fanfiction.net site these days so I will be posting my stories on Wattpad, Tumblr and Archive of our own for now on.
I'm hoping to continue The Bangtan Gal as I plan out new chapters after editing the old ones. For now, what matters is that I'm having all these chapters up from what has already been written so people can reread.
This blog will focus 95% on my K-Pop story The Bangtan Gal, so expect a lot of posts and asks regarding my K-Pop story and fewer posts about my wrestling story. I'm more focused on that, so sorry in advance.
I don't really care about the notes or views. I just want to post these up again and see where it goes.
I keep rereading my stories and I really miss it so why not?
Stay tuned.
I'm also on Wattpad and Archive of Our Own
Forced To Believe Masterlist
Bangtan Gal Masterlist
Bangtan Gal Masterlist PART 2
Bangtan Gal Smol oneshot/drabble Masterlist
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trippinsorrows · 2 months
looking through your eyes + masterlist
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The Bloodline is a notorious crime family known all across the underground world. A family that’s been at the top of the food chain for generations. Currently led by the ruthless, stoic Roman Reigns, their success has never been better. But as Roman moves up the age ladder, his chief advisors are pushing him to set aside the one night stands in favor of settling down to ensure the continuation of the bloodline.
Enter: Solana Miller. Scarred both literally and figuratively from a lifetime of trauma, she finds herself embedded in a twisted game of politics when she’s forced into an arranged marriage with the tribal chief himself. A union built upon lies, Solana doesn’t expect her days to last long given Roman’s notorious temper.
Roman initially opposes the union, finding Solana to be entirely too fragile for his preference but eventually agrees under the guise that she will be unseen and unheard outside of her duties in giving him an heir.
What neither of these two realize is maybe there’s more to each other than meets the eye and that maybe the healing they’ve both been unconsciously looking for can be found in one another….. 
cw/tw: extreme violence, graphic language, murder, drugs, torture, abuse (of children and adults), childhood sexual assault, mental health struggles, mafia, crime, fluff, smut, and suggestive content
song inspo: 'looking through your eyes’ by leann rimes
pairing: roman reigns x poc!oc
feat characters: jimmy uso, jey uso, solo sikoa, naomi, nia jax, paul heyman, rikishi, the rock, sasha banks, cody rhodes, brandi rhodes, seth rollins, becky lynch, bianca belair, jade cargill, sami zayn, kevin owens, brock lesnar and more.
chapter one + chapter two + chapter three + chapter four + chapter five + chapter six + chapter seven + chapter eight + chapter nine + chapter ten + chapter eleven + chapter twelve + chapter thirteen + chapter fourteen + chapter fifteen + chapter sixteen + chapter seventeen
dulce interrupting roman and solana during 'spicy' time
roman calling sam 'solana' while being intimate
jey's bad ass kids
au roman and solana first meeting
⪨ click here to read asks regarding the story ⪩
story inspired spotify playlist
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slut4corbin · 7 months
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Note : *I have a shit ton of Damian Priest fanfictions to publish, so be ready!* 
Summary : The reader and Damian Priest have been dating for a while now but what happens when he takes the relationship between you guys a bit further
Warning (s) : Fluff and slight profanity
Your name (Y/N)
Word count : 664
Translations : Vamos ( Come on ), Lo siento ( I'm sorry ), Mi amor ( My love ), Gracias ( Thank you ), Vamonos ( Let's go ), Sì ( Yes ), Te amo ( I love you ), También ( Too )
Tag list : @adriennegabriella @dulcesitapr @sassymox @damiansgoodgirll @wwelovergirl @romanthereigns @mysticvampyre @nerdypanda20
I was sitting on a crate anxiously waiting for my boyfriend Damien Priest to come out of his locker room. "Hurry up, Damian." I said to myself before grabbing my phone and checking the time. "Fuck only 5 minutes left." I said to myself once again and with that I hopped off the crate and opened the door. Once I was inside his room, I walked over to the bathroom and knocked on the door. "Vamos Damian." I yelled quietly, trying to get his attention, which I obviously did because the door quickly opened, and there stood Damian.
"Lo siento mi amor, this gear just takes a while to put on." Damian said, leaning down and kissing my forehead. "It's fine, but we got to go. Our match is like in 3 minutes." I replied, grabbing his hand and dragging him to the gorilla. After a few seconds of fast walking and dragging Damian behind me, we finally made it to the gorilla. I quickly put my hand out and grabbed the door knob slightly, opening it, but once I did, Damian put his hand on top of mine, causing me to give him a confused look. "Let me open the door for you." He said before smirking and moving my hand out of the way and grabbing the door and opening it for me like he said he would. "Gracias, babe." I said, walking through the door with him following right behind me. "Damian Y/N, you're on now." One of the backstage workers said, and with that me and Damian walked through the curtain to the arena.
Once we got to the arena, I instantly felt overwhelmed by how the arena was full of fans. "Y/N, you will be okay, Mi amor." Damian said, trying to calm me down with his sweet words. I smile slightly, causing him to smile as well. "vamonos." I said, and with that, we took off down the ramp and towards the ring. Once we made it to the ring, Damian walked up the steps and walked across the apron, and sat on the middle rope, letting me get into the ring. Once I got into the ring, I quickly got into my corner and got ready for the bell to ring, and once it did, I took off after Becky Lynch quickly punching her in the face and quickly hitting her with the south of heaven before running over to Damian and tagging him in while Becky did the same thing.
Damian quickly went after Seth Rollins, hitting him with clotheslines after clothesline before grabbing him and hitting him with a south of heaven and quickly pinning him. The bell rang, and our music hit. I quickly got into the ring again and jumped into Damians arms. "We did it, babe." I said excitedly, causing him to smile. "Yes, we did, Mrs Priest." He replied, causing me to look at him confused. "Mrs Priest?" I asked. "Sì." He replied before putting me back down on the ground and pulling something out of his pocket, and without any hesitation, he dropped to one knee and opened the box. "Y/N, will you marry me?"
He asked with hope in his eyes. "Sì." I replied, causing him to get up and put the ring on my finger. "Te amo." I said, hugging him. Which obviously caused him to hug me back. "Te amo también ." Damian said before connecting his lips with mine in a passionate kiss. After a few minutes of kissing, I finally pulled away and grabbed his hand, getting out of the ring, and with that, we headed up to the gorilla so that we could celebrate.
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damiansgoodgirll · 1 year
football masterlist
wwe masterlist
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