#Shadowsight etc
iamfabiloz · 19 days
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The new arc’s first book blurb dropped im going to lose my shit
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raiderlucy · 3 months
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Colour Palette Meme
Daredevil + Shadowsight for @softasawhisper
send me a colour palette + show/movie/character/ship etc. and I’ll make a gifset of it.
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eelclaw · 1 year
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bramblestar's ghost annoying rootspring... maybe part of a larger project coming soon, but i really liked how this part turned out!
i'm ngl, the broken code is my absolute least favorite arc (so far). just off the top of my head, there's the god-awful pacing, the bristleroot romance, the bramblestar worship, shadowsight being punished for doing exactly what he's been trained to do, the graystripe worship, the way they argue for books about whether or not to kill bramblestar's body and also spend two whole books running in circles in the dark forest, etc.
it's especially upsetting because there was so much potential not just to tell a great story but also to teach valuable lessons to the young audience.
i love ashfur as a villain because he's so real, and that's terrifying. i love that all five clans are dragged into squirrelflight's messy and painful "love life", and, instead of blaming her for it, they should have recognized that it's not her fault and acknowledged how she's suffered quietly and alone for most of her life. i think it would have been great to make connections from bramblestar's behavior to ashfur's, which could still set up whatever the hell is going on in a starless clan.
sorry if that wasn't worded well, but to sum it up, there was so much room for character development and meaningful commentary. instead it just felt very... nothing. nothing changed during or after the events of the broken code.
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I’m seeing the current Jayfeather discourse going around and I feel like bringing up that warriors is a heavily inconsistent series which cannot consistently write its characters.
Jayfeather in PO3 and OOTS is shown to be rude to others, but it’s important to realize that a lot of this comes from the constant ableism he has to face from those around him. And he’s shown to be nice to kits, as well as being willing to help out cats around him (discovering a physical therapy technique to allow Cinderheart’s broken leg heal, taking Poppyfrost to the Moonpool so she could speak to Honeyfern, etc). Not to mention he calls out StarClan’s bullshit constantly in his pov.
AVOS onwards however there’s a point where Jayfeather is just needlessly cruel to others around him to the point where his disability doesn’t excuse it. His behavior towards Twigbranch and Alderheart is bad and he is unnecessarily mean.
But again, it’s at the point where it’s just plain bad writing.
Bramblepaw was shown to hate his father, but then an arc later trains in the dark forest with him.
Bluestar says to Leafpool that she shouldn’t blame her for actions she herself did, only to go ahead and try and send her to the dark forest.
Yellowfang goes from a snarky yet kind hearted cat haunted by the mistake of her illegal relationship, only to condemn Leafpool for doing the same thing and being cruel to the living cats.
Mothwing is literally resentful towards Shadowsight despite it being heavily out of character for her.
So honestly I wouldn’t blame someone for loving a character who was unfortunately ruined by bad writing. Go ahead and call out the blatant issues that come from later writing, but also consider that it’s plain bad writing.
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the-owl-tree · 4 months
U know i was reading back old posts that theorized about many books that hadn’t come out yet, the ones tryna theorize how the plot was gonna turn out (mapleshade being a cannibal, bramblestar having rabies, etc), and we as a collective have got to stop assuming the erins will do anything cool as that, not because they can’t but because if they did then they’d fuck it up completely
They had a rabies plot line almost set up, and then it turns out to be possession! Which would have been amazing if they could’ve actually done it correctly with the ending with shadowsight dying because *he made the most sense to do that for*, and they kill off the only female protagonist of this arc and say “she imagined herself being a mom before dying how sad” like cmon now guys please stop thinking that the erins could pull something even more dramatic that truly affects the whole clans theres plenty of people who have written stories about rabies and cannibalism who actually can wrote these stories
i think it's part of the warrior cats ecosystem at this time. it keeps things fresh.
warriors alludes to something interesting -> fans speculate the coolest/most interesting/darkest options -> canon disappoints (as usual) -> fans proceed to run with the theories via au's/ocs/rewrites (as usual) -> branches off to au/fanon content with some beautiful splinters of artists taking those ideas into their original stories
curlfeather's reveal though......yeah im hoping that's just a side factor and not the primary motivating one
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spidernolr · 8 months
TW/// mentions of grooming, suicide, etc.
Sorry if I don't like the idea of someone who has suffered too much trauma and depression throughout tbc dying instead of Bristlefrost *cough* Shadowsight *cough*
okay but seriously, wanting Shadowsight to sacrifice himself instead makes me feel so uncomfortable and shit.
He would basically be commiting suicide, because he is probably suffering through a bunch of depression when he was groomed by ashfur (In Darkness Within, and technically Lost Stars), having his entire clan against him, killed once and had to become a ghost for a few days or more, having seizures, he was forced to take care of his groomer because Lionblaze tried to murder Bramblestar's body. His FATHER forced him to, by the way! Father of the year people! /s etc etc.
And after going through all of that... him sacrificing himself just feels wrong. I think he'd be better off just having a nice, calm life, and tons of therapy from people he can trust.
also, by the way, I am in no way saying that Bristlefrost SHOULD sacrifice herself. She has also been through a lot, and she definitely deserves a calming life and therapy as well.
Anyways thank you for listening to me ramble.
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lockandkeyhyena · 1 month
15 for the choose violence ask game
15. that one thing you see in fanart all the time
ok none of these things are inherently bad!! just things i see in fanart commonly!
shadowsight with red eyes, ashfur with edgy anime hair, unicorns (mlp) with beards, cats with markings that mimic their names (hollyleaf with a holly-leaf shaped tail, ivypool with ivy-like markings, etc), femme hawkfrost, dark purple twilight sparkle, fluttershy with fruit bat traits, etc etc
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lynxskip · 2 months
Name(s): Cosmo, Tobias, Toby
Pronouns: He/Him, It/Its, They/Them
Sexuality/Identity: Asexual, Omniromantic, Transgender, Ambiamorous
Birthday & Age: September 15th, 14
Religion: Atheist
Other: I have ADHD, Anxiety, Social Anxiety, and Depression. (I also might have autism, I'm VERY sure that I do have it but haven't been diagnosed yet) I'm also homeschooled!
Special Interest(s): Warrior Cats, Danganronpa
Favorite Warriors Characters: Mossfire, Squirrelstar, Sandstorm, Bluestar, Crookedstar, Tallstar, Firestar, Leafstar, Billystorm, Ravenpaw, Barley, Thrushpelt, Leafpool, Badgerfang, Sweetpaw, Rosetail, Poppydawn, Goosefeather, Shadowsight, Frostpaw, Graypool, Willowbreeze, Barkface, Dawnstripe, Cloudstar
Characters I Strongly Dislike/Dislike: Rainflower, Brambleclaw(star), Blackstar, Crowfeather, Clear Sky/Skystar, Tom, Bumblestripe, Rippleclaw, Darkstar (SkC), Oakstar
DNI: Racists, Sexists, Homophobes and Transphobes, Proshippers, Pedos, Creeps
THIN ICE: REALLY religious people, normal nice ones are fine interacting with my blog! ^w^
PLEASE INTERACT: Warriors Fans, Therians, Furries, Neurodivergent people, LGBTQIA+ people, Trans people, Cringy people, Basically groups/fandoms/etc. who are hated
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booksofstars · 1 year
okay au where bristlefrost is a dovetiger kit and littermates with shadowsight, lightleap, and pouncestep:
bramblestar pulls what rowanstar did with violetshine and twigbranch and makes the couple give her to thunderclan. before shes given to thunderclan, she promises shell protect her siblings and see them again some day. shes especially adamant to shadowkit, who she was the closest with.
shes raised by daisy and squirrelflight respectively, both enraged at bramblestars actions.
ivypool, slowly but surely, grows closer to her niece. by the time bris becomes a warrior early, theyre just as close as bris is with her respective mothers.
slowly, bristlepaw bonds with her birth mother as a mom and her siblings as, well, siblings. 3 moms for bris!! shadow and bris are inseparable again pretty soon. slowly, though, bris notices somethings upsetting about shadowpaw.
after she rescues rootpaw, they begin to bond too. she eventually introduces him to shadowpaw and the three are incredibly close. theyre so proud when she tells them she’s become a warrior early, as are dovewing, tigerheartstar, and her sisters.
then bramblestar dies, and unknown to everyone, gets possessed. she defends her brother harshly against those accusing him of murder. bris can remember what bramble did, and resents him for it. but she’s too afraid to stop him, fearing he'll rip her away from all she knows again. he blackmails her for much of the arc to keep her, at least to his knowledge, underpaw.
like in canon, she joins the rebellion. specifically after watching her mom squilf get kicked out violently, and bonding with spotfur and stemleaf. she confides in her best friends about this, as well as her 3 moms. rootspring and shadowsight join her. she firmly remains on squilfs side from here on
when shadowsight goes missing, shes the first to know what mightve happened. why else would bramblestar and berrynose have come back to camp covered in blood? she runs to tell rootspring, and they go to find her brother together.
eventually ivypool confronts her niece. she can tell that bramblestar has been abusing his power over her, considering her experience with hawkfrost, and shes worried. and bris spills everything. ivypool decides to join the rebellion, becoming squilfs second in command of sorts.
mostly goes the same from here. bris is still bullied into being deputy, a rebellion member, etc. shes significantly more devastated by the death of her friend stemleaf and former mentor rosepetal, though.
shes enraged to hear what ashfur did and is still doing to her mother squirrelflight and to her brother shadowsight, even moreso than she is at what hes been doing to her
bris is just as happy as in canon to not be deputy, and is thrilled when her mom squilf and her aunt ivypool become the unofficial leader and deputy. she still goes to find the sisters with rootspring too, and still realizes she loves him. etc etc. she also still promises to her now dear friend/aunt spotfur that shell help raise her kits.
though terrified of the fact that ashfur is free, she is PISSED when they imprison shadowsight, and has to be held back by dovewing from clawing lionblaze. she advocates for his freedom immediately. the rest of her canon continues as usual because i think its great but:
ivypool talks with bris before she dreams into the df for the final time. she tells a bit of her story with hawkfrost and the dark forest, and makes her promise to make it back safe for everyones sake. but bris ends up being unable to keep that promise, as everyone knows.
everyone is devastated, even more than they were in canon (which i think is very good, but this isnt a post about how much i love tbc). dovewing and ivypool end up confiding in eachother, mourning together alongside shadowsight, rootspring, lightleap, tigerheartstar, and squilf at the moonpool. spotfur is devastated when she gets the news of her nieces death.
ivypool and dovewing go together to ask rootspring to try and see bris at the gathering, and the same scene as happens in canon occurs with dovewing giving fernsongs poignant advice. they, doves remaining kids, bris' other moms, spotfur, and tigerheartstar all remain a family. like in canon, they regard rootspring as family now too (alongside his immediate family). they continue to share bris' story for generations to come, as the light in the mist.
dovewing and ivypool finally start to heal and grow close as sisters once more. they will never be as close as they once were as kits, but its a close second.
dovewing tells her one day about bristlefrost’s promise to her siblings, and they break down crying together. bris died fulfilling her kithood promise: to protect her siblings (and by extension, her family and the clans as a whole)
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blimbo-buddy · 7 months
wait i have a question . isnt ravenbarley technically canon. comfirmed by a writer idk and also one of the artists i can't remember the name of (the artist that did the graphic novels)
like ofc we dont see it in the books but it's there? idk
Author statements should be taken with a grain of salt more often than not. The authors are incredibly vague with their relationship and it's obvious that they just don't want to write in any kind of representation. An Erin going "Well I see them as mates!" isn't canon because it's simply a statement.
And here's the thing, I don't even think it's other anti-lgbt+ countries stopping them, Wings of Fire has a few canonically lgbt+ characters and that's barely changed much when released in countries that don't like gay people. RavenBarley isn't really canon, TallJake isn't really canon, hell, even MothPool isn't canon. MouseFur will never be canonically aro, ShadowSight will never be canonically aroace, FlipClaw or Jake will never be canonically bisexual. To the authors, TallJake, RavenBarley, MothPool, etc, are just "good friends" with each other and nothing more.
And also, while I think the inclusion of gay characters would be nice, it feels off-putting that some people say that they'll love the series again if they put in a gay character all the while they ignore the blatant sexism, racism, and various amounts of anti-indigenous writing within the text. Why would you only care about the series if whether the books have a gay cat or not? Why do you only care about that and not the blatant stereotypes of Native Americans being casually written in? (Not directing this at you by the way)
But anyways, RavenBarley isn't canon, never will be, and I think we need to stop trying to give Erin Hunter credit where it isn't deserved. We'd be better off supporting projects and stories and such that incorporate lgbt+ characters into the writing
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iapislazuli · 5 months
my favorite wc lgbt headcanons uhmmm... aroace pinestar & lesbian leopardfoot (both repressed lol), he/she tgirl lesbian nightheart, transmasc lesboy tawnypelt & rowanclaw, transfem fem gay guy rootspring, transmasc butch lesbian bristlefrost, nonbinary aroace shadowsight, butch aroace lesbian sandstorm + transmasc aroace firestar QPR coparenting. also every female character people love to hate or argue about or call bitchy/whiny/annoying (squirrelstar, dovewing, mapleshade, nightcloud, etc) are lesbians
and finally brambleclaw ashfur and crowfeather are straight but im putting them in a polycule to quarantine them from everyone else
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brockitty-goober · 6 months
welcome to me!
WOW!! You have stumbled upon me?!?! I’m honoured 🥺
accurate depiction of me after you follow me:
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so- welcome again!! I do fnaf , tadc, regretevator, warriors, wof, and Hazbin Hotel, and i used to like dhmis, marvel, and the Stanley parable!
Otherlinked and POSSIBLY fictionkin (henry emily)
BIVE EVERY DAY: @biveaday
THE SHRINE OF BIVE: @homeofthebive
FNAF ASKS: @ask-tt-fnaf
FNAF SHOWDOWN: @one-showdown-at-freddys
dni homophobes, p3d0, zoo, terfs, zi0nist, etc.
I only take warriors literal name au requests. maybe Regretevator requests. and requests for any of my ocs or aus :3
also yeah my askbox is closed so. Be creative with how you ask questions I guess⁉️😭
Call meBrockitty, (or prince Brockitty for fun if you feel so inclined💀) she/they, ze/hir, he/him? but any pronouns really
🐻Looking for FNAF? 🤖👇
favourite characters from each game:
Chica, mangle, phantom Chica, nightmare foxy, Funtime foxy, rockstar Chica, DJ Music Man, and MXES!
🎭Looking for TADC?🤡👇
favourite characters:
Pomni, gangle, Zooble
I kinda ship gangle and Zooble 🤡
🛗Looking for Regretevator?😭👇
@biveaday @homeofthebive can you tell that I like bive
favourite characters:
split, buck, bive, jermbo, unpleasant
hehe jermbo x buck hehehe
also split n dr retro hahaha (I wrote this before spive was canon please don’t kill me 😭)
🐈Looking for Warriors?🐈‍⬛👇
ashfur x splashtail x hawkfrost forever
favourite characters:
brightheart, frostpaw, curlfeather, ashfur, shadowsight
🐉Looking for WOF?🐲👇
favourite characters:
peril, sunny
turtle x anxiety
💫I also like: Kirby And The Forgotten Land, Hazbin Hotel, Lemon Demon, Will Wood, and more!💫
Try asking for another fandom! You never know, maybe I’ll be in it!
Other stuff!👇
I HAVE OCS! MANY OF THEM! fun fact: not a single one is fully human 😭💀🤡
Brockitty on AO3!
ermmm bye!!!!!
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bonefall · 1 year
howdy!! i was wonderin’ if you could list all the cats that are neurodivergent or have a mental disorder, and specifically what conditions? i was also hopin’ if you could expand upon how they present as well, but you don’t have to do all of them! you can pick and choose. or none at all if you’re tired! idm ‘:3
warriors and psychiatry are two of my SIs so i just wanna gobble up all of this information LOL
Sure! Though, I want to preface by saying that I try to make sure I'm very well acquainted with the neurodivergence I plan to add before adding it. I've always had a, "try not to overextend" sort of philosophy, trying to make sure each portrayal is going to be treated well in the narrative before promising it publicly
SO what that means is that this list is incomplete and I plan to add more, as I learn more about how to accurately portray something. Especially important with the more stigmatized disorders on this list-- for example I plan to add NPD once I have a better idea for how to feature it.
Life in the Clans is VIOLENT. Most, or many, characters are going to end up with symptoms of PTSD, especially the cats who lived through the Plague, TigerClan, the entire Mothermouth Moorland War, and the destruction of the White Hart Woods in particular.
But C-PTSD is something I'm choosing more carefully, if that makes sense, so that it's something I write with 'higher priority' when approaching that particular character.
Birchfall (Human activity and child starvation are his triggers, also visibly unsettled by falling trees)
Brightheart (Dogs and dishonor titles, has recurring nightmares, self-harms through overexertion; refuses to take breaks to punish herself)
Stormfur (Severe trust issues, self-destructs relationships)
Lilyheart (Can't deal with water because she watched a sibling die instead of her)
Harrybrook ("big mood lilyheart")
There will also be some cats in WindClan who aren't able to eat rabbit, because it triggers memories of poison and causes them to wretch. This causes serious issues for them, because rabbit is the majority of the WindClan diet, especially in winter.
Sorreltail (Absence seizures caused by brain damage from nightshade poisoning)
Shadowsight (Severe clonic-tonic seizures, Tawnypelt brings him to the Tribe to seek a very special treatment for him)
I reaaaaally need to add more here tbh
Mumblefoot (I know he's not a major character lmao but he was Pinestar's first deputy, and had dyspraxia.)
Yellowfang (It's super prevalent in her entire familial line)
Honestly I'm so autistic I kinda end up putting a little bit of autism in everyone. I feel like I can detect autism in every one of my little favorites. Spottedleaf, Speckletail, Dustpelt, etc
Borderline Personality Disorder
Etc/There's one cat who has it and I need to add more
Bumble, Blossom, and Briar have a lot of baggage from their parents' treatment, Bumble and Bloss are glass children.
Alderheart has anxiety
Carpwhisker might also have anxiety, she's really bad at standing up for herself
Poppyfrost is severely avoidant
Sparkpelt and Palebird both had postpartum depression
Dovewing has burnout and gets stressed out when her biofamily is around; not sure how to describe this.
Squirrelflight also has ADHD, this is kind of like Autism because I also have ADHD and it's difficult for me to imagine other 'ways' people think. like what do you MEAN, you have ONE train of thought??
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everybody-loves-purdy · 10 months
What is the spottedleaf reincarnated AU? I’ve seen the post and I like them! Could you give a summary or if theirs a post explaining the full AU it could you link it? :)
It’s been a while since I’ve talked about this AU so sorry if I miss anything out but the basis of the AU is that what if Mapleshade’s victims (Appledusk, Frecklewish, and Ravenwing) were all reincarnated (like Cinderpelt rather than Jay’s Wing) in order to help them learn from their mistakes in life and eventually ascend to StarClan, since none are deserving of the dark forest but they all also still have lessons to learn. But rather than get their own separate bodies, they’re all incarnated into Spottedleaf when she’s born. They essentially can interact with each other and know who they are, but until Spottedleaf dies she’s unaware of them (unless it’s the humanised branch of the AU, more of that in a sec).
This AU is a collaborative effort on this blog, people just submit ideas and additions to the AU and the stories within it grow from there! It is originally based on one submission I got which I ought to track down once I get time, I believe I did go back and tag it with the reincarnated Spottedleaf au tag.
The general dynamic is that Frecklewish and Appledusk can’t stand each other but grow to like each other more over time spent as Spottedleaf’s guardians (but won’t admit it) while Ravenwing basically tries to keep the peace.
Spottedleaf has a thing going on like Cinderheart did where she has knowledge, memories, and trauma from all three ghosts but doesn’t realise they’re not her own thoughts. The ghosts feel terrible whenever they realise they’re causing Spottedleaf pain, they see her like a daughter.
During the time the three are missing and eventually incarnated into Spottedleaf (they just kind of exist in a limbo they don’t remember until she’s born) Oatspeckle (Ravenwing’s mentor) Birchface and Reedshine band together after realising those close to them are missing from StarClan and try and get to the bottom of where they’ve gone.
Once Spottedleaf dies the three ascend to StarClan and Spottedleaf finally gets to formally meet them.
In the great battle Spottedleaf still dies for good and the three just decimate Mapleshade as revenge for themselves and mainly for Spottedleaf.
Afterwards the three just try and honour Spottedleaf’s memory and help all those they can. Including Squilf and Leaf at their StarClan trial (they interrupt it in order to defend the two) and Shadowsight.
The Human Au version I mentioned is where Spottedleaf is a human and she can see the three ghosts and interact with them and basically they help her out in school etc and they’re all one big family (Apple and Freckle are still rivals though but same dynamic as original AU).
I think those are the main points? If you have any questions feel free to ask!
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warriors-ideas · 7 months
Continuing my theme of more obscure musicals
A warrior cats au to "zu ende" (or it's over but there's only german and i think chinese versions)
This can be set in either oots or tbc, tbc being what i intended this to be set in. This plays off the fact ivypool is actually kin of both ashfur and thistleclaw
Ivypool needs to treck into the dark forest again after her kin have been kidnapped and taken there (these kin can be bristlefrost, shadowsight, dovewing, hollyleaf & firestar in the oots version, etc) where she comes face to face with ashfur and thistleclaw and they fight in typical musical fashion, with ashfur and thistleclaw both dying at the end, perhaps with help of other cats, for example redtail avenging his sister, whitestorm, snowfur, bluestar etc
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notwarriorswiki · 1 year
Cats I Erased in my AU
They don't exist. This will be updated as time goes on. This is as of the end of The Broken Code as I will be touching A Starless Clan for the most part writing wise until it concludes.
Ashfur (ShC). He has been changed to be Ashheart, a ShadowClan apprentice when Yellowfang was a kit, aligning the ages then. She still had Quietkit, Rubblekit, and Turtlekit under Brokenstar's rule, all kits dying to his reign.
Beenose. I had to squeeze in Snowbird's mass of kits over an adjusted timeline and had to cut the unnecessary.
Cypresspaw. I love her name but she's technically not canon and I need her canon siblings more.
Dewkit (ShC). I need Scorchfur to be an only child and he's Kinkfur's kit so.
Galekit. Onestar's kits are Harestar and Kestrelflight, alongside Heathertail in my rewrite. No room for Galekit.
Gorsetail (TNP). Merged with Gorsetail from Po3. They're genderfluid, switching between she/her, he/him, they/them, whatever they feel like.
Hillkit. Crowfeather's sister is Gorsetail in my rewrite so they were merged in theory I suppose.
Honeyfur. Unnecessary space. I also didn't want a second Honey- in ThunderClan. Technically she dies as a kit alongside her sister.
Ivytail (RC). I already have enough she-cats, and she shares the name of a ShadowClan cat during that time - I just merged her with one of the already alive she-cats still like Dawnbright, Vixenleap, Mallowtail, etc.
Leafshade. Unnecessary space. I also didn't want a second Leaf- in ThunderClan. Technically she dies as a kit alongside her sister.
Mistcloud. I need Scorchfur to be an only child and he's Kinkfur's kit so.
Nettlepaw (RC). RiverClan apprentices in this era are bloated. Couldn't fit her.
Pouncestep. Dovewing only has Shadowsight and Lightleap.
Pouncetail (ShC). Did nothing really. There's a Pouncetail in RiverClan at a similar point so I just erased him.
Rushpaw (BoTC). Merged to be Rushtail (RC). He's trans.
Silverpaw (BoTC). That's just Silverstream.
Sparrowtail. I need Scorchfur to be an only child and he's Kinkfur's kit so. Starlingwing is now Berryheart's mate and father of Needletail, Sunbeam, Spireclaw, and Hollowspring.
Spiderfoot. He's been changed to be Stonewing, a ShadowClan warrior who just appeared one day in AVoS. I need him to exist so this was an easy swap.
Spikefur. I couldn't fit him in timeline and family tree comfortably, so instead I had Toadfoot take his place as Pinenose's mate. This works since Pinenose is heavily aged up to adjust for when she has kits vs her introduction in the books.
Splashpaw (TNP). RiverClan apprentices in this era are bloated. Couldn't fit her.
Tanglepaw (RC). RiverClan apprentices in this era are bloated. I needed Troutstream more so she took Tanglepaw's place.
Troutstream. Ok technially I didn't remove her, I just made her Duckpaw because I liked Duckpaw. Her name is Duckstream.
Wasptail. I couldn't fit her in the timeline and family tree comfortably. She also dies young, has no kits, siblings, nothing, so she's erased. I kept Olivenose alive so she can take her spot in things.
Wavepaw. I love her name but she's technically not canon and I need her canon siblings more.
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