#Shame her design is that bland though
ironunderstands · 4 months
Just ended a call with my friend where she revealed that her roommate's boyfriend got mad because they (my friend and her roommate) both find Firefly boring and he started going on a tangent about how Firefly is an absolute angel who didn't do anything wrong and that their tastes are whack.
And here I thought we've moved past this era.
Damn 😭
Honestly I love Firefly and I think both parties just don’t get the appeal of her.
Girl who is slowly losing her grip on reality both literally and metaphorically joins a group of morally questionable but well intentioned people set on creating the best possible future for everyone, all while she attempts to make the most of what life she has left, burning brightly like her namesake.
And she has a kickass mecha suit from the ancient times tm* that basically functions as the aid to her disability
Her roommates boyfriend getting mad because Firefly is an angel that does no wrong is incorrect, because as heroic as their goals are, they are still considered intergalactic terrorists for a reason
Your friend and her roommate finding Firefly is a matter of personal opinion, but objectively I don’t think she’s boring in the slightest, in fact I think she’s one of the coolest characters in the game, the only boring thing about her is her non-SAM design imo
Honestly I thought we moved past this too but hopefully 2.3 changes their minds and we get some good Firefly content lol
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westrastorm · 5 months
Honestly, the Muthr and Eva designs for the WONDLA tv show are. So disappointing.
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Muthr got completely overhauled, and in such a disappointing way. She’s got the most bland design I’ve ever seen. She’s not unique at all, she barely even registers as a robot. Her original design (right picture) is so iconic and worked so well, artistically I have no idea why you’d abandon her more alien form (though I imagine it’s cheaper to animate a smooth ovoid blob than a machine that’s so complex it’s practically organic).
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Eva-9 is now the most unremarkable person ever. She’s got no iconic visual character traits at all. They don’t give her any of the braids or beads that Eva has in the early books (right picture) , and honestly that’s a shame, her hair did a lot to communicate her personality and it changed as she progressed through her adventures so it evolved to reflect how Eva grew up in her new alien environment. Her clothing does at least appear to emulate the functionality of the utilitunic of the books, so I appreciate that, but otherwise Eva doesn’t stand out from a crowd of protagonists at all.
It’s so underwhelming, and while nothing can compare to the book illustrations for their detail and designs, I feel like Eva and Muthr deserved far more care in the way they were adapted to animation, because their current designs pale in comparison to their originals. Perhaps there were budget constraints, maybe Muthr was too unsettling in her original form, I’ve no clue why they ended up this bland. I hope the rest of the show at least has better designs and story to make up for this. Rovender and Otto looked perfectly fine and clearly inspired from the books, so it’s really jarring to see how much Eva and Muthr have diverged.
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pinkpinkmermayyy · 3 months
I finally watched Wish. And I gotta say, it's not as bad as people say it is. Don't get me wrong, it's not good by any means. But it's still not so awful I felt frustrated and sick to my stomach after watching it. But it's also not so bad it's good to the point where it becomes a guilty pleasure for me like the live-action Bratz movie. It's just...bad. But not horrible. It had potential. It COULD'VE been good if the writers actually gave a single damn, and knew what they were doing. Or, alternatively, if they simply spent a few more hours on the damn movie. But alas, they did not, and since we're in the bad timeline, this is what we got. The music is what really weighs it down, with just about every song being meaningless, badly-written, and having terrible grammar/confusing metaphors that don't hold up under a microscope or even make any sense at all, really. The only thing stopping them from being completely insufferable is the fact that the actors are legitimately good singers, making it a crying shame that none of them weren't given better material to work with.
The characters themselves, though, are unfortunately very boring, one-dimensional, and contradictory/confusing in their writing. The setting, plot, and worldbuilding are all very bland and haphazard as well, to the point where I actually laughed out loud during the climactic scene at the end where the king brutalizes Asha with his evil magic. It was that ridiculous! The side characters, both human, animal, and star, were all boring and pointless(except for the Star ig) and I really have a bone to pick with Gabo especially. He goes from thinking that Asha killed her family(for no reason, mind you) to shaming Simon for being a bad friend and betraying Asha to the king, both in the SAME SCENE!!! It's like...all of the characters are this inconsistent honestly.
And I don't buy that people would be happy to "forget without regret" when it comes to their wishes. It just makes no sense to me. The writers should've come up with a better excuse for why the people of Rosas put their faith in the wishing system rather than "they forget what they wanted in the first place but are totally all right with that!" especially when Asha acts like this is a new revelation. Like come on, guys, you work at Disney! Give us something! But they gave us nothing. Because they are lazy. A shame.
Also the costumes in this movie were boring and bland af, and everything was really monochrome and lifeless. It definitely fails in comparison to the costume designs in Encanto, The Princess and the Frog, and even Tangled. Everything just feels so dull, cheap, lazy, and uninspired. Though I do like Asha's design aside from her outfit, she is very pretty and it's sad what this movie does to her. This movie in short didn't feel like a Disney 100 Anniversary. In fact, it didn't even feel like a Disney movie at all. It felt like a student film that was inspired by Disney, or like those direct to video films made for really little kids that have a low budget and even lower-quality CGI. Just a massive disappointment. I'm afraid that Disney is no longer the gold standard of animation that it used to be. Oh well. 😔
this is what really ticks me off about wish. I would be fine if it was just terrible if it ended up not being amazing or even good, but it’s mediocre. And that drives me INSANE because I see so much potential in the story and characters and the villains but they just let it bite the dust and left us with this infuriatingly mediocre movie that was supposed to be the 100 YEAR ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL FOR DISNEY! That’s supposed to be something fantastical and amazing and have that wow factor but it’s just so bland and it makes me angry. Also the fact that it was originally supposed to be traditionally animated but they changed that also makes my blood boil.
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cheatsykoopa98 · 9 months
why us Pomni so chubby in your recent drawing when sitting next to Jax?
Not hating or shaming of course but just wondering is it a design design choice
well, I'm trying things out with her design so people can know this is my pomni, like some people will play around with skin tones or body shapes or even giving the characters tails or different clothes and such. because I feel like I always draw pomni too on model with the show but also too bland to really feel like art for the show
so I started drawing her with fangs and thicker legs, not really changing much about her torso though, I always drew her with this 'peanut' shape
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miyakuli · 8 months
Pocket Mirror ~ GoldenerTraum
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Mirror, Mirror on the wall
Pocket Mirror is a horrific game in which we follow a young girl with amnesia who is lost in a gloomy, absurd world and tries to escape through a series of puzzles. While the aesthetics and atmosphere of the universe won me over completely, I have more reservations about the writing and the emotions it seeks to convey.
❤ Let's start with the game's biggest strength: the atmosphere is insane (literally). The pixel art is highly detailed, the lighting effects are magnificent, the scenery can go from cute and neat to chaotic and sinister, and the light animations are dynamic and often bloodcurdling effective. I also loved the contrast between the horrific aspect of the scenes and the cute chara-design of the characters, a bit like Puella Magica for those in the know. There are also quite a few visual ideas that play on this contrast of tone to make you feel extremely uncomfortable, without resorting to easy jump scares or excess hemoglobin. ❤ The sound atmosphere is not to be outdone either. The music is memorable, adding a touch of mystery and disquiet to the exploration of the rooms. But the game also relies on scary sound elements (footsteps, evil laughter etc…) as well as moments of oppressive silence, which worked extremely well on me x) ❤ The gameplay is fairly varied overall, with exploration, puzzles, chases (I hated every second of it), mini-games, etc. I never felt redundant during my game.
+/- The game's puzzles take two forms: on the one hand, there's the rpg aspect, with objects to find to interact with elements of the setting; on the other, there are text-based riddles in the style of Sphynx. The difficulty can alternate between easy and a little more intermediate, which provides a bit of a challenge, but I found some of the titles very confusing and their solutions sometimes convoluted. +/- The story is captivating from the start. We face all these horrific events without understanding anything, totally perplexed like our MC who has lost her memory. But this confusion lasts right up to the end, in fact, because the scenario remains far too ambiguous, and even though the game hints at some answers here and there, it ends with a feeling of incompleteness. I did understand the underlying plot, but the way the game skims over the truth left me rather indifferent in the end. +/- The characters are excellent in their creepiness, but we don't get attached to them at all. And yet the game seems to want us to feel something, given certain scenes where the heroine sincerely tries to create a bond with them....but it just doesn't work. First of all, the main girl is just too bland and interacts with everyone in the same way (all sweet and naive) which, in my opinion, doesn't create any real chemistry with the other girls. But on top of that, these ones have very short "arcs" where we're more often dealing with their demonic character than their more human side, and as a result, I find myself rather indifferent to their fate. +/- There's a good amount of replayability given the various endings, but there's no quick skip for the dialogue and some of the cut scenes…and some of the endings are hard to reach without reading a guide, which is a shame.
✖ The game has a lot of game-overs, which isn't a bad thing in itself, but some of them occur after actions based on chance (for example, you take the wrong direction in a corridor and you die, or you make the wrong choice in a dialogue that didn't indicate any fatal fate). It wouldn't have bothered me so much if the save points weren't so far away from these events, as it often means having to take again a long path or even a cut scene that you can't always get past. It got very tiresome at times. ✖ I've got nothing against dubbing in onomatopoeia, but the little laughs and giggles from the damsels are far too frequent and almost annoying. ✖ I find the object interface a bit messy and not quickly accessible.
I was totally drawn into the world of this game, and it succeeds perfectly in its aim of making its audience both nervous and enchanted by this hellish wonderland. But it left me on the side of the road when it came to its story and its characters, who were a little too elusive for my taste.
➡ My Steam page
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Can I get your take on the designs of the female vs male characters? It seems like all the male characters get a gimic or a theme to their character and the females are all just 'demonic lady' except for that one dinosaur woman. Charlie is my fav but I agree with you there's really nothing there in the show to latch on to. Its a shame the female characters are being ignored for the sake of the imo less interesting men. Also I feel like the only person in the world who likes Mimzys entrance
You know it's actually super funny you send this in because I've recently been thinking about what Charlie is supposed to be. Seeing fanart of her can sometimes lead me to uncanny valley. Why does she look like a clown? This wouldn't be an issue if it weren't for the fact that that's straight up just her skin lmao. However, in her case, it makes sense that she has a "bland" design because she's the MC. the audience stand in. I can see why she doesn't look like a chimera. I'm not sure why all the other female characters look bland though. It'd be nice if we got a female alastor. This ask made me think about the fact they really are just demon ladies lmao. Where's my harpy? Listen, I'm a freakfem at heart. Give me a serpent lesbian and I'll watch this show til the end.
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lazywhispersobject · 6 months
Review: ‘Madame Web’ is actually a good movie. Yes, really.
I'm not gonna lie: while I was heading to the theater, I was concerned going into “Madame Web.” The majority of X, formerly known as Twitter, users seemed to be against what they saw as meager storylines and weak writing, characters, and performances, especially compared to other Sony/Marvel superhero movies, so I was hesitant. I was expecting “Madame Web” to be a lot worse than it was, but a few good performances and strong found family themes elevate “Madame Web” above some lesser Sony/Marvel superhero movies.
Columbia Pictures’ “Madame Web” was released in theaters on Feb. 14 and follows Cassandra Webb (played by Dakota Johnson), a paramedic in New York City. Webb finds herself having to protect three teenagers from Ezekiel Sims, a murderous adversary with superhuman powers who is hunting them.
“Madame Web” is set in 2003 and sort of pays homage to the conventions of the comic book movies of that era. The muted color palette and minimalistic special effects are all designed to remind viewers of movies like 2002’s “Spider-Man” or 2003’s “Daredevil.”
Also, like many of those movies, Webb is depicted as aloof and antisocial, with her friend having to drag her to social gatherings. Occasionally, with these characters it doesn’t feel realistic, but Johnson really sells it which makes it all the better when she finally finds her chosen family.
The other star of “Madame Web” is Adam Scott. I’ll admit that Scott and his glorious deadpan was half of the reason why I actually watched the movie in the first place, and he absolutely killed it as Ben Parker, a name most Spider-Man fans will recognize.
That’s the other thing about Sony’s recent Spider-Man Universe — it doesn’t have Spider-Man, but it gets really close. Sony is trying to convince people that its movies are in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but they’re not. It is this confusion that is driving audiences away from its movies after films like “Morbius,” which was both a critical and commercial failure. It’s a shame too, because with better marketing more people might be able to actually enjoy this movie.
I mentioned that Adam Scott was half the reason I wanted to watch “Madame Web,” the other half was because of Isabela Merced. Merced, known for her starring role as Dora the Explorer in 2019’s “Dora and the Lost City of Gold,” brings layers to the role of Anya Corazon, who was my favorite of the three girls. The A-plus-student Corazon was one of my favorite characters in the 2017 “Spider-Man” animated series. Still, Merced portrays her as more than just an intellectual here, which I appreciated.
Sydney Sweeney and Celeste O’Connor were okay as Julia Cornwall and Mattie Franklin, but the script doesn’t give them much to do other than be a goody-two-shoes and a rebel, respectively.
The writing for “Madame Web” is kind of basic. The hero gets powers that she can’t control, finds the other main characters and must come into her power to save them – it’s all been done before. I am willing to forgive it, though, because of the ending.
I’m a sucker for the found family trope. It’s one of my favorites and “Madame Web” is a great example of it. Webb is initially reluctant to save the girls, but after learning that their real families have abandoned or left them, she takes it upon herself to protect them. By the end, Webb accepts Corazon, Cornwall and Franklin as her chosen family.
The villain in “Madame Web” is also bland. Sims sees a vision of Corazon, Cornwall and Franklin killing him, which is fine, but what I don’t get is why he doesn’t just try to talk to them first, instead of going right to hunting them.
I also thought the dialogue mixing for him was off. Whenever he spoke in voiceover, it sounded much deeper than his actual voice.
There was a lot of good humor in “Madame Web.” Johnson and Scott have a good rapport as Webb and Parker, with Scott stealing the spotlight in every scene he is in. The girls also have good chemistry.
The music was surprisingly good. I appreciated the use of Britney Spears’ “Toxic” as a plot device, and Tiffany’s cover of “I Think We’re Alone Now” was also appropriate for the scene, because they were, in fact, alone.
Unlike most of X, I actually enjoyed “Madame Web.” If you ignore what people on the Internet say, maybe you will too.
by Tyler D'Errico - The Collegian
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Madame Web premiere
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marciabrady · 7 months
May I ask why you dont like the 2015 live action cinderella?
I have answered this question before here, here, and here.
My main issues are:
The creative cast of 2015 outright condemning the 1950 film and admitting that none of them had ever been fans of the original growing up (which is painfully obvious given how much they misunderstood the story). I think a lot of them leaned into a lot of really problematic rhetoric regarding victim shaming in general. I think this was so harmful, because despite the fact that many people perceive the original Cinderella to be a victim, she really wasn't (if she would've been, that's fine, but the fact is that she wasn't and a lot of people perceive her as one anyone and I think it opens a HUGE can of worms). Lily's though was without a doubt more passive, less individual, and just didn't have substance to her imo.
They wiped away all of Cinderella's spirit and spunk and energy and made her a bland "smile and stare" soldier. She also falls into the Belle trap a lot for me. You all know I don't like Belle, and I just always get irritated that someone who's supposedly so intelligent in every way suffers at communicating effectively and Lily's character falls into that trap too imo. Plus, she's just not human to me or realistic.
I hate the saying "have courage and be kind."
The aesthetic is gaudy, I don't like the voices in this film, and all the stylistic choices are unsettling to me.
I don't like the way any of the characterizations are written and performed. Lady Tremaine was cold and calculating in the animated, while Cate Blanchett is cackling at the top of her lungs in a fashion nova cheetah print bathrobe...
What I liked about the original was the variety in designs, but this production was hellbent on "fixing" the beauty standards...by making the Fairy Godmother, Lady Tremaine, and the stepsisters all abide by it??? They're all thin, conventionally attractive young white women and are dressed in a way that's meant to be flattering to each. I think they were trying to flip the trope on its head like "look, the stepmother can be beautiful too! So can the stepsisters" but they achieved the inverse here and seemingly glorified eurocentric beauty standards by having every character look the exact same (meanwhile the opposite is true for the men in this film; who would say the King and Grand Duke or Prince looked the same?).
I genuinely find Lily James unstomachable. I don't like any of the live action actresses, but Lily is probably the worst to me, personally.
A lot of people prefer this one and a lot of the Cinderella content we get leans more heavily into this version (sadly). Also, I just think it's leading to more and more people misunderstanding the original Cinderella by thinking she's like Lily's, which is very off (I never would've liked Cinderella if I experienced her as Lily's).
This is not just one of my least favorite interpretations of Cinderella, it's one of my least favorite movies in general.
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sophieabigail2021 · 24 days
Alright imma talk about the Season 9 outfits from the preview
🚨🚨Spoiler for Season 9 obviously🚨🚨
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Disappointing is how I felt when looking at these designs
Like why are the outfits so plain and boring??? Just why???, especially when their leaked outfits from months ago look ten times better in comparison
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So I am going to talk about said outfits from tolerable to "Oh my god throw the entire thing away!!!!"
Flora's outfit is just the leaked one but more minimalistic, I just wished they kept the former version though she gives off more of the nature girlie vibe but whatever, it's ok-ish
Aisha's reminds me of her Season 3 look but more simplified, nothing else to say about that it's pretty much a meh
Tecna's is just the dollar tree version of her Season 2 casual wear with a washed out color palette, no but seriously who on the designing team taught it was a good idea to give her plain white when this girl is rocking the purple and green???
Musa's is just a complete downgrade, the outfit is uninteresting, the colors are so bland and not fitting (also sidenote am I the only one who taught she was wearing a swimsuit underneath?), it's honestly such a shame they didn't use the leaked outfit since it fits Musa perfectly
And finally Stella's........girlypop they did you dirty, first of all the outfit is garbage looking and that's an objective fact, second off Stella (in the first few seasons at least) always wears bright and flashy colors so why in the hell would they give her pastels????, and lastly this silver chain thing MUST go, overall this entire outfit should be 🔥🔥🔥burned🔥🔥🔥
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ihopesocomic · 1 year
Sorry to hear that you're still getting comparisons between Hover and Storm, I don't think we really need to go into why they're so different, not only in terms of personality but in terms of design. I really enjoy Storm's overall character a lot more though, it's just so much more interesting and I'm excited to see where it goes. Her being likeable seems a lot more natural too, Hover's creator just tried way too hard to get us to like her and it just had the complete opposite effect on me. haha
ahh thank you, anon but don't worry: nothing has really happened recently, Cat just thought it'd be a fun joke video to make. Hence why we included Kasi from The Lion Guard as well. lol and yeah, I agree. I like to describe her characterisation as akin to jingling keys in front of the face of an infant in order to entertain it: everyone else in the show is either bland, depressing or an asshole so you have Hover with her "TOTALLY RADICAL AND IN-YOUR-FACE ATTITUDE" and naturally people flocked to it because hey, she's loud and obnoxious so she's therefore automatically interesting, right?
Like you say, anon: complete opposite effect. lol
But loud characters do not necessarily have to be doomed to be annoying, and it's a shame that a misuse of them has kinda tainted the idea of working with loud and excitable characters. I feel that because Storm doesn't use her loudness to put others down and be what I'd describe as a G-rated edgelord, we're able to make her appear more genuine as a result. - RJ
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destinygoldenstar · 10 months
So, if you told me a month ago that I’d be making a post about The Amazing Digital Circus, I would probably call you a liar.
I DID hear of it. You cannot go anywhere on the Internet right now without someone saying “Have you seen The Amazing Digital Circus?” And/or “Wow, Disney has gotten so bland they’re losing to indie animation”
My hesitation to watch it, plus RWBY not working for me, (and still doesn’t tbh), makes people think I hate/don’t support indie products. That’s not the case. I’m an aspiring indie writer. I’m SO HAPPY that indie animation is getting so much attention, so much that I’m interested in watching Helluva Boss (haven’t had the time to do so yet). I’m SO HAPPY that there’s people who are not major corporations and executive demands control their creativity and passions, and are getting success by making what they want. It’s VERY inspiring and the rise in recognition has helped me in motivation on working on my original books that I’ve lacked the past few months.
I just didn’t want to watch Digital Circus at first, because fanbase.
Yeah that CAN drive people away from products more than you think.
This may be the next Undertale in more regards than one.
I usually wait till the hype dies down before I see something with great reviews. I did that with the first Spiderverse movie, and I didnt see it until over a month after the release. Then I became a fan, saw the appeal, and couldn’t wait to see the second movie in theaters.
And… well. The hype has NOT died. Not even a little. On YouTube, it was recommendation after recommendation to watch the pilot. My sibling watched it and told me to watch it. (I never listen to them cause it just made me think “Oh so it’s a Five Nights At Freddy’s knock off. If my sibling likes it.”)
What made me decide to see it was the news that it was MORE SUCCESSFUL THAN DISNEY’S WISH.
This is an INDIE product, and it’s way more successful in views and critical reception than one of THE most major animation companies of all time?!
I threw my hands in the air and decided, “Alright FINE. You win. I need to see what the appeal is.”
So I watched the pilot just a few days ago…
Okay, NOW I understand the appeal wholeheartedly.
This pilot alone pressed all of my buttons. Beautiful smooth clean animation, stellar voice acting, unique amazing character designs, the dark humor not unlike Total Drama (though not as crass as that show), the very memorable bits and lines that live in my head rent free now, the world building and the intriguing mysteries behind what’s happening. The existential horror of it all (that I personally think is more compelling than regular jumpscare heavy horror). I became loaded with questions that I really wanted to figure out the answers to. I care about the mysteries of the digital circus world, what happened to these people, how was it made, and what were these peoples lives before entering. I care about Pomni’s struggles to get out of her situation only to be grappled with a very real depiction of an existential crisis. I want to know more about these other characters and what their stories are. This is honestly the most addicted I’ve been to a show since Ninjago.
Do I a think it’s perfect? No. I have some nitpicks. But that’s where my criticism ends. Nitpicks.
Seriously, I hope and pray the remainder of this show lives up to the hype. And I’m perfectly content with waiting several months each, if it means the show stays this good. Quality over quantity. Any day.
So… yeah. I kind of joined the hype train.
It’s a real shame that I almost didn’t want to, because fanbase, because this honestly deserves the recognition it’s getting. Seriously, to my followers, if you somehow have not seen the pilot, check it out. You’ll thank me later.
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cromcrux · 1 year
I just finished watching Exception and I must say I really enjoyed it. It's a very fun mystery thriller with eye catching visuals and really interesting character designs.
It's a very tight made story with a small cast so it's easy to follow.
There are some scenes that aren't shot in ways that I really liked (there is a spinning scene that I understand the purpose of but feel could have been done better a different way). Some shots linger on rather bland or uninteresting scenery which is a shame because some of the design elements are fantastic and would have made for a much more interesting shot.
Dialogue is well done, the characters are consistent in their actions and behaviors, even if I don't necessarily like how they acted or reacted.
Mack has my favorite character design, but I'm a sucker for a broody, goal-driven punk.
Of the characters, I liked Lewis's design the least. I understand why he looks that way (they have all three masculine base body types: V, O, and square), but he is visually the least interesting to me. His personalities make up for it though.
I also love that they don't over explain the world or the characters. There is some delving into back stories, but just enough to make them feel real and always in dialogue between a character who is familiar and one who isn't (the three male characters clearly knew each other prior to the show).
No one over explains things. Each character has their own speciality and so only explains within their knowledge base.
Final spoiler free thought: I love the design of the ship. It's beautiful to me.
Spoilers going forward. Be warned.
The mystery is very well done. No one character is telegraphed as being suspicious but they also all have just enough not-known that it's difficult to clear any of them, excluding the doctor (though in the show they don't discount her potential involvement).
Patty, in my opinion, is foreshadowed very well. She is odd from the beginning and it seems like she isn't well known by the other crew members. It isn't striking at the beginning because we don't know if any of them are or are not familiar with each other.
I really like Lewis's monster design, I like that he has difficulty speaking due to the mangled shape of his mouth and throat. I find the arc of him adapting to his new body and regaining control of himself very interesting and I love the narrative beat of Mack switching from "it" to "him" immediately after he realizes his friend really might be in there somewhere. Making it clear that Mack was only using the pronoun "it" to mentally distance himself from the concept of it still being his friend Lewis. This being shown even more strongly later on when he is the first to be ruled out.
The autophilia by Patty is both a little creepy (because up until that point she really hadn't shown interest in much) and feels almost obvious. Of course the only person she could trust with such a dangerous mission would be herself, and there is real genuine care shown between the two different prints.
Overall the show left me thinking, which I enjoy. It brings up questions of personhood, was each print their own person? At what point is a copy no longer a copy? In world there were laws and policies about how to treat printed people, laws about who couldn't be reprinted and when exceptions can apply.
It brings up but does not answer: Is a copy still human if it's molecularly identical but not born in the traditional fashion? Are we just our memories and the body we inhabit is just the host?
I highly recommend this show. It's only eight episodes so it's not difficult to finish in a reasonable amount of time. If you watch or have watched it, please let me know what you think!
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silverphantom36 · 2 years
Finished Season 1 of The Owl House.
Finished watching Season 1 of The Owl House. And…
Eh, it's OK. I like the animation, the art direction & the voice acting. However, it's got problems.
I found the characters to be flat or, often sometimes, annoying. Luz is OK & TBH she really isn't as weird as the show likes to say she is. Eda is alright, though she really could've been developed better. I'm really not feeling King. He's got a nice design, but for a former King of Demons, he sure doesn't act like one & it would've been funnier if he had a much deeper voice coming out of a cute, little critter. That would've been funnier than the majority of the comedy in this show, which really doesn't do anything for me. Willow's bland. She's the generic shy, nice female friend #8. The only time I found her somewhat interesting was when they revealed she had a darker side but that didn't last. Gus is extremely annoying. The fact that he lied to Luz about her being banned from Hexside should've earned him to be left in the dust. TBH, those three kids from the detention episode would've made much better side character friends for Luz than Willow & Gus. Not only are they not irritating, but they actually seem fun to be around. It would've been fun & cute if Luz went on more adventures with those three. Amity's pretty flat. Her character development is something I've seen before but handled better & I get that she was forced by her parents to end her friendship with Willow for her sake but wouldn't it make more sense if she acted distant from her instead of tormenting her & trying to get everyone associated with her killed? Her siblings aren't too bad but nothing that makes me root for them. Finally, Hooty's not that annoying. Probably a hot take there.
Everything with Hexside was unoriginal & dull. You've seen Harry Potter & anything to do with school, you've seen most of the plotlines with it. A sports episode, a detention episode, a field trip episode, a prom episode. May be an unpopular opinion here but Hexside wasn't needed at all. They should've spent more time on Eda actually teaching Luz magic & develop their relationship more & have the detention kids & Amity visit from time to time.
The antagonists are super hard to take seriously. Lilith had a promising start & she was interesting for one episode before she became The Owl House version of Team Rocket. I really wanted to take Emperor Belos seriously but I couldn't. Esp. not after he made a fool of himself in the season finale. His "skilled" guards got beaten by an inexperience apprentice & he expected Lilith to carry on her duties after he revealed to her that he's screwing her over. What do you think was gonna happen next, dummy? Maybe wait until everything is said & done with Eda before saying "eff you" to Lilith? It's such a shame because I like Belos' design & the voice cast for him & he had a decent introduction but that's really it for him.
To be clear, I don't hate The Owl House. Again, great art style & animation & great choices for the voice acting but the bad parts of it outweigh the good parts for me. I am hoping that Season 2 blows it out of the water for me, but I'm not getting my hopes up.
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gins-potter · 2 years
Can you rate the girls enchantix from beat to worst?
I'm assuming by best to worst enchantix you're talking about aesthetics? Although if you mean how they earnt it as well, do let me know.
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It's a shame because her Enchantix is one of my fave Tecna transformations but compared to the rest of the girls, it's probably one of the worst for me. It's just kind of bland? Like her wings are painfully simple and missing the bottom part half the time. The colour scheme is nice and consistent across the entire design, I love purple on Tecna, and the blue is nice, I probably just wish there was a little more green as I prefer that as Tecna's secondary colour. Her hair is godawful though. The design of the top and bottom with the crossover is nice but that's it, just nice, there's not a whole lot interesting going on.
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Stella's enchantix isn't bad but it's not great either imo. My favourite parts are definitely her feet ribbon things and her hairstyle but the rest is meh to straight up bad. Her top is fine and I'm always here for the orange and the blue combo, but I do not understand her skirt at all. Why does it look like petals? Like it's very much not her aesthetic and it bugs me. Also why the pink? I hate the pink shoved in there. Same with the wings, great but the pink is unnecessary. If this outfit was her original scheme of just orange and blue with no pink, and the skirt was a little different it would rank so much higher.
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Musa's is solidly middle for me. It's really nice and I like it but there's nothing spectacular about it. Even though I'm a tom-boy Musa truther and this era officially said goodbye to her short hair, I do like the silhouette of her skirt. Her hairstyle is a little plain but nice, as are her wings. Not a massive fan of her feet ribbons are they feel disconnected from the rest of her outfit. Probably my one big criticism is I wish that dark pink was actually red because I love the red from her MW.
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I almost had Bloom in first but I thought that might be my Bloom bias talking so I've moved her down to third. I just really love Bloom's. Her dress is goals, a perfect amount of ruffles without being too much, I usually don't love the heart motif but it's cute on her ribbons, and her wings are perfect. The colour scheme is perfect with majority blue and just a few touches of pink and yellow. The only things I don't really love are her hair (and specifically the blue heart clips) and the bowtie thing around her neck. It's just not it.
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Listen, Layla's pink and green version of Enxhantix is gorgeous. Like I could wax philosophical about this look. The wings are amazing, her hair and crown are absolutely iconic, the top and skirt are so cute, and I love her ribbons so much. I am obsessed with this soft pink and green colour scheme, so much that I used it for Layla in my rewrite-verse. Literally my only criticism are her gloves because the purple looks so out of place? Make them pink and the look is perfect. (to be clear, Laylar's alternate version with the blue and yellow would be dead last I hate that version so fucking much).
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Look, I tried to pick apart Flora's enchantix but I just cannot because it's just so pretty. The dress is gorgeous with that skirt and the tri colour detail on the bodice, her hairstyle is possibly my fave of hers, and those wings are iconic. The blue of her ribbons is maybe slightly out of place but that's genuinely my only criticism and even that blue ties into the blue on her bodice so it's a really minimal complaint.
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My OC! Isa Winch!! Her full name is isaveria wincheska! (I didn't make that up on the spot ISTG)
She's a mischievous potion seller, with her black cat and her magical hair pocket dimension, she can defeat any foe... Unless that foe IS her. After that we're all royally fucked.
She's often forgetful, but her cat usually manages to keep her on track.
She collects the droppings of the various forest creatures around her cottage after killing them, and uses them for potions... And to eat.
Her redesign was inspired by mother gothel, and grapes. And witch hats
Her original design was quite bland tbh so I'm really glad I made this!
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Original drawing before I made it better 😭 ↓
Her dress is NOT supposed to be that short and why the flip are her knees that's low 💢
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This is her original design, my, my. How far we've come! Begone gray, I do not wish your stay! Nope! Not today!!
This design is so bare bones honestly, it looks very easy to animate though, I would know. I animated it before, it's a shame though... I used this design for my indie game.... Now that I redesigned her I'll have to update it.
Atleast I can actually show my parents this design without them thinking I like women?
(I mean to be fair I do but still)
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starry-milkshake-fan · 4 months
Why I hate Umi Monogatari (and how’ll I’ll fix it)
We follow 2 magical girls named Marin and Kanon, one from the sea and one from the sky.
Marin’s little sister Urin also comes to the sky.
it started out good, the first episode was a good way to introduce the characters, despite the fact they don’t get their powers until episode 2, the episode was fun and enjoyable.
episode 2 was fun, I loved their transformations and Kanon’s hair is amazing, however I hate Matsumoto, i’ll get into that later.
episode 3 was my favourite episode, it was funny and had good development for Kanon, also Urin’s hair was cute, I love her pigtails, it also had the best battle in my opinion.
episode 4 was okay, Warin and Sam are fun characters, Matsumoto dragged this episode down, I feel bad for Urin, Marin x Kanon is amazing but I hate how they didn’t make them canon.
episode 5 was okay, I love how the eclipse made Marin act different, I felt bad for Urin despite the fact she was being a bit rude, spooky ring at the end.
episode 6 was the beginning of the downfall, “emo” Urin was boring, also I found the ending scene to be funny, though Kanon was amazing, I love Kanon a lot.
episode 7 was horrible, I get why Marin wanted to be alone but she was being a bit reckless, Urin is trapped in a cocoon and is going to be in it for a couple of episodes.
episode 8 was adorable during the flashbacks, but it fell off after a bit, Urin is still stuck and Marin couldn’t save Urin, but the shield made me laugh, it wasn’t serious in my eyes.
episode 9 was extremely boring, Marin regaining her powers was amazing though, also Kojima is boring in my opinion, I did not feel any threat at the end.
episode 10 was funny, Urin’s butterfly form was horrible, I liked her personality in this episode though, it’s a shame it changes in the next episode, I prefer her more sinister side.
episode 11 was annoying, Ichikawa, Warin and Sam’s corrupted sides were bland, Urin had another personality change and Sedna was the sorrow in their hearts despite the fact she can talk, this is very awful.
episode 12 was AWFUL, I liked Urin’s new form and the updated opening and also Marin and Kanon’s confession but the ending sucked, Sedna is confusing and Urin HAS ANOTHER PERSONALITY CHANGE WTF?!?!, also the separation bullshit at the end, I fucking hate this.
the designs suck as well
Urin’s design is so awful that I made a redesign, her outfit is extremely revealing for A CHILD, A FUCKING CHILD! her hair also sucks, I prefer her pigtails, it looks better, also when her eyes are blank they look so fucking horrible, also I hate her tiny eyebrows.
Marin was okay but her bangs are weird.
Kanon would be fine…if it wasn’t for the weird hair, her hair is so weird, I hate her hair.
Marin’s miko design was cute.
Kanon’s miko design is fine but…those boots are horrible.
Urin’s evil design was bad, it’s just her with red eyes and butterfly wings, her episode 12 design was better but her outfit still sucks.
the rest of the designs also suck ass, my eyes were in pain. (besides the lady who sang the song, I liked her)
the music was fine, wasn’t a fan of the ending theme but the opening was good, I prefer the episode 12 version though.
some of the background music was okay but some of it felt too calm for the scene or was too overwhelming and I couldn’t focus on the scene properly.
now onto the OVA
Kanon was boring in this OVA, Urin has reverted back to episode 1 Urin, I fucking hate this.
the OVA sucked, I honestly wish this wasn’t made, it serves nothing to this story.
here’s how I’ll fix it
first, rename Urin to Rin, Rin is a better name and Urin…don’t add an e after that, WORST MISTAKE OF MY LIFE
fix the designs please, mostly Urin’s design, I hate it, and maybe make Urin’s evil design different, don’t just give her red eyes and slap wings on her.
please no more fanservice, it was creepy and weird.
make better music also, I’d recommend lowering the volume of some of the music (but make it a bit a louder in the soundtrack so people can listen to it) I couldn’t focus on some scenes due to the music.
make Sedna a spirit rather than the darkness of people’s hearts, that plot twist made no sense.
let Marin and Kanon visit each other because that parting scene sucked.
Matsumoto needs to be erased, he makes the show worse and isn’t even a good mentor.
same with Ichikawa, remove her, she serves no purpose.
Kojima sucked, don’t keep him, the romance drama is fucking awful.
Ooshima deserves better so please do more with her rather than just simping for Kojima.
Suzuki is fun so keep her.
also make Miyako less annoying, I hated her.
also keep a personality for Urin, her personality changes a lot and I hated that.
have the weird lady who sings that song be more of a character, I actually liked her. (also she had the best design) and also what if she was Sedna, that’d be cool.
make Warin and Sam do more please, I want more from these 2.
and lastly…please make Marin x Kanon canon, I love these 2 and we need more yuri that isn’t just making them objects for men’s pleasure.
this concludes my rant, Umi Monogatari: a fresh new story will be worked on, I’ve already finished Rin’s normal design so I’ll be uploading that soon, until then…stay safe everyone and goodbye :)
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