#her face gives npc im sorry
ironunderstands · 4 months
Just ended a call with my friend where she revealed that her roommate's boyfriend got mad because they (my friend and her roommate) both find Firefly boring and he started going on a tangent about how Firefly is an absolute angel who didn't do anything wrong and that their tastes are whack.
And here I thought we've moved past this era.
Damn 😭
Honestly I love Firefly and I think both parties just don’t get the appeal of her.
Girl who is slowly losing her grip on reality both literally and metaphorically joins a group of morally questionable but well intentioned people set on creating the best possible future for everyone, all while she attempts to make the most of what life she has left, burning brightly like her namesake.
And she has a kickass mecha suit from the ancient times tm* that basically functions as the aid to her disability
Her roommates boyfriend getting mad because Firefly is an angel that does no wrong is incorrect, because as heroic as their goals are, they are still considered intergalactic terrorists for a reason
Your friend and her roommate finding Firefly is a matter of personal opinion, but objectively I don’t think she’s boring in the slightest, in fact I think she’s one of the coolest characters in the game, the only boring thing about her is her non-SAM design imo
Honestly I thought we moved past this too but hopefully 2.3 changes their minds and we get some good Firefly content lol
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thatoneweird014 · 2 months
TOYA'S FAMILY HCs (mainly toyabros):
I don't think Toyamom is actually that bad (at least not as shitty as Harumichi). Does she stop him from being a bitch? No, but she doesn't encourage him either. She just kinda... stays out of it, which is still bad but when she's with the kids on her own she is very kind and sweet with them (not for any ulterior motives or gaslighting kind of way). When her kids would confide in her that "mom... I don't want to play piano", she would tuck them in, kiss their foreheads, rub their side and say "it's alright. Look, you got that part right today didn't you? You're improving very well :)" It's because of this that the kids slowly began to latch onto her if they ever felt like they needed praise (I'll talk more about this later).
While she isn't a perfect person, she is still probably the only member who hasn't fully given up on the family yet. The Aoyagi kids slowly grow out of telling her all their problems because she doesn't/can't really do anything about it, but they do like her. She always tries to smile when she greets them, even as her face gets worn with age and as her hair starts to grey. Also, her hair starts to grey early because of stress. She knows everyone has given up on this sorry excuse for a family and is probably the only one still trying to pretend they're fine. The Aoyagi kids go along with it because they don't want to see their mother suffering and because deep down they all partially hope that there is still something salvageable in this.
I came up with names for them but idrk if im gonna keep them as their permanent hc names so if you have any better ones lmk!!
Toushiro - Eldest:
appearance: 6"4, slightly stronger than Toya but still relatively skinny; short, light blue hair; black glasses and tired, beautiful, deep navy eyes; is always wearing something semi-formal, doesn't wear button-ups or anything but his clothes are always perfectly sized for him, never too big or small (kinda like an npc).
Toushiro follows your typical eldest child formula: your destiny is written from the moment you are born, you will be the prodigal child and there's nothing you can do about it. He's probably the only one of the sons whose more reserved than Toya and he constantly has bags under his eyes (the second son - Tokujiro - does as well but they're less heavy). Both sons wanted to do something other than music once they got to their teens but unlike Tokujiro who tried and failed, Toushiro didn't try at all because, in typical eldest sibling fashion, it's too much of a risk to give up the only thing you're practically good for. He's also the son who latched onto their mother the most because praise is to an eldest sibling what cherry-flavoured vapes are to thirteen year olds - give us one whiff of it and we'll chase it for the the rest of their lives (I do not vape for the record). It's because of this he's the only son who calls home from abroad every now and then to check in with their mother and very rarely their father on the two occasions he's ever showed up on videocall. He also eventually grew to just accept his life as a pianist. He's not fully happy in it, but he's come to accept that this is his life and tries to find joy in it.
When Tokujiro was born, Toushiro was originally kind of excited that he wouldn't be alone anymore, that there someone he could teach piano to himself. He got shouted at for it. One time when he was trying to teach Tokujiro piano, Harumichi came down, completely enraged, and yelled at them for making such terrible noise and using the piano so carelessly. "But, mother lets us..." "I don't care, touch that again and I'll make you practice through the entire night." Toushiro was left so afraid from that encounter that he never took Tokujiro to the piano room again. When Toya came, he just kept his distance, he was busy with recitals anyway (he was seven at the time of Toya's birth). As he got older, he tried to form a connection with Toya on the few times he came home. He felt bad for not being there for him when he was younger. One of the first things he asks when he comes back home now is "where's Toya?" He barely gets to see him because Toya's either at school or asleep when he gets back and he usually has to leave very early again the next day. However, on the few times they do meet, it's very awkward because you can see he's trying but they don't really have anything to talk about, especially since he can't talk about the piano anymore. It's even sadder because while he's abroad he compiles a list of everything he wants to tell him when but he gets home they can barely get past the "hi... how are you?" stage to ever get there.
Tokujiro - Middle child:
appearance: 6"0, shorter than Toushiro but much more "healthier" (all the Aoyagi sons have terrible eating habits, this is just appearance-wise) ; dark blue hair which is longer than Toya's, but it never goes past his shoulders and he usually ties it up a lot as well; softer blue eyes, much closer to silver, yet he still manages to always look stern; rougher hands from all his 'escape' attempts; wears plaid button-ups a lot (like ichika) and it's always untucked
Tokujiro is much more salty and angry at everything. He was five when Toya was born but was much more distant, largely due to him being really angry now that he realised just what kind of a life he was stuck in. When he found out Toya started street music, he became insanely stand-offish towards him because he had tried throughout his entire childhood to get out of his horrible life (he hates piano much more than Toushiro does) and he had gotten beaten and yelled at for it and Toya just?? gets to do it?? He used to constantly makes passive-aggressive comments about Toya's choice to perform (he does this less now) whilst saying how well he's doing at piano but he doesn't even know why he's doing it anymore, probably just to make himself feel better if anything because he really hates his life. He'll purposefully not give his all in performances but since he's an Aoyagi you'd need an insanely skilled ear to pick up on it.
When he was younger, he'd look up to Toushiro a lot, even after he distanced himself. Even now, despite his snarky and 'go fuck off' attitude, some desperate part of him misses his brother who would take him to the piano room and teach him, and he longs for him back. Also, at about age thirteen or so, he had discovered CDs of some music that was very much not classical music in his brother's room and played it when no one was watching. That was his first introduction to rock music- and he LOVED it. He'd constantly sneak into Toushiro's room to listen to them. One day Toushiro caught him and it was kind of amusing cause that was the first time he saw his brother so nervous.
"Toku? Toku! What are you doing?"
"I'm not the one with" - checks cover - "RAD WEEKEND CDs." (I hc that back when they were just emerging on the scene, RW did a lot of rock music, so much so that they released exclusive albums for their rocks songs)
"How did you even find those-"
"They're cool. Why didn't you show me?"
"Because- we're not supposed to... wait... do you like them?"
"Yeah, they actually sound good."
Then they'd frequently listen to rock together. Until their dad found them. And then broke them and yelled at them for tainting their ears with that garbage - "no wonder you've become worse lately." Tokujiro saw this as more of an excuse to rebel, in fact, he tried to start a rock band with the few friends he had (this got discovered and broken as well) - Toushiro was devastated to hear this and it only made him grow even further away from his brother. He only partially blames Toushiro for the growing distance between them, whereas he fully blames their father.
Both brothers together:
Sometimes their concert venues/study schedules overlap. It doesn't happen as often as they like, but it still does. To the outside eye, they interact like complete business professionals, as though their only relation to each other is through their work and not blood. However, they are there for each other. Toushiro will use these moments to try and subtly uplift his brother. Tokujiro always brushes it off and acts like he doesn't care but he does listen and sometimes take it to heart.
They both had private education together. Toushiro, even though he wasn't content with it, would sit quietly and listen. Tokujiro would do silent acts of rebellion, stuff he couldn't technically get in trouble for, kind of like Rui (i think him and rui would actually be besties ngl. In another life maybe :")) ) He'd do stuff like hand in assignments at the very last second and ask a bunch of stupid questions. The only reason he didn't get a stern talking to about this (at least not as much as he should have) is because all his work was actually done to a high standard and was correct. He had, during this period, also tried to start a rock band, but due to being so secluded from actual society he had maybe only two friends, the receptionist's kid from the shop his mother would sometimes take him with her to, and one kid he frequently met whilst trying to sneak out. He always seemed stoned af but maybe that was just his persona, he liked it either way. Toushiro knows if his brother gets caught he's going to be absolutely fucked. A part of him wants to stop him but the other part of him wants him to succeed, to prove there's an escape, so he just stays quiet and if he's ever questioned about what his brother is up to, he just says he doesn't know (to protect him). Lo and behold, his brother gets caught, receives the worst talking to of his life as he sits in his room, hands trembling above the piano feeling guilty as fuck for not having stopped him sooner.
They both have a minor jealousy for Toya. Toushiro eventually overcomes this in order to try and fix their bond whereas Tokujiro just pushes it down. Because what do you mean he's doing street music and not getting fucked over for it? What do you mean he's going to a PUBLIC school and has so many friends? What do you mean he's doing something else with his life, something he's happy with and getting away with it? They had both tried to do the same and gotten beaten the fuck up for it and he just?? gets to do it?? No lecture or anything? And what do you mean he TALKS BACK TO THEIR FATHER.
"Hmph, that's barely an achievement Toya."
"But I'm proud of it, I think I've come very far."
HELLO??? IF THAT WERE US TALKING WE'D BE FUCKING DEAD. They both stare in disbelief the first time they see Toya do this (on separate occasions, they talk about it to eo next time their schedules overlap). They think Toya gets a shitload of leniency from Harumichi. They're pissed off about it but don't hate him for it. At least one Aoyagi gets to be happy.
Toushiro doesn't like family dinners because Harumichi would spend the entire time berating his brother for his 'unruly' (he's an Aoyagi, remember) behaviour instead of praising him for he does right. This still holds true. When he goes home Harumichi barely bats an eye at him whereas he starts complaining when it's Tokujiro. Tokujiro just lets it flow in ear and out the other, he doesn't bother trying to 'prove' anything anymore and Toushiro just doesn't try, there's no point.
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parasitoidism · 7 months
Long meandering ramble about isabeau under cut sorry idk what happened
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Ok I wanted to expound actually I do think it’s really interesting how Isabeau isn’t like a “wishy washy” kind of neutral she is really serious and principled about it. Like when you fight her in law (and I assume things turn out the same in chaos, haven’t finished that playthru yet) if you extend your hand to her she takes offense to it + tells you to have conviction in the path you chose to the end despite her being so horrified and appalled by it that she would put down her life to fight you to prevent it from coming to pass.
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And in neutral as well after you defeat Merkabah she expresses respect for him in seeing his principles through. I think it’s interesting that she has such high respect for this concept of commitment to a belief, even a destructive one + even when that the belief itself is so fundamentally morally repellant to her. So anyways this is where I get kind of headcanony right. But I was thinking more about this again
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And yeah like she doubly has this thing of coming from a family that has always gone into the monastery as well as being a woman samurai (the level of rarity of this can be inferred by the fact that she’s like, the only female samurai npc iirc) that feeds into this right? Tho it’s conjecture on my part bc we don’t really hear her thoughts on any of this she’s already in this position of being like, an outlier, somewhere she “doesn’t belong” (as she apparently grew up expected to go into the monastery like the rest of her family- it’s a “loss” for the monastery) in terms of her place in the samurai. So I think that’s like .. where her position ultimately comes from. She grew up believing in the good of the kingdom like Jonathan but is in a position where she understands Walters feelings of being hemmed in by her society which I think just like is how I at least understand her character. But her neutrality isn’t just from a place of helpless desperation or an inability to choose its something she really believes in. So this is the part where I insist her love of shoujo manga is actually really important
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so yeah. I thought this was a little funny but the more I think of it it is super interesting how manga is cited as what makes her soul unshakably set against you and the destruction of Tokyo. And I think it’s just that it’s representative of or partly responsible for her genuine love for Tokyo, its art and by extension its people. Like to everyone the “unclean ones” are basically like some ancient historical threat once faced by their kingdom but through finding used copies of Rose of Versailles on the ground throughout the game and it, a product of the culture and people who live/once lived there, it just gives her a level of empathy/respect for them beyond what the others achieve.
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And she just cares about the people a lot yknow. When everyone splits off at shen duque her first worry is about skins and fujiwara. Walter and Jonathan’s motives both are concerned with the fate of Mikado, be it tearing it all down to start over or preserving it by destroying Tokyo (although that isn’t really /Jonathan/‘s motive but you know) but Isabeau is the one who actually wants to help the people of not just Mikado but Tokyo as well. So like “isabeau’s stance is that killing a bunch of people is bad” isn’t like groundbreaking literary analysis im aware. The game tells you that. But all the stuff I said is like In my cute little opinion Why she thinks like this. Anyways I wrote this for no particular reason other than I thought about isabeau and I like her. Sorry. Obligatory “but I’m probably wrong about everything” disclaimer
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Hello again!
Thank you so much for welcoming me into your corner of the internet (it really feeds into my Ac obsession, as if I needed more of that lol, but really it’s nice to see other ppl that like some side characters ahem *likeFedericoand Greencoat*ahem). And thank you for your answer abt Feducia as well, I’m glad you liked the library gifting idea for I have another one : Imagine if the library had secret alcove(s) and/or passage(s) and one of them lead to a small balcony. Do you think Federico would stand below said hidden balcony to read poetry/Lucia’s favourite pieces while she stood up there and admired him from above ? (A bit like the infamous balcony scene in Romeo and Juliet, the inspiration came after reading @giuliettaluce’s seriously adorable fanfic “Upon their holy act, the heaven smiles”)
Oh! I also really like your Aranea x Mephisto ship and I’m so excited abt your new(?) OC Tatiana Volkov bc I seriously thought the Flables/The Wolf Among Us fandom was dead when I arrived late as usual 😂 And I love both ships dynamics, I think it just suits them very well
Hope you had a good day and keep going, xx
(Ps Im sorry abt the long long asks I’m just excited to share my ideas with you)
Hello there again, Nonnie!!!
Please, do partake in coffee that I just made (wish I could truly offer you one through the screen)!!
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I myself have been going strong for almost 5 years, AND AM STILL GOING STRONG.
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So please, do sit tight and enjoy the ride!
Like, I still get super SUPER salty about the fact that Federico has met his end basically 5 minutes in the game (infact, around here, we absolutely throw canon out of the window, and Fede is alive, well and living his best life with his love, somewhere in Italy - in my particular case, in the Kingdom of Sicily with Lucia. Trapani has never been more beautiful than when they lived there!).
As salty as I am about that, I am also immensely grateful, because if the Baguette Bois were full-fledged NPC, then I would have never created my Mathias, and as you will see now that you are here, he is my most beloved brainchild alongside my darling Dorothea <3.
Now, onto your question:
I *absolutely* believe that Federico would stand below said balcony and recite Lucia's favourite poems ( probably the Canto 5 passage of Paolo e Francesca from Dante's Commedy, her most favourite AMONG ALL).
I can envision it so well, with Lucia just beaming and listening to him as he recites those poems, waiting for him to just climb up her to her balcony (because she KNOWS he would do that. Man cannot stay away from climbing around, as much as he likes to make it believe that it's becasue he needs to follow Ezio and make sure he's not going to fall face first lolol).
(it kinda helps that my FC for Lucia is the beautiful Olivia Hussey as Juliet from Zefirelli´s movie).
Seriously, she wrote for me the Federico/Lucia one-shot based on Romeo and Juliet that was EVERYTHING, and she wrote for me a one-shot about Mathias/Dorothea that I have never shared, but that I reread truly often and it melts my heart each time. She is such precious friends and beautiful person, it warms my heart SO MUCH knowing that you appreciate her writing <3 she deserves ALL THE PRAISE.
they are my "dark pairings", so to speak, because while I love to dwell in FLUFF galore, and this is something that I generally explore with my Assassin's Creed pairings (though, there is a certain dose of darkness there as well), with Mephisto/Aranea and Bigby/Tatiana I LOVE to explore the darker side of the relationship between two lovers (though, tbh, Mephisto/Aranea take the crown in this, but that's easy because Bigby and Tatiana are still very much decent people altogether, while Mephisto is a freaking Archdevil and Aranea is his Warlock/Consort, so they are bound by their own character alignment - which is firmly on the evil side).
So trust and believe, no fandom is ever truly dead, and you are MORE THAN WELCOME to discuss whichever fandom you fancy at present! :)
(and please, do not worry about sending me long asks. I *ADORE* reading them, the longer the better. GIMME A DOORSTOPPER ASK OR GIVE ME NOTHING LOLOL I am kidding of course! always feel free to send asks as long or as short as you prefer, at your own convenience <3 just know that they are always welcomed! <3)
*gives lasagna in tupperware*
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kiawren · 2 months
For the ask game 💜
What would your f/o do if you got into a argument? Would they eventually apologize?💙/Blue:
Your f/o is having a bad day.. How do you cheer them up? (+ Reversed for the other way around !)
You and your f/o are going on a roadtrip! Along the way you stop at some corny tourist traps. How does it go?
Hi Opheliaaaaa :):) :)
I answered purple here😁😁💜💜💜
💙/Blue: Your f/o is having a bad day.. How do you cheer them up? (+ Reversed for the other way around !)
If kiawe's had a bad day he's probably stressed about his dream of studying dance abroad, like the finances and whether he will get accepted or he's worried and unsure about the future, like should he even be pursuing this? I don't think he'll feel negatively when he's tired, cuz it means he trained hard that day and he'd feel rewarded. But him being worried about his future is mentioned when I answered 💜 and also is actually shown in the game where he gets laid off from his part time job that helped him save up to study abroad and he requests for MC to battle him cuz he says "I don't feel like dancing by myself right now..." and "it seems like nothing ever goes right..."
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AND I FEEL SO 😭😭😭😭 CRAZY THING IS HE HAS TO GIVE YOU MONEY AFTER YOU BEAT HIM IN BATTLE CUZ THAT'S HOW THE GAME WORKS (AND OTHER NPCS COMPLAIN LIKE NOO MY POCKET MONEY.. SO IT'S AN ACTUAL THING THEYRE AWARE THEY HAVE TO PAY YOU).. LIKE WUAUWHHGRHG...IM Crying. . Anyway yeah so wren cheers him up by offering to battle him, or dance with him. Cuz I guess wren has tried to learn the basics of fire dancing, so either they do basic moves together or Kiawe continues teaching him. If wren feels like Kiawe really isn't up for doing this stuff though and he just wants to rest, he's really great at just offering a listening ear and advice if he wants. And a hug 🥺....
But yeah wren will just start saying all the things that makes them believe Kiawe will make it and why he's awesome and why they love him and why they wholeheartedly think he'd definitely reach his dreams, and it's okay if he feels like he won't but they can face it together and wren will always be with him to see it realised or overcome the challenges together 😊
And of course Kiawe will feel like he's burdening them by needing some comfort or assurance and wren is always saying it literallt does not bother him like at all not even a little bit and he can always seek comfort in them... Sorry I'm looking through my recordings of the battle with him and I'm his words are so heartbreaking 😭
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Wow this next question looks fun and cute and wholesome and happy
🧡/Orange: You and your f/o are going on a roadtrip! Along the way you stop at some corny tourist traps. How does it go?
OH ABSOLUTELY ALOLA HAS LOTS OF TOURIST TRAPS LOLLLL honestly i can't think of specific ones but it's literallt pokemon hawaii so of course. Well if it's akala island kiawe would know some better places around the area with less people we coukd watch them from. Like at Royal avenue and the battle royale probbaly there's lots of tourists there. Maybe they'd be like Buy this Legit mask and Legit Pokeball the Masked Royal owned 😆
But I think primarily it's melemele island? Like the shopping district at the beachfront has prices so marked up.... So it's fun to pass by but not buy anything and maybe make fun of the tourists getting mid food when mallow cooks the same food but nicer and much more affordable at her locally owned family restaurant on akala.
Also some of the tourist traps would probbaly be like Check out this REAL scale that tapu lele dropped which is SO rare And it's like a piece of Plastic or like. This Genuine Flute that when you play it tapu koko will come But like not now you have to silence your surroundings and your heart yeah. And it's hilarious. I think the tapus are not fond of tourists especially tapu bulu he probably trashes their hotel room idk how but yeah
Kiawren generally just doesn't go to these places, but yeha it would be really fun to observe.
Wait i forgor to answer for the reverse part of the Blue question. I guess spending any time at all with Kiawe is my comfort, especially distracting myself by watching him train or talk about his day or his pokemon or alola or his culture I mean selfshipping is already what gets me through bad days so it literally means anything he does will be a comfort for me so yeah. He honestly doesn't need to do anything just breathe and smile
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vermanaward · 8 months
6.55 msq
still not a fan of wuk lamat's face. sorry babe.
don't love the lampshading of how similar their language is to eorzean. i guess it's a pre-emptive attempt to head off people complaing It'd Be Weird that everyone just happens to speak eorzean (see also: the exact same issue in norvrandt)
god damn npcs have a rescue you can't surecast your way out of how Dare
raha: since this is about ur nation's internal issues is this really the place for us foreigners to get invovled wuk: oh totally! my nation encourages foreign meddling in our internal affairs, it's part of our culture :3 me, internally: ben_affleck_smoking.jpg
somewhere between 'heh zero left an impact huh' and just. petition to make everyone who writes unfunny jokes about hot curries eat like. actual hot spiced dishes just because you motherfuckers. have no conception of how hot these things can actually get. like i guarantee you zero's preference for her spice level would also be fairly normal for certain dishes. but no!!!
don't love the sb thing where you can pick an 'actually this is a terrible idea pls do not railroad me into doing this' and then it railroads you anyway. don't give me meaningless dialogue options. actually worse than no dialogue options
this is the only mention or reference the whalaqee are going to get for the entireity of dt's lifecycle huh
raha: wol, take me on your next adventure! also raha: actually im going to stay home and be a bean counter like a good boy
yeah ik he's in the trailer and yeah i am Very Tired of his entire character being 'wol take me on your next adventure' but
STILL CAN'T ESCAPE THE EMET SPEECH. istg if they keep milking that in dt i'm going to. be salty about it.
honestly if emet and his buddies had any sense they would have done their schemes in all these places the wol never went
yay, knapsack. now just let me wear fashion accessories in battle in instances so ican beat up alpha omega while wearing pretty pink pixie wings
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I always thought of doing a review for ridgeside village mod but i haven't played stardew in a while, im sorry if this "review" is a mess but im just rambling so if you wanna read what i think go ahead. i might do another save without sdve because oh my god having these two mods together is overwhelming.
But i do remember something whenever i play and its just.. How the mod doesn't give you dialogue options. Of course there are moments where it does but other times It just assumes you'll accept whatever the npc throws at you and it honestly takes away the fun, sometimes i just don't wanna help someone
Like in stardew there are moments where you can be mean to the villager, refuse their offer or straight up tell them "hey what the hell is wrong with you", in ridgeside you don't have that, i appreciate it for what it does but having a bit of freedom would be a bit nice, also they use the :3 face a bit too much.
I do appreciate what the mod does, especially with how alive the npcs feel and the sheer amount of them, it feels like an actual village, also the main quests wears off a bit but its fun for what it does, but i think there's an issue that plagues the npcs and its just how they focus on one thing. That's not all of them of course but some of them like alissa who's her whole thing is that she sings and how shy she is about it, and it honestly gets tiresome sometimes. of course with the sheer amount of npcs i don't expect all of them to be complex but i expected more from her, i think i stopped when i was about to get her 8 heart event and honestly i don't remember most of her heart event because they're that dull.
Now. the forest. Don't get me started on the forest
There's a difference between "oh this place is hard maybe i should come prepared" and "this is bullshit", and the forest is bullshit. Everytime i need to do something and it has to do with the forest i roll my eyes because i just know I'll suffer even when im prepared. i also encountered a bug where i told Marlon i lost my sword there and i payed for the fee and he never brought it back, i should've reloaded that day but im the type who just takes it so. Bye bye galaxy sword you'll be missed
But yeah other than that this mod is amazing, I'll have to play it again because the last time opened stardew was around January lmao, support the mod and the mod author
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crewofthegoldrush · 2 years
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“all gals are my type”
rip to all the monty ships that could have been if montbrey didn’t have me in such a chokehold
ship talk under the cut
Gentry - Monty’s ex-wife in canon but in another life i think they would have been one of those couples, you know the kind who are just obnoxiously flirty and can’t keep their hands off each other even in pubic, gross. it is possible Gentry could have come into play before Aubrey came back into the campaign as i had her and Rascal in my head even before the campaign, but she was never fully conceptualized until much much later. Still its nice to occasionally think about monty settled down with her two best friends.
Margo - i loved margo the minute we saw her and she’s on my mind way more than an NPC with like 12 minutes of screen time should be. honestly if my DM had firmly said no Aubrey and Ang are not coming back, Margo would have been my new focus and as far as i’m considered they definitely hooked up during the time skip (im dead ass serious, margomery was almost canon)
Medra - an Alchemist professor at a university that we’ve visited a few times, Medra is pretty well liked at the table! Fun fact her first introduction was at a costumed event and her outfit was inspired by Celestia - and since all of us are bad with names, her name was just Celestia for like 5 months lol. I don’t have much to say about these two since their screen time has been very little but Monty flirts when she sees her and you gotta admit an Alchemist and an Artificer probably have a lot to nerd over
Harper - well due to changelings and all that, technically this is canon! but (well fg2 spoilers i guess lmao) at this point for them she’s now Aubrey mostly full time, making this i guess sort of a sunk ship as well. not that it was a ship that was going to set sail on it’s own - sorry if you read fool’s gold and liked Harper better but uh yea harpgomery wasn’t going to be canon. not that i want to give the impression that monty is not in love with her because that’s not true! monty adores harper so much and is genuinely head over heels for her - honestly at this point i think monty loves this changeling no matter what face she’s wearing.
speaking of changelings, bonus:
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1864reruns · 1 year
ㅤㅤㅤㅤimmortalised friendship⠀౨ৎㅤ3k
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ2023 ©1864RERUNS
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synopsis. After you meet your bestfriend's girlfriend, you feel content with your decision to give up your feelings for him━ nevertheless, it hurts all the same.
warnings. gn! reader, angst, unrequited love, onesided crush, highschool besties, non idol au, hurt/kinda comfort?
from vyon. not edited at all!!! sorry ab it. anyways, vyon angst debut :D hello to all the followers i got from my svt crack oneshot, i think it's funny that this is content im posting after that but this has been a wip longer than the reddit confession 😸 ❲trc blew up so i might make it a short smau or smth, maybe after i get a few more chapters of npc out❳
do not repost / copy / translate.
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It's strange to say you felt relief when Lee Seokmin introduced you to his lover, the love you had for him cracking like rusted 18th century armor. Over the years of knowing the boy, you've been collecting pieces of him to fill yourself up━ immature and eager to have him in any way you could, romantic or otherwise. Every platonic exchange that frequented between you two was churned into hope that you held carefully in your palms like water from a running stream and gulped down like air, it's not surprising to you nor anyone that knew the two of you that you drank yourself into sickness. You can't say for sure when these feelings started, all you know now is Lee Seokmin, who has forced you to don your love for him like a metal suit so that you are safe from his attacks even though your bones ache and creak with every move. Lee Seokmin, who you are so full of want for that it oozes out the cracks of your armour and turns silver to rust, making it hard to move.
Lee Seokmin, who was known to everyone as akin to the sun. In the way that his entire face would shift through phases when he'd smile until he was practically beaming, his personality made to soak in the imperfections of those around him and break it apart to reflect it back in ways to be loved. Something as mundane as your name leaving his mouth is spoken in a way that you've never heard: dusted in gold, dripping with ichor, punctuated with the breath of a shooting star━ like the sun, you remember, just like the sun. Syllables making up your name orbited around him as everything of yours did as soon when they left his mouth, letters forever strung into a line and stuck in that heliocentric orbit until gravity wastes away.
"Y/n━" He speaks your name and it's the first time it's ever felt so empty, stripped of its previous greatness; your name has lost its shine, turning from silver to a copper, turning flesh into colours of zombie-ish hues. ❲Still, there's something inherently freeing about this moment.❳ Then he shifts to her, his entire body moving just to accommodate his eyes to her in her great entirety and even with just a glance, he's already beaming. '"━ Eunhye," the way he says her name, you have to imagine its the way the sky has always encompassed the sun, taking on its light even at the risk of burn. Her name is one you've heard several times, in both passing and long anecdotes when Seokmin would share intimate stories of the two of them on their latest endeavours. Her name leaving Seokmin's parted lips is different to the way he says yours each syllable of her name making his lips open in an exaggerated, twisting his tongue into the oddest shapes just so he could have the taste of her name on his tongue for longer. Her name leaves his lips and then he, the sun, starts orbiting around the word that encapsulated her being, you can see it in his eyes now━ even though you're the one he's meant to be speaking to. His lips are tugged into a smile directed towards her, he stands with one arm prominent on her waist and you can't help but stare until he calls your name again.
Eunhye is pretty, she has that softish air about her that you think suits Seokmin; her eyes are round, her lips are pink, she has long hair━ you don't know what else to think other than she's pretty. You smile and extend a hand, repeating your name to her. She takes your hand, breaks out into a similar smile and then her name is spoken for the third time; you test it in your mind, chanting it slowly so that you can try to speak it as pretty as Seokmin does.
"Eunhye, it's nice to finally meet you," the words feel like a breath of fresh air and her name is awkward around your swollen tongue, there's an itch that grows on the roof of your mouth when your tongue hits it to say her name, it shoots down to your throat and lodges somewhere near your heart. From then on, Seokmin is uncharacteristically quieter as he lets you two get to know each other, often chiming in with comedic comments that embarrasses either of you or to defend himself when your conversation derails to stories about a much younger him, from either high school or from just yesterday. Eunhye is not someone you can hate━ you can practically feel why Seokmin fell in love with her to the point that you're frustrated.
If he was the sun, she had to have been the sky; everything about her was simply mundane. You won't deny that she was a girl with boring visuals, perfect to the point of blandness but once you fell in love with her, you irrevocably fell. You could only imagine that Seokmin fell in love with details that made her up, her sweet gestures, how easy it was for her to care for someone who was a mere stranger only an hour prior. Walking around aimlessly with her felt like you were meeting up with an old friend you had not seen in a long time, awkwardness and shyness contaminated your every word and interaction but still, you were full of affection for the girl. It's nice that Lee Seokmin had found a girl that suited him.
The day you meet Eunhye━ the day you decide to give up on your feelings, is a day comfortably slotted right in the middle of spring. That time where the trees have completed their transition from winter, where the flowers that have died the year previous have began to blossom again, shedding beautiful colours amongst the sea of green, where each unbearable ray of sunshine is accompanied with a gust of wind and the shadows of never stopping clouds. Far away from it's last cycle of winter and its next. It's the same as every other spring, with its vague brightness and warmish days all bleeding into each other, accompanied with the voices of friends and their laughter.
By the time the hour is over, you have not a single thing to hate about Eunhye from the way she stomps her feet when she laughs and covers her smile to the way she is uselessly stubborn and made Seokmin physically carry you off into a corner whilst she paid in that cafe you guys rested at. The close interaction between you and Seokmin made you flush━ how natural it came for him to simply touch you as if you were his, how your arms instinctively snapped around his to keep yourself safe as you were dragged away from the counter. The intimacy of it all made you feel guilty but when Eunhye returned and her and Seokmin shared another look, you knew you were nothing but an overactive fool. Because Lee Seokmin does not see you any more than a friend and Song Eunhye knows, she relishes, in that fact; she knows you are no competition to her and that's why she had turned around and simply laughed when she saw Seokmin's arms around your waist as you tried to wrestle your way out of his hold.
He's never been one to shy away from physical touch, it comes to him all too naturally like he was made to hold another person; it was all comfortable to him: holding hands with people he was walking with, hugging anyone whenever he felt a burst of emotion from either himself or them, to even repeatedly patting someone as he laughed, he seeked out touch in the same way the rays of sun would seek out the earth━ maybe that's why Eunhye didn't care too much about the way you two were wrestling. Either way, he's always been like that.
It was during highschool that the two of you met, spring it was. Except you remember this spring so much more vividly, full of beautiful flowers all the same but always drowned in rain; even on days where the rain would ease up for the sun, it was impossible to ignore the puddles that had collected on the paths, the roads, how sunshine would split into halves as they reflected off the droplets that hung from leaves. On the day that you and Seokmin met, it was not a day where there had been an allowance for the sun. The sheer amount that it rained that day led you to the belief that God had been trying to drown you; it had interrupted the cram school session you were at, your head turning towards the windows as the other students did, gasps falling out their mouths and eyebrows creasing as they thought about the way back home in the unforgiving weather when the rain began a faster, harsher descent, like it were trying to unearth something. The sound of thunder cracking against the asphalt interrupted your thoughts, a frown displayed on your face as you substitute mathematical expressions in your mind for the rounded corners of your walk home, worrying over the possibility of getting wet and sick over the missing 'x' plastered all over your work sheet. You pray for the rain to ease up for the journey.
Your prayers are not heard. By the time cram school ends, it is still raining heavily and you are holding your bag under your blazer, stuck at the door of the building where you've yet to become a victim to the weather. Several of your classmates were smart enough to have umbrellas stuffed in their bags or absent-minded enough to always leave an umbrella in their bag from the rainer seasons or were comfortable enough with the adults in their life that they'll call anyone they know with a car to come and get them. Maybe Lee Seokmin was sent your way as an apology from whatever greater entity there was out there for the shitty day you'd been having━ the idea of it honestly makes you laugh. You're still stood outside the building of your cram school, looking out uselessly into the street as rain continued splattering the puddles infront of you and seeping through the split of your shoe and its soles.
The sound of his shoes hitting against the pavement melodically make a nice beat with the rain, thudding against the asphalt, you'd soon learn enough about him to know it's strange that such a bright human would make such a good baseline with the dreary blues. The first time you meet Lee Seokmin drenches your socks in rain water; he skids to a stop right infront of you, his feet striking the large puddle you've been entertaining yourself with for the last ten minutes. Watching the sole of his boxy school shoes send a dramatic ripple through its body and breaking droplets away it as the small bullets of water attacked everything around it━ including your feet.
"Oh━" The stupid sound that leaves you when you feel the water seep into your shoes replayed in your head again when you look up to see the boy who has just half drenched you. He apologises so profusely that you start to get annoyed and then suddenly, you are no longer alone as the rain continued splitting the earth open.
Your eyes slowly move over to the boy stood beside you, attempting to wring all the water out of his shirt. Water clings to his hair like the sea swallowed the hues of the setting sun, stuck to his temples and forehead like streaks of fresh paint. Unconsciously, you follow the tracks of a water droplet that falls from the hair that's curved so that it has fallen onto his nose and slides down the steepness of his nose. It catches at his cupid's bow and you think it's stuck there for a second before it moves again, taking his face as an amusement park of slides until he puckered up his bottom lip; you watched as his bottom lip moved over the top, effectively catching the rain water and you accidentally snort.
The sound is just as noticeable behind a hand, you can see his embarrassed smile in your peripherals. Though maybe embarrassing himself was enough to make him feel comfortable around you because he somehow shuffled his way from the little corner he'd huddled himself into to the middle, closer to you and further away from the rain. Your eyes glance over just to check what he was doing and then quickly snap back to ahead of you when he thinks to do the same as you.
"Horrible weather, huh?" He speaks for the first time without lowering his head repetitively.
You can't help the way the corners of your mouth began tugging upwards at his attempt of conversation, "you don't have to make conversation, y'know." And then you find there might be something wrong with you because you suddenly have enough confidence to tease this guy like you've known him a while when you couldn't even answer a question in a class full of people you've known for years. If someone had passed you two now, they might have thought you were friends.
The guy doesn't seem embarrassed, "but I should be allowed to, no?"
The answer leaves you impressed, eyes blinking wide as your lips tugged downwards into an amused smile. "Sure," you shrugged; you're still talking to this boy like you have a immature crush on him and you're trying to impress him and the thought of it later that night when you're in bed will make you want to rip it your hair.
"Lee Seokmin," he timely introduced himself. His head turns to you, his entire body swivelling so that he could dedicate his entire front to listening to you introduce yourself.
"L/n Y/n," you indulge in the strange boy whom you felt the strange need to impress. The urge doesn't ever stop, it grows and grows, hitting against your bones and dribbling through the system in your body that was meant to carry your blood. It had started off with tickling your feet, the sand uncomfortable between your toes until Lee Seokmin continued his reign in your life and completely drowned you with the need to always impress him.
By the time you truly are fortunate enough to get know Lee Seokmin, the time you spend with him is but a constant of needing to impress him━ not because he is just an attractive guy on the street that may remember you whenever the rain gets a little heavier and his shirt clings to his chest uncomfortable but because you know him and you want him to know you.
The lie that you don't remember when you fell in love with Lee Seokmin was only that: a lie. In truth, it was a rehearsal for a universe in which you didn't need to remember when you started loving him because it wouldn't have ended, it was you preparing for that pretty fairy tale retelling in which you told your friends that you didn't remember when you fell in love with him, when you came to the realisation he was 'the one'; in a universe in which Lee Seokmin loved you back, you wouldn't have remembered that dreary spring day in which you began loving a boy that would never love you back.
Perhaps the universe had always been in favour of Song Eunhye because her and Seokmin live near each other so you split off at the road with the cofffee shop where you watched the barista try and get Seokmin's number. You cross the road, thinking that you love Lee Seokmin, even though he is currently walking away from you whilst holding another girl's hand. You're on the other side of the street as you think about how much you love Lee Seokmin and you think about how much you'll think of him when it rains, when it's spring, when you look at paintings with texture and remember the way his hair streaked against the tan of his skin. When you stop and turn to glance back at the two, you think about how much you'll forever love Lee Seokmin, even when you don't love him and your affections go towards someone that will love you the way you loved him.
When you turn around to finally go home, you think about a day when the rain will be just rain and spring will be just another season that will pass; you'll think of the relief you felt when Song Eunhye became an obstacle in your affections for your bestfriend. You'd think about the way your lungs swelled with air from the world, turning larger than your heart and you'll remember that the reason why humans don't go staring at the sun is because it will hurt. And finally, instead of thinking that the universe favoured Song Eunhye, you'll remember that the universe loved you the same and could not bear to watch you fall like Icarus. You'll finally, finally take off that rusted armour that you've been wearing to protect your fragile heart from the boy always beside you and fall in love with the way the rain falls on your skin instead.
When that time comes, you'll confidently say that you no longer love Lee Seokmin but you'd still go the long way round to avoid the places you two used to frequent, where everyone who knew you two, knew that you liked him. You'd look down a familiar road and turn around to avoid that ramen shop where the owner's daughter knew that there had to be something going on and would press even when you two corrected your relationship as platonic, where you two had been forever immortalised as friends and just that.
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thebleedingeffect · 1 year
its storming where i am so im gonna answer those questions bc aaabhhh. unskippable cutscene #2:
-omg so my fierce deity lore is. Hffghhff. A big thing with them is that, where Hylia is a goddess of time who was created, FD is timeless and just kinda always Is and Was. FD also has a lot of the powers Hylia's missing and vice versa-- he's a lot more omniscient than her [which is how he knows what faces would be familiar to each of the Zeldas, and how hes able to parse which zelda is most capable of the triforce] and can travel to any point in Termina's history at will. (worth noting is that he can't directly influence/change future events like hylia can [so no chosen hero of the far off future for them, sorry!], cant reincarnate, and he can't create things, just borrow and imbue his powers into. this is partially why termina in-game uses npcs from oot-- he cant MAKE new people, so he has to borrow visages of them where he can.)
at a later date, he finds out that Termina will be threatened and destroyed by Majora, and he responds by putting himself within the mask to give termina the hopes and dreams of safety it will one day need. but since he's not held by laws of time, he can still travel after the point where hes been put into the mask. its weird and complicated but its Fine 👍
hylia and fd stay out of each others business but they do interact with the understanding that hylia cannot influence FD's realm aside from timekeeping for the residents and he cant do anything to hers besides take wanderers in temporarlity if he thinks they need to be there for some time. but they do talk because sometimes you gotta ask the creation god for a big curved sword and sometimes you gotta ask the guy who knows everything if youre ever gonna win that war youre dealing with. theyre friendly.
(side tangent 💥 FD brought link into the world without necessarily knowing she was hylias chosen. all FD knew was that they were someone kind and in pain and in need of a reminder of how their kindness impacts this world which was reason enough to take her to Termina's Fall.)
-FD senses hylia in SKSW zelda, and SKSW zelda remembers him, but when FD asks he doesnt say "oh so youre hylia" he says "who are you now?" because he can at least parse that theres a difference. Lyre says shes not hylia even if shes supposed to be, but that its still nice to finally see him again, to which he responds that "it was nice to see you again, too, zelda." which is the last interaction any of the zeldas have with him before ALL of them leave, so he keeps his mouth shut until theyre away from prying eyes to say anything abt it (or, at least, away from prying eyes who wont say anything one way or another. side eyes sheik.)
-ALSO HEHDHEH YEAH he deliberately doesnt say if lyre can or not. he can look into zeldas life but not hylias, so hes admittedly unsure if her BEING hylia is enough to skirt that whole "no gods can use the triforce" thing.
-Coda Knows. coda knows who sheik is, at least to an extent. Coda still likes to present as Sheik in his own time, but its more for security reasons, to keep out of the public eye as much, and because. genderqueer oot zelda be upon ye 💥 she hides that she knows it well enough bc she can tell theres weird baggage going on but eventually does reveal it and they do talk about what they both know (because coda's link when through something she will never understand, something sheik was there for, and sheik is so overwhelmed by the grief of ruining link's childhood that it certainly helps when coda relays that shes finally happy.) its neat i like thinkin abt them 👍
ok final thing YES u can use my concepts and chars from this thang. its just smthn for funsies and i dnt have the energy to make it into a real project anytime soon 🕺💃 ok cutscene OVAR !!
Oooohhhhhhh the idea that fierce deity is timeless and always was and always will is so damn cool, I'm pretty sure you can tell I'm Very normal about him so this whole idea is so . yeah. Yeah....
Also I like how you've differentiated the fierce deity and hylia and what they can and can not do! The idea that fierce deity can't have a champion but since he's not held down by the laws of time he can simply Go Wherever and influence things that way,,, super cool,,, also the idea that he can't really create but can imbue his powers into already existing faces? Giving another reason to why Termina is Like That? Super cool, pog as hell, very swag even.
I just find hylia's and fierce deities dynamic here to be very interesting cause to me at least, they feel like god's with almost no one else to match them whatsover. I mean, fierce deity is even older than hylia.... like damn, okay.... but the idea that they're just friendly, no dramatic god stuff, is making me giggle jsjsjsj staying in each other's lanes.... flourishing.... minding their business...
I also just like how fierce deity is a god but he's also just a guy :) a very observant, very old guy, but nonetheless he picks up what's going down with Lyre and seems to be very accommodating. The little detail as well as fierce deity not even daring to say anything around Sheik is so funny to me sjsjsjsj lil gossip.... collecting Info..... Sheik may be capable of wielding the triforce but that does NOT stop him from being sneaky!!
Also Coda and Sheik seem so damn tragic but the lil detail of Coda saying that she's happy and Sheik is just so relieved over that is very sweet :'] I like that alot!!
AND YAYYYYYYYY thank you alot for letting me use your ideas for their names!! I actually already have my own personal lore for the fierce deity and Termina so it was actually really cool to read another beloved mutuals interpretation of all this! Lyre and Coreulea are already so dear to me how could I ever leave them behind.......
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bi-buck-coded · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
✨Thursday Edition✨
Important note/question at the end under the cut?? Please read it :( it's important to me. Here's potential scene one to NPC fic (it will most likely change if im being honest but I need feedback).
Tagged by: @honestlydarkprincess @buddiearemydads @ebdaydreamer @usercowboy
Sara speed-walks her way to the ping pong table, almost tripping, but catching herself before any of the others can see. “Guys- guys!” she says, “You will not believe what I just found!” Her voice comes out half whisper half yell. At the ping pong table Stan is writing a tally on his score-keeping note pad while Jess and Tom argue over the last play. When they hear Sara coming they turn their heads. 
“This isn’t over, I swear we’ve never played with those rules,” Jess says to Tom as Sara reaches them.
“Well Stan’s already given the point out so I think I’ll let him decide-”
“The point went to Bradshaw.”
“-nothing. He will decide nothing because you can hit the ball before it bounces.” Tom crosses his arms and looks defiantly at the other two. Jess looks over to stan and rolls her eyes. “I saw that!”
“Guys! Can you listen to me?” Sara looks around before pulling out her phone. “I know I said I was taking a break from online dating after that catfish incident, but I went on this hookup app last night - for reasons - anyway and look what I found.” She turns her phone relieving a profile boasting the username firehose. A shirtless mirror selfie in black and white shows at the top of the profile. The flash and the phone block out the user’s face. 
“Okay so you found some guy with the cheesiest username known to man why do we care?” Jess asks. Sara turns the phone back to herself, scrolls down a little, and then flips the phone back to her awaiting crowd. “Oh my god, why did he choose a blowjob angle?” She takes the phone into her own hands and stares open mouthed. 
“I’m sorry, he chose the name firehose?” Tom scrunches his face in confusion. “I get the joke, big dick or whatever, but why would you ever swipe on a guy who chooses the name firehose?” Stan laughs and grabs the phone for himself to scroll through the phone. Picture after shirtless picture stare back at him. Jess smirks.
“Maybe it actually means he com-”
“I mean he looks good in these pictures, sure, but then his prompts are so bad! ‘I go crazy for…’ and then he just put ‘you’. ‘My biggest regret is…’ ‘the opportunities I didn’t take’.” Stan pauses to laugh at that. “What? That one doesn’t even sound right!” Tommy takes the phone next.
“Would it be bad to say I’d swipe right?” The group looks at Sara and she turns her head to look away. “As if you wouldn’t,” she mumbles.
The sound of an engine backing into the bay startles them out of their bubble. Sara takes her phone from Tommy and locks it before putting it in her pocket. They watch as Buck climbs out of the engine and jogs up the stairs. “Oh my god,” Sara mouths at the others who all have wide eyes. They stand there quietly for a second, too scared to breath. It feels as if someone could tell what they were just talking about from any sudden movement. 
“They charge you extra for the full detail?” They hear Chimney say above them. Tom holds back a laugh while Sara clamps her hand over her mouth and stares wide eyed at Jess who’s biting back her own laugh. 
“So the game was 3-0 Bradshaw-” the alarm blares, cutting Stan off, and they’re off getting into their gear and the engine. “Do you think it was on these seats or-”
So I dont really know how I feel about this, writing third person omniscient (or kind of really third-person objective because idk how to write omniscient well) was weird for me and idk if I can really make it better? I'm thinking about just switching to text threads only? Idk read this and if you want in the tags you can give feedback on what might make it better or if you like the idea of just texts, because in my head texts would just make more sense? / I could make it funnier? idk in my head I feel like it'd be funnier if it were texts. Please give thoughts im begging.
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kirozai · 2 years
Just a thought I was having but like what if in the self aware genshin au like some how you get into the game and you like immediately rush for your fav npc. Like if xingqiu was introducing you to the Feiyun commerce guild and you just rush to see Xu (the npc) and like start fangirling. Or if jean or someone introduced you to the knights and you go to huffman, swan, or lawrence. What would their reactions be? (For the character and npc). Sorry if it’s much I just wanted to share my idea
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synopsis!: jean, xingqiu, zhongli’s reaction to when you show favorment to an npc! (not good…)
CW: crack/fluff!, religious themes, cult au, sagau!(could be non sagau if you squint), yandere themes! (more like the over protective but to overprotective type!)
type of reader!: gn!reader, god!reader, darling!reader
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“ah.. me? don’t worry about me.”
honestly, zhongli doesn’t care.
the npc is right to be happy! i mean they have the creator loving them! anyone would want to be loved by the creator right?
like why would he care that you are fangirling over an npc??
obviously you love him better
he’s YOUR acolyte and this person is just an npc.
he’s an ARCHON what does he have to worry about??
okay. maybe… maybe he is a little jealous. i have an accurate feeling he’ll be a little bit quieter than usual.
he probably would take it as a challenge in all honesty!
oh, they are really good at guarding people? well i’ll be at your side 24/7!
it kinda works because now you guys are closer! but then backfires because he has to deal with other people interacting with you.
give this poor man a rest
“let’s check something else out!”
of course you would be happy to be in teyvat! now your with them it’s so much better!
he expected you to be kind but like, stop fangirling over an npc.
the npc over here is completely flustered because of your kind compliments!
okay he is very much annoyed and jealous.
“your grace! let’s check out this place over here!”
xingqiu would wander off so you could go look for him.
“im just reading. you seemed quite occupied with that person over there.”
keep the fangirling AWAY from your acolytes….
she HAS to keep up that perfect acting grandmaster mask on.
over here the npc are fangirling over YOU! i mean like your THE CREATOR!!
even though it is kinda annoying that you’re paying more attention to her knights than, well, her.
of course the knights are incredible! she helped train them!!
but wouldn’t you want her instead?
(this is kinda getting sad so lets make it cuter)
her jealous face is extremely cute.
puffed up cheeks but she doesn’t notice. kinda like someone trying to pretend they are busy but really they aren’t
just hive her a hug and she’ll be a-okay!
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gosh its great to write! i hope tumblr has t forgotten about me! ive been thinking of making a short story but no ideas right now are spinning through my head… ideas?
kirozai out!
if you enjoy my works, consider tipping me! <3
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actualbird · 2 years
Finally caught up and read the entire polycule piece! Loved it 😁 Especially...
- Vyn seeing how many ways he could make Giann squirm in the span of one conversation
- Giann pretty much having 'Dinkelberg' moments for Luke ever since they had their talk
- Artem being the one who finally starts to crack Giann's 'This is Fine' (TM) shell
- Ria definitely being the leader of the polycule
- Von Hagen Brother Supremacy (TM)
- Neil's turn for fun discussions 😈
Wondering though...in the polyverse the other important NPCs in relation to the NXX members (i.e. Celestine, Kiki, Baldr lawyers, Zangr), do they know? If they do, how and when did they find out? And if not, do they at least have a feeling?
waaaahh, hullo hullo!! thank u for reading "standard operating procedure (x4 speedrun)" and im glad you enjoyed it :DDD
writing vyn from a non-vyn POV is so fun because yea, i think it'd among his Most Common Attacks in a conversation, esp he actually considers the other person a friend.
giann to artem: congratulations, btw artem: huh. for what giann: //offers him a shittily made paper badge that said "Got Giann To Ponder Emotional Vulnerability. Maybe. Still, That's Impressive" artem: did...you make this? giann: no, marius did, and hes making me give it to you >:/
mc is the best!!! shes gets the ball rolling, shes the glue tht keeps the team together, and shes also the PRETTIEST. sorry boys, but these r just facts
when neil finds out, he's half convinced hes still in a coma and is having a fever dream ajhsvkkjVKJHSVDK
as for ur q: first off, zaNGR??????? ok wait lemme circle back to him later
the close friends deffo know!!! celestine for artem, kiki for mc, aaron for luke, uhhhhh vyn's plants for vyn LMAO. vincent is also considered a close friend to marius, so he knows too. hell, vincent was told about the polycule sitch before any marius' immediate family
giann: wAIT WHAT
marius: what?
giann: you havent told dad????
marius: i dont waaNNAAAAAA, hes gonna be so embarassing, embarassing raised to the power of Four to take everybody into account
giann: ive got a feeling thats gonna blow up in your face eventually
marius: thats a problem for future!me
as for ppl not really close to the team, they arent told explicitly. like, it's none of ingrid rosworth's business, why she saw artem "stick up his ass, saving eye contact for marriage" wing being Very physically affectionate with like, several different people at several different instances. it's none of her business and none of anybody's businesses, but people are curious and make all sorts of theories
none of these theories circulate though. and neither of them ask. because have you met this grp of ppl?? theyve all got the capability to be incredibly scary and/or make ur life hell.
the citizens of stellis do not have a death wish KJAHVSKJFHAS
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theacedumbass · 2 years
SWTOR Alliance Commander Ask Game
tagged by @grandninjamasterren
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1) Who’s your Alliance Commander? What class are they? Alignment? Random other facts you wanna share?
Carlgar Stocad is the Alliance Commander for my main swtor universe. He’s a Neutral Sentinel, and was my first swtor oc.  
2) What’s a reason or two you like that this character is your Commander?
The expansions feel like a continuation of the Jedi Knight story, and it feels good to have Carlgar continue his story. Also he’s probably the only one (npc or oc) that could make the Alliance work as well as it does.
3) What’s a reason or two you don’t like about them being Commander?
It means Carlgar never gets to rest after all he’s been through. He’s always going to have to be on his feet and working, and never gets to have a relaxing retirement with Theron and his friends.
4) Why did this character of all your OCs become Commander?
Originally, so that he could finally put an end to Viteate. But over time it became so he could possibly provide an semblance of piece to the galaxy.
5) Who did they side with? Did they stay loyal or go saboteur? Or maybe you headcanon they defect properly?
I personally headcanon that everything post kotet just didn’t happen. Or at the very least the Alliance didnt loose the Eternal Fleet. So in my hc the galaxy is in relative peace thanks to the Alliance. Carlgar would never completely ally with one side or another. Too much drama for him
6) Are there any NPC’s from the class stories you’d like to see/HC join the Alliance? Ex: Master Timmns, Ardun Kothe, Watcher One, etc.
Soooo freakin many. Unaw Aharo and Bengel Morr, Yuon Parr, Jakarro and C2-D4 (they joined much earlier than they actually did), Beryl Thorne, Bela Kiwiiks, Watcher One, Keeper, Sumalee,
7) How’s your OC feeling about the current Malgus situation?
If Malgus show’s his ugly, deformed, face again he’s gonna give T7 a lightsaber and full control of the Gravestone.
8) Are any of your other OC’s part of the Alliance? If yes what do they do for the Alliance? Do they get along with your Commander?
Most of ‘em: His brother, Serdnile (Smuggler), his two sisters Kyran (Inquisitor) and Jadeseam (Agent). Along with his cousins Omiku (Warrior), Rolaiz (Consular), Ajaihli (Secomd Knight). And his aunt Kaliz (Second Warrior). His good friend Ryicou (Trooper) and her stepbrother Datthher (Hunter) are also eventual members.
9) How does your OC feel about Odessen? (Bonus: how do you feel about it) 
Carlgar sees Odessen as his new home. It’s his favorite place in the galaxy, second only to his personal ship. He has so many good memories and most of the people he loves are there, so he’s always got something to do. Also he absolutely ADORES painting Odessen, from the caves and hills, to the sunrises and the night sky.
I personally love the planet too, just wish it was a bit more open tho
10) How does your Commander feel about being the Commander? 
It might be one of (if not the most) stressful thing he’s ever done, but he loves it. It allows him to give hope to people while being able to live his own life the way he wants. No more having to hide his and Theron’s relationship now! Carlgar loves what the Alliance represents, and it’s his greatest honor to lead it.
11) Favorite place in the Alliance base? 
Probs the personal landing pad or his room. The landing pad is a nice place to sit and his room is very cozy.
12) Favorite mission in KotFE? 
Chapter 12, where you make your new weapon with Satele and Marr 100%
13) Favorite mission in KotET? 
The walker mission on Voss or during chapter 2 when you’re vibin with Acina.
14) Least favorite mission in either? Why? 
Probs the one where you meet Kaliyo? Just because I’ve done it too many times
15) Is your Commander successful because they’re skilled? Or are they perhaps just really lucky? 
Carlgar might see himself as lucky, but its really all skill. Im sorry but you dont fight Viteate/Valkorion 6 (?) times with just luck.
16) From our OC’s point of view, SoR -> KotET wasn’t a fun experience, did they develop any fears as a result? 
Carlgar definitely developed a more intense hatred for Valky (obs). He also got severe ptsd from the whole experience, and definitely  blames himself for not being able to stop Viteate at Ziost. He uses his art as a coping mechanism, but that doesn’t solve everything and definitely goes to therapy post-Kotet.
17) AU time! If your Commander wasn’t Commander, which of your other OCs would have likely taken their place? 
Hmmmmmm, probs either Omiku, because he has the second most experience dealing with Valky or maybe Ryicou bc of her military experience.
18) Who’s someone your Commander hopes they never have to deal with again? 
Aside from Valkorion? Probably Revan or Darth Angral. I say Revan because Carlgar doesn’t want his childhood hero to be ruined anymore than it already has (thanks SoR :/ ), and Angral because he doesn’t want to see the man that murdered Orgus ever again.
19) Does your Commander hold on to/still use any titles they earned before KotET? 
Carlgar still holds the Hero of Tython title near and dear to his heart, it was the first thing most people called him aside from an insult. But he no longer uses it to identify himself (after the early stages of Kotfe)
20) Share something, anything at all, you want about your Commander that you’ve not really gotten the chance to share before but really want to.
Sure! Carlgar loves art. If he’s not reaching for his lightsabers he’s probably reaching for his sketch pad. It started as a hobby but after Chapter 2 of the class story, he began to use it as a way to vent all the trauma he’d gone through. Especially post Ziost and during kotfe/kotet his art takes on a very dark, and depressing and abstract tone due to the nature of Viteate and the threat he poses.
The first (personal) thing Carlgar got after the Alliance was formed was some new drawing supplies. Most of the cargo hold on his ship was filled with painting.
Tagging: @rangerslayer-97 @ajoloart @sithwarblade @thaniraslegacyswtor
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is-nini · 3 years
Genshin impact x reader
Episode: 2
Title: proven innocent?
A/n: someone ask me to make a tag list... I never make one.. but i hope I'm doing this right.. if i make a mistake please point it out😅 thankiuu❤️❤️. possible love interest for now will be : Diluc, Kaeya, Albedo, Zhongli, Childe, Xiao, Beidou, Ningguang.
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"you're in Mondstat.. the land of freedom.."
She trails off, you take the glass and gave her a thankful smile. Mondstat.. oh yeah.. the land of freedom.. the land where the anemo god rule.. wait what now? The land of... Huh??? Isn't that- your brain clicked. Mondstat is where the traveler start....
The girl seems to notice you staring off into space, the glass is still glued to your mouth and the water is touching your mouth but.. the water is not decreasing and you didn't seems to do any gulping either.
"u-uhm.. my name is Barbara! What's yours?".
The girl that now you know named Barbara asked, you contemplate for a while.. what is your name? Well- you know your name but what should you gave her ...
You trailed off, why did you do that?! You don't even know.. this is just a game anyway, what's the bad thing that could happen?
"y/n? Hum... A very interesting name."
She nods in understanding interesting? What did she means? You thought to yourself.. maybe giving your real name away is not the right choice..
"so y/n.. where do you come from?"
You widen your eye, you space out for a bit which made Barbara very suspicious of you but she wait either way. While Barbara calmly waiting for your answer, your brain is going on a world war. What can you say? Where you from? You haven't gone that far into the game you doesn't know anything?!
"I don't know.."
Good going y/n you face palm yourself inside your head. Barbara furrowed her eyebrow damn... You're dead.
"hum... It's okay, we will find your family soo-".
Just as about Barbara finished her words, the door suddenly opened reveals a tall tan man with a eye patch on his right eye- this is that man.. the one who claps at the traveler in one of the early cut scene, Kaeya if you're not mistaken.
"ah-! Sir Kaeya".
That now you know 100% is Kaeya, walked inside the room and smile at Barbara.
"well Barbara, you have done a lot of things for this stranger.. why don't you go and take a rest?".
The words that Kaeya kust said might seems caring and kind.. but the undertone of mystery and more is also present.. and unfortunately for you.. you're probably doomed here.
Barbara was about to say something but quickly shuts her mouth, she make her way outside your resting room. Now you're alone with this hot man.. brain he is hot but please don't get swayed you thought to yourself.
"okay stranger.. tell me where are you from?".
He goes straight to the point. Your brain goes to another stone as you tried to answer his question.
Frick why did i say that. You look at him intensely in the eye, trying to prove to him that you're not lying. Kaeya narrowed his eye and fold his hand.
"you're pretty good at lying, sadly for you I'm not buying it".
Yeah.. well that's kinda expected. You look away from him, gazing at your feet that's covered with white blanket. You don't know what to say now.. especially if this man is hard to lie to..
"I don't know where I'm from".
You decided to come clean.. well- there is a lie there but it's kinda true. Kaeya looks at you intensely. His eyes really looks like their calculating by default.
"hum.. interesting. You're wearing a one of Mondstat's common dress yet you don't know where you're from?"
Wait what.. you finally observe your surroundings, you stare down at your dress. You didn't notice this.. you realize that you are wearing a dress similar to the one that the girls around Mondstat use.. you know the npc one. Okay being sucked in the game is fun and all but really game? You could've give me a more interesting dress. You stare at the man and sigh.
"listen.. i don't know where I'm from and also let me ask you back- how am i here in the first place?".
Kaeya stare at you, blinks a couple of times and laugh out loud clutching his stomach. You look at him weirdly now it's your turn to fold your hand.
"okay that was unexpected of you stranger".
He take a seat beside your bed, he folds his right leg over his left and smile at you. You don't really remember about his personality.. but you do know that he is flirty.
"uhuh? Thanks?".
You looks at him suspiciously and also taking his confusion and amusement as a good thing.
"well.. let me answer your question. One of our knight found you at the sea shore.. you were knocked out cold. They assume you are a member of Mondstat".
He unfolds his leg, rest his elbow on his knee, bend his back forward a little bit and resting his chin on the back of his palm making him look 1000x more hot- okay brain.. stop wondering off to useless place you shake your head and nod at his previous words.
"but they never saw you around Mondstat.. they're scared to do anything so they called the nurses immediately.. i was about to quarantine you.. but because this is Mondstat.. they decided to save you".
You gulp nervously. What does he means by quarantining you?! Is it like... Some kind of jail? No... You don't think so.. Mondstat is the land of freedom.. not having a jail would make sense. Kaeya stare at you for a while and sigh, catching your attention. You looked at him nodding understandingly but completely confused.
"just call me Kaeya".
You look at Kaeya up and down, you puts your point finger at your chin and staring at Kaeya up and down, not even bothering to hide the fact that you're checking him out.
"what are you doing".
Kaeya deadpans, you just shrugs your shoulder as you slowly stroke your leg outside the bed, trying to get up.
"i am checking you out mr. Hot".
You stated bluntly because hey.. there's no use hiding it anyway. You're not discreet and not trying to hide it anyway. Kaeya holds your arms as you struggle a little bit to get up. You smile up at him.
"thankyou mr hot.man".
You finally look around the place, not noticing the slight red blush across a certain blue haired man's face while You are observing the room and the dress you wear. You felt kind of bumped not being able to wear cool clothes like the playable characters but.. Oh well, you're not meant to be here anyway. Talking about not meant to be here.. how do you get back?. You turned back to the man.
"Mr hot man... what is the name of the place that i was last found.. if i may ask?"
Kaeya ponders for a while, he looks back at you.
"the last time the Knights found you is on the sea near star fell lake".
Where is that place... Flash back when you're playing the game.. wait nevermind, you didn't remember the map. Oh well maybe you can ask around later.
"thankyou Mr. Hot".
Kaeya chuckles as you wave goodbye to him and left the room. Kaeya didn't even bother to escort you after all.. he has something important to do.. searching for your information.
"ah-! Y/n!"
A voice you heard sounds familiar, right when you're outside the door of the room that you just been in, Barbara came to you.
"hello Barbara!".
She stops in front of you and look to your left and right side. She touched your head, trying to check if you're okay or not.
"you doesn't seem sick.. well then! That's good".
You didn't say a word, assuming that Barbara have something to tell you. You and her have a akward staring contest. You blink once and giggle.
"thankyou Barbara!! That's very nice of you to check up on me, what's wrong?".
You asked her, assuming that there is something she would like to say, she startled back as if she finally remembered something.
"o-oh yeah! My sis- i mean the acting grand master would like to see you".
Andddd your assumption are right. She does need something, you were about to say goodbye when you remember something.
"ah-! Barbara where is this.. acting grand master?"
Barbara slap her head and quickly explained to you where the place is, you nod at her and make your way to the acting grand Masters room.
Once you reached the the door to the entrance of the office, a guard stopped you from going in.
"Tell me what business do you have here".
The guard ordered you to say your reason to be here, you were about to say something when the door suddenly opened.
"what's happening here?".
A girl with a low ponytail that's slipped forward with a purple flower shows up. She wears a.. pretty tight dress with two slits on the side like one of those chinese dress but with purple colour.
"oh.. it's you, follow me honey".
Before the guards even say something the woman already ask you to join her, the guard seems like they just let her whatever she does. So you just join her inside without looking back at the guards.
"she's here jean".
The girl called "jean" that looks pretty similar to Barbara stare at you, she smiled as you and got up from the seat. She pulled her hand in front of her, asing you to shake her hand. Being a polite person you are you shake her hand back.
"hello there.. y/n if I'm not mistaken?".
You nod and smile back at her, she asked you to take a seat in front of the table that is located inside the room.
"so.. y/n I'm sorry but we must investigate you for a while.. seeing as you existing out of nowhere and nobody here claims you to be their family i have a question.. where are you from and how did your hand gets on one of the Mondstat dress?"
You blink at her confused, you sigh and without thinking much you just said everything that you knew.
"I don't know where I'm from. I don't even know where im at when i woke up.. I don't know how can i get my hands on this.. Mondstat dress".
Yeah everything you said makes sense.. Barbara did say that you don't know where you are when you first woke up.. but that might be a trick is what jean thought.
"oh apologies, my name is jean. I am the acting grand master".
She explained, she doesn't seem like she is ignoring your previous word... Maybe she's changing the subject?
"nice to meet you miss jean".
You greets her back with her name rolling off your lips. Lisa stare at the conversation intensely and quietly.
"well then.. thankyou for meeting us.. you are dismissed".
Dismissed? What? You stands up and nod your head thankyou. Before you get out you turn your body towards jean.
"I-i'm sorry but where am i suppose to go..?".
Jean and the purple dressed girl looks at eachother it's as if they're talking about something but with no words being spoken.
"ah yes.. uhm- you will meet a certain knight.. please wait for a while".
A/n: I know cutting of the story here doesn't make sense but please bear with it for a while T-T i accidentally make a mistake and i will continue this on the next story! I Apologize deeply for the mistake, thankyou for reading!
Tag list:
@laic2299 @inlustris-is-slowly-dying
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red-riot-rat · 4 years
REQUEST: What if shiggi had a little sis (who’s like 14) that was staying with the doctor to learn how to make nomus and when the LOV goes to meet with the doctor for the first time she goes up to the league and just insults them, “wow you guys and smell like 💕🧚🏼‍♀️✨ass✨🧚🏼‍♀️💕” She’s probably extra rude to dabi because he’s cool and they have to same emo music taste 👁👄👁
HEY HEY!! HAHAHAH I LOVE THE IDEA OF JUST COLLECTIVLEY BULLYING THE OTHER MEMBERS OF THE LEAGUE HAHAHA ahjskjf i made it gender neutral because i literally forgot to make it she/her?? Shoutout to my brain for that
WC: 976
ᴛɪᴍᴇ ꜱᴛᴀᴍᴘ ᴇɴᴅᴇᴅ: WED. 10:31 PM
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“Like this?” You asked the doctor, as you worked on a new Nomu for AFO to send for the League of Villains. Your music played behind you through an older radio and the doctor merely spared you a glance, nodding. But that's all you needed. 
You proceeded to work on two Nomu’s at once, one a basic carbon copy of the one All Might destroyed long ago, and a new one specifically requested by AFO himself.
You were lost in papers, tools, and honest sweat when the doctor walked away from your station you didn't notice, and really couldn’t give half a shit. There were voices in another room, and then footsteps began to get louder and louder as you finished one of the Nomu’s.
There were multiple sets of footsteps, and maybe it was just a visitor, or maybe a fallen victim.
“We have guests.” The doctor’s voice rang slightly through the room, and you simply nodded. You didn’t mind having guests, or even someone watch you make Nomu’s since you’ve been making them for years. But, seeing your brother is always a surprise.
“Hey loser.” The lanky man staggered over to you, smirking.
“Oh ew.” You put on a disgusted face, as you glanced around the room, searching the few faces of the League. 
A man you knew as Dabi, he was okay. He looked cool so you didn't mind him as much as the others. Although Himiko Toga wasn’t bad, she scared the shit out of you sometimes even though you had never met her before. Mr. Compress was too fancy for you, and you felt you had nothing in common. Spinner was okay, but you never saw yourself holding a conversation with him unless it was about video games. And last but not least, Twice. He was okay as well, but your vibes didn't seem to click.
The doctor waved you over to another Nomu, one another hero knocked down about a week ago. You walked over, flipping your gray haired brother off in the process.
“I’m going to get something for this. Something you can’t break. I’ll be back in a moment.” He scowled at you and you nodded again.
Shigaraki made his way over to you once again as you jumped up to sit onto an empty counter. He waltzed over to you, his hands stuffed in his pockets. The League hesitantly followed him to you, and you stared at them with a blank face.
Like your brother you had a few scars, but you were not, and in your words, As crusty as he is. In fact, you were not crusty at all, quite cute. 
They stood about a foot away from you, and Dabi’s ears seemed to perk up as the song on your radio changed.
“Wow. All of you guys smell like….” You locked eye contact with Dabi, and he stared right back at you.
“💕🧚🏼‍♀️✨ass✨🧚🏼‍♀️💕”  You snickered as Dabi’s eyebrows raised ever so slightly, and a few others scowled. 
You pointed your finger, and your hand traveled across the room.
“Especially... You.” your pointed finger landed on your brother, who was slouching around like a slug. He raised his eyebrow in protest to your finger pointing.
“You smell especially like… uhm whats is called?” You snapped your fingers and acted like you were thinking before exclaiming.
“AH! I know! Vomit.” you scowled at him, as he mocked you.
“Shut up, fucking NPC.” He snarled at you, and you stuck your tongue out at him.
“You’re nasty… And you fucking know it. WEIRDO.” You taunted him. You jumped to the floor and pranced around him, chanting.
“You smell like vomit! You smell like vomit!” Dabi slightly waved his hands around like he was conducting an orchestra, and Toga giggled. Kurogiri and the rest of the League just… stood there watching you dance around your brother, and taunt him. And live another day, while you’re doing it.
“OH MY GOD SHUT UP.” He reached his hand out to your face, and rested four fingers on it.
“You’re a literal fucking idiot.” He flicked your forehead, and smiled smugly at you.
“Hold up?” Toga questioned as you rubbed the spot on your forehead. You and your brother both looked at her with the same blank look, with one eyebrow raised.
“You’re his younger sibling?” She smiled wide, Dabi cocking his head slightly. 
“Yeah, duh. Quick question for all of you, and you in particular.” You pushed Toga’s question off and stared at Dabi once again. 
“Why do all of you smell so goddamn bad?” He groaned and Shigaraki rolled his eyes at your question.
“Listen kid I-” Dabi started, his eyes narrowed.
“Dude are you goth?” You interrupted him with a smug smile, knowing it might annoy him.
“No. Listen-”
“Are you sure? Like 100% sure?” Your smile was wide, your eyes narrowed. He grew more annoyed by the minute, your brother was right here and you just were gonna bully him instead?
“Yes i’m fucking sure. Can you listen to me-”
“No I’m quite busy at the moment.” You cut him off for one last time, and just sat there in silence.
He grew frustrated, and no longer responded or tried to ask more questions.
The man in the top hat, in an effort to break the odd silence, moved towards you.
“I go by Mr. Compress, what’s your name?” He reached his hand for you to shake, and you smiled wickedly at him. 
Shigaraki chuckled, knowing your quirk was a close copy to his. Much to his dismay, and yours as well, he pulled his hand back. He’s not stupid, and knowing youre a relative of Tomura Shigaraki, shaking your hand was a stretch anyway.
“Aw ya don't wanna shake my hand?” You reached your hand out quick, and smiled ear to ear again.
“Don't ya wanna?”
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