#Shameless Adam bug
The funniest thing about the Creator having a child thing (to me anways) is that the Archons act like their poor dear deity was an innocent in the whole situation, when you just KNOW that all the potential fathers (with the exceptions of Abyss Prince Aether and maybe Childe) were the ones being seduced.
Kaeya is a flirt, but he's not the type to bed someone willy-nilly, much less a deity. Nev is the Hydro Sovereign, he would have too much respect to try anything uncouth towards the Maker of All without their express permission. Kaveh would have to be blitzed out of his mind to even THINK of flirting with the Creator, much less bedding them. Childe, well...honestly it's a 50-50 split on that imo, he might if he thought it would go well and/or get him power of some sort. Traveler Aether would be focused on finding his sister, he wouldn't allow himself to be distracted by things like that...and Xiao? Xiao would never try anything that could even be mistaken as rude towards the Creator. Heck, I think getting a kiss on the cheek would be enough to make the poor guy panic.
So uh, I guess what I'm asking is...how did the dad's initially react to learning the Creator wanted to do the horizontal tango with them?
Help you are actually so right, in most scenarios I can only picture the reader being either shameless or forthcoming enough to say it to their face that they find the boy attractive or anything close.
I know there are at least a handful who while they fantasize about it wouldn't even dreamm of telling you that .
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Their grace is so forthcoming
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WC 1,2k
Flirty banter gets misunderstood for real flirting but they exploit the bug
“Your grace, you are shivering a lot!” he exclaims loudly as he pulls his harbinger coat onto your shoulders. The tsaritsa held a kind of ‘greetings party' with her harbingers, even if the atmosphere was tense and the chatting short, each of your sides being taken by the tsaritsa and Pierro. Sooner than expected everyone left. When you notice you left an accessory behind and meet face to face with the redhead alone in the room.
“Hm, I guess I'm a bit cold”
And without missing a beat or looking up from the clasp he was trying to secure he chimes faster than he can think “cold? But you are so hot!” but after he noticed his eyes seem to lack more will to live.
“I'm inc-”
As he attempts to apologize, your hand pulls on his wrist, getting him closer, his blue eyes wide, “You yourself are quite nice on the eyes, don't you want to tell me anything else?”
His Adam's apple bobs as he swallows the spit that pooled behind his teeth, his little Freudian slip ended up better than he expected.
“Oh my, what are you doing alone here?” Kaeya sits down on the chair next to you, only a lonely drink with you
“Mhm, Venti got into a fight with Jose six fingers about who was a better bard” you sigh as you sip your drink, looking down a window at the two bards singing outside trying to get the crowd to decide who was better.
“To leave such an beautiful person alone in a bar, I wouldn't be surprised if a drunkard tried to sweep you off your feet” he sips his alcoholic drink, the burning on his tongue soon settling warmly in his stomach before letting out a roaring laugh from the bottom of his chest “I'm joking~ I doubt anyone would dare attempt”
You let out a simple ‘mhm?’ before leaning your head to the side to look at Kaeya with a mischievous grin “oh, such a shame, I would have allowed you to do something so bold and a bit more” and your hand falls on his thigh under the table and his soon follow.
Would NEVER, under No circumstances flirt first for reasons
-holds too much respect to dar think about you like that-
“Aren't you sweet?” the small apple falls on your hand, Xiao had climbed a nearby tree after hearing your stomach rumble.
“I appreciate your kind words, even then I think I'm too jaded to be considered anything akin to that” He bows his head. It's been a while since he accepted that he would never be clean of the blood he spilled during the war, but that at least managed to make him want to protect Liyue so they will be able to live peacefully.
“You may say that but isn't selflessly protecting liyue sweet? I would say it's sweet how you care about little Qiqi, I saw how you carried her up a cliff to grab qingxin. Undoubtedly pure sugar”
“Your grace…” his eyes soften as he looks down where you are.
“You are almost like candy I could eat up!”
Traveler aether
-shy/ has other things in his mind-
“I have to say aether, your house is surprisingly comfortable” the words slip past your lips before you can think about it. Even if it isn't how you would have furnished it nobody could say he had bad taste. There are lots of fireplaces and cushions and the seats and beds are quite comfortable, an odd combination of styles that sustained the idea of him being a traveler and cherry picking the most comfortable parts of each nation.
“Paimon had a hand at it too! If it was up to aether this would only be cushions and blankets! Paimon had to push for these plants!”
“Well it wouldn't be strange for a traveler to seek mostly comfort rather than looks”
Later into the night he leads you to another room on the upper floor, just a few meters away from his “how strange, I would have guessed the guest's room would be on the lower floor”
Aether just sighs, his braid swaying softly “Paimon wanted her room to be close to the kitchen so it was this or having the game room up here”
A few hours pass, there is a noise like paws on the roof but you pay no mind, Aether already explained that nobody could enter unless he allowed them to and most likely they were one of the many animals he kept inside the teapot. Softly you walk towards his door and knock on it, not without looking down the railing only to see pain passed out surrounded by a few fruits.
“Could I sleep with you?” You stand before his door wearing your piyama, as you say those words you drink in his disheveled appearance, a t-shirt a few sizes too big hanging from his shoulders down the middle of his white thighs, long blond hair usually collected in a braid now loose, some bits tangled and another flowing as they please.
“Huh…? If you are afraid of noises the cranes sometimes go to the roof and you can hear them”
“It's not that… it's more like I want to be close to you, in the same bed” his cheeks, usually milky white bloom peony red, and the last bit of hanging sleep fell from his eyes. He nods vigorously.
He has principles and openly flirting with you almost seems disrespectful
Melusines are the pride of Fontaine, with their joyful disposition and chubby cheeks even if chronologically they can be hundred if years old they can blend in with 5 year olds seamlessly. Be it their tiny huffing and puffing when things don't go their way, to their attraction to sweets and how clingy they can be with neuvillette. Especially when he misses the usual monthly visit.
“I have already apologized, work stacked up and-”
“You prefer our sisters who stay in the city! It's unfair” the melusine who took over his lap started kicking the air until Neuvillette combs her hair with his fingers.
“You know it isn't like that… could you as a group behave for their grace? they are arriving soon” he attempts to calm her down while looking at the drawing another is showing him and how two others are braiding his hair.
“Never took you for the fatherly type” as you walk inside the grotto some melusines jump on you, they only see you as mister Neuvillette's friend and someone with a gift which you soon give them, it's a small ball with glitter inside, soon the melusines focus on that and start running around chasing it “aren't they a joyful bunch?”
“They seemingly never run out of energy so they can be tiring at times. My apologies for such display, I expected them to be able to be calm by the time you arrived but as you can see…”
“I don't mind, it's adorable, attractive even” he doesn't look too taken aback by your comment other than his slit pupils being thinner and longer than usual.
Would actually flirt, holds you in high regard but still sees you as a human
Abyss aether
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magnusbae · 1 year
I do (ironically) love it when people make posts about how little fucks they give about tumblr changes, and making a point to ridicule the people who were, in fact, upset by those changes. Very cool. :)
And now seriously?
UI change is not the worst thing on earth, and often can actually improve the quality of life and make the place better.
While yes, the tumblr user base does not typically receives change happily (unless it's good, polls, am i right?) to say that this is all about the users being 'bitchy' or 'silly' is a gross understatement of what upsets people in reality and is pretty damn rude.
I will not go down to every single point of why it's bad, but I'll bring forth a few points nevertheless.
Releasing a massive UI change while there's still active and major bugs and issues in the main functionality of your platform is not only bad towards a loyal user base that is used to a certain way of things, it's also unprofessional, incompetent, and quote frankly—stupid.
Here is an example of main tumblr functionality, the post editor on web. As a website that is heavily reliant on text posts, and the ability of users to be able to write quality posts, the fact that as of today, the text editor is heavily bugged, is truly a thing to be astonished by.
Especially considering the fact that some users (namely me) made a point of sending them a proper documentation of the bug, along with full descriptions and even a screen recording for an easy recreation of the issue on their side.
Following image was submitted with my feedback months ago:
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In case you were wondering what response did I get—well— TL:TR they say that there's an issue, and IF they find the issue, they will fix it :)
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So now with this in mind, and many other bugs like this still present, since April they could not have fixed the post editor— but they could add numerous and absolutely pointless UI changes, right?
Now taking it a step further, let's address the UI changes, why not?
The changes they're rolling out are clearly unpolished, unfinished and untested. The audacity to force hardly-working versions onto people without any sort of consent as is customary in such an unpolished version of a product is something that I have no other words for other than absolutely shameless.
Even look at the Chat UI change, the text is smaller, the windows cover other parts of the dashboard, the Chat visually changes from section to section of the website (for instance it's new on main, it's old on support page) and again, endless amount of other bugs.
What's worse? And I will not go into depth about this particular topic as not so many people are from 10+ years ago still here, but just in short: The loss of identity that tumblr had prided itself for so long with. We are not like other social media, right? Or well, so we thought. As it seems like tumblr is adamant to change and curate for new users that will, frankly, leave the moment their social media gets fixed. Some will stay, and they are warmly welcome to, however most will leave just as they did last time twitter had a crisis.
P.S You have to appreciate the irony of tumblr making money out of making fun of twitter, and the user base supporting it because that's the sort of UI changes we do enjoy— only for tumblr to copy paste twitter some months after :)
But yes, why not, call everyone a crybaby, since siding with a staff that simply does not listen to its user base or cares about fixing current and relevant bugs—is the way to go!
P.S2 it's absolutely fine if you're unbothered by the change or simply don't care. Ain't nothing wrong with having some good proportion on things. However please don't embarrass yourself by making fun of the people who actively care and worry about how this place operates and what sort of platform we'll be engaging in the future.
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iris-writesx · 1 year
tag game tuesday!!
tagged by @energievie <3 thank you :)
name — iris :)
pronouns — she / her
where do you call home — england!!
favourite animal — honestly it’s probably a boring answer but cats :( i’ve grown up with cats my whole life and i love the two that i have so much
cereal of choice — maybe an unpopular opinion but i actually hate cereal because i can’t stand milk on its own aodkwkf but i do like eating dry weetos if that counts
are you a visual, auditory, or kinaesthetic learner? probably mostly visual
first pet? a dark tabby cat called rocky that my parents got a few years before i was born
favourite scent? probably vanilla or coconut
do you believe in astrology? i’m not really sure if i believe in it completely but it’s fun to look through so :)
how many playlists do you have? 35…
sharpies or highlighters? highlighters but the pretty pastel ones
a song that makes you cry? tumblr is bugging and won’t let me link the songs but more than anything by adam melchor. i really really recommend adam melchor to anybody who hasn’t heard him before he’s got such a beautiful voice and style and his music is my current obsession
a song that makes you happy? nothing else matters by metallica. this song both has huge sentimental value to me and they’re my favourite band :)
and finally, do you write/draw/create? if so, use this as an opportunity to shamelessly promote yourself! i do! i’ve been writing on tumblr for a long while but i’ve restarted basically with this account so i can have a fresh start :) i write shameless (gallavich) and i posted my first full fic earlier today :)
tagging anybody who wants to do this! <3
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jadeloverxd · 2 years
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I was just doing some random crap before I accidentally tapped the wrong button. I had just come back from the Samizdat thingy after GARM and theniI go to Chikanes place, talk to him before quickly changing my mind (I had yet to talk to Sarif and do the Daria thing.)
Then I come back the next day and the frickn glitch fixes itself and I am just soooooo mad rn. Might mess around a bit to get it again.
Also: without the shades, he's actually smiling a bit akkajajxkalal
Procrastination is also stupid 69 too
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bruh-haikyuu · 4 years
REQUEST: Before I ask can I just say HOW MUCH I LOVE YOUR BLOG SJSGSGWJIWND THIS IS THE BEST HAIKYUU BLOG IVE EVER SEEN 💕💕ok but can I request tsukki and oikawa where whenever they’re around their s/o they get all lovey dovey and the team sees it for the first time and freaks out (probably teases them) and s/o gets really red? Sorry it’s so long I just love this-💕🥺
A/N: Thank you soo much anon!! I’m glad you enjoy my writing :DD Also. RAS in Bandori. I’m gonna go “DAKARA LONELY LONELY” for a week.
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A (Not-So) Secret Rendezvous w/ Tsukishima and Oikawa
warnings: none
Tsukishima Kei
Tsukishima Kei was a reserved man. A man without frills or laces. A man who doesn’t mince his words. A simple man who was a bit more of a piece of work than other first years. And that was what people fathomed out of him—
Until this.
“Crouch down, Ryuu, I want to see!”
Scuffling behind him, Karasuno’s libero craned his neck over the curve of the stucco walls. Nishinoya squinted at the private spectacle then gasped theatrically.
Standing too closely together to be modest were the seemingly pensive Tsukishima and you. Someone cute who either had the confidence or the lack of distaste to be holding his hands with a buddy-buddy swing. But you were smiling, and he was smiling, and that itself was like the world had suddenly decided to do a handstand.
“Kei-kun, are you sure it’s fine to be holding hands here? You only ever want to get close to me when we’re far away from school,” you muttered.
Kei-kun! the nickname etched itself into the second years’ beings. Did this brute put mind tricks on you or something? Tanaka felt veins popping out from his knuckles—what the hell did you see in this bespectacled jerk?! Aside from his annoyingly handsome face, once Tsukishima opened his mouth, everything was over.
Shaking his head, the man in question pulled the tips of your fingers towards his lips, gently kissing them. “I’m sorry I’ve been avoiding you for so long. I hope you’ll forgive me.”
You gave him a toothy smile, enough to make the hearts of both your lover and your spectators melt. “‘Don’t mind’! That’s what you say in volleyball, right? As long as we can spend some time together like this once in a while, then I’m happy.”
Your boyfriend thought that it was plain luck that you were in school. If it were any place else... away from the prying eyes of his seniors and his clubmates, then who could tell how much longer he’d be able to hold himself back from you? Hiding his obvious blush behind the back of his hands, the quiet middle blocker looked away.
“Geez, you should be careful what you say to me, you know,” he murmured.
Meanwhile, you still hadn’t realized that your audience had multiplied. From the two zestful second-years who’d been passing by, to the two third years Asahi and Sugawara who’d gone out of their way to look for their juniors.
“Ehh... Tsukishima, that’s so cute,” Sugawara cooed, pressing down on Tanaka’s shaved head for leverage. “It’s like a panel from a shoujo manga.”
Hinata stuck out his tongue. “That’s gross...”
“Oi, Hinata, dumbass! You’re stepping on my foot!”
“Hey, you two... don’t fight, okay? W-whoa—!”
Losing their footing altogether, the boys of the Karasuno Volleyball Club came tumbling on top of each other like dominos. Groaning at the weight of the ace’s leg on his stomach, Tanaka turned as white as a sheet at the pair of demonic eyes that met his.
“How much did you see.” It wasn’t a question. It was a command, and when faced with someone who looked like he was about to eat you, Tanaka could only squeak a small “everything”.
You were beyond abashed. Rooted to the spot, you could only soak in the sight of your not-so-secret boyfriend boring holes through his clubmates with his steely gaze. But oh God, if you didn’t stop him, who knew what would happen to those poor souls—and he was just getting a little more motivated about the club too!
“I-It’s okay! If they keep this a secret, it’ll be fine, r-right?” you interrupted, getting redder with every word.
“Y/N, it’s not that,” Tsukishima griped. “They’ll only bug me about it me afterwards.”
It was your turn to squeak. Suddenly, just as the tall first year was about to coerce his clubmates into a knelt apology, a loud voice boomed from within the empty gymnasium.
“Hey! Where is everyone?! Get back here and practice!”
Tanaka, mid-way into pressing his forehead onto the ground, sighed. Thank you, Daichi-san...
Oikawa Tooru
Being in a relationship was hard work. Being in a relationship with the Oikawa Tooru was... an effort you had to double in with your tight schedule. That meant having to answer questions from his admirers about what color of underwear he was wearing today, eating the foods he didn’t like and making sure he didn’t stay up late before an important match or exam.
Today, it was bringing him the Classic Literature homework he’d forgotten to pick up from your teacher. And for the fifth time of the day, you wondered if you were his lover or a nagging parent.
“Excuse me,” you knocked on the open doors of the gymnasium. “Is Oikawa here?”
A ball tucked under his arm, the vice-captain approached you. Tall. Were all the members of the Volleyball Club so insanely collosal? “Yo, L/N-san. Oikawa’s out to refill his bottle, he’ll be back in a while.”
“In that case, Iwaizumi-san, could you give these to him? I need to—”
Whipping your head towards the direction of your boyfriend, you weren’t given a moment to spare as a pair lean arms swaddled you into warmth. Oikawa was already burrowing himself on the crown of your hair, smiling at the scent that weaved through his nostrils.
“Did you come to see me practice, Y/N-chan?” he giggled, spinning you around by your waist. “Aah, that makes me so happy to hear that...”
“O-Oikawa, let me go! I have Cleaning Duty to get back to!” you grappled for air, a twinge of freedom. But this stubborn mule of your boyfriend wasn’t called a service ace for nothing.
“C’moon... Let me kiss you, alright? You look really cute today~”
You almost forgot about Iwaizumi who was tugging on the back of Oikawa’s collar, which was proving to be just as fruitless as the saying goes. “Oi, Shittykawa! You’re gonna get reported for sexual harrasment!”
They’re watching. It just had to be your pure luck that fate bound you to this shameless exhibitionist. The warmth from Oikawa’s embrace added to the searing gazes of his teammates turned to a scorching heat that burst into red on your face.
There was only one way out of this vice-like grip, and you would rather eat cement than say it. But if it meant escaping from the unneeded attention from the public, then there was no other way. I want to crawl into a hole and die, you sighed.
“...T-Tooru...” you murmured into his chest, feeling Oikawa’s clutches go slack. “Tooru, just take your homework and let me go back to my duties, please? Tooru-chan~?”
Stifling their laughter, Matsukawa and Hanamaki who’d been watching the entire debacle go down into flames were now coughing in an adamant attempts to hide their shock.
Finally setting you down on your feet, Oikawa muttered lowly, his heart pounding wildly in his chest. “... Again.”
“‘Tooru-chan’! Please say that again one more time! That’ll be enough to keep me going for weeks!”
Slamming the papers into his chest, you scrambled out of the gym, blushing madly. “Oikawa, you pervert! I’m leaving!”
Ogling the lovestruck captain who was being mangled like a limp rag by Iwaizumi, Kindaichi put his fingers under his chin in a faux expression of deep thought. Kunimi, who was already considering bleaching his eyes after what he’d seen, perked up at his teammate’s low hum.
“Kindaichi, you okay?”
“Kunimi...” he said, digging the heel of his palm into his hips, “Do you think I’ll get myself someone as cute as L/N-senpai one day?”
“Don’t get ahead of yourself, Shallot Head.”
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emisonme · 5 years
Shameless and Liar..........
That "Shameless" video was fire, literally. Moral of that video: She's willing to set the world on fire, for the one she loves. She also has no shame in lighting Lauren's fire, just sayin!
Is there really any point in going line-by-line. Both songs are pretty self explanatory. If you have learned NOT to pay attention to the public narrative, you'll have no problem understanding what and who these two songs are about. Simply ALWAYS REMEMBER, her Label and Management set the public FALSE narrative...Her music tells us the truth!!!
Instead of concentrating on just the two songs, let's take a moment to concentrate on the project as a whole. "Romance" is the "album of her dreams". If you think the concept for "the album of her dreams" manifested in January of 2019, you would be mistaken. "Romance" has been manifesting inside her heart, and basically writing itself, since 2013.
Before 2013, and touring with 5H, she only aspired to be a singer. She has said this herself. Then she caught the songwriting bug, in 2013. Songwriting became an outlet for her. She has also told us this. With this outlet, she created the songs, "Only told the moon", "U Shaped space", "The Exchange", and more. She wrote those three songs BEFORE she even met the new boy toy.
All of those songs are about the same subject. Shameless and Liar, are literally the more mature versions of the same songs she was writing when she found herself in a situation, and needed an outlet to deal with it. And let me reiterate again, SHE WAS WRITING ABOUT THIS SAME PERSON WHEN SHE WAS 16 YEARS OLD.....BEFORE SHE MET THE SKINNY JEAN KING.
What was she writing about when she was 16? In my opinion, the majority of songs she wrote when she was younger, and needed an outlet for, was because she fell in love with her new best friend. Her new BFF, that was very supportive of the Rainbow community, but just as adamant that she was STRAIGHT.
Camila wasn't exactly screaming "I'm Gay" from rooftops when she was younger, either. She didn't really have to. (I thought she was a cute little baby gay, when she walked onto the X-Factor stage.)
Camila had a much easier time, accepting her sexuality (in my opinion), than Lauren did. There is a big reason for that. Though they both had religious beliefs growing up, Camila went to Public Schools and Lauren went to Catholic Schools. Lauren had her Faith drilled into her head every day, and twice on Sunday. Camila had more freedom in her thoughts, because the Public School System don't want any religion to creep into their walls. Especially Catholicism, or any form of christianity. (It is not a coincidence, that Catholicism made it into the  Shameless video.)
For me, in the Shameless video, I don't think Camila was running from her sexuality, or feeling shame for being gay. She was running from her feelings, because she couldn't control them. She fell for her "straight" BFF, who was desperate to ignore her truth.
Camila tried and tried to ignore her feelings for Lauren. She tried pushing them aside, and just be friends, but the harder she tried to get over Lauren, the more her feelings grew.
That's what Liar and Shameless are about. Camila fighting her feelings..to no avail. Liar is basically Camila saying, "Nope, I'm not hopelessly in love with a 'straight' girl, with severe internalized homophobia. Nope! Not me....Oh,Shit! Fuck! Damn!... I am."
Shameless, is basically Camila running from her feelings, until she realizes she is fighting a losing battle, and stops running. She shamelessly confesses her feelings, to a female Priest, who is being portrayed by someone pretending to be Lauren Jauregui.
Yes! The irony was not lost on me. Camila might as well have been confessing her love to a Catholic Priest, when she was trying to confess her feelings to Lauren, because they were the ones who had brainwashed Lauren into believing same sex attraction was a sin, and would get you sent straight to hell.
Then she set the confessional ablaze, and in doing so, was doing a couple things. One, she was telling organized religion with their hate speech and their hypocrisies to go straight to hell.
Second, she was setting Lauren free from all the bullshit she had been brainwashed with. She Lit Lauren's fire. Lauren will shoulder all the shame from her youth, as long as Camila continues to light her fire.
THEY can push this ridiculously stupid narrative, all they want. It's not going to change the truth. Camila fell in love with Lauren when she was a kid, and Lauren eventually excepted her feelings for Camila. They fought through hell and back to be together, and no fucking PR stunt and stupid narrative is going to change that!!!!!! !! !!!!.
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ladyvegeets · 7 years
Letting Go - 2 Heated Glances
For @tpthvegebulsmutfest
Vegeta trained and trained and trained, as much for self-improvement as for sanctuary.
From her.
If she had evoked unsettling emotions in him before, he was not prepared for the onslaught of feelings that now awoke inside him every time their eyes met. Some switch in his brain had been turned on against his will, and where before carnal interests had been low — if not nonexistent — on his list of priorities, now they waged war for first place with his need to surpass Kakarot. [Read more under the break, or over on AO3]
In some regard, Vegeta was relieved to know she desired him. Her motivations were now clear. She helped him out of lust.
Vulgar woman.
Not that he could blame her. Clearly, she was starved for worthy male attention. If the Clown, Scar-face, Three-eyes, the Fat one, and the Midget were the best that Earth could offer, it was little wonder Bulma was turning to a genocidal alpha-male alien that only months ago had tried to blow up her planet with everyone on it. Vegeta could understand her plight. He recognized an alpha female when he saw one. Bulma was gorgeous, smart, and feisty. Were she a Saiyan, she would have had her pick of suitors. She may even have been worthy of a prince’s time.
But this prince did not trust her, and he had more important things to do than whet his appetite between a pair of pale thighs.
He intensified his training, doing his best to avoid her while hoping that physical exertion would sate his desires, or at least exhaust him too much to have any. Yet the more he trained and pushed his limits, the more he risked injury. It wasn’t long before he found himself back in the goddamn recovery room. And the clever wench must have placed some kind of surveillance on him because she was there to meet him.
Vegeta sat stiffly on the table in only his training shorts and shoes, still covered in sweat and now wet with blood that ran down the right side of his face, dripping on his chest from a cut above his brow.
Bulma grimaced as she examined the wound. She stood face to face with him, today her curls tamed back into a haphazard bun. Her lab coat hung open, underneath a red dress hugged her figure in a way that put his own battle suit to shame. When she spoke, his eyes darted up to her face and he chastised himself for letting them wander.
“Jeez, Vegeta. I can see bone,” she tutted, her latex-gloved hands gently prodding at his wound. Well, of course she could see bone, he wouldn’t have come here just for a tiny scratch would he? In fact, he wouldn’t have come here at all except the wound was bleeding like a stuck Namekian and his vision was impaired because of it.
“This is going to need stitches,” she mused aloud.
“That will take too long,” he said curtly, scowling with disapproval. “Just stop the bleeding so I can get back to training.”
She stepped away, placing a fist on her her hip and pinning him with a stern look. “And how do you expect me to stop the bleeding without stitches? This will scar if I don’t. I think you have enough of those.” A teasing smile spread over her cherry lips. “Besides, it would be a shame to mar this handsome face of yours.”
He clenched his jaw but it was no use. Her compliment seeped under his skin and his cheeks burned with embarrassment. Goddamn her. She was shameless. Why wasn’t she the flustered one? She was the one who made a fool of herself at their last encounter but if she felt any shame, she didn’t show it.
“Just… do what you must and hurry it up,” he snapped, looking off to the side, needing to get this whole thing over with quickly so that he could return to the seclusion of the gravity room.
“Okay, okay, keep your shorts on. Or don’t. You won’t hear me complaining.”
He grit his teeth against her crude innuendo but thankfully her attention turned elsewhere as she set up a tray with a curved needle and thread. The needle was placed in a small dish of liquid that smelled unpleasantly astringent.
“What’s that,” he asked with suspicion.
He glared at it with distrust.
Bulma sighed. “I am not trying to poison you. Scout’s honor,” she said, holding up two fingers in a strange salute.
He frowned. “Who is Scout?”
Bulma lowered her hand. “…Never mind.” She pointed at the liquid. “Look, it’s so you don’t get an infection,” she explained as if to a child.
“Don’t be ridiculous. Saiyans don’t get sick.”
“That you know of,” she countered. “Earth has a lot of nasty bugs.”
“I can crush a bug as easily as I could crush you.”
“That’s not the kind of bug… You know what? Let’s move on.” She picked up a bottle of something. “Stay still. I need to irrigate your wound.”
“With that stuff?”
“Antiseptic? Yes.”
“Vegeta! We just went over this.”
“And I told you that it was unnecessary.”
Bulma slammed the bottle of liquid down on the tray. “Fine! See if I care when your head swells up. Not that it could get any bigger with that ego of yours already inflating it to capacity.”
“Tch. Look who’s talking.”
“You are such an ass,” she grumbled, picking up a cotton ball to angrily dab at his bleeding wound.
He refused to wince though the wound stung. It was becoming clear to him that she was right about needing stitches. It wouldn’t stop bleeding, causing him to blink blood from his eye every few seconds. It was growing tiresome.
“Are you done yet?” he groused, his mood souring by the second.
“I would be halfway finished if you didn’t question every little thing I did,” she replied huffily.
He grunted but had no further come-back.
After she calmed down, Bulma put the blood-soaked cotton ball aside and took up her needle and thread. “Alright, ready? Try not to move. This is going to hurt. But I suppose you’re used to that.”
He contemplated for a moment arguing with her more and demanding that she replace the needle with one that hadn’t been soaked in god-knew-what, but he decided against it. It would only prolong their encounter, and as she had mentioned before there were better ways that she could poison him if she chose. So Vegeta chose the path of least resistance and set his jaw, staying still for her lest she jab him in the eye.  
The needle bit into his flesh. He didn’t flinch and to her credit, neither did she, her hand remaining smooth and steady as she sewed him up.
“Try not to frown so much, would you?” she asked. “I mean… if you can. Can you? Goku smiles, so I assume Saiyans are capable.”
He glowered at her with one eye, his other squeezed shut against the blood sluicing down his face. She tried — and failed — to stifle a smile. Did she really plan on making fun of him the whole time?
“I smiled at the death of your friends,” he growled.
Bulma rolled her eyes. “That’s charming. You know, your face will stay like that if the wind changes.”
His puzzlement must have shown, for she laughed. “Don’t think about it too hard, Vegeta. It’s an expression we tell children when they make rude or grumpy faces.”
“You lie to your offspring?”
Bulma paused, thinking for a second before going back to her work. “When you put it like that, yes, I suppose we do.”
Vegeta was secretly impressed that humans would be so underhanded with their spawn. “We don’t lie to ours,” he boasted.
“Why am I not surprised?” Bulma replied, almost sounding amused. “I guess you Saiyans take a more direct approach to teaching the ways of the world?”
“Yes,” he stated. “We don’t need to spin false tales to get our children to behave. They learn young that the world is cruel and fearful.”
“Lovely,” she drawled.
He frowned. “It’s not supposed to be.”
“I… Yes, I know. It’s called sarcasm.”
She continued sewing his wound in silence, and Vegeta wasn’t in a hurry to strike up more conversation. But the lack of dialogue meant he had nothing to distract himself from her. Her face was only inches from his own, her expression set in a look of concentration. She was infuriatingly beautiful: skin more pale than bone dust and just as powdery soft in appearance. Her eyes were so big and blue that he felt himself drown in them each time. Hell, even her goddamn nose was delicate and endearing. She was distracting, the pull she had on him: terrifying. Desires he never knew he had swelled and raged inside at being so close and alone with her. It was unsettling to think that there were parts of himself he was unfamiliar with, parts of himself that would betray him.
Vegeta squeezed his eyes closed, clenching his fists on his knees to try and regain some modicum of control. He endured the rest of Bulma’s stitches in meditative silence until she cut the thread, announcing, “All done.”
Vegeta opened his left eye (his right still stuck with blood) and instantly regretted doing so, falling head first into her blue gaze. She was staring right at him. He drowned in her scrutiny.
What he would give for Kakarot’s ability to instant transmission right now.
“You look frightful,” she commented, however her tone didn’t express fear but amusement. Warily, Vegeta watched as Bulma picked up a damp cloth and began tenderly wiping the blood from his right eye. The gesture was far more intimate than he was prepared for. Grooming in Saiyan culture was reserved for close family.
“Vegeta?” she asked, her voice soft as she caressed his face.
His Adam’s apple bobbed. “What?”
She leaned in closer, crossing all lines of personal space. It took everything he had not to lean away.
“Do I make you uncomfortable?” she asked coyly.
Ba-dum ba-dum ba-dum! His heart beat wildly as if preparing him for battle.
“…What?” he choked.
“Do I make you uncomfortable?” she repeated, brushing the cloth against his cheek one last time before letting her hand drop away to stare intently, expectantly, into both of his eyes.
He struggled to think of a response. “What kind of ridiculous—”
Her gentle touch on his arm cut his denial short. They both looked down to his lap where his fists were clenched so tightly they trembled, his knuckles as white as her complexion. Goddamn her. Vegeta forced his hands to loosen, thinning his lips in humiliation as he looked askance.
Thankfully she backed off, rinsing out the bloody cloth. His reprieve, however, was short lived. The cool kiss of the cloth returned when she began wiping the blood from his torso. He watched her from the corner of his eyes. His skin prickled at the water, his nipples tightening painfully.
“Are you uncomfortable because I’m attracted to you?” she asked, her tone soothing as if speaking to a wild animal.
Goddamn it, why wouldn’t she let the matter go?
“Woman,” he snarled in warning. Alarm bells rang in his head: danger, danger, danger.
The cool cloth drifted lower, rubbing circles over his belly. Droplets of water trickled underneath the waistband of his shorts, catching in the hair at the base of his swelling cock. His pulse quickened. This was getting out of control. He grabbed her wrist to still her hand.
Her eyes met his. Her lips parted, her heated glance burned him to the spot.
“Or is it because you are attracted to me?” she husked.
The truth of her accusation pierced him, more devastating than Frieza’s shot to the heart had been. He couldn’t respond, debilitated by her words.
She tilted her head to the side, hovering her mouth tantalizing close to his own. “How long has it been since you were with a woman?” she asked, syrupy-sweet.
He wanted to die. That at least had not been this humiliating or soul-baring.
She slid her hand down his abdominals towards his shorts, and for some reason he let her, his grip on her wrist merely clinging for support.
A slow Cheshire smile broke over her lips as her hand snuck under his waist band. He sucked in a sharp breath, the cool cloth touching something hot and aching he hadn’t wanted to acknowledge.
“Shh, I’ve got you,” she reassured him, pressing her nose affectionately to his cheek, nuzzling his face. “I’m very good with my hands.”
AN: thanks for all the lovely comments and feedback guys. It means the world to me <3
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aegyotrashcan · 7 years
Girlfriend Yeonjung
Anon: Yeonjung(wjsn) as a girlfriend? 😚✨
She’s a really silly and fun girlfriend ~
Yeonjung is, of course, very committed to you. But she’s not quite ready to talk about settling down or buying a house just yet. So your relationship is the sweet and innocent type. The type where you share milkshakes and blush when holding hands.
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This girl is meme central.
You get selfies galore of her getting her hair and makeup done, alongside pictures of filming locations and even the celebrities she’s working alongside with. If it’s an actor or actress you like, she teases you and makes you jealous by sending lots of pictures of them, many of them stealth shots.
She got caught once taking a picture of them and was so embarrassed that she hid behind Soobin for the rest of the shoot.
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She’s not really the jealous type.
If you spend more time with one of her members than her, she will bug you and pout, but only in a playful way. Deep down, she’s not actually hurt or annoyed. She has full faith in you and as mentioned earlier, this is a sweet type of love.
That’s not to say you’re not dedicated to each other but it’s not like you need to be together 24/7 either. You have your space and she has hers.
She’ll still fake pout to get some cuddles, though ;3;
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She’s shameless when it comes to her talent. She might pretend to be shy (”No, this is embarrassing, I don’t want to - Okay, if you insist~”) but ultimately she’s a vocal queen and knows it.
Your karaoke dates are always wild.
You both got kicked out of a karaoke bar once for hogging the machine but Yeonjung is adamant that you two were the best in there anyway. It’s even a joke among the girls than you’re an honourary fourteenth member.
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Her terrible wonderful aegyo is used to make you give in. Not because she’s cute but because her over the top cutesy voice makes you give in so you don’t have to hear it anymore.
When she’s in a hyper mood, her and the other WJSN maknaes like to do random things to bug you. But they’re honestly so cute that you’re not even annoyed.
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Overall, this truly is an innocent relationship. She’s young and not only that but her career has her very busy. But that’s not a bad thing! Young love doesn’t have to be as dramatic or fast as in the movies. You both take it one day at a time, enjoying your time together and there’s nothing wrong with that.
“Hey, (Y/N)?”
“You look kinda cool today.”
“Are you trying to flirt?”
“ ... You’re meant to say it back!”
“Not a chance.”
“Mean!” she huffs.
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meldaciomartyr · 7 years
Tagged by: @arachnexdragoon
Tagging: @littlexsisterxulric @glaiveblood @galahdanblade @croweoftheglaive @culinarystrategist @thekingsshield @luxarcum @floweringeclipse
RULES : Answer the questions  in a new post and tag some blogs you wanna get to know better!
A  -  AGE :  25 B  -  BIRTHPLACE :  Cork, Republic of Ireland C  -  CURRENT  TIME :  20.52 D  -  DRINK  YOU  HAD  LAST :  Tea E  -  EASIEST  PERSON  TO  TALK  TO :  probably my twin sis; we just bounce off each other on the same line of thought. F  -  FAVORITE  SONG :  Ugh so many ... right now I’m loving ‘La Cienega Just Smiled’ by Rya Adams. G  -  GROSSEST  MEMORY : Had the vomiting bug really bad one day - literally could not stop throwing up, or even keep water down. Do not want ever again. H  -  HORROR  YES  OR  HORROR  NO :  Oh god no. I’m a wuss when it comes to horror movies. I  -  IN  LOVE ? :  Hahaha whut? J  -  JEALOUS  OF  PEOPLE :  No. Like I’m sure I look at someone and I might covet something they have like a vacation or money, but I’m not jealous; I have it much better than many other people. K  -  KILLED  SOMEONE :  No. Seriously contemplated it on customers and colleagues but haven’t actually followed through. Yet. L  -  LOVE  AT  FIRST  SIGHT  OR  SHOULD  I   WALK  BACK  BY  AGAIN ? :  Oh I definitely believe in it. M  -  MIDDLE  NAME(s):  Catherine Irene N  -  NUMBER  OF  SIBLINGS :  3 O  -  ONE  WISH :  Money. I know it sounds material, but just enough to clear my parents’ mortgages and send them to see Garth Brooks in concert. P  -  PERSON  YOU  CALLED  LAST :  One of the girls I work with because she forgot the code for the safe and texting that probably isn’t the safest idea. Q  -  QUESTION  YOU’RE  ALWAYS  ASKED :  Yes I am a twin. Yes we are identical ... every day in work by customers I have already answered the same questions to last week. R  -  REASON  TO  SMILE : because I can. And I have an evil sense of humour. S  -  SONG  YOU  SANG  LAST :  "Think Twice” by Céline Dion ... shameless car-singing. T  -  TOP  3  FICTIONAL  CHARACTERS :  Tifa Lockhart, Belle from Beauty and the Beast, Goku. U  -  UNDERWEAR  COLOR :  white V  -  VACATION :  Tenerife in January just gone. Ugh I adore that island, been there four times in the last three years. W  -  WHEN’S  YOUR  BIRTHDAY :  October 15th X  -  XRAYS :  On a broken thumb when I was a kid Y  -  YOUR  FAVORITE  FOOD :  Stew with flour and water dumplings Z  -  ZODIAC  SIGN :  Libra
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brites · 7 years
Impulsive Gluttony
(Bacon_inferno Mod here!  The following is based on a little Free! tidbit I wrote on my own page here:  http://archiveofourown.org/works/10636407 Thought I’d share here since it applies.  Hope you guys like it.  :) )
Rin Matsuoka wasn’t an unintelligent person.   He liked to fancy himself someone capable of using his head when the situation called for it.  But he was only human.  Humans have their moments of weakness, where impulse supersedes logic.  And when he stopped by his boyfriend; Makoto Tachibana’s house after a long hard day of practice, only to find Makoto had managed to whip up a proverbial BANQUET worth of food?
Logic proceeded to swiftly and un-apologetically take a back seat, as the hungry, shark toothed boy had then proceeded to ravage just about everything Makoto had set for the two on the table.  This was a feat that most certainly was not lost on Makoto, as he watched his boyfriend rip into his meal with savage gusto.  All the while, his eyes wandered between Rin’s throat as his Adams Apple bobbed repeatedly with each rapid mouthful gulped down, to Rin’s slim, firm, athletic stomach, which progressively expanded little by little with every plate consumed.
Makoto knew his boyfriend could eat, especially when he was hungry…
…But this?  This was a whole new level of shameless gluttony.
The minutes ticked away.  Makoto had long since finished his meal, and sat perfectly content and sated.  And after several MORE minutes, Rin had polished off every single spare plate that the table had laid out.  It was in this moment that Makoto could see the true impact that the meal was having on Rin’s midsection.  Rin’s normally chiseled stomach had rounded out to the point where Rin’s black short sleeved collared shirt rose up and, rather noticeably, exposed a sliver of flesh at the bottom where the shirt normally covered up.  Rin’s belly was pressing out to the point where it was straining the button on Rin’s jeans.  
Sufficed to say, it’s a good thing there wasn’t any room in Makoto’s fridge for leftovers anyway.
Helping Rin up from his chair, given his current state, the two boys eventually made their way to Makoto’s couch, as they so often did after a hefty meal.  Or rather, as they so often did after one of them had overdone it.  A feat even Makoto was quite guilty of here or there.  But not this time…
“W-Wow, Rin,” Makoto finally muttered, now that the ‘feast’ had finally been depleted, “you were, umm…pretty hungry, weren’t you?”
Rin groaned loudly from a mixture of uncomfortable fullness, and utter satisfaction from a hearty meal.  Which one Rin was feeling more of right about now was anyone’s guess.
“Ohhh, holy crap, Makoto, since when could you cook like THAT?” Rin remarked, easing back into his seat and rubbing his left palm all across his bloated stomach beneath his shirt, causing it to hike up even higher, exposing more of his rounded belly all the while.
Makoto, still fixed on Rin’s rounded abdomen, rubbed the back of his head and chuckled tentatively.  
“Oh, it was nothing, just a few tricks my mom taught me.  I just thought I’d share them with you, to see if I got her recipes right, y’know?  S-So, erm, does this mean you liked it?”
Rin responded by clutching the center of his distended midsection, and letting out a forcefully deep belch.  
When it rumbled to an end, Makoto chuckled a bit sheepishly and said, “…I’ll…take that as a yes?”
But before Rin could make his typical smartass reply, a look of immediate discomfort overtook him as his bloated gut let out an audibly deep, gaseous gurgling, making him squirm a bit uncomfortably in his side of the couch.
Makoto being Makoto, immediately scooted closer, resting his palm on Rin’s shoulder with a look of moderate concern for his boyfriends’ wellbeing.  
“Are you okay?” Makoto asked.
Even in his current state, Rin couldn’t help but be a smartass…
“…Rgh, I ate an entire tables worth of food in under half an hour flat.  If I were anything resembling okay, I’d literally be a fucking alien…”
“…Not okay then,” Makoto conceded, before scooting besides Rin and glancing down at his gurgling belly.   “…Jeez, you really DID eat a lot…”
“…Ya THINK…?”
Rin wasn’t angry at Makoto.  He was just naturally snarky and currently in pain brought about from his overindulgence.  Makoto knew that.  A lesser person might draw attention to that, and how Rin was reaping what he sewed.  But Makoto wasn’t that kind of guy.
Instead, he rested his large hand gently down atop Rin’s rounded belly, feeling it gurgle audibly beneath his palm.
“Well, the first thing we need to do is free up some space.  I don’t think you realize just how much you actually ate, Rin,” Makoto said.  But before Rin could come up with yet another snide remark, Makoto reached down and unbuttoned Rin’s jeans for him. 
Almost immediately, Rin’s belly surged outward considerably, hiking up his shirt even more as the bottom of his shirt now rested directly atop his belly button.  And in the process of the surge, Rin’s stomach forced the zipper of his jeans to come down.  As soon as that liberation transpired, Rin felt an immense constriction just ease off of his stomach, allowing him to relax a bit more as the tension in his body unwound somewhat.
When Rin finally looked down, however, even he was taken back by just how jam packed his stomach actually was.
“…Jesus fuck, I look like I literally just swallowed an entire Watermelon…and then swallowed a bunch of Melons on top of that out of spite…” Rin muttered, comically wide eyed for a moment.
Makoto hated to admit it, but seeing Rin get this flustered was always pretty amusing.  Try as he might to avoid or deny it, Rin was a pretty animated character.
“It isn’t THAT bad,” Makoto insisted, pulling Rin’s shirt up, exposing his full stomach; emphasis on the word ‘full.’  Mere moments later, Makoto began gingerly rubbing all across Rin’s aching belly, gently kneading and massaging the tensest portions of Rin’s expanded middle.  All the while, Makoto could feel just how full and rock hard it actually was, all the while, gurgling beneath Makoto’s palm.
Rin was no stranger to this treatment.  He had a very special relationship with Makoto’s cooking, and as much as Rin hated to admit it, Makoto’s rough palm tending to his aching tummy was one of the best feelings in the world for Rin.  So much so, it almost made the stomach ache worth it, just to be tended to by the larger teen.
Then, after a few uninterrupted moments of absolute bliss, Makoto kneaded against an especially tense portion of Rin’s belly, causing it to gurgle deeply in response.  A mere moment later, Rin’s brow furrowed with discomfort for a moment, until…
Rin expelled another deep, rumbling burp.  Makoto just chuckled a good-natured chuckle and shook his head.
“Excuse you,” he said teasingly, earning a roll of the eyes from Rin.
“Whatever, that was your fault anyway,” Rin insisted, “you pushed too hard.”
But then, after a moment, Rin cocked a brow and glanced down at his bloated gut for a moment, causing Makoto to tilt his head in confusion.
“Something wrong?  I can stop if-”
“-Actually, I…think that actually helped a bit.  My stomach isn’t hurting as much after that one.  Keep it comin’, Mako.”
Blinking with surprise, Makoto nonetheless nodded, kneading a bit more firmly into Rin’s belly, and working up another throaty burp moments later.   Rin coughed after it ended, then gripped his throat, likely indicating it stung a bit, which, Makoto felt a bit guilty about.  But after Rin insisted, Makoto nodded and pressed again, working up a much DEEPER burp, which had some added bass to it.
This went on for a few more moments, of Makoto kneading into Rin’s belly and Rin throwing his head back and burping loudly and shamelessly into the air.
Finally, after a strained sounding hiccup erupted from Rin’s throat, another look of discomfort overtook the red haired boy, as his belly groaned DEEPLY.  Concerned, Makoto rubbed firmly against Rin’s bare, bloated stomach, hoping to ease the last bit of pressure up, but only working up a few more hiccups.
That is, until Rin sat up straight, holding his finger up at Makoto, as if nonverbally telling him to wait…
Then, Rin smacked his chest firmly with his palm…
Out expelled a monster belch, rumbling with enough force that Makoto would swear he felt the couch quake slightly, and for a good five seconds straight.  Followed by a loud, but slightly shorter burp, and then a shorter one after that.
When it ended, Rin groaned with utter relief as he flopped back into the cushion, with a look of absolute bliss plastered across his mug as he patted his belly a few times with utter satisfaction, which, for the record, was no longer gurgling or causing any more discomfort of any kind.
“Ahhhh, holy shit did I need that…” Rin remarked in a strained and hoarse voice.
Still bewildered, Makoto laughed and said, “I can tell!”
Then, after a few moments of silence, and no more gurgling from an upset tummy, Rin smacked his lips and turned his attention back to Makoto.
“Oi, Mako…did your mom teach you any dessert recipes?”
A few moments of silence passed when Rin posed his question.  Then, a smile formed over Makoto’s face, as he got up and rose from the couch.
“Well, I thought maybe we’d hold off on dessert after you ate as much as you did, buuuuut I had a feeling you wouldn’t let fullness keep you from your sweets,” Makoto remarked teasingly before opening the oven and revealing a rich looking chocolate cake.
Rin’s eyes almost bugged out of his head for a moment, but then, after a few moments, his lips spread into a toothy grin.
“Mako…you know me too well…”
Indeed, Makoto did.  If anyone could count on Rin to overeat it beyond any point of reason, and STILL want dessert…it was Makoto.
But then again, when one is in a relationship with another person, one has to know these things, especially when their partner is a stubborn, shark toothed, secretly self-proclaimed bottomless pit like Rin Matsuoka…
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nightfeellings · 7 years
nothin’ but shattered dreams
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? itunes, ya bish is your room messy or clean? organized to my standards what color are your eyes? brown do you like your name? why? Danny yes, but fuck my legal name up the ass what is your relationship status? happily taken describe your personality in 3 words or less: fun, annoying, chill what color hair do you have? dark brown buzz cut what kind of car do you drive? color? white toyota corolla xse where do you shop? online, target, mall, walmart how would you describe your style? casual, not a hipster. kinda "rocker" favorite social media account: snapchat, tumblr, instagram what size bed do you have? queen any siblings? yeah a few if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? san diego or pismo beach cuz they're amazing favorite snapchat filter? not the overused ones that all these hoes love how many times a week do you shower? every day favorite tv show? tmz, gotham, shameless, lethal weapon shoe size? 9 how tall are you? 5'5" sandals or sneakers? sneakers. you're a retard if you wear flip flops nowhere near a beach or shower do you go to the gym? not anymore, too busy describe your dream date: dinner, movie, cuddle\fuck how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? a fake $100 that i've been trying to use what color socks are you wearing? white how many pillows do you sleep with? 1 do you have a job? what do you do? not anymore, hella worried how many friends do you have? 69 whats the worst thing you have ever done? quit my job last week whats your favorite candle scent? anything tropical or fruity haha who is your celebrity crush? Jennifer Lawrence favorite movie? Can't Hardly Wait do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? not really, no time money or brains? both when needed, mostly $$$ though do you have a nickname? what is it? DANNY how many times have you been to the hospital? 69 top 10 favorite songs: Under The Bridge, Breaking The Girl, Return Of The Mack, Ironic, Closer by NIN, Back In The Day, Tha Crossroads, Crash Into Me, 2Wicky, Name do you take any medications daily? poppin' allergy pills what is your skin type? oily i guess what is your biggest fear? failure, spiders, bees, speed, heights, bugs, jail how many kids do you want? 00000000 whats your go to hair style? buzzcut + trucker hat or comb over what type of house do you live in? big 2 story house who is your role model? Jonny Craig, Michael Pena, Adam Devine, Paul Rudd, Frankie Palmeri what was the last compliment you received? i'm a hardworker or some shit what was the last text you sent? something to my gf how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? i knew ever since i c-walked outta my mom's vangino what is your dream car? white 4 door jeep wrangler or a muscle car like an ss or chevelle or nova opinion on smoking? hey hey hey hey smoke weed every day do you go to college? i went unfortunately. waste of time & money what is your dream job? famous\rich would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? suburbs for sure do you take shampoo & conditioner bottles from hotels? no i prefer my own do you have freckles? nooooo do you smile for pictures? i try & smirk at least how many pictures do you have on your phone? 50 have you ever peed in the woods? haha probably do you still watch cartoons? eh not really do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? both are good, depends on my mood favorite dipping sauce? ranch or buffalo sauce what do you wear to bed? boxers have you ever won a spelling bee? nah what are your hobbies? listen to music, shop, concerts, sleep, download music, watch tv\movies, make videos & memes haha can you draw? nah so i don't even bother attempting do you play an instrument? drums what was the last concert you saw? The Devil Wears Prada, Falling In Reverse, Papa Roach, A Day To Remember last friday in SF tea or coffee? sweet tea or a caramel frap from starbucks. the peach green tea from there is hella good too Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? starbucks do you want to get married? not really, not even close to prepared or ready what is your crush’s first and last initial? MM are you going to change your last name when you get married? no what color looks best on you? black do you miss anyone right now? yeah my gf & my friends do you sleep with your door open or closed? locked do you believe in ghosts? nah what is your biggest pet peeve? inconsiderate\careless people, shitty drivers, messy people last person you called: friend favorite ice cream flavor? coffee, orange, vanilla bean, cookie dough or peanut butter cups regular oreos or golden oreos? original chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? none i fuckin' hate sprinkles what shirt are you wearing? "I <3 NY" what is your phone background? palm trees in palm springs are you outgoing or shy? antisocial ;) do you like it when people play with your hair? yeah when i grow my hair out do you like your neighbors? eh do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? whenever i shower have you ever been high? fuck yeah! have you ever been drunk? no shit last thing you ate? waffle cookie summer or winter? autumn & spring. not too hot or cold day or night? depends what i'm doing dark, milk, or white chocolate? milk chocolate, fuck the rest favorite month? july or october what is your zodiac sign: leo who was the last person you cried in front of? no one
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dineshgilfoyle · 8 years
My 100 Favorite LGBT TV Characters Ever
1. Josh (Please Like Me)
2. Kaldrick King (The L.A. Complex)
3. Tariq Muhammad (The L.A. Complex)
4. Paige Michalchuk (Degrassi)
5. Zoe Rivas (Degrassi, Degrassi: Next Class)
6. Fiona Coyne (Degrassi)
7. Ian Gallagher (Shameless)
8. Ray Holt (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)
9. Pam Poovey (Archer)
10. Miles Hollingsworth (Degrassi, Degrassi: Next Class)
11. Ilana Wexler (Broad City)
12. Nomi Marks (Sense8)
13. Suzanne Warren (Orange is the New Black)
14. Titus Andromedon (Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt)
15. Poussey Washington (Orange is the New Black)
16. Imogen Moreno (Degrassi)
17. Sara Lance (Arrow, Legends of Tomorrow)
18. Big Boo (Orange is the New Black)
19. Alex Nunez (Degrassi)
20. Audrey Jensen (Scream)
21. Will Truman (Will & Grace)
22. Annalise Keating (How to Get Away with Murder)
23. Anne (Go On)
24. Alex Vause (Orange is the New Black)
25. Lena Adams-Foster (The Fosters)
26. Jack McPhee (Dawson’s Creek)
27. Amanita (Sense8)
28. Rasha Zuabi (Degrassi: Next Class)
29. Sophia Burset (Orange is the New Black)
30. Jack McFarland (Will & Grace)
31. Connor Walsh (How to Get Away with Murder)
32. Ellen Morgan (Ellen)
33. Curtis Holt (Arrow)
34. Bo Dennis (Lost Girl)
35. Alec Lightwood (Shadowhunters)
36. Brook Soso (Orange is the New Black)
37. Michael Novotny (Queer as Folk)
38. Faith Duluth (UnREAL, The Faith Diaries)
39. Clarke Griffin (The 100)
40. Tristan Milligan (Degrassi, Degrassi: Next Class)
41. Jamal Lyon (Empire)
42. Lewis (The Last Man on Earth)
43. Riley Stavros (Degrassi)
44. Sameen Shaw (Person of Interest)
45. Brian Kinney (Queer as Folk)
46. Emmett Honeycutt (Queer as Folk)
47. Josh Wilson (Crazy Ex-Girlfriend)
48. Catherine Meyer (Veep)
49. Jeri Hogarth (Jessica Jones)
50. Pearl (Steven Universe)
51. Carly (Burning Love)
52. Magnus Bane (Shadowhunters)
53. Tara Maclay (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
54. Elijah Krantz (Girls)
55. McKinley (Wet Hot American Summer: First Day of Camp)
56. Mickey Milkovich (Shameless)
57. Stef Adams-Foster (The Fosters)
58. Ray Gillette (Archer)
59. Root Groves (Person of Interest)
60. Louis (Partners)
61. Emily Fields (Pretty Little Liars)
62. Mac (It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia)
63. Wyatt Plank (Partners)
64. Ben (Wet Hot American Summer: First Day of Camp)
65. Lloyd Lee (Entourage)
66. Angela Montenegro (Bones)
67. Will Olsen (Quantico)
68. Kelly (Black Mirror)
69. Mitchell Pritchett (Modern Family)
70. Piper Chapman (Orange is the New Black)
71. Vijay Maraj (Degrassi: Next Class)
72. Ronnie (Malcolm in the Middle)
73. Brittany Pierce (Glee)
74. Teddy Montgomery (90210)
75. Nyssa al Ghul (Arrow)
76. Thirteen Hadley (House)
77. Amy Raudenfeld (Faking It)
78. Oscar Martinez (The Office)
79. Tobias Beecher (Oz)
80. Malcolm Levitan (Halt and Catch Fire)
81. Cindy McAuliff (Ally McBeal)
82. Vito Spitafore (The Sopranos)
83. Michel Gerard (Gilmore Girls, Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life)
84. Shane Harvey (Faking It)
85. Kurt Hummel (Glee)
86. Loras Tyrell (Game of Thrones)
87. Danny Mahealani (Teen Wolf)
88. Mr. Slave (South Park)
89. Sheldon Beiste (Glee)
90. Bug Gribble (King of the Hill)
91. Zane Park (Degrassi)
92. Marc St. James (Ugly Betty)
93. Enos Fry (Futurama)
94. Craig Middlebrooks (Parks and Recreation)
95. Charlie Bradbury (Supernatural)
96. Carmen (It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia)
97. Oswald Cobblepot (Gotham)
98. Herb Kazazz (BoJack Horseman)
99. Walt Reynolds (The Carrie Diaries)
100. Yorkie (Black Mirror)
14 notes · View notes
weekinethereum · 6 years
October 19, 2018
News and Links
[Eth 2.0] What’s new in Eth 2.0 weekly
[Eth 2.0] Eric Conner’s economics of staking, with Vitalik adding some numbers.
[Eth 2.0] Improvements to reduce capital costs of being a Casper validator
[Eth 2.0] Prysmatic’s biweekly update
[Eth 2.0] Notes from last Eth2.0 implementer call
[Eth 2.0] Ben Edgington’s London talk slides, slightly different from last week’s Paris slides
[Plasma] Georgios Konstantopoulos: Towards more efficient Plasma Cash constructions
[Plasma] Log(coins)-sized proofs of inclusion and exclusion for RSA accumulators
[State channels] Last two state channel researcher calls. Call #5 and call #4
[ewasm] Alex Beregszaszi and Lane Rettig talk ewasm with Jake Brukhman
Stuff for developers
Prepare your dapp for optional web3 injection (eip1102)
Ethers.js v4.0 - rewritten in TypeScript; better ENS support, events emitter, event filters, etc
EtherLime using ether.js v4 and solc v.0.4.25; 40% code coverage on CLI and 100% on API
Buidler - first Ethereum task runner
Truffle on Azure
web3x v1.1 - web3js in Typescript. Also, EVM in Typescript
Poor man’s DecodeABI in Solidity from Austin Griffith
Pixura’s GraphQL API for NFTs
Multicall - group multiple calls into a single call and aggregate results
Connext’s post-mortem on the SpankChain hack, plus Docker images of their hubs
Messaging in Raiden and why they chose Matrix. Also testnet v0.14
Mind Breed - a Brainfuck interpreter where you have to sacrifice a CryptoKitty to add an instruction
Matryx wrote its code in Yul/Julia to save on gas
Preview of Formality language featuring formal proofs from Victor Maia
Deprecation of v0.5 Aragon DAOs on Rinkeby
web3j Gradle plugin for Java, Kotlin and Android devs
Get server-side rendering benefits without building SSR logic
Zeppelin on EVM packages: re-usable, upgradeable, on-chain code. available in ZeppelinOS and AragonOS
Slither - Solidity static analysis framework from Trail of Bits
Client releases
Parity 2.0.8 stable and 2.13 beta- with Constantinople bug fix
Round 4 of Ethereum Foundation grants
Mastering Ethereum by Andreas Antonopoulos to start shipping end of Nov
Kelvin Fichter: looking at ownership in the EVM
Lessons learned squatting ENS domains
Print your NFT onto schwag
Mixeth - paper on trustless coinmixing service
Quorum v2.1.1
What EEA & Hyperledger collaboration means for enterprise blockchain. EEA spec 2.0 coming at Devcon
Adhara announces Santander’s Julio Faura and Deutsche Bank’s Ed Budd have joined, plus 15m in ConsenSys funding to work on international payments with central banks
Governance and Standards
Latest core devs call on Constantinople fork. Per the notes, the fork is pushed to next year
Lane Rettig’s writeup of the Ropsten testnet consensus failure for Constantinople. Interesting real world stress test, but on a testnet.
Talk of a KEVM client for consensus tests to build on the JelloPaper of the EVM in K
AGP1 - vote on Aragon’s governance process on Nov 15
ERC1497: Evidence standard
ERC1484: Digital identity aggregator
ERC1511: Manager token standard
ERC1504: Upgradeable standard
ERC1505: Token forwarding
ERC1513: Refungible ERC721 Asset with Fungible ERC20
Project Updates
RocketPool’s plans for its Eth2.0 staking pool
Celer on lessons learned at EthSF testing its Gomoku dapp running on its state channels. I tried it, very cool. Possibly too addictive, since I’m bad at it.
CryptoCup’s NFL prediction game is live
MyCrypto v1.4
Ujo officially debuts collectible patronage badges for musicians
Brave releases new Chromium based version that is 20% faster.
iExec’s end to end SGX solution
Civil failed to reach its minimum threshold; says it will do another sale “in weeks”
A first look at the Grid+ Lattice hardware wallet
Maker & POANet launch xDai sidechain. Lots of Tether drama led to lots of stablecoin fluctuations, but Dai stayed steady.
Peepeth is now free
Colony Q3 update - all the stuff they’re working on; Q4 launch planned
Interviews, Podcasts, Videos, Talks
Print Q&A with Brave’s Yan Zhu
Latest Open Source Block Explorers call
Around the Block, episode 3
Infura’s Michael Wuehler talk on scaling Eth to 11b requests a day
Glen Weyl on Hashing It Out
MyCrypto’s Jordan Spence on Boost podcast
Celer Network’s Mo Dong layer 2 mechanism design talk
Liquidity Network’s Arthur Gervais on Smartest Contract
New 51% podcast. Recent episodes with Rune Christenesen and Andrew Keys
Numerai’s Richard Craib on Zero Knowledge
Gitcoin’s Kevin Owocki on Epicenter
Starkware’s Michael Riabzev's talk on STARKs
Tokens / Business / Regulation
John Backus: private bittorrent trackers are loosely a market.  Or a protocol token?
SEC opens a “fintech hub” to communicate with their staff.
Entire remarks of CFTC Commish Quintenz arguing devs should be liable for their code. The compliance cost would be devastating and a massive dead weight loss for society.
Worker selection algos for work tokens
The New Yorker on the early days of Ethereum. Solid work. In the same vein, a solid history of Augur
Zexe: enabling decentralized private computation. “think of it as a fully private state channel where each transition can be checkpointed/validated on chain”
Geth is the on the top 10 list of fastest growing projects on Github
GDAX head Adam White joins Bakkt as COO
Steve Wozniak joins tokenized VC fund Equi
Fidelity Digital Assets launches ETH/BTC custody and execution for institutions
Dates of Note
Upcoming dates of note (new additions in bold):
Oct 22-24 - Web3Summit (Berlin)
Oct 24-25 - Winding Tree hackathon (Prague)
Oct 26-28 - Status hackathon (Prague)
Oct 29 - Decentralized Insurance D1Conf (Prague)
Oct 29 - Swarm mini-summit (Prague)
Oct 29 - Ethereum Magicians Council of Prague
Oct 30 - Nov 2 - Devcon4 (Prague)
Nov 1 - Blockchains LLC launch event (Prague)
Nov 2 - MetaMask, Mist, imToken and Status to stop injecting web3
Nov 3-4 - Enterprise Ethereum hackathon (Prague)
Dec 7-9 - ETHSingapore hackathon
Jan 10 - Mobi Grand Challenge hackathon ends
Jan 29-30 - AraCon (Berlin)
Feb 15-17 - ETHDenver hackathon
If you appreciate this newsletter, thank ConsenSys
This newsletter is made possible by ConsenSys, which is perpetually hiring if you’re interested.
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I own Week In Ethereum. As such, editorial control has always been 100% me.  If you're unhappy with editorial decisions, feel free to tweet at me.
Shameless self-promotion
Link: http://www.weekinethereum.com/post/179257658573/october-19-2018
Most of what I link to I tweet first: @evan_van_ness
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comiconverse · 7 years
Review: Guardians of the Galaxy: Dream On #1
Marvel is once again loading up on their Guardians of the Galaxy library in anticipation of the highly anticipated forthcoming film.  Guardians of the Galaxy: Dream On #1 may be one of the most satisfying Guardians books since Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning’s seminal run.
Review: Guardians of the Galaxy: Dream On #1
Ever since the success of the 2014 Marvel Studios film, Guardians of the Galaxy, this rather obscure Marvel Comics property has been put on the map like no one ever dreamed possible. Now there are countless Guardians comic books lining shelves, endless rows of merchandise, and a big budget film sequel. It’s a dream come true for a select group of fan who loved these characters prior to 2014.
And the dream keeps on dreaming on.
Recently Marvel Comics released yet another Guardians of the Galaxy comic book, a one-shot self contained story titled: Dream On. Written by comic veteran Marc Sumerak and penciled and colored by the wonderful duo of Andrea Di Vito and Laura Villari. And as a bonus Marvel has included a reprint of Guardians of the Galaxy #1 from June 1990 written and drawn by Jim Valentino.
It’s a double sized book at Marvel’s regular $3.99 price tag.
Dream On tells a quick a tale of the current Guardians of the Galaxy team captured by the freelance peacekeeping agent Death’s Head. The mechanoid bounty hunter has successfully subdued the Guardians, connecting them to a machine that lets them experience their wildest dreams and fantasies in very lifelike simulations. The Guardians soon realize that this perfect reality isn’t all it seems and free themselves from the dream machine. It becomes a head to “Death’s” head fight between the Guardians and the bounty hunter, winner take all.
In the tradition of classic comic books, Dream On is merely a quick one-off story about the Guardians. A filler issue from the days of old. It’s a solo story unaffiliated with current story arcs or continuity. Writer Marc Sumerak delivers a story thematically identical to the second feature story from last year’s Guardians of Infinity #2. Where that story was good, Sumerak’s story soars. And the devil is in the details.
The book opens with Drax‘s dreamworld. In the fantasy Drax fulfills his purpose and destroys Thanos. Then he goes on to be a successful musician playing the saxophone. Drax playing the sax is a fairly deep cut from Warlock and the Infinity Watch issues 12 and 13. As written by Jim Starlin, before becoming Drax the Destroyer, Arthur Douglas was a talented saxophonist. It’s an obscure detail for sure, but it lends an amount of credence to the writer and the story.
Credit: Marvel Comics
The scene is followed with a tiny panel featuring the character Bug, a Guardian of the Galaxy from Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning‘s run. Sumerak even nails Bug’s peculiar speech pattern. Also speaking of peculiar speech patterns, Sumerak flawlessly executes Death’s Head’s voice as well, a unique and endearing quality of the bounty hunter’s. If Death’s Head didn’t speak the way he does, he wouldn’t be Death’s Head, yes?
Again, these are little details and obscure character facts. But added all up it shows the level of research and care Marc Sumerak has taken in writing this story. And this is just some one-shot special, not even in the core Guardians title. In the hands of a lesser writer this could’ve easily been a forgettable and shameless money grab from Marvel.
As it is, this single story was perhaps the most enjoyable Guardians book Marvel has published in the last five years, outside of Dan Abnett’s Guardians books. And this issue is perhaps more true to the characters than any issue has been in the last few years. If this is Marc Sumerak just doing a Guardians story for the fun of it, I’d love to see what he could do with a Guardians or Death’s Head ongoing title. After this one issue I trust him with these characters I’ve followed over the years.
As for the artwork, this book couldn’t look better. Andrea Di Vito and Laura Villari are no strangers to the Guardians of the Galaxy and Marvel’s cosmic heroes. The duo are responsible for the gorgeous art of Annihilation, ten issues of Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning’s Nova, Stormbreaker: the Saga of Beta Ray Bill, and more.
Just like Marc Sumerak’s writing, Di Vito fills the panels of this book with characters and details to keep your eyes scanning. From obvious cameos like Adam Warlock, Richard Rider, and Charlie 27 to more subtle easter eggs like Phyla-Vell, Moondragon, Cosmo, and Mantis. Di Vito provides plenty to feast one’s eyes upon, especially if you’re a Marvel cosmic fan.
Each of the Guardians look incredible. Drax and Gamora especially have a quality about them in the artistic rendering that channels the intensity of characters. This is the Drax who could rip Thanos’ heart out. This is the Gamora who is the deadliest woman in the universe. But of all the characters in this book, Death’s Head stands as the most imposing and impressive.
Credit: Marvel Comics
All in all, this is the kind of Guardians of the Galaxy book I want more of.
And to top it all off there is a bonus reprinting of Guardians of the Galaxy #1 from 1990. Written and drawn by one of the authorities on the Guardians of the Galaxy, Jim Valentino, the issue showcases the original team from the future. Vance Astro, Charlie 27, Martinex, Nikki, Starhawk, Aleta, and Yondu are locked in an intense and action heavy story. It is also the first appearance of the villain Taserface, a favorite of director James Gunn.
If you haven’t yet acquainted yourself with these wonderful classic characters, here’s another chance.
So if you’re thinking Guardians of the Galaxy: Dream On is just another attempt by Marvel to cash in on the buzz around the forthcoming movie… you’re probably right. But even so, this book has top shelf art and treats the characters with respect and love.
Don’t pass on it.
Mitch Nissen is a Contributor to ComiConverse. Follow him on Twitter: @NinjaMitche
The post Review: Guardians of the Galaxy: Dream On #1 appeared first on ComiConverse.
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weekinethereum · 6 years
October 12, 2018
News and Links
Core devs call. Lane’s notes
[Eth 2.0] ETH2.0 implementers call (local recording, some sound issues for first ~10 mins)
[Eth 2.0] Ben Edgington’s Eth 2.0 slides for Paris talk
[Eth 2.0] This week’s What’s New in Eth 2.0
[ewasm] ewasm talks at SF meetup
[VDF] Intro to VDFs from Trail of Bits. Also Peter Robinson talk on randomness
[Plasma] Comparison of Plasma designs by Eva Beylin
[Plasma] Latest Plasma implementer call
[Plasma] Plasma Debit implementation from Georgios/Loom
[Plasma] RSA Accumulators for Plasma Cash history reduction
[Plasma] Plasma Cash defragmentation, take 3
[Casper] Latest Casper standup call
[Misc] Account abstraction radically simplified
[Misc] Optimizing sparse Merkle trees
[Casper CBC] Vlad’s sharding PoC that won at EthSF was a joint project with Alex from NEAR. Vlad’s viz. Separately, the NEAR folks also published TxFlow: Towards faster cross-shard transactions by rerouting transactions bypassing the beacon chain
Stuff for developers
SpankChain got hacked with a reentrancy bug from an ERC20 call, but for less than a security audit would cost. Here’s a walkthrough of the hack. Subsequently the hacker gave the money back and received a smaller bounty, but also offered a ~free MolochDAO audit
EthSecurity resources
Discovering signature verification bugs
interface for aggregating on-chain data to avoid incessant Infura calls
Maker’s code for market making and arb bots
web3x - a Typescript port of web3JS
Cent Wallet’s tradeoffs between usability and trustlessness
8x Protocol launches subscription payments on Kovan
Deploy a private chain on Kubernetes tutorial
Ronan Sandford: The case for automated origin checks, non-interactive signatures, and non-interactive decryption
shadowlands - a Python, text UI platform to use dApps in terminal without a web browser
Client releases
Geth v1.8.17 - hard fork ready
Nethermind v0.9 - a new .NET core client
Not really a release, but all about the Nimbus client
Parity v2.12 and 2.0.7 stable - hard fork ready
Live on mainnet
Origin Protocol beta live on mainnet. Buy and sell on a Craigslist-like marketplace with ETH
Giveth is live on mainnet in closed beta, using Rinkeby and a bridge. Plans to change to POA Network when their new bridge is live. They’re looking for beta testers.
Docusign releases Ethereum integration. Write and verify your contracts to the chain.
Blockscout - opensource block explorer from POANetwork/EthPrize
There are some hiccups with the Ropsten hardfork, first with a lack of miners and then with a consensus error where Parity and Geth charged a different amount of gas for a transaction. This could possibly push back the Constantinople hard fork.
You can now pre-register your .eth name on .luxe
How Aragon’s grants program is evolving
All the ETHSanFrancisco submissions. List of winners and runner-ups. Kyle Samani’s favorites. And no weed, flirting or crypto prices during hackathons (don’t hold this against OP, it got a little overinterpreted)
Parity Signer v2 beta - use an old phone as a transaction signer
Some clues about what Blockchains LLC is up to in their 67000 acres in Reno
Governance and Standards
EIP1482: Define a maximum block timestamp drift
ERC1480: Access Control Standard
ERC1483: Digital Identity Aggregator
ERC1155 gas benchmarking
Luke Duncan’s response (why autonomy matters) and Vitalik’s response (mutability is not feasible) to Vlad’s governance posts last week.
Project Updates
Raiden getting close to Red Eyes alpha launch, will be limited to 250 ETH total, only wrapped ETH, and .075 ETH per direction in a payment channel. Latest testnet release: v0.13.0
Dappos point of sale register adds ERC20 starting with DAI
CasinoFair now live in Japan, South Korea, China, Brazil, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, New Zealand. Up to 14 countries.
Video demo of Golem Unlimited
Gitcoin Q3 retrospective and Q4 goals
Meridio’s reLease dapp lets you lease and rent daily workspaces. For now, at ConsenSys, CryptoNYC and in the DC burbs.
Interviews, Podcasts, Videos, Talks
Holger Drewes on Ethereum’s Javascript ecosystem and Eth 2.0
Raul Jordan on Smartest Contract
Dan Zuller and Ryan Sean Adams on Venture Stories
Nucypher comes back to Hashing It Out for fully homomorphic encryption
Coinfund on Epicenter
Sarah Baker Mills talk on design and UX
Latest web3 design call
Print Q&A with Maurycy Pietrzak of Infura
Richard Craib on Enigma’s Decentralize This
John Wolpert on Masters of Blockchain
ETHSanFrancisco main stage videos, including Vitalik and Balaji
Brendan Eich talk at Founders Fund
Gavin Wood on Polkadot and sharding on Zero Knowledge
Tokens / Business
Forbes joined the Civil network, but also got some bad press about paltry fundraising, including from WSJ and CNN
Token work profiles to understand users
First Round’s case study on scaling at Coinbase
CoinbasePro lists ZRX, the first token on Coinbase
Binance says all listing fees will be transparent and donated to charity
Joseph Lubin will be a SXSW keynote speaker “with special guest.” Also Joe offers a quick history of Ethereum’s earliest days
Parity Substrate testnet launches.
Polkadot “hello world” tutorials, part 1 and part 2
Zaki on how to play Cosmos Game of Stakes
Cardano is having a Tezos-like fight with their Foundation
Microsoft pledges 60k patents to Open Invention Network
Dates of Note
Upcoming dates of note (new additions in bold):
Oct 17-21 Lebanon hackathon (Beirut)
Oct 22-24 - Web3Summit (Berlin). 50% off available for devs, students & researchers
Oct 24-25 - Winding Tree hackathon (Prague)
Oct 26-28 - Status hackathon (Prague)
Oct 29 - Decentralized Insurance D1Conf (Prague)
Oct 29 - Swarm mini-summit (Prague)
Oct 29 - Ethereum Magicians Council of Prague
Oct 30 - Nov 2 - Devcon4 (Prague)
Nov 2 - MetaMask, Mist, imToken and Status to stop injecting web3
Nov 3-4 - Enterprise Ethereum hackathon (Prague)
Dec 7-9 - ETHSingapore hackathon
Jan 29-30 - AraCon (Berlin)
Feb 15-17 - ETHDenver hackathon
If you appreciate this newsletter, thank ConsenSys
This newsletter is made possible by ConsenSys, which is perpetually hiring if you’re interested.
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I own Week In Ethereum. As such, editorial control has always been 100% me.  If you're unhappy with editorial decisions, feel free to tweet at me.
Shameless self-promotion
Link: http://www.weekinethereum.com/post/179023897363/october-12-2018
Most of what I link to I tweet first: @evan_van_ness
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