#siding with the uppers against your own fellow people is SO wow. :)))))))))
magnusbae · 1 year
I do (ironically) love it when people make posts about how little fucks they give about tumblr changes, and making a point to ridicule the people who were, in fact, upset by those changes. Very cool. :)
And now seriously?
UI change is not the worst thing on earth, and often can actually improve the quality of life and make the place better.
While yes, the tumblr user base does not typically receives change happily (unless it's good, polls, am i right?) to say that this is all about the users being 'bitchy' or 'silly' is a gross understatement of what upsets people in reality and is pretty damn rude.
I will not go down to every single point of why it's bad, but I'll bring forth a few points nevertheless.
Releasing a massive UI change while there's still active and major bugs and issues in the main functionality of your platform is not only bad towards a loyal user base that is used to a certain way of things, it's also unprofessional, incompetent, and quote frankly—stupid.
Here is an example of main tumblr functionality, the post editor on web. As a website that is heavily reliant on text posts, and the ability of users to be able to write quality posts, the fact that as of today, the text editor is heavily bugged, is truly a thing to be astonished by.
Especially considering the fact that some users (namely me) made a point of sending them a proper documentation of the bug, along with full descriptions and even a screen recording for an easy recreation of the issue on their side.
Following image was submitted with my feedback months ago:
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In case you were wondering what response did I get—well— TL:TR they say that there's an issue, and IF they find the issue, they will fix it :)
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So now with this in mind, and many other bugs like this still present, since April they could not have fixed the post editor— but they could add numerous and absolutely pointless UI changes, right?
Now taking it a step further, let's address the UI changes, why not?
The changes they're rolling out are clearly unpolished, unfinished and untested. The audacity to force hardly-working versions onto people without any sort of consent as is customary in such an unpolished version of a product is something that I have no other words for other than absolutely shameless.
Even look at the Chat UI change, the text is smaller, the windows cover other parts of the dashboard, the Chat visually changes from section to section of the website (for instance it's new on main, it's old on support page) and again, endless amount of other bugs.
What's worse? And I will not go into depth about this particular topic as not so many people are from 10+ years ago still here, but just in short: The loss of identity that tumblr had prided itself for so long with. We are not like other social media, right? Or well, so we thought. As it seems like tumblr is adamant to change and curate for new users that will, frankly, leave the moment their social media gets fixed. Some will stay, and they are warmly welcome to, however most will leave just as they did last time twitter had a crisis.
P.S You have to appreciate the irony of tumblr making money out of making fun of twitter, and the user base supporting it because that's the sort of UI changes we do enjoy— only for tumblr to copy paste twitter some months after :)
But yes, why not, call everyone a crybaby, since siding with a staff that simply does not listen to its user base or cares about fixing current and relevant bugs—is the way to go!
P.S2 it's absolutely fine if you're unbothered by the change or simply don't care. Ain't nothing wrong with having some good proportion on things. However please don't embarrass yourself by making fun of the people who actively care and worry about how this place operates and what sort of platform we'll be engaging in the future.
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matcha-bnuuy · 7 days
(What’s with this player base and their interesting OCs?) …Anyway, I’m kinda fascinated by your characters, Especially Flosi and Cuuja (not many people delve into the Horo tribe for some reason). Do you have any other cannons and stories about these two?
Oh my gosh hello hi! Thank you so much for the ask, seeing this really brightened my day! nwn
I totally do have more lore I haven't posted about those two so let me enlighten you! Thank you again for your interest!
Cuuja's a Horo in his early 30s and well respected among his tribe, partaking in a common training regimen of bulking on large, caloric meals before spending much of the day on and off training by sparring with his fellow warriors and having rest periods. He specializes more in hand to hand combat which I imagine is common among a tribe of heftier Xaela as they can use their own bodyweight to get the upper hand on their opponents. Cuuja's very fond of friendly fighting as a pastime, particularly the Danshig Naadams that are held periodically (I love that that particular frontline has its own lore as a sporty lizard playtime event LOL) Even though he's a giant sweetheart in personality, he won't hold back in a fight if driven to it, out of respect for both the art and his opponent. I'm yet to do a coloured version since i'm still figuring out all the symbols, designs and what mixed colours he'd wear, but being a large fellow Cuuja doesn't wear much on his body aside his chestwrap and waistwrap, adorning himself in colourful paints, cloths and blessings, for things such as wellbeing, health, luck, etc. He also wears a big brass weight around the base of his tail which I think would add some oomph if it was swung someone's way.
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(as for why more people don't delve into the Horo, I know a lot of folks struggle with drawing heavier bodytypes without practice or are put off by them, but not me, I think bellies are lovely and all bodytypes should be expressed in a character roster! nwn)
And for Flosi, his lore is quite fun, I don't have much art of him so I'll pop an in-game screenshot instead~!
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To start off, this bnuu was raised by a Doman family somewhere in Doma after being separated/lost from his tribe either as a baby or toddler (just.. sometime when very small) however he wound up in that part of Othard so far from the mountains remains a mystery, but there has been some speculation of kidnapping or tribal displacement. Because of this he was brought up alongside the hyur, raen, roes and lupin as somewhat of an oddity, but not really forsaken for being different since everyone knew the story about the kindly couple who found the kit and took him in as their own. Since he grew up in Doma he also saw the place fall under the occupation of the Garleans and has a personal vendetta against them too, by this time he was grown and working and living in Kugane with whatever jobs he could get, mainly serving in teahouses and pleasure houses (by choice! not sold to them like Yotsuyu but was still popular because he was seen as exotic) with recent years and the Empire getting progressively more violent and overshadowing within that side of the East, Flosi has quietly been trying to find a way out of Othard entirely to see what it would be like to live away from a land under their heel, but getting out of the port city unnoticed has been proving a challenge and people aren't bold enough to smuggle him abroad, so he ends up finding someone willing to and winds up in Eorzea. He's skilled in knifeman-ship and opts to use daggers as his weapon of choice, and writes often to his now elderly adopted parents back in the long-occupied Doma, vowing one day to help them find a way out like they did for him. His outward demeaner is very soft and disarming, usually being able to talk himself out a bad situation, but isn't afraid to get back to his viera roots if someone decides to give him a hard time.
OOF WOW SORRY THIS GOT LONG BUT I'M SO SO HAPPY YOU ASKED ABOUT TWO OF MY MORE LESSER KNOWN CHARACTERS? It means a lot to me!! ♥ Thank you so much for your ask and time! I hope you enjoy my funny lil dudes, there's a lot of them around hehe :')
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istanleyff7 · 3 years
TOTP, Episode Aerith, Scene 1-4
Final Fantasy VII Remake: Traces of Two Pasts Episode 2- Aerith Scenes 1 - 4
A Light Novel by Kazushige Nojima Translated by Stanley (@istanleyff7 on twitter)
Scene 1
Aerith Gainsborough was on Shinra Ferry No. 8, and like her friends, she was wearing a Shinra's military uniform. It was her first time on the sea, as well as on a ship. The ferry connecting Junon and Costa De Sol was unexpectedly lavish. Enticed by curiosity, she looked around the ferry. However, the wealthy passengers were not welcoming towards troopers. Driven away by the cold stares, she arrived at the bottom ferry's cargo hold. The goods and luggage were all over the place. Someone was already there.
"Hey, I heard this on the deck a while ago..."
It was Tifa Lockhart, clad in Shinra's equipment. One won't expect it based on her tender smile, but she's an excellent martial artist. She is a reliable companion, equipped with her unstoppable punches, diverse kicks and jumping power. It hasn't been long since they met. However, Aerith believed that the bonds that were fostered by overcoming critical situations were genuine.
"When you feel that you're becoming seasick, it seems that it's good to chat as a distraction."
"I see. Tifa, are you feeling sick?"
"Nahhh, I'm good."
"Me, too."
The conversation ended there. Soon after, Aerith noticed that Tifa wanted to speak. She's reserved at times.
"You wanna talk? Let's talk."
"I'd like to hear about you this time."
"I'm a good listener. You see, I am always doing so at the bar."
She straightened her posture and pretended to polish a glass.
"Hello, it's your first time here, isn't it. Where are you from?"
Aerith was in admiration.
"Do you live around here?"
"Nope. I live in the slums of Sector 5."
"I see. Sector 5 seems pretty lively too. Were you born there too?"
"Well...." Aerith hesitates to say. "It's probably hard to explain."
Tifa immediately sensed it. She had already spoken about her being an Ancient and about her being the last surviving one.
"Sorry, I've gone too far."
"Oh, not at all." Aerith denies it immediately.
"I was just a little taken back. There isn't anyone who says that they want to hear it, nor is there anyone I thought of telling. Well, you wanna hear it? You wanna hear it?"
"If it's alright with you."
"I'm good! I'm good!"
Scene 2
Ifalna, Aerith's mother, was the final pure-blooded descendant of the Ancients as both of her parents were Ancients. She was under the protection of Shinra. To collaborate with the various studies concerning the Ancients, she lived on the upper floors of the Shinra building for a long time. Except for having the freedom to go outside, she had a room that provided almost everything. Aerith lived with her mother, but she couldn't remember the day when she first entered that room. Her first memory was in that room too. As everyone around was adults, the only person she could call a friend was Ronnie, the son of Ifalna's caretaker, Mariel, who brought him along. He was two years older than her.
It was the year 1992. Aerith was seven years old. Her head was suddenly flooded with images. She saw not only landscapes and people that she had never seen before, but also the figures of animals and monsters too. Aerith's Ancient powers were awakened. The inexperienced Aerith could not only control these images, but she also could not ignore them. She painted on papers, painted on the walls and showed it to anyone who wanted to see them. She thought that by doing so, these mysterious "visions" would disappear.
Scene 3
"I understand now that up till then, I was a hostage, and to protect me, my mother had no choice but to obey Hojo. But because Hojo also knew that I inherited the powers of the Ancients, he was overjoyed. Because he discovered a successor, he started doing terrible things to my mother, which he hadn't done until then. And just like that, my mother's health began to break down..."
Scene 4
Because of Hojo and his fellow staff, Ifalna's “working” hours increased. She was made to work for Hojo's studies every day from morning till evening. She was weak every day, and she could not walk on her own. There were also times when Hojo's staff pushed her back into the room in a wheelchair. At that time, Fuzz Hicks appeared and was dressed in a lab coat. Out of all the staff that Aerith knew, Fuzz had the largest physique. His eyes, nose and mouth were huge too. He was a very trustworthy figure who easily carried Ifalna with his massive arms. 
When Fuzz came over, Ifalna begged him for medicine. She had a sad, sweet voice. Aerith did not say anything, but she did not like her mother whenever she made that kind of voice. She wanted her to be cured soon if she was ill.
“Fuzz, please…”
Aerith was almost sure that Fuzz knew it. He turned his back against the surveillance camera. He left a small bottle of medicine and a syringe, reminding her to keep it a secret from the other staff, and then he left. Ifalna used it on herself. Aerith could not see her mother sticking the needle in her arm, usually hiding in the sofa's shadow. 
Aerith has little memory of the calendar dates of events regarding her childhood. It was one night when she was seven years old. She snuggled under her mother's bed as usual. It was a habit she had since she knew she was being monitored. She covered herself entirely with a blanket.
"Aerith. Want to go on an adventure?" Ifalna whispered from the other side of the blanket.
“What will we be doing?” She had a longing and a fear towards the outside world.
"I miss it."
Aerith did not understand what her mother was feeling. However, she sensed that tears were mixed in with her voice. 
Aerith did not want to see her mother's face and got out from her blanket. Ifalna covered her face with her arm. The sleeves of her loose sleepwear were turned inside out. She had plenty of painful injection marks.
"If we head out, will you be okay, Mummy? You’re not going to take any more injections?"
“Yes. I think that will be so.”
"Well, let's go. But, I wonder if we can do it. The cameras are watching."
"Fuzz will help us out."
"Why will Fuzz help us out?"
There was a brief pause.
"Because he's a good person"
Ifalna was taken out of the room as usual and returned in the evening. Fuzz was pushing the wheelchair.
"Yo Aerith," said Fuzz with his deep voice.
"The preparations are in order. I have prepared a secret house in the Sector 3 slums. You will also have a room. It's small, but we'll be leaving here."
He only told her that, and he left the room.
The emergency bell rang in the morning. Hurried by Ifalna, Aerith changed her clothes. It was clothes she had never seen before.
"Fuzz prepared these for us," Ifalna informed as she also wore her new clothes.
"Let's go."
"We will be seen."
"Don’t think like that."
Ifalna opened the door.
"It can't be. The lock is open. Why?"
The mother did not reply, took a deep breath and dashed out to the corridor. There was not a single person there. The bell signalling a crisis rang into their ears. 
"Experimental monsters are on the loose. Staff from the Science Department evacuate to a safe location," the public announcement monotonously announced.
"That's rough."
Aerith was frightened. However, Ifalna ascertained the direction and walked. She was hobbling. Her condition was good only when she opened the door. Aerith took her hand and kept up with her.
They turned at the first corner of the corridor. No staff were seen, and there were also no signs of wandering monsters. Ifalna rushed over to a wagon carrying cleaning tools; a large metal box attached with tiny wheels, with a long brush and mop, stuck into it. She slid her hand on the side of the wagon, and a part slid open. It was empty. There were supposed to be various cleaning agents and tools in there. The shelves and dividers were also removed. 
"We will be hiding in here. I'll head in first."
Ifalna bent her body and slipped into the box.
"Come, Aerith."
Invited by her voice, Aerith went inside. Ifalna pulled her knees towards herself to make space for her daughter. The petite Aerith quickly got in.
"We are going to be here for some time, so find yourself a comfortable position."
"Okay. This position is good."
"Got it."
After Ifalna closed the door, the wagon became pitch black. The public announcement remained unchanged and announced the experimental monsters’ escape. Before long, there was an indication that someone was nearby. The wagon vibrated lightly.
"It's me."
"I'm leaving it to you, Fuzz."
"We'll get going."
The wagon started to run.
"No matter what happens, do not make any noise."
"I'll be making a turn."
"It's an elevator. We will be transferring elevators several times."
From time to time, Fuzz could be heard. While in the elevator, Aerith became nauseous.
"Mummy, I don't feel good."
"It will be over soon."
When the free-falling feeling with the wagon was over, it started running again. As Fuzz mentioned, he will be transferring elevators several times.
"We're in a parking lot."
A different and unpleasant odour, unlike before, crept into the wagon.
"I'll be stopping soon. There'll be a truck, so hurry up and hop onto its cargo bed. I'll assist the both of you."
There was likely a change in the ground surface. A rattling sound came out from the wagon as it ran. The wagon soon stopped, and the door came open.
"Well then, hurry on."
Aerith was pulled out by the large hand that went into the wagon. He held Aerith up and placed her on the cargo bed as though she was an object.
"Move inside," Fuzz said as he also lightly placed Ifalna on the cargo bed.
"There are a few wooden crates. The innermost one is empty, so hide in it. Don't forget to close the lid. My cousin will be driving the truck. After arriving at the train station, the crate will be loaded onto the freight carrier. The cargo will eventually arrive at the Sector 4 slums station, so wait for me there."
"In the box?" Ifalna asked.
"Nope. I think you both will end up waiting for me somewhere at the station. I have a friend there, so follow her instructions. I've written the details in this letter," Fuzz said as he folded the paper and passed it to Ifalna.
"Where are you going, Fuzz?" Aerith asked.
"I'm heading back up to pretend to search for the both of you. If I get caught, it's going to cost me more than my neck."
The car horn sounded, and feelings of anxiety rushed in.
"Well, later then. There is food and water in the crate."
"How long do we have to wait for you to come?"
"At worst, till the last train," Fuzz said as he kissed the back of Ifalna's hand. Aerith was surprised and looked at Fuzz and her mother one after another.
"Fuzz, thank you."
The truck moved off before Ifalna could finish her words.
The mother and daughter crawled on all fours on the swaying cargo bed and moved to the back. There were five wooden crates, one size larger than the cleaning tool wagon. After Ifalna found the empty box, she opened the lid and placed Aerith inside.
After leaving the room, they smelled various odours, but this was unbearable.
"Endure endure. We'll get used to it soon," Ifalna uttered as she also entered the crate. 
Aerith did not overlook the frown on Ifalna's face.
"You think it stinks too, Mummy!"
Ifalna stuck out her tongue, and after gazing at each other, they laughed.
Aerith noticed the paper bag at the bottom of the crate. There was also a portable torchlight, a pouch of dried fruits and nuts, a hard bread and a water bottle when she looked inside it. There was a thin envelope, so she peeked inside and found that there was money in it.
"I have to close the lid."
After struggling to close the lid, the crate went pitch black.
"Next, uh ... let's read the letter."
In the dark, there was a dry sound of Ifalna unfolding the paper.
"Aerith, may you shine at this for me?"
She had difficulty operating it, but Aerith found the switch and turned on the torchlight. In the cutout of the darkness, her mother's pale face was there, and sweat was oozing out from her forehead.
"Mummy, are you alright?"
"I'll be reading it, so remember this too, Aerith."
It seems that she does not intend to reply to her question.
“The plate on which the Shinra Building is built and the slums are connected by rail. This crate will be carried into the freight train as it is. After the train runs for a while, the inside of the crate will glow red, and it will be glowing several times. But you don't have to worry about it, and do not mind it."
“What does this mean?”
"Fuzz... He thinks I don't know anything, and he is right about that."
"I'm scared."
"He wrote not to worry, let's believe him."
"After a while, you will realise that the railroad tracks will be running on ground level rather than at a descent. You will soon hear the train stoppage announcement. Once you hear it, get out of the box. Next, stand by the doorway at the width of the carriage. The last stop is the Sector 4 Slums Station. The door will open when you arrive. Give the money in the envelope to the person who opened the door. It's a reward. Rest assured that she is a friend of mine, and follow her instructions and wait until I pick you both up..."
Ifalna violently coughed before she could read it to the end. It was a long-lasting cough. She turned her head away and covered her mouth with her arm.
"The light... turn it off..." Ifalna said so and violently coughed again.
The truck eventually came to a stop. The truck bed shook, along with the rattling sound of the cargo hitting each other. They sensed people in the vicinity. The unloading began. The handling work was rough, and the crate was even thrown down to its' side.The mother and child endured through the shaking and pain in the crate. Ifalna embraced Aerith in her arms and held her daughter's leaking voice with her palm. 
"We got to press on."
Silence came. They were relieved in that brief moment, then the loading operation on the freight train started.
"This is going to the Sector 4 Slums."
After hearing the muffled voice of a man, the box started to move. Again, the crate was handled recklessly. They used their hands, feet, and back to anchor their bodies down and clenched their teeth.
Shortly after that, the loading came to an end. There was a heavy, loud sound as the freight car door closed. After the train started running, it began to make a periodically repeating rattling noise. Eventually, the rhythmic sound becomes pleasant. Aerith dozed off and was half asleep. She woke up suddenly and looked at her mother's face. Ifalna's profile, dimly lit by the torch that was left on, was as beautiful as usual. In her line of sight, she noticed Ifalna smiling. Aerith was relieved, and she closed her eyes again. She finally slept.
In her dream, Aerith was painting.
When she woke up, Ifalna was coughing violently again.
"Are you alright, Mummy?"
"Yup... Give me a moment," 
Her voice got hoarse. Soon after adjusting her breathing —
"It looks like the descent stopped some time ago. The red lights are over too, so perhaps we'll be arriving soon?
"Ehhhh!? I wanted to see the red lights!"
"You said you were scared of it."
Ifalna laughed.
"I want to see it even if I'm scared."
At that moment, the inside of the crate was tainted red. The two were surprised and looked at each other.
"It turned red!"
"Yup! It turned red."
"I wasn't scared at all."
"Hey, Aerith. Let's eat something. We don't know when we'll be able to eat next."
Ifalna tore up the bread in the bag into pieces, handed it to Aerith, and ripped open the pouch of dried fruits.
"I wonder if this is like a picnic."
Aerith stuck the bread on her cheek.
"What's a picnic?" Ifalna asked. 
After Aerith swallowed the bread —
"I heard from Ronnie. People would take along food, head out, walk a lot and eat. It seems that they don't eat anything sometimes. But Ronnie has never been to one before."
"Hmm. I really don't know, but walking seems to be fun."
Under the dim light shone from the portable torchlight placed on the floor, Ifalna offered her the remaining bread.
"Aren't you eating, Mummy?"
"I've already eaten. I ate it while you were sleeping with your mouth open."
She thought it was a lie. However, Aerith inflated her cheeks and showed her anger.
The train slowed down, and Ifalna coughed violently again.  She shook her shoulders violently to hold down the cough.
"I'm really okay."
Aerith felt even more worried as she was reminded again that her mother was ok.
"Next station,... Four Slums. Sector Fo... lums," a muffled voice could be heard. It's the train stoppage announcement.
"Let's get out of the crate, shall we?"
They flipped the lid up. Ifalna comes out first and pulls Aerith up. Although the train was slowing down, the train carriage was rattling and shaking. 
"This is fun!"
Aerith planted both her feet down to keep her balance. Ifalna held on to the crate to support herself.
“Never forget that feeling, okay?”
“Which feeling?”
“The feeling that you’ll enjoy anything.”
“Hmmm, I understand.”
“Hey hey, Aerith, look at this.” Ifalna pointed to the label on the crate which they were in.
"What's written on it?"
"From Shinra Company to Shinra Company. To be stored at Sector 4 Station. Dangerous goods. It is strictly prohibited to open it en-route..."
"We are dangerous goods?"
"That's rude."
Ifalna laughed, and the train slowed down again to a stop. Aerith lost her balance and clung to her mother as she almost fell over. 
"Stay silent for a moment, Aerith. Leave this to me."
She looked up at her mother to see what she meant. She wasn't smiling anymore.
It was a young woman who opened the door. She had a pouty face and wore loose-fitting overalls. Her whole body was covered in dirt.
"Are you a friend of Fuzz?" Ifalna asked.
She nodded her head.
"Here you go. It's the reward."
Ifalna held out the envelope.
"I told him I didn't need it..."
In the end, the lady snatched the envelope and pushed it into her back pocket.
"Get off. Quickly."
The carriage floor was well above the ground, a height that anyone would need help with. However, the lady was keeping watch of the surrounding people.
"Okay. I'll head down first."
Ifalna disappeared from Aerith's line of sight as she had jumped off. A painful moan could be heard.
"Hurry up," the lady's sharp voice pierced through their ears.
Ifalna apologised as she stood up, looking back at Aerith and reached out to her with both hands. Aerith was worried whether the woman in dirty clothing would get angry again, so she hurriedly jumped on her mother's body.That force caused Ifalna to stumble. She almost fell over while holding onto Aerith but managed to get her balance after taking a few steps.
"It's already chaotic at the top. Hide in the container yard until Fuzz picks you up," The woman pointed to a place stacked up with a lot of containers. 
"When the sun sets, consignees will enter and exit the yard, so don't be discovered. That would be a pain."
"How much longer until the sun goes down?" Ifalna asked.
"In about four hours."
The woman tried to leave, but Ifalna called out to stop her and asked, "Which direction is Sector 3 in?"
The woman pointed out the direction with her chin, and as though she was escaping from them, she headed back to work.
"Mummy, let's hide quickly?"
"Yup. Let's do so."
The woman looked back once she reached the end of the train carriage and pointed towards the container yard. She was probably telling them to head over quickly.
Ifalna held out her hand.
"From here on out, it's a real adventure. Let's go."
Ifalna held Aerith's hand.
"Mummy, why is your hand hot?"
"It's because I'm excited."
Ifalna laughed, and they started walking towards the rear of the carriage they had just got off. The carriage they were riding on was at the end. When they went around the carriage and crossed over the rail, they could see the station building. The woman from earlier disappeared into the station building. They saw some others in uniforms that looked like railway workers.
"Mummy, where are we going!?"
Aerith was extremely worried. However, her mother did not say a word. Instead, she held her hand firmly and started walking. They headed towards the wire mesh fence that was directly in front of them. There were a lot of people coming and going on the road over there.
"Let's climb over this fence."
The fence was about two metres tall.
"I can't."
"But we have to. Otherwise the adventure will be over."
In the end, they clung to the fence.
"Well, let's have fun!" Ifalna uttered.
Passers-by across the wired fence saw them, but nobody stopped walking.
"First, grab a high spot on the wired fence with both hands, and then put the toes of your left foot into the wired fence."
Aerith was confused, but she managed to be in the same position as her mother.
“Next, apply some strength to your hands and put your right toe into the fence.”
"Once you can do that, move your right hand to grab the fence higher up. Then, also move your left hand to grab at the same height."
"Ah, I got it! Next will be my legs."
Aerith felt that she understood how to climb the wired fence.
"Mummy, look!"
While making a rattling noise, she climbed the fence in a blink of an eye.
"Nicely done, Aerith. Now from there, climb over."
"Hey! Get down from there!" came a piercing, angry voice.
Aerith saw a station employee running over.
Ifalna saw the station employee.
"Aerith, quickly get going!"
"You too, Mummy!"
Ifalna started climbing the wired fence. She was frustratingly slow.
The station employee was getting close. The scene gathered the eyes of passers-by. At that moment...
"Hey! Hurry up!"
They looked over. A tall adult male was reaching out his hand. Aerith was confused. He was probably an acquaintance of her mother, but that should not be the case.
"Hey! Let's go!"
Before Aerith knew it, Ifalna got up to the same height and got over the fence. The station staff extended his hand out, but he barely could not reach her. Finally, Ifalna got over to the other side, reached out and grabbed the chest area of Aerith's clothes and pulled firmly. Aerith could not help but lose her balance and almost fell headfirst outwards of the fence. However, a pair of solid hands supported Aerith.
"You alright?" the man asked Ifalna while lowering Aerith to the ground. 
However, Ifalna was coughing harshly and could not answer.
"Riding without a ticket is a serious crime!"
The station employee also started to climb the fence.
"It’s a serious crime which too many people commit, and you can't catch those culprits."
"Thank... you," Ifalna finally answered.
"You're welcome."
The man then struck the fingers of the station employee, who was grabbing the wired fence, with his fist. The station staff screamed away from the wired fence.
"Shinra bastard, damn y'all!"
After hailing abuse at the station employee, the man walked away as if nothing had happened. The station employee was panting heavily and glared at the man.
"Which direction is Sector 3 in?" Ifalna abruptly asked the station employee.
Not only the station employee but Aerith was also surprised at this.
"Who would teach you!" the station employee's angry voice froze Aerith's legs.
"Very well. Pardon us for our rudeness." Ifalna calmly apologised to the station employee 
She then took Aerith's hand and left the station. When they looked back, the station employee was glaring at them. However, he was soon hidden in the flow of passers-by.
"Ahhh, that was heart-wrenching."
Ifalna coughed. When Aerith looked up, she saw the radiant face of her mother.
There was no sign of anyone chasing them. The mother and daughter were moving away from the Sector Four Slums Station. Looking up, they could see the underside of the steel city. They were overwhelmed by the orderly combination of the steel-framed plate. Many people lived on it, there was the Shinra Building, and they were way high up on it. The scale was too large for Aerith to picture it well.
"Aerith, if you just look up, you'll fall."
Indeed,  none of the surrounding commuters were looking up. It's a natural sight for slum dwellers. From time to time, Aerith could hear mysterious noises. She could also hear angry voices. And as expected, nobody cares.
"Mummy, who was the person that helped us at the station?"
"I think he's someone who hates Shinra. It seems that there are many of these kinds of people in the slums."
"How do you know about the slum, Mummy?"
"I asked a lot of people. For a day like this."
"Even on how to climb a wired fence?"
"Yup. If Professor Hojo weren't around, everyone would talk to me a lot."
"Actually, everyone is a nice person."
"I wonder. Everyone sympathised and cared for me, but no one helped me out. The truly good people are those that not only say that they'll help but also act on it."
"I wonder what Fuzz is doing."
Aerith waited for a while, but her mother didn't answer.
"Hey, Aerith, I want to rest for a bit. Shall we go over there?"
Ifalna pointed towards a small plaza in front of them. They saw several benches.
↞↠ You’re on page 24/142 of Aerith’s segment of the Light Novel.  Next Scenes: Scenes 5-9 Back to Content Page (click/tap here)
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auror-lovie · 4 years
I Loved You, Mr. Scamander; Chapter 2
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━━━•✦.✧. Author’s Note.✧.✦•━
Chapter 2 is O U T!
Besides the point, I had a lot of fun doing the research. (Where was this version of me in high school-)
I hope you guys enjoy it! This chapter is a bit longer than I anticipated. It was a mix of research, personal experiences, and listening to the same song for hours-
You can find the playlist and the taglist form link in my bio! (Or you can just comment, send an ask, or PM- whichever feels comfortable)
━━━━━•✦.✧. Summary .✧.✦•━
After Hogwarts, (Y/N) and Victoria become the MOM’s Investigation Department’s secret weapon. While celebrating the completion of a recent case, she meets someone new. Who knew that this someone is related to her first love?
━━━━━•✦.✧. Add-Ons .✧.✦•━
A little back story of what happened during their last year at Hogwarts
Theseus~! ( Gosh, I hope I didn’t write him too out of character. Then again, in this chapter, he’s fresh out of WWI )
Victoria and (Y/N)’s friendship is solely based on the friendship I have with my fellow RavenPuff best friend. ( If she ever finds this fic, though I doubt it, I love you~! )
Fluff! (Hopefully)
Theseus and Reader being oblivious to these coincidences.
Hilarity ensues
Blood, but it’s a short scene
Slight angst at the end
Before Newt left, he promised to owl them. He was set on working for the Ministry to work with magical creatures in some way. Though his letters always came at odd hours- stupid time zones.
The day after Newt's expulsion, (Y/N) and Victoria had cut ties with Leta. They couldn’t trust her after what had happened. Despite all that, (Y/N) wished Leta the best in life.
For once the roles reversed, Victoria wanted to hex the hell out of Leta, but (Y/N) talked her out of it. Told her that it wasn’t worth it. Instead of spending all that energy on hating someone, it was better to wish them the best and let them go.
Sixth year had come to an end. On the day everyone was set to go back home for the summer holiday, Headmaster Dippet had summoned Victoria to his office.
“Headmaster Dippet,” She said as she stepped into his office. “What can I do for you?”
“You can take this, Miss Howard.” He replied, his hand gesturing to a small, yet elegant metal box that sat near her side of the desk.
Puzzled, Victoria walked closer. She hesitantly grabbed the box and opened it. On the small cushion, laid a navy blue pin, with the words HEAD GIRL in bronze.
“T-This is an honor, sir.” She stumbled, picking it up. It was funny how valuable a small badge would be. How much weight and responsibility it held while being almost as light as a feather.
“I want you to wear it on the first day back.” He gave a small smile.
“I understand, Professor. I can’t thank you enough-“
“Hush child. Come next year, you’ll curse me out for giving you the responsibilities.”
In their final year at Hogwarts, they made it their best year yet. They went to all the Quidditch games and Hogsmeade trips. They studied their hardest and gave it their all. When they graduated, they both got “Exceeds Expectations” and “Outstanding” in all the subjects needed to apply for the Auror Training Program. These subjects were Potions, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, Herbology, and Charms.
Auror training required strenuous work to complete, but nothing they couldn’t handle. It was mandatory to undergo a rigorous series of character and aptitude tests. These tests showcased how well they reacted under pressure. They trained extensively in advanced magical combat, other elements of practical defense, and methods of criminal investigation.
Other training courses were Concealment and Disguise, Stealth and Tracking, Battle Instinct, Best-Laid Plans, Duelling in the Dark, Field Training, History of the Dark Arts, Method in the Mad-Eye, Resilience Training, and The Auror Advantage; while poisons and antidotes were also essential studies. Their training lasted for three years and was difficult work.
(Y/N) excelled in courses like Battle Instinct and Dueling in the Dark. Victoria showed her prowess in courses like Stealth and Tracking and Best-Laid Plans. Their personalities complimented each other. Apart, they had their successes, but together? They were a force not to be reckoned with. You’ve heard of power couples, but they were a powerful dynamic duo.
The Ministry of Magic in the Investigation Department is where they started. They were the department’s secret weapon. The only people who knew of them were those also in the Investigation Department. If they left the department due to any reason, they would be obliviated of their memory of (Y/N) and Victoria.
Another report was finalized and another dark wizard in Azkaban. In celebration, Victoria had convinced (Y/N) to go out to a pub with her. Coincidentally, the muggle world was celebrating a victory of their own.
At the pub, (Y/N) and Victoria was sitting at the bar, both on their second glass of Sidecar cocktail. Their work clothes were more wrinkled than usual as they relaxed on the stools.
The place was hot (despite it being winter), loud, and reeked of perfume and alcohol. People were celebrating the victory of “The War to End All Wars”. Men in uniforms were all around. Some were at home with loved ones. Others were kissing random strangers at the pub or hanging around with their mates. Then there were a couple of groups raising a glass to their fallen comrades.
“I’m headed to the restroom. You coming?” Victoria asked after finishing her glass.
(Y/N) swished her drink in her glass. “I’m good. I’ll wait here for you.”
Victoria nodded, “Alright, dear. Remember no boys, and if one won’t leave you alone- hex him or punch him.”
(Y/N) gave her a look.
Victoria laughed. “Be alert.” She said before leaving.
She nodded, “I will, Vi. I always am.” (Y/N) let out a sigh as she watched Victoria walk towards the restroom.
Her train of thought started with work but soon drifted to Newt. Over the years, she and Newt continued to stay in touch. Since she graduated, Newt had served on the Eastern Front- not in the war, no. He was there to wrangle some Ukrainian Ironbellys. That year, Augustus Worme commissioned him to write a book about magical creatures.
“Of course he took the job. It’s the perfect job for him…” She mumbled before taking another sip.
If there was anything (Y/N) wanted to do right now, it would be to go home. Being at a pub wasn’t her thing- neither was it Victoria’s, but she let it slide this time. ‘To whatever God or higher celestial being up there, please keep Newt safe.’ She thought, staring at the remaining liquid.
“Hey, what’s a pretty little lady like you doing in a place like this all by herself?” A male voice cooed as he sat on the barstool to her left.
Snapping out of her thoughts, (Y/N) turned to face a man in uniform. He had short blonde hair (but if it were any longer, it would break regulation) and light brown eyes. Attractive? Yes. Her type? Definitely not.
“I’m not here by myself,” (Y/N) eyed the single chevron patch sewn on the upper half of his uniform’s sleeve. “-Private.” She said before meeting his gaze. “I’m here with a friend.”
“Private Keaton Williams.” He said as he took one of her hands in his, bringing it up to kiss her knuckles.
‘Merlin’s beard. Where’s Victoria?’ She thought as she saw the satisfaction on his face. (Y/N) slowly retracted her hand, holding it close to her chest.
“Thank you, Private- er, Williams. But I should be looking for my friend.” She said, getting ready to stand.
He held onto her wrist, preventing her from leaving. “Come on. We both know it’s a lie. You’re not really here with anyone.” Keaton teased.
She tried to think of a way to turn him down. She couldn’t hex him- he was a muggle. There were rules about using magic in the presence of muggles! And she couldn’t punch him. How could she punch a man who had fought for the country she called home?
“She’s with me.” said another male’s voice. This time, it came from behind her.
Keaton looked past (Y/N) to see another man in uniform. “Oh wow. I’m another bloke in a uniform. What makes you so special?” He mocked.
“I don’t condone men flaunting their uniform as a way to catch a woman’s heart.” The one behind her replied. “I’ve dealt with idiots like him. Play along.” He whispered in her ear. (Y/N) nodded, before taking back her wrist.
“I know how to get what I want 's all,” Keaton boasted, then turned his attention back to (Y/N). “Let’s go, love. Let this soldier show you a good time.”
(Y/N) turned to get a look at her savior. Oh great. Yet she stared for a second longer- he looked so familiar.
Shaking her head from her thoughts, she leaned into his chest. “I’m sorry, Private Williams. You had no chance from the start. This soldier had already caught my attention.”
The man looked shocked for a split second before playing along with her little skit. “Ah yes. I’m glad I was able to return home to the love of my life all in one piece.” He said before wrapping an arm around (Y/N)’s shoulder.
She blushed. ‘Love of his life? No- stop it. It’s a ruse.’
Keaton looked at the other, eyeing his rank. “What’s a Sergeant got that I don’t?”
The man shifted, a crimson ribbon pinned to the pocket flap of his left breast pocket revealing itself. “I have the right mind to back off when a woman says no.”
Keaton looked again, seeing the ribbon, and gasped. The Victoria Cross Award. “Y-You’re him. T-That Theseus guy… The War Hero.”
Theseus. The name of her saviour was revealed!
Theseus rolled his eyes. “It’s Sergeant to you. Now scram before I report you to your commanding officer.”
“Y-Yes Sergeant,” Keaton said before walking away from the pair.
(Y/N) let out a sigh of relief as she relaxed her shoulders. “Thank you… Theseus, was it?”
Theseus hummed in agreement, removing his arm from her shoulder. “It’s no problem…” He trailed off, running his hand through his hair.
She turned in her chair to face him. His hair now slightly messed up due to his recent action. His uniform suited him- good and squared away. But his face. It was so damn familiar. It was as if she’d seen those blue eyes somewhere before.
“Uh… Like what you see?” Theseus joked.
(Y/N) blushed. “I-I didn’t mean to stare…” A small pause before sticking her hand out, “I’m (Y/N).”
Theseus gently took her hand, bringing it to his lips, and placed a gentle kiss on her knuckles. “Theseus. Charmed to meet you.”
‘Did… Did he just…?’ (Y/N) giggled, taking her hand back and interlocking her fingers together. “So what’s a wizard like you serving in the military?”
He sighed, sitting on the seat that was once Victoria’s, “The military part was a cover-up to get me on the front lines. Even if the muggles were at war, that didn’t mean dark wizards would stop their heinous crimes. I was working double time. A field agent for the Ministry and a Sergeant for the British Armed Forces.”
(Y/N) nodded. “Thank you for your service… For our world and theirs.” She smiled at him.
The silence was deafening between them, but it wasn’t awkward in any way. It was more comforting.
(Y/N) brought herself to look at his eyes again, her pupils dilating. His eyes made her heart swell with love- the type of love she reserved only for Newt. Though, she couldn’t help but spill a little bit of that to Theseus. Love at first sight?
Theseus returned the smile. How could someone, let alone a stranger he met, be this beautiful? His mind drifted to a small montage of made-up scenarios. He could see a growing relationship with her- a family even. Would his mother approve? Would Newt approve? She’d make a great addition to the Scamander family.
“Sorry I took too long. Ready to- Merlin, (Y/N)! I leave for five minutes!” Victoria’s voice yelled from behind Theseus.
“Sorry about that.” (Y/N) mumbled.
He turned in his seat to face Victoria. “I-I’m sure you’d like an explanation, but first, hello.” He stuttered.
(Y/N) emerged from behind him, walking over to her friend. “Vi! This is Theseus. Theseus this is my best friend, Victoria.”
‘He looks so familiar. I’ve seen his face somewhere before.’ Victoria thought.
On Theseus and (Y/N)’s first date, they went to a coffee shop.
“So you’re part of the law enforcement? Are you sure you retired from your military work?” She joked.
Theseus chuckled softly before sipping on his tea- he was never a coffee person. “First, yes. I’m retired. And yes, I work within law enforcement. I’m what you call “well respected”. And what about you, love?”
She blushed. “I work in the field then do some paperwork. That’s all. Nothing that special.”
“Hm…” He thought for a moment before an idea popped into his head. “Ever thought about working for the Ministry? They could use a couple of recruits in the Auror Department. I’m sure Victoria would join as well. Training is only about three years and with your skills, I’m sure you two would be a great Aurors.”
(Y/N) smiled before sipping on her cup of coffee. ‘Only if you knew…’
For their next date, they went out for a walk in the park. It was cold out, so they wore their long coats and their house scarves.
“No way! You were a Hufflepuff? I thought you were a Gryffindor!” (Y/N) exclaimed as he neared their meeting spot.
Theseus smiled, “Well, hello to you too.” He then stood in front of her, ruffling her hair. “Well then, Little Miss Ravenclaw, aren’t you full of surprises?” He teased.
She huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. “What house did you think I was in…?”
He gestured to his Hufflepuff scarf.
“If the Sorting Hat sorted me again, I’m pretty sure I’d be in Hufflepuff. If Victoria got sorted again… She’d definitely be a Slytherin.”
“Then again, you’re the feistiest Ravenclaw I’ve ever met.” Theseus teased, poking her cheek softly.
(Y/N) swatted his hand away from her face, “W-Well you’re the cockiest Hufflepuff I’ve ever met.
The third time they went out, they went to a fancy restaurant.
“Theseus… Where are we going?” She asked as they walked hand in hand.
“Somewhere special. I’ve been dying to take you out here for months.”
“Oh?” She asked. “What did I do to deserve this?”
He smiled as they turned the corner. “Ah, here we are!”
(Y/N) looked at the building and gasped. “Theseus… The Ritz?! This must've cost you a fortune!”
He kissed her cheek, “Anything for you.”
Then came their fourth date. Theseus had decided on that night, he’d make their relationship official. He would’ve done it sooner, but he’d only met her a year ago. He wanted time to get to know her and make sure it wasn’t an impulse decision. To his surprise, she agreed. So after a year-long wait, he took his chance. Nothing to lose… right?
After dinner, they decided to take a walk in the park. A last-minute plan she was not dressed for.
“You know, despite its kleptomania for shiny things, I always wanted a Niffler. They’re such interesting creatures.” She admitted.
Theseus chuckled- a sound that was now music to (Y/N)’s ears. “You sound like my brother. He’s into all that care of magical creatures stuff. Me? Not so much.”
She hummed, “I’d like to meet your brother sometime…”
“I’ll set up a date for all us to have tea when he comes back from his travels.”
“C-Can’t wait!” She stuttered as she rubbed her upper arms for warmth.
He noticed this and nonchalantly removed his coat. He draped it over her shoulders, “Sorry. It’s my fault you’re cold.”
She held the lapels of his coat, “But now you’ll get cold!”
“It looks better on you than it did me.” He gave her a playful wink.
(Y/N) gasped as she remembered a moment like that. All those years ago at Hogwarts- with Newt. Though she dismissed the thoughts of her first love. Newt wasn’t there with her. Theseus was. Newt hadn’t taken her out on those wonderful dates. Theseus had. Newt didn’t love her. Theseus did- or so she hoped.
Theseus had stopped them in front of a water fountain. The sound of trickling water and the echoes of the city filled the silence. He shoved his hands into his pockets. Were his hands always this sweaty? He took a deep breath and exhaled. It was now or never.
“Theseus, darling, A-Are you alright?” She asked, one of her hands cupping his cheek.
He hummed and leaned into her touch. Despite the cold, her hand was radiating so much warmth. He looked at her lovingly, “Yes, dear. Everything is fine.”
“(Y/N)… During my Hogwarts years, I never gave dating a second thought. And after I graduated, I immediately started working for the Ministry. Then I got sent to war. Merlin- I never want to step foot in a muggle war ever again.” He paused to make sure she was paying attention.
Her hand returned to the warmth of his coat. She nodded, giving him the okay to continue.
“And when I returned home, I was so set on returning to my duties at the Ministry. Then I met you. You wonderful, beautiful, intelligent woman. I couldn’t believe that I caught your attention. I know I’m rambling and your feet must be in pain for standing for so long, so let me ask you this.” He paused for a second. “Will you allow me to date you properly? To make this- us, official?”
(Y/N) smiled. “Theseus… I never thought you’d ask. I’d love to be your girlfriend.”
Full of joy, Theseus wrapped his arms around her and spun around. Their laughs mixed, composing a duet that harmonized with each other perfectly.
When he set her down, she sighed in content. “Oh, Theseus…”
He cupped her face, his thumb caressing her cheek. “Can… Can I kiss you?”
She nodded. “Yes-”
He cut her response short, closing the gap between their lips.
The New Year’s season came to pass and it was the start of the 1920s. Victoria and (Y/N) transferred to the Aurors Department. Effective immediately. They loved the Investigation Department and everyone there. Must've been something serious if their transfer was immediate.
Little did they know, Theseus was the Head of the Auror department.
On the way to the meeting room, (Y/N) was ranting about the sudden change. Victoria was saying her thoughts about the matter but listened to her friend’s distress. They walked past an office and Victoria caught the nameplate on the door that read “Theseus Scamander”
Scamander? Oh-
Before Victoria could ask questions, they had gotten to the meeting room. There were other Aurors in the department. Everyone there knew each other, so Victoria and (Y/N) were the “newbies”.
Victoria turned to (Y/N), “Hey… You know that boyfriend of yours, did you by any chance get his last name?” She whispered.
(Y/N) shrugged, “No. I didn’t think it mattered.”
“Well, let me tell you-”
The Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Torquil Travers, entered the room from the back entrance. “Fellow Aurors! As you all know, Grindelwald is gathering up recruits for his “For the Greater Good” revolution. All of you are here today to form up a special task force in bringing him and his organization down. Leading you in this endeavor is the new Head of Auror Office and retired War Hero, Theseus Scamander.”
A round of applause erupted, welcoming the new Head of Auror Office.
Turning towards Travers, Victoria clapped along. “I’m sure it’s not your Theseus-”
“Oh shit.” (Y/N) cursed as she saw her beloved walk through the doors.
Theseus nodded as he walked towards his new task force.
Travers patted his back, “You’ll need to choose an assistant and a communications liaison, but take your time.”
Theseus scanned the room. He knew all of the people, some he trusted, and some he didn’t. Then he saw a pair he knew all too well- but he only saw them outside of work- (Y/N) and Victoria.
(Y/N) gave a shy smile, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear.
Victoria smirked, “You’re screwed.”
As the applause died down, Theseus announced, “I’ve already chosen the people for the positions. For my assistant, I’ll be having Miss (Y/N) (L/N).”
She blushed as she felt everyone’s eyes on her. Though slightly confused, the other Aurors in the room applauded.
Victoria leaned down again, “Try not to make too much noise in his office, eh?”
(Y/N) opened her mouth to gasp, but nothing came out. “I would never!”
“And my Communications Liaison will be Miss Victoria Howard.”
(Y/N) nudged her friend, “You’re stuck with us now.”
Victoria laughed nervously, waving at everyone. “Brilliant…”
The three of them were in Theseus’ office. (Y/N) was pacing back and forth as Theseus was sitting at his desk and Victoria leaning against the bookshelf.
“Why me? Why another Scamander?” She groaned in agony. “How did I not know!” She muttered.
“Love, what’s the problem?” Theseus asked, slightly worried.
“You wouldn’t by any chance have a brother would you?” Victoria asked, looking at him.
“Yeah.” He replied, his attention still towards (Y/N), who was still pacing back and forth.
“About this tall?” She said, extending her arm to its highest point.
“Around there.”
“Loves magical creatures?” She asked, now crossing her arms over her chest.
“More than life itself.”
“Got expelled from Hogwarts in his sixth year?”
“Yes. Wait, how did you-”
“I figured.” She gave a curt nod before looking at her distressed friend. “Honey, you need to calm down.”
(Y/N) stopped in her tracks and faced Victoria. Her eyes were on the verge of tears.
Victoria's expression softened as she shoved aside the blunt responses she had prepared in her mind. “Hey… Come here…” She cooed as she walked over to her with arms wide open.
(Y/N) quickly ran into Victoria’s embrace, letting the tears fall. She mumbled something into her shoulder.
“What was that, dear?” She asked softly.
(Y/N) pulled away, “I said, what am I going to tell Newt? I’ve told him that I recently got a boyfriend. How is he going to react when it’s his brother?”
Victoria rolled her eyes. “What’s it to him? He’s your best friend.” She said, emphasizing the fact that Newt was just her friend. “If it’s his brother or not, who you date is not his business.”
Theseus stood from his seat and walked over to the pair. “If it makes you feel better, we can invite him over for tea and tell him.”
(Y/N) moves from Victoria’s arms and walks over to Theseus. “I… I think I’d like that.”
Despite Theseus and (Y/N)’s relationship, they never let it get in the way of their work. (Y/N) had the same workload and deadlines as the others in the task force.
Victoria was still expected to represent the Ministry’s Auror department, write news releases, and coordinate the distribution of information along with her fieldwork.
Theseus randomly assigned partners in every stakeout or raid- mostly because he’d feel like he’d protect the hell out of (Y/N) if she was paired up with him all the time. (Y/N) was capable, and he knew that.
Though there are sometimes where one of them got hurt and the other can’t help but care for them.
(Y/N) had made Theseus take off his blazer and rolled up the sleeve of his left arm. Blood dripped from the wound caused by one of Grindelwald’s recruits. She sat on a short stool with a bucket of warm water off to the side, just within arms reach.
Theseus slouched in the chair, flinching at the slightest touches (Y/N) made with the towel. She had wiped off all the dried blood surrounding the wound. Then she started dabbing the towel ever so gently on top of it. The towel was damp and warm, but it didn’t make the pain any softer.
He grimaced as he inhaled sharply, jerking his arm away from her.
“I need to clean your wound, love” (Y/N) said, reaching over to where he moved his arm.
“But (Y/N) it hurts!” He whined.
“You’re being childish.” She replied.
“W-Well you’re not the one on the receiving end!”
“Honey, you were a soldier. I’m sure you’ve dealt with more serious wounds than this…”
“That’s because I didn’t have someone as cute as you cleaning me up.”
“Flattery won’t get your wound cleaned up.”
“Can’t you just use a spell?”
“Unlike most wizards, I like to do some things without the use of magic.”
He huffed childishly, not looking at her.
“If you didn’t move, it wouldn’t hurt as much.”
Theseus grumbled, still moving his arm away.
“Theseus Scamander, hold still or so help me I will hex you!”
“I thought we didn’t allow magic in the bedroom~” He teased.
“Theseus! We’re at work!”
After months of asking and asking, Theseus had finally convinced Newt to come and visit him- to finally meet his girlfriend. (Y/N) had already decided on the tea so they were waiting for Newt to arrive.
As they waited, Theseus was looking over some reports as (Y/N) was leaning on his bookshelf, doing some light reading.
He sighed, setting the papers in his hand back down on his desk. Glancing over to (Y/N), he smiled, ‘She’s beautiful even when she’s reading…’
Theseus looked at her ensemble. A white long-sleeved button-up, a grey vest with a matching blazer, and dress pants. He looked at his suit- the same color scheme. Were they always matching?
He looked at her again and noticed that this time, she wore a tie with her suit, but not just any tie. A yellow and black tie- His Hufflepuff tie. Theseus smiled, “Hey (L/N), nice tie.”
(Y/N) nodded, turning the page of her book. “Yeah? I put it on this morning.” She said nonchalantly.
Theseus stood and made his way over. When he stood in front of her, he took the book from her hands and set it to the side. “Where’d you get it?”
She looked up at him. Was he always this tall? “Hogwarts. From when I went there. Duh.”
“Really? Because I remember you telling me that you were a Ravenclaw,” He said untucking the tie from under her vest. “This is clearly a Hufflepuff tie.” He held up the end of the tie in her line of view.
(Y/N) gasped. “I swear, it was an honest mistake!”
“Hmm…” He trailed off. “I kind of like seeing you in my ties. It’s cute.” He said, leaning in close.
“Thes… We’re at work… A-And your brother could walk in any minute-”
His fingers slid up the material, finally wrapping around the knot. “Yeah… But I haven’t kissed you since we left my flat…” He whispered, tugging softly as if to bring her closer.
She could feel herself leaning in close. Her lip mere millimeters away-
“Here we are! Head of Aurors Office!” Victoria said, opening the door to Theseus’ office. She and Newt walked in.
(Y/N) quickly pushed Theseus away, shoving the tie back under her vest.
“Newt!” (Y/N) exclaimed, shoving herself off the bookshelf.
“Brother!” Theseus said happily as he walked over to Newt.
There, Newt stood in a nice suit, a mustard yellow vest, and a blue overcoat. In his hand was a suitcase. The enchanted suitcase that (Y/N) had read so much about in his letters.
“Wait, when you told me in your letter that you had a boyfriend, you never told me it was my brother,” Newt said, slightly hurt.
“We meant to tell you!” Theseus said defensively.
“When? When I catch you almost snogging each other?” Newt retorted, glaring at his brother
“No! It would be over tea! Which we would be having right now…” She pouted.
“I think… I think I’d like a rain check on that…” He said as he started to back away.
“Newt! Don’t do this!” Victoria pleaded.
He finally turned around and walked to the door. When he got there, he stopped in Victoria’s line of view. Newt didn’t face her. He looked straight ahead, grip tightening on the handle of his case. “You knew and didn’t tell me?” Newt asked bitterly.
Victoria placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. She opened her mouth to say something and for once, she didn’t have a blunt response or snarky remark. “It wasn’t my position to say…”
Newt scoffed. “It would’ve been nice to know beforehand,” He said before shoving her hand off and walking away from Theseus’ office. Away from his brother. Away from his friend. Away from her. Newt hadn’t seen then in so long and now that he had the chance… He just left…?
(Y/N) quickly ran after him, “Newt, wait!”
Victoria leaned against the door frame, banging the back of her head against the wood. “It’s always a Scamander…”
Theseus looked at Victoria. “Did… Did they have something?”
Victoria sighed, stopping from her current action to look at Theseus. “It’s not my position to say…”
In the hallway, (Y/N) finally caught up to Newt. She held onto the material of his sleeve.
“Back there,” She panted. “What was that about?”
“You… You’re dating my brother?” He asked. Stupid question, but he needed to hear it again to make sure he wasn’t imagining it.
“Yeah, what’s it to you?” (Y/N) said, but her tone made it sound rude.
“Didn’t think he’d be your type…” Newt mumbled.
“And you know what my type is?” She replied, slightly offended.
“I…” Newt paused. ‘I was hoping that it’d be me.’ He thought.
(Y/N) sighed, finally letting go of his sleeve. “Look, you’re my best friend and I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I’ll admit that it was my fault, but I don’t want to lose you just because I’m dating your brother. I-”
“What?” Newt interrupted. “One Scamander isn’t enough? You need both of us in your life, do you? Why do you need me? You already have Theseus wrapped around your fingers.” He snapped.
“What is up with you, Newton?” She groaned in frustration. “You know what? Now is not the time. I’ll give you all the time and space you need. When you’re ready to talk about this, I’m only an owl away.” She turned to leave, but not before saying something that made Newt realize how he felt about his best friend.
“Just know that before Theseus,” She paused. “It was always you.”
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wisteria-lodge · 4 years
Character Analysis - Sorting Sherlock Holmes (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)
a quick note on why I’m moving away from the HP terminology
So @sortinghatchats is brilliant. Absolutely my favorite character (and person!) analysis system. Instead of one house, you get two - a PRIMARY (your motivation, why you do things), and a SECONDARY (your toolbox, how you get things done.) A very stripped down refresher --
IDEALIST PRIMARY Lion/Gryffindor - I do what I feel is right. (MORAL) Bird/Ravenclaw - I do what I decide is correct. (LOGICAL) LOYALIST PRIMARY Badger/Hufflepuff - I do what helps my community (PEOPLE MATTER) Snake/Slytherin - I do what helps me/my inner circle (MY PEOPLE MATTER)
IMPROVISATIONAL SECONDARY Lion/Gryffindor- Charge! React! Smash the system! Snake/Slytherin- Transform, adapt, find the loophole. BUILT SECONDARY Bird/Ravenclaw - Plan, make tools, gather information. Badger/Hufflepuff - Community-build, caretake, call in favors.
Now let’s talk Sherlock Holmes!!!
Mycroft Holmes has a terrifying Bird secondary. He knows everything. He sees everything. He holds all the information in his head, all the time, and can tell you exactly how it connects. “Spymaster Mycroft” didn’t become proper fanon until 1970: in the books he’s more like a human computer, or a Mentat from Dune. This man is incapable of improvising. He hates casual conversation, hates changing his routine, just wants to sit and process and plan. He is the cartoon version of a Bird secondary.  
Mycroft is so insanely ‘big picture’ that he barely notices specific individuals. He’s off in in the corner thinking about currency regulation and the situation in Siam. In “The Greek Interpreter” he hears about a woman who might be starving to death… and sort of vaguely puts it on his to-do list. Sherlock ends up handling it.
You could make a case for either a Bird or Lion primary. But I’m going with Lion. Mycroft values instinct like Lions do (”All my instincts are against this explanation.”) And Sherlock describes him as someone who “would rather be considered wrong than take the trouble to prove himself right.” This is teasing, but it’s a joke about a Lion who just sort of feels the answer, not a Bird who needs a reason to be correct. Mycroft’s Cause, the one we see him respond to emotionally, is the smooth functioning of his world. He has a little pocket carved out for his brother, but if he had to choose between the country that he embodies and Sherlock Holmes’ well-being, it’d be England every time.
Knowing that Mycroft has that much power but doesn’t care about individual people makes Sherlock... uncomfortable. It takes him a while to even mention his brother to Watson. And then he lies about how important Mycroft’s job is. Thematically, this where Moriarty comes in. James Moriarty – the older genius hiding deep in the establishment, running a criminal empire from behind a tenured professorship, never getting his hands dirty – is Dark Mycroft. Because Sherlock is pretty sure his brother is one of the good guys. He’s pretty sure Mycroft isn’t going to break bad and go full-on ‘ends justify the means’ supervillain.
But… like… he could.
Sherlock Holmes is also defined by his Bird secondary. His deductions, data, knowledge of crime – it’s his loudest trait. But it’s a model. He tells us it’s a model. This “habit of observation and inference which I formed into a system” is something he built – and honestly, he probably built it for Mycroft. The Holmes brothers don’t do conversations, they have deduction games. Sherlock never wins, but at least he plays on Mycroft’s level.
(Everything about Sherlock Holmes makes more sense when you think about Mycroft. Like the “brain-attic” metaphor. How did Sherlock get this idea that there’s some fast-approaching limit to the actual pieces of information he can fit in his head at once? Because he knows someone with far, far greater processing power).
Underneath this logical Bird secondary model, Sherlock Holmes has something that looks a lot more Snake He’s moody and mercurial. He improvises on the violin to help himself think. He loves acting. He loves disguises. He crushes on Irene Adler because their Snake secondaries have so much fun playing together. And when it’s important, Holmes goes full-on Snake. Need to get Watson away from Moriarty? Better forge a letter sending him on a fake errand.
And as far as primaries go...  he’s a Badger. Sherlock Holmes cares about people. Oh wow does he care about people. If he doesn’t protect his client, it’s not a win – even if he solved the case with some brilliant bit of detection. He despises blackmailers, because they destroy lives in a cold, impersonal way. (At least murderers care.) He doesn’t mean to upset people with his deductions, and apologizes when he gets too coldly Bird: “Pray accept my apologies. Viewing the matter as an abstract problem, I had a forgotten how personal and painful a thing it might be to you.” When Watson talks about the “depth of loyalty and love which lay behind that cold mask,” Holmes is thirty seconds away from going vigilante killer because somebody hurt John Watson.
But the feeling isn’t just Watson-centric. Holmes doesn’t require Watson at his side the way a Snake would, because as long as he knows Watson is safe and happy, he is content. Holmes need-bases. It’s important that he works for people who need him. He generally dislikes working for the rich or upper-class (Soviet Russian Sherlock Holmes was totally a thing, they didn’t have to change much). He also has a *real* problem with overworking himself, which is very much a Badger primary and not Snake primary thing to do
He even community-builds. His Baker Street Irregulars, his connections over at Scotland yard, his tribe of interesting contacts and informants. Holmes values community. To him, community = safe. He loves London, but isolated rural areas makes him nervous:
“[in London] there is no lane so vile that the scream of a tortured child, or the thud of a drunkard’s blow, does not beget sympathy and indignation among the neighbors, and then the whole machinery of justice is ever so close that a word of complaint can set it going... But look at these lonely houses, each in its own fields… think of the deeds of hellish cruelty, the hidden wickedness which may go on, year in, year out, in such places, and none the wiser.”
And don’t get me wrong. Holmes loves his double Bird armor. It makes him feel powerful, and hides the fact that he cares so damn much. He likes to pretend he doesn’t: to care is to be weak, ineffective, and untrustworthy. (Mycroft is probably to blame for this bit of thinking too.) But Sherlock Holmes is still able to take off his Bird. He takes it off around Watson. 
Dr. John Watson is a bright charging Lion secondary who is completely incapable of telling a lie. He’s ex-military. He’s Holmes’ muscle/backup. He’s got a gambling problem. And the thing about Holmes and Watson’s dynamic is that while Holmes calls the shots about 90% percent of the time, when it’s important – Watson goes full unstoppable-force Lion. And Holmes just buckles.
“Well, I don’t like it ; but I suppose it must be,” said I. “When do we start?” “You are not coming.” “Then you are not going,” said I. “I give you my word of honor – and I never broke it in my life – that I will take a cab straight to the police station and give you away unless you let me share this adventure with you” “You can’t help me.” “How do you know that? You can’t tell what may happen. Anyway, my resolution is taken.” Holmes had looked annoyed, but his brow cleared, and he clapped me on the shoulder. “Well, well, my dear fellow, be it so.”
Watson’s absolutely a Lion Primary too. First going into medicine, then joining the army even when that’s not the best career move? At the beginning of A Study in Scarlet, Watson is in terrible shape. Can’t sleep. Can’t stand loud noises. He’s “spending such money as I had considerably more freely than I ought.” But it’s not so much the PTSD as it is the the lack of purpose that’s getting to him. He talks a lot about his “meaningless existence” and how how “objectiveless was my life.” That’s a hurting, burned Lion, without a Cause.
And then Sherlock Holmes stumbles in. Overnight Watson’s life has meaning. He is going to help Holmes bring criminals to justice. He is going to make sure Holmes gets the recognition he deserves. And he’s going to get him clean. (ACD gets massive kudos for being against recreational cocaine and morphine use). The things Watson loves about Holmes, things like his “high sense of professional honor” – those are things that get under the skin of a Lion Primary. This is a guy with pictures of abolitionist preachers framed on his wall. John Watson’s not subtle. 
“You don’t mind breaking the law?” [said Holmes] “Not in the least.” “Nor running a chance of arrest?” “Not in a good cause.” “Oh, the cause is excellent!” “Then I am your man.”
And of course, Holmes got lucky in Watson too. Holmes is a Loyalist primary who distrusts other Loyalist primaries – you can’t really blame him, he comes across so many repulsive ones in his day job. (Interestingly, the handful of times Holmes absolutely misreads a motive – “Yellow Face,” “Missing Three-Quarter,” “Scandal in Bohemia” – it’s because he’s going up against a Loyalist primary who is using their powers for good.) 
But Watson is a trustworthy, dependable, predicable, honorable, Idealist who can  look like a Loyalist because his Cause is so focused on one person. So Holmes can be secure in his doctor’s devotion while also getting to lean on the instincts of someone just unflinchingly moral.
Mycroft Holmes – Lion Bird. An extremely big picture Lion whose Cause involves keeping England together. He’s the light-side counterpart of Professor Moriarty.
Sherlock Holmes – Badger Snake. Builds a loud Double Bird model, partly for pleasure, partly have a relationship with his brother, and partly because dealing with so many low-life Loyalist primaries makes him distrust those instincts in himself.
Dr. John Watson - Double Lion. When we meet him he’s pretty burned, due to his twin Causes of Queen and Country not really working out. Luckily, he meets Sherlock Holmes, and finds a new Cause in him.
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nialledfromfics · 4 years
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The Dating Game | Chapter Two
Nearly a week had gone by since her catastrophe of a first date with Puke Boy and Joey woke up the following Friday morning, bright and early, to get ready for work. She attempted to stretch her legs out under the warmth of her weighted blanket as her phone alarm blared from her bedside table, but a little bump at the end of her bed hindered her from moving. Twisting her upper body to tap off her alarm, Joey eased herself up and used her toes to gently nudge at the warm bundle that rested by her feet. With a tiny furry head popping up from the protective curl of its body, Joey smiled and reached down to ruffle her fingers over the dogs’ head. “Morning, Sadie,” she yawned out, flipping the covers off her bare legs and forcing herself out of bed. “Time to get up!” 
The brown long haired Dachshund hopped right up as Joey pushed to her feet, Sadie jumping onto the floor to follow the young woman into the bathroom. After a quick shower and taking Sadie on her morning walk, Joey grabbed her travel mug filled with coffee from the kitchen counter and the overstuffed ‘#1 teacher’ tote bag that was hanging on the back of a chair, and headed into work. 
She was met by her best friend, and fellow teacher, Alexis and her son, Lincoln, the moment she stepped foot into her empty classroom. “Morning, Lincoln,” Joey greeted her student as she flipped on the classroom lights.
Lincoln slumped over to his cubby to put his book bag away. “Mornin’, Ms. Parker.” 
She smiled at the fair-haired little boy before turning to her best friend. “Hey you,” she greeted, setting her bag and hot coffee down on her desk.
Alexis shuffled two large tote bags on her shoulder. “I forgot my coffee this morning,” she whined, wringing her hands up through her dirty blonde hair as she attempted to pull it back out of her way and in a low ponytail. 
Joey chuckled, and nodded to the travel mug on her desk. “You can take mine if you want.” 
“Oh please, no. I’ll just have to live off the bad excuse for coffee that’s in the teachers lounge this morning,” she said with an eye roll, “wouldn’t be a normal crappy morning without it!” 
Pushing out another laugh, Joey turned to the whiteboard behind her and picked up a marker, writing out the date and the topic for the day: Rhyming Words. “So,” her fidgety friend continued as a few of the other faculty members began to noisily fill the hallways, “what are your plans for this weekend? Another hot date with Puke Boy?”
Alexis had a very sarcastic tone with that last bit and Joey peeked over at her, noticing the smirk on her face. “Funny,” she commented before going back to her board and marking down the days’ forecast. “Actually I do have another date tomorrow night. But with a new guy.” 
A playful gasp came from her blonde friend. “Ooh do tell.” 
Setting the marker down, Joey spun back around to face her desk and began pulling some graded papers out of her tote bag. “I really don’t know much about him, to be honest,” she started, glancing up at Alexis. “His name is Omar. He’s tall, from what he says, he’s an exec at some kind of tech company and he drives a Maserati. That’s pretty much all he told me.” 
“Interesting,” Alexis mumbled with narrowed eyes. “Where are you guys going?”
“To that...music festival in Santa Monica? I forgot the name of it.”
“Rhythm and Lights?”
Joey’s eyes went big and she pointed at her friend. “Yes, that’s it. We’re meeting there at five.” 
“Hmm,” Alexis hummed out, her mouth turned down at the corners, “that should be fun. At least if he gets drunk and throws up, ya’ll will already be outside.” 
Joey let out a long sigh, slightly cocking her jaw to the side in agitation. “I’m never gonna live that down, am I?”
“Nope,” her friend said with a satisfied giggle.
Joey shook her head and went to grab the containers of crayons out of the utility closet just as a few of her students started to trickle into the classroom. “Alright, I guess I better get over to my own room or those fifth graders will have my head!” Alexis joked, stepping over to Lincoln to give him a kiss goodbye. “Have a good day, buddy.” 
“See ya at lunch, Lex,” Joey called out as her friend began to walk out of the classroom.
“Omar, right?” 
He hadn’t lied, he was tall. Like six foot, four tall. And his arms were massive. He was respectively handsome, dark eyes and dark hair and he immediately hugged Joey when she met him outside of the festival grounds. That took her by surprise for a split second, but as they began walking through the front gates and his hand slipped to sit at her way lower back, it became clear that he was a touchy feely kinda guy. Really touchy feely. 
It also became clear that Omar was very confident. Almost too confident for her liking and had a bit of a wandering eye from the few glances she caught him taking when a group of girls would walk past them. But Joey decided to roll with it and let herself have some fun. The music was blaring and he was a good dancer, and he did make her laugh a few times. 
“This was a really great idea!” Joey shouted to Omar, assuming he could hear her over the thumping music from the band that was on stage. 
Apparently he couldn’t. Joey moved herself closer to him, Omar taking what he thought was a hint and wrapping his arms tightly around her waist. “Oh…” Joey stuttered out, as she felt both his hands start to slip down her backside. She contemplated kicking him in the shin and running away, but that seemed a bit too dramatic, so Joey, once again, decided to just go with it. He seemed harmless. She hung her arms up around his shoulders, following his rhythm as they began to dance. “This is fun!” she told him, hoping he would hear her this time. 
Omar smiled and nodded his head before burying his face down against her neck. Joey’s eyes went big as his mouth latched onto the side of her throat and she nearly choked on her breath when his fingers dug harshly into the bottom curve of her ass. Pushing back slightly, Omar lifted his head with a crinkled brow and Joey smiled big at him, not wanting to make the situation any more weird that it had already gotten. “I’m gonna go get us some more drinks, okay? You want?” 
“Sure...a beer is good.” 
“Cool, I’ll be right back!” 
Spinning on her heels, Joey rolled her eyes and carefully weaved around the crowds to make her way back towards the tented bar at the other side of the grounds. She waited in the long line for at least fifteen minutes, brushing tiny strands of her red hair off her face that had fallen from her high ponytail and stuck to her sweaty skin. She was sure she was looking quite ravishing. If the drops of sweat sliding down the middle of her back, the mud covering her black boots and the spilt beer on her jean shorts were any indication.
After placing her order, one beer and one large mojito, she moved over to the side a bit to wait with the other customers as the busy bartenders prepared the drinks. Joey pulled out her phone and tried to check her email but she was barely getting any service and refreshing the app wasn’t working. She was beyond frustrated at that point. “C’mon, you stupid piece of shit–”
The vaguely familiar and mesmerizing voice stalled her mid sentence and Joey peeked over to her right. There was no mistaking those gorgeous baby blues, it was him. Again. “Niall?” she blurted out, almost not believing it herself, “Oh my God, hi!” 
He tipped his head down slightly in a half smile. “How are ya?”
“I’m good,” Joey said, stuffing her phone into her back pocket and turning her shoulders slightly to face Niall. “Wow, this is so crazy running into you here, how are you?”
A chuckle slipped past his lips and Joey’s eyes caught him as he messily combed his fingers through the front of his hair. It looked even softer than the last time she had seen him. “I’m alright. How, um...how was your date last week?” 
Joey pulled in a deep breath. “Well...he ended up getting super drunk, threw up on my leg at the restaurant and I had to call him a Lyft home before we even finished dinner, so...not super great.”
“I know,” she laughed, shaking her head as she shyly looked down at the toes of her boots. “He was also weirdly obsessed with his cat? Most definitely dodged a bullet there.” 
Niall tossed his head back in a low laugh, his eyes pinching shut as the sound rumbled in his chest. Joey bit at her lip as she watched him, her stare locked on the base of his neck. He had a really, really nice looking neck. She couldn’t help but let her eyes slide down just a bit further, Niall’s white tank that nestled under his open short sleeve button up perfectly showed off just the right amount of his dark chest hair. There was no denying how sexy he looked. Shaking her head out of her insane thoughts, she quickly glanced around her, hoping no one had seen the drool that was uncontrollably pooling at the corner of her mouth. 
“Are ya here with friends or...?” 
Joey shot her attention back to Niall as his question hung idly in the air. She licked across her lips. “Actually...I’m here on another first date.” 
“Oh,” Niall said, his brows raising, “uh...how’s it goin’ so far?” 
“Well, he wasn’t late...so that’s a start.” They both chuckled and Joey leaned her hip against the side of the makeshift bar. “Are you here with friends?”
“Yeah,” he said, Niall tipping his chin up as he began to shoot his stare through the crowds of people, “they’re over...there somewhere.” Joey followed the wave of his finger, taking note that he was on the completely opposite side of the stage than her and her date. “It was my turn to get the drinks.” 
Joey slowly brought her gaze back to his. “Enjoyin’ the festival so far?” he then asked her. 
“Yeah, it’s pretty cool!” she replied with a nonchalant shrug of her shoulder, “I like seeing bands that I’ve never heard of before. I was kinda hoping my favorite band would be in the line up but...I never have that kind of luck.” 
“Who’s your favorite band?”
“The Wildflowers?”
“Oh yeah, I’ve heard of them.”
“They’re great, this...indie chick band with fiddles,” Joey added with a chuckle, “I’ve actually never seen them live. They play a lot of those small underground shows that are, like, super hard to get into. Never been lucky enough to get tickets.” 
Niall narrowed his stare and a tiny smirk pulled at the corner of his mouth. “I could get ya tickets.” 
“What?” Joey choked out, her light brown eyes going wide. “Are you serious?”
He threw her a nod. “Yeh, I can get pretty much anythin’ through my label. Ask and you shall receive,” he told her with a giggle. “Why don’t I, um, get your number and see what I can do and hit ya up when I get me hands on some tickets.” 
Joey could barely believe what she was hearing. His words floated around in her head like vivid daydream before Niall covered his mouth in a stifled laugh. She was sure the look on her face was nothing less than embarrassing. But tickets? To the Wildflowers? Her parted lips creased into a huge smile and Joey rubbed her palms down the sides of her face in excitement. “Oh my God, that would be...holy shit, that would be so fucking incredible.”
Niall grabbed his phone from his front pocket and Joey took a step closer to him, both their heads tilted down as he typed her number in. Joey also couldn’t help but take a nice deep inhale, confirming to herself from the last time, that he still smelled damn good. Niall, on the other hand, was rendered numb with how close she was to him. The tiniest whiff of her shampoo tingled his nose as her ponytail slid down between their faces and the barely-there scent radiating off of her exposed dewy skin made his mouth water. It was intoxicating. 
Peeking up at her through the tops of his eyes when he finished, Joey caught his stare for a moment before she realized just how close their proximity was–so close that her chest was nearly touching his bicep–and she quickly took a step back. 
She cleared her throat. “Thank you so much.” 
Slipping his phone back into his pocket just as one of the bartenders set Joey’s drinks in front of her, Niall softly smiled. “ ‘course, love, no worries.” 
“Okay, well,” Joey started, picking up the two plastic cups, “I guess I should get back to my date. Hopefully he doesn’t get too drunk and puke all over me.” 
Niall breathed out a laugh. “That would not be very fun.” 
“Not really, no,” Joey smiled. “It was really good seeing you again, Niall.” 
He faintly nodded his head and licked across his lips. “It was good seeing you too, Joey.” 
Turning away from him, Joey started to walk through the large crowd towards her date, taking one last second to look back over her shoulder at Niall. She caught his gaze, still stuck on her as he shoved his hands down into the front pockets of his striped shorts. Joey smiled big at him, something she couldn’t seem to help when she was around him and he smiled right back, and just as big. 
Joey woke up the next morning with a splitting headache, her face plastered against a pillow and in a room that she had never seen before in her life. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she pushed the mess of hair off the side of her face and slowly began to roll herself over. She then realized she was completely naked, in someone else's bed. A muted groan fell from her lips and she heard a soft ‘hey baby’ come from next to her. 
Turning her head, she was about to reply when she noticed that Omar, her date from the night before, was laying naked next to her, talking on his cellphone. Joey’s brow wrinkled, her mouth falling open as she sat up and bunched the grey sheet up around her bare chest. 
“We still on for tonight, baby?” he continued into the phone, apparently not even aware that Joey had awoken. “Good, good. Missed you last night. Can’t wait to see you.” 
Shaking her head with a look of pure disbelief written across her face, Joey muttered a low ‘oh hell no’ before scrambling out of his bed and grabbing her clothes that were sprinkled all over the floor. She didn’t say a single word to him in the process, hurrying out of his room as she tugged each piece of her clothing on. Shoving her feet down into her boots, she snatched her bag from the couch and ordered herself a Lyft, not even bothering to look back as she quickly left his apartment. 
Joey sat quietly staring out of the backseat window on her ride home, part of her not even sure what happened the previous night, the other part of her not wanting to believe it. The skin on her bottom lip was nearly bitten off, her fingers twisting in her lap and she closed her eyes for a second, hoping it would settle the intense thumping that she was feeling against her temples. After about ten minutes, she pulled out her phone and dialed Alexis, knowing she would be the only other person awake at 9am on a Sunday morning. 
It only rang twice before Alexis answered. “Jo?”
“I fucking slept with him.”
It was quiet for a moment on the other end. “...the guy from last night?”
Joey rested her head back on the seat, her hazelnut eyes watching the palm trees flash by as they drove. “I can’t believe I decided to waste my revirginized vagina on him.” 
A cackling laugh belted out from the other end of the line. “Where are you?”
“On my way home.” 
“How far away?”
Joey lifted her pounding head to peer around as the car slowed to a stop at a light. “Um...I dunno, fifteen minutes, maybe?” 
“Okay, I’ll meet you there.” 
Joey was able to get back to her apartment, take a shower and some much needed aspirin, and take Sadie for a walk all before Alexis even showed up. Not unusual for her. Alexis was a great friend, her and Joey had met a couple years prior when Joey got her teaching job at Midlawn Elementary School. She was the first one to strike up a conversation with Joey, and they immediately hit it off. She was fun, a bit loud and spontaneous but was the most caring person Joey had ever known. 
Answering the door, Joey let her best friend in and Sadie went ballistic, hopping up and down and barking nonstop. Alexis attempted to bend down and pet the dog, hoping to calm her, but Sadie skitted away from her touch, barking even louder. 
“Sadie, knock it off!” Joey yelled, having no patience for her antics at the moment. She gently pushed the dog away with the side of her foot and the dog quieted down and scurried into the other room.
“After all these years, your dog still doesn’t like me,” Alexis commented, tossing her purse down on Joey’s table as they both shuffled into the living room. 
Joey laughed. “She doesn’t like anyone, Lex. At all. You’re not special.” 
“Ha, Ha,” her friend retorted with an eye roll, both girls plopping down on the sofa.
“Where’s Lincoln?” Joey asked.
“With his dad.” 
“Oh. I forgot it was his weekend.” 
Tucking her leg up on the couch, Alexis turned her body towards Joey and reached out to tap her knee. “So...c’mon, spill.” 
“There’s nothing to spill,” Joey started, slumping back into the sofa with a huff. “I just...gah, I dunno. I mean, he was cool, I guess. A bit handsy but once I had enough alcohol in my system, I didn’t really mind it. We danced a bit, he made me laugh a little and we just ended up back at his place. But honestly, I’m never doing that again. I don’t even know what I was thinking.”
“Well…” Alexis said with a snort, “to put it bluntly, you were thinking you hadn’t gotten laid in two years, Jo.” 
Joey dropped her face in her hands with a groan. “But he was so douchy, Lex. Especially this morning.” She lifted her face and scratched across her forehead. “He was already making plans to see some other chick tonight. While I was lying there in bed next to him!” 
“Ew,” her friend commented, pulling her face in. “was it even good?”
Joey shrugged. “It was alright, I guess. He didn’t get me off but...what’s new.”
“Humph,” Alexis pushed out, crossing her arms over her chest, “yeah, tell me about it. Most men these days can’t. But you were at least careful, right? You don’t wanna end up like me, getting pregnant by a guy you barely know.” 
“Lex, you got a beautiful little boy out of it.”
Alexis rolled her eyes. “I know that, but still...better to be safe than sorry.” She raised her brows at Joey. 
Carding her fingers up through her damp hair, Joey tossed it up into a loose bun and let out a knowing sigh. “Yes, mom, I was careful.” 
Alexis grabbed a throw pillow from behind her and threw it at Joey, hitting her right in the side of her face. The red-haired girl giggled. “Oh..oh my God, I totally forgot to tell you,” Joey exclaimed after chucking the pillow back at her friend. “Guess who I ran into last night at the festival?”
Joey furrowed her brows. “Ni-...oh fuck, did I not tell you?” she said, realizing that she had yet to tell anyone that she had met Niall at all. She watched her best friend's brown eyes go big in curiosity and Joey eagerly scraped her teeth across her bottom lip. “Okay, so listen, the other week when I went out with Puke Boy, well, he was, like, super late and I was waiting for him up at the bar, having a drink or whatever, right, and someone said something to me and when I looked over...it was Niall fucking Horan.”
With her mouth falling open, Alexis stared intently at her best friend. “Stop it.” 
“I’m serious,” Joey continued, “we got to talking, he bought me a drink and shit and, I dunno, it was just, like...really chill. He was totally cool. To the point that I almost forgot he was famous. Anyway, he was there last night at the festival too! We ran into each other, oddly enough, getting drinks at the tent bar.” 
“That’s fucking crazy!”
Joey chuckled. “Right? That’s what I told him!”
“So… are you guys gonna hang out or something?” Alexis pried. 
“Well..no,” Joey said with a shake of her head, “I mean, we talked while waiting for our drinks, but he did get my number.” 
Alexis squealed. “No, he didn’t!” 
“He did!” Joey explained. “We were talking about the Wildflowers and I mentioned that I had never seen them live before and he said he could get me tickets and...asked me for my number.” 
“And you just...gave it to him?”
Tossing her head back, the young woman laughed. “Why not? I’m literally going out on blind dates with random guys from Tinder. At least everyone knows who Niall is and he’s not, like, some creep.” 
Alexis chewed at her bottom lip, wanting as much tidbits from her friend as she could get. “‘So are you guys gonna go out then?”
A loud snort came from Joey. “You’re joking, right, Lex? Like he would ever in a million years go out with me. No,” she said, peeking down at her lap and shaking her head, “he was only gonna let me know when he could get some tickets, that’s all.” 
“Sure,” Alexis said with a narrow stare, drawing out the word.
“Believe me, it would be a cold day in hell before Niall Horan ever asked me out on a date,” Joey said with a chuckle, “But I dunno, besides being crazy fucking hot, he was just really chill, you know? Really easy to talk to. I could definitely see us being friends.”
Alexis bowed over in a full belly laugh. “Okay, Jo,” she said between breaths, not for one second believing her best friends intentions, “whatever you say.” 
“I’m serious,” Joey told her, playfully pushing the front of her shoulder, “Besides, there’s no point to even entertain the absurd idea that we would date, ‘cause...I’m literally never having sex again, remember?”
They were both rolled over in laughter at that point, almost in tears when the sound of a text coming through to Joey’s phone dinged loudly through the apartment. Hopping up off the couch, Joey wiped the wetness of laughter from under her eyes and gathered her breath as she stepped over to the kitchen counter to pick up her phone. It was a number she didn’t recognize, but the text itself told her immediately who it was. 
“Well…” she said, holding the phone up towards Alexis as she bit off a smile, “speak of the devil. It’s him.” 
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triptuckers · 5 years
Nicknames - Tom Holland
Request: No Pairing: Tom Holland x reader Summary: A number of times you and Tom call each other nicknames :) Warnings: A ridiculous amount of fluff but that’s all Word count: 2K A/N: I got this idea a couple days ago and my heart literally melted, wow. I hope I wrote it kind of like that :) This is written in a similar format as the Harvard Hoodie Shawn Mendes x reader and the She Does Care Rosa Diaz x reader. Reader is an actress!! One last thing; I wrote this before Tom got his haircut lol. I miss his curls already. As always, enjoy reading!!
Tom calls you “Darlin’” for the first time.
Your relationship with Tom is still fairly new. You met because you’re both starring in the same movie. Tom’s role was a bit bigger than yours, given that he is more famous than you are. You’re a very talented actress but have yet to break through.
Despite not having the biggest role, you give your everything each day. You’ve learned if you work hard, it’s all worth it. Most of the days, you waited for Tom to finish filming his scenes so you could go home together. Since Tom’s place was closer by, you’d end up at his apartment nearly 6 days a week.
Today is another day you’re waiting for Tom. You’ve had to film the same scene over and over again. The director just wasn’t satisfied and kept changing details. It was exhausting, really. Right after, you made your way over to Tom’s trailer to crash on his couch and you haven’t moved since.
You wake up when you hear the sound of the door opening. Someone enters the trailer but suddenly stops walking. You slowly open one of your eyes and see it’s Tom. He looks tired, with messy hair and the sweater he’s wearing. He smiles when he sees you’re awake.
‘Hey.’ he says softly. You smile at him as he walks over to the couch. He lifts you a bit before laying down as well, pulling you in his arms. You smile even brighter and cuddle closer to him. ‘Sorry I woke you.’ he whispers and he kisses your forehead. ‘S okay.’ you say softly, your voice barely louder than a whisper as you feel sleep getting to you again. You close your eyes and bury your face in Tom’s neck.
‘You worked hard today. Get some sleep, darlin’.’ says Tom. You open your eyes and lift your head to look up to him. ‘What’d you say?’ you ask sleepily. Tom gives you a confused look. ‘Darlin?’ he says. You smile and kiss his jaw. ‘I like when you call me that.’ you say and Tom chuckles. ‘Well, darlin’, like I said, go get some sleep. You deserve it.’ says Tom. You bury your face back in his neck as Tom wraps his arms closer around you. The smile is still on your face as sleep gets to you again and you drift off.
You call him “Tommy” for the first time
It’s early, but the sun’s up already. You let your eyes get used to the light as you look around the room. A soft snoring gets your attention. You turn your head and see Tom. His eyes are closed, and his hair is messy. One of his arms is still loosely swung across your stomach. You smile and move closer to him. You wrap your arm around him and lay your head on his chest.
Just as you’re about to fall asleep again, Tom starts to wake up. He lets out a sigh and he instinctively wraps his arm tighter around you. You let out a soft giggle and move your head to look at him. His hair is curlier than usual and you love it. You raise one of your hands to softly tangle your fingers in the curls.
Tom opens his eyes and look at you. The way he looks at you makes your heart melt. He has such a loving and soft look full of affection in his eyes. You smile at him and lean in to kiss him, one hand still playing with his hair. When you pull away, Tom rests his forehead against yours. ‘Morning.’ he says. His morning voice is a lot deeper than his usual voice. And yet again, you find yourself loving it. ‘Good morning.’ you whisper. Tom closes his eyes again. He sighs deeply again and buries his face in your neck.
You continue to play with his curls for several minutes. After a while, soft snores are heard, coming from Tom. You hum approvingly as you hold the sleeping man in your arms. You don’t know how much time has passed when he wakes up again. The snores stop and he kisses the skin on your neck. He mumbles something against your skin you can’t hear.
You chuckle and try to get Tom to look at you, but he refuses to remove his head from the comfortable spot in your neck. ‘What’d you say?’ you ask him. He mumbles again. ‘Can’t hear you.’ you say. Tom finally removes his face from your neck and looks at you. ‘Why are you playing with my hair?’ he asks. ‘Because it looks cute in the morning. Fluffier, a little messy, and not to mention those adorable curls.’ you say. Tom rolls his eyes. ‘It’s not cute, it’s a mess.’ he says. ‘Hmm I still love it.’ you hum and you twist even more of his curls around your fingers.
‘Stop.’ mumbles Tom. ‘Why? It’s so relaxing, and your hair is so fluffy.’ you say and you giggle softly. ‘You’re making it greasy.’ says Tom and you laugh. ‘That’s the reason you don’t want me to play with your hair?’ you laugh again. ‘Because I’m making it greasy?’
‘Yeah and I don’t feel like washing it now.’ says Tom and you laugh yet again. You press a kiss to his nose. ‘What if I would want to join you for that shower?’ you say teasingly. Tom shakes his head. ‘Nu-uh. If you make my hair greasy, you can’t join me.’ he says and you pout. Tom grabs your wrist and tries to remove your hands from his hair. As a response, you only tangle your fingers deeper into the curls.
Tom lets go of your wrists. For a moment, you think he gave up. But then his fingers attack your sides. Tom knows very well that you’re ticklish, and he is not afraid to use it against you. You burst out in laughter and try to push his hands away from you, but he is stronger. ‘Tom! Stop! Come on, stop! Tom!’ you yell in between laughter. Of course, Tom doesn’t stop. He grins as he continues to tickle you. ‘That’s what you get, darlin’.’ he says smiling. ‘Tom! Stop, Tommy, stop!’ you say. Surprisingly, he stops tickling you. He looks at you with eyes slightly widened, and his lips are parted. ‘What did you call me?’ he asks you softly. You swallow hard. Harrison is the only one who occasionally calls him Tommy. You always thought it sounded adorable, but you thought that nickname belonged to his best friend.
‘What did you call me?’ asks Tom again. ‘Uh, Tommy.’ you say softly. Tom smiles and leans in to kiss you. When he pulls back, he lets his lips brush against yours. ‘That sounds so fucking good when you say it darlin’.’ he whispers and he kisses you again. ‘Are you still going to take that shower to wash your hair? If yes, I would like to join you, Tommy. If you will let me, of course.’ you say teasingly. ‘Fuck, baby, you know how to get anything out of me.’ says Tom and he gets up and pulls you to the bathroom with him.
Tom calls you “little one” for the first time.
Another cramp kicks in and you groan. You don’t want to leave the comfort of the bed but nevertheless you throw the blankets off of you and get up. You really are jealous of women who don’t feel any pain when they’re on their period. As a little girl, you obviously knew you could get painful cramps on your period. But it wasn’t until you got your period for the first time that you understood how painful they could be.
When you were on your period, you would usually just lay in bed all day, unable to do anything else. You hated it. Some girls could just pop some painkillers and get on with the day, but not you. Even after you took some painkillers, the cramps could still be felt.
You walk to the kitchen to get some painkillers, hoping they will take away some of the pain. Your footsteps echo through the house. Tom is out having lunch with some of his friends. He asked you to come as well, but you thought it would be nice for him to be with his fellow cast members. And also, you knew you would be on your period. You didn’t want to be the moody one surrounded by happy and energetic people.
You stand on your toes as you try to reach the upper cabinet in the kitchen. You sigh annoyingly as you stretch your arm as high as you can. You’re still trying to get the painkillers when you hear the door to your apartment opening and closing. Footsteps approach and you turn to see Tom looking at you. He’s leaning against the kitchen counter with a smirk on his face.
‘Need help, little one?’ he says. ‘Little one, my ass.’ you say with an annoyed voice. ‘You’re only a few centimeters taller than me, Holland.’ ‘I was kidding.’ says Tom. He walks up to you, stands on his toes and gets your painkillers. ‘Sorry.’ you say. ‘That wasn’t nice. You know I get moody when I’m on my period.’ Tom kisses your forehead. ‘S okay, I get it.’ he says. He turns around to leave the kitchen. ‘By the way, I am keeping that nickname. I like it.’ he says over his shoulder. You chuckle and roll your eyes before finally taking a few painkillers.
You call yourself “Holland”, instead of your own last name.
You keep wandering around the apartment, looking for anything that could take your mind off your phone. A couple weeks ago, you had auditioned for a big role in a movie. The director was one of the best and most famous ones and on the day of the audition you had been a nervous wreck. But you realize it is nothing compared to the state you are in right now.
The director can call you any moment now, telling you whether you got the role or not. Given that this could be the break trough of your career, the word “nervousness” is an understatement.
Tom had been watching you all day. He listened to you as you rant about it all and think out loud. He didn’t say much, just occasionally a “yes” or a hum, or a nod of the head. He knew better than to try to reason with you. It would be best if he just let you be in your own world.
You play with the engagement ringer around your finger. It has become a habit of yours to do when you’re nervous. Around 4 pm, your phone rings. You answer it in mere seconds. Tom watches you as you’re on the phone. He doesn’t get what the other person is saying, but as you keep talking your face lights up and you smile brightly. Tom looks at you as you say goodbye and hang up the phone.
‘Well?’ he says. ‘What did he say?’ You smile gets even bigger as you nod happily. ‘I got the part!’ you say excitedly. ‘I knew it!’ says Tom. You laugh as he hugs you tightly and spins you around. ‘I am so proud of you.’ says Tom and he leans in to kiss you. ‘Well, I’ll better tell the world to get ready because Y/N Holland is going to take over the world with her new movie!’ you say happily.
Tom’s jaw drops slightly as he looks at you. ‘What did you just say?’ he says. ‘Uh, I’m going to take over the world with my new movie?’ you say confused. Tom shakes his head. ‘No, before that. What did you say?’ he says. ‘Y/N Holland?’ you say questionably. Tom’s face softens as he looks at you. ‘You want to take my name?’ he says. ‘Well, yeah? Unless you don’t want to, of course, I mean I could always-‘ Tom cuts you off by pulling you in for a kiss. ‘I am going to be the luckiest husband in the world.’ he says and you smile. ‘I love you.’ whispers Tom. ‘I love you too.’ you say softly.
A/N: If you want to request something, make sure to read my house rules Here’s the list of characters I write for. Everything that I have written can be found on my masterlist. Please don’t repost my work, as I spend much time and effort on it!! Thank you for reading! Much love, Jo
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ashleaannya · 5 years
The 2200, Chapter 1
Everything for Kamiya started with a deep breath. She took a deep breath before writing her hit single “Marketplace,” an semi-autobiographical Indy rock ballad about how men (her exes) treated women’s bodies like a grocery store. It was a hit. “It resonated” was how Billboard described her riffs and runs about feeling like, quote, a “man’s meat market”, with no say in how she should be loved. That was five years, two Grammy’s and three tours ago. She still took a deep breath before approaching the microphone, before recording herself in the studio, and before giving her fans the BTS (Behind The Scenes) content her 35 million fans craved—no, demanded.
           “Let’s do this,” Kamiya said to her herself, breathing deeply and sitting on the goose feather bed in her presidential hotel suite. She adjusted her DSLR camera to better frame her upper body and flipped the lamps on the hotel suite’s end tables. The tripod creaked with newness as she made the micro-adjustments to get her and her hotel suite backdrop in perfect focus. It was a little dark, but it would fit the mood she was about to create for her fans.
           Her phone pinged and vibrated beside her as another thousand comments on her social media rang through. Text messages burst through as people who wanted her money, attention or both made their voices heard in all capital letters, exclamation points and emojis. Without looking away from the camera flip screen, Kamiya reached beside her and powered her phone off. She glanced over at her hotel door, looking at the silk and gold furnishings and designer dresses hanging on a rolling rack. Rows of flowers from athletes, and fellow musicians wanting to sleep with her wilted on a glass dining table designed to seat twelve. No one ever ate there. It was a reservoir for gifts and miscellaneous stuff. She lived in this room now. The floor of this hotel was more her space more than the three homes she paid ghastly mortgages. Kamiya’s eyes lingered on the cream colored double doors, making sure it was locked. What she was about to do would cause her team to beat her door off the antique hinges. By then it would be too late.
           The camera’s light flickered and then settled on a bright amber. Kamiya knotted her fingers in her lap seeing the word “REC” blink in the upper corner of the screen. It was time. She had already left written, detailed instructions for her manager, accounting team, design team, social media team, and news outlets she wanted to break the story. The courier would deliver her instructions in exactly one hour. The timing mattered. Her wishes were explicit and once her video aired, the necessary parties would have no choice but to honor her demands. There would be nothing to second-guess. The video especially would be very clear. She practiced how she would do it and even recorded herself doing mock versions of the act to make sure she would not loose her nerve.
           “You got this, Miya.”
           Kamiya also knew that nothing else “groundbreaking” would be going on in the social media sphere that would distract from her message. The good thing about being connected was other celebrities in her circle and members of famous teams (say a stylists or nanny) told her what dates to avoid. For example, when Kamiya’s second album was set to drop on Sept 1st, a friend of a friend whispered that she should not use that date because TMZ was about to report on an impending divorce. Divorces in her world were common enough, but this divorce was a megachurch pastor and there was digital evidence the break-up of his marriage was due to a transgendered mistress who had a massive social media following. Needless to say, she changed the date. Her album release would have been overshadowed and her release week would have been abysmal. She released a week earlier to the delight of her voracious following and debuted at number one on the Pop charts. The same connections would today make sure her choice went viral. This was her one life. She should get to live her life on her own terms. A tear fell down her cheeks, realizing that her freedom was on the other side of this post. She would have her body back, her mind, her music, her voice. Should she go live instead? That way people knew it was real.
           Kamiya jumped up off the bed and grabbed her laptop. She would record both. Just in case.
           “Hey guys,” Kamiya said, waving at the screen.
           The numbers in her Live Chat jumped from 300 to 3,000 to 2 million instantly. Kamiya swallowed. Her mouth was dry and her hands were damp with sweat. Texts jumped up on the bottom of the screen as her followers flooded the Live Chat with emojis, declarations of love, and sexual comments that would make a porn star blush.
           “Whoa, whoa, guys, this is going to be quick so I can’t answer a million questions right now—um, guys, whoa, um, no, no I can’t do a video chat with anyone. Thank you though that went bad last time,” Kamiya said, laughing awkwardly.
           She glanced up to make sure her camera was still recording. It was.
           “Ok. I have an announcement. I wanted to record it and make it all fancy, but my career started here, right?”
           Thumbs up emojis and hearts flooded the screen in unison. She smiled and tears pricked at her eyes, but she coughed and rubbed her eyes into her sleeves. People were commenting about how they had followed her since abandoned building days.
           “Wow, that’s a throwback. Um, for those who don’t know, let me explain all of the abandoned buildings comments.”
           Kamiya sat up and twisted her long curly extensions in around her fingers. She dug her nails into her spray-tanned legs, leaving pink nail marks. She was already black, but her team told her, going a shade darker would make her skin look even and was the ideal skin tone for her audience.
           “Ok. So most of the videos have been deleted because, well, I was fat then.”
           That comment was met with encouraging remarks and angry emojis. She felt relieved at that response. Then as if reading her mind, onscreen comments appeared. Some people were proud of her ‘healthy weight loss journey’. This pride flooded the comments. She ignored them. She was thin now with the dimensions of a doll, narrow waist and all. She ate 400 calories per day and had more cosmetic surgeries than a Kardashian. She was discrete about them and timed everything so it looked more believable, but nothing was healthy about her new body.
           “Um, yea. I actually started on social media for singing in abandoned buildings with my sister. She would record me singing in old churches and subways and other random places that were technically condemned but had great acoustics. That’s how I build my fan base and YouTube channel. A lot of people think it was from Marketplace, my first single, but I didn’t get attention until after my Abandoned Concerts page went viral or whatever.”
           The comments zoomed by so fast she could barely ready them. The emojis were all wide-mouthed shocked faces and then there were demands for her to post the old videos. Kamiya shook her head and laughed. She did not want to see her old body ever again. Kamiya froze seeing a familiar handle enter the Live Chat. It was @Camera_Cat, her sister. She was in the hotel lobby grabbing dinner and would likely be banging on her door at any moment. Everyone knew that Kamiya hated going live so Cat would be giving her the Catrina patent “WTF” face.
           “Okay, guys, real quick. I have an announcement,” Kamiya said, straightening her back and lowering her voice. She had to say this seriously or people would think she was playing a game. As you all know, I hate social media and, like, hardly ever post, because—well, let’s keep this all the way real, okay. You guys are trash.”
           Question marks and angry and shocked emojis flooded the screen at lightning speed. Kamiya smirked ready to drop every bomb in her arsenal before the grand finale.
           “Yes, you are. Half of you lie to yourself and to others every day and will never accomplish your dreams because you are inconsistent and talentless. There. Now you know.”
           Kamiya jumped hearing rapid knocking on her hotel room. She pulled her laptop closer and swallowed. She could hear her sister calling her name.
           “I don’t care if it hurts your feelings. It’s true. You aren’t loyal to yourself or your dreams so why should I expect you to be loyal to me or care about my mental health. I have done so much and sacrificed so much to make you bastards happy. I’m literally so damn lost right now I barely recognize myself. I hate having you guys around me.”
           Some of the comments were consolatory and others were curses and name-calling. Kamiya did not care. She was right and she would show them.
           “If half of you were forced to be honest about how jealous you are of my life before you could comment on my posts, you would never hate on me. You hate me because your dreams are dead and your work ethic is trash. Do you have any idea what I go through to be here. I’m supposed to be nice to you hateful bitches when you are all collective trash.”
           The banging on the door sounded like thunder. Muffled yelling echoed outside of the room. The voices were getting louder and Kamiya was glad the deadbolt was on because her sister and manager had keys to her room. Well, technically, they could access her room through the hotel app. The app could not work against a deadbolt and an old fashioned chain.
           “I’m being honest when I say I hate most of you. I wish you never heard of me. I wish I never shared my music with you. You don’t deserve me. I give so much to you people. You people who are supposed to be the woke generation. I hope you die alone.”
           Kamiya sat back and watching as the number of people watching her quadrupled. Screenshots of her and clips of her ‘rant’ would be viral in seconds. She smiled ready for the final blow.
           “Effective immediately, my social media is closed. My website is closed. My brands are closed. I am closed. You hear me? You no longer have access to me. You all have officially been fired from being my fans.”
           The word ‘no’ with about a hundred Os flooded the screen, followed by side-eye emojis and comments about her going crazy.
           “There is one exception,” Kamiya took a deep breath. “Moving forward, I am only accessible to 2200 loyal fans. I will hand select these people. If you look at my main page now, you will see that no one is following me and I am following no one. You will also notice that all of my posts are now gone. In one hour, my page will be private, so get your screen shots now. Yes, I’m talking to you Shade Room.”
           The number of people watching her, now exceeding the number of followers she had ever had on any platform. Tears pricked her eyes realizing she finally had their attention. The same question kept popping up: “How do I join the 2200?”
           “You don’t join. I choose you.”
           Kamiya slammed the laptop closed and fell backward on the overstuffed pillows of her European king bed. Phase one was complete. Now on to phase two.
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crashingmanicwave · 6 years
you being you is my favorite part
Maybe Brendon never noticed because Ryan’s hands were so often concealed by gloves, so rarely felt the naked press of his skin against his own that it was so startling now.
Ryan’s hands felt searing hot in contrast to his own skin, warmer than sunlight, something close to a burn, maybe, but not painful enough to be quite that.
Long fingers stroked the length of his spine in a way Brendon could only describe as tender, Ryan’s touch oh so careful, as though he were handling glass rather than a reasonably sturdy fellow teen boy.
“That almost tickles,” Brendon said, even if it didn’t, really, it was just something to break the silence that had blanketed them like fog.
“Does it?” Ryan wondered out loud, not stopping, however.
Brendon let out a breath.
But said nothing.
Ryan’s touch paused and he looked at Brendon, careful to catch his eye, it seemed, dragging Brendon’s gaze to him like iron filings to a magnet.
“Bren,” He said, voice soft as his touch, maybe even softer than that.  “Is this okay?”
And that, that, Brendon almost wanted to laugh at, because what part of this was anything but better than okay?
“Bren,” Ryan repeated, voice a little firmer now.  “It’s important to me you say something here.”
Oh.  Right.
“It’s okay, Ry.  It’s definitely okay.  Is there a better word that means, like, more than okay?  Because you’d know, you know words better than I do. I mean -”
He was cut off by a warm finger pressed to his lips, something like amusement dancing in Ryan’s eyes, the corners of his lips turned up.
Right, okay, that he could do.
Ryan pressed their foreheads together, and Brendon nearly went cross-eyed trying to watch him so gave up, letting his eyes close instead.
“Now,” Ryan said, voice still soft, close enough now that he could feel the way his breath fanned over Brendon’s lips with each word, and that was.
Yeah, that ‘better than okay’ word Brendon still wanted to find.
“I want to touch you.  That’s all.  It doesn’t need to be anything more than that.  Is that okay with you?”
“I… you want?”
“I want a lot of things, Bren.  But this seems as good a place to start as any.”
“Just that?”
It was hard to tell if he felt more disappointed or relieved.
Neither tipped the scale.
“Just that.”
“But… I mean.  Do you… not want -”
And then Ryan’s fingers were gripping his jaw and Brendon’s eyes opened, Ryan’s gaze shockingly flinty in contrast to the softness that the moment retained.
“Don’t think,” He began, words slow, that low, monotone drawl Brendon had grown to love.  “Don’t think that I don’t want all of you.  I want that enough that it’s… terrifying, honestly, Brendon.  I couldn’t tell you how much that scares the shit out of me.  But don’t… think that, not for a second, because I want to take this slow that I don’t want everything you are.”
Brendon’s thoughts had ceased, he was sure, a fuzzy, buzzing blank where activity had once been.
“For now,” Ryan said, continuing a little breathlessly, “For now.  Just this.  For now.”
Brendon wondered at what point Ryan had started to be able to read him so effortlessly.
Better than Brendon could read himself.
And they hadn’t even needed a telepath for it.
“Still with me?” Ryan asked, thumb swiping over the skin of his cheek, gentle and repetitive.
“Yeah,” Brendon managed, more a croak than a word.
The roles were reversed, and Ryan was the one leaving Brendon speechless.
Ryan cupped his face between both warm, warm hands.
“Good,” He answered, pressing a kiss to his lips that was softer than an exhale.
Brendon felt like he was constantly learning Ryan, with each action he took, each word he spoke, every time he looked at Brendon a certain way that he hadn’t quite puzzled out yet.
And it was knowing that Ryan wanted him but without the pressure to do much beyond just this, the slow, comfortable ease with which he was warmed by Ryan, from within and out.
Long fingers splayed over his ribcage, hands still so warm, but less unbearable.
More bearable.
“Your heart’s beating so fast,” was Ryan’s low comment that made Brendon’s face prickle with heat and tell his powers not now because this would be an awful time to up and vanish.
Ryan kissed the corner of his mouth and kept a hand there, on his chest, warm and sure over the fluttering pulse of his heart which was, as Ryan said, beating very quickly.
No denying that now.
“Because of me,” he breathed out, less a question and more a statement, tone suggesting that was a thing to marvel at.
“I don’t see anyone else here,” Brendon rebutted weakly.
He felt Ryan’s smile against his cheek.
“I wouldn’t want anyone else here.”
“You really like doing this to me.”
“What am I doing to you?”
“Generally, or specifically?”
“Mm. Both?”
“It’s a one or the other question, Ross.”
Ryan laughed at that, pulling back so Brendon could see his smile now, so soft, so very soft around the edges.
It made him feel weak and dazed just seeing it.
“Just tell me what I do to you,” he said, voice low and almost sultry, if Brendon had to put a word to it.
“Well, um.”
“I don’t… can’t think.  When your hands are on me.”  His voice shook.
Can’t think of anything but you.
“What else?”
“You make me feel like… something.  I don’t know, just.  Something… special.”
“That’s because you are.”
“Uh.  Wow, uh.  You’re just.  Doing that on purpose.”
“Only a little,” came Ryan’s reply, unquestionably smug.
“I do mean it, still.  Even if I am trying to get a reaction out of you.  I like knowing that I affect you like this.”
Brendon swallowed, the simple action taking megatons of effort.
Ryan took his time, tilting his head so their lips brushed, and Brendon leaned into the familiarity of it, grateful for that much of an anchor.
Ryan’s hands stroked his sides, traced the shapes of his ribs, the dip of his hip bones and the soft part of his stomach, something that had the muscles jumping at the action.
He lay his palm flat over Brendon’s stomach, the skin of his hand still searing hot, somehow, despite how overheated Brendon himself already felt.
“I like this,” Ryan said, though didn’t specify just what.
Brendon was sort of grateful for that, not entirely confident that Ryan hadn’t yet mastered the ability to make him burst into flames with mere words.
And his hold on his own powers were still… shaky, at best.
“I like you,” Ryan added, “Bren.”
When Brendon didn’t say anything right away, Ryan pulled back a little to kiss his cheek.
“Still okay?”
“Yeah.  Just, um.  Just… you know.  Trying to keep a grip on my physical form.  Not fall through the floor and into nothing, like people do when they’re embarrassed.  Normal stuff.  No big.”
Ryan pulled back a little at that, a fact Brendon bemoaned immediately.
“I’m not sure I’d qualify that as okay.”
Brendon sighed.
“I’m not… not okay?  I’m just.  It’s a lot, that’s all.  And it frustrates me that I can’t keep a better grip on myself, especially when I really want to.”
Ryan’s hands gravitated to hold his upper arms, though his grip was light.
“Then we’ll stop here.”
Brendon let out a whoosh of breath.
“But -”
“If it’s putting stress on you, then that’s not what I wanted.”
“What… did you want?  From this?”
Ryan was silent for a moment, now he was the one to look away.
“Just,” He said, still not looking at Brendon.  “To feel you.  Without gloves on.  To know that you wanted me the same way I wanted you.  To… make you feel good.”
For the second time, Brendon felt like he had the power of speech torn from him.
Ryan finally looked back up at him when he didn’t answer.
Uncertain, that was how he seemed.
Instead of answering he moved in close to wrap arms tight around Ryan’s shoulders, who let out a startled huff of breath against his neck before responding in kind, wrapping him up in a hug nearly as tight.
“It’s enough for now,” Ryan said, voice so low and mumbled he probably hadn’t intended to say it out loud, an errant thought that had caught breeze and drifted like a dandelion seed.
Brendon breathed in the smoky sweet smell of him and closed his eyes tight.
“More than enough.”
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kingofthewilderwest · 6 years
Haddock’s 2003 FMA Liveblog Part 4
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3]
I went to bed at a nice, normal time. And then 1:30 came around, my brain screamed “SURPRISE TIME TO WAKE UP” and uhhhhh it’s now 3 AM and I need to occupy myself for a little bit of time before I’m sleepy enough to return to the realm of happy unconsciousness.
Episodes 41-42
Ep. 41 Holy Mother
The central theme of this anime: The military sucks.
Yeah. Like that’s actually going to happen. “Don’t fight.” We know how shit like this actually goes down.
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Bradley: Kills Martel inside Reverse Pinocchio. Blood splurts. Cut to: Extremely happy, energetic anime opening song with kids playing.
It would be a lot easier on everyone if Mustang knew something of what was going on, ya’ll. I don’t care if Hughes was like “You can reach the top while I investigate this privately.” At this point this is a hazard. A hazard.
There’s caution to keep people safe. There’s caution to keep yourself safe. There’s caution if you’re unsure of information. There’s caution if you’re investigating dangerous information. There’s caution if you’re uncertain you can trust someone. And on and on and on. But then there’s just caution for not the most well-written reason and seriously I keep feeling like this is sort of the latter, a semi-contrived reason for Mustang to be kept in the dark this entire anime.
Indie that’s rude.
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Okay so racial relations in FMA 2003 versus FMA 2009. This could be like, a dissertation topic. I’ve been talking a lot about the difference with friends ever since I saw one semi-disrespectful post of FMAB talking about how it handles racial tensions, essentially saying that we’re supposed to believe one random, old woman (Shan) that the Ishvalans know that not all Amestrians are bad... whereas here in FMA 2003 Scar calls out the military’s discrimination against the Ishvalans to Ed in conversation and we’re supposed to understand believe what his point is. I 1000% understand the post, but don’t agree with that post.... but if we went into all the reasons why I don’t agree with its oversimplification of racial representation and voice in the shows, it really would be a dissertation right here and right now. Anyway. Now, while it is true that FMA 2003 shows a lot more of the perspective of the Ishvalans and gives a lot more straightforward of a minority voice, which is damn NICE, while FMAB focuses about the Ishvalan War more from the Amestrian side... FMAB is farrrrrr from without minority voice and complexity and meaningfulness and respect, too. FMAB does a very heavy job of calling out the Amestrians for what they did in the Ishvalan War as wrong and baseless, too - even if upper command (and Envy) started it, Riza points out that she and her fellow Amestrians carried out the bloodshed with their own hands. Watching the fourth OVA gives a lot of voice to people like Heathcliffe and wow. FMAB gives a lot of purpose to Scar’s motivations, too, from the start of wanting to kill State Alchemists out of well-understood revenge... to pulling him into a focus whereby he wants to rebuild Amestris’ Ishvalan population as he can. But where I think the BEST way to talk about the difference between the 2003 and 2009 racial messages in these shows isn’t that the minority voice is or isn’t given respect and time (because really, really, both *do* - let’s talk manga Miles, and Scar, and Scar’s mentor, and...). But what 2003 shows the Ishvalans saying is, “The military is shit. They destroyed us. We have the right to be angry. You can argue we have the right to fight back.” And while there’s a whole, whole, whole, whole, WHOLE lot of truth to 2003 and how things happen irl... there’s something really powerful about 2009. 2009 says, “The military is shit. They destroyed us. We have the right to be angry. But that DOESN’T mean we have the right fight back.” And that wraps into one of Arakawa’s biggest, most widespread message throughout all of her manga, from start to end: All humans are important. All souls deserve to be treated with the utmost respect as human beings. It doesn’t matter if you’re a suit in armor. It doesn’t matter if you’re a frog chimera. It doesn’t matter what your race is. It doesn’t matter who started the bloodshed... you should be the one to end it. You are a human, human is good, and the best thing we can do is help each other. FMAB is about breaking out of the cycle of “an eye for an eye.” Now FMA 2003 is showing, through Ed’s reactions and so forth, the conflict he has with the idea of “Eye for an eye,” suggesting also it’s not a good thing. But it’s really in 2009 where the message sparkles... because Scar becomes not someone with a vengeful purpose who wants to create a pure Philosopher’s Stone from military lives. But Scar is someone who goes from someone with vengeful purpose for what the military has done to him... to trying to be the better person, the HERO, who fights back and gives back when no one else would before. And fuck man. Scar and Scar’s brother are the damndest heroes in FMAB. There’s so much to be said about the pros and cons of racial representation in each show, 2003 versus 2009, but both really try to speak to important messages of minority discrimination, genocide, and the horribleness of what it is. NEITHER ARE BAD!!! XD But damn if 2009′s message of “Revenge is not justified. We will treat all humans as humans” is fucking wicked good. Like. Enormous applause to the Ishvalans for being the better people? They are the true heroes. They are the TRUE heroes of FMAB.
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In FMAB 2009, Scar prevents an entire city (entire COUNTRY) from being used as an effective transmutation circle creating a Philosopher’s Stone. In FMA 2003, Scar is the one seeking to make an entire city into a Philosopher’s Stone. Interesting contrast. Sad not to have my hero Scar here. A complex antagonist in the 2003, who, from another framework could act as an antihero (the best antagonists imho are those whose perspectives could be written as “good guys” because they have understandable, human motivations)... but nevertheless, not a hero of the tale as in Arakawa’s final work.
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Took fukkin long enough for Heart Eyes Motherfucking Horse Boi to find out. Thank you, Reverse Pinocchio, for acting with more sense than Markiplier and Virility Redux.
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One beautiful moment with Al in the manga at Liore is when he pulls stuff out of his loincloth in public in front of his father, much to Hohenheim’s dismay and embarrassment. And here we have Armor stuffing his bro’s pocketwatch into his loincloth. I mean, it’s a fair place to carry things, buuuuut there is something to said it looks bad buddy. XD
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I can’t judge talking military cats because we do like, have Jerso in FMAB.
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Okay Bishie Boi I give you permission to kill a certain murderous State Alchemist Fucker. Go get Kimblee. Go get him. Martel hasn’t killed him yet. You. Please. Kill him. I don’t like Kimblee. Get Kimblee.
It’s so damn refreshing and applause-worthy to see full rooms of dark-skinned POC in an anime let’s be real.
Also not showing the eyes of ANYONE in the military during these scenes? Really good, chilling effect.
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The name avoidance is getting really old homunculi pals.
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Also love how many women are very prominent in the 2003.
.....that accidentally almost sounded like a Dr. Seuss book up there. Just need a little meter and rhyming and...
Dude there’s a fucking dragon on the end of that that is LEGIT.
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You brought the kid back. You brought the kid messenger back. You brought the kid messenger back to Liore. KEEP THEF UCKI :ENW:EOGIN KEEP THE FUCKING KID IN SAFETY AWAY FROM LIORE IT’S A WAR ZONE YOU IDIOTS
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Gotta respect how long Kimblee’s hair is in this anime.
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[Camera angle constantly spinning around Kimblee and Scar while they’re talking] I get that you’re trying to make this dramatic but hell if that isn’t too much and somewhat dizzying.
Badass Al and his perfect-and-rapidly-drawn transmutation circles!
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This anime had suchhhhhhhhh a slow start but finally we’re getting someplace. Not entirely well-joined together everywhere but we’re finally getting to Serious Shit and I appreciate it.
Al saying he’s hollow and not meaningless is a nice callback to when he was questioning the validity of his own memories, saying that if he weren’t human, then it wasn’t worth living. Exact opposite message here and thank. V good. This v good.
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They get a lot more of Al’s intense and very real badass side down in this anime.
Sayin’ it like it is. Bruh, respect.
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Yeah there’s lots and lots of good content rn.
“Can you hear it? The countdown to your death?” And this is why nobody likes you Kimblee. Fuck you.
Is this the part where we have Scar use his arm or something to change Al into a Philosopher’s Stone or whatever the hell it is that is the first stage of Al not being armor?
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Are you.
Are you fucking kidding me.
Die already Kimblee you fuck
Well that’s gotta be traumatic to Ed
Dramatic shots of doom.
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This ain’t gonna end well. Also we’re suspiciously close to the end of the episode with no resolution... I planned to watch ONE episode tonight but that might not be what happens eh.
Oh look the episode just ended.
Yeah fuck that we need at least just one more.
Ep. 42 His Name is Unknown
I’m v suspicious Scar ain’t gonna live through this. Hopefully also Kimblee. Kimblee needs to Be Gone (TM).
Aka “This is how the writers don’t have Al die right here and now.”
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Okay but Scar. Ishval’s Top Model. Bishie Boi. He’s like. Walking around so calmly with so little sign of pain. BRO YOU ARE MISSING AN ARM. And don’t you DAMN tell me “It’s but a scratch” or “It’s only a flesh wound.” Like I could Monty Python caption you right now you fucker and I shouldn’t be able to do that.
Oh hey look my liveblogging is showing my true swearing colors. Rawr. I’m a swearer. I like swears. FEAR ME AND ALL THE SWEARS.
(I usually censor myself a lot on tumblr for Things Like Swears BUT AIN’T NOT HAPPENING NOW YO).
Is.... is ANYONE going to do ANYTHING about Scar’s recently lost arm?????????? HE LOST A LOT OF BLOOD. LOTS OF BLOOD GUSHED OUT WHEN HE TRANSMUTED IT OFF. AND YET EVERYONE IS SO CASUAL ABOUT THIS. Let’s talk about Al’s survival chances. Let’s talk about how to change Al so he doesn’t go off into a bomb. Let’s talk about the Philosopher’s Stone. Let’s talk about your past history with Lust. HOW ARE YOU CONSCIOUS AND WHY AREN’T WE CONCERNED ABOUT YOUR GODDAMNEDFUCKINGSHIT ARM.
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At least have him pass out or something.
Nope we’re just going to stand around and stare at each other and be like “You’re not my brother’s girlfriend” and shit and not care about your lack of armness apparently.
Hey new intro. The music definitely has the same generic rocky upbeat flavor of the other intros in 2003, but I like this one the best. The intro also shows us not one but two separate shots of Roy so that’s even better. And even bestest, we just keep pulling in that photo of Horsing Around in the background again. We just keep sneaking that in. I really wish you WROTE Horsing Around better but HEY we get the PHOTO <3 <3 <3
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So all that’s good.
Yesssssss finally in this anime you are having ROY MUSTANG ***DO*** SOMETHING. Finally DO something. (whispers) and yes, of course Riza is here, I love you two together
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(whispers) Wife
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Good for you, Alex.
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“There’s no such thing as a military that doesn’t have corruption or evil in it.” I love when villains have damn truthful lines like that shit.
He’s really pretty in this shot.
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Okay for all you mention Roy being the Hero of Ishval in this moment between Archer and Roy, and then there was that one scene waaaay back in Flame vs Fullmetal where we had Roy get a bit of a flashback to the war, and then I guess that ONE scene where he thought about doing human transmutation...... you really haven’t taken advantage. of. this. character. AT ALL. In this anime. You’ve really left him to sit by for dozens of episodes in a row. Develop this shit. Even if you plan to develop this shit down the road, this is just another example of uneven scaffolding in your writing. I went into this anime particularly because I was curious about the interesting Roy shit you were thinking about writing, and yet I feel like you’ve given me very little to work with? I mean. He’s present. We’ve had a FEW interesting moments with him, primarily at the start. We’ve seen him do some things like suppress the Ishvalans before they rebelled, and stuff. It’s not like he’s absent and you could critique my critique. But he still feels sooooo underutilized. He really feels underutilized. Develop all that trauma shit content and his ambition being the Fuhrer and his past with Ishval instead of just touching it here and there and referencing it in scenes and then being like “La la la and now all Mustang is gonna do in this episode is look suspiciously at people but not do anything active about the shit going all around him.”
So we’re SLIGHTLY paying attention to his arm, but still having an extended conversation about Lust instead.
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I mean I don’t care if the arm got cauterized and there’s just a stump there, you still lost a lot of blood and there’s shock and trauma and shit. You are hanging in there way too good bud. THAT IS AN ARM.
That looks cool. And we know exactly what those symbols are.
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Oh cool another arm gone AND YOU ARE STILL CONSCIOUS.
Now, after just a little gasping in pain and sweating, I’m going to stand up and calmly explain the history of my arm. COME ON SCAR ADRENALINE ONLY GOES SO FAR *YOU* *HAVE* *NO* *ARMS*
No one would even guess this is the screencap of a man who has literally just lost both of his arms.
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In 2003, he loses both of his arms. In 2009, he uses both of his arms and destroys Bradley’s.
Yes, Indie. Tell Roy about your mother homonculus. At least do it for the sake of integrally including Horsie IN THE MAIN FUCKING PLOT MORE.
Okay seriously how many times are you going to injure this guy and still have him be “relatively” okay? Because several gunshot wounds to his shoulders didnt make him lapse into unconsciousness either? At least he seems to be in legitimate lasting pain now? Not like that’s a GOOD thing to be in pain, but at least he’s not like, running around?
You should be like delirious tho bud
Seriously are these last two episodes “How many times can we injure Scar” like wut
Take that back he’s stood up and is waltzing around again wtf
I hate how the feels you get from this scene are 1). Scar is dying, 2). Scar is doing this for his brother [sob] and not... “we’re mass killing thousands of low-ranking soldiers and turning them into a Philosopher’s Stone.” Like something about that’s just wrong. Feels, good? But....
Power trio
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This still is the most badass moment with these blokes tho:
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[sigh] Mustang is just such a better character in FMA 2009 / the manga.
[whispers to Al] No it’s not. #1. Philosophers’ Stone. #2. You’re armor.
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damijon-supersons · 7 years
Waltzing with a Wayne: A Super Sons Fic
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Synopsis: Jon just wanted to have a Christmas party with Damian. But he gets way more than he signed up for when Damian invites him to the Wayne Foundation Holiday Gala. Jon feels out of place and he can’t get a single moment alone with Damian.
 Author’s notes: Hi HI! I wanted to do a damijon fic in time for Christmas, but I was fresh out of good ideas, and originally I had this way longer epic story planned with them on a mission on a mountain trying to save some captive children….but yeah that didn’t work out so well cuz my ideas ran out.
But then in a single day, I had this cool idea for a party and yeah, now it’s this fic! I hope you like it! Tell me what you think! And most of all, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!
“Hey, Damian, we should have, like, a Christmas Party!”
“What for? Pennyworth makes a fine Christmas dinner on his own…”
“It’s different when it’s a party! It’ll be more fun with more people to hang out with!”
Jon winced. The memory of asking Damian to have a little Christmas party with him replayed in his head as he stared out into the sea of black suits and velvet gowns, lit with a subtle golden sheen from the ornate chandeliers fifty feet above on the ceiling.
“More people…” Jon muttered under his breath. This was definitely not what he’d had in mind.
The day before, he’d gotten a crisp, gold embroidered envelope with an invite to a special “Yuletide Gala” hosted by the Wayne Foundation. Now that he was at the event himself, he guessed that “yuletide” and “gala” meant “ridiculously-rich-people-party”.  It was being held at the Wayne Tower penthouse, all the way at the top floor of the 28-storey office block, which featured hanging gardens and a view of the city reserved for people with ‘Wayne’ as their last name, or people whose money belonged to Bruce Wayne. There seemed to be more than a hundred of Gotham’s wealthiest and most influential present, all in their best white ties, tuxedos, and evening gowns. Almost none of them were kids his age, and the few that were looked snobby with upturned noses and just shrunken versions of their parents’ clothes.
“Come along now, kiddo,” Clark prodded him gently from behind. “It won’t do for us to stay at the door.”
“Sorry, dad,” Jon replied sheepishly. “It’s just that…this place…it seems a bit much.” Jon gestured to the tall crystal double-doors, and the interior beyond it. The ballroom was covered with a rich crimson carpet and featured a magnificent and imposing grand staircase in the center, which supposedly led to “private lounges”—whatever those were—and the  outside rooftop garden park  that surrounded the entire storey . The roof was partly composed of thick glass panels that offered a view of the stars. There were several wall mounted fountains silently churning foamy water, and the southwest corner of the penthouse housed a violin quartet who played one generic fancy-sounding background music pieces, complete with sound equipment that looked more expensive than the violinists’ combined net worth.
Jon felt positively underdressed. He’d only worn a rented black coat and tie, and he didn’t even have proper dress shoes so he’d just worn his sneakers. His parents Lois and Clark, meanwhile, looked respectable, but nowhere near the level of posh that the other guests enjoyed.
“I know it looks intimidating, Jon,” Lois said as they were escorted by one of the ushers. “Going to your first high-society party always is. But this is old hat for me and your dad. I suppose being the Daily Planet’s best reporters has its perks.”
“And that has nothing to do with you and dad being best friends with Mister Wayne and Selina?” Jon asked with a smirk.
“Well…that, too,” Clark grinned.
“I thought parties were more…cheerful,” Jon lamented. “All everyone’s doing is standing and talking and laughing like they’re on a timer.”
“Well…this is only one way adults can host a party…” Clark began, but he was saved from having to explain the finer aspects of adulting when Alfred Pennyworth intercepted them, garbed in his head butler attire. The younger usher that had been escorting the Kents cowered more than bowed as he left them in Alfred’s care.
“Master Clark and Lady Lane,” Alfred bowed gracefully.
“Merry Christmas, Alfred,” Clark greeted as Lois gave the old butler a quick hug.
“And the same to you.” Alfred smiled and then gestured to the head table, which was distinctly larger than the others and enjoyed its very own debris field of paparazzi. “Master Wayne would like to have you at his table, if you please. I’ll escort Jon to where the other youths are.”
Jon appreciated how Alfred tactfully called them youths than “kids” or “children”. While he was still technically a child, being called that was extremely patronizing. Damian hated being patronized, and Jon could easily sympathize with the sentiment. It totally wasn’t because he was picking up Damian’s quirks. Probably.
“Finally, boyscout junior’s here!” Beast Boy cried out. Alfred dropped Jon off at a table where all the Teen Titans, plus Maya, were seated.
“I was beginning to fear you weren’t going to come,” Starfire said as she kissed Jon amiably on the cheek, much to his chagrin.
Jon greeted his friends in turn. All of them were dressed in their finest evening dresses, even Beast Boy, whose overall bearing was anything but formal. He explained that the Titans had these clothes in reserve for any celebratory after-villain-beatdown-and-town-saving parties of the formal sort and were supplied by Damian himself.
“So, uh,” Jon began as he looked around, “Where is Damian?”
“He’s off making nice to some of his dad’s business associates. He likes introducing himself as ‘Mr. Wayne’s heir’,” Kid Flash explained with barely suppressed laughter.
“Wow,” Jon winced. “Damian’s…on a really different level, huh? All I wanted was to give him my present…” he gestured sadly to the wrapped gift bag he was clutching with his right hand.
“Let me guess, little brother invited you here, and you thought it’s just gonna be us instead of this big gala?” Maya mused, and Jon nodded solemnly. “Well he’s not getting away with him leaving us out here to dry while he plays billionaire junior. Gimme a sec…” Maya smirked before disappearing into the crowd.
“She’s good,” Aqualad said after Maya had left. “Raven and I were trying to talk her into joining the Titans before you came along.”
“That’s awesome!” Jon beamed. “She’s really good in a fight and she can turn invisible and…” Jon frowned at the thought. “Hang on, how are people not noticing you guys being here? Especially you, Gar! You’re green!”
“I know! Don’t I look beautiful?” Beast Boy claimed with gusto, which made the rest of the Titans laugh.
“Don’t worry, Jon,” Raven assured him. “Although we’re here because Damian invited us, the guests and the paparazzi assume we’re here as honorary guests because we’ve saved Wayne Enterprise properties from destruction a few times before.”
“Oh,” Jon replied absently.
“Besides,” Kid Flash chimed in, “Heroes or not, we’re still just teenagers. These old farts won’t really care about us…unless we know anything about ‘taxable dividend payments under the new tax reform measure’.” Jon and the Titans burst out laughing because Kid Flash had used a faux upper-class tone with exaggerated vowels.
“Do you?” Starfire asked.
“No. But I’m good at eavesdropping while getting food from the buffet table,” Kid Flash admitted, prompting the Titans to laugh again.
“You’re welcome to stay with us here while waiting for Damian,” Raven said. Then she closed her eyes in a melodramatic way as if sensing something in the air, and said, “Speak of the devil…”
Maya had returned with her arm around Damian. The latter looked like he’d been unceremoniously dragged in from the other end of the enormous hall. Despite looking frazzled, he looked extremely…classy. Damian was sharply dressed, with a bespoke smoky gray tailcoat, formal trousers and shiny black leather shoes. His hair was stylishly parted at the side with just the right length of bangs framing his forehead to look unnaturally handsome. He flashed the group a smile that they were sure was carefully practiced in front of a mirror—or Alfred.
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“Good evening, Titans,” Damian greeted. “I hope the party is to your liking.”
Like clockwork, the three boys –Beast Boy, Aqualad, and Kid Flash—straightened up and adopted hilariously posh accents without skipping a beat.
“Why thank you, your grace. The evening has been splendid,” began Aqualad.
“Verily so, good sir. The tea has been marvelous, and the company grand.” added Kid Flash.
“Cheerio, jolly good fellow! Hath thou beheld the Queen's undergarments?” asked Beast Boy with utmost seriousness.
The table positively erupted in laughter. Surprisingly, the loudest was Raven, and Starfire and Aqualad spent the better part of two minutes calming her down. This earned them reproachful looks from the other adults in the vicinity, who seemed to question why the Wayne heir would keep such loud company.
The corners of Damian’s lips curled as if he just barely contained a smile. “Right. Well, you’re clearly having the time of your life. Merry Christmas. Now, I still have a few people to…”
“Wait, Damian!” Jon pleaded. “C’mon, can’t you stay here? You invited us after all…”
Without even waiting for Jon to take his next breath, Damian put an arm around Jon’s shoulder and pulled him close. The sudden contact caught Jon unaware as he lost his balance and ended up leaning on Damian, with his cheek pressed up against Damian’s face. He felt his blood rush to his head at the speed of light. Damian’s skin was so soft and smooth, and he smelled of spring flowers and freshly mowed grass—a very fragrant and expensive cologne, he wagered.
“I know, Jon,” Damian began, seemingly oblivious to the steadily overheating boy he’d just squeezed against his cheek, “I want you guys to have a good time. But I really need to get on with these introductions, otherwise, my father’s other guests will think I’m snubbing them, which would imply he’s a bad father for not raising me to be respectful and etcetera and all that… I’ll rejoin you as soon as I’m done.”
Just then, Dick Grayson approached them and waved. “Hey, guys! Glad you could make it! Kori, you look stunning!”
“You say that to all your girls, Dick,” Starfire said with a plaintive smile and a piercingly honest glare.
Dick paused. Starfire had stated it as a fact, and not as a rhetorical thing that would be open for good-natured denial. Dick settled for awkward laughter.
“Right, haha…say, can I borrow Damian for a sec? I promised the director of Gotham Prep a handshake from the little Mr. Wayne here…”
Damian’s eye twitched at the height joke and let go of Jon. The younger boy failed to steady himself after the surprise one-armed hug, prompting Maya to catch him before he stumbled.
“Well, duty calls.” Damian bowed dramatically. “Oh, one more thing—don’t take any drink that Todd offers you. It’ll be spiked with enough alcohol to render you flammable.” With that, he left with Grayson. Beast Boy meanwhile, smartly shunted his half-full wine glass as far away from him as possible.
Once Damian was swallowed by the crowd, Maya waved a hand in front of Jon’s face. It took a few seconds for Jon to understand that he was supposed to nod.
“Now, that, was cruel,” Kid Flash said as he shook his head.
“Poor boy,” Aqualad agreed as he patted Jon on the shoulder. “Why don’t you go and get yourself some food, huh? The buffet table is over there.”
“R-right,” Jon said, still in a daze. “I’ll go do that, then.”
After Jon had left, the Teen Titans gave each other knowing looks.
“Man, even for Damian, that was a low blow,” Aqualad said gravely.
“Damian did that on purpose, no doubt about it,” Beast Boy whistled. “Does he know what he does to the poor kid?”
An awkward silence lingered among them, with Maya struggling to ask a hundred questions with her baffled expression.
Finally, Starfire spoke up.
“I am raising mine to thirty-five dollars.”
“That’s fair,” Kid flash said. “I’ll put it on the record then. Anyone else want to raise?”
“Whoa, wait, what’s this all about?” Maya asked with a raised brow.
“We all have this ongoing bet on when Jon’s gonna confess to Damian about this huge crush he has for him,” Raven offered with a small smile. “The boys are betting it’ll be six months, but Kori and I are betting it’ll be before the year ends.”
“Don’t worry, Maya, it’s just for fun!” Beast Boy scratched his head apologetically. “All of us guys have thirty bucks each on the pot.”
Maya flashed him a shrewd look. “It won’t be very fun for you, Beast Boy.”
“Why’s that?” Beast Boy’s face fell.
Maya fished out a twenty from her purse and handed it over to a very stunned Kid Flash.
“I’m just saying you better be ready to get cleaned out because I’ve known these boys for longer, and my money is on them getting together before the year ends.” The girls cheered.
“Well, boys, I think we’re in for a tough bet,” Aqualad sighed.
  Superman’s super-hearing had the uncanny ability to hear people’s heartbeats. Jon’s dad was so adept at using the skill, though, that he’d actually taken to memorizing the heartbeats of the people closest to him, such as Lois, Jon, and Batman, so that should they be in danger, he could instantly locate them. Jon himself hadn’t really gotten the hang of that memorized heartbeat thing, but he had been trying.
There was one heartbeat he had tried to memorize—it sounded calm and stoic, but solid and strong, the kind of rhythm you’d expect from a trained hunter that was ready to strike at any moment. Every thump, thump, thump reverberated in Jon’s ear, and he’d been familiarizing himself with its more subtle properties, like its timbre and frequency. It was only the heartbeat of the tiniest Wayne child, after all—the one that had been ever-present in Jon’s thoughts for what seemed like forever. And so, after a protracted amount of time straining his ears and scrunching up his face like he was having indigestion—and then finally asking Alfred—Jon found Damian alone on a garden balcony staring out at the cityscape below.
Without looking behind, Damian patted a spot on the marble terrace beside him, and Jon took it as an invitation. Damian propped his head up with his hands, and his elbows were leaning on the polished stone surface of the railing. The view from 28th storey of Wayne Tower boasted a spectacular kaleidoscope of Gotham lit by all manner of lights, and topped by a dark blue sky with innumerable glinting stars.
Jon was awestruck by the sight.
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“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Damian asked.
“What?” Jon asked back in confusion.
“The city. The lights. That’s what my father always says.” Damian breathed a heavy sigh. His breath fogged up in the winter evening air. “It’s beautiful, but the lights hide the dark corners. There’s always something foul beneath the beauty, and it’s our job to clean it all up.”
“You sound awfully moody today,” Jon remarked. He gazed longingly at Damian’s languid face, but the latter didn’t return the eye contact.
“Just thinking,” Damian decided after a while. “The past few days, the Bat Family has been ramping up patrols. Just today, the police airwaves had zero crime alerts. Sure, it’s also Christmas, but imagine that—one day of no crime.”
“We need more days like that,” Jon said earnestly. “And we’ll definitely make it happen.”
 Damian turned to look at him. He was either smiling, or giving Jon a half-smirk. “Great minds do think alike.”
“And your mind is so great, is it?” Jon teased and punched Damian lightly on the shoulder.
“If I said it wasn’t, then you’d know I’m the evil clone and you’ll have my permission to laser my face off,” Damian offered as he playfully kicked Jon’s foot.
“That’s too bad— I like your face.” Jon said off-handedly. His face flushed three seconds after when he’d realized what his words sounded like, “Uh, I mean…uh, that sounded better in my head…”
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Damian’s smile turned to honest laughter in a matter of seconds. Jon only realized it just then, but he’d never really heard Damian laugh in a good way. Before, it’d always been mocking, or teasing, or rueful…but now Damian sounded genuinely happy.
“You’re bad at this,” Damian chuckled.
“Bad at what?” Jon asked nervously, worried that he was doing something seriously wrong.
Damian said nothing, as he kept his smile. He seemed to be sizing Jon up. The quartet below seemed to be performing their best piece, judging by how quiet the audience went as they either sipped their wine to enjoy the music or else step onto the dance floor with their significant others. The violin quartet themselves played with renewed vigor, as if they were determined to redeem themselves after a lackluster night.
“’La vie en rose’,” Damian mused as he tilted his head toward the music below. “First sung by Edith Piaf in the original French. It’s a seminal nuptial ballad.”
“I…have absolutely no idea what half the things you said meant,” Jon chuckled in defeat.
“That, and with many other things,” Damian smirked. “That’s why I’m going to start teaching you.”
“Teaching me what?”
“Everything,” Damian answered confidently. “Starting with your basic ballroom waltz.” He suddenly grasped Jon’s hand in his own, and raised it. He put his other hand on Jon’s back. “Put your other hand on my shoulder,” he instructed.
“Damian, w—why are you doing this?” Jon asked frantically as he clumsily did as he was told. His cheeks were turning a rich shade of red.
Damian guided Jon’s feet so that they were spaced apart and looked him in the eye, the smile never leaving his face. “How many years have we been partners, now? The day will come when we’ll have to go to a party like this together. And we’ll have to dance, just like this. Now’s the best time to teach you.”
“But…with me? I’m a b—“
“You’re my partner—and the only one I’d do this with,” Damian replied firmly but gently.
“But I can’t dance!” Jon gasped as Damian led him through the footwork. His steps were awkward and he managed to step on Damian’s toes every other time.
“It’s easy if you calm down and follow my lead…”
“Damian, please…I don’t want to embarrass you in front of anyone…” Jon pleaded.
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“Shhh…” Damian cooed as he placed a finger on Jon’s lips. He leaned in close so that he could whisper in Jon’s ear. “No one else is here. Just you and me. Focus on me. Right now, we’re the only ones in the world that matter. Now…one, two, three…one, two, three…”
It suddenly made so much sense to Jon. The soothing music and the flow of the dance, Damian’s silky voice and warm breath on his neck. With one, two, three, awkward steps, and again, and again, Jon’s world found a pattern that he could understand. His eyes never left Damian’s, and he found himself enjoying every rotation, the rhythmic cadence of the violins syncing with his steps and with his heartbeat. Even when he closed his eyes to bask in Damian’s closeness, and as his lips were met with a moist warm sensation—the heat of a trusted friend making a lifelong promise—the dance went on, and on, and on.
The stars bore witness to a young hero, who simply wore a rented suit and red sneakers, learning how to dance with his feet, his lips, and his heart. And down below among the throng of black coats, three teenage boys lost the rest of their week’s food allowance.
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imaginethatalena · 7 years
#68: Kylo Ren x Reader
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Thanks for requesting anon ❤ This was really similar to a series of imagines I’ve already written, and in the future I’ll refer people to imagines that seem like a repeat, but I had an idea for another way it could have gone, so I decided to give this a try. 
Tag List: @epicfallenismine @theyoungestschuylersister
Request: Hi. Wow, never done this before. Anyways, I’d like to request a Reader x Kylo Ren fic..? I believe it would include spoilers for TLJ, just thought you’d like to know. Anyways, I was wondering if Y/N could be one of the other Padawan that Luke teaches, along with Ben and they are friends. When everything goes to hell Y/N escapes. Several years later Kylo senses something when on a planet and discovers Y/N again..? Maybe he tries to convince them to leave with him..? Join the First Order? Thanks.
Rules for requesting.
Years Ago …
The temple was already in flames when you awoke, nearly suffocating from the smoke drifting into the room. 
You scrambled out of your bed, coughing and gasping for air as you heard your fellow padawans’ screams around you. You rushed through the halls in search of survivors, but all you found was fire and death. When you finally found one last padawan, one of your friends, all you saw was their death by another padawan’s lightsaber. 
You screamed in terror and ran the other way, the padawan close behind you. You reached out to the Force and cleared a way out of the temple, swallowing up the fresh air when you finally made it out. The traitorous padawan was still on your feet, though, and he managed to catch up to you. They grabbed ahold of your hair and dragged you to the ground, 
You ignited your lightsaber and used it to block the blow that would have killed you, fighting your way back to your feet. Without the smoke burning your eyes, you could clearly see your opponent. 
“What have you done, Ben?” you cried. “Where’s Luke?” 
“Luke is dead, and soon you’ll be dead too!” he shouted, striking hard with his lightsaber. He was trying to kill you. You were the last remaining padawan for him to kill, and he was determined to do it. 
“You don’t have to do this!” you said, trying to reason with him as you backed away, deflecting every hit from his lightsaber. “Please, Ben! Stop! I’m your friend!”
You cried out in pain as he knocked you to the ground. His lightsaber had grazed your face, burning the skin around your eye and blinding you. Your lightsaber had fallen out of reach, so your last defense was the Force, and you used it to push him away from you right as he was about to run you through. He flew back and fell to the ground, unconscious from the impact of his head hitting the ground. There was no time to waste. 
You got to your feet, pushing through the pain of the burns on your face, and ran as fast as you could. Luke was dead, your friends were dead, and you would be dead, too, if you didn’t escape. You had no way off the planet, so your best chance was to hide. You would hide forever if you had to. You just had to survive. 
Years Later … 
You had remained on that planet ever since that fateful day. You stayed far away from the ruins of the temple and the memories that came with it. You still had no way to get off the planet. Ben had taken the only ship. So here you waited, be it to be saved or to die. 
One day you sensed a powerful darkness touching down on the planet, and the familiarity of it let you know exactly who it was. 
Your first instinct was to hide. He had come here to finish what he had started, hadn’t he? There was no reason for you to confront him. But you realized you were wrong. You had every reason to confront him. He had killed your master and fellow padawans. You had never finished your Jedi training, and you weren’t bound to the code of honor that they followed. You could take your revenge, here and now. 
You made your way back to the temple ruins, sensing that was where Ben would be. You watched from the edge of the forest as a tall figure cloaked in black exited the ship, flanked by a squadron of Stormtroopers. He sent them into the temple to search it, and you smirked at the idea. Did he really think you would have remained at the temple? 
Suddenly Ben’s head turned to the forest, and your blood ran cold at the sight of the helmet masking his face. His attire matched the emotionless person beneath, and frankly, he terrified you. You could sense that his power had grown since the last time you saw him, but you wouldn’t let that deter you. 
Ben stalked towards the tree line, and you went deeper into the forest, knowing he would follow you. You had adapted to living in the forest, moving silently through the trees like a ghost, while he stomped through the trees at a safe distance behind you. 
Eventually he stopped walking and reached out to the Force to find you. A moment later you uttered a battle cry as you rushed at him, bringing your lightsaber down upon him. His red lightsaber ignited in his hand he turned and blocked what would have been a killing blow. 
“I was the only one you could never sneak up on,” he said, his voice warped by the helmet. 
“Good thing I wasn’t trying to,” was your retort, glaring at him over the crackling of your blades. You tried a few more strikes, eager to continue the fight rather than strike up conversation with him. In the back of your mind you realized that he was letting you attack him because he knew you couldn’t hurt him, but you were too caught up in how good it felt to let out your anger. It had been a long time since you had been in combat, however, and you had never fought with the blind spot he gave you before, so he quickly got the upper hand. Your blades crossed one last time, putting your hilt within reach for him to twist it out of your grasp into his own. Now his lightsaber was at your throat, and since you weren’t nearly as strong in the Force as him, you were next to defenseless. 
You took ragged breaths as your eyes darted between Ben’s mask and his saber at your throat. You didn’t dare to move. 
“So this is where it ends,” you said. “You came back to finish what you started, so do it.” 
“I’m not here for that.”
“Tnen what are you here for, Ben?”
“Ben is gone!” What you said clearly angered him because he advanced. The heat of the lightsaber at your throat forced you to take steps backwards, eventually backing you against a tree. “You’re speaking to Kylo Ren, commander of the First Order and Snoke’s apprentice!”
“How did you find me, Kylo Ren?” you asked. 
“I sensed a power in the light side of the Force on this planet,” he told you, “I thought at first it was just the remains of the temple, but it was growing, which meant there had to be someone here, a padawan I had failed to kill.”
“You didn’t think I could survive on my own in the forest,” you said, realizing what must have happened. “That’s why you didn’t come back for me.”
“It’s fortunate that I didn’t,” he said. He finally lowered his lightsaber and the blade retracted into the hilt. “You could prove useful.”
“What are you talking about?” 
Kylo stepped closer, almost chest to chest with you now. “Join me.”
You didn’t know what to say at first. Had he just asked you to join him? You thought he had come to kill you. 
“Why would I join you?” you asked. “You betrayed me. You tried to murder me.”
“But now I want you at my side,” he said, holding out your lightsaber to you. You didn’t dare take it, fearing this was a trick. “Why waste away on this planet, alone, when you could rule the galaxy with me?”
You considered what he was saying. You would never get another opportunity like this to leave the planet, and he wasn’t here to kill you. He wanted you at his side. For a moment you thought of how close the two of you had once been. You could have that again, couldn’t you?
You looked away from your lightsaber, gazing into the emotionless mask, and you made your decision.
“Snoke has given me orders, Y/N,” Kylo told you. “I must follow them. I’m to kill you if you don’t accept my offer.” 
“I’d rather die.”
He was silent for a moment, seeming to sigh at your stubbornness. You could have been wrong, but you swore you sensed a wave of sadness. 
“So be it.” 
His lightsaber ignited, and you closed your eyes. 
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arcticdementor · 3 years
On a sunny day in early 2017, Sundar Pichai, Alphabet Inc.’s chief executive officer, returned to his alma mater, the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, in West Bengal, to speak before 3,500 students. Welcomed as the “rock star” leader of the “world’s most innovative company,” he reminisced about skipping classes and meeting his college girlfriend—now his wife. He also pitched Google to the soon-to-be-graduates in attendance. How many wanted to work there, the interviewer asked. Hundreds of hands went up. “Wow, maybe we should open a campus in Kharagpur,” Pichai joked.
As far as feeder schools go, it doesn’t get much better for Google than the network of 23 ultracompetitive, government-funded IITs. Every year hundreds of their graduates join the world’s biggest tech companies. In 2003, when the school system celebrated its 50th anniversary, Bill Gates delivered a keynote speech praising grads who’d come to work at Microsoft Corp. over the years, noting that the company had, in turn, invested more money in the IITs than in any other institution outside the U.S. and the U.K.
For all the IITs’ proficiency at training and placing students, though, the coders, programmers, product developers, and engineers fanning out to global tech bring with them the troubled legacy of India’s caste system. On campus, students are surrounded by—and in some cases participate in—a culture of discrimination, bullying, and segregation that targets fellow pupils from India’s Scheduled Castes, also known as Dalits. The IITs officially discourage such harassment, but the prejudice against these students remains quite open.
Dalit IIT graduates who’ve managed to land jobs in the U.S. say that such attitudes can be found there, too. Last year a Dalit graduate of IIT Bombay filed suit in the U.S. against Cisco Systems Inc. and two of his fellow alums, saying he’d experienced caste-based discrimination at their hands while the three of them were employed at the company. The accompanying publicity prompted a wave of complaints about caste discrimination in American tech—allegations that seemed to blindside the industry.
Despite this, coded and overt forms of discrimination against Dalits persist, with the education system serving as a primary vector. At secondary school in Rajasthan, Mahesh Kumar recalls, he and his father swept the classrooms as a condition of Kumar’s scholarship; they were expected not to make contact with the teachers’ belongings so as not to taint them. When Kumar gained admission to IIT (BHU) Varanasi in 2013, he tried to obscure his caste status by dropping his last name, but it didn’t help. At the beginning of an IIT school year, senior students often orchestrate a hazing ritual known as kholna, calling on first-year students to give their name, their hometown, and the rank they achieved on the entrance exam. If a surname isn’t a giveaway, an unusual rank on the entrance exam will be.
Dalits in the IIT system often have a rougher path to employment. After his first few semesters in Varanasi, Kumar fell into a deep depression and took time off from school. Overwhelmed by debt, he considered bidding for a sewer-cleaning contract that paid 4,000 rupees ($55) a month. The social hierarchy that considers Dalits “impure” consigns them to poorly paid, “unclean” jobs such as scavenging, cleaning sewers, and disposing of dead animals. Kumar even considered selling a kidney.
Then came a stroke of good fortune. A local paper reported that an IIT student was considering sewer cleaning and organ donation, prompting an outpouring of donations. Kumar returned to Varanasi and graduated in 2019. He now works as an assistant manager with a government-owned mining company in the eastern city of Durgapur.
There’s no reliable data on IIT student placement rates or professional salaries, but anecdotal evidence suggests the grind is worth it for many. In December, when students traditionally begin receiving job offers, news outlets relay how quickly they’re coming in, and schools boast of how many graduates will make 10 million rupees or more.
In a 2017 paper, French researchers Odile Henry and Mathieu Ferry found that not all IIT graduates are greeted by such an enthusiastic job market. Lower-caste students were barely half as likely to get jobs as general-pool students with similar majors and academic performance; they were also paid less. The researchers attributed the difference primarily to a divide between Dalit and non-Dalit students in soft skills and social capital. In the lucrative private sector, recruiters look beyond grades for candidates who demonstrate curiosity, leadership, poise, or a competitive spirit—qualities that might show up in, say, extracurricular activities, a glowing recommendation from a teacher, or simply a student’s confidence in an interview.
Last year, allegations of caste bias got a public airing some 8,300 miles away from the IIT campuses. On behalf of the Indian Cisco Systems employee who alleged he’d been discriminated against based on his caste, California’s Department of Fair Employment and Housing brought a suit in San Jose against the company and two other Indian employees. All three were graduates of IIT Bombay.
American law protects workers from disparate treatment based on a handful of characteristics, including race, sex, religion, and disability status. This was the first time, though, that anyone had argued those protections should extend to Dalits. The complaint said that the unnamed employee had faced discrimination by two upper-caste managers since 2015 and that he’d reported one to human resources for outing him as a Dalit and informing colleagues he’d enrolled in the IIT through affirmative action. The employee said the discrimination had continued under the second manager.
Cisco denied the charges. “We have zero tolerance for discrimination and take all complaints of unfair treatment very seriously,” a spokesperson says. “In this case, we thoroughly and fully investigated the employee’s concerns and found that he was treated fairly, highly compensated, and afforded opportunities to work on coveted projects.” In its response to the suit, Cisco made an additional argument: Because caste isn’t a protected category under U.S. civil rights laws, the allegations are immaterial and should be stricken. The court recently denied Cisco’s petition to move the case to arbitration, and the company has filed an appeal.
Advocacy groups in the U.S. have weighed in on both sides. The Hindu American Foundation filed a declaration in support of Cisco, saying that though it vehemently opposes “all forms of prejudice and discrimination,” the state’s case “blatantly violates the rights of Hindu Americans.” Meanwhile, the Ambedkar International Center, a Dalit advocacy group, filed a brief in support of the state, encouraging the court to acknowledge caste discrimination and set a precedent prohibiting it. “American civil rights law has little experience with the Indian caste system, but it is very familiar with the idea of caste: the notion that some people are born to low stations in life in which they are forced to remain,” the motion reads.
The case inspired a flood of tech workers to tell their own stories. A U.S.-based Dalit advocacy group, Equality Labs, told the Washington Post in October that more than 250 tech workers had come forward in the wake of the Cisco suit to report incidents of caste-based harassment. Thirty Dalit engineers, all women, also shared a joint statement with the Post that said they’d experienced caste bias in the U.S. tech sector.
It would be naive for U.S. companies to assume that Indian hires leave their prejudices on the subcontinent, says Sarit K. Das, a professor of mechanical engineering at IIT Madras who until February was director of IIT Ropar. “Graduates carry this to Amazon or Google or wherever, and the feeling toward the other person is that you didn’t make it like me, you are inferior,” he says.
Ram Kumar, a Dalit alum of IIT Delhi, has worked in the tech industry for more than two decades, with stints at Cisco, Dell, and other companies. When he arrived in Silicon Valley in the early 2000s, he found “another mini-India arranged by clusters of Indian hierarchy,” he says. Whereas dominant-caste Indians might see expat communities as sources of professional networking and support, Kumar avoids them. “People will try to segregate you once they find out your caste,” he says. As a matter of self-preservation, “I’ve avoided good opportunities when I see that the CEO or CTO is Indian.”
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rubywithin · 4 years
Zen Flow-The Un passionate Cardist
(Announcer) “Ladies and gentlemen the final match of of our Next Gen Tournament between Flora Hiyumi and Terra Sho is reaching its final stages”. (Terra) “I activate 7 Pillars Guard” -thoughts- this should protect me” (Flora) “I use up 5 Cards in the Limbo Zone to activate Phantom Cannon which destroys everything on your side of the field. Next I will attack you directly Ghoulish Dancer Serene” (Announcer) “And with that last attack Flora wins the tournament”. (Reporter) “Miss Hiyumi do you have any tips for up and coming Zen Flow Players”, (Flora) “I do, remember to show the world the beauty of Zen Flow and keep fighting forward” -click-.
(Student) “Aw look at Kari watching the pro’s play because no one will ever face her and her weird deck”. -Sigh- I wish people would just leave me along....(Megumi) “Hey guys there is no need to treat Kari like that”. (Student) “Enjoy the matches loser” she walked off....I wanted to thank Megumi but I just go silent in front of others. When we were younger me and Megumi used to have card matches but when she started high school she was too bust to play with me and I became distant over time.                                                                                    After school I decided to go to a nearby shop, (Shop Keeper) “Oh hello Kari, I was able to special order the cards you were hoping to get”. (Kari) “Thank you sir” my cards were known as the Soul Monsters, they were a gift from my dad but after getting them everyone avoided playing against me. Due to them not being a common type people accused me of making them on my own and would call them illegal cards to use in Zen Flow. (Kari) “Thank you aga...” as I left the shop I bumped into someone, “Ow...I’m sorry Mr” he helped me up. (???) “Its okay just be a bit more careful next time” he walked inside the shop as I left, I went back home to work on my deck.
Hmm so I got two Soul Lambs and Soul Aries so I will add them so far I have Leo, Aries, Virgo and Aquarius as Constellation Monsters. I hope to one day collect all 12, I spent an hour going through all the cards I wanted to use in my deck and afterwards I went back to the shop to see if I could find an opponent.  (Student) NOO...I lost p..please don’t take my cards” when I arrived outside of the shop I saw the girl who insulted me earlier looking scared. (???) “Those who use Zen Flow to bully others do not deserve to play the game” I started shaking and almost walked away but then I started to remember all the times Megumi stood up for me. (Kari) “Leave her alone, what gives you the right to decide who has the right to play Zen Flow” he turned round to look at me and it was the guy I bumped into before. (???) “If you get in my way then you will become my enemy as well” I took out my cards and prepared to face him. “So be it, my name is Tyomu and I will be the one to save Zen Flow from the selfish”, (Kari) “My name is Kari Soulu and I won’t let you hurt my fellow student”.
“I will go first and summon a Soul Lamb then I place 1 effect card” I was going to try and bring out Aries next turn. (Tyomu) “I activate Nightmare Lance which destroys one monster” (Kari) “I will use Protection to save my Lamb” (Tyomu) “I then summon a Night Wolf and play Mirror Summon which let’s me summon another and both attack you and your monster”. I took 1 damage and he ended his turn with 2 effect cards, (Kari) “I will summon a Soul Cub and place 2 effect cards, I end my turn”. (Tyomu) “Once again my monsters attack”, (Kari) “I play Battle Evolution to evolve summon my Soul Leo and then play Wide attack which let’s Leo hit both monsters”. This time I got the upper hand, (Tyomu) “I summon a Night Hound in defence position and end my turn”. (Kari) “I activate Revive and bring back my Lamb and then I will use Soul Evolution to summon Soul Aries, Leo attacks your Hound. Aries then attacks you directly and her effect doubles the damage if a Soul Constellation Monster previously has a successful attack. I took the lead on damage as I had 4 lives left while he had 3. (Tyomu) “What a shame,  I activate Revive Melody and bring back all my monsters in attack position and then play Night Evolution to summon my Night Werewolf.
His effect doubles the power of all Dark type monsters on the turn he is summoned on, now take out her two monsters and then attack her directly. Next I play Destruction gift which gives me a bonus attack for each monster I have destroyed which is two so hit her twice my Werewolf”. He was able to do all of that with just one turn, (Tyoma) “Look kid stop trying to save her, why let bullies drag you down”. (Kari) “Your right she is a bully...and she has hurt me but she is also a friend of the one person who stood up for me. If she can see some good in her then I will try to as well also trying to ban people from playing Zen Flow is not right either. I Summon Soul Maiden and then play another Soul Evolution and bring out my Soul Virgo, I activate her ability which allows me to summon enough monsters to match your current amount so come out Soul Steads. My steads take out your Night Wolves and I end my turn” I had a card in my hand to protect me from a direct hit. (Tyoma) “I end my turn, you have swayed me for now Kair Soula but let’s see if you can truly change this girls heart”. (Kari) “I switch a Soul Stead to defence position and summon Soul Pegasus and activate his ability which let’s me destroy a monster on the field if I discard 1 card from my hand, now attack everyone”.
This guy just handed me the win but why....(Kari) “Tyoma....pleas um...ya know ..not hold back please”. (Tyoma) “I won’t  next time and I hope we will have a match under friendlier conditions” he walked away. (Kari) “Are you um okay?” (Student) ���Wow Kari your Soul deck is so cool...I’m sorry for what I said earlier you are actually amazing at Zen Flow”. (Kari) “Hehe thanks...that means a lot” she walked me back home and we talked about Zen Flow the entire time, I told her about how I really wanted to face Flora one day. Despite her being far more confident than me I saw her as a role model, as she was an idol and everyone doubted her passion for Zen Flow and she proved them all wrong. (Student) “Well see you later Kari, I hope you have a good night”. I bowed (Kari) “Thank you and I wish you the same” I also want to face Megumi again, as she was another role model.
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sadisticsmiles · 6 years
Beyond a Thief’s Power Episode 10
An Abnormal Day at the Ministry of Finance and Elsewhere
             It was during the lunch break at the Ministry of Finance. At that time, a bunch of co-workers were having lunch with Riki; a circle formed his group of chums—most he had known for years. Nonetheless, they were still welcoming and wonderful to be with. The only thing was that Riki was perhaps the most ordinary person in the group, which was mostly filled with females. Not regular women, but magicians who had come from Neon. There were some males other than the handsome individual, so it wasn’t so bad. Like the women, there were men who were magicians but one of them wasn’t.
           “Riki,” the other human man began. He had beautiful fiery orange hair and red eyes, yet he looked more feminine for a guy around Takuto’s age. “You seem to be doing well today. Is it because your wife prepared your lunch as always?” While he was younger than the black-haired superior, he seemed to chat with Riki like a close friend.
           With a fine smile, said employee spoke in a kind manner. “You’re faring well yourself, Claire. It’s hard to believe a former celebrity such as yourself is working at the Ministry of Finance with me. Your appearance suits the entertainment industry, rather than the business field. But yeah, I love my wife’s cooking. It’s actually better than mine, and it makes me happy to have a boxed lunch full of love from her.”
           “Well, I’m done with entertainment related careers and schedules for good,” Claire replied. Despite having a feminine name, he was definitely a guy—voice, build, stature; practically every part of him was manly but his given identity. “Besides, I can’t keep being a celebrity for the rest of my life. I don’t precisely hate doing plenty of jobs per day, but even I need to take a breather and detach myself from overexerting my stamina. Many celebrities work through busy schedules, but… you know how it is for them. I believe you should seize your youth while you still can. I don’t really need to do the same thing over and over again anymore, so I decided to do what my gut pointed me to.”
           Riki asked with an astonished expression on his visage, “So you came here based on a whim? Wow. You’re something.”
           “Fame isn’t everything,” Claire replied, “but it has gotten me to where I am now. I don’t mind that there are people who are surprised to see me working here. I like trying new things and going on adventures.” He let out a laugh as though he was joking before continuing his chat. “Haha, time will take you to lots of places, after all!”
           A female magician with long, fanned white hair [reaching down to her upper thighs] had already closed her eyes, and held a white teacup handle in her right hand that matched the rest of the cup. With elegant movements, she took a sip of the tea before placing the cup back on the authentic china. Then, she placed them both on the glass table and opened her eyes, revealing a bright color of cyan. She was quite an adorable and beautiful woman to behold. “I’ve always thought about this, Riki-san, but you and Mitsuki-san have yet to take the same surname. Though, I never mentioned it before now, I believe it would be best for you two to discontinue being ‘Riki Yanase and Mitsuki Saionji.’ You’re married to each other, so this shouldn’t be an ongoing thing when it’s already been nine years.”
           “That’s right,” a male co-worker [who had teal hair and light green eyes] nodded with closed eyes and folded arms. He opened them afterwards, looking directly at Riki. “Nao’s got a point, Riki. It’s strictly a tradition and law for a magician and their spouse to take upon a surname for their household, regardless of the male or female’s. This is a decision that must be done after the wedding rings are exchanged at the wedding. As marriage for us must only be between a male and female magician, you two are the first to break these two laws because this is the first marriage in Neon’s history to be recorded as one between a human male and female magician; thus, Mitsuki-senpai’s already suffered the consequences of being banished from Neon, and a high power reduction and usage since the day you two got married. That’s what female magicians have to go through if their romantic partner is human once that law has been broken. When someone breaks the rules, they will inevitably suffer severe consequences, but since Mitsuki-senpai is a member of a Great Family, it wasn’t completely bad for her.1 However, it does prove that abilities/powers and privileges can also be taken away.”
           “?!” Riki was quite shocked to hear the male magician’s words.
           The woman named Nao finished her tea, setting the fine china down and glanced at the teal-haired magician with a stern expression on her visage. “… Hai, that’s enough talking for today’s lunch. Why don’t we all get back to work for today? It won’t be long before our hours are finished.”
           The teal-haired magician sighed. “…Do we really need to cut off the topic like this? After all these years, we should at least inform Riki of the actual situation Mitsuki-senpai’s been enduring, seeing as she’s forbidden from saying anything about what happened. Concealing it for much longer doesn’t prove to be a good thing—and all magicians know that—which is the reason I’ve decided to stop burying the truth in the back of my mind, and follow what I believe is morally correct.” All of a sudden, his facial expression changed with an obvious hint of coldness at the white-haired female. “Let me ask you one question: Why do you think we came to this pathetic world that’s full of despair in the first place?”
           Nao’s eyes broadened a bit as she gazed at the young man close to her age. “…Aaron?”
           “You know it’s true,” Aaron replied. Then, he looked at Riki before going on with his speech. “This world… The world we magicians call the Human World… was created out of a vengeful being’s despair and hatred for the magicians—in particular, the first generation of magicians where his target was the Royal family. It was actually before families even existed in Neon since our kind came to be many millinillion years ago. Yes, millinillions of years ago, I reiterate. Despite what is written, published, or what anyone says in this world, we’ve existed much, much longer than you would believe. We’re currently at the third generation of magicians, which makes someone such as myself to be part of the youngest magicians to exist so far.” He lifted his left hand [upwards] from side-to-side once. “Back to the point. The vengeful being didn’t favor having a woman born as the head of the most powerful family, so his wrath broke into his own rebellion against the princess, instigating a war for the First Generation Magicians to protect Neon and its whole population against him.”
           It may have been difficult to take all of this information into his mind, but the black-haired man kept listening, and gave a response. “…Who was this vengeful being you mentioned? Did he… also create Neon? Is he… some sort of God in our universe? What happened to him during the war? Did he escape and disappear from it in order to avoid your world, or did he win against the First Generation?”
           “I was getting to the next part,” Aaron said with a quick and very faint smile stuck on his face. “You’re quite intuitive like I figured you’d be. Before answering your first inquiry, I’ll stick to the rest of the story. However, I’ll try to make it a bit shorter. He went straight for the princess during that time and attempted to use an attack against her, but a male magician protected her with the sword he had, drawing an enormous amount of his power to swing it and destroyed the being’s body. On the other hand, this being didn’t create Neon; our world formed one day, but the entrance to Neon is a portal only magicians have access to—unless they’re banished from returning. You get the point, but… Moving on. This being—he’s not a ‘God,’ either. He’s one of the beings that was in the universe after Neon and the first generation of magicians manifested, along with his… wife.” The teal-haired magician paused there to allow his fellow co-worker to answer back.
           “…Wife, huh…” Riki’s voice had become quieter at the time. A half-smile [that was closed] appeared on his face. “…Even the creator of the Human World loved someone and they got married.”
           It’s ironic, isn’t it? He thought. Perhaps not. Love exists in any being, living or dead.
           “Here’s something else I must add,” Aaron said. “After his body was destroyed, his wife’s curse aided in rebuilding it many years later. That curse was placed on the Second Generation Princess in Neon over two thousand years ago from the present, declaring, ‘If Haonowa and Minato Suzushiro are to have an heir or heiress to their family, and if that prince or princess shall marry and have more than one child in the distant future, then the Second Generation of the Royal family—both the direct descendant of the first king and queen, and their child’s spouse—will perish. Thus, the third generation of the Suzushiro bloodline will be cursed as long as they are alive, suffering from poor health, and all of the Third Generation Magicians will not be able to reproduce.’ This curse came true; even if you and Mitsuki-senpai were to ever wish for children together one day, it wouldn’t happen. Also, blood relations do matter to magicians, so adoption does not exist to any one of us. Not only is it breaking the law, it includes condemning all magicians’ lives because our world does not wish for any incest to develop between family members. Take note that I am saying all of these things for you to finally know the truth. It’s certainly a dark discussion, but I must warn you to look out for the ones you hold dear and if possible, protect them. There’s one more being you will have to look out for: their daughter. I’m… not going into full details—including the names of these three beings—but I’m giving you this clue as to what you’ll need to do next.” Then, a half-smile appeared on his visage. “Until we meet again.”
           Aaron turned around and began to stroll away—most likely toward one of the exits on the floor—as Riki stood in place with a blank expression on his face.
Claire stared staidly as the magician went away. “…”
On the other hand, Nao moderately went after the teal-haired magician in an attempt to halt him from leaving the building, or even the entire city.
           “Aaron!” It didn’t take long for her to reach him. “Where are you going?”
           Aaron glanced back from his left side. “As a Magician of Intelligence, you already know I’m taking my departure from here. My current objective has been completed just now. I’ll be returning to somewhere safe, so don’t worry about me.”
           “What’s going on with you today?” his white-haired co-worker inquired in concern. “To reveal out of nowhere about what took place after Mitsuki-san’s marriage and our people’s distant past like that… Why are you going against our codes of conduct like this? You know it won’t end well for you to tell a human man the truth, along with giving him a warning. That’s not what we do as magicians.”
           Facing completely forward where he stood, Aaron closed his eyes and breathed. “…What would you know…?”
           Nao blinked. “Huh?”
           The teal-haired magician turned around. “You’re romantically involved with a human man yourself, Nao, so why are you being a hypocrite about me saying what needs to be said, especially to someone who’s been left in the dark for nearly a decade about his own wife’s circumstances?” He continued his speech in a calm manner after seeing the female magician’s eyes broaden slightly. “I know. I know you love and care for your boyfriend, and that he’s an underground doctor, as well. As a classmate from high school, I can tell that you’ve changed since you came to the Human World, but I’m not the only one who’s noticed.”
           “…” Nao was silent for a bit before responding. “I see. You already know that I’m not the same person I used to be. It’s not as if I don’t care about you guys, but I can’t just leave the man I love alone and unprotected, as well as his—our—family members.” She paused, gazing into her friend’s light green eyes. “You also brought up the fact that those two entities have a daughter who’s grown by now. There are some more questions I would like to ask, but I believe that it’s better not to interrogate you at the moment.”
           “I admit the fact I have some important things to do and finish, which is why I won’t be returning to the ministry. We’ll meet again in the near future.”
           “Yes, I’ll keep that in mind.”
           With an exchange of their light smiles, Aaron took a few steps away and vanished.
           As the government officials’ lunchbreak was nearing its end, the magicians began to return to their offices and working positions. Riki stared off into space while pondering in his mind.
           …So now I know more about Neon’s history, and about Mitsuki… he thought. When I look back to the past few years that passed by, there were things that were missing to our bond with each other—as a couple. I was too ignorant to notice or ask if she was hiding anything from me, but… Maybe Mitsuki didn’t want to hurt me, so she endured everything by herself. What should I tell her later when we meet up? But… I don’t want to hurt her, either. She’s the only woman I’ve ever loved romantically and she’ll always be.
           Claire finally decided to pull Riki back to reality. “We should head back soon, you know.”
           Once he heard those words, the dark-haired employee slowly turned around. “Claire…? Why are you still here? I thought you went back to work.”
           “I was waiting on you, of course,” the fiery orange-haired youngster replied with a faint smile. “I thought that if I stayed to keep you company, you’d be more relaxed about what Aaron told you and you wouldn’t be too distraught over everything he revealed.”
           Riki let out a very soft chuckle. “Are you trying to play the role of a wife or female lover?”
           “Not really,” Claire brushed off the jest he received while keeping his smile on his visage. “Seeing as Aaron’s entire tale about the Magician World was directed toward you, it’s not a surprise you zoned out. People tend to succumb to sad and truthful events, or even lies, which can shock them to a great extent. Indubitably, he told you the cruel, severe truth that was forbidden for a magician to reveal to a human. You aren’t at fault, Riki. Neither is Mitsuki. The magicians have gone through too many complications from the beginning. It must really hurt for them to constantly remember these things, so there have to be more to the reasons they’re keeping silent from us. Mitsuki is one of the many ones suffering right now, but at least she has you by her side while no one else can help her as much.”
           A half-smile appeared on the dark-haired man’s visage. “You really are a comforter in your own right. It’s not as simple as standing there to listen through all of this, but I should’ve woken up from my ignorance; I’m not the only one who needs to, either. My childhood friends never knew about Neon’s concealed truths, so I’ll have to inform them while the women aren’t around.”
           It’d be best to prevent Takuto from lashing out at Rina, along with Hiro from being so shocked about everything I’ve learned from today, Riki thought. If any disputes ensue, time will be wasted and it’ll take a while to speak peacefully with each other. As one of the older members of the group, I can’t allow more feelings to be crushed. Even I… don’t want for us to drift apart.
           Claire returned his co-worker’s half-smile. “I suppose you are someone who likes or tends to put up a cold front around everyone. Despite how prideful and arrogant that can be, your hard exterior has the potential to hurt others—especially the ones you love most. At some point in time, you’ll wear yourself out, Riki. I’ve had some similar experiences, and I’m currently dealing with them.” The fiery-haired male took a short pause. “I’d actually like to hang out with you to have a cup of coffee another day. That is, if I have any time left with our ministry.” His smile was brighter than moments ago. “Au revoir.”
           The latter turned around and left, instead of going back to finish whatever work had to be done ahead of time. Riki was mystified as he saw Claire depart while it was still daytime.
           First Aaron, and now Claire, he pondered. They both left so early. Guess I’ll have to finish as much as I can since they’re gone. The atmosphere around here is so different than before—very awkward, too. It’s a shame that things have begun to change.
           Soon, Mitsuki’s smiling image came to mind.
           Mitsuki… The government official lowered his eyes. Sorry… I’ll be working overtime tonight, so I can’t take you on a date like I promised.
             Meanwhile, the dark purple-haired magician was in the city of Roppongi, strolling to someone’s home. It didn’t take long before she ended up in front of the residence of none other than whom she was “searching” for. Mitsuki pressed the doorbell button with her right index finger and there was a buzz sound from it. Then, a young man who was younger than the former appeared with a pleasantly jubilant smile.
           “Salutations, Mitsuki-san!” the mint-haired, periwinkle-eyed male exclaimed. He wore a coffee-colored T-shirt with short sleeves, a pair of beige khakis, no socks, and light pink slippers; the last part was strange, especially for a guy in the Human World; like the female in front of him, he was a magician. “Thank you for the phone call earlier! Come on in, will you?” He stepped back and kept on holding the door for the small female, who didn’t take much time to walk into the house. Once the male magician shut the door and turned around, he gave an eye-smile. “As you can see, my civilian home is quite spacious, but also a place where I can inhabit whenever I’m here.”
           “You seem to have someone else living with you,” Mitsuki noted as she stared at the marble staircase. “Someone other than Asuka since your room with her is on the first floor.”
           The young man opened his eyes. “The area upstairs belongs to our human roommate, Kirie Kuroki.2 She’s a bit younger than Asuka and I am, but she’s a good person at heart.”
           “I see,” the dark purple-haired woman replied. “There’s certainly a different sensation here. How long have you two been taking care of her?”
           “It’s been a bit over two years now. We’ve been with her after she graduated high school, but we have her work with us to keep her safe. Who’s to say she will be if we don’t stay with her?”
           Mitsuki turned around to face the mint-haired magician. Her facial expression was stoic for a few seconds before it became stern. “Takuji. Let’s cut to the main reason I called you to meet up.”
           The man named Takuji replied with, “Our chit-chat’s already over, I see. Let me inquire this from you, Mitsuki-san. How serious are you in your band of noble thieves?” There hadn’t been a change in his smile, as he seemed tranquil and kind to others externally, yet he also didn’t mind the change in the loli’s part of their conversation. “Going out of your way to a place that isn’t suitable enough for our kind places danger on our lives, but you’re here anyway… How brave of you to do so. In order not to offend you, I won’t applaud.”
           “So are you and the other magicians on missions to aid this world. As for your question, I’m willing to do whatever I’m still able to; it should be obvious to you that I’m just as serious as you truly are. I’m not even insulted by your tendencies to be crude after all the things you and many others have been through.”
           “Comprehending how bitter I am won’t give you all the answers you need to get out of me, but go ahead and ask before you become drained from your stay in this city, Mitsuki-san. You’re indefinitely exiled from Neon and I’m going to have to put more efforts in keeping the magicians here alive as well. Things aren’t looking good with how the orbs haven’t been arriving much at the moment.”
           “Alright,” Mitsuki stated. “Where is Sayuri? She’s been involving herself in the Black Foxes’ missions lately, even before I came back to Japan. You must know something as you both are friends from high school, along with having Akio-sama as your advisor for the Human World.”
           Takuji gave a sigh while his facial expression was still elated. “She left yesterday night.”
           The dark purple-haired female slightly lowered her head, staring at the polished floor. “I see…”
           I missed my chance to help everyone in the group, Mitsuki noted in her head with disappointment in her magenta eyes. Sayuri must’ve known of my plan to seek her out and discuss her motives. Raising her head back to a level position, her eyes had an enhanced resolve; within a short number of seconds, she looked heavily into Takuji’s periwinkle eyes. “…”
           “Yes?” the mint-haired CEO responded. “You were surely feeling a bit down about not catching her in time, as one would anticipate from the situation.”
           “I know you won’t tell me what she’s up to,” Mitsuki iterated, “but we, the Black Foxes, will have to discover what’s unknown to us. I can’t stop on my part and abandon my comrades; the same goes for them.”
           “For now,” Takuji added, “I can say that the information is classified. If and when Akio-sama grants Sayuri and I permission to reveal anything to you, Rina, and those human men, then we shall do so.”
           The loli nodded. “I understand. Other than that, is Asuka also away?”
           No presence besides Takuji and mine is in this house, Mitsuki thought. It doesn’t hurt to converse like regular people, after all.
           “She’s in Gemstone Palace checking on Kousuke. Our King’s still very ill during such a crucial time for you and your fellows.”
           “…I see,” Mitsuki breathed after a few seconds of silence. “He was twelve when I graduated from high school and left Neon to come to Ginza. The young prince I knew is no longer a little boy, but a man of selfless virtue and grace, as always.”
           Takuji couldn’t help but smile faintly. “Of course, he won’t change for the worst when it comes to qualities. In terms of health, he’s constantly falling faster, but he’s doing what he can for our survival in the Human World. You can relay my final words for today to your fellow criminals.”
             Hours had passed by and it was already nighttime. Riki was still in the Ministry of Finance while everyone else had gone elsewhere. He was seated at his station and typed away on the computer keyboard in front of him. After a few seconds, he proceeded to go through the files filled with papers, and had a somber expression etched onto his handsome visage. A regular working life with more loads to place a man with elegance and wealth came with interruptions; his cell phone vibrated, so the office employee stopped working and pulled out his cobalt (inner layer) and black (outer layer) cell phone from his pant’s front right pocket. The caller ID displayed Mitsuki’s name, but Riki stared for a bit.
           He sighed, flipped it open, and answered the call. “Mitsuki? What is it?”
           “I know I should have notified you earlier to cancel our date,” the dark purple-haired magician responded on the other end of the conversation, “but I’m sorry, Riki. Are you free right now?”
           “I’m working,” the government official admitted. “If you want to spend time together and reschedule the date, we can do so after I’m off.”
           Mitsuki frowned; her eyes were cast downward and her bangs gave a shadow to her magenta orbits. Her voice was low when she spoke again. “No. It has to be now, Riki.”
           Hearing the alteration in his wife’s voice caused Riki to pause. He knew something was up, but he felt disturbed. “What could be so important at a time like this? If I go to meet and talk with you, Mitsuki, my work will be jeopardized.”
           Light shone in the dark purple-haired magician’s eyes as she glanced at the night sky above her. Wherever she was in Ginza, the buildings emitted essence of florescence.
           “Mitsuki?” Riki said. “Mitsuki, are you there?”
           Mitsuki let out a sigh. “Riki, this is more important than work. What I have to say concerns all of us as a group, so don’t overexert yourself when you don’t have to work overtime. I know something’s wrong—I had a feeling you’re avoiding me, but—“ As she attempted to convey her urges, she was cut off.
           “—But what?!” Riki yelled in a frustrated manner. “If you knew, you should’ve contacted me sooner! I’m at my limit’s end because there are things you haven’t told me during the nine years we’ve been married. I feel as though I don’t know you anymore, and I’m not certain if I do… Give me a break, Mitsuki. I’m not going to see you tonight.”
           Right after the government official’s speech was completed, he hung up and resumed his duties. Immediately, Mitsuki closed her daisy white (inner layer) and graphite (outer layer) flip phone and turned back to head home.
             Mitsuki had already taken a bath and cooked dinner, but had set her husband’s portion on the dining table, wrapped in plastic. She wore a silver spaghetti strap dress that reached down [a few inches above her ankles], and a pair of fluffy light purple slippers. The next thing she had to do was make another phone call, but to the Boss of the Black Foxes, even though Riki wasn’t able to come to an agreement on meeting for the matter much needed to discuss. Thus, she stepped into the hallway, took her cell phone out from what appeared to be an invisible area close to her, scrolled through her phone list, and pressed the call button once she reached the name Atsumu Kashiwabara.
           “Atsumu?” the loli inquired with her mobile device close to her right ear. “It’s a bit late, but I apologize for not calling about this during the afternoon. I would’ve liked to converse with Riki first if things hadn’t gotten out of hand, but I need to request of you to gather the rest of the team as early as possible.”
           On the other end, Atsumu nodded. “Sure. I’ll have everyone else meet at the usual spot in the morning. I suppose you and Riki had sort of an argument a while back. And yet… whenever you’re in the city, you two are almost always together. Do you need him to be able to survive on Earth? Is that how you’ve been here this long without any trouble?” His questions were spoken in a polite tone of voice and he was also worried for his magician comrade’s safety. “Can you not live without Riki, Mitsuki?”
           Mitsuki’s reply was grim as she walked down the corridor. “No. Of course not.” She took the first left which was another path of the halls. “Without Riki, I’ll be someone with a void in my heart. However, I know he’ll become an empty shell without me, searching and wandering endlessly. He… also needs me.” The dark purple-haired magician finally reached the bedroom she shared with her husband. She placed her left hand on the golden doorknob and opened the mahogany door, shutting it behind her as she walked into the area.
           The wavy-haired brunet smiled tranquilly on the other end of the phone call. “Yes, that’s correct. After all, there could be no other man who loves you as much as our dear Leader does. He’s a fool to leave you be, but he’ll be alright.”
           “Thank you,” Mitsuki smiled fondly at those words.
           “Of course. I hope your night will become better soon, Mitsuki.”
           Both parties hung up simultaneously. Mitsuki went toward the small glass drawer near her side of the king-size bed. It had an ebony frame around it with ivory hooks to pull on whenever a person decided to opened either of the two slots. The dark purple-haired woman placed her closed flip phone on the side facing her right before climbing between her sheets and mattress. She softly laid her head on her pillow, and turned to her left. The small feminine body of hers slept soundly through the night.
             Riki finally returned home at 1:37 am and securely closed the front door before locking it. He didn’t appear to be haggard and slipped his shoes off, switching to solid black house shoes. He took light steps and stopped to see [on his right]—some dishes of food and a set of cobalt metal chopsticks ready for him on the sandy wooden table.
           “…” The government official was speechless. He realized a notion.
           Mitsuki’s been home for a while, he thought.
           Yet, Riki couldn’t bring himself to eat during the early morning hours. He sped through the passageway leading to the bedroom, and opened the mahogany door to see his wife’s sleeping body. Her pale skin, dark purple hair, and clothing were illuminated by the moon’s rays of light. The husband of the marriage felt as though his breath had been taken away at the gorgeous sight of the woman he was in love with. When he walked closer to the empty side of the bed, he realized how much of a fool he was.
           Sensing the black-haired man’s presence beside her, Mitsuki’s eyes steadily opened. “…? Riki?”
           Riki had an apologetic expression on his face. “I’m sorry, Mitsuki. I almost abandoned you when I was conflicted with things at work.”
           Mitsuki raised her head, leaned up, and looked up at her husband; they caught the other’s eyes, stunning the black-haired man. His heart thumped multiple times during the silence. Then, Mitsuki opened her mouth to talk. “Riki,” she said exhaustingly. “You haven’t eaten, right? You should focus on maintaining your stamina before thinking about me.”
           “I’m the transparent one, huh?” Riki smiled ironically. “Then again, I am married to a Magician of Intelligence. Looks like I keep repeating myself and my own wife knows every single time.” His blue-gray eyes narrowed affectionately. “I can’t live without you. In fact, I don’t want to lose you due to the terrible things I blurted out.” He kneeled down on his right knee. “I love you, Mitsuki.”
           “…” Mitsuki stared at her husband’s visage with an indifferent expression on hers. “You really know how to say the same things as I do, don’t you? I won’t accept your apology since you placed work before me.” She paused for a bit and continued her speech. “I stand corrected. You chose work over the Black Foxes’ sake. What I wanted to inform you, my dear Leader, isn’t about spending time together as a couple, but to converse about our priorities. Don’t try to be romantic at a time like this. We’re going to have a meeting in the morning at Le Renard Noir. Make sure to prepare to be dragged there if you aren’t up in time. There are only a few hours left until it starts.”
           Riki had a concerned look on his handsome face. “Are we really not going to make up and be together like we were yesterday?”
           “No,” the wife in the marriage refused. “I’m not going to sleep in the same room with you. We’re certainly not going to have sex this early in the morning.” The magician went back to her sleeping position and covered herself with the blanket [up to a majority of her upper arms]. There was the final answer.
           Riki sighed and walked out of the bedroom. His current destination was the kitchen.
           I’ll be sleeping on the couch after eating dinner, taking a bath, flossing, and brushing my teeth, he thought. Another sigh escaped his mouth. I better be quick and get a change of clothes too. I’ve really screwed up our marriage…
           An unfortunate series of events weren’t in Riki’s favor, and dawn was slowly approaching within the next few hours.
 1)        Mitsuki didn’t suffer the consequences enough to where she would be completely powerless and die.
2)        Kirie Kuroki is the second heroine in Whirlpool's gal game and eighth project, JustyxNasty ~Maou Hajimemashita~. She also appears as the main female protagonist of my SITSC fanfic.
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imagineproduce101 · 7 years
Park Woojin Mafia AU
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you were a member of svt, a low-level gang in the area
as one of the original members, you specialized in jewlery/gem theft, having stolen probably millions of dollars worth of jewels from various households around the country
seungcheol, the leader of svt, informed you of a new possible heist opening up
a new family was moving into town, and were going to be staying at the large mansion
it would be a fairly easy job, given that you could easily break into the mansion before they moved in and place cameras/bugs in the house
you agreed to take the job, provided that the other members of svt do the research about the family moving in, what jewels they would have etc
“if there’s one thing i know for sure,” seongcheol said firmly, “we have to do this heist before 101 does. they’re too powerful, we can use this as leverage over them”
101 was the much more powerful gang, more like crime syndicate (mafia) in the area, and svt had been challenging them for about six months now
you weren’t fiercely loyal to svt for any one particular reason, but you did want to support your fellow members
the night before the heist, seungcheol kept nagging you, stressing how important the job was
he kept getting in your face and started yelling a bit, making a few other members have to hold him back
you kind of scoffed at that, pissed that he was questioning your abilities so soon before the actual deal
you stormed out of the svt building, heading downtown to grab a drink or two
in the taxi there, you carefully applied a bit of makeup, doing your best to not look totally dead
you made sure to not go to a club affiliated with any one gang-- if it was a svt club, seungcheol would chase you down; if it was a 101 club, you might get severely injured
you strolled up to the bar easily, ordering your drink before leaning against the bar, observing the small dancing crowd
while you were sipping your drink, you noticed someone approach you
you glanced at the man standing next to you who ordered his own drink
he was fairly tall, with a mix between caramel, honey and chocolate as his hair color
he looked intense but soft at the same time?
but he was definitely handsome, and one quick sweep of his body didn’t reveal any tattoos
“what are you doing in a club on a tuesday night?” you asked playfully, leaning on the bar next to him
he looked at you, slightly pleased and definitely surprised, as though no one had ever talked to him in a club before
“oh, i’m just blowing off steam before a big day for me,” he smiled shyly, taking a quick sip of his drink
“oh wow, same,” you nodded, a bit surprised at the coincidence. “i’m (y/n).”
“woojin,” he introduced, smiling at you brightly
the two of you struck up a fairly lively conversation, talking about the atmosphere of the club and what kind of drinks you preferred
as the song changed from some top 40s hit song to a remix of pour it up by rihanna
“wow, i haven’t heard this song in years,” you laughed, “i feel old now”
woojin laughed along with you, setting his glass down
“wanna dance?” he asked, gesturing out to the dance floor, where the crowd had gotten significantly larger
you contemplated his offer-- you should really have been getting home, but woojin was such a nice person to be around, and he was really handsome
plus, isn’t it good to blow off steam before a big heist?
you ended up accepting, following him out to the dance floor
woojin ended up being a really good dancer, and you had loads of fun dancing along to the various throwback (?) hits with him
as the night crept on, the two of you agreed that you should probably be getting home
he made sure to wait until you were able to get a taxi before leaving himself, but not before giving you his number
the next day, you went back to the svt headquarters, needing to finalize the plans
soon, it was nighttime, and the plan was in action
from the svt building, woozi disabled the family’s alarm system, allowing you to sneak into the house from the back door
you could have sworn you heard rustling in the bushes but you ignored it, creeping up to the second floor
the family was supposed to be out at a gala in another city, but you still wanted to be careful
“the main jewels are in the master bedroom” woozi instructed into your in-ear
as you carefully went into the master bedroom, you could have sworn you heard a click
but when you saw what was happening in the master bedroom, you almost fainted
woojin stood next to another guy who was rifling through the family’s jewels, a large semi-automatic gun slung over his shoulder and tattoos creeping down his exposed upper arms
((they were fit as fuck but that’s besides the point))
you tried to back up, but someone behind you was definitely pointing a gun at the back of your head
“who the hell are you?” they asked rudely, shoving you more into the room
woojin and the other man jolted, looking up at you, and woojin’s eyes got round
“sorry (y/n), you’re on your own” you heard woozi say before his audio clicked out
“i-i’m a friend of the family?” you tried, flashing the man with the gun a timid smile
“don’t try the bullshit with me, i can tell you’re from svt,” he growled, digging the cold metal of the gun further against your scalp “take this seriously, sweetie, i could blow your brains out with the twitch of a finger”
“i-i was working with svt,” you stammered, squeezing your eyes shut, “i’m not really a member, but they didn’t have anyone else for the job.”
“how the hell are we supposed to believe you?”
“they literally stopped giving me guides as soon as they knew you had caught me,” you snapped, glaring at the man momentarily, “they don’t give a shit about me, and i don’t expect you to, either”
you heard the hammer of the gun being pulled out (the click of the gun before it’s actually shot), making you tense up
“Hyung, no” you heard a familiar voice say “she’s not actually with svt, she’s a mercenary”
you weren’t a fucking mercenary but you’d take whatever bullshit woojin was feeding them for whatever reason
“mercenary, huh?” the man brought the gun down, peering at you, “how a mercenary like you get hired by svt?”
“they’re desperate,” you rushed out, not really in the mood to defend your members-- or rather, ex-members, given how quickly they’d abandoned you-- to 101, “the gang is practically broke, and they knew i was the only one who could pull this off.”
“and what exactly makes you so special?” the guy asked, crossing his arms
“the theft of the royal jewels a couple months back?” you crossed your arms as well, glaring back at him, “that was me.”
woojin whistled through his teeth, glancing at you, impressed, before his hyung hit him on the back
“here’s the deal, sweetie,” the man growled, “we can’t have people knowing that we were behind this, so we’ll have to take care of you our way”
unfortunately, you knew exactly what that meant-- swear allegiance to 101 or get your brains blown out and your body dumped into the ocean
“i’ll take care of her,” woojin said suddenly, “i know her, i know she won’t try anything stupid, right?” 
“r-right,” you nodded, scurrying over to woojin’s side
“we’ll try it,” the first guy sniffed, “get the rest of the jewels and let’s split”
as the first guy reached down for the largest necklace, you shrieked, reaching out to stop him
immediately, you had three different guns pointed at you
“no, im not trying to do anything stupid,” you rolled your eyes, “that isn’t the real necklace, it’s a fake. if you remove it, it triggers the alarm system.”
“and where’s the real one?” the guy said suspiciously, peering at the necklace
you rolled your eyes again, fishing out your phone and showing him a picture from that night of the lady of the house
“she’s wearing it.”
after collecting everything, the three men guided you to where their car was waiting and sped off
the driver introduced himself as sungwoon, and the two other men were seongwoo and minhyun
you sat in between woojin and minhyun, legs shifted more towards woojin
when they arrive at their own complex, woojin shows you to his room, explaining that you’d have to stay with him for a while so that 101 were able to ensure that you were actually going to swear allegiance and not try to run
“you’re really lucky i saved your ass,” woojin mused, filling up a glass of water from the tap
“well, to be fair, i saved your asses from that alarm system,” you pointed out, “so i’d say we’re about even.”
woojin just shrugged with a smile, gesturing towards his bedroom
“you can take the bed, i have a fold-out mattress in my couch”
you tried to argue with him that it was fine, you could sleep on the couch, but he would have none of it, grabbing you a toothbrush and spare t-shirt to wear to bed
when you finished up washing your face, brushing your face and changing, you stuck your head into his living room
woojin was putting sheets on the fold-out mattress
“hey woojin, thank you,” you said quietly
he looked up quietly, eyes darting over your figure, dressed in only his large t-shirt and he blushed a bit
“y-yeah, no problem”
while you two were definitely in a strange situation, you couldn’t ignore the feelings you’d felt from that night at the club,,,
you end up being locked up in his apartment for a while, only allowed outside occasionally
out of sheer boredom, you start devising plan upon plan for different heists woojin could try to execute, not really sure how else to spend your time
woojin did his best to not make it feel like prison, showing you his netflix account/password, letting you order food and even occasionally bringing over his friend donghyun’s dog for you to watch
you appreciated the efforts and understood that it wasn’t completely his fault
(and that you’d probably be dead if it wasn’t for his lying)
his kind actions made you feel strange, like that first night that you’d met him
he’d be gone for long, long periods at a time, out on different business each time
sometimes if you were feeling extra nice, you’d cook pancakes or something for him to eat when he got him 
most of the time he just got reheated pizza though
(you weren’t his maid lmao)
one morning, you were sleeping when woojin shook you awake
“(y/n), these are incredible,” woojin exclaimed, waving the laptop in your face, “seongwoo and daniel are letting you get your own apartment if i can pull off one of these heists”
he does pull off one of the heists that you’d so carefully planned, with you acting as woozi once did to you, speaking directions carefully into his in-ear
you did notice that when he put the in-ear in (like an earbud but wireless, so that someone can speak into it) and you started talking, he blushed a bit
but you brushed it off
since the theft went well, 101 grants you your own apartment, but does require you to get your own 101 tattoo
woojin and his younger friend daehwi accompanied you to the tattoo parlor
daehwi disappeared for a bit, but woojin sat in the corner as a tall lanky guy tattooed the 101 onto your collarbone
this time you really couldn’t help but notice the blush that blossomed on woojin’s cheeks when the tattooist asked you to pull down your tank top a bit more to expose the collarbone
the next day, woojin was helping you move your things from his apartment to yours when he realized you were frowning in the mirror, trying to take the bandage covering your tattoo off
“wait, are you supposed to do that?” he asked, walking over to you and grabbing your hands
“yeah, he told me to apply this balm to it twice a day,” you explained, holding up the little tub of balm from the tattoo parlor
woojin nodded, cool fingers carefully removing the bandage before taking the balm, smoothing it over your fresh tattoo gently as to not hurt you
you hissed at the coldness of his fingers and you felt a shiver up your spine
somehow you knew it wasn’t from the cold
as woojin finished patting the balm underneath your collarbone, you noticed how close he was to you
his fingers stopped moving across your skin, eyes super intense as he got even closer to you
“(y/n), can i kiss you?” he asked, lifting a hand to push your hair out of your face
you nodded wordlessly and felt your lips crash into his, his cool hands wrapping around your waist and pulling you closer
weeks upon weeks of unspoken thoughts spilled out into the kiss, which had begun that fateful night at the club
you threaded your fingers into the hairs at the nape of his neck, reminding yourself that yes, you did in fact have to breathe
while you never called your relationship “dating”, what you had was essentially that
soon you found yourself moving back in with him, looking forward to early-morning cuddles and kisses at three in the morning when he got back from a particularly hard job
you permanently took over as his “guide”, planning out his jobs and ensuring that he was safe
in a way, through that night so many months ago when you were abandoned by svt, woojin did more than just save you, he gave you another shot at life
he’s incredibly caring and kind, and makes sure that you’re comfortable and okay with everything he does
quite possibly one of the sweetest guys in all of 101
has a tendency to get embarrassed by the crude comments of other 101 members, but will definitely defend you if anything negative is said about you
loves it when you trace the tattoos on his arm, pressing little kisses to his lips and jaw
(imma stop there bc woojins a minor yikes)
he’s also fairly private, and doesn’t indulge in pda, preferring to cuddle you in the privacy of his apartment
really just an incredibly cute boyfriend
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