#She KNOWS using the whole “silent treatment” makes me freak out
jamisonwritestf2trash · 8 months
I love sitting in dead silence because my friend is mad at me.
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belaprus · 1 year
Dottore x reader: being his assistant (pt.2)
One month had already passed, and you had made sure to observe him thoroughly. He eventually had gotten accustomed to your presence, neutralizing it completely. You were cool with it, just barely disappointed. This was to be expected from an antisocial freak like him, and, fortunately for you, you weren't there for theraphy. It's just that you were so bored by his obsessive routine: at 6 AM, when you punctually came to his laboratory, he was already tinkering with his ampoules, trying to make a drug powerful enough to make his subjects endure the pain better. Sometimes he even talked to himself or to the drugged children, undisturbed by your presence:
"With supplies running low, I can't have you die after only some minutes of treatment, right? Now be a good, strong boy for me... Survive just a little more"
Seeing him like this was unnerving. In the past month, he had made sure to ignore you if not for the strictly necessary things, so you had even given up in trying to hold a conversation.
The sound of the cardiac monitor had turned into a blank beep after mere seconds. Next thing you saw was papers shattering and the whole desk flying into the air, hitting the wall. 'Talking about anger issues here'. You didn't bat an eye: if he was to hurt you, he would definitely be deprived of all of his funds. ----------- He was fully aware of it. Still, her being there, watching him in this pitiful state, was so unsettling. Was she really that neutral to him? Not everyone had enough guts to not even try to dodge, even if it wasn't needed. Either she had some sort of blind trust on him, or she knew her thing. Maybe she wasn't even capable of perceiving danger. The latter looked like the most plausible answer. After the first time they had met, he hadn't forgotten the pain derived from her attack. Nothing like what he's felt before in his life, but he felt like she was using but a feeble fraction of her full power on that occasion. It was such a low blow to his pride, being overtly subject to her in such a way. He wanted her out. His lab, his only personal space, his domain, was haunted by her presence. Yet she was quiet, not doing anything but watching, and that was enough to unsettle him. What was she thinking? Was she judging him? It would be no news to him, but he felt like she was trying to see directly through his person, not caring about his attitude or external behaviour. Plus, remembering of her knowing about his past as Zandick always put him in a sort of latent state of anxiety.
While dissecting another child's body, he noticed he couldn't concentrate enough on it. He perceived her subtle change in expression: 'she noticed', he thought to himself. She was like a hawk, waiting for the prey to be in the right spot and taking it away. After a few seconds, she got a bottle of water out of her purse and silently handed it over to him. 'What is she doing? Is she trying to coax me?'
"You've been working for twelve hours straight already. Drink something, at least"
The “at least” part sounded much like a “come on”. He hated being looked down upon like this. There may have been a tint of concern in her tone... Though little did he know about people's ways of expressing emotions. This lack of knowledge had always been his soft spot, and somehow she was constantly poking at it. Was she doing it on purpose?
" *Sigh* Are you still there?"
Now she sounded pissed. It was too late to accept now, his pride wouldn't allow it after being spoken to with that tone.
"I never asked you. I don't need it"
"If you faint or do something wrong during an experiment, you'll be in even more trouble than you are now." 'Bla, bla, bla' "Your mind would be wasted if you don't take care of it" 'Bla, bla, bla' "What's that-- a ruin hunter?!" 'Bla, bla-' "wait, wha-" -------- A loud sound of metal scraping against metal had Dottore abruptly exiting his trance state. Time wasn't enough as he turned to face a deadly ray of energy coming right to him... But it was enough for you to push him to the right with you and take a part of the blow on your left arm. You were about to turn the mechanical giant into ashes, but as you stood it had already fallen to the ground by itself, suddenly turning off.
You then fell too, knees on the ground as you watched the thing laying in front of you with utter shock painted all over your face, a pool of blood emerging from under the monster's body. Your next thought was him. You looked at Dottore as if searching for explanation, but he didn't even turn to look back at you: he was blankly staring at the ruin guard, so deep in thought. Your gaze moved on to a lock of silvery hair hanging from his mask, partially sticking to his face. Was he sweating?
'Is he... Scared?'
But something seemed off. At the very moment this thought had crossed your mind, you saw his eyes glowing with endlees amazement and wonder. You were absolutely creeped out by it. When he finally met your eyes with his, you couldn't help seeing him smile maliciously. ----------- 'So she isn't immune to the sense of danger, after all'
A crooked feeling was attacking his already crooked heart. Adrenaline was rushing through his veins and his instinct was running wild: 'She's judging me. She couldn't possibly have seen through me, after all', he thought while her expression was slowly changing into that of worry.
She was laying out her hand: "Are you ok?"
'Is she stupid? She's talking to the direct source of her fears like it's nothing'
This time, she wasn't pissed. Her eyes glowed with a new emotion he couldn't quite figure out. Pity, maybe? Was she pitying him? How dare she? But his pride was too slow to act, this time: it was too late when he realized, he had already taken her hand.
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mickeytheticklee · 7 months
Pairing: Ler!Alex Nunez x Lee!Reader
Summary: You've been struggling to have the courage to tell Paige about you dating Alex
Warning: Tickling, kissing, this was based on s5 expect if there's a part two it'll probably talk about how Paige dislikes Alex bc they used to date
An: Degrassi brainrot is real ig
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“So about Banting-"
The days inch close until graduation. Everyone can feel the sense of freedom and unlimited parties once the heavy exam loads are done. Yet there's people, like Paige, who isn't stressed about exams, and instead gives a whole history lesson about Banting. Her dream school and lifelong dream she won't shut up about while her friends are crammed in between the books.
“Paige, we appreciate all this info but can you please keep it down. The most important test of my life is planted on a Wednesday.", says Marco, reviewing his textbooks. She pouts, continuing to look at the brochure once again. You were at The Dot with fellow friends Paige, Marco, Hazel, and Ellie. You didn't know how you were lumped in the same vicinity as cheerleader Paige. First you were close with Ellie, then shared a lot of common interests with Marco, now suddenly you were close besties with Paige. Extremely close, that she once told you her darkest secrets. Yet you haven't been completely honest with her. That you've been denying the cute girls Paige has been setting you up with because there was one girl on your mind. Not really in your mind, but you've been secretly dating her that now she can never leave your mind. But the girl who you were dating wasn't really a fan of Paige.
“How do you feel...about Alex...from first period?", You ask, not letting a worry go off in your head. By the tables silence and avoiding eye contact you knew it was a regret to bring her name up.
“The bully's girlfriend Alex?", she questions. You knew that would come up because of her bad rep. She used to date this bully who had a notorious name in Degrassi. He did all kinds of crimes, anything you can list he probably did. She rarely ever discusses it, whenever you bring up the topic she shuts you down or shuts me up with a kiss. But she's definitely changed compared to the first time you've locked eyes with her. Instead of calling you a freak in the hallways she can barely contain her smile when you act clumsy in public.
“She's nice and cool...has nice fashion.", You say, trying to relate Alex to Paige. Paige isn't too eager about it, especially of the option of you and Alex. You can tell, that's why you shutter whenever you make any nice compliment about her.
“Hon you aren't thinking about hooking up with Alex right?", Paige asks, raising an alarm to your head. Suddenly the homework doesn't matter as they all stare at you, hoping for an answer. You didn't know how to respond. Spill your guts out that you and Alex have been dating and expect a lengthy lecture from Paige. Or lie, and forget you even asked such a stupid question to Paige. Even if you wanted the truth to come out a filthy lie rushed thru your lips instead.
“No! But-"
“I know there isn't much fish in the sea at Degrassi but once I go to Banting they'll be cute girls I can introduce you too.", Paige says, cutting you off. You let out a heavy sigh to yourself, wondering when's the day you can tell her about your secret relationship without her giving you the silent treatment. Maybe these types of secrets were best kept to yourself instead of your close friend.
Later on you stop by Alex's place, having a doggy bag for her to eat from The Dot. As her parents were on a cruise together Alex had the whole place to herself. Which meant everyday sleepovers and waking up wearing her tank tops and baggy jeans. You knock on the door, immediately she opens with the biggest smile on her face. None of her friends knew of you two becoming a couple, she was sure they were going to have the same disgusted look as Paige over falling in love with a bookworm. She wraps you in a tight hug, picking you up and closing the door right behind you. You guys kiss, sucking mouth and tongue as if you guys have been separated for a whole year. In the school air you two had to pretend to dislike each other until an enclosed area comes along to makeout in.
“Bought you some food for your hard work.", you say, setting the food on the counter to cling into Alex's neck.
“Thanks babe.", she says, smiling and giving you a passionate kiss. She wants her burger on the couch, letting you sit on her lap. You were still down about earlier with Paige. You wondered why she was so quick denying the thought of you and Alex?
“What's gotten you so pouty?", Alex asks, noticing you looking adorably sad with the lip quiver and arms crossed.
“I'm trying to get Paige to like you but it's not working.", you say, upset at another failed plan. There's plenty of incidents where you mentioned Alex and Paige seemed to pay no attention. The times during periods you try to compliment Alex but it ends in an insult by the infamous Paige. It just leaves in awkward moment and unexplainable tension that she always laughs at. Not that your desperation to get them to be buddies fails but she can't even imagine herself being friends with her number one enemy.
“When are you going to realize that the universe is trying to make sure me and Paige stay enemies for life.", Alex says, making a joke out of it. You try to be serious, knowing that it's tearing you apart that you can't tell anyone you're dating Alex. The only person who was suspecting the chemistry was Marco, but he's never questioned you yet.
“I'm serious, we've been dating for five months and no one knows."
“There's nothing wrong with keeping secrets, were like spies.", Alex says, joking again causing you to whine. She then gives up the comedy act and gets real with you. She knew the friendship with Paige meant a lot to you even if they don't get along.
“Look, I know how you feel but at least Ellie likes me, and Marco and I can tolerate talking to each other.", Alex says, bringing up your other close friends. Ellie and Alex seem to be friends after one random night of gambling. Marco and Alex were once presidential buddies so he seems rather chill about Alex. You sort of feel better, even if Paige will freak you know Ellie and Marco will support you.
“You're right.", You say, stopping your pout.
“I know you wanna tell Paige, but it needs to your time. Don't force yourself because you have to okay?", Alex says, her brown eyes becoming a distraction to you. You smile and lean in to kiss her, your hands caressing her cheeks. Her hands lay on your waist, suddenly curling up to make a small shiver all over your body. You thought to ignore it until those small nails trailed over your stomach, grazing thru your lower back. You giggle, trying to make sure Alex's sticky fingers stay into place.
“Babe stop! I swear-", You say, trying to threaten her but you are the least scary in Alex's eyes. She loves letting her hands freeform around your body, including your ticklish stomach.
“Oh really? What are you going to do? Tell me?", She asks, expecting a lovely detailed answer from you. You sat there on her lap, your hands close your face so you can avoid how good she is at teasing you. You felt your cheeks burning with embarrassment and her just waiting to pin you down and have all the fun with you. She pokes upon your armpits causing a small squeal out of your mouth.
“Stop tickling me hehehe!!", You say, giggling at the mighty pokes to your armpits. Then does a few fingers over your soft neck, causing you to scrunge up in laughter.
“Sorry if I go insane whenever you wear my clothes.", Alex says, still letting a finger go in your armpits. As much as you wanted to squirm and fight for tickles somehow armpits were a major spot you melted for. Her tickles and the whispers while doing it was the best feeling for you. Alex's home was known for not having air conditioning and summer was rolling around quicker. So you sometimes grab one of her shirts or crop top so you aren't dying of the heat. At first she was annoyed by her clothes disappearing, since she rarely does laundry. But seeing how they fit you and how she can't resist tickling you she encourages it.
“Stop stop STOP HAHAHA.", you demand, laughing as she kisses your neck. She hugs you tighter, knowing you're too ticklish and not strong enough to defend yourself back. You've always been insecure of your ticklish neck. It always comes at the wrong time when you two kiss. Alex never wants you to forget about your special sweet spot, and how she absolutely loves it.
“Stop? You're not putting in a lot of effort to fight me back.", Alex says, being a tease. You decided to square up, using all your power to pin her down on the couch. But Alex works her ass off carrying heavy boxes from her movie theater job, so this was a losing game. That and you didn't even have a clue how to pin someone down. She pins you down, using all of her weight to kiss your neck and blowing raspberries until the squeaky laughter gets heard thru the thin apartment walls.
“HAHAHAHAALLLLEXX!!", You scream with laughter as your covered in ticklish neck raspberries. Alex smiles at your suffering while holding your wrists close to your chest. She does a few more before settling back to the neck kisses, realizing you were laughing with tears in your eyes. Even if Alex's favorite hobby was to tickle you she makes sure to take a few steps back in case she's hurting you. The reassurance that you beg for more shows that Alex isn't doing enough tickling. She stops for a moment, resting her chin on your chest to make sure you're breathing correctly.
“Can you do it again please?", You ask politely, the excitement and adrenaline rushing thru you. Alex kisses your cheek, loving the rush and thrill of tickling you.
“Gosh, you're so needy.", Alex says, joking as she's more affectionate than you. She would cry if she wasn't the little spoon with you. She does another round of raspberries throughout your neck while also tickling your armpits. You laugh, kicking your little feet with your legs trapped under Alex. She stops when your laughter becomes silent from the tickles.
“HAHAHAGAHA!!", You laugh before the silence got to you. She kisses your face and says I love you numerous times as you do nothing about it. You giggle and ruffle her short brown hair. Still those lovely tickles and face kisses still weren't enough for you. You wanted her to do more, even though Alex had an enormous load of school work to do. Also you never told your parents you were spending a few extra hours at Alex's place, just the two of you.
“Wait! Can you give me tummy tickles? Then I'll leave you alone and won't ask you for them anymore?", You ask, Alex getting up but only to adjust her stance on the couch. You felt bad for repeatedly asking her, even though it's her favorite past time to tickle you to tears.
“You don't have to feel bad, I love tickling you.", Alex says, pinching your cheek. She starts off with this intense stare, causing fear and panic in you. It makes you think she'll attack and dig in all your spots that you can't hide. Inching her fingers close your tummy that was exposed by Alex. It makes you close your eyes tightly but open them back up again to see what tricks she might do. Even if it's the same method, you enjoy it and the small teases that come with it.
“Tickletickletickle.", She says, going super lightly on the belly. You like the anticipation build up over some lovely tummy tickles. That soon make you crazy within every tummy shiver and slight move you make to your body. Her fingers move everywhere, scribbling one place until moving to the next or moving around. You tried to hold it out, but those hips Alex loves makes you lose it. That and your sides are such weak spots with tickles.
“HEHEHESTOPSTOP!!", You say, although your small wiggles give it away that you want more.
“Baby I thought you were supposed to be strong. Build that stamina up.", Alex says, teasing how sensitive you are. You keep giggling and giggling as you dish in Alex's soothing tickles. Eventually you two snuggle for awhile, feeling sad that soon you would have to leave and be seperated from your boo. Tomorrow was soon, and you had another day of persuading Paige and getting lovely tickles from Alex.
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soullikethesea · 2 years
I also went and saw T. It was quite a painful session.
I started out by asking if she has plans on quitting her practice. She basically said that she doesn't really, but that time will tell what will happen with insurance policies. (The answer I was expecting). Then she also said that we'd find a solution to end properly if that happens. She also mentioned the centre that she'd refer me to again and said that there is a tiny possibility that she could see me as a provider there.
Well. I don't trust that that would/could happen. She said that she doesn't see anyone in that capacity there yet, and I think something like that would be much harder than she thinks. Plus, I don't feel interested in any of the treatment modalities they offer. So I really worry that it wouldn't be a good match (but also I know I shouldn't write it off like that). T said she will look into what they offer exactly because a client she has is transferring to them soon.
She then asked a bunch about *why* I'm worried and if this is an "attach" part, etc.
After that we talked about my energy levels and how conflicted I feel inside. I used animal figures to show the conflict. T tried to get me to change the set-up, she said she imagines a swan to come in and take care of the little ones and make very wise decisions. And... yeah. It just doesn't feel like "us", you know? Her solution felt too much like standard IFS. I know it's what's expected of me/us, but yeah. It just looks what it looks like inside...
Eventually T commented on the lack of hope and I thought that was actually very spot-on. We have strategies around here, not hope.
I kept saying things about how I know we need to do something with/for Fox and that I don't know what it would be/how it would work. T tried to keep asking me to come up with solutions and eventually I burst out crying. The whole point of us asking is because we don't actually know what to do. :(
So then asking us what to do makes me feel really sad and alone. :(
In that moment I got really angry with myself for not knowing and trying to ask someone else. How dare I freaking make that mistake. Keep it to yourself. Solve things by yourself!!! Don't you know about that by now?
T said that time was up and I silently put away all the things. She said she was really sorry that there was so little she could do for me and I just... had no words.
When I was about to close the door behind me, she said I hadn't made a drawing yet of how I felt in my body... and I basically just stared at her and said that we don't really have time for that anymore today. Then left.
I thought about what it would look like and it was just a bunch of heaviness and sadness.
I hate that I get like this when I get depressed. I hate that I want to ask for help and then no one can freaking help me. I don't know how to ask "correctly" in order to change that.
And I feel like I really let Fox down.
But I got us a Pokémon comic on the way back and I know I'll be okay if I rest for the next few days. I guess I hope I'll be okay.
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luntica · 2 years
I process best when I write it out, so here was my trip to Paradise Valley Hospital.
It was like 3 am by the time we were seen into the er, the waiting room was nice enough, if very prison like. No fault of the people there I'm sure.
But the actual back was small, crowded, odviously under funded, odviously doing the best they can. The rooms were fitted with doors made of fire board of some sort, tape and plastic, held closed by velcro strip. A couple blood drops on the floor, Quentin unable to ignore it, kyr helping keep us calm as our eye's are checking everything. The sink didn't work, storage stuff filled the space, bed old and fitted with a sheet barely hanging on to it. They almost didn't let kyr in with me, but kyr is a much my care taker as partner these days and the guy was to tired to argue.
When we got seen, the nurses worked as quickly and well as they could, no complaint. Told them "rat bite but it's an allergic reaction" they awed at the bite and went about their jobs. One doc came in, we told him the same he left, another came in told him the same, he left. The lab guy came, took 3 weird bottles, and like 5 other vials, normal I think, since you know it could be anything, but they'll try allergy treatment first, it's just in case. A new drop was added to the floor, Quentin locks front and leaves.
eventually got given tylenol and a proxac or something. I wasn't really given a chance to process the different meds here named off to give me for my anxiety. (Melt downs and panic attacks but the unfortunate fawn way that I do, aka crying silently and waiting for numbness to take over) eventually I was given a room upstairs, wheeled in. Blankets, pillow and the gown. After the doctor who ripped one off me before, I preferred to stay in my clothing.
Not long until someone comes and puts the iv in. Confusion if it happened in the er or in the room. Small, sink by the door, folded wall thing keeping another room separate. Tolet in the back, window next to that. The hospital bed sits slightly off a wall because weird shelves are in the way of it being snug on the wall.
There I was occasionally visited by nurses who check the bag, my vitals, or add another bag. Kyr would only leave once I was asleep when they visited because we know I would full meltdown if they didn't.
I'd wake, try to stay calm, panic, cry, sleep. Occasionally during this cycle a nurse would come. I would explain I needed allergy and mental health care. They would say they told the doctor. They would leave. The cycle continued.
They said the doc visited twice, I only remember seeing her once, where she said she met me. I don't remember her, but I can't say she's lying. I have DID and trauma amnesia. I was freaking out, that's trauma, thus memory block.
Every time we tried to eat my thoughts filled with thoughts that it was poison. I knew the food wasn't poisoned, but I couldn't argue that the doctor wasn't blatantly ignoring me and was putting an oddly large amount of antibiotics into me.
I took pictures of the iv bags and sent it to kyr, and when they visited they asked the nurses directly. 3 different types of antibacterial. They were also giving me the normal fluids and one for my lack of eating. (Almost like I didn't have an appetite)
My mouth still has a slight taste to it that makes me feel so wrong.
Im pretty sure my whole microbiome in my body is dead.
My alters with trauma from isolation punishments were hugging scout like they would die if they didn't. Begging to not be in a place like that again.
Why was I and what was legally my caretaker at the time ignored?
Is it cause I disclosed I use weed? In California I think not.
Is it im trans? Or autistic? Or do they just treat everyone like that?
All I know is, we watched brave and cried and are doing everything to not let this fester.
My hand reduced in swelling, at about the rate as if I had never come in. I have those welts from the medical tape that seems to be common among eds sufferers. And two iv holes that hurt more to have in than the swollen hand.
/God bless America/ am I right?
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plainbrunettelbl · 4 years
ABO HC How (A) Todoroki, (A) Bakugo, and (A) Hawks would react to finding the (O) Reader held hostage:
Word count: 3199
Warnings: Cursing, violence, mentions of blood, and assault.   
Title: ABO HC How (A) Todoroki, (A) Bakugo, and (A) Hawks would react to finding the (O) Reader held hostage:
Summary: Your Alpha walks in on you being tied to a chair and he is not happy. 
You had been a well-kept secret from the public. No one knew that your famous Pro Hero Alpha was courting an Omega or even in a long-standing relationship. Your Alpha was too paranoid about your safety to let any of the news outlets find out about your existence.  
You supposed it would have been beneficial for the public to know now that you were in this situation. Surely if the villains knew they would come across an Omega, resting in their nest, they wouldn't have tried to rob the Pro Hero’s house. 
You put up quite the fight once you smelled unfamiliar Alphas near your nest. One hard knock to your head had you subdued. You didn’t dwell over your quick loss considering one Alpha was nursing his swollen balls. 
You got in one good kick before the painful hit fell on your head. 
Now here you sat, tied to a chair, while the robbers argued with each other and what they should do now.
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🧊🔥-“I told you we should have checked the place out before we robbed it! I would have never tried to rob the place if I had known a freaking Omega was here!” The brunette Alpha growled, glaring at his blond friend. 
🧊🔥-“What’s the big deal? So what if the little icy-hot freak has a girlfriend? We will be out of here before he even comes home.” The blond scoffs, shoving expensive silverware and china into his black bag. 
🧊🔥-“You should know how Alpha’s get around their Omegas! He is gonna hunt us down! I don’t want a Pro Hero on my ass.” The brunette seethed, glaring at the goose egg on your head. “Especially since you decided to hit the poor thing! We will be lucky if he doesn’t skin us alive!”
🧊🔥-“The bitch hit me in the balls! Of course, I thumped her one on the head, serves the Omega slut right!” The blonde huffed, sick of hearing his partner complain instead of ransacking the place. 
🧊🔥-“Mmh.” You mumbled, your eyes blinking open to a fuzzy view. 
🧊🔥-“Fucking shit! They’re waking up! I’m not dealing with a weepy Omega.” The brunette cursed, going into Shoto’s office to avoid the whole situation altogether. 
🧊🔥-“Well, if it isn’t Miss nut-cracker.” The blond chuckled darkly, walking over to your tied up frame.
🧊🔥-You didn’t back down and just glared at the dumb fool. 
🧊🔥-“Aren’t too smart, are you? What type of shitty criminal robs a Pro Hero? Dumb ones, that’s what.” You spit, narrowing your blurry eyes at him. 
🧊🔥-No doubt you would need to go to the doctor after this whole ordeal. Not like you would have a choice. You were sure even if they didn’t lay a hand on you that Shoto would have insisted on one. 
🧊🔥-“You dumb little bitch!” The blond lifted his ring covered hand to hit you again. You tried not to flinch as it came down to strike you. 
🧊🔥-The brunette stood in the office doorway, his bag filled with expensive clocks and other expensive desk items. 
🧊🔥-“I got everything in the office. Did you...” The brunette didn’t get to finish his sentence. 
🧊🔥-The front door was busted open. Shoto had smelled two Alphas on the other side of the door and he was not pleased. He was even less pleased when the door slammed open to reveal his battered Omega tied to a chair. 
🧊🔥-His mismatched eyes turned dark. The temperature in the room both dropped and elevated at the same time. His tired body was instantly filled with murderous intent. 
🧊🔥-A loud growl shook the room. 
🧊🔥-How DARE they lay a hand on their Omega! His vision tinted red and his fangs dropped. 
🧊🔥-“This will only take a minute, Y/N. I’ll take out this trash.” He calmly said, his tone was so cold you felt yourself shiver even knowing his silent rage wasn’t directed at you.
🧊🔥-“Yes, Alpha.” You responded, making sure voice quivered a little. You may have been glaring right back at the intruders before he came but you wanted them to suffer so you played the scared Omega role. 
🧊🔥-They lost your sympathy as soon as they pulled you from your nest. 
🧊🔥-The robbers, who were frozen in fear by the intimidating Alpha’s entrance, shuffled into action. 
🧊🔥-The brunette was quick to give his partner up. “He hit her, not me!” He said, before running down the hall, looking for a way to escape. 
🧊🔥-“You fucking asshole!” The blonde shouted, trying to run out of the room as well. 
🧊🔥-He didn’t get far, ice trapped his feet and his lower body soon followed. Shoto made sure to form it in a way that sharp icicles tore at his skin if he so much as moved half an inch. 
🧊🔥-He wanted to shoot an icicle into his leg for good measure but he didn’t feel like cleaning up blood off his floor. He wished to burn the skin off his bone but you had forbidden him from using fire in the house. 
🧊🔥-He had accidentally caught one of your favorite blankets on fire and was banned for life. 
🧊🔥-“We didn’t know she was here! If we had known we wouldn’t have come!” The blond groveled, panicked at the feral look in Shoto’s eyes. 
🧊🔥-“You could have left after you saw my Omega was here, but you stayed and decided to hit her too. You should be lucky I didn’t just kill you on the spot.” He growled, cutting the blond’s cheek just a bit with an ice shard. 
🧊🔥-The blond just whimpered and passed out. Shoto was quick to hunt down the other and give him the same treatment. He had made it out of the house so he was pleased to release his burning anger out on him. 
🧊🔥-Once they were out of the way, Shoto ran to your side and burning away the binds holding you down. 
🧊🔥-“Are you okay, my Dove?” His voice was soft, his cold hand going up to your head and trying to soothe the aching bump. 
🧊🔥-“Yes, I’m just a little dizzy. Everything’s a little fuzzy right now.” You leaned into his gentle touch. 
🧊🔥-“I’ll call someone to deal with those two. Let’s get you to the hospital, my Dove.” He hurriedly lifted you and carried you to his car. He treated you like glass when he sat you down in the passenger seat. 
🧊🔥-You leaned your head against the cold window as he dashed around to the driver’s side. Your head hurt too much to look out the window so you kept your eyes closed. 
🧊🔥-Your Alpha made sure you didn’t accidentally slip asleep. 
🧊🔥-You let out a small whine when a thought crossed your mind. 
🧊🔥-“Alpha my nest is gonna smell like them.” You sniffed, opening your teary eyes to look at him. 
🧊🔥-Shoto’s hands went white on the wheel, his face contorted into a snarl. He couldn’t wait to visit them again at the station. He had friends there that wouldn’t hesitate to turn a blind eye. 
🧊🔥-His anger instantly simmered when his eyes met your glassy ones. 
🧊🔥-“Don’t worry, Little Dove. I’ll buy you more. We can even go shopping at that blanket store you like so much.” He assured, taking one hand off the wheel and clasping it in yours. 
🧊🔥-Your eyes lit up. “Really! It’s kinda expensive though, I don’t need new ones. I am sure we can find some nice second-hand ones.” You squeezed his hand, bring it up to your lips to place a kiss on it. 
🧊🔥-Your exhausted brain choosing to ignore the specks of blood on his hand. 
🧊🔥-“My Dove, what have I said about me spending money on you?” He gently reprimanded, his eyes still soft. 
🧊🔥-“Accept it and say thank you.” You repeated without delay. 
🧊🔥-“Exactly, I won’t hear any more about it.” He ended the discussion, his eyes focusing back on the road while his hand remained in your grasp. 
🧊🔥-If your head wasn’t killing you, you would have been bouncing in your seat. “I can’t wait! They are coming out with some pretty fall blankets soon! Oooh! We have to get some cute Halloween ones too!” 
🧊🔥-“Anything you want.”
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💥-“Why did you have to hit them!? Ground Zero is gonna come after us now!” The brunette cried, desperately holding ice to your head in hopes that the bump on it would go away. 
💥-“Shut up! Get back to robbing the damn place instead of taking care of the freaking Omega.” The blond hissed, throwing a plate at the panicked Alpha. 
💥-You sat back in the chair not knowing how to process the situation. You knew dating a Pro Hero was dangerous but you thought villains would be your main concern, not petty burglars. 
💥-“If you leave now and don’t take anything, I’ll tell him I tripped and fell.” You wouldn’t, but they didn’t know that. 
💥-“See! Let’s just leave. We can go rob some other place.” The brunette pleaded, already trying to untie you. 
💥-The Omega in you wanted to feel bad for the whining Alpha but then you remembered he messed up your nest when he dragged you out of it. You Omega was fuming. 
💥-I just got the nest just right! She huffed, pacing around in your head.  
💥-She didn’t seem threatened by the Alphas in the room. She knew her Alpha was coming home any minute and he would take care of them. 
💥-You, on the other hand, was slightly panicking now that the situation sunk in. Katsuki was gonna rip them to shreds. You Omega was already smugly licking her paws at the image, while you shuddered at the thought. 
💥-“You should go. I don’t want to be mopping up your blood all night.” You urged, looking anxiously at the door. 
💥-“See! We need to go!” The brunette cried, trying to tug his friend towards the door. 
💥-“Shut up! We can leave once we get everything valuable.” The blonde growled, shoving off his partner. 
💥-The jiggle of keys at the door made everyone in the room stop and hold their breath. The doorknob turned and the door was pushed open. You looked at the chair you were tied to, the robbers, and back at the door. 
💥-There was no way to play off the situational. I don’t want to be mopping up blood. You whined, praying your Alpha wasn’t going to go too berserk.  
💥-“Hey, Spit-fire! I got us, your favorite curry you were wanting. I made sure to get it extra spicy.” He walked in carrying a bag of takeout. 
💥-He paused in the doorway once he got a whiff of unfamiliar Alphas in the house. His ruby eyes viewed the scene before him. He growled at the sight of the two Alphas. 
💥-From your point of view, his eyes didn’t look red anymore with how big his pupils dilated at the presence of Alphas near his Omega. His hand instantly dropped the food to the floor. 
💥-The sound of the bag hitting the floor heightened the tension. 
💥-His fangs instantly dropped when his nose picked up a faint coppery smell, his eyes zeroed in on the small trail of blood on your head. The growl that ripped through his chest shook the room. 
💥-“Alpha, please, no blood in the house.” You pleaded, shifting against the ties holding you in place. 
💥-“No promises, Omega.” His voice was so dark that you didn’t even recognize it. 
💥-“The brunette didn’t hit me. He even tried to ice it. Go easy on him.” You said, knowing his control was waning. 
💥-The veins on his neck looked ready to pop, his arms straining to hold themselves still and not plummet the Alphas standing before him. He eyed the patio door that was pushed open, most likely where they entered in from. 
💥-That would solve the blood problem. 
💥-He grinned viciously, “How about we take this outside?”
💥-He rushed the two Alphas, grabbing them by the backs of their necks and throwing them out of the house and over the balcony. He laughed darkly as he followed them, jumping from the balcony. 
💥-You wiggled free from your restraints and made your way to the front door, you picked up the takeout bag and brought it to the kitchen. 
💥-“Suki will be hungry after beating those two up.” You hummed, making him a plate and then making yourself one. 
💥-“Is the water too hot?” His voice was raspy from all the yelling he did earlier. 
💥-You sat with your back leaning against his chest in the bathtub. The warm water and the heat of your Alpha calmed your stressed body. Being tied to a chair was as comfortable as it looked. 
💥-“It’s fine, Alpha.” You hummed, delicately washing his bruised and bloody hands. 
💥-“I’m sorry, I wasn’t here sooner Omega.” You smelled a hint of sadness in his scent. 
💥-“Don’t worry, Alpha. I knew you were coming. I wasn’t scared one bit.” You reassured, bringing his hand up and planting delicate kisses on it. 
💥-“My strong Omega,” he purred, nuzzling his nose into your hair. He flinched when he picked up the faint smell of another Alpha. He snapped up the bottle of shampoo and poured half the bottle on your head. 
💥-“Got to get this disgusting scent off you, Omega.” He growled, gently scrubbing your scalp. 
💥-“Alpha! That shampoo is fifty bucks!” You gasped, picking up the half-empty bottle. 
💥-“I’ll buy you another one.” He assured, rinsing of the soapy suds and giving your head another sniff. 
💥-“Much better.” He hummed, pulling you tighter against his chest. 
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🍗-“You shouldn’t be here.” You whimpered, trying to curl in on yourself, the ties preventing you from doing so. 
🍗-“Why the fuck did you have to hit them? You know I can’t handle weeping Omegas, my Alpha hates it.” The brunette growled, trying to awkwardly pat your arm. 
🍗-You winced away from his touch, another Alphas touch was too repulsive. You felt your skin crawl as his fingers grazed your arm. The thump on your head making you more nauseous than you already were. 
🍗-“So what if your Alpha is a pussy. Unlike you mine enjoys their cries.” The blond smiled at the tears dripping down your face. “The bitch deserved it anyways.”  
🍗-“Whatever.” The brunette scoffed, rolling his eyes and going back to robbing the place. 
🍗-“You guy’s really shouldn’t be here...” You tried to warm them but you were too late. The door creaked open, your heart warming and racing at the sound. You knew it would be a bloodbath once Kei realized what was going on. 
🍗-“Baby bird! I hope you are already in comfortable clothes, I’m ready to cuddle in our nest.” His soothing voice causing you to relax in the chair. 
🍗-“Alpha.” You cried, your head still throbbing. 
🍗-The silence was enough to tell you he spotted the two Alphas in the room. 
🍗-“Omega.” He growled, his eyes bleeding red, the sight of blood trailing down your head sent him into a frenzy. 
🍗-His wings puffed out, the room suddenly flooded with crimson feathers. You felt two feathers sailing your way and cutting the bonds holding you. You swiped them up in your grip and clutched them to your chest. 
🍗-The soft texture of them calming you down some. 
🍗-A feral roar sounded throughout the room. You ignored the harsh thumps coming from behind you, the sound of one of the robber’s heads getting bashed into your kitchen counter made you wince. 
🍗-You wanted to get up and get away from everything but your body was in shock and it wouldn’t let you do anything but clutch the crimson feathers to your chest. Your other hand was rested on your stomach. 
🍗-You tried to warn them. Nothing was more dangerous than someone harming a pregnant Alphas mate. You were still pretty early along so they might not have been able to smell it in your scent. 
🍗-You Alpha was sure able to, the instant he got a small whiff of it he was chirping happily against your stomach. You had a hard time getting out of his ruby wings that day. 
🍗-“You DARE harm my mate and chick!” You felt the pure rage behind his words. 
🍗-The blond was already passed out on the floor, his front teeth knocked out. The brunette was about to pass out with him, your Alpha choking him with his shirt. He made sure to use his feather to cut up his arms and face. 
🍗-His wings behind him puffing up and flapping angrily.
🍗-“Didn’t know...” The brunette slurred, his head bashed in as much as his friend’s head. 
🍗-If they wanted to hit his Omega on the head then he was all too pleased to return the favor. The brunette finally succumbed to his injures and blood loss, he went slack in Kei’s hands. 
🍗-Kei dropped him to the grown without care. 
🍗-“Pathetic.” He hissed.  
🍗-His head snapped up in your direction once he heard your tiny sniffles. He was at your side in an instant. 
🍗-“Oh, baby bird.” He cooed, lifting you from the chair and wrapping his arms and wings around you. 
🍗-“Alpha, I told them to leave.” You whined, snuggling into his chest. 
🍗-“I know, baby bird.” He soothed, breathing in your scent, checking on the baby chick in your belly. They seemed well. He was still gonna fly you to the hospital. He made his way to the balcony outside and spread his wings, without a second thought he jumped. 
🍗-“Don’t worry, Omega. I already ordered some new blankets. They should be here by tomorrow. I hope you don’t mind the guest bedroom for now.” He hummed, he was curled around your balled up form. 
🍗-You didn’t even build the nest surrounding you, Kei delicately dropped you down on the bed and instantly began building the nest. He would angrily chirp if you so much as lifted a finger.   
🍗-Everything was fine with you and the pup, or chick as Kei liked to call them. As soon as you arrived home Kei refused to leave your side or let you out of his sight. 
🍗-You were not to roll over on your side without his permission. 
🍗-“Thank you, Alpha.” You thanked, nuzzling your head into one of his soft wings. 
🍗-“I also called a security company, they will be here to set up a new system tomorrow.” He informed, nuzzling into your hair. 
🍗-One of his hands was tangled in your hair and the other was snugly cupping your stomach. 
🍗-“No more Alphas in the house.” You sniffled, shaking your head. 
🍗-“Of course, baby bird. I told them, beta’s only.” He reassured, kissing your head. 
🍗-“I love you, Alpha.” You whispered, almost lulled to sleep. 
🍗-“I love you, too baby bird.”  
First HC I have done in a while, also the first time writing for Hawks! What did you think of him? I hope you enjoyed it! Please be sure to leave a comment and like! I really enjoy hearing your reactions. 💕
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bullshxtvixen · 4 years
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*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ Pairing: Bokuto x Reader
Word Count: 5.1k
Song: Put It On Me - Matt Maeson 
Warnings: 18+, Coercion(dubcon themes), size kink, cream pie, virginity kink, corruption kink, rough sex, spitting, spanking, light choking, light assplay(I couldn’t help myself), dom!bokuto(he’s kind of an ass oops).
A/N: So uh, it’s finally here…My first fic in two months and i’m ngl, i’ve been dreading posting for so long, but i tried to give you guys something good for my return, so please let me know what you think and go easy on me, i’m a little rusty sksks. However, this is a gift for @thekraziesreside because she drew me them most amazing Kenma x Me icon and i needed to pay her back somehow!!
Shoutout to my amazing friends @deathcab4daddy​, @dymphnasprose​ and @spicykzumeknma​, who i’m sure are sick of beta reading this by now and having me freaking out about posting it. Thank you for all your grammar corrections that I will probably never learn from, I love you all
*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
“I-I’m a virgin.”
The words slip from your tongue before you can stop them.
The large hands that had been tracing the contours of your body stilled. You had to stop yourself from flinching when his intense golden stare shot to your face.
“What…” He let the word trail off, a well-practised mask of surprise coming into place on his features.
It was second nature to him now, letting his face morph into whatever expression he needed it to at a moments notice. No one ever suspected the friendly Ace of being anything other than a good guy, and really, he wasn’t a bad guy. No, he just relished in taking the innocence of unsuspecting women who easily fell into his trap.
Like you.
“I’m a virgin, Kou.” Even though you were straddling him, you still had to look up to meet his eyes. 
With the tips of your ears burning, you moved to get off of his lap as if you could escape from your embarrassing confession. You couldn’t believe you’d openly admitted you were an inexperienced virgin to the guy you’d only just met a week ago.  A mutual friend had introduced the two of you, and you’d quickly fallen for his ‘nice guy’ act.
You hadn’t even put a foot on the floor before you were pulled back and thrown into the pillows. The weight of Bokuto’s body was quick to settle on top of you, pressing you down into the plush mattress. 
“What are y-” before you could finish your sentence, your wrists were pinned above your head, rendering your arms useless in his firm grip. The muscles in your abdomen tightened at his rough treatment, and you couldn’t stop the small gasp that fell from your lip. Turning your head to the side, you tried in vain to hide your flustered expression.
Bokuto felt his cock twitch in the grey sweats that hung low on his hips.
The innocent ones were always the most responsive. He fought off a grin as the thought crossed his mind.
“Did you really think I was going to let you get away after telling me something like that?” He growled, warm breath ghosting over your face and across your neck. He watched with a glint in his eyes as you shivered under him. 
Oh, he was going to enjoy this.
“Do you know what that means, little bird?”
Your heart raced at the nickname.
Could he make you sing for him?
Certain he could hear your heartbeat fluttering like a hummingbird's wings in your chest, you silently prayed for the ground to open up and swallow you whole. The mortification you felt was palpable in the space between you.
Bokuto thought it was cute how bashful you were, so unsure and unwilling to show him your real feelings, even though your body told him everything he needed to know. Still, he’d have you voicing your innermost desires sooner or later- it was only a matter of time.
“Well?” He pressed, not allowing you to dwell on your thoughts any longer. He didn’t want to have to put in too much effort to break you.
Your voice was small and unsure when you answered him, eyes looking anywhere but his direction, “No.” 
He was so close, closer than any man had ever been before. The proximity made it hard to think straight as the warmth of his body seeped into your bones, and his masculine scent invaded your senses. 
It was almost stifling.
His tongue darted out, licking a wet strip up the side of your exposed neck before pressing a soft kiss just below your ear. He felt you shiver beneath him before pulling back and watching a deep blush journey down to your chest. It was so pure...He couldn’t wait to be the one to defile your virtue.
Gently grasping your chin between his thumb and index finger, he turned your face until you had no option but to meet his simmering gaze. 
Begrudgingly, you looked up at the man looming over you and found he was already observing your flustered expression. He stared so openly and without shame that you began to squirm under him.
Bokuto saw your blush deepen further and wondered what you’d look like when he eased his cock inside your virgin hole.
Would your eyes roll into the back of your head? Would your nails imbed themselves in his back? Or maybe you’d simply cry out in pain and pleasure as he ripped through your innocence?
All kinds of scenarios whirled around in his brain, sending his mind into overdrive. 
Unconsciously, he ground the head of his cock against your clothed slit and was rewarded when he heard your sharp intake of breath. 
Heat pooled in his groin. 
It was such a pretty sound. He wanted more, and he didn’t need to feel the slick collecting in the crotch of your underwear to know your feelings mirrored his.
His smile was predatory as he answered.
“It means that I’ll be the first person to fill your tight little pussy up with cum. I’ll stretch your walls around my cock and pump you so full that it’ll be dripping out of you for days.” 
The lewd words fell from his mouth with ease, and you found yourself shifting as your body all of a sudden became too warm as if the temperature in the room had spiked, but you knew it was his words alone that had caused your reaction.
You hated how easily he affected you.
“I bet you want me to corrupt your sweet little body, don’t you?” He already knew the answer.
Your body responded of its own accord, turning into putty beneath him. Your hips rolled against his as your back arched off the bed at the feeling of his cock nudging against your clit. The knot in your stomach tightened. 
The grip on your wrists tightened. Bokuto took a few steadying breaths, struggling to hold himself back. You seemed so tiny and fragile as you lay beneath his brawny form, and he was scared he would break you if he gave in to his own desires too soon.
Maybe that’s what you wanted. The sadistic voice in the back of his mind purred. 
“I- I don’t know.” Your voice wavered as you answered him honestly. Doubt had begun to gnaw at your gut. Waiting didn’t seem like the worst idea- there was no rush, after all.
He closed his eyes for a split second to hide the annoyance that no doubt flickered through them. When he reopened them, he became the personification of a bird of prey, and you were his next meal.
Your mouth became dry as you lied entrapped by his stare.
“Come on, I can make you feel good.” As if he was digging his talons in to prevent your escape, he rolled his hips against yours once more, making sure that his cock rubbed firmly over your swelling clit. The side of his mouth quirked up when a tentative moan left your parted lips. 
“That’s it, you like that, don’t you? You want me to make you feel good, don’t you, little bird?” another roll of his hips, and he watched the doubt dissolve away for now.
“Koutarou...please.” Your voice was small, uncertain as you begged. 
You didn’t know what you were begging for, you just knew he could give it to you, whatever it was.
Golden eyes flashed at the way your voice was saturated with need. For a moment he thought that maybe you weren’t a virgin, but instead, a succubus, come to steal his soul. 
He would let you.
The weight of his body left yours, and in seconds, you were stripped of all of your clothing, which was thrown haphazardly around the room. His soon followed.
Eager eyes drank in the sight of your naked body before him. Your skin was so beautiful and unmarred by another person, so enticing and begging for his touch. Soon you would be littered in his marks as he lay claim to your body, inside and out.
Growing self-conscious under his prolonged stare, you tried in vain to cover your most intimate parts.
“There’s no use trying to hide from me. I’m going to become well-acquainted with your body by the time I’m done with you.”
A gasp escaped your lips when his fingers reached down and ghosted over your folds. A groan left him when he felt just how wet you were.
“Well, looks like someone’s already dripping at the thought of being ruined by my cock- isn’t that cute?” Though his tone was mocking, his words still sent excitement trickling down your spine.
Spreading your lips, he circled a thick finger around your twitching entrance, smiling devilishly when you whined for him. Through heavy-lidded eyes, he witnessed your jaw go slack as he eased the first finger past the slick opening, surprised when he was met with little resistance. 
Soon he was able to work himself knuckle-deep, and your walls fluttered around him in welcome.
Such a slutty pussy for someone so untouched. 
“You’re so tight, baby. Your pussy’s sucking my finger in so nicely; I bet you’re going to feel amazing when I stuff my cock inside.”
You groaned as his fingers started to move within your previously untainted walls. It wasn’t an unpleasant feeling like you’d feared it would be- it was almost like a welcoming pressure had settled deep within you. 
“Kou… more.” 
A chuckle met your ears in line with his warm lips brushing against your pubic bone, “Your wish is my command.”
When the second finger was added, the discomfort became evident on your face. He didn’t pause his movements; instead, their pace increased as pain and pleasure fought for dominance at the apex of your thighs.
“That’s it, you can do it. The pain will stop soon,” At that moment he chose to curl his fingers and press them against the spongy spot deep within your sopping cunt. The pain dulled and was overshadowed by pleasure as he played with your body as if it were an instrument he was fine-tuning. 
“Ah- fuck, I-” Your breathing accelerated as the pressure in the pit of your stomach began to increase . Your hips started to buck up off the bed when his thumb joined his ministrations and began working tight circles against your clit. Sparks of excitement like nothing you’d felt before shot through your veins. Stringing thoughts together became almost impossible.
If this was what his fingers could do, you weren’t sure you’d be able to remain sane once his cock entered you.
“There it is,” he cooed, fingertips rubbing against the same spot, this time with a little more vigour, “God, you look so beautiful with my fingers inside you, you’re drenching them, baby.”
A thick fog came over your mind as they stroked and stretched your walls, creating a pressure in your abdomen that threatened to overflow at any second. It almost scared you, and yet, you couldn’t prevent your hips from desperately grinding down against his hand.
“More,” you cried, your breaths beginning to come out in pants.
The wet squelching sounds of your pussy filled the room as his hand became a blur between your thighs. The sound only added to your arousal.
When your legs began to quake, he lowered his head and added his mouth to the mix, suckling skillfully at your puffy clit. His lips were cool as they attached themselves to your heated skin, the difference in temperature causing a prolonged whine to leave you.
His tongue swirled around the sensitive nub, his fingers working your insides, coiling, stroking and stretching until the pressure that had been steadily rising in your stomach finally exploded within your body. It erupted from your core, spreading through you like wildfire.
Your hands found hair, pulling and twisting the soft locks as you came hard around his fingers. He moaned at the flash of pain in his scalp- causing his own desire to heighten. Your walls pulsed as he continued to curl his fingers against your g-spot. 
“Yes, yes, yes! Fuck, Kou, fuck, oh god, oh god!” Your cries of delight were music to Bokuto’s ears. It excited him so much that he couldn’t help but gently rut his hips into the mattress. His cock was painfully hard now, and precum leaked freely from his swelling tip. He needed to be inside you soon or he’d lose his mind.
Pulling his fingers from your pussy, you watched through half-lidded eyes as he brought them to his mouth and began to eagerly lap at them. 
“Koutarou…That was....” Your brain was still riding its high, unable to give you an end to your sentence.
He pulled his hand from his mouth, “I told you I’d make you feel good. Now, before I fuck your brains out, why don’t you see how good you taste?”
The musky smell of your arousal filled your nostrils as he brought his fingers to your lips.
“Open.” It wasn’t a request.
At your hesitance, he quirked a brow, “I promise you taste amazing. Now, open.”
You obeyed, still riding the endorphin high he’d pulled from your body. Because of this, you didn’t even notice that he’d reached over and pressed record on his phone that was propped up on the nightstand. He’d made sure to angle it so the camera pointed directly at your face.
He found people were much more...compliant... if he had video footage he could use against them in the event that they changed their minds.
With a grin, he placed the two fingers he’d had knuckle deep in your cunt against your tongue.
The tart taste of your release was quick to spread over your tastebuds. His eyes darkened when you began to swirl your tongue around his fingers, lightly sucking on them until they were completely clean of your arousal. 
It was so erotic that you found it hard to maintain eye contact. 
He released a shaky breath before pulling his fingers from your mouth with a satisfying ‘pop’.
“You’re a little minx, you know that?” He teased, allowing one of his hands to come to rest next to your head while the other reached between your bodies. Taking his length in his hand, he watched a mix of anticipation and fear come over your features when you looked down.
Your audible gulp was heard in the silence that followed.
You weren’t sure what you’d expected, but this was beyond anything your mind had come up with. Even though you’d never had sex before, you knew he was big. His cock was thick and heavy where it hung between his legs. Veins ran along the sides of his shaft, the largest one snaking directly down the centre before splitting in two near the swollen head. You couldn’t even begin to imagine what it would feel like having something so big inside your body.
“I don’t think I can do this.” Your voice wavered, doe-eyes shining with fear as they met his.
He acknowledged your fear with a condescending sneer, “Oh, little bird, you really think you have a choice?” he nodded towards the nightstand.
The blood in your veins turned icy, and your body began to tremble as you lay eyes on the phone, screen open and recording.
Breathing became difficult as panic rose in your chest. You’d been so naive. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
“It’s been recording for the last couple of minutes. Now,” his rough fingers came to rest against the sides of your throat, squeezing lightly as he brought his face just inches from yours, “you can either behave, and this will feel amazing for both of us, or you can be a brat, and the only person this is going to be fun for is me. Not to mention, I’ll send the video around to every person you know, including your boss.” 
At the mention of your boss, your whole body deflated. He had you right where he wanted you. While the thought of your friends and family seeing the video was mortifying, you couldn’t risk losing your job. Your virginity was a small price to pay to make sure the video stayed hidden.
Anger bloomed in your chest as you leered up at the spiky-haired man, but you had no fight in you. It was useless to even try.
“If I do this, you’ll make it go away?” You tried to make your voice sound confident, but it cracked at the end.
He couldn’t stop the smile from creeping onto his face when he realised you were giving in, “Of course- no one else will ever see it.”
He watched the internal battle going on behind your mind before your eyes hardened.
“Fine, so be it. I’ll play your sick game.” You spat, what else did you have to lose?
Bokuto’s eyes widened when you reached down and removed his hand from his length before replacing it with your own. It was softer than you’d imagined, yet firm at the same time. Like steel encased in velvet. 
“You like the feeling of my cock, baby? It’ll feel even better when I'm balls deep inside you. You’ll be my little slut and take it all like a good girl, won’t you?”
The man above you let out a rumbling moan from deep within his chest when your fingers flexed around him, head falling against your chest. Your wavering hands felt so small as they struggled to circle his impressive girth. It again reminded him of the size difference between the two of you.
Your eyes darted between him and the phone. He took the hint and reached over, turning the phone off and laying it flat against the nightstand.
He turned back to you with a smug smirk. 
You wanted to slap the look right off his face, but violence would probably result in the video being circulated faster.
Resigning yourself to your fate, you dipped the head of the thick muscle between your folds. Your slick coated it instantly. Lining him up with your entrance, you waited for him to meet your gaze. When he did, he saw the hatred burning in them. It made his cock throb in your palm.
When he pressed his hips forward, all at once, the air left your body as heat flooded your core.
Bokuto studied your face intently, drinking in the way your pupils dilated and your mouth dropped open into a silent moan. If he could burn one image into his mind, it was your face at that moment as he stole the last remnants of your innocence from you.
“Hng-fuck...it feels...s-so-” Your hands blindly grasped at his broad shoulders, seeking some kind of anchor as the burning feeling of his cock threatening to split you open sent your mind into a frenzy.
“So what, baby?” He cooed, body tense above you. “How does it feel? Come on, little bird, use your words.”
Nails dug into his shoulder blades as he worked himself into you. Hissing out a breath, he savoured the way your lower muscles clenched around his girth before relaxing, only to repeat the motion moments later, pulling him deeper into your heated sheath.
“So full. So so full, so fucking good.” You whimpered, tears stinging the corners of your eyes. It was a fullness, unlike anything you’d ever felt before. Every nerve in your body had come to life, and a familiar heat began to pool in your lower body once again. Bokuto’s control began to slip, and he soon realised he was trembling above you in an effort to hold back. Heat was surging through his own body, clouding his mind and bringing him closer to his climax. If he didn’t move soon...
“Ah, fuck, I need…” He couldn’t finish the rest of his sentence, his mind was lost to the beast you’d unleashed inside of him. With a harsh snap of his hips, he sheathed the rest of his cock inside your wet heat.
A scream ripped from your throat as your poor cunt was suddenly filled to the brim with the Ace’s cock. His hips lay flush against yours as he bottomed out inside you, the plush head of his length kissing your cervix. He stretched your body in such a sinful way that for a second, you forgot how to breathe. 
Even though you never wanted anything to do with him and the thought of him being inside you made you feel sick, you couldn’t stop your body’s natural reaction to him.
On instinct, your legs wrapped around his hips, heels pressing against his ass. You didn’t know where your confidence had come from, and in your lust-driven craze, you didn’t care. In fact, it was almost as if a switch had been flicked in your mind. All you knew was that you craved him.
“Shit, you’re choking my cock with that sweet little pussy. Fuck.”
“Koutarou...move. Please.” You panted, cutting him off, “I need you to move, now.”
The heels of your feet dug into his ass while you simultaneously rolled your hips into his. The movement sent flares of desire straight to your core.
Bokuto didn’t need to be told twice.
The first few of his thrusts were short and practised as if he was testing whether or not your body could handle him. When he was met with mewls and whimpers, he couldn’t stop himself from picking up his pace and slamming mercilessly into your greedy pussy. 
The pressure you’d experienced before started to build once again, only this time it felt more intense, almost out of control as you writhed beneath him.
There were many ways you’d imagined losing your virginity; slow, soft, romantic sex with someone you’d known for years; gentle caresses and stolen kisses beneath a slither of moonlight as your lover whispered loving words into your ear.
This was nothing like that. 
Bokuto’s thrusts were bruising, unforgiving, and the power behind each one jolted your entire body. He was animalistic as he fucked into you.
This wasn’t love-making. This was rough, hard fucking, and you found yourself growing intoxicated as you were forced to drink in every sensation he was pulling from you. 
He’d been wrong before, you weren’t like the other girls at all. They’d all cried and begged for him to go easy. But you, you thrived on him using your body, even savoured the feeling of being fucked like a whore.
The realisation made his head spin. If you liked being fucked like a whore, he was happy to oblige.
A strangled cry echoed through the room when his teeth latched onto the sensitive skin of your nipple. His hot tongue swirled around the pebbled nub, sending bolts of desire splintering through you as the pressure inside you bubbled up and threatened to explode at any moment.
His mouth left you all too soon.
“Such a good girl. You’re taking my cock so well. Who knew a virgin could be such a dirty little slut? I bet you’re loving this, being used like a cocksleeve.” The words left his mouth in a rush as if he’d forget them if he didn’t get them out fast enough. 
Leaning back, he hooked his arms beneath your knees, still continuing his assault on your cunt. He couldn’t help but reach around and press a hand on your stomach. Desire stirred in his groin when he felt himself moving beneath his palm. 
“Fuck, that’s so hot. I’m practically in your stomach…” His words died off when he felt your walls begin to spasm.
“Kou, I’m- fuck- I’m going to cum.”
No, he wouldn’t let you cum just yet, it was too soon. He knew if he drew it out much longer, you’d be too sore for another round, but he wanted- no, he needed- to test just how far he could corrupt you.
Without thinking, he leant over your body and allowed a string of his saliva to slowly drip from his mouth. It gave you enough time to move if it was too much for you.
You didn’t move. No, instead you eagerly stuck your tongue out and waited for his spit to drip onto it, like a puppy begging for a treat.
When you swallowed it with a smirk on your face, he finally lost all semblance of control.
You weren’t entirely sure what happened next, but next thing you knew, you were stomach-down on the bed.
The sound of impact as Bokuto’s hand met the supple flesh of your ass rang in your ears. You barely had time to register the searing heat blooming across your rear before he brought his hand down again on the opposite side.
“Get that fucking ass in the air.” 
Bringing your knees under you and sticking your ass out as much as you could, you waited for his next move as your orgasm began to dwindle.
Bokuto bit his lip as he watched you present yourself to him, puffy lips glistening in the dim light.
Gripping your hip with one hand, he used the other to give your ass a few slaps with his length before realigning himself with your entrance. You were so wet and stretched so well that with a harsh snap of his hips, his entire length was buried deep in you with no resistance.
“Fuck!” Your voice was hoarse as you cried out from being stuffed with his cock again.
The angle this new position set had his cock dragging along your walls, caressing them as he fucked into your heat. The new pace he set was brutal as he chased his own high.
Skin against skin became the only sound in the room as his weighty balls slapped against your clit- each time the coil in your stomach tightened.
Your body stiffened when you heard him spit, followed by the feel of moisture coming into contact at the top of your ass.
He’d been lost in his mind as he watched your puffy slit suck in his length, and when his eyes travelled up to the puckered hole just above, he couldn’t help himself.
“Don’t worry,” He spread the spit around your pucker with his thumb before gently applying pressure, “I’ll ruin this hole next time, little bird. But first, I want you to get an idea of just how good I can be to you.”
When his thumb slipped past the tight ring of muscle, your eyes rolled into the back of your head.
A sense of euphoria settled deep within you as you lay there and let the Ace pound into you with reckless abandon.
Bokuto became drunk on the cries he was sure you didn’t even realise were falling from your mouth as drool pooled beneath your cheek and turned the bedsheets a darker shade.
It wouldn’t be long now. He could feel his balls tightening as heat spread through his body. Not to mention, your legs had started to quiver with the first signs of your release.
“You ready to come for me again, baby?” His hips never faltered from the harsh pace he’d set.
“I can’t...too much...fuck.”
He found it almost endearing that you thought you had a choice. 
“Wrong answer.”
You didn’t think it was possible for him to fuck you any harder, but a last burst of energy had him pistoning his hips into you with such force that you had to reach above your head and press a shakey hand against the headboard to stop your body from jolting forward.
Your body couldn’t take much more stimulation and seconds later you cried out your release into the mattress.
Your first orgasm was nothing compared to the pure ecstasy you felt in those following moments as you came hard around the thick muscle still pumping into your aching walls.
Stars flashed across your vision as your toes curled, and your hands blindly clawed at the mattress. It was as if you’d been washed out to sea in an ocean of bliss, and you had no choice but to ride the waves crashing through you.
Bokuto’s thrust became sporadic until finally, his body went taut behind you, balls tightening as he emptied his seed into your spasming walls. 
His cum was warm as it splashed against your cervix, staining every inch of your insides with the thick fluid.
White noise rang in your ears as your body rode out its chemical high.
Bokuto pulled his thumb and cock from your holes once his balls were empty. Once removed, your body collapsed to the side, exhausted.
Bokuto’s own energy was about to run out, but he couldn’t tear his eyes away from your twitching cunt. His cum had started to dribble out from between your swollen lips in a steady stream of white.
Instinct had him reaching out and pressing as much of it back into your body as he could. He ignored the weak cries that the action coaxed from your mouth as his fingers brushed against tender flesh.
He’d fucked you raw. 
You’d be sore for days after this. Hell, a dull ache had settled in his own muscles.
With a groan, he used the last of his energy to scoop your thoroughly fucked body off the bed and carry you the short distance to the bathroom. Placing you gingerly down into the toilet seat, he only let go when he was sure you weren’t going to fall face-first onto the cold tile floor.
Grabbing a small cloth, he made quick work of rubbing the musky smell of sex from your body before jumping into the shower and ridding himself of the thin layer of sweat sticking to him. The warm water felt amazing against his skin, and suddenly, tiredness came over him. All of his limbs felt heavy as if weights had been attached to them. He’d definitely been rougher than he meant to- fucking never usually took this much out of him.
You’d been so lost in your after-sex daze that he almost jumped out of his skin when you finally spoke.
“So...When can we go again?” Your voice was far more lucid than he’d expected. It seemed in your daze you’d forgotten your hatred towards him. He knew some gentle persuasion was all it would take to unlock your inner animal.
Raising a brow, he turned to see a sly smile creep onto your face as you sat naked on his toilet. 
You at least had the decency to blush at your request.
“I mean...that’s if you want to. Oh, and you’d better delete that video or I’ll rip your cock off and shove it down your throat.”
He thought you might just be a succubus after all.
THERE IT IS!! LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK<3 Likes/Reblogs/Comments are always appreciated and mean more than you realise ^.^
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piecksz · 4 years
starstruck | (m)
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pairings: rockstar!eren yeager x fem!reader
warnings: nsfw, penetrative sex, fingering, creampie, roughness, drug use, explicit language
words: 4.4k+
summary: you and your friend decide to sneak backstage at your band’s favorite concert and the vip treatment you recieve is more than you bargained for.
inspired by 
a/n: you know the drill :p obey (with YUNGBLUD) by bring me the horizon it’s literally not a sexy song so don’t go in listening to it expectin to get horny LMAOO it’s just the kind of sound i imagined eren’s band to have, but it was sexy to me bc the image of rockstar eren tormented me the entire time i wrote this 
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“I can’t believe I agreed to this. This is fucking crazy.” Your friend’s voice was a fidgety whisper behind you. Her face’s close proximity to the back of your neck had her heavy expiration fanning over your nape every time she opened her mouth to reprimand herself for allowing you to beguile her into illegal trespassing.
“You’re fucking crazy,” she whispered again, tugging the leather sleeve of your jacket with a pesky grip.
You shrugged her touch off of your arm and took a brief glimpse over your shoulder to offer her a sour look. “Can you be quiet? You freaking out is making us look suspicious.” You whisked your head back around, peering around the corner of the vacant merch tent.
“No, us creeping around to sneak onto a fucking tour bus is making us look suspicious,” she retorted.
The corner of your mouth tightened at your friend’s concern and you lifted your hand to give her a dismissive wave. You were astounded when she had originally agreed to your brazen proposal, although it took minutes of incessant pleading for her to actually give in. Her veiled reluctance surfaced the minute you two had separated from the concert’s crowd at the end of the show and snuck around the stage to the back of the venue. What began as her unease and quiet suggestions that maybe your idea wasn’t so smart, intensified into irritating nagging. You gave her the option to turn around and wait for you back at the car, but as your companion, she sighed and remarked that something so stupid couldn’t be done alone.
“I see it,” you said eagerly and with a proud grin. The vehicle was stationed a decent distance from where the two of you had been standing, but you measured the stretch with your eyes and figured that if you walked quickly enough, you’d be able to make it on without being caught.
“How do we even know they’re on it?” Your friend craned her head past yours to get a better view of what you saw.
“We don’t. I’m just guessing.”
“Oh great, that’s exactly the answer I wanted.” She released a tense and quiet laugh before retreating back behind the screen of the tent.
You surveyed the security guards as they patrolled back and forth along the premises, waiting until the coast was clear. Once you noticed an opening, you forcefully grabbed your friend’s wrist, ignoring her silent grunt of protest, and pulled her along. She stumbled into your stride and peered over at you, doing her best to follow your quick feet while mirroring your nonchalant guise.
Closer and closer, the two of you neared the tour bus until it had to have been only yards away. You tried to remain composed through your excitement, making sure you didn’t break your character. No fucking way your plan had actually gone off without a hitch, it almost seemed too easy.
You kept walking. Maybe the exclamation wasn’t for you, but once the holler was thrown again, your body went rigid, and the tempo of your steps slowed until you stopped in your tracks. The adrenaline that commanded your legs had been substituted for lead and it kept your feet pinned to the ground. You couldn’t even run.
“Hey, you two aren’t supposed to be back here.”
You blinked once, long and hard, before pivoting on your heel. You watched, mortified, as a burly security guard started in your direction and got closer until he loomed over you both with a threatening advantage in height.
He looked even angrier now that you could see the way his thick eyebrows creased together and created a ripple of lines above them that disappeared into a bald head. His hefty arms were crossed against his chest while he glowered down at you two, waiting to hear a story. You could tell your excuse wouldn’t matter though, it was obvious he wasn’t in the mood for jocular conversation.
“Oh, I’m so sorry, we were looking for the bathroom,” you explained, clasping your hands together and feigning an apologetic smile. You turned your head from side to side, looking around innocently to sell your lie, and then looked back up at the guard with a nervous laugh. “And I guess it’s not here.”
Your friend shook her head and said nothing, but you were certain she was drawing up a creative speech in her head, wondering how she would tell you that she “told you so” this time.
“Nice try.” The guard curled his lip angrily. “Come on.” He reached out a thick hand and wrapped it around your bicep while grabbing the back of your friend’s shirt with a crude yank. Your eyes went wide at his hostile grip and you jerked your arm, trying to free yourself of his hold.
“Hey, whoa!” His grip only tightened. “We can walk ourselves!”
The guard forced you two forward, prompting you to walk so he could escort you off the grounds.
“What’s going on?”
You looked up and your writhing ceased. Instead, heat flushed your cheeks and you stood dazed. It didn’t take long before you recognized the owner of the voice because, naturally, you would have been able to recognize him from a mile away, but luckily you didn’t have to. He was right in front of you.
It was Eren, the lead singer and guitarist of the band you had been screaming your heart out to not even an hour ago. He was your favorite member, meaning you’d watched countless interviews and had several pictures of him saved on your phone, but nothing could have prepared you for what he looked like up close. His long brown hair looked like it was still damp with sweat, a sign of his showmanship on stage, and it framed his face in careless wisps and fell loosely past his shoulders. His torso was unclad, showing the dark inkings that adorned his biceps and stretched all the way up his shoulders until they met at the detailed design of wings in the middle of his chest. Dark ripped jeans sat loosely, just below his hips, and teased a peek at deep v-lines that ran underneath the top of his waistband.
You fought off the urge to drop to your knees and pray for how sinfully hot he looked.  
Trailing behind him were his bandmates, Armin and Jean, the band’s other guitarists, and Connie, the band’s drummer. You had never seen such an attractive circle of friends where you would have been satisfied taking any of them, and although you avowed to your friend that Connie was hers since she favored him, you absolutely would’ve allowed him to do whatever he wanted to you.
“Caught these two trying to sneak onto the tour bus.” The security guard thrusted you two ahead with an unsatisfied huff, and you shot him a glare.
Eren’s attention dropped from the security guard’s face and drifted over to your friend first before settling on you, eyes sweeping over your face and falling at half-mast. He arched an eyebrow then averted his gaze from your chest.
“It’s cool, let them go.”
“Are you sure?” The security guard’s grip on you loosened, and you pulled out of his hold the minute you felt him unhand you.
Eren shrugged. “Yeah. They can hang.” He quickly dismissed the security guard and casually sauntered past you before disappearing onto their bus.
You glanced over at your friend who looked like she was still in the process of trying to grasp the situation evolving in front of her.
“What kind of assholes turn away fans?” Jean teased, giving you a warm smile before he lifted his half-empty water bottle to his lips.
Connie switched his drum sticks to one hand and slipped them behind his back into his pocket.  “You guys are fans, right? You’re not trying to steal a couple of used water bottles to sell online are you?”
You took a lengthy pause and waited for your friend to answer, giving her an opportunity to converse with him, but she said nothing. She just rocked back and forth on her feet, staring at the ground timidly to avoid looking Connie in the eye.
“No,” you answered for her. “I mean yes, we’re fans. Big fans. No to trying to sell your DNA.”
Your response earned a chuckle from Armin and a hearty laugh from Connie while he nodded in approval. “Alright.” He tilted his head in the direction of the bus as though encouraging you two on.
You watched as the rest of the members filed inside, and then your friend seized your hand frantically.
“Holy shit. Y/N, holy shit!” She squealed, and you snorted at her sudden ability to talk once again. “You saw him right? You saw him.” It didn’t take much detail for you to gather that she was gushing about Connie.  
“Did you even see him? Your head was down the whole time, you didn’t say a single word to him.”
Your friend’s animated face slackened into a placid expression. “I didn’t trust myself. If I opened my mouth I would have asked him to put me in a headlock.” She exhaled. “Jesus Christ, those arms.” Your goading smile stretched into an amused grin, and you shook your head at your friend’s hysterical behavior.
The inside of the tour bus was much larger than you would have deduced from its seemingly modest exterior. Its floors were dark and polished wood that matched the ceiling, both surfaces lined with subdued yellow light. Aside from the sizable kitchen to your right, large leather couches sat on either side of the lounge area, and stretching to the bus’ rear were dimly lit bunk beds that were half-obscured by a dark curtain.
“Holy shit, this is a house on wheels,” your friend breathed, mouth agape.
“Well we’re on the road most of the time, so it might as well be,” Armin answered, throwing himself into one of the sofas with a labored sigh. He threw his head back in exhaustion and brought his arms up to rest against the top of the couch. “We never caught your names by the way.”
Both you and your friend introduced yourselves, forgoing a proper introduction from the band’s members. You evidently already knew who they were.
Armin smiled. “Nice to meet you guys.”
Jean shuffled through, handing you and your friend a water bottle, which you accepted with much appreciation. You hadn’t taken heed of how thirsty you’d been, and you hadn’t had anything to drink since the concert had started. Even while you swooned in the crowd between sweaty bodies, dehydration threatening to ruin your fun, you’d refused to pay $4 for a beverage.
“Make yourselves at home.” He threw another bottle to Armin.
“Oh no, we’re not planning on staying that long.” Your friend laughed, clutching onto her drink so tightly that the plastic squeaked in her grip.
You nudged her in the ribs with an assertive elbow and said her name quietly through clenched teeth, barely audible enough for the two of you to hear. She looked at you with uncertainty, and you gave her a forced grin.
“Don’t be rude. They said we should make ourselves at home.” You obliged to Jean’s invite, taking a seat in one of the leather cushions.
The situation you were in was a rare opportunity, the type of opportunity you’d only heard from other people, the type of opportunity you’d read fanfiction about in your early adolescence. If anyone told you that you’d be living such an opportunity, you weren’t sure if you’d really believe them, but had you declined to appease your friend’s irrational concern, you knew you’d regret it for years.
“Did you guys enjoy the show?” Connie leaned against the wall of the bus and wedged a rolled stick of paper between his pursed lips. He brought a hand-held lighter to the end of the stick, sparking it a few times with his thumb before a small flame engulfed the thin paper and thick smoke billowed from its tip. It only took a moment before the pungent, herbal stench of marijuana invaded the inside of the tour bus.
“Of course, you guys are amazing.” You nodded, perching yourself up in your seat and clapping your hands together excitedly. “We’ve been trying to see you guys in concert for a long time now.”
Eren fell into the seat beside you, and your body tensed up almost instantly. You’d managed to feign calmness from your first encounter because it had been easy to masquerade your nervousness from a distance, but now that he was even closer, surely he could have heard your heart palpitating against your ribcage. Its beating grew even quicker once Eren sat back and slid his arm behind you to lay it atop the backrest.
“Yeah?” His voice was languid. “What’s your favorite song?”
“That’s a hard question,” you chuckled, suddenly becoming very interested in the sleeves of your jacket. “I seriously don’t know if I can pick just one.” It hadn’t been a hard question at all, but you simply couldn’t think through the smell of his faded cologne and the feeling of his naked chest up against the side of your arm.
“That’s cool,” Eren smiled, but responded plainly. “You smoke?”
Your eyes drifted up to see Eren offering you a partially-burnt joint in between two fingers. He inhaled deeply from his hit and exhaled, a thick white cloud rolling past his lips.
You hadn’t smoked before, and you weren’t an avid consumer of weed. One edible at a party had you manic until your friends had to calm you down in a separate room and reassure you that you weren’t dying, but you still accepted it hesitantly. You brought it to your lips and took a deep draw before erupting into a fit of coughs.
“Easy,” Eren laughed, and his warm hand rubbed the nape of your neck soothingly. He took the joint from your hands and held it towards Armin.
Your chest and throat heaved with the searing sensation of a foreign substance, and your body racked with an incessant wheeze until it was sure it had expelled all of the stuff. Eren beside you thought it was the funniest thing.
“So you guys in college?” Connie asked, this time directing his question to your friend since you clearly couldn’t respond.
She nodded quickly, still avoiding making eye contact with him. He must have noticed and thought it was endearing because the corner of his mouth quirked upward into a knowing smirk.
“Sick,” Eren remarked. “I dropped out of college, but you guys should stay in school, seriously.”
“Don’t worry I have no plans to drop out and become a musician,” you rasped once your coughing subsided.
He paused for a moment and then looked at you. “What about a boyfriend?” His eyes drank you in from bottom to top until he met your clueless stare.
“Do I have a boyfriend?” You blinked, and then the tip of your ears went up in an uncomfortable heat that spread over the side of your face until your skin was aflame with realization. “No.”
“That’s good.” Eren studied you from behind heavy lids and he lingered on your lips, his own spreading into a suggestive grin. “So it’s cool if I do this?”
He leaned in and affixed his lips at the curve of where your jaw met your ear. His mouth was hot and the kiss was wet against your feverish skin. He planted another one lower, against the hollow dip where your neck curved, and then he bent the arm resting behind your head, using his hand to turn your face toward him so that when he tilted himself forward again, he could kiss you without interference. His lips were soft and slow as they commanded your mouth to follow his rhythm, and you withheld a desperate and excited whimper once Eren slipped a seductive tongue past your teeth.
He relaxed another hand on your leg, rubbing slow circles into the top of your thigh while edging closer and closer to the top of your waistband. Once his leisure fingers skimmed over your pants’ button, he skillfully undid the first hole before moving on to your zipper. You made a small sound of protest and pulled back in embarrassment.
“In front of your bandmates?” you questioned in a breathy whisper.
Eren shrugged, looking unfazed. “They don’t care. Nothing they haven’t seen before.”
Your heart twisted painfully in your chest. He was a goddamn celebrity for crying out loud, had you really thought you were the first girl he brought onto the bus to fuck? And he’d done it in front of his bandmates? You shifted uncomfortably, looking to Armin, Jean, and Connie who were now occupied with showing your friend pictures they’d been sent from professional photographers after past shows.  
“I don’t know,” you admitted timidly.
Eren rolled his head to the side, visibly bothered by your response. He glanced over to his bandmates and swept through his locks with a lazy hand. “Hey, why don’t you guys go show her the stage set before they pack up?”
Your friend looked away from the laptop they were gathered around and over her shoulder. “But—.”
Eren’s fingers trailed up and down the side of your neck, clearly eager to resume your previous matters. Were you really about to pass up this chance?
You gave your friend a reassuring thumbs up alongside Eren’s suggestion. “I’ll come find you later.”
It almost seemed like Eren sent his bandmates an unspoken cue, because Connie quickly chimed in before your friend had another turn to object. “Yeah. It’s okay, we’ll take care of you.” He wrapped a tattooed arm around your friend’s shoulder and gave her a friendly shake.
You could almost see the rise and fall of her chest cease, and you actually grew worried for her. It looked like she had nearly died and came back to life, but her stunned face melted into a flustered smile and she laughed sheepishly. “Okay.”
Connie nodded and gave Eren a two finger salute before escorting your friend off the bus with Jean and Armin following closely behind.
Once the door to the bus closed Eren shifted his attention back to you.
“There. Problem solved.” His green eyes had darkened and clouded over with desire again. “You feel better?”
“I guess,” you murmured.
You didn’t get a second chance to speak because Eren’s lips coupled to yours once more, and his hands continued against your zipper before he slipped his fingers into your underwear. He brought two fingers to your slit, skimming lightly over the delicate skin before sliding his middle finger between your folds to part them.
You released a sharp gasp against Eren’s mouth as you felt the cold metal of his rings against your cunt, but he made no efforts to pull away. The earthy taste of marijuana on his tongue caused your head to swim and you began to feel the drug’s intoxicant effects yourself. Your limbs grew heavier as you lay slack against Eren’s body while the sensation of his soft strokes against your tender clit had you whimpering against his lips.
He dipped his finger down to your body’s orifice, sliding it into your hole to glaze the digit with your arousal.
“God, you’re so tight.” Eren’s voice was deep as he pulled away from your mouth and both of you looked down to watch the way he worked you. “I want you around my cock.”
Your hips jerked involuntarily against his hand with the mention of his desire, and he brought his touch back up to your clit, using your essence as lubrication. The bus was quiet except for the symphony of Eren’s husky pants and your lewd whines as he slowly quickened the pace when he felt your body begin to tremble against his.
“Fuck, Eren—,” you mewled. You hadn’t even given thought to how unusual his name sounded coming out of your mouth. Eren, the singer and lead guitarist of your favorite band had his fingers inside of your pants, and here you were moaning his name. “Oh fuck—.”
Your orgasm intensified quickly after its onset, you hadn’t even realized you were climaxing until your body was convulsing and your fingers were digging into Eren’s biceps.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck—Eren—,” you cried.
“That’s it,” Eren cooed. “Atta girl.”
His fingers continued working against your clit until you wrapped a sweaty hand around his wrist, a silent plea for him to stop before he sent you into overstimulation.
He hummed in amusement and heeded your request before pulling his hands out of your underwear. Now he worked his hands against his own belt, unfastening the buckle before pushing his jeans down with his briefs in one swift and eager motion. His cock was half-hard and continued growing rigid after he took himself in his hand and began pumping his throbbing length.  
You watched in wonderment as his palm worked painfully slow against his thick shaft, and pearls of precum gathered at his tip before dribbling down his swollen head. Your own dirty fantasies where you’d tried to envision how big Eren was hardly did him justice.
You rose to your feet, kicking off your shoes with haste, and stepped out of your pants. You shrugged off your jacket as well, realizing how uncomfortably sticky your sweaty arms felt against the leather material.
“Come here,” Eren hummed, and released his cock. He held his hands out for you to take, and he pulled you onto his lap. He supported your waist until your knees were mounted on either side of his thighs, and you pulled your underwear to the side, allowing his pulsating tip to prod your entrance.
“You gonna show me how well you ride?” he asked, thumbs rubbing circles into your hips.
You nodded, resting your hands on his shoulders and undulating your wet folds against his cock. You released a desperate whimper every time he nudged your clit.
“Yeah? Show me.”
Eren watched as you slipped him in, and what started as a whine deepened into an obscene cry while you felt him stretch your walls out. You eased down until you sat at the base of his cock and he’d filled you to the hilt.
You dug your teeth into your lower lip, waiting to adjust to his girth before you slowly started moving up and down. Eren’s shallow breathing encouraged you while you lifted yourself up and then back down, each time releasing an agonizing sob.
“Good girl.” Eren’s large hands traveled up from your waist and rested on your chest. “Just like that.” He loosely cupped his hands over your clothed chest, adoring the way your quickening pace caused your breasts began to jounce underneath your shirt, but your ache to feel his touch everywhere along your skin became uncontrollable.
Your fingers curled around the hem of your top and you quickly slipped the material off, tossing it onto the couch beside you. You did the same with your bra, too impatient to fumble around with the pesky hooks.
Eren grinned lazily, before resting his palms against your breasts and giving them a small jiggle. He leaned forward, lolling his tongue out, and flicked its tip against the hardening bead of your nipple. He looked up at you with half-lidded eyes and smiled at the way you murmured his name before rolling his thumb over the wet skin.
“So fucking hot,” Eren praised. He gave your other breast a brisk slap, watching it shake with the impact, and then he took you in his mouth. He sucked hungrily before taking your nipple between his teeth and tugged on it.
You continued bouncing on Eren’s cock before he released a guttural groan and threw his head back. “Fuck, don’t stop.” The tattoos along his sweaty chest expanded with each uneven breath. “I’m gonna cum.”
Eren’s hands traveled down to your ass, and black-painted nails dug into your skin while he directed you up and down. You rolled your hips against him until you felt his cock jerk inside you, and then he was filling you up.
Eren unloaded himself into you and your walls fluttered around his quivering length. His balls spasmed, making sure he’d jettisoned every drop of thick, white cum. He pulled his cock out before your knees gave way and you collapsed next to him. Your pussy clenched around nothing, still adjusting to Eren’s absence, and you felt his release leak out of your hole.
You heaved, eyes strung tightly, while you desperately tried to catch your breath. You had to have been dreaming. You kept your eyes closed, fearing that you’d wake, but they fluttered open instinctively when you felt Eren’s weight lift from beside you.
“Where are you going?” You watched as he tugged his pants up and fastened his buckle before shuffling around the bus looking for something. Jesus Christ, just how much stamina did this guy have?
“Your friend’s probably wondering what’s taking you so long,” Eren replied, disappearing behind the curtain leading to the bedroom in the back of the bus.
Your hand flew to your forehead and you sat up, feeling guilty that you had completely forgotten your friend. Knowing her, she was probably worrying herself sick wondering what Eren had possibly done to you. You started retrieving your clothes and getting dressed, but you paused momentarily, calling out to wherever Eren had been on the bus.
“I should give you my number.” You stuck a leg into your pants. “You know, just to keep in touch.” You stuck your other leg in and hopped around, pulling your pants up.
Eren reappeared from behind the curtain, tugging on a fitted black t-shirt. “Don’t worry about that.”
You popped your head out from under your shirt and reached for your jacket. You laughed lightly and gave him a confused look.
“Safety and shit. We can’t give our personal information out to just anyone.” He gave you a pitiful smile, but you could tell it was more for you than for him.
“Oh,” you responded quietly.
Eren seemed unconcerned with the guidelines he was given, as though he didn’t care much about whether he even remembered your name once they were on the road again.
“Don’t look so sad babe. You’re lucky.” He tilted his head toward you and raised his eyebrows. “Not everyone gets to fuck a rockstar.”
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snelbz · 3 years
Life As We Know It {Chapter 9}
Summary: After the sudden deaths of Nesta’s sister and Cassian’s best friend, they gain guardianship of their nephew, Nyx.
Based on Life As We Know It (2010) and a prompt sent in by anonymous for our Nessian fanfic contest. This is a modern au.
Instead of doing a tag list for this story, we have decided to have a set posting schedule. Chapters will be posted weekly on Mondays and Thursdays. Chapters will be posted on both my and Shelby’s blogs! >> @snelbz​
Life As We Know It Masterlist
Shelby’s Masterlist
Tara’s Masterlist
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A/N: SURPRISE. Enjoy this chapter a day early. I had my days wrong and legit thought it was Thursday, but since it was ready…. Y’all get to enjoy the spoils of my frazzled brain. 😘
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Nesta waited with Nyx in the waiting room of the pediatric office.
His rash didn’t seem to be bothering him much, but she wanted to get ahead of it before it became a problem. He was absolutely enamored with the TV playing a bright children’s show in the corner, and Nesta couldn’t help but smile down at him as she checked her email.
The usual stuff greeted her, some open catering order invoices for the restaurant, a few wayward resumes from high school kids that had managed to get her personal email, and, of course, spam.
Nesta’s head shot up, and Nyx began looking around, wondering who had called his name. Nesta was instantly on her feet, pushing Nyx’s stroller toward the door that the nurse held open.
She smiled. “Hello, Nyx.”
Nyx babbled in greeting.
The nurse chuckled. “Such a cute little guy. You’re Nesta, I assume?”
“I am,” Nesta confirmed. “I’ve not been here before. It’s a nice office.”
The small talk went on. Nesta had never been a fan of small talk, of polite pleasantries.
It just made her feel awkward.
Nyx didn’t seem to mind. He just kept babbling and babbling and babbling, without a care in the world.
The nurse led them into a room and she checked Nyx’s height and weight before telling them that the doctor would be there shortly.
Nesta had picked Nyx up, looking around at all the educational posters on the walls, when a quick knock sounded on the door and a man cracked open the door.
Nesta blinked once as he stepped inside, not expecting the tall, muscled man that appeared in front of her.
“You must be Nesta,” he said, extending his hand. “I’m Dr. Kamaras.”
This man was Nyx’s pediatrician? She had known that Nyx’s doctor was male, Feyre had mentioned him in some stories a few times, but Nesta had always pictured an elderly man.
Not this sculpted, handsome man, who could easily graced the cover of one of the ridiculous smutty books she kept well hidden in her bedroom.
She shook his hand, finally remembering how to speak. “Yes, I am, it’s nice to meet you.”
Very nice to meet you, she added in her head.
His face sombered. “I was very sorry to hear about Rhys and Feyre. They were great people.”
And just like that, Nesta was back on earth, holding her sister’s son in her arms, standing where her sister should have been. She tried to keep her smiling from dimming, but she cleared her throat. “Thank you. It’s…been an adjustment.”
As if they both remembered why they were here, Dr. Karamas blinked and said, “Yes, Nyx, right. You told the nurse he has a rash of some sort?”
“It’s just a diaper rash but it seems to be getting infected,” Nesta explained. “I’ve tried a few different things but nothing seems to be working.”
“Ah,” he said, nodding. “Well, let’s take a look.”
Dr. Karamas took one glance and whistled. “Definitely infected. I’m going to give you a steroid cream. Put it on after every diaper change. It should clear up within the week.”
Nesta let loose a breath. “Oh, great, thank you.”
“Absolutely,” he smiled.
He had a nice smile.
He scribbled something down on his clipboard, signed it, and handed it to Nesta. “The number on the bottom is my office number. If you have any other concerns, no matter how small, give it a call.”
Nesta looked at Nyx’s prescription and the number that was beneath it, along with his name.
Balthazar Karamas.
“Thank you, Dr. Karamas,” Nesta said, and she meant it. She was still new at this, and every little medical thing concerned her.
If it wasn’t normal, she was freaking the fuck out.
“Bal, please,” he said, taking her hand again, shaking it. At the look on her face, he added, “I work with kids. They do better on a familiar name basis than with titles like doctor and mister.”
She nodded, smiling. “Bal, then.”
Nesta was getting Nyx resituated in his stroller in the waiting room, about to head back out into the bright sunlight, when she felt someone approach. She wasn’t expecting to find Balthazar standing a few feet away. She quickly checked the stroller, making sure she had her purse, the diaper bag, and, of course, Nyx himself. “Did I forget something?” She asked, finding everything exactly where it was supposed to be.
“No, no, it’s not that,” he said, pausing in front of her. “I just…can’t shake the feeling that I know you from somewhere.”
It was strange, since Nesta felt the same way.
“You’re not Illyrian,” he said, and it wasn’t a question, nor was it rude. Just an assumption. She only knew of a few other Illyrians in the area, and Balthazar definitely had the same coloring as Cassian and Az. And Rhys used to have. She, pale skinned and blue eyed, certainly did not.
“I’m not,” she said, at last.
Bal chuckled.
That smile, yet again, had her toes curling.
“Interesting,” he said, that smile remaining. “Well, maybe we can figure out just where we’ve run into each other before...over lunch this weekend?”
Nesta blinked. A date?
“Not a date,” he said, quickly, reading her mind. “I would never ask the aunt of my patient on a date. That would be incredibly unprofessional.” Nesta laughed. “Just…two acquaintances figuring out where they were previously acquainted.”
“Lunch sounds nice,” Nesta said, unable to shake her own smile. “Saturday, then?”
“Saturday,” Bal agreed.
They set up a time and place and then Nesta was out the door.
Cassian’s day had been as long as it was the day before. It seemed that the teenagers visiting Velaris had gotten the message from their friends that Cassian’s bar was checking every single ID of every single drink that was ordered. So instead of being slammed and busy and frustrated the whole day, he had been bored out of his mind.
He’d gone through his inventory sheets twice, ordering anything they might remotely run out of in the next few weeks.
It didn’t help that Kallias had the day off, covering the evening shift tonight, leaving him alone with his thoughts all day.
And those thoughts constantly reminded him that he’d been an absolute dick to Nesta the night before.
As he drove home, he contemplated the apology he needed to make.
Although Cassian believed his intentions were typically good, apologizing wasn’t one of his strengths. He ran through what he’d say a hundred times, had come up with an unbearable amount of ways in which he could apologize, but everything he thought of wasn’t good enough.
He knew Nesta well enough to know when she would laugh in his face.
He’d come up with about fifteen different scenarios of how this could go by the time he pulled into the driveway, parking next to her little car. He took a deep breath before unlocking the front door and letting himself in.
The house was quiet, neither Nesta or Nyx were anywhere to be found. It was barely six-thirty, but he knew Nesta was taking Nyx to the doctor earlier in the day, which may have tired him out so thoroughly that he was already down for the night. A peek into his cracked bedroom door confirmed it, his little hand curled next his face as he slept.
When he finally tracked down Nesta, on the back patio, her feet propped up in a lounge chair, he definitely hadn’t expected to find her with a bottle of wine. Or what was left of it, at least.
The mostly empty bottle of wine sat next to the baby monitor.
He cleared his throat, announcing his presence.
Nesta’s sigh was the only acknowledgement she showed.
“Everything alright?” He asked.
She shrugged and took a sip from her glass.
“Bad day?” He continued.
She shrugged again.
“Is this the silent treatment?” He asked.
“I assume you’d know,” she said.
Cassian began rubbing his temples. “Look, Nesta-.”
“I’m a little busy if you don’t mind,” she continued. “I prefer to relax alone.”
“This is my house, too,” he said, shutting the sliding door behind him as he made his way onto the patio. “What if I want to sit out here with you?”
“Then I’d suggest continuing the silence,” she said, not looking at him, her face tilting back up to the sky, where it had been when he’d come outside.
So he sat down on a nearby lounge chair, and didn’t say a word.
Or he tried, but he didn’t last five minutes. The words that had building inside him all day needed to come out. He’d rehearsed different things he wanted to say, with reasons for why he was such an asshole, and promises to try and be better from now on. But as he looked over at her, the starlight on her face, all he could get out was, “I’m sorry.”
For a moment, Nesta said nothing. “About?”
“The way I acted last night,” he replied, keeping his eyes on the lawn. “It was uncalled for, and I’m sorry.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” she said, draining her glass.
Cassian’s eyes shot her direction. “I’m trying to apologize. You can at least accept my apology so we can move on.”
“Apologies mean nothing,” Nesta said, shrugging. “Words are meaningless.”
“Not mine,” Cassian argued. “I mean what I say.”
“Then you meant what you said last night?” Nesta pushed.
Cassian’s lips snapped shut and his jaw hardened. “No.”
“So, you’re a liar, then?” Nesta asked.
He groaned in frustration. “You’re infuriating.”
She didn’t deign to reply to that.
He took a deep breath. “I’m sorry I was an asshole last night. I was…embarrassed about how you found me the night before. I don’t… I don’t like to be seen like that.” He paused, but then he held a hand out in between them. “Not- not that that happens often. I mean, I don’t make a habit of having emotional breakdowns.”
She didn’t say anything. Just stared at him.
He cleared his throat again, remembering little things he had felt badly about through the day. “Nesta, I’m sorry I acted like an ass. I’m sorry I didn’t appreciate the dinner you made me. I was rude as hell and you did nothing to deserve it.”
After a second, she glanced away, out over the pool. He figured she wasn’t going to reply, and he stood, heading back for the back door.
He had slid the door open and was halfway inside when she said, “If you’re hungry, I made lasagna for dinner. It should still be warm on the stove.”
He turned back and found a hint of a smile on her face. “Thanks, Nes.”
A continuation of his apology, Cassian had told Nesta he'd be on baby duty for the rest of the night, waking Nyx up for his bottle, granting her leave to do whatever she wanted. She elected to finish off the bottle of wine, open another, and relax in the bathtub with a book.
The book of choice was definitely not appropriate to read in front of Nyx.
Or Cassian, for that matter.
She had appreciated his apology, even though a part of her still wanted to be pissed. There were very few things that agitated her more than male bravado, and Cassian was the spitting image of it. Embarrassed because he was emotional? Please. Get the fuck over it.
Then again, she could say that all day, but in honesty, if the positions were reversed, she would have reacted very, very similarly.
If not worse.
Nesta had always felt too much, far more than either of her sisters. It wasn’t like they were robots, of course. Elain had a bigger heart than anyone Nesta had ever known, and Feyre had been a light to be around.
But, Nesta…
She felt it all, and she felt it far too deeply. She had learned long ago to shut those emotions off, to let them go, to not let her emotions show. They could just be used as a weakness.
And she found life worked better that way.
There was a soft knock on the bathroom door.
Nesta sat up straight, even though the door was locked, in a sudden panic over the fact that she was nude and reading smut.
“Nyx is going to bed,” he said. “Just thought you’d want to say goodnight.”
“I- Ah- Just a minute,” she called, setting the book down and reaching down to grab for her towel. She was out and damn near opened the door in just her towel again, but remembered their agreed upon rules. She snatched her robe, wrapping it around herself, towel and all.
She opened the door, Cassian standing just by her bed, and Nyx had his head resting on his shoulder, rubbing his little eyes.
The image was so pure and innocent that Nesta couldn’t stop herself from taking a few steps towards them, reaching out to brush her fingers down Nyx’s soft cheek. “Sweet dreams, buddy,” she breathed, leaning up to press a kiss to his forehead.
She regretted it almost immediately, as bringing herself that close in Nyx also inadvertently brought her to Cassian. His heady, nutmeg-and-campfire scent enveloping her, reminding her of the morning she’d come downstairs and found him as naked as she was now. She stepped back quickly, clearing her throat. “And goodnight to you, Cassian,” she murmured. She pointed back behind her towards the bathtub, towards her book, and said, “I’m going to read a little longer and then go to bed myself.”
He nodded. “Alright, I’ll see you in the morning. Goodnight, Nes.”
The nickname didn’t bother her as much as it previously had, she realized as he made his way back out of her room, shutting the door behind him.
She didn’t let herself think about that, did her best not to think about him, as she sunk back into the warm water.
Nyx had gone down easily for Cassian, for the first time ever, thanks to the frozen toy he’d gnawed on to relieve the pain of his incoming tooth. He’d decided he deserved a treat, too, after that, and had sat down to watch the hockey game, a beer in hand.
Fifteen minutes later, there was a knock at the front door.
Cassian paused, glancing down at his watch, seeing that it was pushing nine o’clock. He stood, after a second knock sounded, making his way to the door. He opened it to find a woman dressed in a suit on the other side. “Can I help you?”
“Mr. Nazari, I assume?” She asked, extending her hand.
He took it, on instinct, shaking it, but he blinked. He repeated, “Yeah… Can I help you?”
Her brows twitched together. “My name is Alis Birch. I’m with social services.”
Cassian continued to shake her hand, staring.
“The courts told you we’d be making random visits to check in on Nyx,” she continued.
Oh, fuck, Cassian thought. Oh, fucking hell.
They’d completely forgotten about those random visits, in the past few weeks they’d been doing this, distracted by getting used to not only being parents, but getting used to each other as well.
“I see,” Cassian said, nodding. “I… I’ll…be right back.”
“I’d like to come in-.”
Cassian shut the door, quickly set his beer on the table in the entryway, and hauled ass upstairs.
He threw open the door to Nesta’s bedroom, only to found it empty, so he continued on, throwing open the bathroom door.
Where Nesta was still in the tub, completely nude, a book in hand, one hand disappeared beneath the water. Her head was thrown back in utter ecstasy.
Until Cassian barged in, anyway.
“Shit!” he yelled, just as Nesta gasped and sent the water sloshing out of the tub, over the porcelain edges.
Cassian quickly shut the door behind him, closing them into the bathroom together, and put his face in his hands. “Sorry!”
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” she yelled, and he could hear her pulling the plug.
“It’s important, I swear,” he said, his voice muffled by his hands.
“If the house isn’t on fire or Nyx isn’t dying, it’s not important,” she cried, ducking behind the walls of the tub.
“It’s pretty fucking important,” he said, turning to give her a semblance of privacy. He heard her stand up, water moving and quiet dripping, before her feet landed on the rug outside the tub. “The social worker is here.”
She froze and he dared a look back at her. Thankfully, she was wrapped in her towel again, one arm pushed through her robe. “The social worker is here? Now?” He nodded, and she looked at the nearly empty bottle of wine next to the glass on the small table by the tub. It was the second one she’d had that night. “But it’s late,” she protested.
“It’s a random, surprise visit,” he replied. “I left her outside, but-.”
“You didn’t let her in?” Nesta demanded, eyes widening. “Cauldron, Cass, that makes us look so guilty.”
He blinked. “Of what?”
“I don’t know,” she said, throwing her hands in the air. “But it doesn’t make us look good.”
“Well, I didn’t know what to do,” he sighed, exasperatedly. “I sure as hell wasn’t expecting to come up here and find you doing that.” He gestured to the tub.
Nesta’s cheeks heated. He figured his own were going to permanently be the shade of red they were now.
No, that was the last thing he ever expected to catch Nesta doing.
“Just… Go let her in and stall her while I get dressed,” she sighed, crossing her arms, waiting for him to leave.
Cassian hesitated, then nodded, and hurried back down the stairs. When he reopened the front door, Alis Birch stood there. Her expression was hard, intimidating.
Cassian could feel himself sweat.
He prayed that Nesta somehow sobered up and got the fuck downstairs, because there was no way in hell he could do this without her.
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haikyuuthots · 4 years
Hi I love your fics. I read all your ushijima ones and I loved them ☺️ Is there any way you can write some ushijima angst please??? Thank you I hope you have a great day 💖
Misunderstanding- Wakatoshi Ushijima
Pairing: reader x Ushijima
Word count: 1.8K
Warnings: curse words, some arguing, angst.
Synopsis: your boyfriend overhears you talking to your friend, and is offended by what you said. You had no idea why he was giving you the silent treatment.
A/n: here ya go bestie, I’m sorry it’s a little late, I’ve been working :/ thank u luv and appreciate u 🤍
Being with Ushijima was a literal dream. Although he almost always held a stoic expression and wasn’t into public demonstration of affection. There was no doubt that Ushijima loved you, and was only ever soft with you.
From another persons perspective, Ushijima could seem uninterested or inexpressive, but to you Ushijimas feeling were the most evident, you never had to question what he could be thinking or feeling. But one day, everything felt off, for the first time , you had no idea what was on his mind.
Ushijima was home early from practice that day. You didn’t notice him walk in because you were on FaceTime with your friend. Last night all three of you went to dinner and you two were talking about the experience. Ushijima can hear you’re on the phone so as he’s making his way to your shared bedroom he walks around quietly not wanting to disturb you from the call. Stopping at the crack of the door, he can’t help but overhear the conversation between you and your friend.
“Yeah he just doesn’t really know how to express himself, sorry if it felt a little awkward.”
Your friend lets out a small laugh “no girl you’re good, it’s funny he’s kinda like a brick wall.”
Ushijima’s chest tightens upon hearing this comment from your friend, becoming a bit offended.
You on the other hand laugh out loud at her comment, you found it kind of funny. This offends your boyfriend even more he expected you’d at least try to defend him but instead you continued to agree.
“He kinda is.” You chuckle out “it’s like he’s like this the whole time.” You finish your sentence by changing your posture to stand completely still, with no expression on your face. Doing your best to “imitate” him. Your friend bursts into a fit of laughter and you briefly join her.
Ushijima has heard enough at this point, becoming angered by the fact that you would ver talk about him behind his back negatively. With a scowl on his face and a hurt heart he angrily makes his way out.
You on the other hand are still unaware that he was ever present at all, and continue talking
“No I'm just kidding. Honestly, he’s actually a big softie believe it or not. He cares about me and always makes sure to show me he does. He’s literally the sweetest person on the planet. Foreal girl I’m down bad.” You chuckle “I love him so much, I couldn’t ask for anyone better.” Your friend gives you a sincere smile as she hears you gush about your boyfriend “I can tell. Honestly he does seem like a really great guy. I’m so happy for you.”
As you continue to listen to her speak, you’re suddenly startled by a sound coming from your living room. You go to look to see what it is but you find nothing. You shrug it off and continue with the call.
Unbeknownst to you though, your boyfriend had actually been there and just left again, closing the front door of the house. He had no idea what to do with this built up anger growing inside him so he decided to go with his best friend Tendou to avoid you until he calmed down. Overhearing you say those words, really did hurt his feelings, and it made him insecure.
You continued on the call for another 20 minutes before you ended it
“Okay so I’m gonna go, it’s almost 9 so Ushijima should be home soon.” You tell your friend.
You both say your final goodbyes and hang up. Now you were jut waiting for your boyfriends arrival.
It was almost midnight and your boyfriend had still not returned home. You were worried sick, calling and texting him every 30 minutes. But he never answered any of them. You were freaking out, debating whether or not you should go look for him. When you finally came to a decision you heard the front door open and saw your boyfriend walk right through it.
You let out a giant sigh of relief, as you run over to him
“Oh my god Toshi, where have you been?!” You say as you make your way over to hug him.
He doesn’t answer or reciprocate the hug, confused you pull away
“Do you know how worried I was?! I thought something happened to you.” You say, annoyance obvious in your tone
Ushijimas stoic expression never changes as he stares down at you, still not muttering a word he continues to walk in shoving you to the side.
You’re extremely confused by this behavior. Ushijima never ignored you and he never ever went somewhere without letting you know first. Everything he did was out of character, and the fact that he ignored all your questions and avoided you completely angered you. You quickly follow him back to your shared bedroom, raising your voice you speak again
“Why are you ignoring me? Where the hell were you? Why didn’t you answer any of my messages?”
He still doesn’t say a word and this pisses you off even more. You forcefully turn him around to face you, your hand gripping on his arm “I’m talking to you” you angrily say
Instantly Ushijima yanks his arm away from your grip “don’t touch me y/n” the seriousness in his voice is almost scary.
You’re taken aback by his actions, you had no idea what was wrong with him. Why was he being so cold to you? He has never once acted this hostile towards you, you couldn’t wrap your head around what could’ve been wrong.
“A-are you mad at me or something?” You stutter out,
Still your boyfriend says no words, proceeding to grab a blanket and pillow,
“I’m sleeping in the guest room tonight. Don’t follow me.” He states as he briefly looks behind him to look at you one last time before walking out.
You felt defeated, the tears you were desperately trying to hold back, finally making their way out. You felt heartbroken, that your boyfriend whom you loved very much wanted nothing to do with you, and you had no idea why.
You cried yourself to sleep that night, overthinking and wondering why Ushijima had such a giant shift in character.
For the next two days, you barely spoke to your boyfriend. You missed him, and not being able to speak to him hurt you very much. All you wanted to do was talk to him and work things out, but he didn’t seem to want to do the same, considering the fact that every time you directed a word to him, he’d only stare blankly and ignore you.
Now, you’ve had enough, you weren’t going to take this torture anymore, if he wanted to give you the silent treatment, you needed to know why.
It was 9:30 pm when he walked through the front door returning from practice. You wasted no time and instantly made your way over to him
“We need to talk.” No answer
You groan “fuck Ushijima it’s been two days, can you please just talk to me?”
“Why are you mad at me, what did I do??” You’re voice is sounding more desperate now. But he just continues to make his way to the closet.
“Talk to me!!! Im tired of this, it feels like I’m talking to a fucking wall.” You yell out.
This comment seems to trigger Ushijima, as it finally incites a response from him
“If that’s how you feel then maybe you should just leave!” His voice is louder than you’ve ever heard it before
He’s staring at you with a hurt gaze, “if you’ve always felt like I’m such a wall then why are you even with me?”
You’re shocked at his sudden outburst, feeling hurt by his words
“Is that what you want?” You quietly let out, “you want us to break up?”
You’re trying your best to hold back tears “but why!?”
“This is what YOU want. You made that pretty obvious.”
You’re beyond confused “what are you even talking about, why would I want this??”
“I know I bore you y/n! You don’t have to pretend to spare my feelings anymore.”
“W-what? Where did you get that from? Why would you say that?”
At this point the tears you were holding back are spilling out Ushijima’s gaze softens as he notices, his voice calming down a bit. He didn’t care how hurt he felt, the last thing he wanted to do was watch you cry.
“I heard you that night. You were talking to y/f/n. And I heard how you feel like I’m a brick wall with no expression.”
You’re staring at him in shock, you had no idea Ushijima had even been there that night.
“Toshi. I was only joking I swear. Instanly right after I ranted about how much you actually aren’t a brick wall, and how much I love you.” You place your hand on his cheek, making him look down at you. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. I promise I don’t feel that way at all.”
Ushijima melts in your touch, listening to your apologies, “i overreacted. Yes you hurt my feelings a bit but I should’ve talked to you about it.”
You make your way to hug him, and for the first time in two days he finally holds you into the embrace “no toshi. I made a dumb joke, and you didn’t listen to the entire context so it was easy to misunderstand. It’s not your fault, you had every right to be upset.”
He’s squeezing you, slowly rubbing his hands on your back, as a form of comfort
“It’s just, I know I’m not the most expressive, so when I heard you say that, I couldn’t help but feel that you were right. All I could think about was how much better you’d be with someone who matched your energy.”
You pull away and you look up at him “stop, don’t say that. I don’t need anyone else but you. You’re everything I want, I wouldn’t change a thing about you. I love you for you Toshi.”
You bury your face into his chest, tears beginning to fall from your face again, “I can’t believe I made you feel that way I’m so sorry.”
Ushijima holds you closer, his heart breaking at the sight of you crying again “please stop crying y/n. I don’t like seeing you like this.”
He held your chin up, his big hand wiping away your remaining tears. With a loving gaze he speaks again,
“I love you too y/n.” Instantly he bends down to connect his lips onto yours. He was so gentle as he kissed you, you instanly reciprocated, wrapping your arms around his neck as he held you tighter by the waist.
You missed being this close with your boyfriend, all you’ve wanted for the last two days was to be like this with him.
As you pull away, you speak again “promise me you’ll talk to me next time. Any problem you have please tell me, it hurt too much being away from you.”
“I will” he responds, leaning in for another kiss.
You loved your boyfriend, you truly didn’t want anyone but him.
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romanoffswifey · 4 years
Point Blank Part 2
Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Summary: Natasha struggles to deal with the aftermath of that night, and life still has a few surprises left to throw at her.
Contents/Warnings: mentions of serious injury, some angst (but don’t worry too much)
Words: 2,280
AN - As promised here is the second part to Point Blank. I’m so sorry that it took me so long to get this out (uni came along and kicked me in the head) but I hope that you still enjoy it
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Natasha stares into the bathroom mirror, barely recognising the woman who gazes blankly back at her. All bloodshot eyes and puffy eyelids, her face red and blotchy as loose strands of hair cling to the slightly damp trails that mar her cheeks.
She swallows thickly against the soreness of her throat and raises a shaky hand to her reflection. The skin of her fingers raw from where she had scrubbed at them. As if she could simply wash away the feeling of your blood on her hands.
You had started to feel so cold when Steve had finally pried you from her arms, he and Tony quickly rushing your limp form from the room. Leaving her frozen there. Watching as her world imploded around her, haunted by the knowledge that she’d been the one to cause it.
The muscles in her jaw and hands clench as realisation washes over her again. Her vision blurs as tears well in her eyes, and she draws back her fist, letting out a grief stricken roar as she slams it into the wall in front of her.
She has no idea how long she stays there, weeping quietly, before Wanda’s hands wrap around her arm. Gently taking her hand away from the web of cracks she’d just created and pushing it under the stream of water once more. 
The redhead tenses when she’s led back into the main part of the room. A wave of nausea hitting her as she catches a glimpse at just how much of your blood now stains the bed sheets. 
The younger woman notices her reaction and hurriedly guides her down the hallway to her own room, knowing that the redhead wasn’t going to stay in your shared room any longer but certainly not trusting her to be in her spare room alone.
Natasha spends the rest of the night laying awake next to the brunette. Staring at the ceiling as silent tears run down her face, as every time she closes her eyes she’s back there. Reliving that moment over and over again.
Morning comes, and a small part of Natasha is glad for Wanda’s grounding presence as Tony leads the pair to the labs. A warm hand on her shoulder helps to calm her when he begins to place machinery around her head, the billionaire hoping to discover the cause of her actions.
It turned out that when she was separated from the team during your last mission, she had actually been captured by a set of Hydra operatives. The agents deciding to try out their latest form of brainwashing on her. A type of subliminal suggestion.
Clearly they had underestimated her skill as she had put up one hell of a fight, even while under the influence of whatever they had given her. This, combined with the approaching battle from the rest of the avengers, meant they had been forced to let her go before they were finished. Only managing to implant a small piece of their directive into her mind.
But a piece is all they had needed.
To take out even one avenger would be a win for Hydra, and you were the obvious target. Your relationship with Natasha meant that it was normal for you to be in close proximity with each other and for you to have your guard down around her. All she had to do was stick by your side as usual and the programing would kick in and do the rest.
This knowledge did nothing to lessen the pain and the guilt that filled her. Did nothing to change the fact that she had been the one to pull the trigger. 
She can’t stand the looks of sympathy that the others keep throwing her and the way they don’t seem to hold her accountable. So she avoids them. Choosing to forgo team meals and quickly dismissing their offers of company.
But she doesn’t go down to see you either. She thinks whatever is left of her heart would crumble if she saw you now. How could she sit next to your bedside when she was the one who put you there in the first place? She’s not sure you would even want her there if she did.
Over the last 5 years you had provided her with everything she had searched for her whole life. Giving her all your love and support, and helping her believe that she was deserving of it. She felt like she was where she belonged when she was with you, like she had found her home. You were the only person she’d ever had the desire to spend the rest of her life with, and she had repaid you by putting a bullet in you.
When the day drags into evening Wanda gets fed up with watching her self destruction and puts her foot down. The Sokovian forcing the redhead to get something to eat or drink before she makes herself sick. 
Natasha now sits quietly at the kitchen table, her dull eyes fixed on the grain of the wood as Wanda busies herself off to the side. The sound of bubbling fills the silence followed shortly by the clanking of metal on ceramic. 
Careful hands come to adjust the blanket around her shoulders, and a mug is placed in front of her. The scent and colour tell her what it is immediately; Yorkshire tea, milk, two sugars. Your hot beverage of choice. 
She finds it laughable that she should seek comfort from your favourite drink while you could be fighting for your life right now. And yet, some traitorous part of her still does. The familiarity of it ghosting soothingly over the ache in her chest.
Her gaze remains drawn to the rising steam but she’s aware of the way Wanda moves to join a couple of people by the door. A small hint of anger flaring within her as she registers the happiness in their hushed tones. Her annoyance grows after she hears only two sets of footsteps walk down the hall. Leaving her with the feeling of being watched by whoever stayed.
“You know, I was a bit upset that you didn’t come and visit me at first.” Natasha’s head  snaps up at your voice. “But then I realised that you’re probably stuck in that beautiful ginger head of yours.”
“How?” is all she manages to rasp. Gaping at you as you stand leaning on the doorframe like nothing had happened.
You walk over to her, not missing the rough quality of her voice or the way she still squints slightly against the soft light of the room. Your heart twinges at how small and broken she looks as she sits there.
Green eyes watch intently as you kneel in front of her and pick up the tea, humming at the taste as you take a sip, then blowing gently over the brim before offering it to the other woman. Your lips quirk into a small smile when her fingers brush over your own as she takes it from you.
Natasha has to admit that it does feel nice against the scratchiness of her throat.
“How are you up here right now?” she asks a bit easier this time, setting the tea back down and hesitantly reaching out for your hand.
“Well, it turns out that enhanced physiology and the best medical treatment a billionaire can buy are very useful when you get shot,” you explain with a half-smile. “In fact, they said that I'll be perfectly fine and left with minimal scarring.”
You place a kiss on the back of her hand and push it under your jumper, guiding it up towards the tender spot at the top of your abdomen. “See, it’s not that bad.”
Through the bandages and the gauze that lay across your skin, the redhead can feel a small rough patch. It’s barely bigger than her finger tip. But she still frowns as she traces over it.
“I’m sorry,” she chokes, dropping both her gaze and her hand, “I’m so sorry.”
Your brows furrow this time. “What have you got to be sorry for, dorogoy?”
“I did this to you, Y/N. I was supposed to protect you and I shot you! You should hate me! You should want nothing to do with me, not be sat here calling me darling!”
“Hey, look at me.” Her teary eyes reluctantly meet your own as you cup her face. “Hydra did this to me, not you. We both know how their brand of mental warfare works and I’m not going to let you torture yourself over it. I love you too much for that.”
“But I still hurt you. I could have done something to stop it and I let you down,” she argues.
“No you didn’t. You tried to fight it. You knew that something wasn’t right and tried to warn me.” You let out a huff of amusement. “Even subconsciously you did try to protect me, just like you always do.”
Her eyes become more focused and her ragged breathing slows down, showing that she was listening to what you said.
Natasha stands and you follow suit, watching quietly as she studies you for a moment before pulling you into a fierce hug. She buries her face in the crook of your neck while her fingers dig into the thick knit of your jump, clutching at you tightly as she breathes in your scent. She sighs softly as you begin to rub comforting circles across her back.
The pair of you stay like that for a few minutes, just enjoying the embrace. Glad to be back in the other's arms once more.
When she pulls back, you bring your left hand up to caress her face and a small glint catches her eye. The Russian finally noticing the ring you’re wearing.
“You found it,” she murmurs as she runs her finger along the metal band.
You flash her a sheepish smile. “It was an accident I swear. And in my defence, for a super spy you do sometimes pick terrible hiding places.”
The place she had chosen to hide it was not the best, she had to give you that, but at the time she was kind of freaking out. She had known for a while that you were the only person she wanted to be with but the actual purchasing of the engagement ring had been a spur of the moment decision, and once she’d returned to the compound the panic had set in.
Despite the fact she had long since learnt that everything the Red Room had spouted about love was a lie, she couldn’t help the hint of fear that rose in her at what her desires meant. What that ring represented. And then there was the worry that you wouldn’t actually want to spend the rest of your life with her. Even though you had been with her for so long already. After everything that had happened recently, the latter of her fears only seemed to grow.
She looks away, nervously picking at the edge of the blanket as she voices her thoughts. “Would you even want to?”
“Would I want to what?” you ask, biting the inside of your lip to keep from smiling as you try your hardest to play dumb.
Her eyes flick back to yours. “Would you want to...get married?” she trails off quietly, finally saying the words you were waiting for.
A bright grin appears on your face, and she can’t help the way her own lips tug upwards as she rests her forehead against yours.
“Of course I want to get married, moya lyubov.” You bump your noses together playfully. “Though, I’ll only do it on one condition.”
Natasha hides the flash of panic that runs through her. She’s not entirely sure she can cope with any more emotional turmoil.
You pull away slightly so you can reach into your pocket, pulling out a small velvet box that you hold up in front of you. When you open the lid the redhead lets out a little gasp at its contents. “That condition being that you, Natalia Romanova, would be my wife.”
For the first time that day the tears that well in her eyes are ones of joy. 
Placing one hand over the ring you’re holding and winding the other around the back of your neck, she pulls you into a bruising kiss. The passion behind it makes you weak in the knees and you can’t help the moan that escapes as her tongue pushes into your mouth, brushing over yours in a way that has no business feeling as good as it does.
After a while she releases your lips with a soft pop, leaving you both breathless and not quite able to open your eyes just yet. You can still feel her smirk though.
“I take it that’s a yes then,” you murmur against her lips.
She chuckles and responds by drawing you into another kiss.
Later, once you’ve made sure she’s eaten properly and she’s helped you with a very relaxing bath; you lay in bed together. Natasha wrapped around you protectively while you read a dog eared copy of your favorite book.
She hums contentedly into the side of your neck as she presses herself closer to you. Her smile widens when she glances down to where you’re absentmindedly playing with her fingers. Knowing that soon you won’t only have each other’s hearts, but each other’s names as well.
Natasha L/N-Romanoff had a nice ring to it, and she has a feeling it’s the one that she’s finally going to keep.
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maievdenoir · 3 years
So is this the end? Javi Gutiérrez x F!Reader
Hello my beautiful creatures <3 For today im posting this about our favourite puppy Javi. We finally found out the date for TUWOMT soooo its time to celebrate! This is part of my writing challange so story is based on random chooded charecter, place and prompt. (Javi Gutiérrez - Vocation - Is this the end of our relationship?)
Javi Gutiérrez x F!Reader
Warnings: Soft Javi, Jealous reader, little argument, 
Ps: Once again - I´m sorry for all the mistakes, I´m not native speaker and this is just my second ff in English, but i hope you will like it. 
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You dated Javi for almost 8 months. He was a giant puppy. At the first date he told you that he never had normal relationship. His longest one was couple weeks. “Im not good at these things...” he said. “What do you think?” “Im not good with people. All the girls before just loved my money…” his self esteem was pretty low. You did not understand at all. He was so handsome and easy going. He wasn’t the most intelligent guy; he was pretty simple actually, but he was good man and always polite. He was nearly scared of touching you for the first time. Javi just wanted to do everything right. “Just talk to me and everything will be fine.” you said and kissed him. You never actually fought before. He was honest with you and tells you everything about his past. He told you how Gabriela broke his heart. He was telling you everything. So when you wake up in the morning and didn’t find him next to you, even in the apartment or at the beach, you start worry. He forgot his phone in living room. You were freaking out. You were looking for him everywhere. You start thinking about contacting his CIA friend, but he finally showed at the door. Alive and in a good mood. You want to hit him, really. He showed up after four hours of you looking for him and worrying. “Where the fuck have you been?” you asked. “Just at the yacht with Kay!” he was super calm what makes you even more angry. Were you little jealous? No. Maybe little more jealous than you think. Kay wanted Javier and everybody saw that, expect Javi of course. “We are just good friends, nothing more” he used to say. He would never cheat on you, but you knew Kay would at least try something. “Why didn’t you just let me know?” he still remains calm, and you were still freaking out. “I thought I would be back when you woke up.” “I was worried” you sit on the couch and let the deep breath touch your lungs. “I’m fine… sorry... I forget that damn phone and Kay do not has Hers...” He picked up his phone and looked at the display. So many missed calls till you find it muted in the apartment. “Of course, she will never let you let me know.” You start being little sarcastic, and he starts being little nervous. “What do you think?” “She wants you. A lot. It's obvious. And this whole vocation she tries to steal you from me.” You tried to make it clear to him. He was super easy going with everyone but sometimes, especially when it was young sexy women as Kay, you loose your self-confidence because of it. You knew Javi picked you and you hope he will always picked you but sometimes you actually was jealous of all the attention he gives to random people. “Are you jealous?” He asked with little smile. “Javi I´m not jealous but I´m not blind” Oh, how you hated her. And of course he did not realised. Everybody is always extremely kind to him. There must be something at his magical eyes because there is no way somebody do not like him. You never witness somebody being rude or bad to him. Even the most furious people just calm down next to him. But not you and not now. “You are jealous…” He smiled, but it makes you super angry. “Shut up and listen to me. You try to see always the good in people, but she is not… I wouldn’t be surprised if she knew your cousin.” You actually knew about everything. He told you because sometimes you need to be careful so he can't find you. “Kay is my friend. I feel offended that you do not trust me!” “I trust you. I do not trust her!” you nearly scream. He always loved to make you scream but not at this tone and not from anger. He can´t imagine sweeter sound than when you are screaming his name from a pleasure. You were arguing for a while now. You start regretting that you said something and felt exhausted of this. You wanted just to end this stupid argument and give your boyfriend a little silent treatment for a while. “Okey, Im done with this,” you said, “do as you want…” Javi became silent for a moment. He lowered his head, his curls fall to his face. He looked miserable. “So is this the end?” You looked to him but do not quite understand what he meant. You raise your eyebrows so he asked again. “Is this the end of our relationship?” Your heart aches as you saw his watery eyes. “Of course not, baby” you said, “You are not leaving me?” he asked and looked at you with his puppy eyes. “Why would I do that? Because of one argument? Javi, people argue all the time. Its normal. That does not mean I want to run away from you.” You stand up from a couch to hug him. “Good. Because I love you and I can’t do this without you” “What did you just say?” he blushed. He never told you before. You knew, but he never said that out loud. “I… I… I said I love you” he murmured. “I love you too, Javier Gutiérrez. So sooo much” You kiss his full lips, stroke his curls and realised that you do not need more in your life. Just Javi in your arms and everything other does not matter.
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I Don’t Wanna Do This Anymore - Bucky Barnes
Um, idk. All I can say is I love this man.
Warning: Suicidal and depressing thoughts throughout
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It wasn't that long since you'd been saved from Hydra.
A task to kill an Avenger didn't pan out to be so simple, especially when said Avenger recognized you, forcing everyone else to refrain from killing you no matter what.
It didn't take a lot of work to get you to remember Steve, he was your best friend once.
Thankfully, Hydra hadn't completely turned your brain to mush and you could quickly control yourself enough to not kill everyone you saw.
Yeah, you were saved.
But ever since, you haven't been doing well, mentally, at least.
You felt homesick, as fucked up as that was. Hydra was your home for years, and now you had to find a new normal, if that was even possible. But living in the Avenger's tower when you were rescued proved to be a bit difficult...
Everyone greeted you with a weary smile, often, obviously aware of your reputation. You found yourself annoyed, not even by the people, but how little your kill count was compared to others. Although, you were a bit more creative with your kills, that was probably it. It was hard to blame them for being scared of you, even you were scared of yourself.
Steve trying to reassure you was no help, even though you knew he meant well. There was nothing in the world that could reassure you, not when you could feel the fear and disapproval boring in the back of your skull when you walked through the halls of the busy tower. Even walking the halls at night, you felt your whole existence cringe at the thought of being someplace you knew you didn't belong.
You almost wished someone had killed you back when you were under Hydra's control. Maybe things would be easier if you had just been killed, then maybe you wouldn't feel how you felt every waking moment.
The only thing keeping you going was knowing that Bucky was alive.
Steve told you about Bucky when he thought you didn't remember anything back then, but you knew, you knew too much. You knew Steve probably wouldn't want to hear about how you remembered hearing his screams when Hydra first started their Winter Soldier experiments, about how he slowly started forgetting who you were. But, so did you.
Everything about being controlled by Hydra was agonizing, but the one thing that pained you to no end, even after regaining your memories? Being forced to forget Bucky, even if it was temporary, even if it was just for a second. That was absolute hell.
Lagos happened, causing the Sokovia Accords.
From your perspective, you weren't even an official Avenger and the government was already trying to control you. You'd been controlled enough, so the thought of signing your rights away wasn't appealing. Then again, you didn't do much anyway. And the one time you tried to help out, people died, even though it wasn't your fault.
So, you signed, immediately feeling like you had betrayed Steve.
Then the UN meeting in Vienna was bombed, and Bucky was being blamed for it. Steve thought he didn't, and frankly, neither did you. But Bucky was taken anyway.
Even with him in custody, you couldn't see him, which was a blessing and a curse.
You didn't know Bucky anymore. The feelings that you had for him back in the 40s seemed to fade away along with your mental state every time Hydra blended your brain. You still felt something for him, that much you did know, but you felt so detached from your emotions that you had no way to know what you were actually feeling anymore.
When Bucky broke out, you recognized all the signs that he was back to the Winter Soldier. He had a dead expression, not even hesitating to beat you down when you were in his way trying to stop him.
You felt guilty for not wanting to see him, even when Steve told you that he was himself again. You stayed in the building with Tony and Nat, listening in to Ross telling them they needed to capture Bucky and Steve. Of course, you had to let Steve know, ultimately choosing the side against Tony.
You might not have known him anymore, the both of you going through too much trauma to be as close as you were back then. But he was still Bucky, one of your best friends. So was Steve.
But during the fight in Germany, you kept your distance from Bucky. It might've seemed like you were afraid of him, afraid of confronting him after he hurt everyone in his path when he tried to escape.
It was sort of true, you were afraid, but not specifically because of him. You weren't afraid of getting hurt. It was a lot of things.
When Zemo used his trigger words, you felt guilty for being thankful it wasn't you he tried to use. You couldn't try to talk to your old friend when you had that thought initially. It was an awful, awful thing to think. But now, you were paying for it.
You were forced to hide out with Steve and the rest of his team that sided with him in Germany, but you never felt more alone.
You had nightmares every night, and they only seemed to get worse.
You were afraid of yourself, afraid that someone like Zemo would find you and say your trigger words, causing you to hurt the people you've come to care about. Meeting and getting to know all these people, you'd rather die than hurt them, especially Steve.
He tried to help you realize that Zemo was locked up, that nobody would be able to find you guys, but you couldn't help but feel scared, constantly looking over your shoulder. Knowing about Wanda's powers, you even went to her to see if she could do something to help you, to no avail.
You always avoided the mirrors in your room. You didn't like looking at yourself, you hated your face, you hated every part of yourself. When you looked in the mirror, all you saw was a disgusting broken creature undeserving of love. All you saw was every innocent person you've killed, your nightmares reminding you constantly of that. You didn't know how much longer you could go on being afraid of yourself.
Steve wanted to help you as much as he wanted to help Bucky, so it wasn't that much of a shock to everyone else that he wanted to send you to Wakanda.
You didn't know much about the place, you always thought it was a third world country, but your ignorance was definitely crushed when Steve told you about how technologically advanced the country actually was.
The first thing you asked was, "Will they be able to fix me?"
So you were shipped off to Wakanda, king T'Challa greeting you with a warm welcome along with his sister. The word "deprogram" came out of Shuri's mouth a lot, but you tried not to let it scare you. You knew this needed to happen.
Following Shuri to her lab that was in a more remote part of Wakanda along with a couple Dora Milaje, you found yourself looking around in search of a certain someone. You knew he was here, somewhere. You didn't know if he was "deprogramed" yet. You didn't even know if he was going to be in the building. You didn't know why you were so anxious to know if he was nearby, you'd most likely run the other way.
Shuri noticed how you twitched and squirmed nervously while getting ready to go through the first procedure, your eyebrows furrowed in worry. "Don't worry. If we can help White Wolf, we can help you."
Your brows seemed to furrow more in confusion. "White Wolf?"
"Oh, sorry. That's how we refer to Sergeant Barnes."
"So, what it this treatment suppose to do?"
"It'll remove the response to the words Hydra used to control you."
"That's it?" You frowned slightly.
Shuri sighed, taking a seat next to you. "It's what's safest. I know what you're going through is painful, but if it'll be impossible to take away all of your emotional trauma without taking away everything about you that makes you you. Do you understand?"
Your gaze fell to the tiled floor, tears involuntarily welling up in your eyes. "At least I won't be able to hurt anyone..."
Shuri gave you a weak smile. "That's the plan. Shall we get on with it?"
You took a deep breath, and nodded.
Thankfully, any pain that might've been felt during the procedure didn't happen, as you were put under. A part of you wished you could've been wide awake, the control freak part of you wanting to know what happened, but you trusted Shuri enough to let her do her job.
You felt exhausted, but couldn't help but wonder what exactly the little genius did to you, but she stayed silent and gave you a cheeky smirk when you asked, which only frustrated you.
Shuri soon led you to where you would be stayed to recover. A small hut in an area that had a few more huts that you were able to call your own. It was a secluded place, far away from central Wakanda, the next closest village being only a mile north. So, you weren't going to be entirely alone, Shuri would often visit you to see how you were mentally, and you had to stay and meditate with a couple elders that would be staying in the vicinity.
All that was missing was one person, but Shuri already told you that it would be a couple weeks of daily check ins before you would be allowed to wander around freely, T'Challa's orders. You understood, it was good that he wouldn't take any chances. But you were stuck for now.
Before she left, Shuri gave you a box but you hadn't opened it until later that same night.
You tried not to scoff when you saw what the box held. Self help books? Give me a break...
You felt too broken for any sort of book to help you, no matter how many people would say it would actually be helpful. Perhaps you were too pessimistic, that's all you ever were these days. It had been so long, you couldn’t even remember if you were optimistic in the days before Hydra. It would be a bummer if you were like this all the time.
You thought, maybe, just maybe, if you saw Bucky again, things might be different. And finally, after a couple weeks, T’Challa gave you permission to roam about freely within the area he granted you, which happened to be the same area Bucky was in.
You wracked your brain over and over again if going to see Bucky was a good idea. Your heart wanted to badly to see him, but your brain always gave you excuses to doubt everything. What if Bucky didn’t want to see you? What if he’s afraid of you just like you’re afraid of yourself? The one thing that gave you that push was thinking another what if, what if Bucky missed you too? That what if question was something you had to find out for yourself, even if you didn’t like the answer.
You had to know.
Plus, you knew you had to face him eventually. You didn’t know it at first, but seeing him again in Germany made you feel a rush of emotions for him that you didn’t entirely understand. But now you knew, and you didn’t want to be away from him any longer.
You trekked towards him slowly, still not confident in yourself enough to actually go through with it, you wanted the chance to run away if you felt like you needed to.
You couldn’t help but lightly smile when you saw him. He helping a few little kids gather up hay for what you could only assume was for the rhinos that you saw, purposefully tossing bits and pieces of hay towards them playfully. You knew Bucky was always good with kids, you even imagined what it might be like to be a mother from time to time, but circumstances you found yourself in persuaded you to think it could never happen. But still, it was like a breath of fresh air to see Bucky still had that side to him.
You convinced yourself that you’d confront him another time, when he wasn’t busy. But it was too late for that, Bucky had seen you on the hill leading down to him. He thought about letting you go when you started to turn the other way, but he couldn’t control the sudden urge to call out to you.
You froze dead in your tracks, slightly biting your lip in hesitation before you turned back to face him. You smiled weakly when you saw his slightly hopeful gaze. He stretched the corner of his mouth into a soft smirk, inviting you to meet him all the way with his eyes.
“Y/N.” He greeted, a bit nervously, when you finally made it down the grassy slope.
“Bucky.” You replied, your nerves coming across very clear in the waver in your voice. He furrowed his brows slightly. “What?”
“You never call me Bucky.”
You shrugged. “Then what should I call you?”
“You used to call me James.”
You nodded with a breathless chuckle. “That was mostly to annoy you.”
“Well, I didn’t really mind when you said it.” He smirked, but it fell when he quickly noticed your covert face of discomfort. “I’m sorry.”
You shook your head, almost amused at how well Bucky was able to read you like a book after all this time. “No, it’s okay. I’m just not...used to it anymore, I guess.”
Bucky frowned. He knew what you meant. All this time not being able to have a normal conversation, one that wasn’t barking orders or advising on when would be the right time to kill whenever you two were on missions together. He understood your usual banter from before wasn’t something that you could just jump back in to. It took a while, but he eventually learned how you worked, especially when it came to talking to people.
Bucky looked over you subtly, taking in all your nervous ticks that you still had the habit of doing, ones that he always thought were adorable in their own way. He could tell you weren’t the same, both of you changed, but seeing you act in a way that you did even before Hydra, it was refreshing.
“You also used to call me doll dizzy.” Bucky smiled fondly.
You mirrored his smile, remembering how annoyed he’d get. “You were quite a ladies’ man back then. But I don’t think calling you that now would suit the time we’re in.”
“Since when have you ever followed social pressures? You’re the one who wanted to join the army right along little Steve. I was so pissed when you got assigned to our mission.”
“Ah, you were just mad that I could beat you in a fight.”
“Could you now? I have no memory of that ever happening.”
“Well, I’ve always said you have selective memory.”
“Don’t recall that either.”
“Like I said.”
Bucky smiles, chuckling. “I do remember I could beat you at an arm wrestle.”
“No way that ever happened.”
“Now who has the selective memory?” He teased. You chuckled, looking down to the ground as you placed a loose strand of hair behind your ear. “You’re also wrong about me being a ladies’ man.” He said, making your raise your brow. “You were the only dame I had eyes for.”
You felt like the blood in your body went straight to your cheeks, you could probably slap an egg on your face and it would cook from how hot your face felt. Damn him, he was always good at making your blush, that was always something you missed, but you hated how scared it made you now. “Bucky...I-” You sighed, not knowing how to respond, if you should respond at all. You didn’t know how to do this, you didn’t know how he could just go back to the way things were, you didn’t know how you could keep up with him.
“I’m sorry, I keep doing that.” He huffed. “I don’t know how to talk to you anymore either, if that makes you feel any better.” He laughed sadly.
“I’ve thought about this, for a long time.” You started softly. “I knew it would be hard. I don’t...I don’t even know how to live anymore, much less have a playful banter with someone. It’s like I have two separate lives, both fighting for control and I-” Your voice wavered, stopping your spiel as you tried to fight off tears.
“Y/N...” Bucky moved closer to you, cautiously, the last thing he wanted to do was spook you.
“I don’t know how to do this...I don’t know how much longer I can do this.” You admitted tearfully.
You let Bucky envelop you in a warm hug, even with one arm he made you feel safe. “You’ll get through this. We both will. With Shuri’s help, we don’t have to hurt people anymore.” He whispered, pulling you closer. “We’ll get through this together.”
“I’ve missed you so much. I don’t want to leave you, Bucky.” You cried into his shirt, holding him close.
“You won’t have to, ever again.”
Ha, I’m sad 🤙🏻
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cosmicjoke · 3 years
Okay, so here we go!  Chapter 1 of “No Regrets”!  
There’s a few things I want to point out about this chapter, because both visually and textually, we get a lot of information about the Underground and Levi, and his relationship with Isabel and Furlan.  So I’ll just go through it.
The first thing that really caught my attention for this chapter was the opening page, which is a retrospective shot of Levi after he’s joined the SC, thinking about how he can’t ever know what the results of his choices are going to be.  He says here “I trusted in my own strength... I trusted in the decisions of comrades who had earned my faith...”  And this quote from Levi is really important in later understanding why he makes the choice he does, at the end.  He says he trusted in the decisions of comrades who had earned his faith, and that tells us that Levi believes in Furlan and Isabel, that he believes in their strength and their capability, that he believes in them enough to let them choose for themselves and trust in their judgement.  We’ll obviously delve more into this as it becomes more relevant to the story.  But moving on...
The next thing to catch my attention is the panels of the Underground we see.  These are probably the best shots of this place we get in the whole series, as it really depicts a place that is totally run down and dilapidated, with buildings falling apart and crumbling in disrepair, filth ridden streets with literal sewage water coming out of drain pipes, and a actual cave cover overhead, complete with stalactites, blocking out all sunlight except for few and far between pockets which break through holes in the rock ceiling.  The most telling panels though are the ones which depict the violence and poverty of the place.  We see a panel of a homeless man passed out on the street, painfully thin looking, and under him, two men in a fight, one beating the other violently.  And the next panel shows us a little girl, sitting barefoot on the ground between two men who have just blown each other’s brains out with guns.  Truly, this is a violent, dark, poverty-stricken place that breeds crime and depravation.  The pages before this say that BECAUSE of the splendor of the Capital city above the Underground, this place exists, and that’s accurate.  Because of the excesses and decadence of the rich and well off above these people rejected by society, that means fewer resources for the less fortunate.  It’s truly tragic.  
Alright, now I just want to move on to some small, but telling moments here while Levi and the others are being chased by Erwin and his crew.  
When Isabel is bragging about how the MP’s never learn, referring to how they’ll never be able to catch their gang, she asks Levi if what she said was cool.  Levi tells her “Don’t be stupid.”  This might seem like Levi just blowing her off, but the way I read it, it seems more to me like Levi is warning her not to be cocky, not to be over confident, because that’s the kind of thing that can get you killed, or caught.  Big Bro indeed!   We also see how mindful Levi is here as a leader, when he tells them they can’t afford to lead the soldiers following them straight to their hideout, and clearly they have a plan in place for just this sort of thing.
More importantly, Levi is fast to realize these aren’t ordinary soldiers after them, which shows his great instincts, but what’s really interesting is his internal thoughts here.  His logic is telling him regular MP’s wouldn’t work this hard to catch them, and that their skill with the ODM means they must be SC.  But Levi doesn’t really believe it which, given what we later find out about the deal with Lobov, and Lobov warning them of Erwin’s plans, tells us that Levi never really believed the SC would come after them.  He’s clearly surprised here.
Further, after informing Isabel and Furlan and confirming his suspicions, he tells Furlan that he’s got no intention of getting mixed up with “these guys”.  This tells us Levi never wanted to go through with Furlan’s plans, never wanted to join the SC, never wanted anything to do with any of it.  There’s further evidenced in this very chapter, which I’ll get to in a moment.  But it tells us a lot about the dubious feelings Levi had from the start, and how he probably would have simply been happiest to stay in the Underground with his friends, even though it was a hard life.  
Alright, so, this next part is a big deal, and it’s an overlooked detail which speaks volumes about the kind of person Levi is.  I didn’t even notice this the first time I read it, so I want to talk about it.  Levi separates from Isabel and Furlan, and takes Erwin and Mike on a wild chase through the back alley’s and narrow passages of the slums.  He really tries to give them the run around here, until he flips over a door, into another area.  What’s really important here is Levi’s dialog.  He says first “... Lost ‘em, huh?”  And then he says, “That got a little crazy...  I hope... none of them crashed.”  This is kind of amazing.  Levi is showing actual concern for the two soldiers who’d just attempted to catch him and his friends, who were doggedly pursuing them with obviously bad intentions of some kind.  And Levi, after having to resort to some serious ODM skills to shake them, says he hopes that none of them crashed.  He doesn’t want Erwin or Mike to get hurt, he just wants to get away from them.  Considering he doesn’t know either of them at this point, they’re just nameless, faceless military dogs trying to mess things up for him, that shows remarkable character.  
Of course, things go downhill from there, when Mike crashes through the door and tackles him.  All bets are off then, because Levi’s life is now in danger, and when that happens, he’ll resort to physical force.  Still, he only throws Mike off of him and once again attempts to get away, only for it to be Erwin who swoops down and cuts Levi’s cables.  This was actually really dangerous.  Given Levi’s momentum and position, he crashes hard into a nearby wall before falling to the ground.  So we already see some of that ruthlessness from Erwin here.  Of course, that spurs Levi into violence himself.  I have no doubt that when Levi lunges for Erwin and knocks his blade away, bringing his knife to his neck, he truly intended to kill him in that moment.  Levi’s compassion for these soldiers can only go so far, considering the desperation of his own circumstances.  If Mike hadn’t been there to stop it, I think Levi probably would have ripped Erwin’s jugular right out, and that would have been that, lol.  And then, it’s important to note too WHY Levi stops.  Not because Mike was able to physically restrain him, but because he tells Levi to look around himself, directing his attention to the fact that Furlan and Isabel have been caught.  That immediately stays Levi’s hand, and once again, we’re shown how Levi puts the wellbeing of his friends above himself.  He could have ditched Furlan and Isabel right then and there and escaped on his own.  Instead, he allows himself to be restrained and cuffed.  He refuses to abandon them.
Now the next scene is hugely important to a lot of stuff.
Erwin’s got Levi and his friends down on their knees, in the sewage, questioning them about their ODM skills, and the three of them stay silent, obviously defiant.  We really get a good look at Erwin’s abilities as a manipulator here.
He’s pulling the whole good cop/bad cop routine on Levi, when he tells him “I’d like to avoid any rough treatment if I can” before looking to Mike in a clear signal for Mike to pretty damn violently tear Levi’s head back by his hair before smashing his face into the sewage on the ground.  And this really IS sewage.  It’s not mud.  If you look at the panels, we see this brown muck coming out of drain pips attached to the surrounding buildings.  This water is probably, literally, dirty with feces, and Erwin has Mike put Levi’s face in this and hold it there.  Now let’s remember something important about Levi.  He’s a clean freak.  He obviously cares deeply about keeping both himself and his environment clean.  Erwin couldn’t know this about him at the time, but nobody of course would be happy about having their face shoved into literal shit.  But for Levi, I can only imagine this had to be tantamount to a kind of torture.  Erwin keeps questioning him, looking down at him without any kind of emotion, and Levi remains stubbornly silent, despite how awful this must truly be for him.  We get a close up of Levi’s eye in one of the panels, paralleled with Erwin’s own, and Levi’s expression really strikes me as one of awful humiliation.  He goes from looking up at Erwin in rage, to looking away, staring straight ahead, while Erwin keeps looking down at him.
Still, Levi says nothing, and it’s Isabel who finally cracks, telling Erwin that they didn’t learn to use ODM from anyone, with Furlan further explaining that they taught themselves as a means of survival.  He remarks that “anyone who doesn’t know what sewage tastes like couldn’t understand!”.  Clearly, both of them are really upset to see this being done to Levi, and I have to imagine it’s at least in part because they know how awful an experience this has to be for him, given that they know how much he desires to stay clean.  Their shocked expressions when Mike first pushes Levi’s face into the sewage says as much too.
But still, Levi remains silent as Erwin then demands to know Levi’s name.  What Mike does to Levi in the next panel is even worse.  He pushes his face into the sewage and holds him there until Levi literally starts to choke in it, for long enough that, when he finally does pull him up, Levi is gasping for breath.  I really don’t see people talk enough about this scene, but, well...
It’s a torture scene.  Erwin is ordering Mike to torture Levi here.  It may not be the most extreme form of torture, it isn’t the type of physical violence we typically think of when we think of torture, but that’s what it is.  It’s causing Levi both physical and mental degradation, as well as physical distress.  
Even with this though, Levi’s still silent and refuses to answer Erwin at all.  
It’s only when Erwin literally threatens the lives of Furlan and Isabel that he finally talks.  This is such an important detail.  Levi was willing to take what to him must have been truly horrific treatment, but as soon as Erwin gives the signal to the other two Scouts who have hold of his friends, we see Levi’s expression shift from defiant rage to wide eyed fear as they put their blades to Furlan’s and Isabel’s throats.  
Finally Levi talks, calling Erwin a “bastard”, to which Erwin simply asks him again what his name is, and after a slight hesitation, Levi finally gives it.  
I think this entire scene is vital in understanding WHY Levi was so violently pissed at Erwin, to the point of wanting to kill him.
I think it’s a combination of both the humiliation and torture he puts Levi through here, and, worse still, the fact that he threatens Isabel and Furlan’s lives.  Levi already feels looked down upon by Erwin here, he already feels humiliated and embarrassed and as though he’s being treated like he’s worthless, because Erwin IS treating him like that here.  All while Erwin stands there, expressionless, making statements like he doesn’t want to have to use any rough treatment, etc... while at the same time ordering Mike to do just that.  Already, Erwin is sending Levi the message that he’s a liar and a manipulator who thinks nothing of putting another human being’s face in shit.  And then, to top that off, he shows Levi that he’s willing to hurt, maybe even kill, his two friends to get what he wants.
Is it any wonder Levi hated Erwin as much as he did at the beginning?  After a lifetime in the Underground where, from the time of his birth, he had to deal with him and those he cares about being treated like worthless trash.  It would be a miracle if Levi DIDN’T want to kill Erwin at this point.  To have to then submit to him willingly, after all of that, must have been beyond humiliating for him.
Erwin continues to be manipulative here too, when after Levi gives his name, Erwin’s attitude suddenly shifts, and he smiles at Levi and gets down on one knee with him, in the filth, his entire demeanor seeming to shift into an abruptly friendly one as he offers his deal to Levi.  Again, that whole good cop/bad cop thing.  At the same time, he continues to threaten Levi by telling him if he refuses his offer, he’ll hand them all over to the MP’s and that, given their crimes, they shouldn’t expect to be treated with any kind of decency.  What’s kind of funny about this statement from Erwin is that up until now, Erwin and Mike have done anything but treat Levi decently. 
Okay, one more important point to make about this chapter, and it goes back to what I said earlier about Levi not wanting anything to do with the SC, and how that tells us Levi really didn’t want to go through with Furlan’s plans.
After Erwin makes his offer, we see Levi look over at Furlan, who’s giving him an intent look, and in the next panel, we see an almost surprised, or astonished look on Levi’s face, like he can’t believe Furlan is asking him to do this, before he grits his teeth in obvious frustration, and then accepts Erwin’s offer to join the SC.  What this tells us is that Levi only takes Erwin’s offer because Furlan wanted him to.  Because this was all part of Furlan’s plan, to go through with Lobov’s commission, to get caught by the SC, etc...  It’s clear Levi never wanted this, and he’s upset at having to do it.  But the fact he agrees after looking over at Furlan and seeing him implore Levi with his eyes tells us, once again, that Levi is willing to sacrifice his own desires for the desires of others.  That being his two friends.
For them, he’ll join the Survey Corps, even as every one of his instincts is probably screaming at him that this is a bad idea.
Anyway, those are my thoughts for the first chapter of “No Regrets”.  There’s a lot more to unpack in this manga than I think people realize.  I hope whoever took the time to read my long ass post found it at least a little worth while.  I’ll be moving on to chapter two next!
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dancingthesambaa · 3 years
The Smell of Plum Blossom Tea Ch 16
Summary: Just like a butterfly wing, a single act of kindness can change the course of the future, it certainly did for MK as a black furred monkey put out a hand towards him.
Rating: Teen and up
Chapter 16: The Ex From Down Under
“Bye dad! I’m heading out!” MK called as he rushed to the table and quickly stuffed his bag with all his stuff that was lying around.
“See ya,” he poked his head out of the kitchen. “If you're coming back again, I’m making some Mapo Tofu for dinner tonight if you want to stop by.”
“The mouth searing one,” he questionly asked as he continued packing without even looking at what he was putting in.
“I’ll have a milder one on the side,” he chuckled as he watched his child's fist pump the air.
“I will totally be here.”
“Alrighty, and you can ask Wukong if he wants to come,” he nonchalantly said as he wiped his hands on his apron. He then noticed MK staring at him and he raised his eyebrow, “What? By the gods know when that dumbass ever had a good meal that wasn’t from his own hair.”
“Uh huh,” was all he said as he tightened his bag then he gave him a wide grin. “Well I’m off,” he ran up to his dad and gave him a big hug before leaping out of the window free falling before stepping on a branch and hopping from tree to tree.
“…I may have enabled his window hopping habits,” he mused to himself before shrugging his shoulders and walking off.
“Remember, don’t let your body tighten so much when you get into the swing, ease up before snapping, giving you more momentum,” Monkey King lectured as he demonstrated with a staff. It was always a bit of a struggle to teach his student new techniques when he already had a style in place. Macaque always leaned more towards the silent route with swift strikes and keeping the body low, while he kept more towards the louder method of quick feet and aiming high. Each monkey had incorporated their style to fit themselves and they have taught their own moves to the other just to get more variety and not to be so predictable. Once he had learned that Macaque had taught MK his own fighting style, it was much easier to incorporate his own style into his as well.
MK focuses as he did exactly that as he jumped up in the air and landed a hit on the training dummy high in the sky. “Yes!” He fistbumped the air, it had taken so long to actually complete that move, but he has finally done it!
“Nicely done kiddo,” he grinned and ruffled his hair. “Now how about we take a small break.”
“Sounds good to me!” He stretched out his limbs as he made his way to his bag. He paused as he quickly caught the water bottle thrown at his head, “Thanks!”
“No problem,” the monkey said as he sat down next to him. “So how has everything been? I heard you got into a gang turf war the other day.”
“By the gods,” MK groaned, “that had to be the stupidest fight I have ever seen and I’m friends with Mei! So here I am minding my own business and delivering some noodles to this random dude when all of a sudden gunshots ring out and the man begins to rave like an absolute lunatic.”
As Wukong listened to the story he couldn’t stop his eyes from wandering over to MK messy hair as he instinctively scooted over next to him and began to smooth out his hair.
“-then the leader on the opposing side decides to step in cause why not?! And declares that-,” he paused as he finally felt his mentor grooming his hair after he was ranting for ten minutes. “Uhhh?”
“Go on, I’m still listening,” he said as he continued to thread his fingers in his hair.
The teenager only blinked once before going with it, “And do you know what he declares? He declares that the bowl of noodles is actually for him and guess what?! Now we have both sides gearing up for a fight over a goddamn bowl of noodles!”
“Don’t swear,” he murmured then let out a soft purr as he untangled a particular spot.
“Dad says it’s fine as long as I don’t do it in front of kids.”
“…yeah that seems pretty like him.”
“Speaking of him, you're invited to dinner tonight if you want to come,” he said.
“Yes!” MK blinked at the immediate response, but then the Monkey King quickly settled down and casually said, “Yeah, that would be fine.”
“Coolio, I’ll text him,” he waited for him to release his hair before he got up, but it didn’t seem like it hit the monkey until he saw MK eyes staring at him.
“Oh right, I should probably let go,” he gave a forced chuckle.
“Don’t worry Dad is a lot worse,” he reassured him as he made his way to his bag, “he sometimes would take hours on grooming and wouldn’t release me until he had deemed it worthy.”
“Sounds nice,” the Sage muttered.
“To you, but I was so bored sometimes that I would fall asleep just to pass the time,” he said as he was about to grab his phone when he noticed a paper. “What is this?” He took it out and saw that it was a letter, but it wasn’t addressed to him, but rather all it said on the envelope was the phrase ‘My Love.’ “Well this is weird?”
“There’s a lot of things that are weird bud, but I think you need to be a little more specific,” he smiled at his student's confused look.
“Well I have a letter that I’m pretty sure isn’t mine,” he held out the mail.
“It looks like someone has an admirer,” he teased seeing the words.
“Noooo,” he softly whispered. He already had his experience with one crazy fangirl and it took both Mei and Red Son threatening the living hell out of her before she finally backed off. He really doesn’t want anything to do with that anytime soon. “It’s not for me.”
“Well open it and see whose it is for then.”
“Isn’t that like an invasion of property and technically a crime?”
“How else are you gonna know whose it for then?”
“…touché,” so he did exactly that and carefully opened the envelope and took out the paper that was just full of writing. He felt his stomach drop as he saw who it was for on the first line. “To my dear Macaque.”
“What,” Wukong's tone was dead flat as he processed what MK just said.
MK said nothing as he continued to read and the more he read the creepier it got.
To My Dear Macaque,
It’s been so long since I have seen you, I hope you have been receiving each and every one of my letters. If not, that’s okay. I'll keep saying this as many times as needed.
I love you. I love you. I love you.
I will forever say this even when you don’t believe out of connection anymore, for you have stolen my heart and doused it with the most burning of acids that the two of us have created. It burns like the hellfire consuming my soul, it stings like the little needles digging through each and every last one of my smallest injuries and gently tearing it apart. It hurts and it hurts and it hurts and you hurt me. You hurt me and left me to my despair after I have given all of my love to you and only to you. You left and walked away after denouncing our burning heart we made together.
You left it there and it’s still burning.
But I forgive you.
I forgive all that you had done to me because I know that deep down you still feel the same. But don’t worry, once I see you again I’ll show you that the two of us were meant to last far longer than even the stars. I’ll show you that we are meant to be together even if I have to drag you away by force and give you my medicine to show you that all we need is each other. You have tasted the sweet elixir before and you were more than agreeable once the potion had set in and shown my love for you.
But I’m sure it won’t have to come to that.
We will meet soon my love, until then, please take care.
From your heart, Shun
“Who the f- who is Shun,” the monkey let out a low growl as he finished reading the creepy ass letter. “And why does he know moonlight? And what is with the creepy letter?!”
“That’s Dad's creepy ex boyfriend!” He said in a panic as he began to pace around.
“His WHAT?!” He couldn’t stop the small burst of energy erupting from out of him as his eyes glowed a dark gold and the ground slightly cracked beneath his feet.
“This is bad. This is bad. This is so so so so BAD!” MK began to panic as he kept pacing around the area and gripping his hair. “So very bad! How long has this been happening? How long since he has been receiving his creepy letters?! It’s also ready bad enough he mentioned the potion, but now he’s implying he’s coming here?!”
“Kid, kid,” Wukong managed to wrangle down his enraged emotions (hello jealously how have you been) and moved towards his kid in an effort to calm him down. “MK, it’s okay, everything will be okay,” he said as he gently pried the stubborn fingers from his hair. “I’m sure he will be fine, this is Macaque we’re talking about here, and sure that no potion he could dish up could stop-”
“It’s a love potion,” he blurted out.
“That devil concoction,” he hissed out. But took a deep breath in and reluctantly pushed the rebranded slave poison to the side of his mind…for now. “Like I said, I’m sure he will be just fine.”
“Maybe I’m freaking out. I mean he’s probably not even here or anywhere near here. Maybe dad even told him off and he’s probably not even coming. Maybe I’m just blowing this whole thing out of proportion,” MK tried to reason out.
“There we go, now breathe with me.”
“I will I will…right after I call dad!” He immediately shot towards his phone and dumped almost everything before he found it. He quickly called his Dad's number and waited for the call to go through.
‘I’m not in right now, if you're calling for medical treatment or prescriptions then leave a voicemail. If you're anyone else, why? Just why?’
“He’s not answering! Time to panic!!”
The figure had just made it to the edge of the Plum Blossom Forest and out in the distance, he saw the tallest Plum tree he recognized.
“It’s been so long my love,” he lovingly whispered as he gave a few licks to his arm before quickly moving through the trees.
Happily ignoring the hisses and snarls close behind him as they all were not happy at the intruder.
Inside said home, a certain monkey's whole body twitched as he slammed his items in hand and began to match to the door.
“Fuck me, I thought his creepy ass wouldn’t be anywhere near here until next week, at least then MK would be back at Pigsy shop,” he hissed as he materialized a two sharp bladed tonfas in hand. “I had no appointments, all my stocks are good, all I literally wanted to do today was to make food, drink some tea, and enjoy a family dinner with Sunshine included but I guess not the fuck today! I guess it’s a good fucking thing I have the perfect target to direct my anger I suppose.”
He gave out another snarl that was amongst the long line to come as he dipped into the shadows once more and took off towards the intruder that every creature in the forest, whether it be animal, demon, or creature alike, no one liked the intruder roaming in their home.
He quickly ventured through the shadows, roaming from plant to tree, animal to grass, until he finally saw a ring tailed lemur with a soft smile upon his face as he paused and his eyes lit up
“It’s been so long my love,” he cooed as he tried to find the humming presence. He didn’t have time to dodge the blow coming from the front as blades sliced into him, but his smile didn’t falter as he took in the sight of his beloved. “You're still as beautiful as ever”
“And you're still as creepy as ever,” he snarled as let his tonfas glow brighter. “I thought I told you to fuck off and away.”
“It was a mere trifle the both of us had, words were said, but I forgive you,” he gently smiled.
“Ughh I really hate when you do that,” he grimaced at his former horrible choice of a partner. “I will give you one fucking chance, leave before I show you once more why you should have stayed gone.”
“I’m sorry, but I will show you with all of my heart and being just how much you truly need me,” Shun only needed to drag a foot back in preparations as a sense of eagerness thrummed deep within him. It’s been so long since he had physics contact with his love after all.
Macaque forced down the shudder as he once again disappeared into the shadows as soon as he sent some clones towards him to attack.
Some creatures of the forest were spectating as this whole fight went down, eager to watch the intruder fall, maybe if the Guardian is generous enough he’ll allow them to feast on what remains.
The forest was about to become a little more wild when first blood was spilled.
“What do I do? What do I do? What do I do?!” MK was clutching his phone as he attempted to call his Dad a few more times, but his heart picked up each time he didn��t answer.
“Kid,” he attempted to once more calm him down when he shot up.
“Yanyu! I should call Yanyu!” He quickly dialed her number and his legs began to shake in anticipation as the number rang.
“What’s up short-”
“EMERGENCY!” He shouted out.
“GHA! What do you-”
“Big problem! Huge problem! So I was packing my bag cause I was in a rush to get to training and I was talking to Dad so I didn’t notice what I put in my bag. So I went for trainingandwhenbreakdtstartedIfounditinmybagandIcantbelievr-”
‘MK BREATHE’ it wasn’t just the bluenette, but two other voices that joined her.
“Mei, Red, what are you guys doing with Yan?” He questioned for a moment before shaking his head, “Wait, not important, there is a big problem!”
‘Well spit it out then,’ Red huffed.
‘I think he’s trying,’ he could hear Mei's amused voice in the background.
‘Both of you hush,’ Yanyu turned back to the phone, ‘Now what’s happening?’
“Shun contacted Dad. He's almost here and Dad won’t pick up his phone!”
‘WHAT!!!’ They all screamed with both Red and Yanyu being significantly higher as the adult continued, ‘What do you mean creepy fucker is coming?!’
“Fuck Fuck Fuck this is bad!’ He could hear the prince in the background slowly freaking out. ‘I thought his crazy ass wouldn’t come back!’
“Apparently he did!’ Mei yelled out.
“I don’t know!” MK hysterically said as he began to almost hyperventilate, but the Monkey King began to run his back.
“Okay everyone breathe,” he firmly told the centuries younger children on call. “You are forgetting, this is Macaque you’re talking about here, I’m sure he will be fine.”
“The Monkey King is listening to this?!” Red hissed as he accidentally showed weakness to one of his greatest enemies.
“I know he will kick his scrawny ass, but that doesn’t alleviate my fear of him getting poisoned again and being put under an eternal sleep to be used as a god damn porcelain doll again!” Yanyu shouted, bypassing the fact that she was talking to the Monkey King.
“Again!” Everyone bar Red shouted together.
‘Yeah! And you thought the love poison was bad, this is just fucked up! Now do you see why I’m freaking out!’
“Why do you think we don’t want uncle anywhere near him!” The Bull prince continued.
“Okay that’s it,” Wukong summoned his cloud, “Hop on, we’re heading over there. Even if he’s not there, it’s better to be safe than sorry.”
“Thank you!” He leaped onto the cloud.
‘We'll meet up with you as fast as we can on Mei ride,’ Yanyu said with a rush to her voice as the trio quickly went to the motorbike which thankfully has a side seat.
“Okay,” MK muttered as he held onto the fluffy cloud.
‘Oh and Monkey King.’
‘You better not fuck it up,’ she said with an ominous grin in her voice as she sat in the sidecar and Red held onto Mei as she quickly revved up her engines.
“…I’ve been hearing a lot of those lately.”
‘Good! See you real soon,’ she finished as he heard the motorcycle take off and the call ended.
“I guess we will,” he said to himself as they took off for the Plum Blossom Forest.
“I really hope Dad is okay,” MK muttered as he gripped tighter.
“He will be,” he firmly stated. ‘You better be okay mango,’ he privately thought. ‘Else I don’t think your kid would take it….fuck your better be alright else I will be kicking your ex boyfriend ass and making sure he knows the meaning of pain.’ He silently hissed out in his mind as he got the cloud to love even faster as it soared over the ocean.
“What is up with the forest right now,” Mei growled out as the group sprinted through the trees with Yanyu leading them.
“I don’t know, it has never done this before,” MK confusingly shouted out as they ran through. For some reason, when the two were about to go over the forest, the cloud suddenly dropped until it was underneath the treetops, making it near impossible to travel by cloud. Luckily they spotted the others a little ways behind them and grouped up together.
“It’s part of Mac magic,” the bluenette said as she paused at one tree before darting to the left.
“What do you mean?” Monkey King asked as he tried to locate Macaque's aura using his golden eyes, but all it showed was the entire area covered with a faint pulse of violet energy.
“So you know how he planted basically all the trees in the forest right,” she got affirmations from them as they continued. “Well in the process he put his own energy into the plants, because apparently he wanted to make sure they grew up okay. Thus making this whole forest basically under his control.”
“So that's why it felt familiar,” the Monkey muttered as he remembered back to the first time he saw the forest. “It also makes sense why my true sight isn’t working.
“That would be more awesome if we weren’t currently lost in this!” Mei said.
“I know the way, he showed me after the last time Shun showed up. This forest was on a complete lockdown and nothing was recognizable like now,” she emphasized the land around them. While it seemed that nothing at first glance changed at first, if you really looked then they would notice that each tree looked almost identical to each other. No distinguishing marks, no distorted branches, not even the groves held any difference.
Each and every tree that they saw were the exact same.
“Okay that is disturbing,” Red muttered.
“Like I said, his little magic is intertwined with the forest and even with some of the creatures living here. It was supposed to be made for protection for not only the creatures living here and to anyone who may accidentally wander in, but to keep out the intruder that seeks to harm. He taught me to seek out the odd spots and openings left open in case something like this happened again. Though I don’t think he literally meant this exact scenario,” she grumbled. “He’ll probably teach you guys this after this whole thing is over.”
“We’re getting closer,” Wukong stated.
“What makes you say that,” MK asked without taking his eyes off Yanyu's back.
“The animals running,” he pointed out several animals, birds, monkeys, and insects alike, all fleeing from the same direction.
“We’re getting close,” she said as they continued to run.
It was only twenty minutes later did Red speak as he tried to look ahead, “I’m not the only one who can hear the sounds of growls right?”
Everyone nodded their ahead and just up ahead they saw a rather large crowd of mythical beings, spirits, and demons alike all grouped together and waiting as they kept their eyes firmly on what’s ahead. They follow their gaze and can faintly see, just between gaps a bright violet glow followed by a form of black mass.
It was Macaque.
“Dad/Pops!” Mei and MK yelled out for him, but he didn’t react to them as he pushed back against something else.
Monkey King wasted no time in climbing up one of the trees to get a better view with MK and everyone else quickly following him. There they witness Macaque fighting against an agile lemur who seemed to be trying to throw himself at the monkey, but he keeps dodging out of the way in time.
“Fuck it is Shun,” Yanyu groaned as Red let out a soft “noooo.”
“So how do we go about this,” Mei questioned as she fingered her sword while she watched her pops dive back into the shadows only to get pulled right back out, “cause I say we go in swingin.”
“We will not be doing any of that,” Red hissed as he grabbed hold of Mei's collar, “We have to play this smart, while Shun is a certified psychopath, he is a very smart psychopath.”
“No kidding, it’s how the two of them got together in the first place,” the doctor muttered and smirked as she saw her former teacher trip up the lemur and slammed him to the ground, but that didn’t stop her from noticing a certain brown furred monkey twitch as she mentioned that.
“Okay, we are getting a full explanation on how even when this is all said and done,” Mei grumbled and settled back down on the branch. “So what do we do?”
“We just have to wait and see what happens,” the bluenette got comfortable, “I doubt he’ll need our help, but I rather not take chances.”
“Nice plan, nice plan, just one flaw with that,” both demon and human glanced at Mei. “Two certain monkeys didn’t get that memo.”
Both of them blinked, then dropped their heads and sighed.
“Of course they would, cause why not,” Yanyu uttered as she turned her attention back to the fight. At least she won’t have to worry too much about stepping in, not that she thinks she could stand a chance, with both Monkey King and Doc's son charging in.
“You know it would be so much easier for you if you just fuck off you know,” Macaque mocked as he flicked off the blood from his blades. “Maybe you’ll still have a working arm if you run fast enough.”
“Aww you worry my dear-,” he smiled as he didn’t even flinch at the blood dripping down his arm.
“Not in the slightest.”
“Don’t fret, it will soon be over, but I will admit that I am getting a bit agitated,” his voice echoed out, which didn’t seem to do much at first as many spectators cackled at his attempted intimidation.
But then a weird smell filled the air, it seemed to have always been there as they hadn't taken notice of it before, but it got stronger as it smelt remarkably of a flower. They couldn’t quite put what kind of flower it was before-
Many creatures fell victim to this as they froze in place and whimpered out as they barked their necks in hopes to quell the predator or maybe grant them a quick death.
It was imposing.
It was encompassing
It was frightening.
And this only made Macaque still for a moment of the sudden smell before he got his bearings back, but that was all Shun needed as he leaped towards him with arms and mouth open wide.
Here’s a fun fact that not many know about lemurs, while they are known for being quick on their feet and agile to escape predators, there is one species who have, through a long process of evolution, developed another way of warding off predators or capturing their prey.
It was a toxic bite.
Apparently a certain species called slow lorises poison is so deadly that it can kill humans with a single bite and guess which lemur has that lucky parent.
‘Finally,’ he thought to himself as he closed the distance between him and his love. ‘I have finally got you back with me. Don’t worry, with my new potion I’ll make sure this time we won’t part,’ he lovingly thought as he tasted the special mixture in his mouth. He should really send his carrier a fruit basket when his love is properly back with him, she was the one who taught him everything he needed to know about potion making. Without her expertise, then he would have never known how to make the love potion, after all that was how she managed to snag his sire to mate with her.
Everything would finally be perfect…except for one little detail.
Not every creature was affected by the smell.
Ní merely flicked her tails in annoyance as she calmly watched.
Shui Gui took a huge breath of the smell in and puffed it out after a few seconds to reveal a green miasma cloud.
Xianglu merely shook their heads as they tried to rid of the foul smell in their nose.
BaBa just hissed at the inferior attack before nestling down.
Even the Faeries were tittering away at the pathetic illusion the demon tried to submerge them in.
These creatures, deities, demons, are just some of the few with a long history backed by so much experience that the infant lemur cannot comprehend. It was quite amusing to think that such a being could even equate to their level, even their Guardian was merely humoring him, but quite funny nonetheless. Regardless though Shun did possess the quality to allude himself to being much scarier to those around him with his…disturbing methods that he tends to use and hides himself behind his illusion. Unfortunately for him, it’s quite easy to bypass with multiple tools in hand, either physically and mentally. But more often than not, there is one sure fire method that most people tend to turn to if they don’t know which is correct.
Which embodied a young adult as he bashed his staff against the lemur head, and a Sage monkey who punched him so hard that he left a crater when he finally landed.
Both beings were very determined to at least brutally maim the creep by the time they were finished with him.
“DON’T TOUCH MY DAD!/MOON!” Both MK and Wukong respectively shouted as they stood in front of a sighing Macaque.
“You know I had this handled right?” He looked towards the both of them, not bothering them with the possessive form both monkeys said. Though the same couldn’t be said for Shun as he was still in his spot and didn’t know who to first turn his attention to until his eye settled on MK.
“You have a child,” he said wonder in his voice as his whole face lit up.
“I’m not liking that look,” MK muttered to Wukong who nodded.
“No, no, please don’t say-” Macaque practically begged him not to say what he was about to dread.
“We have a child.”
“Nooooo,” he whispered out as he wished he could just knock himself out after hearing those words then shook it off and said with a growl. “Not your child, my child. You are not part of this equation, you're not even a variable that was left out, you are nowhere near part of any of this.”
“But my love-”
“Not my/his love,” all three monkeys stated.
“Despite our brief separation, you know it has always been a dream of mine to have a child of our own. Remember the time we spent out in the town as we laid our eyes at a beautiful family,” he almost cooed at the child's awkward face. “Two parents and two children, a boy and a girl, they looked very lovely together.”
Macaque did remember what he was talking about, he remembered his eyes lingering on the family as they were in town on a date. He couldn’t stop his eyes from lingering on them as he let a small smile play on his lips as Shun shared that same sentiment and wrapped his arms tighter around him. It used to be comforting, that small embrace used to mean ‘he is here for him, he won’t let you go’, but now all it means now is ‘he will not let you go, no matter how much you beg.’ It has turned so very confining. But he kept his mouth shut and let his former boyfriend ramble, trying to look for another way not to get bitten from his ‘love bite.’
“It was pure bliss just the two of us, those small moments we shared to the nights laid up in our nest as you laid under me as I enraptured your mouth and slowly move-.”
‘Never mind!’ He quickly burst forward and sent a high knee to the underside of his jaw that was followed by a staff to the side of the neck and a claw to the stomach courtesy of both child and friend. ‘He is not about to go there!’
“I do not want to hear any of that!” MK shouted as he backed away from the lemur after his attack.
“That makes two of us,” Wukong lowly growled as only his self control was the only thing stopping him from ripping the bastard in front of him. And even that was by the hair as he learned that new little tidbit that he did not want to hear.
“I have been a bit curious,” Shun simply stood back up and looked towards the Monkey King, “Who are you to him?”
“I am the Monkey King, you may have heard of me,” he said as he stood up straight as his golden eyes flickered in his eyes.
“How quaint,” he merely said, “but you didn’t answer my question,” a tinge of aggression laced his voice. “Who are you to him?”
Now at this point Wukong self control was almost completely gone since the first time he heard about this creepy ass bastard (which he so needs to interrogate Mac on why the fuck he would even date someone like him) and it was not looking so good. So to hear this black and white knockoff of a two legged beetle that deserves its tongue to be torn out, implies that he was the outsider in all of this rather than the other way around. Well, he decided right then and there that this nasty little bug needed to learn a few things first before he became a rotting corpse for the rest to feast upon.
“Wukong don’t you dare,” Macaque saw that look in his eyes.
“I was his friend long before you ever thought of,” he taunted and wrapped his arm around Mac's shoulder. “I have known him longer than even the mountains have formed and before towns became cities. He knows me longer than some of the forest was ever formed and before kingdoms have reached their destruction. We know each other very thoroughly, both inside and out, and seen the other at our best of times and our worst of times. It feels like eons have passed since then, but when it comes down to it you can say the two of us are made up of the same soul.” He finished his dramatic speech with a nuzzle to his black fur as he gave a soft kiss on his head. He opened one golden eye and grinned mockingly as he said, “So how long have you known him?”
Silence filled the air as they all locked eyes on a stiff Shun who didn’t even move an inch since Wukong started it. But what they could see was the underlying darkness in his eyes as he slowly blinked. Then he smiled, teeth bared and all, as he stated. “It will be a great joy when I tear out your throat and rip that nasty little tongue right out of your mouth and force you to watch as I consume it.”
“Try me,” he said with teeth bared.
Both Lemur and Monkey locked eyes with each other as you can almost see lighting shoot out of their eyes from the sheer animosity the two had with each other despite not even knowing the other for ten minutes.
The black furred monkey muttered, “And they said I’m the dramatic one,” to whom he was referring. It may never be known as Wukong and Shun leaped at each other at the same time. Macaque just groaned and decided to walk over to his son instead of the fight that was happening. “So, you met Shun.”
“I hate him,” MK instantly said as he got closer to his Dad. “I really hate him.”
“You and me both starlight, so why are you here anyways? Aren’t you supposed to be training right now?”
“So this morning I may have accidentally grabbed the letter while I was stuffing everything into my bag,” he said as he cheered when his mentor used his tail to choke the lemur while he had his arms pinned.
“Damn it, I thought I trashed them all. Must have been one that just came in,” he grimaced.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Tell you?”
“That your creepy ex was back,” MK said with a twinge of irritation in his voice. “I could have helped.”
“Nice thought comet, but I had it handled,” he smirked as he watched Shun attempt to break Wukong's arm only to get a vicious claw to the face. “This isn’t my first time dealing with his creepy ass.”
“But I could have helped,” he almost whined, “Mei has tons of ideas for retribution and I got a very powerful stick that tends to hurt…a lot.”
“And I believe that, but I got it,” he ruffled his kid hair, “but thank you for looking out for little ol me even when I don’t need it.”
“Like how the Monkey King is doing right now.”
“He’s just an impulsive idiot right now,” he grinned sharply as he watched Shun stagger in place from his wound as Wukong taunted him as his hand dripped red. He is not totally blind to see that his friend has a protective streak wider than the Earth when it comes to people he cares for. He has certainly seen it when his leg was broken by an uppity pack of Tiger demons. Needless to say, when the Wukong got back and saw him lying there and surrounded by demons, well let’s just say that the food was pretty good that day and even had some warm blankets to go alongside with it.
So to see that this still applies for him despite their long separation, he couldn’t stop that warm burst of feeling brew from inside of him.
Wukong, on the other hand, was feeling the blood pump in his ears with each hit he landed on the bastard. And while he unfortunately can’t go full Sage mode on his ass (the forest probably won’t be able to stand if he did and he actually likes this haven his mate had created) he is still enjoying kicking this disgusting little lemur ass.
“Bet you really feeling it now,” he taunted as he broke another rib. “Can ya feel it? Each little bone in your body breaking? It must fucking suck!” He viciously laughed, “But that’s what you get when you don’t fuck off when someone tells you no, especially Moonbright.”
“Stop calling him that,” the lemur growled for the first time.
“Oh what Moonbright,” he received another growl in return. “Or maybe Mango? Moon? Moonlight? My heart?”
“YES!” He hissed out as he recklessly leaped towards the monkey.
“Nah, can’t do that,” he smirked as he grabbed the lemur arm and tossed him back towards the growing crater. Then he let a wicked smile show on his face, “I mean, he is my other half,” he emphasized. Was he making this worse? Yes, yes he was. Does he care in the slightest? No he does fucking not. He’s been wanting to let loose some of those words out for quite some time, albeit it’s under an illusion that he’s just riling him up, but damn does it feel good to say.
Before the lemur could leap back up a charge at him once more another force came into play.
“Having fun without me!” Shun felt a pain burst from his back as he saw a pig tailed girl leaped off of him with blood dripping from her sword. “That is a damn shame.”
“I had this handled you know,” Monkey King petulantly said.
“Oh I know,” she slings her sword over her shoulder, “but I really wanted to land a hit on this bastard at least once for what he did to Pops.”
“Fair enough.”
“Another child!” He said with glee despite his broken bones and blood dripping down his face.
“He is seriously messed up in the head,” she muttered as she couldn’t help but step back at his gaze though she did raise a brow as Wukong stepped beside her while he kept his eyes on the lemur.
“Okay fuck this, I’m ending it,” Macaque huffed as he stepped forward.
“Actually Dad, can I do this,” he paused at his son's words as his eyes were locked firmly onto the agitated lemur.
“MK, I’m not about to let you-” he was cut off.
“Please,” he pleaded as his brown eyes flickered to violet ones.
“…fine, but if things are looking bad then I will step the fuck in,” he huffed as he subtly sent some more shadow clones in the foliage of trees and amongst his son's shadow.
“Oh don’t worry,” he began to spin his staff as he walked forward. “I won’t even need to leave your line of sight when I get done with him.”
MK continued forward as he neared the lemur, passing by both Mei and Wukong who gave him a glance.
“I’m ending this,” he simply said.
“You need help?” The dragon's successor looked to her brother.
“Nope,” said the doctor's son.
“Well holler if you do.”
“Always happy to lend a hand,” the Monkey Sage joked as he wiped off his own bloody hand. He wouldn’t mind another round of beating to the lemur…maybe a couple more just to be fair.
“Oh trust me, I won’t,” he darkly chuckled, which surprised the other two.
MK was done with Shun, he was already creeped out before he met him, disgusted by the letter, nauseated when he first saw him, and down right pissed when he heard him speak to his Dad like that.
It was time for his Dad to be protected for once instead of the other way around. Shun is gonna regret ever breathing by the time they're done with him.
Shun's eyes lit up when he saw MK approach. “It so good to see you for the first ti-”
“Shut the fuck up,” he cut him off.
“I said shut the fuck up.”
“…excuse me?”
“You're not excused,” he shrugged his shoulder.
“That is no way to talk to your parent-” he was interrupted once more.
“Well it’s a good thing that you aren’t then isn’t it, I mean if you were then I would willingly go back to my deadbeat sperm donors than you,” he mocked him.
“I’m sorry what?!” Wukong was already taken by surprise by his student's sudden shift in attitude, let alone this new heaping pile of info.
“That’s a whole nother story for later,” Mac patted his shoulder.
“But here’s what’s gonna happen, you will either die in this forest or flee from here by the skin of your teeth,” he bluntly stated.
“Oh? And what makes you say that?” He let some amusement drip in his voice.
“Have you not seen the entities that live in this forest?”
“Indeed I have and they are truly a magnificent feature, but they are no match for me,” he arrogantly said.
“…hey Red! I thought you said he was smart?” He yelled out to the tree he had previously jumped from.
“Smart as in he knows some pretty advanced science that even leaves me confused,” the Bull prince said as sat down on the branch next to an anticipating bluenette.
“Oh, well that makes sense, cause if you were really smart then you wouldn’t have even stepped foot in this forest with the intent to kill, even Ever is dangerous despite his looks,” he concluded. Ignoring the faint chuckle from the trees.
“What is that supposed to mean?” He got increasingly agitated at the despairing remark upon his intelligence.
“It means that you have an overinflated ego stuff in between your ears that replaced your brain a long time ago.”
“If you had any brain cells then you would have known that you signed your name personally upon Yama book when you stepped foot in this forest, cause let me tell you.” It was at this point that the pressure began to dip as Shun suddenly felt like he couldn’t breathe as the trees seemed to loom above him and glowing eyes were gazing upon him from the shadows. “You would have known that we don’t take kindly to people trying to harm our own, especially Dad.”
One by one, the demon, creatures, mythical and animals alike all began to emerge from the shadows with a nasty snarl fresh on their faces.
The Faeries' smiles were sharp with their fanged teeth wide with glee.
Qianglu slithered forward as they let out a terrifying hiss that thrummed in his ears.
The Monkey tribe all had their teeth bared in face of the intruder.
The Shui Gui was grinning happily as he licked his lips in anticipation.
Ní elegantly walked forward as her tails flickered behind her, but her hazel eyes only had sight for the prey.
Even amongst the trees BaBa, much too large to entirely fit in the clearing, kept her bright yellow eye, larger than all the beings in the area itself, gazed upon the scene.
As more and more beasts gathered around, for the first time in a long while, Shun felt fear.
“Welcome to the neighborhood,” MK casually slung the staff over his shoulder as he gave him a parting wave, “Let us show you how we handle intruders.”
Shun ran and ran and ran as fast and as hard as he could. But they followed.
And then he slowly vanished back into the woods as all the creatures that he thought were prey were the predators chasing after him. He really did forget that not creatures show who they truly are at first look, they like to pretend their fickle little insects that scatter at first sight of danger. But if you take a peek beneath the shell then it turns out that there are monsters lurking underneath with their jaws wide awaiting their first morsel.
So, he didn’t leave with a grand finale nor his deserved epic fight to the death. No, he simply blew out like a candle amongst a sea of lights cause in the end he knew what he really was.
Not the feared predator.
No, he was the prey and it was his turn to be feasted upon the monsters.
“Well that was easy,” Yanyu said as she jumped down from the tree.
“You're telling me,” said Red as he followed, then he turned to MK, “Who is Ever anyways?”
MK snapped out of his former personality shift as his cheeks blushed, “It’s Shui Gui, you know, Kappa.”
“Right, right, but what does it stand for?” He pushed, “cause you wouldn’t be blushing like that if there wasn’t something else.”
Mei turned her head to hide her smile.
“It..it stands for Whatever,” he whispered, but Wukong still heard that perfectly clear.
“His name is Whatever?” He confusedly asked for such a strange name.
“I was like seven! You can’t blame me!” He defended himself with arms crossed.
“Ah the Shui Gui cares not for names,” Red nodded, “so he usually will respond to any. My question is why did you call him whatever out of everything?”
Yanyu snorted loudly.
“I was a kid and I was getting really frustrated with him that I blurted out the first thing in mind! How was I supposed to know that he would actually respond to it! Now he won’t let it go!” He threw his hands up.
At this point both girls are full on laughing at MK's frustration.
“Yeah, that sounds about right,” the prince nodded at his various times meeting Kappa. He was indeed the strangest creature in the forest.
“I’m lost,” Wukong deadpanned.
“Don’t worry, I’ll tell you later,” Mac said as he leaned into the simian. It felt good finally having that bastard out of sight once again.
Wukong did the same as he wrapped his arms back around the other monkey, pulled him a bit closer, and wrapped his tail firmly around the other waist. “You better,” he faintly purred in his ears.
Macaque could barely stop the shiver at the lips so close to his face, but he managed to make it off by just shifting his body to get into a comfortable position.
Though that didn’t stop the Sage from gazing at him as he looked at his long fur once more and just when he was about to open his mouth.
“Alright! Whose ass am I kicking!” Daiyu screeched out as she scanned the scene for the ex boyfriend from hell. They had gotten a call from Yanyu earlier about his ass potentially showing up and they booked it there.
“God fucking Damnit,” Wukong cursed as he reluctantly move slightly away.
“He appears to not be here, Dai,” said Ahmed as he walked into the clearing with Minsheng and Bohai.
“Seemed he had left the coop,” chuckled Sheng as they looked towards everyone, “gave him a good ass kicking I'm guessing.”
“That and he is now currently running from almost every beast in the forest,” MK happily said.
Bohai gave a low whistle, “So he’s not leaving this forest alive then.”
“Nope,” came the response from all.
“That’s what he gets for messing with the King of the Forest,” Mei jokes, earning a groan from Mac.
“Don’t you even start on that.”
“What do you mean your royal highness,” the rabbit cheekily said.
“Is there something wrong your majesty,” the vulture said.
“Are you actually-”
“Did we speak out of your magnificence,” Yanyu mockingly bowed.
“Out of place your grace,” Mei courtesy with a sly grin.
“Out of turn your excellency,” MK did something with his hands as he bowed low.
“I swear-”
“Guys let’s all calm down before we get on our imperial majesty's last nerve,” Red casually said.
“Thank you-I swear to all things!”
“Our deepest of apologies your kingliness,” Wukong teased as he pressed closer to him.
“I expected nothing less from you,” he barked at him.
“Alright let’s all settle down,” Ahmed chuckled, “we don’t want to get his reverence too worked up.”
“…fuck it, I’m done for the day!” He threw his hands up and began to march back home. “If any of you guys want food then your ass better be helping me do some shit. It either helps me in the kitchen or checks on the state of the forest, more specifically how everything and everyone is holding up. Preferably the ones going are the ones that don’t mind fighting cause there’s gonna be a lot of those bastards still on edge and need to let loose some steam.”
“Yes, dinner sounds great right about now,” Daiyu said as she spread her wings and took off.
“Count me in!” Minsheng said as they began to hop into the forest.
“Same!” Mei yelled as she raced after them.
“Let me just check in on my gremlins and I will for sure help you out in the kitchen,” Yanyu replied as she took out her phone.
“I wouldn’t mind seeing what else lives in this forest,” Wukong said as he stretched his arms.
“I’ll help you Dad,” MK said as Ahmed followed close behind.
Red Son stood there as the other began to walk away with a bit of uncertainty before Macaque called back to him.
“Are you coming or not?”
“Wait me too?” Red said with some hesitation.
“If I’m letting those lunatics join in then why not,” he raised his brow.
Red gave a slight smile as he caught up and walked beside MK, “What are we making?”
“Mapo Tofu,” said the young adult.
“Will there be any spicy?”
“He has a whole tray filled with them,” MK can almost taste it.
Also a shout out to Pen-Woman for the lovely idea of Protective kiddos!!
Also longest chapter yet!!! Just over 8000 words!!!
20 notes · View notes
hearmeoutno · 2 years
Chapter 6: The Dive
Buckle up for 2.9k words about 2 freaks in the forest and then 2 freaks in the water. Enjoy!
"Where were Eddie and Mackenzie when this happened?"
Jason is sitting in Reefer Rick's house, a towel around him and shaking from the cold water.
"Wha... Wait, what?"
"Eddie and Mackenzie? You said you saw both of them near the lake."
"Eddie, he... He was in the... in the boat, like I said. Mackenzie I think she euh... she was just walking along the shore but euh... she took of running."
(Original dialogue)
"Did you get it?
Eddie comes back from his mission to a Walkie Talkie, proudly holding up his catch.
"Of course I did Mackie, what do you think I am? A rookie?"
Both are smiling, finally they can get back into contact with the Hawkins crew. they can almost taste the supply of beer and cigarettes.
"Thank fuck for oblivious builders!"
"Not to be a wimp, but can I maybe sit in the car for this visit? 'Cause this is gonna totally and royally suck."
"It'll be fine"
In a packed car on your way to 2 wanted freaks isn't a fun ride, but it sure is an adventure.
"I just can't Stand to see those dull eyes if Eddie's break again. I really, really can't. Plus I don't want my clothes to smell like smoke! It's so hard to wash out."
"At least Eddie can drink himself into feeling better."
"That's what my mom does"
Way to kill the mood, Maxine.
"We have also identified two people of interest. Eddie Munson and Mackenzie Ryans. We encourage anyone with information, to please come forward"
Maybe there's no good news this time
(Original dialogue
"Hey Eddie, try to contact them, will you? I'm fucking starving. Tell them to hurry the fuck up."
"Yeah, have patience."
Eddie grabbed the Walkie Talkie, pressing the button.
"Dustin, can you hear me? Wheeler?"
"Eddie, holy shit. Are you guys okay?
"Nah, man. Pretty... Pretty goddamn far from okay. Mack fucked up her whole leg or so meth-"
Mackenzie limps to Eddie and grabs the radio out of his hands.
"No I probably sprained by ankle, my knee is practically non-stop bleeding. Hey can you guys bring pringles? And hurry the fuck up?"
"Where are you?"
"Wow, thanks for the sympathy Dustbin, we're at skull rock, hurry."
"Hold tight, we're coming. We're coming!"
As Mack puts the radio down, she sees Eddie sitting with his head in his hands.
"Sorry, didn't mean to rip it off you like that... Hey are you okay?"
"No Mackenzie, of course I'm not fucking okay! Look at us! We just slept under rocks in between empty bottles and cigarette buds. We just stole a radio from a building site. You can barely fucking walk and our only weapon is a kitchen knife!"
Mack leans her head against the rock while Eddie is doing his speech. She knows he's not okay, she isn't either, but at least she keeps up a good spirit!
"I am fucking know Edward, but don't just wallow in self-pity. If you wanna survive you're not making it by complaining. We need to focus on either getting out of the situation or dissapear completely. I rather choose the former, so we can still have a normal life but you're not making it any easier now!"
Eddie goes to sit at the opposite side of Mack, silently judging every single word she just said and straight up giving her the silence treatment.
"You just can't admit you're wrong, you butt head."
Mack jumps down behind Steve and Dustin, not such a smart idea with her ankle, but finally seeing someone else that mopey-Eddie is worth the pain.
"The hair is right, Chewbacca. Total butt head."
"Good I thought you were a goner"
Dustin gives Mack a hug. Even though it doesn't seem like it, Mackenzie and Dustin are actually pretty good friends. Whenever Eddie decides he doesn't like school that day, her and Dustin talk about all sort of things and hang out practically all day. Sometimes she even drives him home after she stays and watch Hellfire.
"Eddie's right there, if you miss him. Wouldn't surprise me if you don't."
She smiles as she points to the rock construction and examines Steve's face to see his reaction to Eddie being alive. Rather, more relieved and happy that she thought he'd be. But hey, she told Eddie Steve was into him!
"You got the goods Wheeler?"
"Right here, Ryans"
Nancy hands Mack the bag, and she starts ruffling through the bag while Robin sets the six-pack next to her. She grabs 2 beers and the Marlboro's, and limps over to Eddie. She sits down next to him and opens his beer before handing it him.
"Hey sorry about that thing earlier"
Lighting her cigarette she can finally get her nicotine intake up.
"Oh fuck yes! Wheeler you're a savior!"
Who knew that nicotine withdrawal could make you almost orgasmica-like scream when you get the kick back.
Eddie takes a swig of his beer, and another, and then another before looking at Mack who is laying on the floor, cigarette hanging out her mouth.
"It's okay, you were kind of right. But that's the most recognition to being right I'll ever give you."
Mack sits back up, patting Eddie on his back and smiling.
"That's the real Eddie, glad to see you're back."
As they're laughing together, friendship restored, Steve keeps looking over at Eddie. He doesn't know what that guy is doing to him, but hell would he lie if be said he didn't love it. If he didn't love him.
"When I got to the shore, I tried calling you guys, but, uh..."
"Walkie Talkies aren't good swimming vests."
"Yeah basically. And then uh, I did the thing that we do now apparently, we ran."
"Technically I ran first though Ed, see we had an escape plan to meet here. Me going by foot and Eddie being the sailor he was meant to be."
As Eddie and Mack were telling their story, again, Dustin keeps pacing left and right.
"Do you know that time this was, Eddie? The attack?"
"Yeah, no, I... I know exactly what time it was. My Walkie wasn't the only thing that got soaked."
He throws his watch at Nancy who *gracefully* catches it and reads the time.
"Same time our flashlights went kablooey."
"Which means what exactly."
"That coincidence, Steve-o, isn't always a coincidence. But that it can be... I have no idea I was just trying to make a joke but it's going nowhere is it?"
"No not exactly, good try though, Mack."
Looks like Steve woke up from his staring contest, with Eddie's body, with some sass.
"It *means* that that surge of energy was Verna attacking Patrick."
"Well, we're one step closer. We know how Verna attacks."
"And where he attacks from."
"So now we just need to sneak into his lair in the Upside Down and drive a stake through his heart."
Wait, is Verna a vampire? Whatever, Mack can't focus on the group bickering around her. All she can think of is why the fuck Dustin is still pacing! Like can, he stop for 5 seconds.
"Right, yeah, okay Velma, great discovery, but Dust there for the love of Bowie stop walking around it's making me seasick!"
"Boom! Bada... bada... boom. I was right. Skull rock was north."
"Chewie were trying to stop a vampire slash monster slash D&amp;D villain here, no time for petty revenge!"
Steve rolls his eyes and sighs, getting ready to scold Dustin.
"This is Skull rock. Okay? You're totally, absolutely, 100% wrong. Right now."
"Yes. And no."
"Oh my God."
Steve covers his face and sits down next to Eddie. He's really not in the mood for some stupid argument right now.
"This worked correctly when we left the Wheelers'. It was correct when we got in the car on Curlt. But it started to slip the further east we went. Now it's way off. When I was leading us here, I wasn't wrong. The compass wrong."
"Dustin, dear, you're telling me that a contraption that's been around longer than all of us combined, a contraption that uses nature, physics and science is wrong. How can a compass be wrong if you're not actively rubbing it between magnets, breaking it in the process?!"
"Except it isn't broken Mack. Magnets do affect a compass by giving off a stronger electro magnetic field. So the needle will deflect towards that power. Either there's some super big magnet here, or..."
"There's a gate"
"Sinclair we're in the middle of a forest! What's the purpose of a gate here? And Dustin, you lost me at magnets."
"But, we're nowhere near the lab?"
"But what if, somehow, there's another gate? A gate that we don't know about. It'd have to be smaller. Way less powerful."
"Snack-size gate."
"How? Why?"
"Okay why are we talking about gates and fences, what the actual fuck."
"No idea how, Steve. All I know is that something that is causing this disturbance, and the last time we've seen anything like it, it was a gate. And I hope it is because we'd have Verna. And a shot at freeing Max from this curse"
Mack stands up, cursing at the pain shooting up her already bandaged foot, and leans on Eddie's shoulder for support.
"Okay what the actual fuck is going on. We're talking about magnets, and gates and labs and who knows what and somehow that's related to Verna? Someone for the love of god explain!"
"Remember that other world under Hawkins? That gates are these slimy things you go into and then you're in the Upside Down, or that other world."
"Thank you, Buckley! Finally! So euh... what now?"
"You guys are still wanted, we can't just give for a hike in the woods!"
"This steel capsule might be the key to saving Eddie, Mack, and Max."
Mack looks down to Eddie who she's still leaning on.
"What say you Eddie the Banished?"
"I say you're asking me to follow you into Mordor, which, if I'm totally straight with you..."
Mack slightly snickers at that last sentence, imagine Eddie being straight. But yeah anyway.
"I think I'd be a really bad idea. But, uh, the Shire... the Shire is burning."
As Dustin is happily jumping up and down, Eddie stands up while keeping his arm under Mack's to give her some support.
"So Mordor it is."
"Hey I'm not fucking walking this, Stephen I hope you have a good back."
"What is Mordor?"
Steve mumbles while helping Mack on his back. Eddie running back to grab the Walkie Talkie and his flask.
"Dustin? Can you slow down? Dustin?"
Mack has now transferred back and forth between Eddie and Steve's back, her ankle is getting better but who would enjoy a free piggyback over walking?
"I think we're getting close."
As Mack steps off Eddie's back near the shore, Eddie prevents Dustin from falling in.
"Watch your step, big guy."
"Oh man, you gotta be shitting me."
"Did we just run around Lover's Lake the whole day?"
"This is confounding. "
"There's a gate in Lover's Lake?"
Mack sits down, ready to just give up on life honestly.
"Whenever the Demo gorgon attacked, it always left an opening. Maybe Verna's the same way."
"Yeah, only one way to find out."
Eddie leads them to the boat he escaped him, luckily still in one piece knowing his excellent sailor abilities cough, cough.
"Easy. I... I said easy man."
"Sorry, handsome."
Mack smiles at Eddie's pathetic attempt at shooting his shot. But hey, its it's definitely an attempt.
Robin uses Steve and Eddie as a railing to get in the boat and so does Mack. Eddie and Nancy follow soon. Dustin tries to get on too, but Eddie stops him.
"Hey, hey, hey, you try to sink us? This thing holds four people top, okay?" (Just imagine they have a bigger boat)
"It's better this way, okay? You guys stay here with Max. Keep an eye out for trouble."
"You keep an eye out! It's my goddamn theory."
Yeah, he's not taking any of this.
"Dustin c'mon, you're giving me a headache dude. Just listen to Nancy."
"Who put her in charge?"
"I did."
"Yeah Robin did dude, listen to your elders."
Mack and Robin high five, they became much better friends while Mack was on Steve's back. She is so chill!
Reluctantly, Dustin gives Nancy the compass and stands there looking at them with a major frown, then Steve throws a backpack at him.
"Hey, there you go."
"Ow... You said four!"
As they drift away Mack is feeling like annoying some people.
"Don't forget, bedtime at nine and don't forget to brush your teeth!"
Mack and Robin laughs as Dustin gives them the finger. Robin stands up and waves at him.
"Miss you already!"
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down. Slow down, guys."
Eddie and Robin stop the boat, and they all look at the compass, which is turning around like crazy.
"That guy's really having a party huh?"
Dustin's voice can be heard over the Walkie.
"Guys what's going on? Come on guys, talk to me."
"Robin you answer."
"Uh, Dustin, your compass has gone from wonky to wonky with a capital 'aah!'"
Steve starts taking off his socks and shoo while Mack is snickering at the noise Robin made.
"Woah Stevie, I appreciate the offer but I'm not really into that. I know a friend that may be interested."
"Mack, somebody's gotta go down there and check this thing out. Unless one of you four can top being a Hawkins High swim co-captain and a certified lifeguard for three years, then... it's gotta be me. No complaints, all right?"
"Are you always this cocky? I mean I guess there's gotta be a reason why haring's in your name, right?"
"Haha, very funny Mack."
Steve stands up to continue undressing whole Eddie nervously looks away.
"Hey, I'm not complaining. I do not wanna go down there."
As Steve takes off his shirt, how can Eddie NOT look at him like come on! This is torture for the boy! He *tries* to distract himself by wrapping Mack's flashlight with a plastic bag for Steve, but it doesn't exactly work.
"Go get 'em, Tarzan. And don't break my flashlight, how else would I survive?"
"Hey, good luck"
Eddie says as he hands Steve the flashlight, taking a quick glance and lighting a cigarette, and that's when Robin takes his lighter.
"Come on Rob, give us at least something! We're the ones wanted for murder!"
"Mack you can't keep using being on the run from the cops as an excuse!"
"Oh fuck off Robin"
And just like that, Steve is down. Everyone's sitting there and waiting anxiously for Steve to return.
"Is now a bad time to tell you guys I can't really swim?"
"And just when I thought you can't be stupider Mackie."
"Hey we're all gay here, can any of use even swim?"
"We're... all gay here? I- I'm not, not that I have a problem with it of course."
Mackenzie awkwardly looks at the water, of course Nancy isn't gay what the fuck was she thinking. But, Robin does look her in the eyes and nodding with a wink afterwards. Relieved, Mack sits back up, looking at the few stars in the sky.
"Where we at wheeler?"
"Closing in on a minute."
Steve practically jumps out the water, out of breath.
"Oh Christ!"
"I found it."
"Steve where's my flashlight?"
"You found it?"
"I found it yeah. I found it."
"Stevie don't tell me you lost the flashlight!"
Robin grabs the Walkie, relieved that Steve is alive.
"Dustin, you are a goddamn Einstein. Steve found the gate"
"It's pretty wild, it's more of a snack-size gate than the mama gate, but still, it's pretty damn big."
Right when Mack was about to smack him across the face for losing her flashlight, he gets pulled under water.
While everyone is yelling for Steve, Eddie and Mack are losing their goddamn mind!
"What the hell was that, man?"
"Nancy, really, what happened?"
"We're gonna, we're gonna die, WE'RE ALL GONNA FUCKING DIE!"
For some reason, Wheeler is gonna dive in like it's a hot summer morning!
"Wait! You're not going in there, are you?"
"Just wait here.
"No, Nancy!"
"I'm telling you we are doomed!"
Everyone seems to want to die tonight because Robin is moving to sit on the edge of the boat.
"What are you doing? She said wait."
"Yeah, I heard her."
"She's in charge!"
"Are you kidding me? I made that shit up."
AAAAA Robin's gone. As Eddie and Mack are screaming in anger, not even making sense, the boat starts rocking back and forth.
"I'm telling you Munson, if I drown I'm taking you with me you fucking ass ho-"
Splash, both of them in the water. Mack takes out her trusty kitchen knife and after a slight panic attack, she swims down after Eddie. Or rather, she swims to her death after Eddie. To her death into an orange glowing earth hole.
Another long one for you guys, thank you so much for reading this far.
wanna know what happened before? Here's the other chapters! :)
Ready for more? Well you're lucky I don't know how to cope with loss!
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