#She was trained to be sadistic so there’s the understanding of yeah of course she’s like this while also
constantly caught between royalty Heron being a horrible person and also being like… god forbid women do anything.
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literaila · 6 months
*mischievous laugh* mueheheh
hypothetically, what if reader dies? 😈 what will poor megumi and tsumiki do now? what would gojo do too? 🥸
um… hello??? what is wrong with—
okay, so let’s start off with the simplest reaction. megumi is out for vengeance.
it’s clear that he’s got a bit of a… sadistic nature to him (undefined by whatever morals normal people have, yeah whatever). but why is he strong if not to protect the world from evil things? why does he have power if he’s not supposed to use it?
so, you being a jujutsu sorcerer, it’s likely that you died fighting a curse. if that’s the case, megumi is hunting that curse down and eliminating it in an instant. and then he keeps going. he’s going to kill every curse he can find, because you shouldn’t have died.
if anyone doesn’t deserve to die, it’s you.
and while megumi can hear your words in his head, telling him to protect others, to take care of people, to stay with his family… if you’re gone, what does it matter?
megumi will live in his anger. he doesn’t need depression or acceptance. what he needs is you, and if he can’t have you anymore…
and then there’s tsumiki. she wouldn’t feel angry, like megumi, but lost.
it’s obvious that she believes there’s a sort of destiny within the world. she thinks that all bad things happen so that the good things, the truly good things, can come next. she believes that you have to feel pain to feel pleasure. she trusts this idea.
before you die, tsumiki isn’t afraid of anything.
but after you die, she loses her purpose. her ideals, her faith in the world.
she goes from the trusting little girl who would believe satoru if he told her that he was really a robot with a human heart inside of him, from the girl who took everything at face value, believed that all people should protect each other, help each other—
she goes from your little girl to something entirely different.
what’s the point of this? she wonders. if her mom had to die to bring her to you and satoru, she understands. if she and megumi had to take care of themselves for a year—living in some apartment that didn’t have running water—just to find a real family, then it was worth it.
but what’s worth it if you’re dead? what’s the point to losing another mom, another person that tsumiki was supposed to help take care of?
she can’t do anything, though. she’s always been the most powerless of her family members. and after you die, she’s not your little girl anymore.
she’s just lost.
and, of course, satoru.
i think he shares the same grief that both megumi and tsumiki feel—anger, denial—but he’s older than them. he loves you differently than they ever could.
there was a time when satoru had pushed you away just to get back to that place where he was nothing but strong. where his feelings had no bearing in his power, where emotions didn’t matter as long as he was the honored one.
but, really, if it takes you dying to get back to that place—then satoru never wants to be strong again.
when suguru died, satoru was committed to carrying out his plans. to protecting sorcerers from a world forged against them. he wanted to train a generation of sorcerers who didn’t have to worry about dying with regrets, who could take care of themselves along with all of the non-sorcerers in the world.
to eradicate cursed energy, in whatever capacity.
but when you die, satoru loses all that purpose. why should he care about the world when he no longer has to protect you from it?
why should he care at all?
so, just like after riko died, satoru is back to being nothing but a vessel for power. he doesn’t care who he kills, what he kills, as long as it has some meaning, some pointless purpose that doesn’t matter to him.
but, it only takes one memory of you to snap him out of it. he can almost feel you clawing at his chest, your voice begging him to take care of them.
so, eventually, satoru finds his way home. he’s got two other people to protect.
and he’ll be damned if anything happens to them.
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yandere-fics · 1 year
♡ How They React To Their Naive Darling Crying And Saying They're Mean ♡
♡ The City Version ♡
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It felt a bit silly to say that to her. Of course she was mean and cruel. She was tyrannical at times, it was how she had won the throne. Still you were her little maid and thus she felt the need to reassure you. You were so easy to reassure, so willing to believe any explanation she gave for her unruly behavior.
"Darling, I must apologize that you had to see that... display. Will you please come with me? I had to hurt them, they were really bad people, still I feel ashamed that you witnessed it. I'll make it up to you tonight."
And of course you being her poor gullible maid, you took her hand and let her lead you away from the scene of the crime. Their torture could always wait another day.
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"Baby, that's news to you?" She chuckled and threw her arm over your shoulder. If it weren't for the amount of pressure she was putting on you, you wouldn't even know that she was mad. You could barely stop your legs from buckling but you didn't want to show weakness in front of her.
It was bad enough that you'd cried and broke down in front of her already, you couldn't give her more ammunition. It was like she took special pleasure in taunting you, especially when you constantly refused her advances because you knew how cruel she could be.
"You know things don't have to be like this." She gripped your chin harshly forcing you to look in her eyes. "I could be very kind to you, you just need to do something for me first, baby."
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Her sword clattered to the ground. She'd tried her best to be your perfect sweet knight but it seems her sadist tendencies had managed to slip through the cracks. It was unfortunate. Your naive nature made you so easy to train, she really hoped she wouldn't have to train you again.
The next training would require much harsher methods. She didn't think that would be necessary though as she saw your teary face. Her poor sweetheart was always so sensitive, she'd make sure to take you out to calm you afterwards, so long as you obeyed her.
"Sweetheart, I'm sorry you're in a foul mood today but you can't take it out on me. I'm your loyal knight, haven't I always taken care of you? Just let me finish training and I'll comfort you like I always have."
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Yeah she's immediately out of sight. She can't look at you when you're crying and calling her mean. She can't have her mate think of her that way too. She'd probably return later after her temper had cooled down.
She wanted to scream almost but she couldn't risk you following her and seeing her violent outburst. She'd keep her distance for at least a month, just subtly giving you gifts from afar until it seemed like you were okay with her approaching again.
"I-I'm sorry you feel that way, dearest. I'll let you have your space for now, I'm so sorry." If she were in dragon form her tail would likely be tucked in.
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"Awww baby girl, I know you don't mean that." She giggled not turning away from her work meanwhile you couldn't leave her tower due to the magic anklet she forced you to always wear.
"It's true, I hate you and you're cruel!" Tears trickled down your face as she sat solemnly on the floor after begging her to let you leave the tower for almost an hour at this point. You couldn't understand why she was isolating you like this.
"It's not true." Her tone was sharp, telling you not to say such nonsense to her again, very effective in shutting you up. "You just need my attention,, but you have to understand I'm working on something that is important for both of us right now."
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askathewierdo · 2 years
Flamio and welcome to my character analysis of Azula!
I have been reading since I haven't tried The Last Airbender fanFiction on Ao3 recently and an observation caught my eye and I was talking to over with my friend I'm kind of verbally came across some stuff about Azula that I felt like sharing.
So the main thing is that some fanfiction feel the need to give Azul a redemption Arc and others find a way to make it where she doesn't really need a redemption Arc. The main difference is that a redemption Arc means the character regrets their decisions and wants to atone for them or do better.
On the other hand what I've seen more and more of is where after the war she's mentally ill and is just so broken that she has no reason to be against the protagonists anymore.
This led me to kind of just think about well wait a minute why was she broken again? And so from that I kind of went back and it backtracked and backtracked until I went all the way back to basically her birth. Yeah you're in for a little bit of a talk. ;) Stick around for a deeper understanding of this ✨ traumatized✨ 14yr antagonist.
First you have a fact that she is a princess. She is the highest form of a celebrity being the princess of the leader of the nation who is winning a World War. She was raised with politics all around her. The world of politics is a ruthless one and she was raised from the cradle to be able to handle it. Any child born to nobility is. This led to her more sadistic and crueler tendencies however my belief is that they were nurtured by a simple thing that has great impact especially on children, a lack of someone to trust.
Unreliable adult figure in her life #1! Her mother, Ursa. Ursa put herself at a distance from Azula, one of the most memorable lines in which she speaks to her daughter in front of her daughter is,
"What is wrong with that child?"
Her reaction to jokes that Azula tells no matter how mean spirited they might be give off a cold and almost fearful relationship. Ursa did not act as a mother to Azula in any way. Azula saw this and acknowledged it. Azula's view on her relationship with her mother is easily summed up in Azula's comments in the episode The Beach.
"My own mother thought I was a monster. She was right, of course, but it still hurt."
Unreliable adult figure in her life #2! Her uncle, Iroh. While there are very few people who don't like Iroh in the show he is still human and does have a few faults. One of these failings of his is how he treated Azula. (Or at least this is my opinion on the matter.) Similar to Ursa, Iroh kept Azula at a distance. In the flashback to when Iroh is leading the siege at Ba Sing Se he sends a knife to Zuko and a doll to Azula. If anyone new Azula for more than a few days they would know that a doll is not the right gift for this person. Iroh giving Azula a doll and then a knife to Zuko is kind of a cold move.
We know that gender roles aren't really a thing in the Fire Nation, definitely not to the extent that the Northern Water Tribe has. We see a female soldier at the Boiling Rock and it's implied that there are other female soldiers among the army. Mai and Ty Lee are both trained in combat and Mai's proficiency with knives did not seem out of the ordinary. This makes Iroh's gift to Azula even more distant feeling. He could have sent a second knife or if he wanted to discourage her from violence try to find a better suited gift but a doll was not the right gift. And honestly, she already had flamethrowers at her hands whenever she wanted.
There's also after the episode The Chase when Iroh is injured after Azula shot him with fire trying to escape and Iroh is trying to teach Zuko how to redirect lightning, Iroh says something that even though Azula is on the enemy side feels like it's a little bit much to be aimed at a 14 year old girl even if she is dangerous.
"She's crazy, and she needs to go down."
Unreliable adult figure in her life #3! Her Father, Fire Lord Ozai the manipulative man himself. This man is so cold and manipulative that he knew exactly what to do to achieve what he wanted. He favored Azula because she was strong and his wife feared her and so he had the full ability to influence her without his wife's interference. He gave her just enough affection for her loyalty but purposely left her starving for verification and affection from him. He made sure to leave her scared of him leaving her.
At the very end of the show in the scene where he crowns himself Phoenix King she comes up and mentions that they will be leaving soon or something along those lines and he corrects her and says that he will be leaving that she'll be staying and she gets mad. She tells him that he can't throw her away like Zuko and that it was her idea in the first place. While she seems mad it's more fear in her eyes. Ozai turns to her and simply says
Any traces of anger are replaced with total and utter fear. If you look at the placement of their positions it's similar to Zuko in the Agni Kai when he got his scar. One could draw the conclusion that she was afraid of him treating her like Zuko and abandoning her. Ozai knew exactly what he was doing in this scene. He knew exactly what he was doing in every scene in relation to Azula.
In conclusion? She had literally no one she could trust. Those were the adults in her lives and she was the royal princess, nobles were going to want to use her and servants were beneath her and would not try to form that kind of relationship with her. There is an exception to this, she did have two friends after all who she did trust— to a point. Mai and Ty Lee. Well look where that ended up. At the Boiling Rock they betrayed her, this is exactly her breaking point. After that episode was when she descended into madness. Their betrayal was the cause or breaking point. She literally had no one she could trust.
Under Ba Sing Se she offered a way out for Zuko— that he took. She risked her own skin to make a place for her brother back at home. She wanted someone to trust even if it was subconsciously that she was trying to seek someone out. She knew her brother like the back of her hand, she knew he was too weak (kind) to try to manipulate or use her. She tried to help him how she could in her own way. (Keep in mind that he threw this away on The Day Of Black Sun and Ozai probably confronted Azula in some way about his confession and her lies.)
Also in the episode the beach she laughs when someone calls Ty Lee a circus freak but then looks regretful when Ty Lee lashes out. Azula does have compassion she just doesn't show it, generally in regard for her own safety.
In conclusion Azula really just needs someone she can legitimately trust who won't try to use her or manipulate her or hurt her. Also, she's 14.
This is also how people can make fanfiction where in post war Zuko and Azula end up in a shaky relationship because Azula realizes that overall he is her safest bet as far as someone she can trust.
If you're still here then thank you for reading my mind dump.
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savorysatori · 4 years
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— 𝐌𝐘 𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐍. ✗
paring : ushijima x f!reader x tendou.
usage of ‘she/her’ pronouns.
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— synopsis : sex with your boyfriend, ushi, was always the same- sometimes even including kinks that you both were fond of, just the usual. yet, what happens when he develops a certain kink to watch his dearest friend fuck you?
content warning: dumbification, non-con, choking, filming, degradation/praise, mentions of anal, blindfolded, oral, use of pet names, sir kink, breast play, biting, dark content.
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“Sluts always fall to their knees at the sight of my fingers, dear, what’s so special about you?”
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It was a fantasy. That’s all, nothing else. All he did was imagine you withering underneath the touch of his friend’s grasp. It was nothing more, yet, why did he want to make it a reality?
Every glance and stare you gave him, your eyes lingering over the soiled up band-aid’s around his fingers, your thighs clenching together. Ushijima didn't understand. He only observed, watching you closely and the way you interacted with his dear friend. Watching when you purposely slid closer to him during a conversation, all in front of ushi’s eyes. Almost like you didn’t care if he was there.
Yet, here you were laying on his comforter with thin lace draped over the dewy skin of your thighs; nail marks from his rough hands. Giggles leaving your throat like you weren't just eyeing Tendou from his previous practice. It made him mad. Did you completely forget about your seductive gazes going towards Tendou with no shame?
Or were you playing dumb?
“Toshi! Toshi! That t-tickles, ah!”
His calloused palms stopped from running along the curve of your hip, coming to a pause to stare at you, uneasiness settling inside your stomach.
“Let’s play a game.” His tone was short & sharp, leaving you no room to question his sudden change of demeanor. You were used to his mood swings but, something like this didn't make you feel good. “I want to try something new, you don't mind, right?”
You shook your head no, of course, you always let your boyfriend explore new kinks because you knew he was curious. Yet, you wish you could go back and change your mind.
The tightness of the material from the ragged towel dug into the side of your cheek, easing a hiss from you. The way the rigid binds locked your arms tightly together - made a new form of excitement fill you up.
Ushijima’s palm was placed on your cheek, running the pads of his thumb against your cheek. You instantly nuzzled against it, sighing in contentment at his soft touch.
“You’ll be a good girl for me right?”
“Yes, of course.” Disobeying him wasn’t a option, you learned to always be careful what you say, especially around Ushijima.
Your shirt was long forgotten. Discarded on the tile floor, along with your bra. Harsh lips were encircled around your nipple, suckling the sensitive flesh. Grazing his teeth against your erect bud, a small hiss left your lips. He’d pull off of it, glistening salvia dripping from both swollen nipples. You’d squirm as he kneaded your soft breast; squeezing it gently and flicking your nipple occasionally to get a rile out of you.
“Ah, u-ushi..!” your nerves were going haywire, brain fuzzy and hard to understand. He’d plop a sweet kiss on your lips, savoring the taste of your chapstick. As he places both of his hands on your thighs, each finger gripping the supple flesh and spreading your legs apart; gawking in awe at your sweet cunt already drooling onto the satin sheets. Before he could finally soothe away the ache between your thighs, a voice speaks up.
“My Turn.”
The voice was low and breathy, if you leaned closer it would also sound child-like. It didn't take long for you to recognize the voice. You twisted around in the binds, squirming to try and get them off of you.
“At least let me prep her first.” nothing was coming to you, you couldn't decipher what was happening. Nothing was clicking in your brain, ‘what was happening right now?’
“Prep? You've had her for so long, I’m sure she's used to your cock now, if so - she’ll be used to mine as well.”
Ushijima’s hands were dusted off your thighs as he sat back, watching everything unfold.
Tendou inched closer to you, peering down at your obvious confused state, eyes creased together with a frown stretched onto your lips, how cute. He’d squeeze both your cheeks together, leaning down to whisper in a honey-like voice,
“I don’t tolerate bad girls kitten, don’t mess this up for yourself, yeah?” His words were sharp, nothing like you’ve heard before. He papped your left cheek and stood up, pleased to see you nod obediently, becoming completely powerless to him with just setting authority. “She’s a good one Toshi, make sure to keep her because if you don't, I'll just snatch her up!”
Ushi grunted as Tendou smirked, even more, turning his attention back to you and swiping a finger over your lips. “Let’s get started, yeah?”
Whatever clothes were on him were long gone, tossed onto the floor. His fingers digging into your scalp, gripping it tightly as you warm throat hugged his cock. Balls slapping against the under of your chin, spit spluttering everywhere. It was a lewd sight.
“Hey, ushi, you don’t mind if I video her do you?” He’d ask, already pulling out his phone. “Just a lil’ something for later alright sweetheart, hm.”
The way that nickname rolled of his tongue only made you want to please him more, show him how could ease all his problems away with just some oral. Your head moved on its own, your tongue rolling over the thick width of his cock head. His gaze lust-lidded, glossed over with bliss. Gathering all of your loose strands of hair in a ponytail, he’d buck his hips forward and keep the camera trained on your messy face coated in pre-cum.
“F-Fuck- keep going sweetheart, you’re doing so good for a well-trained slut.”
Tendou kept your head in place, catching everything on film as he dumps his thick cum in your mouth, covering your mouth in his semen.
“God damn— little slut knows how to swallow like a pro, aye?”
He pulled out of your mouth, his once hard cock softening to its normal state. Droplets of cum dripped from your mouth as you eagerly swallowed it up, your mouth only watering for more of his cum, for more of his cock. A whine rippled from your lips. You were so hopeless, so desperate, you needed him. Badly.
“Oh? Are ya’ horny for me? Yer’ getting off on your boyfriend’s best friend cock? You’re adorable, baby.” He held the back of your head tight, smearing the rest of his dripping cum onto your swollen lips. “Such a good girl.”
“hngh- Tendou..” your scraped knees dug into the mattress, face pushed against the sheets. You were so pretty, cunt already glistening with shiny arousal and Tendou didn't have to lift one finger, he thought you were so cute.
Ushijima would admit, and he would tell you later — you looked adorable, defenseless under Tendou. Hands restrained with eyes covered, you were weak to his gaze and his hands. Nothing could stop him from doing anything to you, nobody could step in. Not even ushi.
His red hair prickled against your cheek, his hands circling your throat and applying pressure to it slightly. “Yer’ so pretty, sweetheart, all nice and warm f’me back here.” He’d angle your head up to face the camera, the flash of light shining on your messy face. The blindfold came undone around your face and slipped off your eyes, revealing the sparkle of lust gleaming in them.
“T-Tendou, hngh.. please- I want it, so badly.” you were in need for the feeling of his cock inside you, dragging along your silky walls, easing his cock head in and out of you. You wanted it all.
“Sorry sweetheart, I only give cock to good sluts who address me as ‘sir’ anything else, and I see you as nothing but filthy.”
The moment you parted your lips, you blurted out the word immediately.
“S-Sir! please, f-fuck—“
A cruel smile sprawled onto Tendou’s face, papping your cheek- he'd push away your thighs to lean closer, pressing asweet kiss to your cunt. His eyes holding a sadistic glint. “Maybe I should fuck this cute hole right here, just to tease ya’ and make you completely melt under me.” He’d coo, his finger pressing against your asshole. You'd twitch and nod your head. You would accept anything from him at this moment, anything to feel the veins of his cock.
You were already wet, nice, and dripping to which he didn't have to prep you. He’d switch you to where you were in a mating position, knees pressed to your chest and face peering up at him, ready to take anything he was going to give. When he sat up, your eyes traveled down to his semi-hard cock, staring in astonishment. The tip is red and bulging, veins pumping through the base — tiny drops of pre-cum leaking from the front.
“Ah, I already know you’ll welcome my cock well, pretty baby.”
Tendou leaned down eye-level, keeping contact with you as he pushed his cock into you, his eyebrows knitting together when your warmth sucked him in nice and tight. You bit your lip, eyes watering up at his size, you wondered how you even took him in.
“W-Wait- too fast.. gentle, please.” Your voice was croaky through whines, eyes twitching with tears when he sunk further into the depths of your cunt.
“Shh, you’ll like it. Just wait, baby.”
With that, he’d thrust into you, forcing his fat head past your tight ring of muscles. You’d yelp as he breached past the barrier, leaving you to babble and sob against the pillow like you did with Ushijima.
“Yer’ squeezing me so tightly, darling.” He leaned down to kiss you sloppily, saliva dripping from your chin the minute he pulled away. He’d runt his hips into you, massaging your thighs while he fucked you stupid, the noises leaving your lips filling him up with pride. “Pretty fuckin’ girl, hugging my cock so w-well, think I might cum right here.”
Shifting his hips, he held your legs up and hit your ‘sweet spot’, pounding into you quickly from then on.
“S-Sir!” Rolled off your tongue delicately, voice breaking down shortly from the immense moaning pouring from your mouth. Skin and skin smacking against each other, Tendou’s cock pulsing in your velvet walls.
“Gonna cum? Go ahead, cum for me pretty one. Show me how much you love my cock, c’mon baby - yer’ pussy is gushing all over me, might as well cum.”
His dirty words going in from one ear and going out the other, letters all jumbled up together leaving your mouth. Phrases and babbles for “Sir!” sputtering out. Your mind was in a frenzy, eyes glossed over in a dumb look. You could barely even see with your vision so blurry, everything like a bubbly blur.
Your walls tightened around him as he intensifies his pace, cock slipping in and out of you with a slum of pre-cum everywhere.
“S-Sir! ‘m gonna.. Ten-” anything coherent diminishing from your mind as soon as you came, your cum coating his cock head fully.
Beads of perception rolling down his face, Tendou slipped out from your pussy. Face all sweaty with eyes glazed over with bliss. He’d pump his cock in his hand, stroking the sensitive flesh — your pretty little pants were enough for him, his hand gripping his cock as he unleashed his cum onto your stomach.
“Pretty girl, you look so cute with my cum on your stomach.” He’d coo. Picking up his phone from behind, he snapped a picture of your body, making sure to save it for later.
“Thanks for letting me fuck your girlfriend, tosh, I'll repay the favor later.” Tendou pulled up his pants and papped your cheek like before, grinning down at you. “I’ll see you later sweet cheeks and your pretty pussy.”
Toshi’s eyes watched Tendou leave the room and your fucked out body on his bed, cum smeared on your stomach with fluids everywhere. He wouldn't lie, it was a pretty sight. At least he knew this wouldn't be the last time he fucked you, Toshi knew Tendou always wanted another turn, always wanted the cycle to continue.
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Spencer Reid x Reader
Warnings - criminal minds based mentions of violence (not really), drinking
Summary - When something slips out at the round table things between the Reader and Spencer get really awkward
(i got the idea from notjoselyn on tiktok)
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Y/n walks alongside Penelope as they move through the BAU bullpen. Talking about the girls' night plans the girls have been working on for the last couple of weeks. "That club would be so fun," Y/n says brightly, "but did everyone agree? I mean it's a little you know loud and crazy."
"I mean Emily is always down," Penelope says, "especially when I ask her... And JJ needs a minute away from her kids. Even if she won't admit it."
"Little angels my ass," Y/n chuckles as they reach the round table, "oh my I have the cutest dress to wear. It's a little- you know."
"Oh, I do know," Penelope says smirking lightly, "you're gonna look hot!"
"Mmm you just wait and see," Y/n chuckles.
"Wait and see what?" Spencer asks as he joins the two at the table. The girls chuckle lightly as Spencer looks between them. "What?"
"Well, boy wonder we are talking about our upcoming girls' night," Penelope tells him, "specifically about the dress miss Y/n here is going to wear." Y/n chuckles lightly. Spencer nods lightly. "What color is it?"
"Black," Y/n tells her, "a little black dress moment you know?"
"Yes!" Penelope says brightly, "oh I can't wait." Y/n chuckles lightly. "I have this really cute dress picked out- it's purple very sparkly. Very eye-catching."
"Hot," Y/n says playfully. Spencer looks slightly amused with the banter. "I just hope JJ can keep up. I mean with all the mom duties she's been slacking behind on girls' nights... I feel like we are gonna exhaust her."
"Redbull drinks exist for a reason," Penelope says.
"Right," Y/n says.
"What even happens on a girls' night?" Spencer asks.
"Chaos," Y/n tells him, "We all drink until we can't stand. Dance with strangers. Leave the FBI training at home and have fun."
"Sounds dangerous," Spencer says, "do you have a designated driver?"
"Uber," Penelope tells him.
"That's not safe," Spencer says, "do you guys not pay attention to the cases we get? How many of the girls we see started out at some random bar?"
"If you're so worried you be our dd," Y/n offers. He looks between the two girls carefully.
"Fine," He says, "I'll go."
"You can't go," Emily says as she and JJ join them at the round table, "it's girls' night."
"I won't ruin the fun I'll just keep you from dying," Spencer says, "1 in 5 violent victimizations involving perceived alcohol use by the offender."
"That's ruining the fun Spence," JJ says placing her hand on his shoulder, "we are big girls-"
"No no, he wants to be DD then let him," Y/n says, "we save uber money that way. Plus he can't be the one that gets to play wheres, Emily."
"Or Can we keep clothes on Penelope," JJ chuckles. Y/n nods lightly. Spencer raises a brow lightly. "Just remember you signed up for this." Rossi and Hotch join the others in the room. The conversation shifts from reckless drinking to the cases they are supposed to be consulting on. "I'd say, sadist."
"Profiler JJ always comes through," Y/n says smiling lightly. The blonde chuckles lightly. "I mean it profiles relatively simple... This all the cops have?"
"Yes," Hotch answers her, "I think what we have so far is all that we'll be able to give them based on the files they sent." They all nod lightly. Handing the files over to Penelope as they move to the next one. After six or seven more cases the attention starts to shift. Small conversations breaking out around the table. Y/n tries her best to focus but the words were all blurring together.
"So are the girls' night plans always this dangerous?" Spencer asks her. Clearly more curious than he's trying to let on.
"You worried about me?" Y/n teases lightly.
"Well yeah," Spencer says, "I'm worried about all of you... I mean it's really risky going out like that- not that I'm saying you guys can't take care of yourselves but- you know what we see. The statistics show how dangerous it is."
"I understand what you're saying but we watch out for each other," Y/n assures him, "and besides with you babysitting us we will have a knight in shining armor to save us if it goes too far."
"You don't think it'll look weird with me watching a group of girls?" Spencer asks.
"You're right," Y/n says, "we should ask Morgan if he wants to go."
"Go where?" Morgan says looking from his conversation with Hotch.
"To this new club," Y/n tells him, "tonight with the girls and Spencer."
"Spencer?" Morgan asks clearly shocked at the addition of the younger man.
"Don't be so surprised," Emily says, "he offered to make sure us ladies got home alright." Morgan nods lightly.
"Yeah and you can make him feel a little less left out," Y/n offers, "make it seem less like he's babysitting... Rossi, Hotch if you want to come as well we can make it a team thing."
"If it's a team thing then I want everyone to forget what happens when we leave this office," Penelope says, "whatever happens when we drink stays in the safety of the club."
"Jack has a sleepover," Hotch tells them, "maybe another time." They all look to Rossi. The older man chuckles.
"I think my clubbing days are past me," Rossi tells them, "plus its poker night."
"Lame," Emily teases lightly, "Morgan will you at least come?"
"Of course," Morgan says, "I don't wanna leave our boy genius all alone." Y/n looks back to Spencer and smiles lightly. Trying to get back to her work. The boy keeps his eyes on her. She looks up carefully. He smiles to deflect the fact he's been staring at her.
"That necklace looks really nice on you," Spencer tells her. She smirks lightly.
"Thanks," Y/n says, "but your hands would look nicer." The words leave her mouth before she can process what she said. She freezes at once as the table looks around in slight amusement and shock at what just happened. Y/n's eyes widen in horror. Rossi laughs lightly.
"At least let him take you out on a date first," Rossi jokes. Y/n looks up to Spencer who's still frozen. His mouth slightly open as if all words are suddenly lost to him. Morgan just laughs loudly at the situation. Y/n can feel her face go red. She moves covering her mouth lightly.
"Did she really?" Penelope starts.
"Oh she did," Emily says in pure amusement.
Y/n closes the file and moves to stand up.
"I'm gonna walk out the door," She says slowly, "and when I walk back in here we can pretend that it never happened."
"Please," Hotch says. She nods quickly. Walking out the door. She takes a lap around the BAU in an attempt to work through the crippling embarrassment this situation is going to bring her for the next forty years. She can already tell she's gonna see this in her nightmares.
Back at the table, Spencer is still frozen.
"She broke him," Emily chuckles as JJ waves her hand in front of Spencer's eyes. He blinks quickly. He looks over the others.
"Did that actually just happen?" Spencer asks them finally. They nod lightly. His face is bright red. Suddenly that big brain of his is nothing more than a peanut. When Y/n steps back into the room he's still in slight shock. She shuffles nervously back into her seat beside Spencer. Making a point to not make eye contact with anyone.
"I'm never going to live that down am I?" She whispers over to Penelope. The blond chuckles awkwardly.
"Oh no honey," Penelope says, "probably note."
"Oh goddammit," Y/n says softly. She moves the file lifting it to cover her face.
Meanwhile, in Spencer's big brain he's trying to process that the girl he's had a crush on for years said that his hands would look good around her neck. He tries to explain it in any way that makes sense but he's out of luck there. All he can think is what just happened?
Y/n's thankful when Hotch dismisses them back to their desks to work on their reports. She's suddenly very grateful for having the desk furthest away from Spencer. She can't even begin to think about what the hell she'd say to him to clear all this up. And Spencer and Emily laughing lightly don't help at all. She can just imagine all the things he's saying. Not to mention him avoiding her eyes at all cost.
Her face is still bright red when she shuffles into the elevator to head home later. However, life is forever cruel. Instead of giving her an empty elevator to escape to Hotch and Emily jump in beside her. She chuckles nervously.
"I'm not going to say anything," Hotch tells her, "just- try not to say anything like that while we're trying to work."
"Right," Y/n says softly.
"Where did that even come from?" Emily asks leaning forward to get a look at the girl. Y/n chuckles nervously.
"You're gonna have to get me drunk before I answer that," Y/n says carefully, "mostly because that's the only way you're gonna get me to talk about what is probably one of the top ten most embarrassing things that I've ever done." Emily chuckles lightly.
"Well, then the first round is on me."
When she meets back up with Emily the other girl is pretty much shoving a drink into her hand. Y/n takes it without a word. Knocking back the shot eagerly at the thought the others would be meeting them soon. More so that she's going to have to see Spencer... Considering she invited him.
"Oh, you do look hot!" Penelope exclaims as she and the others move to join the two girls. Penelope engulfs Y/n into a hug. Clearly excited to see her outside of the work setting. "Oh and look at you, Emily!" As Y/n's eyes settle on Spencer she starts to panic.
"I'm gonna go get our first round," Y/n says planning her escape route in her mind. Before the others can say anything she's rushing off to the bar. She orders the drinks quickly. Trying to focus on the bartender's movements.
"Hey," A soft voice says. She turns to look at Spencer. She turns back to the bar immediately. Spencer looks at her slightly confused. "You shouldn't walk off alone it's dangerous." The bartender sets the tray down. She takes it eagerly.
"You could see me from the table," Y/n says trying her best to not look at the boy. He follows her carefully as she hurries through the crowd back to the table. She sets the drinks down at once. "To the BAU!" The others grab the shots eagerly. She takes hers knocking it back quickly. Spencer looks over her carefully.
"Oh, I love this song!" Penelope says as she drags Y/n off to the dance floor. Emily follows. The second they get to the floor y/n tries not to focus on the awkwardness. Instead pushing her attention onto dancing with her friends.
"So?" Emily asks, "where did that come from?"
"Deep in my subconscious," Y/n answers, "you know I've always had a thing for Reid but- I can't believe I said that out loud!"
"I thought I was dreaming!" Emily chuckles as she moves her hips to the beat, "but Hotch's face- that was real."
"So was Spencer's heart attack!" Y/n adds, "did you see him? I thought he was going into shock!"
"I think he did," Emily says over the music. The two chuckle lightly. Emily looks over to the boy. Elbowing Y/n to look as well. They see him drinking out of a water bottle as he looks over the crowd carefully. Morgan talking to him about something that seemed serious. Spencer looks like he's turning red again.
"He looks good tonight," Y/n says to Emily, "the whole sweater and tie combo." Y/n bites her lip lightly. Emily chuckles.
"Maybe you can have his hands as a necklace then?" Emily teases. Y/n scoffs lightly. "Go talk to him- now."
"Because I said so," Emily says, "and you trust me with your life." Y/n sighs lightly. "Come on." She doesn't get a chance to argue. Emily yanks the girl along the dance floor before practically shoving her into the booth. Then Emily looks to Morgan. "Let's get another round." The two are gone before Y/n has a chance to process her thoughts. Spencer smiles lightly.
"Hey," He says softly.
"Hey," Y/n says, "how's the- weather?"
"Fine," Spencer says, "about earlier-"
"I know over the line," Y/n starts.
"You think about that often?" He asks. Y/n's eyes widen at his words. Layers of confidence and the slight smirk on his face make her wonder if she blackout and this was a dream.
"Uh- well I," She mumbles lightly. Spencer leans over to her ear.
"Cause we can make it happen," Spencer whispers. Y/n steps back at once. Spencer looks at her carefully. "Shit Morgan said the wouldn't sound creepy. I'm sorry- I just was trying to be flirty." Y/n looks at him carefully. As if she's deciding him if he's real or not.
"Wait so you don't think I'm a freak?" Y/n asks him carefully.
"No no- I was just kinda taken back," Spencer admits, "I mean I'm not exactly used to hearing that." Y/n chuckles lightly. "But you know- we could?"
"Hmm- I don't think they'd notice if we left," Y/n chuckles lightly. Spencer bites his lip lightly.
"Well if you don't think they'd notice," Spencer says. Y/n chuckles grabbing his home to pull him along the bar to get to his car.
They absolutely noticed.
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natsukitakama · 3 years
Headcanon : Reader being nice to Floch even though he is jerk
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Request : Well since Floch seem to be a type of guy who criticize people then how about he criticize s/o as well but instead of her getting offensive, she actually thank him for being honest since she’s a type of person who’s okay with criticism and also want the truth since some people usually don’t do it because they’ll feel bad that they know it’ll hurt people and that s/o is also a type of person who sees good on everyone including Floch even tho he seem like a jerk guy she still sees good on him and really curious in how would he react 👀
Author note : Hi there I’m sorry for taking so long, I needed some time of my own hope you’ll understand. I found your request quite interesting considering this part of his personality isn’t the most attractive. But still it’s part of who he is. Anyway hope you’ll enjoy this (to be honest I struggled to finish it lmao also yeah I'm trying a new way to present my post one day I'll be satisfied) 
Update : Because I got so much fun writing his reaction from a reader who is thanking him for his opinion while he was harsh on them. In this headcanon, they started as companion but then it would be imply that both of them are together or at least something is happening. Hope you’re fine with that. 
Warning : Cursing / Floch being a mean / mention of something that happened in season 3 but its vague 
Disclaimer :  Not because I’m writing about Floch means I understand what’s he done, I won’t accept his action but I still believe he wasn’t developed enough. I won’t accept any criticism because my anon asked for Floch or because I write for him. If you don’t like it then do not read it ♡ 
I got a headcanon that look like this so see this as the other version ♡ 
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The way you seemed to always accept every criticism never felt to amaze Floch. No matter who criticizes you, you’re always acting like it wasn’t a big deal. Worst he even noticed that you were glad to be critized. His first thought when he discovered that you were taking different opinion with a smile was something like « what the fuck ? » 
How could you take negative though that easily ? What was your secret ? 
For weeks he strongly believed that you were acting tough but when you were alone, you were crying over each word you’ve been hit on. 
He wouldn’t be surprised I mean, everyone hates being criticized it’s part of our nature. 
But you weren’t like this, after weeks of believing you were a liar at pretending that critics didn’t affect you, he then discovered that in fact you were taking it with serenity. 
« It would help me to be a better a person » you once said to him
He didn’t get it. Like who do you think you are ?
Why aren’t you acting like Eren or Jean ? Why weren’t you angry at him ? Worst, why weren’t you defending yourself ? What was wrong with you ? 
The fact that you were smiling everytime he was mean to you was getting on his nerve. For fuck sake could you at least yell at him ? At least he’ll know you were human. 
He didn’t why but seeing you smiling at him, thanking him for his negative opinion got his sick. He could feel his stomach twisted as if he could throw because of your sympathy. Did you pity him ? 
He even once heard a conversation between you, Eren and his crew that makes him even more sick : 
« You know, you shouldn’t let him talk to you the way he did. This isn’t respectful. » 
« Eren is right, want me to teach him some manners ? If it’s for you i’ll do it » 
«  *chuckle* Thank you Mikasa but I don’t think it would be necessary. I mean yeah he got a way to say things - » 
« He is talking to you like you were shit » 
« I wouldn’t say it like this Eren but yeah you got a point. Y/N I know you saw good in everyone but you have to admit that recently he is being mean to you » 
« *sigh* As I was trying to say, yeah he is being mean with me but his opinion was actually good. I mean yeah I’ve been too slow during our training and yes I shouldn’t forgot to pack some gas with us. My point is he was right, he just got a way to talk to people » 
« Come on everyone makes mistake and it wasn’t like HE thought about taking Gas bottle too. He got some balls to says that » 
« Eren is right Y/N. » 
« But he was still right. I mean he forgot but I forgot too, if no one is meticulous in real battle it could be dangerous. Besides he is not as mean as everyone thinks. I can see it, there is good in him »
« Well he is doing a good job at hiding it. Remembered how he talked to Armin when he woke up ? That piss of sh- » 
« *sigh* Yeah he shouldn’t say it the way he did but you need to understand his point too. He was all alone with his friends and his commander which he used to worship by the way, he had to run with his friends knowing he would die either from stone or because he’ll be eaten by a Titan. For him Erwin was a hero, of course his first reaction was to want him to survive. Caporal Levi did it too, he wanted Erwin to survive he only have the injection because Erwin told him too. » 
«  Maybe. But I still believe this man has no education » 
« *chuckle* you used to be a little shit too when you first came, acting all cocky because you were about to kill titans but everyone looked through it and now we all love our precious angry soldier » 
Eren then proceed to grumble something about not being angry while everyone was laughing. How could you say that ? Why were you protecting him ? Did he ask you to protect him ? No ? Then why are you seeing all those things at him ? Why were you saying that he got a point when all he did was telling you how shitty you were. He was bullying you why were you nice to him ? 
The worst when he started to have a crush on you. Was he a sadist or something ? Why was he looking at you everytime you were training ? Why was he offended when someone compliment you ? You’re just in love bitch
Did he stop being mean at you ? No not at all, it would be out of character for him. BUT he started to be « gentle » about the way he critices you. For example he won’t told you that you suck at being a soldier because you were starting to feel tired because of the training instead he would scold you for not sleeping enough. 
See ? He still gives you critics and some time he is a bit harsh but now you’ve noticed (even though you already did) that he was actually carrying about you. 
So you started to thank him even more for his kind word, which disgust him. Why were you thanking him anyway ? 
At some point he stopped trying to figure out if you were a masochist or just silly, he keeps scolding you everytime you did something wrong and he just shrugs each time you were thanking him. 
But then you started to defend him even more, you weren’t just trying to justify his action by analyzing his behavior. 
Now you were arguing with people who were telling some shit about him which surprised him. Why do you care ?  He didn’t give a damn about some fools’ opinion nor should you. 
But here you were explaining your point, trying to make them understand that no he wasn’t just a jerk and there were something more important to get to know. He froze. 
« Come on Y/N don’t fool yourself Floch is a jerk have you seen him ? All he cares is himself. He is so fool of himself. Did you notice the way he is talking to you ? How could you defend someone like him ? » 
« Because he cares about him and because I care about him too. You asked if I noticed the way he was talking to me, I did. He stopped being mean at me, and started to give me advice to help me during my training. He noticed my lack of stamina and told me to practice and sleep better. He scold be for always forgetting something and now I’m careful. All he need was to help me, how am I supposed to avoid fight when you’re clearly misunderstanding him. He is someone good, you just need to get to know him » 
This time instead of feeling sick, he felt a little warm running into his body especially on his face. He felt … good ? He couldn’t explain it but yeah he felt right to hear you saying this even though he still didn’t understand why you were like this while you two barely talk together. 
He wanted to confront you about. 
Especially because he started to dream about you even more than before. That scene when you were defending him was keeping playing in his head, again and again. At this point you were always on his dream. Not that he will complain but he felt silly to be like this, like to him they were no way you were into him. 
So one day when you two were cleaning the training room, Floch decided it was now or never. So after closing the door to be in « peace », he walked into your direction. Step by step he noticed that he got trouble at taking a deep breath probably because he was scared or anxious. 
When he finally was in front of you, you noticed his frown and started to ask yourself what was wrong with him. He wasn’t so anxious, usually he came talk to you all cocky to correct you but now it was as if he was talking to Caporal Levi. 
« Are you okay ? » 
« Of course I am why wouldn’t I ? » 
« I don’t know you look like tense. Did I do something wrong ? » 
« Obviously yeah. I mean you’re always doing something wrong but that’s not why I’m here » 
«  Oh yeah ? » 
« Yeah. »
« Then ? »
« Then what ? » 
« Why are you here ? If you’re not here to scold me » 
«  I wanted to know why you’re acting so nice » 
«  I’m acting nice ? » 
« Yeah don’t play dumb to me. I heard you talking with Eren and that bunch of shitty friends also I saw you with those stupid soldiers talking dirty about me. Why were you defending me ? » 
« Why not ? I mean they are not angel either so I don’t see the point of being mean » 
« But i’am » 
« Excuse me ? » 
« You said there’s no point of being mean about someone but I’m mean. Especially with you I remember correctly telling you that you being a soldier was a shame for humanity » 
« Yeah that wasn’t nice by the way » 
« See ? You’re smiling ! Why is wrong with you ? » 
« What ? Because I can’t smile ? » 
« No ! Not when I’m being mean at you that completely strange » 
« Well then I’m a weirdo I guess » 
« Okay I’m done I knew I couldn’t get anything from you » 
«  I’m sorry but I don’t see what’s wrong with my behavior ? » 
« You can’t smile when someone is saying bad things about you » 
« Why not ? You’re being honest. » 
« But it’s mean » 
« Yeah and ? At least you’re not trying to be nice with me when in fact you can’t stand me. I hate hypocrite I prefer when people are honest with me. Besides as I said before your critics were interesting it helps me getting better so I don’t see why I would be mad at me » 
«  I don’t get it I’m sorry, even if it helps you. You could at least slap me for being mean at you » 
« Do you want me to spank you Floch ? » 
«  I- I say slap me and not like this I-I oh my god I can’t » 
«  *laugh* but you’re the one talking about slapping I’m sorry I didn’t know it was your thing I’ll take it in mind » 
« YOU … Wait are you making fun of me ? » 
« Maybe ? » 
Then you just laugh and finish your duty, leaving a completely frozen Floch. 
You’re kinda broke him, he didn’t know how to behave with you anymore. 
Should he be glad because you’re not angry at him for being a jerk ? Or should he be concerned because you figure out something he didn’t want to admit ? 
Again, he started to be less a jerk around you. But you noticed that it worked only for you. Floch was still… Floch around other people. He just tends to be soft with you, he stopped scolding you and in fact correct you each time you were doing a wrong move. And when you were loosing or forgetting something, he just gave you what you needed without complaining. 
People were surprised, like they weren’t used to see Floch not acting like a jerk. They also didn’t understand why you weren’t treated like everyone else. Some of them got their theory but for now all they could notice was Floch not being as mean as usual with you while you were acting nice with him. For both of you that’s all matter 
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Their Doll 8
Let me in
B.Barnes x Reader, S.Rogers x Stark!Reader
series synopsis:  y/n Stark, all records of her non existent, and yet Hydra still find her. When she is kidnapped by a certain super-soldier and no one believes her, she finds herself searching for unexpected familiarity in her not-so-distant past.
Series Warnings: smut, violence, torture, swearing
Chapter Summary: y/n gets emotional
Warnings: swearing, feelings
A/n: The timeline in this has been altered, as there I things I wanted to include but I also wanted this fic to follow the storyline/timeline of Winter Soldier and Civil war.So for purposes of this fanfic, Peter Parker was discovered by Tony at a much younger age - when he was bitten - and has been an intern with him since, almost like a protégée.(For the purposes of this story Peter was bitten much younger too - more like when he was 9 or ten rather than 14/15)
Masterlist | Series Masterlist
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Life at the tower was...tiring, to say the least. During my free time I often found myself in the gym, lobbing knives at a target and trying my hardest not to biting one in Steve's chest every time he would correct my technique. When I wasn't trying to murder the avenger in cold blood, I was usually dragged into things by the other: briefings and debriefing for missions I'd never go on, my dad's parties, group training sessions and study periods with Bruce in his labs to name a few.
But for now, I was huddled in my rooms - fresh out of a hot shower after a brutal two hour training session and four mile run with Natasha - curled up on my bed and attempting to catch up on a few of the films I'd missed. But the exhaustion and drowsiness clouded my eyes, the noise from the TV merely in the background as I felt my eyes growing heavier by the second.
A sharp knock at the door snapped my out of my lowsey state, the people movie across the screen simple a blur of colour as my eyes darted past the tv and over to the door.
"Mr Stark is waiting at your door. Would you like me to let him in?" FRIDAY's evenly calm voice chimed, making me groan and mumble a 'no' into my pillows. The last person I wanted to see right now was my dad.
"Come on kid, let me in." My dad called from the other side of the door, and I could practically hear him roll his eyes and shake his head when I stayed silent. When he spoke again, it wasn't directed at me. "FRIDAY, override command and open the door."
"Wait! That's hardly fair!" I whined like a five year old, groaning again when the door swung open and my dad stood on the other side, quite clearly just as exhausted as I was.
"Get used to it, kiddo. Life isn't fair." Tony chided, walking over to my bed. I tried to shuffle away slightly when I felt the bed dip, my dad perching on the edge as his eyes scanned over the room. "I see you haven't decorated yet." He commented casually, as if nothing had ever happened between us.
"Yeah, well, I thought It'd be a shame to spend so much time on something when you're probably waiting to kick me out anyway." I mumbled, refusing to look at him.
"What the hell is wrong with you, y/n? Ever since you got back you've been-"
"Acting different?" I cut in, and when Tony simply swallowed thickly I nodded. "Funny that, seeing as I was kidnapped and tortured for three years. Not to mention made to kill people for another year after that."
"Y/n I'm sorry..."
"But you're not! You can't be, otherwise you'd actually have tried to save me, rather than leaving me to rot!" My voice cracked, tears pricked at my eyes and I now sat up straight in my bed, facing my dad but not looking him in the eye. "And you can't change that, you can't go back in the past and fix your mistake. And trying to fix it now sure as hell won't work, so I suggest you leave before I'm tempted to use you as my target for my training session tomorrow." I raised my voice, eyes now keeping his captive as the tears rolled freely down my cheeks.
"Oh, kid, they broke you." Tony murmured, cupping my cheek with his hand, eyes swimming with sorrow. Sorrow that I didn't want.
"You can't fix me either, because I'm not broken!" I said harsher now, voice only getting louder. "I don't need to be fixed..." I trailed off, voice barely above a whisper Joe as my eyes broke the contact, averting to my lap as the tears dropped onto the bed sheets.
That's how I found myself in my fathers arms, face pressed against his shoulder as the sobs made my body shake, hiccups escaping me as I tried to speak.
"A-all I needed W-was my D-dad, and yo- you took him f-from me!" I wailed, hands clutching my dad's shirt and his arms wrapped protectively around my shoulder, hands rubbing circles over my back soothingly.
"I know, kiddo. I'm sorry."
"Who is that?" Clint frowned, staring at the pictures scattered over the table in front of Natasha and Steve as they studied them deeply,  brows creased in thought.
"Our newest pain in the ass." Tony answered for them, slapping a thick folder down in front of Clint as he said so. The marksman was quick to pick it up, flicking through the documents, news stories and information sheets greedily.
"The...winter soldier?" He asked, looking at the three superheroes in front of him as if they'd gone mad. "But he's a ghost story!"
"I've seen him. Been shot by him, actually." Nat said, an sadistically proud smirk forming on her lips with her last words, almost as if it were an achievement.
"We're trying to find out more about him, maybe that way we can beat him." Steve explained, sitting back in his chair with crossed arms as he huffed in defeat, sick to death with staring at the same five pictures all morning.
Y/n walked in, a skip in her step as she crossed the room to Tony.
"Morning, dad." She greeted, placing a quick kiss to his cheek and heading over to the cupboard to grab a mug. Clint and Natasha frowned in confusion, looking between the two as if they'd witnessed pigs fly.
Tony shrugged, y/n too preoccupied with making herself a coffee to notice the avengers' reactions. When her coffee was done, y/n swiped her mug from under the machine and sipped happily, letting out a content sigh before wandering over to stand behind Natasha.
"What are you working on?" She asked, peering over the spy's shoulder to get a glimpse of the pictures.
A loud smash crashed through the room, Tony's eyes widening in shock and Natasha jumping from her seat in order to not get covered in spilt coffee. Y/n stood paralysed, eyes never leaving the photo in front of her as she started at the Soldier. Steve frowned deeply, studying the girl as her eyes glossed over with with what seemed to be...sadness.
Clint was already at her side, a comforting hand on her shoulder as they all asked y/n what had happened and if she was alright. It was like a constant ringing in her ear interrupted their words before they reached her ears, and y/n suddenly felt nauseous as she starred at the bright red star on the soldier's arm, his long and messy dark hair shrouding his face and his leather clad, muscular body. Only his cerulean blue eyes could be seen, the rest of his face covered in a black mask she didn't usually see him in.
"I-I need some air." She stuttered, stumbling blindly out of the room and down the stairs, tipping over a few steps from the bottom and tumbling down the last few. She quickly pulled herself to her feet, hearing still ringing and vision offset, hazy, as she scrambled for the double glass doors. Luckily they already stood open, so she flew through them and out into the busy streets of New York.
Y/n found herself colliding will someone almost instantly, angry shouts of 'hey, watch it!' And 'look where the fuck you're going, kid!' Being called after her like a chorus as she pushed through the bustling people.
She finally stopped, dropping to her knees and simply staring straight ahead, no intended subject in her line of vision as she tried to comprehend the-the grief, at seeing the a soldier's face again.
It had only been two weeks, and yet two weeks without him, his touch, his scent - it felt like an eternity to y/n now. She hasn't registered what her feeling meant for him before, liking him beyond a source of comfort had just felt...wrong, after all he'd done, and yet y/n couldn't deny it.
She was in love with the Winter Soldier, and she didn't even know his name.
I wasn't aware of when someone had found me, nor of how they got me back to the tower or even how I was now stood staring blankly out of the window that stood next to my bed. I gazed longingly, almost as if I stared long enough, hard enough, he'd appear.
But of course he wouldn't, he was probably half way across the world, knowing HYDRA. A soft knock on my door and my head was turning, facing my visitor with a look of pure grief and want. Desperate, unhinged want that could eat you up from inside out and you'd still feel it.
"Hey, y/n. Can I talk to you for a moment?" Nat asked tentatively, clearing trying to to disturb my shaken up state. I nodded, offering a small smile which she returned as I now faced her. She walked up to me, talking my hands him hers and playing with the as she spoke, eyes kind and full of understanding.
"There's a mission, and we want you to go." She said calmly, almost as if the mere thought of it would send me into some kind of heart attack.
"Okay," I begun, eyes flitting down to the floor before back up again. "What is it? Aren't you scared that I'm still HYDRA and all I'd do is stab someone in the back?"
"Not exactly." Nat informed me with a smile, amusement glinting in her eyes at my assumption. "For starters, we all trust you, well maybe not steve - but everyone else does." Nat and I both laughed slightly. "And I think you wouldn't have it any other way it to go on the mission yourself." Nat finished.
"How come?" I asked, brow raised.
"There's been a lead..." she started. "On the winter soldier. We thought you might want to help check it out, possibly capture him. Your powers may be the best chance we have a detaining someone as strong as him." Nat spoke. "And if we can detain him.."
"We can save him." I finished.
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that-random-one · 4 years
56 Right?
Kaminari Denki x Reader
Warnings: Cursing, "Oblivious" Reader, slightly sad Denki
Date Posted: 2/8/21
A/N: I got inspiration from something and I couldn't get it out of my head. Denki just happened to be the perfect guinea pig to try this out on. Also people started to follow me which I don't understand. Like why? Why did you do this to yourself??💀
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"Today's the day."
"You said that yesterday."
"And the day before that."
"And the day before that."
"And the day before that."
"Oh! And the day before-"
"I get it, I get it!!"
Mina, Sero, Kirishima laughed while Denki huffed, mock glaring at them. He even added a little pout which made the three laugh harder. Denki smiled and shook his head.
Bakugou ignored their antics, knowing it'll end the same way as yesterday. And the day before that. And the day before that. And the day before- you get the point.
"Seriously though. Today is the day Y/n will finally understand-"
"Your loneliness?" Mina finished.
"Your infatuation with them?" Sero chimed in.
"Your love for them?" Kirishima wiggled his eyebrows.
"That your brain is full of worms of stupidity?" Bakugou added in, not wasting a chance to insult Denki.
Denki gaped at Bakugou and scoffed, clearly offended. "1. I'm not lonely." He heard a scoff coming from someone. His guess was Bakugou. "2. It's not infatuation. 3. It's not love. More like a small itty bitty teeny tiny little crush." He heard someone snort this time. He guessed Bakugou again, but then he looked at Sero. "4. My brain is not full of worms."
"So it's full of stupidity?" Mina questioned.
''Yes." His brain then registered what the question was. "NO!! NO!! I MEANT TO SAY NO!!"
This caused Kirishima, Mina, and Sero to die of laughter again. Even Bakugou huffed out a laugh.
"What did you mean to say no to this time Kaminari?" Denki's shoulders tensed at the voice that he heard. He turned around to see you standing there giving him (he fucking wishes) everyone a sweet smile.
"Oh nothing. We're just teasing him about what happened in class today." Mina quickly said before Denki could make even more of a fool of himself. She may tease her friend a lot, but she was the first one to buy a ticket onto the KamiY/n ship. She's ready to set sail too.
"Oh yeah. Kaminari you should really go to sleep earlier. Or actually get up to your alarms. Aizawa was pissed when you fell asleep in the middle of his class." You hoped he would take your suggestions, but it's not like you could force someone to got to sleep.... that's a lie you could totally shove handfuls of melatonin down their throat.
Denki laughed, "Yeah I really should work on my sleeping schedule. Oh, before I forget. Can I ask you a question?"
"You just did ask me a question. I'll be forgiving and let you ask another one though." You teased him.
"Do you know CPR? Cause you're taking my breath away." Denki said his pick-up line, hoping today would be the day you wouldn't be oblivious and notice he's flirting with you.
Kirishima nodded in approval and Sero held up an ok sign. Mina was sitting at the edge of her seat waiting for your reaction. They all thought it was a decent pick-up line considering it was Denki they were talking about.
"Of course I know CPR. We learned it for Hero training. Remember? Do you have allergies? I might be wearing or carrying something your allergic to. I'm sorry, you should have said something sooner. I woulda fixed the problem right away."
Denki opened and closed his mouth. He doesn't know what he was expecting, bit it definitely was not that. He slowly blinked once, then twice.
"I'm going to my dorm. My heart has just shattered into millions of pieces. I didn't expect you to be this oblivious." He murmured, his last sentence barely audible.
After you were sure Denki was gone you turned to the other four in the room and spoke. "How many was that? 56, right?"
All four pairs of eyes widened in realization. You knew. You knew about Denki's crush on you. You are definitely not as obliviousbas you seemed.
"I wonder what pick-up line he's gonna use tommorow. He's lucky he's cute though." You said and walked off to get something to eat.
You left the four other people in the room in shock. Who knew you were such a good actor? Who knew you actually liked Denki back? Who knew you were a bit of a fucking sadist too?
From that day on they enjoyed to see what pick-up line Denki said and your act of obliviousness.
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acesydneysage · 3 years
A Sydney and Eddie retrospective
@vablappreciationweek Favorite familial relationship: The Melrose Twins
Part 2, Books 4-6: The Heartbreaking Trilogy, Why Are You Doing This To Me This Is So Sad
Part 1 here
In The Fiery Heart, Sydney and Eddie definitely already love each othe like siblings. By the end of the book they prove that in the most painful way possible, but let's ge through some cuteness first while I steel my heart.
We get Adrian's perspective on this book, so it's nice to see Eddie talking about Sydney when she isn't around:
“Because it’s Sydney,”said Eddie from the backseat. In the rearview mirror, I could see an easy smile on his face, though there was a perpetual sharpness in his eyes as he scanned the world for danger. He and Neil had been trained by the guardians, the dhampir organization of badasses that protected the Moroi. “Giving one hundred percent to a task is slacking for her.”
When Sydney wants to soften Zoe's extreme opinions on vampires, she picks Eddie to be Zoe's driving instructor because she wants "someone approachable and friendly who’d show her not all dhampirs were evil creatures of the night."
When Sydney is being a sappy romantic and describes what love is to the group, Eddie is the one who lingers looking at her the longest, he can tell something is different about her. They really know each other by now. When Eddie let's Zoe drive outside of the parking lot, he knows Sydney so well that he knows what she's going to say, and what to say to make it better:
“I can’t believe Eddie of all people would do that. It’s irresponsible.”She nodded. “He said you’d say that and that I should tell you, ‘At least it wasn’t Angeline.’”I couldn’t help it. I laughed at that. “That’s true. He does have limits.”
Later when she tells Zoe frivolity might not be such a bad thing, they have a sweet little moment:
“Sometimes frivolity isn’t a bad thing.” Eddie, who didn’t seem put out about the dance, grinned. “Sydney, when we first met, I never would’ve thought those words could come out of your mouth. What happened to you?” Everything, I thought. I met his grin with one of my own. “We all need some fun. We should forget that dance and go out and see a movie that night. When was the last time we all did that?”“I think the answer is ‘never,’” said Jill.
When Neil comes up with his crazy plan to test the Stigoi vaccine, Eddie is very shaken up by the similarities to the event in Spokane that lead to Mason's death. While Sydney thinks that "if Eddie was involved, one Strigoi seemed feasible", what finally convinces Eddie to go is her magic. Although Neil puts her on the spot, she does ultimately make the choice to trust him with this dangerous knowledge about her:
Eddie wasn’t swayed, and there was a look on his face I’d never seen before. “I’m not denying the principles, but it’s too dangerous. And not just to you. I did something like this once . . .” A pain so intense that it tore at my heart crossed Eddie’s features. “Me and some friends. We thought we could take on Strigoi . . . and my best friend ended up dead. No matter how prepared you think you are, even against only one, the unexpected can happen.” [...] The more this got out, the more trouble I was in. And yet, as I looked into Eddie’s steady gaze, I was reminded of our friendship and all we’d been through. In a world of secrets and lies, there were few I could thoroughly trust anymore, but I knew then, without a doubt, that Eddie was one I could. Taking a deep breath, hoping I wasn’t being a fool, I held out my hand. A nervous glance around confirmed we were alone, and I brought forth a spark of fire in my palm that soon grew into the size of a tennis ball. Eddie leaned over and gasped, the orange flames reflecting off his face. “Maybe . . . maybe our odds have gotten better,” he said.
During the fight with the Strigoi they go after, we get a little more about their similarities, how they're both so dedicated to helping others, and they both seriously admire each other so much. You get a bit of that from Sydney's perspective,and how much she cares about Eddie:
I knew what agony Eddie had to be in because I shared it. We both wanted to help Neil. Doing nothing, even for a handful of seconds, went against every part of our beings. [...] For his part, Eddie was magnificent. It had been a while since I’d seen him fight, and I’d nearly forgotten that the adopted brother I joked and ate lunch with was a lethal warrior. [...] I had to act. I couldn’t just stand by and let Eddie be annihilated, not if there was anything I could do.
After the fight, Sydney is caught up in the euphoria of surviving a near death experience, and she makes pretty much zero effort to hide her relationship with Adrian from Eddie:
As soon as I was on the road with Eddie and Jill, I told them, “I need to see Adrian. Drop me off and take my car. He’ll give me a ride back.” Eddie looked totally surprised by that. “Why do you need to see him?” “I just do.” I didn’t feel like attempting an excuse, and Eddie wasn’t the type to badger me. The most I got was a curious look when we reached the apartment. His curiosity turned to panic when he realized I’d be leaving him alone with Jill. “Good luck,”I said as I got out, not entirely sure who needed it the most.
When Eddie figures out that they're together she tries to avoid the conversation, expecting condemnation, but he's very supportive. This is the last conversation they have before everything falls apart, and everything I tried to remove to shorten it felt like an important character moment, but the most relevant parts are bolded:
“Sydney . . .”Eddie’s light mood vanished, and even with my eyes on the road, his tone tipped me off that something serious was about to happen. “About that. About you going to Adrian’s . . .”I felt a tightening of my throat and couldn’t answer immediately. “Don’t talk about that,” I said. “Please.” “No, we need to.” Eddie knew. Eddie knew, and if the subject wasn’t so dire, I would’ve laughed. He was oblivious to his own social affairs, but guardians were trained to watch and observe. Eddie did that, and no doubt he’d picked up all sorts of little things between Adrian and me. We tried so hard to hide from the Alchemists, but hiding from our friends, who knew us and loved us, was impossible. “Are you going to lecture me?” I asked stiffly. “Tell me I’m breaking taboos that have been in place for centuries to preserve the purity of our races?” “What?” He was aghast. “No, of course not.” I dared a look. “What do you mean ‘of course not’?” “Sydney, I’m your friend. I’m his friend. I’d never judge you, and I’d certainly never condemn you.” “A lot of people think what we’re doing is wrong.” It felt strange and oddly relieving to acknowledge my relationship with Adrian to another person. “Well, I’m not one of them. If you guys want it . . . that’s your business.” “Everyone’s suddenly very liberal about this,” I said with wonder. “I just heard a similar thing from Trey and Angeline—about their own relationship, that is. Not about . . . other people’s.” “I think my ill-fated time with Angeline may be part of it,” he said, with more humor than I expected, considering she’d cheated on him. “She talked enough about her people that after a while, it didn’t seem that weird. And, well, my race exists because humans and Moroi got together and had kids way back when.”I felt a smile start to grow on my lips. “Adrian says it wouldn’t be fair to the world if he and I had kids, what with the overwhelming power of our collective charm, brains, and good looks.” Eddie laughed outright, not something I heard very often, and I found myself laughing too. “Yeah, I can see him saying something like that. And that’s the thing, I think . . . the real reason I’m not that weirded out by you two. It goes against all sound logic, but somehow, you two together . . . it just works.” “‘Against all sound logic,’” I repeated. “Isn’t that the truth.” A little of his amusement faded. “But that’s not what worries me. Or the morality of it. It’s your own people I’m worried about. How long are you going to be able to go on like this?” I sighed as I took the exit for the meeting spot. “As long as the center holds.”
Eddie thinks Sydney and Adrian make sense. Obviously I agree that they absolutely do, but on a surface level it doesn't look like it. You have to know them and have a better understanding of their personalities to figure out how they actually fit together. What he's worried about is the Alchemists. Of course, by this point, since the ending of TFH is a sadistically drawn out torture, we already know from the ending of the last chapter that she's about to be captured.
I made it the door first... and found Eddie. His clothes were dirty and torn, and the right side of his face was swollen and red. There was a wild, half-crazed look in his eyes I’d never seen before. A feeling of dread settled over me, and the darkness and despair and fear that had left me alone for so long began to rear their collective ugly head. I knew, even without Eddie saying a word, what had to have happened. I knew because of that terrible look of pain on his face, a pain similar to when he hadn’t been able to save Mason. [...] “Adrian,” he gasped out. “I tried, I tried. There were too many. I couldn’t stop them.” He came forward and gripped my arm. “I tried, but they took her. It was a setup. I don’t know where she is. She tricked me, damn it! I never would have left her if she hadn’t tricked me!”
When they figure out it's a trap and he tells her to run, her first instinct was that she couldn't leave him behind. When they're running together through the woods the Alchemists start shooting at Eddie, specifically. He's running at Sydney's pace and she knows he would never leave her, the he would die to save her. And she knows she could not let him die.
Eddie won’t leave me, I thought frantically. He’ll never leave me. They want me, but they don’t care about him. He can live or die, and it won’t matter to them. But if he’s what’s keeping them away, they’ll shoot him and destroy his body. “Eddie,”I said, panting. “We need to split up.” “Never.” That answer wasn’t a surprise. What was a surprise was that out of all the things rattling around in my mind, Abe Mazur’s words popped up in the forefront:. Don’t think for an instant that I wouldn’t do terrible, unspeakable things if it could save someone I love. Because it was Abe, I’d naturally assumed he was talking about doing terrible, unspeakable things to other people. But as Eddie and I held on to each other, the words took on a whole different meaning. In that moment, I knew I would do anything to save Eddie—my friend—whom I loved. Even if it meant doing something terrible and unspeakable to myself.
The first thing established in the first paragraph of Bloodlines is that re-education is Sydney's greatest fear, literally her worst nightmare. But she faces that, she walks right back and turns herself in in order to keep Eddie safe. She tricks him into spliting up by claiming that it's part of a spell, and he believes her because he's seen her do extraordinary things.
“I tried,” he whispered. “Adrian, I tried. I never would have ever left her if I’d known. I would have stayed with her to the end. I would have laid down my life and—” I had to forcibly hit the pause button on my own feelings as I dealt with his. Eddie had lost another person. It was bad luck, that was all. He was one of the most badass , capable guardians out there, but he couldn’t believe that about himself, not when he kept seeing these failures laid at his feet. Looking into his eyes, I recognized the intense self-loathing consuming him. I knew the feeling well because I was carrying around a fair amount of it myself. “I know you would have,” I said. “There was nothing you could do.” He shook his head and stared off with a haunted look. “I was an idiot. I never should’ve bought into that spell stuff. After what I’d seen her do with fire, it just seemed so . . . well, real. I believed her. It made sense.” I smiled without humor. “Because that’s what she does. She’s trained to make people believe things. And outsmart them. You didn’t have a chance.” She also was willing to trade her own life to save her friend’s, but no one had trained her to do that. It was just something within her. Eddie wasn’t going to be swayed so easily, and I left him to his grief as I huddled with mine.
When Sydney's captured, Eddie feels like he failed her, just as he'd failed Mason in Spokane, and Jill when the rebels killed her. But still, he has faith in her, that she can hold on to herself:
“How much can they really change her, though?” asked Eddie. “I mean . . . she’s Sydney. She’ll be the same . . . right? She can fight them.”
In Silver Shadows,Sydney is in re-education, and she still finds it in her to be worried about her friends on the outside. Eddie's humiliation and guilt over having lost Sydney killed the kindling romance he had with Jill. There isn't much he can do to help find her at this point.
Once they find a lead on where she is, going to her rescue is very important to Eddie, but he also feels conflicted about leaving Jill with less protection. When the time comes, Jill convinces them to take Eddie because he needed to be part of her rescue, he'd been consumed by guilt this whole time, and that might be the only thing that would allow him to feel redeemed.
With some urging from Jill, he leaves her behind, and goes off to break into a prison again, to rescue a much worthier prisoner this time. After getting mostof the prisoners out, Eddie and Adrian go back into the burning building to get Sydney and the remaining people. After they bring her out to freedom, they have this moment where they hold each other and cry, it always makes me so emotional:
Eddie came last, and as we sized each other up, the tears hovering in my eyes finally spilled. “Eddie, I’m so sorry I lied to you that night.” He shook his head and pulled me to him. I heard tears choke up his voice. “I’m sorry I couldn’t stop them. I’m sorry I wasn’t protection enough.” “Oh, Eddie,” I said, sniffling. “You’re the best protection. No one could have a better guardian than you. Or a better friend.”
I hope Eddie did feel redeemed, because Sydney pretty much immediately tricks him, and gives him the slip again. She does take the time to try to nudge his love life again first. Then she goes off with Adrian, going against the plan, because she thinks the other fugitives will be safer without her.
"Eddie shot me one last parting smile that nearly choked me up again." “I never thought I’d see Castile brought to tears,” said Adrian as he started up the Mustang. “This really hit him hard. Hell, it hit all of us hard, but he really beat himself up for it. He never forgave himself for you giving him the slip.” “Let’s hope he can,” I said, putting my seatbelt on. “Because it’s about to happen again. We aren’t meeting them at the safe house.”
Eddie was furious about this, but at least this time she didn't get captured. And soon enough he had something else to feel bad about, since Jill went missing right after he got back to her. She disppeared without a trace in the middle of the night, and there's another failure laid at Eddie's feet.
He's not in a great state in the beginning of The Ruby Circle:
Eddie appeared in the doorway. Seeing him almost always brought a smile to my face. In Palm Springs, we’d passed ourselves off as twins, sharing similar dark blond hair and brown eyes. But over time, he’d truly come to feel like a brother to me. I knew few others with such courage and loyalty. I was proud to call him my friend, and as such, it hurt me to see all the pain he felt over Jill’s disappearance. There was always a haunted look about him now, and sometimes I worried whether he was really taking care of himself. He hardly ever shaved anymore, and I had a feeling the only reason he bothered eating was so that he could keep training and stay in shape for when he located Jill’s abductors.
Sydney isn't doing all that great either, stuck in a hostile environment while she deals with her trauma and worries about Jill. When Sydney and Eddie sneak out of court to look for Jill, the power of Raptorbot can make him smile:
“It couldn’t have been that unexpected,” I argued. “I mean, why did he build a dinosaur body for her? Why not something more human? Or at least a more friendly animal?” “Because then there wouldn’t have been much of a movie,” said Eddie. “There’s still got to be a plausible backstory …” I said. A wry smile crossed Eddie’s features, and although the entire topic was absurd, I realized I’d hardly ever seen anything but a grim expression on his face since Jill had been taken. “I don’t think you can really sit down with a movie called Raptorbot Rampage and expect a plausible backstory,” he said. The attendant looked offended. “What are you suggesting? It was a fine piece of film. When the sequel comes out, people will be lined up out the doors to see this exhibit!” “Sequel?” Eddie and I asked in unison.
I love it when the twins talkin unison, even if they probably had opposite tones. And I really love Eddie being a fan of Raptorbot I'm sorry. He and Declan have matching Raptorbot pajamas, you can't change my mind. This is another exchange that screams siblings to me:
“We were probably his only customers today,” I remarked. “That’ll make us memorable—that and having someone who’s actually seen and liked Raptorbot Rampage.” “Hey,” warned Eddie. “Don’t judge until you’ve watched it.”
Later Sydney tries to tease him about it again, but he's focused on the search so his good humor doesn't come back. I think it's very sweet thet she saw something that had made him momentarily happy through the pain, and tried to press that button again.
Eddie is understandably very protective throughout this book. It's not paranoia if they're really out to get you, they actually run into Sydney's family, while they're trying to stay off the Alchemists' radar:
“Then get out of here. Hurry—before he comes out. Both of you.” I was stunned at this complete reversal in her behavior, but Eddie didn’t need to be told twice. He took hold of my arm and nearly dragged me to the car. “We’re going—now,” he ordered. I caught one last glimpse of Zoe before Eddie shoved me in the car, where Ms. Terwilliger sat waiting for us. A thousand emotions played over Zoe’s face as we peeled out, but I could only interpret a few. Sadness. Longing. As we quickly got back on the road, I found myself shaking. Eddie was driving and kept anxiously checking the rearview mirror. “No sign of pursuit,” he said. “She must not have been able to see which direction we went to tell him.” I slowly shook my head. “No … she didn’t tell him at all. She helped us.” “Sydney,” said Eddie, in a stern-but-trying-to-sound-kind voice, “she’s the one who turned you in the first time! The one who started that whole re-education nightmare.”
He doesn't really belive that Zoe had a change of heart, and he tries to be so gentle with Sydney, while anxiously trying to get her away.
With how sad he is in this TRC (he even has broody beard to show it), the bits where he gets excited about things are really adorable. He's very enthusiastic about meeting Malachi Wolfe:
“Are the Chihuahuas really trained to attack?” he asked. I couldn’t help but grin. “That’s what Wolfe claims. We’ve never seen them in action, though.” “I can’t wait to see his nunchucks.” “Do not touch them,” I warned. “Or any weapon, without permission. If he approves of you, he might lend you something too.” [...] “Oh, man,” breathed Eddie. “There really is a herd of them.” I’d seen Eddie fearlessly face down an attacking Strigoi, but he took an uneasy step back at the sound of the canine charge. I grinned and turned toward the door, waiting for Malachi Wolfe himself to answer.
There's a lot of hugging after Sydney leaves re-education. Sydney and Eddie hug a lot, but just in general. Good for her it's what she deserves. "“Eddie,” Sydney exclaimed, running to give him a hug. He grinned back. “You guys okay?” "
When Sydney and Eddie are preparing to infiltrate the Warriors of Light as recruits, she gets a super strength spell while he gets super excited about it, and they have the cutest arm wrestle in history:
“And how much stronger?” asked Eddie eagerly. “Like lift-up-a-car stronger?” Maude smiled. “Sorry to disappoint, but no. [...]” She glanced between Eddie and Sydney speculatively, her smile growing. “I’d say you’re strong enough to hold your own with a dhampir in an arm wrestling match.” “I would kind of love to see that,” I admitted. Eddie’s face said he would as well. Sydney groaned. “Really? That’s so barbaric.” Eddie leaned over and propped his arm up on the table that had previously held the canteen. “Come on, Mrs. Ivashkov. Let’s do this. Besides, if you’re squeamish about arm wrestling, how are you going to handle going head-to-head with the Warriors?” [...] Ultimately, Eddie pushed his strength to its limit and finally defeated her, but not without her holding her own for a while. I held up her arm triumphantly, like a victor at a boxing match. “My wife, ladies and gentlemen. Beauty, brains, and now brawn.” “Awesome,” said Eddie, in a rare moment of delight.
He's really excited about human magic in general, such an adorable nerd. And again, they really do admire each other so much. Following Sydney's blackmailing the Alchemists: "I hung up, and Eddie regarded me with awe. “That was pretty badass. But do you actually think it’ll work?”"
In the epilogue, Eddie pulled strings to live with Sydney and Adrian as a Guardian, and he's one of the people who's in on Declan's secret. He even chooses to sleepin Declan's room.
I sprinted out of the room and up the stairs, to the bedroom that doubled as both a nursery and Eddie’s room. I had high enough royal rank to finally be assigned my own guardian, and Eddie, in that noble way of his, had pulled strings to be assigned to us. I’d initially protested because I wanted him to stay at Court and have a semi-normal dating life with Jill. Eddie, however, felt obligated to be with us—both out of friendship to Sydney and me and for all the times Neil had helped him. We’d offered to turn the house’s small study into Eddie’s own bedroom, but he always ended up sleeping in Declan’s room anyway.
I'm really glad they didn't get separated by the end, it always makes me happy to think about them living together.
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shiftynightshade · 4 years
How Half Of Class 1-A Gained A Crush On Iida At 5 AM: PT2 Electric Boogaloo
Oh Tenya could understand now why Shouta loved torturing their class so much.
It was a solid 30 degree day, and with no hint of a breeze, and the air conditioner was broken, so training was going to be a fucking nightmare, fortunately Tenya had the foresight to wear shorts instead of pants to hopefully keep his engines from overheating too quickly.
Of course, this happened to be half his classmate’s downfall.
Tenya was one of the last people to enter the gym, leisurely strolling to where the rest of his classmates were stretching or warming up their quirks, most of the Dekusquad in Todoroki’s general vicinity, unlike where most were avoiding the heat that naturally emanated from Bakugou and his explosions.
After their rather eventful (i.e. loud) dinner gathering on Friday night, Hitoshi and Nemuri had begged to him to let them help mess with his classmates, and honestly, how could Tenya pass up an opportunity like that?
Ok, maybe it was a little cruel, but considering that this class drove him up the wall half the time, Tenya could easily justify his teasing with ease.
(Tensei had sat back in his wheelchair with a laugh as Nemuri and Hitoshi were muttering over a quickly filling up planner with more ‘crazy person’ energy than Todoroki and his theorist board.)
Tenya waved at Shouta, barely holding back a smile. “Apologies for being late everyone!”
Midoriya was the first to see him, having turned his head in the direction of Tenya’s voice while still in mid-air from his jumps-
Only for his eyes to widen and slam into the wall with a loud ‘oof!’
The rest of the class fell into chaos rather quickly.
From where he was standing Tenya could easily see the blush on Uraraka’s face, the zero-gravity user not even realising that she was floating until she bumped gently into the ceiling, a surprised squeak escaping her mouth, causing her hands to slam down on her mouth non-too gently.
A small dusting of blush had made its way across Yaoyorozu’s face, her head swiftly turning to look back at the table where a small selection of food was placed, though with the extreme look of concentration on her face, Yaoyorozu was no longer producing any trinkets or objects.
A small scream and a small burst of flames erupted from Todoroki before it was swiftly extinguished by quickly melting ice, heatwaves emanating off of the dual quirk wielder.
‘Looks like Todoroki’s quirks gone haywire, whoops.’
Over where Ashido was standing with sheets of metal with varying thicknesses, melted clumps of metal on the ground in one pile, the acid dripping from her fingers and onto the metal no longer even burning through the first layer.
The the popping and crackling sounds of an impending explosion from Bakugou’s palm added to the chaos.
Making sure to keep any hint of a smirk off of his face Tenya walked towards Ojiro with a cheerful expression, water bottle in one hand, the other giving a cheerful wave.
Ojiro smiled back at him, his tail brushing the ground as the martial artist leisurely patted away the sweat gathered on his neck with a small hand towel.
Shouta barked at the stunned and flustered students to get back to work, the tell-tale feeling of his quirk settling over them like sudden wave of cold before it retreated again.
Ojiro raised a pale eyebrow, eyes sparkling. “What was that about?”
Tenya knew, obviously, but he was the ‘straight laced Class Representative that was just, oh so oblivious, so he merely shrugged and feigned confusion.
“I do not have a single clue unfortunately.”
Ojiro shrugged. “Alright… it was weird though, I’ll ask Hagakure later and see if she has any idea.”
Tenya nodded. “That’s a brilliant idea Ojiro! Hagakure always seems to be in the know about our classmates.”
Ojiro coughed, a small blush crossing his face. “Yeah… thanks Iida.”
Tenya smiled, huffing out a near silent laugh when Shouta called for the class to line-up for their sparring partners.
‘I’m going to have to get Hitoshi and Nemuri a thank you gift for this.’
Nemuri clapped like a child on Christmas morning as Tenya sat down, Hitoshi leaning over to stare at Tenya with a smirk.
“So, how’d class go?”
Tenya smiled. “Chaotic. When they blushed they desperately tried to pass it off as the heat, but they only got more flustered.”
Nemuri threw head back and let out a cheery laugh.
“So the shorts worked?”
Tenya smirked. “Well Midoriya slammed into a wall, Yaoyorozu couldn’t create anything all of a sudden, Uraraka didn’t realise she was floating until she hit the ceiling, Ashido couldn’t produce high PH levels in her acid, Todoroki couldn’t control his quirk and Bakugou was a literal ticking time bomb.”
Both Nemuri and Hitoshi’s laughter grew louder as Tenya listed off the events of that class, absentmindedly ticking them off on his hand as he went.
Hitoshi cackled. “If they were that flustered when they saw you in basic training shorts,” He gained a sadistic glint in his eyes. “Wait until they see your street wear!”
Tenya chuckled. “I think they would just shut down all together.” He straightened his posture. “Class 1-A exe has stopped computing.” His tone was a modulated and robotic, imitating a computer.
Nemuri wheezed as Hitoshi slid to the ground and rested his head on Tenya’s legs. “Oh god, I can just see the bluescreen of death.”
Tenya nodded sagely. “Yes, the bluescreen of death. Here lies half of Class 1-A; cause of death? Thighs.”
“Well that would be a way to go out.”
Tenya turned to see Tensei beside Shota and Hizashi, each holding a drink a drink of some sort, a tray of milkshakes were resting on Tensei’s lap as he wheeled forward over the grass, Shouta and Hizashi each holding a drink in one hand while their free hands were clasped together.
As Tenya received his drink he slid from the park bench to the grass, revelling in the much cooler breeze. “So what next then?” He took a sip.
Hitoshi smirked. “Unbuttoned shirt and bed hair?”
Shota groaned in despair as Tenya choked on his drink, leaning against Hizashi on the grass. “I think you’ll end up killing them before the years out.”
Hizashi chuckled. “I’m pretty sure that’s their plan at this point babe.”
Shouta shook his head. “Welp, might as well and enjoy the show I guess.”
Tensei chuckled. “I’m pretty sure that without your class, your world might be darker.” He put his thumb and index finger a few millimetres apart from each other. “Just a smidge.”
Looking Tenya dead in the eyes his dryly stated, “Revelry in the dark.” And relished in the groups laughter, Hitoshi falling against Tenya.
“D-did he just quote Tokoyami!?”
Tenya nodded gravely. “Shouta-nii has finally learned the true way of life. Revelry in the dark.”
Hitoshi shook his head. “Well if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.”
Hizashi shook his head incredulously. “And I thought we were weird in high school.”
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MER Week Day 2 - Long time no see
Summary: It’s been a while since Alistair Shepard and Garrus Vakarian have seen each other. They’ve been busy on their separate planets, helping in whatever ways they can to get things back to as normal as they’re going to get. However, with some free time, they’re finally getting to meet back up. Problem is... somebody forgot to mention the testosterone. Whoops. Well, at least Shepard’s got a free offer of carapace ripping from his sister if things go south.
(Set after ME3, enjoy your t4t shakarian lol)
Babe: See you at 3 then.
The message still glowed on his screen, burned into his retinas from the night before. It was the last message in a long conversation that had lasted well into hours he should have been sleeping, but it had been worth it. After all, it was important to hash out details when your fiancé was coming to visit.
It was even more important to do so in his circumstances.
The words leaked out from between Alistair’s teeth as he glanced around – the time said it was sometime after 2:40. Like always, campus was busy, full of his fellow students going from one class to another. Most of them look tired – and he understood that fully. Between med school and fighting the reapers… some days it could be a toss-up, depending on what he was doing.
Most days, med school won. Maybe that was a good thing? Or maybe he was just a sadist.
Regardless, campus was busy. It was easy to blend into the crowd like this as he sought a seat on a bench under a tree. All he could do was look at the screen of his omni-tool, frowning as he read through the messages.
He shouldn’t have been nervous… but he was.
Maybe that was why he clicked onto a new message window, just as busy as the one with the one he had been glancing at. Even better, the other person was online. Something like hope sprung into his chest as he started typing, fingers flying with the speed of an ex-Alliance officer.
Some things were fading with time – this probably never would.
Al: Where are my anxiety meds when I need them?
Bo: Relax, he’s going to love it. And if he doesn’t, there won’t be anything left to bury afterwards.
Bo: Or whatever turians do when they die.
“Nothing like threatening my fiancé to get me to calm down.” He chuckled despite himself, shoulders relaxing ever so slightly. However, a beeping drew his attention. Bo was attempting to video call him, which he was more than happy to accept.
Rannoch was as busy as ever on the other side of the line. He could see quarians and geth in the background, going about their business as his adopted sister focused her camera. Even after tweaking it, she was still a little skewed and not completely in the frame. However, she was allowed to be – her analogue sense of direction had saved his ass. She could be as out of focus as she wanted.
“I mean it, Al.”
He chuckled again. “I know, Bo. I guess I’m just nervous. I mean… we haven’t seen each other before…”
With his free hand, he gestured towards his body. Some days, especially in the early morning when he was half asleep, he was still unable to believe what was actually happened. It seemed more like a dream… at least until his voice cracked. It was doing that far less as his range settled, but still. At his age, it was kind of embarrassing.
Oh well, puberty was rough, especially when it was triggered for a second time in his 30’s.
“Told you that you should’ve sent him more dick pics.” Bo’s tone was flat as a pancake as she adjusted her camera – still out of focus. Now he was getting a view of Rannoch’s currently cloudless sky. Last time he had seen it, it had been full of Reapers. Honestly, he preferred it without them. Much friendlier. “Just relax. You know he thinks you’re hot as hell. All you have to do is use your commander Shepard voice and he’ll be eating out of your hand.”
Alistair felt his face color a little as he looked to the side. “I’m not going to use that in public…”
“You know what I mean. An Adam’s apple isn’t going to turn him off, so no sense worrying about it.” She paused, and he swore her eyes glowed. Maybe that was the camera angle? “And if it does…”
He could already see the threat – beating him with his own carapace was one of her favorites. He had never actually seen someone do it, but it was a classic at that point.
“Yeah, I know - death and calamity upon his head like you’ve only reigned down on the last guy who tried to take your crown.”
“He’s still recovering.” There was pride in her voice at that, and she should have it. After all, it wasn’t every day a human went undefeated in Omega’s underground Krogan wrestling tournaments. Surviving the reapers only brought better challengers, and it seemed to keep her well supplied with cannon fodder. “But anyway, just go for it.”
There was a pause, and her camera focused momentarily. “Also, since when did you start growing a beard?”
Oh, hail the mighty power of testosterone…
“Like two months ago, shaving sucks.” A beeping drew his attention – his heart raced at the sight of a new message. “Gotta go… I think that’s him.”
“Remember, just call me if you need his carapace ripped off.”
After the offer of violent assault, the call disconnected and left Alistair alone with his thoughts as he switched back over to his messages. Just like he thought, the message was from a certain someone he was waiting for. His heart jumped into his throat as he glanced around – nope, not there yet.
Babe: Almost there, got a little lost. I’ll never understand human city planning.
He always said that. Still, it made the ex-marine chuckle as he stood, waiting. Soon enough, they would be together again. It had been far too long, and the distance achingly wide. But now that the relays were working again, it was possible.
Note to self: maybe don’t take out the relays next time he saved the universe. It made travel a nightmare to say the least.
At least it wasn’t a long wait. Out of the corner of his eye, Alistair spotted movement that didn’t quite track for tired med student. It was too focused for that, and the pace was all wrong anyway. Plus, the whole carapace and being like seven feet tall thing helped, but it didn’t sound nearly as cool as the former.
“Alright, just… relax. Like Bo said…”
Of course, that didn’t help the butterflies in his stomach as he stood, adjusting his shirt. All the logic in the world couldn’t have saved him then as he watched the turian approach, clearly scanning the crowd for familiar markers. His heart stopped when their eyes met in the crowd, blue into blue.
Garrus was looking good for someone who had nearly died killing Reapers.
There was no mistaking the surprise in the turian’s voice as he made his way over to the tree. When he finally got there, his mandibles flapped like flags in the wind. The gears were turning in his brain, no doubt running countless calibrations. In a weird way, it was kind of cute.
At the same time, it was fucking nerve wracking. Talk about a conflict of interest.
Still, it was Garrus, and he was finally there. That was enough to put a smile on Alistair’s face as he reached out to take the turian’s taloned hand. It was just as rough and warm as he remembered, and his fingers still stretched as they laced together. It might have been a little sore, but muscle memory wasn’t letting him down.
“Hey, babe. Good to see you got here in one piece.”
Thank the universe his voice didn’t crack with that one. Maybe this was the thanks he got for saving it.
At least Garrus had the good grace to not look as though his jaws had stopped working. Alistair did get to watch his eyes travel downward in the classic once-over, though. All the while, his stomach bubbled. It felt as though a heavy weight was poised to drop on his head, and all he could do was stand there and wait.
Eventually, the turian squeezed back carefully, the blunt side of his talons sliding down his fingers. “So, I guess this is why you’ve been so shy about video calling me lately?”
“My voice was cracking really badly up until about a month ago, you were saved a lot of translator feedback.” He smiled, sheepish. “But… yeah. I didn’t really know how things were going to turn out and…”
His voice trailed off as he felt heat leak into his cheeks. “Here’s hoping you still think I’m hot?”
Yep, his voice definitely cracked at the end there. Maybe the universe had it in for him after all. At least Garrus didn’t wince too hard at the sudden shift – good old turian military training there. Still, he hadn’t said anything yet. That… wasn’t promising.
Maybe he should have sent those dick pics?
“You… what’s that called again?” Garrus cocked his head to the side in a gesture that always made him look cute and kind of bird-like. “On your face. Joker was always talking about his.”
Right, turian…
“Beard. And mine’s not quite as good as his yet I’m afraid but give me a few months and I’ll see what I can do.” He chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand, fingers ghosting over his amp. It hadn’t seen action in almost a year now, and it was still odd to feel it cool to the touch.
Much to his relief, Garrus nodded. “It looks good now. I mean, you look good in general and all… I thought turian reactions to hormones were impressive, but humans are something else.”
“Gotta love those secondary sexual characteristics, babe.” Relief flooded through Alistair’s system as he sighed in relief. “And I think you just saved yourself getting your carapace ripped off by my sister.”
Hooray – that would have been a nightmare to fix.
Now it was the turian chuckling as he reached down to press his faceplates to his forehead in an alien version of a kiss. It was a gesture that always got his heart racing, even if it was just a quick peck. He had missed that in their time apart – texting just couldn’t beat actual contact.
“That’s probably for the best. I’ve not had a lot of practice lately, might be getting a little rusty.”
Alistair chuckled as they started to walk through the crowd. “You, rusty? I find that hard to believe.”
“Oh, no, it’s true. Barely had any time to run calibrations even, I’m starting to worry I’ll forget.”
That time, they shared a laugh between them. Maybe this was what Alistair had missed the most in the time spent on different planets – there was just something about the interplay between human and turian laughter that made his insides feel warm. Or maybe that was just his reaction to Garrus in general. Right then, anything was possible.
Still, he felt his face color a little as he looked to the side. “I’m sorry I didn’t send any in-progress shots. Bo could confirm any embarrassing details if you asked her.”
“Trust me, I get it. Remind me when we get back to your place to tell you about how I didn’t tell my sister I was going on hormones until after she came back from basic.” Another squeeze. “Of course, if you wanted to test that new vocal range out in some more strenuous conditions first…”
Oh, there was nothing friendly about that gaze. And it was something Alistair could appreciate as he squeezed back. Home was well prepped for what they both had in mind – they just had to get there first. Lucky for him, he lived within walking distance of campus.
The chuckle that escaped his lips was definitely not of the innocent afternoon type as he leaned in so only the turian could hear him. “I think that can be arranged, Vakarian. Better pick up the pace, though.”
“Sir, yes, sir.”
With that, it was off they went at a faster rate, not quite a run but definitely quick. With the sun shining and thoughts about what was waiting for him when he got home, Alistair was once again glad the whole universe saving thing had worked out for the better.
Now… what exactly was he going to do with the turian when he got home? The options were endless…
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joezworld · 4 years
Fools in Love (5/10)
James And The Diesel Engine
When 46 040 had declared that she would become friends with James, nobody in the sheds had really believed it.
James was vain, occasionally pompous, and immensely suspicious of diesel traction. It was a minor miracle that Bear and BoCo had been accepted by him, and Gordon speculated that it was due to the fact that neither engine was in a role that would displace the red engine.
040 on the other wheel, was in direct competition with him - right down to her shiny red paint. The big diesel had been eager to prove her worth, and had gladly accepted any work that the Fat Controller had given her. This meant that for most of the past year, there had been two red mixed traffic engines on Sodor.
Naturally, James was quite upset by this - he felt that he was being supplanted instead of supported, and tried valiantly to make 040 go away.
Unfortunately for James, 040 was determined to make a friend out of him, and treated him and everyone else with an almost impenetrable level of charm and good cheer that soon ingratiated herself with the other engines.
“She is of good stock.” Gordon said when she came up in discussion.
“A hard worker” was Duck’s assessment.
“Aye, if more diesels were like ‘er, the other railway would work a treat!” This from Douglas - high praise considering his well established and totally understandable dislike of diesels.
When he first met 040, he’d growled at her to ‘stay away’, and after a moment’s reflection, she’d apologized.
“What MPD were you at?” She’d asked after he’d growled at her.
“Glasgow - Eastfield.” He’d replied after a confused moment.
“Yeah, that figures.” She sighed ruefully. “I’m sorry, by the way. They only had enough of the “I hate steam engine” bits for the 45s, so us 46s and 44s never quite understood why everyone was so eager to replace you. Well, everyone except Spamcan, but he’s an arse to everyone.”
“Aye?” Douglas was very surprised.
“Of course. We tried to make them be nice - they certainly didn’t need to be so vicious about it - but once they know you care - well, it’s said that you can smell weakness in someone’s exhaust, so we weren’t treated much better than you were.”
“I... had no idea. Do they truly do that? There’s no’ even unity amongst diesels?”
“Not a whit. At least, not in the Midlands. Don’t worry though - they’re getting what’s coming to them. All three of us Peak classes are ‘non-standard’ now, so they’ll see what it’s like to be on the wrong side of progress soon enough.” Her tone was not light, but neither was it overly dark. She clearly had private opinions on the subject that she wanted to keep private. 
Douglas stared at the big diesel with newfound respect.
James soon found himself in the minority of opinions about 040. His resolve began to waver when she would cheerfully keep her composure even in the midst of a heated argument.
“You’re wrong and I can prove it!”
“You haven’t got a boiler! You wouldn’t understand what boiler sludge feels like!”
“Ah! That’s where you’re wrong my steam-powered friend! I do have a boiler - for steam heating! I know exactly what boiler sludge feels like!”
“Cinders and Ashes you are impossible! Why are you so cheerful?!”
“I like arguing with you Jamie, it’s fun!”
One morning, the Fat Controller arrived in the sheds with some important news:
“The Thin Clergyman and his son will be visiting the island once again!” He declared cheerfully.
The engines were surprised. “I thought that he had retired from writing?” Gordon said.
“He has,” explained the Fat Controller. “But his son has decided to follow in his father’s footsteps and will be writing books of his own.”
Most of the engines were excited, but 040 was decidedly not. As soon as the Fat Controller left, her face fell into an uncharacteristic scowl. “I am not appearing in those fucking books.” She said menacingly.
This was arguably more surprising than the news of the Thin Clergyman’s arrival.
“Whyever not?” Asked Henry, who was quite pleased to have stories written about him.
“None of you know this,” She grimaced. “But the only more damaging thing than those books was the fucking Beeching Report! When he wrote about that 08 that tried to cause trouble for Duck, he might as well have thrown a bomb into every yard in the country! Everyone was either saying that we diesels were evil masterminds or that steam engines were idiotic dupes! There was zero civility between engines! Friendships ended! Lives were ruined! Locomotives were scrapped over this! I wasn’t even built then and I still have been forced to deal with it!”
She laughed at the jaw-dropped stares of the other engines. None of them had been on the mainland at that time, and they had no idea of the trouble that had gone on.
“And then there’s one-nine-nine! That nincompoop has gotten every one of us Peaks called a Spamcan! And that’s impressive considering there’s three different classes of us! I didn’t even know what Spam was before that book!”
Silence fell over the sheds for a good while.
“I had no idea...” Gordon eventually said in a small voice.
“I know.” 040 said as she slowly regained her cheery demeanor. “And that’s okay. But I really do not want to be in the books.”
“What’s this about books?” James had been out on an early stopper train, and had missed everything.
“Oh nothing Jamie, do you want to have an argument?”
“No! and stop calling me that!”
“Great! So I think we are actually having an argument right now, but what’s your take on it...?”
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The Thin Clergyman arrived onboard Gordon’s express, and was given a warm welcome by the Fat Controller at Tidmouth. Fortunately for 040, Gordon had been able to pass the word on with an earlier train, and she was able to flee the station before the author arrived.
The next week of her life was not unlike a scene from the Benny Hill Show - wherever 040 went, the Thin Clergyman and his son followed.
She ran a parcels train to Barrow - the Thin Clergyman was waiting on the next platform,
She hid behind the Works, only to find his Son riding on Skarloey’s footplate,
At Haltraugh she tried to hide behind Duck - with exactly as much success as one would expect,
The two men starting interviewing engines in the shed, and she was forced to hide amongst the coaches in the yard,
Thomas’ driver unexpectedly fell ill at Tidmouth, and she leapt at the chance to take his train - despite being longer than Annie and Clarabel put together! She made it as far as Elsbridge before curious trainspotters began flocking to take her picture, and she beat a hasty retreat to the main line just before the Clergyman arrived,
The engines at the Kirk Ronan branch were quite annoyed when she tried to squeeze into their shed - she was so big that the door wouldn’t shut!
Planned track work meant that one of the Ballahoo tunnels was closed, and she bluffed her way onto the work train so she could sleep in it. This was an effective hiding spot, until she told Henry, who laughed so loudly that the Thin Clergyman heard the entire story from across the yard,
She even tried sleeping in the electric branch sheds at Peel Godred, but was not only glared at by the very antisocial locomotives who lived there, but also had to hide from both the Thin Clergyman and His Son when they came to see the Culdee Fell Railway.
Finally, there was nowhere left to run - she had managed to find all of these hiding spots while still doing her jobs, but today she was the ‘relief’ engine at Knapford, which meant that she had to sit in the yard all day in case another engine failed.
In full view of the station building.
At midday,  James bustled in with a load of vans for Thomas’ branch line.
“What are you so anxious about?” He asked 040 with a mixture of scorn and surprise. The annoying red diesel was looking positively frantic as her eyes scanned the station building. It was most unlike her.
“Jamie! Hide me!” She hissed as James’ driver uncoupled the vans.
“Hide me! Quickly!”
“The Clergyman! He’s right there in the station!”
James looked over, and sure enough, the Thin Clergyman and his son were sitting down to lunch in the station café. “Why?”
“Because he might write something about me!” 040 was frantic.
James was baffled, but remembered Gordon mentioning something about some engines not wanting to be written about. He’d assumed that Edward was just being introverted again, but perhaps there was more to it than that...
He was tempted to do the exact opposite - to blow his whistle, attract attention, and pay back the loudmouth diesel for all of her arguments and nicknames, but when he looked back at her, he realized that 040 was frightened of the Thin Clergyman.
James was many things, but sadistic wasn’t one of them, and he ran around his train and shunted the vans so that 040 was almost entirely obscured from sight.
“Thank you!” She whispered as he backed away.
“Keep it dark,”  He hissed back. “I have a reputation to uphold. And I’ll try and draw his attention to me so he doesn’t go looking for you.”
“Shouldn’t be too much of a problem for you.” She said with a small smile. “You always are the centre of attention!”
James smiled back as he backed into the yard proper, doing his best to make as much noise as he could until he came to a stop at the far end of the yard - as far away from 040 as possible.
His plan worked flawlessly. The Clergyman and his son had been so engrossed in their meal that they hadn’t noticed that any engine was there at all, and quickly made their way across the yard.
Unlike 040, James was always pleased to have someone write about him, and spent the better part of an hour answering the Clergyman’s questions.
“There was one other thing I wanted to know, James.” The Clergyman’s son said after a while. “We’ve been told that there’s a new diesel on the Island, but we can’t seem to find him anywhere!”
“Her.” James corrected before he could stop himself.
In for a penny, in for a pound. “Yes. She’s a girl, and she’s quite shy.”
“Really?” The Clergyman said as he scribbled in his notebook. “Can you tell me about her? Or where she is?”
“I don’t want to talk about anyone behind their back...” James said, knowing exactly how often he did just that. “But I saw her going to the works a few hours ago. You might be able to find her there and ask her yourself.”
This pleased the Clergyman and his Son, and they immediately set off in their hire car for the works. James waited until they had vanished from sight before he called out: “They’re gone!”
“Thank God!” 040 shouted from across the yard.
“Don’t thank him! Thank me!” James called back.
“Thank you James! Really, I owe you one now.” James couldn’t see the diesel, but he could somehow tell that she was smiling.
040′s luck finally ran out on the last day of the Clergyman’s trip. She was rostered to pull the night express, and didn’t realize that the Thin Clergyman was going to be on board. She almost jumped off the rails when she saw him climbing the stairs to the platform, she let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding when he entered the train, and her face fell when she realized that he was merely putting away his luggage before he got out of the train and walked up to her.
“Hello there! I haven’t seen you before!” He said jovially while admiring her paint and stripes.
“I’m new.” She said, trying to keep her tone somewhat polite. The ugly anger rising in the pit of her engine block was making that a very hard thing to do.
“I can see that - you have been quite hard to find!”
“Have I?”
“Very much so, but nevermind that. I was wondering if you would be willing to let myself and my son write about you? You see, we write books abou-”
“I know what your books are about.”
“Oh you do?” The Thin Clergyman said, not missing the sudden undertone in the diesel’s voice.
“Oh yes. And I’m not even talking about Spamcan.” She smiled viciously as the Thin Clergyman winced at that reference.
“Yes, well-”
“I’m not done. I'm talking about the other book you wrote. About the 08? The one that got more than a few engines killed?”
“What?” The author recoiled at the now-undisguised venom in 040′s voice.
“Of course you don’t know. You don’t care about diesels, just your precious steam engines.” She glared at him with undisguised malice. “Do me a favor - take that notebook and go fuck yourself with it - I will never be in one of your books.”
As she said that, the signal dropped, and the guard - who couldn’t see the Clergyman due to a porter’s trolley in the way - blew his whistle.
040 set off immediately, leaving the Thin Clergyman standing on the platform, taking his baggage with her.
When the Clergyman’s son started publishing his books several years later, 040 was nowhere to be seen in any of them.
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dolce-peach · 4 years
Hi! I really like your mcu fanfiction! Could you do a fanfic where the reader is an avenger and loves to paint and daydream and once she first meets Loki she falls head over heels and secrets dreams abt him and sketches and paints his portraits and he finds out. Hope you have a good rest of your day :)
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pairing: loki x avenger!reader
warnings: fluff, fluff, and more fluff oml
a/n: honestly this was the fluff i needed to write in the midst of my sad life 😂😭 hope you guys like it!
permanent taglist: @kaitlynmalikisnotonfire
** TO MAKE A REQUEST -- please check the status in my bio **
Once again, you got carried away sketching on your paperwork.  This time, it was Steve and Tony arguing over something petty while the mission meeting progressed.  You leaned into your arm, your pen pretty much moving on its own.
“Anyways, before I was rudely interrupted,” Steve started as he sent a playful glare at Tony, “does everyone understand their role?”
Everyone nodded.
You continued shading in various parts of the quick sketch, further capturing lifelike qualities.  The annoyance in Steve’s gaze.  The defiance in Tony’s eyes.
You looked up, setting your pen down.  “Sorry.  Yeah?”
“Do you understand your role for the mission?” Steve repeated.
You sent an apologetic smile.  “Aye, Cap’n.”
As the meeting ended, you collected your strewn papers with slight embarrassment.  It wasn’t the first time you were caught with your head completely in the clouds.  
You couldn’t help it.  Sketching helped you concentrate, as strange as that sounded, and when you had time, painting helped you take your mind off of things.  Healthy extracurricular activities that were relaxing were hard to come by, especially for a combat and stealth agent like yourself.
You made your way back to the common room, where everyone was crowding around Thor and someone else.
“Thor, you can’t just bring him here,” Steve said.  
Tony snorted.  “Yeah, what if he destroys half of New York again?  Guess who’d have to clean that up?  Me.”
“Oh, please,” Natasha groaned, rolling her eyes.  “You give yourself way too much credit.”
“No offense, but I’m not a big fan,” Clint said, eyeing the newcomer anxiously.
Bruce cowered behind Clint.  “Me too.”
“Of who?” you asked.
Everyone turned to see you standing there, your curiosity piqued.  They slowly backed away, revealing someone you’ve only heard about.
“Loki,” you breathed.
He stood in all his godly glory, adorned in his green and black robes, hints of gold making everything vivid.  He stood tall over you, making you shrink a bit at his bravado.
He smirked.  “That would be me.”  His eyes scanned you.  “And who might you be?”
“And she can kick your ass,” Tony added helpfully.
Steve sent a warning look.  “Language.”
Tony held his hands up in defeat, everyone laughing.  
Loki kept his eyes on you with interest.  You had to break away from his intense gaze, or you felt you might be eaten alive.
When you got done with training that day, you found yourself sitting on the balcony overlooking the night streets.  You were snuggled up in a thick sweatshirt with your pencil and sketchbook.  
You sighed happily.  
If you had to describe your ideal night, it would be this.  No missions to complete.  No errands to run.  No one to meet or please.
Just you and your imagination.
As per usual, you let your pencil draw for itself.  
You smiled a bit to yourself, seeing the rough shapes coming together to form Loki’s structure.  You began putting some fine lines in before shading ever so softly.
You’d been thinking about him the entire day.  Other than the mischievous look in his eyes, he hardly seemed like the egotistic maniac who destroyed most of New York.  Instead he looked gentle and reserved, taking in the world quietly, all while perhaps having a slightly sadistic sense of humor.
You shook your head.  You didn’t care what the others had to say about him.  You were determined to get to know him while he was here with Thor.
With your head full and your heart satisfied, you decided to brew yourself a cup of tea before heading back inside to retire for the night.  
You filled the kettle and started the stove.  You nearly jumped when you heard the fridge open behind you.  
“Do all you humans drink such revolting liquid?” Loki asked, holding up a can of soda.
“Depends on what brand you drink,” you answered.  “Would you like tea?”
He paused.  “Yes, please.”
As he put the soda can back, you reached for two cups in the cupboard and scooped some non-caffeinated tea into a couple strainer balls.  You placed them in the cups and carefully poured the boiling water, watching it swirl and change colors.
When it finished brewing, you removed the strainers and slid Loki a cup across the kitchen counter.
“Thank you,” came his quiet response.
You grinned.  “No problem.”
You sipped your tea, and looked at him again before laughing.
He blushed.  “What’s so funny?” he asked defensively.
“Nothing!” you laughed.  “I just never expected to see a god in sweatpants and a t-shirt.”
“Well, it’s quite comfortable,” Loki argued.  “And you didn’t expect me to stay dressed like that all the time, did you?”
“I suppose not,” you said, leaning against the counter.
It was quiet as the two of you finished your cups of tea.  You took his empty cup and rinsed it in the sink.
You smiled to yourself.  He really isn’t as bad as everyone says he is.
He stood awkwardly against the counter.  “Um, thank you again.”
You shook your head.  “Anytime.”
“Why are you being so kind to me?”
You blinked.  “Hm?”
“Well...”  He rubbed the back of his neck.  “Usually people scream or glare or something.  They think I’ll kill them the next instant or freeze them forever.”
“I don’t think you’re so bad,” you said.  “Misunderstood, yes, but you’re not a bad guy.”
A blush colored his cheeks as he looked away.  
“Anyways, I’ll see you tomorrow, Loki,” you said with a smile.
He snapped out of his momentary daze.  “Yeah.  Have a good night...Y/N.”
As you began walking away, you couldn’t help but widen your smile, feeling your heart beating a bit harder.
The next week was utterly exhausting.  Each of you used your abilities to the very max hunting down Hydra bases and the likes.  
Having Loki fight with you all was strange for everyone.  The Avengers always made sure to keep him in check, but you had no doubts about his loyalty, especially as you got to know him more.  
There were also things unseen and unsaid.  
You’d often catch him stealing glances at you, and you didn’t mind at all.  It was almost like he was afraid you were going to disappear.  
He’d come up to your room late at night with a cup of tea and stay into the early hours of the morning.  Sometimes you’d talk, and sometimes you just watched the cars move up and down the street.
You’d become best friends with the god of mischief.
It wasn’t until you started dreaming about him that you discovered you were also in love with him.
Loki became your sole subject for your sketches.  You loved capturing his many different expressions, especially the looks of varying annoyance.
Eventually, you gathered enough courage to begin a painted portrait of him.  You were determined to show everyone how you saw him: vivid, charming, lovely, protective.  
You used so many colors, a color for each bit of life in his expression.
As you painted, you got so lost in what you were doing, you didn’t hear Loki walk in behind you.
He silently studied you painting for a few minutes, taking it all in.
“What are you doing?”
“Jesus!” you yelped, nearly dropping your brush.  Your cheeks grew hot as you tried to cover your work.  “N-nothing!”
Loki laughed, catching you off guard.  “I’ve been watching you the past few minutes.”
“Really?” you squeaked.  “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“You looked like you were concentrating.  I didn’t want to interrupt,” he said.  “And I was enjoying watching you work.”
At this point, you were a red tomato.  You had no idea why you were freaking out so much.  It was just a painting of a friend.
A friend you wanted to be something more to.
“I’m flattered,” he continued.  He eyed the sketches of himself strewn all over your desk.  “You drew more?”
“Yeah, but they’re not much...” you trailed off as you shuffled them around a bit.  “I mean, it’s just a relaxing hobby of mine...”
He carefully picked up some pieces, his eyes filled with admiration.  “These are really amazing, Y/N.”
“You really think so?”
“Of course!”  He furrowed his eyebrows.  “But why me?”
“What do you mean?”
He nodded.  “Wouldn’t it be nicer to sketch someone like my brother?  Or one of your Earth friends?”
“I guess, but they’re not you.”
You were your reddest, if that was even possible at that point.  
Loki took a moment before smiling.  “If you insist.”  He let out a small laugh.  “If you want, I could model for you some time.”
Your eyes sparkled.  “Really?”
He played with your hair.  
“Anything for you.”
part 2
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johannstutt413 · 4 years
(requested by anonymous)
Asbestos parked her door-shield in front of the Doctor’s office door after closing it behind her. “Hey, you done yet? We’ve got some drinking to do.”
“This is four days in a row,” he sighed from his desk. “I’m starting to get used to having a hangover in the morning. Why are you so insistent about this?”
“You’re the one who begged to come on an expedition with me. If you wanna roll into a cave with me, you’re gonna have to pull your weight. I’m not sandbagging for your slow ass. Come on, damnit, daylight’s burning!”
He groaned, resolutely stationary. “But what the hell does getting drunk have to do with spelunking? And you’re the one who asked me to go with you by giving me a suit in the first place!”
“Because I had a spare, and it had to go somewhere, didn’t it? Sheesh.” The Savra crossed her arms and started tapping her foot. “Come on, time’s a-wasting. You know I won’t leave until you come along.”
“...Goddamnit. Fine, let’s go.” The Doctor stood up, threw his jacket on, and followed her through the double door...which she left in place. Of course she would.
She put her arm through his and tugged him all the way to her bar of choice - in other words, the one with the least amount of people. In fact, the only other person there was the bartender, a Forte with as many scars has he had fingers and said about as many words in a night, so in other words, it was just the two of them. “Give us both a whiskey lullaby, and keep it coming until this boy here becomes a man.”
“I’ve been one for a few years now, thank you very much.” He took the glass as it was put in front of him, took it straight to the back of his throat, and, admittedly, relished the burn for a moment. “You’re gonna be the death of me, one way or another.”
“Might as well be; otherwise, you’d never leave your office.” Asbestos took her one drink for the night slowly, monitoring the Doctor as he downed his second.
Then his third. He was getting much better at this. “Do you do this to everyone who tries to talk to you? Not that that’s many people, I imagine.”
“Magallan and Click didn’t need a test, and we only talk about our expeditions, so I didn’t bother. You, though? You need all the toughening up I can give you.”
“The hell does that mean?” His eyes narrowed; he’d let his hood fall down during the walk-drag there, and it gave his expressions an extra note of sincerity, like a fighter throwing aside their training gear. “Do you know the shit I’ve seen?”
She snorted. “No, and you don’t either, so don’t try that shit with me.” And there went number four.
“I wouldn’t if you didn’t pull out all the stops to annoy me...What’s your real game, anyway? There’s being tsundere, and there’s being a sadist, but you don’t really seem like either to me.”
“Tsundere? Wow, alright, nerd.” Asbestos, breaking tradition, finished the rest of her first glass and signaled for a second. “Who needs a game? I just want to be a jerk - is that so hard to understand?”
He slammed his free hand on the table. “Damn right, it is. Why d’ya wanna go around like that? The hell makes a person make that their whole goal in life?”
“Does it matter? I don’t want the baggage that comes with all that shit. All a friend would do is hold me back, anyway, and I’ve got too many crazy-ass caves to climb around in to make time for that. Especially a scrawny mite like you.”
“Maybe I am scrawny.” The Doctor, seeing double after his sixth glass, drifted his focus to her tail. “But that makes me pretty fast.”
The Savra followed his gaze and shifted so he couldn’t stare. “The hell are you staring at?”
“You’re a terrible liar. Hey, dumbass.” She snapped her fingers in his face. “My eyes are up here.”
It was too late; he was already pretty far gone by this point. “I’ve made my choice...Swish!”
“Swish?! What th- kyaaa~!” Without giving her any time to react, the Doctor had bolted out of his chair and was now standing behind her, grasping her tail with one hand and stroking it with the other.
“So smooth~” It was nice and warm, too. “Hehe- ow.”
The ‘ow’ was because Asbestos had kicked him off of her and was standing over him, hands on her waist. “Who the hell said you could touch my tail, because it sure as fuck wasn’t me!”
“But it’s all smooth and warm...You really gonna hog that all to yourself?”
“It’s my tail, asshole, that’s my right!” She groaned. “Forget it. You always get like this after five or so. It’s my fault as much as yours.”
The Doctor sat up, rubbing his head. “But you keep letting me get away with it~ Just admit it: you like when I do it.”
“...I’m taking you home. Come on, let’s go.” The Savra pulled him to his feet and started dragging him behind her again.
“♫’Bestos-chan is best girl♪” He sang to himself as he stumble-slid along behind her. “♫’Bestos-chan is best girl♪”
Asbestos was blushing, in spite of herself; her tail was lit up as a result, too. “Sh-shut up. Seriously, your voice is more grating than a piton on a rock face.”
“But you aaaaare best girl. Heh. You make, ♫dum-dum Hurt so good! C’mon, baby, make it hurt so good!♪”
“...Goddamnit.” He was always so cute after she knocked some sense into him, but...No. Giving in would just make him think he had a chance of getting through to her, and she couldn’t risk that. She had way too much to do and not enough heart to spare for him...At least, not that she wanted to admit to having.
They made it to the Doctor’s place without any more major altercations - no, just him singing his love to her off-key and her telling him to shut the fuck up. The usual post-bar routine. Tonight, though, things took a bit of a turn as the Savra opened the door for him, but he refused to let go of her. She dragged him into his apartment, but still, he hung on with a strength he’d never shown before...What was his damage? “Hey, we’re here. Get off. Train stops here.”
“Why should I?” Once she was stationary, the Doctor wrapped around her leg instead. “Then you might leave~”
“Yeah, that’s the idea, weirdo. Seriously, you turn into a perv when you’re drunk.”
He chuckled, chasing it with a hiccup. “Maaaybe.”
“You’re insufferable.” And yet… “Alright, look, if you let go of my leg, I’ll consider staying for a nightcap, but you can’t cling on me like fucking moss if I do, got it?”
“Alrighty-ighty-oh.” That convinced him; the Doctor let go of her leg.
She sighed, helping him to his feet. “There. I said I’d stay, so I will, but don’t get any funny ideas.”
“Sure.” Immediately, he kissed her, full on the lips, as he hugged her as tightly as he could manage. When Asbestos kneed his crotch, he pulled back, but he didn’t look like he was in any pain. “See? Not funny in the slightest.”
“...I’m never taking you drinking again. Forget the expedition, this shit isn’t worth dealing with-”
The Doctor, who seemed to be drifting in and out of consciousness up to this point, cut the act and stood up to his full height - a good half a foot taller than her. “You know you won’t.”
“The hell?” Asbestos stared at him for a moment. “That...was all an act just now, wasn’t it?”
“If there’s anything you taught me to do, it’s put on a front. You know I��m not a touchy-feely guy.”
The Savra shook her head. “Maybe not when you’re sober, but- Oh fuck, wait a minute.”
“Yeah.” He smirked. “Like you said, you don’t know the shit I’ve seen; I’m not even talking about the part even I don’t remember. This was never about toughening me up, Asbestos; we both know that.”
“You leave one chink in your armor, and the whole suit is worthless.” She sighed, wishing she’d brought her shield with her.
The Doctor nodded. “Especially when you wave it in front of the guy with a knife aimed at it, begging him to stab at it. The thing is, I know this isn’t about needing a friend, because you don’t really need those, so what is this about? Why tempt me like this, only to push me away every time?”
“Well, it’s not playing hard to get, I promise you that.” The Defender looked around for a place to sit before deciding on the bed, since it was her only option in her immediate vicinity. “Look, I don’t...I don’t want to leave anyone behind when I go, alright? This Oripathy shit is gonna kill me one way or the other, and when it does, I don’t want someone missing me when I’m gone.”
“...That’s it?” He’d sat down next to her, partially because his knees were kind of wobbly, but also to signify he was genuinely paying attention at this point.
She repaid him for that by punching his arm. “Yeah, that’s it, asshole. Seriously, I bare my soul to you, and you still bitch at me.”
“What can I say? I learned from the best.” After a moment of silence, the Doctor sighed. “So, what? You just wanna leave and forget any of this happened?”
“Yeah...No...Damnit, you’ve got me all confused.” Her tail was glowing again.
He put a hand on her shoulder. “I’m sorry about going overboard earlier. It’s not...I just...God, no, there’s not a single good explanation for that, is there?”
“You’re desperate? Hopelessly in love with me, willing to drag yourself through the mud behind me and get beaten to shit just to be near me?” When he didn’t say anything, the Savra sighed. “Of course you are.”
“Calling it love is too generous; I’m just a masochist who thinks you’re cute.”
Asbestos shook her head. “It just had to be you, didn’t it?...Alright, how about this: when we’re both less intoxicated, and I’ve gotten my shit straight, I’ll get back to you on where I want this to go. Sound good?”
“It’s better than nothing.” He sighed. “Until then?”
“Until then?...Eh, why not? One for the road.” She ambushed him, giving him a kiss on the cheek before walking out the door.
The Doctor watched her leave, stomach full of butterflies and alcohol-induced nausea and head absolutely spinning. Was that really it? No, it didn’t feel right-
The Savra walked back into the room and closed the door behind her, shaking her head. “I’m staying the night. The jacket’s coming off, but nothing else is. We’re gonna lie in that bed together, in a warm and tender embrace, and that’s as far as we go tonight. Got it?”
“You read my mind.” His shoes flew into the wall across from him and ricocheted off. “Really couldn’t get me out of your head this time?”
“That’s not it...I’m just cold.” The words rang hollow even as she said them, but it didn’t matter; the way her tail curled around him instinctively once they were both lying down, or the way his heart beat lulled her to sleep as she set his head against his chest, or the way he took it all in stride, seemingly grateful just to have a chance at all - those were the realities of the situation, and those were all she needed to come to terms with it for the night.
Because, even if she didn’t want a friend, it was nice to have someone to do this kind of thing with...
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danceworshipper · 3 years
oh and gracie on ismelda 👀👀
👀 hell yeah
Gracie's diary is a journal identical to Tessa's, except it's her name engraved on the cover, of course. It also has the same charms. Gracie hardly ever writes in her journal, but when she does, the entries are several pages long. Her handwriting is neither neat nor messy, showing that she had a lot of training to be neat but just doesn't care anymore.
Here is an excerpt from the most recent entry where Ismelda is mentioned:
December 25th, 1990 [context: Gracie has been in R for two months, unable to contact anyone from Hogwarts]
[...] I miss them all so much. I thought this would be easier. Actually, no, I really just thought that I'd have been murdered by now. Grandmother isn't a good person, but she does seem to respect family, and she keeps her word no matter what. At least I have Olivia and Justin, and our cruppy Morgana of course, but I'd give them all up to see someone familiar. Even Ismelda. Well, no, I don't think I'd give up Morgana for her, but Olivia and Justin yes. I actually do miss Ismelda. We were never really friends, but she's cool and she doesn't judge me since I don't judge her. There was a thunderstorm last night. It made me miss those nights her and I would sneak out of the castle and play in the rain, daring each other to climb a tall tree to see if we could get struck by lightning. Touched in the head, both of us, but it was fun. [...] and at least Ismelda won't think I'm a monster if I ever get to go back home. She'll understand that I didn't have a choice, and she'll probably even be a little jealous. She's a sadistic bitch; it's one of her best traits. Maybe I should tell Grandmother to kidnap her and recruit her? Ugh, no, I can't do that. Ismelda's her best friend, and she's been hurt by R too many times for even Ismelda to forgive them. She's a loyal friend to the two friends she has. I wonder how Beatrice is doing these days. I hope Penny's not being a dumbass again. I can't believe I'm saying this, but Ismelda's a way better role model to Beatrice than Penny. [...] maybe I can teach that one to her and Ismelda. I bet they'd love it. They're so fucked up, they really are.
The entry goes on for three more pages, but Ismelda isn't mentioned again.
[she and her refer to Merula. Gracie won't say or even write her name out of fear]
Send one of my mcs and either a canon character or one of yours for a journal entry!
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