#She's see whatever Doctor that isn't Eight. LOVE that the Doctor is back but take forever saying 'You aren't the Doctor though.'
nosferatufaggot · 3 months
If Disney bought Fox and Disney has a part of Doctor Who now........................DR. GRACE HOLLOWAY RETURN WHEN!?!?!?!
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augustheart · 7 months
fuck it stargirl episode ranking. yes! all thirty-nine of them!
3x03 "the blackmail": i don't have a cool justification i'm sorry i just love the crocks and i think the fight scene is fantastic. i don't even care that we can see the stuntpeople's faces it's absolutely delightful to me.
1x08 "shiv part two": ultimate comfort episode for me. what if two autistic people had to go undercover? what if a woman tried to fuck a man under a sink? just a few of the many questions asked by this episode
2x04 "summer school chapter four": crusher and paula should be allowed to do whatever they want. also the scene where dickie gets in an argument with a child in a bookstore is pretty good
1x11 "shining knight": this is the best episode of the show. like full stop. this is the best one. it isn't the highest rated on imdb. it isn't my favorite. but it is 100% the best episode of the series.
3x12 "the last will and testament of sylvester pemberton": i have probably Never gone crazier at an episode of television in my life. getting to the ending is excruciating because the first chunk is a "pat experiences ableism" simulator but oh baby. when the musical sting hits it hits
1x02 "s.t.r.i.p.e.": this episode is nearly perfect. why is there a two minute long one-take sequence in the middle of it? don't ask questions
1x01 "stargirl"/"pilot": this is one of the best cape show pilots of all time. i think doom patrol's is better but it's easily on the flash pilot level, probably higher. tells you everything you need to know: courtney rules. pat has autism. if you celebrate christmas you WILL die of supervillains attacking you. what more can you ask for
2x03 "summer school chapter three": mike should be allowed to do whatever he wants whenever. you can tell how much fun everyone had shooting this so even if luke wilson is Not looking at his mark in the slightest it's still good.
1x10 "brainwave jr": i get why this is the highest ranked episode on imdb but it is funny that it set the tone for james robinson writing episodes where he kills people in a tunnel. the scene at the beginning with barb where she's struggling not to break down is an under-appreciated bit that is so fucking good.
1x03 "icicle": the tonal shift is great. i wish hootie had come back.
1x05 "hourman and doctor mid-nite": ending scene alone puts this here. thank you cameron gellman
1x06 "the justice society": i really like it when crusher throws paula as a weapon at a group of children
2x06 "summer school chapter six": the fight choreography is off the charts. i wish that isaac's actor knew how to act and eclipso didn't run away like that.
2x08 "summer school chapter eight": oh my g-d. oh my g-d. jesus christ. oh my fucking g-d
2x02 "summer school chapter two": dickie's entrance to the show means that despite how unmoved i am by much of this episode i will forever adore it. he is so deeply weird from second one.
3x02 "the suspects": i could watch dickie make fun of anybody for hours at a time
3x07 "infinity inc part one": i could watch dickie make fun of anybody for hours at a time
3x08 "infinity inc part two": i could watch dickie make fun of anybody for hours at a time. also CARCHARO MENTIONED
2x11 "summer school chapter eleven": courtney clapping at cindy and going "AND HOW DID THAT GO FOR YOU?" about controlling eclipso after they both get stuck in the monster dimension is one of the funniest scenes in the show
3x13 "the reckoning": way better finale than other cape shows, which is fortunate for me and unfortunate for those other shows. just a really nice sendoff. i like that they bring it full circle by having kids murder someone in this one, too.
1x07 "shiv part one": the fight choreography in the courtney/cindy fight is so good. i think it's overlooked because it's a 1v1 fight but that spinning long take is really fantastic imo and i love the setting of the school gym outfitted for the dance.
1x04 "wildcat": yolanda baby :(
2x09 "summer school chapter nine": yet another episode that's a "pat experiences ableism" simulator and it is upsetting to watch but also john wesley shipp is there and it's quite well done all around. points detracted because whatever his name is that plays cameron can't act to save his life and his scene partner (an actual teenager) is absolutely killing it
3x01 "the murder": extremely good episode i love my friends i genuinely smile so big thinking about it
1x12 "stars and s.t.r.i.p.e. part one": i want to fuck crusher so bad for that garage scene and that's why it ranks higher than the s1 finale
1x13 "stars and s.t.r.i.p.e. part two": what if there was a liberalification beam.
3x11 "the haunting": obviously the setup of this episode makes me want to punch walls but artemis' screaming and breakdown at the end puts this a cut above other episodes
2x07 "summer school chapter seven": YOLANDA BABY :(
2x01 "summer school chapter one": i can't stop thinking about that person on reddit who accidentally watched this episode first and was like "why is the show so bad at exposition" not realizing it's because they didn't see season one
1x09 "brainwave": good episode ranked this low because of the evil dinner scene being one of the worst things put to film
2x10 "summer school chapter ten": dickie is really good in this but i'm not a huge fan of this conflict for pat and courtney. however i do enjoy pat getting heated for once
2x12 "summer school chapter twelve": pat torturing matt rules and i like when beth and charles metaphorically type on the same keyboard to hack something faster
3x10 "the killer": fine episode. ranked this low because the last four minutes of it never aired and definitely don't make me listen to classic decemberists song "we both go down together" on repeat
2x13 "summer school chapter thirteen": jakeem rules mike rules rick calling in a buddy to fight for him rules but i don't care about eclipso
3x04 "the evidence": we're getting into episodes i don't really care for. i do like charles though
3x09 "the monsters": i don't care about dctv cameron
3x06 "the betrayal": i don't care about dctv cameron. however pat enjoying lutefisk is good
3x05 "the thief": i don't care about dctv cameron
2x05 "summer school chapter five": It's Just Not A Very Good Episode Guys i don't know what more you want from me
if you read through all of this thanks. several of these are actually tied with each other to be honest so if parts of this seem interchangeable, that's why.
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oodlyenough · 2 years
anyway here's some power of the doctor thoughts from someone who phased in and out of thirteen's era very casually and only saw like a cumulative 10 episodes of it, maybe
honestly i enjoyed it more-or-less/more than i expected, lol, maybe because i had no particular expectations riding on it i just wanted to see what would happen. i don't think it was the tightest or most coherent script but no showrunner's finale ever has been LMAO so... it is what it is.
the master's entire plan seemed overly convoluted and i don't entirely follow why we had half the plot elements we had, but i'm also always willing to accept the master doing fuckshit for reasons that don't really go beyond wanting to ruin the doctor's day and get their attention. so like. sure. i can roll w that lmfao. the daleks and cyberman stuff seemed totally superfluous too but... whatever idc
dhawan's master isn't my fave master but he's enjoyable to watch, imo. the most bonkers one of the 3 modern i think? which considering the competition is a high bar, lol.
i think a bigger crit, for me, of 13-era master is more on jodie's end, where i don't get as much conflict and whatnot from her, which in turn makes it a less interesting dynamic than the other modern master+doctor combos. the push-pull mutual obsession is what makes them fun! i don't believe 13 would cradle his body sobbing and begging him to regenerate after he tortured her for a year, so really, what's the point
it was nice seeing ace and tegan. i think i maybe once saw a serial with each but it was so long ago, so i won't pretend any kind of authority in terms of how they were written. but i liked having them around lol
i think it was a bit of an odd choice to have dhawan 'take over' the doctor's body or ...whatever... in jodie's very last episode. it would've been a better showcase for jodie whittaker, and accomplished the same basic plan, if somehow HE regenerated into HER, and jodie got to play both the doctor and the master. ah well, because...
i really liked the old doctor cameos! I was not spoiled for it at all and i thought it was very sweet, especially giving five+tegan and seven+ace their moments together.i'm sure the actors appreciated a chance to be together too. just nice :) and i love my man eight lmao... king
also the mishmash outfit of all the past doctor outfits was cute
i thought the "tag you're it" line was a cute ending line! (although it would've been better if she regenerated into ncuti ...lol. i'm sure it was written and acted long before they settled on the 60th plans so i guess it can't be helped.)
the big downside to me was: yaz and thasmin
thasmin isn't a ship i'm invested in personally but i did start watching again after they canonized yaz's feelings in EOTD because i was like oh, how far will the show go with this? and the answer is apparently "nowhere". LOTSD felt totally unresolved and then we just never brought it up again. i can live without a kiss or a happily ever after, but when you've spent nearly a year patting yourselves on the back for a queer doctor/companion relationship, only to not do the barest minimum to address it, that's fucked up. why canonize your accidental-by-admission subtext if you're not going to DO ANYTHING? sorry to the shippers who really got jerked around by this show for no reason.
and then, even setting aside that irritation, the most egregious thing of all...
yaz's exit. just absolutely flabbergasted they did yaz/mandip so dirty that they didn't even TRY to come up with and articulate a reason for her to leave. ludicrous!!! she spends her whole time swallowing her feelings for the doctor's comfort and that extends all the way to leaving because the doctor kicked her out with nary a hug? what the fuck? one of the longest running companions ever and this is the sendoff she gets, kicked out because the doctor decides, sans explanation, she "needs to be alone" to regenerate despite having regenerated with many companions prior? lmao... yaz sweetie i'm so sorry. she doesn't even get to give the speech to the companion support group. my god. martha jones you need to call her up immediately
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pigeonp0st · 3 years
Since I loved your one shot about Lena, I'm requesting another one! Reader is a single mom and is afraid to tell Lena about her child cause she thinks Lena isn't going to take it well, but in the end Lena loves her child.
Lena Luthor x Reader #2
Words: 1,590
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Warnings: none?
Thank you for requesting! If you’d like me to change the name of the kid (or the gender) feel free to say so. Also...sorry if you were expecting more of Lena. I realized at the end that there might not have been enough (Sorry for spelling mistakes too).
Miles, your eight year old son, has started to pretend he’s a psychologist. He’ll sit you down, with your head in his small lap (which isn’t very ethical), and ask you about your life problems.
Usually, you’ll make up funny nonsense that he’ll struggle to find the solution to...but today a very real problem has arrived, and you know you shouldn’t be trying to confide in your little boy about this, yet you decide to anyway.
He knows about you and Lena, though Lena doesn’t know about him. He saw her on TV once, was awestruck by her “smartness”, and you let slip that she’s the woman you’ve been dating.
Dating used as a loose term, because you and Lena haven’t actually become anything official. It’s...weird. Made even more so by the fact that she doesn’t know about the most important person in your life.
You tell Miles as much in today’s session. He beams down at you, happy that you’re finally starting to take his sessions seriously, and then taps his finger against his lip, thinking. “You should just tell her,” he finally concludes after a long pause.
You narrow your eyes up at him suspiciously, and wonder if you should just pretend to take his advice and move on. You don’t. “People usually don’t want to get involved with single moms.”
His eyes furrow at that, clearly upset, so you rush on. “If someone doesn’t want to be involved with you, none of me longs to be involved with them,” then, you pause, “I just want to want to be involved with Lena.”
“So this stems from past trauma?” Miles asks, and you gape at him, shocked.
“Where the f—when did you learn any of those words, honey?”
He grins at you again, clearly proud of himself, and then schools his face into an attempt of looking professional. It’s humorous. “Psy- Psych—”
“Yes, that. It says that our fears usually come for childhood trauma.”
“I’m not scared,” but even as you say that you know it’s not true. You make a mental note to watch over whatever the hell Miles is listening to, to make sure it’s age appropriate. “Even if I am, it’s definitely not from childhood trauma.”
“From relationship trauma then?”
You let out a shocked laugh, completely stumped. “Baby, your eight. If you keep saying smart things you’re going to start scaring me.”
“Let's talk about your fears,” He suggests. Clearly wanting to move on he gestures for you to sit up. Once you do, he hops up from the couch, grabs his clipboard from the coffee table, and starts scribbling down things you aren’t able to see.
“Okay,” you hesitantly agree. “I’m scared Lena will want nothing to do with me.”
“Why is that something you're scared of?”
You give him a confused look that he pays no attention to. “Obviously I like her...I also fear that you won’t.”
He nods, finally looking up from his clipboard. “And what happens if I hate her, and she hates me, so she leaves and you never speak to her again?”
You choke on absolutely nothing.
“What will you do then?” Miles asks, and you have no response for him. He doesn’t seem to want one. “You’ll deal with it, like you always have. So stop worrying until it comes. If it comes.”
You’re equal parts extremely proud of him, and extremely concerned as you think over what he’s said.
Then, as if he’s tired of being the smartest eight year old alive, he hands you the paper he was working on for half of your ‘session’. The paper is full of sharp lines that get more curvy and tangled the closer they get to what appears to be the middle.
“This,” he says, “is how you’re feeling.”
And you believe him.
It takes you a week to build up the courage to tell Lena about Miles. He surprisingly helped you come to the realization that holding off on telling Lena the truth won’t change the outcome.
In fact...it would probably make things more complicated. Even now, she deserved to know sooner than this.
It’s too late, of course. There’s no point in wishing you had done differently.
“Are you okay?” Lena asks through the phone, sounding so beautifully concerned over the fact that you haven’t spoken for awhile. God, you're whipped for this world-saving genius.
“Yeah,” you say, “just...you know how I said I had something to talk to you about?” You don’t wait for her to confirm, because of course she remembers, she’s looked scared because of it all day. “I sort of have to show you...so would you mind coming over?”
Yes, you’re a coward that’s hoping Lena seeing Miles for herself, instead of you telling her about him, will make her more accepting. Miles has a very convincing charm.
“You want me to go to your place?” Lena sputters, clearly shocked.
In an instant you regret the decision you were so sure about before. Maybe Lena isn’t ready. You should tell her before she comes, so she isn’t shocked out of her mind when she sees him.
You should—
“Okay,” Lena says, determined. You hadn’t even responded to her before. “I’ll be there soon.” And then she hangs up the phone before you manage to say anything, leaving you wondering what the fuck you’re doing.
You could call her back.
...you’re not going to. You’re too scared.
Miles waits by the door, dressed in his best suit. He knows how anxious you are about this, despite how hard you’ve been trying to hide it since your weird ‘session’, so he says he’s going to try and be the best him he can be.
You tell him that all he needs to be is his normal self and everything will be alright, but he admits to being nervous to meet Lena too, because she’s super smart. (He’s been watching anything he can find of her on the internet)
Thus, the two of you wait together impatiently, trying not to descend into madness.
At some point Miles starts making and handing you scribbles of how you feel, and you start making and handing them back.
It’s while you’re handing Miles your next piece that the doorbell rings.
He doesn’t look to be that nervous anymore, just excited, so he follows you on your track to answer the door, and with each step you contemplate your entire existence beyond Miles.
Then…Then you open the door.
Miles is hiding behind your leg, looking up at Lena with hesitant hopefulness and uncertainty, it’s the exact match of the way you’re looking at her, and Lena is looking at him with wide eyes.
Because you’re sure you’re about to die from the silence, you croak out a wobbly and quiet; “hi,” at the same time Mile’s sticks out his hands and says his own charming greeting.
“Hello, doctor Y/L/N here. Nice to meet you.”
“Lena Luthor.” As if on autopilot Lena shakes his hand. “You’re a doctor?” She asks, smiling the smallest of smiles at him.
He nods his head eagerly, glad she’s smiling. “Yeah! Of—of psy- psych...”
“Psychology,” You finish. Lena’s gaze switches to you. It’s the moment you think you’re gonna die, but her gaze is concerned instead of disappointed.
“He’s older than the photo on your wallpaper suggested,” Lena says.
You’re an idiot.
Then, Lena smiles—wider this time because of your dumbstruck expression—and looks at Miles. “To be a doctor you have to be pretty smart.”
He nods, his eyes practically full of stars.
“That’s how I know you and I are going to get along great.”
Miles grins madly, pushes you a bit to the side so Lena can come in, and says, eager, “can I show you my work, please?”
And Lena looks from you, to him, laughs a laugh full of amusement and endearment, and agrees gracefully. “I’d love it if you would.”
Lena adores Miles.
Around him she almost seems, impossibly, like a child herself. She so obviously and beautifully wants him to like her, and all the while Miles is almost exactly the same around her.
They’re both complete dorks trying to subtly get each other's attention and all you want to do is watch the two of them interact for ages.
They both were two separate parts of your life, and now they’re merged better than you ever expected them to.
It’s great. Absolutely great. But whenever they turn their twin gazes on you you’re sure you’re going to melt into a puddle of adoration.
“What is it?” You ask them, after they’ve both looked at you for too long without saying anything.
Lena tilts her head, her smile concerned again, “you look like you’re about to cry.”
Miles nods his agreement. “What’s wrong mom? Does whatever bothering you stem from childhood trauma?” He asks, and at Lena’s ‘the fuck’ face you burst out into a fit of laughter, that quickly turns into tears of absolute love.
Both Miles and Lena looked at you with alarm because they don’t realize this is the happiest you’ve been in a while. It is though. It is.
“Not childhood trauma,” you assure them both, and before Miles can suggest it you add; “not past relationship trauma either, it’s happy tears.”
“Oh,” Lena stutters, “good.”
“Oh,” Miles repeats, sounding relieved and a tad bit disappointed. “I haven’t learned how to deal with those tears yet.”
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cocosstories · 3 years
Chris Evans One Shot
Can I get a Chris Evans or Sebastian Stan one shot where the reader finds out she’s pregnant (maybe she ends up in the hospital for some severe pain where she’s in active labor) despite both being told they can’t have kids?
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Your day started out pretty normal, you and your husband Chris woke up, you making coffee while he takes Dodger out then you eat breakfast together.
After breakfast you had climbed back in bed and Chris comes in worried.
"Babe? You alright?"
He asks, sitting next to you, placing a hand on your forehead.
"Yeah, I think it just may be that time of the month or something. These cramps are horrible."
You reply, reaching for the bottle of aspirin next to the bed.
"How about I grab the heating pad for you and then we can just have a lazy day?"
He offers and you nod with a small smile.
Once Chris has you all set up, he gets back in bed with you and turns on the TV while you lay, willing the pain to go away. 
A few hours later and still, there was no relief to be had.
"It's no better?"
He asks and you shake your head.
"If anything, it's worse. I've never had cramps this bad, especially not when my period hasn't even started."
You reply while tears form in your eyes. 
Chris watches you closely for the next hour, wondering if he should force you to see a doctor. 
You sit up quickly and hold your stomach, feeling a massive cramp throughout your whole abdomen.
"That's it. We're going to the hospital."
He says, picking you up in his arms and carrying you out to the car, you in too much pain to fight. 
"Sir? Can I help you?"
The charge nurse asks when Chris carries you into the ER.
"My wife. Something is wrong. She is in a lot of pain."
He tells her and she leads the two of you towards an exam room. 
After getting your vitals and as much information as she can gather from a hysterical Chris, the nurse leaves to find a doctor.
"Chris, what is happening?"
You cry out in more pain.
"I don't know baby but they will figure it out."
He says, stroking your hair, trying not to think of the worst possible scenario.
The doctor comes a few minutes later and begins his exam, ruling out a few things before he has a thought.
"Mrs. Evans, is there any possibility you could be pregnant?"
You shake your head. 
"We had been trying for two years to get pregnant and we were told it probably would never happen."
Chris explains sadly. 
"Well, probably isn't definitely and Mr. And Mrs. Evans, you're pregnant."
The doctor says after beginning an ultrasound.
He turns the screen and you and Chris look in shock and amazement at it. 
"So the pain? Is she losing the baby?"
Chris asks, suddenly remembering why you were there. 
"No. The baby is healthy. Strong heartbeat. Your wife is in labor."
The doctor says.
"How is that possible? I haven't had any signs of pregnancy. Sure I've gained a little weight but we were in quarantine and eating all the time."
You say, still in shock.
"Well, according to my measurements, this baby is about thirty eight weeks and ready to meet it's mommy and daddy. Lets get you up to maternity."
The doctor replies before leaving the room for a moment.
"A-a baby? We're having a baby?"
You say, tears streaming down your face. 
"How did I not even know? I didn't do anything I was supposed to. What if the baby is sick? I didn't take prenatal vitamins. I drank beer."
"Shhh shh babe its ok. Everything is going to be alright."
Chris holds you as best as he can with you laying in a hospital bed. 
"Whatever happens, we will love this baby. If it is sick, we will deal with it because it is our child."
For the first time, Chris places his hand on your small belly. 
"We are having a baby. We've wanted this for so long and maybe it wasn't exactly how we thought it would happen but our baby is going to be born today. Focus on that."
He says with a teary smile just as a nurse comes to take you to maternity.
"Alright, Mrs. Evans, lets see how dilated you are."
Half an hour later, you are settled in a room and the O.B. comes in. 
Chris holds your hand as the doctor checks you out.
"Looks like we need to set up for delivery, you are ready to push."
She smiles and you look up to Chris. 
You ask, terrified.
"I know all of this is a shock for you and you are still getting used to the idea of having a baby but your little one is ready to join the world."
As they get you ready, the doctor tries to calm you.
"Ok, lets have a baby."
It took nearly an hour but with one final push, your baby was out and wailing.
"It's a boy!"
The doctor announces before quickly cutting the cord and taking the infant over to be looked at while you and Chris watch and wait for news.
"He is perfectly healthy."
She says a few minutes later bringing the newborn over to you. 
"Hey, little man."
Chris says in awe of the tiny human the two of you had made. 
"We have a son."
You cry, still in utter disbelief that you began the day not even knowing you were pregnant and you were now ending it, having just given birth to the baby doctors told you, you would never have.
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robininthelabyrinth · 3 years
Hi :) For prompts, do you see any situation where Wen Qing and Lan Xichen could genuinely fall in love with each other? Like, not just political marriage of convenience or whatever. Would it be a thing of being drawn in by their fellow older sibling-ness? Or maybe lxc's competence kink meshing well with wq noticing that he isn't as much of a vanilla peacemaker as his usual front suggests? I think it could be quite an interesting pair but I've never seen it done before, I'd love to see your take!
“Xichen,” Lan Xichen’s uncle said. “Show Young Mistress Wen around.”
Lan Xichen smiled the way he’d been taught to smile, bowed the way he’d been taught to bow, and offered his arm the way he’d been taught.
The little girl in front of him did not seem especially impressed.
To be entirely honest, he thought he might like her just for that.
“So,” she said as they walked through the garden. “What did you do in a past life to deserve this?”
He sniggered, then tried to stop. Levity wasn’t disallowed, to be precise, but it wasn’t really encouraged, either.
“It’s bad for you to restrain laughter,” Wen Qing said. “Venting of emotions is a key part of maintaining a stable mind and a healthy body. Trust me, I’m a doctor.”
“You’re seven.”
“Says the eight-year-old. And anyway, I’m going to be a doctor. I’ve already started reading books and taking lessons. Just you wait!”
“Xichen,” Lan Xichen’s uncle said. “Show Mistress Wen around.”
“How’s the doctor thing coming?” he asked her as they walked along the pier by the river. “Still taking lessons?”
“Yes, of course,” Wen Qing said, and made a face. “I live in the Nightless City now, you know. Not just visiting sometimes – Sect Leader Wen insisted, saying it was a better place to develop my talent.”
She sounded wistful. Maybe even regretful.
“Sect Leader Wen probably wants you to be a good role model to his sons,” Lan Xichen said.
“You mean Greed and Malice?”
“Malice and Greed, I’d say,” Lan Xichen said. “Wen Xu is older, after all.”
“I thought your sect had rules about talking behind other people’s backs,” Wen Qing said, but she was smiling again, as he’d hoped.
“There’s an exception if it’s both true and helpful to know,” he said. “You have to be able to prepare yourself for dealing with people, after all. I think you’ll be a wonderful doctor.”
“I hope so,” she said, and looked a little downcast. “I can’t even heal my own little brother.”
“Neither can I,” Lan Xichen said, thinking of Lan Wangji’s grief – his silence and solemnity, so uncharacteristic for his age. He had never quite recovered from their mother’s death. “Maybe we’re just too young.”
“I’m going to grow up as fast as I can, then,” Wen Qing said. “Race you there?”
“Xichen,” Lan Xichen’s uncle said. “Show Doctor Wen around.”
“Congratulations,” he said to her as they walked through the crowded streets. “I understand that your paper on the development of the golden core in early stages was extremely well received.”
“It was,” Wen Qing said, looking pleased. “It’s a difficult area of study, but I wanted the reception it would get – there aren’t that many women practicing as doctors, you know, so we have to try harder.”
“I would think the opposite would be true, with novelty acting as a draw..?”
“Novelty is novelty, but with doctors people want to feel reassured. They don’t want something new.”
“I suppose that’s fair.”
They walked in a comfortable silence for a while, browsing through the stalls in search of presents for their younger brothers. Lan Xichen occasionally wished he had Nie Huaisang as a younger sibling – so easy to shop for – and when he mentioned it to Wen Qing she laughed and agreed.
Sometimes, nothing more needed to be said.
“Xichen,” Lan Xichen’s uncle said. “Show Lady Wen around.”
“I heard you’re going to be competing in the archery competition later,” she said as they walked along the edges of the competition grounds, a dirt path that twined through the foothills of a desolate mountain chasm.
“I am,” he said. “I’m still counted as part of the younger generation since my uncle is acting as sect leader.”
“But soon it will be you,” she said, and her gaze was fixed firmly in front of her, not looking at him at all.
It surprised him how much he missed it – her frankness, her cheer, her solemnity, her pleasant silence.
She reached out abruptly and he stopped, looking at her.
“You should hide some of your family’s books,” she said, still not looking at him. “Whatever you can, and quickly. Just in case.”
And then she started walking again, the same casual stroll, and it was as if she had never said anything at all.
Lan Xichen added bravery to the list of her qualities and followed.
“I’ll do what I can,” he said, thinking of the trouble it would cause with the Lan sect elders. Thinking of the trouble something like this – a warning – could cost her. “In the meantime, tell me about your planned course of study in Yiling. Are you focusing on any particular type of medicine this time?”
Wen Qing looked at him then, and her eyes were grateful.
“Actually,” she said, “I was thinking of designing my course around whatever illness were most prevalent in the region –”
“Xichen,” Lan Xichen’s uncle said. “Take charge of the prisoners.”
Lan Xichen very nearly handed off the work to Meng Yao – no, he was Jin Guangyao now, and he ought to remember that. He was tired after that final battle, after all the work they’d done, the losses they’d suffered, and he knew Jin Guangyao would do the work efficiently and well the way he always did. Anyway, the Jin sect was less damaged than they were, and could afford it, and Jin Guangyao wanted the opportunity to do something well to show his father his merits.
But then by happenstance he’d seen Wen Ning’s face in the crowd and realized that he couldn’t.
Jin Guangyao had been disappointed, but Lan Xichen had insisted, and as one of the heroes of the war Jin Guangshan couldn’t exactly refuse him. In the end, the Wen sect remnants came under the control of the Lan sect.
He set up the new village they would reside in himself – fenced in, but on good land, ready for growth – and soon enough other Wens came drifting out of the darkness to take shelter with their remaining kinsmen, just as he’d hoped.
“Any chance you can show me around?” Wen Qing asked, and Lan Xichen turned to face her with a widening smile. She looked tired and was too thin, the marks of the imprisonment that Jiang Cheng had reported on not yet faded, and yet he had never been happier to see her. “If you’re not too busy, Sect Leader.”
“Uncle,” Lan Xichen said in a tone that brooked no argument. “I’m going to show my wife around now.”
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mallowstep · 3 years
"I love you," Nutmeg says. "Rusty, listen to me, I will always love you."
She pulls him into her arms.
"I'll fight for you," she whispers, "okay?"
He doesn't ask what's going to happen to Princess.
Nutmeg releases him, and presses a kiss to his forehead. "I love you," she repeats.
"I love you too."
But then a stranger is leading him into a car and he's pressing his face to the window, and Nutmeg is crying as she waves to him, and they just keep driving.
* * *
Frostfur runs a comb through his hair. "You excited to see your mom today?"
* * *
They change his name when they cut his ties to Nutmeg, like they want to be sure he won't forget who he is now.
"Firepaw," Bluestar says, and he knows it's a kind offer. It's acceptance, and he accepts it, letting it be one less thing that will make him stand out with the other kids. They're going to kindergarten soon, and he won't have to explain his name to them.
But it's not the name his mother gave him.
Frostfur rubs his shoulder. "Welcome to the family," she says.
* * *
They have to take a foreign language in middle school.
It is foreign under Firepaw's tongue and familiar in his ears. It is what little he has of his mother and sister, things he forgotten with no one to share them with.
"Shouldn't you be better at this?" Greypaw teases, and Firepaw laughs, because it's a funny joke, isn't it?
Sometimes, he wonders if Nutmeg would recognize him now.
* * *
He's sixteen when he gets a phone call from his sister. He doesn't talk to Princess very often, and he talks to Nutmeg even less, so if she's calling, it must be serious.
"I need help," she says. "I'm pregnant. With twins."
* * *
Princess' children are born here, and their birth certificates reflect that. Cloudkit's name is not changed when Brindleface adopts him, Fernkit and Ashkit already cooing over their baby brother.
"This won't be the last time you see him," Firepaw promises. "I'll break him out if I need to."
"I hope you didn't just say you'd steal a baby," Brindleface says, but her face is soft. "Princess has my number, Firepaw. I have every intention of staying in contact."
She looks at the other child. Princess named her Lilykit, and she sleeps peacefully. Brindleface waves Firepaw out of the room, but as he's leaving, he hears her say, "There's still time if you want to change your mind.
* * *
Cinderpaw gets hit by a car the summer before he leaves for college.
Fireheart sits with her in the hospital during the days, when Frostfur and Lionheart are working, and he brings stacks of those babysitting novels she loves so much.
"I'm gonna miss you when you leave," she says.
"No, you won't. You're going to fight over my room with Brackenpaw and Brightpaw and Thornpaw."
"Me or Brackenpaw," Cinderpaw says. "C'mon, Brightpaw and Thornpaw are like, eight. They can share."
Fireheart snorts. "Try telling them that. I caught Brightpaw measuring the window. She said she has plans."
"Well, I should get it now," she says. "It's on the first floor."
Her smile contorts.
"You're going to get better," he says. "The doctors said--"
"You don't have to lie to keep my spirits up, or whatever," Cinderpaw says. "Look, can you just keep reading? I wanna know what happens with Claudia and Ashley and you're gonna have to go soon."
* * *
"Fireheart," Greystripe says, practically singing, "just wait until you hear what happened to me!"
"Did you not realize dining halls are unlimited food or something?"
"I met someone!" he says. "Her name is Silverstream and I'm going to marry her."
"That's a little extreme for a first meeting."
But Greystripe shakes his head. "Just you watch," he says. "I'm telling you, she's the one."
* * *
"Hey," Princess says. "Look...Mami isn't well. You should come by."
* * *
He goes home.
When he gets back, Greystripe has two kids and no Silverstream.
"We never did get married," he says. "Guess it's a little late to ask."
* * *
"They deserve more than someone ducking in and out when it's convenient," Leopardstar says. Her voice is deathly calm, her posture rigid, and with enough conviction even Fireheart feels swayed.
"And you think you will provide that stability?"
"I already have. Featherkit and Stormkit are cared for by Mosspelt. They have an older sister. But we are a large household. Mistyfoot and Blackclaw have younger and older children." She takes a deep breath. "They will grow up surrounded by love."
Fireheart sighs. He knows that they could do the same, but Greystripe isn't a part of Bluestar's household, and courts rarely favour single parents.
He knows that too well.
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youbloodymadgenius · 4 years
Stuck with you (Modern!Ivar x reader)
wA/N: This is for @lisinfleur‘s Quarantine Challenge. Thanks love 💖
I’ve been very inactive lately, my mind filled with worries... Stuck with you is not my best work, but at least I’ve been able to write again. Writing sex is not my strong suit. Sorry.
the gif belongs to @honestsycrets​ 🌻
@inforapound 🌺💐🌺 Thanks my friend ❤️
Summary: Your roommate swearing and screaming at the top of his lungs, you end up coming out of your room and going to see him. What happens next is... out of control.
Warnings: explicit sex; swear words; no plot AT ALL.
Words: 2745
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Exasperated,you roll your eyes before immersing yourself again in the captivating historical novel you're reading. 
Less than five seconds later, your attention is drawn away by a heavy thud – no doubt some kind of object crashing into the wall – shortly followed afterwards by another loud "FUUUUUUCK!"
Sighing deeply, you place a bookmark between the pages of your book, put it on the night table and eventually get out of bed, checking the time on your clock.
7:45am. Certainly too early for you to silently tolerate your rommate's screams.
Crossing hastily the room dressed in nothing but your panties and a long t-shirt, you take in a big gasp of air before opening the door.  
Your hand still on the doorknob, the door ajar, his scream this time causes you to jerk. 
Reaching the living room, the first thing you notice is the remote control, or maybe it's a phone you're not sure, on the floor, shattered into a thousand pieces. The next one is that Ivar is screaming again. "FUUUUUCK!! I JUST CAN'T FUCKING STAND IT! FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!"
You then spot him, sitting on the couch in gray sweatpants and a withe t-shirt. Furrowed brows, clenched jaw, tensed features… If you still had any doubts, you don't have any now. He's angry. Very angry. 
Taking two cautious steps forward, you know better than to get too close to him, so that you can avoid any unexpected flying objects. Hands on your hips, the strong breath you release gets his attention. "FUCK Y/N!"
Knowing his outburst isn't actually directed at you, you keep calm, speaking softly. "What's wrong, Ivar?"
"WHAT'S WRONG?? YOU'RE FUCKING ASKING ME WHAT'S WRONG, Y/N?? I'M SURE YOU FUCKING KNOW WHAT'S WRONG! FUCK!!!" He spits at you, his hands waving all over the place, and you can physically feel his wrath. You’ve never seen him like that. Of course, Ivar is often quick-tempered, but that… that is something else, and it's quite unsettling.
Still, you force yourself to stay calm, inhaling deeply before answering, your voice gentle. 
"No Ivar, I don't." 
You're not exactly lying. Of course, you have some idea, but you can't be sure. The truth is, you two barely know each other. If you've been living under the same roof for almost six months, it's not really by choice. You were desesperate to find a room and Ivar was looking for a roommate. Or more specifically, Ivar had to find a roommate. He lived alone for two years, but after a nasty fall that put him back in a wheelchair for weeks, his overprotective mother decided it was her job to interfere. The deal was this: find a roommate or come back home. When you met them – yes, his mother was there, after all, she owned the apartment – your conversation sounded weirdly like a job interview. After two hours and a lot of nosy questions from Aslaug, you got the job, huh sorry, the room, the fact that you're a nursing student surely helpful. 
And frankly, living here turned out not so bad.
The huge apartment is perfectly equipped, its furnitures luxurious, the fridge always full, thanks to  Ivar's mother, and your room probably bigger than your parents' house. Ivar is certainly not the most congenial person but he's mostly never around. Between his doctoral thesis and his unofficial involvement in the family corporation, he leaves most of the time at dawn and doesn't return until late at night, except on days when his legs hurt too much. On those days, he usually locks himself in his room. The few times you run into him in the apartment, he barely acknowledges your presence, doesn't really talk to you – you're well aware that he'd prefer to live alone – yet he's never directly hostile. 
Plus, you would be lying saying he's unattractive. Truth be told, Ivar is a sight to behold. Gorgeous blue eyes, strong features, sharp cheekbones and high forehead, sign of his obvious intelligence. Ivar is, plain and simple, stunningly handsome. 
So yeah, all in all, living with him isn't hard. Ordinarily. But now, the ordinary is not part of your lives. Because of this virus, schools, theaters and shops have been closed for two weeks and you and Ivar are mostly stuck at home. He's been grumpy ever since, but you've managed to keep him pretty calm, at least enough for your new shared meals to go well.
Right now, you're not sure there's anything you can do to avoid the upcoming storm. 
As Ivar glares at you, eyes wide open, obviously bewildered, you simply repeat, "I don't." Grabbing his crutch, you think for a moment he's going to stand up, and maybe that's what he was going to do, but finally he just throws it angrily accross the room, still being careful no to aim it at you, shouting again,
You give him a confused look. "What news, Ivar? It's not even eight in the morning, I woke up not long ago and I was reading." Explaining yourself is useless but you feel compelled to do it, for whatever reason.
"YOU ARE FUCKING STUPID, AREN'T YOU? YOU SLEEPING WON'T STOP EARTH FROM FUCKING SPINNING, YOU KNOW THAT?" His tone scornful, pointing to his temple with his index finger in a universally obvious gesture, he's slowly getting on your nerves. 
Getting closer, you take advantage of the fact that he's sitting and you're standing, hovering over him, one eyebrow raised. He's clearly not impressed, but it feels good anyway. Small victories are victories nonetheless. "Don't give me shit, Ivar. I'm not dumb and you know that. Just spill the f–", biting your tongue, you stop before saying what seems to be his favorite word today, "spill the news Ivar!"
Waiting to make sure he's done with his rant, you give him a disapproving look. "Ivar, this is not fucking bullshit. This is a life-threatening virus. People are dying all over the world and the quarantine is the only way. You know that. We knew it was coming. You can't be selfish, not in such circumstances."
You know he knows you're right. Ivar may be mad right now, but he's still smart enough to undersand the urgency of the situation. Yet, he's not quite ready to admit it, at least not entirely. 
Even so, his voice is soft at first. "Yeah, yeah, of course you're right." Running his fingers through his dishelved hair, he sighs before getting carried away once again. "But fuck Y/N!!!" Ivar takes an heavy breath and releases it loudly, shaking his head frustratedly.
Hearing his words, you're not sure if you should be amused or rather offended, finally opting for irony. "Sure, it's true that's I'm so lucky to be living with you, while you're stuck with the most boring rommate. I guess this is the part where I'm supposed to apologize for existing, right?"
Ivar freezes, speechless. Wow. It's not something that happens a lot. Small victories blah, blah, blah… Nervously wiggling his fingers, he gives you a constrained, almost apologetic look while biting his lower lip. "Fuck Y/N," his voice speaks softly, "I didn't mean it like that." He lowers his gaze, his hands now rubbing his thighs. You can tell he tries very hard to stay calm and you can't help but think it's adorable. "You know that… Fuck! Y/N, I'm not good at that, and we both know that we didn't choose each other, but I'm fucking grateful it's you who's living with me, and not some dumbass. And even though I'm a spoiled brat and probably a fucking pain in the ass, I know being stuck here with you won't be hell on Earth. Still, just being stuck here sucks. IT FUCKING SUCKS!!!"
That's the exact moment when something switches in your mind. It all comes up out of the blue and you're suddenly aware of the warmth in your lower belly, of your increasing heart rate, of your clammy hands… You have to make a prodigious effort not to lick your lips. Ivar is… flustered, akward, still angry and cocky yet soft and almost sweet and seeing him like this makes you feel things. Unexpected things.  
You can't think straight anymore. Maybe lockdown is driving you crazy too, after all. Or maybe it's because it's been months since you've… Or it's all Ivar's fault. Yeah, that's it, it's got to be his fault. Because with is huge blue eyes, his reddened cheeks, his chiseled upper body and the anger still flowing out of him, he's… he's… he's…
… insanely hot. So FUCKING insanely hot.
Checking discretely with one hand that no drool is leaking from the corner of your mouth, you go on right after. "Maybe you should stop talking about it and just do it, Ivar. You know, to take the pressure off." Your words are rushed and you know you're blushing, but you can’t control your brain anymore. It's probably not really functional right now anyway. 
Baffled, Ivar looks at you without understanding. "Wh- What? What are you fucking talking about?" His scowl is back, and you realize it makes him even more attractive. 
“Oh Ivar, don't play dumb, you know what I'm saying, don't you?  Fuck and fucking… Those are the only words you seem to know. Stop saying them. Do it. Just do it. I bet you'll be more relaxed after." Okay, you're obviously out of your mind. You couldn't care less though, your only focus at the moment being the sparkle in your inner core. 
"What-?" His chocked voice gives away how stunned he is. "But… with… with whom, Y/N?"
The answer is an obvious one, right? At least to you, but probably to Ivar too, since he's stuck there with you and only you. You can see in his eyes that yes, he knows what you're implying. Still, the bewilderment written all over his face a clear indication that he can't bring himself to believe it. You don't blame him. The impression you give is always that of a (too) serious person. Ivar doesn't know who you really are. You're not even sure you know it yourself… And right now, it doesn't matter. 
Because yeah, disbelief is obvious on his face, but lust even more so … oh gods… Gods… Slightly confounded and blinking a few times, but looking at you like you're a prey, Ivar is, if at all possible, even hotter than before. And that's what matters.
 Winking at him, you quickly take off your t-shirt, swinging it accross the room. His mouth ajar, his gaze is that of a toddler, sitting under the tree, contemplating his gifts on Christmas morning.
"What do you think, Ivar?" His eyebrows furrowed, you don't allow him time to respond, straddling his lap. You're not sure he's breathing, clearly incredulous, almost skeptical. And gods, how beautiful he is. You can't resist. You won't resist. When you crash your lips together, you stop thinking. 
The akward moment disappears quickly, replaced by a shared eagerness. Ivar kisses you back, his need now as great as yours, his tongue invading and claiming your mouth. You can't help but moan while feeling him growning against your clit. "Fuck Y/N!", he mumbles as you rock your hips purposefully against his. Rewarded with a loud growl, you smile, never breaking the intense kiss. 
All off a sudden, you don't know how he manages to do so, you're lying on your back on the wide couch, Ivar's body all over yours, warming you from the inside out. His shirt gone, his callouse hands are everywhere, roaming your body – your jaw, sides, belly, neck, navel, even squeezing your cheeks as you raise your hips – his mouth on your tits, nibbling and sucking. Digging your fingers into his back, you release a gasping breath before kissing each and every part of exposed skin he has to offer, his taste so overwhelming, you can't get enough, moaning and panting endlessly, your heart already pounding hard in your chest.
As he slips his fingers under your panties, your breath stutters, your whole body jerking and tensing when his fingertips brush over your clit. You can feel him smile against your skin, proud and smug, huffing a small snort just before parting your folds.
Slipping a finger inside you, a low moan rattles in his throat, his wonder at how wet you are obvious in his eyes. When his middle finger begins to glide in and out, you grab his wrist hard, a frustrated growl escaping your mouth.  
"Stop it, Ivar." Muttering against his neck, you put your free hand on his chest, pushing him back slightly, his gaze an universal what-the-fuck-gaze. Without loosening your grip on his wrist, you let your fingers run down his chest, your hand grabbing his waistband. 
"Don't waste our time with foreplay." Rushing your words, you give him a short yet rapturous kiss. "Save it for later, will you? We'll have a whole lockdown to do that." Yanking his pants and briefs down his hips, you then slip off your panties, Ivar leaning on his forearms, his biceps flexing. Looking at you with desire in his blackened eyes, he releases a husky whimper of yearning as you grab his hard length. "Fuck Y/N!" he hisses, panting and shivering. 
"That's it, Ivar! Do it. Fuck me. I need you inside me. Now!"  Your breath coming in shallow gasps, you squeeze his cock, brushing it against your core.
That's all it takes for his control to snap as he drives into you, stroking you from the inside. He thrusts straight away into you, hard and heavy. It's not gentle, it's rough and primal, exactly what you need. Grasping and squeezing handfuls of his ass, your hips snap upward and you groan against his skin and into his mouth as he hits you from all angles, going deeper inside you than you thought possible. Your body jerking back, your hands cling to his shoulders, allowing you to feel his quivering muscles under your fingertips. Your skin feels like fire as he keeps pumping relentlessly, his tongue thrusting into your mouth. 
Your breathing uneven, you know he's as close as you are as your walls clench around him. Pushing your hips upward and back, faster and faster, his thrusts become erratic. "Fuck!", he roars once more, your hands back on his ass again, your body starting to shake. 
Crying out, your body bows upward. The muscles of your inner walls constrincting tightly around him, you scream his name, exploding all around him, his thick and hot seed spilling inside you, your orgasm hitting you in strong waves as his mouth seeks yours for a final sloppy kiss.
Sated to the point of exhaustion, Ivar falls heavily onto you, shaking and sweating. Not letting himself slide out of you just yet, his hands lazily stroke your sides as your fingers run along his back. 
Out of breath, you both need a few minutes to come down from that high, Ivar being the first to talk, his voice still shaky. "There's no fucking way we're not fucking doing this again!"
Bursting out laughing, you give his cheek a peck before leaning on one elbow. Rolling your eyes playfully, you gently push a strand of hair away from his forehead. "You're fucking right. But for now, Ivar, you know what?  Give it a rest and just fucking shut up!"
@honestsycrets @saldelys @waiting4inspiration @lisinfleur @hecohansen31 @a-mess-of-fandoms @gearhead66 @readsalot73 @lonewolf471
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sheresh0y · 3 years
Mar'eyce Introduces:
Ro Donetta-Awaud: He/Him, 30-ish
Along with his family:
Dagon Donetta-Awaud: He/Him, 28-ish
Tann Donetta-Awaud: 11-ish
Kato Donetta-Awaud: 5-ish
Ellis Donetta-Awaud: 5-ish
A/N: I decided to go balls to the wall with the rest of these characters. So much backstory. All of it. I'm dumping it right here. Drabbles will added, moodboards whenever the fancy strikes. The rest of Arumorut has had their stories told at this point in the story so, fuck it, whatever. I love these OCs too much and I'm screaming it from rooftops, baby. I know suck at writing children and these Awaud children are definitely come across as way too old but go with me on this. I also left the children's pronouns empty because I'm not entirely sure what they're all trying to tell me yet. I'll update it when they let me know.
Warnings: This fic and AU is 18+ for a reason. Mentions of parental death, swearing, slavery and unwanted children mentions. Ro's a little sad boy under all that armor.
Read from the beginning: Mar'eyce Masterlist
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Ro Doneeta was born to Volya and Rol Doneeta, Twi'lek freedom fighters turned Rebels. When Ro had turned four, his parents went a on a routine trip for supplies and never came home. He was adopted shortly after by Kai and Ilyah, a quickly and quietly whispered pact made by the only two parents in their corner of The Rebellion after one too many close calls.
"Take care of them, for us. Please."
The Awauds openly encouraged Ro to participate in Twi'lek culture. Just because he was a Mandalorian now didn't mean he stopped being a Twi'lek as well. The entire clan learned Ryl and Kai and Ilyah found mentors for him to teach him the things they couldn't. They were never sure if they did right by their son, but they tried their best.
After the Awauds retired from the war and were sent back to Arumorut, when Ro and Kaiyah were sixteen, Ro threw himself into the deep end of medicine. It wasn’t humble in the way that Ba’buir was, he didn’t want to train the clan in first aid or help children with their sniffles. Ro had lost so much to the galaxy and this was his fuck you.
First, his ryma and kora, then his lek, now his buir. Kai’buir was physically there, but mentally, emotionally they were nowhere to be found. It was like he had died without dying. Ro decided he was going to fix it all, no one in his family was dying again. Nobody was getting left behind. For everything the galaxy took from Ro, he was going to drag back to this life with his bare hands.
After a few months of shadowing Ba'buir Nejaa, Ro was decided to pursue medical school on Naboo. It was a relatively peaceful planet, since tourism was most of the economy they were malleable to whoever was in charge. This meant that Ro couldn't just walk around anywhere. The Empire was still standing and he was a Mandalorian who may or may not be wanted.
Ba'buir Nejaa said no immediately. Their reasoning was the armor. Armor was important, every Mandalorian wore it all the time. The only reason Nejaa didn't anymore was because Kaiyah needed a new set and they had gifted their set to her. Ro didn't have this exception so he tried a compromise: he would wear the chest plate under his clothes. The plate was the biggest piece of armor he had and helped the most with regulating his temperature anyway. It wasn't comfortable but it was the best he could come up with.
About four years into his medical education, Ro met Dagon through some mutual friends. It was terror at first sight, the poor Zabrak man was missing nearly all of his right ear and Ro knew it was his fault. His stupid plan to fight an Aryx head-on had consequences he didn't full think of at the time.
Try as he might to avoid Dagon, it didn't matter. It was like the up and coming designer was everywhere, Dagon seemed to have his own gravity and Ro was quickly pulled in.
It didn't take long for them to fall in love, by the third official date Dagon was asking Ro to move in and by the fifth they were married. For his part, Dagon took everything Mandalorian related in stride. He barely blinked when Ro explained soulmates and the reasons they were both all scarred up on the first date. He just asked if 'his Mandalorian' had anyone to take care of him.
When Ro graduated school, not quiet a doctor but close enough, the couple had a long talk about the future. They both knew they wanted kids but The Empire was still looming. It wasn't safe for Mandalorians to be openly walking around and they were both faced with the thought it might never be. Dagon understood that his children would be raised Mandalorian. It was close to the way Zabraki culture was. Clans, fighting, it made sense for the most part. Even though he had parted he had parted ways with his family, Dagon knew Ro couldn't do that.
He had been officially introduced to most of the Awaud clan when Ro had graduated, Dagon threw a little get together in honor of his riduur and the only people on Ro's must invite list was his family. They had a bond that went closer than blood and Dagon knew his clan of two needed to do.
He moved the clan of two back to Arumorut, using the ship that Nejaa and Kaiyah brought to move the stuff that Dagon couldn't or wouldn't sell, Ro never seemed to hold on to much.
Ro was furious, initially. Dagon had plans, big plans, to be a designer and he was right at the cusp of finally getting his own line. Moving back to Arumorut would be a step back for his career or end it entirely. In Ro's mind, he could at least play security while Dagon chased his dreams and then they could settle down wherever. It didn't matter to Ro as long as he got to see his family regularly, somewhere Mid or Outer Rim, he didn't want to be too far in case of an emergency.
The move ended up being the best thing to happen to them, not a month after settling in Kaiyah brought home a little Twi'lek girl. She couldn't have been older than five, but with her malnutrition it was hard to guess and she didn't know. She didn't even have a name and barely spoke Huttese.
They named her Tann, for hope.
A year later, while debating on putting their names with an adoption agency now that The New Republic existed and Ro could get his record expunged since his Rebel activities were no longer deemed as 'treason' or 'terrorism', the twins fell in their laps. A woman had shoved the babies on Jax, who was working on a bounty at the time, she said she couldn't take care of them and knew that the Mandalorians could. Jax didn't have a soulmate at the time and knew that the Donetta-Awauds were thinking about adopting again, so he asked if they would like to add the Zabraki twins to their family. The boys couldn't have been more than a few months old, their skin was more pink than the vibrant red it now was.
Kato, for Dagon's father. Even if they didn't talk he still liked the name.
Ellis, for Ro's buir. It was her clan name before she joined Kai.
Ro knew he made the right choice when Kai-buir cried. It sounded terrible at the time, like he enjoyed making his father cry, but it was such a relief to find out that he could. That Kai wasn't entirely gone, just not always there.
Ro still asks Dagon if he regretted it. Losing his fashion line, being a boring tailor to people who didn't really need a tailor. On those days Dagon holds Ro closer, his chin resting on his Mandalorian's head, "Never. Not once. I've never been happier than when I'm with you. 'Boring tailor' and all. Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum, cyare."
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^ Ro in his full armor. Isn't he a handsome boy?
Translations & Other Headcanons:
Ryma: Ryl, mother
Kora: Ryl, father
Buir: Mando'a, parent
Kai-buir: Mando'a, masc parents typically go by the first three letters of their name followed by 'buir'. The Donetta-Awaud children don't really follow this rule since they have one Buir and one Edalinare (Zabraki, family).
Ba'buir: Mando'a, grandparent
I headcannon Ro as a doctor who did all the bookwork, but never the internships which I believe is eight-ish years of school? Correct me if I'm wrong I just wanted to keep the timeline in some kind of order for myself (leaving Arumorut at sixteen + eight years of school leaves Ro somewhere near 24 when they have Tann, 25 for the twins). I also know that half the stuff Ro does in Arumorut a unlicensed doctor could never do in real life, but in his mind it got him close enough to what he wanted to do, hence the joke about 'not a doctor but close enough'. He was pretty over med school, honestly. Besides, he learned the good stuff from Nejaa (who is nowhere near doctor status, think closer to field medic/EMT who has Seen Some Shit).
Riduur: Mando'a, spouse
Tann: Ryl, hope
Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum, cyare: Mando'a, I know you forever, beloved.
In my brain, Dagon is like 6'4", 6'5"-ish and Ro is a short king comparatively coming in at a hot 5'8", 5'9" (he swears up and down he's a solid 5'10". He's not.) Ro is almost always little spoon and doesn't mind it one bit.
I feel like I need to add a disclaimer: did I accidentally create Numa and her uncle with Tann and Ro? Yes, yes I did. Do I really care at this point? No, because it makes moodboards easy. Numa and her family belong to Disney and Lucasfilms, I did not create them and I don't want anyone to think I did. That arc plus the fact she shows up in Rebels makes me cry.
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Part 12
(Around Three am the lab came in to check take Usagi's blood and nurse Rose came in to switch out his fluid and give him more antibiotics, surprisingly Usagi stayed asleep the whole time, but Misaki woke up).
Misaki: (Groggily) Rose, I can't believe they have you working all these hours.
Rose: Yeah (She stood against the wall near the doorway). Well the other Nurse was supposed to be working but she's been fired, a new nurse will be taking over later today and then I have my date with Eri. (She smiled, even in the dark Misaki could tell she was blushing). Do you have any recommendations?
Misaki: Usagi and I always go to IMI.
Rose: Isn't that expensive?
Misaki: It is when Usagi rents out the entire balcony. (Chuckles).
Rose: Well Thanks, I'll look into it.
Misaki: Yeah, good luck.
Rose: (Exits)
Misaki: (Closes eyes and tries to go back to sleep).
Aikawa: Don't just burst in there they might still be asleep.
Takahiro: No, They said we could come back at six am and it's six am, I'm going in (Slams door open)
Misaki: (Shoots up) Takahiro, What the fuck are you doing?
Takahiro: They said we could be back at six am.
Misaki: Do you have to be so loud? (Glaces at Usagi who is still fast asleep). I need to take a shower. (gets up, Grabs kaki shorts, a black hoodie, and boxers out of his backpack and walks into the bathroom).
Takahiro: God, what's his problem? (Walks over to be and starts fixing it back into a sofa.)
Aikawa: (Leans against wall, crossing arms) You burst in here at six am, they were sound asleep, Miskai has a test today, and who knows how late they were up).
Takahiro: Ew, why were they up late? They can't have sex.
Aikawa: (Angry face) Takahiro, they can't have sex, and they were up late because Misaki was probably studying and doctors and nurses were in and out all night. You have to get on board with their relships at some point or else you're going to lose them both.
Takahiro: It's just (Sigha and sits on sofa) He's my baby brother, my little baby brother, I never thought of him dating, especially dating my best friend. It's just-
Aikawa: (Sits beside Takahiro) I know it's strange, but have you seen how they look at each other? (Smiles) They're in love, and incredibly happy.
Takahiro: I know, I've never seen either one of them so happy, ever. (Smiles) I need to be okay with this.
Aikawa: Yeah, you do, they aren't going to break up ever, and they've been through a lot, it's been hard for them.
Takahiro: I didn't know that.
Aikawa: Yeah, we'll they were always scared to tell you.
Takahiro: How long have you known?
Aikawa: Eh, I kinda just figured it out. They aren't that good at hiding it.
Misaki: (Walking out of the bathroom rubbing a towel on his head). Maybe if you didn't have a key.
Aikawa: There are locks on other doors for a reason, and i'm not only talking about at your house.
Misaki: Whatever. (Walks over to chair beside Usagi, who's starting to stir).
Usagi: (Eyes slowly open, he smiles at Misaki and reaches out for him). Good Morning Misaki.
Misaki:(Grabs hand) Hey Baby.
Usagi: Did you sleep well?
Misaki: (Shrugs) I slept okay, you were out all night, they came in here around three am to do labs and stuff.
Usagi: (Chuckles) I was tired
Misaki: Good, you need your rest.
Usagi: What time is your test?
Misaki: It's at ten, but the doctor is going to come in here around eight to talk to you, and I'll leave after that.
Usagi: (Nods) Okay. (Looks over at sofa). Hey guys
Takahiro, Aikawa: Hello.
Usagi: When did they get here?
Misaki: Right at six.
Usagi: Did they wake you?
Miskai: (Sheepish look)
Usagi: (Runs thumb over back of hand) I'm sorry.
Misaki: (Shrugs) It's okay, I didn't sleep well anyway. (Sighs and rolls shoulders back)
Usagi: Hey, what's wrong
Misaki: Just the timing of all this sucks.
Usagi: I know.
Misaki: And I'm kinda pissed at you, you could've died, you're lucky you're appendix didn't actually burst.
Usagi: I know.
(There's a knock at the door and Dr. Takahashi walks in)
Dr. Takahashi: Good Morning everyone. (He walks over to the sink, washes his hands and puts on a pair of gloves). Akihiko, I'm going to look at your incision. (He walks over to Usagi and gently checks his incision). Okay, looks to be healing up nicely, your vitals look good and we can take you off the antibiotics, and have you had any pain?
Usagi: Um, no not at all.
Dr. Takahashi: Okay, perfect. I think we can get you out of here today, but it might be later this evening, I assume your fiance will be able to take care of you?
Misaki: Uh, yeah of course. I mean I have a test today at ten, I'm off tomorrow, I have another test Thursday, and next week I don't have any classes, and next saturday I graduate.
Usagi: Oh, speaking of, I'm supposed to speak at his graduation next saturday, is that okay?
Dr. Takahashi: Yes, that should be fine, No sexual activities for two weeks, stick to your regular diet, if you don't have anymore questions we can work on getting you out of here.
Usagi: Uh, wait, no sexual activities for two weeks?
Misaki: (Scoffs) Usagi, It'll be okay.
Usagi: Yeah but-
Misaki: Babe, I don't want you to die, so you can wait two weeks.
Usagi: (Sighs) Yeah, Fine. Oh what about bathing?
Dr. Takahashi: You can do all that normally, Oh and no heavy lifting.
Usagi: So what am I supposed to do?
Aikawa: You can do your work.
Usagi: Please, I'm at least four months ahead.
Aikawa: Damn I forgot about that.
Dr. Takahashi: You can drive tomorrow and walk some.
Usagi: Fine.
Misaki: (Glaces At Phone) Shit, it's Nine-Fifteen, i'm going to be late. Usagi, I'm taking your car.
Usagi: That's fine, my keys-
Misaki: Are in the table, I know I saw them yesterday. (Stands up, still holding on to Usagi's hand).
Usagi: Good luck on your Test. (Grins, swings his and Misaki's arm).
Misaki: Thank you. (Tries to let go of Usagi's hand) Usagiii, I have to go, I can't be late.
Usagi: (Releases Misaki's hand), Okay go.
Misaki: (Walks over to the table, grabs Usagi's keys, leans down to kiss Usagi). I love you, I'll see you later.
Usagi: I love you too. (Walks out of Usagi's room).
Dr. Takahashi: Okay, I'm going to start working on your discharge papers, anything else you need to ask?
Usagi: I think I'm okay.
Dr. Takahashi: Alright. (Exits).
Rose: (Walks in grinning at Aikawa). Eri, good morning.
Aikawa: Oh, Rose hey. (Blushes)
Rose: How are you?
Aikawa: I'm good, Akihiko gets to go home today.
Rose: I heard, Congrats.
Usagi: Thank you.
Rose: Where's Misaki?
Usagi: School, he had a test.
Rose: And Isaka?
Aikawa: He had to take care of some stuff at work.
Rose: Okay, well I was Just checking in. Um Eri, I have a short break, want to go get a snack?
Aikawa: (Blushes) Uh, sure. (Stands up grinning at Rose, following her out of the room).
Takahiro:(Clears throat). Usagi-San, I think I need to apologize.
Usagi: For what?
Takahiro: How I've been acting, not supporting your relationship with Misaki.
Usagi: We'll Thanks, but I'm not the one you need to apologize to.
Takahiro: What do you mean, aren't you upset. (Stands up, walks over by Usagi's bed lingering around him).
Usagi: No, not really, Misaki has been hiding this from you for almost five years, and he's been really scared to tell you.
Takahiro: Aikawa said it's been hard for you guys. Or maybe Misaki? I know how hard it can be for him to express his feelings and open up, di- did his fear of telling me and losing you maybe have something to do with it?
Usagi: Look, I've never ever doubted Misaki's feelings for me, not once. Sometimes I felt insecure and maybe wished he would've told me he loved me more, but I always knew he did. We've told you, and now He's extremely open and more affectionate, it maybe started before we told you, but-
Takahiro: So, it's kinda my fault he wasn't always affectionate?
Usagi: Look, he was terrified of having to give up what we had, and so was I, sometimes I still am, we still have to come out to the world, I want to do that soon, and that scares me, I haven't told him that. But we were both scared of ruining the relationship with you.
Takahiro: You were?
Usagi: Yes, Of course.
Takahiro: (Sits down) Did you think I would make you break up?
Usagi: We didn't know what was going to happen, We just know, we never want to let each other go, I really Really love Misaki, He's the love the of my life, my soulmate, my best friend, He's my person Takahiro.
Takahiro: (Grins) I guess I didn't completely understand how you guys felt about each other.
Usagi: Well, now you do.
Takahiro: He's just my baby brother, I want to protect him, I guess he doesn't need me anymore.
Usagi: Come on he'll always need you.
Takahiro: Yeah, but now he has you, you've been protecting him for the past four years.
Usagi: Almost five, not that it matters but after he next saturday is our anniversary.
Takahiro: Wait, his graduation day?
Usagi: Yeah.
Takahiro: (Smiles) That's really sweet.
Usagi: (Smirks) I, can't believe we've been together five years, and the two of us are getting married, I'm so happy.
Takahiro: I've known you a long time and I don't think i've ever seen you this generally happy... Wait (scoffs, Shocked look) i'm and idot. This, aurora of happiness started when you met Misaki. How didn't I figure it out?
Usagi: (Shrugs) I have no idea.
Takahiro: And Misaki changed a lot when he met you.
Usagi: (Nods)
Takahiro: Look, just keep him happy.
Usagi: I will, I'm not going to hurt him, I love him so much.
Takahiro: Good. Now let's talk kids.
Usagi: ugh
(Rose and Aikawa are sitting in the vending room finishing up their snack).
Rose: I think they should be done now
Aikawa: Eh, what are you talking about?
Rose: (Takes last sip of her soda, tossing the can in the trash behind her). Takahiro and Akihiko.
Aikawa: We came up here so they could talk?
Rose: We'll mostly so I could hang out with you, But I figured they should talk.
Aikawa: I'm sure they did talk. And I'm happy to be up here with you.
Rose: (Smiles, reaches out for Aikawa's hand)
Aikawa: (Bluses) This is nice, um can we still go on a date tonight?
Rose: Yeah, of course and it actually looks like I might get off early.
Aikawa: Oh, awesome!
Rose: (laughs) I- I'll let you know, but we should head back down. (Stands)
Aikawa: Yeah. (Stands up)
Rose: (Takes Aikawa's hand and they head back down to Usagi's room).
Misaki: (Drums fingers on the steering wheel of Usagi's car, while wating for him to pick up, he just got his grade back for his German exam and he passed with flying colors, he felt really good about his German exam and the last test he had was psychology).
Usagi: Misaki? Are you okay?
Misaki: Great acctally. I got a 95 on my German exam, I feel extremely confident about my Psychology exam on Thursday!
Usagi: Wow Misaki! I'm so proud of you!
Misaki: (Chuckles) Thanks Usagi, I'm on my way back now do you need anything?
Usagi: Just you.
Misaki: (Blushes) Shut up!
Usagi: I can tell you're blushing.
Misaki: (Laughs) You know me so well Usagi.
Usagi: Yes I do, and I love you.
Misaki: I love you too, I'll see you soon.
Usagi: Can't wait.
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shawtygonemad · 3 years
What Is This Feeling: Chapter 10
Fem!9th Doctor x Male!Rose Tyler
WITF Masterlist
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"I still can't believe you brought us to a couple's retreat," Ross smirked staring out at the blue sea ahead of them.
It shimmered and shined in the afternoon's sunlight. The pair decided to take shore leave to Bora Bora in the thirty first century. It was a nice vacationing spot for both humans and aliens alike. They were currently relaxing on the beach, enjoying the breathtaking sight underneath their sun umbrella.
"S' not a couple retreat! There are families here as well," she took a sip of her banana daiquiri. "Besides, you're the one who said we needed a 'vacation'. Isn't everyday a vacation for us?"
"I meant a vacation from all the running and heroics. Don't get me wrong, I love it. I do! 'S just that my ankle still isn't fully healed from when I injured it during the witch hunt that was chasing us. S' still sore to run on," Ross explained.
"I told you that I have technology that could heal it instantly..."
"I know, but it should heal properly on its own. S' not like its life threatening. It'll be right as rain after a few days. 'Sides, I'm sure all this sun could be good for us. We're as pale as ghosts!" Ross laughed.
The Doctor smiled. She didn't mind this all too much. They've only been here for a day. A few more couldn't hurt, especially if it made her little human happy. And if she got to see that much of Ross's skin. He was currently leaning back in the lawn chair, one hand behind his head while the other rested against his bare stomach. He was beautiful.
"I'm just surprised you're not wearing your usual leather. That bathing suit is a nice change though," Ross smiled at her.
The Doctor turned her head away, hoping to hide her blush under her sunglasses. She didn't want Ross to see how much he affects her with any of his words. Her bathing suit was a black one piece with a pair of shorts on top. It was fairly modest compared to most of the other bathing suits they've seen on the beach that day.
"S' not like I had much of a choice between you and the TARDIS conspiring together against me! Sometimes I wonder if she likes you more than me some days," The Doctor shook her head. Ross just laughed.
After that they sat in comfortable silence. Until Ross slurped his drink indicating that it was empty. He began to sit up, and go to the bar to get another. The Time Lord gestured for him to stay.
"Allow me," She said as she got up. The Doctor grabbed his empty glass. "You need to stay off that ankle as much as possible if we want to be running around saving the world in a few days. Just relax. Doctor's orders," She gave him a wink before turning away and heading towards the bar.
Once she approached the bar she noticed the creature working behind it. They were a Junite from the planet Junifer. She was tall with purple skin that had Navy freckle- like spots peppering her body. Her eyes were intense. They were black with a bright yellow iris. They're species were so beautiful! They also knew how to throw one hell of a flower festival. Ross and her still needed to attend sometime.
The Junite was too busy addressing a worried human woman to pay any attention to her. This peaked the Doctor's interest due to the hysteria in the woman's voice.
"What should I do? Where should I go?! This resort isn't that big! Something must have happened to him," the woman explained.
"Ma'am, this would be a job for the security. If you go to the front desk and explain what happened then they will be able to help you," the bartender replied.
The human was on the verge of hyperventilating. The Doctor decided to step in.
"Sorry to intrude, but I'm the Doctor. I might be able to help. You just need to take a few deep breaths first," the Time Lord spoke.
The human followed her lead, took a few deep breaths, and began to calm down. "Very good. Right, now can you explain to me what has you so distraught," the Doctor asked.
"My son. He's disappeared. My husband, myself, our eldest daughter, and our son were all watching one of the beach performances that was going on. My eyes were off him for two minutes, tops! I looked back over to him and he was gone! He's old enough to know he's not supposed to take off alone. Someone must have taken him! We've search all over to no avail!" Tears began to run down her cheeks as she handed a photo of a boy maybe eight years old to the Doctor.
"Was there anything strange that happened before you realized his disappearance," she asked.
"Everything was normal. We were all having so much fun. I just want my little boy back," the human cried.
"What's your name," the Doctor asked.
"Suzette. Suzette Rinsky."
"Suzette Rinsky, I will do whatever I can to help you find your boy. However, you should still go and report this to the manager so we can have more than one person on the lookout," she gave the woman a reassuring smile. The Doctor was always a softie when it came to children. Maybe it was because of how many were on Gallifrey that day…
Suzette thanked her and began to retreat towards the main building.
"That was very kind of you," the Junite commented.
"I do try my best," the Doctor smiled.
"It's such a heartbreaking situation. He's the third one to go missing in the past two weeks," she said as she grabbed Ross's empty glass. "Would you like another?"
"Yes, thank you." The Doctor leaned forward against the bar. "What do you mean, the third one in the past two weeks?"
"I mean exactly as I say, miss. A couple went missing last week, and have yet to be found. They thought to have perhaps checked out early, however all of their items were still left in their room. No one has seen them since."
The Doctor nodded her head, trying to figure this weird coincidence out. "When was their disappearance noticed?"
"The morning after the bonfire celebration we held. I was working cocktail at that party, and specifically remember serving them at one point. They were thought to have left in the middle of the festivities."
"Where was this celebration held," she asked curiously.
"Right here on Pier beach," the Junite answered and passed the fresh drink to the Time Lord.
"If you notice anything else, let me know… what's your name?" the Doctor asked.
"Zamora," the Junite answered.
"Right then, Zamora. Let me know if you can remember anything else," the Doctor said quickly before grabbing the drink, and turning back to return to her companion.
This was no coincidence that both disappearance happened on this beach during some sort of busy festivity. Now the next question was where they went, and what could have taken them. The Doctor handed Ross his drink once she returned. She needed to make an excuse for her to sneak away and have a look around. She wanted Ross to relax and not stress out. Three missing people didn't seem too hard for her to solve on her own. Besides, Bora Bora couldn't be that large for them to hide.
"Did you get lost," he joked.
"Of course not. I was just informed that there was a problem with our room reservation, so I need to go to the main building and get things straightened out." Ross began to get up once more, but the Time Lord laid a hand on his naked shoulder. "No need to get up. I can handle this. You just stay here, soak up that vitamin D and drink your fruity drink I got you." The Doctor began to walk off, but turned around quickly. "Oh, and don't forget to keep reapplying your lotion. I don't want you burnt to a crisp by the time I get back." She tossed him a bottle of suntan lotion from her bigger on the inside pockets.
"I want you home by midnight, young lady! Do you hear me?" Ross teased her.
The Doctor smirked as she walked away. She decided to head back to their room to change into something more comfortable, and less revealing. She had a feeling that there was going to be some running involved on this adventure, so she needed her combat boots. Once she was changed, the Gallifreyan went off to scout the resort scanning everyone and everything with her sonic on the way.
She received a weird energy reading near an inclined forested area. She began her hike up while following the energy source that was on her sonic. The signal led her all the way up towards a cliff that over looked what seemed to be a secret waterfall draining into a large body of water. There was nothing out of the ordinary to her. Unless…
'Oh, I hope I'm right,' she thought as she back up a few feet before sprinting forward and jumping off the cliff. She free fell for a few seconds before plunging into the waters below. It took a few moments for the bubbles to clear, so she could get a good look at what was below the water.
'Maybe I should have kept that daft suit on if I was going to get this wet.'
Once the bubbles cleared she was able to see what was hiding under the water. Just as she had suspected, there was a rather large ship that reminded her of something you'd see on Star Trek. She swam down deeper to get a better look at the ship, and search for a way in. Under the belly of the ship was a hatch that must be how these creatures were able to get in and out with those missing people. The Doctor realized that she would need air soon, so she quickly took out her sonic and unlocked the hatch. She quickly climbed through and shut it after her. The water was quickly drained from the chamber.
The Doctor walked over to the door and soniced it open. She quickly started to sneak through the corridors looking for any clues as to who might own this ship, and where those missing people were. Just as she was rounding a corner the doors at the end of the corridor slid open and two Junite guards exited the room. The Time Lord quickly hid in a doorway around the corner that she had previously rounded. She waited until the two guards were out of sight to return to way she was going. She was definitely going to check out the room they had just exited. The Doctor slinked up towards the door and instantly unlocked it with her sonic.
'Clearly this is a Junite ship. Now the question is why is it hiding under water in Bora Bora and not on Junifer.' She thought to herself as she entered the room.
The lights instantly flicked on as her stepped inside. She was completely shocked at what she saw. There were rows and rows of holding cells that held all different kinds of species behind glass walls. As she walked along the corridor she saw that each cell was labeled with what species and planet they were from. Except these weren't holding cells. These were exhibits. This was a zoo! The Doctor walked on in disgust. How could the Junite's do this! They were usually a peaceful and reasonable people. They worshiped flowers for Rassilon sake!
The Doctor stopped as soon as she came across the human exhibit. "A normal human family from Earth" it read. Inside was the missing little boy, and what she assumed were to be the missing couple. She placed a hand on the glass encasement.
"I'm going to get you out. All of you," She said determined.
"I'm afraid that won't be happening, Doctor."
The Time Lord turned to see Zamora stand there with guards at her sides.
"What have you done? This is sick and inhumane! I thought your people were all about peace and flower power," The Doctor held up the peace sign to emphasize her point.
"Humans used to do this with animals on their own planet. They preserved them, and kept them in top shape to be viewed by the world. Now they can be viewed by the universe," Zamora explained.
"But why," The Doctor questioned.
"As of recent, our flowers have not been blooming. The ones that do bloom aren't as vibrant and lively as they used to be. Our festival has diminished, and no one comes to visit or celebrate anymore. We must find a new way to bring the people back. What better way than an exotic zoo? However, Doctor, we are no longer taking applications for female humans of your age. So, we won't be needing your services." She grabbed a golden headband tiara from a nearby solider. "We don't need you getting in our way."
Two guards grabbed her arms and held her as she struggled against them.
"We're just going to distract you until we've gotten our final specimen. Think of it like this… now you'll finally get to enjoy this 'couple's retreat' your companion often spoke of."
"What is that?" The Doctor raised her voice as Zamora approached her with the gold band. "No! Stop!"
The Doctor was knocked unconscious as soon as the band was placed tightly on her head. It wouldn't be coming off anytime soon.
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renee-writer · 5 years
The Contract Chapter 8 An Important Conversation
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"We should talk." Jamie says as he directs her into his private quarters. She is fasinated by the old wallpaper, the fireplace, just the old feel of his space.
"Yes. How old is this building?" Raised by an historian, her curiosity temporarily overshadows her desire.
"Lallybroch was built around 1706 and this suite, the original Laird's bedchamber, is part of the orginal."
"Wow! I was raised by an historian. My dad's brother, Lambert Beauchamp. He would be fasinated by this whole place."
"Weel, ye are welcome to invite him. I will give him a tour." He watches her face fall.
"He passed away last year."
"Christ Claire. I dinna ken."
"We really don't know each other."
"Aye, so, let's talk. Just talk."
"Can we?" She takes a seat on the loveseat in the corner of the room. He sits across from her in a wingback chair.
"Maybe. We need to try. If this is real, we need to know more then each others wee noises."
"True. Well, I was raised by Uncle Lamb because my parents died in an auto accident when I was five." He goes to reach for her then fisted his hand. She gives him a sad smile. "I barely remember them. Uncle Lamb was an historian and archeologist. I was raised around the world. It was a very unusual childhood. It is where I first started to fall in love with medicine. I saw what it could do, you see." He nods. "I knew I wanted to be a healer. But, not a doctor."
"Why not?"
"To far away from the patients. So nurse practitioner is perfect."
"Uncle Lamb got to see me graduate. I am glad of it."
"What happened?"
"A stroke. He was on a dig and just fell over." He gasps. "What is it?"
"We have that in common. My da was felled the same way. Was in the grain field and.."
"I am so sorry Jamie."
"I was nineteen. My mam passed when I was but eight. The cancer it was."
"Both orphans." It took all that was in her not to reach for him. He nods, biting her lip as the first tear falls. He had grieved his parents passing many a time but, it was different with Claire. She would ken in a way that only Jenny, his sister could.
He looks up and meets her eyes and she forgets she isn't to be touching him. She opens her arms and he stumbles two steps into them. She holds him, weeps with him, as they both grieve.
"Tell me something good." She had lifted his head off her chest after they had cried themselves out. She wipes his face of tears. He smiles and touches his forehead to hers.
"Murtagh. He is my Godfather as well as, CEO. He has become my da. He isna happy about this."
"Us. Whatever it is between us." His words tickle across her face. She feels her blood rush to her breast, pool between her legs. No, they aren't done talking yet. She pulls back. He understands and just keeps a hold of her hand. "It is easier if we are touching, aye?"
"Yes, it is. We shall return to that." He nods. "Tell me about Lallybroch Distillery." He grins.
"It was started by my grandda, Jacob. Lallybroch has been in the family since it was built. It has been a hotel, wedding venue, even rented out as apartments, at one point. Auld Jacob decided to return her to her roots. He started farming, then selling the grain spirits, from the essence grain, ye ken, to his neighbors. The fame spread and Lallybroch Distillery was born."
"And you inherited it as the eldest?" She guesses.
"Nae Claire, I am not the eldest. That would be Willy, would have been Willy, then Janet( Jenny), lastly me." She waits, heart in her mouth. What had happened to Willy? "William Jacob Fraser came six months after my parents wedding. My mam was a Mackenzie, ye ken, and her brothers dinna wish her to marry a Fraser. A positive pregnancy test changed their minds. Willy was my hero, the best big brother. He ne' got on me for following him around. Twas just God's providence I wasna with him when it happened." He tightens his hand in hers. "He was swimming in the Loch. A storm came up. He lost his way and drowned. He had just turned five and ten."
She had no words that could comfort so, she slipped off the loveseat and into his lap. She just held him. He didn't cry( was he grieving for Willy earlier too?) He just got still except for the hand stroking her back
"How old were you?" She finally asks.
"Six. Jenny was ten. She dinna want this job. It wasna a gender thing. She had already married Ian and was six months gone with wee Jamie when da died."
"So, that left you?"
"Aye. Aye, and a grand fit it is. This was all I ever wanted. To farm the land. To make the best spirits in the Highlands. Was all I dreamed of."
"Aye, it still is but, now there is something I want just as much."
"That is?"
"You." He lowers his lips to her.
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mikosdreams · 5 years
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Kim Namjoon starring as Choi Woojun
McDoine Nancy starring as Rey Yukina
Green Viridiana starring as Irina
Woojun shuffles around the eggs in the frying pan, breaking them apart as the pancakes set on two plates beside him. Silky skin run against his skin, Irina rests the side of her head against his back. "Good morning, Junie~" She calls out to him, sleepiness still covering her voice. "Good morning, Nana." He greets back as he puts the scrambled eggs on their plates, "May I finish up breakfast?" He asks as a smile wraps up on his lips as his fingers dance across her arms. Irina slowly moves away from him and sets herself in a chair at the island, "No bacon?" She asks as she watches him put a tiny scoop of ice cream on their pancakes. "Remember what happened to your mouth?" He asks as he takes a side glance and Irina groans, "Yes, painful but tasty." She whines as she slumps in her chair. "I don't think Ulits are supposed to have so much oil because you had the same incidents with deep fried." He says as he sets down their food in front of them, "But I promised sausage is just as good." He says as he starts to eat his food.
Irina smiles as she watches him, both in blissful silence for once in a while as they eat. Woojun holds the folded newspaper in his left hand, using his right hand to transfer between eating and drinking his black coffee. His thick-rimmed reading glasses stay perched nicely on his nose as he reads down the long article. The Ulit smiles as she looks out the kitchen window, seeing the sunlight slowly crawl to push the lingering shadows off the neighborhood. Most people are still underneath the covers of their bed and others are possible at work by now, this is what Irina called home after being here a year.
A grin replaces her soft smiles as she sees Minho barrel out of his house, a messy head of hair and wrinkled dinosaur pajamas. Crackers following soon after the eight-year-old and a sleepy mother carrying a jug of orange juice in one hand, coffee in the other as she heads towards their house. The front door slams against the wall in the foyer, Woojun shakes his head as a smile stretches back on his face as he towards to see the small child run in the room. "Hi, Woojun! Hi, mommy! Momma brought orange!" He shouts happily as he picks up Crackers to set him in the chair to share, "Mommy could I have some oatmeal?" He asks sweetly with big puppy eyes.
"Of course, baby. Peaches or apples?" Irina asks as she pushes the half ate plate in front of Yukina, who thanks her quietly. "Peaches, please!" He smiles as Crackers quakes loudly in agreement as Woojun stands up to make a small bowl of duck food. "What are we going to do today, Minho?" Woojun asks as he sets the small bowl in front of the duck before sitting down, "I don't know but Crackers needs a swimming pool." Minho replies as he sets Crackers on the table to eat. "A swimming pool?" Woojun blurts out in shock as his eyes widen making him look ridiculous, "Yes! He needs to swim, he is a duck." Minho says nonchalantly as he starts to eat his oatmeal. Irina laughs as Woojun glares at her and Yukina smiles a bit, "He been talking about it nonstop." Yukina admits as she finishes off her coffee, "Could I sleep in your room, Irina? I have an awful headache." She asks as she rubs her head, "Of course, Yukina." She smiles as she gives her a small shoulder rub before taking the dirty dishes.
Irina holds Crackers leash as Minho convinced her to take him to buy a kiddie pool for his best friend, Woojun wanted to drive them but Crackers doesn't do well in car rides or being home alone. Minho gasps as he points at the small pools that are set up outside for viewing, excitement rushes through him as he starts to run to the small convenience store. Laughter flows through Irina as she follows Minho happy, Crackers quaking loudly as he runs beside the woman. It is times like this, Irina forgets. She forgets this isn't her home, this world is different.
It was all too fast for her, too fast for her to react in time. The car set in front of his small body, his swallow but rapid breathing reaches her ears as she rushes over to him. Her hands lifting and carefully placing him so he could breath better, the man steps outside of the car. His lips were moving but all she could focus on was his breathing and heartbeat, her baby was struggling. Her baby is suffering in pain and she is unable to take it all away, she is unable to help. Hands wrap around her arms and pull her away from Minho, Crackers is removed when he tries to attack. The paramedics surround him, talking amongst themselves.
"Irina!" Woojun calls as he runs past the police and wrap his arms around her, "I am so sorry." She cries out as her arms wrap around the tall human. "I forgot. I forgot." She sobs into his shirt as she looks away from the scene, unable to watch when she is unable to hear his small heart. "It is okay, accidents happen." He whispers into her hair as he watches them close the door, "We need to go get Yukina and head to the hospital." He pulls away from her to get a better look of her face. He is crushed seeing her so miserable, he pulls her close as he heads to his vehicle. The duck is silently watching them through the window, it was obvious that Minho meant so much to all of them but this was going to destroy Yukina.
Irina sat in the backseat as she holds Crackers, Woojun went inside to retrieve Yukina. It wasn't long until loud sobs were heard, Woojun helps the mother out of his home and into his car. Her sobs fill the once quietness but do nothing to help their sadness, the sadness that was chained to a boulder at the bottom of the sea. The alien looks up when she felt the vehicle stops moving, "Yukina, whatever happens, I need you to know that this is an accident. No one meant to hurt Minho." He whispers to Yukina. Irina sets Crackers down and steps out of the car, she is unable to handle the talking. The woman drags her heavy feet towards the hospital, she stands at the desk quietly for a minute before speaking up. "Rey Minho." She states as the nurse looks up startled by her presence, "I'm sorry?" The nurse asks in shock. "Rey Minho, the boy that was rushed here." She says again, her emotions stir inside her like she is about to snap if she doesn't know where Minho is. The nurse types quickly and after a few moments look up, "Are you a relative?" She asks and her eyes drift behind the Ulit. "I am his mother." Yukina speaks up as she places a hand on Irina's back, Irina flinches feeling like Yukina should be furious with her instead of so caring.
"Minho is still in surgery, once he is out I will take you to his room." The nurse replies calmly as she stands up and leaves, hopefully, to go check. They sit down in silence as their minds drift to Minho, all hoping he is going to be okay. Irina closes her eyes, she can hear his heartbeat in her ears. It is stable but slow like he is fighting. A sob rips from her, lending forward as her body is thrown into a coughing fit. Yukina and Woojun rub her back, comforting motion. Letting her get it out of her system, "Minho will be okay." Yukina whispers as she strokes Irina's hair. "How do you know?" She cries out as she holds her head in her hands, "He is my son and he has always been a fighter, this isn't his first battle with death himself." She answers as she watches Irina with teary eyes, "My son has the heart of a fighter and a soul of a lover. He is going to make it." She says confidently as she pulls Irina in her arms.
"Miss Rey?" The nurse calls out, "He is asleep but you can see him now." She says as she waits for them to gather their pieces up and follow her. "The doctor will be back in a few hours," She says as they enter the room, "Get sleep if you can. It's going to be a long night." She leaves quietly as they look at the boy who is attached to a few machines and bandaged up quite a bit. Nonetheless, his heart is beating strong, breathing on his own. His mother is right, he is a fighter but that doesn't make the pain hurt any less or disappear, Irina carefully holds his small hand in hers as she watches him sleep. "I am sorry." She whispers as she watches him with a loving but scared stare, "I hope you can still love me."
--- END ---
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queercapwriting · 7 years
Hey could you maybe write another physical injury/hurt/comfort fic? I'd really need some comfort and the only way my mind accepts it is if it comes because of physical pain.It's like non-physical pain isn't 'worthy' of comfort for my mind.Logically I know that's stupid but my feelings still beg to differ, if that makes sense.And not even that works in real life lol. I ended up in a hospital a couple months back and I refused to let anyone visit and insisted to help out everyone. My mind sucks :(
She’s not wearing her vest when she gets shot.
She’s not wearing her vest and  the bullet just misses collapsing her lung and she’s in surgery for eight hours.
Eight hours during which it takes the combined strength of the Martian Manhunter and Supergirl to keep Alex from torturing and killing the man who shot her.
Despite their unearthly strength, Alex still gets a few solid hits in.
She tries to wash off most of his blood before they finally tell her that her girlfriend is in recovery, that she can go see her (J'onn and Kara had delivered a few carefully worded threats about the hospital’s “family only” policy ahead of Alex’s arrival, mainly to prevent Alex from straight up murdering a nurse or physician’s assistant).
Maggie’s voice is groggy and unfocused, but it’s her voice, it’s her voice, it’s her voice.
“Hey.” Alex’s voice is hoarse from eight hours of screaming and raspy with unshed tears and quaking with she’s alive, she’s okay, she’s okay.
“You look like you’ve been through hell,” Maggie whispers like she’s not the one with oxygen tubes in her nose and IVs in her veins and stitches holding her torso together.
“You were touch and go for a while,” is Alex’s only explanation, and tears flood Maggie’s eyes.
“I’m sorry.”
“What? No. No, Maggie, you have nothing to – why would you – Maggie, please don’t apologize, I should be, I wasn’t there to protect you – ”
“It was a routine patrol, Danvers. It’s fine. I’m fine. I’m not going anywhere, okay? I’m fine.”
And she is, she is – Alex has to repeat it like an unending mantra in her head – but her recovery is going to be long, and if Alex thought Maggie was stubborn before, she reaches a whole new level with this.
Because she’s not supposed to walk unassisted.
But Alex catches her getting up to go to the bathroom alone in the middle of the night because “you looked so peaceful sleeping, Danvers.”
And she’s not supposed to change her own bandages, but Alex catches her trying anyway, because “Why should you have all the fun, Danvers?”
And she’s supposed to take her pain meds regularly, but Alex finds the bottle just as full as she left it when she headed out to the DEO, because “They get me loopy and it’s whatever, it’s just a flesh wound at this point.”
“Maggie. I need you to listen to me, and I need you to try and hear me. Okay?”
Maggie gulps because she thinks she knows what’s coming, and her lip trembles and she clenches her jaw because who wants to be with someone who’s gonna take so long to recover from a stupid injury, who wants to be stuck in the house when she could be playing pool, making out, with someone else?
Someone who’s not scared of getting addicted to the pain meds, someone who doesn’t need the damn things to begin with?
“I know you don’t like talking about yourself. And I know you don’t know how to be taken care of. Because I don’t think anyone’s ever really taken care of you. But I want to, Maggie. I want to take care of you. That’s what I’m here for. But I need you to not sabotage that, okay? You have to let your body heal, okay? You have to try and trust me, just a little bit, just enough to take care of you while you’re still healing up. And then you can go back to pretending you can kick my ass at sparring.”
“I can, I can do it right now, Danvers – ”
Alex laughs and Maggie cracks the first real grin she’s had in days.
“You’re not mad at me?”
“Maggie, how could I possibly be mad at you?”
Maggie’s lip wobbles and her jaw clenches and she looks away.
“I’m all needy, and… and boring.”
Alex sighs and lays down next to her, tossing the covers over both of them and propping herself up on a stack of pillows. She grabs at the remote and puts her arm around Maggie’s shoulders and snuggles her close, flipping on Netflix as she kisses Maggie’s temple.
“Mandatory bed rest, Netflix, comfy pillows, and an even comfier girlfriend? How could I ever be bored, Maggie?”
The next time she has to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, she pokes Alex awake timidly and lets her help her hobble inside.
The next time she has to change her bandages, she watches how gentle, how loving, how attentive, how skilled, Alex’s hands are, and she makes Alex blush with a series of comments about her hot doctor girlfriend.
The next time she needs pain meds, she lets Alex regulate her amount and makes sure she eats and has plenty of water.
And the next time she feels like she doesn’t deserve to be taken care of, like it’s just a flesh wound and she should be able to take care of it all herself, she lets Alex kiss her and whisper sweet everythings in her ear, and she lets Alex help her heal.
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sailourpastel · 7 years
Cold turkey in Kyrgyzstan. Facing Inner Demons: Stories of recovering drug addicts
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Cold turkey in Kyrgyzstan. Facing Inner Demons: Stories of recovering drug addicts
Yes yeah your life flashes before your eyes Roslin and you start seeing connections between things yes good woman mine's a simple story wedding spielen started with a beer kissy girl that led to a joint NASA voice and then it got more serious thirty-three-year-old you've gained E is heroin dependent he's married with a child and has used drugs since he was 18 they're no good to you I've taken drugs since the early nineties but Abu Morton it was trendy then one and I was young and stupid war we thought it was something special and I wanted to stand out from the crowd Sergei is 37 with a wife and son he's been heroin-addicted for 16 years when I was 19 did it not yet Mitchell I started taking oxycontin then they went up to 120 dollars each instead of 60 lavazza and they weren't that easy to get anyway then a friend offered me some heroin to try gleb is 24 he lives in the USA with his parents he's been arrow independent for five years the Central Asian state of Kyrgyzstan is a mountain country between the Tian Shan and pamir ranges with beautifully picturesque scenery of wide valleys and stunning lakes what you look like a lot of my patients are ordinary good well bred and educated people but because of different circumstances they found themselves in this position yep see society the government and the politicians generally have no idea cool the drug and its are young or what it means to have one in the family addicts from all over the world have been coming here for more than 20 years when they hit rock bottom they seek help in Kyrgyzstan when you have gained his life was in danger his family brought him to the clinic his wife Maria came with him soon we bought a new car yes yes and I really wanted to keep the sons I hoped I'd be able to drive myself but I just couldn't that's what made me realize that I really needed help the whole point is that he's come off his own free will I didn't want to force him it would be useless if it hadn't been his decisions I didn't want to come at first he has to really want to do it I didn't have enough willpower maria fell in love at her dream wedding and then the child she always wanted with her man at her side it was a shock to learn that her husband was a drug user his sister was the first to realize he had a problem lookin saying you I wouldn't really believe it she tried hard to open my eyes how can you not see it she asked but I just refused to believe I said it couldn't possibly be true suppose it's only natural a woman always thinks her man is the best in the world is the illusion of all the close friends I've ever had only one is still alive some overdosed others were killed or died in prison well well this isn't exactly what you'd call a safe way of life it's been a long road I should have come here way back in 93 but the truth is that I was sent to prison several times and so it wasn't something I could do once the body becomes accustomed to drugs it needs them all the time when addicts don't get the heroin they crave they experience withdrawal symptoms which often include acute pain so their patients are not subjected to that torture the doctors chemically induce a coma this who's his doctor I am his name's of Dar has 29 and at the moment he's going through his fourth blockade he's been taking drugs for five years from 2005 here occasionally used marijuana and then harun from 2007 to 2009 for the last six months has been on crystal meth he alternates between drugs and has taken heroin about once a month in the last six months now he says he's ready for the pilgrimage yellow yellow we give new patients a thorough examination first of all and carry out all the necessary tests after that we individually select the best treatment method for each of them what they think oh so for some patients as few as three or four sessions are enough while others may need five or six or even more comfort they are comfortable in this state cousin you see literally if their temperature rises or the pulse rate increases because of sympathy and renal attack or if the patient's life is in danger that we can bring them out of induced coma at any time there is an antidote drug addicts don't only endanger themselves but also the lives of their families and friends parents spouses and children always suffer as well relatives usually go with the patients to the clinic they take the long road to recovery together loomis today I think by now you all know that the treatment they go through is quite tough and it's easier for the patients when it's a family member who looks after them when a family first becomes aware of addiction the first reactions are often confusion panic and anger doctors describe close relatives of drug users as codependent well as in bloody man what are you feeling now just listen what are you thinking about my only thought is about how to get rid of it what to do right what to do yeah how to help yes what I can do to help haunts me what can be done what steps to take at the organ y NOS llamo the incredible sense of guilt is tearing us apart that make you it's haunting and depressing the birthday that's got that how could it have happened why did it happen to my child story unions what did I overlooked but it's gonna depend what did I do wrong cuz the richness that's what happens when a person's mind is consumed with thinking about someone else another Aquabat sir sometimes these thoughts just take up too much space in your brain it's like that that's what work so you don't have much time left to develop your mind and personality am i right the treatment is intended to help not just the patients but their families as well to ease their guilt pain and fear once a drug addict does give up heroin perseverance is vital for that they need to be calm and relaxed rock-hopper they are medicated so they can continue their psychotherapy treatment with a clear mind we'll work with them for at least a week but that varies for different patients in the con average the psychotherapy takes seven days we can predict quite accurately which of our patients is most likely to fight until the end and which will break what's the swing if they don't have the inner strength will power and an intense desire to overcome their addiction and then it is highly likely that one day maybe much later after a year or even ten they'll eventually started taking drugs again Gleb was always an adrenaline junkie and an extreme-sports enthusiasts he first tried heroin in his search for yet another high nips toy wake up clever clever time to get up brush knees he liked it and was hooked that's how he ended up here in the kyrgyz clinic you're beautiful what first interested me about him was the fact that he'd come from the USA at that time malev was the youngest of my patients that made him the most difficult he was 22 and wanted to see everything there is to see in the world he's full of illusions that's impossible to persuade him of anything he never listens to anyone klebs parents brought him to the clinic last year but he couldn't make it through the treatment he gave up and went home whatever we keep in touch with patients for six months after the treatment we learned that he was taking five pills instead of the one he was prescribed he knew what he was doing but he's a thrill seeker and he was but for a dhryn alene ah the medicine overdose was far too much for him he nearly died now Gleb is back at the clinic to complete his treatment to prove to himself and the doctors that he can do it even at the clinic there is still temptations after the coma stage you have gained II met a patient who invited him to smoke some weed well that's bullshit we had a huge row we have no secrets from each other so one day he just came out and said that he wanted to smoke marijuana I told her honestly that they had offered me some to smoke than I did he said I couldn't say no and then the doctors had to bring me around we use what's called the stress energetic psychotherapy method which first appeared in 1988 any mental disorder is linked to the soul especially we're talking about drug or alcohol addiction it's all rooted in our emotional experience on the shores of Lake is it cool the patients take a 24-hour vow of silence they live or stare lives and meditate in search of inner peace for this spiritual journey everyone chooses their own ritual stone they try to transfer all their fears pain and drug-filled past into their stones the UH LaBelle pass is about 3,000 meters above sea level and marks the starting point for each patient's final trial the pilgrimage 250 kilometers of rugged mountain terrain they'll have to negotiate it on foot and they're likely to suffer from heat cold sore feet and lack of oxygen gleb attempted the pilgrimage last year but failed the rough hike proves too much for him after 50 kilometers the young man could go no further nobody tell me I hurt my back badly either way you have to get out of  here look around and make a decision and just it's not that I didn't want to I did show up after all show me where it hurts was here I jumped onto a snowboard to put him about 30 meters and missed now every step I take hurts but it's tonight Gleb our first stop is in two and a half kilometers look what's the point I could go on but what for so you're not going I could go on but it's pointless well at least you'd get that far but I know that I won't get any further what if you really want to give up no but I already know I won't make it when it came to picking a stone I chose a huge one it must have been about eight kilos I think that she's doing I didn't know then that I'd have to carry it 250 kilometers that's why it ended up so badly I have problems with my back I nearly broke my spine when I was 15 so on the first day my back hurt like crazy but they even wanted to give up but decided against it I walked for three days but as my stone was too heavy I broke it into pieces to make it lighter and was disqualified yes now though I've come again to finish the whole 250 kilometers who's a good little glib a lot of people were against bringing you back to the clinic do you understand they still don't really want you here but we've decided to give you a second chance give gainey has also begun his pilgrimage which should take about a week one of the doctors accompanies him and an ambulance delivers everything he might need medicines water and attempt to sleep in this is the second day wow I've got four or five to go it all depends on how fast I can hike there isn't happen to be honest I thought it would be easier especially the first day I didn't think 60k a day would be too difficult I did 20 k and then another 10 and that's when it got really hard for the last 5 or 10 kilometers I haven't been walking as much as crawling yes with you bear Seattle while you're walking your life flashes before your eyes then you start seeing connections between things ok I think about my future about everything really Moisture mobile showroom where there's no one to talk to you so sometimes I hum tunes to myself yeah yellow suit I'm preparing a surprise for my dear husband I want to show him how much I love him of course he already knows good but I want him to read my banner from the mountain so you can see for himself it's stuff up there I want at least to make his last two kilometers a little easier so he'll hurry knowing i'm waiting for him there's no stable means we miss each other so much which Allah silber Maria stood by her husband at every stage of the treatment they cried argued and made up together hoping he'd recover was he a strong man probably if he can do it he hasn't yet he's only been walking for three days he can do it you're confident right I have no doubt at all I know he can make it to the end what will you do if he started taking drugs again again no he won't I'm sure I don't even want to think about it what if well I'd stand by him to the end if he breaks we'll try to cure him again well done what a woman not everyone can cope with the test of the pilgrimage some patients need to face emotional rather than physical trials I'm not well enough to go on the pilgrimage listen there's not the airport I'd like to but I know I'm just not strong enough to get through it what a confusion was it so if you think about it shock therapy seems to be quite a reasonable alternative doctors call this stress energetic psychotherapy but in layman's terms it's shock therapy he came to us was serious withdrawal symptoms and went through six black aids monkey are you sure in your own mind that you'd give up one hundred percent why do you think so many people say that I don't know you have some experience of the criminal world right sure I know it inside out many say they're one hundred percent sure and the next thing they're shooting up again I don't know about them but i can give you my word I'm a man and I always keep my promises that's how I was brought up the doctors have decided that after his induced coma and therapy sessions Sergei should now be given shock therapy at first he couldn't make up his mind he wanted to go on the pilgrimage she said I want to carry this stone with my past and my pain I can do it Sergei has survived severe trials before he was in solitary confinement in prison and I'm sure he can pass the test but the big question though is how important it is to him so I think that for him stress energetic psychotherapy is the best option the procedure takes half an hour the doctors think of it as a psychological reboot bright lights loud shouting and aggressive clapping help clear and reprogram the patient's mind the process induces a cathartic state ok that before it's a little like hypnosis thank you slowly we repeat you're strong you're powerful you can do it there's no need for drugs in your life anymore and these subliminal thoughts become imprinted in their minds the next day these ideas get stuck in their heads though they don't remember the actual words when you say gleb sets out on his pilgrimage again this time he's chosen a smaller stone which will be physically easier for him but psychologically much harder loving parents and a good career are waiting for him at home and he's promised to come back cured romola doom cocky I wanted him to remember the exact moment that he finished his journey Stephanie malish I wanted to make it special mr. i know it was quite a demanding experience for him and I'm so proud of him for proving he was able to do it a cleansing summer rain shower began just as you've gained he completed his week-long pilgrimage the treatment was over the patient's rid themselves of their negative past by discarding their stones and symbolically burning their troubles on the sacred touchdown at our Mountain the most important thing is that I've saved my marriage all this is thanks to my wife who's waited 16 years for me after the treatment Sergei kept in touch with the clinic for a month he claims to have stopped taking drugs now he's not answering his phone and no one knows where he is yo I've been going to university for five years and still have no degree but now i am going to graduate Gleb finished his pilgrimage and returned to the USA he doesn't take drugs and has taken up extreme sports again he is convinced he will never return to abusing drugs again shit up bullet though I flew a paraglider yesterday and I'm thinking of buying one the euros where I live a perfect for it you've gained Ian Maria have returned to their hometown and changed their social circle if gaining has found a new job now it has taken no drugs for six months he wants to give up smoking and hopes for a second child you
See more here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XD58-3aDgDg
drug rehabilitation centers
Source: http://eliterehaballiance.com/video-blog/cold-turkey-in-kyrgyzstan-facing-inner-demons-stories-of-recovering-drug-addicts
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