#Sheryfa Luna
coulisses-tv · 3 months
Mask Singer - Perle était... Sheryfa Luna ! Regardez son démasquage (vidéo)
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actu24hp · 2 years
Sheryfa Luna shares a rare photo of her son
If everyone knows the story of her denial of pregnancy when she had just been crowned winner of Popstars, at just 18 years old, Sheryfa Luna has since taken great care to preserve his personal life. Seven years after the birth of her eldest, Junior, she gave birth to a second son, Ibrahim. ” My head is in the clouds and my heart is in heaven, my son Junior is the most proud and happy of the big…
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etams · 6 years
Sheryfa Luna - D’Ici et D’Ailleurs
Je suis d'ici et d'ailleurs
I am from here and there
Entre deux vies
Between two lives
Celle que je retrouve dehors, et celle que je recherche encore
The one I can find outside, and the one I’m still looking for
Je suis d'ici et d'ailleurs
I am from here and there
Entre deux vies
Between two lives
Celle dont je vois le décor, et celle qui m'échappe encore
The one I’m seeing clearly, and the one I can’t still quite grasp
J'ai besoin de me connaître
I need to know myself
J'ai besoin de savoir d'où je viens
I need to know where I come from
Retenir les mots, les gestes, les rituels qui me rattachent aux miens
Remember the words, the gestures, the rituals that connect me to my people
Quand je me sens solitaire
When I’m feeling lonely
Je me raccroche aux valeurs de mes gens
I go back to the values of my people
Mes parents dont je suis fière qui m’ont fait métisse et différente
My parents whom I’m proud of, who made me mixed and different
Emmène-moi là où sont mes racines
Take me to where my roots are
Une partie de moi a du mal à vivre
A part of me has a hard time living
Je suis d'ici et d'ailleurs
I am from here and there
Entre deux vies
Between two lives
Celle que je retrouve dehors, et celle que je recherche encore
The one I can find outside, and the one I’m still looking for
Je suis d'ici et d'ailleurs
I am from here and there
Entre deux vies
Between two lives
Celle dont je vois le décor, et celle qui m'échappe encore
The one I’m seeing clearly, and the one I can’t still quite grasp
J'ai grandis dans ma province
I grew up in my province
Je connais par cœur mon quartier, ma ville
I know my neighborhood, my city by heart
On peut lire dans mes empreintes
You can read in my footprints
Tout ce que les épreuves m'ont appris
Everything life taught me
Mais une partie de moi-même me manque et m'empêche de me construire
But a piece of me is missing and keeps me from realizing myself
C'est un bled après la mer
It’s a country across the sea
Aller là-bas sera comme y revenir
Going there will be like coming back
Emmène-moi là où sont mes racines
Take me to where my roots are
Une partie de moi a du mal à vivre
A part of me has a hard time living
Je suis d'ici et d'ailleurs
I am from here and there
Entre deux vies
Between two lives
Celle que je retrouve dehors, et celle que je recherche encore
The one I can find outside, and the one I’m still looking for
Je suis d'ici et d'ailleurs
I am from here and there
Entre deux vies
Between two lives
Celle dont je vois le décor, et celle qui m'échappe encore
The one I’m seeing clearly, and the one I can’t still quite grasp
Ce sentiment d'être à part 
That feeling of being unique
Je n'suis pas seule à l'avoir
I’m not the only one who has it
On est des milliers, des millions
We are thousands, millions
À être partagés entre deux peuples à chaque bout du monde
Torn between two people all over the world
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rapha-reads · 6 years
Non, mais, en vrai, en vrai, j’étais super emo quand j’avais 12-15 ans. Sérieux. J’écoutais Sheryfa Luna, j’écrivais des poèmes tristes, je traînais sur des skyblogs, je claquais les portes et me disputais avec ma mère tous les jours, je me faisais chier à longueur de journée ... En gros j’étais une putain d’ado normale, quoi. MSN c’était ma vie, m’occuper des histoires d’amour de mes potes mon passe-temps favori, et avec ma meilleure amie de l’époque on chantait des chansons tristes en se partageant une paire d’écouteurs et en se plaignant que personne ne nous comprenait.
Putain, laissez-moi redevenir une ado, la vie n’a aucun sens, j’ai envie d’être triste sans qu’on me juge.
“ça me fait mal, si mal, faut que j’te parle, écoute-moi” ...
(Non, mais sérieux, je connaissais tout un album de Sheryfa Luna par coeur quand j’avais 14 ans, je suis partagée entre la honte et les souvenirs attendris un peu embarrassants ...)
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keepscrollinghun · 2 years
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iloveeuropeanmusic · 5 years
Sheryfa Luna - Comme D'habitude (Audio)
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oscar-piastri · 3 years
the day charles listen to jena lee or pzk or diams i will forever stan him
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komca · 4 years
top 5 songs in french or singers who sing in french go
oof i don't listen to that many french artists, but i have one (1) playlist (there's barely anything on there but whatever) so i'll just dive in there I guess,,, also my music taste is questionable and I like storytelling so 😗
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mmmh okay let me think, I don't have favorite-favorites so I'm just going to tell you the ✨ staples ✨ when i'm with friends:
Celui - Colonel Reyel
Parle à ma main - Fatal Bazooka ft. Yelle
La Bohême - Charles Aznavour
Sous le vent - Garou & Céline Dion
Il avait les mots- Sheryfa Luna
I literally cant name french songs or artists rip 💀
Back in 2016, j'ai beaucoup aimé BigFlo et Oli, I still listen to them from time to time.
I'm not very familiar with the current scene but, I probs vibe with most things from 2000s/early 2010s and old stuff my parents made me listen to i guess 😅
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Je ne sais pas si vous vous en souvenez, c’était il y a longtemps, il y a environ une semaine, j’avais parlé d’une musique que j’écoutait beaucoup et qui me remontait le moral en ces temps de galère.
Bon et bien comme l’artiste n’est pas trop connu, et qu’il fait de la bonne musique, je vais lui faire un peu de pub comme je l’avais fait pour Eskemo et Elvuetie.
Donc mon dernier petit coup de cœur est l’album Génération 2000 de Romain Ughetto. Le concept est assez sympa, c’est des reprises des tubes des années 2000 est en version rock. Il y a Britney Spears, Sheryfa Luna, L5, Coldplay....
Je fais donc un premier post avec la reprise que je trouve la plus réussie, celle de Toxic de Britney Spears, pour la simple et bonne raison que je détestait cette chanson au collège, et qu’elle me rappelle un souvenir trrèèès malasant. Il fallait donc être fort pour me la faire apprécier :)
Un deuxième article arrive avec mon autre reprise préférée :)
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"Personne, je dis bien personne, ne m'a fait aussi mal que toi. Personne, je dis bien personne, ne t'aimera autant que moi. Malgré tous ces bons moments que l'on a passé, je tourne la page car je préfère tous les oublier. Je ne reviendrai jamais avec toi. Malgré tout tu me manques."
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brendan-block · 5 years
Whether it be melodies that give you inspiration for your muse or songs that get you into the writing mood – pick 10 songs you find give you the urge, the drive, or the creativity to write for your muse!
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Tagged by: @darkerdeariegold​
Tagging: Anyone who wants to do this!
Britney Spears - (Drop Dead) Beautiful
Celeste Buckingham - Run Run Run
Maroon 5 - Animals
Asher Monroe - Hush Hush
Rihanna - S&M
Simon Curtis - Super Psycho Love
Karmin - I want it All
Melanie Martinez - Dead to Me
Stellar - Marionette
Sheryfa Luna - Il Avait Les Mots (He Had The Words)
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rapha-reads · 4 years
Hey! Random anon back. Since you mentioned that you were listening to sad French songs about love, quelles sont tes chansons françaises préférées? They can be modern or more classic. Merci beaucoup :)
Hello dear anon !
What a great question, thank you ! I listen to a lot of French songs ... I’ve hesitated about how to do a rec list : only the artists I listen to ? A decade by decade top 10 ? An actual playlist ? I can’t really choose so I’m going to do a mix of the three.
A few notes before I start : this isn’t an exhaustive list. I’m mostly going to talk about artists/songs/genres that *I* like. Or artists/songs that I can’t NOT talk about, for whatever reason. 1, whatever the language, I don’t listen to all genres. 2, there are some artists that I absolutely cannot stand *cough* Benjamin Biolay *cough*. 3, I’m focusing on songs in French - a lot of French artists these days are singing in English, but here we’re talking about *French-language* songs.
Long post ahead. Part I : 10 songs, 6 decades (1960s-today). Part II : a compilation of some of my favourite artists. (to come) Part III : the playlist. (to come)
PART I : 10 songs per decade, one song per artist.
* songs I have a particular fondness for.
(The Classics, Part 1)
*1960 : Edith Piaf, Milord. *1961 : Charles Aznavour, J’me voyais déjà. 1962 : Gilbert Bécaud, Et maintenant. 1963 : Enrico Macias, Enfants de tous pays. *1964 : Jacques Brel, Amsterdam. *1965 : France Gall, Poupée de cire, poupée de son. 1966 : Marie Laforêt, Marie-Douceur, Marie-Colère.  *1967 : Nicoletta, La Musique. *1968 : Sylvie Vartan, La Maritza. 1969 : Georges Moustaki, Le Métèque.
(The Classics, Part 2)
1970 : Mike Brant, Laisse-moi t’aimer. *1971 : Julien Clerc, Ce n’est rien. 1972 :  Claude François, Le lundi au soleil. *1973 : Serge Lama, Je Suis Malade. *1974 : Dave, Vanina. 1975 : Nicolas Peyrac, Et mon père. 1976 : Johnny Hallyday, Requiem pour un fou. 1977 : Laurent Voulzy, Rockollection. *1978 : Daniel Balavoine, Le Chanteur. *1979 : Dalida, Laissez-moi danser.
(The best decade ever - aka It starts getting complicated)
1980 : Michel Berger, La groupie du pianiste. *1981 : Jean-Jacques Goldman, Il suffira d’un signe. *1982 : Indochine, L’Aventurier. *1983 : Rose Laurens, Africa. 1984 : Cookie Dingler, Femme Libérée. 1985 : Francis Cabrel, Encore et encore. *1986 : Jeanne Mas, En rouge et noir. 1987 : Guesch Patti, Etienne. 1988 : Mylène Farmer, Sans Contrefaçon. 1989 : Noir Désir, Aux sombres héros de l’amer.
(The renewal - aka Rap Decade - aka the Forgotten decade)
1990 : Thierry Hazard, Le jerk. *1991 : MC Solaar, Caroline. *1992 : Patrick Bruel, Alors regarde. *1993 : Alain Souchon, Foule Sentimentale. 1994 : Mano Negra, Santa Maradona. *1995 : Céline Dion, Pour que tu m’aimes encore. 1996 : 2be3, Partir un jour. *1997 : Louise Attaque, J’t’emmène au vent. *1998 : Manau, La Tribu de Dana. *1999 : Zebda, Tomber la chemise.
(The Messy decade - aka We don’t talk about the noughties) (aka I lived through it and my childhood is MESSY as hell) (aka sorry to the Frenchies, I know my tastes are terrible, I’m having fun)
2000 : Julie Zenatti, Si je m’en sors. 2001 : Lorie, Je serai (ta meilleure amie). *2002 : Calogero, En Apesanteur. *2003 : Florent Pagny, Ma liberté de penser. *2004 : Amel Bent, Ma philosophie. *2005 : Raphaël, Et dans 150 ans. *2006 : Diam’s, La Boulette. *2007 : Kamini, Marly-Gaumont. 2008 : Sheryfa Luna, Il avait les mots. *2009 : Tom Frager, Lady Melody.
(Lots of things. No idea what’s going on anymore. Some very good artists.)
*2010 : Zaz, Je veux. *2011 : Mika, Elle me dit. *2012 : Oldelaf, La Tristitude. *2013 : Stromae, Formidable. *2014 : Soprano, Clown. *2015 : Kendji Girac, Les Yeux de la Mama. *2016 : Claudio Capéo, Ça va ça va. *2017 : Gauvain Sers, Pourvu. *2018 : Hoshi, Ta Marinière. *2019 : Indila, Parle à ta tête.
This is getting long. Part II and III coming up soon.
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yelskamy · 5 years
Music Tag Game
Thanks @taiyotohoshi for tagging me!
Rules; Shuffle your playlist and list the first 10 songs that play, then tag 10 people.
+ Bisexual Anthem - Domo Wilson
+ Name - Armors
+ Icarus - Emma Blackery
+ I'm Not Okay - Weathers
+ Take Off - 2PM
+ breathin' - Thomas Sanders, Foti
+ Numb Without You - The Maine
+ Beachboy - McCafferty
+ Il Avait Les Mots - Sheryfa Luna
+ Tagging +
@just-a-space-gay @razzledazzle-lanceylance @peach-coffee-coaster @error404-willtolive-not-found @zeen-vale @bob-ross-killed-jimmy-nutron @sadsliceofhawaiianpizza @mia-tortillas-stuff @astro-aura @catabethchase
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grandmascottlang · 7 years
Il Avait les Mots (Peter Parker X Reader)
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Hey, guys! I know that I’ve been on a writing hiatus for a while, but I did want to write this story after the idea popped into my head. I did write this during my Tumblr hiatus (because I knew that I’d be back a few days after I had written this). After all of the stuff that been happening to me over the past few weeks, I really just needed to sit down and write some angst to get all of my feelings out. I wanted to base this story more on the friendships behind the relationship, just so you know. This story is loosely based on the French song “Il avait les mots” by Sheryfa Luna. I hope that you enjoy!
Translation: Il avait les mots → He used to have the words
Summary: Peter breaks up with [Name] and her friends comfort her while she’s feeling down.
Warnings: Angst, language, not eating, more focused on friendships than a relationship, texting
Words: 1.5k+
[Name] remembered it being a Wednesday in her favorite month.
“I’m sorry, [Name], but I can’t do this anymore. I hope that you’ll be able to forgive me.”
Peter walked away with a frown on his face, clearly not happy with what he felt was right to do. He broke up with his girlfriend, [Name], after three long years.
Peter had gotten his powers a year earlier and decided that he didn’t want anyone to hurt [Name] because of who he was (if anyone found out his identity). He really didn’t want it to come to this, but he had to do it.
[Name] was left there with no one there to comfort her in the middle of the hallway. She wasn’t given a very definitive reason as to why Peter wanted to break up. She had to assume. And she assumed the worst.
It was the middle of the day and she still had to make it through the day. [Name] ran to her locker and opened it, immediately ripping the photo of Peter and her off of the door. She looked down at the photo.
It was a selfie taken by Peter of him with a big grin on his face while [Name] gave him a kiss on the cheek. [Name] smiled briefly at the memory before tears ran down her face and fell onto the photo, displacing the ink. She chuckled softly, taking a deep breath before taking the photo in both of her hands and ripping it into tiny pieces. She couldn’t stand looking at the photo for any longer and just dropped the pieces on the ground beneath her.
Peter felt awful, bile rising in his stomach as he thought about what he had done. He wanted to do more than apologize but he couldn’t. He wasn’t hers anymore and she wasn’t his.
He thought that he might see her at her lock and be able to give her a better reason as to why he broke up with her, but when he saw her, the damage had already been done. [Name] was quietly crying to herself and dropped some pieces of paper to the floor. She then walked away.
Peter had a feeling that he knew what it was, but he needed to make sure. He walked to pick up the pieces and saw the ripped photo.
Tears rose in his eyes. “I made a big mistake,” he muttered under his breath, shakily as he cried. He knew that he wasn’t going to be a part of her life for any longer.
The outlines of tears were etched onto [Name]’s face as she went to go look for her friends during lunch. She saw Liz and MJ sitting together, Ned and Peter nowhere in sight. She took a sigh of relief.
She grabbed her lunch and sat down next to her friends. “Hey, guys.”
Liz was the first to look at her. [Name]’s eyes were red and bloodshot with tears threatening to escape the corners of her eyes. She noticed that [Name] had been crying earlier by the white outlines of dried tears sitting on top of her face. There was not a day where [Name] didn’t have a smile on her face, but today, a frown was on her visage.
“Oh my god, [Name], are you okay?” Liz asked with Michelle turning her head immediately after hearing Liz’s question.
“What happened?”
“Peter broke up with me.”
“Hey! Fries before guys, remember?” MJ said, trying to cheer [Name] up.
She chuckled before letting her tears fall into her food. She wasn’t feeling all to hungry anyways.
“You’re right. Guys suck anyways.”
The bell rang to go back to class and [Name] sadly smiled at her friends before walking away.
“I’m going to go kick that boy’s ass.” Michelle gritted her teeth and clenched her fists as she walked to class with Liz.
[Name], I’m so, so sorry for what I did to you. I didn’t mean to hurt you, but I had to do it-
Peter began to type out what he wanted to say before deleting it. “I don’t know how to do this.”
“Don’t know how to do what?” May questioned him as she walked into his room. “Oh, and by the way, is [Name] coming over today? We could go get some Thai?”
Tears began welling up in his eyes again. “I don’t think that [Name] is going to come over anymore, May.”
Guys, he just texted me. I don’t know what to do. -[Name]
Oooh, what’d he say? -MJ
MJ… -Liz
Right, sry, Liz. -MJ
[Name] sent a screenshot of the text that Peter had sent to her.
[Name], I am so sorry for what I did. I never meant to hurt you, and I realized that too late. I wish that I could have said all of the things in my mind, why I needed to do it, but I just couldn’t do it. I don’t know why and it’s really all my fault. I know that you’ll never be able to forgive me, but just know that I still care about you. I always have and always will. I’m sorry, [Name]. -Peter
After reading the text a million times to find a rhyme or reason, she couldn’t figure it out. And that’s what made her resentful and sad. [Name] questioned herself, “What did I do wrong?”
Omfg -MJ
He actually sent that? -MJ
And he still hasn’t told you why? -Liz
You don’t deserve that bullshit, [Name]. You deserve everything the world has to offer and then some. -MJ
Truth is he doesn’t deserve you. You deserve someone who returns your love, loyalty, and dedication. He was always “running” off somewhere and you definitely don’t need someone like that in your life. -Liz
Thank you so much, guys. For, you know, helping me through this. -[Name]
I think that it’s better if you let it out the best you can. I’ll always be here for you, [Name]. Through thick and thin, it’s not a problem. -Liz
It’s unfair that you have to go through this. So, hell yeah, we’re going to be here to lean on when you need some friends 😊 -MJ
A small smile found its way to [Name]'s face when she read the messages from her friends. She really did have the best of friends.
[Name] hadn’t slept or had a bite to eat since the breakup. The smell of food made her feel sick to her stomach and she couldn’t sleep with thoughts of Peter roaming around in her mind.
To keep herself occupied from not being able to sleep, she went through the pictures on her phone, but anytime there was one of Peter and her, she broke down. She was unconsciously torturing herself by looking at pictures of her and Peter together. She didn’t know that she would cry just seeing his smiling face next to her.
It was hard enough to get out of bed in the morning. She stayed in bed, feigning sickness to her parents. She didn’t go to school that day…
She got a text immediately when first period started.
Where tf are you? -MJ
I’m sick -[Name]
Oh, not you’re not, you’re letting that boy take over your emotions -MJ
[Name] began to write her a message back, but she couldn’t figure out the right words.
Alright, I have second period off, I’m coming over to your house with chocolate, ice cream, and whatever else you want, but you’re not going to stay in bed all day thinking of someone who treated you like shit. -MJ
[Name] sighed, maybe she should’ve just went to school.
“I know, Michelle! It’s just that he used to call me—”
“[Name], he used to call you sweetheart and baby. It doesn’t matter anymore. He used to have the words.”
“You’re right, I need to get over him.” [Name] ran her fingers through her hair, trying to collect her thoughts. “He did. I don’t need him anymore. I deserve better.”
Michelle put a small smile on her face. “Now that’s the spirit! Here, eat this.” She handed the other girl one of her favorite candy bars.
[Name] took the candy bar and ripped off the wrapper. She lifted it to her mouth and she caught a whiff of it. “I can’t eat this, MJ. I feel like I’m going to be sick.”
“You haven’t eaten anything, have you?”
[Name] held her head down, disappointed in herself. “I just can’t eat anything right now. I’m sorry.”
“Just promise me that you’ll eat something soon, okay?”
[Name] did eventually eat, it took her about a week or so to get back to where she was eating full meals and about a month before she was laughing and smiling again. It was a hard break up, but there was nothing that she could do about it.
Thanks to her friends, she began to feel like herself again. And she realized that she doesn’t need to be in a relationship to be happy. Of course, she’ll always have love Peter and wish him the best, but they weren’t friends anymore.
Peter realized that his mistake too late. He had brought a card and a bouquet of her favorite flowers. As he walked up to [Name]’s locker, [Name] had someone else with her: her new significant other. He really did have the words, but she didn’t need them anymore. Or him.
Tags (if you want to be tagged, fill out this form):
Permanent Tags-
@golden-guide @assbuttlikepie
Peter Parker-
@sugacravings @graceisobsessed @manucristiny
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iloveeuropeanmusic · 5 years
Sheryfa Luna, Mathieu Edward - Comme Avant
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oscar-piastri · 5 years
Share the French bops playlist!
ahah it’s on my ipod but i can give you some of the best bops
façon sex - tribal king
j’aimerais tellement - jena lee
toutes les nuits - colonel reyel
confessions nocturnes - diam’s et vitaa
elle me contrôle - m.pokora
pas sans toi - m.pokora
marly-gomont - kamini
entre toi et moi - mathieu edward
je me perds - jena lee
aurélie - colonel reyel
les filles adorent - pzk
parle à ma main - fatal bazooka et yelle
un monde sans danger - franck keller
juste une photo de toi - m.pokora
il avait les mots - sheryfa luna
garçon - koxie
je fais de toi mon essentiel - emmanuel moire
l’aventurier - indochine
les rois du monde - roméo et juliette
dernière danse - kyo
dis moi - bb brunes
femme like u - k maro
hey oh - tragédie
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