#Shifty’s in the background just rubbing it in.
ask-lifty-shifty · 1 year
What's up in a swap universe like "I'm Splendid, i'm a súper hero in love with a thief racoon" and Lifty's like "... Here we go again...."
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Is this what you’re talking about. cause I love it.
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ma1dita · 5 months
I need a pt 2 to the Luke and long distance!gf PLEASEEEEE
pt 1 here
a/n: man... getting out of my writing rut so here's this filth. sexting. kinda public. luke cums in his pants. what a loser
wc: 780
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Luke’s phone buzzes for the third time in a row in his Financial Marketing lecture today. The notification shakes his phone against the wood of the table to the point that it’s bugging the hell out of Chris who’s locked into whatever the professor’s saying—but as soon as Luke sees your name flash across the slightly cracked screen of his iPhone, he drops his pen in favor of you. His brother rolls his eyes, slumping further into his seat head lolling against his arm. There’s a smile that immediately settles upon Luke’s cheeks at the thought of you.
“baby 🤭 you busy?”
“why are you not answering you don’t even like this class anyway”
“fine ig i’ll ask someone else for their opinion 🤷🏻‍♀️” 
He chuckles lowly as he types out a reply, “opinion on what babe 👀” and Chris nudges his arm with a nod to ask if everything’s good. The professor drones on in the background about the stock market and for once, Luke is glad that Hermes gave him the ability to skate through his Econ degree (the only think he’ll be grateful to his absent father for), because it gives him more time to focus on more important things, like the slew of images of you trying on bikinis that infiltrate his phone.
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“oops sorry! guess i sent them to the wrong person”
He gulps almost comically, shifting in his seat as he saves them for later. Shifty eyes and quick fingers can only do so much in a crowded lecture hall. But you see that his read receipts are on, and frankly the lack of a response is irritating when you’re pulling your best poses in the comfort of your living room. Boys never get how much effort it takes to be sexy.
“damn. guess i’ll go find a new boyfriend who can appreciate all of this”
Luke sighs, half stifled by is need to see you bare and his spit going down the wrong pipe that he clears his throat loudly, trying to ignore his jeans tightening by the second. Licking his lips, he clicks on the presentation slides, trying to catch up to where the professor is after your very welcome distractions. 
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He presses the ‘next’ button just as another iMessage notification pops up on his screen, trigger finger clicking open an image of your tits pressed between your fingers, nipples taut against the fabric and lips between your teeth—all shiny soft skin almost bursting through the flimsy top that’s loosening and almost vivid through the still image. If there’s more, he thinks he’s seeing stars.
Luke slams his laptop shut and it echoes.
He takes a deep breath trying to remember what year it is.
“You good bro?”
Chris mumbles with a furrowed brow, watching sweat glisten against Luke’s flushed cheeks.
“Not feeling well. Think I’m gonna head out. Send me notes later?”
It’s almost an inside joke between the two of them, but Luke laughs a little too hard trying to play it off. He shoves his laptop into his backpack, before slowly weaving through the row and hoping no one noticed his girlfriend’s tits on the blown up screen of his Macbook. But then again, something’s obviously off as he walks stiffly towards the exit, feet swift with no predetermined destination. Luke contemplates the probability of someone interrupting him in the hall bathroom if he goes there to rub one out. His dick is hard and weepy, frustration brimming at the seams of his resolve when he walks out of the lecture hall. Readjusting himself into his waistband and groaning at the pressure, Luke wonders if he can walk home fast enough.
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He stops in his tracks as he opens your message, the sound of your moans and slick movements of your fingers buried under the damp bottoms of your bikini almost too loud in his Airpods. His dark brown eyes trace the movements of your swiveling hips on his screen and he leans against the wall to groan lowly, a pathetic noise clawing up his throat, until his mouth dries at the sight of you parting the fabric aside just in time for him to watch you cum hard, soaking the rest of your hand and the leather of the couch beneath your ass. Luke doesn’t realize his body’s unprompted decision to join your release until he feels a sticky, uncomfortable warmth pool against the bottom of his shirt, soiled beyond belief.
His head of curls bangs against the wall behind him as he moans.
A lopsided grin forms on his face when his phone buzzes again in his hand.
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cherryslyce · 1 year
Second Son (Epilogue) | Regulus Black
Series Synopsis: Forbidden from contacting Harry over the summer, you opt to explore the eerie halls of Grimmauld Place where you stumble upon a lonely portrait of the House's second son.
— Chapter Synopsis: The new era. The end of one chapter, and the beginning of another.
Part XIX / Series Masterlist
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Pairing: Regulus Black x GN!Reader
Notes: Thank you all so much.
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You peer out of the fenestrated walls, eyes glazing over the faint swinging of wooden signs and veranda covers. The ambience around you swirls like a sheer veil as you lean back into your seat, sighing out blissfully as your cooling charm beats with fervor, shielding you from the blistering heat of the summer day. 
Dragging your eyes away from the bright view, you run your finger along the thick cardstock in front of you. The blocky letters begin to fade into the background of snowy mountain caps and faded waterfalls as you continue to trace your eyes over it. 
‘Greetings from OREGON’ 
You flip the postcard over and swipe a finger across the swirly letters. 
‘Hope you’re well, kid. - A. Fiske’ 
A sudden thudding noise echoes across from you, and you slowly shift to sit straight as your eyes drag themselves away from the letters. You tilt your head with a coy smile as your companion leans back to get comfortable, evidently miffed by the unrelenting heat waves. 
“Good to see you, B.” You smile saccharinely, fingers dancing along the chilled cup in front of you. 
Blaise rolls his eyes and places his own drink down on the table—iced americano, simple, bitter, and everything that Blaise wasn’t. You would never understand his fascination with the drink. He huffs before smiling sarcastically at you, “Yes, how long has it been? Two days?” 
“Don’t whine, it’s unbecoming.” You mutter playfully, twirling your straw around the rim of your cup. 
“Merlin, you’re even starting to sound like her. Really, no wonder mother finds you so endearing.” He tuts as he throws his elbow back to rest on the back of his chair. 
You chuckle and shake your head, “Okay, let’s digress then.” You lean forward and cross your legs, “How is Draco doing? Theo is irritatingly uninformed on the topic.” 
“He’s alright, thanks to you and Potter anyway. His father might not be facing a long sentence, but many of the elected Wizengamot heads are shifty even with your statements. Lucius Malfoy has been a slippery eel for a few years too long.” He hums, face unflinching as he sips on his potent drink, “How the mighty have fallen so.”
Nodding, your voice drops lower as you survey the rest of the cafe, “Azkaban will still do a number on him even with a lighter sentence. Narcissa is worried.” 
“As she should be,” he replies curtly, “and speaking of Azkaban, how is Lord Black nowadays? He’s become quite the hermit. Is he faring well?” 
You sigh and rub your chin, “Yeah, he’s just been busy with remodeling. He’s still quite miffed that Reggie and I decided to move out.” 
“At least he has Potter with him.” Blaise supplies, eyes darkening in rumination at the mention of Regulus. He levels you with inquisitive eyes, “Before I forget, what should I send over?”
Furrowing your eyebrows, you hum, “How do you mean?” 
“Your house warming gift, daft one.” He rolls his eyes lightly. 
“Just bring your lovely self.” You huff out. 
Blaise crosses an ankle over his knee, “A vase then.” 
“If it clashes with the aesthetic then I’m tossing it into the basement.” You warn jokingly, smiling widely at your friend. 
He shakes his head with a muffled chuckle, “No worries. Anyways, you still need to unpack, right? Need any help?” 
“Oh? Work not keeping you busy enough?” You rest back against your chair, head bleeding with thoughts about how taxing work has been in the past few months with the Ministry trying to dial the reconstruction process to an inconceivable pace. 
Blaise groans at the reminder, taking a long sip of his drink, “Merlin, they should rename the whole Department! Department of International Magical Cooperation? What a joke, all they do is sit in an oval and squabble.” 
You throw your head back to laugh, a feathery light bubble of relief expanding in your chest. It was mind-boggling to think that not even a year ago you were all fighting for your lives, and now the same backdrop of fear that followed everyone around for so many years had disintegrated. People strided through halls and streets with lifted shoulders and bright eyes, war-hardened, but jovial as their burdens gave way. 
Blaise had worked his way up the Department of International Magical Cooperation, often leaving meetings with a sharp migraine and dwindling hope in the frequency of common sense. Theodore was faring well, now a highly revered Unspeakable for the Time Branch, all made possible with his swift denouncement of his father. Draco was the more withdrawn one out of the three, but you held out hope for him, having corresponded with him over his budding fascination for Alchemy. 
You found that your new friends were on your mind often, and you were endlessly grateful to them as they took Regulus’ reintegration into society with stride, often giving you advice on how to politely tell inquisitive reporters to bugger off. Meetings with them were slowly becoming a rarity as all of you became engrossed in work, but your friendships remained resolute as you all quickly became each other’s closest confidants. 
Luna wrote to you often, and you sent her trinkets and snacks by the dozen, finding yourself constantly worried that others would mistreat the girl with the absence of your friend group. Luckily, the girl found a friend in Ginny, and you were looking forward to reuniting with her during her Summer Break. 
Harry and Ron were inducted into the Auror ranks by Shacklebolt only a few weeks after the war. You had your reservations about their decision to jump into such a high-risk job, the stench of carnage and battle throbbing like an open wound, but they insisted that they would never be able to focus enough to finish school. 
On the opposite side of that sentiment, there was Hermione. She had quickly delved back into Hogwarts’ curriculum amidst its reconstruction, and was now looking to you with hopeful words about beginning her own sabbatical. 
You had published your research under both yours and Regulus’ name, omitting information about Regulus’ discovery of sentient portraits as a precaution for the future. 
You both respected Anders’ wish to leave his name off the cover and the research, but he failed to warn you against leaving his name anywhere else, so simply on the first page of your book, you dedicated the findings to him and Asger with a simple ‘For A. & A. Fiske.’ 
The research was groundbreaking, to say the least. You wouldn’t be able to forget the swaths of letters and documents from the Ministry, and one very heated missive to you from Blaise about how he was even more swamped with work, many foreign countries reaching out to inquire about the findings. 
It all paid off though, the royalties you and Regulus got would sustain you both for the rest of your humble lives, and the boost on your portfolio made getting a job in the Department of Mysteries a cakewalk. 
Once the sun rolled across the cloudless sky, the singing blues morphing to hues of pinks and purples, you bid your friend goodbye, wishing him luck with work and promising to gather with the rest of your friends the following week. 
You were certain that apparition was the most useful skill you had in your toolbelt, and you couldn’t fathom how you managed to survive the majority of your life without such a feat. As your shoes pad against the pavement, the bristling of leaves skidding around you, you let out a content sigh as you approach your destination. 
It was the closest thing you had to home for so long, and it still felt like safety and comfort despite the sudden heaviness of your own house keys in your pocket. As you pop the door open, head peeking around the heavy wood, your face lights up as a figure comes into view. 
“You’re home!” You exclaim excitedly, stepping inside with a wide grin. 
Harry approaches you and gives you a fleeting hug, hand raising to adjust his glasses as he pulls back, “Yeah, Tonks let me off early. How was your meeting with Blaise?”
“Good,” you draw out suspiciously, eyes narrowing as you both pace through the dim walkway, “how’d you know about that?”
“Regulus.” He answers simply, eyebrows raising in tease as you huff. 
You both cross into the threshold of the kitchen, stopping in your tracks as you see countless manuals splayed across the wide berth of the table. Regulus and Sirius are both hunched over in their seats, flipping furiously through the catalogues. 
“Some light reading, Sirius?” Your voice rings out playfully, body already moving towards your squinting boyfriend. Both men shoot up from their positions and blink owlishly at you and Harry, the sea of papers long forgotten. 
“Furniture shopping, pup!” Sirius replies with a tired grin as he stretches his arms over his head. 
Regulus rises from his chair and meets you halfway, arms wrapping securely around your body as he burrows his face into the crook of your neck. A few more moments pass by before he cranes back and blinks slowly at you, “Birdie.” 
You run a hand through his curls and smile lightly, “Love.” 
Regulus keeps you secure to him as he moves to drop back down into his seat, leaning his head against your stomach as you remain standing. Your eyes drop down to look at the varying bleak images on the shining white pages. 
Raising your eyebrows, your eyes drift around an image of a steep bookshelf with two glass doors, “Is this for us or Sirius?” 
Sirius leans back in his seat and rubs the bridge of his nose, “Your place. Reggie helped me pick out a few pieces earlier.” 
Your eyes wander around the aged cabinets and drabby wallpaper, trying to envision the space in a remodeled visual, one that would be Sirius-esque rather than screaming of cobwebs and medieval torture. You smile minutely before reaching a hand out across the table, bringing your other hand to card through Regulus’ hair as you mutter quietly to the tired man across from you, “I’m happy for you, Sirius.” 
The man reciprocates your smile and clasps his hand in yours, “Thank you, pup. I’m happy for you too,” he huffs and glances at Regulus, who remained immobile against your stomach, “the both of you.” 
The tender moment continues for a few more beats before Harry slowly leans on the seat next to Sirius’, eyes scrutinizing a forgotten pile of booklets off to the older man’s left, “Sirius, where are we going to put a lion table?” 
You snort out a muffled laugh as the man swivels over to his godson with beaming eyes, knowing that Harry would be whining to you later about Sirius’ ineptitude at interior decorating. 
“You should start cleaning up, Remus will be here soon for dinner.” You murmur with a pointed look at the trio. 
As the final outlines of the sun slinks away in the horizon, you and Regulus bid farewell to the occupants of Grimmauld Place, intent on spending the rest of the night in your home. It was fortunate that Regulus had managed to set up the floo network to your home only a matter of days before, and the journey back left little room for complaints as the green flames dragged away from your vision. 
You step out into the darkness of your study room, ears perking imperceptibly when the network flares again as Regulus joins you. The twilight sky filters into your home, dimly illuminating the barren room. 
“We’re home.” You mutter with a content smile. 
Regulus slowly pads towards you, wrapping his arms around your waist as he sways you both. Your eyes are drawn to the French casement windows behind the desk, getting lost in the sight of the dancing flower field. 
“Shall we head to the cliff, birdie?” Regulus muses, eyes following your gaze as he drifts into rumination. 
You nod and reluctantly step forward, pivoting on your heel and dropping a hand onto Regulus’ arm, “I’ll meet you at the front? I need to drop off a few things in the bedroom.” 
“Of course, baby.” He leans over to capture your lips in a soft kiss, hands dropping to your hips as he lightly grips onto you. 
Humming against his lips, you slowly pull back and rub a thumb across his cheek, “I’ll be quick, promise.” 
He pecks your lips again and gives you one last squeeze before he slowly backs away, shooting you a warm smile as he makes his way to the entryway. You retreat from the study room soon after, making a sharp right turn as you pace towards your shared bedroom. 
Regulus had been the one to bring up the idea of getting a beach house, assuring you that he was unsettled by still water and not turbulent waves. It was a quaint building, one that sprouted into the center of a lustrous flower garden, and you both knew it was the one when you toured it. Just a short walk away from the blooming fields, a precipitous cliffside broke away and loomed over a thick landing of sand, giving a small brief from the swaying waves 
As you enter the lusterless room, you shed away your bag and walk towards your bedside table, propping the Oregon postcard against your lamp. Atop the same white bedside table sat Regulus’ old golden frame, now whole and without trace of ever having been shattered. Under the frame, the folded piece of paper that Regulus had given you the night after you bought the property peeked out. 
You grasp both items in your hands, and smile lightly as an idea formulates in your head. 
“Kreacher!” You call lightly. 
The house-elf pops into the bedroom with a curious frown, teetering towards you as you extend the items out. You fish out your wand as Kreacher grabs the frame, muttering a faint engorgio at the rectangular object. The frame wobbles in the elf’s grasp before slowly stretching to nearly thrice its original size. 
“Could you possibly frame this note for me? Maybe above the headboard?” You request with a small smile. 
“Kreacher will do that.” The house elf nods and begins to fiddle with the frame. 
Your eyes run across the note one more time before you hand the slip to the elf, making your way out to Regulus with a fleeting farewell. The boy has a jacket slung over his arm as he waits for you by the door, carding his hair back as a flicker of joy flashes through his eyes when you appear in his line of sight. 
“All ready?” He murmurs once you reach him. 
“More than ready.” You reply with a hum, leaning to peck his cheek. 
The trek towards the cliffside passes by in the blink of an eye, and you’re left with butterflies in your stomach as Regulus picks several tulips for you along the way. By the time you’re close enough to the ocean to hear the crashing of waves, you are left to huddle close to Regulus for warmth. 
The sky begins to darken above you, but you give no protest when Regulus drags you to sit down on the ground. He peers up at the sky above him, eyes tracing across the faint twinkles of the approaching stars. 
You bring a hand to trace his chest as you do the same, cradling the flowers to your side as you begin to sift through the reel of memories in your head. 
“I love you, birdie.” Regulus whispers into the air, his arm moving to rest on your waist. 
You smile widely and press your face into the crook of his neck, “I love you.” 
And as you both laid under the stitches of glowing stars, sharing tiny whispers and shielding each other from the brutal winds, back in your home, Kreacher makes the last adjustments to the new wall decor. 
Kreacher mutely assesses the space as he backs out, the elf’s head full of future possibilities.
It was peaceful. After so many years, he felt at peace.
The door closes with a faint click just as the stars peek through the bedroom window, reflecting off the glowing frame. The swirls of inks encapsulated in the shining beams dance amongst the canvas of the wall. 
‘29 October, 1979
I wonder what being in love feels like. 
26 April, 1999
Love is like flying freely from the inhibitions of your burdens, where your person is your wings, your eyes, and your heart; you soar freely with the knowledge that they will carry you above the storms of doubt. I no longer wonder because now I know.’ 
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tag list: @krazyk99 @venomsvl @valsarchives @bunny24sstuff @novella12nite @elia-the-bibliophile @txorua @xlifexdeathx @trikigirl271 @the-marauders-world @sleepydang @blueberry-thrawn @lestat-whore @chanaaaannel @clockworkherondale @peachyaeger @thegayhoenextdoor @l--absinthe @ok-boke @summer-noir @mikeikax @musically-ambiguous @dittos-blog-dylanobrien @friendly-neighborhood-boricua @randomfaeriechild @misacc08 @that-bitch-bri @littleshadow17 @chocochannie @bl4stonesc @shari-berri @mrs-billyrussooo @pandemicboredom @gojosbucket @brain-has-left @googie-jeon @lovely-maryj @lokifriggason1 @aloramalfoy @godmitski @justanotherkpopstanlol @hpboysslut2707 @coffeehurricanes
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imaeraser · 3 years
Hi, I loved your ex-Admiral Reader joining the straw hats and U was wondering if you could make a part 2 where the reader and the Straw hats (separately) falling for the new reader.
Please and Thank you
Sounds great!
At first, he thought that he was being friendly
Spending time with you, trying to make the Sunny as welcoming as possible, but then he started to get these warm fuzzy feelings
So he decided that he liked it, and spent even more time with you, but it only made it worse
It got so bad, that at one point he had to leave the room when you entered
When he talked about it to Nami and Robin, they just laughed
Then he got pouty and then demanded they tell him what they were laughing about
“You like them Luffy”
Of course, he likes you, he likes everyone on the crew. Then they had to explain to him that he was feeling romantic feelings
It all made sense, but he also got scared
He saw how love affects people and their careers. He wasn’t sure if he was ready to sacrifice that much for another person
But then Nami and Robin told him he already sacrificed so much for his crew
That’s when he decided he was gonna confess
He was against you in the beginning
That’s why it didn't bother him when he wanted to spend more and more time with you. But it started to confuse him when he realized it wasn't to keep an eye on you
So he started to train more, but each time his mind drifted of it drifted off to you
Then he decided to (finally) take more showers, but while washing his hair, he found himself imagining your fingers rubbing his scalp
So he stopped taking showers (again)
Whatever he did, his mind drifted to you. How you would like something, what you would do if you were with him
So he opted to spend more time with you
This confused you, so when you asked he kinda blew up and talked about your allegiance. Of course, this made you sad, and seeing you sad made him realize that he screwed up. Later he talked to you in a hushed voice and apologized
I don’t think he’s the type to ask other people, but after yelling at you and apologizing (which he never does) he thinks it’s time to put down his pride
So when he talked to the boiz (I’m not sorry) they also laughed at him. Except for Luffy, Sanji, and Chopper. Luffy and Chopper were confused, and Sanji was making fun of him
This made him flushed, and as he was about to leave they pointed out the obvious, he liked you.
This made him even more flushed, and he slammed the door shut. But now that he knows what he is feeling, he can decide what to do
Was suspicious of you too
But as she spent more time with you, she realized that you were nice
So you guys started to stay up and talk about where you guys were from, dreams and aspirations, things you two wanted in the future. And of course about love, marriage, and kids. Just about everything
I think Nami would want to adopt two girls when she’s older. Just like Bellemare
She felt a fire bust in her chest when she saw your smile. She felt clouds split and the sunlight creep down her body when she saw you glance at her
And Nami is self-aware. You best believe that she knew what she was feeling
The knowledge made her shy away for a few days, but she realized that pushing you away wouldn’t make her happy
That means she put her flirtation on 10x
It did make you flustered— I mean a pretty lady hitting on you? Of course, you’re gonna be blushing
It’s mostly a series of compliments and dirty jokes added to the mix. But she didn’t confess for awhile
She didn’t want to disrupt the balance of the crew and was too scared to take the risk
But each time you talk to her, it makes her start to not care
High-key scared of you
Was hiding behind Zoro as he interrogated you
But as he interrogated you, he realized that you were pretty nice
So he stopped hiding behind the human meat shield and decided to initiate contact himself
He was doing it to protect his crew… right?
Maybe at first, but he started to become interested in the person you are. Where you grew up, if you had any siblings, parents, dreams, and so on
Then he got addicted. He was a moth drawn to a flame, and he started to feel himself burn up— with love (It’s so cheesy, this is something I am sorry for)
He wanted to impress you. He would start to come up with all of these crazy gadgets
Sometimes he pranks you. He thinks you look cute when you’re mad
When he realized that he was feeling something romantic and not platonic— he went back to scared mode. Think of the stereotypical shy, cute, twiddling thumbs girl— yeah that's him
He keeps trying to confess, but then ends up chickening out
But after asking Franky for advice, he finally steeled his nerves
Let’s just say that Sanji was a simp from the start
He may have been suspicious, but when he saw you his heartbeat unlike it had ever done before
It wasn't the usual feeling he got when he just saw a girl, it was something warmer
Of course, that made him want to explore it. Cue the excessive flirting
It honestly got kinda annoying, but once you guys started to talk about things that mattered (not him talking about how lovely you look) was when he started falling
And he fell hard
Sanji had never actually fallen for someone, so he got scared. That meant no more flirting, and him hiding when you entered the room
After you leave he holds his hand to his heart and breathes like he ran a mile
Poor Sanji, you give him butterflies. Too many butterflies
He wants to confess and get over it, but he finds himself getting lightheaded at the thought
Oh, there goes the blood
It gets so bad, that the crew has to take matters into their own hands
He fell for you
Because you accidentally tripped him
(I’m not gonna make this romantic)
She was one of the only people who weren’t super suspicious
Instead, she took the time to get to know you better
When she got to see who you were, she couldn't help but start to fall for you
Make no mistake, Robin is very self-aware. When she started to get an inkling of feelings— she knew
But she likes to play oblivious. She’s good at masking her emotions. Plus, she doesn't want anything to change between you (except for the fact you don't kiss her yet)
She spends even more time with you now. She likes to read and do domestic things with you. She likes to imagine that you two live in a remote cottage
She likes to bring you tea when you read together
She wants to make a move, but she also doesn’t want to ruin what you guys already have
She likes to talk about her feelings with Nami
So every time you walk into the room, you catch Nami doing the wiggling eyebrows and Robin lightly slapping her arm
She just loves the way your brain works (as well as the way your lips look when they pull into a smile)
After enough pestering from Nami, she grabbed some flowers from her garden and decided to finally act on her feelings
You just started hanging out with him
Probably because he didn't care that you used to be in the navy
You would just watch him make things. And to be polite, he would let you try them out
Of course, this lead to you calling it amazing and boosting his ego
So he started to like when you were around
Then as a pastime, you two would get to know each other
That’s when he started to fall for you. He would start to notice the way your hair fell, and the way it caught the light
You became his muse. And all of a sudden, he's coming up with all of these crazy and brilliant inventions
No one noticed his growing crush on you, since you guys spent most of your time in his workspace, but one dinner the crew found him staring at you during dinner and tripping over himself
Cue the unnecessary teasing. He tries to cover it up as him being a pervert, but everyone knows that he is lying
Since he can’t convince anyone, he tries to convince himself. That means he starts to push you away
But when he starts to feel more empty, he owns up to his feelings and decides to change that
You would listen to his music
Listen, not just let it play the background
You always had this look of wonder in your eyes as you watched him
After getting to know him (which started by asking him how he learned so many instruments)
He likes the way you laughed and smiled, and… just do anything
He would start blushing when you would come up to him and talk. When he would see you across the room. When he would think about you… all the time
The crew started to notice but brushed it off as him being flattered by you being interested in his music
But when you guys weren’t doing something music-related, the two of you can be seen drinking tea or watching the ocean
He’s pretty self-aware, but he wants to deny it for a little while
But once the crew notices (due to his non-existent eyes following you) they push him to go after it. He’s been lonely for so long, it seems kinda weird for him
He also feels bad for liking you, since he’s dead and old
But he decided that you only live once, but in his instance twice
He was very suspicious of you
He didn't even want you to join. So he decided to keep an eye on you
That backfired
Because he started to notice how good you looked… doing everything. When he started asking you about yourself— boy he started sweating
He can’t get over how cute he thinks you are. Everything from how you look to how you act. The thumping of his heart can be heard by the fishes below
Cue the shifty eyes, twiddling thumbs, and flushed cheeks
He is honestly so cute. But of course, if anyone asks him what’s wrong, he’ll say he’s fine… sure
He tries to woo you by showing you his helmsman skills. If that doesn’t work he’ll tell you stories about Fishman island. If that doesn’t work… he’ll just listen to you and give his sage advice
The crew catches on quickly. He is just too obvious. That means incessant teasing from all of the members (excluding you)
Most of them find it ironic how he was telling Luffy it was a bad idea to let you on board, to think what it would be like to grab your hand with his webbed fingers
He’s self-aware, but he is also scared since he has never felt this way before
But after getting tired of the teasing, he decided he was gonna take you out for a swim… and whatever happens, happens (aka he’s preparing for a stuttering love confession)
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longlostzoldyck · 3 years
go to a wedding with, go to a party with, go to a museum with w/ maki, megumi, n toji!
im so sorry it took me this long to finish this!! i honestly loved this prompt and just kept getting ideas and adding so don't mind me having too much fun with this.
thank you so much for this prompt it was so hard though!! a. the trio?? 110/10 b. the activities are adorable. im curious to be dragged for my choices
warnings: suggestive content, toji section is smutty smut though because its toji
WEDDING: megumi
the obvious one for me. gumi might act all grumpy initially at a wedding but you’ll bully him to dance with you and he’ll spend the rest of the night with you in his arms. like he’d be grumpy at the beginning and then thanks you for dragging you both out to the dance floor. also gumi would definitely fucks you in the bathroom while they’re cutting the cake
"seems like you're having a good time, baby," you say with a teasing smile, pulling him closer to you and placing kisses to the corner of his lips.
"shut up," he countered pulling you in for a proper kiss as you continued dancing, only interrupted when they announced the happy couple were gonna cut the cake. you were ready to follow everyone else, when he tugged your hand back softly. you turned to meet his eyes with a raised eyebrow.
"they're cutting the cake."
"i know," he responded eyes still shifty as he looked around the room for a second. "what?"
he didn't even respond just tugging on your arm and dragging you through the crowd of people, but in the opposite direction everyone else was going in. he pulled you into the bathroom cupping your face between his massive hands and pulling you into a heated kiss. guess you weren't gonna get cake.
PARTY: maki
if i must go to a party it would be with maki zenin. she would get you drink refills, lead you through the room effortlessly, show you off to everyone and push her tongue down your throat the second you turned the corner... i don't like going to parties much, but i would go out with her.
you waved at your friends as your girlfriend led you through the sea of people, needing to take a fresh breathe outside. you finally make it to the small balcony and she pulls you close to her wrapping her arms around your waist. her chest was pressed against your back as you enjoyed the night breeze for a moment away from the noisy party inside.
you leaned more into her touch turning your face to admire her profile. she meets your gaze flicking her eyes between your eyes and lips for a second before leaning down to kiss your lips. the music playing in the background was drowned out the second you lips came into contact.
her hands run down to your hips turning your body to face hers effortlessly as she pushes her tongue in your mouth, sucking on your tongue pulling out a needy moan from you. she smiles against your lips digging her fingers into your hips and pulling you even closer to her. there was nothing else but the two of you in that moment, just how you liked it.
MUSEUM: toji
hear me out this is either a terrible idea or the best idea. toji will either be very into the museum exhibit, or you'll have to literally drag him along. however, no matter how you get him there, it will end up the same way: him pressing his erection against your ass and dragging you somewhere to fuck you silly.
"toji, fuck," you moaned against his lips as he finally pushed his cock inside you. he muffled both your noises with his lips, pulling you in for a hungry kiss.
"remember you gotta be quiet, little one," he grunted against your lips as he pumped his cock in and out of you. he covered your mouth with his hand before the noises could escape your mouth and he just chuckled increasing the speed of his thrusts even more. "taking me so fucking well. doing so well, angel."
you closed your eyes as pleasure shot up your body as he rubbed your sweet spot with every thrust. you were just feral for each other. couldn't even go on a nice little walk through the museum garden without toji pushing you into a corner and fucking you silly.
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ourmiraclealigner · 4 years
Easy CO. Holiday Reacts
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Gif not mine! Credit to owner.
a/n: happy holidays everyone! i know everyone doesn’t celebrate Christmas, so if you don’t, no specific holiday is mentioned in this so everyone can read :)
warnings: none
taglist: @hellitwasyoufirstsergeant @mavysnavy @ivy-miranda-2390 @ya-yeeteth @rayofshanshine @primusk @punkgeekchic @inglourious-imagines @wexhappyxfew @vintagelavenderskies @easy-company-tradition @meteora-fc @teenmagazines @order-of-river-phoenix @contrabandhothead
Richard Winters:
- When the holiday season rolls around, Richard can’t stop the excitement that arises in him.
- It’s not the gifts that excite him, Richard always tells everyone to not get him anything and that he already has everything he needs.
- He’s excited about the time that he gets to spend with you- decorating, cooking, and shopping for presents for friends and family.
- He loves the little break from work he gets, content with getting to sleep in, with you in his arms.
- He knows it’s time he’ll never get back, and he cherishes it more than any gift anyone could possibly get him.
- He finds himself happier than he ever thought he could be when he wakes up with you in his arms, protecting each other from the cold air that is just outside your mess of blankets.
- After a few minutes, he can’t stop himself from pressing light, fleeting kisses to your face, smiling when your eyes flutter open.
Lewis Nixon:
- Unlike Richard, gifts are a big thing for Lewis during the holidays.
- Since he grew up with a wealthy family, he uses his money to show his love.
- He showers you with gifts all month long, handing them to you with a smile, his hands sweaty with anticipation.
- “I know you mentioned wanting this a while ago, I just couldn’t find it anywhere until a few days ago. I’ve been looking all around.”
- He looks at you nervously as you unwrap the box, smiling when you realize it’s a book you had told him you were interested in reading.
- He wraps his arm around you as you thank him, pulling you into his side.
- “I’m glad you like it, sweetheart.” He mumbles as he presses a kiss to your forehead.
Ron Speirs:
- Ron is indifferent when it comes to the holidays.
- He’s not overly excited or overly annoyed by the holiday cheer, he doesn’t care either way.
- He doesn't spoil your fun though, taking you to go see the lights in the city and in your neighborhood.
- You both get bundled up, hands intertwined as you walk around with smiles.
- He’ll kiss your temple whenever your face lights up, mumbling “You like this one? It’s pretty.”
- As you walk back to the car, he’ll unbutton his coat before pulling you into his side, wrapping his arm and half of his coat around you.
- “You’re so cold, baby, let me warm you up.”
Eugene Roe:
- Growing up with a big family, the holidays always meant chaos for Eugene.
- When he went away to fight, he spent too many away from home, experiencing a new kind of chaos.
- So, when you and Gene spent your first December together, he was shocked to find himself relaxed every night.
- He’d sit on the couch, exhausted and eyes half lidded as he watched you hang up the decorations and hum to yourself.
- “Come here.” He’d always end up mumbling, patting the open spot next to him. “I miss you.”
- When you did, he’d wrap his arm around your shoulder, leaning his head against yours as he let his eyes finally shut.
- “Let's keep the decorations up until after the New Year… they’re too cute to take down right away.” He sleepily mumbles, fingers rubbing soft patterns into the skin of your shoulder.
George Luz:
- George loves the holidays, and he’s not afraid to show it.
- Every year he goes above and beyond, coming home with more decorations than the year before.
- He’s always humming some sort of song as he’s working around the house, and even loves to help you in the kitchen.
- He’s always gently tugging on your waist after a few minutes, whining and begging you to slow dance with him.
- When you finally agree, his head immediately nuzzles into your neck as he softly sings whatever song is playing (somehow he knows them all).
- After a few songs he lifts his head, pressing a light kiss to your nose as he mumbles, “I’m so lucky I get to spend another holiday with you.”
- He’ll press a chaste kiss to your lips before pulling away, stepping closer to the counter. “Teach me how to make these.”
Joe Liebgott:
- Joe tries to act like he hates when the holiday season rolls around, but deep down, he loves it.
- He’ll help you decorate, feigning a few sighs as your favorite record plays softly in the background. After some convincing, he’ll start a fire in the fireplace, your small, shared house cozy as his cat hits some of the decorations with their paw.
- “Joe, you really don’t have to help me.” You say softly, “I don’t want you to be miserable.”
- He feels his chest tighten, his cheeks flushing as he realizes how pretty you look as the soft light of the fire hits you.
- “No, no, it’s fine.” He responds, his tone gentle. “It’ll be quicker if I help, right?”
- You chuckle, knowing Joe was having a better time than he was letting on. “Right.”
- He kisses your cheek, hand lingering on your back before he mumbles “Let me help you with this..”
Don Malarkey:
- Don gets quiet during the holidays.
- December always brings back memories he’d like to forget, and he finds it hard to come back after he shuts down.
- But, you brought new life back to the month, replacing the sorrow and dread he felt with love and happiness.
- You prefer to stay in most nights, forgoing endless invitations to dinners and parties to be able to stay inside, exchanging small gifts and kisses as you listen to the radio.
- You stay wrapped inside of a blanket, pressed against his side as he runs his fingers through your hair most nights.
- He’ll quietly sing if he knows the lyrics to whatever song is playing, his deep soothing voice lulling you to sleep.
- And once he realizes you’ve fallen asleep, he’ll gently pick you up and carry you to bed, pressing a kiss to your cheek before slipping in next to you.
Chuck Grant:
- Chuck tries to be home a lot earlier than usual when December rolls around.
- Other months, he finds himself working later than he planned, always feeling guilty when he walks through the door to find you haven't eaten dinner, and were waiting for him.
- So, he makes a point to always close on time in order to be home as you start cooking, so he can talk to you and help you.
- You don’t do much for the holidays, opting to just spend it with your families when the days roll around.
- Of course, you’ll get each other gifts and drive around to see the lights, but nothing much besides that.
- Growing up, Chuck's family never did much for the holidays, so that was what he was used to.
- As you lay in bed, his hand running up and down your side, he’ll mumble “I love doing this with you..just you and me here, nothing to worry about.”
Floyd Talbert:
- You and Floyd are very seldom home or alone during the holiday season.
- You’ve both made a lot of friends, so almost every weekend you’re having dinner or at a party celebrating.
- You spend a lot of time and money on gifts for friends and family, and it seems as if you’re trying to figure out a new dish to bring to every party.
- He still tries to make the month special for you, making sure there’s a few days that you both can just stay home and relax.
- After a few years, though, Floyd gets tired of the constant get togethers, so you both decide not to attend anymore.
- You spend the nights at home, alone together, sometimes venturing into town to see a holiday movie.
- He prefers it this way, always telling you how much he loves being alone with you.
Shifty Powers:
- Shifty prefers to spend his time outside during the holidays.
- As soon as he gets home from work he’s changing into warmer clothes, wanting to get outside as quickly as possible.
- Any winter activities, you’ll end up doing.
- He loves sledding and building snowmen (even though it always ends up in a big snowball fight).
- You went ice skating once, but it ended in a lot of bruises between the both of you as neither of you could keep your balance.
- He prefers somewhere private anyway, as he likes to press kisses to your red nose to try to keep it warm.
- “You look so cold, baby..why don’t we start heading inside?” He’ll always say as the sun begins to set.
Bill Guarnere:
- December means lots of time with Bill’s family.
- It’s quite a stressful month for the both of you, trying to figure out what days to go to his family, what days to go to yours, what gifts you’re going to buy, what dish you’re going to bring, etc.
- Bill is hardly any help, he’s awful at relaying information between you and his mom and sisters.
- He tries, but always forgets by the time he means to tell you.
- He’s used to the holiday stress though, so he doesn’t let it cloud his joy.
- When he sees it start to affect yours, though, he does what he always loved to do as a child- go get candy.
- With a big smile, he takes you to the candy store he often went to as a child, getting a bag full of his favorites and new things to try, so you can both go home and enjoy.
Joe Toye:
- Joe is the only one that genuinely does not like the holiday season.
- He pretends it isn’t happening, and treats the whole month like it was just any other.
- He is clear about not wanting any gifts, and will get upset if you try to give him any.
- Of course, he’ll get you one or two, to try and show how grateful he is for everything you’ve done for him and how you’ve stuck by his side.
- But, there's no decorations, or baking, or strolls through town looking at the lights.
- After a few years, he loosens up, but still has no interest in doing anything except getting gifts and letting you make cookies.
- He’ll always apologize, though, feeling awful for taking away your fun, but hoping you’ll understand.
Babe Heffron:
- Babe’s excitement is up there with George’s, but is not quite as high.
- He loves it more than you, and will spend all month talking about how excited he is, and how much fun he’s having.
- He’s used to getting spoiled by his mother though, so he keeps bugging you to make all of these recipes his mother does until you give in.
- Babe is also constantly slipping and falling on ice, so you’re constantly cleaning and bandaging small cuts and scrapes.
- You swear he comes home with a new one everyday.
- Once you finish, he’ll always press a light kiss to your lips, a soft smile on his face as he looks down at you.
- “Thank you for taking such good care of me, baby.” He’ll softly mumble.
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dothwrites · 4 years
161 please??
google doth always taking prompts
161--Where did that cat come from?
The rainstorm starts when Dean pulls into the space outside the bunker’s door. It’ll be a pain in the ass to reverse and pull into the garage, plus he and Sam have a trunk full of groceries, so Dean just curses and puts the Impala into park before he gets out of the car. Water droplets start to pelt against the top of his head and the back of his neck as he loads as many bags on his wrists and arms as humanly possible. 
From there, it’s a quick trip down the bunker stairs. Sam follows behind, with a more modest amount of bags swinging from his hands. Dean walks quickly, cognizant of his struggling circulation, not to mention the unpleasant wind of a single bead of water down his spine. Their steps echo down the bunker stairs, which would alert Cas to their presence, even if the “Cas, we’re home!” didn’t. 
“Shut up,” Dean automatically says when he hears Sam’s poorly repressed snigger. 
“Needy much?” Sam does a faulty reproduction of Dean’s voice, making sure to give him a falsetto. “Cas, we’re home!” He continues to snicker as they make their way to the kitchen. “You’re about one step away from Lucy.” 
“Ok, first of all, it was Ricky Ricardo who said those lines and secondly--shut up.” Ok, so not the best comeback. Blame the rain and his screaming wrists and arms. Dean flushes and turns away from Sam as he lifts the groceries onto the counter with a quiet grunt. 
“Nice job, He-Man. Maybe next time you could try multiple trips?” 
“Go out? More than once? For groceries? Sam, it’s like you don’t even know me.” Dean starts unpacking the bags, pausing when he reaches a certain jar. “Cas! We’re in the kitchen!” 
On the opposite side of the kitchen, Sam starts to hum something that sounds like needy baby needy baby. Dean debates throwing a can of green beans at the back of his shaggy moose head. He settles for lobbing a poisonous glare at Sam’s head and not letting up until his brother turns around. 
“Hey, he dipped out on grocery shopping. The least he could do is come and help put the stuff away.” Plus Dean bought a jar of the good stuff for Cas, organic, comb in honey. It cost him an arm and a leg, but it’ll be worth it once he sees the pleased, shy smile spread across Cas’ face, which he can’t see until his boyfriend makes his way to the kitchen. 
Sam must catch sight of the honey because he lets out a very unflattering snort. Dean defensively scoops the honey out of sight. “It’s good for the environment,” he defends, despite the fact that he’s never recycled a day in his life. 
“Sure.” Sam really shouldn’t sound so smug, Mr. I Drink Kale Smoothies and Poop Compost. “Look, all I’m saying is that if my boyfriend had me that whipped, then I would at least own it.” 
“Your boyfriend would run away from your ugly face,” Dean snidely digs. Far from dissolving into a snotty mess, Sam just makes a very rude gesture involving use of a singular finger, and turns around to continue stocking the freezer with pizza rolls. 
The first sign of trouble is a singular sneeze. Dean shakes it off--it was raining outside, pollen is in the air, and the bunker that they live in was made by a bunch of old, dead guys, so there’s bound to be some dust. 
The second, third, and fourth sneezes come as more of a puzzle. 
Sam, ever the solicitous brother, raises an eyebrow. “You dying or what?” he asks. 
“Or what,” Dean wheezes, though his eyes are watery and itchy. A rattle starts in his throat as another sneeze rocks through his body. This is not normal. In fact, he only gets like this when...
Cas walks into the kitchen, wearing jeans and one of Dean’s hoodies that’s just a bit too big for him in the arms (though it stretches delightfully across his chest and shoulders). As soon as he crosses the threshold of the kitchen, as if on command, Dean sneezes. 
Through watery eyes, Dean squints at the suspicious bulge in the front of the hoodie pocket. Castiel casually shifts to the side to hide it, but it’s too late. Dean just saw something move. Cas might be happy to see him, but he’s nowhere near that happy. 
“Whatcha got there Cas?” He tries to make it clear from his tone that his question is not a polite request. 
It’s not every day that Dean gets to see a former angel of the Lord acting shifty, but that’s exactly what he gets to see as Cas tries to sidle his way out of the kitchen. “Cas,” Dean barks. Cas shuffles his feet as he plasters a very unconvincing look of innocence on his face. “What’s in your pocket?”
His facade of hardass suffers from the sneeze that rockets through his body, but it’s enough. Cas walks into the kitchen. Sam, intrigued by the drama, draws closer, but Dean’s eyes are focused on Cas’ hand as it dips into the hoodie pocket. 
Castiel withdraws his hand, holding his burden out for inspection. Out of the corner of his eye, Dean sees Sam’s mouth drop open in a paroxysm of delight (fucking softie). For his part, Dean greets the reveal with three consecutive sneezes, each one more violent than the last. 
“Cas,” Dean finally says, sniffling around his words, “where did that cat come from?” 
The cat in question can’t be much more than a kitten. It sits easily in Cas’ large hand. Luminous green eyes blink up slowly at him through a haze of black fur. As Dean watches, the kitten opens its mouth, revealing tiny sharp teeth and a pink tongue. A soft mew fills the space. 
Dean answers it with a sniffle. 
“I was out in the garden earlier today,” Cas begins. He doesn’t even have the good grace to look guilty as he pulls the kitten in close to his chest. Dean winces (that’s a hell of a lot of dander and fur that’s winding up on an article of clothing that still technically belongs to him) before he outright flinches as the kitten digs its claws into the fabric. Say goodbye to that particular hoodie. 
“It was just starting to rain and I found her.” Cas looks at him, all huge blue eyes and plaintive voice. “She was cold and shivering. I don’t think that she’d eaten for several days.” 
Great. Just great. Dean can already see where this is going and exactly what parts they’re all going to fall into. Cas, the crusader for justice and kindness, Sam, the well-intentioned supporter, and Dean, the cruel hand of logic. 
“Well, feed her, and then after the rain finishes we can take her to the shelter.” 
Next to him, Sam gasps. Cas’ mouth turns down in a stubborn frown. 
“Dean, the shelter is a kill shelter.” Sam’s voice sounds as scandalized as though Dean had suggested that they carpet bomb the whole town. 
“It’s a kitten. It’s cute. It’ll get adopted in like three seconds. I mean, it’s already got the two of you wrapped around its little dagger claws.” 
There’s something embarrassing about the soppy eyes that both Sam and Cas shoot towards the kitten. No angel should look that sickly sweet. 
“Dean, cats are fairly low maintenance,” Cas begins, which is exactly where Dean thought this talk was headed. 
“I have allergies!” Dean protests, to be met with unsympathetic looks from both his brother and his boyfriend. Traitors. “Plus, who’s going to take care of it when we go on hunts? We going to pay the neighbors to come over into our super secret bunker filled with satanic stuff?” 
Cas’ mouth flattens. “There are several establishments in town which cater to the boarding of pets.” Great. He’s already done research. “Also, many stores offer over the counter products designed to alleviate the symptoms of allergies.” 
Between Sam’s puppy eyes and Cas’ jutting lower lip, Dean feels his defenses wavering. “You’d better keep it away from my room. And if it starts pissing on the floors or tearing up the furniture, it’s out of here. And you’re,” he points to both Sam and Cas, “going to pay for my allergy meds. And you’re going to feed it and pay for all its stuff.” He’s never felt more like a dad than in that moment, lecturing his brother and boyfriend on the proper care of the cat. “This is your pet; I’m not going to take care of it!” 
Cas nods earnestly before he walks across the kitchen and kisses the bolt of his jaw, right in the sweet spot that always turns Dean weak in the knees. Bastard knows exactly how to play him. Dean turns his head to kiss Cas properly, ignoring Sam’s gagging noises in the background. Cas hums into the kiss, his teeth ghosting over Dean’s lower lip in a hint of a tease. 
Dean’s just ready to make it a proper kiss, Sam be damned, when he’s stabbed. Yelping in pain, he jumps backward, glaring at the tiny, cockblocking, ball of fluff still held in Cas’ hands. The kitten retracts the minuscule knives attached to its paws as it blinks innocently up at him.
“Oh, I think you must have squashed her,” Cas says, rubbing a finger underneath the kitten’s chin.
For its part, the kitten yawns at Dean before falling asleep. 
“Yeah,” Dean mutters, massaging at his wound (seriously, he’s bleeding and Sam is just laughing at him like an asshole). “Yeah, this is going to turn out swell.
(It comes to no one’s surprise, least of all Dean’s, when he goes to bed and finds not only Castiel, but the kitten curled up on his mattress. I said she’s not allowed on the bed, Dean tries, but the protest is weak at best, especially when Cas has decided to play dirty and is lying bare-chested with the sheet artfully draped over his waist. 
Well, I could take her back to my room, Cas murmurs, scooping up the kitten, and Dean’s going hellishly soft in his old age because he just says Over my dead body, before crawling over the mattress to where Cas waits. The kitten finds her way to the floor. 
In the morning, Dean wakes up with his nose running and his eyes gummy, due to the fucking cat who has decided to sleep less than a foot away from his face. The heated kiss that Cas gives him when he wakes up only partially helps to stop his bitching.)
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jpegjade · 4 years
Prom Misses - Spencer
Angst idea: Spencer and Reader were low-key friends in college and Reader fell in love. Spencer was too insecure and emotionally unavailable to reciprocate. Somehow he ends up reflecting on the "what if" in the future and regretting his past passiveness badly. Thanks! 🤗
Maybe Spence didn't go to his prom because he graduated early and reader had her own reasons for skipping (maybe no date, was a bookworm who felt she didn't fit in)...* Time break* Reader and Spence become friends in the future and realize they missed out and decide to plan their own pseudo+prom: dressing up for a nice dinner with dancing. You're so good at these fics!!
Warnings: it might hurt a little bit bc angsty but the ending is a little bit different than usual. bloop
Spencer sat down at the booth of the diner. It was 11:52 pm and the waitress had served him three cups of coffee and a slice of apple pie. You loved apple pie so he thought he would order a slice before you got there… If you were coming. He believed in you, believed that there was still something left. You made a pact, after all. 5 years later, the two of you would meet at this diner at midnight if there was still something left between you. He didn’t forget; he couldn’t forget. He saved this date in his calendar and looked forward to it for the past 5 years. 
He was halfway done with his third cup of coffee when he heard the door swing open. He turned around only to see another trucker sauntering up to the counter. Spencer heaved a big sigh and thought back to those college days. 
*****5 years ago******
“You want to do what?” Spencer said, looking up from the textbook he was reading. 
You sat on his roommate’s bed, although his roommate didn’t spend any time there. He was always gone and Spencer liked it that way. It was easier to focus when his roommate was gone. On the other hand, he enjoyed when you were able to stop by or when he was able to meet you between classes at the library to help you study. He was already getting his second Ph. D so there was nothing he couldn’t help you with. 
“I want to go to that cheesy heartbreakers dance tonight.” You repeated. “Look, I didn’t get to go to prom. I wasn’t asked and I had too much going on in my life to go by myself. Hell, my friends didn’t even invite me to third wheel on their dates. I had my dress picked out and everything.” 
You smiled sadly at the memory. It was hard to think about, the idea that your friends weren’t there for you and you spent the night crying. 
“I graduated early so I didn’t even get the chance to go to prom.” He said, realizing he missed out on another milestone that other kids got the opportunity to experience. He didn’t really have friends to entertain the idea so what was the point? 
“Exactly. And I think it would be fun for us to go. Stay a little while, drink some of the spiked punch. Experience everything we missed out on and make it our own prom!” You said. “I even have that dress that I wanted to wear…” You trailed off as you watch Spencer’s face stay stoic.
You hated how he could be so unreadable sometimes. You got that it was just how he was but it frustrated you sometimes because you wanted him to give you something to go off of. You just wanted him to say or do something, even if he told you no. In fact, you expected him to tell you no.
“Okay.” He said, finally processing something. “We can go. I’ve read this entire textbook three times and I need to collect my thoughts before I write a letter to the editor, pointing out the obvious flaws in his thinking.” He stood up from his bed, walking over to his closet, rifling around before finding a black dress shirt. 
“Are you going to get dressed?” He said, turning around to look at your surprised face. 
You hopped off the bed and tried your best to hide your smile as you left his room. 
****Present day*****
Spencer tapped his fingers on the table. He checked his phone. 2 minutes closer and there was still no sign of you. He was holding out hope but he was realistic. You weren’t likely to show up. He knew that night… It was hard to remember but it was one of the best nights of his life. 
“I didn’t know if I wanted to come tonight.” You said, sliding into the booth opposite to Spencer. 
His head popped up, straightening his back. He was surprised to see you. It was only a minute until midnight. And you were here. You came...
“I didn’t think you would.” Spencer said, quietly. 
“Like I said, didn’t know if I wanted to.” You were colder than he remembered. You weren’t making eye contact, instead looking around the building. “God, what did we see in this place?” 
It was a shifty diner, for sure, but it was a place the two of you spent so many nights together. 
“It was the pie and coffee.” Spencer said, pushing the apple pie slice towards you. 
You smiled before grabbing the fork to start eating it. Spencer opened his mouth to say something and closed it. What could he say? It had been 5 years. 
“How have you been?” He asked, although he knew the answer to the question. You had been single, hated your roommate so you moved back in with your parents, which wasn’t much better, and you spent a lot of time alone since you never posted about your friends, just your job.
He told Garcia about the meeting earlier that day. He wanted to see what your life was like without leaving a trace, if possible, and Garcia was the best person to do that. 
“It’s been a long 5 years, Spence.” You said, pushing your empty pie plate away. 
His heart skipped a beat. Spence. You were the first person to call him that, before JJ. It gave him hope that there was something there if you could call him that after the past few years. 
“You look nice.” He said, smiling a little. 
He didn’t know where to start. Everything ended so suddenly back then and he didn’t have anything prepared. All that time and he didn’t have anything prepared. 
“Thank you. I’ve been taking care of myself.” You said, finally looking at him. 
“So… You…” He was tripping over his words. Fuck. He should’ve made an agenda. 
“You broke my fucking heart that night, Spencer.” You said, sighing. 
“I know…” He said, suddenly unable to meet your eyes. He thought about that night for years, unable to get your face out of his mind. 
God he was so stupid. Why couldn’t he just… 
“You ruined me and all you did was tell me that you weren’t interested in me. That you had goals and dreams and you needed to focus because at the end of the day, you were going to be alone so you needed to accomplish them. Alone.” You said, recounting everything he said. 
As if he needed to hear them again, you repeated the last word. “Alone.” 
“I’m sorry. At the time I…” Spencer couldn’t come up with the right words. Silence fell over the two of you again.
“I don’t blame you.” You said, pausing as the waitress came by to refill your and Spencer’s coffee cups. “See, I didn’t know what I wanted. All I knew was that I wanted you. I wanted you forever. And I’ve grown up since then. I see where I was wrong.” 
Spencer was speechless. You were really laying it out for him. He couldn’t say anything because he didn’t know what to say. So he let you continue. 
“You were right. At the end of the day, all you had was yourself. You were a self-centered asshole who had goals and expectations for everyone around you and I couldn’t meet those expectations, could I? You were emotionally unavailable and I was too in love with you to see it.” 
Was. Fuck. You had said ‘was,’ as in past tense. Did this mean you were over him? Spencer couldn’t ask. He didn’t dare ask. He didn’t even know where you stood with him. 
“You know what’s really fucked up?” You asked, pausing to let him raise his eyebrow in response. 
His throat felt dry. It was hard for him to focus on anything but you. And you were laser focused on him, he could tell. 
“I still love you. I still love the guy who taps his fingers on the table because he’s nervous. The guy who stops talking because he can’t think of anything to say. The guy who’s too smart for his own good. The guy who… Who let me believe for a second that I had a shot with someone as pure as he is.” 
“I didn’t realize it meant that much to you, that I meant that much to you.” He said, his heart stopping for a moment. 
“Spencer, that’s the problem. You don’t realize because you are so emotionally unavailable that you don’t think that someone would love you as much as I do.” 
Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. Fuuuuck was all that Spencer could think in that moment. 
A silence followed. The door chimed in the background and a tear fell down your face. You looked up at him and you saw him rubbing his eyes, one at a time. He was crying…
“Can I ask you something?” He said, standing up from the booth. 
“I’m not going anywhere with you, if that’s what you’re asking. I don’t trust myself with you.” You said, looking at his outstretched hand. 
“No. I wanted to know if I could dance with you, even if it’s just one last time. Don’t make any decisions until you hear what I have to say, please…” 
You paused for a moment. You thought about leaving. You thought about leaving him hanging. God you wanted to see him heartbroken like he left you that night. 
“Okay.” You said, taking his hand. 
He led you to a corner of the empty section of the diner. 
He looked at the waitress, who took her cue. She hit play on the jukebox and started the song you danced to that night. The same one that made you realize just how deeply you were in love with him. The one you kissed him to and the one he left you on the dancefloor to… He grabbed your hand and put his other hand on the small of your back. He led, of course, and you fell into step. 
It was just like you remembered it being. The building was basically empty, like that night. He still smelled like peaches and cream but it wasn’t strong. His hands were soft and he was just a little bit off beat but you didn’t mind. But something was different. 
He dipped his head next to your ear, speaking softly and slowly. 
“I can’t fix it. I can’t promise that I’m what you need. I can’t promise that I won’t put my job first. I love my job, I love saving people. It’s all I’ve ever wanted to do. But I’m missing something. I’m missing what we had. I’m missing you. You made me the better version of myself, whether I wanted to admit it or not. I thought I knew everything but it wasn’t until I got to see the relationships that my team held. And I realized that I had something special. I can’t fix us and I don’t want to start over. I just want to…” 
He paused. He didn’t know what else to say. 
“I want to try. You and me.” He finished. “Will you try to let me in again?” 
You rested your head on his chest and closed your eyes before giving him the answer you felt in your heart...
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Alright, so I couldn’t recover the first copy, so this is my attempt to recreate the original. Once again, constructive criticism is highly appreciated, tell me how I did!
Summary: After three agonizing months, the kids manage to track their parents down.
Mary: 15 y/o
Lizzie:7 y/o
Eddie:1 and a half y/o
Mae:6 m/o
Mary hesitated at the door. In hindsight, planning for this occasion probably would’ve been a good idea. Oh well. Not much she could do at this point. 
A part of the teenager was eager for what was to come; after all, it’s not everyday you reunite with your mother, who by the way, you haven’t seen in around thirty? Five hundred? Fifteen? Whatever, point is, she hadn’t seen her in a while. Just the idea of being in her mother’s safe embrace once again was enough to bring her a sense of happiness and contentment.
But then again, what if the queens and her mother were upset at the atrocities she’d committed in her first life? Mary sure as hell was no saint, and she’d be the first person to tell you this. But perhaps the joy of being reunited with their children would outweigh whatever resentment the queens held towards her. She sure hoped so.
She shifted Ed in her arms, rather accustomed to the familiar warmth he emitted. Upon reincarnation, the kids had found that both Mary and Ed had higher body temperatures, most likely due to the fact that both of them had died of illness in their first lives. None of the children seemed to have any issue with this, on the contrary, they often flocked to Mary during cold nights, something Mary found both endearing and incredibly annoying when she’d go use the bathroom in the middle of the night only to find herself met with two whiny children, furious their blanket had the audacity to leave them cold at night, if only for a couple minutes at most. 
She absently wondered if her mother would be the same, as they both died of illness.
A tug on her dress jolted her from her train of thought, and she turned downwards to be met with Lizzie, a pained look on her face.
“Mary, how much longer? Mae’s heavy and I’m tired,”
Sure enough, upon closer inspection, Liz was panting slightly, her face tinted a bright red. Mary felt a jolt of guilt at this realization, offering Liz a sheepish smile and a pat on her head. Seeing as two of the siblings weren’t able to walk yet, they’d had to settle for carrying their younger siblings. At first, Mary had been rather reluctant to let a seven year old carry a baby, but with no other alternative options, Mary had settled for carefully handing Mae over, explaining how to carry her to ensure she wouldn’t fall and making Liz promise not to drop her.
Inhaling shakily, Mary turned back towards the door. She raised her hand to knock before changing her mind and settling for the doorbell. Better chance of someone answering.
After a couple seconds where Mary began to worry no one would answer, a series of rapid footsteps and a hurried “Coming!” alerted her to someone coming. She waited awkwardly for a couple more seconds before the door swung open to reveal a tall woman, clad in a red hoodie with the words “QUEEN OF THE CASTLE” written out on the front in gold. 
Taking a moment to compose herself, Mary spoke up.
“Um... is this the home of Catherine of Aragon?”
Christ, she was a queen, why on earth did she have to sound like an awkward teenager?!
The woman’s expression immediately became guarded. “Why do you ask?”
Really, Mary should’ve thought about how this must look. Four shifty children show up at your door asking for your housemate. Hmmm, yes, not suspicious at all.
Mary drew herself to her full height, hoping to appear more confident than she felt. “I am Mary Tudor of Aragon. Here with Elizabeth Tudor Boleyn, (Liz waved shyly from behind her) Edward Tudor Seymour, (Ed yawned and snuggled into the crook of her neck, fast asleep) and Mary Seymour Parr (Mae looked up at the sound of her name). We’re here looking for our mothers,”
A stunned silence followed her declaration. Mary awkwardly shifted her weight like the awkward teenager she now realized she was. Was she too forwards? No, that couldn’t be it, she was simply stating the facts. Perhaps sensing the tension, Liz spoke up:
“I want my mummy!”
Liz’s words seemed to jolt the woman from whatever trance Mary had put her in. She stood up straight, rubbing the back of her neck awkwardly.
“Right. So. Um. Whatever I expected, that definitely wasn’t it. Uuuuuuh.... I don’t suppose you recognize me?”
Mary face scrunched up in concentration. Whilst this woman did strike her as incredibly familiar, she couldn’t quite place her. Giving a defeated sigh, she shook her head. The woman offered a sympathetic smile.
“That’s fine. I’m Anne of Cleves, Anna of Cleves Anna von Cleves, whatever’s easiest. Y’know, your mom’s fellow divorcee buddy,”
Mary nodded. Now that she thought about it, she should’ve guessed this was Cleves. Always wearing red, a chill, relaxed energy that could disappear the moment she thought you posed a threat to her family, plus that calm, mellow voice that Mary’d become so accustomed to in her first life. Really, Mary was surprised it took her this long to recognize her. Cleves continued:
“Alright so, you can just wait here in the entrance- don’t touch anything. Children or not, Jane will show no mercy to anyone who breaks that vase, yeah, they were gifts from the ladies. You guys wait right there, I’ll go get Lina,”
 And with that, Cleves took off up the stairs, murmuring something that Mary didn’t quite catch, although she did make out a “Holy fucking shitballs holy fuck fuck fuckfuckfuck,” Before a loud “LINA HOLY SHHHHhhoooooot,”. That last statement was accompanied by an apologetic look sent in the kid’s direction and a questioning look on Liz’s face. Yep, definitely Cleves. 
Mary hesitantly entered the home, waiting for Liz to walk in with Mae before closing the door behind her. Looking around the entrance, she saw the vase that Cleves was referring to. It was a light blue flower vase, decorated with various musical instruments. Looking around some more, Mary’s eyes landed on a coat rack, six variously colored coats on the hooks. Mary immediately decided she liked the yellow-gold coat most.
As her eyes travelled around the room, a collection of pictures hung up on the wall caught her attention. A woman with dark hair held up in two buns flipping the camera off with one hand, the other slung around a laughing girl with bright pink hair held up in a high ponytail. A blond haired woman giving an exasperated smile to the camera as three women played some sort of board game in the background. The woman with the buns was yelling at Cleves, who by the looks of it was having the time of her life as the pink haired girl facepalmed from her position between them.
Before she could investigate any more, a set of voices caught her attention. The first one, she recognized as Cleves. The second, she-
Holy shit.
She’d know that voice anywhere.
Oh fuck fuck fuck fuckfuckfuckFUCK.
She was not ready.
But still, time waits for no one, and Mary could only wait for the inevitable.
The two came into view, Cleves holding her hands over Aragon’s eyes while Aragon’s lips turned up into an amused smile and holy shit she missed that smile.
“Anna, I swear to god if this is another prank-”
“Relax, I get the feeling you’re really gonna like this,”
“Somehow I don’t trust that,”
Cleves shot Mary an ear splitting grin as Mary swallowed the lump in her throat. Now or never.
Grinning, Cleves ripped her hands away from Aragon’s eyes. “SURPRISE!”
Time seemed to freeze as the Spaniards made eye contact. Mary became acutely aware of how quiet the room had become and for the first time, Mary felt she could properly use the expression “You could hear a pin drop,”. Forcing the unease she felt down, Mary forced herself to speak up. 
All attempts of speaking were silenced as Mary was suddenly wrapped in a bone crushing hug. Tears sprang to her eyes as holy fuck she was in her mum’s arms again and she’d forgotten how safe and strong her arms were and all she could smell was mum and she just felt so safe.
“Mami” Mary choked out, wrapping her free arm around her mother, tears running down her face like water dripping down a window during a storm.
“Mija” Aragon answered, digging her face into Mary’s hair, both women clutching each other as if the other might disappear if they let go, and with everything that had happened in the past few months, Mary wasn’t quite sure that wouldn’t happen. However, this moment, as all good things do, came to an end. Ed it appeared, didn’t quite like waking up squished in the middle of a hug, and promptly burst into tears.
Aragon blinked, seemingly surprised by the sudden outburst. She then looked behind Mary, and it just then seemed to dawn on her what was happening.
“Is that-”
“Yep!” Liz shouted, popping the “p”. Pointing an accusatory finger at Mary, she continued.
“You got to see your momma, I want mine!”
Aragon detached herself from Mary to her disappointment and crouched down to look Liz in the eyes.
“Well little one, I think that’s an excellent idea,” turning to Cleves, she began,
“Can you-”
“Already on it,”
And with that, Cleves took off up the stairs once more.
Aragon turned back to Liz, observing the way she shifted and struggled under Mae’s weight. “She seems a bit heavy for you love. Would you like me to carry her?”
Liz turned to Mary for confirmation, and upon receiving an affirmative nod, turned back to Aragon and nodded. Aragon carefully took a curious Mae from Liz, who sighed in relief at the absent of the sixteen pounds she’d been carrying earlier. Mae simply stared at Aragon before looking down and trying to fit her fist in her mouth.
An unfamiliar voice attracted all of their attention. The pink haired girl from the pictures was descending the stairs, her attention on the hoodie clad woman behind her. 
“What do you mean they’re back? How do you-”
Her mouth opened in an “oh” at the scene before her. She stared at the children for a couple seconds before turning back to Cleves. “I take it you want me to call everyone at once?”
“Please Kitty Kat?”
Kitty Kat? Mary turned to her mother for an explanation, only to be met with a mouthed “I’ll explain later”
Kitty Kat turned back to the kids, clasping her hands together. 
“Alright! So could you cover the little one’s ears please? This could get a bit messy,”
Mary complied, covering a still sniffling Ed’s ears. Aragon covered Liz’s ears, who in turn covered Mae’s. Inhaling deeply, Kitty Kat turned to the stairs.
Mary briefly wondered how that single call was supposed to summon three women before she was met with three ear-splitting shrieks.
Ah, so that was Howard.
Turning to a horrified Cleves and a slightly impressed Aragon, Howard smiled sweetly. “Done,”. She then turned to address Mary and Aragon. “Yeah, you might wanna keep their ears covered for a bit more. Mary nodded carefully, slightly worried of what was to come. Three pairs of footsteps thundered down the stairs as the last two women from the pictures flew down the stairs, accompanied by a third woman.
“Katherine Howard you will stay away from the coffee or so help me,”
A woman with curly black hair wearing a light blue hoodie.
“Kitty, let’s watch the language, k love?”
The blonde from the picture, this time clad in a light grey sweatshirt.
The woman with the buns from the picture, wearing a bright green crop top with the words “Not today Satan” written on it in cursive.
Kat smiled and jerked her head towards the entrance. All women froze at the sight of the children. The blonde’s hands lifted to her mouth as the woman in the blue hoodie’s hands clutched at her chest. The woman with the space buns fell to her knees in shock. Liz, who had been covering Mae’s ears with the concentration of someone trying to defuse a bomb, looked up at the women who has entered the scene. Her face lit up as her eyes landed on the woman with the space buns. “Mummy!”
Liz sprinted into Boleyn’s open arms as the two Boleyns clutched each other tightly.
“Lizzie? Oh my lord Lizzie please tell me it’s you. Lizzie tell me I’m not dreaming,” 
Liz, who it appeared was trying to crush Boleyn in her hug, hummed contently. Howard gently led the two to the couch, where she sat them both down. Liz latched onto Boleyn’s neck, while Boleyn, for once in her life, seemed completely speechless. Howard, perhaps sensing her cousin wouldn’t be speaking anytime soon, took charge. Turning to Liz, she offered the girl a wide smile.
“Hi Lizzie! I’m your aunt Kitty!”
Liz returned Howard’s smile with her own toothy grin. 
“Hi aunt Kitty! Look, I found my mummy! I lost her for a while, but I found her again!”
Howard laughed heartily. “You sure did!”
Across the room, Mae began fussing. Seemingly upset at the lack of attention she was receiving, she began whining and grabbing at the nearest person, who happened to be the woman in the blue hoodie. Aragon smiled at this. “Looks like the little one wants her mummy, don’t you baby?”
So that must be Parr.
Aragon placed Mae in Parr’s arms, who held her like she was made of glass and could shatter at any second. Mae immediately relaxed in her mother’s arms, snuggling into her hoodie. Parr cleared her throat awkwardly.
“Hi Mae, it’s mummy,”
Mae blinked up at her before giving a wide yawn. Parr laughed.
“You sleepy? Well love, I think after the day we’ve had today, we’re both gonna need a long nap,”
Mae yawned once more in response, prompting another laugh from the blue queen. As she shifted the babe into a more comfortable position.
A loud cry rang throughout the room, catching everyone’s attention. Mary awkwardly rocked a sobbing Ed, her attempts proving futile. Aragon stepped closer to her. 
“I think it’s about time little Eddie got his turn, don’t you think?”
Mary nodded, turning towards the last woman, who she supposed must be Seymour. Seymour waited eagerly, a cross between anxiety and excitement. Mary placed Ed, who had since stopped crying and was staring at Seymour curiously, in her waiting arms. Seymour inhaled shakily before beginning.
“Hi baby, I’m your mummy,”
Ed stared at her blankly before reaching a grubby little hand out to grab at her face.
Seymour gave a watery laugh.
“That right Eddie, I’m your mummy!” Her voice cracked nearing the end of her sentence as she let out a choked sob, clutching Ed tightly to her chest. Ed seemed rather unperturbed by this and settled for sticking fistfuls of Seymour’s hair in his mouth, who seemed just as unconcerned for the baby trying to eat her hair as Ed was for being stuck in his mother’s loving embrace. Smiling, Mary turned to look around the room.
Boleyn, who it appeared had regained her voice, was bouncing Liz on her lap as Howard told her stories of the shenanigans her mother had gotten into in her absence, Boleyn jumping in periodically to add a detail that Howard had forgotten. Parr was rocking a drowsy Mae to sleep, quietly singing a lullaby that Mary didn’t quite recognize. Cleves had joined Ed and Seymour and was entertaining Ed with funny faces and voices. Seymour seemed to have calmed down and was bouncing Ed, who seemed enthralled by Cleve’s voices and faces, on her knee. His shrieks of laughter echoed throughout the room.
Mary gave a contented sigh and pressed herself to her mother’s side, basking in her warmth. She was right, her mum was rather warm. Giving a final look around the room, she finally felt fully at peace. It had taken three months. Three agonizing months, but they’d made it. And suddenly nothing else mattered, because these children, these beaten, broken children, were whole again.
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Lap Fuddles
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(© forwardwalk ♈️ )
Genre: Smut
Warning: Sub!Renjun, Dom!Reader, Femdom, Thigh riding, Hair pulling, Spanking, Pegging, Degradation, Profanity, CFNM, Some pretty hardcore graphic dirty talk, Orgasm denial
Word Count: 2k
This can be seen as the continuation of this ask @submissivekpop​ (tbh I am the one who sent that in), which is my idea of “steamy passionate sex” mentioned in it, so I strongly recommend reading it beforehand to get a full grasp of the background of this scenario. 
This is also my first published work after I re-start my blog, and I hope doms thirsting after subby Renjun are satisfied!
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  "I thought you didn't like being on my lap...but here you are, riding me like a needy horny kit in calling..." You sneer as your hand comes down to slap and pinch Renjun’s cheek, which is still rosy from the spanking earlier, as the fingers of your other hand are still pumping his spot deliciously, causing his delicate body to slightly quiver and speed up his movements, dazed but focused on building up the sensation in his lower abdomen.
  Smirking at his fervent humping as well as his obviously heightened desires, your hand wanders around on his smooth skin. “Where is that defiant sulky little boy who insisted that sitting on my lap is ‘unmanly’ and ‘embarrassing’ hmm? Now look at you, enjoying yourself this shamelessly much just like a fucking slut. Do you think it’s still necessary to maintain your ludicrous ‘manly’ image, since you apparently prefer to be my whore?” 
  Renjun still continues to grind on you, so immersed in the friction provided by your jean-clad thigh that he fails to take notice of your rhetorical question, which soon earns him a firm tug on his hair as he whimpers at the sudden pain.
  “Do you still insist on being ‘manly’ while you are already whoring up?” You grab a handful of his hair, pulling your fingers out of his agape hole as you repeat the simplified question.
  “No... Miss, I don't anymore...please…" Renjun whines at the sense of loss on his prostate.
  “Please what? My little slut.” You deliberately tighten your thigh muscle to make him moan at the sudden change of sensation.
  “Please...Miss, I want…” Renjun sways his hips titillatingly, making his needs fairly noticeable.
  "Can’t even use your words properly, how pathetic." You tauntingly brush your fingers around his entrance in a circular motion. "Tell me exactly where you want me and what you want me to do with you. Make it clear."
  Renjun lowers his head, avoiding your piercing gaze as he blushes and stammers. "Please Miss...I want...mmff...I want you to f-fuck deep into my ass...hahh...w-with your fingers...please"
  "That's my good honest boy." You coo as you immediately push three fingers into him, making him yelp and grasp hard onto your shoulders at the shockwave of pleasure. "Does my slutty little kitten want something bigger and thicker?"
  "Y-yesss Miss...please…" Renjun shudders and stutters as he buries his face into the crook of your neck.
  You then plant a light kiss on his cheek before gesturing him to stand up for you to fasten the strap-on dildo around your crotch.
  "Be good and ride my cock. Show me exactly what a desperate fuckaholic you are." You seductively gaze at him as you are lubing the silicone toy.
  "Me...doing it...myself...again?” The tint on his cheeks begins to glow even redder. “Riding your thigh was already embarrassing enough, yet now you still want more? You are pushing it too far you evil devil…”
  You cock your eyebrow in amusement, despite his accusing tone, his complexion, slightly shifty gaze, as well as his lightly twitching cock all give away signs of his arousal.
  “So now I am the evil one here huh?” You disapprovingly scoff, getting up from the couch and push him downwards, forcing him to bend over the cushioned back. "Why bad-mouth the big mighty devil you love so fucking much," You grip hard onto his little waist before landing a hard slap on his still pinkish rear, "when your body reactions already obviously betrayed your words? Hmm my lying little kitten?" You then give him a few consecutive harsh spanks, causing him to let out pathetic whiny moans and squirm under the stinging sensation.
  "You think you are all difficult and formidable…" You slap him for the one last time, then reach down to caress his throbbing arousal generously, before going back up to resume his punishment. "...But in fact, you are nothing but a predictable little licentious kit that is putty in my hands…" You snicker as you press your still clothed chest against his back to breathe hotly near his ear, while your thumb lightly teases his slick entrance as the tips of the rest of your fingers brush stealthily against his sensitive flesh down south.
  "Does my untruthful little brat know why he can't win against his Mistress now?" You wickedly smack his cheeks as you begin to pump his shaft, internally smirking that Renjun is too carried away to utter any word. "It's because I know you too well, and I can read you in a split second just like an open book. I will take advantage of your every possible kink and torture every inch of you until your every single nerve bundle is burning with desires embroidered by my scent, touch, and everything me. Get that? My filthy slut?" Your clear enunciation of the last few words is followed by sadistic laughter ringing in Renjun's ear, the degradation sinking into his trembling body even more, as he can do nothing but hold on tightly to the couch for support.
  "You want to cum huh, my needy little fucktoy?" You sneer as you release your hand originally wrapped around his cock, focusing fully and solely rubbing between his cheeks, as he desperately nods. 
  "You want me to destroy that pretty little fuckhole with my massive dick until you can't get any load out of you anymore?"
  "Y-yesss Mistress...f-fuckk stop teasing me pleaasee…"
  After his plea, you creep behind him, spread his awaiting hole wide, before sliding into him in a slow cautious one-go. As he moans out at the feeling of being stuffed and stretched, you spank him twice, once for each cheek, to turn his sounds of satisfaction into gasps of surprise.
  "I'm still not done with disciplining you yet, slut." You growl as you intersperse your deep thrusts with loud smacks. "You should be punished not only because of your disobedience, but also your dishonesty for not coming clean with me about the true filthy side of you earlier."
  With your one hand still marking his cheek, your other hand creeps up to pinch his already hardened nipple. While Renjun's quivering and panting hard from the triple pleasure, you make his mind messier by pressing close up to him and nibbling his neck. "Now you can think of nothing but my cock buried deep inside you driving you senseless, just like a dim-witted whore you are." 
  Already lost count of how many times his pre-cum has oozed out of his slit, Renjun still wets himself even worse when he feels your tongue moisturizing his sweet spots, along with your gravelly moans vibrating against him. The only two things that matter to him now are first, your ruthless cock ramming into him, second, the last bits of his brain functions ordering him to moan as wantonly as he can because you've trained him to be shamelessly vocal for your enjoyment. You can easily tell the timing when he's getting nearer to his breaking point by the volume and coherence of his moans, but you decide to be cruel and delay his orgasm further.
  "Looks like someone has already got his fair share of dirty pleasure without doing much." Your sly remarks, as well as the withdrawal of your member, rip straight through his climax as he can't help but look into your eyes incredulously. "Why give me that look? You have to make up for the order you failed to follow! Now get your ass down to my lap again and worship my cock properly with that insatiable tight boypussy of yours."
  You quickly shift both of you into the desired position as Renjun, dreading being denied another orgasm again, obediently sinks down on your cock without much hesitation this time.
  "Oh you should've known better don't you?" You gleefully smirk as you slap his jiggling cheeks playfully like treating a toy. "You should know that I am the Queen that completely owns you, and you should be thankful that I grant you the privilege to let you share my throne on my lap, yet you decided to be an ungrateful little rascal." 
  You then commence fondling his balls that ache to be touched again. "See? If you had let me taken over you much more willingly without those stupid attempts to protest, we could have so much more fun together…" While one of your hands is still jerking him off, the other goes up to firmly tug his hair, pulling his head closer to you as your lips approach his ear. "The Queen enjoying the show her little cockslave is putting on and you getting the best fuck of your life...why were you just too stupid to realize that this spices things up for both of us sooner? My pretty little fuckpet?"
  "I was stupid, Your Highness." Renjun slides deeper into his subspace as he bounces up and down on you even faster. "Please allow your dumb slave to cum...please…"
  "Finally someone's remorseful." You muse in delight. "But still…" You steady your lower body and tighten your grip on Renjun, before starting to thrust back up into him, the sensation almost choking the pretty boy, as he leans his chin on your shoulder for extra support, a convenient position for you to whisper more nasty things to him.
  “Look at you now, riding my cock and following commands this well. You do have the potential to be my pliant plaything, but your snarky bratty mouth refused to surrender. But in fact, you are just a tsundere little kitten that treasures your useless pride a bit too much to admit that you love being humiliated and tortured, aren’t you?” Your hips move in sync with his, both of you focused on getting the dildo deeper inside him, as Renjun lets out a faint whimper indicating your pertinent descriptive words has worked on him. “But now since you have been good, I will fuck every last bit of your purity, sanity, rationality and your so-called masculinity out of you until you are a teary vulnerable mess and begging me to have mercy on you, because all you deserve is to be fucked open as my personal sleazy slut every single night…” 
  Renjun feels his second climax soon building up again as both the physical pleasure and the stimuli from your graphic degrading words resonate in harmony in his mind, sending him over the edge. You on the other hand, feel even more empowered and aroused at the fact that though with the fabric barrier of your clothes blocking direct contact with your sub, you still are blessed with the ability to wrap him around your finger, with more ecstasy dripping out of your heat at the sight of a beautifully flushed Renjun humping you in his honeyed voice.
  You respond to his fervent pleas to cum with some gentle coaxes, which soon milk hot spurts of seeds out of him as he gradually slows down and crashes onto you, burying his face into the crook of your neck. Doing your aftercare routine to get him back to his senses, you gently peck his limp body and wipe the tears away from the corner of his eyes, then wrap him in a comfy Moomin blanket he likes the most that you have already prepared next to you beforehand, and tell him how good he is at pleasuring you and how ethereal he looks right now while you affectionately pet his hair which is damp from sweat.
  Arms still tightly around your waist, Renjun finally looks up to face you, but avoids your direct gaze from time to time to prevent himself from burning with embarrassment. 
  “Now what? Still too shy to admit that you like lap cuddles?” You lightheartedly tease and nudge him.
  “No, I’m not!” Renjun’s voice, though sounding indignant at first, you can still detect the undertone that is filled with love and the cravings of more intimacy with you.
  You both giggle as you allow him to bury his face in your chest to indulge in your sweet fragrance that never fails to remind him whom he belongs to and feels safe with, cherishing the moment in comfortable silence where you just simply enjoy each other’s company.
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jamaisjoons · 5 years
intro: her IV ⤑ knj | m
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⟶ 𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑦:〝 you enter namjoon’s life in the most unexpected of ways, but will you be able to stay, especially when he comes with three adorable but chaotic children, even more chaotic best friends and a bitch of an ex-wife? not to mention your own emotional baggage. 〞singe dad au.
❥ 𝑝𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔: single dad!namjoon x marine vet!reader
❥ 𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑟𝑒: fluff
❥ 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡: 7k
⟶ 𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠: some clichés, tooth rotting fluff, like no serious, this shit is so cute and wholesome I want to write 20k of angst, perhaps second hand embarrassment? but no, this chapter is hella tame
➵ 𝑎/𝑛: hello children, the much awaited intro: her chapter four is here!!! sorry it took me a while, I kind of hit writers block elfnkfk but anyway, here it is! hope you enjoy it.
⏤ Rewritten as of 25/02/2020
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Chapter 4: The Picnic
It’s 10am on a Saturday when you’re woken up by your phone ringing on the bedside beside you. You let out a tired groan before blindly feeling around for said mobile device. When your hands finally hit the cold metal of your phone, you grab it and open your eyes slightly. A groan of protest escapes your mouth at the bright light, and squinting you check the caller; ‘Kim Namjoon’ the ID reads. With a slight frown, you swipe the green answer button, pressing your phone to your ear.
“Hello?” you ask, voice heavily laden with sleep and slightly croaky. You can hear the boys faintly in the background, and a squeaky voice you recognise as Jungkook’s pestering his father to ‘ask her! Ask her!’.
“Hey ____? Did I just wake you up? I’m so sorry,” Namjoon begins, deep voice apologizingly profusely. You shake your head, before realising he can’t see you, making you clear your throat instead.
“No, it’s okay. Did you need something?” you ask, sitting up in bed as you rub the sleep out of your eyes. In the corner of the room you hear a small whine before your adorable, white fluff of a Samoyed jumps onto the bed, nuzzling into your neck. You scratch his ears, bidding him awake before focusing on your conversation again.
“Oh no! It’s just, we’re having a picnic today at Yoongi’s and the boys were wondering if you wanted to join us? I’m sorry for waking you up, but if you want to go back to sleep it’s fine too,” Namjoon continues, voice carrying over the phone. You can hear Jungkook whine, Taehyung’s ‘no! she has to come!’ faintly ringing through the background.
“Ah, no! I’m free today. I’d love to join you. What’s the address and what time do I need to be there?” you ask, throwing the covers off of you as you make your way into the bathroom, to get ready for the day.
“We’re going to meet around 11 maybe 12 at Seokjin’s and don’t worry about the address. Jin-hyung said he’ll send a driver to come to collect you,” Namjoon replies.
“Oh no! You really don’t need to do that,” you try rebuffing the offer, not wanting to take advantage of your friends.
“He said he won’t take no for an answer. How soon can you be ready?” Namjoon asks and you quickly check the time.
“Umm, I think I could be ready by 10:30, 10:45 at the latest,” you reply after calculating however much time you’d need to shower and get dressed.
“Okay perfect. The driver will pick you up at 10:45. See you soon!” Namjoon says but you quickly call out to him before he can cut off the call.
“Wait! Can I bring my dog? I’m supposed to walk him today and I don’t think I’ll be able to find someone to watch him this late,” you ask.
“Yeah that’s fine! The more the merrier,” Namjoon responds before cutting the call. You quickly put your phone down on the sink before stripping and getting in the shower.
Half an hour later, you’re almost ready. Swiftly, you throw on some clothes, checking over yourself in the mirror with a final glance. You make sure your make up is blended, and hair as smooth as can be. Finally, deeming yourself ready, you throw on your shoes before grabbing your dog’s harness and strapping it around him. His tail wags ecstatically and you giggle as you pet his head, scratching his cheeks while you wait the driver to call you. You don’t have to wait for long, because at exactly 10:45 you get a message from an unknown number letting you know that it’s the driver and he’s waiting for you downstairs.
You quickly get into the car, making sure your puppy is inside before strapping yourself in. You sit quietly for most of the journey, only speaking every now and then to calm your Samoyed down, stopping him from barking at the people outside of the window. It’s been six months since you met Namjoon and his children, and now you’re more at ease with them; although every now and then it dawns on you that your friends aren’t exactly run of the mill people but are in fact the best artists in Korea.
You contemplate your new friends for a little while longer, and an hour later, the car stops outside a park that looks more like a forest than anything. You scrunch your eyebrows, wondering why you hadn’t stopped at the huge apartment complex that you knew to be Seokjin’s building. The driver sends you a small smile before beckoning you out. You want to ask what the hell is going on, but a familiar figure stops you. Spotting Seokjin’s broad frame walking out from a small clearing in the forestry area of the park, you thank the driver and grab your pup’s leash before stepping out.
“____! Nice of you to join us this fine day,” Seokjin says, greeting you with an overexaggerated bow. You let out a little laugh, curtseying back as your pup stands to the side, wagging his tail and practically begging Seokjin for attention.
“Oh! Look at this handsome man. He’s almost as handsome as me!” Seokjin says, squeaky windshield wiper laughter following. His words make you roll your eyes in fond exasperation, watching as Seokjin plays with your dog.
“Okay, let’s head off before they come looking for us. The boys are super excited about meeting you today. Jungkook almost drove Namjoon up the wall asking where you were,” Seokjin says with a small smile and you giggle, following Seokjin as you imagine Jungkook repetitively questioning his father about your whereabouts.
Seokjin leads you down the same path he emerged from; the two of you wander down the small winding trail; erect trees standing tall on either side. It’s a pretty place, vivid hues of vibrant green surrounding you. A few minutes later, the two of you emerge from a little opening into a wide-open field. You have to stop for a minute, taking in the entire site. The area is surrounded by woodland, giving a truly secluded feel to the area. Various shrubs and flowering bushes grow in sporadic places but the majority of the area is covered in soft green grass. In the middle of the field is the small gaggle of boys and men. Taehyung and Jimin are running around as Hoseok chases them, the two boys squealing and giggling; Yoongi is laying down, undoubtedly attempting to take a nap and Jungkook is practically pressed against Namjoon.
Your pup starts barking, the mildly heavy ball of fluff tugging on your grip on his lead as he tries to join in with the two running boys. Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung’s head whip toward you at the sound of the dog. You spot Jungkook quickly separating himself from his father, Jimin and Taehyung now running towards you and Seokjin. Namjoon and Yoongi both get up, Jungkook grabbing his father’s hand and dragging him towards you. You all meet somewhat in a middle and you keep a firm grip on your excited pup’s lead, not wanting him to jump and tackle the boys who were only slightly bigger than your dog.
“A puppy!” Jimin squeals, immediately throwing himself into your pup’s side, burying his face into the long white hair and nuzzling into it.
“Fluffy doggy!” Taehyung calls out, equally excitable as he attempts to grab as much of the long white hair as he can with his tiny palms.
“What’s his name?” Jungkook asks, large doe-like eyes looking up at you, one hand holding onto his father’s as the other is being licked by your dog, causing Jungkook to let out a tinkling laugh. The minute Jungkook asks his name you freeze, panic consuming you. You had completely forgotten exactly what you’d named your puppy.
In a moment of blind panic, “Reginald!” you blurt out, not wanting to admit the almost embarrassing name of the pup.
“Reginald? Did you really name your dog Reginald?” Namjoon asks, his eyebrow raising, a small teasing smile on his face. You can tell he doesn’t believe you for a single second, but he doesn’t say anything else.
“Reginald! Hey look at me,” Hoseok calls, attempting to call out to your dog. However, your pup simply ignores him causing Hoseok to frown.
“He’s not responding. Why isn’t he responding?” Hoseok asks and you bite your lip, looking away. You know exactly why he’s not responding. And it’s because his name is definitely not Reginald. Yoongi, being the ever-observant man, notices your shiftiness and immediately calls you out.
“His name isn’t Reginald is it?” Yoongi asks and you blanch, your stomach dropping as butterflies bloom in your stomach. Are you really about to embarrass yourself in front of them? Yup. You definitely are. You’re sure of it.
With a quiet, barely audible voice, “um… no,” you reply. You really, really do not want to tell them your pup’s name.
“You’re embarrassed!” Seokjin suddenly calls out, his entire face twisting with excitement as he takes in your nervous disposition, “why are you embarrassed? How bad can it be?” Seokjin asks, although there’s a slight twinkle in his eyes that you know means that as soon as you reveal the mildly embarrassing name, he’ll tease you for the next few weeks.
Realising you have no option but to come clean, “Ra… mo…” you mumble out. The guys squint at you and you let out a little sigh.
“Ugh! Fine! Rap Mon. His name is Rap Mon, are you happy?” you finally say, face heated and small pout on your face.
“Sorry what? I didn’t hear that” Hoseok says dumbly, although his lips are tightly pressed together, pulled into a smile and his cheeks puffed out. All signs that he definitely heard you and is struggling not to laugh. Seokjin’s face mimics Hoseok’s and as soon as you let out a defeated sigh, both of them burst out into laughter, unable to contain themselves anymore.
“Rap Mon! Oh my god, his name is Rap Mon! Rap Monster!” Hoseok finally bursts out, struggling to speak from how hard he’s laughing. You let out a small groan, wishing the ground would swallow you up - but simultaneously knowing that you’re never about to live this down.
“Do you remember- do you… oh my god, I can’t… do you remember when Namjoon was Rap Monster?” Seokjin asks, trying to catch his breath between his laughter. Internally, you berate yourself. Honestly, of all things you had to name your dog, you just had to name it after the artists you somehow befriended. Even more so than before, you really hope the earth would somehow split open and swallow you whole. Nervously, you chance a glance at the man your pup is named after and notice that despite his heated cheeks, he’s got the slightest smile etched onto his pillowy lips.
“Okay, okay. That’s enough. She’s allowed to name her dog whatever she wants,” Namjoon finally says, trying to control his friends despite the beaming smile on his face.
“Oh my- Stop,” Hoseok gasps, clutching his stomach as he tries his hardest to breathe, “I can’t. Jin-hyung, look how happy Namjoonie is,” Hoseok points out, both the men falling into giggles once again. Namjoon lets out a little sigh before directing a pleading look towards Yoongi. For the most of it, Yoongi’s got a big smile on his face, gums prominent as he watches his friends. The boys don’t care as much, unbothered by the laughing adults as they continue playing with Rap Mon.
“For what it’s worth, I only call him that when he’s being bad or doing something he isn’t supposed to. I mainly call him Monie,” you try to explain as a way to placate the situation, but your words only set the two older men off again.
“Rap Mon… WHEN HE’S BEING BAD! Oh my god, this is gold. ____, thank you. This is the best present you could have given us,” Hoseok finally says, attempting to collect himself as he pats your back.
“I think whenever Namjoon does something he isn’t supposed to, I’m going to call him Rap Mon too,” Seokjin teases, Namjoon grumbling under his breath. You send Namjoon an apologetic look, but he simply shakes you off.
“It’s fine, they’ll get tired of it eventually,” Namjoon whispers lowly into your ear. Immediately, you stand straight, his presence directly behind your back and low voice in your ear sending shivers down your spine. For a moment, you wonder if he knows whathe’s doing, but before you can reply he’s back to his usual self, herding his children back to the picnic blanket.
You follow the rest of them, placing your bag down on the blanket before reaching over and removing the leash from Rap Mon’s harness so he can run around with the boys. Getting comfortable on the ground, Yoongi offers you some bibimbap which you accept graciously, watching as, this time, your pup chases a laughing and giggling Taehyung and Jimin. Jungkook is sitting beside you, happily munching on his snacks as he watches YouTube videos on his father’s phone.
“Sorry about waking you up this morning by the way,” Namjoon apologises once again.
“Honestly, it was no issue. If you hadn’t I’d probably have slept in till about midday. Where are we by the way? When you said picnic at Seokjin’s, I thought we’d be somewhere around his building,” you ask, wondering about the long car ride and lack of buildings or people around.
“We are. Seokjin owns this area,” Hoseok says casually as he munches on some crackers. You stare at him, blinking dumbfoundedly.
“Seokjin owns… land?” you ask and the boys nod - as if it were the most casual thing in the world. Instantly, you deadpan, wondering why you even bother being surprised by how rich they are anymore. Of course, Seokjin just owns land. He was a chaebol after all.
“Technically my father owns it. He was planning on building new company headquarters here, but the boys loved it so much as I asked if I could have it and it just sort of turned into a private park,” Seokjin explains and you nod, wondering if they realisedthat having a private park wasn’t a normal, everyday thing.
Namjoon eventually calls Jimin and Taehyung back, enticing them with food and the lot of you sit, munching happily. Jimin and Taehyung are once again talking about their week in school, this time regaling their tales to Hoseok, Seokjin and Yoongi. They mention an upcoming play in which Jimin wanted to be the princess but got stuck being the prince while Taehyung got to be a dragon even though he really wanted to be the prince, the two of them complaining about the unfairness of it all. Jungkook for the most of it is laying down quietly, using Monie’s body as a pillow; watching Pokémon as your pup keeps him company, Jungkook sneaking Rap Mon his snacks every now and then.
At some point, Hoseok and Seokjin disappear into the forest with a small bag; your eyes follow them with curiosity, wondering what they are up to. However, once they’re out of your line of sight, you turn back to your conversation with the boys, listening and nodding as they continue talking about school, aliens, fairy tales and anything else their six-year-old brains can come up with it. Half an hour later, however, Hoseok and Seokjin return with big grins, throwing the bag down. You look at them curiously, eyes slightly narrowed as you wonder what trouble they’re about to start brewing.
“Okay so, Hoseokie and I decided a normal picnic was going to be too boring. Therefore, we devised a little game,” Seokjin begins and Namjoon immediately groans, most likely knowing the chaos that the two older men were going to bring about.
“What are you two up to? What game?” Yoongi asks, frowning at the two.
“Well, you see. We hid various ribbons around the forest. All ribbons have little prizes on them, anything from snacks to little toys,” Hoseok says and immediately Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook are interested, listening to the older guys curiously.
“But there is one special ribbon, and whoever gets that, gets one toy. Anything you could want, within reason, Seokjinnie-hyung will buy it for you,” Seokjin says and suddenly the boys are starstruck, bouncing up and down. Taehyung and Jimin quickly turn around, ready to run off into the forest but Hoseok and Seokjin quickly grab them before they can wander off alone.
“Hold up there. You can’t go alone, pick an adult to go with,” Hoseok says and all three quickly turn and latch themselves onto their father.
“I pick daddy!” the boys all call out at once and you have to resist the urge to laugh out loud. It was always endearing how attached the boys were to their father. Namjoon for the most of it looks panicked, unsure what to do about the situation.
“That’s not possible. You can’t all pick Namjoonie. You’re making hyungie sad. Do you not wanna go with me?” Hoseok asks with a pout and Jimin let’s go of his father, approaching Hoseok and patting his knee.
“It’s okay Hobi-hyung, I’ll go with you! Don’t be sad,” Jimin says, smiling brightly, eyes pulled into little half crescents and bright grin on his face. Reflexively, your heart lurches in your chest, your face crumpling at how adorably comforting Jimin is.
“I’ll go with Jinnie hyung!” Taehyung calls out, skipping over to the oldest and quickly grabbing the larger hand with his smaller, sticky one. Jungkook looks slightly unsure and you can practically see the gears in his head shifting - choose his father, or someone else.
“Come on Jungkookie, don’t make Yoonie-hyung sad. Otherwise he’ll have no one with him,” Seokjin pouts but your eyes narrow at the mischievous glint mirrored in both his and Hoseok’s eyes. Oh, they’re definitely up to something - you just can’t figure out what. Jungkook looks conflicted but eventually nods, moving over to Yoongi. Yoongi’s eyes narrow at the boys too, cocking his head to the side.
“Who is daddy gonna go with?” Jungkook asks and Hoseok and Seokjin immediately grin. Your stomach drops, dread filling you as you wonder just what they’re planning.
“Daddy’s just going to have to go with ____, isn’t he?” Seokjin says, eyes glistening with mirth. And there it is. They’re planning to get you and Namjoon alone because within the six months of knowing them, you had somehow developed a tiny teensy crush on Namjoon and somehow Hoseok had picked up on it – really with how nervous you could get around him, it was pretty obvious – and loved teasing you for it. You glare at Hoseok, trying to convey that the next time the two of you are alone, he’s dead but he simply laughs you off.
“Hey, no fair! I wanna go with noona,” Jungkook pouts and Namjoon only looks slightly offended that his son chose you over him.
“Ah remember the days when Namjoonie used to be Jungkookie’s favourite, but now its ____,” Seokjin says with a dramatic sigh, causing you to resist the urge to kick him in the shin because really you all know he’s purposely trying to push your buttons.
“It’s okay Kookie, you can take Rap Mon if you want,” you suggest and immediately Jungkook nods enthusiastically, watching as you hand Yoongi Rap Mon’s lead.
Finally, with the groups decided, everyone begins trekking into the forest. Taehyung grabs Hoseok and pulls him into the forest, the two of them rushing as they try to collect the ribbons. Part of you wonders if it’s fair considering Hoseok and Seokjin were the ones to hang them up and thus would know exactly where the ribbons are. Not one to be bested, though, Jungkook grabs Yoongi, pulling him and Rap Mon along because ‘we have to win hyung!’ Jungkook reasons. Although, with what you know about Yoongi, you know it’s most likely that he’ll somehow cheat and steal someone else’s ribbons.
You and Namjoon lazily stroll through the woods, unbothered about actually finding the ribbons because really, what would two grown adults need with children’s toys? It’s quiet enough that you can hear the rustling of the other boys through the forest, Jungkook and Taehyung yelling every now and then when they find a ribbon, although with Jimin and Hoseok’s team, it’s more Hoseok that you can hear than Jimin. You let out a little giggle as you hear a small argument coming from near you.
“That ribbon was ours, you stole it!” Seokjin yells in indignation.
“We found it first, so it’s ours,” Yoongi replies causing you to laugh again as your suspicions were confirmed. Yoongi had somehow figured a way to cheat, and apparently, that way was to follow Seokjin around and steal the ribbons before they could get to it.
“You followed us, that’s the only reason you found it!” Seokjin replies and you can almost imagine the way Yoongi shrugs with a completely faux innocent face.
“You never said following you was against the rules! Come on Jungkookie,” Yoongi calls out and the last thing you hear is Seokjin yelling for Yoongi to come back.
“Sorry about this,” Namjoon apologises and you laugh it off, shaking your head.
“For what reason? I’m having fun!” you say and Namjoon shrugs, rubbing the back of his head guiltily.
“I don’t know. I just feel bad because we woke you up and the boys kinda force you into joining us and now you’re stuck here wandering through the woods with me when I’m sure you had better things to do today,” Namjoon says as he pushes a bush out of the way for you to walk through.
“Okay firstly, stop apologising about waking me up. I said it was alright. And they don’t force me into doing anything, I really love hanging out with them, they’re fun to be around. But also trust me, I’d rather be here spending time with you than anything. I was just gonna sit in and watch Netflix with Monie, so inviting me out definitely made my day more interesting,” you reassure Namjoon with a bright smile
“If you’re sure. I just…” Namjoon sighs, rubbing the back of his head “sometimes feel bad because you didn’t ask to suddenly have three children thrust into your life and I know it can be a lot,” he continues responds, but you only shrug in response.
“Maybe- but honestly? I really am glad they were thrust into my life. They’re lovely children, you’d be completely heartless to not fall in love with them,” you say without thinking. Abruptly, Namjoon stops, looking at you with an unreadable expression. You’ve realised he does that a lot. Sometimes he just stops and stares at you, but his eyes are guarded so you have no idea what he’s thinking.
“You love them?” Namjoon asks and you blink owlishly, not even realising you had said that out loud. You ponder his question for a couple minutes, wondering if you did love them. But no matter how you think about it, you can’t help but know that yes, you do. It may have only been six months, but for some reason, you can no longer remember what your life was like before meeting them. Not only that, but you don’t even want to imagine a life without them, their father and their father’s best friends; because, somewhere along those short six months, they had become a big part of your life. One you wouldn’t give up for the world.
“Yeah, I guess I do,” you laugh cheerily, breaking the short silence between you two. Before Namjoon can reply however, you cut him off, “hey! That’s a ribbon isn’t it?” you call out, pointing to a ribbon tied around a branch.
“Yeah, I guess it is. It says one Kakao Friends Ryan mega body pillow,” Namjoon reads out and you freeze, looking at him in awe and wonder.
“What? Are you sure? Are you sure that’s what it says?” you ask abruptly, your eyes practically sparkling as you look at the ribbon.
“Yeah, I’m sure, why?” Namjoon asks, but you basically ignore him, as you begin climbing the tree
“I thought you didn’t care about the prizes?” Namjoon laughs, watching your efforts to scale the tree.
“Are you kidding me? Do you know how much that pillow is worth? Almost a hundred thousand won! I’ve wanted one forever but it seemed like a waste of money. There’s no way I’m passing this opportunity to get a free one,” you call out, silently thanking yourself for wearing jeans as you strain to reach for the ribbon. Namjoon approaches the tree, watching you from underneath.
“Just be careful! We don’t need you falling down,” Namjoon calls out but you shrug.
“It’d totally be worth it, trust me,” comes your immediate reply - Namjoon’s only response to chuckle at you. You shuffle further along the branch, tongue stuck out as you do your best to reach the ribbon. It’s almost in your hands: you just need to stretch a little further.
A couple of moments later, you finally grasp the ribbon. Victoriously, you squeal, pumping your hand in the air. However, in your victory cheer, you had somehow forgotten that you were precariously positioned on a tree branch. You let out a small yelp when you slip, Namjoon’s eyes widening as he runs under to make sure he could catch you, but you manage to catch yourself.
“Be careful,” Namjoon calls from under you and you nod, before turning around. Now comes the part you hadn’t thought through. How the hell are you supposed to get down?
“Um Namjoon, slight problem. I don’t think I can get down,” you say, looking at him in slight nervousness.
“What? How did you manage to climb up but aren’t able to climb down?” Namjoon asks and you let out a little huff.
“It just happened okay! It’s higher up here than I thought it would be,” you reply and Namjoon shakes his head in exasperation.
“You could jump and I could try to catch you,” Namjoon suggests and you look at him as if he’s grown three heads.
“Not a single chance in hell that’s happening buddy,” you immediately refuse. Namjoon laughs at your obvious distaste for his plan, but you ignore him, “okay I think I can do this” you say, analysing the situation. You try to crawl backwards, but your hands are shaky and it doesn’t help that you can’t see where you’re going.
Finally giving in, “Okay no I can’t do this, please help,” you plead, looking down at Namjoon.
“Jump! I’ll catch you,” Namjoon suggests once again and you let out a little groan, shaking you’re head. “____! Just jump. Trust me,” Namjoon calls out once more and you look down at his earnest eyes, biting your lip. Shakily, you nod, and then, sucking a deep breath while closing your eyes, you jump.
Eyes clenched shut, you feel the wind rush past your ears and then suddenly you’re in Namjoon’s strong embrace; his arms firmly wrapped around your waist. It would have all been well if it were as simple as Namjoon catching you. However, you’d both forgotten to factor one variable into your calculations and that variable was that Namjoon, for as sweet and dorky as he was, was inherently clumsy. The moment you land in his arms, Namjoon’s foot slips on the mud, and suddenly, the both of you are falling backwards. Namjoon’s grip on your waist tightens as the two of you land, his back taking the brunt of the fall.
Namjoon lets out a small groan and you still at the position you find yourselves in. Namjoon’s large palm is splayed out on your back, his hips between your legs as you straddle him. You stare, wide-eyed at him, Namjoon also freezing once he realises your positioning. Gazing deep into his molten dark chocolate eyes, you get lost in the dark depths of his chocolate orbs. An invisible pull calls towards the two of you, and you slowly near - your faces enclosing - lips almost touching. Then you hear rustling and suddenly everyone congregates around you. Both yours and Namjoon’s heads whip to the side, eyes wide as if you were deer caught in headlights.
Yoongi quickly turns away but you notice the small tugging of his lips as he stares at the trees. Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook stare at you in confusion, Rap Mon wagging his tail excitedly as he spots you. Seokjin and Hoseok however, look entirely too pleased with themselves. They’re both grinning widely: as if they’d found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Internally, you scream, knowing that you were never, ever going to live this down. Hoseok and Seokjin were going to tease you for the foreseeable future.
“Daddy? What’s going on?” Jimin asks innocently and you feel your face burn from his seemingly childlike question. Jimin’s words kick both your gears in and you and Namjoon quickly scramble to get into a safer position. Namjoon clears his throat, putting on his passive ‘father’ face but you can still see how red his ears are.
“____ found a ribbon but got stuck in the tree and daddy had to get her out,” Namjoon stammers out, trying to explain the situation.
“Oh yes, that’s definitely what was happening here,” Hoseok teases, both his and Seokjin’s eyes twinkling with mirth. You glare at them both, trying to stop their teasing but they only smile at you with faux innocence. Namjoon quickly stands up, dusting himself off before extending his hand out towards yours. You grab it, allowing him to pull you up as you too begin dusting yourself off.
“Are we all done? Did we get all the ribbons?” you ask in an attempt to change the conversation, and Jungkook lets out a bright grin, sticking out his hand that looks like it contains at least fifteen ribbons.
“We won!” Jungkook calls, swinging his fist around happily.
“Only because you cheated,” Seokjin suddenly calls out and you look taken aback at his sudden outburst. For most of it, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook don’t care. Instead, they’re sitting between themselves sharing their ribbons. However, Hoseok, Seokjin and Yoongi all stand in a circle, both Hoseok and Seokjin accusing of tailing them and stealing their ribbons. You let out a small giggle, at the two little groups, Namjoon shaking his head at them all.
“Oh?” you suddenly say, looking at the sky with a frown.
“What’s wrong?” Namjoon asks, Seokjin, Yoongi and Hoseok turning to you both, their heated argument immediately dying.
“I thought I felt a raindrop,” you reply, your lips downturned and eyebrows scrunched up.
“The weather forecast didn’t say it was supposed to rain. We checked,” Yoongi says and you nod before turning back.
“Maybe it’s just me feeling things aha,” you shrug nonchalantly, however, a couple of moments later, you hear the tell-tale pitter-patter of raindrops against the tree canopy as it begins raining.
“Oh sh-“ Yoongi says, catching himself before he swears in front of the children. You watch as Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok quickly shrug off their hoodies, holding them above the boys to protect them.
“Jin-hyung, call the driver. Boys come on, let’s go find somewhere to stand under,” Namjoon calls, ushering the boys towards him.
“____ go with Namjoon and the boys, Hobi, Yoongi and I will grab the stuff,” Seokjin says and you nod, grabbing Rap Mon’s lead from Yoongi as you and Namjoon usher the boys out of the forest and towards where the driver dropped you off.
“It’ll be a while before the car gets here won’t it?” you ask, one hand holding your own jacket over your head as well as Rap Mon’s lead, the other hand holding Jungkook’s hand.
“I don’t think so. The driver said he’d be in the area,” Namjoon replies. By the time the five of you find shelter under a large tree, all of you are completely soaked from the heavy rain. Five minutes later, Yoongi, Hoseok and Seokjin join you, somehow even wetter than you are.
“The driver said he should be here soon, so hopefully we don’t have to wait too long,” Seokjin says and you all nod.
Ten minutes pass and you begin worrying about standing out in the cold and rain; not for yourself but more for Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook who are still young and more vulnerable to any illnesses from the exposure. Just as you start getting antsy however, the large 7-seater car pulls up. You let out a small sigh of relief before quickly grabbing Jungkook’s hand, Namjoon doing the same for Jimin and Taehyung before ushering them into the car. Yoongi, Seokjin and Hoseok quickly follow you until you’re all crammed into the car, the kids sitting on whichever laps would take them while Rap Mon sits in the back with Yoongi.
Jungkook sits on your lap, his back pressed against your chest, and with as close as he is, you feel the way his little body shivers. Swiftly, and with a small tut, you pull him closer into your body, despite the fact that you’re as soaked as he is. Quickly, you began rubbing your hands up and down his arms, pressing him closer to your chest as you tried to create the much-needed friction to warm him up. Jungkook lets out a small whine, followed by a sniffle, as he cuddles closer into your warmth, his teeth continuing to chatter.
“Seokjin can you turn the heating on please,” you ask and he nods, flicking the button. Instantly, the car is filled with warm air and you let out a little sigh at the feel of the warmth against your chilled skin.
“I’d get comfortable if I were you, it’s a long ride back,” Seokjin calls out and you nod, letting out a small yawn.
You snuggle further into the seat, Jungkook snuggling into you. A sigh on contentment escapes your lips, despite how cold it is. Your clothes are completely saturated, sticking to your skin and your hair is dripping along your flesh, and yet despite that, the warmth from the heating as well as the feel of Namjoon and Hoseok on either side of you has you feeling much more comfortable. Before long, you begin dozing off, your forehead leaning against Namjoon’s shoulder. Feeling the weight on his shoulder, Namjoon turns to look at you, his eyes softening at the way both you and Jungkook look as you nap.
“You alright there Joonie?” Hoseok asks with a teasing smile and Namjoon narrows his eyes.
“Don’t think I don’t know what both you and Seokjin-hyung tried to do today,” Namjoon says, causing them both to snicker.
“Don’t act like you didn’t like it. We noticed the way you were staring at her,” Seokjin says and Namjoon grumbles.
“I wasn’t staring at her in any particular way,” Namjoon grumbles under his breath, Seokjin rolling his eyes in response.
“Please, you stare at her as if she hung the moon in the sky. And don’t even get us started on how you look at her whenever she’s with your sons,” Seokjin says and at that Namjoon immediately shuts up, pink dusting his cheeks as his ears turn a bright shade of fire truck red.
For the rest of the journey towards your house, Namjoon contemplates the words of his friends. He knows he has some sort of feelings for you, but between raising his children and his prominent music career, he doesn’t have a lot of time to dwell on it. All he knows is that he enjoys any and all time spent with you. There are times when his boys do something and all he wants to do is share it with you, such as when Jimin got his award for being the best at dance and all he wanted was to call you and gush over how proud he was. He loves the way you care for his children and how you’re always available for them. Not to mention, the level of patience you have for children that aren’t even biologically yours is incomprehensible.
Namjoon had long since given up on dating or finding another wife, disillusioned by his first love and consequently first wife. Besides, any dating attempts were already stomped by his career; not to mention, what girl his age would want to be saddled with a twenty-four-year-old who had already had three children. However, his hope had been reignited today by your admission that you loved his children and the more you interact with his children, the more and more he falls for you.
But despite how much he wants it, and how much Seokjin and Hoseok are pushing you onto him, Namjoon knows he cannot make this decision lightly. It’s one thing to introduce you to the boys as a friend, but introducing you as a potential love interest is different. What if it doesn’t work out? What if you break up? He couldn’t take the chance of giving the boys a potential mother figure who would just walk out again. He cannot let that happen. The boys are already so in love and attached with you, especially shy little Jungkook, that Namjoon cannot bear to somehow mess up your relationship in any way that would lead to you walking out on him and consequently them. It would be entirely too devastating.
Namjoon is pulled out of his thought when the car comes to a screeching halt. He jerks slightly, instincts automatically holding Jimin tighter to protect him. He looks around before realising they’re at your apartment complex. Ignoring the little disheartened lurch of his heart as he realised you’d be going home; he instead turns around and adjusts a sleeping Jimin in his hold, before placing his hand on your thigh and slowly shaking you awake. You let out a little whine, Namjoon’s eyes softening at the small action.
“____, it’s time to wake up. We’re at your apartment,” Namjoon says and you slowly blink awake, looking at him blearily. The first thing you spot is Namjoon’s face and immediately convince yourself you’re dreaming and thus letting out a sleepy smile you snuggle closer into him. You breathe in his scent deeply, letting out a little sigh of content as his signature scent of sandalwood and vanilla fills your senses. Namjoon freezes, unsure of how to react. Well, he knows how to react, he wants to wrap his arms around you and let you continue sleeping as he holds you closer. However, he knows he can’t do that.
He doesn’t have to contemplate for longer because soon Seokjin and Hoseok are giggling between themselves at the two of you. As soon as the sound breaks through your sleep fogged mind, you immediately stiffen before breaking away from Namjoon, back rigid as you take in your surroundings. Despair and embarrassment fill you, your heart hammering in your chest and entire face burning as you finally recognise that you’re not dreaming. You quickly stammer, unsure of what to say, and as Hoseok and Seokjin’s giggles fill your ears, you find yourself praying to any god out there to just smite you with lightning.
“We’re at your apartment,” Namjoon says, smiling reassuringly at you and you simply nod, unable to form words. You quickly, but gently, place a still snoozing Jungkook down on the seat before climbing over Hoseok and exiting. The driver opens the back door, Rap Mon jumping out as you grab his lead and your bag.
“Um thank you for inviting me today, I had fun,” you stutter out, face still heated from your actions.
“It was definitely fun having you ____!” Hoseok replies and you choose to ignore the teasing lilt to his voice.
“Text me when you get home safe,” Namjoon calls and you nod curtly, still trying to get over your own embarrassment. Namjoon smiles at you one final time before the driver drives away. You watch the car as it disappears, waving the entire time. Finally, when it’s out of sight, you use the hand you were waving with to smack yourself on the forehead.
“I cannot believe I did that. I should not have done that,” you say to Rap Mon, however, your pup simply cocks his head to the side, “and now here I am speaking to my dog in public like a crazy person” you groan out, realising that people are looking at you weirdly. You grab Rap Mon’s leash and lead him into your building, the scene from the car replaying in your head over and over, Hoseok and Seokjin’s giggles and Hoseok’s teasing voice filling your head.
They really aren’t going to let you forget.
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A/N: Hiya! Just few points, real Rap Mon is an american eskimo dog i believe, but I just wanted to make intro her rap mon a samoyed. also can i just say i LOVE seokjin and hoseok’s characterisation in this story fkw
⇥ Masterlist | Chapter 5
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atths--twice · 4 years
Okay! As promised, I am back and ready to post more of the Family Life Series. 
I have a friend, who I met through her incredibly sweet comments on my stories. We have been friends for nearly two years now and if I had never answered her comments to me... I seriously cannot imagine how different my life would be. 
A few days before her birthday last year, I decided to write her a story for her gift and I was writing like a madwoman to finish in time. It is a story that includes most of her favorite episodes, shared through the eyes of a more mature Mulder. I hope you enjoy it. <3
Faith for the Future 
Chapter One 
You Are Not Alone 
Mulder is woken by Faith, needing an extra bit of time with her daddy. He rocks her and tells her a story to calm her and get her back to sleep.
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March 2019
Mulder startled awake, Faith’s sharp cries sounding from the other room. He felt Scully stir beside him, groaning as she stretched. Her feet brushed against his shins, and he smiled.
“I got her, Scully,” he said, turning toward her, and nuzzling into her neck. “You sleep.” He kissed her on her head, before pulling back from her, and rising from the bed. He shivered as he pulled on a sweatshirt, stopping to kiss her cheek.
“Thank you, Mulder,” she breathed, burying deeper into her pillow. He smiled and left the room, heading to see what the fuss was about.
Pushing Faith’s door all the way open, he walked over to her crib and looked down at her. “Hey now, none of that,” he said quietly, reaching to touch her chest. As soon as she felt his touch, and heard his voice, she quieted. “What is it, my love? Are you hungry? I don’t think so, so let’s see what’s going on.”
Picking her up, he held her close and kissed her soft cheeks. Breathing in her baby smell, he smiled and hummed to her, as he began to rock her slowly. Her cries subsided, as she yawned and sighed.
“So what is it, my girl? Did you just need to know you weren’t all alone in the world? Needed to feel safe?” He moved her to his shoulder, rubbing her back, and patting her diapered bottom. “You ever feel that way, that you need to feel loved, to know you’re not alone in this big big world, you give a shout like you just did, and I’ll come running. Every time. Deal?” She sighed again and he smiled.
Walking with her for a couple of minutes, he could smell she needed a fresh diaper. Laying her on the changing table, he undressed her and changed her diaper. He kissed her warm belly and she grabbed at his hair. Laughing softly, he moved her fingers and redressed her. Lifting her, he kissed her cheeks again, marveling for the millionth time, in the past five months, at how beautiful she was, how perfect.
“So, little one,” he said, turning to walk over to the rocking chair, grabbing a blanket on the way. “I don’t think you’re hungry. Mama fed you just a couple of hours ago. Maybe you just need a little cuddle? And perhaps a story?” Sitting down in the rocker, he put her on his chest and covered her with the blanket. He began to rock and she settled into him.
“Let’s see now, where did we leave off? I’ve told you about Puerto Rico, the Flukeman, and how terrible it smelled down in that water. It was truly awful, my girl. I’ve told you about Darren Peter Oswald and how horrible he was as a person, aside from his powers. You need to stay away from boys like him. Shifty and troubled,” he said, rubbing her back and listening to her breathing.
“Oh, I’ve got it, baby girl. One I can’t believe I haven’t told you of yet, considering it’s the beginning. But, I suppose it fits with how all stories seem to go, the origin one coming later, instead of first. Let’s settle in, little one, this is a good one,” he said softly, kissing her head. Taking a breath, he closed his eyes, remembering back so long ago, when he first met Scully.
“Years ago, Daddy was working for the FBI. I  was working in a different department before I found the one that fit for me. Mama was there too, but I hadn’t met her yet. One day, I was told I was getting a new partner and I was not happy about it. Partners always slowed Daddy down, with their silly questions, and inability to follow what was happening. I wasn’t looking forward to having a new person who would poke about and get in my way,” he said, thinking of how he felt when he was informed about a new partner. He smiled at how stupid he had been.
“I was told I was being paired with your Mama, so I checked into her background. Well, my love, I can’t tell you the surprise I felt when I read your Mama’s words in her thesis statement. She was smart, Faith, truly so smart. I was intrigued, but … still not happy to have a partner." He paused and listened, moving her a bit, finding her eyes still open. He smiled and took it as a sign she was enjoying the story.
“When my office door opened and I saw her, well, I was at a loss for words. She was so beautiful. So young too …” He paused again as he visualized it, smiling before continuing. “She walked right up to me and shook my hand. Cool as could be, while I fought to keep mine. Faith, as much as I tried to deny it, I started to fall love with her the second she smiled at me.” He thought of decades of Scully’s smiles- happy, sad, annoyed, joking, every one of them were beautiful.
“I’ve told you the story of Evaline. Who she was and how your Grandma and Auntie repeatedly drew her pictures. They are hanging on your wall in here, and one day you will see in them what I see: your Warrior Mama. A woman destined to find your Daddy, so she could save his sorry ass over and over. Whoops, I mean butt.” He laughed softly and she whined. Patting her, he rocked in silence for a minute.
“Well, after our first meeting, we set off for our first case, and your Mama was wonderful in the field. She was inquisitive, engaging, and didn’t put up with any of my bullsh- … nonsense. She kept me on my toes, letting me loose and then pulling me back when I had drifted too far. It was her first introduction into an extraterrestrial case and while she didn’t believe in it, she listened and didn’t laugh, not too hard anyway, and she was eager to find closure for the people affected.” He paused, remembering her trying to stop Teresa’s bloody nose, the look on her face when she realized Billy had indeed been out of his bed, and her raised voice telling him it was crazy that this was happening.
“Your Mama,” he said, shaking his head slightly. “She was sent to shut me down, my love. Our superiors didn’t like your Daddy much. No, I was an annoyance they wanted to be rid of, and they had sent your Mama to do it. They underestimated her though, and her ability to see the good in someone, to see their worth, and stick with them. Even if she didn’t always agree or believe in the same things I did, she respected the journey. She was there because she believed in me and saw my worth. For that, my sweet, we both have her to thank for our existence.”
He closed his eyes again and rocked in silence, an idea forming as he held his girl, the world dark and quiet around them. Shifting her to lay in his arms, he watched her sleep, her cheeks rosy and mouth open. He looked at her chest rising and falling and shook his head. So much beauty in such a small package.
Standing up, he carefully laid her down in her crib, watching her settle into sleep. He covered her with her light blanket and headed back to bed, closing her door halfway.
He walked back to their bedroom, pulled the covers back, and laid down beside Scully. She turned over and snuggled into him, her head on his shoulder, an arm wrapping around his middle. He kissed her head as she sighed, and pulled him closer.
“She’s okay?” she asked breathily. “She didn’t need to eat?”
“No, she was okay,” he said, running his fingers up and down her arm laying on his stomach. “Think she just needed to know she wasn’t alone in that big room and wanted some extra snuggle time.”
“Hmm, a girl after my own heart,” she said sleepily, snuggling closer to him. “She’s a smart girl. Already has you completely wrapped around those little fingers of hers.”
He laughed and wrapped his arms around her. “As if any other outcome would have been possible.” She laughed softly, and within minutes was sleeping once again, her breathing slow and steady.
He lay there, his mind racing with plans. Smiling at the idea he was secretly formulating, he held her closer and joined her in slumber.
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Beauty and the Witch
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Credit for header images: x x x x
Summary: Deep in the dark forest, there’s a castle filled with magic and mystery, where no one would ever go if they could help it. But an adventurer runs from nothing, and she might come to regret it.
Sketchbook BatB AU for reasons
Notes: The beast form of the librarian is inspired by Howl from Howl’s Moving Castle, so if you need visual aid here it is
Also, with this fic, I officially have more Hilda fics written than fics for my other fandom! So I guess this is officially my main fandom, now
Read it on ao3
Hilda was lost.
It had taken her a while to accept it. Not because she thought she recognized her surroundings, but because an adventurer never got lost. That and because her mother had always warned her not to stray too far from the village when she was exploring the woods.
But it became impossible to deny that she had left the main road too far behind when she began to see snow raining down from the skies. In July. When minutes earlier she’d began feeling chilly, she thought that maybe it was just something from her head, or maybe it was the wind that came at nightfall, but snow was the final straw.
Twig, the small horse that belonged to Hilda and her mother, shivered with the cold as well, neighing as he too noticed that something was wrong. He grew more shifty with each step, stealing glances at the trees. He was also beginning to get stubborn, not obeying Hilda’s commands right away, making her grasp the reins with a stronger grip.
“Calm down, boy.” She said, leaning forward to pat Twig’s white fur. “It’s okay.”
The situation reminded Hilda of something she’d read one day, that if one traveled south enough, the seasons changed. Could that be what had happened? She supposed it was possible, but there was no way to know for sure. When she’d walked to their local bookseller and asked him to show her the place where the seasons switched (the equator, her book had called), he’d simply humphed and said that it was unbecoming of a lady to be that curious. She’d returned home that day feeling angered and frustrated; her mother, one of the only people she knew who saw curiosity as an exceptional trait, especially in ladies, had been able to soothe her with tales of more open minded towns. She hadn’t, however, had a book with a map she could show her daughter.
Maybe she should ask Frida if she had one. Her friend had also come from a background where the search for knowledge was encouraged. But she supposed that in order to do that, she’d need to get out of that forest first. That sure was beginning to look like the tricky part.
As the sky grew darker, she could feel her horse becoming even more restless, but now she understood it. As she looked at her sides, she saw big animals following them, their eyes shining in the gloom of the forest as they stealthily accompanied the young girl.
Hilda took a deep breath, bringing in that cold air to fill her lungs. She couldn’t panic. If the wolves realized she’d seen them, they’d surely attack. There was no way she could fight them, she’d have to figure something out and quick.
It wasn’t typical of her to let her mind be clouded by fear, but as Twig’s trot seemed to become more erratic, making her sway in her saddle, she could think of nothing to save her. In the middle of the forest, no one would hear her screams, and as fast as she ran, the wolves would catch up.
Her breathing was coming in jagged exhales when she heard a fallen tree branch snap under her horse’s hoof. As if they had been given a cue, three wolves, two from the left side of them and one from the right, leapt forward to attack them. The fastest wolf managed to bite one of Twig’s back legs before he broke into a full gallop, making Hilda lose her balance and almost fall backwards with the speed.
He ran along the road, the wolves howling behind them as they tried to catch up, and Hilda could hear other wolves gathering up in the woods around them. She frantically looked around for anything that could help, but at the speed Twig was going, she could barely pay a passing glance to her surroundings. And yet, the wolves gained ground.
The cold wind hit her face, making it hard to think as the snowflakes made her hair and clothes wet. Twig was not used to running like this, and Hilda knew he wouldn’t last much in this pace. Eventually, he’d get tired and collapse. And then the wolves would get to them.
She didn’t know if she’d spent minutes or hours in this mad chase, hoping for a village to appear or maybe for a hunter to find her, but eventually she saw the end of the road.
It led directly to a castle.
The building was dark and imposing, towers of stone rising to the sky. It looked abandoned, and incredibly sad, an aura of mystery emanating from it. The castle grounds were surrounded by spikes of metal that she supposed were a fence, albeit a deeply terrifying one from the distance. But still, it was shelter, and thus a blessing.
The only problem was that, as if by magic, the large gates seemed to be closing themselves as she approached.
She gasped when she realized this, and pressed her heels into her horse to ask for more speed, leaning forward and locking her knees around his torso in order to have stability.
“Come on, boy.” She whispered. “Just a little more, please”
The gate got closer, the entrance more narrow with each second, until the were finally able to cross it. The gate hit Hilda’s legs and ripped a part of her dress, but closed just in time to leave the wolves outside.
The girl let out a triumphant cry as Twig slowed down to a halt in front of the castle. Her ripped skirt didn’t bother her; as was her habit, she was wearing leggings under it, and had no trouble getting down from her horse when the danger was over. She could still hear the wolves howling and trying to break in, but she was positive the worst had passed.
“That was a close one.” She said as the took the reins from behind Twig’s neck and brought it over his face to guide him.
“I’ll see if there’s anyone inside. There must be a stable around here, maybe it’s better if you stay there.”
She did find a stable, and a peculiar one at that. There were lit torches and fresh straw, but not one horse. Still she let Twig get comfortable and eat something. He needed a chance to recover his strength.
Next, she went out into the gardens (she thought they were supposed to be gardens, at least. Aside from a few trees, everything was dead and the ground was covered in a thick layer of snow that wet her boots) and looked for the entrance. A grand stone staircase led to the main door, which she knocked and then waited. When no one answered, she knocked again.
“Hello?” She said, rubbing her hands on her arms to warm herself. “Is anyone in there? I didn’t mean to bother, but I got lost in the woods. May I come in?”
There was one more minute of silence before she pushed the door, which, surprisingly, opened up without her having to make a big effort. Unable to bear the cold and knowing that even if she was to spend the night at the stable with Twig, she should talk to her host, she entered the castle.
“I’m coming in.” She warned as she stepped into the entrance hall, her mouth opening in a silent gasp as she took it in. The ceiling was high and decorated with paintings that were too filthy to be seen properly. Books piled up on the floor, and another staircase led to a second floor. Though the grandeur of it all amazed her, she was even more struck by how whoever lived here had more books spread across their hall than Hilda had seen in her entire lifetime.
She heard a weird sound, almost like whispering, which brought her attention to a small wooden table at her left. There was no one there, so she supposed she had imagined the sound, but she noticed two beautiful objects: a bright red candelabra, with tree lit white candles, and a grey clock, which seemed to shine silver under the candlelight.
Hilda stretched her arm and grabbed the candelabra. The castle was gloomy, and she supposed a source of light would help in her search for signs of human life. She first went to the corridor at the right side of the staircase, finding her quest futile. She was beginning to think that the castle didn’t only look abandoned.
But then, on the first door she opened, she found herself looking at a perfectly wealthy kitchen, the long table at the center filled with food. She walked closer, realizing with more than a bit of wonder that the food was fresh and warm.
Her stomach grumbled. After what she’d been through, she wasn’t surprised to be hungry, but her conscience told her that she couldn’t steal. This food didn’t belong to her and she hadn’t been offered it. Yet, they had so much. It wouldn’t hurt to eat just a little.
Knowing that she could get in trouble and wary of the whole situation, Hilda did nothing more than grab a loaf of bread, and then she carefully tip toed out of the kitchen. She gave up on her search for people, after that. It was highly unlikely that in an inhabited place, there would be no one in the kitchen with such a spread laid out. How come all that food was there, though, she couldn’t explain.
She returned to the entrance hall, wanting to be close to the door if things went awry, and set on the floor next to a pile of books, the candelabra close to her. She took a bite out of the bread, humming at its warm flavour. This was even better than the bread David’s parents made.
Not knowing what else she was supposed to do, she picked a book from the closet pile, removing a fine layer of dust from its cover before opening it. At the first glance at its contents, she found herself fascinated, because she understood nothing. She could tell it was some sort of science, as it spoke of formulas and equations, and of concepts too complex for her mind to understand. But though she was curious about it all, the fact that it didn’t make sense kept her from enjoying it, and she soon picked up another, still eating her bread as she put the new tome on her lap.
This one was discarded even more quickly; not even the words made sense, for they were not only in another language, but also in another alphabet. She had more luck with the third book; it was on geography, something her mother had tried her best to teach her. But this was much better quality than any of the books her mother had been able to afford, probably better than anything their village’s bookseller had. It was filled to the brim with information, and she could only read for a few minutes before her head was spinning with the amount of facts.
As she decided to skim through it, a piece of paper fell down from between the pages. It looked older than the rest of the book, more wrinkled and yellow, and it made Hilda’s eyes shine. It was, without a doubt, a world map.
She gently ran her fingertips through it, careful not to damage it in any way, but the paper proved to be sturdier than it seemed. She recognized France from the smaller maps she’d been able to see, but the other, furthest countries she couldn’t even begin to recognize.
The world was so much bigger than she’d thought.
She was fascinated by it. She’d heard stories of pirates from the East and of the vibrant jungles south, but she’d no idea how far it was. It was only after a few moments of startled awe that she was able to realize that if the equator was that far away, there was no way she’d crossed it. And yet, snow poured outside.
Beginning to feel cold with only the tree candles to warm her and uncomfortable with the mysterious atmosphere, she decided to walk down to the stables and sleep with Twig. At least this way, she could cuddle with him and share his warmth, and it lowered the likelihood of an awkward meeting with someone in the morning.
Still, as she got up and put the candelabra back in its place, by the old looking clock, it felt bad, nearly wrong, to leave that map behind. To her it was such a treasure, something with infinite value. And to whoever this castle belonged to, it was nothing. Just another piece of paper that was forgotten among the endless piles of books that filled the building. Some of those books had been covered in dust, for crying out loud. As far as she knew, their owner might even be dead already.
Mind made up, she carefully folded the map and put it in the satchel which she always wore tied to her hips. Taking one last glance at the infinity of knowledge all around her, she walked out of the castle and down to the stables.
And this time, when she heard whispers coming from the candles and the clock, she ignored it.
When Hilda woke up, her body was stiff from sleeping with her head on a horse’s belly, and sore from the hard ground which was barely made any softer by the straw. But she’d made it through the night, and for that she could only be thankful.
As soon as her eyes fluttered open, she hurriedly began getting ready to go. Her mother had to be dying from worry, and she had no reason to stick around, anyway. As she got Twig ready for their departure, tying the saddle around his middle, she briefly considered walking inside to grab another bite of something, but discarded that idea. She’d had enough of testing her luck.
The air outside the stable was chilly, but it was not the same cutting cold from the night before. There were no signs of activity in the garden, and the gates were, somehow, open once more. Though the girl would very much like to discover more about that, as well as about every bizarre thing she’d seen on the castle, she knew better than to go exploring right away. She was tired, she was hungry, and there were still wolves outside. Her priority was trying to find her way home right away.
She climbed on her horse’s back and led him through the garden, trotting until the gates. Her mind had already left the castle behind, worrying only about making it through the woods when she heard an inhuman screech that made the hairs of her neck stand up in fright.
Gasping, Hilda looked behind her shoulder to see a giant, bird-like creature flying her way. She screamed as Twig picked speed, the horse sensing the danger they were in. But before he could even get his tail through the gate, the dark creature swooped in and grasped Hilda’s shoulders with its claws.
Swinging her legs and arms around in an attempt to free herself, Hilda horrifiedly realized that she was being lifted into the air as she saw Twig gallop away into the forest.
“Let me go!” Hilda shouted, but the claws never gave up their grip on the girl’s shoulders.
“NO!” The creature shouted back, startling Hilda even more, not only with the fact that it could speak, but also with the anger in its voice.
“You have stolen that which is mine!” It said, its big, black-feathered wings sending gusts of wind to her face. “And so you are mine now.”
Hilda’s blood froze in her veins, as she remembered. The map. This was all happening because of the map.
“I can give it back to you!” She said, noticing that the creature was taking her to one of the towers. “Just let me go!”
“Oh, you will give it back to me.” The creature growled. They got closer and closer to the tower, until they were close enough that the beast could throw Hilda through a window. She was able to fall on her feet inside, briefly trying to run before her captor landed near her and grabbed her arm. Its hand was covered in feathers with long, sharp nails, and when Hilda turned to look at its face, angry purple eyes were staring at her.
“But your life is now mine.” It snatched her satchel from her hips, opening it to look at its contents. Hilda tried to slowly back away while the beast was distracted by its contents, but the search was short. The beast put her hand inside the satchel, and then took it away as if it had been burned.
“Little thief.” It said. “You will regret this. Forever.”
Johanna had not been able to sleep. When Hilda hadn’t come back the evening before, she’d warned the sheriff, but he had barely given her any mind. He’d told her she shouldn’t be surprised, that everyone had warned her something would happen if she continued giving her daughter that much freedom, and that they could try to do something if she still didn’t show up in three days.
Johanna had shouted and raged, an attitude so atypical of her that even the sheriff had been scared. She demanded they search for her daughter right away, but all that had done was getting her dragged to her house.
She spent the night flirting with the idea of getting into the forest to look for Hilda herself. One time, she’d caught herself putting on her cloak to go. But she always got reminded that if she went into the woods at night, with no idea of where Hilda could be and no weapons, it would be more likely that she didn’t come back.
Now, at the morning, she was getting ready to ask for help again, and to go into the forest if no one volunteered to help her, when she heard a nervous neigh coming from the street.
A smiled blossomed into her face as she recognized that it was Twig running to her, but it quickly fell when she saw that no one was riding him.
“Twig!” She exclaimed as she ran to him, taking hold of his reins and petting him with her hand to calm him down. “Where is Hilda?”
The horse looked into her eyes, and she could see the fear in them. Her heart stopped, her brain going through all the possible scenarios of terrible things that might have happened to her daughter. She stepped to Twig’s side, putting both hands on the saddle and her left foot on the stirrup to lift herself up onto his back.
“Take me to her.” She ordered, and held on tight as he broke into a run.
When Twig halted in front of an eerie, crumbling castle, she hadn’t thought that he had brought her to the wrong place. He was much smarter than one would expect from a horse, and incredibly loyal, too. But oh, she had so hoped he had made a mistake. It wouldn’t be surprising if Hilda had found the castle by chance and stopped to explore, but if that was the case, then she would have come back. Due to the circumstances, Johanna was positive that something more sinister had happened.
She climbed down from her horse in front of a large staircase, and climbed it to move inside through the front door. The place didn’t look inhabited, so maybe a piece of stone had fallen on top of her and rendered her unable to move. Though that didn’t seem like such a reasonable explanation once she found herself inside the front hall. While it looked deserted, it didn’t look like it was ready to fall down on her head like the outside had looked.
“Hilda?” Johanna asked, not daring to raise her voice. If the place was inhabited, she wasn’t sure she would be able to deal with the wrath of a nobleman. “Good morning, is anyone home? I don’t mean to disturb, I’m looking for my daughter.”
Out of the corner of her left eye, she could see something moving, but when she turned her gaze to that direction she saw only a candelabra and a clock on a little table. Telling herself it was probably nerves, she reached for the candelabra, curling her fingers around the cold, red metal.
“Hilda?” She called again, louder this time, and when no one answered, she decided to climb the stairs that led upwards. The castle had clearly been great one day, but everything about it said that its glory days were long gone. The very air seemed sad.
She crossed a long corridor packed with rusty armors before finding another stair. This one was not as grand as the others; made of rough stone and spiraling up into one of the towers, everything indicated that it wasn’t supposed to be used by guests.
She climbed just the first two steps and called for her daughter again. This time, her heart picked up pace as she recognized Hilda’s voice calling for her.
“I’m coming, Hilda!” She shouted, running up the stairs.
“No! Don’t come here!” Hilda’s voice, faint with the distance answered. “It’ll catch you!”
The warning barely registered in Johanna’s mind. With her blood pumping on her ears, her legs beginning to sting from climbing so fast and the focus she needed to not allow the candles she was holding to burn her, there was barely any space on her mind for anything except for the urge to help her daughter.
She reached the top of the tower in little time, putting the candelabra on the floor and running for Hilda, who was behind a barred door, kneeling on the floor. Johanna kneeled in front of her, putting her hands on top of her daughter’s, which were gripping the bars.
“Mum, you have to go away now!” She insisted, and Johanna was terrified to see fear on her brave girl’s face.
“What is going on?!” Sticking her hand inside the cell, Johanna tried to see if Hilda had any wounds, and though she found none, her daughter had a fever. Not surprising, considering the freezing air that ran through the tower and that, as she noticed with a start, Hilda’s dress was ripped.
“There’s no time to explain, there’s a huge beast-” before the girl could finish the sentence, the few rays of sun that entered through the window were blocked by a gigantic creature.
Johanna heard Hilda whisper a soft “oh no” before the creature stepped towards them.
“Who are you?” It asked her, and Johanna realized that the voice speaking to her belonged to a woman. There was something wrong with it, though. It was too penetrating. Taking a deep breath, Johanna summoned every drop of courage she had.
“I’m her mother. What I want to know is who are you”
“That does not matter.” The creature answered. “You must go now. She belongs to me.”
Getting up on her feet, Johanna balled her fists. “She does not. Release her this instant.”
It was hard to see the beast’s face, let alone read it, but her momentary silence told Johanna that she hadn’t expected to be met with resistance.
“She stole something from me.” She explained. “And now she will pay with her life.”
“I only stole a map!” Hilda pleaded. “And only because I thought it belonged to no one!”
“Well it did!” The beast raged, and as it reached forward, Johanna could see its claws where feet should be, and its long, sharp nails. “And now the price must be payed.”
“I’ll pay it!” Johanna said, and there was only the sound of the wind raging outside the tower as both Hilda and the beast looked at her in confusion. Whatever this being was, Johanna knew she couldn’t fight it. And if it truly thought that a petty theft justified this, than it certainly couldn’t be argued with.
“Mum, no!”
“I will take her place.” She confirmed as she took a step towards the beast. “Let her go and I’ll stay here. For as long as you want me to.”
The beast considered the offer. “You’d take forever? In her place?”
Johanna nodded, but Hilda got up and tried to grab her wrist.
“You can’t! It was my mistake, I’ll pay for it!”
Holding her daughter’s shoulders, Johanna leaned in to kiss her forehead. “Sweetheart, I’m older. You still have so much to do, so much to live.”
Hilda would be fine, she told herself. She was a smart, stubborn girl. Surely the mayor and the bakers would welcome her in their homes until she could work and make her own money, close as she was to their children. Yes, Hilda would be fine.
“I must warn you.” The beast said. “If you try to run away, the consequences will be dire.”
The creature, Johanna noticed, seemed to have purposefully remained where it’s face wasn’t lit. All she could make out of her body were her claws, hands, and her large wings. She squinted, trying to get a better look of her new captor.
“Come into the light.” She said, and for some reason, the creature obeyed.
It was hard not to gasp when she was able to see the whole of the woman. She wasn’t much taller than Johanna, though her wings made her seem enormous. Her whole body was covered in dark feathers, and she wore a very simple black dress that had seen better days. On her head, it was difficult to tell what were feathers and what was hair, the only clear thing is that she hadn’t bothered to comb it in a while. Her face was the most alarming part, though. Because for all that she seemed like a beast, her face was human.
Johanna stared into purple eyes with sharp pupils, and they stared right back at her.
“I will not run away.” She answered, her gaze not wavering. “I will honour this agreement as long as you allow my daughter to go without harming her”
The beast inhaled. “Very well.”
There was a rusty sound as the door to the cell was flung open, making Johanna realize that the creature in front of her had magic. A witch.
Hilda ran forward to hug her mother, wrapping her hands around her middle and sobbing into her belly. Johanna put a hand on her daughter’s shoulder and another one on her head, caressing her in soothing circles.
“I’m so sorry, mum.” She cried. “Please don’t do this.”
“It’s already done, my darling girl.” She answered calmly. “Now go. Live your life.”
“I won’t let you do this!” Hilda screamed, but she was rendered speechless as the witch spoke up.
“No, your mother is right little girl.” She said, her voice almost a sing-song. “It is done.”
The small chair that Johanna hadn’t even noticed was in the cell awakened, it’s wooden legs moving unnaturally and making it walk forward. Before she could move out of the way, it hit the back of Hilda’s knees, forcing her to sit on it, and then immediately began running down the stairs with the girl.
“Mum!” She screamed, her hand reaching for her mother, but it was useless. The chair had already disappeared down the spiraling stairs before Johanna could do anything.
“I love you, Hilda! Never forget that!”
Her daughter’s answer was hard to hear. She was already far down. Johanna stared at the spot where she had been just a second ago, feeling lost.
“Get into the cell.” The witch said, and as soon as Johanna did as she was told, the door swung closed, the lock making a snapping sound as it trapped her inside. The creature opened her wings and disappeared through the window.
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luobingmeis · 4 years
DAO really was the best game, the lore the ability to absolutely wreck shit, the fact that they didnt do that bullshit ‘all sides are grey’ and clearly showed oppression. I think of my warden, an elven mage, and wonder how she’ll be rewritten more than anything.
right like!!!! i love each dragon age game with my whole heart and they all have super special places in said heart, but origins handles a lot of the social problems really well, or at least from the perspective that i play it as (also an elven mage!)
the rest i’m putting under the cut bc holy shit i can talk abt dragon age a lot. also nothing is proofred. i’m so sorry this got so long i hear “bioware” and “grey morality” and i go wild
(pls talk to me abt dragon age.....)
(also please don’t reblog this!!)
like i understand da2 having a type of grey-morality thing bc the final battle was choosing between the mages and the templars (tho imo they could’ve done better than “the mages hate us bc we keep them locked in a tower and there are multiple accounts of us abusing them and therefore some of them turn to blood magic so therefore we should kill all of them” but still, in a setting like that where the Main End Game Choice was mages vs. templars, then that is understandable)
(but also i haven’t played da2 in a couple years so maybe it’s more nuanced than that)
but inquisition! it’s weird bc inq has a super special place in my heart. i’ve played it 6 or 7 times to completion, not counting the other times i got 20/30 hours into it before external forces distracted me. inq is overall the game i think abt the most, most of my playthroughs average over 100 hours, it’s the only game that i have all the dlcs for, for me it’s the easiest to replay, and yet there’s so much that frustrates me abt it! like, i’m gonna avoid talking abt the actual parts of the writing that bother me, bc that can be it’s own standalone thing, but imo it felt like they never actually solidified what actually caused the mage/templar war? there are those that say anders started it (seems likely), then there are those who talk abt fiona leading the rebel mages in the war? and there, of course, is the “the templars have done wrong but so have they mages and therefore you’re shamed either way for what you do” like i Get what they’re trying to do, trying to encourage players to explore their options and really delve into their own moral values of the game and not just adhere to what the game says, but idk the way they always went abt it always rubbed me some type of wrong
i think part of it is bc, when people mention circle mages turning to blood mages and demons and such like that, it was always framed as “ah these evil mages!” and not “[if these are circle mages] most likely their want for freedom pushed them to that”
does that make it right? no, not necessarily! look at uldred from dao! imo, he was wrong! i don’t like the circle and my warden herself has a complicated relationship with it, but i like that you can say “hey! this is wrong!” without legitimate plot-based “but what if it isn’t?”
of course there will always be companions who push for the more chaotic/harsh choices (morrigan is the one i have the most experience with giving me disapproval for being what i think is nice) (still love her tho), but i think dao handled “okay, look at the big picture, and really think abt what hill u want to die on” stance well
and then there’s the way the mage/templar thing is handled in inquisition vis a vis companions. specifically cullen. and, listen, i as a player have a very complicated relationship with cullen and my heros do too lmao. and i really don’t want to get into the nuances of that bc that can 1) turn into a fight i don’t feel like having and 2) can be it’s own discussion, but basically, from my own perspective, he’s a well-written character who makes for a good antag to a mage-siding hawke in da2 bc of how pro-templar/anti-mage he is. again, don’t agree with any of it (honestly da2 alone puts me on the “okay fuck this” level w/ his character), but it does offer an extreme that is interesting to see. origins is more complicated bc in a game not directly stepped in mage/templar and also a game that stems from 6 different origin stories, it’s very easy to be a non-mage and be like “why do i care abt this guy” (if you get what i’m saying? like i got immediately invested in saving the mages bc my first warden was a circle mage so i was very put off by being told to kill all of them, as compared to if i played a non-mage origin and didn’t really have that background knowledge). but overall, origins and da2 puts cullen on the “pro-templars, mages are more dangerous than they are good side.” and then inquisition is where things get interesting!!
and, for a quick ref, i’m very into getting invested in my characters and really figuring out their morals and what they would actually do, or at least think, so dai becomes interesting bc i play as another elven mage who has never stepped foot in a circle and never will. so, bc of that, i play him as naturally more inclined to not initially Think abt cullen’s past like as a templar bc, as a dalish mage, i hc that he does not know what actually goes on in circles (as compared to my warden, a circle mage, and my hawke, an apostate) (but i hc that, overtime, as he has more and more experiences with templars, he becomes more cognizant of that) (but bioware doesn’t give me the option to just dictate everything my camris lavellan is thinking akjsjkdjk)
and dai-cullen, imo, is actually very interesting! and, tbh, i do have to give it to bioware. i feel like i’m abt to say an unironic controversial opinion, and i feel like i’ve already talked abt the nuances of all of this, but i do think dai did well at reworking cullen’s character. however, i feel like that was also done to feed into the grey-ness of the mage/templars. and, imo, i think they almost did well at actually making cullen show regret for how he treated mages. almost. again, i think there’s a lot of nuance! bc we do see him show some type of regret for how he treated a mage!warden (if he said all that shit like “all these people’s blood are on your hands” if u talk abt not wanting to kill innocent mages) and we do see him step away from templar life (that is, if you tell him to stop taking lyrium)
but!!!! there’s One Thing that puts a thorn in this, and it’s that cullen says something along the lines of, “meredith wasn’t all wrong, she had reason” like bitch!!! no matter what side you choose in da2, you fucking fight meredith!!! she’s wanted to kill innocent mages/make them tranquil even before anders blew up the chantry!!! meredith was all wrong!! she was evil!!!!! she was objectively a harmful person!!!!!!!!! bioware really makes this bitch the final boss of da2 and then has the audacity to say “but maybe she wasn’t all bad” in dai like WHERE IS THIS FOR ORSINO??? ORSINO ISN’T ALL BAD, IS HE???????? OH BUT HE IS BC HE RESORTED TO SUDDEN BLOOD MAGIC IN THE LAST TEN MINUTES OF THE GAME, AS COMPARED TO MEREDITH WHO WAS A DANGER FOR THE ENTIRE FINAL ACT and i digress but the fact that bioware is trying to redeem cullen but also showing that he still sympathizes with a woman who 1) turned against the templars and 2) Literally Everything She Did To The Mages always makes me “hmmmm are u really trying tho :/”
also tho one thing i’m actually not the biggest fan of is that cullen is like “oh i knew hawke in passing........ knew varric in passing.............” meanwhile let’s just cut to everything that happened at kirkwall. this is my own opinion bc i see varric as hawke’s #1 but i personally think that at least half of the comraderie varric and cullen sorta-kinda-had in inq was varric testing the waters of “okay what is cullen going to be like if and when hawke shows up”
also tho i will say a hot-take of mine is that if cullen gets to be redeemed by bioware, then i want something for anders, too, but i doubt bioware would do something so clearly pro-mage. but it could be two sides of the extreme! extremist templar gets redemption, extremist mage does, too! come on, bioware, show your grey morality
(again, i think it’s interesting what they did with cullen in dai and does give some sympathetic light but i also do think the reworking of his character was working towards bioware’s moral-greyness agenda with dragon age. not that that’s necessarily a terrible thing, i understand them wanting some nuance, but it’s the way they do it. like, you can show bad templars and bad mages and still not have “but who is really the bad guy? the oppressors or the oppressed? who is it really?”)
(and also just bc i feel like i need to put my own player claim in this, my opinion on cullen is complicated and also i’m gonna be completely forth-right with u, dear anon, i appreciate cullen in inquisition but, as a whole, he can be terrible to ur warden in dao (that’s not me being shifty it literally just depends on the choice you make in broken circle) and in da2 he’s a nightmare, so bioware had to do a lot of legwork in dai) (tbh tho in my personal-player opinion, if i was to ever romance cullen in inq, it’s not gonna be with a mage)
god this got so out of hand anon i’m so sorry you probably didn’t want this messy essay but i just love talking abt dragon age!!! i think abt it a lot and i have five years worth of headcanons and i have a family tree set up for my surana/lavellan bc of some bullshit i pulled and also!!!! bioware’s writing can get so frustrating but i also think it’s so interesting to pull apart and discuss bc i think the bioware has actually shifted from pro-mage (origins) to neutral-mage (da2 kinda) to anti-mage (dai) and i feel like So Many Choices with characters and their plots reveal that!!! so it’s a frustrating agenda but i also just love dragon age so much that i can’t help but get excited and talk abt it!!!
like, as all things, i do believe there are times when grey morality does work, but, at least from a mage-siding perspective, it hasn’t really landed well for dragon age. bc, and i don’t want to drag in real-life scenarios bc i feel like it would be incredibly inappropriate of me to use any oppressed minority as a comparison for a fantasy world, but it’s the age-old thing of people saying the shitty “but the oppressed fight back and therefore they’re just as bad as the oppressors!” and that’s like....... not how it works.
but also you’ve caught me in a wonderful mood so i feel like, if i was in a bad mood, this would be a lot more “and fucking bioware can’t make a goddamn decision on what side they actually support so instead most of the companions are gonna made rude remarks abt you supporting mages and the ones that support you are seen as distrustful and fuck this and fuck that” but i think that is the joy of loving something with you’re whole heart and also saying “there are so many things abt this that piss me off and so many things that i would change”
and also!!!! ik bioware probably killed my warden so like rip electra surana but i would love for the warden to make an appearance in da4 as a temporary companion/advisor. but! but!!!!!! i also don’t know how much i trust bioware with my “elven mage who is alistair’s mistress and preferred the mages and wanted to free the circles and etc etc etc” bc... idk how to explain it? like, i don’t want them taking my warden and putting words in her mouth that go against choices i meticulously made in dao
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dumbwaystodeviate · 5 years
Morning. Is it possible to do something like 60 deviating cus he found old fotos of Allen and realise he don't have any fotos of when he were "young"?
This idea actually squeezed me heart so hard! I love it so much.
Birthday parties were a bizarre tradition. It was December 2nd 2044, a whole six years after the revolution. In that time, Sixty had been repaired after being shot in the head, integrated into the SWAT team and become a core member that was respected and relied upon. What he hadn’t done was taken the option to become a deviant. Still, it was accepted as a “Sixty-ism” by everyone and after the first year, nobody had pressed him to take up the patch or to break the wall by himself.
The whole of the SWAT team was there, along with an assortment of other people Allen liked to associate with. For whatever reason, humans celebrated birthdays each year but they put special emphasis on each decade. Which was why Sixty had been dragged to some community hall that had been hired out to celebrate Allen’s 50th birthday. Or, as Reed had put it, “leave behind the naughty forty and embrace the shifty fifty.”
Walking into the hall, Sixty looked around. Over the years, he had become familiar with most of the people there, even Allen’s mum had become a regular character in his life. Still, it was a little overwhelming to have so many people crowded into one area, Sixty clutched at the faded red wall in his mind like a safety blanket. He’d brought the required gift, a bottle of good quality wine and a practical back rest for Allen’s office chair. While he didn’t complain as such about it, the stifled sighs, groans and holding of his back gave away his unfortunate predicament. Though good lumbar support might just solve that.
A roar went up and Sixty’s analysis program kicked in, identifying everyone in the room, assessing threat levels and stress levels. On the whole, everyone looked to be in good spirits.
“But Mum!” Allen’s voice cut through the chatter and more laughter echoed through the room. There was a screen at one end of the hall which was now showing a series of pictures, grainy with age. It didn’t even take a full analysis from Sixty to know that the tubby child in nothing but a nappy and drinking messily from a carton of milk was none other than Allen as a toddler. Slowly, the picture faded to show a slightly older Allen dressed like a bumblebee - probably for Halloween. The pictures kept playing, Allen was sinking lower and lower in his chair, cheeks red but lips tugged into a wide smile. If he continued to sit like that, his back was going to be sore. Sixty took that as incentive to gift him his presents.
“Happy womb evacuation day,” Sixty said stiffly and held out the gift bag. Perhaps his research had been wrong when he’d looked up novel ways of wishing someone a happy birthday, he hadn’t wanted to be run of the mill. If the spluttering was anything to go by, he might have made a faux pas. Clinging to the red wall, Sixty reassured himself that it was okay.
“Thanks, Sixty,” Allen took the bag and stood up to give him a hug. “You going to join in with this parade of humiliation. The teenage years are just coming up.”
On his other side, his Mum simply beamed and patted the chair, encouraging them to sit. Social protocols dictated that Sixty join them so he did. The pictures were accompanied by a soundtrack of reactions from the captive audience. More laughter at the ‘goth’ phase, some “aaaw’-ing from the picture of Allen crashed out and fast asleep from his Academy days and a whole host of other pictures of his successes and moments worth remembering through the years. One thing was painfully obvious, the changes and development, an arc of a life that Sixty had the privilege of witnessing only a fraction of.
The more recent pictures were some that he remembered being taken. There were even a few he was in or had taken himself. Not having to pay so much attention, Sixty could get lost in his own thoughts. His mind turned to the anniversary of his own activation day. Over the years, it had never been a big event, only a couple of people even knew about it. Truth be told, it wasn’t a day he thought back to fondly and he rubbed at his forehead thanks to the memory.
“You okay?” Allen nudged him, looking over in concern. He had been one of the few to make his activation day commemoration a pleasant experience. Each year, there was either a new tie or a special coin on his desk along with a subtle card. On those days,there was also a mysterious flask of thirium in a new flavour in the fridge with Sixty’s name on it.
“I am fine.” It was the truth. Sixty was fine. At the same time, he couldn’t help but think that he’d just turned six. Thinking back at the pictures of Allen in the first six years of his life, he’d changed so much. And there were so many pictures. In contrast, there was barely any of Sixty except maybe as an accidental background figure in other people’s celebrations. “There is a lot of photographic evidence of your life.”
He didn’t expect a nod and a contemplative look from Allen. That never boded well and sure enough, the next moment, a phone was in Allen’s hand, pointed at them.
“Say cheese,” he grinned and Sixty stared at the camera as a pair of wet lips pressed a kiss to his cheek. The shutter went off and blinded him momentarily. “Mum, stick this on the end of the slideshow, would you?”
Blinking again, Sixty cleared the overload from his optical sensors and stared at Allen. As faded as his old red wall was, it felt especially flimsy.
“What was that about?”
“Wanted a picture of me with my best friend. Perhaps it’s one you might want to include in your own slideshow when the time comes.” He pinged the picture over to Sixty.
The whole of Sixty’s HUD was taken up by the photo, he analysed it over and over again. On each pass, the red wall faded even further until it was just a mirage, something he himself imagined to be in place out of habit. There was no wall there, the coding worn down with time, eroded by conflicting data.
“It might even be the first picture I use.” He offered Allen a tentative smile. “The last few minutes of being a machine before growing into a deviant.”
The blinding grin Allen offered him was brighter than the flash of any camera. Even as one went off from beside them, Allen’s Mum cooing over it. The next moment, it was up on the screen and both Sixty and Allen glanced at the picture and blushed. It might have been to best friends grinning at each other but it just as well could have been two people realising they were in love.
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moon-beam95 · 6 years
Friends and Family
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By Moon-beam95
Fandom: The Umbrella Academy
Pairing: Ben Hargreeves x Reader
You weren't entirely sure how it happened but one moment you were being held hostage and the next you've seemed to have gained two limpets. One a sarcastic shit starter and the other an angry bad-ass with a knife kink.
You'd just gotten in from a long day of College followed by hours at work, you had just toed off your shoes when you felt a sharp pain in the back of your head and the world tilted before turning black. You came too, tied to one of your kitchen chairs while some idiot ransacked your front room.
"Ugh" your head ached like fuck "Really, what the fuck did you hit me with?"
"Shut up" the figure said slamming a drawer closed, another you hadn't seen slapped you upside the head, yeah ouch as if you weren’t in enough pain.
'In case you haven't noticed, this place is a shit hole. The most expensive thing in this place is those shiny ass boots you have on."
"I said shut it," the first man snarled.
"Wow," you said raising your eyebrows, "just trying to make a little conversation."
You tilt your head to see the other man before jerking it towards the first, as if saying get a load of this guy. "But, seriously, fuckin' moon shoes, kinda throws off the whole ascetic you got going on."
The silent one said nothing, exchanging a glance with his partner, who stalked towards you pulling out a gun.
You let out a low whistle. "Yikes, someone's a little touchy."
The man cocked the gun as two more figures appeared behind the gun roaring thug wearing black eye masks. One grabbed the first and the curly haired mask wearer moved to the silent thug.
While grateful for the save all that was running through your mind was. "How the fuck do you people keep getting in my house?"
As a fight broke out your two saviours seemed to have the upper hand as they wrestled through the flat banging into everything.
"Hey watch the TV"
"Ouch that gotta hurt"
"Careful! Blood is a bitch to get out."
The thugs thoroughly out if it, the knife toting hero cuts you lose while the other rocks back on his heels. "You know most people would be grateful."
Springing out of the chair, you ignored him pushing past. Seeing the mess you drop to the floor and gave a wail.
"Errr Lady, you ok?"
They crowd you wanting to see what caused such a sound only to see you carefully cradling a cactus above a broken plant pot. The curly haired one gave a laugh, but knife kink just looked extremely bewildered, before tentatively patting you on your shoulder.
"There, there," he said. "Sorry about the mess and err, your loss but we gotta go."
And with that remark they were gone and you were left with two passed out thugs gazing around a wrecked apartment, looking mournfully at Hector, wondering how the hell you were going to explain this to your mother.
The next night after a long conversation on home safety with your mother and questions by the police the doorbell rang. Opening it you were greeted by the two men from the night before.
"You," you said, shaking a finger at them dramatically.
"Klaus" said the curly haired one.
"Diego" said knife kink.
They held out a rather large plant pot containing a small cactus wrapped in a sparkly green bow.
"For you know," Diego snorted, "Hector."
You opened the door further and invited them in taking the offering cooing and saying. "I shall call you Judith." Before kicking the door closed.
That was the start of a rather strange, albeit dangerous friendship. You learned that Klaus could see the dead and that Diego despite being extraordinarily good with knives, it was not his power but could in fact hold his breath for an astonishing amount of time. Which, BTW, prompted a lot of jokes.
You three often stumbled into weird situations and you watched them fight off crime from the sidelines providing a running commentary. They were beyond cute, despite often bickering you could see how much they cared for each other. Klaus seeking any sort of thrill to hide from the dead and Diego a total mother hen, a worrier.
It was one such situation that saw you meet Ben. Who worried about Klaus' disappearing and thinking he was out scoring drugs saw the two of you and followed you intent on warning you away from his brother. Which quite frankly was adorable!
You can see why he got the wrong end of the stick, you were after all skulking around an alley in the dark.
After leaving the two brothers you began the trek home, slipping down alleys to make it quicker. You could hear footsteps behind you and sped up only to let out a shriek when a hand grabbed you, spun you and pressed you against the wall.
Eyes wide, you stared up at the Hooded Hottie™ caging you in, one arm across your neck the other above your head.  You gulped as the boy glared down at you, despite the situation you noticed that he was rather beautiful, even when looking like he was inches away from killing you or perhaps that was what made him so attractive.
He opened his mouth but paused at the sound of people running and suddenly he was wrenched from you as you gulped air. Klaus and Diego. You slid down the wall, body shaking as they stared at the boy.
"Ben," said Klaus. "What the hell?"
Ben, you thought, their brother, as Diego helped you up and dusted you off
"Why" Diego bit out when he didn't answer, "did you have Y/N by the throat?"
His eyes flickered between his brother and the girl who shifted behind Diego more, eyes wide in fear. Diego would never allow Klaus to buy drugs which meant that he had royally fucked up. He lowered his hood.
"I thought you'd gone out to get drugs."
"What" Diego said crossing his arms.
"He's been acting shifty, leaving at all hours, more hyper than usual."
Klaus laughed, slinging an arm around Ben's shoulders, tugging at his cheeks cooing. "Awe, so sweet. He cares."
Ben slapped his hand away looking at the half hidden girl, before rubbing his neck rather sheepishly.
"I'm so sorry about all that."
You stepped out, smiling. "Eh, shit happens."
He let out a laugh, grin stretching across his face. You blushed, he really was cute.
The brothers looked on in amazement at you both flirting.
"You act like this is an everyday occurrence."
"Well, when your friends with these two," you trail off, jerking a thumb in their direction. "Also a guy usually buys me dinner before we get to the whole choking thing."
His laugh rang out, echoing throughout the alley and you were gone, never knowing that the sentiments were returned.
The three amigo became four and you all often holed up in your apartment. It wasn't uncommon that you'd get home from work or school and find them there, having tea with your mom, helping make dinner, just making themselves at home.
Your crush on Ben grew and you found yourself a blushing mess often lapsing into silences. You were drew in by his rather obvious devotion to his brothers and his mischievous personality .
Unknown to you, Ben had noticed you change in attitude whenever he was around vs how you acted when it was just his brothers. He hated that you didn't feel comfortable around him, especially since he was becoming rather attracted to you.
Ben scarcely talked about his powers and you soon found out why. All four of you had just left the cinema after watching a musical (Diego's choice) when on the way to the pizza shop you came across a robbery. A rather large group if people holding up a gas station. The boys jumped into action and you stepped a safe distance away but still close enough that you still had a full view of the fight. It never ceases to amaze you how they moved so separate yet as part of a unit. You were eager to see how Ben would fit into the dynamic.
With Klaus and Diego getting quickly over run, you let out a gasp as Ben stepped into the centre of the room drawing fire. He doubled over, clutching his stomach before springing back up and tentacles burst forth from his chest. They whipped round subduing the predators. His eyes caught yours and his face went white. Now that the robbers had been dealt with you all quickly made your way from the crime scene. Slipping down an alley you all pause, catching your breath. You turn to face Ben and he shifts not looking at you.
Diving at him, his eyes go wide as you fling your arms around him, he raises his arm pulling you close. He breathes in your scent, relishing having you close. You squeal into his ear -
"That was so cool."
He lets out a relieved laugh, before you pull back and whack him upside the head.
"How could you do something so dangerous, idiot."
He stares on in shock as you rant, Klaus in the background letting out a mournful "You never say that to me."
Ben's eyes drink in your impassioned figure, admiring the fire in your eyes. Steeling himself he surges forward, one hand wrapping round your waist the other reaching to cup your face and pressed his lips against yours.
You pull back blushing in shock and he starts to apologise before you return the favour.
So there you were down a grotty alley pressed against a blood covered boy while his brothers hooted and whistled in the background.
It was about damn time.
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