#Shinkami headcanons
itswannysenpai · 2 months
Shinkami Prom 🤲
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sparkles-and-trash · 2 years
Shinkami!! :3
yesss I've missed them <3
Denki loves, nay, adores halloween!
and well, Shinso adores Denki, so naturally, now he loves halloween, too
he always quite enjoyed it, but he never really bothered to partake in any festivities, being the king of introverts and all
and while Denki do love going out and partying and being social, he loves Shinso more
so, they compromise!
they go to a decently sized halloween party, and then they do all of Shinso's favorite halloween things on the Hallows Eve itself
it's kind of a secret, but Denki hates scary movies
like, genuinely cannot stand them, will have nightmares for a week
which Shinso found out when he told Denki he loved them and they had a scary movie marathon
biiig mistake
Denki had to sleep in Shinso's bed for almost two weeks
which may sound good, but with the constant nightmares and yelling in his sleep and Shinso feeling absolutely horrible about it, despite Denki insisting it was his own fault, did kinda but a damper on things lol
so now, on halloween, they watch movies like Coraline, A Nightmare Before Christmas, Corpse Bride, Beetlejuice and The Rocky Horror Picture Show in stead of straight up horror
Denki does a different costume every year, but Shinso loves his cat costume too much to ever switch it out
it's literally just ears and drawn on whiskers but he genuinely loves it so much and Denki thinks he looks cute as hell so
and Shinso is busy helping Denki with his costume anyways!
he always bites over more than he can chew, but with Shinso's help it always turns out amazing
Denki also loves giving out candy to kids, esp when he and Shinso gets their own place after UA
he'll always be super dramatic and make a whole little routine for every group that comes trough
Shinso is always trying to help but mostly he'll just be staring lovingly at Denki the whole time sklaklfjslfj
mha halloween requests open <3
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insomniaccat0107 · 6 months
i think we as a fandom are blessed with amount of characters and foggy dynamic between them because it gives us so many opportunities for shipping.
you like enemies to lovers? here you go dabihawks
you into high school sweethearts? no problem erasermic
you like kinda bratty dynamic? shigadabi
opposite attraction? shinkami
introvert/extrovert? tododeku
age gap? aideku
polyamory? erasercloudmic
the same thing goes with headcanons
uraraka is bi? no problem. toga's lesbian? okay. aizawa's aroace? i can see this. league of villains is in queer platonic relationship? cool
brilliant that's just brilliant and I LOVE THIS FREEDOM SO MUCH
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writersmorgue · 9 months
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See, now where can I have this done.
Thanks anon!!! Sorry I always miss the ship suggestions. I did consider bakudeku but I couldn’t decide on which one was which so we ended here. Pls accept my apologies 🙏
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bee-saucee · 5 months
Guilty Pleasures | ShinKami Headcanons
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I know so many people are on the Shinsou likes black coffee train but can we please give a boat to Shinsou loving super sweet coffee with all the fixings? If he was a pro hero, I think people would really push the black coffee headcanon thing on him plus he’d feel guilty about the extra calories so his Carmel Frappuccinos are an occasional thing
Denki eats UP bad reality TV. Dance moms? Yes. Too Hot To Handle. Absolutely. Keeping up with the Kardashians? He’s watched every season. He will gladly admit to watching them if they come up but he definitely frames it as a guilty pleasure
Shinsou loves splurging on high-end nice cat treats and accessories. Does he need another hand-crafted elevated water bowl that looks like a flower from Etsy for his cat? No. But will he get one because “what if his baby forgets to drink water?” Yes.
Kaminari likes to keep shoe and tech boxes because they’d be “great for storage” and they feel special but he has so many at this point each new box is just taking up space
Shinkami collectively enjoys stalking their high school classmates and old friends on social media together and overanalyzing each post. Shinsou: She didn’t add a heart to this post about her boyfriend. I suspect they’re going through a rough patch or got into a fight. Denki: No definitely. I’m gonna say he forgot their anniversary. Shinsou: Shit
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micheleblack · 1 year
[Shinsou goes up to his boss Aizawa] Shinsou: I think the new guy is stealing coffee. Aizawa: *looking tired* What makes you say that? Shinsou: *deadpan expression points to the new guy* Kaminari: *whole body vibrating*
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hawkssecretlovechild · 2 months
Here's a list of all my headcanons... I BEGGG someone draw one and tag me in it 😵🙌 (1/2)
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noahzanehethey · 2 years
Denki, at the erasermic family game night: Do y'all ever just remember you have bones? Shinsou: *screaming into a pillow* Mic: *crying on the ground after losing monopoly* Aizawa: Get out
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dragonstar2568 · 7 days
Denki 1000% has batteries in his mouth, at first it was a joke, a dare even made by his friends, but now it’s become a habit. Aizawa keeps having to confiscate them in class.
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arloscribbles · 1 year
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More sleepy boi vibes. Just a guy, his cat and Netflix.💤🐈‍⬛️📺
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itswannysenpai · 9 months
Shinkami 💻
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theloveinc · 2 years
ShinKami headcanons?
thank you for waiting, legend!!! i haven’t written headcanons in so long tbh so i hope these are alright <333 
also, do we prefer the regular tumblr bolded list dots for headcanons, or when they look like this: 
- I’m not sure where to begin... so please pardon how this starts LOL
- Shinso + Denki are honestly great in a throuple because they literally never, and I mean NEVER, make you feel left out. Whether you start the relationship with them or join after they’re already together... there’s never a moment when you’re not included in whatever their needs/wants are... or need to feel like that’s so. 
- If they talk about needing to cuddle, going somewhere, getting dinner... you better assume you’re included + respond enthusiastically or they’re gonna pester you about it. To no end. There is no “Denki + Shinso time together without y/n...” it’s all three of you or BUST
- You’re like: “aw okay have fun together” in a text about something and they both nearly call off work b/c they’re so upset you thought you weren’t part of it (you get like forty texts about it and at least five phone calls). Same w/ cuddling. You don’t catch the hint they want you there... then they’re literally DRAGGING you to bed. 
- And If there’s a party and you don’t want to go for some reason, they’re not going either. Could be fully ass dressed and ready to leave and everything, but if you express hesitation the jackets are coming right off. 
- In fact, they probably end up a lot more annoyed at each other without you. It’s not really noticeable to someone who doesn’t know them, or even all that common normally... but if you happen to ignore them for some reason, purposefully or not, there’s like a 75% chance Shin + Denks will end up at each other’s throats for some reason or another (though it’s really just sadness in disguise).
- And you’re probably the only person they listen to in arguments + can get them to stop bickering. Not even Bakugo has shit on you tbh, when it comes to one word being enough to make them be quiet. 
- You get home late from work one night (on a night neither of them are on patrol)... and there’s a full ass canyon between them on the bed and they have grumpy faces on even in their sleep. 
- That’s another thing, though... it’s great if you’re like this, too... terrible if/when you need to go somewhere........... but they’re always gonna do the most when it comes to cuddling you. “y/n” more like Shin + Denks’ joint teddy bear they have to share, every single night. 
- Except it’s not like... normal ass spooning... it’s like, Shinso’s armpit over your forehead and Denki clinging to your belly. Or Shinso’s arm around your neck and Denki’s leg over both your thighs...
- Which is funny because they’re actually really horrible sleepers (we knew this, though)... so this all ends up occurring at like... 4am when everyone is finally tired enough to stop moving. Otherwise, there’s normally at least one of them awake at all times, even if they’re in bed. 
- And I’ve said this before but... Shinso watches TV on his phone in bed when he can’t sleep....... and now that I think about it, Denki does, too........ so sometimes you’ll just randomly wake up in the middle of the night to find both of them sharing earbuds, eating a snack and watching something on a tiny ass phone screen that’s held literally right above your head. Get them some help. 
- LMAOOOO and they’re so bad at eating. Not just because they literally always forget to and are bad at cooking (so they just end up eating junk), but because... they consistently eat off of your plate. Every single meal. Like, at this point... you should just stop setting the table because they don’t even want their own food. 
- It sorta makes a little sense because you often don’t get mealtime together because of their work schedules, so yeah, sharing is nice........... but it’s still like ??? whenever one of them is getting ready for work and literally yoinks your half eaten piece of toast right out of your hands and leaves with it. 
- (You might be like, “Caitie, they both do that?” Yes.) They honestly have jealousy problems, too. If Denki gets your half your sandwich in the morning, Shinso is absolutely complaining about how rude that is....... and then trying to finish half of your lunch. There is no meal where you are ever fully left alone. They’re just lucky they get paid hella good so cooking/ordering in abundance is not really a problem anymore (and making all your dinners family style is pretty easy). 
- Same with spending time with each other, too. Denki is more babyish about it than Shinso, but if one catches the other cuddling without them... they’re throwing a whole fit. Denki getting all whiney about how “Shinso always get the front!!” or Shinso trying to hit Denki w/ a pillow for taking up “too much of” you. Or even pinching and tickling at you for always “getting everything.”
- But literally... you should probably just start saying no to cuddling at this point, and esp. if you plan on trying to get anything done after, cuz spoiler alert: you won’t, and never will (cuz then they’re mad at you for leaving them and finally teaming up to mildly guilt you). 
- Which like... what do these boys even want at this point😭😭😭 (gotta love them, though). 
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sparkles-and-trash · 2 years
hii! may i request some cute mmjr halloween hcs? :D ~ vya
ahhh yes I was hoping someone would ask for them ehehe >:3
so just to set the stage here, I fully think both of these gals are crazy about the other, in the way of like, not fully believing that the other can like them back as much as they like them
and I think that would kind of shine trough a little extra on halloween
both of them generally enjoy this holiday, but they had very different ways of celebrating it growing up
In the Yaoyorozu household it was very glammed up, they either went to or hosted these big, fancy costume parties, always with themes, and everything was very polite and almost regal lol
while in the Kyouka house, there were more traditional celebrations, like fun, over the top costumes, giving out candy to the neighborhood kids, and her parents would often let Jirou have halloween parties with her friends when she was still in elementary and middle school
and so when they start dating, they both really want to try to do what they think the other wants
but since neither have much experience with the others ways of celebrating, they seek help elsewhere to surprise the other
Momo goes to Denki, who knows Jirou very well being her bestie, and with Denki comes Kirishima, so now she has a little team on her side
while Jirou seeks out Shouto, who not only knows Momo fairly well, but had a similar upbringing in the sense of the people surrounding their families
and with Shouto comes Izuku, who may not have much experience with fancy halloweens, but he loves love, and since his boyfriend, Kirishima, is suddenly busy helping Momo and Denki with some kind of secret project, he has a lot of extra time
Denki and Kirishima are going all out with Momo's plan, they're planning on decorating Momo's room in a typical halloween way that they hope remind Jioru of her childhood
Kirishima keeps being brought to tears by the whole thing
Shinsou tried to carefully tell his boyfriend that they might be going a little overboard, but it's far too late for that now that Denki is fully invested and hyped
while Jirou managed to get Shouto to help her learn some basic ballroom dances, which makes izuku super emotional, while Bakugo is sitting in a corner huffing and pouting at how Jirou is stealing his boyfriend's precious time that could be spent on him
but he would never admit that out loud
and he would definitely never admit that he kinda thinks the whole thing just a little sweet
so, when halloween finally comes around, they both have plans they're desperately trying to get to work
Jirou is planning on taking Momo out to their special spot in the park by the dorms to look at the stars and then ask her to dance with her and surprise her with knowing how to
and Momo is planning on decorating all of her room in the typical halloween decorations and watch Jirou's favorite scary movies in the new matching PJ's she's gotten for them
luckily, the scheming boyfriends ends up figuring each other out, and therefore manage to avert the crisis somehow
without the girls knowledge, they all band together to sort of morph the two ideas together in Momo's room
they manage to borrow Aoyama's telescope, so they can still stargaze from the room, and the make space so they get to do the dancing, and get all the movies queued up and ready
so naturally, matching PJ's, the Scream movies, stargazing, and slow dancing in their flannel PJ's after the movie marathon becomes their little halloween tradition
the boys are all so fucking proud of themselves lmao, as they should be honestly <3
help I'm so single laihfslkhfskla
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all-too-random · 2 years
Okay, so I'll be honest and say that I don't have a ton of polyam ships, and the ones I do have usually involve a fairly small polycule.
There is one, however, that has a larger polycule that I absolutely love. And I feel like this is not a ship very many people have brought up, or even thought of. So I wanted to share it with the world.
ShinKamiJiroMinaSero (from BNHA).
Here is a "who is dating who":
Shinsou (omni) is the newest addition to the polycule. He started out just dating Kaminari, and is now dating Kaminari and Jirou. He and Sero kissed like once and they didn't dislike it but they aren't sure if they wanna date or anything.
Kaminari (bi) is dating each member of the polycule. It started with Jirou, then Jirou and Mina, then Jirou and Sero and Mina, and now Jirou and Sero and Mina and Shinsou.
Jirou (bi) started by just dating Kaminari. Their relationship was kinda the base for the polycule. Mina was the first addition to the polycule, and they are both dating her. She is not dating Sero, but they occasionally engage in romantic-ish activities (forehead kisses, some cuddling). A while after Kaminari began dating Shinsou, she did as well.
Mina (cupiromantic) is dating Kaminari, Jirou, and Sero. HOWEVER, she does not love any of them romantically. She is cupiromantic, and her partners both know this and support this. They shower her with the romantic activities/affection she craves, but they are well aware that she does not feel romantic attraction. It's like a romantic-platonic sort of relationship.
Sero (pan) is dating Kaminari and Mina. He has kissed Shinsou, and done some romantic-ish things with Jirou before, but as of right now his relationships with them are just platonic.
I also really love MiriTamaNejiYu where the Big Three is all dating each other and YuYu is just dating Nejire.
(I'm fully prepared to get hate for this as well)
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writersmorgue · 10 months
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No ❤️
Thank you @yourlunarspice for submitting!!!!!!!
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bee-saucee · 9 months
Hellooo, this is the first time I've done one of these, but I've enjoyed your writing a bunch so I thought I'd give it a try. What kind of couple rituals does Shinkami take part in? For example, ones that they know know that they do, like a kiss before work. And ones that they don't realize, such as who sleeps on what side of the bed? Oh-and Happy New Year in advance 🥳💜
ShinKami Couple Rituals | Headcanons/Oneshot
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summary: ShinKami ritual headcanons and a glimpse into their morning routine on a day off
word count: 917
warnings: Kissing and cursing
a/n: This is my first request on Tumblr and I am so so grateful! Your interaction has been so meaningful to me recently! I appreciate you tons. Happy New Year to you as well! It was fun thinking and writing about things I haven’t before so if anyone else has requests I would be so honored! I’ve got some headcanons and a short fic for you. There isn’t much plot but sometimes you just need some good fluff. I hope you enjoy and that I've done this right.
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Rituals they're aware of
I think ShinKami are definitely a kiss before they leave for work type of couple! I’m big on ShinKami having schedules that don’t match up at all person but Shinsou was adamant about Denki waking him up to kiss him goodbye when they first started living together. They usually eat dinner together before Shinsou leaves for work so they always share a kiss before he goes. Just a kiss might be an understatement, fervent makeout is probably what it usually turns into before Shinsou is rushing out the door so he isn’t late for work
This is more of a tradition than a ritual but I think ShinKami is really big on holiday traditions, even for the small ones like Talk Like A Pirate Day
Because they usually aren’t together at the start and end of their days together, ShinKami is big on morning and nighttime texts
Rituals they aren't aware of
They just kind of fell into Shinsou on the left side of the bed and Kaminari on the right. Denki tends to roll over on top of Shinsou while he sleeps, though so it doesn’t mean too much
When they’re out in public, Denki tends to wrap his arm around Shinsou’s waist if they’re standing still. He knows that Shinsou can get nervous and subconsciously tries to pull him in closer and protect him
They always let one another try their drink. They love going to cafes together and trying out drinks at restaurants and to them it’s just straight up rude not to share with one another
They pick up each other’s speaking habits rapidly and use them all the time
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Kaminari blinks his eyes open and is met with the sight of his boyfriend’s deep eye bags illuminated by his phone. His hair bends at awkward angles in a tangled mess that he knows only comes from a fitful night of sleep.
“Mm, how long have you been awake, honey bear?” Denki asks, scootching in closer to his boyfriend.
“Couple hours.”
Hitoshi places a soft kiss on Denki’s forehead and he closes his eyes. He can feel the warmth of Hitoshi just a little bit better now. The rise and fall of his chest feels more prominent. The soft rustle of breath falling from his nose and drawing back in is loud in the quiet of a rare day off together.
“We should shower,” Denki mumbles.
A beat passes as neither of them moves. Fuck he loves his boyfriend. Hitoshi pulls Denki up so he’s resting right on top of him chest to chest. Did he mention how much he loves his boyfriend?
“You have sleep in your eyes,” Hitoshi says.
“I slept good, dude. Makes sense. Sorry–I know you didn’t sleep well.”
“I never sleep well. It’s okay.”
Denki keeps his eyes closed and Hitoshi softly brushes the sleep from the corners of his eyes. He’d probably get an eye infection or break out from it someday but Hitoshi craved these moments of affection they probably shouldn’t have after a long week of work and Denki was more than happy to oblige. He finally cracks his eyes open and is met with that adorable smile that’s new enough for Hitoshi to not have smile lines. Cementing those lines on Hitoshi’s face was currently the closest thing Denki has to a life mission.
“Hey, you little cutie patootie. You come here often?” Denki says with an exaggerated wink.
“I’m going to the mall today with Mina and Kiri. You wanna come? No pressure.”
Hitoshi pulls him in for a quick peck. He really wanted to slob his boyfriend down bad and nasty but now with morning breath was probably not the best time.
“Nah. I wanted to get some reading done today.”
The rejection still stings a bit but with time, he’s getting used to taking that hit for Hitoshi. The strong confirmation that Hitoshi missed him and loves him the moment he gets back from time out more than makes up for it.
“No problem my little love muffin,” Denki says, punctuating it with another peck. “Alright!” He slaps Hitoshi’s bare chest. “It’s shower time for real!”
They begin their usual dance around Hitoshi’s small apartment. Switch between brushing teeth and a morning piss. Convene with a long chat about their day or whatever book Hitoshi has been reading as they shower together. Denki lingers to finish his 12 step skincare routine while Hitoshi shuffles to the kitchen to make his first cup of coffee and start the day off special: mini sausage cut into octopi, fried egg, toast, salad, and apple juice.
Denki bites off one of the tentacles. “Yo, Toshi Woshi.” He taps his feet against Hitoshi’s shins under the table
“I like mornings with you.”
Hitoshi turns to fully face him and that smile gets just a little bit closer to developing lines. “Me too, baby.”
“I GOT A HITOSTINO PET NAME,” Denki shouts, almost dropping his mini sausage.
“Don’t do the octopus like that.”
“It’s a necessary sacrifice to show my ass clenching enthusiasm to my lover.”
Hitoshi scrunches up his face. “That makes me sound like some torrid affair.”
“You’re right. My first love is this fried egg. Then L from Death Note. Then you.”
“That’s fair. I’ll take it. At least the affair is torrid.”
“I would never have some vanilla affair with you my sweet pea pod.”
“Damn straight.”
Denki gasps. “We’re gay, Toshi!”
“My bad, my bad. Damn gay.”
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