#Sin: The Winter soldier
magnetothemagnificent · 2 months
Hey. Marvel. Psst. You know. You know you can depict Sam and Bucky as true to their characters instead of switching their personalities, right?
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petertingle-yipyip · 9 months
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episode five - truth
tags: n/a // four // SM masterlist // what, it’s back? yeah, i’ve been thinking about it alot so i figured it’s time to come finish it
Pairing: stark!reader x bucky
Word Count: 7,209
Summary: After a near death battle with John Walker, Y/N decides to take a step back. But the desire to live up to her father’s legacy both weighs her down and purges her forward.
“We have to take her to a hospital.” Sam insisted.
“I know.” Barnes agreed, his hold on you tightening just to ensure you wouldn’t slip.
“What was she thinking?” Sam said worriedly. He couldn’t understand why you would take on John by yourself. He knew you were a smart fighter, skilled and powerful. But John had lost it. He took the serum and was off his rocker seeing Lemar killed.
“She wasn’t.” Barnes said simply. Barnes’ brain was running a million miles an hour. He wondered why you would be so stupid, but he also understood you weren’t one to play it safe. “We need to take care of her first, then we find Walker.”
“God, you’re unbelievable.” Sam scoffed. “How can you still be worried about that?”
“We need to get that shield. You saw what he’s capable of.”
“She needs to be the top priority!”
Without you knowing, or at least assuming you didn’t know, you’d been his priority the whole time.
“I don’t care about the shield right now!”
“You think she’d want to forget about the shield?” Barnes countered, watching his volume as if you were simply asleep in his arms. “That's what got her like this. Because she wanted to take that shield from him. We can’t let this go.”
“Is that what you think is right or is it because you have a crush on her?” Sam challenged.
You stirred in Barnes’ grip, slowly coming back. You felt the cool stream of water still working to heal you, the damp feeling of your suit’s material paired with the wet spot in your hair at the back of your head. You felt the cold vibranium arm under your knees, the warmth of Barnes’ chest against your cheek. Your eyes slowly opened to a completely different part of the city than you remember.
“Put me down.” You said hoarsely, pulling your hand and the water out of your suit and zipping it back up. You rubbed your eyes and the bridge of your nose to quickly heal that swelling and tenderness before flicking away the excess water from your hand and pulling the absorbed water out of your suit’s fabric.
You weren’t fully healed, but it was good enough. Your chest didn’t ache with every breath and your spine didn’t sting with every movement. You felt considerably stronger than before with clearer vision and the absence of pounding in your head.
The only thing in your head now were your dad’s words. You didn’t know if it was a dream or if you had really crossed the threshold between living and the dead. You didn’t care. All you knew was that he was right. You weren’t done yet.
“No.” Barnes answered. You turned and saw he wasn’t looking at you. Instead, he kept his eyes focused ahead. “You need a hospital.”
“I’m fine.” You struggled in his grip. “Put me down, Barnes.”
“Fine.” You replied simply. Using your arms for momentum, you flipped backwards out of Barnes’ arms and landed wobbly on your feet. After quickly regaining your balance, you stood tall. “Where’s Walker?”
“Y/N..” Sam tried gently. “You took a hell of a beating, alright? Just take it easy and we’ll find him later. We’ll get the shield back.”
“You guys don’t get it…I have to do everything myself.” You muttered, turning your hand to see the inside of your wrist. You tapped the screen connected to FRIDAY and had her take the tracking information from Sam’s suit. “Thanks for the tracker.” You saluted Sam before quickly making an air ball and riding it to find Walker.
You had to stop him. You had to get the shield back. If not for Sam, then for your grandfather. He made that shield for Steve, and it should be with the man Steve gave it to. It was Steve’s legacy but it was also Howard’s favorite accomplishment. You couldn’t let it stay in the wrong hands and continue to cause people pain. To take lives. 
You heard the footfalls of the boys behind you, but you weren’t stopping. You figured they knew that. All they could do now was follow and fight beside you. All they could do was help you so you didn’t die. You had a feeling that if you went down this time, you weren’t getting back up.
You all found Walker off some old train tracks. He was distraught, likely over losing Lemar. You didn’t blame him for flying off the handle, but you couldn’t excuse taking a man’s life. A man who wasn’t responsible. And to do it so publicly made you sick.
“Are you insane?” Barnes asked you quietly as the three of you approached Walker.
“I’ve been called worse.” You shrugged.
“Walker.” Sam began, as if in warning.
“You guys should see a medic. You don’t look so good.” Walker replied. “And I’m surprised you’re still standing.” He nodded to you.
“I’ll admit, you got a mean swing… If you wanted me to stay down, you should’ve put me down.” You said simply, weaving a flame between your fingers on either hand. You felt the wind dancing around your ankles at the same time, maybe even small tremors in the ground. “This ends now.”
“You saw what happened.” He defended loudly. “You know what I had to do! I killed him because he killed Lemar!”
“He didn’t kill Lemar, John.” Barnes countered.
“Regardless, we don’t trade lives.” You added tensely. Every word between you four wound your muscles tighter. The flames at your hands grew hotter. The air at your feet moved in faster, tighter circles. 
“You go down that road, it won’t end well.” Barnes continued. 
“I’m not like you.” Walker countered angrily. There was an accusation in his tone, that that's who Barnes still was. He insinuated that he was better than Barnes, but that just showed he didn’t really know who Barnes was outside of his Winter Soldier stories.
You instantly turned your attention to Barnes. His eyes were down, as if he was processing what Walker had said. He looked like someone kicked his puppy and you didn’t know why that expression hurt you as well.
Without really thinking, your hand had reached for his, flame extinguished. You gave his hand a gentle squeeze, as if to say that everything was okay. He looked up at you and offered a tight smile before gently squeezing your hand in return. You didn’t know it but that gesture meant a lot in that moment. You hoped your eyes conveyed the sincerity you intended.
“It was the heat of battle, alright?” Sam tried reasoning with him. But the look in his eyes, the way he eyed you all like you were dinner, showed you he was well past reasoning with. You slowly pulled your hand back and the flame danced through your digits again. “If you explain what happened, maybe they’ll consider your record. We don’t want anyone else to get hurt…”
“You have to give us the shield.” You tried calmly. Even though every muscle in your body was wound tight and every nerve was alive with adrenaline, you followed Sam’s lead. You tried to talk to him, same way you tried with Karli. 
“So that’s what this is?” He answered darkly. “You almost had me..”
“You made a mistake. A very public one.” You said simply.
“You don’t want to do this.” He threatened.
“Yeah, we do.” Barnes answered with a nod. He glanced at you, who met his eyes and added a quick nod in return.
Barnes moved in first and Sam was quick to follow. You hesitated just a moment, letting Sam and Barnes make the first move. You had to be smarter and more calculated than the last time, otherwise you’d likely be returning to the States in a body bag. At the first opening you got, you stomped to raise a slab of rock and you kicked it at Walker.i
Walker kicked Sam away and tried to take on Barnes. You quickly took Sam’s place and created a fire blade in your hand. While Barnes had Walker by the shield, you slashed the flame across his back, burning through his suit and his flesh. You choked on the smell momentarily before dropping the flame and creating a rock gauntlet. You slammed your stone covered fist into the burning wound and forced him to the ground.
Walker elbowed you in the jaw and spun to land a solid right hook on Barnes. The contact sent both of you reeling back and gave Walker time to capitalize. He moved to swipe the shield in a direction that could take you both but Sam came through just in time.
The two went hand to hand while Barnes came around to get you. You could feel the bruise forming already as you moved your mouth around, trying to break up the pain.
“Come on.” He said when he got to your side, hauling you to your feet. “Fight’s not over yet.”
“After you, Sarge.” You gestured for him to go.
“Ladies first.” He shrugged.
You chuckled slightly before moving back into the fight. You moved quickly, throwing flame after flame at him. He ducked behind the shield and Barnes came from behind you. Walker countered most of your attacks but you saw a perfect opening. He pulled back to slam the shield against Sam so you yanked up a rock column to connect with his chin. The impact sent him wobbling back and gave Barnes a chance to apply more pressure. After ducking a heavy blow from Barnes, he threw the shield and sent Barnes flying across the room.
Walker was running after the shield as soon as it left his hand, you and Sam moving in right behind him. Walker had Barnes pinned against an old crate, the two fighting for the disk.
“Why are you making me do this?” Walker screamed, a desperate rage in his voice. He launched Barnes again once the sentence left his mouth.
“Bucky.” You muttered when you realized he didn’t get up right away. While Sam took on Walker again, you ran to Barnes’ side.
“You gotta get up.” You told him, kneeling at his side. You watched the electricity crackling around his arm. He winced as he tried to lift his Vibranium arm. “Here, let me just...” You said gently, focusing on redirecting the extra voltage away from his arm.
What you didn’t see was the way Barnes was looking at you. He watched the intent focus your eyes held, the precise movements of your hands, the careful direction of your fingers. The lightning travelled the path of your arms like a road, seeming soaking into your spine and exiting out the other hand. He was in awe.
He was partly surprised you had focused on helping him. You didn’t have to. It would’ve gone away within a minute, but you took the time to help him. He realized that you actually were his friend. And more than that, he liked that you stopped to help him.
The electricity crackled up one arm and to your spine. You turned and focused on Walker, carefully handling the power in your body. Electricity was a tricky thing. One slip of control and you could hurt yourself. You learned that the hard way. You shot it at Walker, your aim slightly off so you hit right near his feet, and caught him just before he tried to land a devastating blow on Sam.
“Come on, James.” You sighed as you pulled him off the ground to sit up. He groaned and leaned against a nearby pillar. You realized you used his first name and you tensed slightly. It felt too intimate to use in those moments.
“We gotta finish this.” Barnes muttered, to which you could only nod. You relaxed slightly when it didn’t seem like he noticed. But he did. 
“Did you have a plan or should we just try and tire him out?” You tried to joke.
“You want to be the bait?” He offered and you couldn’t fully tell if he was joking or not.
“Make him go after me?” You asked with raised brows. “Promise you won’t let him kill me.”
“Cross my heart.” He nodded.
“Worth a shot.” You shrugged, jumping back into the fight.
Walker had just yanked Sam out of the air and lost hold of the shield. You threw a blast of air to push the shield further for everyone and slammed a fist to the ground. You used the rock to snag Walker’s ankles and cause him to fall on his face. By the time you caught up to him, he was top of Sam and was ripping his wings apart.
You called a flame to cover the entirety of both hands and ran. You tackled Walker off Sam, your hands moving to his neck as you two rolled and you tried to bury your fingers into the soft tissue. The smell of burnt flesh invaded your lungs and you felt the smoke burning your eyes.
He screamed out from the burns and once your momentum stopped, he had you pinned with a knee on your chest. You coughed from the burnt smell and the increasing pressure. He pulled your hands away easily and squeezed. You cried out as you heard the bone break in your left arm. 
“We could’ve been a team.” He sneered ferally.
“I don’t play nice with others.” You commented, trying to buy yourself and Barnes some time. Turning your head to come up with something, you realized you had landed right next to the shield. But so did Walker.
“I am Captain. America.” He practically snarled.
“Yeah?” You asked as an idea came to mind. “You look like a cheap knock off to me.”
He quickly reached for the shield and raised it above his head. As he screamed, you lifted your right hand and flicked a quick bolt of lightning at his chest. He winced inwardly but didn’t budge. In a last ditch effort, you did your best to take control of his blood.
With one hand and the pressure on your sternum, it was impossible to gain complete control. He was fighting you the whole time, pushing the shield with all his strength. You knew once your control slipped, that disk was headed straight for your chest. You groaned as you tried adding your other hand, but the pain was too much. You stomped a foot instead, sending deep vibrations through the concrete foundation. Walker faltered but wouldn’t move.
You thought that was it. Your time was truly up this time. But maybe that would be enough to get that shield back to Sam, back to the man it was supposed to be with. You were about to accept your fate and let him kill you when Barnes made good on his promise. He tackled Walker off of you and handled the fight himself.
You turned on your side and coughed violently, trying to open your airways enough to breathe properly. They traded blows for a minute until Walker managed the upper hand. Sam moved in for the rescue, so he and Barnes were able to get control of the situation. Him and Barnes were turning Walker’s arm outward and you saw an opening.
You pushed yourself to stand and slammed your foot to break loose a piece of the concrete floor. You kicked it forward and heard the sickly pop of his bone dislocating. The pop turned Sam’s pressure into action and he went flying in a separate direction. You almost felt bad for dislocating his arm in such a violent manner, but the shooting pain in your own arm quickly erased that thought. 
“It’s mine.” Walker growled as Sam stood with the shield in his hands and Barnes came to stand with you.
“It’s over, Walker.” You answered through heavy breaths, clutching your arm to your chest.
“It’s mine!” He repeated, pulling back to swing on you.
You ducked his arm and the punch was blocked by Barnes. He landed a hard shot against Walker’s jaw and you swiped your leg to knock him over. Barnes lifted Walker and swung him like a baseball bat into Sam, who was moving in hard with the shield. The impact sent the three of them in different directions, the shield landing between them all.
You quickly moved to grab it while the boys groaned and tried to get up. You held the shield in your hands, staring at the dried blood on it. The sight disgusted you. You moved and shoved it into Sam’s chest once he stood.
“You give this away again, I’m keeping it.” You said plainly before pushing off and walking away with Barnes.
“You’re going to the hospital.” Barnes said simply once you caught up with him.
“I can fix myself.” You defended, picking up a stream of water from a nearby puddle and focused on the returning pain in your chest.
“It wasn’t a request.”
“You can’t order me around.”
“I’m pulling rank. I’m a Sergeant, you’re not.”
“Alright, you got me there.” You answered, too tired to really argue with him. “Can we get something to eat first?”
The next day, you three waited in the same room you had talked to Karli in. You did basic healing on your arm so the hospital left it in a sling rather than a hard cast. They said they may have to put pins in your sternum if it didn’t right itself, but that would take a bit of time before they knew.
Sam caught you up on the Karli situation and his buddy, who you learned to be called Torres, came in. You followed Barnes out after he ignored Sam asking about Zemo.
Later or maybe even the next day - things had really blurred together - you and Barnes found Zemo at the Sokovia memorial, exactly where you expected to.
“Thought you’d come sooner.” Zemo said when you two approached.
“Had something else to take care of first.” You shrugged.
“And don’t worry. I’ve decided I’m not going to kill you.”
“You’d never get the chance.” You said easily as Barnes said “Imagine my relief.”
“The girl… She’s radicalized beyond salvation.” He began as if he was just waiting for a chance to give his speech. “I warned Sam, but he didn’t listen to me. As stubborn as Steve Rogers before him. But you- Both of you, can do what needs to be done. Karli has people everywhere and there’s only one way to ensure she cannot carry out her mission.”
“I appreciate the advice.” Barnes answered flatly. “But we’re gonna do it our own way.”
“I was afraid you would say that.” Zemo chuckled.
You stood beside Barnes as he lifted the gun to Zemo. You watched what seemed like relief come across Zemo’s features. You weren’t necessarily surprised to see that expression, given that he had lost everyone. He was willing to take his own life in Siberia all those years ago, so of course he wasn’t afraid to die now. But part of it may have been relief to see Barnes being the one to hold the gun. Part of him likely wanted Barnes to be the killer HYDRA made him.
When Barnes pulled the trigger and the gun was empty, Zemo’s relief shifted to disappointment. You opened your palm and moved the bullets in a circle above your hand. You held your hand up with a small smirk as Zemo stared at the bullets in disbelief. You smiled as the Dora approached.
You let the bullets fall to the ground and tucked your hands behind your back, rocking on your heels. “Told you I’d deliver him myself.” You nodded in greeting.
“I took the liberty of crossing off my name in your book.” Zemo added. “I hold no grudges for what you thought you had to do.. Goodbye, James. Goodbye, Y/N.”
Ayo talked to Barnes for a minute while you looked at the memorial again. So many lives lost.. It still blew your mind how quickly that situation had gotten out of control.
You left before Barnes did. He was still talking to Ayo when you slipped away. Part of you knew you should’ve stayed and explained where you were going. But the bigger part of you just wanted to go. You headed to the airport where the Stark jet was waiting for you.
First, you went to your shared apartment. You quickly packed all your things and left no trace of yourself in the apartment. You thought about leaving a note, something simple that said ‘Heading back to my family. Thanks for the place to crash.’ but even that didn’t feel right. You decided it was best to say nothing so left about two months worth of rent in cash and walked out. You hailed a cab and headed to the lake house.
You spent the last couple days getting to know your half-sister, and she was such a sweet kid. You saw a lot of resemblance to your dad so the first day with her was rough. But you gave her a chance and you were glad you did.
The two of you spent most of the time near the lake. You showed her different tricks you could do with the water. You used the air to blow her hair around and make the leaves fly. You made little Avenger figures from the rocks below. You used your powers for parlor tricks instead of fighting, and the calm felt nice.
When you got the call from Sam, you ignored it. You assumed it was a lead on Karli and at the moment, you wanted nothing to do with it. You did your part and got the shield away from Walker. You couldn’t save that Flag Smasher but you saved Sam and Barnes. You put Zemo back in prison. All your boxes were checked. You could rest… So why didn’t you feel at peace?
It was another couple days before you were contacted by Sam and Barnes again.
You were with Morgan at the shoreline when the car pulled up. You assumed it was someone for Pepper, probably Happy. You were making a crown from the water for Morgan, freezing it above her head before placing it in its place. You spun the air around you two for dramatic effect.
“I now crown thee, Princess Morgan!” You announced theatrically, pushing a wave across the lake that made her giggle. “Sovereign ruler of this great body of water! What is your first decree, your Highness?” You bowed dramatically.
“Trespassers!” She announced, pointing behind you. “Defend our shores!”
“I shall give my life to serve!” You laughed before turning to see who was coming. You saw Sam and Barnes stepping out of the car and you froze momentarily. “Alas, fair Princess, it’s only visitors from another kingdom.”
“Trespassers!” She yelled again with a wide smile. “Get them!”
“I live to serve thee.” You chuckled and shook your head before heading to the boys.
“So this is where you’ve been hiding?” Barnes asked simply.
“Better than fighting.” You shrugged. “Besides, I never rescheduled my apartment walkthroughs… You guys could’ve just called, yknow.”
“It’s not really the kind of thing you say over the phone.” Sam reasoned. “And last time I called, you didn’t answer.”
“Yeah, cause I thought you were gonna ask what I’m guessing you’re gonna ask me now.” You sighed and turned to check on Morgan. She was playing with the rock Avengers you made her, creating a fight scene of her own. You watched as she held the figure of yourself in one hand and threw a rock at one of the other Avengers. 
“I’ll set the table for two more.. You don’t talk shop in front of the kid, you can stay for lunch.” You sighed, walking backwards and motioning for them to follow. “Pepper usually makes too much food anyways.”
“Morgan!” You called, heading towards the house with the boys following behind. “Chow time! Come get some lunch!” You waited at the porch for her to catch up. 
“What is it?” She asked when she met up with you. “Who are these guys?” She whispered.
“Just some friends..” You dismissed her concerns with a smile as you took her hand while she jumped up the stairs. “Let’s go wash up.”
“Everyone washes their hands before we eat.” You said over your shoulder. “Morgan will show you to the bathroom.” She shot you an accusing look. “I’ll wash my hands in the kitchen so I can reset the table.” You put your hands up in surrender before heading to the kitchen.
“You invited people over?” Pepper asked as you pulled two more plates from the cabinet.
“More like they invited themselves..” You shrugged. “I figured there’d be enough anyway.”
“What do they want?” She eyed you carefully.
“Hopefully just to check in.”
“I didn’t know you were friends with those two.” Her tone betrayed something of disapproval.
“With all the family I’ve lost, I could use a few friends.” You answered sharply. “Oh, and I told them not to talk about anything in front of her so lunch should be pleasant. You’re welcome.”
“Y/N!” Morgan came running into the kitchen while laughing. “You are relieved of your knighthood.”
“I- Huh?” You laughed in disbelief while you pulled her chair out for her and your own chair from beside her. Pepper hid her giggle while bringing the food from the kitchen. “And who will take my place? Who can defend this great land better than me? The prodigy of Earth’s greatest defender, himself?”
“Him!” She pointed to Barnes -who offered a look of confusion- as he and Sam sat on the opposite side of the table. She grabbed your arm and pulled you close so she could whisper her next sentence. “He has a metal arm!” Her jaw dropped to mimic her earlier shock.
“Unfortunately, he won’t be staying long enough to protect your waters.” You said, feigning disappointment. “Sadly, Sir James is only visiting… Besides, I’m stronger than him anyway.”
You felt Barnes’ eyes on you but you ignored them. You didn’t call him James often. Really, that only came to mind as the third time. In Madripoor, taking the shield from Walker, and now. You weren’t sure why you said it but it felt better than calling him ‘Barnes’ when talking to Morgan. But maybe ‘Bucky’ would’ve been better.
“It’s true. I’ve seen it.” Sam added with a chuckle. Barnes simply rolled his eyes with an amused smile. You were relieved that he stepped in and dissipated the tension.
Lunch was surprisingly pleasant. The boys talked to Pepper about how the company was doing and the plans - if any - for rebuilding the Avengers compound. She asked about Zemo and if they knew anything about his escape. You all made jokes and told stories, which made the reunion rather fun.
Once the table was cleared, you took the boys outside while Pepper kept Morgan in the kitchen. You all stood around by the lake. You skipped rocks while Sam and Barnes started their proposition.
“We’re pretty sure Karli is going to attack the GRC vote.” Sam explained.
“Pretty sure isn’t enough to be here, Wilson.” You shook your head. “You’ll need to do something better than that.”
“There’s no guarantee but I bet we’re right.”
“Right… You really think she’s going to be able to travel to New York without someone snatching her up first?” You scoffed. “That move would make sense, I guess. If you can’t change the vote, you stop the vote. Probably kill the Council as a whole and get someone else in there.”
“So you’re in?”
“Am I in?” You laughed. “I did my due diligence. Walker doesn’t have the shield and Zemo is locked up. My hands are clean.”
“So you’re comfortable with quitting on this?” Barnes challenged.
“Why do you care?” You turned on him. “Why do you really care? Let me ask you something, Barnes. Why did you let me stay with you when you didn’t know me?”
“What are you getting at?” He avoided your question. The accusations in your tone hit him deep. It sounded like you were accusing him of ulterior motives, but he just wanted to do the right thing. He was glad for it, being that he quickly got used to having you around. To the point where he even liked having you around.
“I’ve seen my name in your book.” You said simply. “You think you have to make amends because you killed my grandparents. That’s all it’s been about, right? Cause I’m the only Stark left that can forgive you?”
“No.” He shook his head and tried to continue, but you interrupted. He had to admit that it might’ve started like that, a chance to right a wrong from so long ago. A wrong that was the final nail in the coffin of Tony and Steve’s friendship. But the fire in your eyes made it hard for him to admit that to you.
“You didn’t actually care that I was on my own, and that’s fine. I don’t need you to. But you don’t get to stand here and pretend that I was more than just a personal assignment.”
“It wasn’t like that!” He shouted. Barnes was wondering why he couldn’t tell you the full story. Maybe since he couldn’t even admit it to himself.
“What was it like then?” You snapped in return. 
“Let’s just take a step back.” Sam tried carefully. You noticed the way he looked at Barnes, as if he was trying to help him.
“Do you see Howard when you look at me?” You pushed Barnes. A vicious heat was sprouting in your chest, inching up your throat and creeping down your arms. “Howard in his youth, believing that you and Steve were some- some unstoppable duo that HYDRA didn’t have a chance against. Or when I had blood on my face, did you see Howard before you killed him?”
“That’s enough!” Sam announced. The firmness of his tone cleared the red from your vision. You realized you had stepped closer to Barnes, almost in challenge. You chuckled in disbelief, stepping back with your hands up in surrender as you chewed the inside of your cheek.
“Y/N, we could really use your help.” Sam’s tone was gentler, bordering pleading.
“Please.” Barnes murmured, so quietly that you weren’t sure you had actually heard it.
“I think you’ve overstayed your welcome, boys.” You replied simply, taking a couple steps backwards. “You’ll get an email when the Compound’s up and running again.”
“Y/N.” Sam tried again but you ignored him.
“This isn’t the kid Steve thought you were.” Barnes called out. “Doesn’t seem like the kid your dad thought you were either!”
“Bucky.” Sam scolded. He knew that wouldn’t convince you to help. If anything, it would push you further away.
You turned on your heel and pulled water up from the lake. In a swift movement, you threw it at Barnes and froze him against a nearby tree.
“You don’t get to tell me who my dad thought I was.” You warned as you stepped closer. “You barely knew him. Both of you barely knew him… And you barely know me.”
“I know you’re not a quitter.” Barnes continued.
“I’m not quitting.” You shrugged, dropping the ice. “Like I said, I did my part. You want a fighter? See if Walker will answer your calls. Maybe call on Sharon for another favor. I’m done. My part in this fight is over, Soldier.”
“We’re a team.” Sam offered. “We can’t do it without you.”
“I think you’ll manage.”
“Did you bring it?” Sam asked Barnes as you walked away.
“You think it’ll make a difference?” Barnes scoffed.
“Just give it to her, dumbass.” Sam rolled his eyes.
“Stark!” Barnes called.
Your hand was on the stair railing but you froze. You turned but didn’t leave your position from the steps. You sighed and leaned against the house as Barnes came up to you with a case in hand.
“What is that?” You asked with a brow quirked in interest.
“I called in a favor.” He said causally as he held the case out to you.
“Again, what is it?”
“Will you stop being so stubborn for one minute?”
“Consider it a gift.”
Cautiously, you took the case from his hands. You ignored the brushing of your fingers, though it made your heart stutter.
“Am I going to regret taking this?” You tried to lighten the air around you. There was still a tension lingering from your interaction only a few minutes earlier.
“Do you regret any of it?” He countered sincerely.
“Yeah.” You looked over at the lake. “We’ve lost good people doing this type of work… Can you really blame me for wanting to keep my peace?”
“We really need your help here, Y/N.” He stepped closer, placing a hand near yours on the railing.
“Tell me the truth then.”
“It doesn’t change anything..” He sighed. “You-“
“I want to hear you say it.” You said with a nod, more to convince yourself you were sure. “Is my name in your book?”
“Yeah… It was.” He confessed. “That’s what it was at first but..”
“But what? You saved my life so it balances out?”
“Wha- No. You know, you’re insufferable sometimes.” He groaned.
“Well, I guess that’s settled.” You sighed. “Thanks for this. I’ll send a ‘thank-you’ basket to Sam’s place for you.” You turned and went inside, dismissing your mom and Morgan while you went straight to your room.
You dropped the case on your bed and sat on the ground, back against the wall and knees to your chest while you stared at the so-called gift. It was light but there was weight to it. You had purposefully knocked it against the railing on your way in and felt a different reverberation from it, something you’d felt before but not often.
If you had to guess, you would’ve said Vibranium.
You folded your arms over your raised knees and dropped your chin on top. The case was taunting you and you let it. Your fingers itched to flip the latches, your brain creating possibilities for the contents. With a sudden movement, an all at once action that didn’t allow you to reconsider, you moved to it and pressed your thumb against the scanner.
There was a slight hiss of air as the seal between the two halves broke. There was almost a light coming from the contents and it only tempted you more. You drummed your fingers over the top, closing your eyes to register the reverb. It was Vibranium, but not completely. Not a solid piece, more flexible and bending. Fibers, maybe, or woven between.
You opened your eyes and held your breath while you lifted the top. The case sat open for a few more seconds, just until your chest was burning for air. Then you let out the breath and opened your eyes, seeing a flooded bunch of dark fabric sitting before you. Your fingers grazed the material, tracing the overlapping red and gold lines.
The colors matched your dad’s first suit perfectly. So perfectly it brought tears to your eyes.
“Dad…” You said softly. “I wish you were here right now, give me some advice.”
You gave a broken smile before shutting the case and shifting it out the way so you could sit. Hunched over, elbows on your knees and hands clasped while the tears welled to a point you had to close your eyes.
“You’d know the right thing to do, always did… Me on the other hand, I’m flailing. I don’t know who I’m supposed to be or where I’m supposed to be. I just wanted to be like you, Dad…”
A light knock at your door stole your attention. After a second of silence, Pepper walked in with a small smile on her face. She looked between you and the case before she settled on the bed next to you.
“You already are a lot like Tony.” She said softly and you sniffled. “He hit this kind of point too, where he thought he needed to stop because too many people were hurting.”
“But he didn’t.” You finished her thought and sat up, letting out a heavy sigh. “Pepper, I’m not my dad. I know that. I’ve always known that, but I just thought I could be like him.”
“You are.” She insisted gently. “I see him in everything you do. The way you are with Morgan. The way you talk. The way you carry yourself. Even the way you lose.”
“He’d want me to see this through.” You said quietly. Your voice felt far away, like it wasn’t coming from your body but from someplace else. From the lake maybe, where you and Pepper floated your dad’s first Arc Reactor. “I know that, but I don’t know if I can.”
“Your dad was wrong about a lot of things, Y/N.” She nodded before nudging you slightly. “But he was never, never wrong about you… You’re Tony Stark’s daughter. I don’t think your dad ever found a fight too big. Neither should you.”
“Karli’s threatened you and Morgan already. Sam’s nephews. If we can’t stop her, everyone we care about is in trouble.” You rambled, desperate for some sort of assurance that backing down was the right thing to do.
“Loki threatened you when he came to New York.” She shrugged. “Didn’t stop Tony.”
“Morgan is all the family you have, Pep. I can’t let that get taken away. You said it yourself. I don’t know how to do this. I can’t clean up my own mess. ”
“I’m gonna say this once, kiddo. Your dad didn’t know how to clean up his mess until he was standing in the middle of it.” She chuckled sadly. “But he found a way. And you are Y/N Stark, just as smart and capable as your father. Morgan thinks so, too.”
“You really think it’ll all be okay?”
“I do. After this is done, if you’re still done with it, then you can rest.”
You offered a small smile and she gave the same in return. You threw your arms around her and she laughed in surprise before returning the embrace. You weren’t sure where the path to Karli would leave, but you knew Pepper and your dad’s ghost was right.
You had to finish what you had started.
You packed a bag, separate from the suit Barnes gave you, and called up your family’s pilot. The jet was ready within the hour and you gave Morgan one last hug on the way out. She clung to your leg for a few minutes and you felt the little tear puddles on your pants. She muttered that you had to promise to come back, to protect Stark Waters, and you did just that.
Your flight was relatively quick and you hailed a cab to take you the rest of the way. The driver was chatty, especially when you told him where you were headed. Sam’s family was well-loved in his community and you liked to hear it. You kept your head down and signature Stark glasses on your face as you walked the few blocks to Sam’s sister’s place.
You hesitated to knock, worried you wouldn’t be welcomed. Or maybe you were worried you’d be too welcomed. Either way, you turned away from the door. You called another cab and had them take you to the pier, this driver also knew Sam’s family and directed you to the right boat.
You stepped aboard and left your suitcases up top before you headed down to the engine room. You remembered hearing from the drivers that Sam was trying to fix it up and you decided to help with the hard parts. You activated your glasses and the AI showed you where there were issues.
You were working quietly on your own, ordering parts as you went, when someone else showed up. Sam first, then Barnes soon after. You were startled and looked at them with wide eyes, but when they gave you knowing smiles - the type that said they knew you would show up - you turned back to your work.
Later that morning, you three had the water pump pulled apart. Sam and Barnes were talking about whether or not a certain bolt existed in a big gear and you ignored them, examining the gear itself. You rolled your eyes in amusement as they went back and forth until Sam’s sister Sarah came up.
“The water pump is not the problem.” She instead. “I don’t come up into the sky and tell you how to barrel roll or whatever so don’t come down here and start messing with things you clearly don’t understand.”
“It’s not the problem but it will be soon.” You said, lifting the propeller shaped gear. “The corrosion’s gonna lead to this thing not bringing in enough water and it’s gonna overheat. And the impeller is cracking. Don’t worry though. I ordered new ones and they should be here by end of day. Easy fix.”
“Stark.” She nodded.
“I thought about a whole new pump but…” You shrugged. “She’s still got some kick in her. Just needed a few add-ons.”
“Alright, off.” She shooed you three away. “Off, bye. Thank you so much.”
You stayed around the boat for a while longer while Sam and Barnes went off to do something you didn’t care to join in on. Instead, you waited around for your parts to arrive and you put them in place. By the time Sam got back, you had finished your portion of the rebuild. You were tightening a few last bolts while Sam and Sarah talked, though you caught the end of their conversation.
“What would be the point of all the pain and sacrifice if I wasn’t willing to stand up and keep fighting?” Sam said simply, as if he truly understood his place in the fight.
And at the same time, you seemed to understand yours.
After hanging around and training for a few days with Sam, he got a call. His friend Torres caught a cell ping that matched the same pings from across Europe, just before the Flag Smashers went through. The ping was set in New York.
You were quick to set up travel plans to New York. Sam said he would get in touch with Barnes while you did your end. After the calls were made and a time table was set, you found Sam opening his case.
“Looks good.” You said as you went in, peering over to see it. “It’ll suit you.”
“How’d yours look?” He asked.
“Stylish, easy to move in, and a little homage to my dad… Pretty much perfect.”
“Pretty much?”
“Depends if it’s fireproof.”
At that, Sam laughed.
“You ready for this, Captain?” You gave him a small nudge with your elbow.
“Are you, Stark?”
“Yeah.” You nodded with a small smile. “I think I am.”
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burninblood · 2 months
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Bucky Barnes / Original Sin finale
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gyokujyn · 6 months
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CATWS 10th Anniversary | April 1st » Prompts: HYDRA for @catws-anniversary
a loving homage to A Softer World and @asofteravenger
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Ya O K
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darke15 · 1 year
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To all my live reactors,
Please, please, please, hide your reactions under a Read More cut. I don’t want any spoilers floating around. 
To all my Anonymous Avengers, 
If you want to react in my asks, feel free. However, I won’t be answering any of them until at least Wednesday if they contain spoilers. 
Thank you,
┍━━━━━━━━ ★ ━━━━━━━━┑
No. No. No. No. No.
It couldn’t be him. No.
Athena would have told you if he was in the city.
He wouldn’t come anywhere near you. Not when you were like this. He was smarter than that.
Your chest tightened as the crowd around you brushed past you and you slowly turned to face the man in the window. His dark, nearly black, eyes met your and, in an instant, your mouth went dry. Your body went rigid. Your breath was caught in your throat as your stomach tightened in endless knots.
— “You think he is going to save you?” he asked, staring down at you as you fought against your restraints, “You think he is going to be the one to release you?” —
— A screech tore through your throat as the Soldier simply watched the blade slip across your shoulders. He didn’t move. Didn’t react to your pleas for help. —
— “He is not a hero,” the Doctor whispered, slashing the blade through more skin, “He is a weapon. And weapons, my dear, they do not weep. They do not scream. They do as they are told.” —
┕━━━━━━━━ ★ ━━━━━━━━┙
✪ Bᴀᴛᴛʟᴇ Sᴄᴀʀʀᴇᴅ : Aғᴛᴇʀᴍᴀᴛʜ
♜♠ Tʜᴇ Sᴏʟᴅɪᴇʀ & Tʜᴇ Sᴘʏ
⧗ Tʜᴇ Rᴇᴅ Rᴏᴏᴍ
☞ Bᴀᴛᴛʟᴇ Sᴄᴀʀʀᴇᴅ: Oʀɪɢɪɴs
»Jᴏɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴀʀᴋᴇ sɪᴅᴇ Tᴀɢʟɪsᴛ
@thexbookxnerdx // @autumn-em // @fadingbakeryfarmoperator // @rhymingtree // @itsmeatballworld // @kippykasey // @turtleedovee // @kamalymaly // @onewithnomightypowers // @pixviee // @riahmcq // @thequeenofthefallen // @jesuswasnotawhiteman // @fnnshelbys // @knowyourworth-sellyoursoul // @banbananas // @beans-and-toast // @violetvictoriabarnes // @oikawasblueearbud // @itsarussian // @mrsbarnesinmyimagination // @oopsiedoopsie23 // @luhuhzy // @heyimjustlaura12 // @moonlightreader649 // @petalren // @sighmurderbot // @soldat-petala // @useless-creature-213 // @xiyouchan // @kaiblog50 // @bookfeen // @nx-crisis // @afraidofshrimp // @yjck121 // @aftermatharchives
***if you have a strike through your handle, it wouldn’t let me tag you 😞
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spooky-kakashi · 4 months
you ever think about how if he hadnt been tortured and made into a weapon and forced to use his metal arm for things that go soo against his personality Buvky would have actually liked having a metal arm
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pleinsdemuses · 5 months
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Sin & The Winter Soldier
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vavoomed-for-crowley · 7 months
Heard it's Fanfiction Friday
So here I am, promoting my works from different fandoms:
Living With(out) You (Good Omens) on AO3
Aziraphale x Crowley x Reader
Aziraphale went back to heaven and Crowley suffers from the loss, trying to drown out his emotions by ineffable drinking. But he forgot that he left an impression on the people around him that actually care and try to be there for him. When he finally accepts to let them closer, he begins to work out a life without his angel. At least until a certain point.
Story Notes:
This is my most recent work and still ongoing. I gotta admit that writing it is a slow process because there's so much to do in my life right now. And I find it certainly hard to add an extra character to the ineffable husbands but the idea is stuck in my brain. It's fun to be back in the game.
The focus of my story is on Crowley's way to recover. For him to learn how to live without his angel and what life can be like when you let people in. There's no unnecessary drama. It's a grown up story about themes all of us can relate to. (Also, this is my first story where I try to keep the reader gender neutral as to involve all genders. Like I said: trying. Don't know if I am doing it right).
A Feeling Of Normality (Marvel Cinematic Universe on Wattpad
Bucky Barnes × Female Reader
Who can understand the pain you had to go through better than someone who went through the same pain? The worlds of Bucky and Reader collide very soon. They develop a strong bond without needing many words but whilst the Reader learns to love Bucky's broken soul, he's still struggling to move on.
Story notes:
The story takes place in the Infinity Stone Saga between Civil War and Endgame. I tried to add the Reader without changing too much about the original story. I think my favorite detail is that I spent so much time watching different scenes to stay as close to the characters behavior and thoughts as possible.
Some Comments:
"Such an amazing story! Gave me amazing nightly reads."
"It's truly perfect. The way you describe the feelings of everyone made me fall in love with this. I also cried at many moments. [...] It was one of the best stories I read on Wattpad."
"I've loved the journey you took us on."
"This was fantastic and I loved every single moment of it!"
An Unknown Bond (Seven Deadly Sins) on Wattpad
Zeldris x female OC
The kingdom is freed from Hendrickson, when the OC named Yami feels a very strong power. The Holy War is not over. And the only way to avert the danger is for Yami to find Meliodas and fight against Zeldris and The Ten Commandments. There's just one problem: Thousands of years back, both brothers meant a lot to her and now it's time to choose a side.
Story Notes:
I'm particularly proud of this one, even though it has some writing errors. It was my first time writing an English fanfiction after a break of several years. But I hadn't finished the manga, the end of the final season hadn't been out yet and I was surprised at how close my story came to the actual storyline, even though an Own Character was added. So let's just say if you've finished Seven Deadly Sins, our endings were very similar!
Some comments:
"Been so long since I've read a wonderful book"
"I'm actually crying, thank you so much for writing this."
"Best book ever."
"I loved this book. The best fanfic ever read."
"Loved this story so much. It gave me the ignition I needed to keep writing stories, and I'm very thankful for it. So sad to see it end but so grateful to have found and read this book."
"This was great. I love the difference in the story. Not many can completely change a part of a story and not ruin it. You've changed the story so much but it's still a masterpiece. Thanks for the ride."
"Thank you for making this book. This is the type of story that can drive empty people on [...]. It was fun reading and definitely worth the time."
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comicsiswild · 1 year
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Original Sin (2014) #3
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petertingle-yipyip · 2 years
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Y/N Stark just got back to her dad after disappearing, only to watch him die. In her early twenties, she needed to get away. When she hears Sam and Bucky are onto something, she's quick to join them.
There is no romance between Sam and Y/N or between Bucky and Y/N. THERES A LITTLE ROMANCE BETWEEN BUCKY AND Y/N. Happy reading!
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myckicade · 11 months
Chapters: 6/? Fandom: The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (TV) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Sam Wilson/Helmut Zemo, James "Bucky" Barnes/Sam Wilson, James "Bucky" Barnes/Helmut Zemo, Sam Wilson/Helmut Zemo Characters: Helmut Zemo, James "Bucky" Barnes, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Oeznik (Marvel), Joaquín Torres Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Slow Burn, Conflicted Emotions, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Heavy Sarcasm, Angst, Fluff, Tumblr Ask Box Fic, hurt zemo, Troubled Sam, Raging Bucky Summary:
A team. Friends. A well-oiled machine. They were always so busy worrying about what they weren't, that they'd missed what they were, to themselves, to the world, and to each other. Thankfully, there were many things to be learned from a botched operation: What was important, what they could let go, and what they would fight to hold onto.
"It would be important to note, for anyone keeping score at home, that this decidedly was not how Sam Wilson had wanted their operation to go."
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16 for the micro stories!💓 anyone you want boo🥰
we're gonna ignore that this took me forever to get out, I rewrote it like four times bc I kept having Ideas. anyways enjoy
16. In Dreams
CW: bombs, murder, canon typical violence but minimal description of it
Astra Age: 19 currently/16 in flashback
Sleeping in general was hard for her, sure some places were a bit easier to relax in but it was damn near impossible for Astra to get a good night's sleep. Whether it be because she couldn't fall asleep or stay asleep, it just never seemed to work out.
Like now, alone in a safe house on a mission, trying desperately to catch up on the days of sleep she missed before it started to affect her ability to not get shot or blow her cover.
It didn't take long for Astra's brain to begin protesting the basic need she was trying to fulfill. It didn't take long for her to go from feeling somewhat safe to completely on edge, back in the nauseatingly rundown building of her first safe house.
For all intents and purposes, Astra's first assignment went well, from an outside perspective. Astra has snuck into the hotel boiler room as instructed, planting the bomb before moving on to release the carbon monoxide tank into the vents.
Returning to her handler Astra found him by the window looking through the scope of his rifle. "You're late." "I was making sure to block as many exits as I could, giving you only one door to watch." "That wasn't part of your job." "I know, I added it. Is it time?" "Yes." Peering over his shoulder Astra was surprised when he grabbed her wrist, stopping her from trying to sneakily retrieve the phone from his pocket. "Hey-" "Quit it." "I didn't do-" "Valentina." "Winter." "I said don't call me that." "I want to make the call." "No." "I guess neither of us will get what we want." "Good, you're finally learning." "Asshole. So, what? I'm just supposed to sit in the corner now?" "Quit whining and maybe I will. You're my spotter." Giving her the binoculars from the table beside them seemed to calm her down a bit, letting the Soldier set off the bomb in peace.
For a few minutes after the explosion the two of them were quiet, Astra pressed against her Солдат back as she scanned the area around them. With the doors locked, there weren't many people escaping, and if they did it was through the main entrance. Like one man, flailing through the front doors with his body ablaze. Something about this didn't sit right with Astra. She had been around death countless times, been the cause, and seen it up close. She'd been tortured and interrogated, then asked to do the same and did so flawlessly without pause. She was no stranger to harm, but this felt wrong. That wasn't a target, he wasn't their assignment, nor were a majority of the people in that building, and yet they were suffering.
Feeling his student pull back from him broke the Soldier's concentration slightly. "What." When she didn't answer him he turned to her, softening a bit when he saw the horror in her eyes. "Astra." Winter grabbed her arm to get her attention. "Hey, look at me." "They-It's-" "Look at me, not them." "But the mission-" "Your part is over. You're done." Giving him a shakey nod she did as told. "Now are you gonna listen to me and go sit down?" "Да..." "Good. It's better if you don't look, easier to forget the sounds than the sights." Appreciating the kindness he showed her, though limited in its range, Astra went to curl up on the couch in the corner. "... Winter?" "What." "Thank you..."
As insignificant of a moment as that might be it was one of the greatest lessons Astra could learn in her line of work, it was the reason her nightmares were so tolerable. Even in her dreams, her Soldier protected her. Now it was time for her to return the favor.
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doctorslippery · 2 years
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(via Captain America Rogues Gallery 11x17 Fine Art Print - Etsy)
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coverpanelarchive · 1 year
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Captain America #30 (2007)
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hopefulfangirlblr · 1 year
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Steve Rogers
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