#Since I had some printed and cut out to test
drfrogphd · 11 months
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Ib | Zacharie | Mad Father - Published: Jul 27 | 25 | Aug 16, 2020
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 1 month
Good Omens graphic novel update: April 2024
Admin & updates
Earlier this month, we launched the PledgeManager, where shipping is being facilitated. If you missed it, you can read the initial announcement here. We have been adapting the FAQ page to add further recurring asks, so please do visit there if you have a particular query as a starting point. You can view this here. We are working through all queries received - some are taking a bit longer than others, as they need to be raised with PledgeManager, or others involved, so we appreciate your patience in these instances where we are yet to get back. The most common question, which we include here, is the sock sizes:
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If you need to change your size, you have the ability to self-unlock your order and make any adjustments you need to. For socks that are part of a tier, there is a button to unlock and modify on the bottom of your receipt where you can alter your choice. If they were an add on, PledgeManager recommends that you remove the item from your cart and add it again with the correct size selected and complete their order to finalize the change.
We are also aware of queries arising about the shipping rates themselves. While we have been open from the start of the project that shipping will be charged at a later date, we understand that the resultant cost has come as a surprise to some and that some prices are higher than expected. We want to be transparent on this: we have been working with our fulfillment partners on confirming product weights and the rates for shipping globally during the months since the project’s completion. The cost of doing this ethically - ensuring that everyone involved in the process from creators to those packing boxes is paid fairly, as well as ensuring the packaging is robust at this scale - is substantial.
We’ve done our best to minimise extra costs around shipping, while also not cutting any corners – we want your pledge rewards to reach you safe and sound. We have also subsidised costs across a number of territories, but costs for shipping to many locations remain high. The final thing we’ve done is lock in shipping costs now, a year out from fulfillment. We expect third party shipping costs to increase over the coming year, following the upwards trends across the board so far, but we will continue to absorb any subsequent rises.
We want to assure backers that the shipping does not include a profit margin for us, and every charge to our backers is something we’ve tried to minimise.
We absolutely understand that this is disappointing to many, and we endeavour to keep making the surrounding campaign the best it can be.
The timeline
The PledgeManager will run across 2024, and close at some point ahead of publication date (Spring 2025). When that date has been decided, we will give everyone as much notice as possible.
As above, here is the centralised FAQ page. This will be updated over the coming year.
Prior updates had noted the deadline for this has passed, however given the new publication date of the graphic novel, this has been extended slightly for God Tier and Archangel Tier backers. Please check your messages and emails if you backed either of these tiers and have not submitted your likeness.
Merch and more
Things are ramping up at Good Omens HQ, first of all with this delivery of one or two mugs at the warehouse:
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We’ve also got David Aja’s print featuring Aziraphale, Crowley and Dog, in their glorious orangey hues which will appear in Serpent Tier+:
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The trading cards are at the testing stage for game mechanics, while some of the early design prototypes are in for artist variants and we really can’t wait to start sharing these with you when they’re a bit further down the road. Almost there.
For those ready to capture your inner Pratchett and Gaiman on the page (Demon+), we have your notebooks:
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More from Colleen…
We’ve continued to see gorgeous artwork arrive from Colleen and here’s one that slipped into our inbox this week:
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And we thought we’d sign off this month with a glimpse at our favourite antiquarian bookshop:
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palaeosinensis · 9 months
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So this project has been coming together nicely. See below the cut to see how the whole printmaking process went and hear me yak about it!
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What started as a sketchbook idea was traced over, refined, flipped, transferred to some easy cut lino, carved, and then today we did some test printing! The first two are the proofs that came out first on dry paper. The second pair of proofs are on dipped paper. The third pair are on misted paper. I used some Bristol smooth because it's what I had lying around. I've also got some sheet watercolor (Either Arches or Winsor+Newton) but I haven't tried it yet. I used Speedball fabric oil-based ink. I feel like I need to go pick a printmaker's brain because it's been a decade since I did this and I don't remember what papers we used among other things. I now also need to figure out if my blotchiness is technique, if it's paper, and whether or not I would benefit from a small lever press. These were burnished with a combination of spoon and thunder egg brayer. Yes I said thunder egg I am just that unintentionally metal. It's like a sliced open geode except it's smooth agate instead of crystals so it's shaped very perfectly for what I needed today.
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violet-fluff · 6 months
💙 Levi x Injured! Reader
Stay Awake
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You were originally part of Hanji’s squad, but with your excellent 3D maneuvering skills, Erwin had you switched over to Levi’s squad as they need only the best on the front lines.
You and Levi were already good friends as you both trained with each other during your youth time in the scouts. Now that you are with him twenty-four seven on his squad though, the both of you have become inseparable.
“You two might as well just hook up.” Oluo sneered as he drinks from his water pouch.
Petra squeezes the bottom of the pouch, causing water to rapidly spurt into Oluo’s mouth, making him choke. “Stop being stupid, and don’t talk dirty about your Captain and squad mates.”
You laugh but continue to pour hot water into two tea cups. Before bed, you and Levi liked to chat over tea. “Thanks, Petra. And for your information Oluo, Levi and I are just great friends. We’ve known each other since you were still a child most likely.”
“How romantic. The perfect beginning to a beautiful love story.” Gunther chimes in jokingly causing Eld to cover his grin.
You roll your eyes and finish fixing up your tea tray. “Well I’m headed out for the night. Goodnight everyone.”
“Don’t forget to add that love potion in his tea.” Gunther shouts, causing Petra to yell at him and the rest of your snickering squad.
“These guys are too much.” You whisper to yourself, half annoyed and half tender as you still love these bozos to death.
Making it to Levi’s office, you notice his door cracked open. A small quirk Levi does so you can easily open the door with your foot while holding the teas.
You swivel the door open with your foot and smile as Levi looks up at you from his desk. “It’s about time you got here.”
“Sorry,” You say and place the tray down on his desk, “I got caught up with Oluo and the other two being idiots again. Petra helped me cut it short.”
“Hm,” Levi grunts and starts to fix his tea, “What were they being stupid about?”
You blush and look down to fix your own. “Nothing. Just stupid guy talk I guess.”
Levi watches your face go red from embarrassment. “If they said anything stupid to you I’ll beat their asses.”
You laugh softly. “Don’t worry about it. Anyway, are you ready for tomorrow? You should get some sleep tonight.”
Levi huffs and looks down at his blue print. “We have the perfect formation down. Everything should go fine if everyone sticks to it.”
“And by everyone, you mean Erwin?” You ask while eyeing him from the rim of the tea cup as you take a sip.
“That bastard better not change anything last minute out on the field this time. He nearly got Hanji’s squad killed.” Levi grimaces on the memory.
“I’m sure with the earful he heard from both you and Hanji, he won’t do it again.”
Levi clicks his tongue. “I hope so. Is your 3D gear back from the shop yet? I can get you a new one.”
You wave him off as you lean back in the chair. “No it’s ok. Keep the new ones brand new. I’m sure mine will be done by tomorrow. I don’t think it needs that much fixing anyway.”
“It doesn’t need that much fixing?” Levi asks with a raised brow. “Your grapple wouldn’t shoot out a few times. It nearly caused you to fall.”
Levi was always protective over you. When you opted to get your gear fixed instead of replaced, he didn’t like the idea very much.
“The trigger is just faulty, not completely broken. It probably just needs to be rewired.”
He clicks his tongue. “You’re testing that shit out once you get it back. I don’t care if everyone has to wait.”
You smile but agree to ease his mind.
The next morning everyone is suiting up and gathering their horses when a cadet comes and brings you your gear.
“Y/N, right? The technician had to take another job, so he told me to bring you your fixed gear.” They say while handing you the bulking metal.
“Oh! Perfect!” You thank the cadet and strap the gear to your harness, but freeze when you hear someone clear their throat behind you.
You turn around to see Levi with his arms crossed and you roll your eyes. “Yes, I know the drill…”
The two of you walk towards a tree line and you position yourself to a tree farther away. Turning on the gas cans, you pull the trigger and your grapple shoots out to latch on the tree, pulling you to it. “It works!” You shout to Levi with a thumbs up.
He stares at you, still skeptical as his gut doesn’t have the best feeling, but if he saw with his own eyes your gear working correctly then there should be nothing to worry about.
The mission starts to finally come to an end after a grueling six hours. You all need to clear the designated areas outside of the walls as the government wanted to expand the outer notch of Wall Maria.
In the distance, you see an abnormal titan.
“Ahh, the last titan of the day.” Oluo yawns.
You shoot a red flare in the air, signaling to Hanji’s squad a mile behind you that there is an abnormal ahead.
“Y/N and I will handle this one. The rest of you lay behind.” Levi orders as you two snap at your horses to run faster.
“I’ll get its attention as you cut the nape?”
Levi nods. “Sounds like a plan.”
You stand on your horse and shoot your 3D gear into a nearby tree and fly past the abnormal. It quickly swings its arm at you, but you wrap around the tree and dodge it’s first attempt.
“Wow it’s fast.” You say to yourself and you hover in the air for a second.
It swings at you a second time so you quickly push on your trigger to shoot out another grapple, but the trigger stalls.
You anxiously push on the trigger more as you start falling, and your eyes widen as you see a giant arm in your vision. You scream when you feel it impact with your body and you go flying into a tree before falling and hitting the ground.
You were conscious enough to feel one, maybe more, of your limbs twist and the pressure of yourself hitting the ground making your ears ring before seeing black.
“Oh my god! Y/N!!”
“Petra! Don’t touch her!”
You are able to faintly hear your friends next to you, causing you to muster up enough strength to barely open one eye and fuzzily watch as they loom over you.
Petra has tears coming out of her eyes as Oluo holds her back.
“Captain! Don’t!” You hear Eld yell.
Suddenly, you feel the upper half of your body being lifted and your arms falling back behind you as you don’t have the strength to move them. Someone grabs your face and turns your head towards them.
It’s Levi.
You can barely make out his face.
“God-dammit! Look at me!” He says through gritted teeth, shaking your face with his hand. “Say something!”
Hanji’s squad catches up and she jumps off her horse before it even stops. “Hey!? What happened?!”
Levi is still holding your body tightly against him and trying to shake you awake. “She won’t get up!”
Hanji notices Levi is in a great state of distress, and notices the back of your head wet with blood.
She slowly kneels down next to Levi and squeezes his shoulder. “Levi, let’s put her down for a second, ok? I’ll…I’ll help her.”
Levi looks down at your disheveled face but nods and slowly lowers you back to the ground.
All of your senses are blurry and fuzzy, but you feel someone open your eye more and then force the other one to open for a split second before letting it close again.
“Her pupils are different sizes. I’m sure she just has a concussion. A bad one, but something she can heal from.”
Hanji has Moblit wrap your head in a bandage while she examines the rest of your body. “She has a broken arm and a sprained ankle. I’m not sure if her ribs are fractured. That’s something I’ll have to check back at base.”
Levi was seething with rage. “That idiot technician was supposed to fix her gear. I want him fucking dead.”
“Let’s not get too hasty right now, Levi. Let’s make sure Y/N is taken care of first.” Hanji says as she tries to calm him down.
You senses start to come back a little more as you start waking up from your black out and you hear Levi yelling.
“L-Lev…” You try to mutter out his name.
Levi quickly hovers back over you. “Y/N? Can you look at me?”
You weakly open your other eye slowly and see Levi in double vision.
“That’s good. I need you to stay awake.” He orders you.
“Hurt…” You squeak out.
Levi sighs. “I know, but we’re taking you home, ok?”
While Hanji was checking you over earlier, Gunther shot a black flare signaling a formation was down. This causes an emergency team to come assess the situation and they bring along a wagon of supplies.
They would use this wagon to haul you back to base as a horse would be too bumpy of a ride.
Levi sits in the wagon, holding you across his lap and talks with you to try to keep you awake.
“Hanji said you’re not allowed to sleep with a concussion, brat, so stay awake for me.” He orders as he moves hair out of your face.
“What…happen?” You try to ask but the more you start waking up, the more dizzy your head feels.
“Don’t worry about that right now.”
All you wanted to do was take a long nap. You start to close your eyes and drift off when you were snapped back as Levi shook your cheek a bit.
“Hey, I said stay awake. Why don’t you tell me what you use for my tea. You never told me.” He asks to try to keep you busy.
“The tea…I put lavender…” You tell him.
He furrows his brows. “Just lavender? Is that a secret ingredient?”
You manage to give a tiny smile. “Yes.”
A few days pass by and you are now fully awake but still admitted in the medical clinic on base.
“When can I leave?” You huff at Levi.
“When the doctor says you can.” He scolds.
The doctor said you had quite the concussion and wants to monitor you for a few days. Along with the concussion, you went through the pain of them trying to realign your broken leg and wrap your sprained ankle. Luckily your ribs weren’t fractured but you did develop deep bruising all over your body.
“Don’t make a fuss about leaving. You’ll be bed ridden in your room anyway.” Levi says.
You roll your eyes. “But I’d rather be bed ridden in the comfort of my room than in the medical clinic.” You grab his hand. “Levi…you don’t need to stress anymore. I’m fine.”
He scoffs. “How can I not stress when some idiot technician didn’t do his job. He almost got you killed. How can I even trust the others?”
The technician that was supposed to fix your gear forgot to, and instead of saying so, he lied and said the gear was fixed. In his head, corps members going outside the walls were as good as dead anyway.
He was promptly fired…after getting a major ass whooping from Levi.
You frown as well as scrunch your eyebrows in anger. “Kiss me.”
Levi’s eyes widened as he stared at you in silence. “What did you say?”
You grunt and hold your arm as you sit up more. “I almost died without telling my feelings for you. Since I’m still alive, I want to tell you them. But first, I want you to kiss me.”
Levi stared at you longer, contemplating what to do in his head, before he leans forward and puts his lips against yours. You sigh contently against his lips as you grab a hold of the front of his shirt, and he grabs the back of your neck to deepen the kiss.
After a few moments, you feel Levi’s lips quiver and a wetness on his cheek.
Levi pulls away and leans his forehead against yours. “I thought you were going to die.” He chokes out, tears falling down his cheeks.
You wipe away his tears and hold his face. “Well I didn’t. I’m here with you and I’ll always stay by you. I live for you.”
Levi smiles and kisses you again. “I live for you too.”
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bucky-barnes-lover · 8 months
Kinktober day 15: Kinks listed below
Fic: Sebastian Stan
Daddy turned Father:
Dad to be!Sebastian Stan x Wife!reader
Warnings: Slight pregnancy kink, Cursing, SMUT 18+, Pregnancy talk, Going to the Doctor's (Does that even count?)
W.C: 1305
I figure this didn't turn out great but I've had a busy week and I'm tired so, if u like it please re blog. Thanks
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I'm sick. Really sick. Every Morning for the past 2 weeks I've been waking up with a horrible stomach ache and the need to vomit. I haven't told Sebastian though since he's been away filming for the past couple weeks. But, doing the logical thing I went to the doctor.
"So y/n, I think we'll do an ultrosound just to make sure you don't have a stomach bug or something anymore serious. You did however pass all the blood, heart and senses tests with flying colours so it cannot be anything got to do with your brain." Said the doctor.
"Thank goodness! I love my brain." I replied sarcastically.
"I'm sure most of us do y/n"
Dr. Mayladd led me over to the ultrasound room as she handed me a blue papery hospital gown. Addressing me to remove my shirt and put the gown on instead.
"Gosh that's scratchy" I complained making my way over to the examination chair, leaning back as far as the chair would go.
"You'll only have to wear it for a couple minutes, I'm sure you can handle that"
"Of course doctor" I moaned playfully, causing a small laugh to escape the Dr's perfect red lips.
"I'm going to spread some jelly on your stomach okay, it'll be a little bit cold but it won't be for long okay"
"Sure" I answered, boredom creeping into my voice.
"Oh y/n. You sound like an annoyed teenager, brighten up a bit. You could either get home to your husband knowing you have bowel cancer or are expecting a baby." She told me, sounding a little bit too enthusiastic talking about cancer.
"Yeah, thanks but I'd rather not have either"
"You don't want children?" The Dr asked me, sounding a little less excited.
I let out a loud sigh before explaining to the Dr exactly what I was thinking.
"Yes, I do. I do want children. It's just that Sebastian has been away filming for a good while and we never really discussed when we would want to start a family. So I'm not sure if this is the right time."
Dr. Mayland rubbed some cold blue jelly over my stomach, through the hole that was cut in a circle right over the tummy. Then she connected a couple wires to an ultrasound remote, which kind of took the shape of a jade roller, just thicker and electronic. She started rolling the remote across my stomach spreading the jelly with it.
Eyes focused on the computer machine as the remote scanned my skin. Suddenly a small shape, about the size of a blueberry came into view.
It was undeniably a baby.
"Well, you are pregnant and it looks as if you're about 7 weeks along. Would you like me to print off the photos?"
Said Dr. Mayladd as she continued scanning over my stomach.
"Yes please." I responded, overwhelmed at the fact that I am carrying a child.
"OK. Give me a second to do that."
The Dr. responded, a few seconds later I heard a faint buzzing sound and then she turned around to face me. A roll of what looked like Polaroids in her hand. Putting them in a small box, along with a card before she handed it to me. With a note of congratulations, I left the Dr's office.
The drive home was stressful. The radio was playing 'Starlight' by Taylor Swift. One of my favorite songs, but I couldn't pay attention to it. Crazy thoughts running through my brain. What if Seb doesn't want kids right now, What if the pregnancy goes wrong. What if, what if, was all I could think of right now.
As I arrived home, I almost drove away, seeing my husband's car in the driveway. Shit. How do I tell him?
Leaving all my thoughts in the backseat of the car, I unlocked the front door. Immediately greeted by soft kisses escalating down my neck.
"Hi baby." "How are you?" I asked him as he pecked my lips.
"I'm good. You?" He questioned, pointing towards the doctor's receipt in my hand.
"Oh, Well." I hesitated, struggling to find the words to say to him. Not knowing if I should even tell him right now.
"Well, I'm pregnant."
Sebastian stared at me for a couple seconds, clearly starstruck by the news that he's going to be a father.
"Y/n. Are you serious?"
"Yes. That's why I went to the doctor today. I've been sick almost every morning since you were away, which is ironic now that I think about it. Considering we had a pretty fun night a couple days before you went off for shooting."
"But yeah, I'm 7 weeks along." I uttered anxiously.
"Shit y/n. We're gonna be parents."
Sebastian yelled, happiness clear in his tone and visible in his full smile.
"That is if you want to keep it." He added on, seeing my scared expression.
"Yes, baby, I want to keep it, I'm just scared. We haven't really discussed this much, since you've been away a lot." I expressed.
"Doll, there is nobody else I would rather have children with than you. I love you with all my heart, please acknowledge that." He reasoned.
"Now. We have to celebrate" Sebastian continued.
Picking me up and carrying me up the stairs to our shared bedroom.
Running to the bed, I undress into my bra and panties, my husband doing the same.
"Babydoll, I'm gonna fuck you so good you'll have another baby in you soon enough" He chuckled as he unclipped my bra. Grabbing my breasts in his hands, kneading them as he trailed kisses up and down my neck.
Sweet moans escaped my lips all the while Sebastian sucked on the sensitive skin along my neck. I reached down to his groin and palmed him through his boxers, earning a desperate moan from him. Dropping to his knees, towering over me he grabbed my underwear, tugging as I lifted up my hips letting them slide down. Feeling Sebastian's rough fingers slide along my slit, into my wet hole.
"Damn Mama. You're so wet already. Wonder how well you could take my cock" He muttered, adding a second finger into my entrance. Pumping in and out. My moans grew more desperate as he pumped faster inside of me, rubbing my clit with his thumb. I knew he could feel I was close, because he stopped just as I was on the verge of cumming.
"Ahh. Seb, what was that for" I moaned out, annoyed at his act.
"Not so fast mama. Don't you think I would let you cum that easily without you cumming all over my cock." He growled.
Removing his boxers, he lined himself up with my entrance before thrusting his hips slowly. I groaned, feeling myself stretch as he worked his thick cock through me.
"Oh Seb" I moaned as he thrusted into me harder and harder. Hitting the right spot each and every time.
"Fuck Mama, you're so tight for me." He moaned. Bucking his hips against my own as his thrusts became much, much harder. Digging even deeper into me. Causing me to scream out his name. "Fuck Sebastian!!" I screamed, the pleasure almost too much. I felt Sebastian's fingers trace over my sensitive clit. Rubbing it in a soft circular motion.
My pussy clenched around his cock. So tight and so close. Sebastian's finger grazed my clit one more time, sending me over the edge. A couple moments later, after one last deep thrust, Sebastian came inside me.
"Fuck babydoll. You feel so good" He moaned, still working his cock inside me. I only moaned in response. The pleasure was overwhelming.
If this was what pregnancy would be like, I don't know why I'd be so scared, becoming a mum.
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penguinmerchant · 7 months
New Fic binding!
I've got a new fic bind! Today I want to show off @wrenaspun's lovely fic, All This and Heaven Too. It's seriously so good and so sweet, Lamen mixed with fairytales and legends (my favorite) and it's written so beautifully. Go check it out!
Anyway, here's the bind:
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It's another binding like my Captive Prince short stories bind, with the cloth on the spine and then cardstock for the printed cover. The lighthouse illustration was a custom image done by my boyfriend and I think it turned out wonderfully!
More details about the binding process under the cut.
So since this is a shorter story than some of the others I went back to a 4x6 book. It still feels very nice in hand though, I think I'm getting better at either setting the textblock in the case or just measuring better (probably that last one, I'm usually too impatient to measure correctly) but these two books are probably some of the nicest set books I've made yet.
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The back has a little flourish on it too, just to spice things up a little.
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Endpapers are from Wagara Studio, I seriously love this chiyogami paper, it's almost like fabric and it's so easy to use. Setting this book and my previous binding were so easy with this paper. It would make an awesome cover as well, it seems really durable.
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Some inside pics, the title page and the little section break image. I really love the title page image and I kind of wish I would have done that for the cover, but the design is so detailed that it would be impossible to do with HTV and it's too big to just do with the cardstock. So it had to be split like it is, but I'm still glad this picture got included.
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The bookcloth is really not this stripey/checkery, I don't know why it came out like this in pictures. Ignore the mess in the back. I have to for sure clean up my little table before starting on the next project.
Anyway, not too many notes on the actual binding process this time. I did end up making an entire cover--HTV and everything--that turned out to be too small (remember that thing I said about me being mad at measuring?) because I made the spine 9mm instead of 10mm and like a dummy I forgot to test it with the textblock before doing all the work of finishing the cover. That one mm is such a small difference but it meant that the book couldn't be closed and so I had to scrap it and start over. Gonna be testing my covers for sure before I spend so much time on the design work. Gutters on this were 5mm, foiling on the cloth (I think it's dubletta cloth) was done with HTV, foiling on the cardstock cover was done with toner reactive foil.
Author copy will soon be on its way! Everyone please wish it good luck with the postal gods.
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blamemma · 7 months
omg emma… your tags on alexis’s post are so genius… dirtbag daniel not ready to date a guy doesn’t notice his entire existence is dedicated to making max happy… max accidentally calling daniel “daniel” on the radio when he’s at mercedes… daniel making bitchy comments to the press?!
i think i genuinely might be dying over thinking about the contrast between daniel irl leaving for renault vs. engineer max leaving daniel for mercedes. (also for me, for this to work, u gotta role-reverse the ages as well and make max older daniel younger)
max finding himself stuck...at red bull. a deep intrinsic feeling inside him that he's got nowhere to go, rised as high as he thinks he can within the team, has attached himself to someone (daniel) who doesn't need him as much as max needs him (entirely false, daniel is half the driver he is because of max) and so takes a secret meeting with toto who has been trying to poach max ever since he first started climbing the ranks at red bull and making a name for himself. toto promising him everything in the world. and more. promises him he can be lewis' engineer and head of race engineering. promises him bonuses he's never heard of. promises that max can also help out with mercedes sim racing team in his spare time at the factory. and max thinks and thinks and thinks about it and if there's one thing max is, it's honest. so he tells christian. tells him bluntly and succinctly and christian throws so much at him but realistically max's mind is made up before he even sits down with toto.
and daniel overhearing a conversation he shouldn't and barging into max's private office furious with him, why are you leaving to work for the enemy kinda shit, are you trying to stab me in the back, what have i done to deserve this betrayal etc etc. daniel punches max's office wall and max knows then and there he's made the right decision. asks daniel to leave immediately. the second half of the season goes dreadful for them, max short with daniel on the radio, doesn't play up to his antics anymore, daniel being summoned to see the stewards every race for doing dumb shit he knows he shouldn't do. sky sports always cutting to shots of max rolling his eyes. but daniel still manages to scrape the championship and the red bull mechanics hold max and daniel aloft on their shoulders and spray them with champagne and max and daniel have their arms around each others shoulders and there is a fleeting moment where max looks at daniel, the brightness and happiness on his face and he realises this is why he does his job, this is why he should stay, but he pushes it down and down and down and down. daniel goes to perth. max goes to some tropical island somewhere.
(whilst in perth, daniel prints off the photo of him and max on rbr mechanic's shoulders and frames it. he puts it in his home office at first. but he doesn't spend enough time in there. he takes it out the frame and puts it on the fridge with a dutch flag magnet he has that max had gifted him after his first zandvoort win. but everytime someone came round they would look at it and ask why max would quit. he puts it back in the frame and puts it on his bedside table. it stays there)
and then they both turn up to testing. daniel in navy like always, max in a tight fitted white tommy hilfiger shirt (wHICH PERFECTLY ACCENTUATES HIS PUFFY PERKY FAT NIPPLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and daniel hates it hates it hates it hates it hates it. they ask each other how the winter break was and what they got up to but the conversation is stilted and wrong and they both leave it feeling devoid and empty. testing is testing and bahrain is bahrain. daniel and his new engineer miss a couple of points of key information and communication and its a bit of a shambles of a race but daniel still gets p2. stands below lewis on the podium. max to his immediate right-hand side. he stands tall and straight. head forward. listens to every single word of god save the king. doesn't shift slightly. listens and listens and listens. and then the trophys are handed out. he looks at it once. places it on the ground. looks at his shoes. remembers. remembers max. malaysia. bright red flushed eager and keen. stole daniel's shoe right out his hand. guzzled it down, no egging-on needed from daniel at all. the way they locked eyes afterwards. the blowjob in the club bathroom. the filthy sex they had later that evening. he looks up. oscar receives his trophy. the personnel shift and move and then he's gripping the neck of the champagne bottle hard, slamming it down on the podium, turning his back to lewis and oscar and spraying it all at max. max does the same, drenching daniel. he can see max's bright smile through the spray and daniel laughs, proper, shakes it and sprays him some more and when it's all gone, they stand, looking at each other, drenched, soaking, panting, breathless (MAXS WHITE TOMMY HILFIGER SHIRT DRIPPING WET SEE THROUGH PERKY PERKY PERKY HARD NIPPLES!!!!!!!!!) and christian horner is stood in the crowd head in hands knowing he's about to be faced with a dilemma.
and then YES "daniel 0.9 behind" and crofty picks up on it and makes some snarky comment about how red bull let max go so that he could infiltrate mercedes from the inside. daniel being sarcastic in the media when they ask him about max still calling him daniel and being like "well i obviously made an impression on him" or "its hard to forget me when i'm that good" and max hates the taunting but also loves it. gives him some sense that daniel still thinks about him also !!!
(late at night, daniel finds youtube videos of lewis' play by play race. he tells himself its to do with tactics and finding out lewis' racing lines etc. really he's listening to the radio. hearing the way max and lewis talk. trying to work out if they have the same relationship max and him have. if max uses the same intonation. the same phrases. if max flirts with lewis the way he did with daniel)
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zoe-oneesama · 1 year
Hi Zoe, I saw a few asks before about a physical edition of Scarlet Lady, I'm curious how you are planning to go about it? For now I saw you talk about volume one, are you planning to make one season = one volume? Will there be any changes to the current comics? (Like color, bonuses etc.) thank you in advance!
Yes, the plan is 1 Volume = 1 Season, with Volume 5 having the finale episodes, so, extra thiccccc.
I have edited the pages to fix spelling errors and made a few changes so subtle that I can't even remember them, as well as trying to make old pages more legible. And there are bonus images and commentary to fill in the blank spots left by page bonuses.
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^Here's an example bonus pictures I made for "The Pharaoh". It's the picture Alix joked about sharing with the class of Marinette dressed as Scarlet Lady, and Plagg dressed as the Black Cat statues that the group walks past at the end of the episode.
Because mixam (the ones who'll be making these books) needs pages divisible by 4, I do have some full color pages for the Volumes that happened to not fit that number nicely (so far it's just Volume 2), so look forward to that. I think I'll share those pages later this week.
Additionally, the chapters got new "headers" since they're in a new format:
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^Ivan finally got his moment!
So, it's not as easy as just throwing it into a PDF and giving it out like that. I want this to be a special gift for anyone who's willing to put down money for my content - they deserve something extra for their interest, which is also why I'm not trying to spoil everything.
As for the status of everything: - Volume 1: Final Walk-through. I've gone through one draft and added a few things to match changes I made to other volumes, so after I complete a few commissions I'll be ordering in another (hopefully final!) draft. One book costs me about $60 to order, but that's because I'm not ordering in bulk. But it does mean I take plenty of time between ordering draft. - Volume 2: 2nd Draft. Volume 1 had very few errors in its first draft but Volume 2 had quite a lot, starting with the cover being so dark it was basically a black blob with green eyes (the covers are the different heroes). So I've been editing saturation on the cover and need to print just the cover locally to find the right balance. Additionally, there were a handful that accidentally got cut off, so I needed to fix those. The cover is really the biggest thing holding things up. - Volume 3: Ready for it's 1st Draft. Again, these are expensive, and after the debacle with Volume 2 I want to test print Volume 3's cover to make sure it doesn't have the same problem since it also has a lot of black. - Volume 4: Only the pages have been edited. That means I need to do chapter covers, extras, chibis, and page fillers, as well as the cover. - Volume 5: Same as Volume 4, as well as not being done with the season.
Additionally, I'm not out here trying to get sued, so I need an original product to sell with the book being a "freebie". I don't do a lot of original content, so any suggestions would be appreciated. A print? Charm? Bookmark? Stickers?...pencil?
Then there's obviously the store to use, launching a page, creating marketing materials~ All super fun -_-
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nexility-sims · 2 months
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𝐍𝐎. 𝟓   ❛ 𝐡𝐨𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐚𝐬𝐭 ❜   |   THE DEN & NAKAWE PALACE, AUGUST 1991
❧  𝐝𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲  /  𝐛𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠  /  𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬  /  𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭.
   ❛  She’ll be here any minute.' Arnaut proffered yet another empty explanation to fill the silence. The premier granted forty-five minutes, but he had already spent fifteen giving intermittent assurances that Leonor was en route, delayed in some unpreventable way. Although known as gregarious and energetic, Premier Eladio Guillen sat across from Arnaut this entire time with a small, static smile. The anticipatory silence that dragged on seemed not to faze him. Waiting grated Arnaut’s nerves, meanwhile, as did attempting to puzzle out Guillen’s thoughts. Every minute of quiet that passed constituted some kind of failed test, he was certain. Yet, he exhausted his list of aide-approved topics within the first three minutes, and Guillen resisted his efforts to sidetrack the stillborn conversation into small talk. It could only be taken as a clear, loud message that the premier preferred to sit in total silence than humor Arnaut’s attempts. 
❧ important psa: leonor is her grandmother's granddaughter; additionally, i did not proofread much and should've so sdjfsdf if you notice anything off, no you didn't !!!
𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐞𝐝 & 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐭 ↓
In fact, Leonor was due to be there any minute. She was in the parking garage of Nakawe Palace's complex, and she had arrived there just ten minutes past the appointed time. What kept her was the newspaper she’d snagged from a stand on Oceanside Avenue. It wasn’t a respectable publication, certainly not Nakawe’s paper of record, but its headline for the day caught her eye. That was rare. Even if tabloid chatter affected her subliminally, she wasn’t one to read the stories or pay much attention to the headlines. The newsstands she passed in the course of daily life were easy to ignore; someone delivered her preferred papers and magazines each morning, whether or not she planned to open them. This paper’s claim cut through the inane, sensational fabrications about her body, her love life, the silly woes with which some two-bit copywriter claimed to empathize.
It was almost certain that her having bought a copy of the day’s paper accusing her drug abuse would become tomorrow’s headline. At any rate, the shocked vendor stared. So too did other pedestrians as they passed. The speculation wrote itself. Why, after all, would she have bothered if there wasn’t something to it? Incensed, morbid curiosity wouldn’t do. There had to be a more salacious explanation; it was the one that argued her interest was somehow proof of guilt. But, the simple truth was that she had gasped at the sight of it: a grabby headline, juxtaposed photos innocuous on their own but damning in this contrived context, an authoritative quotation of concern from some anonymous acquaintance. The front page promised a full story unfurled inside, and Leonor, who had never been accused of wrongdoing in her life, became consumed with the need to know every lie printed within the pages. 
As she sat in the car, reading about how her alter-self had become obsessed with benzos and tried heroin with a hard rock band, she knew there was no recourse. The Crown wouldn’t respond. These papers could publish whatever they liked, and they weighed that freedom against the constriction of access it only sometimes engendered. Leonor’s people had been silent and inflexible since winter—a moribund policy rolled over from before, when she was an off-limits teenager regarded as inseparable from the entity of her mother. Perhaps that was why she became fair game once the mourning moratorium lifted. More likely, the press’s the dark underbelly dwellers knew the larger apparatus of the royal family saw value in any public discourse about its members. Individual reputations were less of a concern, especially when the Crown itself and more reputable papers churned out flattering, factual stories to complicate any emerging narratives. For some time, gossip and relevance went hand-in-hand. Beatriz’s vision of the monarchy was increasingly a flirtatious one, winking when provocation paid off and demurring when it didn’t. Leonor had never needed to think too hard about it. Her mother went through the grinder time and time again, but her popularity remained intact, and she hadn’t ever let on, at least to her daughter, how terrible it felt. 
It was within Leonor’s power to huddle her team and insist they at least pretend to respond. Her little household was hardly autonomous, but it didn’t need to be. Leonor complaining to her grandparents about rude tabloids would get her nowhere; a conversation among aides about public relations, on the other hand, at least created an official paper trail of bureaucratic value. Yet, that was why she found herself frustrated. This paper she held in her hands trumpeted glaring, clumsy lies. Those lies, however, didn’t need to be rooted in fact if they had been planted in a context that made them feel plausible. For the average Uspanian, the takeaway wasn’t in the details. Most people cast idle glances at the newsstands, noticing ugly candids and buzzwords, passively gleaning less of a coherent story and more of an ambient sense. Leonor’s new friends and hangouts weren’t the kind of blank slate she had been. They came with their own public associations, jumbled facts, wild fabrications. These particular details were false, and The Den remained a locked vault to the public, but it wasn’t outlandish to imagine her as part of the scene if ample photographs and videos suggested she was. 
Leonor closed the paper and laid it on the passenger seat. It sat there, folded, for just a few seconds before she snatched it up again. Quickly, angrily, she tore at it. It wouldn’t rip down the middle, so she yanked out the pages instead. They shredded into scraps as she pulled wildly with haphazard, hurried fingers. Almost as fast as the impulse struck, it ran out of steam. Leonor stopped what she was doing and, feeling satisfied but far from content, tossed the mangled paper into the backseat. 
When Leonor entered the premier’s sitting room, Arnaut watched with disbelief. She strolled in appearing unperturbed by her tardiness, and the apology she offered to Guillen as he rose to clasp her hands was simple at best. It didn’t bother him. His reception of her made his demeanor toward Arnaut earlier that afternoon seem lukewarm—unwelcoming, even. They interacted like people who were well-acquainted; Guillen’s famed charm leapt out as he kissed her cheek and made a joke about Nakawe’s drivers, and Leonor took up space in the room with ease.
Arnaut knew, in theory, he had received an upbringing not dissimilar from hers. They learned the same rules of comportment, and they learned the art of politics from the same teachers. In preparation for today, they had received the same briefs with identical preparation from the same team of aides. Yet, as Leonor settled into the sofa beside him and suggested with unimpeachable authority that they get to work, Arnaut felt the distance between them stretch to its true size. There was no substitute for experience, and there was no hiding its absence. Arnaut had been on the periphery of Uspanian public life for over a decade. Everyone remembered him as the immature, troublesome spare he had been. They viewed his life abroad as suspect. Worse, each day brought a litany of small reminders that no one much cared about who he was now or who he intended to become. 
The television summarized it well just a few nights prior. These days, Arnaut watched news broadcasts as if it were a ritual, often doing so with a pen and pad that Lorraine politely ignored. USB’s evening news hour aired interviews with passersby on the streets of Nakawe as part of its programming. One elderly woman, prompted for an opinion on the crown prince, had furrowed her brow deep and hard. ‘Well, I think he is in for the most tragedy,’ she said finally. ‘People don’t change at forty. They just don’t. I lived long enough to know. You grow up right into who you are. So, what Uspana needs, he isn’t.’
Arnaut had been so immediately agitated by despair that he leapt from the couch and began to pace, talking aloud of how easy it would be to identify the woman, to find out where she lived, to go there with a box of sweets and get on his knees and beg her to change her mind. ‘Let me prove it to you,’ he would plead, holding her frail hands. Perhaps he would cling to her feet and even  pepper the crooked toes peeking from her sandals with supplicatory kisses. ‘Give me a few good years to show you that I’m different.’ That was how he would frame it, too. She was right that it was a fool’s errand to prove he could change. What he hoped—the hopes that were, almost daily, dashed to dust—was that someone different lurked under the surface, suffocated for too long but real enough to show his face if Arnaut somehow found a way.
That way was elusive, although Arnaut knew he would never find it if he capitulated so easily. Today’s meeting felt bungled already, but he pushed himself to see Leonor’s arrival as a reset, as a reinvigoration, rather than a performance of naturality that he could never possess. He struggled to believe in his heart that the ability to rule flowed through his veins as much as hers, but it was more compelling to remind himself that he had been trained for this, too. Had he been as serious about it as she had, that deceptive distance between them would be more of a trench than a canyon. What mattered now was exactly that: he was serious now and, if the unexplained absence meant anything, perhaps even more serious than she was. 
As the conversation turned to business, Guillen let out a sigh. “Fast-tracking legislation when there’s a passing is no way to run a government,” he explained, his tone light and wry even as he regarded them both with an earnest look of condolence. 
“We’d be doubling offshore drilling in memory of Mario Esparza,” Leonor quipped. The comment prompted a laugh from Guillen, who pointed at Leonor and nodded emphatically. 
Arnaut, meanwhile, sat bemused and wearing a vacant smile. The name didn’t ring a bell. He knew enough about the politics to understand why the policy idea was ridiculous, but he wasn’t privy to the personal backstory that gave it flavor in this context. Arnaut had once believed the capital to be a slow-paced, change-resistant bastion of tradition. The monarchy was sometimes accused of being arrested by its reverence for the old ways, and the legislative assembly had its own superficial but no less real way of doing things. People were the backbone of that. Perhaps naively, Arnaut had expected to find the same names in circulation a decade later. He hadn’t accounted for the turnover, but he also hadn’t accounted for how poorly acquainted with those people—with them, with their place in politics, with their connections to others, with the culture that glued them all together—he had been. It was difficult to insert himself now, knowing he had passed up the opportunity to belong as intuitively to this world as everyone around him did. 
Having noticed Arnaut’s expression, Guillen asked, “You remember Mario, right? You’ve met Paula?”
“His wife?” Arnaut, with the urgency of panic, responded.
Leonor snorted, and Guillen raised his brows before clarifying, “His daughter. She’s filling his seat until the provincial election is held, so I assumed—”
“Forgive my uncle,” Leonor said, casting a look his way. “He’s not in the know about any of this. Good thing it’s not his job to be, huh?”
It was clear Guillen wanted to chuckle, but he remained quiet with his lips quirked in a smile that Arnaut found somehow just as offensive. He looked away from the premier’s expression to regard Leonor with quizzical eyes. 
Apparently not finished, Leonor added, “You haven’t asked yet, but I’m going to assume Diago Tegridia has been talking to you. He’s never been a fan—especially not of the part about funding students’ studying abroad. My mother planned to massage him on it, but he won’t take any of my uncle’s calls, so—” 
Arnaut, growing nervous, laughed. “Well, I wouldn’t say that—”
“No? I suspect it’s because he offended him during a hallway chat,” Leonor said with a shrug. “Like with Paula? Similar misstep. If you don’t know who’s who and what’s what, that makes it hard to do business, doesn’t it?” 
“That’s not relevant, Leonor, is it?” Arnaut asked. From the corner of his eye, he saw Guillen sitting with the same amused, forbearing smirk on his face. “This meeting has nothing to do with Representative Tegridia, and definitely not a casual conversation we might’ve had.”
With an eyeroll, Leonor laughed, “There, see?”
Guillen nodded and offered Arnaut what was, it seemed, his best attempt at a placating smile. “I’ll admit,” he began, looking from Arnaut to Leonor, “Diago does have strong opinions, and I’ve been inclined to hear him out where he has expertise. But, alright, why don’t you walk me through the particulars again—to save time, just make the counterargument to his?” 
Leonor turned more fully to face Arnaut, her expression expectant. They stared at each other for a long moment while he assessed the challenging look in her eyes and what she wanted from him,. He remained all too aware that Guillen was staring and judging, too. More than a challenge, Arnaut saw mischief in her eyes. Leonor was unwilling to look away or say anything. The corners of her lips were curled—not altogether a smirk, perhaps something more predatory, as if she intended to bare her teeth instead of break into a smile. The more seconds passed, the more pleased she seemed. 
He turned back to Guillen with a sigh, concluding, “… I’ll let Leonor take the lead.”
RENZO | Have I see you in blue? In person. LEONOR | Maybe once?
RENZO | It looks good. Black is better. Brown. White, whew. LEONOR | It’s for work. Work! I’m going to be late. Poor uncle.
RENZO | He’ll be alright? LEONOR | He’s a big boy. RENZO | Stick around a little longer? LEONOR | Nice try.
ARNAUT | She’ll be here in a minute.
GUILLEN | [Sighs] Fast-tracking legislation when there’s a passing is no way to run a government.
LEONOR | We’d be doubling offshore drilling in memory of Mario Esparza.
GUILLEN | You remember Mario, right? You’ve met Paula? ARNAUT | … His wife? [Leonor snorts] GUILLEN | His daughter. She’s filling his seat until the provincial election is held, so I assumed—
LEONOR | He’s not in the know about any of this. Good thing it’s not his job to be, huh?
LEONOR | You haven’t asked yet, but I’m going to assume Diago Tegridia has been talking to you. He’s never been a fan—especially not of the part about funding students’ studying abroad. My mother planned to massage him on it, but he won’t take any of my uncle’s calls, so— ARNAUT | Well, I wouldn’t say that—
LEONOR | No? I suspect it’s because he offended him during a hallway chat. Like with Paula? Similar misstep. If you don’t know who’s who and what’s what, that makes it hard to do business, doesn’t it? ARNAUT | That's not relevant, Leonor, is it?
ARNAUT | This meeting has nothing to do with Representative Tegridia, and definitely not a casual conversation we might’ve had. LEONOR | There, see?
GUILLEN | I'll admit, Diago does have strong opinions, and I’ve been inclined to hear him out where he has expertise. But, alright, why don’t you walk me through the particulars again—to save time, just make the counterargument to his?
ARNAUT | … I’ll let Leonor take the lead.
ARNAUT | Where are you going? We’re debriefing upstairs in five minutes. LEONOR | Clocking out early. ARNAUT | Did you let Central know? It’s a weekday. You can’t leave the premises without giving them notice. LEONOR | [Chuckles] No, you’re just not supposed to.
ARNAUT | You don’t think anyone will notice the … slacking off? Talk? LEONOR | What, are you going to tattle on me? ARNAUT | I don't have to. I’m just saying it’s a bad look. Trust me.
LEONOR | You should worry about yourself, uncle. Trust me.
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dragonshoardofworks · 4 months
DP x DCMK (x DC)
Where Danny and Shinichi meet at the Hawaii where's a Ghost Convention (pre-portal and Conan, when they're both around 11–12 years old) since both sets of parents are invested in the topic. (The Fentons because they're the Fentons and Yusaku because he's researching for one of his books).
They become friends and keep contacts through messages, sharing school shenanigans, crushes, cases and family mishaps.
The One Thing that Danny doesn't share, though, is his halfa status.
First, because Shinichi doesn't believe in the supernatural (according to him, magic is just unexplained science) and second, because his change is far from any kind of "normalcy" and Shinichi had categorically stated that he doesn't want anything to do with superheroes, he's just a "normal" detective and they (the Justice League) save the world.
Though, it's not unusual that, if something weird happens in a case, Shinichi asks Danny's opinion and intel since the Fenton's library has "weird"/obscure material. (If the answer gets him too close to superhero-stuff, Shinichi passes the ball to the JL, more specifically to Red Robin, but that's something for a following reblog of this thread.)
So when Shinichi becomes Conan and settles in Ran's home, he contacts our favorite boi.
(A bit late to the @crossoverdanuary party... (^~^;)ゞ Anyway, long post in chat-style, plus an extra, so I decided to use the read more function because it was getting out of hand... (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) )
Shinichi: Hey Danny, do you know anything that should be killing you, but instead it shrinks you? Danny: Shrink as in size or age? S: Age D: Hold on, gotta check some books to be sure, but usually anything age-related is dark shit. What's for? Fun or case? S: ...It's for a case D: Well, that didn't sound ominous at all, then gotta go *faster* *few minutes later* D: Okay, the closest thing (still in the Mortal Realm) to what you asked is this jewel most commonly known as "Pandora" (if she knew, she would definitely lose her shit) D: it's a gem hidden inside another gem that glows red under the moonlight D: "if bathed in the light of the Volley Comet, it would shed tears capable of granting eternal life" S: This doesn't sound anything like what I asked you (⁠눈⁠‸⁠눈⁠) D: Cut the sass beanpole and let me continue D: since the legend exist and it's documented, it should be reasonable to presume that someone managed to attain it, right? S: ...right *squinty eyes* D: So if some scientist tried to reproduce the same results in the *scientific way* instead of the magical one, they could have either the original "Tears" or the one who consumed them and run test and experiment on them D: whatever the case, there would be either some inferior or failed products that instead of making you immortal, *de-ages* you, which is the next best thing (i.e. you would live longer) D: but since they were "failures" compared to the immortality elixir, they could definitely become poisons. D: So! Since you were so ominous, was it really for a case or did our dear Professor Agasa dabble in alchemy? 👀 (read) D: Beanpole, I know you read my explanation and since this is really dark shit you *have* to at least give me context D: because among the warnings that the grimoire gave me, there's the thing that you become somewhat cursed S: ...Or you're cursed or you're not, there's no "somewhat" D: He speaks! 🙌 D: Give me *the deets* *long pause* D: *Shinichi Kudo* ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ S: Okay, fine! I can feel your disappointed stare all the way to Japan, stop! >Д< D: Then explain S: Okay S: so you know how I can't leave things alone when they have suspicious all printed on them? D: Your worst defect, yes, but continue D: ...wait D: Shinichi no D: HOW OLD ARE YOU NOW?? S: Still 17, thank you very much D: I mean physically, you little shit, don't dodge the question! S: ... S: ...we think 7 D: What in the Infinite Realms everloving fuck, Shinichi D: Okay, you know what? D: I'm coming to Japan and you can't stop me, you *midget*, I know what you're already going to say D: it's dangerous, yada yada D: nothing I've already seen and fought S: What do you mean?! D: Since you're *such a good detective*, deduce it yourself D: give me your coordinates in the meantime and don't you dare move from that spot S: If you send me Superman or anyone of his creek, I swear to Kami, Danny D: Please, Superman could only desire to be anything like me, now *coordinates* ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ *coordinates sent* D: good boy D: now get ready in 3 S: 3 what? D: 2 D: 1
A full body shiver run over Shinichi as soon as the "1" appeared on the screen, so he looked up from his phone, searching for where the cold draft could have come from. However, the agency toilet window was closed and the closed door had a good insulation, last time he had checked.
So what...!
Shinichi shrieked with all the high pitch of an elementary schooler, as he whirled around to look at what, or better, who had whispered by his ear.
A white-haired green-eyed floating teenager with a black hazmat suit with white accents grinned almost maniacally at him, showing their fangs predatorily.
Anatomically they looked male and despite the unhinged expression, the body language didn't project "danger". If anything, it was loose and casual as if he (until otherwise stated) belonged here.
The unearthly glow suggested either some substance coating him that gave him that illusion, or there was magic afoot.
Irritation surged inside Shinichi: Danny knew his rules! No direct superhero meeting, only exchange of intel!
"Who are you and why did Fenton send you?" Shinichi gritted, crossing his arms to appear less like a 7 years old.
"You disappoint me, little detective, I thought you would have figured it out at first glance!" The supposed hero pouted, crossing legs and arms midair and staring back at Shinichi. "I guess that your fame had been an exaggeration, after all. Some East Highschool Detective you are!"
The teasing little smirk incensed Shinichi more than alarming him (the other knew his secret!), but the last thought made him pause.
Danny wouldn't betray him like this by informing whatever "superhero" of this situation just to help him without his consent. Their boundaries had been awesome like that and had been respected so far, despite the many trials both had faced.
So who was this person really?
Shinichi's mind focused back into deducing the teen before him, and the more looked, the more disbelief made way in his heart. (...He had said he would be coming to Japan, but not in that instant!)
"No way, Danny?"
"Fucking finally, midget! What took you so long?" Danny huffed, untangling then touching down on his feet and looking him over. "It even gave me time to take a look at your situation!"
"Hey! Your voice is different, so I could deduce it only because "if you exclude the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the Truth"! Since you would never spill my secrets to anyone, this must have been you!" Shinichi gestured to his friend, who flushed green when he registered the meaning of the words.
"Wow," he breathed, sounding pleased, as he scratched his nape, "you would believe that a ghost of me is still me instead of me betraying you, wow!"
"Wait, ghost? I thought you just become a superhero, not that you died!" Despite his insistence on not believing the supernatural, Shinichi had read the Fentons' papers on ghosts (the most recent ones, AKA the "no more biased version" as Danny had called them). And, while he hadn't told his friend this, the scientific breakdown of what makes a ghost what they are, had made Shinichi believe in the existence of ectoplasmic beings.
But to discover that one of his best friends had died, he hadn't known or could have done anything, plus Danny hadn't felt safe enough to tell him until it had become unavoidable, made Shinichi clutch his heart in agony and despair.
Probably sensing the shift and interpreting the action for what that was, Danny's face shifted into regret, as he knelt down before the shrunk detective and a ring of light lit up at his waist, washing over him and leaving a hoodie-and-jeans-clad raven-haired and blue-eyed teenager.
Slowly, as if not to spook a frozen Shinichi, Danny laid a hand on his shoulder, while the other took the free little hand to his NASA hoodies chest and splayed it there, allowing him to feel his heartbeat. As if he had known that only words wouldn't have been enough to convince the detective.
Slowly but surely, feeling Danny's sluggish but steady heartbeat, made Shinichi unclench, then lean against his friend's chest, head tucked under his chin.
Carefully, Danny wrapped his friend in a hug, knowing well that, while physical affection was welcome from him, Japanese social conventions and the Kudo's upbringing had left Shinichi a little adverse to prolonged contact.
As the apparent 7-years-old melted into the embrace and clutched Danny as well, followed by a suspicious wet sensation on his chest, the halfa realized that this was bad.
Shinichi had never sought comfort like that, according to professor Agasa (who Danny did keep in contact with, since he was more a parent than the Kudos), so to do this now...
"It's okay, Shinichi, I'll explain better what happened to me, but it's not your fault." Shinichi shuddered at these words and buried deeper in the embrace, making guilt shoot through Danny. He had caused this breakdown. The least he could do was to help him through it and some.
"And we're gonna find a way to solve what happened to you, I promise."
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stitchposts · 1 month
Dunno if anyone's asked this yet but how do you transfer / create patterns for your embroidery pieces? :O
Has not been asked yet! :>
I prefer to print my design onto paper and then trace over it with Pilot Frixion products onto a piece of water-soluble stabilizer. Pilot Frixion products are pens and markers that disappear when heat is applied. My preferred stabilizer is Pellon 541. I buy it by the bolt because it is a tried and true favorite of mine and I know how to get the most out of it.
Tracing by hand is another step vs using products that allow you to print a water soluble design but Pilot Frixion pens don't stain my preferred fabrics I work on. And I can just use a glue stick on the Pellon 541 (which I cut into the shape I need) so that it sticks to the fabric without shifting, so I can use less for each piece. I keep many colors of the Frixion fineliners on hand so that when I transfer embroidery I plan out then, not later, where I want each color to go, and have a guide to follow when I'm in the weeds stitching. This is a choice I make for my workflow, not something that I see commonly done. If I don't do this, I'll forget how I intended to do some sections.
Pilot does not endorse crafters using the Frixion products this way since they're not tested or rated for that use, btw - they are normal pens and markers meant for paper. Very experienced high art crafters also do not endorse Frixion products because of the very valid reality that the PH could degrade fabric over time, or the marks can reappear if exposed to cold. I do not especially care about making heirlooms for people that are intended to last decades - my projects get a LOT of hard use and wear. The embroidery process will not be what causes the fibers to wear out on my clothes or accessories.
I have used the stick-on printable washable stabilizers. I used it on the dragon vest I made, and I regret it deeply. It turns out that some printer inks do NOT wash out when the piece is rinsed and the dyes/pigments settle on the fabric and just stain the everloving fuck out of your fabric. I had to use every ounce of my laundry knowledge from years of working with fibers to save my vest, so I had color catchers on hand and had to immediately run to buy two liters of vodka for soaking instead of risking it drying overnight.
I still have my printable interfacing sheets and I'll probably see if friend-printers have ink that works better than mine did, which is in the fine print of the product, that it might stain and to test it. Or I can just use them up as tracing papers without printing. It feels like a waste to do that without trying other printers since it's so expensive for a pack of sheets and I am currently unemployed. I'll do whatever suits my needs on a project by project basis with it.
Anyway. Don't be me with using new methods of transfers on the big important projects. Test your new transfer method with your fabric in an inconspicuous spot. Honestly, test older transfer methods with any fabric if it is a gift or something Special and Important. I almost destroyed 130 hours of work and I am experienced enough that I had the skill to just barely salvage my hard work.
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chubsonthemoon · 1 year
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This is To Hell and Back Again, by dear dear @perexcri. Cover design by @byierficrecs (thank you SO much for letting me use your design!). Binding by me!
I'm not in ST fandom, but I had the pleasure of skimming this fic while I was typesetting, and can I just say? I'm rooting for these kids SO hard. I'd go to hell and back again for them--[GUNSHOT]
But in all seriousness, Leah's writing is whip-smart, sincere, and funny as hell. I cannot recommend it enough to anyone who is a fan of these crazy kids. Her ao3 is a veritable treasure trove of excellent byler stories, which you should absolutely check out right now go do it!!!
As usual, process chatter and more pics, under the cut! <3
Title: Hellprint
Heading/Chapter Headings/Spine Titling: Norwester
C4 Summary: Roboto Condensed
Main Body Text: Garamond
COVER MATERIAL: Epson Premium Presentation Paper Matte, printed on my Epson Ecotank (more on that later baha)
HEADBANDS: Trebizond silk thread in the colors Garnet and Black
EDGE PAINTING: Acrylic paint in Crimson and Black
TITLING: Red iron-on foil for the text and white HTV for my maker's mark. Cut by Charlotte, my Cricut!
This was my first go at a German Bradel binding! I've seen lots of Renegade folks use this method and am so psyched I got around to trying it myself. I modified DAS's approach a bit and tipped on endpapers instead of sewing them in (there were a lot of new things to learn so I decided to shelve sewn endpapers for the next binding XD). I also only had 2.0 mm bookboard instead of 1.0 mm, so instead of layering two of the same boards like DAS did, I instead used one 2.0 mm board and one very thin piece of cardboard to create the groove for the hinge. The original article that DAS bases his video on actually uses boards of two different sizes too--a "thick" board and a "thin" board--but I still want to experiment with DAS's way of doing it, especially since I think it'll be easier to do cutouts on thinner board.
As far as matching the groove with the hinge, I think I did pretty okay for my first try! One board is definitely better fitting than the other though baha. There's always room for improvement, but hey that's where half the fun is anyway (and also you can't tell after the case-in whew), so I'm not stressed about it :D
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Nearly all of my design decisions for the color scheme were based off of @byierficrecs's gorgeous cover design! They were so generous in letting me use their cover and answering my questions about fonts, for which I can't thank them enough. And with so many wonderful elements to work with, it was so much fun to tease out the elements I loved from their work!
I decided to keep with the theme of red/black, which I also thought was fitting for a ST fic set largely in the Upside Down. Thus, black painted edges with red vines, as a kind of inverted, "upside down" continuation of the cover:
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Even the thread I used to sew the signatures is red/black! :3 (please also ignore how the picture of the textblock is not focused on the actual textblock ajsldkfjs it was very late when I took that photo)
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This was my first time printing a cover on my new printer (!!!), and BOY oh boy was it an adventure. Figuring out the dimensions took a second, but not as long as it took me to figure out what settings produced something I was happy with. Behold, all my test prints:
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Very long story short, let's just say now I understand why being a prepress color specialist is literally a career you can have in publishing LOL.
Also, for some reason I could only sometimes get the bleed to work? Basically what I ended up doing was painting over the parts where the design didn't quite extend over the turn-ins, using with the same black acrylic paint I used for the edges. You can see this more clearly in the photos I took of the groove, and the endpapers covered the messy bits when I cased in:
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Finally!! The most important part of the process!!! HI LEAH ILY!!!! This fic is special for a lot of personal reasons, but chief among them is LOVE!!!! Your A/N's made me tear up when I first read it, because AH! You read my words of love!!! And went and wrote hundreds of thousands of your own words of love!!! And now I hope I've given that love back once again :3 And on and on we go, ad infinitum, until we are relieved of the curse of literacy and greet whatever comes after all this, thanks be to Todd. But until then, I'm so glad I get to shoot holes out of bagels and scream about radioactive tumblr posts and cry over fake people with you, friend :] Truly, peace and love on FUCKING Planet Earth. We are making it and we will all go together when we--[ANOTHER GUNSHOT]
I'm so excited to see where we're going, and what other stories we have to tell. But for now: EEEEEEEE YOU WROTE A BOOK!!!!!!!
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on-stardust-wings · 3 months
So I've been unhappy about the lack of physical media these days (and, unrelated to Good Omens, mightily pissed off at streaming services), which made me decide if I want to have my favourite shows on my shelf, I will do it myself if I have to. And since Amazon still doesn't look like it plans to sell me a nice DVD or Bluray set for season two, I went and did it my bloody self. I own a DVD writer and a printer and nobody can stop me.
Had lots of fun playing around designing sleeves, labels and on-screen menus. Behold my beautiful creations!
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I used some of the very cool official posters for the covers. I loved the one that became my front cover; there's so much to see on it. (Also has this super handy scroll bit at the bottom where one only had to remove some Amazon logos to have space for labeling!)
Splurged on a couple of sheets of glossy photo paper to print the sleeves on. You wouldn't believe how much of a difference good paper makes for printout quality. The photos don't do them justice. The black is really black, the colours have great depth. I sat here giggling gleefully when these came out of the printer.
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Here's the spines, sitting next to my season one Bluray (which I was happy to buy, hey Amazon please sell me stuff, you love selling things, I will buy things if you sell me things!) and my other self-made fave-show-on-shelf-putting-project.
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If I do something, I do it properly. Disc labels with pictures on them!
Designing them was a blast; printing them was a fucking nightmare. I had a few pages of premade disc labels (sticker paper with perforated circles of the right sizes, so no cutting, yay). Already printing the sleeves took a good amount of test prints and template tweaking; I don't know why printing exactly to scale is still so difficult in 2024. I think Crowley was involved in designing printers. The things are definitely haunted. Printing a rectangle to scale? Difficult, but okay. Printing two circles to scale, in the exact correct position? Oh god I cursed so much. But look at them, aren't they beautiful? Definitely worth all the sweat and tears.
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Menu screens! (Had a video of the first disc menu, mostly to show that it plays the Good Omens theme, but Tumblr hated it. Please imagine that all discs have this menu and that you can hear the theme playing while on the menu, thanks.)
DVDs fit 120 minutes of video, and I was super chuffed that I could get two episodes squeezed on one disc. So I have three discs with episodes, and an additional one with bonus stuff. Deleted scenes and VFX breakdowns with Muriel and Making Ofs. You know, the kind of things that are fun and cool about a box set for a show you like. Which I now have on my shelf. You gotta do everything yourself these days.
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cultofdixon · 1 year
A Force of Nature [Pt. 1]
Daryl Dixon [PLATONIC] • She/Her to They/Them Pronouns • Stepping up into the father role took a lot of guts for Daryl, but it was a challenge worth taking. Even if the world tested him plenty • ANGST/SFW • TW: PTSD / Injuries / Illness / Canon Violence • I got lost with ages cuz TWD makes it confusing, this is my formal apology
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“Please tell me it’s not real” Carol follows Rick to their cellblock after the group from the run came back. “Rick, who would do such a thing?!”
“Monsters who can’t take care of their children the second bad things happen” Rick frowns opening the curtain to Hershel’s cell finding Daryl on the bottom bunk holding the six year old he and Glenn found. “Holy shit”
“Easy with the language” Hershel states continuing to listen to her heartbeat even if it was still pounding after what had happened.
“Tell me what happened out there”
“We were just. Doing a run. Getting supplies. Formula and any food related was priority. Then we found an old school that did have people taking up camp in it. But she was…the only survivor”
Daryl held the child the entire time Glenn was talking about how they found her and Hershel checking her of anything. The entire time he felt her shift and hold onto his arm tighter than before whenever her condition was brought up.
The two had found her locked up in a supply closet, starved and shaking. Covered in dirt, had some cuts on her face and arms, a few bruises. Daryl didn’t hesitate for a second when her first action was to cry and hold her arms up. He didn’t expect to be this attached to a child the second he held her. But given some of the damage done to her when they first saw her, he knew that was a form of punishment done to her. As much as it did save her from whatever killed the rest of their camp, she was forever going to have what happened to her in the back of her mind.
“Are you okay?”
Daryl looks up from his spot on the floor next to his bunk that currently held the sleeping child. Carol brought herself more into the cell as she sat across from him on the floor.
“Has she talked since you and Glenn came back with her?” Carol frowns worried for the child herself. “Could make something real quick for her”
“It’s fine. She sleepin’. Don’t wanna disturb her” Daryl frowns as the smallest sound made from shifting in the bed caused him to quickly sit up and check on her even if she was just readjusting. “Need another blanket…it was awful. Thought takin’ down the Governor was a hellish display…but where we found’er…worse” he kept his voice at a whisper for the kid as Carol couldn’t help but notice the crack in his voice when saying that.
A lot was happening in that moment. Infusing old Woodbury people. Assigning work. Making the prison more homey. Grieving what was lost.
Daryl couldn’t stop himself from thinking when he was a kid. Having nobody in his corner, especially when Merle left. He’s not just going to sit there and let her suffer like he did.
They’ll never have the life like he’s had growing up
“The one time I bring my son out here, your kid isn’t here?” Carol scoffs jokingly knowing they couldn’t be that far from the camp Daryl has set up along the river.
“Dog is with’em. They’ll be back after checking the snares”
“You let your child do that? Granted…I’m not surprised. They are your kid. They probably know a lot of things only the Daryl Dixon would” Carol smiles making the archer roll his eyes while he set up the fire for them.
Henry was getting his blanket from their wagon when a dead rabbit was suddenly tossed in his line of sight. His scream scared both Carol and Daryl but given the slap sound that followed. Clearly—
“Hey you hit my fucking kid, I’ll hit you back”
“THEY HIT ME!” Henry snaps gesturing to the red hand print on his face once he got into the light of the fire. Daryl squints for a moment before letting it slide as Carol groans annoyed.
“Y/N what did Henry even do this time?” Carol couldn’t help the laugh that escaped her when she was trying to be serious. But the look on his face grew sour before returning to shock when Y/N had snuck up on him once again.
“STOP YELLING OR ILL SMACK YOU AGAIN” Y/N snaps making their way to Daryl and setting down the two rabbits the snares provided. With the addition of Dog dropping a walker hand by his feet making him grimace while kicking it into the flames.
“Oh yeah? You’re lucky I got caught in one of those fuckers or I’d wrestle your ass to the ground!”
“Woah Woah. Back track” Carol interrupts the two only for Y/N to immediately retract. “No this ain’t back to when you were eight and stubborn with check ups. If you’re hurt. You’re hurt. Come on” she points to the tree stump she was going to sit on.
Daryl quickly got up from his position moving to Y/N’s side not caring for the rabbits anymore as Carol helped the teen take their jacket off which was covering the damage. Thinking they could patch themselves up without any of them knowing, but of course Henry had to strike a nerve that lead to them just spilling the beans anyway.
“Hun, can you get one of the canteens?” Carol asks of her son, finally showing that one of the snares didn’t place right and clamped onto Y/N’s arm before they could retract fast enough. “How come you didn’t holler for any of us? We’ll do a pressure dressing for now…but I think they should come with us to Hilltop to get it better checked out”
“But I—-“
“I’m coming, kid. Don’t stress about that part.” Daryl states checking the wound himself as the two were helicoptering Y/N for a moment which made Henry uncomfortable.
“You should just be better at opening traps”
“And I’d like to see you fight with more than a stick, we’re both disappointed” Y/N frowns wincing when Carol started to flush out the wound, her whispering apologizes as she does such. “I’m sorry”
“Why are you apologizing? Accidents happen” Carol reassures seeing the same worried look on their face when they were younger appear. She couldn’t help but hold Y/N for just a moment knowing the stress they’re trying to endure from such an injury.
Only for it to bring back that older feeling of stress.
Daryl anxiously held Y/N’s almost lifeless body from when the flu came through the prison as he had gotten there in time to get Hershel the medicine to help save their people. She hasn’t quickly bounced back like the others have but she wasn’t going to die either. Simply rest in his embrace breathing slowly.
“How she doin’?” Maggie pulled Daryl out of his thoughts as he glances at her for a second.
“Hasn’t entirely woken up. For longer than a minute”
“Guessing that’s when you readjust”
“Mhm” Daryl frowns keeping her close as Maggie brought herself to sit beside him for a moment while Glenn slept in the cell next door. “She’s got me wrapped around her finger”
“That’s what kids do, but hey. She’s got a good parent now” Maggie smiles watching the twitch in the corner of his lips when she said such. He kind of likes this, but the anxiety? Not so much
“Uncle Aaron!” Y/N screams happily running over to the man who happily hugged the teen. “Why are you here?!”
“Don’t tell Michonne” Aaron zipped up his mouth watching Y/N do the same with a smile. They next gesture for him to lean down to their level. “Yeah?”
“Have you told you know who yet?” Y/N whispers with a devilish smile seeing Aaron get flustered at the question. “Cuz I think he likes yea too”
“You may be Daryl’s kid, but you’re still learning about being observant like him. I don’t think you know who does”
“Mmmmm gotta rip the bandage off” Y/N smiles patting his shoulder, letting him straighten up continuing to smile at the teen.
The two suddenly flinch to Daryl yelling Y/N’s name.
“See Enid!” He snaps watching Y/N give him a thumbs up before running over to the medical trailer. “Goddamn kid”
“Sorry if I knew I was stopping them from something pressing I would’ve—-“
“Nah it’s alright. Yer their favorite uncle and we don’t visit Alexandria as much as we used to” Daryl frowns parking his bike with Aaron following.
Part of Daryl wishes he didn’t rope Y/N in his endeavors on finding Rick. But the other, is solely Y/N not wanting to leave his side.
“She’s 9”
“They’re 9” Aaron corrects Michonne hearing her apologize immediately after. “Why is this a council decision? Daryl is their dad. If he wants to leave and look for Rick, it’s either he brings them without their input. Or asks what they want and goes from there”
“As much as what happened…is affecting most of us still” Michonne frowns resting her hand on her belly. “They can still have a normal life, this isn’t normal and Daryl should’ve force them to join him”
“Michonne. This is Daryl and what he told me about Y/N? They aren’t going to separate any time soon…you are the same with Judith. You love her. Care about her. Want what’s best for her. But you also don’t want her to ever leave your side”
“Come on” Aaron guided Michonne to the streets of Alexandria to watch the display outside of Daryl’s town house.
Daryl knelt in front of the nine year old helping them zip up their jacket as Y/N fiddles with the gloves he made them put on. He watches them get situated with everything before noticing their attention on Aaron and Michonne. How can you not notice them watching? But as he started to walk over and tell Michonne they were leaving, Michonne watched Y/N trail behind him and eventually take his hand. That small interaction gave enough to ease her.
“We’re headin’ off”
“Be safe, especially you” Aaron smiles High giving Y/N as they let go of Daryl’s hand for a second to hug both of them.
“We’ll find him, Michonne” Daryl reassures her as she held Y/N for a moment longer before letting the two head out.
“Can I come?”
“Nah, you stay here with Carol and Henry. I’ll be back with Eugene” Daryl states seeing Y/N blankly stare at him causing him to get a little annoyed. “Spit it out kid”
“Take Dog at least…” They frown crossing their arms as they developed the same habit Daryl does. Indirectly saying “be careful”.
Daryl nods whistling for said Mal to join him, Aaron, and Jesus. He was the last to leave Hilltop as he couldn’t help but make sure Y/N went to somebody they trust before he headed out. In this case it was Carol.
“I’m gonna see if Tara needs help with anything, see you later?” Y/N informs the two before leaving as Henry couldn’t help the scoff to escape him.
“What?” Carol nudges him to spill the beans as Henry couldn’t help it anymore.
“How are they just babied so much and still trusted more than me?! I’m 17! They’re 15!”
“Henry if only you knew—-“
“If this is going to be the whole “I was privileged” talk I don’t wanna hear it mom” Henry crosses his arms looking at Carol only to realize after saying such that he was a bit rude with his tone. “Sorry. I just. Confused on how that works”
“Because you’ve been protected all your life. They were not” Carol wraps her arm around his shoulders kissing his temple. “Besides. Y/N would do anything to stick with Daryl but they don’t always argue with him if he asks for them to stay”
“You’re babied. By dad. So…?” She smiles, laughing a bit to the eye roll response from her boy.
When news of the group returned to hilltop, Y/N stepped out of the med trailer with Siddiq and Rosita. They slowly started to approach the scene and was immediately stopped by Rosita pulling them back. But the sight of Daryl and a few Hilltop folk taking a lifeless Jesus off the back of the horse, was too much.
“Y/N—-Hey, come on” Rosita frowns tugging at them to move but they tensed up when every part of them wanted to run over or run away.
Yet they stood there stuck at the sight clenching onto their shirt feeling their anxiety claw at them.
“Y/N…” Rosita started to get worried as she brought herself around to their front carefully resting her hands on their face watching the tears suddenly start to pour. “Oh hun…” she pulled them into her embrace letting them latch onto her for just a moment.
Then once they let go of Rosita, Y/N quickly ran over to Aaron latching onto him without a second thought. As the gesture caused them both to fall apart even more.
“I knew he loved you too, Aaron…” Y/N whispers feeling his arm tighten around them as his sobbing became more pronounced.
After burying their another of their family, Michonne came up with a sick idea regarding their most recent prisoner.
“Daryl, they might—-“
“I’d rather have my trauma exploited. Not my damn kid’s”
“It’s just that they’re close in age Daryl…it’s not the end of the world to at least try and see if Y/N can get Lydia to share more about her mother” Tara frowns keeping the calmness in her voice when trying to convince Daryl but everyone was on edge after what happened to Jesus and Y/N hasn’t talked to him about how they’re feeling yet about it. He doesn’t want to trigger something to happen.
“I’ll ask…but if they say no—-“
“Then it’s no” Michonne reassures him before needing to take care of another matter leaving Lydia in their hands.
And it was.
“Hey…you okay?” Michonne frowns sitting beside Y/N as they drew their attention back to Judith who was currently playing with the chalk Daryl had found her on a run forever ago. “Y/N, is this about where Daryl went…? He said he would come back for y—-“
“When what? Come back for me when what…what markers gotta be met? Cuz I know he ain’t ever coming back if it’s once he finds Rick…” and that’s when the regret sunk in as they felt the tears start streaming. “I believe he’s alive but Da—Daryl shouldn’t have to leave for so long…he could treat it like our runs..not like. Whatever this is…”
Michonne didn’t know how to ease their anxiety given she feels a bit at fault. She didn’t tell Daryl to go find him, but she was thankful someone was doing it. When Y/N came back with Daryl once because they were sick, Michonne thought he was staying. But he left during the night to keep searching and left Y/N where they would be safe.
“I…” Y/N croaked a bit, trying to get the painful words out as they kept pinching at their fingers. Watching Michonne’s hand come into view taking a hold of one and letting them squeeze it with both of theirs. “I was already abandoned…why did it have to happen again”
“Daryl didn’t abandon you. He would never. He’s doing this for family. He’d do the same for you, even more.”
The tears continued to roll off their cheeks as the teen brought themselves to rest their head on Michonne’s shoulder. Letting her wrap her arm around them bringing them close.
“He’ll be back, I promise”
When Leah turned up and left, Daryl sat on the porch to the cabin in the woods with Dog for a moment. Then it hit him.
“Fuck” He reaches into his pack rummaging through it like a mad man to find a Polaroid he was afraid of losing ever since it was taken. “I’m fuckin’ terrible…”
As the gates to Alexandria open and Dog came running through confusing the few that stood by to greet Daryl on his return. Aaron couldn’t help but pet the dog being a tad distracted until he felt Daryl’s hand on his shoulder.
“Where’s my kid?”
“With Michonne, have been all day.” Aaron frowns watching his friend’s expression become even more full of worry. “Nothing happened to them, Daryl. They’ve just been a little…I don’t know”
“Been what? Aaron don’t—-“
“Triggered. Lonely? It has been a year, Daryl”
Shit. Daryl thought whistling for Dog’s attention so that he could follow him on his way to the Grimes’ residence in Alexandria. He stood in front of the door feeling the same anxiety like he did waiting outside Leah’s which brought on all kinds of regretful emotions. He shouldn’t have left them behind. For what? Someone who made him choose…he could’ve had it all…with an awkward conversation in the middle of it…but all along
It should’ve just been the two of them.
Right as Daryl was about to knock on the door, it swung open revealing Y/N who was all decked out in their gear. He was coming back for them and they were going to go out and find him.
“Hey kid I’m so—-“ Daryl was cut off by them suddenly latching onto him. He stopped trying to finish his sentence, hugging his kid tight feeling awful hearing them sob.
“Please don’t go…don’t leave me behind”
“I ain’t going anywhere without yea kid, I promise”
Alpha arrived to retrieve her daughter but as the conversation continued and was disturb by the cries of the baby in the pack of Whispers. She looks toward the mother and glares for a second, resulting in the baby being left.
One second Y/N was beside Daryl at the guard stand, next thing they weren’t. He only started to panic when things escalated which means Connie emerging from the corn field to save the baby. But right as he was about to step down, he saw knives being tossed from a great distance and knew them from anywhere.
“Goddamn it kid!” Daryl snaps quickly heading down and going around to get out of hilltop with company following.
The lumber collection was revealed to have a hatch to outside the walls and that’s what got them out in time only to watch Connie come toward them with the baby. Y/N no where to be seen causing Daryl’s anxiety to get the best of him until he heard their familiar rage filled grunting they express when fighting somebody. In this case, a Whisperer they managed to get on the shoulders of tumbling out of the cornfield.
Y/N quickly drove their knife into the whisperer’s neck taking them out but Daryl quickly grabbed them. Tossing them off and crushing the person’s head in for even touching his kid. That once the dust settled he found out they had gotten hurt by said person.
“I appreciate you defending Connie but—-“
“I could’ve died. We don’t know…w-we don’t know what exactly they’re capable of. But they left a baby. A baby. For fucking walkers!”
“I…I don’t think giving Lydia was the right idea. But what they did is inexcusable” Y/N frowns patting their chest for Dog to jump up on them as they would pet him to ease some of their fears. “I don’t want anything to bad happen…”
“You’ll be safe, alright? Nothin’ gonna happen to you or any of us”
Then of course, his kid is exactly just like him.
“You ain’t coming”
“Connie is”
“Yeah cuz she’s an adult”
“That you know no ASL to communicate, I understand fast action—-“
“You don’t know it either. And she’s got….” Daryl stops himself as he watches Y/N tap Connie as the two started to sign to one another. He was even more confused but Y/N knowing will become useful later.
My dad doesn’t believe me that I know Y/N frowns to Connie as she gave them a worried look. Henry told me what he was doing, and I let him go. I need to help you
And you will. But your safety, and Henry’s. Comes first Connie emphasizes before taking out her notepad writing for Daryl to understand that Y/N is coming with them even if his glare was obvious to them both.
“Don’t let them out of your sight” Daryl states watching Y/N interpret for Connie as she gave him a thumbs up. “When did yea learn this?”
“When you’ve been in Alexandria for a while, mostly against your will” They hissed. “You start to explore and read a lot of the literature around”
“You even know five dollar words, and you still snapped at the teacher before the bridge collapse”
“I either learn from you or by myself. I ain’t trusting anymore total strangers” They state only for Connie to playfully hit them in the arm after reading their lips. You’re the exception they signed before the group finally left to search for Henry.
Which lead to hiding in an abandoned building with Henry AND Lydia.
“Y/N let me out I can help”
But they couldn’t do anything in the moment, Y/N was occupied with covering Connie’s back and taking down the son of a bitch that got Henry in the leg. Which when Lydia broke down the door to get to the two.
When Daryl came down to the group after taking down Beta, from his knowledge, he quickly assessed the situation and decided to head to Alexandria first given its closer. Take care of everything and by the next day, they’ll make their way to the Kingdom.
“Connie’s gonna keep an eye on yea, and you keep an eye on Dog. Alright?” Daryl frowns seeing Y/N’s worried look in Henry and Lydia’s direction as he brought his arm around them catching their attention once more. “We’ll be back before you know it. Make sure nothin’ happens to Henry or Lydia”
They couldn’t have predicted what happened next
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mayakern · 1 year
I am being nosy. Right now Minis skirts are retired/ on hold due to business things. I am just morbidly curious about the 'extra logistics this entails' and if that is something on the horizon (6-12 months) or like a 5 year plan. I also don't totally understand the difference in your new manufacturer. I think the fabric will be more detailed with the new manu? Thank you in advance!
so, miniskirts were retired for 2 main reasons:
1. when you sells two products with minimal differences (i.e. two different lengths of the same skirt design, two of the same style of shirt with different sleeve lengths, etc) it doubles the amount of variations you have to account for in inventory without necessarily doubling sales. some people are only interested in either mini or midi skirts, but a lot of people are happy with either, and for us midi skirts were more popular ever since we introduced them and by the end made up about 60-70% of our skirt sales.
2. our old manufacturer fucked up really, really bad. in march 2021 we ran the most successful round of preorders we had ever run. in two weeks we made sales comparable to almost our entire sales in 2020. we made a huge order with the manufacturer we’d been working with for around 5-6 years at the time and we stressed (as we always had) that we preferred quality over speed, that we would pay extra and wait longer to make sure the skirts were made well, that they could be made and sent in batches so we wouldn’t overwhelm their holding capacity. well. they didn’t fucking do that. our old manufacturer changed skirt materials without informing us and about 60% of the entire skirt order was defective and specifically around 90% of miniskirts were defective. most of the midi skirts defects were minor printing errors (so a few white dots where there was dust on the fabric when it went through the printer, or a couple dark splotches from some splattered ink, or some minor print banding) but about 60% of the defective miniskirts were unsellable because they were literally falling apart. we are still dealing with the ramifications of this. we’ve sold through a bunch of the horrible miniskirts, selling them as scrap material below cost in the hopes that literally anyone can find a use for them so they don’t end up in a landfill. we still have a ton left that we need to sort and list in the store, but it is a truly staggering amount of work. we had to pay out of pocket to remake those skirts, which sucked.
so the difference with the new manu is about more than just material or print fidelity. it’s about consistency and quality. with the skirts from our old manu, we spend a ton of time quality checking every individual garment because there are so many defectives. that’s why the restocks had to be broken up into smaller, more frequent restocks: because that QC takes a TON of time. the new factory does their own, extensive QC, including wash tests, which will likely cut down our processing time to a 10th of what it is currently because we won’t have to scour every individual garment. defectives will be the outlier instead of the norm, meaning if someone gets a defective item without our knowledge it’ll be easy and painless to replace it because it’ll be at most 5% of garments instead of like 60%. if we had to process returns/exchanges on 60% of our orders it would literally shut us down. and we likely wouldn’t be able to process most exchanges bc we wouldn’t have that many non-defective skirts to exchange with defective ones.
i don’t have an ETA yet on the return of miniskirts, but i would guess either later this year or some time next year. i just wanted to get things settled with the new factory, to make sure we know our production timeline/etc and have midi skirts 100% figured out/squared away before we add other variables. unfortunately there have been delays with the first batch of midi skirts (i talked abt this earlier today but there have been a number of earthquakes in turkey, where our new factory is) so we are running behind on that, but we’ll be getting part of our first batch of new manu skirts later this week and the rest will arrive some time in the next few weeks. after that devin and i will sit down with ash (our lovely supply chain manager and pattern maker) and go over an action plan/logistics for miniskirts, among other things. we have a lot of projects cooking right!
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carionto · 7 months
There's always an unknown unknown
The good thing about advanced technologies is that it makes you near invincible.
The bad thing is it makes some people think they are ARE invincible.
After a hasty DIY rescue of the ill-advised expedition team, Sergeant Ying Zhao was out of commission. Turns out there's a very good reason power generators and propulsion engines, and the shoddily refitted tractor beam (that extracted the team from ground level since Zhao never learned how to properly land), are always fully shielded - they emit some nasty short range radiation of the more exotic cosmic variety. Another, less talked about, reason Human vessels are so massive and over-engineered.
The space suits are miracles in and of themselves, capable of withstanding truly mind-boggling stresses and conditions, but that's when it is against what nature can throw at it. It is generally easier to destroy than protect.
The reality of one of the most competent (and sensible) people of the crew being treated for a five page list of issues in the medbay seemed to hit Captain Knoslark in a peculiar way. He's locked himself in in his private quarters, leaving a simple message on the door:
Don't do anything!
Despite being a three decade veteran of the experimental science and testing arm of the military, somehow or another, whenever someone did get hurt in one of the assignments he was a part of, it was always Knoslark himself.
A phase shift teleportation experiment once cropped his right arm off. After a "huh, that didn't work" and passing out, he later opted for a different experiment - a DNA reshuffled regeneration salve to regrow his arm. Aside from the skin color becoming a weird swirly pattern, it worked out fine. Then his original arm popped back into existence a few weeks later, so he laughed it off and had it stuffed into a thumbs up pose and encased in his office as a trophy for scientific progress.
Or that time where he insisted on proving all time travel theories as false by personally testing them all and secretly diverting way more resources than he had authority over to do so. He succeeded, at least within the bounds of all known laws of physics and most theoretical ones (actually disproved two along the way), but he did also almost die four times, and technically did once for a few seconds.
He also got demoted for that misuse of power from his rank of Vice-Admiral to an honorary Captain position and never allowed to oversee more than one project at a time. They forgot to impose a limit on the scope of said singular project though, and so eventually we got to here.
Seemingly just as crazy as any other projects he's been a part of, but only this time there is no safety net or pre-existing guard rails or near infinite resources of all of Humanity in Sol. The Radiant Dusk at Everest and 27 crew members, now one short, are all that we have. Knoslark is the central pillar now, and he's on shaky ground with an eroded foundation. And he's crumbling.
Trisha, after getting out of quarantine and learning about the state he's in, in her unknowable wisdom, went and printed a laser sword, cut a hole in his ceiling, jumped down (did a superhero landing pose, but turns out that hurts when you're just a normal person), plopped the Captain on a chair, sat with her back in front of him and said:
"Right, Cap'n, everyone else sucks at this, so - braid my hair while I educate you about sea turtles."
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