taxonomytournament · 5 months
Taxonomy Tournament: Insects
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Siphonaptera. This order is made up of fleas, small flightless insects that live as external parasites of mammals and birds, which feed on their blood.
Diptera. This order, known as the true flies, is made up of insects that fly using onle a single pair of wings. Members inclue fruit flies, houseflies, and mosquitos
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uncharismatic-fauna · 10 months
Uncharismatic Fact of the Day
Fleas are famous for their jumping abilities, able to leap anywhere from 50-250 times their own height and take off in only a millisecond! But they don't use muscles to accomplish these feats; instead they bend a part of their exoskeleton called the pleural arch, equivalent to a human rib cage. Then the arch is released, the pent-up energy is transferred into the flea's legs like an arrow being fired from a bow and the flea rockets into the air!
To learn more, check out this slo-mo video of a flea taking flight:
(Video description: a flea jumping off a surface in slow-motion from several different angles)
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ultimatebugpoll · 1 year
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jiskblr · 2 years
Greater tools have little tools, with which makers will wright em And little tools have lesser tools, and on ad infinitum
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ratcandy · 7 months
being entomologist is also all about someone sending “my cat has fleas” in the bug group chat and everyone in there starts shouting CAN I HAVE THEM PLEASE. THE FLEAS I NEED THEM PLEASE PLEASE YOU DONT UNDERSTAND . MY GRADE
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melinoelabs · 5 days
"Oh we're just insects to-"
"Just" insects? Just insects?
Have some self respect!
No single clade of animal has killed more humans than insects!
So the next time some 'higher being' goes about its 'mysterious ways' around you, remember your place in the universe.
Jab your insignificant proboscis through it's ineffable dermis, gorge yourself on the delicious taste that only comes from buzzing beneath the notice of the transcendent, and leave it with the only thank-you note it'll notice, that exquisite itch that says:
'Thanks for the meal and enjoy the malaria.'
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microecobus · 1 year
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sheppi-isometrics · 6 months
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⚔️ Abyssal Siphonaptera tokens on Patreon
- 🌟 Get access to more than 200 creatures, maps and assets by supporting us on Patreon! Complement your campaigns with hi-res monster tokens and start building the adventure of your dreams with our isometric assets 🏰!
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le-sluagh · 2 years
The different colonies of Insecticons - Insecticons Guide - Transformers
There are several colonies, with their Gyinawez (King/Queen) for each. The different colonies are those of:
Coleoptera (e.g. beetles)
Orthoptera (e.g. grasshoppers)
Hymenoptera (e.g. bees)
Mantoptera (e.g. praying mantis)
Lepidoptera (e.g. butterflies)
Odonata (e.g. dragonflies)
Blattoptera (e.g. cockroaches)
Dermaptera (e.g. earwigs)
Diptera (e.g. flies)
Hemiptera (e.g. aphids)
Phasmoptera (e.g. stick insects)
Siphonaptera (e.g. fleas) In next parts I will explain the different functioning of each colony.
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elementalgod-aj · 2 years
Animal practice 40
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Arthropoda 4
Hexapod 7
Zip (Alderfly)
Daniel (Lacewing)
Lyon (Antlion)
Xan (Snakefly)
Harleigh (Butterfly/Moth)
Cassidy (Caddisfly)
Ichor (Flea)
Bethenny (Fly)
Pesky (Gnat)
Sting (Scorpion fly)
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joshthebugguy · 2 months
Unraveling The Mystery Of Fleas Pest Control: A Comprehensive Guide
When fleas invade your living space, they are more than just a nuisance; they are persistent pests that require proactive management. Fleas, often associated with furry companions, can infiltrate homes with remarkable ease, inflicting discomfort and potential health risks. Effectively tackling these tiny but tenacious creatures demands a thorough understanding of pest control strategies tailored to combat flea infestations.
Understanding the Flea Phenomenon
Fleas Pest Control , small wingless insects of the order Siphonaptera, are formidable adversaries in the realm of household pests. Their agile bodies and specialized mouthparts facilitate the consumption of blood from hosts, including pets and humans. These adept jumpers can leap astonishing distances relative to their size, enabling swift movement between hosts and environmental surfaces.
Lifecycle of the Flea
To devise an effective pest control plan, one must grasp the intricacies of the flea lifecycle. Fleas progress through four stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Eggs laid by adult fleas fall from infested hosts onto surfaces, where they incubate into larvae. These larvae thrive in dark, humid environments, such as carpet fibers or pet bedding, where they feed on organic debris. Subsequently, larvae spin cocoons and enter the pupal stage, from which adult fleas emerge ready to seek out hosts for sustenance.
Implementing Flea Pest Control Strategies
1. Sanitation
Maintaining a clean environment is paramount in flea management. Regular vacuuming of floors, furniture, and pet bedding eliminates flea eggs, larvae, and pupae, disrupting their lifecycle. Laundering pet bedding and frequently grooming pets also mitigates flea populations.
2. Chemical Treatments
Various pest control products are available to combat fleas, including sprays, powders, and spot-on treatments. These formulations often contain insecticides targeting fleas at different stages of their lifecycle. Consultation with a pest control professional can guide the selection of appropriate products based on the severity of infestation and environmental considerations.
3. Environmental Modifications
Manipulating the environment to deter fleas can complement pest control efforts. Installing dehumidifiers reduces moisture levels, creating an inhospitable environment for flea development. Additionally, sealing entry points and repairing screens prevents flea ingress from outdoor sources.
4. Natural Remedies
For those inclined towards natural alternatives, certain substances possess pest control properties against fleas. Diatomaceous earth, a fine powder derived from fossilized algae, desiccates fleas upon contact, rendering them ineffective. Similarly, essential oils like lavender and peppermint possess repellent qualities that discourage flea activity.
The Importance of Flea Prevention
Prevention is the cornerstone of effective flea management, sparing individuals and pets from the discomfort and potential health consequences of flea infestations. Regular grooming and inspection of pets facilitate early detection of fleas, enabling prompt intervention. Furthermore, administering flea preventatives, such as topical treatments or oral medications, safeguards pets against infestation.
Seeking Professional Pest Control Assistance
In instances of severe flea infestation or persistent challenges, enlisting the expertise of pest control professionals is prudent. These professionals possess the knowledge, experience, and resources to devise tailored flea management plans, effectively eradicating infestations and preventing recurrence.
Fleas pose a significant pest challenge, necessitating proactive pest control measures to safeguard homes and inhabitants. Understanding the flea lifecycle, implementing integrated pest management strategies, and prioritizing prevention are crucial steps in combatting flea infestations. By adopting a multifaceted approach and seeking professional assistance when needed, individuals can effectively manage flea populations and restore peace to their living spaces.
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ferchogblo · 3 months
The Maw Power And Abilities. Zombie Physiology
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The Puma Power And Abilities. Zombie Physiology
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Flipper Power And Abilities. Zombie Physiology
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Flamer Power And Abilities. Zombie Physiology Fire Manipulation
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Freezer Power And Abilities. Zombie Physiology Ice Manipulation
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The Spiker Power And Abilities. Mutated Zombie Physiology Zombie Physiology
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The Flea Power And Abilities. Siphonaptera Physiology Zombie Physiology
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Reptile Power And Abilities. Reptilian Physiology Zombie Physiology
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Screecher Power And Abilities. Zombie Physiology Loud Screech
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The Fisher Power And Abilities. Zombie Physiology Flexible Arm Scratch Claws Enhanced Strength Enhanced Durability
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fleatreatment · 1 year
🔍 Baby fleas are tiny, wingless insects that belong to the Siphonaptera order. They are parasitic and feed on the blood of mammals and birds. These pests are known for their ability to jump up to 150 times their body length, making them difficult to catch. 👀 Identifying baby fleas can be challenging, as they are only a few millimeters in size and have a translucent appearance. However, they can be recognized by their elongated bodies, six legs, and small antennae. Baby fleas also have sharp mouthparts that they use to pierce the skin of their host and suck their blood. 📸 If you're curious about what baby fleas look like, we've got you covered. In this article, we'll provide you with facts and photos to help you identify these pesky insects. From their physical characteristics to their feeding habits, you'll learn everything you need to know about baby fleas.1. Understanding the Anatomy of Baby Fleas: A Comprehensive GuideWhat are baby fleas? Baby fleas, also known as larvae, are the first stage of a flea's life cycle. They are tiny, white, and worm-like with no legs. They feed on organic matter, including flea feces and dead skin. Where do baby fleas live? Baby fleas live in dark, humid places such as carpets, bedding, and cracks in floors. They avoid light and can burrow deep into fabrics. They can survive for several months without feeding. How do baby fleas develop? Baby fleas go through three stages of development: larva, pupa, and adult. They molt several times during their growth and require a warm, humid environment to thrive. The entire process can take up to several months. What are the dangers of baby fleas? Baby fleas can cause skin irritation and transmit diseases to both humans and pets. They can also cause anemia in young animals. It's important to eliminate them as soon as possible to prevent an infestation. How to get rid of baby fleas? To get rid of baby fleas, vacuum carpets and upholstery regularly, wash bedding in hot water, and use flea control products. Consult a veterinarian for advice on treating pets. Professional extermination may be necessary in severe cases. 👉 Remember, understanding the anatomy of baby fleas is crucial in preventing and eliminating flea infestations.2. Identifying Baby Fleas: How to Spot Them on Your Pet's FurIt's important to identify baby fleas on your pet's fur as early as possible. They are tiny and difficult to spot. They are usually found around the neck, ears, and tail. They are lighter in color than adult fleas. Look for flea dirt, which is a sign of baby fleas. Flea dirt looks like small black specks on your pet's fur. It is actually flea feces and is a sign that baby fleas are present. Use a flea comb to check for baby fleas and flea dirt. Check your pet's bedding and favorite spots for baby fleas. Baby fleas can hide in carpets, furniture, and bedding. They can also be found in outdoor areas where your pet spends time. Regular cleaning and vacuuming can help prevent baby fleas. Consult with your veterinarian if you suspect your pet has baby fleas. They can recommend the best flea treatment for your pet. Early detection and treatment can prevent a flea infestation. Remember to treat your home and yard as well to fully eliminate fleas. 🐾🔍👀 Don't let baby fleas go unnoticed on your furry friend! Check regularly and take action if needed. 🚫🚫🚫3. The Life Cycle of Baby Fleas: From Egg to Adult🔍 Baby fleas go through four stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. 🥚 The eggs are laid by the female flea on the host's fur and hatch within a few days. 🐛 The larva feed on organic matter and flea feces, and molt three times before spinning a cocoon. 🦋 The pupa stage lasts for several days to several months, depending on environmental conditions. 🦟 The adult flea emerges from the cocoon and immediately seeks a host for a blood meal. 🔍 The entire life cycle can take as little as two weeks or as long as several months. 🌡️ Warm and humid conditions favor flea development, making them a common problem in many households. 🧹 Regular vacuuming and flea control products can help prevent infestations.4. Baby Flea Bites: Symptoms and Treatment OptionsBaby flea bites can cause discomfort and irritation. Here are some symptoms to look out for: Red, raised bumps on the skin Itching and scratching Skin irritation and inflammation Small blisters or pustules If your baby has been bitten by fleas, there are several treatment options available: Wash the affected area with soap and water Apply a cold compress to reduce swelling Use an over-the-counter anti-itch cream Consult a pediatrician for prescription medication Prevention is key in avoiding baby flea bites. Here are some tips: Vacuum carpets and furniture regularly Wash bedding and stuffed animals in hot water Use flea repellent products on pets Keep your home clean and clutter-free Remember, flea bites can be uncomfortable but are usually not serious. If you notice any signs of infection or a severe allergic reaction, seek medical attention immediately. 🩹5. Preventing Baby Fleas: Tips for Keeping Your Home and Pet Flea-Free 🐶🏠 Fleas can be a nuisance for both your pet and your home. Here are some tips to prevent baby fleas from infesting your space. 🧹🧼 Regularly vacuum and clean your home to remove eggs and larvae. Wash pet bedding and toys in hot water. 🐾🛁 Bathe your pet with flea shampoo and use a flea comb to remove any remaining fleas. Consult your vet for preventative medication. 🌱🌿 Use natural remedies like diatomaceous earth, cedar chips, and essential oils to repel fleas. Avoid using harmful chemicals. 🚪🔒 Keep your pet's environment flea-free by sealing off any entry points and using flea collars or sprays. 👀🐕 Watch for signs of fleas, such as excessive scratching or biting. Early detection can prevent an infestation. 💡👨‍⚕️ Consult with your vet for the best flea prevention plan for your pet. Regular check-ups can ensure your pet stays flea-free.6. Baby Flea Infestations: How to Deal with a Large-Scale InfestationBaby flea infestations can be overwhelming, but there are ways to deal with a large-scale infestation. Start by thoroughly cleaning your home, including vacuuming carpets, washing bedding, and treating pets with flea medication. Consider hiring a professional exterminator to treat your home and yard. Use flea traps to catch adult fleas and prevent them from reproducing. Repeat treatments every few weeks to ensure all fleas are eliminated. It's important to act quickly to prevent the infestation from spreading and causing health issues for you and your pets. Keep an eye out for signs of fleas, such as itching and scratching, and treat any infestations promptly. Remember, prevention is key. Regularly grooming and treating your pets with flea medication can help prevent future infestations. 🐶🚫🦟7. Comparing Baby Fleas to Adult Fleas: Key Differences to Know🔍 Baby fleas, also known as larvae, are smaller and lighter in color than adult fleas. 🔍 They lack the ability to jump and instead crawl around on their six legs. 🔍 Unlike adult fleas, baby fleas do not feed on blood but instead consume organic debris. 🔍 The pupal stage is the intermediate stage between the larval and adult stages. 🔍 During this stage, the flea is encased in a cocoon and undergoes metamorphosis. 🔍 Adult fleas are larger and darker in color than baby fleas. 🔍 They have strong legs that allow them to jump up to 100 times their body length. 🔍 Adult fleas feed on the blood of their hosts and can cause irritation and disease transmission. 🔍 Knowing the differences between baby and adult fleas can help with identification and treatment. In conclusion, identifying baby fleas is crucial in preventing infestations. These tiny parasites are often difficult to spot, but their presence can cause discomfort and health issues for both humans and pets. By knowing what to look for and taking preventative measures, you can keep your home and furry friends flea-free. Remember, baby fleas are small and translucent, making them hard to detect. They are often found in carpets, bedding, and furniture. Regular cleaning and vacuuming can help prevent infestations. Don't let these pesky parasites take over your home! 🐜🚫 https://fleatreatment.uk/baby-flea-appearance-facts-photos/?_unique_id=6486c72da0b64
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gcicontrol2000 · 2 years
ما مدى خطورة البراغيث؟
ما مدى خطورة البراغيث؟
ما هي البراغيث؟ البراغيث هي فئة من الحشرات عديمة الأجنحة من رتبة Siphonaptera ؛ إنها طفيليات تعيش حصريًا عن طريق تغذية الدم ، أي استهلاك الدم من كائن حي مضيف. هناك أكثر من 2000 نوع من البراغيث ، ومن خلال التطور تكيفوا لتتغذى على مجموعة متنوعة للغاية من العوائل. هناك براغيث القطط ، وبراغيث الكلاب ، والبراغيث البشرية ، بالإضافة إلى البراغيث التي تتغذى حصريًا على أنواع فردية من الجرذان والطيور…
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Traub Flea Data Books
With work-from-home restrictions in place, I’ve been transcribing the handwritten field notes (Figures 1- 2) of world-renowned flea expert Robert Traub into a digital database. Between 1995 and 1997, Traub donated most of his collection to CMNH. Materials housed in the Traub collection span the globe, from the middle east to central America to islands in the pacific and beyond. The notebook I’m currently transcribing dates back to the mid-1900s, with records from particular field expeditions to Pakistan and Mexico.
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Figure 1. Some of the notebooks written by Robert Traub containing information on his flea specimens.
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Figure 2. One of the pages from a Traub notebook illustrating the specimen data it contains. Eventually, all of this data will be transcribed into electronic format so it can be searched and shared.
This type of retroactive data capture allows us to put standard locality information on specimens formerly associated with just an identification or data code number. This process also allows us to verify and update taxonomic names as necessary. While it’s not nearly as fun as field work, data capture and transcribing are still an important part of collections work.
The Traub collection is estimated to contain nearly 75,000 specimens mounted on glass slides (Figure 3), with 5,000 associated genitalic dissections. The enormous collection is housed in antique cabinetry as well as modern Eberbach cabinets. Almost 7,000 of these specimens only have a data code; thus, my digitization efforts and subsequent labeling continue!
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Figure 3. Several slides from the Traub Flea collection.
Since I started working in IZ nearly three years ago, I have had the distinct privilege of working with different taxa every few months. From Lepidoptera, to Odonata, to Coleoptera, to Arachnida, and now Siphonaptera, these tasks serve as beautiful reminders of the diversity of life here on planet Earth.
Catherine Giles is Curatorial Assistant in the Section of Invertebrate Zoology at Carnegie Museum of Natural History. Museum employees are encouraged to blog about their unique experiences and knowledge gained from working at the museum.
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ratcandy · 1 year
Never in my life have I been so excited to feel something crawling on me and look over to see a flea
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