#Skarsgard wtf dude
That awkward moment when your art and entertainment producing “celeb” crushes start to get closer and closer to you in age until eventually you are either a.) the same age as one of them, b.) none of them are considered too old for you by societal standards anymore or c.) worst of all, you are at least a year or more older than one of them.
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dudepod · 2 years
jude: idk how to describe bill skarsgård besides ✨vibes✨
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al: i'm gonna need stellan skarsgard's secret to having the most beautiful kids cause wtf?? can't wait for more goth bf bill material to drop!
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shit-talk-turner · 1 year
I think that was more because it was ALEXA dating anyone, than particularly Alexander skarsgard // yeah I really don’t think Alex would care if Taylor started dating Alexander LOL. In fact I could see him finding it amusing. He rly doesn’t seem to hold a flame for her at all, I mean he did cheat on her and is still screwing the groupie to this day. It’s completely different than the alexa situation. So idk why ppl think he might still love her when he didn’t even love her enough to remain faithful 😶
the tattoo dude, he has the time, money and access to get that lasered off in an afternoon but it’s still there wtf
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wanderingpages · 4 years
Going through ur bill skarsgard tag and u really was stanning him as Cardan from the jump huh???? I love it. I’m on board.
Omg hahaha god I have a serious crush on this man like I’ve blushed googling him once and my boyfriend goes “dude wtf I’m right next to you. Can’t believe I’m marrying a clown fucker” 🥺😔😩😩😩😩😩
Can someone who likes me and has photoshop skills make me a crackship edit??? I will do whatever u want pls
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girlbookwrm · 6 years
A New Year’s Thor
How did I spend New Year’s? Continuing our mighty pre-endgame rewatch with The Roommate ( @goteamwin ) and The Gal Pal ( @pegasuschick ). We’re watching Thor, the Kenneth Branagh-i-est of the Marvel Movies.
Note: We were all. Very Drunk. 
“You know what’s worked great in all our movies so far? TIME JUMPS!” - every early marvel film.
right away I comment to The Roommate: What is up with all these angled shots? 
The Roommate, a video editor and producer: Actually that’s called a canted shot.
Me, mere moments later: not a lot of shots in this that AREN’T canted, are there.
seriously, watch this movie. If I made note of every canted shot, these rewatch notes would be 90% CANT.
Stellan Skarsgard here bringing the Nord, and Natalie Portman bringing the... wait how the hell did they get Natalie Portman in-- oh right. Kenneth Branagh directed this.
hey it’s Tonsberg! like from CATFA! Neat!
listen there are too many blue cubes in marvel. This was super fucking confusing when I was wee and not yet obsessively into Marvel. There’s the Casket (which the frost giants use) and then there’s the Tesseract (which is different? but also blue??) and let it be known that in the comics there is ALSO the cosmic cube which is NEITHER of those things but the roommate initially called both the Casket and the Tesseract the Cosmic Cube, because -- as was previously mentioned -- this is super fucking confusing.
Let it be known that the Roommate, when quite young, went to see this movie in theaters with her very first boyfriend on her very first date.
The Roommate, Way Back When: So... they’re gods? like? the norse gods?
The Roommate’s Very First Boyfriend: They’re actually aliens.
The Roommate, Now: He was wildly underexplaining this.
what actually is this ceremony? what does it accomplish?
Tom Hiddleston has said nothing yet, but he has said So Much. Also, 
The Roommate: Who is that  lovely woman in the horned helmet? Loki has a beautiful woman’s face.
The Gal Pal: He does make a beautiful mare. The MOST beautiful mare, in fact.
She is Not Wrong.
thank god someone saved us from Malibu Thor here, he is Too Blonde
“I, Odin Allfather, Proclaim you the Frost Giants.” 
this must have been so confusing for all the Asgardians here.
Oh hey it’s Sif and What’s His Face and That Other Guy and F...
fan... dis?
fandral is his name.
At this point, while the fighting was going on, we got a lil side tracked talking about the movie in general.
The Roommate: It’s like the Temptation of Thor. Christ spent 40 days in the desert, Thor spends 48 hours in New Mexico.
The Gal Pal: Are you saying Thor is better at this than Jesus?
The Roommate: No, I’m saying he’s half-baked.
This is the first time Thor flies with the hammer and all i could think was “oh my god the hammer pulled you off???”
Dear Anthony Hopkins, what are your acting choices?
Anthony Hopkins: HUARGH!!!!!
aaaaaand thirty minutes in, we’re finally back to the beginning.
“Yes I did” Darcy is a T R E A S U R E
So much of this movie is Thor becoming unconscious. bless.
All men (with a few odd token women), grilling, pickup trucks, literal “hold my beer” -- u s a, U S A, U! S! A!
Hey! Phil is here!
aw yissss thor with no shirt -- sidenote: he’s definitely freeballing it here, right? I mean there’s no way he’s wearing underwear under those jeans. Doesn’t that chafe on his little hammer?
Let’s all agree that right up until he goes way off the deep end, Loki is 10000% not wrong about any of this. Thor was definitely not ready to be king, he was an idiot. and also, I was never much of a Loki fan, personally, but Loki’s having a real bad day. 
Grows up being told that he was destined to be a king, but there’s only one throne --> has to watch his idiot brother get ?crowned? --> decides to play a prank (who wouldn’t, right?) --> fRoSt GIaNt???????? --> BRoTHerR BAnISHedD????????? --> FROST GIANT???????? --> ODINSLEEP?????????? --> KING NOW?????????? BUT FROST GIANT STILL??????????????
Loki and the Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day
And seriously, what was Odin’s plan here? “I thought we could unite our kingdoms one day, and I’d just pepper in the fact that you’re a frost giant and I kidnapped you and you’d be totally cool with it.”
Odin Allfather: A+ parenting, Literal baby snatcher.
The Roommate: I love that Jane’s motivation isn’t really to get with Thor, it’s to get with SCIENCE.
Sometimes I forget that this is actually a funny movie, but they just had no idea how to handle the comedy in it? like, they had a comedy script and they just filmed it like a straight drama/action movie for some reason.
“A pioneer in gamma radiation” Is that bruce???
follow up: yes. Yes it is Bruce.
The canting here is Very Cant.
What time of year is it in NM that everyone is wearing this many layers.
Thor being all: “I know ur midgardian but I’d tap that.”
Jane Foster: Brilliant Scientist, Menace on the Road.
Why. Why is the SHIELD site set up like this.
What purpose does it serve
W H Y.
(subnote, we investigated this afterwords and apparently it’s designed to look like a sigil of the word SHIELD, like all the letters smooshed on top of each other but also IT IS NOT and also also THAT IS DUMB AS FUCK.)
(though grudgingly, i admit, thematically appropriate given the overall norse-ness of this movie.)
What is causing this rain?
The Roommate: Because, like everything else from Asgard, Meu-myeh is Extra™
Hey it’s Hawkguy!
Side side note, I am pretty sure that I also went to see this movie with my very first boyfriend and he got super excited about Hawkeye like “omg it’s clint and he has a bow and he’s so fucking cool omg omg omg!” and i was just like “????? kay? but he passed over all those obviously superior guns and then he does literally nothing tho????”
fast forward and the first comic i bought for myself was Matt Fraction’s Hawkeye
aaaaand I’m dating a woman now.
Honestly cannot tell if windy or cant
H U A R G H ! ! ! !
I really want to go into the roommate’s Benedict Cumberbatch Upgrade Theory of Tom Hiddleston but also this is getting super long and honestly she’s so right it deserves its own post
nah I’m gonna
The theory goes like this: Bandersnatch Cucumberpatch is an alien scout sent to learn our ways and gain influence in our culture, but he’s like, the first draft. They weren’t really sure what a human was supposed to look like. 
Tom Hiddleston is Model 2.0
Tom Hiddleston is the upgraded Benedict Cumberbatch
The roommate explained this to me and I just looked at her sidelong for a looooooooong minute and said: u sure u want me to put this on the internet? r u sure??
“You have great power, Heimdall”
The Gal Pal: yeah, ur the only black man is Asgard.
Thor: I’m just a man. Just a very tall, very handsome, VERY buff man.
wouldn’t it have been AMAZING if Jane had caught the hammer instead? I mean? WOULDN’T THAT HAVE BEEN FUCKING AWESOME????
Frigga: She Did Her Best, But She Still Raised The Two Dumbest Boys In the Nine Realms.
Despite my earlier statements, Loki definitely does end his day with attempted fratricide, successful patricide, and questionably successful genocide so.
“Is it madness? Is it? IS IT???”
The Roommate: I mean. Yeah, buddy.
At this point, Thor has No Idea what the fuck is going on. he doesn’t know Loki’s a frost giant.
ORRRR he does know, because everyone knew, everyone but Loki always knew.
“you’ve already made me proud” literally all you had to do was say that to your other son one (1) time.
wait is this a foo fighters song???
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lovemesomesurveys · 6 years
What’s one thing you won’t forget about this summer? I don’t have any plans for summer. Are you worried about anything right now? I’m always worried about stuff. Is the last person you kissed a virgin? No. Describe how you feel right now in one word: Hungry. Do you find it hard to trust others? Not really. I just have a hard time expressing myself and just talking about personal things with people.
What are you listening to? Catfish. Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed? Yeah, it would be now. It would be awkward. Who was the last person you cried in front of, and why? My mom. Who was the last person to text you? My brother. Do you open up to a lot of people? Only on here. How many tattoos would you get? I just want one. Can you recall the last time you liked someone? Yes, 3 years ago when I had feelings for Ty. Whose hoodie did you last wear? Mine. Are you currently frustrated with a boy? No. Are you in love? No. What day is tomorrow? Wednesday. When is your birthday? July 28th. Do you like things in life to stay how they are or change? I definitely don’t want things to stay how they are right now that’s for sure. I need a good change. Has anyone upset you in the last week? Yes. Apart from health stuff that I’m dealing with there’s also some family stuff going on. Are you living in the same place you were living in a year ago? Yes. Which side of the bed do you sleep on? I actually sleep more in the center, but horizontally. Are you currently looking for a job? No. Do you own a strapless bra? Yes. Have you ever experienced a tornado? No. What is the highlight of your year so far? This year has not started off well at all. So, doing much tonight? Just an exciting night in bed watching The Voice. So you’re at a party, and some random guy grabs your ass. You react by..? I’d be really caught of guard and just like wtf, dude? What’s the first thing you thought about the person you like? I don’t like anyone in that way currently. Is there anything currently hurting on your body? My body. When was the last time you were truly, completely happy with your life? Childhood years. What are you most looking forward to tomorrow? Nothing. Do you think you will be in a relationship two months from now? No. What is your background on your phone? My lock screen is a photo of Alexander Skarsgard and my home screen is a photo of the ocean with waves and the words, “crybaby” written in blue bubble letters in the center. It’s just some aesthetic type photo. Would you rather be in a permanent relationship or play the field? Relationship. I’m too old for those games. What’s your relationship with the person you last texted? He’s my brother. Has the last person you kissed ever told you they love you? No. Who was the last person to smoke a cigarette in your presence? *shrug* Have you ever done cocaine? No. Have you taken off someones pants lately? Just my own. Honestly who was the first person to tell you they love you? My parents, I’m sure. Do you remember who you liked last year? No one. What did you do today? So far I got up at 9, took my pain medicine and watched TV while I waited for it to kick in, got up and made coffee and had a few mini donuts, watched some more TV and talked with my mom before she went to work, did my Bible study, and now here we are. Like/love someone? Not in the romantic sense. Would you like to be next to that person right now? Whats on your mind? I’m thinking about the food my brother is getting me cause I’m hungryyyy. Are you happier now? Or were you happier 4 months ago? I wasn’t happy now or then, but things weren’t as bad in comparison to how they are right now. And I thought things were bad then. Have you ever broken up with someone and become bitter enemies? No. Do you want to be single? Yes. It’s best right now. Do you like your phone? I do. What’s something you do too much of and should stop? Constantly worry and stress? Kinda hard not to, though. What is your favorite thing to shop for? I was a bit out of control last year with online clothes shopping and I need to chill with that. I’ve been doing good so far, but that’s probably because I’ve been dealing with health stuff and just not in the mood for it. Who is the last person you shared a bed with? Just me, myself, and I.
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sdhs-jared · 6 years
(text from Connor, with an attached image of Bill Skarsgard from the tv show Castle Rock) Help I think I'm sexually attracted to myself?
[text] dude wtf it’s literally one in the morning
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bisluthq · 2 years
Dude chill out. I'm just saying, she obviously was fine dating people she met on movie sets when she was younger. Wtf is your problem
Right so her dating Taylor Lautner at 19 also means that she fucked Alex Skarsgard years later, a man she knew for exactly 4 days and whose onscreen son she also tried to fuck. Because she’s a slut who cannot keep her legs closed even for a second and she informs her fanbase of her exact body count - which is somehow infinite and also 2 - and the racist ass MV they made said she fucked him so there ya go. Right? Right that’s what her “fans” think.
And I’m the anti right because I assume she’s vaguely capable of professional behavior and acting like a responsible mature professional adult 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ but I understand that’s a wild concept for Swifties.
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