#Smart Investing Insights
borngeniusworld · 8 months
A healthy relationship with money
Healthy relationship with money Maintaining a healthy and positive relationship with money involves a combination of mindset, behaviors, and practical strategies. Here are key aspects to consider:1. Mindset Shift: – Abundance vs. Scarcity: Adopt an abundance mindset, focusing on opportunities and possibilities rather than a scarcity mindset centered on limitations. – Gratitude: Acknowledge and…
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cryptonewscentral · 2 months
Ready to master the world of crypto derivatives? 🌐💹 Dive into our latest article and uncover 10 advanced trading strategies that can elevate your game to new heights! 🚀💰 Don't miss out on the secrets to success in the crypto market. Click the link to learn more! 📈✨
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seoexpert1120 · 6 months
Trading Signals
Step into the future of trading with the IndieCATR App for Trade Signals! Unleash the power of the first mobile-only platform offering AI-based timing signals for everyone. Elevate your trading experience and align yourself with professional technical traders for unparalleled success.
Embark on a revolutionary journey as we introduce a groundbreaking upgrade, seamlessly integrating cutting-edge technologies, including artificial intelligence, machine learning, and extensive backtesting. The IndieCATR App's fully-automated daily trading signals redefine the trading landscape, providing a gateway for the average trader to enhance accuracy and make well-informed entries and exits. This upgrade goes beyond, introducing refined risk management strategies, ensuring a comprehensive and user-friendly trading experience.
Our vision is clear—to empower amateur traders with the same technical signal analysis capabilities enjoyed by high-performance and professional traders worldwide. We believe in leveling the playing field, making advanced trading strategies accessible to everyone.
Key Features: • Mobile-Only Platform: Access AI-based timing signals conveniently on your mobile device. • Professional Insights: Align with the strategies of high-performance technical traders. • Cutting-Edge Technologies: Benefit from AI, machine learning, and extensive backtesting. • Fully-Automated Signals: Daily signals for accurate entries and exits, empowering every trader. • Risk Management: Refined strategies for a comprehensive and secure trading experience. Know more here Trading Signals
The IndieCATR App is not just an upgrade; it's a revolution in democratizing trading expertise. Join us in reshaping the future of trading—download now and unlock the potential for success in every trade!
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financesavvytips · 1 year
Smart Home Buying Unveiled: Avoid These 4 Costly Mistakes for a Smooth Purchase Process
The journey towards homeownership is a monumental chapter in the book of life, where aspirations meet reality, and dreams find a place to call home. The prospect of owning a piece of real estate is exhilarating, yet beneath the excitement lies a complex landscape laden with potential pitfalls. In the realm of home buying, knowledge is power, and avoiding common mistakes can be the key to a…
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biglisbonnews · 1 year
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Smart grids and digitalisation – more effort needed says IEA More effort is needed on smart grids and digitalisation, the IEA’s Tracking Clean Energy Progress 2023 update has reported. https://www.smart-energy.com/digitalisation/smart-grids-and-digitalisation-more-effort-needed-says-iea/
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moonastro · 6 months
Juno persona chart
mercury in the houses
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what is a juno persona chart? looking into juno persona chart gives more detailed insight of how the relationship and marriage overall of you and your spouse will be like. it also describes them in a sense as well. The Greek Goddess Juno is described to rule over love and marriage and hence why the asteroid is looked into for that theme.
mercury is a planet of communication, the mind and the way one talks about things. mercury in the juno persona chart gives insight on how the couple communicates and the mental connection between the two.
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reminder: this is my interpretation from observations and first hand experiences, so don't take this to heart.
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mercury in 1st house: since this house is ruled by mars lots of quick speech and lots of quick thinking within the marriage. lots of arguing and conflict when it comes to words like using vulgar language quite often and so on. They can quickly grow bored with routine and may need continual mental stimulation and excitement. They like expressing their thoughts, opinions, and ideas with others and may have a natural knack for public speaking or performing arts. They may influence people with their words and thoughts so they can easily get what they want from their partner. ego can be very pungent during communication, so you show your true self when in depth of conversation with your partner and are very ethical and true to what you say.
spouse may have their natal mercury in aries, 1st house, fire sign, fire house (1,5,9)
mercury in 2nd house: each party's thought process is very structured and this is the perfect example of thinking before speaking. whatever comes out of this placements mouth is meaningful and important. speaking pace may be sensual and slow, very clear communication between the two. likely to state the obvious and most predictable and logical things. this placements doesn't like to complicate things so they just get to the point. They may love looking into investment possibilities, analysing market trends, and developing smart financial strategies to increase their wealth and security. This placement may cause money-related anxiety or tension, particularly if they believe they have little control over their financial status so discussions about finance to their partner is common.
spouse may have their natal mercury in taurus, 2nd house, earth sign, earth house (2,6,10)
mercury in 3rd house: communication is very forward and free. no hesitations when it comes to talking to each other. talking is a very important part of the relationship and when something happens the couple just need to talk it out. its all about talking it out. it can be quite damaging actually if there is a block in free communication. Shared interests in studying, reading, and debating diverse topics might be a strong bonding aspect in their relationships. This location indicates versatility and flexibility in communication approaches. Individuals may readily change their method of expressing themselves to fit different situations to their other half. They are more inclined to appreciate their partner if they are as adaptable and open-minded in their communication style.
spouse may have their natal mercury in gemini, 3rd house, air sign, air house (3,7,11)
mercury in 4th house: lots of open and honest communicative styles for this placement. sensitive topics may be a theme for this placement also. both party's communicate with a respectable and loving matter for the other person. including family members or talking about them is common. The individual may come from a household that values open communication and engages in frequent conversation, debate, and idea sharing from what they learnt from their household. They may have learnt to express themselves vocally from an early age and are comfortable conversing with family members. They may find it easier to express their feelings verbally rather than physically, and they may seek intellectual relationships with family members to meet their emotional demands. They may also be prone to overanalysing or intellectualising their emotions in order to gain a better understanding of their partner.
spouse may have their natal mercury in cancer, 4th house, water sign, water house (4,8,12)
mercury in 5th house: very playful and unserious topics can be talked about in the relationship. this placements communication style is quite sensual but very fun and playful, which of course leads to arguments so be careful with that. They may have a way with words that is fascinating and captivating, making them exceptional storytellers. They may also have a sense of humour and wit, and they use words to express themselves and entertain others. These people can exhibit their creativity through writing, public speaking, acting, or any other means of self-expression. They may have a natural flair for presenting their thoughts in innovative and engaging ways, which sets them apart in artistic endeavours. They may love flirting, light-hearted bantering, and verbal expressions of affection. They may also value their intellectual relationship with heir partner and like engaging in fascinating talks.
spouse may have their natal mercury in leo, 5th house, fire sign, fire house (1,5,9)
mercury in 6th house: this placement enjoys mental stimulation and is constantly working their mind. for example in marriage, when going on about the day, this placement cant take their mind of what they did before they left the house, like thinking if they turned off the lights or if they locked the door and so on. lots of precautions and overthinking for this placement. which leads to being critical in everything that they say, like after a conversation between both parties this placement rethinks the whole speaking process and thinks of what they could have said and what they said that was wrong. likely to debate on practical things like where to go for grocery shopping or what gym to go to and so on. lots of conversations about work and routine for example asking 'how was your day', 'how was work?' and so forth. daily check ins and having a routine with their conversations are common. very honest when it comes to health matters, if they are worried about their partners health they take initiative.
spouse may have their natal mercury in virgo, 6th house, earth sign, earth house (2,6,10)
mercury in 7th house: They may express themselves freely and honestly to their partners while expecting the same amount of communication in return. Clear and honest communication is critical to sustaining harmony in their relationships. They may examine the benefits and drawbacks of their relationships, assess their compatibility, and use logic to better comprehend their partner's point of view. These people may be open to new ideas, prepared to negotiate, and find concessions in disagreements. They can readily tailor their communication style to the demands of their partners. They may settle issues by good conversation, identifying common ground, and achieving mutually beneficial agreements. Individuals may need to avoid being overly critical or nit-picky in their relationships with partners.
spouse may have their natal mercury in libra, 7th house, air sign, air house (3,7,11)
mercury in 8th house: very very intense topics. communication is very deep and spiritually inclined. lots of talks about taboo things that others may not feel comfortable with. communication can be full of secrets, discovery of each other throughout communication. this is a very 'i want to know all of who you are' kind of placement. very intense. questions everything about their partner to the tiniest detail. They want to understand the psychological undercurrents of their relationships and are interested in themes that delve into the depths of human experience. Communication in these partnerships is passionate, intimate, and transforming. Their intellectual curiosity motivates them to seek out hidden truths and go into the unknown, both inside themselves and in their relationship. They are more inclined to discuss common money, investments, or shared objectives, in order to build trust and mutual understanding in their marriage. They may be adept at expressing their deepest ideas and feelings, establishing intimacy and trust in their relationships via open and honest communication. They recognise the power of words to heal, empower, and promote progress, and they may actively strive to utilise communication as a tool for personal and relationship development. These people may be drawn to therapy or counselling for personal or professional reasons, and they may have an innate ability to recognise the underlying motivations and dynamics in their interactions.
spouse may have their natal mercury in scorpio, 8th house, water sign, water house (4,8,12)
mercury in 9th house: These folks' relationships rely heavily on deep, meaningful talks and the exchange of ideas. They are prone to admire conversations about broad opinions and an interest in investigating a variety of topics, such as philosophy, religion, or cultural differences. They can show their love and affection through vocal expression, exchanging ideas, and participating in debates or conversations. They value communications that are exhibited well and articulate their thoughts clearly. Travelling together or participating in educational activities as a couple may strengthen their relationship and promote mutual understanding. They may also be in long-distance relationships, having met their spouses while travelling or studying overseas. They like sharing their expertise and experiences with their partner and may feel satisfaction in assisting them to learn and grow. They also value their partner who can teach them new things and widen their horizons. Their connections may include a variety of cultural influences and intellectual hobbies, which enriches their shared experiences.
spouse may have their natal mercury in sagittarius, 9th house, fire sign, fire house (1,5,9)
mercury in 10th house: You and your partner may have a strong cerebral connection and like discussing, debating, and exchanging ideas. both party's perception is intelligent, intellectually fascinating, and capable of participating in meaningful talks. You and your spouse may assist each other's job ambitions by providing practical advice and networking opportunities. Your connection may be tied to your public image or require professional collaboration. You and your partner may approach difficulties logically, using facts and analysis to identify answers. You may also be skilled at talking with authoritative people or navigating professional situations together. Engaging in intellectual pursuits like studying, attending workshops, or discussing ideas helps to improve your partnership. You may also be concerned about how society perceives your relationship and how it affects your own reputations. You may need to be careful not to allow work-related stress or goals dominate the quality time you spend with your partner.
spouse may have their natal mercury in capricorn, 10th house, earth sign, earth house (2,6,10)
mercury in 11th house: communication style is unique for the both of you. maybe it's not something you are used to nor they are either. its a you and them only thing. lots of texting and messages can be sent in marriage, so even when you are not together you still get the time to communicate with them through your phone. lots of speaking with other people like social groups, work, colleagues that you haven't before. Individuals may clearly and precisely describe their future visions, communicating their intentions to others through verbal or writing means. They may also seek comments and advice from their social group in order to refine their goals. Individuals are more inclined to accept fresh ideas, differing viewpoints from their partner. They may be drawn to unorthodox or avant-garde ideas that challenge standard thinking.
spouse may have their natal mercury in aquarius, 11th house, air sign, air house (3,7,11)
mercury in 12th house: Individuals with this placement may have a highly intuitive and attentive communication style, catching up on subtle hints and nonverbal signs. They may have an innate ability to grasp unsaid thoughts and feelings, making them skilled at empathising and providing support in the relationship. this might suggest a preference for secrecy or prudence in communicating. These people may choose to keep certain thoughts and ideas to themselves or express them exclusively in private circumstances. They may be hesitant about disclosing too much about oneself, preferring to retain an air of mystery or seclusion in their dealings. so communication between the couple is very peaceful and intuitive. Individuals with this placement may thrive in areas requiring artistic expression, such as writing, poetry, music, or visual arts. lots of love notes and creating art dedicated to their partner is their love language. These individuals may have a great understanding of the human mind, including their own their partners underlying motives. They may be interested in psychology, psychotherapy, or other disciplines that deal with the complexity of human behaviour and emotions. They may have a natural capacity to connect with their instincts and gut sensations, which may help them navigate the hidden intricacies of relationships. They may also find fulfilment in discussing spiritual or philosophical issues, hoping to get a better grasp of the mysteries of existence.
spouse may have their natal mercury in pisces, 12th house, water sign, water house (4,8,12)
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thanks for reading 🫶🏻have a nice day🤍
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An end to the climate emergency is in our grasp
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On June 20, I'm keynoting the LOCUS AWARDS in OAKLAND.
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The problem with good news in the real world is that it's messy. Neat happy endings are for novels, not the real world, and that goes double for the climate emergency. But even though good climate news is complicated and nuanced, that doesn't mean it shouldn't buoy our spirits and fill our hearts with hope.
The big climate news this past week is the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's clarion call about surging CO2 levels – the highest ever – amid a year that is on track to have the largest and most extreme series of weather events in human history:
This is genuinely alarming and you – like me – have probably experienced it as a kind of increase in your background radiation of climate anxiety. Perhaps you – like me – even experienced some acute, sit-bolt-upright-in-bed-at-2AM anxiety as a result. That's totally justifiable. This is very real, very bad news.
And yet…
The news isn't all bad, and even this terrible dispatch from the NOAA is best understood in context, which Bill McKibben provides in his latest newsletter post, "What You Want is an S Curve":
Financier and their critics should all be familiar with Stein's Law: "anything that can't go on forever will eventually stop." This is true outside of finance as well. One of the reasons that we're seeing such autophagic panic from the tech companies is that their period of explosive growth is at an end.
For years, they told themselves that they were experiencing double-digit annual growth because they were "creating value" and "innovating" but the majority of their growth was just a side-effect of the growth of the internet itself. When hundreds of millions of people get online every year, the dominant online services will, on average, gain hundreds of millions of new users.
But when you run out of people who don't have internet access, your growth is going to slow. How can it not? Indeed, at that point, the only ways to grow are to either poach users from your rivals (through the very expensive tactics of massive advertising and sales-support investments, on top of discounts and freebies as switching enticements), or to squeeze your own users for more.
That's why the number of laptops sold in America slowed down. It's why the number of cellphones sold in America slowed down. It's why the number of "smart home" gizmos slowed down.
Even the steepest hockey-stick-shaped exponential growth curve eventually levels off and becomes an S-curve, because anything that can't go on forever will eventually stop.
One way or another, the world's carbon emissions will eventually level off. Even if we drive ourselves to (or over) the brink of extinction and set up the conditions for wildfires that release all the carbon stored in all the Earth's plants, the amount of carbon we pump into the atmosphere has to level off.
Rendering the Earth incapable of sustaining human civilization (or life) is the ultimate carbon reduction method – but it's not my first choice.
That's where McKibben's latest newsletter comes in. He cites a new report from the Rocky Mountain Institute, which shows a major reversal in our energy sources, a shift that will see our energy primarily provided by renewables, with minimal dependence on fossil fuels:
The RMI team says that in this year or next, we'll have hit peak demand for fossil fuels (a fact that is consistent with NOAA's finding that we're emitting more CO2 than ever). The reason for this is that so much renewable energy is about to come online, and it is so goddamned cheap, that we are about to undergo a huge shift in our energy consumption patterns.
This past decade saw a 12-fold increase in solar capacity, a 180-fold increase in battery storage, and a 100-fold increase in EV sales. China is leading the world in a cleantech transition, with the EU in close second. Cleantech is surging in places where energy demand is also still growing, like India and Vietnam. Fossil fuel use has already peaked in Thailand, South Africa and every country in Latin America.
We're on the verge of solar constituting an absolute majority of all the world's energy generation. This year, batteries will overtake pumped hydro for energy storage. Every cleantech metric is growing the way that fossil fuels did in previous centuries: investment, patents, energy density, wind turbine rotor size. The price of solar is on track to halve (again) in the next decade.
In short, cleantech growth looks like the growth of other technologies that were once rarities and then became ubiquitous overnight: TV, cellphones, etc. That growth isn't merely being driven by the urgency of the climate emergency: it's primarily a factor of how fucking great cleantech is:
Fossil fuels suck. It's not just that they wreck the planet, or that their extraction is both politically and environmentally disastrous. They just aren't a good way to make energy. About a third of fossil fuel energy is wasted in production and transportation. A third! Another third is wasted turning fossil fuels into energy. Two thirds! The net energy efficiency of fossil fuels is about 37%.
Compare that with cleantech. EVs convert electricity to movement with 80-90% efficiency. Heat pumps are 300% efficient (the main fuel for your heat pump is the heat in the atmosphere, not the electricity it draws).
Cleantech is just getting started – it's still in the hockey-stick phase. That means those efficiency numbers are only going up. Rivian just figured out how to remove 1.6 miles of copper wire from each vehicle. That's just one rev – there's doubtless lots of room for more redesigns that will further dematerialize EVs:
As McKibben points out, there's been a lot of justifiable concern that electrification will eventually use up all our available copper, but copper demand has remained flat even as electrification has soared – and this is why. We keep figuring out new ways to electrify with fewer materials:
This is exactly what happened with previous iterations of tech. The material, energy and labor budgets of cars, buildings, furniture, etc all fell precipitously every time there was a new technique for manufacturing them. Renewables are at the start of that process. There's going to be a lot of this dematerialization in cleantech. Calculating the bill of materials for a planetary energy transition isn't a matter of multiplying the materials in current tech by the amount of new systems we'll need – as we create those new systems, we will constantly whittle down their materials.
What's more, global instability drives cleantech uptake. The Russian invasion of Ukraine caused a surge in European renewables. The story that energy prices are rising due to renewables (or carbon taxes) is a total lie. Fossil fuels are getting much more expensive, thanks to both war and rampant, illegal price-fixing:
If not for renewables, the incredible energy shocks of the recent years would be far more severe.
The renewables story is very good and it should bring you some comfort. But as McKibben points out, it's still not enough – yet. The examples of rapid tech uptake had big business on their side. America's living rooms filled with TV because America's largest businesses pulled out all the stops to convince everyone to buy a TV. By contrast, today's largest businesses – banks, oil companies and car companies – are working around the clock to stop cleantech adoption.
We're on track to double our use of renewables before the decade is over. But to hold to the (already recklessly high) targets from the Paris Accord, we need to triple our renewables usage. As McKibben says, the difference between doubling and tripling our renewables by 2030 is the difference between "survivable trouble" and something much scarier.
The US is experiencing a welcome surge in utility scale solar, but residential solar is stalling out as governments withdraw subsidies or even begin policies that actively restrict rooftop solar:
McKibben says the difference between where we are now and bringing back the push for home solar generation is the difference between "fast" and "faster" – that is the difference between tripling renewables by 2030 (survivable) and doubling (eek).
Capitalism stans who argue that we can survive the climate emergency with market tools will point to the good news on renewable and say that the market is the only way to transition to renewables. It's true that market forces are partly responsible for this fast transition. But the market is also the barrier to a faster (and thus survivable) transition. The oil companies, the banks who are so invested in fossil fuels, the petrostates who distort the world's politics – they're why we're not much farther along.
The climate emergency was never going to be neatly solved. We weren't going to get a neat novelistic climax that saw our problems sorted out in a single fell swoop. We're going to be fighting all the way to net zero, and after that, we'll still have decades of climate debt to pay down: fires, floods, habitat loss, zoonotic plagues, refugee crises.
But we should take our wins. Even if we're far from where we need to be on renewables, we're much farther along on renewables than we had any business hoping for, just a few years ago. The momentum is on our side. It's up to us to use that momentum and grow it. We're riding the hockey-stick, they're on that long, flat, static top of the S-curve. Their curve is leveling off and will start falling, ours will grow like crazy for the rest of our lives.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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mindfulstudyquest · 6 months
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❥﹒♡﹒☕﹒ 𝗽𝗿𝗼 𝘁𝗶𝗽𝘀 𝘁𝗼 𝗴𝗲𝘁 𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗮'𝘀
having good grades doesn't necessarily mean you're smart, a test or exam can't always determine someone's intelligence, but it's academic validation we crave, right? so here are some tips thanks to which you will get straight a's.
𝟭. understand what the professor wants ( 🪼 )
learning the entire book by heart is tiring and basically useless. we take our education seriously, but it's impossible to know everything about everything, so inevitably there will be topics we can gloss over. check old tests, listen to the teacher during the lecture, talk to students who have already attended the course and passed the exam. understand which aspects your professor particularly cares about and concentrate on those, your exam will certainly go well.
𝟮. strengthen your memorization ( 🦋 )
very often the amount of things to study is just too much and, even though you spend all day in the library rereading the topics again and again, you feel that it is not enough. you get confused, you forget steps, you get lost in the labyrinth of the subject. investing in understanding your form of memorization will benefit you in the long run. identify your type of memory (spatial, photographic, echoic, etc.) and focus on how to improve it. having a good memory will make your studying for the exam much faster and easier.
𝟯. pay attention in class ( 🫧 )
attend all lectures and take notes. much of your studying comes from your professor's lecture. underline the important things in your textbook, carefully follow their speech and - if there are any - their powerpoint slides, writing only the things that the teacher adds and which are not written either in the book or in the extra material, if necessary, record the lesson so you can listen to it again at a later time.
𝟰. organize your notes the same day ( 🧃 )
when i take notes in class i write badly and quickly to keep up with the teacher, shortening words or omitting passages.  by reorganizing your notes that same evening (at most the next day, if you really don't have time) you can revise your work when the lesson is still fresh in your mind; if you wait too long, you will forget most of the things and you will find yourself staring blankly at pages of notes which, at that point, will seem more like hieroglyphics to you than anything else.
𝟱. use ai responsibly ( 🪴 )
artificial intelligence is everywhere nowadays and why not use it to our advantage? of course i'm not suggesting that you let an ai take care of all your tests and essays, it wouldn't make sense, however very often it helped me make a list of key points to develop in a research paper, or gave me excellent ideas and insights for projects. they can also be used to create flashcards, summarize and simplify articles, or create practice tests based on the material you will have to study.
𝟲. delve deeper into your “whys” ( 🌾 )
sometimes when i study i stare into space and wonder why i am studying something that seems completely irrelevant to my path. i'm sure it happens to you too, don't ignore this feeling. don't be afraid to explore themes and topics that aren't clear to you, if two statements seem contradictory ask yourself why, if you don't understand some passages, don't be afraid to ask a question. we study for ourselves, before studying to graduate, to work. there is no shame in not understanding, your intelligence lies in striving to clarify what seems obscure.
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renphousa · 8 months
Why You Should Buy an Easy Setup Scale ASAP
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In the realm of modern wellness, investing in an Easy Setup Scale such as the Renpho Scale is not just a convenience but a necessity. The contemporary lifestyle demands efficiency, and this smart scale delivers just that.
With the Renpho Smart Scale, the mundane task of tracking your weight becomes a seamless experience. Its intuitive design and cutting-edge technology allow for effortless synchronization with your smartphone, providing real-time insights into your health journey.
This scale isn't just about numbers; it's about holistic wellness. By incorporating advanced features like body composition analysis, the Renpho Scale offers a comprehensive view of your fitness progress. From BMI to body fat percentage, it's like having a personal health coach at your fingertips.
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redphlox · 2 months
No matter how bnha ends, I'm grateful that I became invested because it brought me joy, and it gifted me the euphoric experience of getting to know one of my favorite characters ever: Touya Todoroki, Dabi. I will always love him, and he will always have a special place in my heart. Nothing can change that or take that away from me. Shouto, too. The soba brothers are eternal to me.
It's so typical of me to be drawn to the mysterious, cold, brooding characters, haha. Shouto and Dabi immediately captured my attention when I first watched/read bnha with @fox-conscious. I took a break from following the series for a few years until November 2020, when I casually logged into Tumblr after months of not checking and saw chapter 290 Dabi's Dance leaks. It must have been fate. Suddenly, I was fully immersed in the manga again, excited that the obvious familial connection between my two favorites was officially confirmed. This reveal reignited my excitement and gave me something to focus on and look forward to during a challenging first semester in grad school, when I was on the cusp of realizing I needed professional help for my eating disorder.
To deal with the stress and have fun, I turned to reading and writing meta, and trying to make friends to share the experience with. That's the most important thing that has come from following this series... I've met so many incredible people who mean a lot to me:
@haleigh-sloth has become a really dear and close friend of mine. We met because of this manga and bonded over crepes, breakfast foods, pasta or ramen dinners, shopping at the mall, swimming in the river, walking her dogs, sleepovers, traveling, and road trips because of our shared love of the characters and story. We are basically the same person and constantly say the same things at the same time. Through the ups and downs of school, work, moving, and even now, we've always had each other's backs and shared countless moments of laughter and ugly cackling because we can't take shit seriously, ever. She's one of my best friends for life and I can't imagine NOT having her around!
@todomitoukei was one of the first friends I made in this fandom. I can always count on her to make the funniest jokes I've ever heard, especially during a completely serious conversation, and I'm astounded how smart, quick-witted, and talented she is. Truly an inspiration. I always look forward to seeing notifications that she messaged me because she brightens my day <3
I've had the great pleasure of meeting and hugging @hamliet TWICE! She has a generous heart and an inviting, calm aura. Her kindness and intelligence are remarkable. I genuinely enjoy discussing all sorts of topics with her, both silly and serious: life, hopes and dreams, fears and daily struggles, funny memes, reading and writing. I also love seeing her pet photos and can't wait to meet them in the future.
@transhawks is truly my most insane friend, and I say that lovingly and in the most ironic way because he's level-headed, creative, articulate, and self-aware. I'm always learning from him. I can talk to him for hours and never run out of things to say, and I always look forward to his insightful commentary about anything and everything.
And of course, I'm grateful for all the discord shenanigans with my friends: watching the anime together, voice calls, memes, sharing ideas, etc. @chocolate-biscuit who always pops into the chat with funny one-liners that leave me cackling for days when they flash in my head randomly, @bootlickerhawks who is the bestest horse person ever and I get excited to see on my dash, @helga-grinduil who is the saltiest and funniest person on this hellsite and also happens to make the best bnhaedits in this entire fandom, @jecook who is one of the sweetest people I've ever met and can't wait to read fix-it fics from, @mettywiththenotes who sends cute dog pictures and makes the most hilarious memes. Together we are all unhinged, and I love it. Despite living in different time zones, different counties, we've all create a fun space to cohabitate, and I think that's really cool and beautiful.
Hmm. Looks like the real treasure was the friends I made along the way, and the shared trauma of having our favorite characters mishandled by their creator was worth it. Can't wait to keep writing fics, making memes, and making new friends like @shortstrawberryshake because of this manga. And, I can't wait to keep loving Touya and Shouto Todoroki, of course <3
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The first pokemon I got really attached to was Shinx. Would Shinx be a good pet?
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Shinxes are surprisingly (at least to me) a fairly good candidate for pethood. Like many, if not most, electric-type pokémon, there’s some definite safety concerns when it comes to shinxes, but their friendly demeanor and small size bring up their score to a B rank.
Shinxes are small, social critters (Shield). They are not particularly violent, much preferring to distract and flee from threats rather than fighting them (Diamond). I will point out, however, that shinxes are pretty rough-and-tumble. Shinxes are playful and energetic (pun intended). Shinxes with the ability Rivalry may be more likely to wrestle with other pokémon of the same gender, which can become dangerous for pokémon without the immunities to electricity that shinxes have.
Speaking of electricity: being electric-type pokémon, shinxes of course have the ability to generate and use electricity as a result of their peculiar biology. Shinxes have evolved to have a muscle-based system in their forelegs that can generate an electric charge that is used for multiple purposes (Pearl, Platinum). When a shinx has built up a lot of electric charge, they will tremble excitedly (Shield). The primary use shinxes have for this electric charge is self-defense. When shinxes feel threatened, their fluffy fur begins to glow brilliantly to momentarily blind and disorient enemies (Diamond). Similarly using the glow of their charged-up fur, shinxes use flashes of light to communicate with other members of the species (Shield).
Now, interestingly, it seems like shinxes have control over their electric charge; while their glowing threat response may be instinctual, we don’t see shinxes wildly discharging electricity outside of their control. That being said, they likely need to discharge somehow, unless they are able to generate infinite amounts of energy without discomfort.
Of course, shinxes can use the electric charge they build up in their legs to perform a variety of dangerous moves. While moves like Wild Charge and Crunch allow shinxes to deal a lot of straightforward damage to foes, they can also use many moves to insight paralysis, which is, needless to say, pretty dangerous depending on the context. So, think about what we’ve covered so far: shinxes are playful creatures that build up a lot of charge by running around and playing. Even if your shinx is well trained and doesn’t attack people with the intention of harming them, playing with a shinx can be rather hazardous alone. Caring for a shinx would require finding safe ways for your pet to discharge the electricity that they build up. It would be smart to invest in toys that can absorb electricity to keep your shinx’s charge low.
While caring for one may not be the easiest, shinxes would certainly not make the worst pets! If you are really determined to adopt one, it wouldn’t be too hard to make it work. Just make sure you know what you’re getting into!
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rg-notes · 2 years
Berkshire Hathaway Shareholder Letter 2022, Reactions
Every year I enjoy reading Warren Buffets' predictably charming annual Berkshire Hathaway Shareholder letter. I dare you to find another annual investor letter you can remotely describe as charming. Anyhow, this year's letter published February 23 was another winner. As a builder turned investor I can't look to a better influence on my decision making than Warren and his partner Charlie Munger. Their humility, their focus on long-term relationships, and their emphasis on pragmatism alongside an expectation of excellence are all values I hold dear and hope to instill into Saltwater and our businesses for years to come.
Here's what stood out to me.
Hammering home the basics
We’re reminded that these gents look at companies, not stocks… “Charlie and I are not stock-pickers; we are business-pickers.” Buying a stock is just a tiny fraction of the company you’re getting, evaluate it as such. So why buy stocks vs majority ownership? A question we ask ourselves at Saltwater often? There is but one critical difference for the critical eyed investor. The difference between public "stocks" and privately owned businesses based on Warren’s insights… “stocks often trade at truly foolish prices...while a controlled business gives no thought to selling at a panic-type valuation.” Good enough for me. We’ll be keeping our eyes open for foolish prices.
Shareholder financial education
Warren shares an anecdote about share repurchases and the misled villainization of them.
“The math isn’t complicated: When the share count goes down, your interest in our many businesses goes up. Every small bit helps if repurchases are made at value-accretive prices. Just as surely, when a company overpays for repurchases, the continuing shareholders lose. At such times, gains flow only to the selling shareholders and to the friendly, but expensive, investment banker who recommended the foolish purchases. 
Gains from value-accretive repurchases, it should be emphasized, benefit all owners – in every respect. Imagine, if you will, three fully-informed shareholders of a local auto dealership, one of whom manages the business. Imagine, further, that one of the passive owners wishes to sell his interest back to the company at a price attractive to the two continuing shareholders. When completed, has this transaction harmed anyone? Is the manager somehow favored over the continuing passive owners? Has the public been hurt?”
We were able to execute a value-accretive share repurchase in a portfolio company this year and while it wasn’t a smooth process, it was a very good decision for all our shareholders. Thanks Warren.
Praise of his best companies
How many times have you heard Warren discuss Coke, Amex, and See’s Candies? Effectively every time he or Charlie open their mouths. Charlie’s personal fav is Costco based on my experience with him. This year Warren reminds us that in 1994, BRK completed a 7 year buying spree of over 400 million shares of Coke stock for a total of $1.3B. He reminds us the value of those dividends almost a billion, as well as stock price appreciation, that 400 million share position is worth >$25B today. 
He doesn’t paint this investment as an obvious or easy one however. “The weeds wither away in significance as the flowers bloom… it takes just a few winner to work wonders.”  
Endless love for his partner Charlie Munger
I love looking for how many times Warren uses the phrase, "Charlie and I...", this year it was 10. He's clearly smitten with his long-time friend and partner for good reason, but this was my favorite tidbit of Charlie appreciation...
"Find a very smart high-grade partner – preferably slightly older than you – and then listen very carefully to what he says."
He includes a response that Charlie will often use back to Warren when they are in decision-making mode.
“Warren, think more about it. You’re smart and I’m right.”
See what I mean… charming. Greater than the Coke investment, or the Costco investment, Warren's appreciation of Charlie's wisdom & friendship are what anchor his brilliance in my mind.
The elephant in the room… transition insights
With Charlie at 99 and Warren at 92, every communication is reasonably analyzed for hints around their transitions. I don’t believe there will be one until one or both pass. Sad, but likely true.
Charlie talks about Berkshire in the general sense a few times in this years letter where it feels like he’s writing rules to operate by for others versus telling the shareholder how “he” specifically will operate.
Our CEO will always be the Chief Risk Officer
At Berkshire, there will be no finish line.
Our CEOs will have a significant part of their net worth in Berkshire shares, bought with their own money.
I certainly hope there is an internal rule on the last point and it would be helpful to know what that $ amount is. While these aren’t all that telling as to the timing of a transition of either partners health condition it’s clear that Warren’s thinking is still spot on.
I hope you enjoy and absorb these letters as much as I do. 
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Pick a picture 1 - 2 - 3
Hello, Pile 1! In October you may be on a crossroad. You will need to make significant choices/decisions regarding personal relationships. (any bonds you share with others, but especially romantic). Some of you may start a new relationship, but majority may say "Goodbye" to a toxic person, who stops you from personal growth and so many other positive things. That's why there may be some disagreements or conflicts. You may be fed up with it. So, you may need to walk away from conflicts that aren't win-win for you or where there's no clear resolution in sight. Don't waste your energy and time by trying to change someone's decision or vision. It's better to reflect on your actions and intentions, ensuring they align with who you want to be. Deep introspections are coming your way. You may spend time alone, delving into your thoughts, feelings and experiences. It's a time for seeking wisdom, answers and understanding. You may get clarity via psy consultations, coaching, personal tarot readings (I'll be glad to help you!), deep meditations, books about spirituality, self-awareness. Then you may become a source of guidance and light for others, offering wisdom or clarity in their moments of darkness. Personal readings are available! Donations - https://destream.net/live/FreyaTarot/donate 🧚🏻
Hello, Pile 2! October may be a time for you to assess the progress you've made in certain areas of your life (work, finances or personal projects). Take a moment to reflect on what you've planted and nurtured thus far. It may be an excellent time to manage your finances (budgeting, investing) or finding ways to increase your income. Remember that your efforts will eventually bear fruit. You may want to spend more time outdoors, do gardening or any activity that helps you connect with the earth. You also may buy some crystals that can clean your personal energy and energy of your house. Citrine can bring luck and abundance into your life. Talking about your home, you may have a focus on home, family and daily responsibilities. You will have a chance to improve your relationships with your mom. Clear communication is essential during negotiations, daily interactions. Additionally, you may need to make decisions based on logic rather than emotions. . You also may consult/interact with someone who smart, logical and authoritative. Upholding your principles, being truthful will be highlighted. Personal readings are available! Donations - https://destream.net/live/FreyaTarot/donate 🧚🏻
Hello, Pile 2! October might present unexpected emotional news or insights. It may come in a form of a new romantic interest, a rekindling of feelings or a fresh creative inspiration. Some of you may meet a potential partner during a trip, travel. Listen to your intuitive side. Pay attention to your dreams, your emotions and the subtle signs around you. A great month to do something artistic or creative, expressing your innermost feelings through art. October will be filled with spontaneous adventures or unexpected journeys, travels (some of you may even move somewhere else or have contact with foreigners). You'll be encouraged to chase after what sets your heart ablaze. Take bold steps or make significant moves in areas that you're passionate about. Expect a significant forward thrust. You may be called to pursue your goals with heightened energy and direction. Moreover, you may be managing conflicts or trying to bring harmony to contrasting viewpoints.
Personal readings are available! Donations - https://destream.net/live/FreyaTarot/donate 🧚🏻
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shinobufied · 2 years
one thing I dislike about the take that Dutch has ~always been that way~ and just kinda acted sane (as far as that works) for +20 years is that it paints Hosea as a complete fool.
Don't get me wrong, I don't think Hosea is completely untouchable, out of this world, a god amongst humans but he isn't stupid. As far as we are concerned he is a master at seeing through people, he reads them and tricks them like no other.
He's very smart and observant, often the one to take a step back and think things through thrice before investing into them and somehow you want to tell me he looked at loud, boisterous, energetic (supposedly manipulative) Dutch at the very beginning and thought "my god this guy is full of shit"?
Now, we don't really have any insight on how they really were before Blackwater or even years back when they took in Arthur but I truly and utterly believe that Dutch was making a real effort to do good, from the bottom of his heart, that he really tried to be better and ultimately failed. (and yeah, surely partly bc it stroked his ego but nonetheless)
Like, the first time we see, or rather hear that Dutch may be a little silly is in Colter, right after Blackwater when it was revelaed that he killed an innocent woman. This was also the very first severe stress situation we have "seen" Dutch in. He got lead on, maybe even set up after what sounded like a long period of luck and success and now him and everyone tagging along is in danger and everything has gone to shit.
The one that then seemed increasingly concerned and insisted on knowing what happened was Hosea. My thoughts are that Hosea knew that Dutch tended to act rash in stressful situations and that there was something nagging on his conscious, telling him that something went horribly wrong. Because he knew Dutch.
Dutch on the other hand started to grow desperate. He didn't just lose a ton of money and got the law after them all once again, but he also lost 3 members of the gang. 3 people to who he promised freedom and a good life gone just like that + he also started to feel the others losing hope and maybe he was confronted with the idea that maybe what he was doing wasn't as good and great as he has thought throughout all these years.
So he grows defensiv and even reckless because no, it can't be, him facing the fact that his time was not only over but he probably wasted all these years was a tad too painful, both for his ego but also for his being.
As time goes on he keeps slipping more and more since everything he does just seems to blow up right back into his face. The more he tries to fix the more to shit it goes and the desperation just seems to grow and grow.
So he clings to every little thing that keeps on making him believe that his cause is still good, that he's still doing right so he comes up with nonesense plans like Tahiti.
But most importantly, his probably biggest reminder still was Hosea. As long as Hosea was still there, still by his side it would be alright. Yeah, Hosea nags him all the time and they bicker and fight all the time, but he's still there, so that means he still believes in Dutch. With Hosea he could do it.
And then Hosea dies.
And the failure at the bank is so much worse than all the ones before because this time it wasn't Dutch that set things up, or Micah, or anyone else but it was Hosea. The very person that grounded him, that he clung to desperately to show him that his efforts are not in vain.
The disaster at the bank didn't only cost him Hosea, his life long partner, the person he trusted the most, but also the trust from the rest of the gang. John was already doubting him for some time now and now the others started to, too.
And maybe, maybe him doing all this what he thought of good these past years, saving and taking in people, wasn't the best for them at all. Maybe he doomed them more than anything.
But no, Micah is still at his side. And Bill. And Javier.
Well, if there's some people still believing in him then there has to be some truth to it, no?
Maybe Micah is right, maybe John is the rat. Or Abigail. Or Arthur.
Maybe all the others are just ungrateful. Maybe he gave them all and the moment he slips and fails they just leave?
Hosea woulnd't have. Hosea stayed with him.
Micah stayed with him.
And as he was on that mountain, looking at the boy he raised as his own, barely able to breath and all beaten up, telling him "I gave you all I had", that was the first time the realization of him not being as great, as good, as he hoped to be, as he tried to be, fully hit him and now he couldn't do anything but accept it. No denying it anymore, no deluding it. Just the cold truth.
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biglisbonnews · 1 year
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Smart energy communities set for a market boom says Guidehouse Smart energy communities are emerging at a time when there is growing demand and a growing pool of resources for their deployment. https://www.smart-energy.com/finance-investment/smart-energy-communities-set-for-a-market-boom-says-guidehouse/
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iwanthermidnightz · 7 months
Don’t wanna get too crazy here but with Karlie buying W and i-D… do you think she wants to be the next Anna Wintour? I don’t mean she wants to outright replace her once she retires but maybe she wants to follow a similar career trajectory?
I don’t think she wants to be Anna Wintour, though she respects her and there are a few similarities. Anna has been editor-in-chief of US Vogue since 1988, and is the chief content officer of Condé Nast.
Karlie is more of an investor and entrepreneur, and geared more to the business side of things but has a unique position and perspective given her career in fashion and actually working with these publications. That position offers priceless connections, insight, and experience in a fast changing industry. Her positive professional reputation amongst designers, photographers, editors, writers, makeup artists, investors etc is a big plus.
Whether Karlie decides to be part of the artistic direction of a publication, or the business side or something in between, its something she is very capable of doing and a great next step for her. She’s been quietly working towards this behind the scenes for a while now anyways.
Also, she has very much been ahead of the trends in digital and sustainable fashion technology. She’s been talking about it for years now and it’s slowly moving on that front, but she knows it’s coming which is a great thing to be able to get ahead of, and an important quality to have.
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Honestly Karlie realized the importance of social media early on has and used it to promote her interests on a personal level. Also, she realized early on she had a curiosity for learning things outside of modeling and has pursued those interests with passion. (I feel that, given the vast amount of interests I have and need to learn something new constantly).
And as a model, she understands the power magazines have in fashion. I know a lot of publications are moving away from print and going digital for costs, and to be eco-friendly, but I think there’s still a market for physical copies, it just needs to be revamped for a comeback. Like vinyls.
So to answer your question, no I don’t think wants to be Anna Wintour… I think there’s big difference in their focuses, but yes I can see her have a similar trajectory but with a wider field of view.
Karlie is part of the next generation of publishing and all that it entails. She has a vision and a passion for so many different things and one thing publishing does is combine a lot of those things into one. So it’s a smart move for her and something I think she will be very good at and dive deeper into in the future. If she didn’t think she could turn something around I don’t think she’d invest. And there’s a personal connection there for her that is special.
When you hear her talk about these things, whether it’s the intricacies of the fashion world, or when it comes to business, or advocacy, she always has the facts and statistics on hand. I believe she’s being the change she wants to see, and taking a seat at a table where she (and other women) deserve to be 🤍
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