#Smurf lily
hahaweevil · 3 months
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True story
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ac-fandom · 4 months
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here they are the Smurfs Grove smurfs, and they are in order:
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connoisseur-of-love · 8 months
more characters in my smurf elf au (as well as some general redesigns)
first up is Smurf Lilly
Note i do know know that she looks very different in the art styles)
ALSO constructive criticism is welcome on my art
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(also Yes i do realise that she does look a smidge younger in the more simplified artstyle)
next up is
Jokey Smurf
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(You can tell who inspired his design-cheese sandwish from MLP)
also redesign for his general clothing. Considering in my au they do have more defined roles akin to those in human soceties. Jokey would most definitly be a jester
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bluebluebluewoods · 1 year
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aggressive scent marking
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hitchell-mope · 1 year
Good movie. Cheesy ending. But still. Good movie.
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healthyfungi · 2 months
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Original template by @/Tara012 on Deviantart
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chocochurrozz · 6 months
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Handylily doodles 😌
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aleksauwu69 · 1 year
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Memes about Smurfs, let's go 🤠😈
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miithesillibunny · 2 months
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pharaohgargamel · 1 year
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Вот такая красота в моём саду!
Эта лилия прекрасна! Её следовало бы назвать в мою честь, так как в ней мои любимые цвета!)
What a beauty in my garden!
This lily is beautiful! It should be named after me, because it has my favorite colors!)
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ac-fandom · 4 months
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Live love lesbian (smurfs):
Tomorrow: bisexual
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starandcloud · 11 months
Little Tsawksyul
Neteyam Sully X Human!female!reader
ATOW Masterlist
There was a different between affectionate nicknames ones that are purely for torment. You're dancing a fine line between them with Neteyam.
It started as something to get his attention quickly.
Something sweet and attention grabbing.
It was something simple and he would respond to but now...
Neteyam wanted to kill himself and you. Gently smacking his head against a tree he cursed under his breath. The sun gently warmed the earth in the early morning, he just wanted to go with Kiri to see her mom before everyone woke up. He wasn't expecting you to be awake.
"Your little human is calling you~"
Kiri teased as she walked past her brother, her tail gently swaying as she walked. Neteyam's eyes cut over to her, if looks could kill Kiri would've been a pile of ash on the floor.
"Tsawksyul- Y/N is not my human Kiri."
Neteyam corrected, walking behind his older sister. Granted she was only older by a year but still, she insisted she was better than him because of it.
"Neteyam. You call her 'Tsawksyul', water lily. You adore her and you know it."
Clicking his tongue, Neteyam gently shoved her before rolling his eyes and stepping into the lab. The methodic hissing and whirling of the air lock brought a sense of comfort to Neteyam. As soon as the air lock twirled open your arms wrapped around him, your bright smile was the first thing that caught his attention. Your smile was always the first thing he saw when it came to you, how could he not? It was so happy and loving that there just wasn't anyway he couldn't. Gingerly, his arms wrapped around you; slowly lifting you off the ground to hug you back. You were so... breakable compared to him. Your human bones made you like paper, so... fragile.
"Guess what!?"
Your voice was laced with excitement, coaxing a smile from Neteyam as he held you up and stepped inside the lab.
"What Tsawksyul?"
His Na'vi went over your head as you looked smugly up at him.
"I"m an inch taller, five foot six now. I'm gonna be taller than you soon."
Shaking his head with a grin, he gently pushed your head making you laugh and then lean back to dangle off his arm. As you leaned back, his heart raced. He panicked he wanted to grab you back up and press you tight against him to keep you safe he wanted to keep you away from any type of danger and in his arms... Maybe he did adore you, but so what? It was a stupid crush that would fade quickly. Or that's what he's told himself, you were one of Spider's best friends. You grew up with the Sully's... you were raised alongside them. You weren't anymore liked by Neytiri than Spider was but... it was something about you that always brought forth that protective side of Neteyam. Even when the two you were kids he had this... sense to protect you from others. You were his lifeline most days. If he had a bad day, he was at the lab. If he had a rough hunting trip, he was at the lab. If he had gotten yelled at by his dad, he was at the lab. Even if it was something positive; he was at the lab, telling you about it. You were his reason to breathe and wake up every morning, you were why he decided to be out on the battlefield more often than to be home. To keep the sky people from hurting you, even though you are one... He knew it was an odd mindset to have, to protect a sky person from the other sky people but... you were to precious to him to lose... Setting you on your feet, he nodded attentively as you talked about some flowers you had found. He wasn't actually listening though, he was focused on your voice. Not your words. Stumbling to find a seat, Neteyam sat down. Watching you drift about the science tables talking about your favorite plants again, you always ended up talking about Pandora's plants. One way or another they found their way into a conversation, anyone but Neteyam would be annoyed. He found your interest in his home's plants... adorable. How you were so interested in the plants and life around you, it made him stupidly in love with you. Watching you flutter around the plants watering them, he had tunnel vision. Seeing you and only you, you were... so beautiful and graceful... every step you took had purpose and was gentle as not to hurt anything... you were so kind and gentle with Tuk and Lo'ak, despite both being taller than you. How patient you were with him mom and her short anger... How happily you volunteered yourself to help her with hunting and gathering or anything else just... to be out in the forest without the fear of being hurt. You were so... sweet with every living creature you came in contact with, no matter their intentions towards you. You were kind.
"..am?" "Ne...am?" "H..lo?" "SMURF!?"
Snapping back to reality he jumped back and fell off the stool, you were casually standing on a step stool in front of him. Watching him fall and hit the floor laughter bubbled up and out of your chest as you doubled over in laughter. The stool rolled out of the way as you lost your balance and fell on top of Neteyam, your laughter never ceasing as you came in contact with his hands. His arms had instinctively gone out to catch you, they gently cradled you as they pulled you into him. Cushioning your fall. His arms protectively wrapped around you as he felt your body shake as you laughed and his heart melted. Hearing your laughter and feeling how hard your body shook as you laughed... it was almost perfect.
Hours passed in what felt like seconds as you adjusted your face mask and walked along side Neteyam well... you jogged to keep up as he calmly walked. You're short and stubby human legs weren't doing you much good compared to his longer and more muscular ones. Neteyam noticed your jogging and slowed down more, just so that you could walk with him. Watching you clutch your satchel close, his heart warmed. You were so anxious with your steps as you walked along the Mother Tree's branches. You knew you wouldn't fall, Neteyam wouldn't let you. You trusted him with everything in you, you'd do whatever he said.
You asked, making his blood go cold. You never used his actual name, not that way not in such a short sentence not in that tone.
You stayed quiet and calm as you stopped on a limb of a tree, you watched the wildlife around you before continuing.
"Would you catch me if I fell?"
You asked, looking down at the ground below. You just wanted to know, you were curious.
"Of course." "Do you promise?" "To the Great Mother."
You smiled gently as you felt his presence suddenly become closer, you listened to the birds around as you felt one of his hands gently trail up your back and over your shoulders. To pull you into a hug. You stood there for a while, just... watching the world around you before you continued towards the base. The silence was... sickening as you walked, every sound seemed amplified as you quietly walked. At some point your hand had found Neteyam's and the silence became bearable. Peaceful almost, your eyes softened as you watched the wildlife. The surroundings becoming soothing as the sounds of camp drew closer.
When you arrived, you felt your stomach drop... So many were wounded and it made your stomach sick.
"Where is Lo'ak..?"
You asked, as Neteyam branched off from you. His strides long as he searched for you, you tried to keep up with the people around you but... being so much smaller you weren't handling it all well. Backing up you bumped into someone.
"I'm sorry, I'm loo-" "You're fine Y/N"
His voice cut you off and you whipped around.
You yelled as you hugged him, digging your palms into his back you let out a shaky breath before grabbing his Queue and giving it a gentle yank.
"Where the fuck were you!?"
You yelled before hugging him again, he was like a little brother to you... and he had scarred the shit out of you. The way you expressed your concern was... confusing to Lo'ak. Who gingerly hugged you back. The hug was short before he picked you up, and placed you on his shoulders.
"I can walk Lo'ak." "You're short, you'll get crushed" "Fuck you Lo'ak"
You said, making him laugh before he walked towards the medical tent. Where you both found Neteyam who was listening attentively to his father. There was a tension that seemed thick enough to slice through as Jake spoke in a hushed voice. Lo'ak carefully put you down and walked over, standing beside his brother he listened. You wanted to call out Neteyam's name but... the glint in his eyes... scared you. The angry and vengeful look in his eyes made you physically take a step back, you were terrified of what that look meant. You'd never seen Neteyam like this, you'd seen him gentle and caring. You've seen him cry and laugh and annoyed but... you've never seen him angry. You watched from the side of the door for a moment but when Neteyam's eyes flicked over to you.
You fled.
You legs burned when you rushed back to the science base. You legs burned as you ran and was littered in cuts and gashes when you returned. Slamming the door shut, you panted heavily. Ripping the mask off, you put your back to the wall and slid down it. Sitting on the floor you heaved for air. The look in Neteyam's eyes was murderous and deadly, you didn't know what to do. You felt like a deer in headlights. Fight or Flight kicked in, and you flew.
The next few weeks, you tried not to anger Neteyam. You cut back on your remarks and sass, you went to the base less and always seemed to have an excuse to be out on Pandora. Trudging through the wildlife and making friends with the animals and analyzing the plants. Your distance hurt Neteyam, he didn't know what he did to make you avoid him like this. He thought he had always been so... careful. Around you. Not to hurt you or scare you. So he did the most logical thing a teenage-boy could do, and asked his sister.
"What did I do Kiri?"
He asked, slumped in the medical tent as she tended to Navi and Avatar fighters.
"Did you scare her after that big fight?" "What? No! I... I don't think so..."
Neteyam said, letting his head loll back against the animal skin hut. He had been so angry that day. So angry and afraid. He hadn't been able to find Lo'ak and his father had to talk to him and once Jake had started talking about needing to cut back on his visits to you because of the sky-people... he looked at you. He watched your body language, the curiousness of your eyes as you watched them. How innocent and small you were... How easily you could get hurt here, how easily you could get lost, how easily you could be taken by Quaritch, and... how easily he could lose you. His fear only grew as he realized how quickly he could lose you, how easily you could die on him. How easily you could be shot or pierced by an arrow, or hit by shrapnel or or or or or... Fuck he was afraid. If that was even the right word, he was fucking terrified of losing you, what would he do without you? How would he know what day it was? How would he know which stars were which ones, not that he really needed help with that. How would he live without you? You were the reason he woke up everyday, the reason he was breathing, the reason he remembered to eat, and the reason he kept himself in such good shape. So he could protect you. He could honestly care less about the girl in the clan, they could take care of themselves. But you? You couldn't protect yourself, you were so small and breakable... Just like a Tsawksyul, and he'd be the protective rocks at the edges of the pond that kept out those pesky snails that would hurt you...
"Where were you yesterday?
Kiri asked as she galnced at her brother but didn't stop her work.
"What?" "Yesterday was Tuesday? Where were you?" "Oh fuck..."
Neteyam groaned out and pushed his hair from his face.
"That was yesterday? Yesterday was Tuesday? I thought it was Monday..." "God, you're really a mess without Y/N, aren't you?"
Kiri asked, laughter filling the medical tent as she chuckled at her brother's situation.
"You should go see her, she should be home, I doubt she'd... and he's already gone. Guess we won't be seeing him tonight woill we?"
Kiri asked the warrior she was patching up. Making a smile break over his face and a small chuckle leave his lips. He hissed in pain as he pulled a stitch and Kiri immediately applied a soothing salve to the deep wound.
Neteyam rushed through the Great's Mother's terrain. He barely noticed the way the pricker thorns cut his arms and how leaves got stuck in his hair or how hard his feet hit the ground as he ran or how he had a slice going across his cheek. He barely recognized how he had rushed through the air lock or how the harsh metal of the lab cut into his kneecaps as he fell to his knees in front of you. His arms wrapped around his arms around your waist and buried his face in your shoulder. You had tensed up and screamed but... he didn't hear that over his own heartbeat.
"I'm sorry..."
Neteyam whispered out, you weren't entirely sure how if he had said it or not but... You quietly placed a hand on his back. The xhilled skin of your palm against his warm, and sweaty, back made him shiver.
"I'm sorry if I scared you I'm sorry that I didn't apologize soon I'm sorry i was a bad friend i'm sorry i didnt realize soon im sorry i didnt tell you sooner i-" "Woah... Woah, tell me what..?"
You quietly asked, slowly moving your hand up to the base of his neck. Sending a pleasureful shiver down the boy's spine. Neteyam was silent but his grip on you didn't falter. He held you closer and pressed soft kisses to the exposed skin on your shoulder, it was only then he realized what you were wearing... It was the sweater he had snagged for you off one of the older sky-people's bases. He remembered how he was going to burn it but noticed how... pretty your eyes went with the color of the fabric so... he gifted it to you instead. It was the way your fingers gently traced along the side of his hair and how gently your other arm wrapped around him that brought him back, that rebooted his system enough for him to lift his head. Neteyam stared into your eyes and one of his hands came up and gently caressed your fact. He watched as your eyes fluttered shut and you relaxed into the palm of his hand and how your melted into his touch.
"I love you Tsawksyul... I love how your hair glows in the early morning sun and how you always have some sort of fun fact for me when I come over and how gentle and kind you are how you are so careful with where you step when you're out in the forests and how you appreciate every life you come in contact with. It makes me so happy to know that there are people that see the beauty and god be damned I'm so happy I get to see one everyday. I get to see you everyday, that I get to see the most beautiful being on this planet. I love how precise you are and how good you are with my siblings... and my mother, especially my mother-
He said, making the both of you laugh.
"But most importantly... I love you..."
He said, his eyes finally meeting yours. A dusty blush had rushed across his cheeks and god you thought it looked so pretty... A similar blush had rushed over your cheeks as well, your face burned as you stared into those beautiful amber eyes of his. You could easily get lost in them... You were silent for a while, you could see his ears fall back ever so slightly. He was expecting rejection. What he didn't know was that you had loved him since you were kids. Since you had found out what a crush even was, since you had watched him break a kids nose for taking your oxygen mask. You'd never forget the look of horror on Neteyam's face when he saw you gasping for air, when he remembered Pandora air was leathal to humans... You'd never forget the terror that flooded his eyes and how he frantically helped you.He was so angry that day... It almost scared you... But the way he held you after and hugged you tight reminded you... he'd never hurt you...
"Neteyam... I... ]"
You had to think for a moment, how would one even react to this information?
"I accept your feelings..."
You whispered out, your eyes still meeting his. You watched his face creep closer to yours, how he anxiously flicked his eyes from your eyes to your lips. When his lips finally met yours, it felt like fireworks were exploding within your stomach walls. You wrapped yours arms around his neck and let your eyes flutter closed. You weren't sure how long the two of you kissed but.... when you pulled away your watched as Neteyam stuffed his face in you neck and peppered gentle kisses to the sensitive skin there.
"Mnn... mine... minemineminemineminemineminemine mineminemine.."
You listened to him repeat, that simple action made laughter bubble up in your chest as you relaxed against him. You knew better than to think he'd let you fall afterall... The way his arms protectively wrapped around you... it made it hard to think he'd let you get hurt.
@tumblingdevils @elvyshiarieko @christinechickiee @stefcatgirl @neteyamyawne
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tapparell-a · 5 months
you can tell me a thousand things about marauders, but you can't help but tell me that
James Potter always had hazelnut and chocolate ice cream,
Sirius ate a cone of smurf ice cream,
Remus with stracciatella or pistachio,
Peter with strawberry or the raspberry, Regulus was lactose intolerant,
Barty took the darkest flavor to spread it on people's white clothes,
Evan took a popsicle,
Lily loved ice cream in a cup, she usually took it with cream,
Marlene ate only and exclusively mint,
Mary with coconut,
Dorcas ate nougat ice cream with lots of sprinkles on top,
Pandora ate ice cream with some strange name, like rose, papaya, passion fruit or mango.
(James wanted to be an ice cream maker)
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bluebluebluewoods · 2 years
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Space warrior lily
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hitchell-mope · 1 year
Alex Dunphy.
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The girlsvillage looks kinda awesome ngl! 🥹 Voltaire is SUPER ADORABLE AGAIN🥰❤️🥹
Let’s see, Voltaire‘s introduction episode is going to include: Voltaire, The girls village, LILY AS PROTAGONIST MOST LIKELY (LETS GOOOOOO!), Dimwitty, Clumsy and Papa for sure!
What’s that I see? A smurfcomic refrence (the giant man-eating plant) AND PAPA ISN’T EVEN AFRAID OF IT LOL!!!!
(oh, smurfette, let me guess… you’re going to play a little part in their episode too. Well then, as long as it isn’t cringe I’m fine with it. 😀 🤷‍♀️ I had a feeling it was going to happen anyways. Still HELLO SMURFETTE!!!! :DDDDDD )
(I already saw the first two episodes so I’m so sorry for not reacthing as exited to the introduction scenes from Rowena and Dwayne and the Smurfwrench parts)
Where Begonia?👀🫠
I already made some stickers because I felt like it help-
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