#So Vam
lonespektr · 1 year
So I got some spoons to do some research on some queer ones any I don't finish this weekend I will rollover into the rest of October
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This isn't exhaustive but I hadn't heard of most of these or they are past due for me to check out.
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SUMMARY: A young outcast in a conservative town dreams of moving to the city to become a famous drag queen, but his plans are derailed when he is kidnapped by a vampire.
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ministryfix · 10 months
I couldn't choose which one I liked more
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Anyway is VAM shipping a lost art or do VAM girlies still exist?? If they don't, they should.
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spinjitsuburst · 5 months
i need to work on my ninjago OCs so i can put them on art fight this year HGJKDFSHGKHk
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tequilatalks · 6 months
Tere baad dekhe humne zamane hai
Bewafai ke sunae logo ko afsaane hai
Kese ek daur tha jab hum bewakuf
Thee , majlum thhe ishq riyasat ke
Khair chhodo purani baat hai..
Ab na aane denge tujhe vapis
Ab hum sayaane hai 🖤🥀..!
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besedar · 5 months
frazeološka enota dne: jagodni izbor
V vinarstvu se nanaša na vino, pridelano iz zelo zrelih ali plemenito plesnivih (če je to izraz) grozdnih jagod — vsebuje veliko alkohola in naj bi bilo boljše od navadnega. Predvidevam, da je to primarni pomeni, ki bi bil lahko kalkiran iz nemškega Beerenauslese (izbor jagod) v istem pomenu.
Sekundarni pomen: "izbor najboljših primerkov nečesa". (Vprašanje: "Bi bil tudi sekundarni pomen kalkiran?" In odgovor: po mojem ne? Kolikor gledam, ni videti, da bi ga tudi Nemci uporabljali metaforično, je pa res, da nemško špreham bolj švoh 😅.) Med konkordancami na Gigafidi sicer prevladuje vinski pomen, se pa vsekakor najde tudi sekundarni:
... jagodni izbor tabloidnega raziskovalnega novinarstva ... Lani je v domačem jeseniškem muzeju že postavil na ogled okoli 70 vojnih plakatov, sedaj pa z jagodnim izborom gostuje v malem vojnem muzeju ... Jagodni izbor iz njene glasbene knjižnice ter seveda novosti ...
In tako dalje. Trend na Gigafidi kaže, da raba izraza mogoče malo upada, je pa res, da konkordanc ni dovolj, da bi se dalo iz tega priti do kakšnih pomembnejših zaključkov. Prilagam grafikon:
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Točno vem, kaj boste vprašali zdaj! "Se pozna kakšno teženje proti sekundarnemu pomenu? So starejše konkordance primarno vinarske in novejše metaforične?" In odgovor je ... ja? Se mi zdi. Nočem postavljati trditev vsevprek, ampak če primerjamo npr. leto 2018, ko je bilo 13 od 15 konkordanc metaforičnih, z letom 1997, ko ni bila niti ena od 17 konkordanc metaforična ...
Ampak ja, saj pravim: premajhen vzorec in treba bi bilo prešteti za vsako leto posebej, namesto da izberem dve naključni leti, ker imata slučajno podobno število konkordanc, ki se ju da prešteti na roko.
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minglana · 8 months
girl not lo pau de ponts a la tractorada de bcn💀
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synthbug · 1 year
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Went to watch across the spiderverse with my two besties who don't know spiderman and one wore a whole blazer and dress and the other wore a cool leather jacket they were DRESSED UP and I was just in my little spiderman hoodie so funny (they loved it)
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vitamin-zeeth · 1 year
listen. I'm not a very emotional person. I don't cry often. But GOD something about Van Gogh's art just hits me a certain way I can't look at it without tearing up. He had so much pain in his life but he used it to portray such overwhelming joy and beauty and you can just feel that in every one of his works and it makes me feel so fucking emotional every time
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bunny-banana · 1 year
The different reactions to SSOL from international fans vs balkans fans needs to be studied by scientists
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crazyskirtlady · 2 years
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Activate Yonic energy :
The portal within blooms unto the portal without...
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himemeika · 1 year
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mazojo · 2 years
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The way I started to ugly lose my shit
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4filen0tfound4 · 2 years
hi smelly :) long car rides SUCK i hope wherever you're going is worth it at least <3
I’m going home !!! This is aaaaaaa 7? Hour car ride </3 but that’s ok bc car rides are like. I’m alone in my room listening to music and I don’t have to think or do any work. But also my family is there so I don’t have to be alone ^_^
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lt-oblivious · 3 months
we love you and care about you and we’d really hate to see you disappear
(Sorry if this sounds bad, brain juices are running out after all the socialization/stuff we did today)
Hello children, thank you for the kind words<3!! I love you too<3 also /lh but "we'd really hate to see you disappear" sounds like a vague threat
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commanderohdear · 4 months
Always remember that there are people who would care if you were gone
we love you Chaos <3333 /p
.... kriff that actually made me tear up yall
Love you too/p
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