#So in love with this cast 🥲💕
faded-florals · 2 years
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John Riddle as Raoul de Chagny
Ben Crawford as The Phantom
Julia Udine as Christine Daaé
Broadway, October 21st 2022, 8pm
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rayroseu · 5 months
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groovy source
I love how his implies that Malleus normal smile looks "sweet enough" He still looks intimidating honestly AHHSHQHS and on groovy HE IS FULL SMILING and yet its way more scary 😂 Its a nice reference to Malleus' Dorm Vignette where Lilia says "What! But youve got such a cute smile! 🥺" when Lilia was so baffled that Malleus was still scary for others despite smiling HSHDHAHA
Arm on chest and the other outstretched.... HE'S DOING A FREQUENT MALEFICENTS POSE AAAAAAHHH😭😭😭💚💚💕💞💕💘💞💘💞💞
i love the fact that he's plotting against Aurora and Philip LOL, And its their ballroom dance scene too!!! Which meant he didnt like their "happy ending" AHSHAHHAA I wonder if he's going to say something about Prince Philip "prince qualities" 😂 I hope his insults dont hold back against Prince Philip 🙌🙌💕💕✨✨✨
(To connect this with Silver Owls 💀💥)
I wonder if theyre going to imply a bit about how audacious Aurora and Philip was to celebrate defeating Maleficent in the film... Just like how shameless it was for Silver Owls to renovate Meleanor's castle right after her death 🥲🥲🥲💔💔💔 I think I'll be killed if he comments about Meleanor just a tiny bit JSBAJJDS
I love the lighting so much!!! And his eyes are glowing too!!! 💚💚😭😭 The purple lighting under the clothes... It feels like he's already casting void magic to plot smth against Philip and Aurora lol That's unlike the other groovies.... I HOPE HE EVIL LAUGHS AUYDUWYRUWDH💖💞💗💘💗💘💗💞✨✨✨
Wait no his pose actually reminds me of how men curtsy before a dance lol he bows, puts an arm over his torso and outstretch the other.... JWJDJAJS To me, its like hes saying he can be a better dance partner/prince than Prince Philip LMFAOOAOA
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chinomiko · 4 months
Hi Chino🤗 I grew up with the My Candy Love saga and I am a big fan of your work! I also had a few questions and I would be very grateful if you took the time to answer them.
I can’t wait to play My Candy Love New Gen and see what you have prepared for us! I wanted to know if you have a favorite character/a character that you are most proud of?
Also, I don't know if you’re aware but the My Candy Love community is more active than ever right now, especially on Twitter!! What do you think about this?
The Nathaniel x Castiel ship is also very popular right now and many players still think that there is a hidden love story between the two haha😄 You, who know the game better than anyone: I wanted to know if there was any truth to this? I know a lot of people headcanon Castiel as bisexual and Nathaniel as pansexual… What do you think? And could this be canon?
Have a good day !💞
Hi First of all, thanks a lot ! 🥰 I can't wait for everyone to play too, even if now that it's getting close I'm gonna get stressed too ahah.
I'll avoid saying who are my fav characters because then there is always stupid rumors going around sorry 🥲
As for all the activity on Twitter, unfortunately it is a social media I am not fond of using myself, but I am very grateful for it and I keep an eye on it even if I don't post ! 💕
Cast x Nath, I think I've answered that so much already in the past. 😂 Castiel and Nath have absolutely 0 love story between them. They just became friends with time. And they are nor bi nor pan, I am afraid they are both just Candysexual.
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xoxo-sarah · 24 days
the weather where i live has been amazing recently and I’d personally love if you wrote about a lazy day out with Robin.
like, it was really warm and sunny last saturday so i bought myself a carton of strawberries and sat on the grass of my college campus for a couple of hours. i can’t help but think that’s something robin would love to do with the reader (i was alone but ykwim 🥲)
Strawberry Kisses and Summer Sun
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↝a/n: I am so sorry for this taking forever. I lost my notebook that I had the initial fic outlined in and panicked. Thank you for requesting, Love. Hope you enjoy! 🩷Short and sweet. 💕
↝pairing: Robin Buckley x fem!reader
↝warning: not proofread
|| Disclaimer: I do not own Robin Buckley, or any character from Stranger Things. I only own y/n and any characters I create with my own brain. ||
↝⎙ 5.9.24
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The music blasted through the car alongside the wind that blew through your hair from the rolled down windows. The sweet sound of Robin humming to whatever tune the radio picked up this far away from town, your fingers strumming against the steering wheel, getting lost in her melody.
Glancing over, you watched as she put her hand out the window, letting the wind guide it with the waves of pressure. The surrounding trees cast a flickering shadow on her face.
Feeling eyes on her, she turned her head. Pink spread on her cheeks and ears. She brought her hand back in, turning towards you and grabbing your hand that wasn’t occupied. Your own cheeks felt hot, causing you to look back at the lonely back road. The rest of the ride consists of music and wind blowing your hair every which way.
Pulling up in a mostly open field, Robin let go of your hand, looking at the big tree casting a huge shadowed area, unlike around it. The sun shone brightly on the recently cut grass.
“They finally cleared it out.” Robin nodded at your statement. She wouldn’t have given this place a second thought before now, even if she passes this place many times while going to college campus.
The grass had been neglected even before you and Robin attended college, but someone was nice enough to cut it and make it a decent hang-out, especially with Summer finally arriving.
It was the perfect spot for you two, perfect spot for today.
Robin followed suit as you opened your door and got out, moving to the trunk of your car. “The sun is so bright.” She sighed, closing her eyes to really take in the vitamin D. You watched as she basked in the sun.
She was beautiful. God, she was beautiful.
You thought about how her freckles will be more prominent and how she might even get more little constellations on her body from your summer pans together.
She opened her eyes, watching you as you held up a blanket. “Can I have a hand, Miss, Buckley?” She grabbed the blanket, closing the trunk for you after you grabbed the bags.
Coming to the tree, Robin laid the blanket down, flattening it out before you sat down.
You both began spreading out the different snacks and fruits. Robin grabbed a ripe strawberry, popping it in her mouth, sighing contently.
She grabbed another, offering it to you. You took a bite as she held it up. “You’re so pretty.” You brought your hand up, covering your mouth as you chewed the sweet berry.
“I’m so happy it's finally summer.” Robin laid back, propped up on her elbows.
You nodded, “We can spend all summer in this very spot.”
She smiled, “Can’t wait.” She grabbed another carton of berries, plopping them in her mouth.
A blue butterfly flew about a yard from Robin. She watched it, admiring how it thrives in the warm weather. The insect moved, fluttering its way over and landing on the edge of the thin blanket.
“Butterflies are my favorite. They’re so pretty.”
Robin watched you as you watched the butterfly. “Yeah, they are.” She leaned forward, grabbing your cheek and bringing your lips to hers. The kiss was soft, the taste of strawberries lingering. You couldn’t help but smile into the kiss.
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•2021-2024 by xoxo-sarah on Tumblr•
•My work is not to be translated, copied, modified, and/or reposted on any other site without my permission. [I don't give permission!]
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ofduskanddreams · 5 months
I hope y’all all had a lovely new years! It’s time for another little personal update below the cut :)
I know many of you won’t care to read and that’s fine, I’m just putting this here because it’s the easiest way for me to communicate with everyone who might want to know. Here is the previous personal update for context.
With the holidays happening, things have been moving slowly on the medical front.
The bad news: I have another sinus infection, but what’s new 🙃 it feels like I’ve had one for half a year.
The good news: the ENT got back to me about my CT results and I’m just waiting on a call from their scheduler to book the surgery! Unfortunately, my CT results also indicate the need for the more intense of the two surgical options we were considering.
(I have to have a hard cast on my nose? For like a week? And can’t get it wet? RIP to my religious skincare routine ig 🥲)
Fortunately, once I have the operation the recovery is fairly quick. The first week I’ll feel like an out of commission, sad and blob-like imitation of a human. Then I get the cast off my face and 2-3 weeks later should be starting to notice an improvement in my quality of life compared to how things were before the surgery.
I’m hoping I’ll be able to have the procedure as soon as possible, realistically meaning I’ll be happy if I can get it before the end of February because that’s how things tend to go in my experience. I’ll update you guys once I know.
I can’t adequately describe just how much I’m looking forward to having energy for fandom again. I miss you all so much and I miss writing as frequently as I used to.
I miss being able to get through every day without basic things (sleep, cooking, working, existing) feeling like an uphill battle. Which, honestly, is really saying something because I’ve lived with Ehlers-Danlos my whole life—I am no stranger to battling through hard days (and sometimes waving the white flag because I can’t win them all.) When every day is a “hard” day though it’s not a very good time.
TL;DR I’m excited to have my sinuses surgically altered and get back to you all. I hope you all are well and that this new year brings you joy and peace 💕
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quackle · 1 year
a(n unfortunate) list of things i wanna see next season of total drama, spoilers down below~
WE NEED TO SEE DAMIEN THRIVE!!!!!! i have never seen a fandom agree more on a robbed character. now that damien knows how the game works and actually seems to want to play it, he can use that intelligence he got and at LEAST make it to the top three (please... for me 🥲)
also make priya x damien canon. we were robbed and stuck with emma and chase. ok next.
or you could make priya and millie canon... no? ok... unless? 👁️
more bowie x raj interaction cause they're cute together 🤭
give both axel and nichelle an arc because they were robbed too. preferably an arc together! let axel shout at nichelle until nichelle learns that it's ok to be herself and NOT an extension of jerry! let nichelle not take most bs from axel to the point where it pisses axel off a lil! make them gay! idk there's material here
do... something with caleb. idk what. we didn't get to see his personality much. so there's potential there.
give ripper the immediate boot. idc idc idc he was ANNOYING. somehow the fan predictions before the show started are better characterization of him than his actual personality.
let emma break up with chase, then give chase the early boot too. (cause how you gon cut the breaks of ya girl car and not even genuinely apologize??? AND THEN HE SOMEHOW GOT HER BACK??? yeah no teach him a lesson)
let emma get STANDARDSSSSS. like girl... STAND UP. chase is not the love of your life! he's just some guy! hit him with your car!
i needdddd mk to get an ally. idc if it's temporary or toxic or whatever. i adore mk (i love when girls do absolutely wrong like steal 💕) but we gotta get her interacting with more of the cast. she's such a smart player, she's just missing that teamwork aspect. (i just want her to make it farther than she did, i'm biased-)
i hate to say it because i adore them... put the hockey bros on separate teams. this is total DRAMA. i need them to suffer just a lil... emotionally, not physically, the cliff was messed up 💔
make lauren scarier somehow. make her so scary that none of us can watch the screen with both eyes. make her so horrifying that damien calls her horrifying girl next season and everyone just rolls with it. it's what she would want, truly.
zee and scary girl shenanigans. because i think it would be funny.
i can't think of anymore, i'll probably make another post if i do (as i often do, unfortunately)
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seijorhi · 8 months
Hey rhi!!! I feel so fucking guilty for doing this but I have some more questions 🫠 AHHHHHHHHH IM SO SORRY IF IM BEING ANNOYING. Please forgive me babe. 😰
Did ame work as a spy for the twins (though she was unaware of it)?
what happened right after the non-con scene?
Since the reader came in their own car weren’t the twins a bit sus of the reader booking it since they still haven’t moved yet?
Why did Osamu treat the reader with kindness while Atsumu feigned ignorance?
When the reader and ame went to get massages and they twins were left alone, what were they doing (were they planning)?
How did Atsumu manage to give ame a genuine smile when he doesn’t love her?
I know you mentioned that when Atsumu breaks up with ame, he would either do it gently (as gently as he could manage) or reveal everything that happened between them and the reader (depending on the mood he was in) but if he were to do the latter, would ame be horrified at the person she was in love with/ feel bad for the reader?
Like would she tell anyone or keep it to herself?
(Im so sorry if I’m making a nuisance of myself 🥲 and thank you a lot for the advice and answering my previous questions, it truly makes my day. 💕
I will try to write with the information you’ve given me in mind , though I’m a tad nervous since I don’t really know where to start.
I think it’s going to take me a lot of trail and error to get where I want to be but I know for sure that I won’t be giving up anytime soon.
Thank you so much rhi, you will probably hear from me soon. I hope you have a lovely and blessed day. 💌🫶)
- 🌬️🌫️ Katia
not really? tsumu was pretty aware that if he kept bringing up the reader, even ame would start to get suspicious. plus he was playing into the whole 'i don't remember her from school' thing so
clean up. atsumu had to go take care of ame, leaving the reader in osamu's capable hands while he bitched and moaned about it
nope, they were confident enough that she wouldn't make a scene and wouldn't want to ruin ame's birthday and potentially risk their friendship. even if she did, it would just mean casting the plan aside and going for the more direct, less pleasant route
personally he thinks tsumu's idea of feigning ignorance to be pretty dumb, but that's not his problem. they're both trying to get under her skin in their own way. on the surface, it puts ame at ease, they're adamant they've grown and there's no bad blood between them, so of course he's not going to be a dick right out of the gate. more to the point, he knows that the friendly attitude will unnerve the hell out of the reader, and he likes that thought just a little too much
nothing nefarious lol, just chilling
he's a good actor
of course she would. ame's not an unfeeling bitch, she genuinely cares about her friend and would be horrified and disgusted, both with herself and with the twins. had she known the full truth behind their relationship, all the awful things they'd done to her back in high school, she never would have given atsumu the time of day in the first place, much less put the reader in a position where the she would be forced to spend time with them. as for whether she'd tell anyone, what's there to tell? what proof does she have? the twins are still blackmailing the reader – ame goes to the press or does anything to risk their relationship, all she'd be doing is kicking her while she's down... and who's to say ame wasn't complicit in the first place?
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willowisapillow · 7 months
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☂️🍑 Y2K Peach, My Beloved 🍑☂️
jksdjksdwk Istg I need to draw other Mario girls, but I always end up drawing Peach in the end I’m just currently too obsessed with her, plz help me 🥲
Drew this as both a (belated) 18th anniversary to Super Princess Peach (damn, I can’t believe this game is the same age as me 💀), and as a (also belated) birthday gift for one of my buddies from DeviantArt, @therosypinkprincess .
We both really like Peach, so I felt like drawing her a sweet little present. I suggest you check out her art if you have the time, it’s absolutely beautiful and so pretty 💖💕
I wanted to start this before October 20th rolled around, which was the day Super Princess Peach first dropped in Japan (and coincidentally the same day Super Mario Wonder also dropped), but I was starting to get a little burned out after trying to complete a bunch of Spooktober and Blacktober art, so I had to put it on hold. Fast forward to a couple of days ago, I finally had the motivation to continue the art, with a few changes.
I love Super Princess Peach. It’s one of my favorite Nintendo DS games, and I love that Nintendo finally realized that it was time to give Peachy some justice by letting her go on a solo adventure. This time she got to save the day all by herself, and also rescued her mans this time.
Games like this, the Smash Bros. series, Mario + Rabbids, SMB2, and others prove that Peach is more than just a pretty-faced damsel, and is far from a “dumb blonde”, or an, “airhead”. She doesn’t always get kidnapped and is clearly capable of defending and taking care of herself and uses her hyper-feminity to kick ass.
It’s perfectly a-okay if you prefer other Mario ladies over her, but it bugs me so much that she’s so often just categorized as only a damsel because she’s girly, kind, empathetic, and soft-spoken.
Also greatly annoys me how often in stuff like fanart, fanfiction, and animations, she’s always made a punching bag, demonized, or made weaker to make the other ladies look better in comparison. All of that is just no 😃
And regarding Super Princess Peach, I never understood the whole, “sexist” accusations that people were calling the game all because Peach had different emotions in the game. She ain’t the only one who uses her emotions, the rest of the cast has different emotions too, but unlike them, Peach can actually control hers. So, all in all, I just personally find the whole, “sexist” claim kinda goofy ngl
Honestly speaking, I only have one gripe with this game. I wished that they did a little more with my boy Perry’s backstory, because it sadly didn’t go anywhere, and it hints that his kidnapper might be at large. Other than that, the game is still pretty solid, and it definitely holds up. Especially the music, it’s got a couple of bangers.
As you’ve guessed by the title, I wanted to go for a more Y2K feel not just aesthetic-wise, but also fashion-wise. I went on Google, and searched for a bunch of outfits from 2005, the year SPP came out. I went with this outfit I found on Google, and since it had pink in it, I definitely knew that it would be perfect for Peach. There’s also this 2005 Fashion Fever Barbie that also inspired this outfit.
And speaking of which, at the time of sketching the art, I was also watching some Y2K stuff that I grew up with to get me in the mood, and that included some CGI Barbie movies (because Barbie is such a movie icon ✨) such as The Barbie Diaries and Fairytopia. There’s also other stuff I watched like Winx Club, Totally Spies, and the Bratz TV Show.
I wanted to put her hair in pigtails, along with giving her peach fruit earrings because, well… that’s literally what she’s named after. Also included a little easter egg reference to her final smash in the Smash Bros. series if you can figure out where it is 👀
I really loved how this art turned out, though I wanted to give Peach the whole, “down-to-earth, wholesome, sweet girl-next-door” type vibes with her new outfit, with a hint of some girly pop. Kinda similar to characters like Lizzie McGuire, Betty Cooper, and Disney ladies such as Snow White and Giselle. I think I succeeded with it, both her and Perry look kawaii af ❤️
And for those of you who can't read Japanese, the text on the left side just reads, "Peach and Perry-chan!". I just put it into Google Translate, and thought that it would go well with the art.
☂️ 🍑 ☂️
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vendetta-if · 1 year
I love all of the ROs so it broke my heart to choose one lmao, but it was Ash 💕
(Although now I think it should have been Skylar as they're not getting enough love) 🥲
Aww 🥰 I’m glad you’re loving all of the ROs! 😘 And I can see Ash is trumping all the other ROs in the poll 😆 I see that Ash is still the number one in most of readers’ hearts 🥺
But still, I’m calling out to all the Rin-mancers, Santana-mancers, and Skylar-mancers to cast your vote! 🗣
Meanwhile, Ash looking at this poll is just sitting there smugly 😏
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mulderscully · 9 months
tbh, i remember when the casting decisions for rwrb were announced and so many people were upset thinking that oh these are just some straight guys (which. lol!) who are gonna fuck it up & tbh it made me skeptical but ugh nick and taylor handled these roles with so much consideration and care and it makes me so emotional honestly! like ugh i love this movie and i’m so happy it exceeded expectations. (ik this is hella random and the movies been out for a minute now but the new bts video has me in my FEELINGS about this movie 🥲💕)
oh, i remember when they got cast/started filming everyone on twitter was complaining and saying they wouldn't have chemistry and blah blah blah but i could feel that they were wrong. i knewwwww they would nail it and seeing everyone eat their words when they beat the no chemistry allegations has been one of the best things ot this experience i'm livingggg for it i'm so grateful they're so perfect for the roles and i'm glad matthew made nick chemistry read with like a gazillion guys before he cast taylor bc they're magic together
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havve05 · 2 years
Joe keery - instagram au
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Liked by Milliebobbybrown,sadiesink,joekeery and others
Y/i/n 🌸🌼
Username woah
Joekeery beautiful ❤️
^y/i/n thanks handsome❤️
Sadiesink sooo beautiful 💕
^y/i/n look at yourself 💕
Username love that dress 🫶
Username pretties girl ever 🥺
Millebobbybrown love you 💕
^y/i/n love you too 😘
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Liked by Gatenm123,Josephquinn,username and others
Y/i/n when he brings you flowers>🌸🥺
Taggad joekeery
Username I’d love for someone to bring me flowers 🥲
Username she really loves flowers 😂
^y/i/n best thing on the planet 😩
Joekeery your welcome my love 😘❤️
^y/i/n thank you very much honey ❤️
Username “honey” “love” awwww 🥹
Sadiesink my favorite couple 🥺
^y/i/n 🥺
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Liked by joekeery,Josephquinn,Gatenm123 and others
Y/i/n hanging out with these lovely girls 🥺💕
Tagged Milliebobbybrown, sadiesink
Username love how she is like their older sister 🥺
^saidesink we love that too 😂💕
Username cuties 🥺
Joekeery miss you ❤️
^y/i/n miss you too ❤️
Noahschnapp I also want pizza ☹️
^y/i/n next time I promise 😁
Username this cast is so cute 🥹
Liked by y/i/n
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neytris · 1 year
Hey girly, what’s up???
loving the Neytiri pfp as always💕💕
Also,I just had to touch on this subject but idk about Jamie flatters unfollowing James Cameron and the cast on instagram or whateves but he’s in the cast for Avatar3. (I feel like maybe James told him to do that to not give away the plot of the movie and make it seem like he won’t come back?)
look at it on IMDb (I think that’s a more official site tbh- I hope he’ss in the next movie, Neteyam is way too popular and has created a lot of new loyal fans and I think James Cameron would lose a lot of the fan base if he decided not to add him to the next movie. I know a lot would want to stop watching or might not do as many theater repeats as with atwow. 🚨Spoiler alert for next movie(maybe)Also, there are theory’s floating around based on leaked scripts from avatar 3 and some pics of spider that spider will have a kuru and that he’ll be breathing pandora air just fine without the mask and norm supposedly asks him in the script something like “spider, you’re breathing without the mask?”(or something like that) and he’s like “yea, I’m kinda an expert at it now” and plus at the L.A. exhibition (I think it was L.A.) it showed spider in the water without a mask. I mean I know he wouldn’t need one in the water but like it kinda proves this and plus the photo floating around of spider with a kuru??? Also, the script for A3 also showed Kiri having another seizure or hearing some voices when she connects to the tree of souls(I think?) and mo’at telling her to not tell anyone about it. (Idk if that part relates to what I’m writing but oh well)
basically what I’m trying to get at is that if the next movie is really called “The Seed Bearer,” it would make sense as Kiri is so close to Eywa and it would probably show her powers growing and if she really does that to spider I feel like she’ll also eventually revive Grace(it just makes sense for some reason like Grace being revived and the whole mom thing with Grace and Neytiri-at least maybe in the future movies?? Like idk why but I have a really strong hunch about it) then ofc Neteyam will also be alive?
I hope that wasn’t too difficult to explain, it was kinda a messy but hopefully it made sense to you?🥲 lol
Cast of A3:
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he’s also in the cast for A4. I tried looking at the cast for A5 but it just showed the adults(Jake, Neytiri, Norm, Grace, Tonowari and some doctors but not Ronal?? BUT LIKE SIGOURNEY WEAVER IS THERE AS GRACE AND NOT AS KIRI??? so like maybe the movie focuses on the adults and so that obviously means that Grace is alive and has been revived and if she’s alive and revived then that obviously means Neteyam too??!! Lmao I’m freaking out cuz I just thought of this right now as I was typing and now I’m super excited. guys, we’re not delulus after all😭❤️❤️❤️
Neteyam alive and thriving as he should🤧💞
hey munchkin 🫶🏻 thank you mwa mwa !
firstly, thanks for sending me this long-ass theory omg ! a part of me truly wants to believe you but i don’t think grace and neteyam are coming back. at all. not even with kiri’s powers. i mean, maybe we’ll see them in flashbacks/spirit tree scenes but that’s it… i saw that whole spider-breathing-the-pandoran-air-without-a-mask thingy too and i’m like 99% sure kiri gave him that “power” but for some odd reason, i don’t think she’ll be able to revive people :(
what if the “script” is not real. like i’m genuinely thinking that right now… i also do think kiri won’t have another seizure because… it’ll kill her? no? that is if i recall correctly lmao.
don’t get me wrong, i wanna see grace and teyam as much as the next person but i just can’t see that happening, yknow… probably because i don’t trust imdb either lol. i do want to be proved wrong tho ! teyam’s just sleeping. he’s such a heavy sleeper 🧘🏼‍♀️🕯
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expecto-kedavra · 11 months
Hello there!
First off, I love what you been doin :) I love the lil oc sibling fam 💕 (also would you accept asks for them?)
Secondly, I’d like to ask for a lil somethin (or not so lil) centered around an MC who is plagued with guilt and is struggling with witnessing Sebastian’s bad decision…🥲
General Kenobi! (Sorry lol)
First off, thank you :) and yeah, if anyone would like to send prompts for my OC’s feel free! They’re all loosely based on people I know so it should be easy enough :)
Here you go!
!- mention of death, guilt, negative self talk
Spoiler warning!
MC Dealing with the aftershock of Solomon Sallow's Death
I barely saw it happen. Adrenaline coursed through me. Waves of Inferi kept appearing, and one by one I punched through them with Confringo, or smothered them with Incendio. One particular Inferius was turned into an explosive barrel, and thrown at a clump that had just crawled their way out of the ground. I knew Sebastian and Solomon were duelling each other, but I couldn't afford to pay much mind to them. I heard them though, Sebastian screaming that he wouldn't give up, Solomon calling him foolish for trying. For a moment, I seemed to have a break from the Inferi. I desperately pleaded for both Sebastian and Solomon to stop...
"I won't let her suffer! AVADA KEDAVRA!" Green waves of light slammed into Solomon as he was thrown to the ground. I lost focus. Everything was ringing. Everything was loud. Everything was quiet. I froze. Sebastian had killed his uncle...he went too far. He did exactly what Ominis warned us about. I was snapped out of my haze. "Depulso!" Sebastian was flung into the wall. Anne stood in the entryway of the room. Shocked. She dispatched the rest of the Inferi that had appeared whilst I was in my fog. "Bombarda!" she pointed at Slytherin's spellbook. "No!" cried Sebastian. She ran to Solomon's body. I could see the pain in her eyes. It matched the pain within. "You've made your choice." She said to Sebastian. Tears welled in both of their eyes as she disapparated with him. "Oh Anne. What have you done."
Sebastian picked himself up and ran out of the catacomb. I couldn't let him leave. I tried calling to him but he just ran. He finally stopped outside, at the entrance to the Catacomb. I approached him, cautiously. He was pacing back and forth, muttering to himself about how Solomon had never been there for them, and how he had to cast the Killing Curse. I told him he went too far. He told me to meet him in the Undercroft later, and left. Once again, I was alone with my thoughts, and it was not a very nice place to be.
All I could think of was Ominis. How he was right, all along. How many times did I agree with Ominis but still managed to get dragged along into Sebastian's ordeals? I only wanted to keep him safe. Hope is a powerful tool, and it was helping him...but he went too far. I hadn't even gotten a chance to talk to the Keepers about healing. What was he thinking? He was always reckless, but this was too much. I summoned my Thestral, Nyx, from the Nabsack. I sat down against a tree, and she lay down next to me and rested her head on my lap. Tears fell from my cheeks onto the frozen, hard ground. This was my fault. Ominis was right. I swore I wouldn't let him take this step. Solomon Sallow's death was on my hands.
Not long after, Ominis and Anne found me, still in the same spot. "I'm so sorry, to both of you." I croaked. I could see the tear stains on Anne's face. "You didn't kill my uncle." She told me. Even in her grief, her voice was gentle. Gentle, yet pained. "I may as well have. You said it yourself Ominis. I swore not to let him delve deeper." I gazed into Ominis' hazy pale blue eyes. "Yet here we are." He was silent for a moment. "I didn't mean...please, MC. Don't blame yourself for this." He begged. I looked away. "It's easier this way. It's easier to tell myself that it's my fault. That way, it doesn't mean that Sebastian killed Solomon in cold blood." Anne sat down next to me and placed her hand over mine. "Sebastian made a decision. A terrible one, but he made it. Not you." I hated that my guilt was what we were focusing on. Her caretaker just died from her twin brother's hand. She was an orphan, with nowhere to go and nobody to go with. Yet here she was, telling me that it was okay. "She's right." said Ominis. "If it's your fault then it's also mine. I showed you the scriptorium. I didn't stop him just as much as you didn't." He sounded so desperate. He may have just lost his best friend. "I convinced you to-" I started, but he cut me off. "No. You are not going to take this burden. I won't let you. I may have lost everything but I will not lose you to yourself."
It was at that moment that Nyx rose from my lap and nuzzled Ominis' face. He yelped. "What in Merlin was that?" he squeaked.nd. "A thestral." Anne chuckled. How she was even able to smile now was beyond me. His reaction was rather amusing. "A thestral?" Ominis said, suddenly rather curious. "Her name is Nyx." I told him as I rose from the ground. "She's quite friendly." I offered Anne my hand, and assisted her as she stood. Nyx cantered towards Ominis, placing her muzzle under his outstretched fingers. "It's kind of nice, isn't it? These creatures only some can see." he said as he stroked her skeletal face. "A gift." Anne said softly. "A gift to those of us who have seen death, and must bear that pain." She turned to me. "You did not kill my Uncle." She reiterated. "We all must bear the burden of Sebastian's actions. Not one of us it as fault." She took mine and Ominis' hands. "Together." At that moment, I knew. I knew that I had found friends, who would stay with me and have my back. “She’s right.” Ominis said. “Whatever comes next, we face together.”
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hyperbolicgrinch · 2 months
Im baaaaack 😈 Turnabouts fair play babe! Let's goooo !
1, 5 11, 12, 16, 22, 27, 29
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(don't ever stop!!!!!! ilysm!!! (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)) (i did this instead of crying so forgive me for the mess?? 💓)
1. the last sentence you wrote -
woe, paragraph be upon you instead because that sentence alone would kinda be nothing???:
The waves are singing against the Sunny and the weather is kind. The crew lingers, their own ways to spend the day drifting on the breeze. The world won't go still, but it does, mercifully, slow down. His laughter trails off into deep, even breaths as he falls into a dream larger than you could ever know.
(messy messy messy but the zolu came upon me in the early hours and it had to go somewhere. 🤡) (ignore the second person, sometimes i have to start fics with it and then switch everything to third person later when i have a grip on it. i do not know why. 👐)
5. first sentence of the fifth paragraph of an unpublished WIP -
whelp, just have the whole paragraph again cause might be more mid otherwise, asdsfh:
There was another universe where, instead, Law gave in and headbutted him. Sent Eustass stumbling back, wiping the blood from his nose as he straightened from his recoil. Where they made eye contact as Eustass summoned whatever metals lay around the port and Law finally unleashed everything crushed inside his ribcage. Where they fought each other like they were taking down Emperors. Where their crews wasted themselves to get them free of each other.
(i don't know how I feel about it but hey, it's a wip for a reasonnnn. we edit for a reasonnnn. 🙈)
11. a WIP you’d like to finish someday -
not fanfic, although i have many of them i wish could see the world, but i'd love to finish my werewolves in space wip. it rattles around in my brain constantly and the actors my mind cast for the main roles are inspiration alone. i am easily spooked by my original works tho so god only knows if it'll ever be seen. 🥲
12. a trope you’re really into right now -
finding each other in every life (whether familial or platonic or romantic or anything else). it helps me sleep at night. 🥺
16. favorite place to write -
in my bed, just before going to sleep, with something chill on the tv. the words flow better there. it's peaceful. 😌
22. do you ever worry about public reaction to what you’re writing? how do you get past that? -
yeah. but also no, not really. by the time i'm in a position to be worrying about that, i've put so much effort and time into the thing that my delight at posting it, shuts off most of the bad what-ifs. i've been real lucky and only ever had nice experiences so far too. if i do worry about it before getting there tho, i hit up my sister or my other hype men and let them distract me from it with their biased povs. 😂
27. your favorite part of the writing process -
just the writing and editing in general, i guess. like when everything is starting to sing and you can add details and hidden gems. when you have a hole and you suddenly know how to fill it. matching words together that compliment each other and let the sentence paint the picture in a fun way. when the ideas elaborate on themselves and i just have to be the bricklayer. it's just really pleasing and calming when a piece starts coming together and you are running down that hill with all the momentum. 💪
29. how easy is it for you to come up with titles? -
90% of the time? too easily. i normally have a title idea before i start writing or just after. or there's something i wrote and when i am reading through later & i see it, i go: "👀 free title real estate mayhaps? 👉👈". at the moment i have like two to three titles for all my fics and works in progress and could come up with more without being threatened. 😂 i'm going to have such a hard time of it when i have to decide. 🫠
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thank you for sending me some bangbang!! 💕💕 i'll try to get to the other ask soon. 🫶
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toomanyfandomsthings · 4 months
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks...
OOOO thank you so much for asking, I've never been asked that before! ✨️😃✨️ It's not a top 10 in any particular order (except for number 1, that one is number 1 😂), but mostly the characters who have impacted me a lot or have a special place in my heart right now. Also I'm terribly ineloquent, so please bear with my while I try to make sense -
1.) Aki Hayakawa (Chainsaw Man)
Oooooh my God, where do I start? XD This one was easy because Aki is like my favorite of favorite characters in anything 😁 Such a sweet, caring, protective figure who doesn't see himself as any of those things. He's such a heartbreakingly realistic portrayal of how someone can be self-destructive and I love seeing his dynamics with the cast start to change the way he views and values himself. I love how his instinct to be a big brother shows itself in small ways that don't get directly pointed out - to avoid manga spoilers, I'll point to the scene with Denji in the hospital where Aki makes him the apple bunnies - and just the little ways that he shows he cares for people. I think stuff with him later on in the story is some of the most well written and heartbreaking stuff I've ever read, and I genuinely think he's a wonderfully different take on the revenge plot line. I also have like...way too many figures of him...and plushies...and acrylic stands...and key chains.....and a snow globe I got from Hot Topic- I just love him a lot! 😂💕
2.) Ken Kaneki (Tokyo Ghoul)
I have a little less to say on this one because I haven't read Tokyo Ghoul in a long time so I'm a bit fuzzy on plot details. 😅 But I read Tokyo Ghoul in college at a time where I really needed it and saw a lot of myself in Kaneki. He's such a sweetheart and such a deeply lonely character, and the ways he changes over the course of the story, for better and for worse, are absolutely brilliant and tragic 🥲💕 And I love how, throughout all of these shifts in personality and role in the story, he still feels so distinctly Kaneki. Like, in spite of how cruel and difficult things get, the sweet, book-loving college student is still recognizably there. Kaneki Ken did nothing wrong 😂 Also I wrote a far more eloquent 35 page paper on Kaneki as my final thesis paper for college, soooo that speaks to my affection for him 😂
3.) Felix Hugo Fraldarius (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
There's gonna be a lot of Fire Emblem characters here, I'm so sorry XD But I love Felix so so much! He's a tough personality and admittedly can be incredibly harsh when it's not called for, but he's given so much reasoning as to why he has this attitude and it makes him such an engaging character to watch. He cares so much for everyone around him and just for the life of him cannot communicate that, nor does he want to admit it to himself for fear of losing them like he did his brother. He works so hard to be stronger than his brother so he can protect everyone, to the point where, definitely post-timeskip, he's long since reached that goal but still refuses to believe it. He's a caring soul who's taken on a lot at a young age and has suffered a lot more than he cares to acknowledge. He's also insanely smart (which he is never given credit for in-game which is a crime) and an absolute monster of a unit and is good at basically anything you try to teach him, so he's also just objectively cool 😂
4.) Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
Same as Felix, I love Dimitri so so so much 🥲 I think his character arc is so beautifully written (if you couldn't tell, I favor the Blue Lions quite a bit XD) and he's just such an absolute sweetie who's been through entirely too much. I love how protective he is of his loved ones and how the weight of all that he's been through wears on him in big and small ways (I think of little things like his lack of a sense of taste, which you only find out in his support with Flayn, which then recontextualizes little moments like Felix commenting on Dimitri acting like he dislikes the food at meal times and ahhh the character writing in 3H is so good). Also, I am partial to sweet characters becoming absolutely unhinged (see #2 😂) so I knew I'd like Dimitri almost immediately XD Didn't know he'd break my heart as much as he did though 😂
5.) Kaoru Sakurayashiki/Cherry Blossom (SK8 the Infinity)
Cherry is so great, what a truly insufferable person (affectionate) 😂 He's such a brat and I love his dynamic with Joe so much. They argue in the kind of way you only could with someone you've known your whole life, and they clearly love each other and always look out for one another. Also, the interviews with Utsumi which say that he's also anxious and a generally lonely person break my heart, and also inform why he's *always* at Joe's restaurant. He also clearly cares for the little skateboarder family they've made and i love that he takes on a sort of mentor/parental role for the kids. Also what an absolutely chaotic idea for a character - a formerly emo/punk, professional calligrapher who also designs robots and helped establish an illegal skating competition to which he attends in a ninja costume with his AI skateboard - I love him 😂💕 He's also got an amazing character design, like, I want to be him 😂
6.) Zelkov (Fire Emblem Engage)
ZELKOVV I love him so much, he is the character currently occupying my brain the most. 💕 Much of what I've said before, such a sweetheart. I love the way the portray his mental health struggles through his need to constantly have a pursuit or task or hobby to keep his mind occupied, and how it eventually resolves with him opening an orphanage (which is such a perfect resolution for his character 🥲) He's such a caretaker at heart, and I think it's so interesting how that is juxtaposed with his past as an assassin. Plus I think coming into a revenge plotline 10 years after the revenge has been had is just such an interesting take on it. I dunno I just love him so much I could go on for ages but I'll stop here...kinda
7.) Kagetsu (Fire Emblem Engage)
And I say kinda because Zelkov and Kagetsu are inseparable in my mind 😂 I love Kagestu, what an absolute cinnamon roll! 💕 Such a sweet, silly little friend! He's so eager to make friends, almost to a fault. I'd hazard a guess that after leaving his family, not knowing if he could ever go back or if they'd even want him to come back, the eagerness to make friends is sort of a coping thing - trying to reaffirm that he's not alone and that there are people who like him. I love his dynamic with Zelkov and Ivy - he draws the two of them out of their shells and gives them the direct and clear love and affection they need, and in turn they reassure him that he is cared for and give him a place where he is truly content and happy 🥲 He's just a genuine ray of sunshine with more depth than you'd think at first glance.
8.) Yuki Soma (Fruits Basket)
Yet another character that I feel directly called out by 😂 I love him so much, I love that he's such a kind person but doesn't view himself as such because he way overthinks about the nature of what "being kind" is. I love his arc about learning how to better yourself little by little and taking small steps to change; I really find it so inspiring 💕 His backstory episode ruined me for the rest of the day, I literally couldn't sleep that night after I watched it.
9.) Lukas (Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia)
This is my weird pick, but I still think about Lukas and the game came out when I was just starting college XD So kind and so caring, but still very pragmatic and reliable. I think his self reflection on how he feels he may be emotionally broken is so fascinating and relatable, and I love how his support with Python and his ending resolve it in a very satisfying way (I teared up when I saw his ending when I beat the game, though I also may have been going through something at the time XD) His big brother energy to Alm and the kids is also very endearing (especially him and Alm in the Drama CD oh my God) I'm not explaining it well, but I need to give this sweet depressed fellow a hug! 💕
10.) Megumi Fushiguro (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Ahhhh my son, my sweet boy who can't catch a break 🥲 So kind, so caring, so unable to see his own self worth 🥲 Like Aki, I like how the show points out his character flaw maybe once or twice, but it's showed off in dozens of more subtle ways if you pay close attention. I love how kind he is, how much he cares even though he struggles to display it, how he's got a self-admitted flawed sense of what justice is and how, like Kaneki and Dimitri, he's also sliiiightly unhinged XD
Hugs, hugs for all of these characters 😂❤️ Also sorry, I kind of went off, iiiiii got excited 😂 I also left out a bunch of characters because I didn't want it all to be Fire Emblem characters 😂 Thank you so much for asking!!
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anakinskywalkerog · 1 year
I was listening to a nick gillard interview about star wars and they asked him about his first impression of Hayden and he said lovely things. He said his impression he is the same as now. He loves him. He is extraordinary, brave as a lion, fascinating and a complicated character... mentionned he saw him a few weeks ago and said to him he hasn't change since he was 18. It was apparent he really loves him and respect him. I love the fact he mentionned he was a complicated character because sometimes I feel like the fanfom "babygirl"him a bit too much while I def could see him way more edgy that the public perception has of him. What do you think?
well first of all I’m not surprised Nick Gillard said wonderful things, most people who’ve worked with Hayden say very lovely things about him and how nice and humble he is 🙏🥲
re: Hayden being a complicated character…I think you’d need to have a lot of emotional complexity to pull off some of the roles Hayden has done, Anakin obviously included. and I remember an interview that George Lucas did at one point saying basically that he could have chosen to cast this other actor who played the role more light, and George would have had to work with him to get him to pull off the darker side of the character…but he chose to cast Hayden who was more of a natural at the dark side and George had to work with him to bring out the lighter side of Anakin. and I really see that in the performance and also in Hayden’s other performances, he really naturally tends toward angst. so yes, I definitely see some complexity, a sense of multitude, an edgy quality. but I don’t think being angsty or edgy or complicated really has anything to do with kindness—some people just have a darker side to them. it doesn’t mean he isn’t also very kind and sunny ☀️ he’s both 💕 that’s my take.
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